Case Study – Cirque De Soleil


Case Study – Cirque De Soleil
Case Study – Cirque De Soleil
Cirque de Soleil was one of original strategic moves studied by Profs Chan Kim and Mauborgne in the HBR best seller, Blue Ocean Strategy. A one (me accordion player, s(lt-­‐walker, and fire-­‐eater, Guy Labiberte and CEO of Cirque de Soleil achieved in a few short years the kind of revenue levels that the global champions of the circus industry (Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey) had taken hundreds of years to create. What made Cirque de Soleil’s rapid growth remarkable was that it was achieved in a declining industry (tradi(onal strategic analysis such as Porter’s five forces would have pointed to an unaSrac(ve, unprofitable and unsustainable opportunity). But through crea(ng value innova(on Cirque de Soleil didn’t just refine the industry. As they claimed in their early years: ‘We reinvent the circus’. Formula(on Valida(on Execu(on Case Study – Cirque De Soleil
Looking to the four ac(ons framework the Cirque de Soleil strategic move included: Raise Eliminate: •  Unique venue • 
Star performers • 
Animal shows Create • 
Aisle concession sales •  Theme • 
Mul(ple show arenas •  Refined environment •  Mul(ple produc(ons Reduce •  Ar(s(c music and dance • 
Fun and humour • 
Thrill and danger Formula(on Valida(on Execu(on