agenda - Tulsa Public Schools
agenda - Tulsa Public Schools
AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Independent School District Number One, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Monday, August 7, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the Cheryl Selman Room, Ground Floor Level, at the Charles C. Mason Education Service Center, 3027 South New Haven, Tulsa, Oklahoma. With the exception of item A-1, the Board of Education reserves the right to take up any agenda item in any order regardless of how items are listed. A. OPENING EXERCISES A-1. Call to order and confirm that a quorum of the Board is present. A-2. Flag salute. A-3. Remind those wishing to address the Board, sign with the clerk -- 5-minute limit. A-4. Motion and vote to adopt Agenda. B. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS C. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS/RESOLUTIONS C-1. Good News! Presentation of District-wide student achievement and events. D. Approve minutes of the following meetings of the Board of Education. E. Regular Meeting Special Meeting July 24, 2006 July 20, 2006 CONSENT AGENDA - Motion and vote on recommendations. E-1. RECOMMENDATION: Approve field trips for students participating in a field trip to Blue Springs South Softball Tournament and an International exchange trip to Amiens, France. E-2. RECOMMENDATION: Enter into/renew contracts and/or agreements with persons or organizations for outside services. E-3. RECOMMENDATION: Approve payments for outside services. E-4. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Remington Elementary to pay individual artists (to be named) to infuse art into the classrooms during the 2006-07 school year as a part of the $100,000 Arts Infusion grant received by the school. E-5. RECOMMENDATION: Approve purchases from outside vendors. E. CONSENT AGENDA - Continued E-6. RECOMMENDATION: Renew the deregulated school day for the Twilight Academy alternative education school for the 2006-2007 school year. E-7. RECOMMENDATION: Correct the June 19, 2006, Agenda item E-3, #17, page 30, to remove Columbia Teen Screen. Columbia Teen Screen was submitted as part of this agenda item in error. This item is for the provision of school-based comprehensive mental health and social services to Washington, Central, East Central, Memorial, Hale, Webster, Rogers, TSST and Edison through the Mental Health Association in Tulsa. Contract services will be provided from July 3, 2006 – June 30, 2007. There will be no cost to the District. FURTHER RECOMMEND that the attorney for the District prepares the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. E-8. RECOMMENDATION: Exercise the second and final option to renew the contract with Concentra Medical Centers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for occupational medicine and drug screening services during 2006-07. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the District prepare the appropriate contract and that the proper officer of the District be authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the District. E-9. RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel position creations and/or deletions. E-10. RECOMMENDATION: Correct previously approved personnel position creations and/or deletions. E-11. RECOMMENDATION: Approve routine staffing items. E-12. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase plumbing equipment for the Maintenance Department as needed during 2006-2007 from Grainger Industrial Supply, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Heatwave Supply, Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Mark's Plumbing Parts, Fort Worth, Texas, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal, chargeable to the applicable fund/account. PO E-13. RECOMMENDATION: Pay The Watts Company, the low bidder, to provide interior modifications at Hamilton Middle School in the amount of $34,940. E-14. RECOMMENDATION: Approve school property lease agreements. E-15. RECOMMENDATION: Pay certified instructors and noncertified instructors 75 percent of tuition collected for individual classes taught for the Community Education program from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007. (Names are to be provided after the course is taught during the year.) E-16. RECOMMENDATION: Correct item E-23, page 45, of the April 3, 2006, Agenda regarding an agreement with GDH Consulting to include an additional account number. The funding should have reflected both fiscal years 05-06 and 06-07. The total amount of $25,000 did not change. August 7, 2006 2 F. ACTION AGENDA - Discussion, motion and vote on each recommendation. F-1. RECOMMENDATION: Pay Melinda Michalec to present the Write Reflections Workshop at Academy Central Elementary on August 14, 2006. The cost not to exceed $2,700 is funded through Professional Development. G. INFORMATION AGENDA G-1. RECOMMENDATION: Enter into a contract with The University of Oklahoma, Office of Research Services, to compile and complete the required grant evaluation (Annual Performance Report) of the Tulsa’s Leadership Challenge grant. Services will be provided between August 22, 2006, and June 30, 2007. The total cost will not exceed $20,000. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District prepare the appropriate contract and the proper offices of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person Roberta Ellis) G-2. RECOMMENDATION: Approve payment for outside services. G-3. RECOMMENDATION: Approve membership and participation between Tulsa Public Schools and Tech-Now, Inc. linking students to post-secondary education and employment during the 2006-07 school year. There is no cost to the District. G-4. RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel position creations and/or deletions. G-5. RECOMMENDATION: Renew a license agreement with Follett Alliance Plus for the use of various online/internet reference materials to be used throughout the District for the 2006-2007 School year, at a cost not to exceed $20,143.30. G-6. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase two mobile classrooms from Williams Scotsman, 1830 N. 170tth E. Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74116-4920, at a cost of $100,393. G-7. RECOMMENDATION: Increase the contract with CWC Interiors to replace resilient flooring at Sequoyah and Springdale elementary schools in the amount of $28,500. Change Order Number Two G-8. RECOMMENDATION: Increase the contract with CWC Interiors to replace resilient flooring at Carver, Hamilton, and Lewis & Clark middle schools, and Cherokee Elementary School in the amount of $12,750. Change Order Number Two. G-9. RECOMMENDATION: Increase the contract with the Watts Company, construction manager at risk, for the athletic improvements at Hale and Rogers high schools, and the interior renovations at Carver Middle School in the amount of $40,000. Change Order Number One G-10. RECOMMENDATION: Enter into a contract with the lowest responsible bidder for the installation of a new HVAC System at Memorial High School in the approximate amount of $3,500,000. August 7, 2006 3 G. INFORMATION AGENDA – Continued G-11. RECOMMENDATION: Enter into a contract with the lowest responsible bidder to re-roof sites as listed at an approximate cost of $1,750,000. Bid Package 1-Memorial High School Bid Package 2-Mayo Demonstration School G-12. RECOMMENDATION: Increase the contract with Lassiter Richey Company for the installation of artificial turf and track at LaFortune and S. E. Williams stadiums at a cost of $40,000. Change Order Number One G-13. RECOMMENDATION: Pay the lowest responsible bidder for the purchase and installation of intercom hall speakers at various sites in an amount not to exceed $46,000 H. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS I. STAFF REPORTS J. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS/CONCERNS K. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORTS L. ANNOUNCEMENTS The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 21, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cheryl Selman Room at the Charles C. Mason Education Service Center. M. MOTION AND VOTE TO ADJOURN This is an open, public meeting held in accordance with the Open Meeting Laws of the State of Oklahoma. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the business of the School District. As the elected representatives of the School District voters and school patrons, the School Board members will be making decisions concerning the operation of the School District. Persons desiring to address the Board concerning items not on the agenda must submit a written request form, available from the Clerk of the School Board, at least seven days prior to each meeting. Statements to the School Board by members of the public are limited to five (5) minutes each. August 7, 2006 4 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-1 Field Trips MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: FUNDING AMOUNT 8-07-06 N/A ( ) If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Approve field trips for staff and students participating in a field trip to Blue Springs South Softball Tournament and an International exchange trip to Amiens France. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Field trip experiences extend the learning beyond the classroom and create numerous opportunities for students to participate in quality learning experiences. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: The being there experiences for extra-curricular cultural/educational exchanges and the development of teamwork and collaboration in various competitions encourage families to choose Tulsa Public Schools. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 5 FIELD TRIPS 1. The Memorial High School’s softball team will participate in the Blue Springs South Softball Tournament in Blue Springs, Missouri, September 15 and 16, 2006. The total cost of the trip is not to exceed $1,000 and will be funded through Memorial Student Activity Fund 544. DISCUSSION: This competition provides students with challenging experiences—helping them to strive for maximum success. Students, parents and faculty have the opportunity to interact through efficient learning and performance. RELEVANT DATA: Memorial’s softball team participates in two (2) tournaments per school year. This will be the third (3rd) consecutive year they have competed at Blue Springs, Missouri. 2. Thoreau Demonstration Academy will send ten students (TBD), Aida Hatter, teacher and parent chaperones to Amiens, France, from May, 2007 to June, 2007, for an exchange program with students from France. Students will live with host families, attend school and immerse themselves in the French culture. Students from France will attend Thoreau Demonstration Academy in April, 2007. Total cost not to exceed $7,000 and will be funded through parent costs and Student Activity Fund 592. DISCUSSION: The exchange trip supports multicultural learning, language skills development, and international experience consistent with the provision of a quality educational experience. The exchange program provides a unique experience for educators generating more creativity and knowledge in preparing effective lessons in global awareness education. RELEVANT DATA: Thoreau Demonstration Academy has participated in the student exchange program for five years. August 7, 2006 6 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-2 Contract and Agreements MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 7-24-06 8-07-06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO X RECOMMENDATION: Enter into/renew contracts and/or agreements with persons or organizations for outside services. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The quality of learning experiences for students and families in Tulsa Public Schools will be enhanced through various services and activities. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: An array of services and activities tailored to the needs of students and families enhance our vision as the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 7 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS 1. Enter into a contract with Dr. Jed Baker for six (6) hours of professional development on autism and related syndromes, for Tulsa Public Schools certified staff, on October 10, 2006. The total cost will not exceed $4,500, and is funded through 7-11-6210-50-2573-3200-239-6516-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the District prepares the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Taylor Young). DISCUSSION: Dr. Jed Baker is a nationally recognized speaker on autism and related syndromes, and has published books addressing behavioral interventions for students on the autism spectrum. Many classroom teachers face difficult and challenging behaviors with children on the autism spectrum, and need current and progressive approaches to adequately reach these children. Dr. Baker will provide teachers with an understanding of these challenging behaviors, a hierarchy of behavior/frustration management strategies, and social skills training so badly needed to sufficiently serve children currently identified on the autism spectrum and the unidentified children with behaviors that mirror autism. RELEVANT DATA: Tulsa Public Schools has approximately 300 students identified on the autism spectrum, and an unknown number of unidentified children with behavioral issues that mirror autism. Dr. Jed Baker will be able to assist 150200 regular and special education teachers to more adequately teach and provide support for students on the spectrum. 2. Enter into a contract with Evans Newton, Inc. to provide science curriculum alignment for new adopted textbooks, Target Strategies/Target Fundamentals training for new teachers and new school sites, and iTargetTeach Management Software. Total cost not to exceed $433,676.41 paid from Title I District Improvement monies, 7-11-5118-50-2213-3200-494-0000-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND that the attorney for the School District reviews and revises the appropriate contract and the proper offices of the Board of Education are authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. DISCUSSION: Under P.L. 107-110, when a District is identified in need of improvement, at least 10% of Title I funds must be set aside to provide high quality professional development that directly addresses the academic achievement problem that caused the District to be identified for school improvement. This contract will complete the alignment process and integrate teacher recommendations into the alignment/assessment process. The TargetTeach Management Software will provide each teacher with online desktop access to benchmarking results and reports, pacing calendar, teacher resources and lesson planner modules for the 2006-2007 school year. RELEVANT DATA: In 2004-2005, 92% or 75 Tulsa Public Schools attained adequate yearly progress. August 7, 2006 8 3. Enter into a contract with Youth Services of Tulsa to provide school-based comprehensive mental health and social services to Clinton Middle School. Contract services will be provided from August 8, 2006 – June 30, 2007. Cost for services will not exceed $50,000 and are funded through 7-11-6210-50-2113-3200239-6516-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the District prepares the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Taylor Young). DISCUSSION: The provision of these services will assist the school to implement services under IDEA. The Individual with Disabilities Education Act specifically mandated that schools provide counseling and mental health services to students with IEPs, and to families of students with IEPs, if necessary for the student to receive reasonable benefits from their educational experience. This contract will provide services for children who require them without forcing the student to be identified as a special education student. These school-based services will include individual counseling, family counseling, referral services, classroom consultation, and team intervention and case management. Services provided under this contract will operate through the Child Study Teams and will provide an excellent opportunity to increase the skills and training of our own staff members who participate in the team process. The program components will be provided by a Licensed Practicing Counselor (LPC) or Master of Social Work (MSW) under the supervision of Youth Services and the principal of the school. The Department of Special Education and Student Services will design a program evaluation component with the providers of the contract and the schools receiving the services to measure and report the attainment of stated goals related. Program components support the academic goals by decreasing out-of-school suspensions, improving attendance, and increasing classroom academic learning time. RELEVANT DATA: The provision of these services will allow for up to 50 children to receive comprehensive behavioral and/or emotional support. August 7, 2006 9 4. Enter into a contract with Evans Newton, Inc. to provide Instructional Facilitator coaching, four (4) days per facilitator for the 2006-2007 school year. Total cost not to exceed $380,000 paid from Title I District Improvement monies, 7-11-5118-502213-3200-494-0000-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND that the attorney for the School District reviews and revises the appropriate contract and the proper offices of the Board of Education are authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. DISCUSSION: Under P.L. 107-110, when a District is identified in need of improvement, at least 10% of Title I funds must be set aside to provide high quality professional development that directly addresses the academic achievement problem that caused the District to be identified for school improvement. The formalized coaching of Instructional Facilitators will build a level of sustainability within the District that ensures a road map to success. Each Instructional Facilitator will learn how to facilitate a proven school improvement model: a. b. c. d. e. Identify and prioritize instructional goals Align curriculum to state standards and correlate instructional materials Develop building wide fill the gaps process Use benchmarking to pinpoint instructional areas in need of improvement Monitor student progress and disaggregate data. RELEVANT DATA: In 2004-2005, 92% or 75 Tulsa Public Schools attained adequate yearly progress. 5. Renew contract with Tulsa Speech and Hearing Association (TSHA), for interpreting services, August 8, 2006 – June 30, 2007. The total amount will not exceed $5,000 and will be charged to 7-11-6210-50-1000-3200-239-6516-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the District prepares the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Taylor Young). DISCUSSION: This contract will enable us to provide interpreter services for hearing impaired TPS teachers during professional development, for patrons who attend District-sponsored meetings and for Tulsa Public Schools students on an emergency basis whenever a Tulsa Public Schools interpreter is unavailable. RELEVANT DATA: During 2005-06, interpreting services through TSHA were provided at a cost of $300. This creation of a specific line item within the Department of Special Education and Student Services federal budget will facilitate staff, patrons and students who require accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. August 7, 2006 10 6. Renew contract with Youth Services of Tulsa to provide individual/group counseling services at Franklin Youth Academy for 2006-2007. Total cost will not exceed $11,400 and will be funded through 7 11 3880 50 2113 3200 430 6513 000 05 646 FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District be directed to review and approve the appropriate contract and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Rick Palazzo). DISCUSSION: Youth Services of Tulsa will provide counseling services to students attending the Franklin Youth Academy during the 2006-2007 school year. RELEVANT DATA: Franklin Youth Academy serves each year, a significant number of older high school students that are experiencing a myriad of social/emotional difficulties. Student exit interviews and self-reports indicate that these on-site social work services provide a critical source of guidance and support. 7. Renew collaborative agreement with Ocean Dental, Inc. to provide free non-invasive dental screenings for Tulsa Public Schools grades K-5th for the 2006-2007 school year and incorporate on-site dental services for grades K-12. There is no cost to the District. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District be directed to review the appropriate agreements and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the District, once approved by the attorney for the School District. (Contact person, Taylor Young). DISCUSSION: Ocean Dental, Inc. will provide free non-invasive dental screenings for students grades K-5th for the 50 lowest income schools and on-site dental services for grades K-12. School participation is voluntary, based on Principal selection. The screening will be administered by a Registered Dental Hygienist. The on-site dental services will be provided under the auspices of the Ocean Dental Dentist. Schools with high Spanish speaking population’s can request a Spanish speaking assistant. Ocean Dental’s permission slips and screening forms will be printed in both English and Spanish. Only students with signed permission slips will be screened and/or receive dental services. Ocean Dental will bill all eligible costs through Medicaid. RELEVANT DATA: Improving and maintaining the health of students has been shown to be a vital component in academic performance. In 2005-06, Ocean Dental screened 11,433 students with referrals made for the 4,300 who had suspicious dental findings. All Principals were surveyed for participation in the 2006-07 school year. August 7, 2006 11 8. Renew contract with Family and Children Services to provide counseling services at Twilight Academy for 2006-2007. Total cost will not exceed $11,500 and will be funded through 7 11 3880 50 2113 3200 430 6513 000 05 635. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District be directed to review and approve the appropriate contract and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Rick Palazzo). DISCUSSION: Family and Children Services will provide counseling services to students attending the Twilight Academy during the 2006-2007 school year. RELEVANT DATA: Twilight Academy is our only evening alternative education program and serves each year, a significant number of older high school students that are experiencing a myriad of social/emotional difficulties. Student exit interviews and self-reports indicate that these on-site social work services provide a critical source of guidance and support. 9. Renew contracts with the community facilities listed below in order to provide educational services to all appropriate and eligible students attending, or residing at, said facility during the 2006-2007 school year. Crewson Group Homes Hillcrest Medical Center Juvenile Detention Center Lakeside Home Laura Dester Shelter Laureate Hospital Margaret Hudson Program Phoenix Center Shadow Mountain Behavioral Health System Street School, Inc. Tulsa Center for Adolescent Treatment Tulsa Regional Medical Center Youth Services of Tulsa FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District review and approve the appropriate contracts and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contracts on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Rick Palazzo). DISCUSSION: These are established hospital, shelter or residency treatment sites that have requested educational services from the District. By state statues, the District is required to provide an appropriate number of teachers for the delivery of educational services. RELEVANT DATA: These programs serve over 500 students at any given time during the fall and spring semesters. August 7, 2006 12 10. Renew agreement with American Red Cross for Health Services, who has certified American Red Cross instructors, to provide First Aid/CPR training at $5 per employee and HIV/AIDS training for students, at no cost to the District, using Red Cross standards, for the 2006-07 school year. The total will not exceed $6,000 and will be charged to 7-11-6210-50-2132-3300-239-6516-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District be directed to review the appropriate agreement and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the District, once approved by the attorney for the School District. (Contact person, Taylor Young). DISCUSSION: Health Services will provide First Aid/CPR training to Tulsa Public Schools employees using American Red Cross standards. RELEVANT DATA: In 2005-06, Health Services trained 427 Tulsa Public Schools employees who received American Red Cross First Aid/CPR certification and 7,300 students received HIV/AIDS training. 11. Renew the contract with Resonance Center for Women for the purpose of providing Project A.C.C.E.P.T. at Roosevelt Elementary, Individual and Group Counseling at a rate of $35 an hour during the 2006-2007 school year. The total cost will not exceed $14,710 and is funded through 7 11 0000 50 2120 3230 430 0000 000 07 650. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District review and approve the appropriate contract and the proper officers of the Board of Education are authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Rick Palazzo). DISCUSSION: These counseling services will be an integral part of the on-going Project A.C.C.E.P.T. program that is a school-within-a-school elementary alternative education program for 1st through 5th grade located at Roosevelt Elementary School. RELEVANT DATA: The counseling services for Project A.C.C.E.P.T. were provided last school year at no cost to the district by the staff of the Resonance Center for Women through a one-time grant made possible by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health. This grant program, ‘KIDS QUEST’, was developed for the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to aid children in shaping more socially acceptable behaviors via an age appropriate curriculum and therapeutic individual/group setting. August 7, 2006 13 12. Renew the contract with Family and Children’s Services (F&CS) to provide therapeutic day school services and clinical supervision services for students at the Lindsey Learning Academy during the 2006-2007 school year. Total cost will not exceed $160,000 and will be funded through 7 71 2221 50 7200 6100 000 0000 000 06 076. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District to review and approve the appropriate contract and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Rick Palazzo). DISCUSSION: The services will provide additional case managers and therapists based on student enrollment at the Lindsey site and will also allow for clinical supervision and consultation services that are established at $100 per hour for five hours per week. RELEVANT DATA: Program evaluation data is being generated beginning the fall semester. During the past school year 43 students were provided services at Lindsey coming from some 17 different elementary schools. The summer program is currently serving approximately 24 students. 13. Renew a contract with Peak Parent Center for consultation and staff development and differentiated instruction with Tulsa Public Schools staff and parents/guardians, August 8, 2006 – June 30, 2007. The total amount of this contract will not exceed $85,000. $75,000 will be charged to 7-11-6210-50-2573-3200-239-6516-000-05093, and $10,000 to 7-11-5410-50-2213-3600-000-0000-000-05-093. FURTHER RECOMMEND that the attorney for the District review and approve the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Taylor Young). DISCUSSION: The Peak Parent Center is a nationally recognized non-profit organization approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and governed by parents of children with disabilities. The State of Oklahoma has established a performance indicator for special education to increase the amount of parent participation in the education process. This agreement will allow for multiple training sessions to occur with parents, staff, and community members to promote their advocacy for all students. In addition, this contract will also allow for the presentation of research-driven strategies to promote literacy education across all content areas for all K-12 students. Through the implementation of inclusive/diversified strategies for all children, we will develop broader and more effective learning communities. RELEVANT DATA: The stated goal is to conduct parent/staff training across the District, to increase parent participation in the special education process and promote differentiated instruction for all students. As part of this goal, workshops for the North Tulsa Community Schools will be presented which emphasizes diversified instructional strategies for elementary and secondary reading, as well as support for building a broad and effective learning community. August 7, 2006 14 14. Exercise the second option (of three) to renew the agreement with Josten’s Graduate Services to provide diplomas and diploma covers for the 2006-2007 graduating seniors at a cost of $3.43 each Total not to exceed $10,000 and will be charged to account 7-11-0071-50-2199-6100-000-0000-000-06-071. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the District reviews and approves the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person, Brad Schoeppey). DISCUSSION: Diplomas and covers will be provided to graduating high school seniors in May of 2007 RELEVANT DATA: The District bids diplomas out every three years. This is the third year in our three year agreement with Josten’s Graduate Services. 15. Enter into a contract with Educational Consulting Services for planning and continued implementation of the School Reform Model for Springdale Elementary, beginning August 8, 2006 through May 2007. Total cost will not exceed $10,000 and is funded through 7 11 5118 50 2213 3200 494 0000 000 05 415. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District reviews and approves the appropriate contract and that the proper officers of the School Board be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the School District. (Contract person Bob Burton) DISCUSSION: The services provided by ECS will include planning with school administration and staff. Activities will target professional development for staff and tracking of individual student data to improve classroom instruction. This will be a continuation of services and training for the school year 2006-2007 with a targeted focus on continued improvement in reading and math. RELEVANT DATA: Reading: Springdale should attain Safe Harbor status again for the 2005-06 school year. OCCT scores indicate continued improvement for regular education (70% passing) and ELL (61%passing), but they are still performing below state targeted levels. Students on IEP’s are performing significantly below state targeted levels. Math: Springdale exceeded the State of Oklahoma target goal in math for the 200405 school year, however scores did not improve for 2005-06 and in some areas actually slipped back. The OCCT scores included growth in 5th grade from 13% passing in 2003-04 to a passing rate of 64% in 2004-05 and 74% for 2005-06. Third grade scores fell from a 64% passing rate to 42% and 4th grade fell from 84% to 63%. August 7, 2006 15 16. Enter into a contract with YearMovie, Springfield, Missouri, to purchase DVD yearbooks, including software and training for 7 high schools at $5,000 per site. Total cost will not exceed $35,000 and is funded through 7 11 4120 50 1000 6500 316 8430 000 05 xxx. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District reviews and approves the appropriate contract and that the proper officers of the School District be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the School District. (Contact person Bob Burton) DISCUSSION: The Career and Technology Education Video Production Programs will use this product to produce a video yearbook on DVD that the schools can then provide copies to the student body. RELEVANT DATA: This program will provide needed structure to the video production programs while giving the programs a tangible outcome. This outcome will benefit the entire student body as the contract provides for each of the schools to receive 1,000 copies of the video yearbook to distribute to the students. Students in the programs will receive training from industry experts while producing this product. August 7, 2006 16 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-3 Payment for Outside Services MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 7-24-06 8-07-06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve payment for outside services. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The programs and services provided to support strong instructional programs in Tulsa Public Schools enhance the learning experiences of students daily. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: These programs and services promote Tulsa Public Schools as a District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 17 PAYMENT FOR OUTSIDE SERVICES 1. Pay Operation Aware of Oklahoma, Inc. to provide informational programs, to include Operation Aware, Second-Step, and Project Alert to Tulsa Public Schools students and participating private schools beginning August 8, 2006 through June 30, 2007. Total cost not to exceed $126,000 and is funded through 7 11 5510 50 1000 3200 100 7650 000 05 093. DISCUSSION: These programs address peer pressure, student behavior, selfimage, effects of drugs/alcohol, techniques on how to say no, violence prevention and additional information to assist students in becoming better citizens of their community. RELEVANT DATA: Operation Aware has been an effective program for Tulsa Public Schools for the past twenty years. 2. Pay Day Break Dynamics, Inc, to provide counseling services and educational programs on anger management to students and their parents/guardians who have been suspended for Verbal Assault Against School Personnel. These services are to be provided beginning August 8, 2006 through June 30, 2007. Total cost will not exceed $14,400 and is funded through 7-11-5510-50-1000-3200-000-0000-000-05093. DISCUSSION: The counseling services will provide students with an educational program on anger management ad addresses discipline/behavioral problems with high-risk students. RELEVANT DATA: This service will provide counseling services for students who are been suspended and completion of this course is required for the possible readmission of the student in compliance with the Tulsa Public School discipline policy. 3. Pay social worker, Melissa Slagle, MSSW, to provide a two day national certification course in Basic Critical Incident Stress Management/Debriefing (CISM/CISD) for the 2006-2007 school year (dates TBD). This training is limited to twenty-five (25) counselors, psychologists and social workers. The total cost will not exceed $4,500 and is funded through 7 11 5510 50 2573 3200 000 0000 000 05 093. DISCUSSION: The Basic CISM training program is designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum. The two day course prepares participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services including pre and post incident crisis education, significant other support services, on-scene support services, crisis intervention for individuals, demobilization after large scale traumatic incidents, small group defusing and the group intervention known as Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). RELEVANT DATA: This training will triple the number of Tulsa Public School’s Crisis Response Team members. Tulsa Public Schools will be one of three school districts CISM trained. August 7, 2006 18 4. Pay Yoriko “Lola” Perritt, educational consultant, at the rate not to exceed $1500 a day plus expenses to provide inservice for the North Tulsa Feeder Pattern School on August 8 and August 9, 2006. Total cost not to exceed $5,000 paid from Title I, 7-11-5118-50-2213-3200-494-0000-000-05-093. DISCUSSION: The North Tulsa schools, along with input from their community, designed a North Tulsa Plan to improve student achievement. A key component is the integration of math into the curriculum and the new science labs. Teachers will learn strategies to help them be successful in teaching math. RELEVANT DATA: The back to school in-service is called “Blasting Off on a ‘Mission’ to Higher Student Achievement through Science, Math, Technology and Literacy!” The ten days of staff development will provide practical strategies to implement the North Tulsa School Improvement Plan focusing on science, math, technology, and literacy. This is the second year that we have provided additional professional development days for the North Tulsa schools. 5. Pay Patricia Killingsworth, educational consultant, at the rate not to exceed $1500 a day plus expenses to provide inservice for the North Tulsa Feeder Pattern School on August 8 and August 9, 2006. Total cost to exceed $5,000 paid from Title I, 711-5118-50-2213-3200-494-0000-000-05-093. DISCUSSION: The North Tulsa schools, along with input from their community, designed a North Tulsa Plan to improve student achievement. A key component is the integration of science into the curriculum and the new science labs. Teachers will learn strategies to help them be successful in teaching science. RELEVANT DATA: The back to school in-service is called “Blasting Off on a ‘Mission’ to Higher Student Achievement through Science, Math, Technology and Literacy!” The ten days of staff development will provide practical strategies to implement the North Tulsa School Improvement Plan focusing on science, math, technology, and literacy. This is the second year that we have provided additional professional development days for the North Tulsa schools. 6. Pay for special education students to attend the Challenge Course during the 200607 school year. The charge for an ED class will be $400 to $500 (depending on the number of instructors required). MD groups require seven instructors and the fee will be $900. The total amount will not exceed $10,000 and will be charged to 7-116210-50-2720-8900-239-6516-000-05-093. DISCUSSION: The Challenge Course will provide opportunities for special needs students that are not normally available in the academic setting. Our students will participate in both team building (low ropes) and challenge (high ropes) activities. The Challenge Course objectives are aligned with the Tulsa Model and emphasize cooperation, trust, encouragement, perseverance and initiative. RELEVANT DATA: The Tulsa Public Schools course is the only school in this area which provides adventure activities for all students, including ED and MD, elementary through high school. During the 2005-06 school year, 196 TPS special education students participated in the Challenge Course. August 7, 2006 19 7. Engage and pay for professional services by independent evaluators for special education evaluations, on an as-needed basis, during 2006-2007, from various providers as specific circumstances require. The total of all will not exceed $10,000/yr., and will be charged to 7-11-6210-50-2152-3200-239-0000-000-05-093. DISCUSSION: Each year we are asked or agree to conduct independent evaluations performed by outside evaluators as a means to avoid litigation or to lessen our exposure in litigation. When a need is identified, time is of the essence. The amount of each evaluation varies with the type of evaluation needed. RELEVANT DATA: During the 2006-07 school year, $1,445 was spent on one (1) independent evaluation. 8. Pay St. Johns Counseling Services, Inc. to provide services to private schools in Tulsa during the 2006-07 school year, beginning August 8, 2006 through June 30, 2007. The total cost will not exceed $12,000 and is funded through 7-11-5510-501000-200-100-7650-000-05-093. DISCUSSION: These programs are available to elementary, middle, and high school students within the diocese. RELEVANT DATA: The counseling services provide services for high risk students enrolled in diocese schools. Tulsa Public Schools have been providing these services for the past 9 years. 9. Pay Dr. Eleanor Renee Rodriguez, educational consultant, at the rate of $3,500 day plus expenses to provide inservice for the North Tulsa Feeder Pattern and Madison Middle School on August 7 and August 8, 2006. Total cost will not exceed $9,000 and is funded through 7 11 5118 50 2213 3200 494 0000 000 05 093. DISCUSSION: The North Tulsa schools, along with input from their community, designed a North Tulsa Plan to improve student achievement. The back to school in-service will focus on the various components of the plan. During her key note address in the morning Dr. Rodriguez will speak about the importance of having high standards for all students. She will do an afternoon session with TSST staff and on Tuesday she will present break out sessions to elementary and middle school on strategies to improve student learning. RELEVANT DATA: The back to school in-service is called “Blasting Off on a ‘Mission’ to Higher Student Achievement Through Science, Math, Technology and Literacy!” The ten days of staff development will provide practical strategies to implement the North Tulsa School Improvement Plan. Dr. Rodriguez’s book I’m on a Mission: All Means All! will be purchased for staff to be used as a book study throughout the year. This is the second year that we have provided additional professional development days for the North Tulsa schools and Madison. August 7, 2006 20 10. Pay Palmer Drug Abuse of Tulsa to provide services to students who have been suspended from Tulsa Public Schools for drugs and/or alcohol, beginning August 8, 2006 through June 30, 2007. The total cost will not exceed $20,000 and is funded through 7-11-5510-50-1000-3200-000-0000-000-05-093. DISCUSSION: Focus is on drug/alcohol resistance and providing instruction to students and parents/guardians regarding decision making and healthy lifestyle choices. RELEVANT DATA: During the 2004-05 school year, 222 students were suspended for drug and alcohol use. This program is designed to help all students make healthy lifestyle choices. Completion of this program is required for the possible re-admission of students prior to serving full suspensions as noted in the Code of Student Conduct. August 7, 2006 21 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-4 Pay Outside Vendor MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn Judy Fessenden FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $12,000 7-24-06 8-07-06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 71 2833 50 7200 6100 000 0000 000 07 378 NO x RECOMMENDATION: Approve Remington Elementary to pay individual artists (to be named) to infuse art into the classrooms during the 2006-07 school year as a part of the $100,000 Arts Infusion grant received by the school. DISCUSSION: An anonymous foundation is seeking to fund an arts infusion initiative at Remington Elementary. The funding total is $100,000. Artists will collaborate with teachers on a weekly basis to infuse arts into the Tulsa Public Schools curriculum. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The project is designed to provide a quality education for every child, every day without exception. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: The project provides additional curriculum opportunities for students and will encourage parents to choose Tulsa Public Schools as the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Research supports arts infusion into the curriculum. Research design will include evaluation of appropriate instruments for the study, collection of all data required, analysis and reporting of the data. Databases for student, teacher, and school-level data will be maintained August 7, 2006 22 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-5 Purchase from Outside Vendor MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 7-24-06 8-07-06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Approve purchases from outside vendors. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The programs and services provided to support strong instructional programs in Tulsa Public Schools enhance the learning experiences of students daily. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: These programs and services promote Tulsa Public Schools as a District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 23 PURCHASES FROM OUTSIDE VENDORS 1. Purchase Titmus Vision Screeners, sight testing equipment, for 16 Tulsa Public School sites (TBD) from the most responsive and responsible offer or in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal. PO The cost will be approximately $26,240 and is funded through 7 11 6980 50 2132 6100 239 6516 000 05 093. DISCUSSION: Titmus machines are assigned to schools based upon the Title I listing of percentage of free and reduced lunches. In less than five minutes, the Titmus measures visual acuity (both far and near) hyperopia, binocularity, peripheral vision (optional), muscle balance, color perception, dept perception, and with the accompanying accessories, intermediate distances between 20 and 40 inches. This is the most trusted vision screening instrument available. first of its kind, with an acuity indicator that isolates one line at a time on the “E” Symbol Acuity Test, accurately indicating a student’s acuity level. RELEVANT DATA: In 2005-06, Health Services personnel screened 14,398 students for preliminary visual status. 1,086 students were referred for follow-up after the screenings, with 147 students receiving free glasses through the Health Services Eyeglass Program. Increasing the number of Titmus machines will assist with increasing the number of students screened and visual problems identified due to faster time and increased accuracy. 2. Purchase 20 portable tympanometer/audiometer combination units to continue replacement of current hearing screening equipment from the most responsive and responsible offeror in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal. PO. The total cost will not exceed $60,000 and is funded through 7 11 6210 50 2153 7390 239 6516 000 05 093. DISCUSSION: The combination units will ensure that Health Services staff has access to current technology to adequately assess the hearing and middle ear function of students. RELEVANT DATA: Health Services staff have the ability to screen the hearing of all students in the District. Hearing screening guidelines have led to the referral of over 200 students to the audiologist in 2005-06, many of which were identified with hearing loss and/or educational or medical concerns. August 7, 2006 24 3. Purchase Read 180 instructional materials and/or computer software and technology from Scholastic. These materials will be used for the provision of instruction to students on an Individualized Education Program (IEP), in the content area of reading at Hale, TSST, and other sites to be named. The total will not exceed $120,000 and will be charged to 7-11-6210-50-1000-6500-239-6516-00005-093. DISCUSSION: These materials will provide students who are on an IEP with the opportunity to receive supplemental instruction in reading. The Read 180 program is recognized nationally as a scientifically research-based method of providing supplemental instruction to students with significant reading delays. The Read 180 materials will be used to augment the District Tulsa Reads Model. RELEVANT DATA: Last year, $162,000 was spent to purchase Read 180 materials for students on an IEP. The purchase of these materials will provide for intervention in the content area of reading for additional students, and consequently will provide an opportunity for subscribing schools to demonstrate significant academic achievement for these students in the area of reading. August 7, 2006 25 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-6 Statutory Deregulation Request for Twilight Academy MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn Richard F. Palazzo FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: x FUNDING AMOUNT 7-24-06 8-07-06 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Renew the deregulated school day for the Twilight Academy, alternative education school for the 2006-2007 school year. DISCUSSION: The Twilight Academy is an alternative education school that serves middle and high school students at risk or not remaining in school and meeting requirements for graduation. The school hours are from 3:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., on Monday through Thursday. Attending four and one-half hours a day for four days a week meets the state requirement for alternative education school attendance. All alternative education schools must adhere to these requirements and have a deregulation request approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The Twilight Academy allows for a more flexible school attendance schedule by providing an afternoon to evening alternative program four days a week. Services provided by this alternative program help reduce the barriers that often lead to secondary students dropping out of school. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: The services and availability of this school program have widened both the choice and educational options for parents and students. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 26 RELEVANT DATA: Approximately 154 students were served during the 2005-2006 fall and spring semesters. The Twilight Academy is evaluated each summer by the Oklahoma Technical Assistance Center in Cushing, Oklahoma. It is expected this center will be providing a program evaluation to the district by mid-September. August 7, 2006 27 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-7 Correction to Previously Approved Agenda Item MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn Taylor L. Young FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: FUNDING AMOUNT 8/07/06 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Correct Agenda Item E-3, #17, page 30, approved June 19, 2006, to remove Columbia Teen Screen. Columbia Teen Screen was submitted as part of this agenda item in error. This item is for the provision of school-based comprehensive mental health and social services to Washington, Central, East Central, Memorial, Hale, Webster, Rogers, TSST and Edison through the Mental Health Association in Tulsa. Contract services will be provided from July 3, 2006 – June 30, 2007. There will be no cost to the District. FURTHER RECOMMEND that the attorney for the District prepares the appropriate contract and proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. DISCUSSION: A separate agenda item for Columbia Teen Screen will be submitted at a later date. The provision of these services in TPS will assist the schools to implement counseling, family intervention and mental health services. This contract will provide services for Medicaid-eligible children who require them without forcing the student to be identified as a special education student. These school-based services will include individual counseling, family counseling, referral services, classroom consultation, and team intervention and case management. Services provided under this contract will operate through the Child Study Teams and will provide an excellent opportunity to increase the skills and training of our own staff members who participate in the team process. The program components will be provided by a Licensed Practicing Counselor (LPC) or Master of Social Work (MSW) under the supervision of the Mental Health Association and the principal of the school. The Department of Special Education and Student Services will design a program evaluation component with the providers of the contract and the school receiving the services to measure and report the attainment of stated goals related. The following conditions must be met by Mental Health Association: 1) All Mental Health Association staff must provide proof that they have permission from the parent/guardian to work with a student in the building. The counselor will only see the student at the time specified by the principal. If, at any time, the Mental Health Association staff demonstrates August 7, 2006 28 actions which are inappropriate and create a disruption within the school, the principal may request them to leave and discontinue allowing them to see the student during the school day. 2) The Mental Health Association employee must have in their possession, at all times, a current photo ID which identifies them as a staff member of Mental Health Association. 3) The Mental Health Association counselor may not be written into a student’s IEP. 4) Mental Health Association may only work with students who are Medicaid eligible. 4) Mental Health Association may not work with students and charge the parent/guardian or the parent’s/guardian’s insurance. 5) Mental Health Association staff will be required to submit proof to the Department of Special Education and Student Services that they have passed background checks and a drug screening in order to be in the building. A list of approved staff who has met these criteria will be sent to the school from the Department of Special Education and Student Services. Program components support the academic goals of TPS by decreasing out-of-school suspensions, improving attendance, and increasing classroom academic learning time. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Behavioral and/or mental health services provided within a school setting in a team effort will enhance the educational opportunities for students to demonstrate high levels of academic achievement and social responsibility. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Students whose emotional and behavioral needs are being addressed demonstrate greater school participation and higher levels of achievement. These services will provide the opportunity for families and children to receive a broad range of services designed to increase their greater participation within the educational community of TPS. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: The provision of these services will allow for students to receive comprehensive behavioral and/or emotional support. Mental Health Association will hire and pay the therapists assigned to the schools. August 7, 2006 29 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-8 Occupational Medicine and Drug Screening Services MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bill Naftzger FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 7-24-06 8-7-06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 11 0000 50 2574 3360 000 0000 000 04 041 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Exercise the second and final option to renew the contract with Concentra Medical Centers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for occupational medicine and drug screening services during 2006-07. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the District prepare the appropriate contract and that the proper officer of the District be authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the District. DISCUSSION: Concentra conducts drug screening of all new hires, DOT random drug testing and DOT physicals as needed, work related injury treatment and other health screenings and physicals as may be required. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Quality learning experiences begin with high quality staff and a safe work environment. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: A safe work environment encourages excellent personnel to seek employment with Tulsa Public Schools and choose to remain. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Expenditures during 2005-06 totaled approximately $67,000 for preemployment screenings and physicals. August 7, 2006 30 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-9 Position Creations and/or Deletions MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bill Naftzger FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 7-24-2006 8-07-2006 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 6 11 7787 50 2194 1210 100 0000 322 05 093 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel position creations and/or deletions. DISCUSSION: Implement changes based on the re-evaluation of the positions listed. Funding for the upgrades will originate from funds set aside for adjustments and will be included in the applicable division budget. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: A quality work environment is based on positions that are properly aligned with department/office responsibilities, and are competitive with compensation in the marketplace. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: An efficient and quality work environment encourages employees to work at their highest potential. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Creations/Deletions to date (since 7/01/05): Creations: Deletions: August 7, 2006 Administrative 6 0 Certificated 25 1 31 Support 0 0 Certificated/Administrative: Create: Position Coordinator of Gear UpESC/ Office of Federal Projects & Special Projects Salary/Grade Duties EL-15 12 months Coordinate all staff and activities involved in the Gear Up Project. Works in cooperation with grant contractors in their efforts to accomplish contracted responsibilities. Recruits additional partners, tutors and mentors. This will also include monitoring and evaluation of the recruitment, screening and training of tutors and mentors. Monitor all aspects of the Gear Up Projects as required. PT-1 12 month Provide support to Before & After School Care Program Coordinator and sites. Conduct site visits to ensure programs are in compliance with DHS regulations and TPS guidelines. Serve as a resource to Before & After School Care Program site supervisors and assistants. Appropriate step on Teacher’s Salary Schedule 190 days Provide consultive and/or direct instructional services to TPS-identified students within designated CAP programs per the TPS IEP process. Assist CAP staff to make modifications and adjustments in support with classrooms which promote inclusionary practices to the maximum extent possible under the supervision of the DD Program Specialist, maintaining a calendar and service delivery roster/caseload at assigned sites on a consistent basis. Annual Budget Impact: $ 56,800 (Min.) $ 81,700 (Max.) Funding Source: 7-11-7787-50-2330-000-1007650-108-05-093 Team Leader-ESC/ Before & After Care Program Annual Budget Impact: $25,100 (Min.) – $36,100 (Max.) Funding Source: 7-11-0390-20-3300-1210-0000000-110-10-085 Itinerant DD Program Teacher-ESC/Special Education Annual Budget Impact: $ 29,000 (Min.) $ 49,371 (Max.) Funding Source: 7-11-6210-50-1000-1110239-6516-210-05-093 August 7, 2006 32 Delete: Position Salary/Grade Coordinator of Gear UpESC/Office of Federal Projects & Special Projects EL-14 12 months Annual Budget Impact: $ 56,800 (Min.) $ 81,700 (Max.) Duties Coordinate all staff and activities involved in the Gear Up Project. Works in cooperation with grant contractors in their efforts to accomplish contracted responsibilities contracted responsibilities. Monitor all aspects of the Gear Up Project as required. Funding Source: 7-11-7787-50-2330-000-1007650-108-05-093 Support: Create: Position Transfer Specialist, ESC/School & District Accountability Salary/Grade Grade 3 260 days Duties Process all county transfer applications. Process student enrollment, attendance, suspensions, Federal Aid (3B) information for the district and other duties assigned. Annual Budget Impact: $ 8.20 (Min.) $ 10.77 (Max.) Funding Source: 7-11-0000-50-2112-0000000-0000-609-13-058 Delete: Position Attendance Clerk/ School & District Accountability Salary/Grade Grade 3 200 days Duties Process student enrollment, attendance, suspensions, Federal Aid (3B) information for the district and other duties assigned. Annual Budget Impact: $ 8.20 (Min.) $ 10.77 (Max.) Funding Source: 7-11-0000-50-2112-0000000-0000-609-13-058 August 7, 2006 33 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-10 Position Creation and/or Deletion Corrections MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bill Naftzger FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: FUNDING AMOUNT 8-07-2006 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 6 11 7787 50 2194 1210 100 0000 322 05 093 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Correct previously approved personnel position creations and/or deletions. DISCUSSION: Implement changes based on the re-evaluation of the positions listed. Funding for the upgrades will originate from funds set aside for adjustments and will be included in the applicable division budget. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: A quality work environment is based on positions that are properly aligned with department/office responsibilities, and are competitive with compensation in the marketplace. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: An efficient and quality work environment encourages employees to work at their highest potential. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Creations/Deletions to date (since 7/01/06): Creations: Deletions: August 7, 2006 Administrative 6 0 Certificated 25 1 34 Support 0 0 Certificated/Administrative: Create: Position Director of Staff Development and Leadership Training, Fulton/Teaching and Learning Salary/Grade EL-19 12 months Annual Budget Impact: $ 71,700 (Min.) $ 103,100 (Max.) Duties Responsible for developing, implementing, managing, supervising and evaluating the district’s staff development and training programs for professional educators; technical, administrative, and other professional personnel; and classified personnel within Tulsa Public Schools. Correcting funding approved 7/10/06. Funding Source: 7-11-0000-50-2213-0000000-0000-106-11-044 Application Support Analyst-ESC/ISS PT-7 12 months Annual Budget Impact: $ 35,700 (Min.) $ 51,200 (Max.) Includes the support of administrative and instructional applications on multiple platforms. Includes the management of all related issues such as problem resolution, vendor support, release levels, costs, enhancements and documentation. Provides liaison between users and programming staff. Funding Source: Correcting funding approved 7/10/06 7-11-0000-50-2582-0000000-0000-881-02-056 Coordinator, Gear Up, ESC/Office of Staff Development & Leadership Training EL-15 12 months Annual Budget Impact: $ 56,800 (Min.) $ 81,700 (Max.) Coordinate all staff and activities involved in the Gear Up Project. Works in cooperation with grant contractors in their efforts to accomplish contracted responsibilities. Recruits additional partners, tutors and mentors. This will also include monitoring and evaluation of the recruitment, screening and training of tutors and mentors. Monitor all aspects of the Gear Up Projects as required. Funding Source: Correcting site approved 7/24/06 7-11-7787-50-2330-000100-7650-108-05-093 August 7, 2006 35 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-11 Staffing Items MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bill Naftzger FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: FUNDING AMOUNT 8-07-2006 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve routine staffing items. DISCUSSION: These routine personnel actions implement the various human resources plans and priorities authorized by the board for fiscal year 2006 RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Provision of a quality learning experience depends upon recruiting, employing, promoting and responsibly compensating excellent employees. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: A quality work environment encourages excellent personnel to seek employment with Tulsa Public Schools and choose to remain. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Adm/Cert: Support: Sub/Temp: Elections 171 39 93 August 7, 2006 Staffing actions to date (since 7/01/06): Adjustments 38 27 Resignations 92 33 36 Terminations 3 3 Retirements 0 3 Deceased 0 0 Leaves 0 7 CERTIFICATED/ADMINISTRATIVE ELECTIONS Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Adair, LaVerne 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-4 $31,676.00 Albrecht, Denetta D. 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-6 32,476.00 Teacher-Mark Twain/ Grade 1 Albrecht, Joseph 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-0 30,056.00 Teacher-Mark Twain/ Math Anderson, Kimberly B. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Addams/ Grade 4 Applegate, Rachel L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Sequoyah/ Grade 5 Babinec, Molly Kay 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Park/Grade 3 Beavers, Jacqueline 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Mitchell/Pre-K Beck, Allyson 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-10 33,300.00 Teacher-Barnard/Grade 4 Former Employee (f.e.) Bergman, Sarah 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Barnard/Grade 2 Brake, Sondra R. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-6 31,000.00 Teacher-Park/Grade 5 f.e. Brock, Bridget 7/05/06 6/30/07 M-4 38,731.91 1,831.00 Counselor-Kendall-Whittier Stipend Rate: $39,120.00 Name Assignment Teacher-Eugene Field/ Kindergarten Burgess, Laura 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-4 30,600.00 Teacher-Owen/Grade 2 f.e. Burkeen, Sarah 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-6 31,000.00 Teacher-Jackson/ Grade 2 f.e. Burton, Kathryn 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Kerr/Pre-K Cagle, Jennifer 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-4 30,600.00 Teacher-Thoreau/ Math & Science August 7, 2006 37 Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Carlson, Michael 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-5 $30,600.00 Carroll, Debra A. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-2 29,800.00 Teacher-Byrd/Language Arts Carter, Peter A. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-McClure/PE Castell, Lillie Irene 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-1 29,400.00 Teacher-ECDC/Pre-K Cathey, Gary L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-0 30,056.00 Teacher-McKinley/ Grade 3 Cottom, Nina 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-10 33,300.00 Teacher-Nimitz/Math Cuellar, Cassy M. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Columbus/ Grade 2 Dahl, Carolyn M. 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-4 31,676.00 Teacher-Emerson/ Grade 4 Davis, Brenda Carol 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-18 1-CI 40,730.00 Teacher-Byrd/Language Arts f.e. DeSpain, Samuel Blake 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-7 31,800.00 Teacher-Lewis & Clark/ Math Easley, Linda Ann 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Salk/ Kindergarten Edmonson, Rebecca 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-East Central/ Biology Everidge, Janet Ann 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Cooper/Pre-K Ferguson, Christina 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-0 31,064.00 Teacher-Cleveland/Social Studies f.e. Flint, Dirk D. 8/04/06 5/31/07 B-5 31,000.00 Teacher-THSST/Tech. Lab Name August 7, 2006 38 Assignment Teacher-Newcomer/ Grade 4 & 5 Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Gardner, Dwayne 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-2 $29,800.00 Giddens, Jason 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-18 39,730.00 Teacher-Webster/Algebra f.e. Graham, Cheryel D. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Cooper/Grade 4 Hayes, Laura L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Skelly/Grade 1 Henderson, Larry 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-6 31,400.00 Teacher-Lewis & Clark, Foster/Leadership f.e. Hermanson, Meagan A. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Cooper/Grade 5 Hernandez, Susana 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-1 29,400.00 Teacher-Nimitz, Salk/ELL f.e. Hethernington, Jared 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-3 30,200.00 Teacher-Webster/ Grade 9 Academy Holt, Casey D. 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Eugene Field/ Grade 3 Houston, Deanna M. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-McKinley/Pre-K f.e. Hunt, Robin L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-18 2-CI 41,730.00 Teacher-Mayo/Grade 4 &5 Hutchinson, Krysten 8/04/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Madison/Math Jennings, Rachel Anne 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Academy Central/Grade 4 Kelly, Steve A. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 14,500.00 Teacher-Carver/ Leadership Half-Time Rate: $29,000.00 Kesler, Giulianna M. 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Marshall/ Grade 4 Name August 7, 2006 39 Assignment Teacher-Washington/ Biology Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount King, Bethany Meleah 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-3 $30,200.00 Teacher-Cooper/Grade 1 King, Geraldina 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Zarrow/Grade 5 Kingsley, Isla 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-10 33,300.00 Teacher-Wright/Pre-K f.e. Kirk, Angela Marie 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Mark Twain/ Grade 2 Lang, Billy Travis 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-13 34,960.00 Teacher-East Central/ Drivers Education f.e. Lawrence, Sandra 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-17 38,520.00 1,926.00 Teacher-East Central/ Special Education f.e. Lee, Nathalle 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Grissom/ Grade 3 Loegering, Angela M. 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-5 32,076.00 Teacher-Carver/French f.e. Louk, Ashley 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Hale/Algebra Macias, Ana 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-1 30,466.00 Teacher-Kendall-Wittier/ELL Maeder, Amanda G. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Celia Clinton/ Grade 1 Maeer, Jessie Z. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-3 30,200.00 Teacher-Carver/Chinese Manley, Connie 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-17 38,520.00 1,926.00 Teacher-Hoover/ Special Education Maraviglia, Jason M. 8/04/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-THSST-English McFarland, Brenda 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-7 32,896.00 Teacher-Choteau/ Grade 2 Name August 7, 2006 40 Assignment Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount McKenzie, Rashelle 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-1 $29,400.00 McMullin, Lorri 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Barnard/Grade 5 Mitchell, Angel M. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-1 29,400.00 Teacher-Jackson/Fine Arts Moehle, Robin 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Choteau/ Grade 4 Moore, Elisabeth A. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Bell/Grade 1 Moore, Lisa A. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Kendall-Whittier/4 year old f.e. Morales, Joshua 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Memorial/Music Appreciation Morrow, Dustin 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-3 30,200.00 Teacher-Rogers/Biology Myers, Richard 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-East Central/ Science Nash, Dierdra 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Emerson/ Grade 2 Nutter, Kara 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Barnard/PE O’Dea, Patrice M. 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-12 35,576.00 Teacher-Marshall/ Grade 2 Oakes, Rhyan 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Columbus/ Grade 3 Papke, Gayla 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Mark Twain/ Pre-K Parker, Angela 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Choteau/Fine Arts Name August 7, 2006 41 Assignment Teacher-Lindberg/ Kindergarten Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Parks, Shawn 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-4 $30,600.00 Pauling, Kelly D. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Bell/Grade 5 Pereira, Jamie 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Central/English Pilgrim, Marina 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Marshall/ Grade 1 Prayton, Janet 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-10 33,300.00 Teacher-Owen/ Kindergarten Price, Shantel 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-MacArthur/Art Radjalapchoumy, Nariasimhan 8/01/06 6/21/07 M-0 30,056.00 1,502.80 Teacher-Kendall-Whittier/ Special Education Reagor, Vicki 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 1,400.00 Teacher-Cooper/ Special Education f.e. Reed, Kasie 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-4 30,600.00 Teacher-ECDC/Pre-K Reside, Lori 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-3 30,200.00 Teacher-Burroughs/ Reading Richard, Maxine 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-0 30,056.00 Instructional FacilitatorRemington Richman, Cherri 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Rogers/Career Tech Ruddick, Jeanne 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-2 29,800.00 Teacher-McKinley/ Grade 1 Santiago, Dania K. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-McKinley/ Grade 2 Shafer, Gloria B. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-7 31,800.00 Teacher-Bell/Grade 1 f.e. Name August 7, 2006 42 Assignment Teacher-Whitney/ Language Arts Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Short, Jordan J. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 $29,000.00 Silva, Tanya K. 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-2 30,876.00 Teacher-Zarrow/Grade 2 Smith, Elizabeth 8/04/06 5/31/07 B-18 CI-2 41,730.00 1,368.20 Teacher-THSST/Algebra Extended Days Smith, Jennifer M. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Lindbergh/ Grade 5 Spears, Lisa F. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-5 31,000.00 1,550.00 Teacher-Columbus/ Special Education f.e. Stacy, Denise T. 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Eugene Field/ Grade 1 Starnes, Patricia S. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-4 30,600.00 Teacher-Addams/ Grade 3 Steele, Laura D. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-1 29,400.00 Teacher-Emerson/ Grade 4 Stege-Spavins, Teresa 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Carver/Science Strong, Denna L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Bell/Grade 1 Stottsberrry, Lacey J. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 14,500.00 Teacher-Addams/ Art Half Time Rate: $29,000.00 Summers, Jamie 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Mayo/ Kindergarten Swearengen, Kristin 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Whitney/English Sweaney, Abbey L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Salk/Grade 5 Sweet, Jamie L. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Bell/Grade 3 Name August 7, 2006 43 Assignment Teacher-Cooper/PE Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Tate, Stephanie 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-3 $30,600.00 Thomas, Rebekah 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Owen/ Kindergarten Tiouti, Sheila 8/15/06 5/31/07 M-6 32,476.00 Teacher-Eisenhower/ French Tosh, Lori Ann 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-5 31,000.00 Teacher-McKinley/ Grade 1 f.e. Tyler, Carolyn 8/15/06 5/31/07 M30-22 2-CI 48,644.00 2,432.20 Teacher-McClure/ Special Education Villalobos, Jennifer 8/04/06 5/31/07 B-5 31,000.00 Teacher-Madison/ Science Warnke, Rebekah 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Eugene Field/ Grade 4 Waddell, LaJuanna 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Burroughs/ Grade 5 Waters, Abbie 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Eugene Field/ 4 year olds Whiteley, Jessica 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Cooper/Pre-K Williams, Carolyn 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-5 31,000.00 Teacher-Zarrow/Grade 4 Winkle, Chana R. 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Zarrow/Grade 1 Wirth, Shawnda 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-2 29,800.00 Teacher-Phillips/Grade 2 Womeldorff, Jennifer 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Washington/ Algebra Young, Janice 8/15/06 5/31/07 B-0 29,000.00 Teacher-Disney/Grade 2 Name August 7, 2006 44 Assignment Teacher-Cooper/Grade 3 Certificated/Administrative Elections - Continued Name Young, Karissa Rescind: Evers, Jennifer Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount 8/01/06 6/21/07 B-0 $29,000.00 8/09/06 M-7 32,869.00 Assignment 3,000.00 1,258.00 Teacher-Marshall/ Grade 5 Principal Intern-To be determined Stipend Additional Days June 19, 2006 Addendum Item E-60, Page 7 CERTIFICATED/ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Name Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Effective Date Present Contract Proposed Contract $23,536.80 $16,292.00 Two-fifths time Rate: $39,228.00 Reason Blackwood, Kathy Teacher-Thoreau/ 8/15/06 Music Three-fifths time B-18 1-CI Burnett, Joe Rex ParateacherNewcomer 6-3 8/15/06 5/31/07 10.25 29,000.00 Teacher-Edison/ Chinese B-0 Buxton, Elaine TeacherBurroughs/ Grade 5 B-10 8/04/06 33,300.00 33,300.00 Instructional Facilitator-Penn Extended Days B-10 Cole, Mark Teacher Assistant (TA)Grissom 6-3 8/15/06 5/31/07 10.25 29,000.00 Teacher-Whitney/ Math Cook, Diana TeacherColumbus/ Grade 1 B-13 8/04/06 34,960.00 34,960.00 1,337.21 TeacherAnderson/Grade 3 Extended Days B-13 TeacherMemorial/Specia l Ed M-20 1-CI 8/04/06 44,036.00 2,201.80 1,337.21 Teacher-Hawthorne/ Special Education Extended Days Daniel, Sarah August 7, 2006 1,273.72 45 44,036.00 2,201.80 Certificated/Administrative Adjustments – Continued Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Effective Date Present Contract Proposed Contract TeacherColumbus/Kdgn B-15 8/04/06 $36,490.00 $36,490.00 Hull, Deborah TeacherWhitney/Gifted & Talented D-9 8/15/06 37,355.00 37,755.00 Credit for Education D-10 Johnson, Shirley Teacher-Lee/ Grade 4 B-18 1-CI 8/15/06 40,730.00 44,036.00 M-20 1-CI Smith, Kathryn M. TeacherKendall-Whittier/ Grade 3 B-5 8/01/06 31,000.00 32,076.00 M-5 Whistel, Tenna 8/01/06 Adm on Special Assignment-ESC/ Staff Development & Leadership Training EL-15 $75,035.32 $70,603.50 Name Eccles, Nina August 7, 2006 1,337.21 46 Reason Teacher-Anderson/ Pre-K Extended Days B-15 Gear-Up CoordinatorESC/Staff Development & Leadership Training EL-15 Rate: $77,022.00 CERTIFICATED/ADMINISTRATIVE RETIREMENTS, RESIGNATIONS AND/OR TERMINATIONS Name Effective Date Assignment Acree, Sara Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Mayo/Grade 4 & 5 Adair, Melanie R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Eisenhower/French Andersen, Holly M. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Wright/Grade 1 Anderson, Christine M. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Byrd/Study Skills Baker, Holly K. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-McClure/Grade 1 Baker, Merri C. Resignation 5/26/06 Nurse-Cleveland Ballard, Joe Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-East Central/ Math & History Berry, Katherine Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Disney/Special Ed Bicknell, Regina L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Foster/Science Black, Gina A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Patrick Henry/Grade 5 Blair, Erin R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Columbus/Special Ed Boone, Shannon N. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Phillips/Grade 2 Brandon, C. Michelle Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-THSST/English Brantley, Noelle Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Anderson & Burroughs/Pre-K Breitzke, Richelle Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Owen/Grade 2 Butera, Shannon Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Bell/Kindergarten Clark, April M. Resignation 6/20/06 Teacher-Mark Twain/Pre-K Crafts, Amy J. Resignation 6/20/06 Teacher-Mark Twain/Grade 2 Curtis, Patricia K. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Madison/Science Dane, Joseph E. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cleveland/History Daniels, Erica M. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Academy Central/ Pre-K Daugherty, Marilyn S. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Choteau/Fine Arts August 7, 2006 47 Certificated/Administrative Retirements, Resignations and/or Terminations - Continued Name Effective Date Assignment Dulaney, Jennifer Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Owen/Kindergarten Duncan, Amy B. Resignation 5/26/06 Interpreter V-Wright Durant-Tyson, Angela H. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Project 12/Vocational Business Dyer, Kimberly B. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-McKinley/Grade 1 Ede, Anita R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Kerr/Grade 1 Elam, Kelley A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-McClure/Grade 3 Fry, Tami D. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cooper/Grade 4 Graves, Karen S. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Patrick Henry/ Kindergarten Haas, Amanda L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Penn/Grade 1 Hanson, Vicki L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Disney/Grade 1 Harrison, Frances L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Springdale/Special Education Hart, Catherine Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Lindbergh/Grade 5 Hayden, Michell Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-ECDC/Pre-K Henness, Kristin B. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Owen/Pre-K Hensley, Kristi W. Resignation 6/20/06 Teacher-Mark Twain/Grade 1 Higginbothtam, Mary K. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Kerr/Special Ed. Hoose, Vanessa W. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Mitchell/Pre-K Hutton, Natalie J. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Hamilton/ELL Hubbard, Cynthia Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-ECDC/Pre-K Daniels, Erica M. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Academy Central/ Pre-K Hutton, Natalie J. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Hamilton/ELL August 7, 2006 48 Certificated/Administrative Retirements, Resignations and/or Terminations - Continued Name Effective Date Assignment Jones, Julee A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Emerson/Grade 4 Klingsick, Marcus W. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Webster/Math Klingsick, Teresa A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Edison/Computer Tech. Kroll, Jennifer R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-McClure/Grade 5 Lentz, Mary List Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Byrd/Language Arts Lewis, Ramona A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Burroughs/Grade 3 Lofton, Leta C. Resignation 5/26/06 Nurse-Eugene Field, Roosevelt Lomas, Melissa A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Sequoyah/Grade 5 Lomax, Stephanie Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Disney/Kindergarten Lucas, Amanda J. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Sandburg, Cooper, Kerr & Disney/Band Lusk, Brandy Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Academy Central/ Grade 3 MacFarlane, Simon D. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Owen/PE Marchbank, Dorothy A. Retirement 5/26/06 Counselor-Lanier Matthews, Tiffany K. Resignation 5/26/06 Speech Pathologist-ESC/ Special Education McKenna, Michelle A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Whitney/Spanish McKenzie, April Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cooper/Grade 4 Nelson, Marina Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Grissom/Grade 2 Olson, Gerald L. Resignation 5/26/06 Counselor-Bell Osborn, Shelly E. Resignation 5/26/06 Speech Pathologist-ESC/ Special Education Parker, Katherine Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Disney/Music August 7, 2006 49 Certificated/Administrative Retirements, Resignations and/or Terminations - Continued Name Effective Date Assignment Perry, Jessica A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-McClure/Grade 5 Polley, Brenda L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-ECDC/Pre-K Pulscher, M. Paige Resignation 5/31/06 Dean-Monroe Roberts, Lisa A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Webster, Clinton/ Music Rohitkumar, Stephanie A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Whitney/History Ryan, Janice M. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Mark Twain/Grade 1 Satter, Connie L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Patrick Henry/Grade 1 Scott, Shannon L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Kerr/Reading Specialist Schultz, Shaun C. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Eugene Field/Special Education Serigne, Pamela P. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-East Central/Science Shoemaker, Amy K. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Emerson/Special Ed Singler, Bridget Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-East Central/Biology Sizemore, Nicole H. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-East Central/Special Education Sowle, Patricia F. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Skelly/Grade 4 Steinberg, David A. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Edison/Special Ed Stiles, Amanda L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Thoreau/Grade 6 Studdard, Ashley L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Bryant/Kindergarten Tennyson, Tamara L. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Clinton, Webster/ELL Tirrell, Deanna J. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Zarrow/Library VanDalsem, Mary E. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cleveland/Special Ed Varner, Dorothy J. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Burroughs/Grade 2 August 7, 2006 50 Certificated/Administrative Retirements, Resignations and/or Terminations - Continued Name Effective Date Assignment Vega, Jackie R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cherokee/Grade 1 Wells, Regena R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cleveland/Special Ed Westman, Amanda C. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Whitney/English Wheeler, Gloria J. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Skelly/Grade 2 Wheeler, Wendy R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Burroughs/Pre-K White, Jana R. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Cooper/Pre-K Williford, Tara Resignation 6/20/06 Teacher-Mark Twain/Grade 2 Wilson, Merry K. Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-McKinley/Grade 2 Wimberley, Shelly Resignation 5/26/06 Teacher-Hoover/Grade 1 August 7, 2006 51 SUPPORT PERSONNEL ELECTIONS Effective Date Grade/ Step Contract Amount Assignment Arriaga, Maria C. 8/09/06 6/05/07 6-3 $10.25 Parent Facilitator-Lindbergh Barnes, Allyson 7/31/06 5/31/07 7-2 10.51 Child Nutrition Services (CNS) Manager B-Emerson Return from Leave Berg, Joseph F. 8/21/06 5/30/07 6-3 10.25 Paraprofessional-Byrd Elizalde, Patricia 8/21/06 5/30/07 6-3 10.25 Parateacher-Thoreau Fehlauer, Michael Josiah 8/21/06 5/30/07 NS 22.00/hr. Interpreter III-Wright Lee, Bridget 8/21/06 5/30/07 3-2 8.63 TA-Burroughs Phillips, Danny R. 6/25/06 6/30/06 13-2 14.14 Lead Glazier-Maintenance Return from Leave Shoate, Renne’ 8/21/06 5/30/07 10-3 12.49 MD/ED ParaprofessionalHamilton Name August 7, 2006 52 SUPPORT PERSONNEL ADJUSTMENTS Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Name Effective Date Present Contract Proposed Contract Reason Barnes, Allyson CNS Manager BEmerson 7-2 8/01/06 6/21/07 $10.51 $11.59 CNS Manager EKendall-Whittier 9-2 Carter, Laura TA-Choteau 6-3 8/09/06 5/30/07 10.25 10.25 Parent Involvement Facilitator-Choteau Carroll, Dione TA-Lindsey 175 days NS 8/10/06 6/01/07 15.37 11.32 Health AssistantKIPP 186 days 4-11 Gamble, Jacqueline Clerk-KendallWhittier 210 days 3-11 1-CI 7/18/06 6/22/07 11.18 11.18 Clerk-Mark Twain 186 days Jeremiah, Vicki L. CNS Traveling ManagerUnassigned 5-2 8/01/06 6/21/07 9.52 10.51 CNS Manager B-E. Field 7-2 McIntire, Ronald B. Impact CraftpersonMaintenance 11-2 6/26/06 6/30/06 12.80 14.14 Operator/Journeyperson-Maintenance 13-2 SUPPORT PERSONNEL RETIREMENTS, RESIGNATIONS AND/OR TERMINATIONS Name Effective Date Assignment Edwards, Derrick M. Resignation 7/19/06 Evening Custodian-ESC Hampton, Christy Resignation 7/14/06 Bus Driver Hooser, Charles Resignation 7/28/06 Bus Driver Morgan, Bobbie Resignation 6/20/06 Clerk-Mark Twain Nash, Elores D. Resignation 7/13/06 MD/ED ParaprofessionalNimitz Penn, Sadie P. Resignation 5/25/06 Bus Driver August 7, 2006 53 SUBSTITUTE AND TEMPORARY ELECTIONS Before & After School Care Custodian Berry, Yalonda D. Avalos, Maria L. f.e. Sasorossi, Louis E. f.e. Clerical - Summer Child Nutrition Services Jefferson, Jamie L. Hill, Arvella J. SummerTransportation Ashley, Nathan Billy, Terry Brewer, Derrick Burns, Shan Ceballos, Victoria Colbert, Richard Colbert, Richard Colbert, Constance Colbert, Daniel Connell, Debra Cox, Theresa Cruse, Samantha Danley, Karie Dindy, Farland Dixon, Jerry Dorsey, Kevin Duerson, Danny Ellis, Jerry Fisher, Michael Fisher, Charles Green, Ada H. Harris, Andrew Hernandez, Esmeralda Herrion, Ajuania Holland, Theresa Hopkins, Karen Ingram, Larry Jackson, Thello Jackson, Grant Johnston, Robert Jones, Nicole Jones, Herbert Jones, Josephine Kaiser, Patricia Lawson, Anthony Layson-Hall, Angela Lewis, James Love, Jeanett Lyles, Elliott Marinex, Vera Markham, Cameal Markham, Lameal Mayes, Leshonda McCarrol, Janet Morgan, Valeria Morris, Lovenna Summer Bus Driver TraineeMiddleton, Casey August 7, 2006 54 Nevins, Dennis Newman, Herman Osborne, Alonzo Payne, Bernice Pena, Jose N. Pere, Tiron Pressely, Jill Reed, Barbara Ricard, Maurice Robinson, Clarence Rucker, Henry Sanders, Douglas Shauchuk, Siarhei Simmons, Earlene Simmons, Charlotte Slaughter, Sabrina Smith, Gregory Talburt, Gus Taliaferro, Charles Valverdi-Alicea, Alicia Vann, Donnell Watts, Jeremiah Williams, Lymon SUBSTITUTE AND TEMPORARY PAYMENTS FOR EMPLOYEES Washington After School Detention – Student Activity Fund #520 Pay certified staff (to be named) @ $15/hr. and support staff (to be named) @ their daily rate of pay (total, not to exceed $5,500) for after school detention supervision from August 21, 2006 to May 30, 2007. Hale After School Detention – 7-11-0000-50-1000-1700-421-7650-000-07-715 Pay W. Chris Hood & Valerie Farrow @ $15/hr. (total, not to exceed $4,400) for after school detention for the 2006-2007 school year. Kendall-Whittier Intersession & Tutoring – 7-11-5118-50-1000-1700-494-7650-210-05-251 7-11-5118-50-1000-1800-494-7650-413-05-251 Pay certified staff (to be named) @ $18/hr. & support staff (to be named) @ their current hourly rate of pay (total, not to exceed $97,100) to provide intersession instruction during the 2006-2007 school year. Kendall-Whittier Professional Development – 7-11-5160-50-2213-1700-494-0000-210-05-251 7-11-5160-50-2213-1800-494-0000-413-05-251 Pay certified staff (to be named) @ $18/hr. and support staff (to be named) @ their hourly rate of pay (total, not to exceed $12,500) to attend professional development training for the 20062007 school year. MYP Coordinator – 7-11-0735-50-1764-1700-251-7650-000-07-735 Pay Brenda Casper (total, not to exceed $1,616) to be the Middle Years Program Coordinator for the 2006-2007 school year. MD Paraprofessionals – 7-11-6210-50-1000-1800-239-6516-414-05-XXX Pay MD Paraprofessionals (to be named) @ their current hourly rate of pay (total, not to exceed $6.000) to assist teachers in preparing for the return of MD students for the 2006-2007 school year. Adjust funding source. Hale High School Pride Coordinator – 7-11-0000-50-1000-1700-493-7650-210-07-715 Pay Diana Childs @ $15/hr. (total, not to exceed $ 1,000) to promote student recognition and character building for the 2006-2007 school year. Hale High School Credit Recovery Instructor – 7-11-0000-50-1000-1700-493-7650-210-07-715 Pay Karen Miller @ $15/hr. (total, not to exceed $2,625) to supervise the credit recovery program at Nathan Hale High school for the 2006-2007 school year. Academy Central Write Reflections Workshop – 7-11-3110-50-2213-1700-271-0000-000-11-044 Pay 25 certified staff (to be named) @ $90/day (total, not to exceed $2,250) to attend Write Reflections Workshop on August 14, 2006. August 7, 2006 55 Sequoyah Home Visits – 7-11-5118-50-2194-1700-494-0000-000-05-405 Pay 30 certified staff (to be named) @ $18/hr. (total, not to exceed $11,500) for after school home visits during the 2006-2007 school year. Sequoyah Goal Planning – 7-11-5118-50-2213-1800-494-0000-000-05-405 Pay support staff (to be named) @ their current rate of pay (total, not to exceed $2,500) to participate in planning and developing yearly goals on August 16-18, 2006. Sequoyah Team Leader – 7-11-5118-50-2213-1700-494-0000-000-05-405 Pay a stipend for 2 certified staff (to be named) $808/yr. (total, not to exceed $1,616) for Team Leader duties for the 2006-2007 school year. Bell Elementary – 7-11-6210-50-1000-1210-239-6516-414-05-118 Myrtha Delgado, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Carnegie Elementary – 7-22-3850-50-3120-1210-000-0000-953-01-140 Aimee Hardman, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Cherokee Elementary – 7-11-0000-50-1000-1210-000-0000-413-07-150 7-11-5118-50-1000-1210-494-0000-413-05-150 Lidia Rodriguez, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 7, 2006-June 20, 2007 Cleveland Middle School – 7-11-5118-50-2194-1210-494-0000-322-05-525 7-11-5118-50-1000-1210-494-0000-413-05-525 Rosa Ruiz and Jaime Suarez Ortiz, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreters, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Cooper Elementary – 7-22-3850-50-3120-1210-000-0000-953-01-158 7-11-6210-50-1000-1210-239-6516-414-05-158 Sandra Ferrera and Jennifer Stanford, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreters, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Disney Elementary – 7-11-5118-50-2194-1210-494-0000-322-05-447 Nilsa Pagan, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Eugene Field Elementary – 7-11-0000-50-2620-1210-000-0000-954-01-185 7-11-5150-50-2194-1210-494-0000-322-05-185 Lidia Rodriguez and Lissette Carlson, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreters, August 7, 2006-June 20, 2007 August 7, 2006 56 Foster Middle School – 7-22-3850-50-3120-1210-000-0000-953-01-538 Maria Mendoza, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 MacArthur Elementary – 7-11-0000-50-2220-1210-000-0000-411-07-305 Maria M Bello, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 McKinley Elementary – 7-11-0000-50-2620-1210-000-0000-954-01-325 Roy Dill, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Owen Elementary – 7-11-0000-50-1000-1210-239-6516-414-07-345 Maria D Bell, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 Peary Elementary – 7-11-0000-50-1000-1210-100-1040-413-07-351 Marisela Delgado, support staff, @ $0.50/primary assignment hours worked, for serving as site interpreter, August 21, 2006-May 30, 2007 August 7, 2006 57 CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEMS July 24, 2006 Certificated/Administrative Elections Name Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount 8/02/05 5/26/06 M-0 30,056.00 Effective Date Grade/ Step Contract Amount 5/18/06 6/30/06 3-9 4-CI 11.89 Davis, Jacqueline Assignment Teacher-Kendall-Whittier/ Grades 1-5 Correct effective date Support Personnel Elections Name Bell, Mary V. Assignment Instructional Media/Video Library Clerk-Fulton “Return from leave” Support Personnel Adjustments Name Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Effective Date Present Contract Proposed Contract Reason Cox, Carolyn Principal’s Secretary-Peary 8-11 8/09/06 5/30/07 $13.78 $14.49 Credit for Education 9-11 Correct effective date. Roberts, Brandy Principal’s SecretaryAcademy Central 8-7 8/09/06 5/30/07 12.49 13.79 Credit for Education 9-9 Correct effective date. Sparks, Sharon TA-Lewis & Clark A-1 8/03/06 5/30/07 7.38 10.00 Registrar-Lewis & Clark 200 days 6-2 Correct effective date. August 7, 2006 58 June 19, 2006 Certificated/Administrative Elections Name Effective Date Degree/ Step Contract Amount Burrows, Nancy Lynelle 6/20/06 BL-20 $2,928.57 Assignment Director of Human Resources-ESC/Human Resources Rate: $82,000.00 Correct title. Certificated/Administrative Adjustments Name Parker, Vonnita A. Position Grade/Step (if applicable) SAF Bookkeeper Tech IIESC/Finance 13-5 Effective Date 6/20/06 Present Contract 15.23 Proposed Contract 1,607.14 Reason SAF/Gifts & Endowments Supervisor-ESC/ Finance Rate: $45,000.00 Correct title. Support Personnel Adjustments Name Moore, Deborah August 7, 2006 Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Effective Date Present Contract Registrar-Madison 207 days 6-8 7/01/06 6/30/07 11.59 59 Proposed Contract 11.59 Reason Registrar-Rogers 12 months 6-8 Correct contract dates/length. June 5, 2006 Certificated/Administrative Adjustments Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Effective Date Present Contract Proposed Contract Burcham, Myrtle Ann Learning Director-THSST EL-14 7/03/06 $71,670.00 $71,670.00 Assistant PrincipalTHSST EL-14 Correct effective date Sparks, Courie TeacherWhitney/Science M-1 8/16/05 30,466.00 31,276.00 Credit for Experience M-3 Correct grade/step. Tarver, Carl Director of Community SchoolsESC/Public Schools of Choice & Family Ombudsman 5/02/06 87,127.00 14,346.91 Assistant PrincipalCentral EL-16 Rate: $87,127.00 Correct proposed rate Name Reason Certificated/Administrative Retirements, Resignations And/Or Terminations Effective Date Name Vaughn, Janice Retirement 6/09/06 Assignment SAF/Gift & Endowments Supervisor-ESC/Finance Item E-10, Page 10 - Adjust to correct title. Support Personnel Elections Name Casian, Consuelo August 7, 2006 Effective Date Grade/ Step Contract Amount 4/18/06 6/30/07 3-0 8.20 60 Assignment Unassigned CustodianPlant Operations Correct effective date. Support Personnel Adjustments Name Timothy, Moses Position Grade/Step (if applicable) Grounds JourneypersonMaintenance 8-1 Effective Date Present Contract 4/03/06 6/30/06 10.77 Proposed Contract 11.59 Reason Lead GroundsMaintenance 9-2 Correct name Support Leaves Of Absence Name Effective Date Middleton, Fred 4/25/06 August 7, 2006 Assignment Reason Electrician CraftpersonMaintenance Personal Leave Correct reason. 61 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-12 Plumbing Equipment MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Jim Spear/Sue Ann Bell FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT Approx $75,000 07/24/2006 08/07/2006 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO X RECOMMENDATION: Purchase plumbing equipment for the Maintenance Department as needed during 2006-07 from Grainger Industrial Supply, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Heatwave Supply, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Mark's Plumbing Parts, Fort Worth, Texas, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal, chargeable to the applicable fund/account. PO DISCUSSION: The purchase of plumbing equipment will make necessary repairs and maintenance readily available when needed. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Plumbing repairs and maintenance are a District necessity. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Well-maintained plumbing helps to create a safe learning environment for students and helps to make TPS the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: August 7, 2006 Expenditures for 2005-06 totaled approximately $75,000. 62 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-13 Interior Renovations at Hamilton Middle School MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $34,940 07/10/06 08/07/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 38 1220 50 4700 4500 000 0000 001 12 540 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve payment to The Watts Company, the low bidder to provide interior modifications at Hamilton Middle School in the amount of $34,940. DISCUSSION: Facilities renovation is part of the 2005 Bond Plan. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Improving facilities gives students pride in their school and will enhance their educational experience. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved facilities will enhance the reputation of the District and encourage continued support from the community for future bond projects. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Plan. August 7, 2006 Renovation of schools is part of the 20-Year Capital Improvements 63 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-14 School Property Lease Agreements MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Joanne C. Lucas FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: X FUNDING AMOUNT 7/24/06 8/07/06 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Approve school property lease agreements. FURTHER RECOMMEND that the attorney for the School District be directed to prepare the appropriate contracts and the proper officers of the Board of Education be authorized to execute these contracts on behalf of the District. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: student opportunities. Funds generated through facility rentals enhance RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Opening our facilities to the community enhances our image as a district of choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: FY07 utility rates have been increased 2% over FY06 rates to recoup the rising utility expenditures. August 7, 2006 64 1. Approve the lease agreement between Independent School District Number One and Love Outreach Family Ministry for the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007, for the rental of Hawthorne Elementary School for the amount of $6,3480, payable in monthly installments of $529. DISCUSSION: This organization operates a church in the building indicated. The rental rate is based on hourly usage per room. The reimbursement for custodial services amounts to $2,340 of the 12-month rental charge. Utilities are included in the hourly rental rate. Note: Rental payments are reduced on the occasional Sabbaths when facility is not used. 2. Approve the lease agreement between Independent School District Number One and Evergreen Baptist Church, for the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007, for the rental of Thoreau Demonstration School for the amount of $140,170, payable in monthly installments of $11,681. DISCUSSION: This organization operates a church in the building indicated. The rental rate is based on hourly usage per room. The reimbursement for custodial services amounts to $20,592 of the 12-month rental charge. Utilities are included in the hourly rental rate. Note: Rental payments are reduced on the occasional Sabbaths when facility is not used. 3. Approve lease agreement between Independent School District Number One and Day Schools, Inc. for the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007, for the rental of Hoover Elementary School in the amount of $27,696, payable in monthly installments of $2,308. DISCUSSION: This organization operates a childcare program in the building indicated. The rental rate is based on square footage. The rate is the same throughout the District, $.37 per square foot for rent, plus custodial charges of $2,568 and utility charges based on square footage usage of the individual site. August 7, 2006 65 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-15 Community Education MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Joanne C. Lucas FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: X FUNDING AMOUNT 7/24/06 8/07/06 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Request approval to pay Certified Instructors and Non-Certified Instructors 75% of tuition collected for individual classes taught for the Community Education program from July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007. (Names are to be provided after the course is taught during the year.) DISCUSSION: Teachers are paid from the tuition collected from the students in each class at the end of each course taught at no cost to the district. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The use of schools and ESC buildings after normal school hours will help meet the individual growth needs of the community and will enhance the learning experience for all who participate. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Providing the community the opportunity to use the facilities will help to communicate to the City of Tulsa that Tulsa Public Schools is the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: August 7, 2006 The Community Education program grossed $975 in FY06. 66 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: E-16 Correction to Previously Approved Item MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David E. Sawyer Todd Lee FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: FUNDING AMOUNT $10,920 $14,080 08/07/06 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 6 7 11 11 0023 0023 50 50 2583 2583 7330 7330 000 000 0000 0000 000 000 02 02 026 026 NO X X RECOMMENDATION: Correct item E-23, page 45, of the April 3, 2006, Agenda regarding an agreement with GDH Consulting to include an additional account number. The funding should have reflected both fiscal years 05-06 and 06-07. The total amount of $25,000 did not change. DISCUSSION: These programming and application development services will be engaged to develop internet based web enabled applications to support the Human Resources Department. These applications will provide internet solutions to support the online job application process, and allow principals to review screened candidates more easily. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: TPS will provide internet accessible opportunities for individuals to review position vacancies and apply directly for these positions. This will make the process of attracting and recruiting quality applicants more efficient and effective. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Efficient and effective recruiting of quality professionals is expected from high quality schools. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 67 RELEVANT DATA: Last Year, Human Resources processed approximately 2600 classroom teacher applicants, generating 987 interviews and 405 positions hired. Annually, 250 to 300 transfer requests and approximately 50 trims are processed. 1526 support positions were filled last year. August 7, 2006 68 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: F-1 Pay Outside Vendor MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn Marsha Edmonds FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: FUNDING AMOUNT $2,700 8-07-06 N/A ( If No Cost to District) BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 11 3110 50 2213 3200 271 0000 000 11 044 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Pay Melinda Michalec to present the Write Reflections Workshop at Academy Central Elementary on August 14, 2006. The cost not to exceed $2,700 is funded through Professional Development. DISCUSSION: The training will assist Academy Central’s certified staff in improving instructional delivery and assessment techniques. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Using an array of instructional techniques and assessments provides a quality leaning experience for all students every day, without exception. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved instruction and the resulting improvement in student performance supports Tulsa Public Schools as the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Utilizing Write Reflections strategies serves to enhance students reading and writing abilities. August 7, 2006 69 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-1 Contract for Outside Services MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn Roberta Ellis FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $20,000. 08-07-06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 11 7788 50 2544 3200 000 0000 000 05 093 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Enter into a contract with The University of Oklahoma, Office of Research Services, to compile and complete the required grant evaluation (Annual Performance Report) of the Tulsa’s Leadership Challenge grant. Services will be provided between August 22, 2006 and June 30, 2007. The total cost will not exceed $20,000. FURTHER RECOMMEND the attorney for the School District prepares the appropriate contract and the proper offices of the Board of Education are authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the District. (Contact person Roberta Ellis) DISCUSSION: The grant requires submission of an annual performance report indicating the grant activities. The University of Oklahoma, Office of Research Services, will prepare the evaluation documents that are necessary for submission to the funding agency. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Creating a pool of qualified administrative applicants will ensure dynamic school leaders which will promote quality learning experiences for all students. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved instructional leadership and resulting improvement in student performance supports Tulsa Public Schools as the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement August 7, 2006 70 BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Tulsa Public Schools is facing a leadership challenge with 60% of our current building principals are eligible to retire and 12% of our current building principals will be eligible within three years. In addition 28% of our current assistant principals are eligible to retire and 21% of our current assistant principals will be eligible within three years. This grant along with the Aspirant Academy will assist the District in identifying a pool of eligible candidates in Tulsa Public Schools to fill available positions. August 7, 2006 71 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-2 Payment for Outside Services MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 8-07-06 8-21-06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve payment for outside services. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: The programs and services provided to support strong instructional programs in Tulsa Public Schools enhance the learning experiences of students daily. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: These programs and services promote Tulsa Public Schools as a District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities August 7, 2006 72 PAYMENT FOR OUTSIDE SERVICES 1. Dr. Sue Ellen Reed, Northeastern State University, Broken Arrow, Okla., will present an on-site professional development activity to Madison Middle School staff on August 22, 2006. Total cost will not exceed $1,500 and will be funded through 7 115150 50 2213 1700 494 0000 210 05 550. DISCUSSION: The Professional Development activity will focus on Individual Learning Styles and Instructional Strategies. RELEVANT DATA: Madison Middle School Grade 8 Results for Reading & Math, 2006 revealed a low number of students scoring in the advanced category. Math: Advance 0% 2. Reading: Advance 1% Leadership Council student participation for the 2006-07 school year. The cost will be for transportation of students to a central location for the monthly meeting and expenses for supplies. Total cost will not exceed $3,500 and will be charged to 711-0000-50-2720-8910-239-0000-000-15-066 and 7-11-0000-50-1000-6101-2396516-000-15-066. DISCUSSION: This will be the second year of participation for students at Memorial, Hale, Central, Rogers, East Central, Edison, TSST and Webster. The Leadership Council will provide an opportunity for students with disabilities to develop and enhance their leadership qualities through an organized program focused on personal growth and community involvement. Based upon a set criteria (i.e., grades, transition skills, school involvement, mentoring skills), special education teachers from eight TPS high schools will recommend five students to attend a monthly leadership meeting. Leadership meetings are organized and implemented by student members. Student members develop the goals, requirements, and rules for the group. Monthly meetings examine transition issues such as employment, self-advocacy, community opportunities, and political activism. A board of sponsors will be established with representatives from TPS departments and community businesses. State Farm Insurance Company has agreed to send representatives from their Partners in Education committee and professors from the NSU-Tulsa have also agreed to send representatives. RELEVANT DATA: The leadership council will serve approximately 40 students with disabilities, five per high school. August 7, 2006 73 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-3 Oklahoma High School High Tech MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature Mary E. Guinn Taylor L. Young FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 8/07/06 8/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX NO RECOMMENDATION: Approve participation and membership between Tulsa Public Schools and Tech-Now, Inc. linking students to post-secondary education and employment during the 2006-07 school year. There is no cost to the District. DISCUSSION: This will be the second year of participation for students at Memorial, Hale, Central, Rogers, East Central, Edison, TSST and Webster. The Oklahoma High School High Tech program provides high school students with disabilities: educational and career information, role models, mentors, creative learning opportunities through access to cutting edge technology, and on site visits to businesses, corporations, colleges, and university campuses. Tech-Now’s goal is to inspire students to live functional and independent lives. By expanding their knowledge of high-tech careers and providing the motivation to pursue those careers, the student is empowered early enough to make informed career decisions. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Providing the opportunity to participate in this hightech program will facilitate Tulsa Public Schools’ students with disabilities to live functional and independent lives. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: The program will enable students with disabilities to transition from school to the workplace, thereby contributing to Tulsa Public Schools becoming the District of Choice. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement August 7, 2006 74 BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Each school has a site instructor and a site aide. Tech-Now pays the site instructor $2,000 per year and the site aide $465. There are classroom weekly meetings and thirty-one, ninety-minute after-school meetings. The students earn .5 high school credit per year for participating. The students attend an annual state meeting in Bethany, Oklahoma, two site visits, and a five-day long Summer Institute at the Southern Nazarene University campus in Bethany, Oklahoma. August 7, 2006 75 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-4 Position Creations and/or Deletions MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bill Naftzger FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 8-07-2006 8-21-2006 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 6 11 7787 50 2194 1210 100 0000 322 05 093 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel position creations and/or deletions. DISCUSSION: Implement changes based on the re-evaluation of the positions listed. Funding for the upgrades will originate from funds set aside for adjustments and will be included in the applicable division budget. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: A quality work environment is based on positions that are properly aligned with department/office responsibilities, and are competitive with compensation in the marketplace. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: An efficient and quality work environment encourages employees to work at their highest potential. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Creations/Deletions to date (since 7/01/06): Administrative Creations: Deletions: August 7, 2006 7 15 Certificated 0 0 Support 1 1 76 Support: Create: Position Director’s SecretaryTransportation Salary/Grade Grade 9 260 days Annual Budget Impact: $ 11.03 (Min.) $ 14.49 (Max.) Duties Ensures smooth and efficient operation of the department by performing a variety of complex secretarial and administrative duties to include, but not limited to : performing special projects, maintaining director’s calendar and appointments and performing routine daily tasks as directed. Funding Source: 7-11-0000-50-2720-0000019-0000-615-03-003 Support: Delete: Position Executive Director’s SecretaryTransportation Annual Budget Impact: $ 12.80 (Min.) $ 16.81 (Max.) Salary/Grade Grade 12 260 days Duties Serve as secretary and assistant to the director with minimal direction, maintain director’s appointment calendar, and prepare correspondence, reports, graphic presentations, meeting agendas, school board preparation items and other documents as required. Funding Source: 7-11-0000-50-2720-0000019-0000-615-03-003 August 7, 2006 77 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-5 Online Reference Materials MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David E. Sawyer Bob LaBass/Ellen Duecker FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT 20,143.30 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 36 2420 50 2220 7330 000 0000 000 06 069 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Renew license agreement with Follett Alliance Plus for the use of various online/internet reference materials to be used throughout the District for the 20062007 School year, at a cost not to exceed $20,143.30. DISCUSSION: This is a renewal for materials that have been ordered previously for the 2005-2006 School year. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Online reference materials provide all students and staff access to high-quality, up-to-date learning resources and contribute to a quality learning experience for every student. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Libraries with abundant reference materials attract families to Tulsa Public Schools. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Online reference materials allow staff, students and their family’s access to the most current research materials available. By combining purchases, the District is able to negotiate favorable pricing and provide equal access to research materials to all students, district-wide. August 7, 2006 78 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-6 Mobile Classroom Purchase MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David E. Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $101,393 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 38 1220 50 4700 4500 000 0000 001 12 037 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Purchase two mobile classrooms from Williams Scotsman, 1830 N. 170tth E. Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116-4920, at a cost of $100,393. DISCUSSION: The Bond is currently renovating schools with new HVAC Systems. The new mobile classrooms will be used to relocate the classrooms during construction and minimize student disruption. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Mobile classrooms environment for students displaced by renovation projects. provide a safe learning RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Renovated schools will enhance the reputation of the District. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: Bond Issue. August 7, 2006 Sixteen schools have received new HVAC Systems as part of the 2001 79 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-7 Change Order for Flooring Replacement MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $28,500 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 38 1220 50 4700 4599 000 0000 001 12 037 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve increasing the contract with CWC Interiors to replace resilient flooring at Sequoyah and Springdale Elementary Schools in the amount of $28,500. Change Order Number Two DISCUSSION: This increase will cover the cost to provide additional flooring in each kitchen necessary to complete the project. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Improving facilities gives students pride in their school and will enhance their educational experience. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved facilities will enhance the reputation of the District and encourage continued support from the community for future bond projects. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: This contract was originally approved on the March 20, 2006, Agenda in the amount of $217,656. August 7, 2006 80 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-8 Change Order for Flooring Replacement MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $12,750 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 38 1220 50 4700 4599 000 0000 001 12 037 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve increasing the contract with CWC Interiors to replace resilient flooring at Carver, Hamilton, and Lewis & Clark Middle Schools, and Cherokee Elementary School in the amount of $12,750. Change Order Number Two DISCUSSION: This increase will cover the cost of additional flooring underlayment necessary to complete the project. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Improving facilities gives students pride in their school and will enhance their educational experience. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved facilities will enhance the reputation of the District and encourage continued support from the community for future bond projects. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: This contract was originally approved on the August 1, 2005, Agenda in the amount of $302,918. August 7, 2006 81 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-9 Change Order for Athletic Improvements at various sites MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $40,000 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 38 1220 50 4700 4599 000 0000 001 12 037 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Approve increasing the contract with the Watts Company, Construction Manager at Risk, for the athletic improvements at Hale and Rogers High School, and the interior renovations at Carver Middle School in the amount of $40,000. Change Order Number One DISCUSSION: This increase will cover the cost of additional millwork at Carver Middle School and new interior partition walls at Hale High School. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Improving facilities gives students pride in their school and will enhance their educational experience. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved facilities will enhance the reputation of the District and encourage continued support from the community for future bond projects. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: This contract was originally approved on the August 1, 2005, Agenda in the amount of $302,918. August 7, 2006 82 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-10 New HVAC System at Memorial High School MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $3,500,000 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 38 1220 50 4700 4530 000 0000 001 12 725 NO X RECOMMENDATION: Enter into contract with the lowest responsible bidder for the installation of a new HVAC System at Memorial High School in the approximate amount of $3,500,000. DISCUSSION: Replacing window units with new central air and heating systems is part of the 2001 Bond Plan. This project is contingent upon the successful sale and receipt of 2006B funds. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Replacement of inefficient window units improves air quality and learning enviornment in the classroom making students more comfortable and able to concnetrte on learning. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improving between the District and community. facilities will enhance the relationship GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: August 7, 2006 Eighteen schools are scheduled to be renovated in the 2005 Bond. 83 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-11 Built-up Roof at various District sites MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David E. Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: N/A ( If No Cost to District) FUNDING AMOUNT $1,500,000 $250,000 08/07/06 08/21/06 BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE YES X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX 7 7 38 38 1220 1260 50 50 4700 4700 4580 4580 000 000 0000 0000 001 001 12 12 725 315 NO X X RECOMMENDATION: Enter into a contract with the lowest responsible bidder to re-roof various sites as listed at an approximate cost of $1,750,000. Bid Package 1-Memorial High School Bid Package 2-Mayo Demonstration School DISCUSSION: Replacing worn out roofs is part of the 20-Year Bond Plan. This project is contingent upon the successful sale and receipt of 2006B funds. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Replacement of worn out roofs eliminates leak issues and provides an improved learning environment for students. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improving between the District and the community. facilities will enhance the relationship GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: August 7, 2006 Eighteen schools will be renovated in the 2005 Bond. 84 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-12 Artificial Turf and Track at LaFortune and S. E. Williams Stadiums MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David E. Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: 08/07/06 08/21/06 N/A If No Cost to District) ( FUNDING AMOUNT BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE $40,000 YES X X 7 XX 38 XXXX 1259 XX 50 XXXX 4700 XXXX 4500 XXX 000 XXXX 0000 XXX 001 XX 12 XXX 037 NO RECOMMENDATION: Approve increasing the contract with Lassiter Richey Company, for the installation of artificial turf and track at LaFortune and S. E. Williams Stadiums at a cost of $40,000. Change Order Number One DISCUSSION: This increase is necessary to re-route existing utilities as required to complete the project. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Quality learning experiences for all students requires upgrading facilities and equipment to support new programs and activities. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved facilities and equipment consistent with citizen-approval of bond investments, enhances the reputation of the District. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: 2001 Bond Plan. August 7, 2006 Improving the athletic facilities throughout the district is part of the 85 TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM TITLE: G-13 Purchase and Install Intercom Speakers MEETING DATE CONTACT PERSON: Signature David E. Sawyer Bob LaBass FOR INFORMATION: FOR ACTION: 08/07/06 08/21/06 N/A If No Cost to District) ( FUNDING AMOUNT BUDGETED FY FUND PROJ TYPE FUNCT OBJ PROG SUB JOB DIV SITE $46,000 YES X X 7 XX 38 XXXX 1220 XX 50 XXXX 4700 XXXX 4530 XXX 000 XXXX 0000 XXX 001 XX 12 XXX 037 NO RECOMMENDATION: Approve paying the lowest responsible bidder for the purchase and installation of intercom hall speakers at various sites in an amount not to exceed $46,000 DISCUSSION: It is necessary to expand the existing intercom systems at TSST, Webster, and Hale High School, and Hamilton Middle School to adequately communicate with students during emergency / disaster drills. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MISSION: Quality learning experiences for all students requires upgrading facilities and equipment to support new programs and activities. RELATIONSHIP TO THE VISION: Improved facilities and equipment consistent with citizen-approval of bond investments, enhances the reputation of the District. GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Student Learning & Performance Faculty & Staff Focus Efficient & Effective Operations National Quality Award Parent/Guardian & Community Involvement BELIEFS DEMONSTRATED/SUPPORTED/ENCOURAGED: Everyone Can & Will Learn Challenging Curriculum High Expectations Yield High Results Adequate Resources Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Continuous Improvement Effective Principals in Every School Shared Accountability Safe, Secure, Non-Threatening Environments Families/Communities as Partners Individual Dignity & Worth Variety of Educational Opportunities RELEVANT DATA: August 7, 2006 Eighteen schools are being renovated as part of the 2005 Bond. 86