2006 media guide - Beach Volleyball Database
2006 media guide - Beach Volleyball Database
2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR This booklet provides information, facts and figures on the FIVB and the 2006 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour. At the present time, the 2006 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour will be scheduled over an eight-month period starting in May at Modena, Italy and ending in November in Phuket, Thailand. In addition, the FIVB will stage challenger, satellite and junior events. TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................................Page 2006 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour & Schedule, 2006 FIVB Challenger & Satellite Schedule ................................. 2 · Men’ s&Women’ sSWATCH-FIVB U-21 World Championships - Past Results............................................... 3 · Men’ s&Women’ sSWATCH-FIVB U-19 World Championships - Past Results............................................... 4 · Men’ sSchedul eNot es.............5 · Women’ sSchedul eNot es....... 9 · Challenger/Satellite Notes..... 13 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball ................................................................................................................... 13 · Key Representatives & Confederations............. 17 · Federations............................................................ 18 FIVB & Beach Volleyball History............................................................................................................................... 20 · World Tour History, Olympics and ECO Friendly ............................................................................................. 21 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................ 22 Beach Volleyball Court Layout & Rules ................................................................................................................... 23 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Event Results ........................................................................................................... 24 · SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Leaders ......................... 25 · Men’ sQual i f yi ng&“Wi l dCar d”Resul t s.................. 30 · SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Fastest Serves ............... 25 · Women’ s“Fi nalFour ”Revi ew................................. 31 · Team Match & Set Records ...................................... 26 · Women’ sChal l enger / Sat el l i t e“Fi nalFour ”Review .. 32 · Men’ s“Fi nalFour ”Revi ew...................................... 27 · Women’ sAwards ..................................................... 33 · Men’ sChal l enger / Sat el l i t e“Fi nalFour ”Revi ew....... 28 · Women’ sQual i f yi ng&“Wi l dCar d”Results ............. 34 · Men’ sAwar ds.......................................................... 29 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Through the Years ............................................................................................................... 35 · Team Poi nt ’ sChampi ons......................................... 35 · Men’ sTopSeasons- Earnings................................. 55 · Major Championships .............................................. 36 · Women’ s“Open,Gr andSl am,Ol y”Medals, Final 4s 56 · Event Sites .............................................................. 36 · Women’ s“Open,Gr andSl am,Ol y”Fi nal4Resul t s.. 57 · Participation Figures ............................................... 37 · Chall enger&Sat el l i t eWomen’ sFi nal4s........... 61 · Men’ s“Open,Gr andSl am,Ol y”Medals, Final 4s ..... 38 · Women’ sGold Medals - By Country .................. 62 · Men’ s“Open,Gr andSl am,Ol y”Fi nal4Resul t s....... 39 · Women’ sI ndi vi dualMedal s&Fi nal4s..................... 66 · Chal l enger&Sat el l i t eMen’ sResults ................. 44 · Women’ sI ndi vi dualMedal s, Etc. ............................. 68 · Chal l enger&Sat el l i t eMen’ sFinal 4s................. 45 · Women’ s Individual All-time Leaders................. 69 · Men’ sGold Medals - By Country ........................ 46 · Women’ sTeam Al l -time Leaders ........................ 69 · Men’ sI ndi vi dualMedal s & Final 4s .......................... 51 · Grand Slams.......................................................... 70 · Men’ sI ndi vi dualMedal s, Etc.................................... 54 · Youngest & Oldest Gold Medal Winners............ 73 · Men’ sI ndi vi dualAl l -time Leaders ...................... 55 · Highest Scoring, Longest Match Duration ........ 74 · Men’ sTeam Al l -time Leaders.............................. 55 Olympic Beach Volleyball · Men’ sPar t i ci pant s................................................ 75 · Women Placements, Atlanta, Sydney & Athens ....... 81 · Men Placements, Atlanta, Sydney & Athens ............. 76 · Atlanta 1996 Women Results .............................. 82 · Atlanta 1996 Men Results ........................................ 77 · Sydney 2000 Women Results.............................. 83 · Sydney 2000 Men Results ........................................ 78 · Athens 2004 Women Results .............................. 84 · Athens 2004 Men Results ........................................ 79 · Men’ sCount r yHead-to-Head .............................. 85 · Women’ sPar t i ci pants .......................................... 80 · Women’ sCount r yHead-to-Head ........................ 86 SWATCH-FIVB World Championship · Men’ s“Fi nal4s”................................................... 87 · Men’ sTeam &I ndi vi dualEar ni ngs& Final 4s ........... 89 · Women’ s“ Fi nal4s”.............................................. 87 · Women’ sTeam &I ndi vi dualEar ni ngs& Final 4s ..... 90 · Entries By Countries ................................................ 88 · Combined Earnings Finishes - By Country ....... 91 Beach Volleyball Terms ................................................................................................................................................. 82 By The Numbers ......................................................................................................................................................... 95 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 1 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE Highlighted by four Grand Slams events in Switzerland, Norway, France and Austria, the 2006 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour will feature 22 events on five continents with prize money at US$6.720-million. The 2006 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour schedule will feature 15 events for men and 15 tournaments for the women with 10 double gender stops. Gstaad, Stavanger, Paris and Klagenfurt will host Grand Slam stops where the combined prize money will be $2.32-mi l l i onf ort hecombi nedmen’ sandwomen’ sev ent s.Event sites hosting international Beach Volleyball events for the first-time include Modena, Italy (women), Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy (men), Porto Santo, Portugal (women), Warsaw, Poland (women) and Phuket, Thailand (women). The Olympic Stadium at the Faliro Coastal Zone, the site of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, will host a women’ s stop after staging a 2005 double gender event. Vitoria, Brazil will stage a double gender event for the first time af t erst agi ngsepar at emen’ s( 1998-2001)andwomen’ s( 2000and 2002) events. Here is the 2006 SWATCHFIVB World Tour schedule. Date May 10-14 May 23-28 May 31-June 4 May 31-June 4 June 7-11 June 14-18 June 20-25 June 27-July 2 July 4-9 July 12-16 July 18-23 July 25-30 August 1-6 August 9-13 August 30-September 3 September 13-17 September 26-October 1 October 18-22 October 24-29 November 1-5 Site Modena, Italy Shanghai, China Athens, Greece Zagreb, Croatia Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy Espinho, Portugal Gstaad, Switzerland Stavanger, Norway Marseille, France Montréal, Canada St. Petersburg, Russia Paris, France Klagenfurt, Austria Stare Jablonki, Poland Warsaw, Poland Porto Santo, Portugal Vitoria, Brazil Cape Town, South Africa Acapulco, Mexico Phuket, Thailand Gender (final date) ............................Prize Money Women (May 14)....................................$200,000 Men (May 27) & Women (May 28) ......................$400,000 Women (June 4) ....................................$200,000 Men (June 4) .......................................$200,000 Men (June 11) ......................................$200,000 Men (June 18) ......................................$200,000 Women (June 24) & Men (June 25) .....................$580,000 Women (July 1) & Men (2) ............................$580,000 Women (July 8) & Men (9) ............................$400,000 Women (July 16) & Men (16) ..........................$400,000 Women (July 22) & Men (23) ..........................$400,000 Women (July 29) & Men (30) ..........................$580,000 Women (August 5) & Men (6) ..........................$580,000 Men (August 13) ....................................$200,000 Women (September 3) ...............................$200,000 Women (September 17) ..............................$200,000 Women (September 30) & Men (October 1) ...............$400,000 Men (October 22) ...................................$200,000 Men (October 28) & Women (October 29) ................$400,000 Women (November 5)................................$200,000 2006 FIVB CHALLENGE & SATELLITE CALENDAR The top 24 men's teams and 16 women's teams in the FIVB World Ranking (as per the standings 30 days before the start of the competition) are not allowed to take part in Challenger events. The top 48 men's teams and 32 women's teams in the FIVB World Ranking (as per the standings 30 days before the start of the competition) are not allowed to take part in Satellite events. Challenger and Satellite entry exceptions will be made for host country players as well as for two wild card entries. Here is the proposed 2006 FIVB World Tour schedule (subject to change) with US$225,000 in prize money: Date May 25-28 July 25-30 July 27-30 July 28-30 August 10-13 August 16-20 August 17-20 September 1-3 Site Gender (final date) ............................Prize Money Czech Republic Challenger, Brno Men (May 28) ........................................$30,000 Cyprus Challenger, Atlantida Beach Women (July 29) & Men (July 30).........................$60,000 Ukraine Challenger, Kiev Men (July 30).........................................$30,000 Morocco Satellite, Casablanca Men (July 30).........................................$15,000 Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne Women (August 12) & Men (August 13) ....................$30,000 Liechtenstein Satellite, Vaduz Women (August 19) & Men (August 20) ....................$20,000 Finland Satellite, Turku Women (August 20) ...................................$10,000 Italy Challenger, Cagliari Men (September 3) ....................................$30,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 2 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB U21 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - The sixth SWATCH-FI VB Wor l dChampi onshi psf ormen’ sandwomen’ spl ay er s under the age of 21 will be held August 23-27 in Myslowice, Poland. A main draw will determine the 24 teams that will be spread across six pools to battle it out for the title in a pool-pl ayc ompet i t i onf or mat .“ Ther ehasal way sbeenconsi der abl ei nt er estf ort he SWATCH-FI VBWor l dChampi onshi psUnder21, ”sai dFI VBPr esi dentDr .RubénAcos t a,“ si ncei ti st het our namentt hatpr oducest he st ar soft omor r owandhel pst omai nt ai nt hedy nami cy oungi maget hatBeac hVol l ey bal lenj oy s. ”Locat edi nt heUpperSi l esi ar egi onof Poland, Myslowice was a crossroads in the era of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires. Myslowice has a population of around 75,000, is home to various international companies and has excellent international transport connections by road, rail and air. PASTMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB U-21 WORLDCHAMPI ONSHI PS“FI NALFOURS” Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (September 7-11, 2005) 1. Martins Plavins/Aleksandrs Samoilovs, Latvia 2. Jackson Henriquez/Jesus Villafane, Venezuela 3. Serguei Prokopiev/Yaroslav Koshkarev, Russia 4. Pedro Solberg Salgado/Tiago Santos, Brazil Gold - Plavins/Samoilovs def. Henriquez/Villafane, 21-15 and 21-9 (39) Bronze - Prokopiev/Koshkarev def. Salgado/Tiago, 21-16 and 29-27 (48) Portugal, Porto Santo (September 16-19, 2004) 1. Miguel Angel Amo/Inocencio Lario, Spain 2. Valters Ramma/Toms Smedins, Latvia 3. Moisés Santos/ Solberg Salgado, Brazil 4. Tom Götz/Stefan Uhmann, Germany Gold - Amo/Lario def. Ramma/Smedins, 21-19 and 21-12 (32 minutes) Bronze - Santos/Salgado def. Götz/Uhmann, 21-17 and 25-23 (39) France, Saint Quay Portrieux (August 7-10, 2003) 1. Pedro Cunha/Pedro Solberg Salgado, Brazil 2. Daniel Krug/Mischa Urbatzka, Germany 3. Ravel Rotreki/Pavel Kolar, Czech Republic 4. Gregoire Capitaine/Damien Quoirin, France Gold - Cunha/Salgado def. Krug/Urbatzka , 21-12 and 21-18 (34) Bronze - Rotreki/Kolar, def. Capitaine/Quoirin, 21-15 and 21-16 (39) Italy, Catania (July 10-14, 2002) 1. Pablo Herrera/Raul Mesa, Spain 2. Cunha/Adriano Fonseca, Brazil 3. Matthias Karger/Maarten Lammens, Germany 4. Andreas Gortsianouk/Georgios Knapek, Greece Gold - Herrera/Mesa def. Cunha/Fonseca, 21-21-11 and 21-19 (29) Bronze - Karger/Lammens def. Gortsianouk/Knapek, 17-21, 21-19 and 15-11 (53) France, Le Lavandou (August 24-26, 2001) 1. Cunha/Anselmo Sigoli, Brazil 2. Herrera/Mesa, Spain 3. Anton Koulinovski/Alexei Verbov, Russia 4. Alfredo Tabarini/Francesco Tabarini, San Marino Gold - Cunha/Sigoli def. Herrera/Mesa, 17-21, 21-17 and 15-13 (55) Bronze - Koulinovski/Verbov def. Tabarini/Tabarini, 22-20 and 21-17 (37) PASTWOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB U-21WORLDCHAMPI ONSHI PS“FI NALFOURS” Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (September 7-10, 2005) 1. Carolina Solberg Salgado/Camillinha Saldanha, Brazil 2. Ruth Flemig/Ilka Semmler, Germany 3. Stefanie Schwaiger/Doris Schwaiger, Austria 4. Nadine Zumkehr/Muriel Graessli, Switzerland Gold - Carolina/Camillinha def. Flemig/Semmler, 11-21, 21-17, 17-15 (58) Bronze - Schwaigers def. Zumkehr/Graessli, 21-18, 21-19 (34) Portugal, Porto Santo (September 16-19, 2004) 1. Taiana Lima/Carolina Solberg Salgado, Brazil 2. Marion Castelli/Eva Hamzaoui, France 3. Sarka Nakladalova/Veronika Opravilova, Czech Republic 4. Arjanne Stevens/Marleen Van Iersel, Netherlands Gold - Taiana/Carolina def. Castelli/Hamzaoui, 21-11, 21-12 (29) Bronze - Nakladalova/Opravilova def. Stevens/Van Iersel, 21-16, 21-17 (38) Italy, Catania (July 10-14, 2002) 1. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Taiana, Brazil 2. Isabelle Forrer/Melanie Schoneberger, Switzerland 3. Talita Rocha/Maria, Brazil 4. Vassiliki Arvaniti/Efthalia Koutroumanidou, Greece Gold - Juliana/Lima def. Forrer/Schoneberger, 21-18 and 21-15 (34) Bronze - Rocha/Maria def. Arvaniti/Koutroumanidou, 21-15 and 21-9 (33) France, Le Lavandou (August 24-26, 2001) 1. Shaylyn Bede/Maria Clara, Brazil 2. Anna Bobrova/Anna Morozova, Russia 3. Katerina Tychnova/Markiea Tychnova, Czech Republic 4. Jeaqueline Alvares/Norma Perez, Mexico Gold - Shaylyn/Maria def. Bobrova/Morozova, 21-16 and 21-10 (29) Bronze - Tychnova/Tychnova def. Alvares/Perez, 21-13 and 21-15 (29) France, Saint Quay Portrieux (August 7-10, 2003) 1. Anna Morozova/Alexandra Shiryaeva, Russia 2. Katrin Holtwick/Maria Kleefisch, Germany 3. Carolina/Maria Clara Salgado, Brazil 4. Tanya Schmocker/Melanie Schoneberger, Switzerland Gold - Morozova/Shiryaeva def. Holtwick/ Kleefisch, 21-19, 21-16 (37) Bronze - Carolina/Maria def. Schmocker/Schoneberger 21-12, 21-18 (34) Men’ sFinal 4s Brazil Spain Germany Latvia Russia Czech Republic Venezuela France Greece San Marino Gold 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Silver 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bronze 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Medals 4ths 4 1 3 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Final 4s 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Women’ sFinal 4s Gold Brazil 4 Czech Republic 0 Russia 1 Germany 0 Switzerland 0 France 0 Austria 0 Netherlands 0 Greece 0 Mexico 0 Silver 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bronze 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Medals 4ths Final 4s 6 0 6 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 1 2 3 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 3 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB U19 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - The fifth SWATCH-FI VB Wor l dChampi onshi psf ormen’ sandwomen’ spl ay er s under the age of 19 will be held September 5-10 in Bermuda. Known as the Island of Bermuda, Bermuda is the second most remote island in the world - the nearest point of land being to the west, at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, 650 miles (1046 km) away. New York City is 750 miles (1215 km) to the northwest and London is 3,460 miles (5568 km) to the northeast. Many people make the mistake of t hi nki ngBer muda’ ssomewher ei nt heCar i bbean.I t ’ snot .Ber mudai sac t ual l y950mi l es( 1529km)t ot henor t hofNas s au,Bahamas. The 2006 SWATCH-FIVB World Championships Under 19 will be organised by the Bermuda Volleyball Association (BVA) with assistance from The Bermuda Department of Tourism. PASTMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB U-18/ 19WORLDCHAMPI ONSHI PS“FI NALFOURS” France, Saint Quay Portrieux (August 3-7, 2005) 1. Tine Urnaut/Nejc Zemljak, Slovenia 2. Joseph Dykstra/Mark Van Zwieten, United States 3. Grzegorz Fijalek/Michal Matyja, Poland 4. Jonathan Erdmann/Stefan Windscheif, Germany Gold - Urnaut/Zemljak def. Dykstra/Van Zwieten, 21-13, 21-23, 15-12 (49 minutes) Bronze - Fijalek/Matyja def. Erdmann/Windscheif, 12-21, 21-17, 15-10 (47) Italy, Termoli (September 8-12, 2004) 1. Arunas Kirsnys/Arvydas Miseikis, Lithuania 2. Zbigniew Bartman/Michal Kubiak, Poland 3. Ingars Ivanovs/Janis Smedins, Latvia 4. Reid Hall/Adam Podstawka, Canada Gold - Kirsnys/Miseikis def. Bartman/Kubiak, 21-14, 22-24 and 15-13 (54) Bronze - Ivanovs/Smedins def. Hall/Podstawka, 21-15 and 21-14 (34) Thailand, Pattaya (August 27-31, 2003) 1. Sebastian Fuchs/Thomas Kaczmarek, Germany 2. Ian Borges/Pedro Solberg Salgado, Brazil 3. Tomasz Sinczak/Rafat Szternal, Poland 4. Michel Mokomdoko/Juan Virgen, Mexico Gold - Fuchs/Kaczmarek def. Borges/Salgado, 21-19, 23-25, 18-16 (64) Bronze - Sinczak/Szternal def. Mokomdoko/Virgen, 21-17, 21-17 (37) Greece, Xylokastro (August 28-September 1, 2002) 1. Ian Borges/Pedro Solberg Salgado, Brazil 2. Andreas Gortisanouk/Theodoris Papadimitriou, Greece 3. Rouslan Daynov/Yaroslav Koshkarev, Russia 4. Kamil Lyczko/Sebastian Pecherz, Poland Gold - Borges/Salgado def. Gortisanouk/Papadimitriou, 21-18, 22-20 (41) Bronze -Daynov/Koshkarev def. Lyczko/Pecherz, 21-19, 21-18 (40) PASTWOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB U-18/ 19WORLDCHAMPI ONSHI PS“FI NALFOURS” France, Saint Quay Portrieux (August 3-7, 2005) 1. Barbra Figueiredo/Carolina Aragao, Brazil 2. Katarzyna Urban/Joanna Wiatr, Poland 3. Florentina Büttner/Julia Sude, Germany 4. Veronika Opravilova/Marketa Slukova, Czech Republic Gold - Figueiredo/Aragao def. Urban/Wiatr, 21-14, 15-21, 15-10 (52 minutes) Bronze Medal Match - Büttner/Sude def. Opravilova/Slukova, 21-18, 2117 (39) Italy, Termoli (September 8-12, 2004) 1. Katarzyna Urban/Joanna Wiatr, Poland 2. Barbara Figueiredo/Carolina Solberg Salgado, Brazil 3. Florentina Büttner/Julia Sude, Germany 4. Marleen Van Iersel/Margo Wiltens, Netherlands Gold - Urban/Wiatr def. Figueiredo/Solberg Salgado, 17-21, 21-17, 15-13 (53) Bronze - Büttner/Sude def. Van Iersel/Wiltens, 21-19, 21-10 (34). Men’ sFinal 4s Poland Brazil Germany Slovenia United States Lithuania Latvia Russia Greece Canada Mexico Gold 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Silver 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Bronze 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Medals 4ths 3 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Final 4s 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thailand, Pattaya (August 27-31, 2003) 1. Jana Kohler/Laura Ludwig, Germany 2. Barbara Figueiredo/Carolina Solberg Salgado, Brazil 3. Frederike Fischer/Sandra Piasecki, Germany 4. Diana Estrada/Martha Revuelta, Mexico Gold - Kohler/Ludwig def. Figueiredo/Salgado, 21-11, 30-32, 15-7 (62) Bronze - Fischer/Piasecki def. Estrada/Martha Revuelta, 21-19, 17-21, 15-7 (36) Greece, Xylokastro (August 28-September 1, 2002) 1. Sanne Keizer/Arjanne Stevens, Netherlands 2. Claudia Lehmann/Friederike Romberg, Germany 3. Ruth Flemig/Ilka Semmler, Germany 4. Isabel Grael/Carolina Solberg Salgado, Brazil Gold - Keizer/Stevens def. Lehmann/Romberg, 24-22, 21-14 (44) Bronze - Flemig/Semmler def. Grael/Solberg Salgado, 21-14, 21-16 (38) Women’ sFinal 4s Gold Germany 1 Brazil 1 Poland 1 Netherlands 1 Czech Republic 0 Netherlands 0 Mexico 0 Silver 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bronze 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Medals 4ths Final 4s 6 0 6 3 1 4 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 4 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES May 23-27, China Open at Shanghai - With the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games looming, China hosts a men’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour stop for the third-st r ai ghtseason.Shanghaihost edt hecount r y ’ sf i r stdoubl e-gender international Beach Volleyball event in 2005 wher eGer many ’ sChr i st ophDi eck mannandAndr easSc heuer pf l ugupsetOl y mpi cchampi onsEmanuelRegoand Ricardo Santos in the finals. The men’ sfirst SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event in China in 2004 saw Javier Bosma and Pablo Herrera of Spain upset Emanuel and Ricardo in the finals at Lianyungang. Three months later, the Brazilians defeated Bosma and Herrera for the Olympic gold medal in Athens. The best finish by a Chinese team was a 17th in the 2004 Shanghai event by Penggen Wu and Rui Yin. Year - Shanghai Gold Medal / Shanghai Silver Medal / Shanghai Bronze Medal 2005 - Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany / Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland May 31-June 4, Croatia Open at Zagreb - Voted as the No. 1 destination to visit in 2005 by Lonely Planet, Zagreb hosts t hemen’ s SWATCH-FIVB World Tour for the second-straight season. Brazil’ sMar ci o Ar auj o and Fabi o Magelhaes won their first of three SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals in 2005 by defeating Markus Dieckmann and Jonas Reckermann of Germany in the finals. Three weeks later in Berlin, Marcio Araujo and Fabio became the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Champions recovering from an opening match defeat to win their next nine matches to claim the title. Year - Zagreb Gold Medal / Zagreb Silver Medal / Zagreb Bronze Medal 2005 - Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil / Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckerman, Germany / Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil June 7-11, Italy Open at Roseto degli Abruzzi - I t al yst agesan“ open”men’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour event for the first-time since Lignano host edi t sni nt hi nt er nat i onalt our namentwher eAr gent i na’ sMar i anoBar acet t iandMar t i nCondewont hegol dmedal .I n addition to Lignano (1990, 1992, 1995-2001), Jesi (1989) and Cat ol i ca( 1991)hos t ed“ open”SWATCH s t ops. Br az i l i ant eamshav e captured six of the previous 11 SWATCH stops in Italy as Conde also captured the 1997 Lignano title with Estaben Martinez. Beach legend Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos of the United States won the 1989 and 1991 Italian events. Dio Lequaglie and Giovanni Errichiello posted the best finish for an Italian team in the 11 events with a silver medal in 1989 at Jesi. It is one of two silver medal finishes for Italians on the SWATCH tour. Roseto degli Abruzzi hosted an FIVB satellite event in 2005 where the Brazilian brothers Ferreira (Jan and Para) captured the final. PAST ITALY MEN’ SPODI UM PLACEMENTS Medals - Brazil 15, USA 8, Argentina 4, Norway 2, Switzerland 2, Canada 1, Italy 1 Site 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Jesi Lignano Cattolica Lignano Lignano Lignano Lignano Lignano Lignano Lignano Lignano Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Gold Medal Sinjin Smith/Randy Stoklos, USA Tim Hovland/Kent Steffes, USA Smith/Stoklos, USA Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, BRA Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRA Emanuel Rego/Ze Marco de Melo, BRA Conde/Martinez, ARG Guilherme/Para Ferreira, BRA Emanuel/Loiola, BRA Ze Marco/Ricardo, BRA Mariano Baracetti/Conde, ARG Silver Medal Giovanni Errichiello/Dio Lequaglie, ITA Eddo/Sean Fallowfield, USA John Eddo/Leif Hanson, USA Eduardo/Roberto, BRA Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez, ARG Carl Henkel/Smith, USA Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SUI Guilherme/Para, BRA M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SUI Loiola/Ricardo, BRA Bronze Medal Karch Kiraly/Steve Timmons, USA Eduardo Garrido/Roberto Moreira, BRA Guilherme Marques/Andre Lima, BRA Scott Friederichsen/Tim Walmer, USA Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes, BRA Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, NOR Kvalheim/Maaseide, NOR Jose Loiola/Emanuel, BRA Conde/Martinez, ARG John Child/Mark Heese, CAN Emanuel/Tande Ramos, BRA June 14-18 - Portugal Open at Espinho - Espinho currently ranks behind Rio de Janeiro (14) and tied with Marseille (11) in hosting men’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour events. The 2005 finale featured the first-ever All-German SWATCH gold medal match as Julius Brink and Kjell Schneider won their first international Beach Volleyball title. Portuguese Olympians Joao Brenha and Luis Maia has post edt hei rcount r y ’ st opf i ni s hin Espinho with a fifth in 1998 as the pair has competed in 10 of the events together. Year - Portugal Gold Medal / Portugal Silver Medal / Portugal Bronze Medal 1995 - Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes, Brazil / Emanuel Rego/Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil /Javier Bosma/Sixto Jimenez, Spain 1996 - Mike Dodd/Mike Whitmarsh, USA /John Child/Mark Heese, Canada / Eduardo Martinez/Martin Conde, Argentina 1997 - Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway / Franco/Roberto Lopes, Brazil / Child/Heese, Canada 1998 - Jose Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil / Kent Steffes/Whitmarsh, USA / Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil 1999 - Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil / Guilherme/Para, Brazil / Ze Marco/Ricardo, Brazil 2000 - Ze Marco /Ricardo, Brazil / Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil / Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland 2001 - Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland / Emanuel/Tande Ramos, Brazil 2002 - Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA / Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil 2003 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway / Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Canada 2004 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway / Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil 2005 - Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany / Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany / Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magelhaes, Brazil Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 5 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES June 21-25, Switzerland Grand Slam at Gstaad - Five different teams from four different countries have won titles in the Swiss Alps as Gstaad becomes a grand slam event for 2006. The2004Gst aadmen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour final featured the first AllEuropean gold medal match since 1994 as Athens Olympic Bronze medallists Patrick Heuscher and Stefan Kobel delighted the home crowd by defeating Markus Dieckmann and Jonas Reckermann of Germany in the title match. Year - Gstaad Gold Medal / Gstaad Silver Medal / Gstaad Bronze Medal 2001 - Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA / Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland / Emanuel Rego/Tande Ramos, Brazil 2002 - Martin Conde/Mariano Baracetti, Argentina / Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA 2003 - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil / Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany / Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Swtizerland 2004 - Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland / M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany / Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil 2005 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Benjamin/Harley Marques, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magelhaes, Brazil June 28-July 2, Norway Grand Slam at Stavanger - Wi l lanot hercount r yot hert hanBr az i lev erwi namen’ sSWTACH-FIVB World Tour event in Norway? Led by Emanuel Rego, Brazilians have been atop the Stavanger podium in each of the seven previous events with 15 overall medals. Emanuel has six gold medals and a bronze while earning $92,000 in Stavanger prize money. Ricardo Santos has four gold medal finishes and $74,750 in Stavanger earnings. Except for the 2003 event, Brazil has captured at least two podium spotsi nsi xoft hes ev enmen’ sSt av angerev ent s.The2003ev ents awArgentina and Australia on the Stavanger podium with 2004 Ol y mpi cChampi onsEmanuelandRi c ar do. Nor way ’ st opf i ni shesar ef i f t hsbyVegard Hoidalen and Jorre Kjemperud in 2001 and 2002. Year - Stavanger Gold Medal / Stavanger Silver Medal / Stavanger Bronze Medal 1999 - Jose Loiola/Emanuel Rego, Brazil / Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil / Ze Marco de Melo/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2000 - Ze Marco/Ricardo, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil 2001 - Emanuel/Tande Ramos, Brazil / Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland / Para/Ze Marco de, Brazil 2002 - Emanuel/Tande, Brazil / Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland 2003 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Martin Conde/Mariano Baracetti, Argentina / Julien Prosser/Mark Williams, Australia 2004 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Dave Klemperer/Niklas Rademacher, Germany / Franco/Tande, Brazil 2005 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Benjamin/Harley Marques, Brazil / Hesucher/Kobel, Switzerland July 4-9, France Open at Marseille - Marseille ties Espinho, Portugal in staging the second-most SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events as the international Beach Volleyball circuit returns to the southern France seaport for the 12th time. Jan Kvalheim and Bjorn Maaseide of Norway defeated Christian Penigaud and Jean-Philippe Jodard of France in the first Marseille final that became the first All-European finals on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour. South American tandems won the next 10, including nine by teams from Brazil. Mariano Baracetti and Martin Conde of Argentina (2001) broke the Brazilian streak. Year - Marseille Gold Medal / Marseille Silver Medal / Marseille Bronze Medal 1994 - Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway / Christian Penigaud/Jean-Philippe Jodard, France / Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, USA 1995 - Emanuel Rego/Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil / Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway / Andre Gomes/Carlos Loss, Brazil 1996 - Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes, Brazil / Carl Henkel/Sinjin Smith, USA, Eduardo Martinez/Martin Conde, Argentina 1997 - Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil / Emanuel/Ze Marco, Brazil / Julie Prosser/Lee Zahner, Australia 1998 - Ze Marco/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / Jorg Ahmann/Axel Hager, Germany / Bill Boullianne/Ian Clark, USA 1999* - Jose Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil / Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland / Guilherme/Para, Brazil 2000 - Ze Marco/Ricardo, Brazil / Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway / Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil 2001 - Mariano Baracetti.Conde, Argentina / Emanuel/Tande Ramos, Brazil Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA 2002 - Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rossell, Cuba / Emanuel/Tande, Brazil 2003 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland / Dain Blanton/Jeff Nygaard, USA 2004 - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland / Baracetti/Conde, Argentina *FIVB World Championships July 12-16, Canada Open at Montréal - South American tandems have won the previous five SWATCH-FIVB World Tour stops in Canada st ar t i ngwi t hMar t i nCondeandEduar doMar t i nez ’ s1998cr ownin Toronto. Jose Loiola and Emanuel Rego captured the 1999 and 2000 Toronto gol dmedal st ost ar tBr az i l ’ soff our -st r ai ghtt i t l es.Canada’ sbestf i ni shwasasecondi nt he2000Tor ont oev entby Olympians John Child and Mark Heese. Year - Montréal Gold Medal / Montréal Silver Medal / Montréal Bronze Medal 2002 - Jose Loiola/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / John Child/Mark Heese, Canada / Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA 2005 - Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magelhaes, Brazil / Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 6 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES July 19-23, Russia Open at St. Petersburg - The Russian Volleyball Federation continues to develop Beach Volleyball as the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour returns to St. Petersburg, the site of the first Goodwill Games in 1994. Emanuel Rego and Ricardo Santos captured a three-set gold medal match from reigning SWATCH-FIVB World Champions Marcio Araujo and Fabio Magelhaes in the 2005 finale as Brazil captured all three podium spots. Brazilians Guilherme Marques and Para Ferreira won the first Moscow gold medali n1998bydef eat i ngMar t i nCondeandEduar doMar t i nezofAr gent i nai nt hef i nal s. Por t ugal ’ sJoaoBr enhaandLui sMai a captured the 1999 Moscow stop by beating Zé Marco de Melo and Ricardo Santos of Brazil in the finals. Dmitry Karasev and Mikhail Kouchnerev posted Russia's best SWATCH placement with a 1998 ninth. Gennady Cheremisov and Rushan Dayanov were seventh in the eighth-team Goodwill Games field. Year - St. Petersburg Gold Medal / St. Petersburg Silver Medal / St. Petersburg Bronze Medal 1994 - Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway / Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, USA / Bruk Vandeweghe/Sinjin Smith, USA 2005 - Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magelhaes, Brazil / Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, Brazil July 26-30 - France Grand Slam at Paris - Considered by many as the most intriguing site on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour with the Ei f f elToweri nt hebac kgr ound,t hewor l d’ sbestBeachVolleyball players return to Paris for the second-straight year. The 2005 men’ s Paris competition marked the first-time since 1996 that a team from Brazil did not advance to a SWATCH semi-final. Athens 2004 Olympic bronze medallists Patrick Heuscher and Stefan Kobel captured the inaugural Paris gold as the United States had a team (Jake Gibb/Stein Metzger) in a final for the first time since the 2003. PASTFRANCEMEN’ SPODI UM PLACEMENTS Medals - Brazil 22, USA 8, Norway 4, Switzerland 4, Argentina 3, Germany 2, Australia 1, Canada 1, Cuba 1, France 1, Italy Site Year Gold Medal 1. Sete 1990 Andre Lima/Guilherme Marques, BRA 2. CapdAgde 1991 Eddo/Leif Hanson, USA 3. Marseille 1994 Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, NOR 4. Marseille 1995 Emanuel Rego/Ze Marco de Melo, BRA 5. La Baule 1995 Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRA 6. Marseille 1996 Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRA 7. Pornichet 1996 Emanuel/Ricardo, BRA 8. Marseille 1997 Guilherme/Para, BRA 9. Marseille 1998 Ze Marco/Ricardo Santos, BRA 10. Marseille 1999* Jose Loiola/Emanuel, BRA 11. Marseille 2000 Ze Marco/Ricardo, BRA 12. Marseille 2001 Mariano Baracetti.Conde, ARG 13. Marseille 2002 Loiola/Ricardo, BRA 14. Marseille 2003 Emanuel/Ricardo, BRA 15. Marseille 2004 Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, BRA 16. Paris 2005 Heuscher/Kobel, SUI *FIVB World Championships Silver Medal John Eddo/Sean Fallowfield, USA Andrea Ghiurghi/Dionisio Lequaglie, ITA Christian Penigaud/J-P Jodard, FRA Kvalheim/Maaseide, NOR Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA Carl Henkel/Sinjin Smith, USA Guilherme/Para Ferreira, BRA Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA Jorg Ahmann/Axel Hager, GER Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SUI Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, NOR Emanuel/Tande Ramos, BRA Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rossell, CUB M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SUI Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, SUI Jake Gibb/Metzger, USA Bronze Medal Roberto Lopes/Franco Neto, BRA Andre Lima/Guilherme Marques, BRA Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, USA Andre Gomes/Carlos Loss, BRA John Child/Mark Heese, CAN Eduardo Martinez/Martin Conde, ARG Kvalheim/Maaseide, NOR Julie Prosser/Lee Zahner, AUS Bill Boullianne/Ian Clark, USA Guilherme/Para, BRA Loiola/Emanuel, BRA Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA Emanuel/Tande, BRA Dain Blanton/Jeff Nygaard, USA Baracetti/Conde, ARG Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, GER August 2-6 - Austria Grand Slam at Klagenfurt - The“ pr emi er e”st opont heSWATCH-FIVB World Tour, the Lake Wörthersee stop is t hef our t handf i nalgr ands l am ev entoft he2006season.Ger many ’ sChristoph Dieckmann and Andreas Scheuerpflug upset Brazilian Olympic champions Emanuel Rego and Ricardo Santos in the 2005 finale to mark the first-time that a country outside of South America cl ai medt heKl agenf ur tmen’ sgol dmedal .Emanuel, who has captured five Klagenfurt gold medals with three different partners with $106,000 in earnings, is one of 14 players that have competed in all nine events on Lake Wörthersee. Others are Conde ($42,650), Baracetti ($41,350), Jorre Kjemperud, Norway ($32,700), Vegard Hoidalen, Norway ($30,325), Martin Laciga, Switzerland ($25,375), Paul Laciga, Switzerland ($24,625), Markus Egger, Switzerland ($24,100), Nikolas Berger, Austria ($21,350), Julien Prosser, Australia ($19,700), Mark Heese, Canada ($19,000), Robert Nowotny, Austria ($12,375), Paul Schroffenegger, Austria ($5,200) and Thomas Schroffenegger, Austria ($5,200). Berger and Clemens Doppler finished fifth in both 2002 and 2003. The Schroffeneggers are the only team to compete in all nine Klagenfurt events together. Year - Klagenfurt Gold Medal / Klagenfurt Silver Medal / Klagenfurt Bronze Medal 1997 - Emanuel Rego/Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil / Jorg Ahmann/Axel Hager, Germany / Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil 1998 - Jose Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil / Dain Blanton/Eric Fonoimoana, USA / Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway 1999 - Loiola/Emanuel Rego, Brazil / Ze Marco/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil 2000 - Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil / Ze Marco/Ricardo, Brazil / Paulao/Jefferson Bellaguarda, Brazil 2001* - Mariano Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina / Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway 2002 - Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland / Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway 2003 - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA / Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland 2004 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, Brazil / Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany 2005 - C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany / Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil *FIVB World Championships Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 7 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES August 9-13, Poland Open at Stare Jablonki - The scenic recreational centre amidst the lakes and woods hosts the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour for the third-straight year. Markus Egger won his first international Beach Volleyball title by capturing the 2005 event with Martin Laciga as the Swiss pair downed Markus Dieckmann and Jonas Reckermann in the finals. Polish teams have finished 25th in both the 2004 and 2005 Stare Jablonki event. Year - Poland Gold Medal / Poland Silver Medal / Poland Bronze Medal 2004 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, Brazil / Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway 2005 - Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland / Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany / Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil September 27-October 1, Brazil Open at Vitoria - The SWATCH-FIVB World Tour returns to Vitoria for the first-time since 2001. The previous four Vitoria events featured all-Brazilian gold medal matches with f ourdi f f er entwi nner s .Br az i lhashost edmor emen’ s“ open” SWATCH stops than any other country with the 2006 Vitoria event being No. 28. Year - Vitoria Gold Medal / Vitoria Silver Medal / Vitoria Bronze Medal 1998 - Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil / Roberto Lopes/ Franco Neto, Brazil / Mariano Baracetti/ Jose Salema, Argentina 1999 - Ze Marco de Melo/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / Jose Loiola/Emanuel Rego, Brazil / Franco/Roberto Lopes, Brazil 2000 - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Emanuel/Tande Ramos, Brazil / Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland 2001 - Emanuel/Tande, Brazil / Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / M. Laciga/P. Laciga PASTBRAZI LMEN’ SPODI UM PLACEMENTS Total Medals - Brazil 49, USA 17, Switzerland 6, Argentina 4, Canada 2, Cuba 1, Germany 1, Norway 1 Site Year Gold Medal Silver Medal 1987 Randy Stoklos/Sinjin Smith, USA Karch Kiraly/Pat Powers, USA 2. 1988 Karch Kiraly/Pat Powers, USA Bernard/Luis Amerigo, BRA 3. 1989 Stoklos/Smith, USA Eduardo Tinoco/Edinho de Mattos, BRA 4. 1990 Stoklos/Smith, USA Dodd/Hovland, USA 5. 1991 Stoklos/Smith, USA Kent Steffes/Tim Hovland, USA 6. 1992 Stoklos/Smith, USA Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, BRA 7. 1993 Adam Johnson/Steffes, USA Eduardo Bacil/Jose Loiola, BRA 8. 1994 Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, USA 9. 1994 Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, NOR 10. 1995 Andre Gomes/Carlos Loss, BRA Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA 11. 1995 Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Juan Rosell/Francisco Alvarez, CUB 12. 1996 Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA 13. 1996 Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRA Eduardo Martinez/Martin Conde, ARG 14. 1996 Dodd/Mike Whitmarsh, USA Guilherme/Para, BRA 15. 1997 Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA Bacil/Loiola, BRA 16. 1997 Emanuel Ze Marco, BRA Eduardo Garrido/Guilherme, BRA 17. 1998 Ze Marco/Ricardo Santos, BRA Loiola/Emanuel, BRA 18. 1998 Guilherme/Para, BRA Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA 19. 1999 Ze Marco/Ricardo, BRA Jose Loiola/Emanuel Rego, BRA 20. 2000 Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRA Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SUI 21. 2000 Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRA Emanuel Rego/Tande Ramos, BRA 22. 2001 Emanuel/Tande Ramos, BRA Jose Loiola/Ricardo Santos, BRA 23. 2002 Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRA Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, USA 24. 2003 Emanuel/Ricardo, BRA Holdren/Metzger, USA 25. 2004 Emanuel/Ricardo, BRA Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, SUI 26. 2004 M. Dieckmann/J. Reckerman, GER Heuscher/Kobel, SUI 27. 2005 Emanuel/Ricardo, BRA Marcioa Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, BRA Brazil 18 Golds, USA 8, Germany 1 Brazil 15 Silvers, USA 6, Switzerland 3, Argentina 1, *FIVB World Championships Cuba 1, Norway 1 1. Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Fortaleza Rio de Janeiro Fortaleza Rio de Janeiro Joao Pessoa Fortaleza Rio de Janeiro Fortaleza Rio de Janeiro Vitoria Vitoria Guaruja Vitoria Vitoria Fortaleza Rio de Janeiro* Salvador Rio de Janeiro Salvador Totals Bronze Medal Renan Dal Zotto/Jose Montanaro, BRA Renan/Montanaro, BRA Mike Dodd/Tim Hovland, USA Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes, BRA Guilherme Marques/Andre Lima, BRA Eduardo Garrido/Roberto Moreira, BRA Stoklos/Smith, USA Ze Marco de Melo/Paulo Emilio, BRA Guilherme/Rogerio Para, BRA Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Guilherme/Rogerio Para, BRA John Child/Mark Heese, CAN Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA Emanuel/Ze Marco, BRA Jody Holden/Conrad Leinemann, CAN Martinez/Conde, ARG Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Jose Salema/Mariano Baracetti, ARG Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRA Loiola/Emanuel, BRA M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SUI M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SUI Emanuel/Ricardo, BRA Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRA Baracetti/Conde, ARG Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, SUI Jake Gibb/Stein Metzger, USA Brazil 16 Bronzes, Argentina 3 Switzerland 3, USA 3, Canada 2 October 18-22 - South Africa Open at Cape Town - The men's SWATCH-FIVB World Tour stages its fifth event in South Africa as Cape Town hosts an international stop for the fourth-time. Durban hosted a men's event in 1996 where Brazilians Guilherme Marques and Para Ferreira captured the title by defeating Atlanta 1996 Olympic Silver Medallists Mike Dodd and Mike Whitmarsh of the United States i nt hef i nal s.SeanHay esandJ as onSmi t hpl aced13t hi nt he1995CapeTownev entf orSout hAf r i c a’ sbestf i ni sh. Year - Cape Town Gold Medal / Cape Town Silver Medal / Cape Town Bronze Medal 1995 - Emanuel Rego/Zé Marco de Melo, Brazil / Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez, Argentina / John Child/Mark Heese, Canada 2004 - Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, Brazil / Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil / Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques, Brazil 2005 - Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil / Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland / Jake Gibb/Stein Metzger, United States Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 8 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES October 24-28, Mexico Open at Acapulco - Brazilians captured all three podium spots as the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event returned to Mexico for the first-time since 2000. In addition to Acapulco, Mexico hosted an international stop in 2000 in Rosarito Beach wi t ht heUni t edSt at es’DaxHol dr enandToddRoger scapt ur i ngt hegol d.Juan Rodriguez Ibarra and Joel Sotelo finished seventh in t he1999ev entf orMex i co’ sbest -ever placement on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour. Year - Acapulco Gold Medal / Acapulco Silver Medal / Acapulco Bronze Medal 1999 - Bill Boullianne/Ian Clark, USA / Para Ferreira/Guilherme Marques, Brazil / Ze Marco deMelo/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2005 - Emanuel Rego/Ricardo, Brazil / Pedro Cunha/Franco Neto, Brazil / Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques, Brazil 2006 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES May 10-14, Italy Open at Modena - Located in the northwest province of Emilia Romagna, Modena becomes the fifth Italian city to hostawomen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour stop after events in Pescara (1997), Vasto (1998), Cagliari (2000-2001) and Milan (20032005). Two-time World Champions Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede of Brazil have competed together in the previous seven SWATCHFIVB World Tour stops in Italy with two titles (1998 and 2004), two seconds (1997 and 2003), two thirds (2000 and 2001), and a fourth (2005). The best finishes by an Italian teams in the seven events are fifths by the Olympic tandems of Laura Bruschini/Annamaria Solazzi (2000), and Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta (2003 and 2004). PAST ITALIAN WOMEN’ SPODI UM PLACEMENTS Medals - Brazil 13, USA 4, Australia 1, China 1, Germany 1, Greece 1 Site 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pescara Vasto Cagliari Cagliari Milan Milan Milan Year 1997 1998 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 Gold Medal Lisa Arce/Holly McPeak, USA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Ana Paula Connelly/Monica, BRA Barbra Fontana/Elaine Youngs, USA Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHN Shelda/Adriana, BRA Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, BRA Silver Medal Bronze Medal Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, BRA Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Monica Rodrigues/Jackie, BRA Sandra/Adriana Samuel, BRA Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, AUS Shelda/Adriana, BRA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Nancy Mason/Dianne DeNecochea, USA Shaylyn Bede/Renata Ribeiro, BRA Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, BRA Vassiliki Arvaniti/Vasso Karadassiou, GRE Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, GER May 24-28, China Open at Shanghai - Thewomen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour returns to Shanghai for the third-straight season as the international tour stages an event in China for the ninth-straight season.Dal i anhost edwomen’ sst opst hr eet i meswher eBr az i l ’ s Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede (1998 and 1999) and Liz Masakayan/Elaine Youngs of the United States (2000) won gold medals. Two Maoming stops saw Adriana/Shelda (2001) and Misty May/Kerri Walsh of the United States (2002) win titles. The 2003 Lianyungang event was won by the Rebekka Kadijk and Marrit Leenstra f ort heNet her l and’ sonl yFI VBt i t l e.Thebestf i ni shesf orwomen’ st eams from China have been fourths by Rong Chi/Zi Xiong (2001 at Maoming), Lu Wang/Whenhui You (2004 at Shanghai) and Tian Jian/Wang Fei (2005 at Shanghai) Year - Shanghai Gold Medal / Shanghai Silver Medal / Shanghai Bronze Medal 2004 - Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs, USA / Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA / Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil 2005 - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil / Ana Paula Connelly/Shaylyn Bede, Brazil May 31-June 4, Greece Open at Athens - After the success of the 2004 Olympics and the development of Beach Volleyball in Greece, the women's SWATCH-FIVB World Tour returns to Athens for the second-straight year. The 2006 stop will mark the fourth international Beach Volleyball competition at the Olympic Beach Volleyball Centre in the warm and sandy environment of South Attica, at the Faliro Coastal Zone. Theev entwi l lbet hesi x t h“ open”FI VBf orGr eeceasAt henshost edt he2004Ol y mpi cGamesanda2005SWATCHFIVB World Tour event in 2005. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh both 2004 Greek stops, including the Olympic gold medal. Ana Paula Connelly and Sandra Pires won the 2003 Rhodes gold medal with Holly McPeak and Elaine Youngs the 2002 winners. Vasso Karadassiou, who teamed with Efi Sfyri t opl acedt hi r di nt he2002Rhodesev entf orGr eece’ sbestf i ni shasahostcount r y ,wasf our t h in the 2005 Athens event with Vassiliki Arvaniti. Renata Ribeiro and Talita Antunes of Brazil won the 2005 Athens stop. Year - Greece Gold Medal / Greece Silver Medal / Greece Bronze Medal 2002 Rhodes - Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs, USA / Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia / Vasso Karadassiou/Efi Sfyri, Greece 2003 Rhodes - Sandra Pires/Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil / Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil / Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA 2004 Rhodes - May-Treanor/Walsh, USA / McPeak/Youngs, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2004 Athens Olympics - May-Treanor/Walsh, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / McPeak/Youngs, USA 2005 Athens - Renata Riberio/Talita Antunes, Brazil / Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland............................................................................ Page 9 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES June 20-24, Switzerland Grand Slam at Gstaad - The seventh Gstaad stop will feature grand slam competition for the first-time. Teams from Brazil (nine medals) and the United States (seven) have dominated the Gstaad competition with only teams from Australia and China gaining the other podi um spot si nt heAl ps.Chi na’ sTi anJi aand Wang Fei earned a gold medal berth in 2005 before losing to Juliana Felisberta Silva and Larissa Franca of Brazil in the finals. Shelda Bede and Adriana Behar of Brazil have medalled at each Gstaad stop with $114,000 in earnings. Si moneKuhnhaspost edt hehos tcount r y ’ sbestGst aadfinishes with ninths in 2002 and 2003 with Nicole Schnyder, and 2005 with Lea Schwer. Year - Gstaad Gold Medal / Gstaad Silver Medal / Gstaad Bronze Medal 2000 - Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil / Holly McPeak/Misty May, USA / Ana Paula Connelly/Monica Rodrigues, Brazil 2001 - Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Barbra Fontana/Elaine Youngs, USA /May/Kerri Walsh, USA 2002 - May/Walsh, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia 2003 - May/Walsh, USA / Ana Paula/Sandra Pires, Brazil / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2004 - May/Walsh, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / McPeak/Youngs, USA 2005 - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil June 27-July 1, Norway Grand Slam at Stavanger - The southwestern Norwegian port city hosts awomen’ sevent for the fifth-straight y earast he“ f amed”doc ks i decour twast hesi t eofhi st or yi n2005whenGr eece’ sVass i l i kiAr v ani t ibecamet hey oungestpl ay er( 20 years, 3 months, 15 days) ev ert owi nan“ open”SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event. Nila Ann Hakedal and Ingrid Torlen placed fifth in 2004 for the top finish by a Norwegian team in the four Stavanger stops. Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede of Brazil have placed fourth in each of their three Stavanger appearances Year - Stavanger Gold Medal / Stavanger Silver Medal / Stavanger Bronze Medal 2002 - Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs, USA / Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia / Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, Brazil 2003 - Ana Paula Connelly/Sandra Pires, Brazil / Misty May/Kerri Walsh, USA / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil 2004 - McPeak/Youngs, United States / Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA / Walsh/Rachel Wacholder, USA 2005 - Vasso Karadassiou/ Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece / Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China July 4-8, France Open at Marseille - The SWATCH-FIVB World Tour returns to Marseille after staging events eight-straight years (1997-2004), including the 1999 SWATCH-FIVB World Championships where Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede captured their first of two world titles. Adriana and Shelda competed in the first seven Marseille events by never finishing lower than fourth with six medal pl ac ement sand$180, 100i near ni ngs.TheUni t edSt at es’El ai neYoungs( 2001and2002)andKer r i Wal sh( 2003and2004)wonbackto-back Marseille gold medals with different partners. Ethel-Julie Arjona and Virginie Kadjo posted ninths (2003 and 2004) for the best finishes by a French team in Marseille. Year - Marseille Gold Medal / Marseille Silver Medal / Marseille Bronze Medal 1997 - Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar / Lisa Arce/Holly McPeak, USA / Monica RodriguesAdriana Samuel, Brazil 1998 - Sandra Pires/Samuel, Brazil / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil Jackie Silva/Monica, Brazil 1999* - Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA / Liz Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, USA 2000 - Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Ana Paula Connelly/Monica Rodrigues, Brazil 2001 - Barbra Fontana/Youngs, USA / Shelda/Adriana Behar, Brazil / Arce/McPeak, USA 2002 - McPeak/Youngs, USA / Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA / Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia 2003 - May-Treanor/Walsh, USA / Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2004 - Rachel Wacholder/Walsh, USA / Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA / Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil *FIVB World Championships July 12-16, Canada Open at Montréal - Montreal hosts the first of two SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events in North America. The 2005 f i nalf eat ur edBr az i l ’ shopesf orf ut ur eSWATCH medal sasJul i anaFei l sber t aSi l v aandLar i s saFr anc adef eat edRenat aRi ber i oand Talita Antunes in the finals. Canadahasal s ohost ed“ open”women’ sev ent si nToronto and the 1999 Pan-America Games in Winnipeg where Adriana and Shelda captured the title. Toronto winners were Sandra Pires/Adriana Samuel of Brazil (1998), Holly McPeak/Nancy Reno of the United States (1999) and Adriana/Shelda (2000). Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede captured the PanAm title. The best finish by a host country team in the previous five SWATCH stops in Canada was a seventh by Marie-Andree Lessard and Sarah Maxwell in 2005. Year - Montréal Gold Medal / Montréal Silver Medal / Montréal Bronze Medal 2002 - Misty May/Kerri Walsh, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Elaine Youngs/Holly McPeak, USA 2005 - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Renata Riberio/Talita Antunes, Brazil / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 10 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES July 18-22, Russia Open at St. Petersburg - With a combined age of 90, the 2005 women’ sSt. Petersburg gold medal match f eat ur edt he“ y oungest ”f i nalin SWATCH-FIVB World Tour history as Juliana Feilsberta Silva (22) and Larissa Franca (23) defeated Renata Riberio (23) and Talita Antunes (22) for the title. St. Petersburg also hosted the 1994 Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg. It was the first of three Goodwill Games appearances for beach volleyball with other events in New York (1998) and Brisbane, Australia (2001). Year - St. Petersburg Gold Medal / St. Petersburg Silver Medal / St. Petersburg Bronze Medal 1994 - Karolyn Kirby/Liz Masakayan, USA / Adriana Samuel/Monica Rodrigues, Brazil / Barbra Fontana/Lori Forsythe 2005 - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Renata Riberio/Talita Antunes, Brazil / Leila Barros/Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil July 25-29 - France Grand Slam in Paris - Staged in front of the Eiffel Tower, the Paris stop is destined to become a SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event that attracts the most fans from a variety of countries. The 2005 finale featured a re-match of the two teams that competed for the SWATCH-FIVB World Championship title a month earlier in Berlin as reigning Olympic and World Champions Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh of the United States defeated Juliana Felisberta and Larissa Franca of Brazil in the inaugural Paris final. Year - Paris Gold Medal / Paris Silver Medal / Paris Bronze Medal 2005 - Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA / Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China August 1-5 - Austria Grand Slam at Klagenfurt - After Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede captured their second FIVB World Championship in 2001 in Klagenfurt, the United States captured the last four Austrian gold medals. Kerri Walsh has been part of the winning team each time with Misty May (2002, 2003 and 2005) and Rachel Wacholder (2004). Shelda, who missed the 2005 Klagenfurt stop with injuries, and Adriana have collected four Klagenfurt medals along with $114,000 in Austrian earnings. The best finish by an Austrian team in the four previous Klagenfurt events has been 17ths, including Christine Mellitzer/Sabine Swoboda in 2001, Barbara Hansel/Sara Montagnolli and Doris/Stefanie Schwaiger in 2004, and Chrisi Gschweidl/Hansel and the Schwaigers in 2005. Year - Klagenfurt Gold Medal / Klagenfurt Silver Medal / Klagenfurt Bronze Medal (*FIVB World Championships) 2001* - Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil / Sandra Pires/Tatiana Minello, Brazil / Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, Czech Republic 2002 - Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Elaine Youngs/Holly McPeak, United States 2003 - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Pires/Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2004 - Walsh/Rachel Wacholder, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Annett Davis/ Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA 2005 - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Wacholder/Youngs, United States / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China *FIVB World Championships August 30-September 3, Poland Open at Warsaw - Af t erhost i ng men’ sev ent st he pastt wo y ear si n St ar eJ abl ons ki ,Pol and “ wel comes”t heSWATCH-FIVB World Tour to Warsaw for the first-time. September 13-17, Porto Santo Open - After staging the SWATCH-FIVB U-21Wor l dChampi onshi psi n2004andamen’ sFI VB chal l engerst opi n2005,t heMadei r aI sl andofPor t oSant ost agest hewor l d’ sbestwomen’ spl ay er satits Beach Volleyball-friendly facility on the Portuguese isle off the coast of Africa. Thepr ev i ousei ghtwomen’ sPor t ugeseOpenshav ebeenhel di nEspi nho. Year - Espinho Gold Medal / Espinho Silver Medal / Espinho Bronze Medal 1995 - Holly McPeak/Nancy Reno, USA / Linda Hanley/Angela Rock, USA / Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil 1996 - Pires/Silva, Brazil / /Monica Rodrigues/Adriana Samuel, Brazil / Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil 1997 - Samuel/Rodrigues, Brazil, Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Pires/Silva, Brazil 1998 - Barbra Fontana/Hanley, USA / Pires/Samuel, Brazil / Reno/Elaine Youngs, USA 1999 - Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA / Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia / Liz Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, USA 2000 - Masakayan/Youngs, USA / Arce/Fontana, USA / Cook/Pottharst, Australia 2001 - Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA / Shelda/Adriana, Brazil / Fontana/Youngs, USA 2005 - May-Treanor/Walsh, USA / Thalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece / Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa France, Brazil September 26-30, Brazil Open at Vitoria - The United States will be seeking its third straight Vitoria gold medal. The Americans have won six of the last six FIVB events in Brazil, including a three-set gold medal win by Olympic and World Champions Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh over Br az i l ’ sJuliana Felisberta Silva and Larissa Franca in the 2005 Salvador finale. Year - Vitoria Gold Medal / Vitoria Silver Medal / Vitoria Bronze Medal 2000 - Liz Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, USA / Sandra Pires/Adriana Samuel, Brazil / Mika Teru Saiki, Japan 2002 - Holly McPeak/Youngs, USA / Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA / Ana Paula Connelly/Tatiana Minello, Brazil Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 11 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR SCHEDULE NOTES BRAZIL HOSTS - Br az i lhashost edmor e“ open”SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events (49, 27 men and 22 women) than any other country. Brazil also staged the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB U-21 World Championships in 2005 in Rio de Janeiro. PASTBRAZI LWOMEN’ SPODI UM PLACEMENTS Total Medals - Brazil 41, USA 21, Australia 3, Japan 1 Site Year Gold Medal Rio de Janeiro 1993 Nancy Reno/Karolyn Kirby, USA Santos 1993 Liz Masakayan/Kirby, USA Santos 1994 Samuel/Monica, BRA Rio de Janeiro 1995 Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Santos 1995 Linda Hanley/Barbra Fontana, USA Maceio 1996 Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Recife 1996 Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Rio de Janeiro 1996 Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Salvador 1996 Samuel/Monica, BRA Rio de Janeiro 1997 Samuel/Monica, BRA Salvador 1997 Shelda/Adriana, BRA Rio de Janeiro 1998 Shelda/Adriana, BRA Salvador 1998 Shelda/Adriana, BRA Salvador 1999 Shelda/Adriana, BRA Fortaleza 2000 McPeak/Misty May-Treanor, USA Vitoria 2000 Masakayan/Youngs, USA Fortaleza 2001 Shelda/Adriana, BRA Vitoria 2002 Youngs/McPeak, USA Rio de Janeiro* 2003 May-Treanor/Walsh, USA Fortaleza 2004 May-Treanor/Walsh, USA Rio de Janeiro 2004 Ana Paula/Pires, BRA Salvador 2005 May-Treanor/Walsh, USA Totals Brazil 13 Golds, USA 9 *FIVB World Championships 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Silver Medal Adriana Samuel/Monica Rodrigues, BRA Isabel Salgado/Roseli Timm, BRA Masakayan/Kirby, USA Samuel/Monica, BRA Holly McPeak/Angela Rock, USA Samuel/Monica, BRA Samuel/Monica, BRA Kerri Pottharst/Natalie Cook, AUS Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA McPeak/Lisa Arce, USA Holly McPeak/Arce, USA Pottharst/Pauline Manser, AUS Hanley/Fontana, USA Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, USA Pires/Samuel, BRA Pires/ Samuel, BRA McPeak/Kerri Walsh, USA May-Treanor/Walsh, USA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Juliana/Larissa, BRA Brazil 12 Silvers, USA 8, Australia 2 Bronze Medal Jackie Silva/Karina Silva, BRA Adriana Behar/Magda Lima, BRA Salgado/Timm, BRA Kirby/Deb Richardson, USA Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Shelda Bede/Adriana, BRA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Shelda/Adriana, BRA Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Pires/Jackie Silva, BRA Pires/Samuel, BRA Pires/Samuel, BRA Leanne McSorley/Nancy Mason, USA Mika Teru Saiki/Yukiko Takahashi, JPN Masakayan/Dianne DeNecochea, USA Ana Paula Connelly/Tatiana Minello, BRA Cook/Nicole Sanderson, AUS Juliana Felisberta Silva/ Larissa Franca, BRA Juliana/Larissa, BRA Rachel Wacholder/Youngs, USA Brazil 16 Bronzes, USA 4, Australia 1, Japan 1 October 25-29, Mexico Open at Acapulco - The 2005 Acapulco finale set records as Brazilians Juliana Felisberta Silva and Larissa Franca out-lasted Olympic and World Champions Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh 28-26, 40-42 and 1513 in the 100-minute gold medal match. The soft golden sand of Tamarindos Beach with its blue-colored warm waves and swaying palm trees also hosted one of the first qualifying events for the 2000 Olympic games where Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede topped the 1999 podium as the Brazilians bettered Sydney gold medallists Kerri Pottharst and Natalie Cook for the title. However, the Aussies were playing with different partners in 1999 where Pottharst teamed with Pauline Manser and Cook with Angela Clarkie. Mayra Garcia and Hilda Gaxiola wer eMexi co’ st opf i ni sher sin 2005 with a ninth. Year - Acapulco Gold Medal / Acapulco Silver Medal / Acapulco Bronze Medal 1999 - Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil / Pauline Manser/Kerri Pottharst, Australia / Angela Clarke/Natalie Cook, Australia 2005 - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil / Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA / Rachel Wacholder/Elaine Youngs, USA November 1-5, Thailand Open at Phuket - After staging women’ sFIVB challenger/satellite events in Pattaya (2001), Bangkok (2005) and Phuket (2005), Thailand hosts its first SWATCH-FIVB World Tour stop. The 2005 Phuket stop served as a prelude to the 2006 season-finale where the competition was part of the Andaman Festival to mark the first anniversary of the Tsunami of 2004. Jennifer Kessy and Heather Lowe won the 2001 Pattaya events for the United St at eswhi l eChi na’ sLi nj unJiandWhenhuiYoucapt ur edt heBangkokst op.Lijun Ji was 18 years old when she won the event to become the youngest player ever to win “ any ”i nt er nat i onalBeachVol l ey bal levent .Ei koKoi z umiandShi nako Tanakacapt ur edJapan’ sf i r st -ever international Beach Volleyball gold medal by winning the 2005 Phuket event. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 12 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 FIVB CHALLENGER & SATELLITE NOTES May 25-28, Czech Republic Challenger, Brno, Men (May 28), $30,000 - An international Beach Volleyball events returns to the Czech Republic for the first time in almost a decade as Brno hosts a Challenger stop. Karlovy Vary hosted a 1997 Challenger where the gold medal match featured future Olympians from Norway and Switzerland. The Swiss Laciga brothers (Martin and Paul) claimed their first international title by defeating Vegard Hoidalen and Jorre Kjemperud of Norway for the gold medal. Brno i st heCz echRepubl i c’ ssecond largest city. At the same time, it represents the centre of the province of Moravia, one of the historic lands of the Czech Crown. It is situated at the crossroads of ancient trade routes which have joined the North and South European civilizations for centuries. Brno is situated in a picturesque countryside, surrounded on three sides by wooded hills and opening to the Southern Moravian lowlands to the south of the city. In the north, the city is guarded by the foothills of the Drahany and Bohemian-Moravian ranges. The city itself lies in the basin of the Svratka and Svitava rivers, somewhat to the north of their conflux at elevations ranging from 190 to 425 meters (620 to 1395 feet) above sea level. From east to west it spans about 22 km (13 miles). The river Svratka cuts a 29-km (17-mile) path through the city and is the main supply for the Kninicky Dam Lake, a popular recreation area in the city's northwest corner. The Svitava River flows through the city for about 13 km (eight miles). Geographically, Brno is part of the Danube Basin and has many historical ties to the Austrian capitol of Vienna, which is 110 km (68 miles) to the south. Thanks to its location between the Bohemian-Moravian Hills and the Southern Moravian lowlands, Brno enjoys a very pleasant, moderate climate, ideal for recreation and everyday living. The Beach Club Brno - KACATA is very active in the area. July 25-30, Cyprus Challenger, Atlantida Beach, Women (July 29) & Men (July 30), $60,000 - For the first-time, Cyprus will host an international Beach Volleyball event with a double gender event. Cyprus, a modern country that effortlessly marries European culture with ancient enchantment, is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Its 9,251 square kilometers (3,572 square miles) encompass citrus and olive groves, pine forested mountains, and some of Europe's cleanest beaches. Also the easternmost island in the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus is approximately 105 kilometers (60 miles) west of Syria, 75 kilometers (47 miles) south of Turkey and 380 kilometers (200 miles) north of Egypt. The nearest Greek point is the Greek island of Rhodes which is 380 kilometers (200miles) to the west. July 27-30, Ukraine Challenger, Kiev, Men (July 30), $30,000 - Kiev, the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, hosts a FIVB Challenger for the fifth-time where teams from Latvia have dominated the competition. In the previous four events, Latvia has captured five of the 12 medals, including a 2004 gold medal by Janis Grinbergs and Andris Krumins. Grinbergs has four total Kiev medals with bronzes in 2001, 2002 and 2005. Krumins claimed a 2005 silver medal with Ruslas Sorokins after a 2001 bronze and 2004 gold with Grinbergs. Brazilians won the first two Kiev events with Ukr ai ne’ sMy kol aBabi chandOleg Nikolaev the 2005 gold medalists. Kiev is located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. With more that two-million inhabitants, Kiev is an industrial, scientific, educational and cultural center in Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions, world famous historical landmarks. The city has an extensive infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport, including a Kiev Metro system. During its history, Kiev, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of great prominence and relative obscurity. The city is considered to have been founded in the fifth century as a trading post in the land of Early East Slavs. It gradually acquired eminence as the center of the East Slavic civilization, becoming in the tenth to twelfth centuries a political and cultural capital of Rus', a medieval East Slavic state. Completely destroyed during the Mongol invasion in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. It was a provincial capital of marginal importance in the outskirts of the territories controlled by its powerful neighbors: first the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, followed by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and, finally, Russia. The city prospered again during the Russian industrial revolution in the late 19th century. After the turbulent period following the Russian Revolution of 1917, from 1921 onwards Kiev was an important city of Soviet Ukraine, and, since 1934, its capital. During World War II, the city was destroyed again, almost completely, but quickly recovered in the post-war years becoming the third most important city of the USSR. It now remains the capital of Ukraine, independent since 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Year - Kiev gold medal, Kiev silver medal, Kiev bronze medal 2001 - Murilo Toscano/Klepper Feitosa, Brazil / Vitaly Stadnikov/Sergiy Rasputiniy, Ukraine / Janis Grinbergs/Andris Krumins, Latvia 2002 - Jefferson Bellaguarda/Juca Dultra, Brazil / Mykola Babich/Dmitro Khudoley, Ukraine / Janis Grinbergs/Austris Stals, Lativa 2004 - Janis Grinbergs/Andris Krumins, Lativa / Tino Schutz/Jan Schnider, Switzerland / Oleksiy Kulinich/Olexander Dyachenko, Ukraine 2005 - Mykola Babich/Oleg Nikolaev, Ukraine / Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, Lativia / Janis Grinbergs/Austris Stals, Latvia Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 13 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 FIVB CHALLENGER & SATELLITE NOTES July 28-30, Morocco Satellite, Casablanca, Men (July 30), $15,000 - Italians will be seeking their third-straight gold medal finish in Casablanca after capturing the first two Moroccan satellite events in 2004 and 2005. Italian men captured four of the 15 FIVB Challenger/Satellite stops in 2005, including a Casablanca gold medal for Diego Nota and Giorgio Domenghini. Eugenio Amore and Riccardo Fenili won three Challenger/Satellite stops for Italy in 2005. Casablanca is a city in western Morocco, located on the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 2.95 million and with a developing tourism industry, Casablanca is Morocco's biggest city; also it is the chief port, and is thus considered the economic capital, although Morocco's official capital and seat of government is Rabat. The area which is today Casablanca was settled by Berbers by at least the seventh century. In the 19th century, the area's population began to grow as Casablanca became a major supplier of wool to the booming textile industry in Britain and shipping traffic increased (the British, in return, began importing Morocco's now famous national drink, gunpowder tea). Casablanca was an important strategic port during World War II and hosted the Anglo-American Summit in 1943. Morocco gained independence from France on 2nd March 1956. In 1958, Casablanca hosted a round of the Formula One world championship at the Ain-Diab circuit. In 1983, Casablanca hosted the Mediterranean Games. Year - Casablanca gold medal, Casablanca silver medal, Casablanca bronze medal 2004 - Paolo Ficosecco/Giorgio Domenghini, Italy / Magne Kobbevik/Bjorn Ingeborgrud, Norway / Ihsane / Boukhare/Karim Ourhdach, Morocco 2005 - Diego Nota/Giorgio Domenghini, Italy / David Wenger/Philip Gabathuler, Switzerland / Damien Quoirin/Gregory Gagliano, France August 10-13, Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne, Women (August 12) & Men (August 13), $30,000 - Lausanne has beent hehostt oaFI VBSat el l i t est opt hepastei ghtseasons,i ncl udi ngt hel astt woy ear swher ebot hmen’ sandwomen’ s compet i t i onhasbeenf eat ur ed. Swi t z er l and’ sSt ef anKobel ,whot eamedwi t hPat r i ckHeuschert ocapt ur et hebr onz e medal at the Athens 2004 Games, has claimed four Lausanne gold medals with two different partners. Kobel won the 1999 event with Martin Walser followed by gold medal finishes in 2000, 2003 and 2005 with Heuscher. The Swiss Olympians have also claimed silver (2001) and bronze (2002) medals in Lausanne. Brazilians have won three of the Lausanne stops (1998, 2001 and 2004) with Mariano Baracetti and Martin Conde, the 2001 SWATCH-FIVB World Champi ons,capt ur i ngt he2002t i t l e.Women’ scompet i t i onwasi nt r oducedin 2004 with teams from the Netherlands and Switzerland winning the titles. Lausanne is a city in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, situated on the shores of Lake Geneva and facing Évian-les-Bains (France). Lausanne is located 60 km northeast of Geneva. It is the capital of the canton of Vaud and of the district of Lausanne. In addition to being the headquarters for the FIVB, Lausanne also is the home of the International Olympic Committee. It lies in the middle of a wine-growing region. Year - Lausannemen’ sgol dmedal ,Lausannesi l vermedal ,Lausannebr onzemedal 1998 - Jan Ferreira/Fred Souza, Brazil / Dennys Paredes/Luizao Correa, Brazil / Greg Ryan/Morgan Chapman, United States 1999 - Stefan Kobel/Martin Walser, Switzerland / Bernhard Vesti/Markus Egger, United States / Albert Hannemann/Nick Hannemann, American Samoa 2000 - Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland / Egger/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland / Martin Tschudi/Marcel Gscheidle, Switzerland 2001 - Murilo Toscano/Klepper Feitosa, Brazil / Kobel/Heuscher, Switzerland / Egger/Heyer, Switzerland 2002 - Mariano Baracetti/ Martin Conde, Argentina / Marcel Gscheidle/Vesti, Switzerland / Kobel/Heuscher, Switzerland 2003 - Kobel/Heuscher, Switzerland / Fabio Galli/Riccardo Fenili, Italy / Egger/Heyer, Switzerland 2004 - Fred Souza/Pedro Cunha, Brazil / David Wenger/Philip Gabathuler, Switzerland / Pedro Brazao/Marcello Duarte, Brazil 2005 - Kobel/Heuscher, Switzerland / Gscheidle/Jan Schnider, Switzerland / Paulo Emilio Silva/Moises Santos, Brazil Year - Lausannewomen’ sgol dmedal ,Lausannesi l vermedal ,Lausannebr onz emedal 2004 - Merel Mooren/Sanne Keizer, Netherlands / Cecilie Josefsen/Kristine Wiig, Norway / Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria 2005 - Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland / Mireya Kaup/Geeske Banck, Germany / Sara Goller/Laura Ludwig, Germany Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 14 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 FIVB CHALLENGER & SATELLITE NOTES August 16-20, Liechtenstein Satellite, Vaduz, Women (August 19) & Men (August 20), $20,000 - Vaduz is the capital of the principality of Liechtenstein. A town of 5,000 inhabitants, Vaduz is located along the Rhine. It has art collections, a postal museum, and a lively tourist industry. The Principality of Liechtenstein is a tiny, doubly landlocked country in Western Europe, bordered by Switzerland to its west and by Austria to its east. Mountainous, it is a winter sports resort, though it is perhaps best-known as a tax haven. As an alpine country, the main opportunity for Liechtensteiners to excel is in winter sports such as downhill skiing: Hanni Wenzel won two gold medals in the 1980 Winter Olympics. With nine medals in alpine skiing, Liechtenstein has won more Olympic medals per capita than any other nation. Year - Li echt enst ei nmen’ sgol dmedal ,Li echt enst ei nsi l vermedal ,Li echt enst ei nbr onze medal 2005 - Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland / Marcel Gscheidle/Jan Schnider, Switzerland / Peter Gartmayer/Andreas Matzler, Austria Year - Li echt enst ei nwomen’ sgol dmedal ,Li echt enst ei nsi l vermedal ,Li echt enst ei nbr onzemedal 2005 - Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria / Annalea Hartmann/Dorothea Hebeisen, Switzerland / Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria August 17-20, Finland Satellite, Turku, Women (August 20), $10,000 - After staging a men's Satellite event in 2005 where Latvia's Martins Plavins and Aleksandrs Samoilous claimed the gold medal, Turku and the Nystrom twins (Emilia and Erika) host some of the best women's Beach Volleyball players in the world. The Nystroms have competed in three Challenger/Satellite events and have played on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour since 2002. The twins won French Satellite medals in Le Lavandou with gold in 2003 and silver in 2004. Founded in the 13th century, Turku is the oldest and fifth largest city in Finland with a population of neary 175,000. Located at the mouth of the Aura River in the southwest of the country, it is the capital city of the region of Finland Proper and the province of Western Finland, as well as being the centre of the country's third largest urban area, with around 300,000 inhabitants. Turku has one of the largest Finland-Swedish populations in the country. Due to its location, the Port of Turku is one of the busiest seaports in Finland. Turku has a cultural identity as Finland's historical centre, as it was the largest city in the country and served as its capital from its foundation in the 13th century to 1812. It also hosted the county's first university, the Academy of Åbo. Turku is considered Finland's 'second city' by some, while others assign the title to Tampere. September 1-3, Italy Challenger, Cagliari, Men (September 3), $30,000 - For the second-straight season, Càgliari will hostamen’ sFI VBChal l enger . Despi t el osi ngt he2005gol dmedalmat cht oGer many ’ sKayMat y si kandMar kusPopp, I t al y ’ sEugeni oAmore and Riccardo Fenili began their success on the FIVB Challenger/Satellite circuit with their first of five medal finishes. Amore and Fenili won three 2005 FIVB Challenger/Satellite gold medals along a third-place finish. The Italian island also hosted three women’ sinternational Beach Volleyball events, including SWATCH-FIVB World Tour stops in 2001 aqnd 2002, and a challenger in 2004. Càgliari is the capital of the island of Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy. Cagliari, with more than 170,000 inhabitants, is called Casteddu (literally, the castle) in the Sardinian language. From the 1870s, with the unification of Italy, the city experienced a century of rapid growth. Many outstanding buildings were erected by the end of the 18th century during the office of Mayor Ottone Bacaredda. Cagliari has one of the longest beaches in an Italian town. The Poetto beach stretches for 13 km and is famous for its white fine-grained sand. Cagliari is an ideal location for sailing, hiking and outdoor sports. It has a mild climate, often refreshed by northern-west winds. Cagliari has some peculiar gastronomic traditions. Many dishes are based on the wide variety of fish and sea food available. Although it is possible to trace influences from Spanish gastronomy, Cagliaritanian food has a distinctive and unique character. Excellent wines are also produced in the nearby vineyards of the Campidano plain. NOTE - Italy and San Marino ranks behind Brazil (49 events) and France (35) in hosting FIVB events (34) with 18 SWATCH stops (11 men and seven women) and 16 Satellite stops (nine men and seven women). PASTI TALYMEN’ SCHALLENGER/SATELLITE PODIUM PLACEMENTS Medals - Italy 12, Brazil 8, Argentina 1, Australia 1, Czech Republic 1, France 1, Germany 1, Japan 1, Switzerland 1 Year Agrigento Cagliari Cattolica Cagliari Roseto degli Abruzzi Rimini Alba Adriatica Palinuro Vasto Site 1996 1999 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rossell, BRA Andrea Ghiurghi/Nicola Grigolo, ITA Julien Prosser/Lee Zahner, AUS Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, BRA Taichi Morikawa/Ko Ozaki, JPN Markus Egger/Bernhard Vesti, SUI Pedro Brazao/Marcello Duarte, BRA Fosco Cicola/Andrea Raffaelli, ITA Alfredo Tabarini/Francesco Tabarini, ITA Kay Matysik/Markus Popp, GER Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, ITA Ian Borges/Pedro Salgado, BRA Jan Ferreira/Para Ferreira, BRA Alex Acco/Luizao Correa, BRA Mariano Baracetti/Pedro Depiaggio, ARG Alex/Luizao, BRA Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, ITA Amore/Fenili, ITA Amore/Fenili, ITA Lione/Varnier, ITA Jaroslav Pavlas/Miroslav Svoboda, CZE Amore/Fenili, ITA Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, ITA Jean-Philippe &Mathieu Daguerre, FRA Amore/Fenili, ITA Bruno De Paula/Rodrigo Monteiro, BRA Giorgio Domenghini/Diego Nota, ITA Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 15 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE VOLLEYBALL FIVB - Located in Lausanne, Switzerland, The FIVB is the International Organization responsible for all forms of Volleyball on a global level. Working closely with National Federations and private enterprises, the FIVB promotes Volleyball competitions and development activities as entertainment and promotional factors for the enjoyment of spectators and participants while satisfying sponsors' needs. Dr. Rubén Acosta Hernandez of Mexico is the FIVB President. FIVB Headquarters Av. de la Gare 12 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland Telephone - +41 21 345 35 35 Fax - +41 21 345 35 45 E-mail - [email protected] FIVB mission - The FIVB governs, manages and communicates all forms of Volleyball and Beach Volleyball worldwide. It aims to develop Volleyball as a major world media and entertainment sport through world class planning and organization of competitions, marketing and promotional activities. The new era - The new era commenced in 1984 when FIVB moved to Lausanne, Switzerland and elected a new President, who envisaged a marketing strategy with new competitions aimed at consolidating FIVB's brand identity and world class profile. As a result, The FIVB is now the largest sports organization in the world in terms of its 218 member National Federations, operating at continental level through five Confederations based in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Central America, and South America. Under FIVB guidance, these entities provide opportunities to Volleyball and Beach Volleyball event organizers, sponsors, TV broadcasters and over 500 million participating athletes world-wide. Secure in its future - The FIVB is governed by its own Constitution and Regulations under Swiss law and operates from Lausanne in a villa fully equipped and resourced with the latest technologies. Secure in its operations for at least the next decade, the FIVB is in a position to provide effective leadership to Volleyball athletes and stakeholders. Under the financial control of an accountant certified by the Swiss government, the FIVB is audited every year by one of the world's leading auditing firms FIVB today - One of the top three global International Sporting Federations, The FIVB provides leadership to 500million players and 33-million licensed athletes from 218 affiliated National Federations. Partnering with up to 100 Event Organizers and TV Broadcasters annually, the FIVB is the worldwide leader in innovative 'new generation' sports entertainment and awards over US$ 25-million in Prize Money every year. The FIVB structure - As The FIVB's basic platform and comprising all affiliated National Federations, the World Congress is the supreme authority. Convened every two years, the Congress elects the President and members of the Board. The Board of Administration is responsible for the overall management of the FIVB, overseeing the work of the National Federations, Confederations, Commissions and Councils and appoints Officials, including members of the Executive Committee. · The Executive Committee is composed of Board members and each member is charged with important and specific responsibilities. · The FIVB President is personally accountable before the Congress and the Board of Administration whose decisions he is responsible for executing and is supported by the Executive Committee members. · National Federations are responsible for Volleyball in their respective countries. · The Continental Confederations, Councils and Commissions are supporting institutions of FIVB actions in their area and are accountable before the FIVB for the fulfillment of their duties in accordance with FIVB regulations and decisions. · FIVB Technical Officials represent the FIVB world wide in its global operations. They supervise and participate in the organisation of events, ensuring that event organizers deliver world class conditions to sponsors and participants. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 16 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE VOLLEYBALL - REPRESENTATIVES FIVB Board of Administration · Alan Ahac, Canada · Essa Hamza Ahmad Al Failakawi, Kuwait · Dr.,António Camilo Antão, Mozambique · Philip Berben, Beligum · Aleksandar Boricic, Serbia & Montenegro · Roberto Wilfrido Escobar Gonzalez, Paraguay · Abdelhadi Ghzali, Morocco · Habu Ahmed Gumel, Nigeria · Yang-Ja Hong, Korea · Angel Tomás Iglesias Guerra, Cuba · Jacques Joachim, Haiti · Hannu Kananen, Finland · André Leclercq, France · Dr. Rafael Lloreda Currea, Colombia · Augusto Patricio Sandoval Carrera, Ecuador · Shanrit Wongprasert, Thailand FIVB Executive Committee · Dr. Rubén Acosta Hernandez, Mexico, President · Jizhong Wei, China, First Executive Vice-President · Dr. B. Sivanthi Adityan, India, Executive Vice-President · Dr. Saleh Ahmad Bin Nasser, Saudi Arabia, Ex. Vice-President · Theofanis Tsiokris, Greece, Executive Vice-President · Cristóbal Marte Hoffiz, Dominican Republic, Ex. Vice-President · Dr. Amr M. Elwani, Egypt, Executive Vice-President · Dr. Ary Da Silva Graça Filho, Brazil, Executive Vice-President · Yuri Chesnokov, Russia, Executive Vice-President · Vicente Henrique Goncalves De Araujo, Portugal, Executive Vice-President · André Meyer, Luxemburg, Executive Vice-President · Rita Subowo, Indonesia, Executive Vice-President · Miguel Angel Quintana, Executive Vice-President · Hiroshi Toyoda, Japan, Executive Member FIVB Beach Volleyball Council · Christopher St-John“ Si nj i n”Smi t h,Uni t edSt at es,Pr esi dent · Angelo Squeo, Italy, Beach Volleyball Director · José Fernando Lopes Casanova, Portugal, Refereeing Delegate · Björn Maaseide, Norway, Promoter's Representative · Miguel Angel Quintana, Spain, National Federations' Representative Code Countries FIVB Commission Presidents · Jizhong Wei, China, Legal · Dr. B. Sivanthi Adityan, India, Finance · Michel Henault, France, Press · Alexander James Steel, Scotland, Rules of the Game · Gavriel Kraus, Israel, Refereeing · Hiroshi Toyoda, Japan, Technical · Yuri Chesnokov, Russia, Coaching · Dr. Annie Peytavin, France, Medical · Vicente Henrique Goncalves de Araujo, Portugal, Development · Peter C. Diamond, USA, Television FIVB Confederation President Web Site Confédération Africaine De Volleyball CAVB................................. 53 Dr. Amr Elwany, Egypt www.cavb.org Asian Volleyball Confederation AVC ................................... 64 Jizhong Wei, China www.avcvolley.org Confédération Européenne De Volleyball CEV.................................... 54 André Meyer, Luxembourg www.cev.lu NORCECA Volleyball Confederation NORCECA ......................... 34 Cristóbal Marte Hoffiz, Dominican Republic www.norceca.org Confederación Sudamericana De Voleibol CSV.................................... 12 Dr. Ary Da Silva Graça Filho, Brazil www.voleysur.org Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 17 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 FIVB FEDERATIONS Country Country..................................Code Afghanistan.............................. AFG Albania ..................................... ALB Algeria ......................................ALG Andorra.................................... AND Angola ..................................... ANG Anguillia................................... AGU Antigua and Barbuda................ANT Argentina ................................. ARG Armenia ...................................ARM Aruba....................................... ARU Australia .................................. AUS Austria ......................................AUT Azerbaijan.................................AZE Bahamas ................................. BAH Bahrain .................................... BRN Bangladesh.............................. BAN Barbados ................................. BAR Belarus .....................................BLR Belgium .................................... BEL Belize......................................... BIZ Benin ....................................... BEN Bermuda.................................. BER Bhutan ..................................... BHU Bolivia.......................................BOL Bosnia and Herzegovina ...........BIH Botswana................................. BOT Brazil ....................................... BRA British Virgin Islands .................. IVB Brunei Negara Darussalam ..... BRU Bulgaria ....................................BUL Burkina Faso ........................... BUR Burundi ......................................BDI Cambodia ................................CAM Cameroon................................CMR Canada.................................... CAN Cape Verde ............................. CPV Cayman Islands....................... CAY Central African Republic...........CAF Chad........................................ CHA Chile ..........................................CHI China ....................................... CHN Chinese Taipei..........................TPE Colombia ................................. COL Comoros................................. COM Congo......................................CGO Cook Islands............................ COK Costa Rica............................... CRC Côte d'Ivoire ..............................CIV Croatia.....................................CRO Cuba........................................ CUB Cyprus ..................................... CYP Czech Republic ........................CZE Democratic Rep. of Congo ......COD Denmark.................................. DEN Djibouti ...................................... DJI Member . Confederation Since..................... Code 1980 ........................ AVC 1949 ........................ CEV 1964 ......................CAVB 1987 ........................ CEV 1978 ......................CAVB 1992 ..............NORCECA 1986 ..............NORCECA 1951 ........................ CSV 1992 ........................ CEV 1986 ..............NORCECA 1968 ........................ AVC 1953 ........................ CEV 1992 ........................ CEV 1968 ..............NORCECA 1976 ........................ AVC 1976 ........................ AVC 1988 ..............NORCECA 1992 ........................ CEV 1947 ........................ CEV 1984 ..............NORCECA 1964 ......................CAVB 1984 ..............NORCECA 1984 ........................ AVC 1966 ........................ CSV 1992 ........................ CEV 1988 ......................CAVB 1947 ........................ CSV 1980 ..............NORCECA 1982 ........................ AVC 1949 ........................ CEV 1964 ......................CAVB 1992 ......................CAVB 1968 ........................ AVC 1964 ......................CAVB 1959 ..............NORCECA 1988 ......................CAVB 1976 ..............NORCECA 1964 ......................CAVB 1964 ......................CAVB 1959 ........................ CSV 1953 ........................ AVC 1982 ........................ AVC 1955 ........................ CSV 1982 ......................CAVB 1964 ......................CAVB 1992 ........................ AVC 1970 ..............NORCECA 1964 ......................CAVB 1992 ........................ CEV 1955 ..............NORCECA 1980 ........................ CEV 1947 ........................ CEV 1964 ......................CAVB 1955 ........................ CEV 1984 ......................CAVB Country Country ................................. Code Dominica ................................. DMA Dominican Republic ................ DOM Ecuador....................................ECU Egypt........................................EGY El Salvador............................... ESA England....................................ENG Equatorial Guinea ................... GEQ Eritrea ...................................... ERT Estonia ..................................... EST Ethiopia .................................... ETH Faroe Islands ........................... FER Fiji .............................................. FIJ Finland .......................................FIN France...................................... FRA French Guyana ........................FGU Gabon ......................................GAB Gambia ................................... GAM Georgia ................................... GEO Germany ..................................GER Ghana ......................................GHA Gibraltar .................................... GIB Greece .....................................GRE Greenland ................................ GRL Grenada .................................. GRN Guadeloupe .............................GDP Guam ...................................... GUM Guatemala ...............................GUA Guinea ...................................... GUI Guinea-Bissau .........................GBS Guyana ....................................GUY Haiti............................................HAl Honduras ................................ HON Hong Kong ...............................HKG Hungary ...................................HUN Iceland ....................................... ISL India .......................................... IND Indonesia .................................. INA Iran..............................................IRI Iraq............................................ IRQ Ireland ........................................IRL Israel ......................................... ISR Italy ............................................ITA Jamaica.................................... JAM Japan ........................................JPN Jordan ...................................... JOR Kazakhstan .............................. KAZ Kenya....................................... KEN Kiribati ....................................... KIR Korea .......................................KOR Korea, People's Dem. Rep....... PRK Kuwait ..................................... KUW Kyrgyzstan ............................... KGZ Laos ......................................... LAO Latvia ........................................LAT Lebanon ..................................... LIB Member..Confederation Since ..................... Code 1992.............. NORCECA 1955.............. NORCECA 1951.........................CSV 1947...................... CAVB 1964.............. NORCECA 1964.........................CEV 1992...................... CAVB 1998...................... CAVB 1992.........................CEV 1955...................... CAVB 1978.........................CEV 1982.........................AVC 1957.........................CEV 1947.........................CEV 1997.........................CSV 1965...................... CAVB 1972...................... CAVB 1992.........................CEV 1957.........................CEV 1961...................... CAVB 1984.........................CEV 1951.........................CEV 1998.........................CEV 1989.............. NORCECA 1992.............. NORCECA 1976.........................AVC 1951.............. NORCECA 1961...................... CAVB 1992...................... CAVB 1966.........................CSV 1959.............. NORCECA 1974.............. NORCECA 1959.........................AVC 1947.........................CEV 1974.........................CEV 1951.........................AVC 1959.........................AVC 1959.........................AVC 1959.........................AVC 1982.........................CEV 1953.........................CEV 1947.........................CEV 1961.............. NORCECA 1951.........................AVC 1970.........................AVC 1992.........................AVC 1964...................... CAVB 2000.........................AVC 1959.........................AVC 1955.........................AVC 1964.........................AVC 1992.........................AVC 1968.........................AVC 1992.........................CEV 1949.........................AVC Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 18 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 FIVB FEDERATIONS Country Country..................................Code Lesotho..................................... LES Liberia.......................................LBR Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ............ LBA Liechtenstein ............................. LIE Lithuania................................... LTU Luxemburg................................LUX Macao......................................MAC Macedonia...............................MKD Madagascar.............................MAD Malawi .................................... MAW Malaysia .................................. MAS Maldive Islands........................MDV Mali............................................MLI Malta.........................................MLT Marshall Islands.......................MSH Martinique................................MQE Mauritania................................ MTN Mauritius................................... MRI Mexico ..................................... MEX Micronesia ............................... FSM Moldova ................................... MLD Monaco................................... MON Mongolia.................................. MGL Morocco...................................MAR Mozambique ............................MOZ Myanmar ................................. MYA Namibia ...................................NAM Nauru....................................... NRU Nepal ....................................... NEP Netherlands Antilles................. AHO Netherlands ............................. NED New Zealand ............................ NZL Nicaragua ................................ NCA Niger......................................... NIG Nigeria .....................................NGR Niue Island.................................NIU Northern Ireland.........................NIR Norway ....................................NOR Oman.......................................OMA Pakistan....................................PAK Palau ....................................... PAU Palestine................................... PLE Panama ................................... PAN Papua-New Guinea ................. PNG Paraguay ................................. PAR Peru......................................... PER Philippines .................................PHI Poland ......................................POL Polynesia, French..................... PLY Portugal ................................... POR Puerto Rico.............................. PUR Qatar ....................................... QAT Romania ................................. ROM Member . Confederation Since..................... Code 1992 ......................CAVB 1987 ......................CAVB 1968 ......................CAVB 1978 ........................ CEV 1992 ........................ CEV 1951 ........................ CEV 1986 ........................ AVC 1993 ........................ CEV 1964 ......................CAVB 1984 ......................CAVB 1964 ........................ AVC 1984 ........................ AVC 1964 ......................CAVB 1984 ........................ CEV 1992 ........................ AVC 1992 ..............NORCECA 1964 ......................CAVB 1959 ......................CAVB 1955 ..............NORCECA 1996 ........................ AVC 1992 ........................ CEV 1988 ........................ CEV 1957 ........................ AVC 1959 ......................CAVB 1978 ......................CAVB 1961 ........................ AVC 1991 ......................CAVB 1998 ........................ AVC 1980 ........................ AVC 1955 ..............NORCECA 1947 ........................ CEV 1970 ........................ AVC 1980 ..............NORCECA 1964 ......................CAVB 1972 ......................CAVB 1998 ........................ AVC 1982 ........................ CEV 1949 ........................ CEV 1978 ........................ AVC 1955 ........................ AVC 1998 ........................ AVC 1980 ........................ AVC 1968 ..............NORCECA 1988 ........................ AVC 1955 ........................ CSV 1955 ........................ CSV 1951 ........................ AVC 1947 ........................ CEV 1998 ........................ AVC 1947 ........................ CEV 1959 ..............NORCECA 1974 ........................ AVC 1947 ........................ CEV Country Country ................................. Code Russia ......................................RUS Rwanda................................... RWA Saint Kitts and Nevis ................ SKN Saint Lucia ............................... LCA Saipan........................................SAI Samoa, American .................... ASA Samoa, Western ......................SAM San Marino.............................. SMR São Tomé and Príncipe ........... STP Saudia Arabia .......................... KSA Scotland ...................................SCO Senegal.................................... SEN Serbia & Montenegro ...............SCG Seychelles................................ SEY Sierra Leone .............................SLE Singapore.................................. SIN Slovak Republic ....................... SVK Slovenia ................................... SLO Solomon Islands ...................... SOL Somalia ................................... SOM South Africa ............................. RSA Spain........................................ ESP Sri Lanka................................... SRI St. Vincent & the Grenadines.... VIN Sudan.......................................SUD Surinam....................................SUR Swaziland................................ SWZ Sweden ................................... SWE Switzerland ............................... SUI Syria......................................... SYR Tajikistan................................... TJK Tanzania .................................. TAN Thailand ................................... THA Togo.........................................TOG Tonga....................................... TGA Trinidad and Tobago..................TRI Tunisia ..................................... TUN Turkey ...................................... TUR Turkmenistan ...........................TKM Tuvalu ...................................... TUV Uganda ....................................UGA Ukraine.....................................UKR United Arab Emirates............... UAE United States ........................... USA Uruguay ...................................URU Uzbekistan ............................... UZB Vanuatu.................................... VAN Venezuela ................................ VEN Vietnam......................................VIE Virgin Islands .............................ISV Wales .......................................WAL Yemen......................................YEM Zambia .....................................ZAM Zimbabwe ................................. ZIM Member..Confederation Since ..................... Code 1992.........................CEV 1978...................... CAVB 1988.............. NORCECA 1986.............. NORCECA 1986.........................AVC 1988.........................AVC 1984.........................AVC 1987.........................CEV 1984...................... CAVB 1964.........................AVC 1970.........................CEV 1961...................... CAVB 1947.........................CEV 1982...................... CAVB 1992...................... CAVB 1965.........................AVC 1993.........................CEV 1992.........................CEV 1990.........................AVC 1972...................... CAVB 1992...................... CAVB 1953.........................CEV 1955.........................AVC 1987.............. NORCECA 1972...................... CAVB 1976.............. NORCECA 1984...................... CAVB 1961.........................CEV 1957.........................CEV 1955.........................AVC 1992.........................AVC 1984...................... CAVB 1964.........................AVC 1968...................... CAVB 1987.........................AVC 1964.............. NORCECA 1957...................... CAVB 1949.........................CEV 1992.........................AVC 1992.........................AVC 1982...................... CAVB 1992.........................CEV 1976.........................AVC 1947.............. NORCECA 1947.........................CSV 1992.........................AVC 1986.........................AVC 1951.........................CSV 1961.........................AVC 1966.............. NORCECA 1989.........................CEV 1970.........................AVC 1970...................... CAVB 1982...................... CAVB Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 19 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR FACT SHEET - HISTORY THE FIVB - The seeds of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) were sown at a meeting in the Graf Coffee House in Prague when the Polish, French and (then) Czechoslovak Volleyball Federations discussed declarations of support from the Italian, Yugoslav, Romanian, and Belgian Federations suggesting an "autonomous Volleyball commission". Subsequently, the organization of a first Constitutive Congress was entrusted to the President of the French Volleyball Federation, Paul Libaud, and it took place in Paris April 1820, 1947 with the participation of 14 Federations. The FIVB was born! Libaud was elected first President of the FIVB shortly afterwards and the headquarters were established in Paris, where they remained for the first 37 years until 1984. The first World Championships were organized in 1949 for men and in 1952 for women and have since remained the biggest event in Volleyball. In 1957 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) included Volleyball as a medal sport in the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo while Beach Volleyball made its Olympic debut at the 1996 Atlanta Games. A big turning point for the FIVB came in 1984 when President Libaud, by then in his late 70's and highly acclaimed for having founded the Federation and making it a significant reality on the world sports stage, resigned. Dr. Rubén Acosta Hernandez was elected new President to succeed him at the World Congress in Long Beach, California. The FIVB moved its headquarters to Lausanne, Switzerland the same year bringing it closer to the IOC. Very soon after Dr. Acosta became Vol l ey bal l ’ sambassador ,pr omoting the sport in worldwide competitions held in the five Confederations (Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Norceca). BEACH VOLLEYBALL - Born in the depression days of the 1920s on the sandy beaches of Santa Monica, California, Beach Volleyball has become a multi million-dollar extravaganza and an Olympic sport that has captivated players in more than 90 countries. From those first matches, the game caught on 10 years later in France, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Latvia before slotting perfectly into the Californian lifestyle in the 1950s and the pulsating 1960s, taking its place alongside surfing. The United States and Brazil played a major role in transforming "Beach" into a professional sport in the1970s and 1980s, but it was the hard work of the FIVB President Dr. Rubén Acosta and Beach Volleyball stars such as Sinjin Smith, Karch Kiraly and Randy Stoklos that helped establish Beach Volleyball internationally in the 1980s and 1990s and become a full medal sport at the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games. At the same time the FIVB Beach Volleyball International Circuit evolved from the World Series to the World Tour and exploded in popularity in Europe, Latin America and Asia. The 2004 and 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour boasted more than 50 major events encompassing Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas with over US $12-million in prize money. · · · · · · · · · · · · 1920s - The birth of Beach Volleyball on the beaches of Santa Monica, California. 1947 - The first official two-man Beach Volleyball tournament held at State Beach, California with no prize money. 1948 - The first tournament with prizes was played at State Beach were the top teams were rewarded crates of Pepsi. 1974 - The first money tournament was held where the US$1,500 San Diego Open attracted 250 spectators. 1987 - The first FIVB international competition started called "The World Championship" in Rio de Janeiro. It later changed its name to the World Series in 1989-90 and the World Tour in 1996. 1993 - The International Olympic Committee recognizes Beach Volleyball as an Olympic Games discipline. 1996 - First appearance (and sold out) at the Atlanta Olympic Games. 2000 - Beach Volleyball at the Sydney Olympic Games attracts 180,000 spectators and billions of TV viewers. 2001 - More than 120,000 spectators attend five days of competition at the World Championship in Austria. 2003 - The World Tour includes a four-leg "Grand Slam" integrated tournament within a tournament, challenging the top teams to win "The Slam" and go down in history as truly great players. Berlin, Marseille, Klagenfurt and Los Angeles host Grand Slams with US$300,000 in prize money for each tournament 2004 - A record 27 tournaments, including a three-leg Grand Slam (Berlin, Marseille and Klagenfurt) and the Athens Olympic Games with record prize money of US$5,480,000.. 2005 - A record 31 tournaments, including Grand Slam stops in Berlin, Stavanager, Paris and Klagenfurt. Featuring the $1-million SWATCH-FIVB World Championships in Berlin, a total of $7.28-million in prize money was distributed for“ open”event s.Ar ecor d25chal l enger / sat el l i t eevent ssanct i onedwi t hnearly $400,000 in prize money. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 20 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2006 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR FACTS SWATCH-FIVB World Tour - From 1989 when the first international Beach Volleyball Tour called the World Series was unleashed in Rio de Janeiro, the circuit has undergone two name changes and a makeover to become a series of "dynamic" global sporting events each year. From the beginning in 1989 of three legs of men's competition in Brazil, Italy and Japan involving 40 athletes from seven countries, the international Beach Volleyball Tour introduced women's play three years later before the world-wide circuit was revitalized and the World Championship Series was born in 1995. At that point legs and prize money stood at 17 and US$2.4million, respectively, thus prompting the transformation into the now famous World Tour. The SWATCH-FIVB World Tour embraced 22 stops split between men and women in 2003 with over 700 athletes from more than 50 countries and a record prize money pool nearing US$5-million, including Grand Slam stops in Berlin, Mar sei l l e,Kl agenf ur tandLosAngel es. The2004seasonf eat ur ed27“ maj or ”t our nament s( 15menand12 women), with US$5.48-million in prize money, a three-leg Grand Slam (Berlin, Marseille and Klagenfurt), plus t heAt hens2004Ol y mpi csGameswher e24men’ sand24women’ st eamscompet edf ort hegol dmedal swon by Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos of Brazil and Misty May/Kerri Walsh of the United States. The 2005 season also broke records with close to $7.7-mi l l i oni npr i z emoneydi st r i but edf oral lev ent s,i ncl udi ng31“ open”and 25 challenger/satellite stops. OLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL - The SWATCH-FIVB World Tour during the 1992 and 1993 season was, in away ,t hebegi nni ngoft hespor t s’Ol y mpic era. After the 1992 Barcelona Games, a beach volleyball event was played in Almeria, Spain, as post-Olympic demonstration sport. In addition to being the first-ev erwomen’ s international event, the tournament was the first step in getting the sport entered in the Olympics. The United St at eswon bot h men’ s( Si nj i n Smi t h/ RandySt okl os)and women’ s( Kar ol y n Ki r by / NancyReno)t i t l es. I n February, 1993, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Juan Antonio Samarach, along with Atlanta Committee Olympic Games President Billy Payne and other IOC members attended the FIVB Beach Volleyball Finals in Rio de Janeiro. There they saw the excitement that the sport could generate as over 140,000 fans jammed the stadium for the one-week tournament. As a result, the most important event in the history of beach volleyball occurred on September 24, 1993. On that day, at the 101st IOC session in Monte Carlo, the sport of beach volleyball was admitted as a medal discipline for the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. The sport had reached its Olympic era. ECO FRIENDLY BEACH VOLLEYBALL! - The FIVB and Global Sports Alliance have joined forces for the third year to help raise environment awareness through sport. The ecoflag symbolizes the commitment to the environment of sports-lovers and everyone who knows the importance and irreplaceable nature of the water, air and greenery that surrounds us. The SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event in Gstaad, Switzerland is setting the example by players using bicycles for local transport in the picturesque alpine town! Hop, Step and Jump to a better environment GSA's, approach to the environmental problem is unique and practical: · · · First (Hop) is promoting awareness through the Ecoflag. "We can enjoy volleyball because of clean air and water, thus the environment. Let's make sure that we keep the environment clean for future generations." Second (Step) is promoting the spontaneous actions on the environment. The GSA has introduced advanced initiatives on sports and environmental issues, such as asking sport fans to take spontaneous actions on the environment. They make this introduction through the 2003 Global Forum for Sports and Environment in Tokyo where FIVB president Dr. Rubén Acosta received the Prince Takamondo Memorial Prize for environmental excellence. Third (Jump) is spreading this awareness and actions to the 1 billion sport enthusiasts around the world. For more information take a look at the global Sports Alliance website at www.gsa.or.jp Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 21 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS · Do men and women receive equal prize money? Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) - Yes · Why does the FIVB require the women to play in bikinis? FIVB - They don't. The women have the option of playing in a one or two piece playing uniform. In 1989, they played in a one piece uniform. · Do you have to have special sand for the tournaments? FIVB - Yes. A specialized laboratory in Canada tests for top quality, clean, fine sand. · Is the net and court the same size for Beach Volleyball as in Volleyball? FIVB -Yes, 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women. · Why isn't mixed Beach Volleyball played? FIVB - Firstly the net is at a different height for men and women and secondly, the speed of which the game is played differs between the two sexes, however the FIVB does not exclude the possibility of mixed Beach Volleyball being played in the future. · Do all Beach Volleyball players come from Volleyball? FIVB - While some Volleyball players have made the successful transition - Karch Kiraly of the United States, Susanne Lehme of Germany and Jackie Silva of Brazil to name a few, Beach Volleyball has such a presence now it is attracting professional players who have dedicated their life to the sport. · Is Beach Volleyball always played on beaches? FIVB - No. You will see some venues located in the middle of town squares, amongst the mountains, ports and holiday resorts. · Do beach volleyball teams have captains? FIVB - Yes. Usually indicated on the score sheet and the captain is responsible for the coin toss. · Is a ball on the line in or out? FIVB - In · What is the average length of a match? FIVB - A typical game consists of about 100 rallies or just less than an hour. · Is the ball the same as Volleyball? FIVB - No, it is heavier. · What is the role of a National Federation? FIVB - National Federations affiliated to the FIVB manage and promote all kind of Beach Volleyball activities through their own calendar and supporting major events by supplying their referees and officials. · What do the signals mean in Beach Volleyball? FIVB - One index finger behind the back means the blocker will take the line parallel to the outside of the court while the player at the back covers the diagonal angle. Two index fingers means the blocker takes the diagonal while the player at the back covers the shot down the line. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 22 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 · BEACH VOLLEYBALL RULES - Unlike Volleyball with two teams of six players, Beach Volleyball is played by two players. The two teams of two players each must score points by placing the ball over (without touching) the net and into the opponent's court. The ball can touch any part of the body and each team has three alternate hits between the two players to return the ball. Other rules are: · · · · · · · · · · Except for the World Championships, each tournament for each gender features a single-elimination qualifier and a 32-team double-elimination Main Draw. The World Championships will feature a 48-team Main Draw for each gender with pool play determining the lineup for the 32-team single-elimination draw. The match is won by the team that wins two sets. A set is won by the team that scores 21 points first with a minimum margin of two (except in the deciding third set). In the case of a 20-20 tie, play is continued until a two-point lead is reached. In the case of the sets being tied 1-1, the deciding set is played to 15 points (not the usual 21) with a minimum lead of two points. A team winning a rally scores a point - The Rally Point System. The serving player must be alternated every time there is a change in possession. There are NO determined positions on the court. Two players can touch the ball at the same time, but when two team mates do, it counts as two hits (except if blocking). If there is a "held ball" by two opponents over the net it is not considered a fault. A player may enter the opponent's court provided they don't interfere with the opponent's play. A player cannot catch or throw the ball. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 23 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR RESULTS Dates Tournament May 17-22 May 17-22 May 25-29 June 8-12 June 8-12 June 14-18 June 15-19 June 21-25 June 22-26 June 28-July 2 June 29-July 3 July 5-9 July 6-10 July 12-16 July 13-17 July 20-24 July 26-31 July 26-31 August 3-6 August 3-7 August 24-28 August 24-28 August 30-September 3 August 31-September 4 September 14-18 October 18-22 October 19-23 October 25-29 October 26-30 November 16-20 November 23-27 Cup China Jinshan Open, Shanghai Cup China Jinshan Open, Shanghai Japan Open, Osaka VIP Open, Zagreb, Croatia Italy Open, Milan 1to1 Energy Open, Gstaad, Switzerland 1to1 Energy Open, Gstaad, Switzerland SWATCH-FIVB Worlds, Berlin, Germany SWATCH-FIVB Worlds, Berlin, Germany ConocoPhillips Open, Stavanger, Norway ConocoPhillips Open, Stavanger, Norway St. Petersburg Open, Russia St. Petersburg Open, Russia Portugal Open, Espinho Portugal Open, Espinho Mazury Open, Stare Jablonki February 24-27 June 16-19 July 1-3 July 7-10 July 15-17 July 20-24 July 22-24 July 22-24 July 22-24 July 22-24 July 27-31 July 29-31 July 29-31 August 5-7 August 5-7 August 10-13 August 11-14 August 18-21 August 18-21 August 19-21 August 19-21 September 9-10 October 13-14 October 13-16 December 27-30 Thailand Satellite, Bangkok Finland Satellite, Turku Italy Challenger, Cagliari Italy Challenger, Roseto degli Abruzzi Italy Challenger, Rimini Morocco Satellite, Casablanca France Satellite, St. Jean de Monts France Satellite, St. Jean de Monts Italy Satellite, Alba Adriatica Italy Satellite, Alba Adriatica Ukraine Challenger, Kiev Italy Satellite, Palinuro Italy Satellite, Palinuro Italy Satellite, Vasto Italy Satellite, Vasto Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne Liechtenstein Satellite, Vaduz Liechtenstein Satellite, Vaduz France Satellite, Le Lavandou France Satellite, Le Lavandou Madeira Challenge, Porto Santo Argentina Satellite, Buenos Aires Argentina Satellite, Buenos Aires Thailand Challenger, Phuket Gender ...................................................Gold Medal Team Beach Volleyball Paris-Ile de France Grand Slam, Paris Beach Volleyball Paris-Ile de France Grand Slam, Paris A1 Grand Slam presented by Nokia, Klagenfurt A1 Grand Slam presented by Nokia, Klagenfurt Canada Open, Montreal Canada Open, Montreal INFOTE Athens Open, Greece INFOTE Athens Open, Greece Indonesia Women's Open 2005, Bali Brazil Open, Salvador Brazil Open, Salvador Corona Acapulco Open, Acapulco Corona Acapulco Open, Acapulco South Africa Open, Cape Town South Africa Open, Cape Town W......................Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil M .......Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany W.............................Shaylyn Bedê/Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil M .................................Marcio Araujo/Fábio Magalhães, Brazil W........................................................... Juliana/Larissa, Brazil W........................................................... Juliana/Larissa, Brazil M .................................. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil W..................... Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States M ................................................... Marcio Araujo/Fábio, Brazil W.......................Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece M ........................................................Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil W........................................................... Juliana/Larissa, Brazil M ........................................................Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil W....................................... May-Treanor/Walsh, United States M .................................. Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany M .............................Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland W....................................... May-Treanor/Walsh, United States M .........................Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland W....................................... May-Treanor/Walsh, United States M .................................C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany W........................................................... Juliana/Larissa, Brazil M .............................. Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques, Brazil W................................... Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes, Brazil M ........................................................Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil W..............................................................Renata/Talita, Brazil W....................................... May-Treanor/Walsh, United States M ........................................................Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil M ........................................................Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil W........................................................... Juliana/Larissa, Brazil W....................................... May-Treanor/Walsh, United States M ................................................... Marcio Araujo/Fábio, Brazil 2005 FIVB CHALLENGER/SATELLITE RESULTS W............................................... Whenhui You/Linjun Ji, China M ......................Martins Plavins/Aleksandrs Samoilous, Latvia M .................................... Kay Matysik/Markus Popp, Germany M .........................................Jan Ferreira/Para, Ferreira, Brazil M ............................................Alex Acco/Luizão Correa, Brazil M ................................... Giorgio Domenghini/Diego Nota, Italy M ............................. Bruno De Paula/Rodrigo Monteiro, Brazil W........................Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria M .................................... Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy W................ Hana Klapalova/Tereza Petrova, Czech Republic M ................................. Mykola Babich/Oleg Nikolaev, Ukraine W........................ Svitlana Baburina/Galyna Osheyko, Ukraine M ................................................................. Amore/Fenili, Italy W........................ Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba, Italy M ................................................................. Amore/Fenili, Italy W................................ Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland M .........................Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland W................................ L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria M .............................Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland W..............................Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo, France M ............................................................ Bruno/Rodrigo, Brazil M ............................ Jorre Kjemperud/Tarjei Skarlund, Norway W.......................... Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria M .................................. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil W...................................Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka, Japan Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 24 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Leaders (Through November 27, 15 men’ sand 16 women’ sevents) Men’ sRank,Team,“Open”Ti t l es,Ear ni ngs 1, Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil, 6, $328,350 2, Marcio Araujo/Fabio Luiz Magalhaes, Brazil, 2, $290,700 3, Harley Marques/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, 1, $206,850 4, Martin Laciga/Markus Egger, Switzerland, 1, $167,600 5, Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland, 1, $133,750 6, Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany, 1, $130,350 Women’ sRank,Team,“Open”Titles, Earnings 1, Larissa Franca/Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, 6, $409,750 2, Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States, 6, $263,000 3, Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil, 0, $176,900 4, Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China, 0, $173,500 5, Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes, Brazil, 2, $166,750 6, Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, 1, $166,500 7, Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany, 2, $128,000 8, Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany, 0, $118,150 7, Thalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece, 0, $113,950 9, Paul Laciga/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland, 0, $108,450 10, Stein Metzger/Jake Gibb, United States, 0, $96,750 11, Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik, Estonia, 0, $89,300 12, Nikolas Berger/Clemens Doppler, Austria, 0, $80,200 Men’ sRank,Team,Poi nt s 1, Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil, 5,128 2, Marcio Araujo/Fabio Luiz Magalhaes, Brazil, 5,096 3, Harley Marques/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, 4,244 4, Martin Laciga/Markus Egger, Switzerland, 3,316 5, Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland, 2,714 6, Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany, 2,704 7, Paul Laciga/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland, 2,476 8, Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany, 2,408 9, Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany, 2,380 10, Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik, Estonia, 2,316 11, Stein Metzger/Jake Gibb, United States, 2,124 12, Nikolas Berger/Clemens Doppler, Austria, 2,020 8, Elaine Youngs/Rachel Wacholder, USA, 0, $113,400 9, Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil, 0, $110,150 10, Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren, Netherlands, 0, $108,600 11, Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland, 0, $101,750 12, Nila Ann Hakedal/Ingrid Torlen, Norway, 0, $81,800 Women’ sRank, Team, Points 1, Larissa Franca/Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, 6,404 2, Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil, 3,752 3, Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China, 3,744 4, Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States, 3,680 5, Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, 3,532 6, Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes, Brazil, 2,952 7, Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren, Netherlands, 2,836 8, Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil, 2,732 9, Efthalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece, 2,660 10, Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland, 2,554 11, Elaine Youngs/Rachel Wacholder, United States, 2,536 12, Nila Ann Hakedal/Ingrid Torlen, Norway, 2,084 2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR TOP SERVES Rank Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 19 25 29 36 49 55 61 NR Conrad Leinemann Clemens Doppler Julius Brink Harley Marques Harley Kristjan Kais Julius Brink Brink Harley Vegard Hoidalen Doppler Harley Pablo Herrera Kais Harley Jonas Reckermann Reckermann Luis Maia Nation Speed............. Event CAN AUT GER BRA BRA EST GER GER BRA NOR AUT BRA ESP EST BRA GER GER POR 104.4 ......... Austria 101.6 ......... Mexico 101.5 .......... Austria 101.3 .........Norway 101.1 .........Canada 100.8 ..........Poland 100.7 ....... Portugal 100.2 ........ Portugal 100.2 ......... Canada 100.2 South Africa 98.3 ...Switzerland 97.4 ...........Russia 97.0 ...........France 96.6 .......... Greece 95.6 .............China 95.2 .......... Croatia 94.8 ....... Germany 91.1 .............Brazil NOTE –To qualify for the SWATCH Fastest Serve Award, a player had to compete in a minimum of eight international events. Rank Women Nation Speed .................. Event 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 12 12 15 15 17 20 23 35 66 78 Katerina Nikolaidou Ana Paula Connelly Sara Goller Goller Ana Paula Wang Fei Ana Paula Wang Fei Goller Ana Paula Wang Fei Ana Paula Ana Paula Ana Paula Wang Fei Ana Paula Ana Paula Ana Paula Lucilla Perrotta Larissa Franca GRE BRA GER GER BRA CHN BRA CHN GER BRA CHN BRA BRA BRA CHN BRA BRA BRA ITA BRA 83.8 ........... Greece 82.0 .......Indonesia 82.0 .......... Norway 81.2 ........Germany 81.1 ........... Austria 80.8 ............. Japan 80.8 ........Indonesia 80.7 ..............Japan 80.6 .........Germany 80.3 ............Greece 80.2 ............. China 80.2 ..............Brazil 80.0 .......... Canada 80.0 ... Switzerland 79.9 ................ Italy 79.7 .........Portugal 79.5 ............Russia 78.8 ........... Mexico 78.8 .. South Africa 77.6 France Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 25 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - 2005 Team Match & Set Record Men’ sTeam Match Record Won Lost Pct. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 74 15 83% Marcio Araujo/Fabio Luiz Magalhaes, Brazil 73 20 78% Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany 28 11 72% Franco Neto/Pedro Cunha, Brazil 15 6 71% C. Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany 31 13 70% Stein Metzger/Jake Gibb, United States 32 14 70% Harley Marques/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil 60 27 69% Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany 31 14 69% Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, Italy 23 11 68% Martin Laciga/Markus Egger, Switzerland 48 23 68% Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, Brazil 27 16 63% Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland 35 21 63% Todd Rogers/Sean Scott, United States 20 13 61% Agustin Correa/Jesus Ruiz Nunez, Spain 10 7 59% Paul Laciga/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland 28 20 58% Francisco Alvarez/Oney Ramirez Bernal, Cuba 25 19 57% Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy 18 14 56% Nikolas Berger/Clemens Doppler, Austria 33 26 56% Satoshi Watanabe/Kentaro Asahi, Japan 29 23 56% Dain Blanton/Kevin Wong, United States 10 8 56% Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Australia 26 21 55% Kirk Pitman/Jason Lochhead, New Zealand 28 23 55% Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik, Estonia 29 24 55% Luis Maia/Joao Brenha, Portugal 14 13 52% Conrad Leinemann/Rich VanHuizen, Canada 27 27 50% Than Michalopoulos/Emmanouil Xenakis, Greece 16 16 50% Women’ sTeam Mat chRecord Won Lost Pct. Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States 44 2 96% Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil 82 14 85% Rachel Wacholder/Elaine Youngs, United States 33 12 73% Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil 50 19 72% Jennifer Kessy/Nancy Mason, United States 21 8 72% Maria Salgado/Carolina Salgado, Brazil 18 7 72% Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes, Brazil 57 23 71% Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China 48 20 71% Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece 43 23 65% Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil 41 26 61% Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren, Netherlands 37 26 59% Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany 25 18 58% Agatha Bednarczuk/Sandra Pires, Brazil 25 19 57% Suzanne Lahme/Danja Musch, Germany 21 16 57% Lucilla Perrotta/Daniela Gattelli, Italy 13 10 57% Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland 37 29 56% Natalie Cook/Nicole Sanderson, Australia 11 9 55% D. Fernandez Grasset/T. Larrea Peraza, Cuba 22 19 54% Efthalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece 34 30 53% Marrit Leenstra/Sanne Keizer, Netherlands 33 30 52% Alexandra Shiryaeva/Natalya Uryadova, Russia 14 13 52% Milagros Crespo/Imara Esteves Ribalta, Cuba 18 17 51% Nila Ann Hakedal/Ingrid Torlen, Norway 29 28 51% Men’ sTeam Set Records Won Lost Pct. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 152 48 76% Marcio Araujo/Fabio Luiz Magalhaes, Brazil 153 54 74% Franco Neto/Pedro Cunha, Brazil 32 15 68% C. Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany 65 33 66% Martin Laciga/Markus Egger, Switzerland 108 56 66% Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany 67 36 65% Harley Marques/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil 128 70 65% Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany 55 32 63% Stein Metzger/Jake Gibb, United States 64 39 62% Francisco Alvarez/Oney Ramirez Bernal, Cuba 54 33 62% Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, Brazil 56 35 62% Paul Laciga/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland 64 44 59% Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, Italy 48 33 59% Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland 75 53 59% Martin Conde/Mariano Baracetti, Argentina 12 9 57% Nikolas Berger/Clemens Doppler, Austria 80 63 56% Agustin Correa/Jesus Ruiz Nunez, Spain 21 17 55% Satoshi Watanabe/Kentaro Asahi, Japan 66 54 55% Luis Maia/Joao Brenha, Portugal 33 27 55% Todd Rogers/Sean Scott, United States 40 33 55% Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik, Estonia 66 55 55% Kirk Pitman/Jason Lochhead, New Zealand 60 50 55% Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Australia 58 50 54% Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy 42 37 53% Iver Horrem/Bard-Inge Pettersen, Norway 58 52 53% Dain Blanton/Kevin Wong, United States 21 20 51% Martin Conde/Jose Salema, Argentina 42 42 50% Bjorn Berg/Robert Svensson, Sweden 39 39 50% Women’ sTeam SetRecor ds Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil Rachel Wacholder/Elaine Youngs, United States Jennifer Kessy/Nancy Mason, United States Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes, Brazil Maria Salgado/Carolina Salgado, Brazil Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China Agatha Bednarczuk/Sandra Pires, Brazil Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil Lucilla Perrotta/Daniela Gattelli, Italy Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren, Netherlands D. Fernandez Grasset/t. Larrea Peraza, Cuba Suzanne Lahme/Danja Musch, Germany Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland Milagros Crespo/Imara Esteves Ribalta, Cuba Alexandra Shiryaeva/Natalya Uryadova, Russia Hu Xiaoyan/Zhang Xi, China Thalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria Marrit Leenstra/Sanne Keizer, Netherlands Won Lost Pct. 86 8 91% 169 40 81% 71 29 71% 44 19 70% 106 46 70% 121 59 67% 40 20 67% 94 52 64% 59 37 61% 94 62 60% 87 62 58% 30 22 58% 57 42 58% 82 66 55% 52 42 55% 49 41 54% 79 67 54% 46 40 53% 34 30 53% 47 44 52% 77 73 51% 61 60 50% 76 76 50% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 26 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR MEN’ SFI NALFOUR China - Shanghai (5/18-22, $200,000) 1. Andreas Scheuerpflug/Christoph Dieckmann, GERMANY, $32,000 2. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $16,000 4. Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug def. Emanuel/Ricardo, 21-18, 15-21, 16-14 (56 minutes) Bronze - Egger/Laciga def. Benjamin/Harley, 16-21, 24-22, 15-10 (63) SWATCH Most Outstanding Player - C. Dieckmann SWATCH FASTEST SERVE - Harley, Brazil, 95.6 km/h Russia - St. Petersburg (7/6-10, $200,000) 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, 21-19, 22-24, 18-16 (72) Bronze - Franco/Tande def. Benjamin/Harley, 21-10, 21-16 (48) SWATCH MOP - Emanuel SWATCH SERVE - Harley, 97.4 km/h Greece - Athens (8/31-9/4, $200,000) 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $22,000 3. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Andrew Schacht/Joshua Slack, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 Gold - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Egger/M. Laciga, 21-14, 26-24 (43) Bronze –Benjamin/Harley def. Schacht/Slack, 24-22, 21-19 (59) SWATCH MOP - Ricardo SWATCH SERVE - Kais, Estonia, 96.6 km/h Portugal - Espinho (7/13-17, $200,000) 1. Brink/Schneider, GERMANY, $32,000 Croatia - Zagreb (6/8-12, $200,000) 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $22,000 1. Marcio Araujo/Fábio Magalhães, BRAZIL, $32,000 3. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $16,000 2. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, GERMANY, 4. Todd Rogers/Sean Scott, UNITED STATES, $12,000 Gold - Brink/Schneider def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, 25$22,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $22,000 27, 21-19, 15-12 (70) Bronze - Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. Rogers/Scott, 21-12, 214. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, 17 (49) SWATCH MOP - Marcio Araujo 21-17, 21-17 (48) Bronze - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Benjamin/Harley, 15-21, 21- SWATCH SERVE - Brink, 100.7 Km/h 18, 15-10 (48) SWATCH MOP - Fábio Poland - Stare Jablonki (7/20-24, $200,000) SWATCH SERVE - Reckermann, 95.2 km/h Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $32,000 M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $22,000 Switzerland - Gastaad (6/15-19, $200,000) Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $16,000 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Egger/M. Laciga def. Dieckmann/Reckermann, 21-19, 2. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $16,000 21-15 (46) Bronze - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Franco/Tande, 21-17, 21-17 4. Franco Neto/Tande Ramos, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Benjamin/Harley, 21-19, 21-13 (45) SWATCH MOP - Laciga (44) Bronze - Marcio Araujo/Fábio won by forfeit over SWATCH SERVE - Kristjan Kais, Estonia, 100.8 Km/h Franco/Tande SWATCH MOP - Ricardo France - Paris (7/27-31, $280,000) SWATCH SERVE - Clemens Doppler, Austria, 98.3 km/h 1. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $41,500 2. Jake Gibb/Stein Metzger, UNITED STATES, $27,500 World Championships, Germany - Berlin (6/22-26, 3. Brink/Schneider, GERMANY, $21,900 $500,000) 4. Heyer/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $16,900 Gold - Heuscher/Kobel def. Gibb/Metzger, 21-14, 21-16 (41) 1. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $62,000 Bronze - Brink/Schneider def. Heyer/P. Laciga, 21-17, 21-17 2. Sascha Heyer/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $45,000 3. Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, GERMANY, $36,000 (43) SWATCH MOP - Heuscher 4. Marvin Polte/Thorsten Schoen, GERMANY, $26,000 Gold - Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. Heyer/P. Laciga, 22-20, 21- SWATCH SERVE - Pablo Herrera, Spain, 97.0 km/h 12 (42) Bronze - Brink/Schneider def. Polte/Schoen, 16-21, 21-17, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3-7, $280,000) 15-10 (65) 1. Scheuerpflug/C. Dieckmann, GERMANY, $41,500 SWATCH MOP - Schoen 2. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,500 SWATCH SERVE - Reckermann, Germany, 94.9 km/h 3. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $21,500 4. Rogers/Scott, UNITED STATES, $16,900 Norway - Stavanger (6/29-7/3, $280,000) Gold - C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug def. Emanuel/Ricardo, 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $41,500 21-19, 21-13 (42) Bronze - Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. Rogers/Scott, 21-15, 212. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $27,500 3. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, SWITZERLAND, 15 (44) SWATCH MOP - C. Dieckmann $21,500 SWATCH SERVE - Conrad Leinemann, Canada, 104.4 km/h 4. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $16,900 Gold - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Benjamin/Harley, 21-16, 21-19 Canada - Montreal (8/24-28, $200,000) (48) Bronze - Heuscher/Kobel won by forfeit over M. 1. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $32,000 Dieckmann/Reckermann 2. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $22,000 SWATCH MOP - Ricardo 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $16,000 SWATCH SERVE - Harley, 101.3 km/h 4. Pedro Cunha/Franco, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Benjamin/Harley def. Marcio Araujo/Fabio, 16-21, 2117, 18-16 (71) Bronze - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Cunha/Franco, 21-14, 21-19 (47) SWATCH MOP - Harley SWATCH SERVE - Harley, 101.1 km/h Brazil - Salvador (10/19-23, $200,000) 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Gibb/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 Gold - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Marcio Araujo/Fabio, 19-21, 21-16, 15-13 (69) Bronze - Gibb/Metzger def. Egger/M. Laciga, 17-21, 13-21, 16-14 (71) SWATCH MOP - Ricardo SWATCH SERVE - Luis Maia, Portugal, 91.1 km/h Mexico, Acapulco (10/25-29, $200,000) 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Pedro Cunha/Franco, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, ITALY, $12,000 Gold –Emanuel/Ricardo def. Cunha/Franco, 21-12, 21-19 (42) Bronze - Benjamin/Harley def. Lione/Varnier, 21-19, 21-19 (55) SWATCH MOP - Emanuel SWATCH SERVE - Clemens Doppler, Austria, 101.6 km/h South Africa, Cape Town (11/23-27, $200,000) 1. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $22,000 3. Gibb/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. David Klemperer/Schneider, GERMANY, $12,000 Gold - Marcio Araujo/Fabio def. Egger/M. Laciga, 19-21, 2119, 15-12 (67) Bronze - Gibb/Metzger def. Klemperer/Schneider, 21-14, 2826 (52) SWATCH MOP –Marcio Araujo SWATCH SERVE - Vegaard Hoidalen, Norway, 100.2 km/h Medals - Brazil 27 (10 gold, 8 silver, 9 bronze), Germany 8 (3, 3, 2), Switzerland 7 (2, 3, 2), United States 3 (0, 1, 2) Final 4s - Brazil 36, United States 13, China 6, Greece 5, Cuba 1, Germany 1, the Netherlands 1, Switzerland 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 27 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 MEN’ SFI VBCHALLENGER/SATELLITE FINAL 4s Rank, Team, Events, Golds, Earnings, Points 1, Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, 6, 3, $13,850, 186 2, Andrea Raffaelli/Fabio Galli, Italy, 6, 0, $6,900, 150 3, Paulo Emilio Silva/Moises Santos, Brazil, 4, 0, $6,200, 134 4, Simone Bendandi/Fosco Cicola, Italy, 5, 0, $5,800, 132 5, David Wenger/Philip Gabathuler, Switzerland, 7, 0, $6,400, 126 6, Luizao Correa/Alex Acco , Brazil, 2, 1, $8,700, 114 7, Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, 5, 2, $8,000, 110 8, Kay Matysik/Markus Popp, Germany, 2, 1, $5,750, 84 9, Andrea Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, Italy, 5, 0, $4,650, 82 10, Marcel Gscheidle/Jan Schnider, Switzerland, 4, 0, $5,400, 80 Finland - Turku (6/17-19, $10,000) 1. Martins Plavins/Aleksandrs Samoilous, Latvia, $2,000 2. Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, Latvia, $1,500 3. Pedro Solberg Salgado/Ian Borges, Brazil, $1,200 4. Pavel Karpukhin/Leonid Kalinine, Russia, $800 Gold - Plavins/Samoilous def. Krumins/Sorokins, 19-21, 21-18, 15-12 (54) Bronze - Salgado/Borges def. Karpukhin/Kalinine, 21-15, 19-21, 15-12 (52) Italy - Cagliari (7/1-3, $30,000) 1. Kay Matysik/Markus Popp, Germany, $4,800 2. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $3,900 3. Pedro Solberg Salgado/Ian Borges, Brazil, $3,000 4. Mischa Urbatzka/Daniel Krug, Germany, $2,300 Gold - Matysik/Popp def. Amore/Fenili, 21-17, 21-19 (40) Bronze - Solberg Salgado/Borges won by forfeit over Krug/Urbatzka Italy - Roseto degli Abruzzi (7/7-10, $30,000) 1. Para Ferreira/Jan Ferreira, Brazil, $4,800 2. Luizao Correa/Alex Acco, Brazil, $3,900 3. Mariano Baracetti/Pedro Depiaggio, Argentina, $3,000 4. Andrea Raffaelli/Fabio Galli, Italy, $2,300 Gold - Jan/Para def. Correa/Acco, 21-16, 27-25 (47) Bronze - Baracetti/Depiaggio def. Galli/Raffaelli, 21-17, 23-21 (52) Italy - Rimini (7/15-17, $30,000) 1. Luizao Correa/Alex Acco, Brazil, $4,800 2. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, Italy, $3,000 3. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $3,000 4. Andrea Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, Italy, $2,300 Gold - Acco/Correa def. Lione/Varnier, 21-14, 21-16 (34) Bronze - Amore/Fenili def. Ghiurghi/Mascagna, 21-18, 21-19 (49) Italy - Alba Adriatica (7/22-24, $10,000) 1. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $2,000 2. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, Italy, $1,500 3. Jaroslav Pavlas/Miroslav Svoboda, Czech Republic, $1,200 4. Marco Malavolta/Paolo Ficosecco, Italy, $800 Gold - Amore/Fenili def. Lione/Varnier, 23-21, 21-13 (46) Bronze - Pavlas/Svoboda def. Malavolta/Ficosecco, 21-19, 21-16 (49) Morocco - Casablanca (7/23-24, $15,000) 1. Diego Nota/Giorgio Domenghini, Italy, $2,500 2. David Wenger/Philip Gabathuler, Switzerland, $2,000 3. Damien Quoirin/Gregory Gagliano, France, $1,700 4. Ihsane Boukhare/Karim Ourhdach, Morocco, $1,300 Gold - Nota/Domenghini def. Wenger/Gabathuler, 23-21, 19-21, 19-17 (64) Bronze - Gagliano/Quoirin def. Boukhare/Ourhdach, 21-19, 21-15 (40) France - St. Jean de Monts (7/23-24, $10,000) 1. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, $2,000 2. Kevin Ces/Julien Dugrip, France, $1,500 3. Guilherm Deulofeu/Herpe Renaud, France, $1,200 4. Brian Hiebert/Martin Reader, Canada, $800 Gold - Monteiro/De Paula def. K. Ces/Dugrip, 21-17, 21-19 (44) Bronze - Deulofeu/Renaud def. Hiebert /Reader, 15-21, 25-23, 15-13 (61) Ukraine - Kiev (7/27-31, $30,000) 1. Mykola Babich/Oleg Nikolaev, Ukraine, $4,500 2. Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, Latvia, $3,600 3. Janis Grinbergs/Austris Stals, Latvia, $2,400 4. Brian Hiebert/Martin Reader, Canada, $1,800 Gold - Babich/Nikolaev def. Krumins/Sorokins, 18-21, 21-14, 15-12 (58) Bronze - Grinbergs/Stals def. Hiebert/Reader, 21-16, 21-16 (42) Italy - Palinuro (7/29-31, $10,000) 1. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $2,000 2. Andrea Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, Italy, $1,500 3. Jean-Philippe Daguerre/Mathieu Daguerre, France, $1,200 4. Natale Monopoli/Roberto Marini, Italy, $800 Gold - Amore/enili def. Ghiurghi/Mascagna, 21-17, 21-16 (39) Bronze - JP Daguerre/Daguerre def. Monopoli/Marini, 16-21, 21-12, 15-8 (52) Italy - Vasto (8/5-7, $10,000) 1. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $2,000 2. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, $1,500 3. Diego Nota/Giorgio Domenghini, Italy, $1,200 4. Sergey Sinkevich/Denis Rovkin, Kazakhstan, $800 Gold - Amore/Fenili def. Monteiro/De Paula, 20-22, 21-17, 18-16 (72) Bronze - Nota/Domenghini def. Sinkevich/Rovkin, 21-13, 16-21, 15-12 (51) Switzerland - Lausanne (8/11-14, $15,000) 1. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, $3,400 2. Marcel Gscheidle/Jan Schnider, Switzerland, $2,400 3. Paulo Emilio Silva/Moises Santos, Brazil, $1,700 4. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, $1,300 Gold - Heuscher/Kobel def. Gscheidle/Schnider, 21-18, 21-16 (39) Bronze - Paulo Emilio/Moises def. Rodrigo/Bruno, 25-23, 22-20 (43) Liechtenstein - Vaduz (8/18-21, $10,000) 1. Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland, $2,000 2. Gscheidle/Schnider, Switzerland, $1,500 3. Gartmayer/Matzler, Austria, $1,200 4. Gabathuler/Wenger, Switzerland, $800 Gold - Egger/Laciga def. Gscheidle/Schnider, 21-15, 21-19 (41) Bronze - Gartmayer/Matzler def. Gabathuler/Wenger, 21-18, 21-18 (41) France - Le Lavandou (8/20-21, $10,000) 1. Rodrigo/Bruno, Brazil, $2,000 2. Ces/Dugrip, France, $1,500 3. Gagliano/Mathieu Hamel, France $1,200 4. Magthieu Daguerre/Sebastien Huchard, France, $800 Gold - Rodrigo/Bruno def. K. Ces/Dugrip, 21-17, 21-19 (44) Bronze - Gagliano/Hamel won by forfeit over Daguerre/Huchard Portugal - Porto Santo, Madeira Islands (9/8-10, $30,000) 1. Jorre Kjemperud/Tarjei Skarlund, Norway, $5,000 2. Adrian Caravano/Kevin Ces, France, $4,000 3. Pablo Herrera/Raul Mesa, Spain, $3,100 4. Emiel Boersma/Bram Ronnes, Netherlands, $2,500 Gold - Kjemperud/Skarlund def. Caravano/Ces, 12-21, 21-17, 15-10 (53) Bronze - Herrera/Mesa def. Boersma/Ronnes, 21-14, 21-17 (47) Argentina - Buenos Aires (10/13-16, $10,000) 1. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil, $2,000 2. Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina, $1,500 3. Gijs Ronnes/Jochem De Gruijter, Netherlands, $1,200 4. Gscheidle/Schnider, Switzerland, $800 Gold - Emanuel/Ricardo def. Baracetti/Conde, 21-11, 21-12 (31) Bronze - Ronnes/Jochem De Gruijter def. Gscheidle/Schnider, 21-19, 22-20 (43) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 28 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - Men’ sPost -season Awards Here are the results from the voting for the top players in 12 categories on the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour by players, coaches, referees and officials. Most Outstanding Player 1. Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2. Marcio Araujo, Brazil 3. Emanuel Rego, Brazil Also receiving votes Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil, Harley Marques, Brazil, Kristjan Kais, Estonia, Markus Egger, Switzerland, Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland Most Improved Player 1. Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil 2. Rivo Vesik, Estonia 3. Richard VanHuizen, Canada Also receiving votes - Clemens Doppler, Austria, Pedro Cunha, Brazil, Franco Neto, Brazil, Kristjan Kais, Estonia, Gijs Ronnes, Netherlands, Bard-Inge Pettersen, Norway, Tarjei Skarlund, Norway, Markus Egger, Switzerland Most Inspirational 1. Mark Heese, Canada 2. Emanuel Rego, Brazil 3. Franco Neto, Brazil Also receiving votes - Pedro Depiaggio, Argentina, Nikolas Berger, Austria, Harley Marques, Brazil, Marcio Araujo, Brazil, Conrad Leinemann, Canada, Gijs Ronnes, Netherlands, Stein Metzger, United States, Sean Scott, United States Rookie of the Year 1. Matteo Varnier, Italy Jake Gibb, United States 3. Oney Rameriz, Cuba Also receiving votes - Thortsen Schoen, Germany, Pavel Zabuslayev, Kazakhstan, Dmitriy Vorobvev, Kazakhstan, Alex Ortiz, Spain, Jan Schnider, Switzerland Sportsman of the Year 1. Emanuel Rego, Brazil 2. Ricardo Santos, Brazil 3. Rivo Vesik, Estonia Also receiving votes - Harley Marques, Brazil, Franco Neto, Brazil, Conrad Leinemann, Canada, Mark Heese, Canada, Rich VanHuizen, Canada, Kristjan Kais, Estonia, Bard-Inge Pettersen, Norway, Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland, Markus Egger, Switzerland, Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, Jake Gibb, United States, Todd Rogers, United States, Stein Metzger, United States Best Defensive Player 1. Marcio Araujo, Brazil 2. Emanuel Rego, Brazil 3. Kristjan Kais, Estonia Also receiving votes - Martin Conde, Argentina, Harley Marques, Brazil, Mark Heese, Canada, Francisco Alvarez, Cuba, Markus Dieckmann, Germany, Gijs Ronnes, Netherlands, Markus Egger, Switzerland, Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, Todd Rogers, United States Best Offensive Player 1. Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2. Harley Marques, Brazil 3. Marcio Araujo, Brazil Emanuel Rego, Brazil Also receiving votes Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil, Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, Mark Heese, Canada, Francisco Alvarez, Cuba, Kristjan Kais, Estonia, Sascha Heyer, Switzerland, Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland, Sean Scott, United States Best Blocker 1. Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil 2. Ricardo Santos, Brazil 3. Jonas Reckerman, Germany Also receiving votes - Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, Franco Neto, Brazil Richard VanHuizen, Canada, Kjell Schneider, Germany, Thortsen Schoen, Germany, Pablo Herrera, Spain, Bjorn Berg, Sweden, Martin Laciga, Switzerland, Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland, Sascha Heyer, Switzerland Best Setter 1. Todd Rogers, United States 2. Marcio Araujo, Brazil 3. Martin Conde, Argentina Also receiving votes - Nikolas Berger, Austria, Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, Harley Marques, Brazil, Emanuel Rego, Brazil, Mark Heese, Canada, Francisco Alvarez, Cuba, Kristjan Kais, Estonia, Luis Maia, Portugal, Martin Laciga, Switzerland, Stein Metzger, United States Best Hitter 1. Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2. Marcio Araujo, Brazil 3. Harley Marques, Brazil Also receiving votes - Florian Gosch, Austria, Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, Emanuel Rego, Brazil, Conrad Leineman, Canada, Christoph Dieckmann, Germany, Jonas Reckermann, Germany, Markus Egger, Switzerland, Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland Best Server 1. Conrad Leinemann, Canada 2. Harley Marques, Brazil 3. Clemens Doppler, Austria Also receiving votes - Marcio Araujo, Brazil, Kristjan Kais, Estonia, Jonas Reckermann, Germany, Jorre Kjemperud, Norway, Iver Horrem, Norway, Martin Laciga, Switzerland Best Team 1. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2. Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magelhaes, Brazil 3. Christop Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany Also receiving votes - Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques, Brazil, Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany, Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 29 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR EVENT-BY-EVENTMEN’ SQUALI FYI NG TEAMS(qualifying seed, LL, Lucky Loser) China (36 teams) Hoidalen/Oevergaard, NOR (1) Pará Ferreira/Jan Ferreira, BRA (2) Leinemann/Van Huizen, CAN (3) Arkaev/Kulikovsky, RUS (4, LL) Barsouk/Karasev, RUS (5, LL) Boersma/Kogel, NED (9) Berg/Svensson, SWE (10) Pitman/Lochhead, NZL (11) Gosch/Strauss, AUT (12) Shiratori/Morikawa, JPN (13) Croatia (67) Marcio Araujo/Magalhães, BRA (1) Papaleo Pérez/Hernandez, PUR (2) Heese/Cadieux, CAN (4) Berger/Doppler, AUT (5) Canet/Hamel, FRA (6) Gosch/Strauss, AUT (8) Nishimura/Yamamoto, JPN (14) Polte/Koreng, GER (26) Switzerland (70) Marcio Araujo/Magalhães, BRA (1) Hoidalen/Oevergaard, NOR (3) Leinemann/Van Huizen, CAN (4) Rosell/Villar, CUB (LL, 5) Klemperer/Koreng, GER (7) Prosser/Richardson, AUS (8) Gosch/Strauss, AUT (12) Asahi/Watanabe, JPN (15) Michalopoulos/Xenakis, GRE (22) Norway (34) Benjamin/Harley, BRA (1) Alvarez/Ramirez Bernal, CUB (2) Papaleo Pérez/Hernandez, PUR (3) Boersma/Kogel, NED (5) Klemperer/Koreng, GER (6) Rosell/Villar, CUB (7) Bosma/Ortiz, ESP (9) Asahi/Watanabe, JPN (13) Russia (51) Polte/Schiewe, GER (1, LL) Pitman/Lochhead, NZL (2) Asahi/Watanabe, JPN (4) Q. Xu/Xu, CHN (5) Cunha/Dulinski, BRA (6) Michalopoulos/Xenakis, GRE (9) Pedrosa/Rosas, POR (10) Vorobvev/Zabuslayev, KAZ (16) Zaitsev/Karasev, RUS (19) Portugal (52) Papaleo Perez/Hernandez, PUR (3) Goranson/Engvik, NOR (LL, 5) Watanabe/Asahi, JPN (8) Bosma/Ortiz, ESP (10) Dulinski/Cunha, BRA (11) Gscheidle/ Schnider, SUI (12) Vorobvev/Zabuslayev, KAZ (15) Dyachenko/Kulinich, UKR (20) Correa/Ruiz Nunez, ESP (33) Poland (73) Klemperer/Koreng, GER (2) Cadieux/Heese, CAN (3) Pitman/Lochhead, NZL (10) Rosell/Villar, CUB (11) Cunha/Solberg Salgado, BRA (12) Gscheidle/ Schnider, SUI (16) Salvetti/Le Berre, FRA (41) Plavins/Samoilovs, LAT (52) France (33) Polte/Schoen, GER (2) Schacht/Slack, AUS (3) Baracetti/Depiaggio, ARG (4) Berg/Svensson, SWE (8) Blanton/Wong, USA (10) Gscheidle/Schnider, SUI (17) Lucena/Dalhausser, USA (21) Michalopoulos/Xenakis, GRE (27) Austria (34) Schacht/Slack, AUS (1) Qiang Xu/Linyin Xu, CH (4) Kröger/Schoen, GER (7) Hernandez/Papaleo, PUR (9) Schnider/Gscheidle, SUI (11) Lucena/Dalhausser, USA (12) Rosas/Pedrosa, POR (18) Bosma/Ortiz, ESP (19) Canada (25) Cunha/Franco, BRA (1) Gosch/Strauss, AUT (2) Prosser/Richardson, AUS (3) Vorobvev/Zabuslayev, KAZ (6) Amore/Fenili, ITA (7) K. Cès/Salvetti, FRA (8) Beck/Bleiker, SUI (12) Magnusson/Brinkborg, SWE (13) Greece (28) Pitman/ Lochhead, NZL (2) Watanabe/Asahi, JPN (4) Gosch/Strauss, AUT (5) Amore/Fenili, ITA (7) Rosell/Villar, CUB (9) Lione/Varnier, ITA (14) Correa/Ruiz Nunez, ESP (16) Bakumovski/Dollinger, GER (22) Brazil (34) Pitman/Lochhead, NZE (2) Watanabe/Asahi, JPN (5) Papaleo/Hernandez, PUR(6) Amore/Fenili, ITA (7) Vorobvev/Zabuslayev, KAZ (9) F. Dugrip/K. Ces, FRA (13) Canet/Gagliano, FRA (17) Mussa/Hernandez, VEN (30) Mexico (34) Cunha/Franco, BRA (1) Polte/Schoen, GER (2) Cadieux/Heese, Can (3, LL) Pitman/Lochhead, NZL (4, LL) Schnider/Gscheidle, SUI (5, LL) Amore/Fenili, ITA (7) Watanabe/Asahi, JPN (6) Gosch/Strauss, AUT (8) Dugrip/K. Ces, FRA (12) Penggen Wu/Linyin Xu, CHN (13) Lione/Varnier, ITA (14) Nishimura/Shiratori, JPN (16, LL) South Africa (21) Watanabe/Asahi, JPN (1) F. Dugrip/K. Ces, FRA (2) Vorobvev/Zabuslayev, KAZ (3) Oevergaard/Hoidalen, NOR (4) Canet/Gagliano, FRA (6) Nishimura/Shiratori, JPA (7) Raffaelli/Tomatis, ITA (8, LL) Mussa/Hernandez, VEN (9) Prokopiev/Koshkarev, RUS (12) Country ........M DQualifiers/Lucky Losers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Japan .......................................... 11-1 Brazil .................................................9 Germany .........................................81 France ..............................................8 Austria ...............................................7 Italy.................................................6-1 New Zealand, Switzerland .............5-1 Canada, Cuba................................4-1 Puerto Rico, Spain ............................5 Kazakhstan ......................................5 Australia ............................................4 Norway ...........................................3-1 China, Greece, Sweden....................3 USA...................................................3 Russia ...........................................2, 2 Netherlands, Portugal .......................2 Venezuela .........................................2 Argentina...........................................1 Latvia, Ukraine ..................................1 Top Qualifying Team, Country. No./LL · Asahi/Watanabe, Japan....................7 · Gosch/Strauss, Austria .....................6 · Pitman/Lochhead, New Zealand ...5-1 · Papaleo/Hernandez, Puerto Rico .....5 · Gscheidle/ Schnider, Switzerland..4-1 · Amore/Fenili, Italy .............................4 · Vorobvev/Zabuslayev, Kazakhstan ..4 · Rosell/Villar, Cuba .........................3-1 · Bosma/Ortiz, Spain...........................3 · Klemperer/Koreng, Germany............3 · Michalopoulos/Xenakis, Greece .......3 · Cadieux/Heese, Canada................2-1 2005 Country Quota Matches...........66 · Brazil ...............................................15 · Canada............................................14 · France, Germany ..............................6 · Australia ............................................5 · Mexico, Portugal ...............................4 · Croatia, Poland .................................3 · South Africa ......................................3 · Italy, Latvia........................................2 · Russia, Spain....................................1 Top Country Quota Matches ......... W-L · Hiebert/Reader, Canada................5-2 · Acco/Luizão, Brazil ........................3-4 · Ellingson/Montgomery, Canada ....5-1 · Cunha/Dulinski, Brazil....................3-3 · Pará/Jan, Brazil..............................3-3 Wild Card Results Event, Team Seed Place China Wu/Yin, China 10......17th Croatia Bobus/Steinocher, Croatia De Amo/Lario, Spain 9.......25th 32......25th Switzerland Gscheidle/Schnider, Switzerland 31......17th Germany Krug/Urbatzka, Germany Maia/Brenha, Portugal 36......33rd 48......17th Norway Polte/Schoen, Germany 18......25th Hoidalen/Oevergaard, Norway 31......17th Russia Benjamin/Harley, Brazil 3.........4th Tarakanov/Polnitski, Russia 32......25th Portugal Q. Xu/Xu, Chinja Briyida/Silva Reis, Portugal 22......17th 31......17th Poland Krymarys/Matusiak, Poland Miseikis/Kirsnys, Lithuania 31......25th 32......25th France Gibb/Metzger, USA Salvetti/Le Berre, France 15.......2nd 32......25th Austria Blanton/Wong, USA Gosch/Strauss, Austria 26........5th 32......17th Canada Goss/Domingo, Canada 31......25th Fuchs/Kaczmarek, Germany 32......25th Greece Gscheidle/Schnider, Switzerland 22......25th Mourtzios/Knapek, Greece 32......25th Brazil Tande/Franco, Brazil Nalbert/Dulinski, Brazil 7.........5th 27........7th Mexico Nalbert/Dulinski, Brazil Razo/MIramontes, Mexico 11......25th 31......25th South Africa Cunha / Franco, Brazil 8.........5th Goldschmidt /Fredericks, South Africa 22......25th Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 30 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FI VBWORLDTOURWOMEN’ SFI NALFOUR China - Shanghai (5/17-21, $200,000) 1. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Shelda Bedê/Adriana Behar, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Shaylyn Bedê/Ana Paula Connelly, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $12,000 Gold - Juliana/Larissa def. Shelda/Adriana, 21-15, 21-18 (46 minutes) Bronze - Shaylyn/Ana Paula def. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, 21-17, 23-21 (46) SWATCH Most Outstanding Player - Larissa SWATCH FASTEST SERVE - Wang Fei, 80.2 km/h Japan - Osaka (5/25-29, $200,000) 1. Shaylyn/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 Gold - Shaylyn/Ana Paula def. Juliana/Larissa, 19-21, 21-17, 15-10 (54) Bronze - Shelda/Adriana def. Kuhn/Schwer, 21-11, 21-13 (37) SWATCH MOP - Ana Paula SWATCH SERVE - Wang Fei, 80.8 km/h Italy - Milan (6/8-12, $200,000) 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Vassiliki Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, GREECE, $16,000 3. Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, GERMANY, $16,000 4. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Juliana/Larissa def. Karadassiou/Arvanit, 25-23, 2116 (49) Bronze - Pohl/Rau def. Shelda/Adriana, 24-22, 24-22 (46) SWATCH MOP - Juliana SWATCH SERVE - Wang Fei, 79.9, km/h Switzerland - Gstaad (6/14-18, $200,000) 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $22,000 3. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $12,000 4. Ana Paula/Leila Barros, Brazil, $12,000 Gold - Juliana/Larissa def. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, 17-21, 21-15, 15-8 (57) Bronze - Shelda/Adriana def. Ana Paula/Leila, 21-12, 21-16 (40) SWATCH MOP - Juliana SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 80.0 km/h Norway - Stavanger (6/28-7/2, $280,000) Greece - Athens (8/30-9/3, $200,000) 1. Karadassiou/Arvaniti, GREECE, $41,500 1. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $27,500 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $21,500 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $16,900 4. Karadassiou/Arvaniti, GREECE, $12,000 Gold - Karadassiou/Arvanit def. Juliana/Larissa, 12-21, 21- Gold - Renata/Talita def. Juliana/Larissa, 18-21, 21-16, 1716, 15-10 (51) 15 (56) Bronze - Tian Jia/Wang Fei def. Shelda/Adriana, 21-16, 21- Bronze –Adriana/Shelda def. Karadassiou/Arvaniti, 21-18, 10 (41) 24-26, 15-11 (68) SWATCH MOP - Vasso Karadassiou, Greece SWATCH MOP - Arvaniti SWATCH SERVE - Katerina Nikolaidou, Greece, 83.8 km/h SWATCH SERVE - Goller, Germany, 82.0 km/h Russia - St. Petersburg (7/5-9, $200,000) 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes Rocha, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Leila/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Agatha Bednarczuk/Sandra Pires, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Juliana/Larissa def. Renata/Talita, 26-24, 21-14 (47) Bronze - Leila/Ana Paula def. Agatha/Sandra, 21-14, 21-19 (40) SWATCH MOP - Juliana SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 79.5 km/h Portugal - Espinho (7/12-16, $200,000) 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Thalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, GREECE, 22,000 3. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Rachel Wacholder/Elaine Youngs, USA, $12,000 Gold - May-Treanor/Walsh def. Koutroumanidou/Tsiartsiani, 21-12, 21-13 (34) Bronze -- Juliana/Larissa def. Wacholder/Youngs, 17-21, 2220, 15-7 (60) SWATCH MOP - Koutroumanidou SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 79.7 km/h Indonesia - Bali (9/14-18, $200,000) 1. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Koutroumanidou/Tsiartsiani, GREECE, $16,000 4. Leila/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - Renata/Talita def. Adriana/Shelda, 21-19, 27-25 (56) Bronze - Koutroumanidou/Tsiartsiani def. Leila/Ana Paula, 21-17, 17-21, 15-13 (54) SWATCH MOP - Talita SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 82.0 km/h Brazil - Salvador (10/18-22, $200,000) 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - May-TreanOR/Walsh def. Larissa/Juliana, 16-21, 2118, 15-12 (58) Bronze - Wacholder/Youngs def. Renata/Leila, 21-18, 21-15 (58) SWATCH MOP - May SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 80.2 km/h Mexico - Acapulco (10/26-30, $200,000) 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 France - Paris (7/26-30, $280,000) 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,000 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,500 3. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $27,500 4. Jennifer Kessy/Nancy Mason, UNITED STATES, 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $21,500 $12,000 Gold - Larissa/Juliana def. May-Treanor/Walsh def, 28-26, 4. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,900 Gold - May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, 21-17, 21-15 40-42, 15-13 (100) Bronze - Wacholder/Youngs def. Kessy/Mason, 21-16, 24(46) Bronze - Tian Jia/Wang Fei def. Wacholder/Youngs, 23-21, 22 (52) SWATCH MOP - Larissa 21-17 (51) SWATCH MOP –May-Treanor SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 78.8 km SWATCH SERVE - Larissa, 77.6 km/h South Africa - Cape Town (11/17-20, $200,000) Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3-6, $280,000) 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $32,000 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,500 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,900 3. Maria Salgado/Carolina Salgado, BRAZIL, $16,000 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $16,900 4. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $12,000 Gold - May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, 21-11, 21-14 4. Adriana/Shaylyn, BRAZIL, $16,900 Gold - May-Treanor/Walsh def. Wacholder/Youngs, 21-17, (34) Bronze - Maria/Carolina def. Renata/Talita, 26-24, 31-29 21-12 (35) Bronze - Tian Jia/Wang Fei def. Adriana/Shaylyn, 21-23, 21- (69) SWATCH MOP - May-Treanor 18, 15-12 (68) SWATCH MOP –May-Treanor SWATCH SERVE - Lucilla Perrotta, Italy, 77.8 km/h SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 81.1 km/h World Championships, Germany - Berlin (6/21-25, $500,000) 1. Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States, $60,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $45,000 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $36,000 4. Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, CUBA, $26,000 Gold - May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, 21-17, 21-17 (40) Bronze - Tian Jia/Wang Fei def. Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, 21-13, 21-17 (40) SWATCH MOP - Walsh Canada - Montreal (8/24-28, $200,000) SWATCH SERVE - Sara Goller, Germany, 81.2 km/h 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Sanne Keizer/Marrit Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $12,000 Gold - Juliana/Larissa def. Renata/Talita, 21-9, 21-10 (44) Bronze - Adriana/Shelda def. Keizer/Leenstra, 21-15, 21-14 (46) SWATCH MOP - Larissa SWATCH SERVE - Ana Paula, 80.0 km/h Medals - Brazil 28 (9 gold, 11 silver, 8 bronze), United States 10 (6, 2, 2), China 5 (0, 1, 4), Greece 4 (1, 2, 1), Germany 1 (0, 0, 1) Final 4s - Brazil 36, United States 13, China 6, Greece 5, Cuba 1, Germany 1, the Netherlands 1, Switzerland 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 31 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 WOMEN’ SFI VBCHALLENGER/SATELLITE FINAL 4s Rank, Team, Events, Golds, Earnings, Points 1, Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, 4, 2, $9,900, 142 2, Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina, Ukraine, 5, 1, $8,100, 132 3, Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka, Japan, 1, 1, $7,200, 100 4, Kamoltip Kulna/Jarunee Sannok, Thailand, 1, 0, $5,800, 90 5, Mered de Vries/Patricia Labee, Netherlands, 3, 0, $3,450, 76 6, Usa Tenpaksee/Yupa Puklongploy, Thailand, 1, 0, $3,600, 70 7, Arawan Tongkamkak/Kasinee Godtalang, Thailand, 2, 0, $3,400, 66 8, Nongluk Khorsongnoen/Supunnee Doksuntia, Thailand, 1, 0, $2,200, 50 9, Mireya Kaup/Geeske Banck, Germany, 2, 0, $3,900, 48 9, Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba, Italy, 3, 1, $3,850, 48 Thailand, Bangkok (2/24-27, $10,000) 1. Whenhui You/Linjun Ji, China, $2,000 2. Usa Tenpaksee/Kamoltip Kulna Arawan, Thailand, $1,500 3. Arawan Tongkamkak/Kasinee Godtalang, Thailand, $1,200 4. Annamaria Solazzi/Diletta Lunardi, Italy, $800 Gold - Linjun Ji/Whenhui You def. Tenpaksee/Kulna, 21-17, 21-11 (31 minutes) Bronze - Tongkamkak/Godtalang won by forfeit over Lunardi/Solazzi Italy, Alba Adriatica (7/22-24, $10,000) 1. Tereza Petrova/Hana Klapalova, Czech Republic, $2,000 2. Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina, Ukraine, $1,500 3. Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba, Italy, $1,200 4. Lenka Felbabova/Petra Novotna, Czech Republic, $800 Gold - Klapalova/Petrova def. Baburina/Osheyko, 22-20, 11-21, 15-9 (48) Bronze - Chiavaro/Malerba def. Felbabova/Novotna, 24-22, 15-21, 15-13 (54) France, St. Jean de Monts (7/23-24, $10,000) 1. Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $2,000 2. Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo, France, $1,500 3. Inguna Minusa/Inese Jursone, Latvia, $1,200 4. Morgane Faure/Virginie Sarpaux, France, $800 Gold - L.Yanchulova/P.Yanchulova def. Arjona/Kadjo, 20-22, 21-15, 15-12 (53) Bronze - Minusa/Jursone def. Faure/Sarpaux, 21-16, 21-16 (39) Italy, Palinuro (7/29-31, $10,000) 1. Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina, Ukraine, $2,000 2. Mireya Kaup/Geeske Banck, Germany, $1,500 3. Sara Uddstahl/Karin Lundquist, Sweden, $1,200 4. Gaia Cicola/Margherita Reniero, Italy, $800 Gold - Osheyko/Baburina def. Banck/Kaup, 21-17, 24-22 (49) Bronze - Lundquist/Uddstahl def. Cicola/Reniero, 26-24, 21-19 (47) Italy, Vasto (8/5-7, $10,000) 1. Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba, Italy, $2,000 2. Lucilla Perrotta/Diletta Lunardi, Italy, $1,500 3. Roberta Marini/Daniela Gioria, Italy, $1,200 4. Cristiana Parenzan/Mara Palmeri, Italy, $800 Gold - Chiavaro/Malerba def. Perrotta/Lunardi, 21-18, 21-14 (39) Bronze - Gioria/Marini def. Palmeri/Parenzan, 21-18, 22-24, 15-7 (58) Switzerland, Lausanne (8/10-13, $15,000) 1. Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland, $3,400 2. Kaup/Banck, Germany, $2,400 3. Sara Goller/Larua Ludwig, Germany, $1,700 4. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $1,300 Gold - Kuhn/Schwer def. Kaup/Banck, 21-11, 21-18 (37) Bronze - Goller/Ludwig def. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, 21-16, 23-21 (41) Liechtenstein, Vaduz (8/18-20, $10,000) 1. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $2,000 2. Annalea Hartmann/Dorothea Hebeisen, Switzerland, $1,500 3. Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria, $1,200 4. Nadia Erni/Karin Trüssel, Switzerland, $800 Gold - L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova def. Hartmann/Hebeisen, 21-14, 2118 (41) Bronze - Montagnolli/Swoboda def. Erni/Trüssel, 16-21, 21-16, 15-13 (58) France, Le Lavandou (8/20-21, $10,000) 1. Arjona/Kadjo, France, $2,000 2. Morgane Faure/Virginie Sarpaux, France, $1,500 3. Tatiana Bareera/Eva Hamzaoui, France, $1,200 4. Osheyko/Baburina, Ukraine, $800 Gold - Arjona/Kadjo def. Faure/Sarpaux, 16-21, 21-17, 17-15 (65) Bronze - Barrera/Hamzaou def. Osheyko/Baburina, 21-19, 22-20 (42) Argentina, Buenos Aires (10/13-15, $10,000) 1. Montagnolli/Swoboda, Austria, $2,000 2. Marie-Andree Lessard/Sarah Maxwell, Canada, $1,500 3. Nadia Campisi/Clara Lozano, Spain, $1,200 4. Denise Johns/Monique Oliver, England, $800 Gold - Montagnolli/Swoboda def. Lessard/Maxwell, 21-17, 17-21, 15-13 (56) Bronze - Campisi/Lozano def. Johns/Oliver, 23-21, 21-13 (41) Thailand, Phuket (12/28-30, $50,000) 1. Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka , Japan, $7,200 2. Kulna/Jarunee Sannok , Thailand, $5,800 3. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $4,600 4. Yupa Puklonogploy/Tenpaksee, Thailand, $3,600 Gold - Koizumi/Tanaka def. Kulna/Sannok, 21-16, 21-17 (39) Bronze - L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova def. Puklonogploy/Tenpaksee, 2111, 22-20 (32) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 32 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - Women’ sPost -season Awards Here are the results from the voting for the top players in 12 categories on the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour by players, coaches, referees and officials. Most Outstanding Player 1. Misty May-Treanor, USA 2. Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil 3. Larissa Franca, Brazil Also receiving votes - Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil, Renata Ribeiro, Brazil, Talita Antunes, Brazil, Adriana Behar, Brazil, Shelda Bede, Brazil, Wang Fei, China, Vasso Karadassiou, Greece, Kerri Walsh, United States Most Improved Player 1. Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece 2. Talita Antunes, Brazil 3. Renata Ribeiro, Brazil Also receiving votes -Sara Montagnolli, Austria, Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece, Sanne Keizer, Netherlands, Merel Mooren, Netherlands, Lea Schwer, Switzerland, Rachel Wacholder, USA Most Inspirational 1. Shelda Bede, Brazil 2. Larissa Franca, Brazil 3. Misty May-Treanor, USA Also receiving votes - Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil, Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, Adriana Behar, Brazil, Shaylyn Bede, Brazil, Tatiana Barerra, France, Vasso Karadassiou, Greece, Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, Satoko Urata, Japan, Kerri Walsh, United States Rookie of the Year 1. Talita Antunes, Brazil 2. Carolina Salgado, Brazil 3. Jennifer Kessy, United States Also receiving votes - Agatha Bednarczuk, Brazil, Eva Hamzaoui, France, Sara Goller, Germany, Laura Ludwig, Germany, Satoko Urata, Japan, Sanne Keizer, Netherlands, Lea Schwer, Switzerland Sportswoman of the Year 1. Kerri Walsh, United States 2. Vasso Karadassiou, Greece 3. Misty May-Treanor, USA Also receiving votes - Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil, Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, Larissa Franca, Brazil, Adriana Behar, Brazil, Okka Rau, Germany, Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, Marrit Leenstra, Netherlands, Rachel Wacholder, United States Best Defensive Player 1. Shelda Bede, Brazil 2. Larissa Franca, Brazil 3. Vasso Karadassiou, Greece Also receiving votes - Wang Fei, China, Tian Jia, China, Thalia Koutroumanidou, Greece, Misty MayTreanor, United States, Holly McPeak, United States Best Offensive Player 1. Misty May-Treanor, USA 2. Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil 3. Kerri Walsh, United States Also receiving votes - Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, Talita Antunes, Brazil, Maria Salgado, Brazil, Wang Fei, China, Dalixia Fernandez Grasset, Cuba, Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece, Rachel Wacholder, United States, Elaine Youngs, United States Best Blocker 1. Kerri Walsh, United States 2. Elaine Youngs, United States 3. Talita Antunes, Brazil Also receiving votes - Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil Also receiving votes - Virginie Sarpaux, France, Suzanne Lahme, Germany, Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece Best Setter 1. Misty May-Treanor, USA 2. Adriana Behar, Brazil 3. Vasso Karadassiou, Greece Also receiving votes - Larissa Franca, Brazil, Renata Ribeiro, Brazil, Shelda Bede, Brazil, Sandra Pires, Brazil Best Hitter 1. Kerri Walsh, United States 2. Wang Fei, China 3. Larissa Franca, Brazil Also receiving votes - Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil, Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, Suzanne Lahme, Germany, Vasso Karadassiou, Greece, Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece, Elaine Youngs, United States, Misty May-Treanor, United States Best Server 1. Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil 2. Wang Fei, China 3. Sara Goller, Germany Also receiving votes - Larissa Franca, Brazil, Renata Ribeiro, Brazil, Maria Salgado, Brazil, Sandra Pires, Brazil, Tian Jia, China, Eva Hamzaoui, France, Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece Best Team 1. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil 2. Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States 3. Talita Antunes/Renata Ribeiro, Brazil Also receiving votes - Vassiliki Arvaniti/Vasso Karadassiou, Greece Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 33 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR EVENT-BY-EVENT WOMEN’ SQUALI FYI NG TEAMS(qualifying seed, LL, Lucky Loser) China (29 qualifying teams) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Gaxiola/Garcia, MEX (2) Bruschini/Lunardi, ITA (3) Lessard/Maxwell, CAN (5) Erni/Trüssel, SUI (8) Koizumi/Tanaka, JPN (11) Uddstahl/Lundquist, SWE (13) Zhang Ju/J. T. Zhang, CHN (23) France (35) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Leenstra/Keizer, NED (3) Montagnolli/Swoboda, AUT (4) Kusuhara/Urata, JPN (6) Maaseide/Wiig, NOR (7) Xi Zhang/Xiaoyan Hu, CHN (8) Tokuno/Teru Saiki, JPN (12) McPeak/Kessy, USA (18) South Africa (13) Roder/Claasen, GER (1) Tanaka/Koizumi, JPN (2) Lundquist/Uddstahl, SWE (3) Faure/Sarpaux, FRA (4) Osheyko/Baburina, UKR (5) Barry/Baltakys, CAN (6) Giaoui/Giordano, FRA (7) Hopf/Barrio, ESP (9) Japan (25) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Li Ying/L.Wang, CHN (2) Hu/Zhang Xi, CHN (4) Cati Pol/Mandana, ESP (6) Claasen/Röder, GER (7) Schwaiger/Schwaiger, AUT (8) Campisi/Lozano, ESP (12) Kulna/Tenpaksee, THA (19) Austria (32) L. & P. Yanchulova, BUL (1) Perrotta/Lunardi, ITA (3) Er. & Em. Nystrom, FIN (4) Garcia/Gaxiola, MEX (7) M.Salgado/C. Salgado, BRA (9) Roder/Claasen, GER (12) Shiryaeva/Uryadova, RUS (18) McPeak/Kessy, USA (22) Italy (53) Ana Paula/Barros, BRA (1) Lessard/Maxwell, CAN (5) Tokuno/Teru Saiki, JPN (7) Koizumi/Tanaka, JPN (11) Campisi/Lozano, ESP (13) Minusa/Jursone, LAT (15) Baburina/Osheyko, UKR (19) Uryadova/Shiryaeva, RUS (40) Canada (17) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Goller/Ludwig, GER (2) Uddstahl/Lundquist, SWE (3) Faure/Sarpaux, FRA (4) Barry/Lukiw, CAN (5) Hogarth/Pothaar, CAN (8) Jobst/Gougeon, CAN (10) Mondor/Boileau, CAN (11) Country ...M DQualifiers/Lucky Losers · Brazil ...............................................15 · China...............................................11 · Austria, Germany ........................ 11-1 · Japan ..............................................11 · Canada..............................................9 · France, Sweden................................6 · Spain, United States .........................5 · Italy....................................................4 · Mexico............................................3-1 · Thailand, Ukraine..............................3 · Norway ...........................................2-1 · Australia, Cuba, Czech Republic......2 · Latvia, Russia, Switzerland, ............2 · Bulgaria, Finland, Greece .................1 · Netherlands.......................................1 Switzerland (56) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, CUB (2) Montagnolli/Swoboda, AUT (3) Kusuhara/Urata, JPN (4) Lessard/Maxwell, CAN (6) Gaxiola/Garcia, MEX (9, LL) Hamzaoui/Barrera, FRA (21) Brink/Abeler/Jurich, GER (25) Ren/Lu, CHN (26) Greece (19) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Gschweidl/Hansel, AUT (2, LL) D. & S. Schwaiger, AUT (30 Uddstahl/Lundquist, SWE (6) Baburina/Osheyko, UKR (9) Minusa/Jursone, LAT (10) Zhang Ju/Zhang Jingting, CHN (12) Klapalova/Petrova, CZE (13) Terzoglou/Tsantopoulou, GRE (18) Norway (33) Lessard/Maxwell, CAN (3) Ribalta/Crespo, CUB (4) Brink-Abeler/Jurich, GER (5) Gschweidl/Hansel, AUT (7) Hu/Zhang Xi, CHN (8) Campisi/Lozano, ESP (11) M. & C. Salgado, BRA (15) Goller/Ludwig, GER (17) Russia (27) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1) Li Ying/L.Wang, CHN (2) Gaxiola/Garcia, MEX (3) Tokuno/Teru Saiki, JPN (6) Claasen/Röder, GER (7) Koizumi/Tanaka, JPN (9) Kloeden/Barnett, AUS (12) Ren/Lu, CHN (13) Portugal (44) Ribeiro/Antunes, BRA (1)l Xi Zhang/Xiaoyan Hu, CHN (7) Erni/Trüssel, SUI (9) Claasen/Röder, GER (11) Koizumi/Tanaka, JPN (12) D. & S. Schwaiger, AUT (15) McPeak/Kessy, USA (19) Barnett/Kloeden, AUS (20) Indonesia (12) M. Salgado/C. Salgado, BRA (1) Gschweidl/Hansel, AUT (2) Uddstahl/Lundquist, SWE (3) Kaup/Banck, GER (4) Etienne/Yahiel, FRA (5) Kulna/Sannok, THA (6) Puklongploy/Tenpaksee, THA (7) Klapalova/Petrova, CZE (8) Brazil (20) Bednarczuk/Pires, BRA (1) Maaseide/Wiig, NOR (3) Roder/Claasen, GER (4) Tanaka/Koizumi, JPN (5) Perrotta/Gattelli, ITA (7) Lundquist/Uddstahl, SWE (8) Faure/Sarpaux, FRA (11) Mônica Paludo/Vieira, BRA (18) Mexico (29) Ana Paula/Barros, BRA (1) Montagnolli/ Swoboda, AUT (2) Maaseide/Wigg, NOR (LL, 4) Perrotta/Gattelli, ITA (5) Kessy/Mason, USA (6) Roder/Claasen, GER (LL, 7) Hansel/Gschweidl, AUT (9) D. & S. Schwaiger, AUT (10) Wenhuoi You/Chen Xue, CHN (19) Wilson/Turner, USA (20) Top Qualifying Team, Country. No./LL · Ribeiro/Antunes, Brazil .....................8 · Claasen/Röder, Germany ..............6-1 · Koizumi/Tanaka , Japan ...................6 · Lundquist/Uddstahl, SWE.................6 · D. & S. Schwaiger, Austria ...............4 · Lessard/Maxwell , Canada ...............4 · Gschweidl/Hansel, Austria.............3-1 · Montagnolli/Swoboda, Austria ..........3 · M. &C. Salgado, Brazil......................3 · Campisi/Lozano , Spain....................3 · Tokuno/Teru Saiki , Japan................3 · Gaxiola/Garcia, Mexico..................3-1 · Maaseide/Wigg, Norway................3-1 · McPeak/Kessy, USA.........................3 2005 Country Quota Matches...........53 · Brazil ...............................................22 · Canada............................................14 · Germany ...........................................7 · Italy....................................................5 · Portugal.............................................3 · Spain, United States .........................1 Top Country Quota Matches ......... W-L · Ribeiro/Antunes, Brazil ............... 10-3 · M. & C. Salgado, Brazil..................5-8 · Shaylyn/Soares, Brazil...................0-6 · Barry/Lukiw, Canada .....................4-1 · Hogarth/Pothaar Canda.................4-1 · Ana Paula/Barros, Brazil................3-1 · Pires/Bednarczuk, Brazil................1-3 · Brink-Abeler/Jurich GER................3-0 · Roy/Rancourt Canada ...................2-1 · Röder/Claasen Germany ...............2-1 · Boileau/Mondor Canada ................1-2 · Rolfe/Moskowitz, Canada ..............0-3 Wild Card Results Event, Team Seed Place China Pires/Bednarczuk, Brazil Li Ying/L.Wang, China 19........5th 27......13th Japan Koizumi/Tanaka, Japan Asao/Rii Seike, Japan 26......25th 31......25th Italy Solazzi/Luciani, Italy C. Salgado/Lima, Brazil 10......25th 24......13th Switzerland Ana Paula/Barros, Brazil Zumkehr/Skrivan, SUI 4.........4th 31......25th Germany Brink-Abeler/Jurich, Germany 12....... 13th Goller/Ludwig, Germany 48......17th Norway Gaxiola/Garcia, Mexico Josefsen/Lindblom 27......17th 32......25th Russia Urban/Wiatr, Poland Bratkova/Yudina, Russia 30......25th 32......25th Portugal Brink-Abeler/Jurich, Germany 18....... 17th Lunardi/Bruschini, Italy 23......17th France Cook/Sanderson, Australia Faure/Sarpaux, France 24......13th 32......17th Austria Kadjo/Arjona, France D. & S. Schwaiger, Austria 27......17th 31......17th Canada Leenstra/Keizer, Netherlands 11........4th Martin/Pruneau, Canada 27......17th Greece Erni/Trüssel, Switzerland 25......25th Nikolaidou/Papageorgiou, Greece 31......13th Indonesia Montagnolli/Swoboda, Austria 16....... 17th Koizumi/Tanaka, Japan 25........9th Brazil Ana Paula/Barros, Brazil D. & S. Schwaiger, Austria 9.........7th 27......25th Mexico L. & P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria 16........9th Acosta/Virgen, Mexico 31......25th South Africa M. & C. Salgado, Brazil 12...........3 Bonolo/Strydom, South Africa 23.......... 25 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 34 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - THROUGH THE YEARS Year............ Men Major Events Purse 1987 ......................... 1 $25,000 1988 ......................... 1 $50,000 1989 ......................... 3 $140,000 1990 ......................... 4 $180,083 1991 ......................... 6 $300,000 1992 ......................... 5 $544,750 1993 ......................... 2 $200,000 1994 ......................... 7 $800,000 1995 ........................ 17 $1,900,000 1996 ........................ 16 $2,800,000 1997 ........................ 11 $1,900,000 1998 ........................ 14 $2,340,000 1999 ........................ 13 $2,340,000 2000 ........................ 15 $2,150,000 2001 ........................ 12 $2,245,000 2002 ........................ 10 $1,600,000 2003 ........................ 10 $2,280,000 2004 ........................ 15 $2,830,000 2005 ........................ 15 $3,540,000 Totals..................... 177 $28,163,833 Bonus $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $275,625 $0 $185,625 $288,750 $500,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,650,000 Non-Major Events 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 3 8 15 46 Purse $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 $100,000 $59,000 $50,000 $90,000 $50,000 $62,000 $135,000 $260,000 $926,000 Overall Events ............ Purse 1..................... $25,000 1..................... $50,000 3................... $140,000 4................... $180,083 6................... $300,000 5................... $820,375 2................... $200,000 7................... $985,625 17............... $2,188,750 18............... $3,360,000 13............... $2,360,000 18............... $2,440,000 16............... $2,399,000 18............... $2,200,000 16............... $2,335,000 12............... $1,650,000 13............... $2,342,000 23............... $2,965,000 30............... $3,800,000 223............ $30,740,833 Year......... Women Major Events Purse 1992 ......................... 1 $50,000 1993 ......................... 2 $100,000 1994 ......................... 6 $300,000 1995 ........................ 11 $600,000 1996 ........................ 12 $1,710,000 1997 ......................... 9 $1,220,000 1998 ......................... 9 $1,460,000 1999 ......................... 7 $1,320,000 2000 ........................ 13 $1,850,000 2001 ........................ 12 $2,245,000 2002 ........................ 11 $1,750,000 2003 ........................ 12 $2,580,000 2004 ........................ 13 $2,470,000 2005 ........................ 16 $3,740,000 Totals..................... 134 $21,395,000 Bonus $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $500,000 $320,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,020,000 Non-Major Events 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 4 10 22 Purse $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $10,000 $40,000 $30,000 $60,000 $0 $15,000 $70,000 $145,000 $400,000 Overall Total .......311 $2,670,000 68 $1,326,000 Overall Events ............ Purse 1..................... $50,000 2................... $100,000 6................... $300,000 11.................. $800,000 13............... $2,240,000 10............... $1,550,000 11............... $1,470,000 7................ $1,360,000 14............... $1,880,000 14............... $2,305,000 11............... $1,750,000 13............... $2,595,000 17............... $2,540,000 26............... $3,885,000 156............ $22,815,000 379 ...........$53,555,833 $49,559,833 Season ............................... Men’ sWor l dTourPoi nt sChampi ons 1989-90...................... Sinjin Smith/Randy Stoklos, United States 1990-91............................................. Smith/Stoklos, United States 1991-92............................................. Smith/Stoklos, United States 1992-93............................................. Smith/Stoklos, United States 1993-94................................... Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes, Brazil 1994-95............................ Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway 1995-96............................................ Franco/Roberto Lopes, Brazil 1996................................ ZeMarco de Melo/Emanuel Rego, Brazil 1997.........................................................ZeMarco/Emanuel, Brazil 1998..............................Para Ferreira /Guilherme Marquez, Brazil 1999....................................................Emanuel/Jose Loiola, Brazil 2000............................................. ZeMarco/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 2001................................................Emanuel/Tande Ramos, Brazil 2002............................ Mariano Barcetti/Martin Conde, Argentina 2003.......................................................... Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil 2004.......................................................... Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil 2005.......................................................... Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil Season ......................... Women’ sWor l dTourPoi nt sChampi ons 1992-93........................Karolyn Kirby/Nancy Reno, United States 1993-94..................................Kirby/Liz Masakayan, United States 1994-95....................... Monica Rodrigues/Adriana Samuel, Brazil 1995-96....................................... Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil 1996......................................................................Pires/Silva, Brazil 1997........................................ Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil 1998..............................................................Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 1999..............................................................Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2000..............................................................Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2001..............................................................Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2002.................................... Misty May/Kerri Walsh, United States 2003........................................................ Ana Paula Connelly/Pires 2004..............................................................Shelda/Adriana, Brazil 2005..................... Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 35 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR FACTS - MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIPS Men............................................................................................ FIVB World Champions ......................................................................................Women Para Ferreira/Guilherme Marquez, Brazil .................................... Los Angeles 1997 ................................................ Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil Emanuel Rego/Jose Loiola, Brazil ................................................. Marseille 1999 ................................................Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, Brazil Mariano Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina .................................Klagenfurt 2001 ......................................................................... Behar/Bede, Brazil Emanuel/Ricardo Santos, Brazil................................................ Rio de Janeiro 2003......................... Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil ........................................... Berlin 2005....................................................May-Treanor/Walsh, United States Men.............................................................................................. Olympic Champions ........................................................................................Women Karch Kiraly/Kent Steffes, United States .........................................Atlanta 1996 ..................................................... Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil Dain Blanton/Eric Fonoimoana, United States ............................... Sydney 2000.......................................... Natalie Cook/Kerri Potthatrst, Australia Emanuel/Ricardo Santos, Brazil.......................................................Athens 2004 ..............................................Misty May/Kerri Walsh, United States August 8-24........................................................................................Beijing 2008 ....................................................................... www.beijing-2008.org Men............................................................................................. European Champions........................................................................................Women Jean-Philippe Jodard/Christian Penigaud, France......................... Almeria 1993 ............................................................................................Not Held Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway .......................................... Almeria 1994 ............................................. Beate Bühler/Danja Müsch, Germany Marko Klok/Michiel Van der Kuip, Netherlands ............................. St. Quay 1995........................................Cordula Borger/Beate Paetow, Germany Marek Pakosta/Michal Palinek, Czech Republic................................ Italy 1996 ................................. Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, Czech Republic Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway ...................................... Italy 1997 ............................................Laura Bruschini/Anamaria Solazzi, Italy Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Swtizerland .......................................... Rhodes 1998 ............................................... Celbova Novakova, Czech Republic M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland.................................................... Mallorca 1999.................................................................... Bruschini/Solazzi, Italy M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland...................................................... Bilbao 2000 ..................................................................... Bruschini/Solazzi, Italy Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland ....................................... Jesolo 2001 ........................................... Vassiliki Karadassiou/Efi Sfyri, Greece Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany ..........................Basel 2002 ............................................... Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta, Italy Nikolas Berger/Clemons Doppler, Austria .......................................Alanya 2003 ................................................Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany......................................Timmendorfer Strand 2004 .......................Simone Kuhn/Nicole Schnyder, Switzerland Pablo Herrera/Raul Mesa, Spain......................................................Moscow 2005.......................................... Vassiliki Arvaniti/Karadassiou, Greece Men...................................................................................Pan American Games Champions .............................................................................Women Jody Holden/Conrad Leinemann, Canada ...................................... Canada 1999 .................................................Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, Brazil Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell, Cuba ...................................Dominican Republic 2003 ..................... D. Fernandez Grasset/T. Larrea Peraza, Cuba Rio de Janeiro, July 13-20..................................................................Brazil 2007 ...................................................................www.cob.org.br/pan2007 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR LOCATIONS - A total of 104 sites in 39 countries have hosted 379 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events, including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics, Goodwill Games, challenger and satellite stops (through December 30, 2005). Country Argentina:Buenos Aires Argentina:Mar del Plata Australia:Brisbane Australia:Melbourne Australia:Sydney Austria:Klagenfurt Belgium:Ostende Brazil:Fortaleza Brazil:Guaruja Brazil:Joao Pessoa Brazil:Maceio Brazil:Recife Brazil:Rio de Janeiro Brazil:Salvador Brazil:Santos Brazil:Vitoria Bulgaria:Albena Canada:Montreal Canada:Toronto Chile:La Serena Chile:Vina del Mar China:Dalian China:Lianyungang China:Maoming China:Shanghai Croatia:Lopar Island Croatia:Zagreb Czech Republic:Karlovy Vary Finland:Turku France:Cap d Agde France:La Baule France:Le Lavandou France:Marseille France:Paris France:Pornichet Men 1 4 1 0 3 9 7 5 1 1 0 0 14 2 0 4 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 11 1 1 Women 1 0 2 1 1 5 1 3 0 0 1 1 7 5 3 2 0 2 3 2 0 3 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 1 0 Country France:Porticcio France:Sete France:St. Jean de Monts Germany:Berlin Greece:Athens Greece:Rhodes Greece:Xylokastro Hong Kong:Hong Kong Indonesia:Bali Indonesia:Jakarta Italy:Agrigento Italy:Alba Adriatica Italy:Cagliari Italy:Catolica Italy:Jesi Italy:Lignano Italy:Milan Italy:Palinuro Italy:Pescara Italy:Portici Italy:Porto San Giorgio Italy:Rimini Italy:Roseto degli Abruzzi Italy:Vasto Japan:Enoshima Japan:Osaka Japan:Yokohama Korea:Pusan Lebanon:Beirut Liechtenstein:Vaduz Macau:Macau Mexico:Acapulco Mexico:Rosarito Morocco:Casablanca Norway:Stavanger Men 1 1 1 10 3 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 7 Women 1 0 1 4 2 3 2 1 3 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 12 0 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 4 Country Poland:Stare Jablonki Portugal:Espinho Portugal:Porto Santo Puerto Rico:Carolina Beach Russia:Moscow Russia:St. Petersburg San Marino:Catolica Serbia and Montenegro:Budva South Africa:Cape Town South Africa:Durban Spain:Almeria Spain:Cadiz Spain:Gran Canaria Spain:Madrid Spain:Mallorca Spain:Marbella Spain:Tenerife Switzerland:Gstaad Switzerland:Jona Switzerland:Lausanne Switzerland:Pfaeffikon Thailand:Bangkok Thailand:Pattaya Thailand:Phuket Turkey:Alanya Ukraine:Kiev United States - Atlanta United States - Carson United States - Chicago United States - Clearwater United States - Hermosa Beach United States - Los Angeles United States - Miami United States - New York Men 2 11 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 4 2 7 5 2 8 1 0 0 0 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Women 0 8 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 6 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 36 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - PARTICIPATION SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR PARTICIPATION - A total of 87 countries have competed on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour, including 56 countries that have entered both men and women players. Eighty-five countries have competed in men’ sev ent sand58 count r i esi nwomen’ sev ent s. The following includes all SWATCH-FIVB World Tour-sanctioned events, including challenger and satellite tournaments (through December 30, 2005). Country American Samoa Angola Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belarus Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Egypt El Salvador England Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Men Entries 2 8 80 68 54 4 21 53 4 110 20 66 19 30 3 32 18 46 19 4 4 16 17 17 112 3 100 47 2 2 6 11 2 21 2 2 10 137 56 14 8 2 32 18 Women Entries ......Total 0 ......................2 0 ......................8 16 ...................96 50 .................118 51 .................105 0 ......................4 0 ....................21 14 ...................67 3 ......................7 76 .................186 6 ....................26 77 .................143 13 ...................32 55 ...................85 2 ......................5 0 ....................32 15 ...................33 36 ...................82 10 ...................29 4 ......................8 4 ......................8 10 ...................26 10 ...................27 10 ...................27 81 .................193 0 ......................3 54 .................154 40 ...................87 0 ......................2 2 ......................4 11 ...................17 22 ...................33 0 ......................2 37 ...................58 0 ......................2 0 ......................2 9 ....................19 75 .................212 61 .................117 7 ....................21 8 ....................16 0 ......................2 6 ....................38 0 ....................18 Country Men Entries Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Moldova Morocco Namibia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Peru Phillippines Poland Portugal Principality of Andorra Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia San Marino Serbia and Montenegro Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands Western Samoa Totals 3 13 4 4 5 0 53 11 17 6 32 13 58 2 2 2 46 103 2 40 7 5 69 12 24 15 16 61 99 55 110 2 4 4 39 57 2 148 7 22 0 3 2 2,481 Women Entries...... Total 0 ......................3 11 ...................24 2 ......................6 4 ......................8 0 ......................5 4 ......................4 37 ...................90 0 ....................11 0 ....................17 0 ......................6 34 ...................66 13 ...................26 32 ...................90 0 ......................2 4 ......................6 0 ......................2 15 ...................61 66 .................169 0 ......................2 19 ...................59 0 ......................7 0 ......................5 23 ...................92 3 ....................15 0 ....................24 6 ....................21 6 ....................22 23 ...................84 46 .................145 34 ...................89 73 .................183 0 ......................2 16 ...................20 0 ......................4 0 ....................39 8 ....................65 0 ......................2 100 ................248 2 ......................9 4 ....................26 4 ......................4 0 ......................3 0 ......................2 1,464 ............3,945 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 37 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - COUNTRY MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 FI VBMen’ s“ Maj or ”Medal s Country Brazil United States Switzerland Argentina Norway Germany Canada Australia Spain Cuba France Italy Portugal Austria Japan Russia Czech Republic Estonia Vacated (1995 USA Hermosa) Gold 114 26 8 8 8 5 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 Medal Bronze .............. Total 83 281 24 80 13 42 13 34 12 25 6 21 9 16 8 9 3 6 1 4 2 4 1 3 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Silver 84 30 21 13 5 10 6 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4th..............Final Place........ Fours 55............... 336 25............... 105 13................. 55 13................. 47 12................. 37 10................. 31 10................. 26 8.................. 17 2.................... 8 2.................... 6 7.................. 11 5.................... 8 6.................... 8 3.................... 4 1.................... 2 1.................... 2 2.................... 2 1.................... 1 0.................... 2 · There have been 177 men’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour Beach Volleyball events (open, Grand Slam, Olympic and Goodwill) for men. The first SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event was played February 17-22, 1987 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. · There have been 33 events that featured four different countries in the semi-finals, including the Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 Olympic Games. · Brazil has advanced a team(s) to the semi-finals in 169 FIVB events. · Brazil’ sst r eakof114-st r ai ght“ f i nalf our s”endedatt heFr ance2005ev ent( Ev entNo.171) .Pr i ort oFr ance,Br az i l ’ sl as t non-semi-final appearance was Portugal 1996 (Event No. 56). · Brazil has had three teams advance to the semi-finals in 37 events. · Brazil has advanced four teams to the semi-finals five times. Brazil has captured all three podium finishes at 18 different events. Brazil has had a team(s) in 151 Gold Medal matches. · Brazil has advanced two teams to the Gold Medal match in 47 events, including the 1999 FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships. · · · · · · United States has advanced two teams to the Gold Medal match in nine events, including the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. Germany has advanced two teams to the Gold Medal match in one event Switzerland has advanced two teams to the Gold Medal match in one event There have been 119 events where two different countries battled for a FIVB Gold Medal. · · · · · · · · · · Brazil vs. USA ...................................Brazil leads 19-14 Argentina vs. Brazil ..................................... Brazil 12-8 Brazil vs. Switzerland .........................Brazil leads 16-3 Brazil vs. Norway.............................................. Tied 5-5 Brazil vs. Germany ...............................Brazil leads 7-2 Brazil vs. Canada..................................Brazil leads 4-1 Germany vs. Switzerland ................................. Tied 2-2 Brazil vs. Spain .............................................. Brazil 2-1 Brazil vs. Cuba......................................Brazil leads 2-0 Brazil vs. Portugal ........................... Portugal leads 2-0 · · · · · · · · · · Italy vs. USA ........................................... USA leads 2-0 Switzerland vs. USA......................................... Tied 1-1 Argentina vs. Norway ....................... Norway leads 1-0 Australia vs. Switzerland................Australia leads 1-0 Brazil vs. France................................. France leads 1-0 Canada vs. USA...................................... USA leads 1-0 Canada vs. Switzerland ............. Switzerland leads 1-0 Cuba vs. USA......................................... Cuba leads 1-0 France vs. Norway ............................ Norway leads 1-0 Norway vs. USA................................. Norway leads 1-0 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 38 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/17-22/87), $21,757 .......... Event No. 1 1. Sinjin Smith/Randy Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $5,000 2. Karch Kiraly/Pat Powers, UNITED STATES, $2,500 3. Renan Dal Zotto/Jose Montanaro, BRAZIL, $1,250 4. Edinho Goncalves/Bernard Rajzman, BRAZIL, $1,250 Japan - Yokohama (7/20-21/91), $50,000 ........................No. 12 1. Janc/Walmer, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $9,000 3. Andy Burdin/Julien Prosser, AUSTRALIA, $8,000 4. Gianni Mascagna/Solustri, ITALY, $7,000 United States - Miami Beach (1/18-22/94), $100,000...... No. 23 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $22,000 2. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $13,000 3. Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, UNITED STATES, $11,000 4. John Child/Ed Drakich, CANADA, $9,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/20-28/88), $51,500 .................... No. 2 1. Kiraly/Powers, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Luis Amerigo/Bernard, BRAZIL, $6,000 3. Renan Dal Zotto/Jose Montanaro, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $3,500 France - Capd’ Agde(7/25-28/91), $50,000 .....................No. 13 1. Eddo/Hanson, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Andrea Ghiurghi/Lequaglie, ITALY, $8,000 3. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $3,500 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/1-6/94), $200,000.................... No. 24 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $44,000 2. Briceno/Williams, UNITED STATES, $26,000 3. Paulo Emilio/Zé Marco de Melo, BRAZIL, $22,000 4. Emanuel Scheffer/Claudino, BRAZIL, $18,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/18-26/89), $50,000 .................... No. 3 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Edinho/Edoardo Tinoco, BRAZIL, $6,000 3. Mike Dodd/Tim Hovland, UNITED STATES, $6,000 4. Bernard/Renan, BRAZIL, $1,750 Italy - Catolica (7/29-8/4/91), $50,000...............................No. 14 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Eddo/Hanson, UNITED STATES, $6,000 3. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Mascagna/Solustri, ITALY, $3,000 Russia - St. Petersburg Goodwill Games (7/23-28/94), $100,000 ......................... No. 25 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $30,000 2. Briceno/Williams, UNITED STATES, $24,000 3. Smith/Bruk Vandeweghe, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Burdin/Prosser, AUSTRALIA, $10,000 Italy - Jesi (7/25-30/89), $40,000 ........................................ No. 4 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $15,000 2. Giovanni Errichiello/Dionisio Lequaglie, ITALY, $8,500 3. Kiraly/Steve Timmons, UNITED STATES, $6,000 4. Franco Bertoli/Fabio Vullo, ITALY, $4,000 Spain - Almeria (8/7-11/91), $50,000 ................................No. 15 1. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $12,000 2. Marlos Almeida/Tulio Teixeira, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $3,500 4. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $5,000 Japan - Enoshima (8/4-6/89), $50,000............................... No. 5 1. Kiraly/Timmons, UNITED STATES, $15,000 2. Edmundo Mattos/Tinoco, BRAZIL, $8,500 3. Koichiro Kanno/Kazuyuki Takao, JAPAN, $6,500 4. Akihiro Iwashima/Lezaburo Mitsuhashi, JAPAN, $6,000 Australia - Sydney (1/15-19/92), $50,000.........................No. 16 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Burdin/Prosser, AUSTRALIA, $3,500 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/13-18/90), $50,000 .................... No. 6 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Dodd/Hovland, UNITED STATES, $6,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco Neto, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Andrè Lima/Guilherme Marquez, BRAZIL, $3,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/19-23/92), $100,000 ................No. 17 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $24,000 2. Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, BRAZIL, $12,000 3. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $9,000 4. Anhinjo Bacil/Nilo Chavarry, BRAZIL, $7,000 France - Sete (7/27-29/90), $30,083 ................................... No. 7 1. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $7,550 2. John Eddo/Sean Fallowfield, UNITED STATES, $3,775 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $3,175 4. Jean P. Jodard/Christian Penigaud, FRANCE, $1,975 Japan - Enoshima (7/28-30/92), $100,000 .......................No. 18 1. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Mark Eller/Todd Schaefer, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $11,000 4. Burdin/Prosser, AUSTRALIA, $8,000 Italy - Lignano (8/1-5/90), $50,000 ..................................... No. 8 1. Hovland/Kent Steffes, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Eddo/Fallowfield, UNITED STATES, $6,000 3. Eduardo Garrido/Roberto Moreira, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Lequaglie/Marco Solustri, ITALY, $3,000 Spain - Almeria (8/12-15/92), $200,000 ............................No. 19 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $70,000 2. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $24,000 3. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $17,000 4. Jan Kvalheim/Björn Maaseide, NORWAY, $12,000 Japan - Enoshima (8/9-11/90), $50,000............................. No. 9 1. Leif Hanson/Eric Wurts, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Al Janc/Tim Walmer, UNITED STATES, $7,500 3. Lequaglie/Solustri, ITALY, $6,500 4. Philippe Blain/Alain Fabiani, FRANCE, $6,000 Italy - Lignano (8/18-23/92), $94,750................................No. 20 1. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $24,000 2. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $12,000 3. Scott Friederichsen/Walmer, UNITED STATES, $9,000 4. Claudino Aloizio/Jose Loiola, BRAZIL, $7,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/19-23/91), $50,000 .................. No. 10 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Hovland/Steffes, UNITED STATES, $6,000 3. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Dodd/Jon Stevenson, UNITED STATES, $3,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/9-14/93), $100,000 ..................No. 21 1. Adam Johnson/Steffes, UNITED STATES, $24,000 2. Anhinjo/Loiola, BRAZIL, $12,000 3. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $9,000 4. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $7,000 Australia - Sydney (3/14-17/91), $50,000 ........................ No. 11 1. Smith/Stoklos, UNITED STATES, $12,000 2. Andrè/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $3,500 Japan - Enoshima (7/29-8/1/93), $98,938 ........................No. 22 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $13,000 3. Troy Tanner/Dan Vrebalovich, UNITED STATES, $11,000 4. Al Janc/Craig Moothart, UNITED STATES, $9,000 France - Marseille (7/28-31/94), $100,000 ....................... No. 26 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $22,000 2. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $13,000 3. Briceno/Williams, UNITED STATES, $11,000 4. JörgAhmann/Axel Hager, GERMANY, $9,000 Japan - Enoshima (8/4-7/94), $100,000........................... No. 27 1. Paulao/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Briceno/Williams, UNITED STATES, $13,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $11,000 4. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $9,000 Puerto Rico - Carolina (8/17-21/94), $100,000 ................ No. 28 1. Paulao/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Smith/Vandeweghe, UNITED STATES, $13,000 3. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $11,000 4. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, $9,000 Brazil - Fortaleza (9/1-4/94), $100,000............................. No. 29 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $13,000 3. Guilherme/Para Ferreira, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Smith/Vandeweghe, UNITED STATES, $9,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/16-19/95), $200,000 ................ No. 30 1. Andre Gomes/Alemao Loss, BRAZIL, $40,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $22,000 4. Briceno/Williams, UNITED STATES, $16,000 Spain - Marbella (4/14-16/95), $100,000 .......................... No. 31 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Alemao/Andre Gomes, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell, CUBA, $8,000 United States - Clearwater (5/5-7/95), $100,000 ............. No. 32 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Vandeweghe/Williams, UNITED STATES, $11,000 4. Alemao/Andre Gomes, BRAZIL, $8,000 France - Marseille (6/22-25/95), $100,000 ....................... No. 33 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY,$ 15,000 3. Alemao/Andre Gomes, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $8,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 39 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Germany - Berlin (6/30-7/2/95), $100,000........................ No. 34 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $20,000 2. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Briceno/Williams, UNITED STATES, $8,000 South Africa - Cape Town (12/21-23/95), $100,000.........No. 46 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $15,000 3. Child/Heese, CANADA, $11,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $8,000 Spain - Tenerife (9/5-8/96), $150,000................................ No.58 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Child/Heese, CANADA, $23,000 3. Alvarez/Rosell, CUBA, $16,000 4. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 United States - Hermosa (7/14-16/95), $100,000 ............ No. 35 1. Dodd/Mike Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, DQ 2. Friederichsen/Wurts, UNITED STATES, DQ 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $8,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/8-11/96), $200,000 ..................No. 47 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $40,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 3. Child/Heese, CANADA, $22,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $16,000 Indonesia - Jakarta (10/4-6/96), $150,000 ....................... No. 59 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Andre/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $12,000 Korea - Pusan (7/22-26/95), $100,000 ............................. No. 36 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $11,000 4. Carl Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $8,000 Spain - Marbella (4/5-7/96), $150,000...............................No. 48 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Roberto/Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $16,000 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $12,000 Puerto Rico - Carolina (10/18-20/96), $150,000 .............. No. 60 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Jose Duda/Alemao, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $12,000 Japan - Enoshima (7/29-31/95), $100,000....................... No. 37 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $11,000 4. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $8,000 Brazil - Joao Pessoa (5/9-12/96), $150,000) ....................No. 49 1. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $23,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Prosser/Lee Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 Brazil - Fortaleza (10/24-27/96), $150,000....................... No. 61 1. Dodd/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $31,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Garrido/Andre, BRAZIL, $12,000 Italy - Lignano (8/4-6/95), $100,000 ................................. No. 38 1. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez, ARGENTINA, $15,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $8,000 Turkey - Alanya (5/31-6/2/96), $150,000 ..........................No. 50 1. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $31,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $16,000 4. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $12,000 South Africa - Durban (12/13-15/96), $150,000 .............. No. 62 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Dodd/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $12,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/11-13/95), $100,000...................... No. 39 1. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Javier Bosma/Sixto Jimenez, SPAIN, $11,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $8,000 United States - Hermosa (6/21-23/96), $150,000.............No. 51 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $31,000 2. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $16,000 4. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $12,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/20-23/97), $150,000 ................ No. 63 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Anjinho/Loiola, BRAZIL, $21,000 3. Jody Holden/Conrad Leinemann, CANADA, $13,000 4. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $10,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/17-19/95), $100,000........................ No. 40 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. John Child/Mark Heese, CANADA, $11,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $8,000 France - Marseille (6/27-30/96), $150,000........................No. 52 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $16,000 4. Jodard/Penigaud, FRANCE, $12,000 Germany - Berlin (7/4-6/97), $150,000............................. No. 64 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $21,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $13,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $10,000 France - LaBaule (8/24-26/95), $200,000......................... No. 41 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $40,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 3. Child/Heese, CANADA, $22,000 4. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $16,000 Germany - Berlin (7/5-7/96), $150,000 .............................No. 53 1. Child/Heese, CANADA, $31,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $16,000 4. Alvarez/Rosell, CUBA, $12,000 Italy - Lignano (7/18-20/97), $150,000 ............................. No. 65 1. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $30,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $21,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $13,000 4. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $10,000 Spain - Tenerife (8/31-9/3/95), $100,000.......................... No. 42 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Bosma/Jimenez, SPAIN, $15,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $8,000 Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games (7/23-28/96)......................No. 54 1. Kiraly/Steffes, UNITED STATES 2. Dodd/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES 3. Child/Heese, CANADA 4. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL France - Marseille (7/25-27/97), $150,000 ....................... No. 66 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $21,000 3. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $13,000 4. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL, $10,000 Brazil - Fortaleza (9/14-17/95), $100,000......................... No. 43 1. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Alvarez/Rosell, CUBA, $15,000 3. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $11,000 4. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $8,000 France - Pornichet (8/9-11/96), $150,000.........................No. 55 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $84,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $66,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $48,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $36,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (8/1-3/97), $150,000 ........................ No. 67 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Ahmann/Hager, GERMANY, $21,000 3. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $13,000 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $10,000 Indonesia - Bali (9/22-24/95), $100,000 ........................... No. 44 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 2. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Johnson/Steffes, UNITED STATES, $11,000 4. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $8,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/16-18/96), $150,000 ......................No. 56 1. Dodd/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $84,000 2. Child/Heese, CANADA, $66,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $48,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $36,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/8-10/97), $300,000........................ No. 68 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $60,000 2. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $42,000 3. Child/Heese, CANADA, $26,000 4. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $20,000 Puerto Rico - Carolina (11/10-12/95), $100,000 .............. No. 45 1. Alvarez/Rosell, CUBA, $20,000 2. Eric Fonoimoana/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $11,000 4. Joäo Brenha/Luis Maia, PORTUGAL, $8,000 Italy - Lignano (8/23-25/96), $150,000..............................No. 57 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $31,000 2. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $16,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $12,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/15-17/97), $150,000........................ No. 69 1. Emanuel/Ze/Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $21,000 3. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $13,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $10,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 40 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Turkey - Alanya (8/29-Sept. 1/97), $150,000.................... No. 70 1. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $21,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $13,000 4. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $10,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/31-8/2/98), $170,000 ......................... No. 81 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Blanton/Fonoimoana, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $15,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, 12,000 Germany - Berlin (7/2-4/99), $170,000............................. No. 92 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $20,000 3. Bosma/Diez, SPAIN, $15,000 4. Child/Heese. CANADA, $11,000 Spain - Tenerife (9/4-7/97), $150,000............................... No. 71 1. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $30,000 2. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $21,000 3. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $13,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $10,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/7-9/98), $200,000................................ No. 82 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $37,000 2. Steffes/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $27,200 3. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $18,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $14,600 Norway - Stavanger (7/9-11/99), $170,000 ...................... No. 93 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $11,000 United States - Los Angeles World Championships (9/10-13/97), $300,000................ No. 72 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $60,000 2. Canyon Ceman/Mike Whitmarsh, USA, $42,000 3. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $23,000 Dain Blanton/Steffes, UNITED STATES, $23,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/14-16/98), $170,000............................. No. 83 1. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL, $32,000 2. Ricardo/Ze'Marco, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Child/Heese, CANADA, $15,000 4. Boullianne/Clark, USA, $12,000 Italy - Lignano Sabbiadoro (7/16-18/99), $170,000......... No. 94 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $15,000 4. R. Heidger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Russia - Moscow (8/21-23/98), $170,000 .............................. No. 84 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $23,000 3. Ahmann/Hager, GERMANY, $15,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 France - Marseille World Championships (7/22-25/99), $300,000 ............... No. 95 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $60,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $39,000 3. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $24,000 4. Bosma/Diez, SPAIN, $18,000 Brazil - Fortaleza (12/4-7/97), $150,000........................... No. 73 1. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Garrido/Guilherme, BRAZIL, $21,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $13,000 4. Henkel/Smith, UNITED STATES, $10,000 Argentina - Mar del Plata (1/16-18/98), $170,000............ No. 74 1. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $32,000 2. Paulao/Paulo, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $12,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/12-15/98), $170,000...................... No. 75 1. Ricardo/Ze'Marco, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $12,000 Canada - Toronto (6/19-21/98), $170,000.............................. No. 76 1. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $32,000 2. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Bosma/Diez, SPAIN, $15,000 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, $ 12,000 Germany - Berlin (7/3-5/98), $170,000................................... No. 77 1. Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, NORWAY, $32.000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Ricardo Santos/Ze'Marco, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Premysl Kubala/Michal Palinek, CZECH REP., $12,000 Italy - Lignano (7/17-19/98), $170,000 ................................... No. 78 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $23,000 3. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Bosma/Diez, SPAIN, $12,000 United States - New York Goodwill Games (7/22-26/98), $100,000 ............................... No. 79 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Kiraly/Johnson, USA, $20,000 3. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $15,000 4. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $11,000 France - Marseille (7/24-26), $170,000 .................................. No. 80 1. Ricardo/Ze'Marco, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Ahmann/Hager, GERMANY, $23,000 3. Boullianne/Clark, USA, $15,000 4. Paulao/Paulo Emilio, BRAZIL, $12,000 Spain - Tenerife (9/3-6/98), $170,000..................................... No. 85 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Kiraly/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Boullianne/Clark, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $12,000 Turkey - Alanya (9/11-13/98), $170,000................................. No. 86 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Child/Heese, CANADA, $23,000 3. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Ricardo/Ze'Marco, BRAZIL, $12,000 Brazil - Vitoria (12/3-6/98), $170,000...................................... No. 87 1. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Mariano Baracetti/Jose Salema, ARGENTINA, $15,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 Argentina - Mar del Plata (1/15-17/99), $170,000 ............No. 88 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $20,000 3. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $11,000 Mexico - Acapulco (4/9-11/99), $170,000.........................No. 89 1. Boullianne/Clark, UNITED STATES, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 Canada - Toronto (6/18-20/99), $170,000 ........................No. 90 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Rob Heidger/Kevin Wong, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Kiraly/Johnson, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Russia - Moscow (6/25-27/99), $170,000 .........................No. 91 1. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL, $30,000 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $11,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/30-8/1/99), $170,000 ................... No. 96 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Blanton/Fonoimoana, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/6-8/99), $170,000.......................... No. 97 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Conde/Martinez/Conde, ARGENTINA, $11,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/13-15/99), $170,000........................ No. 98 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $15,000 4. Blanton/Fonoimoana, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Spain - Canary Islands (8/20-22/99), $170,000 ............... No. 99 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Giovane Gavio/Tande Ramos, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $11,000 Brazil - Vitoria (12/2-5/99), $170,000 ............................. No. 100 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL, $11,000 Argentina - Mar del Plata (1/12-16/00), $150,000.......... No. 101 1. Baracetti/Salema, ARGENTINA, $26,000 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $14,000 4. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $10,000 Brazil - Guaruja (1/18-23/00), $150,000 ......................... No. 102 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Oliver Oetke/Andreas Scheuerpflug, GERMANY, $10,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 41 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Macau - Macau (5/24-28/00), $150,000 .......................... No. 103 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $10,000 Sydney 2000 Olympics Games (9/16-26/00) .................No. 114 1. Blanton/Fonoimoana, UNITED STATES 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL 3. Ahmann/Hager, GERMANY 4. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL Mexico - Rosarito (5/31-6/4/00), $150,000..................... No. 104 1. Dax Holdren/Todd Rogers, UNITED STATES, $26,000 2. Heidger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $10,000 Brazil - Vitoria (11/28-12/3/00), $150,000 .......................No. 115 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Emanuel/Tande, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $14,000 4. Paulao/Jefferson Bellaguarda, BRAZIL, $10,000 Canada - Toronto (6/14-18/00), $150,000...................... No. 105 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Child/Heese, CANADA, $18,000 3. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $14,000 4. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $10,000 Spain - Canary Islands (6/13-17/01), $180,000..............No. 116 1. Emanuel/Tande, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $14,000 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $11,000 Spain - Canary Islands (6/21-25/00), $150,000 ............. No. 106 1. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $26,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Sergey Ermishin/Mikhail Kouchnerev, RUSSIA, $14,000 4. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $10,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/20-24/01), $180,000.................No. 117 1. Stein Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Emanuel/Tande, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $11,000 United States - Chicago (6/28-7/2/00), $200,000 .......... No. 107 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $17,000 4. Baracetti/Salema, ARGENTINA, $13,000 Germany - Berlin (6/27-7/1/01), $180,000 ......................No. 118 1. Prosser/Zahner, AUSTRALIA, $27,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $11,000 Norway - Stavanger (7/5-9/00), $150,000 ...................... No. 108 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, $10,000 Norway - Stavanger (7/4-8/01), $180,000.......................No. 119 1. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Para/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $11,000 Italy - Lignano Sabbiadoro (7/12-16/00), $150,000....... No. 109 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Child/Heese, CANADA, $14,000 4. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $10,000 Italy - Lignano Sabbiadoro (7/11-15/01), $180,000 .......No. 120 1. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $27,000 2. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $11,000 France - Marseille (7/19-23/00), $150,000 ..................... No. 110 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $18,000 3. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Martin Lebl/Palinek, CZECH REPUBLIC., $10,000 France - Marseille (7/17-22/01), $225,000......................No. 121 1. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $32,000 2. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $18,000 4. Blanton/Fonoimoana, UNITED STATES, $15,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/26-30/00), $150,000.................... No. 111 1. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $14,000 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $10,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/25-29/01), $180,000 ....................No. 122 1. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Holden/Leinemann, CANADA, $11,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (8/2-6/00), $150,000 ...................... No. 112 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Paulao/Jefferson Bellaguarda, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $10,000 Austria - Klagenfurt World Championships (8/1-5/01), $250,000 ..................No. 123 1. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $47,000 2. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $35,000 3. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $21,000 4. Heidger/Chip McCaw, UNITED STATES, $15,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/9-13/00), $150,000........................ No. 113 1. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Henkel/Smith, USA, $18,000 3. Blanton/Fonoimoana, USA, $14,000 4. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $10,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/8-12/01), $180,000 ........................No. 124 1. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $14,000 4. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $11,000 Australia - Brisbane Goodwill Games (8/29-9/4//01), $150,000 ..................... No. 125 1. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $24,000 3. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $19,500 4. Fonoimoana/Heidger, UNITED STATES, $15,500 Spain - Mallorca (9/12-16/01), $180,000 ........................ No. 126 1. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $18,000 3. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Ermishin/Kouchnerev, RUSSIA, $11,000 Brazil - Vitoria (11/27-12/2/01), $180,000 ...................... No. 127 1. Emanuel/Tande, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $14,000 4. Thomas Klepper/Murilo Teixira, BRAZIL, $11,000 Germany - Berlin (6/12-16/02), $150,000....................... No. 128 1. Harley Marques Silva/Pará, BRAZIL, $22,500 2. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $15,000 3. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, GERMANY, $11,940 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $9,300 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/19-23/02),$150,000...................... No. 129 1. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $22,500 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $11,940 4. Roberto Lopes/Franco, BRAZIL, $9,300 Norway - Stavanger (7/3-7/02), $150,000........................... No. 130 1. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $22,500 2. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $11,940 4. Harley/Pará, BRAZIL, $9,300 Canada - Montreal (7/10-14/02), $150,000 ......................... No. 131 1. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $22,500 2. Child/Heese, CANADA, $15,000 3. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $11,940 4. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $9,300 France - Marseille (7/17-21/02), $200,000 .......................... No. 132 1. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell, CUBA, $20,000 3. Tande/Emanuel, BRAZIL, $15,900 4. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $12,100 Portugal - Esphino (7/24-28/02), $150,000 ........................ No. 133 1. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $22,500 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $11,940 4. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $9,300 Austria - Klagenfurt (8/1-4/02), $200,000........................... No. 134 1. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, SWITZERLAND, $20,000 3. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $15,900 4. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $12,100 Spain - Cadiz (8/7-11/02), $150,000 .................................... No. 135 1. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $22,500 2. Holden/Leinemann, CANADA, $15,000 3. Tande/Ramos, BRAZIL, $11,940 4. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $9,300 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 42 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Spain - Mallorca (9/4-8/02), $150,000 ................................. No. 136 1. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $22,500 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $11,940 4. Harley/Pará, BRAZIL, $9,300 Brazil - Forteleza (10/1-6/02), $150,000.............................. No. 137 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $22,500 2. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $11,940 4. Bellaguarda/Juca Dultra, BRAZIL, $9,300 Greece - Rhodes (6/4-8/03), $150,000 ........................... No. 138 1. Blanton/Jeff Nygaard, UNITED STATES, $22,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Nikolas Berger/Clemens Doppler, AUSTRIA, $12,000 4. Child/Heese, CANADA, $9,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/18-22/03), $150,000 ................ No. 139 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckerman, GERMANY, $15,000 3. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 4. Berger/Doppler, AUSTRIA, $9,000 Germany - Berlin (6/25-29/03), $300,000....................... No. 140 1. Harley/Franco, BRAZIL, $45,000 2. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $30,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $23,000 4. M. Dieckmann/Reckerman, GERMANY, $18,000 Norway - Stavanger (7/2-6/03), $150,000 ...................... No. 141 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $15,000 3. Prosser/Mark Williams, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 4. Bellaguarda/Dultra, BRAZIL, $9,000 France - Marseille (7/16-20/03), $270,000 ..................... No. 142 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $40,000 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $28,000 3. Blanton/Nygaard, UNITED STATES, $20,000 4. Christoph Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, GERMANY, $16,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/23-27/03), $150,000.................... No. 143 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $15,000 3. Andrew Schacht/Joshua Slack, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 4. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $9,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/31-8/3/03), $260,000 ................. No. 144 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $40,000 2. Metzger/Wong, UNITED STATES, $27,000 3. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $20,000 4. Blanton/Nygaard, UNITED STATES, $15,000 Spain - Mallorca (9/3-7/03), $150,000 ............................ No. 145 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckerman, GERMANY, $15,000 3. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, $12,000 4. Franco/Harley, BRAZIL, $9,000 United States - Carson (9/18-21/03), $300,000 ............. No. 146 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $45,000 2. Egger/Heyer, SWITZERLAND, $30,000 3. Ceman/Whitmarsh, UNITED STATES, $23,000 4. Berger/Doppler, AUSTRIA, $18,000 Brazil, Rio de Janeiro World Championships (10/14-19/03), $400,000............ No. 147 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $60,000 2. Holdren/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $40,000 3. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $30,000 4. Brenha/Maia, PORTUGAL, $20,000 Brazil - Salvador (3/16-21/04), $180,000 ........................No. 148 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Baracetti/Conde, Argentina, $14,000 4. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $11,000 South Africa - Cape Town (3/23-29/04), $180,000.........No. 149 1. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Robert Nowotny/Peter Gartmayer, AUSTRIA, $11,000 China - Lianyungang (5/19-23/04), $180,000.................No. 150 1. Bosma/Pablo Herrera, SPAIN, $27,000 2. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Pedro Cunha/Pará, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Todd Rogers/Sean Scott, USA, $11,000 Serbia & Montenegro - Budva (5/26-30/04), $180,000 ..No. 151 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $18,000 3. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 4. Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik, ESTONIA, $11,000 Portugal - Espinho (6/2-6/04), $180,000 ........................No. 152 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $18,000 3. Benjamin//Marcio Araujo, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $11,000 Puerto Rico - Carolina (6/9-13, 04), $180,000 ................No. 153 1. Cunha/Pará, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Baracett/Conde, ARGENTINA, $18,000 3. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Dax Holdren/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/16-20/04), $180,000..................No. 154 1. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $27,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $18,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Benjamin//Marcio Araujo, BRAZIL, $11,000 Germany - Berlin (6/23-27/04), $300,000 ........................No. 155 1. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $43,000 2. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $29,500 3. Baracett/Conde, ARGENTINA, $23,000 4. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $18,500 Norway - Stavanger (6/30-7/4/04), $180,000...................No. 156 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Niklas Rademacher/David Klemperer, GER, $18,000 3. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Andreas Scheuerpflug/C. Dieckmann, GER, $11,000 Spain - Mallorca (7/7-11/04), $180,000............................No. 157 1. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $27,000 2. Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Paulo Emilio/Fabio Magalhaes, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Baracett/Conde, ARGENTINA, $11,000 France - Marseille (7/13-18/04), $280,000.......................No. 158 1. Benjamin//Marcio Araujo, BRAZIL, $41,500 2. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $27,500 3. Baracett/Conde, ARGENTINA, $21,500 4. Rogers/Scott, UNITED STATES, $16,900 Poland - Stare Jablonki (7/21-25/04), $180,000 .............No. 159 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $14,000 4. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $11,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/28-8/1/04), $270,000...................No. 160 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $40,500 2. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $27,000 3. C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, GERMANY, $21,000 4. Benjamin//Marcio Araujo, BRAZIL, $16,500 Greece - Athens (8/14-25/04).......................................... No. 161 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL 2. Bosma/Herrera, SPAIN 3. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND 4. Julien Prosser/Mark Williams, AUSTRALIA Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (9/21-26/04), $180,000 ............... No. 162 1. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $27,000 2. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $18,000 3. Egger/Heyer, SWITZERLAND, $14,000 4. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $11,000 China - Shanghai (5/18-22/05), $200,000 ....................... No. 163 1. C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, GERMANY, $32,000 2. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $16,000 4. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $12,000 Croatia - Zagreb (6/8-12/05), $200,000 ........................... No. 164 1. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $22,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $22,000 4. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $12,000 Switzerlannd - Gastaad (6/15-19/05), $200,00 ............... No. 165 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $12,000 Germany - Berlin World Championships (6/22-26/05), $500,000 .............. No. 166 1. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $62,000 2. Heyer/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $45,000 3. Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, GERMANY, $36,000 4. Marvin Polte/Thorsten Schoen, GERMANY, $26,000 Norway - Stavanger (6/29-7/3/05), $280,000 .................. No. 167 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $41,500 2. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $27,500 3. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $21,500 4. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $16,900 Russia - St. Petersburg (7/6-10/05), $200,000 ............... No. 168 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $12,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/13-17/05), $200,000..................... No. 169 1. Brink/Schneider, GERMANY, $32,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $22,000 3. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Rogers/Scott, UNITED STATES, $12,000 Poland - Stare Jablonki (7/20-24/05), $200,000 ............. No. 170 1. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $32,000 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, $22,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, $12,000 France - Paris (7/27-31/05), $280,000............................. No. 171 1. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, $41,500 2. Jake Gibb/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $27,500 3. Brink/Schneider, GERMANY, $21,900 4. Heyer/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $16,900 Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3-7/05), $280,000 ....................... No. 172 1. Scheuerpflug/C. Dieckmann, GERMANY, $41,500 2. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $27,500 3. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $21,500 4. Rogers/Scott, UNITED STATES, $16,900 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 43 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Canada - Montreal (8/24-28/05), $200,000.................... No. 173 1. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Cunha/Franco, BRAZIL, $12,000 Brazil - Salvador (10/19-23/4/05), $200,000 .................. No. 175 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Gibb/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 Greece - Athens (8/31-9/4/05), $200,000 ...................... No. 174 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $22,000 3. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Schacht/Slack, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 Mexico - Acapulco (10/25-29), $200,000....................... No. 176 1. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Pedro Cunha/Franco, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, ITALY, $12,000 South Africa –Cape Town (11/23-27/05), $200,000 .....No. 177 1. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Egger/M. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $22,000 3. Gibb/Metzger, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Klemperer/Schneider, GERMANY, $12,000 FIVB BEACHVOLLEYBALLCHALLENGER&SATELLI TEMEN’ SEVENTSFI NAL4s Belgium Challenger - Ostende (8/17-18/96) $30,000Event No. 1 1. Mario Rodrigues/Rogerio Dias, Portugal, $6,000 2. Stefan Potyka/Robert Nowotny, Austria, $4,500 3. Frank Blasi/David Holmes, Canada, $3,300 4. Christian Voss/Wolfgang Groos, Germay $2,400 Switzerland Satellite - Jona (7/29-8/1/99), $10,000............No. 10 1. Marcel Gscheidle/Christian Bigler, Switzerland, $2,000 2. Kjell Goranson/Iver Horrem, Norway, $1,500 3. Sascha Heyer/Martin Tschudi, Switzerland, $1,200 4. Tomohisa Yamamoto/Chikashi Kawai, Japan, $000 Ukraine Challenger - Kiev (7/24-28/02), $33,000 ............... No. 19 1. Jefferson Bellaguarda/Juca Dultra, Brazil, $4,400 2. Mykola Babich/Dmitro Khudoley, Ukraine, $3,520 3. Grinbergs/Austris Stals, Latvia, $2,860 4. Kaarel Kais/Kristjan Kais, Estonia, $2,200 Italy Challenger - Agrigento (8/27-28/96), $30,000............... No. 2 1. Juan Rosell/Francisco Alvarez, Cuba, $6,000 2. Andrea Ghiurghi/Nicola Grigolo, Italy, $4,500 3. Julien Prosser/Lee Zahner, Australia, $3,300 4. Antonio Babini/Marco Solustri, Italy, $2,400 Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/12-15/99), $19,000.....No. 11 1. Stefan Kobel/Martin Walser, Switzerland, $3,800 2. Egger/Vesti, Swtizerlad, $2,850 3. Albert Hannemann/Nick Hannemann, Am. Samoa, $2,280 4. K. Goranson/Horrem, Norway, $1,520 Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/15-18/02), $17,000 .... No. 20 1. Mariano Baracett/Conde, Argentina, $3,000 2. Gscheidle/Vesti, Switzerland, $2,300 3. Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland, $1,500 4. Barsouk/Denis Tenenbaum, Russia, $1,000 Czech Rep. Challenge - Karlovy Vary (6/25-29/97), $30,000No. 3 1. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Swtizerland, $6,000 2. Jorre Kjemperud/Vegard Hoidalen, Norway, $4,500 3. Andrea Ghiurghi/Ricardo Lione, Italy, $3,300 4. Edgar Krank/Oliver Oetke, Germany, $2,400 Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (7/5-9/00), $30,000...........No. 12 1. Patrick Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland, $4,000 2. Jefferson Bellaguarda/Paulao Moreira, Brazil, $3,200 3. Heyer/Martin Walser, Switzerland, $2,600 4. Marcel Gscheidle/Martin Tschudi, Switzerland, $2,000 Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/14-17/03), $17,000 .... No. 21 1. Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland, $3,000 2. Riccardo Fenili/Fabio Galli, Italy, $2,300 3. Egger/Heyer, Switzerland, $1,500 4. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway, $1,000 Bulgaria Challenger - Albena (8/21-24/97), $30,000............ No. 4 1. Dmitry Areshkin/Edouard Senin, Russia, $6,000 2. Amaury Velasco/Willie De Jesus, Puerto Rico, $4,500 3. Ernesto Vogado/Murilo Toscano, Brazil, $3,300 4. Andrea Raffaelli/Nicola Grigolo, Italy, $2,400 Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/18-20/00), $10,000.....No. 13 1. Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland, $2,000 2. Egger/Heyer, Switzerland, $1,500 3. Gscheidle/Tschudi, Switzerland, $1,200 4. Stephane Canet/Mathieu Hamel, France, $800 Greece Challenger - Athens (8/19-24/03), $30,000 ............ No. 22 1. Fenili/Galli, Italy, $4,500 2. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway, $3,500 3. Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik, Estonia, $2,500 4. Florian Gosch/Bernhard Strauss, Austria, $2,000 Chile Challenger - Vina del Mar (2/6-8/98), $30,000 ............ No. 5 1. Lula Barbosa/Adriano Garrido, Brazil, $4,000 2. Ricci Luyties/Sinjin Smith, United States, $3,200 3. John Child/Mark Heese, Canada, $2,600 4. Eduardo Martinez/Martin Conde, Argentina, $2,000 Switzerland Satellite - Pfaeffikon (9/1-3/00), $10,000 ........No. 14 1. Egger/Heyer, Switzerland, $2,000 2. Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland, $1,500 3. Brandon Taliaferro/Larry Witt, United States, $1,200 4. Gscheidle/Tschudi, Switzerland, $800 France Satellite - Lavandou (8/22-24/03), $15,000............. No. 23 1. Guilherm Deulofeu/Ogier Molinier, France, $3,500 2. Francisco R. Herrera/Yoyi Rodriguez, Spain, $2,500 3. Kevin Ces/Yannick Salvetti, France, $2,000 4. Canet/Hamel, France, $1,500 Switzerland Satellite - Jona (7/4-5/98), $10,000 .................. No. 6 1. Igor Stejskal/Petr Chromy, Czech Republic, $2,000 2. Greg Ryan/Morgan Chapman, United States, $1,500 3. Velasco/De Jesus, Puerto Rico, $1,200 4. Robert Nowotny/Stefan Potyka, Austria, $800 Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (7/6-8/01), $30,000...........No. 15 1. Klepper Feitosa/Murilo Toscano, Brazil, $4,000 2. Matt Heath/Gaston Macau, United States, $3,200 3. Gscheidle/Vesti, Switzerland, $2,600 4. Haroldas Cyvas/Marius Vasiliauskas, Lithuania, $2,000 Switzerland Challenger - Lausanne (8/14-16/98), $30,000 . No. 7 1. Jan Ferreira/Fred Souza, Brazil, $4,000 2. Dennys Paredes/Luizao Correa, Brazil, $3,200 3. Ryan/Chapman, United States, $2,600 4. Alessandro Rigo/Massimo Marino, Italy, $2,000 Liban Satellite - Beirut (7/13-15/01), $10,000 .....................No. 16 1. Dmitri Barsouk/Vladimir Kostioukov, Russia, $2,000 2. Haroldas Cyvas/Marius Vasiliauskas, Lithuania, $1,500 3. Peter Gartmayer/Nowotny, Austria, $1,200 4. Younis Hasan/Fouad Abed El Wahed, Bahrain, $800 Bulgaria Challenger - Albena (8/21-23/98), $30,000............ No. 8 1. Rigo/Marino, Italy, $4,000 2. Pierre Froehlich/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany, $3,200 3. Tom Englen/Niclas Tornberg, Sweden, $2,600 4. Takuya Noguchi/Taichi Morikawa, Japan, $2,000 Ukraine Challenger - Kiev (7/25-29/01), $33,000................No. 17 1. Klepper/Murilo, Brazil, $4,400 2. Sergiy Rasputiniy/Vitaly Stadnikov, Ukraine, $3,520 3. Janis Grinbergs/Andris Krumins, Latvia, $2,860 4. Malte Homeyer/Kjell Schneider, Germany, $2,200 Italy Challenger - Cagliari (6/25-27/99), $30,000.................. No. 9 1. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, $4,000 2. Taichi Morikawa/Ko Ozaki, Japan, $3,200 3. Markus Egger/Bernhard Vesti, Switzerland, $2,600 4. Rigo/Marino, Italy, $,2000 Swiss Satellite - Lausanne (8/16-19/01), $17,000 ..............No. 18 1. Klepper/Murilo, Brazil, $3,400 2. Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland, $2,600 3. Egger/Heyer, Switzerland, $2,00 4. Agustin Correa/Fabio Diez, Spain, $1,300 Argentina Satellite - Mar del Plata (1/23-25/04), $15,000 .. No. 24 1. Baracetti/Conde, Argentina, $2,300 2. M. Lacig /P. Laciga, Switzerland, $1,800 3. Fabio Araujo/Rodrigo Monteiro, Brazil, $1,500 4. Adrian M. Bialy/Sebastian Menegozzo, Argentina, $1,200 Croatia Challenger - Lopar Island (7/8-11/04), $30,000 ..... No. 25 1. Jasmin Cuturic/Samo Miklavc, Slovenia, $4,800 2. Gscheidle/Vesti, Switzerland, $3,900 3. Gosch/Strauss, Austria, $3,000 4. Dmitry Karasev/Tenenbaum, Russia, $2,300 San Marino Satellite - Catolica (7/22-24/04), $10,000........ No. 26 1. Pedro Brazao/Marcello Duarte, Brazil, $2,000 2. Fosco Cicola/Andrea Raffaelli, Italy, $1,500 3. Alfredo Tabarini/Francesco Tabarini, San Marino, 1,200 4. Martin Engvik/Ole Martin Kleivenes, Norway, $800 Morocco Satellite - Casablanca (7/24-25/04), $15,000 ...... No. 27 1. Giorgio Domenghini/Paolo Ficosecco, Italy, $2,500 2. Bjorn IngeborgrudMagne Kobbevik, Norway, $2,000 3. Ihsane Boukhare/Karim Ourhdach, Morocco, $1,700 4. Jalal Berma/Khalid Satour, Morocco, $1,300 Ukraine Challenger - Kiev (7/29-8/1/04), $30,000 .............. No. 28 1. Grinbergs/Krumins, Latvia, $4,550 2. Jan Schnider/Tino Schutz, Switzerland, $3,550 3. Olexander Dyachenko/Oleksiy Kulinich, Ukraine, $2,400 4. Oleg Kisselev/Pavel Zabuslayev, Kazakhstan, $1,800 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 44 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 FI VBBEACHVOLLEYBALLCHALLENGER&SATELLI TEMEN’ SEVENTS FINAL 4s Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/5-8/04), $15,000 ........ No. 29 1. Pedro Cunha/Fred Souza, Brazil, $2,5000 2. Philip Gabathuler/David Wenger, Switzerland, $2,000 3. Brazao/Duarte, Brazil, $1,700 4. Schnider/Schutz, Switzerland, $1,300 Italy Challenger - Rimini (7/15-17/05), $30,000...................No. 35 1. Luizao Correa/Alex Acco, Brazil, $4,800 2. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, Italy, $3,000 3. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $3,000 4. Andrea Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, Italy, $2,300 Italy Satellite - Vasto (8/5-7/05), $10,000............................ No. 41 1. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $2,000 2. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, $1,500 3. Diego Nota/Giorgio Domenghini, Italy, $1,200 4. Sergey Sinkevich/Denis Rovkin, Kazakhstan, $800 France Satellite - Porticcio Corsica (8/21-22/04), $10,000 No. 30 1. Ces/Julien Dugrip, France, $2,000 2. Adrian Caravano/Denis Damez, France, $1,500 3. Galli/Raffaelli, Italy, $1,200 4. Matthias Mellitzer/Strauss, Austria, $800 Italy Satellite - Alba Adriatica (7/22-24/05), $10,000 ...........No. 36 1. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $2,000 2. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, Italy, $1,500 3. Jaroslav Pavlas/Miroslav Svoboda, Czech Rep., $1,200 4. Marco Malavolta/Paolo Ficosecco, Italy, $800 Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/11-14/05), $15,000 .... No. 42 1. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, $3,400 2. Marcel Gscheidle/Jan Schnider, Switzerland, $2,400 3. Paulo Emilio Silva/Moises Santos, Brazil, $1,700 4. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, $1,300 France Satellite - Lavandou (8/27-29/04), $10,000 ............ No. 31 1. Jochem De Gruijter/Gijs Ronnes, Netherlands, $2,000 2. Adrian Caravano/Deulofeu, France, $1,500 3. Galli/Raffaelli, Italy, $1,200 4. Philip Gabathuler/Schnider, Switzerland, $800 Morocco Satellite - Casablanca (7/23-24/05), $15,000 ......No. 37 1. Diego Nota/Giorgio Domenghini, Italy, $2,500 2. David Wenger/Philip Gabathuler, Switzerland, $2,000 3. Damien Quoirin/Gregory Gagliano, France, $1,700 4. Ihsane Boukhare/Karim Ourhdach, Morocco, $1,300 Liechtenstein Satellite - Vaduz (8/18-21/05), $10,000...... No. 43 1. Markus Egger/Martin Laciga, Switzerland, $2,000 2. Gscheidle/Schnider, Switzerland, $1,500 3. Gartmayer/Matzler, Austria, $1,200 4. Gabathuler/Wenger, Switzerland, $800 Finland Satellite - Turku (6/17-19/05), $10,000.................. No. 32 1. Martins Plavins/Aleksandrs Samoilous, Latvia, $2,000 2. Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, Latvia, $1,500 3. Pedro Solberg Salgado/Ian Borges, Brazil, $1,200 4. Pavel Karpukhin/Leonid Kalinine, Russia, $800 France Sat. - St. Jean de Monts (7/23-24/05), $10,000 ......No. 38 1. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, Brazil, $2,000 2. Kevin Ces/Julien Dugrip, France, $1,500 3. Guilherm Deulofeu/Herpe Renaud, France, $1,200 4. Brian Hiebert/Martin Reader, Canada, $800 France - Le Lavandou Satellite (8/20-21/05), $10,000........ No. 44 1. Rodrigo/Bruno, Brazil, $2,000 2. Ces/Dugrip, France, $1,500 3. Gregory Gagliano/Mathieu Hamel, France $1,200 4. Magthieu Daguerre/Sebastien Huchard, France, $800 Italy Challenger - Cagliari (7/1-3/05), $30,000.................... No. 33 1. Kay Matysik/Markus Popp, Germany, $4,800 2. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $3,900 3. Pedro Solberg Salgado/Ian Borges, Brazil, $3,000 4. Mischa Urbatzka/Daniel Krug, Germany, $2,300 Ukraine Challenger - Kiev (7/27-31/05), $30,000................No. 39 1. Mykola Babich/Oleg Nikolaev, Ukraine, $4,500 2. Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, Latvia, $3,600 3. Janis Grinbergs/Austris Stals, Latvia, $2,400 4. Brian Hiebert/Martin Reader, Canada, $1,800 Portugal Challenger - Madeira (9/8-10/05), $30,000......... No. 45 1. Jorre Kjemperud/Tarjei Skarlund, Norway, $5,000 2. Adrian Caravano/Kevin Ces, France, $4,000 3. Pablo Herrera/Raul Mesa, Spain, $3,100 4. Emiel Boersma/Bram Ronnes, Netherlands, $2,500 Italy Ch. - Roseto degli Abruzzi (7/7-10/05), $30,000......... No. 34 1. Para Ferreira/Jan Ferreira, Brazil, $4,800 2. Luizao Correa/Alex Acco, Brazil, $3,900 3. Mariano Baracetti/Pedro Depiaggio, Argentina, $3,000 4. Andrea Raffaelli/Fabio Galli, Italy, $2,300 Italy Satellite - Palinuro (7/29-31/05), $10,000 ....................No. 40 1. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, Italy, $2,000 2. Andrea Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, Italy, $1,500 3. Jean-Philippe Daguerre/Mathieu Daguerre, France, $1,200 4. Natale Monopoli/Roberto Marini, Italy, $800 Argentina, Buenos Aires (10/13-16), $10,000 ................... No. 46 1. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil, $2,000 2. Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina, $1,500 3. Gijs Ronnes/Jochem De Gruijter, Netherlands, $1,200 4. Gscheidle/Schnider, Switzerland, $800 MEN’ SCHALLENGER/SATELLITE MEDALS, PODIUMS & FINAL FOURS Country Gold Switzerland 9 Brazil 14 Italy 7 France 2 Latvia 2 United States 0 Norway 1 Argentina 2 Ukraine 1 Austria 0 Germany 1 Netherlands 1 Russia 2 Canada 0 Puerto Rico 0 Silver Bronze Podiums 4ths Final 4s 12 9 30 6............. 36 4 6 24 1............. 25 7 5 19 8............. 27 5 5 12 3............. 15 2 3 7 0............... 7 3 2 5 0............... 5 4 0 5 3............... 8 1 1 4 2............... 6 2 1 4 0............... 4 1 3 4 0............... 4 1 0 2 4............... 6 0 1 2 1............... 3 0 0 2 3............... 5 0 2 2 2............... 4 1 1 2 0............... 2 Country Gold Czech Republic 1 Spain 0 Cuba 1 Australia 0 Japan 0 Morocco 0 Lithuania 0 Portugal 1 Slovenia 1 Am. Samoa 0 San Marino 0 Sweden 0 Kazakhstan 0 Bahrain 0 Estonia 0 Totals 46 Silver Bronze Podiums 4ths .Final 4s 0 1 2 0 ............... 2 1 1 2 1 ............... 3 0 0 1 0 ............... 1 0 1 1 3 ............... 4 1 0 1 2 ............... 3 0 1 1 2 ............... 3 1 0 1 1 ............... 2 0 0 1 0 ............... 1 0 0 1 0 ............... 1 0 1 1 0 ............... 1 0 1 1 0 ............... 1 0 1 1 0 ............... 1 0 0 0 2 ............... 2 0 0 0 1 ............... 1 0 0 0 1 ............... 1 46 46 138 46 .......... 184 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 45 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FI VBWORLDTOURMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) Argentina (eight major gold medals, two minor gold medals) 1. Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez def. Emanuel Rego/Zé Marco de Melo, BRAZIL, Turkey - Alanya (6/2/1996), 12-4, 12-7 (45 minutes), FIVB Event No. 50 2. Conde/Martinez def. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Italy - Lignano (7/20/1997), 12-9, 12-5 (76), No. 65 3. Conde/Martinez def. Emanuel/Jose Loiola, BRAZIL, Canada - Toronto (6/21/1998), 15-10 (50), No. 76 4. Mariano Baracetti/Jose Salema def. Ricardo Santos/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Argentina - Mar del Plata (1/6/2000), 15-13 (57), No. 101 5. Baracetti/Conde def. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, Italy - Lignano Sabbiadoro (7/15/2001), 21-17, 21-16 (40), No. 120 6. Baracetti/Conde def. Tande Ramos/Emanuel, BRAZIL, France - Marseille (7/22/2001), 21-19, 21-19 (45), No. 121 7. Baracetti/Conde def. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt World Championships (8/1/2001), 25-23, 12-21, 20-18 (67), No. 123 8. Baracetti/Conde def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, BRAZIL, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/23/2002), 21-14, 21-15 (45), No. 129 1. Mariano Baracett/Martin Conde def. Marcel Gscheidle/Bernhard Vesti, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne (8/18/2002), 23-21, 21-17 (38 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 20 2. Baracetti/Conde def. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, $1,800, Argentina Satellite, Mar del Plata (1/25/2004), 21-17, 21-19 (44) No. 24 Australia (one gold medal) 1. Julien Prosser/Lee Zahner def. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Germany - Berlin (7/1/2001), 18-21, 28-26, 22-20 (65 minutes), FIVB Event No. 118 Brazil (114 major gold medals, 14 minor gold medals) 1. Andre Perlingeiro/Guilherme Marquez def. John Eddo/Sean Fallowfield, USA, France - Sete (7/9/1990), score and match duration not available, FIVB Event No. 7 2. Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva def. Mark Eller/Todd Schaefer, USA, Japan - Enoshima (7/30/1992), 12-6, 12-4 (NA), No. 18 3. Paulao/Paulo Emilio def. Eduardo Garrido/Roberto Moreira, BRAZIL, Italy - Lignano (8/23/1992), 9-12, 13-11, 15-12, (NA), No. 20 4. Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes def. Garrido/Moreira, BRAZIL, Japan - Enoshima (8/1/1993), score and match duration not available, No. 22 5. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, USA, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/6/1994), 12-7, 12-8, (NA), No. 24 6. Paulao/Roberto Lopes def. Briceno/Williams, USA, Japan - Enoshima (8/7/1994), 12-9, 10-12, 15-11, (NA), No. 27 7. Paulao/Roberto Lopes def. Sinjin Smith/Bruk Vandeweghe, USA, Puerto Rico - Carolina (8/21/1994), 15-10, (NA), No. 28 8. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, NORWAY, Brazil - Fortaleza (9/4/1994), 12-7, 12-2, (NA), No. 29 9. Alemao Loss/Andre Gomes def. Emanuel Rego/Zé Marco deMelo, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/19/1995), 6-12, 12-4, 15-13, (NA), No. 30 10. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Alemao Loss/Andre Gomes, BRAZIL, Spain - Marbella (4/16/1995), 12-4, 12-9 (65), No. 31 11. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Emanuel/Zé Marco, United States –Clearwater (5/7/1995), 12-6, 12-6 (63), No. 32 12. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Kvalheim/Maaseide, NORWAY, France –Marseille (6/25/1995), 11-12, 12-10, 12-8 (85), No. 33 13. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Korea - Pusan (7/26/1995), 6-12, 12-10, 12-10 (97), No. 36 14. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Henkel/Smith, USA, Japan - Enoshima (7/31/1995), 11-12, 12-3, 13-11 (67), No. 37 15. Paulao/Paulo Emilio def. Martin Conde/Esteban Martinez, ARGENTINA, Italy - Lignano (8/4-6/1995), 12-9, 12-3 (55), No. 38 16. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (8/13/1995), 12-8, 10-12, 12-7 (93), No. 39 17. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Belgium - Ostend (8/19/1995), 10-12, 12-1, 14-12 (82), No. 40 18. Franco/Roberto Lopes def., Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, France - Pornichet (LaBaule, 8/26/1995), 12-9, 9-12, 14-12 (88), No. 41 19. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Bosma/Jimenez, SPAIN, Spain - Tenerife (9/3/1995), 10-12, 12-10, 12-8 (79), No. 42 20. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Rosell/Alvarez, CUBA, Brazil - Fortaleza (9/17/1995), 12-9, 12-9 (98), No. 43 21. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, Indonesia –Bali (9/24/1995), 6-12, 12-9, 12-6 (80), No. 44 22. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, South Africa –Cape Town (12/223/1995), 12-8, 12-11, (NA), No. 46 23. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Brazil –Rio de Janeiro (2/11/1996), 12-8, 12-3 (68), No. 47 24. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Franco/Roberto/Lopes, BRAZIL, Brazil, Spain –Marbella (4/7/1996), 12-7, 7-12, 16-14 (71), No. 48 25. Paulao/Paulo Emilio def. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, Brazil –Joao Pessoa (5/12/1996), 12-10, 12-10, (NA), No. No. 49 26. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Henkel/Smith, USA, France –Marseille (6/30/1996), 12-6, 6-12, 12-10 (70), No. 52 27. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, France - Pornichet (8/11/1996), 12-10, 12-9 (75), No. 55 28. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Henkel/Smith, USA, Italy - Lignano (8/25/1996), 3-12, 21-11, 16-14 (97), No. 57 29. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Child/Heese, CANADA, Spain - Tenerife (9/8/1996), 12-11, 12-4 (65), No. 58 30. Franco/Roberto Lopes def. Henkel/Smith, USA, Indonesia - Jakarta (10/6/1996), 12-7, 12-8 (86), No. 59 31. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Puerto Rico - Carolina (10/120/1996), 12-9, 12-9 (89), No. 60 32. Guilherme/Para def. Dodd/Whitmarsh, USA, South Africa - Durban (12/15/1996), 10-12, 12-9, 12-8 (90), No. 62 33. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Anjinho/Loiola, BRAZIL Brazil –Rio de Janeiro (2/23/1997), 12-9, 12-8 (87), No. 63 34. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Germany –Berlin (7/6/1997), 12-6, 12-5 (67), No. 64 35. Guilherme/Para def. Emanuel/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, France –Marseille (7/27/1997), 22-24, 21-18, 21-15 (56), No. 66 36. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Ahmann/Hager, GERMANY, Austria –Klagenfurt (8/3/1997), 12-6, 12-4 (71), No. 67 37. Emanuel/Ze/Marco def. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, Belgium –Ostend (8/117/1997), 12-3, 2-12, 12-9 (87), No. 69 38. Paulao/Paulo Emilio def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Turkey –Alanya (9/1/1997), 8-12, 12-9, 12-10 (100), No. 70 39. Guilherme/Para def. Canyon Ceman/Mike Whitmarsh, USA, United States –Los Angeles World Championships (9/13/1997), 5-12, 21-8, 12-10 (90), No. 72 40. Emanuel/Zé Marco def. Garrido/Guilherme, BRAZIL, Brazil –Fortaleza (12/7/1997), 12-5, 12-8 (67), No. 73 41. Ricardo/Ze'Marco def. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, Brazil –Rio de Janeiro (2/15/1998), 8-12, 12-9, 12-10 (88), No. 75 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 46 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FI VBWORLDTOURMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) BRAZIL (continued) 42. Guilherme/Para def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Italy –Lignano (7/19/1988), 12-6, 12-8 (86), No. 78 43. Guilherme/Para def. Kiraly/Johnson, USA, United States - New York Goodwill Games (7/226/1998), 12-11, 12-4 (107), No. 79 44. Ricardo/Ze'Marco def. Ahmann/Hager, GERMANY, France –Marseille (7/26/1998), 12-11, 12-10 (104), No. 80 45. Emanuel/Loiola def. Blanton/Fonoimoana, USA, Austria –Klagenfurt (8/2/1998), 12-8, 12-3 (80), No. 81 46. Emanuel/Loiola def. Steffes/Whitmarsh, USA, Portugal –Espinho (8/9/1998), 12-8, 12-9 (70), No. 82 47. Guilherme/Para def. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, Russia –Moscow (8/23/1998), 12-3, 5-12, 12-9 (73), No. 84 48. Emanuel/Loiola def. Kiraly/Whitmarsh, USA, Spain –Tenerife (9/6/1998), 12-4, 12-10 (70), No. 85 49. Emanuel/Loiola def. Child/Heese, CANADA, Turkey –Alanya (9/13/1998), 12-7, 12-8 (110), No. 86 50. Guilherme/Para def. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, Brazil –Vitoria (12/6/1998), 10-12, 12-11, 21-19 (130), No. 87 51. Emanuel/Loiola def. Conde/Martinez, ARGENTINA, Argentina –Mar del Plata (1/17/1999), 12-7, 12-6 (76), No. 88 52. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, Canada - Toronto (6/20/1999), 15-10 (54), No. 90 53. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Germany - Berlin (7/4/1999), 15-11 (53), No. 92 54. Emanuel/Loiola def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Norway - Stavanger (7/11/1999), 15-13 (36), No. 93 55. Emanuel/Loiola def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Italy –Lignano Sabbiadoro (7/18/1999), 15-13 (75), No. 94 56. Emanuel/Loiola def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, France –Marseille World Championships (7/25/1999), 15-8 (50), No. 95 57. Emanuel/Loiola def. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/1/1999), 15-11 (57), No. 96 58. Emanuel/Loiola def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (8/8/1999), 15-8 (30), No. 97 59. Emanuel/Loiola def. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Belgium - Ostend (8/15/1999), 12-9, 12-5 (53), No. 98 60. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Spain –Canary Islands (8/22/1999), 15-8 (47), No. 99 61. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, Brazil - Vitoria (12/5/1999), 12-9, 12-6 (81), No. 100 62. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Brazil - Guaruja (1/23/2000), 12-6, 12-5 (82), No. 102 63. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, Macau - Macau (5/28/2000), 12-4, 12-5 (65), No. 103 64. Emanuel/Loiola def. Child/Heese, CANADA, Canada - Toronto (6/18/2000), 16-14 (61), No. 105 65. Emanuel/Loiola def. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, United States –Chicago (7/2/2000), 16-14 (54), No. 107 66. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, Norway - Stavanger (7/9/2000), 15-11 (46), No. 108 67. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Italy –Lignano Sabbiadoro (7/16/2000), 15-3 (33), No. 109 68. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, France - Marseille (7/23/2000), 15-13 (50), No. 110 69. Ricardo/Zé Marco def. Emanuel/Loiola, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (7/30/2000), 15-6 (36), No. 111 70. Emanuel/Loiola def. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/6/2000), 15-13 (60), No. 112 71. Emanuel/Loiola def. Henkel/Smith, USA, Belgium - Ostend (8/13/2000), 15-8 (45), No. 113 72. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin def. Emanuel/Tande, BRAZIL, Brazil - Vitoria (12/3/2000), 21-18, 19-21, 15-13 (64), No. 115 73. Emanuel/Tande def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Spain –Canary Islands (6/17/2001), 21-19, 21-14 (31), No. 116 74. Tande/Emanuel def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Norway - Stavanger (7/8/2001), 21-19, 21-15 (33), No. 119 75. Loiola/Ricardo def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Portugal - Espinho (7/29/2001), 11-21, 21-17, 19-17 (57), No. 122 76. Tande/Emanuel def. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, Belgium - Ostend (8/12/2001), 19-21, 21-16, 15-9 (48), No. 124 77. Loiola/Ricardo def. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, Australia –Brisbane Goodwill Games (9/4//2001), 21-14, 21-13 (35), No. 125 78. Tande/Emanuel def. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, Spain - Mallorca (9/16/2001), 14-21, 21-18, 20-18 (78), No. 126 79. Emanuel/Tande def. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, Brazil - Vitoria (12/2/2001), 18-21, 24-22, 15-12 (68), No. 127 80. Harley Marques Silva/Pará def. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, Germany –Berlin (6/16/2002), 25-23, 19-21, 15-10 (71), No. 128 81. Tande/Emanuel def. Loiola/Ricardo, BRAZIL, Norway –Stavanger (7/7/2002), 22-20, 18-21, 18-17 (64), No. 130 82. Loiola/Ricardo def. Child/Heese, CANADA, Canada - Montreal (7/14/2002), 21-18, 24-22 (52), No. 131 83. Loiola/Ricardo def. Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell, CUBA, France - Marseille (7/21/2002), 19-21, 21-16, 15-9 (65), No. 132 84. Loiola/Ricardo def. Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, SWITZERLAND, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/4/2002), 21-16, 21-18 (47), No 134 85. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin def. Metzger/Wong, USA, Brazil - Forteleza (10/6/2002), 22-20, 21-17 (59), No. 137 86. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin def. M. Dieckmann/Reckerman, GERMANY, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/22/2003) 23-25, 21-13, 15-10 (62), No. 139 87. Franco/Harley def. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, Germany - Berlin (6/29/2003), 21-18, 21-16 (46), No. 140 88. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, Norway - Stavanger (7/6/2003), 16-21, 21-16, 15-12 (60), No. 141 89. Emanuel/Ricardo def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND, France - Marseille (7/20/2003), 21-18, 20-22, 15-13 (60), No. 142 90. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, Portugal - Espinho (7/27/2003), 21-23, 21-14, 20-18 (69), No. 143 91. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin def. Metzger/Wong, USA, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3/2003), 22-20, 21-17 (52), No. 144 92. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin def. M. Dieckmann/Reckerman, GERMANY, Spain - Mallorca (9/7/2003), 14-21, 21-19, 34-32 (96), No. 145 93. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Egger/Heyer, SWITZERLAND, United States, Carson (9/18-21/03), 21-11, 21-18 (45), No. 146 94. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Holdren/Metzger, USA, Rio de Janeiro World Championships (10/19/2003), 21-18, 21-15 (44), No. 147 95. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, Salvador (3/21/2004), 21-19, 21-18 (43), No. 148 96. Franco/Tande def. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, South Africa, Cape Town (3/29/2004), 27-25, 14-21, 15-12 (60), No. 149 97. Emanuel/Ricardo def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, Serbia & Montenegro - Budva (5/30/2004), 21-18, 21-19 (43), No. 151 98. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, NORWAY, $18,000, Portugal - Espinho (6/2-6/04), 21-12, 22-20 (38), No. 152 99. Cunha/Pará def. Baracett/Conde, ARGENTINA, Puerto Rico - Carolina (6/9-13, 04, $180,000, 21-17, 35-33 (58), No. 153 100. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Niklas Rademacher/David Klemperer, GERMANY, Norway - Stavanger (7/4/2004, 21-15, 21-17 (33), No. 156 101. Benjamin//Marcio Araujo def. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, France - Marseille (7/18/2004), 12-21, 22-20, 15-12 (52), No. 158 102. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, Poland - Stare Jablonki (7/25/2004), 21-18, 21-16 (46), No. 159 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 47 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FI VBWORLDTOURMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) BRAZIL (continued) 103. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Franco/Tande, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/1/2004), 17-21, 21-16, 15-10 (61), No. 160 104. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Javier Bosma/Pablo Herrera, SPAIN, Greece - Athens 2004 Olympic Games (8/25/2004), 21-16, 21-15 (42), No. 161 105. Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, Croatia - Zagreb (6/12/2005), 21-17, 21-17 (48), No. 164 106. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, Switzerlannd - Gastaad (6/19/2005), 21-19, 21-13 (44), No. 165 107. Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. Heyer/P. Laciga, SWITZERLAND - Germany - Berlin (6/26/2005), 22-20, 21-12 (42), No. 166 108. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Benjamin/Harley, BRAZIL, Norway - Stavanger (7/3/2005), 21-16, 21-19 (48), No. 167 109. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, Russia - St. Petersburg (7/10/2005), 21-19, 22-24, 18-16 (72), No. 168 110. Benjamin/Harley def. Marcio Araujo/Fábio, BRAZIL, Canada - Montreal (8/28/2005), 16-21, 21-17, 18-16 (71), No. 173 111. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Markus Egger/Martin Laciga , SWITZERLAND, Greece - Athens (9/4/2005), 21-14, 26-24 (43), No. 174 112. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Marcioa Araujo/Fábio , BRAZIL, Brazil - Salvador (10/23/2005), 19-21, 21-16, 15-13 (69), No. 175 113. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Pedro Cunha/Franco, BRAZIL, Mexico - Acapulco (10/29/2005), 21-12, 21-19 (42), No. 176 114. Marcio Araujo/Fábio def. Egger/M Laciga , SWITZERLAND, South Africa - Cape Town (11/27/2005), 19-21, 21-19, 15-12 (67), No. 177 1. Lula Barbosa/Adriano Garrido def. Ricci Luyties/Sinjin Smith, UNITED STATES, Chile Challenger, Vina del Mar (2/8/1998), 15-12 (66 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 5 2. Jan Ferreira/Fred Souza def. Dennys Paredes/Luizao Correa, BRAZIL, Switzerland Challenger, Lausanne (8/16/1998), 17-15 (48), No. 7 3. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran def. Taichi Morikawa/Ko Ozaki, JAPAN, Italy Challenger, Cagliari (6/27/1999), 15-11 (50), No. 9 4. Klepper Feitosa/Murilo Toscano def. Matt Heath/Gaston Macau, UNITED STATES, Greece Challenger, Xylokastro (7/8/2001), 21-17, 21-18 (40), No. 15 5. Klepper/Murilo def. Sergiy Rasputiniy/Vitaly Stadnikov, Ukraine, UKRAINE Challenger, Kiev (7/29/2001), 21-15, 21-15 (29), No. 17 6. Klepper/Murilo def. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, Swiss Satellite, Lausanne (8/19/2001), 22-20, 25-23, 19-17 (57), No. 18 7. Jefferson Bellaguarda/Juca Dultra def. Mykola Babich/Dmitro Khudoley, UKRAINE, Ukraine Challenger, Kiev (7/28/2002), 23-25, 21-18, 15-12 (58), No. 19 8. Pedro Brazao/Marcello Duarte def. Fosco Cicola/Andrea Raffaelli, ITALY, San Marino Satellite, Catolica (7/24/2004), 15-21, 23-21, 15-9 (61), No. 26 9. Pedro Cunha/Fred def. Philip Gabathuler/David Wenger, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne (8/8/2004), 21-16, 21-13 (38), No. 29 10. Para Ferreira/Jan Ferreira def. Luizao Correa/Alex Acco, BRAZIL, Italy Challenger, Roseto degli Abruzzi (7/10/2005), 21-16, 27-25 (47), No. 34 11. Luizao/Alex def. Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, ITALY, Italy Challenger, Rimini (7/17/2005), 21-14, 21-16 (34), No. 35 12. Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula def Kevin Ces/Julien Dugrip, FRANCE, France Satellite, St. Jean de Monts (7/24/2005), 21-17, 21-19 (44), No. 38 13. Rodrigo/Bruno def. K. Ces/Dugrip, FRANCE –France Satellite - Le Lavandou (8/21/2005), 21-17, 21-19 (44), No. 44 14. Emanuel/Ricardo def. Baracetti/Conde, ARGENTINA, Argentina Satellite –Buenos Aires (10/13/2005), 21-11, 21-12 (31), No. 46 Canada (one major gold medal) 1. John Child/Mark Heese def. Guilherme Marquez/Para Ferreira, BRAZIL, Germany - Berlin (7/7/1996), 7-12, 12-11, 12-9 (97 minutes),FIVB Event No. 53 Cuba (one major gold medal, one minor gold medal) 1. Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell def. Eric Fonoimoana/Mike Whitmarsh, USA, Puerto Rico - Carolina (11/112/1995), 12-6, 6-12, 18-16 (95 minutes), FIVB Event No. 45 1. Juan Rosell/Francisco Alvarez def. Andrea Ghiurghi/Nicola Grigolo, ITALY, Italy Challenger, Agrigento (8/28/1996), FIVB C/S Event No. 2 Czech Republic (one minor gold medal) 1. Igor Stejskal/Petr Chromy def. Greg Ryan/Morgan Chapman, UNITED STATES, Switzerland Satellite, Jona (7/5/1998), 12-9, 12-8 (70 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 6 France (one major gold medal, two minor gold medals) 1. Jean-Philippe Jodard/Christian Penigaud def. Marlos Almeida/Tulio Teixeira, BRAZIL, Spain - Almeria (8/11/1991), ), score and match duration not available, FIVB Event No. 15 1. Guilherm Deulofeu/Ogier Molinier def. Francisco Rodriguez Herrera/Yoyi Rodriguez, SPAIN, France Satellite, Lavandou (August 24, 2003), 18-21, 21-18, 15-12 (71), FIVB C/S Event No. 23 2. Kevin Ces/Julien Dugrip def. Adrian Caravano/Denis Damez, FRANCE, Corsica Satellite, Porticcio (8/22/2004), 21-12, 21-14 (35), No. 30 Germany (five major gold medals, one minor gold medal) 1. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann def. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Germany - Berlin (6/27/2004, 20-22, 21-19, 16-14 (66 minutes), FIVB Event No. 155 2. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann def. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, SWITZERLAND, Brazil -Rio de Janeiro (9/26/2004), 21-18, 19-21, 15-9 (60), No. 162 3. Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug def. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, BRAZIL, China –Shanghai (5/22/2005), 21-18, 15-21, 16-14 (56), No. 163 4. Brink/Schneider def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, Portugal - Espinho (7/13-17/2005), 25-27, 21-19, 15-12 (70), No. 169 5. C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug def. Emanuel/Ricardo, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3-7/2005), 21-19, 21-13 (42), No. 172 1. Kay Matysik/Markus Popp def. Eugenio Amore/Riccardo Fenili, ITALY, Italy Challenger - Cagliari (7/1-3/2005), 21-17, 21-19 (40), FIVB C/S Event No. 33 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 48 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FI VBWORLDTOURMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) Italy (seven minor gold medals) 1. Alessandro Rigo/Massimo Marino won by injury forfeit over Pierre-Andre Froehlich/Andreas Scheuerpflug, GERMAY, Bulgaria Challenger - Albena (8/23/1998), 45 minutes, FIVB C/S Event No. 8 2. Riccardo Fenili/Fabio Galli, Italy def. Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, NORWAY, Greece Challenger - Athens (8/24/2003), 36-34, 21-15 (65), No. 22 3. Giorgio Domenghini/Paolo Ficosecco def. Bjorn IngeborgrudMagne Kobbevik, NORWAY, Morocco Satellite - Casablanca (7/25/2004), 21-19, 21-17 (43), No. 27 4. Eugenio Amore/Fenili def Ricardo Lione/Matteo Varnier, ITALY, Italy Satellite -Alba Adriatica (7/22-24/2005), 23-21, 21-13 (46), No. 36 5. Diego Nota/Domenghini def. David Wenger/Philip Gabathuler, SWITZERLAND, Morocco Satellite -Casablanca (7/23-24/2005), 23-21, 19-21, 19-17 (64), No. 37 6. Amore/Fenili def. Andrea Ghiurghi/Gianni Mascagna, ITALY, Italy Satellite - Palinuro (7/29-31/2005), 21-17, 21-16 (39), No. 40 7. Amore/Fenili def Rodrigo Monteiro/Bruno De Paula, BRAZIL, Italy Satellitte -Vasto (85-7/2005), 20-22, 21-17, 18-16 (72), No. 41 Latvia (two minor gold medals) 1. Janis Grinbergs/Andris Krumins def. Jan Schnider/Tino Schutz, SWITZERLAND, Ukraine Challenger - Kiev (8/1/2004), 15-21, 25-23, 15-10 (54 mInutes), FIVB Event C/S No. 28 2. Martins Plavins/Aleksandrs Samoilous def. Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, LATVIA, Finland Satellite - Turku (6/17-19/2005), 19-21, 21-18, 15-12 (54), No. 32 Netherlands (one minor gold medal) 1. Jochem De Gruijter/Gijs Ronnes def. Adrian Caravano/Guilherm Deulofeu, FRANCE, France Satellite - Lavandou (8/29/2004), 21-19, 21-13 (47), FIVB C/S Event No. 31 Norway (eight major gold medals, one minor gold medal) 1. Jan Kvalheim/Bjor Maaseide, def. Franco Neto/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, United States - Miami Beach (1/22/1994), 12-3, 12-8, match duration not available, FIVB Event No. 23 2. Kvalheim/Maaseide def. Carlos Briceno/Jeff Williams, USA, Russia - St. Petersburg Goodwill Games (7/28/94), 12-8, 12-6, (NA), No. 25 3. Kvalheim/Maaseide def. Jean-Philippe Jodard/Christian Penigaud, FRANCE, France - Marseille (7/31/1994), 12-8, 7-12, 15-10, (NA), No. 26 4. Kvalheim/Maaseide def. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, Germany - Berlin (7/2/1995), 12-6, 12-8 (64), No. 34 5. Kvalheim/Maaseide def. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $23,000, United States - Hermosa (6/21-23/96), $150,000, 12-8, 12-5 (77), 51 6. Kvalheim/Maaseide def. Franco/Roberto Lopes, BRAZIL, $42,000, Portugal - Espinho (8/8-10/97), $300,000, 12-7, 4-12, 12-10 (85), 68 7. Kvalheim/Maaseide def. Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez, ARGENTINA, Spain - Tenerife (9/7/1997), 12-3, 12-5 (55), No. 71 8. Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud def. Guilherme Marquez/Para Ferreira, BRAZIL, Germany - Berlin (7/5/1998), 12-4, 12-8 (87), No. 77 9. Kjemperud/Tarjei Skarlund def. Adrian Caravano/Kevin Ces, FRANCE, Portugal Challenger –Porto Santo (9/10/2005), 12-21, 21-17, 15-10 (53), FIVB C/S Event No. 45 Portugal (two major gold medals, one minor gold medal) 1. Joao Brenha/Luis Maia def. Ricardo Santos/Ze'Marco deMelo, BRAZIL, Belgium - Ostend (8/6/1998), 12-9, 6-12, 13-11 (86), FIVB Event No. 83 2. Brenha/Maia def. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Russia - Moscow (6/27/1999), 15-9 (52), No. 91 1. Mario Rodrigues/Rogerio Dias def. Stefan Potyka/Robert Nowotny, AUSTRIA, Belgium Challenger - Ostend (8/118/1996), 12-9, 12-5, match duration not available, FIVB C/S Event No. 1 Russia (two minor gold medals) 1. Dmitry Areshkin/Edouard Senin def. Amaury Velasco/Willie De Jesus, PUERTO RICO, Bulgaria Challenger - Albena (8/24/1997), 12-10, 10-12, 1210, match duration not available, FIVB C/S Event No. 4 2. Dmitri Barsouk/Vladimir Kostioukov def. Haroldas Cyvas/Marius Vasiliauskas, LITHUANIA, Liban Satellite - Beirut (7/15/2001), 21-18, 21-18 (40), No. 16 Slovenia (one minor gold medal) 1. Jasmin Cuturic/Samo Miklavc def., Marcel Gscheidle/Bernhard Vesti, SWITZERLAND, Croatia Challenger - Lopar Island (7/11/2004), 23-21, 21-14 (40), FIVB C/S Event No., 25 Spain (one major gold medal) 1. Javier Bosma/Pablo Herrera def. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, BRAZIL, China - Lianyungang (5/23/2004), 15-21, 21-19, 21-19 (66 minutes), FIVB Event No. 150 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 49 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FI VBWORLDTOURMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) Switzerland (eight major Gold medals, nine minor gold medals) 1. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga def. Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, BRAZIL, Argentina - Mar del Plata (1/18/1998), 12-5, 11-12, 12-10 (91 minutes), FIVB Event No. 74 2. M. Laciga/P. Laciga def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, BRAZIL, Spain - Canary Islands (6/25/2000), 5-12, 21-10, 12-10 (87), No. 106 3. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, def. Jody Holden/Conrad Leinemann, CANADA, $15,000, Spain - Cadiz (8/7-11/2002), 21-16, 21-17 (59), No. 135 4. M. Laciga/P. Laciga def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, $15,000, Spain - Mallorca (9/8/2002), 21-17, 27-25 (54), 136 5. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel def. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, GERMANY, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/20/2004), 21-18, 27-25 (54), No. 154 6. M. Laciga/P. Laciga def. Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, SWITZERLAND, Spain - Mallorca (7/11/2004), 21-14, 21-13 (33), No. 157 7. Egger/M. Laciga def. Dieckmann/Reckermann, GERMANY, Poland - Stare Jablonki (7/20-24/2005), 21-19, 21-15 (46), No. 140 8. Heuscher/Kobel def. Gibb/Metzger, UNITED STATES, France - Paris (7/27-31/2005), 21-14, 21-16 (41), No. 142 1. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga def. Jorre Kjemperud/Vegard Hoidalen, NORWAY, Czech Republic Challenger - Karlovy Vary (6/29/1997), 8-12, 12-2, 12-9 (74 minutes), FIVB C/S No. 3 2. Marcel Gscheidle/Christian Bigler def. Kjell Goranson/Iver Horrem, NORWAY, Switzerland Satellite - Jona (8/1/1999), 15-12 (55), No. 10 3. Stefan Kobel/Martin Walser def. Bernhard Vesti/Markus Egger, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/15/1999), 15-10 (40), No. 11 4. Patrick Heuscher/Kobel def. Jefferson Bellaguarda/Paulao Moreira, BRAZIL, Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (7/9/2000), 25-17, 25-23 (46), No. 12 5. Heuscher/Kobel, def. M. Egger/Sascha Heyer, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/20/2000), 26-24, 17-25, 15-12 (56), No. 13 6. Egger/Heyer def. Heuscher/Kobel, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite - Pfaeffikon (9/3/2000), 25-21, 28-26 (42), No. 14 7. Heuscher/Kobel def. Riccardo Fenili/Fabio Galli, ITALY, Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/17/2003), 21-14, 21-14 (39), No. 21 8. Heuscher/Kobel def. Marcel Gscheidle/Jan Schnider, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/11-14/2005), 21-18, 21-16 (39), No. 42 9. Egger/Laciga def. Gscheidle/Schnider, SWITZERLAND, Liechtenstein Satellite - Vaduz (8/21/2005), 21-15, 21-19 (41), No. 43 Ukraine (one minor gold medal) 1. Mykola Babich/Oleg Nikolaev def Andris Krumins/Ruslas Sorokins, LATVIA, Ukraine Challenger, Kiev (7/27-31/2005), 18-21, 21-14, 15-12 (58), FIVB C/S Event No. 39 United States (26 major gold medals, one major vacated) 1. Sinjin Smith/Randy Stoklos def. Karch Kiraly/Pat Powers, USA, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/22/1987), 12-9, 12-5 ( match duration not available), FIVB Event No. 1 2. Kiraly/Powers def. Bernard/Luis Amerigo, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/28/1988), 12-6, 12-9 (NA), No. 2 3. Smith/Stoklos def. Edinho/Edoardo Tinoco, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/26/1989), 12-4, 12-5 (NA), No. 3 4. Smith/Stoklos def. Dionisio Lequaglie/Giovanni Errichiello, ITALY, Italy - Jesi (7/30/1989), 12-3, 12-6 (NA), FIVB Event No. 4 5. Kiraly/Timmons def. Edmundo Mattos/ Tinoco, BRAZIL, Japan - Enoshima (8/6/1989), , 12-7, 12-2 (NA), No. 5 6. Smith/Stoklos def. Mike Dodd/Tim Hovland, USA, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/18/1990), 12-10, 12-3 (NA), No. 6 7. Hovland/Kent Steffes def. Eddo/Sean Fallowfield, USA, Italy - Lignano (8/5/1990), 12-3, 12-8 (NA), No. 8 8. Leif Hanson/Eric Wurts def. Al Janc/Tim Walmer, USA, Japan - Enoshima (8/11/1990), 15-11 (NA), No. 9 9. Smith/Stoklos def. Hovland/Kent Steffes, USA, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/23/1991), 14-12, 12-9 (NA), No. 10 10. Smith/Stoklos def. Andre Perlingeiro/Guilherme Marquez, BRAZIL, Australia - Sydney (3/17/1991), 12-6, 9-12, 15-9 (NA), No. 11 11. Janc/Walmer def. Andre Perlingeiro/Guilherme, BRAZIL, Japan - Yokohama (7/21/1991), 8-12, 12-5, 15-9 (NA), No. No. 12 12. Eddo/Hanson def. Andrea Ghiurghi/Lequaglie, ITALY, France - Capd’ Agde( 7/ 28/ 1991) ,12-2, 12-9 (NA), No. 13 13. Smith/Stoklos def. John Eddo/Hanson, USA, Italy - Catolica (8/4/1991), 12-6, 12-8 (NA), No. 14 14. Smith/Stoklos def. Andre Perlingeiro/Guilherme, BRAZIL, Australia - Sydney (1/19/1992), 12-9, 12-2 (NA), No. 16 15. Smith/Stoklos def. Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/23/1992), 12-3, 12-5 (NA), No. 17 16. Smith/Stoklos def. Eduardo Garrido/Roberto Moreira, BRAZIL, Spain - Almeria (8/12-15/1992), 12-3, 12-3 (NA), No. 19 17. Adam Johnson/Steffes def. Anhinjo Bacil/Jose Loiola, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/14/1993), score and time NA, No. 21 · Vacated - Dodd/Mike Whitmarsh def. Scott Friederichsen/Eric Wurts, USA, USA - Hermosa (7/16/1995), 12-3, 12-3 (42), No. 35 18. Kiraly/Steffes def. Dodd/Whitmarsh, USA, Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games (7/28/1996), 12-5, 12-8 (62), 54 19. Dodd/Whitmarsh def. John Child/Mark Heese, CANADA, Portugal - Espinho (8/18/1996), 10-12, 12-11, 15-13 (115), No. 56 20. Dodd/Whitmarsh def. Guilherme/Para Ferreira, BRAZIL, Brazil - Fortaleza (10/27/1996), 12-8, 12-4 (61), No. 61 21. Bill Boullianne/Ian Clark def. Guilherme/Para, BRAZIL, Mexico - Acapulco (4/11/1999), 15-10 (51), No. 89 22. Dax Holdren/Todd Rogers def. Rob Heidger/Kevin Wong, USA, Mexico - Rosarito (6/4/2000), 15-12 (55), No. 104 23. Dain Blanton/Eric Fonoimoana def. Ricardo/Zé Marco, BRAZIL, Australia - Sydney 2000 Olympics Games (9/26/2000), 12-11, 12-9 (101), No. 114 24. Stein Metzger/Wong def. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/24/2001), 21-17, 22-20 (38), No. 117 25. Metzger/Wong, def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, BRAZIL, Portugal - Esphino (7/28/2002), 17-21, 24-22, 15-12 (65), No. 133 26. Blanton/Jeff Nygaard def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, BRAZIL, Greece - Rhodes (6/8/2003), 20-22, 21-18 (47), No. 138 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 50 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Player, Country Emanuel Rego, Brazil Ricardo Santos, Brazil Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil Jose Loiola, Brazil Franco Neto, Brazil Guilherme Marques, Brazil Roberto Lopes, Brazil Para Ferreira, Brazil Martin Conde, Argentina Marcio Araujo, Brazil Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium 4th Final 4s 143 101 94 66 120 83 90 112 145 68 54 34 26 20 15 8 15 9 7 10 19 17 16 12 10 18 7 14 13 10 28 12 14 7 14 12 11 9 12 6 101 63 56 39 39 38 33 32 32 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pct. 70.6% 62.4% 59.6% 59.1% 32.5% 45.8% 36.7% 28.6% 22.1% 38.2% 5 7 6 2 11 3 7 4 12 5 106 70 62 41 50 41 40 36 44 31 Pct. 74.1% 69.3% 66.0% 62.1% 41.7% 49.4% 44.4% 32.1% 30.3% 45.6% Martin Laciga, Switzerland Benjamin Insfran, Brazil Paul Laciga, Switzerland Tande Ramos, Brazil Sinjin Smith, United States Jan Kvalheim, Norway Bjorn Maaseide, Norway Eduardo Martinez, Argentina Mariano Baracetti, Argentina John Child, Canada 129 64 125 70 104 98 134 94 124 126 6 8 5 7 10 7 7 3 5 1 14 9 13 4 6 2 2 7 6 5 6 6 5 10 3 9 9 7 6 8 26 23 23 21 19 18 18 17 17 14 20.2% 35.9% 18.4% 30.0% 18.3% 18.4% 13.4% 18.1% 13.7% 11.1% 10 8 10 2 6 9 9 6 7 9 36 31 33 23 25 27 27 23 24 23 27.9% 48.4% 26.4% 32.9% 24.0% 27.6% 20.1% 24.5% 19.4% 18.3% 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mark Heese, Canada Paulao Moreira, Brazil Stein Metzger, United States Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil Randy Stoklos, United States Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland Stefan Kobel, Switzerland Mike Whitmarsh, United States Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil Jonas Reckermann, Germany 130 86 50 87 14 66 66 18 30 45 1 7 2 5 10 2 2 3 3 2 5 2 4 2 0 3 3 6 3 7 8 4 6 5 1 6 6 1 4 1 14 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 10.8% 15.1% 24.0% 13.8% 78.6% 16.7% 16.7% 55.6% 33.3% 22.2% 8 9 2 8 1 2 2 0 0 4 22 22 14 20 12 13 13 10 10 14 16.9% 25.6% 28.0% 23.0% 85.7% 19.7% 19.7% 55.6% 33.3% 31.1% 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Kevin Wong, United States Markus Dieckmann, Germany Andrè Lima, Brazil Harley Marques, Brazil Markus Egger, Switzerland Julien Prosser, Australia Kent Steffes, United States Mike Dodd, United States Karch Kiraly, United States Vegard Hoidalen, Norway 78 88 14 46 90 139 13 14 22 126 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 7 3 2 5 0 2 3 3 3 5 1 5 3 2 7 2 1 1 3 10 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 12.8% 11.4% 64.3% 17.4% 8.9% 5.8% 53.8% 50.0% 31.8% 5.6% 2 4 1 6 1 7 0 1 1 3 12 14 10 14 9 15 7 8 8 10 15.4% 15.9% 71.4% 30.4% 10.0% 10.8% 53.8% 57.1% 36.4% 7.9% 41 42 43 44 45 Jorre Kjemperud, Norway Jeff Williams, United States Eduardo Garrido, Brazil Dain Blanton, United States Lee Zahner, Australia 130 23 39 67 86 1 0 0 2 1 3 3 4 1 0 3 3 2 3 5 7 6 6 6 6 5.4% 26.1% 15.4% 9.0% 7.0% 3 2 4 4 3 10 8 10 10 9 7.7% 34.8% 25.6% 14.9% 10.5% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 51 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Rank 46 47 48 49 50 Player, Country Carl Henkel, United States Javier Bosma, Spain Carlos Briceno, United States Roberto Moreira, Brazil Sascha Heyer, Switzerland Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium Final 4s 0 1 0 0 0 5 2 3 3 4 1 3 2 2 1 6 6 5 5 5 Pct. 5.6% 4.6% 22.7% 15.2% 6.5% 4th 107 130 22 33 77 4 2 2 3 1 10 8 7 8 6 Pct. 9.3% 6.2% 31.8% 24.2% 7.8% 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 John Eddo, United States Tim Hovland, United States Andre Gomes, Brazil Carlos Loss, Brazil Eric Fonoimoana, United States Francisco Alvarez, Cuba Juan Rosell, Cuba Jean-Philippe Jodard, France Christian Penigaud, France Jorg Ahmann, Germany 6 6 23 23 63 82 86 92 94 105 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 66.7% 66.7% 17.4% 17.4% 6.3% 4.9% 4.7% 4.3% 4.3% 3.8% 0 0 2 1 4 2 2 6 6 1 4 4 6 5 8 6 6 10 10 5 66.7% 66.7% 26.1% 21.7% 12.7% 7.3% 7.0% 10.9% 10.6% 4.8% 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Axel Hager, Germany Tim Walmer, United States Leif Hanson, United States Jake Gibb, United States Adam Johnson, United States Bruk Vandeweghe, United States Pedro Cunha, Brazil Bill Boullianne, United States Ian Clark, United States Dio Lequaglie, Italy 107 4 6 7 15 20 24 24 25 33 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.7% 75.0% 50.0% 42.9% 20.0% 15.0% 12.5% 12.5% 12.0% 9.1% 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.7% 75.0% 50.0% 42.9% 26.7% 20.0% 16.7% 16.7% 16.0% 12.1% 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Julius Brink, Germany Kjell Schneider, Germany Christoph Dieckmann, Germany Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany Pat Powers, United States Jose Montanaro, Brazil Renan Dal Zotto, Brazil Eric Wurts, United States Scott Friederichsen, United States Al Janc, United States 39 45 75 84 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 7.7% 6.7% 4.0% 3.6% 100.0% 100.0% 66.7% 66.7% 66.7% 50.0% 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 4 5 6 2 2 3 2 2 3 7.7% 8.9% 6.7% 7.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 66.7% 66.7% 75.0% 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Steve Timmons, United States Eduardo Tinoco, Brazil Edinho de Mattos, Brazil Sean Fallowfield, United States Eduardo Bacil, Brazil Canyon Ceman, United States Jeff Nygaard, United States Pablo Herrera, Spain Sixto Jimenez, Spain Dax Holdren, United States 4 4 6 6 11 16 17 28 30 37 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 50.0% 50.0% 33.3% 33.3% 18.2% 12.5% 11.8% 7.1% 6.7% 5.4% 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 33.3% 27.3% 12.5% 17.6% 7.1% 6.7% 8.1% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 52 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Rank 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Player, Country Rob Heidger, United States Fabio Diez, Spain Jose Salema, Argentina Jody Holden, Canada Joao Brenha, Portugal Luis Maia, Portugal Conrad Leinemann, Canada Dan Vrebalovich, United States Giovanni Errichiello, Italy Troy Tanner, United States Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium Final 4s 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Pct. 5.3% 2.7% 2.5% 2.0% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 100.0% 50.0% 50.0% 4th 38 73 81 99 110 114 114 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 6 6 1 0 0 0 5 4 3 3 8 8 3 1 1 1 Pct. 13.2% 5.5% 3.7% 3.0% 7.3% 7.0% 2.6% 100.0% 50.0% 50.0% 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Luis Amerigo, Brazil Mark Eller, United States Bernard Rajzman, Brazil Todd Schaefer, United States Marlos Cogo, Brazil Marco Tullio, Brazil Koichiro Kanno, Japan Duda Macedo, Brazil Marco Solustri, Italy Mark Williams, Australia 3 3 4 4 6 8 13 16 18 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33.3% 33.3% 25.0% 25.0% 16.7% 12.5% 7.7% 6.3% 5.6% 5.0% 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 33.3% 33.3% 75.0% 25.0% 16.7% 12.5% 7.7% 6.3% 22.2% 10.0% 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Giovane Gavio, Brazil Jefferson Bellaguarda, Brazil Niklas Rademacher, Germany Sergey Ermishin, Russia Andy Burdin, Australia David Klemperer, Germany Todd Rogers, United States Clemens Doppler, Austria Kazuyuki Takao, Japan Andrea Ghiurghi, Italy 24 28 41 43 47 47 48 48 54 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.2% 3.6% 2.4% 2.3% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 1.9% 1.3% 0 3 0 1 3 1 4 2 0 0 1 4 1 2 4 2 5 3 1 1 4.2% 14.3% 2.4% 4.7% 8.5% 4.3% 10.4% 6.3% 1.9% 1.3% 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Josh Slack, Australia Mikhail Kouchnerev, Russia Andrew Schacht, Australia Nikolas Berger, Austria Sean Scott, United States Aloizio Claudino, Brazil Juca Dultra, Brazil Gianni Mascagna, Italy Michal Palinek, Czech Republic Craig Moothart, United States 78 84 89 91 33 7 12 14 82 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 1 2.6% 2.4% 2.2% 3.3% 12.1% 28.6% 16.7% 14.3% 2.4% 50.0% 131 132 133 134 135 Franco Bertoli, Italy Akihiro Iwashima, Japan Jon Stevenson, United States Klepper Feitosa, Brazil Alain Fabiani, France 3 3 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 25.0% 25.0% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 53 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Rank Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium Final 4s 4 4 5 5 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pct. 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4th 136 137 138 139 140 Player, Country Fabio Vullo, Italy Eizaburo Mitsuhashi, Japan Nilo Chavarry, Brazil Philippe Blain, France Thorsten Schoen, Germany 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pct. 25.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 9.1% 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Matteo Varnier, Italy Ricardo Lione, Italy Murilo Toscano, Brazil Marvin Polte, Germany Chip McCaw, United States Martin Lebl, Czech Republic Rivo Vesik, Estonia Eddie Drakich, Canada Premysl Kubala, Czech Rep. Oliver Oetke, Germany 10 69 10 16 18 19 36 37 46 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0% 1.4% 10.0% 6.3% 5.6% 5.3% 2.8% 2.7% 2.2% 2.1% 151 152 153 Kristjan Kais, Estonia Peter Gartmayer, Austria Robert Nowotny, Austria 51 55 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.0% 1.8% 1.4% MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Player, Country Events Golds Player, Country Events Bronzes Player, Country Emanuel Rego, Brazil Ricardo Santos, Brazil Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil Jose Loiola, Brazil Roberto Lopes, Brazil Franco Neto, Brazil Randy Stoklos, United States Marcio Araujo, Brazil Sinjin Smith, United States Para Ferreira, Brazil Player, Country Emanuel Rego, Brazil Guilherme Marques, Brazil Ricardo Santos, Brazil Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil Para Ferreira, Brazil Martin Laciga, Switzerland Martin Conde, Argentina Paul Laciga, Switzerland Jose Loiola, Brazil Marcio Araujo, Brazil Franco Neto, Brazil 143 101 94 66 90 120 14 68 104 112 Events 143 83 101 94 112 129 145 125 66 68 120 54 34 26 20 15 15 10 10 10 9 Silvers 19 18 17 16 14 14 13 13 12 10 10 Emanuel Rego, Brazil Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil Franco Neto, Brazil Ricardo Santos, Brazil Guilherme Marques, Brazil Martin Conde, Argentina Roberto Lopes, Brazil Tande Ramos, Brazil Para Ferreira, Brazil Jan Kvalheim, Norway Bjorn Maaseide, Norway Player, Country Martin Conde, Argentina Franco Neto, Brazil Martin Laciga, Switzerland Paul Laciga, Switzerland Jan Kvalheim, Norway Paulao Moreira, Brazil Bjorn Maaseide, Norway John Child, Canada Benjamin Insfran, Brazil Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil Mark Heese, Canada 143 94 120 101 83 145 90 70 112 98 134 Events 145 120 129 125 98 86 134 126 64 87 130 28 14 14 12 12 12 11 10 9 9 9 4ths 12 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 Gold Medal Match Record Randy Stoklos, United States 10-0 Jan Kvalheim, Norway 7-2 Paulao Moreira, Brazil 7-2 Bjorn Maaseide, Norway 7-2 Emanuel Rego, Brazil 54-19 Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil 5-2 Roberto Lopes, Brazil 15-7 Ricardo Santos, Brazil 34-17 Tande Ramos, Brazil 7-4 Jose Loiola, Brazil 20-12 Sinjin Smith, United States 10-6 Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil 26-16 Franco Neto, Brazil 15-10 Harley Marques, Brazil 3-2 Kent Steffes, United States 3-2 Marcio Araujo, Brazil 10-10 Mike Dodd, United States 3-3 Karch Kiraly, United States 3-3 Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil 3-3 Benjamin Insfran, Brazil 8-9 Mariano Baracetti, Argentina 5-6 Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland 2-3 Stefan Kobel, Switzerland 2-3 Kevin Wong, United States 2-3 Para Ferreira, Brazil 9-14 Martin Conde, Argentina 7-13 Pct. 100.0% 77.8% 77.8% 77.8% 74.0% 71.4% 68.2% 66.7% 63.6% 62.5% 62.5% 61.9% 60.0% 60.0% 60.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 47.1% 45.5% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 39.1% 35.0% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 54 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR CAREER INDIVIDUAL LEADERS (through November 27, 2005) For all FIVB-sanctioned events, including challenger and satellite tournaments Rank, Gold Medals 1, Emanuel Rego, Brazil, 55 2, Ricardo Santos, Brazil, 35 3, Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil, 26 4, Jose Loiola, Brazil, 20 5, Roberto Lopes, Brazil, 15 5, Franco Neto, Brazil, 15 7, Marcio Araujo, Brazil, 10 7, Sinjin Smith, United States, 10 7, Randy Stoklos, United States, 10 7, Para Ferreira, Brazil, 10 Rank, Player, Winnings 1, Emanuel Rego, Brazil, $1,479,035 2, Ricardo Santos, Brazil, $886,120 3, Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil, $850,350 4, Franco Neto, Brazil, $724,723 5, Martin Conde, Argentina, $700,285 6, Roberto Lopes, Brazil, $624,473 7, Martin Laciga, Switzerland, $605,185 8, Para Ferreira, Brazil, $593,350 9, Bjorn Maaseide, Norway, $584,155 10, Paul Laciga, Switzerland, $574,360 Rank, Player, Tournaments 1, Martin Conde, Argentina, 149 2, Emanuel Rego, Brazil, 144 3, Julien Prosser, Australia, 140 4, Jorre Kjemperud, Norway, 137 5, Bjorn Maaseide, Norway, 135 6, Martin Laciga, Switzerland, 133 6, Javier Bosma, Spain, 133 8, Vegard Hoidalen, Norway, 132 9, Mark Heese, Canada, 131 10, Mariano Baracetti, Argentina, 129 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR CAREER TEAM LEADERS LEADERS (through November 27, 2005 For all FIVB-sanctioned events, including challenger and satellite tournaments Rank, Team Gold Medals 1, Emanuel Rego / Ricardo Santos, Brazil, 19 2, Jose Loiola / Emanuel Rego, Brazil, 15 2, Emanuel / Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil, 15 4, Franco Neto / Roberto Lopes, Brazil, 13 5, Ze Marco / Ricardo, Brazil, 11 6, Randy Stoklos / Sinjin Smith, USA, 10 7, Marcio Araujo / Benjamin Insfran, Brazil, 8 8, Jan Kvalheim / Bjorn Maaseide, Norway, 7 8, Guilherme Marques / Para Ferreira, Brazil, 7 8, Martin Laciga / Paul Laciga, Switzerland, 7 Rank, Team, Winnings 1, M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland, $1,014,070 2, Guilherme / Para, Brazil, $886,600 3, Emanuel / Ricardo, Brazil, $849,730 4, Franco / Roberto Lopes, Brazil, $839,146 5, Emanuel / Ze Marco, Brazil, $796,400 6, John Child / Mark Heese, Canada, $791,800 7, Kvalheim / Maaseide, Norway, $786,750 8, Loiola / Emanuel, Brazil, $717,350 9, E. Martinez / Martin Conde, Argentina, $707,125 10, Ze Marco / Ricardo, Brazil, $623,500 Rank, Team, Tournaments 1, M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland, 118 2, Child / Heese, Canada, 115 3, Jorre Kjemperud / V. Hoidalen, Norway, 113 4, Luis Maia / Joao Brenha, Portugal, 110 5, Jorg Ahmann / Axel Hager, Germany, 105 6, Stephane Canet / Mathieu Hamel, France, 95 7, Kvalheim / Maaseide, Norway, 94 8, Jody Holden / Conrad Leinemann, Canada, 90 9, Julien Prosser / Lee Zahner, Australia, 87 10, Christian Penigaud / J-P Jodard, France, 86 MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - Top Season Earnings Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 27, 2005 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 Team, Country Emanuel Rego / Ze Marco de Melo, Brazil Emanuel / Ricardo Santos, Brazil Jose Loiola / Emanuel, Brazil Marcio Araujo / Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil Emanuel / Ricardo, Brazil Franco Neto / Roberto Lopes, Brazil Ze Marco / Ricardo, Brazil Guilherme Marques / Rogerio Para, Brazil Emanuel / Ze Marco, Brazil Emanuel / Ricardo, Brazil Ze Marco / Ricardo Santos, Brazil Emanuel / Ze Marco, Brazil Emanuel / Tande Ramos, Brazil Loiola / Emanuel, Brazil John Child / Mark Heese, Canada Eduardo Martinez / Martin Conde, Argentina Guilherme / Rogerio, Brazil Conde / Mariano Baracetti, Argentina Harley Marques / Benjamin Insfran, Brazil Jan Kvalheim / Bjorn Maaseide, Norway Franco / Roberto Lopes, Brazil Loiola / Emanuel, Brazil Guilherme / Rogerio, Brazil Loiola / Ricardo, Brazil Marcio Araujo / Benjamin, Brazil Guilherme / Rogerio, Brazil Martin Laciga / Markus Egger, Switzerland Franco / Tande, Brazil M. Laciga / Paul Laciga, Switzerland Markus Dieckmann / Jonas Reckermann, Germany M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland Marcio Araujo / Benjamin, Brazil M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland Earnings $332,000 $326,350 $311,500 $290,700 $260,500 $256,000 $248,500 $243,000 $239,000 $237,000 $231,000 $225,400 $223,000 $221,850 $216,500 $214,500 $210,400 $207,000 $206,850 $206,500 $193,000 $184,000 $181,500 $180,000 $173,500 $166,200 $165,600 $158,250 $158,000 $157,000 $154,000 $152,000 $152,000 Year Season Rank 1996 1 2005 1 1999 1 2005 2 2004 1 1995 1 1999 2 1996 2 1995 2 2003 1 2002 1 1997 1 2001 1 1998 1 1996 3 1996 4 1998 2 2001 2 2005 3 1996 5 1996 6 2002 2 1999 3 2001 3 2003 2 1997 2 2005 4 2004 2 1999 4 2004 3 2002 3 2002 4 2001 4 Rank 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 NR NR NR NR NR NR Team, Country Stefan Kobel / Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland Mike Dodd / Mike Whitmarsh, United States Kvalheim / Maaseide, Norway Ze Marco / Ricardo, Brazil M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland Martinez / Conde, Argentina Paulao Moreira / Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil Conde / Baracetti, Argentina Julius Brink / Kjell Schneider, Germany Kobel / Heuscher, Switzerland Marcio Araujo / Benjamin, Brazil Earnings $151,500 $148,500 $147,200 $144,000 $142,800 $132,600 $132,000 $130,800 $130,350 $129,750 $129,000 Christoph Dieckmann / Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany $128,000 Sinjin Smith / Carl Henkel, United States $125,500 Martinez / Conde, Argentina $120,900 M. Dieckmann / Reckermann, Germany $118,150 Paulao / Paulo Emilio, Brazil $117,900 Loiola / Santos, Brazil $117,510 M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland $117,100 Stein Metzger / Kevin Wong, United States $113,500 Kvalheim / Maaseide, Norway $111,250 P. Laciga / Sascha Heyer, Switzerland $108,450 Randy Stoklos / Sinjin Smith, United States $106,000 M. Laciga / P. Laciga, Switzerland $103,500 Egger / Heyer, Switzerland $102,600 Franco / Harley, Brazil $101,500 Marcio Araujo / Benjamin, Brazil $100,325 Guilherme / Andre Lima, Brazil $37,000 Franco / Roberto Lopes, Brazil $29,000 Stoklos / Sinjin, United States $27,000 Franco / Roberto Lopes, Brazil $13,676 Karch Kiraly / Pat Powers, United States $12,000 Stoklos / Smith, United States $5,000 Year Season Rank 2004 4 1996 7 1997 3 1998 3 1998 4 1998 5 1996 8 2004 5 2005 5 2005 6 2004 6 2005 7 1996 9 1997 4 2005 8 1997 5 2002 1 2004 7 2001 5 1994 1 2005 9 1992 1 2003 3 2004 8 2003 4 2002 2 1991 1 1993 1 1989 1 1990 1 1988 1 1987 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 55 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - COUNTRY MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 FI VBWomen’ s“Maj or ”Medal s Country Brazil United States Australia China Germany Greece Japan Czech Republic Cuba Netherlands Italy Switzerland Canada Portugal Gold Silver 68 59 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 69 42 11 1 5 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Medal Bronze .............. Total 59 42 17 5 2 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 196 143 31 8 7 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 4th.................... Final Place...............Fours 40 ........................236 42 ........................185 16 ..........................47 6 ............................14 6 ............................13 2 ..............................7 4 ..............................8 2 ..............................6 2 ..............................4 5 ..............................6 3 ..............................4 3 ..............................4 1 ..............................1 1 ..............................1 · There have been 134 women’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour Beach Volleyball events (open, Grand Slam, Olympic and Goodwill).Thef i r stwomen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour event was played August 14-16, 1992 at Almeria, Spain. · Brazil has advanced two teams to the Gold Medal match 28 times. · Brazil has captured all four semi-final berths twice. · Brazil has had three teams advance to the semi-finals in 25 events. · Brazil has captured all three podium finishes at 13 different events. · Brazil has had a team(s) in 109 Gold Medal matches. · Brazil has advanced a team(s) to a FIVB semi-final 124 times. · The United States has advanced two teams to the Gold Medal match in 15 events. · The United States has advanced three teams to the semi-finals in 14 events. · The United States captured all three podium places once (Norway 2004). · The United States has advanced a team(s) to a FIVB semi-final 108 times. · There have been 91 events where two different countries battled for the Gold Medal. · · · · · · Brazil vs. USA ....................... United States leads 37-26 Brazil vs. Australia................................. Brazil leads 6-2 Australia vs. USA..................................... USA leads 5-1 Brazil vs. Germany ................................ Brazil leads 4-0 China vs. Brazil........................................ Tied leads 1-1 Brazil vs. Greece...................................... Tied leads 1-1 · · · · · · Brazil vs. Japan ..................................... Brazil leads 1-0 Japan vs. United States...........................USA leads 1-0 Netherlands vs. Germany...........Netherlands leads 1-0 China vs. Cuba ...................................... China leads 1-0 Brazil vs. Cuba ...................................... Brazil leads 1-0 Greece vs. United States .........................USA leads 1-0 · There have been only 12 events that featured four different countries in the semi-finals, including the 2005 SWATCH- FIVB World Championships (United States, Brazil, China and Cuba). TOP SEVEN –Six Brazilian women tandems finished among the top seven finishes in the 2004 Rio de Janeiro event. Thi swasa“ f i r st ”i nSWATCH-FIVB World Tour history for either men or women teams. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 56 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “ OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Spain - Almeria (8/14-16/92), $50,000 .......................... Event No. 1 1. Karolyn Kirby/Nancy Reno, UNITED STATES, $19,000 2. Linda Chisholm/Angela Rock, UNITED STATES, $8,000 3. Rose Moreira/Roseli Timm, BRAZIL, $6,000 4. Maria Salgado/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $4,00 United States - Clearwater (5/5-7/95), $50,000.................... No. 12 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $10,000 2. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $7,000 3. Holly McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $5,000 4. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $3,000 Brazil - Recife (4/17-21/96), $140,000................................... No. 23 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $14,600 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,200 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $6,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/9-14/93), $50,000........................... No. 2 1. Kirby/Reno, UNITED STATES, $20,000 2. Monica Rodrigues/Adriana Samuel, BRAZIL, $10,000 3. Karina Silva/Jackie. Silva, BRAZIL, $6,000 4. Liz Masakayan/Chisholm, UNITED STATES, $4,000 United States - Hermosa (7/14-16/95), $50,000 .................. No. 13 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $7,000 3. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $5,000 4. Richardson/Dennie Shupryt-Knoop, USA, $3,000 United States - Hermosa (6/21-23/96), $140,000 ................ No. 24 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $14,600 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,200 3. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $8,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $6,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (11/11-14/93), $50,000 ...................... No. 3 1. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $11,000 2. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $6,500 3. Adriana Behar/Madga Lima, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Karina Silva/Sandra Pires, BRAZIL, $4,500 Korea - Pusan (7/20-22/95), $50,000 .................................... No. 14 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $7,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $3,000 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games (7/23/27/96) .......................... No. 25 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA 4. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES United States - Miami Beach (1/15-22/94), $50,000.............. No. 4 1. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $15,000 2. Barbra Fontana/Lori Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $9,000 3. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $6,500 4. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $5,500 Japan - Osaka (7/27-29/95), $50,000 .................................... No. 15 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Linda Hanley/Rock, UNITED STATES, $7,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $3,000 Japan - Osaka (8/9-11/96), $140,000 .................................... No. 26 1. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $14,600 2. Danalee Bragado/Pat Keller, UNITED STATES, $11,200 3. Liane Fenwick/Sarah Straton, AUSTRALIA, $8,000 4. Takahashi/Kaori Tsuchiya, JAPAN, $6,000 Chile - LaSerena (2/8-11/94), $50,000 .................................... No. 5 1. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $11,000 2. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $7,040 3. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $5,500 4. Gail Castro/Elaine Roque, UNITED STATES, $4,500 Portugal - Espinho (8/25-27/95), $50,000 ............................ No. 16 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Hanley/Rock, UNITED STATES, $7,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $3,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/9-11/96), $140,000 ............................. No 27 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $14,600 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,200 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 4. Maike Friedrichsen/Musch, GERMANY $6,000 Russia - St. Petersburg Goodwill Games (7/23-28/94), $50,000 .................................. No. 6 1. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $15,000 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $12,000 3. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $8,000 4. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $5,000 Indonesia - Bali (9/15-17/95), $50,000 .................................. No. 17 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $7,000 3. Kirby/Rock, UNITED STATES, $5,000 4. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $3,000 Belgium - Ostend (8/17-18/96), $140,000............................. No. 28 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $14,600 2. Buhler/Musch, GERMANY $11,200 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 4. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $6,000 Australia - Brisbane (10/6-8/95), $50,000 ............................ No. 18 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $7,000 3. Beate Buhler/Danja Musch, GERMANY $5,000 4. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $3,000 Korea - Pusan (8/23-25/96), $140,000 .................................. No. 29 1. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $14,600 2. Yukiko Ishizaka/Takahashi, JAPAN, $11,200 3. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $8,00 4. Masakayan/Rock, UNITED STATES, $6,000 Puerto Rico - Carolina (11/10-12/95), $50,000 .................... No. 19 1. Kirby/Reno, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $7,000 3. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Buhler/Musch, GERMANY $3,000 Puerto Rico - Carolina (9/6-8/96), $300,000......................... No. 30 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $31,500 2. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $24,750 3. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $18,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $13,500 Brazil - Santos (11/16-19/95), $50,000.................................. No. 20 1. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES, $10,000 2. McPeak/Rock, UNITED STATES, $7,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $5,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $3,000 Brazil - Salvador (11/7-10/96), $$140,000 ............................ No. 31 1. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $14,600 2. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $11,200 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 4. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $6,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/28-3/2/96), $150,000 ................... No. 21 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $21,000 3. Shelda Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $9,000 Indonesia - Jakarta (11/22-24/96), $140,000........................ No. 32 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $14,200 2. Maike Friedrichsen/Musch, GERMANY $11,200 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $8,000 4. McPeak/Karrie Poppinga, UNITED STATES, $6,000 Brazil - Maceio (4/10-14/96), $140,000 ................................. No. 22 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $14,600 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,200 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 4. Buhler/Musch, GERMANY $6,000 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/13-16/97), $120,000 ..................... No.33 1. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $12,500 2. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $8,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $4,000 Japan - Osaka (8/4-7/94), $50,000 .......................................... No. 7 1. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $11,000 2. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $6,500 3. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $5,500 4. Sachiko Fujita/Yukiko Takahashi, JAPAN, $4,500 Puerto Rico - Carolina (8/19-21/94), $50,000 ........................ No. 8 1. Castro/Roque, UNITED STATES, $11,000 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $6,500 3. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Behar/Lima, BRAZIL, $4,500 Brazil - Santos (11/17-20/94), $50,000.................................... No. 9 1. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,000 2. Kirby/Masakayan, UNITED STATES, $6,500 3. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $4,500 Chile - LaSerena (2/9-12/95), $50,000 .................................. No. 10 1. Pires/Jackie. Silva, BRAZIL, $11,000 2. Kirby/Deb Richardson, UNITED STATES, $6,500 3. Fontana/Forsythe, UNITED STATES, $5,500 4. Lisa Arce/Christine Schaefer, UNITED STATES, $4,500 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (3/2-5/95), $50,000........................... No. 11 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $11,000 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $6,500 3. Kirby/Richardson, UNITED STATES, $5,500 4. Behar/Lima, BRAZIL, $4,500 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 57 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “ OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Australia - Melbourne (3/13-16/97), $120,000 ..................... No. 34 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $12,500 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $5,500 4. Poppinga/Rock, UNITED STATES, $4,000 Italy - Pescara (7/4-6/97), $120,000....................................... No. 35 1. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $12,500 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Fontana/Reno, UNITED STATES, $4,000 France - Marseille (7/24-26/97), $120,000 ............................ No. 36 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $12,500 2. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $8,000 3. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $4,000 Portugal - Espinho (8/1-3/97), $120,000 .............................. No. 37 1. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $12,500 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Pires/Jackie. Silva, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, USA, $4,000 Japan - Osaka (8/8-10/97), $120,000 .................................... No. 38 1. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $12,500 2. Friedrichsen/Musch, GERMANY $8,000 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $5,500 4. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $4,000 Korea - Pusan (8/15-17/97), $120,000 .................................. No. 39 1. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $12,500 2. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $8,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $5,500 4. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $4,000 United States - Los Angeles World Championships (9/10-13/97), $300,000.................... No. 40 1. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $21,000 3. Kirby/Reno, UNITED STATES, $11,500 Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $11,500 Brazil - Salvador (10/30-11/2/97), $80,000 ........................... No. 41 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $8,000 2. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $5,200 3. Pires/J. Silva, BRAZIL, $3,200 4. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, $2,400 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/26-3/1/98), $170,000 ................... No. 42 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Pauline Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $23,000 3. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Friedrichsen/Musch, GERMANY $12,000 Canada - Toronto (6/19-21/98), $170,000 ............................ No. 43 1. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES, $12,000 Italy - Vasto (7/3-5/98), $170,000........................................... No. 44 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Rodrigues/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES, $12,000 France - Marseille (7/23-25/98), $170,000 ............................ No. 45 1. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Rodrigues/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES, $12,000 United States - New York Goodwill Games (7/29-8/2/98), $100,000 ............................. No. 46 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $20,000 3. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Laura Bruschini/Annamarie Solazzi, ITA, $11,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/31-8/2/98), $170,000 ........................ No. 47 1. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Reno/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Rodrigues/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, $12,000 Japan - Osaka (8/7-9/98), $170,000 ...................................... No. 48 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $23,000 3. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Bruschini/Solazzi, ITALY, $11,000 China - Dalian (8/14-16/98), $170,000................................... No. 49 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $15,000 4. Bruschini/Solazzi, ITALY, $11,000 Brazil - Salvador (10/29-11/1/98), $170,000 ......................... No. 50 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Fontana/Hanley, UNITED STATES, $23,000 3. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,000 Mexico - Acapulco (4/9-11/99), $170,000.........................No. 51 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $20,000 3. Cook/Clarke, AUSTRALIA, $15,000 4. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,000 Canada - Toronto (6/18-20/99), $170,000 ........................No. 52 1. McPeak/Reno, UNITED STATES, $30,000 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA, $15,000 4. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,000 France - Marseille World Championships (7/21-24/99), $300,000 ................No. 53 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $60,000 2. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $39,000 3. Masakayan/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $24,000 4. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $18,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/30-8/1/99), $170,000 .....................No. 54 1. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $30,000 2. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $20,000 3. Masakayan/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $15,000 4. Arce/Fontana, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Japan - Osaka (8/6-8/99), $170,000..................................No. 55 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $20,000 3. Jackie Silva/Ana Paula Connelly, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $11,000 China - Dalian (8/13-15/99), $170,000 ..............................No. 56 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA, $20,000 3. Arce/Fontana, USA, $15,000 4. Masakayan/Youngs, USA, $11,000 Brazil - Salvador (11/4-7/99), $170,000 ........................... No. 57 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Masakayan/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $20,000 3. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $15,000 4. Arce/Fontana, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Brazil - Vitoria (2/3-6/00), $150,000 ................................. No. 58 1. Masakayan/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $26,000 2. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Takahashi/Teru Saiki, JAPAN, $14,000 4. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $10,000 Mexico - Rosarito (5/31-6/4/00), $150,000....................... No. 59 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Misty May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $10,000 Italy - Cagliari (6/7-11/00), $150,000 ................................ No. 60 1. Monica/Ana Paula Connelly, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $10,000 Canada - Toronto (6/13-18/00), $150,000........................ No. 61 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $14,000 4. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $10,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/21-25/00), $150,000 .................. No. 62 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Rodrigues/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $10,000 United States - Chicago (6/30-7/4/00), $200,000 ............ No. 63 1. May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $17,000 4. Hanley/Reno, UNITED STATES, $13,000 Germany - Berlin (7/12-16/00), $150,000......................... No. 64 1. May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $26,000 2. Tania Gooley/Manser, AUSTRALIA, $18,000 3. Takahashi/Teru Saiki, JAPAN, $14,000 4. Ulrike Schmidt/Gudula Staub, GERMANY, $10,000 France - Marseille (7/18-23/00), $150,000 ....................... No. 65 1. Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA, $26,000 2. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Monica/Ana Paula Connelly, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $10,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/25-29/00), $150,000...................... No. 66 1. Masakayan/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $26,000 2. Arce/Fontana, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $14,000 4. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $10,000 Japan - Osaka (8/2-6/00), $150,000 ................................. No. 67 1. Bede/Behar, BRAZIL, $26,000 2. Takahashi/Teru Saiki, JAPAN, $18,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $14,000 4. May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $10,000 China - Dalian (8/9-13/00), $150,000................................ No. 68 1. Masakayan/Youngs, USA, $26,000 2. May-Treanor/McPeak, USA, $18,000 3. Zi Xiong/Rong Chi, CHINA, $14,000 4. Maria Jose/Ana Cristina, PORTUGAL, $10,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 58 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “ OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Sydney 2000 Olympics Games (9/16-25/00)................... No. 69 1. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL 3. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL 4. Takahashi/Teru Saiki, JAPAN Hong Kong - Hong Kong (8/22-26/01), $180,000 ............No. 80 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta, ITALY, $14,000 4. Pires/Minello, BRAZIL, $11,000 China - Maoming (8/14-18/02), $150,000 ............................. No. 91 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,500 2. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,940 4. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $9,300 Brazil - Fortaleza (10/31-11/5/00), $150,000 .................... No. 70 1. May-Treanor/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $26,000 2. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Nancy Mason/Leanne Schuster, USA, $14,000 4. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $11,000 Australia - Brisbane Goodwill Games (8/29-9/4/01), $150,000..........................No. 81 1. Minello/Pires, BRAZIL, $30,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $24,000 3. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $19,500 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $15,500 Spain - Mallorca (9/3-7/02), $150,000 ................................... No. 92 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $22,500 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Ana Paula/Minello, BRAZIL, $11,940 4. Celbova/Novakova, CZECH REPUBLIC, $9,300 Macau - Macau (4/4-8/01), $180,000 ................................ No. 71 1. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $27,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. May/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $11,000 Italy - Cagliari (6/13-17/01), $180,000 .............................. No. 72 1. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $18,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Tatiana Minello/Pires, BRAZIL, $11,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/19-23/01), $180,000 .................. No. 73 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Pires/Minello, BRAZIL, $11,000 Spain - Gran Canaria (7/4-8/01), $180,000 ...................... No. 74 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Pires/Minello, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, CZECH REP., $11, 000 France - Marseille (7/16-22/01), $225,000 ....................... No. 75 1. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Arce/McPeak, UNITED STATES, $18,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $15,000 Portugal - Espinho (7/24-28/01), $180,000...................... No. 76 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,000 Austria - Klagenfurt World Championships (8/1-5/01), $250,000.................... No. 77 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $47,000 2. Pires/Minello, BRAZIL, $35,000 3. Celbova/Novakova, CZECH REPUBLIC, $21,000 4. Fontana/Youngs, USA, $15,000 Japan - Osaka (8/8-12/01), $180,000 ............................... No. 78 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Fontana/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,000 China - Maoming (8/15-19/01), $180,000......................... No. 79 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Pires/Minello, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $14,000 4. Zi Xiong/Rong Chi, CHINA, $11,000 Brazil - Fortaleza (10/30-11/4/01), $180,000 ....................No. 82 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. McPeak/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Dianne DeNecochea/Masakayan, USA, $14,000 4. Rebekka Kadijk/Marritt Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $11,000 Spain - Madrid (6/5-9/02), $150,000 .................................No. 83 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,500 2. Ana Paula/Minello, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,940 4. Alexandra Fonseca/Mônica, BRAZIL, $9,300 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/18-22/02), $150,000....................... No. 84 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,940 4. Alexandra/Mônica, BRAZIL, $9,300 Norway - Stavanger (7/2-6/02), $150,000............................. No. 85 1. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $22,500 2. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $15,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $11,940 4. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $9,300 Canada - Montreal (7/9-13/02), $150,000 ............................. No. 86 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,500 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $11,940 4. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $9,300 France - Marseille (7/16-20/02), $200,000 ............................ No. 87 1. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $30,000 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $20,000 3. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $15,900 4. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $12,100 Greece - Rhodes (7/24-28/02, $150,000............................... No. 88 1. McPeak/Youngs, USA, $22,500 2. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $15,000 3. Vassiliki Karadassiou/Efrosyni Sfyri, GREECE, $12,100 4. Kadijk/Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $9,300 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/31-8/3/02), $200,000........................ No. 89 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $30,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $20,000 3. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $15,900 4. Chiaki Kusuhara/Ryo Tokuno, JAPAN, $12,100 Japan - Osaka (8/7-11/02), $150,000 .................................... No. 90 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $22,500 2. Ana Paula/Minello, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $11,940 4. Kadijk/Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $9,300 Brazil - Vitoria (9/17-22/02), $150,000................................... No. 93 1. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $22,500 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Ana Paula/Minello BRAZIL, $11,940 4. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $9,300 Greece - Rhodes (6/11-15/03), $150,000 ......................... No. 94 1. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Behar/Bede, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $12,000 4. Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, CUBA, $9,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/17-21/03) $150,000 ................... No. 95 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,000 2. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Behar/Bede, BRAZIL, $12,000 4. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $9,000 Germany - Berlin (6/24-28/03), $300,000......................... No. 96 1. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $45,000 2. McPeak/Youngs, USA, $30,000 3. Behar/Bede, BRAZIL, $23,000 4. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA, $18,000 Norway - Stavanger (7/1-5/03) $150,000 ......................... No. 97 1. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $15,000 3. Behar/Bede, BRAZIL, $12,000 4. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $9,000 France - Marseille (7/15-19/03), $270,000 ....................... No. 98 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $40,000 2. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $28,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $20,000 4. Cook/Nicole Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, $16,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/30-8/2/03), $260,000 ................... No. 99 1. Walsh/May, UNITED STATES, $40,000 2. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $27,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $20,000 4. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $15,000 Japan - Osaka (8/6-10/03), $150,000 ............................. No. 100 1. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. Cook/Nicole Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 4. Alexandra/Minello, BRAZIL, $9,000 China - Lianyungang (8/13-17/03) $150,000 ................. No. 101 1. Kadijka/Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $22,000 2. Susanne Lahme/Musch, GERMANY, $15,000 3. Cook/Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, $12,000 4. Nicole Schnyder/Simone Kuhn, SWITZERLAND, $9,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 59 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR “ OPEN”FINAL 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Indonesia - Bali (8/20-24/03), $150,000 ......................... No. 102 1. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $22,000 2. Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, CUBA, $15,000 3. Celbova/Novakova, CZECH REPUBLIC, $12,000 4. Lu Wang/Whenhui You, CHINA, $9,000 Spain - Mallorca (7/6-7/10/04), $180,000.........................No. 113 1. Felisberta Silva/Larissa, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Lahme/Musch, GERMANY, $18,000 3. Celbova/Novakova, CZECH REPUBLIC, $14,000 4. Summer Lochowicz/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, $11,000 Norway - Stavanger (6/28-7/2/05), $280,000 .................. No. 124 1. Karadassiou/Arvaniti, GREECE, $41,500 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $27,500 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $21,500 4. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $16,900 Italy - Milan (9/3-7/03) $150,000 ..................................... No. 103 1. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $22,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $15,000 3. DeNecochea/Mason, UNITED STATES, $12,000 4. Kadijka/Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $9,000 France - Marseille (7/13-18/04), $280,000.......................No. 114 1. Walsh/Wacholder, UNITED STATES, $41,500 2. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $27,500 3. Felisberta Silva/Larissa, BRAZIL, $21,500 4. Carrie Busch/Mason, UNITED STATES, $16,900 Russia - St. Petersburg (7/5-9/05), $200,000 ................. No. 125 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Renata/Talita Antunes Rocha, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Leila/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Agatha Bednarczuk/Pires, BRAZIL, $12,000 United States - Carson (9/18-21/03), $300,000 ............. No. 104 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $45,000 2. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $30,000 3. Cook/Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, $23,000 4. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $18,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (7/28-7/31/04), $270,000.................No. 115 1. Walsh/Wacholder, UNITED STATES, $40,500 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 3. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $21,000 4. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,500 Portugal - Espinho (7/12-16/05), $200,000..................... No. 126 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Thalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, GRE, $22,000 3. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Rachel Wacholder/Elaine Youngs, USA, $12,000 Brazil, Rio de Janeiro World Championships (10/7-12/03), $400,000.............. No. 105 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $60,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $40,000 3. Cook/Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, $30,000 4. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $20,000 Greece - Athens (8/14-24) ...............................................No. 116 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL 3. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES 4. Cook/Sanderson, AUSTRALIA France - Paris (7/26-30/05), $280,000............................. No. 127 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,500 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $27,500 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $21,500 4. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,900 Italy - Milan (9/1-5/04), $180,000......................................No. 117 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Renata Ribeiro/Shaylyn Bedê, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Celbova/Novakova, CZECH REPUBLIC, $14,000 4. Schnyder/Kuhn, SWITZERLAND, $11,000 Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3-6/05), $280,000 ....................... No. 128 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,500 2. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,900 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $16,900 4. Adriana/Shaylyn, BRAZIL, $16,900 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (9/21-25/04), $180,000 ...............No. 118 1. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $27,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Felisberta Silva/Larissa, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Mônica Paludo/Angela Vieira, BRAZIL, $11,000 Canada - Montreal (8/24-28/05), $200,000 ..................... No. 129 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Sanne Keizer/Marrit Leenstra, NETHERLANDS, $12,000 China - Shanghai (5/17-21/05), $200,000........................No. 119 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Shelda /Adriana, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Shaylyn Bedê/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Jia Tian/Fei Wang, CHINA, $12,000 Greece - Athens (8/30-9/3/05), $200,000 ........................ No. 130 1. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Karadassiou/Arvaniti, GREECE, $12,000 Japan - Osaka (5/25-29/05), $200,000.............................No. 120 1. Shaylyn/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Kuhn/Lea Schwer, SWITZERLAND, $12,000 Indonesia - Bali (9/14-18/05), $200,000 ......................... No. 131 1. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Koutroumanidou/Tsiartsiani, Greece, $16,000 4. Leila/Ana Paula, BRAZIL, $12,000 Italy - Milan (6/8-12/05), $200,000....................................No. 121 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, GREECE, $16,000 3. Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, GERMANY, $16,000 4. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $12,000 Brazil - Salvador (10/18-22), $200,000 .......................... No. 132 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $12,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/14-18/05), $200,000..................No. 122 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 2. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $22,000 3. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, $12,000 4. Ana Paula/Leila Barros, Brazil, $12,000 Mexico - Acapulco (10/26-30), $200,000 ....................... No. 133 1. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $32,000 2. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $22,000 3. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $16,000 4. Jennifer Kessy/ Mason, UNITED STATES, $12,000 Germany, Berlin World Championships (6/21-25/05, $500,000 ................No. 123 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, $60,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $45,000 3. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $36,000 4. Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, CUBA, $26,000 South Africa –Cape Town (11/16-20), $200,000 .......... No. 134 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $32,000 2. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, $22,000 3. Maria Salgado/Carolina Salgado, BRAZIL, $16,000 4. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, $12,000 Brazil - Fortaleza (3/9-14/04), $180,000.......................... No. 106 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, $11,000 Greece - Rhodes (5/19-23/04), $180,000 ........................ No. 107 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $11,000 China - Shanghai (5/26-30/04), $180,000 ....................... No. 108 1. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $14,000 4. Lu Wang/Whenhui You, China, CHINA, $11,000 Japan - Osaka (6/2-6/04), $180,000 ................................ No. 109 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $28,000 2. Cook/Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, $18,000 3. Schnyder/Kuhn, SWITZERLAND, $14,000 4. Karadassiou/Sfyri, GREECE, $11,000 Switzerland - Gstaad (6/15-19/04), $180,000 ................. No. 110 1. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $18,000 3. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, $11,000 Germany - Berlin (6/22-26/04), $300,000........................ No. 111 1. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, $43,000 2. Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, CUBA, $29,500 3. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $23,000 4. Suzanne Lahme/Musch, GERMANY, $18,500 Norway - Stavanger (6/29-7/3/04), $180,000 .................. No. 112 1. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, $27,000 2. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, $18,000 3. Walsh/Rachel Wacholder, UNITED STATES, $14,000 4. Guylaine Dumont/Annie Martin, CANADA, $11,000 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 60 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 FIVB BEACH VOLLEYBALL CHALLENGER & SATELLITE WOMEN’ SEVENTSFI NAL4s Italy Challenger - Vasto (7/4-7/96), $30,000.............. Event No. 1 1. Beate Buhler/Danja Musch, Germany, $6,000 2. Maike Friedrichsen/Silke Schmitt, Germany, $4,500 3. Christine Podraza/Karrie Poppinga, United States, $3,300 4. Annamaria Solazzi/Consuelo Turetta, Italy, $2,400 Italy Challenger - Cagliari (7/24-25/04), $35,000 .................No. 9 1. Marie-Andree Lessard/Sarah Maxwell, Canada, $5,100 2. Talita Rocha/Maria Clara Salgado Rufino, Brazil, $4,100 3. Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta, Italy, $3,300 4. Judith Deister/Mireya Kaup, Germany, $2,500 Italy Satellite, Vasto (8/5-7/05), $10,000............................ No. 17 1. Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba, Italy, $2,000 2. Lucilla Perrotta/Diletta Lunardi, Italy, $1,500 3. Roberta Marini/Daniela Gioria, Italy, $1,200 4. Cristiana Parenzan/Mara Palmeri, Italy, $800 Switzerland Satellite - Jona (8/14-16/98), $10,000 ............. No. 2 Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/5-7/04), $15,000........No. 10 1. Sanne Keizer/Merel Mooren, Netherlands, $2,500 2. Cecilie Josefsen/Kristine Wiig, Norway, $2,000 3. Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria, $1,700 4. Isabelle Forrer/Annik Skrivan, Switzerland, $1,300 Switzerland Satellite, Lausanne (8/10-13/05), $15,000..... No. 18 1. Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer, Switzerland, $3,400 2. Kaup/Banck, Germany, $2,400 3. Sara Goller/Larua Ludwig, Germany, $1,700 4. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $1,300 Italy Challenger - Portici (7/2-4/99), $30,000....................... No. 3 1. Adriana Bento Buczmiejuk/Monica Paludo, Brazil, $4,000 2. Ines Pianka/Stephanie Pohl, Germany, $3,200 3. Denise Austin/Monique Oliver, England, $2,600 4. Kristen Schritter/Julie Sprague, United States, $2,000 France Satellite - Porticcio Corsica (8/21-22/04), $10,000.No. 11 1. Katerina Tychnova/Marketa Tychnova, Czech Rep., $2,000 2. Carole Cordinnier/Mathilde Giordano, France, $1,500 3. Svitlana Baburina/Galyna Osheyko, Ukraine, $1,200 4. Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria, $800 Liechtenstein Satellite, Vaduz (8/18-20), $10,000 .......... No. 19 1. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $2,000 2. Annalea Hartmann/Dorothea Hebeisen, Switzerland, $1,500 3. Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda, Austria, $1,200 4. Nadia Erni/Karin Trüssel, Switzerland, $800 Italy Satellite - Porto San Giorgio (7/13-15/99), $10,000 ..... No. 4 1. Caterina De Marinis/Cilene Nascimento, Italy, $2,000 2. Barb Broen Ouellette/Christine Lussier, Canada, $1,500 3. Laura Almaral/Mayra Huerta, Mexico, $1,200 4. Olga Matveeva/Anna Bobrova, Russia, $800 France Satellite - Lavandou (8/27-29/04), $10,000............No. 12 1. Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo, France, $2,000 2. Emilia Nystrom/Erika Nystrom, Finland, $1,500 3. Carole Cordinnier/Mathilde Giordano, France, $1,200 4. Svitlana Baburina/Galyna Osheyko, Ukraine, $800 Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (7/5-9/00), $30,000 ........... No. 5 1. Lina Yanchulova /Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $4,000 2. Vasso Karadassiou /Efi Sfyri, Greece, $3,200 3. Antonella Del Core/Caterina De Marinis, Italy, $2,600 Thailand Challenger - Bangkok (2/24-27/05), $10,000......No. 13 1. Linjun Ji and Whenhui You, China, $2,000 2. Kamoltip Kulna/Usa Tenpaksee, Thailand, $1,500 3. Kasinee Godtalang/Arawan Tongkamkak, Thailand, $1,200 4. Diletta Lunardi/Annamaria Solazzi, Italy, $800 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Danalee Bragado/Gracie Santana-Baeni, United States, $2,000 Magi Schlaefli/Nicole Schnyder, Switzerland, $1,500 Annalea Hartmann/Denise Koelliker, Switzerland, $1,200 Cornelia Gerson/Evelyne Schneiter, Switzerland, $800 Rattanaporn Arlaisuk/Manatsanan Pangka, Thailand, $2,000 Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (6/29-7/1/01), $30,000 ...... No. 6 1. Rong Chi /Zi Xiong, China, $4,000 2. Danalee Bragado/Ali Wood, United States, $3,200 3. Vasso Karadassiou/Efi Sfyri, Greece, $2,600 4. Chiaki Kusuhara/Ryo Tokuno, Japan, $2,000 Italy Satellite, Alba Adriatica (7/22-24/05) $10,000 ............No. 14 1. Tereza Petrova/Hana Klapalova, Czech Republic, $2,000 2. Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina, Ukraine, $1,500 3. Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba, Italy, $1,200 4. Lenka Felbabova/Petra Novotna, Czech Republic, $800 Thailand Challenger - Pattaya (8/31-9/2/01), $30,000 ........ No. 7 1. Jennifer Kessy/Heather Lowe, United States, $4,000 2. Danalee Bragado/Lia Young, United States, $3,200 France Satellite, St. Jean de Monts (7/23-24/05), $10,000 No. 15 1. Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $2,000 2. Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo, France, $1,500 3. Inguna Minusa/Inese Jursone, Latvia, $1,200 4. Morgane Faure/Virginie Sarpaux, France, $800 3. 4. Rattanaporn Arlaisuk/Manatsanan Pangka, Thailand, $2,600 Kamoltip Kulna/Jarunee Sannok, Thailand, $2,000 France Satellite - Lavandou (8/22-24/03), $15,000 ............. No. 8 1. Emilia Nystrom/Erika Nystrom, Finland, $3,500 2. Svitlana Baburina/Galyna Osheyko, Ukraine, $2,500 3. Aurelie Beaule/Mathilde Giordano, France, $2,000 4. Irene Isidori/Roberta Marini, Italy, $1,500 France Satellite, Le Lavandou (8/20-21), $10,000........... No. 20 1. Arjona/Kadjo, France, $2,000 2. Morgane Faure/Virginie Sarpaux, France, $1,500 3. Tatiana Bareera/Eva Hamzaoui, France, $1,200 4. Osheyko/Baburina, Ukraine, $800 Argentina Satellite, Buenos Aires (10/13-15), $10,000 ..... No. 21 1. Montagnolli/Swoboda, Austria, $2,000 2. Lessard/Maxwell, Canada, $1,500 3. Nadia Campisi/Clara Lozano, Spain, $1,200 4. Denise Johns/Monique Oliver, England, $800 Thailand Challenger, Phuket (12/28-30), $50,000............. No. 22 1. Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka, Japan, $7,000 2. Kulna/Jarunee Sannok, Thailand, $5,800 3. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria, $4,600 4. Yupa Puklonogploy/Tenpaksee, Thailand, $3,600 Italy Satellite, Palinuro (7/29-31/05), $10,000 ....................No. 16 1. Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina, Ukraine, $2,000 2. Mireya Kaup/Geeske Banck, Germany, $1,500 3. Sara Uddstahl/Karin Lundquist, Sweden, $1,200 4. Gaia Cicola/Margherita Reniero, Italy, $800 WOMEN’ SCHALLENGER/SATELLITE MEDALS, PODIUMS & FINAL FOURS Country France Italy Germany United States Bulgaria Switzerland Ukraine Thailand Austria Canada Czech Republic China Brazil Gold 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 Silver 3 1 4 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 1 Bronze 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 Podiums 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 4ths Final 4s 1..................... 9 5................... 12 1..................... 7 1..................... 6 1..................... 5 3..................... 7 2..................... 6 3..................... 7 1..................... 4 0..................... 3 1..................... 3 0..................... 2 0..................... 2 Country Finland Greece Japan Netherlands Latvia Sweden Norway England Mexico Spain Russia Total Gold 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Silver 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 22 Bronze 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 22 Podiums 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 66 4ths Final 4s 0..................... 2 0..................... 2 1..................... 2 0..................... 1 0..................... 1 0..................... 1 0..................... 1 1..................... 2 0..................... 1 0..................... 1 1..................... 1 22 88 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 61 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR WOMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) Australia (three major gold medals) 1. Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst def. Danalee Bragado/Pat Keller, UNITED STATES, Japan - Osaka (8/11/1996), 12-6, 12-2 (59 minutes), FIVB Event No. 26 2. Cook/Pottharst def. Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, BRAZIL, Australia - Sydney 2000 Olympics Games (9/25/2000), 12-11, 12-10 (75), No. 69 3. Cook/Pottharst def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Macau - Macau (4/8/2001), 28-26, 21-13 (49), No. 71 Austria (one minor gold medal) 1. Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda def. Marie-Andree Lessard/Sarah Maxwell, CANADA, Argentina Satellite - Buenos Aires, 10/15/2005), 21-17, 17-21, 15-13 (56 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 21 Brazil (68 major gold medals, one minor gold medal 1. Isabel Salgado/Roseli Timm def. Barbra Fontana/Lori Forsythe, United States - Miami Beach (1/22/1994), 12-3, 12-14, 16-14, (69 minutes), FIVB Event No. 4 2. Monica Rodrigues/Adriana Samuel def. Karoly Kirby/Liz Masakayan, USA, Brazil - Santos (11/20/1994), 10-12, 12-8, 15-3 (80), No. 9 3. Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva def. Kirby/Deb Richardson, USA, Chile - LaSerena (2/12/1995), 12-7, 9-12, 13-11 (72), No. 10 4. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (3/5/1995), 12-8, 12-9 (67), No. 11 5. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Kirby/Masakayan, USA, United States - Clearwater (5/7/1995), 12-3, 12-8 (67), No. 12 6. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (3/2/1996), 12-8, 12-9 (87), No. 21 7. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Brazil - Maceio (4/14/1996), 12-6, 12-11 (103), No. 22 8. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Brazil - Recife (4/21/1996), 12-9, 7-12, 12-10 (95), No. 23 9. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, United States - Hermosa (6/23/1996), 12-9, 12-8 (83), No. 24 10. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, United States - 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games (7/27/1996), 12-11, 12-6 (69), No. 25 11. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (8/11/1996), 12-3, 12-7 (55), No. 27 12. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Beate Buhler/Danja Musch, GERMANY, Belgium - Ostend (8/18/1996), 12-6, 12-8 (63), No. 28 13. Adriana Bede/Shelda Behar def. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, Puerto Rico - Carolina (9/8/1996), 12-4, 12-9 (55), No. 30 14. Rodrigues/Samuel def. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, Brazil - Salvador (11/10/1996), 12-10, 12-8 (88), No. 31 15. Adriana/Shelda def. Maike Friedrichsen/Musch, GERMANY, Indonesia - Jakarta (11/24/1996), 12-4, 12-8 (70), No. 32 16. Rodrigues/Samuel def. Lisa Arce/Holly McPeak, USA,, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/16/1997), 12-5, 4-12, 12-7 (73), No. 33 17. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Australia - Melbourne (3/16/1997), 12-9, 12-5 (74), No. 34 18. Adriana/Shelda def. Arce/McPeak, USA,, France - Marseille (7/26/1997), 25-23, 21-15 (47), No. 36 19. Rodrigues/Samuel def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (8/3/1997), 12-9, 12-3 (75), No. 37 20. Rodrigues/Samuel def. Friedrichsen/Musch, GERMANY, Japan - Osaka (8/10/1997), 12-5, 3-12, 12-8 (61), No. 38 21. Pires/Jackie Silva def. Arce/McPeak, USA, United States - Los Angeles World Championships (9/13/1997), 12-11, 1-12, 12-10 (89), No. 40 22. Adriana/Shelda def. Arce/McPeak, USA, Brazil - Salvador (11/2/1997), 9-12, 11-`0, 12-8 (118), No. 41 23. Adriana/Shelda def. Pauline Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (3/1/1998), 12-3, 12-8 (88), No. 42 24. Pires/Samuel def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Canada - Toronto (6/21/1998), 17-16 (70), No. 43 25. Adriana/Shelda def. Rodrigues/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, Italy - Vasto (7/5/1998), 12-4, 12-5 (86), No. 44 26. Pires/Samuel def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, France - Marseille (7/25/1998), 12-9, 12-7 (75), No. 45 27. Adriana/Shelda def. Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, United States - New York Goodwill Games (8/2/1998), 12-9, 12-5 (76), No. 46 28. Adriana/Shelda def. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, Japan - Osaka (8/9/1998), 12-8, 12-3 (74), No. 48 29. Adriana/Shelda def. Arce/McPeak, USA, China - Dalian (8/16/1998), 12-5, 12-6 (65), No. 49 30. Adriana/Shelda def. Barbra Fontana/Linda Hanley, USA, 1998 - Brazil - Salvador (11/1/1998), 12-7, 12-9 (85), No. 50 31. Adriana/Shelda def. Manser/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Mexico - Acapulco (4/11/1999), 15-11 (30), No. 51 32. Adriana/Shelda def. Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA, France - Marseille World Championships (7/24/1999), 15-11 (30), No. 53 33. Adriana/Shelda def. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Japan - Osaka (8/8/1999), 12-10, 12-1 (70), No. 55 34. Adriana/Shelda def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA, China - Dalian (8/15/1999), 15-6 (38), No. 56 35. Adriana/Shelda def. Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, USA, Brazil - Salvador (11/7/1999), 12-9, 12-9 (95), No. 57 36. Adriana/Shelda def. Misty May/McPeak, USA, Mexico - Rosarito (6/4/2000), 15-12 (45), No. 59 37. Monica/Ana Paula Connelly def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA, Italy - Cagliari (6/11/2000), 15-6 (45), No. 60 38. Adriana/Shelda def. May/McPeak, USA, Canada - Toronto (6/18/2000), 15-12 (63), No. 61 39. Adriana/Shelda def. May/McPeak, USA, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/25/2000), 15-11 (47), No. 62 40. Adriana/Shelda def. Yukiko Takahashi/Teru Saiki, JAPAN, Japan - Osaka (8/6/2000), 15-8 (30), No. 67 41. Adriana/Shelda def. Fontana/Youngs, USA, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/23/2001), 21-15, 22-20 (43), No. 73 42. Adriana/Shelda def. Fontana/Youngs, USA, Spain - Gran Canaria (7/8/2001), 21-16, 21-16 (39), No. 74 43. Adriana/Shelda def. Pires/Tatiana Minello, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt World Championships (8/5/2001), 21-16, 21-18 (39), No. 77 44. Adriana/Shelda def. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA, Japan - Osaka (8/12/2001), 23-21, 28-30, 15-13 (66), No. 78 45. Adriana/Shelda def. Pires/Minello, BRAZIL, China - Maoming (8/19/2001), 21-18, 18-21, 17-15 (66), No. 79 46. Adriana/Shelda def. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA, Hong Kong - Hong Kong (8/26/2001), 21-16, 21-15 (35), No. 80 47. Minello/Pires def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Australia - Brisbane Goodwill Games (9/4/2001), 21-18, 23-21 (46), No. 81 48. Adriana/Shelda def. McPeak/Walsh, USA, Brazil - Fortaleza (11/4/2001), 21-19, 22-20 (47), No. 82 49. Adriana/Shelda def. Ana Paula/Minello, BRAZIL, Japan - Osaka (8/11/2002), 21-17, 14-21, 18-16 (56), No. 90 50. Adriana/Shelda def. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA, Spain - Mallorca (9/7/2002), 21-13, 17-21, 16-14 (62), No. 92 51. Ana Paula/Pires def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Greece - Rhodes (6/15/2003), 21-23, 21-19, 15-12 (55), No. 94 52. Ana Paula/Pires def. McPeak/Youngs, USA, Germany - Berlin (6/28/2003), 20-22, 29-27, 15-13 (73), No. 96 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 62 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR WOMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) BRAZIL (continued) 53. Ana Paula/Pires def. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA, Norway - Stavanger (7/5/2003), 21-19, 21-15 (43), No. 97 54. Ana Paula/Pires def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Japan - Osaka (8/10/2003), 21-18, 19-21, 15-13 (64), No. 100 55. Adriana/Shelda def. Cook/Nicole Sanderson, AUSTRALIA, Japan - Osaka (6/6/2004), 21-12, 21-0 (17), No. 109 56. Adriana/Shelda def. Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, CUBA, Germany - Berlin (6/26/2004), 21-16, 21-17 (45), No. 111 57. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca def. Lahme/Musch, GERMANY, Spain - Mallorca (7/10/2004), 21-17, 21-12 (39), No. 113 58. Adriana/Shelda def. Renata Ribeiro/Shaylyn Bede, BRAZIL, Italy - Milan (9/5/2004), 21-15, 25-23 (49), No. 117 59. Ana Paula/Pires def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (9/25/2004), 21-14, 28-26 (48), No. 118 60. Juliana/Larissa def. Shelda/Adriana, BRAZIL, China - Shanghai (5/21/2005), 21-15, 21-18 (46), No. 119 61. Shaylyn Bede/Ana Paula def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, Japan - Osaka (5/29/2005), 19-21, 21-17, 15-10 (54), No. 120 62. Juliana/Larissa def. Vassiliki Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, GREECE, Italy - Milan (6/12/2005), 25-23, 21-16 (49), No. 121 63. Juliana/Larissa def. Tian Jia/Wang Fei, CHINA, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/18/2005), 17-21, 21-15, 15-8 (57), No. 122 64. Juliana/Larissa def. Renata/Talita Antunes Rocha, BRAZIL, Russia - St. Petersburg (7/9/2005), 26-24, 21-14 (47), No. 125 65. Juliana/Larissa def. Renata/Talita, BRAZIL, Canada - Montreal (8/28/2005), 21-9, 21-10 (44), No. 129 66. Renata/Talita def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, Greece - Athens (9/3/2005), 18-21, 21-16, 17-15 (56), No. 130 67. Renata/Talita def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Indonesia - Bali (9/18/2005), 21-19, 27-25 (56), No. 131 68. Juliana/Larissa def. May-Treanor/Walsh, UNITED STATES, Mexico - Acapulco (10/30/2005), 28-26, 40-42, 15-13 (100), No. 133 1. Adriana Bento Buczmiejuk/Monica Paludo def. Ines Pianka/Stephanie Pohl, GERMANY, Italy Challenger - Portici (7/4/1999), 15-11 (35 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 3 Bulgaria (three minor gold medals) 1. Lina Yanchulova /Petia Yanchulova def. Vasso Karadassiou /Efi Sfyri, GREECE, Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (7/9/2000), 25-10, 25-0 (17 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 5 2. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova def. Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo, FRANCE, France Satellite - St. Jean de Monts (7/24/2005 ), 20-22, 21-15, 1512 (53), No. 15 3. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova def. Annalea Hartmann/Dorothea Hebeisen, SWITZERLAND, Liechtenstein Satellite –Vaduz (8/20/2005), 21-14, 2118 (41), No. 19 Canada (one minor gold medal) 1. Marie-Andree Lessard/Sarah Maxwell def. Talita Rocha/Maria Clara Salgado Rufino, BRAZIL, Italy Challenger - Cagliari (7/25/2004), 21-14, 18-21, 15-10 (51 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 9 China (two major gold medals, two minor gold medals) 1. Tian Jia/Wang Fei def. Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, CUBA, Indonesia - Bali (8/24/2003), 21-17, 21-19 (45 minutes), FIVB Event No. 102 2. Tian Jia/Wang Fei def. Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, BRAZIL, Italy - Milan (9/7/2003), 17-21, 22-20, 15-11 (59), No. 103 1. Rong Chi/Zi Xiong def. Danalee Bragado/Ali Wood, UNITED STATES, Greece Challenger - Xylokastro (7/1/2001), 21-18, 19-21, 26-24 (65 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 6 2. Linjun Ji/Whenhui You def. Kamoltip Kulna/Usa Tenpaksee, THAILAND, Thailand Satellite - Bangkok (2/27/2005), 21-17, 21-11 (31), No. 13 Czech Republic (two minor gold medals) 1. Katerina Tychnova/Marketa Tychnova def. Carole Cordinnier/Mathilde Giordano, FRANCE, Corsica Satellite - Porticcio (8/22/2004), 21-16, 21-16 (38 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 11 2. Tereza Petrova/Hana Klapalova def. Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina, UKRAIN, Italy Satellite - Alba Adriatica (7/22-24/2005), 22-20, 11-21, 15-9 (48), No. 14 Finland (one minor gold medal) 1. Emilia Nystrom/Erika Nystrom def. Svitlana Baburina/Galyna Osheyko, UKRAINE, France Satellite –Le Lavandou (8/24/2003), 21-19, 21-11 (44 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 8 France (two minor gold medals) 1. Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo def. Emilia Nystrom/Erika Nystrom, FINLAND, France Satellite - Le Lavandou (8/29/2004), 22-20, 21-18 (42 minutes), FIVB C/S Evemt No. 12 2. Arjona/Kadjo def. Morgane Faure/Virginie Sarpaux, FRANCE, France Satellite - Le Lavandou (8/21/2005), 16-21, 21-17, 17-15 (65), No. 20 Germany (one minor gold medal) 1. Beate Buhler/Danja Musch, def., Maike Friedrichsen/Silke Schmitt, GERMANY, Italy Challenger - Vasto (7/7/1996), 12-8, 12-8 (55 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 1 Greece (one major gold medal) 1. Vassiliki Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, Norway - Stavanger (7/2/2005), 12-21, 21-16, 15-10 (51 minutes), FIVB Event No. 124 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 63 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR WOMEN’ SGOLDMEDALFI NI SHES- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) Italy (two minor gold medals) 1. Caterina De Marinis/Cilene Nascimento def. Barb Broen Ouellette/Christine Lussier, CANADA, Italy Satellite - Porto San Giorgio (7/15/1999), 15-10 (35 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 4 2. Margherita Chiavaro/Manuela Malerba def. Perrotta/Lunardi, ITALY, Italy Satellite - Vasto (8/5-7/2005), 21-18, 21-14 (39), No. 17 Japan (one minor gold medal) 1. Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka def. Kamoltip Kulna/Jarunee Sannok, THAILAND, Thailand Challenger, Phuket (12/30/2005), 21-16, 21-17 (39 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 22 Netherlands (one major gold medal, one minor gold medal) 1. Rebekka Kadijka/Marrit Leenstra def. Susanne Lahme/Danja Musch, GERMANY, China - Lianyungang (8/17/2003), 21-15, 17-21, 15-13 (43 minutes), FIVB Event No. 101 1. Sanne Keizer/Merel Mooren def. Cecilie Josefsen/Kristine Wiig, NORWAY, Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/7/2004), 21-18, 21-15 (34 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 10 Switzerland (one minor gold medal) 1. Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer def. Mireya Kaup/Geeske Banck, GERMANY, Switzerland Satellite - Lausanne (8/10-13/2005), 21-11, 21-18 (37 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 18 Ukraine (one minor gold medal) 1. Galyna Osheyko/Svitlana Baburina def. Kaup/Banck, GERMANY, Italy Satellite - Palinuro (7/29-31/2005), 21-17, 24-22 (49 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 16 United States (59 major gold medals, two minor gold medals) 1. Karolyn Kirby/Nancy Reno def. Linda Chisholm/Angela Rock, USA, Spain - Almeria (8/16/1992), 12-3, 12-3, (60 minutes), FIVB Event No. 1 2. Kirby/Reno def. Monica Rodrigues/Adriana Samuel, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (2/14/1993), 12-3, 12-10 (65), No. 2 3. Kirby/Masakayan def. Isabel Salgado/Roseli Timm, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (11/14/1993), 12-7, 13-11 (NA), No. 3 4. Kirby/Masakayan def. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, Chile - LaSerena (2/11/1994), 9-12, 12-10, 15-13 (NA), No. 5 5. Kirby/Masakayan def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Russia - St. Petersburg Goodwill Games (7/28/1994), 12-9, 12-1 (NA), No. 6 6. Fontana/Forsythe def. Salgado/Timm, BRAZIL, Japan - Osaka (8/7/1994), 15-2 (24), No. 7 7. Castro/Roque def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Puerto Rico - Carolina (8/21/1994), 12-4, 12,-14, 15-12 (67), No. 8 8. McPeak/Reno def. Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, United States - Hermosa (7/16/1995), 12-9, 12-4 (60), No. 13 9. McPeak/Reno def. Kirby/Masakayan, USA, Korea - Pusan (7/22/1995), 12-11, 12-9 (95), No. 14 10. McPeak/Reno def. Linda Hanley/Angela Rock, USA, Japan - Osaka (7/29/1995), 12-10, 12-7 (95), No. 15 11. McPeak/Reno def. Hanley/Rock, USA, Portugal - Espinho (8/27/1995), 6-12, 12-8, 12-10 (63), No. 16 12. McPeak/Reno def. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, Indonesia - Bali (9/17/1995), 12-5, 12-7 (72), No. 17 13. McPeak/Reno def. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, Australia - Brisbane (10/8/1995), 12-10, 12-8 (84), No. 18 14. Kirby/Reno def. Pires/Jackie Silva, BRAZIL, Puerto Rico - Carolina (11/12/1995), 12-4, 12-8 (NA), No. 19 15. Fontana/Hanley def. McPeak/Rock, USA, Brazil - Santos (11/19/1995), 12-4, 12-7 (68), No. 20 16. Lisa Arce/McPeak def. Yukiko Ishizaka/Yukiko Takahashi, JAPAN, Korea - Pusan (8/25/1996), 12-10, 12-2 (55), No. 29 17. Arce/McPeak def. Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, BRAZIL, Italy - Pescara (7/6/1997), 12-10, 12-4 (58), No. 35 18. Arce/McPeak def. Rodrigues/Samuel, BRAZIL, Korea - Pusan (8/17/1997), 12-4, 10-12, 12-7 (90), No. 39 19. Fontana/Hanley def. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (8/2/1998), 11-12, 12-5, 13-11 (89), No. 47 20. McPeak/Reno def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Canada - Toronto (6/20/1999), 15-8 (51), No. 52 21. Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan def. Natalie Cook/k. Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Portugal - Espinho (8/1/1999), 15-12 (45), No. 54 22. Masakayan/Elaine Youngs def. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, Brazil - Vitoria (2/6/2000), 12-11, 12-1 (65), No. 58 23. Misty May-Treanor/McPeak def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, United States - Chicago (7/4/2000), 15-12 (50), No. 63 24. May-Treanor/McPeak def. Tania Gooley/Pauline Manser, AUSTRALIA, Germany - Berlin (7/16/2000), 7-12, 12-2, 12-8 (106), No. 64 25. Davis/Johnson Jordan def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, France - Marseille (7/23/2000), 15-11 (45), No. 65 26. Masakayan/Youngs def. Arce/Fontana, USA, Portugal - Espinho (7/29/2000), 15-9 (33), No. 66 27. Masakayan/Youngs def. May-Treanor/McPeak, USA, China - Dalian (8/13/2000), 15-7 (30), No. 68 28. May-Treanor/McPeak def. Pires/Samuel, BRAZIL, Brazil - Fortaleza (11/5/2000), 21-16, 21-12 (46), No. 70 29. Fontana/Youngs def. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Italy - Cagliari (6/17/2001), 10-21, 21-19, 15-11 (48), No. 72 30. Fontana/Youngs def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, France - Marseille (7/22/2001), 21-13, 21-14 (38), No. 75 31. May-Treanor/Keri Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Portugal - Espinho (7/28/2001), 22-20, 24-22 (49), No. 76 32. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Ana Paula Connelly /Tatiana Minello, BRAZIL, Spain - Madrid (6/9/2002), 23-21, 21-14 (35), No. 83 33. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/22/2002), 21-17, 21-17 (39), No. 84 34. McPeak/Youngs def. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Norway - Stavanger (7/6/2002), 21-17, 16-21, 15-11 (55), No. 85 35. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Canada - Montreal (7/13/2002), 21-18, 25-23 (46), No. 86 36. McPeak/Youngs def. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA, France - Marseille (7/20/2002), 21-17, 21-12 (39), No. 87 37. McPeak/Youngs def. Cook/Pottharst, AUSTRALIA, Greece - Rhodes (7/28/2002), 21-17, 21-16 (49), No. 88 38. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/3/2002), 21-19, 21-18 (46), No. 89 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 64 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Women’ sGol dMedalFi ni shes- By Country (Major medals earned at open, grand slam and Olympic events, minor medals earned at challenger and satellite events) UNITED STATES (continued) 39. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA def. McPeak/Youngs, USA, China - Maomig (8/18/2002), 12-21, 21-15, 19-17 (51), No. 91 40. McPeak/Youngs def. May-Treanor/Walsh, USA , Brazil - Vitoria (9/22/2002), 21-13, 19-21, 15-10 (51), No. 93 41. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/21/2003), 23-21, 21-15 (43), No. 95 42. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, France - Marseille (7/19/2003), 21-10, 21-13 (37), No. 98 43. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/2/03), 21-17, 21-12 (35), No. 99 44. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Ana Paula/Pires, BRAZIL, United States - Carson (9/21/2003), 22-24, 22-20, 15-12 (70), No. 104 45. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro World Championships (10/12/2003), 21-19, 21-19 (40), No. 105 46. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Brazil - Fortaleza (3/14/2004), 21-10, 21-18 (37), No. 106 47. May-Treanor/Walsh def. McPeak/Youngs, UNITED STATES, Greece - Rhodes (5/123/2004), 21-17, 21-13 (34), No. 107 48. McPeak/Youngs def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, China - Shanghai (5/30/2004), 21-17, 21-13 (34), No. 108 49. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Switzerland - Gstaad (6/19/2004), 26-28, 21-17, 15-10 (61), No. 110 50. McPeak/Youngs def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, UNITED STATES, Norway - Stavanger (7/3/04), 21-17, 16-21, 15-10 (49), No. 112 51. Walsh/Wacholder def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA, France - Marseille (7/18/2004), 21-19, 21-18 (41), No. 114 52. Walsh/Rachel Wacholder def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Austria - Klagenfurt (7/31/2005, 21-13, 21-7 (36), No. 115 53. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Adriana/Shelda, BRAZIL, Greece - Athens (8/24/2005), 21-17, 21-11 (43), No. 116 54. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, Germany - Berlin (6/25/2005), 21-17, 21-17 (40), No. 123 55. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Thalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani, GREECE, Portugal - Espinho (7/116/2005), 21-12, 21-13 (34), No. 126 56. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, France - Paris (7/30/2005), 21-17, 21-15 (46), No. 127 57. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Wacholder/Youngs, UNITED STATES, Austria - Klagenfurt (8/6/2005), 21-17, 21-12 (35), No. 128 58. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, Brazil - Salvador (10/22/2005), 16-21, 21-18, 15-12 (58), No. 132 59. May-Treanor/Walsh def. Juliana/Larissa, BRAZIL, South Africa - Berlin (11/20/2005), 21-11, 21-14 (34), No. 134 1. Danalee Bragado/Gracie Santana-Baeni def. Magi Schlaefli/Nicole Schnyder, SWITZERLAND, Switzerland Satellite - Jona (8/16/1998), 12-8, 12-8 (72 minutes), FIVB C/S Event No. 2 2. Jennifer Kessy/Heather Lowe def. Bragado/Lia Young, UNITED STATES, Thailand Challenger - Pattaya (9/2/2001), 21-12, 17-21, 15-13 (51), No. 7 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 65 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Player, Country 1 Adriana Behar, Brazil 2 Shelda Bede, Brazil 3 Sandra Pires, Brazil 4 Holly McPeak, United States 5 Misty May-Treanor, United States 6 Kerri Walsh, United States 7 Jackie Silva, Brazil 8 Elaine Youngs, United States 9 Adriana Samuel, Brazil 10 Natalie Cook, Australia Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium Final 4s 31 31 20 19 24 23 12 11 7 3 27 27 16 14 11 8 7 7 14 7 23 22 16 14 4 4 13 13 8 15 81 80 52 47 39 35 32 31 29 25 Pct. 71.7% 78.4% 50.5% 54.0% 75.0% 81.4% 53.3% 44.3% 47.5% 23.6% 4th 113 102 103 87 52 43 60 70 61 106 12 9 13 7 3 2 3 9 10 14 93 89 65 54 42 37 35 40 39 39 Pct. 82.3% 87.3% 63.1% 62.1% 80.8% 86.0% 58.3% 57.1% 63.9% 36.8% 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Monica Rodrigues, Brazil Kerri Pottharst, Australia Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil Larissa Franca, Brazil Barbra Fontana, United States Karolyn Kirby, United States Lisa Arce, United States Liz Masakayan, United States Nancy Reno, United States 87 92 60 27 30 79 37 53 55 36 6 3 7 7 7 5 6 3 6 10 11 9 6 7 7 5 4 6 4 0 6 11 7 4 4 7 6 7 6 4 23 23 20 18 18 17 16 16 16 14 26.4% 25.0% 33.3% 66.7% 60.0% 21.5% 43.2% 30.2% 29.1% 38.9% 7 14 3 0 0 14 0 4 4 3 30 37 23 18 18 31 16 20 20 17 34.5% 40.2% 38.3% 66.7% 60.0% 39.2% 43.2% 37.7% 36.4% 47.2% 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA Annett Davis, United States Tatiana Minello, Brazil Roseli Timm, Brazil Fei Wang, China Jia Tian, China Rachel Wacholder, United States Isabel Barroso Salgado, Brazil Danja Musch, Germany Lori Forsythe, United States 39 40 40 21 52 74 22 25 81 16 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 6 6 4 3 1 1 1 3 5 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 1 3 11 11 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 28.2% 27.5% 20.0% 33.3% 13.5% 9.5% 27.3% 24.0% 7.4% 31.3% 6 6 4 1 3 3 2 2 5 5 17 17 12 8 10 10 8 8 11 10 43.6% 42.5% 30.0% 38.1% 19.2% 13.5% 36.4% 32.0% 13.6% 62.5% 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Angela Rock, United States Pauline Manser, Australia Renata Ribeiro, Brazil Linda Hanley, United States Nicole Sanderson, Australia 26 31 32 33 48 15 57 62 64 27 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 4 4 3 3 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 2 4 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 19.2% 16.1% 15.6% 15.2% 10.4% 26.7% 7.0% 6.5% 6.3% 11.1% 2 1 2 5 2 2 3 2 2 1 7 6 7 10 7 6 7 6 6 4 26.9% 19.4% 21.9% 30.3% 14.6% 40.0% 12.3% 9.7% 9.4% 14.8% 41 42 43 44 45 Mika Teru Saiki, Japan Vasso Karadassiou, Greece Deb Richardson, United States 60 81 12 13 15 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 3 3 2 2 2 5.0% 3.7% 16.7% 15.4% 13.3% 1 2 1 1 2 4 5 3 3 4 6.7% 6.2% 25.0% 23.1% 26.7% Talita Antunes, Brazil Yukiko Takahashi, Japan Eva Celbova, Czech Republic Sona Novakova, Czech Republic Shaylyn Bede, Brazil Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece Beate Buhler, Germany Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 66 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Player, Country Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium Final 4s Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece Efthalia Koutroumanidou, Greece Dianne DeNecochea, USA Suzanne Lahme, Germany Nancy Mason, United States 15 15 22 31 34 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 Pct. 13.3% 13.3% 9.1% 6.5% 5.9% 4th 46 47 48 49 50 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 Pct. 13.3% 13.3% 9.1% 9.7% 11.8% 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Maike Friedrichsen, Germany Dalixia Fernandez Grasset, Cuba Tamara Larrea Peraza, Cuba Roseliane dos Santos, Brazil Linda Chisholm, United States Elaine Roque, United States Pat Keller, United States Okka Rau, Germany Stephanie Pohl, Germany Leila Barros, Brazil 37 57 62 1 4 8 8 9 9 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.4% 3.5% 3.2% 100.0% 25.0% 12.5% 12.5% 11.1% 11.1% 7.7% 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 10.8% 7.0% 6.5% 100.0% 50.0% 25.0% 12.5% 11.1% 11.1% 23.1% 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Carolina Salgado Solberg, Brazil Maria Salgado Rufino, Brazil Gail Castro Kehl, United States Karina Lins e Silva, Brazil Magda Lima, Brazil Leanne McSorley, United States Liane Fenwick, Australia Rong Chi, China Zi Xiong, China Danalee Bragado, United States 13 13 16 17 26 32 34 35 35 36 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.7% 7.7% 6.3% 5.9% 3.8% 3.1% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.8% 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 7.7% 7.7% 12.5% 11.8% 11.5% 3.1% 2.9% 5.7% 5.7% 2.8% 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Tania Gooley, Australia Nicole Schnyder, Switzerland Sarah Straton, Australia Simone Kuhn, Switzerland Marrit Leenstra, Netherlands Yuki Ishizaka, Japan Efi Sfyri, Greece Angela Clarke, Australia Daniela Gattelli, Italy Lucilla Perrotta, Italy 41 50 50 53 57 59 64 74 74 78 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.4% 2.0% 2.0% 1.9% 1.8% 1.7% 1.6% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% 0 2 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 4 6 1 2 1 1 1 2.4% 6.0% 2.0% 7.5% 10.5% 1.7% 3.1% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Rebekka Kadijk, Netherlands Alexandra Fonseca, Brazil Laura Bruschini, Italy Annamaria Solazzi, Italy Lu Wang, China Whenhui You, China Karrie Poppinga, United States Summer Lochowicz, Australia Monica Paludo, Brazil Angela Vieira, Brazil 82 34 94 94 43 28 17 48 12 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 6.1% 8.8% 3.2% 3.2% 4.7% 7.1% 11.8% 2.1% 8.3% 20.0% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 67 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Player, Country Played 1st 2nd 3rd Podium Final 4s Agatha Bednarczuk, Brazil Annie Martin, Canada Guylaine Dumont, Canada Ulrike Schmidt, Germany Gudi Staub, Germany Sachiko Fujita, Japan Chiaki Kusuhara, Japan Ryo Tokuno, Japan Kaori Tsuchiya, Japan Sanne Keizer, Netherlands 11 32 50 34 24 17 81 80 18 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pct. 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4th 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pct. 9.1% 3.1% 2.0% 2.9% 4.2% 5.9% 1.2% 1.3% 5.6% 6.3% 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Cristina Pereira, Portugal Maria Jose Schuller, Portugal 52 52 14 26 15 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.9% 1.9% 7.1% 3.8% 6.7% 12.5% 50.0% Lea Schwer, Switzerland Carrie Busch, United States Christine Podraza, United States Jennifer Kessy, United States Dennie Shupryt Knoop, USA WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - INDIVIDUAL MEDALS & FINALS 4s Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Player, Country Events Golds Player, Country EventsBronzes Player, Country Shelda Bede, Brazil Adriana Behar, Brazil Misty May-Treanor, USA Kerri Walsh, USA Sandra Pires, Brazil Holly McPeak, USA Jackie Silva, Brazil Elaine Youngs, USA Nancy Reno, USA Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil Larissa Franca, Brazil Adriana Samuel, Brazil Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil Player, Country Shelda Bede, Brazil Adriana Behar, Brazil Sandra Pires, Brazil Holly McPeak, USA Adriana Samuel, Brazil Misty May-Treanor, USA Monica Rodrigues, Brazil Kerri Pottharst, Australia Kerri Walsh, USA Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil Larissa Franca, Brazil Jackie Silva, Brazil Elaine Youngs, USA Natalie Cook, Australia 102 113 52 43 103 87 60 70 36 27 30 61 60 31 31 24 23 20 19 12 11 10 7 7 7 7 Events Silvers 102 113 103 87 61 52 87 92 43 27 30 60 70 106 27 27 16 14 14 11 11 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 Adriana, Brazil Shelda, Brazil Sandra Pires, Brazil Natalie Cook, Australia Holly McPeak, USA Jackie Silva, Brazil Elaine Youngs, USA Kerri Pottharst, Australia Adriana Samuel, Brazil Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil Lisa Arce, USA Barbra Fontana, USA Player, Country Kerri Pottharst, Australia Natalie Cook, Australia Barbra Fontana, USA Sandra Pires, Brazil Adriana Behar, Brazil Adriana Samuel, Brazil Shelda Bede, Brazil Elaine Youngs, USA Holly McPeak, USA Monica Rodrigues, Brazil 113 102 103 106 87 60 70 92 61 60 53 79 Events 92 106 79 103 113 61 102 70 87 87 23 22 16 15 14 13 13 11 8 7 7 7 4ths 14 14 14 13 12 10 9 9 7 7 Gold Medal Match Record Nancy Reno, USA 10-0 Kerri Walsh, USA 23-8 Misty May-Treanor, USA 24-11 Jackie Silva, Brazil 12-7 Elaine Youngs, USA 11-7 Liz Masakayan, USA 6-4 Karolyn Kirby, USA 6-4 Holly McPeak, USA 19-14 Sandra Pires, Brazil 20-16 Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil 7-6 Adriana Behar, Brazil 31-27 Shelda Bede, Brazil 31-27 Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil 7-7 Larissa Franca, Brazil 7-7 Barbra Fontana, USA 5-5 Talita Antunes, Brazil 2-2 Linda Hanley, USA 2-3 Renata Ribeiro, Brazil 2-3 Monica Rodrigues, Brazil 6-11 Adriana Samuel, Brazil 7-14 Lisa Arce, USA 3-6 Natalie Cook, Australia 3-7 Kerri Pottharst, Australia 3-9 Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA 2-6 Annett Davis, USA 2-6 Isabel Barroso Salgado, Brazil 1-3 Roseli Timm, Brazil 1-3 Tatiana Minello, Brazil 1-4 Danja Musch, Germany 0-5 Angela Rock, United States 0-4 Pauline Manser, Australia 0-4 Pct. 100.0% 74.2% 68.6% 63.2% 61.1% 60.0% 60.0% 57.6% 55.6% 53.8% 53.4% 53.4% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 40.0% 40.0% 35.3% 33.3% 33.3% 30.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 20.0% 00.0% 00.0% 00.0% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 68 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR CAREER INDIVIDUAL LEADERS (through December 30, 2005) For all FIVB-sanctioned events, including challenger and satellite tournaments Rank, Gold Medals 1, Adriana Behar, Brazil, 32 1, Shelda Bede, Brazil, 32 3, Misty May-Treanor, United States, 24 4, Kerri Walsh, United States, 23 5, Sandra Pires, Brazil, 20 6, Holly McPeak, United States, 19 7, Jackie Silva, Brazil, 12 8, Elaine Youngs, United States, 11 9, Nancy Reno, United States, 10 10, Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil, 7 10, Adriana Samuel, Brazil, 7 10, Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, 7 10, Larissa Franca, Brazil, 7 Rank,Women’ sWi nni ngs 1, Adriana Behar, Brazil, $1,068,512 2, Shelda Bede, Brazil, $1,021,857 3, Sandra Pires, Brazil, $768,292 4, Holly McPeak, United States, $656,347 5, Misty May-Treanor, USA, $548,820 6, Kerri Walsh, United States, $506,570 7, Natalie Cook, Australia, $480,383 8, Elaine Youngs, United States, $475,822 9, Kerri Pottharst, Australia, $437,315 10, Adriana Samuel, Brazil, $428,371 Rank, Player, Tournaments 1, Adriana Behar, Brazil, 114 2, Natalie Cook, Australia, 106 3, Sandra Pires, Brazil, 103 3, Shelda Bede, Brazil, 103 5, Annamaria Solazzi, Italy, 100 6, Laura Bruschini, Italy, 98 7, Kerri Pottharst, Australia, 92 8, Monica Rodrigues, Brazil, 87 8, Holly McPeak, United States, 87 10, Lina Yanchulova, Bulgaria, 86 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR CAREER TEAM LEADERS LEADERS (through December 30, 2005 For all FIVB-sanctioned events, including challenger and satellite tournaments Rank, Team Gold Medals 1, Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil, 32 2, Misty May-Treanor / Kerri Walsh, USA, 21 3, Sandra Pires / Jackie Silva, Brazil, 12 4, Nancy Reno / Holly McPeak, United States, 7 4, Larissa Franca / Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, 7 6, Elaine Youngs / Holly McPeak, United States, 6 7, Sandra Pires / Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil, 5 7, Adriana Samuel / Monica Rodrigues, Brazil, 5 9, Liz Masakayan / Elaine Youngs, United States, 3 9, Holly McPeak / Lisa Arce, United States, 3 9, Nancy Reno / Karolyn Kirby, United States, 3 9, Liz Masakayan / Karolyn Kirby, United States, 3 9, Holly McPeak / Misty May-Treanor, USA, 3 9, Kerri Pottharst / Natalie Cook, Australia, 3 9, Lina Yanchulova / Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, 3 Rank, Team, Winnings 1, Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil, $1,970,115 2, Misty May-Treanor / Kerri Walsh, USA, $899,140 3, Kerri Pottharst / Natalie Cook, Australia, $580,095 4, Larissa Franca / Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil, $533,750 5, Sandra Pires / Jackie Silva, Brazil, $502,300 6, Annett Davis / Jenny Johnson Jordan, USA, $433,700 7, Jia Tian / Fei Wang, China, $403,750 8, Holly McPeak / Lisa Arce , USA, $391,350 9, Adriana Samuel / Monica Rodrigues, Brazil, $384,362 10, Elaine Youngs / Holly McPeak, USA, $367,515 Rank, Team, Tournaments 1, Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil, 100 2, Lina Yanchulova / Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria, 85 3, Daniela Gattelli / Lucilla Perrotta, Italy, 76 4, Laura Bruschini / Annamaria Solazzi, Italy, 73 5, Vasso Karadassiou / Efi Sfyri, Greece, 67 6, Chiaki Kusuhara / Ryo Tokuno, Japan, 65 7, Kerri Pottharst / Natalie Cook, Australia, 62 7, Eva Celbova / Sona Novakova, Czech Republic, 62 7, Susanne Glesnes / Kathrine Maaseide, Norway, 62 10, Hilda Gaxiola / Mayra Garcia, Mexico, 56 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR –Top Season Earnings Including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics stops through November 20, 2005 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Team, Country Larissa Franca / Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Sandra Pires / Jackie Silva, Brazil Misty May-Treanor / Kerri Walsh, United States Misty May-Treanor / Kerri Walsh, United States Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Sandra Pires / Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Misty May-Treanor / Kerri Walsh, United States Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Holly McPeak / Misty May-Treanor, United States Elaine Youngs / Barbra Fontana, United States Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Sandra Pires / Tatiana Minello, Brazil Jia Tian / Fei Wang, China Renata Ribeiro / Talita Antunes, Brazil Vasso Karadassiou / Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece Adriana Samuel / Monica Rodrigues, Brazil Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Elaine Youngs / Holly McPeak, United States Holly McPeak / Lisa Arce, United States Sandra Pires / Adriana Samuel, Brazil Earnings $409,750 $305,000 $263,900 $263,000 $252,000 $236,000 $230,000 $206,000 $200,000 $195,140 $189,000 $188,000 $180,000 $180,000 $177,500 $176,900 $174,000 $173,500 $166,750 $166,500 $158,050 $148,215 $147,015 $145,400 $144,500 Year Season Rank 2005 1 2001 1 1996 1 2005 2 2003 1 1998 1 2003 2 2004 1 1999 1 2002 1 2000 1 1996 2 2003 3 2000 2 2001 2 2005 3 2001 3 2005 4 2005 5 2005 6 1996 3 2002 2 2002 3 1997 1 1998 2 Rank 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 NR NR NR NR Team, Country Shelda Bede / Adriana Behar, Brazil Elaine Youngs / Holly McPeak, United States Sandra Pires / Jackie Silva, Brazil Kerri Pottharst / Natalie Cook, Australia Adriana Samuel / Monica Rodrigues, Brazil Natalie Cook / Nicole Sanderson, Australia Kerri Pottharst / Natalie Cook, Australia Larissa Franca / Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil Annett Davis / Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States Liz Masakayan / Elaine Youngs, United States Annett Davis / Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States Efthalia Koutroumanidou / Maria Tsiartsiani, Greece Rachel Wacholder / Elaine Youngs, United States Annett Davis / Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States Jia Tian / Fei Wang, China Kerri Pottharst / Natalie Cook, Australia Ana Paula Connelly/Leila Barros, Brazil Rebekka Kadijk / Merel Mooren, Netherlands Linda Hanley / Barbra Fontana, United States Misty May-Treanor / Kerri Walsh, United States Sandra Pires / Jackie Silva, Brazil Liz Masakayan / Karolyn Kirby, United States Nancy Reno / Karolyn Kirby, United States Nancy Reno / Karolyn Kirby, United States Earnings $139,000 $132,500 $132,400 $128,200 $127,000 $124,500 $124,500 $124,000 $120,500 $119,000 $115,000 $113,950 $113,400 $113,000 $110,500 $110,495 $110,150 $108,600 $106,000 $103,000 $91,000 $44,500 $20,000 $19,000 Year Season Rank 1997 2 2004 2 1997 3 1996 4 1997 4 2003 4 2001 4 2004 3 1999 2 2000 3 2004 4 2005 7 2005 8 2000 4 2003 5 2002 4 2005 9 2005 10 1998 3 2001 5 1995 1 1994 1 1993 1 1992 1 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 69 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR GRAND SLAMS With Gstaad becoming a SWATCH-FIVB World Tour Grand Slam event, the Switzerland stop replaces Berlin in making up the four “ maj or ”t our nament si n2006.At ot alof29men’ sand33women’ st eamscompet edi nal lf our“ Gr andSl am” events in 2005. Reigning Olympic and World Champions Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh of the United States were the only team to win more than one major title in 2005 with gold medal finishes in Berlin, Paris and Klagenfurt, Austria. Gr eece’ sVasso Karadassiou and Vassiliki Arvaniti capt ur edt hewomen’ s“ Gr andSl am”t i t l ei nNor wayasMay -Treanor and Walsh missed the Stavanger ev entduet ot hei rpar t i ci pat i oni na“ maj or ”domest i cev ent .Themen’ s“ Gr andSl am” competition had four different winners, including two from Brazil, and one each from Germany and Switzerland. Franco Net o/ TandeRamosofBr az i landAnnet tDavi s/ JennyJohnsonJor danoft heUni t edSt at eswer et het op“ Gr andSl am” point scorers in 2004. Rank 1 2 3 4 Men’ sTeam (Grand Slam Gold Medal) Marcio Araujo/Fábio Magalhães (1) Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider Sascha Heyer/Paul Laciga Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos (1) Country Brazil Germany Switzerland Brazil Events 4 4 4 4 Earnings ....................... Points $100,700 ......................... 1,896 $69,850 .......................... 1,584 $71,450 .......................... 1,516 $85,100 .......................... 1,488 Rank 1 2 3 4 NR Women’ sTeam (Grand Slam Gold Medal) Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca Jia Tian/Fei Wang Vassiliki Arvaniti/Vasso Karadassiou (1) Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh (3) Country Brazil China Greece Netherlands United States Events 4 4 4 4 3 Earnings ....................... Points $113,750 ......................... 2,244 $99,500 .......................... 2,144 $82,500 .......................... 1,632 $52,100 .......................... 1,396 $145,000 ......................... 2,120 With Gstaad replacing Berlin asa“ Gr andSl am”st op,t her ehave been five men’ sandfour women’ sseasonswher e events have been held in Gstaad, Stavanger, Paris (replaced Marseille) and Klagenfurt. In reviewing podium placements for these four sites where competition was held in the same season, there has never been a team that has won all four stops (Berlin, Stavanger, Marseille/Paris and Klagenfurt) in a season. May-Treanor and Walsh are the only team to win three 2006 “ Gr andSl ams”events in a season with 2003 gold medals in Gstaad, France and Klagenfurt. Emanuel Rego and Ricardo Santos of Brazil are the only team to ever win the first two-straight projected 2006 “ Gr andSl am”ev ent si n order. And only two teams (Ana Paula/Pires, 2003 and Tian Jia/Wang Fei of China, 2005) have ever claimed podium spots in all four events in one season. Si nce1987,onl ysev enmen’ st eams( 14 times) have won four or more events in a season. Since 1992, only six women’ s teams (12 times) have won four or more events in a season. Men’ sTi t l es–Season 1995 - Roberto Lopes/Franco Neto, Brazil, 7 gold medals; Ze Marco de Melo/Emanuel Rego, Brazil, 5 1996 - Ze Marco/Emanuel, Brazil, 5 1997 - Ze Marco/Emanuel, Brazil, 5 1998 - Jose Loiola / Emanuel, Brazil, 4; Para Ferreira/Guilherme Marques, Brazil, 4 1999 - Loiola /Emanuel, Brazil, 7; Ze Marco/Ricardo Santos, Brazil, 4 2000 - Ze Marco de Melo/Ricardo, Brazil, 5; Loiola/Emanuel, Brazil, 4 2001 - Tande Ramos/Emanuel, Brazil, 5 2003 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil, 5 2004 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil, 7 2005 - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil, 6 Women’ sTi t l es- Season 1995 - Holly McPeak/Nancy Reno, United States, 6 gold medals 1998 - Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil, 6 1999 - Shelda/Adriana, Brazil, 6 2000 - Shelda/Adriana, Brazil, 4 2001 - Shelda/Adriana, Brazil, 7 2002 - Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States, 5; McPeak/Elaine Youngs, United States, 4 2003 - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 5, Ana Paula Connelly/Sandra Pires, Brazil, 4 2004 - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 4 2005 - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil, 6; May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 6 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 70 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR GRAND SLAMS Men’ sGr andSl am Resul t s(gold / silver/ bronze) 2001 Gstaad - Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, United States / M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland / Emanuel Rego/Tande Ramos, Brazil Stavanger - Emanuel/Tande, Brazil / M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland / Para Ferreira/Ze Marco De Melo, Brazil France - Mariano Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina / Emanuel/Tande, Brazil / Stein Metzger/Kevin Wong, United States Klagenfurt - Baracetti/Conde, Argentina / Jose Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway 2002 Gstaad - Baracetti/Conde, Argentina / Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil / Metzger/Wong, United States Stavanger - Emanuel/Tande, Brazil / Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Stefan Kobel/Patrick Heuscher, Switzerland France - Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Juan Rossell/Francisco Alvarez, Cuba / Emanuel/Tande, Brazil Klagenfurt - Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil / Markus Egger/Sascha Heyer, Switzerland / Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway 2003 Gstaad - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil / Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany / Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland Stavanger - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Baracetti/Conde, Argentina / Julien Prosser/Mark Williams, Australia France - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland / Dain Blanton/Jeff Nygaard, United States Klagenfurt - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil / Metzger/Wong, USA / Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland 2004 Gstaad - Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland / M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany / Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil Stavanger - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / David Klemperer/Niklas Rademacher/, Germany / Franco/Tande, Brazil France - Marcio Araujo/Bejamin, Brazil / Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland / Baracetti/Conde, Argentina Klagenfurt - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Franco Neto/Tande, Brazil / Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany 2005 Gstaad - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Benjamin/Harley Marques, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil Stavanger - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Benjamin/Harley, Brazil / Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland France - Heuscher/ Kobel, Switzerland / Jake Gibb/Metzger, United States / Brink/Schneider, Germany Klagenfurt - Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany / Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil / Marcio Araujo/Fabio, Brazil Women’ sGr andSl am Results (gold / silver/ bronze) 2002 Gstaad - Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, USA / Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, Brazil / Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia Stavanger - Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs, United States / Cook/Pottharst, Australia / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil France - McPeak/Youngs, United States / May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Cook/Pottharst, Australia Klagenfurt - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil / McPeak/Youngs, United States 2003 Gstaad - May-Treanor/Walsh, USA / Ana Paula Connelly/Sandra Pires, Brazil / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil Stavanger - Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil / May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil France - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil Klagenfurt - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil 2004 Gstaad - May-Treanor/Walsh, USA / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil / McPeak/Youngs, United States Stavanger - McPeak/Youngs, United States / Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States / Rachel Wacholder/Walsh, USA France - Wacholder/Walsh, United States / Davis/Johnson Jordan, USA / Julianna Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil Klagenfurt - Walsh/Wacholder, United States / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil / Davis/Johnson Jordan, United States 2005 Gstaad –Juliana/Larissa, Brazil / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China / Adriana/Shelda, Brazil Stavanger - Vasso Karadassiou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, Greece / Julianna/Larissa, Brazil / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China France - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Julianna/Larissa, Brazil / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China Klagenfurt - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States / Wacholder/Youngs, United States / Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China NOTE –The most consecut i v et our nament swonbyamen’ st eam wassi xbyJoseLoi ol a/ EmanuelRegoofBr az i l( 1999,Nor way ,I t al y , France, Austria, Portugal and Belgium). Brazil won 11-st r ai ghtmen’ st i t l esonceand10-in-a-row once. NOTE –The most consecutive tournaments won byawomen’ st eam i ssev enbySandr aPi r es / Jack i eSi l v aofBr az i l( 1996,Ri o, Maceio, Recife, Hermosa, Atlanta Olympics, Espinho and Ostende). The Ostende event was staged the same weekend as another “ open”ev enti nOs akawher eNat al i eCookandKer r iPot tharst of Australia won the title. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh of the United States won seven-straight titles in events they entered (2003 and 2004, but they did not compete in six events during the streak). Holly McPeak and Nancy Reno of the United States won six-straight events together in 1996. Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede of Brazil won five-st r ai ghtev ent s( 1998and1999) .Themostc onsec ut i v ewomen’ sev ent swonbyacount r yare eight by the United States (1996) and seven twice by Brazil. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 71 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 2005MEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR GRAND SLAM POINTS LEADERS - Grand Slam Events Only (including events in Berlin, Stavanger, Paris, Klagenfurt, teams had to compete in all four events to be ranked) Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 17 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Team (Grand Slam Gold Medal) Country Events Earnings.............................Points Marcio Araujo/Fábio Magalhães (1) Brazil 4 $100,700 ............................. 1,896 Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider Germany 4 $69,850 .............................. 1,584 Sascha Heyer/Paul Laciga Switzerland 4 $71,450 .............................. 1,516 Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos (1) Brazil 4 $85,100 .............................. 1,488 Benjamin Insfran/Harley Marques Brazil 4 $63,350 .............................. 1,464 Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug (1) Germany 4 $73,500 .............................. 1,420 Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel (1) Switzerland 4 $75,250 .............................. 1,320 Francisco Alvarez/Oney Ramirez Bernal Cuba 4 $39,650 .............................. 1,104 Kristjan Kais/Rivo Vesik Estonia 4 $34,300 ................................. 936 Martin Conde/Jose Salema Argentina 4 $31,850 ................................. 892 Conrad Leinemann/Rich Vanhuizen Canada 4 $31,600 ................................. 848 Markus Egger/Martin Laciga Switzerland 4 $31,600 ................................. 816 Iver Horrem/Bard-Inge Pettersen Norway 4 $29,250 ................................. 748 Jochem De Gruijter/Gijs Ronnes Netherlands 4 $28,800 ................................. 660 Nikolas Berger/Clemens Doppler Austria 4 $26,700 ................................. 660 Jorre Kjemperud/Tarjei Skarlund Norway 4 $21,750 ................................. 536 Pablo Herrera/Raul Mesa Spain 4 $21,900 ................................. 498 Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack Australia 4 $21,100 ................................. 498 Franco Neto/Tande Ramos Brazil 4 $15,250 ................................. 442 Peter Gartmayer/Robert Nowotny Austria 4 $17,350 ................................. 398 Mariano Baracetti/Pedro Depiaggio Argentina 4 $11,750 ................................. 248 Ramon Hernandez/Raul Papaleo Puerto Rico 4 $11,750 ................................. 248 Florian Gosch/Bernhard Strauss Austria 4 $8,500 .................................. 222 Linyin Xu/Qiang Xu China 4 $8,750 .................................. 216 Vegard Hoidalen/Terje Oevergaard Norway 4 $8,500 .................................. 210 Kentaro Asahi/Satoshi Watanabe Japan 4 $8,750 .................................. 204 Jason Lochhead/Kirk Pitman New Zealand 4 $5,500 .................................. 190 Ahren Cadieux/Mark Heese Canada 4 $7,000 .................................. 166 Bjorn Berg/Robert Svensson Sweden 4 $7,000 .................................. 154 Julien Prosser/Brett Richardson Australia 4 $7,000 .................................. 154 2005 WOMEN’ SSWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR GRAND SLAM POINTS LEADERS - Grand Slam Events Only Team (Grand Slam Gold Medal) Country Events Earnings.............................Points Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca Brazil 4 $113,750 ............................. 2,244 Jia Tian/Fei Wang China 4 $99,500 .............................. 2,144 Vassiliki Arvaniti/Vasso Karadassiou (1) Greece 4 $82,500 .............................. 1,632 Rebekka Kadijk/Merel Mooren Netherlands 4 $52,100 .............................. 1,396 Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza Cuba 4 $44,750 .............................. 1,148 Efthalia Koutroumanidou/Maria Tsiartsiani Greece 4 $34,700 ................................. 960 Suzanne Lahme/Danja Musch Germany 4 $34,000 ................................. 916 Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau Germany 4 $33,800 ................................. 904 Simone Kuhn/Lea Schwer Switzerland 4 $33,100 ................................. 860 Leila Barros/Ana Paula Connelly Brazil 4 $28,400 ................................. 792 Milagros Crespo/Imara Esteves Ribalta Cuba 4 $29,250 ................................. 748 Ying Li/Lu Wang China 4 $26,500 ................................. 742 Nila Ann Hakedal/Ingrid Torlen Norway 4 $27,800 ................................. 704 Rieke Brink-Abeler/Hella Jurich Germany 4 $26,300 ................................. 692 Marie-Andree Lessard/Sarah Maxwell Canada 4 $21,800 ................................. 536 Ethel-Julie Arjona/Virginie Kadjo France 4 $20,250 ................................. 480 Sanne Keizer/Marrit Leenstra Netherlands 4 $17,000 ................................. 454 Angela Clarke/Kylie Gerlic Australia 4 $20,600 ................................. 436 Agatha Bednarczuk/Sandra Pires Brazil 4 $16,100 ................................. 424 Chiaki Kusuhara/Satoko Urata Japan 4 $17,100 ................................. 416 Mayra Garcia/Hilda Gaxiola Mexico 4 $15,500 ................................. 398 Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova Bulgaria 4 $14,800 ................................. 360 Helke Claasen/Antje Roder Germany 4 $12,250 ................................. 330 Xiaoyan Hu/Xi Zhang China 4 $13,300 ................................. 304 Kathrine Maaseide/Kristine Wiig Norway 4 $13,250 ................................. 304 Mika Teru Saiki/Ryo Tokuno Japan 4 $10,250 ................................. 260 Chrisi Gschweidl/Barbara Hansel Austria 4 $11,750 ................................. 248 Sara Montagnolli/Sabine Swoboda Austria 4 $13,500 ................................. 218 Emilia Nystrom/Erika Nystrom Finland 4 $10,250 ................................. 192 Nadia Campisi/Clara Lozano Spain 4 $7,000 .................................. 154 Annie Martin/Marie-Christine Pruneau Canada 4 $7,000 .................................. 142 Julia Mandana/Catalina Pol Spain 4 $3,750 .................................. 128 Eiko Koizumi/Shinako Tanaka Japan 4 $3,750 .................................. 116 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 72 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - YoungestMen“Maj or ”EventWi nner s Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date 8/30/1969 1990 at Sete with Guilherme Marques 7/29/1990 6/10/1983 2004 at Carolina Beach with Para Ferreira 6/13/2004 6/26/1969 1990 at Sete Andrè Lima 7/29/1990 6/29/1982 2004 at Lianyungang with Javier Bosma 5/23/2004 6/23/1968 1990 at Lignano with Tim Hovland 8/5/1990 4/15/1973 1995 at Marseille with Ze Marco de Melo 6/25/1995 4/15/1973 1995 at Ostende with Ze Marco de Melo 8/19/1995 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - YoungestMen“Non-Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Pedro Cunha, Brazil 6/10/1983 2004 at Lausanne with Fred Souza 8/8/2004 Dmitri Barsouk, Russia 1/20/1980 2001 at Beirut with Vladimir Kostioukov 7/15/2001 Martin Laciga, Switzerland 1/25/1975 1997 at Karlovy Vary with Paul Laciga 6/29/1997 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - YoungestWomen“Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Vassiliki Arvaniti 3/17/1985 2005 at Stavanger with Vasso Karadassiou 7/2/2005 Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil 7/22/1983 2004 at Mallorca with Larissa Franca 7/10/2004 Natalie Cook, Australia 1/19/1975 1996 at Osaka with Kerri Pottharst 8/11/1996 Sandra Pires, Brazil 6/16/1973 1995 at La Serena with Jackie Silva 2/12/1995 Sandra Pires, Brazil 6/16/1973 1995 at Rio de Janeiro with Jackie Silva 3/5/1995 Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil 7/22/1983 2005 at Shanghai with Larissa Franca 5/21/2005 Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil 7/22/1983 2005 at Milan with Larissa Franca 6/12/2005 Sandra Pires, Brazil 6/16/1973 1995 at Clearwater with Jackie Silva 5/7/1995 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - YoungestWomen“Non-Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Linjun Ji, China 5/3/1986 2005 at Bangkok with Whenhui You 2/27/2005 Sanne Keizer, Netherlands 2/6/1985 2004 at Lausanne with Merel Mooren 8/7/2004 Erika Nystrom, Finland 9/13/1983 2003 at Lavandou with Emilia Nystrom 8/24/2003 Emilia Nystrom, Finland 9/13/1983 2003 at Lavandou with Erika Nystrom 8/24/2003 Katerina Tychnova 3/10/1983 2004 at Porticcio with Marketa Tychnova 8/22/2004 Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria 7/3/1978 2000 at Xylokastro with Lina Yanchulova 7/9/2000 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour –Ol destMen“Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Mike Dodd, United States 8/20/1957 1996 at Fortaleza with Mike Whitmarsh 10/27/1996 Mike Dodd, United States 8/20/1957 1996 at Espinho with Mike Whitmarsh 8/18/1996 Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany 7/13/1967 2005 at Klagenfurt with Christoph Dieckmann 8/7/2005 Mike Dodd, United States 8/20/1957 1995 at Hermosa with Mike Whitmarsh 7/16/1995 Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany 7/13/1967 2005 at Shanghai with Christoph Dieckmann 5/22/2005 Franco Neto, Brazil 11/11/1966 2004 at Cape Town with Tande Ramos 3/28/2004 Eduardo Martinez, Argentina 9/25/1961 1998 at Toronto with Martin Conde 6/21/1998 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - Ol destMen“Non-Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Vladimir Kostioukov, Russia 10/11/1952 2001 at Beirut with Dmitri Barsouk 7/15/2001 Giorgio Domenghini, Italy 3/17/1967 2005 at Casablanca with Diego Nota 7/24/2005 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - Ol destWomen“Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Linda Hanley, United States 6/8/1960 1998 at Espinho with Barbra Fontana 8/2/1998 Gail Castro Kehl, United States 11/12/1957 1994 at Carolina Beach with Elaine Roque 8/21/1994 Barbra Fontana, United States 9/8/1965 2001 at Marseille with Elaine Youngs 7/22/2001 Kerri Pottharst, Australia 6/25/1965 2001 at Macau with Natalie Cook 4/8/2001 Barbra Fontana, United States 9/8/1965 2001 at Cagliari with Elaine Youngs 6/17/2001 Liz Masakayan, United States 12/31/1964 2000 at Dalian with Elaine Youngs 8/13/2000 Jackie Silva, United States 2/13/1962 1997 at Los Angeles with Sandra Pires 9/13/1997 Liz Masakayan, United States 12/31/1964 2000 at Espinho with Elaine Youngs 7/29/2000 Adriana Behar, Brazil 2/14/1969 2004 at Milan with Shelda Bede 9/5/2004 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR - Ol destWomen“Non-Maj or ”EventWi nner s Player, Country Birth Date Year at Location with partner Date Beate Bühler, Germany 4/8/1964 1996 at Vasto with Danja Musch 7/7/1996 Lina Yanchulova, Bulgaria 4/12/1975 2005 at Vaduz with Petia Yanchulova 8/20/2005 Lina Yanchulova, Bulgaria 4/12/1975 2005 at St. Jean de Monts with Petia Yanchulova 7/24/2005 Player, Country Andrè Lima, Brazil Pedro Cunha, Brazil Guilherme Marques, Brazil Pablo Herrera, Spain Kent Steffes, United States Emanuel Rego, Brazil Emanuel Rego, Brazil Years-Months-Days 20-10-29 21-0-3 21-1-3 21-10-24 22-1-13 22-2-10 22-4-4 Years-Months-Days 21-1-29 21-6-25 22-5-4 Years-Months-Days 20-3-15 20-11-18 21-6-23 21-7-27 21-8-17 21-9-29 21-10-21 21-10-21 Years-Months-Days 18-9-24 19-6-1 19-11-11 19-11-11 21-5-12 22-0-6 Years-Months-Days 39-2-7 38-11-29 38-0-25 37-10-26 37-10-9 37-4-17 36-8-27 Years-Months-Days 48-9-4 38-4-7 Years-Months-Days 38-1-25 36-9-9 35-10-14 35-9-14 35-9-9 35-7-13 35-7-0 35-6-28 35-6-22 Years-Months-Days 32-2-30 30-4-8 30-3-12 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 73 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR Highest Scoring Sets & Matches, Longest Match Duration, Both Genders Overall, including challenger and satellite events · · · · · Highest scoring sets · 82 points, Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States def. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil, 42-40 (second set) on October 30, 2005 at Acapulco, Mexico (gold medal match) · 80 points, Janis Grinbergs/Austris Stals, Lativa def. Kaarel Kais/Kristjan Kais, Estonia, 41-39 (first set) on July 28, 2002 at Kiev Challenger · 66 points, Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil def. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, 34-32 (third set) on September 7, 2003 at Mallorca Highest scoring two-set match · 118 points, Grinbergs/Stals, Lativa def. Ka. Kais/Kr. Kais, Estonia, 41-39 and 21-17 (49 minutes) on July 28, 2002 at Kiev Challenger Longest two set match duration · 79 minutes, Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Australia def. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, 21-18 and 21-19 on September 5, 2003 at Mallorca Highest scoring three-set match · 164 points, Juliana/Larissa, Brazil def. May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 28-26, 40-42 and 15-13 on October 30, 2005 at Acapulco, Mexico (gold medal match) Longest three-set match · 100 minutes, Juliana/Larissa, Brazil def. May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 28-26, 40-42 and 15-13 on October 30, 2005 at Acapulco, Mexico (gold medal match) Over al lMen’ sMat chesf orOpen, Grand Slam, World Championship & Olympic events only · · · · · · · Highest first set score –78 points, Javier Bosma/Alex Ortiz, Spain def. Tato Fernandes/Rui Oliveira, Portugal, 40-38, 7/13/2005 Highest second set score - 76 points, Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Australia def. Eric Fonoimoana/Kevin Wong, United States, 39-37, Stavanger, 7/3/2004 Highest third set score - 66 points, Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil def. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, 34-32, Mallorca, 9/7/2003 Highest two set match score - 114 points, Javier Bosma/Alex Ortiz, Spain def. Tato Fernandes/Rui Oliveira, Portugal, 40-38, 2115, 7/13/2005 Longest two set match duration - 79 minutes, Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Australia def. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland, 21-18 and 21-19, Mallorca, 9/5/2003 Highest three set match score - 151 points, Kjell Goranson/Tarjei Skarlund, Norway def. Stephane Canet/Mathieu Hamel, France, 31-29, 16-21 and 28-26, Stavanger, 7/2/2004 Longest three set match duration - 96 minutes, Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil def. Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany, 14-21, 21-19 and 34-32, Mallorca, 9/7/2003 Over al lWomen’ sMat chesf orOpen,Gr andSl am,Wor l dChampi onshi p&Ol ympi cevent sonl y · · · · · · · Highest first set score - 72 points, Andrea Ahmann/Jana Vollmer, Germany def. Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany, 37-35, Rhodes, 5/21/2004 Highest second set score - 82 points, Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States def. Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca, Brazil, 42-40, Acapulco, Mexico, 10/30/2005 (gold medal match) Highest third set score - 68 points, Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil def. Milagros Crespo/Imara Esteves Ribalta, Cuba, 35-33, Berlin, 6/21/2005 Highest two set match score - 100 points, Monica Rodrigues/Alexandra Fonseca, Brazil, def. Jana Vollmer/Andrea Ahmann, Germany, 21-17 and 32-30, Klagenfurt, 8/1/2002; Simone Kuhn/Nicole Schnyder, Switzerland def. Efthalia Koutroumanidou/Vassiliki Arvaniti, 34-32 and 21-13, Klagenfurt, 7/29/2004 Longest two set match duration - 66 minutes, Danja Musch/Suzanne Lahme, Germany, def. Irina Brandstetter/Christine Mellitzer, Austria, 21-14 and 21-19, Klagenfurt, 7/31/2003; Jingting Zhang/Ju Zhang, China def. Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria 29-27, 21-17, Athens, 9/1/2005 Highest three set match score - 164 points, Juliana/Larissa, Brazil def. May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 28-26, 40-42 and 1513, Acapulco, Mexico, 10/30/2005 (gold medal match) Longest three set duration - 100 minutes, Juliana/Larissa, Brazil def. May-Treanor/Walsh, United States, 28-26, 40-42 and 1513, Acapulco, Mexico, 10/30/2005 (gold medal match) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 74 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SOLYMPI CBEACHVOLLEYBALLPARTI CI PANTS (player, year participated, placement) Argentina 4 Participants · Martin Conde, 1996 (13), 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Mariano Baracetti, 2000 (17), 2004 (9) · Eduardo Martinez, 1996 (13) 2000 (9) · Jose Salema, 2000, (17) Australia 6 Participants · Julien Prosser, 1996 (9), 2000 (9), 2004 (4) · Lee Zahner, 1996 (9), 2000 (9) · Josh Slack, 2000 (17), 2004 (9) · Matthew Grinlaubs, 2000 (17) · Andrew Schacht, 2004 (9) · Mark Williams, 2004 (4) Austria 5 Participants · Nikolas Berger, 2000 (9), 2004 (17) · Peter Gartmayer, 2004 (19) · Florian Gosch, 2004 (17) · Robert Nowotny, 2004 (19) · Oliver Stamm, 2000 (9) Brazil 8 Participants · Emanuel Rego, 1996 (9), 2000 (9), 2004 (1) · Ze Marco de Melo, 1996 (9), 2000 (2) · Ricardo Santos, 2000 (2), 2004 (1) · Marcio Araujo, 2004 (9) · Benjamin Insfran, 2004 (9) · Jose Loiola, 2000 (9) · Roberto Lopes, 1996 (9) · Franco Neto, 1996 (9) Canada 6 Participants · John Child, 1996 (3), 2000 (5), 2004 (5) · Mark Heese, 1996 (3), 2000 (5), 2004 (5) · Eddie Drakich, 1996 (17) · Marc Dunn, 1996 (17) · Jody Holden, 2000 (9) · Conrad Leinemann, 2000 (9) Cuba 2 Participants · Francisco Alvarez, 1996 (7), 2004 (17) · Juan Rosell, 1996 (7), 2004 (17) Czech Republic 3 Participants · Michal Palinek, 1996 (13), 2000 (9) · Martin Lebl, 2000 (9) · Marek Pakosta, 1996 (13) Estonia 2 Participants · Avo Keel, 1996 (17) · Kaido Kreen, 1996 (17) France 4 Participants · Jean-Philippe Jodard, 1996 (13), 2000 (19) · Christian Penigaud, 1996 (13), 2000 (19) · Stephane Canet, 2004 (19) · Mathieu Hamel, 2004 (19) Germany 7 Participants · Jorg Ahmann, 1996 (9), 2000 (3) · Axel Hager, 1996 (9), 2000 (3) · Andreas Scheuerpflug, 2000 (19), 2004 (5) · Oliver Oetke, 2000 (19) · Christoph Dieckmann, 2004 (5) · Markus Dieckmann, 2004 (9) · Jonas Reckermann, 2004 (9) Greece 2 Participants · Pavlos Beligratis, 2004 (17) · Thanassis Michalopoulos, 2004 (17) Indonesia 2 Participants · Markoji Markoji, 1996 (17) · Muchammad Nurmufid, 1996 (17) Italy 4 Participants · Andrea Ghiurghi, 1996 (13) · Nicola Grigolo, 1996 (13) · Maurizio Pimponi, 2000 (19) · Andrea Raffaelli, 2000 (19) Japan 2 Participants · Shoji Setoyama, 1996 (17) · Kazuyuki Takao, 1996 (17) Mexico 2 Participants · Juan Rodriguez Ibarra, 2000 (9) · Joel Sotelo, 2000 (9) Netherlands 2 Participants · Michel Everaert, 1996 (17) · Sander Mulder, 1996 (17) Norway 5 Participants · Bjorn Maaseide, 1996 (7), 2000 (19), 2004 (19) · Vegard Hoidalen, 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Jorre Kjemperud, 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Jan Kvalheim, 1996 (7), 2000 (19) · Iver Horrem, 2004 (19) New Zealand 2 Participants · Glenn Hamilton, 1996 (17) · Reid Hamilton, 1996 (17) Portugal 2 Participants · Brenha, 1996 (4), 2000 (4), 2004 (9) · Luis Maia, 1996 (4), 2000 (4), 2004 (9) Puerto Rico 2 Participants · Ramon Hernandez, 2004 (19) · Raul Papaleo, 2004 (19) South Africa 2 Participants · Colin Pocock, 2004 (9) · Gershon Rorich, 2004 (9) Russia 2 Participants · Sergey Ermishin, 2000 (9) · Mikhail Kouchnerev, 2000 (9) Spain 6 Participants · Javier Bosma, 1996 (5), 2000 (5), 2004 (2) · Fabio Diez, 2000 (5) · Pablo Herrera, 2004 (2) · Sixto Jimenez, 1996 (5) · Miguel Prieto, 1996 (17) · Jose Yuste, 1996 (17) Switzerland 4 Participants · Martin Laciga, 2000 (5), 2004 (5) · Paul Laciga, 2000 (5), 2004 (5) · Patrick Heuscher, 2004 (3) · Stefan Kobel, 2004 (3) Sweden 4 Participants · Bjorn Berg, 2000 (19), 2004 (9) · Simon Dahl, 2000 (19), 2004 (9) · Tom Englen, 1996 (17) · Fredrik Petersson, 1996 (17) United States 13 Participants · Dain Blanton, 2000 (1), 2004 (19) · Mike Dodd, 1996 (2) · Eric Fonoimoana, 2000 (1) · Rob Heidger, 2000 (5) · Carl Henkel, 1996 (5) · Dax Holdren, 2004 (5) · Karch Kiraly, 1996 (1) · Stein Metzger, 2004 (5) · Jeff Nygaard, 2004 (19) · Sinjin Smith, 1996 (5) · Kent Steffes, 1996 (1) · Mike Whitmarsh, 1996 (2) · Kevin Wong, 2000 (5) MEN’ SOLYMPI CBEACHVOLLEYBALLENTRI ES,MATCHES,WI NS Country Olympics Argentina 3 Australia 3 Austria 2 Brazil 3 Canada 3 Cuba 2 Czech Republic 2 Estonia 1 France 3 Germany 3 Greece 1 Indonesia 1 Italy 2 Japan 1 Entries 4 5 3 6 5 2 2 1 3 5 1 1 2 1 Matches Wins 11 5 23 11 10 3 24 16 20 11 8 4 7 3 2 0 9 3 20 11 3 0 2 0 6 2 2 0 Pct. 45.5% 47.8% 30.0% 66.7% 55.0% 50.0% 42.9% 0.0% 33.3% 55.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% Country Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Puerto Rico Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland United States Totals Olympics 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 Entries 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 7 72 Matches Wins 2 1 2 0 2 0 16 7 18 10 3 0 2 1 4 2 19 12 8 2 15 11 32 20 270 135 Pct. 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 43.8% 55.6% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 63.2% 25.0% 73.3% 62.5% 50.0% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 75 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL PLACEMENTS At ot alof103pl ay er sf r om 26c ount r i eshav ec ompet edi nt hemen’ sOI y mpi cBeachVol l ey bal lcompet i t i on,i ncl udi ngArgentina (4 entries), Australia (5), Austria (3), Brazil (6), Canada (5), Cuba (2), Czech Republic (2), Estonia (1), France (3), Germany (5), Greece (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (2), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Netherlands (1), New Zealad (1), Norway (5), Portugal (3), Puerto Rico (1), Russia (1), South Africa (1), Spain (4), Sweden (3), Switzerland (3) and United States (7). Atlanta 1996 Placement, Team, Country (seed) 1. Karch Kiraly/Kent Steffes, United States (3) 2. Mike Dodd/Mike Whitmarsh, United States (4) 3. John Child/Mark Heese, Canada (8) 4. Joao Brenha/Luis Maia, Portugal (18) 5. Carl Henkel/Sinjin Smith, United States (2) Javier Bosma/Sixto Jimenez, Spain (9) 7. Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway (6) Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell, Cuba (10) 9. Roberto Lopes/Franco Neto, Brazil (1) Ze Marco de Melo/Emanuel Rego, Brazil (5) Jorg Ahmann/Axel Hager, Germany (11) Julien Prosser/Lee Zahner, Australia (13) 13. Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez, Argentina (7) Jean-Philippe Jodard/Christian Penigaud, France (12) Andrea Ghiurghi/Nicola Grigolo, Italy (14) Marek Pakosta/Michal Palinek, Czech Republic (16) 17. Michel Everaert/Sander Mulder, Netherlands (15) Miguel Prieto/Jose Yuste, Spain (17) Glenn Hamilton/Reid Hamilton, New Zealand (19) Eddie Drakich/Marc Dunn, Canada (20) Avo Keel/Kaido Kreen, Estonia (21) Shoji Setoyama/Kazuyuki Takao, Japan (22) Tom Englen/Fredrik Petersson, Sweden (23) Markoji Markoji/Muchammad Nurmufid, Indonesia (24) Sydney 2000 Placement, Team, Country (seed) 1. Dain Blanton/Eric Fonoimoana, United States (9) 2. Ze Marco de Melo/Ricardo Santos, Brazil (3) 3. Jorg Ahmann/Axel Hager, Germany (15) 4. Joao Brenha/Luis Maia, Portugal (12) 5. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland (4) John Child/Mark Heese, Canada (6) Rob Heidger/Kevin Wong, United States (7) Javier Bosma/Fabio Diez, Spain (10) 9. Julien Prosser/Lee Zahner, Australia (1) Jose Loiola/Emanuel Rego, Brazil (2) Martin Conde/Eduardo Martinez, Argentina (5) Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway (8) Sergey Ermishin/Mikhail Kouchnerev, Russia (14) Nikolas Berger/Oliver Stamm, Austria (17) Jody Holden/Conrad Leinemann, Canada (18) Juan Rodriguez Ibarra/Joel Sotelo, Mexico (24) 17. Martin Lebl/Michal Palinek, Czech Republic (21) Matthew Grinlaubs/Josh Slack, Australia (23) 19. Mariano Baracetti/Jose Salema, Argentina (11) Jan Kvalheim/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway (13) Oliver Oetke/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany (16) Jean-Philippe Jodard/Christian Penigaud, France (19) Maurizio Pimponi/Andrea Raffaelli, Italy (20) Bjorn Berg/Simon Dahl, Sweden (22) Athens 2004 Placement, Team, Country (seed) 1. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil (1) 2. Javier Bosma/Pablo Herrera, Spain (15) 3. Patrick Heuscher/Stefan Kobel, Switzerland (5) 4. Julien Prosser/Mark Williams, Australia (17) 5. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland (3) Christoph Dieckmann/Andreas Scheuerpflug, Germany (11) Dax Holdren/Stein Metzger, United States (12) John Child/Mark Heese, Canada (20) 9. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil (2) Markus Dieckmann/Jonas Reckermann, Germany (4) Mariano Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina (7) Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway (9) Andrew Schacht/Josh Slack, Australia (13) Bjorn Berg/Simon Dahl, Sweden (16) Joao Brenha/Luis Maia, Portugal (18) Colin Pocock/Gershon Rorich, South Africa (19) 17. Nikolas Berger/Florian Gosch, Austria (10) Francisco Alvarez/Juan Rosell, Cuba (14) 19. Pavlos Beligratis/Thanassis Michalopoulos, Greece (6) Dain Blanton/Jeff Nygaard, United States (8) Ramon Hernandez/Raul Papaleo, Puerto Rico (21) Peter Gartmayer/Robert Nowotny, Austria (22) Stephane Canet/Mathieu Hamel, France (23) Iver Horrem/Bjorn Maaseide, Norway (24) Team –3-Time Olympic Participation Child/Heese, Canada, 1996, 2000, 2004 Brenha/Maia, Portugal, 1996, 2000, 2004 Team –2-Time Olympic Participation · Ahmannn/Hager, Germany, 1996, 2000 · Alvarez/Rossell, Cuba, 1996, 2004 · Berg/Dahl, Sweden, 2000, 2004 · Conde/Martinez, Argentina, 1996, 2000 · Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway, 2000, 2004 · Jodard/Penigaud, France, 1996, 2004 · Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway, 1996, 2000 · Lacigas, Switzerland, 2000, 2004 · Prosser/Zahner, Australia, 1996, 2000 Individual –3-time Olympic Participation (other than team) · Bosma, Spain, 1996, 2000, 2004 · Conde, Argentina, 1996, 2000, 2004 · Emanuel, Brazil 1996, 2000, 2004 · Maaseide, Norway, 1996, 2000, 2004 · Prosser, Australia, 1996, 2000, 2004 Individual –Two-time Olympic Participation (other than team) · Baracetti, Argentina, 2000, 2004 · Berger, Austria, 2000, 2004 · Blanton, United States, 2000, 2004 · Palinek, Czech Republic, 1996, 2000 · Ricardo, Brazil, 2000, 2004 · Scheuerpflug, Germany, 2000, 2004 · Slack, Australia, 2000, 2004 · ZeMarco, Brazil, 1996, 2000 · · Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 76 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL MATCH RESULTS Atlanta 1996 Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Fi r st -round · Palinek/Pakosta, Czech Republic (No. 16-seeded team) def. Yuste/Prieto, Spain (17), 15-11 (27 minutes) · Bosma/Jimenez, Spain (9) def. Nurmufid/Markoji, Indonesia (24), 15-7 (41) · Penigaud/Jodard, France (12) def. Keel/Kreen, Estonia (21), 15-8 (48) · Prosser/Zahner, Australia (13) def. Drakich.Dunn, Canada (20), 15-6 (35) · Ghiurghi/Grigolo, Italy (14) def. G. Hamilton/R. Hamilton, New Zealand (19), 15-8 (39) · Ahmann/Hager, Germany (11) def. Takao/Setoyama, Japan (22), 15-8 (51) · Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (10) def. Englen/Petersson, Sweden (23), 15-3 (29) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18) def. Everaert/Mulder, Netherlands (15), 15-8 (51) Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Second-round · Roberto Lopes/Franco, Brazil (1) def. Palinek/Pakosta, Czech Republic (16), 15-5 (34) · Bosma/Jimenez, Spain (9) def. Child/Heese, Canada (8), 151 (31) · Zé Marco/Emanuel, Brazil (5) def. Penigaud/Jodard, France (12), 15-1 (27) · Dodd/Whitmarsh, United States (4) def. Prosser/Zahner, Australia (13), 15-10 (49) · Kiraly/Steffes, United States (3) def. Ghiurghi/Grigolo, Italy (14), 15-7 (36) · Ahmann/Hager, Germany (11) def. Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (6), 17-16 (67) · Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (10) def. Conde/Martinez, Argentina (7), 15-11 (41) · Smith/Henkel, United States (2) def. Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18), 15-7 (36) Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Thi r d-round · Bosma/Jimenez, Spain (9) def. Roberto Lopes/Franco, Brazil (1), 15-9 (71) · Dodd-Whitmarsh, United States (4) def. Zé Marco/Emanuel, Brazil (5), 15-9 (44) · Kiraly/Steffes, United States (3) def. Ahmann/Hager, Germany (11), 15-5 (32) · Smith/Henkel, United States (2) def. Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (10), 15-13 (52) Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Four t h-round · Dodd/Whitmarsh, United States (4) def. Bosma/Jimenez, Spain (9), 15-6 (30) · Kiraly/Steffes, United States (3) def. Smith/Henkel, United States (2), 17-15 (54) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Fi r st -round (losers eliminated, place 17th) · Palinek/Pakosta, Czech Republic (16) def. Everaert/Mulder, Netherlands (15), 15-6 (35) · Child/Heese, Canada (8) def. Englen/Petersson, Sweden (23), 15-2 (28) · Penigaud/Jodard, France (12) def. Takao/Setoyama, Japan (22), 15-12 (47) · Prosser/Zahner, Australia (13) def. G. Hamilton/R. Hamilton New Zealand (19), 15-8 (38) · Ghiurghi/Grigolo, Italy (14) def. Drakich/Dunn, Canada (20), 15-8 (45) · Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (6) def. Keel/Kreen, Estonia (21), 15-2 (31) · Conde/Martinez, Argentina (7) def. Nurmufid/Markoji, Indonesia (24), 15-5 (35) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18) def. Yuste/Prieto, Spain (17), 15-8 (49) Loser ’ sBr acket, Second-round (losers eliminated, place 13th) · Maia/Brenha, Porgtual (18) def. Conde/Martinez, Argentina (7), 15-5 (35) · Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (6) def. Ghiurghi/Grigolo, Italy (14), 15-11 (43) · Prosser/Zahner, Australia (13) def. Penigaud/Jodard, France (12), 15-13 (52) · Child/Heese, Canada (8) def. Palinek/Pakosta, Czech Republic (16), 15-9 (46) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Thi r d-round (losers eliminated, place ninth) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18) def. Zé Marco/Emanuel, Brazil (5), 15-12 (54) · Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (6) def. Franco/Roberto Lopes, Brazil (1), 15-10 (51) · Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (10) def. Prosser/Zahner, Australia (13), 15-6 (35) · Child/Heese, Canada (8) def. Ahmann/Hager, Germany (11), 157 (42) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Four t h-round (losers eliminated, place seventh) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18) def. Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (6), 15-3 (28) · Child/Heese, Canada (8) def. Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (10), 15-4 (30) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Fi f t h-round (losers eliminated, place fifth) · · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18) def. Smith/Henkel, United States (2), 15-13 (70) Child/Heese, Canada (8) def. Bosma/Jimenez, Spain (9), 154 (32) Semi-finals · Dodd/Whitmarsh, United States (4) def. Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18), 15-13 (65) · Kiraly/Steffes, United States (3) def. Child/Heese, Canada (8), 15-11 (40) Bronze Medal Match · Child/Heese, Canada (8) def. Maia/Brenha, Portugal (18), 125 and 12-8 (77) Gold Medal Match · Kiraly/Steffes, USA (3) def. Dodd/Whitmarsh, USA (4), 12-5 and 12-8 (62) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 77 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL MATCH RESULTS Sydney 2000 Preliminary (winners advanced to Round of 16) · Child/Heese, Canada (6) def. Jodard/Penigaud, France (19), 15-5 (34) · M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (4) def. Palinek/Lebl, Czech Republic (21), 15-13 (52) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (12) def. Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (13), 15-10 (41) · Sotelo/Ibarra Rodrigues, Mexico (24) def. Prosser/Zahner, Australia (1), 15-12 (48) · Kouchnerev/Ermishin, Russia (14) def. Salema/Baracetti, Argentina (11), 15-4 (30)y · Martinez/Conde, Argentina (5) def. Raffaelli/Pimponi, Italy (20), 15-7 (35) · Ahmann/Hager, Germany (15) def. Bosma/Diez, Spain (10), 15-13 (58) · Kjemperud/Hoidalen, Norway (8) def. Berger/Stamm, Austria (17), 15-6 (38) · Holden/Leinemann, Canada (18) def. Heidger/Wong, United States (7), 17-15 (60) · Zé Marco/Ricardo, Brazil (3) def. Berg/Dahl, Sweden (22), 15-5 (38) · Blanton/Fonoimoana, United States (9) def. Oetke/Scheuerpflug, Germany (16), 15-7 (37) · Emanuel/Loiola, Brazil (2) def. Grinlaubs/Slack, Australia (23), 15-3 (24) Preliminary Elimination (losers eliminated, place 19th) · Berger/Stamm, Austria (17) def. Raffaelli/Pimponi, Italy (20), 15-9 (41) · Grinlaubs/Slack, Australia (23) def. Salema/Baracetti, Argentina (11), 15-2 (29) · Heidger/Wong, United States (7) def. Jodard/Penigaud, France (19), 15-2 (20) · Prosser/Zahner, Australia (1) def. Kvalheim/Maaseide, Norway (13), 15-12 (41) · Bosma/Diez, Spain (10) def. Berg/Dahl, Sweden (22), 15-11 (48) · Palinek/Lebl, Czech Republic (21) def. Oetke/Scheuerpflug, Germany (16), 15-8 (33) Preliminary Elimination (winners advance to Round of 16 plus team with highest point ratio; losers eliminated, place 17th) · Berger/Stamm, Austria (17) def. Grinlaubs/Slack, Australia (23), 15-10 (38) · Prosser/Zahner, Australia (1) def Heidger/Wong, United States (7), 15-11 (38) · Bosma/Diez, Spain (10) def. Palinek/Lebl, Czech Republic (21), 15-4 (25) Round of 16 (losers eliminated, place ninth) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (12 def. Martinez/Conde, Argentina (5), 15-3 (43) · Child/Heese, Canada (6) def. Kouchnerev/Ermishin, Russia (14), 15-6 (40) · Ahmann/Hager, Germany (15) def. Holden/Leinemann, Canada (18), 15-6 (38) · M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (4) def. Prosser/Zahner, Australia (1), 15-8 (47) · Heidger/Wong, United States (7) won by injury forfeit over Sotelo/Ibarra, Mexico (24) · Zé Marco/Ricardo, Brazil (3) def. Berger/Stamm, Austria (17), 16-14 (56) · Blanton/Fonoimoana, United States (9) def. Kjemperud/Hoidalen, Norway (8), 15-13 (54) · Bosma/Diez, Spain (10) def. Emanuel/Loiola, Brazil (2), 1716 (65) Quarterfinals (losers eliminated, place fitfh) · Blanton/Fonoimoana, United States (9) def. Heidger/ Wong, United States (7), 15-3 (31) · Maia/Brenha, Portugal (12) def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (4), 15-11 (43) · Zé Marco/Ricardo, Brazil (3) def. Child/ Heese, Canada (6), 15-13 (81) · Ahmann/Hager, Germany (15) def. Bosma/Diez, Spain (10), 16-14 (50) Semi-finals · Blanton/Fonoimoana, United States (9) def. Maia/Brenha, Portugal (12), 15-12 (71) · Zé Marco/Ricardo, Brazil (3) def. Ahmann/Hager, Germany (15), 15-5 (31) Bronze Medal Match · Ahmann/Hager, Germany (15) def. Maia/Brenha, Portugal (12), 12-9 and 12-6 (70) Gold Medal Match · Blanton/Fonoimoana, United States (9) def. Zé Marco/Ricardo, Brazil (3), 12-11 and 12-9 (101) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 78 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL MATCH RESULTS Athens 2004 Pool A · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Horrem/Maaseide, Norway (24), 2115, 19-21, 15-10 (62 minutes) · Holdren/Metzger, United States (12) def. Schacht/Slack, Australia (13), 22-24, 24-22, 15-13 (80) · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Schacht/Slack, Australia (13), 21-17, 21-17 (44) · Horrem/Maaseide, Norway (24) def. Holdren/Metzger, United States (12), 14-21, 21-15, 16-14 (61) · Schacht/Slack, Australia (13) def. Horrem/Maaseide, Norway (24), 21-18, 21-17 (45) · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Holdren/Metzger, United States (12) 21-17, 21-10 (40) Pool B · Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil (2) def. Canet/Hamel, France (23), 21-13, 21-14 (43) · C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany (11) def. Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (14), 21-19, 19-21, 15-10 (64) · Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil (2) def. Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (14), 23-21, 22-20 (54) · Canet/Hamel, France (23) def. C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany (11), 17-21, 21-18, 15-10 (59) · Alvarez/Rosell, Cuba (14) def. Canet/Hamel, France (23), 21-18, 2119 (39) · C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany (11) def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil (2), 22-20, 21-17 (48) Pool C · M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (3) def. Gartmayer/Nowotny, Austria (22), 21-14, 21-14 (35) · Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15) def. Berger/Gosch, Austria (10), 21-14, 21-13 (44) · Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15) def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (3), 21-19, 17-21, 15-9 (53) · Berger/Gosch, Austria (10) def. Gartmayer/Nowotny, Austria (22), 2117, 21-17 (46) · Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15) def. Gartmayer/Nowotny, Austria (22), 21-16, 19-21, 15-11 (55) · M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (3) def. Berger/Gosch, Austria (10), 21-17, 21-19 (44) Pool D · M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany (4) def. Papaleo Perez/Hernandez, Puerto Rico (21), 21-14, 21-13 (39) · Berg/Dahl, Sweden (16) def. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway (9), 2113, 21-18 (44) · M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany (4) def. Berg/Dahl, Sweden (16), 21-16, 21-15 (45) · Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway (9) def. Papaleo Perez/Hernandez, Puerto Rico (21), 18-21, 21-19, 15-10 (69) · Berg/Dahl, Sweden (16) def. Papaleo Perez/Hernandez, Puerto Rico (21) 19-21, 21-16, 18-16 (67) · Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway (9) def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany (4), 22-24, 26-24, 15-13 (73) Pool E · Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5) def. Child/Heese, Canada (20), 2826, 21-18 (61) · Prosser/Williams, Australia (17) def. Blanton/Nygaard, United States (8), 21-16, 21-14 (39) · Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5) def. Prosser/Williams, Australia (17), 16-21, 22-20, 15-9 (56) · · · Child/Heese, Canada (20) def. Blanton/Nygaard, United States (8), 21-16, 21-10 (46) Prosser/Williams, Australia (17) def. Child/Heese, Canada (20), 2113, 15-21, 15-12 (55) Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5) def. Blanton/Nygaard, United States (8), 21-16, 13-21, 15-13 (55) Pool F · Pocock/Rorich, South Africa (19) def. Beligratis/Michalopoulos, Greece (6), 21-16, 24-26, 15-10 (78) · Baracetti/Conde, Argentina (7) def. Brenha/Maia, Portugal (18), 1321, 21-16, 15-5 (55) · Brenha/Maia, Portugal (18) def. Beligratis/Michalopoulos, Greece (6), 21-14, 21-19 (51) · Baracetti/Conde, Argentina (7) def. Pocock/Rorich, South Africa (19), 21-13, 21-15 (0:36) · Pocock/Rorich, South Africa (19) def. Brenha/Maia, Portugal (18), 2220, 22-20 (49) · Baracetti/Conde, Argentina (7) won by forfeit over Beligratis/Michalopoulos, Greece (6) Elimination Bracket –First Roud (losers eliminated, place 9th) · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Hoidalen/Kjemperud, Norway (9), 21-15, 19-21, 15-6 (54) · M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (3) def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil (2), 21-19, 19-21, 15-12 (67) · Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5) def. Joao Brenha / Luis Maia Portugal (18), 21-18, 21-19 (40) · Holdren/Metzger, United States (12) def. M. Dieckmann/Reckermann, Germany (4), 21-16, 19-21, 15-13 (65) · Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15) def. Berg/Dahl, Sweden (16), 21-16, 21-17 (44) · Child/Heese, Canada (20) def. Baracetti/Conde, Argentina (7), 21-17, 21-17 (42) · Prosser/Williams, Australia (17) def. Pocock /Rorich, South Africa (19), 21-14, 21-10 (35) · C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany (11) def. Schacht/Slack, Australia (13), 21-19, 21-12 (43) Elimination Bracket –Quarterfinals (losers eliminated, place 5th) · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. M. Laciga/P. Laciga, Switzerland (3), 21-13, 21-16 (38) · Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5) def. Holdren/Metzger, United States (12), 21-16, 21-19 (43) · Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15) def. Child/Heese, Canada (20), 2224, 21-19, 18-16 (67) · Prosser/Williams, Australia (17) def. C. Dieckmann/Scheuerpflug, Germany (11), 16-21, 21-19, 15-10 (62) Semifinals · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5), 21-14, 19-21, 15-12 (60) · Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15) def. Prosser /Williams, Australia (17), 21-18, 21-18 (45) Bronze Medal · Heuscher/Kobel, Switzerland (5) def. Prosser/Williams, Australia (17), 19-21, 21-17, 15-13 (61) Gold Medal · Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Bosma/Herrera, Spain (15), 2116, 21-15 (43) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 79 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SOLYMPI CBEACHVOLLEYBALLPARTI CI PANTS (player, year participated, placement) Australia............................. 10 Participants · Natalie Cook, 1996 (3), 2000 (1), 2004 (4) · Kerri Pottharst, 1996 (3), 2000 (1), 2004 (9) · Liane Fenwick, 1996 (7) · Tania Gooley, 2000 (5) · Annette Huygens Tholen, 2000 (19) · Pauline Manser, 2000 (5) · Nicole Sanderson, 2004 (4) · Anita Spring, 1996 (7) · Sarah Straton, 2000 (19) · Summer Lochowicz, 2004 (9) Brazil ....................................7 Participants · Sandra Pires, 1996 (1), 2000 (3), 2004 (5) · Shelda Bede, 2000 (2), 2004 (2) · Adriana Behar, 2000 (2), 2004 (2) · Adriana Samuel, 1996 (2), 2000 (3) · Jackie Silva, 1996 (1) · Monica Rodrigues, 1996 (2) · Ana Paula Connelly, 2004 (5) Bulgaria................................2 Participants · Lina Yanchulova, 2000 (17), 2004 (9) · Petia Yanchulova, 2000 (17), 2004 (9) Canada .................................4 Participants · Barb Broen Ouellette, 1996 (17) · Guylaine Dumont, 2004 (5) · Margo Malowney, 1996 (17) · Annie Martin, 2004 (5) China ....................................7 Participants · Rong Chi, 2000 (9) · Zi Xiong, 2000 (9) · Jia Tian, 2000 (19), 2004 (9) · Jingkun Zhang, 2000 (19) · Fei Wang, 2004 (9) · Lu Wang, 2004 (19) · Whenhui You, 2004 (19) Cuba .....................................2 Participants · Dalixia Fernandez Grasset, 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Tamara Larrea Peraza, 2000 (9), 2004 (9) Czech Republic....................4 Participants · Eva Celbova, 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Sona Novakova, 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Martina Hudcova, 2000 (19) · Tereza Tobiasova, 2000 (19) England ............................... 2 Participants · Audrey Cooper, 1996 (9) · Amanda Glover, 1996 (9) France.................................. 3 Participants · Anabelle Prawerman, 1996 (13), 2000 (9) · Brigitte Lesage, 1996 (13) · Cecile Rigaux, 2000 (9) Germany .............................. 8 Participants · Danja Musch, 1996 (7), 2000 (9), 2004 (9) · Beate Buhler, 1996 (7) · Maike Friedrichsen, 2000 (9) · Suzanne Lahme, 2004 (9) · Stephanie Pohl, 2004 (5) · Okka Rau, 2004 (5) · Ulrike Schmidt, 2000 (9) · Gudi Staub, 2000 (9) Greece ................................. 4 Participants · Vasso Karadassiou, 2000 (17), 2004 (9) · Efi Sfyri, 2000 (17), 2004 (9) · Vassiliki Arvaniti, 2004 (9) · Efthalia Koutroumanidou, 2004 (9) Indonesia............................. 2 Participants · Eta Kaize, 1996 (13) · Timy Yudhani Rahayu, 1996 (13) Italy ...................................... 5 Participants · Daniela Gattelli, 2000 (9), 2004 (5) · Lucilla Perrotta, 2000 (9), 2004 (5) · Annamaria Solazzi, 1996 (13), 2000 (5) · Laura Bruschini, 2000 (5) · Consuelo Turetta, 1996 (13) Japan ................................... 8 Participants · Yuki Ishizaka, 1996 (9), 2000 (19) · Yukiko Takahashi, 1996 (5), 2000 (4) · Sachiko Fujita, 1996 (5) · Chiaki Kusuhara, 2004 (17) · Peko Nakano, 1996 (9) · Rii Seike, 2000 (19) · Mika Teru Saiki, 2000 (4) · Ryo Tokuno, 2004 (17) Mexico.................................. 5 Participants · Hilda Gaxiola, 2000 (19), 2004 (19) · Velia Eguiluz Soto, 1996 (17) · Teresa Galindo, 2000 (19) · Mayra Garcia, 2004 (19) · Mayra Huerta, 1996 (17) Netherlands ......................... 4 Participants · Debora Schoon Kadijk, 1996 (13), 2000 (19) · Lisette Van de Ven, 1996 (13) · Rebekka Kadijk, 2000 (19), 2004 (19) · Marrit Leenstra, 2004 (19) Norway................................. 6 Participants · Merita Berntsen, 1996 (9) · Susanne Glesnes, 2004 (17) · Nila Ann Hakedal, 2004 (19) · Ragni Hestad, 1996 (9) · Kathrine Maaseide, 2004 (17) · Ingrid Torlen, 2004 (19) Portugal ............................... 2 Participants · Cristina Pereira, 2000 (9) · Maria Jose Schuller, 2000 (9) South Africa......................... 2 Participants · Leigh-Ann Naidoo, 2004 (19) · Julia Willand, 2004 (19) Switzerland .......................... 2 Participants · Simone Kuhn, 2004 (19) · Nicole Schnyder, 2004 (19) United States ..................... 11 Participants · Holly McPeak, 1996 (5), 2000 (5), 2004 (3) · Misty May-Treanor, 2000 (5), 2004 (1) · Gail Castro Kehl, 1996 (9) · Annett Davis, 2000 (5) · Barbra Fontana, 1996 (4) · Linda Hanley, 1996 (4) · Jenny Johnson Jordan, 2000 (5) · Nancy Reno, 1996 (5) · Deb Richardson, 1996 (9) · Kerri Walsh, 2004 (1) · Elaine Youngs, 2004 (3) WOMEN’ SOLYMPI CBEACHVOLLEYBALLENTRI ES,MATCHES,WI NS Country Olympics Australia 3 Brazil 3 Bulgaria 2 Canada 2 China 2 Cuba 2 Czech Republic 2 England 1 France 2 Germany 3 Greece 2 Entries 7 6 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 5 3 Matches Wins 29 19 33 26 7 3 7 3 13 2 8 4 8 3 3 1 6 3 19 10 11 4 Pct. 65.5% 78.8% 42.9% 42.9% 15.4% 50.0% 37.5% 33.3% 50.0% 52.6% 36.4% Country Indonesia Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Norway Portugal South Africa Switzerland United States Totals Olympics 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 Entries 1 4 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 7 66 Matches Wins 4 2 14 6 17 8 7 0 7 0 9 3 2 1 3 0 3 0 36 25 246 123 Pct. 50.0% 42.9% 47.1% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 69.4% 50.0% Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 80 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL PLACEMENTS A total 100 players from 21 countri eshav ecompet edi nt hewomen’ sOI y mpi cBeachVol l ey bal lcompet i t i on,i ncl udi ngAustralia (7 team entries, 10 players), Brazil (6, 7), Bulgaria (2, 2), Canada (2, 4), China (4, 7), Cuba (2, 2), Czech Republic (3, 4), England (1, 2), France (2, 3), Germany (5, 8), Greece (3, 4), Indonesia (1, 2), Italy (4, 5), Japan (5, 8), Mexico (3, 5), Netherlands (3, 4), Norway (3, 6), Portugal (1, 2), South Africa (1, 2), Switzerland (1, 2) and United States (7, 11). Atlanta 1996 Placement, Team, Country (seed) 1. Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil (1) 2. Monica Rodrigues/Adriana Samuel, Brazil (5) 3. Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst , Australia (6) 4. Barbra Fontana/Linda Hanley, United States (4) 5. Holly McPeak/Nancy Reno, United States (2) Sachiko Fujita/Yukiko Takahashi, Japan (8) 7. Beate Buhler/Danja Musch, Germany (7) Liane Fenwick/Anita Spring, Australia (9) 9. Gail Castro Kehl/Deb Richardson, United States (3) Yuki Ishizaka/Peko Nakano, Japan (10) Audrey Cooper/Amanda Glover, England (11) Merita Berntsen/Ragni Hestad, Norway (13) 13. Annamaria Solazzi/Consuelo Turetta, Italy (12) Debora Schoon Kadijk/Lisette Van de Ven, Netherlands (14) Eta Kaize/Timy Yudhani Rahayu, Indonesia (17) Brigitte Lesage/Anabelle Prawerman, France (18) 17. Velia Eguiluz Soto/Mayra Huerta, Mexico (15) Barb Broen Ouellette/Margo Malowney, Canada (16) Sydney 2000 Placement, Team, Country (seed) 1. Natalie Cook/Kerri Pottharst, Australia (1) 2. Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil (2) 3. Sandra Pires/Adriana Samuel, Brazil (5) 4. Yukiko Takahashi/Mika Teru Saiki, Japan (6) 5. Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States (3) Misty May-Treanor/Holly McPeak, United States (4) Tania Gooley/Pauline Manser, Australia (7) Laura Bruschini/Annamaria Solazzi, Italy (9) 9. Ulrike Schmidt/Gudi Staub, Germany (8) Maike Friedrichsen/Danja Musch, Germany (10) Rong Chi/Zi Xiong, China (12) Cristina Pereira/Maria Jose Schuller, Portugal (13) Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, Czech Republic (14) Anabelle Prawerman/Cecile Rigaux, France (15) Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta, Italy (18) Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, Cuba (20) 17. Vasso Karadassiou/Efi Sfyri, Greece (16) Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria (23) 19. Rebekka Kadijk/Debora Schoon Kadijk, Netherlands (11) Jia Tian/Jingkun Zhang, China (17) Yuki Ishizaka/Rii Seike, Japan (19) Martina Hudcova/Tereza Tobiasova, Czech Republic (21) Annette Huygens Tholen/Sarah Straton, Australia (22) Teresa Galindo/Hilda Gaxiola, Mexico (24) Athens 2004 Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States (1) Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil (2) Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs, United States (4) Natalie Cook/Nicole Sanderson, Australia (5) Ana Paula Connelly/Sandra Pires, Brazil (3) Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany (8) Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta, Italy (14) Guylaine Dumont/Annie Martin, Canada (16) 9. Vasso Karadassiou/Efi Sfyri, Greece (6) Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China (7) Suzanne Lahme/Danja Musch, Germany (10) Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, Cuba (11) Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, Czech Republic (12) Vassiliki Arvaniti/Efthalia Koutroumanidou, Greece (15) Summer Lochowicz/Kerri Pottharst, Australia (18) Lina Yanchulova/Petia Yanchulova, Bulgaria (20) 17. Susanne Glesnes/Kathrine Maaseide, Norway (21) Chiaki Kusuhara/Ryo Tokuno, Japan (24) 19. Simone Kuhn/Nicole Schnyder, Switzerland (9) Rebekka Kadijk/Marrit Leenstra, Netherlands (13) Lu Wang/Whenhui You, China (17) Mayra Garcia/Hilda Gaxiola, Mexico (19) Nila Ann Hakedal/Ingrid Torlen, Norway (22) Leigh-Ann Naidoo/Julia Willand, South Africa (23) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Team –3-Time Olympic Participation · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · None Team –2-Time Olympic Participation Adriana/Shelda, Brazil, 2000, 2004 Celbova/Novakova, Czech Republic, 2000, 2004 Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy, 2000, 2000 Grasset/Peraza, Cuba, 2000, 2004 Karadassiou/Sfyr, Greece, 2000, 2004 Yanchulovas, Bulgaria, 2000, 2004 Individual –3-time Olympic Participation (other than team) Cook, Australia, 1996, 2000, 2004 Pottharst, Australia, 1996, 2000, 2004 Pires, Brazil, 1996, 2000, 2004 Müsch, Germany, 1996, 2000, 2004 McPeak, United States, 1996, 2000, 2004 Individual –2-time Olympic Participation (other than team) Gaxiola, Mexico, 2000, 2004 Yuki Ishizaka, Japan, 1996, 2000 Kadijk, Netherlands, 2000, 2004 May-Treanor, United States, 2000, 2004 Schoon Kadijk, Netherlands, 1996, 2000 Solazzi, Italy, 1996, 2000 Jia Tian, China, 2000, 2004 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 81 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL MATCH RESULTS Atlanta 1996 Wi nner ’ sBr acket, First-round · Kaize/Yudhani, Indonesia (No. 17-seeded team) def. Malowney/Oullette, Canada (16), 15-10 (44 minutes) · Prawerman/Lesage, France (18) def. Hernandez/Soto, Mexico (15) 15-11 (28) Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Second-round · Fenwick/Spring, Australia (9) def. Fujita/Takahashi, Japan (8), 15-10 (26) · Rodrigues/Samuel, Brazil (5) def. Solazzi/Turetta, Italy (12) 17-15 (57) · Fontana/Hanley, United States (4) def. Bernsten/Hestad, Norway (13) 15-4 (41) · Castro/Richardson, United States (3) def. Kadijk/Van de Ven, Netherlands (14) 15-8 (34) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (6) def. Cooper/Glover, England (11) 15-4 (38) · Buhler/Musch, Germany (7) def. Ishizaka/Nakano, Japan (10) 15-8 (36) · Silva/Pires, Brazil (1) def. Kaize/Yudhani, Indonesia (17) 15-2 (26) · McPeak/Reno, United States (2) def. Prawerman/Lesage, France (18) 15-4 (33) Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Thi r d-round · Silva/Pires, Brazil (1) def. Fenwick/Spring, Australia (9), 15-13 (45) · Rodrigues/Samuel, Brazil (5) def. Fontana/Hanley, United States (4), 15-10 (55) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (6) def. Castro/Richardson, United States (3), 15-7 (38) · McPeak/Reno, United States (2) def. Buhler/Musch, Germany (7), 15-6 (36) Wi nner ’ sBr acket ,Four t h-round · Silva/Pires, Brazil (1) def. Rodrigues/Samuel, Brazil (5), 15-4 (33) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (6) def. McPeak/Reno, United States (2), 15-13 (65) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Fi r st -round (losers eliminated, place 17th) · Prawerman/Lesage, France (18) def. Malowney/Oullette, Canada (16), 15-13 (68) · Kaize/Yudhani, Indonesia (17) def. Hernandez/Soto, Mexico (15) 15-11 (29) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Second-round (losers eliminated, place 13th) · Cooper/Glover, England (11) def. Kadijk/Van de Ven, Netherlands (14), 15-12 (50) · Bernsten/Hestad, Norway (13) def. Solazzi/Turetta, Italy (12) 15-11 (42) · Ishizaka/Nakano, Japan (10) def. Prawerman/Lesage, France (18) (26) · Fujita/Takahashi, Japan (8) def. Kaize/Yudhani, Indonesia (17), 15-0 (18) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Thi r d-round (losers eliminated, place ninth) · Fontana/Hanley, United States (4) def. Ishizaka/Nakano, Japan (10), 15-6 (32) · Fenwick/Spring, Australia (9) def. Cooper/Glover, England (11), 15-12 (38) · Buhler/Musch, Germany (7) def. Bernsten/Hestad, Norway (13), 15-9 (45) · Fujita/Takahashi, Japan (8) def. Castro/Richardson, United States (3), 15-11 (49) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Fourth-round (losers eliminated, place seventh) · Fontana/Hanley, United States (4) def. Fenwick/Spring, Australia (9), 15-6 (37) · Fujita-Takahashi, Japan (8) def. Buhler/Musch, Germany (7), 15-4 (32) Loser ’ sBr acket ,Fi f t h-round (losers eliminated, place fifth) · Fontana/Hanley, United States (4) def. McPeak/Reno, United States (2), 15-10 (49) · Rodrigues/Samuel, Brazil(5) def. Fujita/Takahashi, Japan (8), 15-6 (45) Semi-finals · Silva/Pires, Brazil (1) def. Fontana/Hanley, United States (4), 15-8 (39) · Rodrigues/Samuel, Brazil (5) def. Cook/Pottharst, Australia (6), 15-3 (27) Bronze Medal Match · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (6) def. Fontana/Hanley, United States (4), 12-11 and 12-7 (111) Gold Medal Match · Silva/Pires, Brazil (1) def. Rodrigues /Samuel, Brazil (5), 12-11 and 12-6 (69) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 82 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL MATCH RESULTS Sydney 2000 Preliminary (winners advanced to Round of 16) · Prawerman/Cécile Rigaux, France (15) def. Friedrichsen/Müsch, Germany (10), 16-14 (67) · Schmidt/Gudula Staub, Germany (8) def. Zhang Jingkun/Tian Jia, China (17), 17-15 (48) · May-Treanor/McPeak, United States (4) def. Hudcova/ Tobiasova, Czech Republic (21), 15-5 (22) · Gooley/Pauline Manser, Australia (7) def. Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (18), 15-9 (38) · Schuller /Ana Cristina Pereira, Portugal (13) def. Zi Xiong/Rong Chi, China (12), 15-5 (28) · Bruschini/Solazzi, Italy (9) def. Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (16), 15-2 (34) · Takahashi/Teru Saiki, Japan (6) def. Ishizaka/Seike, Japan (19), 15-3 (31) · Celbova/Dosoudilova, Czech Republic (14) def. Schoon/Kadijk, Netherlands (11), 17-15 (42) · Pires/ Brazil (5) def. Fernandez Grossat/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (20), 15-4 (25) · Davis/Johnson Jordan, United States (3) def. Huygens Tholen/Straton, Australia (22), 15-13 (38) · Adriana/Shelda, Brazil (2) def. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria (23), 15-3 (25) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (1) def. Galindo/Gaxiola, Mexico (24), 15-11 (41) Preliminary Elimination (losers eliminated, place 19th) · Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (18) def. Ishizaka/Rii Seike, Japan (19), 15-5 (44) · Zi Xiong/Rong Chi, China (12) def. Galindo/Gaxiola, Mexico (24), 16-14 (50) · Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (16) def. Hudcova/Tobiasova, Czech Republic (21), 15-6 (29) · Friedrichsen/Müsch, Germany (10) def. Huygens Tholen/Straton, Australia (22), 15-9 (38) · L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria (23) def. Schoon/Kadijk, Netherlands (11), 17-15 (55) · Fernandez Grossat/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (20) def. Zhang Jingkun/Tian Jia, China (17), 15-12 (34) Preliminary Elimination (winners advance to Round of 16 plus team with highest point ratio; losers eliminated, place 17th) · Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (18) def. Zi Xiong/Rong Chi, China (12), 15-9 (45) · Friedrichsen/Müsch, Germany (10) def. Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (16), 15-7 (36) · Fernandez Grossat/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (20) def. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria (23), 15-3 (23) Round of 16 (losers eliminated, place ninth) · Bruschini/Solazzi, Italy (9) def. Schmidt/Staub, Germany (8), 15-12 (34) · Takahashi/Teru Saiki, Japan (6) def. Celbova/Dosoudilova, Czech Republic (14), 15-2 (25) · Gooley/Manser, Australia (7) def. Prawerman/ Rigaux, France (15), 15-3 (29) · Davis/Johnson Jordan, United States (3) def. Fernandez Grossat/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (20), 15-9 (34) · May-Treanor/McPeak, United States (4) def. Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (18), 15-13 (46) · Pires/Samuel, Brazil (5) def. Maria José/Ana Cristina, Portugal (13), 15-6 (36) · Adriana/Shelda, Brazil (2) def. Friedrichsen/Müsch, Germany (10), 15-9 (50) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (1) def. Zi Xiong/Rong Chi, China (12), 15-2 (30) Quarterfinals (losers eliminated, place fifth) · Takahashi/Teru Saiki, Japan (6) def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, United States (3), 15-9 (48) · Adriana/Shelda, Brazil (2) def. Gooley/Manser, Australia (7), 15-7 (34) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (1) def. Bruschini/Solazzi, Italy (9), 15-11 (39) · Pires/Samuel, Brazil (5) def. May-Treanor/McPeak, United States (4), 16-14 (49) Semi-finals · Adriana/Shelda, Brazil (2) def. Takahashi/Teru Saiki, Japan (6), 15-10 (43) · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (1) def. Pires/Samuel, Brazil (5), 15-6 (36) Bronze Medal Match · Pires/Samuel, Brazil (5) def. Takahashi/Teru Saiki, Japan (6), 12-4 and 12-6 (53) Gold Medal Match · Cook/Pottharst, Australia (1) def. Adriana/Shelda, Brazil (2), 12-11 and 12-10 (75) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 83 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 WOMEN’ SOLYMPIC BEACH VOLLEYBALL MATCH RESULTS Athens 2004 Pool A · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Kusuhara/Tokuno, Japan (24), 21-9, 21-16 (35 minutes) · Celbova/Novakova, Czech Republic (12) def. Kadijk/Leenstra, Netherlands (13), 21-19, 21-16 (45) · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Kadijk/Leenstra, Netherlands (13), 21-11, 21-13 (33) · Celbova/Novakova, Czech Republic (12) def. Kusuhara/Tokuno, Japan (24), 23-21, 21-12 (42) · Kusuhara/Tokuno, Japan (24) def. Kadijk/Leenstra, Netherlands (13), 15-21, 21-17, 15-13 (58) · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Celbova/Novakova, Czech Republic (12), 21-17, 21-17 (40) Pool B · Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2) def. Naidoo/Willand, South Africa (23), 21-7, 21-10 (35) · Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (11) def. Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (14), 21-17, 18-21, 15-10 (61) · Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2) def. Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (14,), 21-17, 21-17 (46) · Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (11) def. Naidoo/Willand, South Africa, (23), 21-19, 21-16 (41) · Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (14) def. Naidoo/Willand, South Africa (23), 21-18, 21-14 (46) · Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2) def. Larrea Peraza/Fernandez Grasset, Cuba (11), 21-14, 21-19 (45) Pool C · Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil (3) def. Hakedal/Torlen, Norway (22), 2118, 21-19 (47) · Lahme/Musch, Germany (10) def. Arvaniti/Koutroumanidou, Greece (15), 21-16, 16-21, 15-10 (59) · Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil (3) def. Arvaniti/Koutroumanidou, Greece (15), 21-13, 21-14 (34) · Hakedal/Torlen, Norway (22) de. Lahme/Musch, Germany (10) 13-21, 21-17, 15-12 (54) · Arvaniti/Koutroumanidou, Greece (15) def. Hakedal/Torlen, Norway, (22) 21-11, 21-23, 15-12 (60) · Lahme/Musch, Germany (10) def. Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil (3), 18-21, 21-15, 15-11 (53) Pool D · McPeak/Youngs United States (4) def. Glesnes/Maaseide Norway, (21) 21-14, 21-14 (38) · Dumont/Martin Canada (16) def. Kuhn/Schnyder, Switzerland (9), 21-16, 21-13 (39) · McPeak/Youngs, United States (4) def. Dumont/Martin, Canada (16), 21-13, 12-21, 15-9 (48) · Glesnes/Maaseide, Norway (21) def. KuhnSchnyder, Switzerland (9), 21-18, 17-21, 15-13 (61) · Dumont/Martin, Canada (16) def. Glesnes/Maaseide, Norway (21), 21-19, 29-27 (52) · McPeak/Youngs, United States (4) def. Kuhn/Schnyder, Switzerland (9), 22-24, 21-17, 15-12 (60) Pool E · Cook/Sanderson Australia (5) def. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova Bulgaria (20) 21-16, 21-12 (39) · Pohl/Rau Germany (8) def. Whenhui You/Lu Wang China (17) 21-17, 21-18 (46) · Cook/Sanderson, Australia (5) def. Whenhui You/Lu Wang China (17) 21-19, 17-21, 17-15 (57) L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria (20) def. Pohl/Rau, Germany (8) 18-21, 21-19, 15-13 (68) · L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria (20) def. Lu Wang/Whenhui You China (17) 21-19, 21-17 (38) · Pohl/Rau, Germany (8) def. Cook/Sanderson, Australia (5) 2110, 22-20 (0:41) Pool F · Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (6) def. Garcia/Gaxiola, Mexico (19), 21-17, 21-13 (41) · Lochowicz/Pottharst, Australia (18) def. Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China (7), 21-18, 21-18 (45) · Lochowicz/Pottharst, Australia (18) def. Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (6), 21-15, 15-21, 16-14 (55) · Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China (7) def. Garcia/Gaxiola, Mexico (19), 21-19, 21-15 (0:44) · Lochowicz/Pottharst, Australia (18) def. Garcia/Gaxiola, Mexico (19), 26-24, 22-20 (50) · Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (6) def. Jia Tian/Fei Wang China (7), 21-14, 21-17 (47) Elimination Bracket –First Round (losers eliminated, place 9th) · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China (7), 21-11, 21-18 (36) · Dumont/Martin, Canada (16) def. Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (11) 21-18, 21-19 (40) · Pohl/Rau, Germany (8) def. Arvaniti/Koutroumanidou, Greece (15), 21-12, 19-21, 15-11 (62) · McPeak/Youngs, United States (4) def. Celbova/Novakova, Czech Republic (12), 21-16, 21-16 (41) · Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (14) def. Lahme/Musch, Germany (10), 1621, 21-17, 21-19 (70) · Cook/Sanderson, Australia (5) def. Lochowicz/Kerri Pottharst, (18), 21-15, 21-16 (41) · Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil (3) def. Karadassiou/Sfyri, Greece (6), 21-16, 21-19 (40) · Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2) def. L. Yanchulova/P. Yanchulova, Bulgaria (20), 18-21, 21-16, 15-11 (59) Elimination Bracket –Quarterfinals (losers eliminated, place 5th) · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Dumont/Martin, Canada (16), 21-19, 21-14 (38) · McPeak/Youngs, United States (4) def. Pohl/Rau, Germany (8), 21-17, 21-17 (43) · Cook/Sanderson, Australia (5) def. Gattelli/Perrotta, Italy (14) 2116, 14-21, 15-12 (63) · Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2) def. Ana Paula/Pires, Brazil (3), 15-21, 21-13, 15-13 (59) Semifinals · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. McPeak/Youngs, United States (4), 21-18, 21-15 (41) · Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2) def. Cook/Sanderson, Australia (5), 21-17, 21-16 (39) Bronze Medal · McPeak/Youngs, United States (4) def. Cook/Sanderson, Australia (5), 21-18, 15-21, 15-9 (71) Gold Medal · May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (2), 21-17, 21-11 (42) Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 84 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA SUI SWE ESP RSA RUS PUR 2 POR NOR 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 NZE 1 NED 1 MEX 1 JPN ITA 1 IND 1 GRE EST CZE CUB CAN BRA AUT 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11 20 135 AUS 1 GER 5 11 3 16 11 4 3 0 3 11 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 7 10 0 1 2 12 FRA Argentina Australia Austria Brazil Canada Cuba Czech Republic Estonia France Germany Greece Indonesia Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Puerto Rico Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland United States Losses ARG Wins MEN’ SOLYMPI CBEACHVOLLEYBALLHEAD-TO-HEAD RESULTS 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 3 2 12 2 7 1 2 8 1 1 9 1 1 4 4 2 1 6 3 9 3 2 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland ..........................................................................Page 85 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 1 9 1 1 1 3 8 3 1 2 1 7 6 4 2 3 12 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 1 1 USA 1 SUI 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 10 4 2 6 8 0 0 3 1 0 0 25 123 RSA 2 3 POR 1 2 NOR 3 NED MEX 1 JPN 2 ITA 1 1 1 IND 1 GRE 2 2 GER FRA 3 ENG 2 CZE 1 3 CUB 2 4 CHN 1 CAN BUL 19 26 3 3 2 4 BRA Australia Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Cuba Czech Republic England France Germany Greece Indonesia Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Norway Portugal South Africa Switzerland United States Totals AUS Country Wins WOMEN’ SOLYMPI CBEACHVOLLEYBALLHEAD-TO-HEAD RESULTS 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 10 7 4 2 1 1 3 4 11 4 5 2 1 2 3 9 7 2 1 1 8 9 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland ..........................................................................Page 86 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 7 2 2 7 6 1 3 1 4 3 11 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 MEN’ S“FI NALFOUR”SWATCH-FIVB WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS June 22-26, 2005 at Berlin - Semi-Finals - Sascha Heyer/Paul Laciga, Switzerland (No. 8-seeded team) def. Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany (13), 21-16, 19-21, 15-13 (69 minutes); Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil (2) def. Marvin Polte/Thorsten Schoen, Germany (43), 21-18, 21-14 (53). Bronze Medal - Brink/Schneider, Germany (13) def. Polte/Schoen, Germany (43), 16-21, 21-17, 15-10 (65), Gold Medal - Marcio Araujo/Fabio, Brazil (2) def. Heyer/P. Laciga, Switzerland (8), 22-20, 21-12 (42). October 14-19, 2003 at Rio de Janeiro - Semi-Finals - Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil (1) won by forfeit over Joao Brenha/Luis Maia, Portugal (13); Dax Holdren/Stein Metzger, United States (15) def. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil (2), 21-19 and 21-14 (46). Bronze Medal - Marcio Araujo/Benjamin, Brazil (2) won by forfeit over Brenha/Maia, Portugal (13), Gold Medal - Emanuel/Ricardo, Brazil (1) def. Holdren/Metzger, United States (15), 21-18 and 21-15 (44). August 1-5, 2001 at Klagenfurt, Austria - Semi-Finals - Mariano Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina (4) def. Rob Heidger/Chip McCaw, United States (4), 21-16 and 21-16 (44), Jose Loiola/Ricardo Santos, Brazil (10) def. Jorre Kjemperud/Vegard Hoidalen, Norway (6), 29-31, 21-19 and 15-12 (69). Bronze Medal - Kjemperud/Hoidalen, Norway (6) def. Heidger/McCaw, United States (18), 21-16 and 21-14 (37), Gold Medal - Baracetti/Conde, Argentina (4) def. Loiola/Ricardo, Brazil (10), 25-23, 12-21 and 20-18 (69). July 20-25, 1999 at Marseille, France - Semi-Finals –Emanuel Rego /Jose Loiola, Brazil (2) def. Javier Bosma/Fabio Diez, Spain (8), 15-11 (53), Paul Laciga/Martin Laciga, Switzerland (6) def. Para Ferreira/Guilherme Marques, Brazil (3), 15-11 (56), Bronze Medal - Para/Guilherme, Brazil (3) def. Bosma/Diez, Spain (8), 15-7 (35), Gold Medal Emanuel/Loiola, Brazil (2) def. P. Laciga/M. Laciga, Switzerland (6), 15-8 (50). September 10-13, 1997 at Los Angeles - Semi-Finals -Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil (9) def. Paulao Moreira/Paulo Emilio Silva, Brazil (4, Q1), 10-12, 12-9 and 15-13 (136), Canyon Ceman/Mike Whitmarsh, United States (3) def. Dain Blanton/Kent Steffes, United States (2), 12-5 ad 12-8 (68), No Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Guilherme/Para, Brazil (9) def. Ceman/Whitmarsh, United States (3), 5-12, 12-8 and 12-10 (90). WOMEN’ S“FI NALFOUR”SWATCH-FIVB WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS June 21-25, 2005 at Berlin - Semi-Finals - Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa Franca Brazil (No. 1-seeded team) def. Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, Cuba (13), 21-15, 21-16 (38 minutes); Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States (19) def. Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China (5) 21-16, 19-21, 5-4 retired (52). Bronze Medal - Jia Tian/Fei Wang, China (5) def. Fernandez Grasset/Larrea Peraza, Cuba (13), 21-13, 21-17 (40), Gold Medal - May-Treanor/Walsh, United States (19) def. Juliana/Larissa, Brazil (1), 21-17, 21-17 (40). October 7-12, 2003 at Rio de Janeiro - Semi-Finals - Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States (1) def. Natalie Cook/Nicole Sanderson, Australia (5), 19-21, 21-19 and 18-16 (61), Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil (3) def. Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States (7), 21-16 and 21-16 (40), Bronze Medal - Natalie Cook/Nicole Sanderson, Australia (5) def. Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States (7), 21-16 and 21-17 (35), Gold Medal –MayTreanor/Walsh, United States (1) def. Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (3), 21-19 and 21-19 (40). August 1-4, 2001 at Klagenfurt, Austria - Semi-Finals - Adriana Behar/Shelda Bede, Brazil (1) def. Eva Celbova/Sona Dosoudilova, Czech Republic (12), 21-15 and 21-16 (37), Sandra Pires/Tatiana Minello, Brazil (3) def. Barbra Fontana/Elaine Youngs, United States (2), 21-19, 13-21 and 15-13 (61), Bronze Medal - Celbova/Dosoudilova, Czech Republic (12) def. Fontana/Youngs, United States (2), 21-17 and 21-19 (39), Gold Medal - Adriana/Shelda, Brazil (1) def. Pires/Minello, Brazil (3), 21-16 and 21-18 (39). July 19-24, 1999 at Marseille, France - Semi-Finals - Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States (8) def. Liz Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, United States (13), 15-11 (50), Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil (1) wo by forfeit over Sandra Pires/Adriana Samuel, Brazil (3), Bronze Medal - Masakayan/Youngs, United States (13) won by forfeit over Pires/Samuel, Brazil (3), Gold Medal -Shelda/Adriana, Brazil (1) def. Davis/Johnson Jordan, United States (8), 15-11 (30). September 10-13, 1997 at Los Angeles - Semi-Finals - Lisa Arce/Holly McPeak, United States (1) def. Karolyn Kirby/Nancy Reno, United States (12), 12-4 and 12-9 (77), Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil (3) def. Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil (2), 12-11, 4-12 ad 12-3 (116), No Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal - Pires/Silva, Brazil (3) def. Arce/McPeak, United States (1), 12-11, 1-12 and 12-10 (89). Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 87 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 PAST SWATCH-FIVB BEACH VOLLEYBALL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ENTRIES Country American Samoa Angola Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Costa Rica Cuba Czech Republic Denmark England Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Men 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Men Team Entries 1 1 9 14 17 3 29 0 14 1 1 1 4 8 1 0 2 0 19 21 2 0 Entries 1st American Samoa 1 0 Angola 1 0 Argentina 9 1 Australia 14 0 Austria 17 0 Belgium 3 0 Brazil 29 4 Canada 14 0 Chile 1 0 China 1 0 Costa Rica 1 0 Cuba 4 0 Czech Republic 8 0 Denmark 1 0 Estonia 2 0 France 19 0 Germany 21 0 Greece 2 0 Indonesia 2 0 Italy 10 0 Japan 11 0 Kazakhstan 2 0 Latvia 1 0 Lithuania 1 0 Mexico 2 0 Netherlands 4 0 New Zealand 2 0 Norway 16 0 Poland 3 0 Portugal 6 0 Puerto Rico 7 0 Russia 10 0 Spain 10 0 Sweden 9 0 Switzerland 14 0 United States 29 0 2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Women Team Entries .......... Overall 0 ......................... 1 0 ......................... 1 0 ......................... 9 14 ...................... 28 11 ...................... 28 0 ......................... 3 23 ...................... 52 5 ......................... 5 17 ...................... 31 0 ......................... 1 10 ...................... 11 0 ......................... 1 5 ......................... 9 7 ....................... 15 1 ......................... 2 3 ......................... 3 0 ......................... 2 1 ......................... 1 18 ...................... 37 19 ...................... 40 8 ....................... 10 2 ......................... 2 3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Earnings Points $0 42 $1,875 80 $93,300 1,910 $45,950 1,440 $34,000 1,158 $0 30 $488,400 9,348 $57,725 1,818 $0 24 $5,500 100 $0 24 $28,750 850 $3,400 326 $0 18 $21,875 680 $40,300 1,266 $163,200 4,528 $1,875 120 $0 12 $18,250 768 $14,125 498 $0 12 $0 18 $0 42 $3,000 84 $19,875 540 $8,500 160 $80,800 2,148 $0 88 $42,900 1,300 $13,750 548 $41,400 1,356 $48,025 1,296 $18,375 634 $155,700 3,760 $303,650 7,952 Country Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand United States Total Men Team Entries 2 10 11 2 1 1 2 4 2 16 3 6 7 10 0 10 9 14 0 29 287 Women Entries 1st 1. Australia 14 0 2. Austria 11 0 3. Brazil 23 3 4. Bulgaria 5 0 5. Canada 17 0 6. China 10 0 7. Cuba 5 0 8. Czech Republic 7 0 9. Denmark 1 0 10. England 3 0 11. Finland 1 0 12. France 18 0 13. Germany 19 0 14. Greece 8 0 15. Hungary 2 0 16. Indonesia 1 0 17. Italy 16 0 18. Japan 13 0 19. Latvia 1 0 20. Lithuania 3 0 21. Mexico 9 0 22. Netherlands 6 0 23. New Zealand 2 0 24. Norway 8 0 25. Portugal 4 0 26. South Africa 1 0 27. Spain 4 0 28. Sweden 3 0 29. Switzerland 11 0 30. Thailand 2 0 31. United States 30 2 2nd 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Women Team Entries...........Overall 1.......................... 3 16....................... 26 13....................... 24 0.......................... 2 1.......................... 2 3.......................... 4 9........................ 11 6........................ 10 2.......................... 4 8........................ 24 0.......................... 3 4........................ 10 0.......................... 7 0........................ 10 1.......................... 1 4........................ 14 3........................ 12 11....................... 25 2.......................... 2 30....................... 59 258.................... 545 3rd 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4th 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Earnings Points $99,900 2,780 $17,000 572 $474,200 9,210 $19,500 554 $46,175 1,560 $91,000 2,486 $49,375 1,440 $50,850 1,360 $0 48 $7,500 306 $3,750 50 $30,125 980 $119,850 3,726 $50,875 1,628 $1,875 120 $3,400 120 $59,125 1,836 $45,675 1,342 $0 40 $0 18 $25,750 912 $44,950 1,440 $0 88 $25,750 748 $9,150 298 $5,000 160 $13,125 230 $1,875 138 $32,000 1,082 $5,750 160 $419,100 9,066 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 88 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 Top SWATCH-FI VBBeachVol l eybal lWor l dChampi onshi pMen’ sTeams–Money, Events & Final 4s Team 1. Guilherme Marques/Para Ferreira, Brazil 2. Martin Laciga/Paul Laciga, Switzerland 3. Emanuel Rego/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 4. Marcio Araujo/Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil Jose Loiola/Emanuel Rego, Brazil 6. Mariano Baracetti/Martin Conde, Argentina 7. Sascha Heyer/Paul Laciga, Switzerland 8. Joao Brenha/Luis Maia, Portugal 9. Canyon Ceman/Mike Whitmarsh, United States 10. Dax Holdren/Stein Metzger, United States 11. Vegard Hoidalen/Jorre Kjemperud, Norway 12. Julius Brink/Kjell Schneider, Germany Jose Loiola/Ricardo Santos, Brazil 14. Marcio Araujo/Benjamin Insfran, Brazil 15. Marvin Polte/Thorsten Schoen, Germany · · Played 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 Money $84,000 $70,200 $67,500 $60,000 $60,000 $52,000 $45,000 $42,900 $42,000 $40,000 $37,400 $35,000 $35,000 $30,000 $26,000 Points 1,080 1,560 1,000 1,000 600 660 900 1,260 540 720 900 800 450 640 700 All five SWATCH-FIVB World Championships 5 $22,075 710 5 $14,375 434 John Child/Mark Heese, Canada Stephane Canet/Mathieu Hamel, France 1st 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2nd 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3rd 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1st 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2nd 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3rd 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Top World Champi onshi pMen’ sI ndi vi dual- Money, Events & Final 4s Individaul 1. Emanuel Rego, Brazil 2. Paul Laciga, Switzerland 3. Ricardo Santos, Brazil Jose Loiola, Brazil 5. Para Ferreira, Brazil 6. Marcio Araujo, Brazil 7. Guilherme Marques, Brazil 8. Martin Laciga, Switzerland 9. Martin Conde, Argentina 10. Fabio Magalhaes, Brazil 11. Mariano Baracetti, Argentina 12. Dain Blanton, United States 13. Stein Metzger, United States 14. Dax Holdren, United States 15. Sascha Heyer, Switzerland 16. Jorre Kjemperud, Norway 17. Benjamin Insfran, Brazil 18. Joao Brenha, Portugal Luis Maia, Portugal 20. Mike Whitmarsh, United States Canyon Ceman, United States 22. Vegard Hoidalen, Norway 23. Julien Prosser, Australia 24. Todd Rogers, United States 25. Julius Brink, Germany Kjell Schneider, Germany · · · · · · Conrad Leinemann, Canada Markus Dieckmann, Germany John Child, Canada Mark Heese, Canada Stephane Canet, France Mathieu Hamel, France Played Money Points 5 $74,750 1,130 5 $57,600 1,230 4 $53,500 785 3 $53,500 705 4 $47,500 720 2 $46,000 820 2 $42,000 540 5 $38,850 880 5 $37,950 700 2 $33,500 580 5 $33,325 535 5 $31,500 850 3 $28,250 610 3 $28,100 630 4 $26,375 589 5 $22,450 550 2 $21,750 520 5 $21,450 630 5 $21,450 630 2 $21,000 279 1 $21,000 270 5 $20,575 475 5 $19,725 585 4 $17,600 580 1 $17,500 400 1 $17,500 400 All five SWATCH-FIVB World Championships 5 $14,575 450 5 $13,750 434 5 $11,038 355 5 $11,038 355 5 $7,188 217 5 $7,188 217 4th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 89 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 Top SWATCH-FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championship Women’ sTeams–Money, Events & Final 4s Team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Played Shelda Bede/Adriana Behar, Brazil Misty May-Treanor/Kerri Walsh, United States Sandra Pires/Jackie Silva, Brazil Annett Davis/Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States Juliana Felisberta Silva/Larissa France, Brazil Lisa Arce/Holly McPeak, United States Tian Jia/Wang Fei, China Eva Celbova/Sona Novakova, Czech Republic Dalixia Fernandez Grasset/Tamara Larrea Peraza, Cuba Liz Masakayan/Elaine Youngs, United States Tatiana Minello/Sandra Pires, Brazil Natalie Cook/Nicole Sanderson, Australia Stephanie Pohl/Okka Rau, Germany Daniela Gattelli/Lucilla Perrotta, Italy Karolyn Kirby/Nancy Reno, United States Laura Bruschini/Annamaria Solazzi, Italy 5 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 3 5 1 4 Money $190,000 $128,000 $60,000 $59,000 $45,000 $44,750 $42,750 $41,700 $37,000 $36,000 $35,000 $30,000 $26,250 $23,900 $23,000 $22,575 Points 1st 2nd 3rd 2,90 2,000 600 1,100 900 640 1,060 1,080 1,060 840 450 640 820 720 480 y740 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1st 2 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2nd 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3rd 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4th 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TopWor l dChampi onshi pWomen’ sIndividual - Money, Events & Final 4s Individaul Played Money Points 1. Shelda Bede, Brazil 5 $95,000 1,450 Adriana Behar, Brazil 5 $95,000 1,450 3. Sandra Pires, Brazil 5 $67,750 1,075 4. Misty May-Treanor, United States 3 $64,000 1,000 Kerri Walsh, United States 3 $64,000 1,000 6. Jackie Silva, Brazil 4 $42,250 670 7. Elaine Youngs, United States 5 $41,000 1,085 8. Holly McPeak, United States 5 $34,000 645 9. Annett Davis, United States 2 $29,500 550 Jenny Johnson Jordan, United States 2 $29,500 550 11. Natalie Cook, Australia 5 $27,600 710 12. Juliana Felisberta Silva, Brazil 2 $27,500 610 13. Larissa Franca, Brazil 2 $25,000 530 14. Lisa Arce, United States 3 $24,625 380 15. Tian Jian, China 4 $21,375 539 Wang Fei, China 3 $21,375 530 17. Liz Masakayan, United States 3 $21,000 520 18. Eva Celbova, Czech Republic 4 $20,850 540 Sona Novakova, Czech Republic 4 $20,850 540 20. Tatiana Minello, Brazil 2 $20,000 305 21. Rebekka Kadijk, Netherlands 5 $18,725 620 22. Dalixia Fernandez Grasset, Cuba 3 $18,500 530 Tamara Larrea Peraza, Cuba 3 $18,500 530 24. Ana Paula Connelly, Brazil 3 $16,500 500 Nicole Sanderson, Australia 2 $16,500 350 All five SWATCH-FIVB World Championships · Danja Musch, Germany 5 $15,350 520 · Vasso Karadassiou, Greece 5 $15,250 494 · Laura Bruschini, Italy 5 $14,038 420 · Angela Clarke, Australia 5 $13,700 410 · Annamaria Solazzi, Italy 5 $13,163 395 · Daniela Gattelli, Italy 5 $11,950 360 · Lucilla Perrotta, Italy 5 $11,950 360 · Lina Yanchulova, Bulgaria 5 $9,750 277 4th 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 90 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championship Entries, Earnings, Finishes By Country Combi nedMen’ s&Women’ s Country 1. Brazil 2. United States 3. Germany 4. Switzerland 5. Australia 6. Norway 7. Canada 8. China 9. Argentina 10. Cuba Entries 52 59 40 25 28 24 31 11 9 9 Gold 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Silver 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bronze 4 3 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Podiums 15 9 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 4ths 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Finals 4 16 12 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 Earnings $962,600 $722,750 $283,050 $187,700 $145,850 $106,550 $103,900 $96,500 $93,300 $78,125 Points 18,558 17,018 8,254 4,842 4,220 2,896 3,378 2,586 1,910 2,290 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Italy France Netherlands Spain Japan Czech Republic Greece Portugal Austria Russia 26 37 10 14 24 15 10 10 28 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 $77,375 $70,425 $64,825 $61,150 $59,800 $54,250 $52,750 $52,050 $51,000 $41,400 2,604 2,246 1,980 1,526 1,840 1,686 1,748 1,598 1,730 1,356 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Mexico Estonia Sweden Bulgaria Puerto Rico New Zealand England Thailand South Africa Finland 11 2 12 5 7 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $28,750 $21,875 $20,250 $19,500 $13,750 $8,500 $7,500 $5,750 $5,000 $3,750 996 680 772 554 548 248 306 160 160 50 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Indonesia Hungary Angola Poland Denmark Lithuania Latvia American Samoa Belgium Chile 3 2 1 3 2 4 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $3,400 $1,875 $1,875 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 132 120 80 88 66 60 58 42 30 24 41. 42. Costa Rica Kazakhstan 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 24 12 545 10 10 12 32 8 40 $3,507,125 Totals 89,476 Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 91 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 VOLLEYBALL TERMS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ace (Pure) - A served ball that lands within the playing boundaries, which is untouched by the receiving team and scores a point. Ace (Statistical) - A served ball that a player on the receiving team cannot handle or pass cleanly. Antennae - A flexible rod, 1.8 meter in length, placed vertically above the outer edge of the sidelines to mark the outer limit of the crossing space. The antennae are placed on opposite sides of the net. The ball must cross the netcompl et el ybet weent he2ant ennaet obeconsi der ed“ i n” . Cont r ast i ng10cent i met er scolored strips are used to 80 centimeters height above net. The ball is ruled out if it makes contact with the antennae when in play. Attack Hit - The action of directing the ball into the opponents’court. Serving is not considered an attack hit. Considered completed when the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or touches a block. Ball mark - The disturbance or movement of the sand created on the court surface by the contact of the ball with the sand. This mark may be checked to determi nei ft hebal l i s“ i n”or“ out ” . Ball Mark Protocol - A procedure initiated by the 1st referee for establishing whether the ball has landed in or out of the court. Between rallies - The time between the whistle to end the completion of a rally and the whistle to authorize the service to start the next rally. Under normal circumstances this is a maximum of 12 seconds. Block - An attempt by a player or players to interrupt the ball before, as or just after it crosses the net. Bump (Pass) - Technique of playing ball using forearms, hands together, to direct the ball. Bump (Set) - A forearm pass used as a set. Carry - A fault called if the ball comes to rest in the course of contact by one player. Coin Toss - The action of the 1st referee prior to the match where he or she requests the captains of each team t ocomet oanar eai nf r ontoft hesc or er ’ st abl e.Thi spr oces sdet er mi nest het eam t oser v et hest ar t i ngsi deof the court for each team and player service orders. Contacted Ball - A contacted ball is one that touches or is touched by any part of a player's body or clothing. Court - The playing surface divided into two equal areas by a net. In its official form, volleyball is played on a rectangular court 16 meters (52 feet, 5.921 inches) long and 8 meters (26 feet, 2.841inches) wide. Court Lines (boundary lines) - These lines delimit the playing area. They are made of resistant material, contrast in color to the sand and are 5-8 centimeters wide. The ball must physically contact the line to be consideredas“ i n” . Court switches (side changes) - The interval in which the teams change their sides of the playing court. Occurs every 7 points (Sets 1 and 2) and 5 points (3rd Set). Coverage - Most often refers to a backing up a partner's hit when the block is up and the ball comes glancing back. Cross Court/Cut Shot –An offensive hit in which a player, instead of hitting with power, slices the ball just over and nearly parallel to the net. Default - Where a team is unable to commence the match legally with its players. It forfeits the match and gains no points. Diagonals (Long / Short) - The distance diagonally across the corners of the rectangular shaped 16 meters (52 feet, 5.921 inches) x 8 meters (26 feet, 2.841inches) playing court (long) or across from one corner to the corner immediately under the net (short) of one side of the playing court (8 meters, 26 feet, 2.841inches) x 8 meters, 26 feet, 2.841inches). Dig (Save) - Ball brought up (saved) with any part of body, particularly from a spike attempt. Dink - Ball played just over net or blocker's hands, instead of spiking and is legal as long as it is not with open fingers. Extension of sideline - The imaginary line extended from the two sidelines in a straight line from the corners until the edge of the free zone. A service must be completed from within the area delimited by these imaginary lines. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 92 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 VOLLEYBALL TERMS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Floater - A serve that follows an uneven trajectory ("floats") over the net. Foot faults - The illegal action of a player, who at the time of serving or jumping to serve, contacts the line has their foot under the line, or their foot, contacts the playing court. Hard Driven Ball - Any spiked ball hit from above or level with the height of the net may be handled with double hit by any part of the body, so long as the hit is the first attempt to play the ball. A spiked ball touching the net does not disqualify a ball from being ruled hard driven. Hit Ball - A ball that is clearly hit and does not come to rest upon contact. Illegal server - When a player serves contrary to the service order recorded on the score sheet and advice of the scorer. The other team gains the right to serve and a point. Incidental contact - Cont actbyapl ay erwi t hanopponentt hatdi dnothav eanef f ectont hatpl ay er ’ sability to complete a subsequent play on the ball freely. Injury Timeout (5 minute recovery period) - The time allowed for the player to recover from an injury. Controlled by the 2nd Referee. Interference - When a player through physical contact or threat of contact prevents an opponent from a potential play on the ball. It may be the next shot or a subsequent shot. Joust - A classic confrontation above the net featuring hitter and blocker where the two players simultaneously contacting the ball with open fingers. Jump Serve - The action of a serving player, who at the time of the service is not in contact with the ground. The action of jumping must commence legally from within the service zone but on landing may contact any part of the playing court or free zone. Line judges - Auxi l i ar yof f i ci al sr esponsi bl ef orass i s t i ngt her ef er eesi ndet er mi ni ngf aul t sesp.bal l“ i n”“ out ”and “ t ouched” .Ei t her2or4peopl ecanbeused,si t uat edatcor ner soft hecour t . Match format - The format for FIVB competition is best of 3 sets, the first 2 being played to 21 (with 2 point advantage) and the 3rd set to 15 (with a 2 point advantage), both with no maximum score. Momentarily overhand with fingers/beach dig/beach defense - A playing action (receiving a ball) that may be legally used if the ball is hard driven. Players are allowed legally to hold or carry the ball overhand slightly longer than is usually allowed. The hands must be held with fingers up, i.e.: not inverted to point downwards. Net - The piece of equipment consisting of many small square meshes hung between two posts that separate the two sides of the court. Dimensions are 8.5 meters x 1 meter. For men, the net height is 2.43 meters (seven feet, 11.669 inches) high. For women, the net height is 2.24 meters (seven feet, 4.189 inches) high. Net area - An area is immediately below the bottom of the net between the posts. It consists of the playing surface and imaginary space above it. Normal playing conditions - Playing conditions which are free from external interference from weather (e.g.: wind, rain). Generally based on whether players can accurately hand set the ball. Off Hand Side - Right hand player, playing right side. The ball comes across the body on a set to hit. Offensive player (attacking player) - The player(s) from the team who currently have committed the last contact. The player(s) on the same side of the court as the ball. Olympic Crossing - A double-elimination format until the final four teams remain. At this point, the winner's bracket final two teams cross with the contender's bracket final two teams. On Hand Side - Right hand player, playing left side. The ball is in front of a player on a set to hit. Out of Bounds - The ball is out of bounds when it touches any surface, object or ground outside the court. Any part of the ball touching a boundary line or inside the poles of the net is not out of bounds. If the ball is caught or is contacted by a player before landing out of bounds, it is not out of bounds. Overhand finger action - The playing action of setting the ball or passing the ball with 2 hands fingers spread, contacting the ball. It is not legal to carry the ball with underhand finger action (i.e.: wrists inverted) Perpendicular trajectory - A ball that travels in a straightl i ne f r om t he pl ay er ’ s shoul der s ei t herf or war ds or backwar ds.Thepl ay er ’ sposi t i onatt het i meoff i r stcont actdet er mi nest het r aj ect or yt hebal l shoul dl egal l yf ol l ow. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 93 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 VOLLEYBALL TERMS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Play over - The act of putting the ball in play again without awarding a point. Point - I ft heser v i ngt eam sendsabal lt hati snotr et ur nedorl andsi nt her ecei v i ngt eam’ scour t ,apoi nti san awarded to the serving team. If the receiving team returns a ball that is not returned or lands in the serving t eam’ sc ourt, a point is an awarded to the receiving team. Protocol - The time from the end of the previous match to the commencement of the next match. Rally - The time that the ball is legally in play, from the contact with the ball by the server, to the time of a fault by either team or when the ball hits the ground. Replay (Tie ball replay) - When the referee authorizes a service to be made again with no point or side out being made to either team. This could be as a result of simultaneous fault, incorrect decision or external interference. Roll shot - Legal technique using rigid, closed fingers in an overhead single hand action to complete an attack hi t .Usual l yt r av el sashor tdi st ancei nt ot heopponent ’ scour t . Rubber booties/sand-shoes/socks - Personal player ’ sequi pmentf orpr ot ect i onoft hei rf eet .Usual l yusedi f s andi st oohot/col dorpl ay eri si nj ur ed.Requi r est her ef er ee’ sper mi ss i onbef or euse. Rules - All players must know and abide by the "Rules of the Game." Sand - The material composing the court surface. Must be flat, uniform, and safe for participants and at least 40 centimetres in depth. Sand Anchors - The device, which secures the lines, by use of a cord, to the court, surface (50 centimetres below the ground minimum). Material must be soft and flexible. Screen - The action of preventing the player(s) receiving serve from having a clear and unobstructed view of the serving player. A screen is illegal and a screening player must move if requested to move. Screening - An attempt by a player to conceal the start of a teammate's serve by obstructing an opponent's line of sight. Screening is illegal. Serve - The act of putting the ball into play by a player who hits the ball with her hand or arm. Service order - The order in which players can legally serve. Recorded on the score sheet after the coin toss has been made. Must be maintained throughout the match. Service Zone - The area in which the player serves the ball. Bounded by the base (back line), the extension of the two sidelines and the outside of the free zone (usually delimited by panels). Shoot - Two-handed set shot used as dink or deep placement shot. Simultaneous Contact - Contact of the ball made by two players at the same instant. This also called a joust. Spike - The play action of jumping and striking the ball with one hand as an attack hit. Spiked Ball - A ball (other than a served ball) hit forcibly from a height not less than the top of the net. Also known as bury, crush, hammer, kill, put away or slam. Technical Timeout - An official 30-second interruption to the match that occurs in sets 1 and 2 when the sum of both teams points is 21. Three Hits Per Side - A team may contact the ball no more than three times before sending the ball over the net and into contact with either an opponent or his/her court. Successive hits or contacts by the same player are illegal unless the player blocks at the net. Time Outs - When the ball is dead, a player may request a time out. Each team will be allowed one, 30-second timeout per set per team. Each timeout must be approved by the officials. Tip/Dink - Illegal technique using open fingers (spread fingertips) to complete an attack hit. Toss - Theact i onofr el easi ngt hebal lf r om t hepl ay er ’ shandsi nt heser v i cez onewi t ht hei nt ent i onof hitting a service. Warm up Period (Official warm up) - The time before the match officially allocated for teams to prepare on the court for the match. Commences at the whistle (signal) of the 1st referee after the signing of the score sheet. Wind - Weather condition. Strength should be low enough to enable normal playing conditions. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 94 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR BY THE NUMBERS · 1 The first SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event was held February 17-22, 1987 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos of the United States winning the gold medal. ThenumberofFI VBWor l dChampi onshi pswon( 1999and2001)byBr az i l ’ sAdr i anaBeharand Shelda Bede, andt heUni t edSt at es ’Mi st yMay -Treanor and Kerri Walsh, the most by any team. The number of event titles by Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst of Australia, the Sydney 2000 gold medallists. The number of SWATCH-FIVB U18-19 World Championships held. The number of FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships held to date in Los Angeles (1997), Marseille (1999), Klagenfurt (2001), Rio de Janeiro (2003) and Berlin (2005). The number of SWATCH-FI VBWor l dTourseasonpoi nt ’ st i t l eswonbyBr az i l ’ sAdr i anaBeharand Shelda Bede (1997-2001, 2004). The number of partners earning SWATCH-FI VBWor l dTour“ Fi nal4”f inishes with Holly McPeak, including 17 with Elaine Youngs, 15 with Lisa Arce, 10 with Nancy Reno, nine with Misty May, oe each with Angela Rock, Kerri Walsh and Karrie Poppinga. The number of partners that Brazilian Emanuel Rego has played with on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour, including four that he has won gold medals with (Ricardo Santos, 18, ZeMarco de Melo, 15, Jose Loiola, 15 and Tande Ramos, 6). The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals won by Para Ferreira, including the 1997 World Championship with Guilherme Marquez in Los Angeles. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals won by Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos as t hepai rcapt ur ed10oft hef i r st19men’ s“ open”ev ent s. Number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals won by Elaine Youngs, who captured the Athens 2004 bronze medal with Holly McPeak for the United States. Thenumberof“ Ol y mpi c,Gr andSl am andOpen”SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals won by Sandra Pires and Jackie Silva, including the Atlanta 1996 Olympic and Los Angeles 1997 World Championship crowns. The team never finished lower than fourth in 29 FIVB events together with $251,150 I combined earnings. Thenumberofsi l v ermedal sear nedbyMar t i nCondeofAr gent i naatGr andSl am andOpen” SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events, including seven with Eduardo Martinez and six with Mariano Baracetti. The number of times that the United States has advanced three teams to the semi-finals of a SWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Grand Slam and Open) event. The number of times two women’ st eamsf r om t heUni t edSt at escompet edf oraSWATCH-FIVB Wor l dTourev entata“ Gr andSl am orOpen”ev ent . Thenumberof“ Gr andSl am andOpen”medals earned by Canadian men on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour, including an Atlanta 1996 Olympic bronze for John Child and Mark Heese. · 2 · 3 · · 4 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 Thenumberof“ Gr andSl am andOpen”br onz emedal sear nedbyAust r al i awomenont heSWATCHFIVB World Tour, including an Atlanta 1996 Olympic bronze for Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst. · 18 Thenumberofmedalsweepsat“ Gr andSl am andOpen”event sont heSWATCH-FIVB World Tour by men’ st eamsf r om Br az i l . · 19 The numberofgol d medal“ Gr and Sl am and Open”meet i ngs on t he SWATCH-FIVB World Tour between Brazil and Switzerland. The Brazilians have won 16 times. · 20 The number of gol d medal“ Gr and Sl am and Open”meet i ngs on t he SWATCH-FIVB World Tour between Brazil and Argentina. The Brazilians have won 12 times and Martin Conde has played in all 20 matches for Argentina. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 95 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR BY THE NUMBERS · 21 A set is won by the team that scores 21 points first with a minimum margin of two (except in the deciding third set). In the case of a 20-20 tie, play is continued until a two-point lead is reached. In the case of the sets being tied 1-1, the deciding set is played to 15 points (not the usual 21) with a minimum lead of two points. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events participated in by Karch Kiraly, who teamed with Kent Steffes to win the Atlanta 1996 Olympic gold medal. Kiraly also won FIVB events in 1988 with Pat Powers in Rio de Janeiro and 1989 with Steve Timmons in Enoshima, Japan. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) titles won by Kerri Walsh of the United States, including 21 with Misty May and two with Rachel Wacholder. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) titles won by Misty May-Treanor of the United States, including 21 with Kerri Walsh and three with Holly McPeak. The number of fourth-pl ac ef i ni shesbymen’ st eamsf r om t heUni t edSt ates on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open), including a“ f i nalf our ”f i ni shi n2001att he SWATCH-FIVB World Championships in Austria by Rob Heidger and Chip McCaw.. The number of men’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) gold medals for the United States. The Mikasa VLS 200, the FIVB's official ball, measures 27" or approximately 68.5 cm in circumference. On this day in March 2004, Franco Neto and Tande Ramos of Brazil won their first title together by defeating Emanuel Rego and Ricardo Santos in the finals of the South African Open in Cape Town. Thenumberofmedal sear nedbyBr az i l ’ sAdr i anaSamuelont hewomen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open), including an Atlanta 1996 Olympic silver and Sydney 2000 bronze medals Rachel Wacholder from the United States turns 30 on June 15, 2005. Wacholder filled in for the injured Misty May in 2004 with Kerri Walsh. · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 On this day in July 1994, the first All-European on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour was played as Jan Kvalheim and Bjorn Maaseide defeated Jean-Philippe Jodard and Christian Penigaud of Fracne in the Marseille gold medal match. · 32 The number of SWATCH-FI VB Wor l d Tourt i t l eswon byBr az i l ’ sAdr i ana Beharand Shel da Bede, i ncl udi ng31at“ Gr andSl am andOpen”gol dmedal satt he1999PanAm cr own. · 33 Thenumberofpodi um f i ni shesf orBr az i l ’ sRober t o LopesatSWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) events. · 34 The number of podium placements for men’ splayers from Argentina at SWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) events. · 35 The number of sanctioned FIVB events held in France. · 36 · 37 TheageonJune26,2005f orBr az i l ’ s Guilherme Marquez, who won the first FIVB World Championship in September 1997 with Para Ferreira in Los Angeles. The number of SWATCH-FI VBWor l dTour“ f i nalf our ”f i ni shesbyKer r iWal shoft heUni t edSt at eswi t h 23 gold medals and 35 podium placements in 43 events. · 38 Thenumberofpodi um f i ni shesf orBr az i l ’ sGui l her meMar quezatSWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) events. · 39 Thenumberofpodi um f i ni shesf orBr az i l ’ sJose Loiola and Franco Neto at SWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) events. · 40 The number of SWATCH-FI VBWor l dTour“ f i nalf our ”f i ni shesbyBr az i l ’ sRober t oLopesandt heUni t ed St at es’El ai neYoungs. Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 96 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR BY THE NUMBERS · 41 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · · 46 47 · 48 · · 49 50 51 · 52 · 54 · 68 · 87 · 96 · 99 100 · · · The number of FIVB-s anc t i onedev ent sf orBr az i l ’ sEmanuelRego and Ricardo Santos. The number of silver medals for the United States women netted at SWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) events. The USA women also have 42 bronze medal finishes. A 43-year old Sinjin Smith netted his final podium finish in his career by capturing the silver medal with Carl Henkel at an August 2000 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour event in Belgium. Thenumberof“ f i nalf our ”f i ni s hesf orAr gent i na’ sMar t i nCondeatSWATCH-FIVB World Tour (Olympic, Grand Slam and Open) events. Men’ sev entnumberwher eCuba( Fr anc i scoAl v ar ezandJuanRosel l )woni t sonl ySWATCHFIVB World Tour gold medal. The number of men’ schal l enger / sat el l i t eev ent ssanct i onedbyt heFI VBs i nc e1996. Consecutive SWATCH-FIVB World Tour wins fort heUni t edSt at es’Mi st yMay -Treanor and Kerri Walsh from July 15, 2003 to June 22, 2005. The age of Vladimir Kostioukov of Russia when he won the 2001 Beirut challenger with Dmitri Barsouk. The numberofmen’ s( 27)andwomen’ s (22) SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events held in Brazil. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour “ f i nal f our ”f i ni shesbyBr az i l ’ sJos eLoi ol a. The Athens match number for Holly McPeak when she and Elaine Youngs won the bronze medal at the 2004 Olympic Games by defeating Natalie Cook and Nicole Sanderson 21-18, 15-21 and 15-9. McPeak was playing for her first Olympic medal after placing fifth in the 1996 and 2000 Olympic Games. Cook was seeking her third-straight Olympic medal after winning the bronze in 1996 and gold in 2000. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events for Misty May-Treanor of the United States with 24 gold medals, 39 podium placements and 42 “ f i nalf our ”f i ni shes. Ther ec or dnumberof“ Ol y mpi c,Gr andSl am andOpen”Gol dMedal swonbyBr az i l ’ sEmanuel Rego on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour. The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals won by Brazilian women at “ Ol y mpi c , Gr andSl am andOpen”ev ent s. A total of 87 countries have competed on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour, including 57 countries that have entered both men and women players. Eighty-five (85) countries have competed in men’ sev ent sand 58 count r i esi n women’ sev ent s. Thef ol l owi ngi nc l udesal lSWATCH-FIVB World Tour-sanctioned events, including challenger and satellite tournaments (through December 30, 2005). Thenumberoft i mesmen’ sandwomen’ st eamshav eBr az i landt heUni t edSt at eshav ecompet ed f ora gol d medalatan “ Ol y mpi c,Gr and Sl am and Open”SWATCH-FIVB World Tour. The Brazilian men have won 19 of 33 meetings and the USA women have captured 37 of the 63 gold medal matches with the South Americans. The number of SWATCH-FI VBWor l dTourev ent sf orBr az i l ’ sShel daBedeandAdr i anaBehar . At ot al100pl ay er sf r om 21count r i eshav ecompet edi nt hewomen’ sOI y mpi cBeac hVol l ey ball competition, including Australia (7 team entries, 10 players), Brazil (6, 7), Bulgaria (2, 2), Canada (2, 4), China (4, 7), Cuba (2, 2), Czech Republic (3, 4), England (1, 2), France (2, 3), Germany (5, 8), Greece (3, 4), Indonesia (1, 2), Italy (4, 5), Japan (5, 8), Mexico (3, 5), Netherlands (3, 4), Norway (3, 6), Portugal (1, 2), South Africa (1, 2), Switzerland (1, 2) and United States (7, 11). Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 97 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org 2006 MEDIA GUIDE Fédération Internationale de Volleyball [email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR BY THE NUMBERS · 103 A total of 103 players from 26 countries have competed in the men’ sOI y mpi cBeac hVol l ey bal l competition, including Argentina (4 entries), Australia (5), Austria (3), Brazil (6), Canada (5), Cuba (2), Czech Republic (2), Estonia (1), France (3), Germany (5), Greece (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (2), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Netherlands (1), New Zealad (1), Norway (5), Portugal (3), Puerto Rico (1), Russia (1), South Africa (1), Spain (4), Sweden (3), Switzerland (3) and United States (7). · 104 · 114 · 134 · 149 177 · 1920s 1947 · 1948 · · 1974 1987 · 1993 · 1996 The number of sites in 39 countries that have hosted 379 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events, including Open, Grand Slam, Olympics, Pan American and Goodwill Games, challenger and satellite stops (through December 30, 2005). The number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour gold medals won by Brazilian men at “ Ol y mpi c,Gr and Sl am andOpen”ev ent s. Thenumberofwomen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour “ Ol y mpi c,Gr andSl am andOpen”ev ent s since 1987. The record number of SWATCH-FIVB World Tour events played in by Martin Conde of Argentina. Thenumberofmen’ sSWATCH-FIVB World Tour “ Ol y mpi c,Gr andSl am andOpen”ev ent ssi nce 1987. The birth of Beach Volleyball on the beaches of Santa Monica, California. The first official two-man Beach Volleyball tournament held at State Beach, California with no prize money. The first tournament with prizes was played at State Beach were the top teams were rewarded crates of Pepsi. The first money tournament was held as the US$1,500 San Diego Open attracted 250 spectators. The first FIVB international competition started called "The World Championship" in Rio de Janeiro. It later changes its name to the World Series in 1989-90 and the World Tour in 1996. The International Olympic Committee recognized Beach Volleyball as an Olympic Games discipline on September 24 in Monte Carlo First appearance (and sold out) at the Atlanta Olympic Games. · 2000 Beach Volleyball at the Sydney Olympic Games attracts 180,000 spectators and billions of TV viewers. · 2001 More and 120,000 spectators attend five days of competition at the World Championship in Austria. · 2003 The World Tour includes a four-leg "Grand Slam" integrated tournament within a tournament, challenging the top teams to win "The Slam" and go down in history as truly great players. Berlin, Marseille, Klagenfurt and Los Angeles host Grand Slams with US$300,000 in prize money for each tournament · 2004 A record 27 tournaments, including a three-leg Grand Slam (Berlin, Marseille and Klagenfurt) and the Athens Olympic Games with record prize money of US$5,480,000. · 2005 A record 31 tournaments, including Grand Slam stops in Berlin, Stavanager, Paris and Klagenfurt. Featuring the $1-million SWATCH-FIVB World Championships in Berlin, a $7.28-million in prize money di st r i but edf or“ open”event s.Ar ecor d25chal l enger / sat el l i t eevent ssanct i onedwi t h nearly $400,000 in prize money. · 1, 014,070 · 1,479,035 The number of dollars won by a team on the SWATCH-FIVB World Tour by the Swiss brothers Laciga (Martin and Paul), who played their first of 118 events together in Marbella, Spain, in April 1995 where they placed 25th. The record number of dollars won by an individual on the SWATCH-FI VB Wor l d TourbyBr az i l ’ s Emanuel Rego, who played his first of 128 events in Rio de Janeiro in February 1994 when he placed fourth with Aloizio Claudino. · · Avenue de la Gare 12 P.O. Box, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.......................................................................... Page 98 of 98 More on the Net www.fivb.org
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