2.Hindu Websites sorted Category wise
2.Hindu Websites sorted Category wise
Sl. No. Broad catergory 1 Archaelogy 2 3 Archaelogy Archaelogy 4 Hindu Websites sorted Category wise Website Address Description Reference Country Archaelogy http://aryaculture.tripod.com/vedicdharma/id1 India's Cultural Link with Ancient 0.html America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harappa Harappa Civilisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_Valley_Civ Indus Valley Civilisation ilization http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiradu_temples Kiradu Barmer Temples Mexico India 5 Archaelogy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohenjo_Daro Mohenjo_Daro Civilisation India 6 7 8 Archaelogy Archaelogy Archaelogy Archaelogy Nalanda University Takshashila University Ganesha, ‘lingga yoni’ found at newly discovered site Ancient Idol of Lord Vishnu found during excavation in an old village in Russia’s Volga Region India Pakistan Indonesia 9 10 Archaelogy Mahendraparvata, 1,200-Year-Old Lost Medieval City In Cambodia, Unearthed By Archaeologists Cambodia 11 Archaelogy Takshashila University Pakistan 12 Archaelogy Archaelogy Chola Murals : Documentation and Study of the Chola Murals of Brihadisvara Temple Thanjavur Vietnam Hindu Temple India 13 14 Archaelogy 15 Archaelogy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nalanda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxila http://selians.blogspot.in/2010/01/ganeshalingga-yoni-found-at-newly.html http://vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries.wordpress .com/2012/05/27/ancient-idol-of-lord-vishnufound-during-excavation-in-an-old-village-inrussias-volga-region/ http://vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries.wordpress .com/2013/06/15/mahendraparvata-1200year-old-lost-medieval-city-in-cambodiaunearthed-by-archaeologists/ http://wikimapia.org/7359843/TakshashilaTaxila http://www.abebooks.fr/Chola-MuralsDocumentation-Study-BrihadisvaraTemple/7577939168/bd http://www.agamahindu.com/vietnam-hindutemple/ http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Post/88171 5 http://www.archaeologyonline.net/ 16 Archaelogy 17 Archaelogy 18 Archaelogy 19 Archaelogy 20 Archaelogy 21 Archaelogy 22 Archaelogy 23 24 Archaelogy Archaelogy 25 Archaelogy India India Russia Vietnam Ancient Vishnu Idol Found in Russia Russia Archeological Evidence of Vedic System http://www.archaeologyonline.net/artifacts/sci Scientific Verification of Vedic entific-verif-vedas.html Knowledge http://www.art-andAncients Indian Temples & archaeology.com/india/india.html Monuments http://www.art-andTemples & Monuments of Bali, archaeology.com/indonesia/indonesia.html Central Java, Dieng Plateau, Gedong Songo, Yogyakarta, Surakarta (Solo), East Java http://www.forbiddenarcheologist.com/ Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo http://www.forbiddenarcheology.com/ Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/2013/08/31 1100 Year Old Hindu Temple /1100-year-old-hindu-temple-discovered-in- Discovered in Bangladesh bangladesh/ http://www.hansadutta.com/VEDIC/Vishnu- Reclining Vishnu Statues around the statues.html World by Shri PN Oak http://www.harappa.com/ The Ancient Indus Civilization http://www.mysciencemyreligion.com/ My Science, My Religion by Michael Cremo http://www.parjatan.gov.bd/kantaji_arc.php Kantaji's Temple India India India Indonesia USA USA Bangla Desh World India USA Bangla Desh 26 27 Archaelogy Archaelogy 28 Archaelogy 29 Archaelogy 30 31 Archaelogy Archaelogy 32 Archaelogy 33 Archaelogy 34 Archaelogy 35 Archaelogy 36 Archaelogy 37 Archaelogy 38 Archaelogy 39 Archaelogy- Marine http://drs.nio.org/drs/bitstream/2264/30/3/Ma Marine arachelogy & discovery of n_Environ_29_28.pdf Lost Dwarka Archaelogy- Marine http://mahabharathascience.blogspot.in/p/30- lost Dwarka City underwater-expeditions-which-won-rao.html India Archaelogy- Marine http://varnam.nationalinterest.in/2005/10/whe Where is Krishna's Dwaraka? re_is_krishnas_dwaraka/ Archaelogy- Marine http://www.ariseindiaforum.org/?p=457 Submerged Cities -Ancient City Dwarka Archaelogy- Marine http://www.dwarkapath.blogspot.com/2010/1 Submerged Cities -Ancient City 2/why-dwarka-submerged-in-water.html Dwarka India 40 41 42 43 http://www.pnoak.com/ Taj Mahal - The True Story http://www.puratattva.in/2010/10/20/mahendr Mahendravadi – Vishnu Temple of avadi-vishnu-temple-of-mahendravarmanMahendravarman 34.html http://www.satyamevaKrishna and Rath Yatra in Ancient jayate.org/2011/10/07/krishna-rathyatraEgypt egypt/ http://www.upavanresort.com/edakkalEdakkal Caves Kerala depicting caves.php Ramayana scene http://www.vedicempire.com/ Ancient Vedic heritage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xC3X8Oe Dhruv Stambh Not Qutab Minar 5ek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6in_7QCO Taj Mahal's dark secret S9I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dRcGhO Shiva Temple in Central Vietnam QWaY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq8HQCm Prambanan Temple Compounds L_c0 Indonesia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcb643uV China's Hindu temples: A forgotten tSc history http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv3rAVuB Taj Mahal is Lord Shiva Temple U1s The hidden truth Tolly Torrents http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mncl75e7 Ancient Hindu Temple Uncovered THM 1000 years old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_1Ancient Hindu Temple Uncovered 3IC6X34 1000 years old -Yogaykarta India India India India World India India Vietnam Indonesia China India Vietnam Indonesia India India India 44 Archaelogy- Marine http://www.ivarta.com/columns/070718Rama-Sethu-man-made.htm 45 Archaelogy- Marine http://www.ramakrishnanandanews.com/docu City Under the Sea near India ments/29.html Mahabalipuram Archaelogy- Marine http://www.slideshare.net/kalyan97/ramaReallign Sethusamudaram Channel India setu-ppt/ Archaelogy- Marine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZQYa4Fx Historical Rama : The Hindu India eno History of Ancient India - Ram Sethu 46 47 48 49 50 51 Archaelogy- Marine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AcQ5axv gmY Archaelogy- Marine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgSINZO_ VuI Archaelogy- Marine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk0tcc75_f k Archaelogy- Marine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc2dWngy ZH4 The Destruction of Rama Sethu and India its implications -Dr.Dipak Basu Ancient History of Hinduism -Lost city of Dwarka Rama Setu - An Engineering Marvel of 5076 BCE 32 000 year old underwater city found dwarka flv The Sunken City of Dwarka India India India India 52 53 54 55 56 Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture 57 58 Architecture Architecture 59 Architecture 60 Architecture 61 62 Architecture Architecture 63 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deula http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urushringa http://www.ellora.ind.in/ http://www.elloracaves.org/ http://www.hindutemplearchitects.com/ India India India India India Architecture Deula Temple Architecture Urushringa, Khajuraho Ellora Caves Ellora Caves Temple Architect, Sculptor and Vaasthu Sastra expert http://www.inbalistone.com/ Bali Stone Work http://www.oocities.org/athens/2583/tht31.ht Build temples in Agamic way ml http://www.sompuraa.com/ Hitesh H Sompuraa Architects & Sompura Art http://www.ssvt.org/about/TempleAchitecture. Temple Architect -V. Ganapathi asp Stapathi http://www.templearch.com/ Hindu Temple Architecture http://www.templearch.com/projects.htm Temple Architects India - Temple Projects http://www.templearchitect.com/ Vikram Sompura Temple Architect 64 65 Architecture Architecture http://www.templearchitect.in/ http://www.vastuved.com/ India India 66 Architecture http://www.yourhouse.in/ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://astrology.aryabhatt.com/ http://astrology.atoot.com/ http://astrology.raftaar.in/astro/ http://astrology.ygoy.com/ http://astrology-videos.com/ http://astroveda.wikidot.com/ http://free.astrology.com/ http://free-vedic-astrology.com/ http://gk.yolasite.com/ Temple Architect & Executor Temple Projects by Dr. V. Sthapati Ganapati - Vaastu Vedic Research Foundation Hitesh H Sompuraa Architects & Sompura Art Aryabhatt Astrology Services Atoot Vedic Astrology Delhi Astrology Know Your Lucky Number Astrology Videos Jai Ma Bharti learning Astrology Free Astrology Vedic Astrology Astrology Gurutva karyalay's Blog 76 Astrology http://gurutvakaryalay.wordpress.com/ Astrology Gurutva karyalay's Blog India 77 Astrology http://hindupriest-indianmaharaj.blogspot.in/ Bhasmank Maheta UK 78 Astrology http://indian-vedicastrology.com/wordpress/ Indian-Vedic Astrology India 79 80 81 Astrology Astrology Astrology http://jayasreesaranathan.blogspot.com/ http://jyothishi-pandit.blogspot.com/ http://jyotisha.00it.com/ India India Sri Lanka 82 Astrology 83 Astrology http://maharishiprogrammes.globalgoodnews.com/ http://mathinamaideen.webs.com/ Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology Jyotish - The Vedic Astrology of Lanka India Nepal and Tibet Maharishi's Vedic Astrology 84 Astrology http://myindian-vedicastrology.blogspot.com/ Amazing Vedic astrology 85 Astrology http://nepaliastrologer.blogspot.in/ Dr. Suneel Sharma Sitaula Astrolger Nepal 86 87 88 89 90 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://shop.astromerits.com/ http://shrijyotishguruji.ueuo.com/ http://vicdicara.wordpress.com/ http://www.aapkikismat.com/ http://www.acharyainduprakash.com/ Astro Merits Kerala Samadhan Jyotish Peeth Vic DiCara's Astrology Aap Ki kismat, Noida Acharya Indu Prakash Indonesia India India India India India India India India India India India USA India India India India USA Mathina Maideen Astrology Services India India India India USA India India 91 92 Astrology Astrology 93 94 95 96 97 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.akashaclinic.ca/ http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/vedicastrology. com http://www.ancientindianastrology.com/ http://www.aryabhatt.com/ http://www.ashevillevedicastrology.com/ http://www.askastrologer.com/ http://www.astroacharya.com/ Akasha Clinic Vedic Astrology Canada India Ancient Astrology Aryabhatt Astrology Services Asheville Vedic Astrology Astrology Vedic astrology by Acharya Vikas Kaushik Astrology Center of America Your Palnets Astrolger Ajai Bhambi Vedic Astrology Services AstroCAMP Acharya Atulya Nath,s Astro Career India India USA India India 98 99 100 101 102 103 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.astroamerica.com/ http://www.astroastro.com/ http://www.astrobhambi.com/ http://www.astrobix.com/ http://www.astrocamp.com/ http://www.astrocareeronline.com/ 104 105 106 107 108 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.astroccult.net/ http://www.astrocienciavedica.com/ http://www.astrocopia.com/ http://www.astrogems.com/ http://www.astroguru-india.com/ Astro Cult Astrologia Vedica Astro Copia Ayurvedic Astrological gems Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologers, Vedic Online astrology horoscope India USA India India India 109 110 Astrology Astrology http://www.astroica.com/vedic-astrology/ http://www.astroiq.com/ India India 111 112 113 Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.astrojyoti.com/ http://www.astrologer-astrology.com/ http://www.astrologernepal.com/ Vedic Astrology Digital Jyotish (Vedic Astrology Software) Astro Jyoti Astrology Services Dr. Suneel Sharma Sitaula Astrolger India India Nepal 114 115 116 117 118 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.astrologerpanditji.com/ http://www.astrologicalmagazine.com/ http://www.astrologievedique.fr/ http://www.astrology.com/ http://www.astrology.com/vedic-astrology Vedic Astrology Horoscope Astrological eMagazine Mysore Vedic Astrology Horoscope Vedic Astrology India India France India USA 119 Astrology http://www.astrology-and-science.com/ Indian scientists on Vedic astrology India 120 121 122 123 124 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology for You Astrology India Dr Sunil Tripathi Astrologer Astrology Predict Sri Ramashlaka India India India India India 125 126 127 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Weekly Astro Lotus Rajasthan Astro Luck India USA India India 128 129 130 131 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.astrologyforu.com/ http://www.astrology-india.com/ http://www.astrologyinvaranasi.in/ http://www.astrologypredict.com/ http://www.astrologyshriram.com/ramashaka. html http://www.astrologyweekly.com/ http://www.astrolotus.com/ http://www.astroluckindia.com/marriage/katy ayani-devi-pooja.html http://www.astromandir.com/ http://www.astromindsclub.com// http://www.astromuhurat.com/ http://www.astromuni.com/ Astrology & Yagna Services Astro Mind Astro Muhurat Spirituality Om Samridhi Astro Muni Services India India India India 132 133 Astrology Astrology http://www.astropeep.com/ http://www.astroplusguru.com/ India India 134 Astrology http://www.astrosage.com/ Astro Peep Indian Astrologer & Horoscope Reader, Sanjeev Anand Astro Age USA India India India India India India 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India India 141 142 143 144 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.astroved.com/ http://www.astrovedicsansthan.com/ http://www.astrovidya.com/ http://www.atmann.net/books.htm#mat India India India USA 145 146 147 Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.atoot.com/ http://www.barbarapijan.com/ http://www.bava.org/ 148 149 150 151 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.bejandaruwalla.com/ http://www.bestastroguru.com/ http://www.bhamidi.net/ http://www.birlacenter.com/ 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.brihaspati.net/ http://www.chakrapani.com/ http://www.chiraan.com/ http://www.clickastro.com/ http://www.cosmicsynergy.com/ http://www.councilvedicastrology.com/ http://www.cyberastro.com/ http://www.czoneindia.com/ Astro ved Astro Vedic Sansthan Astrology Resources The Mandala Astrological Tarot by AT Mann Atoot Astrology Services Barbara's Jyotisha Sabbatical British Association of Vedic Astrology Bejan Daruwalla Astrologer Best Astro Guru Vedic Astrology Welcome to The Birla Center for Hast Jyotish Jupiter Chakrapani Vedic Astrology Chiraan's Astrology Clock Astro Kerala Cosmic Energy Council of Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology Durlabh Computers Astrology Noida 160 Astrology http://www.dennisharness.com/ Dennis M Harness, Vedic Astrologer USA 161 Astrology http://www.devisahayam.com/ 162 Astrology http://www.dirah.org/ 163 Astrology 164 165 Astrology Astrology http://www.drcommanderselvamvedicastrology.com/ http://www.eastrovedica.com/ http://www.expertvedicastrology.com/ PN Sreedharan Nampoothiri Expert Astrologer International School of Vedic Astrology Sri Selvam Siddar Vedic Astrology 166 Astrology 167 168 169 170 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology 171 Astrology Astrologer G Kumar India Vedic Astrology - Pundit Ramanand India Shastri http://www.findyourfate.com/indianastro/inda Vedic Astrology India stro.htm http://www.flex.com/~jai/ Jai Maharaj Astrology Site India http://www.futurepointindia.com/ Atrology Directory India http://www.galacticcenter.org/ Galactic Centre USA http://www.ganeshaspeaks.com/ Horoscopes, Indian Astrology, India Numerology http://www.gurutvajyotish.blogspot.in/ Astrology Gurutva karyalay's Blog India 172 Astrology http://www.gurutvakaryalay.blogspot.in/ Astrology Gurutva karyalay's Blog India India India India India USA UK India India USA Canada India USA India India India USA India India India Netherland USA India 173 Astrology 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.hala.us/u/628696/VedicAstrology-Indian-VedicAstrology-com-raquoBlog-Archive-raquo-What-do-the-planets-sayabout-us-in-the-second-half-of-this-year-PartI/ http://www.hindijyotish.com/ http://www.hinduastrology.com/ http://www.hindu-astrology.com/ http://www.hindupad.com/ http://www.hitechpandit.com/ http://www.horoscopevedic.com/ http://www.icas.org.in/ Vedic Astrology by Rajiv Sethi India India USA India India India India India http://www.indastro.com/ http://www.indianastrologer.net/ Hindi Jyyotish All India Astrological Services Ved Bhawan International HinduPad Calendar Hitech Pundit Services Vedic horoscope Indian Council Of Astrological Sciences Indian Astrology Vedic Astrology Jyotish Services NJ 181 182 Astrology Astrology India USA 183 184 Astrology Astrology http://www.indianastrology2000.com/ http://www.indianastrologyhoroscope.com/ Indian Vedic Astrology Indian Astrology Horoscope India India 185 Astrology http://www.indianastrologysoftware.com/ Astrology Software - Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. Ltd Cochin India 186 187 188 Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.indianinstitute.net/ http://www.indianvedicastrology.com/ http://www.indian-vedicastrology.com/ USA USA India 189 190 191 192 193 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.ivaindia.com/ http://www.jantarmantar.com/ http://www.jothidamtamil.in/ http://www.jyothishi.com/ http://www.jyotish.ws/ Indian Institute of Vedic studies Indian Vedic Astrology Indian Vedic Astrology by Shri Rajiv Sethi Institute of Vedic Astrology Ved Bhawan International Tamil Astrology Jotish Astrology - Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter 194 195 196 197 198 199 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.jyotisha.com/ http://www.jyotishkendra.com/ http://www.jyotishstar.com/ http://www.jyotishtools.com/ http://www.jyotishvani.com/ http://www.kamalkapoor.com/ Vedic Astrology Jyotish Kendra Jyotish Star Vedic Astrology Software Jyotish Vani Free Astrology & Free Horoscopes USA India USA India India India 200 201 202 203 204 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Karmi Casto Neemuch Kerala Astrology Russia Vedic Astrology Komilla Sutton Vedic Astrology Astrology Secrets and Methods India India Russia USA India 205 206 207 Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.karmicastro.com/ http://www.keralaastrology.com/ http://www.koladwip.ru/ http://www.komilla.com/ http://www.krsnovels.com/VedicAstrology.html http://www.kundlee.com/ http://www.laurabarat.org/ http://www.lifeguruvijay.com/ India USA India 208 209 Astrology Astrology http://www.lightonvedicastrology.com/ http://www.lotus-ocean.net/ 210 Astrology http://www.mgk9.org/ 211 212 Astrology Astrology http://www.microastrology.com/ http://www.modernastrology.in/ Vedic Astrology knowledge. 21st Century Astrology Life Guru vijay Batra (Astro Counselor and Life Coach) Vedic Astrology Course Happiness in Life by Mr Prashant Trivedi MGK Vedic Numerology Research Foundation Vedic Astrology Modern Astrolgy India India India India USA USA UK India India India 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.modernvedicastrology.com/ http://www.muni108.nl/ http://www.muni8.nl/ http://www.myastrologypuja.com/ http://www.myguru.in/ http://www.mykundali.com/ http://www.mysticboard.com/vedic_astrology Modern Vedic Astrology Vedavision -Vedic Astrology Vedavision -Vedic Astrology Pt Lokesh da. Jagirdar, MP, India My Guru Astrology My Kundali Mystic Board 220 221 222 Astrology Astrology Astrology India USA India 223 Astrology 224 Astrology 225 Astrology 226 227 Astrology Astrology 228 Astrology 229 230 231 Astrology Astrology Astrology http://www.natalcharts.biz/ Vedic Astrology Services http://www.navamsa.com/ Vedic Astrology http://www.naveenmysore.com/astrology/astro Vedic Astrology by Naveen Mysore logy.htm http://www.navgrah.in/ Navgrah Jyotish & Vastu Anusandhan Sansthan http://www.navgraha.org/ Jyotish Acharya Nishi Rakesh Navagraha : Nine planets or nine realms http://www.navgrahmandir.com/ Navgrah Mandir Astrlogy Services Mumbai http://www.neelastro.com/ Neel Astrology http://www.nimaibanerjee.com/ Prof. Nimai Banerjee- a famous Astrologer http://www.numerologyadvice.com/ Dr. Anand Bhardwaj's Revolution in Numerology http://www.omastrology.com/ Om Astrology. http://www.onlineindiaastrologer.in/ Online Astrology http://www.osfa.org.uk/ Home of Jtyotish Ancient Indian Astrology : Email Prashant Trivedi 232 Astrology http://www.oursubhakaryam.com/ India 233 234 Astrology Astrology http://www.panchangam.com/ http://www.panditrajkumarsharma.com/ 235 Astrology http://www.pankajkhanna.com/shop/ 236 Astrology http://www.paramdhaam.com/ 237 Astrology http://www.paramhansa.com/ 238 Astrology http://www.parashara.com/ 239 Astrology http://www.premastrologer.com/ 240 241 Astrology Astrology http://www.punditpur.com/ Panditpur Mumbai http://www.punditpur.com/lnkExcngInfo.aspx Astrology Services India India 242 Astrology http://www.punditrakeshsharma.com/ Canada 243 Astrology 244 245 Astrology Astrology 246 247 Astrology Astrology OM Sree Parasara Jyothishya Vaastu Nilayam Indian Calendar Solution Astrology, Mumbai -Pt. 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Toronto, Canada Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust 534 535 536 537 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.ayurvet.com/ http://www.ayuryogashram.com/ http://www.ayushakti-usa.com/ http://www.ayushree.com/ 538 Ayurveda 539 Ayurveda 540 541 Ayurveda Ayurveda 542 Ayurveda Ayurvedic Living Ayurvedic massage Ayurvedic Nutrition & Ayurveda Clinical Study Program Ayurvedicsanjivani Ayurveda Talk Ayurvedic Treatment Vedanta Ayurveda by Dr Prasar Autoimmune Disorders L'Annuaire international de l'Ayurveda -Bienvenue en Ayurvédie Ayurvet Ayuryogashram Ayushakti-usa Ayushree Ayurvedic Hospital and research center http://www.ayushsuraksha.com/ National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre for ASU Drugs Gujarat Ayurveda University http://www.ayushtoday.com/category/medical/ Ayush Today - Ayurveda ayurveda/ http://www.ayushveda.com/ Ayushveda Informatics http://www.ayuskama.com/ AyusKama Ayurveda & Panchkarma center. http://www.babaramdevmedicines.com/ Baba Ramdev Medicines India USA Nepal India India India USA Canada India USA UK Malaysia USA India India USA India France India India India USA India India India India India USA 543 Ayurveda http://www.back2health.net.au/ back to health - Ayurvedic Medicine Australia 544 545 546 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.baidyanath.co.in/ http://www.balidynasty.com/ http://www.banyanbotanicals.com/ Baidyanath India Ayurveda Resort Banyan Botanical - Ayurvdic Herbs India Indonesia USA 547 548 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.beayurvedic.com/ http://www.bgaindia.org/ USA India 549 550 551 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 552 553 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.blog.ayurhealing.info/ http://www.bluelotusayurveda.com/ http://www.bnaiyer.com/Hindu-SpecialArticles/ayurveda1.html http://www.cckailash.it/ http://www.chakrapaniayurveda.com/ Be Ayurvedic BGA - BAMS Graduate Association India Ayurvedic Healing Blue Lotus Ayurveda Ancien tIndian Medicine 554 Ayurveda http://www.changampally.com/masters.htm 555 556 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.charak.com/ http://www.charakaayurveda.com/ Charak Pharma Vedanta Ayurveda by Dr Prasar Chronic Renal Failure Treatments. India India 557 558 559 560 561 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.charakasamhita.com/ http://www.charakayurveda.com/ http://www.chennai-ayurveda.com/ http://www.cherianashram.com/ http://www.coloradoayurveda.org/ India India India India USA 562 563 564 565 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.dabur.com/ http://www.daburuveda.com/ http://www.davayurvedaezine.com/ http://www.deinayurveda.net/ 566 Ayurveda http://www.devaaya.com/ 567 568 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.dhanwantriayurved.com/ http://www.dhanwantriayurveda.com/ Charaka Samhita Charak Ayurveda Sk Ayurvedha Chennai Cherian Ashram Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association (COLORAMA). Dabur India Daburv Uveda DAV's Ayurveda Shakti Centre , Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda Ayurveda & Nature Cure Centre, Divar Island, Goa, India Dhanwantri Kerala Ayurveda Dhanwantri Ayurveda, Dhanvantari an avatar of Vishnu 569 570 571 572 573 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Dharma Ayurveda Dharma Ayurveda Divya Rishi Ayurveda products, USA Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations Germany Germany India USA USA 574 Ayurveda http://www.dharmaayurveda.com/ http://www.dharmaayurveda.de/ http://www.divyarishi.com/ http://www.DoshaSmart.com/ http://www.drburn.org/ayurvedic-lifestyleconsultations/ http://www.drpbanerji.com/ 575 Ayurveda 576 Ayurveda 577 578 579 580 581 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda India USA India Centro Bio naturale Kailash Italy Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & India Research Center India Changapally Vidya Bhavan India Changampally Gurukkal - Ayurveda Dr Banerji's World's Largest Homeopathic Centre http://www.drrajeshnair.com/ Dr Rajesh Nair Ayurvedic Researcher http://www.drrajeshshrotriya.wordpress.com/ Dr. Rajesh A Shrotriya's Blog on Ayurveda http://www.drrajkumarsharma.com/ Dr Raj Kumar Sharma http://www.drsanjeevsood.com/ Dr Sanjeev Sood http://www.drsharduli.com/ Ayurvidya Holistic Healthcare http://www.drsvoboda.com/ Ayurveda Master http://www.easyayurveda.com/ Dr Hebbar's Easy Ayurveda India India India Austria India India India India India India India India India USA India 582 Ayurveda http://www.eattasteheal.com/ 583 Ayurveda http://www.effortlessayurvedicliving.com/ 584 Ayurveda http://www.eisra.nl/ 585 Ayurveda http://www.estuaryviewresorts.com/ 586 587 Ayurveda Ayurveda 588 589 590 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.euroayurveda.com/ http://www.feelnheal.net/ayurvedic-lifestyleconsultant.html http://www.ganesha-bali.com/ http://www.gayaveda.fr/ http://www.ghis.ca/ 591 Ayurveda 592 593 594 Eat • Taste • Heal: An Ayurvedic Cookbook for Modern Living Ayurvedic Doctor USA USA European Institute of Scientific Netherland Research on Ayurveda Kairali Estuary View Ayurvda Resort India European Ayurveda Association Feel N Heal Germany UK Ganesha Bali Gayaveda Ayurveda Global Health Integrative Systems Indonesia France Canada Ayurveda -the science of life Canada Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.ghis.ca/Cam%20Docs/Ayurveda2. htm http://www.girijasanjeevani.com/ http://www.globalayucare.com/ http://www.globalspaandwellnesssummit.org/ 595 Ayurveda http://www.gnaana.com/ USA 596 Ayurveda http://www.goaayurvedic.com/ 597 598 599 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 600 601 602 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Harivihar Retreat Centre, Kerala Health Policu Coach Healthy Life Style India USA USA 603 Ayurveda http://www.goveda.com/ http://www.greenchaka.com/ http://www.grotal.com/Website-of-SukhayuAyurvedic-Panchakarma-and-WellnessCenter-in-Pune-321690/# http://www.harivihar.com/ http://www.healthpolicycoach.org/ http://www.healthy-lifestyle.most-effectivesolution.com/ http://www.hemangpanchkarma.com/ Dr. Jay Apte – Ayurveda Institute of America Lord Dhanvantris Ayurveda Ayurveda Clinic Ayurveda Greenchaka Bali Sukhayu Wellness Center 604 605 606 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 607 Ayurveda 608 609 610 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 611 612 Ayurveda Ayurveda Hemang Panchkamra & Ayurvedic Center http://www.herbalcare.com/ Ayurvedic herbal supplements http://www.herbline.com/ Herbal Line http://www.herboveda.co.in/ Dr Sonica Krishan -Ayurveda and Natural Lifestyle Healer http://www.herbscancure.com/ Natural Health Tips and Ayurvedic Medicine http://www.herbveda.com/ Herb Veda http://www.himalayanayurveda.com/ Ayurveda House http://www.hindibooks.8m.com/AyurvedaAlt Ayurveda Books Heal.htm http://www.hindustanherbals.org/ Hindustan Herbals http://www.hnwellness.com/ Dr. Jay's Health & Nature Wellness 613 614 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.holisticayurvedaindia.com/ http://www.holistic-herbalist.com/ 615 Ayurveda 616 Ayurveda http://www.homeofayurveda.org/vagbhatawriter-physician-legend/ http://www.i3monline.com/wordpress/ 617 Ayurveda http://www.icareayurved.org/ Anandashram Sanstha Pune India Global Ayu Care India The Global Spa & Wellness Summit USA Ayurveda Information Charaka Ayurveda Centre Ayurveda's Holistic Diet Home of Ayurveda, Vagbhata – Writer, Physician, Legend International Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM). Kerala Ayurved India USA India India India USA India India India India India India India USA India India India USA India 618 619 620 621 622 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.india-herbs.com/ http://www.indianalchemy.com/ http://www.indianheadmassage.org/ http://www.indigestionguru.com/ http://www.indilaya.de/raeucherstaebchenhalter/raeucherstaebchen/ayurvedischeraeucherstaebchen-ramakrishnananda.html India Herbs Ayurveda India Head Massage Ayurvedic Doctor Ramakrishnananda Ayurvedische Räucherstäbchen USA India Europe USA Germany 623 Ayurveda http://www.integrativeayurveda.com/ USA 624 625 626 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.integrativenutrition.com/ http://www.internatural.com/ http://www.jamiedurner.com/ayurveda.htm Ayurveda -Integrative Health and Wellness Center Institute for Nutrition Ayurveda Ayyurveda Prioduct Holistic Wellness Coaching 627 628 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.jeevaniyam.com/ http://www.jiva.com/ Jeevaniyam India Ayurvedic Treatment Jiva Education India 629 630 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.jiva.org/ http://www.joyfulbelly.com/ India USA 631 Ayurveda 632 Ayurveda 633 634 635 636 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Institute of Vaishnava Studies Better Health through Digestion with an Ayurvedic Diet http://www.kairali.com/ Kairali Ayurvedic Health Resort Pvt. Ltd. http://www.kalarikovilakom.com/ Kalari Kovilakom Ayurveda Centre Kerala http://www.kalpanjaliayurveda.com/ Kalpanjali Ayurveda http://www.kamalaya.com/ Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary http://www.kamalayurvedicherbs.com/ Kamal Ayurvedic Herbs Certificate IV in Ayurvedic Lifestyle http://www.kangan.edu.au/tafe-coursesmelbourne-victoria/certificate-iv-in-ayurvedic- Consultation lifestyle-consultation/aosc/1822/ 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Karthika Plaza Ayurveda Kerala Ayurveda Academy Kaya Kalp Ayurveda Kerala Ayurveda Academy Kerala Ayurveda Care Kerala Ayurveda Kendra Kerala Ayurveda Resorts Ayurveda Resorts in Kerala India India India India India India India India 645 Ayurveda http://www.karthikaplaza.com/ http://www.katra.biz/ http://www.kayakalpayurveda.com/ http://www.keralaayurveda.biz/ http://www.keralaayurvedacare.com/ http://www.keralaayurvedakendra.com/ http://www.keralaayurvedaresorts.org/ http://www.keralaayurvedaresorts.org/ayurved a.html http://www.keralaayurvedichealthcare.com/ Kerala Ayurvedic Health Care India 646 647 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.keralaayurvedics.com/ http://www.keralacvnkalari.com/ India India 648 Ayurveda http://www.kumarayurveda.com/ 649 650 651 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.kumarihealth.com/ http://www.lavanyaayurveda.com/ http://www.layurveda.com/ Kerala Ayurveda Sri. K.G. Muraleedhra Gurukkal Sreepathy C.V.N. Kalari Chikitsa Kendram Kumar Ayurveda & Panchakarma Center Kumari Health Lavanya Ayurveda L’Ayurveda by Maya Safira Muchtar India India Indonesia 652 653 654 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ananad Ashram Ayurveda Learn Ayurveda The Ayurvedic Diet Indonesia India India 655 Ayurveda http://www.layurveda.com/about/ http://www.learnayurveda.com/ http://www.lifemojo.com/lifestyle/theayurvedic-diet-159449 http://www.lotuslight.com/ Lotus Light USA USA USA USA India India India Thailand India Australia India 656 Ayurveda http://www.lowdensitylifestyle.com/ 657 658 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.madanapalas.com/ http://www.madhavbaug.org/ 659 Ayurveda http://www.mahaaushadhi.com/ 660 661 662 663 664 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.maharishiayurvedaindia.com/ http://www.maharishiayurvedaindia.org/ http://www.maharshiatreya.com/ http://www.maitreyivedic.in/ http://www.mantraveppathur.com/ 665 666 Ayurveda Ayurveda 667 Ayurveda 668 669 Ayurveda Ayurveda 670 Dr. Michael Wayne's Low Density Lifestyle Madanapalas Aayurveda Madhavbaug Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) USA India India Ayurveda Remedies and Treatment India India India India India India Ayurveda Maharishi Ayurveda Maharashi Ayurveda Hospital Maharshi Atreya Health Centre Maitreyi - The Vedic Village, TN Mantra Veppathur -Punarjenma Village Spa http://www.matipatha.com/en/ Ayurvedic Consultation http://www.mayatiwari.org/ Maya Tiwari Author & Ayurveda Acharya http://www.moossayurveda.com/ SNA Ayurveda Nursing Home (P) Ltd http://www.motherofhealth.com/ Mother of Health - Ayurveda http://www.mountmadonnainstitute.org/ayurv Mount Madonna Institute eda/curriculum.html Ayurveda College http://www.mynamastewellness.com/ Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations 671 672 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.mypeacevow.com/ http://www.nabh.co/ USA India 673 674 675 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.nagarjunaayurveda.com/ http://www.nandavanam.net/ http://www.naturacabana.com/ 676 677 Ayurveda Ayurveda 678 679 680 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 681 682 Ayurveda Ayurveda 683 Ayurveda 684 Ayurveda 685 686 Ayurveda Ayurveda 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.naturalnirvana.com/ Natural Nirvana & Ayurveda http://www.naturalspeakers.com/speaker.php? Jessica Richmond, Ayurvedic id=253 Lifestyle Consultant http://www.naturaltherapypages.com.au/ Pranic Healing http://www.naturovillespa.com/ Naturoville Spa http://www.neelkanthdhaam.org/Ayutime.htm Ayurveda l http://www.neemshop.com/ Neemshop Pte Ltd http://www.neiah.nic.in/ The North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong, Meghalaya http://www.niam.com/ The National Institute Of Ayurvedic Medicine http://www.nilayoram.com/ Nilayoram Resorts & Ayurvedic Centre http://www.nirogam.com/ Nirogram http://www.obaitori.typepad.com/obaitori/ayu Ayurveda Farm rveda/ http://www.ojas.us/ Ayurvedic Pulse Technique http://www.ojasayurved.com/ Ojas Ayurved Centre http://www.ombeachresorts.com/ Om Beach Ayurveduc Resort http://www.omsaiarv.com/ Om sai Ayurveda India Ltd. http://www.omsaiayurved.com/ Om Sai Ayurveda India http://www.omsaiayurveda.in/ Om Sai Ayurveda India http://www.organeem.com/ Neem Product http://www.osail.in/ Om Sai Ayurveda India Living Ahimsa Foundation National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers Nagarjuna Ayurveda Kerala Nandavanam Ayurvedic Hospital Natura Cabana Taiwan USA India USA USA USA India India Dominican Republic USA USA Australia India USA Singapore India USA India India Australia USA India India India India India USA India 695 Ayurveda http://www.padanjaly.com/ Padanjali Skin Treatment Centre Arya Vaidyan Asoka Panchakarma & Orthopaedic Clinic Panchakarma Guide by Vedic Society Panchmukha Centre Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & Research Center - Panchakarma Equipment New Ideal Panchakarma Centre Santhigiri Ayurveda & Siddha Hospital - Panchakarma Treatments India 696 Ayurveda http://www.panchakarma.co.in/ 697 Ayurveda http://www.panchakarma.com/ 698 699 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.panchakarma.in/ http://www.panchakarmaequipment.com/ 700 701 Ayurveda Ayurveda http://www.panchakarmakerala.com/ http://www.panchakarmatreatments.org/ 702 703 704 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 705 Ayurveda http://www.panchamanaturals.com/ http://www.panchendhriya.com/ http://www.panchkarma.org/about_panchkar ma.html http://www.pankajakasthuri.in/ Panchama Naturals, Kerala Panchendhriya Ayurgruham Vishwanath Panchakarma Centre India India India 706 707 708 709 710 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda Ayurveda 718 Ayurveda Pankajakasthuri Herbals & Ayurveda http://www.panoramicsearesort.biz/ Panoramic Sea Resort http://www.panoramicworld.biz/ Panoramic Sea Resort http://www.parathuvayalilhospital.com/ Parathuvayalil Ayurveda Hospita http://www.patanjaliayurveda.com/ Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd http://www.pdiayurveda.com/ Prakash Deep Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences http://www.pfhpl.com/ Patanjali Food & Herbal Park http://www.pfhpl.com/pal/ Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd http://www.prabhatamgroup.com/hsb.asp ESHA Herbal Life Sciences Ltd http://www.practicalayurveda.com/ Practical Ayurveda http://www.prakrutiayurveda.com/ Prakruti Ayurveda http://www.pranaa.com/lifestyle.php Prana ayurvedic Spa http://www.probharat.com/ayurveda/ayurveda Pro Bharat - 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Eck http://www.hinduismpath.com/ Hinduism: Path of the Ancient Wisdom http://www.indrasnetbook.com/ Indra's Net y Rajiv Malhotra http://www.iskconbookdistribution.com/ ISKCON Books Distribution http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/vaishnavaISKCON Desire Tree Books song-book Sri Lanka India USA India India USA USA USA USA India World 961 Book http://www.issrpl.org/programs/images/2012_ The Politics of Religion in Indonesia Indonesia pix/readings/Picard-Agama-Hindu-Bali.pdf ( Java & Bali) 962 Book http://www.kanchiforum.org/hindus_under_si Hindus Under Siege: The Way Out India ege/?key=int ,A book by Dr. Subramanian Swamy 963 Book 964 Book 965 966 967 Book Book Book http://www.kirtan.org/welcome_to_kirtan.php Sri Krishna Divya Nam by Vaiyasaki Das http://www.knowledgesutra.com/forums/topic Relevance Of Vedic Astrology In /67102-relevance-vedic-astrology-indianIndian Society society/ http://www.krishnabooks.org/ Krishna Books http://www.lifecodebook.com/ Swami Ram’s Life Code book http://www.lifecodeguru.com/ Swami Ram – Your Life Code Guru USA USA USA 968 Book http://www.livingtantra.com/ Living Tantra :Unlock the Power of Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation USA 969 Book Books by Paramahansa Yogananda India 970 971 972 973 Book Book Book Book http://www.mindbodyspiritonline.co.uk/param ahansa-yogananda-185-c.asp http://www.myavatarcode.com/ http://www.mylifecodeguru.com/ http://www.mysexualvirility.com/ http://www.newsroompost.com/book-kailashmansarovar-yatra-dvitiyonasti-released/ The Science of Life Code The Equation of Life Spiritual Genetics Hemant Sharma's Book on Kailash Mansarovar Yatra USA USA USA India 974 Book India 975 Book 976 Book 977 978 Book Book 979 Book 980 Book 981 Book 982 983 Book Book 984 Book 985 986 Book Book 987 Book 988 Book 989 Book http://www.ninapaley.com/Sitayana/epic.html Sita's Adventures in the Ramayana ? http://www.northernbook.com/viewdetails.asp Brahmo Samaj Boooks x?ID=1055 http://www.penguinbooksindia.com/en/conten The Roots of Vedanta by t/roots-vedanta Sudhakrishna Rangaswami http://www.sadienardini.com/ The 21-Day Yoga Body http://www.saffrontree.org/2011/11/chat-with- The Mahabharatha- A Child's view samhita-arni.html by Samhita Arni http://www.sellingsalesmanship.com/gita.html Bhagavad Gita and the Philosophy of Management http://www.speakingstrongly.com/ Speaking Strongly by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami http://www.spiritual-economics.com/ Spiritual Economics by Dhaneswara Das http://www.srichinmoybooks.com/ Sri Chinmoy Books http://www.sriradha.wordpress.com/ Legacy of Love: A servants quest by Yamuna Dasi and Malati Manjari Dasi Hindu Gods & Goddeses by http://www.stephenknapp.com/gods_and_goddesses_of_vedic_cu Stephen Knapps lture.htm http://www.theangkorguide.com/ Angkor Wat Monument http://www.thehindu.com/books/in-search-of- Samhita Arni’s The Missing Queen sita/article4435293.ece http://www.thejourneyhomebook.com/ The Jouney Home book by HH Radhanath Swami http://www.thejourneyhomebook.info/ The Jouney Home book by HH Radhanath Swami http://www.thelivesofsriaurobindo.com/ The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs USA UK India India USA India India UK USA USA USA USA Cambodia India USA India India 990 Book http://www.thenational.ae/artslifestyle/books/historic-temples-in-pakistan-acall-to-conscience-highlights-countrys-vastreligious-diversity http://www.vaibhavlakshmivratbooks.com/ Historic Temples in Pakistan: A Call Pakistan to Conscience by Reema Abbasi, Pakistan 991 Book 992 Book 993 994 995 Book Book Book 996 997 Book Book http://www.vedicwavecycle.com/ http://www.vicdicara.com/27-stars_27gods.php 998 Book http://www.vifindia.org/event/report/2014/ma Defending Hinduism's Philosophical India y/05/arun-shourie-releases-indra-s-net-at-vif Unity, written by best selling author Rajiv Malhotra - See more at: http://www.vifindia.org/event/report/ 2014/may/05/arun-shourie-releasesindra-s-net-atvif#sthash.6XTfMvLy.dpuf 999 Book http://www.vifindia.org/event/report/2014/ma ‘Bangladesh Migrants - A Threat to India y/26/book-on-bangladeshi-migrants-released- India’ authored by P K Mishra, at-vif Senior Fellow of the Vivekananda International Foundation, - See more at: http://www.vifindia.org/event/report/ 2014/may/26/book-on-bangladeshimigrants-released-atvif#sthash.g1n6isVR.dpuf 1000 Book http://www.whatsmylifecode.com/ 1001 Book 1002 Book http://www.womensweb.in/articles/samhitaarni-sitas-ramayana/ http://www.yogainternational.com/ecourse/bu Living Tantra :Unlock the Power of ndle/living-tantra-six-part-series Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation 1003 Book 1004 1005 Book Book 1006 Book 1007 Book 1008 Book 1009 1010 Sri Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat Katha book http://www.vedicbooks.net/sumeru-parvat-p- Sumeru Parvat 2851.html http://www.vedicnamecode.com/ Vedic Name Code http://www.vedicpastlife.com/ Swami Ram’s Pitri Puja book http://www.vedicsexualcode.com/ Vedic Sexual Code by Swami Ram Vedic Business Wave Cycle 27 Stars, 27 Gods:The Astrological Mythology of Ancient India USA India USA USA USA USA USA Swami Ram Charran's What is Your USA Lifecode Sita's Ramayana by Samhita Arni India http://www.yogananda.net/ay/ USA Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi http://www.yogavidya.com/ss.html The Shiva Samhita https://www.banyen.com/contributors/amma- Keys To Sadhana by Amma Sri sri-karunamayi Karunamayi https://www.banyen.com/products/nectarNectar of Jnana by Amma Sri jnana Karunamayi https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pushkar"Dating The Era Of Lord Rama" by Bhatnagar-Dating-The-Era-Of-Lord-RamaPushkar Bhatnagar Rupa-Publications/536280309721235 USA USA Calendar https://www.facebook.com/YogaVidya.com?s The Shiva Samhita k=wall http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_calendar Bengali calendar India Calendar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_calendar India Hindu calendar India India India India 1011 Calendar 1012 1013 Calendar Calendar 1014 Calendar 1015 Calendar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_national_c Indian national calendar alendar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saka_era Shalivahana era (Saka era) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaka_Samvat Shalivahana era - 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Balinese dance Indonesia 1048 Classical Dance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ileana_Citaristi Odissi Dancer -Ileana Citaristi Italy 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance 1056 Classical Dance http://www.abgmvm.org/ 1057 1058 Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.abhyastrust.org/ http://www.akademi.co.uk/ Kecak-Balinese dance Manipuri Dance Nritya Chitra The Odissi Profiles ISKCON Russia - Odissi Dance Priya Lasya'sIndian Classical & Ramayana Dances Bharathanatyam and the worldwide performances Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Maha Vidhyalaya Mandal Abhyas Trust, New Delhi Akademi - South Asian Dance UK Indonesia India India India Russia India 1055 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecak? http://manipuri.20m.com/ http://nrityachitra.blogspot.in/ http://odissi.blogspot.com/ http://odissi.ruzov.ru/ http://priyalasya.blogspot.in/2012/05/campramayana-may-to-june-2012.html http://sangeethas.wordpress.com/ 1059 Classical Dance http://www.alimentosparalapaz.blogspot.in/ Dance Theatre Company Dharma Spain 1060 Classical Dance Classical Dance 1062 Classical Dance http://www.ashtapadi.org/ 1063 Classical Dance http://www.bigstockphoto.com/image31809359/stock-photo-bali-january-24:ramayana-dance-by-the-bina-remaja-troupeubud-is-the-home-of-traditional-cultu Ramayana Dance at Prambanan Temple Shree Geetagovinda Pratisthana, Puducherry Sri Geetagovinda Pratisthana, Puducherry Ramayana dance by the Bina Remaja Troupe, Ubud Indonesia 1061 http://www.antaranda.com/en/tourdetail/ramayana-dance-schedule-42.html http://www.ashtapadi.in/ 1064 Classical Dance 1065 Classical Dance http://www.cambodiadaily.com/archive/dance ancers Learn Hindu Moves rs-learn-hindu-moves-34106/ http://www.chandrakantha.com/ Chandrakantha's Classical Dances USA 1066 1067 1068 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.classicalindiandancer.com/ http://www.coloradofinearts.org/ http://www.dancecostumesandjewelry.com/ Classical dances of India Colorado Fine Arts Dance Costumes and Jewelry India USA USA 1069 Classical Dance http://www.dancingindia.net/ Dance India Schools New Zealand India India India UK India India Indonesia Cambodia 1070 Classical Dance http://www.dcgamelan.com/ 1071 1072 Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.gaurijog.com/ http://www.geetagovinda.org/ 1073 1074 Classical Dance Classical Dance 1075 Classical Dance 1076 Classical Dance 1077 Gamelan Saraswati Spring Concert, feat by Gamelan Mitra Kusuma USA Gauri Jog Dance School Shree Geetagovinda Pratisthana, Puducherry http://www.gurukuldubai.com/ Kathak Dancer Pali Chandra http://www.indiakathak.org/ Alaknanda Institute for Perf. Arts Noida http://www.indiatribune.com/index.php?optio Ramayana Dance by International n=com_content&view=article&id=7243:irina- Rama-yana Institute of North to-present-ramayana-dance-drama-on-novAmerica (IRINA) 12&catid=22:community&Itemid=457 USA India Indonesia Classical Dance http://www.indo.com/active/dance_schedule.h Balinese dance tml http://www.indo.com/interests/dance.html Balinese dance & Drama Indonesia 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.kavitadwibedi.com/ http://www.kcdesi.com/ http://www.kecakdance.com/ http://www.kirtiramgopal.com/ http://www.komalavaradan.com/ India USA Indonesia India India 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance 1088 1089 Classical Dance Classical Dance 1090 Classical Dance 1091 Classical Dance 1092 Classical Dance 1093 Classical Dance 1094 Classical Dance http://www.navanritya.org/ 1095 1096 1097 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.navianatarajan.com/ http://www.nritya.org/ http://www.nrityacreations.com/ 1098 1099 Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.nrityagram.org/ http://www.nrutyayan.com/ 1100 1101 Classical Dance Classical Dance 1102 Classical Dance Kavita Dwibedi Odissi Dances Nritya Schoool of Dance Hanoman Kecak Dance Uluwatu Kirti Ramgopal Bangalore Komala Varadan, a Classical Dancer, Choreographer http://www.kuchipudi.com/ Kuchipudi Dances http://www.lokchhanda.org/ Lok Chanda Dance Group http://www.meetkalakar.com/ Performing Artist http://www.mudra.co.nz/ Mudra Dance Company http://www.mudradancestudio.com/events.ph Mudra Dance Studio p http://www.mudradancestudio.us/ Mudra Dance Studio http://www.nadanam.com/ Dipali Ravi's Bharat Natyam Classes UAE India USA India India India New Zealand USA USA India http://www.nadsadhna.com/Pages/Dance/view Nad sadhna- History of Indian Dance India Dance.asp?ID=4 http://www.nalandadanceeducation.com/ Nalanda Dance Research Centre India near Juhu, Mumbai http://www.narthaki.com/ Indian Dances Festivals -Anita India Ratnam and Pritha Ratnam http://www.natyamaya.in/ Natya Institute of Kathak & India Choreography (N.I.K.C.) Bangalore Nava Nritya Dance Academy of Philadelphia Navia Natarajan Nritya Schoool of Dance Nritya Creations Academy of Dance Nritya Gram Guru Durga Charan Ranbir Nrutyacharya (Utkal) http://www.odissinewjersey.com/ Rhythms of Dance and Music http://www.openchiangmai.com/c2740__201 Ramayana Ballet Dance, Chiang 2_March Mai http://www.palichandra.com/ Kathak Dancer Pali Chandra USA India USA USA India India USA Thailand UAE 1103 Classical Dance http://www.parthasarathysabha.com/ 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.prasiddhfoundation.com/ http://www.prathibhaprahlad.net/ http://www.preranashrimali.com/ http://www.priyadarsinigovind.net/ http://www.purawisatajogja.com/ http://www.radhejaggi.com/ 1110 Classical Dance http://www.rajaradhareddy.com/ 1111 1112 Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.ramavaidyanathan.com/ http://www.sadhya.com/ 1113 Classical Dance 1114 1115 Classical Dance Classical Dance http://www.sampad.org.uk/event/diwalidancing-the-ramayana http://www.sangeetnatak.gov.in/ http://www.sangeetnatakakademi.org/ 1116 Classical Dance http://www.sharmilamukerjee.com/ 1117 1118 1119 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance 1120 Classical Dance 1121 Classical Dance 1122 Classical Dance 1123 1124 1125 1126 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance 1127 Classical Dance 1128 1129 1130 1131 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance 1132 1133 1134 Classical Dance Classical Dance Classical Dance 1135 1136 1137 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music 1138 Classical Music 1139 Classical Music Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha Chennai Prasiddh Foundation Prathibha Prahlad Prerna Shrimali Kathak Dances Priyadarsini Govind Ramyana Ballet Dance Bharatnatyam Performer Radhe Jaggi Raja Radha Reddy Kuchipudi Dances Mrs. Rama Vaidyanathan Sandhya - Santosh Nair Dance Company Diwali & Ramayana Dance Sangeet Natak Akademy Rajasthan sangeet Natak Akademi India India India India India Indonesia India India India India UK India India The Sanjali Studio -Sharmila Mukerjee, Odishi Exponent http://www.shilamehtakathak.in/ Shila Mehta Kathak Dances http://www.shrinatraj.com/ Shri Natraj School of Dance http://www.skokienet.org/node/32922 10th Ramayana Dance Drama Show Presented by India, Indonesia and Thailand http://www.somadance.in/ Kumari Somashekhari German Dancer http://www.sreenivasaraos.com/category/abhi Abhinavabharati – an interpretation navagupta/ of Bharata’s Natyasastra India http://www.sriparthasarathyswamisabha.com/ Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha Chennai http://www.srirangamnatyalaya.com/ Srirangam Bharatha Natyalaya http://www.swarganga.org/ http://www.swarganga.org/ http://www.taradhatu.net/ Dancer Tara Dhatu of Indonesia http://www.tatkar.com/ Shrimathi Anisha Singh's Performance http://www.theipac.com/ Indonesian Performing Arts Chicago (IPAC) http://www.thetempledancers.com/ The Temple Dancers http://www.trinayan.org/ Trinayan Dance Theater http://www.umadogra.com/ Uma Dogra Thumri Dances http://www.vasundharadoraswamy.com/ Dr. Vasundhara Doraswamy, Mysore http://www.yaminireddy.com/ Kuchpudi Dancer http://www.yaminisaripalli.com/ Dr. Yamini Saripalli https://www.sangeetnatak.org/ Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi India http://adityaparwatkar.blogspot.in/ http://carnatic.geetham.net/music/ http://debatesangeet.blogspot.in/2009/09/inter view-sujit-gangopadhyay-ii.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilaiyaraaja Indian Classical Music Carnatic Music The Bishnupur Gharana Padma Bhushan, Ilaiyaraaja (born Gnanadesikan) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotsna_Srikanth Dr. Jyotsna Srikanth India India USA Germany India India USA Indonesia India USA USA USA India India India India India India India India India India 1140 Classical Music http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malini_Awasthi Malini Avasthi, Classical Singer India 1141 1142 Classical Music Classical Music Ravanahatha Santoor by Shiv Kumar Sharma India India 1143 1144 1145 1146 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravanahatha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivkumar_Shar ma http://gharanamusic.blogspot.in/ http://mrdanga.wordpress.com/ http://mridanganet.blogspot.in/ http://raagsangeet.wordpress.com/gharanas/ Gharana Music :Avinash Sastry Learning Mrdanga Bablu Das's Mridanga Courses Classical Music Gharana USA New Zealand India India 1147 Classical Music http://swaramaadhuri.weebly.com/ India 1148 1149 Classical Music Classical Music http://www.aalaapmusic.com/ http://www.academy.music-of-benares.com/ Kannada Music :Sangeetha ,The Master Recording Company, Chennai Aalap - Tha Academy of Music Academy of Indian Classical Music 1150 1151 1152 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music http://www.alaap-agragharana.com/ http://www.alaapmusicacademy.com/ http://www.annamayya.org/ alaaps from Agra gharana Aalap Music Academy Annamayyacharya Bhavana Vahini India India India 1153 Classical Music http://www.aradhana.org/ USA 1154 1155 Classical Music Classical Music 1156 1157 1158 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music 1159 1160 Classical Music Classical Music The Cleveland Thyagaraja Music Festival http://www.artindia.net/ Indian Dance and Music http://www.benaresmusicacademy.com/page- Academy of Indian Classical Music 1 http://www.bharatkalachar.com Bharat Kalachar Chennai http://www.bhavalaya.com/ Dr.J.Retnakumar http://www.biswabratachakrabarti.com/ Sitar Maestro Biswabrata Chakrabarti http://www.carnaticindia.com/ Carnatici Music http://www.darbar.org/ Darbar Arts Culture Heritage Trust 1161 1162 1163 1164 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music http://www.daspercussion.com/ http://www.doctorganesh.com/ http://www.gaurangi.com/ http://www.gharanafestival.com/ 1165 1166 Classical Music Classical Music http://www.hariprasadchaurasia.com/ http://www.imshouston.org 1167 Classical Music http://www.itcsra.org/ 1168 1169 Classical Music Classical Music http://www.kalakendar.com/ http://www.krishnannatarajan.com/ 1170 1171 1172 1173 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music http://www.maiharmusiclineage.com/ http://www.malabarian.com/ http://www.mudhra.org/ http://www.nadabrahmasabha.com/ 1174 Classical Music http://www.paalam.in/ 1175 Classical Music http://www.panditmukeshsharma.com/ 1176 Classical Music http://www.raaga.com/ India India India India India India India India India Ekendra Dasa' Kirtan Dr Ganesh Music Academy Gaura Shakti Prakriti Foundation- Indian Classical Music Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia Indian Music Society, Suresh Shenoy USA India Canada India ITC Sangeet Research Academy :Classical Music Gharana Indian Musical Instruments Hindustani Classical Vocalist: Krishnna Natarajan Maihar Music Lineage Indian Dance and Music Mudhra Cultural organisation Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha, Mysore Paalam - connecting art, artists and art lovers Pundit Mukesh Sharma, India’s leading exponent of sarod Himndustani & other Languages Music India India USA Canada India India India India India India India India 1177 Classical Music http://www.ragaculture.com/gharana.html 1178 1179 1180 1181 Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music Classical Music http://www.ravishankar.org/ http://www.saipriyaviswanathan.com/ http://www.samudhra.org/ http://www.sangeetha.co.in/ 1182 Classical Music 1183 1184 Classical Music Classical Music 1185 Classical Music 1186 Classical Music 1187 1188 Classical Music Classical Music 1189 1190 Classical Music Classical Music 1191 Classical Music 1192 Classical Music 1193 1194 Classical Music Gharana New Zealand The Ravi Shankar Foundation Saipriya Viswanathan Sumudhra -The Art World Kannada Music :Sangeetha ,The Master Recording Company, Chennai http://www.sangeethamusic.com/ Kannada Music :Sangeetha ,The Master Recording Company, Chennai http://www.santoor.com/ Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma http://www.satsangh.org/ Satsangh - The Confluence of Spirituality, Art and Culture http://www.shadjamadhyam.com/ a Complete Portal for Indian Classical Music http://www.shawnmativetsky.com/html/tabla/t The Benares Tabla Gharana he-benares-tabla-gharana/ http://www.shivangibhayana.com/ Shivangi Bhayana http://www.smitabellur.com/ Smita Bellur Hindustani Classical Vocalist http://www.somasthyagaraja.com/ Somas Thyagaraja Music http://www.sruti.com/ Magazine For Indian Classical Music and Dance http://www.sunandasharma.com/ Sunanda Sharma :Indian Classical Music http://www.surasa.net/ Classical Indian Music, Discourses, Literature & Hindu Information USA India India India Classical Music Classical Music http://www.svaksha.com/tag/raga http://www.swaratarang.com/gharana.html Raga - Darbari kanada Dr. Neeta Bhabhe - Sangeetacharya India India 1195 Classical Music http://www.swarganga.org/gharanabase.php Swarganga Music Foundation USA 1196 Classical Music India 1197 Classical Music 1198 1199 Community Community http://www.thinkvidya.com/kolkata/trainers/sa Santi Ranjan Samanta nti-ranjan-samanta http://www.vanimahal.com/ Vani Mahal - Sri Thyaga Brahma Gana Sabha http://adworldupdate.wordpress.com/ Sindhi History http://ambalakarar.hpage.com/ Ambalakarar - chiefs of the villages 1200 Community http://ashokharsana.proboards.com/index.cgi? Gurjar Samaj, Akhil Bhartiya Veer board=gurjars&action=display&thread=12 Gurjar Mahasabha India 1201 Community USA 1202 Community 1203 Community http://bengalihinduassociationofflorida.comm Bengali Hindu Association of unity.officelive.com/ Florida (BHAFL) http://biz.vanakkamcanada.ca/ Vanakkam Canada -Tamil Community http://ellakavi.wordpress.com/ Kannada Poems & Newsmagazine 1204 Community http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dikshitar India 1205 1206 1207 Community Community Community Dīkshitars a sub-sect of the Iyer community of Tamil Nadu http://famousreddys.blogspot.com/ List of famous Reddys http://globalrajputs.tripod.com/ Global Rajput Association http://iaoj.wordpress.com/2011/10/27/sindhis- Sindhi Community of-rajasthan-folk-song-rano-sindhi-folktalesof-thar/ India India India India India Canada India India India India India India Singapore India Canada India India USA Pakistan 1208 1209 1210 Community Community Community Kannada Newsmagazine Kannada Tantramsha Yadav History India India India Community Community Community http://kannadaganakikarana.blogspot.in/ http://kannadatantramsha.blogspot.in/ http://krishnahistory.blogspot.com/2007/06/ya dav-history.html http://kshatriyarajputsamaj.webs.com/ http://mairrajputs.tripod.com/ http://mmk-thevarcommunity.blogspot.in/ 1211 1212 1213 Kshatriya Rajput Samaj Mair Rajput History Thevar Community India India India 1214 Community http://mudirajsangam.webs.com/ India 1215 1216 1217 Community Community Community http://rajputworld.blogspot.in/ http://reddysgroup2.blogspot.com/ http://sarajput.co.za/ Mudirajsangam Mudiraj Mahasaba AP Rajput World Famous Reddy's Southern Africa Rajput Association 1218 Community Community Community Shri Gaur Brahaman Maha Sabha Bikaner Sindhi Blogger Singapore Sindhi Association India 1219 1220 http://shrigaurbrahmanmahasabhabikaner.we bs.com/ http://sindhiblogger.tumblr.com/ http://sindhisupportsystem.wordpress.com/ India Singapore 1221 Community http://sindhsaan.wordpress.com/ Sindhu saan :Information on Sindh India 1222 1223 Community Community http://tamilbrahmins.wordpress.com/ http://tamilculturewaterloo.org/ Tamil Brahmin Tamil Cultural Association of Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada. India Canada 1224 1225 Community Community http://www.aggarwalparivar.com/ http://www.amaderbasa.com/ 1226 1227 1228 Community Community Community 1229 1230 India India South Africa Community Community Aggarwal Parivar Shakti Bengali Association of South Africa (BASA) http://www.anandamarga.org/ Ananda Marga - Path of Bliss http://www.assamassociation.org/ Assam Association http://www.at1ce.org/themenreihe.p?c=Hindu Hindu communities %20communities http://www.ataworld.org/ American Telgu Association http://www.azorissa.com/ Oriya Association Of Arizona (OAA) USA USA 1231 Community http://www.bajana.org/ USA 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 Community Community Community Community Community http://www.bangalinet.com/ http://www.bangiyaparishadqatar.com/ http://www.bbmysore.org/ http://www.bbsl.org.uk/ http://www.bengali-pitt.org/bap/ 1237 1238 Community Community http://www.beyondsindh.com/ http://www.bhafl.org/ 1239 Community http://www.bhargavasamajglobal.com/ 1240 Community http://www.bhattirajputs.com/hindu-rajputs/ 1241 1242 Community Community http://www.bhojpuri.us/ http://www.bhojpuriindia.org/ 1243 1244 Community Community http://www.bhumihar.com/ http://www.bhumiharmahasangh.com/ Bihar and Jharkahnd Association of North America Bengali Network Bangiya Parishad, Qatar Badaganadu Balaga, Mysore Bardai Brahmin Samaj The Bengali Association of Pittsburgh Beyond Sindh Bengali Hindu Association Of Florida Akhil Bhartiya Bhargava Sabha, Delhi Hindu Rajputs Bhojpuri Association Bhojpuri Association of India (BHAI) Bhumihar Brahmins Akhil Bharatiya Bhumihar Brahmin Samaj India South Africa India India India India Qatar India UK USA Hong Kong USA India Pakistan USA India India India 1245 Community http://www.biharassociation.net/ Bihar Association of North America USA 1246 1247 Community Community http://www.bishnoism.com/ http://www.brahmanmahasangh.org/ 1248 1249 1250 1251 Community Community Community Community http://www.brahmanworld.org/ http://www.brahminsamajcanada.com/ http://www.brahminworld.com/ http://www.bsna.org/ Vishnoi Eco Dharma Community Akhil Bharatiya Brahman Mahasangh World Brahman Federation Brahmin Samaj Canada Brahmin World Brahman Samaj of North America 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 Community Community Community Community Community http://www.bsnl.org.uk/ http://www.chicagotamilsangam.org/ http://www.coloradotelugu.org/ http://www.colorkerala.org/ http://www.communityhindumarathicast.com/ 1257 Community http://www.dadasugumal.com/ 1258 1259 1260 1261 Community Community Community Community http://www.dhangarpal.com/ http://www.dinamalar.com/nri/ http://www.durgabari.org http://www.durgabari.org/ 1262 1263 Community Community http://www.floridanepal.org/ http://www.gaoct.com/ 1264 1265 1266 1267 Community Community Community Community http://www.ghspreston.co.uk/ http://www.globalgujaratnews.com/ http://www.globalmarathi.com/ http://www.gsbkerala.com/ 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 Community Community Community Community Community Community Community http://www.gsbkonkani.net/ http://www.gujaratiassociation.org.uk/ http://www.gujaratisamajofhouston.org http://www.gulfkannadiga.com/ http://www.gurgaonrajputs.com/ http://www.gyandarpan.com/ http://www.hebbariyengar.net/Priests.aspx 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 Community Community Community Community Community http://www.hindubrahmin.com/ http://www.hindumahadevkoli.com/ http://www.hindushegar.com/ http://www.hindvasi.com/ http://www.holymission.org.uk/ 1280 Community http://www.houstonnepalese.org/ 1281 1282 Community Community 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 Community Community Community Community Community Community India India USA Canada India USA Brahmin Society North London Chicago Tamil Sangam Colorado Telgu Association Kerala Association of Colorado All Community Hindu Marathi Castes in Maharashtra - India Dada Sugumal Chanchaldas Keswani Pal Kshatriya Samachar Tamil NRI Community Houston Durga Bari Society Houston Durga Bari Society Houston Texas Florida Nepal Association Gujarati Association of Connecticut UK USA USA USA India Gujarat Hindu Society (Preston) Global Gujarat Newsmagzine Global Marathi Gowda Saraswat Brahmins (GSBs) in Kerala Gowd Saraswat Brahmins (GBS) Gujarati Assciation UK Gujarati Samaj of Houston Kannadi World Gurgaon Rajput Association Rajput Gyan Darpan Karnataka Srivaishnavites UK India India India India India India India UK http://www.ikashmir.net/ http://www.itbhuglobal.org/ Brahmin Community Hindu Mahadev Koli Samaj The Shegar Community Hindvasi Holy Mission Sindhi Community House London Nepalese Association pf Houston (NAH) The Kashmiri Pandits Network ITBHU Global Alumni Association http://www.jhulelal.com/ http://www.kalakeralamdelhi.com/ http://www.kambojsociety.com/ http://www.kannadigaworld.com/ http://www.kapunadu.org/ http://www.kapusangam.com/ Sindhi Community Kala Keralam Delhi Kamboj Society Kannadi World Kapunadu Community Kapu community worldwide India India India India India India India India New Zealand USA USA USA USA India UK USA UAE India India USA USA India India 1289 Community http://www.karivenabrahmin.org/ 1290 1291 1292 1293 Community Community Community Community http://www.kashmirhindufoundation.org/ http://www.khna.org/ http://www.khnaconvention.org/ http://www.koausa.org/ 1294 1295 1296 Community Community Community http://www.kokanastha.com/ http://www.kutchis.com/ http://www.lahurnip.org/ 1297 1298 1299 Community Community Community http://www.lcuk.org.uk/ http://www.levapatelsamaj.org/ http://www.lpsh.org/ 1300 1301 Community Community 1302 Community 1303 Community 1304 Community 1305 Community 1306 1307 Community Community 1308 Akhila Bharatiya Brahmana Karivena Nityannadana Satram Kashmir Hindu Foundation Kerala Hindus of North America Kerala Hindus of North America Kashmiri Overseas Association USA, Inc. Kokanastha Kutchi Community Lawyers’ Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) India USA USA USA USA India India Nepal UK India USA Community Lohana Community UK Shri Saurashra Patel Samaj Leuva Patidar Samaj, Ashish N. Patel http://www.malviyaloharsandesh.com/ Malviya Lohar Sandesh http://www.mancaonline.org/ Malayalee Association Of Northern California (MANCA) http://www.mandhataglobal.com/ Mandhata Patels of the Navsari District of Gujarat http://www.marathi.org.au/ Marathi Association Sydney (Austrilia) http://www.marathiassociationofmn.com/ Marathi Association Minnesota (USA) http://www.mayyam.com/ Hindu Information - Tamil Community & Literature http://www.mmsandiego.org/ San Diego Maharashtra Mandal http://www.mnmalayalee.org/ Minnesota Malayalee Association (MMA) http://www.mukkulathormanavarperavai.com/ Thevar Community 1309 1310 1311 Community Community Community http://www.muthtamilsangam.co.nz/ http://www.nammagulbarga.com/ http://www.nanadham.com/ New Zealand India India 1312 1313 1314 Community Community Community http://www.nrigujarati.co.in/ http://www.nriol.com/ http://www.ohmcalifornia.org/ 1315 Community http://www.oldsukkur.org/sadhubela 1316 Community http://www.orissasociety.org/ 1317 1318 1319 1320 Community Community Community Community http://www.prajapati-samaj.ca/ http://www.prakasamnris.com/ http://www.rajputassociation.com/ http://www.rajputra.org/ Muth Tamil Sangam Kannada Community Akhil Bhartiya Tripadi Parivar (Datta Sampadaya) NRI Gujarati Non Resident Indian Online Organization of Hindu Malayalees, CA Sindhi -Old Sukkur Panchayat -Sri Sadhubela Udasin Ashram The Orissa Society of the Americas (OSA) Gujarati Prajapati Samaj Prakasam NRIs Rajput Association Delhi Rajput Association of North America 1321 1322 1323 1324 Community Community Community Community http://www.rajputracanada.org/ http://www.rajputs.org.uk/ http://www.rajputsamaj.com/ http://www.rana.org/ Canada UK India USA 1325 Community http://www.rashtriyapunjabimahasangh.org/ Rajput Association of Canada British Association of Rajputs Rajput Samaj Rajasthan Association of North America Punjabi Hindu Association (India) India USA India USA USA India USA USA India India India USA Pakistan USA Canada USA India USA India 1326 1327 Community Community http://www.reddyjanasangham.com/ http://www.rsbnet.com/ Reddy Jana Sangham India Rajapur Saraswath Brahmins, India India 1328 1329 Community Community http://www.sabsindhi.com/ http://www.sabsindhi.com/database/aboutus Sab Sindhi Sindhi Sites List 1330 1331 Community Community http://www.sahyadrifoundation.com/ http://www.sangamastl.com/ 1332 Community 1333 1334 Community Community 1335 Community 1336 1337 Community Community 1338 1339 Community Community 1340 Community Sahyadri Foundation Sangama Kannada Sangha, MO, USA http://www.sankardev.com/ Sri Sankardeva Community - Assam Culture http://www.santkanwarram.com/ Sindhi -Raherki Sahib Sind http://www.sarvoday.org.uk/ Sarvoday Hindu Association (Gujarati) http://www.sascla.org/ Sindhi Association of Southern California http://www.satnami.com/ Satnami Organisation http://www.sbcuk.co.uk/ Sanatan Bengali Cultural Association (SBCA) http://www.shivallibrahmins.com/ Shivalli Brahmins http://www.siddha.com.my/forum/ubbthreads. Siddha Community php?ubb=postlist&Board=1 http://www.sindhiassociation.org.uk/ Sindhi Association of UK (SAUK) 1341 Community http://www.sindhiassociation.org/ Sindhi Religious and Cultural Center USA 1342 1343 1344 1345 Community Community Community Community http://www.sindhigulab.com/ http://www.sindhiinformation.com/ http://www.sindhijokes.com/ http://www.sindhiohio.org/ Sindhi Gulab : Dilip Tekchandani Sindhi Information portal Sindhi Jokes Sindhi Association of Central Ohio India India India USA 1346 1347 1348 Community Community Community http://www.sindhisagar.com/ http://www.sindhishaan.com/ http://www.sindhisoftoronto.com/ Sindhi Sagar sindhishaan Sindhi Cultural Association of Toronto, Ontario, Canada (SCAT) India India Canada 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 Community Community Community Community Community Community http://www.sindhiwebsites.org/ http://www.sindhudarshan.com/ http://www.sindhunagar.com/ http://www.sindhusakhasangam.com/ http://www.sisnambalava.org.uk/ http://www.sklpc.com/ India India India India UK UK 1355 1356 1357 Community Community Community http://www.soodsabhashimla.com/ http://www.taftampa.com/test/ http://www.tagoresociety.org 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/ http://www.tamilcolorado.org/ http://www.tamil-diaspora.org/ http://www.tamilnation.co/ http://www.tamilnation.org/ http://www.tamilspeakingunion.org/ http://www.telugism.com/ http://www.telugunewsroom.com/ http://www.telugustop.com/ Sindhi Websites Sindhu Darshan Sindhu nagar : Sindhi Community Sindhu Sakha Sangam The South Indian Society Shree Kutch Leva Patel Community (UK) Sood Sabha Shimla Telugu Association of Florida Tagore Sociaty of Houston(TSH), Raja Banga Tamil Brahmin Communities Tamil Association of Colorado Preservation of Tamil Culture Tamil Community Worldwide Tamil Community Worldwide Mauritius Tamil Speaking Union Telgu Information Telugu News Room Telgu Information India India India USA India Pakistan UK USA India UK India Malaysia UK India USA USA India USA World World World Mauritius India India India 1367 Community Community Community http://www.thebombayandhramahasabha.com / http://www.thesindhian.com/ http://www.upassociation.com/ The Bombay Andhra Mahasabha & India Gymkhana The Sindhian travels India UP Association of Greater Chicago USA 1368 1369 1370 Community http://www.utsab.ca/ Canada 1371 1372 Community Community http://www.vaishsansar.com/ http://www.vediccenter05.com/ 1373 Community 1374 1375 1376 Community Community Community http://www.vermont-bhutaneseassociation.blogspot.com/ http://www.wethesindhis.com/ http://www.wia.org.nz/ http://www.worldorganisationofrajputs.com/ cultural heritage of Bengal in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Vaish Samaj Pt Sri Bhairava Moorthy - Vedic Centre Vermont Bhutanese Association Sindhi community Wellington Indian Association World Organisation of Rajputs India New Zealand India 1377 1378 1379 Community Community Community Community Yadav Club Yadav History Tamils in Myanmar - Past and Present Yadu Vansh India India Myanmar 1380 http://www.yadavclub.com/ http://www.yadavhistory.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHh7aRf MYAY http://yaduvansh.blogspot.com/2009/02/yadavas.html 1381 Community Rajput Association of America (RAOA) USA 1382 Conference https://www.facebook.com/pages/RajputAssociation-of-AmericaRAOA/186510548033528 http://acm.org.sg/resource_docs/214_Ramaya na_conference_abstracts.pdf An international Conference on Ramayana 2010 Singapore 1383 Conference World Hindu youth leaders gather in Indonesia Bali 1384 Conference 1385 Conference http://bali-newsviews.blogspot.in/2013/03/world-hinduyouth-leaders-gather-in-bali.html http://forumforhinduawakening.org/dharma/n ews/2011/05/23/second-hindu-dharmajagrutisabha-hinduism-summit-in-melbourne-21may-2011-21/ http://hmec.vhp-america.org/ 1386 Conference 1387 Conference 1388 1389 Conference Conference 1390 Conference 1391 Conference 1392 Conference 1393 Conference 1394 Conference India USA USA India Second Hindu Dharmajagruti sabha Indonesia (Hinduism summit) in Melbourne, 21 May 2011 Hindu Mandir Executives’ Conference http://mandirsangam.vhp-america.org/ Hindu Mandir Executives' Conference -HMEC - 2011 http://sanskrit.inria.fr/Symposium/ First International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium, http://seminario.iskcon.com.br/ ISKCON Campina Grande http://vimokshananda.wordpress.com/2009/0 Hinduism Conference 2009 9/04/hinduism-conference-2009/ http://whc.org.in/conferences/hindu-economic- Hindu Economic Conference Jun 29conference/ July 1, 2012, Hong Kong http://whc.org.in/conferences/hinduHindu Educational Conference educational-conference/ 2014, New Delhi, India http://whc.org.in/conferences/hindu-mediaHindu Media Conference 2014, conference/ New Delhi, India http://whc.org.in/conferences/hinduHindu Organizational Conference organizational-conference/ 2014, New Delhi, India USA http://whc.org.in/conferences/hindu-political- Hindu Political Conference 2014, conference/ New Delhi, India India USA France Brazil India Hong Kong India India India 1395 Conference 1396 Conference 1397 Conference 1398 Conference 1399 Conference 1400 Conference 1401 Conference 1402 Conference 1403 1404 Conference Conference 1405 1406 1407 Conference Conference Conference 1408 Conference 1409 Conference 1410 1411 Conference Conference 1412 Conference 1413 1414 http://whc.org.in/conferences/hindu-womenconference/ http://whc.org.in/conferences/hindu-youthconference/ http://www.aissq.org/ Hindu Women Conference 2014, India New Delhi, India Hindu Youth Conference March 29- Indonesia 31, 2013, Denpasar, Bali The 8th All India Students' India Conference on Science and Spiritual Quest (AISSQ-2014) ,BHU, Varanasi; February 1 - 2, 2014 http://www.apnnews.com/2012/09/27/hindu- Hindu Caribbean Conference in NY Trinidad & Tobago caribbean-conference/ 2012 http://www.aryamahasammelan.com/ International Arya Mahasammelan, India Delhi Oct 2012 http://www.balimeditates.org/index.php?optio International Bali Meditations Indonesia n=com_content&view=article&id=69%3Aput Festival IBMF 2012 speakers u-harumini-waras&catid=7%3A3rd-ibmfspeakers-a-instructors&Itemid=47&lang=en http://www.cadva.org/event/hindu-caribbeanconference-of-america/ http://www.chinnajeeyar.org/main/content/nat ional-hindu-leaders-conference-in-delhi/ Hindu Caribbean Conference of USA America National Hindu Leaders Conference India in Delhi http://www.europeanfestival.net/eng/ http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.15 4709854551106.29209.154709424551149&t ype=1 http://www.globalayurvedacongress.com/ http://www.globalhinduconference.org/ http://www.gpiw.org/pdf/phnompenhpost.pdf Vaishnava Seminar International Bali Meditations Festival IBMF 2012 Italy Indonesia Ayurvedic LifeStyles Inc. Global Hindu Conference Buddhist, Hindu clergy convene in Cambodia http://www.himalayanacademy.com/blog/taka Bodhinatha and Monks at the /2009/12/10/ Melbourne Parliament http://www.hinduyouth.com.au/2011/06/23/hi Hindu Conference 2011 ndu-youth-conference-2011-create-connectcommit/ http://www.hinduyouthconference.ca/ Hindu Youth Conference 2009 http://www.myhmec.org/ Hindu Mandir Executives' Conference -HMEC - 2011 http://www.prlog.org/10680105-growingHindu Conference in Chicago curiosity-about-hinduism-prompts-anotherhinduism-summit-at-chicago.html Canada India Cambodia Conference Conference http://www.ramayanainstitute.com/ Ramayan Conference http://www.scribd.com/doc/80833642/Waves- Waves 2012 Conference “Vedic Cultures – Post Epic Phase” 2012-Conference-%E2%80%9CVedicCultures-%E2%80%93-Post-EpicPhase%E2%80%9D USA USA 1415 1416 Conference Conference http://www.spiritualcongress.org/ http://www.summit.worldhinduparisada.org/ 1417 Conference http://www.swaminikhilanand.com/blog/2011 Hindu Mandir Executives' /10/swami-nikhilanand-speaking-at-hinduConference 2011 mandir-executives-conference.html USA 1418 Conference http://www.vaishnavaseminar.it/ Italy Australia Australia Canada USA USA Spiritual Congress Bangalore India World Hindu summit Bali June 2012 Indonesia Vaishnava Seminar 1419 Conference http://www.vishwahindisammelan.gov.in/ Ninth World Hindi Conference SA South Africa 1420 1421 Conference Conference http://www.wheforum.org/ http://www.worldhinducongress.org/ India India 1422 1423 Conference Conference http://www.worldsindhicongress.org/ http://www.www-balitravelnews.com/worldhindu-summit-2012.html World Hindu Economic Forum First World Hindu Congress 2014 New Delhi India World Sindhi Congress World Hindu Summit 2012 1424 Contributor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._N._R._Rao Scientist CNR Rao India 1425 Contributor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._V._Raman 1426 1427 Contributor Contributor 1428 Contributor Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, Scientist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ela_Bhatt Social activist Ela Bhatt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagadish_Chandr Jagadish Chandra Bose - one of the a_Bose Inventor of Radio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manjul_Bhargava Manjul Bhargava, Mathematician 1429 Contributor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotosh_Roy 1430 Contributor 1431 Contributor 1432 Contributor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radhabinod_Pal Radhabinod Pal -Japan War India Tribunal Judgement. Most respected in Japan India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radhanath_Sikda Radhanath Sikdar : Indian r mathematician who calculated the height of Peak XV and showed it to be the tallest Peak later known as Mt. Everest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raychaudhuri_eq Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri India uation Wornhole equation with Lev Landau 1433 Contributor 1434 Contributor 1435 Contributor 1436 Contributor http://www.iamin.in/en/varanasi/news/7-year- Sonam Patel, Varanasi, 8 years Gils India old-knows-bhagavad-gita-heart-39165 with Mastery of 700 Sloka of Gita 1437 Contributor 1438 Contributor 1439 1440 Contributor Cosmology 1441 Cosmology 1442 Cosmology http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physi Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata cs/laureates/1930/raman-bio.html Raman, Scientist http://www.phsfoundation.org/ Prime Healthcare Services Foundation http://www.premreddy.com/ Dr. Prem Reddy http://books.google.co.in/books/about/Vedic_ Vedic Cosmography And Cosmography_And_Astronomy.html?id=9oi6 Astronomy by Richard L. Thompson 4rTVwNMC&redir_esc=y http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_cosmolog Hindu Cosmology y http://www.absolutetruth.in/tag/vedicThe Universe of Vedas cosmology/ USA Indonesia India India India USA Monotosh Roy - Mr Universe title in India Group III Amateur Division in 1951 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SASTRA_Raman SASTRA Ramanujan Prize India ujan_Prize India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subhash_Mukho Subhash Mukhopadhyay padhyay_(physician) (physician)-created the world's second and India's first child using in-vitro fertilisation India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upendranath_Bra Upendranath Brahmachari who hmachari found effective substitute for treatment of Kala-azar (Black Fever) India USA USA USA India India 1443 1444 Cosmology Cosmology http://www.aeongroup.com/cosmos.htm http://www.akhandjyoti.org/%3FContacts/?A khand-Jyoti/2005/Jul-Aug/VedicCosmology4.5 http://www.exactuniverse.com/ http://www.humandevolution.com/cosmology. html Hindu Cosmology Vedic Cosmology -4:- Different branches of Vedic Sciences 1445 1446 Cosmology Cosmology 1447 1448 Cosmology Cosmology 1449 Cosmology 1450 Cosmology 1451 Cosmology 1452 1453 Cosmology Cow Care 1454 Cow Care Exact Universe by Swami Ram Human Devolution: A Vedic alternative to Darwin's Theory by Michael A. Cremo http://www.kaliyuga.info/ Kali Yuga Information http://www.krishnatube.com/video/317/Vedic- Vedic Cosmos -- The Mystery of the Cosmos--The-Mystery-of-the-workings-ofworkings of the universe the-universe http://www.puraniccosmologyupdated.blogsp Puranic Cosmology ot.com/ http://www.spiritualquest.co.in/category/scien Vedic Cosmology ce/vedic-cosmology/ http://www.tovp.org/en/vedic-science/vedic- Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. cosmology http://www.vediccosmology.com/ Hindu Cosmology http://anandsp1.wordpress.com/ Govardhanagiri Trust, Pejavara Adhokshaja Matha, Udupi http://bhaktivedantamanor.co.uk/newgokul ISKCON Goshalla Ltd 1455 1456 1457 Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care http://gorakshyamtrust.org.in/ http://iscowp.blogspot.in/ http://neelavaragoshala.webs.com/ 1458 1459 1460 Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care http://www.ahimsamilk.org/ http://www.ahimsatirth.com/ http://www.banavaragoshala.org/ 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care http://www.careforcows.org/ http://www.cowprotection.com/ http://www.divinecows.com/ http://www.ekacakra.sk/ http://www.gnstrust.org/goshala.php http://www.godarshan.org/ 1467 Cow Care http://www.godham.org/ 1468 1469 1470 Cow Care Cow Care Cow Care http://www.gomaathagoshala.com/ http://www.gomataseva.org/ http://www.goseva.in/ 1471 1472 Cow Care Cow Care http://www.gosevashram.com/ http://www.goshala.co.in/ 1473 Cow Care http://www.goshala.com/ 1474 Cow Care 1475 India India USA USA USA World USA India India India India UK Gorakshyam Trust, Tirunveli Life With the Cows and Land Govardhanagiri Trust, Pejavara Adhokshaja Matha, Udupi Ahimsa Milk Ahinsa Tirth, Maharashrtra Sri Bhagwan Mahavir Goshala Trust India India India Care for Cows Lakshmi Cow Sanctuary Divine Cows Projects ISKCON Abranovce Sri Gaura Nitai Seva Trust Sri Godham Mahatirth Anandvan, Rajasthan Sri Godham Mahatirth Anandvan, Rajasthan Gomaatha Goshala Trust Go Mata Seva, Rajkot Radha Govinda Goshala, Karnataka USA USA India Slovakia India India India India http://www.goshala.org/ Sri Ramji Gosevashram Sri Godham Mahatirth Anandvan, Rajasthan Bhakti Vedanta Swami Goshala, Mathura Mahabir Goshala, Malout, Punjab Cow Care http://www.goura.com.br/ ISKCON Brazil - Goura Vrindavana Brazil 1476 Cow Care http://www.iscowp.org/ 1477 1478 Cow Care Cow Care http://www.kartikdiaries.blogspot.in/ http://www.kishangoshala.com/ International Society for Cow Protection (ISCOWP) Kartik Diary Kishan Goshala, Gujarat UK India India India India India India India India USA India India 1479 Cow Care http://www.mgdas.com/ Cow Protection and Krishna Consciousness Mothe rcow Sri Godham Mahatirth Anandvan, Rajasthan Sri Godham Mahatirth Anandvan, Rajasthan Sri Godham Mahatirth Anandvan, Rajasthan Protect Cows Radha Govinda Goshala, Karnataka India 1480 1481 Cow Care Cow Care http://www.mothercow.org/ http://www.pathmeda.org/englishhome.aspx 1482 Cow Care http://www.pathmedagodarshan.com/ 1483 Cow Care http://www.pathmedagodarshan.org/ 1484 1485 Cow Care Cow Care http://www.protectacow.typepad.com/ http://www.radhagovindagoshala.com/ 1486 Cow Care India 1487 Cow Care 1488 Cow Care 1489 Cow Care 1490 Culture 1491 Culture 1492 Culture 1493 Culture 1494 Culture 1495 Culture 1496 Culture http://www.shrimaanmandir.org/activities/cow Braj Dham Vrindavan -shelter/mataji-goshala http://www.vishwagou.org/ Vishwa Gou Sammelana -Shree Ramachandrapura Math, Hosanagara http://www.vittaldas.com/ Sri Gokulam Goshala, Sri Vittal Rukmini Samasthan, https://www.facebook.com/InternationalSociet International Society for Cow yforCowProtectionISCOWP Protection (ISCOWP) http://ajawera.blogspot.in/2009_09_01_archiv Hindu Rituals in Bali e.html http://alhz-indonesia.blogspot.in/ Training Program on Indonesian Hinduism http://balidownload.blogspot.in/ Bali Traditional - Sacred Healing Water http://blog.tcsandsq.com/bali/#axzz2T0lyHQ Bali: A feast for the eyes VJ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agama_Hindu_D Agama Hindu Dharma harma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ateshgah_of_Bak Vedic Culture in Azerbaijan u http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balinese_people Balinese people 1497 Culture Hinduism in China China 1498 Culture Hinduism in Mongolia Mongolia 1499 Culture Hinduism in South America Guyana 1500 Culture Hinduism in Southeast Asia Indonesia 1501 Culture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Chi na http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Mo ngolia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Sou th_America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Sou theast_Asia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Fun an 1502 Culture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pejavara_Matha_ Pejavara Matha Guru Parampara Guru_Parampara 1503 Culture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenggerese India India India India USA India India India USA Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Azerbaijan Indonesia Kingdom of Funan : 1st-3rd Century Cambodia : First to adopt Hinduism in Cambodia before Khmer Empire Pejavara Matha Guru Parampara The Tenggerese People -The descendants of the Majapahit princes -L iving nearby & worshiping Mount Bromo Temple India Indonesia 1504 Culture http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Max_M%c3%bcl Indian Culture quote by Max Müller Germany ler If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed …..., I should point to India. http://hindugenius.blogspot.in/ Hindu Genius - Hindu Influence in India South East Asia http://hindumythologyforgennext.blogspot.in/ Stories from Hindu Mythology India 1505 Culture 1506 Culture 1507 Culture 1508 Culture 1509 1510 Culture Culture 1511 1512 1513 Culture Culture Culture 1514 Culture 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture 1522 Culture 1523 1524 Culture Culture 1525 Culture 1526 Culture 1527 1528 Culture Culture http://tulsiplant.blogspot.in/ http://vaisnavaapologetics.wordpress.com/ Tulsi Plant and Conch Vaisnava Apologetics India India 1529 1530 Culture Culture Culture Culture Vaisnavi Sanga The Hindu Presence in World Culture Srivaishnava Sampradhayam Vedic - Hindu Spirituality & Mysticism: Bhagavad Gita & Upanishads quotes Portugal World 1531 1532 http://vaisnavisanga.blogspot.in/ http://veda.wikidot.com/glimpse:globalpresence http://www.acharya.org/ http://www.age-of-thesage.org/mysticism/vedic_hindu_spirituality.h tml http://hindurevolution.blogspot.in/2011/07/ve dic-azerbaijan.html http://igen-arya.blogspot.in/2007/06/ykhindu-dan-sepotong-cinta.html http://ilmuhindu.blogspot.in/ http://javavolcanoadventure.blogspot.in/2008/12/tengger ese-native-society-of-mt-bromo.html http://jumena.co.nr/ http://kalyan98.wordpress.com/ http://kaushal42.blogspot.in/2008/08/hinduis m-throbbing-high-in-southeast.html#!/2008/08/hinduism-throbbinghigh-in-south-east.html http://kitlv.library.uu.nl/index.php/btlv/article/ viewFile/3115/3876 Vedic Culture in Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Canatan (Sanatan) Orang Biasa Indonesia Hindu Nusan Tara Indonesia The Tenggerese : The Native Society Indonesia of Mt Bromo Komang Jumena Guide Bali Hindu Traditions Hinduism throbbing high in South East Asia By Ratnadeep Banerji "Rabindranath Tagore in Indonesia An experiment in bridge-building" by Das Gupta http://kjumena.blogspot.in/ Komang Jumena Guide Bali http://krishnanyc.blogspot.in/ Seeking The Essence http://mayapurkatha.blogspot.in/ Mayapur Katha http://mayapurlife.blogspot.in/ Living in Mayapur http://moralstories.wordpress.com/ Geatness of the Indian culture http://mybaliisland.blogspot.in/ My Bali Island http://nsc.iseas.edu.sg/documents/working_pa "Rabindranath Tagore Looks East" pers/nscwps002.pdf by Sukanta Chaudhuri Putra-Partanta http://putrapartanta.blogspot.in/2007/04/differensiasimajalah-majalah-hindu.html http://rasikararajya.blogspot.in/ Kannada Songs & Information http://rhajaranijewel.wordpress.com/ Divine Mother Temple by Rhajarani Jewel, Canada http://samaj.revues.org/1372 Hindu Nationalism and the (Not So Easy) Art of Being Outraged - The Ram Setu Controversy http://tamilandvedas.wordpress.com/2012/05/ Hindus in Indonesia 12/hindu-wonders-in-a-muslim-country/ Indonesia India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia USA India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India Indonesia India Indonesia India India 1533 Culture http://www.akincana.net/ Akincana Gocara - News, Culture Guadiaya Vaisnavas Bali Culture 1534 Culture 1535 1536 1537 Culture Culture Culture http://www.art-andarchaeology.com/indonesia/indonesia.html#ba li http://www.babadbali.com/ Babada BALI Chronicle http://www.backtotherootsproject.org/ Back to Roots http://www.balicharterdriver.com/activity Bali Temples, Culture 1538 Culture 1539 1540 1541 1542 Culture Culture Culture Culture 1543 1544 Bali Hindu Traditions & History Bali Festival Calendar Bali Orti Blog by Gus Ngurah Bali Paradise Bali Culture Bali named World Hindu Centre Culture Culture http://www.bali-indonesia.com/eventscalendar.htm http://www.baliorti.com/ http://www.bali-paradise.com/ http://www.balistarisland.com/ http://www.beatmag.com/daily/bali-namedworld-hindu-centre/ http://www.bhojpuria.com/ http://www.bhutanhindudharma.com/ 1545 Culture http://www.brucebriscoe.com/bali/intro.htm Bali 'The Island Of The Gods' 1546 1547 1548 Culture Culture Culture http://www.bukuhindu.com/ http://www.culturalcentreofindia.com/ http://www.culturalindia.net/ 1549 Culture 1550 1551 1552 Culture Culture Culture 1553 Culture 1554 1555 1556 Culture Culture Culture 1557 1558 Culture Culture 1559 1560 1561 1562 Culture Culture Culture Culture 1563 Culture 1564 India Indonesia Indonesia USA Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Bhojuri Culture India Hindu Dharma Samudaya of Bhutan Bhutan Indonesia Buku Hindu Cultural Centre of India Temple Architecture of India & Indian Culture http://www.daverayphoto.com/blogs/2012/12/ Tenggerese Hindu Horsemen of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia tenggerese-hindu-horsemen-mount-bromojava-indonesia http://www.deccanabroad.com/ Deccan Abroad http://www.divineindiacollection.com/ Divine Collection http://www.enlightenedEnlightened Spirituality spirituality.org/Hinduism.html http://www.eshiusa.org/Articles/Sarasvati.pdf Sarasvati River: Bharatiya civilization http://www.globalbharat.org/ Global Sanatana Hindu Dharma http://www.hindu-gemeinde.de/ Hindy Gemeinde http://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smar Over 200,000 Guyanese Hindus tsection/item.php?itemid=3520 Doing in New York State http://www.hinduismworldwide.in/ Hinduism Worldwide http://www.hinduwisdom.info/Glimpses_XIII. Bali Hindu Gods Glimpses htm http://www.jaibhojpuri.com/ Bhojuri Culture http://www.kalamanjari.org/ Kala Manjari http://www.kurukshetra.de/ Hindy Gemeinde http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-3620/10- 10 Things We Can All Learn From Things-We-Can-All-Learn-From-Bali.html Bali Indonesia USA India Indonesia Culture http://www.mydestination.com/bali/6181428/ Bali Dances bali-regional-overview http://www.ppbali.com/balinese-culture.php Balinese Culture Indonesia 1565 1566 1567 Culture Culture Culture http://www.sabhabudayahindubali.com/ http://www.sanathanadharma.com/ http://www.sanggrahanusantara.blogspot.in/ Sabha Budaya Hindu Bali Sanathana Dharma Pinandita Sanggraha Nusantara Indonesia India Indonesia 1568 1569 Culture Culture http://www.suchit.net/photo/bali_2009/ http://www.sumasurya.in/ Bali - The Paradise Island Sama Srya -Indian Culture, Yoga Indonesia India Indonesia USA India India India India Germany USA India Indonesia India Canada Germany Indonesia 1570 Culture http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/04/ 29/all-welcome-island-gods.html http://www.therootsofspiritualculture.net/ http://www.theworldcommunity.com/ All welcome to the Island of the Gods The Roots of Spiritual Culture The World Community of Indian Culture & Traditional Discipline http://www.trihitakaranaforum.org/ Tri Hita Karana Forum http://www.vaishnavaetiquette.com/ Vaishnava Etiquettes http://www.vaisnavascare.org/ Vaishnava Care http://www.vidgrids.com/bali-ritual Bali Ritual Videos http://www.welovebali.org/ We Love Bali http://www.westernNot all Western Hindus are white hindu.org/2011/11/15/not-all-western-hindus- Hindus are-white-hindus/ http://www.wisdomspeak.org/ Veds, Upanishads, Purans, Gita, RamCharitManas, Bhajans, Mantras & Meditation http://www.wiwitan.org/ Training Program on Indonesian Hinduism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YVg2RT Mission 360° - World Religions: 5tM8 Hinduism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTQS1CA World coming to Hinduism -EYI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSY4PINb Do you Believe it - Huge Hare pyc Krishna Hindus in Italy https://sites.google.com/site/hinduthought/ Hindu Thougths 1571 1572 Culture Culture 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture 1579 Culture 1580 Culture 1581 Culture 1582 Culture 1583 Culture 1584 Culture 1585 1586 Culture Culture 1587 Culture 1588 Culture 1589 Culture 1590 Culture 1591 Culture 1592 Culture 1593 Culture 1594 Culture 1595 Culture 1596 1597 Database Database 1598 Database 1599 Database https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMMiEej LEI4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpO8y7Fc4s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7DOny5TFE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txRa9Ggz b60 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGxp2Q d2Q_g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhex4bEc fYM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTQS1C A-EYI http://directory.krishna.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_language s_by_number_of_native_speakers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Sin gapore http://hindudatabase.blogspot.in/ 1600 Database http://hinduismresources.blogspot.in/ https://www.facebook.com/JayBhojpuri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09yHOZs 4768 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9ghcPgois https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX85uiG8 6RA Indonesia India Italy Indonesia India USA Indonesia Indonesia USA India Indonesia India Poland Italy India Bhojuri Culture Harinam-2008-Biysk-Russia-2 India Russia Hindu Kirtan in Russia-World Coming to Hinduism Beliefs Made Visible: Hindu Art in South Asia (Part I): Kalpana Desai narration Hindu Converts happy in VENEZIA -2011 Turks Convert to Hinduism in Turkey Dozens of Hindu Converts at the New Temple,Omsk-Russia Holier Than Thou: the Rise of Hinduism in Ghana Hindusim will heal Ivory Coast,Africa Ramai Swami Harinam part 1 Russia World coming to Hinduism-Poland Poland ISKCON Directory List of Languages by number of native speakers List of Presidents of Singapore (Mr. S.R. Nathan) Hindu DataBase - Open to the world USA World Hinduism Resources World USA Italy Turkey Russia Ghana Ivory Coast Australia Singapore World 1601 Database http://vivekajyoti.blogspot.com/2013/01/7797- Vivek Jyoti Hindu Sites hindu-websites-hindus-media-network.html India 1602 Database 1603 Database http://www.experiencefestival.com/hinduism_ Hinduism - Sprirituality & Yoga India archives http://www.golden-wheel.net/fullhind.html Hinduism and Vedical science books France 1604 Database http://www.golden-wheel.net/hinddir.html 1605 Database 1606 1607 1608 Database Database Database 1609 Database 1610 Database 1611 1612 Database Database 1613 Global top 100 Hindu websites. Golden Wheel Hindu webring http://www.hinduccv.org.au/members Hindu Community Council of Victoria (HCCV) http://www.hindudharmaforums.com/ Hindu Dharma Forums http://www.hinduismnet.com/ Stories from Hindu Mythology http://www.hinduismresources.blogspot.com/ List of Hinduism Resources & Websites http://www.jnu.ac.in/aaj/membersAAJ.html List of JNU Alumni France Hindu Religious Websites India Krishna Links Hindu Web Sites South Africa World South Africa Database http://www.junctionkerala.com/HinduWebsites/ http://www.kksongs.org/links.html http://www.maharajgroup.co.za/hindulinks.ht m http://www.myads.org/hindu_websites.html Hindu Web Sites India 1614 1615 1616 Database Database Database http://www.newdharma.org/websites.htm http://www.omjai.org/External%20Links http://www.ramsss.com/bhakti/chinese.htm Hinduism Websites Hinduism Links Hare Krishna China India India China 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 Database Database Database Database Database Hinduism Discussion Forums Science of Hindu Gods ISKCON Devotees Website List Hindu Religious Literature BJP Websites World India USA India India 1622 Database Hindu Websites India 1623 1624 Database Database http://www.ramsss.com/bhakti/forum/ http://www.scienceofhindugods.com/ http://www.surrealist.org/ http://www.sushmajee.com/ http://www.trajasingh.com/useful-links/bjpleaders-websites/ http://www.trajasingh.com/useful-links/hinduwebsites/ http://www.vaisnava.com/ http://www.valmikiramayan.net/resources.htm Sri Guru Vandana Balmiki Ramayan Resources India India 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 Database Database Database Database Database Database Database ISKCON Vani Media ISKCON Vanipedia ISKCON Vani Qoutes ISKCON Vani Seva ISKCON Vani Source ISKCON Vani University Vedanta Bheri - Vedanta Schools World World World World World World India 1632 1633 1634 Database Deity Deity Hare Krishna Links Sri Hanuman List of Hindu deities World India World 1635 1636 1637 Deity Deity Deity Hanuman Mantra – Jaap Mala Hindu Gods and Goddesses Yoga Hinduism India India India 1638 Deity The Hindu Pantheon World http://www.vanimedia.org/ http://www.vanipedia.org/ http://www.vaniquotes.org/ http://www.vaniseva.org/ http://www.vanisource.org/ http://www.vaniversity.org/ http://www.vedantabheri.com/vedantaschools/ http://www.vedicsearch.com/ http://completepersonality.blogspot.in/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindu_d eities http://hanumanji.wordpress.com/ http://hindugodphoto.blogspot.com/ http://hinduism.ygoy.com/hindugods/forms.php http://rksanka.tripod.com/religion/deities.html Australia Suriname India World India 1639 Deity http://scriptures.ru/india/murtis/indexen.htm Pictures of Hindu gods & goddesses Russia 1640 Deity http://uduvilkatpagam.blogspot.in/ India 1641 Deity http://www.108foot.com/ 1642 1643 Deity Deity http://www.aumnamoshivaya.com/ http://www.balajimehandipur.org/ Hindu Gods & Goddesees (Tamil Web) 108 FT Hanuman Statue Karol Bag Delhi Gods and Godesses in Hinduism Lord Shri Balaji Maharaj, Ghata Mehandipur Trust, Dausa, Rajasthan 1644 1645 Deity Deity Sri Balhanuman Mandir Hanuman – a role model from past, in present and for future India India 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 Deity Deity Deity Deity Deity Deity Deity Divine Mother Devi Baglamukhi Online Durga Puja Collections Hanuman Hanuman Datta Jai Tridev Lord Hanuman Hanuman Sethu Mandir Lucknow USA India India Trinidad & Tobago India India India 1653 Deity Devotion to Durga UK 1654 1655 Deity Deity Radhe Krishn Kumari Ghar, Kathmandu India Nepal 1656 1657 Deity Deity http://www.balhanuman.com/ http://www.bharatjanani.com/hanuman-arole-model-from-past-in-present-and-forfuture/ http://www.devibaglamukhi.com/ http://www.durgaonline.com/ http://www.hanuman.com/ http://www.hanumandatta.com/ http://www.jaitridev.com/ http://www.lordhanuman.info/ http://www.maharajji.com/Lucknow/lucknowashram-hanuman-sethu-mandir.html http://www.philtar.ac.uk/encyclopedia/hindu/ devot/durga.html http://www.radhekrishn.com/ http://www.sacreddestinations.com/nepal/kathmandu-kumarighar http://www.sakthipeedam.org/ http://www.sanskritmantra.com/brahma.htm Sakthi Peedam Brahma & Yuga India USA 1658 Deity http://www.shanidham.in/ 1659 Deity 1660 Deity 1661 1662 1663 1664 Deity Deity Deity Deity 1665 Dynasty 1666 Dynasty 1667 Dynasty 1668 Dynasty 1669 Dynasty 1670 Dynasty Shree Sidh Shakti Peeth Shanidham, New Delhi http://www.shreeicchapurtihanuman.org/ Shree Icchapurti Hanuman temple Mumbai http://www.siphanuman.org/ Shree Icchapurti Hanuman temple Mumbai http://www.skandagurunatha.org/ Bhagavan Sri Skanda http://www.sribabaramdev.org/ Baba Ramdev Trust, Bangalore http://www.urday.in/laxmi.htm Goddress Lakshmai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amjmOXi Trinidad Hanuman helicopter H8PY Abhishekam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birendra_of_Nep King Birendra of Nepal al http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindushahi Hindu Shahi Dynasty Afghanistan, Pakistan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayapala King Jayapala -Hindu Shahi Dynasty Afghanistan, Pakistan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kertarajasa Kertarajasa Jayawardhana or Nararya Sangramawijaya or Raden Wijaya - first monarch of Majapahit empire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majapahit Majapahit - Great Hindu archipelagic empire based on the island of Java http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_kingdom Middle kingdoms of India s_of_India India Canada India India India India India India India Trinidad & Tobago Nepal Afghanistan Afghanistan Indonesia Indonesia India 1671 Dynasty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjaya_Dynasty Sanjaya Dynasty -Java Indonesia 1672 Dynasty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sena_dynasty India 1673 Dynasty Sen Dynasty of Bengal (11-12 Century) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Kesari_Warm Sri Kesari Warmadewa -Balineses adewa First Hindu King - Insciption 914A CE "Prasasti Blanjong" 1674 1675 Dynasty Dynasty http://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/ http://rajarajachola.blogspot.in/p/about-rajaraja-cholan.html India India 1676 1677 Dynasty Dynasty http://raorajput.wordpress.com/ http://sejarah-puri-pemecutan.blogspot.in/ 1678 Dynasty http://www.afghanhindu.com/history.asp 1679 Dynasty 1680 Dynasty 1681 Dynasty The Hindu Shahi Dynasty (870 C.E. Afghanistan - 1015 C.E.) http://www.autoriteapsara.org/en/angkor/chro Hindu Empires of Cambodia Cambodia nology.html http://www.boloji.com/index.cfm?md=Conten The Lost Hindu Empire of Cambodia Cambodia t&sd=Articles&ArticleID=855 http://www.boloji.com/places/0043.htm The Lost Hindu Empire of Cambodia Cambodia 1682 Dynasty http://www.devikapuram.com/ 1683 Dynasty 1684 1685 Hindu Empires Raja Raja Chola I- the greatest among the kings of the Tamil Chola Empire Rao Rajput Pariwar Erstwhile kings of Bali Indonesia India Indonesia India http://www.kankerpalace.com/ Kanakagireeswarar Hill temple Polur Tiruvannamalai, TN -Devika Puram is The kingdom of the Chola Emperors The Kankar Palace Chhattishgarh Dynasty Dynasty http://www.nepalroyal.com/ http://www.purikarangasem.com/ Nepal Morachy Bali King Puri Agung Karangasem Nepal Indonesia 1686 Dynasty http://www.riconsulate.am/index.php?id=61 Indonesia 1687 1688 1689 Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty http://www.royalfamilyofindia.com/ http://www.samhindu.wordpress.com/ http://www.secretsofbali.org/ 1690 Dynasty https://meenakhshikumari.wordpress.com/ The Great Hindu Kingdoms in Indonesia Royal families of India Hinduism Empires Singosari and the Origins of Majapahit Royal Heritage Articles 1691 Dynasty https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1 Umerkot Sodha Dynasty 40885929272284.28727.139310402763170 Pakistan 1692 Education India 1693 Education http://ad.pensamedia.org/tansen-sangeetmahavidyalaya/ http://adishankara.ac.in/ 1694 Education http://agnihotrayajna.blogspot.com/ 1695 1696 1697 Education Education Education http://avm.org.in/ http://avmfact.blogspot.in/ http://bharatiyavidyabhavankannur.com/ 1698 1699 Education Education http://bhavanshivamogga.org/ http://bvbgandhiinstitute.org/ Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya India India India Indonesia India Adi Shankara Institute of India Engineering and Technology Bhaktivedanta Academy - Gurukula India Mayapur Adarsh Vidya Mandir Thane India Atmiya Vidya Mandir India Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's The India Kannur Kendra Bhavan's Shivamogga Kendra India Gandhi Institute of Computer India Education & Information Technology 1700 Education 1701 Education 1702 1703 Education Education 1704 Education 1705 Education 1706 Education 1707 1708 Education Education 1709 Education 1710 http://c0677812.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspaceclou Vaishnava Training & Education UK d.com/boox/VTEBS_StudentWorksheetsBook .pdf http://caronihinduprimaryschool.weebly.com/ Caroni SDMS Hindu Primary School Trinidad & Tobago http://caroni-hindu-school.fabpage.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adarsha_Vidya_ Mandir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anirudh_Singh Trinidad & Tobago Nepal Education Caroni Hindu School Adarsha Vidya Mandir, Lalitpur, Nepal Dr Anirudh Singh :Fiji Indian academic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Hindu_C Central Hindu School - Varanasi ollege Founded by freedom-fighter Annie Besant in July 1898 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dayanand_Anglo Dayanand Anglo-Vedic Schools -Vedic_Schools_System System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurukul Gurukul http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nalanda_Internati Nalanda International University onal_University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajesh_Chandra Rajesh Chandra: Vice-Chancellor : University of Fiji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarojini_Pillay Sarojini Pillay: Fijian academician 1711 Education http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudesh_Mishra Prof Sudesh Mishra Fiji 1712 Education http://gurukulam.awgp.in/ India 1713 Education http://harekrishna.school.nz/ 1714 1715 Education Education http://hinduism.iskcon.org/ http://krishna-avanti.org.uk/ 1716 Education http://krishna-avanti-leicester.org.uk/ 1717 Education http://kskvku.digitaluniversity.ac/ 1718 1719 Education Education http://lendorehindu.edu.tt/ http://mdurohtak.net.in/ 1720 Education http://mgkvp.ac.in/ 1721 Education 1722 Education http://nalanda-international-universitynews.blogspot.in/ http://onenessindia.ning.com/ All World Gayatri parivar Gurukulam Hare Krishna School :: Auckland, New Zealand The Heart of Hinduism Krishna Avanti Primary School Harrow Krishna Avanti Primary School, Leicester Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University Lendore Hindu School Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi Nalanda International University Oneness University TN -Sri Amma Sri Bhagavan Oneness Foundaion India 1723 Education http://poddartechnicalcampus.com/ India 1724 Education http://prabhujeegurukul.org/ Poddar Management & Technical Campus Prabhujee English Medium School, 1725 1726 1727 Education Education Education http://sanatanvidyalay.org/ http://shc.swahainternational.org/ http://siddaganga-nursing.com/ India Trinidad & Tobago India 1728 Education http://siddagangatumkur.batchmates.com/ Sanatan Vidyalay Swaha Hindu College Siddaganga Institute Of Nursing Sciences and Research Centre Siddaganga Institute of Technology 1729 Education http://srisriuniversity.edu.in/ Sr Sri University India Fiji India India India India Fiji Fiji New Zealand World UK UK India Trinidad & Tobago India India India India India 1730 Education http://ssdeckanpur.co.in/ Shree Sanatan Dharm Education Centre Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad SardarVallabhbhai Patel International School of Textile & Management, Coimbatore Swadeshi School For Trainning in Indian Knowledge The Takshashila Institution is an independent, networked thinktank on India's strategic affairs India 1731 Education http://sssihl.edu.in/ 1732 Education http://svitvasad.ac.in/ 1733 Education http://svpistm.ac.in/ 1734 Education http://swastik.net.in/ 1735 Education http://takshashila.org.in/ 1736 1737 Education Education http://vedicobservatory.svr.com/ http://vvbisis.puchd.ac.in/ Maharishi Vedic Observatory Vishveshvaranand Vishwa Bandhu Institute of Sanskrit and Indological Studies Awadhoot Bhagwan Ram P.G. College, Anpara, Sonebhadra Adhiparasakthi College of Engineering India's leading educational portal Adi Sankara Training College, Kalady Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology The Alachua Learning Center, Florida Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Amrita Bharati Ananda College of Living Wisdom USA India 1738 Education http://www.abrpgcollege.org/ 1739 Education http://www.adhiparasakthi.in/ 1740 1741 Education Education http://www.adhyapak.com/ http://www.adisankaratrainingcollege.com/ 1742 Education http://www.adishankara.net/ 1743 Education http://www.alachualearningcenter.com/ 1744 Education http://www.amritabharati.info/ 1745 Education http://www.anandauniversity.org/ 1746 Education http://www.anushricollegebhadohi.com/ 1747 Education http://www.aolhet.org/en/ 1748 Education http://www.apcon.org/ Anusri College, Abhiya Road, Kaira, India Suriyawan, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi Art of Living Health & Education India Trust Adhiparasakthi College of Nursing India 1749 Education http://www.apcp.in/ Adhiparasakthi College of Pharmacy India 1750 Education http://www.apdch.com/ India 1751 Education http://www.arsdcollege.net/ 1752 1753 Education Education http://www.aryavarteducation.com/ http://www.aryavidyapeethcollege.org/ Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, Delhi Aryavart Education Arya Vidyapeeth College Guwahati 1754 1755 Education Education http://www.atmiya.org/ http://www.avmmandawa.com/ India India 1756 Education http://www.avrpt.com/ 1757 Education http://www.ayurvedacollege.com/ Atmiya Vidya Mandir Adarsh Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Jhunjhunu Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust California College of Ayurveda India India India India India India India India India India USA India USA India India India India USA 1758 Education http://www.basantramnaginamahavidyalaya.c Basant Ram Nagina Mahavidyalaya, India o.in/ Dharao, Chandauli 1759 Education http://www.baumann-martin.de/ Martin Baumann - professor Study on Hindu and Buddhist traditions Switzerland 1760 Education http://www.bddm.org.in/ Baba Domandeo Mahavidyalaya, Kapisa, Danganj, Varanasi India 1761 Education http://www.bgis.org/ India 1762 Education http://www.bhakti-sastri.com/ 1763 1764 1765 1766 Education Education Education Education http://www.bhaktistudies.ning.com/ http://www.bhaktivedantaacademy.com/ http://www.bhaktivedantaacademy.org/ http://www.bhaktivedantacollege.com/ The Bhaktivedanta Gurukula and International School (BGIS), Vrindvan Bhaktivedanta College Bhakti Sastri Online (BCBSO) Educaton for Life & Soul The Bhaktivedanta Academy The Bhaktivedanta Academy Bhaktivedanta Vedic College Europe 1767 Education http://www.bhaktivedantamanorschool.co.uk/ The Bhaktivedanta Manor School UK 1768 Education http://www.bhaktivedantaonline.com/ India 1769 Education http://www.bharathividyalaya.in/ 1770 1771 Education Education http://www.bharatiyashiksha.com/ http://www.bharatiyavidya.com/ The Bhaktivedanta College Online Campus (BCOC) Shree Bharathi Vidyalaya by Shree Ramachandrapura Math Bharatiya Shiksha Bhavan's Centre of Indology Delhi 1772 Education http://www.bhavan.net/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Centre UK UK 1773 Education http://www.bhavanaustralia.org/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia ( Australia 1774 1775 Education Education http://www.bhavanchennai.org/ http://www.bhavankarnataka.com/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Chennai India Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore India 1776 Education http://www.bhavans.ac.in/ India 1777 1778 Education Education http://www.bhavans.info/ http://www.bhavansbaroda.org/ 1779 Education http://www.bhavansbhelhyd.com/ 1780 Education http://www.bhavansbvrm.com/ Bhavan's College, Andheri, Mummbai Bhavan's Educational Institutes Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Vallabhram Mehta Public School (Vidyashram) Vadodara Bhavan's BHEL TownshipPublic School Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad Bhavan's Vidyashram, Bhimavaram 1781 1782 1783 Education Education Education http://www.bhavanshaldia.com/ http://www.bhavanssl.org/ http://www.bhavanstvm.net/ India India India 1784 Education http://www.bhavansvidyashram.org/ 1785 1786 1787 Education Education Education http://www.bhavanus.org/ http://www.bhu.ac.in/ http://www.bimskol.org/ 1788 Education http://www.binstitute.org/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Haldia Bhavan’s Amritsar Kendra Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Trivandrum Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Vidyashram, Jaipur Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA Banaras Hindu University[BHU] Bhavan's Institute of Management Science Bhaktivedanta Institute Kolkata Europe World India USA Belgium India India India India India India India India USA India India India 1789 Education http://www.bitevaranasi.org/ Benaras Institute of teachers Education, Nibah, Chiurapur, Varanasi B.N.Saha DAV Public School, Giridih Baba Ramdal Surajdev Smarak Mahavidyalaya, Madhopur, Pakwainar,Ballia Bhavan Center for Communication and Management (BCCM), Bhubaneswar India 1790 Education http://www.bnsdavinstitution.org.in/ 1791 Education http://www.brssm.org.in/ 1792 Education http://www.bvbbhubaneswar.org/ 1793 1794 1795 Education Education Education http://www.bvbdelhi.org/ http://www.bvbmehtavidyalaya.org/ http://www.bvbpsjh.com/ Bhavans' Delhi Kendra Bhavan's Mehta Vidyalaya Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Public School VIDYASHRAM, Hydrabad India India India 1796 Education http://www.bvbpune.org/ India 1797 Education http://www.bvbraipur.org/ 1798 Education http://www.bvbramanattukara.org/ 1799 Education http://www.ckthakurcollege.net/ 1800 1801 1802 Education Education Education http://www.darshanyog.org/ http://www.davhamirpur.org/ http://www.davschoolpemn.org/ 1803 1804 Education Education http://www.davsolapur.org/ http://www.ddugu.edu.in/ 1805 Education http://www.dharaskar.com/ 1806 Education http://www.dmmv.co.in/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Pune Kendra The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Raipur Kendra The Ramanattukara Kendra of the Bhavan Changu Kana Thakur Arts, Commerce and Science College, New Panvel Arya Samaj Gujarat Arya Samaj DAV Hamirpur DAV Centenary Public School Paschim Enclave Dayanand Institutions, Solapur Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University Matoshri Pratishthan's Group of Institutions Dhirendra Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Karmajitpur, Sundarpur, Varanasi 1807 Education http://www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in/tree.html Dravidian Tree -Dravidian Tree India 1808 Education http://www.dsvv.org/ India 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 Education Education Education Education Education Education http://www.eiilmuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.ekal.org/ http://www.eklavya.org/ http://www.events.bhavans.info/ http://www.floridavediccollege.edu/ http://www.fulehracollege.org/ 1815 Education http://www.gkvharidwar.org/ Dev Sanskriti Vishwamvidyalaya Gayatri Pariwar Sikkim University Ekal Vidyalaya India & USA Eklavya Education Foundation Bharatiya Kala Kendra Florida Vedic College Smt. Fulehara Smarak Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kamtaila, Rasra, Ballia Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya 1816 Education http://www.glovesco.org/ World 1817 Education http://www.gmv.co.in/ Global Varnasrama Educational Social and Cultural Organization Gramyanchal Mahila Vidyapith, Gangapur, Mangari, Varanasi India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India USA India India India 1818 Education http://www.goldenavatartrust.com/ 1819 Education http://www.gsrkmv.com/ Golden Avatar Trust Education India initiative Gaurishankar Rai Kanya India Mahavidyalaya, (Gaurishankarpuram) Karnai, Ballia 1820 1821 Education Education http://www.gujaratischool.co.uk/ http://www.gurukulsangh.org/ Gujarati School UK UK Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sangh India 1822 1823 Education Education http://www.gvpsahmedgarh.com/ http://www.hindu-college.learnhub.com/ India India 1824 Education http://www.hinducollege.org/ 1825 Education http://www.hinducollegegy.org/ 1826 Education http://www.hinduscholarship.org/ 1827 1828 Education Education http://www.hindu-school.com/ http://www.hsplawcollege.com/ 1829 Education http://www.hua.edu/ Green Valley Public School Social Network Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi Guyana Sevashram Sangha Hindu College Science and Sanatan Dharma Scholarship Hindu School Kolkata Harishankar Prasad Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Dharmsthali, Chitbaragaon, Ballia Hindu University of America(HUA) 1830 1831 Education Education Osho Humaniversity Hindu class and Hindu education system in Bali India Indonesia 1832 Education http://www.humaniversity.com/ http://www.icassecretariat.org/hindu-classand-hindu-education-system-bali-emergenceorganization-and-conception-contextindonesian http://www.iges.org/gandhicollege/ India 1833 Education http://www.illuminationeducation.com/ 1834 Education http://www.iphnewdelhi.in/ Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Middha, Beruarbari, Ballia ISKCON Education -Illumination Education Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute for the Physically Handicapped 1835 Education http://www.iskconeducation.org/ India 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 Education Education Education Education Education Education http://www.iskconstudies.org/ http://www.iskconstudies.org/journal http://www.jaffnahindu.org/ http://www.jaibharatcollege.com/ http://www.jivemeducation.com/ http://www.jkpeducation.org/ ISKCON Ministry of Educational Development ISKCON Studies Institute ISKCON Studies Jaffna Hindu College Jai Bharat College Jivem Kutir Education Jagaduru Kripalu Parishat Education 1842 Education http://www.jmbspgcollege-robertsganj.org/ Jai Maa Bhagwati Sonanchal P.G. College, Pusauli, Sonebhadra India 1843 Education http://www.jothisilambam.com/ Jothi Silambam Kshatriya Gurukulam/International Silambam And Kuthuvarisai Federation India 1844 Education http://www.jprvidyashramprtp.com/ India 1845 Education http://www.jrhu.com/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Vidyashram, Pratapnagar, Jaipur Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University India Guyana USA India India USA UK India World World Sri Lanka India India India India 1846 Education 1847 1848 Education Education 1849 Education 1850 1851 Education Education 1852 Education 1853 Education 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 Education Education Education Education Education 1859 Education http://www.kantisinghlawcollegegyanpur.org/ Smt. Kanti Singh Law College, Gyanpur, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi http://www.kerni.jaffnahindu.org/ Jaffna Hindu College http://www.kesindia.org/ Kamineni Educational Society ( KES ) http://www.kisanpgcollege-bed.com/ Kishan P.G.College, Raksa, Ratsar, Ballia http://www.kokuvilhindu.net/ Kokuvil Hindu College, Jaffna http://www.kpmggc.org/ Keshav Prasad Mishra Rajkiya Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Aurai Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi http://www.kptgpgcchandauli.org/ Pt. Kamalapati Tripathi Rajkiya P.G. College, Chandauli http://www.krishakmahavidyalaya.org/ Krishak Mahavidyalay, Rajgarh, Mirzapur http://www.krishnalunch.wordpress.com/ ISKCON Gainesville, Florida http://www.krishnaschool.org/ Hare Krishna School http://www.krishnath-college.org/ Krishnath college, West Bengal http://www.ku.edu.np/ Kathmandu University http://www.lbspgcollege.org/ Lal Bahadur Shsastri P.G. College, Mugalsarai, Chandauli http://www.livestream.com/onenessuniversity Oneness University TN 1860 Education http://www.loknathmahavidyalaya.co.in/ 1861 Education 1862 1863 Education Education 1864 Education 1865 1866 Education Education 1867 Education 1868 India Sri Lanka India India Sri Lanka India India India USA Australia India Nepal India India India Education Loknath Mahavidyalaya, Ramgarh, Chandauli http://www.lscp.ac.in/ Lord Shiva College of Pharmacy, Sirsa http://www.lvs.co.in/ Laxmi Vidyapeeth, Sarigam http://www.maafuladevicollege.com/ Maa Fula Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Titauli (Baghuri) Ballia http://www.mahadevcollege.org.in/ Mahadeo Mahavidyalaya, Bariyasanpur, Varanasi http://www.maharajapublic.com/ Maharaja Public School http://www.maharishiinstituteofmanagement.c Maharishi Institute of Management om/v http://www.maharishischooliowa.org/ Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment http://www.mahendradattauniversity.org/ Universitas Mahendradattam, Bali 1869 1870 Education Education http://www.mahidol.ac.th/ http://www.mandalam.cl/ Thailand Chile 1871 Education 1872 Education 1873 Education 1874 Education 1875 Education Land of Wisdom Shuddha Dharma Mnadalam Vidhyalaya http://www.mapims.org/ Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research http://www.mathuracollegeoflawpurjageer.org Mathura College of Law, Purjageer, / Mirzapur http://www.mayapurschool.com/ Sri Mayapur Dhama and the Sri Mayapur International School! http://www.mbdc.org.in/ Maa Bandhui Devraj Mahavidyalaya, Pashuhari, Ballia http://www.mbmmramnagar.org/ Maharani Benaras Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Ramnagar, Varanasi India India India India India India USA Indonesia India India India India India 1876 Education http://www.mbsgangapurvns.org/ Maharaj Balwant sing P.G. College, Gangapur, Varanasi Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Maharani Gulab Kunvri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Pindra, Varanasi Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical college India 1877 Education http://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/ 1878 Education http://www.mdudde.net/ 1879 Education http://www.mduonline.net/ 1880 Education http://www.mdurohtak.ac.in/ 1881 Education http://www.mgmmpindra.org/ 1882 Education http://www.mlbmcj.in/ 1883 Education http://www.mmyvv.com/ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya India 1884 Education http://www.mpimca.org/ 1885 Education http://www.mum.edu M.P.Institute of Management India &Computer Aplication,Bhagtua,Chiraigaon,Vara nasi Maharishi University of Management USA 1886 Education http://www.mum.edu/ Maharishi University of Management USA 1887 1888 Education Education http://www.nalandauniv.edu.in/ http://www.nationaleducationsociety.net/ India India 1889 Education http://www.navneetsamarpan.com/ 1890 Education http://www.nirmaldeepmala.com/ 1891 Education http://www.nsps-govt-degreecollege.org/ 1892 1893 1894 Education Education Education http://www.nsrajendran.com/ http://www.ochs.org.uk/ http://www.ocvhs.org/ Nalanda International University Varanasi Girls Degree College, Varanasi Navneet Samarpan, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Nirmal Ashram Deepmala Pagarani Public School Narottam Singh Padam Singh Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya, Mangaraha, Mirzapur Professor Dr. N.S. Rajendran Oxford Center for Hindu Studies The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies 1895 Education http://www.oneearthcollege.com/ Indonesia 1896 1897 Education Education http://www.oneearthschool.org/ http://www.onenesscare.org/ One Earth College of Higher Learning One Earth School, Bali Sri Amma Sri Bhagavan Oneness Foundaion-Oneness University TN 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Education Education Education Education Education Education http://www.onenessindia.org/ http://www.onenessmeditation.org/ http://www.onenessways.com/ http://www.onenesswebcasts.org/ http://www.oshopeeth.com/ http://www.pannacollege.org.in/ India India India India India India 1904 Education http://www.pdpu.ac.in/ Oneness University TN Oneness University TN Oneness University TN Oneness University TN OSHO OM Prakash Peeth Panna Mahavidyalaya, Kushhan, Bhimpura No.1, Ballia Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Raisan Village, DistrictGandhinagar India India India India India India India India India Malaysia UK UK Indonesia India India 1905 Education http://www.pnscollege.org.in/ Swatantrata Senani Sri India Prabhunarayan Singh Mahavidyalaya, Cholapur, Varanasi 1906 1907 1908 Education Education Education http://www.podar.org/ http://www.poddarinstitute.org/ http://www.pskmgcollege.org/ Poddar School India Poddar Group of Institutions India Prithwi Shiv Kishan Majdoor Balika India P.G. College, Rasra, Ballia 1909 Education http://www.psvidhimahavidyalaya.org/ Pushpa Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya. India Barewan, Chunar, Mirzapur 1910 1911 Education Education http://www.rajalakshmi.org/ http://www.rajdeepmahilapgcollege.org/ India India 1912 Education http://www.ramakrishnanandainstitute.com/ 1913 Education http://www.ramakrishnanandaschool.com/ Rajalakshmi Engineering College Rajdeep Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kailhat, Mirzapur The Ramakrishnananda Institute for Vedic Studies Ramakrishnananda Vedic School 1914 Education http://www.ramdevpgcollege.org/ India 1915 1916 1917 Education Education Education http://www.ramratnavidyamandir.org/ http://www.rdunijbpin.org/ http://www.rkmcnarendrapur.org/ Ramdeo P.G. College, G.T. Road, Jangiganj, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi Ram Ratna Vidya Mandir Thane Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur, Kolkata 1918 Education http://www.rksmirzapur.org/ Ramkhelawan Singh P.G. College, Kalwari, Madihan, Mirzapur India 1919 Education http://www.rlps.org/ India 1920 Education http://www.rmkmcollege.org/ 1921 Education http://www.rmlpgcollege.com/ 1922 Education http://www.rmlsc.org.in/ 1923 Education http://www.rncdegreecollege.org/ 1924 Education http://www.rpcollege.in/ 1925 1926 1927 Education Education Education http://www.rvc.edu/ http://www.sahyadri.edu.in/ http://www.sakaldihapgcollege.co.in/ Rani Laxmibai Group of Public Schools Radha Mohan Kishan Mazdoor Mahavidyalaya, Niyamatpur, Kanso, Ballia Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya P.G. College, Bhairav Talab, Varanasi Dr. Ram Manoha Lohia Subedar Mahavidyalaya, Habsapur, Ballia R.N.C. Mahavidyalaya Saidpur, Ballia R.P. Degree College, Dharsara, Ghorawal, Sonebhadra Rupanuga Vedic College The Bhandary Foundation Sakaldiha P.G.College, Chandauli 1928 Education http://www.samskritisansthan.org/ India 1929 1930 Education Education http://www.sandipani.org/ http://www.santatulanand.co.in/ 1931 Education http://www.sapthagiri.edu.in/ Vidya Bahrati Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Sansthan, Sansktiti Bhawan, Lajpat Rai Marg (Salarpur Road), Kurukshetra Pujya Bhaishri Swami Atulanand Hindu Mahavidyalaya, Parmanandpur, Shivpur, Varanasi Sapthagiri College of Engineering USA USA India India India India India India India India USA India India UK India India 1932 Education http://www.saraswatiedutrust.org/ ISKCON Dr. R.D. Gardi Education India 1933 Education http://www.sathyasaiehv.org.uk/ UK 1934 Education http://www.sbfgc.org.in/ 1935 Education http://www.sdcollege.in/ 1936 Education http://www.sdcs.in/ Sacred & Secular Education in Human Values Savitribaifule Rajkiya P.G. College, Chakiya, Chandauli Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha , Kerala Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College Society Chandigarh 1937 Education http://www.sdet.in/ Swami Dayananda Educational Trust India 1938 Education http://www.sdpmandawa.org/ India 1939 Education http://www.sgdcollege.org.in/ 1940 Education http://www.sges.org.in/ 1941 Education http://www.sgmsurhi.com/ Sanatan Dharma Panchayat Sr. Sec. School Shri Gayadeen Mahavidyalaya, Bamuraha, Rathgaon, Auraiya. Shri Gangajali Education Society (SGES) Sant Gramyanchal Mahavidyalaya 1942 Education http://www.sheatcollege.com/ India 1943 Education http://www.shepa.org.in/ 1944 1945 Education Education http://www.shopsagar.com/ http://www.shreebharathicollege.com/ 1946 Education http://www.shsgdc.org/ 1947 Education http://www.simsrc.edu.in/ 1948 Education http://www.sirdup.in/ 1949 Education http://www.smmtdcollege.org.in/ 1950 Education http://www.snlawcollege.org.in/ 1951 Education http://www.snm.org.in/ 1952 1953 1954 1955 Education Education Education Education http://www.somaiya.edu/ http://www.spsbangalore.com/ http://www.sreevidyapeeth.org/ http://www.srkpgcollege.org/ 1956 Education http://www.srksm.org/ Saraswati Ucch Shiksha evam Takniki college, Gahani, Varanasi Society for Higher Education & Practical Applications (SHEPA) Bhavan,s Website Master Shree Bharathi College.com by Shri Ramachandrapura Math Shahid Hira Singh Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya, Dhanapur, Chandauli Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences Deendayal Upadhyaya State Institute of Rural Development Murli Manohar Tawn Degree College, Ballia Sri Narheji Law College, Narhi, Rasra, Ballia Sri Narheji P.G. College,Narhi, Rasra, Ballia Somaiya Vidyavihar Siddaganga Public School Shree Vidya Peeth, Delhi Sri Ramkaran Mahavidyalaya, Bheempura No. 1,Ballia Ram Krishna Seva Mandal, Gujarat 1957 Education http://www.srkv.org/ RK Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore India 1958 1959 Education Education http://www.srkvs.org/ http://www.srnammahavidyalaya.com/ RK Mission Vidyalaya Mysore Swami Ramnarayanacharya Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bilthraroad, Ballia India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India 1960 Education http://www.sscet.ac.in/ 1961 Education http://www.sscn.ac.in/ 1962 Education http://www.ssdcollege.com/ 1963 Education http://www.ssecb.ac.in/ 1964 1965 Education Education http://www.ssehv.org/ http://www.ssipmt.ac.in/ 1966 Education http://www.ssipmt.com/ 1967 Education http://www.ssitm.ac.in/ 1968 Education http://www.ssmv.ac.in/ 1969 Education http://www.ssppdmahavidyalaya.com/ 1970 Education http://www.sspucw.com/ 1971 Education http://www.ssrvm.org/ 1972 Education http://www.ssssmv.ac.in/ 1973 Education http://www.sstc.ac.in/ 1974 Education http://www.stedcouncil.org/ 1975 Education http://www.su.ac.th/ 1976 Education http://www.suddhadharmamandalam.co.cl/ 1977 Education http://www.sunbeamcollege.com/ 1978 Education http://www.svbpmeerut.ac.in/ 1979 1980 Education Education http://www.svcollege.net/ http://www.sviet.ac.in/ 1981 Education http://www.svnuniversity.ac.in/ 1982 Education http://www.swaminarayangurukul.org/ 1983 Education http://www.swastiks.blogspot.com/ 1984 Education http://www.syamaprasadcollege.ac.in/ 1985 Education http://www.takshashila2009.org/ Shri Shankaracharya Institute of India Professional Management and Technology Shri Shankaracharya College of India Nursing Shri Shakti Degree College, Kanpur India Shri Shankaracharya Engineering College Sai Education Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus Chhatishgarh Shri Shankaracharya Mahavidyalaya India S.S.P.P.D. Mahavidyalaya, Tisuhi, Madihan, Mirzapur Sree Siddaganga PU College for Women Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir Trust Swami Shri Swaroopanand Saraswati Mahavidyalaya Bhilai Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus Chhatishgarh Scientific & Technical Education Development Council, Govt of India India Silpakorn University Thailand. Director, Art Center, Silpakorn University Suddha Dharma Mandalam Vidyalaya Sunbeem College for Wemen, Bhagwanpur, Varanasi Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut Sri Venkateswara College Swami Vivekanand Group of Institutes Swami Vivekanand University, MP Thailand Shree Swaminarayan GurukulAhmedabad Swadeshi School For Trainning in Indian Knowledge Syamaprasad College, founded by Dr. Syamaprasad Mukherjee, Nijanand Charitable Trust Takshashila College of Management & Technology India Hong Kong India India India India India India India India India Chile India India India India India India India India 1986 Education 1987 Education 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Education Education Education Education Education Education 1994 1995 Education Education 1996 http://www.theuniversityoftomorrow.org/ India Education Sri Aurobindo - University of Tomorrow http://www.tileshwaridevimahavidyalaya.com/ Tileshwari Devi Mahavidyalaya, Gaura, Patoi, Ballia http://www.tkgacademy.com/ TKG Academy http://www.unhi.ac.id/ Indonesia Hindu Universiy, Bali http://www.unud.ac.id/ Udayana University Bali http://www.upcollege.org/ Udai Pratap College, Varanasi http://www.usronline.net/ University of Spiritual Research http://www.vamayapur.com/ Vaishnava Academy -ISKCON Mayapur http://www.vanictionary.org/ ISKCON Vani Dictionary http://www.veda-academy.com/ European Academy of Vedic Sciences http://www.vedaagamavidhyamandir.com/ Veda Agama Vidhya Mandir 1997 Education http://www.vedavyasa.com/ USA 1998 Education 1999 2000 Education Education Balavihar of SV Temple, Pittsburgh,PA http://www.vedicuniversity.ru/ ISKCON Russia, Open Vedic University http://www.vedicvidyalay.org/ Vedic Vidyalay http://www.veerloriksugharmahavidayalay.co Veer Lorik Sughar Mahavidyalaya m/ Vigah, Charauwa, Ballia 2001 2002 Education Education http://www.vidyabharati.org/ http://www.vidyamandala.com/ India India 2003 Education http://www.vihe.org/ttc1.html 2004 Education http://www.vishwadharmauniversity.com/ 2005 Education http://www.vithalkamat.com/ 2006 Education http://www.vivekjyoticollege.com/ 2007 Education http://www.vivekjyoticollege.in/ 2008 2009 Education Education http://www.vivekjyotischool.com/ http://www.vkvapt.org/ 2010 Education http://www.vsvidyalaya.com/ 2011 Education http://www.vvmavidha.com/ 2012 2013 Education Education http://www.warmadewa.ac.id/ http://www.worldonenesscommunity.com/ Activities of Vidya Bharati The Anasuya Vidya Mandala Girl's Gurukula VIHE Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education The Vishwa Dharma University for Yoga and Hinduism Dr. Vithal Venkatesh Kamat- an Environmentalist, an Entrepreneur, an Educationist Vivek Jyoti College of Eucation Balaghat MP Vivek Jyoti College Uttar Mechagram, Panskura, Purba Medinipur West Bengal Vivek Jyoti School Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Arunachal Pradesh Trust Vyomayana Samstha Vidyalaya, Sunabeda,Odisha Yogi Divine Society, Haridham, Sokhada - Vadodara, Gujarat Universitas Warmadewa Sri Amma Sri Bhagavan Oneness Foundaion -Oneness University TN 2014 Education http://www.worldonenessfoundation.org/ Sri Amma Sri Bhagavan Oneness Foundaion -Oneness University TN India 2015 Education http://www.ydmahavidyalaya.com/ 2016 Education http://www.ydscanada.org/ Yamuna Devi Mahavidyalaya, Pura, India Balua, Chandauli Hindu Swaminarayan Mandir & Canada Cultural Centre India USA Indonesia Indonesia India India India World UK India Russia India India India USA India India India India India India India Indonesia India 2017 2018 2019 Education Education Encyclopedia 2020 2021 Encyclopedia Encyclopedia 2022 2023 Encyclopedia Encyclopedia 2024 Encyclopedia 2025 Encyclopedia http://www.ydsuk.org/ http://www.youtube.com/avmchannel http://casaindiasricaitanyamahaprabhu.blog.c om/ http://hinduism.enacademic.com/ http://srikrishnadas.multiply.com/journal?&= &page_start=1640 http://www.4kali.com/ http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/wikehindui sm.htm http://www.brill.com/publications/brillsencyclopedia-hinduism http://www.eh.sc.edu/ 2026 Encyclopedia http://www.golden-wheel.net/hindbib1.html 2027 Encyclopedia 2028 Encyclopedia 2029 Encyclopedia 2030 2031 Encyclopedia Encyclopedia 2032 Encyclopedia 2033 Evolution 2034 Evolution 2035 Evolution 2036 Evolution 2037 Evolution 2038 Evolution 2039 Evolution 2040 Evolution 2041 Festival 2042 2043 Festival Festival Yogi Divine Society UK UK Atmiya Vidya Mandir India Diccionario Enciclopedico Vaishnava World Encyclopedia of Hinduism World Diccionario Enciclopedico Vaishnava World Kali Encyclopedia An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Hinduism Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Encyclopedia of Hinduism - A Project for The Third Millennium India India USA India Hindu Bibliograph by Roger GarinMichaud, Bibliography of Hindu books in English, French, German, Sanskrit http://www.hindupedia.com/ Online Encyclopedia of Hindu Dharma http://www.ihrf.com/encyclopedia.html International Edition of Encyclopedia of Hinduism http://www.indianmedicinalplants.info/ Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants http://www.sindhiwiki.org/ Sindhi Encyclopaedia http://www.theencyclopediaofhinduism.com/ Encyclopedia of Hinduism France http://www.thetruehistoryandthereligionofindi The True History and the Religion a.org/th_endorsements.htm of India-A Concise Encyclopedia of Authentic Hinduism, by His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati http://decodehindumythology.blogspot.in/201 Evolution in Hinduism 1/09/darwins-evolution-in-dashavtar.html India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_cycle_of_t he_universe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_views_on _evolution http://nitikablog.wordpress.com/2010/08/30/t heory-of-evolution-and-hindu-mythology/ http://originalcouple.blogspot.in/ India USA India India USA India Hindu cycle of the Universe India Hindu views on evolution India Theory Of Evolution And Hindu Mythology India Kings from Manu to Ikshvaku to Mahabharata http://thehinduatheist.wordpress.com/2009/02 Evolution debate and Hindus /12/evolution-debate-and-hindus/ http://www.humandevolution.com/ Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9yWwF Hindu creation story WpbRo http://angarikachaturthi.blogspot.in/ Angarika Ganesh Chaturthi January 2013 http://as.ori.nic.in/neworiweb/ Orissa Festivals http://avadhuta-priya.blogspot.in/ Radha Govindaji's Jhulan Yatra Darshan India India USA India India India India 2044 Festival Ramayana International Festival Indonesia Festival Festival Festival http://blog.baliwww.com/dance-dramamusic/317 http://chhat.tripod.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashvamedha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balipratipada 2045 2046 2047 Chhath Puja Ashwamedha Yagna Bali Pratipada India India India 2048 2049 2050 Festival Festival Festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chhath http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kausar_Nag http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullu_Dussehra Chhath Puja Kausar Nag Kullu Dussehra India India India 2051 Festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumbh_Mela Maha Kumbh Festival India 2052 Festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysore_Dasara Mysore Dasara India 2053 Festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanda_Devi_Raj Nanda Devi Raj Jat - Shiva Parwati _Jat Marriage Procession Route India 2054 2055 Festival Festival Indonesia India 2056 Festival 2057 2058 Festival Festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyepi Nyepi Festival in Bali http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchalinga_Dar Panchalinga Darshana - holy festival shana h in the ancient temple town of Talakad, near Kaveri river in Karnataka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajim_Kumbh Rajim Kumbh, Chhattisgarh (Fifth Kumbh) http://festivals.igiftstoindia.com/ Festivals of India http://festivalsofindia-bb-blog.blogspot.in/ Festivals of India 2059 2060 Festival Festival Kumbh Mela And Naga Sadhus Nanda Devi Raj Jat - Shiva Parwati Marriage Procession Route India India 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Ganesh Chaturthi Gita Jatyanti International Hindu Festivals Ram Leela Sendratari Ramayana 2010 India Singapore India USA Indonesia 2066 2067 2068 2069 Festival Festival Festival Festival http://firozekumbhmela.blogspot.in/ http://forums.bizhat.com/traveltourism/63084-nanda-devi-raj-jat-yatra-2012a.html http://ganesh-chaturthi-2012.blogspot.in/ http://gitajayanti.ning.com/ http://hinduismindian.blogspot.in/ http://indianicaacademy.com/ramleela/ http://jogjakini.wordpress.com/2009/03/28/se ndratari-ramayana-2010/ http://kirtanmela-mayapur.blogspot.in/ http://krishna.vitebsk.by/ http://kumbh.hindusthansamachar.com/ http://kumbhmela.co.in/ India Russia India India 2070 Festival http://kumbh-mela.euttaranchal.com/ 2071 Festival The Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2013 http://krishna.vitebsk.by/ Kumbh Mela Maha Kumbh Mela 2013 in Allahabad Maha Kumbh Mela 2013 in Allahabad Allahabad Kumbh Mela 2013 2072 Festival http://kumbhmela.euttaranchal.com/allahabad-kumbhamela.php http://kumbh-mela.euttaranchal.com/kumbh- Haridwar Kumbh Mela 2010 mela-haridwar-2010.php 2073 Festival http://kumbh-mela.euttaranchal.com/nasikkumbh-mela.php Kumbh Mela in Nasik (Trimbakeshwar) 2015 India 2074 Festival http://kumbh-mela.euttaranchal.com/ujjainkumbh-mela.php Kumbh Mela in Ujjain 2016 India 2075 Festival http://kumbhmelaallahabad.gov.in/ Maha Kumbh Festival 2013 India India India India India India India 2076 2077 Festival Festival http://mahakumbh.onlypilgrim.com/ http://ramayanafestival2013.wordpress.com/ Maha Kumbh Festival 2014 Ramayana Festival 2013 India India 2078 2079 2080 2081 Festival Festival Festival Festival http://rathayatra.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://rathjatra.nic.in/ http://rathyatra.fullorissa.com/ http://rathyatra.fullorissa.com/bahudayatra.htm Rath Yatra Mumbai Rath Jatra Festival Puri Rath Yatra 2012 Bahuda Yatra, the Return Journey of Ratha Yatra 18 July 2013 India India India India 2082 2083 Festival Festival http://sites.google.com/site/dinaanu http://svsaibaba.blogspot.in/ 2084 2085 Festival Festival 2086 2087 2088 Festival Festival Festival 2089 Festival 2090 Festival 2091 Festival 2092 Festival 2093 2094 2095 Festival Festival Festival 2096 2097 Festival Festival 2098 Festival 2099 2100 2101 2102 Festival Festival Festival Festival 2103 2104 2105 Festival Festival Festival 2106 Festival 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Gita Jatyanti Hindu Festivals -Part IV Onam(Thiru Onam) http://telanganafestival.blogspot.in/ Telangana Festivals http://v2.garudamagazine.com/features.php?id Nyepi holiday celebrated by =49 Indonesia's Hindus http://vaartaahaa.blogspot.in/ Hindu Festivals http://veda.wikidot.com/kumbh-mela Kumbh Mela http://visitorissa.org/portal/page/portal/Orissa Jagannath Rath Yatra Tourism/fair_fesivals http://wijayajournal.blogspot.in/2010/12/taken Galungan (Balinese Hindu Holiday) -from-bungklang-bungkling-kredit.html by Wayan Juniartha India India http://www.acttheatre.org/Tickets/OnStage/Ra Ramayana in Seatle mayanaLectureSeries http://www.adishaktitheatrearts.com/program Ramayan Festival syear02-200910/75.html http://www.baisakhifestival.com/ Baisakh: Harvest Festival of Punjab USA http://www.baliartsfestival.com/ Bali Art Festival http://www.balispiritfestival.com/ Annual Bali Spirit Festival http://www.baliwww.com/event/galungan.htm Galungan (Balinese Diwali) and Kuningan (end of Galungan celebration) Festivals http://www.balramleela.com/ Bal Ramleela http://www.bhaidooj.org/ Bhai Dooj: Celebrating BrotherSister relation http://www.bharmourtreks.com/show_tour.ph Manimahesh Kailash Yatra p?tourid=48&cat=1 http://www.chhathpuja.co/ Chhath Puja http://www.chhathpuja.org/ Chhath Puja http://www.chhatpuja.org/ Chhath Puja http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleMt Bromo Temple -The annual Yadnya Kasada festival 2183923/Yadnya-Kasada-festivalIndonesians-clamber-volcano-catch-chickensvegetables-fruit-money.html http://www.damodara.de/ Damodara Day http://www.deepavali.net/ Diwali Festival http://www.delhikiramlila.org/ Ramlila Comittee, P.U Block, Pitam Pura http://www.demotix.com/hinduismHindu Melasti Ceremonial 2?page=31&view=date Procession - Surabaya, Indonesia http://www.diwali.nl/ Diwali Festival http://www.diwali.org.za/ KwaDukuza Diwali Committee http://www.diwali2011.in/ Diwali Festival http://www.diwali-celebrations.com/ Diwali Celebrations http://www.diwalifestival.co.za/ Diwali Festiwal SA http://www.diwalifestival.org/ Diwali Festiwal India Indonesia India India India Indonesia India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India India India India India India Indonesia Germany India India Indonesia Netherland South Africa India India South Africa India 2113 2114 2115 Festival Festival Festival http://www.durgamandirramleela.com/ Durga Mandir Ramleela http://www.durga-puja.org/ Durga Puja http://www.eprarthana.com/code/festivals.asp List of Hindu Festivals USA India India 2116 2117 Festival Festival Experience Festival Hindu Festivals India World 2118 2119 2120 Festival Festival Festival Festival of Chariots Festival of India Toronto Ramayan ki Aarti USA Canada India 2121 2122 Festival Festival http://www.experiencefestival.com/ http://www.faithology.com/holidays/ganeshchaturthi http://www.festivalofchariots.org/ http://www.festivalofindia.ca/ http://www.festivalsindia.com/hindi-lyrics-oframayan-ki-aarti/ http://www.festivalsofindia.in/ http://www.festivalsofindia.nl/ 2123 2124 2125 Festival Festival Festival 2126 Festival 2127 2128 Festivals of India Amsterdam Rathayatra - "Festival of Chariots" http://www.fov.org.uk/ Yamuna Cycle Expedition http://www.ganeshchaturthigifts.com/ Ganesh Chaturthi Gifts India http://www.garhwaltourism.com/raj-jat/ Nanda Devi Raj Jat -Royal Pilgrimage http://www.ghughuti.com/nanda-devi-raj-jat/ Nanda Devi Raj Jat - Shiva Parwati Marriage Procession Route India Netherland Festival Festival http://www.gitajayanti.org/ http://www.goldenlord.com/ Singapore India 2129 2130 Festival Festival http://www.happydiwali.org/ http://www.happyholismsgreetings2014.in/ 2131 2132 Festival Festival 2133 2134 2135 Festival Festival Festival 2136 2137 2138 Festival Festival Festival 2139 Festival http://www.harekrisna.net/ekokaravana/ http://www.himachallive.com/srikhandmahadev-yatra.html http://www.himalayanecodrive.com/ http://www.hindu-festivals.net/ http://www.hindunet.org/srh_home/1995_12/ msg00086.html http://www.hindusphere.com/ http://www.holifestival.org/ http://www.incrediblehimachal.info/tag/kulludussehra/ http://www.indembarg.org.ar/en/ 2140 Festival 2141 Festival 2142 2143 2144 Festival Festival Festival 2145 Festival 2146 Festival 2147 2148 Festival Festival Gita Jatyanti International Bhakti Centers - Gaura Purnima 2009 Happy Diwali Holi Festival UK India India India India India ISKCON Slovenia Srikhand Mahadev Yatra, Rampur, HP Mystical Journeys Hindu Festivals & Rituals Ekadasi and Health Slovenia India India World USA Hindus Festivals Holi Festiwal Kullu Dussehra India India India Festival of India in Argentina, 3 - 13 Argentina December 2011 http://www.indiasite.com/festivals/diwali.html Deepawali Festival India http://www.indiatashan.com/india-fairsfestivals/hindu-festivals/ganesha-chaturthifestival http://www.indisamaj.com/ http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/ekadashi http://www.iskconjuhu.com/category/festival/ narsimha-chaturdashi/ http://www.jagannathafamilyfestival.co.nz/ Ganesh Chaturthi India Navaratri Festival India Samaj ISKCON Desire Tree Ekadashi Shri Narasimha Chaturdashi USA World India Jagannatha Family Festival New Zealand http://www.jagrancityplus.com/cityRevival of Ramleela buzz/revival-oframleela_1320320501_1287572555.html http://www.jodhpurriff.org/ Jodhpur Cultural Festival http://www.jogjasiana.com/2011/04/sendratari Sendratari Ramayana -ramayana India India Indonesia 2149 Festival 2150 2151 Festival Festival 2152 2153 Festival Festival 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival 2159 Festival 2160 2161 Festival Festival 2162 Festival 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival 2182 Festival 2183 2184 Festival Festival 2185 Festival 2186 Festival 2187 Festival 2188 2189 http://www.jogjatrip.com/en/200/ramayanaballet http://www.kalpavasi.com/ http://www.karwachauth.com/ Sendratari Ramayana Indonesia Kumbha Mela 2013 Karwa Chauth: Celebrated by 'Married Women' http://www.kmp2001.com/ Kumbha Mela Project 2001 http://www.krishnajanmashtami.com/ Krishna Janmashtami: Shri Krishna's Birthday http://www.krisnavolgy.hu/ Krishna Volgy Festival http://www.kumbh.org/ Kumbh Mela 2013, 2015, 2016 http://www.kumbhamela.net/ Kumbha Mela 2013 http://www.kumbhfestival.com/ Kumbh Mela 2013 http://www.kumbhmela.org.in/ Maha Kumbh Mela 2013 in Allahabad http://www.kumbhmela.org/ Maha Kumbh Mela 2013 in Allahabad http://www.kumbhmela2013.co.in/ Kumbh Mela 2013 http://www.kumbhmelaharidwar.blessingsont Kumbh Mela Haridwar 2010 henet.com/ http://www.kumbhmelaiskcon.com/ Kumbh Mela Nasik 2015 by ISKCON http://www.kumbhvillage.com/ Maha Kumbh Festival 2015 http://www.lavkush.com/ LavKush Ramlila http://www.lohrifestival.org/ Lohri: Festival to Worship Fire http://www.mahakumbh.com/ Kumbh Mela http://www.mahakumbhfestival.com/ Maha Kumbh Festival 2013 http://www.maharajgroup.co.za/ South Africa Hindu Festivals http://www.maharatu.com/ Sendratari Ramayana http://www.mahashivratri.org/ Maha Sivaratri Festival http://www.malayalifestivals.com/ Festivals of Kerela http://www.malaysiasite.nl/deepavali.htm Deepawali Festival http://www.mokshafestival.com/ Moksha Festival http://www.mumbairathyatra.info/ Mumbai Rath Yatra http://www.mysore.org.uk/mysoreMysore Dasara dasara.html http://www.mysoredasara.com/ Mysore Dasara http://www.mysoredasara.gov.in/ Mysore Dasara 2013 http://www.mysoredasara.org/ Mysore Dasara 2012 http://www.myvnr.com/ Panguni Pongal http://www.namahatta.co.za/ ISKCON South Africa http://www.onamfestival.org/ Onam: Homecoming of Legendary King Mahabali http://www.open-sezDiwali Festival mefestivals.co.uk/diwali.htm http://www.ottawa.iskcon.ca/ ISKCON Ottawa http://www.padayatra.com/ ISKCON Padayatra India : Padayatra Worldwide Ministry http://www.padayatra.cz/ ISKCON Padayatra The Czech 01:02Padayatra Worldwide Ministry India India USA Festival http://www.phagwahparade.us/ramayana-in- Ramayana in the Park the-park.html http://www.pongalfestival.org/ Pongal: Harvest Festival of South India http://www.radharaman.net/ Ratha Yatra The Czech Republic Festival http://www.rakhifestival.com/ India Rakhi Festival India India Hungary India India India India India India India India India India India India India South Africa Indonesia India India Netherland USA India India India India India India South Africa India UK Canada India The Czech Republic India 2190 Festival http://www.raksha-bandhan.com/ Raksha Bandhan: Celebrating Brother-Sister relation Shree Maryada Purshottam Ramleela Samiti Mumbai Ramleela Committee Greater Noida India 2191 Festival http://www.ramleela.in/ 2192 Festival http://www.ramleela1.com/ 2193 Festival http://www.ramlilapracharsamiti.org/ India http://www.rathayatra.co.uk/ http://www.rathayatra.cz/ Shree Ramlila Prachar Samiti (Malad) Rath Yatra London Rath Yatra 2194 2195 Festival Festival 2196 Festival http://www.ratha-yatra.cz/ Rath Yatra The Czech Republic 2197 2198 Festival Festival http://www.rathayatra.eu/ http://www.rathyatra.net/ Netherland India 2199 Festival 2200 Festival http://www.risingkashmir.com/behind-thekousar-nag-yatra/ http://www.rotoruadeepawali.org/ Rath Yatra Puri Ratha Yatra 2012 or Car Festival 2012 Behind the Kousar Nag Yatra Rotorua Deepawali Festival -2010 New Zealand 2201 Festival 2202 2203 Festival Festival http://www.rudraksharatna.com/dussehra.html http://www.sankashti.com/ http://www.shabarikumbh.org/ 2204 Festival http://www.shreedarshan.com/thaipusam.htm Ganesha Portal - Thaipusam Festival India 2205 Festival http://www.simhastha.nic.in/ 2206 Festival http://www.sukhdukh.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83985 2207 Festival http://www.summerfestival.lt/programa/ 2208 Festival http://www.teejfestival.org/ 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival http://www.teejri.com/ http://www.thecolorsofindia.com/ http://www.thehindulfl.com/ http://www.thekumbhmela.com/ http://www.tirtabhuana.org/ http://www.yogyes.com/id/yogyakartatourism-object/performance/ramayana-ballet/ 2215 Festival http://www.youtube.com/user/ananthanv 2216 Festival 2217 Festival 2218 Festival 2219 Festival 2220 Festival 2221 Festival India India UK The Czech Republic India Rudraksha Ratna - Dussehra Festival India Sankashti Chaturthi India Panchakundi Yagya at Shabaridham India Simhastha MahaKhumbh Ujjain 2004 Ganesh chaturthi 2013 India Vaišnavų vasaros festivalis BALTIC 2013 Teej: Dedicated to Devine Couple Shiva-Parvati Teejri Moon View Sindhi Festival Fstivals of India The Hindu Paper Literay Festival Allahabad Kumbh Mela 2013 Pura Tirta Agung Bhuana Bekasi Sendratari Ramayana Lithuania Nallur Kandaswamy Temple Festival 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhlwwtKk World coming to Hinduism-Holi in Bik Utah,USA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPsdkG1l Dahi Handi 2012 Celebration w_g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiXHv65 Odalan (temple festival) in Pura MPb0 Penataran Sasih Pejeng, Bali http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn6IcPZ2 Belize Hindu Temple Chetti Chand SiE 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn8BNor Ganga Sagar Mela OFOU https://www.facebook.com/Chhath.Puja Chhath Puja India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia India USA India Indonesia Belize India India 2222 2223 Festival Festival 2224 Goddess 2225 2226 2227 Goddess Goddess Goddess 2228 Goddess 2229 Goddess 2230 Goddess 2231 2232 Goddess Goddess 2233 Goddess 2234 2235 Goddess Goddess 2236 Goddess 2237 Goddess 2238 Goddess 2239 https://www.facebook.com/kulimela Kuli Mela Association https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5KqIdzU Joy of Hinduism Comes to USA sJw http://18shaktipeetasofdevi.blogspot.com/ 18 Shakti Peethas Germany USA India http://18shaktipeetasofdevi.blogspot.in/ http://charshaktidham.blogspot.in/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhari_Devi_(Utta rakhand) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gayatri 18 Shakti Peethas Char Shakti Dham Dhari Devi (Uttarakhand) India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripura_Sundari_ Temple http://femaleavatar.blogspot.in/ http://goddessearth.blogspot.in/2012/12/gaya. html http://himalayainformation.blogspot.in/2013/0 2/parvati-daughter-of-himalaya.html http://hindudharamsabha.blogspot.in/2011/04 /story-and-names-of-51-shakti-peeths.html Tripura Sundari Temple India Female Avaatars Goddess Sita India India Parvati Daughter of Himalaya India 51 Shakti Peethas India http://karma-gyan.blogspot.in/2011/09/maakatyayani-ki-upasana.html Maa Katyayani Puja India Goddess http://maavaishnodevidarshan.blogspot.in/ Maa Vaishno Devi Darshan India 2240 2241 Goddess Goddess 2242 Goddess http://motherguardian.blogspot.in/ Krishan Yashoda http://sahajayogamaharashtra.wordpress.com/ Shakti Peeths in Maharashtra spiritual-maharashtra/shakti-peeth/ http://shaktipeethas18or51or108.blogspot.in/ 18 Shakti Peethas 2243 Goddess 2244 Goddess 2245 Goddess http://thejamalpur.wordpress.com/2012/09/29 Shakti Peeth Maa Chandika Sthan Munger /shakti-peeth-maa-chandika-sthan-munger%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%82% E0%A4%97%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%B0bihar/ India 2246 Goddess Pakistan 2247 Goddess http://thekashmir.wordpress.com/2009/09/25/ Sharda Temple of Hindus in sharda-temple-of-hindus-in-pakistanPakistan Occupied Kashmir occupied-kashmir/ http://trishaktimata.blogspot.in/2011/04/maha 18 Ashta Dasa Shaktipeethas -shakti-lankayam-shankari-devi.html 2248 Goddess Gayatri - the second consort of Lord India Brahma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goddess_Mahesh Goddess Maheshwari, Orissa India wari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guhyeshwari_Te Guhyeshwari Temple, Kathmandu Nepal mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali Goddesses Kali India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakti_Peethas 58 Shakti Peethas India http://spiritualtemples.blogspot.in/2011/01/ma Manibandh Shakti Peeth - Pushkar nibandh-shakti-peeth-pushkar.html http://teerthayatra.com/ShaktiPeethas.aspx 18 Shakti Peethas http://vedicgoddess.weebly.com/ Trishula Das - Maha Shakti Yoga Mantra India India India India India India India 2249 Goddess 2250 Goddess 2251 Goddess 2252 2253 Goddess Goddess 2254 Goddess http://vedicgoddess.weebly.com/3/post/2012/0 56 Shakti Peethas 6/june-02nd-2012.html http://www.51shaktipeethambaji.org/ 51 Shakti Peethas -Shri Arasuri Ambaji Mata Devasthan Trust (SAAMDT) http://www.51shaktipeethambaji.org/Gallery.a 51 Shakti Peethas Photos spx?Album=1 http://www.51shaktipeethcircuit.com/ 51 Shakti Peetha http://www.amarujala.com/news/spirituality/re Maya Devi Shakti Peeth of Haridwar ligion-festivals/maya-devi-shakti-peeth-ofharidwar/ http://www.baglamukhi.org/ Valgamukhi or Bagulamukhi Devi 2255 Goddess http://www.bhadrakalishaktipeeth.com/ Bhadrakali Shaktipeeth Kurukshetra India 2256 Goddess Maa Katyayani Puja India 2257 2258 Goddess Goddess http://www.divine-rudraksha.com/maakatyayani-puja.html http://www.durgasite.com/ http://www.durkadevi.com/ India Canada 2259 2260 2261 2262 Goddess Goddess Goddess Goddess Maa Durga Arul Migu Thurkadevi Hindu Society (Bc) Goddesses Savitri 51 Shakti Peethas Goddess Parvati Katyayani Mantra 2263 2264 Goddess Goddess 2265 Goddess 2266 2267 Goddess Goddess 2268 2269 Goddess Goddess 2270 Goddess 2271 Goddess 2272 2273 2274 2275 Goddess Goddess Goddess Goddess 2276 2277 2278 Goddess Goddess Goddess 2279 Goddess 2280 Goddess http://www.edition-sawitri.de/ http://www.ekyawanshaktipeeth.com/ http://www.goddessparvati.com/ http://www.indusladies.com/forums/pujasprayers-and-slokas/112283-any-remedies-toget-married-6.html http://www.jayasriradhe.com/ Jaya Sri Radhe, Mathura http://www.kalyanshaktipeeth.com/ Shree Kalyan Shakti Peeth, Maiyadham, Ujaipur http://www.kanyakumaritemples.org/kanyaku Arulmigu Bhagavathyamman mari/index.php?tid=1&vt=2 temple,Kanyakumari http://www.kunjeshwari.com/ Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu http://www.maabamleshwaridevi.com/ Maa Bamleshwaridevi Shakti Peeth Chhatishgarh http://www.maadharidevi.org/ Maa Dhari Devi (Uttarakhand) http://www.maapatneshwari.org/all_shakti_pe 51 Shakti Peetha -Sri Sri Badi Patan etha.html Devi, Maa Patneshwari Maharajganj, Gulzarbagh Patna Bihar http://www.maavaishnavi.com/ Jai Maa Vaishnavi - Maa Katyayani – Sixth Navdurga Worshiped in Navratri Durga Pooja http://www.mahakalika.com/18mahashaktipe eth.php http://www.matavaishnodevi.com/ http://www.radharani.com/ http://www.ratangarhmata.org/ http://www.riiti.com/316/51_shakti_peethas_ of_ma_durga http://www.saraswatimata.com/ http://www.shaktipeeta.com/ http://www.shaktipeeth.net/ India India India India India India Germany India India India India India India India India India India India 18 Maha shaktipeeth India Maa Vaishno Devi Radha Rani & Radha Kunda Ratangarh Mata, MP 51 Shakti Peethas of Ma Durga India India India India Saraswati Mata Ashta Dasa (18) Shakti Peetha Shakti Peehas in Himachal pradesh - Sada Sanchar Yoga http://www.shaktipeethas.org/panchasat/topic Harsiddhi temple in Ujjain 48.html http://www.shardapeeth.in/ Sharda Mata Trust(Regd.) Jammu India India India India India 2281 Goddess 2282 Goddess 2283 Goddess 2284 2285 2286 Goddess Goddess Goddess 2287 Goddess http://www.srinithyakalyani.org.cp31.webhostbox.net/mahakalai.html http://www.starsai.com/ram-navami-goddessraja-matangi-shyamala/ http://www.tourism4india.in/Ujjain/Spots/Gad kalika-Temple.aspx http://www.umashaktipeeth.com/ http://www.vaishno-devi.com/ http://www.vamtantrasamrat.com/DisplayPag e.aspx?pgID=Nzc= http://www.vatikashaktipeeth.com/home.html Mahakali devi Peeth Ujjain India Goddess Raja Matangi – Shyamala Devi Gadkalika Temple Ujjain India Uma Shakti Peeth Vrindavan Maa Vaishno Devi Shakti Peeth Kali Mandir, Patna India India India Vatika Shakti Peeth India 2288 Goddess http://www.vedarahasya.net/docs/Shakti.pdf 51 Shakti Peethas India 2289 Goddess http://www.wikikrishna.com/index.php?title= GS_4.6:_The_Story_of_the_Ayodhya_Wome n http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SDA15r4 YMc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1FUmxh oeWA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZmlwvhn Vng http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuNG318 ZnZg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taratarini_Temp le https://www.facebook.com/Goddess.Maa.Dur ga https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2 17464471628040.50934.215285528512601 &type=3 https://www.facebook.com/pages/MaaBhagwati-Sewa-Mandal-Phoolon-WaliMandli-/105330536251703?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/vaishno.devi http://thetahealing.pravaaha.in/ The Story of the Ayodhya Women India 2290 Goddess Dhari Devi (Uttarakhand) India 2291 Goddess Maa Katyayani Puja USA 2292 Goddess Nagana mata ki katha, Pachpadra, Barmer Jai Mata Di - Aao Meri Sherawali Maa Taratarini Temple Odisha India 2293 Goddess 2294 Goddess 2295 Goddess Maa Durga India 2296 Goddess The Goddess Sharada India 2297 Goddess Maa Bhagwati Seva Manadal, New Delhi India 2298 2299 Goddess Healing Maa Vaishno Devi Pravaaha Centre for Learning and Healing http://www.amtamassage.org/ Atma Massage http://www.ancienthealing.co.uk/ Ancient Healing http://www.appranichealing.org/ Andhra Pradesh Pranic Healing Foundation http://www.astrohealer.com/ Astro Healer http://www.atlanteanhealingsedona.com/ Atlantean Healing Sedona http://www.austinpranichealing.com/ Austin Pranic Healing http://www.avalaura.com/ Avalaura's Healing Center http://www.balithetahealingretreats.com/ Bali Theta Healing Retreats http://www.bodysattvacenter.com/ Bodysattva Healing Arts Center http://www.cosmicrhythms.com/ Sanmyoga & Healing http://www.dailyom.com/ Nurturing Body Mind & Soul http://www.dynamic-healing.com/ Dynamic Healing http://www.esswellness.com/ Essential wellness magazine http://www.galaxyhealing.com.au/ Maggi Nimmo's Hatha Yoga & Healing http://www.getting-positive-karma-now.com/ Nirula Healing Center in New Delhi India India 2300 2301 2302 Healing Healing Healing 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing 2314 Healing India India India USA UK India India USA USA USA Indonesia USA India USA USA USA Australia India 2315 Healing http://www.healer.ch/ 2316 2317 2318 2319 Healing Healing Healing Healing 2320 Healing 2321 2322 Healing Healing 2323 Healing The Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing http://www.healingcloud.com/ Healing cloud http://www.healinglifenow.com/ Pranic Healing - Life Now http://www.healingmatrix.com/ Healing Matrix http://www.healingspiritbodywork.com/Nashv HealingSpirit ~ Alternative Therapy illeyogaandmassage.html & Bodywork http://www.instituteofhealingartsandfilms.org/ The Institute of Healing Arts and Films http://www.juergenmajewski.ch/ Healing and transformation http://www.kammahealing.blogspot.com/ Yoga package with Kamma and Healing http://www.kathmanduhealing.org/ The Kathmandu Center of Healing 2324 Healing http://www.liveperson.com/ 2325 2326 2327 Healing Healing Healing http://www.lotushealingvillage.com/ Lotus Healing Village http://www.mallikabhatia.com/ Swayam - Energy based Healing http://www.mudrasforhealing.com/yagya.php Healing Through Yagya, Delhi USA India India 2328 2329 Healing Healing http://www.sacredspirals.com/ http://www.spiritualdove.org/ Scred Spirals Spiritual Healing - Spiritual Initiations USA India 2330 2331 Healing Healing Tatiana’s Healing Center Terminology by Yogi Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson) USA USA 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 Healing Healing Healing Healing Healing http://www.tatianahealingcenter.com/ http://www.theinnersciences.net/images/storie s/pdf/annotated_terminology_used_by_yogi_r amacharaka_dec16_2012.pdf http://www.theinnerscienses.net/ http://www.thetahealing.com/ http://www.thetahealingmumbai.in/ http://www.tridosha.com/ http://www.vaidyagrama.com/ Philippines USA India USA India 2337 Healing http://www.vedicgram.org/ 2338 Healing http://www.yourhandscanhealyou.com/ 2339 Healing Book 2340 2341 Healing Book Healing Book http://www.amazon.in/The-Serpent-PowerSat-Cakra-Nirupana-PadukaPancaka/dp/8188808148 http://www.pranichealingbooks.com/ http://www.yogiramacharaka.com/ The Inner Sciences ThetaHealing - Law of Karma The Theta Healing Healing Hands ayurveda healing village vaidyagrama Dr Neelam Verma,MD - A Wellness Farm and Healing Spa Pranic Healing - Your Hands can Heal The Serpent Power: Being the SatCakra-Nirupana and PadukaPancaka Pranic Healing Books The Inner Teachings Of The Master by Yogi Ramacharaka 2342 Healing Book India 2343 Healing- Chakra Vedic Mantras For Peace And Healing Chakra Healing 2344 2345 Healing- Chakra Healing- Chakra Chakra Healing Chakra Energy India USA 2346 2347 Healing- Chakra Healing- Chakra Chakra Energy & Produts Chakra Energy USA USA https://www.banyen.com/products/vedicmantras-peace-and-healing http://consciouslifenews.com/best-healingmethod-chakra/# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra http://www.2012-spiritual-growthprophecies.com/chakra-symbols.html http://www.chakracompany.com/ http://www.chakraenergy.com/ Spiritual Healing - Spiritual Initiations Switzerland World USA India USA USA Switzerland Nepal Nepal USA India USA USA USA USA USA 2348 2349 2350 2351 Healing- Chakra Healing- Chakra Healing- Chakra Healing- Chakra 2352 Healing- Chakra http://www.chakrahealing.com/ http://www.chakrahealingsounds.com/ http://www.creativechakra.com/ http://www.shri-yoga-devi.org/textos/SatCakra-Nirupana-port.pdf http://www.siddhayatan.org/chakraactivation/ 2353 2354 Healing- Chakra Healing- Pranic http://www.sunnyray.org/ http://pranichealing-gmcks.blogspot.com/ 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic 2360 Healing- Pranic 2361 Healing- Pranic 2362 2363 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic 2364 Chakra Energy Chakra Healing Sounds Creative Chakra Spa Sat Cakra Nirupana USA USA USA India Awaken your Chakras USA Sun Ray 7 Chakras Daily Miracles through Pranic Healing http://pranichealinglondon.vpweb.co.uk/ Pranic Healing London, UK http://pranichealingthailand.com/ Pranic 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Pranic Healing Face Lift Pranic Healing County Cork Canadian Pranic Healers Association India USA USA 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic http://www.pranacrystals.com/ http://www.pranaworld.net/ http://www.pranicconsciousness.co.uk/ http://www.pranicenergyhealing.net/ http://www.pranicfacelift.com/ http://www.pranichealerireland.com/ http://www.pranichealing.ca/ 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic http://www.pranichealing.co.in/ http://www.pranichealing.com.au/ http://www.pranichealing.net/ http://www.pranic-healing.net/ http://www.pranichealing.org/ 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic 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Pranic Healing Mumbai Pranic Healing New England Pranic Healing Florida Pranic Healing Pranic Healing Ontario Pranic Healing Penn Pranic Healing of San Diego Pranic Healing South West India USA USA Oman Canada USA USA UK 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic http://www.pranichealingtamilnadu.com/ http://www.pranichealinguk.com/ http://www.pranichealing-uk.com/ http://www.pranichealingusa.com/ http://www.pranichealingvictoria.ca/ http://www.pranichealingwa.com.au/ Pranic Healing Trust Tamilnadu Pranic Healing UK Pranic Healing Essex Pranic Healing Pranic Healing Victoria Pranic Healing West Australia India UK UK USA Canada Australia India USA World World USA Ireland Canada India USA Philippines UK USA South Africa USA USA India USA USA India USA USA India India Ireland India USA USA UK UK 2435 2436 Healing- Pranic Healing- Pranic http://www.pranicmaharashtra.com/ http://www.pranicsolutions.com/ 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Seti sounds similar to Sita of Ramayana.Was Rome Rama's kingdom http://ithihas.wordpress.com/ Indian Civilization http://koenraadelst.bharatvani.org/books/wiah Who is a Hindu?- Koenraad Elst's /index.htm Indology Site http://krishnajkaaba.blogspot.in/ kaaba a Hindu Temple taken over by muslims http://lordcaocao2025.hubpages.com/hub/Inte History of Hinduism coming to raction-between-Indonesian-Society-with-the- Indonesia new-Hindu-Buddhist-tradition India Nepal Egypt India Belgium India Indonesia http://mahavamsa.org/mahavamsa/mahavams The Mahavamsa -The Great Sri Lanka am/ Chronicle of Sri Lanka http://nsc.iseas.edu.sg/about_us.htm Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre Singapore Singapore 2532 History http://one-spiritHinduism Timeline tribe.org/religion_hinduism/timeline.htm http://ptdeepali.wordpress.com/category/rama Dating the Era of Lord Rama yan/ http://rajiv-varma.blogspot.com/ Destruction of Hindu Temples by Aurangzeb http://reclaimtheswastika.com/ Reclaim The Swastika http://reclaimtheswastika.com/links/ History of Swastika http://senthilarumugam.tripod.com/id7.html Scientific Dating of the Mahabharata 2533 History 2534 History 2535 2536 2537 History History History 2538 History 2539 History 2540 History http://shrigaurbrahmanmahasabhabikaner.blo gspot.in/2012/07/was-taj-mahal-shivatemple.html#!/2012/07/was-taj-mahal-shivatemple.html http://theswastikasymboloriginandmigration.b logspot.in/ http://veda.wikidot.com/taj-mahal 2541 History http://writerswagatika.wordpress.com/ 2542 2543 History History 2544 History 2545 History http://www.1947partitionarchive.org/ http://www.articlesbase.com/authors/amlanroychowdhury/41723 http://www.bali3000.com/all-aboutbali/History.asp http://www.coorg.tripod.com/india7.html 2546 History http://www.crystalinks.com/swastika.html 2547 History 2548 2549 2550 History History History 2551 History 2552 History 2553 History 2554 History http://www.earthportals.com/Portal_Messeng er/stonesinsky3.html http://www.gwu.edu/~satyam/history.htm http://www.harappa.com/welcome2.html http://www.hiddenhistoryhumanity.com/Germ an/2b%20Maya%20II.htm http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/moder n/hindu_kush.html http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/moder n/taj_oak.html http://www.hinduyuva.org/tattvablog/2007/01/hinduism-in-indonesia-a-briefhistory/ http://www.hknet.org.nz/aryaninvasionpage.htm 2555 History http://www.ichrindia.org/ 2556 History 2557 History http://www.ihindu.org/2012/02/hinduinfluence-in-south-east-asia.html http://www.indhistory.com/hindu-god.html 2558 History http://www.indiahistoryonline.com/chron.html The Royal Chronology of India 2559 History http://www.indianexpress.com/news/koreanrelative-of-kings-of-ayodhya-goes-onevidence-hunting/569976 Was Taj Mahal a Shiva Temple? World India India India India India India The Swastika; Symbol, Origin and World Migration Taj Mahal: Was it a Vedic Temple?, India Kalinga War and True Indian History 1947 Partition Vedic Civilisation by Amlan Roychowdhury Hindu History in Bali India India India Indonesia Bharata: Root of Western Civilisation History of Swastika India Stones in the Sky - Part III Cambodia A Brief History of Hinduism Harappa details Brazil, Maya Calendar & Hinduism effect Hindu Kush USA USA India India Afghanistan The Tajmahal is Tejomahalay -A Hindu Temple Hinduism in Indonesia - A Brief History, by Shreyas Limaye India Antiquity and Continuity of Indian History by Dr Prasad Gokhale Canada Indian Council of Historical Research Hindu Influence in South East Asia India Hindu God and Goddess India Indonesia India India Korean relative of Kings of Ayodhya South Korea goes on evidence hunting 2560 History 2561 2562 History History 2563 History 2564 History 2565 History 2566 History 2567 History 2568 History 2569 History 2570 History 2571 History 2572 History 2573 History 2574 Holy City 2575 Holy City 2576 2577 2578 http://www.ivarta.com/columns/ol_050314.ht m http://www.kamat.com/ http://www.lankalibrary.com/myths/rama.htm Information and Origin of Hindu Symbol Swastika Dr. Kamat's Potpourri Rama, Ravana & Sita: Road to Ramayana http://www.magicPatan (Lalitpur) Durbar Square, photographer.com/2010/03/25/patan-lalitpur- Nepal durbar-square-and-old-city-kathmandu-valleynepal/ http://www.nalanda.nitc.ac.in/resources/englis Rewriting Indian History by h/etext-project/history/gautier/index.htm Francois Gautier http://www.obscureinternet.com/the-history- History of Swastika of-the-swastika/ http://www.ovpm.org/en/nepal/lalitpur_patan Lalitpur (Patan), Nepal http://www.persisma.org/index.php?option=c om_content&view=category&layout=blog&id =1&Itemid=11# http://www.sanskrit.org/www/Hindu%20Prim er/induscivilization.html http://www.shahamaasi.com/18.html History of Indonesia World India Sri Lanka Nepal India India Nepal Indonesia Hinduism and The Indus Valley Civilization Ancient Connection between Tamils & Africa http://www.speakingtree.in/spiritualWonder of Magnetic Hindu God blogs/seekers/pilgrimage/multan-in-pakistan- (2000 years old Sun) temple in wonder-of-magnetic-hindu-god Multan http://www.stewartsynopsis.com/swastika.ht The Swastika m India The Vedic History of India USA Mayan & Tamil Linkage India Shatrughna : He founded Mathur India Vanas of Braj India Holy City Holy City Holy City http://www.thevedicfoundation.org/bhartiya_h istory/chronology.htm http://www.viewzone2.com/ancientturksx.htm l http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/ramayan am/satrughna/ http://en.brajdiscovery.org/index.php?title=Va nas_of_Braj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayodhya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhubaneswar Ayodhya Bali -The Divine Paradise Bhubaneswar India Indonesia India 2579 2580 2581 Holy City Holy City Holy City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haridwar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janakpurdham India India Nepal 2582 2583 2584 2585 Holy City Holy City Holy City Holy City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathmandu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathura http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rameswaram Dwarka Haridwar Janakpur (Dhanusha Dham Janakpurdham) Kathmandu Mathura Puri Rameswaram 2586 2587 Holy City Holy City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rishikesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambhal India India 2588 2589 2590 Holy City Holy City Holy City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivagiri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siem_Reap http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirupati_(city) Rishikesh The place for God Vishnu's Kalki incarnation Shivagiri Bijapur Karnataka Siem Reap Tirupati India Pakistan World Nepal India India India India Cambodia India 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 Holy City Holy City Holy City Holy City Holy City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ujjain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varanasi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrindavan http://mathurainformation.blogspot.in/ http://satyadevidasi.blogspot.in/ 2596 2597 Holy City Holy City http://tourvrindavan.blogspot.in/ Vrindavan City India http://tourvrindavan.blogspot.in/2013/03/histo Historical Time Chart of Vrndavana India rical-time-chart-of-vrndavana-links.html / Links 2598 Holy City 2599 Holy City 2600 Holy City 2601 2602 2603 Holy City Holy City Holy City http://www.apnaujjain.com/holy%20place/Kal Ujjain Darshan bhairav%20Temple.html http://www.apnaujjain.com/visiting%20places Bhartrihari Caves ujjain /Bhartrihari%20Temple.html http://www.borobudurpark.com/ Yogyakarta - 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Vasantha Kandasamy India 2776 Individual Presence http://www.vikaskhanna.me/ Indian Food Chef Montenegro 2777 Individual Presence http://www.vikraman.com/ Shri Vikraman Swamiji India 2778 Individual Presence http://www.vipulvekariya.in/ Dr Vipul Vekariya, Junagargh India 2779 Individual Presence http://www.vishumenon.com/ Writing of Vishnu Menon India 2780 Individual Presence http://www.vpvaidik.com/ Dr Ved Pratap Vedic India 2781 Individual Presence http://www.yaneshtyagi.com/ Yanesh Tyagi India 2782 Individual Presence http://yogendra.info/ Yogendra Singh Shekhawat India 2783 Individual Presence http://yssbrainrelease.blogspot.in/ Yogendra Singh Shekhawat India India 2784 Individual Presence https://gaurav-julka.appspot.com/ 2785 2788 2789 2790 2791 Individual Presence https://www.facebook.com/yogendra.s.shekha Yogendra Singh Shekhawat wat Information http://accidentalhindu.blogspot.in/ Hinduism Information Information http://acharyakishorekunal.blogspot.in/ Acharya Kishore Kunal, Bihar Mahavir Mandir Trust (BMMT) Information http://aduththaveedu.blogspot.in/ Tamil Hindu Information Information http://afghanhindu.wordpress.com/ Afghan Hindus Information http://afghanhindusandsikhs.yuku.com/ Hindus of Afaganistan Information http://agamahindu.com/hindus-in-indonesia/ Hindus in Indonesia 2792 2793 Information Information http://ajourneycalledfaith.blogspot.in/ A Journey Called Faith http://anamikas.hubpages.com/hub/Mantras- Mantras of Kubera - 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India India Spain India India India India Samudra Manthan – At Bangkok Airport Agnigarh, Tezpur Mt Arjuno Indonesia -The name Arjuno is Javanese rendition of Arjuna, a hero in Mahabharata http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayodhya_Prasad Ayodhya Prasad Sharma: Union Leader Kisan Sangh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaktapur#Durb Bhaktapur Durbar Square ar_Square http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmastra Brahmastra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandrashila Chandrashila, located at a height of about 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) in Garhwal above Tungnath http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dashavatara Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten Incarnations of Vishnu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devar_Dasimayy Devara Dasimayya - a famous mid a 10th century poet in Kannada Thailand India Nepal Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghatotkacha Ghatotkacha the son of Bhima http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman_Dhoka Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square Kathmandu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hari_Punja Businessman and Chairman of Hari 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India India India 2848 Information 2849 Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religions Hinduism Informtation _and_spiritual_traditions#Hinduism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Bromo Mt Bromo Temple 2850 2851 Information Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Meru http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavagadh Mount Meru Indonesia Champaner Pavagadh Fort & Temple India 2852 Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Chandra Baba Ram Chandra -Union Leader 2853 Information 2854 Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sangeeta_Niranja Sangeeta Niranjan :Indo-Fijian Fiji n businesswoman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivlal_Nagindas Shivlal Nagindas: Fijian businessman Fiji 2855 2856 2857 Information Information Information 2858 Information 2859 Information 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 Information Information Information Information Information 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 Information Information Information Information Information 2870 Information 2871 Information 2872 Information 2873 2874 Information Information 2875 2876 Information Information 2877 2878 Information Information 2879 Information 2880 2881 Information Information 2882 2883 Information Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Ram bhadracharya http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Hin duism http://ennapadampanchajanya.blogspot.com/ World Indonesia Fiji Soma : Vedic ritual drink Swastika Jagadguru Rambhadracharya India India India Hinduism World Ennapadam Panchajanya India http://ergobiologiblog.wordpress.com/ http://fijipundit.blogspot.in/ http://garudainfo.blogspot.in/ http://garudauk.wordpress.com/ http://gkamesh.wordpress.com/tag/swamigovindananda/ http://gyanaknowledge.wordpress.com/ http://harekrishnacollection.blogspot.in/ http://harerama.tripod.com/ http://harismruti.blogspot.com/ http://harivayustuti.wordpress.com/ Articles on Ergonomics, Bali Fiji Pundit Garuda Information Garuda Information Tirtha 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Samhati http://hindusofsindh.wordpress.com/ Rakesh Lakhani's Indigenous Sindhis site http://hindutva-articles.blogspot.com/ Hindu Infromation http://hindu-verein-stuttgart.com/ Hindus in Germany -Thiruvizha2011 India India USA India India India India India Germany USA India India India India Pakistan India Germany 2884 2885 Information Information http://hproychoudhury.hubpages.com/ http://ideas.repec.org/e/pna133.html 2886 2887 2888 Information Information Information http://indiagoodmorning.wordpress.com/ http://indianhindupriests.tripod.com/ http://indowave.tripod.com/ 2889 Information 2890 2891 Information Information http://indrus.in/articles/2011/05/18/it_was_ka rma_playing_rama_russian_actor_12535.htm l http://insearchofsita.blogspot.com/? http://iskcongurus.wordpress.com/ 2892 2893 Information Information 2894 Information 2895 Information 2896 H P Roychoudhury Paresh Kumar Narayan : Fijian working in Australia News and Hindu Articles Pandit Om Shukla Shastri Hinduism & India based Information India Fiji Gennady Pechnikov - Ramayan Actor Russia India USA USA In Search of Sita - Rina Tripathi Hare Krishna Guru Database: Gaudiya Vaishnavism http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/ Indian Culture & History http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2010/09/1 Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam – Adi 8/kanchi-kamakoti-peetam-adi-sankaras-last- Sankara’s last and sarvagnya Peetam and-sarvagnya-peetam/ http://jayasreesaranathan.wordpress.com/ Ban on Hindu symbols – Talibanistic diktat of Ramnad Collector http://jnanananda.blogspot.in/ Jnana Ananada - Hindu Information India Italy Information http://kattar-hindu.blogspot.in/2013/01/list-of- Muslim girls who married Hindu muslim-girls-who-ran-and.html Boys India 2897 2898 Information Information India India 2899 Information 2900 2901 2902 Information Information Information http://keralam.kairaly.net/ Kerla Hindu Informations http://kirtimukha.com/Krishnaswamy/Rama/s Shatrughna, Rama,s Brother hatrughna.htm http://kiwipundit.blogspot.in/ New Zealand Pundit -Thakur Ranjit Singh http://krishnagifts.net/ KrishnaGifts http://krishnarjun108.wordpress.com/ Hindu Information http://mahavgnan.wordpress.com/gallery/pilgr Samudra Manthan (Churning of the im-divine-places/samudra-manthan-churning- sea) – At Bangkok Airport of-the-sea-%E2%80%93-at-bangkok-airport/ 2903 2904 Information Information 2905 Information 2906 2907 Information Information 2908 2909 Information Information 2910 Information 2911 Information 2912 Information 2913 Information 2914 Information http://majalahhinduraditya.blogspot.in/ http://malaysiansmustknowthetruth.blogspot.i n/2010/07/penang-awards-datukship-tomount_10.html http://mission2019.questionpro.com India India India India New Zealand USA India Thailand Majalah Hindu Raditya Tamils M. Magendran and N. Mohandas- The first Malaysian to conquer Everest Chanakya International Foundation of North America http://mohitmisra.hubpages.com/ Hindu Information http://munnanmisra.blogspot.in/ Munindra (Munnan) Misra's Hindu Information http://mythology-hindu.blogspot.com/ Hindu Mythology http://nanavuhal.wordpress.com/2010/03/19/s Hindu Information (Tamil Web) aivaththil-saathi/ http://narayaneeyamtrans.blogspot.com/ Rama Narayana" translation of Narayaneeyam http://navdeepasija.blogspot.com/ Fazilka Rocks - Ram Lila Celebrations http://nyoman-budayadanfilosofi.blogspot.in/ Ra Majapahit Garuda Wisnu Candra Indonesia Malaysia http://omgayatri.com/AUm_O3m/Om_symbol OM Symbol _sound.html http://oracletalks.blogspot.in/ Hindu Information India USA India India India India India India Indonesia India 2915 2916 Information Information http://padasalgi.tripod.com/ http://panchamukha.blogspot.com/ Raghavendra.Padasalgi Sri Viswaroopa Panchamukha Hanuman Ashram Priest Pardeep Sharma Hindu Information 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Chitranjan Sawant,VSM http://vetham4u.blogspot.in/ Vetham -Hinduism Informtation (Tamil Web) http://vibhanshu.wordpress.com/ Hindu Information http://vibhanshu.wordpress.com/2009/01/22/s Sapta Rishi- This is where Indian apta-rishi-this-is-where-indian-and-greekand Greek Mythology met mythology-met/ http://vikramadhithya.blogspot.com/ Stories of Vikramadhithya http://vimaliswamy.wordpress.com/2010/02/2 Leadership – The Ramayana Way!! 8/leadership-the-ramayana-way/ http://vineetchander.blogspot.in/ Radha-Murlidhar Reunion Festival & other details http://visakeo.blogspot.in/ Vishwa Sambad Kendra, Orissa http://vivekajyoti.blogspot.com/ Viveka Jyoti http://vrindavana.wordpress.com/ Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP) http://walkingthefenceline.wordpress.com/ “Immortal College” 2969 Information http://walksatdawn.blogspot.in/ Anuradha Keshavi's Blog on Krishna UAE 2970 Information http://wikimapia.org/11835641/Kosi-Kalan Holy Palace of Braj India 2971 2972 2973 2974 Information Information Information Information http://wn.com/samudra_manthan http://wrww.pure-incense.com/ http://www.100monkeyz.com/ http://www.16rounds.com/ India New Zealand USA USA 2975 Information Samudra Manthan Agarbati Tirtha Dasa's Blog on Krishna Mahat Tattva Dasa;s Blog on Environment & Knowledge Yogi walks on Water 2976 Information http://www.16rounds.com/2014/02/yogiwalks-on-water/ http://www.aaari.info/2014communitiesa.htm Asian American Communities 2977 2978 Information Information 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 Information Information Information Information Information Information 2985 2986 Information Information 2987 Information http://www.aakashtravelusa.com/ http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adh erents.html http://www.adi-shankara.org/ http://www.advaita.org.uk/ http://www.advaita-academy.org/ http://www.advaita-space.org/ http://www.afghanhindu.com/shahis.asp http://www.afghanhindu.com/vedic.asp India India India India India India India India India India India USA India India Italy USA USA USA Aakash Travels USA Hinduism vis-à-vis other Religions USA World Nondualism Advaita Awareness of Advaita Vedanta Awareness of Advaita Vedanta Advaita Space Afghan Hindus Afghanistan and It's Vedic Culture India UK UK India USA Afghanistan http://www.afghanhindu.de.vu/ Hindus of Afaganistan http://www.agamayoga.com/workshops/kash Kashmir Shaivism mir.htm http://www.aiyernet.com/ Health Care Information Happiness for Body & Mind Afghanistan Thailand India 2988 2989 2990 Information Information Information http://www.ajati.com/ http://www.all-bali.com/religion.html http://www.allempires.com/forum/forum_post s.asp?TID=27976 http://www.allspiritual.com/Hinduism.php3 Advaita Quotes Balinese Hinduism The greatest Indian warrior India Indonesia India 2991 Information Hinduism Resources USA 2992 Information 2993 Information 2994 Information 2995 2996 2997 2998 Information Information Information Information 2999 3000 Information Information 3001 Information 3002 3003 3004 3005 Information Information Information Information 3006 Information http://www.baraha.com/ 3007 3008 Information Information http://www.bastwa.ewebsite.com/ http://www.bawabali.com/ 3009 Information 3010 Information 3011 Information 3012 Information 3013 3014 Information Information 3015 Information 3016 3017 Information Information 3018 Information Bastawa Royals Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hindui Hindu Information sm/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hindui BBC Guide to Hinduism sm/index.shtml http://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/ Hinduism Names hinduism http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Hinduism/ind Belief net Hinduism ex.aspx http://www.bhagavaddarsan.org/ ISKCON Newsmagazine in Telgu http://www.bhagavadgitausa.com.cnchost.co Hindu Information m/ http://www.bhagwanshradha.wordpress.com/ Sri Krishna Darshan & other Information http://www.bhakticollective.com/ Bhakti Collective http://www.bharathagnana.com/ Malaysia's oldest Hindu temple, the Sri Maha Mariamman temple http://www.bharatwisdom.com/ Basic Information on Indian Culture 3019 Information http://www.bhattar.com/ http://www.allwebhunt.com/dirHinduism: a brief overview wiki.cfm/Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituali ty/Hinduism http://www.amarguriro.com/ Amar Guuriro's Hindu Newsmagazine http://www.amazingbharat.com/ Hindu Pilgrimage & Information Mystery Behind the Seventh door of Shri Anantha Padmanabha swamy temple http://www.anand.to/india/shiva.html Lord Shiva http://www.anandway.com/ Road to Joy http://www.angkor-photo.com/ Angkor Phpto Festival http://www.arunachalfront.info/article.php?Ar Durga Vahini Shivir(VHP) ticleID=4585 http://www.arunshanbhag.com/ Hindu Dharma Information http://www.asilfur.com/video/vishnu+dashava Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten tar/ Incarnations of Vishnu http://www.atlantadunia.com/dunia/News09/ Learning Hindu Cultural & Spiritual N455.htm Values http://www.backtogodhead.com/ Krishna Seva http://www.baliculturegov.com/ Bali Hindu Culture http://www.baliheaven.com/ Vishnu Bali http://www.balipromotioncenter.com/2011/04 GVK to Build Bali & Java Airports /indian-investor-ready-to-establish.html Baraha - Indian Language Software Hinduism and Agama Shastras India Pakistan India Tonga India Cambodia India India India USA India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India India Indonesia India UK India India India USA India India Malaysia India India 3020 Information http://www.bhumiproject.org/ The Bhumi Project - World wide Hindu Project for Green Initiative Hinduism Information Celibacy & Krishna Consciousness UK 3021 3022 Information Information http://www.bnaiyer.com/ http://www.brahmacarya.info/ 3023 3024 3025 3026 Information Information Information Information http://www.brahmanas.org/ http://www.btg.krishna.com/ http://www.bulelengkab.go.id/ http://www.cambodialostandfound.com/welco mecambodia.php?id=15 http://www.canadaindian.com/ http://www.chanakya.com/purana-list.htm Brahmanas Networks Krishna Seva Bali Singamaharaja Palace Hinduism in Cambodia India India Indonesia Cambodia 3027 3028 Information Information Indian Community in Canada List of the 18 Puranas Canada India 3029 3030 3031 3032 Information Information Information Information 3034 Information http://www.ctdesi.com/connecticut-indian/ Chanakya International Pvt. Ltd Mr. Chandaramani Blog Mythological news Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten Incarnations of Vishnu Colorado India Temples & Cultural Events Connecticut Hindu Temles & News India India India India Information http://www.chanakya.in/ http://www.chandiramani.com/ http://www.chandrakantmarwadi.com/ http://www.chinmayakids.org/dashavatar/defa ult.asp http://www.coloradoindia.com/ 3033 3035 3036 Information Information http://www.cultureindia.net/ http://www.culturopedia.com/ India India 3037 3038 Information Information http://www.david.deltaflow.com/ http://www.demythic.com/Java.htm 3039 3040 Information Information 3041 Information Information Information 3044 Information 3045 Information http://www.dharmaveer.blogspot.com/ Hindu websites in Dutch and English) Dewanand Opinion Dharma Deen Alliance Hindu Girls priesthood Purposeful Living Essentials, Yoga and Ayurveda products DharamveerBlog dedicated to Sambhaji - the oldest son of Shivaji Netherland 3042 3043 http://www.deshgujarat.com/ http://www.desigram.com/Worship/GodsGoddesses/Vishnu.html http://www.dewanand.com/menuhindulinks.h tm http://www.dewanand.nl/ http://www.dharmadeen.com/2011/03/17/hind u-girls/ http://www.DharmaSmart.com/ Culture India Temple Architecture of India & Indian Culture Simple thoughts on Vedic Culture Java & Hindu Information, Art Gallay Gujarat Information Lord Vishnu 3046 Information http://www.dharmavidya.com/ Vedic Wisdom by Spiritual Life Dharam Vidya Hindu Information India 3047 Information http://www.dharmavidya.net/ Dharam Vidya Hindu Information India 3048 Information http://www.dharsanam.com/ India 3049 Information http://www.dollsofindia.com/ Dhivya Dharsanam Temples Information Dolls of India - Hindu Inforrmation 3050 Information 3051 3052 Information Information http://www.dollsofindia.com/read/ganesha.ht Dolls of India m http://www.dp999.wordpress.com/ Vedic & Ancient Information http://www.drkiranacharya.blogspot.com/ Dr kiran Acharya India USA USA USA UK India India India Netherland India USA India India USA India India 3053 Information http://www.dvaitavedanta.wordpress.com/ 3054 Information 3055 Information http://www.dwarkaparichay.com/slideshowd Dwakadheesh Darshan warkadarshan.htm http://www.eaisai.com/baba/docs/shivas.html LORD SHIVA 3056 3057 Information Information 3058 Information 3059 3060 3061 3062 Information Information Information Information 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 Information Information Information Information Information 3068 Information http://www.friesian.com/caste.htm http://www.fyreshaman.com/ http://www.ganapatioccult.com/ http://www.ganeshacafe.com/ http://www.ganeshbhandari.com/2011/11/mo unt-kailash/ http://www.gangesindia.wordpress.com/ 3069 3070 Information Information http://www.garudabazaar.net/ http://www.gatewayforindia.com/ 3071 Information http://www.gaudiya-repercussions.com/ 3072 3073 3074 Information Information Information http://www.gits4u.com/religion/siva.htm http://www.go2hindu.com/ http://www.greatramayana.com/ 3075 Information 3076 3077 Information Information http://www.gurusfeet.com/online-universaltemple http://www.gurutalks.com/ http://www.guruvsevil.com/ 3078 Information 3079 3080 Information Information 3081 3082 Information Information 3083 3084 3085 Information Information Information 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 http://www.equalsouls.org/ http://www.esamskriti.com/photodetail/Hindu-symbols-in-Thailand.aspx http://www.exoticindia.co.in/article/sadhanchatushtaya/ http://www.exoticindia.es/ http://www.facebook.com/shaivamorg http://www.facebook.com/Vaikhariorg http://www.francoisgautier.com/ Dvaita-the ultimate truth India India India Jewish & its relation to Hinduism Hindu Temples in Thailand Israel Thailand The Four-Fold Spiritual Wealth India The Four-Fold Spiritual Wealth Shaivam Vai K Hari Francois Gautier - French Journalist India India India India Caste System in Hinduism Garuda Information Hinduism Information Ganesha Cafe – Jimbaran, Bali Mount Kailash USA India India Indonesia Nepal Hinduism, a religion based on science Garuda Bazaar -Indian Products Hinmduism Scriptures and Information Gaudiya Vaishnava Repercussions India Lord Shiva Hindu Information Sites Great Ramayana Information by Vijay Mahajan Online Temple Darsan & saint Informations Guru Talks Guru vs Evil by Swami Ramcharran India India India http://www.guyana.org/cgibin/Directory/guydir.cgi?act=O http://www.hampi.in/ http://www.hari.ws/ USA India India USA India USA Guyana Information Information Hindus of Guyana and settled in other countries Hampi Heritage P.K.Hari Hara Subramanian Information Site on Hinduism http://www.haribol.nel/ Hari Bol, Netherland http://www.herballyyours.info/herbalAnanda – Clearing Negativity – Ramakrishnananda Herbal Resin products/ananda-clearing-negativityIncense ramakrishnananda-herbal-resin-incense/ http://www.hindshahid.com/ Hind Shahid http://www.hindu21.com/ hindus in 21st Century http://www.hindubatam.com/ The Hindu Universe Resources (Bahasa Indonesia) http://www.hindu-blog.com/ Hindu Blog http://www.hindudharamsabha.blogspot.com/ Hindu Dharam Sabha Information Information Information http://www.hindufuneralsofamerica.com/ http://www.hindugateway.com/ http://www.hinduhelpline.com/ USA India India Hindu Cremation Centre, NY Hindu Gateway Hindu Help Line India India Netherland India India USA Indonesia India India 3091 Information http://www.hinduholocaust.com/ 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 Information Information Information Information Information Information 3098 Information 3099 3100 Information Information Online Hindu Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www.hinduism.about.com/ The Hindu Universe Resources http://www.hinduismatoz.com/ The Hindu Universe Resources http://www.hinduismfacts.org/ Facts about Hindu Religion http://www.hinduism-guide.com// Details about 'Hinduism' http://www.hinduism-tree.blogspot.com/ Hinduism Past Present Future http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/5457.html Samudra Manthan - Bangkok Airport http://www.hindumythology.com/ Hindu mythology and others information http://www.hindunet.org/ The Hindu Universe Resources http://www.hindunusantara.blogspot.com/ Hindu Nusantara 3101 3102 3103 3104 Information Information Information Information http://www.hinduofuniverse.com/hou/ http://www.hinduperspective.com/ http://www.hindupriestinmelbourne.com/ http://www.hindusarise.com/ 3105 Information 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 India India India India India India Thailand India India Indonesia Pakistan UK Australia India Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Hinduism Information The Hindu perspective Priest Pardeep Sharma Preserve and Revive Hinduism Essentials of Hindutva http://www.hinduspiritualism.blogspot.com/ Spiritual Philosophy from Hindu Ancient Scriptures http://www.hindusutra.com/ Hinsu Sutra http://www.hinduvoice.net/ News Portal Prof GC Asnanai http://www.Hinduwebsite.com/ The Hindu Universe Resources http://www.hinduwebsiteforums.com/ Hinduwebsite Message Forums http://www.hinduwiki.com/ Hinduism Information http://www.hinduwisdom.info/ Hindu Wisdom Quots http://www.hinduworldvision.wordpress.com/ Hindu World Vision 3113 3114 Information Information http://www.houseofhiranandani.com/ http://www.indiadivine.org/ India India 3115 Information http://www.indiaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2137opposition-to-hindu-temples-in-the-west/ House of Hiranandani Sacred World of HinduismSudarshana Broadcasting Opposition To Hindu Temples In The West 3116 Information Temples, Yoga Informations USA 3117 3118 3119 Information Information Information Indian Mythology Read Ramayana in English The Ultimate Hinduism resource India India Australia 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 Information Information Information Information Information Information http://www.indianet.com/india_net_religious. htm http://www.indianmythology.com/ http://www.indianphilosophy.cc/ http://www.indiaoz.com.au/hinduism/index.sh tml http://www.indiayogi.com/ http://www.indif.com/ http://www.indolink.com/ http://www.inspiration-lifts.org/ http://www.insurat.com/God/ http://www.inuvilinfo.com/ India Yogi Devotional Bhajan Songs Hindu & India Information Sri Chinmoy’s Weightlifting Hindu Gods and Goddesses Hinduism Informtation (Tamil Web) India USA India USA India USA 3126 Information 3127 3128 Information Information 3129 Information 3130 Information http://www.isamaj.com/bhakti/deities/Ganesh Shri Ganesh Ji a.htm http://www.jahajeedesi.com/ Guyana Hindus Blog http://www.jaia-bharati.org/ International Forum for India's Heritage (French) http://www.jairamjiki.com/spritual_home.htm Divine Path l http://www.jananatyamanch.org/ Jana Natya Manch India India India India India India India Malaysia USA India Guyana France India India 3131 Information http://www.japaretreats.com/2010/10/mangal Auspicious Morning Meditations & a-arati-auspicious-morning-meditations/ Aarti & Japa India 3132 Information http://www.jayapangus-hindu.blogspot.com/ Indonesia 3133 3134 3135 Information Information Information http://www.jblstatue.com/hinduism.html http://www.jheel.org/ http://www.jstor.org/pss/206101 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 Information Information Information Information Information 3141 Information 3142 Information 3143 3144 Information Information 3145 Bali Hindu Blog USA India USA Information Hinduism, the Hidden Resource Jaipur Jheel Overseas Constructionof Hinduism at the nexus of History & Religion http://www.jyotirlinga.com/ Information on Jyotir Lingas http://www.kamasutra-sex.org/ Vatsayana - Kama Sutra http://www.kanchiforum.org/ Kanchi Forum http://www.karanayilmadom.org/ Karanayil Madom http://www.karmatalk.com/storefront.htm#Th Sri Chakra, Mantras, Bhajans eSriChakraYantra http://www.khandro.net/mysterious_garuda.ht Garuda Information m http://www.khojguru.com/delhi/shri-adhya- Shri Adhya Katyani Shakti Peeth katyani-shakti-peeth-mandir-temple-inMandir chattarpur-delhi_uwqmi http://www.kireetjoshiarchives.com/ Kireet Joshi Archives http://www.kishanmunroe.com/tuhe_Trinidad Carnival in Trinidada _photos.html http://www.koausa.org/shaivism/index.html Kashmir Shaivism 3146 Information http://www.krishna.vitebsk.by/wordpress/ ISKCON Russia Russia 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 Information Information Information Information Information Krishna Yoga China (Chinese) ISKCON Somogyvámos Hindu Festivals Information Light is Energy & God Lighting Deepam at Shiva Temples China Hungary India India India 3152 Information Vedic Wisdom India 3153 Information 3154 3155 Information Information http://www.krishna-yoga.org/ http://www.krisna-volgy.hu/ http://www.kuruppampady.com/ http://www.lightchannels.com/ http://www.lightingdeepamattemples.blogspot .com/ http://www.lokvani.com/lokvani/article.php?ar ticle_id=6757 http://www.lotussculpture.com/hinduvehicles. htm http://www.mahabharataonline.com/ http://www.mahavidya.ca/ 3156 Information 3157 Information 3158 Information 3159 3160 Information Information 3161 3162 Information Information Vimana (separate Carrier for each God) Mahabharat & Related Stories Mahavidya Resource for Hindu tradition http://www.manaskriti.com/kaavyaalaya/alph House of Hindi Potery a.html http://www.mandalayoga.net/indexThe OM Mantra - The sound of newsletter-en-mantra_om.html Primordial vibration http://www.mantraonnet.com/dashavatars-10- Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten incarnations-vishnu.html Incarnations of Vishnu http://www.messagefrommasters.com/ Messangers of Peace http://www.milkmiracle.com/ The Hindu Milk Miracle of September 21st 1995, August 21st 2006 http://www.mitalishantiniketan.com/ Mitali stays, Shantiniketan http://www.mondovista.com/abraham.html lAbraham - The Brahmin 3163 Information http://www.mondovista.com/noah.story.html Noah - From Vedic Flood Stories USA 3164 Information http://www.mountainzone.com/mountains/det Vishnu Temple Summit - Arizona ail.asp?fid=477145 Mountain Peak USA India India India India USA India India India Trinidad & Tobago India India India Canada India UK India India India India USA 3165 3166 Information Information http://www.mrv.net.in/ http://www.muruga.org/ M.R. Venkatesh Home page Shree Ganesh - SRI MURUGIAH Palani Padhayathirai Kulu India India 3167 3168 Information Information http://www.mycasteishindu.org/ http://www.myspace.com/swjyoti/blog Hindu Information Kailash Mansarovar Foundation's Blog UK India 3169 Information http://www.nadanam.com/g_dashavatar.htm 3170 Information 3171 Information 3172 3173 Information Information 3174 3175 Information Information 3176 3177 3178 Information Information Information 3179 3180 3181 Information Information Information 3182 Information 3183 3184 Information Information http://www.pandebali.com/culture/religion.html http://www.paradiseresortindia.com/ http://www.parasrajput.org/ 3185 3186 3187 Information Information Information http://www.parihara.com/ http://www.pariprashnena.com/ http://www.partitionofindia.com/ 3188 Information http://www.pathsofdevotion.com/hinduism/ 3189 Information http://www.phagwahparade.us/ 3190 3191 Information Information http://www.pratheep.com/ http://www.preventionofdisaster.org/ 3192 3193 3194 3195 Information Information Information Information http://www.prideofindia.net/ http://www.pskov-krishna.ucoz.com/ http://www.pujas.com/Hinduism.html http://www.pujaswami.com/ 3196 3197 3198 3199 Information Information Information Information 3200 Information Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten Incarnations of Vishnu http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_en Dashavtar g/dasavatar.html http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_en Lord Brahma's one day g/yuga.html http://www.nandanmenon.com/ The Sanatana Dharma http://www.nirvanausa.org/ The Nirvana Humanitarian Foundation http://www.nycreligion.info/?p=6430 Global Hinduism in Gotham http://www.nzindia.com/ Indian Community in New Zealand India http://www.omjai.org/Home http://www.ompalace.ca/ http://www.onelight.com/hec/targets/MtKalias h/ http://www.orderofsannyasa.org/ http://www.organicearrings.com/ http://www.pakistanhindupost.blogspot.com/ Hindu Scriptures & details OM Palace Kailash Details India Canada Tibet Community of The Mystic Heart GARUDA Organic Earrings Pakistan Hindu Post USA USA Pakistan Hindu Dharma & Balinese Indonesia Paradise Resort kumbakonam Paras Rajput's Hindu Information India India Parihara's Hinduism Information Pariprashnena! The 1947 Year of Partition (India & Pakistan) Hinduism & Science India USA India Italy India USA USA New Zealand USA HPFC Phagwah Parade, Pandit USA Ramlall Temple Album India Hindu Philosophy to preven Disaster India Pride of India ISKCON Russia Hinduism Information Quotations form the Puranas and Vedas http://www.radhakunda.com/ Radha Kund http://www.rajans.com.np/ Osho Blog by Rajan Thapaliya http://www.rajism.com/ King Raj - Prabhu Anand Data http://www.rakeshkadampanad.wordpress.co The Great Indian Hindu Saints m/2011/05/15/the-great-indian-hindu-saints/ http://www.ramayana-laos.com/ Italy Ramayana Hotels Laos India Russia USA USA India Nepal Guyana India Laos 3201 3202 3203 3204 Information Information Information Information http://www.rasbihari.com/ http://www.rathiraja.wordpress.com/ http://www.reclaimtheswastika.com/ http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/deities /vishnu.htm http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11840/mah arishi-hq-worlds-tallest-tower-planned-inindia Ras Bihari Product Hinduismm Imnformation Reclaim the swastika Hindu Religion India India World India 3205 Information 2222 Ft "Center of India Tower", also known as "Center of Vedic Science" - Maharishi HQ World's tallest tower planned in India India 3206 Information http://www.religiousindia.info/ Religious India and Hindu Temples India 3207 Information Canada 3208 Information 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 Information Information Information Information Information Information http://www.religioustolerance.org/hinduism.ht Tolerance by Hindu Religion m http://www.rishikesh.in/ Ashrams and other Spiritual Centers in Rishikesh http://www.ritualscience.com/ Ritual Science http://www.rmadhava.blogspot.com/ ISKCON Belfast http://www.rpatellawyers.com/ R Patel Lawyer http://www.rtbot.net/hindu_dharma Hindu Dharma http://www.rviswanathan.com/ Diplomat Shri R.Viswanathan http://www.sabarimalaaccomodation.com/ Ayappa Accomodation 3215 3216 3217 Information Information Information http://www.sadurana.com/ Sadurana Hindu Information http://www.saigan.com/ Indian Heritage http://www.sanatanadharmafoundation.com/ Sananata Dharma Foundation India India India 3218 Information http://www.sanatandharma.org/ India 3219 3220 3221 Information Information Information http://www.sangu.org/ http://www.sannyasa.com/ http://www.sanskritbook.com/ 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 Information Information Information Information Information http://www.saranagathi.org/ http://www.sastradana.com/ http://www.satgurujewels.in/ http://www.satyaitihas.wordpress.com/ http://www.satyasaibabayb.blogspot.com/ Sanatan Dharma - 3D Film Ancient Epic modern Way Tamil Information Centre Samarpan anand Sanskrit publishing company Bangkok Thailand Srivaishnavam site Sastra Dana Satguru Jewels Hindus Satyaitihas Blog Sathya Sai Baba 3227 3228 Information Information http://www.satyavidya.org/ http://www.seedtheworld.org/ Satya Vidya & Vedas Seed the World - Renu S. Malhotra 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 Information Information Information Information Information Information Information http://www.seerandtheseen.com/ http://www.seshukarthick.com/ http://www.shaivam.org/ http://www.shaivism.in/ http://www.shaivism.net/ http://www.shivashiva.com/ http://www.shreeswami.org/ 3236 3237 3238 3239 Information Information Information Information 3240 3241 Information Information Seer & the Seen Seshu Karthick The Shiva Universe Shaivism Kashmir Shaivism Shiva Information Shree Swami Samartha (Akkalkot Maharaj) http://www.sistla.org/ Sri Haridasa Devotional Lyrics http://www.spanish.swamiram.com/ Swami Ram Charran Site http://www.spiritualheritage.com/ Spiritual Heritage http://www.spiritualjourneys.net/hinduism.ht Hinduism m http://www.sreenivasaraos.com/ Srisukta http://www.srichinmoyraces.org/ The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team India USA Ireland Fiji India India India UK India Thailand India USA India India India India USA India India India India India India India Canada USA India India India USA 3242 3243 Information Information http://www.srichinmoy-reflections.com/ http://www.svabhinava.org/ Sri Chinmoy Reflections Svabhinava (including English & French Ph.D thesis on Bhairava) Swamiji Hindu Articles Tamil Information Centre Tamil Information Centre Indian Restaurant Hinduism, Kerala TemplesIndia The India n Eye News King Raj - Prabhu Anand Data Travelller Ramayana sites in Sri Lanka USA Italy 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information 3254 Information 3255 3256 Information Information http://www.swamiji.com/ http://www.swaveda.com/articles.php http://www.tamilinfo.co.za/ http://www.tamilinfo.org/ http://www.tandoorchina.cn/ http://www.temples.newkerala.com/ http://www.theindianeye.net/ http://www.thekingraj.com/ http://www.tirukovela.i8.com/ http://www.tourslanka.com/ramayana-srilanka.php http://www.trajasingh.com/useful-links/liveinternet-streaming-bjp/ http://www.tripathig.com/ http://www.trsiyengar.com/ USA Indonesia South Africa UK China India USA Guyana India Sri Lanka BJP Internet Streaming Links India Pilgrimage Information Sri Vaishnavam Practices & Angkor Temple Pilgrimage Diary The Rise of Hinduism India India 3257 3258 Information Information 3259 Information http://www.udinra.com/ http://www.ukessays.co.uk/essays/englishlanguage/the-rise-of-hinduism.php http://www.uluwatu.com/ 3260 Information http://www.universalshaivafellowship.org/ 3261 3262 3263 Information Information Information http://www.uttama-bhakti.org/ http://www.vaastu.co.za/ http://www.vagraharam.blogspot.com/ 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 Information Information Information Information Information Information Information 3271 3272 Information Information http://www.vaikhari.org/ http://www.vaisnavacalendar.info/ http://www.vamsadhara.blogspot.com/ http://www.vedacentr.ru/ http://www.vedic-arts.com/ http://www.vedicgiftshop.com/ http://www.vedicknowledge.com/totalknowledge-in-fulfilment-in-life/ http://www.vediclocation.com/ http://www.vedicpatra.com/ 3273 Information http://www.vibhanshudave.com/ 3274 3275 Information Information http://www.vidyasury.com/ VidyaSury, Going A-Musing http://www.vijaykumar.org/Hindu-Gods/Lord- Lord Vshnu Vishnu-Lord-Shiva-and-Lord-Krishna.html India India 3276 3277 3278 Information Information Information http://www.viramma.com/ http://www.viramma.in/ http://www.virtualreligion.net/vri/hindu.html Viramma Resort- Siliguri Viramma Resort- Siliguri Hindu Information India India India 3279 Information http://www.vishnutemplepress.com/ USA 3280 Information http://www.vishuji.org/ Vishnu Shrine - Grand Canyon and Colorado Plateau Spiritual Hindu Information India UK Eleven Demons Novel based on Bali Story Universal Shaiva Fellowship Kashmir Shaivism Uttama bhakti Vaastu -Shastra Vadapakka agraharam sivalayam renovation Kerala Hinduism Vaisnava Calendar Vamsadhara ISKCON Russia Vedic Arts Vedic Gift Shop Vedic Knowledge Indonesia Vedic Location Vedic Patra by Swami Ramcharran USA USA USA UK South Africa India India India India Russia India India World Foundation of Hindu BirthTree from India Shree Manu to Janmajay 10000BC to 2500BC by Vibhanshu Dave India 3281 Information 3282 3283 Information Information 3284 3285 Information Information 3286 3287 3288 Information Information Information 3289 Information 3290 Information 3291 Information 3292 Information 3293 Information 3294 Information 3295 Information 3296 Information 3297 Information 3298 3299 Information Information 3300 3301 3302 Information Information Information 3303 Information 3304 Information 3305 Information 3306 3307 3308 Information Information Japa 3309 3310 3311 Japa Japa Kids 3312 3313 3314 Kids Kids Kids http://www.visvacomplex.com/main.html Dr.S.Jayabarathi's Information on Hinduism http://www.vjsingh.info/hindu.html Hinduism http://www.vk.com/guruparampara Guru Paramapara by Guruparampara das http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/ Volcano Discovery http://www.vyasabharata.org/ Vyasabharata - Mahabharata study circle http://www.well.com/user/jct/ U. G. Krishnamurti http://www.www.westindianshop.com/ West Indian Shop - Puja Items http://www.youareinmaya.com/ You Are In Maya: Rocking Very Hard For Krishna by Yama Niyama Dasa Brahmachari http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&featur Barack Obama -A Hindu who Made e=endscreen&v=0_VNsX24Jeg American History http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FeWn8w Solomon becomes Hindu Preacher UWiI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zPw_BXf Namaste nRA&feature=endscreen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_reuMKp BBC The Story of the Swastika gow&list=PL731779F91F33CF26 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkAwQ3H World Religions: Hinduism qBac http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1CxTudE Hinduism welcomed in China TnY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NelhKAvD Anil Arora Arenja in Afghan Hindu pf8 Temple in Hamburg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRTpFSQ OM : The real Sound of Sun -b3U&feature=player_detailpage http://www.yuvashakti.org/ Yuvashakti and Himalayan Adventurers http://www.zvukived.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://wwwhariroychoudhuryyahoo.blogspot.c H P Roychoudhury om/ https://churumuri.wordpress.com/ Churumuri https://mygov.nic.in My Governemet https://pandavas.wordpress.com/ Srila Hridayananda Maharaja Finishes New Gita Translation! https://plus.google.com/10853004360012295 The rise of Internet Hindu 0853#108530043600122950853/about Malaysia https://spardha.wordpress.com/ India Nethrakere Udaya Shankara Information Site https://www.facebook.com/ChanakyasChakkr Chanakya's Chakkravyuh avyuh https://www.localcircles.com/ Local Circles https://www.twitter.com/shaivamorg Shavam http://www.giridhari.com/japa-an-outline-by- ‘Japa: An Outline’ By HG Ravindra hg-ravindra-svarupa-prabhu/ Svarupa Prabhu http://www.harekrishnajapa.com/ Hare Krishna Japa http://www.japagroup.com/ A Real Taste For Chanting http://fflv.blogspot.in/ Rupa's Vrindavan Diary -The latest news and needs from the FFLV children. http://gfs.iskcondesiretree.info/ Gopal’s Fun School http://gharsitamutu.wordpress.com/ Helping Kids http://gopal-soft-toys.com/ Gopal Soft Toys India Russia Indonesia India India USA USA USA Indonesia USA India India China Germany India India Russia India India India USA India India India India USA India World India India Nepal India 3315 3316 Kids Kids http://jahnavi.wordpress.com/ http://kanhaspreschool.blogspot.in/ The Little Conch India Carving the form of Lord Jagganath India 3317 3318 3319 Kids Kids Kids http://kids.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://krishnnaleela.wordpress.com/ http://littleganeshas.wordpress.com/ India India Russia 3320 Kids http://www.akshayapatra.org/ 3321 3322 Kids Kids http://www.balagokulam.org/ http://www.balsanskar.com/ ISKCON desire tree for Kids Krishna Leela Centre for Kids A Program for Kids in a Russian Children’s House The Akshaya Patra Foundation, Bangalore Activities For Kids Bal sanskar 3323 Kids http://www.balsanskar.com/english/ India 3324 3325 Kids Kids http://www.chinmayakids.org/ http://www.dimdima.com/ 3326 Kids 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http://www.vatsalyagram.org/ 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 Kids Kids Kids Kids Kids 3345 King http://www.vedicarts.net/ http://www.vedicquiz.com/ http://www.vimoh.com/ http://www.vmohanty.com/ https://www.sites.google.com/a/vimoh.com/w ww/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aji_Saka 3346 King 3347 King 3348 King 3349 King 3350 King India India India India India India India India India World India India USA USA World Radha Krishna Dolls of Love Mr. Vijay Jadhav (Founder of Samatol Foundation Param Shakti Peeth Vatsalya Gram USA India Vedic Arts Publications Vedic Quiz Vijayendra Mohanty Comics Vijayendra Mohanty Comics Vijayendra Mohanty Comics World India India India India King Aji Saka who started Saka calandar in Java http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hindu_ Hindu Monarchs monarchs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharanindravarm Hindu King Dharanindravarman II an_II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishnadevaraya Krishna Deva Raya, Vijayanagara Empire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_m List of Indian monarchs onarchs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_rulers_o Lists of rulers of India f_India India Indonesia Cambodia Cambodia India India India 3351 King http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maharana_Pratap Maharana Pratap, Mewar 3352 King 3353 3354 King King http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raja_Raja_Chola Raja Raja Chola I- the greatest India _I among the kings of the Tamil Chola Empire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivaji Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhosale India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suryavarman_II Hindu King Suryavarman II Cambodia 3355 King 3356 King 3357 King 3358 King 3359 King http://www.nepalroyal.com/the-royalfamily/king/ http://www.vedakarna.com/ 3360 King http://www.vedakarna.net/ 3361 3362 Kirtan Kirtan http://gaura-shakti.blogspot.com/ http://gdkm.swahainternational.org/ 3363 3364 Kirtan Kirtan http://kirtanbyron.org.au/ http://torontokirtancommunity.blogspot.in/ 3365 3366 3367 3368 Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan http://torontosankirtan.blogspot.in/ http://vrajavilasakirtan.blogspot.in/ http://wwsankirtan.blogspot.in/ http://www.24hourkirtan.com/ 3369 Kirtan 3370 Kirtan 3371 Kirtan 3372 Kirtan 3373 Kirtan 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan Kirtan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikram%C4%81 ditya http://www.facebook.com/pages/His-MajestyKing-Gyanendra-Bir-Bikram-ShahDev/15496008739 http://www.maharajajodhpur.com/ India King Vikramaditya India His Majesty King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev Nepal H H Maharaja Gaj Singh ji -The Maharaja of Jodhpur His Majesty King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev Dr. Shri I Gusti Ngurah Arya Wedakarna Mahendradatta Wedasteraputra Suyasa III Dr. Shri I Gusti Ngurah Arya Wedakarna Mahendradatta Wedasteraputra Suyasa III Gaura Shakti Kirtan Swaha Gyaan Deepak Kirtan Mandali Byron's Soul Kirtan Toronto Kirtan Community India Toronto -The Sankirtan Ride Vraja Vilasa Kirtan ISKCON Weekend Warriors Krishna-Balaram Mandir 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali http://www.24hourkirtan.fm/ 24/7 Maha Mantra Kirtan Mandali Internet Radio http://www.alachuakirtan.com/ Festival of the Holy Name :Kirtan Group http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B Hare Krishna Kirtan 000059TSA/govindasbookstor http://www.brij84.com/ Srila Narayana Maharaja Kirtan from Sri Vrndavan 1977 http://www.gopala.org/ Sri Sampradaya : Ekendra Dasa's blog :Real Renunciation http://www.jaiuttal.com/ Jai Uttal Kirtan http://www.kirtanevent.org/ Mantra Yoga http://www.kirtanevent.org/blog/ Mantra Yoga http://www.kirtanisourlifeandsoul.com/ Kirtan is Our Life and Soul http://www.kirtanisourlifeandsoul.com/newsle Kirtan is Our Life and Soul tters http://www.kirtanmandalis.net/ Kirtan Mandalis http://www.kirtans.blogspot.in/ Kirtan in Oxford http://www.kksongs.org/ Krsna Kirtana Songs http://www.madhavas.com/ Madhava's Sankirtan Rockband http://www.mantralogy.com/ Mantralogy http://www.pranafest.org/ Prana Fest http://www.sankirtan.com/ SanKirtan China(Chinese) Nepal Indonesia Indonesia Canada Trinidad & Tobago Australia Canada Canada India India India India USA USA India USA USA Netherland Netherland World World India UK New zealand India USA USA China 3386 Kirtan http://www.swaha.ca/ Meenakshi & Ron Reid Kirtan Video Canada 3387 3388 Kirtan Kirtan http://www.worldholyname.com/ http://www.worldprayerandkirtanday.com/ World Holy Name Week World Prayer and Kirtan day USA Brazil 3389 3390 Kirtan Kirtan http://www.yogaofkirtan.com/ https://www.facebook.com/KirtanMandalis Yoga Kirtan Kirtan Mandalis USA India 3391 Kirtan https://www.facebook.com/swahagdkm 3392 Kirtan 3393 Trinidad & Tobago Kirtan Swaha Gyaan Deepak Kirtan Mandali https://www.facebook.com/vrajavilasakirtan.v Vraja Vilasa Kirtan vk https://www.soundcloud.com/amalakirtan Amala Kirtan Das 3394 Leader http://amitabh-bachchan--blog.blogspot.in/ India 3395 Leader http://blog.lkadvani.in/blog-in-english/hindu- Shri LK Advani Blog -Hindu influence-in-indonesia influence in Indonesia India 3396 Leader Germany 3397 Leader 3398 Leader 3399 Leader 3400 Leader 3401 Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Bose_Pfaff Anita Bose Pfaff Daughetr of Subhash Chandra Bose (born in Austria) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Besant Annie Besant - Hindu Leader - Born UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bankim_Chandra Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay _Chattopadhyay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Cambod Cambodian Hindus ian_Hindus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deendayal_Upad Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya hyaya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devant_Maharaj Devant Maharaj, Minister Trinidad & Tobago 3402 Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rajanzed.jpg Hindu leader, Rajan Zed USA 3403 Leader Fiji 3404 Leader 3405 Leader 3406 Leader 3407 Leader 3408 Leader 3409 Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jai_Ram_Reddy Mr. Jai Ram Reddy, Leader of the National Federation Party http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamlesh_Kumar Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji _Arya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanaiyalal_Mane Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshi klal_Munshi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moti_Tikaram Sir Moti Tikaram- judge of the Supreme Court of Fiji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nainendra_Nand Nainendra Nand : Solicitor-General of Fiji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanaji_Deshmuk Nanaji Deshmukh (Chandikadas h Amritrao Deshmukh) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._C._Sorcar,_Jr. P.C. Sorcar Jr - Indian Magician 3410 Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._Parameswaran P. Parameswaran, Kerala India 3411 Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raghava_Reddy Shri G. Raghava Reddy international president of the Hindu organization Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) India Amitabh Bachchan Blog India USA India India Cambodia India Fiji India Fiji Fiji India India 3412 Leader 3413 Leader 3414 Leader 3415 Leader 3416 Leader 3417 Leader 3418 3419 Leader Leader 3420 Leader 3421 Leader 3422 Leader 3423 Leader 3424 Leader 3425 Leader 3426 Leader 3427 Leader 3428 Leader 3429 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Sardjoe Shri Ramdien Sardjoe - Vice President of Suriname from 2005 to 2010. from Progressive Reform Party (Suriname) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raman_Singh Shri Raman Singh: Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramsewak_Shan Shri Ramsewak Shankar - 4th kar President of Suriname from 1988 to 1990 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rana_Bhagwand Justice (Retired) Rana Bhagwandas as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rana_Chandra_S Rana Chandra Singh, Umerkot ingh (Amarkot) Sodha Dynasty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reepu_Daman_P former Agricultural minister of ersaud Guyana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rishi_Ram Rishi Ram: Diplomat and Lawyer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satya_Nandan Satya Nandan : Diplomat and Lawyer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikaripura_Ran Shikaripura Ranganatha Rao ganatha_Rao Marine Archaelogist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shri_Krishna_Sh Shri Krishna Sharma :Arya Samaj arma preacher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shyamji_Krishna Shyamji Krishna Varma _Varma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subramanian_Sw Subramanian Swamy amy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surujrattan_Ram Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan, Foreign bachan Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Deputy political leader of the United National Congress Party (UNC) Suriname Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee India Totaram Sanadhya Fiji Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syama_Prasad_ Mookerjee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totaram_Sanadh ya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vallabhbhai_Pate l http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinayak_Damod ar_Savarkar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu_Deo 3430 Leader http://gpalanivel.com.my/ 3431 3432 Leader Leader 3433 Leader 3434 Leader 3435 3436 3437 Leader Leader Leader 3438 Leader http://harnauth.tripod.com/sewfamily http://iaoj.wordpress.com/communityconnection/ http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_490_200412-23.html http://members.iinet.net.au/~royalty/ips/a/ama rkot.html http://mohandaskgandhi.tumblr.com/ http://narendramodi-gujarat.blogspot.in/ http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirmala_Ramboc us http://savarkarsmarak.com/ India Suriname Pakistan Pakistan Guyana Fiji Fiji India Fiji India India Trinidad & Tobago Sardar Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel India Vinayak Damodar Savarkar India Pandit Vishnu Deo - the first Fiji born Hindu Leader in Fiji Datuk Seri G. Palanivel Minister & 8 th President of the Malaysian Indian Congress Great Maraj Family Tree Justice (Retired) Rana Bhagwandas Fiji Mr Sellapan Ramanathan , President of Singapore Rana Hameer Singh, Umerkot (Amarkot) Sodha Dynasty Mahatma Gandhi Shri Narendra Modi, PM of India Nirmala Rambocus, MP Netherland Parliament Swatantryaveer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Singapore Malaysia Guyana Pakistan Pakistan India India Suriname India 3439 3440 3441 Leader Leader Leader http://srbachchan.tumblr.com/ http://swamy39.blogspot.in/ http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Nisha -Desai-Biswal 3442 Leader 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader 3449 3450 Leader Leader 3451 3452 3453 Leader Leader Leader http://www.14gaam.com/history-of-sardarvallabhbhai-patel.htm http://www.ananth.org http://www.annahazare.org/ http://www.arunjaitley.com/ http://www.arunjaitley.com/en http://www.atalbiharivajpayee.in/ http://www.biography.com/people/vs-naipaul40515 http://www.chirag-mehta.com/ http://www.culturalindia.net/leaders/sardarvallabhbhai-patel.html http://www.deendayalupadhyaya.org/ http://www.drmmjoshi.in/ http://www.drsyamaprasadmookerjee.org/ 3454 Leader 3455 Leader 3456 Leader 3457 Leader 3458 3459 3460 Leader Leader Leader 3461 Leader 3462 Leader 3463 Leader 3464 Leader 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 Amitabh Bachchan Blog Dr. Subramanian Swamy Nisha Desai Biswal, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs History of Sardar Vallabhbhai patel India India USA Shri Ananath kumar Anna Hazare - Social Leader Shri Arun Jaitley Shri Arun Jaitly Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul India India India India India Trinidad & Tobago Shri Narendra Modi Biography Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel India India India Shree Deendayal Upadhayaya Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/200 HE Dr. Anil Sooklal 9_2014/documents/dza/dv/sooklal_sa_ambassad/sooklal_sa_amba ssador.pdf http://www.facebook.com/togadia Dr Pravin Togadia, International Secretary General of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) http://www.gandhianpeace.com/ Gandhi International Institute for Peace http://www.gandhifoundation.net/ Mahatma Gandhi - Life, Work & Philosophy http://www.gandhi-manibhavan.org/ Gandhi Manibhavan http://www.generalvksingh.info/ General Vijay Kumar Singh http://www.golwalkarguruji.org/ Shri Madhavrao Sadashivrao Golwalkar - Ex RSS Chief http://www.golwalkarguruji.org/shri-guruji- Smriti-Mandir: The Multifaceted Genius of Shri Guruji nations-seer/shri-guruji-biography/smritimandir http://www.harley.com/people/mohandasInteresting People Mohandas Gandhi gandhi.html http://www.hinduhistory.info/bankimBankim Chandra Chatterjee chandra-chatterjee-1838-1894/ http://www.hindujagroup.com/hindujaParmanand Deepchand Hinduja, group/default.html Founder, Hinduja Group (19011971) Shikarpur (Sind) - Mumbai 1914 - Iran 1919- Europe 1979 India India India Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader http://www.jaygoyal.com/ http://www.jhaverchandmeghani.com/ http://www.jhaverchandmeghani.org/ http://www.kishanreddy.com/ http://www.kishanreddy.org/ http://www.lkadvani.in http://www.lkadvani.in/eng/ USA India India India India India India Leader http://www.mahatma.org.in/ Jay Goyal State Representative Shri Jhaverchand Meghani Shri Jhaverchand Meghani Shri Kishanreddy Shri Kishanreddy Shri LK Advani Shri LK Advani, Former Deputy Prime Minister of India Mahatma Gandhi South Africa India USA India India India India India India India India India 3473 Leader http://www.missionnetaji.net/ 3474 Leader http://www.missionnetaji.org/ 3475 Leader http://www.mkgandhi.org/ 3476 Leader http://www.namobrigade.in/ 3477 3478 3479 3480 Leader Leader Leader Leader http://www.narayanamaharaja.com/ http://www.narendramodi.in/ http://www.naveenjindal.com/ http://www.netajibosemysteryrevealed.org/ 3481 3482 Leader Leader 3483 3484 Leader Leader 3485 3486 3487 3488 Leader Leader Leader Leader 3489 3490 3491 Leader Leader Leader 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 Mission Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Mission Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Mahatma Gandhi - Life, Work & Philosophy Shri Narendra Modi Youth Brigade India India India India Sri Narayana Maharaja Shri Narendra Modi, PM of India Shri Naveen Jindal Netaji Subash Chandra Bose – Mystery Revealed by Dr Suresh Padhye http://www.nitingadkari.org/ Shri Nitin Gadkari http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literat Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul ure/laureates/2001/naipaul-bibl.html http://www.pcsorcarjr.com/ P.C. Sorcar Jr - Indian Magician http://www.prafullgoradia.com/ "The Saffron Book" by Prafull Goradia, former member of Parliament http://www.rahulmehta.com/ Rahul Mehta http://www.rajanzed.com/ Razan Zed http://www.rajnathsingh.in Shri Raj Nath Singh http://www.royalfamilyofindia.com/amarkot/ Rana Hameer Singh, 26th and present Rana Saheb of Amarkot http://www.satpalmaharaj.com/ Satpal Maharaj http://www.savarkar.org/ Vinayak Damodar Savarkar http://www.shivrajsinghchouhan.in/ Shri Shiv Raj Singh Chauhan, CM India India India India Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader http://www.shivrajsinghchouhan.org/ http://www.shyamaprasad.org/ http://www.subhaschandrabose.org/ http://www.suryakantmahadik.com/ http://www.tarun-vijay.blogspot.com/ http://www.trajasingh.com/usefullinks/official-twitter-handles-of-bjp-leaders/ India India India India India India 3498 Leader http://www.trinihindu.faithweb.com/ 3499 Leader 3500 3501 3502 3503 Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Sri Suryakant Mahadik Tarun Vijay Official Twitter Handles of BJP Leaders India Trinidad & Tobago India India USA USA India Pakistan India India India Pandit Bhadase Maharaj - Hindu Information http://www.ttparliament.org/members.php?mi Pundit Maniedeo Persad Senator. d=26&pid=6&id=MPE01 Also Trinidad and Tobago's High Commissioner to the Republic of India. Trinidad & Tobago Leader Leader Leader Leader http://www.vasundhararaje.in/ http://www.vijaygoel.in http://www.yogiadityanath.in/ http://www.youtube.com/user/narendramodi Vasundhara Raje CM Rajashan Shri Vijay Goel Yogi Adityanath Gorakhpur mp Narendra Modi India India India India 3504 Leader https://www.facebook.com/ChouhanShivraj Shivraj Singh Chauhan India 3505 Leader 3506 Leader https://www.facebook.com/drramansingh.offi DR Raman Singh cial https://www.facebook.com/drsubramaniansw Subramanian Swamy amy Trinidad & Tobago India India 3507 Leader https://www.facebook.com/IFollowNamo? 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Kishan Reddy – State President – AP Meenakashi Lekhi Manohar Parrikar 3536 3537 3538 3539 Leader Leader Leader Leader https://www.twitter.com/narendramodi https://www.twitter.com/nsitharaman https://www.twitter.com/Nvssprabhakar1 https://www.twitter.com/PiyushGoyalBJP Narendra Modi Nirmala Sitharaman NVSS Prabhakar Piyush Goyal India India India India 3540 Leader https://www.twitter.com/PMuralidharRao P. Muralidhar Rao India 3541 Leader https://www.twitter.com/Pon_bjp Pon Radhakrishnan – State President, BJP Tamilnadu India India India India India India India India India India India Pakistan India India India 3542 Leader https://www.twitter.com/poonam_mahajan Poonam Mahajan India 3543 Leader https://www.twitter.com/PrakashJavdekar Prakash Javadekar India 3544 3545 Leader Leader https://www.twitter.com/sanjay_kaul https://www.twitter.com/SarojPandeyBJP Sanjay Kaul Saroj Pandey India India 3546 3547 Leader Leader https://www.twitter.com/smritiirani https://www.twitter.com/SudhanshuTrived Smriti Z Irani Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi India India 3548 3549 Leader Leader https://www.twitter.com/SushilModi https://www.twitter.com/SushmaSwarajbjp Sushil Modi Sushma Swaraj India India 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader- Eastern Hindu https://www.twitter.com/swamy39 https://www.twitter.com/Tarunvijay https://www.twitter.com/tathagata2 https://www.twitter.com/umasribharti https://www.twitter.com/v_shrivsatish https://www.twitter.com/vanityparty https://www.twitter.com/VarshabenDoshi https://www.twitter.com/varungandhi80 https://www.twitter.com/VasundharaBJP https://www.twitter.com/VijayGoelBJP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gajah_Mada 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 Leader- Eastern Hindu Subramanian Swamy Tarun Vijay Tathagata Roy – BJP Kolkatta Uma Bharti V Satish Vani Tripathi Varshaben Doshi MLA Varun Gandhi Vasundhara Raje Vijay Goel Gajah Mada, Elephant General of Majapahit Empire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedong_Bagus_ Gedong Bagus Oka Oka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Gusti_Ngurah_ Freedom Fighter Lt Col. 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Sang Nyoman m_content&task=view&id=1660&Itemid=12 Suwisma 0 http://www.parisada.org/index.php?option=co I Nyoman Suwandha m_content&task=view&id=1699&Itemid=12 0 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia 3576 3577 Leader- Eastern Hindu Leader Speech http://www.sandhi-murti.org/ Dr. I Gusti Agung Ngurah Harta Indonesia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subhas_Chandra _Bose http://www.indiavideo.org/text/speeches-ofgandhi-at-second-round-table-conference139.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wUcw8U fx_Y Subhas Chandra Bose India 3578 Leader Speech Speech of Gandhi at Second Round Table India 3579 Leader Speech 3580 Leader Speech 3581 3582 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4oTR1dc uvU http://atmaprajnananda.blogspot.in/ 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://bcswami.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamiarticles.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamidaily.blogspot.com/ http://bcswamidaily.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamidisciplesarticles.blogspot.in/ 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://bcswamigbc.blogspot.com/ http://bcswamigbc.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamigbcguru.blogspot.com/ http://bcswamigbcguru.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamiprojects.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamirecent.blogspot.in/ 3594 3595 3596 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://bcswamiseminars.blogspot.in/ http://bcswamivideo.blogspot.in/ http://bgnswami.weebly.com/ 3597 Leader- Spiritual 3598 Leader- Spiritual 3599 Leader- Spiritual 3600 Leader- Spiritual 3601 Leader- Spiritual 3602 Leader- Spiritual http://bhakticharuswamipreaching.blogspot.co Bhakti Charu Swami -Videos .uk/ http://bhaktivedanta-narayanaBhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja maharaja.softalizer.com/ http://biographysrilagourgovindaswami.org/ Devotional Life of Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja http://brahmalok.wordpress.com/tag/avadhoot Shivyog by Avadhoot Baba -baba-shivanand/ Shivanand http://devaneiosdegovinda.blogspot.com.br/ Devotional Life of Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adi_Shankara Adi Shankara 3603 Leader- Spiritual http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhadase_Maraj 3604 Leader- Spiritual 3605 Leader- Spiritual 3606 Leader- Spiritual 3607 Leader- Spiritual http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaktisiddhanta_ Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Sarasvati_Thakura Thakur Prabhupad -spiritual master of A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitanya_Mahapr Chaitanya Mahaprabhu abhu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keshub_Chunder Keshub Chunder Sen -Brahmo _Sen Samaj Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maharishi_Mahes Maharishi Mahesh Yogi h_Yogi Tryst with Destiny by Jawahar Lal India Nehru, First Prime Minister of India Historical Speech of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Swami Ramakrishnanada Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati Founder Acarya Arsha Vidya Vikas Kendra Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami - Disciples Articles H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami Bhakti Charu Swami News,Lectures,Photo Bhakti Charu Swami -Seminars Bhakti Charu Swami -Videos H.H. 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Cmmemorating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham Good Thoughts by Pujay Sudhanshuji Maharaj Bhakti Charu Swami Yugacharya SriSri Pranavananda Brahmachari Hindu Culture -SatGuru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi Bhakti Charu Swami Shrimat Jagatguru Sankaracharya India India Fiji Ireland India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Norway India 3637 Leader- Spiritual http://ramsss.com/bhakti/spiritual-masters/ Spiritual Masters 3638 Leader- Spiritual 3639 3640 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://rupanugaacaryabhaktivedantanarayan.b Rupanuga Acarya Sri Srimad logspot.com/ Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja http://saibabaofindia.wordpress.com/ Sri Sathya Sai of India http://sangalog.blogspot.in/ Letters written by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada 3641 Leader- Spiritual 3642 3643 3644 3645 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://satyamyoga.com/adishankaracharya.ht m http://shankarapath.blogspot.in/ http://shanmuganayagam.wordpress.com/ http://shmus.sit.ac.in/ http://shree-kripaluji-maharaj.blogspot.com/ 3646 Leader- Spiritual http://ssyogi.hubpages.com/ 3647 Leader- Spiritual http://sudhanshujimaharaj.blogspot.in/ 3648 Leader- Spiritual http://swamichinmayananda.jnanajyoti.com/ 3649 3650 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3651 3652 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://swamivivekananda.jnanajyoti.com/ http://swamivivekanandaquotesgarden.blogsp ot.com/ http://vaisnava-acaryas.blogspot.in/ http://vishwajagruitimission.blogspot.in/ 3653 Leader- Spiritual 3654 3655 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3656 3657 World India India India Sri Adi Shankaracharya India Shankara Path A spiritual seeker's journey Sree Siddaganga Math Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj India Sri Lanka India Nepal Siva Vision -Spititual input by Shri SS Pillai (SS Yogi), Kerala Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj Swami Chinmayananda India Swami Vivekananda Jnan Jyoti Swami Vivekananda Quotes on Tantra Vaisnava Acaryas Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj http://vishwananda4mauritius.wordpress.com/ Bhakti Marga Maritius - Gurudev Sri Swami Vishwananda http://vivekananda-gospel.tripod.com/ Swami Vivekanand http://www.abhaycharan.com/ His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada India India Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.adisankara.org/ http://www.advaitin.net/ India India 3658 Leader- Spiritual http://www.afn.org/~centennl/centhome.htm 3659 Leader- Spiritual 3660 3661 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.ajna.com/greatthinkers/yogananda/ http://www.akcbali.org/ http://www.akcjoglosemar.org/ Adi Shankara Bhagavadpada Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya The Celebration of The A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Century Paramahansa Yogananda Anand Krishna Centre Bali Anand Krishna Centre Joglosemar Indonesia Indonesia 3662 Leader- Spiritual http://www.amma.org.sg/ Singapore 3663 3664 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.amma.org.uk/ http://www.amma.org/ 3665 Leader- Spiritual http://www.ammachi.org/ 3666 Leader- Spiritual http://www.amritapuri.org/ 3667 Leader- Spiritual http://www.amritavarsham.org/ 3668 Leader- Spiritual http://www.anandashram.asia/ Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (AMMA) Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Mata Amritanandamayi Devi Sansatha Mata Amritanandamayi Devi Sansatha Mata Amritanandamayi Devi Sansatha Mata Amritanandamayi Math Amritavarsham Anand Ashram Asia India India India India Mauritius India India USA India UK USA India India India Indonesia 3669 3670 3671 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.anandashram.or.id/ http://www.anandkrishna.org/ http://www.anandkrishnacooperation.org/ Ananad Ashram Bali Anand Krishna’s Writings Anand Krishna Global Coopration Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia 3672 3673 3674 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.anandswami.org/ http://www.angajan.com/ http://www.anjubhargava.com/ India South Africa USA 3675 Leader- Spiritual http://www.arjanvekaria.com/ 3676 Leader- Spiritual http://www.artofliving.org/ Dr Anand Swamy Shri MK Angajan Anju Bhargava -Vedanat Teacher, worked at White House Dharma Rakshak Sri Arjan bhai Verkaria Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Art Of Living 3677 3678 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.arunachala-ramana.org/ http://www.aumkar.org/ 3679 Leader- Spiritual http://www.auronepal.net/ 3680 3681 3682 3683 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.bcsistagosthi.com/ http://www.bcskirtan.com/ http://www.bcsquotes.com/ http://www.bcsveda.com/ 3684 3685 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3686 Leader- Spiritual 3687 Leader- Spiritual 3688 3689 3690 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3691 UK India Sri Ramana Maharshi India Ananad Krishna - Spiritual Activist Indonesia & Author Sri Aurobindo Yoga Mandir (Nepal) Nepal India India India India Leader- Spiritual H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami - Veda Foundation Ujjain http://www.bcswami.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami http://www.bcswamiabhaycharan.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Abhaya Charan http://www.bcswamidevoteenetwork.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Devotee Network http://www.belurmath.org/ Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Belur http://www.bhagavan-ramana.org/ Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi http://www.bhakticharuswami.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami http://www.bhakticharuswamiglorification.co H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami m/ http://www.bhakticharuswamilectures.co.in/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami 3692 Leader- Spiritual http://www.bhakticharuswamimedia.co.in/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami India 3693 3694 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.bhakticharuswamiphoto.in/ http://www.bhakticharuswamiphotos.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Photos India India 3695 Leader- Spiritual http://www.bhakticharuswamivideos.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami India 3696 Leader- Spiritual http://www.bhaktispot.com/ India 3697 Leader- Spiritual http://www.bhaktiyogaschool.com/ 3698 Leader- Spiritual http://www.bharatavarsa.net/ 3699 3700 3701 3702 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.bkinfo.in/ http://www.bksiyengar.com/ http://www.booksindonesia.com/id/ http://www.bsdsbliss.com/ Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day Bhakti Yoga School :Srila Narayana Maharaja Page Inspiring preachings by His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami Brahmakumaris Mt Abu Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar Anand Krishna’s Writings His Holiness Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami Maharaj, Manipur India India India India India India India India USA UK India India Indonesia India 3703 Leader- Spiritual http://www.bvml.org/SBNM/tcasotbp.htm The Charm and Superiority of the Bhagavata-parampara :Srila Narayana Maharaja Page India 3704 3705 3706 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Devamrita Swami Dharam Bhakti - Swami Narayan Morari Bapu India India India 3707 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3714 3715 3716 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.gurudevan.info/ http://www.guruji.it/videoyogananda.htm http://www.guruvakyam.org/ 3717 3718 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.hariomlive.org/ http://www.harishjohari.net/ Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj Baba Ramdev Sai Baba Founder Acharya ISKCON Srila Narayana Maharaja Page Gopal Krishna Goswami His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja Sree Narayana Guru Paramahansa Yogananda The Spiritual Teacher-The Spiritual Teacher Saint Asharam Bapu Yoga & Ayurveda by Harish Johari India 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 http://www.devaswami.com/ http://www.dharmabhakti.org/ http://www.facebook.com/moraribapu#!/phot o.php?fbid=10150754528969472&set=a.101 50657278564472.396147.17758874471&typ e=1&theater http://www.facebook.com/pages/SudhanshuJi-Maharaj/142982139063640 http://www.facebook.com/swami.ramdev http://www.forum.spiritualindia.org/ http://www.founderacarya.com/ http://www.gopaljiu.com/namahatta.html http://www.gopalkrishna.com/ http://www.gourgovindaswami.org/ 3719 Leader- Spiritual http://www.harishjohari.org/ Yoga & Ayurveda by Harish Johari Netherland 3720 3721 3722 3723 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3725 Leader- Spiritual http://www.jagadgurushankaracharya.org/ 3726 3727 3728 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3729 Leader- Spiritual http://www.jaishreegurudev.com http://www.jkyog.org/ http://www.junctionkerala.com/SreeNarayana-Guru/ http://www.kosi.co/ Swami Sivananda H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Morari Bapu Katha Quotes Sri Chinmoy Spiritual leader and peace activist Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Ji Shri Tulsi Peeth Seva Nyas Swami Shree Swaroopananda Saraswati ji H.H Swami Ganesh Dutta Shukla Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog Sree Narayana Guru India India India USA 3724 http://www.hartzion.com/ http://www.hhbhakticharuswami.com/ http://www.iiramii.net/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituarie s/sri-chinmoy-397043.html http://www.jagadgururambhadracharya.org/ The Legacy of Ramana Maharshi and Sri Amma Karunamayi India 3730 Leader- Spiritual http://www.krishnadasswami.com/ India 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.krishnadharma.com/ http://www.lokanathmaharaj.info/ http://www.lokanathswami.com/ http://www.lokanathswami.ru/ http://www.lokanathswamibooks.com/ 3736 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamidisciples.com/ 3737 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamiiskcon.info/ His Holiness Krishna Das Swami Maharaj Krishna Dharma das Loknath Swami Maharaj Lokanath Swami Loknath Swami Maharaj His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Boooks His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Disciples His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Lectures India India India India India India India Italy Lithuania India Netherland India India South Africa USA India India India India Russia India India India 3738 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamikirtans.com/ 3739 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamiofferings.com/ 3740 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamiphotos.com/ 3741 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamiprojects.info/ 3742 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamiquotes.com/ 3743 Leader- Spiritual http://www.lokanathswamivideos.com/ 3744 Leader- Spiritual http://www.madhupanditdasa.info/ 3745 3746 3747 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.maharajji.com/ http://www.maharishi.org/ http://www.mahavishnugosvami.com/ 3748 Leader- Spiritual 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3754 Leader- Spiritual 3755 Leader- Spiritual 3756 Leader- Spiritual 3757 Leader- Spiritual 3758 Leader- Spiritual 3759 Leader- Spiritual 3760 Leader- Spiritual 3761 3762 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3763 His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Kirtans His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Vyasa-Puja Offering His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Photos His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Projects His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj Sri Mahu Pandit Dasa, Banagalore India India India India India India India India USA India Leader- Spiritual Sri Neem Karoli Baba -Maharajji Maharishi Mahesh Yogi His Holiness Mahavishnu Gosvami Maharaj http://www.mercifulsripada.com/ Srimad Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami Srila Sripada http://www.moraribapu.org/ Morari Bapu http://www.mothermeeradarshan.org/ Mother Meera Darshan http://www.motherservice.org/ Mother's Service Society http://www.mygurudev.com/ Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah http://www.neemkarolibaba.com/ Neeb Karori Baba Mandir and Ashram http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/ Hindu Leadership Hindu_leadership http://www.nirvanaschoolofyoga.com/ Chant the Divine Mantrarajs: Nityananda & Gauranga http://www.oberf.org/ss_yogi_obe.htm Siva Vision -Spititual input by Shri SS Pillai (SS Yogi), Kerala http://www.omkarsadhanaashram.org/history/ His Holiness Swami Madhav Tirthji his-holiness-swami-madhav-tirthji/ http://www.onenessindia.co.in/ Sri Amma Sri Bhagavan Oneness Foundaion http://www.onenessuniversity.org/ Sri Amma Sri Bhagavan Oneness Foundaion http://www.osho.com/ Osho International Foundation Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh http://www.paramhansa-yogananda.com/ Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.pathofthemother.com/ Mata Amritanandamayi Devi Sansatha http://www.pearlsofwisdom.srirangapriya.net/ H H Sri Rangapriya Maha Desikan 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.prabhupadaconnect.com/ http://www.prabhupadadesh.com/ http://www.prabhupadamemories.com/ http://www.prabhupadavillage.com/ http://www.prabhupadbhavan.cz/ The Prabhupada Connection Srila Prabhupada Desh Srila Prabhupada Village Srila Prabhupada Memories Srila Prabhupada Bhavan India Italy USA USA The Czech Republic 3769 3770 3771 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.prahlad.org/ http://www.prem-rawat-bio.org/ http://www.purimaharaj.com/ Sri Prahlad Chandra Brahmachari Prem Rawat Maharaji Damodara Dasa -Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaj, Puri India India India India India USA India India India India India India India India USA India India India India 3772 Leader- Spiritual http://www.rajivmalhotra.com/ Spiritual Leader & Author - Shri Rajiv Malhotra Works of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda Ramdev Yoga Tips 3773 Leader- Spiritual http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/ 3774 Leader- Spiritual http://www.ramdevyogatips.blogspot.com/ 3775 Leader- Spiritual 3776 3777 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual India India 3778 Leader- Spiritual http://www.religiousportal.com/Kanchipuram. Sri Sankaracharya Kanchi html http://www.sadhguru.org/ Isha Foundation http://www.sadhuvaswani.org/ Dada J.P. Vaswani -Sadhu Vaswani Mission http://www.sahajayoga.org/ Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahaja Yoga 3779 3780 3781 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.s-a-i.info/ http://www.saisathyasai.com/ http://www.saiva-sithantha-sungum.org/ India India South Africa 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3788 Leader- Spiritual 3789 Leader- Spiritual 3790 Leader- Spiritual 3791 Leader- Spiritual 3792 Leader- Spiritual 3793 3794 3795 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3796 3797 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3798 Leader- Spiritual 3799 3800 3801 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3802 3803 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3804 Leader- Spiritual 3805 Leader- Spiritual Sri Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Baba Saiva Sithantha Sungum - His Holiness Bramha Sri Siva Subramoney Guruswamigal http://www.sankaracharya.org/ Sri Sankaracharya http://www.saradadevi.org/ Sri Sarada Devi http://www.satabhishekam.in/ Swami Dayananda Saraswati http://www.sathyasai.org/ Shri Satya Sai Baba http://www.sathya-sai-baba.org/ Sathya Sai Baba http://www.satramana.org/ Sri Ramana Maharshi -The Society of Abidance in Truth http://www.sevamrta.com/ Sevamrta is a Srila Gour Govinda Swami resource http://www.sggsarchives.org/ HDG Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja http://www.sggsmsbali.com/ HDG Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja http://www.shrigurudevji.com/ Shankaracharya Swami Brahmanand Saraswati http://www.shriramsharma.com/ Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya Gayatri Pariwar http://www.simplymerciful.com/ Simple Merciful Gurus http://www.sivanandadlshq.org/ Sri Swami Sivananda http://www.sivavision.com/ Siva Vision -Spititual input by Shri SS Pillai (SS Yogi), Kerala http://www.speakingtree.in/anilantony His Holiness Shri Dattaswami http://www.speakingtree.in/sridharkaranam/bl Sridhar Karanam's Blog on og Hinduism http://www.sptributes.com/ Srila Prabhupada Tributes 2012 book http://www.sreenarayana.com/ Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham http://www.sriaurobindoashram.info/ Sri Aurobindo Ashram http://www.sriaurobindosociety.org.in/ Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research (SAIIIHR) http://www.srichinmoybio.co.uk/ Biography of Sri Chinmoy http://www.srigurucaranapadma.com/ Sri Guru Carana Padama - Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja http://www.sriharidasniwas.org/ His Holiness Sri Sri Haridas Shastri Maharaj ji Vrindvan http://www.srikanchimahaswami100.org/ Head of the Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam USA India India India India India South Africa India India India USA India India Indonesia India India India India India India India India India India India USA India India India 3806 Leader- Spiritual 3807 Leader- Spiritual http://www.srilabhaktisiddhantasarasvatithak Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Gosvami India uraprabhupada.com/ Maharaja Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Gosvami Maharaja http://www.srilagourgovind.com/ Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja India 3808 Leader- Spiritual http://www.srilagourgovindaswami.org/ 3809 Leader- Spiritual 3810 Leader- Spiritual 3811 3812 3813 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3814 His Divine Grace Srila Gour Govinda Swami http://www.SrilaGourGovindaSwamiArchives. HDG Srila Gour Govinda Swami org/ Maharaja http://www.srilagurudevasamadhi.com/ Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja Samadhi http://www.srilanarayanmaharaja.com/ Srila Narayan Maharaja http://www.srilaprabhupada.com/ Srila Prabhu Pada http://www.srilaprabhupada.us/ His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada India Leader- Spiritual http://www.srilatrivikramamaharaja.com/ India 3815 Leader- Spiritual http://www.srimadhupandit.blogspot.com/ 3816 Leader- Spiritual http://www.srimath.org/ 3817 Leader- Spiritual http://www.sriramakrishnarpanam.blogspot.c RK Mission celebtatres 150th Birth India om/ Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda 3818 3819 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/ http://www.srirangapriya.net/ 3820 Leader- Spiritual 3821 3822 3823 3824 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3825 3826 3827 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3828 Leader- Spiritual 3829 Srila Bhaktivedanta Trivikrama Maharaja Sri Mahu Pandit Dasa, Banagalore India India India India India India Jagadguru Shankaracharya India Mahasamsthanam – Shree Samsthana Gokarna -Shree Ramachandrapura Math, Hosanagar India India Leader- Spiritual Shri Ramana Maharshi HH Sri Sri Rangapriya Maha Desikan http://www.srisaradamath.org/ Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Kolkata http://www.srisri.org/ Sri Sri Ravishankar http://www.srisriravishankar.info/ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar http://www.srisriravishankar.org/ Sri Sri Ravishankar http://www.srividya.org/Srividya/Svtsweb/app Sri Chaitanyananda Natha s/aiyaMenu.php Saraswathi (Aiya) http://www.ssso.net/ Sri Sathya Sai Baba http://www.starsai.net/ Shirdi Saibaba http://www.stephenBiographies of Vaishnava Sages and knapp.com/biographies_of_vaishnava_sages_ Saints and_saints.htm http://www.studio12.si/duhovnost/raznoPogovori: Swami Nirliptananda duhovnost/209-pogovori-swaminirliptananda.html http://www.subhagmaharaj.com/ His Holiness Subhag Swami Maharaj 3830 Leader- Spiritual http://www.subuddhi.blogspot.in/ India 3831 Leader- Spiritual 3832 Leader- Spiritual 3833 Leader- Spiritual 3834 Leader- Spiritual Pearls of Wisdom - Subuddhi Krishna Das http://www.sudhanshujimaharaj.net/ Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj http://www.sv150.org/ Swami Vivekanada 150th Anniversary Celebrations http://www.swaminarayan.org/pramukhswam Pramukh Swami Maharaj i/ http://www.swamiram.com/ Swami Ram Charran India India India India India India India India UK India India India India USA 3835 Leader- Spiritual http://www.swamiramakrishnananda.com/ Swami Ramakrishnananda USA 3836 Leader- Spiritual http://www.swamisamarth.com/ India 3837 3838 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual http://www.tagoreweb.in/ http://www.tdsingh.org/ 3839 3840 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Akkalkot Niwasi Shree Swami Samarth Rabindranath Tagore The T. D. Singh Foundation, Manipur Holy Name Retreat Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji Maharaj India India 3841 Leader- Spiritual 3842 3843 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3844 3845 3846 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3847 Leader- Spiritual http://www.theholynameretreat.net/ http://www.totalbhakti.com/avdhoot-babashivanand.php http://www.tvdhoom.com/story/4006/lordSrila Narayana Maharaja speaks on rama/srila-narayana-maharaja-speaks-on-lord- Lord Rama - Hindi rama-hindi.html http://www.ubud.anandashram.asia/ Anand Ashram Ubud http://www.udeps.com/Vivekananda.html Swami Vivekananda Speech in 1893 in chicago http://www.vishvarupa.com/ Sri Sathya Sai http://www.vivekananda.net/ Swami Vivekananda http://www.vivekananda.org/ Vivekananda Vedanta Network Boston http://www.vivekananda.org/index2.asp Vivekananda Foundation Home Page 3848 Leader- Spiritual http://www.vivekananda150jayanti.org/ India 3849 3850 3851 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3858 Leader- Spiritual 3859 Leader- Spiritual 3860 Leader- Spiritual Swami Vivekanada 150th Anniversary Celebrations http://www.vivekanandagospel.org/ Vivekananda's Views http://www.vivekanandakendra.org/ Swami Vivekanada http://www.vjm.hk/ Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj http://www.vkendra.org/ Swami Vivekanada http://www.yogagururamdev.com/ Baba Ramdev http://www.yogananda.com.au/ Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.yogananda.com.br/ Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.yogananda.net/ Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.yogavision.net/ Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga http://www.youtube.com/user/swamiprobudd Swami Probuddhananda Puri hananda http://www.youtube.com/user/swamiprobudd Swami Probuddhananda Puri hananda?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88gNGiUn Prabhupada The Person The UQA Illuminati Don't Want You To Hear!! 3861 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual Illuminati Fear Or Illuminated By Prabhupada? Srila Prabhupada - Intimate Details on Life of Srila Prabhupada USA 3862 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gDUpS3egI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbVEBef0z 6U 3863 Leader- Spiritual Leader- Spiritual 3865 Leader- Spiritual 3866 Leader- Spiritual The Original Hare Krishna Movement Under Prabhupada Prabhupada:Rare Color Film:London 1973:W/ Geo The Original Hare Krishna Movement Under Prabhupada Brij Mohan Das Ayodhya France 3864 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIX5JUy2G8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGinLEyd2 Mk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u23ch1byf PM https://www.facebook.com/brijmohan.das.92 3867 Leader- Spiritual https://www.facebook.com/devamrita.swami Devamrita Swami India India India India Indonesia India India India USA USA India India Hong Kong India India Australia Brazil USA India India India USA USA UK India India 3868 Leader- Spiritual 3869 Leader- Spiritual 3870 Leader- Spiritual 3871 Leader- Spiritual 3872 Leader- Spiritual 3873 Leader- Spiritual 3874 Leader- Spiritual 3875 Leader- Spiritual 3876 Leader- Spiritual 3877 Leader- Spiritual Eastern Hindu Leader- Spiritual Eastern Hindu Leader- Spiritual Eastern Hindu Leader- Spiritual Eastern Hindu Leader- Spiritual Eastern Hindu 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 3886 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 3887 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 3888 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 3889 3890 3891 https://www.facebook.com/HgMadhavaPrabh uJi https://www.facebook.com/HHKrishnaDasSw ami/info https://www.facebook.com/MomentOfCalm HG Madhava Prabhu (Madhava Naidoo)'s Kirtan His Holiness Krishna Das Swami Maharaj Dada J.P. Vaswani -Sadhu Vaswani Mission https://www.facebook.com/pages/%C5%A0ri- Sri Gurudev Sri Prakash ji Gurud%C4%97v-%C5%A0riPraka%C5%A1D%C5%BEi/111206352318627 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shri-Nritya- Shri Nritya Gopal Das Ji Ayodhya Gopal-Das-Ji/198318230350616?ref=stream Mauritius India India Lithuania India https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sri-SriSwami-Avimukteshwaranand-SaraswatiJI/252736068084075 https://www.facebook.com/people/Ram-VilasVedanti/100004419634217 https://www.facebook.com/yogini.shambhavi Sri Sri Swami Avimukteshwaranand India Saraswati JI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dFWl7b zhRI http://ashrammunivara.blogspot.in/p/life-ofmarkandeya-markandeya-great.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketut_Wiana What is Dharma by Jay Lakhani UK (Born Kenya) The Life of Guru Markandeya, Java Indonesia & bali Ketut Wiana Indonesia http://mpuprema.blogspot.in/ Ida Pandita Mpu Jaya Prema Ananda Indonesia Dr.Ram Vilas Vedanti, Ex MP, Ayodhya Yogini Shambhavi (Born in Guwahati, Assam in a Sikh Family) http://www.idapedandagunung.com/ Sosok Ida Pedanda Gede Made Gunung Ida Pedanda Gde Ketut Se bali http://www.tirtabhuana.org/13-tokohTianyar Arimbawa Dharma hindu/126-ida-pedanda-gede-ketut-sebaliAdhyaksa tianyar-arimbawa.html http://anandakapilagraduateteachers.weebly.c Swami Anandakapila Saraswati (Dr om/ Jonn Mumford) http://bhaktianandascollectedworks.wordpress Collected Works of Sri Bhakti .com/ Ananda Goswami http://bhaktibhusana-swami.com.ar/ Srila Bhakti-bhusana Swami Maharaja http://biharyoga.net/world-yogaDr Mark Dyczkowski -BHU convention/wyc-speaker-dr-mark-dyczkowski/ India USA Indonesia Indonesia Australia USA Argentina UK Brazil Demian Martins and his transalation work in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh :Siddhanta-darpana http://blip.tv/mydearfriend/07-01-2010Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture By HH India srimad-bhagavatam-lecture-by-hh-jayadwaita- Jayadwaita Swami swami-3075969 http://brijabasi.blogspot.in/ HG Padmalochan Das UK http://bkdemian.blogspot.in/ http://cantthinksmall.com/ Radhanath Swami Creation USA http://diary.gurumaharaj.net/ Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Swami Maharaj Richard Clarke -Follower of Ramana Marharshi USA http://en.gravatar.com/richardclarke India 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_Rampuri Baba Rampuri USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Frawley Pandit Vamadeva Shastri USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daya_Mata Sri Daya Mata USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deva_Premal Deva Premal Mantra Meditaion Germany http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_Blavatsky Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Russian) Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hridayananda_D Srila Hridayananda Maharaja asa_Goswami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indradyumna_Sw HH Indradyumna Swami ami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriyananda Swami Kriyananada USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malati_Dasi H G Malati Dasi USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajarsi_Janakana nda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_L._Tho mpson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Shaw_B rown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacinandana_Sw ami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satguru_Sivaya_ Subramuniyaswami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satsvarupa_dasa_ Goswami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaunaka_Rishi_ Das Rajarsi Janakananda (James Jesse Lynn) HH Sadaputa Dasa USA http://gosai.com/ashrama/swami-bb-vishnu His Holiness B. B. Vishnu Maharaja USA http://holylandindia.blogspot.in/ Holy Places in India by Ms. Maral India http://iskcon.net.au/sannyasaministry Sannyasa Ministry -The ISKCON Sannyasa Minister - Prahladananda Swami Australia H H Richard Shaw Brown (Hrisikesh) HH Sacinandana Swami Sivaya Subramuniyaswami - Hindu Leader HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswam USA USA USA USA Germany USA USA Shaunaka Rishi Das, Director of the UK Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sivaya_Subramu Sivaya Subramuniyaswami USA niyaswami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swami_Ghanana Swami Ghanananda (Ghana) Ghana nda_(Ghana) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swami_Nikhilana Swami Nikhilanand USA nd http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swami_Yoganan Swami Yogananda Giri Italy da_Giri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urmila_Devi_Das Her Grace Srimati Urmila devi dasi UK i http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Walker_ Yogi Ramacharaka (William Walker USA Atkinson Atkinson) http://gaura-nitaidas.blogspot.in/ Truth and Beauty Through Bhakti - India Gaura-Nitai das http://girirajswami.wordpress.com/ Giriraj Swami classes in Portuguese Portugal 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://iskconleaders.com/krishna-kshetraprabhu/ http://iskconleaders.com/sadaputa-prabhu/ ISKCON Leaders -His Grace Srila Krishna Kshetra Prabhu Vedic Cosmography & Astronomy by His Grace Sadaputa Prabhu (Richard L. Thompson) USA Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://jaswami.blogspot.in/ HH Jayadvaita Swami India http://krishna.org/author/visakha-devi-dasi/ Visakha Devi Dasi The Czech Republic http://krishna.org/george-harrison-johnlennon-and-yoko-ono-from-the-beatles-talkwith-srila-prabhupada-mp3-audio/ http://krishnamonk.blogspot.in/ George Harrison USA Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk -Krishna-kripa Das Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP) India India http://mariawirthblog.wordpress.com/ Gouranga-Epistle Of Love by Ms. Maral Hindu Leader - Maria Wirth http://nirantarablog.blogspot.in/ Nirantara Däsa Blog India http://nirantaraschedule.blogspot.in/ Nirantara Däsa Shedule USA http://nrs.iskconboston.org/ His Holiness Niranjana Swami USA http://padmalochan.wordpress.com/ HG Padmalochan Das UK http://prairieyoga.org/articles/dr-davidfrawley-reuniting-yoga-and-ayurveda/ http://premabhakti.blogspot.com/ USA Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) : Reuniting Yoga and Ayurveda Prema Bhakti by Suvasa Dasa Brazil http://radhanathswami.blogspot.in/ HH Radhanath Swami USA http://radhanathswamidownloads.com/ HH Radhanath Swami USA http://radhanathswamiradio.com/ Radhanath Swami Radio USA http://radhanathswamiyatras.com/ Radhanath Swami Yatra USA Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://manonatha.blogspot.com/ http://maral-alim.blogspot.in/ http://radhashyamasundar.com/2/post/2012/0 ISKCON Swaziland with Jagat Guru Prabhu & Savyasaci Prabhu 5/in-the-news-meditation-catching-on-inswaziland.html http://sadhvibhagawati.blogspot.in/ Dr. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Parmath Niketan http://seedofdevotion.blogspot.in/ Seed of Devotion -HH Radhanath Swami http://sites.google.com/site/isvaraacademy/ma Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP) nonatha-dasa http://sites.google.com/site/isvaraacademyblog HH Manonatha Dasa, Italy USA Italy Germany Swaziland USA India Italy Italy http://siva-mandir.wix.com/baba-nataraja Swami Baba Nataraja -Shiv Worship USA http://spiritual-revolutionary.com/ His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari USA 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://stephenknapp.wordpress.com/ USA http://urmila.me.uk/ Leader and Author of books on "Vedic Culture" Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati Svaroopa Yoga Founder The Walking Monk -HH Bhaktimarga Swami Her Grace Srimati Urmila devi dasi http://vedicambassador.wordpress.com/ Why I love Hinduism -Maria Wirth Germany Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://vidyabhusanaproject.blogspot.com/ Vidyabhusana Project Brazil http://vishnujanaswami.blogspot.in/ USA http://www.amalbhakta.com/ Vishnujana Swami Kirtans forever to establish Krishna Consciousness in the world Jamari Williams Hinduism Information Book Distribution with Vaisesika Prabhu in Los Angeles U.S.A. HH Tamal Krishna Goswami's Appearance Day Amal Bhakta, Saint & Author http://www.ashram.de/ Sri Durgamayi Ma Ashram Germany http://www.ashramgita.com/ Svami Gitananda Ashram Italy http://www.babaji-haus-graz.net/ Babaji Hauz Graz -Haidakhandi Samaj Sankarshan Das Adhikari Teaching Back to Home The Ultimate Self-Realization Courses -Sankarshan Das Adhikari Austria http://svaroopavidyaashram.blog.com/ http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.in/ Canada UK http://vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries.wordpress Vedic Archeological Discoveries's USA .com/ Weblog & News by Stephen Knapp Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://williamsjamarihum8.blogspot.in/ Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.bddswami.com/ Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu USA http://www.7thgoswami.com/ http://www.acharyadeva.com/ http://www.backtohome.com/ http://www.backtohome.com/hinduism/ Ghana USA USA USA USA USA http://www.bhaktiraghavaswami.com/ His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodar Nigeria Swami His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami Canada http://www.bhurijanadasa.com/ H.G. Bhurijana Prabhu USA http://www.blogger.com/profile/08956476914 Balabhadra Das (William E. Dove) , USA 184793775 SCOWP President/Director, Chayadevi (Irene M. Dove) http://www.blogger.com/profile/13980257934 Satyavati Devi Dasi 310271457 http://www.btswami.com/ HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Krishnapada http://www.bvks.com/ His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami http://www.bvmadhavaswami.com/ USA USA UK Bhakti Vishrambha Madhava Swami USA 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.celestialsongs.com/ Celestial Songs by Sankarshan das USA http://www.celibatemonk.com/ http://www.cmswami.net/ Celibate Monk -Radhanath Swami’s India Radhagopinath Ashram Candramauli Swami USA http://www.consciousmanager.com/radhanatha_swami_hsbc.html Radhanath Swami in address in HSBC UK http://www.danavirgoswami.com/ http://www.devapremalmiten.com/ Danavir Goswami -Rupanuga Vedic USA College Deva Premal Mantra Meditaion Germany http://www.dhanesvaradas.com/ Dhaneswara Das UK USA http://www.dharmacentral.com/acharyaji.php Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.) http://www.dharmasatsang.org/ Sanatana Dharma Satsang by Satyabhama/Margalo AshleyFarrand http://www.edoandjo.com/ Kirtan and Yoga Retreat with Edo & Jo http://www.eepurl.com/bHvM9 Sankarshan Das Adhikari Teaching Back to Home http://www.ekalavyadas.com/ Ekalavya Das's Kirtan USA http://www.ekendradasa.com/ Ekendra Dasa' Kirtan USA http://www.e-sanga.org/ ISKCON Leaders USA http://www.gitananda-yoga.it/ Swami Yogananda Giri -Italian Federation Gitananda Yoga, Gopiparanadhana Dasa Italy http://www.gopiparanadhanaprabhu.com/ http://www.gosai.com/ashrama/swami-bbvishnu http://www.goswami.ru/ USA Australia Russia USA USA His Holiness B. B. Vishnu Maharaja USA http://www.gpswami.org/ Studio ES Bhakti Vijnana Goswami Russia Maharaja HH Guru Prasad Swami Spain http://www.gunagrahidasgoswami.org/ Gunagrahi Das Goswami Spain http://www.gurumaharaj.net/ Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti USA http://www.gurumaharajdiary.blogspot.com/ Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Swami Maharaj Jaya Pataka Swami Guru Vakya USA India His Holiness Aindra Prabhu USA Swami Ghanananda Swaraswati Hindu monastery in Accra HG Chaitanya Chandra Charan Prabhu -Harinam Kirtan at Omsk City Ghana http://www.guruvakya.com/ http://www.harmonist.us/2010/07/thepassing-of-aindra-prabhu-2/ http://www.hinducouncilafrica.org/Ghana/swa mi-ghananand-saraswati.html http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/video/harina m-kirtan-by-hg-chaitanya-chandra-charanprabhu-at-omsk-ci-1 Russia 3996 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/video/video/li Her Grace Yamuna devi dasi stTagged?tag=HG+Yamuna+Devi+Dasi USA 3997 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.iswara.org/ HH Manonatha Dasa, Italy Italy http://www.itsohappened.com/ HH Radhanath Swami USA http://www.jayapatakaswami.com.ar/ Srila Jayapataka Swami Australia http://www.jayapatakaswami.com/ HH Jaya Pataka Swami USA 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 4018 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 4019 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 4020 4021 http://www.jeffreyarmstrong.com/articles/mad Difference is Real’ Madhva’s Dvaita USA hvas-dvaita-vedanta-or-distinctive-realism Vedanta or Distinctive Realism http://www.jonnmumfordconsult.com/ http://www.jpsdisciples.com/ http://www.jpsoffice.info/ http://www.jpsvani.com/ Swami Anandakapila Saraswati (Dr Australia Jonn Mumford) Connecting disciples of His Holiness India Jayapataka Swami Jaya Pataka Swami Live stream India India http://www.jswami.info/ His Holiness Jaya Pataka Swami Maharaj Sri Mayapur HH Jayadvaita Swami http://www.kimwatersart.net/ Bhajans by Kim Waters USA http://www.kirtan.org/ H H Vaiyasaki Das's - RadhaDamodar Vilasa http://www.kirtanisourlifeandsoul.com/2010/0 His Holiness Aindra Prabhu 7/the-passing-of-aindra-prabhu/ http://www.kirtanisourlifeandsoul.com/2013/0 His Holiness Janananda Gosvami 6/janananda-maharaj/ http://www.kkddisciples.info/ ISKCON Leaders -His Grace Srila Krishna Kshetra Prabhu http://www.kksblog.com/ His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami http://www.kkswami.com/ H H Kadamba Kanana Maharaja USA USA USA USA USA Netherland Germany http://www.kripalu.org/presenter/V0000031/s Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati wami_nirmalananda_saraswati (Rama Berch) http://www.krishnamagic.com/ Yamuna Devi and her beautiful Sri Sri Radha Banabehari http://www.krishnayoga.info/ Hare Krishna Yoga and Meditation by Radhanath Swami http://www.krsnaconsciousness.org/ Louis Theroux - Indian Gurus Hare Krishna Guru Jayapataka Swami, Mayapur http://www.kundaliniresearchproject.net/ Kundalini Research Project Foundation :Swami Mounamurti Saraswati http://www.lakshyayoga.blogspot.in/ Lakshya Yoga USA http://www.lakshyayoga.com/ Lakshya Yoga USA http://www.leadershipandspirituality.com/ Radhanath Swami | Leadership and Spirituality India Canada India USA Australia USA 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.mahatmadas.com/ Mahatma Das USA http://www.mahatmawisdom.com/ Mahatma Das's Articles USA http://www.manmohan.de/ Germany http://www.meetup.com/GayatriTempleBeaverton-OR/ Man Mohan Schamane :Haidakhandi Samaj Dr Mark Dyczkowski -Narad Ghat Kashi UP India Michael Cremo "Drutakarma Dasa" a Vedic creationist The Beaverton Hinduism/Gayatri Temple Meetup Group Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.miracleonsecondavenue.org/ HH Mukunda Goswami USA http://www.mnsbooks.com/ HH Maha Nidhi Swami USA http://www.mukundagoswami.com/ HH Mukunda Goswami Sanga USA http://www.myspiritualmaster.com/ HH Radhanath Swami on changing destiny Baba Rampuri India USA http://www.niranjanaswami.com/ H Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja Retreat His Holiness Niranjana Swami USA http://www.niranjanaswami.net/ His Holiness Niranjana Swami USA http://www.niranjanaswami.org/ His Holiness Niranjana Swami USA http://www.nirantara.com/ HH Nirantara Dasa's home on the web HH Radhanath Swami Service USA Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.markdkashi.com/ http://www.mcremo.com/ http://www.nagababarampuri.com/ http://www.neworleansretreat.com/ http://www.nitaigaurdesh.com/ India USA USA USA India http://www.oneiskcon.com/ Sri Daya Mata was President of Self- USA Realization Fellowship from 1955 to 2010 :The Sweet Love of Paramahansa Yogananda Raya Nitai Dasa Vanacari USA http://www.pandavas.wordpress.com/ Srila Hridayananda Maharaja http://www.ompage.net/ USA http://www.patheos.com/blogs/drishtikone/20 Kwesi Anamoah, national president Ghana 13/09/hinduism-growing-in-africa-withoutof the African Hindu Temple proselytizing/ http://www.prahladanandaswami.com/ His Holiness Prahladananda Swami USA http://www.purelands.co.uk/john-richardson- HH Jayadev Dasa (John Richardson) UK jayadev/ http://www.rachelzinmanyoga.com/ Rachel Zinman Yoga South Africa http://www.radhanath.com/ His Holiness Radhanath Swami USA http://www.radhanathswami.co.uk/ His Holiness Radhanath Swami UK 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu http://www.radhanathswami.co/ His Holiness Radhanath Swami http://www.radhanathswami.com/ Radhanath Swami Author USA Balarama Lila Das His Holiness Radhanath Swami USA Articles His Holiness Radhanath Swami USA Journey His Holiness Radhanath Swami USA Transcriptions His Holiness Radhanath Swami Fan USA Blog His Holiness Radhanath Swami India http://www.radhanathswami.info/ http://www.radhanath-swami.info/ http://www.radhanathswami.net/ http://www.radhanath-swami.net/ http://www.radhanathswami.org/ http://www.radhanathswami.us/ USA His Holiness Radhanath Swami Disciples Network His Holiness Radhanath Swami Media His Holiness Radhanath Swami Online His Holiness Radhanath Swami USA USA http://www.ramdass.org/ His Holiness Radhanath Swami Quotes His Holiness Radhanath Swami Audio Ram Dass http://www.rampuri.com/ Baba Rampuri USA http://www.radhanathswamimedia.com/ http://www.radhanathswamionline.com/ http://www.radhanathswamiphotos.com/ http://www.radhanathswamiquotes.com/ http://www.radhanathswamiweekly.com/ http://www.remembermayapur.com/Padmaloc HG Padmalochan Das hanPage.htm http://www.richardshawbrown.com/ Mystic Articles by H H Richard Shaw Brown (Hrisikesh) http://www.richardslavin.com/ HH Radhanath Swami http://www.roadtobraj.blogspot.in/ USA USA USA USA USA UK USA USA http://www.romapadaswami.com/ The Road To Braj by Satyavati Devi USA Dasi His Holiness Romapada Swami USA http://www.rsdasa.com/ HG Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu USA http://www.sacinandanaswami.com/ HH SacinandanaSwami Germany http://www.sadhvibhagawati.blogspot.in/ USA http://www.sarvatma.com/ Writings from the Banks of Mother Ganga Sarvatma Das Kirtan http://www.satyavan.org/ Satsang with Satyavan Brazil http://www.sdgonline.org/ HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswam USA http://www.sisumara.com/ Devi Ashram, an International Vaishnavi Training and Retreat Centre -Carana Renu dasi HH Sivarama Swami Brazil http://www.sivaramaswami.com/ Germany UK 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual 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Rosen) http://www.soithappens.com/ UK USA Ravindra Svarupa Dasa (William H. Deadwyler) http://www.spiritfestival.com.au/john_weddep Yoga Guru & Adaivt Vedanta by ohl John Weddepohl http://www.spiritualsafari.com/ Spiritual Safari - HH Srila Jayapataka Swam http://www.sridurgamayimaashram.de/ Sri Durgamayi Ma Ashram e.V. USA http://www.sri-durgamayi-ma-ashram.de/ Sri Durgamayi Ma Ashram e.V. Germany http://www.sri-ma.de/ Sri Durgamayi Ma Ashram e.V. Germany http://www.sripadaindradasa.com/ His Holiness Aindra Prabhu USA http://www.sriprahlada.com/ Australia http://www.srsbooks.com/ Kirtan Event with Sri Prahlada at Yoga School HH Sivarama Swami http://www.stephen-knapp.com The World Relief Network USA http://www.stephen-knapp.com/ USA http://www.swamiambikananda.com/ Leader and Author of books on "Vedic Culture" Swami Ambikananda http://www.swamikriyananda.org/ Swami Kriyananada USA http://www.swaminikhilanandlectures.org/ Swami Nikhilanand's Lectures USA http://www.tkgvideo.faithweb.com/ His Holiness SrilaTamal Krishna New zealand Goswami Gurudeva's Video Archive http://www.travelingmonk.com/ Travelling Monk -Indradyumna Swami Maharaja HH Trivikrama Swami http://www.trivikramaswami.com/ http://www.unitingprabhupadasfamily.com/ South Africa USA Germany UK India USA USA http://www.varnasrama.org/ His Holiness Bhaktitirtha -Uniting USA Prabhupada's Family H.H.Bhakti Raghava Swami Maharaj Canada http://www.varsanaswami.com/ H.H. Varsana Swami http://www.veda74.ru/ Uttama Sloka Prabhu in Chelyabinsk Russia http://www.victoryflag.org/en/ India http://www.vishoka.com/ Jaya Pataka Swami Victory Flag Vyasa Puja, Life of HH Jayananda Thakur http://www.wildyogi.info/ Wild Yogi Russia http://www.yoganandaSri Daya Mata srf.org/lineageandleadership/Sri_Daya_Mata. aspx USA USA USA 4103 4104 4105 4106 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 4107 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 4108 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 Leader- Spiritual Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu 4126 Leader- Western Hindu 4127 Leader- Western Hindu http://www.yogaofforgiveness.com/ The Yoga for Forgiveness USA http://www.youtube.com/user/BDDGSanga?fe ature=guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe r_embedded&v=ZXbbTQNgY90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jkbuK2n N1I His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodar Nigeria Swami Miracle on Second Avenue USA Mukunda Goswami Blessed Kirtan with Rachel Zinman South Africa & John Weddepohl - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxkSIa8e Louis Theroux - Indian Gurus 8a0 Hare Krishna Guru Jayapataka Swami, Mayapur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1dantCJ9c Gauri Dasji from ISKCON 0 Bhaktivedanta Manor https://www.blogger.com/profile/0472060318 Dr. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, 5087768750 Parmath Niketan https://www.facebook.com/BDDG.Sanga His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami https://www.facebook.com/bhaktidhira.damo Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami daraswami https://www.facebook.com/kirtanworld Amala Kirtan Das USA https://www.facebook.com/mahatmadas1 Mahatma Das USA https://www.facebook.com/manonatha HH Manonatha Dasa, Italy Italy https://www.facebook.com/NagaSadhu Autobiography of a Sadhu USA UK USA Nigeria Ghana USA https://www.facebook.com/sitapati Sita pati Das : Philippine Tilaka Australia Mrdanga https://www.facebook.com/swamibaba.nataraj Swami Baba Nataraja -Shiv Worship USA a https://www.soundcloud.com/wildmind/janard Janardan Kewin - Hare Krishna Australia an-kewin-hare-krishna-maha-mantra Maha Mantra https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=play H.G. Bhurijana Prabhu er_embedded&v=XVBVbYomFFU http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldous_Huxley Aldous Huxley - Hindu Leader Born UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Ford Alfred Ford -Ambarish Das - Hindu Leader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Isher Christopher Isherwood - Hindu wood Leader - Born UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%20Harris George Harrison -- Hindu Leader on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_Williams Ricky Williams is Hindu Japan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Gabbard USA Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii : First Western Hindu - U.S. House of Representatives http://movies.rediff.com/report/2010/aug/10/ju Julia Roberts practicing Hinduism lia-roberts-on-why-she-turned-tohinduism.htm http://www.beliefnet.com/Celebrity-FaithRicky Williams is Hindu Database/W/Ricky-Williams.aspx USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 4128 Leader- Western Hindu http://www.facebook.com/pages/AmbarishDas/140923055933460 4129 Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu http://www.francoisgautier.com/en/ 4130 4131 http://www.isherwoodfoundation.org/ Ambarish Das (Alfred Ford-Great USA grandson of legendary businessman Henry Ford) Francois Gautier Home India Christopher Isherwood Foundation - USA Hindu Leader - Born UK 4133 Leader- Western Hindu Leader- Western Hindu Leaders Database 4134 Leaders Database 4135 Leaders Database 4136 Leaders Database 4137 Leaders Database 4138 Leaders Database 4139 Leaders Database 4140 Leaders Database 4141 Leaders Database http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_M List of Prime Ministers of Nepal Nepal inisters_of_Nepal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_M List of Prime Ministers of Trinidad Trinidad & Tobago inisters_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago & Tobago (Mr. Basdeo Panday, Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar) 4142 4143 4144 4145 Leaders Database Leaders Database Leaders Database Leaders Database http://www.arisebharat.org/?page_id=128 http://www.content.iskcon.org http://www.iskconleaders.com/websites/ http://www.tovp.org/about-us/meet-the-team/ India's Visionary Hindu Leaders ISKCON Leaders ISKCON Leaders Team : Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (ToVP) India World World India 4146 4147 4148 Library Library Library http://gauranga1.tripod.com/ http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ http://www.bhavanslibrary.org/ Gaudiya Vaishnava Library Shodh Ganga Munshi Saraswati Mandir Granthagar (The Bhavan's Library) India India India 4149 4150 Library Library http://www.blservices.com/ http://www.bvml.org/ Bhakti Vedanta Library Services India The Bhaktivedanta Memorial Library India 4151 Library http://www.hinduonline.co/digitalLibrary.html Hindu Digital Library India 4152 4153 4154 4155 Library Library Library Library http://www.iskcon-aiv.com/ http://www.prabhupada.com/ http://www.tamilelibrary.org/ http://www.ts-adyar.org/ India USA India India 4132 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Harriso George Harrison - Musician n https://www.votetulsi.com/ Tulsi Gabbard For Hawaii USA USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deputy_Prime_M Deputy Prime Minister of India inister_of_India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindus List of Hindu Leaders & Renowned Hindus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_monarchs List of monarchs of Nepal _of_Nepal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_President Presidents of Guyana (Mr. Cheddi s_of_Guyana Jagan, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo) India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_President s_of_India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_M inisters_of_India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_M inisters_of_Mauritius List of Presidents of India India List of Prime Ministers of India India World Nepal Guyana List of Prime Ministers of Mauritius Mauritius (Mr. Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, Sir Anerood Jugnauth, Mr. Navin Ramgoolam) ISKCON International Archive The Bhaktivedanta Archives Tamil Library The Adyar Library and Research Centre 4156 Lord http://330milliongods.blogspot.in/ 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord 4162 Lord 4163 4164 Lord Lord http://63nayanar.blogspot.in/ http://allhindugodgoddess.blogspot.com/ http://allhindugodgoddess.blogspot.in/ http://allsaivism.tripod.com/ http://backpackfarang.com/traveltourism/shrines/brahmin-shrines/ http://bharatyadav18.hpage.co.in/brahmaji_38080363.html http://bhole-nath.blogspot.com/ http://blessedinformation.blogspot.in/ 4165 4166 4167 4168 Lord Lord Lord Lord 4169 Lord 4170 Lord 4171 A Bouquet of Rose Flowers to My Lord Ganesh Ji 63 Nayanar Hindu God Goddess All Hindu Gods & Goddesses Prayer to Lord Shiva The Brahmin Shrines (Dhevasathan) India India India India India Thailand Brahma Temples India India India Lord 12 Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva Pushtimarg - The Path Of Grace founded by Shri Vallabhacharya http://brahmasaraswati.blogspot.in/ Lord Brahma & Saraswati http://chandniganesh.onsugar.com/ Ganesha Mantra http://dancingganesh.co.uk/ Dancing Ganesha http://dinesh-krsna.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/108_Vinayaka_T Sri Selva Vinayakar Temple , emple Palani, Coimbatore (has 108 Vinayakar idols) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andhra_Vishnu Andhra Vishnu -Lord Maha Vishnu Temple , Srikakulam, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardhanarishvara Ardhanarishvara 4172 Lord http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batara_Guru Indonesia 4173 4174 4175 Lord Lord Lord 4176 Lord 4177 Lord 4178 4179 Lord Lord 4180 Lord 4181 4182 Lord Lord Lord Indra India India Jyotiba,Kolhapur district of Maharashtra (an incarnation of three gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha, and Jamadagni) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna_in_the_ Krishna in the Mahabharata India Mahabharata http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubera Kubera India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panch_Kedar Panch Kedar India 4183 Lord http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanggar_Agung Ganesha in Chinese Temple Sanggar Indonesia Agung Temple in Surabaya 4184 Lord http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vahana 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu http://fatherguardian.blogspot.in/ http://ganapati.perso.neuf.fr/ http://ganesha-temple.angelfire.com/ http://gloriouskrishna.blogspot.in/ Vimana (separate Carrier for each God) Lord Vishnu Nanda Govinda Bhavan Lord Shree Ganesh Ganesha Websites and Resources Glorious Krishna Batara Guru Avatara of Lord Shiva (Javanese) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhairava Lord Bhairava http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma Lord Brahma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganesha_in_worl Ganesha in world religions d_religions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gokarnanathesh Gokarnanatheshwara Temple wara_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harihara Harihara -combined deity form of both Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara) India India UK India India India India India India World India Indonesia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotiba World India India France India India 4190 4191 4192 4193 Lord Lord Lord Lord http://gurugorakhnath.webs.com/ http://halfmalefemale.blogspot.in/ http://harekrishnainfo.blogspot.in/ http://harekrishnarevolution.wordpress.com/ 4194 Lord http://harekrishnas.tripod.com/ 4195 Lord 4196 Lord 4197 Lord 4198 4199 4200 Lord Lord Lord 4201 4202 4203 4204 Lord Lord Lord Lord 4205 4206 Guru Gorakh Nath Shiv Durga Hare Krishna Information The Hare Krishna Revolution India India India India Sri Krsna and His Sudarshana Chakra http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/28781 Why do Hindu gods carry weapons in hands? http://humanpurpose.org/2013/03/25/proper- Proper answers to 10 most often answers-to-10-most-often-asked-questionsasked questions about God (Part 1) about-god-part-1/ http://jwalanarsimha.blogspot.in/ Shri Narasimha -Jwala Narsimha TirthK shetra Kole Narsimhapur http://kingofjungles.blogspot.in/ Kings of Jungle http://krishnainformation.blogspot.in/ Krishna Information http://krishnasharanam.blogspot.in/p/gallary- Krishna Sharanam, Karachi temples.html http://lordganeshaji.blogspot.com/ Lord Ganesh http://lordofdeaths.blogspot.in/ Yamaneswara http://lordvishnu0.tripod.com/ Pray Lord Vishnu http://maghavan.wordpress.com/indra-mantra/ Indra Sahasranāma India Lord Lord http://messengerofgods.blogspot.in/ Naradopakhyana - Lord Narad http://minddestination.blogspot.in/2013/05/yo Yoga Ramar ga-ramar-site-blog-photos-map-sukha.html India India 4207 4208 Lord Lord http://murpriya.blogspot.in/ http://murugan.org/temples/palani.htm India India 4209 4210 Lord Lord 4211 4212 Lord Lord 4213 Lord 4214 Lord 4215 Lord Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar Murugan Temple, Palani -Arulmigu Dandayudhapani Swami Devasthanam, Palani http://muruganarul.blogspot.in/ Lord Kumaran http://nityaponnudhoni.wordpress.com/2012/ Lord Shiva and Parvathi at 12/05/lord-shiva-and-parvathi-statues-onKailasagiri, Visakhapatnam kailasagiri/ http://omnamahshivay.tribe.net/ Lord Shiva http://power-thaiGanesha (or Phra Pikanet) Park amulet.blogspot.in/2011/11/ganesha-parkNakhon Nayok, Thailand nakhon-nayok.html http://prasanthoo7.blogspot.in/2010/07/lord- Lord Murugan Kartikeya murugan-kartikeya.html http://radhamadanmohan.blogspot.in/ Radha Madan Mohan- The All Merciful Ones http://radhekrishnaprema.blogspot.in/ Radhe Krishna Prema - Our journey back Home! Back to Godhead! 4216 Lord India 4217 Lord 4218 Lord 4219 Lord 4220 4221 Lord Lord http://religiongods.blogspot.in/2007/11/brahm Lord Brahma - One of the Trinity a-one-of-trinity.html http://sankirthanam.blogspot.in/ Hare Krishna For all Krishna Devotees http://shani-dosha-mukti.onlineprasad.com/ Shani Dev, Shingnapur Tailabhishekam http://shanthiraju.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/ Yoga Ramar Temple at Nedungunam nedungunam/ http://shiva.generalanswers.org/ Hindu Informations http://shivadurga.blogspot.in/ Shiv Durga World World India India India Pakistan India India India India India India India Thailand India India India India India India India India 4222 Lord 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord 4229 Lord 4230 4231 Lord Lord 4232 4233 Lord Lord 4234 4235 Lord Lord 4236 Lord 4237 4238 4239 Lord Lord Lord 4240 4241 4242 4243 Lord Lord Lord Lord 4244 4245 4246 Lord Lord Lord 4247 Lord 4248 Lord 4249 4250 Lord Lord 4251 Lord 4252 Lord 4253 4254 4255 Lord Lord Lord http://shivanihomepage.tripod.com/temadome s.htm http://shopping.srisomesvara.org/ http://sriradhamadhav.blogspot.in/ http://trideva.blogspot.com/ http://trideva.blogspot.in/ http://ultimatelight.blogspot.in/ http://vedictemples.nithyananda.org/2011/07/skandashashti/ http://vibhanshu.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/d etails-of-kartikeya-murugan-skanda-son-oflord-shiva/ http://vishnupriyaasram.blogspot.in/ http://www.aalayavanimagazine.org/2013/03/l ord-shiva-and-parvathi-at-kailasagirivisakhapatnam/ http://www.aboutshiva.com/ http://www.agasthiar.org/ Lord Shiva Brazil Sri Somesvara Temple Sri Sri Radha Madhav Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh 12 Jyotirlinga Oracles By Sri Skanda's Warrior of Light USA India India India India India Details of Kartikeya, Murugan, Skanda- Son of Lord Shiva - by Vibhanshu Dave Vishnu Priya Lord Shiva and Parvathi at Kailasagiri, Visakhapatnam India Germany India LORD SHIVA Maha Guru Sri Agasthiar's universal mission http://www.ahobilavalli.org/ Sri Lakshminrisimha http://www.aryavaidyasala.com/(S(4rnx2c55q The four-armed Viswambhara - an bvctr2xrqo1xb2j))/temple.aspx incarnation of Lord Vishnu http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/b Shiv - Mega Third Eye Activation log/show?id=2859786%3ABlogPost%3A222 5387&commentId=2859786%3AComment% 3A2225421&xg_source=activity India India http://www.ashtavinayak.info/ http://www.badehanumanjee.com/ http://www.badrinathtemple.com/ Ashta Vinayak Yatra Shri Bade Hanuman Sangam Badrinath Temple, Karjat Phata, Panvel, Maharashtra http://www.be-pure.info/ Be Pure http://www.be-pure.info/indexportal.html Lord Gauranga http://www.bhairav.org/ Lord Bhairav http://www.bhaktivatika.com/ Lord Vishnu & Lakshmi -Shri Laxmi Venateshwara Deosthanam,Bhakti Vatika. Deoria UP http://www.brahmam.com/ Brahmam, the Ultimate http://www.cyberbrahma.com/ Cyber Brahma http://www.dharmavidya.net/1008-names-of- 1000 names of Vishnu vishnu.html http://www.dwadashjyotirlinga.com/ DwadashJyotirLinga - Kedarnath Jyotirlinga http://www.epoojaonline.org/brahma.html LORD BRAHMA India India India http://www.ettukudimurugan.com/ http://www.euttaranchal.com/tourism/bhavish ya-kedar.php http://www.facebook.com/mumbaicharaja201 1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/vegeyum/54988 92894/ http://www.ganapatibappa.com/GBM/ http://www.ganeshblog.com/ http://www.giridhariswami.com/ Ettukudi Murugan Bhavishttya Kedar India India Mumbai Cha Raja India Ganesh Statue, Dev Mandir, Chiang Mai Ganesha Ganesha Giridhari Swami Thailand India India India India USA India India India India India India India India USA India 4256 Lord http://www.globalhinduism.com/article/2012/ An ancient Vishnu idol found in an 01/ancient-idol-of-lord-vishnu-found-during- old village in Russia’s Volga region excavation-in-an-old-village-in-russias-volgaregion/#.T0EyWocge44 Russia 4257 4258 4259 Lord Lord Lord http://www.gopalan.net/ http://www.gorakhnathmandir.in/ http://www.harekrsna.de/1000Shiva.htm India India Germany 4260 4261 4262 Lord Lord Lord 4263 Lord 4264 Lord 4265 Lord 4266 Lord 4267 Lord 4268 Lord 4269 4270 Lord Lord 4271 Lord 4272 Lord 4273 Lord 4274 Lord 4275 Lord 4276 4277 A Spiritual Abode Guru Gorakhnath Shiva Sahasranama -The 1008 Names of Lord Shiva http://www.haribhakt.com/ Hari Bhakt http://www.haribol.nl/ Hari Bol Netherland http://www.hindudevotion.com/V3.0/Hindu_ Lord Vishnu & 10 Incarnations Dieties/Vishnu.html http://www.hindujagruti.org/hinduism/knowle How did Lord Maruti acquire the dge/article/how-did-lord-maruti-acquire-the- name Hanuman? name-hanuman.html http://www.hknet.org.nz/names1000v.html#tr 1000 Names of Lord Vishnu ans http://www.indianhindunames.com/names-of- 108 Names of Shri Krishna god-krishna.htm http://www.indiaprofile.com/religionKartikeya - The Lord Who Hits Sixes culture/kartikeya.htm http://www.indif.com/nri/names/krishnanames 108 Names of Lord Krishna .asp http://www.ixigo.com/muthbara-maha-vishnu- Muthbara Maha Vishnu Temple temple-angadipuram-india-ne-1407522 http://www.jagannath.ru/ http://www.kamadgiri.org/ India Netherland India India New Zealand India India India India Lord Jagannath Bhagwaan Shri Kaamta Nath Ji temple in Chitrakoot http://www.kanyakumaritemples.org/aadhikes Arulmigu Aadhikesava Perumal ava_perumal/index.php?tid=5&vt=2 Temple, Thiruvattaru Russia India Arulmigu Bhagavathyamman temple, Mandaikadu Arulmigu Nagaraja Temple, Kanyakumari Truimurty Temple, Kanyakumari India 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord http://www.koausa.org/Gods/God12.html http://www.krishnaleela.org/ http://www.krishnalilas.com/ http://www.krishnaofvrindavan.com/ http://www.krishnatalk.com/ http://www.kudroligokarnanatha.com/ 4284 Lord http://www.lifeislikethat.com/?p=2760 4285 4286 Lord Lord http://www.lordsiva.in/ http://www.lovekrishna.com/ Arulmigu Velimalai Temple, Kanyakumari Lord Murugan Sri Krishna Leela -Krishnaswamy's Page Lord Brahma Krishna Leela Krishna Lilas Krishna of Vrindvan Krishna Discussion Forum Kudroli Shree Gokarnanatheshwara Kshethra Thousand Lingas & Yonis at Kbal Spean Lord Shiva Love Krishna India Lord Lord http://www.kanyakumaritemples.org/mandaik adu/index.php?tid=4&vt=2 http://www.kanyakumaritemples.org/nagaraja /index.php?tid=3&vt=2 http://www.kanyakumaritemples.org/thanuma layan/index.php?tid=2&vt=2 http://www.kanyakumaritemples.org/Velimala i/index.php?tid=6&vt=2 http://www.kaumaram.com/ http://www.kirtimukha.com/ India India India Malaysia India USA USA India India India India Cambodia India India 4287 Lord http://www.lovekrishna.com/krishna1008 Names of Lord Vishnu, 108 resources-searchNames of Lord Krishna result.php/names+of+lord+krishna/sbcat_id27 http://www.mahaprom.org/eng_news.htm Erawan Shrine (Brahma Temple) in Bangkok http://www.mahaprom.org/index_eng_history. The Brahma History htm http://www.mahayogi.net/1000lingas.html River of Thousands Lingas In Combodia http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/brahm Lord Brahma a1.htm http://www.muktinath.org/salagrama/ Salagrama-Shila http://www.mumbaicharaja.com/ Mumbai Cha Raja http://www.mylordganesha.com/ My Lord Ganesha http://www.mysticxpressions.com/avatar-of- Avatar of Lord Vishnu lord-vishnu/ http://www.namadwaar.org/ Nama Dwaar, Chennai http://www.narasimhalila.com/ Lord Nrsimhadeva’s mercy http://www.nepalishaligram.doodlekit.com/ Shaligram- lord Vishnu Saligram shila Nepal http://www.nongnit.net/pra_prom_install.html Pra Prom (Brahma Statue) at Brahma Temple, Thailand http://www.nriol.com/indianparents/lord108 Names of Lord Muruga muruga.asp http://www.nrsimhadeva.com/ Lord Nrsimha http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/hi Hindus propose building ‘monkey god’ statue on grounds of ndus-propose-building-monkey-god-statueOklahoma's state capitol oklahoma-state-capitol-article-1.1547189 India 4288 Lord 4289 Lord 4290 Lord 4291 Lord 4292 4293 4294 4295 Lord Lord Lord Lord 4296 4297 4298 Lord Lord Lord 4299 Lord 4300 Lord 4301 4302 Lord Lord 4303 4304 Lord Lord http://www.omkar.ru/ http://www.onlineprasad.com/ Omkar Shani Dev, Shingnapur Tailabhishekam http://www.panoramio.com/photo/56445851? Ganesha Park Nakhon Nayok, comment_page=2 Thailand http://www.parashakthitemple.org/venkatesw Lord Venkateswara & Parashakthi ara.aspx (Eternal Mother) Temple Russia India 4305 Lord 4306 Lord 4307 Lord India Lord http://www.punditravi.com/dasavtar__the_10 Ten Incarnation of Lord Vishnu _incarnations_of.htm http://www.radhavallabh.com/ Radha Krishna Spiritual Portal-Braj Yatra http://www.radhekrishna.in/ Radhe Krishna http://www.rambhakta.com/ Ram Bhakta Associates http://www.ramsss.com/bhakti/ Krishna Consciousness http://www.ranajitpal.com/rama.html Rama, The Great King of Sumer, Elam and Indus http://www.sabarimala.co.in/ Lord Ayyappa (Swami Ayyappan) Temple, Sabarimala http://www.saivam.org.uk/ Saivam UK http://www.saivism.net/ Aspects of Lord Shiva http://www.sarasbaug.in/ Sarasbaug Ganapati, Sadashiv Peth, Maharashtra http://www.sentforlife.com/hindugods.html Hindu Gods and Goddesses 4308 Lord 4309 4310 4311 4312 Lord Lord Lord Lord 4313 Lord 4314 4315 4316 Lord Lord Lord 4317 4318 Lord http://www.shakthimail.com/ India 501 Ganesha Images and 32 Forms Of Ganapathi 2013 Thailand Thailand Cambodia India Nepal India India India India India Nepal Thailand India India USA Thailand USA India India India India India India India India India USA 4319 Lord http://www.shanidev.net/ 4320 Lord http://www.shanishinganapur.com/ 4321 4322 4323 4324 Lord Lord Lord Lord http://www.shibam.in/ http://www.shivshaktipeeth.org/ http://www.shivshankar.in/ http://www.shreedarshan.com/ 4325 4326 Lord Lord http://www.shreeganesh.com/ http://www.shreekalyanpushti.org/ 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord 4332 4333 4334 4335 Lord Lord Lord Lord http://www.shrihanumanchalisayantra.in/ http://www.shrikhandmahadev.com/ http://www.shrinarasimha.com/ http://www.shri-shani-dev.com/ http://www.skandagurunatha.org/oracles/skan da-chap1.asp http://www.skandamuruga.com/ http://www.smileofkrishna.com/ http://www.srikrishnaradha.com/ http://www.srishaligram.com/ 4336 Lord 4337 4338 4339 Lord Lord Lord 4340 4341 4342 Lord Lord Lord 4343 4344 4345 Lord Lord Lord 4346 Lord 4347 4348 Lord Lord 4349 Lord 4350 4351 4352 Lord Lord Lord 4353 Lord Shree Sidh Shakti Peeth Shanidham, India New Delhi Sri Shaneshwara or Lord Shanidev, India Shinganapur, Maharashtra Lord Shiva Shiv Shakti Peeth Lord Shiva Ganesha Special Hindu Culture & Festivals Lord Ganesha Information Shree Kalyan Pushti -Shashtpeeth, Shree Kalyanraiji Mandir, Vadodara India USA India India India India Hanuman Chalisa Yantra Shrikhand Mahadev Shri Narasimha Shri Shani Dev Bhagavan Sri Skanda is known as Murugan Skanda Murugan Smile of Krishna Sri Krishna Spiritual Awakening Saligram - Lord Narayana Shaligram shila http://www.srivenkatesa.org/ Lord Venkateswara "Nityakatla Samarpana" http://www.sundarasimham.org/ Sri Lakshminrisimha http://www.swamyayyappa.com/ Lord Ayyappa http://www.swayamvaraparvathi.com/mantras Vishnu Sahasranama spells 1000 /vishnu.htm names of Vishnu. http://www.theganeshaexperience.com/ Lord Ganesha Information http://www.thehindugods.com/ Hindu Gods and Goddesses http://www.themeaningofvedas.com/CHAPTE Agasti and Skanda R%206.htm http://www.theshiva.net/ LORD SHIVA http://www.theshivaexperience.com/ Lord Shiva Information http://www.thuravoortemple.org/ Lord Sree Narasimhamoorthy and Lord Sree Mahasudarsanamoorthy, Kochi http://www.trimbakvidhi.com/ Trimbakeshwar is one of the twelve Jyotirlings in India and one of the five Jyotirlings in Maharashtra, India. India India India India India http://www.urday.in/gvishnu.htm Lord Vshnu http://www.uttarakhandguide.com/piligrimage Bhavishya Badri /panch-badri/bhavishya-badri/ http://www.vaikundar.com/ Saint AYYA VAIKUNTAR - Vision of Dharma Yuga http://www.wikikrishna.com/ Devotees in ervice to Krishna http://www.yogaramar.com/ Arulmigu Renugambal Temple. http://www.yogeshwar.org/ List of Shree Krishna Leela Centres India India http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1pt3jd6v Shanta Karam - Prayer to Lord mo&list=PLrJiInHgoQbCDjCGKeaiWUqtFtdf Vishnu ymz0p&index=5 India Hungary India Nepal India India India India India USA India India India India India India India India India India 4354 Lord 4355 Lord 4356 4357 4358 Malyalam Mantra Mantra 4359 4360 Mantra Mantra 4361 Mantra 4362 Mantra 4363 Mantra 4364 Manuscript 4365 Manuscript 4366 4367 4368 Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript 4369 Media 4370 Media 4371 Media 4372 Media 4373 Media 4374 Media 4375 Media 4376 Media 4377 Media 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 Media Media Media Media Media Media http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIIzQ_p5N 7E https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vai%C5%9Brav a%E1%B9%87a http://www.keralabhashainstitute.org/ http://www.mantravidya.com/ http://www.prophet666.com/2012/04/vishnumantra-for-anger-control.html http://www.spiritualmantra.in/ http://www.vasishtayoga.org/mantras.php Darshan Of Ghatiwale Balaji - Raju Kheda - Rajasthan Vaiśravaṇa known as Kubera India Kerala Bhasha Online Mantra Vidya, Astrology Vishnu mantra for anger control India India India Spirit Mantra Important Mantra & translation by International Vasishta Yoga Research Foundation India India http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4IPMSv Bj9G3XbvDx3ior8g?feature=watch_video_titl e http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZIzvI9hiS 4&feature=c4-overviewvl&list=AL94UKMTqg9AhyldXnaJr75RUAeIqEkSE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5WaEwrXak http://library.ifla.org/17/1/095-jain-en.pdf Deva Premal - Moola Mantra Part 1 Germany Deva Premal .. Gayatri Mantra Thailand Germany Deva Premal - Om Namo Bhagavate Germany Rare handwritten manuscript collection in Indic Languages at Scindia Oriental Research Institute (SORI), (India) http://vidyabhusanaproject.blogspot.in/ Baladeva Vidyabhusana Project Update http://www.ayurvedamanuscripts.com/ Ayurveda Library http://www.namami.org/ National Mission for Manuscripts http://www.shikshapatri.org.uk/~imagedb/con Hindu Manuscripts in UK tent.php/transcr http://diyabirr.livejournal.com/21509.html Ram pir Bhajan India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_a bout_Hinduism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hindu_l iterature http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hindu_ media http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hinduis m_magazines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dashavatar_(film ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_Hind u_Media http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hersh_Chadha Films about Hinduism India Hindu literature India Hindu media India Hinduism magazines India Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten Incarnations of Vishnu Film Foundation Hindu Media India Netherland Prof Hersh Chadha, Dubai UAE Sita Sings the Blues India Hare Krishna Movies Prof Hersh Chadha, Dubai Hindu Mantras & Bhajan Hindu Temple Photos Majalah Media Hindu ISKCON Desire Tree India UAE India India Indonesia India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sita_Sings_the_B lues http://harekrishnamovies.blogspot.in/ http://hershchadha.photographers.com/ http://holymantras.blogspot.in/ http://indian-temple-photo.blogspot.in/ http://indonetwork.co.id/mediahindu/sell http://iskcondesiretree.blogspot.in/ India India India UK Pakistan 4384 Media 4385 Media 4386 Media 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 Media Media Media Media Media http://mantralogy.merchnow.com/products/16 1311 http://mediahindu.indonetwork.co.id/136343/ majalah-media-hindu-edisi-8.htm http://my.opera.com/Tamil/albums/show.dml? id=196902 http://presentations.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://ringtones.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://saipremavideos.wordpress.com/ http://sashinair.blogspot.in/ http://satheesh.anushaktinagar.net/ 4392 Media http://screensavers.iskcondesiretree.info/ 4393 4394 4395 Media Media Media 4396 4397 Media Media 4398 Media 4399 4400 Media Media http://shivyog-videos.blogspot.in/ http://shweta-kaleidoscope.blogspot.in/ http://sites.google.com/site/isvaraacademyblog /video/video-in-english http://video.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://videos.mitrasites.com/narayannagbali.html http://virendranitie.multiply.com/music/item/3 1 http://www.abhaycharanepic.com/ http://www.abhinavduggal.com/ 4401 Media 4402 Media 4403 Media 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media 4415 Media 4416 Media 4417 Media 4418 4419 4420 The Hanumen - 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Film Maker Cambodia World India UK Indonesia India India India USA New zealand India USA USA India India 4421 Media http://www.getsatisfaction.com/bvks_media Lectures & Books by His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami Gopal Web Design Govindas Restaurant and Cinema Govinda Ware Prof Hersh Chadha, Dubai Hindu Domain & E-Mail services Hithokthi Media Hyderabad Hindu Information Adi Shankaracharya Sanskrit Movie 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media http://www.gopalwebdesign.com/ http://www.govindas.com.au/ http://www.govindaware.com/ http://www.hershchadha.com/ http://www.hinduhome.com/ http://www.hithokthi.com/ http://www.humanityashore.com/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085138/ 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 Media Media Media Media Media Media http://www.iskconcinema.com/ http://www.iskcongbc.org/ http://www.iskconinfotech.com.sg/ http://www.iskconinfotech.com/ http://www.kollytalk.com/ http://www.krishna.com/audio 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 Media Media Media Media Media Media 4442 Media http://www.krishna.com/videos http://www.krishna.com/webcams http://www.krishnasoft.com/ http://www.krishnatube.com/ http://www.krsnavision.com/ http://www.lalive.info/lalive/lalivewebcams.htm http://www.lostvillagemovie.com/ 4443 4444 4445 Media Media Media http://www.magicianopsharma.com/ http://www.marathimovieworld.com/ http://www.mascotsoftwaresolutions.com/ 4446 Media Complete Bhagavad Gita Sung in http://www.matchlessgifts.com/store/products/Complete-Bhagavad- Sanskrit Gita-Sung-in-Sanskrit-%28MP3-CD%29.html India 4447 4448 4449 Media Media Media http://www.mediahindu.net/ http://www.mithilesh2020.com/ http://www.mountainsoftravelphotos.com/ Indonesia India Tibet 4450 Media 4451 Media 4452 Media 4453 4454 4455 Media Media Media 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 Media Media Media Media Media http://www.mountainsoftravelphotos.com/Kail Mount Kailash Photo Gallery - Best ash/Best/index.html Photos http://www.mpmistry.com/#/ram-leela/RL006 Ram Leela photographed by MP Mistry http://www.namasteinteractive.com/ Namaste Interactive is a web design and development studio http://www.narottam.com/ Indradymna Swami Media http://www.nriinternet.com/ NRI Internet http://www.paper.li/Shoumikdas1/135747607 Hindu Terminal Press 4 http://www.prabhupadavani.org/ Srila Prabhupada's lectures http://www.pratyatosa.com/ Krsna Conscious Web Design http://www.rajshri.com/ Rajshri Production http://www.saicast.org/ Radio Sai Global Harmony http://www.saraswatifilms.org/movies.php Krishna Film ISKCON Cinema ISKCON Services Iskcon Infotech Iskcon Infotech Kolly Theatre & Media, Chennai The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International ISKCON Videos ISKCON Webcam Krishna Software Inc Krishna Videos Krishna Vision Studio ISKCON Webcams -Temple Live UK USA Australia India UAE India India Sri Lanka India World India Singapore India India USA World World World World USA World Lost Village Documntary inspired by Loknath Swami Maharaj Bulgaria Magic An Art By O.p Sharma Marathi Movie World Mascot Media India India India Media Hindu Bali ZMU Service Kailash Photos Tibet USA USA Ukraine USA India India World India India India 4461 Media 4462 4463 Media Media 4464 Media 4465 Media 4466 Media 4467 4468 Media Media 4469 Media 4470 http://www.sharavanababa.org/hindutemples/index.php http://www.siliconithub.com/ http://www.sitasingstheblues.com/ Videos About hindu-temples World Silicon IT Hub Sita Sings the Blues by Nina Paley India USA http://www.smashits.com/kambaramayanam- Kamba Ramayan vol-1/songs-7344.html http://www.softwarefoundationfiji.org/ Dr. Rohitash Chandra: Free Open Source Software Foundation of Fiji India http://www.srilapurimaharaja.org/ Slovenia Media Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaj in Slovenia & Croatia -Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mission http://www.sudeepaudio.com/ Sudeep Studio http://www.superstock.com/stock-photosRelief of swastika, an old Hindu images/1890-5894 symbol, temple of Goa Lawah, east of Klungkung, Bali http://www.thedigitaltrekker.com/2013/01/eas East Java & Bali Photos t-java-bali-photo-tour/ http://www.torsunov.ru/psl.htm Audio files of lectures Dr. Torsunov 4471 Media http://www.torsunov.ru/ru/index.html Educational videos, movies, music Russia 4472 Media Shri Narendra Modi Websites India 4473 4474 4475 4476 Media Media Media Media Sindhi Media Vaishnava Media Raghavendra Batni Dwarkadheesh Cine Creation India USA India India 4477 Media One God World Family.mov India 4478 Media Media Drama - The Rose of Vidarbha Krishna Kidnaps Rukmini One God World Family Hindi USA 4479 India 4480 4481 Media Media ISKCON Murmansk Yama Niyama Dasa Brahmachari Russia USA 4482 4483 Media Meditation Hindu Page on Facebook Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) World India 4484 Meditation http://www.trajasingh.com/useful-links/namowebsites/ http://www.Tulsani.com/ http://www.vaishnavamedia.org/ http://www.youtube.com/nadasudha/ http://www.youtube.com/user/dwarkadheeshv astu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb8Y_zWKi8&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jodN9AnP PZ8&feature=fvsr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9PGBVx kPD0&feature=youtu.be http://yadunandana.rutube.ru/ http://yamaniyamadasabrahmachari.bandcam p.com/ https://www.facebook.com/HINDUZ http://chitrabuddha.sulekha.com/blog/post/20 10/09/pyramid-spiritual-societiesmovement.htm http://granniesmeditatetoo.blogspot.co.uk/ you can meditate too UK 4485 Meditation 4486 Meditation 4487 Meditation 4488 4489 4490 4491 Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GraceLightGlo Mind Science techniques bal/ http://letyoursoulbe.blogspot.in/ Let your Soul be understanding the Purpose of Life http://oshodharananakdham.wordpress.com/ Oshodhara Nanak Dham, Murthal Ashram,Sonipat http://rahulbrown.wordpress.com/ Meditation & Tips http://shaktisadhana.50megs.com/ Lakshmi Shakti Sadhana http://www.alltm.org/ Transcendental Meditation http://www.anadianant.co.uk/ Anadi Anant: Hindu Information, Meditaion, Yoga Fiji India Indonesia Indonesia Russia India USA India India India USA UK 4492 4493 4494 4495 Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation http://www.atmajyoti.org/ http://www.bit.ly/vWXZQ http://www.commonsensekundalini.com/ http://www.danceofthecondor.com/ 4496 4497 4498 4499 Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation http://www.dhamma.org/ http://www.dhyanacenter.com/ http://www.dhyanmaharashtra.org/ http://www.divinebrahmanda.com/ 4500 4501 Meditation Meditation 4502 Atma Jyoti Ashram JJ Semple's books on Kundalini JJ Semple's Centre on Kundalini Shamanism & Daogandantra Yoga USA Libya USA Thailand Meditation Vipasana Dhyana Centre Dhyan Maharasthra Divine Brahmanda - Soundarya Lahari Sloka, Yantra http://www.divinerevelation.org/ Dr. Susan Shumsky http://www.divinewillpower.com/chakra_map. Chakra Healing htm http://www.easwaran.org/ Blue Mountain Center of Meditation USA 4503 4504 Meditation Meditation http://www.energyenhancement.org/ http://www.goldenflowermeditation.com/ India USA 4505 4506 Meditation Meditation http://www.greentreemeditation.com/ http://www.innerawakening.org/ 4507 Meditation 4508 4509 Meditation Meditation 4510 4511 Meditation Meditation 4512 Energy Enhancement Meditaion JJ Semple- Deciphring the golden flowr One Sectret at a time India USA India India USA USA Green Tree Meditation Nithyananda's Inner Awakening Programme http://www.innerengineering.org/ Isha Foundation - Inner Engineering Meditaion http://www.inspirationflow.net/ Inspiration Flow http://www.kindredspirit.co.uk/ Kindred Spirit's online home for your mind, body and spirit http://www.kumarasakti.com/ Yoga Retreat & Meditation http://www.learn-toLearn To Meditate - Paramahansa meditate.com/paramahansa_yogananda.html Yogananda USA India Meditation http://www.lifepositive.com/ Holistic Living -Life Positive Yoga India 4513 Meditation http://www.maharishitm.org/ Lebanon 4514 Meditation http://www.meditateontheself.com/ 4515 4516 4517 Meditation Meditation Meditation http://www.oshoinuk.com/ http://www.oshoworld.com/ http://www.peter-littlejohn-cook.blogspot.pt/ Maharishi Health Education Center Lebanon Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation & Blissful Hatha Yoga Osho Meditation Osho Rajyoga Meditation Centre Inspiration Flow 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation http://www.pillaicenter.com/ http://www.pinakadrika.blog.co.in/ http://www.powerofmeditation.org/ http://www.practicalphilosophy.org.za/ http://www.pss.org/ India India India South Africa India 4523 Meditation http://www.pssmovement.org/ 4524 Meditation http://www.pyramidspiritualsocieties.org/ 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation http://www.ramatalks.com/ http://www.rapidenlightenment.com/ http://www.samadhihermitage.org/ http://www.samarpanmeditation.org/ http://www.siddhashram.org/ Pillai Center for MindScience Maitreya Meditation courses Art of Living Meditaion School of Practical Philosophy Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) Rama Talks Rapind Enlightenment Meditation Retreat Center Samarpan Meditation Sadhana Camp Gurudev Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimaliji India Portugal UK Indonesia USA USA USA India Portugal India India USA USA USA India India 4530 4531 4532 Meditation Meditation Meditation http://www.silvalifesystem.com/ http://www.soulsearchers.co.in/ http://www.spiritualengland.org.uk/spiritualit y/meditation/ http://www.spiritualnow.com/ http://www.srinithyakalyani.org.cp31.webhostbox.net/ http://www.sriramchandra.org/ Silva Life System Program Maitreya Meditation courses Spiritual England -Meditation USA India UK 4533 4534 Meditation Meditation 4535 Meditation 4536 4537 4538 Meditation Meditation Meditation 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation Movement Movement 4545 Movement 4546 Movement http://donationforhinducause.wordpress.com/ Donate for Hindu Cause India 4547 Movement Nepal 4548 Movement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha_Justice_ Gurkha Justice Campaign Campaign http://forum.ivarta.com/Reinstate-Dr-Swamy- Reinstate Global Hindu Heritage : says-Global-Hindu-Heritage/588860.htm Dr. Swamy says 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement http://forum.sibved.ru/ http://hinduawaken.wordpress.com/ http://hindu-bhoomi.blogspot.com/ http://hindu-bhoomi.blogspot.in/ http://hinduexistence.wordpress.com/ http://hindujagrutiorg.blogspot.com/ http://hinduopinion.blogspot.in/ http://hindupic.blogspot.in/ ISKCON Russia Hindus Awakening Hindu Bhoomi Hindu Bhoomi Hindu Existence Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) Hindu Opinion Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha, Pune Russia India India India USA India India India 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement 4568 4569 4570 Movement Movement Movement http://karsevakindia.blogspot.com/ http://kattar-hindu.blogspot.in/ http://londontemples.wordpress.com/ Hindu Revolution Hindu Revolution Hindu samhiti Hindus unite Hindu Unity Hindu Voice Mumbai Hindu Voice Mumbai Hindu World Wide Web The Revival Of Hinduism in Indonesia Jago Bangla Social Activist -Anna's Movement Against Corruption Kar Sevak India Kattar Hindu World Hindu Temples Events Video BLOG India India India India World India India India Indonesia 4566 4567 http://hindurevolution.blogspot.com/ http://hindurevolution.blogspot.in/ http://hindusamhati.blogspot.in/ http://hindusreact.blogspot.com/ http://hinduunity.yuku.com/ http://hinduvoicemumbai.blogspot.com/ http://hinduvoicemumbai.blogspot.in/ http://hinduworld.tripod.com/ http://icrs2011.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/the -revival-of-hinduism-in-indonesia/ http://jagobangla.blogspot.in/ http://joinannahazare.org.in/ Spiritual England -Meditation UK Sri Nithya Kalyani Ambal - Sadhana India Institute of Sri Ramchandra Consciousness http://www.swamij.com/108.htm Meaning of 108 beads on a mala http://www.themeditationcenter.org/ The Meditation Center http://www.tm.org/ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Transcendental Meditation http://www.tripurafoundation.org/ Tripura Foundation India http://www.vishvas.in/ Vishvas Foundation HP http://www.vishvas.org/ Vishvas Foundation HP http://www.zenjiwaraga.com/ Zen Jiwa Raga http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/? Ajit Vadakayil http://bharatabharati.wordpress.com/2010/11/ Hindu Media: Why it is not growing 09/hindu-media-why-it-is-not-growing-hildaraja/ http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/ A homage to Hindu civilization and Vedic Heritage - Dr. Vijaya Rajiva India India USA USA India India India Indonesia India India India India India India India India UK 4571 4572 4573 4574 Movement Movement Movement Movement http://nationalspirit.blogspot.in/ http://nityanandasena.blogspot.in/ http://olordkrishna.blogspot.in/ http://omnamo.narod.ru/gorakshapaddhati.ht ml http://paryaya.blogspot.in/ 4575 Movement 4576 Movement 4577 Movement http://post.jagran.com/search/seemant-loksangathan http://salemsuddhasanmargam.blogspot.in/ 4578 4579 4580 4581 Movement Movement Movement Movement http://shiksha-bachao.blogspot.com/ http://shiksha-bachao.blogspot.in/ http://shoumikdas3.blogspot.in/ http://shukasari.blogspot.com/ 4582 4583 Movement Movement 4584 4585 Movement Movement 4586 Movement 4587 Movement 4588 4589 4590 Movement Movement Movement 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 Hindu Voice Mumbai Nityananda Seva Hare Krishna Movement Blog, Goraksha-Paddhati India India India Russia Nethrakere Udaya Shankara Information Seemant Lok Sangthan India Suddha Sanmarga Enlightenment India India India India India World Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Shiksha Bachao Shiksha Bachao Hindu Science Sripad Bhaktivedanta Madhava Maharaja's Blog http://swamy39.blogspot.com/ Dr. Subramanian Swamy http://theharekrishnamovement.wordpress.co The Hare Krishna Movement m/ http://vrindavanadas.wordpress.com/ Hare Krsna Movement http://worldhindunity.blogspot.com/ Global Forum of Hindu Existence Blog http://www.agamahindu.com/worlds-mostBalinese Hinduism Agama Dharma photographed-hindu-temple-in-bali/ http://www.agniveer.com/ Agniveer: Truth, Compassion, Character and Universal Humanism : Vedas and Hinduism http://www.altai-veda.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.ariseindiaforum.org/ Arise India Forum http://www.awakeningindia.org/ Awaening India, RK Mission, New Delhi http://www.ayodhya.com/ Ayodhya Ram Janam Bhoomi http://www.bangladeshihindu.com/ Bangladeshi Hindus http://www.bengalvoice.com/ Bengal Voice http://www.bhakticambodia.com/ Bhakti Cambodia http://www.bharatabharati.wordpress.com/ Sita Ram Goel Movement 4596 4597 4598 Movement Movement Movement http://www.bharatnirmansena.org/ http://www.bharat-swabhiman.com/ http://www.bharatswabhimantrust.org/ India India India 4599 Movement http://www.bhutaneserefugees.com/ 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement http://www.chakra.org/ http://www.charanamrit.info/ http://www.DharmaVeda.org/ http://www.distributebooks.com/ http://www.durgapujagreetings.com/ http://www.ekokaravana.si/ http://www.esamskriti.com/ http://www.forum.a108.net/ http://www.forumforhinduawakening.org/ Bharat Nirman Trust Bharat Swabhiman Forum Swami Ramdev's Bharat Swabhiman Trust discrimination faced by people of Nepalese ethnicity in Bhutan. ISKCON Discussion Forum Rebuild the vision of Hinduism New Dharmic Renaissance ISKCON Books Ditribution Durga Puja Padayatra Worldwide Ministry Indian Sanskriti Pure Bhakti Hindu Awakening 4609 4610 4611 Movement Movement Movement http://www.freeanandkrishna.com/en/ http://www.freeindia.org/dynamic/ http://www.friendsofthebbt.org/ Support Anand Krishna Indonesia Free India India Friends of Bhaktivedanta Book Trust USA India India India India Indonesia India Russia India India India Bangla Desh India Cambodia India UK World India India USA India Slovenia India Russia USA 4612 Movement 4613 4614 Movement Movement 4615 http://www.gandhibapu.com/ Movement Mahatma Gandhi - A 'Violent' Pacifist http://www.gandhiwalk.org.za/ Gandhi Walk http://www.gaudiyavedantanederland.blogspo Gaudiya Vedanta Netherland t.com/ http://www.gauravanipatrika.blogspot.com/ Gauravani Patrika India Brazil 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement http://www.gvebrasil.blogspot.com/ http://www.haindavakeralam.com/ http://www.harekrishna.mk/ http://www.harekrishna.no/ http://www.harekrishna.org.br/ http://www.harekrishnablog.com/ http://www.harekrishna-movement.org/ http://www.hcina.org/ Brazil India Macedonia Norway Brazil World India USA 4624 Movement http://www.HICAD.us/ 4625 Movement http://www.hinduamericanfoundation.org/ Gaudiya Vaisnava Express Brasil Haindava Keralam ISKCON Skopje ISKCON Oslo ISKCON Recife IKSCON Discussion ISKCON Vrindavan- UP Hindu Collective Initiative -North America Hindu International Council Against Defamation Hindu American Foundation 4626 Movement http://www.hinduawareness.org/ USA 4627 4628 4629 Movement Movement Movement http://www.hinducurrents.com/ http://www.hindujagruti.org/ http://www.hindulinebengal.wordpress.com/ Hindu Awareness Organization of North America Hindu Curent Affairs Hindu Dharma Samiti Hindu Line Bengal 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Hindu News Kashmiri Hindu Liberation Army The Hindu Renaissance Hindu Sainik Group Hindu Samiti Hindu Samhati Hindus Awake Hinduism & Hindustan Hindu Terminal Hindu Unity Day Celebration India India India India India India USA India India USA 4640 4641 Movement Movement http://www.hinduonline.blogspot.com/ http://www.hindurashtra.org/ http://www.hindurenaissance.com/ http://www.hindusainik.wordpress.com/ http://www.hindusamhati.blogspot.com/ http://www.hindusamhati.org/ http://www.hindusawake.com/ http://www.hindustan.org/ http://www.hinduterminal.org/ http://www.hinduunityday.org/Hindu_Unity_ Day/Welcome.html http://www.hinduvoice.co.uk/ http://www.hinduvoicemumbai.blogspot.com/ Hindu Voice UK Hindu Voice Mumbai UK India 4642 4643 4644 Movement Movement Movement http://www.hkmjaipur.org/ http://www.hollandsanga.blogspot.com/ http://www.hrcbm.org/ India Netherland Bangla Desh 4645 4646 4647 Movement Movement Movement http://www.hvk.org/ http://www.iammadeinindia.com/ http://www.india-forum.com/ Hare Krishna Movement Jaipur Holland Sangha Human Rights Congress For Bangladesh Minorities Hindu Vivek Kendra Made in India India Articles and Discussion Forum 4648 4649 Movement Movement http://www.indianphilosophy.cc http://www.iskconirm.com/ USA UK 4650 4651 4652 Movement Movement Movement http://www.iskconmalaysia.com/ http://www.iskcontt.org/ http://www.jyotijivanam.co.za/ 4653 Movement http://www.jyotijivanam.co.za/index.html Indian Philosophy ISKCON Revival Movement based in UK ISKCON Malaysia ISKCON Arouca Jyoti Jivanam Movement of South Africa Jyoti Jivanam Movement of South Africa South Africa Netherland USA USA USA India India India India India Malaysia Trinidad & Tobago South Africa South Africa 4654 4655 Movement Movement http://www.kadamba.net/ http://www.kashmirblogs.wordpress.com/ 4656 Movement http://www.kashmir-information.com/ 4657 Movement http://www.kashmiri-pandit.org/ 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement 4664 Movement 4665 4666 Movement Movement 4667 4668 Movement Movement 4669 Movement 4670 4671 4672 Vaisnava Seva Switzerland Kashmir Pandit Human Rights India (blogs) Kashmir - Paradise Turned Into Hell India Kashmiri Hindus 'Exiled' In Home Country http://www.kazan.hari.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.koottala.multiply.com/ Hare Krishna http://www.koottala.posterous.com/ Hare Krishna posterous http://www.krishna.a108.net/ Pure Bhakti http://www.krishna.ru/ ISKCON Moscow http://www.krishnaconsciousnessmovement.c The Krishna Consciousness om/ Movement http://www.krishnaphilippines.multiply.com/ Philippine Krishna Devotees India Russia USA USA Russia Russia USA Philippines http://www.krishnatemple.com/home/ http://www.krisna.hu/download/HFE_Hungar y_Support_Letter.pdf http://www.learnkc.com/ http://www.mayerdak.com/ ISKCON London Hindu Forum of Europe Uk Belgium Hindu Sanghatan Diwas Movement Movement Movement http://www.medhanet.com/2012/NY%20Hind u%20Unity%20Day,%20July%2020,2012.JP G http://www.muralisudha.blogspot.com/ http://www.oldchakra.com/ http://www.omsakthi.org/ 4673 4674 4675 Movement Movement Movement http://www.panunkashmir.org/ http://www.paondhoi.org/ http://www.preservehinduism.org/ Fate of Kashmir Hindus Save Ganga Project Global Hindu Heritage Foundation India India India 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement http://www.proudhindu.org/ http://www.pure-bhakti.com.au/ http://www.radhesyama.multiply.com/ http://www.ramsethu.org/ http://www.rashtriyasewa.org/ http://www.rastrachethana.blogspot.in/ http://www.sajjanapriya.blogspot.com/ http://www.saltmarch.org.za/ http://www.samarthbharat.com/ http://www.sastradana.cz/ Proud Hindu Pure Bhakti & Books Australia Sri Gauravani Gaudiya Matha Rama Setu Information Rashtriya Sewa Bharati Rashtra Chetna Hare Krishna Movement Gandhi Walk Samarth Bharat Sastra Dana India Australia Brazil India India India India South Africa India The Czech Republic 4686 4687 4688 Movement Movement Movement http://www.sastradana4africa.org/ http://www.savecows.net/ http://www.savetemples.org/ Sastra Dana for Africa radio ISKCON Save Cows Save Hindu Temples organization Project of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation [GHHF] South Africa USA USA 4689 Movement http://www.shrikrishna.ru/ Russia 4690 4691 Movement Movement http://www.sibved.ru/ http://www.south-asiaforum.org/ Hare Krishna movement in St. Petersburg ISKCON Russia Forum South Asia Forum Learn Krishna Consciousness World Plight of Bengali (Bangla Language) India USA Murli Sudha India ISKCON Discussion Forum World The Om Sakthi Spiritual Movement - India The Adhiparasakthi Trust Russia USA 4692 Movement Hindus Against Proposed EU Swastika Ban Europe Spiritual Bangalore Blog of Sripad Bhaktivedanta Vana Maharaja Temples Revival Audio - Indian Leaders' Speeches Indian Civilisation ISKCON Russia The Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram India Brazil Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement http://www.spiegel.de/international/crossedswords-hindus-against-proposed-eu-swastikaban-a-460259.html http://www.spiritualbangalore.com/ http://www.sripadvanamaharaja.blogspot.com / http://www.templesrevival.blogspot.com/ http://www.theuniversalwisdom.org/ http://www.vandemataram.com/ http://www.varshana.ru/ http://www.vicharakendram.org/ 4693 4694 Movement Movement 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 India India India Russia India 4700 Movement http://www.vimokshananda.wordpress.com/ Swami Vimokshananda South Africa 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Movement Music Music http://www.vinodpandit.com/ http://www.voiceofdharma.com/ http://www.voiceofdharma.org/ http://www.voiceofdharmatemple.com/ http://www.vrinda.ru/ http://www.wakeuprajput.com/ http://www.yashodharman.in/ http://www.yugnirman.org/ http://yugnirman.blogspot.in/ http://cinemanrityagharana.blogspot.in/ http://icemonger.livejournal.com/38154.html India India India Canada Russia India India India India USA India 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music http://musicofyoga.bandcamp.com/ http://rajmusicparty.blogspot.in/ http://sindhisangeet.blogspot.com/ http://www.bhaktirasa.com/ http://www.bhaktivedantaband.com/ http://www.chakrini.com/ http://www.creativeeducation.org.uk/ http://www.dwarkadheeshcinecreation.com/ Vinod Pandit – Lion of Kashmir Voice of Dharma Voice of Dharma Hindu Voice canada ISKCON Russia Wake up Rajput Shankhanaad Yug Nirman Yojana Yog Nirman Manch Cinema Nritya Gharana Now that's what I call music by Caitanya dasa Music of Yoga Raj Juriani : Sindhi Singer Sindhi Sangeet Bhakti Rasa Music The Bhaktivedanta Band Songs of the Soul Creative Education Dwarkadheesh Cine Creation 4720 4721 4722 Music Music Music Ganga Giri's Music Programmes Hinduism & Patriotic Songs Jana Gana Mana sung by Kenyans Australia India Kenya 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 Music Music Music Music Music Music Music http://www.gangagiri.com/# http://www.geetganga.org/ http://www.historytalking.com/video/Jana%20 Gana%20Mana%20as%20sung%20in%20Ke nya.htm http://www.jkmusic.in/ http://www.juriani.com/ http://www.mandala-music.com/ http://www.masterchander.com/ http://www.mayapuris.com/ http://www.namrock.com/ http://www.omstream.com/ 4730 Music 4731 Music 4732 4733 4734 Music Music Music 4735 Music JK Music :Chaliha Sahib Festival Raj Juriani : Sindhi Singer Mandala Music Mahesh Chander : Sindhi Singer Mayapuris Music Band Namrock Band Kathryn Budig's Omstream Music & Yoga http://www.prabhumusic.net/ Prabhu Music by Deva Premal & Miten http://www.rhythmhouse.in/Detail.aspx?prod Essential Hindu Prayers for uctListing=108766 Children by Dr. Jyotsna Srikanth http://www.srichinmoysongs.com/ Sri Chinmoy songs http://www.srimusic.com/ Sri Music http://www.supersoul.com/music Jayadev Dasa (John Richardson)'s Music http://www.thamarai.com/ The lotus flower - Thamarai India India India USA India UK UK India India India USA India USA USA USA USA India USA USA UK India 4736 4737 Music Music http://www.urjamusic.com/ http://www.worldwiderecordsindia.com/midp age.do?metaID=241&cat=Rec&title=JaiHoSi ddhivinayakDeva http://www.wwrindia.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq8Ylf8V mRM https://www.facebook.com/mayapuris http://afemuseums.easia.columbia.edu/cgibin/museums/search.cgi/topic?topic_id=142 Urja Music Ganesh Bhajan & Indian Music India India 4738 4739 Music Music Indian Music Morchang instrument India India 4740 4741 Music Musuem Mayapuris Music Band Hindus & Indian Arts India USA 4742 Musuem 4743 4744 Musuem Musuem 4745 4746 4747 Musuem Musuem Musuem 4748 Musuem 4749 Musuem 4750 Musuem 4751 Musuem 4752 Musuem 4753 Musuem Indian Gallery - National Gallery of Australia, Canberra http://www.ancientindia.co.uk/ Ancient India and Hinduism http://www.angkornationalmuseum.com/highl Vishnu Statue in Cambodia ight_artifact.php?artifact=3 http://www.asianart.com/galleries.html Asian Arts - Hindu Paintings http://www.bhagavadgitamuseum.com/ The Bhagavad-gita Museum http://www.cambodiamuseum.info/en_collecti Devi Vishnu situates in Phnom Penh on/stone_object/devi.html Museum Cambodia http://www.cambodia-picturetour.com/theThe Biggest Vishnu Statue in biggest-vishnu-statue-in-cambodiaCambodia, Harikambujendra harikambujendra/ http://www.chammuseum.danang.vn/TabID/6 Hindu Gods Statues in Cham 5/CID/46/ItemID/124/default.aspx Musuem Danang http://www.chammuseum.danang.vn/TabID/6 Hindu Relics in Cham Musuem 6/CID/45/default.aspx Danang http://www.guimet.fr/-The-collectionsMusee Guimet Musuem Paris Hindu Stutues Collection from India & SE Asia http://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listing Indian Paintings- The Metropolitan s/2011/wonder-of-the-age--master-painters-of- Museum of Art, New York india-11001900 http://www.mythologicalmuseum.org/ Kunda Satyanarayana Kala Dhamam 4754 Musuem http://www.nscdelhi.org/satellite-units.php Kurukshetra Panorama & Science India 4755 Musuem Rama’s Bow: Paintings of the Ramayana USA 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 Musuem Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Learn/schoo lteacher/pdf/RamayanaEducatorResourcelist.p df http://www.swaminarayanmuseum.com/ http://dharavasavada.wordpress.com/ http://en.hastinapura.org.ar/diario.html http://en.newsbharati.com/ http://englishsanatanprabhat.blogspot.in/ http://epaper.hindvasi.com/ http://harekrishnaworldnews.blogspot.in/ Shree Swaminarayan Museum, Indian culture & News Hastinapura Newspaper News Bharati, Nagpur Sanatan Prabhat Sindhi Hindvasi Newspaper Hare Krishna News - Gaudiya News India India Argentina India India India India 4763 4764 4765 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://hindu.theuniversalwisdom.org/ http://jayhind.co.in/ http://jhs.oxfordjournals.org/ Latest Hindu News USA Jai Hind -India First India Journal of Hindu Studies, Oxford UK UK 4766 Newsmagazine http://kaminidandapani.typepad.com/ 4767 4768 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://krishna1008.blogspot.in/ http://lokswaraj.weebly.com/ Kailasanathar Temple & Tales of South India Hare Krishna news Virat Vidyapeeth http://nga.gov.au/IndianArt/ Australia UK Cambodia France India Cambodia Cambodia Vietnam Vietnam France USA India India World India 4769 Newsmagazine http://narainkataria.blogspot.com http://news.hinduworld.com/ http://news.iskcon.com/ http://news.iskcon.com/recipes http://news.iskcon.org/ http://old.himalmag.com/ http://praheladprajapati.wordpress.com/ Indian American Intellectuals Forum (IAIF) Hindu Sarve Samachar ISKCON News ISKCON News ISKCON News Himal Magazine Currrent Information by PP Prajapati 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 USA India World World World Nepal India Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://sacisuta108.blogspot.in/ http://temple.dinamalar.com/ http://thenethindu.blogspot.com/ http://truthtriumphs.wordpress.com/ http://vedicviews-worldnews.blogspot.com/ ISKCON Netherland News Dinamalar Temples Information Hindu Leaders Informations Truth Triumphs Vedic Views onn World News Netherland India India India India 4781 4782 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine India India 4783 Newsmagazine 4784 4785 4786 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://vijaykarnataka.indiatimes.com/ Vijaya Karnataka http://vyaparhindi.janmabhoominewspapers.c Vypar om/epaper.aspx http://www.akhandjyoti.org/ Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Gayatri Pariwar, Mathura, India http://www.amarujala.com/ Amar Ujala, Noida http://www.artoflivingmagazine.com/ Art of Living News Magazine http://www.asanajournal.com/ ASANA - 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Sanyas News India India India Brazil India India India Canada USA India UK News Magazine Indonesia Saranagati Society for Spiritual Croatia Culture Sarve Samachar: Hindu News Portal India Sathiyam TV & Newsmagazine South Asia Terrorism Portal Devoted to 'Bharat' and 'Dharma' Shehjar Kashmiri Hindu Organisation http://www.siddhanta.com/ Shyamasundara Prabhu's Blog http://www.sindhitattler.com/ Sindhi Newsmagazine http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/world- Vishnu Exhibition in USA news/worlds-1st-major-exhibition-on-hindulord-vishnu-premiered-at-nashville-inusa_100505334.html http://www.thehimalayantimes.com/ The Himalayan Times http://www.thehinducentre.com/ The Hindu Centre http://www.thehing.com/ The HING - ISKCON News Source UK India India India Kumbakonal Temples Indian News Magazines India India Tripura info Tulu Nadu News India India Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://www.thisiskumbakonam.com/ http://www.trajasingh.com/usefullinks/magazines/ http://www.tripurainfo.com/ http://www.tulunadunews.com/tag/hinduorganisation/ http://www.udayavanienglish.com/ http://www.udayindia.in/ http://www.vancouverdesi.com/ Udayawani India Udai India India The Vancouver Indian Nesmagazine Canada 4887 4888 4889 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://www.vigilonline.com/ http://www.vijaykarnatakaepaper.com/ http://www.vijayvaani.com/ Hindu Opinion Forum India Vijaya Karnataka Epaper India VijayVani Publishers Opinion Forum India 4890 4891 4892 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://www.vina.cc/ http://www.vnn.org/ http://www.vrindanews.com/ 4893 4894 4895 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Newsmagazine http://www.worldhindunews.com/ http://www.wsnl.net/ http://yogaresearch.webs.com/ Vaishnava Internet News Agency Vaishnava News Network VRINDA - Vrindavan Institute for Vaisnava Culture and Studies World Hindu News World Sankirtan Newsletter International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences USA India India Nepal India USA World USA India World USA India 4896 Newsmagazine Newsmagazine Organisation https://www.facebook.com/BodyBeyondMaga zine https://www.facebook.com/samajavani Body & Beyond Spiritual Magazine India India Samaja Vani India The Hindu Council of Kenya (HCK) Kenya 4897 4898 4899 Organisation http://aalayam.co.nz/ Ayalam NZ Hindu Temple Society 4900 4901 Organisation Organisation http://agniveerfans.wordpress.com/ http://akhilabharatapadmashalisangham.org/ 4902 Organisation 4903 Organisation 4904 4905 Organisation Organisation 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 4915 Organisation 4916 4917 New Zealand Agni Veer Akhila Bharatha Padmashali Sangham http://akhilbharathindumahasabha.blogspot.in Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha / http://aryasamajfaridabad.websitesforever.co Arya Samaj Faridabad m/ http://askbaba.helloyou.ch/ Sathya Sai Baba http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree - Devotee Network http://berlintempel.blogspot.in/ Kurukshetra Blog http://bhaktivrikshaujjain.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Vriksha Ujjain http://blog.sevasahayog.org/ Seva Sahayog http://boston.vhp-america.org/ VHP Boston http://caksurunmilitan.blogspot.in/ The ISKCON World I Know http://calender.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree http://calgary.iskcon.ca/ RMCA-ISKCON Calgary http://canada-krishna.blogspot.ca/ Hare Krsna http://centre.vedantique.pagesperso-orange.fr/ Centre Védantique Ramakrishna France http://chiefadviser.vina.cc/ World Vaishnava Asociation -Chief Swami Bhakti Vigyan Bharati India India Organisation Organisation http://content.iskcon.org/ http://das-anudas.blogspot.in/ World India 4918 4919 Organisation Organisation http://deshika.wordpress.com/ http://devoteedoctor.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Information Dasanudasa - A Tribute to HG Uttama Caitanya Das The Vaishnava Voice Devotee doctor 4920 Organisation http://devoteenames.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree India 4921 Organisation http://devoteesvaishnavas.blogspot.in/ ISKCON Devotees Onine Website India 4922 4923 Organisation Organisation 4924 Organisation 4925 Organisation 4926 4927 4928 Organisation Organisation Organisation 4929 Organisation 4930 Organisation http://dhyan-foundation.blogspot.com/ Dhyan Foundation http://distributebooks.co.za/2013/05/01/maser ISKCON, Maseru, Lesotho u-lesotho-march-2013-day-4/ http://divinelightawakening.org/ Divya Light Awakening -Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji http://drama.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree -Spiritual Dramas for your trascendental pleasure http://ekantsatsang.wordpress.com/ Saint Asharam Bapu http://eldespertarsai.blogspot.in/ Shirdi Sai Blog http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arya_Samaj_in_ Arya Samaj in Fiji Fiji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmajyoti_Ashra Atmajyoti Ashram, Vadodara m http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinmaya_Missi Chinmaya Mission on India India Switzerland India Germany India India USA India India Canada Canada France India India India India Lesotho Canada India India India Fiji India India 4931 Organisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada_Khachar Dada Khachar -A well known devotee of Sri Swaminarayan Daraganj Allahabad Durga Vahini 4932 4933 Organisation Organisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daraganj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durga_Vahini 4934 Organisation 4935 Organisation 4936 Organisation 4937 Organisation 4938 Organisation 4939 Organisation 4940 Organisation 4941 Organisation 4942 Organisation 4943 Organisation 4944 Organisation 4945 Organisation 4946 4947 Organisation Organisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governing_Body _Commission http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_Maha_Sa bha_(Fiji) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_Temple_S ociety_of_North_America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Ara b_states http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indians_in_Luxe mbourg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Soc iety_for_Krishna_Consciousness http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISKCON_Temple _Bangalore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISKCON_Temple _Delhi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundan_Singh_K ush http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_Hindu_ Panchayat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parisada_Hindu_ Dharma_Indonesia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Janmabhoo mi_Nyas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudranath http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatan_Sanstha 4948 4949 Organisation Organisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandipani http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharada_Peeth 4950 Organisation India 4951 Organisation 4952 Organisation 4953 Organisation 4954 4955 Organisation Organisation 4956 Organisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sree_Dharma_Pa Sree Dharma Paripalana Yogam ripalana_Yogam Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirumurai Thirumurai a twelve volume compendium of songs or hymns in the praise of Shiva http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Peeth_editi Tulsi Peeth on_of_the_Ramcharitmanas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanavasi_Kalyan Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram _Ashram http://forum.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree http://freedomweapon.blogspot.in/ Sudarshana Chakra -Freedom Weapons http://ganeshnadiga.blogspot.in/ Sri Raghaveshwara Bharathi Swamiji 4957 4958 Organisation Organisation http://gauranga.ucoz.ru/ http://gbc.iskcon.org/ Russia India 4959 4960 4961 Organisation Organisation Organisation 4962 Organisation ISKCON Governing Body Commission Hindu Maha Sabha (Fiji) India India India India Fiji Hindu Temple Society of North America Hinduism in Arab states USA Indian Association Luxembourg Luxembourg International Society for Krishna Consciousness ISKCON Temple Bangalore World ISKCON Temple Delhi India Kundan Singh Kush :Arya Samaj preacher Pakistan Hindu Panchayat Fiji Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia Indonesia Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas India Rudranath Sanatan Sanstha - Dr Jayant Balaji Athavale Sandipani Ashram, Ujjain Sharada Peeth, POK India India UAE India Pakistan India Pakistan India India India India India India http://globalhinducongress.org/ http://gopinathmath.files.wordpress.com/ http://gopinathmath.wordpress.com/ ISKCON Russia The ISKCON GBC Executive Committee Global Hindu Congres Shri Gopinath Math's Blog Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math’s Blog World India India http://govindananda.mdo.hu/ ISKCON Hungary Blog Hungary 4963 4964 Organisation Organisation http://graceofguruji.wordpress.com/ Art of Living volunteers http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sri_Chinmoy_ Sri Chinmoy Inspiration Inspiration/ http://guruji.narod.ru/ Hinduism or Sanatana DharmaGruruji Narod http://HAREKRISHNA.com.br/ ISKCON Brazil - The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. 4965 Organisation 4966 Organisation 4967 4968 4969 India USA Russia Organisation Organisation Organisation http://harekrishnablog.blogspot.com The Hare Krishna Blog http://harekrishnablog.blogspot.in/ The Hare Krishna Blog http://harekrishnavirtualistagosthi.blogspot.in/ Virtual Istagosthi India India Spain 4970 4971 4972 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://harekrishnaworship.blogspot.ca/ http://harinamblog.blogspot.com/ http://harinamfflmayapur.blogspot.in/ Canada Netherland India 4973 4974 Organisation Organisation Govindananda ISKCON Netherland Harinam & Fod for Life in Sri Mayapur http://hinducouncil.org.nz/ Hindu Council of NZ http://hinducouncilofthecaribbean.blogspot.in/ Hindu Council of the Caribbean 4975 Organisation http://hindulearningcolorado.com/ Hindu Learning Center Of Colorado USA 4976 4977 4978 4979 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://hindu-mahasabha.blogspot.in/ http://houston.baps.org http://indiansinluxembourg.blogspot.in/ http://intellectualsforum.blogspot.com/ Hindu Mahasabha Blog BAPS Houston, Mr. Ashwin Indian Association Luxembourg Indian American Intellectuals Forum India USA Luxembourg USA 4980 4981 4982 4983 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://irvailprabhukutumb.blogspot.in/ http://iskcon.livejournal.com/ http://iskcon.livejournal.com/friends http://iskconbangalore.co.in/ India India World India 4984 4985 Organisation Organisation http://iskconbhaktijay.blogspot.in/ http://iskconlenasiacomms.wordpress.com/ Irvail Prabhu Kutumb, Varanasi Iskcon's Livejournal Community Iskcon's Livejournal Community ISKCON Sri Jagannath Mandir Bangalore Iskcon Bhakti Bogota ISKCON Lenasia Communications 4986 4987 4988 4989 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation ISKCON Peru ISKCON Scarborough ISKCON Silicon Valley ISKCON Bulgaria Peru Canada USA Bulgaria 4990 Organisation ISKCON Guatemala City Guatemala 4991 Organisation ISKCON Managua Nicaragua 4992 Organisation ISKCON Port Moresby Papua New Guinea 4993 Organisation ISKCON Asunción Paraguay 4994 Organisation ISKCON Caracas Venezuela 4995 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5000 Organisation http://kanaiyyadesh.wordpress.com/ Sri Hanumanji’s temple at Akbar’s Fort Baba Jaigurudev Life Comes From Life Hare Krishna Journal Brazil Shri Kainchi Dham & Hanuman Mandir Kanaiyya desh India 4996 4997 4998 4999 http://iskcon-peru.blogspot.in/ http://iskconscarborough.blogspot.in/ http://iskconsiliconvalley.com/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/bulgaria/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/guatemala/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/nicaragua/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/papua-new-guinea/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/paraguay/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/venezuela/ http://iys.radhagopinath.com/articles/articleof-the-week/ http://jaigurudevmathura.ning.com/ http://jivacow.blogspot.in/ http://jornalharekrsnabrasil.blogspot.com/ http://kainchi.neebkaroribaba.com/ Brazil New Zealand Guyana Colombia South Africa India USA Brazil India India 5001 5002 5003 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://kentunion.co.uk/organisation/6469/ http://kiev-deity-darsan.blogspot.in/ http://kinkari108.blogspot.in/ Kent Hindu Society Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai Nitya Navina Dasi's Page - Devotee Network http://krishna.com.cn/ ISKCON China http://krishna.vn.ua/ Vinnickoe Society for Krishna Consciousness http://krishna.zp.ua/ Vinnickoe Society for Krishna Consciousness http://krishnasoc.moonfruit.com/ Krishna Consciousness Society http://kumbh-mela.euttaranchal.com/ashrams- Ashrams and Dharamshala in and-dharamshala-in-haridwar.php Haridwar UK Ukraine India 5004 5005 Organisation Organisation 5006 Organisation 5007 5008 Organisation Organisation 5009 5010 5011 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://latestsatsang.wordpress.com/ http://live.gunatitjyot.org/ http://lordkrishnaacademy.blogspot.com/ 5012 Organisation 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5018 Organisation 5019 5020 Organisation Organisation 5021 5022 5023 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5024 Organisation 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Asaram Bapu Gunatit Mission :Jyot Centre Lord Krishna’s Academy – Accra, Ghana http://mamandram123.blogspot.in/ Malaysia Hindhu Dharma Mamandram http://mayapur.blogger.ba/ Sri Dham Mayapur http://mayapuracademy.wordpress.com/ Mayapur Academy's Blog http://meditationclub.tribe.net/ Meditation talk http://melbourne.saievents.info/ Sathya Sai Centre, Melborne http://members.ozemail.com.au/~bareldsa/ind Sathya Sai Centre ex.html http://mother-meera-divine-mother-inMother Meera Divine Mother in form.meetup.com/ form Meetup Groups http://msvs.org.in/ Manav Sadhan Vikas Sanstha http://mumbai.ysskendra.org/ Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra Mumbai http://namahashivaya.blogspot.in/ ShivYog Meditation http://namahatta.wordpress.com/ ISKCON S Africa http://news.iskcon.com/node/4312 Building Hindu Relationships in Europe http://okanila.brinkster.net/phdi/ Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (Parisada) http://old.sanatandharmakendra.org/ Sanatan Dharma Kendra http://ombabaji.org.uk/ Haidakhandi Samaj http://omshivam.wordpress.com/ Saint Asharam Bapu http://padmanabhdas.wordpress.com/ Padmanabh das's Weblog http://pakhinduwelfare.blogspot.in/ Pak Hindu Welfare Association http://prem-rawat-talk.org/forum/ Maharaj Balyogeshwar Talk Forum India India Ghana 5031 Organisation http://pt.krishna.com/ ISKCON Brazil - The Bhaktivedanta Brazil Book Trust International, Inc. 5032 5033 5034 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://pushtimarg.wordpress.com/ http://ragedindian.com/sai-fund-org/ http://rashtriyasewabharati.blogspot.in/ Pushtimarg Sai Fund Malaysia Rashtriya Sewa Bharati -Jagran Sahyog Prasikshan Adhyayan India Malaysia India 5035 5036 Organisation Organisation http://refugeesvoice.wordpress.com/ http://reskiarasidin.blogspot.in/ Nepal Indonesia 5037 5038 Organisation Organisation http://rishikeshashram.blogspot.in/ http://rkmvpurulia.org/site/ Bhutanese Refugees Camp PHDI (Parisadha Hindu Hharma iIndonesia) Rishikesh Ashram Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Purulia China Ukraine Ukraine UK India Malaysia India India USA Australia Australia USA India USA India South Africa Europe Indonesia USA UK India USA Pakistan USA India India 5039 Organisation http://rsschennai.blogspot.in/ RSS Chhennai - Vishwa Samvad Kendra Tamilnadu http://rvm.co.in/ The RVM Foundation, Bnagalore http://sabhavarta.blogspot.in/ Hindu Sabha Varta http://sai.tripod.com/ Sathya Sai Centre -Penang http://sathyasaibaba.wordpress.com/ Sathya Sai Baba http://schastliv.narod.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://scnc.ukzn.ac.za/doc/INDIAN/sabhas/hin South African Hindu Maha Sabha dusabha.htm http://sdc-world.blogspot.in/p/ Sanaatan Dharma Community (SDC) http://shankaraguru.blogspot.com/2009/12/jag Jagatguru Adi Sankaracharya atguru-adi-sankaracharya-peethams.html Peethams India 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5046 Organisation 5047 Organisation 5048 Organisation http://sharadgupta40.blogspot.com/2011/08/g Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat olden-oppurtunitysadhna-shivir-in.html India 5049 Organisation http://shirdisaibabatamilstories.blogspot.in/ Shirdi Sai Baba Stories in Tamil. India 5050 5051 5052 5053 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://shivyog-sadhana.blogspot.in/ http://shop.bhaktivedantamanor.co.uk/ http://shrianandpurtrust.webs.com/ http://shriparamhansadvaitmat.blogspot.com ShivYog Meditation Haktivedanta Manor Shop Shri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust Shri Satguru Ashram India UK India India 5054 5055 5056 5057 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://shriradhemaa.blogspot.in/ http://shrisaiofshirdi.blogspot.in/ http://shrishastriji.blogspot.in/ http://sivananda.dls.org.za/ India India India South Africa 5058 Organisation http://sivanandayogafarm.org/ Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa Sai Temple Shastriji: Voice of Babaji Sri Swami Sivananda Divine Life Society South Africa The Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm 5059 Organisation Sleeping Vishnu at Budanilkantha Kathmandu Nepal Nepal 5060 5061 Organisation Organisation http://srilaprabhupadavaniseva.wordpress.co m/category/videos/sleeping-vishnu-atbudanilkantha-kathmandu-nepal/ http://srisantosh.wordpress.com/ http://srssm.blogspot.in/ Sri Santosh Puri Ashram Shri Ramdev Shiv Santosh Mandli (SRSSM) Karachi PAKISTAN India Pakistan 5062 5063 Organisation Organisation http://sses.sit.ac.in/ http://swamivishwananda-info.blogspot.in/ India Germany 5064 Organisation http://temples.neebkaroribaba.com/ 5065 5066 5067 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://thiruvempavai.blogspot.in/ http://tocaretaker.blogspot.in/ http://true-ramakrishnananda.com/ Sree Siddaganga Math Sri Swami Vishwananda, founder of Bhakti Marga, Neeb Karori baba - Temples & Ashram Shiva Parwati Grihamedhi vs Grhastha The True Story of Ramakrishananda 5068 5069 5070 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://uarelove1.tripod.com/SRC.htm http://universal-iskcon.blogspot.in/ http://vanavasikalyan.blogspot.in/ India World India 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://vedanta.org.nz/ http://vedanta.org.za/ http://vedic-culture.in.ua/ http://vedicupvan.posterous.com/ http://venicetemple.webs.com/ Sri Ramana Community Universal ISKCON The Akhil Bharatiya Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Vedanta World Vedanta World ISKCON Ukraine Vedic Upvan Women's Ashram - Ventura Temple India India Malaysia India Russia South Africa India India USA India India India USA New Zealand South Africa Ukraine India World 5076 5077 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://vhpa-chc.org/ Caribbean Hindu Conference http://vidasimplesepensamentoelevado.blogsp Bhakti Centers World Wide ot.in/ http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.in/ Sri Swami Vishwananda 5078 Germany 5079 Organisation http://vishwananda-cro.blogspot.in/ Germany 5080 Organisation 5081 Organisation 5082 Organisation 5083 5084 5085 5086 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5087 Organisation 5088 Organisation Sri Swami Vishwananda, founder of Bhakti Marga, http://vishwananda-de.blogspot.in/ Sri Swami Vishwananda, founder of Bhakti Marga, http://vishwananda-talks.blogspot.in/ Sri Swami Vishwananda, founder of Bhakti Marga, http://vivekajyoti.blogspot.in/2011/06/pakista Pakistan Hindu Seva Samiti (PHSS) n-hindu-seva-samiti.html http://vjmprogram.blogspot.in/ Vishwa Jagriti Mission Program http://vrindavana.dasya.com/ Sri Vrindavan Dham http://wardha.nic.in/htmldocs/plvst.asp Paunar - Paramdham Ashram http://wikimapia.org/15632770/SHRIShri Sitaram Seva Trust SITARAM-SEVA-TRUST-VRUDHVrudhashram Mehasana ASHRAM http://worldtamilhinduforum.blogspot.in/2010 World Tamil Hindu Forum /02/hinduism_26.html http://www.2kabir.co.uk/ Sadguru Prakatya Dham, Varanasi 5089 Organisation http://www.acharyasabha.org/ The Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha India 5090 Organisation http://www.adhyatmajyoti.org/ India 5091 Organisation Adhyatmajyoti Ashram - Shri Nardev Kothari List of Ashramas India 5092 Organisation 5093 Organisation 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5099 Organisation 5100 Organisation 5101 5102 5103 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.adhyatmajyoti.org/present_ashra ms.html http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messen Lord Shiva gers/shri_shiva.htm http://www.adyapeath.org/ Dakshineswar Ramkrishna Sangha Adyapeath http://www.afghanhindu.info/ Afghan Hindus http://www.agathiar.org/ Sri Ahathiar Cheritable Trust http://www.aghor.org/ Sonoma Ashram Foundation http://www.ahimsatrust.org/ Ahimsa Trust http://www.ahma.org.au/ Australian Hindu Multicultural Association (AHMA) http://www.ahwsngo.org/ American Hindu World Services (AHWS) http://www.ahwsngo.org/projectsAmerican Hindu World Service indonesia.shtml (AHWS) http://www.aimforseva.org/ All India Movement for Seva http://www.akhandbharat.org/ Indian Nation and its Heritage http://www.akhandjyoti.in/ Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital (AJEH) 5104 Organisation http://www.akhilbharathindumahasabha.org/ Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha India 5105 5106 Organisation Organisation http://www.alachuaclasses.com/ http://www.AmericanHindu.net/ India USA 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.ammacenter.org/ http://www.ammafoundation.org.in/ http://www.amritnathashram.org/ http://www.amritsangrah.com/ http://www.amsterdhama.nl/ Classes of New Raman Reti American Hindu Association Wisconsin Amma Center of New Mexico Amma Foundation Shri Amrit Nath Ashram Shri Amrit Nath Ashram ISKCON Amsterdam USA Brazil Germany Germany Pakistan India India India India World India India India Afghanistan India USA India Australia USA USA India India India USA India India India Netherland 5112 5113 5114 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5115 5116 5117 5118 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5119 5120 Organisation Organisation http://www.ananda.org/ http://www.anandadham.com/ http://www.anandaindia.org/kriyayoga/index.php http://www.anandakutir.org.za/ http://www.anandamayi.org/ http://www.anandashram.org/ http://www.anandfoundation.com/directory_li st.asp?Cat1ID=36&Cat2ID=80 http://www.anandpuri.com/ http://www.anandsamaj.com/ Ananda Sangha Bhakti Centers Ananda Sangha India USA Switzerland India Ananda Kutir Ashrama Sri Ma Anandamayi Swami Ramdas Ananad Ashram Ramlila Committee New Delhi South Africa India India India Haidakhandi Samaj Anand Samaj Philosophical And Social Development Trust Anantha Jyothi Sevai Niruvanam Goudiya Vaishnavism India India 5121 5122 Organisation Organisation http://www.ananthajyothi.org/ http://www.angelfire.com/in/goudiyamath/ 5123 Organisation http://www.annadanam.org/ Senthil Andavar Annadana Sabhai Annadānam at Tiruchendur India 5124 5125 Organisation Organisation 5129 5130 Organisation Organisation http://www.archivesofrss.org/ http://www.arshabodha.org/ 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.arshavidya.net/ http://www.artofliving.de/ http://www.artofliving.eu/ http://www.artofliving.org/de-en/berlin http://www.artoflivingbangalore.org/ http://www.artoflivingsecrets.com/ http://www.arulananda.org/ 5138 Organisation http://www.aryagan.org/ 5139 Organisation http://www.aryamantavya.in/ 5140 Organisation http://www.aryamarriagebureau.com/ 5141 Organisation http://www.aryasamaj.co.in/ 5142 5143 Organisation Organisation http://www.aryasamaj.com/ http://www.aryasamaj.net/ Anoopam Mission Shree Swaminarayan Spiritual and Cultural Centre The Art of Living Arya Samaj South Africa Sri Suryanarayana Swamy Vari Devasthanam, Arasavalli Archives of RSS Arsha Bodha Center for the traditional teaching of Vedanta Arsha Vidya Vikas Kendra Art of Living Art of Living Art of Living Germany Art of Living Bangalore Art of Living Secrets Sri Suruli Arulananda Swami's ashram AP Arya Samaj Gandhidham Vocational Training Arya Mantavya -Pt Lekhram Vedic Mission Arya Samaj Marriage - Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Aarya Samaj, Jawahar Nagar, Mumbai Arya Pratinidhi Sabha America Arya Samaj of Suburban New York India USA Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.anoopam.org/ http://www.anoopammission.org/centers/amusa/amusa.htm http://www.aolpk.org/ http://www.apssa.co.za/ http://www.arasavalli.com/ 5126 5127 5128 5144 5145 5146 5147 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.aryasamaj.org.fj/ http://www.aryasamaj.org.gy/ http://www.aryasamaj.org/ http://www.arya-samaj.org/ Fiji Guyana India UK 5148 5149 Organisation Organisation http://www.aryasamajaburoad.org/ http://www.aryasamajhouston.com/ Arya Samaj Fiji Guyana Central Arya Samaj Arya Samaj Discussion Forum Arya Samaj Vedic Mission West Midlands Arya Samaj Aburoad Arya Samaj Greater Houston Texas 5150 Organisation http://www.aryasamajhouston.org/ Arya Samaj Greater Houston & Vedic Culture Center USA India India Pakistan South Africa India India USA India Germany Europe India India India India India India India India USA USA India USA 5151 Organisation http://www.aryasamajjalandhar.com/ 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.aryasamajjamnagar.org/ http://www.aryasamajkerala.org/ http://www.aryasamajmandir.com/ http://www.aryasamajmandir.in/ http://www.aryasamajmandir.net/ http://www.aryasamajmandir.org/ http://www.aryasamajmandirgurgaon.com/ 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.aryasamajmarriage.in/ http://www.aryasamajmarriage.org.in/ http://www.aryasamajtoday.com/ http://www.aryasamajvvpuram.org/i http://www.aryaveerdalmumbai.org/ http://www.asamai.com/ http://www.asanga.org.za/ 5166 5167 5168 5169 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5170 5171 Organisation Organisation 5172 Arya Samaj Model Town, Jalandhar, Punjab Arya Samaj Jamnagar Kerala Arya Prathinidhi Sabha Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Arya Samaj Delhi Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Arya Samaj Gurgoan India India India India India India India India Arya Samaj Mnadir Delhi Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Arya samaj Today Arya Samaj Bangalore Arya Veer Dal, Mumbai Afghan Hindu Asociation Ananda Sanga Educational Institute (ASEI) http://www.ashram.org/ Sant Shri Asaram http://www.ashramazkoitia.co.nr/ Babaji Azkoitia Ashram http://www.ashrammunivara.org/ Ashram Munivara http://www.ashwasan.com/ Shree Sidh Shakti Peeth Shanidham, New Delhi -Gurukul Ashwasan Baal Gram http://www.asthabharati.org/ Astha Bharati http://www.astonhindusoc.co.uk/events/2010/ Aston Hindu Society aston-hindu-society-committee-membersannounced-for-2010-%E2%80%93-2011/ India India USA India India Afghanistan South Africa Organisation http://www.atthefeetofmothermeera.com/ At the feet of Mother Meera USA 5173 5174 5175 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.audaryadhaam.com/ http://www.aumkarsadhana.com/ http://www.auro-ma-ramalingam.org/ Netherland India India 5176 Organisation http://www.auroville.org/ ISKCON Rotterdam The World Of Aumkar Sadhana Temple Architect, Sculptor and Vaasthu Sastra expert Universal City - Aurobindo's Vision 5177 5178 Organisation Organisation 5179 Organisation http://www.austinmarathimandal.org/ Austin Marathi Mandal USA http://www.australiancouncilofhinduclergy.co Australian Council Of Hindu Clergy Australia m/ http://www.autoriteapsara.org/en/apsara.html APSARA Authority for the Cambodia Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap 5180 5181 5182 5183 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.awgp.org/ http://www.awgpgn.org/ http://www.ayyappaseva.org/ http://www.ayyavazhi.org/ 5184 Organisation 5185 5186 Organisation Organisation 5187 5188 5189 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.babadbali.com/danapunia/danapu Dana Punia nia.htm http://www.babaji.net/ Haidakhandi Samaj http://www.babaji.nl/ Haidakhandi Samaj - Ashram 'Sada Shiva Dham' http://www.babaji.org.uk/ Haidakhandi Samaj http://www.babaji.pl/ Haidakhandi Samaj http://www.babaji.ru/ Omkar Shiva Dham All World Gayatri Pariwar Gayatri Pariwar Greater Noida Ayyappa Seva Ayya Vaikundar The Spiritual light USA Spain Indonesia India India UK India India India USA India Indonesia India Netherland UK Poland Russia 5190 5191 Organisation Organisation http://www.babajiashram.de/ http://www.babajiashram.org/ Bhole Baba Ashram Haidakhandi Universal Ashram & Maha Lakshmi Shop Bhole Babaji Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Centre Bhole Babaji Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Centre Haidakhandi Samaj Haidakhandi Samaj Haidakhandi Samaj Babaji's Kriya Yoga Babaji's Kriya Yoga Balaji Seva Samiti, Pune The Poornathrayeesha Temple Dharma Charitable Trust BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Santha RK Mission Baranagar, Kolkata Barsana Dham Radha Madhav Dham Austin Barsana Eye Camp ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Germany USA 5192 Organisation http://www.babajiayurveda.in/ 5193 Organisation http://www.babajiayurveda.info/ 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.babajicalling.com/ http://www.babajihospital.info/ http://www.babajihrvatska.org/ http://www.babajiskriyayoga.bg/ http://www.babajiskriyayoga.in/ http://www.balajisevasamiti.org/ http://www.balasramam.org/ 5201 5202 5203 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.baps.org/ http://www.baranagarrkmission.org/ http://www.barsanadham.org/ 5204 5205 Organisation Organisation http://www.barsanaeyecamp.com/ http://www.bbt.org.br/ 5206 5207 5208 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5209 Organisation http://www.bbtedit.com/ http://www.bddn.org/ http://www.bddn.org/portfolio/beasiswadharma-dana-angk-1/ http://www.bdphn.com/ BBT Edit Badan Dharma Dana Nasional Beasiswa Dharma Dana India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia http://www.bhaktiprojects.info/ http://www.bhaktiprojects.org/ http://www.bhaktiswarupadamodara.com/ Badan Dana Punia Hindu Nasional ( BDPHN ) Just be happy Valmiki Bhagwan Pure Bhakti Bhakti Yoga Pure Bhakti Sri Swami Vishwananda, founder of Bhakti Marga, Bhakti Projects Bhakti Projects Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Maharaja 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.behappyinc.org/ http://www.bhagwanvalmiki.com/ http://www.bhaktibrasil.com/ http://www.bhaktijoga.pl/ http://www.bhaktilatam.com/ http://www.bhaktimarga.org/ 5216 5217 5218 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5219 Organisation http://www.bhaktivedantacollege.org/ Bhaktivedanta Vedic College USA USA 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.bhaktivedantahospital.com/ http://www.bhaktivedantamanor.co.uk/ http://www.bhaktivriksha.com/ http://www.bhakti-vriksha.ru/ http://www.bhandaryfoundation.org/ http://www.bharatheritagefoundation.org/ The Bhaktivedanta Hospital Bhaktivedanta Manor The Bhakti Vriksha ISKCON Russia Bhandary Foundation Bharat Heritage Foundation India UK India Russia India India 5226 5227 Organisation Organisation http://www.bharatiyakisansangh.org/ http://www.bharatswabhimansamachar.in/ The Bharatiya Kisan Sangh Bharat Swabhiman Neyas India India 5228 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5231 Organisation http://www.bhole-baba-ashram.de/ Baba Ramdev's Bharat Swabhiman Trust Ahmedabad Braham Samaj Gurudeo Shri Bhayyuji Maharaj, Indore (India) Bhole Baba Ashram India 5229 5230 http://www.bharatswabhimantrust.org/bharats wa/ http://www.bhattmewada.org/ http://www.bhayyumaharaj.com/ India India India India Croatia Bulgaria Canada India India India India USA USA Brazil South Africa UK Brazil Poland Mexico Germany World USA India India India Germany 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.bhs.org.pk/ http://www.binstitute.org http://www.bkdallas.org/ http://www.bkmhouston.org http://www.bksgujarat.org.in/ Bhandar Hari Sangat (BHS) Bhaktivedanta Institute, Kolkata Brahama Kumari Dallas Bharathi Kalai Manram (BKM) The Bharatiya Kisan Sangh Gujarat Pakistan India USA USA India 5237 5238 5239 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.bksranchi.org/ http://www.bktampa.org/ http://www.bktexas.com/ India USA USA 5240 Organisation http://www.bkwsu.com/ 5241 Organisation http://www.bkwsu.org/ 5242 Organisation http://www.bkwsu.org/au 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/ http://www.brahmakumaris.com/ http://www.brahmakumaris.org.in/ http://www.brahmakumaris.org/ http://www.brahmasavitripushkar.org/ 5248 5249 5250 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.brahmavidya.org/ http://www.brahmgyan.com/ http://www.brahmgyan.in/ The Bharatiya Kisan Sangh Brahma Kumaris, Tampa Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization TX Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning Blavatsky Study Center Brahma Kumaris India Brahma Kumaris India Brahmakumaris Brahma Savitri Ved Vidhya Peeth Pushkar Nyas, Pushkar Hind Navottana Pratishthan BrhmGyan Vedic Pratisthan Brahm Gyan - Yoga Sutra, hathapradipika and Goraksha Sataka 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Brahmin Community Brahmin Community Brahmrishi Mission Braj Dham Seva Braj Foundation Braj Leela by Bansuri Group Bramharshi Ananda siddi peetam India India Canada India India India India 5258 Organisation http://www.brahminlagn.com/ http://www.brahminsamaj.org/ http://www.brahmrishimission.org/ http://www.BrajDhamSeva.org/ http://www.brajfoundation.org/ http://www.brajleela.com/ http://www.bramharshianandasiddipeetam.or g/ http://www.brazilindonesia.org/ Indonesia 5259 5260 Organisation Organisation http://www.brijabasispirit.com/ http://www.buildhope.org/ 5261 5262 Organisation Organisation http://www.bvashram.org/ http://www.cakra.najde.cz/ 5263 Organisation http://www.californiabali.org/ 5264 Organisation http://www.canadanagarathars.com/ 5265 5266 Organisation Organisation http://www.canhindu.com/ http://www.caribbeanhindu.com/ Brazil Indonesia Friendship Association New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit Sivananda Saraswathi Sevashram, Chennai Bhakti Vedanta Ashram CAKRA the official center of ISKCON California Bali Friendship Association Nagarathar Sangam of Canada (NSC) Candian Hindus Bronx Sevashram Sangha New York 5267 Organisation http://www.cataniageetanjalicircle.com/ Mauritius 5268 5269 Organisation Organisation http://www.centredebhaktiyoga.com/ http://www.centre-vedantique.fr/ 5270 5271 Organisation Organisation http://www.chaitanya-monks.org/ http://www.chaka-dola.narod.ru/ Mauritian Cultural,Social and Religious Association Centre de Bhakti-yoga Centre Védantique Ramakrishna France Chaitanya Monks ISKCON Russia India UK Australia India Indonesia India India India India India India India India India The Czech Republic Indonesia Canada Canada USA Belgium France USA Russia 5272 5273 5274 5275 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5276 5277 Organisation Organisation http://www.chamundaswamiji.com/ http://www.chanakyafoundation.org/ http://www.chanakyaschakkravyuh.com/ http://www.chandiramani.com/bridgetoindone sia.html http://www.chennaimath.org/ http://www.chidananda.org/ USA India India Indonesia http://www.childprotectionoffice.org/ Sri Chamunda Swamiji Chankaya Foundation Chanakya's Chakkravyuh Bridge To Indonesia -IndiaIndonesia Friendship Society Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai Swami Dayananda Ashram -The Divine Life Society The ISKCON Child Protection Office 5278 Organisation 5279 5280 Organisation Organisation http://www.childrenofsathyasai.org/ http://www.chinfo.org/ Children of Sathya Sai Society Chinmaya International Foundation India India 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.chinmaya.org/ http://www.chinmaya-aa.org/ http://www.chinmaya-chicago.com/ http://www.chinmaya-chicago.org/ http://www.chinmayahouston.org http://www.chinmayahouston.org/ Chinmaya Misssion West Chinmaya Mission Ann Arbor Chinmaya Mission Chicago Chinmaya Misssion Chicago Chinmaya Mission of Houston Chinmaya Mission Houston Texas USA USA USA USA USA USA 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.chinmayakedar.org/ http://www.chinmayamission.co.za/ http://www.chinmayamission.com/ http://www.chinmayamission.org/ http://www.chinmayasaaket.org/ http://www.chinmayauk.org/ http://www.chinnajeeyar.org/ http://www.chitrakoot.org/ Chinmaya Vrindavan Center Chinmaya Mission South Africa Chinmaya Mission Chinmaya Misssion Chinmaya Mission DFW Chinmaya Mission UK Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji Deendayal Research Institute's (DRI) USA South Africa India USA USA UK India India 5295 5296 5297 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.choprafoundation.org/ http://www.chopratreatmentcenter.com/ http://www.cirdna.org/ USA Canada India 5298 5299 5300 5301 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.cityhindusnetwork.org.uk/ http://www.cmmiami.org/ http://www.columbuskrishnahouse.com/ http://www.congohindumandal.com/ 5302 5303 Organisation Organisation http://www.connect.krishna.com/ http://www.cosmicgrace.org/ 5304 Organisation http://www.cvs-zagreb.org/ 5305 Organisation http://www.daanfoundation.org/ 5306 5307 5308 5309 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.dadhichimission.org/ http://www.dakshana.org/ http://www.dakshavakharia.com/ http://www.dandavats.com/ 5310 Organisation http://www.dattadevasthan.org/ 5311 5312 Organisation Organisation http://www.dattapeetham.com/ http://www.dattauniverse.com/ 5313 Organisation http://www.daveduboard.org/ The Chopra Foundation The Chopra Center Centre for Inner Resources Development City Hindus Network Chinmaya Mission Miami ISKCON Columbus, Ohio The Congo Hindu Mandal of Kinshasa ISKCON connect sie Bhagwan Shri Lakshmi Narayan Dham ISKCON Zagreb - Centar za Vedske Studije Zagreb Development Action Awareness Nationwide Dadhichi Mission Dakshana Foundation Information ISKCON Temples Development News Shri Datta Devasthan Trust, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra Avadhoota Datta Peetham Datta Univerese -Sri Anjaneya Sahasranamavali DAV Education Board India India USA UK USA USA Republic of Congo World India Croatia India India India USA World India India India India 5314 Organisation http://www.dayananda.org/ 5315 5316 Organisation Organisation 5317 5318 Organisation Organisation 5319 Organisation 5320 Organisation 5321 5322 5323 5324 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5325 Organisation 5326 5327 Organisation Organisation Swami Dayananda Ashram -The Divine Life Society http://www.deityworship.com/ Worship Procedures by ISKCON http://www.delvedanta.org/ Vedanta Studies Group - Hindu Temple Delaware http://www.devasthanam.com/ Peringottukara Devasthanam http://www.devipuram.com/ Devipuram Vishakhapatnam, AP Dr. N. Prahlada Sastry (Amritananda) http://www.devotee2devotee.com/ Devotee2Devotee : disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.devoteecareiskcon.com/en/ Devotee Care Program at ISKCON Tirupati http://www.devoteecareiskcon.com/eng/ Devotee Care http://www.dhama.dayalnitay.ru/ Dhama Dayalnitay http://www.dhanwantri.org/ Upliftment of Community http://www.dharmacentral.com/ Dr. Frank Morales - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya http://www.dharmacivilizationfoundation.org/ The Dharma Civilization Foundation, CA http://www.dharmakshetra.com/ Dharma Kshetra ISKCON http://www.dharmakshetra.org/ Sathya Sai Centre -Dharmakshetra India 5328 5329 Organisation Organisation http://www.dharmanathi.ru/ http://www.dharmashree.org/ 5330 5331 5332 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5333 5334 Organisation Organisation 5335 Organisation 5336 Organisation Guru Gorakh Nath Tradition Swami Govind Dev Giri Maharshi Vedavyas Pratisthan http://www.dhyanapeetam.org/ Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam http://www.dipika.org.za/ Vedic Source South Africa http://www.directionofmanagement.wordpress ISKCON Direction of Management .com http://www.divyajivan.org/ Divya Jivan Sangh http://www.divyayoga.com/ Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) Shri Ramdev http://www.djjs.org/ Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan -Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji http://www.djjs.org/divyajyotivedmandir/ Divya Jyoti Veda Mandir (DJVM) 5337 Organisation http://www.djvm.org/ Divya Jyoti Veda Mandir (DJVM) India 5338 Organisation http://www.dlshq.org/ India 5339 5340 5341 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.dlshq.org/saints/mirabai.htm http://www.dsnuk.org/ http://www.dsvvalumni.org/ 5342 Organisation http://www.edmontonmandir.com/ Swami Dayananda Ashram -The Divine Life Society The Divine Life Society Dalit Solidarity Network UK Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Alumni Assoaciation Bhartiya Cultural Society of Alberta 5343 Organisation http://www.eivs-shop.com/ Switzerland 5344 5345 Organisation Organisation http://www.ekataa.net/ http://www.encinitastemple.org/ 5346 5347 Organisation Organisation http://www.eng.vedanta.ru/ http://www.enlightenmentashram.com/ 5348 Organisation http://www.enlightenmenttoday.com/ European Institute of Vedic Studies (EIVS) The Ekataa Team The Self-Realization Fellowship Encinitas Temple Vedanta Russia The Ashram of Enlightenment USA and Europe Quarterly by Maharishi Vedic Edu Dvlp Corp Australia India India India USA India India Russia India USA USA World India Russia India India South Africa World India India India India India UK india Canada India USA Russia USA USA 5349 Organisation http://www.esanga.com/ 5350 Organisation http://www.escondidosrf.org/ 5351 5352 Organisation Organisation 5353 Organisation 5354 Organisation 5355 Organisation The Escondido Center of SelfRealization Fellowship http://www.estudiosvedicos.com/ Estudios Vedicos http://www.eurogbc.com/ ISKCON Euro Governing Body Commission http://www.eurorgb.com/ ISKCON Governing Body Commission - old site http://www.everyculture.com/No-Sa/Reunion- Tamils in Re Union Island France Island.html http://www.everytownandvillage.net/ ISKCON Activities for every Village 5356 5357 Organisation Organisation http://www.everytownandvillage.org/ http://www.facebook.com/agniveeragni 5358 Organisation 5359 Organisation http://www.facebook.com/bvsiddhanti.mahara Pure Bhakri Teachers j http://www.facebook.com/cafeatma?sk=info Govinda Café UK 5360 Organisation 5361 Organisation 5362 Organisation 5363 5364 5365 5366 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5367 Organisation 5368 Organisation 5369 Organisation 5370 Organisation 5371 Organisation 5372 5373 5374 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.facebook.com/pages/IskconRohini-Delhi/146197525452932 http://www.facebook.com/pages/ISKCONSecunderabad/177326472321398 http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100 000959790180 http://www.fia.org.nz/ http://www.flagfoundationofindia.in/ http://www.folknet.in/ 5375 5376 Organisation Organisation http://www.forum.krishna.ru/ http://www.friendsofiskconbangalore.com/ 5377 5378 5379 5380 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.fullertontemple.org/ http://www.fundacaosai.org.br/ http://www.fundaciondharma.org/ http://www.gadhpur.com/ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=138 650376165201 http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=292 956629557 http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=309 399034409 http://www.facebook.com/india272 http://www.facebook.com/iskcon.nigdi http://www.facebook.com/iskconguyana http://www.facebook.com/JKPEducation Divine Consciousness Community USA USA USA Germany Belgium Re Union Canada ISKCON Trust Office, MP India Agniveer: Truth, Compassion, India Character and Universal Humanism India UK ISKCON Ghana Ghana ISKCON Probolinggo, East Java Province, Indonesia ISKCON Trinidad and Tobago Indonesia Trinidad & Tobago India 272 Iskcon Nigdi - Sri Govind Dham ISKCON Guyana Jagaduru Kripalu Parishat Education India India Guyana India http://www.facebook.com/pages/CasaISKCON Buenos Aires Bhaktivedanta/51016792902?sk=info ISKCON Peru http://www.facebook.com/pages/ISKCONPeru/44909012932?ref=ts#!/pages/ISKCONPeru/44909012932?v=info Argentina Peru Iskcon-Rohini, Delhi India ISKCON Secunderabad India ISKCON Arequipa Peru Fiji Indian Association Flag Foundation Jindal ISKCON Sri Radha KrishnaChandra Temple, Krishna Forum ISKCON Sri Radha KrishnaChandra Temple, Self-Realization Fullerton Sathya Sai Centre Dharma Foundation Gopinath ji Mandir New Zealand India India Russia India USA Brazil Spain India 5381 Organisation http://www.ganagapurdatta.com/ Shree Kshetra Ganagapur - Nirgun Padukas of Shree Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy, Gulbarga India 5382 Organisation http://www.gandhicenterstlouis.org/ USA Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Center, St. Louis http://www.gangasevanidhi.org/ Ganga Seva Nidhi (GSN) : Gangrti Festival http://www.gangavalleyadventure.com/ Ashram in Rishikesh http://www.gaudiya.com/ Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition http://www.gaudiya.it/ Association Vaisnava Gaudiya Vedanta http://www.gaudiyadiscussions.com/ Gaudiya Vaishnava Discussion http://www.gaudiyahistory.com/ Gaudiya Vaishnavas & History http://www.gaudiyamission.com/ Gaudiya Mission http://www.gaudiya-vaishnava-theology.com/ Gaudiya Vaishnava 5383 Organisation 5384 5385 5386 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.gaura-bhakti.ch/ http://www.gaura-bhakti-rasa.com/ http://www.gauradesh.com/ http://www.gauranga.lt/ http://www.gauranga.org/ Switzerland India Germany Lithuania UK 5396 5397 5398 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.gauranga.org/vedic.htm http://www.gaurangakishore.blogspot.in/ http://www.gauranitai.nl/ 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.gaura-shakti.blogspot.in/ http://www.gauravani.com.br/ http://www.gauravani.com/ http://www.gayatridham.com/ http://www.gayatripariwar.org/ http://www.gayatrishaktipeeth.org/ http://www.gdt.org.za/ http://www.geetaashram.net/ http://www.geevees.blogspot.com/ http://www.ghab.org.uk/ 5409 Organisation http://www.giriraj.com.au/ 5410 5411 5412 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.gita-society.com/ http://www.globaladvertisers.in/ http://www.globalcountry.org/wp/ 5413 5414 Organisation Organisation http://www.globalhindufoundation.com/ http://www.globalretreatcentre.org/ 5415 Organisation http://www.goahinduasso.org/ 5416 5417 Organisation Organisation http://www.gokulbhajan.com/ http://www.golokdham.org/ 5418 5419 5420 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.gopalsofttoys.com/ http://www.gopi.de/ http://www.gopinathji.org/ ISKCON Langenthal Bhakti Yoga Mantra Meditation ISKCON Köln Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Sundara Hare Krishna Centre for Vedic Studies Leicester Russian Vedic Culture Gauranga Kishore Das Blog Shree Krishna Dham -ISKCON Hague Gaura Shakti Sri Gauravani Gaudiya Matha Gaura Vani Gayatri Dham Gayatri Pariwar Reston Virginia Gayatri Shaktipeeth Sendhwa Gandhi Development Trust Geeta Ashram GeeVees: Gaudiya Vaishnavism Gujarati Hindu Association Birmingham Giriraj Govardhan Gaudiya Math, Murwillumbah International Gita Society Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa The Global Country of World Peace India India World Italy World India India World UK India Netherland Canada Brazil USA India USA India South Africa India USA UK Australia USA USA USA Global Hindu Foundation USA Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual UK Organization The Goa Hindu Association Mumbai India Bhakti Centers Swami Sri Gopalsharan Devacharyaji Maharaj - Golokm Dham Gopal Soft Toys Gopi Bhakti Shree Gopinath Adhyatmik Sansthan Mahesana USA India USA Germany India 5421 5422 Organisation Organisation http://www.gopinathmath.com.ua/ http://www.gopinathmath.com/ Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math Ukraine Guadiya Math Sri Vrindavan Temple India 5423 5424 Organisation Organisation http://www.gopinathmath.org/ http://www.gopio.com/ India India 5425 Organisation http://www.gopio.net/ 5426 5427 Organisation Organisation http://www.gorkhaparisangh.com/ http://www.gosai.com/ Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math Global Organization of People of Indian Origin Global Organization of People of Indian Origin The Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Sri Narasingha Caitanya Ashram Indology - Gateway to Ancient India 5428 5429 5430 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.gosavisamaj.com/ http://www.goswamisamaj.net/ http://www.govardhanagiri.net/ India India India 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5436 Organisation 5437 5438 5439 5440 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Goswami Samaj Goswami Samaj Govardhanagiri Trust, Pejavara Adhokshaja Matha, Udupi http://www.govinda.sk/ ISKCON Slovakia http://www.govinddevgiri.com/ Govind Dev Giri Maharaj http://www.gramaseva.com/ Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation http://www.granthamandira.com/ Gaudiya Grantha Mandira http://www.grotal.com/Pune/Maharishi-Ved- Maharishi Ved Vigyan Bhavan Pune Vigyan-Bhavan-C66/ http://www.gsbsevamandal.org/ GSB Seva Mandal, Mumbai affiliated to Dharmapetha Sri Kashi Math Samsthan-Varanasi http://www.guhananda.net/ Sri Guru Guhananda http://www.gunatitjyot.org/ Gunatit Jyot http://www.gurudevi.com/ Satguru Shri Maha Shaktiananda http://www.gurukulcampus.com/ Mumbai Pradesh Arya Vidya Sabha 5441 Organisation http://www.gurukulsurat.org/ Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Surat India Nanived Gurukul Road surat 5442 Organisation http://www.gurumaa.com/ 5443 Organisation http://www.gurusangamam.org/ 5444 5445 5446 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.guruvani.com/ http://www.gyaanjyotimandali.org/ http://www.gyanbhakti.com/ 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.h4all.org/ http://www.hafsite.org/ http://www.haidakhan.net/ http://www.haidakhandisamaj.org/ http://www.haidakhandisamaj.ru/ http://www.haidakhandi-sangha.ch/ http://www.hansadutta.com/ http://www.hansbaba.com/ http://www.hanslok.org/ http://www.hansraj-maharajji.org/ http://www.harekrischna.de/ http://www.harekrishna.com/ http://www.harekrishna.com/art http://www.harekrishna.dk/ 5461 Organisation http://www.harekrishna.es/ Anandmurti Gurumaa - A Modern Day Mystic Guru Sangamam - India The Sapiritual Gateway Guru Vani (Hindi) The Gyaan Jyoti Mandali Gyan Bhakti -Spead of Dharma, Pandit Akashdeep Vedic Source South Africa Hindu American Foundation Haidakhandi Spiritual Centre Haidakhandi Samaj Mahaparbuji Ashram Haidakhandi Samaj ISKCON Hansadutta Das Hans Baba Sidha Ashram Shri Hanslok Ashram, Mathura Sacha Dham Ashram, Rishikesh Hare Krischna -Bhakti Centers Hare Krishna Movement Hare Krishna Movement ISKCON Hare Krishna Denmark Copenhagen ISKCON Spain India India India Slovakia India India USA India India India India India India India India India Guyana Australia South Africa USA Hungary India Russia Switzerland Russia India India India Germany India India Denmark Spain 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.harekrishna.fi/ http://www.harekrishna.nl/ http://www.harekrishna.nu/ http://www.harekrishna.org.nz/ http://www.harekrishna.ru/ http://www.harekrishnabg.com/ http://www.harekrishnabrighton.com/about/ ISKCON Helsinki ISKCON Netherland ISKCON Malmo Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Russia ISKCON Bulgaria ISKCON Brighton Finland Netherland Sweden New Zealand Russia Bulgaria Uk 5469 5470 5471 5472 Organisation Organisation organisation Organisation http://www.harekrishnacalendar.com/ http://www.harekrishnahawaii.com/ http://www.harekrishnajakarta.com/ http://www.harekrishnanetwork.ning.com/ Hare Krishna Calendar Hare Krishna Hawaii Hare Krishna Jakarta The Hare Krishna Network India USA Indonesia World 5473 5474 Organisation Organisation ISKCON Odessa ISKCON Russia Ukraine Russia 5475 5476 Organisation Organisation http://www.harekrishna-odessa.narod.ru/ http://www.harekrishnaodessa.narod.ru/index.html http://www.harekrishnaquotes.com/ http://www.harekrishnasociety.com/ 5477 5478 5479 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5480 5481 5482 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5483 5484 5485 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5486 5487 5488 5489 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5490 5491 Organisation Organisation 5492 Organisation 5493 Organisation 5494 5495 5496 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5497 5498 5499 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5500 5501 Organisation Organisation Hare Krishna Quotes Bhakti Centers -Hare Krishna Society http://www.harekrishnasocietynj.org/ Hare Krishna Society http://www.harekrishnastockholm.com/ ISKCON Stockholm http://www.harekrishnaturkey.wordpress.com ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple / (TURKEY) http://www.harekrisna.info/ Hare Krishna World http://www.harekrisna.net/ ISKCON Ljubljana http://www.harekrsna.cz/ Hare Krishna - Sri Sri Nitai Navadvipacandra Mandir http://www.harekrsna.de/ ISKCON Germany http://www.harekrsna.org/ Hare Krishna http://www.hareraama.in/ Shree Shree Raghaveshwara Bharathi Swamiji of Shri Ramachandrapura Math http://www.hareraama.in/en/ Shree Ramachandrapura Math http://www.hari.ru/templs.html ISKCON Russia http://www.haribol.hu/ ISKCON Budapest http://www.haridhamindia.org/ Yogi Divine Society :Shree Aksharpurushottam Swaminarayan Temple, Vadodara http://www.haridhamnj.org/ Haridham NJ Patosav Ashrams and Dharamshalas in http://www.haridwarlive.com/haridwartourism/ashrams-dharamshalas-inHaridwar haridwar.html http://www.hari-katha.tk/ Hari Katha -Bhakti Centers World Wide (Spanish) http://www.harikripa.org/ Swami Hari Chaitanya Puri Ji Maharaj http://www.harinam.pl/ ISKCON Poland http://www.hariomgroup.org/ Saint Asharam Bapu http://www.harismruti.com/ Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan Kalakendra Trust Vadtal http://www.harisumiran.com/ Yogi Divine Society http://www.havyakamumbai.com/ Havyaka Welfare Trust, Mumbai http://www.hccna.com/ Hindu Cultural Center of North Alabama http://www.hcl.co.za/ Hindu Cultural League http://www.hfb.org.uk/ The Hindu Forum of Britain London India UK USA Sweden Turkey Hungary Singapore The Czech Republic Germany World India India Russia Hungary India USA India Tokelau (New Zealand) India Poland India India India India USA South Africa UK 5502 5503 5504 5505 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.hheonline.org/ http://www.hhtkg.com/ http://www.himalayanacademy.com/ http://www.himalayaninstitute.in/ Hindu Heritage Endowment Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami Kauai's Hindu Monastery, Hawai Himalayan Institute India Alahabad USA Hong Kong USA India 5506 5507 Organisation Organisation http://www.himalayashantiashram.org/ http://www.hindoeraad.nl/ Himalaya Shanti Ashram India The Hindu Council, the Netherlands Netherland 5508 5509 5510 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.hindu.ie/ http://www.hindu.org/ http://www.hinduaalayam.com/ 5511 5512 Organisation Organisation 5513 Organisation 5514 5515 Organisation Organisation 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5522 5523 Organisation Organisation 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5531 5532 5533 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5534 Ireland USA India Organisation Hindu Cultural Centre Ireland Himalayan Academy Hawai Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi Hyderabad http://www.hinduacademy.org/ Hindu Academy http://www.hinduaikyavedi.org/ Hindu Aikya Vedi, Samanwaya Bhavan, Kerala http://www.hinduamericanseva.org/ Hindu American Seva Communities (HASC) -Hindu American Seva Charities http://www.hinducanadian.com/ Hindu Canadian Network http://www.hinduccv.org.au/ Hindu Community Council of Victoria (HCCV) http://www.hinducentre.org.sg/ Hindu Center Singapore http://www.hinducongress.lk/ Hindu Congress Sri Lanka http://www.hinducouncil.com.au/ The Hindu Council of Australia http://www.hinducouncil.net/ Hindu Council UK http://www.hinducouncil.org.nz/ Hindu Council http://www.hinducouncilofthecaribbean.word Hindu Council of the Caribbean press.com/ http://www.hinducounciluk.org/ Hindu Council London UK http://www.hinduculturalcenter.org/ Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut (CT) http://www.hinduculture.co.za/ Hindu Culture http://www.hindueducation.org/ Hindu Education Foundation http://www.hindufamilycamp.org/ Radha Madhav Dham USA http://www.hinduforum.be/ Hindu Forum of Belgium http://www.hinduforum.eu/ Hindu Forum of Europe http://www.hinduforum.org/ The Hindu Forum of Britain http://www.hindu-indonesia.com/ Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (Parisada) - Proud Hindus of Indonesia http://www.hinduism.fsnet.co.uk/ Vivekananda Centre London http://www.hinduism.iskcon.com/ Vedic Information http://www.hinduism.it/ Italian Hindu Union - Sanatan Dharma Samgha http://www.HinduismToday.com/ Hawai, Part of Himalayan academy 5535 Organisation http://www.hinduism-today.com/ USA 5536 5537 Organisation Organisation 5538 5539 Organisation Organisation http://www.hindukrisna.com/en/ http://www.hindukrisna.com/en/vedicplanetary-system-ebook/#/0 http://www.hindumohajote.com/ http://www.hindumohajote.org/ 5540 Organisation http://www.hindumonasteryafrica.org/ Kauai's Hindu Monastery Himalayan Academy ISKCON Indonesia Vedic Plnaetary System -Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Ashram Bali Hindu mohajot Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Aliiance (Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote) The Hindu Monastery of Africa UK India USA Canada Australia Singapore Sri Lanka Australia UK New Zealand Trinidad & Tobago UK USA South Africa USA USA Belgium Europe UK Indonesia UK UK Italy USA Indonesia Indonesia Bangla Desh Bangla Desh Ghana 5541 Organisation http://www.hindunet.com.au/ 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.hindusamajswindon.co.uk/ http://www.hindusangam.org.my/ http://www.hindusociety.ab.ca/ http://www.hindusocietyofmanitoba.org/ http://www.hindusocietyqld.org.au/ http://www.hindusofhouston.org/ http://www.hindusudharsabha.org/ http://www.hinduvision.com/ http://www.hinduwomenforum.org/ http://www.hknet.org.nz/ 5552 Organisation 5553 Organisation 5554 Organisation 5555 5556 Organisation Organisation 5557 5558 Organisation Organisation 5559 5560 Organisation Organisation 5561 5562 The Hindu Foundation of Australia Australia Hindu Samaj London Malaysia Hindu Sangam Hindu society of Alberta Hindu Society of Manitoba Hindu Society of Queensland Hindus of Houston Hindu Sudhar Sabha Hindu Heritage Centre Hindu Women Forum New Zealand Hare Krishna Remembering His Holiness Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami Srila Gurudev http://www.hknet.org.nz/VWHSthEastAsia.ht Vedic South East Asia ml#HK http://www.hkussr.com/ The History of Hare Krishna in the USSR http://www.hmsamerica.org/ The Hindu Universe Resources TX Hindu Sabha http://www.hmsindia.org.in/ Hind Mazdoor Sabha http://www.hollywoodtemple.org/ Self-Realization Fellowship Hollywood Temple http://www.holynameretreat.com/ Holy Name Retreat http://www.home.telkomsa.net/lbs/svds/svds.h Sanathan Ved Dharma Sabha tm http://www.houstonvedanta.org/ Vedanta Society of Houston http://www.hrce.tn.nic.in/ The Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowment Department Tamilnadu UK Malaysia Canada USA Australia USA Pakistan Canada India New zealand Organisation Organisation http://www.hrfpk.org/ http://www.hroe.at/ Pakistan Austria 5563 Organisation http://www.hsnc.org/ 5564 5565 Organisation Organisation http://www.hsnconline.org/ http://www.hsscanada.org/ Hara Rama Foundation Paistan Hindu Religious Organisation Austria (HROE) Hindu Society of North Carolina Hindu Bhavan North Carolina Hindu Society of North Carolina Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Canada 5566 Organisation http://www.hssmru.org/ Mauritius 5567 Organisation http://www.hsspk.com/ 5568 Organisation http://www.hsssuriname.org/ 5569 5570 5571 5572 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.hssuk.org/ http://www.hssus.org/ http://www.hssworld.org/ http://www.htcc.org.au/ 5573 Organisation http://www.htsnm.org/ 5574 Organisation http://www.hvashram.org/ 5575 Organisation http://www.iacaw.org/ Hindu Swayamsewak Sangh Mauritius Hindu Sudhar Sabha Pakistan (HSSP) Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) Suriname Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh UK Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Hindu Temple & Cultural Centre, Canberra Hindu Temple Society of New Mexico Self-Realization Fellowship Hidden Valley Ashram Indian American Cultural Association of New Zealand Russia USA India USA UK South Africa USA India USA USA Canada Pakistan Suriname UK USA World Australia USA USA USA 5576 Organisation http://www.iafonline.info/about.html#vision Information Awareness Foundation (IAF) The Indian Association of Ghana Indo-American Kashmir Forum Indo American Political Action Committee (IAPAC) India culture Center USA International Center for Cultural Studies USA Vedic Information ISKCON UK -Bhaktivedanta Manor India 5577 5578 5579 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.iaghana.com/ http://www.iakf.org/ http://www.iapacgh.org 5580 5581 Organisation Organisation http://www.icchouston.org/ http://www.iccsus.org/ 5582 5583 Organisation Organisation http://www.ies.iskcon.com/ http://www.ies.iskcon.org/ 5584 5585 Organisation Organisation http://www.ifrfujjain.com/ http://www.ihdn.ac.id/ 5586 Organisation http://www.iish.org/ 5587 Organisation http://www.iisis.net/ 5588 Organisation http://www.ikcm.org/ 5589 Organisation http://www.implu.com/nonprofit/223414366 5590 Organisation http://www.implu.com/nonprofit/43752474 5591 5592 Organisation Organisation http://www.indiaawareness.org/ http://www.indiacentre.co.uk/ 5593 5594 5595 5596 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.indiafirst.in/ http://www.indiafoundation.org/ http://www.indiagitasociety.org/ http://www.indianassociationoldham.org.uk/ Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit International Krishna Chaitanya Mission Jalaram Seva Samaj of North America Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut Inc India Awareness Foundation Hindu Cultural Association of Wales Cardiff India First India Foundation India Gita Society Indian Association Oldham Oldham 5597 5598 Organisation Organisation http://www.indianbusinesscanada.com/ http://www.indiancag.org/ Indian Community in Canada Canada Citizens for Accountable Governance India 5599 Organisation Vaishnava Organisation India 5600 5601 5602 5603 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.indianetzone.com/21/vaishnavism. htm http://www.indiapolicyfoundation.org/ http://www.indiran.co.uk/ http://www.infinityfoundation.com/ http://www.inveda.ru/ India UK USA Russia 5604 Organisation http://www.ipnatlanta.net/hss/ 5605 5606 Organisation Organisation http://www.ipswichhindusamaj.org.uk/ http://www.iscahouston.org 5607 Organisation http://www.isdl.org/ 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.ishafoundation.org/ http://www.ishakriya.com/ http://www.iskcon.ca/ http://www.iskcon.cl/ http://www.iskcon.com.mx/ India Policy Foundation Ancient India and Iran Trust The Infinity Foundation Center of Vedic culture in the Botanical Garden Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh - Metro Atlanta Indian American CommunityIpswich Hindu Samaj Indian Senior Citizens Association, Praful Gandhi Radha Madhav Dham USA Hinduism E Books Isha Foundation Coimbatore Technologies for Wellbeing ISKCON Canada ISKCON Santiago ISKCON Mexico Ghana USA USA USA USA UK UK ISKCON-Ujjain India Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Indonesia (IHDN) Denpasar Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage India USA World USA USA India UK India India India UK USA UK USA USA India India Canada Chile Mexico 5613 Organisation 5614 5615 5616 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5617 5618 5619 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5629 5630 Organisation Organisation 5631 5632 5633 5634 http://www.iskcon.com/ International Society for Krishna Consciousness http://www.iskcon.ee/ ISKCON Tallinn http://www.iskcon.lk/ ISKCON Sri Lanka http://www.iskcon.net/ Online gateway to the world of ISKCON http://www.iskcon.org.ar/ ISKCON Buenos Aires http://www.iskcon.org.in/ ISKCON India http://www.iskcon.org/ International Society for Krishna Consciousness http://www.iskcon.pt/ ISKCON Portugal http://www.iskcon.sk/ ISKCON Bratislava http://www.iskconadelaide.com.au/ ISKCON Adelaide http://www.iskconahmedabad.com/ ISKCON Ahmedabad http://www.iskcon-ba.sk/ Iskcon Chrám Bratislava http://www.iskconbangkok.com/ ISKCON Bangkok http://www.iskconbaramati.com/ ISKCON Baramati http://www.iskconbd.org/en/ ISKCON, Dhaka http://www.iskcon-bda.org/ ISKCON Bangalore Devotee Association http://www.iskconberkeley.net/ ISKCON Bekley CA http://www.iskconbirmingham.org/index.html ISKCON Birmingham India Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.iskconboston.org/ http://www.iskconbrampton.ca/ http://www.iskconbrampton.ca/index.htm http://www.iskconcenters.com/pune-nvcctemple/ USA Canada Canada India 5635 Organisation 5636 Organisation http://www.iskconcenters.com/saintpetersburg-russia/ http://www.iskconcolumbus.com/ 5637 Organisation http://www.iskconcongregation.com/ 5638 Organisation 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 ISKCON Boston, Massachusetts ISKCON Brampton ISKCON Brampton ISKON New Vedic Cultural Center (NVCC), temple of Krishna, south of Pune Sri Sri Nitai Shachinandana, Saint Petersburg ISKCON Krishna House Columbus Estonia Sri Lanka India Argentina India World Portugal Slovakia Australia India Slovakia Thailand India Bangla Desh India USA Uk Russia USA India Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry http://www.iskconcongregation.com/node/161 ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry http://www.iskconct.org/ ISKCON Hartford,Connecticut http://www.iskconctg.org/ ISKCON Chittagong http://www.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/ ISKCON Desire Tree http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/forum ISKCON Desire Tree http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/games ISKCON Desire Tree Games http://www.iskcondesiretree.org/ ISKCON Desire Tree http://www.iskcon-dom.com/ ISKCON Direction of Management 5647 Organisation http://www.iskconedmonton.blogspot.com/ ISKCON Edmonton Blog Canada 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.iskcongurgaon.com/ http://www.iskconguruvayur.com/ http://www.iskconhalifax.com/ http://www.iskcon-hawaii.com/ http://www.iskconhealth.com/ ISKCON Gurgaon ISKCON Guruvayur ISKCON Halifax ISKCON Hilo, Hawaii ISKCON Health & Welfare Ministry India India Canada USA USA 5653 5654 5655 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.iskconhighertaste.com/ http://www.iskconhubli.org/ http://www.iskconindonesia.com/ The Higher Taste Restaurant ISKCON Hubli ISKCON Indonesia India India Indonesia World USA Bangla Desh World World World World World World 5656 Organisation 5657 Organisation 5658 Organisation 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5683 5684 5685 5686 5687 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5688 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5700 5701 5702 5703 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.iskconindonesiainternational.com/ ISKCON Indonesia International Foundation http://www.iskconjapan.com/ ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Japan) http://www.iskconjcsctg.org/ ISKCON School Preaching Dept, JCS Chittagong http://www.iskconjuhu.com/ ISKCON Juhu http://www.iskconkannur.com/ ISKCON Kannur http://www.iskconkanpur.com/ ISKCON Kanpur http://www.iskconkharghar.co.in/ ISKCON Kharghar http://www.iskconkolkata.com/ ISKCON Kolkata http://www.iskconleicester.org/ ISKCON Leicester http://www.iskconlife.org/ UK ISKCON Community http://www.iskconludhiana.com/ ISKCON Ludhiana-Punjab http://www.iskconmanchester.com/ ISKCON Manchester http://www.iskconmauritius.com/ ISKCON Mauritius http://www.iskconmedia.com/ ISKCON Media http://www.iskcon-network.com/ ISKCON Network http://www.iskconofdc.org/ ISKCON of DC http://www.iskconofescondido.com/ie/ ISKCON of San Diego http://www.iskconofnewjersey.org/ ISKCON New Jersey http://www.iskcononline.com/ ISKCON Online http://www.iskconorlando.com/ ISKCON Orlando http://www.iskconoutreach.net/ ISKCON Outreach http://www.iskconpanama.com/ ISKCON Panama City http://www.iskconparis.com/ ISKCON Paris http://www.iskconphiladelphia.com/ ISKCON Philadelphia PA http://www.iskconphuket.com/ ISKCON Phuket http://www.iskconprisonministry.us/ ISKCON Ministry http://www.iskconpunjabibagh.com/ Sri Sri Radha RadhikaRamanKrishna Balram Mandir & Vedic Educational Centre http://www.iskconredbridge.org/ ISKCON Redbridge http://www.iskconresolve.org/ ISKCON Resolve http://www.iskconsacramento.com/ ISKCON Sacramento CA http://www.iskconscotland.com/ ISKCON Scotland http://www.iskconseattle.com/ ISKCON Seattle -Vedic Cultural Center http://www.iskconsiliconvalley.com/ ISKCON Silicon Valley http://www.iskconstandards.com/ ISKCON Standards http://www.iskconsurat.com/ ISKCON Surat- Gujarat http://www.iskconswaziland.org/ ISKCON Swaziland http://www.iskcontech.com/ ISKCON Tech http://www.iskcontoday.org/ ISKCON Today http://www.iskcon-transcriptions.com/ ISKCON Transcriptions! http://www.iskcontrust.org/ ISAKCON Trust Mumbai http://www.iskconudhampur.com/ ISKCON Udhampur- JK http://www.iskconuk.com/ ISKCON Manchester http://www.iskconuk.com/?page_id=276 ISKCON Lesmahagow http://www.iskconvarnasrama.com/ ISKCON Daivya Varnasrama Ministry http://www.iskconvarnasrama.com/cms/ Varnasrama http://www.iskconvrindavan.com/ ISKCON Vrindavan http://www.iskconvrindavan.net/ ISKCON Vrindavan http://www.iskconvrindavandonation.com/ ISKCON Donations Indonesia Japan Bangla Desh India India India India India Uk UK India UK Mauritius World World USA USA USA World USA USA Panama France USA Thailand USA India Uk Australia USA UK USA USA World India Swaziland World India World India India UK UK India USA India India India 5704 Organisation http://www.iskconvvnagar.com/ 5705 5706 Organisation Organisation http://www.iskconwales.org.uk/ http://www.issochicago.org/ 5707 Organisation http://www.issuu.com/nachiketanjali/docs 5708 Organisation http://www.isvara.org/ 5709 Organisation http://www.itcentre.org/ 5710 5711 Organisation Organisation http://www.ivsweb.org/ http://www.jagatguru.in/darshan.php 5712 5713 Organisation Organisation http://www.jaigurudevworld.org/ http://www.jamnalalbajajfoundation.org/ ISKCON Vallabh VidyanagarGujarat ISKCON Swansea Wales NarNarayanDev Gadi & International Swaminarayan Satsang Organization Swami Nachiketananda - Nachiketa Tapovan ISKCON Puerto Rico Yoga Sutra Study Course Information Technology CentreAnoopam Mission International Vedanta Soceity Six Streams of Indian Philosophy Ashram Baba Jaigurudev Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Mumbai India 5714 5715 Organisation Organisation http://www.japa24.de/ http://www.japaretreats.com/ Mother Meera's Darshan Bhakti Centers - Power of Mantra 5716 Organisation http://www.jaxhindutemple.org/ Hindu Society of North East Florida USA 5717 5718 5719 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.jayarama.us/ http://www.jkphospitals.org/ http://www.jkrishnamurti.org/ USA India India 5720 Organisation http://www.jksm.org.uk/ 5721 5722 Organisation Organisation http://www.jnani.org/ http://www.kakaji.org/ 5723 5724 5725 5726 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.kaleshwar.org/ http://www.kalibari.org/ http://www.kalpavriksha.info/ http://www.kalyanashram.in/ 5727 5728 Organisation Organisation http://www.kamakoti.org/ http://www.kamakotimandali.com/ 5729 5730 5731 5732 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.kannadaprabha.com/ http://www.karma.org.in/ http://www.karunamayi.org/ http://www.karunamayiammaseattle.com/ Anjana Suta Academy Jagaduru Kripalu Hospitals Jiddu Krishnamurti - Official Website Jan Kshatriya Seval manadal (JKSM) UK Mother Meera Shri Aksharpurushottam Swaminarayan Mandir Sri Kaleshwar Uplifment Trust Toronto Kalibari Rk Mission Kalpavriksha Foundation Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Organisation of Vanvasis Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham Sri Kamakoti Mandali -Sri Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sharada Peetham. Kannada Prabha Sri Karma Foundation Amma Karunamayi Amma Sri Karunamayi 5733 Organisation http://www.kashimath.in/ India 5734 5735 5736 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.kashmirtrika.org/ http://www.kathiababa.org/ http://www.katyayanipeeth.org.in/ 5737 5738 Organisation Organisation http://www.kendra.org.za/ http://www.kenyavegsociety.com/ 5739 Organisation http://www.kinchitkaramtrust.org/ Shree Kashi Math Samsthan, Mangalore Kashmir Trika Foundation Kathia Baba Shree Adya Katyayani Shaktipeeth Mandir Trust Gujarati Hindu Sanskruti Kendra Sri Vedant Kenya, Kenya Vegetarian Society Kinchit Karam Trust UK USA India Puerto Rico India India India India India Germany USA UK UK India India Canada India India India India India India India USA USA India India South Africa Kenya India 5740 Organisation http://www.kinfonet.org/ Krishnamurti Information Network India 5741 Organisation India 5742 Organisation http://www.kirtimukha.com/chinnamma/sahas Sri N. Krishnamachari's Sri ra/ Vaishnava Home Page http://www.kksfusa.org/ Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Foundation 5743 Organisation 5744 Organisation http://www.kmhdi.org/index.php?menu=artik Kesatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Indonesia el&id=34&pgno=5 Dharma Indonesia http://www.korimandal.org.za/index.html Transvaal Kori Hitwardhak Mandal South Africa 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.krishna.balticom.lv/ http://www.krishna.ch/ http://www.krishna.dk/ http://www.krishna.ie/ http://www.krishna.jp/ 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5755 5756 5757 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.krishna.lg.ua/ http://www.krishna.lt/ http://www.krishna.lv/ http://www.krishna.my1.ru/ http://www.krishna.org.ua/ru/regionnews/kiev.html http://www.krishna.perm.ru/ http://www.krishna.ro/ http://www.krishnabase.com/ 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 ISKCON Russia ISKCON Zurich ISKCON Denmark iSKCON Ireland ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Japan) Japanse) ISKCON Lugansk ISKCON Vilnius ISKCON Riga ISKCON Kurgan ISKCON Kiev USA Russia Switzerland Denmark Ireland Japan Ukraine Lithuania Latvia Russia Ukraine Russia Romania World Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation ISKCON Perm ISKCON Timişoara Bhaktivedanta Society of Spiritual Education - Kadamba Kanana Swami http://www.krishnabg.com/ ISKCON Bulgaria http://www.krishna-bhakti.narod.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.krishnacambodia.com/ ISKCON Cambodia http://www.krishna-crimea.com/ ISKCON Simferopol http://www.krishna-crimea.com/bbt.php ISKCON Russia http://www.krishna-das.com/ Krishna-Das website http://www.krishnaganasabha.org/ Sri Krishna Gana Sabha (SKGS) http://www.krishnaisgreat.com/ Sri Krishna Bhajan http://www.krishnaisland.com/ ISKCON County Fermanagh http://www.krishnamexico.com/ Krishna Mexico http://www.krishnanyc.com/ ISKCON New York, New York http://www.krishnaofvrindavan.com/Home/Ho ISKCON Coventry me.html http://www.krishnapath.org/ Krishna Path http://www.krishnaprerna.in/ Krishna Prerna Charitable Trust http://www.krishna-sa.com/ ISKCON Missio Society http://www.krishnasd.com/ ISKCON San Diego, California http://www.krishnashopping.com/ Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple Shop Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.krishnasmercy.org/ http://www.krishna-tyumen.ru/ http://www.krishna-ural.ru/ http://www.krishnawisdom.com/ http://www.krisna.hu/ http://www.krisna.hu/w/ http://www.krisnaworld.com/ http://www.krsna.it/ http://www.krsna.org/ India Russia Russia UK Hungary Hungary India Italy USA Krishna Mercy ISKCON Russia Krishna in Urals ISKCON UK ISKCON Hungary ISKCON Kecskemét Krishna World ISKCON Italy Govinda Milano Sri Radha Govinda Temple Vrindaban, India Bulgaria Russia Cambodia Ukraine Russia Canada India India Ireland Mexico USA Uk India India USA USA UK 5784 Organisation http://www.krsnamandir.blogspot.com/ 5785 Organisation http://www.kscskfi.com/ 5786 5787 Organisation Organisation http://www.kurukszetra.net/nawadwip http://www.lakeofflowers.com/ 5788 Organisation http://www.lakeshrine.org/ 5789 5790 Organisation Organisation http://www.lakshmiashram.dk/ http://www.lalgovinddas.com/ 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.lalmashal.com/ http://www.lenasiahindu.shutterfly.com/ http://www.lepnikell.hu/ http://www.lifebliss.org/ http://www.lifeblissfoundation.org/ http://www.lilleoru.ee/et/tooted/taiuslikkusetee-krija-jooga-meistrite-elu-ja-opetus ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Singapore) Krishnamurti Study Centre Sahyadri, near Pune New Navadvipa Lake of Flowers Productions - Sri Chaitanya's tradition, Gaudiya Vaishnavism The Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Lakshmi Ashrams ISKCON Lal Govind Das -Suddha Bhakti Gayatri Pariwar Hindu Lenasia Lepni Kell Hungary Life Bliss Foundation Life Bliss Foundation Haidakhandi Shiva Dham - Lilleoru Spiritual Community Singapore 5797 Organisation http://www.lokadharma.org/ Loka Dharma Seva Foundation Trust India 5798 Organisation http://www.loksadhana.org/ Lokmanya Public Charitable Trust 5799 Organisation http://www.maanmandir.org/ 5800 Organisation 5801 Organisation 5802 5803 Organisation Organisation 5804 5805 India Poland USA USA Denmark India India South Africa Hungary USA USA Estonia India India Organisation Organisation Maan Mandir Sewa Sansthan Trust Barsana Mathura http://www.maavaishno.org/ The Maa Vaishno Devi Ashram, Vrindavan http://www.madhubanmurli.net/ Brahma Kumaris Dept.of IT and Communication http://www.madhubanrishikesh.org/ Madhuban Ashram http://www.madhwabrahmanas.blogspot.com/ Tattvavaada Philosophy - Madhava Brahmins http://www.maduraiaadheenam.com/ Madhurai Aadeenam http://www.mahaganapathytemple.com/ Maha Ganpathy Society of Alberta 5806 Organisation http://www.mahahindu.org/ Canada 5807 5808 5809 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.mahamantra.org/ http://www.mahanam.org http://www.maharishi.ca/ 5810 5811 Organisation Organisation http://www.maharishivediccity.net/ http://www.maheshpanthi.net/ 5812 5813 Organisation Organisation 5814 Organisation http://www.maifs.org/ http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/ http://www.mamandram.org/ World Maha Hindu Organization of Canada Hare Krishna Mahanam Sampraday Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation Maharishi Vedic City of Iowa Mahesh Panthi (Baarmati Panth) India & Pakistan Mai Family Services Hindu Dharma Discussion Forum Malaysia 5815 5816 Organisation Organisation http://www.mamtasanstha.org/ http://www.manavdharam.org/ 5817 5818 5819 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.manavkalyantrust.org/ http://www.mandir.at/ http://www.mangaloremath.com/ Malaysia Hindu Dharma Mamandram (MHDM), Mamta Samajik Sanstha Satpal Maharaj -Manav Utthan Sewa Samiti Manav Kalyan Trust Hindu Community in Vienna RK Mission Mangalore India India India India India Canada World India Canada USA India USA Indonesia India India India Austria India 5820 5821 Organisation Organisation 5822 5823 Organisation Organisation 5824 Organisation 5825 Organisation 5826 Organisation 5827 5828 Organisation Organisation 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5834 Organisation 5835 Organisation 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 http://www.mangaloremath.org/ http://www.mantralayam.com/ RM Mission Mangalore Sree Raghavendra Swami Devastanam, Mantralayam, Andhra Pradesh http://www.mantraworld-store.com/ Mantra World Store http://www.mariomantese.com/en/ Mario Mantesae - Author on Spiritual Books http://www.matchlessgifts.org.uk/london.html ISKCON Kings Cross http://www.mattamayura.org/sacred-art-pw2013/ http://www.mauritiushub.com/business/associ ations/Mauritius-Sanatan-Dharma-TemplesFederation-l450.html http://www.mayapur.com/ http://www.mayapur.info/ India India UK Switzerland Uk The Mattamayūra Institute for Yoga USA & Tantra Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Mauritius Federation ISKCON Mayapur-WB ISKCON Mayapur-Sri Mayapur Dham WB http://www.mayapuracademy.org/ Mayapur Academy' http://www.mayapurtrust.org/ Sri Mayapur Trust http://www.mayapurworldwide.org/ Mayapur World Wide http://www.medwayhindusabha.com/ Medway Hindu Sabha http://www.meetup.com/ocalameditation/ Brahma Kumaris Ocala Meditation Center http://www.meghwarcommunity.webs.com/ A Hindu Community Homepage of Sindh http://www.merinews.com/shareArticle.do?det Baba Batukeshwar Dham Mandir ail=Print&articleID=135543 Sri Vasudev Teerth, Amroha India India Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.mertasarirempoa.org/ http://www.mhcc.org.za/ http://www.mhds.co.za/ http://www.mihet.org/ http://www.mkha.org/ Foundation Mertasari Rempoa The Mayfair Cultural Centre Midrand Hindu Dharma Sabha Mayapur Institute Milton Keynes Hindu Association Indonesia South Africa South Africa India UK 5841 5842 Organisation Organisation Mother Meera in America Krishna Consciousness Society USA UK 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.mmdarshanamerica.com/ http://www.mmunion.co.uk/studentactivities/ manchester/societies/kcsoc/ http://www.mothermeera.com/ http://www.mothermeera.de/ http://www.mothermeeraashland.org/ http://www.mothermeeraashram.org/ http://www.mothermeeracleveland.com/ Mother Meera Home Mother Meera in Germany Mother Meera in Ashland Mother Meera Ashram Midwest Mother Meera in Cleveland, Ohio Germany Germany USA USA USA 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.mothermeeracorvallis.com/ http://www.mothermeeract.com/ http://www.mothermeera-fairfield.com/ http://www.mothermeeraflorida.com/ http://www.mothermeerafoundationusa.org/ Mother Meera in Corvallis Mother Meera in Connecticut Mother Meera in Fair Field Mother Meera in Florida Mother Meera Foundation USA USA USA USA USA USA 5853 5854 Organisation Organisation http://www.mothermeerahawaii.org/ http://www.mothermeerahomecolorado.org/ Mother Meera in Hawai Mother Meera in Colorado USA USA 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.mothermeeraindia.com/ http://www.mothermeeramichigan.com/ http://www.mothermeeranorthwest.org/ http://www.mothermeeraphoenix.org/ http://www.mothermeerarochester.com/ Mother Meera in India Mother Meera in Michigan Mother Meera in North West Mother Meera in Phoenix Mother Meera in Rochester USA USA USA USA USA India India India UK USA Pakistan India 5860 5861 5862 5863 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.mothermeerasantafe.org/ http://www.mothermeeratexas.com/ http://www.mothermeeravermont.com/ http://www.mothermeerawashingtondc.com/ Mother Meera in Santafe Mother Meera in Texas Mother Meera in Vermont Mother Meera in Washington DC 5864 5865 Organisation Organisation http://www.mou.org/ http://www.mrityunjaymission.org/ Mararishi Channel Netherland Mrityunjay Mission Trust, Haridwar India 5866 Organisation http://www.muktinath.org/ Muktinath Foundation International Netherland 5867 Organisation http://www.mukundagoswami.org/ Mukunda Goswami's SKCON News India 5868 5869 5870 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.murman-krishna.narod.ru/ http://www.musicofyoga.com/ http://www.mvtindia.com/history.htm Russia India India 5871 Organisation http://www.mychinmaya.org/ 5872 Organisation http://www.myhindutemplesoftware.com/ 5873 5874 Organisation Organisation http://www.nachiketatapovan.org/ http://www.naha.us/ ISKCON Murmansk Pure Bhakri Teachers MVT- Bhaktivedanta Asharm, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Chinmaya Misssion Mahasamadhi Family Camp Hindu Temple Online MAnagement System Nachiketa Tapovan North American Hindu Association 5875 Organisation http://www.naklankgurudham.com/ Shree Naklank Guru Dham Gujarat India 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.namaha.org/ http://www.nama-hatta.narod.ru/ http://www.nama-hatta.pl http://www.nama-hatta.pl/ http://www.namahattamr.blogspot.com/ http://www.nandafalva.hu/ 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5887 5888 5889 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5890 Organisation 5891 5892 Organisation Organisation 5893 Organisation 5894 Organisation 5895 Organisation 5896 5897 5898 Organisation Organisation Organisation Kerala Hindus of North America ISKCON Yaroslavl ISKCON Poland ISKCON Poland ISKCON Marburg Hungarian Vaishnava Hindu Association http://www.narasingha.net/ Swami Narasingha http://www.narayanaguru.org/ Sree Narayana Mission Center http://www.narayaneeyasamsthuthi.org/ Narayaneeya Samsthuthi Trust http://www.narayanipeedam.org/ Sri Narayani Peedam, Sripuram http://www.narsi.com/ Lakshmi S. Narasimhan Homepage Metro Atlanta Indian American Communityhttp://www.nashikiskcon.com/ ISKCON Nasik http://www.nathas.org/ Guru Gorakh Nath Tradition http://www.nathorder.org/ Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - AdiNath Sampradaya http://www.nathorder.org/wiki/International_ International Nath Order Nath_Order http://www.navgeet.com/ Universal Society of Hinduism http://www.navshridharmik.com/ Nav Shridharmik Leela Committee Chandni Chowk http://www.ncgo.co.uk/ National Congress Gujarati Organisations (UK) http://www.ncicj.com/ National Council for Indian Culture in Jamaica http://www.ncpsl.gov.in/ National council for Promotion of Sindhi Language http://www.neelkanthvarni.com/ Swaminarayan Ashram Rishikesh http://www.newbraj.com/ Bhakti Centers http://www.newjaipur.narod.ru/ ISKCON Russia USA USA USA USA USA USA India USA USA Russia Poland Poland Germany Hungary India USA India India USA India Russia UK UK USA India UK Jamaica India India USA Russia 5899 5900 Organisation Organisation http://www.newmayapur.fr/ http://www.newtalavana.org/ New Mayapaur ISKCON New Talavan Community France USA 5901 Organisation http://www.newyorkcitycenter.org/ USA 5902 5903 5904 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.nijanand.org/ http://www.nimai.ru/ http://www.nimbark.org/ 5905 5906 5907 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.nirmalbaba.com/ http://www.nirmaleyeinstitute.com/ http://www.nirmalgyandaan.com/ 5908 Organisation http://www.nitaaiveda.com/ Self-Realization Fellowship The New York City Center Nijanand Sampradaya ISKCON Russia Nimbarka Sampradaya (Vaisnavism) and Shri Golok Dham Ashram, India. Third Eye Of Nirmal Baba Nirmal Institute Nirmal ashram gyan daan academy Rishikesh Vedas and Cosmos -NITAAI Veda 5909 5910 5911 5912 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.nithyananda.org/ http://www.nityanandainstitute.org/ http://www.nityananda-institute.org/ http://www.njaryasamaj.com/ Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Nityananda Institute Nityananda Institute Nepal New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Inc. 5913 Organisation http://www.nkbashram.org/ 5914 Organisation 5915 Organisation 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5923 5924 Organisation Organisation 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 India Russia India India India India India India USA Nepal USA USA Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Neem Karoli Baba Ashram Hanuman Temple New Mexico http://www.nuevavrajamandala.com/ ISKCON Gaudalajara Nueva Vrajamandala http://www.nuevavrajamandala.es/ ISKCON Gaudalajara Nueva Vrajamandala http://www.nzsangam.com/ India Sanmarga Ikya (NZ) http://www.ofbjp.org/national_council Overseas Friends of BJP http://www.oldsukkur.org/ Old Sukkur Panchayat http://www.omchaitanya.com/ Barfani Yogashram Indore http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/ Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas http://www.omkarsadhanaashram.org/ Omkar Sadhana Ashram http://www.omtemple.org/ Arya Samaj of Essex County-OM Temple http://www.oneearthretreat.com/ Ananad Krishna Centre http://www.onenessheart.org/en/about_sri_chi The Oneness-Heart-Tears and nmoy Smiles worldwide humanitarian service http://www.onenesssouthafrica.co.za/ Oneness South Africa http://www.osho.org.in/ Osho (Discover Osho) http://www.oshoamritam.com/ Osho Centre USA http://www.oshoatlanta.com/ Osho Atlanta http://www.oshocommune.org/ Osho Om Bodhisatva Commune http://www.oshodhara.org.in/ Osho Nanak Dham http://www.oshofragrance.blogspot.com/ Osho Fragrance http://www.oshofriendsinternational.com/ Osho Friends International 5933 Organisation http://www.oshomanan.com/ India 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.oshonisarga.com/ http://www.oshospeak.blogspot.com/ http://www.oshosukul.com/ http://www.oshoteachings.com/ http://www.oshovision.org/ http://www.pakhinduwelfare.blogspot.com/ Osho Manan Neo-Sannyas Commune Osho Biography Osho Discussion, Teaching Osho Sukul Osho teaching career Osho Vision Pakistan Hindu Welfare Spain Spain New Zealand India Pakistan India India India USA Indonesia USA South Africa India USA USA India India India India India India Brazil India India Pakistan 5940 5941 Organisation Organisation http://www.pakistanhinducouncil.org/ http://www.palani.org/ Pakistan Hindu Council Arulmigu Dandayudhapani Swami Devasthanam, Palani Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami Foundation Panchatheertha Adi Parasakthi Devasthanam Brahmakumaris HQ Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat Bali Pakistan India 5942 Organisation http://www.panchamukha.org/ 5943 Organisation http://www.panchatheertha.org/ 5944 5945 Organisation Organisation http://www.paper.li/f-1359699776 http://www.parisada.org/ 5946 Organisation http://www.parmarth.com/ India http://www.prasne.nl/ http://www.pravasitoday.com/ http://www.premnagarashram.com/ http://www.premnagarashram.com/en/ http://www.premprakashi.com http://www.prem-rawat-maharaji.info/ http://www.projectsurya.com/ http://www.psena.com/ http://www.pune.org.uk/ http://www.punjabimahasangh.org/ http://www.punjabisevasamithi.com/ http://www.purebhaktibangalore.com/ International Yoga FestivalParmarth Niketan Rishikesh Chamunda Sadhana, Shree Vidya Self-Realization Fellowship Glendale Temple Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadi Charanam -Kanchi Periva - Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal, Sadbhuj Gour Das Appeal PHDI Kota Surabaya Self-Realization Fellowship Phoenix Temple Phool Chatti Ashram Rishikesh Haidakhandi Samaj ISKCON ISKCON Sarajevo Public Policy Research Centre Bharatiya Lok Kalyan Nyas Prabhupada Vision Shanti Kunj Haridwar Shri Krishna Pranami Sampraday of U.S.A. Pranavananda Ashram Sri Vaishnavism Universe Hare Krishna Centre for Vedic Studies Leicester Prasanna Trust -Swami Sukhabodhananda Arya Samaj Holland Pravasi Today Prem Nagar Ashram Shri Prem Nagar Ashram Prem Prakash Ashrams Maharaj Balyogeshwar Project Surya and Yoga ISKCON activities Osho Pune Ashram Rashtriya Punjabi Mahasangh Punjabi Seva Samithi AP Sri Madan Mohan Gaudiya Matha 5947 5948 Organisation Organisation http://www.parvathinath.com/ http://www.pasadenatemple.org/ 5949 Organisation http://www.periva.org/ 5950 5951 5952 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.pewid.ch/iskcon2.html http://www.phdi-sby.org/ http://www.phoenixtemple.org/ 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.phoolchattiashram.org/ http://www.planetbabaji.com/ http://www.planetiskcon.com/ http://www.portal.vvz.hr/ http://www.pprc.in/formation.html 5958 5959 5960 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.prabhupadavision.com/ http://www.pragyaabhiyan.info/ http://www.pranami.org/ 5961 5962 5963 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.pranavashram.com/ http://www.prapatti.com/ http://www.prasadam.co.uk/ 5964 Organisation http://www.prasannatrust.org/ 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 5977 5978 Organisation Organisation http://www.purebhaktiyogahk.com/ http://www.purkal.org/ Bhakti Centers Purkal Youth Development Society Hong Kong India India India India Indonesia India USA India Switzerland Indonesia USA India Germany World Bosnia India India India USA UK India UK India Netherland India India India India India USA USA India India India India 5979 Organisation http://www.purusha.org/ 5980 Organisation http://www.purushacapital.org/ 5981 5982 5983 5984 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.pushtisanskar.org/ http://www.radha.name/ http://www.radhadeshmellows.com/ http://www.radhadesh-summercamp.com/ 5985 5986 Organisation Organisation http://www.radhagopinath.com/ http://www.radha-govinda.org/ 5987 Organisation 5988 Organisation http://www.radhagovinddhamabd.org/devotion.html http://www.radhakund.com/ 5989 5990 Organisation Organisation http://www.radha-kunda.org/ http://www.radhamadhavdham.org/ 5991 5992 5993 5994 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.radhamadhavsociety.org/ http://www.radhanathmaharaj.net/ http://www.radharanikijay.tk/ http://www.radhashyamasundar.com/ 5995 5996 5997 Organisation Organisation Organisation 5998 5999 6000 6001 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rails.bharatavarsa.net/ http://www.raja-verlag.de/ http://www.rajkot.com/ramakrishna/index.ht ml http://www.rajputanas.com/ http://www.ramakrishna.de/ http://www.ramakrishna.org.ar/ http://www.ramakrishna.org/ 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.ramakrishnadham.za.org/ http://www.ramakrishnalucknow.org/ http://www.ramakrishnamath.in/ http://www.ramakrishna-math.org/ http://www.ramakrishnamathkochi.org/ http://www.ramakrishnananda.com/ 6008 6009 Organisation Organisation http://www.ramakrishnananda.net/ http://www.ramakrishnanandamusic.com/ 6010 Organisation http://www.ramakrishna-sa.org.za/ 6011 Organisation http://www.ramakrishnavedantamath.org/ 6012 6013 6014 Organisation Organisation Organisation 6015 6016 Maharishi Purusha Program- The Purusha Capital of the Western World The Purusha Capital of the Western World Pushti Sanskar Radha Krishna Radhadesh Mellows Radhadesh Summer Camp USA ISKCON Mumbai Sri Sri Radha Govinda Gaudhiya Math Vienna Radha Govind Dham - Ahmedabad India Austria USA India India India USA India Sri Radha Kund -A Raganuga Bhakti Resource ISKCON Russia JKP Radha Madhav Dham Austin World Radha Madhav Society Radhanath Maharaj Radha Rani Temple Jaya Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar Chicago Bhakti Vikasa Swami Raja Verlag RKM Rajkot USA USA Bolivia USA Rajputanas Forum RK Mission RK Mission Argentina Ramakrishna Vivekananda Center of New York -- OM Details India Germany Argentina USA Sri Ramakrishna Dhãm RK Mission Lucknow RK Mission math Bangalore RK Mission Italia RK Mission Kochi, Kerala Ramakrishnananda Yoga Vedanta Mission New York Vishwa Dharma Mandalam Swami Ramakrishnananda music South Africa India India Italy India USA The Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa Ramakrishna Vedanta Math South Africa http://www.ramana.narod.ru/ http://www.ramanuja.org/ http://www.rashtriyasewa.org Sri Ramana Maharishi Sri Vaishnava - Ramanujacharya Rashtriya Sewa Bharati -Jagran Sahyog Prasikshan Adhyayan Russia India India Organisation http://www.rayarusgrace.org/ India Organisation http://www.releaseyourwings.org/ Guru Rayaru Sri Raghavendra Theertharu BK - Release Your Wings Russia USA Croatia Germany India USA India India USA 6017 6018 6019 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rhcs.org.za/ http://www.rikhiapeeth.in/ http://www.rikhiapeeth.net/ Randburg Hindu Cultural Society Rikhiapeeth, Jharkhand Rikhiapeeth, Jharkhand : Bihar School of Yoga Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education (RIMSE) Mysore South Africa India India 6020 Organisation http://www.rimse.org/ 6021 Organisation http://www.rishichintan.org/ India http://www.rkmnpur.org/ http://www.rkmportblair.org/ http://www.rkmpune.org/ http://www.rkmrajkot.org/ http://www.rkmranchi.org/ http://www.rkmshillong.org/ http://www.rkmshome.org/ Gayatri Pariwar - needs of Thought Transformation Ashrams and other Spiritual Centers in Rishikesh RK Mission Salem RK Mission Hydeabad RK Mission Kanchipuram RK Mission Nagpur RK Mission Aurangabad RK Mission Baranagar, Kolkata RK Mission Bhopal RK Mission Chengalpattu RK Mission Chennai RK Mission Cherrapunjee, RK Mission Residential college RK Mission Delhi RK Mission Dhaka RK Mission Fiji RK Mission Asansol RK Mission Belgaum Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Chapra RK Mission Delhi RK Mission Khetri RK Mission Puri RK Mission Shivanahalli RK Mission Vijayawada Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Jalpaiguri RK Mission Kadapa, AP RK Mission Khar Mumbai RK Mission Muzaffarpur, Bihar Ramakrishna Mission School, Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh RK Mission Narendrapur RK Mission Port Blair RK Mission Pune RK Mission Rajkot RK Mission Ranchi RK Mission Shillong RK Mission Students' Home Chennai 6022 Organisation http://www.rishikesh.org/1_ashrams.html 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rkmasalem.org/ http://www.rkmath.org/ http://www.rkmathkanchipuram.org/ http://www.rkmathnagpur.org/ http://www.rkmaurangabad.org/ http://www.rkmbaranagar.org/ http://www.rkmbhopal.org/ http://www.rkmchengalpattu.org/ http://www.rkmchennai.org/ http://www.rkmcherra.org/ http://www.rkmcnarendrapur.net/ http://www.rkmdelhi.org/ http://www.rkmdhaka.org/ http://www.rkmfiji.org/ http://www.rkmissionasansol.org/ http://www.rkmissionashrama.org/ http://www.rkmissionchapra.org/ 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rkmissiondel.org/ http://www.rkmissionkhetri.org/ http://www.rkmissionpuri.org/ http://www.rkmission-shivanahalli.org/ http://www.rkmissionvijayawada.org/ http://www.rkmjalpaiguri.org/ 6046 6047 6048 6049 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rkm-kadapa.org/ http://www.rkmkhar.org/ http://www.rkmmuzaffarpur.org/ http://www.rkmnarottamnagar.com/ 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 6057 Organisation http://www.rkmstudentshome.org/ RK Mission Stuents Home Kolkata India 6058 6059 6060 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rkmsvrind.org/ http://www.rkmtamluk.org/ http://www.rkmtbs.com/ India India India 6061 Organisation http://www.rkmv.org/ RK Mission Vridavan RK Mission Tamluk RK Mission TB Sanatorium Jharkhand RK Mission Purulia India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Bangla Desh Fiji India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India 6062 Organisation http://www.rkmvadodara.com/ 6063 Organisation http://www.rkmvc.ac.in/ 6064 6065 6066 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rkmvdeoghar.org/ http://www.rkmvndp.org/ http://www.rkmvu.ac.in/ 6067 6068 6069 6070 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rmponweb.org/ http://www.rmsuk.org/ http://www.rramakrishnan.com/ http://www.rss.org/ 6071 6072 Organisation Organisation http://www.rssbangla.com/ http://www.rssonnet.org/ 6073 6074 Organisation Organisation http://www.ruzov.ru/ http://www.rvc.edu/gbcmin 6075 6076 6077 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.rvm.co.in/ http://www.rvmfoundation.org/ http://www.ryasnov.ru/konsultacii_astrologa 6078 Organisation http://www.saccidananda108.com/ 6079 Organisation http://www.sachosatram.com/ 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sadgurutrust.org/ http://www.sadhanamandir.org/ http://www.sadhusanga.com.ua/ http://www.sadhusanga.com/ http://www.safetemple.org/ http://www.sahms.org.za/ 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sahyadri.org.in/ http://www.saiamrithadhara.com/ http://www.saiaustralia.org.au/ http://www.saibaba.org.hk/ http://www.saibabami.org Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Memorial,Vadodara Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Chennai RK Mission Deoghar, Jharkhand, RK Mission Narendrapur RK Mission Vivekananda University Bellur Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini Radha Madhav Society (UK) Ramakrishnan Chicago Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) RSS Bangla Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ISKCON Russia Global Ministary for Recruiting& Training The RVM Foundation, Bangalore The RVM Foundation, Bangalore Astrological advice by Sergei Ryasnova Saccidananda Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya Hazoori Roop Sai Sadhram Sahib Sacho Satram Satguru Sai Satramdas Sahib's Divine Sangha Shri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust Sadhana Mandir Trust Rishikesh Pure Bhakti Sadhu Sanga ISKCON Child Protection The South African Hindu Maha Sabha Sahyadri Foundation Sai Amrithadhara Sathya Sai Centre Sathya Sai Centre Sri Shirdi Saibaba Temple, Michigan India 6091 6092 Organisation Organisation http://www.saibabaofindia.com/ http://www.saibabaposadas.com.ar/ Sai Baba Of India India Sai Baba Centro (Satya Sai) Posadas Argentina 6093 Organisation http://www.saibaba-x.org.uk/ 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.saidarbar.org/ http://www.saidarshan.net/ http://www.saidarshan.org/ http://www.sai-fi.net/ http://www.saileelas.org/ http://www.saiprema.wordpress.com/ http://www.saiservice.org/ http://www.sai-service.org/ http://www.saivasiddhanta.com/ http://www.sakthifoundation.org/ Sai Baba's Service Projects and Publicity Sai Darbar Sathya Sai Centre Sai Baba (Satya Sai) Sathya Sai Baba Sai Life & Reaching Saiprema's Blog Sai Baba (Satya Sai) Service Sai Baba (Satya Sai) Service Kauai's Hindu Monastery, Hawai Sakthi Foundaion India India India India India UK USA India India India Russia USA India India Russia India Pakistan India India Ukraine India USA South Africa India India Australia Hong Kong USA UK India India USA India India India USA USA USA USA 6104 Organisation http://www.salagram.net/ Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Haidakhandi Samaj The Sambodh Society, Inc. Sampark VHP Vishwa Samvada Kendra, Karnataka 6105 6106 6107 6108 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.samajitaliano.org/ http://www.sambodh.com/ http://www.samparkvhp.org/ http://www.samvada.org/ 6109 6110 Organisation Organisation http://www.sanandaspiritualcenter.com/ http://www.sanatan.org/ 6111 Organisation http://www.sanatanadharmafoundation.org/ 6112 6113 Organisation Organisation 6114 Organisation 6115 6116 Organisation Organisation 6117 6118 6119 6120 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sanatandharmakendra.org/ Sanatan Dharma Kendra http://www.sanatandharmamandirjamaica.org Sanatan Dharma Mandir Jamaica / http://www.sanatanmauritius.com/ The Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation http://www.sanatansociety.com/ Paintings of Vedic Gods http://www.sandiegotemple.org/ Self-Realization Fellowship Temple San Diego http://www.sangam.org.nz/ India Sanmarga Ikya (NZ) http://www.sangamfiji.com.fj/ Sangam Fiji http://www.sankalpindia.net/ Sankalp India Foundation http://www.sankethi.org/ North American Sankethi Association -Jagadguru Shankaracharya http://www.sannyas.net/ Osho (Friends of Osho) http://www.sannyasacandidates.com/ ISKCON Ministry for Sannyasa http://www.santnenuram.com/ Sant Nenu Ram Aashram Sindh http://www.sathyasai.ca/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasai.de/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasai.dk/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathya-sai.info/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasai.nl/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasai.or.jp/english/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasai.org.br/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasai.org.nz/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasaibaba.co.uk/ Sathya Sai Baba Mahasamadhi http://www.sathyasai-drustvo.si/ Sathya Sai Centre http://www.sathyasaitoronto.org/ Sathya Sai Centre Toronto http://www.satisar.org/ Satisar Foundation, Jammu http://www.sat-karma.com/ Gayatri Pariwar http://www.satrakshita.be/ Osho Personality & Beyond http://www.satyachetana.org/ Satyachena Spiritual Movement http://www.satyafoundation.org/ Satya Foundation http://www.satyagraha.org.za/ Satyagraha in Pursuit of Truth http://www.satyavidya.com/ Satyavidya Vedic And Paranormal Research & Reformation 6142 Organisation http://www.schoolofbhagavadgita.org/ 6143 6144 Organisation Organisation http://www.schweibenalp.ch/ http://www.sciencedivine.org/ Sananda Spiritual Center! Sanatan weekly online (sanatan society for scientific spirituality) Pune Sanatana Dharma Foundation New Zealand Italy USA India India India India India USA Jamaica Mauritius India USA New Zealand Fiji India USA India USA Pakistan Canada Germany Denmark Germany Netherland Japan Brazil New Zealand UK Slovenia Canada India India Belgium USA USA South Africa New Zealand School of Bhagavad Gita, India Salagramam Ashram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Haidakhandi Samaj Switzerland Science Dvine -Sakshi Ram Kripal Ji India - The Centre For Science Of Divine Living Office 6145 Organisation http://www.scptumkur.ac.in/ Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Sanatana Dharma Foundation Sanatana Dharma and The Academia India 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.scsmath.com/ http://www.scsmath.net/ http://www.scsmath.org/ http://www.scsmusa.com/ http://www.sdfglobal.org/ 6151 Organisation http://www.sdias.org/ The San Diego Indian American Society Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Houston Sukhdham Yatri Bhavan USA 6152 Organisation http://www.sdmshouston.com/ 6153 Organisation http://www.sdyb.in/ 6154 6155 6156 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.secure.artofliving.org/ http://www.seva.org/ http://www.sevadarshan.org/ The Art of Living Foundation Seva Foundation USA Rashtriya Sewa Bharati -Jagran Sahyog Prasikshan Adhyayan India USA India 6157 6158 6159 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sevakunj.com/ http://www.sevateams.com/ http://www.sevateams.com/message-swamibv-narayan India USA India 6160 Organisation 6161 Organisation http://www.sevateams.com/sevateam/sri-sriradha-govinda-gaudiya-matha-guyana http://www.sewa.org/ Goudiya Vaishnavism Seva Teams Seva Team - Message from Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja Seva Kendras 6162 Organisation http://www.sfvedanta.org/ 6163 Organisation http://www.sggm.org/ 6164 6165 Organisation Organisation http://www.shaiva.110mb.com/ http://www.shanthiashram.org/ 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 6173 India India India USA USA USA India Guyana Self Employed Women’s Association India Vedanta Society of Northern USA Califorina Sri Govindaji Gaudia Math, Houston USA http://www.shantimission.org/ http://www.shastranethralaya.org/ http://www.shekinashram.org/ http://www.shirdisaibaba.jp/ http://www.shirdisaitrust.org/ http://www.shiva.org/ http://www.shivabalamahayogi.com/ Hinduism Information Shanthi Ashram Charitable Society (SACS) Shanti Mission Harmony Centres Shastra Nethralaya Shekinashram Shrdi Sai Japan Shirdi Sai Trust Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj Trust Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj Ashram Russia India Canada India UK Japan India India USA Organisation http://www.shivabalayogi.ca/ Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj Ashram Canada 6174 Organisation http://www.shivango.org/ Shiva Jan Jagran & Kalyan Samiti India 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.shivayogapeeth.org/ http://www.shivomkrupaashramtrust.org/ http://www.shivomworld.com/ashrams/ http://www.shivomworld.org/ http://www.shivshaktipeeth.com/ http://www.shivyog.com/ http://www.shivyogkenya.org/ http://www.shivyogsadhna.com/ Shiva Yoga Peeth -Swami Sudhir Shivom Krupa Ashram Ashrams of Tirth Lineage Shivom World Shiv Shakti Peeth New York ShivYog Meditation Shivyog Shivir in Nairobi, Kenya Shiv Yog Sadhna India India India India USA India Kenya India 6183 Organisation http://www.shmus.org/ 6184 6185 6186 6187 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 6188 Organisation Siddaganga Humanitarian Mission – U.S.A http://www.shraddhainn.com/ Shraddha Inn http://www.shreegangaji.com/ Shree Ganga Ji Foundation http://www.shreepeethanilaya.org/ Shree Peetha Nilaya http://www.shreeramkrishnashantiashram.org Shree Ramkrishna Shanti Ashram / Hazaribaug http://www.shreeshreeanandamayeesangha.in/ Shree Shree Anandamayee Sangha 6189 Organisation http://www.shreevallabh.com/ 6190 Organisation 6191 Organisation http://www.shriamarnathjishrine.com/amarnat Amarnath Yatra - Amarnath Shrine h-shrine-board.html Board http://www.shrikrishna.ru/index.html?id=154 ISKCON Russia 6192 Organisation 6193 6194 Organisation Organisation 6195 Organisation 6196 6197 6198 Organisation Organisation Organisation 6199 Organisation http://www.shrinarayankutisanyasashram.org/ Shri Narayan Kuti Sanyas Ashram, Dewas http://www.shriramsena.com/ Shri Ram Sena (India) http://www.shrisidhdataashram.org/ Shri Sidhdata Ashram, Suraj Kund Faridabad http://www.shrisitaram.org/Ramayan.php Shri Sita Ram Foundation USA -Dr. Nik Nikam http://www.shristisamajiksansthan.org/ Shristi Samajik Sansthan http://www.shriva.com/ Shrivedant Foundation http://www.shrivasudevanandsaraswati.com/ P.P. Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati Swami Maharaj http://www.shrivasudevanandsaraswati.org/ P.P.Vasudevanand Saraswati Jayanti 6200 6201 Organisation Organisation http://www.shrivedant.com/ http://www.siddagangahospital.org/ 6202 Organisation http://www.siddhaashram.net/ 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.siddhayoga.org.in/ http://www.siddhayoga.org/ http://www.sigaramfoundation.org/ http://www.sindhihindus.wordpress.com/ http://www.sindhology.org/ http://www.singainagarathar.com/ 6209 6210 6211 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sitashakti.in/ http://www.sitproperly.com/ http://www.sivagirimutt.org/ 6212 Organisation 6213 6214 Organisation Organisation 6215 Organisation 6216 6217 Organisation Organisation USA India India Germany India India Divine Grace Pushtimarg by India Jagadguru Shrimad Vallabhacharya Shrivedant Foundation Sri Siddaganga Hospital & Research Center, Siddha Ashram Ujjain -Swami Nardanand Teerthji Siddha Yoga Sangham of India Siddha Yoga Sangham of India Sigaram Trust Sindhi Hindus Indian Institute of Sindhology Nagarathar Association (Singapore) Women Empowerment ISKCON Mayapur Sivagiri Mutt - Sri Narayana Guru, Kerala http://www.sivananda.co.za/ Sri Swami Sivananda Divine Life Society South Africa http://www.smileofkrishna.com/ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.sndp.org/ Shree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam http://www.socialfront.in/ On the Social Front Services byRadhanath Swami http://www.sonomaashram.org/ Sonoma Ashram Foundation http://www.spiritualbangalore.com/organizati Sringeri Sharada Peetham on-profiles/sri-sringeri-shankara-mathbangalore/ India Russia India India India USA India Kenya India India Kenya India India India India India Pakistan India Singapore India India India South Africa Russia India India USA India 6218 Organisation http://www.spiritualbee.com/ The Spiritual Bee : Pulkit Mathur, Mumbai Hindu Spirituality Study Group (HSSG) Guru Sangamam - India The Sapiritual Gateway Sree Rama Dasa Mission Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math Sree Narayana Kendra Delhi Sri Aurobindo Society - Delhi Sri Aurobindo Ashram Sri Aurobindo Society - Singapore India 6219 Organisation http://www.spiritualeducation.org/work/hssg 6220 Organisation http://www.spiritualgateway.org/ 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.srdm.org/ http://www.sreecgmath.org/ http://www.sreenarayanakendra.org/ http://www.sriaurobindoashram.net/ http://www.sriaurobindoashram.org/ http://www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg/ 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sribabaji.org http://www.srichinmoy.org/ http://www.srichinmoycentre.org/ http://www.srichinmoylibrary.com/ http://www.srichinmoypoetry.com/ http://www.srikrishnavrundavana.ca/ Shiva Avatar Sri Chinmoy Organisation Sri Chinmoy Centre Sri Chinmoy Library Sri Chinmoy Poetry Sri Krishna Brundavana Religious Aand Charitable Institution -Shree Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji Slovenia USA USA USA India Canada 6233 6234 Organisation Organisation http://www.srimatham.com/ http://www.srimatriniketanashram.org/ Australia India 6235 Organisation http://www.srimcenter.org/ 6236 6237 6238 6239 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sringeri.net/ http://www.srinitai.net/ http://www.sripitambaradham.org/ http://www.sripoornamahameru.org/ 6240 Organisation http://www.sriramakrishna.org/ Sri Rama Ramanuja Ācārya Math Sri Matriniketan Ashram Sri Aurobindo Centre Brahmapur, Orissa SRIM Sri Karunamayi Research Institute of Meditation Sringeri Sharada Peetham Vaisnava online network Sri Pitambara Dham Sri Poorna Mahameru Trust, Sri Ramani Ranganayaki Trust, Kumbhabishekam of Sri Poorna Maha meru Ambaal, Pallavaram,Chennai The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Golpark, Kolkata 6241 6242 Organisation Organisation http://www.sriramakrishnadham.co.za/ http://www.sriramakrishnamaththrissur.org/ Sri Ramakrishna Dham RK Mission Thrissur Kerala South Africa India 6243 Organisation http://www.sriramtrust.org/ Sriram Educational Trust Chennai India 6244 6245 Organisation Organisation http://www.srisailamonline.com/ http://www.srisathyasai.org.in/ India India 6246 Organisation http://www.srishirdisaibabamandir.org/ Srisaila Devasthanam :: Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam Sri Saibaba Temple Society of Ohio and Sri Shirdi Saibaba Mandir 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.srishticanada.org/ http://www.srivaishnavam.com/ http://www.srkmnattarampalli.org.in/ http://www.srkmys.org/ http://www.srss.org.au/ Shrishti Canada Srivaishnava community RK Mission Vellore RK Mission Mysore Shree Raghavendra Seva Samithi Melbourne Inc. Canada India India India Australia UK India India World India India India Singapore India India India USA India India India 6252 Organisation http://www.srv.org/ Nepal India http://www.sssc.org.my/ Sarada Vivekananda Ramakrishna Association Shree Radha Madhav Samiti Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust Sri Swami Sivananda Spritual Centre 6253 6254 Organisation Organisation http://www.ssdham.org/ http://www.sssbpt.info/ 6255 Organisation 6256 6257 6258 USA Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.sssmt.org.in/ http://www.stahdnj.ac.id/ http://www.starsai.com/ Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust Stah Dharma Nusantara Jakarta Shirdi Saibaba temple of Humanity India Indonesia India 6259 6260 6261 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.stlmarathimandal.org/ http://www.successfulvaisnavas.com/ http://www.suddhabhakti.org/ St. Louis Marathi Mandal (USA) Successful Vaishnava Jaya Sri Damodar Gaudiya Matha Srila B.V.Narayana Gosvami Maharaja USA India India 6262 6263 Organisation Organisation http://www.sulabhtoiletmuseum.org/old/ http://www.sulabhtolietmusuem.com/ India India 6264 6265 Organisation Organisation 6266 Organisation Sulabh Sanitation Museum Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak -Sulabh Sanitation Movement http://www.suryaagungfurniture.com/ Indonesia Surya Agung Furniture http://www.suryakantmahadik.com/bharatiya- Bharatiya Kamgar Sena kamgar-sena/ http://www.suryanarayansos.com/ Surya Narayan Seva Outreach Sang 6267 Organisation http://www.svdtmru.org/ USA 6268 Organisation 6269 6270 6271 Malaysia Indonesia India USA http://www.svtempletexas.org/ The sri venkateswara devasthanam trust South Texas Hindu Society (STHS) USA Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.swadhyay.org/ http://www.swahainternational.org/ http://www.swahainternational.org/about/ Swadhyay Pariwar SWAHA International Sanatanist Hindu organisation India Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad & Tobago 6272 6273 6274 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.swami.org/ http://www.swami.org/pages/contact.php http://www.swami.vishwananda.info/ USA USA Germany 6275 Organisation http://www.swamicenter.org/en/text/teaching_of_babaji.html Sri Caitanya Sanga Sadhu Sangha Sri Swami Vishwananda, founder of Bhakti Marga, Divine Way of Spiritual Heart India 6276 Organisation http://www.swamidham.org/ P.P.Vasudevanand Saraswati Jayanti India 6277 Organisation http://www.swami-krishnananda.org/ 6278 6279 Organisation Organisation http://www.swaminarayan.info/ http://www.swaminarayan.org.in/ Swami Krishnananda - Divine Life Society Shree Swaminarayan Sampraday The Rao Bahadur Sheth Curumsey Damjee Swaminarayan Temple Charity Trust 6280 6281 Organisation Organisation 6282 6283 Organisation Organisation http://www.swaminarayan.org/ http://www.swaminarayan.org/activities/cultur al/watershow/index.htm http://www.swaminarayantirtha.org/ http://www.swaminarayanusa.org/ 6284 Organisation http://www.swamiramdevyoga.org/ BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Santha Akshardham Gandhi Nagar Watershow Swami Narayan Tirtha Shree Swaminarayan AgynaUpasana Satsang Mandal Swami Ramdev Yoga India India India India UK India India USA India 6285 Organisation http://www.swamisamarthofakkalkot.org/ Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj of Akkalkot Samanvaya Parivar Leicester Swami Shantiprakash Ashram Swami Veda Bharati's world wide mission Swadeshi School For Trainning in Indian Knowledge Tamil Afrika Tamil Hindu Centre Tamil Federation SA Osho Tapovan Osho Tapoban Web Gallery Sriranga Sadguru, Karnataka Tattva Viveka Anantha Jyothi Social Organisation India 6286 6287 6288 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.swamisatyamitranand.net/ http://www.swamishantiprakash.com/ http://www.swamiveda.com/ 6289 Organisation http://www.swastik.net.in/ 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.tamilafrica.jimdo.com/ http://www.tamilhindu.com/ http://www.tamilsa.org/ http://www.tapoban.com/ http://www.tapobangallery.com.np/ http://www.taranga.us/ http://www.tattva-viveka.de/ http://www.techsakthifoundation.org/ 6298 6299 Organisation Organisation http://www.tejgyan.org/ http://www.telugu.co.za/ 6300 Organisation http://www.tembeswami.org/ 6301 6302 6303 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.tempelberlin.de/ http://www.templegroup.mu/ http://www.templeofpeace.org/ 6304 Organisation http://www.theeholyplacesofindia.com/ 6305 6306 Organisation Organisation http://www.themotherdivine.com/ http://www.theswaminarayan.org/ 6307 Organisation http://www.thevedicfoundation.org/ 6308 Organisation http://www.thirunallaru.org/ 6309 Organisation http://www.tibetindonesia.org/ 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.tirumala.org/ http://www.todayschanakya.com/ http://www.toronto.iskcon.ca/ http://www.trinetra.org.uk/ http://www.truthconsciousness.org/ 6315 6316 6317 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.tulsitrust.org.uk/ http://www.tyrabhakti.lt/ http://www.udbodhan.org/ 6318 Organisation http://www.udupiadmarmuth.org/ 6319 Organisation http://www.udupishiroormutt.in/ ISKCON Berlin Temple Group North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta, Inc. Anand Samaj Philosophical And Social Development Trust Omkarnath Mission, Rishikesh Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Kandari Re-establish the greatness of Hinduism Sri Dharbaranyeswara Swamy Devasthanam Tibet - Indonesia Friendship Association Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Today's Chanakya-VK Bajaj ISKCON Toronto Trintera - Kashmiri Hindu Forum Prabhushri Swami Amar Jyoti Ashrams --Truth Consciousness The Tulsi Trust Tyra Bhakti -Seva Kendras RK Mission - Udbodhan Office Kolkata Sri Admar Matha, Udupi : Sri Narasimha Tirtha Udupi Shiroor Mutt, Krishna Mutt 6320 Organisation http://www.uhdc.co.za/ United Hindu Development Council South Africa 6321 6322 6323 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.ujjainiskcon.com/ http://www.uknhf.org.uk/ http://www.umhlangahindusociety.co.za/ ISKCON Ujjain Nepalese Hindu Forum UK Umhlanga Hindu Society. UK India India India South Africa India South Africa Nepal Nepal India Germany India Tej Gyan Foundation India Telugu Andhra Community in the South Africa Republic of South Africa P.P.Vasudevanand Saraswati Jayanti India Germany Mauritius USA India India India USA India Indonesia India India Canada UK USA India Lithuania India India India India UK South Africa 6324 Organisation http://www.unitedhinducongress.org/ 6325 Organisation http://www.universalsocietyofhinduism.org/ 6326 6327 Organisation Organisation http://www.us-hindus.com/ http://www.vadtal-sfo.com/ 6328 Organisation 6329 Organisation 6330 United Hindu Congress (Canada UHCC) Universal Society of Hinduism Canada USA USA USA Organisation US Hindus Laxmi Narayan Dev Spritual Organisation USA http://www.vaishnava.me/ Vaishnava Community Aggregate Reader http://www.vaishnavabooks.com/damodarasta Damodarastakam -Songs sung in he kam/damodarastakam.html month of Karthik http://www.vaishnavsongs.com/mangala-aarti/ Vaishnava Songs 6331 Organisation http://www.vaisnava.cz/ The Czech Republic 6332 6333 Organisation Organisation http://www.vaisnavafamilyresources.org/ http://www.vaisnavi.org/ 6334 6335 Organisation Organisation 6336 6337 6338 Organisation Organisation Organisation 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 6344 6345 6346 Organisation Organisation Organisation 6347 6348 6349 Organisation Organisation Organisation 6350 Organisation 6351 6352 6353 Jatayu's Czech Language Site Montenegro India India World World Organisation Organisation Organisation Vaishnava Family Resources Krishna Conscious Womens Resource http://www.vaisnav-irk.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.vallalarspace.com/SalemSuddhaS Salem Suddha Sanmarga Sangam anmargaSangam http://www.vanamaliashram.org/ Vanamali Gita Yogashram http://www.vancouver.iskcon.ca/ ISKCON Vancouver http://www.vanvasi.org/ Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra http://www.varnashrama.org/ Varnasrama http://www.vatikashaktipeeth.com/ Vatika Shakti Peeth, Jaipur http://www.vecerskrsno.blogspot.com/ ISKCON KRANJ http://www.veda.ru/ Vedic Cultural Center in Moscow http://www.vedabhoomi.org/ VedaBhoomi - Sri SitaRama VedaSamskrutha VidyaPeethamu AP http://www.vedaclub.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.vedadharmatrust.org/ Veda Dharma Trust http://www.vedamantram.com/ Vedic Education and Devotional Academy (VEDA) http://www.vedanta.jp/en The Vedanta Society of Japan http://www.vedanta.org.za/ Vedanta Centre South Africa http://www.vedanta.org/ The Vedanta Society of Southern California (VSSC) http://www.vedantaarchives.org/ Vedanta Archives of Southern California http://www.vedanta-atlanta.org/ Vedanta Center of Atlanta http://www.vedantaberkeley.org/ Vedanta Society Berkeley http://www.vedantabrisbane.org/ Vedanta Movement in Queensland 6354 6355 Organisation Organisation http://www.vedantacalgary.com/ http://www.vedantadc.org/ Canada USA 6356 Organisation http://www.vedanta-dc.org/ 6357 Organisation http://www.vedantadfw.org/ 6358 6359 Organisation Organisation http://www.vedanta-family.org/ http://www.vedanta-germany.org/ The Vedanta Society of Calgary Vedanta Cen-ter of Greater Wash-ing-ton, DC Vedanta Cen-ter of Greater Wash-ing-ton, DC Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of North Texas Vedanta Family Foundation Vedanta Society e V. 6360 Organisation http://www.vedantainstitute.co.in/ Vedanta Institute Hyderabad India Russia India India Canada India USA India Singapore Russia India Russia India USA Japan South Africa USA USA USA USA USA USA USA India Germany 6361 6362 Organisation Organisation http://www.vedantajp-en.com/ http://www.vedantakc.org/ Vedanta Society of Japan Japan The Vedanta Society of Kansas City USA 6363 Organisation http://www.vedantanc.org/ 6364 6365 6366 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vedantany.org/ http://www.vedanta-philippines.org/ http://www.vedantaphx.org/ 6367 6368 6369 6370 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vedanta-portland.org/ http://www.vedantaprov.org/ http://www.vedantasacto.org/ http://www.vedantasociety.net/boston/ 6371 6372 Organisation Organisation http://www.vedantasociety-chicago.org/ http://www.vedantastl.org/ 6373 6374 6375 6376 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vedantasydney.org/ http://www.vedantatoronto.ca/ http://www.vedantauk.com/ http://www.vedantausa.org/ 6377 6378 6379 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.veden-akademie.de/ http://www.vedic-cf.org/ http://www.vedic-community.org/ The Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of North Carolina Vedanta society of New York Vedanta Scoirty of philippines The Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama of Phoenix Vedanta Society of Portland Vedanta Society of Providence Vedanta Society of Sacramento Ramakrishna Vedanta Society Boston Vednata City Chicago Vedanta Society of St. Louis Missouri Vedanta Society Sydney Vedanata Society of Toronto Vedic Information Vedanta Cultural Foundation USA Inc ISKCON Neuruppin Vedic Community Foundation Maharishi Vedic Community USA 6380 Organisation http://www.vedicculturalcentre.com/ 6381 6382 Organisation Organisation http://www.vedicpandits.org/ http://www.vedicpath.com/ 6383 Organisation 6384 6385 Organisation Organisation http://www.vedicvista.co.za/Details/DivineLife-Society-of-South-Africa.html http://www.vedicworld.org/ http://www.vegsoc.org.za/ 6386 Organisation http://www.vhp.org.au/ 6387 6388 6389 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vhp.org.uk/ http://www.vhp.org/ http://www.vhp-america.org/ 6390 6391 Organisation Organisation http://www.vhpap.org/ http://www.vhpcanada.com/ 6392 6393 Organisation Organisation http://www.vhpsampark.org/ http://www.vidarbhavanavasi.org/ 6394 6395 Organisation Organisation http://www.videsh.com/ http://www.vidyadaanam.org/ 6396 6397 Organisation Organisation http://www.vidyapith.org/ http://www.vifindia.org/ 6398 6399 Organisation Organisation http://www.villavrindavana.net/ http://www.villavrindavana.org/ USA USA Philippines USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Australia Canada UK USA Germany India USA Arya Samaj Canada -Vedic Cultural Centre (VCC) Ontario Maharishi Vedic Pandits Vedavisharada Yogi Baba Prem Tom Beal /Florida Vedic Institute Vedic Path Divine Life Society of South Africa Canada The Vedic Cultural Fellowship Vegetarian Society of South Africa USA South Africa The Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia Vishwa Hindu Parishad (UK) Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America Australia VHP Andhra Pradesh Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Canada VHP Samprk Vibhag, Mumbai Vidarbha Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram (VVKA) NRI Community Vidya Daanam :Swamy Dayananda Saraswati Vivekananda Vidyapith Vivekananda International Foundation -BJP Think Tank Villa Vrindavava Villa Vrindavava USA USA South Africa UK India USA India Canada India India USA USA USA India Italy Italy 6400 Organisation 6401 Organisation 6402 Organisation 6403 6404 http://www.viraathindusabha.org/ Organisation Organisation Virat Hindu Sabha (VHS) (Greater Hindu Assembly) http://www.vishvarupa.com/aum-om-omkara- OM Symbols pranava.html http://www.vishveshavani.com/articles/guru- Sri Swamiji of Pejawar Mutt stuti/shri-swamiji-of-pejawar-mutt/ http://www.vishwadharma.com/ Vishwa Dharma Madalam http://www.vishwadharmafoundation.com/ Ramakrishnananda Ashram India USA USA 6405 Organisation http://www.vishwadharmamandalam.com/ Vishwa Dharma Madalam USA 6406 Organisation Vishwa Hindu Samaj India 6407 6408 6409 6410 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vishwahindusamaj.com/hindutva. htm http://www.vishwahitam.org/ http://www.viswaguru.com/ http://www.viswakalyanam.org/ http://www.viswambhara.org/ Dharma Chakra Trust Om Sri Sai RamGurudeva Datta Viswa Kalyanam Viswambhara Sathsangh Charities India India India India 6411 6412 Organisation Organisation http://www.vittalrukmini.org/ http://www.vjmna.org/ India USA 6413 Organisation http://www.vjms.net/ 6414 Organisation http://www.vka.org.in/ 6415 6416 6417 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vkontakte.ru/ http://www.voacademy.org/ http://www.voicemasterforiskcon.com/ Sri Vittal Rukmini Samsthan Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj Vishwa Jagriti Mission -Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj Akhil Bhartiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram ISKCON Russia Vaisnava Online Academy Specialist Training for Improving Your Verbal Communication Skills 6418 Organisation http://www.vraja.net/ Brazil 6419 6420 Organisation Organisation http://www.vrinda.net.pl/ http://www.vrindablog.org/ 6421 6422 Organisation Organisation http://www.vrindavan.de/ http://www.vrindavan.org/ 6423 6424 6425 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vrindavandarshan.com/ http://www.vrindavanexperience.com/ http://www.vsktamilnadu.org/ ISKCON Brazil - Vrajabhumi Dhama Hindu Sanskriti Poland VRINDA - Vrindavan Institute for Vaisnava Culture and Studies Eternal Vrindavan VRINDA - Vrindavan Institute for Vaisnava Culture and Studies ISKCON Vrindavan Vrindavan Experience Vishwa Samvad Kendra-Tamilnadu 6426 Organisation http://www.vvcrf.org/ India 6427 6428 Organisation Organisation http://www.vvmission.in/ http://www.vvmvp.org/ 6429 6430 6431 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.vvz.hr/ http://www.waisznawa.pl/ http://www.wctf.co.za/ Vitrag Vignan Charitable Research Foundation (VVCRF) -Holistic Science Research Centre Vidyananda Vedanta Mission Art of Living (AOL) International Centre ISKCON Croatia ISKCON Poland The Western Cape Tamil Federation 6432 6433 6434 6435 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.webswadhyay.org/ http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/ http://www.worldhinducongress.net/ http://www.worldhinducouncil.org/ Gayatri Pariwar The World Harmony Run World hindu Congress World Hindu Council India USA India USA India India Singapore India Russia India UK Poland India Germany India India India India India India Croatia Poland South Africa 6436 Organisation http://www.worldhindufederation.com/ World Hindu Federation International (WHF) World Hindu Federation (WHF) Bishwa Hindu Mahasangh World Hindu Centre, Bali World Hindu Parisad World ISKCON Ahilyabai Holkar & World Shepherds Society World Vaisnava Association Yamdagni Ashram Yamuna Nagri Spiritual Centre ISKCON Chelyabinsk Yogi Divine Society :Shree Aksharpurushottam Swaminarayan Temple, Vadodara The Young at Heart ISKCON Peru A Place for Paramahansa Yogananda Devotees Jahnava Dasi Yoga Nepal 6437 Organisation http://www.worldhindufederation.org/ 6438 6439 6440 6441 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.worldhinduparisad.org/ http://www.worldhinduparisada.org/ http://www.worldiskcon.com/ http://www.worldshepherds.com/ 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.wva-vvrs.org/ http://www.yamdagni.com/ http://www.yamunaji.com/ http://www.yatra.narod.ru/rama.html http://www.yds.org/ 6447 6448 6449 Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.yesplus.org/ http://www.yogador.com/ http://www.yoganandaji.org/board/ 6450 Organisation 6451 6452 6453 6454 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.yogaofforgiveness.com/aboutus/10-jahnava-dasi http://www.yogaoflove.org/ http://www.yogatag-heidelberg.de/ http://www.yogaunionwithreality.com/ http://www.yoginiashram.net/ ISKCON Tel-Aviv Bhakti Yoga Center Heidelberg Ramakrishnananda Yoga Retreat Yogini Ashram, Norwalk, California Israel Germany India USA 6455 Organisation http://www.yogiramsuratkumar.org/ Bhagwan Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar India 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation http://www.yogodyan.net/ http://www.yogodyan.org/ http://www.yogoer.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/devarsi http://www.youtube.com/user/krsnakarunya RK Math Yogodyan Kolkata RK Math Yogodyan Kolkata Ramakrishnananda Yoga Retreat Bhakti Centers World Wide Bhakti Centers World Wide India India USA UK World 6461 Organisation http://www.youtube.com/user/yogamilano Ananda Ashram Milano Italy 6462 Organisation Beatles ashram Rishikesh, India India 6463 Organisation Krishna Consciousness Society UK 6464 Organisation 6465 Organisation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egxtdpRg X-c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhJNJ8Dd zWE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMRaMr4 10kk http://www.yssofindia.org/ 6466 Organisation 6467 Organisation 6468 Nepal Indonesia Indonesia World India World India India Russia India India Peru India USA Organisation Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan -Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS) http://www3.clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.ph ISKCON Devotees Onine Website p?url=http://iskconuk.com/ Hindu Lawyers Association https://engb.facebook.com/HinduLawyersAssociation/i nfo https://globalcountryofworldpeace.org/ The Global Country of World Peace USA 6469 Organisation https://www.advaitaashrama.org/ India 6470 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/BJP4India Advaita Ashrama - a Publication Centre of Ramakrishna Math & Mission BJP For India India India World UK India 6471 Organisation Organisation https://www.facebook.com/DevatmaShaktiSoc Devatma Shakti Society iety https://www.facebook.com/durga.vahini.1 Durga Vahini 6472 India 6473 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/durga.vahini.9 India 6474 Organisation 6475 Organisation 6476 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/durgavahini.navim Durga Vahini umbai.3 https://www.facebook.com/durgavahinid.gudh Durga Vahini a https://www.facebook.com/GayatriPariwaar All World Gayatri Pariwar India 6477 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/hindu.narayanganj Hindu Mohajote Narayanganj Bangla Desh 6478 6479 Organisation Organisation 6480 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/JKPIndia Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat India https://www.facebook.com/NachiketaTapovan Swami Nachiketananda - Nachiketa India Tapovan https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chanakya- Chanakya International Foundation India International-Foundation/243748439088132 6481 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/pages/Deendayal- Deendayal Research Institute Research-Institute/255783797783447 India 6482 Organisation Iskcon Pandavasena USA 6483 Organisation https://www.facebook.com/pages/IskconPandavasena/199849916755456 https://www.facebook.com/pages/ShriVishnu-Temple-Society/594967003887824 The Shri Vishnu Temple Society in Chatsworth South Africa 6484 6485 Organisation Organisation https://www.facebook.com/ran.jan.1023 https://www.facebook.com/sanatansociety Durga Vahini Sanatan Society India USA 6486 Organisation 6487 6488 6489 Organisation Organisation Organisation https://www.facebook.com/VaishnavaKshatri yaDharmaAssociation https://www.facebook.com/vhp.ap https://www.facebook.com/vhp.fiji https://www.htccwa.org/ 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation 6496 6497 6498 Organisation Organisation Organisations Database Organisations Database Organisations Database Organisations Database Organisations Database 6499 6500 6501 6502 Durga Vahini Vaishnava Kshatriya Dharma Association VHP Andhra Pradesh VHP Fiji Hindu Temple and Cultural Center Washington https://www.iskconklang.wordpress.com/ ISKCON in Klang Valley https://www.maavaishnodevi.org/ Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Trust https://www.oshodhara.org.in/ Oshodhara International https://www.rkmanarainpur.org/ RK Mission Narainpur https://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/ Shri Saibaba Sansthan https://www.sites.google.com/site/abhyasaash Abhyasa Ashram ram/ https://www.sriramakrishnamath.org/ Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai https://www.vk.com/goura Hare Krishna Miasse! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindu_or List of Hindu organisations ganisations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_religious_ Major Religious groups groups http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survey_of_Hindu List of Hindu organisations _organisations http://www.cincinnatitemple.com/information Global Hindu Organisations - Sorted HinduAlpha.html by Web Address http://www.egenisys.com/portfolio/iskconban ISKCON World Wide galore/southamerica.html India India India India India Fiji USA Malaysia India India India India USA India Russia World World India USA UK 6503 6504 Organisations Database Organisations Database 6505 Organisations Database 6506 Organisations Database Organisations Database Organisations Database Organisations Database Other Faith Contributor 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor http://www.harekrishnalinks.com/websites/ India http://www.hindudept.gov.lk/web/index.php? Registered Hindu Institution option=com_content&view=article&id=59&It emid=104&lang=en http://www.hindungos.blogspot.com/ Vijaya Kashmiri, IIRC, J&K 's List of Hindu NGOs. 5000 Recorded Sri Lanka http://www.indif.com/nri/temples/worldtemple Hindu Organisation in Canada & s.asp?Country=Canada Devtional http://www.iskconcenters.com/ ISKCON Centres Canada http://www.iskconcenters.com/websites/ World ISKCON websites India World http://www.nrirealtynews.com/southHindu Organisations of South Africa South Africa africa.php http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/201 Sanskrit scholar from West Bengal - India 2-03-26/kolkata/31239560_1_sanskritAbdul Pandit literature-rashtriya-sanskrit-sansthan-sanskritcollege http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Rahim_K Hindi couplets and books on han-I-Khana Astrology by Rahim http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arshia_Sattar Sanskrit Transaltor & Ramayana writer -Arshia Sattar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haridasa_Thakur Devotee of god Krishna in Puri Haridasa Thakur born as Muslim http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K._J._Yesudas started Sangeetharchana (classical devotional songs) at"Kollur Mookambika temple, Kollur, Karnataka and and sang Ayyappan Bhajans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahi_Masoom_R Mahabharat Serial written by Dr. aza Rahi Masoom Raza http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sg_ph/Mast Master Choa Kok Sui er_Choa_Kok_Sui http://gaana.com/music-album/bhajans-ofJagannath Worshipper & Bhajan by salbeg-and-bhima-bhoi-14072 Salbeg http://jagannathinfo.blogspot.com/2010/01/uzi Jagannath Worshipper - Uzir-beg r-beg-forgotten-bhakti-poet-of.html http://orissa.gov.in/eJagannath Worshipper - Uzir-beg magazine/Orissareview/2008/November2008/engpdf/11-12.pdf http://www.allmusic.com/album/raghunath- Jagannath Worshipper & Bhajan by panigrahi-salbeg-bhajans-mw0002034468 Salbeg India Muslim Girls of UP studying Ramayana India Lost Loves: Exploring Rama's Anguish by Arshia Sattar India Jagannath Worshipper & Bhajan by India Salbeg Hindi couplets and books on India Astrology by Rahim 6520 Other Faith Contributor 6521 Other Faith Contributor 6522 Other Faith Contributor http://www.amarujala.com/news/states/uttarpradesh/muslim-girls-are-reading-ramayanaand-gita/ http://www.amazon.com/Lost-LovesExploring-Ramas-Anguish/dp/0143104276 6523 Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor http://www.dhingana.com/oriya/bhajans-ofsalbeg-and-bhima-bhoi-songs-2de53d1 http://www.geetakavita.com/hindi_sahitya.asp?id=440 6524 Here Kriahna Links India India India India Philippines India India India India 6525 Other Faith Contributor 6526 Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor 6527 http://www.hindustantimes.com/Entertainmen Sanskrit scholar -Dr Mohammed t/Art/Meet-Dr-Mohammed-Hanif-KhanHanif Khan Shastri Shastri/Article1-730294.aspx http://www.philipgoldberg.com/ American Veda by Philip Goldberg India USA http://www.satsang-foundation.org/ Kriya Yoga & The Satsang India Foundation by Sri M (Mumtaj Ali), Bangalore http://www.thehindu.com/features/magazine/t Devotee of Lord Krishna -Wajid Ali India he-journey-of-a-genre/article4959663.ece Shah, the Nawab of Lucknow 6528 Other Faith Contributor 6529 Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor Other Faith Contributor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=549mTvU1Vk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFxUBLQj XZY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izzNFCtFy yY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVxukRW qDqU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjqDxhM h5EU https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3 59281727447049&set=a.359281720780383. 77423.123631221012102&type=1&theater 6535 Painting http://bipinsoni.com/gallery,religious.html 6536 6537 Painting Painting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamini_Roy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nandalal_Bose 6538 Painting http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/actio Hindu Painting collection in British n/search.do?ct=facet&fctN=facet_topic&fctV Library =temples+(Hindu)&dscnt=2&indx=1&fromL ogin=true&tab=website_tab&dstmp=131935 7927634&vl(freeText0)=Hindupaintings&vid =BLVU1&fn=search&mode=Basic UK 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 Painting Painting Painting Painting Painting http://images.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://mahenchanmugam.wordpress.com/ http://rajandraws.wordpress.com/ http://srisriradhagopinatharts.blogspot.in/ http://the-veda.deviantart.com/ India Sri Lanka India India India 6544 6545 Painting Painting http://wallpapers.radhagopinath.com/ Radhagopinath Wallpapers http://wallpapers.radhanathswamiphotos.com/ Radhagopinath Wallpapers India India 6546 6547 6548 6549 6550 6551 6552 Painting Painting Painting Painting Painting Painting Painting Ajanta Caves Anna's Art Anna's Art Dussehra Art of Krishna Vishnu Paintings Lord Vishnu Painting India India India India India India India 6553 6554 Painting Painting http://www.ajantacaves.com/ http://www.annapurnaart.com/ http://www.annasart.info/ http://www.artistgyan.com/tag/festival/ http://www.artofkrsna.com/ http://www.artoflegendindia.com/ http://www.astrogems.com/vishnu_wallpaper. php http://www.devifoundation.org/art.asp http://www.dhrishticreations.com/ Devi Foundation Art Ganesha Paintings India India 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 We are all Hindus Now USA Tanot Rai Bhajan by Jalal Khan India Namaste in Church USA Are We All Hindus Now? USA Tanot Rai Bhajan by Jalal Khan India Krishna Paiting by shadi khan of wazirabad, Pakistan Pakistan Bipin Soni - Arist & Sri Swami Narayan follower Jamini Roy - Noted Painter Nandalal Bose - Noted Painter India Gallery - ISKCON desire tree Ganesha Paintings Rajan Draws Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Art's The-Veda - Indian culture and art +Watch India India 6555 6556 Painting Painting 6557 6558 6559 6560 Painting Painting Painting Painting 6561 6562 6563 6564 Painting Painting Painting Painting 6565 6566 Painting Painting http://www.diwaliwallpapers.com/ http://www.ethnicpaintings.com/paintingtrivia/hindu-paintings.html http://www.ganeshism.com/ http://www.ganeshmall.com/ http://www.glimpseofkrishna.com/ http://www.godandguru.com/hindusigns/god.html http://www.harekrishnawallpapers.com/ http://www.hindugallery.com/ http://www.hindugodwallpaper.com/ http://www.indiadivine.org/news/history-andculture/10000-year-old-rock-paintingsdepicting-aliens-r791 http://www.krishna.com/paintings http://www.krishnaland.com/ 6567 6568 6569 6570 Painting Painting Painting Painting http://www.krishnapainting.com/ http://www.krsna-art.com/ http://www.mahirwanmamtani.com/ http://www.mandalas.com/ 6571 6572 Painting Painting 6573 Painting 6574 Painting 6575 6576 6577 Painting Painting Painting 6578 Painting 6579 Painting 6580 6581 6582 6583 Painting Painting Painting Painting 6584 Painting 6585 6586 6587 Painting Painting Painting 6588 6589 6590 Painting Painting Painting 6591 Painting 6592 Painting Diwali Wallpapers Ethnic Hindu Paintings India India Ganesha Paintings Ganesh Mall items A Glimpse of Lord Krishna Hindu God Wall Papers Sri Lanka USA India India Hare Krishna Wallpapers Hindu Gallary Hindu God Wallpaper 10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens and UFOs Found in Chhattisgarh ISKCON Painting Krishna Paintings by Vishnudas Art India India India India Krishna Paintings Painting by Deva das Mahirwan Mamtani The Spiritual Art of Paul Heussenstamm http://www.ometc.net/ Om Etc Design http://www.pbase.com/svami/srihayagrivadars Collection of Perumal Pictures by hanam Sri M N Srinivasan http://www.picasaweb.google.com/krishnapra Krishna Pranami M's Public Gallery namimission http://www.priti-patel.biz/ Romantic Landscape Paintings by Priti Patel http://www.puskarpaintings.com/ Puskar Paintings http://www.rajandraws.com/ Rajan Draws http://www.rvmac.org/ Raja Ravi Verma Paintings -8th RVMAC Art Competition& Exhibition 2014, CA http://www.sacredartseattle.com/ Sacred Arts Foundation -Pieter Weltevrede http://www.sacredmotherarts.com/indiaSacred Mother Arts trip.html http://www.saffronart.com/ Saffron Art: V Ramesh http://www.siththarkal.com/ Painting of Hindu Gods http://www.srichinmoyart.com/ Sri Chinmoy Poetry http://www.subhavaastu.com/wallpapers.html Cell Phone Wallpapers ?func=viewcategory&catid=10 http://www.subhavaastu.com/wallpapers.html Hindu God Wallpapers ?func=viewcategory&catid=11 http://www.thanjavurpaintings.com/ Thanjavur Paintings http://www.umodakart.blogspot.in/ Umoda Paintings http://www.vaikunthaartgallery.com/ Vaikuntha Art Gallery -Ganesha Gallery http://www.vandearts.com/ Vande Arts http://www.vrindavanart.com/ Vrindavan Art http://www.zedge.net/wallpaper/7401296/ Vishnu's Dashavatara -Ten Incarnations of Vishnu http://www.zwani.com/graphics/hindu/ Hindu Comments and Graphics Codes https://www.facebook.com/artkrishna Krishna Paintings by Vishnudas Art World USA USA USA Germany USA India India Nepal USA USA India USA USA USA India India USA India India India India Indonesia USA World India India USA 6593 Painting https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1 0150290567429999.1073741825.251403799 98&type=3 http://adikailash.blogspot.in/ http://amarnath2010.blogspot.in/ http://ancestorancestor.blogspot.in/2013/05/ga ya-place-dedicated-to-ancestors.html Sacred Painting Haridwar 2013 India 6594 6595 6596 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Adi Kailash Yatra Amarnath Yatra Gaya Kshetras India India India 6597 Pilgrimage http://anuradhagoyal.blogspot.in/2012/02/uns Braj Bhoomi’s 84-Kos-Yatra ung-up-iv-braj-bhoomis-84-kos-yatra.html India 6598 6599 6600 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Kailash & Manasarovar Yatara Govardhan Hill Narmada Park (The Masarovar Lake) near Mataram India India Indonesia 6601 Pilgrimage Deoghar Yatra - Jharkhand India 6602 Pilgrimage http://aravindgj.blogspot.in/ http://beliefhill.blogspot.in/ http://bestindonesiaislands.com/index.php/Lo mbok/Indonesia-Holidays-NarmadaPark.html http://blessingsonthenet.com/travelindia/destination/article/id/666/tour/id/17/holy -yatra-to-deoghar http://chitrakoot.nic.in/ancient_history.htm Chitakoot History India 6603 Pilgrimage http://chitrakoot.nic.in/relgious_tour.htm Religious Tourist-Sites of Chitrakoot India 6604 6605 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilrimage by Chitra, TN We're Pilgrims, Not Tourists: The Balinese Holy Water Tour to India 6606 6607 6608 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://chitra-mypilgrimage.blogspot.in/ http://crcs.ugm.ac.id/article/773/WerePilgrims-Not-Tourists-The-Balinese-HolyWater-Tour-to-India.html http://divine-traveller.blogspot.com/ http://divine-traveller.blogspot.in/ http://divinetraveller.blogspot.in/search/label/Bhagamanda la 6609 Pilgrimage 6610 Pilgrimage 6611 Pilgrimage 6612 6613 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6614 Pilgrimage 6615 Pilgrimage 6616 6617 6618 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6619 Pilgrimage India Indonesia Divine Temples of India Divine Temples of India Bhagamandala: The Bhangandeshwara temple with Lord Siva, Prayag, Kodagu district, Karnataka Kalady - Birth Palce of Adi Sankara, http://divinetraveller.blogspot.in/search/label/Kalady%20 east of the Periyar river, in the Ernakulam district of Kerala Kerala India India India http://divineTalacauvery - source of the River traveller.blogspot.in/search/label/Talacauvery Cauvery. Brahmagiri hill, Bhagamandala in Kodagu district, Karnataka Thiru Kollikaadu in Tiruvarur http://divinetraveller.blogspot.in/search/label/Thirukollika district - very divine temple for du Saniswaran http://divinetravelstotemples.blogspot.in/ Pilgrimage India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarnath_Templ Amarnath Temple e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma_Sarovar Brahma Sarovar Kurukshetra India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dashashwamedh _Ghat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deoria_Tal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devprayag http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosaikunda Dashashwamedh Ghat Varanasi India India India India India India Indra Sarovar India Devprayag India Gosai Kund, Rasuwa District, Nepal Nepal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_pilgrimage Hindu pilgrimage sites in India _sites_in_India India 6620 Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotirmath Joshimath - one of the four cardinal pīthas established by Adi Shankara India 6621 Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinnaur_Kailash Kinnaur Kailash India 6622 Pilgrimage India 6623 6624 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manimahesh_Kai Manimahesh Kailash Peak lash_Peak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Om_Parvat OM Parvat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panch_Prayag Panch Prayag 6625 Pilgrimage 6626 Pilgrimage 6627 6628 6629 India India India Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrimage_place Pilgrimage places in India s_in_India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagar_Island Ganga Sagar Kolkata -Kapil Muni Ashram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumeru Sumeru Parvat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapovan Tapovan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triveni_Sangam Trivemni Sangam Allahabad 6630 Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tungnath India 6631 Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnuprayag 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatra http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Prayagraj http://forum.indianetzone.com/ http://gkamesh.wordpress.com/ http://hinduphilosophyholypilgrimage.blogspo t.com/ http://india-pilgrimage.blogspot.in/ http://jayant-trek-to-kailash.blogspot.in/ http://jyotirlingatours.tripod.com/ http://kailaibala.blogspot.com/ http://kailaibala.blogspot.in/ http://kailash.himalayanglacier.com/ http://kailashi.blogspot.com/ http://kailashi.blogspot.in/ 6645 Pilgrimage 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6651 6652 6653 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6660 Pilgrimage Tungnath is the highest Shiav temple in the world Vishnuprayag India Tibet India India India Hindu Yatras Prayagraj Holy Place India Pilgrimage Information Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Hindu Vedic Philosophy (Holy Pilgrimage - Theertha Kshetra) Fascinating Temples of India Kailash Yatra by Jayant Kanitkar Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas Kailash Yatra with Kailai Baba Kailash Yatra with Kailai Baba Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Yatra by Murugan Subramaniam http://kailashmanasarovaryatra.blogspot.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India India India India Singapore http://kailash-mansarovar-yatra.com/ http://kailashmansarovaryatra.net.in/ http://kashiyatra.blogspot.com/ http://kedarnath-dham.blogspot.in/ http://kedarnath-helicopterbooking.triptochardham.com/ http://kmy-2012.webstarts.com/ http://kmyatra.webstarts.com/ http://kumbakonam-temples.blogspot.in/ India India India India India Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kashi Varanasi Kedarnath Online Puja Booking Trip to Chardham Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2012 Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2013 Navagraha Temple Tour and Kumbakonam Temples http://kurmainformation.blogspot.in/ Hindu Information http://kurukshetra.nic.in/ The Land of Gita http://kurukshetra.org.in/ The Battle of Brains http://lakmayatra.blogspot.in/ Shakti Peetha & Jyotirlinga Yatra http://mykailashyatra2005.blogspot.in/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra http://myyatradiary.blogspot.in/search/label/T Temples Visits emples http://passport.gov.in/kmy/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India India India Malaysia Malaysia Nepal India India India India India India India India India India India India India 6661 Pilgrimage http://prtraveller.blogspot.com/2008/02/108divya-desam-srivilliputhur-aandal.html Srivilliputhur Andal Temple, India Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://redscarabtravelandmedia.wordpress.co Assam Travel by Anurag Mallick & India m/ Priya Ganapathy http://rolfgross.dreamhosters.com/Kailas/Roa Mt. Kailash Details World d.htm http://rolfgross.dreamhosters.com/Kailas/Tsap Mt. Kailash Details - Tirthapuri World arang.htm Lost City http://sk-footloose.blogspot.in/2008/07/adiAdi Kailash India kailash-yatra.html 6662 Pilgrimage 6663 Pilgrimage 6664 Pilgrimage 6665 Pilgrimage 6666 Pilgrimage http://spiritandculturetour.wordpress.com/201 Bali: Hindus Tourist Attractions 3/12/19/bali-hindus-tourist-attractions/ Indonesia 6667 Pilgrimage Nepal 6668 Pilgrimage 6669 6670 6671 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://sundarkasajoo.hubpages.com/hub/Ruru- Ruru Kshetra, Ridi, Nepal (Banaras Kshetra-Ridi of India) http://trimbakeshwar.in/maharashtra/Solapur/ Pandharpur Yatra Pandharpur/Pandharpur-Yatra.aspx http://ubudtaxibali.wordpress.com/ Bali Info Blog http://veludharan.blogspot.in/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://video.nationalgeographic.co.in/video/spe Ancient Mysteries: Lost City of cials/ancient-mysteries/angkor-wat-temples/ Angkor Wat 6672 6673 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Shankaracharya Gaddi (Joshimath) India India 6674 6675 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Ram Raja Temple Orchha Statue of Vishnu -3D View India Cambodia 6676 Pilgrimage Braj Chaurasi Kos Yatra of Vrindavan India 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Adi Kailash Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra India Nepal Nepal India India 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://wanderingmahesh.blogspot.in/ http://wikimapia.org/21274305/Shankarachar ya-Gaddi http://wikitravel.org/en/Orchha http://www.360globe.net/cambodia/angkorwat/statue-of-vishnu.html http://www.40kmph.com/shri-aadi-badridham-kedarnath-temple-braj-chaurasi84-kosyatra/ http://www.abhiyan.com/ http://www.actualadventure.com.np/ http://www.actual-adventure.com/ http://www.adikailashyatra.com/ http://www.agnihotraindia.com/Kailash_1.ht m http://www.allahabadkumbhyatra.com/ http://www.amarnath.org/ http://www.amarnathhelicopteryatra.net/ http://www.amarnathji.com/ http://www.amarnathyatra.org/ http://www.amarnathyatra2012.in/ http://www.amarnathyatratourpackages.com/ Kumbh Mela Allahabad 2014 Amarnathji Yatra Amarnath Yatra by Helicopter Amarnathji Yatra Amarnathji Yatra Amarnath Yatra Amarnath Yatra India India India India India India India 6689 6690 6691 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra India Amazing Angkor Tour Cambodia Sri Krishna Balarma temple, Iskcon, India Vrindavan 6692 6693 6694 6695 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.amarnathyatratrips.com/ http://www.amazingangkortour.com/ http://www.anandway.com/articles.aspx?view =Sri-Krishna-Balarma-temple%2CIskcon%2C-Vrindavan-Photojournal&link=314 http://www.angkor-temple-guides.com/ http://www.angkorthomservices.com/ http://www.athithy.com/ http://www.badarikedar.org/ Angkor Temple Guide Angkor Thom Guide Visit South India Badrinath Kedarnath Yatra India Indonesia India Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia India India 6696 6697 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.badrinath-kedarnath.gov.in/ http://www.balialpes.com/menu/us/baliattractions/temples/47/default/1/ http://www.balibalibeach.com/temple/besakih -temple-bali/ http://www.balidiscovery.com/tours/tour.asp?I d=465 http://www.bali-go-round.com/bali-tour.html 6698 Pilgrimage 6699 Pilgrimage 6700 Pilgrimage 6701 Pilgrimage 6702 6703 6704 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.bali-lombok-travel.com/puralingsar-temple.html http://www.balitemple.com/ http://www.balitempletours.com/ http://www.balitourismboard.org/ 6705 6706 6707 6708 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.baruahbhavan.com/ http://www.bestindiatours.com/ http://www.bhakticenter.org/ http://www.bharatadesam.com/ 6709 Pilgrimage 6710 6711 Badrinath Kedarnath Yatra Bali Temples Tour India Indonesia Bali Temples Tour Indonesia GWK Cultural Park Tour Indonesia Bali Spiritual Tours by Pt. Gunung Indonesia Sari Wisata Pura Lingsar Temple, Lombok Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia http://www.bharatonline.com/temples.html Bali Temples Tour Bali Temples Tour Bali Tourism Board -Bali Tourism & Spritual Bali Baruah Bhavan India Pilgrimages The Bhakti Center Bharat Desam- The Hindu Universe Resources Bharat Online and India Temples Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.bheemtal.com/ http://www.caitanya.org/ Bheem Tal Vrindavan: The Playground of God India India 6712 6713 6714 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.char-dham.com/ http://www.chardham-darshan.com/ http://www.chardhamofindia.blogspot.in/ Himalayan Char Dham Chardham Yatra Ramanan's Hindu Blog -Chardham India India India 6715 6716 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.chardhampackage.com/ http://www.chardham-pilgrimage-tour.com/ Chardham Package Chardham Yatra India India 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.chardhamtaxitours.com/ http://www.chardhamtour.com/ http://www.chardham-tours.com/ http://www.chardhamtours.in/ http://www.chardhamtrip.in/ http://www.chardhamyatra.org/ http://www.chardhamyatraa.com/ http://www.chardhamyatrapackage.in/ http://www.chardhamyatratourism.com/ http://www.chaurasikausyatra.com/ 6727 6728 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6729 Pilgrimage 6730 6731 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6732 6733 6734 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Char Dham Taxi Tours Char Dham Tour Chardham Tours Chardham Yatra Char Dham Yatra Chardham Yatra Char Dham Yatra Char Dham Yatra Char Dham Yatra Braj Chaurasi Kos Yatra of Vrindavan http://www.climbinginnepal.com/ Kailash Mansarovar http://www.cosmicharmony.com/Bh/BHmain. Mount Kailas, Himalayas, India htm Purri Dujama Cottage & Tours http://www.dajuma.com/fr/balidirectory/tours-inbali?sobi2Task=sobi2Details&catid=15&sobi 2Id=62 http://www.debbhumitravels.com/ Deb Bhumi Tour & Travels http://www.devikatours.com/ Shaligram shilas - Devika Tours & Travels http://www.drsethufoundation.org/ Details on Mt. Kailash http://www.easternuptourism.com/ Eastern UP Tourism http://www.etirupati.com/ Tirupati Darshan India India USA India India India India India India India India India India India India Nepal Tibet Indonesia India Nepal USA India Netherland 6735 Pilgrimage 6736 6737 6738 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6739 Pilgrimage 6740 6741 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6742 Pilgrimage 6743 Pilgrimage 6744 Pilgrimage 6745 Pilgrimage 6746 Pilgrimage 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 http://www.euttaranchal.com/tourism/bhojbas a.php http://www.everestcountry.com/ http://www.exoticindiaart.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rctravel/sets/133 3525 http://www.flickr.com/photos/yahooeditorspic ks/galleries/72157629727393853/ http://www.gangasagartourism.com/ http://www.gangasagaryatra.com/kolkataganga-sagar-tour.html http://www.gangatalao.org/ http://www.gangotri-tapovantrek.com/gangotri-trekking.html http://www.gmvnl.com/ Bhojwasa -Gangotri India Kailash Mansarovar Yatra India Pilgrimage Mt. Kailash Details Nepal India World Amazing Angkor Cambodia Ganga Sagar Yatra Ganga Sagar Kolkata -Kapil Muni Ashram Sri Kashi Vishanathar Mandir Ganaga Talao Grand Bassin, Savanne India India Gangotri Gaumukh Trekking India Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd India Chitrakoot City Travel Guide India Mauritius Brahma, Goa India Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.goamit.com/cityguide_chitrakoot. html http://www.goanjourney.com/Temples-ofGoa-Brahma-Karmali-Temple-Goa-COI-1350.html http://www.haldihaathholidays.com/ http://www.hansaatravels.com/ http://www.haridwar.nic.in/ http://www.haridwarcity.in/ http://www.haridwarrishikeshtourism.com/ Haldi haath Holidays Kailash Manasarovar Yatra District Haridwar, Uttarakhand Haridwar City Haridwar Rishikesh Tourism India India India India India 6752 Pilgrimage http://www.himalayakailash.com/ Himalaya Kailash Travels & Tours Nepal 6753 Pilgrimage Kailash Mansarovar Yatra India 6754 Pilgrimage Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Hindu Tiratha Yatras Hi-Life Tours Angkor Temple Amarnath Yatra Kailash Yatra with Kailai Baba Pilgrimage Travel Nepal India India Cambodia India India Nepal 6761 Pilgrimage http://www.himalayanclub.org/journal/kailash -manasarovar/ http://www.himalayanclub.org/journal/littlekailash-pilgrimage/ http://www.hindutirathyatra.com/ http://www.hltt.in/ http://www.holiday-in-angkor-wat.com/ http://www.holyamarnathji.in/ http://www.iamthou.com/mount.html http://www.incrediblehimalayas.com/pilgrima ge-travel-nepal.html http://www.indiaconmassimotaddei.com/ 6762 Pilgrimage 6763 6764 6765 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6766 6767 India con massimo taddei -Archive Italy of a traveler towards religions Indian literature architectures symbols poems Char Dham Yatra India Pilgrimage http://www.indiaholidayhome.com/CharDham-Yatra.htm http://www.indianfestivaltours.com/ http://www.indianholiday.com/ http://www.indianmirror.com/tourism/kuruks hetra.html http://www.indiantravelportal.com/temples/ Indian Festival Tours Pilgrimage Tour Packages Jyotsar Mahadev Temple Kurukshetra - Gita told here Travelling to Temples India Pilgrimage http://www.indiapilgrim.in/ India Pilgrimage India India India India 6768 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.indo.com/bali-tour-packages/bali- Bali Temples Tour regular-tours.html http://www.indoexpedition.com/kailashpacka Kailash Manasarovar Yatra ge.html http://www.ishakailash.com/ Sacred Walks to Kailash Mansarovar & Himalayas http://www.jagannathpuritourism.com/ Jagannath Puri http://www.kailaikrishna.blogspot.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kailaikrishna.blogspot.in/ Kailash Yatra with Kailai Baba http://www.kailashhimalaya.com/ Kailash Himalaya http://www.kailashhimalaya.com/cat.php?id= Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 22 http://www.kailash-himalaya.in/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kailashjourneys.com/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra http://www.kailash-manas.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kailashmanasarovar.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kailashmanasarovar.net/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kailashmanasarovar.org/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra http://www.kailashmanasyatra.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kailashmanasyatra.com/kailashpa Kailash Mansarover Yatra rvat.html http://www.kailashmansarovar.aetravel.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 6769 Pilgrimage 6770 Pilgrimage 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6784 India 6785 6786 6787 6788 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.kailash-mansarovar.co.in/ http://www.kailashmansarovar.info/ http://www.kailashmansarovar2012.com/ http://www.kailashmansarovar-yatra.com/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India India India India 6789 Pilgrimage http://www.kailashmansarovaryatras.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India 6790 6791 6792 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Annapurna Foothills Treks and Expedition Kailash Yatra with Kailai Baba Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Tips India India Nepal 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 http://www.kailashparikrama.com/ http://www.kailashpilgrimage.com/ http://www.kailashtibettour.com/mt-kailashand-mansarovar-yatra-tour.html http://www.kailashtour.com/ http://www.kailashtourinfo.com/ http://www.kailashtournepal.com/ http://www.kailashtourpackage.com/ http://www.kailashtours.com/ http://www.kailashtrips.com/ http://www.kailashyatra.com/ http://www.kailash-yatra.com/ http://www.kailashyatra.com/kailash_lhasa_preparation.html 6802 6803 6804 6805 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6811 Pilgrimage http://www.kailashyatra.in/ http://www.kailashyatra.net/ http://www.kailash-yatra.org/ http://www.kailashyatraclub.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar club- Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.kanchi.tn.nic.in/ Kanchi Puram http://www.kanchipuram.com/ Kanchi Puram http://www.kangrapilgrimage.org/ Kangra Valley Temples http://www.kashi.in/ Kashi Varanasi http://www.koausa.org/hindudharma/author.h Mr. Bansi Pandit of Author of tml Hindu Dharma and Hindu Mind http://www.koromandalaindia.com/ Koromandal India Indonesia India India India India Canada Nepal Nepal India Nepal India India India Nepal India India Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal India India Nepal India India India India India India India India USA India 6812 Pilgrimage http://www.kripanidhi.com/ 6813 6814 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.krishna.com/bustour http://www.kullutourism.com/adi-bramhabrahma-temple-khokhan-kullu.php 6815 6816 6817 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6818 Pilgrimage http://www.kumaonaurkailash.com/ http://www.kumbakonamtravel.com/ http://www.lombokpropertyandvillas.com/lpa v-about-lombok.html http://www.madhuchandaholidays.com/ 6819 Pilgrimage 6820 6821 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6822 6823 6824 6825 The Kripanidhi Trust -Vaishnavas Pushtimarg ISKCON Bus Tour Adi-Bramha Temple at Khokhan near Bhuntar in Kullu India USA India Kailash Mansarovar Yatra India Pilrimage sites in Kumbakonam India Hindu Temples & culture of Lombok Indonesia India Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Experience an eternally divine classical epic story of Lord Ram and Sri Lanka Darshan http://www.madhuchandatravels.in/ Experience an eternally divine classical epic story of Lord Ram and Sri Lanka Darshan http://www.mahakumbhyatra.com/ Kumbh Mela Haridwar http://www.manimaheshyatra.com/ Manimahesh Lake Yatra Pir Panjal J&K http://www.mansarovarkailash.com/ Kailash Mansarovar http://www.mansarovar-kailash.com/ Kailash Yatra http://www.mansarovarlake.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.marskarthik.com/navagraha.html Navagraha Temple Tour Route Map 6826 6827 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.mathuravrindavan.com/ http://www.mathuravrindavan.net/ India India 6828 Pilgrimage http://www.mathuravrindavantourism.com/ Mathura Vrindavan Lord Krishna and Mathura Vrindavan Vrindavan Mathura Tour 6829 Pilgrimage Bali Temples Indonesia 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage India Mystical Journeys (India) Pigrimage to Vaishno Devi Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Angkor Wat & Siem Reap India India India UK UK 6835 Pilgrimage http://www.mbulle.com/editorial/pura-sadhatemple-bali.asp http://www.meriyatrra.com/ http://www.mji.co.in/ http://www.mokshatourism.com/ http://www.mountainkingdoms.com/ http://www.mountainkingdoms.com/itinerary_ info2.ihtml?schedid=956 http://www.mountainsoftravelphotos.com/Kail ash/Inner%20Kora/slides/35%20Nandi%20T owers%20Above%20From%20Nandi%20Pas s%20On%20Mount%20Kailash%20Inner%2 0Kora%20Nandi%20Parikrama.html 6836 Pilgrimage 6837 Pilgrimage 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.mountainsoftravelphotos.com/Kail ash/Main.html http://www.mountainsoftravelphotos.com/Kail ash/References.html http://www.mountkailash.com/ http://www.mountkailash.in/ http://www.mountkailash.webs.com/ http://www.mountkailashtrips.com/ http://www.mtkailash.com/ http://www.muktinathtour.com/ http://www.nakbali.com/ http://www.nakbali.com/tirta-empul-temple/ Pilgrimage http://www.nasiklub.in/ India India India Nepal India India India India Nandi Pass On Mount Kailash Inner Tibet Kora Nandi Parikrama Mt. Kailash Video World Mt. Kailash References World Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Explore Kailsh Treks Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Bali Temples Tour Tirta Empul Temple (Holy Spring) Nepal India Malaysia India Nepal Nepal Indonesia Indonesia Kumbh Mela 2015(Nasik) India 6847 6848 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.naturalitem.com/ Kailash Manasarovar Yatra http://www.navadvipamandalaparikrama.com/ Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama India India 6849 6850 6851 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.navagrahatour.com/ http://www.navagrahayatra.com/ http://www.nepalholidaystrekking.com/ India India Nepal 6852 Pilgrimage Nepal 6853 Pilgrimage 6854 Pilgrimage 6855 Pilgrimage 6856 6857 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6858 Pilgrimage 6859 6860 6861 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6862 Pilgrimage 6863 6864 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6865 6866 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.nepal-pilgrimage.com/barahachhetra-temple http://www.nepaltourism.net/kailash-yatraoverland.html http://www.nepaltravels.com/mt_kailashtour_ Kailsh Mansarovar Yatra -SARVA 2011_2012.htm Travels http://www.nepaltrekkingtrail.com/ Himalayan Terk -Actual Adventure Pvt. Ltd. http://www.nepalviewtrek.com/ Actual Adventure http://www.nepalvillagetrek.com/ Himalayan Terk -Actual Adventure Pvt. Ltd. http://www.newsonair.com/PANDHARPUR- Pandharpur WARI, Pandharpur WARI.asp Yatra http://www.nirmalya.in/ Puri News http://www.nisargg.com/ Nisargg Adventures http://www.onelight.com/hec/targets/MtKalias Details on Mt. Kailash by Dr. h/MtKaliash.htm Sethumadhava http://www.oocities.org/tengger_adv/ Tengger Adventure and Organizer for Mt. Bromo Temple Tour & Rituals http://www.orissatourpackage.com/ Orissa Tourism Packages http://www.padayatra.org/ Foot Pilgrimage from Jaffna to Kataragama http://www.panchkarma.org/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra http://www.pandawalimatour.com/ PT. Pandawa Lima Tour & Travel 6867 Pilgrimage http://www.pashupatinathtourandtravels.com Pasupatinath Travels India 6868 Pilgrimage http://www.pbase.com/asianodyssey/kailash Mt. Kailash Details World 6869 Pilgrimage http://www.peramatour.com/ Indonesia 6870 6871 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6872 6873 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.pilgrimage-india.com/ http://www.project-himalaya.com/gallerytibet-kailash.html http://www.ptmcindiavacations.com/ http://www.pudukkottai.org/ Bridge To Indonesia - Indonesia Tours Pilgrimage India Mt. Kailash Details Professional Tours Management Pudukkottai Virtual Heritage Tour India India 6874 Pilgrimage Kailash Mansarovar Yatra India 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.raathholidays.com/mount-kailashyatra-tour.htm http://www.rajuindia.com/ http://www.relativelylocal.com/ http://www.rishikeshlive.com/ http://www.rudratreks.com/ http://www.rururidi.blogspot.in/ India India India Nepal Nepal 6880 Pilgrimage http://www.sacredland.org/mount-kailash/ Raju India Hinduismm Information Kumbh Melas at Haridwar Himalayan Trek Ruru Kshetra, Ridi, Nepal (Banaras of India) Details on Mt. Kailash 6881 Pilgrimage http://www.sacredwalks.org/ Navagraha Dharshan Navagraha Travels Annapurna Foothills Treks and Expedition The Baraha Chhetra Temple Sunsari Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Sacred Walks to Kailash Mansarovar & Himalayas Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal India India India Tibet Indonesia India Sri Lanka India Indonesia India World Tibet India 6882 6883 6884 6885 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6886 Pilgrimage 6887 Pilgrimage 6888 6889 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6890 6891 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6892 6893 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6894 Pilgrimage 6895 6896 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6897 Pilgrimage 6898 6899 6900 6901 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6902 6903 6904 6905 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6915 Pilgrimage 6916 Pilgrimage 6917 6918 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage http://www.samratholidays.com/ http://www.samratnepal.com/ http://www.sanyogtours.com/ http://www.sarvakailashmansarovaryatra.com / http://www.savaari.com/user/char-dhamyatra.php?gclid=CImd_ZKk2asCFQQb6wod 8g4wNQ http://www.semeru.in/hikingsemeru Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Himalayan & Adi Kailash Travel Kailash Mansarovar Tourby SARVA Tours Gujarat Char Dham Yatra Semeru the holiest mountain for Indonesian Hindus -It fathering Mt Gunung Agung on Bali http://www.shivbholeindiatravels.com/ Shiv Bhole India Travels http://www.shivbholeindiatravels.com/kailash- Kailash Manasarovar Yatra mansarovar-yatra.htm http://www.shrestha-holidays.org/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra http://www.shresthatreks.com/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Shreshta Treks http://www.shubhyatra.com/ A Happy to Divine India http://www.shubhyatras.com/pilgrimagesShubh Yatras - Maa Vaishno Devi jk.html#hill http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.p Angkor Wat hp?t=1476236 http://www.spiritualjourneys.net/ Spiritual Journey http://www.sumeruparvat.com/ KAILASH MANSAROVAR YATRA http://www.summitpost.org/kailash/151369 Mt. Kailash Details http://www.tatvaindiatours.com/ http://www.teerthayatra.com/ http://www.templeyatri.com/ http://www.tibetlhasatour.com/kailashmanasarovar-tour.php http://www.tirth.net/ http://www.tirupatiholidays.com/ http://www.tourofbali.com/ http://www.tourtravelworld.com/contact_us.ht m http://www.travelskailash.com/ http://www.tripsguru.com/ http://www.triptochardham.com/ http://www.udaipur.org.uk/ http://www.ulltimatetravels.com/ http://www.vaishnavitours.com/ http://www.vaishnodevi.com/ http://www.vaishnodevipackages.com/ http://www.varanasicity.com/pilgrimage-invaranasi.html http://www.varanasicity.com/tulsi-ghat.html Nepal Nepal India India India Indonesia India India India Nepal India India Cambodia USA India World Tatva India Tours Gurgoan Teertha Yatra Temple Yatri, Noida Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India India India Nepal Hindu Tirth Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Bali Temples Tour Tour Travel World UK Nepal Indonesia India Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Trips Gutru Trip to Chardham Lake city & Nathdwara Temple Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Vaishnavi Tours & Travels Vaishno Devi Mata Vaishno Devi Yatra. Varanasi City India India India India India India India India India Tulsi Ghat Banaras India http://www.vedicempire.com/index.php?optio Mysteries of Mt. Kailash n=com_content&task=view&id=73&Itemid= 27 http://www.visitmayapur.com/ Mayapur Seven Island Tours http://www.visittibet.com/ Kailash Mansarovar Yatra USA India Tibet 6919 Pilgrimage 6920 Pilgrimage 6921 Pilgrimage 6922 Pilgrimage 6923 6924 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6925 Pilgrimage 6926 Pilgrimage 6927 Pilgrimage 6928 Pilgrimage 6929 Pilgrimage 6930 Pilgrimage 6931 Pilgrimage 6932 Pilgrimage 6933 Pilgrimage 6934 Pilgrimage 6935 Pilgrimage 6936 Pilgrimage 6937 Pilgrimage 6938 6939 Pilgrimage Pilgrimage 6940 Pilgrimage 6941 6942 Political Political 6943 Political 6944 Political http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/booking/IN D_BDV.html?tx_tdtour_pi1%5BversionUid% 5D=112&cHash=41ae26ab0050443205f4bda 0641e9e44 http://www.westbengaltourism.gov.in/web/gu est/bakkhali http://www.wonderfulbali.com/southbali/tama nayun.htm http://www.yatra.com/holidaypackages/destinations/in/varanasi/attractions/g anga+aarti http://www.yatrakailash.com/ http://www.yogoyo.com/tibet-travelguide/mansarovar-kailas-yatra.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8d_MsL Nz4M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJllLdw3q No http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdTvrtym GCo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7dtz8Buqo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3hq1f5w XvE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjiqIi5N3b A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFXq9Tb GCh8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8RQOEkf 7yA Bali Temples Tour Indonesia Ganga Sagar Kolkata -Kapil Muni Ashram Pura Taman Ayun India Indonesia Ganga Aarti Varanasi Ghat India Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Kailash Mansarovar Yatra India India Angkor Wat Built by Descendant of Cambodia Raja Raja Cholan 3D Documentary of Angkor Wat Cambodia Kailash Manasarovar Yatra India Kshama Devi Nepal Nepal Rev. Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Secrets of Angkor Wat ISKCON-Indponesia Sejarah Hindu Ayodhya EBS TVK 3D Documentary Angkor Wat and Thom Trailer.flv ISKCON-Indponesia Sejarah Hindu Medan Perang Kuruksetra Kurushetra visit by Indonesian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeEJcGkkr Kailash Manasarovar Yatra w8&list=UU1lZkiKUoN17I2cdj6bNOw&index=3&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXZ64fV1 Gomukh iAE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWthEOz Tapovan panorama - Tapovan yk3Q plateau above Gangotri Glacier http://yatras.holydrops.com/manimaheshManimahesh Lake, Pir Panjal Range yatra-2.htm of the Himalayas,4,080 M https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Kail Kailash Mansarover yatra could get quicker Kinnaur route ash-Mansarover-yatra-could-get-quickerKinnaur-route/articleshow/38458445.cms Cambodia https://tirtha-yatra.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/KMYatras?filter= 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1REBrZ ArYE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banga_Sena http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsami_Naidu India India Badri Kedar Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Mani kiran Hot cave, HP and Very Beautiful Shiva Statue The Banga Sena Dorsami Naidu: Fijian lawyer and politician :President of the National Federation Party (NFP) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_Makkal_ Hindu Makkal Katchi Paty, Tamil Katchi nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_Munnani Hindu Munnani, Tamil Nadu Indonesia Cambodia Indonesia India India India India India India Bangla Desh Fiji India India 6945 Political Indonesian Dharma Awakening Party List of Hindu political parties Indonesia Political http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_Dhar ma_Awakening_Party http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindu_p olitical_parties http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manilal_Doctor 6946 Political 6947 Manilal Maganlal Doctor Fiji 6948 Political http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepal_Shivsena Nepal Shivsena Nepal 6949 Political Suriname 6950 Political 6951 Political 6952 Political 6953 Political 6954 Political 6955 6956 6957 6958 Political Political Political Political http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Refo Progressive Reform Party rm_Party_(Suriname) (Suriname) - Shri Jagernath Lachmon, Founder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajendra_Chaud Rajendra Chaudhry : son of hry Mahendra Chaudhry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastriya_Prajatan Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal tra_Party_Nepal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Anerood_Jug Ex-PM Sir Anerood Jugnauth nauth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swadhin_Bangab Bangabhumi humi_Andolan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TaraiTarai-Madhesh Loktantrik Party Madhesh_Loktantrik_Party leader Mahantha Thakur http://janataparty.blogspot.com/ Janta Party http://mp.bjp.org/ BJP MP http://pakistanhinduparty.blogspot.in/ Pakistan Hindu Party http://rashtrawadimitramandal.blogspot.in/ Rashtrawadi mitra mandal 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena Bajrang Dal Bharat Vijay Bharatiya Janata Party BJP Co-ordinator - Morchas and Cells Antyodaya BJP Bengal BJP Bengal BJP Chhatishgarth BJP Chandigarth BJP Delhi BJP Election Menifesto Bhartiya Janata Party, Gujarat. BJP Parliamentary Party Office BJP Jamnagar BJP Jhugi Cells BJP Junagarth BJP Karnataka Bharatiya Janata Party - Karnatak India USA India India India 6964 6965 6966 6967 6968 6969 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 http://rashtrawadishivsena.co.in/ http://www.bajrangdal.org/ http://www.bharatvijay.com/ http://www.bjp.org/ http://www.bjp.org/organisation/nationalcells/?u=national-cells-test http://www.bjpantyodaya.in/ http://www.bjpbengal.org http://www.bjpbengal.org/ http://www.bjpcg.com http://www.bjpchandigarh.org http://www.bjpdelhi.org http://www.bjpelectionmanifesto.com http://www.bjpgujarat.org http://www.bjpinloksabha.com/ http://www.bjpjamnagar.org http://www.bjpjhuggijhopri.org/ http://www.bjpjunagadh.org/ http://www.bjpkarnataka.org http://www.bjpkarnataka.org/ 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political http://www.bjpmanipur.org/ http://www.bjpmirabhayandar.com/ http://www.bjpmumbai.org/ http://www.bjpodisha.org http://www.bjpone.com http://www.bjppunjab.in http://www.bjppunjab.in/ http://www.bjpraj.in http://www.bjpraj.in/ http://www.bjprajasthan.org BJP Manipur BJP Mira Bhayandar BJP Mumbai BJP Orissa BJP One BJP Punjab BJP Punjab BJP Rajasthan BJP Rajasthan BJP Rajasthan India India India India India India India India India India World Fiji Nepal Mauritius Bangla Desh Nepal India India Pakistan India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political http://www.bjprajasthan.org/ http://www.bjpsportscell.in/ http://www.bjptechnocratcell.org/ http://www.bjptn.org http://www.bjptn.org/ http://www.bjpup.in/ http://www.bjputtarakhand.org http://www.bjymgujarat.org http://www.flp.org.fj/ India India India India India India India India Fiji http://www.rppnepal.org/ http://www.sanghparivar.org/ BJP Rajasthan BJP Sports Cell BJP Technocrats BJP TN BJP TN BJP UP BJP Uttrakhand BJP Gujarat Ex-PM Mr. Mahendra Chaudhary& Mr. Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi's Fiji Labour Party Force NAMO Friend of BJP India 272 Suppot NAMO MP BJP Janata party BJP Kerala Kerala BJP Ex PM Mr. Seewoosagur Ramgoolam and present PM Mr. Navin Ramgoolam' Mauritius Labour Party BJP Maharashtra Meenakshi Lekhi Malaysian Indian Congress Faith in Shri Narendra Modi Modi for PM Modi Mania MP BJP MP BJP BJP Mumbai Modi for2014 NAMO 272 NAMO for PM NAMO Chai NAMO Chai Party NAMO Games Namo Kerala Shri Narendra Modi League NAMO Mantra NAMO Voter NAMO Youth Force NAMO Live Prof. Bhim Singh, National Panthers Party BJP North East Prof. Bhim Singh, National Panthers Party Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) Party, Maharashtra Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal Uniting Hindu Society Worldwide 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political http://www.forcenamo.com/ http://www.friendsofbjp.org/ http://www.india272.com/ http://www.isupportnamo.org http://www.itcellmpbjp.org/ http://www.janataparty.org/ http://www.keralabjp.com/ http://www.keralabjp.org/ http://www.labourparty.mu/ 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political Political http://www.mahabjp.org/ http://www.meenakshilekhi.com/ http://www.mic.org.my/ http://www.modibharosa.com/ http://www.modiforpm.org/ http://www.modimania.com/ http://www.mp.bjp.com/ http://www.mpbjp.com/ http://www.mumbaibjp.org http://www.namo14.com http://www.Namo272ap.com http://www.namo4pm.org/ http://www.namochai.in http://www.namochaiparty.com/ http://www.namogames.in/ http://www.namokerala.com/ http://www.namoleague.com/ http://www.namomantra.org/ http://www.namovoter.com/ http://www.namoyouthforce.com http://www.narendramodilive.com/ http://www.nationalpanthersparty.com/ 7028 7029 Political Political http://www.nebjp2014.in/ http://www.profbhimsingh.com/ 7030 Political http://www.rajthackeray.info/ 7031 7032 Political Political 7033 7034 Political Political http://www.shivsena.org/ http://www.thenamostore.com Shiv Sena Party BJP Collections India India India India India India India India India India Mauritius India India Malaysia India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Nepal India 7035 Political http://www.thevoiceofmillions.com/ Prof. Bhim Singh, National Panthers India Party Prof. Bhim Singh, National Panthers India Party BJP Unit Websites India 7036 Political http://www.tnnationalpanthersparty.com/ 7037 Political 7038 Political http://www.trajasingh.com/useful-links/bjpwebsites/ http://www.unc.org.tt/ 7039 Political http://www.unitednationalcongress.org/ Ex PM Mr. Basdeo Panday & Trinidad & Tobago present PM Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar's United National Congress 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 Political Political Political Political Political Political http://www.varungandhi.net.in http://www.vibrantgujarat.com/ http://www.way2narendramodi.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/BJP4India http://www.yuva4india.tv/ https://plus.google.com/10853004360012295 0853#110822268259045388105/posts Varun Gandhi Vibrant Gujarrat Way to Shri Narendra Modi BJP4India BJP Rajasthan BJP Orissa India India India India India India 7046 Political https://rashtrawadishivsena.wordpress.com/ Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena India 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 Political Political Political Political Population Counter MNA Manwer Lal Vaswani Maharashtra Navnirman Sena NAMO League Overseas Friends of BJP Hindu Population Counter Pakistan India India India India 7052 Population Database Hindu Population by country World 7053 Population Database Hinduism in the United States USA 7054 Population Database List of Converts to Hinduism World 7055 Population Database List of Religious populations World 7056 7057 7058 Priest Priest Priest Shri Vimal Raval Pandit Om Shukla Shastri Pandit Prakash, NJ Canada USA USA 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Shri Vimal Maharaj Hindu Priest NJ Pandit Akash Deep Priest Rishikesh Tiwari Sraardham &Tharpanam by R Gopalakrishnan USA USA Australia USA India 7064 Priest Hindu Priests in New Jersey USA 7065 Priest The Pujari, Hatu Temple (HP) India 7066 Priest https://www.facebook.com/manwer.lal.5 https://www.manase.org/ https://www.namoleague.com/ https://www.ofbjp.org/ http://www.newdharma.org/hindupopulation. htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_by_co untry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_the _United_States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_converts_ to_Hinduism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious _populations http://hinduindianpriest.weebly.com/ http://hindupriestnj.blogspot.com/ http://hindupriestpanditshastri.brandyourself. com/ http://indianpriestnj.wordpress.com/ http://mandir108.tripod.com/ http://panditinmelbourne.blogspot.in/ http://panditrishi.tripod.com/ http://sagribow.sulekha.com/blog/post/2008/0 7/sraardham-tharpanam-by-rgopalakrishnan.htm http://www.andhrawishesh.com/k2category/item/67-hindu-priests-in-newjersey.html http://www.anenchantedeye.com/2013/06/21/t he-pujari-hatu-temple/ http://www.australiancouncilofhinduclergy.or g/ Australian Council of Hindu Clergy Australia Ex PM Mr. Basdeo Panday & Trinidad & Tobago present PM Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar's United National Congress 7067 Priest Priest Priest Priest http://www.bddn.org/portfolio/asuransipandita-pinandita/ http://www.chidanandsharma.com/ http://www.epurohith.com/ http://www.federationofhindupriestsuk.org/ http://bddn.org/portfolio/asuransipandita-pinandita/ Pandit Chidanand Sharma Epurohit - Astrology Services Federation of Hindu Priests (UK) 7068 7069 7070 Indonesia Canada India UK 7071 Priest http://www.gayajipinddaan.com/ Gaya Kshetras -Pilgrimage in Gaya India 7072 Priest http://www.gayapahunchao.com/ Gaya Kshetras -Pilgrimage in Gaya India 7073 7074 7075 Priest Priest Priest http://www.hindupriest.com/ http://www.hindupriest.info/ http://www.hindupriest.me.uk/ UK Australia UK 7076 7077 7078 7079 Priest Priest Priest Priest http://www.hindupriest.us/indian.htm http://www.hindupriestinuk.com/ http://www.hindupriestkjoshi.co.uk/ http://www.hindupriestnj.com/ Hindu Priest in UK Pt Shailesh Diwedi Hindu Priest Sri Dipak Durgashanker Bhatt Hindu Priest USA Pundit Ravi Shastri Priest Ketut Bhai Joshi Pandit Om Shukla Shastri JI - Hindu Temple Mandir Services NJ 7080 7081 7082 Priest Priest Priest http://www.hindupriestnyc.org/ http://www.hindupriestprakash.com/ http://www.hindupriests.org.uk/ USA USA UK 7083 Priest http://www.hindupriests.org/ 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest http://www.hindupriestus.com/ http://www.hindupriestusa.com/ http://www.hindupurohit.com/ http://www.hindu-wedding-priest.co.uk/ http://www.indianmaharaj.com/ http://www.indianpriestct.com/ http://www.indianpriestnj.com/ http://www.indiansabroad.com/dir/dir.show?cat_id=2075 http://www.melbournepandit.com/ http://www.nchindupriest.com/ http://www.njhindupriest.com/ http://www.pandit-jamaica.com/ http://www.panditjiusa.com/ http://www.pitrudoshpooja.com/ Pandit Prakash, NJ Pandit Prakash, NJ The National Council of Hindu Priests UK National Council of Hindu Priests UK Pt Yogesh Joshi Pt. Krishna K. Pandey Hindu Purohit Pandit Vasudev Mehta Pt Bhasmank Maheta Shri Vimal Maharaj Shri Vimal Maharaj Hindu Priests Australia USA USA Jamaica USA India 7098 7099 Priest Priest http://www.priestshastri.com/ http://www.rajendrajoshi.com/ 7100 7101 Priest Priest http://www.rayofsri.com/ http://www.sairamana.com/ 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 Priest Priest Priest Product Product Product http://www.txhindupriest.com/ http://www.urhindupriest.com/ http://www.usapanditparishad.org/ http://www.bhaktishoppe.com/ http://www.dijyo.com/ http://www.eshop.vivekanandakendra.org/ Melbourne Pundit Priest,Shivananda Bhat Hindu Priest NJ Pandit Nathan Sharma Pd. Vilas Thule Dr. Dilip Chintamani Joshi, Trimbakeshwar Pandit. Shrikantha Shastri Pt Rajendra Pratapray Dayashanker Ramji Joshi Ram Bhat-The Vedic Pundit Pt Sri Rompicharla Bhattar Venkata Ramanacharyulu Priest Gopalakrishna Bhat Pandit Shri Martand Sharma U.S.A Pandits' Parishad, Inc Bhakti Store Delhi Spiritual Pendants & Products Artciles Books on Vedanta 7108 7109 Product Product http://www.gangesindia.in/ http://www.godandguru.com/ Ganges India God and Guru Product details India India USA UK UK USA UK USA USA India UK UK USA USA World USA UK India USA USA USA USA Singapore India India 7110 Product 7111 7112 7113 7114 Product Product Product Product 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 Product Product Product Product Product 7120 7121 Product Product http://www.hinduartyogaclothing.com/HinduGods.Goddesses-T-shirts.Womens-Yoga-Tshirts.htm http://www.hindugods.net/index.html http://www.incenseguru.com/ http://www.krishnagifts.co.in/ http://www.purelands.co.uk/productspage/spiritual-kits/ http://www.ramakrishnanandasgifts.com/ http://www.ramakrishnanandastore.com/ http://www.ramkaliproductions.com/ http://www.ruzov.com/ http://www.santosha.com/OmSymbols_c_300.html http://www.sarnam.com/ http://www.shaktishop.com/ 7122 Product http://www.siddhshree.com/ 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 Publication Publication Publication Publication Publication http://bhaktivedantaarchives.blogspot.in/ http://chakrapub.wordpress.com/ http://distributebooks.co.za/ http://ebooks.iskcondesiretree.info/ http://prakashan.vivekanandakendra.org/ 7128 7129 Publication Publication 7130 7131 Publication Publication http://www.akshayaprakashan.com/ http://www.art-andarchaeology.com/india/biblio1.html http://www.artoflivingshop.com/ http://www.atributetohinduism.com/ 7132 7133 Publication Publication http://www.bbt.info/ http://www.bbt.se/ 7134 7135 Publication Publication http://www.bbtafrica.co.za/ http://www.bbti.org/ 7136 Publication http://www.bhakti.se/ 7137 7138 7139 7140 Publication Publication Publication Publication http://www.bhaktibooks.info/ http://www.bhaktibooks.net/ http://www.bhaktistore.com/ http://www.bhaktiwriters.com/ 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 Publication Publication Publication Publication Publication http://www.bharateeya.wordpress.com/ http://www.bkpublications.com/ http://www.bookchanges.com/ http://www.bookganga.com/ http://www.books.zmu.in/hindumahasabha/ 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 Publication Publication Publication Publication Publication 7151 Publication http://www.booksindonesia.com/ http://www.celextel.org/ http://www.chinmayapublications.com/ http://www.claysanskritlibrary.org/ http://www.consciouswebsites.com/blueprints/index.html http://www.durgapustak.com/ Gods Clothings India Zarposh India - 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Advaita Vedanta by Bill Honsberger USA htm http://www.hindudept.gov.lk/ Department of Hindu Religious and Sri Lanka Cultural Affairs 7336 Research http://www.irrit.org/ International Ramayana Research Institutional Trust, Delhi India 7337 Research Research Research 7340 Research http://www.mtkailash.ru/publications/kailash-pyramid Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa Lord Ram's Birth date 5114 BC Kailash - one of the greatest relics of humankind Pyramid-like mount Kailash (Tibet): structure and construction USA 7338 7339 http://www.jagadgurusiddhaswarupananda.co m/ http://www.lakdiva.org/aryan/rama.html http://www.mt-kailash.ru/en 7341 Research http://www.nivsc.org/ National Institute of Vedic Sciences India 7342 Research http://www.ramayanaresearch.com/heladiva.h Ramayana Trail Executive Sri lanka tml Committee - Ministry of Tourism Sri Lanka -A SHORT HISTORY OF HELADIVA 7343 Research http://www.sarii.org/abstracts2011.html The Ramayana in Southeast Asia by USA South Asia 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Abodes of the Himalayan Rishis himalayan-rishis-seers (‘Seers’) http://dswami.com.br/ Pranama de Dhanvantari Swami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asaram_Bapu Asumal Sirumalani (Asaram Bapu), born in Sindh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basava Saint Basava (Bhakti Bhandari Basavanna ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhrigu Maharishi Bhrigu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhrigu_Lake Maharishi Bhrigu Lake http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada_Lekhraj Dada Lekhraj Khubchand Kripalani (born in Sindh) : Founder of Brahmakumaris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada_Vaswani Jashan Pahlajrai Vaswani (Dada Vaswani ) : born in Sindh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dadu_Dayal Brahmrishi Swami Shree Dadu Dayal Ji Maharaj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gogaji Goga Peer, Rajasthan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorakhnath Gorakshanath (also Gorakh or Gorakhnath) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internatio List of International Society for nal_Society_for_Krishna_Consciousness_san Krishna Consciousness sannyasis nyasis 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http://hindu-guru-saints-swami.blogspot.com/ Maharishi Vashistha Works of Jayadeva, Odisha India India 7397 7398 7399 Saint Saint Saint Nityananda - Eternally blissful Indian Saints Sri Hari Anna India India India 7400 Hindu Saints India 7401 Saint http://hindu-guru-saints-swami.blogspot.in/ Hindu Saints Database India 7402 Saint http://hinduhistory.blogspot.com/ Shree Narayana Guru - 1856 - 1928 India 7403 Saint http://iaoj.wordpress.com/baba-bulle-shah/ Baba Bulle Shah Pakistan 7404 7405 7406 Saint Saint Saint Hindu Saints Goga Peer Baba Mohan Ram India India India 7407 Saint Goga Peer India 7408 Saint http://importantteacher.blogspot.in/ http://jaharveer.blogspot.in/ http://jaibabamohanramki.blogspot.com/2011/ 04/all-new-photos-added.html http://jvgscsociety.blogspot.in/2008/08/shrijahar-veer-goga-jiguga-ji-fair-in.html http://kanaiyyadesh.wordpress.com/the-storyof-srimati-tulasi-devi-2/ 7409 Saint 7410 Saint http://markandeya.in/markandeyaaboutmarkandeya-history.php http://mukundacharan.wordpress.com/ 7411 7412 7413 Saint Saint Saint http://namasmarana.tripod.com/ http://om-guru.com/ http://online.assam.gov.in/web/sankar-dev Vedic Information by Mukunda Charan Das Sri Sathya Sai Baba Indian Saints Mahapurusha Srimanta Shankardeva 7414 7415 7416 Saint Saint Saint http://ragothma-rao.blogspot.in/ http://ramanujacarya.blogspot.in/ http://richardarunachala.wordpress.com/ Sri Madhwacharya India Ramanujacharya India Living in the Embrace of Arunachala India 7417 Saint Chaitanya Maha Prabhu 7418 7419 Saint Saint 7420 7421 Saint Saint http://simultaneouslyoneanddifferent.blogspot .in/ http://surdasa.blogspot.in/ http://swaminirmalanandagirimaharaj.blogspo t.in/ http://tulsidasa.blogspot.in/ http://vallalarfunctions.blogspot.in/2010/02/th ai-poosam-bangalore-cantontment.html 7422 Saint http://veda.wikidot.com/nayanmars 7423 Saint http://vivekananda150.belurmath.org/ 7424 Saint 7425 Saint 7426 Saint http://wordpress.shreemaa.org/ways-toworship/story-of-lomash-muni-and-kakabhushundi/ http://www.acharya.org/articles/tenwords/ram Ramanuja's Ten Words anuja10.html http://www.ayyavaikundar.org/ Saint Ayya Vaikuntar The Life of Tulasi Devi -English India translation of the Sanskrit text of the Brahma Vaivraata Purana written by Rajendranatna Sen Markandeya History India South Africa India India India India Sant Surdasa India Swami Nirmalanandha Giri Maharaj India Saint Tulsi Das Vallalar Functions India India 63 Nayanmars -saintly devotees of Shiva 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda Story of Lomash Muni and Kaka Bhushund India India India India India 7427 Saint http://www.babaji-sadashiva-caritamrta.de/ Sri Sada shiva caritamrta : Germany 7428 Saint http://www.babalokenath.org/ Baba Loknath Ashram & Temples India 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint http://www.babalokenathashram.com/ http://www.babamohanram.net/ http://www.babaprakashpuri.org/ http://www.balshukgopeshji.com/ http://www.bhagatkanwarram.com/ http://www.bhakthi.in/stories_of_saints.php Baba Loknath Ashram Baba Mohan Ram Sadguru Baba Prakashpuri BalShuk Gopeshji Maharaj Bhagat Kanwar Ram Sahib Saints of India Canada India India USA Pakistan India 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint 7440 Saint http://www.bhaktiguru.com/ http://www.bkgoswami.com/ http://www.blogspot108.blogspot.com/ http://www.brahmananda.com/ http://www.bvml.org/SRG/SriUjjvalaNilamani .html http://www.chalihasahib.com/ 7441 Saint 7442 Saint 7443 7444 7445 Saint Saint Saint 7446 Saint 7447 Saint 7448 7449 Saint Saint 7450 7451 Saint Saint 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint 7458 Saint 7459 India Fiji Netherland India India Saint Bhakti Guru Bir Krishna das Goswami ISKCON Rotterdam Guru Baba Brahmananda Sri Ujjvala-Nilamani by Srila Rupa Gosvami Chaliha Sahib Puj Jhulelal Mandir Chaliha Sahib Festival http://www.chanchalapathidasa.info/ Chanchalapathi Dasa – Vice President of ISKCON Bangalore http://www.daati.com/ Shree Sidh Shakti Peeth Shanidham, New Delhi http://www.dadabhagwan.org/ Pujya Dadashri Dada Bhagwan http://www.daduamarleela.com/ Sant Dadu Dayal Leela http://www.dadudayal.com/ Brahmrishi Swami Shree Dadu Dayal Ji Maharaj http://www.dadudayal.org/ Brahmrishi Swami Shree Dadu Dayal Ji Maharaj http://www.dnyaneshwari.org/ Commmentary og Gita by Saint Dyaneshwari http://www.fakeerparbirham.com/ Fakeer Parbirham http://www.gajananmaharaj.org/ Shree Gajanan Maharaj Santhan Shegoan Maharashtra http://www.girirajswami.com/ Giriraj Swami http://www.girishanandji.org/index.php Swami Shri Girishanand ji saraswati maharaj http://www.goloka.com/ Hindu Saints http://www.gorakhnath.org/ Shree Gorakhnath http://www.goswami.com/ Goswami Maharaj http://www.gourgovindaswami.com/ Gour Govinda Swami http://www.gurudeva.ru/ ISKCON Russia Jananivasa das http://www.gurudham.org/ Bhaneshwaranand Foundation Gurudev Bhaneshwaranand Ji http://www.gurugangeshwaranandjimaharaj.o Shri Govindanadji Maharaj rg/i http://www.guruji98.com/ Pujya Guruji, Swami Girishanandji 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint http://www.gurumangalgir.net/ http://www.gurushrirajendraji.com/ http://www.hanumangarh.info/gogaji.php http://www.hirjibapa.net/ http://www.ikashmir.net/saints/index.html Guru Mangal Gir Amogh Dham Mumbai Goga Peer, Gogameri, Rajasthan Pujya Sant Hirji Bapa Kashmir Hindu News Network Pakistan India India Pakistan India 7465 7466 Saint Saint http://www.indiansaints.wordpress.com/ http://www.jagatgururampalji.org/gita.php Stories of Indian Saints India Gita recital by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji India Maharaj India India India India India India India India Pakistan India USA India World India Fiji India Russia India India India 7467 7468 Saint Saint http://www.jaisakhibaba.in/ http://www.lokanathswamiblog.com/ 7469 7470 Saint Saint http://www.lokmediaonline.com/ http://www.lyricaltyagaraja.com/ 7471 Saint http://www.madhupandit.blog.co.in/ 7472 7473 Saint Saint http://www.madhupandit.info/ http://www.mahendranath.org/ 7474 Saint http://www.nityanandajanmasthan.com/ 7475 Saint http://www.nonduality.com/shankar1.htm 7476 Saint http://www.nonduality.com/shankar1.htm#4 7477 Saint http://www.om-guru.com/ 7478 7479 Saint Saint http://www.pagalbaba.net/ http://www.patriji.org/ 7480 Saint 7481 Saint 7482 7483 Saint Saint 7484 Jai Sakhi Baba Loknath Swami Blog ISKCON Nagpur ISKCON Nagpur-Maharashtra The Lyrical Thyagaraja (Tyagaraja Darshana) Madhu Pandit Dasa President of ISKCON Bangalore Madhu Pandit Dasa Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - AdiNath Sampradaya Saint Nityananda Maharaj, West Bengal The Life of Sri Sadhu Om Swamigal India India Parrot-Eye-Vision of the Life of Sri Ramana Gurus, Saints, and Seekers of India India India India India India UK India India India India USA Saint Indian Saint Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) http://www.prabhuprem.org.in/ Prabhu Premi Sangh, Swami Avdheshanand Giriji http://www.premasamputadasa.blogspot.com/ ISKCON Ghana -Prema Samputa Dasa Homepage http://www.radhemaa.com/ Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa http://www.rishipatham.com/ Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) http://www.sadhusanga.com/sadhus-list-view Sadhu Sanga 7485 7486 7487 Saint Saint Saint http://www.sadhuvaswanicenter.org/ http://www.samputi.com/ http://www.santkripa.in/ USA India India 7488 7489 7490 7491 7492 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint http://www.Shirdisaichant.com/ http://www.Shirdisaiheals.com/ http://www.Shirdisailight.com/ http://www.shraddhananda.com/ http://www.sivanandaonline.org/ 7493 7494 Saint Saint http://www.sreenarayanaguru.in/ http://www.srigaurangashram.in/ 7495 Saint http://www.srilagourgovindamaharaja.com/ Sadhu Vaswani Center Samputi Morari Bapu -Santkripa Sanatan Sansthan Shirdi Sai Chant Shirdi Sai Heals Shirdi saibabas miracle Swami Shraddhananda The Divine Life Society - Swami Sivananda Sree Narayana Guru The Glories of Sri Nityananda Prabhu Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja 7496 Saint http://www.srisrilokenathbaba.org/seva.html India 7497 Saint http://www.suhotraswami.net/ Sri Sri Sri Sri Lokenath Sevasram Sangha,North 24-Parganas Suhotra Maharaja Archives 7498 Saint http://www.swamiji.net/ Swami Swarupananda Sivadass Giri India 7499 7500 7501 7502 Saint Saint Saint Saint http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net/ http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/ http://www.swamisriatmananda.com/ http://www.swamitripurari.com/ Swami Ramsukh Swami Ramsukh Swami Sri Atmananda Swami Tripurari India Ghana USA India USA India India India India India India India India The Czech Republic India India USA USA 7503 Saint 7504 Saint 7505 Saint 7506 Saint 7507 7508 Saint Saint 7509 7510 Saint Saint 7511 Saint 7512 7513 7514 Saint Saint Saint 7515 Saint 7516 Saint 7517 Saint 7518 7519 Saint Saint 7520 Saint 7521 Saint 7522 Sanskrit 7523 7524 Sanskrit Sanskrit 7525 7526 7527 Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit 7528 Sanskrit 7529 Sanskrit 7530 Sanskrit 7531 Sanskrit 7532 Sanskrit 7533 7534 7535 Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit http://www.swamividyanandagiri.org/ Guru Paramhansa Swami Vigyananand Giri Ji Maharaj http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Sag Sage Bhrigu es/Bhrigu.htm http://www.tkgtm.com/ Tamal Krishna Goswami Tape Ministry http://www.totalbhakti.com/radhe-maa.php Shri Radhe Maa India http://www.tukaram.com/ http://www.vallalar.net/vallalar/ramalinga_adi galar.htm http://www.vallalar.org/ http://www.vhp.org/blogs/swamivigyananandj i/ http://www.vidasimplesepensamentoelevado.b logspot.com/ http://www.vkontakte.ru/yadunandana http://www.voiceofvraja.com/ http://www.vvpswami.com/ Sant Tukaram Ramalinga Adigal, Tamil Nadu India India Thiru Arutprakasa Vallalar Swami Vigyananand Maharaj India Nepal Blog Vida Simples Pensamento Elevado ISKCON Yaroslavl RadheShyam His Holiness Vedavyasapriya Swami Brazil India New zealand India Russia USA Fiji http://www.wikimapia.org/12004267/SantDadu-Dayal-Mandir-Naraina-Raj http://www.yogiphotos.com/ Brahmrishi Swami Shree Dadu India Dayal Ji Maharaj Rishi of The Himalayas -Yoga Guru India Sri Tat Wale Baba India http://www.yuvashakti.org/manalibhrigulake. Manali - Bhrigu Lake html https://shriradhemaa.blogspot.com/ Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa USA https://www.facebook.com/daduram Brahmrishi Swami Shree Dadu India Dayal Ji Maharaj https://www.facebook.com/jaibabamohanram Baba Mohan Ram India ki India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qshcsy- Dedicated to Jagadguru(World dHcE Guru) Adi Shankaracharya Advaita Vedanta http://avagraha.wordpress.com/ Sanskrit Computational Linguistics India http://bhavinpathak.webs.com/ http://bhavinpathak.webs.com/sanskritinmode rnera.htm http://bipinkumarjha.wordpress.com/ http://ekaakshara.wordpress.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C4%81lid%C 4%81sa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mah%C4%81bh %C4%81%E1%B9%A3ya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_M%C3%Bc ller http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C4%81%E1% B9%87ini The World of Sanskrit Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam speaks on Sanskrit BK Jha's Sarasvat Niketanam Flowers in sanskrit Classical Sanskrit writer and as the greatest poet Patañjali's Mahābhāṣya (A great Sanskrit commentary) Max Müller -His work on the subject of Indology Panini, a Sanskrit grammarian, Author of "Ashtadhyayi"(Eight Chapters) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_T._H._Gri Ralph Thomas Hotchkin Griffith ffith scholar of indology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit_in_the_ Sanskrit in the West West http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com/ Sanskrit translation http://grammarofsanskrit.wordpress.com/ Sanskrit Grammaer -Ashtadhyayi http://kaadambari.wordpress.com/ Kadambri - Chandrapidacharitam India India India World India India Germany India UK World India India India 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit 7546 7547 Sanskrit Sanskrit http://kalidasa.blogspot.in/ http://samskritam.in/ http://samskritwisdom.wordpress.com/ http://sanskrit.inria.fr/ http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DATA/XML/ http://sanskrit.inria.fr/portal.fr.html http://sanskrit.meetup.com/ http://sanskritam.ning.com/ http://sanskritcentral.com/ http://sanskritdocuments.org/mirrors/ramayan a/valmiki.htm http://sanskritjournal.blogspot.in/ http://sanskritlinguistics.blogspot.com/ 7548 Sanskrit http://sanskritlinks.blogspot.in/ 7549 7550 7551 Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit 7552 7553 Sanskrit Sanskrit 7554 Kalidas - Sanskrit Poet Sambhashana Sandesha Sanskrit Wisdom The Sanskrit Heritage Site Sanskrit linguistic resources Sanskrit resources Sansskrit Meetup Group Sanskrit Information he Sanskrit Aggregator Srimad Valmiki Ramayana India India India France France France USA India India India Sanskrit Journal Varanasi Sanskrit Computational Linguistics India India India Sanskrit Sanskrit Studies Links and Information http://sanskritteacher.blogspot.com/ Sanskrit Teacher http://sanskrittools.ourtoolbar.com/ Sanskrit-Hindi toolbar http://sanskritvoice.com/2007/04/24/artificial- Artificial Intelligence to decipher intelligence-to-decipher-vedas/ Vedas http://sanskrut.wordpress.com/ Deva Vani sanskrit http://sudharma.epapertoday.com/ Sudharma – the Longest Continuing Sanskrit Newspaper http://uttishthabharata.wordpress.com/ Sanskrit Computational Linguistics 7555 7556 Sanskrit Sanskrit http://vagartham.blogspot.in/ http://vakovakyam.blogspot.in/ India India 7557 Sanskrit 7558 Sanskrit 7559 Sanskrit 7560 Sanskrit 7561 Sanskrit 7562 Sanskrit 7563 Sanskrit 7564 Sanskrit 7565 Sanskrit 7566 Sanskrit 7567 Sanskrit 7568 Sanskrit 7569 Sanskrit Sanskrit Blog Vakovakyam Sanskrit Research Journal http://vishk.wordpress.com/2007/02/11/backu Sanskrit Computational Linguistics s-naur-form-and-ashtadhyayisanskritgrammar/ http://www.aaai.org/ojs/index.php/aimagazine Knowledge Representation in /article/view/466 Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence http://www.advikatranslations.com/Sanskrit.h tml http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/3 10169/Kalidasa http://www.chowkhambasanskritseries.com/ http://www.goethe.de/ins/in/lp/uun/mxm/enin dex.htm http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/97939 9.Astadhyayi_of_Panini_Vol_1 http://www.hindublog.com/2011/10/sudharma-longestcontinuing-sanskrit.html http://www.ifpindia.org/ecrire/upload/english_ catalogue/indo2_sanskrit_studies.pdf http://www.inria.fr/en/teams/sanskrit India India India India India India India USA Advika Sanskrit Translation Services India Classical Sanskrit writer and as the India greatest poet Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office India Exeter Hindu Temple. UK Mr. Prem India Sivlal Astadhyayi of Panini by Prof Rama India Nath Sharma Sudharma – the Longest Continuing India Sanskrit Newspaper Sanskrit Studies / Études Sanskrites India Sanskrit Computational Linguistics http://www.jahnavisanskritejournal.com/about Jahnavi Sanskrit E-Journal Team us.html http://www.kalidasa.org/ Kalidasa Sanskrit Akademi Kalidasa Samaroha Ujjain http://www.kalpaheritage.org/ Kalpa Heritage Trust France India India India 7570 Sanskrit http://www.nandamurifans.com/forum/index. British Kids Chanting Vedic UK php?/videos/view-396-british-kids-chanting- Sanskrit Mantras vedic-sanskrit-mantras/ http://www.navavani.org/ Navavani -Sanskrit Teachers' India Council, Kerala http://www.paninifoundation.org/ Panini's Ashtadhyayi (Sanskrit India Grammar Manuscipt), Panini Foundation - a research organization 7571 Sanskrit 7572 Sanskrit 7573 Sanskrit http://www.rahulvats.info/blogs/blog3.php Sanskrit transalation India 7574 Sanskrit http://www.rskslucknowcampus.org/ India 7575 7576 7577 Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit http://www.samskritabharati.in/ http://www.samskritbookfair.org/ http://www.samskrutam.com/samskrit 7578 Sanskrit http://www.sanskrit.org/ 7579 7580 Sanskrit Sanskrit http://www.sanskrit.safire.com/ http://www.sanskritassociation.org/ 7581 7582 7583 7584 Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit http://www.sanskritcentral.com/ http://www.sanskritclassics.com/ http://www.sanskritdictionary.com/ http://www.sanskritexams.org.uk/ 7585 7586 Sanskrit Sanskrit http://www.sanskritjobs.com/ http://www.sanskritmantra.com/ 7587 7588 Sanskrit Sanskrit http://www.sanskritnames.info/ http://www.sanskrit-sanscrito.com.ar/ Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Lucknow Campus Samskrita Bharati World Sanskrit Book Fair Samskrit-Bring Sanskrit Back To Our Daily Life Shree Devasthanam - 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Sanskrit College Kerala http://www.sanskritdocuments.org/atul/newdi Bharati online Sanskrit-English ct/main.html Dictionary http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/ Capeller's Sanskrit-English Dictionary http://www.sanskrituni.net/ Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ramtek, Maharashtra http://www.shreesomnathsanskrituniversity.in Somnath Sanskrit University, fo/ Junagadh http://www.shreesomnathsanskrituniversity.or Somnath Sanskrit University, g/ Junagadh http://www.sjsv.nic.in/ Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Puri http://www.slbsrsv.ac.in/ Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, New Delhi India India http://www.spokensanskrit.de/ Germany Sanskrit English online translation Spoken Sanskrit http://www.srivageeshavidhyashram.org/ Sri Vageesha Vidhyashram Srirangam, Trichy http://www.ssus.ac.in/ Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Ernakulam http://www.ststephens.edu/societies/sanskrit.h Sanskrit Hindi Sahitya Sabha tm http://www.svvedicuniversity.org/ Sri Venkateswara Vedic University Tirupati under TDD http://www.usvv.org/ Uttrakhand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_ List of English words of Sanskrit words_of_Sanskrit_origin origin http://www.samskritabharati.org/ Sanskrit Documents List http://www.sanskrit.gde.to/ Sanskrit Documents List http://www.sanskritdocuments.org/ Veda Pathashala, Traditional Vedic Schools http://www.sanskritweb.net/ Vedic Documents - 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explanation ramkatha.htm http://www.scriptures.ru/bh_gita.htm Bhagwada Gita http://www.secretofbhagavadgita.com/ The Secret of Bhagavadgita http://www.shankaracharya.org/ Gateway To Advaita Vedanta http://www.shastras.org/ Navya Shastra http://www.shibam.in/bottom-menu/shivRudra Smahita mahapuran/rudra-samhita.html http://www.shivashakti.com/ Wisdom of Tantrik Tradition http://www.shivpuran.com/ Shiv Puran http://www.shivpuran.in/ Shiv Puran http://www.shivrudrabhishek.com/ Shiv Rudrabhishek http://www.shivvivah.com/ Shiv Vivah http://www.shrikrishnagita.wordpress.com/ Bhagawad Gita -Krishnam Vande Jagat Guru http://www.shrikrishnakatha.com/ Shri Krishna Katha http://www.shriramcharitmanas.com/ Ramcharitmanas http://www.shriramkatha.com/ Shri Ram Katha http://www.shrivedabharathi.co.in/ Shri Veda Bharathi http://www.shrivedabharathi.org/ Shri Veda Bharathi http://www.shrivedavyasa.org/ Shri Vedavyasa Tapovanam http://www.skandpuran.com/ Skand Puran http://www.slokaasitis.blogspot.com/ Sloka Asitis http://www.sltda.lk/ramayana#014 Ramayana in Sri Lanka http://www.sompuramoortiart.com/ Rajesh Sompura Moorti Art http://www.srichinmoy.org/resources/library/s Bhrigu discovers Vishnu is the tories/puranas/bhrighu/ greatest http://www.srikrishnaradha.com/completeGita Govinda by Jayadev gita-govinda-with-meaning/ http://www.srimadbhagavatam.com/ Śrīmad Bhāgavatam http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org/ Dictionary of VedicTerms http://www.srimadbhagavatamclass.com/ Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Classes http://www.srimadbhagvatam.com/ The Nectar Of Pure Bhakti – Srimad Bhagavatam Purana Mp3 Audios India India http://www.srivaishnava.20m.com/gita/gist.ht m http://www.sssbpt.info/vahinis/Upanishad/Up anishad03.pdf http://www.stutimandal.com/new/poemgen.ph p?id=264 http://www.sunder-kand.com/ http://www.swamiveda.org/ http://www.swamivedablog.org/ http://www.swargarohan.org/ Srimad Bhagavad Gita India Kathopanishad India Shri Krishna Gitawali India Sunder Kand Swami Veda Swami Rama Sadhaka Gram Swargarohan Ambaji India India India India India World Russia India India India India UK India India India India India India India India India India India India India Sri Lanka India USA India India World India India 7937 Scripture Scripture Scripture http://www.swargarohan.org/ramcharitmanas. Ramcharitmanas & other Scriptures, htm Ambaji, Gujarat http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Up Telgu Bhakti - Upanishads anishads/Upanishads.htm http://www.thebhagavadgita.com/ The Bhagavad-gita http://www.thegitaproject.org/ The Gita Project http://www.theOn The Ramayana Trail III: Shadow nri.com/index.php/2010/06/on-the-ramayana- Play trail-iii-shadow-play/ http://www.thiruvonum.wordpress.com/ Thiruvonum’s Weblog (Tamil) http://www.tiny.cc/dinasgitapresentation Gita http://www.tlvp.net/~b.mikolajewska/booknoo Mahabharta k/Mahabharata/ http://www.uddhavji.com/ Uddhavji http://www.urban-monk.com/events/gita-life/ Urban Monk 7938 Scripture 7939 7940 7941 Scripture Scripture Scripture 7942 7943 7944 Scripture Scripture Scripture 7945 7946 India USA 7947 7948 7949 7950 7951 7952 Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture http://www.urday.in/ http://www.urday.in/shiva.htm http://www.valmikiramayan.net/ http://www.vamanpuran.com/ http://www.varahpuran.com/ http://www.vcscsd.org/ India India India India India USA 7953 Scripture 7954 Scripture 7955 7956 Scripture Scripture Hindu Shastra Shiv Mahapuran Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Vaman Puran Varah Puran Vedic Cultural and Spiritual Center of San Diego http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/ VEDA - Vedas and Vedic Knowledge Online http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/hi Historical Krishna storical-krsna.htm http://www.vedabharathi.com/ Veda Bharathi http://www.vedah.com/ Sri Auribindo Kapali Shasatry Institute of Vedic Culture - Vedas 7957 Scripture http://www.vedakalpataru.com/ India 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 7965 Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture 7966 Scripture 7967 7968 Scripture Scripture 7969 7970 Scripture Scripture 7971 Scripture 7972 7973 7974 7975 Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture Veda Kalpataru -Hinduism Resource Center http://www.vedakosh.com/ Digitisation of the Vedas http://www.vedantatattva.org/ Vedanta -- A bird's view 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Scriptures on Asceticism and Renunciation Scripture Sculpture Sculpture Yajur Ved India Shri Paramhans Ashram - Bhagavad India Gita http://www.yugalsarkarradhakrishna.blogspot Krishna The greatest scientist India .com/ http://yajur.veda.tripod.com/ Krishna Yajur Veda India https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavata_Pura Bhagavata Purana India na https://sites.google.com/site/gitasingalong3/git Gita India a-files-part-4 https://sites.google.com/site/gitasingalong3/ka Gita Malaysia raoke-breakthrough-free-gita-in-karaokeformat https://www.vedavichara.com/ The Vedas & Vedic Chants India http://bhagirathsharma.tripod.com/ Bhagirath Moorti Wala India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarnath_Sehgal Shri Amarnath Sehgal India 7994 Sculpture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wat_Arun 7995 7996 7997 Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture 7998 7999 Sculpture Sculpture http://ganeshmoorti.tripod.com/101/ http://ignca.nic.in/nl003401.htm http://shop.lotussculpture.com/nav/GodNataraja http://tilak19.tripod.com/101/ http://www.anishkapoor.com/ Wat Arun Rajwararam - Sun Temple & having Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh & Indra Statues Shree Ganesh Murti Bhandar Shri Amarnath Sehgal Shiva Nataraja - The Lord of Dance 8000 8001 8002 8003 Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture 8004 8005 Sculpture Sculpture 8006 8007 Sculpture Sculpture 8008 8009 8010 Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture http://www.baliwoodstatue.com/ http://www.brass-handicrafts.com/ http://www.godstatues.com/ http://www.jindalcrafts.com/SubCategory.asp ?subCategoryID=3 http://www.kumartuli.com/ http://www.lotussculpture.com/vishnu1.htm India Thailand India India USA Tilakraj moorti wala India Mr. Anish Kapoor's Sculpture Works UK Bali wood handicrafts Mani Overseas -Statues making God Statues Making Hindu Deities Indonesia India India India Idol making Kolkata Hindu God Vishnu the Preserver Dasa Avatara Bali product export Ganesha Statues India USA http://www.mahayubakti.com/ 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Lake in Baroda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arjuna_Wija Arjuna Wijaya chariot statue in ya_chariot_statue_in_Jakarta.jpg Jakarta http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Garudabkkho Statue of Vishnu on Garuda in front lidayinn0609.jpg of Holiday Inn, Bangkok, Thailand 8089 Statue 8090 8091 Statue Statue 8092 Statue 8093 Statue 8094 Statue 8095 Statue 8096 Statue 8097 Statue 8098 Statue 8099 Statue 8100 Statue 8101 Statue 8102 Statue 8103 Statue 8104 Statue India Indonesia USA India India Indonesia Thailand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganga_Talao Ganga Talao, Maritius and A statue Mauritius of Durga Maa Bhavani of 108 Ft under constrcuction here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda Vishnu Bali & Vehicle Garuda Indonesia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Wisnu_ Garuda Wisnu Kencana -Lord Indonesia Kencana Tallest Vishnu Sculpture in World Biggest Idol of Hindu God Vishnu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman_Vatika 75 feet Hanuman Statue in Hanuman Vatika Temple Rourkela Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khairtabad_Gane 59 Ft Tallest Ganesh idol sh Khairatabad, Hyderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nandura 105 Ft Hanuman Statue in Nandura, Maharashtra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchavatee Panchavatee, Pondicherry (36 Ft Hanuman) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veera_Abhaya_A Veera Abhaya Anjaneya Hanuman njaneya_Hanuman_Swami Swami, 135 Ft (41 M), Paritala, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh India http://kailashnathmahadevstatue.blogspot.com Kailashnath Mahadev Statue / http://kannanwrites.hubpages.com/hub/Larges Top 10 Largest/Biggest Statues of t-Statues-of-India India -133 ft Thiruvalluvar Statue, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu Nepal http://manasasancharare.wordpress.com/2010 /08/19/garudas-birth-and-the-nagas/ http://mauritius22.blogspot.in/2008/05/giantlord-shiva-statue.html http://mylordganesha.com/2012/09/25/at-86ft-vizag-ganesha-towers-over-khairatabadidol/ http://naveen-naveenmaroju.blogspot.in/ Garuda Statue in Tirupati India Giant Lord Shiva Statue Mauritius 86 Ft Dondaparthy Ganesh, Vishakhapatnam India 59 Ft Tallest Ganesh idol Khairatabad, Hyderabad 150 M Lord Vishnu riding Garuda: The World's Tallest Statue Version Place On Earth Hanuman Trinidad India http://placeonearth.blogspot.in/2010/11/worlds-talleststatue-version-place-on.html http://sindhug.multiply.com/journal/item/2 India India India India India Indonesia Trinidad & Tobago 8105 Statue 8106 Statue 8107 Statue 8108 Statue 8109 Statue 8110 Statue 8111 Statue 8112 Statue 8113 Statue 8114 Statue 8115 Statue 8116 Statue 8117 Statue 8118 8119 Statue Statue 8120 Statue 8121 Statue 8122 http://theemerald.wordpress.com/2009/02/07/ sri-maha-ganesha-statue-monument-in-baliindonesia/ http://wikimapia.org/11672226/Lord-Shiva-sGiant-statue http://wikitravel.org/en/Murdeshwara Sri Maha Ganesha Statue Monument in Bali, Indonesia Indonesia Lord Shiva Statue, Film City Noida India World's highest Shiva Idol and Rajagopuram 76 Ft Shiva Statue at Kachnar City, Jabalpur MP, India India 108 feet Hanuman Statue at Sita Samahit Sthal (Sitamarhi), Uttar Pradesh http://www.anjaneya-hanuman.blogspot.com/ Hanuman Statue in Trinidad & Tobago http://www.deccanchronicle.com/121027/new 108-foot tall statue of 12th century s-current-affairs/article/108-ft-statuesocial reformer Basavanna, basavanna-will-be-inaugurated-sunday Bangalore India http://www.fabulousbali.com/garuda-wisnukencana-cultural-park.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/leena/24882087 73/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/pramal/414618 9975/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/spamboy/12521 7218/ http://www.ghumakkar.com/paying-tributesdewas/photo-9-4/ Vishnu Bali Indonesia Hanuman Statue Lahore Pakistan Lord Shiva Statue, Haridwar, Uttaranchal Shiva Statue Noida India http://www.99mustsee.com/India/KachnarCity-Shiva-Temple-Jabalpur-MadhyaPradesh-Attractions-2389 http://www.aboutomkaar.com/2013/05/108feet-hanuman-statue-at-sita-samahit.html India Trinidad & Tobago India India 51 Feet Hanuman statue in the premises of Kela Devi Temple, Dewas http://www.giganticstatues.com/shiva-statue- Giant Lord Shiva Statue Mauritius mauritius/ http://www.gwk-culturalpark.com/ Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Bali http://www.hindu-blog.com/2010/11/108-feet- 108-feet Hanuman Idol (Murti) at hanuman-idol-murti-at-jakhu.html Jakhu Hill, Shimla in Himachal Pradesh http://www.hindu-blog.com/2010/11/top-10- Top 10 tallest Hindu God Murtis tallest-hindu-god-murtis-statue.html (Statue or idol) in the World http://www.hindustatue.com/ Hindu Gods & Goddesses Statues India Statue http://www.india9.com/i9show/ChinmayaGanadhish-31878.htm India 8123 Statue http://www.indiamike.com/indiaimages/pictures/shiva-statue-omkareshwar-0 Chinmaya Ganadhish, Ganesha Statue, 90 Ft, Pune Bangalore Highway, Kolhapur 81 Ft Omkareshwar Shiva Statue 8124 Statue Statue 8126 8127 8128 Statue Statue Statue 8129 Statue Lord Shiva statue (100 feet high) Haridwar Suchindram Anjaneyar Temple & 18 Ft Statue, Tamil Nadu Krishna Statues Kailashnath Mahadev Statue Sri Vasudev Teerth at Amroha -A 51-feet high Shivling 82 Feet Shiva Statue at The Nageswara Jyotir Lingam Temple, Dwarka India 8125 http://www.indiavideo.org/uttarakhand/travel/ haridwar--shiva-statue-4206.php http://www.kanyakumariguide.com/suchindra m-anjaneyar-temple/ http://www.krishnastatue.com/ http://www.mahayogi.net/ http://www.merinews.com/article/sri-vasudevteerth-at-amroha/135543.shtml http://www.mukti4u2.dk/1_h_nageswara.htm Mauritius Indonesia India World India India India USA Nepal India India 8130 Statue http://www.mustseeindia.com/BangaloreShiva-Statue/attraction/11500 http://www.narendramodi.com/post/Statue-ofUnity.aspx 66 feet high Shiva Statue, Airport India Road Bangalore Statue of Unity -India to build India world's tallest statue of the Iron Man of India- Sardar Patel http://www.orissabarta.com/index.php?option 61 Ft Tall Shiva at Bhanjanagar, India =com_content&view=article&id=12859:worl Odisha ds-7th-largest-statue-siva-statue-belaeswarmahadev&catid=44:tourism&Itemid=87 8131 Statue 8132 Statue 8133 Statue 8134 Statue 8135 Statue http://www.sitasamahittemple.in/ 8136 Statue http://www.statueofunity.com/ 8137 8138 Statue Statue http://www.statueofunitymovement.com/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/a sia/india/8581241/India-to-build-worldstallest-statue.html 8139 Statue http://www.templearch.com/p3.htm 8140 Statue http://www.templesmac.com/ 8141 Statue 8142 Statue 8143 Statue 8144 Statue 8145 Statue 8146 Statue 8147 Statue 8148 Statue http://www.pbase.com/bmcmorrow/image/121 Delhi Airport & Mangal Mahadeva India 393310 http://www.sikkimstdc.com/GeneralPages/Det 108 Ft Tall Shiva Statue at India ails/Siddheswar-Dham/249/Details.aspx Siddheswar Dham, Namchi, Sikkim Sita Samahit Sthal Temple, India Sitamarhi, UP -Lord Rama’s wife Maa Sitaji gave birth to Luv & Kush and descended into the lap of Mother Earth -108 ft. high statue of Hanumanji The Statue of Unity to be built in the India memory of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Statue of Unity Movement India to build world's tallest statue of the Iron Man of India- Sardar Patel. In Narmada island. 597 Ft Height Project of 85' Lord Shiva Statue (Murti) with Himalayan Mountains at Ganga Talao, Mauritius India India 72 ft Tall Statue of Lord Ganesh in Pune by Maturam Art Centre, Gurgoan http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/ Indonesia gifts USA a Saraswati statue world/indonesia-gifts-us-a-saraswatistatue/article4798380.ece http://www.therightperspective.org/2010/10/2 40 Ft Monkey God Statue by The 4/monkey-god-statue-built-in-southShri Vishnu Temple Society in Chatsworth, Durban africa/#sthash.SDNH6CQG.dpbs http://www.topyaps.com/10-tallest-lord-shiva- 108 Ft Tall Shiva Statue at statues-sitting-posture Allahabad http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Africa/Maur Shiva Statue Ganga Talo Maritius itius/South/Black_River/Ganga_Talao/photo9 66374.htm http://www.walkthroughindia.com/festivals/rel Shiva Statues in India igion/the-tallest-statues-of-lord-shiva-insitting-posture/ http://www.walkthroughindia.com/walkthrou Top 12 Incredibly Tallest Statues in ghs/top-12-incredibly-tallest-statues-in-india/ India India http://www.wikinewforum.com/showthread.p TOP 10 Tallest Ganesh Idol 2012 hp?t=584973 http://www.xnepali.net/movies/tallest-shiva- Tallest Shiva Statue in Bhaktapur, statue-unveiled-in-bhaktapur/ Nepal India Mauritius USA South Africa India Malaysia India India Nepal 8149 Statue http://www.yaatrika.com/forums/thread77.html http://www.yentra.com/2010/06/21/tallestshiva-statue-inaugurated-in-sanga/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHtCL7sMAI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmqpDln kl4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MubSV7H RJKI 8150 Statue 8151 Statue 8152 Statue 8153 Statue 8154 Statue 8155 Stotra 8156 8157 Stotra Stotra 8158 8159 8160 Stotra Stotra Stotra 8161 Stotra 8162 Stotra 8163 8164 Stotra Stotra 8165 Stotra 8166 Stotra 8167 8168 Stotra Stotra 8169 Stotra 8170 Stotra 8171 Stotra 8172 8173 Tamil Tamil 65 Ft Kempfort Shiva Temple, Bangalore Tallest Shiva Statue Inaugurated in Sanga and good photographs 59 Ft Tallest Ganesh idol Khairatabad, Hyderabad Krishna & Arjuna Statue, Denpasar Airport, Bali 101 Ft Hanuman Statue at Chattarpur Delhi -Shree Adya Katyayani Shaktipeeth Mandir, New Delhi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJJnQ8ie Tallest Statue of Lord Krishna and mN8&list=PL29A41184813DB9AD&index= Radha at Birla Kanan, New Delhi 37 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Tandava_S Shiva Tandava Stotram totram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stotra Hymn addressed to Divinity http://ioustotra.blogspot.in/2010/10/shriShri Sharda Stotram sharda-stotram.html http://samskrtam.wordpress.com/ Stotra Samhita http://stotraratna.awardspace.com/ Stotras & Sruthi http://stotraratna.sathyasaibababrotherhood.or Stothra Rathnas g/ http://stotraratna.sathyasaibababrotherhood.or Mahishasura Mardini stotram g/g1.htm http://stotraratna.sathyasaibababrotherhood.or Carnatic Krithis g/SINDEX.htm http://stotrasmantras.blogspot.in/ Stotras and Mantras http://swargarohan.org/stotra/vishnuVishnu Sahasranama sahasranama/ http://www.mahayogi.net/files/SHIVA_TRAN Sri Shiva Sahasranama Stotram S_20strotram.pdf http://www.stotralu.com/ Sri Ranganaatha Panchakam Stotra of Gods & Goddesses http://www.stotrasamhita.net/ stōtrasaṃhitā http://www.stutimandal.com/gif_adi/siva_pan Siva Pancakṣarastotram caksara.htm http://www.stutimandal.com/gif_siva/siva_tan Shiva Tandava Stotram dava_ravana.htm http://www.stutimandal.com/new/poemgen.ph Sarasvatyaṣṭottara- śatanāmastotram p?id=260 http://www.vignanam.org/veda/shiva-tandava- Shiva Tandav Strotam stotram-english.html http://books.vikatan.com/ Vikatan media Services http://tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus5a.html Tamil Library 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 Tamil Tamil Tamil Tamil Tamil Tamil http://www.aumbtsb.com/ http://www.bapasi.com/ http://www.dli.ernet.in/thf.html http://www.iglobal-tamil.com/ http://www.karkanirka.org/ http://www.modernhinduculture.com/ 8180 8181 8182 Tamil Tamil Tantra http://www.talktamil.4t.com/ http://www.tamilartsacademy.com/ http://somnathbaba.blogspot.in/ Benoni Tamil School Board 37th Chennai Book Fair - 2014 Tamil Heritage Foundation Global Tamil Tamil Newsmagazine Modern Hindu Agmaic Cultural Organisation Organisation and Learn Tamil Tamil Arts Academy Love Vashikaran Tips India Nepal India Indonesia India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India South Africa India India India India India India India India 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 Tantra Tantra Tantra Tantra Tantra Tantra Tantra Television Television 8192 Television http://www.goddessbless.org/ http://www.kalsarptantra.com/ http://www.realtantrasolutions.com/ http://www.schooloftantra.com/ http://www.tantragurus.com/ http://www.templeoftantra.org/ http://www.vamtantrasamrat.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti_TV http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Indian_ mythological_television_series http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NDTV_Hindu Tantra -hoenix Goddess Temple. Kal Sarp Tantra Real Tantra Solutions School of Tantra Tantra Gurus Astrology Services Temple of Chakra Tantra Vam Tantra Samrat Patna Bhakti TV Indian mythological television series USA India USA USA USA USA India India India NTDV & Hindu Group Channel India 8193 8194 8195 Television Television Television http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskar_TV http://entv.nithyananda.org/ http://pulihora-daddojanam.blogspot.com/ Sanskar TV Sri Nityanand eN-TV Pulihora Daddojanam Live Channels http://www.aasthatv.co.in/ Aasha TV http://www.acharyashukla.com/ Dr. Acharya Ram Gopal shukla Vardaan TV http://www.amritatv.com/ Amrita TV http://www.amritatv.com/usa.php Amrita TV USA http://www.banyan.tv/ Gandharvika-Giridhari Seva http://www.bcswami.tv/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami http://www.bhaktv.com/ BhakTiV 2010 http://www.casabhaktivedanta.com.ar/ ISKCON Buenos Aires TV http://www.evereadygroup.com/ Eveready Group - CEO Satish Ananad http://www.facebook.com/iskconvrindavanlive ISKCON Vrindavan LIVE India India India 8196 8197 Television Television 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 Television Television Television Television Television Television Television 8205 Television 8206 Television 8207 8208 Television Television 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television 8221 8222 Television Television 8223 8224 8225 India India India USA World India India Argentina Pakistan India http://www.gandharv.com/diwali-and-itsimportance/ http://www.gouranga.tv/ http://www.hariom.tv/ Gandharv Ashram & Televiasion India Diwali Festival Gouranga TV Netherland HariOm - Hindu Prayers and Bhakti India http://www.harismruti.tv/ http://www.heritagevision.tv/ http://www.hindi.tv/ http://www.ishwar.tv/ http://www.itvproductions.net/ http://www.kantipurtv.com/ http://www.krishnatv.com/ http://www.mahabharat.tv/ http://www.maharishichannel.in/ http://www.mayapur.tv/ http://www.mayapurtvarchives.com/ http://www.meetelugu.com/movies/movies/car d/Mahabharat%20Tv%20Serial%20All%20E pisodes%20Online.html http://www.peaceofmindtv.com/ http://www.pmtv.in/ Hari Murti Televisions IISH Live TV Hindi TV Ishwar TV, Noida ISKCON Television Kantipur Television Network Krishna TV | Krishna News MahaBharat TV Mararishi Channel ISKCON Mayapur TV Mayapur TV Mahabharat TV Serial India India India India World Nepal World India India World India USA India India Television BK Television Brahma Kumaris "Peace of Mind" Global TV http://www.prabhatamgroup.com/spritual.asp Sadhna Bhakti TV Television Television http://www.pragyatv.com/ http://www.purebhakti.tv/ India Netherland Pragya Television Srila BV Narayan Maharaja - Hari Katha Television India 8226 Television http://www.ramakrishnanandatv.com/ 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television Television http://www.sagartv.com/ramayan.htm http://www.sakshitv.com/ http://www.sanskartv.co.in/ http://www.snehatv.com/ http://www.srichinmoy.tv/ http://www.srisankaratv.in/ http://www.srisankaratv.net/ http://www.sudarshana.org/ http://www.sudarshannews.com/ http://www.sudarshantv.com/ http://www.svbcttd.com/ 8238 8239 8240 Television Television Television http://www.vasanth.tv/ http://www.vedanet.com/vedatv/ http://www.vedanta.tv/ Ramakrishnananda Swami USA Moments of Grace Sagar Arts India Sakshi TV India Sanskar TV India Sneha Telgu TV India Sri Chinmoy TV USA Sri Sankara TV India Sri Sankara TV India Sudarshana Broadcasting India Sudarshan News TV India Sudarshan TV Group India Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel India (TDD Channel) Vasanth TV India Vedanet TV USA Publications by Swami Parthasarathy Canada 8241 Television http://www.youtube.com/user/harismrutitv Hari Darshan Harismrutitv's Channel India 8242 Television http://www.youtube.com/user/vadtaldarshan Vadtal Darshan 8243 Television http://www.yupptv.com/svbc_channel_live.ht SVBC Live -Watch Sri ml Venkateswara Bhakti Channel Live USA 8244 Television India 8245 Television 8246 Temple 8247 Temple https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sri-Sankara- Sri Sankara TV TV/210402915649140 https://www.facebook.com/SRIRAMCHANN SRI RAM Channel EL http://aalayamkanden.blogspot.com/2010/11/s Sri Lakshmi Kubera Temple, ri-lakshmi-kubera-temple.html Rathinamangalam http://aalayamkanden.blogspot.in/2010/10/bra Brahmapureeswarar Temple, hmapureeswarar-temple-tirupattur.html Tirupattur 8248 8249 Temple Temple http://alachuatemplelive.blogspot.in/ Alachua Temple Live http://all-about-akshardham-delhi.blogspot.in/ Akshardham New Delhi 8250 Temple http://amaralingeswaraswamy.blogspot.in/ Amaralingeswara swami Temple, AP India 8251 Temple http://ancienttemplesofindia.blogspot.com/ India 8252 Temple 8253 Temple 8254 Temple 8255 Temple 8256 Temple Old important Siva and Vishnu Temples. Siva Devara Sthalam Kayaroganar Siva Temple, Nagapattinam http://angkor.abiguides.com/Cambodia/Angko Ta Keo Shiva Temple, Siem Reap t%20Temples/ta-keo/ http://anushankarn.blogspot.in/2009/11/bhartr Bhartruhari Caves, Ujjain uhari-caves-ujjain.html http://anushankarn.blogspot.in/2011/03/hamp Virupaksha Temple Hampi i-part-4-virupaksha-temple.html http://arthadharma.blogspot.in/2012/10/panch Panching Siva Temple, Kuantan , ing-siva-temple-kuantan-pahang.html Pahang Malaysia http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/201 Gopinathji Dev Mandir - Gadhada 2-05-04/ahmedabad/31572254_1_goldenSwaminarayan Mandir, a Golden temple-devotees-visit-lord-swaminarayan Temple of Gujarat India India India India USA India Cambodia India India Malaysia India 8257 Temple http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/201 Virat Ramayan Mandir, Keshariya, India 3-11-14/india/44072681_1_ram-templein East Champaran district. 400 feet nitish-kumar-angkor-wat high, built over 190 acres. 8258 Temple http://babadham.blogspot.in/2009/10/how-to- Baba Baidyanath- one of the twelve reach-deoghar.html jyotirlingas- Baidyanath Dham of Santhal Parganas in Jharkhand India 8259 8260 Temple Temple India Indonesia 8261 Temple http://bahucharajimata.co.in/ http://bali-indonesiatourism.blogspot.in/2010/01/mandara-girisemeru-agung-temple-second.html http://bhaktpariwar.co.uk/ 8262 Temple 8263 8264 8265 Temple Temple Temple 8266 Temple 8267 Temple 8268 Temple 8269 Temple 8270 Temple 8271 Temple 8272 Temple http://chintpurni.angelfire.com/location.html 8273 Temple 8274 Temple 8275 Temple 8276 Temple 8277 Temple 8278 Temple Aranmulla Parthasarathy templehttp://chitramypilgrimage.blogspot.in/2011/08/aranmulla- Kerala parasarathy-temple.html http://chitraThyagaraja Temple, Tiruvarur mypilgrimage.blogspot.in/2012/10/thyagarajaswamy-temple-tiruvarur.html http://cities.sulekha.com/boston/528513/revie NASA’s Saturn and our own Lord w.htm Saneeshwara http://cmbsvt.wix.com/2014#!newChatsworth Magazine Barracks upload/c1q88 Shree Vishnu Temple http://community.webshots.com/user/hindute Hindu Temple (St. John's) mplestjohns Association Newfoundland http://deoghar.jharkhand.org.in/2009/05/baid Bol Bam Shiva Temple Jharkhand yanathdham-temple-deoghar-jharkhand.html 8279 Temple Shree Bahucharaji Mata Temple Mandara Giri Semeru Agung Temple - The second largest temple of Indonesia Hindutemple Newcastle Upon Tyne Bhakt Pariwar http://bharathgyanblog.wordpress.com/2013/0 The mystery of Sun temples 6/05/the-mystery-of-sun-temples/ http://bholenathji.blogspot.in/ Baba Burfani Amarnath http://blog.veerahanuman.com/ Sri Veera Hanuman Temple http://blog.vietnamIndia salve on Vietnam scars - ASI aujourdhui.info/post/2011/10/09/India-salve- to help restore temples damaged in on-Vietnam-scars-ASI-to-help-restoreUS bombing temples-damaged-in-US-bombing http://bstdc.bih.nic.in/Deoghar.htm Baba Baidyanath- one of the twelve jyotirlingas- Baidyanath Dham of Santhal Parganas in Jharkhand http://buddisthindi.blogspot.in/2007/09/hindu -temple-in-chiang-mai_22.html http://candi.pnri.go.id/bali/taman_ayun/e_tam an_ayun.htm http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/bahal/e_bahal. htm http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/muara_takus/e _muara_takus.htm http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2013/07/chinasforgotten-hindu-temples UK India India Malaysia Vietnam India Dev Mandir, Chiang Mai Thailand Pura Taman Ayun Bali Indonesia Bahal temple Sumatra Indonesia Muara Takus Temple Sumatra Indonesia Chedian Village, Quanzhou China’s China Forgotten Hindu Temples Mata Chintpurni Devi Amb tehsil, Una district, Himachal Pradesh http://dilipkumar.in/travel/piligrim/jyotirlingas Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas /index.php India India India India South Africa Canada India India 8280 Temple 8281 Temple 8282 Temple 8283 Temple 8284 Temple 8285 Temple 8286 Temple 8287 Temple 8288 Temple 8289 Temple 8290 Temple 8291 Temple 8292 Temple 8293 8294 Temple Temple 8295 Temple 8296 Temple 8297 Temple 8298 Temple 8299 Temple 8300 Temple 8301 Temple 8302 Temple 8303 Temple http://divinetraveller.blogspot.in/search/label/Meenkulathi %20Bhagawathi http://dolakhatown.blogspot.in/2008/05/tripur a-sundari-temple-dolakha.html http://edinburghhindumandir.org.uk/ Meenkulathi Bhagawathi Pallasena, Palghat, Kerala India Tripura Sundari Temple: Dolakha Nepal Edinburgh Hindu Mandir & Cultural Cenre http://en.hastinapura.org.ar/ Hastinapura Foundation & Hastinapura Worldwide Association, Argentina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agniswarar_Tem Agniswarar Temple, Kanjanur, ple,_Kanjanur north-east of Kumbakonam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airavatesvara_Te Airavatesvara Temple mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airavatesvara_Te Airavatesvara Temple Elephant mpleElephantrtemple temple, TN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akkanna_Madan Akkanna Madanna Temple, na_Temple Hyderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alagar_Kovil Alagar Koyil (Karupannaswamy), Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alampur,_Mahbu Alampur Navabrahma Temples bnagar dedicated to Lord Brahma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alappancode_Eas Alappancode Easwara Kala wara_Kala_Bhoothathan_Temple Bhoothathan Temple, Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu state UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alarnatha_Mandi ra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alopi_Devi_Man dir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluva http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaramkavu Alarnatha Mandira, Brahmagiri, Orissa Alopi Devi Mandir, Alopibagh in Allahabad Aluva Mahadeva Temple Amaramkavu, Idukki district, Kerala India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambalappuzha_S ri_Krishna_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambika_Mata_T emple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anandavaleeswar am_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananta_Basudeb a_Temple Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple India Ambika Mata Temple, Udaipur India Argentina India India India India India India India India India India Anandavaleeswaram Temple in Kollam Ananta Basudeba temple, Hangseshwari temple complex in Banshberia, Hooghly District, West Bengal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananta_Shayana Ananta Shayana Vishnu Temple, Bhimkund, Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anantasaayi_Vis Anantasaayi Vishnu Temple, hnu_Temple Sambalpur, UP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananthagiri_Tem Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy ple Temple, Ananthagiri, Ranga Reddy district Vikarabad, Andhra Pradesh India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananthapura_La Ananthapura Lake Temple, ke_Temple Kasargod District of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anbilalanturai Anbil Alanthurai Temple, banks of kollidam river in Anbil, a small village near Lalgudi, Karnataka India India India India India India 8304 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_monume Bhartrihari Caves, Ujjain nts_in_Ujjain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anikkattilammak Anikkattilammakshethram, Anicadu shethram Village, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annakoteshvara_ Annakoteshwara Temple, Temple Latadeipur near Gondia tehsil in Dhenkanal district http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annapoorneshwa The Annapoorneshwari Temple, ri_Temple Horanadu, Chikmagalur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apathsahayar_Te Apathsahayar Temple, mple,_Thirupazhanam Thirupazhanam near Tiruvaiyaru, Tamilnadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apatsahayesvarar Apatsahayesvarar Temple, Alangudi _Temple,_Alangudi or Guru Sthalam, Alangudi in the Valangaiman taluk, Tiruvarur district, Tamil Nadu, India 8305 Temple 8306 Temple 8307 Temple 8308 Temple 8309 Temple 8310 Temple India Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryankuzhi_Devi Aryankuzhi Devi Temple, _Temple Aryankuzhi, Trivandrum district, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryankuzhi_Gan Aryankuzhi Ganapathy Temple, apathy_Temple Aryankuzhi in Trivandrum district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtalakshmi_Ko Ashtalakshmi Kovil is, Elliot's vil beach, Chennai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtalakshmi_Te Ashtalakshmi Temple, mple,_Hyderabad Ashtalakshmi, Hyderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astha_Temple Astha Laxmi Temple, Vasavi Colony near Dilsukhnagar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avanavanchery_S Avanavanchery Sri Indilayappan ri_Indilayappan_Temple Temple , Attingal, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_Dhansar Baba Dhansar,Karua Jheel, Karua,, Katra, J&K http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badhri_Narayana Badhri Narayanan temple, Madurai n_temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baijnath_Temple Baijnath Temple, HP 8311 Temple 8312 Temple 8313 Temple 8314 Temple 8315 Temple 8316 Temple 8317 Temple 8318 8319 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaji_Mandir Balaji Mandir, Pashan, Pune India 8320 Temple Temple 8322 Temple Balkampet Yellamma temple, Balkampet in Hyderabad Banashankari Amma Temple Badami Karnataka Banteay Srei Shiva Temple India 8321 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkampet_Yella mma_temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banashankari_A mma_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banteay_Srei 8323 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barpeta_Satra Barpeta Satra, Barpeta, Assam India 8324 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belon_Temple 8325 Temple 8326 Temple 8327 Temple Belon Temple, Narora in Bulandshehar, Uttar Pradesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhadrakali_Temp Bhadrakali Temple, Aharapada, le,_Aharapada Bhadrak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagabati_Templ Bhagabati Temple, Banapur, Orrisa e,_Banapur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagyalakshmi_t BhagyaLaxmi Mata Mandir – emple Charminar India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Cambodia India India India India 8328 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhairabi_Temple Bhairabi Temple, Tezpur in Assam India 8329 Temple India 8330 Temple 8331 Temple 8332 Temple 8333 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaktavatsala_Pe Bhaktavatsala Perumal Temple, rumal_Temple,_Tirukannamangai Tirukannamangai, Tiruvarur, Tamilnadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhuleshwar_Tem Bhuleshwar Temple, pune ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhuvaneshwar_T Bhuvaneshwar Temple, Boudh, emple,_Boudh Malipara, right bank of Mahanadi, Orrisa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bijasan_mata_ma Bijasan mata mandir Indore Madhya ndir_indore Pradesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bijli_Mahadev Bijli Mahadev, HP 8334 Temple 8335 Temple 8336 Temple 8337 Temple 8338 Temple 8339 Temple 8340 Temple 8341 Temple 8342 Temple 8343 Temple 8344 Temple 8345 Temple 8346 Temple 8347 Temple 8348 Temple 8349 Temple 8350 Temple 8351 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biranchinarayan_ Temple,_Buguda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biranchinarayan_ Temple,_Palia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birla_Mandir,_H yderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birla_Mandir,_Ja ipur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birla_Mandir,_Sh ahad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiyakonda_Gan gamma_Temple India India India India Biranchinarayan Temple, Buguda, Ganjam, Orissa Biranchinarayan Temple, Palia, Bhadrak Birla Mandir Hyderabad India Birla Mandir Jaipur India Birla Mandir, Shahad, Kalyan India India India Boiyakonda Gangamma Temple, Chowdepalli Mandal, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma_Temple, Brahma Temple, Bindusagar, _Bindusagar Bhubaneswar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma_Temple, Brahma Temple, Niali, Cuttack _Niali district http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmani_temple Brahmani temple, Baleswar, Orissa India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmeeswaran_ Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brihadeeswarar_ Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budha_Ganesha_ Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burhanath_templ e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bytarayappana_B etta http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Hanuman _Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakkulathukavu _Temple India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandaneswar Brahmeeswaran Temple, Palakkad, Kerala Brihadeeswarar Temple, Thanjavur, TN Budha Ganesha Temple, Baitarani River in Jajpur Burhanath temple, Near Ganaga River Bytarayappana Betta, Aalamaram, Kolar district Camp Hanuman Temple, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Chakkulathukavu Temple, Thalavady panchayat, Alappuzha District, Kerala Chandaneswar, Baleswar, Orissa. Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandi_Mandir Chandi Mandir, Chandigarh India 8352 Temple 8353 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chateshwar_Tem Chateshwar Temple, Bahugram in ple Cuttack district http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaturbhuj_Tem Chaturbhuj Temple (Orchha), MP ple_(Orchha) India India India India India India India India India India India India 8354 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaturdasha_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaturshringi_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chausathi_Jogini _Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chenankavu Chaturdasha Temple, Old Agartala India 8355 Temple Chaturshringi Temple, Pune India 8356 Temple Chausathi Jogini Temple, Bhubaneswar Chenankavu, Korom village, Payyanur, north Kerala Chennakesava Temple - Vishnu Temple Belur, Karnataka Chennakesava Temple, Somanathapura Cherai Gowreeshwara Temple, Kerala state Cheranalloor Shiva temple, Cheranalloor, Kerala Chhatarpur Temple India 8357 Temple 8358 Temple 8359 Temple 8360 Temple 8361 Temple 8362 Temple 8363 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chennakesava_T emple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chennakesava_T emple,_Somanathapura http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherai_Gowreesh wara_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheranalloor_Shi va_temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chhatarpur_Tem ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chhatia_Bata Chhatia Bata Kalki Avatar 8364 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chintpurni 8365 Temple 8366 Temple 8367 Temple 8368 Temple 8369 Temple 8370 Temple 8371 Temple 8372 Temple 8373 Temple 8374 Temple 8375 Temple 8376 India India India India India India India Mata Chhinnamastika Devi Temple India Una, Himachal Pradesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chittoorkavu_De Chittoorkavu Devi Temple, Chittoor India vi_Temple municipality, Palakkad town http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daan-Ghati Daan-Ghati, Goverdhan, near Mathura http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakshina_Mooka Dakshina Mookambika Temple mbika_Temple_North_Paravur North Paravur, Ernakulam district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darasuram Darasuram -Airavateshwarar temple (UNESCO Listed)) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dashabhuja_Gan Dashabhuja Ganapati Temple, Pune apati_Temple,_Pune http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deva_(Hinduism) Deva & Lokpala, Prambanana Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devaadi_Raja_Pe Devaadi Raja Perumal Temple, rumal_Temple Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhakeshwari_Te Shaktipeetha -Dhakeshwari National mple Temple -Goddess of Dhaka India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongergah Dongergah, Durg district of Chhattisgarh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duladeo_Temple Duladeo Temple, Khajuraho India India Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durga_Temple,_ Durga Temple, Motia Cuttack Motia district, Orissa, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durgiana_Temple Durgiana Temple, Amritsar India 8377 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvaraka_Pitha India 8378 Temple 8379 Temple 8380 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekambareswarar Ekambaranathar Temple _Temple Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eklingji Eklingji, Udaipur District of Rajasthan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elai_Kaatha_Am Elai Kaatha Amman Temple, man_Temple Madurai district of Tamil Nadu Dvaraka Pitha, Dwaraka, Gujarat India India India Indonesia India Bangla Desh India India India India 8381 Temple India Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elamgulam_Sree Elamgulam Sree Dharma Shastha _Dharma_Shastha_Temple Temple, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephanta_Caves Elephanta Caves 8382 8383 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EME_Temple India 8384 Temple 8385 Temple 8386 Temple 8387 Temple 8388 Temple 8389 8390 Temple Temple 8391 8392 Temple Temple 8393 Temple 8394 8395 8396 Temple Temple Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ennakkappally_D Ennakkappally Devi Temple, evi_Temple Kottayam district, Kerala. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezhumattoor_Dev Ezhumattoor Devi Temple i_Temple 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Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatimura_Templ e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_Temples_ of_Kabul http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Bru nei http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_the _West_Indies Hatimura Temple, Silghat, Nagaon district of Assam Hindu Temples of Kabul India Afghanistan Bruini Two Hindu Temples Brunei Hinduism in the West Indies Trinidad & Tobago 8410 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinglaj Pakistan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinglaj_Mata Hinglaj Mata Shakti Peeth, Balochistan Hinglaj Mata Mandir, Balochistan 8411 Temple 8412 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoysaleswara_te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hulimavu_cave_ Temple Hoysaleswara Temple, Halebidu, Karnataka Hulimavu cave Temple, Hulimavu, Bannerghatta Road, Karnataka India 8413 Temple 8414 Temple 8415 Temple 8416 8417 Temple Temple 8418 Pakistan India India Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indralath_Temple Indralath Temple, Kantabanji block near Ranipur-Jharial in Balangir district http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraivan_Temple The San Marga Iraivan Temple under construction on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irani_Kovil Irani Kovil, Iraniyur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iravatanesvara_T Iravatanesvara Temple, emple,_Kanchipuram Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iringole_Kavu Iringole Kavu, Cochin, Kerala 8419 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISKON_NVCC India 8420 Temple 8421 Temple 8422 Temple 8423 Temple 8424 Temple 8425 Temple 8426 Temple 8427 Temple 8428 Temple 8429 Temple 8430 Temple 8431 Temple 8432 Temple 8433 Temple 8434 8435 8436 Temple Temple Temple ISKON New Vedic Cultural Center (NVCC) ,Pune http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivor_Madom Ivor Madom, Thiruvilluamala, Thrissur district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ Jagannath Temple, Alwar e,_Alwar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ Jagannath Temple, Hauz Khas, Delhi e,_Delhi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ Jagannath Temple, Dharakote, e,_Dharakote Rushikulya, Aska, Ganjam, Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ e,_Hyderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ e,_Koraput http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ e,_Nayagarh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_Templ e,_Ranchi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannatha_Gattu _Temple,_Kurnool http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagdish_Temple,_ Udaipur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambukeswarar_ Temple,_Thiruvanaikaval USA India India India India India India India Jagannath Temple, Banjara hills India Road, Hyderabad Jagannath Temple, Koraput, Odisha India Jagannath Temple, Nayagarh, Orissa India Jagannath Temple, Ranchi India Jagannatha Gattu Temple, Kurnool India Jagdish Temple, Udaipur India Jambukeswarar Temple, India Thiruvanaikaval, Tiruchirapalli, TN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janardana_Swam Janardanaswamy Temple Verkala i_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joranda_Gadhi Joranda Gadhi, Joranda,Natima and Patna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junglee_Nath Junglee Nath, Matera Town situated in Nanpara Tehsil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotirlinga Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyotisar Jyotisar, Thanesar, Kurukshetra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadamuri_Narasi Kadamuri Narasimhaswamy mhaswamy_Temple,_Kadamuri Temple, Kadamuri,Kottayam district India India India India India India 8437 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kailashnath_Tem Kailashnath Ellora, Aurangabad ple,_Ellora http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kailasnatha_Tem Kailasnatha Temple, Kanchipuram ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaina_(Manipur) Kaina, Imphal, Manipur 8438 Temple 8439 Temple 8440 Temple 8441 Temple 8442 8443 Temple Temple 8444 Temple 8445 Temple 8446 Temple 8447 8448 Temple Temple 8449 Temple 8450 Temple 8451 Temple 8452 Temple 8453 Temple 8454 Temple 8455 Temple 8456 Temple 8457 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kheer_Bhawani 8458 Temple 8459 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khirachora_Gopi natha_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khudala_Temple 8460 Temple 8461 Temple 8462 Temple 8463 Temple India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalaram_Temple Kalaram Temple, Panchavati area of Nasik city in Maharashtra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaleshwar_Temp Kaleshwar Temple, Nerur (God Shri le,_Nerur Kaleshwar, an Avatar of the God Shiva) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalijai Kalijai, Chilika Lake http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalika_Mata_Te Kalika Mata Temple, Chittorgarh mple,_Chittorgarh_Fort Fort http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalika_Temple Kalika Temple, Reasi, J&K state India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalka#Kali_Mata Kali Temple, Kalka _Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kallepalli_Rega Kallepalli Rega, Visakhapatnam India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalpeshwar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalyaneshwari_T emple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kambagiri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanaka_Durga,_ Raulapalli http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaniyanparambil 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Legship, West Sikkim Kodlamane Vishnumurthy Temple, Balkur, Town of Honnavar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodungoor_Devi Kodungoor Devi Temple, _Temple Kodungoor, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokilavan Kokilavan, Kosi Kalan near Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, India India India India India India India India India India India India Pakistan India India India India India India India India India 8464 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kola_Valvill_Ra Kola Valvill Ramar Temple, India mar_Temple,_Tiruvelliyangudi Tiruvelliyangudi, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koleshwar Koleshwar, Dapoli Taluka of India Ratnagiri District from Maharashtra 8465 Temple 8466 Temple 8467 Temple 8468 8469 Temple Temple 8470 Temple 8471 Temple 8472 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kotilingam 8473 Temple 8474 Temple 8475 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kottekkad_Templ Kottekkad Temple, Thrissur, Kerala India e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kottukal_cave_te Kottukal cave temple, Anchal, India mple Kollam district, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kripamayee_Kali Kripamayee Kali Temple, Hooghly India _Temple river at Baranagar, Kolkata 8476 Temple 8477 Temple 8478 Temple 8479 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kudargarh 8480 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumara_coil 8481 Temple 8482 Temple 8483 8484 Temple Temple 8485 Temple 8486 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumaran_Kundr am http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunjal_Mata_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunrakudy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurumbakkavu_ Bhagavathy_Temple_Edathala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuttumukku_Shi va_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuzhikattu_Tem Kuzhikattu Temple, Panamattom, ple,_Panamattom Kuttumukku, Kerala 8487 Temple 8488 Temple 8489 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komrelly_Mallan na_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konark_Sun_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kondagattu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koneswaram_tem ple 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India India India India India India India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladoo_Baba_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakhmi_Varaha_ Temple Ladoo Baba Temple, Nayagarh district of Orissa Lakhmi Varaha Temple, Panchayat of Aul, Kendrapara District, Orissa India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakkapuram Lakkapuram, Erode India India 8490 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Narasi mha_Temple,_Bhadravathi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshminarayana _Swamy_Temple,_Kuzhalmannam Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, India Bhadravathi, Karnataka Lakshminarayana Swamy Temple, India Kuzhalmannam, Palakkad district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lankeshwar_Tem Lankeshwar Temple, Guwahati India ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lankeswari_Tem Lankeswari Temple, Sonepur town, India ple Subarnapur district, Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehara_Durga_M Lehara Durga Mandir, Maharajganj India andir district, Uttar Pradesh 8491 Temple 8492 Temple 8493 Temple 8494 Temple 8495 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingaraj_Temple Lingaraj Temple, Bhubaneswar India 8496 Temple Vietnam 8497 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%E2%BB%B9 Ancient Temples & Mariamman _S%C6%A1n Hindu Temple Ho Chi Minh City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maa_Ugra_Tara Maa Ugra Tara, Bhubaneswar 8498 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machel_Mata India 8499 Temple 8500 Temple Machel Mata, Kishtwar District of Jammu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madai_Vadukun Madai Vadukunda Shiva Temple, da_Shiva_Temple Kannur Taluk, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhab_Than Madhab Than, Kampur., Assam 8501 Temple India 8502 Temple 8503 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhav_Govind_ Madhav Govind Rameshwar Rameshwar_Temple Temple, Ponda taluk, Goa State http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhava_Temple Madhava Temple, Cuttack district, Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhya_Kailash Madhya Kailash, South Chennai 8504 Temple Madhyamaheshwar Shiva Temple India 8505 Temple Temple 8507 Temple 8508 Temple 8509 Temple Maha Kali Mandir, JalandharRajasansi Mahabhairav Temple, Tezpur town, Assam The Mahadeva Temple, Itagi, Koppal District of Karnataka Mahadeva Temple, Mulampuzha, Pandalam, Kerala. Mahalakshmi Temple, Kolhapur India 8506 8510 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhyamaheshw ar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maha_Kali_Man dir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabhairav_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahadeva_Templ e,_Itagi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahadeva_Templ e,_Mulampuzha,_Pandalam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalakshmi_Te mple,_Kolhapur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavir_Mandir Mahavir Mandir, Patna India 8511 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavir_Temple Mahavir Mandir Patna 8512 Temple 8513 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahishamardini_ Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maisigandi_mais amma_temple_Kadthal 8514 Temple 8515 Temple 8516 Temple India India India India India India India India India India Mahishamardini Temple, Shergarh, India Balasore district Maisigandi maisamma temple India Kadthal, Srisailam Hyderabad Road http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majhighariani_Te Majhighariani Temple, Rayagada mple township of Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manakamana Manakamana Temple India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandodari_Temp Mandodari Temple, Betki, Marcel, le,_Betki Ponda, India Nepal 8517 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangueshi_Temp Mangesh Temple (an incarnation of le Shiva), Goa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manik_Prabhu_T Manik Prabhu Temple, Mominpet, emple Andhra Pradesh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manikeshwari_Te Manikeshwari Temple, Kalahandi mple district of Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansa_Devi_Te Mansa Devi Temple, Haridwar mple,_Haridwar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manyamkonda Manyamkonda, Mahabubnagar India 8518 Temple 8519 Temple 8520 Temple 8521 Temple 8522 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariamman_Tem Mariamman Temple, Valangaiman, ple,_Valangaiman Tiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu India 8523 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marichi_temple 8524 Temple 8525 Temple 8526 Temple 8527 Temple 8528 Temple 8529 Temple 8530 Temple 8531 Temple 8532 Temple 8533 Temple 8534 Temple 8535 Temple 8536 Temple 8537 8538 8539 Temple Temple Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukteshvara http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muktidham http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mullaivananathar _Temple Mukteshvara India Muktidham, Nashik India Mullaivananathar Temple, India Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu 8540 Temple Mullakkal Temple, Kerala India 8541 Temple Temple Multan Sun Temple: Aditya Sun Temple The Mundeshwari Devi Temple Lord Shiva and Shakti - the oldest Hindu temples in Bihar Pakistan 8542 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mullakkal_Templ e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multan_Sun_Te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mundeshwari_Te mple India India India India Marichi temple, Ajodhya, Baleswar, India Odisha, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariyamma_Tem Mariyamma Temple, Mangalore India ple city http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markandeshwar_ Markandeshwar Temple, Puri India Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martand_Sun_Te Martand Sun Temple, Anantnag India mple 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India India India India Indonesia India India 8543 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murga_Mahadev Murga Mahadeva Shrine, Champua India a_Shrine subdivision of Kendujhar district 8544 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muringamangala Muringamangalam Sreemahadevar m_Sreemahadevar_Temple Temple, Konni Junction India 8545 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murudeshwara India 8546 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagadevatha 8547 Temple 8548 8549 8550 Temple Temple Temple 8551 Temple 8552 8553 Temple Temple 8554 Temple 8555 Temple 8556 Temple 8557 Temple 8558 Temple 8559 Temple 8560 Temple 8561 Temple 8562 Temple 8563 Temple 8564 8565 Temple Temple 8566 Temple 8567 Temple 8568 Temple 8569 Temple 8570 Temple Murudeshwara Temple Karnataka Nagadevatha, Devanhalli, in the state of Karnataka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagannathaswam Nagannathaswamy Temple, y_Temple,_Keezhaperumpallam Keezhaperumpallam, Poompuhar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagueshi Nagueshi, Ponda district of Goa 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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerul_Balaji_Te Nerul Balaji Temple, Nerul in Navi mple,_Maharashtra Mumbai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nethalloor_Devi_ Nethalloor Devi Temple, Kottayam, Temple Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nilamadhav_Tem Nilamadhav Temple, Kantilo, ple Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimbo_Ka_Nath Nimbo Ka Nath Mahadev Temple, _Mahadev_Temple Pali district in Rajasthan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuggikeri Nuggikeri, Dharwad, Karnataka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odhanavaneswar Odhanavaneswarar Temple, ar_Temple,_Tiruchotruturai Tiruchotruturai, Tiruvaiyaru, Tamilnadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odogaon_Raghu Odogaon Raghunath Temple, nath_Temple Nayagarh district of Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palimar Palimar, Udupi district of Karnataka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pallavaneswarar_ Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panamattom_Dev i_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchalingeshwa r India India India India India India India India Myanmar India India India India India India India India India India India India India Pallavaneswarar Temple, Poompuhar India Panamattom Devi Temple, Kerala, India Panchalingeshwar, Balasore district India of Orissa 8571 Temple 8572 Temple 8573 Temple 8574 Temple 8575 Temple 8576 Temple 8577 8578 Temple Temple 8579 Temple 8580 Temple 8581 Temple 8582 Temple 8583 8584 Temple Temple 8585 Temple 8586 Temple 8587 Temple 8588 Temple 8589 Temple 8590 Temple 8591 Temple 8592 Temple 8593 Temple 8594 Temple 8595 Temple 8596 Temple 8597 Temple 8598 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandalam_Maha deva_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraheda_Shiv_ Mandir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pariyanempatta_ Bhagavathi_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthasarathy_Te mple,_Triplicane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashupatinath_te mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patal_Bhuvanesh war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pataleshwar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patali_Srikhetra Pandalam Mahadeva Temple, Pathanamthitta, Kerala Paraheda Shiv Mandir, Gadhi tahsil of Banswara Pariyanempatta Bhagavathi Temple, Palghat district Parthasarathy Temple, Triplicane India Pashupatinath Temple Nepal Patal Bhuvaneshwa, Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand Pataleshwar, Pune Patali Srikhetra, Subarnapur district, and Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patcheeswarar_te Patcheeswarar temple, Cheyyar in mple Tiruvannamalai District http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peddamma_templ Peddamma temple, Jubilee Hills in e Hyderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penataran Penataran or Panataran (Candi Penataran) - largest Hindu temple complex in East Java, Indonesia (UNESCO Heritage site) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poothamkara_Sre Poothamkara Sree Dharma Sasta e_Dharma_Sasta_Temple Temple, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prambanan Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prasanna_Yoga_ Prasanna Yoga Anjaneyar Temple, Anjaneyar_Temple Chromepet, Chennai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preah_Vihear_Te Preah Vihear Shiva Temple mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pullattukunnel_T Pullattukunnel Temple, Elamgulam, emple,_Elamgulam Elamgulam, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punjai_Siva_Tem Punjai Siva Temple, poombukar, TN ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pura_Ulun_Danu Pura Ulun Danu Beratan _Bratan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pushpavananatha Pushpavananathar Temple, r_Temple,_Tiruppoonturutti Tiruppoonturutti, Tiruvaiyaru http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puthiyakavu_Dev Puthiyakavu Devi Temple, i_Temple Ponkunnam, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raghunath_Temp Raghunath Temple, Jammu le http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajagopalaswam Rajagopalaswamy temple, y_Temple,_Mannargudi Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu, India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajarajeshwara_ Rajarajeshwara Temple, Kannur, Temple Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Mandir,_B Ram Mandir, Bhubaneswar hubaneswar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramachandi_Te Ramachandi Temple, Konark mple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rameshwar_Deul Rameshwar Deula, Bhubaneswar a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramna_Kali_Ma Ramna Kali Mandir ndir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramnathi Ramnathi,Bandivade in Goa India India India India India India India India Indonesia India Indonesia India Thailand India India Indonesia India India India India India India India India Bangla Desh India 8599 Temple 8600 Temple 8601 Temple 8602 Temple 8603 Temple 8604 Temple 8605 Temple 8606 Temple 8607 Temple 8608 Temple 8609 Temple 8610 Temple 8611 Temple 8612 Temple 8613 Temple 8614 Temple 8615 Temple 8616 Temple 8617 Temple 8618 Temple 8619 Temple 8620 Temple 8621 Temple 8622 Temple 8623 Temple 8624 8625 Temple Temple 8626 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranganathaswam Ranganathaswamy Temple, y_Temple,_Bangalore Bangalore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratnagiri_Murug Ratnagiri Murugan Temple, Vellore an_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revanasiddeshwa Revanasiddeshwara betta, ra_betta Ramanagara http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revansiddha_Te Revansiddha Temple, Bijapur, mple Maharashtra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudreshwar_Mah Rudreshwar Mahadev Temple, adev_Temple Uttarakhand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudreswar_Temp Rudreswar Temple, North Guwahati le http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadasiva_Brahme Sadasiva Brahmendra Swami ndra_Swami_Temple Temple, Karur, TamilNadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadayandi_Templ Sadayandi Temple, Kamarajar e Sagar Dam in Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadhimataji%E2 Sadhimataji’s temple,Mehsana %80%99s_temple District http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SahastraBahu_Te SahastraBahu Temples, Nagda in mples Rajasthan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sai_Baba_Templ Sai Baba Temple, Dilsukhnagar, e,_Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakshigopal_Tem Sakshigopal Temple, Puri ple Bhubaneshwar highway in Odisha India India India India India India India India India India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samaleswari_Te mple 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India India India India Saptamatruka Temple,, Jajpur, Odisha Sarangapani Temple, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu Sarasbaug Ganpati, Pune India Satyagnana Sabha, Vadalur in Cuddalore district Savitri (the first consort of Lord Brahma) Sayavaneswarar Temple, Puhar in Nagapattinam district Sekhareswar Temple, Jagatsinghpur district of Orissa Shamlaji, Sabarkantha Shankaracharya Temple, Srinagar, Kashmir Shankaragaurishvara Temple, Patan near Baramulla India India India India India India India India India 8627 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanta_Durga_T Shanta Durga Temple (avatar of India emple Shree Jagdamba Devi who mediates between Vishnu & Shiva), Goa 8628 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatrughna_Tem The Shatrughna Temple, Payammal, India ple Thrissur District, Kerala 8629 8630 Temple Temple 8631 Temple 8632 Temple 8633 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shila_Devi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shitla_Mata_Tem ple,_Patna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiv_Mandir,_A mbarnath 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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundareswarars wamy_Temple,_Thiruppanaiyur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sree_Andalurkav u http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sree_Chovva_Shi va_Temple India India India India India India India Sivasagar Sivadol, Sivasagar, Assam India Someshwar Mahadev Temple, Allahbad Soundareswararswamy Temple, Thiruppanaiyur, Nannilam Sree Andalurkavu, Kannur district, North Kerala Sree Chovva Shiva Temple, Kannur district in the state of Kerala India India India India 8651 Temple 8652 Temple 8653 Temple 8654 Temple 8655 Temple 8656 Temple 8657 Temple 8658 Temple 8659 Temple 8660 Temple 8661 Temple 8662 Temple 8663 Temple 8664 Temple 8665 Temple 8666 Temple 8667 Temple 8668 Temple 8669 Temple 8670 Temple 8671 Temple 8672 Temple 8673 Temple 8674 Temple 8675 Temple 8676 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sree_Maha_Gana pathy_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sree_Poornathray esa_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Maha_Vishn umoorthy_Temple,_Karval,_Yerlapady Sree Maha Ganapathy Temple, Kollam Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple Sri Maha Vishnumoorthy Temple, Udupi district, Karnataka India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Mahaganapat Sri Mahaganapati Temple, i_Temple Vedayapalem, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Manmatha_K Sri Manmatha Karuneshvarar aruneshvarar_Temple Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Mariamman_ Sri Mariamman Temple, Singapore Temple,_Singapore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Nellikulangar Sri Nellikulangara Bhagavathi a_Bhagavathi_Temple Temple, Palakkad district of Kerala India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Rama_Templ e,_Ramapuram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Ranganathas wamy_Temple,_Nellore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Ranganathas wamy_Temple,_Shivanasamudra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Ranganathas wamy_Temple,_Srirangam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Ranganathas wamy_Temple,_Srirangapatna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Ruthra_Kalia mman_Temple 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Veeramakaliamman Temple Singapore Srikalahasti Shiva Temple AP India Sringapuram Mahadeva Temple, Kodungallur in Thrissur District Sri Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple, Srisaila Devasthanam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srivilliputhur_Div Srivilliputhur Divya Desam ya_Desam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sthaneshwar_Ma Sthaneshwar Mahadev Temple, hadev_Temple Thanesar, a holy town in the Kurukshetra district http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subarnameru_Te Subarnameru Temple, Sonepur, mple Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subrahmanya_Te Subrahmanya Temple, Perambur, mple,_Perambur Mayiladuthurai (six faces of Murugan) India India India India India India 8677 Temple 8678 Temple 8679 Temple 8680 Temple 8681 Temple 8682 Temple 8683 8684 Temple Temple 8685 Temple 8686 Temple 8687 Temple 8688 Temple 8689 Temple 8690 Temple 8691 Temple 8692 Temple 8693 Temple 8694 Temple 8695 Temple 8696 Temple 8697 Temple 8698 8699 Temple Temple 8700 Temple 8701 Temple 8702 Temple 8703 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukreswar_Temp Sukreswar Temple,, Assam le http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Temple,_Mo The Sun Temple, Modhera, Gujarat dhera http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sureswari_temple Sureswari temple, Sonepur, Subarnapur district, Orissa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surkanda_Devi Surkanda Devi, Dhanaulti, Tehri District http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadbund_Hanum Tadbund Hanuman temple, an_temple Secunderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tain_Hindu_Man Tain Hindu Mandir dir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanah_Lot Pura Tanah Lot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanot_Mata Tanot Mata Temple, Jaisalmer,India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_du_Colo sse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thakurbari_Tem ple,_Gangtok http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalai_Sanga_Na nmathiyam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thandayuthapani _Temples,_Chettikulam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanjai_Mamani _Koil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanumalayan_T emple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thathamunna India India India India India Guyana Indonesia India Temple of the Colossus Re Union Thakurbari Temple, Gangtok India Thalai Sanga Nanmathiyam, Akkur in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu Thandayuthapani Temples, Chettikulam, Perambalur district Thanjai Mamani Koil, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu The Thanumalayan temple, Suchindram Kanyakumari Thathamunna, Noornad, Alappuzha, Kerala Thindal Murugan Temple, Erode India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thindal_Muruga n_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiru_Aadanoor_ Thiru Aadanoor Temple, Aadanoor, Temple Tamilnadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirumalai_Kovil Thirumalai Kovil, Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirumalida_Swa Thirumalida Swayambhoo Shiva yambhoo_Shiva_temple temple, Mallappally in Pathanamthitta, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirunadhikkara_ Thirunadhikkara Cave Temple, Cave_Temple Thiruvattar in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirunakkara_Sr Thirunakkara Sree Mahadevar ee_Mahadevar_Temple,_Kottayam Temple, Kottayam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirunallar Tirunallar Saniswaran Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiruneermalai Thiruneermalai, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirunelli_Templ Thirunelli Temple e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiruppathisaram Thiruppathisaram, Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirupullabhooth Thirupullabhoothangudi Temple, angudi_Temple Pullabhoothangudi, Tamilnadu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiruvallam_Sree Thiruvallam Sree Parasurama _Parasurama_Temple Temple, Thiruvananthapuram India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India 8704 Temple 8705 Temple 8706 Temple 8707 Temple 8708 Temple 8709 Temple 8710 Temple 8711 8712 Temple Temple 8713 Temple 8714 Temple 8715 Temple 8716 Temple 8717 Temple 8718 Temple 8719 Temple 8720 Temple 8721 Temple 8722 Temple 8723 Temple 8724 Temple 8725 Temple 8726 Temple 8727 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiruvanath_Sree Thiruvanath Sreekrishna Temple, krishna_Temple Ayyanthole in the Thrissur district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiruvanthipura Thiruvanthipuram temple, m_temple Thiruvanthipuram, Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrikkara_Templ Thrikkara Temple, Aluva, Kerala, e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrikodithanam_ Thrikodithanam Mahavishnu Mahavishnu_Temple Temple, TN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrippakudam Thrippakudam, Vaikom, Kottayam district, Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyagaraja_Tem Thyagaraja Temple, Tiruvarur ple,_Tiruvarur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyagaraja_Tem Thyagaraja Temple, Tiruvottiyur ple,_Tiruvottiyur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigawa Tigawa, Bahuriband, Jabalpur. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirumaanturai Tirumaanturai, kollidam river near Lalgudi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirunavaya_Tem Tirunavaya Temple, Tirur in the ple Malappuram district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirusoolanathar_ Tirusoolanathar Temple, Chennai Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichambaram_T Trichambaram Temple, Kannur emple district of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugro_Tara_Temp Ugro Tara Temple, Guwahati le http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ujjaini_Mahakali Ujjaini Mahakali Temple, _Temple Secunderabad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulagalantha_Peru Sri Trivikrama - Ulagalanda mal_Temple,_Tirukoyilur Perumal, the fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Tirukoyilur, Tamil Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undavalli_caves Undavalli caves, Tadepalle Mandal in Guntur District http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Bagh_Dev Upper Bagh Devi Temple, Ganjam i_Temple District in the state of Orissa India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyyakondan_Thi rumalai_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vadakara_Templ e,_Panamattom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vailikulangara_B hagavathi_Temple India Uyyakondan Thirumalai Temple Trichy Vadakara Temple, Panamattom, Kerala. Vailikulangara Bhagavathi Temple, Thrissur district of Kerala India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaishnava_Namb Vaishnava Nambi and i_and_Thirukurungudivalli_Nachiar_Temple Thirukurungudivalli Nachiar Temple, Thirukkurungudi, Tirunelveli district Tamilnadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaitheeswaran_K Vaitheeswaran Koil or oil Pullirukkuvelur, Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu, India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valampurinathar Valampurinathar Temple, _Temple Melaperumpallam, Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vamachara India Vama marga India India 8728 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandiyur_Maria mman_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varadharaja_Per umal_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varaha_Temple,_ Khajuraho http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varahi_Deula,_C haurasi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varasiddhi_Vina yaka_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vayalur_Muruga n_Temple 8729 Temple 8730 Temple 8731 Temple 8732 Temple 8733 Temple 8734 Temple 8735 Temple 8736 Temple 8737 Temple 8738 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veetrirundha_Per umal_Temple 8739 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veliyannur_Ayya ppa_Temple,_Panamattom 8740 Temple 8741 8742 Temple Temple 8743 Temple 8744 Temple 8745 Temple 8746 Temple 8747 Temple 8748 Temple 8749 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velleswarar_Tem ple,_Mangadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vijayadurga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vimleshwar_Tem ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viralimalai_Muru gan_temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virupaksha_Tem ple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu_Temple,_ Bhubaneswar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnupad_Mand ir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vithoba_Temple, _Pandharpur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viyyoor_Shiva_T emple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vriddhagiriswara r_Temple,_Vriddhachalam 8750 Temple 8751 Temple 8752 Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vayilyamkunnu_ Bhagavathi_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedapuriswarar_ Temple,_Thiruvedhikudi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veera_Venkata_ Satyanarayana_Swamy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veerabhadra_Te mple,_Lepakshi Vandiyur Mariamman Temple, Madurai, TamilNadu Varadharaja Perumal Temple Kanchipuram Varah Temple, Khajuraho India India India Varahi Deula, Chaurasi, Orissa in Puri district Varasiddhi Vinayaka Temple, Besant Nagar, Chennai Vayalur Murugan Temple, Tiruchirapalli (Trichy) in Tamil Nadu Vayilyamkunnu Bhagavathi Temple, Palakkad Vedapuriswarar Temple, Thiruvedhikudi,Tiruvaiyaru, Tamilnadu Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy, Annavaram, AP Veerabhadra Temple, Lepakshi, Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh Veetrirundha Perumal Temple,Thiruvidaimarudur taluk of Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu Veliyannur Ayyappa Temple, Panamattom, Panamattom, Kerala India Velleswarar Temple, Mangadu, Chennai Vijayadurga, Ponda Taluka - Goa Vimleshwar Temple, Sanguem taluka in the state of Goa Viralimalai Murugan temple, Manapparai in Tamil Nadu Virupaksha Temple Hampi India Vishnu Temple, Bhubaneswar India Vishnupad Mandir Gaya India Vithoba Temple, Pandharpur India Viyyoor Shiva Temple, Viyyoor, Kerala Vriddhagiriswarar Temple, Vriddhachalam, Cuddalore district India India India India India India India India India India India India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrindavan_Chan Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir, India drodaya_Mandir Mathura -700 Ft, World's Tallest Krishna Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandoor_Siva_T Wandoor Siva Temple, Malappuram India emple district in the state of Kerala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga_Narasimha Yoga Narasimha Temple, Sholingur India _Temple in Tamil Nadu 8753 8754 Temple Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogeshwari Yogeshwari, Ambejogai http://epiac1216.wordpress.com/2009/02/09/a Hindu Temple alongside the Tumba -visit-to-a-hindu-temple-in-panama/ Muerto (Eloy Alfaro) Highway in Panama City http://etirth.wordpress.com/tag/lakshmi/ Lord Vishnu Temples http://fortitudeandchoices.wordpress.com/201 Proud Hindu Cambodia 3/07/20/proud-hindu-cambodia-khambo10/ India Panama 8755 8756 Temple Temple 8757 Temple http://gaudiyadarshan-mng-eng.blogspot.in/ India 8758 Temple http://guruvayoorappanvizag.20m.com/ 8759 Temple http://hemabalaji.wordpress.com/ 8760 Temple http://hill-temples.blogspot.in/ 8761 Temple 8762 8763 Temple Temple Jwala Mukhi Temple Sun Temple Nirath (HP) India India 8764 Temple Temple 8766 Temple Cambodia’s Ancient Shiva Temple Reopens after 50 Years of Renovation Role of Hindu temples in India for social change Hindu Temple planned in NJ Cambodia 8765 http://hilltemples.blogspot.in/2010/11/thirumalaivaiyaavoor-sri-prasanna.html http://himachaltemple.blogspot.com/ http://himachaltemple.blogspot.in/2012/12/su n-temple-nirath.html http://hinduism.about.com/b/2011/07/05/cam bodia-baphun-ancient-shiva-hindureopens.htm http://hinduismglance.wordpress.com/ The Temple of Lord Sri Sri Narshingha Deva in Narshingha Palli, Sri Dham Mayapur Nabadwip Godrum Guruvayoorappan Temple (Sri Krishna Mandir), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Sowmya Keshava Swamy Temple, Nagamangala Pazhaiya Seevaram Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar Thirumalai Vaiyaavoor Sri Prasanna Venkatesa Perumaal near Chennai 8767 Temple 8768 Temple 8769 Temple http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ Hindu Temple, behind Juma 05/hindu-temple-behind-juma-mosque.html Mosque, Rawalpindi, Punjab Pakistan 8770 Temple Hindu Temple, Chiniot, Punjab Pakistan 8771 Temple Hindu Temple, Sialkot, Punjab Pakistan 8772 Temple Hindu Temple, Taxila, Punjab Pakistan 8773 Temple http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ 05/hindu-temple-chiniot-punjab.html http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ 05/hindu-temple-sialkot-punjab.html http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ 05/hindu-temple-taxila-punjab.html http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ 05/kalka-cave-temple-arore-near-rohri.html Kalka Cave Temple, Arore, near Rohri, Sindh Pakistan 8774 Temple 8775 Temple http://hindupad.com/2012/2-million-hindutemple-planned-for-new-york-white-plainshindu-temple/ http://hindutempleburnabybc.com/ India Cambodia India India India India India USA Soni Cultural Society of BC - Hindu Canada Temple Burnaby http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ Hindu Temple, Anarkali Bazaar, Pakistan 05/hindu-temple-anarkali-bazaar-lahore.html Lahore, Punjab http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ Sadhu Bela Temple, Sindh 05/sadhu http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ Sharda Devi Temple, POK 05/sharda-temple-pok.html Pakistan Pakistan 8776 Temple http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ Sri Badoki Temple, Gujranwala, 05/sri-badoki-temple-gujranwala-punjab.html Punjab Pakistan 8777 Temple Toomri Temple, Ghakkhar Mandi, Gujranwala, Punjab Pakistan 8778 Temple http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2009/ 05/toomri-temple-ghakkhar-mandigujranwala.html http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/2011/ 11/gorakhnath-temple-peshawar-nwfp.html Gorakhnath Temple, Peshawar, NWFP Pakistan 8779 Temple World's tallest Hindu temple to come up in Bihar India 8780 Temple http://ibnlive.in.com/news/worlds-tallesthindu-temple-to-come-up-in-bihar/2508683.html http://ilmuhindu.blogspot.in/2011/09/puraagung-blambangan-terbesar-di.html 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://indiatemple.blogspot.com/ http://indiatemple.blogspot.in/ http://iskcon.lagunatemple.org/ http://iskconcape.org.za/ http://iskconkulim.wordpress.com/ http://iskconpmb.za.org/ http://iskcon-probolinggo.blogspot.com/ India India USA South Africa Malaysia South Africa Indonesia 8788 8789 Temple Temple http://iskconsaintaugustine.blogspot.com/ http://iskconsantodomingo.blogspot.com/ Indian Temples and Iconography Indian Temples and Iconography ISKCON Laguna Beach Temple ISKCON Cape Town ISKCON Kulim Branch ISKCON Pietermaritzburg ISKCON Probolinggo, East Java Province, Indonesia ISKCON Saint Augustine, Florida ISKCON Santo Domingo 8790 Temple http://iskconsantodomingo.blogspot.in/ Iskcon Santo Domingo Dominican Republic 8791 8792 Temple Temple ISKCON Taiping ISKCON Malaysia Azerbaijan 8793 Temple ISKCON Belarus Belarus 8794 Temple ISKCON Bosnia Bosnia 8795 Temple ISKCON China China 8796 Temple ISKCON Code Di Voire Ivory Coast 8797 Temple ISKCON Estonia Estonia 8798 Temple ISKCON Fiji Fiji 8799 Temple ISKCON Georgia Georgia 8800 Temple ISKCON Guyana Guyana 8801 Temple ISKCON Jakrta Indonesia 8802 Temple ISKCON Bishkek Kyrgyzstan 8803 Temple ISKCON Myanmar Myanmar 8804 Temple ISKCON Nigeria Nigeria 8805 Temple http://iskcontaiping.blogspot.in/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/azerbaijan/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/belarus/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/bosnia-and-herzegovina/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/china/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/cote-divoire/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/estonia/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/fiji/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/georgia/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/guyana/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/indonesia/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/kyrgyzstan/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/myanmar/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/nigeria/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/togo/ ISKCON Togo Togo Pura Agung Blambangan, Largest in Indonesia Banyuwangi (East Java) USA Dominican Republic 8806 Temple http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/uganda/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/uzbekistan/ http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/harekrishna-links/zimbabwe/ http://jagannathblr.50webs.com/jagannath.ht ml ISKCON Kampala Uganda 8807 Temple ISKCON Tashkent Uzbekistan 8808 Temple ISKCON Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 8809 Temple India http://jairamapir.blogspot.in/ http://java.eyelid.co.uk/temples5.html Sri Jagannath or the Lord of the Universe - The Temple of Jagannath at Puri Sri Jagannath Puri Dham Information Sri Ramdev pir Pakistan Lord Shiva Temple, Sambisari, Java 8810 Temple http://jagannathpuri-info.net/ 8811 8812 Temple Temple 8813 Temple http://java.uluwatu.org/html/nationalpark/pura-luhur-poten.shtml http://jawatimuran.wordpress.com/2012/07/2 1/pura-mandaragiri-semeru-agung/ http://kashmirparadise.blogspot.com/2009/05/ mata-kheer-bhawani-ragnya-in-tullmulla.html Pura Luhur Poten - Bromo-Tengger- Indonesia Semeru National Park Pura Agung Semeru Mandaragiri - Indonesia Java Mata kheer Bhawani Ragnya India Tullmulla Kashmir 8814 Temple 8815 Temple 8816 Temple http://kashmirtourism.thecolorsofindia.com/ja Martand Sun Temple Kashmir mmu-kashmir/martand-sun-temple.html India 8817 8818 Temple Temple Konark Navagraha Temple Brahmapureeswarar Temple, Thirupattur India India 8819 8820 Temple Temple ISKCON München Hastinapur, the city of wisdom, in Argentina Germany Argentina 8821 8822 Temple Temple http://konark.nic.in/nava.HTM http://kovil-nkathai.blogspot.com/2008/06/brahmapureesw arar-temple-thirupattur.html http://krishnaloft.jimdo.com/ http://latinamericanaffairs.blogspot.com/2011/ 06/hastinapurcity-of-wisdom-inargentina.html http://laxmivishnu.blogspot.in/ http://londonmandir.baps.org/ 8823 Temple 8824 India Pakistan Indonesia Laxmi Narayan Shree Swaminarayan Temples, Neasden, London http://lordshiva.templesonnet.com/paadalTirumagaral - Arulmigu petra-stalam/thondai-naadu/tirumagaral.shtml Maagaraleeswarar Temple India UK Temple http://lordshiva.templesonnet.com/paadalTirumalpur - Arulmigu petra-stalam/thondai-naadu/tirumalpur.shtml Manikandeswarar Temple India 8825 Temple http://lordswaminarayan.org.uk/ UK 8826 Temple 8827 Temple 8828 8829 8830 8831 Temple Temple Temple Temple 8832 Temple Shree Kutch Satsang Swaminarayan Temple Bolton http://maadevalayalu.blogspot.in/ Sri Swayambhu Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy, Kanipakam, Chittoor Dist. http://maadevalayalu.blogspot.in/2010/12/sriv Srivilliputhur Divya Desam, illiputhur-andal-temple.html Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://makaleshwarjyotirlinga.blogspot.in/ Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga http://mandir.askdefine.com/ Hindu temple or Mandir http://mandir.webmauritius.com/ Shiv Shakti Mandir Mauritius http://mandir.webmauritius.com/hanumanchal Shiv Shakti Mandir, Mauritius isatranslation.php http://mansadevi.nic.in/ Mata Mansa Devi Temple & Shrine Board India India India India India Mauritius Mauritius India 8833 Temple 8834 Temple 8835 8836 Temple Temple 8837 Temple 8838 Temple 8839 Temple 8840 Temple 8841 8842 Temple Temple 8843 8844 Temple Temple 8845 Temple 8846 Temple 8847 Temple 8848 http://marriagetemples.blogspot.in/2013/03/most-populartemples-in-karnataka.html http://mehandipurbalaji.tripod.com/ Marriage Temples in South India India Shri Balaji Maharaj,Mehandipur, Rajasthan http://melbournevinayagar.org.au/ Sri Vakratunda Vinayaka Temple http://melrosetemple.org.za/ The Johannesburg Melrose Shree Siva Subramaniar Temple http://melrosetemple.org.za/Melrose_Muruga/ The Johannesburg Melrose Shree Home.html Siva Subramaniar Temple http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/p/m/2029 Sri Srinivasagar Kaliamman Temple 6d/ http://mosttemple.blogspot.in/2013/06/penatar Penataran temple. beautiful temple an-temple-beautiful-temple-in.html in East Java http://naukuchiyatal.blogspot.com/2008/08/jai Hanuman Mandir Bhim Tal -hanuman.html http://neelkanthmahadev.blogspot.in/ NeelKanth Mahadev Rishikesh http://nynadevi.tripod.com/ Sri Nagapooshani Ambika Sameda Nagalingeshwara Thirukovil Ontario India Omkareshwar Temple Shiva Dole, Sivasagar, Assam India India Vishnu Dole Sivasagar, Assam India Dolakaha Bhimsen Temple, Nepal Nepal Mahankal Devi Temple Nepal Nepal Temple http://omkareshwar-temple.guialis.co.in/ http://onlinesivasagar.com/tourism/Shiva_Dol e.htm http://onlinesivasagar.com/tourism/vishnudole.html http://ourdolakha.wordpress.com/2011/11/13/ dolakaha-bhimsen-temple/ http://ourdolakha.wordpress.com/2011/11/13/ mahankal-devi-temple/ http://ourmandir.com/calendarOfEvents.html Vishwa Bhavan Mandir USA 8849 Temple http://perfectionofyoga.wordpress.com/ Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day – Brisbane Temple & The Perfection of Yoga USA 8850 Temple Temple Temple Temple Mahavan - Adi Varaha Temple, Mathura Perungavoor temple renovation Photos Divyadesam Hindu Temples List, Hindu Temples Information, Hindu Web Directory India 8851 8852 8853 http://perfectlivingbeing.blogspot.in/2013/04/ mahavan-adi-varaha-temple.html http://perungavoor.blogspot.in/ http://photos.divyadesam.com/ http://photos.hindulistings.com/ 8854 Temple 8855 Temple 8856 Temple 8857 Temple 8858 8859 Temple Temple 8860 Temple http://phototravelings.blogspot.in/2011/12/hat Hatu Temple near Narkanda and u-temple-near-narkanda-and-tani.html Tani-Jubber Lake in Himachal Pradesh, INDIA http://premmandirvrindavanmathura.blogspot. Prem Mandir, Vrindavan,Radha in/ Madhav Society, Mathura http://rajathathaskeralatemples.blogspot.com/ Ochira Para Brahma temple Kerala 2010/02/ochira-para-brahma-temple.html http://rajeev2004.blogspot.in/2007/01/ancient- http://rajeev2004.blogspot.in/2007/0 vishnu-statue-found-in-russian.html 1/ancient-vishnu-statue-found-inrussian.html http://ramapir.webs.com/ Shri Ram Dev Sarvsidh Kari http://reginakrishnatemple.blogspot.ca/ Shri Shri Radha Krishna Temple Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada http://richmondkrishna.wordpress.com/ ISKCON of Richmond, Virginia Australia South Africa South Africa Malaysia Indonesia India India Canada India India India India India India India Pakistan Canada USA 8861 Temple 8862 8863 8864 Temple Temple Temple 8865 8866 Temple Temple 8867 8868 Temple Temple 8869 8870 8871 http://ruthrakali.org.sg/ Sri Ruthrakaliamman Temple, Singapore http://sabarimala.kerala.gov.in/ Sabrimala Temple http://salasardham.co.in/ Salasar Balaji Dham http://samharshbangalore.blogspot.in/2012/11 Alampur Navabrahma Temples /the-nava-brahma-temples.html dedicated to Lord Brahma http://saneeswarantemple.blogspot.in/ Thirunallar Saneeswaran Temple http://sdc-world.blogspot.in/2011/12/firstFirst Vedic Temple in Mongolia vedic-temple-in-mongolia.html India Russia India Temple Temple Temple http://shaivayoga.freehostia.com/ http://shaktipeethas18or51or108.blogspot.co m/ http://shantimandiraustralia.com.au/ http://shivayoga.awardspace.biz/ http://shreenavdurgamandir.blogspot.in/ 8872 Temple http://shrigaayatrimandir.tripod.com/ 8873 8874 8875 Temple Temple Temple http://shritrimbakeshwar.blogspot.com/ http://sindhimandirs.wordpress.com/ http://sivantemple.webs.com/ 8876 8877 Temple Temple 8878 Temple 8879 8880 Temple Temple 8881 Temple 8882 Temple 8883 Temple 8884 Temple 8885 Temple 8886 Temple 8887 8888 Temple Temple 8889 8890 Temple Temple 8891 Temple Shiva Temple shakti peethas /ashta dasa (18) shakti peetha Shanti Mandir Shiva Temple Shree Nav Durga Mandir, Parma; Italy Shri Gaayatri Mandir Minneapolis India India India India Mongolia Australia Russia Italy USA Shri Kshetra Trimbakeshwar Sindhi Mandirs & Information Lord Sivan Temple Alisoor Village, Uthiramerur Taluk, Kanchipuram District http://sivayoga.freehostia.com/eng/ Shiva Temple http://socioparivar.wordpress.com/ Five Storey 222 ft Angkor Nagar Temple in Vaisali, Bihar;Angkor Wat, Chanakya http://spiritualyearnings.blogspot.in/2013/04/ Vineet's Spiritual Yearnings -Maa maa-sankatha-devi-raebareli.html Sankatha Devi, Raebareli http://srikalahastiswaraswamy.webs.com/ Sri Kala Hasti Temple http://srikrishnachaitanya.rajahmundry.me/Ar Lord Krishna Temple, Rajahmundry ticle/ http://sriramv.wordpress.com/tag/kapaliswara Kapaliswarar Temple, Chennai r-temple/ http://srisailam.co.in/ Sri Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple, Srisaila Devasthanam http://srivilliputur.wordpress.com/ Arulmigu Srivilliputhur Andal Temple, Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://srivishnu.templesonnet.com/108-divya- Thiru Vellikeni - Sri Parthasarathy Temple desams/thondai-nadu/thiru-vellikenitemple.shtml http://srivishnu.templesonnet.com/108-divya- Thiru Neermalai - Sri Neervanna desams/thondai-nadu/tiruneermalaiPerumal Temple temple.shtml http://sstmelbourne.org.au/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Melbourne http://sukadev.blogspot.in/ Sri Sukhavaneswarar temple http://swaminarayankarachi.blogspot.in/ Shri SwamiNarayan Temple The Swaminarayan Mandir, Karachi http://swamysaranam.co.in/ Lord Ayyappan http://swedish-bhutanHindu Temple in Bhutan society.org/en/hinduiska-templet-i-thimphu/ India India India http://temple.dinamalar.com/en/new_en.php?i Sri Sukhavaneswarar temple d=780 India Russia India India India India India India India India India Australia India Pakistan India Bhutan 8892 8893 Temple Temple 8894 Temple 8895 8896 Temple Temple 8897 8898 Temple Temple 8899 8900 Temple Temple 8901 Temple 8902 Temple 8903 Temple 8904 Temple 8905 http://templedarshan.blogspot.in/ http://temples.holydrops.com/chintapurnitemple-31.htm Thaipusam Chintpurni Temple, Chintpurni village of Una district in Himachal Pradesh http://temples.holydrops.com/jwalamukhiThe Jwalamukhi temple, Himachal temple-32.htm Pradesh http://theemerald.wordpress.com/ Maha Ganesha http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/tra Pura Luhur Poten Temple veler-magazine/photocontest/2012/entries/148063/view/ http://ujjaindeities.blogspot.in/ ISKCON Ujjain http://unmyst3.blogspot.in/2008/10/prambana Mysteries of Prambanan Temple n-temple.html http://valluvanad.bravepages.com/ Temples of Valluvanad, Kerala http://varanasi-temples.com/category/vishnu- Vishnu Temples of varanasi temples/ http://vellore.olx.in/vellore-city-land-for-sale- Vellore city land fof Sri Puram sri-puram-golden-temple-near-iid-321361436 (golden temple) Malaysia India http://villagegods.blogspot.in/ Poy cholla meyyar Bhadra kali of Moolangudi http://vishnuangadipuram.blogspot.in/ Thirumanthamkunnu Temple in Angadipuram, Kerala http://wanderingtrader.com/travelHindu Temple in Paramaribo, photos/hindu-temple-in-paramaribo-suriname/ Suriname India Temple http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/295/ Indonesia 8906 Temple 8907 Temple http://wikimapia.org/13572136/NarsinghSri Narsingh Mandir Joshimath Mandir Peetambra Peeth Datia, MP http://wikimapia.org/1502274/PitambaraPeeth-Datia%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%A4 %E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%8D %E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%A0%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BF %E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%BE 8908 Temple 8909 Temple 8910 Temple 8911 8912 8913 Sukuh Hindu Temple India India Indonesia India Indonesia India India India India Suriname India India http://wikimapia.org/176366/Shiv-MurtiMandir-Complex http://wikimapia.org/275483/Khed-BrahmaGujarat-India http://worldhindunews.com/2013101110465/ hindu-tamil-temple-consecrated-in-myanmar/ Shiv Murti Mandir Complex near Delhi Airport Khed Brahma, Gujarat, India India Temple Temple Temple http://www.108shiva.com/ http://www.12jyotirlinga.com/ http://www.1ruweb.co.cc/ 108 Shiva Temple of Georgia Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas Shiva Temple 8914 8915 8916 Temple Temple Temple 360 Degree Darshan Holy Darshan of Temples Brahma Temple Pushkar 8917 8918 Temple Temple http://www.360darshan.com/ http://www.360darshan.com/en http://www.aalayavanimagazine.org/category/ graha-balam/thidhi/ http://www.aberdeentemple.org.uk/ http://www.ahobilamutt.org/ USA India Cocos Island (Australia) India India India Aberdeen Hindu Association Sri Ahobila Matam Tennessee UK USA India Hindu Tamil Temple Consecrated In Myanmar Myanmar 8919 8920 Temple Temple 8921 Temple 8922 8923 Temple Temple 8924 8925 Temple Temple 8926 Temple 8927 Temple 8928 Temple 8929 Temple 8930 Temple 8931 http://www.akshardham.com/ http://www.akshardham.com/gujarat/attractio ns/index.htm http://www.akshardham.com/gujarat/monume nt/index.htm http://www.akshardham.org.in/ http://www.aksharordi.com/ Akshardham Temple Delhi Akshardham Gandhinagar India India Akshardham Gandhi Nagar India Akshardham Gandhi Nagar Shree Swaminarayan Temple Bhavnagar -Gadhpur Aksharordi Seva http://www.alachuatemple.com/ ISKCON Alachua, Florida http://www.albanyhindutemple.org/ Hindu Temple Society of Capital District New York http://www.alltravels.com/ghana/central/obutu Lord Shiva temple,hindu monastery /photos/current-photo-81003573 of africa,accra, Ghana http://www.ambajitemple.in/ Shri Arasuri Ambaji Mata Devasthan Trust (SAAMDT) http://www.ambaltemple.org/ Sri Muthu Maari Ambal Temple Ontario http://www.amirdham.com/ Sree Amritha Chiranjeevini temples India India Ram Tirath Amritsar India Temple http://www.amritsarbuzz.com/amritsar/ramtirath-amritsar.php http://www.anandamandir.org/ USA 8932 Temple http://www.ananthapuratemple.com/ Ananda Mandir Somerset - New Jersey Sri Ananthapadmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasaragod District, Kerala 8933 Temple 8934 Temple http://www.angelfire.com/folk/iskcon-kuching Sri Sri Lakshmi Nrsimha Mandir Malaysia Kuching http://www.angelfire.com/wi/mandir/ Hindu Mandir of Central New York USA 8935 Temple http://www.angkor-visit.com/angkor_wat.html Angkor Wat France 8936 8937 Temple Temple http://www.angkorwhat.net/ http://www.annavaramdevasthanam.nic.in/ Cambodia India 8938 Temple 8939 Temple Angkor Wat Temple Sri Satyanarayana swamivari Devasthanam, Andhra Pradesh http://www.antya.com/detail/Sri-VeeraSri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Venkata-Satyanarayana-Temple/69145 Temple Louisiana http://www.aptdc.in/Vijayawada/krishna.php Kanaka Durga Temple 8940 Temple http://www.arasavallisungod.org/ 8941 Temple http://www.arshavidya.org/ 8942 Temple http://www.art-andarchaeology.com/india/elephanta/ele02.html 8943 Temple http://www.art-andarchaeology.com/lanka/sitaeliya/si01.html Sita Amman Temple, Sita Eliya Village, Sri Lanka 8944 Temple http://www.arunachala.org/ Arunachala Ashrama - Bhagavan Sri USA Ramana Maharshi Center New York 8945 Temple http://www.arunachaleswarar.com/ Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple India USA USA Ghana India Canada India India USA India Om Sri Suryanarayana Swamy Vari India Devasthanam Arasavalli Srikakulam Arsha Vidya Gurukulam Sri Medha USA Dakshinamurthi and Ganesha Temple Pennsylvania Elephanta Caves India Sri Lanka 8946 Temple http://www.arunachaleswarar.org/ Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple India 8947 8948 8949 Temple Temple Temple http://www.aryaspiritualcenter.com/ http://www.ashtalakshmi.org http://www.ashtasakhimandir.org/ USA USA India 8950 8951 Temple Temple http://www.ashtavinayak.net/ http://www.ashtavinayaktemples.com/ 8952 Temple 8953 Temple Temple 8955 8956 Temple Temple http://www.atlantaharekrishnas.com/ http://www.atlantaharekrishnas.org/ 8957 Temple http://www.attukal.org/ Lord Kala Bhairava Temple, Hanuman Dokha, Nepal BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Georgia Atlanta Hare Krishna Temple ISKCON Atlanta, Georgia Hare Krishna Temple Attukal Bhagavathy Temple Kerala Nepal 8954 http://www.asiarooms.com/en/travelguide/indonesia/lombok/sightseeing-inlombok/pura-meru-temple-lombok.html http://www.astrologyforu.com/temples/lordkala-bhairava-temple-nepal.htm http://www.atlanta.baps.org/ Arya Spiritual Center New York Ashtalakshmi Temple Shree Radha Ras Bihari Ashta Sakhi Mandir, Mathura Ashtavinayak Temples & Yatra Ashtavinayaka (or eight Ganeshas), Maharashtra Pura Meru Temple Lombok 8958 Temple http://www.aucklandsriganeshtemple.com/ Auckland Sri Ganesh Temple New Zealand 8959 Temple http://www.augustahts.org/ Hindu Temple Society of Augusta USA 8960 Temple http://www.austinhindutemple.org/ 8961 Temple 8962 Temple 8963 8964 Temple Temple 8965 Temple 8966 Temple 8967 8968 Temple Temple 8969 Temple 8970 Temple 8971 Temple 8972 Temple 8973 8974 Temple Temple 8975 Temple 8976 Temple Austin Hindu Temple & Community USA Center http://www.autoriteapsara.org/en/angkor/temp Angkor Temple Cambodia les_sites.html http://www.avadhuta.hr/ ISKCON Karlovac - Udruga Croatia Avadhuta http://www.ayyappaa.org.za/ Shree Ayyappa Kshetram South Africa http://www.ayyappan.com/ Sri Ayyappan Temple, Toronto, Canada Ontorio, Canada http://www.ayyappancanada.com/ Swamy Ayyappan Temple at Canada Toronto, Canada http://www.ayyappatemple.in/ Sri Ramakrishna Ayyar Ayyappa India Baktha Sabai http://www.ayyappatemple.org/ Sree Dharmasaastha Temple India http://www.baba.org/ Sai Baba Temple Pittsburgh, USA Pennsylvania http://www.babadham.net/ Baidyanath Dham -one of the twelve India Jyothirlingams, Jharkhand http://www.babadham.org/ Baba Baidyanath Temple, Deoghar, India Jharkhand http://www.babamandir.org Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir (SSJM), USA Chandra Gannavarapu http://www.babamandir.org/ Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir Houston USA Texas http://www.babashyam.com/ Baba Shyam Khatu Dham India http://www.babulnath.com/ Temple of Lord Babulnath [Lord India Shiva] Mumbai http://www.badamibanashankari.org/ Banashankari Amma Temple India Badami Karnataka http://www.badrinath-kedarnathtemple.com/ Badrinath Kedarnath Temple India 8977 Temple http://www.badrinathtemple.co.in/ Badrinath Temple India India Indonesia USA USA USA India India 8978 8979 8980 Temple Temple Temple 8981 Temple 8982 8983 8984 Temple Temple Temple 8985 Temple 8986 Temple 8987 Temple 8988 Temple 8989 Temple 8990 Temple 8991 Temple 8992 Temple 8993 Temple 8994 http://www.bakersfieldhindutemple.com/ http://www.balaji.net/ http://www.balaji.org/ Hindu Temple of Kern County Lord Venkateshwara Sri Venkateswara Temple, Aurora [Chicago], Illinois http://www.balajibotswana.co.bw/ Botswana Hindu Charities Trust (BHCT) Balaji Temple http://www.balajikidhani.com/ Salasar Balaji Dham http://www.balajinerul.com/ Balaji Temple Nerul Maharashtra http://www.balapurganesh.com/ Balapur Ganesh Utsava Samithi Hyderabad http://www.baliheaven.com/blog/thePura Panataran Agung at Mt. towering-mount-agung Agung- The Trinity Temples http://www.baltimoretemple.org/ Greater Baltimore Hindu Jain Temple Maryland http://www.bangkok.com/shrines/erawanErawan Shrine (Brahma Temple) in shrine.htm Bangkok http://www.bankeybihari.info/ Vridavan Bankey Bihari Temple Mathura http://www.bapschinohills.org/ BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Chino Hills, California http://www.basaratemple.org/ Gnana Saraswati Temple, Basar, Andra Pradesh http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10401741 Ghana's unique African-Hindu temple http://www.bhadrachalarama.org/ Sree Seetha Ramachandra Swamy shrine at Bhadrachalam http://www.bhagatkanwarram.com/Hinglaj_M Hingal Raj Mataji Temple ata_Yatra/hinglaj_mata_jee_temple.htm Baloachistan Pakistan USA India USA Temple http://www.bhaktibag.com/ India 8995 8996 8997 Temple Temple Temple http://www.bhaktimarga.pl/ http://www.bhaktiyogazentrum.de/ http://www.bhamhindutemple.org/ 8998 8999 Temple Temple http://www.bharatiyamandir.org/ http://www.bharatiya-temple.org/ 9000 Temple http://www.bhartiyaculturalsociety.com/ 9001 Temple http://www.bhimashankar.in/ 9002 Temple http://www.bhimsankarjyotirling.com/ Bhartiya Cultural Society of Alberta Canada Alberta Shivatirtha Bhimashankar India Jyotirlinga, Sahyadri Hills, Maharashtra OM Bhimasankaraya Jyotirlingaya India 9003 Temple http://www.bhujmandir.org/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Bhuj India 9004 9005 9006 Temple Temple Temple http://www.bhuvaneshwarmandir.com/ http://www.bigtemple.in/ http://www.bindiganaviletemple.net/ USA India India 9007 9008 9009 Temple Temple Temple http://www.boisetemple.org/ http://www.brahmatemple.in/ http://www.brahmatemple.org/ 9010 Temple http://www.bristolhindutemple.co.uk/ Bhuvaneshwar Mandir NY The Brahadiswara Temple, TN Bindignavile Sri Vynatheya Bhakta Mandali Boise Hare Krishna Temple Brahma Temple Pushkar Sri Brahmapureeswarar Temple, Tirupattur Bristol Hindu Temple Bristol Bhakti Bag Shree Swaminarayan Temple Gadhpur Bhavnagar Bhakti Marga Poland ISKCON Hamburg Birmingham Hindu Temple and Cultural Center Bharatiya Mandir New York Bharathiya Temple of Troy Michigan Botswana India India India Indonesia USA Thailand India USA India Ghana India Pakistan Poland Germany USA USA USA USA India India UK 9011 Temple http://www.br-sao.gangamatas.com/ Ganga Mata Gaudiya Math Temple Brazil 9012 Temple http://www.b-temple.org/ USA 9013 9014 Temple Temple http://www.catemple.org/ http://www.celextel.org/108upanishads/ 9015 Temple http://www.chakkulathukavutemple.org/ 9016 Temple http://www.chamundi.org/ Bharatiya Temple and Bharatiya Cultural Center, PA Shree Krishna Brundavanam Vedanta Spiritual Library 108 Upanishads Chakkulathukavu Sree Bhagavathy Temple, Kerala Shree Chaamundeshwari Kshetram, AP 9017 Temple 9018 Temple 9019 Temple 9020 Temple 9021 Temple 9022 Temple 9023 9024 Temple Temple 9025 Temple 9026 Temple 9027 9028 Temple Temple 9029 Temple 9030 Temple http://www.chandiramani.com/ganeshatemple Ganesha Temples in Indonesia Java s.html http://www.changetheirlife.org/ Shri Kanaga Thurkkai Amman Temple London http://www.changiramartemple.com/ Shri Guru Raghavendra Swamy Brindavan - Sri Changi Ramar Temple http://www.chengannurtemple.com/ Chengannur Mahadevar Temple, Allappuzha, Kerala http://www.chettikulangara.org/ Chettikulangara Devi Temple, Chettikulangara, Mavelikkara Alappuzha, Kerala http://www.chhapaiya.com/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Chhapaiya http://www.chhattarpurmandir.org/ Chattarpur Temple, Delhi http://www.chicago.baps.org/ Swaminarayan Mandir (BAPS) Illinois http://www.chidambaram.net/ Sri Nataraja [Siva] Temple, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu http://www.chidambaram.rajadeekshithar.co Raja Deekshithar, The Temple of m/ The Dancing Shiva http://www.chidambaramnataraja.org/ Chidambaram Nataraja Temple http://www.chinmayadc.org/ Chinmaya Mission Washington Regional Center Maryland http://www.chottanikkaraamma.com/ Valamchuzy Temple Mallasserry, Kerala http://www.chottanikkarabhagavathy.org/ Sri Chottanikkara Bhagavathy Temple -Cochin Dewaswom Board 9031 Temple http://www.cincinnatitemple.com/ 9032 Temple 9033 9034 Temple Temple USA UK 9035 Temple http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/ Jai Kali Karachi Wali 00islamlinks/txt_kali_karachi/txt_kali_karach i.html http://www.columbushindutemple.org/ Bharatiya Hindu Temple Ohio http://www.crawleyhindu.com/ The Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Ltd Sanatan Mandir Crawley http://www.cvhts.org/ Connecticut Valley Hindu Temple Society, Middletown, CT 06457, 9036 Temple http://www.dagdushethganpati.com/ India 9037 Temple http://www.dakshineswar.com/ USA India India India Indonesia UK Singapore India India India India USA India India India USA India India Hindu Temple of Greater Cincinnati USA Ohio -Ref Bharat Vala Patel The Shrimant Dagdusheth Halwai Sarvajanik Ganapati Trust Sri Sri Jagadiswari Mahakali UK USA India 9038 Temple http://www.dakshineswarkalitemple.org/ India http://www.dallashanuman.org/ Dakshineswar Kali Temple West Bengal Karya Siddhi Hanuman Dallas TX 9039 Temple 9040 9041 Temple Temple http://www.darbargadh.com/ http://www.dattamandirpune.com/ Darbar Gadh Dagdu Halwai Datta Mandir Pune India India 9042 9043 9044 Temple Temple Temple http://www.dattatemple.com/ http://www.daytontemple.org/ http://www.dcunitedtemples.org/ 9045 Temple 9046 9047 Temple Temple 9048 9049 Temple Temple 9050 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 USA Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Datta Temple and Hall of Trinity Hindu Temple of Dayton Ohio The Association of United Hindu and Jain Temples of Metropolitan Washington DC http://www.deccanabroad.com/madhyaThe Madhya Kailash Temple is a kailash-temple/ Hindu temple in Midrand, South Africa. http://www.deitydarshan.com/ ISKCON Mumbai Deity Darshan http://www.delhitourismonline.com/laxminara Laxminarayan Temple yantemple.htm http://www.desikantemples.net/ Desikan Temple Karnataka http://www.destination360.com/caribbean/trin Temple in the Sea at Waterloo idad-and-tobago/waterloo http://www.detroitiskconlive.com/ ISKCON Detroit, Michigan http://www.devata.org/ Angkor Wat Temple http://www.devimandir.com/ Devi Mandir Ontario http://www.devotionalsongs.com/ Devotional Songs http://www.dfwhindutemple.org/ DFW Hindu Temple & Society http://www.dhamseva.com/ Dharam Seva http://www.dhyanalinga.org/ Isha Foundation Coimbatore Temple USA Cambodia Canada India USA USA India 9057 Temple http://www.dhyanapeetamhindutemple.org/ USA 9058 Temple 9059 9060 9061 Temple Temple Temple 9062 9063 Temple Temple 9064 Temple Vedic Temple - Paramahamsa Nithyananda http://www.dijitalimaj.com/alamyDetail.aspx? Bajinath Mahadev Shiva temple in Himachal Pradesh India renovated img=%7BFEB95269-24EE-4834-BCCBby Britisher 9EBDB91B4C03%7D http://www.divinecrunch.com/ Shri Nathji http://www.doddamallurtemple.net/ Doddamallur temple Karnataka http://www.durbanhindutemple.co.za/ Durban Hindu Temple - Shree Thakurdwara and Dharmashala http://www.durga.org/ Durga Mandir http://www.durgamandir.com/ Durga MandirSouth Brunswick New Jersey http://www.durgamma.com/ Sri Durga Malleswara Swamy Varla Devastanams , INDRAKEELADRI 9065 9066 Temple Temple http://www.durgashivamandirinc.cjb.net/ http://www.durgatemple.ca/ USA Canada 9067 9068 9069 Temple Temple Temple http://www.durgatemple.org/ http://www.durgianamandir.com/ http://www.durgpurmahatmya.com/ 9070 Temple http://www.durka.com/ 9071 Temple http://www.dwarakatirumala.org/ 9072 Temple http://www.dwarkadhish.org/ Durga Shiva Mandir New York Vishva Shakti Durga Mandir Association Ontario Durga Temple Virginia Durgiana Mandir Amritsar Durgpur Mahatmya Gadhpur Bhavnagar Toronto Sridurka Hindu Temple Ontario Sri Venkateswara Swami Vari Devasthanam - Dwaraka Tirumala, West Godawari Jagad Mandir - Dwarka USA USA USA South Africa India India India Trinidad & Tobago India India India South Africa India USA India USA India India Canada India India 9073 Temple http://www.dwarkadhish.org/Mathuragaman. Mathura Dwarkadhish Temple aspx http://www.dwarkadhishtemple.org/ Shree Dwarkadhish Temple - Shri Bhakti Nidhi Trust Inc. New Jersey India 9074 Temple 9075 9076 Temple Temple http://www.dwarkadishtemple.co.in/ http://www.dwarkamai.com/ India USA 9077 Temple http://www.easstemple.com/ 9078 9079 9080 Temple Temple Temple http://www.eastlondontemple.com/ http://www.easy.com.au/srimandr http://www.ebalajitemple.com/ 9081 Temple http://www.edakkunnitemple.org/ 9082 9083 Temple Temple http://www.eklingji.com/ http://www.ektamandir.org/ Dwarkadhish temple, Shri Dwarkamai Vidyapeeth, Shirdi Sai Baba Temple MA Swamim Narayan Temple Nairobi Kenya Radha Krishna Temple London Sri Mandir Portland Balaji Temple, sboro, Oregon Edakkunni Sri Durga Bhagavathy Temple, Kerala Shri Eklingji Temple, Rajasthan Bharatiya Ekta Mandir of Arizona 9084 9085 Temple Temple Ekta Mandir, Phoenix, Arizona Hare Krishna Honduras Cultural Centre USA Honduras 9086 Temple http://www.ektamandirarizona.org/ http://www.elheraldo.hn/SeccionesPrincipales/Al-Frente/Refugio-hindu-en-lacapital-hondurena http://www.emp.pdx.edu/htliono/nandi.html Indonesia 9087 Temple http://www.emp.pdx.edu/htliono/wisnu.html 9088 Temple 9089 Temple http://www.esamskriti.com/photodetail/Hindu-temples-Bangkok.aspx http://www.esrividya.org/ Nandi Temple prambanan, Yogyakarta, Java Wisnu Temple Prambanan, Yogyakarta, Java Hindu Symbols in Thailand 9090 Temple http://www.esrividya.org/home.aspx 9091 Temple 9092 Temple 9093 Temple 9094 Temple 9095 Temple 9096 Temple 9097 Temple 9098 Temple 9099 Temple 9100 Temple USA Kenya UK Australia USA India India USA Indonesia Thailand Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam New York USA Sri Rajarajeswari Temple - Sri Rajarajeswari Peetham - Sri Vidya Temple Society (SVTS) http://www.etawau.com/Religion/Hinduism/Sr Sri Murugan Temple in Tawau iMurugan.htm http://www.ettumanoortemple.in/ Ettumanoor Sree Mahadeva Temple, Ettumanoor, Kottayam http://www.euttaranchal.com/culture/temples/ Hariyali Devi Temple Rudraprayag hariyali_devi.php http://www.exeterhindutemple.co.uk/ Exeter Hindu Temple. UK Mr. Prem Sivlal http://www.facebook.com/iskconsrisriradham ISKCON Makati adhavamandir#!/iskconsrisriradhamadhavama ndir?sk=info http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shree-Hindu- Shree Hindu Seva Samaj, Lilongwe (MALAWI) Seva-Samaj-LilongweMALAWI/236910826348272 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sri-SriISKCON Bali – Denpasar Jagannath-GauranggaAshram/139682159386631?v=wall&viewas= 0 http://www.fhosm.com/ Shiva Mandir Florida Hindu Organization Inc http://www.floridashirdisai.org/ The Florida Shirdi Sai BABA Temple http://www.fmhtcc.org/ Flower Mound Hindu Temple India Malaysia India India India Philippines Malawi Indonesia USA USA USA 9101 Temple 9102 Temple 9103 9104 Temple Temple 9105 Temple 9106 Temple 9107 9108 9109 9110 9111 9112 http://www.franzheinzel.narod.ru/ Russia Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple of Shiva and Shakti in Moscow http://www.franzheinzel.narod.ru/eng/index.ht Shiv Shakti Temple ml http://www.freewebs.com/temptown/ Temple Town Kumbakonam http://www.fremonttemple.org/ Fremont Hindu Temple & Cultural Center http://www.gajananmaharajshegaontemple.co Shri Gajanan Maharaj, Shegaon m/ (Buldhana District), Maharashtra, http://www.ganapati.org/ Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona, Maricopa, Arizona http://www.ganeshatemple.org/ Sri Ganesha Temple Tennessee http://www.ganeshtemple.org/ Ganesh Temple http://www.gangamatas.com/ Ganga Mata Temple London http://www.gaura.com.br/ Gaura Mandir -Bhakti Centers http://www.gayatricenter.org/ Gayatri Chetna Center NJ http://www.gayatricenterla.org/ Gaytri Chetna Center, Anaheim, CA 9113 9114 Temple Temple http://www.gayatrigyanmandir.org/ http://www.geetabhawan.co.uk/ Gayatri Gyan Mandir, Illinois Shree Geeta Bhawan Birmingham USA UK 9115 Temple http://www.ghanapathytemple.org.uk/ Shree Ghanapathy Temple London UK 9116 Temple http://www.giridhari.com/ India 9117 Temple http://www.gitaaonline.com/ 9118 9119 9120 Temple Temple Temple http://www.gokulofnar.com/ http://www.goloka-dhama.de/ http://www.gopinathji.com/ 9121 9122 9123 9124 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.gopuradharisanam.com/ http://www.gour-ni-times.de/ http://www.govindascenter.com/ http://www.govinddevji.net/ Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir Sri Girdhari News, Bangalore Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha Sowmya's Gitaaonline Gokul of Nar Ananad ISKCON Trier Shri Gopinathji Dev Mandir, Gadhada Gopura Darisanam ISKCON Nienburg ISKCON Las Vegas, Nevada Shri Govind Devji Mandir Bharatpur 9125 Temple Kalika Mata Temple Pavagadh Hill India 9126 9127 9128 Temple Temple Temple http://www.gujarattourism.com/showpage.asp x?contentid=73&webpartid=91 http://www.gundica.de/ http://www.gurmandir.com/ http://www.gururaghavendra.com/ Germany Canada Singapore 9129 Temple http://www.guruvayur.us/ ISKCON Jena Gurmandir Sindhi Temple Shri Guru Raghavendra Swamy Brindavan - Sri Changi Ramar Temple Sri Guruvayurappan Temple Texas 9130 9131 9132 Temple Temple Temple http://www.guruvayurdevaswom.org/ http://www.guruvayurusa.org/ http://www.hamaresai.org/ India USA USA 9133 Temple http://www.hamiltontemple.com/ 9134 Temple 9135 9136 9137 9138 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.hampi.in/moola-virupakshatemple http://www.hampi.in/varaha-temple http://www.hampi.in/vishnu-temple http://www.hampi.in/vittala-temple http://www.harekrishna.org.nz/home Guruvayur Devaswom Sri Guruvayurappan Temple Sri Saibaba Mandir - Minneapolis MN Hindu Samaj Temple of Hamilton Ontario Virupaksha Temple Hampi Varajha Temple,Hampi Vishnu Temple Hampi Vishnu Temple Hampi ISKCON Aukland India India India New Zealand Russia India USA India USA USA India UK Brazil USA USA USA India Germany India India Germany USA India USA Canada India 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9147 9148 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.harekrishnabh.com.br/ http://www.harekrishnacanberra.com/ http://www.harekrishnacenter.com/ http://www.harekrishnacuritiba.com/ http://www.harekrishnagoteborg.com/ http://www.harekrishnala.com/ http://www.harekrishnamalaga.com/ http://www.harekrishnapoa.org.br/ http://www.harekrishnarj.com.br/ http://www.harekrishnasp.com.br/ 9149 9150 Temple Temple http://www.harekrishnatemple.com/ http://www.harekrsna.it/ 9151 Temple http://www.harekrsna-luzce.cz/ 9152 9153 Temple Temple http://www.harekryszna.pl/ http://www.harikrushna.org/ 9154 Temple 9155 Temple 9156 Temple 9157 ISKCON Belo Horizonte ISKCON Canberra Austin Hare Krishna Center ISKCON Curitiba ISKCON Göteborg ISKCON LA ISKCON Malaga ISKCON Porto Alegre ISKCON Rio de Janeiro ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple De Sao Paulo Hare Krishna Temple ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Italy) ISKCON Prague Brazil Australia USA Brazil Sweden USA Spain Brazil Brazil Brazil India Italy The Czech Republic Poland India Temple ISKCON Warsaw Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Rustambag, Surat http://www.haripadsubrahmanyaswamytempl Haripad Subrahmanya Swamy e.com/ Temple, Haripad Kerala http://www.haritemple.org/ Hindu American Religious Institute Pennsylvania http://www.hatcc.org/ Shri Guru Vayoor Temple New Jersey, USA http://www.haveli.org/ Shree Vaishnav Temple of New York 9158 Temple http://www.haywardhindutemple.org/ USA 9159 Temple http://www.hcclondon.ca/ 9160 9161 Temple Temple http://www.heb.gov.sg/ http://www.heb.gov.sg/smt/main-smt.html 9162 Temple http://www.highgatehillmurugan.org/ 9163 Temple 9164 Temple 9165 Temple 9166 9167 9168 Hindu Community and Cultural Center city of Hayward Hindu Cultural Centre of London Ontario Hindu Endowments Board Sri Mariamman Temple India USA USA USA Canada Singapore Singapore Highgate Hill Murugan Temple London http://www.hindu.com/fr/2005/08/12/stories/2 Arulmigu Srivilliputhur Andal 005081200120300.htm Temple, Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India -The tower, incidentally, is the logo of the Government of Tamil Nadu http://www.Hindu.org.au/ Perth Hindu Temple , Hindu Association of Western Australia http://www.hindu-blog.com/2007/06/hindu- Hindu Temples and Sites in temples-and-sites-in-unesco-world.html UNESCO World Heritage List UK Temple Temple Temple http://www.hinducenter.com/ http://www.hinducenterofvirginia.org/ http://www.hindudevotionalblog.com/ USA USA India 9169 9170 Temple Temple http://www.hindujaintemple.org/ http://www.hindumandir.cc/ 9171 Temple http://www.hindu-mandir.net/ 9172 Temple http://www.hindumandirmn.org/ Hindu Center New York Hindu Center of Virginia Brahmapureeswarar Temple Tirupattur Tamilnadu Hindu Jain Temple Pennsylvania Hindu temple of Tuscaloosa,Alabama Hindu Mandir and Cultural Centre Ontario Hindu Society of Minnesota Minnesota India Australia India USA USA Canada USA 9173 Temple http://www.hindumandirnj.org/ 9174 Temple 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9180 9181 Temple Temple 9182 Temple Garfield Hindu Mandir -Hindu Community Center http://www.hindumandirofdaytonabeach.org/ Hindu Mandir Of Daytona Beach, Florida http://www.hindumandirsurrey.com/ Laxmi Narayan Mandir http://www.hindusabha.com/ Hindu Sabha Temple Ontario http://www.hindusamaj.blogspot.com/ Hindu Samaj South Yorkshire http://www.hindusamajinc.org/ Hindu Samaj Mandir New Jersey http://www.hindusamajtemple.org/ Hindu Samaj Temple, Wappingers Falls, New York http://www.hindutemple.ca/ Hindu Temple of Ottawa Ontario http://www.hindutemple.org/ Hindu Temple of Central Texas Texas http://www.hindu-temple.tk/ Shiva Temple USA 9183 Temple http://www.hindutempleaz.org/ 9184 Temple http://www.hindutempleburnaby.com/ 9185 9186 Temple Temple http://www.hindutemplede.com/ http://www.hindutemplede.org/ 9187 Temple http://www.hindutemplefresno.org/ 9188 Temple http://www.hindutemple-halifax.org/ 9189 Temple http://www.HinduTempleHouston.net/ 9190 Temple http://www.hindutemplehr.org/ Hindu Temple and Community Center of Hampton Roads Virginia USA 9191 9192 Temple Temple http://www.hindutemplelv.org/ http://www.hindutemplemd.org/ USA USA 9193 9194 9195 Temple Temple Temple http://www.hindutemplenebraska.org/ http://www.hindutemplenh.org/ http://www.hindutemplenyc.com/ 9196 9197 Temple Temple http://www.hindutempleofatlanta.org/ http://www.hindutempleofcolorado.org/ 9198 9199 Temple Temple http://www.hindutempleofflorida.org/ http://www.hindutempleoflakecounty.org/ 9200 9201 9202 Temple Temple Temple http://www.hindutempleofnewyork.com/ http://www.hindutempleofplano.org/ http://www.hindutempleofrochester.com/ 9203 Temple http://www.hindutempleofswfl.com/ 9204 9205 9206 Temple Temple Temple http://www.hindutempleoftristates.org/ http://www.hindutempleokc.org/ http://www.hindutemplepriestusa.com/ 9207 Temple http://www.hindutemplereading.com/ Hindu Temple of Las Vegas The Hindu Temple of Metropolitan Washington Hindu Temple Nebraska Hindu Temple of New Hampshire The Vishwa Dharma Mandalam Hindu Temples in New York Hindu Temple Atlanta Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of the Rockies Hindu Temple of Florida Hindu Temple of Lake County, Illinois Hindu Temple of New York Lakshmi Ganesh Temple Hindu Temple of Rochester New York Hindu Temple of Southwest Florida, Inc Hindu Temple of Tri-States Hindu Temple of Oklahoma City International Pragya Permarth Mission Reading Hindu Temple Reading USA Canada Canada UK USA USA Canada USA Tokelau (New Zealand) Hindu temple of Scottsdale, Arizona USA Vishva Hindu Parishad of British Columbia British Columbia Hindu Temple of Delaware Hindu Temple of Delaware, Hindu Temple Association (New England Hindu Temple) USA Hindu Temple of Fresno, Krishna Kanhaiya Mandir, Clovis, CA Canada USA USA USA Hindu Temple of Halifax Nova Canada Scotia Hindu Prayer Society Houston Texas USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada UK 9208 Temple http://www.hindutemplesandprayers.com/ Hindu Tempples & Prayers Delhi 9209 Temple http://www.hindutemplesatx.org/ Hindu Temple of San Antonio Texas USA 9210 Temple http://www.hindutemplesc.org/ Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of South Carolina South Carolina 9211 9212 Temple Temple USA Pakistan 9213 Temple 9214 9215 Temple Temple 9216 Temple 9217 Temple 9218 Temple 9219 Temple 9220 Temple 9221 Temple 9222 9223 Temple Temple 9224 Temple 9225 Temple 9226 Temple 9227 Temple http://www.hindutemplesi.com/ Staten Island Hindu Temple, NY http://www.hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.co Hindu Temples in Pakistan m/ http://www.hindutemplestlouis.org/ Hindu Temple of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri http://www.hindutemplevc.com/ Hindu Temple, Ventura County http://www.hinglajmata.com/ Hinglaj Mata Temple, Tehsil Lyari of Balochista http://www.holidayiq.com/KapileshwarKapileshwar Mahadev, Pithoragarh Mahadev-Chaukori-Sightseeing-123011720.html http://www.holydham.com/other-temples-in- Temples in Pandharpur pandharpur/ http://www.hsbv.org/ Hindu Society of Brazos Valley Omkarnath Temple Texas http://www.hsvshivavishnu.org.au/ Shiva Vishnu Temple Hindu Society Melbourne,Victoria http://www.hsvshivavishnutemple.org.au Hindu Society of Victoria - Shri Shiva Vishnu Temple http://www.htccofkc.org/ Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of KC -Kansas http://www.htci.org/ Hindu Temple of Central Indiana http://www.htgc.org/ The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago http://www.htgt.org/ Maha Lakshmi Temple, Tulsa Oklahoma http://www.htgw.org/ Hindu Temple of Greater Wichita Kansas http://www.htsgno.org/ The Hindu Temple of Greater New Orleans http://www.htsm.org/ Hindu Temple Society of Mississippi 9228 Temple http://www.icctmemphis.org/ USA 9229 Temple 9230 Temple India Cultural Center and TempleTennessee http://www.indiablooms.com/NriDetailsPage/ Govt funding 3 Hindu Temples in 2011/nriDetails011111a.php Malaysia http://www.indiainfoweb.com/karnataka/temp The Chennakesava Temple in Belur les/chenakeshwara-temple.html 9231 Temple Temple Ashtalakshmi Temple Besant Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu Kailashnath Ellora, Aurangabad India 9232 9233 Temple http://www.indianheritage.org/temple/8lakshmi.html http://www.indianmirror.com/temples/kailashtemple.html http://www.indiaopines.com/bagan-ancientlost-temple-city-myanmar/ Nathlaung Kyaung Temple (Lord Vishnu Temple) Bagan, Burma Myanmar 9234 Temple http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/ Toorangeswara Swami Temple 89624-Visiting-places-at-Kakinada.aspx Kakianada. Lord Rama worshiped here India USA USA USA Pakistan India India USA Australia Australia USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Malaysia India India India 9235 Temple 9236 Temple 9237 9238 Temple Temple 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9244 9245 9246 9247 Temple Temple Temple Temple 9248 9249 http://www.indotemple.com/news/balisBali's 'largest' ancient Hindu temple largest-ancient-hindu-temple-discovered discovered http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/ Dev Mandir, Chiang Mai profiles/blogs/a-visit-to-dev-mandir-chiang http://www.inuvilkanthan.com/# http://www.iowatemple.org/ Indonesia Thailand Sri Lanka USA Temple Temple Inuvil kanthan Temple Jaffna Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of Iowa, Iowa http://www.iskcon.ca/ottawa/ Iskcon of Ottawa Temple http://www.iskcon.com.au/ ISKCON Sydney http://www.iskcon.com.my/ ISKCON Malaysia http://www.iskcon.net.au/ ISKCON Melbourne http://www.iskcon.net/utah/ Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Utah Spanish Fork http://www.iskcon.org.au/ ISKCON Brisbane http://www.iskcon.org.uk/ ISKCON Manchester http://www.iskcon.ph/ ISKCON Philippines http://www.iskconagartala.org/ ISKCON Agartala-Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir http://www.iskconahmedabad.net/ ISKCON Ahmedabad http://www.iskconahmedabad.net/default.htm ISKCON Ahmedabad-Gujarat 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconalabama.com/ http://www.iskconallahabad.com/ http://www.iskconamravati.org/ http://www.iskconaravade.com/ http://www.iskconbahia.com.br/ USA India India India Brazil 9255 9256 9257 9258 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconbaltimore.org/ http://www.iskconbangalore.org/ http://www.iskconbaroda.com/ http://www.iskconbbsr.org/ 9259 Temple 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple ISKCON Alabama ISKCON Allahabad-UP ISKCON Amravati ISKCON Aravade-Maharashtra Temple ISKCON -BAHIA On Line ISKCON Baltimore, Maryland ISKCON Bangalore ISKCON Baroda-Gujarat ISKCON, Sri Krishna Balaram Temple, Bhubaneswar. http://www.iskconbd.org/ ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Bangladesh) http://www.iskconbengaluru.co.in/ ISKCON Bangalore-Karnataka http://www.iskconberkeley.org/ ISKCON Berkeley, California http://www.iskconbhadrak.com/ ISKCON Bhadrak http://www.iskconbirmingham.org/ ISKCON Birmingham http://www.iskconcenters.com/suriname/ ISKCON Paramaribo, Suriname http://www.iskconchandigarh.com/ ISKCON Chandigarh-Punjab http://www.iskconchennai.com/ ISKCON Chennai (Madras)-TN http://www.iskconchicago.com/ ISKCON Chicago, Illinois http://www.iskcon-coimbatore.org/ ISKCON Coimbatore http://www.iskconcolombia.com/ ISKCON Colombia http://www.iskcon-costarica.com/ ISKCON Cartago http://www.iskcondc.org/ ISKCON Washington, D.C Hare Krishna Temple http://www.iskcondelhi.com/ ISKCON Kailash, New Delhi http://www.iskcondurban.net/ ISKCON Durban http://www.iskconelsalvador.com/ ISKCON El Salvador http://www.iskconfaridabad.com/ ISKCON Faridabad http://www.iskcongoa.com/ ISKCON Goa http://www.iskconhalifax.com/recipes ISKCON Halifax http://www.iskconhawaii.com/ ISKCON Hawaii http://www.iskconhawaii.com/Home_Page.ht ISKCON Honolulu, Hawaii ml Canada Australia Malaysia Australia USA Australia UK Philippines India India India USA India India India Bangla Desh India USA India UK Suriname India India USA India Colombia Costa rica USA India South Africa El Salvador India India Canada USA USA 9280 9281 Temple Temple http://www.ISKCON-Heidelberg.de/ http://www.iskconhk.org/ ISKCON Heidelberg ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Hong Kong) ISKCON Hosur ISKCON Hyderabad-AP ISKCON Indore-MP ISKCON Jaipur ISKCON Jaipur-Rajasthan ISKCON, Kharghar, Radha Madanmohanji Temple, Navi Mumbai, ISKCON Johannesburg ISKCON Soho London ISKCON Ludhiana-Punjab ISKCON Mumbai -Maharashtra ISKCON Montreal ISKCON Montreal ISKCON Mombasa ISKCON Mumbai -Maharashtra ISKCON Nagpur-Maharashtra Germany Hong Kong 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconhosur.com/ http://www.iskconhyderabad.com/ http://www.iskconindore.info/ http://www.iskconjaipur.com/ http://www.iskconjaipur.net/ http://www.iskconkharghar.com/ 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconlenasia.org.za/ http://www.iskcon-london.org/ http://www.iskconludhiana.com/iskcon/ http://www.iskconmiraroad.com/ http://www.iskconmontreal.ca/ http://www.iskconmontreal.com/ http://www.iskconmsa.com/ http://www.iskconmumbai.com/ http://www.iskconnagpur.com/Index.aspx 9297 9298 Temple Temple http://www.iskconnasik.org/ http://www.iskconnepal.org/ ISKCON Nasik ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Nepal) ISKCON Newcastle ISKCON Towaco, New Jersey ISKCON Noida ISKCON Noida-UP ISKCON of New Orleans ISKCON Long Island, New York ISKCON Pandharpur-Maharashtra India Nepal 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconnewcastle.org/ http://www.iskconnj.com/ http://www.iskconnoida.com/ http://www.iskconnoida.org/ http://www.iskcon-nola.org/ http://www.iskconny.com/ http://www.iskconpandharpur.com/ 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskcon-parassala.org/ http://www.iskconpatna.com/ http://www.iskconperth.com/ http://www.iskconperth.net/ http://www.iskconphoenix.com/ http://www.iskconpmb.za.org/wp/ http://www.iskconpondicherry.com/ http://www.iskconportland.com/ http://www.iskconpune.in/ http://www.iskconraipur.org/ http://www.iskconrajahmundry.com/ ISKCON Trivandrum ISKCON Patna-Bihar ISKCON Perth ISKCON Perth ISKCON Phoenix, Arizona ISKCON Pietermaritzburg ISKCON Puducherry ISKCON Oregon ISKCON Pune-Maharashtra ISKCON Raipur ISKCON Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Dashavatara Temple Rajahmundry India India Australia Australia USA South Africa India USA India India India 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 9323 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconrajkot.com/ http://www.iskconsalem.com/ http://www.iskconscarborough.com/ http://www.iskconsigatoka.com/ http://www.iskconsrilanka.com/ http://www.iskconstlouis.org/ http://www.iskconsuriname.com/ India India Canada Fiji Sri Lanka USA Suriname Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconsylhet.com/ http://www.iskcontirupati.net/ http://www.iskcontirupati.net/main/ http://www.iskconujjain.com/ ISKCON Rajkot ISKCON Salem- TN ISKCON Scarborough ISKCON Sigatoka ISKCON Sri Lanka ISKCON St. Louis, Missouri ISKCON , Hare Krishna Temple (Surinam) ISKCON Sylhet ISKCON Tirupati ISKCON Tirupati- AP ISKCON Ujjain 9324 9325 9326 9327 India India India India India India South Africa UK India India Canada Canada Kenya India India UK USA India India USA USA India Bangla Desh India India India 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.iskconuk.com/?page_id=201 http://www.iskconvaranasi.com/ http://www.iskconvizag.com/ http://www.iskconvizag.org/ http://www.iskconvrindavan.com/krishnalive ISKCON Norwood ISKCON Varanasi ISKCON Vizag ISKCON Visakhapatnam- AP ISKCON Vrindavan LIVE Uk India India India India 9333 Temple http://www.iskconvvnagar.org/index.asp India 9334 9335 9336 Temple Temple Temple 9337 Temple 9338 Temple 9339 Temple 9340 Temple 9341 Temple 9342 Temple 9343 Temple 9344 Temple 9345 Temple 9346 Temple 9347 Temple 9348 9349 Temple Temple 9350 Temple http://www.iskconwellington.org.nz/ http://www.iskconwiesbaden.de/ http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Africa http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Australia http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Canada http://www.issochicago.org/swaminarayantem ples.aspx?Country=India http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Mauritius http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Newzeland http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Oman http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Pakistan http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=Sweden http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=UAE http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=UK http://www.issochicago.org/Swaminarayante mples.aspx?Country=USA http://www.ivt.ie/ http://www.ixigo.com/bade-ganeshji-kamandir-ujjain-india-ne-1281755 http://www.iyappantemple.com/ ISKCON Vallabh VidyanagarGujarat ISKCON Wellington ISKCON Wiesbaden Swaminarayan Temples - Kenya 9351 Temple http://www.jabreshwarmahadev.com/ 9352 Temple 9353 9354 Temple Temple http://www.jabreshwarmahadev.com/shivafavorite.htm http://www.jagannathtemplepuri.com/ http://www.jagatheswara.com/ 9355 Temple http://www.jagrata.org/ 9356 Temple http://www.jaimaa.org/ 9357 9358 Temple Temple 9359 Temple http://www.jaishreeganesha.com/ Sree Ganesh Temple http://www.jaishribalaji.org/mehandipur.htm Shri Balaji Maharaj,Mehandipur, Rajasthan http://www.jalahallisreeayyappantemple.org/ Jalahalli Sree Ayyappan Temple Trust New Zealand Germany Kenya Shree Swaminarayan Temple Sydney Shree Swaminarayan Temple Toronto Swaminarayan Temples in India Australia Shree Swaminarayan Temple Mauritius Sree Swaminarayan Temple Auckland Swaminarayan Temple Muscat Mauritius Shree Swaminarayan Temple Karachi Shree S.H.Swaminarayan Temple Sweden Shree Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal- Dubai Swaminarayan Temples - UK Pakistan Swaminarayan Temples - USA USA Ireland Vinayaka Temple Bade Ganeshji Ka Mandir, Ujjain Ireland India Canada India New Zealand Oman Sweden UAE UK Canada Sri Ayyappan Hindu Canada Temple Ontario Shree Jabareshwar Mahadev India Temple, Kolkata Shree Jabareshwar Mahadev Temple India Lord Jagannath Puri Sri Jagatheswara temple, Manamelkudi, Pudukottai District, Tamil Nadu Satsang Center - Sri Durga Temple Group Massachusetts Sri Kamakhya Mahavidya Mandir India India USA USA India India India 9360 Temple http://www.jalarambapa.com/ 9361 9362 9363 Temple Temple Temple http://www.jalarammandir.co.uk/ http://www.j-amba.it/ http://www.jaybalaji.com/ 9364 Temple 9365 9366 Temple Temple 9367 9368 9369 Temple Temple Temple 9370 9371 9372 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9378 Temple 9379 9380 Temple Temple 9381 Jalaram Prarthana Mandal Leicester UK UK Italy India Temple Jai Jalaram Jay Amba Temple Shri Balaji Maharaj,Mehandipur, Rajasthan http://www.jetalpurdarshan.com/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Jetalpur http://www.jkp.org/ Radha Madhav Dham, Austin http://www.jktourism.org/mahamaya-temple Mahamaya Temple Jammu - Dogra community http://www.jnanajyoti.com/ Spritual Wisdom http://www.jotiba.com/ Sri Jyotiba Mandir Kolhapur http://www.junagadhinfo.com/bhavnathtempl Bhavnath Temple Junagarh ejunagadh.php http://www.jyotiba.in/ Sri Jyotiba Mandir Kolhapur http://www.jyotirlinga.com/jyotir.html Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas http://www.jyotirlingatemples.com/ Jyotirlingas Temples http://www.kafuehindutemple.com/ Kafue Hindu Temple http://www.kalighatkalitemple.com/ Kalighat Kali Temple in Kolkatta http://www.kalighatonline.com/ Kali Ghat Puja Service http://www.kalimandir.org/ Kali Mandir http://www.kalimata.co.uk/ Kali Mata Mandir (Hayes, Middlesex) http://www.kalitemple-washington.org/ Washington Kali Temple & Center for Human Development http://www.kalsarpapooja.com/ Kalsarpa Yog Shanti Pujan http://www.kamadchi-ampal.de/ Sri-Kamadchi-Ampal-Tempel in der nordrhein http://www.kamakhyamandir.org/ Sri Kamakhya Mahavidya Mandir 9382 9383 Temple Temple http://www.kamakhyatemple.org/ http://www.kanakadurgatemple.org/ India India 9384 Temple 9385 Temple 9386 Temple 9387 Temple 9388 Temple Kamakhya Temple, Assam Sri Durga Malleswara Swamy varla Devastanams http://www.kanchikamakshi.com/ Sri Kamakoti Peeta Vasini -Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Devasthanam http://www.kanchikamakshi.com/index1.html Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Amman Temple http://www.kanipakamvinayaka.org/ Varasiddhi Vinayaka temple at Kanipakam http://www.karaikalinfo.com/Saneeswaran.as Saneeswaran - Thirunallar px http://www.karnataka.com/tourism/talakad Talakad Temples 9389 Temple http://www.kashivishwanath.in/ India 9390 9391 Temple Temple 9392 Temple Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh http://www.kataragama.org/ Kataragama-Murugan Temple http://www.kattuparambildevi.org/ Kattuparambil Devi Kshetram, Cochin http://www.kaumaram.com/aalayam/index_lo Sri Subramaniar Temple, Kem Lok kkawi.html Kawi, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, E. Malaysia 9393 9394 Temple Temple http://www.kazakhkrishna.com/ http://www.kenthindutepmle.org/ Kazakhstan USA Kazakhstan Krishna Temple Kent Hindu Temple India USA India India India India India India India Zambia India India USA UK USA India Germany USA India India India India India Sri Lanka India Malaysia 9395 9396 9397 Temple Temple Temple http://www.khajuraho.org.uk/ http://www.khajuraho-tours.com/ http://www.khatu-shyam.com/ Khajuraho Temples Khajuraho Temples Khatushyamji - Shyam Baba grandson of Bhima Angkor Wat Preah Vihear Temple India India India 9398 9399 Temple Temple 9400 9401 9402 9403 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.khmerview.com/Angkor.html http://www.khmerview.com/Preah-VihearTemple.html http://www.kkavenkatachariswamy.org/ http://www.kmvn.gov.in/details/index/97 http://www.konark.nic.in/ http://www.koneswaram.com/ Appan Ramanujachariar Swamy Sitabani Temple Ramnagar Sun Temple Konark Koneswaram Temple Triconmallee India India India Sri Lanka 9404 Temple http://www.kotappakonda.com/ Trikoteswara Swamy Vari Devasthanam Guntur Sri. Maha Vishnu temple in Kottam Kulangara ISKCON Moldova ISKCON Grödinge New Radhakund Temple Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir in Queens, New York ISKCON Barcelona Shree Krishna Brundavanam ISKCON Singapore ISKCON Denver, Colorado Radha Govinda Mandir ISKCON Russia ISKCON Leipzig ISKCON Winnipeg ISKCON Paris Hare Krishna Temple (France) ISKCON München Bhaktivedanta Manor Herts Sri Guruvaayoorappan Sannadhi, Morganville, New Jersey Shri Krishna Vrundavan Temple, USA Shiva Temple Temple of Shiva and Shakti in Moscow Sri Krishna Mandir Kukke Shree Subrahmanya Temple, Dakshina Kannada District India 9405 Temple http://www.kottamkulangara.com/ 9406 9407 Temple Temple http://www.krishna.com.md/ http://www.krishna.se/ 9408 Temple http://www.krishnabalaramnyc.com/ 9409 9410 9411 9412 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.krishnabcn.com/ http://www.krishnabrunda.org/ http://www.krishnaclub.com/ http://www.krishnadenver.com/ 9413 9414 9415 9416 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.krishna-gruzia.narod.ru/ http://www.krishna-is-cool.de/ http://www.krishnakrishna.ca/ http://www.krishnaparis.com/ 9417 9418 9419 Temple Temple Temple http://www.krishnatempel.de/ http://www.krishnatemple.com/ http://www.krishnatemple.org/ 9420 Temple http://www.krishnavrunda.org/ 9421 9422 Temple Temple http://www.kriya.webservis.ru/ http://www.kriya-yoga.narod.ru/eng 9423 9424 Temple Temple http://www.krsnamandir.org/ http://www.kukketemple.com/ 9425 9426 9427 Temple Temple Temple Sree Kula Devatha Mandir Sree Kula Devatha Mandir ISKCON Krishna Lila Park at Bangalore New Nawadwip -ISKCON Wroclaw India India India Temple http://www.kuladevatha.com/ http://www.kuladevatha.gsb.in/i http://www.kunjeshwari.com/sweetblog/touris m/iskcons-krishna-leela-park/ http://www.kurukszetra.net/nawadwip/ 9428 9429 9430 Temple Temple http://www.kytemple.org/ http://www.lagunatemple.com/ Hindu Temples in Kentucky ISKCON Laguna Beach, California USA USA 9431 Temple http://www.lakshmi.4mg.com/ Shree Lakshmi Narayanan Temple Singapore 9432 Temple http://www.lakshmiganapathi.org/ Lakshmi Ganesh Temple USA Cambodia Cambodia India Moldova Sweden USA Spain USA Singapore USA Russia Germany Canada France Germany UK USA USA Russia Russia Singapore India Poland 9433 Temple http://www.lakshminarayantemple.com/calen dar.html http://www.lakshmisgarden.com/ http://www.lalive.info/ http://www.lansingtemple.org/ Lakshminarayan Temple Singapore 9434 9435 9436 Temple Temple Temple Lakshmi Garden MA ISKCON Los Angeles, California Bharatiya Temple of Lansing Michigan Lakshmi Narayan Temple or the Birla Temple, Delhi Hindu Mandir Association of Qld Inc. Shree Laxmi Narayan Mandir Shree Swaminarayan Temple Gadhpur Bhavnagar Leeds Hindu Mandir Leeds Leicester Sri Murugan Temple Leicester Gauri Shankar Temple, Chandni Chowk, Delhi Shankaracharya Temple Srinagar USA USA USA 9437 Temple 9438 Temple http://www.laxminarayan.blessingsonthenet.c om/ http://www.laxminarayan.com.au/ 9439 9440 Temple Temple http://www.laxminarayanmandir.com/ http://www.laxmiwadi.com/ 9441 9442 Temple Temple http://www.leedsmandir.org.uk/ http://www.leicestersrimurugantemple.org.uk/ 9443 Temple 9444 Temple 9445 Temple http://www.liveindia.com/delhi/Gaurishankar. html http://www.liveindia.com/kashmir/Shankarac harya.html http://www.livemandir.com/ Hanuman Mandir Live from Delhi Singapore 9446 Temple http://www.livermoretemple.org/ USA 9447 9448 9449 Temple Temple Temple 9450 9451 Temple Temple 9452 Temple 9453 Temple 9454 Temple 9455 Temple 9456 Temple 9457 Temple http://www.maduraimeenakshitemple.com/ 9458 Temple http://www.mahabhairab.org/ 9459 Temple http://www.mahadevatemple.com/ 9460 Temple http://www.mahakaleshwar.nic.in/ 9461 Temple http://www.mahalakshmi-tempel.org/ Shiva Vishnu Temple Livermore California http://www.londonsivankovil.org.uk/ London Sivan Kovil http://www.lordbrahma.in/ Lord Brahma Temple Bangalore http://www.luxmi.com/ghanapathy/kaappu.ht Shree Ghanapathy Temple London ml http://www.luxminarayantemple.org/ Shri Luxmi Narayan Temple, http://www.maapatneshwari.org/ Sri Sri Badi Patan Devi, Maa Patneshwari, Patna Bihar (The name Patna is popularly believed to be derived from Maa Patan Devi Temple) http://www.maatarini.com/ Maa Tarini Temple,. Ghatagaon, Orissa http://www.maavaishnavishaktipeeth.com/ Mata Vaishno Devi shrine http://www.madacamp.com/Hindu_Temple_o Rhada Krishna Hindu Temple f_Diego_Suarez Diego Suarez - Antsiranana Madagascar http://www.madurai.com/ Sri Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple, Madurai, Tamil Nadu http://www.maduraimeenakshi.org/ Arulmighu Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple, Madurai Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple (Meenakshi Amman Temple) Madurai, Tamil Nadu Sri Sri Mahabhairab Temple,Tezpur, Assam Chengannur Mahadevar Temple, Allappuzha Dist. (Kerala) Mahakaleshwar Temple, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh Mahalakshmi Temple Germany India Australia USA India UK UK India India UK India UK South Africa India India India Madagascar India India India India India India Germany 9462 Temple Temple http://www.mahalakshmitempel.org/4739.html?*session*id*key*=*ses sion*id*val* http://www.mahalaxmidev.com/ The Temple of the 18-armed India Mahalakshmi in Haldwani, Uttar Pradesh Shri Shantadurga Temple, Kavalem. India 9463 9464 Temple http://www.mahamayaratanpur.com/ 9465 Temple http://www.maharajji.com/PremaVatar/hanuman-temple-in-new-mexico.html Mahamayaratpur Temple Chattisgarth Hanuman Temple in New Mexico 9466 Temple http://www.mahashivshaktimandir.co.uk/ 9467 9468 Temple Temple 9469 9470 9471 9472 Temple Temple Temple Temple 9473 Temple http://www.mandir.no/ 9474 Temple http://www.mandir.org/ 9475 9476 Temple Temple http://www.mandirnet.org/ http://www.mandirofmadison.org/ 9477 Temple 9478 Maha Shiv Shakti Mandir West Midlands http://www.mahavirmandirpatna.org/ Mahavir Mandir, Patna, Bihar http://www.mahesanadarshan.org/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Mahesana http://www.makalipuja.com/ The Goddess Kali http://www.malaimandir.info/ Sree Uttara Swami Malai Temple http://www.malakshmi.com/ Ma Lakshmi http://www.malaysiantemples.com/2012/04/u The University of Malaya, Sri Sivan niversity-of-malaya-sri-sivan-temple.html Temple, Kualalumpur India India UK India India India India USA Malaysia Norway http://www.mandirtrilokidhaam.nl/ Sanatan Mandir Sabha Temple, Slemmestad, Oslo BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir London Temple Resources Hindu Temple of Madison Wisconsin Mandir Triloki Dhaam Eindhoven Temple http://www.mandirvienna.org/ Hindu Mandir Gesellschaft, Vienna Austria 9479 Temple 9480 Temple 9481 9482 Temple Temple 9483 Temple 9484 9485 9486 Temple Temple Temple 9487 Temple 9488 9489 9490 9491 9492 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9493 9494 9495 Temple Temple Temple http://www.mangalore.com/documents/gokarn Kudroli Sri Gokarnatheshwara atheshwara.html temple, Mangalore http://www.mangaloreiskcon.com/ Sri Jagannath Mandir -Mangalore ISKCON http://www.manhattanhindutemple.org/ The Manhattan Hindu Temple http://www.mannarasala.org/ Mannaralsala Sree Nagaraja Temple Kerala http://www.marehallitemple.net/ Sri Lakshminarasimha Temple, Mandya District,Karnataka http://www.marikamba.org/ Goddess Shri Marikamba http://www.mataji.org/ Devi Temple http://www.medanku.com/pictures/sriSri Mariaman temple Medan mariaman-temple-medan/ Sumatra http://www.meenakshi.org/ Sri Meenaskhi Temple Society Devasthanam Texas http://www.minisabarimala.com/ Ayyappa temple Kanjurmarg : http://www.mongolianvedictemple.com/ Mongolia Vedic Temple http://www.moscowtemple.org/ Moscow Vedic Temple (Russia) http://www.mukti4u2.dk/ The 12 Jyotir Lingam Temples http://www.muktigupteshwar.org/ Mukti Gupteshwar Mandir Society New South Wales http://www.muktinathdarshan.com/ Muktinath Darshan http://www.murugan.org/ Murugan Bhakti http://www.murugantemple.org/ Murugan Temple of North America Maryland UK India USA Netherland India India USA India India India USA Indonesia USA India Mongolia Russia India Australia Nepal India USA 9496 Temple http://www.murugantempleheerlen.nl/ Limburg Murugan Temple, Heerlen Netherland 9497 Temple http://www.murugantemplelimburg.nl/ Vereniging Murugan Temple Heerlen Netherland 9498 Temple http://www.murugantemple-zh.ch/ Switzerland 9499 Temple 9500 Temple Laxmi Narayan Temple Wardha India 9501 Temple http://www.mustseeindia.com/KedarnathAgastyamuni/attraction/13781 http://www.mustseeindia.com/WardhaLaxmi-Narayan-Temple/attraction/17389 http://www.myradhagovinda.com/ Sri Sivasubramaniar Temple, Adliswil Zurich Agastya Muni temple Sri Sri Radha Govinda Temple LA USA 9502 Temple Kalki Avatar India 9503 Temple http://www.mysambalpur.in/2013/09/kalkiavatar http://www.mysorechamunditemple.com/ India 9504 Temple http://www.nainadevi.com/ 9505 Temple http://www.naliyerihillock.com/ 9506 9507 Temple Temple http://www.nalluran.com/ http://www.narasimha.co.za/ The Chamundeshwari Temple Chamundi Hills Mysore Maa Naina Devi Temple, Himachal Pradesh Shree Swaminarayan Temple Gadhpur Bhavnagar -Naliyeri Hillock Shriji Maharaj Nallur Kandaswamy Temple The Maha Jwala Narasimha Temple 9508 9509 Temple Temple http://www.nathdwaratemple.org/ http://www.nation.sc/index.php?art=26432 Nathdwara Temple Ganesha Temple in Seychelles 9510 Temple http://www.navagrahapariharam.com/ 9511 9512 Temple Temple http://www.navagrahatemple.com/ http://www.nchtuk.org/ 9513 Temple http://www.nedungunamramar.com/ Navagraha Pariharam, Thanjavur, TN Navagraha Temples National Council of Hindu Temples(UK) Sri Ramachandra Perumal Temple Chetpet, Thiruvannamalai, TN India Republic of Seychelles India 9514 Temple http://www.neelkanthdhaam.org/ Neelkanth Dham Temple New York USA 9515 Temple http://www.nehti.org/ Sri Lakshmi Temple - New England USA Hindu Temple, Inc. Massachusetts 9516 9517 Temple Temple ISKCON Nellore-AP Sleeping Vishnu at Budanilkantha Kathmandu Nepal India Nepal 9518 9519 Temple Temple http://www.nelloreiskcon.com/ http://www.nepalpilgrimage.com/content/sleeping-vishnubudhanilkantha-temple http://www.newbiharvan.com/ http://www.newbiharvan.com/default.aspx Boise Hare Krishna Temple ISKCON Boise, Idaho USA USA 9520 Temple http://www.newgoloka.com/ 9521 Temple ISKCON Hillsborough, North Carolina http://www.newvrindaban.com/newvrindaban/ Prabhupada's Palace of Gold 9522 Temple http://www.niagarahindusamaj.org/ 9523 Temple 9524 Temple India India India India South Africa India UK India USA USA Shiv Mandir - Niagara Hindu Samaj Canada Niagara Falls http://www.nirmalbhajan.com/mantra/kubera- Kubers Mantra India money-mantra/ http://www.nithyanandavedictemple.org/index Vedic Temple - Paramahamsa USA .php Nithyananda 9525 Temple http://www.nityanandaBudhanilkantha -Sleeping Vishnu institute.org/gallery/budkta/7.html Temple http://www.nor.com.au/users/stoka/index.html Hare Krishna (ISKCON) Temple and Farm http://www.northtexashindumandir.org/ North Texas Hindu Mandir Texas http://www.nritoday.net/communityGanesh Mandir New York news/792-dr-uma-mysorekar-taking-ganeshmandir-to-new-heights http://www.nthmonline.com/ North Texas Hindu Mandir Texas http://www.nwahindutemple.org/ Northwest Arkansas Hindu Temple, Bentonville, Arkansas http://www.nyganeshtemple.org/ Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapathi Devasthanam New York http://www.oldindianphotos.in/2013/04/the- Someshwara Temples Magadi principal-tower-of-temple-of.html Karnataka 1850s http://www.omarunachala.com/ Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple Nepal 9526 Temple 9527 9528 Temple Temple 9529 9530 Temple Temple 9531 Temple 9532 Temple 9533 Temple 9534 Temple India Temple Temple http://www.omkareshwar.org/shri-gajananmaharaj-mandir/ http://www.omnamovenkatesaya.com/ http://www.omsaimandir.org/ http://www.onetourist.in/2013/08/mamleshwa r-mahadev-temple-karsog.html http://www.onlinedarshan.com/ http://www.onlinedewas.com/temples.aspx 9535 9536 9537 Temple Temple Temple 9538 9539 9540 Temple http://www.oocities.org/athens/2583/toi.html Temples Outside India India 9541 Temple Lakshmana Temple Khauoraho India 9542 Temple Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta Indonesia 9543 9544 9545 Temple Temple Temple Ottawa Sivan Temple Oxford Hindu Temple Sabarimala Sree Ayyappa Temple Canada India India 9546 9547 Temple Temple http://www.orientalarchitecture.com/india/kha juraho/lakshmana.php http://www.orientalarchitecture.com/indonesia /yogyakarta/prambanan.php http://www.ottawasivantemple.com/ http://www.oxfordhindutemple.org/ http://www.p4panorama.com/panos/sabarimal a/index.html http://www.pada.terapad.com/ http://www.palaceofgold.com/ 9548 Temple http://www.palanitemples.com/ 9549 Temple 9550 Temple 9551 9552 9553 Temple Temple Temple 9554 Temple 9555 9556 Temple Temple http://www.palanitemples.com/english/skanda Lord Murugan Temple, Palani legend_puranas.htm http://www.panachickad.org/ The Saraswathi temple, Panachikadu village, Kottayam, Kerala http://www.pancha-tattva.ru/ ISKCON Russia http://www.pandharpurtemple.com/ Lord Vitthal Temple Pandharpur http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5560111 Pasupathinath Temple (Sivan Temple) Kota Kinabalu http://www.parashakthitemple.org/ Parashakthi (Eternal Mother) Temple, Michigan http://www.pashupatinathdarshan.com/ Pashupatinath Darshan http://www.pathakotarama.org/ Pathakota Sri Seetha Ramanjaneya Shri Gajanan Maharaj mandir, Omkareshwar Om namovenkatesaya Seva Om Sai Mandir, New York Mamleshwar mahadev temple , Karsog Online Darshan Goddess Chamunda Mata and Tulja Bhavani Mata Mandir, Devas, MP Australia USA USA USA USA USA India India India USA India India India Tampa ISKCON Temple USA Prabhupada's Palace of Gold, New USA Vrindaban,West Virginia Arulmigu Dhandayudhapani Swamy India (Palani Hill Temple - Moolavar) India India Russia India Malaysia USA Nepal India 9557 Temple 9558 Temple 9559 Temple 9560 Temple 9561 Temple 9562 Temple 9563 Temple 9564 http://www.penang.ws/penangattractions/arulmigu-karumariammantemple.htm http://www.penangtemples.blogspot.com/ http://www.penang-traveltips.com/hindutemples.htm http://www.penangtraveltips.com/mahamariamman-temple.htm Arulmigu Karumariamman Temple Penang Malaysia Arulmigu Karumariamman Temple - Malaysia Seberang Jaya , Penang Prenang Temples Malaysia Malaysia Arulmigu Mahamariamman Temple Malaysia http://www.perurpatteeswarar.tnhrce.in/ Temple Arulmigu Patteeswarar Swamy Temple, Tamil Nadu http://www.photonicyatra.com/keyword/angk Angkor Temple or%20wat%20temple#!i=1429803190&k=7X bZV8b http://www.pilgrimageLakshmi Narayan Temple Delhi india.com/delhi/lakshminarayan-templenewdelhi.html http://www.poddareshwarrammandir.com/ Poddareshwar Ram Mandir Nagpur India 9565 Temple http://www.portlandhindutemple.org/ Portland Hindu Temple - Brahma Premananda Ashram Oregon USA 9566 Temple http://www.portlandtemple.org/ USA 9567 Temple 9568 9569 Temple Temple 9570 9571 Temple Temple Portland Hindu Temple -Brahma Premananda Ashram http://www.powaitemple.com/welcome.htm Shree Ayyappa Vishnu Temple at Hari Om Nagar, Powai http://www.pradosham.com/ Pradosham in Shiva Temple,TN http://www.prayagraj.com/allahabad-shankar- Adi Shankar Viman Mandapam, viman-mandapam.html Sangam http://www.prembhaktimandir.com/ Prem Bhakti Mandir New York http://www.pushkarApteshwar Mahadev temple holidays.com/apteshwarmahadev-mandir.htm 9572 9573 Temple Temple http://www.pushti-marg.net/ http://www.puthigeshree.org/ India India 9574 Temple 9575 9576 Temple Temple 9577 Temple 9578 Temple 9579 9580 Temple Temple 9581 Temple 9582 Temple 9583 Temple Virtual Haveli of ShriNathji Sri Puthige Matha Temple, Paryaya Udupi http://www.putrajaya.gov.my/m_community/n Sri Lalithambikai Alayam Temple ews/hindu_leader_lauds_setting_up_of_putra Putrajaya jaya_temple http://www.qchindutemple.com/ Quad City Hindu Temple, IL http://www.qchindutemple.org/ Quad Cities Hindu Temple, Rock Island, IL http://www.radhadamodarmandir.com/ Sri Sri Radha Damodar Mandir Mathura http://www.radhadesh.com/ ISKCON Durbuy Spiritual Community of Hare Krishnas in Belgium http://www.radhagolokabihari.com/ Sri Radha Golokabihari Temple http://www.radhagolokabihari.wordpress.com ISKCON Suva / http://www.radhagopaljiutempel.com/ ISKCON Sri Sri Radha GopalJiu Temple, Orissa http://www.radhagopinathmedia.com/ Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty, Mumbai http://www.radhagovinda.net/ ISKCON New York, New York India Cambodia India India India India USA India Malaysia USA USA India Belgium Fiji Fiji India India USA 9584 Temple http://www.radhakalachandji.com/ ISKCON Dallas - Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Temple - Ekata Mandir Dallas Texas http://www.radhakrishna.org/ Radhakrishna Mandir http://www.radhakrishnamandir.net/ Radha Krishna Mandir Ontario http://www.radharamana.it/ The temple of Sri Sri Radha Ramana and Govinda http://www.radharamana.it/govinda The temple of Sri Sri Radha Ramana and Govinda http://www.radhavav.com/ Darbar Gadh http://www.rajarajeswaritemple.org/ Sri Raja Rajeswari Temple http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/karnimatate Deshnok Karni Mata Temple, mple.html Bikaner http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/temples_pilg 108 Temple Complex, Kailashpuri, rimage/eklingjitemple.html Udaipur (Brahma west, Vishnu north, Shiva south and Surya east) 9585 9586 9587 Temple Temple Temple 9588 Temple 9589 9590 9591 Temple Temple Temple 9592 Temple 9593 Temple 9594 Temple 9595 Temple 9596 Temple 9597 9598 9599 9600 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/temples_pilg rimage/salasarbalajitemple.html http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/temples_pilg rimage/savitritemple.html http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/temples_pilg rimage/suryanarayantemple.html http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/temples_pilg rimage/warahtemple.html http://www.rajdhanimandir.org/ http://www.ramakrishna.org.sg/ http://www.ramakrishnanandapost.org/ http://www.ramana-maharshi.org/ 9601 Temple 9602 9603 9604 USA USA Canada Italy Italy India India India India Salasar Balaji, Churu India Savitri (the first consort of Lord Brahma) Temple Pushkar Savitri (the first consort of Lord Brahma) Temple Pushkar Warah Temple, Pushkar India India India Rajdhani Mandir Virginia Ramakrishna Mission Singapore Rama Krishnananda Post Arunachala Ashrama - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Center USA Singapore USA India http://www.ramanujartemples.net/ Bhagavath Ramanuja and temples India Temple Temple Temple http://www.ramapeer.org/ http://www.ramapir.org/ http://www.ramapir.org/ramapir_fair.html Baba Ramdev Jaisalmer Shri Ramdevji Maharaj Ramdevra Festival, Jaisalmer,India India UK India 9605 Temple http://www.ramatemple.org/ USA 9606 Temple http://www.ramdevdarshan.com/ Sri Rama Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago ,Illinois Ramdevra Temple, Jaisalmer,India 9607 Temple http://www.rameswaramtemple.org/ 9608 Temple http://www.ramkatha-leicester.com/ 9609 Temple http://www.ramkrishnamandir.com/ 9610 9611 Temple Temple http://www.rammandir.ca/ http://www.ranchhodraijidakor.com/ 9612 Temple 9613 9614 Temple Temple India Arulmigu Ramanatha Swami India Thirukkovil Jalaram Prarthana Mandal Leicester UK Canada http://www.ranganatha.org/ Ram Krishna Mandir - Vedic Cultural Community Center Ram Mandir Mississauga Shree Ranchhordraiji Temple Dakor Gujarat Sri Ranganatha Temple New York http://www.ravijaundoo.com/dsm/ http://www.reginahindutemple.ca/ Durga Shiva Mandir New York Hindu Temple Saskatchewan USA Canada Canada India USA 9615 Temple 9616 9617 Temple Temple 9618 Temple http://www.reginakrishnatemple.blogspot.com / http://www.religiousportal.com/ http://www.religiousportal.com/bhairavtemple snewdelhi.html http://www.renukadevimahur.com/ ISKCON Regina Canada Hindu Information Kilkari Bhairav Temple, Puran Qila New Delhi Renuka Devi Temple, Mahur, Nanded, Maharashtra Regional Indo-American Community Center (RIACC) Prabhupada's Palace of Gold India India 9619 Temple http://www.riacc.us/ 9620 Temple http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2929 9621 Temple http://www.robledigital.com/world-i-see-from- 2000 years old Sree/Siri Sharada here-2000-years-old-sreesiri-sharada-peeth- Devi Temple, Sharada, Kashmir devi-temple-sharada-kashmir-pakistan.html Pakistan 9622 9623 9624 Temple Temple Temple http://www.ruthrakali.org.sg/ http://www.s2.webstarts.com/shaiva/ http://www.sabarigiri.org/ Singapore Russia India 9625 Temple 9626 Temple 9627 Temple 9628 Temple 9629 Temple Sri Muneeswaran Temple Shiva-Sakti mandir Russia. Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha Temple http://www.sabarimala.kerala.gov.in/ Sree Dharma Sastha Temple, Sabarimala http://www.sabarimala.org/ Sri Ayyappa Temple, Sabarimala, Kerala http://www.sacredsites.com/asia/cambodia/an Angkor Wat Temple gkor_wat.html http://www.sadagopan.org/ Sriman Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan. http://www.saiaustin.org/ Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Austin 9630 9631 Temple Temple http://www.saibaba.cc/ http://www.saibaba.org/ USA USA 9632 9633 9634 9635 9636 9637 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9638 9639 9640 Temple Temple Temple 9641 Temple 9642 Temple 9643 9644 Temple Temple 9645 Temple Sri Saibaba Temple Society OH Shirdi Sai Center St Flushing New York http://www.saibaba.us/ Shirdi Sai Temple Chicago http://www.saidham.org.uk/ Sai Dham (Nottingham) http://www.saidhamsola.org/ Saidham Sola (Ahmedabad) http://www.saihanuman.com/ Sri Hanuman Temple http://www.saimahalakshmi.com/ Sai MahaLakshmi http://www.saimandir.org/ Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir Chicago-Sai Samsthan USA http://www.saimandirusa.org/ Sai Mandir USA http://www.saisamsthan.org/ Sai Samstahan http://www.saisamsthanusa.org/ Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir -Sai samsthan of Cental IIlinois USA http://www.saisamsthanusa.org/newsite/miscli Saibaba Temple Texas nks_ns.htm http://www.Saisaraswathi.com/ Koothanur Maha Saraswathi AmmanTtemple http://www.saivanerikoodam.ch/ Lord Shiva Ste http://www.salangpurhanumanji.com/ Shree Kashtabhanjan dev Hanumanji Mandir Ahmedabad http://www.sanaatandharmamandir.org/ Sanaatan Dharma Mandir of NY Inc. 9646 Temple http://www.sanatandharmatemple.org/ USA 9647 Temple http://www.sanatanmandir.com/ 9648 Temple http://www.sanatanmandir.org.uk/ Sanatan Dharama Temple and Cultural Center Washington Sanatan Mandir Cultural Centre Ontario Sanatan Mandir Leicester India USA USA India India Cambodia India USA USA UK India India India USA USA USA USA USA India Switzerland India USA Canada UK 9649 9650 Temple Temple http://www.sanatanmandirtampa.com/ http://www.sankatmochan.org/ Sanatan Mandir Tampa Shree Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple Lucknow ISKCON Birkenfeld Santoshi Maa Mandir Shree Santram Mandir ISKCON Ashcroft Akhila Bharatha Ayyappa Seva Sangham Saraswati Mandiram Shree Swaminarayan Mandir, Sardhar Sarva Dev Hindu Mandir Massachusetts Sri Aurobindo Society Lord Ayyappa Temple & Trombay Sastha Mandal Sri Kote Vardharajaswamy Temple,Kollegala Taluk, Karnataka 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.sankirtan-allianz.de/ http://www.santoshimaamandir.com/ http://www.santram.org/ http://www.saranagati.iskcon.ca/ http://www.saranamayyappa.org/ 9656 9657 Temple Temple http://www.saraswatimandiram.org/ http://www.sardhardham.org/ 9658 Temple http://www.sarvadevmandir.org/ 9659 9660 Temple Temple http://www.sassingapore.cjb.net/ http://www.sasthamandal.net/ 9661 Temple http://www.sathyagalamtemple.info/ 9662 Temple http://www.satyamfoundation.org/ramtemple/ Ram Mandir India 9663 Temple http://www.satyamfoundation.org/shivmandir/ Shiv Mandir India 9664 Temple http://www.saumyakasi.org/ USA 9665 Temple 9666 Temple 9667 9668 Temple Temple 9669 9670 Temple Temple 9671 9672 Temple Temple Shiva Temple in Houston (part of Chinmaya Mission) http://www.sbtemple.com/ Sri Bhuvaneswari Hindu Temple Ontario http://www.sbyo.org.my/ Arulmigu Balathandayuthapani Temple, Waterfall Road, Penang http://www.schenectadyhindutemple.org/ Schenectady Hindu Temple http://www.sdbbs.org/ The Singapore Dakshina Bharatha Brahmana Sabha http://www.sdtccwa.org/ Kent Hindu Temple http://www.seychelles.travel/en/products/attra The Arul Mihu Navasakthi ctions.php?aid=4 Vinayagar Temple http://www.sfht.org/ South Florida Hindu Temple http://www.sghtu.org/ Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah 9673 9674 9675 9676 9677 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Russia Russia Russia India India 9678 Temple http://www.shaiva.500mb.net/ http://www.shaiva.50webs.com/eng/ http://www.shaiva.webstarts.com/ http://www.shaktipeethas.org/ http://www.shaktipeethas.org/discussions/topi c18.html http://www.shaktisadhana.org/ 9679 Temple 9680 Shiva Temple Shiva Temple Shiva-Sakti mandir Russia 18 Shakti peeth Sun temple - Ujjain USA India Germany USA India Canada India USA India USA Singapore India India Canada Malaysia USA Singapore USA Republic of Seychelles USA India India Temple Spiritual Discipline of Vedic and Tantric Practice http://www.shaneeswaraksheathram.org/ The Shaneeswara Ksheathram, Kerala http://www.shanibhagwan.com/temple1.html Shani Shingnapur Maharashtra 9681 Temple http://www.shanidev.us/ India 9682 9683 Temple Temple http://www.shantimandir.com/ http://www.shastras.com/ World Famous Shani Temple, N. Delhi Shanti Mandir New York Vedanta Spiritual Library 108 Upanishads India India USA India 9684 Temple http://www.shcc.org.uk/ 9685 Temple http://www.shirdisaidallas.org/ 9686 9687 Temple Temple http://www.shirdisairam.org/ http://www.shirdisaitemple.com/ 9688 Temple http://www.shirdiusa.com/ 9689 9690 Temple Temple http://www.shiva-temple.narod.ru/ http://www.shiva-temple.tk/ 9691 Temple http://www.shivavishnu.org/ 9692 9693 9694 9695 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.shiva-vishnu.org/ http://www.shivavishnutemple.org/ http://www.shivayoga.io.ua/ http://www.shivmandir.org.in/ 9696 9697 Temple Temple http://www.shivmandiratlanta.org/ http://www.shivmandirus.com/ 9698 Temple http://www.shivshakti.org/ 9699 Temple http://www.shivshaktitemple.com/ 9700 Temple 9701 9702 Temple Temple http://www.shivshankar.in/mamleshwartemple-in-omkareshwar/ http://www.shreegeetabhawan.com/ http://www.shreehanumantemple.org.uk/ 9703 Temple 9704 Temple 9705 Temple 9706 Temple 9707 Shree Lakshmi Narayan Mandir, Shree Hindu Community Centre Birmingham Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex Shirdi Sai Center of Texas The Shirdi Saibaba Temple, Shirdi, Maharashtra The Florida Shirdi Sai BABA Temple, Inverness, Florida 34452 Shiva Temple Shiva Temple Shiva Vishnu temple of South Florida Shiva Vishnu Temple Siva Vishnu Temple Ohio Shiva Temple Shiv Mandir -The RVM Foundation, Bangalore Shiv Mandir Atlanta Shree Sanatan Dharam Shiv Mandir CA The Dharmic Sabha of Georgia Shiv Shakti Mandir Shiv Shakti Temple Edinburg, Texas UK USA USA India USA Russia Tokelau (New Zealand) USA USA USA Russia India USA USA USA USA India Temple Mamleshwar Temple in Omkareshwar Shree Geeta Bhawan Temple Shree Kastbhanjan Dev Hanumanji Temple (U.K.) Trust http://www.shreehindutemple.net/ Shree Hindu Temple & Community Centre http://www.shreekarveernivasini.com/ Shakti Peethas of Maharashtra Kiolhapur http://www.shreekhetra.com/markandeswara. Markandeshwar Temple, Puri and html Shri Jagannath Dham http://www.shreemaa.org/ Shree Maa - Temple of Devini Mother http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/928 Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas 9708 Temple http://www.shreenathjitemple.com/ India 9709 9710 9711 Temple Temple Temple http://www.shreeramjanmabhoomi.org/ http://www.shreerammandir.net/ http://www.shreeshantadurga.com/ 9712 9713 Temple Temple http://www.shreeswaminarayan.org.uk/ http://www.shreetripurasundari.org/ 9714 Temple http://www.shriayyappatemple.com/ 9715 Temple http://www.shridharmasthala.org/ Sri Nathji Temple, Shri Nathadwara, Rajasthan Shree Rama Janma Bhoomi Shree Ram Mandir New Jersey Shanta Durga Temple (avatar of Shree Jagdamba Devi who mediates between Vishnu & Shiva), Goa UK UK UK India India USA India India USA India Swaminarayan Temple London UK Shree Tripura Sundari Temple, India Banswara ,Rajasthan Ayyapppa Seva Sangham, Bombay : India Shri Dharamasthala Manjunath Swamy Temple India 9716 9717 Temple Temple http://www.shridurgamandir.com/ http://www.shrigaayatrimandir.org/ Shri Durga Temple,Varanasi Shri Gaayatri Mandir Minneapolis India USA 9718 9719 Temple Temple http://www.shriganeshkhajrana.com/ http://www.shrikashivishwanath.org/ Shree Ganesh Mandir Khajrana India Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi India 9720 Temple 9721 9722 9723 9724 9725 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.shrikrishnajanmabhoomimathura. org/ http://www.shrikrishnajanmasthan.net/ http://www.shrikrishnamandir.nl/ http://www.shrimandir.net/ http://www.shrimandir.org/ http://www.shrimangesh.org/ 9726 9727 9728 9729 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.shriomkareshwar.org/ http://www.shriradhakrishnamandir.org/ http://www.shrirammandir.co.uk/ http://www.shrirammandirjalgaon.com/ Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi Mandir, Mathura Shri krishna Janmasthan Shri Krishna Mandir Shri Mandir, San Diego, CA Shri Mandir Mangesh Temple (an incarnation of Shiva), Goa Shri Omkareshwar Mandir Trust Shri Radha Krishna Mandir NY Shree Ram Mandir, Southall Shri Ram Mandir Sansthan jalagaon 9730 9731 Temple Temple http://www.shrisuryanarayanmandir.org/ http://www.shrivitthal.com/ 9732 Temple 9733 9734 Temple Temple http://www.shutterstock.com/pic98394971/stock-photo-relief-of-hindutemples-at-my-son-in-vietnam-a-unescoworld-heritage-site.html http://www.shyambaba.in/ http://www.siddhalalitha.org/web/online/ 9735 Temple http://www.siddhayoga.tk/ 9736 Temple http://www.siddhivinayak.org/ 9737 Temple 9738 Temple 9739 Temple 9740 9741 9742 Temple Temple Temple 9743 Temple 9744 Temple 9745 9746 9747 9748 9749 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9750 Temple India India Netherland USA USA India India USA UK India Shri Surya Narayan Mandir, NY USA Shri Vitthal Hindu Mandir ,Toronto, Canada Canada Relief of Hindu Temples at My Son Vietnam in Vietnam - A UNESCO World Heritage Site Khatu Shyamji Sri Siddha Lalitha Peetham - Sree Vijaya Durga Kali Temple Shiva Temple Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Mumbai http://www.siddhivinayaktemple.co.in/ Shree Siddhivinayak Ganpati Mandir, Mumbai http://www.sihindutemple.com/ Staten Island Hindu Temple, New York http://www.siliconvalleytemple.net/ Sri Satyanarayana Swamy Devasthanam- Hari Hara Veda Vidya Peetham http://www.simhachalam.de/ ISKCON Jandelsbrunn http://www.simpletemplememories.com/ Simple Temple Memories http://www.singaporehindutemples.com/templ Shri Arasakesari Shivan Temple elist/SreeArasakesariShivan/SreeArasakesariS hivan.html http://www.sitaramaswamy.com/ Sita Rama Swamy Temple Bhadrachalam http://www.sites.google.com/site/iskconpuerto ISKCON Gurabo, Puerto Rico rico/ http://www.sitharkadusivantemple.com/ Sitharkadu Sivan Temple TN http://www.siva.far.ru/ Shiva Temple http://www.siva.h16.ru/ Shiva Temple http://www.sivankovil.blogspot.in/ Siva Temple (Temil Web) http://www.sivankovil.ch/ Arulmiku Sivan Temple, Glattbrugg Zurich http://www.sivantemple.com/ Sri Arasakesari Sivan Temple India USA Tokelau (New Zealand) India India USA USA Germany India Singapore India Puerto Rico India Russia Russia India Switzerland Singapore 9751 Temple http://www.sivaru.tk/ Temple of Shiva and Shakti in Moscow Shiva Temple 9752 Temple http://www.sivayoga.co.cc/ 9753 9754 9755 9756 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.sivayoga.narod.ru/ http://www.siva-yoga.sitecity.ru/ http://www.sivayoga.wallst.ru/eng/ http://www.skandavale.org/ 9757 Temple 9758 Temple 9759 9760 Temple Temple Shiva Temple Shiva Temple Shiva Temple Lord Subrahmanya - Group of Temples in Europe http://www.skbdtirth.org/ Shree Kheteshwer Brahamdham Tirth, Aasotra, District-Barmer, Rajasthan http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.p The Tallest Hindu Temple under hp?t=416566 Constructon -Tthe 35-storey tall Sri Mayapur Vedic Planetarium http://www.somnath.org/ Somnath Temple http://www.southallmandir.co.uk/ Vishwa Hindu Kendra, Southall UK 9761 Temple http://www.southeastasianarchaeology.com/ Hindu Temple Architecture Singapore 9762 9763 Temple Temple http://www.spb.hari.ru/ http://www.spiritsound.com/aum.html ISKCON Saint Petersburg A-U-M-Silence . . . the ancient sound of "OM" by David Gordon Russia India 9764 Temple http://www.springfieldtemple.org/ 9765 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple 9771 Temple 9772 Temple 9773 Temple 9774 9775 Temple Temple 9776 Temple 9777 Temple 9778 Temple 9779 Temple 9780 Temple The Hindu Temple of Greater Springfield (HTGS) http://www.srbm.co.za/ Shri Raam Bhajana Mandiram http://www.srdmc.org/ Sree Rama Dasa Mandir Chicago http://www.sreejagannathtemple.com/ Sri Jagannath Temple Thalassery http://www.sreekanteswaramtemple.com/ Sreekanteswaram, Trivandrum http://www.sree-padmanabhaswamy.com Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Neyyattinkara Sree Krishna Swamy http://www.sreepadmanabhaswamy.com/neyyattinkara-sree- Temple krishna-swamy-temple.html Mukkolackal Bhagavathi Temple in http://www.sreeSree Varaham padmanabhaswamy.com/sreevarahammukkolakkal-bhagavathy-temple-trivandrum http://www.sreepadmanabhaswamytemple.co m/ http://www.sreepadmanabhaswamytemple.or g/ http://www.sribharatamatamandir.org/ http://www.sribvpanjaneya.org/ Russia Cocos Island (Australia) Russia Russia Russia UK India India India UK USA South Africa USA India India India India India Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple India Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple India Bharatamata Mandir Shri Baktha Varaprasadha Anjaneyar Ashram Salem http://www.sridurgatemple.com/ Durga Temple (Durga Bhajan Mandali) Melbourne Victoria http://www.sriganesh.faithweb.com/ Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah Utah http://www.sriganeshahindutempleofutah.org/ Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah Utah http://www.sriharivaikuntakshetra.org/ Sri Hari Vaikunta Kshetra Narasimha Swamy Temple Bangalore http://www.srijagannath.org/ Sri Jagannath Center - Jyotish India India Australia USA USA India India 9781 Temple http://www.srikalahasthi.org/ Dakshina Kailasa mountain Srikalahasthi Temple, AP India 9782 Temple http://www.srikalahastitemple.com/ India 9783 Temple http://www.srikali.org/ 9784 Temple http://www.srikanakampikai.com/ 9785 Temple http://www.srikrishnachaitanya.org/ Sri KalaHasteeswara Swami vari Devasthanam AP Sri Siddha Lalitha Peetham - Sree Vijaya Durga Kali Temple Sri Kankampikai Temple, Kilinochchi North Srilanka Lord Krishna Temple, Rajahmundry 9786 9787 9788 Temple Temple Temple http://www.srikrishnamandir.com/ http://www.srikrishnamandir.org/ http://www.srilakshmi.org/ Shrii Krishna Mandir Sri Krishna Mandir Sri Lakshmi Temple Machatuchete, Guyana Singapore USA 9789 Temple http://www.srilakshminarasimha.org/ India 9790 Temple http://www.srimahalakshmitemple.org.uk/ Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swami Devasthanam, DharmapuriSri Mahalakshmi Temple, London 9791 Temple http://www.srimeru.org/ 9792 Temple http://www.srimookambika.com/ 9793 Temple http://www.srinagapooshani.org/ 9794 Temple http://www.srinarayantemple.org/ 9795 9796 Temple Temple 9797 Temple 9798 Temple 9799 Temple 9800 USA Sri Lanka India UK Shri Subbarao Kompella USA Soundarya Lahiri Sri Mookambika Temple, Karnataka India Sri Nagapooshani Ambika Sameda Canada Nagalingeshwara Thirukovil Ontario USA Temple Sri Narayan Hindu Temple, Yuba City, CA 95905 http://www.sripalanimalaimurugan.com/ Sri Palani Malai Murugan Temple http://www.sriparthasarathyswamytemple.org Sri Parthasarathy Swamy Temple / Triplicane, Chennai http://www.sripuram.org/ Sripuram -Sri Lakshminarayani Golden Temple http://www.srirajarajeswaritemple.com/ Raja Rajeswari is the presiding deity of Sri Chakra, Taman Sentosa, Malaysia http://www.srirangam.org/ Sri Ranganathar Swamy Temple Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli http://www.srirangam.ramanujartemples.net/ Srirangam Temple 9801 9802 9803 9804 Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.srisailamtemple.com/ http://www.srisaimandir.org/ http://www.sriselvavinayagar.com/ http://www.sriselvavinayagar.org.uk/ Srisaila Devasthanam Sri Saibaba Temple Society OH Sri Selva Vinayagar temple Sri Selva Vinayagar Temple London India USA Malaysia UK 9805 Temple http://www.sriselvavinayakar.org/ Australia 9806 Temple 9807 Temple 9808 9809 Temple Temple 9810 Temple Sri Selva Vinayakar Koyil Ganesha Temple - Sri Lakshmi Narayana Brisbane Queensland http://www.srisiddhivinayaktemple.com/ Shri Siddhivinayak Temple, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra http://www.srisriramthakur.org/ Sri Sri Kaibalyadham - Sri Sri Ramthakur http://www.srithiyagarajatemple.org/ Thyagaraja Temple, Tiruvarur http://www.srithiyagarajatemple.org/default.a The Thiyagaraja temple at sp Thiruvarur http://www.srivallabhatemple.org/ Sree Vallabha Temple Thiruvalla Malaysia India India Malaysia India India India Bangla Desh India India India 9811 Temple 9812 Temple 9813 Temple 9814 Temple 9815 Temple 9816 9817 9818 Temple Temple Temple 9819 Temple 9820 Temple 9821 Temple 9822 9823 Temple Temple 9824 9825 http://www.sriven.org/ Sri Venkateswara Temple Tyagaraya Nagar, Hyderabad http://www.srivilliputhur.com/ Arulmigu Srivilliputhur Andal Temple, Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://www.srivilliputhurandaltemple.tnhrce.i Arulmigu Srivilliputhur Andal n/ Temple, Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://www.srivilliputtur.co.in/ Arulmigu Srivilliputhur Andal Temple, Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://www.srivishnuthurkka.com/ Sri Vishnu Thurkkai Amman Temple, Zurich http://www.srtemple.org/ Sita Ram Temple Jackson, MS http://www.sstsingapore.com/ Sri Sivan Temple, Singapore http://www.ssvt.org/ Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Washington DC, USA http://www.sttemple.com/ Sri Thendayuthapani Temple - Sri Lion Sithi Vinayagar Temple http://www.sttemple.com/sri-layan-sithiSri Layan Sithi Vinayagar Temple, vinayagar-temple/about-lsv-temple.html Singapore http://www.sttemple.com/sriSri Thendayuthapani Temple, thendayuthapani-temple/about-st-temple.html Singapore India Subhashita USA Vishnu Temple Colorado USA USA Temple Temple http://www.subhashita.com/ http://www.summitpost.org/vishnutemple/249805 http://www.sunkishalasvtemple.org/ http://www.sunnyvale-hindutemple.org/ India USA 9826 9827 Temple Temple http://www.sunnyvaletemple.org/ http://www.sunvalleytemple.org/ 9828 Temple http://www.svbf.org/ 9829 Temple http://www.svdd.com/ 9830 Temple http://www.svkshetra.org/ 9831 Temple http://www.svtemple.org/ 9832 Temple http://www.svtempleco.org/ 9833 Temple http://www.svtemplenc.org/ 9834 Temple http://www.svtsydney.org/ 9835 Temple http://www.svvstemple.org/ 9836 Temple http://www.swaminarayan.com/ 9837 Temple http://www.swaminarayan.gb.net/ 9838 Temple http://www.swaminarayan.gb.net/Home/ Sunkishala SV Temple Sunnyvale Hindu Temple & Community Center Sunnyvale Hindu Temple Sri Murugan Temple and Cultural Center of Sun Valley Sringeri Vidya Bharati Foundation Pennsylvania Sri Vedantha Desikar Devasthanam (SVDD) Sri Venkata Krishna Kshetra (Tempe, AZ). Sri Venkateswara Temple, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Sri Venkateswara Temple of Colorado Sri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple of North Carolina Sri Venkateswara Temple New South Wales Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Temple Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (BAPS) - Hari Mandir Maryland Shree KS Swaminarayan Temple London Shree Kutch Satsang Swaminarayan Temple South East Lond India India India Switzerland USA Singapore USA Singapore Singapore Singapore USA USA USA India USA USA USA USA Australia USA USA UK UK 9839 Temple http://www.swaminarayan.in/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kalupur, Ahmedabad Swaminarayan Temples Shree Swaminarayan Temple,karelibaug,Vadodara Shree Swaminarayan Gadi London India 9840 9841 Temple Temple http://www.swaminarayan.nu/ http://www.swaminarayanbhagwan.com/ 9842 Temple http://www.swaminarayangadi.com/ 9843 Temple http://www.swaminarayanmandir.org.uk/ SKS Swaminarayan Temple, East London Shree Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal Temple Shree Swaminarayan Mandir, Jawahar Road, Junagadh Shree Swaminarayan Temple (Mandir) Perth Australia, Shree Swaminarayan Main Mandir Rajkot Shree Swaminarayan Mandir (Vadtal Dham), Toronto, Canada. Shree Swaminarayan Temple Melbourne - Australia Swaminarayan Temple Oldham Swaminarayan Temples -Tanzania UK 9844 Temple http://www.swaminarayanmandirdowney.org/ 9845 Temple 9846 Temple http://www.swaminarayanmandirjunagadh.co m/ http://www.swaminarayanmandirperth.org/ 9847 Temple http://www.swaminarayanmandirrajkot.com/ 9848 Temple http://www.swaminarayanmandirtoronto.org/ 9849 Temple http://www.swaminarayanmelbourne.org.au/ 9850 9851 Temple Temple 9852 Temple http://www.swaminarayan-oldham.org/ http://www.swaminarayansatsang.com/temple s/templesdetails.asp?Mandirid=78 http://www.swaminarayansurat.com/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Surat 9853 Temple http://www.swaminarayansydney.org.au/ 9854 Temple http://www.swaminarayanvadtalgadi.org/ 9855 Temple http://www.swaminarayanwales.org.uk/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Australia Blacktown Shree Swaminarayan Temple USA Wheeling, Chicago Shree Swaminarayan Temple Cardiff UK 9856 9857 Temple Temple http://www.swaminarayanworld.net/en/ http://www.swedenganeshtemple.com/ Swami Narayan World Ganesh Temple Stockholm Sweden 9858 Temple http://www.sydneydurga.org/ Sri Durga Devi Devasthanam Sydney Australia 9859 Temple http://www.sydneymurugan.org.au/ 9860 Temple http://www.sydneytemple.org/ Sydney Murugan temple New South Australia Wales Shree Swaminarayan Temple Sydney Australia 9861 9862 9863 Temple Temple Temple Shiva Temple Shiva Temple Balaji Temple UK 9864 Temple http://www.syoga.heliohost.org/ http://www.syoga.tora.ru/ http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/balajiuk1.ht ml http://www.tamilnadutemples.co.in/ 9865 Temple Sydney Murugan Temple 9866 9867 9868 Temple Temple Temple http://www.tamilnet.net.au/sydmurugan/index .htm http://www.tanahlot.net http://www.temple.org/ http://www.templeganesh.fr/ 9869 Temple 9870 9871 Temple Temple India India India USA India Australia India Canada Australia UK Tanzania India India Sweden Russia Russia UK Tamil Nadu the temple state of India India Australia Pura Tanah Lot Indonesia Shiva Murugan Temple USA Sri Manika Vinayakar Alayam Paris France http://www.templenet.com/enckeraa1.html#T Kerala Temple List opofPage http://www.templeslamp.com/ Temple Lamps, Tamil Nadu http://www.TempleTrips.com/ Temple Services India India India 9872 9873 Temple Temple http://www.terapad.com/ http://www.thaiwebsites.com/muangtam.asp Tampa ISKCON Temple Hindu Heritage Temples Thailand USA Thailand 9874 Temple http://www.thakkolam.in/SivanTemple.php India 9875 Temple http://www.thazhakara.org/ 9876 Temple 9877 9878 9879 Temple Temple Temple http://www.thedivineindia.com/girija-devitemple-ramnagar/5814 http://www.thehanumanmission.com/ http://www.thehanumantemple.org/ http://www.thehindutemple.ca/ Thirty two Thiruthalam (abode) for Lord Shiva in Thondai Nadu, Vellore, TN Sree Subramanya Swami Temple, Thazhakkara, Kerala Girija Devi Corbet, Ramnagar, UP Canada Canada Canada 9880 Temple http://www.thehindutemple.org/ The Hanuman Temple Ontario The Hanuman Temple Ontario Richmond Hill Hindu Temple Ontario Hindu Temple Of Canton Michigan 9881 Temple 9882 Temple 9883 Temple 9884 Temple http://www.thekonark.in/konarknineplanettem Konark Navagraha Temple ple.html http://www.thepanamanews.com/pn/v_11/issu Hindu Temple e_15/community_02.html http://www.therichmondtemple.org/ The Richmond Temple - Hindu Centre of Virginia http://www.thirumalaimurugantemple.org/ Arulmigu Thirumalai Kumaraswamy Thirukovil, Panpozhi 9885 Temple 9886 9887 Temple Temple 9888 Temple 9889 Temple 9890 9891 9892 9893 Temple Temple Temple Temple 9894 9895 Temple Temple 9896 9897 9898 Temple Temple Temple 9899 9900 Temple Temple 9901 Temple http://www.thiruppanjilisivantemple.com/ Sri Gneelivaneswarar Temple, Thirupangeeli, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu http://www.thiruthalam.com/ Shakthi Online Services http://www.thiruvannamalai.in/tiruvannamalai Arunachaleswarar Temple -temple/Arunachaleswarar-temple.html Annamalai hills http://www.thiruverkadukarumari.com/ Arulmigu Devi Karumariamman Temple, Thiruverkadu http://www.thrikodithanam.org/ Thrikodithanam Mahavishnu Kshetram - The Ancient Vishnu Temple at Thrikodithanam, Kerala, India http://www.tillai.com/ Chidambram Natarajar Temple http://www.tillerganesha.no/# Sri Tiller Ganesha Tempel http://www.tiruchendur.com/temple.html Murugan Temple Tiruchendur http://www.tiruchendur.org/ Sri Subrahmanya Swami Devasthanam, Tiruchendur http://www.tiruchendurmurugan.com/ Murugan Temple Tiruchendur http://www.tiruchendurmurugantemple.com/ Arulmigu Subramania Swamy Murugan Temple, Tiruchendur http://www.tirupati.org/ Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams http://www.tirupatibalajidarshan.com/ Tirupati Darshan http://www.tirupatibalajitemple.net/ Sri Venkateswara Temple, seventh peak, Venkatachala (Venkata Hill), Tirupati Hill, http://www.tirupatilivedarshan.com/ Tirupati Live Darshan http://www.tiruvannamalai.tn.nic.in/ Arulmigu Srivilliputhur Andal Temple, Virudhinagar district of Tamil Nadu, India http://www.tntemple.org/ TN Hindu Temples India India USA India Panama USA India India India India India India India Norway India India India India India India India India India India 9902 Temple http://www.tongaatvtd.co.za/ Vishwaroop Temple & Dharamshala South Africa 9903 Temple http://www.tovp.org/ India 9904 Temple http://www.trilokidhaam.nl/ Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (ToVP) Mandir Triloki Dhaam Eindhoven 9905 9906 Temple Temple http://www.tristatehindutemple.org/ http://www.ttdonlinebooking.com/ USA India 9907 9908 9909 Temple Temple Temple 9910 9911 9912 Temple Temple Temple http://www.ttdsevaonline.com/ http://www.tulsimanasmandir.org/ http://www.udaipur.org.uk/temples/jagdishtemple.html http://www.udipikrishnamutt.com/ http://www.udupisrikrishnamutt.org/ http://www.ullagaramvijayaganapathy.org/ Tri State Hindu Temple Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam Online Booking Lord Venkateshwara Shri Tulsi Manas Mandir Jagdish Temple Udaipur Shree Krishna Temple Udipi Sri Krishna Temple Udupi Vijaya Ganapathy Temple Chennai India India India 9913 9914 Temple Temple http://www.uluwatu.org/uluwatu.shtml http://www.unmattganga.com/ Indonesia World 9915 9916 Temple Temple http://www.uppathil.net/ http://www.utahganesha.com/ Pura Uluwatu Shree Swaminarayan Temple Gadhpur Bhavnagar Sanatana Dharma Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah 9917 Temple http://www.utahkrishnas.com/ USA 9918 Temple http://www.utahkrishnas.org/ Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Utah Spanish Fork Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple Utah USA 9919 Temple Tungnath Temple, Uttrakhand India 9920 9921 Temple Temple http://www.uttarakhand.ws/pilgrimagetemples/tungnath http://www.uttaraswamimalai.in/ http://www.vadtaldhamnj.info/ 9922 Temple 9923 Temple 9924 9925 9926 Temple Temple Temple 9927 9928 Temple Temple 9929 9930 Temple Temple 9931 Temple 9932 Temple 9933 Temple 9934 Temple 9935 Temple Sree Uttara Swami Malai Temple Shree Swaminarayan Temple New Jersey http://www.vadtaldhamnj.org/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple New Jersey http://www.vadtalmandir.org/ Shree Swaminarayan Temple Sansthan Vadtal http://www.vaikhari.org/aluva.html Aluva Mahadeva Temple http://www.vaikhari.org/ramapuram.html Ramapuram Sree Rama Temple http://www.vaikhari.org/suchindram.html Sthanumalaya Perumal Temple, Suchindram in Kanyakumari http://www.vaikomtemple.org/ Vaikkom’s Shiva Temple, Kerala http://www.vaisesikadasa.com/ Silicon Valley Temple -Vaisesika Dasa Network http://www.vaishnodevitemple.com/ Shri Maa Vaishno Devi Shrine http://www.valamchuzhytemple.org/ Valamchuzy Temple Mallasserry, Kerala http://www.vanadurgamandir.org/ Shiva Vishnu Temple of Ohio Hindu Temple of Ohio, Dayton http://www.vanamaliashram.org/Guruvayoor The Temple of Guruvayoor %20Temple.html http://www.vannaikamakshi.com/ Vannai Sri Kamakshi Ampal Kovil, Jaffna http://www.varanasi4u.com/durga_temple.ht Durga Mandir Varanasi m http://www.varanasicity.com/temples/sankat- Sankat Mochan Temple, Varanasi mochan-temple.html Netherland India India India USA USA India USA USA India India India India India USA India India USA India Sri Lanka India India 9936 Temple http://www.varasiddhivinayakar.com/ Sri Varasiddhi Vinayakar [Ganesh] Temple, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India 9937 Temple http://www.vcm.org.in/ India 9938 Temple http://www.vdnj.org/ 9939 9940 Temple Temple http://www.veda.mn/ http://www.vedanta-seattle.org/ 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple http://www.vedantasociety.net/ http://www.vedchant.com/ http://www.vedic.sarov.cc/ http://www.vediclifestyle.co.za/ http://www.vedictemple.org/ http://www.vedictempleohio.org/ http://www.vedmandir.org/ http://www.velloregoldentemple.com/ 9949 Temple http://www.vemulawada.org/ 9950 Temple http://www.vengadesa.com/ Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir, Mathura -700 Ft, World's Tallest Krishna Temple Shree Swaminarayan Temple New Jersey Mongolia Vedic Temple Vedanta Society of Western Washington Ramkrishna Vedanta Society MA Veda Prasar Samiti ISKCON Russia Vedic Information Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple Vedic Temple Ohio Ved Mandir - New Jersey Sripuram -Sri Lakshminarayani Golden Temple Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swamy Devasthanam, Vemulawada Vannai Sri Vengadesa Varatharaja Perumal Kovil, Jaffna 9951 Temple http://www.venkateswara.co.uk/ UK 9952 Temple http://www.venkateswara.org.uk/ 9953 Temple http://www.venkateswara.org/ 9954 Temple http://www.vhnd.in/ 9955 Temple http://www.victoriahindutemple.com/ 9956 Temple 9957 Temple http://www.videsh.com/india_travel/indianreligious-organizations/hindutemples/philippines.html http://www.vietnam720.com/VirtualTours/Mariamman-Hindu-Temple.167.html Telugu Community Association Preston Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple of UK West Midlands Sri Venkateswara Temple New Jersey Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars Devasthanam Victoria Hindu Temple British Columbia NRIs - Temple s of Phillipines 9958 Temple http://www.vinayagar.com/ Geneva Arputha Vinayagar Temple 9959 Temple http://www.vinayaka.org/ 9960 Temple http://www.vinayakar.org.au/ Sri Vinayagar Mandir, New Delhi, India India Sri Katphaga Vinayakar Temple Australia Homebush West - New South Wales 9961 Temple http://www.virtualtemple.org/ 9962 Temple 9963 9964 9965 9966 USA Mongolia USA USA India Russia South Africa USA USA USA India India Sri Lanka UK USA India Canada Philippines Mariamman Hindu Temple, Vietnam Vietnam Switzerland Temple Temple ISKCON San Jose, California Hare Krishna Temple http://www.vishalrathod.com/mahakaleshwar- Mahakaleshwar and Ujjain and-ujjain/ http://www.vishnumandir.com/ Vishnu Mandir Ontario http://www.vishnumandirofnewyork.com/ Vishnu Mandir New York Canada USA Temple Temple http://www.vishnushivamandir.org/ http://www.vishnutemple.in/ Australia India Vishnu Siva Mandir, Canberra Vishnu Temples & Statues USA India 9967 Temple 9968 Temple http://www.vishnutemple.in/sri-aadikesavaperumal-temple/ http://www.vishnutemplebangkok.org/ 9969 Temple http://www.vishnutemplesofkarnataka.info/ 9970 9971 Temple Temple http://www.vraj.org/ http://www.vvgc.org/ 9972 Temple http://www.waymarking.com/ 9973 Temple http://www.waytotemple.com/ 9974 9975 Temple Temple http://www.website.com.sg/sassingapore/ http://www.webspawner.com/users/htsnm/ 9976 Temple 9977 Temple 9978 Temple 9979 Temple http://www.weltatlas.de/photo_of_hindu_temple_in_mombasa _0-9009-85 http://www.weltatlas.de/photo_of_victoria_hindu_temple_ma h%C3%A9_seychelles_0-9021-7 http://www.wikimapia.org/11614422/ShivShanker-Temple http://www.wisatamelayu.com/en/tour/35Lingsar-Hindu-Temple/navgeo 9980 9981 Temple Temple 9982 Temple 9983 9984 Sri Aadikesava Perumal Temple India Hindu Dharma Sabha-Vishnu Temple -Vishnu Temple Bangkok Vishnu Temples located in Karnataka ( Melnadu) Vraj Pennsylvania Vaidica Vidhya Ganapathi Center Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi Temple Thailand Babaji Lingam Temple, Yuma, Arizona Dakshina Kailasa mountain Srikalahasthi Temple, AP USA Sri Aurobindo Society Hindu Temple Society of New Mexico Hindu Temple in Mombasa, Kenya Singapore USA Victoria Hindu Temple, Mahé, Seychelles Republic of Seychelles Shiv Shanker Temple (Jacobabad ) Pakistan India USA USA India Kenya Indonesia Lingsar Hindu Temple, West Lombok District - West Nusa Tenggara http://www.woodlandshindutemple.org/ Hindu Temple of the Woodlands http://www.worldgreatestsites.com/mountMt Bromo Temple - Trimurti Gods bromo_indonesia.htm Temple http://www.yellowpages.bizmax.in/Ghaziabad Dudheshwar Nath Temple /TouristsAttractionDetail.aspx?ID=233 Ghaziabad USA Indonesia Temple Temple http://www.yogaville.org/ http://www.yogigorakshnath.org/ USA India 9985 Temple http://www.youthfm.com/mannarasala/ 9986 Temple 9987 Temple 9988 Temple 9989 Temple 9990 Temple The Mystery of Angkor Cambodia 9991 Temple Temple Most Secret Hindu Temple of Bali Pura Tanah Lot Chinese Worship at Hindu Temple Indonesia 9992 9993 Temple http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&featur e=endscreen&v=O692XuHizGA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dqbfB7M O60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HmpKjZs 3AA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YKjN2J9 tf8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lq6FUqS zTQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4a117JV -zY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC9kE3T _8Bg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeoBCyiC A4w Satchidananda Ashram Virginia Guru Gorakhnath Mandir, Upper Road, Haridwar Mannaralsala Sree Nagaraja Temple Kerala Video Trinidad Temple In the Sea Waterloo Freeport Darwin's Theory of Evolution & Hindu Dasa Avatharas Hindu Temple - Pura Lempuyang Bali Nayana Devi Temple Nainital World Converting to HinduismAthens Greece India India Trinidad & Tobago India Indonesia India China 9994 Temple 9995 Temple 9996 Temple 9997 Temple 9998 Temple 9999 Temple 10000 Temple 10001 Temple 10002 Temple 10003 Temple 10004 Temple 10005 Temple 10006 Temple 10007 Temple 10008 Temple 10009 Temple 10010 Temple 10011 Temple 10012 Temple 10013 Temple 10014 Temple 10015 Temple http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq24nDuAeA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haYY4zjC Aoo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuJ_D78r pHI&list=PL51075D180041598F http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwMkLv Nx0FI&list=LPnD9_rcLRv3w&index=6&feat ure=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1G16Pci Za0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzR8lFXi gko http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3zgm_N 5baA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8yZHp_E 7QY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7DOny5TFE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1FeKClvs HQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNLkSCl AJaA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmH4iCX aCIQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlYTB2Jjf f0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmHy897 xhbg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ5JZShP BWk http://yatra.narod.ru/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_temple Khmer Temples in the Mekong Delta Vietnam The Hindu Temple in Hamm | European Journal Thaipusham Religion or Science: Which is more Important in the World Today-JKP Barsana Dham Center Germany Penang new Hindu temple biggest outside India Malaysia USA Murugaperruman in Yangon - Tamil Myanmar Hindu Temple Digging for the Truth: Angkor Wat Cambodia Guyana Mariamman Temple Guyana Borobudur & Prambanan Hindu temples Dozens of Hindu Converts at the New Temple,Omsk-Russia Kanwariya India India Lord Siva Temple Muscat Oman Khmer ancient Hindu temple in Kampong Cham province Shri Shiv Shankar Shewa mandal jacobabad shivratri 2012 Vietnam Hindyu Temple Vietnam Vietnam Kashi Viswanatha, Baroda India ISKCON Russia Chelyabinsk Hindu Temples Russia World Russia Pakistan https://plus.google.com/u/0/10950203023137 Canada Sri Ayyappan Hindu temple Canada 2930260 https://www.bihariji.org/ Shri Banke Bihari Mandir -Brij India Dham Vrindavan https://www.facebook.com/DurbanKrishna ISKCON Durban South Africa https://www.facebook.com/DurgaBariBhattap urnia/posts/387028578054864 https://www.facebook.com/IskconBangaloreH BRLayout https://www.facebook.com/IskconSambalpur Rangoon Durga Bari Myanmar Myanmar India 10018 Temple Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir Sri Girdhari News, Bangalore Iskcon Sambalpur(Raghunandan Dham)Burla https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2 The 8th wonder of the world Built 81925078565891.65919.182221931869540 by HINDUS &type=1 https://www.facebook.com/muar.sivantemple Sivan Temple Muar, Johor, Malaysia 10019 Temple https://www.facebook.com/shreeshanidham Shani Dham Delhi India 10020 Temple 10021 Temple https://www.facebook.com/Vaikhariorg https://www.hindumandirmn.org/ Aluva Mahadeva Temple Hindu Mandir, Minnesota India USA 10016 Temple 10017 Temple India Cambodia Malaysia 10022 Temple 10023 Temple https://www.iskconhouston.org/ https://www.murugantemple.us/ ISKCON Houston, Texas Murugan Temple of North America USA USA 10024 Temple 10025 Temple https://www.shivamurugantemple.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ITR0_R RbDc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCctJU6 QjLM Siva Murugan Temple Chudeshwar Mahadev, HP USA India Baba Batukeshwar Dham Mandir Sri Vasudev Teerth, Amroha India 10026 Temple 10027 Temple 10028 Temple- Special 10029 Temple- Special 10030 Temple- Special 10031 Temple- Special 10032 Temple- Special 10033 Temple- Special 10034 Temple- Special 10035 Temple- Special 10036 Temple- Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlPEHm m1dmY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellora_Kailasanat har_Temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shri_Kalyan_Te mple Manokamna Mandir Teerth, Sambhal Ellora Kailasanathar Temple (carved out of one single rock) Shri Kalyan Temple, Malpura tehsil, Tonk district, Rajasthan (Oldest Temple) http://hinduismisnotreligionitsdharma.blogspo Baijnath Mahadev, Agar Malwa, t.com/ MP -The Only Hindu Temple Built By the British http://sivadeepam.blogspot.in/ Baijnath Mahadev, Agar Malwa, MP -The Only Hindu Temple Built By the British http://www.balisurfadvisor.com/placesinterest Ulun Danu Temple - Beratan /ulundanutemple.html Bedugul Bali http://www.guruvayurkrishnatemple.com/ Guruvayur krishna Temple Kerala has 33.5-metre (110-ft) gold-plated flagstaff http://www.hindu-blog.com/2011/06/book"Mundeshwari Mandir: The oldest and-film-on-mundeshwari-mandir-one.html recorded temple in the county" by Acharya Kishore Kunal India http://www.nilatanzil.com/2011/06/visitingunderwater-temple.html http://www.srirajakaliamman.org/ Indonesia Underwater Temple in Pemuteran, Bali Sri RajaKali Amman Glass Temple India India India India Indonesia India India Malaysia 10037 Temple- Special http://www.tinsukiaonline.com/2011/11/tiling Tilinga Mandir (Bordubi,Tinsukia). a-mandir-bordubitinsukia-temple.html It is also caled as Bell Temple India 10038 Temple- Special http://www.trifter.com/asia-pacific/india/atemple-to-shiva-in-the-middle-of-the-sea/ India 10039 Temple- Special http://www.yogoyo.com/nepal-travelguide/kathmandu-city-photos/budhaneelkanth-kathmandu-nepal.htm http://aalayamkanden.blogspot.in/ Nishkalank Mahadev temple -A Temple to Shiva in The Middle of The Sea - Koliyak, Bhavnagar district, Gujarat Jal Narayan - Budha Neelkanth, Kathmandu, Nepal Journey of lesser known temples in India Ancient Temples of India Bali Temples Temples in West Java India 10040 Temples Database 10041 Temples Database 10042 Temples Database 10043 Temples Database 10044 Temples Database 10045 Temples Database 10046 Temples Database http://ancientindiantemple.blogspot.in/ http://candi.pnri.go.id/bali/index_e.htm http://candi.pnri.go.id/jawa_barat/index_e.ht m http://candi.pnri.go.id/jawa_tengah_yogyakart a/index_e.htm http://candi.pnri.go.id/jawa_timur/index_e.ht m http://candi.pnri.go.id/pengantar/index_e.htm Nepal India Indonesia Indonesia Temples Located in Central Java and Yogyakarta Temples Located in East Java Indonesia Indonesia Hindu Temples of Indonesia Indonesia 10047 Temples Database http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/e_index.htm Temples in Sumatra Indonesia 10048 Temples Database 10049 Temples Database http://csgraju.wordpress.com/ http://divyadarisanams.blogspot.com/2009_08 _01_archive.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hindu_t emples_by_country http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hindu_t emples_in_Cambodia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Indian_ Hindu_temple_stubs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_temples_i n_Multan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ganapath i_Temples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ganapati _temples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindu_te mples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindu_te mples_in_Nepal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hindu_te mples_outside_India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_large_Hi ndu_temples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_large_te mple_tanks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_G opurams http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_temples_i n_Goa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_temples_i n_Tulu_Nadu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navagraha_templ es http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Vishnu _temples http://hindudharamsabha.blogspot.com/ http://hindudharamsabha.blogspot.in/ Details about Temples Hindu Temples India India Hindu Temples by Coutry World Hindu Teples in Cambodia Cambodia Indian Hindu temple stubs India Hindu temples in Multan Pakistan List of Ganapathi Temples India List of Ganapati temples India List of Hindu Temples World Temples in Nepal Nepal List of Hindu temples outside India World List of large Hindu temples World List of large temple tanks India 10050 Temples Database 10051 Temples Database 10052 Temples Database 10053 Temples Database 10054 Temples Database 10055 Temples Database 10056 Temples Database 10057 Temples Database 10058 Temples Database 10059 Temples Database 10060 Temples Database 10061 Temples Database 10062 Temples Database 10063 Temples Database 10064 Temples Database 10065 Temples Database 10066 Temples Database 10067 Temples Database 10068 Temples Database 10069 Temples Database 10070 10071 10072 10073 Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database 10074 10075 10076 10077 Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database 10078 Temples Database List of tallest Gopurams & Vimanam India List of temples in Goa India List of temples in Tulu Nadu India Navagraha Temples India Vishnu Temples in the Workd World Hindu Dharam Sabha Hindu Dharam Sabha - Temples of Himachal Pradesh http://hinduonline.co/HinduCulture/ListOfTe Hindu Temples worldwide mplesWorldwide.html http://hindutemplesaroundworld.blogspot.in/ Hindu Temples built outside India http://hindutemplesindia.blogspot.in/ http://hindutemplesinfo.weebly.com/ http://hindutemplespakistan.blogspot.in/ http://hpshimla.nic.in/sml_temples.htm#Tara DeviTemple http://indianmandirs.blogspot.in/ http://indianstemples.blogspot.com/ http://indiantempleslist.blogspot.in/ http://indiatempletour.blogspot.in/ Hindu Gods & Temples Hindu Temples Information Hindu Temples in Pakistan Temples in Himachal Pradesh Hindu Temples Indian Temples Indian Temples India Temple Tour - Sri Ramanatha Swamy Temple http://iskconjapan.com/japanese/iskconeurope ISKCON Temples .html India India India World India World Pakistan India India India India India Japan 10079 Temples Database 10080 Temples Database 10081 Temples Database 10082 Temples Database http://iskcontemples.wordpress.com/hareHare Krishna Temples & Links krishna-links/ http://manakamanaFammous Temples of Nepal ramesh.blogspot.in/2009_11_01_archive.html http://maps.thefullwiki.org/List_of_Hindu_te Hindu Temples shown on World mples Map http://mysticaltemplesofmalaysia.blogspot.in/ Mystical Temples of Malaysia World Nepal World Malaysia 10083 Temples Database 10084 Temples Database http://ponniyinselvan.in/ Tallest Vimanam in S. 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10096 10097 10098 Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database 10099 Temples Database 10100 Temples Database 10101 Temples Database 10102 Temples Database 10103 10104 10105 10106 Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database Temples Database 10107 Temples Database 10108 Temples Database 10109 Temples Database 10110 Temples Database Hindu Temples Temple Information: Anudeep Sharma Kappaganti http://temples-india.blogspot.in/ Temples of India http://templesofkarnataka.com/ Temples of Karnataka http://templesoftamilnadu.co.in/ Temples of Tamil Nadu http://tentangindonesiadandunia.blogspot.in/2 10 Temples of Hindus & Buddhas 013/05/10-temple-budha-and-hindu.html in Indonesia http://theangkor.net/category/all-temples Over 100 Temples of Cambodia including Angkor Wat http://wikitemples.wikispaces.com/Major+tem Hindu Temples outside India ples+outside+India+(by+country) http://www.7wonders.org/wonders/asia/indon Temples of Bali, Indonesia 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Temples Database Project Malaysia (HTDP). 3346 recorded of Malaysia 10164 Temples Database Navagraha Temples Shri Shirdi Saibaba temples around the world http://www.parjatan.gov.bd/temples.php Hindu Temples in Bangla Desh http://www.pbase.com/svami/melnattu_thiruk Temples photos, karnataka koil http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/Osian.html Vishnu, Surya Temples, Osian 10165 Temples Database http://www.rajasthantour4u.com/temples.html Temples in Rajasthan India 10166 Temples Database 10167 Temples Database http://www.sanathandharma.com/ http://www.sarathc.com/ten-most-beautifulmodern-hindu-temples-abroad.html Sanathan Dharma - Temples Ten Most Beautiful Modern Hindu Temples Abroad India USA 10168 Temples Database http://www.shaivam.org/siddhanta/spjk.htm Temples in Jammu & Kashmir India 10169 Temples Database 10170 Temples Database 10171 Temples Database http://www.shanibhagwan.com/ http://www.shivaquest.org.in/ http://www.shivatemples.com/ Shani Temples in India Lord Shiva & Temples Lord 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http://www.srilankaheritages.com/hindu.html Sri Lanka Heritages Foundation Hindu Temples http://www.subzerosiam.com/forum/showthre Hindu Temples in Thailand ad.php/20811-Indian-Temples-inBangkok?s=9906b1ef975f432fd9cf79fb2c3a 08de http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus1.ht List of Hindu Temples and Religious ml Centers in the USA http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus2.ht List of Hindu Temples and Religious ml Centers in the USA http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus3.ht List of Hindu Temples and Religious ml Centers in the USA http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus4.ht List of Hindu Temples and Religious ml Centers in the USA http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus5.ht List of Hindu Temples and Religious ml Centers in the USA http://www.tamilelibrary.org/teli/templeus6.ht List of Hindu Temples and Religious ml Centers in the USA http://www.templeindia.info/ Indian Temples http://www.templenet.com/ Hindu Temples in India http://www.templenet.com/karnataka.html Temples ofKarnataka Sri Lanka http://www.templepujari.com/view_temples.p hp http://www.templeshindu.com/ http://www.templesindia.org/ http://www.templesofindia.net/ http://www.templesonnet.com/ http://www.thekeralatemples.com/ http://www.touropia.com/amazing-hindutemples/ http://www.track-adventure.com/blog/ http://www.trimandir.org/ Temple Pujari - Temples Darshan India Hindu temples Temples in India Temples oof India Indian Hindu Temples The Kerala Temples 10 Amazing Hindu Temples USA India India India India World Seven Temples to Enlightenment Shree Mahavir Bhagwan, Shree Krishna Bhagwan, Shree Ram Bhagwan http://www.usatemples.com/ USA Temples http://www.vadtal.com/ Shree Swami Narayan Temples http://www.vasthurengan.com/hindu-temples Hindu Temples http://www.waymarking.com/cat/details.aspx? f=1&guid=3e40df61-2a37-4f82-a1d770168e356afe http://www.yica.org/queens.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&featur e=endscreen&v=8aiujt9KlUM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2516WajXqs 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http://www.maharishivediccity.com/ Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa http://www.maharishivedicuniversity.org/ Maharishi Vedic University Holland 10259 Veda Education 10260 Veda Education http://www.omshantidhama.in/ http://www.paatasala.org/ 10261 Veda Education http://www.parankusa.org/ 10262 Veda Education 10263 Veda Education http://www.prabodhinigurukula.org/ http://www.rajkotgurukul.org/ 10264 Veda Education 10265 Veda Education 10266 Veda Education http://www.shrivedabharathi.in/ http://www.shuklayajurveda.org/ http://www.sriccvvtrust.org/ 10267 Veda Education 10268 Veda Education http://www.stotralahari.com/ http://www.sudeshfoundation.org/vedic.html 10269 Veda Education http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Visakha Veda Vidya Sammelan patnam/article393497.ece http://www.uttaradimath.org/ Jayateertha Vidyapeetha - Uttaradi Math 10250 Veda Education 10251 Veda Education 10252 Veda Education 10253 Veda Education 10254 Veda Education 10255 Veda Education 10256 Veda Education 10270 Veda Education Om Shantidhama Sri Sankara Smaratha Samskrutha Paatasala Parankushachar Institute of Vedic Studies (PIVS), Bangalore Prabodhini gurukula Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Rajkot. Shri Veda Bharathi Shukla Yajur Veda Patashalas Sri Chandresekara Bharathi Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Veda Vidyalaya Trust - Sri CCVV Trust Stotralahari Vedic Studies Institute India India India India India India India India India India India India India USA Netherland India India USA India India India India India India India India India 10271 Veda Education http://www.vaidicpujas.org/ Vaidic Dharma Sansthan, Bangalore India 10272 Veda Education 10273 Veda Education http://www.vedabase.com/en http://www.vedabhavan.org/ Veda Base India Vedabhavan - Sri Sankara Gurukula India Veda Patasala Secunderabad 10274 Veda Education 10275 Veda Education http://www.vedaclub.com/ http://www.vedakul.com 10276 Veda Education Veda Club Ukraine Maharshi Dayanand Aarsh Gurukul India Aashram Veer Savarkar Nagar, Paliya Bhat.Firojabad, Dr. Raghavendra Singh http://www.vedamantram.com/pathashala.htm Hari Hara Veda Vidya Peetham India 10277 Veda Education http://www.vedanet.com American Institute for Vedic Studies USA 10278 Veda Education http://www.vedanet.com/ 10279 Veda Education 10280 Veda Education 10281 Veda Education http://www.vedanta.org.uk/ http://www.vedanta-kolkata.org/ http://www.vedantamalaysia.org/ 10282 Veda Education http://www.vedantavision.org/ 10283 10284 10285 10286 Veda Education Veda Education Veda Education Veda Education http://www.vedantaworld.org/ http://www.vedantaworld.org/amit.html http://www.vedarakshanasamithi.org/ http://www.veda-sansthan.org/ 10287 10288 10289 10290 Veda Education Veda Education Veda Education Veda Education http://www.vedaveda.com/ekadasi http://www.vedavidyalaya.com/ http://www.vediccare.com/ http://www.vedicchantcenter.org/ Vedanet (American Institute of Vedic Studies) Vedanta Institute UK Vedanta Institute Kolkata Vedanta Cultural Foundation, Malaysia Vedanta Vision -Bhagavad Gita Lectures -Vedanta Vision by Jaya Row Vedanta Cultural Foundation Vedanta Institute Canada Veda Rakshana Samithi Veda-Sansthan, New Delhi -Swami Vidyanand ‘Videh’ Veda Eduction V.P.S.R.I.M Trust Veda Patasala Vedic Care Vedic Mantra Vedic Chant Center UK India Malaysia India India Canada India India India India India USA 10291 Veda Education 10292 Veda Education 10293 Veda Education http://www.vedicfriends.org/ http://www.vedicgurukulam.com/ http://www.vedicmicrobiology.com/ 10294 Veda Education http://www.vedicpeeth.org/ 10295 Veda Education http://www.vedic-sciences.com/ Association of Vedic Sciences (AVS) UK 10296 Veda Education 10297 Veda Education http://www.vedicsciences.net/ http://www.vedicuniversity.co.in/ 10298 Veda Education 10299 Veda Education http://www.vedicvaani.com/ http://www.vedinformatics.com/ 10300 Veda Education http://www.vedinformatics.com/home-page1/vedicdirectory http://www.vedopasana.in/ http://www.vepachedu.org/ Vedic Science Shri Sheshavatar Kallaji Vedapeeth evam Sodha Sansthan Samiti, Nimbahera, Udaipur Vedic Vaani. Maharshi Vedinformatics & Research Centre Vedic Directory 10301 Veda Education 10302 Veda Education 10303 Veda Education http://www.vishvakshema.org/Gurukulam.html Vedic Friends Association Seetha Rama Gurukulam Trust Rishi Kanva Vedic Microbiology Research Institute Gujarat Pandit Madhusudan Ojha Institute of Vedic Studies & Research USA New Zealand India India India India India India India India Vedopasana Samithi, Karnataka India Vepachedu Educational Foundation, USA Inc Vishvakshema Trust India 10304 Veda Education 10305 Veda Education 10306 Veda Education 10307 10308 10309 10310 Veda Education Veda Education Vedic Culture Vedic Culture 10311 10312 10313 10314 10315 Vedic Culture Vedic Culture Vedic Culture Vedic Culture Vedic Culture 10316 Vedic Culture 10317 Vedic Culture 10318 Vedic Culture 10319 Vedic Culture 10320 Vedic Culture 10321 Vedic Culture 10322 Vedic Culture 10323 10324 10325 10326 10327 Vedic Culture Vedic Culture Vedic Culture Vedic Culture Vedic Culture 10328 Vedic Culture 10329 Vedic Culture 10330 Vedic Culture 10331 Vedic Culture 10332 Vedic Culture 10333 Vedic Culture 10334 Vedic Culture 10335 Vedic Culture 10336 Vedic Culture 10337 Vedic Culture http://www.yalavarthivedapathasala.org/ Brahmarshi Panditha Sri Yalavarthi India Anjaneyasastri Gari Viswabrahmana Veda Sanskrutha Pathasala, AP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyhwM3xy Raman Reti Sanskrit School India 3x4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4fbbWK Glimpse of Vedic Patshala of India -T1c ancient India,Amreli https://voiceofvedas.wordpress.com/ Voice of Vedas India https://www.facebook.com/Vaidicpujas Vaidic Dharma Sansthan India http://hindu-religion-hindu.blogspot.com/ Hindu Religion India http://prem.sabhlokcity.com/2011/02/theThe Vedic Dharma- an Adorable India vedic-dharma-an-adorable-unifier/ Unifier. http://sanatandharma.ind.in/ Sanatan Dharma India http://vedicdharma.blogspot.in/ Vedic Dharma India http://vedic-dharma.blogspot.in/ Vedic Dharma India http://www.anantagovinda.com/ Era of Vedic Renaissence India http://www.ccbparis.blogspot.com/ ISKCON Paris -Center Culturel France Bhaktivedanta http://www.divineweb.nl/ ISKCON The Hague Netherland http://www.godmandir.com/ Hindu Dharma Informations & India Astrology http://www.happyland.by.ru/vedic/index.shtm ISKCON Russia -Vedic Culture Russia l http://www.harekrishnadf.com.br/ ISKCON Brasília Brazil http://www.harekrishnavaledoitajai.wordpress ISKCON Itajaí Brazil .com/ http://www.hindu.bz/ Hinduism World http://www.iias.nl/iiasn/23/theme/23T1.html Relations Between Hindus in Indonesia Modern Indonesia and India http://www.krishna.ec/ ISKCON Ecuador Ecuador http://www.krishnaculture.com/ Krishna Culture & Products USA http://www.krishna-culture.de/ ISKCON Germany Germany http://www.krishnakorea.com/ ISKCON Seoul South Korea Vedic studies Germany http://www.sai.uniheidelberg.de/abt/IND/mitarbeiter/aithal/aithal .php?forschung http://www.sanatan-dharma.lt/en/ Sanatan Dharma - Sri Gurudev Sri Lithuania Prakash ji http://www.saranagati.ca/ Saranagati Village Canada http://www.sonekichidiya.in/ Sone Ki Chidiya Federation India http://www.svnuk.org/ Sanatan Dharma -Shri Vallabh UK Nidhi - UK Switzerland http://www.unilu.ch/files/bib-global-hinduGlobal Hindu Diaspora - A diaspora.pdf bibliography of books and main articles http://www.vediccenter.de/ Vedic Culture Germany http://www.vediccity.org.za/ ISKCON South Africa South Africa http://www.vedicculturalcenter.org/ ISKCON Seattle, Washington USA Vedic Cultural Center & Sri Sri Radha Neela Madhava Temple http://www.vedicsociety.org/ Vedic Society UK http://www.vedicvista.co.za/LEARNINGWho Founded Vedic Culture? South Africa CENTRE/VEDIC-INSIGHT-History-CultureBeliefs/Who-Founded-Vedic-Culture.html 10338 Vedic Culture http://www.vedukultura.lt/ 10339 Vedic Culture 10340 Vedic Culture http://www.vilamba.ru/ http://wwwvedicagraharam.com/. 10341 Vedic Culture https://www.harekrishnaculturalcenter.org/ 10342 Vedic Farm http://ecovillage.org.in/ 10343 Vedic Farm http://environmentkrishna.wordpress.com/ 10344 Vedic Farm http://govindas-farm.blogspot.ca/ 10345 Vedic Farm 10346 Vedic Farm http://govindavalley.com.au/ http://www.farmeducation.org/ 10347 Vedic Farm ISKCON Lithuania Vedų Kultūros Centras ISKCON Russia Vedic Culture Sanathana Dharma Parirakshana Trust ISKCON Miami, Florida Lithuania Russia India USA India http://www.gitanagari.org/ Govardhan Eco village -Jayadvaita Swami Krishna Consciousness & Ecological Awareness Gaura Nitai dasa or Lala Gopala devi dasi Govinda Valley The Small Farm Training Center (SFTC) Virginia ISKCON Port Royal, Pennsylvania 10348 Vedic Farm 10349 Vedic Farm http://www.govardhanashram.com/ http://www.govindasbauernhof.blogspot.de/ Govardhan Ashram Govinda farm India Germany 10350 Vedic Farm http://www.harekrishnavalley.com.au/ 10353 Vedic Farm 10354 Vedic Farm 10355 Vedic Farm ISKCON Bambra Hare Krishna Valley New Nandagram Rural Community Natural Living http://www.iskconmauritius.org/ ISKCON Mauritius http://www.iskconportland.com/iskconpdx/ch ISKCON Portland, Oregon ant.php http://www.krishnafarm.com/ Krishna Farm http://www.krishnafarm.net/ Krishna Farm http://www.krisnuvdvur.cz/ ISKCON Benesov 10356 10357 10358 10359 10360 http://www.lakeisleretreats.com/ http://www.murarisevaka.com/ http://www.mvccsa.com/ http://www.navavrajadhama.com/ http://www.newgokula.com/ 10351 Vedic Farm 10352 Vedic Farm Vedic Farm Vedic Farm Vedic Farm Vedic Farm Vedic Farm 10361 Vedic Farm http://www.newvrindaban.com/ 10362 Vedic Farm 10363 Vedic Farm http://www.novagokula.com.br/ http://www.pandavas.org.br/ 10364 Vedic Farm http://www.sahyadriksetra.com/ 10365 Vedic Farm http://www.torsunov.ru/ 10366 Vedic Mathematics http://mathecospirit.wordpress.com/ 10367 Vedic Mathematics http://vedic-maths.wiziq.com/ 10368 Vedic Mathematics http://vedicmathsindia.blogspot.in/ 10369 Vedic Mathematics http://vedmaths.tripod.com/ India Canada Australia USA USA Australia Mauritius USA Australia Australia The Czech Republic ISKCON County Fermanagh ISKCON Mulberry, Tennessee Maharishi Vedic Farm Krishna Valley New Gokula Hare Krishna Temple and Farm ISKCON Moundsville, West Virginia New Vrindaban Community Ireland USA USA Hungary Australia ISKCON Brazil - New Gokula ISKCON Brazil - Paradise of the Pandavas Sahyadri Sri Krishna Balarama Ksetra (SSKBK), South Karnataka Brazil Brazil ISKCON Russia SKCON New Talavan, Mississippi, USA Vedic Maths - The Vedic Mathematics Community International Conference on VEDIC Science & its Applications (ICVSA 2010) Vedic Mathematics Russia USA USA India India India India 10370 Vedic Mathematics http://www.arxiv.org/ftp/math/papers/0611/06 Vedic Mathematics -A Fuzzy & USA 11347.pdf Neutrosophic Analysis 10371 Vedic Mathematics http://www.easyvedicmaths.blogspot.com/ Abhishek Sarda's Easy Vedic Maths India 10372 Vedic Mathematics http://www.geniusvedicmaths.com/ Genius Abacus and Vedic Maths, AP India 10373 Vedic Mathematics http://www.magicalmethods.com/ Vedic Mathaematics India 10374 Vedic Mathematics http://www.mastermindvedicmaths.com/ Master Mind - Vedic Maths Indore India 10375 Vedic Mathematics http://www.myquantummath.com/ Vedic Mathematics USA 10376 Vedic Mathematics http://www.prateekagarwal.webs.com/ India 10378 Vedic Mathematics http://www.quickermaths.com/ Prateek Agarwal's Vedic Mathematics Vedic Mathematics - Master Mind Tutorials Pvt. Ltd Quicker Maths, Indore 10379 Vedic Mathematics http://www.royalkoncepts.com/ Vedic Maths, Abacus Education India 10380 Vedic Mathematics http://www.sanalnair.org/articles/indexved.htm 10381 Vedic Mathematics http://www.sovm.org/ Vedic Mathematics, Kerala India School of Vedic Maths, Pune India 10382 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedic-mathematics.com/ Vedic Mathematics - Ganita Sutra USA 10383 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmathematicssecrets.com/ Vedic Mathematics Secrets USA 10384 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmaths.co.in/ Vedic Maths India 10385 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmaths.in/ Vedic Maths India 10386 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmaths.org/ UK 10387 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedic-maths.org/ Academy of Vedic Mathematics Vedic Maths's Sixteen Sutras Vedic Mathematics, Kerala 10388 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedic-maths-ebook.com/vedic/ Vedic Mathematics UK 10389 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmathsforall.com/ Vedic Maths For All India 10390 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmathsin10days.com/ Vedic Maths in 10 Days India 10391 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmathsindia.blogspot.com/ India 10392 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedicmathsindia.org/ Vedic Mathematics Formulas and Concepts The Vedic Maths Forum India India 10393 Vedic Mathematics http://www.vedtrikmaths.com/ Vedic Mathematics Jaipur India 10394 Vedic science 10395 Vedic science Sankhya Sutra Sankhya Sutra :Sankhyakarika by Kapillamuni Vedic Univereswe The American College of Vedic Astrology Bhaktivedanta Institute India India 10377 Vedic Mathematics http://www.pttvedicmaths.com/ 10396 Vedic Science 10397 Vedic Science http://sankhyakarika.webstarts.com/ http://sankhyakarika.webstarts.com/index.htm l http://vedictimeline.blogspot.in/ http://www.acvaonline.org/ 10398 Vedic Science http://www.bvinst.org/ India India India India USA World 10399 Vedic Science http://www.geetham.net/forums/showthread.p Modern science and Hinduism hp?40350-Modern-science-and-Hinduism India 10400 Vedic Science 10401 Vedic Science http://www.hinduscifi.com/ http://www.jeffreyarmstrong.com/ Hinduism and Science Fiction Jeffrey Armstrong - Ayur Vedic Astrologer and VASA - Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts http://www.kapillavastu.com/?r=2012081310 Secret of Sankhya 0714 http://www.kapillavastu.com/index.html?r=20 Sankhyakarika 120707024127 http://www.pravasiherald.com/index.php/prav Hinduism and Science asih/comments/hinduism_and_science_1/ USA USA 10405 Vedic Science 10406 Vedic Science http://www.sciencemystic.com/?p=677 Hinduism-Science Mystic http://www.scienceofhinduism.blogspot.com/ Hinduism - The Scientific Religion India India 10407 Vedic Science http://www.u-shreevedic.blogspot.com/ India 10402 Vedic science 10403 Vedic science 10404 Vedic Science India India USA 10413 Warrior Queen 10414 Warrior Queen Ayurvedic Life Style - Sattvic Living for peace http://www.vedamu.org/ Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratisthan http://www.vedicscience.net/ Vedic Science http://www.vedicwisdom.com/ Vedic Wisdom http://www.vedic-wisdom.org/ The Vedic Wisdom Collection http://www.yogakshemam.net/English/ School of traditional teaching of Indian Philosophy, Ayurveda and Yoga http://ahilyabaiholkar.wordpress.com/ Ahilyabai Holkar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahilyabai_Holkar Ahilyabai Holkar 10415 Warrior Queen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rani_Durgavati 10416 Warrior Queen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rani_Lakshmibai Rani Lakshmibai Jhansi India 10417 Warrior Queen 10418 Watch- Hindu Rights 10419 Watch- Hindu Rights 10420 Watch- Hindu Rights 10421 Watch- Hindu Rights 10422 Watch- Hindu Rights http://nbadalato.wordpress.com/ http://christianwatchindia.wordpress.com/ Rani Durgavati Maravi Watch missionaries in India India India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Jihad Love Jihad India http://hindudigest.blogspot.com/ Hindu Dighest- Hindu Human Rights India 10423 Watch- Hindu Rights http://www.ghrd.org/news/article/news/detail/ Stop atrocities on Bangladeshi News/a-delegation-of-human-rights-groups- Hindus met-with-the-president-of-india-in-order-tostop-atrocities-on-b/ http://www.hinduhumanrights.info/ Hindu Human Rights - Serving Hindus Worldwide http://www.hinduhumanrightswatch.org/ Hindu Human Rights Watch 10408 10409 10410 10411 10412 Vedic Science Vedic Science Vedic Science Vedic Science Vedic Science 10424 Watch- Hindu Rights 10425 Watch- Hindu Rights Rani Durgavati Maravi India India USA India France India India India http://interfaithstrength.blogspot.in/ Fight to Save Bangladesh's Hindus : USA Richard Benkin's Blog India http://timesofindia.speakingtree.in/spiritual- Kerala’s Muslim majority district Malappuram – A Mini Pakistan blogs/seekers/faith-and-rituals/kerala-smuslim-majority-district-malappuram-a-mini- Strangling Hindus there pakistan-strangling-hindusthere?intenttarget=no&utm_source=TOI_ASh ow_OBWidget&utm_medium=Int_Ref&utm_ campaign=TOI_AShow Netherland India India 10426 Watch- Hindu Rights 10427 Watch- Hindu Rights 10428 Watch- Hindu Rights 10429 Watch- Hindu Rights http://www.interfaithstrength.com Interfaith Strength Foundation USA http://www.iufe.org/ International Unity For Equality India http://www.kanchi-sathya.org/ Kanchi Sankaracharya Information India 10434 Western Hindu Non-profit Bangladeshi organization Bangla Desh working for human rights of Minorities http://alsohindu.wordpress.com/ Western Hindu USA http://westernsanatanadharma.blogspot.in/201 Western Sanātana Dharma USA 1/07/introduction.html http://whitehindu.blogspot.in/ The White Hindu USA http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1463681 "The White Hindu" book by Ambaa USA 984/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il?ie=UTF8&tag=r uthmadi20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=93 25&creativeASIN=1463681984 http://www.patheos.com/blogs/whitehindu/ The White Hindu -welcomes USA 10435 Western Hindu http://www.western-hindu.org/ Western Hindu -UK Satsang Group UK 10436 Western Hindu A Response to "The White Hindu" USA World Converting to HinduismAfrica The White Hindu South Africa 10438 Western Hindu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSIRU8m 7GnM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNsWvAK KmLg https://www.facebook.com/TheWhiteHindu 10439 Yagya 10440 Yagya 10441 Yagya http://www.astroyagya.org/ http://www.doiohm.com/yagyas.htm http://www.durvasula.com/ India USA USA 10442 Yagya 10443 Yagya 10444 Yagya http://www.globalgoodfortune.com/ http://www.jy0tish-yagya.com/ http://www.jyotish-yagya.com/ 10445 10446 10447 10448 Yagya Yagya Yagya Yagya http://www.maharishiyagya.org/yagya/ http://www.shriyagya.com/ http://www.sriyagya.com/ http://www.srouthum.org/ 10449 10450 10451 10452 10453 Yagya Yagya Yagya Yagya Yagya http://www.vashikaran.org/ http://www.vashikaran.us/ http://www.vedbhawan.com/ http://www.vedbhawan.org/ http://www.vedictalk.com/ Vedic Yagya Noida Yagyas (Yagnas) Sri Subbarao Kompella- Sri Chakra Homam Maharishi Vedic Foundation Pandit Dixit's services Jyotish Technology and the Science of Yagyas Maharishi Yagya Program Shri Yagya Foundation Shri Yagya Foundation Sroutha (Vedic) Vasantham at Peruvanam, Kerala Vashikaran Yagya Vashikaran Yagya Ved Bhawan India Ved Bhawan India AGNI 2012, the Mahayaga of Athirathra at Kaimukkumana, Kerala 10454 Yagya 10455 Yagya http://www.vedic-yagya.biz/ http://www.vedic-yagya.com/ India India 10456 Yagya http://www.vedicyagya8.com/ 10457 10458 10459 10460 http://www.vedicyagyacenter.com/ http://www.vedicyagyafoundation.com/ http://www.worldofyagyas.com/ http://www.yagia.com/ Vedic yagya Ved Bhawan International, New Delhi Vedic Astrology - Pundit Ramanand Shastri Vedic Yagya Centre Vedic Yagya Foundation, Delhi World of Yagyas Noida Ved Bhawan International 10430 Western Hindu 10431 Western Hindu 10432 Western Hindu 10433 Western Hindu 10437 Western Hindu Yagya Yagya Yagya Yagya http://www.sehd.org/ USA USA USA USA USA India India India USA USA India India India India USA India India India 10461 Yagya 10462 Yagya 10463 Yagya 10464 Yagya 10465 Yagya 10466 Yagya 10467 10468 10469 10470 Yagya Yagya Yoga Yoga 10471 Yoga 10472 10473 10474 10475 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10476 Yoga 10477 Yoga 10478 Yoga 10479 Yoga 10480 Yoga 10481 Yoga 10482 Yoga 10483 Yoga 10484 Yoga 10485 Yoga http://www.yagya.co.uk/ http://www.yagya.com/ http://www.yagya.in/ Ved Bhawan UK Yagyas (Yagnas) Ved Bhawan International, New Delhi http://www.yagya.mobi/ Ved Bhawan International http://www.yagyabhoomi.com/ Yagya Bhoomi (Vedic Centre) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2fmzxOb Deopersaud Family Yagna Zbk http://yagya.thelyricarchive.com/ Yagya - Rhythm Of Snow http://yagyanotes.blogspot.com/ The yagya group http://amadiobianchi.blogspot.in/ Blog di Amadio Bianchi http://amadiobianchi.blogspot.it/ C.Y.Surya Scuola Internazionale di Yoga e Ayurveda http://asociacionapytayoga.es/wpYogacharya Yudhisthira Maharaj content/uploads/2013/08/Profesor-IsidroJusto-Fern%C3%A1ndez_YogacharyaYudhisthira-Maharaj_.pdf http://bhaktilounge.org.nz/ Bhakti Lounge http://blog.yoga.in/ Yoga in India http://dallasyogalove.blogspot.com/ Dallas Yoga Love http://dharmaandyogafest.org/report/diginitari Dharma & Yoga Fest 2013 es/philip-goldberg/ http://dreamingofjeannie.com.au/ Despina Rosales - Yoga teacher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Yoga_ Yoga media media http://eng.yoga.kz/ Kazakhstan Yoga Academy http://extension.lmu.edu/yoga Yoga Study, Loyola Marymount University LA http://faculty.washington.edu/swittet/Satyanan Divine Yoga Institute, Satyananda da/ Yoga http://fertility-detox-retreat.com/ Fertility Detox Retreat -Sadhana Camp Gurudev Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimaliji http://forum.theyogamasters.org/ Yoga Masters Forum http://glasgow.opendi.co.uk/1991439.html my 121 yoga Yoga Glasgow Dennistoun UK India India India India Trinidad & Tobago India India Italy Italy Argentina New Zealand India USA USA Australia India Kazakhstan USA Nepal Spain World UK France World 10490 Yoga http://grenoble-yoga.fr/ Sahaja Yoga Grenoble http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kriyabanservic Kriya Yoga e http://health.indianetzone.com/yoga/hathyoga/ Hath Yoga & Kurmasana 1/kurmasana.htm http://homepages.tesco.net/supersoulfighter/yo Yogamania gamania.htm http://hotashtanga.blogspot.in/ Hot Ashtanga http://hotyogiaustralia.com.au/ Australian School of Meditation & Yoga http://kamakhyakumar.blogspot.in/ Yoga and Inter-disciplinary Research 10491 Yoga 10492 Yoga http://kashmirshaivismschoolofyoga.com/ http://kataragama.org/news/babaji.htm India Sri Lanka 10493 Yoga http://kirtanyogaretreats.wordpress.com/ 10494 Yoga http://kouzlozvuku.webnode.cz/ 10486 Yoga 10487 Yoga 10488 Yoga 10489 Yoga Kashmir Shaivism School of yoga Kriya Babaji and the ancient Kataragama Shrine Gopi and Vishvambhar for A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Kirtan Kouzlo zvuku Tibetské mísy a lidského hlasu India UK India Australia India USA The Czech Republic 10495 Yoga http://kriya-yoga.110mb.com/en/ 10496 Yoga 10497 Yoga 10498 Yoga http://kriya-yoga-sharanam.com/ http://laughteryoga.org.nz/ http://luzecuraswami.blogspot.in/ 10499 Yoga http://madhwayoga.blogspot.com/ 10500 Yoga 10501 Yoga http://madhwayoga.blogspot.in/ http://mandalayogaashram.blogspot.co.uk/ 10502 Yoga http://my.yoga-vidya.org/ 10503 Yoga 10504 Yoga 10505 10506 10507 10508 10509 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10510 10511 10512 10513 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10514 Yoga 10515 Yoga 10516 Yoga 10517 Yoga 10518 Yoga 10519 Yoga 10520 Yoga Shaivism, Shaktism, Tantra, Kriya Yoga Yoga Centre Laughter Yoga Yoga in Brazil by Dr. Swami Nardanand Madhwa Yoga by Sri.V.Satyanarayan Madhav Yoga Manadala Yoga Ashram Amit Singh Yoga -Yoga Vidya International http://mysite.verizon.net/goddessYoga/ Goddess Yoga and Journey through the Chakras http://nikitashanti.webs.com/ International Divine Love Society Malta http://rajeshmsharma.blogspot.com/ Yoga Information http://riperthanever.blogspot.in/ Breathing is the new Eating http://sahajapower.wordpress.com/ Sahaja Yoga http://sahajayoga.blog.com/ Sahaja Yoga http://sahajayogamaharashtra.wordpress.com/ Sahaj Yoga http://sambandha.wordpress.com/ http://sevenfounders.blogspot.in/ http://shivamyogacentre.blogspot.in/ http://shivanihomepage.tripod.com/horarios.ht m http://shivasteveordog.wordpress.com/ http://shop.lululemon.com/ http://suryachandrayoga.co.uk/tag/sivanandaashram-bahamas/ http://svaroopayogaandmeditation.wordpress. com/ http://sycyoga.webs.com/ http://theashtayogavalley.wordpress.com/ http://theyogainstitutemumbai.blogspot.com/ Russia France New Zealand Brazil India India UK India USA Malta India USA India India India Sambandha Yoga Severn Rishi Yoga Shivam Yoga Centre Yoga by Shivani USA India India Brazil Amit Goswami Yoga Yoga Clothes Surya Chandra Yoga -Sivananda Ashram Bahamas Svaroopa® Yoga and Meditation India Australia Bahamas USA India India India 10527 Yoga 10528 Yoga Shivam Yoga Centre Ashta Yoga Valley The Yoga Institute, Santacruz (East), Mumbai, India http://theyogaplaceinephrata.com/ The Yoga Place http://urbanyogamelbourne.eventbrite.com.au/ Urban Yoga Melborne ? http://viktorbentley.photoshelter.com/gallery/ viktorbentley Yoga photos Yoga/G0000KbKq8jRSCko/ http://web.mac.com/dakinilove/dakinilove/Wel Yoga Shala UK come_.html http://web.me.com/dakinilove/el_salam/Welco El Salam Camp & Yoga Shala me.html http://websites.integrativenutrition.com/CEthe Christine Kalyani Yoga art/Home/Index.aspx http://wellness.nicolepresents.com/ Nicole Presents Yoga http://wellnessandmore.es/ Yoga at Wellness holidays in Spain 10529 Yoga 10530 Yoga http://www.0-stress.co.za/ http://www.2unter1dach.de/ South Africa Germany 10531 Yoga http://www.3ho.org/ 10521 Yoga 10522 Yoga 10523 Yoga 10524 Yoga 10525 Yoga 10526 Yoga Pathways to Wellness Yoga, Ayurveda und Integrale Spiritualität 3HO Foundation Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization USA Australia World UK Egypt Sweden USA Spain USA 10532 Yoga http://www.4everfitness.co.uk/category/yoga/ 4Ever Fitness UK 10533 10534 10535 10536 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10563 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 10569 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.akasha.org.uk/ http://www.akashananda.nl/ http://www.akhandayoga.com/ http://www.alakhyog.org/ http://www.alkaemia.it/ http://www.alliesyoga.net/ http://www.all-in-yoga.com/ http://www.allthatmatters.com/ http://www.altamontespringsyoga.com/ http://www.altmedworld.net/ UK Netherland India India Italy USA Greece USA USA India 10570 10571 10572 10573 10574 10575 10576 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.amalayogastudio.com/ http://www.amareyoga.com/ http://www.amitray.com/ http://www.amitreiki.com/ http://www.amityoga.com/ http://www.ammara.ca/class/yoga http://www.amovingspa.yolasite.com/ Akasha School of Yoga. Akashananda Akhand Yoga Alakhyog alkaemia Yoga Allies Yoga All-in-Yoga All That Matters Yoga Altamonte Springs Yoga Indian Board of Alternative Medicines - Yoga Courses Amala Yoga Amare Yoga Yoga by Sri Amit Ray Amit Reiki & Yoga Amity Yoga Ammara Dance & Yoga yoga, dance and outdoor fitness activities Mexico USA Switzerland India Canada Canada France 10577 10578 10579 10580 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/ http://www.anahatayoga.com.hk/ http://www.anandamarga.org.ar/ http://www.anandaportland.org/ Anahata Retreat Centre Anahata Yoga Ananda Marga Argentina Ananda Temple of Self-Realization New Zealand Hong Kong Argentina USA 10581 Yoga 10582 Yoga 10583 Yoga http://www.anandaseva.org/ Ananda Seva Yoga http://www.anandaspa.com/ Ananada Yoga http://www.anandayogacenter.blogspot.com/ Ananda Yoga Center - Nepal USA India Nepal 10584 10585 10586 10587 10588 10589 10590 http://www.anandayogashram.org/ http://www.anandayogastudio.com/ http://www.anandi.co.uk/ http://www.anandi.it/ http://www.anandprakashashram.com/ http://www.anantyas.com/ http://www.andiappanyoga.com/ Teacher Training for Yoga Ananda Yoga Studio Anandi Yoga Anandi Yoga Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram Anantya Yoga Dr. Asana Andiappan Yoga Centre India USA UK Italy India USA India 10591 Yoga 10592 Yoga http://www.anjalistudio.com/ http://www.anjaliyogateachertraining.com/ Anjali Yoga Studio Anjali Yoga Teacher Training USA USA 10593 10594 10595 10596 10597 10598 10599 10600 10601 10602 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.anmolmehta.com/ http://www.anna.jerstrom.se/ http://www.anniesyoga.com/ http://www.annkatzyoga.com/ http://www.anusara.com/ http://www.aparyoga.blog.com/ http://www.aparyoga.com/ http://www.aptosyoga.org/ http://www.arhantayoga.org/ http://www.arhaticyoga.org/ 10603 10604 10605 10606 10607 10608 10609 10610 10611 10612 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10613 Yoga 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 10619 10620 10621 10622 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10623 Yoga 10624 Yoga Master Yoga and Meditation. Vini Yoga Annie’s Yoga Studio Ann S. Katz Yoga Center LLC Anusara Yoga Apar Yoga Apar Yoga Aptos Yoga Arhant Yoga Arhatic Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui http://www.arjuna.ca/ Classical Hatha Yoga http://www.aroobha.org/ Aroobha Yoga http://www.artandsoulyoga.com/ Art & Soul Yoga http://www.artedeyoga.com/ Arte de Yoga - Barcelona http://www.artisticyoga.com/ Bharat Thakur Artistic Yoga http://www.artofcalm.com/ Art of Calm - Yoga Information http://www.artofliving.org.ph/ Art of Living http://www.artoflivingyoga.org/ Art of Living Yoga http://www.artofyogavx.com/ Art of Yoga http://www.ashiyana-yoga-goa.com/ Ashiyana Yoga Teacher Training Goa http://www.ashram-arts.com/ Jayadev Dasa (John Richardson)'s Supersoul Yoga http://www.ashramyoga.com/ Yoga Teacher Training http://www.ashtanga.com/ Ashtanga Yoga http://www.ashtanga.ie/ School of Ashtanga Yoga Dublin http://www.ashtangabrighton.com/ Ashtanga Brighton http://www.ashtangacenter.com/ Ashtanga Center Louise Ellis http://www.ashtangalotus.de/ Ashtangalotus - Raum für Yoga http://www.ashtangamunich.com/ Ashtanga Yoga http://www.ashtangatoronto.com/ Ashtanga Yoga Toronto. http://www.ashtangaworld.com/book.html Ashtanga Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra -Yoga Tantra Book http://www.ashtangaworld.net/ AshtangaWorld Yoga http://www.ashtangaworld.net/natasatipps/da Yoga, Pranayama & Freediving habsinai USA Costa Rica USA USA USA India India USA India Philippines Canada India USA Spain India India Philippines India Canada India UK New Zealand India Ireland UK India Germany Germany Canada Indonesia Austria Egypt 10625 10626 10627 10628 10629 10630 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.ashtangayoga.co.il/ http://www.ashtangayoga.dk/ http://www.ashtangayogabali.com/ http://www.ashtangayogabologna.com/ http://www.ashtangayogacenter.com/ http://www.ashtangayogamysore.net/ Ashtanga Yoga Tel Aviv Ashtanga Yoga Shala Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Bologna Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teachrer Training Course (TTC) Ashtanga Yoga Palace Berlin Ashtanga Yoga Paris Ashtanga Yoga providence Israel Denmark Indonesia Italy USA India 10631 Yoga 10632 Yoga 10633 Yoga http://www.ashtangayogapalace.de/ http://www.ashtangayogaparis.fr/ http://www.ashtangayogaprovidence.com/ 10634 10635 10636 10637 10638 10639 10652 Yoga http://www.ashtangayogarichmond.com/ Ashtanga Yoga Richmond http://www.ashtangayogashala.com/ Ashtanga Yogashala http://www.ashtangayogavancouver.com/ Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver http://www.ashtanga-yoga-victoria.com/ Ashtanga Yoga Victoria http://www.ashtayogaindia.com/ Ashta Yoga Valley http://www.asianart.org/exhibitions_index/yog Yoga The Art of Transformation a http://www.asianpsyche.org/ Yoga And Psychotherapy Association Of India http://www.asktheyogateacher.com/ The YogaLife Institute http://www.asm.org.au/ Australian School of Meditation & Yoga http://www.asociacionapytayoga.es/ Spanish-Argentina School of Therapeutic Yoga and Ayurveda http://www.associacaolusadoyoga.pt/ Associação Lusa do Yoga http://www.astangalund.se/ Yoga in Lund http://www.astangaottawa.com/ Astanga Yoga Ottawa http://www.astarteyoga.com/ Hatha Yoga practice http://www.athayoga.info/ Atha Yoga http://www.athensashtangayoga.com/ Athens Ashtanga Yoga http://www.athensyoga.gr/ Athens Yoga http://www.atherapyabove.com/new_site/Clas Therapy Above ses_Yoga_fun.html http://www.athomewithyoga.com/ Yoga in the Comfort of Your Home 10653 Yoga 10654 Yoga 10655 Yoga http://www.atlantayogaclub.com http://www.atmacenter.com/ http://www.atmacenter.hu/ Yoga Club Atlanta USA Atma Center USA Atma Centre Yoga Studio Budapest Hungary 10656 10657 10658 10659 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.atmajyoti.se/ http://www.atmananda.com/ http://www.atmanyoga.it/ http://www.atmavikasayoga.com/ 10660 10661 10662 10663 10664 10665 10666 10667 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.atmayoga.com.au/ http://www.atomstudio.gr/ http://www.atrishikesh.com/ http://www.atyourdooryoga.com/ http://www.aumkar-yoga.weebly.com/ http://www.aumyogashala.com/ http://www.aurawellnesscenter.com/ http://www.aurayogacenter.blogspot.com/ Atmajyoti Ashtanga Yoga Atmananda Yoga Science Atman Yoga, Spiritual Explorer Atmavikasa Centre Of Yogic Sciences, MYSORE ISKCON Brisbane Atom Yoga Studio Bharat Heritage Services At Your Door Yoga Inc Aumkar Yoga Centre Aum Yogashala Yoga at Aura Wellness Center Aura Yoga Center Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10640 Yoga 10641 Yoga 10642 Yoga 10643 Yoga 10644 10645 10646 10647 10648 10649 10650 10651 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10668 Yoga 10669 Yoga http://www.aushadhiyoga.com/ Aushadhi yoga http://www.australian-institute-yoga.com.au/ The Australian Institute of Yoga Germany France USA USA USA Canada Canada India USA India USA Australia Argentina Portugal Sweden Canada USA India India Greece USA Canada Sweden USA Italy India Australia Greece India Canada India India USA India Argentina Australia 10670 Yoga 10671 Yoga http://www.australianyogaacademy.com/ http://www.australianyogaretreats.com.au/ Australian Yoga Academy Australian Yoga Retreats Australia Australia 10672 Yoga http://www.ayctoronto.com/ Ashtanga Yoga Center of Toronto Canada 10673 Yoga 10674 Yoga http://www.ayl.com.au/ http://www.ayny.org/ Australia USA 10675 Yoga 10676 Yoga http://www.ayoga.at/ http://www.ayri.org/ Australian Yoga Life Ashtanga Yoga New York, Sri Ganesha Temple New York Classical Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute 10677 Yoga 10678 Yoga http://www.aysnyc.org/ http://www.aytt.ca/ USA Canada 10679 Yoga 10680 Yoga http://www.ayurvedayoga.cl/ http://www.ayurvedicyoga.com.ar/ 10681 10682 10683 10684 http://www.ayuryoga.in/ http://www.babajikriyayoga.net/ http://www.balajinirogdham.com/ http://www.balancedenergywellness.com/ Ashtanga Yoga Shala New York Atlantic Yoga Teacher Training (AYTT) Yoga Training Centre Argentine Yoga and Ayurveda School Ayur Yoga Babaji's Kriya Yoga Balaji Nirogdham Balanced Energy Wellness 10685 Yoga http://www.balancewithinyogawellness.com/ Yoga & Wellness Canada 10686 Yoga 10687 Yoga http://www.balanceyoga.de/ http://www.balanceyogaatlanta.com/ Germany USA 10688 Yoga http://www.balens.co.uk/services/individualprofessionals/yoga-teachers.aspx http://www.baliyogacanti.com/ http://www.baliyogaretreat.com/ http://www.bandhayoga.com/ http://www.baronbaptiste.com/ http://www.basunti.com/ Balance The Yoga Institute Atlanta’s Astanga Vinyasa Yoga School Yoga Teachers Services UK 10689 10690 10691 10692 10693 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10694 Yoga 10695 10696 10697 10698 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10704 10705 10706 10707 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10708 Yoga 10709 Yoga Bali Yoga Canti Bali Yoga Retreat Bandha Yoga Baron Baptiste yoga teacher, Basunti a lakeside retreat in Himachal Pradesh http://www.bayarea.amma.org/ Mata Amritanandamayi Center, Bay Area, California http://www.bcalmpoweryoga.com/ bCalm Power Yoga http://www.beginneryogaworkouts.com/ routines yoga workout http://www.belovedyoga.com/ Virginia Yoga http://www.bendingtreeyogahealing.com/ Bending Tree Yoga & Healing Centre http://www.bentyoga.com/ Bent yoga CC http://www.bestyogafitnesstips.com/ Best Yoga Fitness Tips http://www.beyoganow.com/ Be Yoga Now http://www.beyondpostures.com/ Beyond Postures http://www.bhagavata.org/c/8/AnandAadhar.h The Yoga of Ananad Aadhar Prabhu tml http://www.bhavanayoga.blogspot.com/ Bhavana Yoga http://www.bhavanayoga.com/ Bhāvanā Yoga Center http://www.bhavani.at/ Satyananda Yoga Centre http://www.bhf.hu/ ISKCON Hungary - Bhaktivedanta Theological College http://www.bikrambrighton.co.uk/ http://www.bikramencinitas.com/ Bikram Hot Yoga Studio Bikram's Yoga Encinitas and Oceanside Egypt India Chile Argentina India Sri Lanka India USA UK Indonesia Indonesia USA USA India USA USA USA USA Mexico USA USA USA USA Netherland Canada Greece Austria Hungary UK USA 10710 Yoga 10711 Yoga Bikram Yoga Ottawa Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury's Yoga College http://www.bikramyoga.es/ Bikram Yoga Barcelona http://www.bikramyogacohasset.com/ Bikram Yoga South Shore Cohasset MA 02025 http://www.bikramyogalangley.ca/ Bikram Yoga Langey http://www.bikramyogalasvegas.com/ Bikram Yoga Las Vegas http://www.bikramyogamusings.com/ Bikram Yoga Musings http://www.bikramyoganepal.com/ Bikram Yoga Nepal http://www.bikram-yoga-noosa-australia.com/ Bikram Yoga Australia Canada USA 10719 Yoga 10720 Yoga 10721 Yoga http://www.bikramyogaseacliff.com/ http://www.bikramyogasilverlake.com/ http://www.bindu.org/ USA USA India 10722 10723 10724 10725 10726 10727 10728 10729 10730 10731 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10732 10733 10734 10735 10736 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.blackmountainyoga.com/ http://www.blissdivineyoga.co.uk/ http://www.blissedyoga.com/ http://www.blissfulmomentyoga.com/ http://www.blisspoweryoga.com/ http://www.blissyoga.ca/ http://www.blissyogacalgary.ca/ http://www.blissyoganorwich.co.uk/ http://www.blissyogi.com/ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/yogi-babaprem http://www.bluebambooyoga.com/ http://www.bluedooryoga.com/ http://www.bluepointyoga.com/ http://www.bluespiritcostarica.com/ http://www.bluestarholland.nl/ Bikram Yoga Seacliff Bikram Yoga Silverlake Bindu - Gateway to Himalayan Wisdom Black Mountain Yoga's Bliss Divine Yoga Blissed Yoga blissful Moment Yoga Bliss Power Yoga, LLC Bliss Yoga Bliss Yoga with Rosemary Bliss Yoga Bliss Yogi Yogi Baba Prem - Radio Program on Yoga Blue bamboo Yoga Blue Door Yoga Studio Blue Point Yoga Center Blue Spirit Yoga Yoga Therapy for Hormonal Balance 10737 Yoga http://www.bluestarorlando.org/yoga.html Blue Star Yoga Orland USA 10738 Yoga 10739 Yoga http://www.bluestaryoga.net/ http://www.bnhc.co.uk/ USA UK 10740 Yoga 10741 Yoga 10742 Yoga http://www.bodhitreeyoga.ca/ http://www.bodhitreeyogacentre.ca/ http://www.bodyandmindhealing.org/ Blue Star Yoga Orlando Brighton Natural Health Centre Astanga, Iyengar, Hatha, Yoga Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre Yoga & Meditation, Astrology etc Canada Canada Thailand 10743 10744 10745 10746 10747 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.bodyawarenessyoga.com/ http://www.bodyharmony.ca/ http://www.bodykneadsyoga.com/ http://www.bodylogique.com/ http://www.bodymindri.com/ Body Awareness Yoga Center Body Harmony Yoga Studio Body Kneads Yoga, LLC Adaptive Yoga® Body Mind Theraphy Yoga Studio USA Canada USA USA USA 10748 10749 10750 10751 10752 10753 10754 10755 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.bodynsoulyoga.com/ http://www.bodysynergie.com/ http://www.body-und-balance.de/ http://www.bodywiseyogastudio.com/ http://www.boghill.com/Yoga.htm http://www.bohemiantours.com/ http://www.born2smile.in/ http://www.bovy-beach-housephangan.com/yogahallforhire.html Body Soul & Yoga China Body Synergie by Yoga Body und Balance - Yoga Bonn Bodywise Yoga Studio Boghill Yoga Center Bohemian Yogi Tours Clinical Yoga Center Koh Phangan Yoga Hall China USA Germany USA Ireland India India Thailand 10712 Yoga 10713 Yoga 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.bikramottawa.com/ http://www.bikramyoga.com/ Spain USA Canada USA India Nepal Australia USA UK Canada USA USA Canada Canada UK USA USA Canada USA USA Costa Rica Netherland 10756 10757 10758 10759 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.brahmaniyoga.com/ http://www.brahmayoga.org/ http://www.breathandbandhayoga.com/ http://www.breatheonline.com/ 10760 Yoga http://www.breathewellbeing.com.au/ 10761 Yoga http://www.breatheyoga.co.uk/ 10762 Yoga 10763 Yoga 10764 Yoga 10765 Yoga http://www.breatheyogastudio.com/ http://www.breathingroomcenter.com/yogateacher-training/ http://www.breathingtimeyoga.com/ http://www.breathyoga.co.uk/ 10766 10767 10768 10769 10770 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.brickellyoga.com/ http://www.brightlifeyoga.com/ http://www.brisbaneyogastudio.com/ http://www.bristolyoga.com/ http://www.bristolyogaspace.co.uk/ 10771 10772 10773 10774 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 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Yoga http://www.buzybodymovement.ca/ http://www.byronyoga.com/ http://www.cambridgeyogaandfitness.org/ Yoga Classes Byron Yoga Centre Cambridge Yoga and Fitnesscyaf Canada Australia UK 10782 10783 10784 10785 http://www.camillacampbellyoga.com/ http://www.canuyoga.com/ http://www.carmelblue.com/ http://www.casablancayogareiki.com/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10789 10790 10791 10792 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Camilla Campbell Yoga CanYou Yoga Carmel Blue Yoga Yoga and Reiki Therapy Centre in Andalucia Spain http://www.centeredyoga.com/ Centered Yoga Training http://www.centerforyoga.com/ Yoga Works’ Center for Yoga http://www.centerforyoga.us/ Center for Yoga & Healing, Inc. Natick, MA http://www.centralyoga.org/ Central Yoga http://www.centrelunayoga.com/ Centre Luna Yoga http://www.centronaam.org/ Centro Naam Yoga http://www.centrostudidisciplinenaturali.com/ Centro Studi discipline Yoga 10793 10794 10795 10796 10797 10798 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.chakrasyoga.com/ http://www.charlotteyoga.com/ http://www.charlotteyogaclub.com/ http://www.chayayoga.com/ http://www.chelmsfordyoga.com/ http://www.chevronislandyogacentre.com/ 10786 Yoga 10787 Yoga 10788 Yoga Chakras Yoga Charlotte Yoga Yoga Club Chatlotte Chaya Sharon's Yoga Ayurveda Tranquility Yoga Chevron Island Yoga Centre Argentina UK UK USA Spain USA USA USA USA USA Australia Thailand USA USA USA Canada Mexico Italy 10799 Yoga 10800 Yoga 10802 10803 10804 10805 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.childlightyoga.com/ ChildLight Yoga http://www.childrensmusicexpress.com/Childr Yoga & Mindfulness ens_Music_Express,_Inc./Yoga_%26_Mindfu lness.html http://www.chopra.com/ The Chopra Center at La Costa Resort and Spa http://www.chrislavalle.com.ar/ Chris La Valle´s Yoga technique http://www.cityyoga.com/ City Yoga http://www.classicalyoga.org/ Classical Yoga Hindu Academy http://www.classicyogaofindia.com/ Classic Yoga of India Svastha Yoga 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.clonlea-yoga-studio.com/ http://www.clubyoga.ca/ http://www.coast-chiropractic.co.uk/ http://www.collegeparkyoga.com/ http://www.completeyoga.co.za/ http://www.completeyoga.org/ 10801 Yoga 10812 Yoga 10813 Yoga 10814 Yoga 10815 Yoga 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10830 Yoga 10831 Yoga 10832 10833 10834 10835 10836 10837 10838 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10839 Yoga 10840 Yoga 10841 Yoga USA USA Clonlea Yoga Studio Club Yoga Coast Clinic & Yoga College Park Yoga Yoha Holistic Living Sree Bhagavathi Yoga Dhyana Mandir .Charitable Trust & Social Service Center http://www.confederacaoportuguesadoyoga.co Yoga Samkhya m.pt/ http://www.confederacaoportuguesadoyoga.pt Confederacao Portuguesa do Yoga / http://www.consciousyoga.com/ Consciousness Yoga http://www.contemporaryayurveda.com/ Marie Mills Contemporary Ayurveda & Yoga http://www.core-elation.com/ Core-Elation Yoga http://www.corepilatesandyoga.com/ CORE Pilates & Yoga http://www.corepower-yoga.com/ Core Power Yoga http://www.cosmicrhythm.org/ Cosmic Rhythm http://www.costaricayoga.org/ Costa Rica Yoga http://www.csa-davis.org/ Center for Spiritual Awareness http://www.cvk.clan.su/ ISKCON Russia http://www.cysurya.milano.it/ C.Y.Surya Scuola Internazionale di Yoga e Ayurveda http://www.cysyogateachertraining.com/ CYS Yoga Teacher Training http://www.dailycupofyoga.com/ Daily Cup of Yoga http://www.dailysutra.wordpress.com/ Daily Sutra http://www.dakiniyoga.ca/ Dakini Yoga http://www.dallasyogalove.com/ Dallas Yoga Love http://www.damaliayo.com/pages/yoga.htm Damali's Power Yoga, Ireland Canada UK USA South Africa India http://www.dancingshiva.com/ http://www.daogandantra.com/ Yoga & Ayurveda Daogandantra Yoga Teacher Training http://www.davannayoga.com/ Davanna Yoga http://www.ddjogastudio.sk/ JopgaStudio http://www.deepaspirit.com/ Deepa Spirit http://www.deepcreekfitness.com/ Deep Creek Yoga -Kathy Moran http://www.deepcreeklakeyoga.com/ Deep Creek Yoga -Dave Martin http://www.deeyoga.co.uk/ Dee Yoga http://www.derekosborn.accountsupport.com/ Yoga Sadhana USA Thailand http://www.desaseni.com/yoga.htm http://www.despinarosales.com/ http://www.destinationyoga.co.uk/ Indonesia Australia UK Trimurti Yoga Studio Despina Rosales - Yoga teacher Yoga holidays USA Argentina USA USA USA Portugal Portugal USA Ireland Canada USA UK India Costa Rica USA Russia Italy UK USA India Canada USA USA Mexico Slovakia UK USA USA UK UK 10842 10843 10844 10845 10846 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.de-stresswithyoga.co.uk/ http://www.dhana.ca/ http://www.dharmayogacenter.com/ http://www.dhost.info/syoga/ http://www.dhyan-foundation.blogspot.com/ De Stress with Yoga Nourishing Body Soul Dharma Yoga Center Sahaj Yoga Sanatan Kriya by Yogi Ashwini UK Canada USA Russia India 10847 Yoga 10848 Yoga http://www.dhyanfoundation.com/ http://www.dhyansanjivani.org/ India India 10849 Yoga 10850 Yoga 10851 Yoga http://www.diamundialdoyoga.com/ http://www.diezauberwerkstatt.de/ http://www.dinayoganpilates.com/ Sanatan Kriya by Yogi Ashwini Dhyansanjivani- Divya Yoga Ashram -Astrology Services Dia Mundial del YOGA Yoga Germany Dinas Yoga and Pilates Instruction 10852 Yoga 10853 Yoga http://www.diniyoga.com/ http://www.discoveryogabrisbane.com.au/ Dini Maharani Yoga Center Discover Yoga Brisbane: Indonesia Australia 10854 Yoga http://www.discover-yoga-online.com/ Ashtanga Yoga: the 8 limbs of yoga India 10855 Yoga 10856 Yoga 10857 Yoga http://www.divamukti.com/ http://www.divineyogapeeth.com/ http://www.divyainstitute.org/ Portugal Germany USA 10858 Yoga ivamukti The Divine Yoga Peeth Divya Institute, authorized Yoga Study Centre of Singhania University Shimla http://www.dlshq.org/download/kundalini.htm Kundalini Yoga India 10859 Yoga 10860 Yoga 10861 Yoga http://www.downunderyoga.com/ http://www.downwarddog.com/ http://www.downwarddogstudios.com/ USA Canada USA 10862 Yoga 10863 Yoga http://www.doyouyoga.com/ http://www.drnespor.eu/Satyam.html Down Under Yo Downward Dog Yoga Downward Dog Yoga Studios of Weymouth Do You Yoga Satyananada Yiga 10864 Yoga 10865 Yoga http://www.duluthyoga.com/ http://www.dyc-nc.org/ Practice Yoga USA Dhyanyoga Center of North Carolina USA 10866 Yoga http://www.dycusa.org/ 10867 Yoga 10868 Yoga http://www.dynamicpoweryogaplus.com/ http://www.dynamicyoga.tv/ Swami Ganapathi Satchidananda Datta Yoga Center Dynamic Power Yoga Dynamic Yoga in Brighton & Hove USA UK 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 http://www.dynasticlineage.info/ http://www.earthenergiesnews.co.uk/ http://www.earthsongyoga.com/ http://www.earthspoweryoga.com/ http://www.easternvibesyoga.com/ http://www.eastwestrehab.org/ http://www.ebbio.com/ http://www.elainewintman.com/ http://www.elementyogastudio.com/ http://www.elizabethyoga.com/ http://www.ellayoga.com/en http://www.emanpasand.com/fitness.html http://www.empoweredyoga.com/ http://www.empowermeyoga.com/ http://www.energyenhancement.org/Yoga/ Kriya Yoga Dynastic Lineage Yoga Theraphy Earth Song Yoga Earth's Power Yoga Center Eastern Vibes Yoga East & West, Mind and Body Ebbio Yoga Center Yoga with Elaine Wintman Element Yoga and Health Studio Yoga Bodhi Teacher Training EllaYoga in Tel Aviv Port How Fitness Helps Empowered Yoga Empower ME Yoga Yoga Sutras by Patanjali India Spain USA USA Canada USA Italy USA USA USA Israel India USA Canada USA Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga USA Thailand India USA The Czech Republic USA 10884 Yoga http://www.eomega.org/ 10885 Yoga 10886 Yoga http://www.eponarivers.com/ http://www.escuelainternacionaldeyoga.org/ 10887 Yoga 10888 Yoga http://www.espace-etoiles.fr/ http://www.espacomukti.blogspot.com.br/ 10889 Yoga 10890 Yoga 10891 Yoga http://www.essentialyoga.biz/ EssentialYoga Studio http://www.estheryoga.com/ Esther Myers Yoga Studio http://www.eunicelaurel.com/Yoga/yoga.html Yoga Teacher & Therapist USA Canada UK 10892 Yoga http://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/urban-yoga4065342581 http://www.everydayzen.org/ http://www.everythingyoga.com/ http://www.eviyoga.de/ http://www.evolutionofyoga.com/ Australia 10893 10894 10895 10896 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10897 10898 10899 10900 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Omega Yoga Institute - Health & Yoga Epona Rivers Yoga Center Escuela Internacional de Yoga Integral Stages yoga à Espace Etoiles Space Mukti Pro Holistic Urban Yoga USA USA Argentina France Brazil Canada USA Germany Indonesia 10911 Yoga Everyday Zen Foundation Everything Yoga yoga münchen - eviyoga Bali Spirit Yoga and Dance Festival 2011 http://www.evolutionyogastudio.com/ Evolution Yoga http://www.evolvelosaltos.com/ Evolve Yoga Pilates http://www.evolve-yoga.net/ evolve yoga studio http://www.ewyoga.com/ East-West Yoga Society of the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga and Meditation http://www.exhala.com/ beneficios del yoga http://www.exhalespa.com/default/Yoga/defau Exhale Yoga & Spa lt.aspx http://www.exienceyoga.com/ Experience Yoga http://www.experienceregeneration.com/ Power Yoga with Weights http://www.experienceserenity.com/serenity- Serenity Yoga yoga http://www.exploreyoga.co.uk/ Explore Yoga http://www.extragentleyoga.com/ Best Yoga http://www.eyzein-aet.gr/ Yoga EyZein http://www.facebook.com/childlightyoga ChildLight Yoga http://www.facebook.com/pages/PeaceYoga- Peace & Yoga El Salvador El-Salvador/2158331218 http://www.facebook.com/rainbow.kids.yoga Rainbow Kids Yoga 10912 Yoga http://www.facebook.com/southafricayoga South Africa 10913 Yoga 10914 Yoga http://www.facebook.com/swami.m.saraswati. Swami Mounamurti Saraswati Yoga Australia 1 Guru http://www.facebook.com/yoganonymous Yoga Anonymous USA 10915 Yoga http://www.faceyogaexpert.com/ 10901 Yoga 10902 Yoga 10903 Yoga 10904 Yoga 10905 Yoga 10906 10907 10908 10909 10910 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10916 Yoga 10917 Yoga 10918 Yoga 10919 Yoga 10920 Yoga 10921 Yoga Yoga in South Africa Danielle Collins. leading Face Yoga Expert http://www.faceyogamethod.com/ Fumiko Takatsu's Face Yoga Methods http://www.fallingopen.ca/ Falling Open through Yoga http://www.familypassages.ca/ Family Passages Yoga and Mind Body Community http://www.farasheyoga.org/ Farashe Yoga http://www.feelgoodtravel.de/YogaPackage(P Yoga Retreat Thailand ai)-e.html http://www.fhyoga.com/ Forest House Yoga USA USA USA USA Spain USA UK USA Mexico UK USA Greece USA El Salvador Europe UK Japan Canada Canada Palestine Thailand USA 10922 10923 10924 10925 10926 10927 10928 Yoga 10929 Yoga 10930 Yoga http://www.fieldofyoga.com/ http://www.findyogainfo.com/ http://www.fine-yoga.com/ http://www.fingerlakesyogafestival.org/ http://www.fionacampbellyoga.co.uk/ http://www.fitnesshealthandwellnesscenter.co m/yoga.html http://www.fitnessnetwork.com.au/ http://www.fitnessyoga.co.in/ http://www.fitwellstudios.com/ 10931 10932 10933 10934 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.flagstaffyogafestival.com/ http://www.flowtogether.com/ http://www.flowyogacenter.com/ http://www.flowyogateachertraining.com/ Australian Fitness Network Fitness Yoga FitWell Studios - Pilates, Yoga, & Fitness Flagstaff Yoga Festival 2011 Flow Together Yoga Flow Yoga Center Flow Yoga 10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 10947 10948 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.flyingmountainyoga.org/ http://www.focalpointyoga.com/ http://www.focusyoga.com/ http://www.forlauderdaleyogaclub.com http://www.franceinsiders.com/ http://www.franceyogaretreats.com/ http://www.fredbusch.com/ http://www.freesoulyoga.com/ http://www.freespirituk.com/ http://www.freespirityoga.ca/ http://www.freespirityoga.com/ http://www.froglotusyoga.com/ http://www.fundpeaceandhealing.net/ http://www.gaiatree.cz/ Flying Mountain Yoga Focal Point Yoga focus yoga Yoga Club Forlauderdale Yoga Retreat Viveka Yoga Holidays Fred Busch Poweer Yoga Free Soul Yoga Relaxing yoga holidays Free Spirit Yoga & Fitness FreeSpirit Yoga Frog Lotus Yoga Raja Yoga Giatree Joga Brno 10949 Yoga 10950 Yoga 10951 Yoga http://www.galwayyoga.com/ http://www.gardenofyoga.com/goy/ http://www.gaurayoga.co.nz/ Galway Yoga Centre Ireland Garden of Yoga USA ISKCON New Zeland - Gaura Yoga New Zealand 10952 Yoga 10953 Yoga http://www.gayajyotiyoga.com/ http://www.gayatri-yoga.net/ 10954 10955 10956 10957 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10958 Yoga 10959 Yoga Field of Yoga Find Yoga information Fine Yoga China Finger Lakes Yoga Festival Fiona Campbell - Yoga Fitness, Health and Wellness Center USA USA China USA UK India Australia India USA USA USA USA USA France France USA USA UK Canada USA USA USA The Czech Republic Gaya Jyoti: House of Light Gayatri Yoga Fuerteventura Canary Islands Yoga School http://www.gemsofyogadubai.com/ Gems Of Yoga http://www.gentilcoreyoga.com/ Yoga with Danielle Gentilcore http://www.gentlehathayoga.net/ Gentle Hatha Yoga http://www.geocities.com/thailandmeditationg Kriya Yoga roup/kriyayoga.htm http://www.getempowerednow.ca/ Power Yoga http://www.ghalegroup.com/specialOffer/48/s Yoga by Ghale treks pecial/Yoga-–-Body-Mind-&-Soul.html USA USA USA USA USA Spain UAE USA USA Thailand Canada Nepal 10960 Yoga http://www.glendaletemple.org/ Supreme Yogi, Master of Kriya Yoga USA 10961 10962 10963 10964 10965 http://www.glevio.com/yoga-in-london/ http://www.globalyogashala.com/ http://www.globehouse.org/ http://www.globelyoga.blogspot.com/ http://www.godayoga.com/ Yoga in London Global Yoga Shala Yoga at Globe House Kamlesh Mishra (Yoga Trainer) GODA Yoga (Garden of Deep Awareness) Golden Lotus Yoga School Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10966 Yoga http://www.goldenlotusyogaschool.com/ UK USA UK India USA Australia 10967 Yoga 11000 Yoga http://www.goldenlotusyogaschool.com/hatha Rakinanandaa's Golden Lotus Yoga -yoga.html School http://www.goodenergycenter.com/ Good Energy, a holistic wellness studio http://www.goodkarmayoga.ca/ Good Karma Yoga http://www.goodlifefitness.com/GroupEx/Min Hot Yoga dBody_HotYoga.aspx http://www.govind.eu/ Govinda Yoga http://www.gowiththeflowyoga.com/ Go With The Flow Yoga http://www.greenlotus.net/ Green Lotus Yoga http://www.greenteayoga.com/ Green Tea Yoga, in Salem Massachusetts http://www.gyanyoga.ca/ Gyan Yoga http://www.halcyonhealth.ca/ Halcyon Health http://www.hamsa-yogashala.com/ Gwinnett County Yoga Walton County Yoga http://www.happybuddhayoga.com/ Happy Buddha Yoga http://www.happyearthyoga.com/ happy earth yoga http://www.happyfaceyoga.com/ Happy Face Yoga http://www.happyoga.narod.ru/ Happy Yoga http://www.happyseedyoga.com/ Happy Seed Yoga http://www.happysunyoga.com/ Happy Sun Yoga http://www.happytailsyoga.org/ Happy Tails Yoga http://www.happytreeyoga.com/ HappyTree Yoga http://www.hariharanandakriyayoga.org/ Hariharananada Kriya Yoga http://www.hariomyoga.com/ Hari Om YOGA http://www.harmonylearningcenter.org/ Harmony Learning Center http://www.harmonyyoga.com/ Harmony Yoga http://www.harmonyyogastudio.ca/ Harmony Yoga Pilates Studio http://www.har-tzion.com/ Sri Avadhuta Ramakrishnananda and Yoga Institute http://www.hathaheaven.com/ Hatha Yoga with Nikki Bates http://www.hathakriyayoga.com/ Hatha Kriya Yoga Sadhana http://www.hathavidyagurukulam.com/ Hatha vidya gurukulam Patturaikkal Kerala http://www.hathayoga-meditation.com/ Yoga Vidya Peetham http://www.hathayogamysore.com/ Hatha Yoga and Meditation Center in Mysore http://www.healingpoweryoga.com/ Healing Power Yoga http://www.healingyoga.org/ Healing Yoga Foundaion http://www.healthandhappyholiday.com/ Happy Healthy Holiday Yoga Retreat http://www.healthandharmonyhouse.com/ Health and Harmony House 11001 Yoga 11002 Yoga 11003 Yoga http://www.healthandyog.com/ http://www.healthandyoga.com/ http://www.healyourselfhealyourworld.com/ Healthandyog Health And Yoga Yoga classes with Deborah Netherland India USA 11004 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 http://www.heartcentreyoga.ca/ http://www.heartofprana.com/ http://www.heartofyoga.com/ http://www.heartsunyoga.com/ http://www.heartwoodinstitute.com/ http://www.heartworkyoga.com/ http://www.heidiyoga.co.uk/ Heart Centre Yoga Heart of Prana Yoga Heart of Yoga by Mark whitewell Heart Sun Yoga Heartwood Institute Heart Work Yoga Studio Heidi Seymour teaches yoga classes Canada USA USA USA USA USA UK http://www.herbwyfe.com/ Yoga training & Herbal Products USA 10968 Yoga 10969 Yoga 10970 Yoga 10971 10972 10973 10974 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10975 Yoga 10976 Yoga 10977 Yoga 10978 10979 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10986 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 10992 Yoga 10993 Yoga 10994 Yoga 10995 Yoga 10996 Yoga 10997 Yoga 10998 Yoga 10999 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11011 Yoga Indonesia USA Canada Canada Europe USA Ireland USA Canada Canada USA USA USA USA Russia Canada Argentina USA Canada India Canada USA USA Canada India Spain Greece India India India USA USA India USA 11012 11013 11014 11015 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.hetlandvannu.com/ http://www.highdesertyoga.com/ http://www.highlandswans.com/ http://www.highlandyogacenter.com/ Het Land Van Nu Yoga High Desert Yoga Yoga Classes Highland Yoga & Meditation Center Netherland USA UK USA 11016 Yoga http://www.hihtindia.org/ Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust India 11017 Yoga http://www.himachalspider.com/ The Universal Yoga Training Center, Mcleodganj, Kangra – H.P India 11018 11019 11020 11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 http://www.himalaya-institut.de/ http://www.himalayanh.com/ http://www.himalayaninstitute.org/ http://www.himalayantouch.com/ http://www.himalayanyoga.3dn.ru/ http://www.himalayanyoga.hu/ http://www.himalayanyogatradition.com/ http://www.hiyogacentre.com/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Swami Rama of the Himalayas Himalayan Heritage The Himalayan Institute Himalayan Yoga Touch Tours Himalayan Yoga Himalayan Yoga Himalayan Yoga Tradition Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre in Dharamkot, Dharamsala and in Arambol, Goa http://www.hkyogathon.com/ Yogathon HK http://www.holisticenergy.co.in/ Holistic Energy mission http://www.holistichealthclinic.org.uk/health_ The Holistic Health Clinic, Brighton therapy_classes_brighton.html - Yoga Pilates http://www.hollowtreeyoga.com/ Hollow Tree Yoga http://www.holyyoga.net/ Holy Yoga http://www.homeofyoga.com/ Home of Yoga http://www.hotashtanga.com/ Hot Ashtanga http://www.hotpoweryoga.co.uk/ Hot Power Yoga http://www.hotyogaimmersion.com/ Hot Yoga Immersion Course http://www.hotyogaon20th.com/ hot yoga studio http://www.hotyogaphuket.com/ HOT YOGA Phuket http://www.hotyogateacher.com/ Hot Yoga Teacher http://www.hotyogatherapy.biz/ Hot Yoga Therapy LLC http://www.hrih.net/patanjali Yoga Sutras of Patanjali http://www.huntingtonbeachhotyoga.com/ Huntington Beach Hot Yoga Germany USA USA India Russia Hungary India India 11041 Yoga http://www.hymcenter.com/ USA 11042 Yoga 11043 Yoga http://www.h-yoga.ru/ http://www.iayt.org/ 11044 Yoga http://www.icyer.com/ 11045 Yoga http://www.ihtyoga.org/ 11046 11047 11048 11049 11050 http://www.illumeyoga.com/ http://www.imprintyoga.com/ http://www.inbalance.it/ http://www.inbound-yoga.de/ http://www.indiamart.com/yogacareandcure/ 11026 Yoga 11027 Yoga 11028 Yoga 11029 11030 11031 11032 11033 11034 11035 11036 11037 11038 11039 11040 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11051 Yoga http://www.indianyogaassociation.com/ 11052 Yoga http://www.india-yoga-ttc.blogspot.com/ Himalayan Yoga Meditation Center of Indiana Himalayan Yoga International Association of Yoga Therapists International Centre for Yoga Education and Research founded by Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri The Institute of the Himalayan Tradition (R) IHT illume Yoga Imprint Yoga Balanace Retreat Inbound Yoga Club e.V Vishwa Bharti Yoga Sansthan Hong Kong India UK Canada USA Australia India UK Thailand Canada Thailand USA USA USA USA Russia USA India USA USA Canada Sweden Germany India Association for yoga and meditation India India (AYM) Yoga Teacher Training Course India 11053 Yoga 11054 Yoga 11055 Yoga http://www.indigoyoga.co.za/ http://www.infinitelightyoga.weebly.com/ http://www.innercityoga.com/ 11056 Yoga 11057 Yoga 11058 Yoga http://www.innerhappiness.com/ http://www.innerharmony-cyprus.com/ http://www.innerpeaceyogatulsa.com/ 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 11068 11069 11070 11071 11072 11073 http://www.inner-power-yoga.com/ http://www.innerseayoga.com/ http://www.innersmilemassage.co.uk/ http://www.innersmilenurture.com/ http://www.innertruthyoga.org/ http://www.innervisionyoga.com/ http://www.inneryoga.org.uk/ http://www.insightyoga.com/ http://www.insiteyoga.com/ http://www.inspire-centre.com/ http://www.inspireyogaparis.org/ http://www.inspireyogastudio.com/ http://www.integralsveta.com/ http://www.integralsveta.ru/ http://www.integralyogastudio.com/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Indigo Yoga Infinite Light YOGA Inner City Yoga - Urban Yoga Center Eyes of the World yoga Inner Harmony - Cyprus Inner Peace Yoga in Tulsa Oklahoma South Africa USA Switzerland USA Cyprus USA 11074 Yoga 11075 Yoga 11076 Yoga http://www.internationalorange.com/ http://www.internationalyoga.com/ http://www.internationalyogafederation.net/ inner power yoga InnerSea Yoga Inner Smile Yoga Center Inner Sime Nurture Inner Truth Yoga Inner Vision Yoga Inner Yoga UK Sarah Powers Insight Yoga Insite Yoga Inspire Yoga Inspire Yoga Inspire Yoga Studio Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga Integral Yoga with Mr Subhash Mittal International Orange Yoga International Yoga International Yoga Federation I.Y.F. USA USA UK World Canada USA UK USA Canada Switzerland France USA USA Russia USA 11077 Yoga http://www.internationalyogafestival.com/ International Yoga Festival India 11078 Yoga http://www.internationalyogastudies.com/ International Yoga Studies USA 11079 11080 11081 11082 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.intouchyogabyronbay.com/ http://www.intoyoga.ca/ http://www.intuitiveflow.com/ http://www.intyogahealthylife.com/ Intouch Yoga Teacher Training Into Yoga Intuitive Flow Yoga Integral Psycho-Yoga & Holistic Health Association, Kerala Australia Canada Indonesia India 11083 11084 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 11090 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.iogaiyengar.com/ http://www.iowacityyogafestival.com/ http://www.ishtayoga.com/ http://www.ishvaracentroyoga.com/ http://www.iskcon.org.nz/ http://www.islandofpeaceyoga.com/ http://www.isyoga.com/ http://www.itsallyogababy.com/ Iyengar Yoga Iowa City Yoga Festival 2011 ISHTA Yoga Downtown Kriya Yoga ISKCON Christchurch Island of Peace Yoga Inner Strength Yoga it’s all yoga, Spain USA USA Italy New Zealand Canada USA USA 11091 Yoga http://www.itsyogafirenze.net/ It’s Yoga Firenze Teacher Training Italy 11092 Yoga 11093 Yoga http://www.itsyogapuertorico.com/ http://www.itsyoga-thailand.com/ Puerto Rico Thailand 11094 Yoga 11095 Yoga 11096 Yoga http://www.ivanayoga.com/ http://www.iya.ie/ http://www.iya-asia.com/ Yoga Puerto Rico Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Ivana Yoga Irish Yoga Association International Yoga Academy - Yoga Organisation USA USA Uruguay USA Ireland Hong Kong 11097 Yoga http://www.iyclv.com/ 11098 Yoga http://www.iyea.us/ 11099 Yoga http://www.iyengaryoga.in/ 11100 Yoga 11101 Yoga http://www.iyengar-yoga-bamberg.de/ http://www.iyengaryogaclm.com/ 11102 Yoga http://www.iyengaryogahongkong.com/ 11103 Yoga http://www.iyengaryogalasvegas.com/ 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11111 11112 11113 11114 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11115 Yoga 11116 Yoga 11117 Yoga 11118 Yoga 11119 11120 11121 11122 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11123 Yoga 11124 Yoga 11125 Yoga 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 11132 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11133 Yoga 11134 Yoga 11135 Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Center of Las Vegas Independent Yoga Educators of America Omkarananda Ganga Sadan Patanjala Yoga Kendra BKS Iyengar Yoga BKS Iyengar Yoga Center of La Mesa Iyengar Yoga Centre of Hong Kong USA B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Center of Las Vegas http://www.iyengar-yoga-tlv.co.il/ Iyengar Yoga http://www.iyiva.org/ Yoga Help http://www.iymagazine.org/ Yoga Magazine http://www.iyoga.ca/ Iyengar Yoga Ottawa http://www.iyta.org/ Yoga Teachers Association http://www.jaap-kaur-yoga.20m.com/ Arizona Yoga Classes http://www.jackiekaysser.com/ Jackie Kaysser OASIS Yoga Wellness http://www.jadeyoga.com/ Jade Yoga http://www.jaisiyaram.com/yoga.htm Yoga by Jaisiyaram http://www.jaiyoga.co.uk/ JaiYoga http://www.jayakula.org/ Jaya Kula -Shambhavi Sarasvati Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation http://www.jayayogastudio.com/ Jaya Yoga, Pilates, and Specialty Fitness S http://www.jayseadevoe.com/ Sea Vibes Yoga :Yoga By Jaysea DeVoe -The 12-Year Youngest Yoga Instructor in the World http://www.jeewacentre.com/ Yoga Jeewa Centre for Body and Mind http://www.jeffreyarmstrong.com/event/yoga- VASA Annual Summer Retreat: for-life-yoga-reteat “Yoga for Life” – Yoga Philosophy Immersion http://www.jenj.embarqspace.com/ Celestial Yoga LLC http://www.jenniferpastiloff.com/ Jennifer Pastiloff Yoga E-YRT http://www.jeweledlotusyoga.net/ Jeweled Lotus Yoga http://www.jipmer.edu/ACYTER/main.html The Advanced Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (ACYTER) http://www.jivamuktiyoga.com/ Jivamukti Yoga Munich http://www.jiwadamai.net/ Jiwa Damai Bali http://www.jogakozpont.hu/ Ashram Yoga and Meditation Center http://www.jolockhartyoga.com/ Jo Lockhart Yoga http://www.journalofyoga.com/ Yoga Journal http://www.journeyforjoy.net/ Nia and Yoga Retreat Classes http://www.journeyintoyoga.com/ Kripalu Centre for Yoga http://www.joyaboundsyoga.com/ JOY Abounds Yoga http://www.judithlasater.com Judith Hanson Lasater's Yoga http://www.judithlasater.com/ Judith Lasater - Author & Yoga Teacher http://www.julianwalkeryoga.com/ Julian Walker Yoga http://www.juls.co.uk/ Yoga in Norwich http://www.junemitchellyoga.co.uk/ June Mitchell's Yoga USA USA India Germany USA Hong Kong Israel USA USA Canada USA USA Canada Australia India UK USA USA USA Sri Lanka Canada USA USA USA India Germany Indonesia Hungary UK USA Costa Rica Mexico USA USA USA USA UK UK 11136 Yoga 11137 Yoga 11138 11139 11140 11141 11142 11143 11144 11145 11146 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11152 11153 11154 11155 11156 11157 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.justdial.com/srch/all_indiasrch/all Yoga Centres in India _india.php http://www.kagyupa.com/german/default.html Yoga und Gesundheit India Germany http://www.kaiayoga.com/ http://www.kaivalyamretreat.com/ http://www.kalarippayat.com/ http://www.kaliyoga.com/ http://www.kalyoga.com/ http://www.kanbeyoga.com/ http://www.karmakandara.com/ http://www.karmathaimassage.com/ http://www.karma-yoga.net/ http://www.karmayogaproject.org/ http://www.karuna-arts-yoga.com/ http://www.karuna-yoga.de/ http://www.karunayoga.net/ http://www.kat.ph/65-yoga-books-collectiont2932955.html http://www.katahotyoga.com/ http://www.katalinyoga.co.uk/ http://www.katepotteryoga.ca/ http://www.katiehillyoga.com/ http://www.katsaksyoga.com/ http://www.kayaaerialyogaphiladelphia.com/ Kaia Yoga Kaivalyam Retreat Martial Arts from Kerala Yoga Retreat Christine Kalyani Yoga Kan Be Yoga Karma Kandara Yoga Retreat Thai Yoga & Massage Karma Yoga Karma Yoga Project Karuna Arts Yoga Yoga Studio Karuna Karuna Yoga Yoga Books USA India India Spain Sweden UK Indonesia Thailand USA USA USA Germany USA Philippines Kata Hot Yoga Katalin's Yoga pages Namaste Yoga Katie Hill Yoga Kat Saks Yoga Kaya Aerial Yoga Philadelphia Thailand UK Canada Australia USA USA 11158 Yoga http://www.kcmeditation.com/ Supreme Yogi, Master of Kriya Yoga USA 11159 Yoga http://www.kdeck.net/forsite/hindu.html 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.kdham.com/ http://www.kdham.org/ http://www.kdhammumbai.org/ http://www.kdhamusa.org/ http://www.kedarnathyoga.com/ 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.keiritasyoga.com/ http://www.kevala.co.uk/ http://www.kickstep.org/ http://www.knowyoga.org/ http://www.kodaikanalyoga.com/ http://www.koruvillage.com/services/yoga/ Swami Umanand Saraswati Siddha Yoga Mission Trust Kaivalyadhama Ashram Yoga Kaivalyadhama France Kaivalyadhama Mumbai Kaivalyadhama USA Kedarnath Centre For Yoga & Naturopathy Keiritas Yoga on Phi Phi Ayurveda Information Kickstep Wellbeing Baba Ramdev Kodaikanal Yoga Center Koru Village Fitness & Yoga 11171 Yoga http://www.kpjayi.org/ 11172 Yoga 11173 Yoga 11174 Yoga http://www.krantiyoga.com/ http://www.kripalu.org/ http://www.krishna.org.tw/ 11175 Yoga 11176 Yoga 11177 Yoga http://www.kriyabanservice.com/ http://www.kriya-meditation.com/ http://www.kriya-yoga.com/ Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute krantiyoga Goa India Kripalu center for yoga & health ISKCON Taiwan Taiwan Bhakti Yoga Culture Centre Kriya Yoga Kriya Yoga Kriya Yoga Ashram Bhubaneswar 11178 Yoga 11179 Yoga 11180 Yoga http://www.kriyayoga.dk/ http://www.kriyayoga.org/ http://www.kriya-yogagreece.com/ Kriya Yoga Kriya Yoga Babaji Temple Kriya Yoga India India France India USA India Thailand UK UK India India USA India India USA Taiwan India Switzerland India Denmark USA Greece 11181 Yoga 11182 11183 11184 11185 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11186 11187 11188 11189 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11190 11191 11192 11193 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11194 Yoga 11195 Yoga 11196 Yoga 11197 Yoga 11198 11199 11200 11201 11202 11203 11204 11205 11206 11207 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11208 11209 11210 11211 11212 11213 11214 11215 11216 11217 11218 11219 11220 11221 11222 11223 11224 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11225 11226 11227 11228 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.kriyayogalahiri.com/ The Authentic Kriya Yoga -Lahiri Lore http://www.kriyayogaportugal.com/ Kriya Yoga http://www.kriyayogasatyalok.com/ Kriya Yoga Satyalok http://www.kriyayogathailand.com/ Kriya Yoga http://www.kriyayoga-yogisatyam.org/ Swami Yogi Satyam - Kriyayoga Research Institute http://www.ksyogaremedy.com/ Karen Shuman's Yoga Remedy http://www.kundalinijoga.info/ Kundalini Yoga http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/ Kundalini Meditation http://www.kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/ Kundalini Research InstituteHarbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji http://www.kundaliniyoga.com/ Kudalini Yoga http://www.kundaliniyoga.ie/ Kundalini Yoga http://www.kundaliniyoga.vpweb.co.uk/ Kundalini Yoga for Vitality http://www.kundaliniyogabrightonlondon.yola Awake, Aware, Alive: Kundalini site.com/ Yoga for Vitality http://www.kym.org/ Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM) in Chennai http://www.lajollayogacenter.com/ La jolla Yoga Center http://www.lakshminarayansharma.com/ Pt. Lkshmi Narayan Sharma -Yoga Information http://www.lamaconsulting.com/Lama/Hormo Yoga Therapy for Hormonal Balance nal_Balance.html http://www.lasvegasyoga.com/ Yoga Sanctuary http://www.laughingbodies.com/ Laughing Bodies - yoga practice http://www.laughteryoga-australia.org/ Laughter Yoga http://www.laurafisheryoga.co.uk/ Laura Fisher Yoga http://www.lavidaloft.net/ La Vida Loft Yoga http://www.layogaclub.com/ Yoga Club LA http://www.lazy-yoga.com/ Lazy Yoga Nepal http://www.learnyogasite.com/ Learn Yoga Site http://www.learnyogatips.com/ Learn Yoga Tips http://www.leelamata.com/ Leela Mata Peaceful Valley Yoga Ashram http://www.leslievilleyoga.ca/ Leslie Ville Yoga http://www.letgoego.net/ Dynastic Kriya Yoga http://www.letsglo.com/ Yoga Retreat http://www.liberationyoga.com/ Liberation Yoga http://www.libertymovement.ca/ Liberty Yoga Centre http://www.libraryofyoga.com/ SVYASA Digital Repository http://www.lifeblissprograms.org/ Yoga and Inner Awakening http://www.life-centre.org/ Life Center Yoga http://www.life-is-yoga.de Lfe is Yoga http://www.lifesongyoga.com/ Lifesong Yoga http://www.lifestyleboutique.vpweb.com/ Yoga classes http://www.lightenupyoga.com/ Lighten Up Yoga http://www.lightoftheheartyoga.com/ Light of the Heart Yoga™ http://www.likewateryoga.com/ Like Water Yoga http://www.lilayogastudios.com/ Lîla Yoga Studio http://www.lillahschwartz.com/ Lillah Schwartz's Yoga Training http://www.lilleoru.ee/ Babaji's Kriya Yoga Ashram in Estonia http://www.lindalack.com/ Yoga and Beyond http://www.liveandbreatheyoga.com.au/ Live and Breathe Yoga http://www.liveyoga.nl/ liveYoga http://www.liveyouryoga.org/ Live Your Yoga India Portugal India Thailand India USA Hungary India USA USA Ireland UK UK India USA India USA USA USA Australia UK Singapore USA Nepal USA USA USA Canada India USA USA Canada India USA Cyprus Germany Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Estonia USA Australia Netherland USA 11229 11230 11231 11232 11233 11234 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11235 Yoga 11236 Yoga http://www.livingroomyoga.biz/ http://www.living-yoga.org/ http://www.livingyogadallas.com/ http://www.livyogastudio.com/ http://www.lizowenyoga.com/ http://www.loknathyoga.com/-sri-sri-babaloknath-brahmachari-mahamandal-ashramindia.html http://www.london-laughter-yoga.co.uk/ http://www.lotusbloomingyogaretreat.com/ 11237 Yoga 11238 Yoga http://www.lotusyoga.cn/ http://www.lotus-yoga-retreat.com/ 11239 Yoga 11240 Yoga http://www.loughnermassage.com/ http://www.lovelifeloveyoga.com/ 11241 11242 11243 11244 11245 http://www.lulubandhas.com/yoga/ http://www.lunalodge.com/retreats.html http://www.lunayoga.co.uk/ http://www.lyonyoga.fr/ http://www.maakundalini.com/f Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11246 Yoga 11247 Yoga http://www.maayoga.com/ http://www.magmell.ie/ 11248 11249 11250 11251 11252 11253 http://www.mahadev108.com/ http://www.maharishi-india.org/ http://www.mahasiddhayoga.com/ http://www.mahayog.com/ http://www.mahayoga.com/ http://www.mahayoga.org/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11254 Yoga http://www.maitreyayoga.com/ 11255 11256 11257 11258 11259 11260 11261 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.makeitsoyoga.com/ http://www.mamanirvana.com/ http://www.mamasteyoga.com/ http://www.mandala.ashtanga.org/ http://www.mandalayoga.net/ http://www.mandysergent.com/ http://www.mangalyoga.com/ 11262 Yoga http://www.mangalyoga.webs.com/ 11263 11264 11265 11266 http://www.manipurayogacentre.co.nz/ http://www.manishayogatime.com/ http://www.marbellayoga.com/ http://www.mardejade.com/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11267 Yoga http://www.mareethomas.com/ 11268 Yoga 11269 Yoga http://www.mariaireneom.com.ar/ http://www.marinachetner.com/ Living Room Yoga Living Yoga Living Yoga Dallas Liv Yoga Studio Liz Owen Yoga Sri Sri Baba Loknath Brahmachari Mahamandal Ashram Kolkata, India London Laughter Yoga Lotus Blooming Yoga Retreat in Marbella Spain Lotus Yoga Yoga Holidays and Retreats in South Goa Loughner Massage and Yoga love life love yoga lessons classes and workshops Lulu Bandha’s Yoga Studio Costa Rica Yoga Vacation Luna Yoga & Health Sahaja Yoga Lyon Swami Umanand Saraswati Siddha Yoga Mission Trust Maa Yoga Integral Hatha Yoga, Martial Arts and Massage Mahadev -Hatha Yoga teacher Maharishi Shiksha Sansthan Maha Siddha Yoga Mahayog Academy Maha Yoga Maha Yoga :Shri Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj Mahayoga Trust Maharashtra Maitreya Yoga Studio USA USA USA Canada USA India Yoga School of South County Mama Nirvana's New Yoga Mamaste Yoga The Mysore Mandala Yogasha Mandala Yoga Ashram - UK Mandy Sergent Yoga Therapist Shri Mangal Yoga & Nature cure centre Shri Mangal Yoga & Nature cure centre Manipura Yoga Centre Manisha Yoga Time Marbella Yoga Studio Mar de Jade (Sea of Jade) Yoga Retreat, Wellness Yoga Meditation by Maree Thomas USA USA USA India UK USA India Centro de Yoga Marina Chetner -Be Inspired Through Travel & Yoga Argentina USA UK Spain China India USA UK USA Costa Rica UK France India Canada Ireland Russia India India India USA India Canada India New Zealand USA Spain Mexico Australia 11270 11271 11272 11273 11274 11275 11276 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11277 Yoga http://www.marissanolan.blogspot.in/ http://www.marissanolan.com/ http://www.marjcookyoga.co.uk/ http://www.marksyoga.com/ http://www.marseille-yoga.fr/ http://www.maskailash.org/ http://www.massage-therapymedicine.com/hatha-yoga-poses.html http://www.mastercvv.com/ 11278 Yoga 11279 Yoga http://www.masteringyoga.org/ http://www.masvidalyoga.com/ 11280 Yoga http://www.mathayoganandamayi.org/ 11281 11282 11283 11284 http://www.matiyoga.com/ http://www.mawuyogaangels.com/ http://www.mcyoga.com/ http://www.meaus.com/friends-ofgurukulam.htm http://www.medicalyoga.in/ http://www.meditate-thailand.com/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11285 Yoga 11286 Yoga Marissa Nolan -Shiva Yoga Peeth Marissa Nolan -Shiva Yoga Peeth Marj Cook Yoga Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga Sahaja Yoga Marseille Mas Kailash Yoga Center Hatha Yoga Poses UK UK UK USA France France USA Bhrukta Rahita Taraka Rajayoga India Mastering Yoga Mas Vidal, Yoga classes at Dancing Shiva Sri Matha Yoganandamayi Ashram India India Mathew Ingles Yoga Mawu Yoga Angels, LLC. The Movement Center Friends of Gurukulam USA USA USA USA 11287 11288 11289 11290 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11291 11292 11293 11294 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Medical Yoga Centre Karuna Meditation Center Meditation and Yoga retreat http://www.mediyoga.in/ Medi yoga http://www.meenakshiyogaaerobics.com/ Meenakshi Yoga & Aerobics http://www.melanieherbert.com/ Melanie Herbert Yoga http://www.merlinsdiary.com/directory/venues Yoga Events / http://www.metrowestyoga.net/ Metrowest Yoga http://www.mettamassage.com/ Metta Yoga Centre http://www.mettayoga.nl/ Metta Yoga Nijmegen http://www.miamilifecenter.com/ Miami Life Center Yoga Workshop 11295 11296 11297 11298 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.miamiyoga.com/ http://www.miamiyogaclub.com/ http://www.mindbodyfitnessyoga.com/ http://www.mindbodygreen.com/ 11299 11300 11301 11302 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11303 Yoga 11304 Yoga 11305 Yoga 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11311 11312 11313 11314 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga India USA India Thailand Power Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Club Miami Mind body fitness yoga Mind Body & Green - Yoga Excercises http://www.mindfulcoach.org/ Mindful Yoga Therapy http://www.miniyogis.com/ Mini Yogis Yoga for Kids http://www.miramesabikramyoga.com/ Bikram Yoga Mira Mesa http://www.miraura.org/ The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother http://www.mkjunwal.blogspot.com/ mkjunwal's "Yogik Lifestyle" http://www.mkjunwal.com/ mkjunwal's "Yogik Lifestyle" http://www.modernmeditation.ca/kriya-yoga/ Kriya Yoga USA USA USA USA http://www.mokshayoga.com/ http://www.mokshayogaottawa.com/ http://www.monicabravo.com/ http://www.moonglowyoga.com/ http://www.mosaicartsacademy.com/yogadepartment http://www.motioncenter.com/ http://www.mountaingoatyoga.com/ http://www.mountainyoga.cn/ http://www.mountmadonna.org/ Moksha Yoga Center Moksha Yoga Ottawa Yoga Center of Santa Rosa Moonglow Yoga Yoga Department USA Canada USA USA Canada Motion Center Yoga MountainGoat Yoga Centre Mountain Yoga Mount Madonna Center USA Canada China USA India India UK UK USA Canada Netherland USA Spain USA USA India India India World 11315 Yoga 11316 Yoga 11317 Yoga 11318 Yoga http://www.movingintostillness.com/ http://www.mrityunjaya.org/ http://www.mscfitness.com/classes.html#Yog a:Hatha http://www.mudrashram.com/ Moving into stillness Mrityunjaya Yoga Hatha Yoga USA India Canada Mudrashram Institute of Spiritual Studies http://www.my.att.net/p/s/community.dll?ep= American Devanand Yoga Center, 16&groupid=86409&ck= Inc. http://www.my.yoga-vidya.org/ Yoga Vidya International Community http://www.my121yoga.com/ my 121 yoga Yoga Glasgow Dennistoun USA 11322 Yoga 11323 Yoga http://www.myemeraldlotusyoga.com/ http://www.myholisticfitnessperth.com.au/ USA Australia 11324 11325 11326 11327 11328 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.mylinda.net/ http://www.myntra.com/urban-yoga/ http://www.myoneonone.com/ http://www.mype.co.za/yoga/ http://www.mysoreyoga.org/ 11329 11330 11331 11332 11333 11334 11335 11336 11337 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11319 Yoga 11320 Yoga 11321 Yoga My Emerald Lotus Yoga Yoga Teacher Training Courses USA World UK Power Alignment Yoga Urban Yogma and clothing Private Yoga Classes in Glsgow Anantam Yoga Pranava Yogadhama Trust, Mysore Yoga http://www.mysticpointeyoga.com/ Mystic Pointe Yoga http://www.mysticyoga.net/ Tantra yoga Gent, Belgium http://www.myyogaonline.com/ My Yoga Online http://www.myyogaresource.com/ Salutation Yoga Exercise http://www.myyogaspirit.ca/ The Yoga Spirit http://www.n2yoga.net/ Samatva Yoga http://www.naamyoga.com.mx/ Naam Yoga Mexico http://www.namahshivaya.org/ NamahShivaya http://www.namaspa.com/Yoga_Classes.html Namaspa 200h Teacher Training USA India UK South Africa India Canada Belgium USA USA Canada USA Mexico USA USA 11338 Yoga 11339 Yoga http://www.namaste.tv/ http://www.namastegardens.yolasite.com/ Namaste Yoga Namaste Gardens Yoga Canada Costa Rica 11340 Yoga 11341 Yoga http://www.namaste-jason.com/ http://www.namasteusa.us/ USA USA 11342 Yoga 11343 Yoga 11344 Yoga http://www.namasteyogacharya.com/ http://www.namochiangmai.com/ http://www.nandhi.com/ 11345 11346 11347 11348 11349 11350 11351 11352 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga http://www.napavalleyyogaretreats.com/ http://www.nataraja.se/ http://www.natha.dk/ http://www.nativeyogacenter.com/ http://www.natiyoga.com/ http://www.natural-high.at/ http://www.naturalyogacentre.com/ http://www.natureyogafrance.com/ 11353 Yoga 11354 Yoga 11355 Yoga http://www.neighborhood.a2zyoga.com/ http://www.neoyoga.net/ http://www.newbieyoga.com/ 11356 Yoga http://www.newdayyogastudio.com/ Namaste Yoga Jason Dr. Jim Davis's Scaravelli Yoga Teacher Training Namaste Yogacharya Namo Yoga Courses Mystical Yogic Offerings of the South Indian Sages Napa Valley Yoga Retreats Nataraja Dance & Yoga Natha Yoga Center Native Yoga Center Natalie Stawsky' Yoga Therapy natural HIGH Healing Yoga Retreats Yoga Stages and outdoor Yoga Holiday; Mana Weiser: Yoga Teacher Yoga Resource Centre Neo Yga Centre, Goa Yoga Poses and Meditation for beginners New Day Yoga Studio USA Thailand USA USA Sweden Denmark USA USA Austria France France USA India USA USA 11357 Yoga http://www.newquaybowenclinic.co.uk/ 11358 11359 11360 11361 11362 http://www.newstaryoga.com/ http://www.newyorkyogaclub.com/ http://www.nice-yoga.fr/ http://www.nicolesmithyoga.com/ http://www.nishaneschool.com/ Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11363 Yoga 11364 Yoga 11365 11366 11367 11368 11369 11370 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11371 Yoga 11372 11373 11374 11375 11376 11377 11378 11379 11380 11381 11382 11383 11384 11385 11386 11387 11388 11389 11390 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11391 Yoga 11392 Yoga 11393 Yoga 11394 Yoga 11395 11396 11397 11398 11399 11400 Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga 11401 Yoga 11402 Yoga 11403 Yoga Newquay Bowen Clinic & Yoga Studio New Star Yoga Yoga Club New York Sahaja Yoga Nice Nicole smith Yoga Center Nishane School of Spritual Science http://www.nivata.de/ http://www.northernedgealgonquin.com/ UK USA USA France USA India Nivata Yoga Algonquin Park Retreats & Adventures http://www.nosarayoga.com/ Nosara Yoga http://www.notesonyoga.org/ Notes on Yoga http://www.nowyogabegins.com/ Now Yoga Begins http://www.nvraghuram.org/ NV Raghuram Yoga Centre http://www.nysystudios.com/ New York Yoga Studio http://www.oaklandsyda.org/ Oakland Siddha Yoga Meditation Ashram http://www.oapy.org/ La Wor
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