the Catalogue in PDF format. - SAC@TS
the Catalogue in PDF format. - SAC@TS
RUIMSIG, GAUTENG, SOUTH AFRICA 27 OCTOBER 2013 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Welcome to the 7th Show of the SACATS Breeders Group SHOW ADMINISTRATOR: Johan Lamprecht – [email protected] OFFICIATING JUDGES Mary Findlay – CFSA: LH, SLH, SOSH, Dina Freitas – SACC: AB, Daniel Germishuys – CFSA/WCF: AB, Grant Leih – SACC: SLH, SOSH, Tanya Milligan – WCF: AB, Brenda Neukircher – WCF/CFSA: AB, Karen Pepler – SACC: AB, Deon Scheepers – CFSA: AB Catalogue: R10 PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH, FEED OR DISTURB THE CATS IN ANY WAY. DISCLAIMER: Exhibitors exhibit their cats at their own risk. Members of the public are admitted to the show at their own risk. The African Independent Cat Association and it’s officials will not accept any responsibility for damages arising from any cause whatsoever. Right of Admission Strictly Reserved for all Individuals and Organizations. Dear Exhibitor Welcome to the show and thank you for the support. We hope you and your exhibit/s will have a good day and enjoy the interaction with peers and feline friends. If this is your first experience of an Independent show, herewith a few practical tips: You can bench anywhere you like in the designated area. There are no reserved spaces. You are responsible for your cats throughout the day, including the litter tray, water and food, as well as handling and presentation. You may display any information or promotional material about your cat, breed, cattery, etc., but not any promotional material or brand names of competitors of our sponsors for the day. In your envelope, you have 1. A catalogue. This indicates how your cat is entered in the standard classes. It also indicates the judge who will be expecting your cat on the table. Please familiarize yourself with the number of your cat and listen out for this number which may be called during the day, or during Best on Show. If a cat is called and there is no response within two minutes, the cat may be considered absent. 2. Two sets of number cards. The card with your name should be prominently displayed on the cage throughout the day to make the cat and cage instantly recognizable during the entire proceedings. The card without an identifying owner’s name should be worn prominently displayed whenever your cat is presented for judging in the standard classes, Best in Show or photographing. Not wearing the correct number with the correct cat may lead to judging error and your cat may loose out. Slide the card into the clip-on badge from the bottom. Part of the card will protrude from the plastic at the bottom. 3. Due to the lack of stewards, exhibitors have to be alert and ensure that your cat gets to the judges table on time. Check at the judge’s table early on during the show to estimate where your exhibit is on the list and approximately when it will be expected. You, or a representative appointed by yourself, must present the cat, as there are not enough stewards to handle the cats. 4. Please advise the judge if a cat is absent or withdrawn. Do not inform the show manager only – the judge should personally delete the number from the list, to prevent the steward trying to locate a cat and exhibitor. 5. A judge may correct any errors on the judging sheet, but may not change the exhibit number on the sheet. 6. It is your responsibility to know which awards (titles) were given to your cat, by which judge. The judge does not know this. If a judge has already awarded a particular title certificate to your cat, please alert the judge that it is necessary to get a second judge’s signature on the show report/award, otherwise the award will not be valid. 7. Please take all your refuse with you and ensure that the benching area is clear and clean before you leave after the show. Anything not cleared by you will have to be cleared by a very weary and un-paid show manager personally. BEST ON SHOW – Sunday 27 October 2013 JUDGE EXHIBIT M Findlay D Scheepers 26 39 86 77 1 20 50 47 BEST OVERALL 1 D Freitas D Germishuys G Leih T Milligan B Neukircher K Pepler About SACATS Sac@ts Breeders group was one of the first Breeders Groups to affiliate to the Southern Africa Cat Council. It represented all breeds of registered cats and their breeders, but concentrated on representing the rarer breeds, without any specific group of their own. The rules and sentiments in SACC changed to such an extent over the years, that by 2013 Breeders Groups became obsolete for practical purposes. SAC@TS proposals and votes made no impact or difference in the represented breeds for a few years preceding 2013 and the membership dwindled to below the minimum number required to retain the affiliation with SACC, according to the Breed Group Rules and Constitution. SAC@TS was forced to deaffiliate from SACC in July 2013. The remaining members were unanimous in the decision that the group should not dissolve, but remain active as an Independent club. SACATS then joined forces with the growing number of Independent Cat Clubs in South Africa. This it the club’s seventh show and the second Independent show. The FAQ below is from the AICA website. FAQ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is an Independent club? It is the original format of cat clubs, especially successful in Europe, where the club is autonomous in all respects. It does not belong to a governing body and does not pay affiliation fees or subscribe to the rules and constitution of a governing body on a national or international basis. Some of the largest clubs in Europe are independent. Is the “pie” in the South African Cat fancy big enough for yet another club to want a slice? AICA does not want to have a slice or compete with the other clubs. It rather wants to add a dollop of cream if it is a sweet pie or some gravy if it is a savoury pie. The idea is to enhance and compliment, not compete. Why Independent and not TICA, CFA, etc.? An independent club has a lot of options and freedom to explore, without the restrictive rules of an International body, which sometimes are not relevant or realistic in our country and costs nothing in affiliation -, show license -, meeting attendance -, etc. fees. Is AICA setting up a register? There are three cat registering bodies in South Africa, covering all breeds of cat, for practical purposes – there is no need for an Independent Register. Independent clubs can accept cats registered anywhere. What about judges training? Independent Judges in Europe take 100% responsibility for their own training, unless they belong to an Independent Guild. They have to arrange their training and examinations with other independent judges. It is a long and tedious process, usually done breed by breed and in a very loosely defined fashion. It is neither practical nor advisable to do this in South Africa. There are no independent judges in our country with whom to train anyway. What is the association with Fife and WCF? There is no association, apart from the fact that the same title structure is followed and as such titles and title certificates from Fife, WCF and other Independent Clubs following the same title structure can be recognised reciprocally. CFSA, SACC, ACFA, TICA, CFA, UFO, ACF, CCCA, NZCF, etc. titles and certificates follow different systems and can therefor not be recognised for a cat’s show career. Fife & WCF judges licenses are recognised, as are all other verifyable judges qualifications. What standard will judges use? The standards are pretty universal these days. Cats are judged in colour, pattern, etc. classes as per WCF/Independent convention. The standard of the organisation of origin (where the cat was first recognised) is the preferred one. I still don’t get it – what is the advantace of an Independent club over a WCF club or –subclub, for example? Firstly, WCF international shows need 80 cats entered on a show – something which is very difficult to guarantee in smaller centres and other neighbouring countries. Secondly, a cat can only receive one title certificate at a WCF show per day. A different show on the same day gives the exhibitors, the stewards and student judges a second opportunity. This makes a lot of sense when we consider the long distances travelled to shows in our country. What’s to stop lots of other Independent Clubs from starting up and opening the flood gates, turning the cat fancy into a “free for all”? Nothing. Hopefully there will be other Independent clubs, with the same idea – to enhance, rather than to compete, with steering committees investing their energy and time into positive development, rather than fighting. Clubs not delivering the goods will simply not be supported and will die a natural death. There are several other independent clubs in South Africa. The Cat Lovers Association of South Africa (CLASA), The Nelson Mandela Bay Cat Club (NMBCC), The Oriental, Siamese & Related Breeds Club (OSRBG), Chats du Cap Independent (CDC-I) SAC@TS & The South African Cat Club (SACC). More information: THE SHOW SYSTEM EXPLAINED The Independent clubs in South Africa use the same system and titles as the WCF, Fife and European Independent clubs. This is an international system, requiring travel to different countries/regions/provinces to attain titles higher than Champion/Premiers. Many exhibitors find it difficult and expensive to travel to different regions within South Africa. For this reason the WCF affiliate, CASA introduced a unique system of “South African National Titles”, not unlike the national titles awarded in countries like Israel and the LOOF in France. This means exhibitors have the choice of either pursuing International titles for their cats, or National titles, giving cats of high quality the recognition they deserve in the form of formal titles, even if only competing within their own region. National titles are only recognized within South Africa, but will be indicated on the pedigrees of any exported offspring. A cat wanting to follow an International career up to the title of World Champion will have to remain on the International option of titles and follow through with these rules. AICA recognizes these titles reciprocally, as do the other Independent clubs in South Africa. The International and National titles are won according to the following guidelines and rules: Kitten Champion/Premier – 3 CACP/CAPP at national or international shows from 3 different judges. 90 points required for this award. (Kittens 3 -6 months) Junior Champion/Premier – 3 CACJ/CAPJ at national or international shows from 3 different judges. 90 points required for this award. (Juniors 6 – 10 months) Champion/Premier – 3 CAC/CAP at national or international shows from 3 different judges. 93 points required for this award. International Champion/Premier – 3 CACI/CAPI at 3 international shows from 3 different judges in 2 different countries or regions. 95 points required for this award. National equivalent: SA Grand Champion/Premier – 3 CACI/CAPI at 3 national or international shows from 3 different judges. 95 points required for this award. Grand International Champion/Premier – 3 CAGCI/CAGPI at 3 international shows from 3 different judges in 2 different countries or regions. 97 points required for this award. National equivalent: SA Double Grand Champion/Premier – 3 CAGCI/CAGPI at 3 national or international shows from 3 different judges. 97 points required for this award. European or Continental Champion/Premier – 3 CACE/CAPE at 3 international shows from 3 different judges in 3 different countries. 97 points required for this award National equivalent: SA Triple Grand Champion/Premier – 3 CACE/CAPE at 3 national or international shows from 3 different judges. 97 points required for this award Grand European or Continental Champion/Premier – 3 GCACE/GCAPE at 3 international shows from 3 different judges in 3 different countries. 98 points required for this award. National equivalent: Supreme Champion/Premier – 3 GCACE/GCAPE at 3 national or international shows from 3 different judges. 98 points required for this award. Double Supreme Champion/Premier – 6 GCACE/GCAPE at 6 national or international shows from 6 different judges. 98 points required for this award. Triple Supreme Champion/Premier – 9 GCACE/GCAPE at 9 national or international shows from 9 different judges. 98 points required for this award. (CACM/CAPM certificates needed for the World Champion/Premier title can only be awarded at WCF shows.) CATEGORY: LONGHAIR CLASS: EXOTIC BLACK (EXOn) - KITTEN 6-10 MONTHS MALE NEUTER JUDGE: T MILLIGAN 1 L'Exquisite King of Spades CFSA M27928 DOB: 2013/10/02 AGE: 8m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Ormeryds Sundover of L'Exquisite NW (imp) (EXOn) DAM: Db Gr Ch L'Exquisite Charisma (PER.SoM.5.02) OWNER: T Pearce BREEDER: B Neukircher RESULT: CLASS: EXOTIC BLACK SMOKE (EXOns) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: T MILLIGAN 2 L'Exquisite Apres-Vous CFSA M27595 DOB: 2012/12/03 AGE: 10m3w SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Ormeryds Sundover of L'Exquisite NW (imp) (EXOn) DAM: Sup Ch L'Exquisite Apres-Midi NW (PERns) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: EXOTIC RED (EXOd) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: T MILLIGAN 3 L'Exquisite Cracker Jack CFSA awaited DOB: 2012/09/03 AGE: 1y1m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Ormeryds Sundover of L'Exquisite NW (imp) (EXOn) DAM: Sup Ch L'Exquisite Snowflake NQ (EXOw62) OWNER: D Scheepers BREEDER: B Neukircher RESULT: CLASS: EXOTIC SHORTHAIR RED BLOTCHED TABBY (EXOd22) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: T MILLIGAN 4 L'Exquisite Chanson D'Amour CFSA M26250 DOB: 2011/12/16 AGE: 1y10m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Ormeryds Sundover of L'Exquisite NW (imp) (EXOn) DAM: L'Exquisite Muscadel (PERf) OWNER: N Hodgson RESULT: BREEDER: B Neukircher CLASS: EXOTIC BLUE TORTIE (EXOg) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: W/D 5 L'Exquisite Obsession CFSA M14392 DOB: 2004/10/31 AGE: 8y11m3w SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch L'Exquisite Café au Lait (PERw62) DAM: Gr Pr Surabaia Kosher of L'Exquisite (EXOe03) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: EXOTIC WHITE COPPER EYED (EXOw62) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: T MILLIGAN 6 L'Exquisite Develloppe CFSA M26248 DOB: 2011/12/09 AGE: 1y10m3w SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Ormeryds Sundover of L'Exquisite NW (imp) (EXOn) DAM: Sup Ch L'Exquisite Insousience DM (PERw62) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK (PERn) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: M FINDLAY 7 L'Exquisite Cassandra CFSA M27480 DOB: 2012/10/13 AGE: 1y2w SEX: F SIRE: Castlegate Smokin' Joe of L'Exquisite (imp) (PERn) DAM: Tr Sup Ch L'Exquisite Le Vie en Rose NQ (PERf) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK BLOTCHED TABBY (PERn22) - CACI FEMALE JUDGE: M FINDLAY 8 Ch Ormeryds Putta Wickman of L'Exquisite (imp) SACC 20902143 DOB: 2009/02/27 AGE: 4y6m SEX: F SIRE: Eur Ch Ormeryds John-Tage DMS NW (EXOn) DAM: Ixidixi Rise to the Occasion (PERn22) OWNER: B Neukircher RESULT: BREEDER: A Lange CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK BI-COLOUR (PERn03) - CAGPI FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 9 Ch & SA Gr Pr Trés Jolie Bella-Donna SACC 20802135 DOB: 2008/02/21 AGE: 5y8m SEX: SF SIRE: Sup Ch L'Exquisite C'Est Si Bon of Tres Jolie (PER06Ts) DAM: Sup Ch Nizat Kiara of Tres Jolie (PER15Ha) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK BI-COLOUR (PERn03) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: K PEPLER 10 Trés Jolie Zulik SACC 20701205 DOB: 2007/01/07 AGE: 6y9m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch L'Exquisite C'Est Si Bon of Trés Jolie (PER06Ts) DAM: Sup Ch Nizat Kiss Me Quick of Trés Jolie (PER15Ha) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK BI-COLOUR BLOTCHED TABBY (PERn0322) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 11 C'est L'Amour Ferrero Rocher SACC 21212086 DOB: 2012/11/12 AGE: 10m15d SEX: NM SIRE: Grabe's Shalom of C'Est L'Amour (PER 8 SB) DAM: Oakley's Madame Zingara of C'Est L'Amour (PER 36 SUH) OWNER: L Cronje BREEDER: L Moodley & S Singh RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK BI-COLOUR MACKEREL TABBY (PERn0323) - CAGCI FEMALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 12 Ch & SA Gr Ch Flamboyant My Diefie, My Duifie of Trés Jolie CFSA M23350 DOB: 2009/11/10 AGE: 3y11m SEX: F SIRE: Flamboyant Nemo L'Meur NW (PER5SDB) DAM: Flamboyant My Lady My Love NW (PER6SDB) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers RESULT: BREEDER: Marianne Nel CLASS: PERSIAN BROWN BI-COLOUR SPOTTED TABBY (PERn0324) - CAGCI MALE JUDGE: D FREITAS 13 SA Dbl Gr Ch Trés Jolie Sweet Taboo SACC 20701204 DOB: 2007/01/07 AGE: 6y9m SEX: M SIRE: Tr Sup Ch L'Exquisite C'Est Si Bon of Tres Jolie (PER05Ts) DAM: Sup Ch Nizat Kiss Me Quick of Tres Jolie RQ NQ (PER15Ha) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK WITH WHITE TABBY (PERn0921) - CAGPE MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D FREITAS 14 Int Pr & SA Tr Gr Pr Trés Jolie Mischief Maker CFSA M20417 DOB: 2007/10/11 AGE: 6y26d SEX: NM SIRE: Tr Sup Ch L'Exquisite C'Est Si Bon of Trés Jolie (PER06Ts) DAM: Sup Ch Nizat Kiara of Trés Jolie (PER15Ha) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK SILVER SHADED (PERns11) - CACI MALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 15 Ch Lionstone's Dayo of The Catwalk (imp) CFSA M18284 DOB: 2006/07/27 AGE: 7y2m SEX: M SIRE: Ch Brettachtal's Rockefeller (PERns11) DAM: Lionstone's Sayonara (PERny11) OWNER: S Marsh BREEDER: E Hartmann RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK SILVER SHADED (PERns11) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 16 Brettachtal's Maserati of the Catwalk (imp) CFSA M27644 DOB: 2009/04/14 AGE: 4y6m SEX: M SIRE: Gr Ch Brettachtal's Crown Prince (PERns11) DAM: Ch Brettachtal's Helena (PERns12) OWNER: S Marsh RESULT: BREEDER: K Sinn CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK SILVER SHADED (PERns11) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 17 Brettachtal's Marilyn Monroe of Jalbertus of The Catwalk (imp) SACC 21103143 DOB: 2011/03/22 AGE: 2y7m SEX: F SIRE: Gr Ch Brettachtal's High Society (PERns11) DAM: Ch Brettachtal's Noblessa (PERns12) OWNER: S Marsh BREEDER: Karin Sinn RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK SILVER SHADED (PERns11) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS FEMALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 18 The Catwalk Bette Davis CFSA M28076 DOB: 2013/02/14 AGE: 8m SEX: F SIRE: Tr Sup Ch Brettachtal's Roles of The Catwalk (imp) (PERns12) DAM: Brettachtal's Sophia Loreen of The Catwalk (PERny12) OWNER: S Marsh BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK GOLDEN SHADED (PERny11) - CACE MALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 19 SA Db Gr Ch Jalbertus Alexander McQueen of The Catwalk SACC 21004088 DOB: 2010/04/09 AGE: 3y6m SEX: M SIRE: Ch Brettachtal's Cesare (PERny11) DAM: Ch Brettachtal's Sophia-Loreen of Jalbertus (PERny21) OWNER: S Marsh BREEDER: Jalbertus Cattery RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK GOLDEN SHADED (PERny11) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 20 The Catwalk Kenzo CFSA M27833 DOB: 2012/11/11 AGE: 11m SEX: M SIRE: Tr Sup Ch Jalbertus Alexander McQueen of The Catwalk NQ (PERny11) DAM: Tr Sup Ch Brettachtal's Marilyn Monroe of The Catwalk (PERns11) OWNER: S Marsh RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK GOLDEN SHADED (PERny11) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: B NEUKIRCHER 21 Jalbertus Cacheral of The Catwalk SACC 21004090 DOB: 2010/04/09 AGE: 3y6m SEX: F SIRE: Ch Brettachtal's Cesare (PERny11) DAM: Brettachtal's Sophia-Loreen of Jalbertus (PERny21) OWNER: S Marsh BREEDER: Jalbertus Cattery RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLUE SPOTTED TABBY (PERa22) - CACI MALE JUDGE: M FINDLAY 22 Ch Cracker Blue Bijou of Trés Jolie SACC 21177001 DOB: 2011/11/06 AGE: 1y11m SEX: M SIRE: Sup Ch Pensfordhill Chasing Midnight of Cracker (imp) (PER05) DAM: Ch Ormeryds Ulla Brita of Cracker (imp) (PERa24) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: A Visser & P Williams RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN RED (PERd) - CACI MALE JUDGE: EXHIBITION ONLY 23 Ch L'Exquisite Le Bonheur CFSA M22622 DOB: 2008/12/20 AGE: 4y10m SEX: M SIRE: Sup Ch Du Monet Jack Sparrow of L'Exquisite (imp) RW NQ(PER05) DAM: Sup Ch L'Exquisite D-Purfekat Peaches & Cream (imp) DM (PER13) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN RED TABBY (PERd21) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: M FINDLAY 24 L'Exquisite GQ CFSA M26000 DOB: 2011/08/24 AGE: 2y2m SEX: NM SIRE: Ixidixi Brownie of Ormeryds (EXO05Tc) DAM: Db Sup Ch Bjonnasen Talkofthetown of L'Exquisite NQ (EXO.ZIM.36.02) OWNER: N Hodgson RESULT: BREEDER: Brenda Neukircher CLASS: PERSIAN RED HARLEQUIN (PERd02) - CAPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: M FINDLAY 25 Int Pr C'Est L'Amour Prince of Persia SACC 21103125 DOB: 2011/03/16 AGE: 2y7m9d SEX: NM SIRE: Grabe's Shalom of C'Est L'Amour (PER 8 SB) DAM: Oakley's Madame Zingara of C'Est L'Amour (PER 36 SUH) OWNER: L Cronje BREEDER: Moodley & Singh RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN RED BICOLOUR (PERd03) - CAGPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: M FINDLAY 26 Int Pr Trés Jolie First Edition SACC 20701206 DOB: 2007/01/07 AGE: 6y9m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch L'Exquisite C'Est Si Bon of Trés Jolie (PER06Ts) DAM: Gr Ch Nizat Kiss Me Quick of Trés Jolie (PER15Ha) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN - LITTER JUDGE: M FINDLAY 27 Persian Litter (Nrs: 10, 13, 26 ) SACC DOB: 2007/01/07 AGE: 6y9m SEX: SIRE: Sup Ch L'Exquisite C'Est Si Bon of Trés Jolie (PER06Ts) DAM: Gr Ch Nizat Kiss Me Quick of Trés Jolie (PER15Ha) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK TORTOISESHELL (PERf) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: M FINDLAY 28 Cracker Razzle Dazzle SACC 21110162 DOB: 2011/10/27 AGE: 2y SEX: SF SIRE: Sup Ch Pensfordhill Chasing Midnight of Cracker (imp) (PER05) DAM: Sup Ch Athelstones Voluptious of Cracker NW (imp) OWNER: R Van Wyk RESULT: BREEDER: A Visser & P Williams CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK TORTOISESHELL (PERf) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: EXHIBITION ONLY 29 L'Exquisite La Vie en Rose CFSA M23904 DOB: 2009/11/30 AGE: 3y11m SEX: SF SIRE: Sup Ch Chaterley Jedidiah Stargazer of L'Exquisite (imp) DM (EXO05ShTc) DAM: Sup Ch L'Exquisite Insousience DM (PER02) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK TORTOISESHELL (PERf) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS FEMALE JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 30 L'Exquisite Juillet of Trés Jolie CFSA M28089 DOB: 2013/03/21 AGE: 7m5d SEX: F SIRE: Gr Ch L'Exquisite Enchanted (EXO07ZJM) DAM: L'Exquisite Lundi (PER05SoM) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Brenda Neukircher RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK TORTIE SPOTTED TABBY (PERf24) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: M FINDLAY 31 Ormeryds Snickerdoodles of L'Exquisite (imp) CFSA M24727 DOB: 2010/04/30 AGE: 3y6m SEX: F SIRE: Ormeryds Austin (EXO08SoU) DAM: Athlestones Fruitcake (EXOf24) OWNER: B Neukircher BREEDER: A Lange RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN BLACK TORTIE SMOKE (PERfs) - CACI FEMALE JUDGE: M FINDLAY 32 Ch L'Exquisite Brocade SACC 20512070 DOB: 2005/12/29 AGE: 7y10m SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Chaterley Jedidiah Stargazer of L'Exquisite (imp) DM (EXO05ShTc) DAM: Sup Ch L'Exquisite Insousience DM (PER02) OWNER: B Neukircher RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: PERSIAN BLUE CALICO (PERg03) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS FEMALE JUDGE: M FINDLAY 33 Trés Jolie C'Est la Vie CFSA M28079 DOB: 2013/01/25 AGE: 9m2d SEX: F SIRE: Cracker Blue Bijou of Trés Jolie (PER06SoE) DAM: Trés Jolie Amoré (PER37SoH) OWNER: C & D Danziger & Viviers BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PERSIAN WHITE COPPER EYE (PERw62) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: M FINDLAY 34 Cracker Cotton Eye Joe SACC 20811119 DOB: 2008/11/12 AGE: 4y11m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Cracker Pensfordhill Careless Whispurr (imp) (EXO02) DAM: Gr Ch Nizat Jubilee of Cracker (PER15TbHa) OWNER: R Van Wyk BREEDER: A Visser & P Williams RESULT: CLASS: CHINCHILLA LONGHAIR (TRAD) BLACK SILVER SHADED (CHLns11) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: EXHIBITION ONLY 35 Chindy's Earl Macduff SACC 21112139 DOB: 2011/12/18 AGE: 1y10m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Chindy's Portly Peter (CHL05Sh) DAM: Cherie-Finesse M'Dame Midini of Chindy's (CHLns11) OWNER: T Vlok BREEDER: Cindi Edmunds RESULT: CLASS: ORIGINAL (TRADITIONAL) LONGHAR BLACK SILVER SHADED (TLHns11) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: EXHIBITION ONLY 36 Kitty Charm Angelo CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20111206TLHns11M01temp DOB: 2011/12/06 AGE: 1y10m SEX: NM SIRE: Misty's Monsier Montague of Chindy's (CHL05Sh) DAM: Jalbertus Tryphena Belladonna of Kitty Charm (CHL05Sh) OWNER: H Maier RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CATEGORY: SEMI-LONGHAIR CLASS: MAINE COON BROWN BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOn22) - CAPI JUDGE: D FREITAS 37 Pr GeeDee's Cardinal De Richelieu CFSA M25196 DOB: 2010/11/26 AGE: 2y9m SEX: NM SIRE: Paradiseisland Body Guard (MCO) DAM: The Legends Destiny Star of GeeDee (MCO) OWNER: Sunet Prinsloo BREEDER: Athylle Caw RESULT: CLASS: MAINE COON BROWN BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOn22) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: D FREITAS 38 Swagger Coons My Lady Soul SACC 21202164 DOB: 2012/06/29 AGE: 1y4m SEX: F SIRE: Pillowtalk Cowboy of Colorkats (MCO) DAM: Colorkats Cosmopolitan of Swagger Coons (MCO) OWNER: S Prinsloo BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: MAINE COON BROWN BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOn22) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS MALE JUDGE: D FREITAS 39 Amibial *PL Sun Boy of Swagger Coons (imp) PL PZF LO009827 DOB: 2013/02/14 AGE: 8m SEX: M SIRE: PL* Amibial Amazing Boy () DAM: Tara Amibial *PL () OWNER: Sunet Prinsloo BREEDER: Magdalena Troscianko RESULT: CLASS: MAINE COON BROWN BI-COLOUR BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOn0322) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D FREITAS 40 Colorkats Tannus CFSA M29063 DOB: 2009/12/04 AGE: 3y9m SEX: NM SIRE: Db Gr Ch Justcoons Peaknick NQ (MCOSoB501) DAM: Colorkats Magni Fiome (MCO05SCQ) OWNER: S Fitz-Patrick RESULT: BREEDER: Debbie le Roux CLASS: MAINE COON BROWN & WHITE BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOn0922) - CAGPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D FREITAS 41 SA Gr Pr Westwoods Choc Nut Sundae SACC 20710059 DOB: 2007/10/21 AGE: 6y SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Curiacooni Kernes Sultan (MCO) DAM: Gr Ch Thomeka Cerella (MCO) OWNER: A Vosloo BREEDER: Gail Nel RESULT: CLASS: MAINE COON BLUE BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOa22) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: D FREITAS 42 Swagger Coons Butterfly Kisses SACC 21202165 DOB: 2012/06/29 AGE: 1y4m SEX: F SIRE: Pillowtalk Cowboy of Colorkats (MCO) DAM: Colorkats Cosmopolitan of Swagger Coons (MCO) OWNER: S Prinsloo BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: MAINE COON BLUE BLOTCHED TABBY (MCOa22) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS FEMALE JUDGE: D FREITAS 43 The Legends VIP Blue Bombshell of GeeDee SACC 21301095 DOB: 2013/01/25 AGE: 9m SEX: F SIRE: Langsstech Bell VIP Blue of The Legends (MCO) DAM: Maine Lee Tyger Tyger Burning Bright of The Legends (MCO) OWNER: A Caw BREEDER: P Smith RESULT: CLASS: MUNCHKIN SEMI-LONGHAIR RED BI-COLOUR (MKLd03) - CAGPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D FREITAS 44 SA Gr Pr Karnaki Aanstap Rooies CASA ZA-0215/20091218MKLd03M01exp DOB: 2009/12/18 AGE: 3y10m SEX: NM SIRE: Karnaki Horlicks (DOM) DAM: Karnaki Grote Griet! (SKLf05) OWNER: K Pepler RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: MUNCHKIN SEMI-LONGHAIR RED BICOLOUR (MKLd03) - CAPI FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: D FREITAS 45 Pr Karnaki Rooi Rok Bokkie CASA ZA-0215/20110103MKLd03F01exp DOB: 2011/01/03 AGE: 2y10m SEX: SF SIRE: Karnaki Aanstap Rooies (MKL) DAM: Karnaki Meraiah Mechanic (DOM) OWNER: A Vosloo BREEDER: Karen Pepler RESULT: CLASS: NORWEGIAN FOREST BLACK TORTIE HARLEQUIN (NFOf02) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 46 Geedee's Louisanna Lady SACC 2120070 DOB: 2012/10/30 AGE: 11m SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch The Legend's Remmington Steele of Shangri-La (NFO) DAM: Sup Ch S* Beyond Betty Boop of GeeDee (imp) (NFO) OWNER: A Caw BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: NORWEGIAN FOREST BLUE BI-COLOUR BLOTCHED TABBY (NFOa0322) - CACI MALE JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 47 Ch S*Just Catnap's Lotus of Geedee (imp) SACC 21111236 DOB: 2011/11/27 AGE: 1y10m SEX: M SIRE: Ch FI*Foxy Paws Idol's Eye DAM: S"Just Catnap's Kashaya OWNER: A Caw BREEDER: K Kristiansson RESULT: CLASS: NORWEGIAN FOREST CREAM BI-COLOUR MACKEREL TABBY (NFOe0323) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 48 GeeDee's Glowing Amber SACC 21111096 DOB: 2011/11/17 AGE: 1y10m SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch The Legends Remigton Steel of Shangri-La DAM: Shangri-La MSDE Meanor of GeeDee's OWNER: A Caw RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: SACRED BIRMAN SEAL TORTIEPOINT (SBIf) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 49 Timshay Lady Clorinda SACC 20511028 DOB: 2005/11/04 AGE: 8y SEX: SF SIRE: Sup Ch Timshay Kindmoundt's Fisichetto (SBIb) DAM: Sup Ch Fara-Diba Van Sechsechen of Timshay (SBIf) OWNER: K Pepler BREEDER: Shirley Addison-Wynne RESULT: CATEGORY: SHORTHAIR CLASS: BURMESE CHOCOLATE (BURb) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 50 Pearl Caramello Koala SACC 21211132 DOB: 2012/11/16 AGE: 11m SEX: F SIRE: Aurora Billabong Song of Onaoan (BUR07) DAM: Sup Ch Isara Darrel Lea (BUR07) OWNER: P Steyn BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: CORNISH REX BLACK VAN (CRXn01) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 51 Luciana Sweet Vincent van Gogh CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120816CRXn01M01 DOB: 2012/08/16 AGE: 1y2m SEX: M SIRE: Bast Lord Tyerman Devine Prince of Luciana (CRX303) DAM: Int Ch Sweetpurrs Ceylon Gardens of Mistbesque of Luciana (CRXn01) OWNER: Luciana cattery BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: CORNISH REX SEAL BICOLOUR POINT (CRXn0333) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 52 Luciana Baltic White Socks CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120916CRXn0333M01 DOB: 2012/09/16 AGE: 1y1m SEX: M SIRE: Bast Majestic Stephanus of Luciana (CRXns03) DAM: Bast Dodo's Isis of Luciana (CRXg) OWNER: Luciana cattery RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: CORNISH REX BLACK SMOKE (CRXns) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 53 Luciana Diamond Gucci CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120909CRXnsF01 DOB: 2012/09/09 AGE: 1y1m SEX: F SIRE: Bast Majestic Stephanus of Luciana (CRXns03) DAM: Mistbesque Blance of Shaluli of Luciana (CRXw63) OWNER: Luciana cattery BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: CORNISH REX BLACK SMOKE BI-COLOUR (CRXns03) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 54 Bast Majestic Stephanus of Luciana CFSA M25549 DOB: 2010/12/10 AGE: 2y10m SEX: M SIRE: Bast Lord Tyerman Devine Prince of Luciana (CRX303) DAM: Bast Draconis Edasich (CRX.ZJM.5.02) OWNER: Luciana cattery BREEDER: A Els RESULT: CLASS: CORNISH REX BLACK SMOKE (CRXns) - KITTEN 6-10 MONTHS MALE NEUTER JUDGE: W/D 55 Luciana Galliano CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20130306CRXnsM01 DOB: 2013/03/06 AGE: 7m SEX: NM SIRE: Bast Majestic Stephanus of Luciana (CRXns03) DAM: Mistbesque Blance of Shaluli of Luciana (CRXw63) OWNER: Luciana cattery BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: CORNISH REX BLACK TORTOISESHELL & WHITE POINT (CRXf0933) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 56 Luciana Roe's Sweetheart CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120816CRXf0933F01 DOB: 2012/08/16 AGE: 1y2m SEX: F SIRE: Bast Lord Tyerman Devine Prince of Luciana (CRX303) DAM: Int Ch Sweetpurrs Ceylon Gardens of Mistbesque of Luciana (CRXn01) OWNER: Luciana cattery RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: CORNISH REX WHITE GREEN EYED (CRXw64) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 57 Luciana Versace CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120909CRXw64M02 DOB: 2012/09/09 AGE: 1y1m SEX: M SIRE: Bast Majestic Stephanus of Luciana (CRXns03) DAM: Mistbesque Blance of Shaluli of Luciana (CRXw63) OWNER: Luciana cattery BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: CORNISH REX WHITE GREEN EYED (CRXw64) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: K PEPLER 58 Luciana Dolce Gabbana CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120909CRXw64M01 DOB: 2012/09/09 AGE: 1y1m SEX: NM SIRE: Bast Majestic Stephanus of Luciana (CRXns03) DAM: Mitsbesque Blanche of Shaluli of Luciana OWNER: Luciana cattery BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: DEVON REX BROWN MACKEREL TABBY (DRXn23) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 59 Yenta Magpie SACC 21209242 DOB: 2012/09/12 AGE: 1y1m SEX: F SIRE: Imoya Saskakhan Cherubino (DRXns24) DAM: Sup Ch Fance Face Shousala (DRXn23) OWNER: L Pearce BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: DEVON REX BLUE & WHITE (DRXa09) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 60 Lady Aisha CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20111012DRXa09F01nov DOB: 2011/10/12 AGE: 2y SEX: F SIRE: Unknown DAM: Unknown OWNER: T Foward RESULT: BREEDER: Unknown CLASS: DON SPHYNX BLACK (DSXn) - CAGCI MALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 61 Int Ch Nefertiti Caesar ICF ICFAex79100020-4015 DOB: 2012/10/21 AGE: 1y SEX: M SIRE: Int Ch Nefertiti Uspeh (DSX) DAM: Nefertiti Carina (DSX) OWNER: T Foward BREEDER: V Nakonechnaya RESULT: CLASS: MUNCHKIN BROWN BI-COLOUR TABBY (MKSn0321) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 62 Karnaki Kaptein SACC 21110096 DOB: 2011/10/04 AGE: 2y SEX: NM SIRE: Karnaki Liefling (DOM) DAM: Karnaki Much More Munch (MUN05TbBi) OWNER: K Pepler BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: SCOTTISH FOLD BLUE CALICO (SFSg03) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: K PEPLER 63 Jessicaz Sweet Abigail of Silkenclaw (imp) SACC 20903195 DOB: 2009/03/11 AGE: 4y7m SEX: F SIRE: Wykham Conqueror (BRI) DAM: Jessicaz Miss Abby (SFS) OWNER: G Leih BREEDER: L Voogd RESULT: CLASS: SPHYNX BLUE & WHITE (SPHa09) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 64 Vande Bald's Irma SACC 20710175 DOB: 2007/10/21 AGE: 6y SEX: SF SIRE: Sup Ch Belfry Tri Cera Spots of Vande Bald (imp) DAM: Sup Ch Classytouch Franny of Vande Bald (imp) OWNER: T Foward RESULT: BREEDER: Suzette van den Berg CLASS: SPHYNX CHOCOLATE BI-COLOUR (SPHb03) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 65 Spandau Vulcan CFSA M27592 DOB: 2012/10/19 AGE: 1y SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Kikapoo I'm 2 Naked 4 My Tux of Spandau NQ (imp) (SPH) DAM: Tr Sup Ch Spandau Domino Dancer NW (SPH) OWNER: S Fitz-Patrick BREEDER: W Hyman RESULT: CLASS: SPHYNX CREAM MINK (SPHe32) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 66 Catkin Aziz SACC 21201168 DOB: 2012/01/27 AGE: 1y9m SEX: NM SIRE: Gr Ch VandeBald Soso's Kevin of Mooncatz (SPH) DAM: Sup Ch Nakit Alnakeed Nessie Five of Catkin (imp) (SPH) OWNER: T Foward BREEDER: K Hoole RESULT: CATEGORY: SOSH CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR BROWN SPOTTED TABBY (OKHn24) - CAGPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: G LEIH 67 SA Gr Pr Westwood's Apollo of Surrey SACC 21012087 DOB: 2010/12/23 AGE: 2y10m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Micheles Manray (SIA05Tp) DAM: Sup Ch Westwood's Thembi (ORI05Ts) OWNER: H Griffiths BREEDER: G Nel RESULT: CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR BLACK SMOKE (OKHns) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: G LEIH 68 LaMaska Othello SACC 2101029 DOB: 2010/10/02 AGE: 3y SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Café d'Amour of Lamaska RQ NQ (imp) (ORI05) DAM: Kioko Princess Sparkle of Lamaska (ORI05) OWNER: R Smith RESULT: BREEDER: Mariette Burger CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR BLUE BI-COLOUR (OKHa03) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS MALE NEUTER JUDGE: W/D 69 Delilla Private Picasso CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20130214OKHa03M01 DOB: 2013/02/14 AGE: 9m1w SEX: NM SIRE: Int Gr Ch & SA Dbl Gr Ch Siamesis Alejandro of Mistbesque (imp) (OKHb03) DAM: Delilla QueenB (SIAh61) OWNER: A McDonald BREEDER: Karen Labuschagne RESULT: CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR CHOCOLATE BI-COLOUR SPOTTED TABBY (OKHb0324) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: G LEIH 70 LaMaska Dottie with Spotties CFSA P00467 DOB: 2012/10/05 AGE: 1y SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Born This Way of LaMaska (imp) (SIA10SuP) DAM: LaMaska Lucy Pavensie (ORI.SoB10) OWNER: M Burger BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR CREAM (OKHe) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: G LEIH 71 LaMaska Mufasa CFSA M27860 DOB: 2012/12/10 AGE: 1y2w SEX: NM SIRE: Tr Sup Ch Loek-Maew Café D'Amour of LaMaska (imp) RQ NQ (ORI.SoM501) DAM: LaMaska Miss Pretty (ORI.SOM.7.02) OWNER: M & P Kruger & Patterson BREEDER: Mariette Burger RESULT: CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORHTHAIR BLACK CALICO (OKHf03) - CACI FEMALE JUDGE: G LEIH 72 Ch Lamaska She of Seven Veils SACC 21109229 DOB: 2011/09/24 AGE: 2y SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Café d'Amour of Lamaska RQ NQ (imp) (ORI05) DAM: Sup Ch LaMaska Song of Solomon RQ NQ (ORI15BiSh) OWNER: M Burger RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR CHOCOLATE TORTIE TICKED TABBY (OKHh25) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: G LEIH 73 LaMaska Portrait of a Lady CFSA M27857 DOB: 2012/10/12 AGE: 1y SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Café D'Amour of LaMaska (imp) RQ NQ (OKHn) DAM: LaMaska Glitterati (ORI.SoM.40) OWNER: M Burger BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: ORIENTAL WHITE ODD EYED (OKHw63) - OPEN MALE JUDGE: G LEIH 74 LaMaska Aurora Borealis CFSA M26955 DOB: 2012/01/18 AGE: 1y9m SEX: M SIRE: Tr Sup Ch Loek Maeuw Café D'Amour of La Maska NQ DAM: Minki Liu Zauzka of LaMaska OWNER: M Burger BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: PETERBALD BLACK TORTOISESHELL VELOUR (PBDf0382) - CACI FEMALE JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 75 Ch LaMaska Siren Song SACC 21104118 DOB: 2011/04/13 AGE: 2y6m SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Café d'Amour of Lamaska RQ NQ (imp) (ORI05) DAM: Sup Ch LaMaska Song of Solomon RQ NQ (ORI15BiSh) OWNER: M Burger BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CLASS: SIAMESE SEAL BI-COLOUR TABBYPOINT (SIAn0321) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: G LEIH 76 Mokee Chloe of Surrey CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20120912SIAn0321F01exp DOB: 2012/09/12 AGE: 1y1m SEX: SF SIRE: Sup Ch Michele's Manray of Westwood (SIA05SoD) DAM: Taigha Chelsy Masquerade of Mokee (ORI05PtBi) OWNER: H Griffiths RESULT: BREEDER: J Vermeulen CLASS: SIAMESE CHOCOLATE TABBYPOINT (SIAb21) - CACI MALE JUDGE: G LEIH 77 Ch Loek-Maew Born This Way of Lamaska (imp) SACC 21106071 DOB: 2011/06/02 AGE: 2y4m SEX: M SIRE: Sup Ch Maipho Born to Be Wild JW DAM: Loek-Maew Something Pretty OWNER: M Burger BREEDER: A van Dijken RESULT: CLASS: SIAMESE CHOCOLATE TABBYPOINT (SIAb21) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: W/D 78 Delilla Private Baloo CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20121007SIAb21M01 DOB: 2012/10/07 AGE: 1y3w SEX: NM SIRE: Cont Gr Ch & SA Dbl Sup Ch Chickitty In Your Dreams of Mistbesque (OKHb24) DAM: Ashways Mi-A of Delilla (SIAc) OWNER: A McDonald BREEDER: Karen Labuschagne RESULT: CLASS: SIAMESE RED POINT (SIAd) - KITTEN 6-10 MONTHS MALE NEUTER JUDGE: G LEIH 79 Michele's Murari SACC 21301109 DOB: 2013/01/20 AGE: 9m SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch Michele's Manville (SIA05Pt) DAM: Michele's Melani (SIA15Pt) OWNER: P Steyn BREEDER: Michele Fleischman RESULT: CLASS: SIAMESE CHOCOLATE TORBIEPOINT (SIAh21) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: G LEIH 80 Lamaska 50 Shades of Grey CFSA M27858 DOB: 2012/02/10 AGE: 8m SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Born This Way of LaMaska (imp) (SIA10SuP) DAM: Sup Ch Lamaska Glitterati (ORI.SOM.40.2) OWNER: M Burger RESULT: BREEDER: Owner CLASS: SIAMESE WHITE (SIAw) - OPEN FEMALE JUDGE: G LEIH 81 LaMaska Return to Innocence CFSA M28074 DOB: 2012/11/11 AGE: 11m SEX: F SIRE: Sup Ch Loek-Maew Born This Way of LaMaska (imp) (SIA10SuP) DAM: Minki Liu Madama Zsuszska of LaMaska (ORI.01.SoM) OWNER: M Burger BREEDER: Owner RESULT: CATEGORY: HOUSEHOLD PETS SEMI-LONGHAIR CLASS: DOMESTIC SEMI-LONGHAIR BLACK (DOMSn) - KITTEN 6-10 MONTHS MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 82 Dark Knight Vosloo DOB: 2013/04/12 AGE: 6m SEX: NM OWNER: A Vosloo RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SEMI-LONGHAIR BLACK TABBY & WHITE (DOMSn0921) - CAPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 83 Pr Pula Cronje DOB: 2008/03/15 AGE: 5y9m SEX: NM OWNER: L Cronje RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SEMI-LONGHAIR CHOCOLATE TABBYPOINT (DOMSb2133) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 84 Sputnik Cronje DOB: 2010/10/20 AGE: 3y1w SEX: NM OWNER: L Cronje RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SEMI-LONGHAIR RED BI-COLOUR (DOMSd03) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: W/D 85 RichardParker Pepler DOB: 2011/11/01 AGE: 11m SEX: NM OWNER: K Pepler RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SEMI-LONGHAIR BLACK TORBIE BI-COLOUR TABBY (DOMSf0921) - CAPI FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: D GERMISHUYS 86 Pr Meraiah Mary-Ann Mechanic of Karnaki CASA Unregistered DOB: 2009/10/01 AGE: 4y SEX: SF OWNER: K Pepler RESULT: CATEGORY: HOUSEHOLD PETS SHORTHAIR CLASS: DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR BLACK (DOMn) - CAPI MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 87 Pr Dinky Cronje DOB: 2012/03/08 AGE: 1y7m9d SEX: NM OWNER: L Cronje RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR CHOCOLATE SMOKE (DOMbs) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 88 Kenzo Jungle Foward DOB: 2012/08/05 AGE: 1y2m SEX: NM OWNER: T Foward RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR BLACK TORTOISESHELL (DOMf) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 89 Lady Zlata Foward DOB: 2011/02/27 AGE: 2y8m SEX: SF OWNER: T Foward RESULT: CLASS: DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR BLACK SMOKE CALICO (DOMfs09) - OPEN FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE: D SCHEEPERS 90 Babette Pepler DOB: 2012/11/01 AGE: 11m SEX: SF OWNER: K Pepler RESULT: OWNER Cronje Danziger & Viviers Fitz-Patrick Foward Griffiths Hodgson Kruger & Patterson Leih Luciana cattery Maier Marsh McDonald Neukircher Pearce Pearce Pepler Prinsloo Scheepers Smith Steyn Van Wyk Vlok Vosloo L C&D S T H N M&P G H S A B L T K S D R P R T A Owner e-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NUMBERS 11, 25, 83, 84, 87 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 22, 26, 27, 30, 33 40, 65 60, 61, 64, 66, 88, 89 67, 76 4, 24 71 63 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 36 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 69, 78 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 29, 31, 32 59 1 44, 49, 62, 85, 86, 90 37, 38, 39, 42 3 68 50, 79 28, 34 35 41, 45, 82