TH`ESE Zhe CHEN The Control System in Formal
TH`ESE Zhe CHEN The Control System in Formal
N◦ d’ordre : 1036 THÈSE présentée à l’Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse pour l’obtention du titre de DOCTEUR de l’Université de Toulouse délivré par l’INSA Spécialité: Systèmes Informatiques par Zhe CHEN Lab. Toulousain de Technologie et d’Ingénierie des Systèmes (LATTIS) Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes (LAAS-CNRS) École Doctorale Systèmes Titre de la thèse : The Control System in Formal Language Theory and The Model Monitoring Approach for Reliability and Safety Soutenue le 9 Juillet 2010, devant le jury : Rapporteur : Rapporteur : Examinateur: Examinateur: Examinateur: Maritta Heisel Fabrice Bouquet Gilles Motet Karama Kanoun Jean-Paul Blanquart Professeur à l’Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany Professeur à l’INRIA, Université de Franche-Comté Professeur à l’INSA de Toulouse - Directeur de thèse Directeur de Recherche au LAAS-CNRS Astrium, European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS) Acknowledgement Although I have been mostly working independently in the lab during all those years, I would not have been able to do this thesis without the support, advice and encouragement of others, teachers, friends and colleagues. Accordingly, I would like to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to a number of people who over the years have contributed in various ways to the completion of this work. In the first place I would like to record my gratitude to my thesis supervisor Prof. Gilles Motet for guiding me in my research, and at the same time, for letting me the freedom to take initiatives in the development of my lines of research. He provided me unflinching encouragement and support in various ways. His truly scientist intuition has made him as a constant oasis of ideas and passions in science. Thanks also for being available almost at all times for me. Working with you was a real pleasure. Thanks to the reading committee, Prof. Maritta Heisel and Prof. Fabrice Bouquet for accepting to spend time reading and evaluating my thesis and their constructive comments on this thesis. I am thankful that in the midst of all their activities, they accepted to be members of the reading committee. Also, I would like to thank the other members of my committee, Prof. Karama Kanoun and Dr. Jean-Paul Blanquart who all immediately agreed when I asked them to join in. Thanks to all members of the lab LATTIS, LAAS-CNRS, and the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at INSA. If I look back to all these years, I think that at one moment or another, each one of them helped me in some way. Thanks in particular to Stéphanie, Roberto, Samuel, Guillaume and Karim for discussions. Thanks to our director Danièle and our secretaries, Rosa, Estelle, Joëlle, Karima, Sophie, Hélène. I would like to thank you all for the nice atmosphere within the lab. I would like to thank all my Chinese friends in France: Ping, Ruijin, Yanwen, Junfeng, Susu, Yanjun, Hongwei, Yanping, Xiaoxiao, Fan, Letian, Wei, Dongdong, Haojun, Xinwei, Hong, Juan, Haoran, Linqing, Tao, Lijian, Jie, Jing, Lei, Binhong, Bo, Wenhua. With your friendship, the time in France became joyful and memorable. Our celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival, our parties and games were fantastic! I was extraordinarily fortunate in having several nice and apt supervisors in China. I could never have embarked and started all of this without their prior guidance in computer science and thus opened up unknown areas to me. I convey special acknowledgement to them: Dunwei Wen and Dezhi Xu at Central South University, Ming Zhou, Chin-Yew Lin and Jiantao Sun at Microsoft Research Asia, and Yuxi Fu at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. a · ¤kP“‚§´\‚¦·‹e ûÐ •£Ä:"AOa ÙýP “§s´˜ ÑÚ •Ì?§sé· ì ÚK• Ø•u=ŠÆS"± P “§a sé·êÆÆS éu§s ¹’° 4·ˆ "a · Ù¦¥Æ ã P“‚µ ŒS§Q“=§ÇïJ§4¤Œ§o §Nû§Ç[ù§oö§ ‘Š}§ \‚3· þs¤ Œþžmڰ姕·l¯‰ÆïÄÚ Š‹ e j¢ Ä:§\‚ °·òµP3%" a ·ŠO I1§ \‚‘·5 ù‡-.§ \‚ ›õc5é· [%ì Ú § \‚•N· =íÚØï§ \‚‰·•`D é„ ˜§ \‚‰· Ép ˜ Ŭ§\‚ y4·‰Íu‰Ž"Éßu Y§ óŠñx§òùŸØ©¥‰· I1§±L ƒ%" Finally, I would like to thank everybody who were important to the successful realization of this thesis, as well as express my apology that I could not mention personally one by one. Abstract This thesis contributes to the study of reliability and safety of computer and software systems which are modeled as discrete event systems. The major contributions include the theory of Control Systems (C Systems) and the model monitoring approach. In the first part of the thesis, we study the theory of control systems which combines and significantly extends regulated rewriting in formal languages theory and supervisory control. The control system is a generic framework, and contains two components: the controlled component and the controlling component that restricts the behavior of the controlled component. The two components are expressed using the same formalism, e.g., automata or grammars. We consider various classes of control systems based on different formalisms, for example, automaton control systems, grammar control systems, and their infinite versions and concurrent variants. After that, an application of the theory is presented. The Büchi automata based control system is used to model and check correctness properties on execution traces specified by nevertrace claims. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the model monitoring approach whose theoretical foundation is the theory of control systems. The key principle of the approach is “property specifications as controllers”. In other words, the functional requirements and property specification of a system are separately modeled and implemented, and the latter one controls the behavior of the former one. The model monitoring approach contains two alternative techniques, namely model monitoring and model generating. The approach can be applied in several ways to improve reliability and safety of various classes of systems. We present some typical applications to show its strong power. First, the approach provides better support for the change and evolution of property specifications. Second, it provides the theoretical foundation of safety-related systems in the standard IEC 61508 for ensuring the functional validity. Third, it is used to formalize and check guidelines and consistency rules of UML. These results lay out the foundations for further study of more advanced control mechanisms, and provide a new way for ensuring reliability and safety. Keywords: C system, control system, model monitoring, model generating, model checking, formal language, automaton, grammar, regulated rewriting, supervisory control, safety-related system, UML Résumé Cette thèse contribue à l'étude de la abilité et de la sécurité-innocuité des systèmes informatisés, modélisés par des systèmes à événements discrets. Les principales contributions concernent la théorie des Systèmes de Contrôle (C Systems) et l'approche par Monitoring des modèles. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous étudions la théorie des systèmes de contrôle qui combine et étend de façon signicative, les systèmes de réécriture de la théorie des langages et le contrôle supervisé. Un système de contrôle est une structure générique qui contient deux composants : le composant contrôlé et le composant contrôlant qui restreint le comportement du composant contrôlé. Les deux composants sont exprimés en utilisant le même formalisme comme des automates ou des grammaires. Nous considérons diérentes classes de systèmes de contrôle basés sur diérents formalismes comme, par exemple, les automates, les grammaires, ainsi que leurs versions innies et concurrentes. Ensuite, une application de cette théorie est présentée. Les systèmes de contrôle basés sur les automates de Büchi sont utilisés pour vérier par model-checking, des propriétés dénissant la correction sur des traces d'exécution spéciées par une assertion de type nevertrace. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous investiguons l'approche de monitoring des modèles dont la théorie des systèmes de contrôle constitue les fondations formelles. Le principe pivot de cette approche est la spécication de propriétés comme contrôleur. En d'autres termes, pour un système, les exigences fonctionnelles, d'une part, et des propriétés, d'autre part, sont modélisées et implantées séparément, les propriétés spéciées contrôlant le comportement issu des exigences fonctionnelles. De cette approche découle ainsi deux techniques alternatives, respectivement nommées monitoring de modèle et génération de modèle. Cette approche peut être utilisée de diverses manières pour améliorer la abilité et la sécurité-innocuité de divers types de systèmes. Nous présentons quelques applications qui montrent l'intérêt pratique de cette contribution théorique. Tout d'abord, cette approche aide à prendre en compte les évolutions des spécications des propriétés. En second lieu, elle fournit une base théorique à la sécurité fonctionnelle, popularisée par la norme IEC 61508. En troisième lieu, l'approche peut être utilisée pour formaliser et vérier l'application de guides de bonnes pratiques ou des règles de modélisation appliquées par exemple pour des modèles UML. Ces résultats constituent les bases pour des études futures de dispositifs plus perfectionnés, et fournissent une nouvelle voie pour s'assurer de la abilité et de la sécurité-innocuité des systèmes. Mots clef : C system, système de contrôle, monitoring de modèle, génération de modèle, model checking, langage formel, automate, grammaire, réécriture, contrôle supervisé, sécurité fonctionnelle, UML Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Failures and Accidents of Computer and Software Systems . . . . . . . . 1.2 Dependability, Reliability and Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Formal Verification and Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Problems and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Checking Properties on Execution Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Supporting the Change and Evolution of Property Specifications 1.4.3 Functional Validity of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 . . . 1.4.4 Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML Models . . . . . . . . 1.5 A Preview of the Model Monitoring Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 The Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control Systems in Formal Language Theory (C Systems) 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Automata, Grammars and Languages . . . . 2.1.1 The Chomsky Hierarchy . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Grammars and Languages . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Automata and Languages . . . . . . . 2.2 Grammars with Regulated Rewriting . . . . . 2.3 Supervisory Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 From Propositional Logic to Temporal Logic 2.5 Automata-Theoretic Model Checking . . . . . 1 1 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 13 13 14 15 17 18 19 3 Control Systems in Formal Language Theory 3.1 Grammar Control Systems (GC Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Generative Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Leftmost-Derivation-Based Grammar Control Systems (LGC Systems) 3.2.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Generative Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Generative Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 24 24 26 26 26 29 29 30 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii CONTENTS . . . . . . . . 32 36 36 36 37 37 37 39 . . . . . . . . . . 41 42 43 45 47 48 49 52 55 61 61 5 Control Systems on ω-Words 5.1 ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Generative Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Leftmost-Derivation-Based ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-LGC Systems) 5.2.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Generative Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Generative Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Equivalence and Translation between ω-AC and ω-LGC Systems . . 5.4 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 63 63 64 70 70 70 74 74 75 78 81 82 6 Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants 6.1 Büchi Automaton Control Systems (BAC Systems) . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Büchi Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Büchi Automaton Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Alphabet-level Büchi Automaton Control Systems . . . . 6.1.4 Checking Büchi Automaton Control Systems . . . . . . . 6.2 Input/Output Automaton Control Systems (IO-AC) . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Input/Output Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Input/Output Automaton Control Systems . . . . . . . . 6.3 Interface Automaton Control Systems (IN-AC) . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Interface Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.2 Interface Automaton Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 83 83 83 84 87 89 89 90 91 93 93 96 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.3.3 Equivalence and Translation between AC and Parsing Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 GC Systems are not LL-Parsable . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Parsing by Extending Classical Algorithms . Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Grammars with Regulated Rewriting . . . . . 3.5.2 Supervisory Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 4.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 ω-automata and ω-languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 ω-grammars and ω-languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 Main Characterizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars . . 4.2.1 Special Forms of ω-Grammars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Leftmost Derivation of ω-Grammars . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Non-leftmost Derivation of ω-Grammars . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTENTS 6.4 6.5 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 7 Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Constructs for Formalizing Properties in SPIN . . . . . . . 7.3 Nevertrace Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Label Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.2 Transition Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.3 Nevertrace Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Theoretical Foundation for Checking Nevertrace Claims . . 7.4.1 The Asynchronous Composition of Büchi Automata 7.4.2 The Asynchronous-Composition BAC System . . . . 7.4.3 From Nevertrace Claims to AC-BAC Systems . . . . 7.5 On Expressing Some Constructs in SPIN . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.1 Expressing Notrace Assertions . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.2 Expressing Remote Label References . . . . . . . . . 7.5.3 Expressing the Non-Progress Variable . . . . . . . . 7.5.4 Expressing Progress-State Labels . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.5 Expressing Accept-State Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Model Monitoring Approach and Applications 8 The 8.1 8.2 8.3 99 99 101 103 103 104 106 107 108 109 109 111 111 112 112 112 113 114 115 117 Model Monitoring Approach The Model Monitoring Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supporting the Change and Evolution of Property Specifications Example: Oven and Microwave Oven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.1 Using the Model Checking Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.2 Using the Model Monitoring Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.3 A Technical Comparison with Model Checking . . . . . . Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 . 119 . 121 . 123 . 123 . 125 . 126 . 127 . 128 9 Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach 9.1 Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 . 9.1.1 IEC 61508 and Safety-Related Systems . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.2 Functional Validity of Safety-Related Systems . . . . . . . 9.1.3 Example: Chemical Reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.4 Methodology for Designing Functionally Valid SRS . . . . 9.1.5 Model Monitoring as the Theoretical Foundation . . . . . 9.1.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML . . . . . . 9.2.1 Unified Modeling Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.2 Guidelines and Consistency Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.3 The Grammar of UML in XMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 8.5 129 129 129 130 131 137 142 142 142 143 147 149 iv CONTENTS 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.7 Formalizing Rules Using LGC Systems Implementation of LGC Systems . . . Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 156 157 158 10 Conclusion 159 10.1 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 10.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Bibliography 163 Index 173 Publications 175 Chapter 1 Introduction This thesis contributes to the study of reliability and safety of computer and software systems, which are modeled as discrete event systems. In this chapter, after summarizing basic concepts, a new methodology, namely the model monitoring approach, is informally proposed, in order to treat several identified problems and challenges. 1.1 Failures and Accidents of Computer and Software Systems Computer and software systems are pervasive in our society nowadays. People is increasingly dependent on computers and software applications in almost every aspect of daily life, e.g., Internet technology, mobile phones, audio and video systems, consumer electronics. A more important fact is that, embedded software solutions control safety critical systems whose failures may cause accidents and great loss, such as satellite constellation, aircraft and flight control, high-speed trains, cars, traffic control, nuclear plant, chemical processes, medical devices, cash dispensers. Therefore, it becomes critical to ensure the absence of failures and accidents. A (design, interaction or physical) fault in a system may be activated and cause an error, which will be propagated and cause a failure [3, 4]. A failure is an event switching the system to incorrect behavior (deviation from the specification). An error is the part of the internal state of a system that may lead to failure. Fortunately, in the past two decades, the overall mean time to failure has decreased by two orders, thanks to the progressive mastering of physical faults [3]. Therefore, the current dominate sources of failure are design and interaction faults, due to the increasing size and complexity of systems. Failures may have substantial financial consequences for the manufacturer. For instance, the bug in Intel’s Pentium II floating point division unit caused a loss of about 475 million US dollars to replace faulty processors in the early nineties. More seriously, the failure of safety critical systems may result in accidents, which lead to severe harms to the environment and the user. Between 1985 and 1987, a software fault in the control module of the radiation therapy machine Therac-25 caused the death of six cancer patients, because they were exposed to an overdose of radiation due to bad but authorized use of the system. A more recent example is the self-destructing explosion of Ariane 5 launcher on June 4, 1996. The accident was resulted from the successive failures of the active Inertial Reference System (IRS) and the backup IRS [88]. Ariane 5 adopted the same reference system as Ariane 4. However, the profile of Ariane 5 was different from that of Ariane 1 2 Chapter 1. Introduction 4 — the acceleration communicated as input value to the IRS of Ariane 5 was higher. Furthermore, the interactions between the IRS and other components were not redefined and checked. During the launch, an exception occurred when a large 64-bit floating point number was converted to a 16-bit signed integer. Due to the overflow of input value computation, the IRS stopped working [81]. Then, the signaled error was interpreted as a launcher attitude, and led the control system to rotate the tailpipe at the end stop [59], which caused the self-destruction of the rocket. It is worth noting that the absence of failures does not necessarily mean the absence of accidents. Some safety constraints may be unknown when developing, or not included in the specification, or not correctly described at design time. As a result, the requirements, specification and their reliable implementation may be all unsafe. As an example, consider an accident occurred in a batch chemical reactor in England [80, 87]. Figure 1.1 shows the design of the system. The computer, which served as a control system, controlled the flow of catalyst into the reactor and the flow of water for cooling off the reaction, by manipulating the valves. Additionally, the computer received sensor inputs indicating the status of the system. The designers were told that if an abnormal signal occurred in the plant, they were to leave all controlled variables as they were and to sound an alarm. Gearbox Catalyst Reactor Cooling Water Control System Figure 1.1: Reactor Control System On one occasion, the control system received an abnormal signal indicating a low oil level in a gearbox, and reacted as the functional requirements specified, that is, sounded an alarm and maintained all variables with their present condition. Unfortunately, a catalyst had just been added into the reactor, but the control system had not opened the flow of cooling water completely. As a result, the reactor overheated, the relief valve lifted and the contents of the reactor were discharged into the atmosphere. Note that there were no failures involved in this accident, since all components worked as specified. Another example is the loss of the Mars Polar Lander, which was attributed to a misapprehensive interaction between the onboard software and the landing leg system [10]. The landing leg system was expected and specified to generate noise (spurious signals) when the landing legs were deployed during descent to the planet surface. However, the onboard software interpreted these signals as an indication that landing had occurred (as specified in their requirements) and shut down the descent engines, causing the spacecraft to crash into the Mars surface. Note that again there were no failures involved in this accident, since all components (the landing legs and the software) worked as specified. 1.2. Dependability, Reliability and Safety 1.2 3 Dependability, Reliability and Safety Dependability of a computing system is the ability to deliver services that can justifiably be trusted [85, 3, 4, 59]. Other similar concepts exist, such as trustworthiness and survivability. Dependability includes the following basic attributes: reliability, safety, confidentiality, availability, integrity, maintainability [3, 4]. Combinations or specializations of the basic attributes derive several other attributes, such as security and robustness. Here, we are interested in the first two criteria, i.e., reliability and safety. Reliability means continuity of correct service [87, 3], i.e., the aptitude of a system to accomplish a required function in given conditions, and for a given interval of time [59]. Note that a system is said to be “correct” if it fulfills the specification, i.e., correctness is always relative to a specification. Thus, reliability is defined as the absence of failures. The reliability of a physical product is always decreasing, due to the degradation of hardware. However, in the case of software systems, reliability stays constant, due to the absence of ageing phenomena. Safety means the absence of accidents [87], involving severe consequences on the environment including the user [3], i.e., freedom from unacceptable risk of physical injury or of damage to the health of people, either directly, or indirectly as a result of damage to property or to the environment [77]. In fact, reliability and safety are different attributes. High reliability is neither necessary nor sufficient for safety [86]. This observation opposes the most pervasive assumption in engineering that, safety is proportional to reliability, i.e., safety can be increased by only increasing system or component reliability. A system can be reliable but unsafe. Accidents may result from a reliable system implementing unsafe requirements and specification. For example, the loss of the Mars Polar Lander was caused by an interaction accident, which results from noise generated by the landing legs. The landing legs and the onboard software performed correctly and reliably (as specified in their requirements), but the accident occurred because the designers did not consider all possible interactions between components [87, 88]. A system can be safe but unreliable. For example, human operators are not reliable, if they do not follow the specified requirements (i.e., procedures). But they may prevent an accident if the specified requirements turn out to be unsafe under the environment at a particular time. Another example is fail-safe systems, which are designed to fail into a safe state [87]. A stopped car can avoid traffic accidents. Therefore, a more reasonable assumption is that, if all the necessary safety constraints are known and completely and correctly included in requirements and specification, then safety can be increased by increasing reliability. Unfortunately, it is always hard to satisfy this assumption in practice. First, it is frequently impossible to identify all the necessary safety constraints when designing. Also, requirements and specification may evolve or change through learning new safety constraints from historical accidents [90]. Second, in some cases, we cannot include some safety constraints in the requirements and specification, although they are known. There are various reasons, such as the technical limit, the tradeoff between economics and safety, etc. Sometimes, reliability and safety even conflict, that is, increasing one of them may decrease the other [86]. For example, some missions are inherently unsafe, such as toxic chemical reaction, nuclear bomb, etc. 4 Chapter 1. Introduction Not building such systems is the most safe solution. However, we shall also acknowledge that there is an intersection between reliability and safety, because if a necessary safety constraint is explicitly specified then the reliable implementations can improve safety. To conclude, we may increase reliability by eliminating failures, while we shall increase safety by eliminating or preventing effects of hazards. High reliability does not necessarily mean high safety, due to the safety constraints which are unknown, or not included in the specification, or not correctly described. 1.3 Formal Verification and Correctness An important stage of development is verification and validation (V&V). The former checks that the design satisfies the identified requirements (whether we are building the system right), while the latter judges whether the formalized problem statement (model + properties) is consistent with the informal conception of the design (whether we are verifying the right system). System verification aims at improving reliability, i.e., checking that the design satisfies certain properties. The properties to be verified are mostly obtained from the specification of the system. The system is considered to be “correct” if it fulfills all specified properties, i.e., the correctness contributes to reliability. It is a major challenge to ensure the correctness of the design at the earliest stage possible. In fact, the cost of verification and validation of a computing system is at least half of the development cost, and three quarters for highly critical systems [3]. The most currently practiced verification techniques include peer reviewing, simulation and testing [103]. Empirical studies show that peer reviewing of uncompiled code catches between 31% and 93% of the faults with a median around 60%, but concurrency and algorithm faults are hard to catch. Simulation and testing are dynamic techniques that traverse a set of execution paths. However, exhaustive testing of all execution paths is practically infeasible. A serious problem with these techniques is that we never know when to stop verification, and whether there are still bugs in the design, although they are effective in early stages of debugging. Another problem is their inability to scale up for large complex designs, because they can only explore a small portion of the possible behaviors of the system. Over the last thirty years, a very attractive approach toward the correctness is formal verification, which uses an exhaustive exploration of all possible behaviors of the system. Generally, formal methods are considered as the applied mathematics for modeling and analyzing systems, and are one of the “highly recommended” verification techniques according to several international standards. For formal verification, computer and software systems are usually modeled as Discrete Event Systems (DES) which are discrete-state, event-driven systems. That is, the state space is a discrete set, and the state evolution depends entirely on the occurrence of asynchronous discrete events over time [18]. A prominent technique of formal verification is model checking [31, 5], which was developed independently by Clarke and Emerson [30] and Quielle and Sifakis [111]. It allows the desired properties to be verified automatically by exploring exhaustively and systematically the state space of the system model. The methodology of model checking is shown in Fig. 1.2. 1.4. Problems and Challenges system model 5 satisfies system behaviors (sequences of events) property specification verification Figure 1.2: The Methodology of Model Checking The system model, describing the behaviors of the system, is usually written using specific languages (e.g., Promela), or automatically generated from a model description specified in some dialect of programming languages (e.g., C, Java) or hardware description languages (e.g., Verilog, VHDL). The property specification prescribes what the system should or should not do, such as functional correctness (does the system do what it is expected to do?), reachability (is it possible to reach a certain state, e.g., deadlock?), safety (something bad never occurs), liveness (something good will eventually occur), fairness (does an event can occur repeatedly?), and real-time properties (is the system acting in time?). Then efficient algorithms are used to determine whether the system model satisfies the property specification by checking all possible system behaviors, i.e., through exhaustive enumeration (explicit or implicit) of all states reachable by the system and the sequences of events that traverse through them. If there exists one behavior that violates the property, it is highlighted as a counterexample. The model checking approach enjoys two remarkable advantages. First, it is fully automatic. Unlike theorem proving, neither user interaction nor expertise is required. Second, if the model fails to satisfy a property, a counterexample is always produced serving as priceless debugging information. If the design is announced correct, it implies that all behaviors have been explored, and the coverage problem becomes irrelevant. As a result, model checking has been widely used in industrial projects to verify safety critical systems, such as aircraft [11, 13], traffic alert and control system for airplanes [19], spacecraft [68], train control system [52], storm surge barrier control system [122, 126] and other embedded software [117]. 1.4 Problems and Challenges In this section, we list some current problems and challenges in the domains related to reliability and safety. These issues inspired us to develop the new theory in this thesis, which in turn contributes to these applications. 1.4.1 Checking Properties on Execution Traces Software model checkers, e.g., SPIN, support various constructs for formalizing different classes of properties. The most powerful constructs are the never claim, the trace and notrace assertions. The never claim is used to specify the properties on sequences of states that should never occur, while the trace and notrace assertions are used to specify the properties on sequences of transitions of simple channel operations, i.e., simple send and receive operations on message channels. A transition is a statement between two states, thus the trace and notrace assertions only treat a restricted subset of transitions. 6 Chapter 1. Introduction However, we observed that the existing constructs cannot specify the properties on full sequences of transitions apart from the transitions of simple channel operations, e.g., assignments, random receive operations, etc. Therefore, we need a new construct for specifying correctness properties related to execution traces, and a theory to support the checking of the properties. 1.4.2 Supporting the Change and Evolution of Property Specifications The change and evolution of property specifications are now challenges to the traditional development process. The changes are common both at design-time and postimplementation, especially for the systems whose life period is long, e.g., aircrafts, nuclear plants, critical embedded electronic systems, etc. The changes may result from various factors, such as the change of dependability requirements and new safety regulations. Unfortunately, the changes always cause high expenditure of rechecking and revising the system, especially when the system is too complex to be clearly analyzed manually or so large that the revision is not trivial. Moreover, the changes may not only lead to modify a small portion of the system, but to revise the entire design. Therefore, we need a technique to support changeful property specifications at a lower cost. 1.4.3 Functional Validity of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 The international standard IEC 61508 [77] provides a generic process for electrical, electronic, or programmable electronic (E/E/PE) Safety-Related Systems (SRS) to achieve an acceptable level of functional safety. The achieved safety requirements consist of two parts, safety functions and associated safety integrity levels (SIL). However, the standard focuses more on the realization of integrity requirements rather than function requirements. As a result, the standard indicates only the product is of a given reliable integrity, but not whether it implements the right safety requirements. Furthermore, the standard does not prescribe exactly how the verification of safety functions of an SRS could technically be done. As a result, the problem of functional validity arises. Functional validity means whether the safety functions realized by the SRS can really prevent accidents and recover the system from hazardous states, provided the expected safety integrity level is reached. Therefore, we need a generic technical methodology to achieve functional validity. 1.4.4 Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML Models The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language developed by Object Management Group (OMG) [108, 109]. Guidelines and consistency rules of UML are used to control the degrees of freedom provided by the UML language to prevent faults. Guideline contains a set of rules which recommend certain uses of technologies (e.g., modeling and programming languages) to produce more reliable, safe and maintainable products such as computer and software systems. Consistency problems of UML models have attracted great attention from both academic and industrial communities [83, 82, 76]. A list of 635 consistency rules are identified by [124, 125]. However, guidelines and consistency rules provide informal restrictions on the use of language, which makes checking difficult. Therefore, we need theories and techniques to formalize guidelines and consistency rules to control the use of UML. 1.5. A Preview of the Model Monitoring Approach 1.5 7 A Preview of the Model Monitoring Approach In order to treat the identified problems and challenges, a new formal method, namely the model monitoring approach, and its theoretical foundation, namely the Control System (C System), will be proposed in this thesis. In this section, we will informally introduce the methodology and its applications. 1.5.1 The Methodology Let us consider the language-theoretic approach for modeling, analyzing and controlling discrete event systems. These systems receive input events acquired from sensors and produce output events via actuators. The set of all possible sequences of events (i.e., words) is a language whose alphabet is the set of inputs and outputs (timed and stochastic features are not considered). If a language is finite, we could list all its elements, i.e., all possible system behaviors. Unfortunately, this is rarely practical, since infinite sequences exist. Note that these sequences are not random but restrained by the system implementation. Therefore, we use discrete event modeling formalisms to represent the system model, which is implemented to generate system behaviors. It is usually expected that a system satisfies some properties to ensure dependability. The properties restrict all possible system behaviors to a subset. That is, some undesired sequences of events and execution traces are not admissible, since they violate the property specification. The admissible subset of execution traces can be defined by a controlling language whose alphabet includes the elements of execution traces. Again, the controlling language cannot be specified by enumerating all admissible execution traces, since infinite admissible execution traces exist. Therefore, the properties are also modeled using certain formalisms, such as automata and temporal logic. Usually, the properties are verified during the development process to restrict the design of the system. However, as the natures of the system model and the properties are different, their manual integration is complex and error-prone. Therefore, we try to find a new methodology to ensure the properties at a lower cost by separating the system model and the property specification. The Model Monitoring Approach. As shown in Fig. 1.3, our new methodology consists in preserving the parting of the system model and the property specification. The property specification is modeled and implemented as a control structure which supervises the behavior of the system. Thus the behaviors generated by the global system satisfy the properties. This is significantly different from the methodology of model checking (c.f. Fig. 1.2). The system behaviors are expressed as a language L on the inputs and outputs, generated by the system model. Whereas the properties are formulated as a controlling model accepting a controlling language L̂ on the execution traces rather than inputs and outputs. Then the two models can be automatically merged or, preferably, executed in parallel. Technically, we use two alternative implementations: model monitoring and model generating. For model monitoring, the controlling model supervises the execution of the system at runtime. Whereas model generating automatically combines the two models to generate a global system satisfying the properties. As a result, the sequence of inputs controls certain degrees of freedom of the system behaviors, and the properties control other degrees of freedom leading to correct and safe outputs. 8 Chapter 1. Introduction property specification global system control system model system behaviors (sequences of events) Figure 1.3: The Methodology of the Model Monitoring Approach Control System (C System). As the theoretical foundation of the model monitoring approach, a new formalism based on the formal language theory, namely the Control System (C System), will be proposed. The C System is a generic framework, and contains two components: the controlled component and the controlling component. The controlled component expresses a language L on inputs and outputs. Whereas the controlling component, also called a controller, expresses a controlling language L̂ restricting the use of L without changing L itself. Technically, each component can be formulated using automata or grammars, resulting in two types of C systems: automaton control systems and grammar control systems, respectively. Automaton Control System (AC System). A discrete event system is always modeled as an automaton A which accepts a language L(A) = L. The property specification is modeled as a controlling automaton  accepting a language L(Â) = L̂. The model  controls the execution of A, thus all controlled behaviors satisfy the properties. Therefore, the global system which consists of A and  satisfies the desired property specification. Grammar Control System (GC System). A grammar system is always modeled as a grammar G which accepts a language L(G) = L. The property specification is modeled as a controlling grammar Ĝ accepting a language L(Ĝ) = L̂. The grammar Ĝ controls the derivation of G, thus all controlled derivations produce only the words satisfying the properties. Therefore, the global system which consists of G and Ĝ satisfies the desired property specification. Infinite Versions. Some system behaviors may be of infinite length, e.g., nonstop systems. If we consider the system behaviors of infinite length as ω-words, then the set of all possible sequences of events is an ω-language, which can be generated by an ω-automaton or an ω-grammar. In this case, we define the infinite versions of the above types of control system, namely ω-C System, ω-AC System, and ω-GC System, respectively. We would like to mention some obvious differences between our formalism and Ramadge and Wonham’s supervisory control [112]. The C System is a more generic framework taking into account automata, grammars, ω-automata and ω-grammars etc., whereas supervisory control only considers finite state automata. Furthermore, other technical differences will be discussed in the subsequent chapters. 1.6. Outline of the Thesis 1.5.2 9 Applications One generic application of the model monitoring approach is to provide better support for the change and evolution of property specifications. If the property specification obtained from dependability requirements changes, only the controlling component needs modifications, thus decreasing the cost. The model monitoring approach can also serve as the theoretical foundation of safetyrelated systems in IEC 61508. A safety-related system can be modeled as a controlling component that supervises the execution of the controlled system. The GC system can be used to formalize and check guidelines and consistency rules of UML. The grammar of UML is considered as a grammar system, and the system behaviors are the conforming user models. With the supervisory of controlling grammars specifying guidelines and consistency rules, the global system accepts only consistent UML user models. A variant of the ω-AC system can be used to specify and model checking the properties on execution traces, since the controlling language defines the admissible subset of execution traces. 1.6 Outline of the Thesis This dissertation consists of two parts, which expose the theory of Control Systems (C Systems), and the model monitoring approach, respectively. The first part proposes the theory of C Systems, based on the theory of automata and formal languages. The C System has two versions: finite and infinite, which are named C System and ω-C System, respectively. The finite version is based on the classic theory of automata and formal languages, and used to model systems with finite length behaviors, e.g., the systems with final states, the grammar of UML which accepts conforming models through finite derivations. The infinite version is based on the theory of ω-automata and ω-languages, and used to model nonstop systems, e.g., chemical reactor systems. Chapter 2 briefly recalls the necessary preliminaries. We introduce some basic notions about automata, grammars and languages. We then review some related theories, including regulated rewriting, supervisory control and model checking. Chapter 3 proposes the theory of Control Systems (C Systems) on finite words. Technically, three types of C Systems and their generative power are studied, namely Grammar Control Systems (GC Systems), Leftmost-derivation-based Grammar Control Systems (LGC Systems) and Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems). Chapter 4 provides the preliminary for Chapter 5. We propose the (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammar, and study its relative generative power to (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automata. Chapter 5 proposes the theory of ω-Control Systems (ω-C Systems) on infinite words. Technically, three types of ω-C Systems and their generative power are studied, namely ωGrammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems), Leftmost-derivation-based ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-LGC Systems) and ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems). Chapter 6 proposes the Büchi Automaton Control System (BAC System), which is a special case of the ω-AC system. The variants of BAC systems in the context of concurrency are also discussed, such as Input/Output Automaton Control System (IO-AC System) and Interface Automaton Control System (IN-AC System). Chapter 7 presents an application of the BAC system in model checking. We propose 10 Chapter 1. Introduction the nevertrace claim, which is a new construct for specifying correctness properties. The theoretical foundation for checking nevertrace claims is studied. The second part proposes the model monitoring approach based on the theory of C Systems, and introduces its applications. Chapter 8 presents the model monitoring approach. An application concerning supporting the change and evolution of property specifications is discussed to illustrate the merits. Chapter 9 discusses two additional applications of the model monitoring approach to show its strong power. The first one concerns safety-related systems in IEC 61508, which are automata-based systems. The second one concerns guidelines and consistency rules of UML, which is a grammar system. Chapter 10 concludes this thesis by summarizing contributions and future work. It is worth noting that the two parts are strongly connected. This means, in order to read the second part, the reader needs to understand the basic idea and notations introduced in the first part. However, the proofs can be skipped in a first reading. Furthermore, as an exception, Chapters 4 and 5, which explore the theoretical aspects of the ω-languages theory, could be safely skipped if the reader is more interested in the applications than the theoretical results. Provenance of the material. This thesis is partially based on published materials. Chapter 6, which presents the Büchi Automaton Control System (BAC System) and its concurrent variants, is an improved and extended version of our earlier work on these subjects. In particular, the BAC system was proposed in [26, 25], the IO-AC system with existential meta-composition operator was introduced in [22], and the IN-AC system with universal meta-composition operator was discussed in [23, 20]. A short version of Chapter 7 which proposes the nevertrace claim appeared in [24]. In Chapter 8, the idea of separating functional and dependability requirements was introduced in [25, 26]. In Chapter 9, the application of grammar control systems for modeling and checking guidelines and consistency rules of UML was discussed in [21]. Part I Control Systems in Formal Language Theory (C Systems) 11 Chapter 2 Preliminaries In this chapter, we briefly recall the necessary preliminaries. We introduce some basic notions about automata, grammars and languages. We then review some related theories, including regulated rewriting, supervisory control and model checking. 2.1 Automata, Grammars and Languages Some basic definitions, conventions and notations are recalled in this section. The exhaustive investigations on this subject could be found in the monographs [61, 74, 116, 115]. 2.1.1 The Chomsky Hierarchy The Chomsky hierarchy is a containment hierarchy of classes of formal grammars and languages, which was first proposed in [28, 29]. The four numbered types and two additional important types of languages, along with their associated classes of grammars and automata, are summarized in Table 2.1. Hierarchy 0 1 N/A 2 N/A 3 Grammars Phrase structure Context-sensitive Tree-adjoining Context-free Deterministic context-free Regular Languages Recursively enumerable Context-sensitive Mildly context-sensitive Context-free Deterministic context-free Regular Automata Turing machine Linear-bounded Embedded pushdown Nondeterministic pushdown Deterministic pushdown Finite state Table 2.1: The Chomsky Hierarchy 2.1.2 Grammars and Languages Conventions: The capital letters A, B, C, D, E and S denote nonterminals, S is the start symbol unless stated. The lowercase letters near the beginning of the alphabet a, b, c, d, e denote terminals. The capital letters near the end of the alphabet X, Y, Z denote either terminals or nonterminals. The lowercase letters near the end of the alphabet u, v, w, x, y, z denote strings of terminals. The lowercase Greek letters α, β, γ denote strings of either terminals or nonterminals. Definition 2.1. A phrase structure grammar (PSG) is denoted G = (N, T, P, S), where N is a finite set of nonterminals, T is a finite set of terminals, P is a finite set of productions 13 14 Chapter 2. Preliminaries of the form α → β with α 6= , and α, β are strings of symbols from (N ∪ T )∗ , and S ∈ N is the start symbol. We define the vocabulary V = N ∪ T . The language accepted by G is L(G) = {w ∈ T ∗ | S ⇒∗ w}. Some other names for phrase structure grammars include type 0 grammars, or unrestricted grammars. Definition 2.2. A context-sensitive grammar (CSG) is a phrase structure grammar whose productions are of the form α → β with α 6= and |α| ≤ |β|, and α, β ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ . The term “context-sensitive” comes from a normal form for these grammars, where each production is of the form α1 Aα2 → α1 βα2 , with β 6= . Definition 2.3. A context-free grammar (CFG) is a phrase structure grammar whose productions are of the form A → α where A ∈ N is a nonterminal, and α ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ . Definition 2.4. A right-linear grammar is a phrase structure grammar whose productions are of the form A → wB or A → w, where A and B are nonterminals and w ∈ T ∗ is a string of terminals. If all productions are of the form A → Bw or A → w, we call it left-linear grammar. A right- or left-linear grammar is called a regular grammar (REG). 2.1.3 Automata and Languages Conventions: The lowercase letters a, b, c, d, e near the beginning of the alphabet denote input symbols. The lowercase letters u, v, w, x, y, z near the end of the alphabet denote strings of input symbols. The capital letters A, B, C, X, Y, Z denote tape/stack symbols. The lowercase Greek letters α, β, γ denote strings of tape/stack symbols. Definition 2.5. A (nondeterministic) Turing machine (TM) is a tuple M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , B, F ), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite input alphabet not including B, Γ is a finite tape alphabet, δ is a transition function mapping Q × Γ 7→ 2Q×Γ×{L,R,S} where L, R and S denote moving left, right and stationary, respectively, q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, B ∈ Γ is the blank, and F ⊆ Q is a set of final states. A TM M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , B, F ) is a deterministic Turing machine (DTM), if δ is a transition function mapping Q × Γ 7→ Q × Γ × {L, R, S}. An instantaneous description (ID) is denoted by α1 qα2 , where q is the current state, α1 α2 ∈ Γ∗ is the contents of the tape up to the rightmost nonblank symbol. The tape head is assumed to be scanning the leftmost symbol of α2 , or if α2 = , the head is scanning a blank. We denote by `M a move, `∗M zero or multiple moves, `iM exactly i moves. The subscript is dropped if M is understood, i.e., `, `∗ and `i . Definition 2.6. For a TM M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , B, F ), the language accepted is the set L(M ) = {w | w ∈ Σ∗ and q0 w `∗ α1 pα2 for some p ∈ F and α1 , α2 ∈ Γ∗ } 2.2. Grammars with Regulated Rewriting 15 Definition 2.7. A (nondeterministic) pushdown automaton (PDA) is a tuple D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite input alphabet, Γ is a finite stack ∗ alphabet, δ is a transition function mapping Q × (Σ ∪ {}) × Γ 7→ 2Q×Γ , q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, Z0 ∈ Γ is the start symbol, and F ⊆ Q is a set of final states. A PDA D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ) is a deterministic pushdown automata (DPDA), if: 1. for each q ∈ Q and Z ∈ Γ, whenever δ(q, , Z) is nonempty, then δ(q, a, Z) is empty for all a ∈ Σ; 2. for each q ∈ Q, Z ∈ Γ, and a ∈ Σ∪{}, δ(q, a, Z) contains no more than one element. An instantaneous description (ID) is a triple (q, w, γ), where q is a state, w is a string of input symbols, and γ is a string of stack symbols. We say (q, aw, Zα) `D (p, w, βα) is a move, if δ(q, a, Z) contains (p, β), where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}. We denote by `∗D zero or multiple moves, `iD exactly i moves. The subscript is dropped if D is understood, i.e., `, `∗ and `i . Definition 2.8. For PDA D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ), the language accepted by final state is the set L(D) = {w | (q0 , w, Z0 ) `∗ (p, , γ) for some p ∈ F and γ ∈ Γ∗ } The language accepted by empty stack is the set N (D) = {w | (q0 , w, Z0 ) `∗ (p, , ) for some p ∈ Q} When acceptance is by empty stack, we usually let the set of final states be ∅. Definition 2.9. A (nondeterministic) finite state automaton (FSA) with -transitions is a tuple A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite input alphabet, δ is a transition function mapping Q × (Σ ∪ {}) 7→ 2Q , q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, and F ⊆ Q is a set of final states. A FSA A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) is a deterministic finite state automaton (DFSA), if δ is a transition function mapping Q × Σ 7→ Q. We define the extended transition function δ̂ mapping Q × Σ∗ 7→ 2Q by extending δ to apply to a state and a string (see [74]). Definition 2.10. A string w is accepted by an FSA A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), if δ̂(q0 , w) contains a state in F . The language accepted by A is the set L(A) = {w | δ̂(q0 , w) contains a state in F } 2.2 Grammars with Regulated Rewriting There are reasons for introducing control structures over grammars and automata. For example, grammars with regulated rewriting [64, 39] and path-controlled grammars [95, 96] are defined to impose restrictions on the derivations of context-free grammars to increase 16 Chapter 2. Preliminaries generative power, since context-free grammars are not able to cover all linguistic phenomena. Typical types of grammars with controlled derivations are the regularly controlled grammar and the matrix grammar. Generally, a regular set is used to control the derivations of a grammar [40, 38]. They are defined as follows. Notations. We denote by REG, CF G, CSG, P SG the families of regular, contextfree, context-sensitive, arbitrary phrase structure grammars, respectively. For REG, we only consider right-linear grammars as in [39]. We denote by F SA, P DA, T M the families of nondeterministic finite state, nondeterministic pushdown automata, and nondeterministic Turing machines, respectively, while the deterministic machines are denoted by DF SA, DP DA, DT M , respectively. For a family X of grammars or automata, we denote the associated family of languages by L(X). A phrase structure grammar is denoted G = (N, T, P, S), where P is a finite set of productions of the form p : α → β where p is the name (or label) of the production. p A derivation using a specified production p is denoted by α ⇒ β, and its reflexive and transitive closure is denoted by α ⇒∗ γ, or with the sequence of applied productions p1 ...p α =⇒k γ. Definition 2.11 (Def. 1 of [38] and Def. 2.1.2 of [39]). A regularly controlled grammar is a quintuple G = (N, T, P, S, R), where N, T, P, S are specified as in a phrase structure grammar, R is a regular set over P . The language L(G) accepted by G consists of all words w ∈ T ∗ such that there is a p1 ...p derivation S =⇒k w with p1 ∈ R. In words, a regular set controls the acceptable sequences of derivation. We denote by L(rC, X) the family of languages accepted by regularly controlled grammars with P containing all productions of type X, e.g. L(rC, CF G). Definition 2.12 (Def. 4 of [38] and Def. 1.1.1 of [39]). A matrix grammar is a tuple G = (N, T, P, S, M ), where N, T, P, S are specified as in a phrase structure grammar, M = {m1 , m2 , ..., mn } is a finite set of sequences of productions mi = (pi1 , pi2 , ..., pik(i) ), k(i) ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, pi1 , pi2 , ..., pik(i) ∈ P . m pi pi pik(i) i 1 2 For mi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and α, β ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ , we define α =⇒ β by α = α0 =⇒ α1 =⇒ · · · =⇒ αk(i) = β. The language L(G) accepted by G consists of all words w ∈ T ∗ such that there is a mj mj mj k 1 2 βk = w, for some k ≥ 1, 1 ≤ ji ≤ n, 1 ≤ i ≤ k. derivation S =⇒ β1 =⇒ · · · =⇒ In words, a set of sequences of productions controls the acceptable sequences of derivation. We denote by L(M, X) the family of languages accepted by matrix grammars with P containing all productions of type X, e.g. L(M, CF G). Concerning the generative power of the two types of controlled grammars above, we have the following theorem, of which (i) follows from Thm. 1.2.1 and Thm. 2.1.1 of [39], (ii) follows from Thm. 1 of [38] and Thm. 2.1.1 of [39], and (iii) follows from Thm. 2.1 of [40]. Theorem 2.13. (i) L(M, REG) = L(rC, REG) = L(REG). (ii) L(CF G) ⊂ L(M, CF G) = L(rC, CF G) ⊂ L(P SG). (iii) L(rC, CF G) is incomparable with L(CSG). 2.3. Supervisory Control 2.3 17 Supervisory Control The theory of supervisory control on deterministic systems was first introduced by P. J. Ramadge and W. M. Wonham in their papers [112, 113]. An extensive survey on the supervisory control of deterministic systems can be found in [18]. The supervisory control is used to restrict the inadmissible behavior of a Discrete Event System (DES). Given a DES, or a plant, whose uncontrolled behavior is modeled by automaton G, we introduce a supervisor modeled by automaton S to restrict the behavior of the plant. Let L ⊆ Σ∗ be a language, and s ∈ Σ∗ , then the prefix-closure of L is L = {s ∈ ∗ Σ | ∃t ∈ Σ∗ , st ∈ L}. L is prefix-closed if L = L. A deterministic finite state automaton (DFSA) is a tuple A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ). We define the active event function Γ : Q → 2Σ , such that Γ(q), the active event set at q, is the set of all events e for which δ(q, e) is defined. Definition 2.14. The language generated by a DFSA A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) is the set Lg (A) = {s ∈ Σ∗ | δ(q0 , s) is defined} The language marked (or accepted ) by A is the set Lm (A) = {s ∈ Σ∗ | δ(q0 , s) ∈ F } Note that Lg (A) is prefix-closed by definition, i.e., Lg (A) = Lg (A). Also, we have Lm (A) ⊆ Lm (A) ⊆ Lg (A). Definition 2.15. Automaton A is blocking if Lm (A) ⊂ Lg (A), and nonblocking if Lm (A) = Lg (A). Let a DES be G = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), where the set of events can be partitioned into two disjoint subsets Σ = Σc ∪ Σuc where Σc is the set of controllable events, Σuc is the set of uncontrollable events. A supervisor S is a function S : Lg (G) → 2Σ to dynamically enable or disable events of G. For each generated string s ∈ Lg (G), the set of enabled events at current state is S(s) ∩ Γ(δ(q0 , s)). A supervisor S is admissible if for all s ∈ Lg (G), Σuc ∩ Γ(δ(q0 , s)) ⊆ S(s). That is, S is not allowed to disable a feasible uncontrollable event. We will only consider admissible supervisors. Given G and S, the resulting controlled system is denoted by S/G. Definition 2.16. The language generated by S/G is defined recursively as follows 1. ∈ Lg (S/G) 2. sσ ∈ Lg (S/G) if and only if, s ∈ Lg (S/G) and sσ ∈ Lg (G) and σ ∈ S(s). The language marked by S/G is Lm (S/G) = Lg (S/G) ∩ Lm (G) Overall, we have the inclusions ∅ ⊆ Lm (S/G) ⊆ Lm (S/G) ⊆ Lg (S/G) = Lg (S/G) ⊆ Lg (G). 18 Chapter 2. Preliminaries Definition 2.17. The DES S/G is blocking if Lm (S/G) ⊂ Lg (S/G), and nonblocking if Lm (S/G) = Lg (S/G). We say S is blocking (nonblocking resp.) if S/G is blocking (nonblocking resp.). The controllability theorem states the necessary and sufficient condition of the existence of supervisors under partial controllability. Theorem 2.18 (Controllability Theorem (CT)). Given a DES G = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) where Σ = Σc ∪Σuc , let K ⊆ Lg (G) and K 6= ∅. There exists supervisor S such that Lg (S/G) = K if and only if KΣuc ∩ Lg (G) ⊆ K The standard realization of S is to build an automaton R that marks exactly the language K, i.e., Lg (R) = Lm (R) = K. Other realizations are extensively discussed in the literature, such as induced supervisors, reduced state realization. If it is required that the supervisor S is nonblocking, i.e., Lm (S/G) = Lg (S/G), we need to extend CT to nonblocking supervisors. Theorem 2.19 (Nonblocking Controllability Theorem (NCT)). Given a DES G = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) where Σ = Σc ∪ Σuc , let K ⊆ Lm (G) and K 6= ∅. There exists a nonblocking supervisor S such that Lm (S/G) = K and Lg (S/G) = K if and only if the two following conditions hold: 1. Controllability: KΣuc ∩ Lg (G) ⊆ K 2. Lm (G)-closure: K = K ∩ Lm (G). 2.4 From Propositional Logic to Temporal Logic Logic systems are widely used in modeling, reasoning and specification checking about computer systems [75]. In this section, we briefly recall several classic logics and their notations. Propositional logic. Propositional logic is the most basic and simple logic system. It can only express formulas that contain atomic propositions and a small set of connectives. Its grammar can be defined in Backus-Naur Form (BNF) as φ ::= p | (¬φ) | (φ ∧ φ) | (φ ∨ φ) | (φ → φ) Given a propositional model M , a set of propositional formulas Γ, and a property φ, the checking problems of whether M |= φ and whether the semantic entailment Γ |= φ holds are both decidable. The validating algorithm can be based on the truth table. 2.5. Automata-Theoretic Model Checking 19 Predicate logic. Predicate logic extends propositional logic by introducing quantifiers ∀, ∃ and predicate expressions. Its grammar can be defined in BNF as t ::= x | c | f (t, . . . , t) φ ::= P (t1 , t2 , . . . , tn ) | (¬φ) | (φ ∧ φ) | (φ ∨ φ) | (φ → φ) | (∀φ) | (∃φ) In the upper production, t is a term, x ranges over a set of variables, c over nullary function symbols, and f over the function symbols with parameters. In the lower production, P is a predicate symbol of arity n ≥ 1, and ti are terms. Temporal logic. There are mainly three types of temporal logic. Linear-time temporal logic (LTL) extends propositional logic by introducing temporal connectives X, F, G, U, W, R. LTL implicitly quantifies universally over paths. Its syntax is given in BNF as φ ::= > | ⊥ | p | (¬φ) | (φ ∧ φ) | (φ ∨ φ) | (φ → φ) | (Xφ) | (F φ) | (Gφ) | (φU φ) | (φW φ) | (φRφ) Computation tree logic (CTL) is a branching-time logic that extends propositional logic by introducing quantified temporal connectives AX, EX, AF, EF , etc., in order to quantify explicitly over paths. Its syntax is given in BNF as φ ::= > | ⊥ | p | (¬φ) | (φ ∧ φ) | (φ ∨ φ) | (φ → φ) | AXφ | EXφ | AF φ | EF φ | AGφ | EGφ | A[φU φ] | E[φU φ] CTL* is a logic which combines the expressive powers of LTL and CTL, by dropping the CTL constraint that every temporal operator has to be associated with a unique path quantifier. The syntax involves two classes of formulas: state formulas φ, which are evaluated in states, and path formulas α, which are evaluated along paths: φ ::= > | p | (¬φ) | (φ ∧ φ) | A[α] | E[α] α ::= φ | (¬α) | (α ∧ α) | (αU α) | (Gα) | (F α) | (Xα) 2.5 Automata-Theoretic Model Checking Pnueli was the first to use temporal logic for reasoning about programs [110] in 1977. Temporal logic model checking algorithms were introduced by Clarke and Emerson [30] and Quielle and Sifakis [111] in the early 1980s to automate reasoning. In this section, we will briefly recall the notations and fundamentals of standard automata-theoretic model checking technique. The exhaustive investigations on this subject could be found in the monographs [31, 5]. The first step of model checking is constructing a formal model M that captures the behavior of system. We always use the Kripke structure. Definition 2.20. Let AP be a set of atomic propositions. A Kripke structure M over AP is a tuple (S, S0 , R, L), where S is a finite set of states, S0 ⊆ S is a set of initial states, R ⊆ S × S is a transition relation, L : S → 2AP is a labeling function that labels each state with the set of atomic propositions true in that state. 20 Chapter 2. Preliminaries The second step is to specify the property to be verified φ in a certain temporal logic, typically LTL (Linear Temporal Logic), CTL (Computation Tree Logic), CTL* [75]. We use the path quantifiers A (“for all computation paths”) and E (“for some computation path”), and the temporal operators X (“next state”), F (“in the future”), G (“globally”), U (“until”) and R (“release”). Given the model M and the formula φ, the model checking problem is to decide whether S0 ⊆ {s ∈ S | M, s |= φ}. There are two popular solutions as follows. • symbolic approach, which operates by labeling each state s with the set label(s) of subformulas of φ which are true in s (initially label(s) = L(s)). When the algorithm terminates, we have M, s |= φ if and only if φ ∈ label(s). The SMV [98] is a typical implementation. • automata-theoretic approach, which translates the formula φ into an automaton for checking. The SPIN [73, 71] is a typical implementation. property specification (2) modeling formula φ (4) translating automaton A¬φ system design (1) modeling model M (3) translating automaton AM (7) revision (5) intersect counterexample END AI = AM ∩ A¬φ no (6) emptiness yes checking Figure 2.1: The Process of Model Checking For the convenience of comparison, we are concerned with the automata-theoretic approach. The overall process of model checking is shown in Fig. 2.1 where the steps are numbered. This method is based on Büchi automata [16, 120, 121]. Definition 2.21. A (nondeterministic) Büchi automaton is a tuple A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite alphabet, δ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q is a set of transitions, q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, F ⊆ Q is a set of accepting states. A run of A on an ω-word v = v(0)v(1) . . . ∈ Σω is a sequence of states ρ = ρ(0)ρ(1) . . . ∈ Qω such that ρ(0) = q0 , (ρ(i), v(i), ρ(i+1)) ∈ δ for i ≥ 0. Let inf(ρ) be the set of states that appear infinitely often in the run ρ, then ρ is a successful run if and only if inf(ρ) ∩ F 6= ∅. A accepts v if there is a successful run of A on v. The ω-language accepted by A is L(A) = {v ∈ Σω | A accepts v}. If an ω-language L = L(A) for some Büchi automaton A, then L is Büchi recognizable. Büchi recognizable ω-languages are called regular ω-languages. The expressive power of regular ω-languages includes that of LTL [120], although Büchi automata are syntactically simple. Thus, we can translate LTL formulas into Büchi automata. At the third and fourth steps, the modeled system M and the property φ are both represented in Büchi automata, respectively. A Kripke structure M = (S, R, S0 , L) is translated into an automaton AM = (S ∪ {q0 }, Σ, δ, {q0 }, S ∪ {q0 }), where q0 6∈ S and Σ = 2AP . We have (s, a, s0 ) ∈ δ for s, s0 ∈ S if and only if (s, s0 ) ∈ R and a = L(s0 ), and (q0 , a, s) ∈ δ if and only if s ∈ S0 and a = L(s). 2.5. Automata-Theoretic Model Checking 21 The negation of the property ¬φ in LTL is translated into an automaton A¬φ over the same alphabet 2AP [60]. L(A¬φ ) includes exactly the ω-words satisfying ¬φ. Note that each edge of A¬φ is annotated with a boolean expression that represents several sets of atomic propositions, where each set corresponds to a truth assignment for AP that satisfies the boolean expression. For example, let AP = {a, b, c}, an edge labeled a ∧ b matches the transitions labeled with {a, b} and {a, b, c}. We denote by Σ(a ∧ b) = {{a, b}, {a, b, c}}. The mathematical foundation of checking is the following one. The system AM satisfies the specification φ when L(AM ) ⊆ L(Aφ ). Therefore, one checks whether L(AM ) ∩ L(A¬φ ) = ∅, since L(A¬φ ) = Σω − L(Aφ ). If the intersection is not empty, any behavior in it corresponds to a counterexample. At the fifth step, we compute the automaton AI accepting L(AM ) ∩ L(A¬φ ) (denoted by AI = AM ∩ A¬φ ), by using the following theorem about the intersection of two Büchi automata. Theorem 2.22. Let A1 = (Q1 , Σ, δ1 , q1 , F1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ, δ2 , q2 , F2 ). We can construct an automaton accepting L(A1 ) ∩ L(A2 ) as follows: A1 ∩ A2 = (Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1, 2}, Σ, δ, (q1 , q2 , 0), Q1 × Q2 × {2}) where ((qi , qj , x), a, (qm , qn , y)) ∈ δ if and only if (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 , (qj , a, qn ) ∈ δ2 , and x, y satisfy the following conditions: 0, if x = 2 1, if x = 0 and q ∈ F m 1 y= 2, if x = 1 and qn ∈ F2 x, otherwise Notice that all states of AM are accepting, the computation of intersection can be simplified as follows. Theorem 2.23. Let A1 = (Q1 , Σ, δ1 , q1 , Q1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ, δ2 , q2 , F2 ). We can construct an automaton accepting L(A1 ) ∩ L(A2 ) as follows: A1 ∩ A2 = (Q1 × Q2 , Σ, δ, (q1 , q2 ), Q1 × F2 ) where ((qi , qj ), a, (qm , qn )) ∈ δ if and only if (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 and (qj , a, qn ) ∈ δ2 . Finally, at the sixth step, the last task is to check emptiness of the intersection AI . A memory efficient algorithm, namely double DFS (Depth First Search) [37], was developed by extending Tarjan’s DFS [118]. If L(AI ) = ∅, then the system M satisfies the property φ. Or else, a counterexample v ∈ L(AI ) will be reported, and guide the revision of the original design (step 7). On one hand, revisions of the design may bring in new faults. On the other hand, model checkers always produce only one counterexample each time, indicating a single fault. Thus, the iterative process of model checking, counterexample analysis and revision will be repeated, until L(AI ) = ∅. Chapter 3 Control Systems in Formal Language Theory In this chapter, we propose the theory of Control Systems (C Systems) in formal language theory. The control system is a generic framework, and contains two components: the controlled component and the controlling component. The two components are expressed using the same formalism, e.g., automata or grammars. The reason is that people can use the same technique to implement the two components in practice. In contrast, traditional grammars with regulated rewriting do not satisfy this principle. Indeed, their controlled components are grammars, but their controlling components are other structures such as regular sets and matrix. The control system adopts one restriction and three extensions of regulated rewriting [39]. The restriction is that the appearance checking mode is disabled, since it is not easy to implement this mechanism in practice. The extensions are as follows. First, the controlling components are expressed using the same formalism as the controlled components, e.g., automata or grammars, rather than regular sets or matrix. Second, context-free control sets are enabled to increase expressive power. The regular set has limited expressive power in specifying constraints, thus context-free control sets may be needed in some applications. Therefore, we need to use context-free languages as controlling sets, and study their generative power. Third, the controlled derivations are restricted to be leftmost, in order to make the global system LL-parsable. Regularly controlled grammars are not LL-parsable, since they are not compatible with LL parsers by introducing conflicts in parsing (see the example in Section 3.4). Therefore, we need to define LL-parsable grammars with controlled derivations, whose controlling components should be based on leftmost derivations of the controlled grammars. We will define three types of control systems. The Grammar Control System (GC System) and Leftmost-derivation-based Grammar Control System (LGC System) implement the two extensions, respectively. The third type, namely the Automaton Control System (AC System), is a novel formalism based on the automaton representation. Emerging applications call for such a theory, since automata have become a popular tool for system modeling [75]. 23 24 3.1 3.1.1 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory Grammar Control Systems (GC Systems) Definitions A grammar control system consists of a controlled grammar and a controlling grammar that restricts the derivation of the controlled grammar. The set of terminals of the controlling grammar equals the set of production names of the controlled grammar. Definition 3.1. Given a controlled grammar (or simply grammar) G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ), a controlling grammar over G1 is a quadruple G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 ) with T2 = P1 . L(G1 ) and L(G2 ) are called controlled language and controlling language, respectively. Without loss of generality, we assume that N1 ∩ N2 = ∅. Note that several productions may have the same name. Generally, we denote the controlled grammar and the controlling grammar by G1 and G2 respectively. Definition 3.2. A Grammar Control System (GC System) includes a grammar G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ) and a controlling grammar G2 . The global language of G1 controlled by G2 is: p1 p k L(G1 , G2 ) = {w|S1 ⇒ α1 · · · ⇒ αk = w, p1 , ..., pk ∈ P1 and p1 p2 ∈ L(G2 )} Obviously, the set of accepted input strings is a subset of the controlled language, such that the sequences of applied productions belong to the controlling language, i.e., L(G1 , G2 ) ⊆ L(G1 ). Example 3.3. Given G1 , G2 with the following productions: ( p1 : S1 → AB S2 → p1 C p2 : A → aAb p3 : B → Bc G2 G1 C → p2 p3 C | p4 p5 p4 : A → ab p5 : B → c The context-free language L(G1 ) = an bn c+ and the regular language L(G2 ) = p1 (p2 p3 )∗ p4 p5 constitute a non-context-free global language L(G1 , G2 ) = an bn cn , n ≥ 1. Two trivial types of controlling grammars are empty controlling grammars and full controlling grammars. The former ones accept the empty controlling language which rejects all the sequences of productions applied in derivations, i.e., L(G2 ) = ∅. The latter ones accept full controlling languages that accept all the sequences of productions applied in derivations, i.e., L(G2 ) = P1∗ , where P1 is the set of production names of the controlled grammar G1 . Note that the two types of languages are both regular languages. 3.1.2 Generative Power We denote by L(X, Y ) the family of languages accepted by GC systems whose controlled grammars are of type X and controlling grammars are of type Y . If the controlling grammars are regular grammars, we observe that L(X, REG) is equivalent to L(rC, X) accepted by regularly controlled grammars. Therefore, we have the following two theorems by Thm. 2.13. Theorem 3.4. L(REG, REG) = L(REG). 3.1. Grammar Control Systems (GC Systems) 25 Theorem 3.5. L(CF G) ⊂ L(CF G, REG) ⊂ L(P SG), and L(CF G, REG) is incomparable with L(CSG). We now examine the cases of context-free controlling grammars. We need the following result by [97], which is proved in [97, 6]. Lemma 3.6. Let G = (N, T, P, S) be a grammar such that the rules in P have the form α → β, α ∈ N + . Then the language accepted by G in a leftmost manner is context-free, i.e., Ll (G) ∈ L(CF G). Theorem 3.7. L(REG, CF G) = L(CF G). Proof. (i) L(REG, CF G) ⊇ L(CF G). Given a grammar G = (N, T, P, S) ∈ CF G, we construct G1 = ({S1 }, T, P1 , S1 ) ∈ REG where P1 = {pa : S1 → aS1 | a ∈ T } ∪ {p : S1 → }, and G2 = (N ∪ {S2 }, T2 , P2 , S2 ) ∈ CF G where 1. h is a homomorphism from T to T2 : h(a) = pa , 2. T2 = h(T ) ∪ {p }, 3. P2 = {S2 → Sp } ∪ h(P ), where h(P ) is the set of productions replacing each terminal a ∈ T of productions in P by pa ∈ T2 . It is easy to see, G accepts w, if and only if G1 accepts w by using productions h(w) · p , and L(G2 ) accepts h(w) · p . Therefore, L(G) = L(G1 , G2 ) ∈ L(REG, CF G). (ii) L(REG, CF G) ⊆ L(CF G). Given an REG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ) and a CFG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 ) with T2 = P1 , P1 contains all productions of the forms: A → wB, A → w, w ∈ T1∗ . We construct a grammar G = (N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S) where S 6∈ N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 , P consists of the following productions: 1. S → S1 S2 , 2. AC → Aα, for A ∈ N1 , C ∈ N2 , C → α ∈ P2 , 3. Ap → wB, for p ∈ T2 , A, B ∈ N1 , p : A → wB ∈ P1 , 4. Ap → w, for p ∈ T2 , A ∈ N1 , p : A → w ∈ P1 . It is easy to see that the nonterminals p ∈ T2 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable derivations in G1 are simulated by leftmost derivations in G. Therefore, L(G1 , G2 ) = Ll (G) ∈ L(CF G), as G fulfils the conditions in Lemma 3.6. Theorem 3.8. L(CF G) ⊂ L(CF G, CF G) ⊆ L(P SG). Proof. (i) L(CF G) ⊂ L(CF G, CF G) is obvious, by Thm. 3.5 and L(CF G, REG) ⊆ L(CF G, CF G). (ii) L(CF G, CF G) ⊆ L(P SG). Given CFG’s G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ) and G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 ) with T2 = P1 , we construct a grammar: G = (N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ {S}, T1 , P2 ∪ P, S) where S 6∈ N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 , P consists of the following productions: 26 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory 1. S → S1 S2 , 2. Xp → pX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T1 and p ∈ T2 , 3. Ap → α, for p : A → α ∈ P1 . At first, we derive S ⇒ S1 S2 (rule 1). Then S2 derives an acceptable sequence of productions by using P2 . The name of each derived production p can move leftward (rule 2) and rewrite a nonterminal A ∈ N1 (rule 3). It is easy to see, L(G1 , G2 ) = L(G) ∈ L(P SG). We remark that it remains an open problem whether L(P SG) ⊆ L(CF G, CF G). The difficulty comes from how to simulate context-sensitive productions by using only contextfree productions, e.g., productions of the form AB → CD. 3.2 Leftmost-Derivation-Based Grammar Control Systems (LGC Systems) 3.2.1 Definitions An important variant of the grammar control system is the one whose control is based on leftmost derivations. Suppose there is a leftmost derivation (denoted by lm) of the p1 p1 ...p p2 pk grammar G for w: S ⇒ α1 ⇒ · · · ⇒ αk = w. As an abbreviation, we write S =⇒k w. If lm lm lm pk lm p1 = p2 = · · · = pk = p, we write S ⇒ w. We will omit “lm” if there is no confusion. lm Definition 3.9. A Leftmost-derivation-based Grammar Control System (LGC System) includes a grammar G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ) and a controlling grammar G2 . The global language of G1 controlled by G2 in a leftmost manner is: p1 p lm lm k L(G1 , G2 , lm) = {w|S1 ⇒ α1 · · · ⇒ αk = w, p1 , ..., pk ∈ P1 and p1 p2 ∈ L(G2 )} We may also denote L(G1 , G2 , lm) by L(G1 ~· G2 ). Example 3.10. Given G1 , G2 with the following productions: ( p1 : S1 → AB S2 → p1 Cp5 p2 : A → aAb p3 : B → Bc G1 G2 C → p2 Cp3 | p4 p4 : A → ab p5 : B → c The context-free languages L(G1 ) = an bn c+ and L(G2 ) = p1 pk2 p4 pk3 p5 constitute a noncontext-free global language L(G1 , G2 , lm) = an bn cn , k ≥ 0, n ≥ 1. Note that G2 is different from that of Example 3.3. 3.2.2 Generative Power We denote by L(X, Y, lm) the family of languages accepted by LGC systems whose controlled grammars are of type X and controlling grammars are of type Y . If the controlled grammars are regular grammars, we observe that L(REG, X, lm) is equivalent to L(REG, X), since every derivation of regular grammars is a leftmost derivation. Therefore, we have the following two theorems by Theorems 3.4 and 3.7. Theorem 3.11. L(REG, REG, lm) = L(REG). Theorem 3.12. L(REG, CF G, lm) = L(CF G). 3.2. Leftmost-Derivation-Based Grammar Control Systems (LGC Systems) 27 We now examine the cases of context-free controlled grammars. Theorem 3.13. L(CF G, REG, lm) = L(CF G). Proof. (i) L(CF G, REG, lm) ⊇ L(CF G) is obvious, since we can use a regular controlling grammar accepting a full controlling language. (ii) L(CF G, REG, lm) ⊆ L(CF G). Given a CFG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ) and an REG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 ) with T2 = P1 , P2 contains all productions of the forms: B → pC, B → , p ∈ P1 . We construct a grammar G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ {S, $}, T1 , P, S) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 }, and P consists of the following productions: 1. S → S2 S1 $, 2. BA → Cα0 , for B → pC ∈ P2 and p : A → α ∈ P1 , where α0 is the string replacing each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 , 3. Ba0 → aB, for a ∈ T1 , B ∈ N2 , 4. B$ → , for B → . It is easy to see that the nonterminals B ∈ N2 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable leftmost derivations in G1 are simulated by leftmost derivations in G. Therefore, L(G1 , G2 , lm) = Ll (G) ∈ L(CF G), as G fulfils the conditions in Lemma 3.6. To prove the generative power of L(CF G, CF G, lm), we need the following lemma, which is a result of [63]. Lemma 3.14. For each recursively enumerable set L ∈ L(P SG), there exist deterministic context-free languages L1 and L2 , and a homomorphism h : Σ∗1 → Σ∗2 such that L = h(L1 ∩ L2 ). Without loss of generality, we assume that Σ1 ∩ Σ2 = ∅. Theorem 3.15. L(CF G, CF G, lm) = L(P SG). Proof. (i) L(CF G, CF G, lm) ⊆ L(P SG). Given CFG’s G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 ) and G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 ) with T2 = P1 , we construct a grammar G = (N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ T20 ∪ {S, §, $}, T1 , P2 ∪ P, S) where T20 = {p0 | p ∈ T2 }, and P consists of the following productions: 1. S → §S1 S2 $, 2. Xp → pX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T1 and p ∈ T2 , (move p leftward skipping X) 3. §p → §p0 , for p ∈ T2 , (p becomes p0 at the leftmost position) 4. p0 a → ap0 , for a ∈ T1 and p ∈ T2 , (p0 skips terminals) 5. p0 A → α, for p : A → α ∈ P1 , (p0 rewrites A using the production p) 6. a$ → $a, for a ∈ T1 , (move $ leftward, skipping terminals) 28 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory 7. §$ → . (eliminate § and $ at the leftmost position) It is easy to see that the nonterminals p0 ∈ T20 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable leftmost derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G. Therefore, L(G1 , G2 , lm) = L(G) ∈ L(P SG). (ii) L(CF G, CF G, lm) ⊇ L(P SG). Given L ∈ L(P SG), there exist context-free languages L1 , L2 , and h such that L = h(L1 ∩ L2 ) by Lemma 3.14. We only need to translate h(L1 ∩L2 ) into an LGC system L(G1 , G2 , lm), where L1 , L2 ∈ T ∗ , h : T ∗ → T1∗ , T ∩T1 = ∅. There exists a context-free grammar G = (N, T, P, S) such that L(G) = L1 ∈ L(CF G). We construct G1 = (N ∪ T, T1 , P ∪ P1 , S), where P1 = {pa : a → h(a) | a ∈ T }, h(a) ∈ T1∗ , T ∩ T1 = ∅. Note that P only generates nonterminals, while P1 only generates terminals. Clearly, L(G1 ) = h(L1 ). Then, we construct G2 . Let h0 be a homomorphism such that h0 (p) = for p ∈ P , h0 (pa ) = a for a ∈ T . Let L0 = h0−1 (L2 ) ∈ L(CF G), there exists a context-free grammar G2 such that L(G2 ) = L0 . Note that h0−1 (L2 ) makes G2 to restrict the use of P1 which generates terminals, but no restriction is imposed on the use of P . Therefore, G2 ensures that the acceptable sequences of productions of G1 derive h(L2 ). This means, G1 can only derive strings in both h(L1 ) and h(L2 ). Thus, L(G1 , G2 , lm) = h(L1 ∩ L2 ). That is, L = h(L1 ∩ L2 ) = L(G1 , G2 , lm) ∈ L(CF G, CF G, lm). Theorem 3.16. Let X be a family of grammars with L(CF G) ⊆ L(X), then L(CF G, X, lm) = L(P SG). Proof. (i) L(CF G, X, lm) ⊆ L(P SG). The proof is the same as the proof (i) of Thm. 3.15 by noting G2 is of type X. (ii) L(CF G, X, lm) ⊇ L(P SG). This part is obvious, since L(CF G, X, lm) ⊇ L(CF G, CF G, lm) ⊇ L(P SG). Immediately, we have the following corollary. Corollary 3.17. L(CF G, P SG, lm) = L(P SG). For context-sensitive controlling grammars, we should modify the proof a little. Theorem 3.18. L(CF G, CSG, lm) = L(P SG). Proof. (i) L(CF G, CSG, lm) ⊆ L(P SG). The proof is the same as the proof (i) of Thm. 3.15 by noting G2 is a context-sensitive grammar. (ii) L(CF G, CSG, lm) ⊇ L(P SG). Given L ∈ L(P SG), there exist CFG’s G1 , G2 such that L(G1 , G2 , lm) = L by the proof (ii) of Thm. 3.15. (1) if 6∈ L(G2 ), we can construct a context-sensitive grammar G3 such that L(G3 ) = L(G2 ) by eliminating -productions. (2) if ∈ L(G2 ), we can construct a context-sensitive grammar G3 such that L(G3 ) = L(G2 ) − {} by eliminating -productions. Thus, we have L = L(G1 , G2 , lm) = L(G1 , G3 , lm) ∈ L(CF G, CSG, lm). 3.3. Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems) 3.3 3.3.1 29 Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems) Definitions An automaton control system consists of a controlled automaton and a controlling automaton that restricts the behavior of the controlled automaton. The input alphabet of the controlling automaton equals the set of transition names of the controlled automaton. Definition 3.19. Given a controlled automaton (or simply automaton) A1 with a set of transitions δ1 = {pi }i∈I where pi is a name of transition, a controlling automaton A2 over A1 has the input alphabet Σ2 = δ1 . L(A1 ) and L(A2 ) are called controlled language and controlling language, respectively. Note that the concept of transition name is introduced. We do not make any specific assumptions about the relation between the name and symbol of a transition. That is, several transitions may have the same name but different symbols, or they may have distinct names but the same symbol. For example, assume an FSA with the transitions δ(q1 , a) = {q2 , q3 } and δ(q3 , b) = {q2 }, we may denote by pi : (q1 , a, q2 ) ∈ δ and pj : (q1 , a, q3 ) ∈ δ and pk : (q3 , b, q2 ) ∈ δ with the names pi , pj , pk . All the following cases are possible: pi = pj or pi 6= pj , pi = pk or pi 6= pk , and so forth. Definition 3.20. An Automaton Control System (AC System) includes an automaton A1 and a controlling automaton A2 , denoted by A1 ~· A2 . The global language of A1 controlled by A2 is: L(A1 ~· A2 ) = {w|A1 accepts w by using a sequence of transitions p1 p2 ∈ L(A2 )} The symbol ~· is called “meta-composition”, denoting the left operand is controlled by the right operand. Example 3.21. Given a PDA D1 = ({q, f }, {a, b, c}, {S, Z, Z 0 , A, B, a, b, c}, δ, q, Z, {f }), where δ includes the following transitions: ps : δ(q, , Z) = (q, SZ 0 ) p1 : δ(q, , S) = (q, AB) p2 : δ(q, , A) = (q, aAb) p3 : δ(q, , B) = (q, Bc) p4 : δ(q, , A) = (q, ab) p5 : δ(q, , B) = (q, c) pa : δ(q, a, a) = (q, ) pb : δ(q, b, b) = (q, ) pc : δ(q, c, c) = (q, ) pf : δ(q, , Z 0 ) = (f, ) n−1 p5 p+ Given a controlling PDA D2 such that L(D2 ) = ps p1 (p2 pa )n−1 p4 pa p+ c pf , it is b p3 n n n easy to see that L(D1 ~· D2 ) = a b c , n ≥ 1. If we let P = {pa , pb , pc }, L(D3 ) = ps p1 P ∗ (p2 P ∗ )n−1 p4 P ∗ (p3 P ∗ )n−1 p5 P ∗ pf , we also have L(D1 ~· D3 ) = an bn cn , n ≥ 1. Note that L(D3 ) specifies a weaker constraint, i.e., L(D2 ) ⊂ L(D3 ). However, the two AC systems accept the same global language. We remark that the controlling language can express a “weaker” or “stronger” restriction to obtain the same effect, if the “valid” constraint on the controlled automaton is not changed. Two trivial types of controlling automata are empty controlling automata and full controlling automata. The former ones accept the empty controlling language which rejects all the sequences of applied transitions, i.e., L(A2 ) = ∅. The latter ones accept full controlling languages that accept all the sequences of applied transitions, i.e., L(A2 ) = δ1∗ , 30 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory where δ1 is the set of transition names of the controlled automaton A1 . Note that the two types of languages are both regular languages. 3.3.2 Generative Power We denote by L(X ~· Y ) the family of languages accepted by AC systems whose controlled automata are of type X and controlling automata are of type Y . Theorem 3.22. L(F SA ~· F SA) = L(F SA). Proof. (i) L(F SA ~· F SA) ⊇ L(F SA) is obvious, since we can use a controlling finite state automaton accepting a full controlling language. (ii) L(F SA ~· F SA) ⊆ L(F SA). Given FSA’s A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , F1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ) with Σ2 = δ1 , we construct an FSA A = (Q, Σ1 , δ, q0 , F ) where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 , 2. δ((qi , qj ), a) contains (ri , rj ), for p : δ1 (qi , a) = ri , a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {} and δ2 (qj , p) contains rj , δ((qi , qj ), ) contains (qi , rj ), for δ2 (qj , ) contains rj , 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 ), 4. F = F1 × F2 . A simulates the actions of A1 , and changes the state of A2 . Given an input string w, A1 enters a final state ri ∈ F1 , and A2 enters a final state rj ∈ F2 by reading the sequence of transitions, if and only if A enters the final state (ri , rj ) ∈ F1 × F2 . Thus, L(A1 ~· A2 ) = L(A) ∈ L(F SA). Theorem 3.23. L(F SA ~· P DA) = L(P DA). Proof. (i) L(F SA ~· P DA) ⊇ L(P DA). Given a PDA D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ), we construct an FSA A and a controlling PDA D2 as follows: A = ({qA }, Σ, δA , qA , {qA }) where δA contains pa : δA (qA , a) = qA , for each a ∈ Σ. D2 = (Q, h(Σ), Γ, δ2 , q0 , Z0 , F ) where, 1. h is a homomorphism: h(a) = pa , h() = , for a ∈ Σ, 2. for a set Σ, h(Σ) = {h(a) | a ∈ Σ}, 3. δ2 (q, h(a), B) contains (r, β), for δ(q, a, B) contains (r, β), where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ . Clearly, L(D2 ) = h(L(D)). Since each transition pa ∈ δA generates exactly a symbol a, we have L(A ~· D2 ) = h−1 (L(D2 )) = h−1 (h(L(D))) = L(D). (ii) L(F SA ~· P DA) ⊆ L(P DA). Given an FSA A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , F1 ) and a controlling PDA D2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , Γ, δ2 , q2 , Z0 , F2 ), we construct a PDA: 3.3. Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems) 31 D = (Q, Σ1 , Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ) where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 , 2. δ((qi , qj ), a, B) contains ((ri , rj ), β), for p : δ1 (qi , a) = ri , and δ2 (qj , p, B) contains (rj , β), where a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , δ((qi , qj ), , B) contains ((qi , rj ), β), for qi ∈ Q1 , and δ2 (qj , , B) contains (rj , β), where B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 ), 4. F = F1 × F2 . D simulates the actions of D2 and changes the state of A1 . Given an input string w, A1 enters a final state ri ∈ F1 , and D2 enters a final state rj ∈ F2 by reading the sequence of transitions, if and only if D enters the final state (ri , rj ) ∈ F1 × F2 . Thus, L(A1 ~· D2 ) = L(D) ∈ L(P DA). Theorem 3.24. L(P DA ~· F SA) = L(P DA). Proof. (i) L(P DA ~· F SA) ⊇ L(P DA) is obvious, since we can use a controlling finite state automaton accepting a full controlling language. (ii) L(P DA ~· F SA) ⊆ L(P DA). Given a PDA D1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , Γ, δ1 , q1 , Z0 , F1 ) and a controlling FSA A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ), we construct a PDA: D = (Q, Σ1 , Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ) where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 , 2. δ((qi , qj ), a, B) contains ((ri , rj ), β), for p : δ1 (qi , a, B) = (ri , β), and δ2 (qj , p) contains rj , where a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , δ((qi , qj ), , B) contains ((qi , rj ), B), for qi ∈ Q1 , B ∈ Γ, and δ2 (qj , ) contains rj , 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 ), 4. F = F1 × F2 . D simulates the actions of D1 and changes the state of A2 . Given an input string w, D1 enters a final state ri ∈ F1 , and A2 enters a final state rj ∈ F2 by reading the sequence of transitions, if and only if D enters the final state (ri , rj ) ∈ F1 × F2 . Thus, L(D1 ~· A2 ) = L(D) ∈ L(P DA). Theorem 3.25. L(P DA ~· P DA) = L(T M ). Proof. (i) L(P DA ~· P DA) ⊆ L(T M ). Given two PDA’s D1 , D2 , we construct a Turing Machine M with four tapes. The first tape holds the input string w. The second tape simulates the stack of D1 . Once D1 applies a transition, the name of the transition is sequentially recorded on the third tape. When D1 accepts w, M starts to simulate D2 using the third and fourth tapes (the third tape holds the sequence of transitions wp as 32 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory the input string to D2 , and the fourth tape simulates the stack of D2 ). M accepts if and only if D2 accepts. Obviously, L(D1 ~· D2 ) = L(M ). (ii) L(P DA ~· P DA) ⊇ L(T M ). Given L ∈ L(T M ) = L(P SG), we can translate L into an LGC system L(G1 , G2 , lm) by Thm. 3.15. Then we can translate L(G1 , G2 , lm) into L(A1 ~· A2 ) by using the automaton representation (c.f. Corollary 3.32 in the sequel). 3.3.3 Equivalence and Translation between AC and LGC Systems In this section, we study the equivalence and translation between automaton control systems and grammar control systems. The equivalence between automata and grammars is well known. We can establish equivalence and translation between controlled (resp. controlling) automata and controlled (resp. controlling) grammars, i.e. L(A1 ) = L(G1 ) (resp. L(A2 ) = L(G2 )). Thus, one might think that an automaton control system was equivalent to a grammar control system. However, we will show that an automaton control system is equivalent to a leftmost-derivation-based grammar control system. At first, we prove a lemma which shows that we can make each name in the controlled grammar or automaton unique without changing the global language. Lemma 3.26. (i) Given two grammars G1 of type X and G2 of type Y with T2 = P1 , if L(Y ) is closed under substitution by -free regular sets, there exist two grammars G01 of type X and G02 of type Y where T20 = P10 , and P10 only renames some productions of P1 such that each production name in P10 is unique and L(G1 , G2 ) = L(G01 , G02 ) and L(G1 , G2 , lm) = L(G01 , G02 , lm). (ii) Given two automata A1 of type X and A2 of type Y with Σ2 = δ1 , if L(Y ) is closed under substitution by -free regular sets, there exist two automata A01 of type X and A02 of type Y where Σ02 = δ10 , and δ10 only renames some transitions of δ1 such that each transition name in δ10 is unique and L(A1 ~· A2 ) = L(A01 ~· A02 ). Proof. The proofs of the two propositions are similar, thus we only prove the first one. Suppose there are k productions having the name pi in P1 , we rename them to be pi1 , ..., pik in P10 . Thus, L(G1 ) = L(G01 ). We define the substitution s(pi ) = {pij }1≤j≤k for each pi . There exists a grammar 0 G2 ∈ Y such that L(G02 ) = s(L(G2 )) ∈ L(Y ), since L(Y ) is closed under substitution by -free regular sets. It is easy to see, a sequence of productions of G1 is accepted by L(G2 ) if and only if the corresponding renamed sequence of productions of G01 is accepted by s(L(G2 )). Therefore, the proposition holds. The above lemma makes it reasonable to make the assumption that each name in a controlled grammar or automaton is unique, when necessary. Theorem 3.27. Let X be a family of automata, Y be a family of grammars, if L = L(X) = L(Y ) is closed under (1) concatenation with finite sets, (2) substitution by free regular sets, (3) -free homomorphisms, (4) right derivatives, then L(F SA ~· X) = L(REG, Y, lm). Proof. (i) L(F SA ~· X) ⊆ L(REG, Y, lm). Given an automaton control system (A ~· A2 ), A ∈ F SA, A2 ∈ X, we construct G ∈ REG, G2 ∈ Y as follows. 3.3. Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems) 33 First, we construct a right-linear grammar G from A. The key point of the translation is the name mapping between transitions and productions. Given A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), we construct G = (N, T, P, S0 ) where: 1. for each qi ∈ Q, there is a nonterminal Si ∈ N , and S0 is the start symbol. 2. T = Σ. 3. for each transition pk : δ(qi , ak ) = qj , where pk is the name of transition and ak ∈ Σ ∪ {}, there is a production pk : Si → ak Sj ∈ P . 4. for each final state qi ∈ F , there is a production pi : Si → ∈ P . Second, we construct G2 ∈ Y from A2 ∈ X. Let P = {pi }qi ∈F and L0 = L(A2 ) · P , we have L0 ∈ L, since L is closed under concatenation with finite sets and P is a finite and regular set. Thus, there exists G2 ∈ Y such that L(G2 ) = L0 . We now prove L(A ~· A2 ) = L(G, G2 , lm). It is easy to see, an input string w = ai1 ...aik ∈ L(A~· A2 ) where aij = for some j, if and only if (q0 , ai1 ...aik ) `pi1 (qj1 , ai2 ...aik ) `pi2 · · · `pik (qjk , ), where qjk ∈ F and pi1 ...pik ∈ L(A2 ), if and only if there exists a derivation pi1 pi2 p lm lm lm pεjk ik of G: S0 ⇒ ai1 Sj1 ⇒ · · · ⇒ ai1 ...aik Sjk ⇒ ai1 ...aik , and pi1 ...pik pεjk ∈ L(G2 ), if and only lm if w = ai1 ...aik ∈ L(G, G2 , lm). (ii) L(F SA ~· X) ⊇ L(REG, Y, lm). Given an LGC system (G, G2 , lm), G2 ∈ Y , G = (N, T, P, S0 ) ∈ REG, where N = {Si }0≤i<|N | , P consists of all productions of the forms: Si → wSj , Si → w, w ∈ T ∗ . We assume that each name of production in P is unique, since L(Y ) is closed under substitution by -free regular sets. First, we construct from G a right-linear grammar G1 = (N1 , T, P1 , S0 ), where P1 consists of the following productions: 1. pkm : Sk(m−1) → akm Skm , if pk : Si → wSj ∈ P , where w = ak1 · · · ak|w| , |w| ≥ 1, 1 ≤ m ≤ |w|, Sk0 = Si , Sk|w| = Sj . 2. pk : Si → Sj , if pk : Si → Sj ∈ P . 3. pkm : Sk(m−1) → akm Skm , if pk : Si → w ∈ P , where w = ak1 · · · ak|w| , |w| ≥ 1, 1 ≤ m ≤ |w|, Sk0 = Si , Sk|w| = S . 4. pk : Si → S , if pk : Si → ∈ P . 5. p : S → . Then, we construct from G1 a finite automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , {q }), where: 1. for each Si ∈ N1 , there is a state qi ∈ Q, and q0 is the start state. 2. Σ = T . 3. for each production pk : Si → ak Sj ∈ P1 , where ak ∈ T ∪ {}, there is a transition pk : δ(qi , ak ) = qj . 34 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory Second, we construct A2 ∈ X from G2 ∈ Y . Let h be an -free homomorphism as follows: pk , if pk is of the form Si → Sj in P pk p , if pk is of the form Si → in P h(pk ) = pk1 · · · pk|w| , if pk is of the form Si → wSj in P , |w| ≥ 1 p · · · p p , if p is of the form S → w in P , |w| ≥ 1 k1 k|w| k i Let L0 = h(L(G2 ))/{p }, we have L0 ∈ L, since L(G2 ) ∈ L and L is closed under -free homomorphisms and right derivatives. There exists an automaton A2 ∈ X such that L(A2 ) = L0 ∈ L(X). It is easy to see, an input string w ∈ L(A ~· A2 ), if and only if w ∈ L(G, G2 , lm). Note that the translations between X and Y in the above proof are independent of concrete automata or grammars, but it is easy to concretize the translations. For example, in the proof (i), the translation from A2 ∈ F SA to G2 ∈ REG is the following one: let G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S) such that L(G1 ) = L(A2 ) (using the translation from automaton to right-linear grammar), then G2 = (N1 , T1 ∪ P , P2 , S), where P2 is obtained by replacing each production in P1 of the form A → w, A ∈ N1 , w ∈ T1∗ by a set of productions {A → wpi | pi ∈ P }. Clearly, L(G2 ) = L(A2 ) · P finishes the construction. The following corollaries are based on the theory of Abstract Families of Languages (AFL), which is initiated by [62] (a summary can be found in [61]). The theory of AFL proved that, any AFL satisfies the closure properties required in the above theorem, and the family of regular languages and the family of context-free languages are both AFL. Let X be F SA, Y be REG, we have the following corollary. Corollary 3.28. L(F SA ~· F SA) = L(REG, REG, lm). Let X be P DA, Y be CF G, we have the following corollary. Corollary 3.29. L(F SA ~· P DA) = L(REG, CF G, lm). Theorem 3.30. Let X be a family of automata, Y be a family of grammars, if L = L(X) = L(Y ) is closed under (1) substitution by -free regular sets, (2) concatenation with regular sets, then L(P DA ~· X) = L(CF G, Y, lm). Proof. (i) L(P DA ~· X) ⊆ L(CF G, Y, lm). Given an AC system (D ~· A2 ), A2 ∈ X, D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F ) ∈ P DA, we construct grammars G ∈ CF G, G2 ∈ Y as follows. First, let qe 6∈ Q, Ze 6∈ Γ, we construct G = (N, Σ, P, S) from D, where N is the set of objects of the form [q, B, r] (denoting popping B from the stack by several transitions, switching the state from q to r), q, r ∈ Q, B ∈ Γ, P is the union of the following sets of productions: 1. Ps = {S → [q0 , Z0 , r][r, Ze , qe ] | r ∈ Q ∪ {qe }}. (starting productions) 2. Pk = {[q, B, qm+1 ] → a[q1 , B1 , q2 ][q2 , B2 , q3 ] · · · [qm , Bm , qm+1 ] | pk : δ(q, a, B) = (q1 , B1 B2 ...Bm ), q2 , ..., qm+1 ∈ Q}, where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, and B, B1 , ..., Bm ∈ Γ. (If m = 0, then the production is [q, B, q1 ] → a.) 3. Pf = {[q, X, r] → [qe , X, r] | q ∈ F, X ∈ Γ ∪ {Ze }, r ∈ Q ∪ {qe }}. (simulating the case of entering a final state) 3.3. Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems) 35 4. Pe = {[qe , X, qe ] → | X ∈ Γ ∪ {Ze }}. (eliminating remaining nonterminals in the sentential form) Note that for each transition pk ∈ δ, there exists a finite set of corresponding productions Pk in P , whereas each of Ps , Pf , Pe is a unique finite set in P . Second, we construct G2 ∈ Y from A2 ∈ X. Let s be a substitution by -free finite sets, such that s(pk ) = Pk , L0 = Ps · s(L(A2 )) · Pf · Pe∗ , we have L0 ∈ L(X), since L(A2 ) ∈ L(X) = L and L is closed under substitution by -free regular sets and concatenation with regular sets. Thus, there exists G2 ∈ Y such that L(G2 ) = L0 . It is easy to see, an input string w ∈ L(D ~· A2 ), if and only if w ∈ L(G, G2 , lm). Indeed, G starts with Ps , then Pk simulates the transition pk of D. D enters a final state Pf q and accepts w, if and only if G has the derivations: S ⇒∗ w[q, X1 , qe ][qe , X2 , qe ]... ⇒ P∗ e w[qe , X1 , qe ][qe , X2 , qe ]... ⇒ w. (ii) L(P DA ~· X) ⊇ L(CF G, Y, lm). Given an LGC system (G, G2 , lm), where G = (N, T, P, S) ∈ CF G, G2 ∈ Y , we construct an AC system as follows. First, we construct from G an equivalent PDA D that accepts L(G) as follows: D = ({q, f }, T, N ∪ T ∪ {Z, Z 0 }, δ, q, Z, {f }) where δ is defined as follows: 1. ps : δ(q, , Z) = (q, SZ 0 ), 2. pi : δ(q, , B) = (q, β), for pi : B → β ∈ P , B ∈ N , 3. pa : δ(q, a, a) = (q, ), for a ∈ T , 4. pf : δ(q, , Z 0 ) = (f, ). Second, we construct A2 ∈ X from G2 ∈ Y . Let s(pi ) = pi · {pa | a ∈ T }∗ be a substitution by -free regular sets, L0 = {ps } · s(L(G2 )) · {pf }, we have L0 ∈ L, since L is closed under substitution by -free regular sets and concatenation with regular sets. Thus, there exists A2 such that L(A2 ) = L0 . It is easy to see, the leftmost derivations in G are simulated by sequences of transitions in D. Thus, an input string w ∈ L(D ~· A2 ), if and only if w ∈ L(G, G2 , lm). Note that the translations between X and Y in the above proof are independent of concrete automata or grammars, but it is easy to concretize the translations. For example, in the proof (ii), the translation from G2 ∈ REG to A2 ∈ F SA is the following one: first, we construct from G2 an equivalent finite automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) such that L(A) = L(G2 ) by the translation from regular grammars to finite automata. Then, we construct A2 = (Q ∪ {qs , qf }, Σ ∪ {ps , pf } ∪ {pa | a ∈ T }, δ ∪ δ 0 , qs , {qf }) where δ 0 includes the following transitions: 1. δ 0 (qs , ps ) = {q0 }, 2. δ 0 (q, pa ) contains q, for q ∈ Q, a ∈ T , 3. δ 0 (q, pf ) = {qf }, for q ∈ F . 36 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory Clearly, L(A2 ) = {ps } · s(L(A)) · {pf } finishes the construction. The following corollaries are based on the result that any AFL satisfies the closure properties required by the above theorem. Let X be F SA, Y be REG, we have the following corollary. Corollary 3.31. L(P DA ~· F SA) = L(CF G, REG, lm). Let X be P DA, Y be CF G, we have the following corollary. Corollary 3.32. L(P DA ~· P DA) = L(CF G, CF G, lm). Because of these equivalences, we may also denote an LGC system (G1 , G2 , lm) by G1 ~· G2 for a uniform notation. Moreover, this operator is more straightforward for expressing the result of constructive computation of meta-composition, e.g., A = A1 ~· A2 , G = G1 ~· G2 . The construction of meta-compositions appeared in the previous proofs are useful and important, not only in the proofs of generative power, but also in emerging applications. 3.4 3.4.1 Parsing Issues GC Systems are not LL-Parsable The GC systems are not compatible with LL (also LR) parsers, which are based on leftmost (or rightmost) derivations [1]. Indeed, GC systems introduce conflicts in parsing. Consider the following example. Example 3.33. Consider the regularly controlled grammar (also a grammar control system in L(CF G, REG)): G = ({S, A}, {a, b}, {p1 , p2 , p3 }, S, R) where: p1 : S → AA, p2 : A → a, p3 : A → b, R = {p1 p2 p3 }. Thus the following two derivations are both accepted by L(G) = {ab, ba}: ( p1 p2 p3 p1 p2 p3 D1 : S ⇒ AA ⇒ aA ⇒ ab D2 : S ⇒ AA ⇒ Aa ⇒ ba However, when we use an LL parser to analyze the input string ba, a leftmost derivation will produce the sequence of productions p1 p3 p2 , which is not accepted by R and leads to reject ba. However, we know that ba ∈ L(G). Therefore, there is a conflict. The conflict results from the fact that R is not a control set based on leftmost derivations. Indeed, if R controls leftmost derivations, then only D1 will be accepted and D2 will be rejected. 3.4.2 Parsing by Extending Classical Algorithms It is easy to extend LL parsing algorithms [1] to parse LGC systems. Let us consider an LGC system in which CFG G1 is controlled by CFG G2 , where G1 is an LL grammar. Given an input string w, the parsing algorithm is as follows: 3.5. Related Work 37 1. parsing w with G1 using an LL parser. If G1 rejects w, the LGC system rejects. If G1 accepts w, we obtain a sequence of productions wp that is applied in the associated leftmost derivation. Note that the sequence is unique, since LL grammars have no ambiguity. 2. checking if wp is a member of L(G2 ). Note that G2 could be any context-free grammar, since this step could be implemented using CYK algorithm. The LGC system accepts w if and only if wp ∈ L(G2 ). Similarly, we can also extend Earley’s algorithm [43] to parse LGC systems. We will not discuss the technical details of this extension, since it is intuitive and easy. 3.5 Related Work In this section, we show the differences between the control system and related work. In particular, we compare the LGC system with regulated rewriting, and the AC system with supervisory control. 3.5.1 Grammars with Regulated Rewriting The control system is a generic framework, and the controlled component and the controlling component are expressed using the same formalism, e.g., automata or grammars. Therefore, the two components of an LGC system are both expressed using grammars. In contrast, traditional grammars with regulated rewriting do not satisfy this principle. Indeed, their controlled components are grammars, but their controlling components are other structures such as regular sets and matrix. The control system adopts one restriction and three extensions of regulated rewriting [39]. The restriction is that the appearance checking mode is disabled. The extensions are as follows. First, the controlling components are expressed using the same formalism as the controlled components, e.g., automata or grammars, rather than regular sets or matrix. Second, the controlled derivations of an LGC system are restricted to be leftmost, in order to make the global system LL-parsable. We aim at obtaining an LL-parsable grammar control system. Since a controlled LL grammar can be implemented as an LL parser generating leftmost derivations, the control mechanism and the controlling component should be compatible and easy to be integrated into the parser. However, regularly controlled grammars are not LL-parsable nor compatible with LL parsers. Third, context-free controlling grammars are enabled to increase generative power. The generative power of L(CF G, REG) is reduced to be L(CF G ~· REG) = L(CF G) because of the restriction of leftmost derivations. Indeed, we proved that L(CF G) ⊂ L(CF G, REG) ⊂ L(P SG) and L(CF G ~· REG) = L(CF G). As a result, in order to express non-context-free languages, we have to use context-free controlling grammars. To illustrate this point, we may compare Example 3.3 and Example 3.10 (both of them accept an bn cn ). The different controlling grammars are due to their different generative power. 3.5.2 Supervisory Control The theory of supervisory control on deterministic systems was first introduced by P. J. Ramadge and W. M. Wonham in their papers [112, 113]. The supervisory control is used 38 Chapter 3. Control Systems in Formal Language Theory to restrict the inadmissible behavior of a Discrete Event System (DES). Given a DES, or a plant, whose uncontrolled behavior is modeled by automaton G, we introduce a supervisor modeled by automaton S to restrict the behavior of the plant. Let L ⊆ Σ∗ be a language, and s ∈ Σ∗ , then the prefix-closure of L is L = {s ∈ Σ∗ | ∃t ∈ Σ∗ , st ∈ L}. L is prefix-closed if L = L. The language generated by a deterministic finite state automaton (DFSA) A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) is the set Lg (A) = {s ∈ Σ∗ | δ(q0 , s) is defined} The language marked (or accepted ) by A is the set Lm (A) = {s ∈ Σ∗ | δ(q0 , s) ∈ F } We say that the automaton A is blocking if Lm (A) ⊂ Lg (A), and nonblocking if Lm (A) = Lg (A). The first significant difference between the AC system and supervisory control is that the AC system is a more generic formalism. Indeed, AC systems may consist of all types of automata, while supervisory control only considers finite state automaton. Therefore, the AC system can express a wider range of classes of systems. Second, let us compare finite state AC systems in L(F SA ~· F SA) and supervisory control. We would like to say that the AC system uses the transition-level control, while supervisory control uses the alphabet-level control. We can show that the power of supervisory control is not greater than the power of AC systems. Given a controlled automaton, if we set each transition name identical to its associated symbol, then each supervisor can be expressed as a controlling automaton. Furthermore, the AC system is strictly more powerful, because the AC system can impose some constraints outside the power of supervisory control. We use a simple example to show the difference between them. Suppose an automaton A1 shown in Fig. 3.1. Obviously, the automaton accepts the language L(A1 ) = (abd + abcd)∗ or Lm (A1 ) = (abd + abcd)∗ . Now we need a nonblocking controller or supervisory to restrict the behavior of the automaton to be (abd)∗ . q2 p5 : d p2 : b q0 q1 p1 : a p4 : c q3 p3 : b Figure 3.1: A Controlled Automaton It is easy to construct an AC system with the controlling automaton A2 accepting (p1 + p2 + p4 + p5 )∗ by excluding p3 . Thus, the new global system accepts the language L(A1 ~· A2 ) = (abd)∗ , which satisfies the requirement. However, there does not exist a nonblocking supervisor satisfying the requirement. The key problem is the nondeterminism at the state q1 . Assume there is such a supervisory S. Then S can only specify whether b can occur in a state which is reached after a occurs. If no, then neither of p2 and p3 is allowed, thus violates the requirement. If yes, then both of p2 and p3 are allowed. In this case, to avoid the occurrence of abcd, S may disable the 3.6. Conclusion 39 transition labeled c in the next state. However, the automaton enters a blocking state q3 after choosing p3 : b. As a result, the supervisor is blocking, and violates the requirement. Thus, S does not exist. Therefore, we conclude that the AC system is strictly more powerful than supervisory control. 3.6 Conclusion In this chapter, we proposed the theory of Control Systems (C Systems). The control system is a generic framework, and contains two components: the controlled component and the controlling component. We defined three types of control systems, namely GC, LGC, and AC systems. The generative power and parsing issues were studied. As we mentioned, the proofs of generative power provide also the techniques for constructing meta-compositions, which are useful for the verification and implementation of the global system. The inclusion relationships of generative power are summarized in Fig. 3.2, where a line denotes equivalence, an arrow denotes that the upper family includes (maybe properly) the lower family. The generative power of AC systems are not explicitly presented, since they are equivalent to that of LGC systems. GC Systems LGC Systems L(CF G, CF G) L(P SG) L(CF G ~· CF G) L(CF G, REG) L(CSG) L(REG, CF G) L(CF G) L(REG ~· CF G) L(REG, REG) L(REG) L(REG ~· REG) L(CF G ~· REG) Figure 3.2: Generative Power of Control Systems Chapter 4 On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars The theory of ω-languages has been studied in the literature in various formalisms. Most of the works focus on two aspects. The first one is the relationship between ω-automata and the theory of second order logic, and related decision problems. Büchi [16] started the study of obtaining decision procedures for the restricted second order logic theory by using finite state ω-automata. Thomas summarized related work in [120, 121]. The second aspect concerns the generative power of ω-automata and ω-grammars, and the closure property of ω-languages. McNaughton [99] investigated finite state ω-automata and the equivalences between their variants. Landweber [84] classified the families of ωlanguages accepted by deterministic finite state ω-automata in the Borel hierarchy with respect to the product topology. Later, Cohen studied systematically the Chomsky hierarchy for ω-languages [32, 33, 35] and deterministic ω-automata [34, 36]. Engelfriet studied (σ, ρ)-accepting X-automata on ω-words [49]. In this chapter, we propose the (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammar, motivated by the second aspect above. The tuple (σ, ρ, π) includes various accepting models, where σ denotes that certain productions appear infinitely often or at least once, ρ is a relation between a set of productions and an accepting set, and π denotes leftmost or non-leftmost derivations. Cohen only focused on the ω-automata with five types of i-acceptances and the ω-grammars with Muller acceptance condition that leads to the Chomsky hierarchy for ωlanguages [32], while Engelfriet studied the ω-automata with six types of (σ, ρ)-acceptance [49]. As a result, there does not exist the ω-grammar corresponding to the (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automaton in the literature. Therefore, this chapter aims at defining the (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammar associated with Engelfriet’s (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automaton, systematically studying the relative generative power to (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automata. In particular, by establishing the translation methods, we will prove that the relationship between the two types of ω-devices is similar to the one in the case of finite words for most of the accepting models. However, for some accepting models, the generative power of non-leftmost derivations of ω- CFG is strictly weaker than ω- PDA, and the generative power of non-leftmost derivations of ω- CSG is equal to ω- TM (rather than linear-bounded ω-automata-like devices). Furthermore, we will discuss remaining open questions for two of the accepting models. The questions 41 42 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars show that the relationship between ω-grammars and ω-automata is not easy, although the relationship between grammars and automata on finite words has been well established. This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 4.1, notations, definitions and important known results are recalled. In Section 4.2, the generative power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammars is explored. Related work is discussed in Section 4.3, and we conclude in Section 4.4. 4.1 Preliminaries The terminology and notations are mostly taken from [32, 33, 49], and conform to [74]. We may use the terms “w.r.t.” and “s.t.” denoting “with respect to” and “such that” respectively. ω Definition Q∞ 4.1. Let Σ denote a finite alphabet, Σω denote all infinite (ω-length) strings u = i=1 ai where ai ∈ Σ. Any member u of Σ is called an ω-word or ω-string. An ω-language is a subset of Σω . For any language L ⊆ Σ∗ , define: Lω = {u ∈ Σω | u = ∞ Y xi , where for each i, 6= xi ∈ L} i=1 Note that if L = {} then Lω = ∅. The following definitions will be used to define the accepting models for ω-automata and ω-grammars. Definition 4.2. Let A and B be two sets, for a mapping f : A → B, we define: inf(f ) = {b | b ∈ B, |f −1 (b)| ≥ ω} ran(f ) = {b | b ∈ B, |f −1 (b)| ≥ 1} where |X| denotes the cardinality of the set X. Let N be the set of natural numbers, Q be a finite set, f ∈ Qω be an infinite sequence f = f1 f2 . . .. We consider f as a mapping from N to Q where f (i) = fi . Therefore, inf(f ) is the set of all elements that appear infinitely often in f , and ran(f ) is the set of all elements that appear at least once in f . To define various accepting models, in the sequel of this chapter, we assume that σ ∈ {ran, inf} and ρ ∈ {u, ⊆, =} unless specified [49], where A u B means A ∩ B 6= ∅. Thus we consider the six types of acceptance given in Table 4.1, which includes also the relation between our notation and the five types of i-acceptance used in [84, 32]. Formally, we define the (σ, ρ)-accepting model as follows. Definition 4.3. Let σ : Qω → 2Q be a mapping that assigns to each infinite sequence over Q a subset of Q, ρ be a binary relation over 2Q , F ⊆ 2Q be a family of sets. The infinite sequence f : N → Q is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F, if there exists a set F ∈ F such that σ(f )ρF . 4.1. Preliminaries (σ, ρ) (ran, u) (ran, ⊆) (ran, =) (inf, u) (inf, ⊆) (inf, =) 43 i-accepting 1-accepting 1’-accepting 2-accepting 2’-accepting 3-accepting Semantics (∃F ∈ F) ran(f ) ∩ F 6= ∅ (∃F ∈ F) ran(f ) ⊆ F ran(f ) ∈ F (∃F ∈ F) inf(f ) ∩ F 6= ∅ (∃F ∈ F) inf(f ) ⊆ F inf(f ) ∈ F Alias Büchi Muller Table 4.1: f is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F 4.1.1 ω-automata and ω-languages The definitions of ω-automata are generalized from those of classical automata by adding a set of designated state sets. Definition 4.4. A finite state ω-automaton (ω- FSA) is a tuple A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite input alphabet, q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, δ ⊆ Q × (Σ ∪ {}) × Q is a transition function, and F ⊆ 2Q is a set of designated state sets. If δ is deterministic, then A is a deterministic finite state ω-automaton (ω- DFSA). Q ω Let u = ∞ i=1 ai ∈ Σ , where ∀i ≥ 1, ai ∈ Σ. A legal run (or complete run) of A on u is an infinite sequence of states 1 r2 . . ., where r1 = q0 and ∀i ≥ 1, ∃bi ∈ Σ ∪ {} Q r = rQ ∞ b = satisfying δ(ri , bi ) 3 ri+1 and ∞ i i=1 ai . i=1 Note that bi is introduced due to the existence of -transitions. All computations which do not correspond to complete runs, e.g. computations which involve infinite -loops, will be disregarded. Definition 4.5. A pushdown ω-automaton (ω- PDA) is a tuple D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F), where Γ is a finite stack alphabet, δ ⊆ Q × (Σ ∪ {}) × Γ × Q × Γ∗ is a transition function, Z0 ∈ Γ is the start symbol. If δ is deterministic, then D is a deterministic pushdown ω-automaton (ω- DPDA). A configuration of an ω- PDA is a pair (q, γ), where q ∈ Q, γ ∈ Γ∗ and the leftmost symbol of γ is on the top of the stack. For a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, β, γ ∈ Γ∗ and Z ∈ Γ, we write a : (q, Zγ) `D (q 0 , βγ) if δ(q, a, Z) 3 (q 0 , β). Q ω Let u = ∞ i=1 ai ∈ Σ , where ∀i ≥ 1, ai ∈ Σ. A legal run (or complete run) of D on u is an infinite sequence of configurations r = {(qi , γi )}i≥1 , where ) = (q0 , Z0 ) and Q (q1 , γ1Q ∞ ∀i ≥ 1, ∃bi ∈ Σ ∪ {} satisfying bi : (qi , γi ) `D (qi+1 , γi+1 ) and ∞ b = i=1 i i=1 ai . Definition 4.6. A Turing ω-machine (ω- TM) with a single semi-infinite tape is a tuple M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , F), where Γ is a finite tape alphabet such that Σ ⊆ Γ, δ ⊆ Q × Γ × Q × Γ × {L, R, S} is a transition function. If δ is deterministic, then M is a deterministic Turing ω-machine (ω- DTM). A configuration of an ω- TM is a tuple (q, γ, i), where q ∈ Q and γ ∈ Γω and i ∈ N indicating the position of the tape head. The relations `M are defined as usual. Q ω Let u = ∞ i=1 ai ∈ Σ , where ∀i ≥ 1, ai ∈ Σ. A run of M on u is an infinite sequence of configurations r = {(qi , γi , ji )}i≥1 , where (q1 , γ1 , j1 ) = (q0 , u, 1) and ∀i ≥ 1, (qi , γi , ji ) `M (qi+1 , γi+1 , ji+1 ). A run r is complete if ∀n ≥ 1, ∃k ≥ 1, s.t. jk > n. A run r is oscillating if ∃n0 ≥ 1, ∀l ≥ 1, ∃k ≥ l, s.t. jk = n0 . 44 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars A legal run (or complete non-oscillating run, abbreviated c.n.o.) of M on u is a run which is complete and non-oscillating, and corresponds to an infinite computation that scans each square on the tape only finitely many times. An m-tape Turing ω-machine (m-ω- TM) (m ≥ 1) has m semi-infinite tapes, each with a separate reading head. We assume that initially the input appears on the first tape and the other tapes are blank. The transitions are defined in the usual way [74]. The notion of c.n.o. run for an m-ω- TM means an infinite computation that scans each square on the first tape only finitely many times. There is no such restriction for the other tapes. Definition 4.7. A state qT ∈ Q is a traverse state iff ∀a ∈ Γ, δ(qT , a) = {(qT , a, R)}. The following definitions are common notations for all the types of ω-automata defined above. Q ω Definition 4.8. Let A be an ω-automaton, u = ∞ i=1 ai ∈ Σ , where ∀i ≥ 1, ai ∈ Σ. A legal run r of A on u induces an infinite sequence of states fr = f1 f2 . . ., where f1 = q0 and fi is the state entered in the i-th step of the legal run r. We define the ω-language (σ, ρ)-accepted by A as Lσ,ρ (A) = {u ∈ Σω | there exists a legal run r of A on u such that fr is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F} Since (inf, =)-acceptance is the most powerful model of ω-recognition (i.e. 3-acceptance in [32, 33]), we adopt (inf, =)-acceptance as our standard definition of acceptance. Henceforth, (inf, =)-acceptance will be referred to simply as “acceptance”, and Linf,= (A) will be denoted by L(A) (the ω-language “accepted” by A) by omitting (inf, =). In the sequel, we denote by ω- FSA, ω- PDA, ω- TM the families of finite state, pushdown ω-automata, and Turing ω-machines, and denote by ω- DFSA, ω- DPDA, ω- DTM the families of deterministic ones, respectively. For a family X of ω-automata, we denote the associated family of (σ, ρ)-accepted ω-languages by Lσ,ρ (X). As usual, we denote simply Linf,= (X) by L(X). Definition 4.9. Two ω-automata A1 and A2 are (σ, ρ)-equivalent iff Lσ,ρ (A1 ) = Lσ,ρ (A2 ). They are equivalent iff L(A1 ) = L(A2 ). Definition 4.10. An ω-automaton with a unique designated set, i.e., |F| = 1, is called a U-ω-automaton. We may denote the unique designated set by F ⊆ Q instead of F = {F }. Lemma 4.11 (Lemma 2.7 of [49]). Let ρ ∈ {u, ⊆}, for every (deterministic) ω-automaton A there exists a (deterministic) U-ω-automaton A0 such that Lσ,ρ (A) = Lσ,ρ (A0 ). Definition 4.12. An ω-automaton A has the continuity property, abbreviated Property C, iff for every ω-words u ∈ Σω there is a legal run of A on u. We say A is a C-ω-automaton. Note that a legal run is not necessarily accepted, but only means that it does not block the ω-automaton. It is easy to see, by utilizing the nondeterminism, for all (σ, ρ)acceptances, every X-type ω-automaton A without Property C can be modified into a (σ, ρ)-equivalent nondeterministic X-type ω-automaton A0 with Property C. 4.1. Preliminaries 4.1.2 45 ω-grammars and ω-languages Let us recall that a phrase structure grammar is denoted G = (N, T, P, S), where N is a finite set of nonterminals, T is a finite set of terminals, P is a finite set of productions of the form p : α → β where p is the name (or label) of the production, α 6= , and α, β are strings of symbols from (N ∪ T )∗ , and S ∈ N is the start symbol. We define the vocabulary V = N ∪ T . The language accepted by G is L(G) = {w ∈ T ∗ | S ⇒∗ w}. p A derivation using a specified production p is denoted by α ⇒ β, and its reflexive and transitive closure is denoted by α ⇒∗ γ, or with the sequence of applied productions p1 ...p α =⇒k γ. p1 p2 We denote a leftmost derivation (denoted by lm) in the language L(G) by α =⇒ α1 =⇒ p p1 ...p lm lm lm lm k αk . As an abbreviation, we write α =⇒k αk . We will omit “lm” if there is no · · · =⇒ confusion. Definition 4.13. A phrase structure ω-grammar (ω- PSG) is a quintuple G = (N, T, P, S, F), where G1 = (N, T, P, S) is an ordinary phrase structure grammar, the productions in P are all of the form p : α → β, where p is the name (or label) of the production, α ∈ N + , β ∈ V ∗ , and F ⊆ 2P . The sets in F are called the production repetition sets. Let d be an infinite derivation in G, starting from some string α ∈ V ∗ : p1 p2 pi pi+1 d : α = u0 α0 =⇒ u0 u1 α1 =⇒ · · · =⇒ u0 u1 · · · ui αi =⇒ · · · where for each i ≥ 0, ui ∈ T ∗ , αi ∈ N V ∗ , pi+1 ∈ P . We say d is a leftmost derivation iff for each i ≥ Q 1, the production pi rewrites the leftmost nonterminal of αi−1 . ω ω Let u = ∞ i=0 ui . If u ∈ T , we write d : α ⇒ u. The derivation d induces a sequence of productions dP = p1 p2 . . ., i.e., a mapping dP : N → P where dP (i) = pi . For π ∈ {l, nl} (denoting leftmost and non-leftmost derivations, respectively), we define the ω-languages (σ, ρ, π)-accepted by G as Lσ,ρ,l (G) = {u ∈ T ω | there exists a leftmost derivation d : S =⇒ω u in G lm such that dP is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F} Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = {u ∈ T ω | there exists a derivation d : S ⇒ω u in G such that dP is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F} As usual, Linf,=,π (G) will be denoted by Lπ (G). Definition 4.14. A context sensitive ω-grammar (ω- CSG) is an ω- PSG in which for each production α → β, |β| ≥ |α| holds. Definition 4.15. A context-free ω-grammar (ω- CFG) with production repetition sets is an ω- PSG whose productions are of the form A → α, A ∈ N , α ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ . Definition 4.16. A right linear ω-grammar (ω- RLG) with production repetition sets is an ω- PSG whose productions are of the form A → uB or A → u, A, B ∈ N , u ∈ T ∗ . In the sequel, we denote by ω- RLG, ω- CFG, ω- CSG, ω- PSG the families of rightlinear, context-free, context-sensitive, arbitrary phrase structure ω-grammars, respectively. For a family X of ω-grammars, we denote the associated families of (σ, ρ, π)-accepted ωlanguages by Lσ,ρ,π (X). As we mentioned, we denote simply Linf,=,π (X) by Lπ (X). 46 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars Definition 4.17. Two ω-grammars G1 and G2 are (σ, ρ, π)-equivalent iff Lσ,ρ,π (G1 ) = Lσ,ρ,π (G2 ). They are equivalent in π-derivation iff Lπ (G1 ) = Lπ (G2 ). Definition 4.18. An ω-grammar with a unique designated set, i.e., |F| = 1, is called a U-ω-grammar. We may denote the unique designated set by F ⊆ P instead of F = {F }. Definition 4.19. An ω-grammar with a designated set F = 2P is a unrestricted ωgrammar, denoted by u-ω-grammar. The previous definitions concern the grammars with production repetitions sets. Now we switch to the (σ, ρ, π)-acceptance w.r.t. variable repetition sets of context-free ωgrammars. Definition 4.20. A context-free ω-grammar with variable repetition sets (ω- CFG - V) is a quintuple G = (N, T, P, S, F), where G1 = (N, T, P, S) is an ordinary context-free grammar and F ⊆ 2N . The sets in F are called the variable repetition sets. Let d : α ⇒ω u ∈ T ω be an infinite derivation in G. The derivation d induces a sequence of nonterminals dN = n1 n2 . . ., i.e., a mapping dN : N → N with dN (i) = ni , where ni ∈ N is the nonterminal which is the left-hand side of the i-th production in dP . For π ∈ {l, nl}, we define the ω-languages (σ, ρ, π)-accepted by G as Lσ,ρ,l (G) = {u ∈ T ω | there exists a leftmost derivation d : S =⇒ω u in G lm such that dN is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F} Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = {u ∈ T ω | there exists a derivation d : S ⇒ω u in G such that dN is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F} As usual, Linf,=,π (G) will be denoted by Lπ (G). Definition 4.21. A right linear ω-grammar with variable repetition sets (ω- RLG - V) is an ω- CFG - V whose productions are of the form A → uB or A → u, A, B ∈ N , u ∈ T ∗ . The following theorem states that the (inf, =, π)-acceptance w.r.t. the two types of repetition sets defined above are equivalent in generative power. The proofs of the two equations can be found in Remark 2.7 and Proposition 4.1.1 of [33]. Theorem 4.22 (Thm. 3.1.4 of [32]). (1) Ll (ω- CFG) = Ll (ω- CFG - V). (2) Lnl (ω- CFG) = Lnl (ω- CFG - V). Note that for right linear ω-grammars, every derivation is a leftmost derivation. Thus we have the following theorem. Theorem 4.23. Ll (ω- RLG) = Lnl (ω- RLG) = Ll (ω- RLG - V) = Lnl (ω- RLG - V). However, the leftmost generation in ω- CFG is strictly more powerful than the nonleftmost generation with the (inf, =)-accepting model. Theorem 4.24 (Thm. 4.3.7 of [33]). (1) Lnl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Ll (ω- CFG). (2) Lnl (ω- CFG - V) ⊂ Ll (ω- CFG - V). Therefore, we choose the leftmost derivation as our standard definition of acceptance in ω- CFG’s. That means, Lσ,ρ,l (G), Ll (G), Lσ,ρ,l (X), Ll (X) will be denoted simply by Lσ,ρ (G), L(G), Lσ,ρ (X), L(X), respectively. 4.1. Preliminaries 4.1.3 47 Main Characterizations We denote by REGL, CF L, REL the families of regular, context-free, recursive enumerable languages, and denote by ω- REGL, ω- CFL, ω- REL the families of ω-type ones that are defined in this section, respectively. Definition 4.25. For any family L of languages over alphabet Σ, the ω-Kleene closure of L, denoted by ω- KC(L) is: ω- KC(L) = {L ⊆ Σω | L = k [ Ui Viω for some Ui , Vi ∈ L, 1 ≤ i ≤ k ∈ N} i=1 where N is the set of natural numbers. Theorem 4.26 (Thm. 2.2.2 and 3.1.9 of [32], [16], [99]). For any ω-language L ⊆ Σω , the following conditions are equivalent: 1. L ∈ ω- KC(REGL) 2. L ∈ L(ω- FSA) 3. L ∈ Linf,u (U - ω- FSA) or L ∈ Linf,u (ω- FSA) 4. L ∈ L(ω- DFSA) 5. L ∈ L(ω- RLG) or L ∈ L(ω- RLG - V) The ω-language L is a regular ω-language (ω- REGL), if it satisfies the conditions. It is effectively given if it is given in one of the forms above. Theorem 4.27 (Thm. 2.2.4 of [32], Thm. 1.8 and 1.12 of [33], [16], [99]). The family of regular ω-languages (ω- REGL, i.e., L(ω- FSA)) is closed under all Boolean operations, regular substitution and generalized sequential machine (gsm) mapping. Theorem 4.28 (Thm. 2.2.5 of [32]). For any regular ω-languages L1 and L2 effectively given, it is decidable whether (1) L1 is empty, finite or infinite; (2) L1 = L2 ; (3) L1 ⊆ L2 ; (4) L1 ∩ L2 = ∅. Theorem 4.29 (Thm. 4.1.8 of [32]). For any ω-language L ⊆ Σω , the following conditions are equivalent: 1. L ∈ ω- KC(CF L) 2. L ∈ L(ω- PDA) 3. L ∈ Linf,u (U - ω- PDA) or L ∈ Linf,u (ω- PDA) 4. L ∈ L(ω- CFG) or L ∈ L(ω- CFG - V) The ω-language L is a context-free ω-language (ω- CFL), if it satisfies the conditions. It is effectively given if it is given in one of the forms above. Theorem 4.30 (Section 1 of [33]). The family of context-free ω-languages (ω- CFL, i.e., L(ω- PDA)) is closed under union, intersection with ω- REGL, quotient with ω- REGL, context-free substitution and gsm mapping, is not closed under intersection and complementation. 48 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars Theorem 4.31 (Thm. 4.2.6 and 4.2.8 of [32]). For any context-free ω-language L and regular ω-language R effectively given, it is decidable whether (1) L is empty, finite or infinite; (2) L ⊆ R. Theorem 4.32. For every m-ω- TM, m ≥ 1, there can be constructed a (σ, ρ)-equivalent ω- TM. Therefore, Lσ,ρ (m-ω- TM) = Lσ,ρ (ω- TM). Proof. The proof resembles that of Thm. 7.3 of [35]. If m ≥ 3, then m-ω- TM can be translated into a 2 -ω- TM. For every 2 -ω- TM M with the set of designated sets F, there can be constructed an ω- TM M 0 who simulates M by two tracks α, β on the tape. The simulation applies the relative folding process for β w.r.t. α (see Section 6 of [35]). For each (σ, ρ)-acceptance, one can define a set of designated sets H to finish the proof. Theorem 4.33 (Theorems 5.1, 5.9 and 8.2 of [35]). For any ω-language L ⊆ Σω , the following conditions are equivalent: 1. L ∈ Lσ,ρ (ω- TM), for σ ∈ {ran, inf} and ρ ∈ {u, ⊆, =} 2. L ∈ Lσ,ρ (m-ω- TM) 3. L ∈ Lnl (ω- PSG) 4. L ∈ Lnl (ω- CSG) The ω-language L is a recursive enumerable ω-language (ω- REL), if it satisfies the conditions. Note that ω- KC(REL) ⊂ ω- REL. Note that (1) extends Thm. 8.2 of [35] where only i-acceptances are considered, and (2) follows from Thm. 4.32. Theorem 4.34 (Section 5.3 and Thm. 8.4 of [35]). The family of recursive enumerable ω-languages (ω- REL, i.e., L(ω- TM)) is closed under union, intersection, recursive enumerable substitution and concatenation with recursive enumerable languages, is not closed under complementation. The following result shows inclusion or equivalence between the families of ω-languages recognized by various (σ, ρ)-accepting X-type ω-automata. Theorem 4.35 (Thm. 3.5 of [49]). For the above various accepting models of X-type ωautomata, X ∈ {ω- FSA, ω- PDA, ω- TM}, we have Lran,⊆ (X) ⊆ Lran,u (X) = Lran,= (X) = Linf,⊆ (X) ⊆ Linf,u (X) = Linf,= (X). 4.2 On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars This section is devoted to explore the relationships between (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammars and (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automata. After introducing some special forms of ω-grammars, we study the leftmost and non-leftmost derivations of ω-grammars. 4.2. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 4.2.1 49 Special Forms of ω-Grammars We introduce some special forms of ω-grammars that will be used to study the generative power in the sequel. Some of the results are extensions of these on the grammar on finite words. We start with a special form of ω- RLG. Lemma 4.36. Given an ω- RLG G = (N, T, P, S0 , F), there can be constructed a (σ, ρ, π)equivalent ω- RLG G0 = (N 0 , T, P 0 , S0 , H) whose productions are of the form A → aB or A → a, a ∈ T ∪ {}, such that Lσ,ρ,π (G) = Lσ,ρ,π (G0 ). Proof. Without loss of generality, assume that N = {Sk }0≤k<|N | , P = {pk }1≤k≤|P | consists of all productions of the forms: pk : Si → uSj , pk : Si → u, u ∈ T ∗ . We construct G0 as follows: P 0 consists of all productions of the following forms: 1. pk : Si → aSj , if pk : Si → aSj ∈ P , a ∈ T ∪ {}. 2. pk : Si → a, if pk : Si → a ∈ P , a ∈ T ∪ {}. 3. pkm : Sk(m−1) → akm Skm , for 1 ≤ m ≤ |u|, Sk0 = Si , Sk|u| = Sj , if pk : Si → uSj ∈ P , where u = ak1 · · · ak|u| , |u| ≥ 2. 4. pkm : Sk(m−1) → akm Skm , for 1 ≤ m ≤ |u|, Sk0 = Si , Sk|u| = , if pk : Si → u ∈ P , where u = ak1 · · · ak|u| , |u| ≥ 2. We denote by Pk the set of productions named S pk or pkm . Let F = {Fi }1≤i≤n , we construct the set H = {Hi }1≤i≤n where Hi = pk ∈Fi Pk . It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,π (G) = Lσ,ρ,π (G0 ) for the different (σ, ρ, π)-accepting models. The next lemma concerns the -production-free ω- CFG. Lemma 4.37. Given an ω- CFG G = (N, T, P, S, F), there can be constructed a (σ, ρ, π)equivalent -production-free ω- CFG G0 = (N, T, P 0 , S, H) with no productions of the form A → , such that Lσ,ρ,π (G) = Lσ,ρ,π (G0 ), for (σ, ρ, π) 6∈ {(ran, u, l), (ran, =, l)}. Proof. Define N L(α) = {D ⊆ P | there exists a finite derivation d : α ⇒∗ s.t. ran(dP ) = D}. Define the substitution h as: for A ∈ N , h(A) = A if N L(A) = ∅, h(A) = {A, } if N L(A) 6= ∅, Q and for a ∈ T , h(a) Ql = a. l Let α = i=1 Ai and β = i=1 Bi ∈ h(α), where ∀1 ≤ i ≤ l, Ai ∈ N ∪ T , Bi ∈ h(Ai ). To accumulate S the productions that rewrite some nonterminals in α to be , we define P E(β) = { li=1 Pi | Pi = ∅ if Bi = Ai , and Pi ∈ N L(Ai ) if Bi = }. Let P 0 = {[p, K, β] : A → β | p : A → α ∈ P, 6= β ∈ h(α), K S ∈ P E(β)}. Define P ro([p, K, β]) = {p} ∪ K for each production in P 0 , and P ro(H) = p∈H P ro(p) for a set H of productions. An intuitive view of the simulation is shown in Fig. 4.1. The productions used to rewrite Ai and Aj are accumulated in the name of the production p. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: S 1. (ran, u, nl)-acceptance. H = {{p ∈ P 0 | P ro(p) ∩ nk=1 Fk 6= ∅}}. S 2. (ran, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. Let Hk = {H ⊆ P 0 | P ro(H) ⊆ Fk }, then H = 1≤k≤n Hk . 3. (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. H = {H ⊆ P 0 | P ro(H) ∈ F}. 4. (inf, u, nl)-acceptance. The same as (1). 50 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars α = A1 C1 · · · Cm ··· Ai A A p [p, · · · ∪ Pi ∪ · · · ∪ Pj ∪ · · · , β] ··· Aj ··· Al Pi ∈ N L(Ai ) Pj ∈ N L(Aj ) ··· ··· β = A1 ··· ··· ··· Al C1 · · · Cm Figure 4.1: Simulation by an -production-free ω- CFG 5. (inf, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. The same as (2). 6. (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. The same as (3). 7. (ran, ⊆, l)-acceptance. The same as (2). 8. (inf, ⊆, l)-acceptance. The same as (2). For the above cases, it can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,π (G) = Lσ,ρ,π (G0 ). However, the constructive proof does not work for other cases. For (inf, u, l)-acceptance and (inf, =, l)-acceptance, it is easy to prove Linf,u,l (ω- CFG) = ω- KC(CF L), and Linf,=,l (ω- CFG) = ω- KC(CF L) by Thm. 4.29. Therefore, every ωS language L accepted by the two models can be expressed in the form L = ki=1 Ui Viω , for some natural number k, and ∀1 ≤ i ≤ k, 6∈ Ui ∈ CF L, 6∈ Vi ∈ CF L. Obviously, the 2k context-free languages can be generated by 2k -production-free context-free grammars. Thus, for each of the two accepting models, an -production-free ω- CFG that accepts L can be constructed from the 2k -production-free context-free grammars. Unfortunately, for (ran, u, l)-acceptance and (ran, =, l)-acceptance, the construction of -production-free ω- CFG is still an open problem. If we use a similar construction as the nl-derivation case, the difficulty is the following one: there may exist a production [p, K, β] : A → β in P 0 , where Bi in β is supposed to be (Ai is rewritten by some productions to be ) but Ai cannot be reached by the corresponding leftmost derivation in the original ω-grammar G. The following lemmas concern some special forms of ω- PSG. Lemma 4.38. Given an ω- PSG G = (N, T, P, S, F), there can be constructed a (σ, ρ, nl)equivalent ω- PSG G0 = (N 0 , T, P 0 , S, H) whose productions are of the forms α → β, A → a or A → , α, β ∈ N + , A ∈ N , a ∈ T , such that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G0 ). Proof. Without loss of generality, assume that P = {pk }1≤k≤|P | , the maximal length of the right-hand sides of the productions is l. We construct G0 with N 0 = N ∪ {aki | a ∈ T, pk ∈ P, 1 ≤ i ≤ l} ∪ {Ek | pk ∈ P }. P 0 consists of all productions of the following forms: 1. pk : α → β, if pk : α → β ∈ P , α, β ∈ N + . 2. pk : A → , if pk : A → ∈ P , A ∈ N . 3. pk : α → a1,k1 ...a|γ|,k|γ| where ai,ki = ai if ai ∈ N , and pki : ai,ki → ai for each ai ∈ T , if pk : α → γ ∈ P , α ∈ N + , γ = a1 ...a|γ| ∈ V + − N + . 4. pk : α → Ek and pk : Ek → , if pk : α → ∈ P , α ∈ N + − N . 4.2. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 51 We define the function f as follows: {pk }, if pk ∈ P is of the form in case (1) or (2). {p } ∪ {p | a ∈ T and a is the i-th symbol of γ}, i i k ki f (pk ) = if p ∈ P is of the form in case (3). k {pk , pk }, if pk ∈ P is of the form in case (4). S For a set H of productions, f (H) = pk ∈H f (pk ). Let F = {Fi }1≤i≤n , we construct the set H = {f (Fi )}1≤i≤n . It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G0 ) for the different accepting models. We have similar lemmas for ω- CFG and ω- CSG, by using the same proof technique as the above one. Lemma 4.39. Given an ω- CFG G = (N, T, P, S, F), there can be constructed a (σ, ρ, nl)equivalent ω- CFG G0 = (N 0 , T, P 0 , S, H) whose productions are of the forms A → β, A → a or A → , β ∈ N + , A ∈ N , a ∈ T , such that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G0 ). Lemma 4.40. Given an ω- CSG G = (N, T, P, S, F), there can be constructed a (σ, ρ, nl)equivalent ω- CSG G0 = (N 0 , T, P 0 , S, H) whose productions are of the forms α → β or A → a, α, β ∈ N + , |α| ≤ |β|, A ∈ N , a ∈ T , such that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G0 ). For completeness, the following definition concerning $-boundary is taken from Def. 4.5 of [35]. Definition 4.41. An ω- PSG (ω- CSG, resp.) with $-boundary is an ω-grammar G = (N ∪ {$, S}, T, P, S0 , F), in which each production is of one of the following forms (1)-(4) ((1)-(3), resp.): 1. α → β, α, β ∈ N + , 2. S → $α, α ∈ N + , 3. $A → a$, A ∈ N , a ∈ T , 4. A → , A ∈ N . The $-boundary divides sentential forms into two parts. The left part consists of terminals generated. The right part consists of nonterminals to be rewritten. The following lemma extends Thm. 4.6 of [35] where only 3-acceptance was considered (furthermore, the assumption in the proof was used without justification, while we provide a proof in Lemma 4.38). Lemma 4.42. Given an ω- PSG (ω- CSG, resp.), there can be constructed a (σ, ρ, nl)equivalent ω- PSG (ω- CSG, resp.) with $-boundary. Proof. Let G = (N, T, P, S, F) be an ω- PSG. By Lemma 4.38, we assume P = P1 ∪ P2 ∪ P3 , where P1 = {pk : α → β, α, β ∈ N + }, P2 = {pk : A → a, A ∈ N, a ∈ T }, P3 = {pk : A → , A ∈ N }. There can be constructed a (σ, ρ, nl)-equivalent ω- PSG G0 = (N ∪ {a | a ∈ T } ∪ {S1 , $}, T, P 0 , S1 , H), where P 0 = Ps ∪ P1 ∪ P20 ∪ P3 ∪ P4 , and Ps = {S1 → $S}, P20 = {pk : A → a | pk : A → a ∈ P2 }, P4 = {pa : $a → a$ | a ∈ T }. Let F = {Fi }1≤i≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: 52 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 1. (ran, u, nl)-acceptance. H = F. 2. (ran, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. H = {Fi ∪ Ps ∪ P4 }1≤i≤n . 3. (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. Let Hi = {Fi ∪ Ps ∪ H | ∅ ⊂ H ⊆ P4 }, then H = Sn i=1 Hi . 4. (inf, u, nl)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. H = {Fi ∪ P4 }1≤i≤n . 6. (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. Let Hi = {Fi ∪ H | ∅ ⊂ H ⊆ P4 }, then H = Sn i=1 Hi . It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G0 ). If G is an ω- CSG, P3 above will be empty and G0 will be an ω- CSG with $-boundary. The important special forms discussed can facilitate the proofs in the sequel. 4.2.2 Leftmost Derivation of ω-Grammars In the case of leftmost derivation, we will show the equivalences of ω- RLG and ω- FSA, of ω- CFG and ω- PDA, as we expect. Furthermore, the generative power of ω- CSG or ω- PSG is not greater than ω- PDA. Most of the results are obtained by extending these on the grammar on finite words. Theorem 4.43. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). Let G = (N, T, P, S0 , F) be an ω- RLG with N = {Sk }0≤k<|N | , P = {pk }1≤k≤|P | . Without loss of generality, we assume the productions are of the form Si → aSj or Si → a, a ∈ T ∪ {} (by Lemma 4.36). Construct an ω- FSA A = (Q, T, δ, q0 , H), where: 1. Q = {q0 } ∪ {qik | pk : Si → γ ∈ P , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ }, q0 is the start state. 2. δ(q0 , ) = {q0k | pk : S0 → γ ∈ P , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ }. 3. δ(qik , a) contains {qjn | pn : Sj → γ ∈ P , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ }, for each production pk : Si → aSj ∈ P , where a ∈ T ∪ {}. We define f (pk ) = qik if pk : Si → γ ∈ P , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ . Obviously, G uses pk , iff A uses a transition starting from qik in a simulation. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: 1. (ran, u)-acceptance. Let Hk = {f (pi ) | pi ∈ Fk }, then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 2. (ran, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hk = {q0 } ∪ {f (pi ) | pi ∈ Fk }, then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 3. (ran, =)-acceptance. The same as (2). 4. (inf, u)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆)-acceptance. The same as (1). 6. (inf, =)-acceptance. The same as (1). 4.2. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 53 It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,l (G) = Lσ,ρ (A). (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) ⊇ Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). Let A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F) be an ω- FSA with Q = {qk }0≤k<|Q| . Construct an ω- RLG G = (N, Σ, P, S0 , H) where: 1. for each qi ∈ Q, there is a nonterminal Si ∈ N , and S0 is the start symbol. 2. for each transition δ(qi , a) 3 qj , where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, there is a production piaj : Si → aSj ∈ P . We denote by Pi the set of the production piaj ∈ P for any a ∈ Σ∪{}, Sj ∈ N . Obviously, A uses a transition starting from qi , iff G uses a production in Pi in a simulation. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: S 1. (ran, u, l)-acceptance. Let Hk = qi ∈Fk Pi , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 2. (ran, ⊆, l)-acceptance. The same as (1). 3. (ran, S =, l)-acceptance. Let Hk = {H ⊆ H = nk=1 Hk . S qi ∈Fk Pi | ∀qi ∈ Fk , H ∩ Pi 6= ∅}, then 4. (inf, u, l)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆, l)-acceptance. The same as (1). 6. (inf, =, l)-acceptance. The same as (3). It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,l (G) = Lσ,ρ (A). Theorem 4.44. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Let G = (N, T, P, S, F) be an ω- CFG with P = {pi }1≤i≤|P | . Construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, T, Γ, δ, q00 , Z0 , H), where Γ = N ∪T ∪{Z0 }, Q = {q00 , q0 } ∪ {qi | pi ∈ P }, δ is defined as follows: 1. δ(q00 , , Z0 ) = (q0 , SZ0 ), 2. δ(q0 , a, a) = (q0 , ) for all a ∈ T , 3. δ(q0 , , A) 3 (qi , ) if pi : A → γ ∈ P , A ∈ N , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ , 4. δ(qi , , X) = (q0 , γX) if pi : A → γ ∈ P , X ∈ Γ. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: 1. (ran, u)-acceptance. Let Hk = {qi | pi ∈ Fk }, then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 2. (ran, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hk = {q00 , q0 } ∪ {qi | pi ∈ Fk }, then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 3. (ran, =)-acceptance. The same as (2). 4. (inf, u)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hk = {q0 } ∪ {qi | pi ∈ Fk }, then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 6. (inf, =)-acceptance. The same as (5). 54 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,l (G) = Lσ,ρ (D). (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) ⊇ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Let D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F) be an ω- PDA. Construct an ω- CFG G = (N, Σ, P, S, H), where N is the set of objects of the form [q, B, r] (denoting popping B from the stack by several transitions, switching the state from q to r), q, r ∈ Q, B ∈ Γ, P is the union of the following sets of productions: 1. Ps = {S → [q0 , Z0 , qi ] | qi ∈ Q}. 2. P 0 = {[qi , B, qj ] → a[qj1 , B1 , qj2 ][qj2 , B2 , qj3 ] · · · [qjm , Bm , qj ] | δ(qi , a, B) = (qj1 , B1 B2 ...Bm ), qj2 , ..., qjm , qj ∈ Q}, where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, and B, B1 , ..., Bm ∈ Γ. (If m = 0, then the production is [qi , B, qj1 ] → a.) We denote by Pi the set of productions of the form [qi , B, qj ] → γ, for any B ∈ Γ, qj ∈ Q, γ ∈ N ∗ ∪ ΣN ∗ . Obviously, D uses a transition starting from qi , iff G uses a production in Pi in a simulation. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: S 1. (ran, u, l)-acceptance. Let Hk = qi ∈Fk Pi , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . S 2. (ran, ⊆, l)-acceptance. Let Hk = Ps ∪ qi ∈Fk Pi , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 3. (ran, =, l)-acceptance. Let Hk = {H ⊆ P | H ∩ Ps 6= ∅ and ∀qi ∈ Fk , H ∩ Pi 6= ∅}, S then H = nk=1 Hk . 4. (inf, u, l)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆, l)-acceptance. The same as (1). 6. (inf, =, l)-acceptance. Let Hk = {H ⊆ P 0 | ∀qi ∈ Fk , H∩Pi 6= ∅}, then H = It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,l (G) = Lσ,ρ (D). Sn k=1 Hk . Theorem 4.45. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) ⊇ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) is trivial. (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). We only need to prove Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) and the result follows from Thm. 4.44. Let G = (N, T, P, S, F) be an ω- PSG with P = {pi }1≤i≤|P | . Construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, T, Γ, δ, q00 , Z0 , H), where Γ = N ∪ T ∪ {Z0 }. Let l be the maximal length S of the left-hand sides of the productions of P , then Q = {q00 , q0 } ∪ {q[iα] | pi ∈ P, α ∈ lj=1 N j }. δ is defined as follows: 1. δ(q00 , , Z0 ) = (q0 , SZ0 ), 2. δ(q0 , a, a) = (q0 , ) for all a ∈ T , 3. δ(q0 , , A) 3 (q[iA] , ) if pi : Aγ1 → γ ∈ P , A ∈ N , γ1 ∈ N ∗ , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ , 4. δ(q[iα] , , A) = (q[iαA] , ) if pi : αAγ1 → γ ∈ P , α ∈ N + , 5. δ(q[iα] , , X) = (q0 , γX) if pi : α → γ ∈ P , X ∈ Γ. 4.2. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 55 We denote by Pref(α) the set of prefixes (length between 1 and |α|) of finite word α. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , Qi = {q[iβ] | pi : α → γ ∈ P and β ∈ Pref(α)}, we construct the set H according to different accepting models: 1. (ran, u)-acceptance. Let Hk = {q[iα] | pi : α → γ ∈ Fk }, then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . S 2. (ran, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hk = {q00 , q0 } ∪ pi ∈Fk Qi , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 3. (ran, =)-acceptance. The same as (2). 4. (inf, u)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hk = {q0 } ∪ S pi ∈Fk Qi , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 6. (inf, =)-acceptance. The same as (5). It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,l (G) = Lσ,ρ (D). Theorem 4.46. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG), for (σ, ρ) 6∈ {(ran, u), (ran, =)}. Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) follows from Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) and Thm. 4.45. (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) follows from Lemma 4.37. For the remaining two accepting models, we can only prove case (i) (the next theorem). Theorem 4.47. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG), for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(ran, u), (ran, =)}. Unfortunately, whether the equivalence of ω- CSG and ω- CFG holds for the two accepting models is still an open problem. Because of the equivalence between (σ, ρ, l)-accepting ω- CFG and (σ, ρ)-accepting ω- PDA, we have the following corollary. Corollary 4.48. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA), for (σ, ρ) 6∈ {(ran, u), (ran, =)}. (iii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA), for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(ran, u), (ran, =)}. 4.2.3 Non-leftmost Derivation of ω-Grammars In the case of non-leftmost derivation, we will show the equivalences of ω- RLG and ω- FSA, of ω- PSG and ω- TM, as we expect. Furthermore, the generative power of ω- CFG is not greater than (may be strictly included in, or equal to) ω- PDA. The generative power of ω- CSG is also equal to ω- TM. Most of the results are obtained by extending these on the grammar on finite words. Theorem 4.49. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). Proof. It is trivial, since every derivation is a leftmost derivation for ω- RLG. To study the generative power of ω- CFG, we must have in mind the following fact. Recall that for CF G on finite words, given G ∈ CF G, the language generated by leftmost derivations and the one generated by non-leftmost derivations are equal, i.e., Ll (G) = Lnl (G). For ω- CFG, given G ∈ ω- CFG, if we do not take into account the production repetition sets F, then G generates leftmostly u ∈ T ω , iff G generates u in a non-leftmost derivation, because u is the leftmost substring consisting of terminals in a sentential form. 56 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars Therefore, in some non-leftmost derivations of ω- CFG’s, a string may appear in the unreached part of the sentential form (does not contribute to u), then its possible impact on the derivation lies only in its set of applied productions. Definition 4.50. Let G = (N, T, P, S, F) be an ω- CFG and V = N ∪ T . Let d be a non-leftmost infinite derivation in G, d : α1 ⇒ α2 ⇒ · · · ⇒ αi ⇒ · · · . Every sentential form αi can be decomposed into αi = βi γi , and the derivation starting from αi can be decomposed into dβi : βi ⇒ βi+1 ⇒ · · · and dγi : γi ⇒ γi+1 ⇒ · · · where αk = βk γk for k ≥ i, such that 1. for any nonterminal A in βi s.t. βi = γAγ 0 , γ, γ 0 ∈ V ∗ , dβi rewrites γ ⇒∗ T ∗ , 2. for any k ≥ i, βk ∈ V ∗ N V ∗ . We say βi and γi are the reached part and the unreached part of αi , respectively. If a string γ appears in the unreached part of a sentential form, then it does not contribute to the terminals in the generated ω-word, but only contributes to the sets of the productions used (by its transient sets) and the sets of the productions that appear infinitely often (by its self-providing sets). Definition 4.51. Let G = (N, T, P, S, F) be an ω- CFG. For any γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ , the class of self-providing sets SP (γ) and the class of transient sets T R(γ) are defined as SP (γ) = {D ⊆ P | there exists an infinite nl-derivation d starting in γ s.t. inf(dP ) = D} T R(γ) = {D ⊆ P | there exists a finite nl-derivation d : γ ⇒∗ γ 0 for some γ 0 ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ s.t. ran(dP ) = D} It follows immediately that SP (αβ) = SP (α) ∪ SP (β) ∪ {H1 ∪ H2 | H1 ∈ SP (α), H2 ∈ SP (β)} T R(αβ) = T R(α) ∪ T R(β) ∪ {H1 ∪ H2 | H1 ∈ T R(α), H2 ∈ T R(β)} Using the above concepts, we are ready to show the nl-derivation of ω- CFG can be simulated by the computation of ω- PDA. Theorem 4.52. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Proof. Given a (σ, ρ, nl)-accepting ω- CFG G = (N, T, P, S, F), we need only show how to construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, T, Γ, δ, q, S, H), such that G and D accept exactly the same ω-language. Without loss of generality (because of the closure property under union), we may assume F consists of only one repetition set, denoted by F . We may also assume that P = P1 ∩ P2 , where P1 are of the form A → α, α ∈ N + , and P2 are of the form A → a, a ∈ Σ ∪ {} (by Lemma 4.39). Let T R1 (γ) = {D ⊆ F | there exists a finite nl-derivation d : γ ⇒∗ γ 0 for some γ 0 ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ s.t. ran(dP ) = D}. (Case 1) (inf, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. Assume P = {pi }1≤i≤|P | , we construct an ω- PDA D with Q = {q, q0 } ∪ {qi | pi ∈ P }, Γ = N ∪ T ∪ {Z} where Z 6∈ N ∪ T . The transition function δ is defined as follows. 4.2. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 57 1. δ(q, , S) = (q0 , SZ), 2. δ(q0 , , A) 3 (qk , ) for pk : A → γ ∈ P , 3. δ(qk , , X) = (q0 , γX) for X ∈ Γ, pk : A → γ ∈ P , 4. δ(q0 , a, a) = (q0 , ) for a ∈ T . Let H = {{q0 } ∪ {qk | pk ∈ F }}, it can be easily verified that Linf,⊆,nl (G) = Linf,⊆ (D). (Case 2) (ran, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. The same as Case 1, except H = {{q, q0 } ∪ {qk | pk ∈ F }}. (Case 3) (inf, u, nl)-acceptance. We construct an ω- PDA D with Q = {q0 , q1 } × {0, 1, 2}, Γ = N ∪ {Z} where Z 6∈ N , and q = [q0 , 0]. Define the function f as follows: if p ∈ F , then f (0, p) = 1, else f (0, p) = 0; for p ∈ P , f (1, p) = 0 and f (2, p) = 2. The transition function δ is defined as follows. 1. δ([q0 , i], a, A) = ([q0 , f (i, p)], ), if p : A → a ∈ P2 , 2. δ([q0 , i], , A) 3 ([q0 , f (i, p)], γ), if p : A → γ ∈ P1 , 3. δ([q0 , i], , A) 3 ([q0 , 2], γ1 Z), if A → γ1 γ2 ∈ P1 , γ1 , γ2 6= , and ∃K ∈ SP (γ2 ) s.t. F ∩ K 6= ∅, (nondeterministically choose γ2 as a unreached part.) 4. δ([q0 , i], , A) 3 ([q1 , i], A) for A ∈ N , (start the derivation of the reached part using only productions that appear infinitely often.) 5. δ([q1 , i], a, A) = ([q1 , f (i, p)], ), if p : A → a ∈ P2 , 6. δ([q1 , i], , A) 3 ([q1 , f (i, p)], γ) if p : A → γ ∈ P1 , 7. δ([q1 , i], , A) 3 ([q1 , 1], γ1 Z) if A → γ1 γ2 ∈ P1 , γ1 , γ2 6= , and ∃K ∈ T R(γ2 ) s.t. F ∩ K 6= ∅. Let H = {{[q1 , 1], [q1 , 2]}}, it can be easily verified that Linf,u,nl (G) = Linf,u (D). (Case 4) (ran, u, nl)-acceptance. We construct an ω- PDA D with Q = {q0 } × {0, 1}, Γ = N ∪ {Z} where Z 6∈ N , and q = [q0 , 0]. Define the function f as follows: if p ∈ F , then f (0, p) = 1, else f (0, p) = 0; for p ∈ P , f (1, p) = 1. The transition function δ is defined as follows. 1. δ([q0 , i], a, A) 3 ([q0 , f (i, p)], ), if p : A → a ∈ P2 , 2. δ([q0 , i], , A) 3 ([q0 , f (i, p)], γ), if p : A → γ ∈ P1 , 3. δ([q0 , i], , A) 3 ([q0 , 1], γ1 Z), if A → γ1 γ2 ∈ P1 , γ1 , γ2 6= , and ∃K ∈ T R(γ2 ) s.t. F ∩ K 6= ∅, (nondeterministically choose γ2 as a unreached part.) Let H = {{[q0 , 1]}}, it can be easily verified that Lran,u,nl (G) = Lran,u (D). F (Case 5) (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. We construct an ω- PDA D with Q = {q0 } × 22 ∪ {q1 } × 2F × 2F ∪ {q} × 2F , Γ = N ∪ {Z} where Z 6∈ N , and q = [q0 , ∅]. The transition function δ is defined as follows. 1. δ([q0 , H], a, A) 3 ([q0 , H], ) for H ⊆ 2F , if A → a ∈ P2 , 58 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 2. δ([q0 , H], , A) 3 ([q0 , H], γ) for H ⊆ 2F , if A → γ ∈ P1 , 3. δ([q0 , H], , A) 3 ([q0 , H1 ], γ1 Z) for H ⊆ 2F , if A → γ1 γ2 ∈ P1 , γ1 , γ2 6= , and H1 = {K1 ∪ K2 | K1 ∈ H, K2 ∈ SP (γ2 )}, (nondeterministically choose γ2 as a unreached part, and accumulate the productions that appear infinitely often by rewriting γ2 .) 4. δ([q0 , H], , A) 3 ([q1 , F − K, ∅], A) for H ⊆ 2F , A ∈ N , and K ∈ H, (start the derivation of the reached part using only productions that appear infinitely often. The third component of the state is used to accumulate productions applied infinitely often hereafter. F − K computes the productions needed to appear infinitely often hereafter.) 5. δ([q1 , K, H], a, A) 3 ([q1 , K, H ∪ {p}], ) for K, H ⊆ F , if p : A → a ∈ P2 and p ∈ F , (accumulate a production that appears once.) 6. δ([q1 , K, H], , A) 3 ([q1 , K, H ∪ {p}], γ) for K, H ⊆ F , if p : A → γ ∈ P1 and p ∈ F , (accumulate a production that appears once.) 7. δ([q1 , K, H], , A) 3 ([q1 , K, H ∪ H1 ∪ {p}], γ1 Z) for K, H ⊆ F , H1 ∈ T R1 (γ2 ), if p : A → γ1 γ2 ∈ P1 , γ1 , γ2 6= , and p ∈ F , (accumulate the productions that appear in γ2 .) 8. δ([q1 , K, H], , A) 3 ([q, K], A) for K, H ⊆ F , A ∈ N , if K ⊆ H, (all the required productions appearing infinitely often are accumulated.) 9. δ([q, K], , A) 3 ([q1 , K, ∅], A) for K ⊆ F , A ∈ N . (restart accumulating, because each production in K has been used at least once since the last time D has entered [q1 , K, ∅].) Let H = {{q × 2F }}, it can be easily verified that, there can be constructed an ω- PDA D0 from D by modifying H, such that Linf,=,nl (G) = Linf,u (D) = Linf,= (D0 ). (Case 6) (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. We construct an ω- PDA D with Q = {q0 } × 2F , Γ = N ∪ {Z} where Z 6∈ N , and q = [q0 , ∅]. The transition function δ is defined as follows. 1. δ([q0 , H], a, A) 3 ([q0 , H1 ], ) for H ⊆ F , if p : A → a ∈ P2 and p ∈ F , and H1 = H ∪ {p}, 2. δ([q0 , H], , A) 3 ([q0 , H1 ], γ) for H ⊆ F , if p : A → γ ∈ P1 and p ∈ F , and H1 = H ∪ {p}, 3. δ([q0 , H], , A) 3 ([q0 , H1 ], γ1 Z) for H ⊆ F , if p : A → γ1 γ2 ∈ P1 and p ∈ F , γ1 , γ2 6= , and H1 ∈ {H ∪ {p} ∪ K | K ∈ T R1 (γ2 )}, (nondeterministically choose γ2 as a unreached part.) Let H = {H ⊆ Q | [q0 , F ] ∈ H}, it can be easily verified that Lran,=,nl (G) = Lran,= (D). The above result also means Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). Now we consider whether the proper inclusion or the equivalence holds. Theorem 4.53. (i) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG), for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(inf, u), (inf, =)}. (ii) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG), for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(ran, ⊆), (inf, ⊆)}. 4.2. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars 59 Proof. We consider the accepting models one by one. 1. Linf,=,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Linf,=,l (ω- CFG). It was proved that there exists an ω-language L = {an bn | n ≥ 1}ω , such that L ∈ Linf,=,l (ω- CFG), but L 6∈ Linf,=,nl (ω- CFG) (see Proposition 4.3.6 of [33]). It follows that Linf,=,l (ω- CFG) * Linf,=,nl (ω- CFG), thus Linf,=,l (ω- CFG) 6= Linf,=,nl (ω- CFG). 2. Linf,u,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Linf,u,l (ω- CFG). In one hand, we have L ∈ Linf,u,l (ω- CFG), since Linf,=,l (ω- CFG) = Linf,u,l (ω- CFG) by Thm. 4.44 and Thm. 4.35. On the other hand, L 6∈ Linf,u,nl (ω- CFG), because it is easy to see Linf,u,nl (ω- CFG) ⊆ Linf,=,nl (ω- CFG). 3. Lσ,⊆,nl (ω- CFG) = Lσ,⊆,l (ω- CFG), for σ ∈ {ran, inf}. It is easy to show Lσ,⊆,l (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,⊆,nl (ω- CFG) holds: for any G ∈ ω- CFG, Lσ,⊆,l (G) = Lσ,⊆,nl (G). Unfortunately, for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(ran, u), (ran, =)}, whether proper inclusion or equivalence holds is still an open problem. The following lemmas lead to the characterization of the generative power of ω- CSG and ω- PSG. Lemma 4.54. Lσ,ρ (ω- TM) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CSG). Proof. Let M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , F) be an ω- TM. Construct an ω- CSG G = (N, Σ, P, S, H), where N = Σ × Γ ∪ Q ∪ {$, S, S1 }, P contains the following productions: 1. S → $q0 S1 , 2. S1 → [a, a]S1 , for every a ∈ Σ, 3. q[a, A] → [a, C]p, if δ(q, A) 3 (p, C, R) for every a ∈ Σ, 4. [b, B]q[a, A] → p[b, B][a, C], if δ(q, A) 3 (p, C, L) for every a, b ∈ Σ, B ∈ Γ, 5. q[a, A] → p[a, C], if δ(q, A) 3 (p, C, S) for every a ∈ Σ, 6. $[a, A] → a$, for every a ∈ Σ, A ∈ Γ. Rule (2) generates the input ω-word. The first component of Σ × Γ is used to record the input symbol, and the second is used to simulate M . We denote by Pi the set of productions of type (i) above. For every q ∈ Q, we denote by Pq the set of productions in which q appears on the left-hand side. Let F = {Fk }1≤k≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: S 1. (ran, u, nl)-acceptance. Let Hk = q∈Fk Pq , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . S 2. (ran, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. Let Hk = P1 ∪ P2 ∪ P6 ∪ q∈Fk Pq , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . S 3. (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. Let Hk = {H ⊆ P1 ∪ P2 ∪ P6 ∪ q∈Fk P Sq | P1 ⊆ H and H ∩ P2 6= ∅ and H ∩ P6 6= ∅ and ∀q ∈ Fk , H ∩ Pq 6= ∅}, then H = nk=1 Hk . 4. (inf, u, nl)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. Let Hk = P2 ∪ P6 ∪ S q∈Fk Pq , then H = {Hk }1≤k≤n . 60 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars S 6. (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. Let Hk = {H ⊆ P2 ∪ PS6 ∪ q∈Fk Pq | H ∩ P2 6= ∅ and H ∩ P6 6= ∅ and ∀q ∈ Fk , H ∩ Pq 6= ∅}, then H = nk=1 Hk . It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ (M ). Lemma 4.55. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (2 -ω- TM). Proof. Let G = (N, T, P, S, F) be an ω- PSG. By Lemma 4.42, we may assume that G is an ω- PSG with $-boundary. Construct an 2 -ω- TM M = (Q, T, Γ, δ, q0 , H) where Q = Q0 ∪ {q0 , q1 , qD } ∪ {qp : p ∈ P }, Q0 is a set of working states and qD is a dead state (no further transitions). The machine has two tapes. The first tape contains the input word u ∈ T ω , while on the second tape M simulates nondeterministically a derivation in G. M starts with writing S in the first square on the second tape. For every production p in P there is a corresponding state qp in Q, entered by M every times production p is simulated on the second tape. If M cannot find a production to simulate, then M enters the dead state qD . Furthermore, each times M simulates a production of the form $A → a$, the terminal a ∈ Σ is checked against the letter pointed to on the first tape. If there is a match, M enters state q1 , moves one square to the right on the two tapes and then proceeds with the simulation. Otherwise, M enters the dead state qD . Let F = {Fi }1≤i≤n , we construct the set H according to different accepting models: 1. (ran, u)-acceptance. Let Hi = {qp | p ∈ Fi }, then H = {Hi }1≤i≤n . 2. (ran, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hi = Q0 ∪ {q0 , q1 } ∪ {qp | p ∈ Fi }, then H = {Hi }1≤i≤n . 3. (ran, S =)-acceptance. Let Hi = {H ∪ {q0 , q1 } ∪ {qp | p ∈ Fi } | H ⊆ Q0 }, then H = ni=1 Hi . 4. (inf, u)-acceptance. The same as (1). 5. (inf, ⊆)-acceptance. Let Hi = Q0 ∪ {q1 } ∪ {qp | p ∈ Fi }, then H = {Hi }1≤i≤n . S 6. (inf, =)-acceptance. Let Hi = {H ∪{q1 }∪{qp | p ∈ Fi } | H ⊆ Q0 }, then H = ni=1 Hi . It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ (M ). Note that the proof above has two important differences with the proof of Thm. 5.1 in [35] in which only the 3-accepting (i.e., (inf, =)-accepting) ω-grammar was considered. The first difference is that we use two tapes rather than two tracks. Because if we used two tracks, except the (inf, =)-acceptance case, for any input u ∈ T ω the ω- TM M would have a c.n.o. run satisfying the accepting condition by applying an infinite computation as follows: M generates only finite (maybe zero) terminals on the leftmost side of the second track, and then never uses the productions $A → a$ any more. Thus, M would accept Lσ,ρ (M ) = T ω . The second difference is that we use qD instead of the traverse state qT , because the latter one brings inconvinience for (ran, u)-acceptance: for any input u ∈ T ω , M may simulate certain p ∈ Fi once, then enter qT by a dismatch when checking, and the run is a c.n.o. run and thus accepted. Therefore, M would accept Lran,u (M ) = T ω . In order to provide a uniform constructive proof for all the accepting models, we give our proof by modifying the proof of Thm. 5.1 in [35]. By the above lemmas and Thm. 4.32, we showed the fact Lσ,ρ (ω- TM) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (2 -ω- TM) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (m-ω- TM) = Lσ,ρ (ω- TM). Thus we have the following theorems. 4.3. Related Work 61 Theorem 4.56. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- TM). Theorem 4.57. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CSG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- TM). 4.3 Related Work Cohen only focused on the five types of i-accepting ω-automata and the ω-grammars defined with 3-acceptance [32], and mainly discussed the ω- CFG - V with variable repetition sets rather than the one with production repetition sets [33]. Therefore, Cohen studied actually some relationships between (inf, =, π)-accepting ω-grammars and (inf, =)accepting ω-automata (i.e., 3-acceptance), including (inf, =, π)-accepting ω- CFG - V and (inf, =)-accepting ω- PDA [32, 33], (inf, =, nl)-accepting ω- PSG and (inf, =)-accepting ω- TM [35]. Furthermore, Cohen studied also some special forms and normal forms of (inf, =, π)-accepting ω-grammars. We extended Cohen’s work in the following aspects. First, we examined the ωgrammars beyond (inf, =, π)-acceptance, since only 3-accepting ω-grammars were considered in the literature. We showed that for some accepting models, the relative generative power of the ω-grammars to corresponding ω-automata is different from that of 3-accepting ω-grammars. Second, the ω- CFG with production repetition sets was studied to form uniform relation and translation over the entire hierarchy of ω-grammars. However, the literature only considered ω- CFG - V, and the variable repetition sets are not applicable to ω- CSG for example. Third, we tried to provide uniform proofs for various accepting models, since some of the proofs in the literature are based on the ω-Kleene closure of language families (again, related to 3-acceptance), rather than uniform constructive proofs over various accepting models, e.g., the proof for -production-free 3-accepting ω- CFG - V (see Thm. 4.2.2 - Thm. 4.2.5 in [32]). Fourth, we considered one more accepting model than the five types of i-acceptances for ω-automata, for the corresponding between ω-grammars and ω-automata. Later, Engelfriest studied the six types of (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automata from the perspective of X-automata [49], but did not consider the grammar form. It is reasonable to establish the corresponding grammar forms for these ω-automata. Therefore, we define the (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammar corresponding to the (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automaton, and establish the relationship and the translation methods between the ω-grammar and the ω-automaton. 4.4 Conclusion This chapter married related works on ω-automata in the literature, and proposed the (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammar. The relative generative power of ω-grammars and ωautomata was studied in the previous theorems, which are summarized and compared in Table 4.2. One should particularly note: 1. the generative power of non-leftmost derivations of ω- CFG may be strictly weaker than or equal to that of ω- PDA. 2. the generative power of leftmost derivations of ω- CSG or ω- PSG is not greater than that of ω- PDA. 3. the generative power of non-leftmost derivations of ω- CSG is equal to ω- TM. 62 Chapter 4. On the Generative Power of (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-Grammars ω- RLG ω- CFG ω- CSG ω- PSG Lσ,ρ,l Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA)(1) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) Lσ,ρ,nl Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA)(2) Lσ,ρ (ω- TM) Lσ,ρ (ω- TM) (1) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CSG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA), for (σ, ρ) 6∈ {(ran, u), (ran, =)}. (2) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA), for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(inf, u), (inf, =)}. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA), for (σ, ρ) ∈ {(ran, ⊆), (inf, ⊆)}. Table 4.2: Relative Generative Power of ω-Grammars and ω-Automata As a result, it is not necessary to define linear-bounded ω-automata-like devices, since ω- CSG does not have an independent level of generative power. The open problems lie on the (ran, u)-accepting and (ran, =)-accepting models. Fortunately, the results are enough for major applications, which concern mainly (inf, ρ)acceptances. Thanks to the theorems and the translation methods given in the proofs in this chapter, the closure property and the decision problems of the families of ω-languages generated by ω-grammars and those of the families of ω-languages recognized by ω-automata can be deduced from each other. Chapter 5 Control Systems on ω-Words This chapter is the first to marry restricted ω-grammars and regulated rewriting in classical language theory [39] by proposing the formal control system on ω-words (ω-C system), which is a framework consisting of a controlled ω-device and a controlling ω-device that are modeled using the same formalism. These ω-devices could be (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automata or (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammars. The generative power is studied. The motivation comes from extending regularly controlled grammars on finite words [40, 38] and exploring their properties in the context of infinite words. This chapter is organized as follows. In Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, three types of control systems on ω-words (ω-C systems) are studied. Related work is discussed in Section 5.4, and we conclude in Section 5.5. 5.1 5.1.1 ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems) Definitions An ω-grammar control system consists of an ω-grammar and a controlling ω-grammar. Definition 5.1. Given a controlled ω-grammar (or simply ω-grammar) G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , F1 ), a controlling ω-grammar over G1 is a quadruple G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F2 ), where T2 = P1 . Without loss of generality, we assume that N1 ∩ N2 = ∅. Generally, we denote the controlled ω-grammar and the controlling ω-grammar by G1 and G2 respectively. Definition 5.2. An ω-Grammar Control System (simply ω-GC System) includes an ωgrammar G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , F1 ) and a controlling ω-grammar G2 . The global ω-language of G1 controlled by G2 is: Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G2 ) = {u ∈ T1ω | there exists a derivation d : S1 ⇒ω u of G1 such that dP is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F1 and dP ∈ Lσ,ρ,nl (G2 )} We say Lσ,ρ,nl (G2 ) is a controlling ω-language. Obviously, the set of accepted inputs is a subset of the controlled ω-language, such that the sequence of applied productions belongs to the controlling ω-language, i.e., Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G2 ) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 ). 63 64 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words As usual, Linf,=,nl (G1 , G2 ) will be denoted by Lnl (G1 , G2 ). Example 5.3. Given G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , F1 ), G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F2 ) where F1 = {H | {p1 , p2 , p5 , p6 } ⊆ H ⊆ P1 }, F2 = {H | {r1 } ⊆ H ⊆ P2 }, with the following productions: 0S 0 → AB p : S → S p : S 1 1 r1 : S2 → p1 p2 C 2 1 1 1 p3 : A → aAb p4 : B → Bc r2 : C → p3 p4 C P1 P2 p5 : A → ab p6 : B → c r3 : C → p5 p6 S2 Let L1 = {an bn c+ | n ≥ 1}, L2 = p1 p2 (p3 p4 )∗ p5 p6 , L3 = {an bn cn | n ≥ 1}. The context-free ω-language Lnl (G1 ) = Lω1 ∪ L∗1 aω and the regular ω-language Lnl (G2 ) = Lω2 ∪ L∗2 p1 p2 (p3 p4 )ω constitute a non-context-free global ω-language Lnl (G1 , G2 ) = Lω3 . Two trivial types of controlling ω-grammars are empty controlling ω-grammars and full controlling ω-grammars. The former ones accept the empty controlling ω-language which rejects all the sequences of productions applied in derivations, i.e., Lσ,ρ,nl (G2 ) = ∅. The latter ones accept full controlling ω-languages that accept all the sequences of productions applied in derivations, i.e., Lσ,ρ,nl (G2 ) = P1ω , where P1 is the set of productions of the controlled ω-grammar G1 . Note that the two types of ω-languages are both regular. 5.1.2 Generative Power In this section, we prove theorems on the generative power. Each theorem concerns different combinations of controlled and controlling ω-grammars. Theorem 5.4. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- RLG) = Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- RLG) ⊇ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG) is obvious, since we can use a regular controlling ω-grammar generating a full controlling ω-language. (ii) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- RLG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG). Given an ω- RLG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , E) and an ω- RLG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F) with P1 = T2 , P2 contains all productions of the forms: B → uC, B → u, B, C ∈ N2 , u ∈ P1∗ , E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . We define Rset(pi ) = {pk ∈ P1 | pi : B → uC ∈ P2 , pk in string u}. Let us consider different (σ, ρ, nl)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 × N2 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where N1 ×N2 includes composite nonterminals of the form [A, B], P includes the following sets of productions: 1. Ps = {S → [S1 , S2 ]}, u 2. P 0 = {pkA : [A, B] → α[D, C], for pk : B → uC ∈ P2 , A ∈ N1 and A =⇒ αD in G1 }. Let fS 1 (pkA ) = {pk }, f2 (pkA ) = Rset(pk ). f2 (H) = pkA ∈H f2 (pkA ). We construct the set (a.1) (ran, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. H = {H 0 ∪ Ps E, Fj ∈ F}. (a.2) (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. H = {H 0 ∪ Ps E, Fj ∈ F}. S For H ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H) = pkA ∈H f1 (pkA ), H as follows: | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) ⊆ Ei , f2 (H 0 ) ⊆ Fj , Ei ∈ | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) = Ei , f2 (H 0 ) = Fj , Ei ∈ 5.1. ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems) 65 (a.3) (inf, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. H = {H 0 | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) ⊆ Ei , f2 (H 0 ) ⊆ Fj , Ei ∈ E, Fj ∈ F}. (a.4) (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. H = {H 0 | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) = Ei , f2 (H 0 ) = Fj , Ei ∈ E, Fj ∈ F}. It is easy to see that the component B of [A, B] controls the derivation in such a way that the acceptable derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } SWithout S n F . We construct an ω-grammar E , F = where E = m i=1 i i=1 i G = (N ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where N = N1 × N2 × {0, 1}2 , and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. S → [S1 , S2 , 00], u 2. pkAx : [A, B, x] → α[D, C, y], for pk : B → uC ∈ P2 , A ∈ N1 and A =⇒ αD in G1 , x ∈ {0, 1}2 , y= 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and Rset(pk ) ∩ E 6= ∅ 01, if x = 00 and pk ∈ F 11, 11, 11, x, if x = 00 and Rset(pk ) ∩ E 6= ∅ and pk ∈ F if x = 10 and pk ∈ F if x = 01 and Rset(pk ) ∩ E 6= ∅ else. Let H = {{pkA11 | pk ∈ P2 , A ∈ N1 }}. It is easy to see that the component B of [A, B, x] ∈ N control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G, while the component x is used to record the appearances of productions in the repetition sets E and F . Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u,nl (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,u,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,u,nl (ω- RLG). Theorem 5.5. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- CFG). Given an ω- CFG G = (N, T, P, S, H), we construct an ω- RLG G1 = ({S1 }, T, P1 , S1 , E) where P1 = {pa : S1 → aS1 | a ∈ T } and E = 2P1 , and an ω- CFG G2 = (N, T2 , P2 , S, H) where 1. h is a homomorphism: h(a) = pa , for a ∈ T , 2. T2 = h(T ), 3. P2 = h(P ), where h(P ) is the set of productions replacing each terminal a ∈ T of productions in P by pa ∈ T2 . G generates u ∈ T ω , if and only if G1 generates u by using productions h(u), and G2 generates h(u). Thus it is easy to see that Lσ,ρ,nl (G) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G2 ) ∈ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- CFG) for each accepting model. 66 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words (ii) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- RLG, ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). Given an ω- RLG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , E) and an ω- CFG G3 = (N3 , T3 , P3 , S3 , F3 ) with P1 = T3 , P1 contains all productions of the forms: B → uC, B → u, u ∈ T1∗ . There exists a (σ, ρ, l)-accepting ω- CFG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F) with P1 = T2 such that the controlling ω-language Lσ,ρ,nl (G3 ) = Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) by Thm. 4.52. Assume N1 ∩ N2 = ∅, E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Let us consider different (σ, ρ, l)-accepting models for G2 . (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where P includes productions of the following forms: 1. ps : S → S1 S2 , 2. p2kB : BA → Bα, for B ∈ N1 , pk : A → α ∈ P2 , 3. p1k : Bpk → uC, for pk ∈ T2 , pk : B → uC ∈ P1 . We denote by P ri the set of productions of type (i) above. Let P1k = {p1k ∈ P r3 }, P2k = {p2kB ∈ P r2 }. We construct the set H as follows: S 0 00 0 00 S (a.1) (ran, ⊆, l)-acceptance. Sm Sn Let Hij = {H ∪ H ∪ P r1 | H = pk ∈Ei P1k , H = i=1 j=1 Hij . pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = S 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ P r | H 0 = 00 (a.2) (ran, =, l)-acceptance. Let H = {H ij 1 pk ∈Ei P1k , H ⊆ S S S n m 00 j=1 Hij . i=1 S pk ∈Fj P2k and ∀pk ∈ Fj , H ∩ P2k 6= ∅}, then H = S (a.3) (inf, ⊆, l)-acceptance. Let Hij = {H 0 ∪ H 00 | H 0 = pk ∈Ei P1k , H 00 = pk ∈Fj P2k }, S Sn then H = m i=1 j=1 Hij . S S (a.4) (inf, =, l)-acceptance. Let Hij = {H 0 ∪ H 00 | H 0 = pk ∈Ei P1k , H 00 ⊆ pk ∈Fj P2k S S n and ∀pk ∈ Fj , H 00 ∩ P2k 6= ∅}, then H = m i=1 j=1 Hij . It is easy to see that the nonterminals pk ∈ T2 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable leftmost derivations in G1 are simulated by leftmost derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G3 ) = Lσ,ρ,l (G) ∈ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG), by Theorem 4.45. (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } SWithout Sm n where E = i=1 Ei , F = i=1 Fi . We construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ Y ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where Y = {0, 1}2 , and P includes productions of the following forms: 1. ps : S → xS1 S2 , x = 00 ∈ Y , 2. p2kBx : xBA → yBα, for B ∈ N1 , pk : A → α ∈ P2 , x ∈ Y , 00, 01, y= 11, x, if x = 11 if x = 00 and pk ∈ F if x = 10 and pk ∈ F else. 5.1. ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems) 67 3. p1kx : xBpk → uyC, for pk ∈ T2 , pk : B → uC ∈ P1 , x ∈ Y , 00, 10, y= 11, x, if x = 11 if x = 00 and pk ∈ E if x = 01 and pk ∈ E else. Let H = {{p1k11 | pk ∈ P1 } ∪ {p2kB11 | B ∈ N1 , pk ∈ P2 }}. It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u,nl (G1 , G3 ) = Lσ,u,l (G) ∈ Lσ,u,l (ω- PSG) = Lσ,u,l (ω- CFG), by Theorem 4.45. Theorem 5.6. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG, ω- RLG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG, ω- RLG) is obvious, since we can use a regular controlling ω-grammar generating a full controlling ω-language. The strictness follows from Example 5.3. (ii) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG, ω- RLG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). Given an ω-CFG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , E) and an ω- RLG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F) with P1 = T2 , P2 contains all productions of the forms: B → uC, B → u, B, C ∈ N2 , u ∈ P1∗ . Assume N1 ∩ N2 = ∅, E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Assume that the maximal length of u of the productions in P2 is l. Let us consider different (σ, ρ, nl)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ N2 ∪ N20 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where N20 = N2 × Sl l i=0 T2 and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. S → S1 S2 , 2. p2k : B → [C, u], for pk : B → uC ∈ P2 , 3. [B, ] → B, for B ∈ N2 , 4. p1k[B,u] : A[B, pk u] → α[B, u], for [B, pk u] ∈ N20 and pk : A → α in P1 , 5. BX → XB and XB → BX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T1 , B ∈ N2 ∪ N20 . We denote by P ri the set of productions of type (i) above. Let P1k = {p1k[B,u] ∈ P r4 }, P2k = {p2k ∈ P r2 }. We construct the set H as follows: S 0 00 0 00 S (a.1) (ran, ⊆, l)-acceptance. Sm SnLet Hij = {H ∪H ∪P r1 ∪P r3 ∪P r5 | H = pk ∈Ei P1k , H = pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = i=1 j=1 Hij . S (a.2) (ran, =, l)-acceptance. Let Hij S = {H 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ P r1 ∪ H3 ∪ H5 | H 0 ⊆ pk ∈Ei P1k s.t. ∀pk ∈ Ei , H 0 ∩ P1k 6= ∅, and H 00 = pk ∈Fj P2k , and ∅ ⊂ H3 ⊆ P r3 , ∅ ⊂ H5 ⊆ P r5 }, S Sn then H = m i=1 j=1 Hij . S 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ P r ∪ P r | H 0 = 00 (a.3) (inf, ⊆, l)-acceptance. Let H = {H ij 3 5 pk ∈Ei P1k , H = S Sm Sn pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = i=1 j=1 Hij . S (a.4) (inf, =, l)-acceptance. LetSHij = {H 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ H3 ∪ H5 | H 0 ⊆ pk ∈Ei P1k s.t. ∀pk ∈ Ei , H 0 ∩ P1k 6= ∅, and H 00 = pk ∈Fj P2k , and ∅ ⊂ H3 ⊆ P r3 , ∅ ⊂ H5 ⊆ P r5 }, then S Sn H= m i=1 j=1 Hij . 68 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words It is easy to see that the nonterminals [B, pk u] ∈ N20 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } Sm SWithout n where E = i=1 Ei , F = i=1 Fi . We construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ N20 ∪ N200 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where N20 = N2 × {0, 1}2 , N200 = N2 × {0, 1}2 × of productions: Sl l i=0 T2 and P includes the following sets 1. S → S1 [S2 , 00], 2. p2k[x] : [B, x] → [C, y, u], for pk : B → uC ∈ P2 , x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 00, 01, y= 11, x, if x = 11 if x = 00 and pk ∈ F if x = 10 and pk ∈ F else. 3. [B, x, ] → [B, x], for B ∈ N2 , x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 4. p1k[B,x,u] : A[B, x, pk u] → α[B, y, u], for [B, x, pk u] ∈ N200 and pk : A → α in P1 , x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and p ∈ E k y= 11, if x = 01 and pk ∈ E x, else. 5. BX → XB and XB → BX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T1 , B ∈ N20 ∪ N200 . Let H = {{p1k[B,11,u] | pk ∈ P1 , [B, 11, u] ∈ N200 } ∪ {p2k[11] | pk ∈ P2 }}. It is easy to see that the nonterminals [B, x, pk u] ∈ N200 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u,nl (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,u,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,u,nl (ω- PSG). Theorem 5.7. Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG, ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG, ω- CFG) is obvious, since we can use a regular controlling ω-grammar generating a full controlling ω-language. The strictness follows from Example 5.3. (ii) Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- CFG, ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). Given an ω-CFG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , E) and an ω- CFG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F) with P1 = T2 . Assume N1 ∩ N2 = ∅, E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Let us consider different (σ, ρ, nl)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ {$, S}, T1 , P, S, H) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 } and P includes the following sets of productions: 5.1. ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems) 69 1. S → $S1 S2 , 2. p2k : B → β, for pk : B → β ∈ P2 , 3. Xp → pX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T10 , p ∈ T2 , 4. p1k : Apk → α0 , for pk : A → α in P1 , α0 replaces each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 , 5. $a0 → a$, for a ∈ T1 . We denote by P ri the set of productions of type (i) above. Let P1k = {p1k ∈ P r4 }, P2k = {p2k ∈ P r2 }. We construct the set H as follows: S 0 00 0 00 S (a.1) (ran, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. Sm Sn Let Hij = {H ∪H ∪P r1 ∪P r3 ∪P r5 | H = pk ∈Ei P1k , H = i=1 j=1 Hij . pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = S (a.2) (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. Let Hij = {H 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ P r1 ∪ H3S ∪ H5S| H 0 = pk ∈Ei P1k , S n . H 00 = pk ∈Fj P2k , and ∅ ⊂ H3 ⊆ P r3 , ∅ ⊂ H5 ⊆ P r5 }, then H = m i=1 j=1 HijS 0 00 0 (a.3) SnHij = {H ∪ H ∪ P r3 ∪ P r5 | H = pk ∈Ei P1k , S (inf, ⊆, nl)-acceptance. S Let H 00 = pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = m i=1 j=1 Hij . S 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ H ∪ H | H 0 = (a.4) (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. Let H = {H ij 3 5 pk ∈Ei P1k , S Sm Sn 00 H = pk ∈Fj P2k , and ∅ ⊂ H3 ⊆ P r3 , ∅ ⊂ H5 ⊆ P r5 }, then H = i=1 j=1 Hij . It is easy to see that the nonterminals pk ∈ T2 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ,nl (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } SWithout Sm n where E = i=1 Ei , F = i=1 Fi . We construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ Y ∪ {$, S}, T1 , P, S, H) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 }, Y = {0, 1}2 and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. S → $xS1 S2 , x = 00 ∈ Y , 2. p2kx : xB → yβ, for pk : B → β ∈ P2 , x ∈ Y , 00, if x = 11 01, if x = 00 and p ∈ F k y= 11, if x = 10 and pk ∈ F x, else. 3. Xp → pX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T10 , p ∈ T2 , 4. p1kx : xApk → yα0 , for pk : A → α in P1 , α0 replaces each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 , x ∈ Y , 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and p ∈ E k y= 11, if x = 01 and pk ∈ E x, else. 5. $a0 → a$, for a ∈ T1 , 6. xX → Xx and Xx → xX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 , x ∈ Y . Let H = {{p1k11 | pk ∈ P1 } ∪ {p2k11 | pk ∈ P2 }}. It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u,nl (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,u,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,u,nl (ω- PSG). 70 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words 5.2 Leftmost-Derivation-Based ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-LGC Systems) 5.2.1 Definitions Definition 5.8. A Leftmost-derivation-based ω-Grammar Control System (simply ω-LGC System) includes an ω-grammar G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , F1 ) and a controlling ω-grammar G2 . The global ω-language of G1 controlled by G2 is: Lσ,ρ,l (G1 , G2 ) = {u ∈ T1ω | there exists a leftmost derivation d : S1 =⇒ω u of G1 lm such that dP is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F1 and dP ∈ Lσ,ρ,l (G2 )} We say Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) is a controlling ω-language. We may also denote Lσ,ρ,l (G1 , G2 ) by Lσ,ρ (G1 ~· G2 ). As usual, Linf,=,l (G1 , G2 ) will be denoted by Ll (G1 , G2 ). Example 5.9. Given G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , F1 ), G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F2 ) where F1 = {H | {p1 , p2 , p5 , p6 } ⊆ H ⊆ P1 }, F2 = {H | {r1 } ⊆ H ⊆ P2 }, with the following productions: r1 : S2 → S20 S2 0 0 p2 : S1 → AB p1 : S1 → S1 S1 r : S 0 → p p Cp 2 1 2 6 2 p3 : A → aAb p4 : B → Bc P2 P1 r3 : C → p3 Cp4 p5 : A → ab p6 : B → c r4 : C → p5 Let L1 = {an bn c+ | n ≥ 1}, L2 = {p1 p2 pk3 p5 pk4 p6 | k ≥ 0}, L3 = {an bn cn | n ≥ 1}. The context-free ω-languages Ll (G1 ) = Lω1 and Ll (G2 ) = Lω2 constitute a non-context-free global ω-language Ll (G1 , G2 ) = Lω3 . Two trivial types of controlling ω-grammars are empty controlling ω-grammars and full controlling ω-grammars. The former ones accept the empty controlling ω-language which rejects all the sequences of productions applied in derivations, i.e., Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) = ∅. The latter ones accept full controlling ω-languages that accept all the sequences of productions applied in derivations, i.e., Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) = P1ω , where P1 is the set of productions of the controlled ω-grammar G1 . Note that the two types of ω-languages are both regular. 5.2.2 Generative Power As every derivation in an ω- RLG is a leftmost derivation, the following result follows from Thm. 5.4. Theorem 5.10. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, ω- RLG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG). The proof of the following result is omitted, since it is nearly the same as that of Thm. 5.5. Theorem 5.11. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, ω- CFG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). Theorem 5.12. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- RLG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). 5.2. Leftmost-Derivation-Based ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-LGC Systems) 71 Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- RLG) ⊇ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) is obvious, since we can use a regular controlling ω-grammar generating a full controlling ω-language. (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- RLG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG). Given an ω-CFG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , E) and an ω-RLG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F) with P1 = T2 , P2 contains all productions of the forms: B → uC, B → u, B, C ∈ N2 , u ∈ P1∗ . Assume N1 ∩ N2 = ∅, E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . We define Rset(pi ) = {pk ∈ P1 | pi : B → uC ∈ P2 , pk in u}. Let us consider different (σ, ρ, l)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 }, and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. Ps = {S → S2 S1 }, u 2. P 0 = {pkA : BA → Cα0 , for pk : B → uC ∈ P2 and A =⇒ α in G1 , where α0 is the string replacing each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 }, lm 3. P 00 = {Ba0 → aB, for a ∈ T1 , B ∈ N2 }. S 0 Let fS 1 (pkA ) = {pk }, f2 (pkA ) = Rset(pk ). For H ⊆ P , f1 (H) = pkA ∈H f1 (pkA ), f2 (H) = pkA ∈H f2 (pkA ). We construct the set H as follows: (a.1) (ran, ⊆, l)-acceptance. H = {H 0 ∪ Ps ∪ P 00 | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) ⊆ Ei , f2 (H 0 ) ⊆ Fj , Ei ∈ E, Fj ∈ F}. (a.2) (ran, =, l)-acceptance. H = {H 0 ∪ Ps ∪ H 00 | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) = Ei , f2 (H 0 ) = Fj , Ei ∈ E, Fj ∈ F, and ∅ ⊂ H 00 ⊆ P 00 }. (a.3) (inf, ⊆, l)-acceptance. H = {H 0 ∪ P 00 | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) ⊆ Ei , f2 (H 0 ) ⊆ Fj , Ei ∈ E, Fj ∈ F}. (a.4) (inf, =, l)-acceptance. H = {H 0 ∪ H 00 | H 0 ⊆ P 0 , f1 (H 0 ) = Ei , f2 (H 0 ) = Fj , Ei ∈ E, Fj ∈ F, and ∅ ⊂ H 00 ⊆ P 00 }. It is easy to see that the nonterminals B ∈ N2 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable leftmost derivations in G1 are simulated by leftmost derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ,l (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,ρ,l (G) ∈ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- PSG) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) by Thm. 4.45. (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } S SWithout n where E = m E , F = F . We construct an ω-grammar i=1 i i=1 i G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N20 ∪ {S}, T1 , P, S, H) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 }, N20 = {[A, x] | A ∈ N2 , x ∈ {0, 1}2 }, and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. Ps = {S → [S2 , 00]S1 }, u 2. P 0 = {pkAx : [B, x]A → [C, y]α0 , for pk : B → uC ∈ P2 and A =⇒ α in G1 , where lm 72 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 00, 10, 01, y = 11, 11, 11, x, if x = 11 if x = 00 and Rset(pk ) ∩ E 6= ∅ if x = 00 and pk ∈ F if x = 00 and Rset(pk ) ∩ E 6= ∅ and pk ∈ F if x = 10 and pk ∈ F if x = 01 and Rset(pk ) ∩ E 6= ∅ else. and α0 is the string replacing each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 }, 3. P 00 = {[B, x]a0 → a[B, x], for a ∈ T1 , [B, x] ∈ N20 }. Let H = {{pkA11 | pk ∈ P2 , A ∈ N1 }}. It is easy to see that the nonterminals [B, x] ∈ N20 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable leftmost derivations in G1 are simulated by leftmost derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u,l (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,u,l (G) ∈ Lσ,u,l (ω- PSG) = Lσ,u,l (ω- CFG) by Thm. 4.45. Theorem 5.13. Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) ⊂ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- CFG) is obvious, since we can use a regular controlling ω-grammar generating a full controlling ω-language. The strictness follows from Example 5.9. (ii) Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- CFG) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). Given an ω-CFG G1 = (N1 , T1 , P1 , S1 , E) and an ω- CFG G2 = (N2 , T2 , P2 , S2 , F) with P1 = T2 . Assume N1 ∩ N2 = ∅, E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Let us consider different (σ, ρ, nl)-accepting models for ω- PSG. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω-grammar G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ T20 ∪ {$, §, S}, T1 , P, S, H) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 }, T20 = {p0 | p ∈ T2 } and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. S → $S1 §S2 , 2. p2k : §B → §β, for pk : B → β ∈ P2 , 3. Xp → pX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T10 ∪ {§}, p ∈ T2 , (move p leftward skipping X) 4. $p → $p0 , for p ∈ T2 , (p becomes p0 at the leftmost position) 5. p0 a0 → a0 p0 , for a0 ∈ T10 and p0 ∈ T20 , (p0 skips terminals) 6. p1k : p0k A → α0 , for pk : A → α ∈ P1 , α0 replaces each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 , (p0k rewrites A using the production pk ) 7. $a0 → a$, for a ∈ T1 . 5.2. Leftmost-Derivation-Based ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-LGC Systems) 73 We denote by P ri the set of productions of type (i) above. Let P1k = {p1k ∈ P r6 }, P2k = {p2k ∈ P r2 }. We construct the set H as follows: Let Hij = {H 0S∪ H 00 ∪ P r1 ∪ P r3 ∪ P r4 ∪ P r5 ∪ P r7 | H 0 = S (a.1) (ran, 00⊆, nl)-acceptance. S Sm n i=1 j=1 Hij . pk ∈Ei P1k , H = pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = Let Hij = {H 0 ∪ H 00 ∪ P r1 ∪ H3 ∪ H4 ∪ H5 ∪ H7 | H 0 = S (a.2) (ran, =, nl)-acceptance. S 00 P2k , and ∅ ⊂ H3 ⊆ P r3 , ∅ ⊂ H4 ⊆ P r4 , ∅ ⊂ H5 ⊆ P r5 , ∅ ⊂ pk ∈Ei P1k , and H = S pk ∈F j m Sn H7 ⊆ P r7 }, then H = i=1 j=1 Hij . nl)-acceptance. Let Hij S = {HS0 ∪ H 00 ∪ P r3 ∪ P r4 ∪ P r5 ∪ P r7 | H 0 = S (a.3) (inf, ⊆, S m n 00 pk ∈Ei P1k , H = pk ∈Fj P2k }, then H = i=1 j=1 Hij . S (a.4) (inf, =, nl)-acceptance. Let Hij = {H 0 ∪H 00 ∪H3 ∪H4 ∪H5 ∪H7 | H 0 = pk ∈Ei P1k , S and H 00 = pk ∈Fj P2k , and ∅ ⊂ H3 ⊆ P r3 , ∅ ⊂ H4 ⊆ P r4 , ∅ ⊂ H5 ⊆ P r5 , ∅ ⊂ H7 ⊆ P r7 }, S Sn then H = m i=1 j=1 Hij . It is easy to see that the nonterminals p0k ∈ T20 control the derivation in such a way that the acceptable leftmost derivations in G1 are simulated by derivations in G. Therefore, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ,l (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,ρ,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,ρ,nl (ω- PSG). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } S SWithout n where E = m E , F = F . We construct an ω-grammar i i i=1 i=1 G = (N1 ∪ T10 ∪ N2 ∪ T2 ∪ T20 ∪ Y ∪ {$, S}, T1 , P, S, H) where T10 = {a0 | a ∈ T1 }, T20 = {p0 | p ∈ T2 }, Y = {0, 1}2 and P includes the following sets of productions: 1. S → $S1 xS2 , x = 00 ∈ Y , 2. p2kx : xB → yβ, for pk : B → β ∈ P2 , x ∈ Y , 00, 01, y= 11, x, if x = 11 if x = 00 and pk ∈ F if x = 10 and pk ∈ F else. 3. Xp → pX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T10 , p ∈ T2 , (move p leftward skipping X) 4. $p → $p0 , for p ∈ T2 , (p becomes p0 at the leftmost position) 5. p0 a0 → a0 p0 , for a0 ∈ T10 and p0 ∈ T20 , (p0 skips terminals) 6. p1kx : xp0k A → yα0 , for pk : A → α ∈ P1 , α0 replaces each terminal a ∈ T1 of α by a0 , x∈Y, 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and p ∈ E k y= 11, if x = 01 and pk ∈ E x, else. (p0k rewrites A using the production pk ) 7. $a0 → a$, for a ∈ T1 , 74 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words 8. xX → Xx and Xx → xX, for X ∈ N1 ∪ T10 ∪ T2 ∪ T20 , x ∈ Y . Let H = {{p1k11 | pk ∈ P1 } ∪ {p2k11 | pk ∈ P2 }}. It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u,l (G1 , G2 ) = Lσ,u,nl (G) ∈ Lσ,u,nl (ω- PSG). 5.3 5.3.1 ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems) Definitions An ω-automaton control system consists of an ω-automaton and a controlling ω-automaton. Definition 5.14. Given a controlled ω-automaton (or simply ω-automaton) A1 with a set of transitions δ1 = {pi }i∈I where pi is the name of a transition, a controlling ω-automaton A2 over A1 has the set of terminals Σ2 = δ1 . Note that each transition has a name. For example, assume δ1 (q1 , a) = {q2 , q3 }, we may denote by pi : δ1 (q1 , a) = q2 and pj : δ1 (q1 , a) = q3 . A legal run r of an ω-automaton A1 induces an infinite sequence of transitions tr = t1 t2 ... ∈ δ1ω where ti is the transition used in the i-th step of the legal run r, i.e., a mapping tr : N → δ1 where tr (i) = ti . Definition 5.15. An ω-Automaton Control System (simply ω-AC System) includes an ωautomaton A1 and a controlling ω-automaton A2 . The global ω-language of A1 controlled by A2 is: Lσ,ρ (A1 ~· A2 ) = {u ∈ Σω | there exists a legal run r of A1 on u such that fr is (σ, ρ)-accepting w.r.t. F and tr ∈ Lσ,ρ (A2 )} We say Lσ,ρ (A2 ) is a controlling ω-language. The symbol ~· is called “meta-composition”, denoting the left operand is controlled by the right operand. As usual, Linf,= (A1 ~· A2 ) will be denoted by L(A1 ~· A2 ). Example 5.16. Given an ω- PDA D1 = ({q}, {a, b, c}, {S, Z, A, B, a, b, c}, δ, q, Z, {{q}}), where δ includes the following transitions: ps : δ(q, , Z) = (q, SZ) p1 : δ(q, , S) = (q, AB) p2 : δ(q, , A) = (q, aAb) p3 : δ(q, , B) = (q, Bc) p4 : δ(q, , A) = (q, ab) p5 : δ(q, , B) = (q, c) pa : δ(q, a, a) = (q, ) pb : δ(q, b, b) = (q, ) pc : δ(q, c, c) = (q, ) n−1 ω Given a controlling ω- PDA D2 such that L(D2 ) = (ps p1 (p2 pa )n−1 p4 pa p+ p5 p+ c ) , b p3 n n n ω it is easy to see that L(D1 ~· D2 ) = {a b c | n ≥ 1} . Let P = {pa , pb , pc }, L(D3 ) = (ps p1 P ∗ (p2 P ∗ )n−1 p4 P ∗ (p3 P ∗ )n−1 p5 P ∗ )ω , we also have L(D1 ~· D3 ) = {an bn cn | n ≥ 1}ω . We remark that the controlling ω-language can express a “weaker” or “stronger” restriction to obtain the same effect, in the case that the “valid” constraint on the controlled ω-automaton is not changed. Two trivial types of controlling ω-automata are empty controlling ω-automata and full controlling ω-automata. The former ones accept the empty controlling ω-language which rejects all the sequences of applied transitions, i.e., Lσ,ρ (A2 ) = ∅. The latter ones accept full controlling ω-languages that accept all the sequences of applied transitions, i.e., Lσ,ρ (A2 ) = δ1ω , where δ1 is the set of transitions of the controlled ω-automaton A1 . Note that the two types of ω-languages are both regular. 5.3. ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems) 5.3.2 75 Generative Power Theorem 5.17. Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- FSA) = Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). Proof: (i) Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- FSA) ⊇ Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) is obvious, since we can use a finite state controlling ω-automaton generating a full controlling ω-language. (ii) Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- FSA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). Given ω- FSA’s A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , E) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F), where E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Let us consider different (σ, ρ)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω- FSA A = (Q, Σ1 , δ, q0 , H) where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 , 2. δ((qi , qj ), a) contains (ri , rj ), if p : δ1 (qi , a) = ri , a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {} and δ2 (qj , p) contains rj , δ((qi , qj ), ) contains (qi , rj ), if δ2 (qj , ) contains rj , 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 ). S We define f ((q , q )) = {q }, f ((q , q )) = {q }. For H ⊆ Q, f (H) = 1 i j i 2 i j j 1 q∈H f1 (q), S fS2 (H)S= q∈H f2 (q). Let Hij = {H | H ⊆ Q, f1 (H) = Ei , f2 (H) = Fj }, then H = m n i=1 j=1 Hij . A simulates the actions of A1 , and changes the state of A2 . It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ (A1 ~· A2 ) = Lσ,ρ (A) ∈ Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } SWithout S n F . We construct an ω- FSA A = (Q, Σ1 , δ, q0 , H) where: E , F = where E = m i i i=1 i=1 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1}2 , 2. δ((qi , qj , x), a) contains (ri , rj , y), if p : δ1 (qi , a) = ri and δ2 (qj , p) contains rj , x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and qi ∈ E 01, if x = 00 and qj ∈ F y = 11, if x = 00 and qi ∈ E and qj ∈ F 11, if x = 01 and qi ∈ E 11, if x = 10 and qj ∈ F x, else. 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 , 00). Let H = {Q1 × Q2 × {11}}. It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u (A1 ~· A2 ) = Lσ,u (A) ∈ Lσ,u (ω- FSA). Theorem 5.18. Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- PDA) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Proof: (i) Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- PDA) ⊇ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Given an ω- PDA D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , F), we construct an ω- FSA A and a controlling ω- PDA D2 as follows: A = ({qA }, Σ, δA , qA , {{qA }}) 76 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words where δA contains pa : δA (qA , a) = qA , for each a ∈ Σ. D2 = (Q, h(Σ), Γ, δ2 , q0 , Z0 , F) where, 1. h is a homomorphism: h(a) = pa , h() = , for a ∈ Σ, 2. for a set Σ, h(Σ) = {h(a) | a ∈ Σ}, 3. δ2 (q, h(a), B) contains (r, β), if δ(q, a, B) contains (r, β), where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ . Clearly, Lσ,ρ (D2 ) = h(Lσ,ρ (D)). Since each transition pa ∈ δA generates exactly a terminal a, we have Lσ,ρ (A ~· D2 ) = h−1 (Lσ,ρ (D2 )) = h−1 (h(Lσ,ρ (D))) = Lσ,ρ (D). (ii) Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- PDA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Given an ω- FSA A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , E) and a controlling ω- PDA D2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , Γ, δ2 , q2 , Z0 , F), where E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Let us consider different (σ, ρ)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, Σ1 , Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , H) where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 , 2. δ((qi , qj ), a, B) contains ((ri , rj ), β), for p : δ1 (qi , a) = ri , and δ2 (qj , p, B) contains (rj , β), where a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , δ((qi , qj ), , B) contains ((qi , rj ), β), for qi ∈ Q1 , and δ2 (qj , , B) contains (rj , β), where B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 ), S We define f ((q , q )) = {q }, f ((q , q )) = {q }. For H ⊆ Q, f (H) = 1 i j i 2 i j j 1 q∈H f1 (q), S fS2 (H)S= q∈H f2 (q). Let Hij = {H | H ⊆ Q, f1 (H) = Ei , f2 (H) = Fj }, then H = m n i=1 j=1 Hij . D simulates the actions of D2 and changes the state of A1 . It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ (A1 ~· D2 ) = Lσ,ρ (D) ∈ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. Without loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } S Sm where E = i=1 Ei , F = ni=1 Fi . We construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, Σ1 , Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , H) where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1}2 , 2. δ((qi , qj , x), a, B) contains ((ri , rj , y), β), for p : δ1 (qi , a) = ri , and δ2 (qj , p, B) contains (rj , β), where a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , δ((qi , qj , x), , B) contains ((qi , rj , y), β), for qi ∈ Q1 , and δ2 (qj , , B) contains (rj , β), where B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , in the transitions above, x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and qi ∈ E 01, if x = 00 and qj ∈ F y = 11, if x = 00 and qi ∈ E and qj ∈ F 11, if x = 01 and qi ∈ E 11, if x = 10 and qj ∈ F x, else. 5.3. ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems) 77 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 , 00), Let H = {Q1 × Q2 × {11}}. It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u (A1 ~· D2 ) = Lσ,u (D) ∈ Lσ,u (ω- PDA). Theorem 5.19. Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- FSA) = Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Proof: (i) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- FSA) ⊇ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) is obvious, since we can use a finite state controlling ω-automaton generating a full controlling ω-language. (ii) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- FSA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). Given an ω- PDA D1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , Γ, δ1 , q1 , Z0 , E) and an ω- FSA A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F), where E = {Ei }1≤i≤m , F = {Fi }1≤i≤n . Let us consider different (σ, ρ)-accepting models. (a) For ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, we construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, Σ1 , Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , H), where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 , 2. δ((qi , qj ), a, B) contains ((ri , rj ), β), if p : δ1 (qi , a, B) = (ri , β), and δ2 (qj , p) contains rj , where a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , δ((qi , qj ), , B) contains ((qi , rj ), B), if δ2 (qj , ) contains rj , where B ∈ Γ, 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 ). S We defineSf1 ((qi , qj )) = {qi }, f2 ((qi , qj )) = {qj }. For H ⊆ Q, f1 (H) = q∈H f1 (q), f2 (H)S= q∈H f2 (q). Let Hij = {H | H ⊆ Q, f1 (H) = Ei , f2 (H) = Fj }, then H = S m n i=1 j=1 Hij . D simulates the actions of D1 and changes the state of A2 . It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {⊆, =}, Lσ,ρ (D1 ~· A2 ) = Lσ,ρ (D) ∈ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA). (b) (σ, u)-acceptances. Without loss of generality, assume that E = {E} and F = {F } S S n E , F = where E = m i=1 Fi . We construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, Σ1 , Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , H), i=1 i where: 1. Q = Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1}2 , 2. δ((qi , qj , x), a, B) contains ((ri , rj , y), β), if p : δ1 (qi , a, B) = (ri , β), and δ2 (qj , p) contains rj , where a ∈ Σ1 ∪ {}, B ∈ Γ, β ∈ Γ∗ , δ((qi , qj , x), , B) contains ((qi , rj , y), B), if δ2 (qj , ) contains rj , where B ∈ Γ, in the transitions above, x ∈ {0, 1}2 , 00, if x = 11 10, if x = 00 and qi ∈ E 01, if x = 00 and qj ∈ F y = 11, if x = 00 and qi ∈ E and qj ∈ F 11, if x = 01 and qi ∈ E 11, if x = 10 and qj ∈ F x, else. 3. q0 = (q1 , q2 , 00). Let H = {Q1 × Q2 × {11}}. It is easy to see, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, Lσ,u (D1 ~· A2 ) = Lσ,u (D) ∈ Lσ,u (ω- PDA). 78 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words Theorem 5.20. Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) ⊂ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- PDA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- TM). Proof: (i) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) ⊂ Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- PDA) is obvious, since we can use a finite state controlling ω-automaton generating a full controlling ω-language. The strictness follow from Example 5.16. (ii) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- PDA) ⊆ Lσ,ρ (ω- TM). Given two ω- PDA’s D1 , D2 , we construct an ω- TM M with four tapes. The first tape holds the input string u. The second tape simulates the stack of D1 . Once D1 applies a transition, the name of the transition is sequentially recorded on the third tape, and M starts to simulate D2 using the third and fourth tapes (the third tape holds a prefix of the infinite sequence of transitions tr as the input to D2 , and the fourth tape simulates the stack of D2 ). Once the pointer of the third tape reaches a blank square, M return to the simulation of D1 . The states of M may contain three components: one for simulating D1 , one for simulating D2 , and one for coordinating the two simulations. It is easy to see, Lσ,ρ (D1 ~· D2 ) = Lσ,ρ (M ) by selecting proper sets of designated state sets for various accepting models. 5.3.3 Equivalence and Translation between ω-AC and ω-LGC Systems In this section, we study the equivalence and the translation between ω-AC systems and ω-LGC systems. To make the proofs succinct, some details are discussed without formal description, e.g., the constructions of repetition sets and designated state sets. We first prove some lemmas that will be used in the latter part of this section. Note that, if the equivalence between families of ω-automata and ω-grammars holds, we may only prove a result on one of them. For example, Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) and Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) are equivalent in generative power, then we may only prove a result on one of them. Lemma 5.21. Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) and Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) are closed under substitution by -free finite sets. Proof. Given an ω- RLG G and an -free finite substitution s, we construct G0 such that Lσ,ρ,l (G0 ) = s(Lσ,ρ,l (G)) as follows: each productions of the form pk : A → uB is replaced by a set of productions Pk = {A → vB | v ∈ s(u)}. It is easy to construct the repetition sets for various accepting models using the correspondence between pk and Pk . Lemma 5.22. Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) and Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) are closed under concatenation with finite sets. Proof. Given an ω- RLG G = (N, T, P, S, F) and a finite set R, we construct G0 = (N ∪ {S 0 }, T, P ∪ {S 0 → uS | u ∈ R}, S 0 , F 0 ) such that Lσ,ρ,l (G0 ) = R · Lσ,ρ,l (G). It is easy to construct the repetition sets F 0 for various accepting models, since we only added a set of starting productions. Lemma 5.23. For (σ, ρ) ∈ {(inf, u), (inf, =)}, Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA) and Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG) are closed under substitution by -free regular sets. Proof. Given an ω- FSA A = (Q, Σ, δ, q, F) and an -free regular substitution s, such that for each ak ∈ Σ, s(ak ) = L(Ak ) for a F SA Ak = (Qk , Σk , δk , rk , Fk ) on finite words, we construct A0 = (Q0 , Σ0 , δ 0 , q 0 , F 0 ) as follows: if there is a transition from δ(qi , ak ) = qj , then replace the transition by a copy of Ak and add the transitions δ 0 (qi , ) = rk and δ 0 (r, ) = qj for all r ∈ Fk . It is easy to construct F 0 for various accepting models. We have the same closure properties for ω- CFG using the same proof techniques. 5.3. ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems) 79 Lemma 5.24. Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) and Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) are closed under substitution by -free finite sets and concatenation with finite sets. Lemma 5.25. For (σ, ρ) ∈ {(inf, u), (inf, =)}, Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA) and Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG) are closed under substitution by -free regular sets. Theorem 5.26. Let X be a family of ω-automata, Y be a family of ω-grammars, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {u, ⊆, =}, if L = Lσ,ρ (X) = Lσ,ρ,l (Y ) is closed under substitution by -free finite sets and concatenation with finite sets, then Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· X) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, Y ). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· X) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, Y ). Given an ω-AC system (A ~· A2 ), A ∈ ω- FSA, A2 ∈ X, we construct G ∈ ω- RLG, G2 ∈ Y as follows. First, we construct G from A. The key point of the translation is the name mapping between transitions and productions. Given A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , E) where Q = {qi }0≤i<|Q| , we construct G = (N, Σ, P, S0 , E 0 ) where: 1. for each qi ∈ Q, there is a nonterminal Si ∈ N , and S0 is the start symbol. 2. for each transition pk : δ(qi , ak ) = qj , where pk is the name of transition and ak ∈ Σ ∪ {}, there is a production pik : Si → ak Sj ∈ P . Let Pi = {pik ∈ P }, it is easy to construct E 0 for various accepting models such that Lσ,ρ (A) = Lσ,ρ,l (G) using the correspondence between qi and Pi . Second, we construct G2 ∈ Y from A2 ∈ X. Let h(pk ) = {pik | pk : δ(qi , ak ) = qj } be an -free homomorphism, for each (σ, ρ), there exists an ω- FSA A02 ∈ X such that Lσ,ρ (A02 ) = h(Lσ,ρ (A2 )), since Lσ,ρ (X) is closed under -free homomorphism. Therefore, there exists G2 ∈ Y such that Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) = h(Lσ,ρ (A2 )) since Lσ,ρ (X) = Lσ,ρ,l (Y ). It is easy to see Lσ,ρ (A ~· A2 ) = Lσ,ρ,l (G, G2 ). (ii) Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· X) ⊇ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, Y ). Given an ω-LGC system (G, G2 ), G = (N, T, P, S0 , E) ∈ ω- RLG, G2 ∈ Y , where N = {Si }0≤i<|N | , P consists of all productions of the forms: Si → uSj , Si → u, u ∈ T ∗ . First, we construct from G an ω- RLG G1 = (N1 , T, P1 , S0 , E 0 ), where P1 consists of all productions of the following forms: 1. pkm : Sk(m−1) → akm Skm , for 1 ≤ m ≤ |u|, if pk : Si → uSj ∈ P , where u = ak1 · · · ak|u| , Sk0 = Si , Sk|u| = Sj . 2. pk : Si → Sj , if pk : Si → Sj ∈ P . 3. pkm : Sk(m−1) → akm Skm , for 1 ≤ m ≤ |u|, if pk : Si → u ∈ P , where u = ak1 · · · ak|u| , Sk0 = Si , Sk|u| = . 4. pk : Si → , if pk : Si → ∈ P . We denote by Pk0 the set of productions named S pk or 0 pkm . Let E = {Ei }1≤i≤n , we 0 0 0 construct the set E = {Ei }1≤i≤n where Ei = pk ∈Ei Pk . It can be easily verified that Lσ,ρ,l (G1 ) = Lσ,ρ,l (G) for different accepting models. Then, we construct from G1 an ω- FSA A = (Q, T, δ, q0 , E 00 ), where Q = {q0 }∪{qik | pk : Si → γ ∈ P1 , γ ∈ (N1 ∪ T )∗ }, q0 is the start state, δ is defined as follows: 1. δ(q0 , ) = {q0k | pk : S0 → γ ∈ P1 , γ ∈ (N1 ∪ T )∗ }. 80 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words 2. p[k,n] : δ(qik , a) = qjn for pn : Sj → γ ∈ P1 , γ ∈ (N1 ∪ T )∗ , if pk : Si → aSj ∈ P1 , where a ∈ T ∪ {}. It is easy to construct E 00 for various accepting models such that Lσ,ρ (A) = Lσ,ρ,l (G1 ) using the correspondence between pk and qik . We denote by T R1 the set of transitions of type (1) above, Pk00 the set of transitions named p[k,n] . Second, we construct A2 ∈ X from G2 ∈ Y . Let h be an -free homomorphism as follows: pk , if pk is of the form Si → Sj in P pk , if pk is of the form Si → in P h(pk ) = pk1 · · · pk|u| , if pk is of the form Si → uSj in P p · · · p , if p is of the form S → u in P k1 k|u| k i Let f be an -free finite substitution: f (pk ) = Pk00 . For each (σ, ρ), let L0 = T R1 · f (h(Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ))), we have L0 ∈ L, since Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) ∈ L and L is closed under substitution by -free finite sets and concatenation with finite sets. Therefore, there exists A2 ∈ X such that Lσ,ρ (A2 ) = L0 ∈ Lσ,ρ (X). It is easy to see that, an input u ∈ Lσ,ρ (A ~· A2 ), if and only if u ∈ Lσ,ρ,l (G, G2 ). Let X be ω- FSA, Y be ω- RLG, we have the following corollary. Corollary 5.27. Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- FSA) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, ω- RLG). Let X be ω- PDA, Y be ω- CFG, we have the following corollary. Corollary 5.28. Lσ,ρ (ω- FSA ~· ω- PDA) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- RLG, ω- CFG). Theorem 5.29. Let X be a family of ω-automata, Y be a family of ω-grammars, for σ ∈ {ran, inf}, ρ ∈ {u, ⊆, =}, if L = Lσ,ρ (X) = Lσ,ρ,l (Y ) is closed under substitution by -free regular sets and concatenation with finite sets, then Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· X) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, Y ). Proof. (i) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· X) ⊆ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, Y ). Given an ω-AC system (D ~· A2 ), D = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0 , Z0 , E) ∈ ω- PDA, A2 ∈ X, we construct ω-grammars G ∈ ω- CFG, G2 ∈ Y as follows. First, we construct G = (N, Σ, P, S, E 0 ) from D, where N is the set of objects of the form [q, B, r] (denoting popping B from the stack by several transitions, switching the state from q to r), q, r ∈ Q, B ∈ Γ, P is the union of the following sets of productions: 1. Ps = {S → [q0 , Z0 , qi ] | qi ∈ Q}. 2. P 0 = {[qi , B, qj ] → a[qj1 , B1 , qj2 ][qj2 , B2 , qj3 ] · · · [qjm , Bm , qj ] | δ(qi , a, B) = (qj1 , B1 B2 ...Bm ), qj2 , ..., qjm , qj ∈ Q}, where a ∈ Σ ∪ {}, and B, B1 , ..., Bm ∈ Γ. (If m = 0, then the production is [qi , B, qj1 ] → a.) We denote by Pi the set of productions of the form [qi , B, qj ] → γ, for any B ∈ Γ, qj ∈ Q, γ ∈ N ∗ ∪ ΣN ∗ . It is easy to construct E 0 for various accepting models such that Lσ,ρ (D) = Lσ,ρ,l (G) using the correspondence between qi and Pi . Second, we construct G2 ∈ Y from A2 ∈ X. Let s be an -free finite substitution, such that s(pi ) = Pi . For each (σ, ρ), let L0 = Ps · s(Lσ,ρ (A2 )), we have L0 ∈ Lσ,ρ (X), since Lσ,ρ (A2 ) ∈ Lσ,ρ (X) = L and L is closed under -free finite substitution and concatenation 5.4. Related Work 81 with finite sets. Thus, there exists G2 ∈ Y such that Lσ,ρ,l (G2 ) = L0 . It is easy to see, an input u ∈ Lσ,ρ (D ~· A2 ), if and only if u ∈ Lσ,ρ,l (G, G2 ). (ii) Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· X) ⊇ Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, Y ). Given an ω-LGC system (G, G2 ), where G = (N, T, P, S, E) ∈ ω- CFG, G2 ∈ Y , where P = {pi }1≤i≤|P | , we construct an ω-AC system as follows. First, we construct an ω- PDA D = (Q, T, Γ, δ, q00 , Z0 , E 0 ) from G, where Γ = N ∪ T ∪ {Z0 }, Q = {q00 , q0 } ∪ {qi | pi ∈ P }, δ is defined as follows: 1. ps : δ(q00 , , Z0 ) = (q0 , SZ0 ), 2. pa : δ(q0 , a, a) = (q0 , ) for all a ∈ T , 3. pi1 : δ(q0 , , A) = (qi , ) if pi : A → γ ∈ P , A ∈ N , γ ∈ (N ∪ T )∗ , 4. pi2Z : δ(qi , , Z) = (q0 , γZ) if pi : A → γ ∈ P , Z ∈ Γ. It is easy to construct E 0 for various accepting models such that Lσ,ρ (D) = Lσ,ρ,l (G) using the correspondence between qi and pi . Let Pi2 be the set of transitions named pi2Z . Second, we construct A2 ∈ X from G2 ∈ Y . Let s(pi ) = pi1 · Pi2 · {pa | a ∈ T }∗ be an -free regular substitution, L0 = {ps } · s(Lσ,ρ,l (G2 )), we have L0 ∈ L, since L is closed under -free regular substitution and concatenation with finite sets. Thus, there exists A2 ∈ X such that Lσ,ρ (A2 ) = L0 . It is easy to see an input u ∈ Lσ,ρ (D ~· A2 ), if and only if u ∈ Lσ,ρ,l (G, G2 ). Let X be ω- FSA, Y be ω- RLG, we have the following corollary. Corollary 5.30. For (σ, ρ) ∈ {(inf, u), (inf, =)}, Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- FSA) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- RLG). Let X be ω- PDA, Y be ω- CFG, we have the following corollary. Corollary 5.31. For (σ, ρ) ∈ {(inf, u), (inf, =)}, Lσ,ρ (ω- PDA ~· ω- PDA) = Lσ,ρ,l (ω- CFG, ω- CFG). It is a good news that the equivalence holds for the most important Büchi and Muller acceptances, although whether the results above hold for other accepting models is still an open problem. Because of these equivalences, we may also denote an ω-LGC system Lσ,ρ,l (G1 , G2 ) by Lσ,ρ (G1 ~· G2 ) for a uniform notation. Moreover, this operator is more straightforward for expressing the result of constructive computing of meta-composition, e.g., A = A1 ~· A2 , G = G1 ~· G2 . These meta-compositions are useful and important in the proofs of generative power, also in emerging applications. 5.4 Related Work Cohen studied the unrestricted ω-grammars with control sets in [33]. More precisely, with our notation, a family of ω-LGC systems Lσ,ρ,l (X, Y ) was studied in the literature with the following properties: (1) (σ, ρ) = (inf, =); (2) X is a unrestricted ω-grammar, i.e., F = 2P ; (3) only consider the leftmost derivation of X; (4) the control set is a regular ω-language (i.e., Y is a (inf, =)-accepting ω- RLG). Obviously, only a few types of ω-C systems were considered. 82 5.5 Chapter 5. Control Systems on ω-Words Conclusion In this chapter, we proposed the control system on ω-words (ω-C system), which is a framework consisting of a controlled ω-device and a controlling ω-device that are modeled using the same formalism. These ω-devices could be (σ, ρ)-accepting ω-automata or (σ, ρ, π)-accepting ω-grammars. Three subtypes of ω-C systems are proposed: ω-GC, ω-LGC and ω-AC Systems. We are the first to marry restricted ω-grammars with various accepting models and regulated rewriting on finite words in classical language theory. Note that the proofs of the theorems also provide algorithms to build ω-grammars or ω-automata accepting ω-languages that are equivalent to the global ω-languages. This is useful to implement tools based on these theorems. Chapter 6 Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants In this chapter, we propose the Büchi automaton control system and its concurrent variants. A Büchi automaton control system consists of a controlled Büchi automaton and a Büchi controlling automaton that restricts the behavior of the controlled automaton. The Büchi automaton is a special case of finite state ω-automata, and has been widely used for modeling and reasoning about systems. Therefore, we would like to discuss the control system based on Büchi automata and its variants for concurrent systems, although it is a special case of previously introduced ω-AC systems. 6.1 Büchi Automaton Control Systems (BAC Systems) In this section, we present the definitions and properties of the Büchi automaton control system, after a brief introduction of Büchi automata. 6.1.1 Büchi Automata Let us recall the classic definition of Büchi automata [16, 120, 121]. Definition 6.1. A (nondeterministic) Büchi automaton (simply automaton) is a tuple A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite alphabet, δ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q is a set of named transitions, q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, F ⊆ Q is a set of accepting states. For convenience, we denote the set of transition names also by δ. A Büchi automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) is a deterministic Büchi automaton, if δ is a transition function mapping Q × Σ 7→ Q. Note that the concept of transition name is introduced. A transition in δ is of the form pk : (q, a, q 0 ), where pk is the name of the transition. In the transition diagram, a transition pk : (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ is denoted by an arc from q to q 0 labeled pk : a. We do not make any specific assumptions about the relation between the name and symbol of a transition. That is, several transitions may have the same name but different symbols, or they may have distinct names but the same symbol. For example, assume δ(q1 , a) = {q2 , q3 } and δ(q3 , b) = {q2 }, we may denote by pi : (q1 , a, q2 ) ∈ δ and pj : (q1 , a, q3 ) ∈ δ and pk : (q3 , b, q2 ) ∈ δ with the names pi , pj , pk . All the following cases are possible: pi = pj or pi 6= pj , pi = pk or pi 6= pk , and so forth. 83 84 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants Definition 6.2. A run of A on an ω-word v = v(0)v(1) . . . ∈ Σω is a sequence of states ρ = ρ(0)ρ(1) . . . ∈ Qω such that ρ(0) = q0 , σ(i) : (ρ(i), v(i), ρ(i + 1)) ∈ δ for i ≥ 0. Let inf(ρ) be the set of states that appear infinitely often in the run ρ, then ρ is a successful run if and only if inf(ρ) ∩ F 6= ∅. A accepts v if there is a successful run of A on v. The ω-language accepted by A is L(A) = {v ∈ Σω | A accepts v}. Given a run of A on v, an execution is the sequence of alternating states and input symbols ρ(0)v(0)ρ(1)v(1) . . ., while an execution trace (or simply trace) is the sequence of transitions σ = σ(0)σ(1) . . . ∈ δ ω . If an ω-language L = L(A) for some Büchi automaton A, then L is Büchi recognizable. Büchi recognizable ω-languages are called regular ω-languages. The expressive power of regular ω-languages includes that of LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) [120], although Büchi automata are syntactically simple. Thus, we can translate LTL formulas into Büchi automata. Note that whether the transition names of A are unique does not affect L(A). This means, we can arbitrarily modify the names without changing L(A), e.g., making them unique. 6.1.2 Büchi Automaton Control Systems A Büchi automaton control system consists of a controlled Büchi automaton and a Büchi controlling automaton that restricts the behavior of the controlled automaton. The alphabet of the controlling automaton equals the set of transition names of the controlled automaton. Definition 6.3. Given a controlled Büchi automaton (or simply automaton) A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , F1 ), with a set of transition names δ1 = {pi }i∈I where pi is a name of transition, a Büchi controlling automaton (or simply controlling automaton) over A1 is a tuple A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ) with Σ2 = δ1 . L(A1 ) and L(A2 ) are called controlled ω-language and controlling ω-language, respectively. Definition 6.4. A Büchi Automaton Control System (BAC System) includes an automaton A1 and a controlling automaton A2 , denoted by A1 ~· A2 . A run of A1 ~· A2 on an ω-word v = v(0)v(1) . . . ∈ Σω1 contains - a sequence of states ρ1 = ρ1 (0)ρ1 (1) . . . ∈ Qω1 - a sequence of transitions σ = σ(0)σ(1) . . . ∈ δ1ω - a sequence of controlling states ρ2 = ρ2 (0)ρ2 (1) . . . ∈ Qω2 such that ρ1 (0) = q1 , σ(i) : (ρ1 (i), v(i), ρ1 (i + 1)) ∈ δ1 for i ≥ 0, and ρ2 (0) = q2 , (ρ2 (j), σ(j), ρ2 (j + 1)) ∈ δ2 for j ≥ 0. Let inf(ρ1 ) and inf(ρ2 ) be the sets of states that appear infinitely often in the sequences ρ1 and ρ2 , respectively. Then the run is successful if and only if inf(ρ1 ) ∩ F1 6= ∅ and inf(ρ2 ) ∩ F2 6= ∅. A1 ~· A2 accepts v if there is a successful run on v. The global ω-language accepted by A1 ~· A2 is L(A1 ~· A2 ) = {v ∈ Σω1 | A1 ~· A2 accepts v}. The symbol ~· is called “meta-composition”, denoting the left operand is controlled by the right operand. Example 6.5. Given a Büchi automaton A1 = ({q0 , q1 }, {a, b, c}, δ, q0 , {q1 }) in Fig. 6.1, where δ includes the following transitions: p1 : (q0 , a, q0 ), p2 : (q0 , b, q1 ), p3 : (q1 , a, q1 ), p2 : (q1 , c, q1 ). Obviously, L(A1 ) = a∗ b(a + c)ω . 6.1. Büchi Automaton Control Systems (BAC Systems) 85 Given a Büchi controlling automaton A2 such that L(A2 ) = p2 p3 pω2 , it is easy to see that L(A1 ~· A2 ) = bacω . p1 : a p3 : a q0 p2 : b p2 p2 q1 r0 p3 r1 r2 p2 : c A1 A2 Figure 6.1: A Büchi Automaton Control System If we let L(A3 ) = (p2 + p3 )p∗1 p3 pω2 , we also have L(A1 ~· A3 ) = bacω . Note that L(A3 ) specifies a weaker constraint, i.e., L(A2 ) ⊂ L(A3 ). However, the two BAC systems accept the same global ω-language. We remark that the controlling ω-language can express a “weaker” or “stronger” restriction to obtain the same effect, if the “valid” constraint on the controlled automaton is not changed. Two trivial types of controlling automata are empty controlling automata and full controlling automata. The former ones accept the empty controlling ω-language which rejects all the sequences of applied transitions, i.e., L(A2 ) = ∅. The latter ones accept full controlling ω-languages that accept all the sequences of applied transitions, i.e., L(A2 ) = δ1ω , where δ1 is the set of transition names of the controlled automaton A1 . Note that the two types of languages are both regular ω-language. Let us consider the computation of meta-composition. Theorem 6.6. Given two Büchi automata A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , F1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ) with Σ2 = δ1 , the meta-composition of A1 and A2 is a Büchi automaton: A = A1 ~· A2 = (Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1, 2}, Σ1 , δ, (q1 , q2 , 0), Q1 × Q2 × {2}) where p : ((qi , qj , x), a, (qm , qn , y)) ∈ δ if and only if p : (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 , (qj , p, qn ) ∈ δ2 , and x, y satisfy the following conditions: 0, 1, y= 2, x, if x = 2 if x = 0 and qm ∈ F1 if x = 1 and qn ∈ F2 , or if qm ∈ F1 and qn ∈ F2 otherwise We have L(A) = L(A1 ~· A2 ). Proof. Note that a symbol a is enabled at the state (qi , qj , x) by the transition p of A, if and only if a is enabled at qi by the transition p of A1 , and p is enabled at qj of A2 . Furthermore, A changes the third component of Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1, 2} from 0 to 1 when an F1 state occurs, from 1 to 2 when subsequently an F2 state occurs, and back to 0 immediately afterwards. Thus, 2 occurs infinitely often if and only if some F1 state and some F2 state appear infinitely often. According to Def. 6.4, it is easy to see A accepts exactly L(A1 ~· A2 ). If all the states of A1 are accepting states, it is only required that some state in F2 appears infinitely often. Therefore, the computation can be simplified as follows. 86 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants Theorem 6.7. Given two Büchi automata A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , Q1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ) with Σ2 = δ1 , the meta-composition of A1 and A2 is a Büchi automaton: A = A1 ~· A2 = (Q1 × Q2 , Σ1 , δ, (q1 , q2 ), Q1 × F2 ) where p : ((qi , qj ), a, (qm , qn )) ∈ δ if and only if p : (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 , (qj , p, qn ) ∈ δ2 . We have L(A) = L(A1 ~· A2 ). It is easy to see the generative power of BAC systems and that of Büchi automata are equivalent. Formally, let BA be the family of Büchi automata, and L(X) be the family of languages accepted by a set X of automata, we have the following theorem. Theorem 6.8. L(BA ~· BA) = L(BA). Proof. (i). L(BA ~· BA) ⊆ L(BA) follows immediately from Thm. 6.6. (ii). L(BA ~· BA) ⊇ L(BA). Given a Büchi automaton A1 , it can be constructed a BAC system A1 ~· A2 such that L(A1 ~· A2 ) = L(A1 ) by using a full controlling automaton A2 . The next theorem shows that we can make each transition name in the controlled automaton unique without changing the global ω-language. Theorem 6.9. Given two Büchi automata A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , F1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ) with Σ2 = δ1 , there exist two Büchi automata A01 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ10 , q1 , F1 ) and A02 = (Q2 , Σ02 , δ20 , q2 , F2 ) where Σ02 = δ10 and δ10 only renames some transitions of δ1 , such that each transition name in δ10 is unique and L(A1 ~· A2 ) = L(A01 ~· A02 ). Proof. Suppose there are k transitions of the name pi in δ1 , we rename them to be pi1 , ..., pik in δ10 . Then, we replace any transition of the form (q, pi , q 0 ) ∈ δ2 for q, q 0 ∈ Q2 by a set of transitions {(q, pij , q 0 )}1≤j≤k . It is easy to see the theorem holds. Example 6.10. Let us consider the Büchi automaton A1 and the Büchi controlling automaton A2 in Fig. 6.1. We construct the automata A01 and A02 in Fig. 6.2, such that A01 renames the two transitions named p2 , and A02 replaces the transition labeled p2 by two transitions p21 , p22 . It is easy to see that L(A01 ~· A02 ) = L(A1 ~· A2 ) = bacω . p1 : a p3 : a q0 p21 : b A01 p21 , p22 p21 , p22 q1 r0 p22 : c p3 r1 r2 A02 Figure 6.2: A Büchi Automaton Control System with Unique Names Discussion. Theorem 6.6 ensures that the meta-composition is also a Büchi automaton, and can be implemented as a reactive system whose behavior is described by a Büchi automaton. Additionally, Theorem 6.8 also means that any reactive system can be represented in the form of BAC systems. In other words, the family of Büchi automata is closed under the meta-composition operator. If all of the states of a controlled automaton are accepting states, Theorem 6.7 can simplify the computation of meta-composition. Theorem 6.9 makes it reasonable to make the assumption that each transition name in a controlled automaton is unique, when necessary. 6.1. Büchi Automaton Control Systems (BAC Systems) 6.1.3 87 Alphabet-level Büchi Automaton Control Systems Let us consider a special subset of the BAC systems that have two properties: (1) each transition name of the controlled automaton is unique; (2) all transitions associated with the same symbol in the controlled automaton always appear together between two states of the controlling automaton. Formally, we define them as follows. Definition 6.11. Given two Büchi automata A1 = (Q1 , Σ1 , δ1 , q1 , F1 ) and A2 = (Q2 , Σ2 , δ2 , q2 , F2 ) with Σ2 = δ1 . The global system A1 ~· A2 is an Alphabet-level Büchi Automaton Control System (A-BAC System), if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) each transition name in δ1 is unique; (2) if (qi , p, qj ) ∈ δ2 and p : (qm , a, qn ) ∈ δ1 , then for any transition pk : (qx , a, qy ) ∈ δ1 associated with the symbol a, there exists (qi , pk , qj ) ∈ δ2 . We say A2 is an Alphabet-level Büchi Controlling Automaton (A-BCA). An important property of the A-BAC system is that it expresses the semantics of intersection of two regular ω-languages over the alphabet Σ1 . Theorem 6.12. For each A-BAC system A1 ~· A2 , there exists a Büchi automaton A3 = (Q2 , Σ1 , δ3 , q2 , F2 ), where (qj , a, qn ) ∈ δ3 if and only if (qj , p, qn ) ∈ δ2 and p : (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 associates with the symbol a, such that L(A1 ~· A2 ) = L(A1 ) ∩ L(A3 ). Proof. According to Thm. 6.6, the meta-composition of A1 and A2 is a Büchi automaton: A = A1 ~· A2 = (Q1 × Q2 × {0, 1, 2}, Σ1 , δ, (q1 , q2 , 0), Q1 × Q2 × {2}) where p : ((qi , qj , x), a, (qm , qn , y)) ∈ δ if and only if p : (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 , (qj , p, qn ) ∈ δ2 . According to the construction of A3 , we have p : ((qi , qj , x), a, (qm , qn , y)) ∈ δ if and only if p : (qi , a, qm ) ∈ δ1 , (qj , a, qn ) ∈ δ3 . Thus, A accepts the intersection of the ω-languages accepted by A1 and A3 , i.e., L(A) = L(A1 ) ∩ L(A3 ). Therefore, the equation holds. Example 6.13. Let us consider the Büchi automaton A01 in Fig. 6.2 and the Büchi controlling automaton A3 in Fig. 6.3. A3 is an alphabet-level Büchi controlling automaton, since p1 , p3 that associate with a always appear together. We can construct A4 in Fig. 6.3 such that L(A01 ~· A3 ) = L(A01 ) ∩ L(A4 ). p21 , p22 p21 , p22 r0 b, c p1 , p3 r1 a b, c r2 A3 r0 r1 r2 A4 Figure 6.3: Alphabet-level Büchi Controlling Automaton Obviously, the A-BAC system is a special case of the BAC system. Thus, its generative power is not greater than the BAC system. In fact, we have the following theorem. Theorem 6.14. L(BA ~· A-BCA) = L(BA). 88 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants Proof. (i). L(BA ~· A-BCA) ⊆ L(BA) follows immediately from L(BA ~· A-BCA) ⊆ L(BA ~· BA) ⊆ L(BA). (ii). L(BA~· A-BCA) ⊇ L(BA). Given a Büchi automaton A1 , it can be constructed a BAC system A1 ~· A2 such that L(A1 ~· A2 ) = L(A1 ) by using a full controlling automaton A2 that is also an alphabet-level Büchi controlling automaton. We would like to say that the BAC system is of transition-level. The BAC system is more flexible, because it is not required that all the transitions associated with the same symbol in δ1 must appear together between two states of A2 . In particular, the BAC system can impose some constraints outside the power of ABAC systems. We use a simple example to show the difference between BAC and A-BAC systems in expressive power. Suppose a nondeterministic vending machine A1 (see Fig. 6.4) that receives coin a and dispenses three types of goods b, c, d (inputs are marked by ?, while outputs are marked by !). The machine may receive a coin a, then output b, c, d in order. It may also output only b, d. The nondeterministic choice may be made by the machine depending on the luck, or may result from some unobservable or unmodeled events because of the limitation of sensors or other factors. Obviously, the machine accepts the ω-language L(A1 ) = (abd + abcd)ω . q2 p5 : d! p2 : b! q0 q1 p1 : a? p4 : c! q3 p3 : b! Figure 6.4: A Nondeterministic Vending Machine To increase profit, people decide to modify the behavior by adding a new requirement: the dispensation of bcd will be no longer allowed, only bd can be dispensed. That is, the transition p3 will not be allowed. It is easy to construct a BAC system with the controlling automaton A2 accepting (p1 + p2 + p4 + p5 )ω by excluding p3 . Thus, the new global system accepts the ω-language L(A1 ~· A2 ) = (abd)ω , which satisfies the new requirement. However, there does not exist an A-BAC system satisfying the new requirement. The key problem is the nondeterminism in the state q1 . Assume there is such an alphabet-level controlling automaton A2 . Then A2 can only specify whether b can occur in a state which is reached after a occurs. If no, then neither of p2 and p3 is allowed, i.e., no goods will be dispensed, which violates the requirements. If yes, then both of p2 and p3 are allowed. In this case, to avoid the occurrence of abcd, A2 may disable the transition dispensing c in the next state. However, the machine enters a dead state q3 after choosing p3 and dispensing b. As a result, the global system dispenses only b and enters a dead state. This does not conform to the requirement, since d is not dispensed and the machine is deadlocked. Thus, A2 does not exist. Therefore, we conclude that the BAC system is more flexible than the A-BAC system. Let us consider a subset of alphabet-level controlling automata that are constructed 6.2. Input/Output Automaton Control Systems (IO-AC) 89 from LTL formulas (LTL-A-BCA). Suppose there is an LTL formula φ on the alphabet Σ. At first, the LTL formula can be translated into a Büchi automaton A over Σ [120]. Then, we can construct an alphabet-level controlling automaton Aφ from A as follows. For each transition (q, a, q 0 ) of A where a ∈ Σ, we replace it by a set of transitions (q, pi , q 0 ) where pi is a transition associated with a in the controlled automaton. It is well known that the expressive power of LTL formulas is strictly included in that of Büchi automata. Thus, similarly, the expressive power of LTL-A-BCA is strictly included in that of alphabet-level Büchi controlling automata (A-BCA). We formalize the above results as follows. Let LTL-A-BCA be the family of alphabetlevel Büchi controlling automata translated from LTL formulas, A-BCA be the family of alphabet-level Büchi controlling automata, BCA be the family of Büchi controlling automata. The following theorem characterizes their difference in expressive power. Theorem 6.15. Given a Büchi automaton A, (i) for any LTL-A-BCA Aφ , there exists an A-BCA Aα such that L(Aα ) = L(Aφ ) and L(A ~· Aα ) = L(A ~· Aφ ). The reverse does not hold. (ii) for any A-BCA Aα , there exists a BCA A2 such that L(A2 ) = L(Aα ) and L(A~· A2 ) = L(A ~· Aα ). The reverse does not hold. Proof. Clause (i) follows from the fact that the expressive power of LTL formulas is strictly included in that of Büchi automata [120]. Clause (ii) follows from Def. 6.11 (the A-BAC system is a special case of the BAC system) and the example above (a BCA can express some constraints outside the power of A-BCA’s). Discussion. Model checking techniques and tools always use LTL formulas or Büchi automata to specify properties. Theorem 6.15 shows that the BAC system is more expressive than LTL model checking in specifying properties, since model checking uses the LTL formula which is equivalent to LTL-A-BCA. Theorem 6.15 shows also that the BAC system is more expressive than the tools checking regular properties, each of which specifies a regular ω-language. Because these tools (e.g., SPIN [73, 71, 72]) use the properties represented by Büchi automata, which are equivalent to alphabet-level Büchi controlling automata (A-BCA). It is worth noting, the alphabet-level control and the translation from LTL formulas are not necessary, and restricts the expressive power of BAC systems. We can define directly the controlling automaton, c.f. the example of vending machine before Thm. 6.15. 6.1.4 Checking Büchi Automaton Control Systems We may want to check whether the meta-composition of a BAC system satisfies some properties. Since the techniques for checking Büchi automata is rather mature, we need only one more step to achieve this objective. The additional step is to compute the metacomposition of controlled automaton and controlling automaton using Thm. 6.6. Then we can check whether the meta-composition (also a Büchi automaton) satisfies the properties using the existing techniques. 6.2 Input/Output Automaton Control Systems (IO-AC) In this section, we first recall input/output automata, then introduce the definitions and properties of the input/output automaton control system. This formalism is used to 90 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants model and control concurrent systems that consist of several components with broadcasting communications. 6.2.1 Input/Output Automata The input/output automaton [93, 94, 91] extends classic automata theory [74] for modeling concurrent and distributed discrete event systems with different input, output and internal actions. The input/output automaton and various variants are widely used for describing and reasoning about asynchronous systems [92]. The input/output automaton is different from CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) [70] in the following two aspects. The first feature is input-enableness, i.e., every input action is enabled at every state. This means that the automaton is unable to block its input, thus required to respond appropriately to every possible input sequences. Whereas CSP assumes the environment behaves correctly, i.e., reasonable input sequences. The second feature is that an action is controlled by at most one component, i.e., an action could be an output action of only one component in composition, but possibly be simultaneous input action of several components. The output is transmitted to all the passive recipient components. The two features are also different from CCS (Calculus of Communicating Systems) [101], where an output can be only transmitted to one recipient component. Definition 6.16. An (nondeterministic) input/output automaton (I/O automaton or simply automaton) is a tuple A = (Q, ΣI , ΣO , ΣH , δ, S), where Q is a set of states, ΣI , ΣO , ΣH are pairwise disjoint sets of input, output and internal actions, respectively, δ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q is a set of transitions such that for each q ∈ Q and a ∈ ΣI there is a transition pk : (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ where pk is the name of the transition (input-enableness), S ⊆ Q is a nonempty set of initial states. We denote by Σ = ΣI ∪ ΣO ∪ ΣH the set of actions, ΣE = ΣI ∪ ΣO the set of external actions, and ΣL = ΣO ∪ ΣH the set of locally-controlled actions. In the transition diagram, a transition pk : (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ is denoted by an arc from q to labeled pk : a. To discriminate explicitly the different sets of actions in diagrams, we may suffix a symbol “?”, “!” or “;” to an input, output or internal action, respectively. Note that an I/O automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, S) is equivalent to a Büchi automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, S, Q) where all the states are accepting states (if we allow a set of initial states, and do not consider the fairness condition introduced later). This means, the controlling automaton and meta-composition over a single I/O automaton are the same as the case of Büchi automata. Therefore, here we only consider the systems consisting of several components. As a preliminary, we recall the composition of I/O automata [94]. Let N = {n1 , ..., nk } ⊆ N be a countable set with cardinality k, and for each nj ∈ N , Snj be a set. We define the Cartesian product as: q0 Y Snj = {(xn1 , xn2 , ..., xnk ) | ∀j ∈ {1, ..., k}, xnj ∈ Snj } nj ∈N For each j ∈ {1, ..., k}, we denote the j-th component of the vector q = (xn1 , xn2 , ..., xnk ) by the projection q[j], i.e., q[j] = xnj . 6.2. Input/Output Automaton Control Systems (IO-AC) 91 H Definition 6.17. A countable collection of I/O automata {An = (Qn , ΣIn , ΣO n , Σn , δn , Sn )}n∈N O is said to be strongly compatible if for all i, j ∈ N and i 6= j, we have ΣO i ∩ Σj = ∅, H Σi ∩ Σj = ∅, and no action is contained in infinitely many sets Σi . Q Definition 6.18. The composition A = n∈N An of a countable collection of strongly H compatible I/O automata {An = (Qn , ΣIn , ΣO n , Σn , δn , Sn )}n∈N is an I/O automaton Y Y A=( Qn , ΣI , ΣO , ΣH , δ, Sn ) n∈N n∈N S S S S O O H H 0 where ΣI = n∈N ΣIn − n∈N ΣO n, Σ = n∈N Σn , Σ = S n∈N Σn , and for each q, q ∈ Q 0 n∈N Qn and a ∈ Σ, we have pI : (q, a, q ) ∈ δ where pI ⊆ n∈N δn , iff for all 1 ≤ j ≤ |N | and nj ∈ N , 1. if a ∈ Σnj then pi : (q[j], a, q 0 [j]) ∈ δnj and pi ⊆ pI , and for any other transition pk ∈ δnj − {pi }, pk ∩ pI = ∅; 2. if a 6∈ Σnj then q[j] = q 0 [j] and for all pi ∈ δnj , pi ∩ pI = ∅. We say the transition pI is a composite transition, since its name pI is the union of several sets pi of primitive transitions, where Q pi is a set of (possibly containing only one) primitive transitions. A transition of A = n∈N An may be composed of i (primitive or composite) transitions of its components, where 1 ≤ i ≤ |N |. Note that an output action is essentially a broadcast from one component to other recipient components, so the composition does not hide actions representing interaction. This is different from CCS [101]. We are in general only interested in the executions of a composition in which all components are treated fairly. The fairness is the property that each component infinitely often performs one of its locally-controlled actions. Q Definition 6.19. An execution α of a composition A = n∈N An is fair, if the following conditions hold 1. If α is finite, then for all n ∈ N , no action in ΣL n is enabled in the final state of α. 2. If α is infinite, then for all n ∈ N , either α contains infinitely many events from L ΣL n , or α contains infinitely many occurrences of states in which no action in Σn is enabled. 6.2.2 Input/Output Automaton Control Systems The controlling automaton over a composition of I/O automata should control all the transitions of its primitive components. Q Definition 6.20. Given a composition A = Sn∈N An , a (Büchi) controlling automaton over A is Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , Sc , Fc ) with Σc = n∈N δn . The global system is called an Input/Output Automaton Control System (IO-AC System). There are two alternative mechanisms for controlling automata to control composite transitions. The first mechanism is that a composite transition is allowed iff at least one of its member transitions is allowed by the controlling automaton. The second mechanism is that a composite transition is allowed iff all of its member transitions are allowed by the 92 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants p5,13 : b1 ! p 5 : b1 ? p1 : s! m1 p 8 : b2 ? m0 p3 : b1 ? p 4 : b2 ? p 7 : b1 ? p2 : a! m2 p10 : a? p14 : b2 ! p9 : s? p13 : b1 ! p16 : a? p15 : s? u0 u1 p11 : b1 ! p12 : b2 ! q11 p1,15 : s! b2 ! b1 ! q00 b2 ! p2,16 : a! (2) Au q21 p6,14 : b2 ! p 6 : b2 ? (1) Am b1 ! (3) Amu Figure 6.5: Input/Output Automata of the Candy Machine controlling automaton. We formally define the two types of meta-composition as follows (the two definitions differ only in their last conditions, i.e., ∃pk ∈ pI vs. ∀pk ∈ pI ). Q Definition 6.21. Q The existential meta-composition of a composition A = n∈N An = Q ( n∈N SQn , Σ, δ, n∈N Sn ) and a controlling automaton Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , Sc , Fc ) with Σc = n∈N δn is a tuple: Y Y Y A0 = A ~·E Ac = (( Qn ) × Qc , Σ, δ 0 , ( Sn ) × Sc , ( Qn ) × Fc ) n∈N n∈N n∈N Q where for each qi , ql ∈ n∈N Qn , qj , qm ∈ Qc and a ∈ Σ, we have pI : ((qi , qj ), a, (ql , qm )) ∈ δ 0 iff, pI : (qi , a, ql ) ∈ δ and ∃pk ∈ pI , (qj , pk , qm ) ∈ δc . Q Definition 6.22. Q The universal meta-composition of a composition A = n∈N An = Q Q , Σ, δ, ( n∈N n n∈N Sn ) and a controlling automaton Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , Sc , Fc ) with S Σc = n∈N δn is a tuple: Y Y Y A0 = A ~·A Ac = (( Qn ) × Qc , Σ, δ 0 , ( Sn ) × Sc , ( Qn ) × Fc ) n∈N n∈N n∈N Q where for each qi , ql ∈ n∈N Qn , qj , qm ∈ Qc and a ∈ Σ, we have pI : ((qi , qj ), a, (ql , qm )) ∈ δ 0 iff, pI : (qi , a, ql ) ∈ δ and ∀pk ∈ pI , (qj , pk , qm ) ∈ δc . If we let {An }n∈N contain only one automaton, i.e., |N | = 1, the two definitions will result in the same case, i.e., the meta-composition over a single I/O automaton. That is, the controlling automaton over a single I/O automaton is only a special case of the above definitions, thus we will not give the formal definition of this case. Note that the resulting meta-composition is not necessarily input-enabled. This is reasonable, since the controlling automaton rejects some sequences of input actions which may lead to unexpected states. To illustrate the principle, we use an example concerning a system composed of two components: a candy vending machine and a customer. We hope the example will provide an interesting illustration of our idea, since this class of examples is so popular in the literatures of formal methods, e.g., CSP [70] and I/O automata [94]. The candy machine Am in Fig. 6.5(1) may receive inputs b1 , b2 indicating that button 1 or button 2 is pushed, respectively. It may produce outputs s, a indicating dispensation of two types of candy, SKYBAR and ALMONDJOY, respectively. The machine may receive several inputs before delivering a candy. 6.3. Interface Automaton Control Systems (IN-AC) p1 , p2 c0 93 c1 p3 , p4 (1) Ac1 c0 q111 s! δ(s), δ(a) c1 b1 ! q000 b2 ! δ(b1 ), δ(b2 ) (2) Ac2 a! q211 (3) A0 Figure 6.6: Controlling Automata for the Input/Output Automata A greedy user Au in Fig. 6.5(2) may push buttons b1 , b2 or get candies s, a. The greedy user may not wait for a candy before pressing a button again. The composition of the machine and the user is Amu = Am · Au which is shown in Fig. 6.5(3), where qij denotes a composite state (mi , uj ), pi1 ,...,ik denotes a composite transition pi1 ,...,ik = {pi1 , . . . , pik }. For example, p1,15 : s is the synchronization of p1 : s! and p15 : s? which belong to Am and Au , respectively. If we consider only the fair executions, then we rule out the hazardous situation that the user repeatedly pushes a single button without giving the machine a chance to dispense a candy. Suppose we expect that the machine dispenses s if the user pushed b1 first, and a if the user pushed b2 first. However, the user may push b1 first, then push b1 or b2 several times, finally push b2 and wait for the candy. Obviously, the machine will dispense a, which is an undesired execution for our expectation. To prevent this situation, we may impose the constraint “the user is not allowed to change his/her choice,” i.e., whenever one of the transitions p3 , p4 (actions b1 , b2 ) occurs, the next transition must be p1 or p2 which dispenses candy. Note that the constraint concerns two components, which is different to the case of BAC systems. The constraint can be formalized as the controlling automaton Ac1 in Fig. 6.6(1). By computing the existential meta-composition of Amu and Ac1 , we get the global system A0 = (Am · Au ) ~·E Ac1 in Fig. 6.6(3), where qijk denotes a composite state (mi , uj , ck ). It is easy to see, all the behaviors of A0 satisfy the constraint. The constraint can also be formalized as the controlling automaton Ac2 in Fig. 6.6(2). In the diagram, δ(x) denotes all the primitive transitions associated with the action x ∈ Σ. For example, δ(a) = {p2 , p10 , p16 }. By computing the universal meta-composition of Amu and Ac2 , we get also the global system A0 = (Am · Au ) ~·A Ac2 in Fig. 6.6(3). 6.3 Interface Automaton Control Systems (IN-AC) In this section, we first recall interface automata, then introduce the definitions and properties of the interface automaton control system. This formalism is used to model and control concurrent systems that consist of several components with rendezvous communications at interfaces. 6.3.1 Interface Automata The interface automaton [41] extends the theory of I/O automata [93, 94] for modeling component-based systems with interfaces. 94 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants The interface automaton is different from the I/O automaton in the following two aspects. The first feature is that an interface automaton is not required to be input-enabled. This means that some input actions may be recognized as illegal at some states. The second feature is that a synchronization of input and output actions results in an internal action in the composition, since interface automata use rendezvous communications at interfaces rather than broadcasting. Definition 6.23. An (nondeterministic) interface automaton (simply automaton) is a tuple A = (Q, ΣI , ΣO , ΣH , δ, S), where Q is a set of states, ΣI , ΣO , ΣH are pairwise disjoint sets of input, output and internal actions, respectively, δ ⊆ Q×Σ×Q is a set of transitions, S ⊆ Q is a set of initial states, where |S| ≤ 1. S S We denote by Σ = ΣI ΣO ΣH the set of actions. If |S| = 0, A is called empty. An interface automaton A is closed if it has only internal actions, i.e., ΣI = ΣO = ∅. Otherwise, we say A is open. An action a ∈ Σ is enabled at a state q ∈ Q if there is a transition (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ for some q 0 ∈ Q. We denote by ΣI (q), ΣO (q), ΣH (q) the subsets of input, output and internal actions that are enabled at the state q, and let Σ(q) = ΣI (q) ∪ ΣO (q) ∪ ΣH (q). We call the input actions in ΣI − ΣI (q) the illegal inputs at q. If a ∈ ΣI (resp. a ∈ ΣO , a ∈ ΣH ), then (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ is called an input (resp. output, internal) transition. We denote by δ I , δ O , δ H the set of input, output, internal transitions, respectively. In the transition diagram, a transition pk : (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ is denoted by an arc from q to q 0 labeled pk : a, where pk is the name of the transition. To discriminate explicitly the different sets of actions in diagrams, we may again suffix a symbol “?”, “!” or “;” to an input, output or internal action, respectively. Note that an interface automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, S) is equivalent to a Büchi automaton A = (Q, Σ, δ, S, Q) where all the states are accepting states (if we allow a set of initial states). This means, the controlling automaton and meta-composition over a single interface automaton are the same as the case of Büchi automata. Therefore, here we only consider the systems consisting of several components. Now we define the composition of two interface automata [41], where the two composable automata will synchronize on shared actions, and asynchronously interleave all other actions. The composition is defined based on the product of two composable automata. Definition 6.24. Two interface automata A = (QA , ΣA , δA , SA ) and B = (QB , ΣB , δB , SB ) I I O O H are composable if ΣH A ∩ ΣB = ∅, ΣA ∩ ΣB = ∅, ΣA ∩ ΣB = ∅, ΣA ∩ ΣB = ∅. We let shared(A, B) = ΣA ∩ ΣB . O I Note that if A and B are composable, then shared(A, B) = (ΣIA ∩ ΣO B ) ∪ (ΣA ∩ ΣB ). Definition 6.25. Given two composable interface automata A and B, their product A⊗B is the interface automaton P = A ⊗ B = (QA⊗B , ΣA⊗B , δA⊗B , SA⊗B ) O O where QA⊗B = QA × QB , ΣIA⊗B = (ΣIA ∪ ΣIB ) − shared(A, B), ΣO A⊗B = (ΣA ∪ ΣB ) − 6.3. Interface Automaton Control Systems (IN-AC) 95 H H shared(A, B), ΣH A⊗B = ΣA ∪ ΣB ∪ shared(A, B), δA⊗B = {pi : ((v, u), a, (v 0 , u)) | pi : (v, a, v 0 ) ∈ δA ∧ a 6∈ shared(A, B) ∧ u ∈ QB } ∪ {pj : ((v, u), a, (v, u0 )) | pj : (u, a, u0 ) ∈ δB ∧ a 6∈ shared(A, B) ∧ v ∈ QA } ∪ {pij : ((v, u), a, (v 0 , u0 )) | pi : (v, a, v 0 ) ∈ δA ∧ pj : (u, a, u0 ) ∈ δB ∧ a ∈ shared(A, B)} and SA⊗B = SA × SB . Note that some transitions that are present in A or B may not be present in the product, due to the lack of input-enableness. We say the transition pij is a composite transition, since its name contains the names of two primitive transitions pi ∈ δA and pj ∈ δB . Indeed, pij is an internal transition representing synchronization of input and output actions. This means, an output action is transmitted to only one recipient component, and resulting an internal action. This is similar to CCS [101]. In the product A ⊗ B, there may be illegal states, where one of the automata may produce an output action a ∈ shared(A, B) that is an input action of the other automaton, but is not accepted. Definition 6.26. Given two composable interface automata A and B, the set of illegal states of the product A ⊗ B is I Illegal(A, B) = {(u, v) ∈ QA × QB | ∃a ∈ shared(A, B)( (a ∈ ΣO A (u) ∧ a 6∈ ΣB (v)) I ∨ (a ∈ ΣO B (v) ∧ a 6∈ ΣA (u)) )} When the product A ⊗ B is closed (having only internal actions), then A and B are compatible if no illegal state of A ⊗ B is reachable. When A ⊗ B is open, then A and B are compatible if there is a legal environment that can prevent entering the illegal states although they are possibly reachable in A ⊗ B. Definition 6.27. An environment for an interface automaton P is an interface automaton E such that (1) E is composable with P , (2) E is nonempty, (3) ΣIE = ΣO P , and (4) Illegal(P, E) = ∅. Definition 6.28. Given two composable interface automata A and B, a legal environment for the pair (A, B) is an environment for A ⊗ B such that no state in Illegal(A, B) × QE is reachable in (A ⊗ B) ⊗ E. The composition of two interface automata A, B is obtained by restricting the product of the two automata to the set of compatible states Cmp(A, B), which are the states from which there exists an environment that can prevent entering illegal states. Definition 6.29. Given two composable interface automata A and B, a pair of states (u, v) ∈ QA × QB is compatible if there is an environment E for A ⊗ B such that no state in Illegal(A, B) × QE is reachable in (A ⊗ B) ⊗ E from the state {(u, v)} × SE . We denote the set of compatible states of A ⊗ B by Cmp(A, B). Hence, two nonempty, composable interface automata A and B are compatible iff their initial states are compatible, i.e., SA × SB ⊆ Cmp(A, B). 96 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants Definition 6.30. Given two composable interface automata A and B, the composition A||B is an interface automaton C = A||B = (QA||B , ΣA||B , δA||B , SA||B ) O H H where QA||B = Cmp(A, B), ΣIA||B = ΣIA⊗B , ΣO A||B = ΣA⊗B , ΣA||B = ΣA⊗B , δA||B = δA⊗B ∩ (Cmp(A, B) × ΣA||B × Cmp(A, B)), and SA||B = SA⊗B ∩ Cmp(A, B). Now we can rephrase the definition of compatibility for interface automata. Definition 6.31. Two interface automata A and B are compatible iff (1) they are composable, and (2) their composition is nonempty. 6.3.2 Interface Automaton Control Systems The controlling automaton over a composition of interface automata should control all the transitions of its primitive components. Definition 6.32. Given a composition of a set of interface automata A S =kn∈N An , a (Büchi) controlling automaton over A is Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , Sc , Fc ) with Σc = n∈N δn . The global system is called an Interface Automaton Control System (IN-AC System). There are two alternative mechanisms for controlling automata to control composite transitions. The first mechanism is that a composite transition is allowed iff at least one of its member transitions is allowed by the controlling automaton. The second mechanism is that a composite transition is allowed iff all of its member transitions are allowed by the controlling automaton. We formally define the two types of meta-composition as follows (the two definitions differ only in their last conditions, i.e., ∃pk ∈ pI vs. ∀pk ∈ pI ). Definition 6.33. The existential meta-composition of a composition A = (Q, Σ, δ, S) and a controlling automaton Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , Sc , Fc ) is a tuple: A0 = A ~·E Ac = (Q × Qc , Σ, δ 0 , S × Sc , Q × Fc ) where for each qi , ql ∈ Q, qj , qm ∈ Qc and a ∈ Σ, we have pI : ((qi , qj ), a, (ql , qm )) ∈ δ 0 iff, pI : (qi , a, ql ) ∈ δ and ∃pk ∈ pI , (qj , pk , qm ) ∈ δc . Definition 6.34. The universal meta-composition of a composition A = (Q, Σ, δ, S) and a controlling automaton Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , Sc , Fc ) is a tuple: A0 = A ~·A Ac = (Q × Qc , Σ, δ 0 , S × Sc , Q × Fc ) where for each qi , ql ∈ Q, qj , qm ∈ Qc and a ∈ Σ, we have pI : ((qi , qj ), a, (ql , qm )) ∈ δ 0 iff, pI : (qi , a, ql ) ∈ δ and ∀pk ∈ pI , (qj , pk , qm ) ∈ δc . Different from the IO-AC system, a composite transition pI contains at most two primitive transitions. If we let A be a single primitive automaton, the two definitions will result in the same case, i.e., the meta-composition over a single interface automaton. That is, the controlling automaton over a single interface automaton is only a special case of the above definitions, thus we will not give the formal definition of this case. To illustrate the principle, we use the same example used for I/O automaton control systems concerning a system composed of two components: a candy vending machine and a customer. The candy machine Am , a greedy user Au and their composition Amu = Am ||Au 6.4. Related Work 97 p5,11 : b1 ; p 5 : b1 ? m1 p1 : s! p 8 : b2 ? m0 p3 : b1 ? p 4 : b2 ? p 7 : b1 ? p2 : a! m2 q11 p1,13 : s; p11 : b1 ! p12 : b2 ! p13 : s? p14 : a? u0 u1 p 9 : b1 ! p10 : b2 ! b2 ; b1 ; q00 b2 ; b1 ; p2,14 : a; q21 p6,12 : b2 ; p 6 : b2 ? (1) Am (2) Au (3) Amu Figure 6.7: Interface Automata of the Candy Machine p1 , p2 c0 c1 p3 , p4 (1) Ac1 c0 c1 δm ∪ δu − {p11 , p12 } (2) Ac2 q111 s; δm ∪ δu − {p11 , p12 } b1 ; q000 b2 ; a; q211 (3) A0 Figure 6.8: Controlling Automata for the Interface Automata are shown in Fig. 6.7. Note that pi,j is an internal transition that synchronizes input and output actions, and denotes a composite transition pi,j = {pi , pj }. Suppose we expect that the machine dispenses s if the user pushed b1 first, and a if the user pushed b2 first. However, the user may push b1 first, then push b1 or b2 several times, finally push b2 and wait for the candy. Obviously, the machine will dispense a, which is an undesired execution for our expectation. To prevent this situation, we may impose the constraint “the user is not allowed to change his/her choice,” i.e., whenever one of the transitions p3 , p4 (actions b1 , b2 ) occurs, the next transition must be p1 or p2 which dispenses candy. Note that the constraint concerns two components, which is different to the case of BAC systems. The constraint can be formalized as the controlling automaton Ac1 in Fig. 6.8(1). By computing the existential meta-composition of Amu and Ac1 , we get the global system A0 = (Am ||Au ) ~·E Ac1 in Fig. 6.8(3), where qijk denotes a composite state (mi , uj , ck ). It is easy to see, all the behaviors of A0 satisfy the constraint. The constraint can also be formalized as the controlling automaton Ac2 in Fig. 6.8(2), which forbids the unexpected transitions p11 , p12 . By computing the universal metacomposition of Amu and Ac2 , we get also the global system A0 = (Am ||Au ) ~·A Ac2 in Fig. 6.8(3). 6.4 Related Work The BAC system is different from Ramadge and Wonham’s supervisory control [112]. In their theory, the supervisor controls an automaton via the alphabet of symbols rather than transitions, thus it is similar to the alphabet-level controlling automaton. That means, our controlling automata, which specify properties on the transitions instead of the alphabet, 98 Chapter 6. Büchi Automaton Control Systems and Concurrent Variants have stronger expressiveness in specifying constraints. 6.5 Conclusion In this chapter, we proposed the Büchi Automaton Control System (BAC system) and its concurrent variants, including the IO-AC system and the IN-AC system. Each of the formalisms consists of a controlled automaton and a Büchi controlling automaton that restricts the behavior of the controlled automaton. The BAC system is used for modeling and controlling nonstop systems that generate ω-words, while the concurrent variants are used for modeling and controlling concurrent systems that consist of several components with various types of communications. To control the systems modeled with other types of automata, e.g., team automata [48, 119] and component-interaction automata [14], it is not hard to develop corresponding automaton control systems using the methodology proposed in this chapter. Chapter 7 Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking In this chapter, we propose the nevertrace claim, which is a new construct for specifying the correctness properties that either finite or infinite execution traces (i.e., sequences of transitions) that should never occur. In semantics, it is neither similar to never claim and trace assertion, nor a simple combination of them. Furthermore, the theoretical foundation for checking nevertrace claims, namely the Asynchronous-Composition Büchi Automaton Control System (AC-BAC System), is proposed. The major contributions of the nevertrace claim include: a powerful construct for formalizing properties related to transitions and their labels, and a way for reducing the state space at the design stage. 7.1 Introduction The SPIN (Simple Promela INterpreter) model checker is an automated tool for verifying the correctness of asynchronous distributed software models [73, 71, 72]. System models and correctness properties to be verified are both described in Promela (Process Meta Language). This chapter is based on SPIN Version 5.2.5, released on 17th April 2010. Promela supports various constructs for formalizing different classes of properties. The most powerful constructs are the never claim, the trace and notrace assertions. The never claim is used to specify the properties on sequences of states that should never occur, while the trace and notrace assertions are used to specify the properties on sequences of transitions of simple channel operations, i.e., simple send and receive operations on message channels. A transition is a statement between two states, thus the trace and notrace assertions only treat a restricted subset of transitions. However, we observed that the existing constructs cannot specify the properties on full sequences of transitions apart from the transitions of simple channel operations, e.g., assignments, random receive operations, etc. In this chapter, we propose the nevertrace claim, which is a new claim construct for specifying correctness properties related to all types of transitions and their labels. A nevertrace claim specifies the properties that either finite or infinite execution traces (i.e., sequences of transitions) that should never occur. A nevertrace claim could be nondeterministic, and performed at every single execution step of the system. Literally, it seems that the nevertrace claim combines the never claim and the trace assertion. However, we will show that, in semantics, it is neither similar to any of them, 99 100 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking nor a simple combination of them. The major contributions of this construct include the following two aspects: First, the nevertrace claim provides a powerful construct for formalizing properties related to transitions and their labels. Furthermore, the nevertrace claim can be used to express the semantics of some existing constructs in Promela. Second, the nevertrace claim provides a way for reducing the state space at the design stage. We observed that variables are always used for two objectives: functional computation, or implicitly recording the execution trace for verification. The nevertrace claim can reduce the usage of variables for marking the execution trace. The decreased number of variables can reduce the state space. This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 7.2, the existing constructs in Promela are recalled to facilitate further discussion and comparison. In Section 7.3, the nevertrace claim is proposed and illustrated by example. The theoretical foundation for checking nevertrace claims, namely the Asynchronous-Composition Büchi Automaton Control System (AC-BAC System), is presented in Section 7.4. Then in Section 7.5 we show how to express some constructs in Promela using nevertrace claims. We discuss related work in Section 7.6 and conclude in Section 7.7. To illustrate some constructs in Promela and our new construct in the sequel, we use a simple Promela model (see Listing 7.1) as an example. This model contains two channels (c2s and s2c), three processes (two clients and a server) and four types of messages. Client 1 can send msg1 through the channel c2s, and receive ack1 from the channel s2c, and repeat the procedure infinitely. Client 2 does the similar with msg2 and ack2. There are nine labels in the model, e.g., again at Line 7, c2srmsg at Line 23. The variable x counts the number of messages in the channel c2s, thus is used for functional computation. Listing 7.1: A Promela Model of Client and Server 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 mtype = {msg1 , msg2 , ack1 , ack2 } ; chan c 2 s = [ 2 ] of {mtype } ; chan s 2 c = [ 0 ] of {mtype } ; int x = 0 ; active proctype c l i e n t 1 ( ) { again : c2ssmsg1 : c 2 s ! msg1 ; x inc : x = x+1; s 2 c ? ack1 ; goto a g a i n ; } active proctype c l i e n t 2 ( ) { again : c2ssmsg2 : c 2 s ! msg2 ; x inc : x = x+1; s 2 c ? ack2 ; goto a g a i n ; } active proctype s e r v e r ( ) { c2srmsg : do : : c 2 s ? msg1 ; x dec1 : x = x −1; s 2 c ! ack1 ; 7.2. Constructs for Formalizing Properties in SPIN 27 28 x d e c 2 : 29 30 31 } 7.2 101 : : c 2 s ? msg2 ; x = x −1; s 2 c ! ack2 ; od ; Constructs for Formalizing Properties in SPIN Promela supports the following constructs for formalizing correctness properties, of which numerous examples could be found in the monographs [72, 8]. • Basic assertions. A basic assertion is of the form assert(expression). A basic assertion should be satisfied in specific reachable states. Otherwise, an assertion violation is reported, and the execution stops at the point in the model where the assertion failure was detected. • End-state labels. Every label name that starts with the prefix end is an end-state label. At the end of an execution sequence (i.e., no more statements are executable), all processes must have reached a valid end state, i.e., its closing curly brace or an end-state label. Otherwise, an “invalid end states” error is reported, indicating invalid deadlock. • Progress-state labels. Every label name that starts with the prefix progress is a progress-state label. All potentially infinite execution cycles must pass through at least one of the progress labels. Otherwise, a “non-progress cycles” error is reported. Note that the search for non-progress cycles is implemented through never claims. • Accept-state labels. Every label name that starts with the prefix accept is an accept-state label 1 . There should not exist any execution that can pass through an accept-state label infinitely often. An “acceptance cycles” error is reported, if a potentially infinite execution cycle passes through at least one accept-state label. • Never claims. A never claim specifies either finite or infinite system behavior that should never occur. An error is reported, if the full behavior specified in the never claim is matched by any feasible execution, where “match” means the termination of the claim or an acceptance cycle is reachable. Besides control-flow constructs, a never claim may contain only two types of statements: condition statements and assertions. • Trace assertions. A trace assertion specifies properties about sequences of simple send and receive operations on message channels. Note that only the channel names that appear in the assertion are considered to be within the scope of the check. An error is reported, if any feasible sequence of operations within scope cannot match the trace assertion, i.e., the assertion does not have a matching event (including the assertion reaches at its closing curly brace). Besides control-flow constructs, a trace assertion may contain only simple send and receive operations. 1 The accept-state label is normally reserved for specifying acceptance conditions of never claims. Although this is rarely done, it can also be used in a Promela model, and does not require the presence of a never claim. 102 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking • Notrace assertions. A notrace assertion specifies the opposite of a trace assertion, but uses the same syntax. An error is reported, if the full behavior specified in the notrace assertion is matched completely by any feasible execution, i.e., either the closing curly brace or an end-state label of the assertion is reached. The basic assertion is the only type of correctness properties that can be checked in the simulation mode (also the verification mode). The three special types of labels only have special meaning in the verification mode. The never claim and the trace and notrace assertions can only be interpreted and checked in the verification mode. Note that never claims could be nondeterministic, whereas trace and notrace assertions must be deterministic. Furthermore, Promela also supports Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas, which are converted into never claims for verification [58]. To facilitate the comparison in the sequel, we recall first the semantics of trace and notrace assertions through simple examples, since they are less used than never claims. The following trace assertion specifies the property that the sequence of send operations on the channel c2s should alternate between c2s!msg1 and c2s!msg2. Note that only the send operations on the channel c2s are within the scope of this check, and other statements are ignored. trace { if l1: l2: } /* alternating between c2s!msg1 and c2s!msg2 */ :: c2s!msg1 -> :: c2s!msg2 -> fi; c2s!msg1 -> goto c2s!msg2 -> goto goto l2; goto l1; l2; l1; The model in Listing 7.1 violates this assertion, since c2s!msg1 and c2s!msg2 can appear in any order. The following notrace assertion specifies the property that there should not exist a sequence of send operations on the channel c2s that contains two consecutive c2s!msg1. Note that, for notrace assertions, an error is reported, if the assertion is matched completely. Note that only the send operations on the channel c2s are within the scope of this check, and other statements are ignored. notrace { S0: if :: :: fi; S1: if :: :: fi; /* S2 */ } /* containing two consecutive c2s!msg1 */ c2s!msg1 -> goto S1; c2s!msg2 -> goto S0; c2s!msg1; c2s!msg2 -> goto S0; 7.3. Nevertrace Claims 103 The model in Listing 7.1 violates this assertion, since sequences containing two consecutive c2s!msg1 are feasible. These sequences cause the termination of the notrace assertion. c2s!msg1 c2s!msg1 S0 S1 c2s!msg1, c2s!msg2 S2 c2s!msg1, c2s!msg2 Figure 7.1: The Nondeterministic Automaton of notrace Assertion c2s!msg1 S0 c2s!msg1 S1 S2 c2s!msg2 c2s!msg2 c2s!msg1, c2s!msg2 Figure 7.2: The Deterministic Automaton of notrace Assertion We observed that notrace assertions could be also constructed from LTL formulas. The procedure reuses the technique that translates LTL formulas into never claims [58]. Note that never claims specify Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA). Thus, an additional step of manually determinizing NFA [74] is needed, since a notrace assertion must be deterministic. For this example, we can convert the LTL formula <>(c2s!msg1 -> X c2s!msg1) into an NFA in Fig. 7.1. Note that the condition statement (1) (or true) was replaced by all send operations on the channel c2s in the model. To obtain a deterministic notrace assertion, we have to manually determinize the NFA to a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) and minimize the DFA. The result is shown in Fig. 7.2. Finally, we can write the above assertion according to the established DFA. Note that the trace and notrace assertions can only treat simple channel operations, thus the properties on other types of transitions cannot be specified. In the next section, we propose a new construct that can specify the properties on all types of transitions. 7.3 Nevertrace Claims In this section, we will propose the nevertrace claim. A nevertrace claim may contain control-flow constructs and transition expressions, whose major ingredient is the label expression. Thus, we will present three new constructs. 7.3.1 Label Expressions In a program or model (e.g., Promela model), some statements have labels. A statement may have several labels. A label name in a model contains only the following characters: digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z, A to Z), and underscore ( ). We assume that all the unlabeled statements have the empty string (denoted by ) as its default label name. A label expression is a regular expression for matching label names. The label expression reuses a subset of the characters of POSIX-extended regular expressions2 , and adds some new symbols. The special characters are listed in Table 7.1, where the additional 2 POSIX-extended regular expressions are widely used in Unix applications. 104 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking symbols in the bottom part are not included in POSIX-extended regular expressions. All the characters other than the special characters listed in Table 7.1, including digits, letters and underscore, match themselves. Also note that the interpretation of these symbols is over the restricted alphabet [0-9A-Za-z ]. Symbol . ( ) [ ] { } * + ? | (ˆ ) # Meaning over the Alphabet [0-9A-Za-z ] A dot matches any single character. Parentheses group a series of patterns into a new pattern. A character class matches any character within the brackets. If the first character is a circumflex [ˆ], it matches any character except the ones within the brackets. A dash inside the brackets indicates a character range, e.g., [a-d] means [abcd], [ˆa-d] means [0-9A-Ze-z ]. If the braces contain one number, it indicates the exact number of times the previous pattern can match. While two numbers indicate the minimum and maximum number of times. A Kleene star matches zero or more copies of the previous pattern. A positive closure matches one or more copies of the previous pattern. A question mark matches zero or one copy of the previous pattern. An alternation operator matches either the previous pattern or the following pattern. Additional Symbols If the first character is a circumflex (ˆ), it matches any string except the ones expressed by the expression within the parentheses. A hash mark matches any string over the alphabet, i.e., [0-9A-Za-z ]*. Table 7.1: Special Characters in Label Expressions For example, in Listing 7.1, the label expression c2ssmsg# matches the labels starting with c2ssmsg, i.e., c2ssmsg1 and c2ssmsg2. The expression (^c2ss#) matches all labels in the model other than those starting with c2ss. The empty string could be matched by a{0}, where a could be other letters or any digit. Let us consider the complexity of deciding whether a label name is matched by a label expression. It is well known that a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) can be effectively constructed from a regular expression [74]. In the label expression, most of the special characters are reused from regular expressions. It is easy to see, the additional characters also produce DFA’s. For example, (^) means constructing the complementation of a regular language (and its DFA) [74]. Therefore, a DFA can be also effectively constructed from a label expression. It is also well known that the membership problem for regular languages (accepted by DFA’s) can be decided in linear time [74]. Therefore, the membership problem for label expressions can be also decided in linear time. This means, given a label name l of length n, whether l is matched by a label expression can be decided in linear time O(n). This shows that label expressions are feasible in practice. 7.3.2 Transition Expressions An atomic transition expression is of the form procname[pid]$lblexp, and may take three arguments. The first optional argument is the name of a previously declared 7.3. Nevertrace Claims 105 proctype procname. The second optional argument is an expression enclosed in brackets, which provides the process identity number pid of an active process. The third required argument lblexp is a label expression, which matches a set of label names in the model. There must be a symbol $ between the second and the third arguments. Given a transition and its labels, an atomic transition expression procname[pid]$lblexp matches the transition (i.e., returns true), if the transition belongs to the process procname [pid], and at least one of the labels is matched by the label expression lblexp. We should notice that the first two arguments are only used to restrict the application domain of the label expression. A transition expression contains one or more atomic transition expressions connected by propositional logic connectives. It can be defined in Backus-Naur Form as follows: t ::= a | (!t) | (t && t) | (t || t) | (t -> t) where t is transition expression, and a is atomic transition expression. Given a transition and its labels, a transition expression matches the transition (i.e., returns true), if the propositional logic formula is evaluated to true according to the values of its atomic transition expressions. Note that the transition expression is side effect free. That is, it does not generate new system behavior, just like condition statements. For example, in Listing 7.1, the (atomic) transition expression client1[0]$c2ssmsg# matches all transitions that have a label starting with c2ssmsg in the process 0 of type client1, i.e., the statement with label c2ssmsg1 at Line 8. The transition expression (client2[1]$(c2s#)) && $again# matches all transitions that have a label starting with c2s and a label starting with again, in the process 1 of type client2, i.e., the statement with two labels again and c2ssmsg2 at Line 16. In an atomic transition expression, the second arguments (together with the brackets) can be omitted, if there is only one active process of the type specified by the first argument, or the transition expression is imposed on all active processes of the type. The first and the second arguments (together with the brackets) can be both omitted, if the transition expression is imposed on all active processes. But note that the symbol $ cannot be omitted in any case. For example, in Listing 7.1, the transition expression client1[0]$c2ssmsg# is equivalent to client1$c2ssmsg#. The transition expression $c2ssmsg# matches the transitions that have a label starting with c2ssmsg in all active processes, i.e., the statements at Lines 8 and 16. The reader may find that the atomic transition expression is syntactically similar to the remote label reference in Promela, except the symbol $. Note that, at first, there are two superficial differences: (1) the first argument of the remote label reference cannot be omitted, (2) the third argument of the remote label reference should be an existing label name, rather than a label expression. Furthermore, we will show later that they have different semantics in their corresponding claims. Let us consider the complexity of deciding whether a transition is matched by a transition expression. For atomic transition expressions, we showed that the membership problem for label expressions (the third argument) can be decided in linear time O(n). As mentioned, the first two arguments only check the owner of the label, so do not affect the complexity. Thus, given a transition with several labels of the total length n, whether it is matched by an atomic transition expression can be decided in linear time O(n). That is, the 106 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking membership problem for atomic transition expressions can be also decided in linear time O(n). Suppose a transition expression has i atomic transition expressions and j logic connectives, then the membership problem can be decided in i · O(n) + O(j) time. Since i, j are constants for a given transition expression, the membership problem can be decided in linear time O(n). This shows that transition expressions are feasible in practice. 7.3.3 Nevertrace Claims A nevertrace claim specifies the properties that either finite or infinite execution traces (i.e., sequences of transitions) that should never occur. A nevertrace claim could be nondeterministic, and performed at every single execution step of the system. A nevertrace claim may contain only control-flow constructs and transition expressions. A nevertrace claim can contain end-state, progress-state and accept-state labels with the usual interpretation in never claims. Therefore, it looks like a never claim, except the keyword nevertrace and allowing transition expressions instead of condition statements. An example of nevertrace claim for the model in Listing 7.1 is as follows: nevertrace { /*  */ T0_init: if :: (!$x_dec# && $x_inc) -> goto accept_S4 :: $# -> goto T0_init fi; accept_S4: if :: (!$x_dec#) -> goto accept_S4 fi; } In the example, the claim specifies the property that increasing x always leads to decrease x later. In other words, if one of the transitions labeled x_inc is executed, then one of the transitions that have a label starting with x_dec will be executed in the future. By the way, if we replace $x_inc by $x_i#nc#, or replace $x_dec# by server[2]$x_dec#, for this model, the resulting claim is equivalent to the above one. A nevertrace claim is performed as follows, starting from the initial system state. One transition expression of the claim process is executed each time after the system executed a transition. If the transition expression matches the last executed transition, then it is evaluated to true, and the claim moves to one of the next possible statements. If the claim gets stuck, then this means that the undesirable behavior cannot be matched. Therefore, no error is reported. For a rendezvous communication, the system executes an atomic event in which two primitive transitions are actually executed at a time, one send operation and one receive operation. In this case, we assume that the send operation is executed before the receive operation in an atomic rendezvous event. An error is reported, if the full behavior specified could be matched by any feasible execution. The violation can be caught as termination of the claim, or an acceptance 7.4. Theoretical Foundation for Checking Nevertrace Claims 107 cycle, just like never claims. Note that all the transitions of the model are within the scope of the check. In the example, it is easy to see that there exists no violation, since the nevertrace claim cannot be matched completely. Note that it is hard to express this property using existing constructs in Promela. For example, trace or notrace assertions are not capable of expressing this property, since they can only specify properties on simple channel operations. The three types of special labels do not have this power neither. Fortunately, never claims can express this property by introducing new variables to implicitly record the information about execution traces. For instance, we introduce two boolean variables a, b. After each statement labeled x_inc, we add the statements “a=1; a=0;”, which let a be 1 once. After each statement labeled x_dec#, we add the statements “b=1; b=0;”, which let b be 1 once. Then the property can be expressed as LTL formula [](a -> <>b). The negation of this formula can be converted into a never claim that specifies the required property. However, please note that the additional variables quadruple the state space (different combinations of a and b), and make the program malformed and harder to read. In contrast, the nevertrace claim is more economic, since it takes full advantage of the transition information (e.g., control-flow states and their labels) that is already tracked as part of the state space in the verification mode of SPIN. An interesting thing is that nevertrace claims could be also converted from LTL formulas. In the example, a never claim can be generated from the LTL formula  by SPIN. Then we can obtain the nevertrace claim above by replacing the condition statement (1) or true by $# matching all transitions. This fact can facilitate the use of nevertrace claims in practice. Finally, let us consider the syntax definition of nevertrace claims. There are various ways to modify the grammar of Promela to take into account the nevertrace claim. For example, we can add the following productions into the grammar of Promela. unit : nevertrace ; nevertrace : NEVERTRACE body ; expr : PNAME ’[’ expr ’]’ ’$’ expr_label | PNAME ’$’ expr_label | ’$’ expr_label ; Here unit, body and expr are existing nonterminals in the grammar of Promela, thus we only extend the grammar by appending the new productions. The productions for the nonterminal expr_label are omitted, since its syntax is clearly specified in Table 7.1. 7.4 Theoretical Foundation for Checking Nevertrace Claims In this section, we propose the theory of asynchronous-composition Büchi automaton control systems. Then we will show the connection between the theory and the checking of nevertrace claims by example. 108 7.4.1 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking The Asynchronous Composition of Büchi Automata At first, we recall the classic definition of Büchi automata [16, 120]. Definition 7.1. A (nondeterministic) Büchi automaton (simply automaton) is a tuple A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ), where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite alphabet, δ ⊆ Q × Σ × Q is a set of named transitions, q0 ∈ Q is the initial state, F ⊆ Q is a set of accepting states. For convenience, we denote the set of transition names also by δ. Note that the concept of transition name is introduced. A transition in δ is of the form pk : (q, a, q 0 ), where pk is the name of the transition. In the transition diagram, a transition pk : (q, a, q 0 ) ∈ δ is denoted by an arc from q to q 0 labeled pk : a. Given a set of automata, they execute asynchronously, but may synchronize on rendezvous events. We assume that the send operation is executed before the receive operation in an atomic rendezvous event. Formally, we define their asynchronous composition as follows. Let N = {n1 , ..., nk } ⊆ N be a countable set with cardinality k, and for each nj ∈ N , Snj be a set. We recall the Cartesian product as: Y Snj = {(xn1 , xn2 , ..., xnk ) | ∀j ∈ {1, ..., k}, xnj ∈ Snj } nj ∈N For each j ∈ {1, ..., k}, we denote the j-th component of the vector q = (xn1 , xn2 , ..., xnk ) by the projection q[j], i.e., q[j] = xnj . Q Definition 7.2. The asynchronous composition A = n∈N An of a countable collection of Büchi automata {An = (Qn , Σn , δn , qn , Fn )}n∈N is a Büchi automaton Y Y A=( Qn , Σ, δ, qn , F ) n∈N where Σ = S n∈N n∈N Σn , δ = {pk : (q, a, q 0 ) | ∃ni ∈ N, a ∈ Σni ∧ pk : (q[i], a, q 0 [i]) ∈ δni , and ∀nj ∈ N, nj 6= ni → q[j] = q 0 [j]} F = {q ∈ Q n∈N Qn | ∃ni ∈ N, q[i] ∈ Fni }. We interpret the asynchronous composition as the expanded version which fully expands all possible values of the variables in the state space (see Appendix A of [72]). The executability of a transition depends on its source state. The asynchronous composition is different from the Input/Output automaton [93, 94] in the following major aspects: (1) input-enableness is not required, i.e., not all receive operations are enabled at every states; (2) strong-compatibility is not required, i.e., different processes can have the same send operation; (3) the interaction always occurs between two automata, rather than broadcasting of Input/Output automata. The asynchronous composition is different from the interface automaton [41] in the following major aspects: (1) the asynchronous composition is over several processes, rather than only two components; (2) The primitive send and receive operations in rendezvous communications are still visible to the environment outside the composition; (3) the interactions between two automata do not result in internal actions. 7.4. Theoretical Foundation for Checking Nevertrace Claims 109 Furthermore, different from the Input/Output automaton and the interface automaton, the Büchi automaton has a set of accepting states to specify acceptance conditions. Thus it is more suitable for model checking. 7.4.2 The Asynchronous-Composition BAC System An Asynchronous-Composition Büchi Automaton Control System (AC-BAC System) consists of an asynchronous composition of Büchi automata and a Büchi controlling automaton. The controlling automaton controls all the transitions of the primitive components in the composition. Thus, the alphabet of the controlling automaton equals the set of transition names of the controlled automata. Definition 7.3. Given an asynchronous composition of a set of Büchi automata A = Q S n∈N An , a (Büchi) controlling automaton over A is Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , qc , Fc ) with Σc = n∈N δn . The global system is called an Asynchronous-Composition Büchi Automaton Control System (AC-BAC System). The controlling automaton is used to specify the sequences of transitions that should never occur, since a controlling automaton accepts sequences of transitions. We compute the meta-composition of an asynchronous composition and a controlling automaton. In the meta-composition, a transition is allowed iff it is in the asynchronous composition and allowed by the controlling automaton. The name “meta-composition” denotes that the controlling automaton is at a higher level, since it treats the set of transitions rather than the alphabet. We formally define the meta-composition ( ~· operator) as follows. Definition 7.4. The meta-composition of an asynchronous composition A = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , F ) and a controlling automaton Ac = (Qc , Σc , δc , qc , Fc ) is a Büchi automaton: A0 = A ~· Ac = (Q × Qc , Σ, δ 0 , (q0 , qc ), (F × Qc ) ∪ (Q × Fc ) ) where for each qi , ql ∈ Q, qj , qm ∈ Qc and a ∈ Σ, we have pk : ((qi , qj ), a, (ql , qm )) ∈ δ 0 iff pk : (qi , a, ql ) ∈ δ and (qj , pk , qm ) ∈ δc . If we let {An }n∈N contain only a single primitive automaton, i.e., |N | = 1, the definition will express the meta-composition over a single automaton. This means, the controlling automaton over a single automaton is only a special case of the above definition. We observe that A has feasible sequences of transitions accepted by Ac (or A matches Ac ), iff the language accepted by the meta-composition is not empty. This fact will be used for checking nevertrace claims. Note that the emptiness problem for meta-compositions is decidable. It is well known that the emptiness problem for Büchi automata is decidable [120]. Since the metacomposition is a Büchi automaton, checking its emptiness is also decidable. It is worth noting that the controlling automaton specifies properties on transitions rather than states, which is the major difference between our theory and Vardi and Wolper’s automata theoretical framework for model checking. 7.4.3 From Nevertrace Claims to AC-BAC Systems We will show at first how to translate a model with a nevertrace claim into an AC-BAC system. Let us consider a simple example in Listing 7.2 consisting of a client and a server. 110 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking Listing 7.2: A Simplified Promela Model of Client and Server 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 mtype = {msg , ack } ; chan c 2 s = [ 2 ] of {mtype } ; chan s 2 c = [ 0 ] of {mtype } ; int x = 0 ; active proctype c l i e n t ( ) { again : c2ssmsg : c 2 s ! msg ; x = x+1; s2crack : s 2 c ? ack ; goto a g a i n ; } active proctype s e r v e r ( ) { c2srmsg : do : : c 2 s ?msg ; x = x −1; s2csack : s 2 c ! ack ; od ; } Figures 7.3 (1) and (2) on Page 116 show the automata A1 , A2 describing the behavior of the client and the server, respectively. Each transition between two control-flow states is labeled by its transition name (may be related to line number and control-flow state, etc.) and statement. For example, 8 is the transition name between the states 8 and 9. The asynchronous composition A1 · A2 is shown in Fig. 7.3(3). A system state consists of four elements: the control-flow states of A1 and A2 , the value of x and the contents of the channel c2s. Note that the dashed transitions are not executable at their corresponding states, although themselves and omitted subsequent states are part of the composition. That is, the figure contains exactly the reachable states in the system. At the bottom of the figure, the transitions labeled 18 and 10 constitute a handshake. Let us consider the following nevertrace claim: nevertrace { /*  */ T0_init: if :: (!$s2crack && $c2s#) -> goto accept_S4 :: $# -> goto T0_init fi; accept_S4: if :: (!$s2crack) -> goto accept_S4 fi; } The claim specifies the property that any operation on channel c2s always leads to receive ack from the channel s2c later. In other words, if one of the transitions that have a label starting with c2s is executed, then one of the transitions labeled s2crack will be executed in the future. Figure 7.3(4) shows the automaton specified by the nevertrace claim. Figure 7.3(5) shows the controlling automaton specified by the nevertrace automaton. For example, 7.5. On Expressing Some Constructs in SPIN 111 the transition expression (!$s2crack && $c2s#) matches the transitions 8 and 16. The automata in Figures 7.3 (3) and (5) constitute an AC-BAC system, which is established from the model and the nevertrace claim. The next step is to check whether the asynchronous composition A1 · A2 matches the claim Ac . The meta-composition (A1 · A2 ) ~· Ac is shown in Fig. 7.3(6) (To save space, the state space starting from the state (9,15,q0 ) is not drawn). The state of the controlling automaton is added into the system state. In the meta-composition, a transition is allowed, iff it is in (A1 · A2 ) and allowed by Ac . Note that the transition 10 is blocked, since it is not allowed by the state q1 of Ac . It is easy to see there does not exist any acceptance cycle, thus the ω-language accepted by the meta-composition is empty. This means, no counterexample can be found, and the system satisfies the required correctness property. To conclude, checking nevertrace claims is equivalent to the emptiness problem for meta-compositions. A nevertrace claim is violated if and only if the meta-composition is not empty. As we mentioned, the emptiness problem for meta-compositions is decidable. Therefore, checking nevertrace claims is feasible in practice. Furthermore, the emptiness of meta-compositions can be checked on-the-fly, using the technique for checking never claims [60]. 7.5 On Expressing Some Constructs in SPIN In this section, we will show how to express the semantics of some constructs in Promela using nevertrace claims, although the major objective of the nevertrace claim is expressing a new class of properties rather than replacing them. 7.5.1 Expressing Notrace Assertions There are various ways to convert a notrace assertion into a nevertrace claim. As an example, let us consider the notrace assertion in Section 7.2. We can construct an NFA in Fig. 7.4 which specifies the same property as the DFA in Fig. 7.2 of the notrace assertion for the model in Listing 7.1. A nevertrace claim can be written according to the automaton. nevertrace { /* containing S0: if :: $c2ssmsg1 -> goto :: $c2ssmsg2 -> goto :: (!$c2ss#) -> goto fi; S1: if :: $c2ssmsg1; :: $c2ssmsg2 -> goto :: (!$c2ss#) -> goto fi; /* S2 */ } two consecutive c2s!msg1 */ S1; S0; S0; S0; S1; It is easy to see, we used the following rules to convert the notrace assertion into a 112 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking nevertrace claim. First, in the system model, all send operations of message msg on a channel ch must have a label chsmsg, while all receive operations of message msg on the channel must have a label chrmsg. The labels of all statements other than channel operations should not start with the names of declared channels. Second, in the notrace assertion, (1) replace ch!msg by $chsmsg, ch?msg by $chrmsg; (2) for each state, add new transition expressions to match the statements outside the scope of the notrace assertion. In the example, for each state, we add a transition from the state to itself with the transition expression (!$c2ss#), since only send operations on the channel c2s are within the scope of the notrace assertion. 7.5.2 Expressing Remote Label References The predefined function procname[pid]@label is a remote label reference. It returns a nonzero value only if the next statement that can be executed in the process procname[pid] is the statement with label. It seems that procname[pid]@label can be also used as a transition expression, if replacing @ by $. However, there is a little difference in semantics. The remote label reference is evaluated over the next statement of the process procname[pid], but the transition expression is evaluated over the last executed transition, which does not necessarily belong to the process procname[pid]. 7.5.3 Expressing the Non-Progress Variable The predefined non-progress variable np_ holds the value false, if at least one running process is at a control-flow state with a progress-state label. It is used to detect the existence of non-progress cycles. It seems that the variable np_ is equivalent to our transition expression !$progress#. However, there is a little difference. The variable np_ is evaluated over all the running processes, but the transition expression is evaluated over the last executed process. 7.5.4 Expressing Progress-State Labels There are two types of progress cycles. A weak progress cycle is an infinite execution cycle that contains at least one of the progress-state labels, which denotes reaching some progress-state labels infinitely often. A strong progress cycle is a weak progress cycle with the requirement that each statement with a progress-state label in the cycle must be executed infinitely often. Promela supports only the weak progress cycle, whereas our nevertrace claim can express the strong progress cycle. As an example, let us consider the model in Listing 7.3 consisting of two processes p1 and p2. Note that p1 does not execute any statement, but waits at the label progress for ever. Listing 7.3: A Promela Model of Two Processes 1 chan ch = [ 0 ] of { bool } ; 2 3 active proctype p1 ( ) { 4 bool x ; 7.5. On Expressing Some Constructs in SPIN 113 5 p r o g r e s s : ch ? x ; 6 } 7 8 active proctype p2 ( ) { 9 bool x = 0 ; 10 do 11 : : x==0; x=1; 12 : : x==1; x=0; 13 od ; 14 } In the verification mode of SPIN, none (weak) non-progress cycle is found, both with or without fairness condition3 . All executions are weak progress cycles, since p1 stays for ever at a progress-state label. In contrast, we can find a strong non-progress cycle using the following nevertrace claim, which can be constructed from the LTL formula <>[]!$progress#. If we modify a never claim generated from the LTL formula by SPIN, remember to replace the condition statement (1) or true by $# matching all transitions. nevertrace { /* strong non-progress cycle detector */ T0_init: if :: (!$progress#) -> goto accept_S4 :: $# -> goto T0_init fi; accept_S4: if :: (!$progress#) -> goto accept_S4 fi; } Note that the evaluation of transition expressions is over the last executed transition, and all the executable transitions do not have a progress-state label. Therefore, strong non-progress cycles can be detected as counterexamples. 7.5.5 Expressing Accept-State Labels There are two types of acceptance cycles. A weak acceptance cycle is an infinite execution cycle that contains at least one of the accept-state labels, which denotes reaching some accept-state labels infinitely often. A strong acceptance cycle is a weak acceptance cycle with the requirement that each statement with an accept-state label in the cycle must be executed infinitely often. Promela supports only the weak acceptance cycle, whereas our nevertrace claim can express the strong acceptance cycle. As an example, let us replace the label progress by accept in the model of Listing 7.3. Note that p1 does not execute any statement, but waits at the label accept for ever. 3 The (weak) fairness in SPIN means, if the executability of an executable statement never changes, it will eventually be executed. The strong fairness means, if a statement becomes executable infinitely often, it will eventually be executed [72]. 114 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking In the verification mode of SPIN, a (weak) acceptance cycle is found, both with or without fairness condition. All executions are weak acceptance cycles, since p1 stays for ever at an accept-state label. Therefore, (weak) acceptance cycles can be detected as counterexamples. In contrast, we cannot find any strong acceptance cycle using the following nevertrace claim, which can be constructed from the LTL formula []<>($accept#). If we modify a never claim generated from the LTL formula by SPIN, remember to replace the condition statement (1) or true by $# matching all transitions. nevertrace { /* strong acceptance cycle detector */ T0_init: if :: $accept# -> goto accept_S9 :: $# -> goto T0_init fi; accept_S9: if :: $# -> goto T0_init fi; } Note that the evaluation of transition expressions is over the last executed transition, and all the executable transitions do not have an acceptance-state label. Therefore, there is no strong acceptance cycle. 7.6 Related Work In the previous section, we mentioned some differences between nevertrace claims and some constructs in Promela. In this section, we would like to summarize the comparison with the most powerful two constructs in Promela, never claims and notrace assertions. The major differences between nevertrace claims and never claims are obvious. They are used to specify properties on sequences of transitions (execution traces) and sequences of states, respectively. A nevertrace claim is performed after executing a transition, whereas a never claim is started from the initial system state. A nevertrace claim is evaluated over the last executed transition, whereas a never claim is evaluated over the current system state. Thanks to their different focuses, they can be used together in a model checker to achieve stronger power. Nevertrace claims and notrace (also trace) assertions are both about execution traces, their major differences are as follows. 1. They have different scopes of checking. Nevertrace claims consider all transitions, whereas only simple send/receive operations are within the scope of notrace assertions. Furthermore, only the channel names that are specified in a notrace assertion are considered to be within its scope. All other transitions are ignored. 2. The notrace assertion cannot contain random receive, sorted send, or channel poll operations. But these can be also tracked by a nevertrace claim. 3. The notrace assertion must be deterministic, whereas the nevertrace claim could be nondeterministic, just like the never claim. 7.7. Conclusion 115 4. The notrace assertion does not execute synchronously with the system, but executes only when events of interest occur. Whereas the nevertrace assertion executes synchronously with the system, just like the never claim. 7.7 Conclusion In this chapter, we proposed the nevertrace claim, which is a new construct for specifying the correctness properties that either finite or infinite execution traces (i.e., sequences of transitions) that should never occur. We showed the major contributions of this construct: a powerful construct for formalizing properties related to transitions and their labels, and a way for reducing the state space at the design stage. The Asynchronous-Composition Büchi Automaton Control System (AC-BAC System) provides the theoretical foundation for checking nevertrace claims. We showed that the nevertrace claim and its checking problem are feasible in practice. One important future work is to implement the nevertrace claim. Then empirical data could be collected to show whether and how much the nevertrace claim can reduce the state space and decrease checking time in practice, comparing with checking the same properties specified by existing constructs in SPIN. Another research direction is to make the checking of nevertrace claims compatible with partial order reduction technique. 116 Chapter 7. Nevertrace Claims for Model Checking (label: again, c2ssmsg) 8: c2s!msg 8 9 $# !$s2crack && $c2s# 10 T0 10: s2c?ack (label: s2crack) (1) A1 (4) Nevertrace Automaton 17: x=x-1; 15 17 (2) A2 18: s2c!ack (label: s2csack) 18 8 8,15 q0 8 16 9 16 16 9 9,15 q1 9 16 10,15 q1 9,17 0,[ ][ ] 9,17 q1 16 17 10,17 1,[ ][ ] 10 8 9,15 q0 16 16 9 9 9 10,18 q1 18 18 10,15 0,[ ][ ] (3) A1 · A2 9,18 q1 17 18 10,18 0,[ ][ ] 10 17 10,17 q1 9,18 -1,[ ][ ] 17 q1 (5) Ac 9,15 0,[m][ ] 10 {8, 9, 16, 17, 18} {8, 16} q0 8,15 0,[ ][ ] 10,15 1,[m][ ] S4 δ1 ∪ δ2 = {8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18} (label: c2srmsg) 16: c2s?msg 9 !$s2crack 9: x=x+1; 10 (6) (A1 · A2 ) ~· Ac 10,15 q1 Figure 7.3: An Example of Asynchronous-Composition BAC System !$c2ss# !$c2ss# $c2ssmsg1 S0 !$c2ss# $c2ssmsg1 S1 S2 $c2ssmsg2 $c2ssmsg2 $c2ssmsg1, $c2ssmsg2 Figure 7.4: The Nondeterministic Automaton of nevertrace Claim 10 Part II The Model Monitoring Approach and Applications 117 Chapter 8 The Model Monitoring Approach In this chapter, we propose the model monitoring approach, which is based on the theory of control systems presented in the first part. The key principle of the approach is “property specifications as controllers”. In other words, the functional requirements and property specification of a system are separately modeled and implemented, and the latter one controls the behavior of the former one. The model monitoring approach contains two alternative techniques, namely model monitoring and model generating. One important merit of the approach is better support for the change and evolution of property specifications, which challenge the traditional development process. 8.1 The Model Monitoring Approach Functional requirements and property specifications are two important factors in the development process. A design or product should implement the functional requirements to ensure functionality, and satisfy the property specification to ensure dependability. The principle of traditional development process is to integrate the property specification into the implementation of functional requirements through testing, formal verification, etc. In this section, we propose the model monitoring approach whose key principle is “property specifications as controllers”. In other words, the functional requirements and property specification of a system are separately modeled and implemented, and the latter one controls the behavior of the former one. This is obviously different from the principle of traditional development process. There are numerous reasons and merits for using such a new principle. The most important two of them are as follows. First, functional requirements and property specifications have different natures, since they are defined by different groups of people in practice. Indeed, functional requirements are usually derived from the requirements of clients, the decision of designers and developers, etc. While property specifications are mainly required by quality engineers and testing engineers, whose major interest is the dependability of products. Second, property specifications may change during the entire life-cycle, including the development stage and post-implementation. The merit of the model monitoring approach in this context is the low coupling between the implementations of functional requirements and property specification, which can decrease the cost of ensuring the changeful property specification. The process of the model monitoring approach consists of three major steps, as shown 119 120 Chapter 8. The Model Monitoring Approach in Fig. 8.1. property specification (2) modeling controlling model M2 functional requirements (1) modeling system model M1 (3) meta-composition M = M1 ~· M2 Figure 8.1: The Process of the Model Monitoring Approach At the first step, the system model M1 is captured from the functional requirements. This model contains functional semantics, which defines how the system behaves. System behavior modeling is achieved by system engineers, such as designers, programmers and developers. At the second step, the controlling model M2 over M1 is derived from the property specification. M2 is also called a controller. This model contains correctness semantics, which defines what the system should do and what it should not do. Modeling controllers is the duty of quality engineers whose responsibility is to ensure dependability, including reliability, safety, etc. Quality engineers may consist of requirements engineers, testing engineers, managers from higher socio-technical levels who define safety standards or regulations [89], etc. Note that M1 and M2 could be expressed using various types of model or formalisms, such as automata, grammars, ω-automata, pseudo-codes and other describing languages. The two models M1 and M2 should be expressed using the same formalism, or two formalisms that could be converted into a common one. For example, linear temporal logic formulas could be translated into Büchi automata. At the third step, the objective is to construct a control system consisting of M1 and M2 . Then the global system M = M1 ~· M2 will satisfy the properties, since M2 restricts the behavior of M1 . Technically, we have two choices for implementing the meta-composition operator to deduce such a globally correct system as follows. The first one is named model monitoring or explicit model monitoring. M1 and M2 are separately implemented, but maybe at different stages of life-cycle. That is, M2 can be added or modified at later stages of life-cycle, even after the implementation of M1 . The system M1 is controlled at runtime by M2 which reports, or blocks undesired actions, or recovers the system from hazardous states. We can incrementally add new properties to the controlling system M2 after we learn new dependability requirements. We can also modify the existing properties in the controlling system M2 if we find them erroneous. Note that we do not really implement the meta-composition M = M1 ~· M2 . Instead, M1 and M2 constitute a global system that is equivalent to M . If the property specification changes, M1 will not be modified. We only need to revise M2 , which is much easier and more efficient than the traditional approach which leads to revise the whole system. The second one is named model generating or implicit model monitoring. M1 and M2 are combined at design-time to generate a new correct model M = M1 ~· M2 satisfying the property specification. Then we implement the model M where M2 implicitly monitors M1 . If the specification changes, we only need to revise M2 , then regenerate and implement a new model M 0 . Because the computation of meta-composition can be automated, it is more efficient than manual analysis of counterexamples obtained through testing and verification and manual revision of the design in the traditional approach. 8.2. Supporting the Change and Evolution of Property Specifications 121 As a whole, we generally call the two alternative techniques the model monitoring approach. In both of the two cases, the property specification is design-oriented. That is, the property specification is implemented directly or integrated into the design. This is different from the traditional approach, where the property specification is more testingoriented, i.e., used to verify a system design. The word model in the term “model monitoring approach” denotes that designing a controller usually depends on analyzing the model of the controlled system, and what is generated by model generating is usually a model rather than a complete implementation. It is worth noting that the models M1 , M2 could be expressed using automata or grammars. This means, the model monitoring approach could be used for both automata-based systems and grammar systems. Numerous industrial systems are automata-based systems (e.g., described using Büchi automata), while programming and modeling languages are typical grammar systems described using context-free grammars. In the next chapter, we will discuss two typical applications to show the strong power of this approach. The first one concerns safety-related systems, which are automata-based systems. The second one concerns the Unified Modeling Language, which is a grammar system. 8.2 Supporting the Change and Evolution of Property Specifications In this section, we discuss an important merit of the model monitoring approach, i.e., supporting the change and evolution of property specifications, which is a challenge to the traditional development process. The changes are common both at design-time and post-implementation, especially for the systems whose life period is long, e.g., aircrafts, nuclear plants, critical embedded electronic systems, etc. Unfortunately, the changes of property specifications always cause high expenditure of rechecking and revising the system, especially when the system is too complex to be clearly analyzed manually or so large that the revision is not trivial. Moreover, the changes may not only lead to modify a small portion of the system, but to revise the entire design. We are searching for a technique supporting changeful property specifications at a lower cost. It is well known that the change and evolution of requirements are common and challenge the practice of system developing and maintenance [66]. The change may be a result of various factors [17], such as experience of using the system after implementation and distributing, dynamic and turbulent environments, requirements elicitation, new regulations, etc. As a result, engineers must take into account these changes and revise their system post-implementation, of course at a high cost. The change and evolution of requirements threw down the gauntlet to the traditional development process. We must support the change throughout the entire life-cycle from various aspects [50]. We are interested in the innovations on the system development methodology for better support. As we know, requirements include the following two classes [67]: 1. Functional requirements, which are requirements pertaining to all functions that are to be performed by the target system. 2. Dependability requirements, which are requirements about the dependable operation of the target system. Dependability requirements contain safety requirements, security requirements, reliability requirements, etc. For example, safety requirements [2, 9] focus on safety constraints specifying authorized system behaviors and components interactions, where a safety constraint specifies a specific safeguard [55]. A system may have different dependability requirements under different contexts or critical levels. For instance, control 122 Chapter 8. The Model Monitoring Approach software is imposed more strict constraints than entertainment software, even if both are embedded in aircrafts. We are interested in the change and evolution of dependability requirements, the latter one of the two classes above. There are two common causes of the changes of dependability requirements. First, dependability requirements may change at design-time. Functional and dependability requirements are defined by different groups of people in industrial practice, i.e., system engineers and quality engineers, respectively. At the beginning stage of system developing, quality engineers often find it very difficult to produce a complete set of dependability requirements. Thus, they add emergent dependability requirements during the development process, along with their increasing knowledge on the design. Second, dependability requirements may change post-implementation. Some dependability requirements were unknown before the system is developed and used in real environment. For example, people always need to learn new safety requirements from historical events [90, 87]. Moreover, safety regulations change several times during the life-cycle as people requires a safer system. However, it will be expensive to modify the design after we learn these requirements, since the product has been released. In the development process, dependability requirements are always modeled as property specifications. As a result, the changes discussed above will cause the change and evolution of property specifications. In the past thirty years, model checking [31] achieved great success as a verification technique for ensuring property specifications. It has been widely used to verify reactive systems, by specifying and checking properties written in temporal logic formulas [75] or expressed using Büchi automata. The major disadvantages of model checking techniques under the change of property specifications are the following two. First, the analysis of counterexamples and revision of designs are not automated. If the system is complex, it is difficult to locate the faults and revise the design without introducing new faults. As a result, the verification process is iterated until no fault is detected, thus increases the cost. Second, once new properties are introduced or existing properties are modified, the whole design or implementation (product) must be revised or redistributed at a high cost even impossible, especially when the system is very large. Motivated by the need of improving the drawbacks, we can use the model monitoring approach to fill the gap between the change of property specifications and traditional verification process. The novel approach models the functional requirements and property specification separately. Then two alternative techniques can be applied to ensure the properties. For the first alternative, namely model monitoring or explicit model monitoring for emphasis, the implementation of property specification is separated from the implementation of functional requirements. A controlling system realizing the property specification controls the behavior of the target system at runtime. The two systems constitute a correct system from a global view. The interest of this approach is that we only need to revise the controlling system to guarantee correctness, when the property specification changes. Since the controlling system is generally much smaller than the overall system, the cost of analysis and revision will be much lower. For the second alternative, namely model generating or implicit model monitoring, a new system design satisfying the property specification can be automatically generated. 8.3. Example: Oven and Microwave Oven 123 We need only to implement directly the generated system design. The computation can be automated, thus the cost of modifying the design will be lower. The two alternatives improve the two mentioned disadvantages of traditional development process using model checking in the context of change and evolution. 8.3 Example: Oven and Microwave Oven In this section, we first illustrate the model checking approach and our model monitoring approach by treating the same example, then we compare the two approaches to show the differences between them. Let us consider the behaviors of an oven and a microwave oven. They have similar operations: start oven, open door, close door, heat, etc. One significant difference is that we can use an oven with its door open. We should only use a microwave oven with its door closed for avoiding the damaging effects of radiation. Suppose we have a design of an oven, we want to reuse this design for producing microwave ovens. We must impose additional constraints (a case of evolution of property specification). For example, we add a constraint: “the door must be closed when heating”. Figure 8.2 extracts the Kripke model M of a design of oven. The atomic propositions are: s (start), c (door is closed) and h (heat), i.e., AP = {s, c, h}. Each state is labeled with both the atomic propositions that are true and the negations of the propositions that are false in the state. 8.3.1 Using the Model Checking Approach We aim at checking the property “when the oven is heating, the door must be closed”, i.e., def the LTL formula φ = G(h → c). For clarity and avoiding complex figures, we use this simple formula. The approach can be automated and scaled up for more complex models and formulas. We are concerned with the automata-theoretic model checking which is syntactically similar to our approach (but there is no semantic similarity). First, M is translated into a Büchi automaton AM of Fig. 8.3 by adding an initial state q0 . Each transition is labeled with its name pi and the associated symbol a ∈ Σ = 2AP . Each state is an accepting state. Second, the negation of φ is translated into a Büchi automaton A¬φ of Fig. 8.4. For ¬φ, we have ¬φ = ¬G(h → c) = ¬(F alseR(¬h ∨ c)) = T rueU(h ∧ ¬c) Thus, A¬φ of Fig. 8.4 is constructed recursively from T rueU(h ∧ ¬c). Each transition is labeled with a boolean expression, representing a set of symbols that correspond to truth assignments for AP that satisfy the boolean expression. Specifically, let Σ(ϕ) be the set of symbols making ϕ true, we have Σ(h ∧ ¬c) = {{h}, {s, h}}, Σ(T rue) = 2AP . We may represent A¬φ by labeling its transitions with symbols in Σ instead of boolean expressions, i.e., the automaton of Fig. 8.5, with a similar style to Fig. 8.3. Then, we compute the intersection AI = AM ∩ A¬φ . The double DFS (Depth First Search) algorithm is called to decide the emptiness of AI on-the-fly. A subgraph of the intersection constructed by the algorithm is shown in Fig. 8.6. A state tij denotes a composite state (qi , rj ). The first DFS (solid transitions) starts from t00 to t73 , then the second DFS (dashed transitions) is started at t73 . A successor t83 is detected on the stack of the first DFS, then the algorithm reports a counterexample. Thus, L(AI ) 6= ∅. 124 Chapter 8. The Model Monitoring Approach cook close door done ¬s, ¬c, h ¬s, ¬c, ¬h cook done ¬s, c, ¬h ¬s, c, h open door start cooking start oven close door warmup s, ¬c, h start cooking start oven s, ¬c, ¬h warmup s, c, ¬h s, c, h open door Figure 8.2: The Kripke Model M of Oven q0 p12 : {h} p1 : ∅ p : {c} 2 p13 : ∅ q8 q1 p7 : {c, h} p8 : {c} q2 q5 p3 : ∅ p11 : {h} q7 p9 : {s} p4 : {s, c} p14 : {s, c} p10 : {s, h} q6 p6 : {c, h} p5 : {s, c, h} q3 q4 p15 : {s} Figure 8.3: The Büchi Automaton AM of Oven t00 {h} r0 h ∧ ¬c T rue r0 r2 r1 r2 ∅ t13 T rue h ∧ ¬c ∅ {h}, {s, h} AP 2 2 {s} {h}, {s, h} r1 r3 T rue T rue Figure 8.4: The Büchi Automaton A¬φ of ¬φ t83 t11 AP 2AP {h} {s, h} r3 2AP t73 {s} {s, h} t63 t72 t61 Figure 8.5: A¬φ Labeled Figure 8.6: A Subgraph of with Σ AI t00 p1 δ(¬h) ¬h δ(¬h) ¬h r0 p2 t11 r1 r0 r1 c Figure 8.7: The Büchi Automaton Aφ of φ p4 p14 δ(c) c p3 p9 p8 t21 δ(c) t61 p15 p7 t52 p6 p5 t31 t42 Figure 8.8: The Control- Figure 8.9: C = AM ~· Âφ ling Automaton Âφ 8.3. Example: Oven and Microwave Oven 125 Finally, engineers must manually analyze the original design with the guide of the reported counterexample, locate the faults in the design, and revise the design. The iterative process of model checking, counterexample analysis and revision is executed, until L(AI ) = ∅. Note that if the system is complex or large, the analysis of counterexample and revision would be hard, because it is difficult to locate the faults. As a result, due to the complexity and size of the system, the cost of manual analysis of counterexamples and revision is high. 8.3.2 Using the Model Monitoring Approach We also need the automaton AM of Fig. 8.3. However, we need a controlling automaton Âφ instead of A¬φ . A controlling automaton is a Büchi automaton having an alphabet that equals the set of transitions of the controlled automaton AM , i.e., Âφ = (Q0 , Σ0 , δ 0 , q00 , F 0 ) with Σ0 = δ where δ is the set of transitions of the controlled automaton AM . The controlling automaton can be constructed from the property specification directly, or by translating the automaton Aφ (resulting in an alphabet-level controlling automaton). For this example, we use Aφ which is translated from φ using the translation from LTL formulas to automata. For φ, we have φ = G(h → c) = F alseR(¬h ∨ c)) The constructed automaton Aφ is shown in Fig. 8.7. We observe the following fact: Let AI = AM ∩ Aφ , we have L(AI ) ⊆ L(Aφ ), i.e., AI satisfies φ. The intersection AI satisfies the property φ by removing the transitions of AM that violate the property. In other words, AI is a model satisfying φ. We translate Aφ into an alphabet-level controlling automaton Âφ , by replacing each boolean expression ϕ by δ(ϕ), which is the set of transitions labeling with one of the symbols that correspond to truth assignments that satisfy ϕ. For example, each transition of Âφ in Fig. 8.8 is labeled with a set of names of transitions of AM , where δ(¬h) = {p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p8 , p9 , p13 , p14 , p15 } δ(c) = {p2 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p14 } close door ¬s, ¬c, ¬h cook ¬s, c, ¬h done ¬s, c, h open door start oven start oven close door s, ¬c, ¬h start cooking warmup s, c, ¬h s, c, h open door Figure 8.10: The Kripke Model M 0 of Microwave Oven Then we compute the meta-composition C of AM and the controlling automaton Âφ , denoted by C = AM ~· Âφ . The automaton C of Fig. 8.9 starts from the initial state 126 Chapter 8. The Model Monitoring Approach t00 p1 p2 r0 r0 δ(¬h) c ¬h r1 r1 r2 ¬h δ(c) c Figure 8.11: The Büchi Automaton Aφ of φ δ(¬h) p2 t11 t32 δ(c) p3 p9 p14 r2 δ(¬h) p3 p4 δ(c) c ¬h t22 p15 p8 t21 p4 p14 t61 p15 p7 t52 p6 p5 t31 t42 Figure 8.12: The Control- Figure 8.13: C = AM ~· Âφ ling Automaton Âφ t00 , a transition is allowed if and only if it is allowed by both AM and Âφ . Note that the hazardous transitions p10 , p11 , p12 and the unreachable transition p13 are eliminated. The model C satisfies the property φ. We can recover it to a Kripke model M 0 of Fig. 8.10 by removing the initial state. It is easy to see the model M 0 satisfies the required property. The model monitoring approach contains two alternative techniques to implement the meta-composition operator as follows. One alternative, namely model monitoring or explicit model monitoring for emphasis, implements AM and Âφ separately, which constitute an overall correct system. Specifically, Âφ can be realized as a controlling system that monitors the behavior of the system implementing AM . If AM tries to apply a certain action that violates the properties, the control system can detect it and call some predefined functions to alert, block the action, or recover from the hazardous state. Another alternative, namely model generating or implicit model monitoring, implements directly the automatically generated model M 0 as a correct model of microwave ovens, rather than separating the two implementations. In this case, Âφ monitors implicitly the behavior of AM . We may also use an equivalent automaton Aφ of Fig. 8.11 specifying φ, with the corresponding controlling automaton in Fig. 8.12. The meta-composition C is shown in Fig. 8.13. The hazardous transitions p10 , p11 , p12 and the unreachable transition p13 are also eliminated. However, due to the redundant states in Âφ (e.g., r1 and r2 are equivalent), the number of states of C is increased. If we implement AM and Âφ separately using model monitoring, then there is no influence in complexity, because the overall system explores only one path at a time. If we use model generating, we must minimize the controlling automaton first, or we minimize the generated meta-composition, in order to reduce the number of states by eliminating redundance in equivalence classes of states (e.g., t21 and t22 are equivalent). For example, the automaton of Fig. 8.13 can be reduced to the one of Fig. 8.9 by removing t22 and t32 . To automate the computation of minimization, classic algorithms for minimizing finite automata can be used [74]. 8.3.3 A Technical Comparison with Model Checking It is easy to see, the two approaches use different techniques. The model checking approach checks the emptiness of the intersection AM ∩ A¬φ , while the model monitoring approach constructs the meta-composition AM ~· Âφ . That is, the model monitoring approach uses a controlling automaton Âφ rather than the automaton A¬φ specifying ¬φ, and meta- 8.4. Related Work 127 composition rather than intersection and emptiness checking. Model checking leads to revise the original design by manually analyzing the counterexample violating the new property. Thus the cost is high, especially when the system is so large and complex that the counterexamples cannot be effectively analyzed and revision is not easy. Model monitoring uses the automaton of Fig. 8.3, and adds a controlling system implementing the automaton of Fig. 8.8. The global system in Fig. 8.9 satisfies the new property. Note that Âφ is usually much smaller than the overall system, thus it is easier and cheaper to modify only the controlling component when the property specification changes at the later stages of life-cycle. Model generating can automatically generate a new correct design (Fig. 8.10) by computing the meta-composition of the automata in Fig. 8.3 and Fig. 8.8. Higher efficiency can be achieved since the computation can be automated. We remark here that Âφ of Fig. 8.8 is an alphabet-level controlling automaton, i.e., all transitions associated with the same symbol of AM always appear together on the transitions between two states of Âφ . In fact, all the controlling automata translated from LTL formulas are alphabet-level controlling automata. The feature of alphabetlevel control and the translation from LTL formulas are not necessary for constructing controlling automata. As we discussed in Section 6.1.3, controlling automata are more flexible, and can be defined directly. These unnecessary features are just used for the comparison with model checking in this example. 8.4 Related Work A standard automata-theoretic model checking technique, developed by Vardi, Wolper, Holzmann et al. [37, 123, 60, 73, 71], was recalled in Section 2.5. We provided an example to show the differences between our approach and model checking. The comparison in Section 8.3.3 shows that there is no semantic similarity between them, although they are syntactically similar due to the formalism of Büchi automata. In this section, we further compare the model monitoring approach with model checking to show its merits and limitations. Merits In the principle aspect, the essence of the model monitoring approach is the separation of functional requirements and property specification (derived from dependability requirements), while model checking emphasizes integration. Thanks to the approach, people may achieve lower cost of revising designs when the dependability requirements change, because only the controlling component needs modifications. In the technical aspect, the model monitoring approach only checks one execution path at a time at runtime, while model checking verifies all the possible execution paths at design time. Therefore, model monitoring is often significantly more practical than model checking, since it explores one computational path at a time, while model checking suffers the state explosion problem because of the exhaustive search. In the expressive power aspect, as we discussed in Section 6.1.3, the theoretical results show that the BAC system is more powerful in specifying properties than the model checking techniques that use LTL formulas or regular properties. 128 Chapter 8. The Model Monitoring Approach Limitations There exist some unmonitorable properties that can be expressed by controlling automata, but cannot be monitored at runtime, e.g., liveness properties denoting that some state will occur in the future. This is due to the fact that we cannot decide the violation of these properties in finite amount of time. For example, it cannot be monitored whether a state will appear infinitely often. These unmonitorable properties should be ensured using model checking. To characterize the class of monitorable properties is a promising and interesting direction for future work. Complementarity It is worth noting that the model monitoring approach and model checking have their own advantages, and should be used complementarily. The model monitoring approach separates the system model and its controlling system related to the property specification. Thus, the change and evolution of property specifications only result in modifying the design of controlling system. Since the controlling system is often much smaller than the overall system, the cost of modification is lower. This approach is especially useful in ensuring changeful properties. The model checking approach integrates properties into the system design through automated counterexample searching, manual analysis and revision. As a result, the change and evolution of property specifications bring high cost of revising the design. However, the resulting system may be more efficient, since there is no additional communications between the controlled and controlling components. Thus, model checking is more suitable for verifying invariable properties. Therefore, invariable properties should be ensured through model checking, while changeful ones should be implemented through the model monitoring approach. Note that classifying properties into the two categories (i.e., invariable and changeful) is a trade-off process. The classification depends on the individual system and the experiences of designers. Discussions on this issue are beyond the scope of this thesis. Furthermore, model checking could be used to verify the global control system constructed via the model monitoring approach, in order to increase our confidence in the design of control systems. 8.5 Conclusion In this chapter, we proposed the model monitoring approach, which is based on the theory of control systems. The key principle of the approach is “property specifications as controllers”. As a merit, we showed that it can fill the gap between the change and evolution of property specifications and the traditional development process using model checking. One important future work is to characterize the monitorability. Then we are able to decide whether a given property is monitorable and whether it can be ensured via the model monitoring approach. Another research direction is to extensively explore other possible applications of the approach, which may in turn contribute to the further development of the approach and the underlining theory. Chapter 9 Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach In this chapter, we discuss two applications of the model monitoring approach. The first one concerns safety-related systems, which are automata-based systems. The second one concerns the UML (Unified Modeling Language), which is a grammar system. The two applications show the strong power of the proposed approach. 9.1 Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 In this section, after an introduction of the standard IEC 61508 and the SRS (SafetyRelated System), we propose the concept of functional validity of the SRS, which means whether the safety functions realized by the SRS can really prevent accidents and recover the system from hazardous states, provided the expected safety integrity level is reached. A generic technical methodology is presented to achieve the functional validity of the SRS, and industrial experiences in designing functionally valid SRS are summarized. Finally, we will show that model monitoring is the theoretical foundation of safety-related systems, and checking functional validity is essentially checking an (ω-)AC system, e.g., BAC system. 9.1.1 IEC 61508 and Safety-Related Systems The international standard IEC 61508 [77, 114, 15] provides a generic process for electrical, electronic, or programmable electronic (E/E/PE) safety-related systems to achieve an acceptable level of functional safety. The principles of IEC 61508 have been recognized as fundamental to modern safety management [114], thus have gained a widespread acceptance and been used in practice in many countries and industry sectors [53]. Like other safety standards (e.g., DO-178B [69]), IEC 61508 gives recommendations on best practices such as planning, documentation, verification, safety assessment, rather than concrete technical solutions. Thus, it is a generic standard for the safety management throughout the life-cycle, rather than a system development standard. More sector-specific and application-specific standards can be derived based on the standard, such as IEC 61511 for the process industry [57], IEC 62061 for the machinery industry, IEC 61513 for the nuclear plant, EN 50126 for the European railway, and ISO 26262 for automotive safety. As shown in Fig. 9.1, the first premise of the standard is that there is an equipment intended to provide a function, and a system which controls it. The equipment is called 129 130 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach an Equipment Under Control (EUC). The Control System (CS) may be integrated with or remote from the EUC. A fundamental tenet of the standard is that, even if the EUC and the CS are reliable, they are not necessarily safe. This is true for numerous systems implementing hazardous specification. They may pose risks of misdirected energy which result in accidents. The second premise is that Safety-Related Systems (SRS) are provided to implement the expected safety requirements, which are specified to reduce the risks and achieve functional safety for the EUC. The SRS may be placed within or separated from the CS. In principle, their separation is preferred. Control System Safety-Related System EUC Figure 9.1: The Architecture of Systems with the SRS An SRS may comprise subsystems such as sensors, logic controllers, communication channels connected to the CS, and actuators. Usually, an SRS may receive two types of input: the values of safety-related variables monitored by its sensors, and the messages sent by the CS. Then the SRS executes computation to decide whether the system is in a safe state. According to the result, it may actualize safety functions through two types of output: sending directly commands to its actuators, or sending messages to the CS. 9.1.2 Functional Validity of Safety-Related Systems Let us consider two important problems that occur in industrial practice. The first one questions the rightness of overall and allocated safety requirements. According to IEC 61508, safety requirements consist of two parts, safety functions and associated safety integrity levels (SIL). The two elements are of the same importance in practice, because the safety functions determine the maximum theoretically possible risk reduction [56]. However, the standard focuses more on the realization of integrity requirements rather than function requirements. As a result, the standard indicates only the product is of a given reliable integrity, but not whether it implements the right safety requirements. Second, the standard does not prescribe exactly how the verification of safety functions of an SRS could technically be done. On one hand, the standard calls for avoiding faults in the design phase, since the ALARP principle (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) is adopted for determining tolerability of risk. Indeed, systematic faults are often introduced during the specification and design phases. Unlike random hardware failures, the likelihood of systematic failures cannot easily be estimated. On the other hand, the standard only recommends a process and a list of techniques and measures during the design phase to avoid the introduction of systematic faults, such as computer-aided design, formal methods (e.g., temporal logic), assertion programming, recovery (see parts 2, 3 of [77]). The detailed 9.1. Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 131 use of these techniques is left to the designer. As a result, the problem of functional validity arises. Functional validity means whether the safety functions realized by the SRS can really prevent accidents and recover the system from hazardous states, provided the expected safety integrity level is reached. People are searching for a generic technical methodology to achieve functional validity. In fact, with the introduction of the SRS, it becomes much more hard to ensure the safety of the overall system, due to complex interactions and the resulting huge state space. Unlike the case of a single CS, human is no longer capable to analyze manually and clearly the behaviors of the overall system. Therefore, we shall expect a computer-aided method. In the sequel, we will propose such a generic technical methodology (or a framework) for designing functionally valid SRS. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to consider the technical solution to functional validity in the literature. We focus on the systems that operate on demand (i.e., discrete event). The methodology is based on computer-aided design in association with automated verification tools (e.g., SPIN). 9.1.3 Example: Chemical Reactor As an example, consider an accident occurred in a batch chemical reactor in England [80, 87]. Figure 9.2 shows the design of the system. The computer, which served as a control system, controlled the flow of catalyst into the reactor and the flow of water for cooling off the reaction, by manipulating the valves. Additionally, the computer received sensor inputs indicating the status of the system. The designers were told that if an abnormal signal occurred in the plant, they were to leave all controlled variables as they were and to sound an alarm. Gearbox Gearbox Catalyst Catalyst Reactor Cooling Water Control System Figure 9.2: Reactor Control System Reactor Control System Cooling Water Safety-Related System Figure 9.3: Reactor Control System with SRS On one occasion, the control system received an abnormal signal indicating a low oil level in a gearbox, and reacted as the functional requirements specified, that is, sounded an alarm and maintained all the variables with their present condition. Unfortunately, a catalyst had just been added into the reactor, but the control system had not yet opened the flow of cooling water. As a result, the reactor overheated, the relief valve lifted and the contents of the reactor were discharged into the atmosphere. 132 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach We believe that the safety-related system could be used to avoid the accident. Figure 9.3 shows the role of the SRS in the overall system. It receives signals from additional sensors, and communicates with the CS. The key issue is how to specify and design the SRS and prove its functional validity, i.e., the SRS is really efficient in the hazardous context. We illustrate a methodology based on computer-aided design in association with the SPIN model checker. The SPIN (Simple Promela INterpreter) model checker is an automated tool for verifying the correctness of asynchronous distributed software models [73, 71, 72]. System models and correctness properties to be verified are both described in Promela (Process Meta Language). This chapter is based on SPIN Version 5.2.5, released on 17th April 2010. We will illustrate two main steps of the methodology: modeling the CS, and modeling the SRS. Modeling Control Systems. The first step is to analyze the behaviors of the CS by modeling it using Promela language. Listing 9.1 shows the model. The CS scans the status of the reactor, and then manipulates the valves according to the status. Listing 9.1: The Promela Program for Reactor Control System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 #define s a ( ( abnorm && ! c a t a ) | | ( abnorm && c a t a && water ) ) #define f c o n s t a t u s==n o c a t a | | s t a t u s==e n c a t a mtype = { abnormal , nocata , e n c a t a , nowater , e n w a t e r } ; mtype s t a t u s = n o c a t a ; /∗ s t a t u s o f t h e r e a c t o r ∗/ bool c a t a = false ; /∗ w h e t h e r c a t a l y s t f l o w i s open ∗/ bool water = f a l s e ; /∗ w h e t h e r w a t e r f l o w i s open ∗/ bool abnorm = f a l s e ; /∗ w h e t h e r abnormal s i g n a l o c c u r e d ∗/ /∗ random s i m u l a t i o n o f s c a n n i n g t h e s t a t u s ∗/ inline scan ( ) { if : : true −> s t a t u s = abnormal ; : : c a t a == f a l s e −> s t a t u s = n o c a t a ; : : c a t a == true −> s t a t u s = e n c a t a ; : : water == f a l s e −> s t a t u s = nowater ; : : water == true −> s t a t u s = e n w a t e r ; fi ; } /∗ p o s s i b l e a c t i o n s o f t h e s y s te m ∗/ i n l i n e o p e n c a t a ( ) { c a t a =true ; p r i n t f ( ” open c a t a −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e c l o s e c a t a ( ) { c a t a =f a l s e ; p r i n t f ( ” c l o s e c a t a −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e openwater ( ) { water=true ; p r i n t f ( ” open water −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e c l o s e w a t e r ( ) { water=f a l s e ; p r i n t f ( ” c l o s e water −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e alarm ( ) { abnorm = true ; p r i n t f ( ” alarm −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e e n d i n g ( ) { p r i n t f ( ” e n d i n g −> ” ) ; } active proctype c o n t r o l s y s t e m ( ) { /∗ I n i t i a l a c t i o n s o m i t t e d ∗/ do : : scan ( ) ; if : : s t a t u s == abnormal −> alarm ( ) ; goto END; : : e l s e −> i f : : s t a t u s==n o c a t a && c a t a ==f a l s e −>o p e n c a t a ( ) ; : : s t a t u s==e n c a t a && c a t a ==true −>c l o s e c a t a ( ) ; : : s t a t u s==nowater && water==f a l s e −>openwater ( ) ; : : s t a t u s==e n w a t e r && water==true −>c l o s e w a t e r ( ) ; : : e l s e −> skip ; fi ; fi ; od ; 9.1. Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 133 43 END: e n d i n g ( ) ; 44 a s s e r t ( s a ) ; 45 } Lines 1-2 define macros for specifying correctness properties. Lines 3-7 define the variables. Note that status denotes the detection of events (e.g., no catalyst or enough catalyst in the reactor), and controls the flow of the computation, while the other three variables save the state information. Lines 10-18 simulate the input events to the CS. In the verification mode, SPIN can only treat closed system without users’ input. Therefore, the status of reactor is generated in a random manner, i.e., the if statement (lines 11-17) chooses randomly one of the alternative statements whose condition holds. Note that this matches exactly what happens in practice, since the status of the reactor is determined nondeterministically by the reaction and the environment, not the user. Lines 21-26 define the primitive actions of the CS. To obtain an efficient model for verification, the real codes for manipulating physic equipments are replaced by printf statements, which could be used for observing the execution traces of the CS. Lines 28-45 specify the model of the CS. The non-critical codes (irrelevant to the concerned property, e.g., the code for initiation) are omitted or simplified to produce an efficient model. In line 44, we check whether the system satisfies the safety assertion sa (c.f. line 1), which means when an abnormal signal occurs, either the flow of catalyst must be closed, or the flow of water must be also open if the flow of catalyst is open. The violation of this assertion may result in the mentioned accident. In order to see whether the model describes exactly the behaviors of the CS, we run the model through the simulation mode of SPIN. One of the outputs is as follows. $ spin reactor.pml # Linux command open cata -> alarm -> ending -> spin: line 44 "reactor.pml", Error: assertion violated The execution trace shows that the alarm is sounded after opening the flow of catalyst, then the safety assertion is violated. This trace characterizes exactly what happened in the accident. It is worth noting that, due to the uncertainty of the value of status (c.f. lines 11-17), the assertion may be satisfied in another run. This is the reason why the plant had functioned well before the accident. As a result, in the simulation mode, it is possible that an existing fault will not be detected after numerous runs. To systematically check all the state space, we use the verification mode, which needs correctness properties specifying hazard-free situation. One possibility is to use assertions, such as what we did in line 44. Note that an assertion can only check the state at a single position in the execution (i.e., line 44), not the remainder positions. The SPIN checks the assertion in the verification mode as follows. $ spin -a reactor.pml $ gcc pan.c $ ./a.out State-vector 16 byte, depth reached 12, errors: 1 21 states, stored 0 states, matched 21 transitions (= stored+matched) 134 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach After examing 21 states, SPIN detected the unsafe state. We can simulate the counterexample by tracing simulation. $ spin -t reactor.pml open cata -> alarm -> ending -> spin: line 44 "reactor.pml", Error: assertion violated The result shows that the unsafe state can really be reached. Another alternative for specifying correctness property is LTL formula. For this exdef ample, the formula is φ = G(cata → Fwater), where G means globally and F means future [31]. It means whenever the flow of catalyst is opened, the system will have the chance to open the flow of water in the future. Of course, this is based on a reasonable assumption that the status will eventually be nowater when there is not enough water in the reactor (i.e., there is a reliable sensor). This assumption is expressed by the fairness condition GF!f con. The SPIN checks the LTL formula in the verification mode as follows ([] denotes G, <> denotes F). $ spin -a -f ’&&[]<>!fcon’ reactor.pml $ gcc pan.c $ ./a.out -A -a #disable assertion, check stutter-invariant State-vector 20 byte, depth reached 29, errors: 1 23 states, stored 1 states, matched 24 transitions (= stored+matched) After examined 23 states, SPIN detected the unsafe state. We can simulate the counterexample by tracing simulation. $ spin -t reactor.pml open cata -> alarm -> ending -> spin: trail ends after 30 steps Since we have already known that the CS may cause a hazardous state, we must make sure that the specified properties can detect the hazardous state, or else the properties are not right. Then we introduce a SRS to control potential hazardous executions. Modeling Safety-Related Systems. The second step is to construct the model of the SRS. We reuse and extend the established model of the CS, and derive an accurate model describing the behaviors of the SRS. Listing 9.2 shows the models. The model of the SRS receives messages sent by the CS and scans the values of the variables monitored by its sensors, then computes whether the system is safe, and sends a message back to the CS. Listing 9.2: The Promela Program for Reactor Control System with the SRS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #define s a ( ( abnorm && ! c a t a ) | | ( abnorm && c a t a && water ) ) #define f c o n s t a t u s==n o c a t a | | s t a t u s==e n c a t a mtype = { abnormal , nocata , e n c a t a , nowater , e n w a t e r } ; mtype s t a t u s = n o c a t a ; /∗ s t a t u s o f t h e r e a c t o r ∗/ bool c a t a = false ; /∗ w h e t h e r c a t a l y s t f l o w i s open ∗/ bool water = f a l s e ; /∗ w h e t h e r w a t e r f l o w i s open ∗/ bool abnorm = f a l s e ; /∗ w h e t h e r abnormal s i g n a l o c c u r e d ∗/ /∗ d e f i n e s a f e t y −r e l a t e d v a r i a b l e s , messages s t r u c t u r e ∗/ typedef SRV { bool w a t e r ; } 9.1. Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 typedef MSG { bool w a t e r ; bool abnorm ; bool r e s ; } chan ch = [ 0 ] of { MSG } ; /∗ message c h a n n e l ∗/ /∗ random s i m u l a t i o n inline scan ( ) { if : : true −> s t a t u s : : c a t a == f a l s e : : c a t a == true : : water == f a l s e : : water == true fi ; } o f s c a n n i n g t h e s t a t u s ∗/ = abnormal ; −> s t a t u s = −> s t a t u s = −> s t a t u s = −> s t a t u s = nocata ; encata ; nowater ; enwater ; /∗ p o s s i b l e a c t i o n s o f t h e s y s te m ∗/ i n l i n e o p e n c a t a ( ) { c a t a=true ; p r i n t f ( ” open c a t a −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e c l o s e c a t a ( ) { c a t a=f a l s e ; p r i n t f ( ” c l o s e c a t a −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e openwater ( ) { water = true ; c s 2 s r s ( ) ; p r i n t f ( ” open water −> ” ) ; } inline closewater () { water = f a l s e ; c s 2 s r s ( ) ; p r i n t f ( ” c l o s e water −> ” ) ; } i n l i n e alarm ( ) {abnorm=true ; c s 2 s r s ( ) ; p r i n t f ( ” alarm −>” ) ; } i n l i n e e n d i n g ( ) { p r i n t f ( ” e n d i n g −> ” ) ; } inline cs epro () { printf ( ” e r r o r p r o c e s s i n g ( ” ) ; p r i n t f ( ” water opened ” ) ; water = true ; p r i n t f ( ” ) −> ” ) ; } /∗ communication b e t w e e n CS and SRS ∗/ inline c s 2 s r s () { if : : abnorm == true −> msg . abnorm = true ; : : abnorm == f a l s e −> msg . abnorm = f a l s e ; fi ; if : : water == true −> msg . w a t e r = true ; : : water == f a l s e −> msg . w a t e r = f a l s e ; fi ; msg . r e s = true ; ch ! msg ; ch ? msg ; if : : msg . r e s == f a l s e −> c s e p r o ( ) ; : : e l s e −> skip ; fi ; } active proctype c o n t r o l s y s t e m ( ) { /∗ I n i t i a l a c t i o n s o m i t t e d ∗/ MSG msg ; do : : scan ( ) ; if : : s t a t u s == abnormal −> alarm ( ) ; goto END; : : e l s e −> i f : : s t a t u s==n o c a t a && c a t a ==f a l s e −>o p e n c a t a ( ) ; : : s t a t u s==e n c a t a && c a t a ==true −>c l o s e c a t a ( ) ; : : s t a t u s==nowater && water==f a l s e −>openwater ( ) ; : : s t a t u s==e n w a t e r && water==true −>c l o s e w a t e r ( ) ; : : e l s e −> skip ; fi ; fi ; od ; END: e n d i n g ( ) ; assert ( sa ) ; } 135 136 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach /∗ ∗∗∗∗∗ The S a f e t y −r e l a t e d System ∗∗∗∗∗ ∗/ /∗ random s i m u l a t i o n o f s c a n n i n g t h e v a l u e s o f v a r i a b l e s ∗/ inline srs scan () { if : : s r v . w a t e r = true ; : : srv . water = false ; fi ; } /∗ compute w h e t h e r t h e sy s te m i s inline srs compute () { if : : msg . abnorm == true && msg . msg . r e s = : : msg . abnorm == true && s r v . msg . r e s = : : e l s e −> msg . r e s = true ; fi } s a f e ∗/ w a t e r == f a l s e −> false ; w a t e r == f a l s e −> false ; active proctype s r s ( ) { /∗ I n i t i a l a c t i o n s o m i t t e d ∗/ MSG msg ; SRV s r v ; do : : true −> e n d s r s : ch ? msg ; srs scan () ; srs compute () ; ch ! msg ; od ; } Lines 10-11 define the inputs to the SRS. The type SRV defines a set of safety-related variables, whose values could be obtained from additional sensors outside the CS and managed by the SRS. For this example, SRV monitors only whether the water flow is open. The type MSG defines the structure of the messages communicated between the CS and the SRS. Line 12 defines a rendezvous channel for the message. In lines 28-32, for each primitive action that modifies the values of the variables monitored by the SRS, the communication between the CS and the SRS is inserted. The communication module (lines 41-57) reads information needed, and sends a message to the SRS, then receives a response. The module analyzes the result in the returned message. If it indicates an unsafe state, the system calls the error processing module to recover from the hazardous state. The error processing module (lines 34-38) uses the information in the returned message to decide the actions. The process could change the values of certain variables (e.g., line 37) after manipulating physic equipments (e.g., in line 36, printf statement abstracts the action of opening the valve). Note that more information could be contained in the returned message in more complex systems (i.e., not only a boolean result), in order to provide sufficient information for the error processing module to analyze the current state. Lines 99-110 define the model of the SRS. It waits for the message sent by the CS, then scans the values of the safety-related variables (lines 81-86), and computes whether the system is safe using the message and the safety-related variables (lines 89-97). Finally the SRS sends a response to the CS. Note that the computation in srs scan and srs compute could be different in various systems. Embedded C code could be used to implement more complex functions. Anyway, we use the same methodology and framework. 9.1. Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 137 In order to see whether the model characterizes exactly the behaviors of the SRS, we run the model through the simulation mode of SPIN. One of the outputs is as follows. open cata -> error processing ( water opened ) -> alarm -> ending -> The execution trace shows that the safety assertion is not violated, which is exactly what we expect to avoid the mentioned accident. Then we check the assertion in the verification mode, and no error is found. State-vector 40 byte, depth reached 208, errors: 0 409 states, stored 57 states, matched 466 transitions (= stored+matched) We may also check the LTL formula in the verification mode. State-vector 44 byte, depth reached 401, errors: 0 707 states, stored (979 visited) 658 states, matched 1637 transitions (= visited+matched) Zero errors mean that the assertion and the LTL property always hold in the execution, i.e., no unsafe state could be reached. Therefore, we conclude that the established model of the SRS can successfully avoid the accident, i.e., a “functionally valid” SRS. Note that, if we use another computation in srs compute, the SRS may be not functionally valid (e.g., always let msg. res be true). That is the reason why we need such a methodology to ensure functional validity. It is worth noting that the combination of the CS and the SRS has 707 states and 1637 transitions (the more complex the overall system is, the larger the state space is). Human is not able to analyze the correctness of such a complicated system. As a result, computer-aided design may be the only choice for developing functionally valid SRS. 9.1.4 Methodology for Designing Functionally Valid SRS In this section, we propose the generic methodology for designing functionally valid safetyrelated systems. As we mentioned, the state space of the overall system including the CS and the SRS is much larger than a single CS or a single SRS. As a result, manual analysis and design of the SRS are always not trustworthy and error-prone. This methodology uses computer-aided design in association with automated verification tools, thus can improve our confidence on the functional validity of the design of SRS. We try to list exhaustively all the key issues that we know in the designing process, in order to guide the practice. Due to the wide application of the standard and the SRS, the reader may encounter different situation in various projects and industry sectors. Therefore, some necessary adaptations should be made in detail for a specific project. Generally, there are three steps for developing a functionally valid SRS: modeling the CS, modeling the SRS and implementing the SRS. Here we only focus on the first two steps (i.e., the design process) which lead to a functionally valid design of the SRS, although it is worth noting that faults may be also introduced in the implementation process. Modeling Control Systems. The first step is to construct the model of the CS. The results of this step are a Promela program for the CS and the correctness properties. We list some key issues as follows. 138 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach 1. The first task is to derive accurate and efficient abstraction of the behaviors of the CS. Some typical issues are the following ones: (a) Define variables, both for computation and checking. Some variables are used for computation, that is, implementing control flow, behaviors and semantics of the system. Some variables are used for representing the state of the system, so they do not contribute to the functionality of the system. They are only used in the correctness properties to check the property of the indicated state. It is worth noting that the size of variables must be carefully defined. The principle is “as small as possible”. The model checker will produce a huge state space, of which each state contains all the defined variables. As a result, the restriction from int to byte will save considerable memory when checking. (b) Simulate the random inputs to the CS. In the verification mode, the Promela model is a closed system. In other words, it cannot receive users’ inputs. As a result, we must generate the inputs in the program. The best way is to generate the inputs randomly, i.e., nondeterministically choose one member from the set of all possible values. The advantage of this method is that it can simulate the uncertainty of the inputs, that is, we do not know when a specific input will occur. For example, consider the sensors’ signal which is determined by the environment. (c) Simplify reasonably the computation of the CS. Due to the size and complexity of the real system, an automated model checker may even be not able to produce the result in an acceptable instant. Obviously, the huge size contributes to a huge number of states, and the complexity contributes to a huge number of transitions. As a result, the size of the state space may be much larger than the memory, then the model checker will fail to accomplish the verification. One solution is to provide a more coarse abstraction of the CS. That is, we omit some non-critical computations, e.g., the initiation of the system. Furthermore, some manipulations of physic equipments can be expressed with only a printf statement, which does not increase the size of the state space. Another solution is to decompose the system into several parts, and check these parts one by one. When checking one single part, we make the assumption that the other parts are correct. It is worth noting that the decomposition is relevant to the properties to check. That is, we must put all the functions relevant to a certain property into the same part, when checking the property. (d) Use embedded C codes if necessary. Due to the complexity of embedded C codes and the lack of syntax checking, they are mainly used for automated model extraction in SPIN. However, the strong expressive power of C code is anyway a tempting feature. Thus the recommendation is made only “if necessary”. (e) Simplify or eliminate the codes for controlling equipments. Usually we assume that the codes for implementing primitive manipulations are correct, e.g., opening the flow of water. The criteria for judging the quality of the model are mainly accuracy and efficiency. Accuracy means that the model behaves exactly like the real CS, while efficiency means that the model is smart enough, e.g., the program should use variable, statement, and memory as less as possible. 9.1. Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 139 2. The second task is to derive correctness properties, i.e., assertions and LTL formulas. (a) Assertions are used to check the property at a specific position in the program. Obviously, the expressive power is limited. Thus, if we want to check a property over all the state space, we must use LTL formulas. (b) LTL formulas are used to check all the states in the system. Obviously, LTL formulas are more powerful. However, it is also worth noting that LTL formulas can considerably largen the state space. Thus we suggest to use them only when assertions are not able to express a property. 3. Some Experiences. (a) Check the exactitude of the established model, by using simulation mode. The printf statement can be used to output information about the state of the CS. Simulating the model for sufficient many times can show whether the model works as expected. Note that the criteria “sufficient many times” is due to the uncertainty of the inputs. (b) Check the exactitude of the correctness properties, by using verification mode. If we aim at creating or modifying a SRS for identified risks, we must make sure that the correctness properties can detect the error caused by the identified risks. Modeling Safety-Related Systems. The second task is to construct the model of the SRS. The results of this step are a Promela program for the SRS and the codes for communication and error processing in the modified model of the CS. We list some key issues as follows. 1. The premise is that we have the model of the CS and reuse it, e.g., the results of the last step. 2. The first task is to derive accurate and efficient abstraction of the behaviors of the SRS. Some typical issues are the following ones: (a) Define the scope of input and output of the SRS. There are two types of input: the messages sent by the CS and the values of safety-related variables sent by the sensors. The SRS may use only one of the two types, or both of them. There are two types of output: the messages sent to the CS and the direct manipulation of the equipment. Also, the SRS may use only one of the two types, or both of them. (b) Define safety-related variables. A safety-related variable, which saves a value sent by sensors, is used to collect additional information which is beyond the scope of the CS, or to collect a specific piece of information in the scope of the CS for increasing the reliability of the information. Note that more safetyrelated variables means higher cost of implementation. (c) Choose the type of communication between the CS and the SRS. The SPIN model checker supports two types of communications: rendezvous and buffered communication. In order to process the demand from the CS to the SRS as soon as possible, and also provide information from the SRS to the CS to decide the next action, we usually choose the rendezvous communication. 140 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach (d) Define the structure of message. This depends on the information needed by the CS and the SRS. The values of the variables monitored by the SRS should be sent from the CS to the SRS. The message should also contain all the necessary information needed by the CS to deal with risks. In the simplest case, it is a Boolean result, indicating the system is safe or not. However, generally, the CS need more information to determine why the system is not safe, then it can activate corresponding error processing functions. (e) Define message channels. Usually, one channel is enough for the communication between the CS and the SRS. (f) Simulate the scanning of the values of safety-related variables. It is similar to the case “simulate the random inputs to the CS”. The random simulation express exactly the fact that the values are nondeterministically decided by the environment. (g) Simplify reasonably the computation of the SRS. (Similar to the case of the CS.) (h) Use embedded C code if necessary. (Similar to the case of the CS.) 3. The second task is to define the position for the communication between the CS and the SRS. Generally, the usual location is between the assignment of key variables monitored by the SRS and the manipulation of physic equipment. Therefore, the SRS can check whether the system will be safe if the next manipulation is executed. If no, the SRS can send a message to activate the error processing functions. 4. The third task is to define the function of error processing. This step is different for different projects, because it is based on the requirements of a specific system. In fact, the correctness of error processing plays also an important role in the correctness of the overall system and the functional validity of the SRS. 5. Some Experiences. (a) Check the exactitude of the established model, by using simulation mode. (Similar to the case of the CS.) (b) Check the exactitude of the correctness properties, by using verification mode. We must make sure that the overall system (including the CS and the SRS) is safe, i.e., satisfies the specified correctness properties. If we aim at creating or modifying a SRS for identified risks, we must make sure that the overall system can avoid the previously detected errors, since the SRS component and additional error processing functions have been added. If errors are detected, we must check the design of the SRS, and also the exactitude of the correctness properties (because they may specify a semantics different to what we expect). Implement the SRS. We implement the SRS using the established model and computation. Note that faults may also occur at this step. Since numerous guidelines exist in industrial sectors to handle this issue, the discussion on reliable implementation is beyond the scope of this thesis. 9.1. Theoretical Foundation of Safety-Related Systems in IEC 61508 141 cw ow oc ¬c, ¬w, ¬a ow cc c, ¬w, ¬a c, w, ¬a cc a oc a ¬c, ¬w, a ¬c, w, ¬a cw a c, ¬w, a a ¬c, w, a c, w, a Figure 9.4: The Kripke Model M of Reactor p5 : ∅ p6 : {w} q0 p1 : ∅ p2 : {c} q1 p3 : {c, w} p4 : {w} q2 q3 p10 : {a} p12 : {c, a} p11 : {a} p7 : {c, w} p14 : {c, w, a} p13 : {c, a} q5 q4 p8 : {c} p9 : ∅ p16 : {w, a} p15 : {c, w, a} q7 q6 p17 : {w, a} q8 Figure 9.5: The Büchi Automaton AM of Reactor δ(w ∨ ¬a) r0 Figure 9.6: The Controlling Automaton  Modeling the SRS p5 t00 p6 p1 p2 t10 p3 t20 p9 p4 t30 t40 p8 p7 p14 t70 p16 p15 t80 Figure 9.7: The Meta-composition C = AM ~·  p17 142 9.1.5 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach Model Monitoring as the Theoretical Foundation From the above example, we can perceive that the SRS controls the behavior of the CS at runtime. If the CS tries to perform some undesired actions, the SRS can alert, block the actions or recover the system from hazardous states. Intuitively, we can feel that there is some connection with model monitoring. Let us consider the models of the CS and the SRS, i.e., the Promela programs. A Kripke model M in Fig. 9.4 can be extracted from the Promela program of the CS, and can be translated into a Büchi automaton AM in Fig. 9.5. The automaton violates the specified properties, since hazardous states can be reached. For example, q6 will be reached after opening the flow of catalyst (p2 ) and sounding an alarm (p12 ), which can result in the mentioned accident. A controlling automaton  in Fig. 9.6 can be extracted from the semantics of the model of the SRS, where δ(φ) denotes all transitions labeled with a truth assignment satisfying φ. For example, δ(w ∨ ¬a) = δ − {p10 , p11 , p12 , p13 }. The automata AM and  constitute a BAC system. The meta-composition of the two components results in the automaton C = AM ~·  in Fig. 9.7. The global system satisfies the property, since the hazardous states have been eliminated. We also observed that checking functional validity of the SRS, which is equivalent to verify the global system (the CS + the SRS), is essentially checking the BAC system C = AM ~· Â. In fact, numerous industrial systems can be modeled as automata. Therefore, it is easy to see that the (ω-)automaton control system ((ω-)AC System) and model monitoring are exactly the theoretical foundation of safety-related systems. Furthermore, it is worth noting that checking functional validity is essentially checking an (ω-)AC System. We have observed the equivalence between the CS and the controlled automaton, and the equivalence between the SRS and the controlling automaton. Therefore, the meta-composition of an (ω-)AC system satisfies a property, if and only if the global system of the CS and the SRS is functionally valid. That is, if the verification on the (ω-)AC system does not find any faults, then the functional validity of the constructed SRS is proved. 9.1.6 Conclusion In this section, we proposed the concept of functional validity of the SRS, and a generic technical methodology (or a framework) for designing functionally valid SRS. The methodology is based on computer-aided design in association with automated verification tools. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to consider the technical solution to functional validity of the SRS in the literature. Furthermore, we showed that model monitoring is the theoretical foundation of safety-related systems, and checking functional validity is essentially checking an (ω-)AC system. 9.2 Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML Guidelines and consistency rules of UML are used to control the degrees of freedom provided by the UML language to prevent faults. However, guidelines and consistency rules provide informal restrictions on the use of language, which make checking difficult. In this section, we consider these problems from a language-theoretic view. Guidelines and 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML 143 consistency rules are formalized as controlling grammars that control the use of UML, i.e. the derivations using the grammar of UML. This approach can be implemented as a parser, which can automatically verify the rules on a UML user model in XMI format. A comparison to related work shows our contribution: a generic, metamodel-independent, syntax-based approach that checks language-level constraints at compile-time. This section is organized as follows. In the first three subsections, we introduce the UML specifications and the transformation to XML documents, the guidelines and consistency rules, and the grammar of UML in XMI, respectively. Then we illustrate how to formalize guidelines and consistency rules using Leftmost-derivation-based Grammar Control Systems (LGC Systems). Finally, we discuss the implementation issue and related work of this approach. 9.2.1 Unified Modeling Language The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language developed by Object Management Group (OMG) [108, 109]. UML has emerged as the software industry’s dominant modeling language for modeling, specifying, constructing and documenting the artifacts of systems [100, 12]. Numerous commercial UML CASE tools are available, e.g., Rational Rose, Altova UModel, MagicDraw, Visual Paradigm. Several open-source tools also exist, e.g., ArgoUML, StarUML. Model, Metamodel, Meta-metamodel A model is an instance of a metamodel (or language). For example, UML and the Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) are metamodels, and a UML user model is an instance of the UML metamodel. A metamodel is an instance of a meta-metamodel (or metalanguage). A meta-metamodel is typically more compact than a metamodel that it describes, and often used to define several metamodels. For instance, the Meta Object Facility (MOF) is an example of meta-metamodel, since UML and CWM are both instances of MOF. The specifications of UML and MOF include complex import and merge relationships between their packages, as shown in Fig. 9.8. UML 2 Specification The UML specification is defined using a metamodeling approach, i.e., a metamodel is used to specify the model that comprises UML. The UML specification is organized into two volumes. The UML Infrastructure defines the foundational language constructs required for UML [108]. The UML Superstructure defines the user level constructs required for UML [109]. The infrastructure of UML is defined by the package InfrastructureLibrary. The infrastructure has three objectives: (1) defines a meta-metamodel (i.e., metalanguage) core that can be reused to define a variety of metamodels (i.e, languages) such as UML, MOF, CWM, and other emerging OMG metamodels; (2) architecturally aligns UML, MOF, and XMI so that model interchange is fully supported; (3) allows customization of UML through Profiles and creation of new metamodels (i.e, languages) based on the same metalanguage core as UML, such as SysML. 144 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach Figure 9.8: Packages of UML and MOF The package InfrastructureLibrary consists of the packages Core and Profiles. The Core package is a complete metamodel particularly designed for high reusability. Note that the Core package is the architectural kernel of MDA (Model Driven Architecture). That is, MDA metamodels (e.g., UML, MOF, CWM) reuse all or parts of the Core package, which allows to benefit from the abstract syntax and semantics that have already been defined. In order to facilitate reuse, the Core package is subdivided into 4 packages: • The package PrimitiveTypes simply contains a few predefined types that are commonly used when metamodeling, e.g., UML and MOF. • The package Abstractions contains abstract metaclasses that are intended to be further specialized or reused by many metamodels. It is also subdivided into several smaller packages. • The package Basic represents a few constructs that are used as the basis for the produced XMI for UML, MOF and other metamodels based on the InfrastructureLibrary. • The package Constructs contains concrete metaclasses for object-oriented modeling. It is particular reused by both MOF and UML, and aligns the two metamodels. As the second capacity besides reusability, the Core package is used to define the modeling constructs used to create metamodel, through instantiation of metaclasses in the InfrastructureLibrary. For example, the metaclasses in InfrastructureLibrary instantiate the elements of UML, MOF, CWM and indeed the InfrastructureLibrary itself (i.e., selfdescribing or reflective). The Profiles package depends on the Core package, and defines the mechanisms used to tailor existing metamodels towards specific platforms (e.g., C++, CORBA, or Java) or domains (e.g., real-time, business objects). Its primary target is UML, but may also be 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML 145 used with any metamodel instantiated from the common Core package. The superstructure of UML is defined by the package UML, which is divided into a number of packages. The Kernel package is at the very heat of UML, and the metaclasses of other packages are dependent on it. The Kernel package is primarily reused from the InfrastructureLibrary by using package merge. Indeed, the Kernel package reuses the Constructs and PrimitiveTypes packages, and adds more capabilities to the modeling constructs that are not necessary for reusing or alignment with MOF. MOF 2 Specification The MOF specification consists of the packages Essential MOF (EMOF) and Complete MOF (CMOF) [105], which are both constructed by merging the UML Infrastructure Library packages (mainly the Core package) [108] and adding additional packages. • EMOF model is defined as a kernel metamodeling capability. The value of EMOF is that it provides a framework for mapping MOF models to implementations such as JMI and XMI for simple metamodels. • CMOF model is the metamodel used to specify other metamodels such as UML 2. It is built from EMOF and the package Core::Constructs of UML 2. CMOF does not define any classes of its own. It only merges packages with its extensions that together define basic metamodeling capabilities. In particular, EMOF and CMOF are both described using CMOF, which is also used to describe UML, CWM, etc. Therefore, CMOF is simply referred to as MOF. MOF is used as the metamodel for UML (as a model) and other languages such as CWM. In other words, every model element of UML is an instance of exactly one model element of MOF. Note that the InfrastructureLibrary is used at both the metamodel and meta-metamodel levels, since it is being reused by UML (Infrastructure and Superstructure) and MOF, respectively. Therefore, the InfrastructureLibrary is reused in two different ways: • All the elements of the UML metamodel are instantiated from meta-metaclasses in the InfrastructureLibrary. (as meta-metamodel) • The UML metamodel imports and specializes all metaclasses in the InfrastructureLibrary. (as metamodel) Other Related Specifications OMG also provides numerous complementary specifications for UML 2 to facilitate the development of industrial applications. The most significant specifications are as follows. The Object Constraint Language (OCL) specification [106] defines a formal language used to describe expressions on UML models. These expressions typically specify invariant conditions that must hold for the system being modeled or queries over objects described in a model. The XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) specification [107] defines a model driven XML integration framework for defining, interchanging, manipulating and integrating XML data 146 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach and objects. XMI-based standards are in use for integrating tools, repositories, applications and data warehouses. XMI provides a mapping from MOF to XML schema, and rules by which a schema can be generated for any valid XMI-transmissible MOF-based metamodel. For example, XMI can facilitate interchanging UML models between different modeling tools in XML format. The UML Diagram Interchange (UMLDI) specification enables a smooth and seamless exchange of documents compliant to the UML standard (referred to as UML models) between different software tools. While this certainly includes tools for developing UML models, it also includes tools such as whiteboard tools, code generators, word processing tools, and desktop publishing tools. Special attention is given to the Internet as a medium for exchanging and presenting UML models. The MOF Query/View/Transformation (QVT) specification addresses a technology neutral part of MOF and pertains to: (1) queries on models; (2) views on metamodels; and (3) transformations of models. Transformations Figure 9.9: Different Representations of UML Diagrams Figure 9.9 vertically includes three levels of metamodeling: model (M1), metamodel or language (M2), meta-metamodel or meta-language (M3). The figure horizontally includes different representations of UML diagrams: graphic, XML-based and textual models. This means, a UML user model may be expressed as a(n): • graphic model. A UML user model is an instance of UML, which is an instance of MOF. • XML-based model. It is an XMI-compliant XML document that conforms to its XML schema, and is a derivative of the XMI document productions which is defined as a grammar. The XML schema is a derivative of the XMI schema productions. The XMI specification defines both the XMI schema productions and the XMI document productions in [107]. 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML 147 XMI provides a mapping between a UML user model and an XML document, and a mapping between UML (also MOF) and an XML Schema. XMI generates an XML file using the XMI document productions, and generates an XML schema using the XMI schema productions. Each of the two sets of productions composes a contextfree grammar in Extended BNF (Backus-Naur Form) [78]. A UML user model can be expressed using an XMI-compliant XML document that conforms to the corresponding XML Schema, and is a derivative of the XMI document grammar. • textual model, which is an instance of its grammar in BNF. For instance, a Java program must be a derivative of the Java grammar. Also, a BNF grammar is an instance of the grammar describing BNF grammars. Numerous UML CASE tools support the standard transformation between UML diagrams and XML files by implementing the XMI specification, such as UModel, Visual Paradigm, MagicDraw. Besides the standard UML transformation, there is related work on the transformations between generic graphic modeling languages and EBNF-based (Extended BNF) grammars. For instance, [127] defined an EBNF grammar for ADORA, which is a graphic modeling language. While in the converse direction, [51] discussed how to transform EBNF grammars into graphic UML diagrams. Numerous tools support various model transformations. For example, ATL (ATLAS Transformation Language) [79] is a generic model transformation tool based on transformation rules. Most tools transform UML models to XML documents [42], e.g., the UMT (UML Model Transformation Tool) [65] is a transformation tool specific to UML, based on a simplified schema of UML models, named XMI-Light. 9.2.2 Guidelines and Consistency Rules Guideline is an important concept in industrial practice. It contains a set of rules which recommend certain uses of technologies (e.g., modeling and programming languages) to produce more reliable, safe and maintainable products such as computer and software systems. Guidelines are often required on the systems in some specific application domains. If these rules are not respected, the presence of faults is not sure but its risk is high. As an example, the OOTiA (Object-Oriented Technology in Aviation [54]) provides the guidelines proposed by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) to suggest the proper use of OOT for designing more reliable and safe avionic software systems. In OOTiA, one rule says “multiple inheritance should be avoided in safety critical, certified systems” (IL #38), because “multiple inheritance complicates the class hierarchy” (IL #33) and “overuse of inheritance, particularly multiple inheritance, can lead to unintended connections among classes, which could lead to difficulty in meeting the DO-178B objective of data and control coupling” (IL #25,37). Another rule is “the length of an inheritance should be less than 6”. Another rule about SDI (State Defined Incorrectly) says “if a computation performed by an overriding method is not semantically equivalent to the computation of the overridden method with respect to a variable, a behavior anomaly can result”. Consistency problems of UML models have attracted great attention from both academic and industrial communities [83, 82, 76]. A list of 635 consistency rules are identified by [124, 125]. One kind of inconsistency is intra-model inconsistency among several diagrams of a single model. Another kind is inter-model inconsistency between several models 148 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach or versions of one system. These inconsistencies result from the following facts. First, generally, evolving descriptions of software artifacts are frequently inconsistent, and tolerating this inconsistency is important [7, 44]. Different developers construct and update these descriptions at different times during development [104], thus result in inconsistencies. Second, the multiple views of UML can provide pieces of information which are redundant or complementary, on which consistency constraints exist. Indeed, UML allows multiple views of a system to be expressed, and a piece of information of a view can be deduced from other pieces of information. For example, the communication diagrams can be designed from the sequence diagrams. However, these various views may conflict, and produce inconsistent models. Therefore, the overall consistency is required, i.e., each partial view has to be in accordance with the others. An important difference between guidelines and consistency rules is that consistency rules must be satisfied in any context, or else there are definitely faults in the model. However, guidelines depend on context, it must be respected in some critical contexts to reduce the risk of faults, but could be violated in other less critical contexts. This means, consistency rules can be used for fault detection, whereas guidelines are fault prevention means. It seems as if consistency rules and guidelines were irrelevant at first glance. However, in fact, they have the same origin from a language-theoretic view. We noticed that both of the two types of potential faults in models come from the degrees of freedom offered by a language. These degrees of freedom cannot be eliminated by reducing the capability of the language, but by controlling the use of language [102]. For instance, the multiple diagrams in UML are useful, as they describe various viewpoints on one system, even if they are at the origin of numerous inconsistencies. In the same way, multiple inheritance is a powerful feature of the C++ language, although it violates the guidelines in OOTiA and increases the risk of faults. Guidelines and consistency rules fall into two classes: language level (i.e. metamodel level) and model level rules. The language level rules concern the use of language features, e.g., avoiding multiple inheritance. The model level rules concern the semantics of a specific model, e.g., the SDI issue is related to the semantics of overridden and overriding methods. The language level rules are used to control the faults that result from the degrees of freedom of modeling languages. As an example, inheritance and multiple inheritance are important features of OOT. They provide the degrees of freedom of using them, e.g., the length of inheritance chain, the number of super classes. However, overuse of these features can lead to unintended connections among classes, thus cause the risk of faults. Therefore, we may suggest some rules to control the complexity of models, e.g., “the length of an inheritance chain should be less than 6”, “no more than 30 attributes in a class”. To prevent these risks of faults, the use of language must be controlled. However, the expression of guidelines and consistency rules is informal, thus checking them is difficult. For instance, 6 months were needed to check 350 consistency rules on an avionics UML model including 116 class diagrams. This section aims at formalizing guidelines and consistency rules, and proposing an approach to ensure the correct use of language from a language-theoretic view. Technically, acceptable uses of language are formalized as a controlling grammar handling the productions of the grammar of the language. To support this idea, UML must be speci- 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML 149 fied by a formal language, or at least a language with precisely defined syntax, e.g., XMI. Thus, a graphic model can be serialized. This formalism also provides a deeper view on the origin of inconsistencies in models. 9.2.3 The Grammar of UML in XMI XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) [107] is used to facilitate interchanging UML models between different modeling tools in XML format. Many tools implement the transformation from UML models to XMI documents, e.g., Altova UModelr can export UML models as XMI files. The grammar and its XMI document productions for deriving XMI-compliant XML documents of UML models are defined in [107]. The main part of the grammar is given here after. To make our presentation more concise, we omit declaration and version information of XML files (and the related productions whose names start with “1”). To make later reasoning easier, we modified some representations of the productions, but without changing the generative power of the grammar. 1. The choice operator “|” is used to compose several productions with the same lefthand side into a single line in [107]. We decomposed some of these productions into several productions without the choice operator. An original production n having k choices might be divided into a set of productions {n i}1≤i≤k . For example, the original production 2 with three choices was divided into the productions 2 1, 2 2 and 2 3. 2. The closure operator “*” is used to simplify the representation of the grammar in [107], but it also would make the representation of reasoning confusing. Thus, the productions whose names start with “3” were added to replace the productions with closure operators. The grammar G of UML in XMI includes the following productions (each production is labeled with a name starting with a digit): 3_1: 3_2: XMIElements ::= 2:XMIElement XMIElements ::= 2:XMIElement 3:XMIElements 2_1: 2_2: 2_3: XMIElement ::= 2a:XMIObjectElement XMIElement ::= 2b:XMIValueElement XMIElement ::= 2c:XMIReferenceElement 2a_1: XMIObjectElement ::= "<" 2k:QName 2d:XMIAttributes "/>" 2a_2: XMIObjectElement ::= "<" 2k:QName 2d:XMIAttributes ">" 3:XMIElements "</" 2k:QName ">" 2b_1: XMIValueElement ::= "<" xmiName ">" value "</" xmiName ">" 2b_2: XMIValueElement ::= "<" xmiName "nil=‘true’/>" 2c_1: XMIReferenceElement::= "<" xmiName 2l:LinkAttribs "/>" 2c_2: XMIReferenceElement::= "<" xmiName 2g:TypeAttrib 2l:LinkAttribs "/>" 2d_1: XMIAttributes ::= 2g:TypeAttrib 2e:IdentityAttribs 3h:FeatureAttribs 150 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach 2d_2: XMIAttributes ::= 2e:IdentityAttribs 2e: 3h:FeatureAttribs IdentityAttribs ::= 2f:IdAttribName "=‘" id "’" 2f_1: IdAttribName ::= "xmi:id" 2f_2: IdAttribName ::= xmiIdAttribName 2g: TypeAttrib ::= "xmi:type=‘" 2k:QName "’" 3h_1: FeatureAttribs ::= 2h:FeatureAttrib 3h_2: FeatureAttribs ::= 2h:FeatureAttrib 3h:FeatureAttribs 2h_1: FeatureAttrib ::= 2i:XMIValueAttribute 2h_2: FeatureAttrib ::= 2j:XMIReferenceAttribute 2i: XMIValueAttribute ::= xmiName "=‘" value "’" 2j: XMIReferenceAttribute ::= xmiName "=‘" (refId | 2n:URIref)+"’" 2k: QName ::= "uml:" xmiName 2l: LinkAttribs ::= "xmi:idref=‘" refId "’" | 2m:Link 2m: Link ::= "href=‘" 2n:URIref "’" 2n: URIref ::= (2k:QName)? uriReference | xmiName In the grammar, the symbol “::=” stands for the conventional rewriting symbol “→” in formal language theory [74]. Each nonterminal starts with a capital letter, prefixing a label of the related production, e.g., “2:XMIElement” is a nonterminal with possible productions “2 1, 2 2, 2 3”. Each terminal starts with a lowercase letter or is quoted. Figure 9.10: A Class Diagram Figure 9.11: An Activity Diagram As an example to illustrate the use of the grammar, Figure 9.10 represents a package 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML 151 Root which includes three classes, where the class FaxMachine is derived from Scanner and Printer. The core part of the exported XMI 2.1 compliant file (using Altova UModelr ) is as follows: <uml:Package xmi:id="U00000001-7510-11d9-86f2-000476a22f44" name="Root"> <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="U572b4953-ad35-496f-af6f-f2f048c163b1" name="Scanner" visibility="public"> <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="U46ec6e01-5510-43a2-80e9-89d9b780a60b" name="sid" visibility="protected"/> </packagedElement> <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="Ua9bd8252-0742-4b3e-9b4b-07a95f7d242e" name="Printer" visibility="public"> <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="U2ce0e4c8-88ee-445b-8169-f4c483ab9160" name="pid" visibility="protected"/> </packagedElement> <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="U6dea1ea0-81d2-4b9c-aab7-a830765169f0" name="FaxMachine" visibility="public"> <generalization xmi:type="uml:Generalization" xmi:id="U3b334927-5573-40cd-a82b-1ee065ada72c" general="U572b4953-ad35-496f-af6f-f2f048c163b1"/> <generalization xmi:type="uml:Generalization" xmi:id="U86a6818b-f7e7-42d9-a21b-c0e639a4f716" general="Ua9bd8252-0742-4b3e-9b4b-07a95f7d242e"/> </packagedElement> </uml:Package> This text is a derivative of the XMI document productions, c.f. the previous grammar G. We may use the sequence of productions “2a 2, 2k(Package), 2d 2, 2e, 2f 1, 3h 1, 2h 1, 2i” to derive the following sentential form: <uml:Package xmi:id="U00000001-7510-11d9-86f2-000476a22f44" name="Root"> 3:XMIElements "</" 2k:QName ">" Note that the production 2k has a parameter xmiName, i.e. the value of the terminal when applying the production. In a derivation, we specify a value of the parameter as “2k(value)”. For example, “2k(Package)” is a derivation using 2k with xmiName = “Package”. For simplicity, we consider “2k(value)” as a terminal as a whole. We continue to apply productions, and finally derive the XMI file previously presented. Notice that the model of Fig. 9.10 (both in UML and XML) does not conform to the guidelines in OOTiA about multiple inheritance, since it uses multi-inheritance. 152 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach As another example, the model of Fig. 9.11 has an inconsistency: “the number of outgoing edges of F orkN ode is not the same as the number of incoming edges of JoinN ode”. In particular, JoinN ode joins two outgoing edges from the same DecicionN ode, This join transition will never be activated, since only one of the two outgoing edges will be fired. 9.2.4 Formalizing Rules Using LGC Systems We believe that the LGC System can be used to formalize and ensure the rules. In this section, we use some practical examples to illustrate how to check the conformance to guidelines and consistency rules by controlling the use of the grammar of UML. We denote the grammar of UML by G = (N, T, P, S), where P is the set of productions listed in the previous section, and each production p ∈ P is labeled with a name starting with a digit. Example 9.1. Consider two rules on class diagrams: Rule 1: Each class can have at most one generalization. As we mentioned, this rule is a guideline. This rule is also a consistency rule in the context of Java, since Java does not allow multiple inheritance. However we may derive a class from multiple classes in the context of C++. Rule 2: Each class can have at most 30 attributes. This rule may be adopted by software authorities as a guideline in avionics, in order to improve reliability and safety of software systems by minimizing the complexity of classes. Note that these rules cannot be explicitly integrated into the grammar of UML, but only recommended as guidelines or consistency rules. We cannot put Rule 1 into the standard of UML, since UML models can be implemented with both C++ and Java programming languages. Rule 2 is a restriction for a specific domain, and we should not require all programmers to use limited number of attributes by including the rule in the UML specification. We aim to specify the rules from the meta-language level, that is, control the use of the UML language. Consider the example of Fig. 9.10, to obtain the associated XMI text, the sequence of applied productions of G in the leftmost derivation is as follows (“...” stands for some omitted productions, to save space): 2a_2, 2k(Package), 2d_2, 2e, 2f_1, 3h_1, 2h_1, 2i, ..., 2k(packagedElement), ..., 2k(Class), ..., 2k(ownedAttribute), ..., 2k(Property), ..., 2k(packagedElement), ..., 2k(packagedElement), ..., 2k(Class), ..., 2k(ownedAttribute), ..., 2k(Property), ..., 2k(packagedElement), ..., 2k(packagedElement), ..., 2k(Class), ..., 2k(generalization), ..., 2k(Generalization), ..., 2k(generalization), ..., 2k(Generalization), ..., 2k(packagedElement), ..., 2k(Package) Let c, g stand for 2k(Class), 2k(Generalization), respectively. Note that the occurrence of two g after the third c violates Rule 1. In fact, all the sequences of productions 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML c, D D D g c Qc S 153 g Qg c g c, g, D Figure 9.12: The Automaton Âc of the pattern “...c...g...g...” are not allowed by the rule (there is no c between the two g), indicating that the class has at least two generalizations. Thus, we propose the following controlling grammar Ĝc to restrict the use of language to satisfy Rule 1: S → c Qc | D S | Q →c Q | g Q | D Q | c c g c Ĝc (9.1) Q → c Q | D Q | g c g D → {p | p ∈ P ∧ p 6∈ {c, g}} where S, Qc , Qg , D are nonterminals, D includes all productions except c, g. L(Ĝc ) accepts the sequences of productions satisfying Rule 1. Implicitly, the controlling grammar specifies a finite state automaton Âc in Fig. 9.12, where is an implicit error state (the dashed circle). Strings containing the pattern ∗ ∗ D cD gD∗ g will lead Âc to the error state, indicating that there exists a class having at least two generalizations. If the sequence of productions applied to derive a model is accepted by the language L(Ĝc ), then the model conforms to Rule 1. In Fig. 9.10, the derivation of the class F axM achine uses the pattern D∗ cD∗ gD∗ gD∗ 6∈ L(Ĝc ), which leads to of the automaton, thus it violates Rule 1. On the contrary, the derivations of Scanner and P rinter are accepted by L(Ĝc ), thus satisfy Rule 1. If we consider the whole model, the derivation uses the pattern D∗ cD∗ cD∗ cD∗ gD∗ gD∗ 6∈ L(Ĝc ), which also violates Rule 1. Globally, any UML user model M derived from the LGC System C = G ~· Ĝc , i.e. M ∈ L(C), conforms to Rule 1. Now let us consider Rule 2. Let c, pr, pe stand for 2k(Class), 2k(P roperty), 2k(P ackagedElement), respectively. Note that the occurrence of more than 30 pr after a c violates Rule 2. In fact, all the sequences of productions of the pattern “...c...(pr...)n , n > 30” are not allowed by the rule (there is no c between any two pr’s), indicating that a class has more than 30 attributes. To satisfy Rule 2, we propose the following controlling grammar Ĝp to restrict the use of language: 154 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach pe, D S c, D c pe Qc D c pr pe Q1 D c pr pr pe pr D c Q29 pr Q30 pe pr c, pr, pe, D Figure 9.13: The Automaton Âp S Qc Qi Ĝp Q30 D → pe S | c Qc | D S | → pe S | c Qc | pr Q1 | D Qc | → pe S | c Qc | pr Qi+1 | D Qi | (1 ≤ i < 30) (9.2) → pe S | c Qc | D Q30 | → {p | p ∈ P ∧ p 6∈ {c, pr, pe}} where S, Qc , Qi , Q30 , D are nonterminals, D includes all productions except c, pr, pe. L(Ĝp ) accepts the sequences of productions satisfying Rule 2. Implicitly, the controlling grammar specifies a finite state automaton Âp in Fig. 9.13. Strings containing the pattern “D∗ c(D∗ pr)31 ” will lead Âp to the error state, indicating there exists a class having more than 30 attributes. If the sequence of productions applied to derive a model is accepted by the language L(Ĝp ), then the model conforms to Rule 2. In Fig. 9.10, the derivations of the classes Scanner and P rinter use the pattern D∗ cD∗ prD∗ ∈ L(Ĝp ), thus satisfy Rule 2. If we consider the whole model, the derivation uses the pattern D∗ cD∗ prD∗ cD∗ prD∗ cD∗ ∈ L(Ĝp ), thus also satisfies Rule 2. Globally, any UML user model M derived from the LGC System C = G ~· Ĝp , i.e. M ∈ L(C), conforms to Rule 2. Thanks to the controlling grammars, when a model violates required rules, the controlling language will reject the model (an implicit error state will be activated). Some error handling method may be called to process the error, e.g., printing an error message indicating the position and the cause. As another example, we can also use controlling grammar to handle a consistency rule concerning activity diagrams. Example 9.2. In an activity diagram, the number of outgoing edges of F orkN ode should be the same as the number of incoming edges of its pairwise JoinN ode. Let n, f, j, i, o stand for 2k(node), 2k(F orkN ode), 2k(JoinN ode), 2k(incoming), 2k(outgoing), respectively. We propose the following controlling grammar Ĝa to restrict the use of language to satisfy the rule: 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML S → N F I ∗ Q O∗ N | N I ∗ O∗ N | D∗ Q→O Q I |N S N J ∗ N → n D F → f D∗ Ĝa J → j D∗ I → i D∗ O → o D∗ D → {p | p ∈ P ∧ p 6∈ {n, f, j, i, o}} 155 (9.3) L(Ĝa ) accepts all the sequences of productions of the pattern N F I ∗ On N SN JI n O∗ N , which derive the models respecting the rule. This context-free grammar implicitly specifies a PDA (Pushdown Automaton [74]), which is more complex than the finite state automata in Figures 9.12 and 9.13. Globally, any UML user model M derived from the LGC System C = G ~· Ĝa , i.e. M ∈ L(C), conforms to the rule in Example 9.2. As an application of the LGC system, we consider the model in Fig. 9.11. The XMIcompliant document of the model in Fig. 9.11 is as follows: <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Activity" xmi:id="U937506ed-af64-44c6-9b4c-e735bb6d8cc6" name="Activity1" visibility="public"> <node xmi:type="uml:InitialNode" xmi:id="U16aa15e8-0e5d4fd1-930a-725073ece9f0"> <outgoing xmi:idref="Ue9366b93-a45b-43f1-a201-2038b0bd0b30"/> </node> <node xmi:type="uml:ForkNode" xmi:id="U26768518-a40c4713-b35e-c267cc660508" name="ForkNode"> <incoming xmi:idref="Ue9366b93-a45b-43f1-a201-2038b0bd0b30"/> <outgoing xmi:idref="Ua800ba9b-e167-4a7c-a9a9-80e6a77edeb7"/> </node> <node xmi:type="uml:DecisionNode" xmi:id="Uc9e4f0de-8da64c98-9b95-b4cde30ccfc0" name="DecisionNode"> <incoming xmi:idref="Ua800ba9b-e167-4a7c-a9a9-80e6a77edeb7"/> <outgoing xmi:idref="Ua4a2b313-13d6-4d69-9617-4803560731ef"/> <outgoing xmi:idref="U6eede33f-98ac-4654-bb17-dbe6aa7e46be"/> </node> <node xmi:type="uml:JoinNode" xmi:id="Ud304ce3c-ebe44b06-b75a-fa2321f8a151" name="JoinNode"> <incoming xmi:idref="Ua4a2b313-13d6-4d69-9617-4803560731ef"/> <incoming xmi:idref="U6eede33f-98ac-4654-bb17-dbe6aa7e46be"/> </node> <edge xmi:type="uml:ControlFlow" xmi:id="Ua4a2b313-13d6-4d69-9617-4803560731ef" source="Uc9e4f0de-8da6-4c98-9b95-b4cde30ccfc0" target="Ud304ce3c-ebe4-4b06-b75a-fa2321f8a151"> <guard xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" 156 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach xmi:id="U6872f3b3-680c-430e-bdb3-21c0a317d290" visibility="public" value="x>10"/> </edge> <edge xmi:type="uml:ControlFlow" xmi:id="U6eede33f-98ac-4654-bb17-dbe6aa7e46be" source="Uc9e4f0de-8da6-4c98-9b95-b4cde30ccfc0" target="Ud304ce3c-ebe4-4b06-b75a-fa2321f8a151"> <guard xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="Ub853080d-481c-46ff-9f7c-92a31ac24349" visibility="public" value="else"/> </edge> <edge xmi:type="uml:ControlFlow" xmi:id="Ua800ba9b-e167-4a7c-a9a9-80e6a77edeb7" source="U26768518-a40c-4713-b35e-c267cc660508" target="Uc9e4f0de-8da6-4c98-9b95-b4cde30ccfc0"/> <edge xmi:type="uml:ControlFlow" xmi:id="Ue9366b93-a45b-43f1-a201-2038b0bd0b30" source="U16aa15e8-0e5d-4fd1-930a-725073ece9f0" target="U26768518-a40c-4713-b35e-c267cc660508"/> </packagedElement> It is easy to detect that the sequence of applied productions, which is of the pattern “...nD∗ f D∗ iD∗ oD∗ nD∗ ... nD∗ jD∗ iD∗ i...”, is not accepted by L(Ĝa ) (one o follows f , while two i follow j), thus there is an inconsistency. We remark here that there are two preconditions of using the controlling grammar concerning the sequences of the model elements in the XML document: 1. F orkN ode must appear before its pairwise JoinN ode; 2. incoming edges must appear before outcoming edges in a node. The two conditions are trivial, since it is easy to control their positions in the exported XMI documents when implementing such a transformation. 9.2.5 Implementation of LGC Systems In this section, we would like to shortly discuss the implementation issues. Implementation of LGC Systems. As an instance of the model monitoring approach, we have two alternative techniques for implementing the meta-composition operator. For the first alternative, namely model monitoring, the controlled grammar G and the controlling grammar Ĝ can be implemented as two parsers separately. The technique for constructing a parser from a context-free grammar is rather mature [43, 1]. Some tools provide automated generation of parsers from a grammar specification, such as Lex/Yacc, Flex/Bison. Note that the inputs of controlling parsers are the sequences of productions applied for parsing the model using G. So there are communications between the two parsers. Once module G uses a production pi , then the name of the production is sent to Ĝ as an input. If Ĝ accepts the sequence of productions and G accepts the model, then the LGC system G ~· Ĝ accepts the model. 9.2. Formalizing Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML 157 For the second alternative, namely model generating, the controlled grammar G and the controlling grammar Ĝ can be translated into two automata A and Â. Then the metacomposition of the automata C = A ~·  can be computed and implemented as a parser by an automated tool. The meta-composition C accepts the model, if and only if the LGC system G ~· Ĝ accepts the model, i.e., the model satisfies the constraints. Multiple Rules. If we have multiple guidelines or consistency rules, each rule is formalized using a grammar. We can develop an automated tool that converts the grammars Ĝ1 , ..., Ĝn into automata Â1 , ..., Ân , and then combine these automata to compute an intersection, i.e., an automaton A0 such that L(A0 ) = L(Â1 ) ∩ · · · ∩ L(Ân ) [74]. The intersection A0 can be used as a controlling automaton, which specifies a controlling language L(A0 ) that includes all the semantics of the rules. Cost vs. Benefit. It seems as if writing a controlling grammar was expensive, because it involves formal methods. However, it is probably not the case. A controlling grammar specifies language-level constraints, and can be reused by all the models derived from the same controlled grammar. Thus the controlling grammar can be identified and formalized by the organizations who define the language or its authorized usage, e.g., OMG and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), respectively. Developers and software companies can use the published standard controlling grammar for checking inconsistencies and ensuring guidelines in their models. In contrast, if every user write their own checking algorithms and codes, e.g., in OCL or other expressions, the codes will be hard to be reused by other users who have different models to check. Thus the total cost of all the users may be higher. 9.2.6 Related Work Most related work on checking consistency of UML uses specific semantics of UML models. Therefore, they have the flavor of model checking, e.g., Egyed’s UML/Analyzer [45, 46, 47] and OCL (Object Constraint Language) [106, 27]. At first, developers design UML diagrams as a model. Then, the consistency rules are specified as OCL or similar expressions. Certain algorithms are executed to detect counterexamples that violate the rules. There are several drawbacks of the existing approaches. First, these techniques use model-level constraints to express both model-level and language-level rules. Since they use specific semantics of UML models, these tools can only be used for UML, but not other MOF-based languages. Second, OCL can only specify constraints on classes and types in the class model. This means, it cannot be used to analyze other types of diagrams. Third, due to the complexity of the semantics of UML, existing tools only implement part of the consistency rules. In particular, few UML tools have implemented the feature of checking OCL expressions. Unlike these techniques, our approach takes another way. At first, we specify the grammar G of the language, which defines how the grammar can derive a model. This step has been done by the XMI specification. Then the rules on the use of language are modeled as a controlling grammar Ĝ, which defines what a language is authorized to derive. Finally, the two grammars constitute a global system satisfying the rules. Therefore, any derivation of the global system is a correct and consistent use of the language. In particular, our work differs from traditional techniques in the following aspects: 158 Chapter 9. Applications of the Model Monitoring Approach 1. Our work and traditional techniques express language-level and model-level constraints, respectively. Language-level constraints are more efficient, because they implicitly have reusability. That is, we only need to develop one language-level constraint and apply it to all the models in the language. However, if using traditional techniques, we need to replicate model-level constraints for each model. 2. Our work and traditional techniques use syntax-based and semantics-based approaches (or static and dynamic analysis), respectively. Therefore, our approach is generic and metamodel-independent, and concerns little about semantics. There are two merits. First, we can use the same implementation method to ensure various constraints. Second, it can be applied to all MOF-compliant languages, not only UML. However, traditional techniques depend on the semantics of a language, thus specific algorithm should be developed for each constraint and each metamodel. 3. Our work and traditional techniques catch errors at compile-time and runtime, respectively. Indeed, our approach implements the membership checking of context-free languages. That is, it searches in a limited space defined by the model. However, traditional techniques, like model checking, may search in a larger, even intractable space generated by the execution of the model. As a result, people have to limit the state space of computation, and introduce the coverage problem. 9.2.7 Conclusion In this section, we provided a language-theoretic view on guidelines and consistency rules of UML, and proposed to use LGC systems for ensuring the rules. The rules are considered as controlling grammars which control the use of modeling languages. This approach is a generic, metamodel-independent, syntax-based technique that checks language-level constraints at compile-time. It can be also applied to other MOF-compliant languages, not only UML, since it does not depend on the specific semantics of UML. One important future work is to develop a tool that implements the proposed approach. Then empirical data could be collected to show the merits and limitations, and compare the benefits and costs of the approach. Chapter 10 Conclusion In this chapter, we conclude this thesis by summarizing contributions and future work. 10.1 Contribution This thesis contributes to the study of reliability and safety of computer and software systems, which are modeled as discrete event systems. The major contributions include the theory of Control Systems (C Systems) and the model monitoring approach. In the first part of the thesis, we studied the theory of C systems which combines and significantly extends regulated rewriting in formal languages theory and supervisory control. The family of C systems is shown in Fig. 10.1. The C system is a generic framework, and contains two components: the controlled component and the controlling component that restricts the behavior of the controlled component. The two components are expressed using the same formalism, e.g., automata or grammars. The controlled component expresses a language L on inputs and outputs. Whereas the controlling component, also called a controller, expresses a controlling language restricting the use of L without changing L itself. We consider various classes of control systems based on different formalisms, for example, automaton control systems, grammar control systems, and their infinite versions and concurrent variants. In particular, we may classify C Systems as two categories, namely C Systems and ω-C Systems, according to the length of accepted strings, i.e., finite words and infinite ω-words, respectively. The C System on finite words is used for modeling and controlling systems with finite length behaviors. It includes three classes, namely Grammar Control Systems (GC Systems), Leftmost-derivation-based Grammar Control Systems (LGC Systems) and Automaton Control Systems (AC Systems). The ω-C System on ω-words is used for modeling and controlling nonstop systems that generate ω-words. It includes also three major classes, namely ω-Grammar Control Systems (ω-GC Systems), Leftmost-derivation-based ω-Grammar Control Systems (ωLGC Systems) and ω-Automaton Control Systems (ω-AC Systems). We further discussed the Büchi Automaton Control System (BAC System) which is a special case of the ω-AC System. The BAC system can provide transition-level supervisory control on ω-words. The Alphabet-level BAC System (A-BAC System) is a restricted case that can only provide alphabet-level supervisory control. Some concurrent variants of the BAC system were also presented, such as the In159 160 Chapter 10. Conclusion C systems C systems on finite words GC systems LGC systems AC systems C systems on ω-words ω-GC systems ω-LGC systems ω-AC systems BAC systems A-BAC systems IO-AC systems IN-AC systems AC-BAC systems (discussed applications) (modeling systems with finite length behaviors) (guidelines and consistency rules of UML) (transition-level supervisory control on finite words) (modeling nonstop systems) (theoretical foundation of safety-related systems) (transition-level supervisory control on ω-words) (alphabet-level supervisory control on ω-words) (modeling concurrent systems - broadcasting comm.) (modeling concurrent systems - rendezvous comm.) (nevertrace claims for model checking) Figure 10.1: The Family of C Systems put/Output Automaton Control System (IO-AC System), the Interface Automaton Control System (IN-AC System) and the Asynchronous-Composition Büchi Automaton Control System (AC-BAC System). The concurrent variants are used for modeling and controlling concurrent systems that consist of several components with various types of communication, e.g., broadcasting and rendezvous communications. We studied the generative power of various classes of control systems. Note that the proofs of generative power provide also the techniques for constructing meta-compositions, which are useful for the verification and implementation of the global system. After that, an application of the theory was presented. The AC-BAC system is used to model and check correctness properties on execution traces specified by nevertrace claims. We showed that the nevertrace claim and its checking problem are feasible in practice. In the second part of the thesis, we investigated the model monitoring approach whose theoretical foundation is the theory of control systems. The key principle of the approach is “property specifications as controllers”. In other words, the functional requirements and property specification of a system are separately modeled and implemented, and the latter one controls the behavior of the former one. The model monitoring approach contains two alternative techniques, namely model monitoring and model generating. The approach can be applied in several ways to improve reliability and safety of various classes of systems. We presented some typical applications to show its strong power. First, the model monitoring approach provides better support for the change and evolution of property specifications. We showed that it can fill the gap between the change and the traditional development process using model checking. Second, the (ω-)AC System provides the theoretical foundation of safety-related systems in the standard IEC 61508 for ensuring the functional validity. We also showed that checking functional validity is essentially checking an (ω-)AC system. Third, the LGC system is used to formalize and check guidelines and consistency rules of UML. The rules are considered as controlling grammars which control the use of modeling languages. This approach is a generic, metamodel-independent, syntax-based technique that checks language-level constraints at compile-time. It can be also applied to 10.2. Future Work 161 other MOF-compliant languages, not only UML, since it does not depend on the specific semantics of UML. These results lay out the foundations for further study of more advanced control mechanisms, and provide a new way for ensuring reliability and safety. 10.2 Future Work Numerous interesting and promising directions could be considered in the future, in order to develop a more mature theory or explore other possible applications. In the theory aspect, we need to further investigate the theoretical properties of C systems. For example, the precise generative powers of some classes of C systems are still unknown. Another problem is to characterize the monitorability, i.e., characterization of the class of monitorable properties. This is important for deciding whether a given property is monitorable and whether it can be ensured via the model monitoring approach. In the application aspect, we may extensively explore other possible applications of the approach, which may in turn contribute to the further development of the approach and the underlining theory. We may also develop tools to implement the discussed approaches and techniques which are theoretically proved feasible. Then empirical data could be collected to show the merits and limitations, and to compare the benefits and costs of the approach. For instance, it is interesting to implement the nevertrace claim. Then empirical data could be collected to show whether and how much the nevertrace claim can reduce the state space and decrease checking time in practice, comparing with checking the same properties specified by existing constructs in SPIN. The similar research can also be done for formalizing and checking guidelines and consistency rules of UML. We may try to apply the model monitoring approach to more complex industrial systems, and obtain empirical results. The results may provide new directions for theoretical research as well as valuable experiences for other applications. Bibliography [1] Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman. 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Index C systems ω-AC systems, 74 ω-GC systems, 63 ω-LGC systems, 70 A-BAC systems, 87 AC systems, 29 AC-BAC systems, 109 BAC systems, 84 GC systems, 24 IN-AC systems, 96 IO-AC systems, 91 LGC systems, 26 consistency rules, 147 functional validity, 131 guidelines, 147 IEC 61508, 129 model generating, 120 model monitoring, 120 nevertrace claim, 106 Promela, 99, 132 safety-related systems, SRS, 130 SPIN, 99, 132 the model monitoring approach, 121 unified modeling language, UML, 143 173 Publications 1. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. Towards better support for the evolution of safety requirements via the model monitoring approach. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), pages 219–222. ACM, 2010. 2. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. Nevertrace claims for model checking. In Proceedings of the 17th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2010. To appear. 3. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. Separating functional and dependability requirements of embedded systems. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2010). IEEE Computer Society, 2010. To appear. 4. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. System safety requirements as control structures. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2009), pages 324–331. IEEE Computer Society, 2009. 5. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. A language-theoretic view on guidelines and consistency rules of UML. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA 2009), volume 5562 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 66–81. Springer, 2009. 6. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. Formalizing safety requirements using controlling automata. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Dependability (DEPEND 2009), pages 81–86. IEEE Computer Society, 2009. 7. Zhe Chen and Gilles Motet. Modeling system safety requirements using input/output constraint meta-automata. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2009), pages 228–233. IEEE Computer Society, 2009. 175