
Letter of the Chairman and C.E.O.
2016 opens under a cloud of social, political, economic, financial
instability and uncertainty. After many years of financial crisis that
has expanded its influence with different impacts worldwide, the
war that touches many Middle East Areas and the migration flows
that disrupt the social reality of many European Countries, cause
new tensions and negatively affect consumption and investments.
We must also see that the war on oil prices, the drop in demand of
raw materials and the economic slowdown of China, Brazil, Russia,
add depressive elements to the development of international trade.
This scenario makes all investment decisions more problematic and
also affects the two economic sectors in which the Companies of
our Group operate: the ‘packaging printing and converting’ and the
‘magazine, catalogue, newspaper and book printing’. Two realities
that have suffered very different impacts due to the globalization of
economies, lifestyles, migratory phenomena and new technologies.
Both realities are developing and changing rapidly in different ways,
which necessarily influence our strategies.
The packaging world continues to grow; although in many countries
consumer spending does not have a positive trend, packaging remains
a fundamental tool to present and sell products on the market, together
with their preservation and transportation from one country to another.
At the same time, a new trend is gaining more ground in the food
market: the trend of smaller formats, started in the United States, where
reducing calories intake is considered very important. The demand
for smaller products and consequently smaller packaging (classic
examples are the Coke ‘small cans’ and the Magnum ice cream ‘mini
double’) is also emerging in Western countries and involving a wider
range of products: drinks, snacks, chocolates, cookies, preserves
and cold meats. All presented in a colorful, sophisticated package,
with multiple layers of laminated film, foil and paper.
Printed newspapers, magazines, catalogues and books were
negatively affected by the rapid growth of the web, more and more
used as a communication and commercial tool. In this sector,
technology has truly transformed everyone’s life and accelerated
even further the world globalization and real time information of
every new event.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Despite the above, even if paper seems to be on the eve of an
irreversible decline, an international market analysis of the book
sector found that paper books sold during 2015 in the USA alone,
have increased from 559,000 to 571,000 copies whilst the digital
book market fell approximately 20-22%. In this specific sector, the
much-announced overtake of the web over paper, expected in
2015, was in fact not confirmed, but actually subverted. Today, the
confirmed statistical percentage of Americans who use e-readers has
been reduced by half, while Amazon has opened a traditional book
store in Seattle that will become a franchise. Maybe we should ask
ourselves if this trend will touch other print media in the coming years?
With these scenarios in mind, our Group began 2016 with a clear
strategy and better prospective.
Since the previous Drupa, the last 4 years have not been easy for our
Group. The collapse of the demand for newspapers, catalogues and
magazine printing equipment (Cerutti, for many years and still today, is
the only Company in the world producing gravure printing equipment
for magazines and catalogues) has substantially influenced the life
of our Group, forcing us to face a very challenging industrial and
financial restructuring. It has been a tough path, but we achieved our
goal: a complete “turn around”. Equipment for packaging printing and
converting now amounts to more than 90% of our Group turnover.
Under such conditions, our strategy has also changed; focusing
on research and expansion of products related to ‘specialties’ with
higher added value and growth potential (such as security printing,
tipping paper and transfer paper for the fashion industry) and on
converting, which follows the printing operation for every gravure,
flexo or digital technology.
Our 2015 and current 2016 sales show that the market has confidence
in the ability of our Group to again be a leader among the manufacturers
of gravure printing for packaging - as it has always been in the past.
Drupa and K 2016 have always been important in assessing the
technical and market trends occurring in particular historical moments.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
However, there are not only difficulties and uncertainties in the
development outlook of many countries, but also some positive notes.
The presence of Africa in the market and the important agreement
between the United States, the EU and Iran will bring new opportunities
for industrial investments in the printing industry.
In-line with the strategy described above, our Group will present
at Drupa and then at ‘K’ our innovations and technical proposals
developed in the past 18 months.
Indeed, we will display printing and converting equipment which are
the exemplification of the motto chosen for these two important events:
The word “ALWAYS” embodies our history. Since the beginning and
for almost a century, we have served the market with the spirit of a
Company that identifies itself with the Family who founded and still
manages it today.
We manufacture heavy duty equipment which is built to last, and
the market recognizes it. We are innovators in applied solutions
and our technical proposals have anticipated the trends and needs
of our customers.
We believe that each customer may have particular needs for
their strategy; each one is constantly searching for a competitive
advantage in the broad way of printing and converting and needs to
find a supplier who can support him with custom-made solutions.
We highly regard the personal relationships formed with our
customers, knowing this is the key to develop stable and mutually
beneficial partnerships between us.
The passion that has lead us in developing our Company has crossed
our history and still guides our daily actions. We remain faithful to the
motto of our Founder, Giovanni Cerutti: “don’t be afraid to be brave”.
Dr. Giancarlo Cerutti
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The progress of a Company
over the course of a century
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The history of Cerutti is that of a Company born out of a small
workshop, which has grown into the international Group it is today.
Its history is strongly linked to that of Italy and to the international
economic system to which our Country belongs.
This section of our Annual Report is dedicated to some of the
stages of this story: the progress of Cerutti in a country launched
towards modernity, its entry in a booming international scene,
its answer to the phenomenon of globalisation with all the great
change it brings.
We would like to remember the protagonists of these stages:
Giovanni, Luigi and Tere Cerutti who - thanks to the important
contribution of all those at Cerutti who worked with dedication
and believed in them - created this Company that was able
to give Italy an example of world success and an important
contribution towards its growth.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Fortunato Depero
Treno partorito dal sole
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The 1920’s:
the heritage of the great war
The literary and artistic movement of Futurism offers a radical
renewal, in arts as in politics.
This renewal is considered an inevitable result of the strength
of an industrialization process that the Futurists embraced
with great passion.
This contemporary reality forcefully made its way onto the
canvases of the Futurists, with its cities growing fast and
furiously, bustling crowds, motor cars and trains that became
true symbols of the modern age.
For the first time industrial modernity became the subject
of works of art.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
In wartime new technologies are developed.
Charlie Chaplin, in his very famous film “Modern Times” is an icon
of industrial progress and the unstoppable effects of the machine
and industrialisation.
A second and analogue interpretation of 20th century modernity
is represented by the combination of war and technology: not as
much for the originality of the connection, which one can also find
in the cannons of the sixteenth-century or in the repeating rifles
used in the American civil war, as for its extent and propagation
typical of the 20th century: a century in which technology has
become the predominant force of economic and civil life.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Charlie Chaplin
“Modern times”
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The blacksmith’s workshop of Giuseppe Cerutti,
father of Giovanni, where the founder started his
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The workshop of Giuseppe Cerutti, father of Giovanni,
was the starting point of the founder’s enterprise.
It was back in 1920 when Giovanni Cerutti then thirty years old
returned to his hometown of Casale, after working in a factory
and then as an engineer in the city of Turin.
He served his first apprenticeship at his father’s workshop and
later decided to set up his own business, establishing his first
From Giovanni’s workshop came a range of products that were
very different and high-tech even for those times, above all in the
repairing of textile machines, but also in the production of other
types of machines, for example wood cutting machinery.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The 1940’s:
Italy rises from the war and faces
the challenge of reconstruction
The Second World War proved to be a dramatic experience for
the Country, causing extensive damages to the fabric of its cities
and industries. At the same time Italy was rejoicing its liberation,
it also had to reckon with urgent problems: three quarters of
its merchant fleet has been captured or sunk, an agricultural
production cut by half; two hundred thousand homeless people
in the cities of Turin and Milan and other cities such as Rome,
Bologna and Florence reduced to a heap of ruins; an almost
unusable railway network and a devastated industrial system.
Nevertheless, for Italy these times also became a challenge
and a great opportunity: the 1940’s became the years
of reconstruction.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The Italian Republic
was born on June 2nd, 1946.
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Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The first rotogravure press manufactured by Cerutti.
Immediately after the Second World War, with the few printing
works now under heaps of ruins, intuition lead Giovanni Cerutti
to decide that the repairing of textile machines was no longer
his future and he threw himself into a great new adventure:
rotogravure printing machines.
Giovanni Cerutti,
Officine Meccaniche G. Cerutti
Confident of his result obtained from repairing a machine damaged
by the war, in 1949 Giovanni Cerutti built his first rotogravure
printing press, supplied to Prasa of Warsaw, for printing PVC
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The Fiat 600: testimonial of Italian miracle.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The 1960’s:
a consumer society
After the revolution of the new means of transport and communication,
great changes also take place in food consumption:
the first packages of pasta and tinned food appeared in the
pantries of the Italians and demand increased for chocolates
and other types of industrially packed sweets.
All products need to be packed, to protect and preserve
them in a practical way.
Therefore, in this emerging consumer society packaging became
increasingly important, also to advertise the brand name and
to convince the customer to buy the product.
Goods, mass media and advertising are also qualified to enter
the art world.
The pop art painters focused their attention on common everyday life
and on the certain simplicity of the mass culture image. A famous
example is the “Campbell’s soup can” by Andy Warhol, 1968.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Luigi Cerutti had a great intuition: “The world will be packed”, that
spurred him, at the end of the 1960’s, to start the construction of
a new factory in Vercelli, mainly for the production of rotogravure
presses to print packaging materials. The enormous development in
the packaging of high consumption foodstuffs continues today,
confirming the validity of his gamble.
Packaging is an important element to sell consumer goods;
it is the first approach with the client.
In those years, Cerutti presses for packaging printing made
important steps in expanding the Company on the markets of
Northern Europe (above all in Sweden and Finland), in England,
France, The Netherlands, Germany and started the Company’s
progress even outside Europe, in the U.S.A., India and South Africa.
Luigi Cerutti signs
the agreement for the construction
of the new plant in Vercelli.
Work in progress
for the new Vercelli plant.
A rotogravure press
for packaging printing.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The 1980’s:
the fall of the Berlin wall
This unforgettable image still arouses emotions to this day: on
9th November 1989 thousands of people from Berlin scrambled
over the Berlin wall, which up until the previous day had been a
boundary dividing not only the actual capital of Germany in half,
but also the entire Europe.
That day marks the start of a peaceful revolution, one in which
also Pope Giovanni Paolo II played a leading role. The symbol
of victory is represented by the image of our dear Pope who,
on 22 June 1996, walked side by side with Chancellor Helmut
Khol through the Brandenburg Gate.
On that day Pope Giovanni Paolo II delivered a historic speech
to Berlin, during which he recalled the suffering caused by the
division of Germany and launched an appeal to the German
authorities, to the bishops, the people of Berlin and all Europeans
“Europe has been called upon to unite in freedom”.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The challenge set by Cerutti in the daily newspaper printing
sector during this decade is called flexographic technology.
The idea was born at the beginning of the 1980’s during a trip to
Turkey, a Country that at the time already had daily newspapers
with colour pages. During his speech, for the launch of this new
technology, at the convention held at Villa d’Este by Lake Como,
Dr. Giancarlo Cerutti said: “The whole world is coloured, the
world of nature and the one Walter Benjamin called the world
of reproducible techniques.
I am convinced that people expect to see a coloured newspaper”.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The idea launched at Villa d’Este makes headway, and Cerutti
proposes to the market its first flexographic press for newspaper
printing using water-based inks to give brilliance to the colours
applied on the paper.
In 1983, the first flexo press was used to print “Il Tirreno” and,
in May 1985, “Il Gazzettino di Venezia” was printed.
In 1983 Cerutti signs its
first newspaper.
Tere Cerutti at the inauguration
of the first Cerutti flexo press
for newspaper printing.
However, it was the night of the first printing of “La Repubblica”,
24th September 1985, that legitimised the turning point of this
new printing technology: Giancarlo Cerutti and Carlo Caracciolo
were the two protagonists.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The 2000’s:
the third millennium
November 2001: China joins the WTO - World Trade Organisation.
Its vigorous growth never ceases to amaze.
January 2002: The Euro entered into circulation replacing the
Italian lira and from that day onward, the new money became
part of daily life for all people living in Europe.
China opening up to the West and the increasing deregulation
and flexibility of trade promoted in Europe by the new currency
are just two of the important key aspects of the new millennium,
a situation that Westerners must address using a responsible
and far-sighted policy.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
In late Nineties, the Central Bank of Australia, in joint venture with
Securency International, decided to print the Country’s banknotes
on polymer plastic and, after many trials among several suppliers,
choose a Cerutti rotogravure press for the production process.
Since then, other Countries followed on its footsteps, like, for
instance, New Zeland, Canada, Mexico, Israel, Vietnam, Chile,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Romania, Singapore,
There is the general opinion that polymer plastic banknotes are
the future in the field of security printing: they have a longer life,
they are cleaner and more hygienic, more difficult to be damaged
and counterfeited. Also other players are due to enter this sector.
In August, 2014, Innovia Security and Cerutti Packaging Equipment
have reached an agreement for the supply of a new generation
Cerutti gravure press, 11 colour, model R98X, that will be used
in the preparation of Guardian® polymer banknote substrate which
will include the Bank of England’s £5 and £10 notes, due for release
in 2016 and 2017 respectively.
Today, 46 Countries all over the world are using polymer plastic
banknotes. Cerutti is the main supplier of polymer banknote
substrate preparation.
The new R98X press for
polymer banknote printing.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
In 2011, Cerutti decides to make a strong activity in the
Converting sector, continuing with its strategy of being more
and more a global supplier for the packaging material printers
and converters.
Cerutti Packaging Equipment product line includes now also
wax and hot-melt coating machines, solvent and solvent-less
laminating equipment - in line and off line - and unsupported
alufoil lacquering equipment.
A decision awarded by important orders, like, for instance, the
triplex laminating machine sold to Goglio Group and the lacquering
machine with three lacquering stations sold to Al Invest in Czech
The new converting lines designed
and manufactured by Cerutti.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
All you need is pack.
It often remains in obscurity, but the sector of packaging
is everywhere. It permeates the everyday life of all consumers.
It is an element of civilisation brought about by good international
development, which goes hand in hand with economic growth,
making for safer and healthier patterns of behaviour by those
who break free of poverty and enjoy wealthier conditions for the
first time. It is also a key feature of factory progress in the age of
the new globalisation, since machines to manufacture, print, and
finish packaging have such innovative drive that they can spread
innovations and technologies to several other industrial sectors.
Few people mention it, but the life of contemporary men and
women is marked by packaging. In its most diverse and versatile
guises, packaging shapes the habits and choices of all of us.
When you are at home in the morning, having breakfast with
your children, you take a pot of yogurt out of the fridge and slot
a capsule of your favourite coffee into the machine. And then, after
breakfast, you pop a probiotic tablet out of a plastic blister to help
improve the health of your stomach. Well, you don’t know it, but
it is packaging that is contributing to a good start of your day.
The pervasiveness of the sector is considerable, encompassing
food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, as well as toiletries and
hygiene products. All the seemingly most ordinary, smallest gestures
of people in our contemporary world are characterised by interaction
with packaging.
No one thinks about it, but packaging is a fundamental piece in a
mosaic made up of production (wrapping and packaging goods),
logistics (transporting the goods manufactured and packaged by
factories to shops and supermarkets), and marketing (satisfying
the needs of consumers through an aesthetic and visual packaging
formula increasingly geared towards personalisation). This central
role – in both manufacturing and consumption of goods – is not
limited to the Western world, since packaging follows the routes of
global economic expansion. According to international statistics
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
quoted in a report by the Italian Institute of Packaging, “Imballaggio
in cifre 2015”, in 2014 the value of worldwide packaging production
was equal to 551 billion Euros. In 2010, the same figure had been
443 billion Euros, which means that over a period of four years –
the toughest four years after the start of the economic downturn in
2008 – the turnover of the sector rose by 25 per cent. In particular,
Asia now holds the largest market share, corresponding to 31.5 per
cent. In 2014, Western Europe and the US had a worldwide market
share equal to 22.5% and 26.5% respectively. In 2010, the market
share of Asia was already large, at 27%, whereas Western Europe
had a 27.5% share and North America had a 26.5% share. Then,
Asia – with its huge cities and new markets and consumers – is
the latest frontier of the global economy and, hence, of packaging.
And yet, the same is happening in Africa and South America.
As industrialisation grows and consumption levels increase in both
quantity and quality, packaging becomes ever more widespread.
The children of Malacca, in Malaysia, drink packaged fresh milk,
one of the main factors of food safety in countries emerging from
poverty. Argentinean doctors open sealed boxes of medications to
treat the elderly in the barrios of Buenos Aires. Businessmen of the
new bourgeoisie from Lagos in Nigeria take menthol cigarettes out
of their boxes. In the gradual establishment of everyday behaviours
and in the definition of economic balances, globally characterised
by the tendency to grow and conform to Western standards,
packaging – with its multifaceted nature – is ever present.
Hardly anyone suspects it, but factories around the world are
heavily affected by the technologies developed in the field of
packaging and related sectors. Indeed, packaging and printing
machines constantly provide new technologies and innovations
which are then transferred to a variety of sectors, such as
the automotive industry, construction, interior design, and
even finance. The objective is to ensure toughness, elasticity,
durability, and reliability. A good example is the technique of
overlaying several sheets of a given material and then printing
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
on it. The automotive industry is one of the sectors which have
mostly benefited from this process: car dashboards and certain
interior plastic parts are manufactured precisely in this way.
Over the last twenty years, the furniture and interior design sectors
have been deeply changed by the invention of artificial ceramics
and tiles, manufactured with new production methods – by
overlaying films and resins – and guaranteeing greater efficiency
compared to conventional products. The latest revolution is the
introduction of plastic banknotes, which have the advantage of
being much sturdier and much more difficult to be counterfeited
than the traditional ones with watermark. The key is how the base
of the banknotes is prepared. A polypropylene film is provided
with an anti-counterfeiting window, characterised by holograms
and three-dimensional features, which make the banknotes difficult
– very difficult – for forgers to counterfeit. This technique has
pushed the technological frontier further and further and has now
come full circle, since the radical innovation developed for central
banks – full of three-dimensional logos and holograms – can in
turn be applied to packaging in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic
sectors and even to snacks. In fact, large agro-food industries take
advantage of these technological advances on their packaging to
offer individually wrapped snacks, able to capture the imagination
of individual consumers, guaranteeing the snack’s quality and
In the 1960s, Luigi Cerutti, the son of the Company founder
Giovanni, tried to convince his father to manufacture an increasingly
large number of rotogravure printing machines for packaging,
by saying: “The whole world will be packaged”. This vision, dating
back to more than 50 years ago, has made the history of today,
and of tomorrow.
Paolo Bricco
“Il Sole 24 Ore” Reporter
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Our products.
We have adopted a comprehensive
global approach, and our
customers, by asking for more,
are obtaining more in terms
of quality, number of solutions,
service and efficiency.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
In the field of flexible packaging printing, our comprehensive range
of gravure presses serves all the printers’ and converters’ needs,
in terms of type of material, size, job change-over solutions,
production speeds, quality requirements and automation levels.
Our specialty gravure printing presses span from wood grain
to fashion transfer, from outdoor covers to plastic banknotes,
not to forget cork tipping paper printing.
We are a well-known supplier of converting equipment, covering
a wide range of lacquering, coating and laminating, wax, hot-melt
and special coater solutions.
Our sheeters, platen die cutters, in line to our gravure presses,
are appreciated by the cartonboard industry.
Thanks to the range of products and services offered by a worldwide
organization, Cerutti Group is acknowledged as a global supplier
to the whole printing and converting community.
The platform of our products displayed in the following pages
demonstrates our capability of covering most of the needs of
an ever widening number of customers.
We serve the publication business, with two rotogravure press
models for both the mid size and mid run products and the very
large ones.
We offer the right answer for high quality magazines, catalogues,
inserts and flyers.
We provide hi-tech flexo equipment to print newspapers
in full colour, telephone directories and advertising materials.
Our service organization supplies maintenance, overhauls,
spare parts and retrofits in most of the countries of the world.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Rotogravure presses
for packaging and
specialties printing.
An advanced platform of solutions for the
whole printers’ community.
A trolley type gravure press, to minimize machine
down-time and personnel required for off-line setting
and during job change-over.
Thanks to its special design, the same trolley allows
the semi-automatic change-over of:
•The printing cylinder only (no bearings and bearing
housings are needed)
•The inking system only (including ink tank)
•Both printing cylinder and inking system at the
same time (ink tank on board of the trolley)
•Optional: inking system featuring driven inking roller
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
• Optional: printing cylinder rinsing or complete wash-up
of printing cylinder and inking system (ink tank
off the trolley)
•Available also for hollow printing cylinders,
in the “air-chuck” version
•Fully presettable inking system.
Top performance rotogravure press for
packaging material and specialty printing:
full automatic job change-over solution for
the high-end market.
Designed mainly for customers requiring high
performances coupled with quick job change-over,
flexibility and very high printing quality.
Trolley type printing press
The printing cylinder is supported during change-over
time by the trolley frames, while in working position
by bearings fitted to the printing unit side-frames.
No need of bearings and bearing housings to be
mounted on the printing cylinder.
The displacement of the trolley in the press axis cross
direction is servo assisted.
The flexibility of the change-over is such that,
independently on each printing unit, only the printing
cylinder or both printing cylinder and inking system
can be replaced.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The hi-tech fully automatic flexible press for short
production runs.
The printing stations are equipped with on-board wash-up system
and feature completely automatic job change-over operations.
This press model achieves considerable savings in its relevant
running costs, with the advantage of reducing the amount of its
non-productive down-time, thanks to:
•Simplified and faster job change-over operations
•Reduction of start-up / running waste
•Reduction of the ink return at the end of each production job
•Lower running costs
•Less personnel required (both on the press and off the press).
The trolley replacement is carried out by one operator only
thanks to a servo mechanism, pneumatically operated.
Printing unit model ES972
Each unit is equipped with one two-position trolley, enabling
automatic removal and replacement by a single operation of old
printing cylinder and/or inking system, with parts ready for new
production and namely:
•Removal and replacement of the printing cylinder only
•Removal and replacement of the inking system only
•Simultaneous removal and replacement of inking system
and printing cylinder.
The Cerutti quick job-changeover solution
for the narrow web market.
Dedicated to the short run market and specifically designed to
satisfy the needs of customers requiring quick job change-over
and very high printing quality.
Non-trolley type printing press
The printing cylinder sleeve is mounted on a mandrel
permanently fitted to the printing unit side frames.
This system gives the printer the possibility of using, on the same
press, either a light weight printing cylinder sleeve or a standard
one, thanks to the unique printing cylinder sleeves locking solution.
The printing cylinder sleeve and the inking system, when in
working position, are supported by the printing unit side frames.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
An off-the-shelf solution for flexible packaging.
A solution “off-the-shelf” to the needs of packaging printers:
a modern hi-tech printing press at competitive price, equipped
with easy handling trolley system.
Trolley which carries printing cylinder and inking system
The trolley carries both printing cylinder and inking system.
Both of them can be loaded-removed from the printing unit
side-frames simultaneously.
Full integration of auxiliary equipment
Automatic register control equipment, viscosity controls, camera
web viewing system, corona treatment station, lel control system
(option) are fully integrated in the press functions and controls.
Available also for hollow printing cylinders, in the “air-chuck”
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Trolley-type gravure press: the Cerutti answer for the
carton board printing world. Quick job change-over
thanks to its specialized gravure trolley.
The gravure trolley carries:
•The printing cylinder with bearings and bearing housings
•The complete inking system including ink pan(s),
ink splash guards, ink tank with pump
•The trolley replacement is carried out by one operator only,
thanks to a servo mechanism, pneumatically driven.
Available versions:
• Reel to reel (with creasing and punching
subunits for liquid packing)
• Reel to sheeter
• Reel to die cutter (rotary - flat bed)
Sheeter UP900
It is the solution for carton board industry, combining the
flexibility of an in-line sheeter with the gravure printing
Independently driven and digitally controlled
Suitable both for long and short runs, thanks to its easy and
quick setting features.
It handles materials spanning from paper to heavy carton board.
Both infeed pulling group and knife cylinder are independently
driven allowing for a perfect cut to print register with the highest
The sheets, after being cut by the knife cylinder, are accelerated
and than slowed down by two successive sections of driven
belts, which deliver the sheets as a shingle.
The shingle delivery allows perfect pile formation with the
possibility of a diverting system for automatic waste rejection
and automatic pile change.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Converting Machines.
Performance, innovation, flexibility
to be closer to converters.
Coating and laminating machine for flexible materials
Duplex and Triplex high performance machine
featuring multijob coating station capable to
use interchangeable coating systems such as:
•Rotogravure trolley
•Flexo trolley
•Semiflexo trolley
Duplex Solvent-based Lamination
•Wet coating weight up to 12 g/m2 with a dry coating
weight of approximately 4,0 g/m2
•Production speeds up to 400 m/min according to
coating weight, dilution and adhesive type
•Single axis unwinders and rewinders or double axis
fully automatic unwinders and rewinders, according
to customer’s requirements
•Shafted or shaft-less reel locking
•Solventless trolley
•PVDC Coating trolley
•Chamber Doctor Blade system
Duplex Solventless Lamination
•Coating weight between 1,3 ÷ 3,5 g/m2
•Production speeds up to 450 m/min
•The shaft-less system is provided with a
pneumatic-mechanical expanding chuck system,
to assure operator’s safety and to avoid core
damage (cardboard, plastic or metal)
•The rewinder can be equipped with an innovative
no-glue splicing system
1- Solvent base process
2- Solventless base process
3- Water base process
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Lacquering machine
Unsupported alufoil coating machine for 1, 2, or 3
layers of lacquering, having the versatility to process
a wide thickness range of unsupported alufoil and film.
Multijob coating station capable to use interchangeable
coating systems such as:
• Rotogravure trolley
• Flexo trolley
• Semiflexo trolley
• Chamber Doctor Blade system
• Direct and reverse coating system
1- Alufoil for covers and yogurt lids/cups
2- Alufoil for melted cheese
3- Alufoil for chocolate wrapping
4- Alufoil for pharmaceutical blisters
5- Alufouil for pet food and tray containers
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Hot-melt / wax coating and laminating machine
It allows to easily change product coating weight
from 2 to 35 g/m2 .
•Surface smoothing system with capability to vary: shiny/mat
•Immersion type coating system with capability to modify
the coating weight on both sides of the substrate
•Innovative lamination group with the capability of adjusting
the laminating nip both in height and wrapping angle
•Very short job change-over time
•User friendly thanks to advanced HMI system
1- P
atterned hot-melt for soap wrapping application
2- One side application for soap wrapping
3- “Banderole” for yogurt labels
4- Wax lamination
5- Two-side wax coating for candy
6- High viscosity hot-melt coating for labels
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Rotogravure presses
for publication, catalogues,
school books and flyers
A new generation of rotogravure for publication.
The mid-size rotogravure press for publication printing
With a max. web width between 1.9 and 3.18 meter, it is the most
economical solution for publication runs from 200.000 copies,
thanks to:
•Energy savings
•Low manning
•Low investment cost
•High productivity
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
In 1953, Cerutti delivered its first rotogravure
press for publication.
Today, it is world leader in this market segment:
a long journey crowned with great success.
Aurora presses: several models with different web widths
Aurora presses: product range
144 mm
250 mm
Ex.: any product between:
150 mm
400 mm
Products from 8 to 132 pages
(stitched in line up to 96 pages)
From 2 to 14 ribbons
Example of the great pagination variability
of ribbons
8U << <<
2 x 16
2 x 32
2 x 48
2 x 64
2 x 80
2 x 96
2 x 112
4U < <
2 x 16
2 x 24
2 x 32
2 x 40
2 x 48
2 x 56
6U < < <
3 x 16
3 x 24
3 x 32
3 x 40
3 x 48
3 x 56
Aurora – Productivity gains
Net production speed
Job Changeover time
1 hour
Productivity gains in respect
to a traditional rotogravure press
Waste at startup
Energy consumption
Manning required on the press
Investment cost for one press
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The very wide press for publications.
The market demands:
•More flexibility
•Higher speed
•High volumes
•Minimized waste
•Shorter job change-over
•Reduced manning and maintenance
•Full pre-settable devices
•More automation
•Integrated production and maintenance management
Our answer
Web width up to 4.320 mm
•Mechanical speed up to : 62000 rph
•Production speed up to : 57000 rph or 16 m/s
•Reel diameter up to 1,5 m
•Fully automatic job change-over on printing units,
with motorized cylinder carts and automatic angular
preset of printing cylinders by means of short-stroke
•Full automatic preset for: unwinder, printing units,
upper and lower folders
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
•No-splash guard system on printing units
•Full automatic printing cylinder washing during
the run and at end of production
•Full automatic impression roller washing at the
end of production
•Pulling groups driven by independent motors with
automatic tension control
•Lower folders driven by independent motors
•Pre-conditioning chamber
•Imprinter (flexo)
•Former glueing
•Silicon applicator
•Variable cutter-folder
•Folder stitching
•Quarter and double parallel folders
•PICO: Cerutti Production & Maintenance
•Data Server
•Reduction of cost and layout with double ender
The Cerutti Cutter: more flexibility
to rotogravure! A Cutter in line with the press
Former Folder Cutter
Is the most efficient way of producing low pagination
signatures and covers. Very high production speed.
Cutter production possibilities
Production speed will depend on:
•quality, weight, and printability of paper
•size and number of pages
•inks and solvents used
•cylinder preparation
•required printing quality.
To calculate the max. guaranteed speed for each
product, speed diagrams and their relevant reduction
factors must be consulted.
A4 format Cut-off:
216-325 mm Width:
150-250 mm
A5 format Cut-off:
175-216 mm Width:
150-250 mm
140,000 copies / h
100,000 copies / h
150,000 copies / h
110,000 copies / h
160,000 copies / h
120,000 copies / h
164,000 copies / h
124,000 copies / h
168,000 copies / h
127,000 copies / h
250,000 copies / h
190,000 copies / h
250,000 copies / h
190,000 copies / h
250,000 copies / h
190,000 copies / h
What is a Cutter?
A Cutter is a “device” that...
•does NOT fold
•it simply CUTS ribbons that have been folded by
1 or more formers installed on the superstructure
W id
250 mm
325 mm
150 mm
175 mm
Products from 4 to 32 pages (glued in line)
with 2-pages stepping! No trimming waste!
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Flexographic presses
for newspaper printing.
Every day in Italy, about 1.000.000 newspaper
copies bear the Cerutti signature, also appeared
on the pride of the English press, The Daily Mail.
The “common impression cylinder” full color
flexographic press for newspapers and telephone
Main technical features:
•Up to 128 full color pages in collect or straight mode
•Up to 192 full color pages in collect mode
•Max. production speed: 14 m/s (2,755 fpm)
•Web width up to 2,000 mm (~ 79 inches)
•Water-based inks
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
•CIC compact layout
•3/3 or 5/5 folder configuration
•Full shaftless technology
•Automatic washing system
•Possible integration with digital printing
•Third cross folder available as option
Web-fed platen die cutters
and delivery systems for
the paperboard converting
Pioneer of the sector, Zerand has produced
equipment for the folding carton industry for
forty years.
With more than 1,000 installations around the world, Zerand is
a global leader in web fed die cutting systems and solutions
for the paperboard converting industry. Zerand engineers and
manufactures custom platen die cutters and rotary die cutter
lines and delivery/stacking systems that set the standard for
speed, quality and productivity.
The Zerand brand was established in 1962, but the Company’s
engineering expertise and tradition of customer support extend
all the way back to 1939.
Zerand custom engineering capabilities are unequaled in the
industry. Since 1988, Zerand has been part of the Cerutti Group,
which has the availability to offer a variety of press options,
including rotogravure and flexographic.Focusing on the specific
converting process, and combining proven technology with
creative R&D, it’s possible to satisfy virtually any production need.
Zerand equipment is built to last. Heavy-duty construction
enables the cutter lines to deliver reliable high-speed performance
and low maintenance requirements for years. In fact, it’s not
surprising to find Zerand die cutters still going strong after more
than a quarter century. What has distinguished Zerand over
the years is the precision and quality of its cutters. Narrow and
wide-web reciprocating platen die cutters and strippers continue
to set the industry benchmark in this field.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
The Zerand Line Concept: platen cutters cut, crease and strip a
continuous web of printed paperboard, to form individual blanks
in register with the printed art and deliver them in either shingled
streams or stacked batches.
Some of the markets served by Zerand:
•Beverage Cartons – Many beverage packages are die-cut on
Zerand high-speed web-fed machinery, including, beer, soda
and bottled water carriers.
•Food Service – Zerand converting machinery die-cuts a wide
range of paperboard packaging for the food service industry,
from cups, french fry scoops and pie and sandwich clamshells
to sleeves and trays.
•Folding Cartons – The ever-expanding global market for folding
cartons relies on Zerand’s web-fed die-cutting systems for
production of cereal boxes, pizza boxes and liquor boxes, as
well as toothpaste cartons, tissue boxes and many other cartons.
•Liquid & Aseptic Packaging including milk and juice cartons.
•Mailers – The shipping and logistics industries around the world
rely on the paperboard mailing envelopes converted on Zerand
•Tobacco Cartons
Key advantages of Zerand platen die cutter lines:
•Heavy duty construction
•Speed up to 1000 fpm / 425 ipm
•Fast changeover thanks to autosetup of the complete line,
quick tool change for the cutter, stripper, belt askew and
stacker, motorized movement of all units.
•Roll to blank to stack, reducing plant storage and logistics,
easy to interface with palletizing systems.
•Customizable design carton length: up to 40” (1016mm)
•Cutting loads: up to 1,500,000 lbs
•Delivery systems to suit customer’s specific needs
•Substrates from .010” to .040” (.254mm to 1.02mm)
•Available in 22” (559mm), 26” (660mm), 32” (813mm),
40” 91016mm), 48” (1219mm) and 55” (1397mm) web width.
•Latest generation ELS technology and Safety PLC
•Low tooling cost
•Low scrap rate
•Low maintenance cost.
•Hight quality service and spare parts
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Sheet-fed platen die cutters.
A Company specialized in the manifacture of
sheet-fed platen die cutters for the graphic
arts: from the date of its foundation until today,
Iberica has been dedicated to the production of
machinery for the printing and packing industry.
The I-PRESS Series is the new generation of high technology
presses made by IBERICA AG. This press is built to IBERICA’s
high standards, using original production processes 100%
developed in our plant in Barcelona, to ensure long life and high
productivity. Including many advanced electronic devices, the
I-PRESS Series is one of the fastest and most precise pieces of
equipment in its sector.
The I-PRESS Series can be equipped with the new OPMR
(Optical Print Mark Register) for the front and side-lays registration.
A fully automatic non-stop feeder and a full logistics system,
completely removes manual handling of incoming and outgoing piles.
•The versatility of the I-PRESS Series gives the possibility to
die-cut several types of substrate including paper, plastic,
board and corrugated material.
•The comprehensive range of optional equipment allows the
configuration of the “perfect” die-cutter giving our customers the
ideal machine for all of their requirements in the packaging industry.
Max. Sheet Size 75x106 cm
Min. Sheet Size 35x40 cm
Max. Cardboard Thickness 1.5mm
Max. Corrugated Board Thickness 3mm
Max. Gripper Margin 17 mm
Min. Gripper Margin 9 mm
Standard Gripper Margin 12 mm
Maximum Operational Pressure 300 Tones
Maximum Mechanical Speed 8.500 S/H
Machine Approx. Net Weight 24.000 Kg
The I-PRESS Series is the new generation of high technology
presses made by IBERICA AG; including many advanced electronic
devices, the I-PRESS Series is one of the most precise pieces of
equipment in its sector, able to die-cut several types of substrate
including paper, plastic, board and corrugated materials.
•The I-PRESS Series can be equipped with the new OPMR
(Optical Print Mark Register) for the front and side-lays registration.
A fully automatic non-stop feeder and a full logistics system
completely removes manual handling of incoming and outgoing
•The new blanker I-PRESS 106 K is the most technologically
advanced blanker for customers who look for high speed
production perfectly combined with an exceptional registration,
high quality standards, easy handle and fast preparation.
Max. Sheet Size 75x106 cm
Min. Sheet Size 35x40 cm
Max. Cardboard Thickness 1.5mm
Max. Corrugated Board Thickness 3mm
Max. Gripper Margin 17 mm
Min. Gripper Margin 9 mm
Standard Gripper Margin 12 mm
Maximum Operational Pressure 300 Tones
Maximum Mechanical Speed 8.500 S/H
Machine Approx. Net Weight 24.000 Kg
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
•This new generation of IBERICA blankers are equipped with
new tooling technology to do “sheeting” in a fast and easy way.
This is the result of the synergy and collaboration with local
die-makers, for the continuous improvement of our units.
The I-PRESS Series is the new generation of 56” / 144 die cutter
made by IBERICA AG. This press is built to IBERICA’s high
standards, to ensure long life and high productivity.
The I-PRESS Series can be equipped with the new OPMR
(Optical Print Mark Register) for the front and side-lays registration.
A fully automatic non-stop feeder and a full logistics system,
completely removes manual handling of incoming and outgoing piles.
• The I-PRESS Series gives the possibility to die-cut several types
of substrate including board and corrugated board mainly, as per
most conventional material to run on the large format machines.
• The comprehensive range of optional equipment allows the
configuration of the “perfect” die-cutter giving our customers the
ideal machine for all of their requirements in the packaging Industry.
Max. Sheet Size 104x144 cm
Min. Sheet Size 50x70 cm
Max. Cardboard Thickness 1.5 mm
Max. Corrugated Board Thickness 4 mm
Max. Gripper Margin 17 mm
Min. Gripper Margin 9 mm
Standard Gripper Margin 12 mm
Maximum Operational Pressure 600 Tones
Maximum Mechanical Speed 8.000 S/H
Machine Approx. Net Weight 47.500 Kg
The I-PRESS Series is the new generation of 56” / 144 die cutter
made by IBERICA AG. This press is built to IBERICA’s high
standards, using original production processes 100% developed
in our plant in Barcelona. Including many advanced electronic
devices, the I-PRESS Series is one of the fastest pieces of
equipment in its sector.
The I-PRESS Series can be equipped with the new OPMR
(Optical Print Mark Register) for the front and side-lays registration.
A fully automatic non-stop feeder and a full logistics system
completely removes manual handling of incoming and outgoing piles.
• The I-PRESS Series gives the possibility to die-cut several types
of substrate, including board and corrugated board mainly, as per
most conventional material to run on the large format machines.
• The comprehensive range of optional equipment allows the
configuration of the “perfect” die-cutter, giving our customers
the ideal machine for all of their requirements in the packaging
• The new blanker I-PRESS 144 K is the most technologically
advanced blanker for customers who look for high speed
production, perfectly combined with an exceptional registration,
high quality standards, easy handle and fast preparation.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Max. Sheet Size 104x144 cm
Min. Sheet Size 50x70 cm
Max. Cardboard Thickness 1.5 mm
Max. Corrugated Board Thickness 4 mm
Max. Gripper Margin 17 mm
Min. Gripper Margin 9 mm
Standard Gripper Margin 12 mm
Maximum Operational Pressure 600 Tones
Maximum Mechanical Speed 7.500 S/H
Machine Approx. Net Weight 49.000 Kg
• This new generation of IBERICA blankers are equipped with new
tooling technology to do “sheeting” in a fast and easy way.
This is the result of the synergy and the collaboration with local
die-makers, for the continuous improvement of our units.
The IBERICA OPTIMA Series is our basic automatic platen press.
Launched in 2008, we proudly announce that the OPTIMA Series
has today its version in a new format 106. With its “operator
friendly” innovations and ease of handling, this model maintains
IBERICA’s quality of building and performance, the combination
of which generates a significant increase in productivity.
•The versatility of the OPTIMA Series gives the possibility
to die-cut several types of substrate including paper, plastic,
board and corrugated material.
•The comprehensive range of optional equipment allows the
configuration of the “perfect” die-cutter, giving our customers
the ideal machine for all of their requirements in the packaging
•Its 100% manufacture process made only in our plant in
Barcelona makes the OPTIMA Series the perfect investment
for customers who look for high productivity and long-life
of machinery.
Max. Sheet Size 75X106 cm
Min. Sheet Size 35x40 cm
Max. Cardboard Thickness 1.5 mm
Max. Corrugated Board Thickness 3 mm
Max. Gripper Margin 17 mm
Min. Gripper Margin 9 mm
Standard Gripper Margin 12 mm
Maximum Operational Pressure 300 Tones
Maximum Mechanical Speed 8.500 S/H
Machine Approx. Net Weight 22.000 Kg
The IBERICA OPTIMA Series is our basic automatic platen press.
Launched in 2008, the OPTIMA Series has today its version in a
new format 106. With its “operator friendly” innovations and ease
of handling, this model maintains IBERICA’s quality and high
•The versatility of the OPTIMA Series gives the possibility to
die-cut several types of substrate, including paper, plastic,
board and corrugated materials.
•The comprehensive range of optional equipment allows the
configuration of the “perfect” die-cutter, giving our customers
the ideal machine for all of their requirements.
•The new blanker OPTIMA-K 106 is the perfect tool for customers
who enter in the blanking world, due to its high quality, high
productivity, easy handle and fast preparation as well as for
an excellent quality / price ratio.
•This new generation of IBERICA blankers are equipped with
new tooling technology to do “sheeting” in a fast and easy way.
Max. Sheet Size 75X106 cm
Min. Sheet Size 35x40 cm
Max. Cardboard Thickness 1.5 mm
Max. Corrugated Board Thickness 3 mm
Max. Gripper Margin 17 mm
Min. Gripper Margin 9 mm
Standard Gripper Margin 12 mm
Maximum Operational Pressure 300 Tones
Maximum Mechanical Speed 8.500 S/H
Machine Approx. Net Weight 24.000 Kg
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Cerutti World.
A worldwide organization
to be close to our customers
in every continent.
Long Hanborough
Casale Monferrato
Production Plants
Service Centres
Engineering Centre and R&D
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Casale Monferrato
Hong Kong
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
24/7 Cerutti Service.
A global supplier has to be available to his customers at any time.
Our 24/7 remote assistance service is our answer to this market
A number of highly qualified specialists in Cerutti are available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support customers with Cerutti
presses, allowing them to maximise press up-time.
The 24/7 service has been more recently coupled with a preventive
maintenance/auditing service in order to anticipate potential issues
and eliminate them before they can impair press productivity.
Our 24/7 service has been able to support customers all over the
world spanning from Australia to the Middle East, to Europe, to
Africa and America: the proof that any customer can get benefits
from our service.
Our 24/7 service has grown in the number of customers subscribing
to it and we believe it will grow more and more.
These are the reasons for success of our
The prompt reply of our technicians day
and night has been able to minimize press
down-time for fault correction. If spare parts
were necessary to solve the problem, the
on-line access to the supplier network has
allowed our specialists to provide replacements
for the damaged items in the shortest time.
Those who joined the program were allowed
on-line access to the drawings and electronic
manuals of the installed presses and they
were supplied with comprehensive
instructions on how to use manuals to carry
out maintenance in the most efficient way.
The analysis carried out on a continuous
basis by our specialists on the presses
under contract and the relevant information
provided to the end users, has allowed them
to achieve a greater knowledge of press
operation, drive details and controls of their
presses; thus resulting in optimization of
functioning with minimum waste of time.
The electronic equipment used by our 24/7
specialists enables them to monitor the
origin of press stops and fault history of the
presses. This has helped our technicians
to identify the recurrent causes of the faults
and to eliminate improper usage of press
controls by recommending correct electronic
set-ups in order to minimize occurrence of
problems on the press.
Our specialists have prepared a data base of
questions and answers to eliminate possible
press malfunctioning. This tuition activity for
customers enables an exchange of information
aiming to supply them with details of the
latest available technology on the market
and with the possibility of retrofits to improve
machine performance.
So, in few words, the 24/7 service is a way
to improve efficiency, therefore margins.
Il mondo di Cerutti - 2016
Production plant
66, via Marcello Adam
Strada per Trino 230
15033 Casale Monferrato (AL)
13100 Vercelli (VC)
Phone: +39 0142 459411
Phone: +39 0161 298211
Fax: +39 0142 76350
Fax: +39 0161 392031
Email: [email protected]
15800 West Overland Drive
New Berlin (Wisconsin)
Phone: +1 262 8273800
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Pol. Ind. Pratenc, Carrer 100
08820 EL PRAT - Barcelona
Phone: +34 934792780
Fax: +34 934792781
E-mail: [email protected]
66, via Marcello Adam
15033 Casale Monferrato (Al)
Phone: +39 0142 459411
Fax: +39 0142 76350
E-mail: [email protected]
66, via Marcello Adam
15033 Casale Monferrato (AL)
E-mail: [email protected]
Unit 28a, 1 Hanborough House
Hanborough Business Park
Long Hanborough
Oxfordshire, OX29 8LH
Phone: +44 1993 88 0018
Fax: +44 1993 880173
E-mail: [email protected]
Aftersales Services
15800 West Overland Drive
New Berlin (Wisconsin)
Phone: +1 262 8273800
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Unit 28a, 1 Hanborough House
Hanborough Business Park
Long Hanborough
Oxfordshire, OX29 8LH
Phone: +44 1993 88 0018
Fax: +44 1993 880173
E-mail: [email protected]
Room 3008,
118 Connaught Road West,
Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2587 7388
Fax: +852 2587 7688
E-mail: [email protected]
Room 811, 8/F., Block 2,
Jinling Building,
28 Jin Ling Road West,
Shanghai, China
Postcode: 200021
Phone: +86 21-6391 2548
Fax: +86 21-6391 2812
E-mail: [email protected]
110N, 10th Floor, Ganga Tower,
Phase III SEZ Campus,
Technopark, Trivandrum 695583
Phone: +91 471 3048186
Fax: +91 471 3048184
Rua Carapuceiro, 825
51120 - 280
Phone: +55 81 986881883
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: techsc94
Industrial Systems Division
Ochanomizu-Kyoun Building
2-2, Kanda-Surugadai
Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 101 - 0062, Japan
Phone: +81 3 5283 1233
Fax: +81 3 5283 1234
E-mail: [email protected]
Stampato nel mese di Aprile 2016 da Ivrea Grafica
Progetto grafico Carmi e Ubertis Milano
Immagini archivio CPE