VLTrader Installation Step by Step
VLTrader Installation Step by Step
E.C.S. International B.V. AirSupply Step – by – Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client For SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 connectivity Version 1.2 Date: 20 March 2012 Electronic Commerce Solutions Int. B.V. P.O.box 22 1687 ZG WOGNUM The Netherlands Tel.: +31 229 574331 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.ecs-europe.nl Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 CLEO LEXICOM .................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 WHAT DO YOU NEED CHECK LIST: ................................................................................................................ 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 HOW DO YOU GET CLEO LEXICOM SOFTWARE: .................................................................................................. 3 SERIAL NUMBER LEXICOM ................................................................................................................................. 4 CERTIFICATE FOR THE AS2 CONNECTION. ........................................................................................................... 4 CLEO LEXICOM INSTALLATION STEP BY STEP ........................................................................................ 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 INSTALL CLEO LEXICOM..................................................................................................................................... 4 REGISTER YOUR CLEO LEXICOM....................................................................................................................... 10 CREATE SUBFOLDERS. ....................................................................................................................................... 11 CERTIFICATES .................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 CERTIFICATES REQUIREMENTS. ......................................................................................................................... 12 OBTAINING TRUSTED CERTIFICATE USING LEXICOM (OPTIONAL) ..................................................................... 12 GENERATE A SELF-SIGNED USER CERTIFICATE USING LEXICOM...................................................................... 12 EXPORT YOUR USER CERTIFICATE FROM YOUR GENERATED SELF-SIGNED USER CERTIFICATE. ...................... 14 ORGANIZE YOUR TRUSTED CERTIFICATE (E.G. THAWTE OR VERISIGN) ............................................................. 15 HOW TO IMPORT A TRUSTED CERTIFICATE INTO LEXICOM. ............................................................................... 16 CONFIGURATION OF LEXICOM. ............................................................................................................... 20 CONFIGURE INBOUND PARAMETERS (LOCAL LISTENER). .................................................................................. 20 IMPORT DOWNLOADED PRE-CONFIGURED HOST FOR SUPPLYON AIRSUPPLY AS2 ........................................... 23 TEST YOUR LEXICOM WITH SUPPLYON AIRSUPPLY. ........................................................................................ 28 Version 1.2 page: 2/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client 1 Introduction Fred Rinkel – Senior consultant ECS SupplyOn AirSupply 1.2 20 March 2012 Author Project Version Date . 2 Cleo LexiCom This document is based on a Cleo LexiCom that will be installed on a Windows platform. For UNIX, LINUX and iSeries there might be additional steps – please read the standard Cleo installation guide or contact ECS if you are installing other platforms than Windows. 3 What do you need Check List: - Cleo LexiCom software (software download) chapter 3.1 - Open HTTPs port 443 to connect to the Cleo Licensing site: https://license.cleo.com - Check also the proxy settings if you are using a proxy This is needed to register the LexiCom software. If you can NOT open this port to the Cleo license site or it fails please contact ECS so we can provide you a license_key.txt file that can be imported into the LexiCom software to do the registration manually. - You need to know your external IP address to be reached from outside (the Internet). chapter 6.1 - Preconfigured AS2 host PREPRD (TEST) and PROD (Production) software download chapter 3.1 - Self signed certificate (as the basis to get your signed / trusted certificate) chapter 5.3 - a trusted certificate from Thawte or VeriSign (ECS can provide these for you if you require) - Create subfolders (after you finish the LexiCom installation) chapter 4.3 file system path...\LexiCom\outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD + PROD\subfoldername\ SO-ForecastConfirmation SO-OrderConfirmation SO-SellerASN SO- VMIPlannedReceipts -Test your LexiCom with SupplyOn AirSupply. chapter 6.3 3.1 How do you get Cleo LexiCom Software: Before you can install LexiCom you must first download LexiCom. Go to: www.ecs-europe.nl and choose ‘SUPPLYON’’ on the top right side, Here you will find the download instructions for the following items: - Cleo LexiCom software. - Preconfigured SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD Host - Preconfigured SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PROD Host (make sure you fill in all details correctly, and at the ‘referred by’ fill in ECS/SupplyOn) When you have downloaded the software and you have received your serial number (looks like XX0000-YY1111), you can register the CLEO LexiCom Software. Together with your LexiCom software download, you will receive the Installation guide. If you require additional Technical documentation for Cleo LexiCom, all relevant detailed information and guides can be downloaded from the CLEO website (also here your serial number is required). For all documentation of LexiCom, please go to: www.cleo.com/VerifySN.php?DIV=EC&go=/support/byproduct/lexicom/documentation/index.php - Setup your LexiCom software Step by Step (follow all steps in this document). Click on the link to download the items you require. Version 1.2 page: 3/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client ECS International BV provides an installation & Implementation service for the connection to SupplyOn AirSupply. Contact ECS if you would like to use our services. For additional details on the available services, please refer to the pdf document: ECS SupplyOn AirSupply Pricing and Services CLEO LexiCom Communication Client V1-0 (can be downloaded via www.ecs-europe.nl SupplyOn AirSupply as well. This documentation is based on Cleo LexiCom Version 4.4 which is the actual version in 2012. 3.2 Serial Number LexiCom - You will receive your serial number by email after the LexiCom download. 3.3 Certificate for the AS2 connection. Before you can connect with SupplyOn PROD via AS2 you require a TRUSTED certificate for the secure internet AS2 connection with SupplyOn. To connect with SupplyOn PREPRD you can use a self-signed vertificate If you already have a supplier for Trusted certificates (like e.g. VeriSign or Thawte) you can purchase a Trusted certificate via your existing channels. When you have no provider yet, or when you have no experience with Trusted Certificates, ECS International can assist you with the purchase of such a Trusted certificate as we are a certified and official partner for Thawte. We can also assist you with the implementation of such a certificate. (see chapter 5.1 and 5.2 in this document how to do this.) 4 Cleo LexiCom Installation Step by Step 4.1 Install Cleo LexiCom. Double click on the downloaded install.exe. The installation LexiCom begins to run automatically. Version 1.2 page: 4/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears: Click on: Next : The next screen appears: Version 1.2 page: 5/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Click on: Next : The next screen appears: Accept the terms of the License Agreement and Click on: . The next screen appears: Version 1.2 Next : page: 6/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Here you can choose the path where LexiCom will be installed in. Default is: C:\Program Files\LexiCom Click on: Next : The next screen appears: Here you can choose the products you want to install: You only need to select and install “LexiCom”. Click on: Next : The next screen appears: Version 1.2 page: 7/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client In this screen you can choose where you want to create the LexiCom icon Default is: In a new Program Group “LexiCom”. Click on: Next : The next screen appears: In this screen you must mark “Start service automatically at startup”. Also define the “Service name” as “LexiCom” Click on: Next : Version 1.2 page: 8/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears: In this screen you see the settings that are being configured Click on: Install : The next screen appears: Now LexiCom is being installed. Version 1.2 page: 9/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client When LexiCom is installed correctly you will see the next screen: Click on: Done : Now the installation of LexiCom is finished. ========= 4.2 Register your Cleo LexiCom. On your desktop you should see the icon “LexiCom” . Double click on this icon to start LexiCom Or go to Windows Start All Programs LexiCom and click on the LexiCom icon. and you will be asked to register LexiCom. Use the Serial number (is the software key) you have received from Cleo or ECS and Click on: Check Registration : Version 1.2 page: 10/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears if the registration is done via https://license.cleo.com:443 Check also the Set Proxy settings if you are using a proxy If you get an connection error please contact ECS so we can provide you a license_key.txt file that can be imported into the LexiCom software to do the registration manually. In this screen fill in all the required fields (your company details) and Click on: Register : After a good registration you can start with the configuration of LexiCom. 4.3 Create subfolders. After you have finished the LexiCom installation you need to create the subfolders. Create subfolders For PREPRD File system path...\LexiCom\outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD\subfoldername\ For Prod File system path...\LexiCom\outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PROD\subfoldername\ SO-ForecastConfirmation SO-OrderConfirmation SO-SellerASN SO-VMIPlannedReceipts For PREPRD File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD\SO-ForecastConfirmation\ For PREPRD File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD\SO-OrderConfirmation\ For PREPRD File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD\SO-SellerASN\ For PREPRD File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD\SO-VMIPlannedReceipts\ For Prod File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PROD\SO-ForecastConfirmation\ For Prod File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PROD\SO-OrderConfirmation\ For Prod File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PROD\SO-SellerASN\ For Prod File system path...\LexiCom\Outbox\SupplyOn AirSupply PROD\SO-VMIPlannedReceipts\ Version 1.2 page: 11/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client 5 Certificates 5.1 Certificates requirements. For the certificates requirements, please refer to the SupplyOn AirSupply Implementation Guide. 5.2 Obtaining trusted certificate using LexiCom (optional) When you have already the possibility to create trusted certificates via another route in your company, this can be done as well. Please follow the instructions from your provider and go to chapter 5.6 In this document How to import a trusted certificate into LexiCom. If you would like to use the simple way to generate certificates via LexiCom, follow the instructions below: Before you can organise the required Trusted / Signed certificate from e.g. VeriSign or Thawte, you need to create first a Self-Signed certificate. When you have created this Self-Signed certificate, you need to export this to your selected trusted certificate provider to get the certificate SIGNED. Please follow the instructions: 5.3 Generate a Self-Signed User Certificate using LexiCom Double click on the LexiCom icon on your desktop to start LexiCom. We now need an own certificate that will be used for the encryption and signing of the messages. Therefore we go to “TOOLS” “Certificate Manager”. Go to “Certificates” “Generate” “Self-signed User Certificate”. Here you must fill in the required information (explained below) Version 1.2 page: 12/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Please make sure ALL red arrows settings are used because these are mandatory settings. For User Alias you can choose any name you like Version 1.2 page: 13/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client After adding the details click : 5.4 OK and your certificate is created. Export your User Certificate from your Generated Self-Signed User Certificate. Go to your new certificate under “Users” and right click your certificate and choose “export” and “User Certificate”. Here you fill in the next info. Or you can choose another path where you want to export the certificate to Version 1.2 page: 14/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Click Export. You will find the certificate now on the C:\ drive with the name: mycert.cer. This certificate is needed for SupplyOn to import on their site. Please exchange the certificates plus the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 parameter sheet with SupplyOn. 5.5 Organize your trusted certificate (e.g. Thawte or VeriSign) For your partner that will ‘sign ‘ your certificate (e.g. Thawte or VeriSign) you need also to export the PEM from your Self-Signed certificate. Right click on your created Self-Signed certificate and choose “Generate” and “PEM-formatted Certificate Signing Request” Click on: PEM-formatted Certificate Signing Request . Version 1.2 page: 15/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears: Enter here the password you have given this certificate. Click on: OK The next screen appears when the password is correct : Click on: Copy The CSR is copied to the clipboard. E.g. paste the CSR into the CA's web form at your certificate provider. You can now close the Certificate Manager. 5.6 How to import a trusted certificate into LexiCom. Double click on the LexiCom icon on your desktop to start LexiCom. If we want to import a trusted certificate that will be used for encryption and signing of the messages. Therefore we go to “TOOLS” “Certificate Manager”. Go to “Certificates” “Import” “ User Certificate and Private Key”. Version 1.2 page: 16/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears. Give the certificate a name (in this example CLEOWS1) Fill in the belonging password for this certificate. Mark Personal Information Exchange-PKCS #12(.P12) Browse to the place where the certificate is stored Version 1.2 page: 17/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears if you browsed to the certificate that you want to import. Click on the certificate Click on: Open The next screen appears. Version 1.2 page: 18/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Click on: Import The next screen appears. The certificate is now imported in LexiCom. Version 1.2 page: 19/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client 6.0 Configuration of LexiCom. 6.1 Configure inbound parameters (Local Listener). Go to the start page of LexiCom. Now select/click on “Local Listener”. The next screen appears: On the HTTP tab you will see the inbound port for AS2 traffic (default is set to 5080). Deselect the HTTP and select the HTTPs For SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 the requirement is HTTPs and port 443 for receiving HTTPs from SupplyOn AirSupply. On Certificate Alias click on Browse an choose your certificate. On Password use the password you have given on your certificate. Also mark Authenticate Client These settings can be modified when needed. Click: Apply Version 1.2 page: 20/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Now go to and select the tab Certificates . Click on : Browse The next screen appears: Click on your certificate this and Click on: Select Version 1.2 page: 21/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client The next screen appears: In this screen you must enter your password that you have given when you have created this certificate. Click: Apply Click on the + next to the “Local Listener” and a roll down menu comes down. Now click on AS2 , In the first tab you must add your external IP address ‘My External Address’ is the IP address to be reached from outside (the Internet). Click: Apply Version 1.2 page: 22/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client 6.2 Import downloaded Pre-Configured host for SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 Now all the settings for your internal environment are configured. The next action you must do is to Import the Pre-Configured host “SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD” that you have downloaded earlier. (SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD Host.zip). From the main menu of LexiCom: Go to File Import and choose: Local File . Go to the folder where you have stored the “SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD Host.zip” and select this file. Click: Open OR Go to the folder where you have stored the “SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PROD Host.zip” and select this Version 1.2 page: 23/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Click on Open . The next screen will appear: In this screen, in the list of “Host File(s)” = mark the “SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD”, In this screen, in the list of “Configuration File(s)” = mark “Schedule” In this screen, in the list of “Trading Partner/CA certificate(s)” = mark ALL certificates Version 1.2 page: 24/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client OR when you want to import the PROD host The next screen will appear: In this screen, in the list of “Host File(s)” = mark the “SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PROD”, In this screen, in the list of “Configuration File(s)” = mark “Schedule” In this screen, in the list of “Trading Partner/CA certificate(s)” = mark ALL certificates Click on Import . Version 1.2 page: 25/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Now the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD host plus schedule plus certificates are imported into LexiCom OR Now the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PROD host plus schedule plus certificates are imported into LexiCom. If you don’t want to keep the sent message than you can blank the “Sentbox” path. (but keep in mind that all messages will stay there and must be deleted manually if you want) You can find this box in the default installed directory you have chosen (adjustable naming is possible) (C:\Program Files\LexiCom\Sentbox\SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD) Version 1.2 page: 26/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Because Message type routing is based on the “AS2 subject” , subfolders need to be created upfront for each message type that will be used. For the message type naming convention, flexibility and details, please refer to the SupplyOn AirSupply Implementation Guide. An example: For SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD you can create the following subfolders in the LexiCom installation outbox folder (by default this will be set to: C:\Program Files\LexiCom\outbox\ In this example for outbox folder you must create subfolders (see the examples below): \SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD \SO-SellerASN\ (for Test ASN messages that must be sent) ….. You can also use your own specific folders. Please do the same for the PRODUCTION file environment, Be sure you use the correct PRODUCTION values from the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 parameter sheet !. The next step is to go to the mailbox HTTP tab and there you must fill in your TEST “AS2-From” value that you have given to SupplyOn in the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 Parameter sheet. OR “AS2-From” value that you have given to SupplyOn in the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 Parameter sheet. Version 1.2 page: 27/28 Step–by–Step Set-up documentation CLEO LexiCom Communication Client Click on Apply to save your settings. 6.3 Test your LexiCom with SupplyOn AirSupply. Everything is now configured correctly to connect to SupplyOn AirSupply via AS2. Please contact SupplyOn AirSupply to make an appointment to test the connection. When you have a date and time to do the test you place a message in the outbox. C:\Program Files\LexiCom\Outbox\ for example: SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD\SO-SellerASN\ (Or in your own specific folder) LexiCom will detect this subfolder name and will sent this message directly and automatically to SupplyOn AirSupply PREPRD environment. ECS expects that this information was useful to you to make a quick and easy connection to SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PREPRD. For the PRODUCTION connection please do the same import for ‘SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 PROD Host.zip and use the details for the PROD environment detailed in the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 parameter sheet. We thank you for your trust in ECS and Cleo, and your time and effort to install and implement the Cleo LexiCom software. It was a pleasure for us to create this Step-by-Step document for your convenience and we welcome you as a new and satisfied customer. Feel free to contact us if and when you have any questions about the installed LexiCom together with the SupplyOn AirSupply AS2 connectivity, or for any other (secure) Internet connection that you would like to set-up using this version of your LexiCom software. Electronic Commerce Solutions (ECS) International B.V. Cleo Communications Inc. END OF THIS DOCUMENT Version 1.2 page: 28/28