2012 CHS of NJ Annual Report - The Children`s Home Society of


2012 CHS of NJ Annual Report - The Children`s Home Society of
Moving Upward
2011-2012 Annual Report
“Those who are lifting the
world upward and onward
are those who encourage
more than criticize.”
- Elizabeth Harrison
Early Childhood Educator
Our Mission
Saving Children’s Lives and Building
Healthy Families
Moving Upward:
A Message from The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey’s
President and the Board Chair
t a time when many not-for-profits are
downsizing, CHS is continuing to
grow. In the past year, we added or expanded
services to help our most in need children
and families. 2012 include these
• Our newest services Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and
Children (WIC) each year feeds and improves the health and nutrition of more than
8,400 hungry, low income, Mercer County
mothers, infants and toddlers.
• We were awarded a second federally
funded Children’s Bureau, Administration
for Children and Families Kinship service
grant. We coordinated all four of our kin
programs for 450 grandparents raising their
grandchildren into a one stop easy entry
point for kin to receive the specific help and
support they need.
• We formalized our affiliation with Trenton Education Dance Institute (TEDI), an
outstanding 22 year old creative school-based
National Dance Institute (NDI) youth development program. TEDI serves 280 Trenton
middle-school youth.
• We opened our fourth neighborhood
Family Success Center for families living in
Ocean County.
• Ten of our Early Head Start and Body &
Soul fathers have come together to form a
new dynamic Trenton father’s support group.
• We partner with our state to help improve their clinical outcomes and planning
for vulnerable children in the child welfare
system.(Mercer, Ocean, Burlington)
We were re-accredited with high marks
by The National Council of Accreditation of
Child and Family Service Agencies, assuring
that we maintain quality outcomes, ethics,
programs, and fiscal management.
We had encountered some challenges. We
lost state’s pass-through dollars to pay Ocean
County child care providers. Today, all New
Jersey child providers are paid by an electronic system. However, 26 of our Ocean
staff provide the critical services of enhancing, developing and monitoring Ocean
County child care providers so that over
2000 young Ocean County children get
quality early childhood care. Our CHS child
welfare professionals pioneered a most effective therapeutic family visitation service for
young Ocean County children and their
families where abuse/neglect required temporary removal of the child(ren) into foster
Moving Upward in 2013
We hold a passionate belief that you join
with our staff, board, auxiliary board and volunteers in believing there is nothing more
critical than our mission: to save children’s
lives and to build healthy families.
So why are we able to persevere in these
daunting tough times? It is hard work and
dedicated strategic focus on our mission. A
recent adoptive parent sent a picture of one
of our former foster babies, now two years
old with lifetime medical issues, playing for
the first time at the beach in her first bathing
suit, smiling and laughing as she splashes at
the water’s edge. Because that very special
baby had both amazing CHS foster parents
and adoptive parents who love her, she experiences all the joys of childhood, with the assurance that her medical needs are being met.
Her joyful laughter makes all our efforts
Meeting with a group of grandmothers,
aunts and uncles who are raising their kin
children, you hear so many stories of how
our services and our staff are their lifeline.
We help them obtain the counseling, the
clothing and the housing they need. We help
them get their children enrolled in schools
with backpacks filled by our volunteers with
all the pens, pencils, notebooks and other
school supplies they will need for the year.
These 60, 70 or 80 year-old “grands” call
their CHS of NJ staff worker “my angel”
while we see our “grands” as the ones doing
all the loving parenting and hard work. They
say our staff ’s helpful guidance through crisis
is critical, and that our kin support groups
and learning groups provide a place for meeting other kin, much needed information
about community resources, and a safe haven
of emotional support.
Our maternal and child health prenatal
services reverse poor birth outcome statistics
of hundreds of our African American babies
in Mercer County. We see the joy in the
smiles of our African American mothers and
fathers when their baby is born full-term and
because you believe in us. We are successful
because you support our work with your annual contributions, because your businesses
fund our programs, or because you volunteer
to be there for our children and parents.
What remains unique about CHS of NJ ?
Our staff and Board of Directors work as a
team planning strategy around our mission.
We ask our parents to advise us on what they
need for them to be more successful. We ask
our staff for their ideas as to how we can better meet the needs of our families. This past
year we welcomed more than 700 volunteers
who gave formidable help to our children.
You, our donors, year after year stand behind
our work.
Thank you. Together, we are saving children’s lives and building healthy families.
Visit us at chsofnj.org to see our strong outcomes and what we do each and every day to
help children successfully move up the ladder
of life!
Donna Pressma
Kati Chupa
Board Chair
Recently, we helped our Early Head Start
Trenton fathers form a new support group,
Fathers-in-Training (FIT). This group supports each other and is a place to learn better
ideas for parenting in a time when it is not
easy to be the dad they want to be.
We can achieve successes for our babies,
our children, our youth, our parents, foster
parents, grandparents and adoptive parents
Kati Chupa, Board Chair (left)
with Donna C. Pressma,
President & CEO
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
(3,752 children and adults benefited from these services)
elieving that all children deserve to grow up with permanent loving parents in a safe and healthy home, we offer a wide range of programs that work to
build and strengthen families. We find loving adoptive parents for children who need them. We provide free foster care in loving CHS of NJ foster homes
for both healthy and “medically fragile” infants and toddlers until a permanent family can be made.
Adoption (Domestic and International)
Child Summary Writer Program
Foster Care Initiative
Infant Foster Care
Intensive Services Program
Medically Fragile Foster Care (Central and Metro Regions)
Ocean County Reunification Program
Post-adoption Background Search
Therapeutic Visitation
FAST FACT: According to the most recent report by the Child Welfare League of America, of the 7,172 New Jersey children in
out-of-home care, 2,457 (or 34.3%) are available to be adopted.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
(1,110 children and adults benefited from these services)
e offer expectant parents with unplanned pregnancies free and comprehensive birth parent counseling
services, including temporary foster care for newborns while choices are being made. We also provide foster care, prenatal and postnatal services and counseling for pregnant or parenting teen moms unable to live at home. Our caring social workers provide individual and family clinical counseling for children
who have experienced a profound loss through separation from birth families, from foster families, or
through the death of a family member. Through FACES, we provide behavioral health counseling, classroom consultations, for Trenton parents and their children from birth through age twelve.
Adoption Support Services
Behavioral Supports for Adoptive Families
Birth Parent Counseling
Childhood Separation and Loss Counseling
FACES Behavioral Health Counseling Program
Promoting Safe & Stable Families
Strengthening Adolescent Families through
Empowerment (SAFE)
FAST FACTS: According to a CDC study based on 2008 data, 1 in 88 children nationwide is believed to have autism or a related
disorder. In New Jersey, the rate was 1 in 49, second-highest in the nation behind Utah, where the rate was 1 in 47. The study
also found autism disorders were almost five times more common in boys, while a growing number of black and
Hispanic children were also reported to be autistic.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Moving Upward:
our-year-old Jack and his mother came to our
FACES program after she repeatedly found him
trying to suffocate the family’s newborn puppy.
Jack was not the sweet and funny little boy he once
was, his mom told our FACES worker. She said
that during the last few weeks he had become very
angry and oppositional and she didn’t know what to
do. When our FACES worker spoke to Jack, he
said that at night when he went to bed he had bad
dreams that scared him very much.
As Jack’s mother recounted the events of the
past year, it became apparent that she blamed herself and her husband for the changes in their
beloved son. Although they loved each other, the
two of them had been arguing more and more frequently in front of Jack and on several occasions
had hurt each other physically while he watched.
She told our FACES worker that Jack had tried to
stop them from fighting by crying and screaming
and standing between them as they fought.
The week before Jack’s mom called CHS of NJ
for help, she and her husband had engaged in a very
violent fight during which she had taken a knife
and threatened to kill herself. She recalled that Jack
had stared at them horrified in silence while biting
his bottom lip until it was bleeding down his tee
shirt. At that point, the police arrived (a concerned
neighbor had called them) and Jack’s father had to
leave the house. The next day Jack’s mom said she
saw Jack sitting on their puppy. She removed him
and told him it was wrong and would hurt the
puppy, but a few hours later she found him sitting
on the puppy again. She said that was when she realized Jack needed help.
Sessions of play therapy with our FACES coun5
selor helped lessen Jack’s fear, anger and worries
about losing his parents. He learned that his parents
were very wrong to fight the way they did. He
learned his parents were talking out their problems
to help themselves get better. She helped him understand that he was not the cause of his parents’
fighting. These sessions helped him realize that he
did not have to take sides because both his parents
loved him and it was OK for him to love them
back. Through FACES counseling, Jack learned
that people can love each other even if they can’t get
along with each other and that he and his parents
will always be a family although they might not live
in the same house.
Family sessions with Jack’s parents helped the
couple to realize that their violent anger was unacceptable and that their emotional and physical
abuse of one another had devastating effects on Jack
and made him extremely frightened. Jack’s parents
eventually decided to divorce, but our FACES
counselor helped them work out a plan that allowed
both to be appropriately and lovingly involved with
their son.
Today, Jack is a happy and caring child eagerly
awaiting his fifth birthday. Although now living
apart from each other, Jack’s mom and dad are successfully co-parenting him and he enjoys the time
he spends with both. Moreover, his nightmares
have stopped and his playfulness has returned . . .
and he sees that the family’s puppy, still living with
him and his mom, is fed and has fresh water every
“Through FACES counseling, Jack learned that people can love each other even if they
can’t get along... he and his parents will always be a family although they might not live
in the same house.”
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
(20,478 children and adults benefited
from these services)
ur broad spectrum of early childhood education, parenting education
and child care services enhances children’s social, emotional, cognitive
and physical development while supporting the efforts of parents to fulfill
their parental roles and become self-sufficient.
O Child and Adult Care Food Program
O Early Head Start Home Based Program
O Family Outreach Program
Ocean County Services
Child Care Resource and Referral Network
Family Child Care Program
First Steps Infant/Toddler Initiative
New Jersey Cares for Kids – Child Care
New Jersey Strengthening Families Initiative
Parent Education
Work First New Jersey – Child Care
FAST FACT: According to a study by the Annie C. Casey Foundation, one in six children who are not proficient readers in 3rd
grade will not graduate from high school on time – a rate four times higher than proficient readers. In 2011, 37% of New Jersey’s
third graders were not proficient on the state’s Grade 3 reading test. – Advocates for Children of NJ.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
ead Start is about empowering parents and families and helping them succeed. As a single mother of two young boys, Tristan and Trevon, Shardae
Giddens chose to take control of her life and decided to enroll in The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Early Head Start Home Based (EHSHB)
Program in order to give her children a head start in life.
Through the use of developmental screening and ongoing observations by
both Shardae and EHSHB program staff, both children were identified as possibly having developmental delays. With parental consent from Shardae, the
children were referred to Early Intervention for further evaluation and subsequently identified as children with special needs. As a result, Shardae has become an advocate for other children with special needs as well as her for her
own. She has become knowledgeable regarding the Children with Disabilities
Education Act and organizations and advocacy groups for children with special
As a Head Start parent, Shardae also contributed her time to serving as the
Chairperson of the Policy Council from 2010-2011. After both of her children
transitioned out of EHSHB in 2012 she continued to serve on the Policy
Council as a community representative. Moreover, Shardae consistently made
herself available to conduct staff observations, a requirement of the Child Development Associate (CDA) credentialing program and was articulate and willing to learn the process. She also volunteered to be a member of the EHSHB
self assessment team and donated her time working side by side with program
staff to fulfill one of Head Start’s numerous requirements.
In March of 2012 Shardae was offered a professional position as an Early
Heard Start Home Visitor. Although surprised by the offer, she was excited
and accepted the position. “I’m not lazy,” Shardae said. “I used to have a job
before I became pregnant with the boys, but I just needed to focus on them. A
lot of people look at me in my position as a single mother of two living in low
income housing and think I have no aspirations, but that’s not true. This opportunity gives me a chance to pick up where I left off before I had the boys.”
Shardae works eight hours a day (sometimes even more) and is excellent at
working with our Early Head Start children and families. Since beginning
work, she has enrolled in college and is pursuing a degree in Early Childhood
Education, attends numerous classes and workshops on workplace excellence,
purchased a car and is in the process of finalizing the purchase of her first
Since aging out of the EHSHB program, both of Shardae’s children have
evolved into independent young preschoolers. They currently attend the Patton J. Hill School full time and are receiving therapeutic services that meet
their individual needs. Monthly socialization sessions held at CHS of NJ have
enabled Trevon to increase all of his developmental skills and he has learned to
play appropriately with other children. According to mom, he has also become
more independent.
Tristan’s developmental skills have also increased. In addition to learning
how to express his needs and wants, Tristan can now maintain attention on one
experience or activity until its completion. Both boys have already overcome
many of the challenges they once faced, and they are soaring to new heights
with each passing day. The Giddens family is clearly moving upward!
Families decide to enroll in The Children’s Home
Society of New Jersey Early Head Start Home Based Program
in order to give their children a head start in life!
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
ith a focus on first pregnancies of recently immigrated Latina women and atrisk African American women, our CUNA and CARES for her programs offer
a wide range of culturally appropriate prenatal and postnatal health education and
parenting education support services to improve birth outcomes and enhance parenting skills. In addition, we provide a wide range of child centered activities and community based services that empower at-risk children and families to reach their fullest
potential. Through our new WIC program we will provide food checks and nutritional counseling and support for more than 8,300 low income women and children
living in Mercer County.
CARES for Her – CUNA, Body & Soul, Teen2Teen
Children’s Futures
CUNA Prenatal Health Education and Support Group Program
Family Success Parent/Child Center, North Ward
Family Success Parent/Child Center, South Ward
Family Success Parent/Child Center, Ocean County
Fun with Books and Music
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey’s Mercer County WIC Program
FAST FACTS: In 2010, $98,155,852 was spent on WIC (the Special Supplement Nutrition Program for Women,
Infants, and Children) in New Jersey, serving 171,060 participants.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
( 1,610 children and adults benefited from these services)
or children unable to remain with their parents, the safest and most
reassuring environment for them is with their caring grandparents or
other extended family members whom they know, love, and trust.
Through our six-part Kinship Program we help grandparents and other
relatives who have taken on the responsibility of raising their kin children
find resources for medical coverage, housing, child care, educational issues, legal issues and family support. We also provide assistance for those
caregivers seeking legal guardianship and the right to make medical, educational and other decisions in the best interest of their children.
Kinship Family Connections
Kinship Group Decision Making
Kinship Navigator Program
Kinship Wraparound Services
Mercer County GrandFamily Success Center
I don't know when it happened
I don't know when she came,
But, she's the one I always knew,
Grandma was her name.
She taught me how to tie my shoes.
She taught me how to talk.
And, though I can't remember,
I think she taught me how to walk.
When all the other kids in school
would talk about Mom and Dad,
I wondered where my parents were,
that made me kinda’ sad.
And sometimes there were days I’d cry
or hide my head in shame.
But Grandma took it all in stride
and loved me just the same.
She’d wrap her arms around me
and kiss me on the head.
She’d tell me that she loved me
when she tucked me into bed.
As time passed and life grew short
I hope my Grandma knew
That it was her love and her support
that always got me through.
FAST FACTS: According to the 2010 United States Census, 51,671 New Jersey grandparents are now primary caregivers of their
own grandchildren. 40% of these grandparents are White, 33% are Black/African American, 21% are Hispanic/ Latino,
and 5% are Asian. 60% are under the age of 60. 40% are 60 to 90 years old. 14% of New Jersey grandparents
raising grandchildren live in poverty.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
(690 children and youth benefited from these services)
Kids Intervention With Kids In School (KIKS)
Through KIKS, our in-school youth development
program, students are taught constructive ways of
handling stress, anger and negative peer pressure.
The enhanced self-esteem and decision-making
skills students learn through KIKS has helped reduce the incidence of substance abuse, school violence, teen pregnancies and drop-out rates in their
Positive Impact
The tutoring, arts and crafts, dance and drama
classes, recreational games and sports offered
through our “Positive Impact” program enhance
the learning experiences of Trenton students and
provide them with safe, supervised and stimulating
afterschool activities between the hours of three and
six p.m.
Trenton Education Dance Institute (TEDI)
Through the TEDI program and the medium of
dance, students develop standards of personal excellence, discipline, teamwork and respect for others –
and have fun doing it while striving to achieve their
personal best. The year-long program culminates
in a major spring performance before an audience
of parents, friends and community members.
FAST FACT: In 2010, more than 19,000 New Jersey teens ages 16–19 were not enrolled in school and were not working.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Board Chair – Kati Chupa
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Vice Pres. Community Relations – Cordelia Staton
Community Advocate
Vice Pres. Fiscal Affairs – Miranda Alfonso-Williams
GE Healthcare
Vice Pres. Policy – Christine Cote, M.D.
Retired Chief Medical Officer
Treasurer – Maria Juega
Latin American Legal Defense & Education Fund
Secretary - James Graham, Ph.D.
The College of New Jersey
Hunter Allen, Business Executive
Carol Belt, Educator
Richard Bilotti, former editor of The Times of Trenton
Jerell A. Blakeley, Educator
Marilyn Carroll, Retired Nurse
Rosalind Hunt Doctor, Ph.D, Psychotherapist
Rev. Julio Guzman, Sr. Pastor, Living Hope Alliance Church
Les Lefkowitz, Attorney at Law
John Martorana, Oxford Communications
Bruce McGraw, Ph.D., Retired Educational Administrator
Timothy P. Ryan, Bank of America
Vivian B, Shapiro, Ph.D.,Clinical Consultant
Ann Stivala, Credit Suisse
Carol Meta Stretch, Business Professional
Nicholas Ventura, Ventura Wealth Management
Laura Ward, Former Children’s Case Worker
Lisa Acuna, President
Debbie Musick, President
M. David Atkin, M.D.
Ruth Bartasawitz
Howard M. Berger
Robert E. Berkman
Gennaro Costabile
Leonard E. Doherty
Leola Ford
Jeffrey Hall
Nancy Longenecker
Kevin McKenna
Dorothea Coccoli Palsho
Charles S. Papier, M.D.
Judith Papier
William Sheehy
Patrick J. Walsh
During the past year our
Board of Directors was
pleased to announce the appointment of Burton J.
Sutker as its newest member.
Mr. Sutker is president of
SBS Systems, LLC, a consultancy specializing in vehicular
and pedestrian safety and mobility. He has also served as chair of the Mercer County Office on Aging Advisory Council and as a member of the
Hopewell Township Parks and Recreation Commission.
Previously, he taught classes in Entrepreneurship at The Rescue Mission in Trenton, at Elijah’s Promise inNew
Brunswick, at the Jewish Family Service in Edison, and at
The International School in Jersey City. Mr. Sutker has also
taught Conversational English a t The Davis International
School at Princeton University. He and his wife of 56 years,
Roberta, currently reside in Pennington, NJ.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
1894 – 1901
Rev. W. W. Knox
1901 – 1909
Rev. D. R. Foster
1909 – 1936
Edward S. Wood
1936 – 1937
Kenneth W. Moore
1937 – 1941
Robert T. Bowman
1941 – 1943
Harding Mott
1943 – 1952
Paul H. Plough
1952 – 1954
Charles J. Weiser, Jr.
1954 – 1956
Charles N. Schragger
1956 – 1958
Robert A. Smith
1958 – 1960
G. Earle Conover
1960 – 1962
J. Stanley Teunon
1962 – 1964
John E. Mueller
1964 – 1966
Albert Sperry
1966 – 1969
John B. Sill, Jr.
1969 – 1970
John E. Mueller
1970 – 1972
Lee A. Wiley
1972 – 1973
Charles S. Papier
1973 – 1975
G. Earle Conover
1975 – 1977
Virginia Hepburn (Mrs. Leroy J.)
1977 – 1979
William A. Carty, Jr.
1979 – 1981
Dr. W. Jack Clem
1981 – 1984
Meta Griffith
1984 – 1986
Dr. W. Laurence Bonnet
1986 – 1989
Howard M. Berger
1989 – 1991
Sheila McNeil Priory
1991 – 1993
Jeffery F. Pierfy
1993 – 1995
Aubrey Huston
1995 – 1997
William E. Brooks
1997 – 1999
William V. Sheehy, III
1999 – 2000
Thomas P. Foy, Esq.
2000 – 2002
M. David Atkin, MD
2002 – 2004
Robert L. Teweles
2004 – 2008
Rosalind H. Doctor, Ph.D.
2008 – 2012
Christine Côté, MD
Kathleen Chupa
Statement of Operating Revenues and Expenditures
June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012
he operating budget of The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey relies on funding from government grants and private contributions, with a major portion
of the budget coming from a collaborative partnership with several New Jersey state agencies. Although the funds we receive from these state grants is critical,
we must add our own unrestricted private dollars to most grants in order to provide the level of quality and the intensity of social services that are imperative to
changing the lives of our clients.
Government contracts
Donations, fundraising, auxiliaries
Other - Rental Income
Endowment Subsidy
Client Service Fees
United Way
$15,229,702 100.00%
Early Childhood
Permanency Planning
Kinship Services
Behavioral Health/Mental Health
Neighborhood Services
School-Based Services
$15,512,596 100.00%
NOTE: By COA standards, general administration and fundraising costs of 8% reflect a fiscally responsible and well managed organization.
We are proud to report our expenses were 4.62%, well under the national standard.
A copy of the latest audit by J.H. Cohn, Independent Certified Public Accountants, is on file at the agency’s Trenton office. The investment advisor for The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey is T. Rowe Price Associates.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
We want to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to each of the individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations listed below for making contributions, either monetary or inkind, between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012 to benefit our children. Some are first-time donors and we welcome them into the CHS
of NJ family. Others are faithful and long-standing friends whose generous and ongoing support through the years has improved the lives of thousands of at-risk children and their families. All donors of monetary gifts are listed according to the cumulative amount they have given since becoming a part of the CHS of NJ family.
No gift has ever been too small to help. For a child in need of food, clothing, a safe home or a loving family, even one dollar can bring life-saving assistance and hope
for a better future. We thank each and every one of you for being there for our children!
TOTALING $100,000 +
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
CHS Trenton Auxiliary
Capital Health
Children's Futures
Hampton W. Cook Trust Janssen, L.P
Johnson & Johnson
Marion Klaisz (Estate)
Nicholson Foundation
Prudential Foundation
Trenton Education
Dance Institute
United Way of Greater
Mercer County
Flora Yates (Estate)
TOTALING $50,000 - $99,999
(1 Anonymous)
Mr. Hunter Allen
Bloomberg Philanthropy
Car Program LLC
Dr. Christine Cote
& Hugo Yepez
Rosalind Doctor, Ph.D.
Driscoll's Strawberry
Geraldine R. Dodge
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hoffman
Dorothy Hozier (Estate)
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacMillan
Mahlon Shreve Trust
President's Grant Fund Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation
Mr. Robert Teweles
United Way of Ocean County
TOTALING $25,000 - $49,999
Mr. Howard Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berkman
Mrs. Barbara Coe
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Educational Testing Service
G. Whitney Snyder
Charitable Fund
GE Volunteers Foundation
Griffith Electric Supply Company
J.H. Cohn
March of Dimes - NJ Chapter
Mr. Kevin McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Mueller
Novo Nordisk
Oxford Communications
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Papish
Princeton Area
Community Foundation
Mr. Paul Ramsdell
Roebling Urban Renewal
Assoc. LLC
Rue Foundation, Inc.
The Scheide Fund
Dr. Vivian Shapiro
Mrs. Anne Stivala
United Way of Southeastern PA
TOTALING $10,000 - $24,999
(2 Anonymous)
Richard Bilotti
& Katherine Hatton
Harold Bowlby Living Trust
Mrs. Marilyn Carroll
Mrs. Kati Chupa
Church & Dwight
Credit Suisse Foundation Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Domzalski
Food for America
Fox Rothschild LLP
Charles B. Gilbert Foundation
Harold Kramer Foundation
Highland Mills Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horowitz
Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Companies
Johnson & Johnson
Health Care Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Link
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Loser
Mrs. Dorothea Palsho
Pfizer Inc.
Mrs. Donna Pressma
Mrs. Shelly Punchatz
Mr. Charles Rue, Jr.
Rue Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schiffman
Sophronia Smith Trust
Mr. Nick Ventura
Mrs. Janet Winther
TOTALING $5,000 - $9,999
Ms. Miranda Alfonso-Williams
ARC Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Belding
BlackRock Matching
Gifts Program
Mrs. Dorothy Blake
Ms. Maureen Burke
Mr. and Mrs. William Carson
Christina Seix Academy
Mr. and Mrs. John Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doherty
Mrs. Susan Dutko
Elmer Presbyterian Church
Lenox, Socey, Wilgus,
Formidoni, Brown, Giordano
and Casey
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Guzzo
Holy Innocents Episcopal Church
Johnson & Johnson
Family of Companies
Mrs. Nancy Longenecker
Dr. Bruce McGraw
Merck & Company, Inc.
Meta A. & William S.
Griffith Foundation
New Jersey Business & Industry
Mr. Robert Notta
Novo Nordisk Inc.
Mrs. Jane Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Roche
Rotary Club of Hamilton Twp.
Rotary Club of Trenton
Mr. Timothy Ryan & Family
Mrs. Virginia Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Soderland
Mr. Thomas Stanowski
Mrs. Carol Meta Stretch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Zonta Club of Trenton/Mercer
TOTALING $1,000 - $4,999
(9 Anonymous)
.J. Pettola & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. B. Albence
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen
Allied Barton
Mrs. Lucretia Andrito
Mr. and Mrs. H. Applebaum
Mr. and Mrs. David Arrowood
Mr. Joel Bacher
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Ruth and Harry Bartasawitz
Mrs. Patricia Beaber
Mrs. Carol Belt
Ms. Francesca Benson
Mr. Michael Bernstein
BlackRock Foundation
Mrs. Caroline Bloss
Mr. Joseph Bocchini
Fred and Josephine Borgini
Ms. Kimberly Brandley
Ms. Marie Braun
Cary and Jamie Brech
Brown & Brown of PA
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean Burling
Burlington County Institute of
Technology West Key Club
CHS of NJ, Ocean County
Ms. Sherry Caplan
and Mr. John Sheehy
Ms. Lynne Cavallaro Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cerami
Mrs. Virginia Chafey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ciaccia
Mr. and Mrs. John Cirignano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Colburn
Mr. Gerard Collins
Mr. and Mrs. John Colman
Mr. and Mrs. George Conover
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cowen
Ms. Dorothy Croker
Mrs. Robert Crozer
Mr. John Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummings
Mr. Thomas Cunniff
Mrs. Dorothy Davall
Mr. Daniel DeBow
Mrs. Naomi DeHart
Mrs. Donna Dey
Ms. Rosemarie DiGeronimo
Mr. Fred Dobisch
Doyle Financial LLC
Ms. Michele Duce
Mr. and Mrs. John Duggan
Ms. Susan Easton
and Robert Ross
Edgewood Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ela
Enfasco, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Esser
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Falcone
Maxine and Steve Farmer
Mr. William Farren
Dr. Leonard Feldman
Mrs. Dorothy Fenz
Ms. Judith Fernandez
First Presbyterian Church
of Dutch Neck
Mrs. Joan Fischer
Mrs. Myra Fischman
Mrs. Harriet Flynn
Mrs. Kellie Foerter
Mr. Archie Foor
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fralinger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fritz
Mrs. Leslie Frommer
Gary M. Armstrong Insurance
Mrs. Virginia Gavin
GE Healthcare No. America
Mrs. Colleen Gehring
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gelbart
Mrs. Jane Gerhart
Joan Girgus
and Alan Chimacoff
Mr. Michael Goodman
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. William Goodwin
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Graves
Mr. Phillip Griffin
Ms. Eleanor Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hainsselin
Mr. Jeffrey Hall
Hamilton Square Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. John Hammitt
Harvard Maintenance Service
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Heinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hoffman
Ms. Madeline Holterhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Huddy
Ms. Tracey Huegler
Mrs. Donald Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hullfish
Mrs. Doris Huyler
Ms. Dolores Ijames-Bryant
Mrs. Angela Imhof
Insurance Services Office, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Irving
Mrs. Eileen Jankunis
Mr. Robert Jewell
Ms. Maria Juega
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jusick
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. David Karsch
Mr. and Mrs. Alick Kennedy
Mr. Wayne Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.J. Kitto
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Klatzkin
Klatzkin & Company, LLP
Knights of Columbus # 857
Ms. Susan Kutliroff
Ms. Anne LaBate
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Largmann
Lawrence High School
National Honor Society
Mr. and Mrs. John Leaver
Mr. Leslie Lefkowitz
Ms. Audrey Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Liggio
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lim
Little, Michaels & Kennedy, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lowe
Mr. Bill Lueckel
Drs. Barbara Marroccoli
and Robert Ford
Ms. Lori Martin & Chris Eisgruber
Mason, Griffin & Pierson
Dr. Robert Mattucci
Ms. Bettsy Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. David Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mayhew
McCaffrey's Market
McCarter Theater
Mr. Robert McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLuckie
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Meisel
Mr. Earl Meixell
Ms. Regina Mercadante
Hazel Merkle (Estate)
Ms. Deborah Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Monk
Mr. John Montemurro
John and Alice Mueller
Ms. Barbara Mulder
Mrs. Deborah Musick
Ms. Patricia Nardone
Newtown Athletic Club
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nolting
Ms. Jane Notta
Order of the Eastern Star,
Past Matrons, 35th District
Mrs. Wilma Osterhout
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Painter
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Papier
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Paric
Ms. Susan Paul
PNC Bank, N.A., Company
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Polizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Popson
Ms. Laura Prato
and Dr. Howard Holtz
Presbyterian Church
of Lawrenceville
Mrs. Mildred Priest
Prior Nami Business Systems
Mrs. Alice Pulieri
Mr. and Mrs. John Pulsinelle
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raenke
Mrs. Karen Raskasky
Mr. Jerome Redington
Mrs. Sonya Rivera
Roma Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. H.L.Boyer Royal
Mr. and Mrs. William Sappington
Saskiewicz & Associates
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David
Ms. Carolyn May Semento
Mr. Marshall Sewell
Mrs. Barbara Shively
Mr. and Mrs. William Sim
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smalinckas
Mrs. Lee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snare
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Solly
St. Francis Medical Center
Ms. Catherine St. John
St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Women of the ELCA
Ms. Cordelia Staton
Ms. Carolyn Stegmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stella
Mr. and Mrs. D. Richard Stengel
Mrs. Ann Suabedissen
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Sutker
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Swanekamp
Mr. and Mrs. William Talmadge
Mrs. Barbara Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Then
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thorpe
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tibolla
Ms. Jada Tisdale
Ms. Patricia Tumulty
Ms. Lauren Ugorji
United Way of
Hunterdon County
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urey
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Van Dorn
Mrs. Patricia Venable
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Venverloh
Mr. Arthur Verpent
Village Office Supply
Ms. Dona Vukson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner
Mrs. Laura Ward
Ms. Jennifer Wassum
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Wermuth
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard West
Ms. Lynn Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodford
Mr. Joseph Yoerger
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zapf
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zelechowski
Zion Methodist Sunday School
TOTALING $500 - $999
(10 Anonymous)
Mrs. Jane Acuff
Advanced Benefit Concepts LLC
Ms. Mellany Alio
Mr. and Mrs. John Amatulli
Mrs. Cheryl Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bateman
Ms. Julia Bednar
Mr. John Belding
Mr. Al Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. Jordon Brown
Mr. Robert Brown
Ms. Sally Brown
Mrs. Jean Brown
Mrs. Sheryl Bundy
Mrs. Christine Burlaga
Mr. Clifford Burris
Camden County Technical
School, Interact Club
Dr. David Carver
Mrs. Lynne Catanese
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chapin
Christ the King Episcopal Church
Church of St. Gregory the Great
Mr. and Mrs. James Cohen
Mr. Richard Coley
Columbia Management
Mr. and Mrs. James Connelly
Custom Benefits Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dadurka
Ms. Sherri Davis
Mr. Joseph DeBellis
Ms. Sonia DeCencio
Ms. Dorothy Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Driver
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dyer IV
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eisenhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewing
Mrs. Patricia Faiola
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Faller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Finch
Ms. Sheila Fleishman
Mrs. Leola Ford
Mr. Thomas Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fulde
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuschetti
Ms. Helle Gawrylewski
Mr. Steven Gerhard
Mr. John Goeltz
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldstein
Google Matching Gift Program
Mr. Terry Gowen
Mr. Gary Gray
Mr. Jeffrey Guelcher
The Reverend Julio Guzman
Ms. Virginia Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hammell
Mrs. Margarete Hanania
Mrs. Dorothy Hann
Mr. Raymond Hanselman
Mr. Lester Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawekotte
Mrs. Beverly Hendrickson
Mr. Carl Holmgren
Mrs. Joanne Hood
Mr. and Mrs. David Hood
Hopewell Valley Women's
Golf Assoc.
Horizon Healthcare
Dr. Edgar Housepian
Howard M. Phifer Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huff
IBM Employee Services Center
InterChem Corporation
Italian People’s Bakery, Inc.
Mrs. Rose Kasper
Mr. Charles Keil
Mrs. Anna Kiley
Mr. Paul Killion
Kistler-Tiffany Benefits
Mrs. Jodi Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kmetz
Mr. Richard Kohn
Mr. Joseph Kohn
Mr. Janos Kollar
Mr. William Kowals
Mrs. Janet Kuenne
Mr. Michael Lambropoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laspina
Law School Admission Council
Mrs. Martha Lewars
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Jianghong Li
Link Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Linkowski
Mrs. Agnes Lupinetti
Macy's Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Malkiel
Mr. and Mrs. Ganpat Mani
Mr. Harry Mansfield
Ms. Susan Matthews
Mrs. Carol McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meade
Mr. Kenneth Meier
Ms. Marianne Melton
Mercer Corporate Interiors, Inc.
Mercer Co. Prosecutor's Office
Mr. Denis Michel
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Miller
Russ and Nancy Minuto
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell
Mom's Club of Yardley - South
Mr. and Mrs. James Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Willford Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mule
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mulhall
Mr. Sam Natoli
Mr. Shawn Neufeld
Order of the Eastern Star,
Starlight Chapter #107
Stewart Chapter #166
Mr. William Oakerson
Mr. and Mrs. David Oiler
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olenich
Mr. and Mrs. Dona Mae Ondick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ordini
Mr. Edward Osvai
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Patnaude
Patricia's Hair Design
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perugini
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson
Porta at Asbury, LLC
Mr. Frederick Pressman
Mr. William Preston
Princeton Fitness &
Wellness Center
Ms. Carol Puchyr
Mr. Andrew Rhode
Mrs. Sara Rhodes
Mrs. Judith Rottkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruch
Mr. James F. Rudy
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rytter
Mrs. Ruth Scherrer
Mrs. Margaret Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shahbazian
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shelton
Mrs. Henrietta Siodlowski
Drs. Sheldon and Julie Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
Ms. Jean Stahuber
Dr. and Mrs. David Staiman
Mr. Allen Steere
Ms. Joan Stevens
Streamline Payroll LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dodd Stretch
Mrs. Cindy Stuart
Mr. William Swarts
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Swindells
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szoke
Mr. Francesco Taddeo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Talbot
Mr. William Tansley
Thomas Edison State College
Ms. Christina Towles
United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Den Ameele
Ms. Joanna Vandenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viscusi
Mr. Thomas Vogt
and Gwen Guglielmi
Mr. and Mrs. John Von Hebel
Mrs. Helen Vreeland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wackar
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walowitz
Mr. Barry Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Watson
Wayne Ave. Baptist Church
Wells Fargo
Mrs. Ann Willard
Xpress Healthcare
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yalch
Mr. Howard Young
TOTALING $250 - $499
(5 Anonymous)
American Brokerage Services, Inc
America's Charities
Mrs. Marymargaret Andreoli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews
Mrs. Hope Armenti
Bauer Electric Inc.
John and Eleanor Beninati
Mr. John Berkenkopf
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bernstein
Mr. Richard Blofson
Mr. Louis Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Boag
Mrs. Betty Bohlert
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Boyer
Mrs. Frances Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brewer
Ms. Dalba Brilliantine
Mrs. Barbara Britton
Mrs. Delores Brown
Ms. Dorothy Brown
Ms. Dolores Butler
Mrs. Mabel Callahan
Mr. Thomas Callahan
Ms. Janet Carlucci
Mr. and Mrs. William Cater
CEPD Management Services, Inc.
Ms. Candace Christner
Mr. and Mrs. Elric Cicchetti
Mr. Peter Ciemins
Ms. Kathleen Coletti
Mr. Francesco Conte
Ms. Sara Cooper
Mr. Timothy Curvan
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Daley
Mr. Harry Danley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D'Antico
Mr. George Darrow
Mrs. C. Brayton Day
Debows United Methodist
Sunday School
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Dias
Ms. Meredith Domzalski
Dr. Bogdan Dorohonceanu
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunk
Ruth Eshbach
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Federline
Ms. Deborah Fenster
Mr. and Mrs. John Flack
Mrs. L. Sharon Francis
Ms. Angela Garcia
Mrs. Bridget Gaughan
Mrs. Joan Geiger
Miss R. Cortlee Gerhart
Goddard School
Good Pharmacy
Mr. Brian Guenard
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Guerrero
Ms. Susan Hammell
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hasslinger
Ms. Janice Havens
Mrs. Diane Hiland
Mrs. Doris Hoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. William Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. James Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hupp
Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram
Mrs. Ruth Irwin
Mr. John Jones
Mrs. Connie Kaufmann
Mrs. Mildred Kelly
Mrs. Debora Klaus
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Knicos
Mr. Stuart Kohn
Ms. Grace Kondrup
Ms. Anne Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. James Krahling
Mrs. Julia Krajack
Mr. Steven Krasney
La Senda Antigua
Iglesia Pentecostal
Lana R. Pinkenson
Financial Services
Mrs. Maureen Lawrence
Ms. Eileen Levinson
Ms. Mary Lincoln
Mr. Todd Logan
Ms. Nancy Mabes
Mr. Brian Macomber
Edwin and Shirley Malitz
Ms. Janetta Marbrey
Maria Luisa de
Moreno Foundation
Ms. Christine Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mayer
Mr. Roger McCoshen
Mr. Michael Merva
Mr. Andrew Metropole
Mrs. Elaine Miller
Mr. and Mrs. R. Mirchandani
Mrs. Erminia Mitrane
Mr. Juan Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mullen
Mrs. Lucille Murdock
Mrs. Marie Murkli
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy
Ms. Ann Natalie
Mr. Edward Nelson
Richard and Janet Nied
Mrs. Veronica Notta
Order of the Eastern Star,
Stella Chapter #20
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Orenstein
Mrs. Mildred Oring
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Osavi
Mrs. Barbara Owens
Jane Owens & Jan Gabin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pasieczynk
Arnold Pellegrinelli
and Ellen Dugan
Mrs. Dolores Persic
Mr. David Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petito
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pfluger
Philadelphia Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piccora
Ms. Lu Polizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollicino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prati
Mr. Robert Preuhs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Puri
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pyle
Mr. Anthony Reale
Mr. Frank Reeg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ressler
Mr. Derrick Richmond
Mr. William Rittmann
Mr. Stephen Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rodefeld
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romaniak
Mr. Lloyd Ruch
Mr. and Mrs. George Ruch
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Sapers
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sarmiere
Mr. Paul Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scheerle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schiaretti
Mrs. Tamara Schmidt
Ms. Susan Schmidt
Mrs. Claire Scott
Mrs. Eleanor Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shachat
Mr. Joseph Sharp
Mrs. Lois Sievewright
Mr. and Mrs. Iakov Sinai
Mrs. Heidi Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Smith
Mr. James P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Ms. Audra Solidum
Mrs. Grace Starrett
Mrs. Dorothy Stasikewich
Mrs. Karen Stillwell
Ms. Elizabeth Stone
Mrs. Jacqueline Sullivan
Ms. Sheila Sunga
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Taylor
Mrs. Lavinia Taylor
Ms. Nancy Temple
Tri-State Engineers &
Land Surveyors, In
Mr. Christopher Truscello
Mr. Charles Tureo
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tyrrell
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Venuti
Mr. Anthony Virgilio
Mr. Charles Waldro n
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waleski
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walus
Ms. Ruth Ann Wariger
John Weeren
and Kristen Turner
Mrs. Ann White
Mrs. Shirley Wieder
Ms. Norma Williams
Woodside Presbyterian Church
Mr. Norton Worthington
Dr. Julius Yaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Zant
Mr. Leonard Zazverskey
Mr. Alexander Zbinden
Zoe Graphics
TOTALING $100 - $249
(5 Anonymous)
Adoptive Parents Organization
of Central NJ
AFB Fund
Ms. Joyce Aitken
Mrs. Dorothy Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Anderson
Ms. Christine Aruza
Mr. and Mrs. William Asterino
Mr. Vincent Aveni
Good Shepherds of Avionic Instruments
Mrs. Mildred Bailey
Mr. Frank Bailey
Mrs. Mary Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker
Banner Life Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Barton
Ms. Helen Baxley
Mrs. Mary Beaumont
Mrs. Grace Roth Beebe
Ms. Alice Binns
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird
Mr. John Blake
Mrs. Pamela Bland
Ms. Yvonne Bleiman
Mr. Eugene Blicharz
Mrs. Virginia Bogart
Ms. Holly Boltz
Mr. and Mrs. William Borges
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Ms. Dolores Brienza
Mrs. Elaine Britt
Mr. Dennis Brotman
Mrs. Ann Brown
Ms. Florence Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John Bruzzi
Ms. Janice Buck
Mrs. Ruth Bunn
Mrs. Louise Burroughs
Mr. Harold Burrows
Mr. Richard Bush
Mr. Peter Butch
Mr. Christopher Calabretta
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cantor
Mr. Michael Capelli
Mrs. Laura Carnevale
Mr. David Cataldo
Mr. Anthony Catanzaro
Center for Women's Health
Mrs. Charlene Cerami-Nucci
Mrs. Anne Cerchio
Ms. Heather Cleary
Mrs. Pearl Clipper
Mr. Brent Clore
Mr. Jeffrey Coe
Mrs. Florence Cohen
Ms. E. Ann Collins
Mrs. Carol Conroy
Mr. Arthur Conte
Mrs. Eleanor Cook
Mr. Paul Coppens
Mrs. Barbara Corr
Mrs. Anne Cortese
Mrs. Brenda Cosby
Ms. Karen Courtney
Mrs. Dorris Croudy
Mrs. Geraldine Cuniglio
Mr. W. Michael Curry
Mrs. Susan Daddio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D'Arezzo
Mr. James Lee Davis
Mrs. Florence DeAngelis
Mrs. Josephine DeAngelo
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Deardorff
Ms. Casey DeBlasio
Ms. Patricia Deeney
Mr. Timothy Diehl
Mrs. Janine Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dixon
Ms. Julie Dixon Thomas
Mr. Robert Domboski
Ms. Ann Marie Donahue
Mr. Timothy Dougherty
Mr. Vincent Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. James Dwyer
Mr. John Dynak
Echelmeier Insurance Agency
Ms. Mary Ellis
Exam One
Ms. Imogene Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferraro
Ms. C. Ferrero-Doran
Mr. George Ferrito
Mr. Ralph Finaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fineman
Mrs. Tracy Fink
Mrs. Norma Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fogal
Ms. Rita Ford
Foremost Manufacturing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franciscus
Ms. Marlene Franey
Ms. Christine Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gales
Mr. and Mrs. Tarun Gandhi
Mr. Jennie Gawlik
Mrs. Carmella Gennhoefer
Mrs. Joan Gies
Glen Afton Civic Association
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gordon
Ms. Stephanie Gorman
Grace Cathedral Ministries
Ms. Esther Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Green
Mr. and Mrs. David Griffith
Ms. Mary Jane Guy
Ms. Sue Hackman
Ms. Dorothy Hadstate
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall
Dr. Daniel Harmon
Harrah & Associates
Ms. Letitia Harris
Ms. Deborah Harry
Mrs. Felice Hauptman
Mr. Michael Heines
Ms. Nancy Hendrickson
Ms. Anne Hewitt Fischer
Ms. Tracey Hoffman-Low
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hoh
Mrs. Arthur Holzberg
Mr. David Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hough
Mr. and Mrs. John Hough
Ms. Rita Hyland
Kellan Ilse
Ms. Holly Jones
Mrs. Carol Kasabach
Mrs. Karen Kelliher
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ketterer
Mrs. Jane Kiney
Mr. and Mrs. James King
Mr. John Kirk
Mr. Stephen Klein
Ms. Christine Klimanskis
Mr. Michael Kline
Ms. Mary Koether
Mrs. Helene Koslow
Mrs. Katherine Kraeck
Mr. Robert Kraus
Ms. Judith Krester
Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaGreca
Ms. Dana Lambert
Ms. Anna Lamontain
Ms. Regina Lamptey
Mr. Marcus LeRiche
Ms. Patricia Lesinski
Mr. P. Andrew Leynes
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Leventhal
Mrs. Rosalyn Levy
Mrs. Naomi Lickfield
Mrs. Betty Lipman
Mrs. Gloria Lombardi
Dr. and Mrs. Philip LoPresti
Ms. Marie Lubina
Ms. Virginia Lucas
Mr. Mitchell Mackler
Ms. Carol Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Malka
Ms. Theresa Malone
Mrs. Carmela Maltese
Mrs. Eileen Mansfield
Ms. Joyce Marhefka
Mr. Daniel Mariano
Market Velocity Inc.
Mr. Ronald Marking
Ms. Sharon Martis
Mrs. Roberta Mason
Mr. Michael Massa
Mr. Troy Matthews
Mrs. Ellen McCormick
Mrs. Nancie McCusker
Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Mr. Andrew Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George Milonas
Mrs. Marlene Mincher
Mr. James Moore
Ms. Eugenia Muller
Ms. Marie Murkli
Ms. Rachel Muthuraj
New Jersey Higher
Education Auth.
Ms. Patricia Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Nicolai
Ms. Marisa Niemczyk
Novo Nordisk CSM Dept.
Ms. Eileen Oehrlein
Mrs. Judith Oiler
Mrs. Lillian Ostrin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palasits
Mr. Albert Pampaloni
Mr. and Mrs. David Parker
Dr. Elizabeth Parker
Ms. Edwige Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Payne
Pennington Quality Market
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perfater
Ms. Sylvia Petrik-Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips
Miss Fern Piersall
Mr. Morris Pinkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Potosky
Presbyterian Church of Ewing
Princeton University
Mr. Joseph Radinovic
Ms. Theresa Ragozine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Randall
Mrs. Donna Reid
Mrs. Viola Renner
Ms. Karen Richardson
Mrs. Peggy Rinnier
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rocco
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohack
Mrs. Lisa Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rozycki
Mrs. Marjorie Ruch
Ms. Kathleen Ruhmel
Mr. Raymond Rumer
Mr. Vincent Russo
Mrs. Sue Ryba
Ms. Anne Sailer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandvik
Mr. and Mrs. George Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scharibone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schectman
Mr. Richard Scott
Ms. Rosemarie Seery
Servicemaster of Bux-Mont
Shefali Shah
Mr.and Mrs. Philip Shays
Ms. Kim Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Smith
Mr. Brian Snow
Mr. Barry Snyder
Ms. Margaret Spillane
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stark
Mrs. Diane Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steinmetz
Mrs. Debra Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James Strong
Mr. Frank Strucki
Min Suh
Sun Ray Drugs
Mr. David Tanzer
Mr. Scott Thistlewaite
Ms. Barbara Tiberio
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tillman
Mrs. Rosemarie Totten
Ms. Cathy Tully
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vernon
Ms. Darla Voss
Ms. Shirley Walker
Mr. William Walsh
Mrs. Barbara Watson
Ms. Vickie Weaver
Mr. Jonathan Weiner
Ms. Norma Weitzel
Ms. Denise Wentzler
Mrs. Jacquelyne White
Mr. Seymour Wigod
Mr. Pete Wilityer
Ms. Ericka Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wirth
Mr. Richard Wright
Ms. Jennifer Yousko
Mr. Douglas Zeltt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zorfass
Women's Club of Fawn Lakes
TOTALING $1.00 - $99
(1 Anonymous)
Ms. Mareeya Agheem
Ms. Patricia Alabanza
Mr. Louis Alcuri
Ms. Lisa Alexander
Ms. Stephanie Alwill
Mr. Dean Andreola
Ms. Asha Arathala
Mr. William Aring
Ms. Catharine Arruda
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Arthur
Ms. Mary Ann Baker
R. Barasia
Ms. Pamela Barry
Ms. Louisa Bartok
Mrs. Maureen Barton
Eyal Beigman
Mr. Lewis Benchoff
Ms. Cynthia Berger
Mr. Richard Bernardin
Mrs. Melvena Berry
Ms. Susan Berry
Ms Matilda Bessette
Ms. Clara Beym
Mr. Pulakesh Bhattacharya
Ms. Carol Black
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bodine
Mrs. Judith Bollinger
Ms. Jacqueline Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booye
Ms. Karen Borbotti
Ms. Leanna Born
Ms. Laura Boyle
Ms. Kimberly Sue Boyle
Mrs. Patricia Brant
Mrs. Doris Brebner
Ms. Diane Brendley
Ms. Colleen Brenner
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Mr. Guy Brennert
Mr. George Brice
Ms. Kenia Briones-Sandoval
Mr. Bruce Broser
Mrs. Linda Brozyna
Ms. Maria Buoncuore
Mrs. Angie Burby
Ms. Tanya Burton
Mrs. Vicki Busco
Ms. Gloria Caccia
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahill
Ms. Stacie Calabrese
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Calamanco
Ms. Susan Camaioni
Ms. Gail Campbell
Ms. Naomi Cantilina
Ms. Maureen Carman
Ms. Susan Carroll
Mr. Francis Casey
Ms. Cheryl Cavanaugh
Mrs. Eleanor Chamberlain
Mrs. Sun-Yung Chang
Mr. Kevin Chapman
Ms. Maggie Chmielewski
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christiff
Ms. Lori Citrone
Ms. Natischa Clark
Mr. Nick Clark
Mrs. Linda Cochran
Mrs. Judith Coles
Ms. Kim Collings
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collins
Ms. Susan Columbus
Ms. Nichole Conrey
Ms. Robin Cooke
Ms. Karimah Cooley
Ms. Karen Cooper
Ms. Marissa Cordova
Ms. Anne Corriero
Ms. Chantri Cowan
Mr. William Cowper
Ms. Bernice Crawford
Mr. Matthew Creighton
Ms. Liana Crimmas
Mr. Antonio Cuellar
Mr. Carlos Cuellar
Mrs. Cora Cullins
Ms. Jean Cunningham
Ms. Beverly Czarnota
Mrs. Marie Damiano
Mrs. Pamela D'Andrea
Ms. Antoinette D'Angelo
Ms. Kristine Dansberry
Mr. Madhu Dasariraju
Ms. Melanie Degardnuer
Mr. John DeGuiseppe
Ms. Anastasia Delross
Ms. Carmen DeLuca
Mrs. Jeanne Denisco
Ms. Nicolette Deones
Mr. Nick DePaola
Ms. Ellen DeRosa-Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio DeSouza
Ms. Theresa Dettmar
Ms. Patricia Dippolito
Mrs. Carol Doolin
Ms. Carol Ann Doran
Mrs. Kathleen Dowis
Mrs. Bonnie Doyle
Mrs. Doris Doyle
Ms. Susan Drebych
Mr. Joseph Dreyer
Ms. Jeanne DuBois
Ms. Deborah Duerr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dunham
Mr. Lakshman Easwaran
Ms. Florence Ehrmann
Ms. Charlotte Elmer
Mrs. Annette Emery
Ms. Margaret Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erskine
Mrs. Natasha Ervin
North Ward Family
Success Center
Mr. and Mrs. James Faucette
Ms. Doris Feehan
Ms. Cruz Feliciano
Mrs. Catherine Ferdetta
Ms. Marion Ficarra
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Finkelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fisher
Ms. Rosemary Ford
Ms. Joyce Ford
Ms. Karen Francaviglia
Mrs. Kathleen Franklin
Ms. Diane Franks
Mrs. Marilyn Frazzano
Ms. Donna Funari
Mr. David Gabai
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gabor
Mr. Frank Gallucci
Ms. Carmen Garcia
Ms. Wendy Garrett
Ms. Elizabeth Garvey
Ms. Ruth Gavin
GE United Way Campaign
Mrs. Helen Gehring
Mr. William Geier
Gennaro's Restaurant
Mr. Hedley George
Mrs. Marlene Gerardi
Ms. Stacey Geurds-McCleese
Ms. Diana Ghimiray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giambrone
Ms. Bernadette Giambrone
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. David Gies
Ms. Colleen Gilbert
Ms. Laurie Gmoch
Ms. Sian Godwin
Ms. Judith Goetz
Mr. Edward Goldberg
Ms. Stephanie Golding
Mrs. Sheri Goldstein
Mrs. Sandra Goldstein
Ciunis Gonjon
Ms. Marlene Gordon
Ms. Denise Gorlin
Ms. Karen Grala
Ms. Sandra Green
Mr. Miles Greer
Ms. Gail Gross
Mr. Walter Guelcher
Mr. Joseph Gwiszcz
Ms. Wendy Hack
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hadley
Ms. Eleanor Hagan
Ms. Donna Hampton
Ms. Elizabeth Hampton
Ms. Roseanne Hansel
Ms. Mary Jane Hanson
Ms. Joyann Harewood
Ms. Christina Harris
Ms. Geraldine Harrison
Mr. Alexander Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harting
Ms. Patricia Hartpence
Ms. Mary Hass Rossano
Ms. Nicole Hawke
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hecky
Mr. and Mrs. James Hegedus
Ms. Sonia Heiser
Mr. Melvin Hellem
Ms. Kathleen Hellmann
Ms. Kathryn Hellwege
Henderson Care Center
Ms. Wendy Herbert
Ms. Delmy Hernandez
Ms. JoAnne Herriott
Ms. Kelly Heyesey
Ms. Charelle Hirsh
Mr. David Hitchcock
Mrs. Mary Hoffman
Mrs. Mary Ann Homan
Home Craft
Ms. Wendy Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hough
Mr. Julius Howard
Mrs. Catherine Howell
Mr. William Ibbs
Adil Imam
Incarnation-St. James Parish
Ms. Margaret Inman
Mr. Peter Ishak
Ms. Linda Iverson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobs
Ms. Susan James
TJ Jannsch
Ms. Stephanie Janssen
JC Penney
Ms. Laura Jelin
Ms. Sarah Jemison
Ms. Clare Jennings
Ms. Jan Jeremias
Mr. John Jingoli
Mr. David Jobes
Mr. Edwin Johnson
Ms. Cheryl Johnson
Ms. Eula Johnson
Johnson & Johnson PRD
Ms. Sandra Johnston
Ms. Carol Johnston
Ms. Ricarda Jones
Ms. Anita Jones
Ms. Linda Kajian
Ms. Annmarie Kalet
Mrs. Romy Kane
Wan-Mo Kang
Mr. David Karlberg
Mr. Charles Katten
Ms. Lisa Kaye
Ms. Kimberly Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kehr
Ms. Barbara Kelly
Ms. Lisa Kelly
Mr. Elliot KerachskyMs. Maureen Kerns
Ms. Therese Killion
Ms. Felicia Kimbrough
Mr. Christopher Kinkade
Mr. Arthur Klein
Ms. Sarah Klosek
Ms. Janet Knipp
Ms. Caryln Kolb
Ms. Gloria Kopczynski
Mr. James Koren
Ms. Anne Kramer
Ms. Cheryl Kraus
Mr. Richard Kubat
Mr. Robert Labar
Mr. and Mrs. Leon LaBate
Ms. Claire Laird
Mr. Hubert Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. William LaVorgna
Ms. Leila Lawrence
Ms. Paige An Le
Ms. Patricia Lee
Ms. Toni Lefferts
Ms. Diane Marie Legere
Mr. Alain Leibman
Ms. Amy Levine
Mrs. June LiMato
Mr. John Lindsley
Ms. Pamela Link
Ms. Elizabeth Litten
Ms. Denise Liu
Mrs. Heather Livingston
Ms. Catherine Lohr
Ms. Jin Lu
Mr. Bruce Ludlow
Mr. and Mrs. John Ludvick
Luminars Construction
David and Sue Macera
Ms. Jane MacIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madera
Mr. Daniel Madrid
Ms. Lisa Mahon
Mr. Rukmini Mahurkar
Ms. Joan Mainzer
Ms. Norene Malaney
Ms. Laura Manalio
Deb and Patty Manno
Mr. Michael Marabrito
Ms. Ruth Margulies
Sara and Danny Marincas
Mrs. Dorothy Markle
Ms. Barbara Marro
Mrs. Anna Marsicano
Mr. and Mrs. John Martorana
Ms. Patricia Maruszak
Mr. Dennis Massimo
Ms. Patricia Mayer
Ms. Mary McBride
Ms. Amanda McClain
Ms. Carole McClinton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCorkle
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCrae
Ms. Medina McCray
Ms. Arlene McElroy
Ms. Patricia McElven
Mrs. Laurel McGee
Ms. Tracy McManimon
Ms. Patricia McManus
Ms. Lisa McNeary
Ms. Brenda McNish
Ms. Judi Meeter
Ms. Karen Melissari
Ms. Patricia Menow
Mercer Regional Chamber
of Commerce
M. Merolle
Ms. Joanne Meyer
Mr. Lucien Micu
Ms. Mary Mignogna
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Ms. Michelle Ann Miller
Ms. Mari Ellen
Mrs. Olin Mitchell
Mr. William Monte
Mrs. Barbara Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore
Ms. Linda Morelli
Mr. Kenneth Morgan
Mr. Wesley Mostello
Ms. Kathleen Mott
Ms. Renee Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mraz
B. Mural
Ms. Barbara Murray-Dixon
Ms. Hope Myers Ammirato
Ms. Donna Nalbone
Florida Island X19 Navy Seabee
Veterans of America
Mrs. Marlise Neiheiser
Ms. Gwendolyn Nelson
New Garments Always (NGA)
Salem Chapter
Ms. Constance Nobile
Mr. Richard Nogay
Order of the Eastern Star,
Sirius Chapter #123
Ms. Kim O'Boyle
Ms. Carolyn Oddo
Mr. Anthony Odinkemere
Ms. Ellen O'Donnell
Mr. Richard O'Hara
Ms. Jacquelyn Olearchik
Ms. Jan Olsen
Ms. Jennifer Oslislo
Ms. Jodie Ottilie
Ms. Kathleen Owen
Mr. Lester Owens
Mr. Barry Pagano
Ms. Kaye Paletz
Mrs. Rhonda Palmieri
Ms. Marietta Palombi
Bala Pamidi
Ms. Marilyn Pantoja
Mr. Enrico Paone
Ms. Carol Parkinson
Ms. Debra Passerella
Ms. Linda Patterson
Ms. Michele Paul
Ms. Michael Pawelczak
Dr. Gayle Pearson
Ms. Mary Lou Peluso
Ms. Cheryl Pemberton
Ms. Cathy Pepin
Mr. John Pericci
Ms. Jessica Perkins
Ms. Cynthia Petty
Mrs. J. Phillips
Ms. Grace Phipps
Ms. Jill Pierce
Ms. Catherine Pinchak
Ms. Tracey Pino
Mrs. Mary Jo Pittman
Ms. Lori Plimpton
Mr. Michael Poers
Ms. Karla Pollack
Mrs. Joseph Popp
Ms. Theresa Possinger
Mr. Charles Prall
Mrs. Louise Prior
Mrs. Donnie Procassini
Mr. Donald Proffit
Ms. Edith Profico
Ms. Toni Ann Puleo
Ms. Linda Quinn-Ruszin
Ms. Ann Rab
Radware, Inc.
Ms. Yolanda Ramos
Mr. Richard Rampolla
Ms. Joan Randolph
Roshani Rao
Mr. and Mrs. George Reed
Mrs. Beth Reeg
Ms. Karen Rehrig
Ms. Margaret Reinhart
Mr. and Mrs. David Reisig
Ms. Miriam Rios-Lebron
Ms. Marilyn Rising
Ms. Jennifer Ritter
Mr. Joseph Rizziello
Ms. Sheryl Roach
Mr. Bruce Roberts
Ms. Grace Robertson
Mr. Byron Rodas
Ms. Ann Rodier
Ms. Carol Rogers
Mrs. Elena Roman
Ms. Sally Roman
Ms. Clara Romeo
Ms. Carol Rommel
Ms. Beverly Rotter
Ms. Norann Rowe-Stohler
Ms. Natalie Rubin
Ms. Jamie Ruby
Ms. Catherine Ruskai
Mr. Donagh Ryan
Ms. Christine Sakdalan
Sal Salon
Ms. Claire Sampson
Ms. Elissa Santo
Ms. Betty Anne Sargiotto
Ms. Christine Sariyan
Ms. Debra Scheese
Ms. Mary Schienholz
Ms. Karen Schlauch
Ms. Christine Schmidt
Mr. Ronald Schmitter
Mr. Robert Schnitzer
Ms. Donna Schnitzer
Ms. Maureen Schupsky
Ms. Kathleen Schwartz
Mr. James Scott
Mr. James Screnci
Ms. Diane Seay
Mrs. Barbara Sechuck
MS. Christine Secrist
Mr. William Selby
Mr. Craig Sepe
Mr. Peter Setano
Ms. Jennifer Seyler
Ms. Nayana Shah
Ms. Cristina Shannon
Shahnam Sharareh
Mr. Christopher Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shays
Ms. Marie Shearn
Ms. Mary Sherrer
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Silverberg
Ms. Linda Simmons
Mrs. Nina Simmons
Ms. Linda Simon
Ms. Kathleen Sine
Mrs. Mary Skender
Ms. Wendy Smith
Ms. Wendy Smith
Mrs. Angela Smylie
Snedeker Family
Mrs. Beverly Solarczyk
Ms. Deborah Solimando
Ms. Robin Solomon
Ms. Eileen Spain
Ms. Karen Spair
Ms. Shari Speran
Ms. Renee Spriggs
St. Vladimir Orthodox Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stankus
Ms. Kathleen Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. James Stock
Mr. and Mrs. James Stokes
Ms. Stephanie Storey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Straton
Ms. Marion Straussfogel
Mrs. Jean Stroff
Mr. Frank Sudol
Ms. Ilene Sullivan
Ms. Sarah Summerville
Ms. Sandra Surdam
Mr. Elliott Sylvan
Ms. Gerri Sylvester
Mr. Walter Szczesny
Ms. Christine Talbot
Ms. Elaine Tanofedy
Mr. and Mrs. James Tantum
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tantum
Mr. Philippe Tardieu
Ms. Lisa Tatulli
Ms. Joan Taylor
Ms. Katherine Taylor
Mrs. Carol Taylor
Ms. Michelle Taylor
Ms. Donna Telencio
Mr. James Temple
Ms. Veronica Thela
Ms. Joyce Thomas
Mrs. Jacqueline Tiano
Mrs. Joann Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. S. Bleecker Totten
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Tregurtha
Mr. Kenneth Troise
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turgyan
Mr. Barry Turner
Ms. Jean Uhaze
Mr. Joseph Ungrady
United Way National
Capital Area
Ms. Susan Vallow
Ms. Rosemary Van Doren
Ms. Theresa Vassallo
Ms. Sharon Veenstra
Ms. Christine Voilas
Ms. Candis Wade
Ms. Mary Ann Wald
Ms. Lyvirn Wallace
Ms. Carolyn Walsh
Ms. Aja Ward
Ms. Barbara Ann Warner
Ms. Amy Waters
Ms. Heidi-marie Weeast
Ms. Jeannine Weed
Ms. Carly Weinberg
Mrs. Mary Lou Weinstetter
Mr. Richard Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whipple
Ms. Lisa Whitaker
Mrs. H. Kneeland Whiting
Mrs. Beverly Whittington
Ms. Ashley Wiederspan
Ms. Joanne Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. David Wigfield
Ms. Carmine Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams
Ms. Natalie Winsor
Mr. Witold Wisniowski
Mrs. Mary Wittmer
Mrs. Gloria Wizda
Princeton University
Woodrow Wilson School
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woolcock
Ms. Mary Anne Worthington
Ms. Margaret Yengo Corson
Rabbi Baruch Yoffe
Mrs. Frances Young
Ms. Shannon Zaremba
Ms. Pat Zefutie
A.S. International
Adventure Aquarium
Ms. Fareeya Agheem
Ms. Mareeya Agheem
Alan Jackson Fan Club
American Girl
Amwell Valley Diner
Ms. Tenesha Averette
Mrs. DeeAnn Balgobin
Bank of America/
GWM Marketing
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Baseman
Ms. Marilyn Bazarewsky
Beaver Brook Country Club
Berkley Accident & Health
Ms. Rachelle Bin
Blue Point Grill
Kristine Breuer/Godiva
Brighton Gardens of Edison
Mr. Stephen Brill
Ms. Elaine Britt
Mr. Dennis Brotman
Mrs. Ruth Bunn
Ms. Louise Burroughs
Mr. Peter Butch III
Cablevision of Raritan Valley
Cambridge School
Lauren, Nathaniel,
Matthew Campbell
Can Do
Mrs. Lynda Caravello
Carl Fischer
Handmade Chocolates
Mrs. Marilyn Carroll
Mr. Enrique Casanovas
Celadon Creative
City Streets Café
Mrs. Kati Chupa
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clark
Clementon Park
Mr. Frank Cook
Gennaro Costabile
Dr. Christine Cote
& Hugo Yepez
Dr. Marc Cozzarin
Mr. Thomas Cunniff
Mr. Robert Curley
Ms. Magdalena Czarnik
Ms. Beverly Czarnota
Debows United Methodist
Sunday School
DeAngelis Deli
Dept. of State –
Division of Programs
Dominick's Pizza
East Amwell Township
Elementary School
Mr. Todd Eckert
Edgewood Elementary School
Ms. Irina Elgart
Ms. Claudia Erb
Ms. Natasha Ervin
Evergreen Adult Community
Ms. Jamie Failla
Ms. Katie Farago
Michele Feria
First Presbyterian Church
of Dutch Neck
Ms. Valerie Fox
Fox Rothschild LLP
Ms. Joyce Fugill
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Ms. Donna Funari
Ms. Deborah Furness
Ms. Margaret Gabanyi
GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare No. America
Ms. Jan Ghrist
Giant Food Store
Ms. Colleen Gilbert
Girl Scout Troop 236
Girl Scout Troop 261
Girl Scout Troop 2013
Girl Scout Troop 2030
Girl Scout Troop 2047
Girl Scout Troop 2344
Girl Scout Troop 2684
Girl Scout Troop 2114
Mr. Michael Goodman
Graceway Bible Church
Grape Beginnings
Mr. Phillip Griffin
Mrs. Hope Grindlinger
Ms. Helga Gruss
Mrs. Aline Guzzo
Mr. Jeffrey Hall
Hamilton High School West,
Spanish Nat’l Honor Society
Hamilton Jewelers
Ms. Debra Hammond-Ocasio
Ms. Elizabeth Hampton
Ms. Abbey Harris
Mr. Melvin Hellem
Ms. Wendy Herbert
Ms. Andrea Hild
Ms. Brynn Hollows
Ms. Janice Holt
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Holy Innocents
Episcopal Church
Hopewell Valley Golf Club
LCDR Hames Hormozi
Howard M. Phifer
Middle School
Hunterdon Church
Incarnation-St. James Parish
Inventiv Health Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kannan Iyer
JK Group
Johnson & Johnson
Ms. Maria Juega
Kale's Nursery
Wan-Mo Kang
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Karschnik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katz
Mr. Peter Kelly
Ms. Maureen Kerns
Maureen Killeen
Mr. Christopher Kinkade
Klatzkin & Company, LLP
Mr. Michael Kline
Ms. Sarah Klosek
Mr. Richard Kohn
Ms. Gloria Kopczynski
Kramer Portrait Studio
Mr. James Kravitz
Ms. Lauren Kuik
Ms. Heather Kumor
Ms. Diane Kuzy
Mr. Jonathan Lagarenne
Lake Riviera Middle School
Larison's Corner Church
Latin American Legal
Defense/Educ. Fund
Ms. Barbara Lawrence
Learning Express of Hamilton
Mr. Alain Leibman
Linden Bulk Transport
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Link
Mr. Steven Link
Lisa Jones Style
Ms. Elizabeth Litten
Wansheng Liu
Local 172
Mr. Matthew Lubart
Luxottica Retail
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mack
Mr. Daniel Madrid
Ms. Jen Matthews
McCarter Theater
Ms. Christine McCarthy
Ms. Heather McCusker
Mr. Dwight McDaniels
Ms. Patricia McManus
Mercer Co. Prosecutor’s Office
Mercer Corporate Interiors
Mercer Regional Chamber
of Commerce
Ms. Mary Kay Mitchell
MMS Education
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mollo
Mom's Club of Burlington
Mom's Club of Florence
Ms. Scarlett Lee Moore
Ms. Mary Ann Morris
Mr. Barry Muller
Munich ReAmerica
Montessori Corner Children's
House of the Windsors
Music Together
Mr. and Mrs. Amol Naiksatam
NBC 10 Studios
NBC Universal
Newell Elementary School
New Garments Always (NGA)
New Hope-Soleberry Chapter
Salem Chapter
Trenton Chapter
Mr. Gerard Norton
Not So Silent Ranks
Nottingham Service Unit
Novo Nordisk
Mr. Jason O’Keefe/ The
Margarita Man
Oxford Communications
Ms. Marietta Palumbi
Paper Source, The
Mr. Thomas Paradise
Pennington Quality Market
Peter N. Laub, Jr. & Associates
Pet Life of Allentown
Petro Heating and Oil
Philadelphia Insurance
Philadelphia Wings Lacrosse
Mr. Wayne Pinkstone
Ms. Julie Potthoff
Ms. Eileen Powers
Princess Nail Salon
Princeton Day School
Radware, Inc.
Red Star Pizza
Mrs. Donna Pressma
Ms. Christine Reilly
Ms. Rebecca Rembish
River Country
Robbinsville Cub Scout Pack 79
Mrs. Lisa Roy
Mr. James Rudy
Rue Insurance Company
Mr. Donagh Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. William Sappington
Ms. Margaret Savino
Ms. Linda Schenck
Ms. Mark Segal
Sesame Place
Shady Brook Farm
Shahnam Sharareh
Ms. Rebecca Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Silverberg
Solebury United
Methodist Church
Ms. Robin Solomon
SRI International Sarnoff
St. Ann's School
St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic
Church Youth Fellowship
St. Mark Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Stash Tea
Mrs. Brendalee Staufenberg
Mr. John Stellato
Mr. Paul Straub
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stroman
Ms. Claudia Strouse
Mr. Jerrod Suber
Min Suh
Ms. Kelly Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Sutker
Sweet William & Thyme Florist
Ms. Judy Sylvester
Tabernacle School Third Graders
Ms. Christine Talbot
Terhune Orchards
TGI Fridays
Ms. Kelley Tharp
Ms. Teresa Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tiziker
Trenton Fire Department
Ms. Arlene Trinidad
Tropicana Casino & Resort
Ms. Teresa Turner
Ms. Theresa Vassallo
Ms. Dona Vukson
Ms. Rebecca Underwood
Unique Vacations, Inc.
Village Office Supply
Villagers of Allentown
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Voigtsberger
Mr. Greg Volpe
Ms. Mary Ann Wald
Walking Company, The
Ms. Barbara Ann Warner
Ms. Jennifer Weisberg-Millner
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Mr. Jonathan Weiner
Mrs. Denise Wentzler
West Trenton
Presbyterian Church
Ms. Ericka Williams
Mr. Alexander Wixted
Mr. Richard Woodbridge
Ms. Samantha Yadlon
Mr. James Young
Ms. Lauren Zdeb/River Notes
Mr. Douglas Zeltt
Zumbel LLC
Remember to designate
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If so, simply ask your
employer for a matching gift form, complete it and
mail it to us with your contribution made payable to
CHS of NJ. You’ll increase the value of your gift and help twice
as many at-risk children.
It’s that easy!
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
Moving Upward: Ways You Can Help Our Children
V IN &
Voluntary contributions from caring friends like you provide the funding for a wide variety of services that enable at-risk infants and young children living in New
Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania to succeed in life and become productive members of society. Through your gift today, you will help to ensure the availability of
these important services in the future and give more children the chance to benefit from them and reach their full potential. Please visit us on the internet at
www.chsofnj.org or contact us at (609) 695-6274 ext. 161 to make a gift or to learn more about these many ways to give.
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey Annual Report Year Ending May 31, 2012
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Photo by Victoria Yokota