september2012 - Latymer Upper School
SEPTEMBER2012 The termly alumni newsletter for Latymer Upper School Latymer’s New Head I am delighted to have the opportunity to pen a few thoughts for OLNEWS as I prepare for my first term as Head. This is an exciting time for me personally, and for the School, which has flourished in the last decade, and I look forward to continuing Peter Winter’s excellent work. Moving to Latymer, in a strange sense, feels like coming home, in part literally (I was born in Hammersmith Hospital), but also because of the warmth of the welcome I have received. During the summer term I have been able to meet with Latymerians past, present and future, and I have been struck by, and grateful for, their good will towards an Old Vaughnian! An occupational hazard for any new Head is the inevitable question about one’s vision for the School. I often counter with the thought that these are early days and it is important to get to know a school well before making grand plans; ‘visions’ can produce unhappy consequences for the poor soul whom they afflict. However, as I reflect on the question, it seems to me to stem from a perfectly understandable anxiety around imminent change. I am very conscious that Latymer is your School, and so I would like to outline three key features that I have no intention of changing. The first is the ethos – Latymer has a palpable ‘buzz’ that is created by a diverse group of individuals, united by high academic ability and a liberal respect for others. The second is the rounded education we provide, where academic excellence does not entail sacrificing the pursuit of one’s talents in music, the arts or sport. The third is regard for the wider community, both in terms of involvement in a variety of outreach projects, and in terms of the campaign to raise funds for means-tested scholarships; it is very apt that the poet, John Donne, who observed that ‘no man is an island’, became vicar of St Dunstan-in-the-West only a few years before Edward Latymer was buried there. Have you professionally qualified, gained a Masters or graduated recently? Then please share your achievements with others! We especially ask those who graduated this summer, but have yet to inform us; email Nigel Orton to be included in the next edition’s ‘Graduate Corner’. Class of 1989 Class of 2003 Zoe MOATTI MB BS, Medicine, University of Nottingham. Class of 2005 Remy DAROOWALA MB BS, Medicine, University College, University of London. Jeremy GOLD JD, Law, Fordham University, NY. USA Mazen ORFALI Diploma in Architecture, Architecture Association. Oliver PHILLIPS BA, Graphic Design, Leeds College of Art and Design, Open University. 2 Jordan EGGAR BA, History, University of Manchester. Mathieu FOX MSci, 1st, Chemistry, Imperial College, London. Matthew GARLAND BA, Politics, University of Nottingham. Tish HOFFMAN BA, History of Art, University of Manchester. Hassan JOUDI MEng, Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London Mohsen KHAIRALDIN-GARCIA BSc, Government and Politics, London School of Economics, University of London. Nathan LARYEA BA, English, University of Manchester. Felix LAURIE von MASSENBACH MSci, 1st, Mathematical Physics, University of Nottingham. Robbie LEY GREAVES BSc, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Imperial College, London. Rhodri MASON BSc, Real Estate Management, Oxford Brookes University. George PHILLIPS BA, 1st, 3D: Furniture and Product Design, University of Northumberland. Shiv CHANDE BMedSci, Medical Science, University of Southampton; BSc, 1st, Management, Imperial College, London. Tom REID BSc, Neuroscience, University of Manchester. Rosie MALSTON BA, 1st, American Studies, University of Nottingham. Barbershop Quartet: Sam CLIFTON, George AUCKLAND, Louis GEARY and Milo COMERFORD (all 2010) Sonny MOORE Diploma in Architecture, Oxford Brookes University. Barberettes: Anna KAZNOWSKA (2009), Charlotte BROKER (2011) and Emily BROCKMANN (2009) Olly SNELLGROVE MB BS, Medicine, University College, University of London. A portrait in oil of Peter, commissioned by the School, and painted by Nicolas Jack DUFFY BSc, 1st, Sports Science, Brunel University. Cecilia CAIO MSc, Finance and Development, School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London. Emily LOWRY Diploma in Architecture, Oxford Brookes University. A farewell party after term ended was attended by a large number of governors, past and present staff, former pupils, and parents. Tributes were given by the staff, James DEWHURST BA, Study of Religions and Theology, University of Manchester. Gavin O’CONNELL LLB, 1st, Law, Trinity College, University of Dublin. George LITTLE MA Fine Art Painting, Royal College of Art. Peter remarked, ‘My wife Adwoa and I are profoundly grateful to all of you who have contributed to the endowment of a Winter Scholarship, which I was very proud to offer recently for the first time to a little girl who will be joining in September. Good education changes lives for the better; it changed mine. It is the hope of the world.’ Patrick COLLINGWOOD BA, Architecture, University of Brighton. Elena BORELLO BA, French Studies and Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham. Alex LINDBLOM-SMITH BA, Theology and Politics, University of Bristol. Peter and Adwoa’s service to the School has been marked by many contributions to a means-tested scholarship in their names. Daisy BINKS BA, Graphic Design, Nottingham Trent University. Julian GREY BA, Italian and Portuguese, Queen’s College, University of Cambridge. Saquib SULTAN MEng, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London. GRANGER-TAYLOR (1981) was on show. This will hang in the School Hall. Alex WOOD BA, Film and Literature Studies, University of Warwick. Class of 2004 Class of 2006 the Chair of the Parents’ Gild, Chair of Governors James GRAHAM (1976), and Matthew BOND (1978), who is also a current parent, but significantly was one of several members of Peter’s first-ever form (L5T) when he taught at the School in the 1970s. Some entertainment was provided by the staff and two recent leavers’ groups: the Barbershop Quartet and the Barberettes who did their version of the Puppini Sisters cover of Gloria Gaynor. Oliver WIGGINS BA, English, University of York. Alice GIBBS BA, Architecture, University of Liverpool; MA, Visual Culture, University of Westminster. Eleanor KRAJEWSKI FdA, Early Years, Kingston University. The School gave outgoing Head, Peter Winter, a grand send-off as he and Adwoa retired at the end of last term. Various groups met during the term to bid them farewell, but the climax was the final school assembly when Peter delivered hIs final address to pupils, before symbolically de-robing from his academic gown to don a ‘leavers’ hoody’ and exit to rapturous applause. Andy TAYLOR BSc, Environmental Sciences, University of Leeds. Helena WILLIAMS ACA, Accountancy. Jonathan APPLEBY BA, Philosophy, University of Leeds. Peter with members of the class of 1978 that were in his first ever form, L5T Lucas SHORVON BA, History of Art, University of Leeds. Ashraf Alhasan BA, Politics and International Relations, University of Reading. Rachel von SIMSON MB BS, Medicine, King’s College, University of London. Saying Goodbye to Mr Winter! Richard REASON BA, Economics, University of Sussex. Class of 2001 Elliott MORE MPhil, Engineering for Sustainable Development, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. (Twitter @LatymerHead) Flaviana PRESTON MA, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Edinburgh. Class of 2008 Class of 2002 David Goodhew Dom PASTEINER BA, History and French, University of Manchester. Jamie YOUNG PhD, Thermodynamics and Materials Science, University of Cambridge. Alex COOKMAN MSc, International Public Policy, Politics and Economics, University College, University of London. My own summer will involve considerable change, as I move house, move job and get married. Assuming I survive these three minor life events unscathed, I very much look forward to meeting you at the alumni events in the autumn term. Claudia MOROSS BSc, Psychology, University of Nottingham. C o r n e r DAVID GOODHEW G r a d uat e We congratulate the following Latymerians on their recent academic achievements. Charlie OLIVER BSc, Surveying, Kingston University. Class of 2007 Hannah BRADA BA, History and German, University of Manchester. Jonny BRAYN BA, French and Portuguese, University of Manchester. Alex EVANS BA, German and Spanish, University of Manchester. Tommy FISH BA, European Studies and Spanish, University of Manchester. James FREW BEng, Mechanical Engineering, University of Surrey. Amelia GILLINGWATER MSc, Carbon Management, University of Edinburgh. Chloe HOLE BA, History, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge. Ted KNIGHT BA, English, University of Southampton. Alex PICTON BA, History of Art, University of Manchester. Suzanna RENNIE BA, 1st, Classics and Music, College of St Hild and St Bede, University of Durham. Nick SKLIAR-DAVIES MEng, Mechanical Engineering, Downing College, University of Cambridge. Class of 2009 Kareem BABA BSc, Chemistry, Aston University, Birmingham. Christopher BROWN BA, Classics, University College, University of London (right). Sarah BROWN BSc, Biomedical Science, University of Manchester. her p o t s i Chr rown B Nick CONSTANTINE BSc, 1st, Physics, University of Durham. Jessica DEAKIN BA, Study of Religions and Theology, University of Manchester. Lucy GODDARD BA, Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science, University of Birmingham. David MILLER BA, European Politics, University of Nottingham. Victoria MONNERY BA, Social Sciences, Hatfield College, University of Durham. Rose MONCRIEFF BA, Design, Goldsmith’s College, University of London. Ben STANIER BA, History and Politics, Vanbrugh College, University of York. Thomas MELHUISH BMedSc, Medical Science, University of Sydney. 3 SCHOOLNEWS SUMMER TERM NEWS ROUND-UP FROM LATYMER STAFF NEWS There were a few leavers from the staff common room last term. Those moving on included Susan Ip (DT Dept), and Al Heathcote (Head of Boats). Ray Chandler (Head of Computing) and Maggie Bell (Head of Spanish) both retired. We also lose Jordana Berk who has been a very valuable member of the Development Office and has left to start a PGCE in Drama at Goldsmiths. We welcome her replacement, Lisa Cullen, who previously has worked at The Godolphin and Latymer School. n During the recent summer vacation there was also a Big Band Tour to Barcelona and UK-based DofE expeditions as well as the long-running Grosmont trip led by Mr Orme. ‘CAN YOU TELL WHAT IT IS yet?’ Another Record Breaking Year for Exam Results n In 2011 Latymer achieved its best ever A-level results by some margin, up 8% on A*/A grades against our previous best year. Despite instruction to exam boards to ensure no top end grade inflation we have matched that record again this year! Some headlines: • Record numbers of students (over 50) took four or more A-levels. • Record UCAS points score per candidate of 461 was achieved. • 94% of grades were A*- B, matching last year’s record, with over 73% of grades at A*/A. 60% of students achieved at least three A-levels at grades A* or A. • 58 students gained four or more A-levels at grades A* or A, compared to 39 in 2011. • Nearly all students achieved their university offer requirement and 24 students confirmed their places at Oxford and Cambridge. At GCSE the results were equally impressive. At a time when nationally grade boundaries went up and there was concern by many schools over harsher marking, Latymer’s results went up significantly. Compared to our previous 86% of candidates achieving an A or A* grade, this increased to 90% this year. 113 students obtained five A* grades, with 22 students obtaining ten A*. 4 n On May 26th Head of Art, David Mumby, three students and two recent leavers spent a day painting with Rolf Harris in celebration of HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. They were part of a 60-strong team capturing 60 years of royal history on canvas. Rolf, with Anneka Rice, acted as mentors and gave tips and techniques to the aspiring artists. They were filmed throughout the event and the programme was broadcast on June 5th on the BBC. Pictured above: Oli Brenner and Sophie Spedding (both L6th), Rolf Harris and Clare SUMMERFIELD (2011). Oli has since become Deputy Head Boy. Charity n Year 9 pupils recently raised over £3,500 in a sponsored Zumbathon for their chosen charity, New Life Mexico, that supports vulnerable children and young people in Mexico through social, health and educational programmes. SCHOOL TRIPS The charity’s founder Philippa VernonPowell was nominated by the British Embassy in Mexico as an Olympic Torch bearer, carrying the flame through her hometown of Glastonbury. She brought the torch to Latymer to meet and thank Year 9. n Activities Week in June saw 730 students on 27 trips engage in a variety of exciting and adventurous activities both around the UK and further afield in Belgium, Spain, Hungary, France and Morocco! At the same time Year 11 students were engaged on a workexperience programme. n The 166 students in Year 7 undertook to run 2012 kilometres over six weeks (equal to 47 marathons). The course was the Bandstand Cup course. Each student chose how much to run with several doing all six runs (25kms). They hope to have raised £10,000 to be shared by the NSPCC and the Katie Piper Foundation. n The Annual Fund Club, which raises money for means-tested scholarships at Latymer, helped run a stall at the Prep School Fete. The club organises fundraising and awareness events for the Annual Fund at Latymer. Drama n The Latymer Theatre Company performed Zombie Prom at the Big Belly at the Edinburgh Fringe. The production played to large audiences and received 5-star reviews. It involved a big cast who enjoyed the experience hugely. Among Latymerians who came to see them was Jessie CAVE (2005) [aka Jessie Lloyd at School], best known for playing Lavender Brown in the Harry Potter film series. Jessie was herself performing in Bookworm at the Underbelly. Also at the Fringe two Year 9s were performing stand-up comedy in a show, both of them veterans of The School of Comedy. n Last term Sepia and Song by David Foxton was the Lower School play. Sport n Matteo Salvalaggio, L6th (right) played in the USA Rugby High School AllAmericans (HSAAs) team that made a fivematch tour to South America in July playing against Argentina, Uruquay and Chile U18s. n Our Senior Soccer squad (below) went on tour to Florida in July gaining a great experience from the US-style of training and match play. They had to think in great detail about their performance as the five matches in 10 days in Apopka and Fort Lauderdale, playing against an acclimatised opposition in humid conditions, presented a tough challenge. The boys conducted themselves really well winning three matches and producing two draws, impressing their hosts with their approach, attitude and enthusiasm to learn and develop. n Sports Day June 2012 was held at the Linford Christie Stadium in the shadow of Hammersmith Hospital and Wormwood Scrubs. It was a fun celebration with a high level of participation and a chance to showcase the considerable athletic talent in Years 7-10. Since returning from this tour, PE Teacher and 1st X1 soccer coach Kevin Paradise has been coaching alongside Terry Venables, David Seaman and Ted Buxton in the documentary, Dream on: the Journey of Wembley FC. Kevin appears in the first couple of episodes currently being screened on Thursday evenings on ESPN. n At the National Schools’ Rowing Regatta, held in late May in Nottingham, Latymer collected four medal honours: The Boys J15 eight and the Boys J18 first four both won Gold, whilst the Girls J18 quad and Boys J16 pairs crews picked up Bronze. Sports Day Later in the term the Girls J15 quad triumphed at the Richmond Regatta. Then the Girls’ J18 Quad made history by competing at the first ever Girls’ event in its 173-year history at the Henley Royal Regatta and they were unlucky to catch a crab against the strong crew from Sir William Borlase’s GS. Over the summer Schuyler Ritchie (U6th) was selected for the Junior Women’s Quadruple Scull to race at the Coupe De La Jeunesse (European Junior Championships). Schuyler’s British crew went on to place 4th and 6th at the championship held in Spain. Pictured above: The Girls Quad on the far station making history at Henley. Also at Henley, the Boys J18 eight reached round 2 in the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup. With two Year 10s, Orlando Nixon and Jack Harbidge, selected for the eight; we believe Orlando, at 14 years, may be the youngest ever rower at the regatta! The crew beat King’s School, Chester, then gracefully bowed out to Abingdon. PRIZE GIVING Prize Giving in July was treated to an inspiring speech from our guest Bill EMMOTT (1974), the author and former editor of The Economist, who presented well-deserved prizes to a large number of students for their academic achievements during the last School year. The Laurence Elliott Travel Award Congratulations to Alexandra Sanderson (L6th) who was awarded the Laurence Elliot Travel Award 2012. Ally used the award for a five-week expedition to Namibia over the summer with the British Schools’ Exploring Society. Laurence Elliott taught Geography from 1949-74 and from 1955 was head of department. He was an active Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He organised many school field trips and ran educational cruises to the West Indies and West Africa. In recent years he attended many of our alumni class reunions and became a founding member of Latymer’s 1624 Society. Laurie passed away in 2011 and bequeathed a sum of money specifically to fund Geography travel awards. Ally’s five weeks in the remote Namib Desert in Namibia was spent with a team of explorers, camping and living out of a rucksack. Their base camp was situated next to the Brandberg Massif, in the North-West. The conditions were tough, with scorching hot days and often some freezing cold nights and a limited water supply due to the ongoing drought. Ally writes, “The expedition overall was a fantastic experience. I have travelled through a part of the world that is inaccessible to the average tourist, and have collected information that is valuable to the protection of the Namibia culture and environment. “The expedition was in three phases. The first, at an Advanced Base Camp set up in the higher Brandberg and assisted by two Bushmen who acted as guides, was finding and recording rock art considered part of the ancestry. Despite a language barrier, we were very successful in our search and the data that will help to protect the art from the ever increasing tourism. “The second phase was a trek and brief stay in the wetland area of the Ugab River, Damaraland, to see wildlife. For this phase we hoped to gather information for the EHRA (Elephant Human Relations Aid) on the whereabouts of herds of elephants that move up and down the valley. We set up an animal observation point to observe and monitor the many species. “The final phase was a week-long trek. We could not trek during the midday sun, so 4am starts were necessary. Overall we walked just over 100km across the vast expanse of the Namib Desert, ending up on the shores of the skeleton coast. Although it was a tough walk over difficult terrain requiring skilled map work, the landscapes we passed through were stunning and I had a great sense of achievement at the end.” Ally Sanderson in the Namib Desert 5 NEWS OF LATYMERIANS If you have news to share please submit your stories, volunteering, career moves and achievements or news relating to other Latymerians to the Editor, Nigel Orton. n Two Latymerians were included in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June and we congratulate both on their achievement: Michael BOYD (1971) was knighted for services to theatre, and Paul STRONG (1964) received the OBE for services to education. Sir Michael has been in theatre his whole career, originally training in Moscow before going on to hold a number of theatre posts and work on many productions. He joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1996 becoming their Artistic Director in 2003. Paul Strong recently retired after 25 years of successfully leading William Farr C of E Comprehensive School, Lincoln. We have regularly reported on the national successes William Farr School achieved during Paul’s headship. Paul was also a guest at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Service in St Paul’s Cathedral and at the following Lunch Reception in London’s Guildhall. n Adam TOOP (1984) took part in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant at the helm of Islay, an immaculately restored 1922 J-Class tender which is just one of the 21 boats in his collection. Adam skippers Islay n Bishi BHATTACHARYA (2001) (below) has released her latest album, Albion. Read more about Bishi and her music and designs on n Rufus JONES (1993) is starring in Hunderby, a seven-part comedy costume drama currently showing on Sky Atlantic, playing the role of Doctor Fogherty. Rufus was recently seen as Terry Jones in the BAFTA nominated Holy Flying Circus on BBC4. n Ed CONDRY (1970) (left) is currently resident canon at Canterbury Cathedral and has been appointed Bishop of Ramsbury in the Salisbury Diocese and will be consecrated on 21 September in a service in Westminster Abbey. Ed n Brian DIX and Mike REA (both 1957) where both among a number of alumni of institutions that were subsumed into the University of Surrey who were invited to receive honorary B.Univ degrees presented by the University’s Chancellor, HRH The Duke of Kent in Guildford Cathedral last November. n Marcin MILLER (1982) lives in Norfolk with his wife and two teenage children. He works in drinks publishing running his own drinks PR consultancy. His companies are Quercus Communications Ltd and Number One Drinks Company, a business importing and distributing boutique Japanese single malts. Marcin was recently made a ‘Master of the Quaich’ for his writing and promotion of Scotch whisky. He is also an ‘Honorary Colonel of Kentucky’ – nothing to do with fried chicken, but all about bourbon. Marcin co-founded Whisky Magazine in 1998 and he regularly contributes to whisky books and writes for The Spectator and other titles. n Cassian CAREY (1996) has gained a 1st in Psychology, Politics and Sociology as a mature student at Cambridge University and now plans to do a Masters. 6 Back row L-R: Ray BARKER, Tony SOUTHCOTT, Andy SLOMAN, Keith WARMAN, Chris LORDING, Keith POHL. Front: Dave YATES, Dennis BRETT, Gary McDOUGALL, a teacher they can’t remember, Steve HOLLIS, Dave PRICE and Steve JOELSON. n Rajko VUJATOVIC (1987), a former Latymer Chess Captain is now a chess master and Chair of The Chess Boxing Organisation. n The University of Cambridge’s Ultimate Frisbee ‘A’ team has three Latymerians in its ranks: Adam BOOTH (2004), Elliott MORE (2002) and Nick SKLIAR-DAVIES (2008). n Joe RICE (2006) is training to be an accountant and has recently gained his black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He has become the sole owner and instructor of a TAGB Tae Kwon Do School in Northolt, Middlesex. n Dr Sarah DEEDAT (1998) is a research associate in the Department of Primary Care & Public Health Sciences at King’s College, London. n Alex CUNDY (1999) is the Business Development Manager at Chelsea Football Club. n John BENNETT (1953) has been involved for a long time with the administration of youth football in West London and he is the Director and Chairman of the Combined Counties FA. As John raised a glass on the Queen’s Jubilee he recalled that when he left Latymer early to support his family after his father fell terminally ill, his form nominated him to have their allocated ticket to the Queen’s Coronation. In the intervening years he has had a career in building and construction, but says he is enjoying his retirement in Brentford. (Editor: Very sadly John passed away after submitting this; we hope to carry an obituary to him in our next edition.) n James and Charlie BROOK-PARTRIDGE (1992 and 1988) met up to support Chelsea FC and enjoy the Champions League Final in Munich on 19th May. Charlie is London-based and James lives in Singapore. n Brian WERNHAM (1979) has a new book: Agile Project Management for Government that was published by Maitland and Strong on July 31. n Helena WILLIAMS (2008) has taken up a role as a finance analyst at a major events company. She has also been appointed as a Lib Dem contributor on a new, cross-party political blog, Speakers Chair and she continues to run and write for her own theatre reviews website, n Ben TAYLOR (2000) has released a sneak peak of his solo record, he performs as TF and you can sample his music on his Facebook page. He is also a member of a band, As We Climb, and they recently played a sell out show at the Cambridge Corn Exchange with popular UK band, McFly. Ben lives in March, Cambridgeshire and runs a design company: offering clients web services, print, branding, photography, video production and more ( He has recently been working with Simon FROST (2002) on web projects. Bishi Adam is very passionate about restoring vintage boats and is Commodore of the Thames Vintage Boat Club. Adam reports that despite the poor weather on the day, the many hours of preparation were worth it to be part of that piece of pageantry and history. n A group from the Class of ’74 got together in the City on Tuesday 19 June for a drink and to watch the Ukraine v England football match. At the pub were: Dave PRICE, Ray BARKER, Dennis BRETT, Steve JOELSON and Dave YATES (1972-4). Dave Yates had not seen some of the group for almost 40 years. Steve produced a picture of their school football team from the Lower 5ths, circa 1971, in which they all featured (with big hair). There was lots of reminiscing, great fun and plenty of beer was had by all. James & Charlie n Alex NEWTE HARDING (1999) (left) is a naturopathic physician and a life coach, look at her website for details. Alex n David JACKLIN (1969) has recently retired after spending most of his career in IT management, including some 17 years at Volvo Cars followed by 12 years as the IT Director for FirstGroup and then National Express. n From June’s edition of What’s Brewing magazine: ‘London Transport Commissioner Peter HENDY (1971) was made Beer Drinker of the Year at the awards ceremony of the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group dinner in May for advising commuters to skip congestion on the tube by staying at the pub for a pint or two.’ n Laura ALLSOP (2001) is the Managing Editor of Ibraaz, and has already gained extensive experience in arts publishing. She worked at Art Review from 2006-09, before moving on to write freelance for various publications including Frieze, Modern Painters, Art Monthly and Wallpaper. She is also currently a freelance arts reporter for CNN’s international website. n Kimberley LIM (1999) is currently a reporter with Reuters. n Carl JOHN (1997) (right) currently flies for British Airways as a First Officer from their London City Airport base. (See overseas news page for more on Carl.) Carl n Katy McMullen (1998) is Press and Marketing Officer at the National Army Museum. Philip HARVEY (1997) is working as a senior architect at PCKO Architects. n Jan BALON (2001) is now an Assistant Vice-Principal of Aylward Academy in Edmonton. n Actor Hugh GRANT (1978) has been elected an Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford, his alma mater. n Gordon McDOUGALL (1959) is a theatre director and academic who for many years was a TV producer and director for Granada. Gordon has taught at RADA and over a dozen universities in Europe and the Americas. He currently runs a consultancy company and, until 2008, wrote and hosted Poem for Today, a daily poetry radio show broadcast in the US. View his website n Joe MARSH (2001) has just finished filming on a British comedy feature called Convenience, playing a Russian gangster, and putting his lessons at Latymer with Svetlana Andreyeva and his subsequent gap year in Moscow to good use. n Doug ROSS (1961) was elected Chairman of West Somerset District Council in May and remains very involved with The Regal Theatre in Minehead. n Arabella TUREK (2011) spent part of her gap year volunteering as a free-diver for the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme, a UK based charitable organisation which accepts volunteers to help them out with data entry and Arabella dives with a whale shark! measuring sharks using lasers, as well as many other exciting things! 7 NEWS OF LATYMERIANS continued n Dr Arch TAIT (1960) was the 2010 winner of the inaugural English PEN Literature in Translation Award for translating Anna Politkovskaya’s Putin’s Russia (Harvill Press). Arch has worked with many well-known Russian writers. Asked in a recent interview what prompted him to study Russian, Arch recalled his ‘French master, F.W. Gregory, decided that Russian was going to be an important language in the post-war world. Gregory taught Russian grammar and Natasha Wilde, a Leningrader taught conversation. They were a powerful combination, and many Latymerians went on to study Russian at Oxbridge. A school visit by a mysterious and slightly sinister delegation from Moscow further deepened my fascination with a culture that was clearly more alien than that of our West European neighbours. The sounds of Russian were also mesmerising. The vocabulary was something else: learning ‘zhivotnoe’ for ‘animal’ was like trying to memorise a random nine-digit number and Russian verbs had two infinitives, perfect and imperfect. Wow; geek paradise!’ n Another younger Latymerian translator of Russian is Leo SHTUTIN (2004) who is to be congratulated on winning the 2010 Rossica Young Translators Award, for translating an extract from Shishkin’s novel, Письмовник, which transcribes as Pismovnik. Julian’s first contact with the subject of thermoelectricity occurred in one of Mr. Middleton’s physics lessons at Latymer in the 1940s. Middleton demonstrated the Peltier effect by showing that there was less heating at the junction of a thermocouple when the current was passed in one direction rather than in the opposite direction. A few years later, when working at the research laboratories of The General Electric Company, Julian was able to demonstrate for the first time that the correct choice of thermocouple materials made the Peltier effect strong enough to turn water into ice. His fellow scientists and engineers regarded his work as a breakthrough that made the now thriving thermoelectricity industry viable. n Dr Chris CHANG (2001) won the 2007 Medical Gold Medal in an examinations competition held for University of London final year medical students. Chris went on to Cambridge and now graduated is working at Southend University Hospital. He recently qualified for his MRCP qualification. He has a brown belt in Wu Shu Kwan and acts as the Chinese Kickboxing School’s principal medical adviser. n Dr Rachel von SIMSON (2002) won the Gold Medal at King’s College, London for the top result in her final year medical exams. n Marek MILLER frcs (1977) is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Northampton General Hospital and has become a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University. He serves as a council member in the urology section of the Royal Society of Medicine and is a director of East Midlands training programme. n Yet another award winner is Julian GOLDSMID (1946) an emeritus professor of the University of New South Wales, who received the Outstanding Achievement Award of the International Thermoelectric Society at their 2012 annual conference in Aalborg, Denmark, in June. We’re guessing a number of Latymerians will have been involved as volunteers or working in varying capacities for the Olympics and Paralympics during London 2012. Here are some Latymerians that we know were involved: n Three 1979 pals met up recently: Jonathan WILLIAMS, Gordon BURT and Julian MA. Gordon is an oral surgeon in Melbourne, Australia and Chair of the Victoria Dental Association. Julian is a Professor of Immunology at Guy’s Hospital Medical School. John is a doctor from Bristol and is the team doctor for Bristol Rugby Club. John also acted as the sports physician for the London Olympic Hockey Competition. n Dr Andy CIECIERSKI (1983) was working at the Olympic Regatta and at the Paralympic Regatta at Eton Dorney as a doctor on the ‘Field of Play Recovery Team’, looking after the athletes and officials, for both rowing and sprint canoeing. Gary PAINTER (1976) was also at Eton Dorney as an official at the Women’s Rowing. n Chloe MANN (2000) is a member of the Nostalgia Steel Band, a group regularly performing at the Notting Hill Street Carnival. This year they were in the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympic Games. Also in the Opening Ceremony cast was Jamie HARVEY (1999) who acted in the industrial revolution scene. n Chef Heston BLUMENTHAL (1976) carried the Olympic Torch during day 53 of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay leg between Burnham and Slough on July 10. (Heston was only at Latymer for a year; his peers are Class of ’84.) n Stefanie STEWART-HODGES (2003) has just moved from teaching at Gunnersbury School to a post leading music projects at the Chelsea Academy. Stef is committed to making music accessible to underprivileged children and encouraging them to perform, and giving them more self confidence. This led to her nomination and resulted in Stef having the privilege of carrying the Olympic Torch on its journey from Bromley to Wandsworth on Monday 23 July, which Stef described as ‘an amazing experience’. n Klara WEAVER (2011) also carried the torch. She negotiated her way through the famous maze at Hampton Court Palace carrying the flame on its last morning of its tour of Great Britain, before it was taken downriver on the royal barge Gloriana. Klara is a studying medicine at Imperial College and is a rowing hopeful for the next Olympics! n Lily COLE (2006) has become involved with young British programmers as a competition judge of Young Rewired State. Lily was also one of nine super models that took part in a tribute to British Fashion as part of the Olympics Closing Ceremony. n London Marathon winner and Olympian Hugh JONES (1970) was responsible for measuring the London 2012 marathon course. We now bring you news about recent leavers: n Amy BARRAN (2002) is enjoying her career as a reception teacher in Hallfield School in Westminster where she is also the ICT co-ordinator for Early Years Foundation Stage. n Gemma BAYES (2002) joined ‘Teach First’ and after a challenging first post in Wembley she realised teaching was her career. She is now Head of Modern Foreign Languages at the Chelsea Academy. n Elie BORELLO (2006) is teaching English at the University of Montpellier. n George JACKSON (2005) is continuing his studies in opera and orchestral conducting in Vienna, but will spend the coming academic year in residence at the Hochschule für Musik ‘Franz Liszt’ Weimar. The forthcoming season includes débuts with orchestras in Jena, Karlovy Vary and Gdańsk. George is also about to complete his PhD in Musicology at Trinity College Dublin. George n Tim THORNTON (2007) launched his quartet’s debut album, New Kid, on 31 July 2012 at the Pizza Express, Dean St, London W1. More info about Tim and his music is at n Matthew NOBLE (2006) has finished working for a think-tank on climate-change policy and is now working for the Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Scotland, Michael Moore MP. n James PLATT (2002) is working as a Senior Press Officer at the Department of Energy and Climate Change. n Madeleine HAMMAR (2002) is a consultant at the United BioSource Corporation. n Michelle FAUSTMAN (2002) is a solicitor at Plexus Law. Juliet MUNN (2002) is an environmental lawyer and an associate at S.J. Berwin LLP in London. n Charlie REGIS (2011) is Chairman of Riverside Academy playing in the International Tennis Federation’s futures tournaments. He also represents Middlesex. He will be studying at Loughborough University this term. n The 2012 London Marathon was completed by Joe MARKOWSKI in 3 hours 42 minutes; other Latymerians that also ran were Emily CHALLENOR (2006), Charlotte WATSON (2006) and Imogen PRUS (2009). Chloe, front row, 2nd from right, kneeling. 8 Heston Klara ie Charl ily & Em Joe n George PHILLIPS (2008) also took part in the London Marathon with his sister Charley, but on stilts! They raised money for Macmillan Cancer Support in memory of their late mother. Both are accomplished stilt-walkers and crossed the finish line in 6hr 50min, picking up a ‘Guinness’ world record for the fastest marathon completed on stilts. with e g r Geo s sister hi n Having played minis and youth rugby since knee high, Matt KEVILLE (2007) returned to Richmond RFC this year after graduating in Sports Science and Management from Loughborough University. He and James GREENWOOD (2003) have had a successful season at Richmond playing in Rugby’s National League One. n Dom WALDOUCK (2006) has left London Wasps and signed a new contract with Northampton Saints. Sean O’CONNELL (2011) has been in training and playing rugby with Instonians RFC based in Belfast. Sean is in the Ulster Academy. n Latymerians often reach great heights in their careers and activities and this is literally so for Naser GHAZI-SADEDDIN and Calum DAVIDSON (both 2011). In May they helped set a world record for the Calum & Naser fly the School flag on Mera Peak. world’s highest DJ set during a gig at 6,476m at the summit of Mera Peak on Kala Patthar in the Everest range. This was all in aid of Music4Children, before retreating after their climb battered, bruised and very tired back to join in the swing of filming the Kathmandu Street Festival. n George LITTLE (2006) has an online gallery, www.georgelittle. He also regularly exhibits. This piece, A Mess Up at the Holy Palate, has been selected for this month’s Bloomberg New Contemporaries show in the Liverpool Biennale and then in November will be at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London. n Have we been outdone by Godolphin & Latymer? They record their oldest alumna as being aged 108! 9 n Latymerians can be found in every corner of the world, even where you least expect them! It is perhaps not surprising to see such a concentration of Latymerians in North America and in Australasia, but former pupils can also be found in the Middle East and South East Asia. If you are living in any of the countries showing with ‘no Latymerians’, get in touch and you may be surprised to find some alumni in your midst, who are often happy to meet up and swap stories. AUSTRALIA GUYANA Rachel WALKER (2006) is living on the Gold Coast and completing her education degree, teaching in a primary school. Cecilia CAIO (2006) is working for Guyana’s Ministry of Finance in the Economic Policy Division as an Overseas Development Institute Fellow on a two year posting, based in Georgetown. Thomas MELHUISH (2007) is currently reading medicine at the University of Sydney. Dr Dimuthu Samaranayake (1997) is a GP at the Kildare Road Medical Centre in Sydney. Ben COLES (1985) produces and presents news and sport on Sydney’s ABC NewsRadio. BRAZIL Dan TORRES and Carl JOHN (both 1997) met up in Rio de Janeiro with Frank McMorrow (former Latymer Head of Soccer) to enjoy the Rio Carnival and for a fun tour of the new Maracana football stadium, under construction for the 2014 World Cup! (See Dan’s wedding news on the Social page and Carl on the News page.) Dan lives in Rio where he is a recording artist. CANADA THE NETHERLANDS Thomas DOWOYNA-SYLWESTROWICZ (1993) lives in the Netherlands with his wife, Katya, and their two daughters Isaura (3) and Elodie (1). Tom works in IT for RIPE NCC. After reading Peter Stevens’ article on his life after Latymer, in the last newsletter, he remembered being in his form, 2L, and tackling SSSMAT’s (Stevens’ Super Special Mental Arithmetic Tests). He also recalls most of his other teachers: Miss Hillier, Rev Iball, Messrs Evans-Evans, Clarke, Simmons, Teskey, Orme, Smith, Thomas, Dorrian, Rose and Dr Chaplin. UNITED STATES Pictured below, Raman MENON (1950) and his wife Maureen, on their balcony in San Francisco welcoming Adrianna WILLIAMS (2004) during her visit to the city in May. Felix LAURIE von MASSENBACH (2008) is moving to Waterloo, Ontario to study for a PhD in Quantum Gravity at the Perimeter Institute. The Alumni Shop Visit our online Alumni Shop for Latymer-themed gifts like: mugs, ties, blazer badges, bow ties, cufflinks, golf umbrellas, and a copy of Nigel Watson’s book, A History of Latymer Upper School. To see our selection, go to 10 Dr Marcus BOON (1981) is an Associate Professor of English at York University in Toronto, teaching contemporary literature and cultural theory. He is the author of The Road of Excess: A History of Writers on Drugs (Harvard UP, 2002) and In Praise of Copying (Harvard UP, forthcoming). Daniel NEWMAN (1999) lives in Shanghai where he runs his own company, Newman Tours, which might be of interest to other Latymerians visiting this city. Class of 2012 Latymerians who will be going abroad to study this year include: Madeline KOSSE is enrolled for Reed College in Portland, Oregon; Anja SALONEN will be attending the Rhode Island School of Design; Jack OLIVARIUS-McALLISTER is reading Liberal Arts at Yale University; Lauren McKENZIE and Sidney STEIN are both reading Liberal Arts at New York University and Clarke HARNED is going to Atlanta, Georgia, to read Liberal Arts at Emory University. From the class of 2011: Nkenna IBEAKANMA is going to be attending Dartmouth College in New Hampshire; Alex HODGKINSON will be studying at New York’s Syracuse University. Dr Vivian IBRAHIM (1999) (above) spent some time as a research fellow at the University College, Cork before moving to her current post as Assistant Professor of History, teaching in the Croft Institute of International Studies at the University of Mississippi. Her main research interests include religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East, Nationalism and Political Islam. She is also co-editor of Political Leaderships, Nations and Charisma (Routledge, 2011) and author of The Copts of Egypt: Challenges of Modernisation and Identity (I.B. Tauris, 2010). Karin HOLLAND (née CROSBY) (1999) is a senior sustainability specialist at Haley & Aldrich in San Diego, CA. She is also the author of Bottle Bob, a children’s book (ISBN 1467967068). Toby DORMER (1994) has joined Vancouver-based Remedy Productions Canada as MD and President. CHINA Claudia MOROSS (2007) has been at NYU doing her Masters in Music Business and living in Manhattan. Patrick COLLINGWOOD (2008) is studying architecture at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in Manhattan, NY. Latymerians Around the World n If you would like to meet up with other Latymerians where you are, or in an area you are travelling to, contact Nigel Orton and he will endeavour to put you in touch. We have four overseas Latymerian Councils who run occasional events – the Canadian, Australasian and Asian Latymerian Councils and US Friends of Latymer (website OVERSEAS Latymerians Carl JOHN, Dan TORRES and Frank McMorrow in Brazil! Dr Mark POZNANKY (1978) is Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center in Massachusetts. Jeremy GOLD (2005) has completed his Juris Doctorate at Fordham University Law School in New York. Nick JEFFERY (1975) has taken up a chair in Veterinary Clinical Studies at the Iowa State University. Nick was previously professor of neurology and neurological surgery at Cambridge University’s Veterinary School. SOUTH AFRICA Rose DAVIDSON (2012) is commencing undergraduate life at the University of Cape Town this term. 11 ALUMN EVENTS “It was great to see the school again and I find it amazing how easily all the old boys slip back into the banter and fun conversations we always used to have…” The Classes of 1990-92 Reunion There was a warm atmosphere as Latymerians from three year groups toured the School and viewed photographs of their school days in the Archives, before adjourning for an evening of laughter and nostalgic reminiscences in The Old Ship. Guests relive an assembly David BOGARD, Mrs and Dr Haresh MULCHANDANI, and David GREWAL (1992) “I have to say, the school has certainly changed greatly since I was there. It was very emotional to step back into 2L’s classroom; I almost broke out in a flood of tears. I will certainly not be leaving it another 20 years before I come and I look forward to seeing you again…” A number of their teachers also attended: Brian Barker (Physics), Jean Harding (Prep), Martin Willson (Modern Languages), Chris Hammond and Brian Chaplin (both Chemistry), Malcolm Smith (Classics), Marion Nott and Nigel Orton (both Biology), Lisa Fairbanks (Economics), John Gilbert and Graham Bearman (both History). Annual Latymerians’ Golf Day by Denis JONES (1967), organiser Steve OTTERBURN (1965) won this year’s Latymerians’ Golf competition at Hoebridge GC. Other prize winners were Roger FRANKLAND (1961), Ian MACLEOD (1962), and Paul COLLINGWOOD (1978). At the supper, Nigel Orton presented the prizes. First-time appearances were put in by Alan JACKSON (1973), Simon HINTON (1989) and Trevor WOOLLEY (1971). Welcome reappearances by previous trophy-winners, after a break of some years, by Ricky TAVARES (2002) and Bruce COLLINGWOOD (1983). David RACE (1967) who was also playing, lives in Derbyshire. He had disembarked from a cruise on the golf day morning in Southampton and travelled direct to the event. Such enthusiasm to attend, similar to that of Alan ANDERSON (1958) who joins us from Cumbria each year, is much appreciated. After running the event for six years I am standing down having done my stint as organiser and Ian Macleod succeeds me. Next year’s event will be on Friday 7 June, 2013. Bearman Julian HALL (1992) and Graham ry) Histo of d Hea ed (retir 2011 Winner Barney GRIFFITHS (1975) presents the 2012 trophy to Steve OTTERBURN Dr Simon BUTLER and Clayton DEAN (both 1992) with Chris Hammond (retired Assistant Head and Chemistry teacher) Dinner for the Distinguished List In May, a Dinner was held at School to celebrate the addition of more Latymerians to the Distinguished List. This list originates from the 1995 centenary history of the School and each year new names are added following a selection process overseen by the Latymerian Council. L to R: Stephen CLARKE (1972), James Noel (guest), Stephen OTTERBURN (1965) and Alan JACKSON (1973). L to R: Tony GALLOWAY (1969), David RACE (1967), Derek GARDINER (1965) and Trevor WOOLLEY (1971). Henley Royal Regatta Some of our recent leavers met up at Henley for the Royal Regatta. Sporting their Latymer rowing blazers they attracted other Latymerians to the School’s reception in the Stewards’ Enclosure, hosted by Richard PHELPS (1983). Amongst other Latymerians present were Ben DOLLING (1989), a 747 airline pilot, and James MUIR (1960) who sent us a couple of photos of our School crews in action (see also School News). Dr Roni SAHA (1992) The crew of 1962 reunited at Henley to celebrate 50 years since they rowed there as the first ever Latymer crew to qualify for the Regatta. They had a lunch with the Head before enjoying an afternoon of meeting the current 2012 crew and other Latymerians in the Stewards’ Enclosure. Dinner in Singapore The Asian Latymerian Council held a dinner in Singapore during late June, an event it hopes to repeat in future. Crews of 1962 and 2012: L-R Front: Dan Stark, Orlando Nixon, Sheldyn Hutchinson, Jack Harbridge, Rob O’Leary. Back: Dick CUTTING, Max Hacon, Barnaby Stroud-Turp, Hugh BURKITT, Peter MORRIS, Tony WILLATTS, Martin WADE, Adam Stapleton and Anthony Lam-Marsden. The crew of ’62 Victor APPS (1966), Arif ANWAR (1990) and Dave APPLETON (1975) 12 Prof Hussein KASSIM (1983) Recent Leavers L-R: Charlotte ADAMSON (2011), Harry KELLY (2010), Zoe THEXTON (2012), Milivoj VAGIC (2010), Molly McGRATH (2012), Daniel JAFFE (2010), Dave ADAMSON (2010), Hugo GULLIVER (2007) and Nick CONSTANTINE (2009). 13 NEWS SOCIAL py news and activities of We are delighted to share the hap brations to feature in this these Latymerians. If you have cele contact Nigel Orton. We section for future editions please the featured members: to s warmly add our congratulation Laura SMYTH (1999) was married on Friday 20th April at the Connemara Coast Hotel in Galway, Ireland to Iain Reilly. The Latymerians attending were pictured together (right) at the wedding reception, which overlooked the sea. Laura is currently working in the human resources team at Deloitte in London and the couple live in Ealing. L-R: Jamie HARVEY (1999), Richard SMYTH (2001), Helen HOLTON (1999), Joanne SMYTH (2006) Laura SMYTH and Catherine SAUNDERSON (both 1999). Dan TORRES (1997) got married in April at his parents’ house, just outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paola Stavracakis Peixoto during a celebration lasting for two days of fun; their guests all dressed in white whilst the bride and groom wore salmon. Dan is a successful recording artist and his latest CD can be viewed at Dušan MILENKOVIC (1997) married Angharad on June 9th at St. Stephen’s Church, Westbourne Park, London W2. A number of his class of 1997 attended and joined in the celebrations. Dušan is returning to full time education in the autumn to start an MSc in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. On June 10th last year Sibyl ZaoSANDERS (1999) was married to Samuel Muir, at Brunswick House, London (above). In attendance were her brother, Marc (1997), and Alex PERKINS, Richard WINSTANLEY and Ram RASIAH (all 1998) with Katie GREEN, Omar KAYAT, Alexandra RICKARD and Alexandra NEWTE HARDIE (1999). Gideon MAIER (1988) and Katrina Phillips (above) were married on the 29th April 2012 at Stoke Place, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire. The couple live in Kensal Green, NW10. 14 Mayanga KARUNADASA (2000) married Toby Croasdale on 23 June at St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street (above) with the reception at Inner Temple. Maudie GUNZI and Alice HOBSON were two of the bridesmaids and in addition to her brothers, Dileepa (1992) and Ruchira (1996), other Latymerians attending were: Tom GREEN, Luke CASSERLY, Ed MALTBY, Sasha BROGGINI, Alan SENDOREK and Claire SAVAGE (née CAPELL). Rhiannon PHILLIPS (1999) married Ben McKay-Smith on 5th November 2011 at Westminster Chapel and honeymooned in Sri Lanka. They now live in Manchester where Rhiannon is Head of Development at the Lowry Arts Centre. Tara BREEZE (née COLLIS), Rose ALLETT, Sarah BAGNER, Annie HEATH (née STURGE), Vasiles POLYDOROU and Joe MAYHEW were all guests at the wedding (right). Helen HOLTON (1999) was married to Terry Brown (left) in July 2011 at the Barnes Wetland Centre, and on 25 July this year the couple were blessed by the arrival of a son, Ethan. ad, L-R: Guest, Dr. Hanney GONNA , guest, Faisal RASHID, Dušan, Anghar LEE. Ajmal DAR, Philip HARVEY, Behrang JEDARI -TANURI, and Holam Aisling VLASTO (née Blyth Corcoran) (2000) gave birth on 15th Januar y to a baby girl, Holly, weighing in at 7lbs 4oz. Tara COLLIS (1999) married Jonny Breeze in Spain on 10 September 2011 (above). She was supported by Annie HEATH (née STURGE), Rhiannon PHILLIPS and Sarah BAGNER as bridesmaids, and other Lats present were: Vasiles POLYDOROU, Faisal AL-JAWAD, Joel BLACK (née LIVINGS), Joe MAYHEW and Alex KIEHL (all 1999). They honeymooned in Spain before an extensive maxi-moon in South America. The couple live in Brixton, London and Tara works in PR for The Edge. Francesca BOORMAN (née SALUSSOLIA) (2000) (right) has had another baby, Alessia, born on the 13th November 2011, and a perfect little sister for Oliver. Despite being a full-time mum to two little people Francesca manages to build her network marketing business now with over 200 partners. She is receiving a lot of attention as an example of how a busy mum can create such a large business and has been able to meet and be mentored by some really inspirational world business leaders and talk at conferences. Bex and Adam BALON (1990) became proud parents when their first child, Cassius, arrived on May 3rd. This means that in the short term Adam is spending a little less time growing the innocent business he co-founded and more time changing nappies. Tony HYNES (1989) and his wife were blessed last autumn with another daughter, Adelaide Jameson, a sister to Audrey. 15 Dynasties LATYMERIAN Could you imagine spending over 20 years on the cricket square with Robert Orme? Or, perhaps another 10 years studying The Odyssey with Mr Malcolm Smith? Sadly, there is only so much time one can spend at Latymer as a pupil. However, some lucky Latymerians have the opportunity to return to see generations of their family walk in their footsteps down that long corridor! These families have seen and experienced Latymer change through the years. We asked some of them to reflect on their time at Latymer as pupils, parents and grandparents. First to feature in this series is the Phelps family interviewed by Development Assistant, Jordana Berk n The Phelps family L-R; Back row: Richard, Thomas; Front row: James, Cissie and Mike proudly pose in front of a picture of Richard’s grandfather in his 1923 Doggett’s Coat and Badge that hangs in Thames Rowing where he was Boatman from the 20s to the 60s; all the family are current club members. Richard, his wife and Mike are Club Vice Presidents. Having Fun with the Annual Fund The Annual Fund raises money to provide free places for bright and able children to attend Latymer whose families could not otherwise afford the fees. This campaign has been running since 2005 and OLNEWS is pleased to announce that there are now 16 pupils at Latymer on free places funded by the Annual Fund. This is in addition to the other 82 pupils attending Latymer on means-tested scholarships. The success of the Annual Fund over the past seven campaigns is due, in no small part, to the generosity and support of the Latymer community as a whole – Latymerians, parents, staff and even pupils have shown their dedication to this appeal by giving their time and support to this most worthwhile cause. To learn more about the Annual Fund, visit In the last few, Latymerians and parents have come together to organise events for this appeal. Upcoming is the Raphael WALLFISCH (1971) Cello and Piano Concert. Earlier this year a lot of fun was had at the Latymer Foundation Golf Day. The Latymer Foundation Golf Day 2012 by Adriana Williams (2004) n Doggett’s Coat and Badge race is thought to be the oldest continuous sporting challenge in the world. The course runs with the tide from London Bridge to the Cadogan Pier in Chelsea and was first contested in 1715 to commemorate ‘the happy accession of His Majesty, George I, to the throne’. n The race’s founder, Thomas Doggett, lived in Chelsea and was a regular user of the river taxis which were rowed by the Watermen. He left instructions in his will that the race should run on 1st August ‘for ever’ and that each year the winner should be presented with the livery coat and badge. Richard PHELPS (1983) was a former GB rower and a Cambridge Blue who regularly umpires at Henley and other Regattas. He works for Barclays Capital, his children, Thomas, James and Cissie currently attend the School. Their granddad, Mike PHELPS (1951) is now retired. From the age of 19-21 he saw National Service in the army, witnessing fighting in the jungles of Malaya. He held a commission in the King’s African Rifles commanding African troops and working closely with Sea Iran trackers, Chinese Political Liaison Officers and medics from India. All good experience for his future career in international marketing and management, initially with Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (i.e. BP) where he worked both in the UK and overseas. Jordana: As a boy, if you were asked to describe Latymer in one sentence, what would it have been? Richard: Latymer was a school that catered for all levels and all backgrounds and hence there was always someone who you could bond with and therefore a place to generate great friendships. Mike: A totally new experience in every way. The war had very much disrupted my primary education so I had been to several different schools and for a period no school at all. Latymer was so much bigger and so well organised! Jordana: Were you taught by any of the same teachers? Richard: Mr Elliot taught us both Geography and I recall being taught Latin by Mr Grimsby. Also, Mr Terry taught me who I think taught Dad. Dad, can you confirm? Mike: Mr Spong, Mr Offerly and Mr Howard were also still at Latymer when Richard first joined. Jordana: Did you all participate in the same activities at School? Mike: The wartime tribulations which we all took so calmly and in our stride. Cycling to school through the bomb damage from previous night raids with the homework that you had been set, to be completed whatever! No excuses! Richard: I remember the SAS storming the Iranian embassy, but I guess the event that has the most significance was Thatcher’s general election victory in 1979, whether you like her politics or not, that change of government and politics still impacts the UK today. Jordana: If you could describe Latymer today, in one sentence, what would it be? Mike: Just brilliant, but let us all try to ensure that more pupils from less well-off backgrounds are given the chance to be Latymerians. Richard: The Boat Club is the common theme, especially as Thomas is now also rowing for the School and competed in the J14 8 at this year’s National Schools. Richard: A very slick, well apportioned school that punches above its weight while sticking to the basic ethos of helping each student to achieve in whatever field they are strongest. Jordana: What was the one historical moment you remember most that happened whilst you were at school? Is your family a Latymerian Dynasty? Contact the editor and tell us your story. Watch this space for the next instalment of ‘Latymerian Dynasties’ in OLNEWS! The Head with the winning Edwards team After the announcement of a hosepipe ban at the end of March came the April showers. Coombe Hill Golf Club was deceptively bright at tee-off; however, sunshine quickly turned to rain as the players made their way around the impressive course. The author stayed inside the clubhouse, but fortunately after only a few minutes the skies began to clear again. Once the 18 holes (or, more importantly, the 18 remarkable greens) had been completed, the teams regrouped in the clubhouse to share a meal and for the distribution of prizes. Once again the Edward family team triumphed, leaving the BHP Mechanical’s team in second place. Peter Winter said a warm farewell to those gathered for the event – this will certainly not be the last Coombe Hill sees of the departing Head, who has been a staunch supporter of the Foundation Golf Day since its inception. This event, generously hosted by Maurice EDWARD (1948) who is a longstanding member of the club, is the only annual fundraising event in the Development Office calendar. Sponsors from the Latymer community took part by sponsoring tees, greens and teams. Latymerians, parents and staff all played on the day in aid of the Annual Fund. An Evening with Raphael Wallfisch and John York Monday 8th October 2012 The Edward Latymer Theatre, 7pm In Support of Latymer’s Annual Fund for Means Tested Scholarships Raphael Wallfisch (1971) is one of the most celebrated cellists currently performing on the international stage. He has been performing with John York for over 13 years. This cello-piano duo has played at major festivals in the UK and abroad and has also produced a critically acclaimed album. Visit his website to find out more about the duo. The programme will include works by Beethoven, Delius and Grieg. Minimum donation (to include an interval drink): Adults £15; Under 25 £10; Under 18 £7 All proceeds from this sporting afternoon go directly to fund means-tested scholarships at Latymer. These scholarships have been the main focus of fundraising in the last five years, and the number of children on free or nearly free places has jumped from just seven in 2002 to 82, as of September 2012, with another 13 receiving partial awards.. To find out more, or if you would like to take part next April, go to We are very grateful to our 2012 sponsors: The Latymerian Council We are taking the first steps to re-organise the Latymerian Council and there are still volunteer opportunities to serve, for example on groups that will advise on alumni communications. If you wish to get more involved with your alumni organisation and its events or activities please contact Nigel Orton. We are also now recruiting Class Representatives who will help us gather news and lead events open to their year. If you can assist let Nigel know. The Council have elected a Chairman in John Wynne WILLIAMS (1964) and a Deputy in Harmeet AHUJA (1990). 16 John is now retired. In the final years of his entrepreneurial career he brought together business ideas, people and funding to enable start-ups and growing businesses. He now enjoys travelling, walking with his wife, talking to people (including his wife!) but his golf handicap remains static despite increased activity. Harmeet is COO of Sun Mark Ltd, an international distribution company based in West London. He is married and has two children and lives in Northwood. He enjoys fencing when possible. John Wynne Williams, Chairman n Careclean n Compass Group n Morgan Asphalte n RDM Ltd n VHH Architects n Logic Office Group n Barnes Auctions n WISH Holidays n Craftwork Interiors n London & Central Securities Ltd n BHP Mechanical n Adam Gold Consulting n World of Transport Travel n Dolce Vita Villas Ltd n Autograph Sales Ltd 17 STAFFNEWS Jeanne Socrates Whatever happened to... Jeanne Socrates (right) taught mathematics at Latymer in the 80s and 90s. Her son Nicholas (1987) is now a dentist, and other family members at LUS were her late father, Laurence SAPPER (1939) and her late uncle, Alan (1953). Her nephew, Simon SAPPER (1980) was School Captain. Jeanne continues to spend her days on board Nereida and recently set off from Hobart across the Tasman Sea towards the SW Cape of New Zealand. This will be the last of the Five Great Capes that she will have sailed around solo, since rounding Cape Horn on 7th January 2011. She will then be heading up the South Pacific towards Tahiti and then north towards Hawaii and North America, from where her third non-stop solo Round the World attempt is due to start early in October! Daily postings of news and position, while on passage, can be found on her website She is the oldest lady to solo circumnavigate via Cape Horn. n Gus BAKER (1958) left Latymer to train at Loughborough. He subsequently taught at schools in North Somerset and Morpeth School in Bethnal Green, before returning to teach PE at Latymer from 1963-67 alongside Mike Bond. He left to get married and to take up a post on the Isle of Wight where he still lives. n David Scott taught PE and was Head of Rugby in the mid-90s before emigrating to New Zealand. He is now in Adelaide as Head of Boarding at Scotch College. During August he took part in the Triple 7, a fundraising event for Yalari, a trust to help children from indigenous communities enjoy a top quality boarding education. It involved running seven marathons in seven Last Christmas, when back in the UK, she had the honour of meeting The Queen and Prince Phillip in Buckingham Palace at a reception for adventurers held to mark the centenary of Captain Scott’s final expedition to the South Pole. Jeanne also featured in the December edition of the RYA magazine and she was presented with the Duchess of Kent Trophy from The Cruising Association during January’s Boat Show by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, for her mammoth sailing achievements. consecutive days. Whilst Dave pounded the streets of Australia’s major cities his school’s boarders matched him mile for mile each day on treadmills at the College. dave_scott n Peter Johns left Latymer’s Design Technology Department more than two decades ago to teach at Haileybury where he is currently Head of Boarding. n Piers Heyworth taught English at Latymer in the late 70s, before moving to James Allen’s Prep school in Dulwich. After 14 years as Head there he moved in 2006 to be Head of the Manor Prep School in Abingdon, Oxon. Do you have news on former staff? Let us know please! obituaries It is with deep regret that we note the passing of the following Latymerians: John COLES (1937) Peter MART (1950) John COOK (1952) Following his National Service Peter qualified as a chartered accountant and started his own business in sports cars; retiring in 1993. In his youth Peter represented ‘Old Lats’ in football, tennis, squash, golf, table tennis and served on the OLFC committee for many years as team secretary. Henry LEWIS BDS LDS RCS (1948) Leslie WAREHAM BTech CEng (1959) Jack Lyndon Haynes BATT (1939) Jack served in WWII, initially in the Royal Artillery, 172 Field Regiment, then in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps as a corporal. This interrupted his career with the National Westminster Bank that he had commenced in 1939. He eventually retired in 1982, by which time he was a branch manager. Letters Film subjects n Whatever happened to the Tiger Moth on the playground in 1948? n Douglas LANCASTER (1938) kindly brought this to our attention and asks if any other Latymerian has been the feature of a documentary? In response to Graham Corneck (1954) [Letters to the Editor last edition] Marc Mason’s documentary film, The Man with the Jazz Guitar, is a 115-minute biographical feature of the late Ken SYKORA (1941). He was the son of a Czech cavalry officer and an aristocrat Swiss mother. Ken was a composer and guitarist who regularly broadcast on the BBC and Radio Clyde, on many subjects. At the height of his London popularity, he based himself in Scotland, dying aged 83 in 2006. Look out for this at a cinema near you! 18 “I don’t know what became of the aircraft, but it certainly wasn’t a Tiger Moth. It was either a Hawker Hind or a Hawker Hart. They looked very similar, and I remember it took me a while to be sure of its identity. What I can’t remember now is which way I decided. Either way, it looked nothing like a Tiger Moth.” Geoffrey RAINBOW (1947) n Does anyone remember SS Stork and teachers’ nicknames? “I have very happy memories of my years at Latymer under the headship of Fred Wilkinson. We only had one woman teacher at the school Mrs. Wiggins, I expect there are many now. All the teachers had nicknames and I can remember many of these but have forgotten their actual names ie. ‘Dogsbody’; ‘Cupid’; ‘Tinny’ (the Rev Cann who would pay 6d to any boy who could tell him a joke that he had not written down in his joke book); ‘Milky’ (Mr Eric Parish); ‘Gus’, ‘Beery’ (Mr Sopwith who liked to go for a pint during lunch break); ‘Archie’ (Mr Davis who ER’d every few words and once did so a 100 times in one lesson to rousing cheers from the class. He made us all stay behind after school to write out 100 times ‘To ER is human to Forgive divine’). The School was full of characters and we had lots of fun despite the war and hard times. Can anybody remember ‘SS Stork’, the training ship moored in the river opposite the Headmaster’s house, and all the orphaned boys who lived and trained on her for a career in the Navy? Happy days of long ago.” Evan LAWLEY (1950) David moved on to Wadham College Oxford, but the friendships forged at Latymer continued to his end. Robert William SPALDING (1953) John Raymond CURRELL (1940) Robert enjoyed a good career with the Commercial Union Assurance Company and excelled in various sporting activities, playing veterans tennis, golf and bridge well into his 70s. He died in 2010. John was a RAF bomb aimer during WWII before embarking on a teaching career where he became a primary school head teacher in Hampshire. Colin BOXALL (1950) Colin was the great, great grandson of one of the original ‘eight poor boies’ of Hammersmith selected by the trustees to benefit from an education provided from monies deriving from land left in Edward Latymer’s will. Colin played in the annual Latymerians’ Golf Day, winning the event in 1992 and 2002. Colin also played cricket and soccer for the ‘Old Lats’ and was a prolific goal scorer, who held their record for the highest number of goals scored in one season. Lawrence Malcolm BOXALL (1942) Lawrence passed away peacefully on May 15 at Wycombe Hospital aged 86. He was a loving husband to Pam, and adored father of Mandy and Nigel. Albert William COLES (1935) to the Editor... William Keith MITCHELL MA (1956) holidays cycling together with David through Kent and Germany; supporting the Reverend Monty Cann in the school chapel; David’s talent as an organist from an early age; visits with friends to concerts and plays; and many happy hours spent in conversation at afternoon tea in each other’s rooms at Cambridge, where David graduated from Christ’s College; and watching cricket together at Fenners, or punting on the Cam. Bert was a civil servant with the Post Office Savings Bank before his War service with three regiments: 42nd Regt RTR (TA), HQ 21st Tank BDE, and 107th RAC ‘The King’s Own’. His career was then with HM Customs & Excise as a surveyor, retiring in 1978. David Owen BYRT ARCM GRSM (1949) David completed his National Service as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery before training to become a music teacher. He then held Director of Music posts successively at Ealing Grammar School, Westminster School, and the Dragon School, Oxford. He was also an examiner for the Associated Board during his distinguished teaching career. From 1989-2001 he was organist and choirmaster of St Peter’s Church, Wolvercote; and from 2001 at St Mary’s Church, Bampton, Oxfordshire. Peter Crevie LEE OBE (1959) Peter died in 2009 aged 69. He was a prominent Liberal Democrat, playing an instrumental role during the merger of the SDP and the Liberals in Cambridgeshire. He was Paddy Ashdown’s campaign manager in his successful bid to lead the party. He was a councillor and led Cambridge Liberals on the council and played a key role in the County Council in the 80s. He received the OBE in 1992 for his public and political services. Keith was awarded a Major Scholarship to read Modern Languages at Trinity College, Cambridge. After graduating in 1960, he taught English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at the Bell and Lennox-Cook Language Schools in the city. During this time, he was co-author of the 1967 text book, A New Way to Proficiency in English. Keith was a Lecturer in English and then Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics from 19681990 at the University of Edinburgh, teaching grammar, semantics and discourse and held a research interest in the communicative teaching of grammar. He was co-author of Meanings into Words and co-edited the series Edinburgh Textbooks in Applied Linguistics. Keith also directed numerous overseas courses for the British Council, mostly in Austria, Germany and Eastern Europe. He retired from his lecturing post in 2004, but continued to have a University attachment as an Honorary Fellow. Keith died in March 2012 at the Marie Curie Hospice in Edinburgh leaving his wife, Laure, and daughters, Nicole, Nathalie and Sophie, his grandchildren and his brother, Arthur (1964). Keith had once told us, “I have especially good memories of my period in the Sixth Form preparing for A levels and then Cambridge entrance. We had seemingly endless free periods which I spent reading the classics of German and Russian Literature in a large airy room overlooking the Thames in Rivercourt House, taking occasional time off for a run ‘round the river’ or a game of tennis at Wood Lane. I have a permanent debt of gratitude to Latymer’s inspiring modern languages staff, especially Fred Gregory and ‘Doc’ Greatwood.” The Reverend Franklin RICE (1936) Franklin was a chartered surveyor for 32 years before becoming ordained. In WWII he held a commission in the East Surrey Regiment, serving in East Africa and Burma and he was ‘Mentioned in Despatches’. David Charles SCOTT MA (1955) David died unexpectedly last February in Worthing Hospital. He was a linguist and his career was spent in education. Three of his lifelong school friends offer their deepest sympathies to his wife, Jane and their family. These friends remember their school time, Kenneth John WHITBREAD (1943) Ken spent almost all his working life in the Far East teaching English to foreign students. Ken died on 29 Dec 2010 and despite being 85 was still working full-time at Curtin University, in Perth, Australia. In Memory of… Roger BAKER (1950) Roger had died in 1993 and his widow had retained his ashes so they could be interred together when she died. Following her death earlier in 2012, Roger’s brother, Gus (1958), told us of a moving service attended by Roger’s family and friends held in the village church in Honing, Norfolk. Barry DORN (1950) gave a tribute focusing on Roger’s athletic achievements. Roger had represented GB Athletics many times and had been proud to see his daughter, Pippa take the women’s 100m sprint title and also reach the 1986 Commonwealth Games final. Cyril Fuller (1939) It has recently been the 70th anniversary of the death on 25 March 1942 of Cyril Fuller, who died when all the crew of the tanker Narragansett MV was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine with no survivors. This is just one tragic example of the many young Latymerians who died, in service of their country, in the two Great Wars. Cyril was a 19-year-old cadet in the Merchant Navy at the time. Jeremy BURDETT BA MS PhD DSc (1964) We have only recently become aware of the passing some 15 years ago of Jeremy Burdett, Professor and Chairman in Chemistry and Professor in the James Franck Institute at the University of Chicago, who died 23 June 1997 aged 49. Jeremy studied at Magdalene College, Cambridge and as a postgraduate at the University of Michigan gaining his PhD from Cambridge. He joined the University of Chicago faculty to teach in 1978. He was the author of more than 200 research publications and five books, including Chemical Bonding in Solids (Oxford, 1995). 19 The Latymerian Council (UK) 1941 George Terry 1957 Norman Donkin 1961 John Williams 1970 Geoff Lavers 1973 Steve Faktor 1978 Matthew Bond 1983 Peter Kasic 1990 Harmeet Ahuja 1996 Talat El-Sherbiny 1998 Lotte Jones 1999 Alastair Lauder 2002 Jenny Baskerville 2009 Ciara McEllin The Asian Latymerian Council 1966 Victor Apps 1990 Arif Anwar 1994 Daniel Jobsz 2002 Leela Pandit The Australasian Latymer Council 1946 Basil Walby 1949 Terry Ball 1955 Clive Trotman 1956 Jim Tilley 1969 John King The Canadian Latymerian Council 1955 Trevor Jones 1955 David Havard 1960 C. Hugh Grant 1962 Jeffrey Simons 1963 Peter Basey 1982 Jimson Bienenstock US Friends of Latymer Board of Directors 1957 Ron Phillips (Treasurer) 1963 David Godfrey 1964 David Talbot (Secretary) 1969 Michael Freeman 1974 Bill Marchbank 1976 Jamie Grant (Chair) 1980 Mark Bullimore 1981 Rory Curtis 1993 Richard Davidson Jennifer Evans Casey The Development Office Team Amanda Scott Director of Development 0845 638 5965 [email protected] Nigel Orton Director of Alumni Relations 0845 638 5811 [email protected] Jane Myerson Assistant Director of Development 0845 638 5970 [email protected] rd a o b e c i t o N YOUR NEWSLETTER We regularly invite comments on the style and content of OLNEWS and we once again welcome your feedback. Please e-mail Nigel Orton with your views. You can also visit us on Facebook and find us on LinkedIn! (Please declare us in your education profile when using LinkedIn.) UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS October 8: Concert by Raphael WALLFISCH (1971) and John Yorke Book online now (see page 17). October 24: Founders’ Day Supper in Nottingham We are on the road again, this time visiting Nottingham on the day the School celebrates Edward Latymer’s Foundation of the School. Join us for supper. For details contact us or book online. November 10: Cambridge Latymerians’ Dinner The Cambridge Latymerians’ Dinner will take place at Peterhouse at 7pm. It is open to all our Cambridge students and dons. There are also a few tickets for other Latymerians to join us and experience a college dinner. Black-tie; Book now! November 30: The (99th) Annual Latymerians’ Dinner This dinner is open to all Latymerians and is held in the School Hall. Tickets are £31 with student and U25 discounts. Book now! December 27: Lats Soccer Match at Whitton: Recent Leavers v The School. Kick-off noon. Anyone keen to take part contact Don MAUGHAN (1953) [email protected] March 2: Oxford Latymerians’ Dinner The Oxford Latymerians’ Dinner will take place at Baillol College. Black-tie. You can book now! EMAIL Never received email from us or changed your email address rece ntly ? Please let us have your preferre d current email, so that we can use this to notify you of events and reduce our postage costs. Email now to Nigel so we can capture your email address on: [email protected] rg, include any news to share or an address change. March 3: Round the River Jog Open to all, so bring the family and the dog. A chance to run, jog or walk around the School’s ‘Round the River’ course for fun and to keep fit, or sponsored to raise money for your favourite charity! It’s only four miles, and you can enjoy fantastic views on the river. After the jog, the group will reconvene over a pint in the Auriol Boat Club. This event is for all ages and abilities! To take part, email Barry DORN (1950) on [email protected] April 10: Lats Soccer Festival at Whitton, kick-off noon. For classes of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Anyone keen to take part contact Don MAUGHAN (1953) [email protected] April 27: Class Reunion 2000-2004 A reunion for the classes of 2000-2004 providing a great opportunity to connect with former teachers and classmates and take a look at memorabilia’s in Latymer’s Archives. Partners welcome! Book now! June 7: Annual Latymerians’ Golf Day The Annual Latymerians’ Golf Day will be in the afternoon at Hoebridge Golf Club in Woking, followed by supper. E-mail Ian MACLEOD (1962) at [email protected] for details and to book. *To book for our events you can send Nigel Orton or Adriana Williams a cheque made payable to ‘Latymer Upper School’, or pay by credit/debit card by booking online via the link on the School’s website If you have any queries or wish to advise us of any mobility or dietary issues, please ring Adriana on 0845 638 5969 or email her at [email protected]. Adriana Williams (2004) Development Officer 0845 638 5969 [email protected] Lisa Cullen Development Officer 0845 638 5966 [email protected] Further News... Annie Hage Development Assistant 0845 638 5726 [email protected] Consultant: Chris Hammond Julian HALL (1992) www.Entrepreneur has published his second book, Entrepreneur to Ultrapreneur – 100 Ways to up Your Game. It has already become an Amazon #1 Best Seller. Latymer Upper School King Street Hammersmith W6 9LR 0845 638 5800 Patrick COLLINGWOOD (2008) has set up a furniture range: www. 20 ...................... Frazer COMLEY (2007) completed a Sprint Triathlon in 1 hour 6 mins for Leonard Cheshire Disability in August. The Charity focuses on helping support those with physical and sensory impairments, learning disabilities, and those with acquired brain injuries. Frazer asks for support – please look at his ‘just giving’ page www.justgiving. com/Frazer-Comley
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