Chapter 7 - Valdosta Regional Airport


Chapter 7 - Valdosta Regional Airport
Valdosta Regional Airport
Valdosta-Lowndes County Airport Authority
Master Plan Update 2007
The major improvements outlined in the preferred alternatives for airfield, general
aviation and commercial service terminal area, land use, and other major functional
areas on the airport are incorporated into the updated ALP drawing set. The ALP
represents a group of drawings that serve as the primary tool to guide growth at the
airport throughout the 20-year planning period and beyond. The drawings depict the
recommendations described within Chapter 5 this Master Plan with regard to aviation
development at VLD. The ALP set was reduced from its full-size of 22" x 34" to be
incorporated in this chapter for easy reference. The drawings in this ALP set include:
Title Sheet,
Airport Layout Drawing,
Inner Portion of Approach Surface Drawings (6),
Airport Airspace Drawing,
Terminal Area Plans (3),
Airport Utility Drawing,
Land Use Drawing, and
Airport Property Map Drawing.
ALP Drawing Sheets
Title Sheet
This sheet serves as the ALP drawing set cover sheet and provides information to
include the official airport name, airport owner, associated city and state, and the party
responsible for preparing the ALP set. An index of drawings, graphic representations of
the airport location (scale 1:500,000 or sectional aeronautical chart) and the airport
vicinity (scale 1:24,000 or USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map) are also presented on the
title sheet. Reference Drawing 1 in the VLD ALP drawing set which follows this
Airport Layout Drawing
The Airport Layout Drawing (ALD) is the graphical representation, to scale, of the
existing and proposed airport facilities and the future configuration of the runways,
taxiways, and aprons. It also depicts the location and development recommendations
of the commercial service terminal area, general aviation areas, airport support facilities,
and other aviation related areas to meet the needs of the airport through the year 2025.
Airport Plans
Valdosta Regional Airport
Valdosta-Lowndes County Airport Authority
Master Plan Update 2007
It provides clearance and dimensional information required to show conformance with
applicable FAA design standards.
A runway data table is provided, detailing runway information, including coordinates,
length, width, strength, lighting, markings, approaches and navaids, ARC and critical
aircraft, safety area information, and airspace considerations.
Also on this sheet are
wind rose information, facilities information, and runway protection zone dimensions.
The two wind roses presented show wind coverage for both All-Weather and IFR
conditions. Information specific to VLD, such as airport elevation (highest point of the
usable landing area), airport reference point coordinates, runway identification, airfield
lighting and marking, runway instrumentation, pavement surface type and strength and
electronic navigational aids, are specified in the airport and runway data tables. A
reduced scale version of the Airport Layout Drawing is provided at the end of this
chapter (reference Drawing 2).
The key recommended airfield improvements include installing MITL along Taxiway C,
remove shoulder pavement along Runway 4/22 and Taxiway C, rehabilitate pavement
in Runway 4/22 at intersection with Runway 17/35, and implementing a non precision
approach to Runway 4.
Terminal Area Drawings
The terminal area plans provide a more detailed drawing of both the commercial service
terminal area and the general aviation terminal areas. Drawing 3 depicts the
commercial service terminal area, including proposed terminal building expansions,
public parking lot expansion, and apron expansion. Drawing 4 shows the general
aviation facilities close-up, with recommended improvements. These improvements
include the relocation of the general aviation terminal building and ATCT, construction
of transient apron, and infill construction of additional t-hangars and conventional
hangars, as demand warrants.
Inner Portion of the Approach Surface Drawings
These drawings depict natural and man-made features in the vicinity of and along the
inner approach to each runway end. The large scale plan and profile views facilitate the
identification of potential obstructions that lie within areas that should be free of objects
that may endanger safe aircraft operations. The plan view is depicted using an aerial
photograph of the airport as a basemap. Data available from USGS quadrangle sheets,
the previous ALP set, Valdosta and Lowndes County GIS, as well as visual
observations, were utilized in the preparation of these sheets. These drawings should
be used by airport management to ensure that obstructions, which penetrate the
imaginary surfaces, are either removed or marked in the appropriate manner. In the
future, additional field surveys should be performed at regularly scheduled intervals to
ensure clear approach surfaces. Refer to Drawings 5-10 in the ALP drawing set.
Airport Plans
Valdosta Regional Airport
Valdosta-Lowndes County Airport Authority
Master Plan Update 2007
Airport Airspace Drawing
This sheet incorporates a graphic representation of the imaginary surfaces surrounding
the airport as described within FAR Part 77. The imaginary surfaces are established in
relation to the airport elevation, the runway ends, runway end elevations, and define
those areas where the safe operation of aircraft necessitates that the height of objects
be regulated. The size of each imaginary surface is based on the runway category and
type of existing, or planned approach, whichever is the most demanding. Refer to
Drawings 11-14 in the VLD ALP drawing set.
Airport Property Map Drawing
The map of airport property, often times referred to as the “Exhibit A”, defines the
existing and future airport boundary for VLD in a graphical and tabular form. The
purpose of this drawing is to provide information necessary for analyzing the current
and future aeronautical use of land acquired with federal funds. For reference
purposes, the major airport facilities, both existing and future, are presented in the
background. These items are illustrated on Drawing 15 of the VLD drawing set.
Land Use Drawings
The land use drawing is a graphic representation depicting existing land uses for onairport and off-airport property in the vicinity of the airport. The principal purpose of this
plan is to provide general developmental guidelines for all on-airport property (existing
and proposed) and to ensure compatibility with airport operations off-airport property
within the 65 DNL noise contour (future year 2025). Proactive overview planning is
critical, because planned projects may be constructed ahead of schedule, and
unanticipated but beneficial aviation related projects may be desired. It is important for
VLD to have an understanding of future development options with regard to land use.
Reference Drawing 16 of the VLD ALP Drawing Set.
The on-airport functional use designations include: commercial service areas, general
aviation, non aviation related, support facilities, and ultimate aviation related. Areas
reserved for ultimate aviation related use could function as a cargo facility or corporate
flight department hangar area.
Off-airport land uses are depicted for reference. These Lowndes County land use
designations include: residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural/forestry, and
public/institutional. Also depicted on the drawings are the 75, 70, and 65 DNL noise
contours for the year 2025. Where conflicts are apparent and an incompatibility exists
between airport operations and adjacent land uses, mitigation measures are
Airport Plans