2013 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report www.ourtruecolors.org 30 Arbor Street, Suite 201A Hartford, CT 06106 www.ourTrueColors.org Send a check to True Colors: 30 Arbor St, Suite 201A, Hartford, CT 06106 an entire year Attend our fundraisers Gives youth the skills to advocate for themselves with a six week, on-site training for their whole GSA Use your credit card on our website at www.ourtruecolors.org Make a legacy gift as part of your will, estate or financial plan Set up a monthly gift at: www.globalgiving.org/projects/ lgbtyouthadvocacy Sponsor a track, room or set of workshops YOUR Dollars make a Difference! $1,250 Supports a mentor/mentee match for $ 850 $ 500 Helps us provide pro bono gender training for elementary schools with transitioning children $ 250 Provides a memorable mentoring activity for youth and their mentors $ 125 Hosts a GSA Summit for 40—60 students and faculty advisors $ 75 Allows a youth to attend our two day annual conference for free $ 50 Hosts a community conversation on topics like Bullying, Sexuality and the Bible, Stereotyping; Gender, etc. $ 35 Holiday gift card for a youth in the “system” — sometimes the only gift they receive Donate stocks or shares (call us for info) The more YOU can give, the more WE can do! Save the Dates!! Friday Activity Nights: Every Friday beginning in September from 6:30—8:00 PM (open to people of all ages, genders and orientations) First Thursday of every month: True Colors Open House from 6:00—7:30 PM (Drop in for snacks, conversation and to learn more about volunteering) True Colors 22: When Pink and Blue are Not Enough, March 20 & 21, 2015 11th Annual Chocolate & Cheesecake for a Cause: April 17, 2015 REVENUE THANK YOU! 2013 2012 State and Federal Grants $153,461 $157,397 Private foundations $105,572 $125,337 Individual Contributions $100,293 $57, 147 Fee Based Services $125,889 $119,980 Fundraising Events (net) $15,255 $5,011 Interest Income $129 $142 Total Income $500,599 $465,014 2013 2012 Salaries $209,775 $200,464 Benefits and Taxes $51,248 $49,056 Programs $222,593 $214,986 Technology $18,335 $10,946 Strategic Planning/Board Dev. $2,148 $ 0.00 Indirect Costs $7,583 $7,105 $511,682 $482,557 2013 2012 Net Assets at Beginning of Year $237,877 $255,420 Net Assets at End of Year $226,794 $237,877 Increase/Decrease in Net Assets ($11,083) ($17,543) EXPENSES Total Expenses ASSETS Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Grants Receivable Prepaid Expenses Equipment Security Deposit Total Current Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts Payable Accrued Wages Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Assets December 31, 2012 $214,764 $ 20,814 $ 6,453 $ 9,521 $ 3,500 $255,052 $233,982 $ 11,213 $ 13,287 $ 3,988 $ 4,500 $266,970 $ 2,006 $ 26,252 $ 28,258 $ 13,821 $ 15,272 $ 27,679 $216,794 $ $ 10,000 $255,052 $227,877 $ $ 10,000 $237,877 We are so grateful to our donors, funders and volunteers. There is no way we could do what we do without YOU. Almost half of our budget (48%) comes from community members supporting our services, activities and our requests for financial support. How much more money would we need if it wasn’t for our volunteers? Imagine: Volunteers contribute almost 13,000 hours every year! Wow. Just wow. Notes on our Financial Position True Colors made substantial progress on our strategic goals of diversifying our funding streams; growing our individual donor base and decreasing our financial dependence on private foundations. Individual donor revenue was up 90% over 2012 . Fee based services (training, conference, etc.) was also higher ,as was the income from our fundraising events. As expected in a difficult economic environment our grants (both public and private) were down slightly. Technology expenses were higher in 2013 because we migrated our server to the cloud and updated old computer technology. $5,000+ Michael Bombara & Alejandro Arce Cerda Barbara Curry James Eckerle Imperial Sovereign Court of All Connecticut Samuel Roskin Trust $4,999—$1,000 David Brennan Audrey Conrad Claire's Corner Copia, Inc. Patricia Dabkowski Michael Figulski Elena Gervino Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Fund H. Tollie Miller John Hodson Marchelle Houston Dr. Nancy Humphreys David Knapp Joan Lawrence Joy Lawrence & Debbie Freed Anne Stanback & Charlotte Kinlock Jon &Allison Stockel Sandra Williams The Ally Coalition, Inc. United Church on the Green Unitarian Society of Hartford Arthur Webster $999—$499 Dr. Richard G. and Mary Cable Sandra Cadogan-Beebe Robert Brex Raymond Clarke, Jr. Cooperative Systems Susan Holmes & Magdalena Reyna Lynn Goldfarb Evan Fowler-Guzzardo Wayne Roberts, Premier Limousine Mary Roche Shalom United Church of Christ Unitarian Universalist Society: East Yale University LGBTQ Affinity Group $499—$100 Crystal & Amy Adamo Patricia Anderson & Deborah Walker Marie Baker Joann Barry-Dutro Rebecca & Penny Barton-Zuckerman Alice & John Bauer Lawrence Baxter David & Kristen Bechtel Eileen Becker-Dunn, LCSW Lisa Berlinger Raeleen Brown-McMillian Marguerite Bowes Mary Ellen Buta Janier Caban-Hernandez Dawn & Fred Carey Stephen & Sharon Conway Deborah Cauley Barbara Claire Congregational Church of South Glastonbury Terry Corsaro Gary Danforth Adam Daniels, Connecticut Valley Orthodontics, PC Ann-Marie DeGraffenreidt Karen DeMeola Daniel DiMugno Gina DiPietrantonio John Donohue, Arbella Insurance Group Linda Doran, A.P.R.N., C.S. Kimberly Dugan, Ph.D. Sharron Emmons Nicole Eschelbacher & Jill Austin Federman, Lally & Remis LLC Tony Ferraiolo First Church in Windsor Frankenstein Medical School Carolyn & Leslie Gabel-Brett Francis Gagliardi Janet Gonzalez Becky &John Glezen James Govoni Raymond & Judith Grasso Lowell Gross & Brianna Gross David Harpin, Hopkins School Jack Heil & Gayle Capozzalo Heil Linda Heller Priscilla Herrington John Emery Istvan Chris Jackson Kian Jacobs Jacqueline Jones Bradley Kadelbach Joseph & Deborah Kess Anastasia Kimball Mark Lacedonia Catherine LaForza Jean & Richard Lavecchia Michele Lenz-Richards Carol Malenfant Lindsay Marcin Adrienne Marie Nila & Joseph Marrone Robin Maycock Marlo McGriff Ann McIntyre-Lahner Coelynn McIntosh Robert McWilliam, MD Kristen Melesky Nancy Moore Roseann Muro Joleen Nevers Christine O’Leary Sarah Person Marina Pomales Norberto Ramirez Ellen Retelle William Reyor Jennifer S. Robohm Marie Michael-Rogers & GSAFE at Manchester High School Peter & Pamela Rosa Joan Russoniello Goba & Bill Goba Northeast Ursamen, Inc. PRIDE at Manchester Community College Tom Pozzo, Bearingstar Insurance Nicole Sabel Paul Shaker Conrad Sienkiewicz Phil Smith $499—$100, cont. Richard Stillson, Ph.D. Daniel Sullivan & Robert Biddleman Rae Tattenbaum, Inner Act Kathryn Tierney CAis Yee and Tuan Tran Jason Ward Runa Wassermann Michael Weaver David Weill Barbara & Wolf Vogel $99—$10 Jennie & Melvin Aden Tammy Aiello George Akerley Sarahi Almonte Eugene & Brenda Anastasio Patty Antoniac Robin Baslaw Robert Belliveau Sandra B. Billings, Ph.D. Evan Boorstyn Carol A. Bozena & Darlene Dunbar John Boiano Langford Byron Jim Adams & Sylvia Ounpuu Patricia Calvo Alberto Cifuentes Anne & Alan Clarke Katie Daly Daigle Elizabeth D'Amico Ann & John Dandonoli Kathleen Dargan Lori Davidson Carol Dodge Davis Barbara Dennis Mary Dewald Gerald Dillenbeck Elizabeth Doll Adrienne Doughty John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency, Inc. Regina Dyton Mary-Jane Eisen &Robert Yass Alida Engel Shane Engstrom Juan Estevez Sandra Falconer & Suzanne Theden Edwin Feraco Michael Fiorello Jean Fiorito Susan Fisher Israel Flores Mary Alice Frankenberger Friends of Rosa DeLauro Ann Gabriel Lisa Gabrielle Nancy Garden & Sandra Scott Justin Goldbach Richard Goldman Kristen Gordon William & Louisa Graver Kim Guzalak Linda Halliday Judy Hartling Paul John Hartung Denise Haughn Elizabeth Heelan Sue Hessel Richard & Deborah Hewey Kian Jacobs Viktor Jakab Christopher David Johnson Joyashree Karim Sarah Karstaedt & Bruce Hockaday Deborah Kelleher Ann Kilcommons James Klopfer David Lacoss Cara Lawrence Jeffrey Lentz Joan Letendre Barbara & Robin Levine-Ritterman Lorraine Libby Amy Lopez Nancy & Joseph Madar Jill Maddison-Sands Cindy & Stephen Maher Joe Mannetti Cyprian Martin Robin & Holly McHaelen Patrick McKenna Laura Minor Julio Morales, Jr. Ebony Murphy Trisha Nealy Robyn Ochs Reinaldo Oquendo Judi Orlando Mahan &Daniel Mahan Jane Osborn & Carol Marion Jeanette & Doug Owens David Palmer Josh Pawelek Marsha Philitas Stacey Pitcher Sokunthair Prak Robert Price & Douglas Zywiczynski Gretchen Raffa Rita Redican Wilfredo Resto Cacina Reynolds Christopher Ritton Katherine Rivera Kim Robles, Movimiento! Christine Rogers Rocky Hill Congregational Church Debra & Rich Rostowsky Virginia &Leo Santos Laura Saunders Edward & Edith Savage Gerri Senechal Elizabeth Sequenzia Michael Snyder & Elizabeth Zelek Peter Schweizer Mike Smith & William Ravenscroft Curt Talbot Liz Tedeschi James Tickey The Daniel Trust Foundation, Inc. Brett Thompson Jacqueline Thurston Dean Tomarat Jody Usher Rynep VanEldik Diane Verrochi Jenny Vesco Francene Weingast Marilyn Yohe Lawrence Zankel Scenes from True Colors’ 20th Anniversary Conference True Colors’ Values in Action “Our relationship with the Samuel Roskin Trust began with a production of Zanna Don’t in 2011,” said True Colors’ Executive Director, Robin McHaelen. True Colors was partnering on a homophobia reduction project with Leadership Greater Hartford that would present the ground-breaking musical, Zanna Don’t, at Hartford Public High School. The team turned to donor-advised funds at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for support. The Samuel Roskin Trust is one of 135 donor-advised funds at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. At the suggestion of Foundation staff, Joel Roskin (Samuel’s son) considered True Colors’ request to support Zanna Don’t. Mr. Roskin is inclined to recommend grants toward projects that support older adults, food, health care, transportation, Jewish causes and LGBT issues. The play, Zanna Don’t turns existing paradigms upside down – gay is cool; straight, not so much; chess club is in; football players are out – and by doing so exposes the absurdity of orientation and gender-based biases. It caused an international stir. It also resulted in the strengthening of Hartford High School’s Gay/Straight Alliance and the powerful support of both the high school administrators and Hartford schools superintendent. That wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Samuel Roskin Trust. The success of the Zanna Don’t project inspired Mr. Roskin to support True Colors again in 2012 and 2013. “We are so grateful to Joel Roskin and to the Samuel Roskin Trust,” Robin said. “Joel’s faith in our work on behalf of LGBT youth is a blessing that we never take for granted.” The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, established in 1925, is the community foundation for 29 communities in the Hartford region. It is dedicated to putting philanthropy into action to create lasting solutions that result in vibrant communities within the Greater Hartford region. It receives gifts from generous individuals, families and organizations, and in 2013 awarded grants of more than $29 million to a broad range of area nonprofits. For more information, visit www.hfpg.org or call 860-548-1888. In 2006, community activist and long-time donor, Tollie Miller made a substantial gift to True Colors. During a recent interview, she explained the motivation behind her donation. “I have always been interested in organizations that reflect both my personal and political passions. My work, including my philanthropy, has been focused broadly on social justice and civil rights, including LGBT rights. As a lesbian, the work that True Colors does has always felt very personal to me. It became even more personal at the True Colors conference back in 2006. I brought my niece who was in the process of questioning her sexuality. The opening address was amazing. Robin radiates such joyfulness and welcome! Later that day, I met up with my niece in the resource area and asked her how it was going. She said, ‘I came in questioning and now I KNOW. I AM a lesbian. I feel so at home here.!’ I was deeply touched by that, especially since I know her family’s very supportive. Later at the close, I was thinking about Robin and the difference she made for my niece and other youth like her. I have always admired the gentle, deeply inclusive, and consistent way in which she does this work. I wanted in that moment, to make a difference for her and True Colors. So, I began to explore how a significant donation might help me do that.” “Tollie’s donation has made such a difference,” said True Colors’ Executive Director, Robin McHaelen. “It came at a time when we were challenged financially. It was such a huge relief to me and our board. It gave us a sense of stability and freed me up to concentrate on our programs. In addition, our financial stability has made us attractive to other funders since. It truly has made a difference for me personally and to the organization. And, just as importantly, Tollie’s personal faith in me and True Colors means the absolute world to me….” Foundations Bank of America Foundation Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Fund Elwyn V. & Elsie H Harp Family Foundation* Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Perrin Family Foundation Samuel Roskin Trust * The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven The Daniel Trust Foundation United Way of Central and Northeastern CT *At the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Corporate Sponsors Adesso Salon Aetna, Inc. Arbella Insturance Group Art Spot Bank of America Foundation Bearingstar Broad Brook Opera House & Main Street Grill Claire’s Corner Copia, New Haven Colors Art Space Connecticut Science Center Connecticut Valley Orthodontics Cooperative Systems, Inc. Custom Eyes & Parlux Fragrances Equal at Frito Lay Essex Steam Train and Riverboat Federman, Lally & Remis LLC John Driscoll United Labor Agency, Inc. Hartford Advocate Hartford Stage Koji Lavender Fields Day Spa Lovecraft Tatto0 Mark Twain House Minh Han, MD Mohegan Sun Pond House Grill ProHealth Physicians Pratt and Whitney TD Bank Travelers Venture Photography Organizations/Agencies CT Association of Affirmative Action Professionals CT Department of Children and Families CT Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services CT Gay Men’s Chorus CT Roller Girls First Church in Windsor Frankenstein Medical School Friends of Rosa De Lauro GLSEN, CT Greater CT Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce GSAFE at Manchester High School Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective Inner Act Imperial Sovereign Court of All CT Latino Community Services, Project STEP Media Services Collective Movimiento NEAG School of Education NOH8 Campaign PFLAG, Hartford Premier Limousine Pride at Manchester Community College Radio 104.1 Real Art Ways Ridgefield Playhouse Riverfront Family Church Rocky Hill Congregational Church Shalom United Church of Christ Stonewall Speakers Association The Ally Coalition, Inc. The Congregational Church of S. Glastonbury The Northeast Ursamen, Inc. Triangle Community Center, Inc. UCONN UCONN African American, Asian American and Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Centers UCONN, NEAG School of Education UCONN, Rainbow Center UCONN, School of Law United Church on the Green, New Haven Unitarian Society of Hartford Unitarian Universalist Society: East Yale University LGBTQ Affinity Group There are so many NEW opportunities for you to make a difference! Contact Amber at 860.232.0050, x 305 [email protected] for more info or an application True Colors Board of Directors Jacqueline Boudinot Rich Brady (2013) Gayle Capozzalo (2013) Nick D’Agostino (President) James Eckerle Elena Gervino Allana Govoni Carter Jackson Nina Simone Lawrence (2013) Christine O’Leary (2013) Marlo McGriff (President, 2013) Mark Pappalardo (Secretary) Nicole Sabel (2013) Tonia Stubbs Brian Tessier Jimmy Tickey (Vice President) Tyrone Walker (Treasurer) True Colors Staff Robin McHaelen (Executive Director) Lea Dantz (Office Administrator) Amber Zinni (Volunteer Coordinator) Kamora Herrington (Mentoring Program Director) Paul Grabowski (Youth Activities Coordinator) Patrick McKenna (2013)/Ju Lin (2014) Public Ally True Colors Interns Allison Annuli, Emily Mednick , Jennifer Paradis, Marisa Sobanski, Tessa Ridel, Ryan White Roseann Muro has been a conference volunteer & coordinator for 21 years! “I suffered growing up LGBT. I know what it feels like to be bullied... There was no one or nothing to tell me it would be ok...or that I was ok. When I heard about Children from the Shadows, (sic back in 1993) I was thrilled. I was already an adult and knew that this was a way to help kids from going through the pain that I had experienced. By volunteering with the group, I could be an active part of introducing kids to a safer, more accepting and loving community. The reason I continue to volunteer is that every year I can see the change in the LGBT community. Most of it for the better. And I can see what still needs to be worked on to make us stronger and safer. I want to leave this world knowing that I didn't just watch and say what could I have done...I actually did something! “ “I enjoy mentoring because it is an opportunity to think from a different perspective and make a positive impact on the lives of youth. I joined ANGLE, the LGBT Employee Resource Group at Aetna, where I am the Director of Human Resource Analytics, in part to help connect Aetna to the great work that True Colors does. Aetna has sponsored a number of True Colors events.” Evan has been going beyond the call as a True Colors group mentor for more than 3 years. The youth love him and so do we! “We chose to collaborate with True Colors, because of its impeccable reputation of service to the LGBTQ Population.” Project STEP , a program of Latino Community Services, provides men who have sex with men (MSM) with a full year of comprehensive and culturally-sensitive services. “I watched my youth be consumed by shame and guilt... I wanted to do whatever I could to keep any other kid from suffering the same pain and indignation.... “ Barbara Curry, our diva of entertainment has donated literally thousands of dollars of both materials and expertise to True Colors over the last 16 years. “Why True Colors? It’s an organization that puts the safety and well-being of all LGBT youth first, especially LGBT youth of color. In addition, the staff and leadership really value diversity and appreciate individual difference as a core value.” Tyrone Walker, started with True Colors as a mentor in 2005 and is now serving his second term as a True Colors Board member where he holds the office of Treasurer. Youth Leadership Programs Program Summary Regional Gay Straight Alliance Summits On site help in starting or maintaining your school’s Gay/Straight Alliance Six Week Summer Queer Academy Mentoring Program One-on-one & group mentoring for 60+ LGBT youth between 14 & 22 in out-of-home care Provides social, recreational, and educational activities for matched and unmatched youth Offers on-going mentor training and development Creates a lifelong connection for youth Is a great opportunity for adults to give back Youth-led Social Change Initiative Weekly social and recreational activities Safe Harbor Project A public/private partnership with the Department of Children and Families . Programming includes a monthly policy task force; foster parent recruitment for teens of all orientations and genders; staff and provider training; case consultations, and direct advocacy with individual youth and families Annual Conference Professional Training True Colors provides cultural competency and values clarification training to more than 2,400 educators, social workers, clinicians, group home, detention and residential treatment facility staff in Connecticut and nationally. Our curriculum is nationally recognized for its ability to change hearts and minds—and improve the quality of life for LGBT youth at home, in school, and in out-of-home care settings. The largest LGBTQ youth conference in the country with more than 3,000 attendees from CT, the Northeast and across the country. Hundreds of workshops and activities to choose from in 6 different tracks: Professional (educators, clinicians) Youth Only College Only Spiritual Institute Parents and Caregivers General