lakshadweep - Census of India
lakshadweep - Census of India
Census of India 2011 LAKSHADWEEP PART XII-B SERIES-32 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (PCA) DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS LAKSHADWEEP CENSUS OF INDIA 2011 LAKSHADWEEP SERIES-32 PART XII - B DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (PCA) Directorate of Census Operations LAKSHADWEEP MOTIF MINICOY LIGHT HOUSE Minicoy Island assumed a great importance by virtue of its strategic location after opening Suez Canal in 1869 which shortened the sea distance between Europe and Far East by 4000 miles. The British government in consultation with Lord Rippon, the then Governor General took a decision in 1882 to construct a Light House in this Island. As this Island was full coconut trees it was envisaged to construct 49 meter high Light house tower to provide all round visibility. The foundation stone was laid in 1883 and ceremony of lying was performed by Miss Howah Manika the youngest daughter of Amin of Minicoy Mr. Bephanu. Mason and other skilled labourers were initially brought from Gallie (Shri Lanka) who were early employed for building Light Houses at Bases (Ceylon). But local Islanders proved themselves equally competent in very short time. The tower was constructed in brick masonry and the black bricks used was as hard stone, which was specially brought from “ Birmmingham of England and special adhesive compound from Holland”. The construction of Light House was completed in March 1884 and lighting equipment consisted of a kerosene wick lamp enclosed by a lantern was installed in December 1884 by a skilled mechanic from London. The Light house was formally commissioned on 2nd February 1885 in the presence of Amin of Minicoy and Sir James Douglas who had specially come from England. In 1928 the wick lamp was replaced by petroleum Vapour burner increasing luminous intensity considerably. Until 1934 then Light House was under the direct control of board of Trade London and there after it was completely transferred along with Light Houses of Ceylon and Burma to a Board appointed by board of trade London. Although India attained her Independence on 15th August 1947 the British Government did not transfer the administration of Light house till April 1956. The Dejure transfer of administration to the Government of India has to wait further till 19 th September 1963. As both houses of British Parliament has to pass a requisite legislation which require the assent of Queen of England. A pride of our nation the Minicoy Light house was standing magnificently beyond a century, guiding courageous mariner irrespective of the nation they belong, the language they speak and colour of their skin. With a magnanimous look always heralding a path of Light from Darkness “ LEAD KINDLY LIGHT” on the vedic hymn “THAMASOMA JYOTHIR GAMAYA”. Contents Pages 1 Foreword 1 2 Preface 3 3 Acknowledgement 4 4 History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 5 5 Brief History of the District 7 6 Administrative Setup 8 7 District Highlights - 2011 Census 9 8 Important Statistics 9 Section - I 10 Primary Census Abstract (PCA) (i) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 14 (ii) District Primary Census Abstract 17 (iii) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled 25 Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block wise (iv) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) 29 (v) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) 31 (vi) Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract 39 (vii) Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract 10 Section –II Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural /Urban) at District and Sub-District level 101 (i) Table -1: Households by Ownership status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011 111 (ii) Table -2: Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, Semi permanent and Temporary houses, 2011 112 (iii) Table -3: Number and Percentage of Households by main source of Drinking water, 2011 114 (iv) Table -4: Number and Percentage of Households by main source of Lighting, 2011 116 (v) Table -5: Number and Percentage of Households by type of Latrine facility, 2011 118 (vi) Table -6: Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet, 2011 120 (vii) Table -7: Number and Percentage of Households by availability of Kitchen facility, 2011 121 (viii) Table -8: Number and Percentage of Households by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011 122 (ix) Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and number of Households having each of the specified Assets in, 2011 124 Table -9: FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the Census Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural areas for each District. The Census data provide information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each Village, Town and Ward of the District. The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data including data on household amenities collected during 1st phase of the Census i.e. House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented in the DCHB is in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz; education, medical, drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph, electricity, banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were closed by the Government of India on 15th July, 2013. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grass-root level. 2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District, administrative statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory, Part-B to and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative Village and Town PCA statistics, District Census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. 3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation. 4. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’. 5. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly 1 added amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College, Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School for Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic, Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree, Traditional Practitioner and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet in the Village, Community Bio- gas, Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone Coverage, Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals, Village connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, and Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village, ATM, SelfHelp Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market, Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS), Anganwadi Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i) Status and Growth History of Towns,(ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii) Civic and other Amenities, (iv) Medical Facilities, (v) Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi) Industry & Banking, and (vii) Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census. 6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census. 7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and computerized under the supervision of Shri Marnya Ete, Director of Census Operations Lakshadweep. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall supervision of Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA). The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to bring out this publication in time. (C.Chandramouli) Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India New Delhi. Dated:- 16-06-2014 2 PREFACE The District Census Handbook 2011-Lakshadweep one of the most widely used publication prepared by the Census organisation is 5th in series since the formation of these islands into an Union Territory in 1956. The publication is used by various departments of the UT Administration, Researchers, Scholars and many other data users, since it is considered as an essential and basic documents for formulating plans and schemes. DCHB volume comprises of two parts; Part-A and Part-B . Part A consist of village and town wise PCA along with housing ameneties data. While Part B consist of village and town Directory data. The Village Directory statements presented for the CD block and for each village ( Rural Island) gives information on area, population and the details of amenities and facilities available on education, medical, drinking water, post office, transport and communication, banks and many other parameters for each village in the UT. The Town Directory presents data on same parameters for six towns of the Union Territory. The PCA is the basic demographic data of each village and town in the UT.Lakshadweep is a Uni District Union Territory.The District Census Hand Book Lakshadweep differ from the publication of other states/UT since this volume incorperate not only the details of the District but also more information on Union Territory as a whole. The non Census data contains in the volume were collected from the local administration. I am grateful to the local administration UT of Lakshadweep for their cooperation in providing these data. I would like place on record my sincere thanks to the UT Administration for the support in carrying out the 2011 Census operations. I am highly grateful to Shri J.K.Dadoo, IAS, Administrator for his support. Shri Marnya Ete, IAS who was the Director of Census Operations Lakshadweep during 2011 Census. I shall be failing in my duties if I do not place on record my sense of gratitude to him for all the efforts he made to accomplish this national tasks in the right earnest. My sincere thanks are due to Shri K.Girishkumar former Asst. Director of Census Operations of this office for preparing the first draft of this publication and also to Shri T.P.Abdullakoya (retired), SI Gr.I for his contribution in compilation and scrutiny and validation of non-census data of this publication. I equally thanks Shri A.Kidave, SI Gr.II and Shri M.Muthukoya, Sr. Compilor who were also of immense help by their contribution in preparation of this volume. I thank Shri.N. Ravichandran, JDCO, Kerala who is also the controlling officer of DCO, Lakshadweep . My thanks also due to officers of DCO Kerala Shri P.P.Joy, Dy. Director and Smt. Ajitha, Asst. Director and Smt.Jane jose S.I.Gr.II for extending a helping hand in completing this volume. My thanks are also to Shri Francis, Dy. Director, DCO Kerala who was incharge of data center and under his guidance and supervision household schedules of this DCO were processed timely. The map presented in this publication was prepared in Map Division of ORGI. I am thankful to Dr.A.P.Singh, DRG (Map) and his team. I place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.C.Chandramouli, IAS, Registrar General India for his encouragement and valuable guidance which he provided at every stage of the census operations 2011 as a custodian of this worlds’ biggest time bound administrative exercise. I am also thankful to Shri Deepak Rastogi, Addl. RG, Dr.Pratibha Kumari, Asst. RG (SS), Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) and Shri A.K.Arora, Joint Director (EDP) for their guidance and support in finalising this volume. Kavaratti Dated :04-05-2014 (M.H.R.Khasimi) Deputy Director of Census Operations Lakshadweep, Kavaratti. 3 Acknowledments Directorate of Census Operations, Lakshadweep Shri M.H.R.Khasimi Deputy Director Shri K.Girishkumar Assistant Director (former) Smt. L Ajitha Assistant Director, DCO Kerala Shri T.P.Abdullakoya Statistical Investigator Gr.I (Rtd) Shri A.Kidave Statistical Investigator Gr.II Smt. Jane Jose Statistical Investigator Gr.II DCO, Kerala Shri M.Muthukoya Senior Compiler ORGI- Data Processing Division Shri Jaspal Singh Lamba DD (EDP) Ms. Usha AD (EDP) Shri Anurag Gupta DPA Grade ‘A’ Shri Mukesh Kumar Mahawar DPA Grade ‘A’ Ms. Shagufta Nasreen Bhat DPA Grade ‘A’ Shri Khem Verma Jadon Sr. Consultant Shri Yashwant Singh Jr. Consultant Shri Anuj Kumar Jr. Consultant 4 HISTORY AND SCOPE OF THE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK The need of data at the grass root level for the administrative and planning purposes at sub micro level as well as academic studies prompted the innovation of District Census Handbook. District Census Handbook is a unique publication from the Census organization which provides most authentic details of census and non-census information from village and town level to district level. The District Census Handbook was firstly introduced during the 1951 Census. It contains both census and non census data of urban as well as rural areas for each district. The census data contain several demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each village and town and ward of the district. The non census data comprise of data on availability of various civic amenities and infrastructural facilities etc. at the town and village level which constitute Village Directory and Town Directory part of the DCHB. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. In 1961 census DCHB provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and village and town directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. The pattern of 1981 census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each town have been presented viz.; 5 (i) Status and Growth History of towns,(ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii) Civic and other Amenities, (iv) Medical Facilities, (v) Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi) Industry & Banking, and (vii) Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 census as presented in earlier census. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census. -------------------------------------------------------- 6 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DISTRICT The early history of this Union Territory still remains unexplored. The traditional belief about the early settlers of the islands were a shipwreck members of Malayalis who were on their way to Mecca to bring King Cheraman Perumal in 9th Century. Originally, therefore, the inhabitants of the islands were all Hindus and that they were converted to Islam, it is said. In the 13th Century or so by an Arabian saint called Mumbe Mulyaka Alias Ubaidulla. The conversion of King of Maldives, Siri Bavanditta by a Muslim apostle known as Shaik Yusuf Sainuddin of Tariz took place in the year Hijra 548 (i.e., 1153 AD), it is therefore conjectured that the Hindus of Lakshadweep resisted conversion for quite some time. The early settlers shad acknowledged the authority of the Kolathiri Raja. Although the Arabs, Portugues and British had landed in the district from time to time on their way to mainland of India, this district luckily escaped their wrath as experienced by the Maldivians at that time. However, this district suffered at the hands of British pirates led by Captain Kidd. Fortunately, their plunder was short lived and they left the place in haste. Until 1791 the rule of Ali Raja continued when it passed on to the British with the conquest of Cannanore in that year. However, Beebi of Cannanore was allowed to retain her hold on the district by paying an annual tribute (peshkash). This arrangement continued till 1875 when Britishers finally took over the administration of Laccadive group of island of this district. Whereas, the Amindivi group of islands, the northern group of five islands, had experienced different turn of events. For more than two centuries, like other groups of islands they were also under the control of Ali Raja of Cannanore, but the inhabitants of this group of islands shifted their allegiance to the King of Mysore in the last quarter of l8th Century. With the conquest of Srirangapattanam by the East India Company, the Amindivi group of islands also became a part of the South Canara district. Thus the Amindivi group of islands were under the jurisdiction of South Canara district, whereas the other island were under the jurisdiction of Malabar district and were under the direct British rule from third quarter of nineteenth century onwards till the independence of the Country in 1947, In November, 1956, on the formation of India in to linguistic states the Government of India recognised the Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi islands now known as Lakshadweep into a Union Territory which is Co-extensive with the district and placed it under an Administrator whose headquarters at the outset were located at Kozhikode (Calicut) which were subsequently transferred to Kavaratti island during 1964. The Administration still has officers at Calicut„ Kochi and Mangalore for procurement of stores, co-ordination of transport including reservation of ship passage. 7 ADMINISTRATIVE SET UP The Lakshadweep District is an archipelago consisting of twenty seven islands ( 12 inhabited and 15 un-inhabited) and a number of sunken banks, open reefs and sand banks. They lie scattered in the Arabian sea 200 to 400 kms. away from Kerala coast between 8° and 12° 30' north latitude and 71° and 74° east longitude. It has an area of only 30 sq.kms. There are four major sub-divisions and six minor sub-divisions. The district has 10 Community Development Blocks and six Census Towns. No jurisdictional changes have taken place in the administrative units of the district during 2001-11. However, during 2011, the number of towns has increased to 6 from 3 and thus decreasing the number of villages to 6. Kavaratti Island is the Headquarters of this Union Territory. Administrator is the head of the UT and under his control functions all the administrative and executive machineries in the district. The district administration, law and order and development programmes are under the purview of the Collector & Development Commissioner, who functions under the direct control of the Administrator. The development subjects are allotted among the Managing Director, Lakshadweep Development Corporation Ltd., Secretary, Pay & Accounts and Collector & Development Commissioner in their ex-officio capacity as secretaries of the allotted departments. The Collector & Development Commissioner is the District Magistrate and under him functions one Additional District Magistrate and 10 Executive Magistrates. The settlement officer is the Additional District Magistrate and the Deputy Collector/Sub-Divisional Officers are the Executive Magistrates in their respective Sub-Divisions The Supt. of Police controls the police force while the Administrator is the Inspector General of police. One District and Sessions Court at Kavaratti and 2 Munisiff Courts, one each at Amini and Andrott, are also functioning in the District. The District and Sessions Judge controls all the matters related to judiciary in the district. There are 10 Community Development Blocks, one each in every SubSubdivision Bangaram is included under Agatti CD Block.A member elected to Lok sabha represents the District/UT in the Parliament. In the administrative set up All ten inhabited islands are independent sub divisions. For the first time, the District/UT was brought under a democratic set up in 1990 and the Island Councils and Paradesh Councils were constituted under the Lakshadweep Island Councils Registration, 1988. On the basis of this, Ten Island Councils, one each in the inhabited islands except Bangaram and one Pradesh Council at the district level were constituted and started functioning in the Union Territory. The functioning of Lakshadweep Island Councils and Pradesh Council came to an end through the promulgation of the Lakshadweep Panchayat Regulation 1994 by the President of India on 23rd April, 1994. This paved the way for the functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions in this district, the Village (Dweep) Panchayats and District Panchayat. There are 85 members in all the Ten village panchayath and 25 members in district panchayath. 8 DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS – 2011 CENSUS Location : Arabian Sea Longitude : 71° - 74° East Latitude : 8° -12° 30' North Area : Geographical : 30 Sq.kms. Land use : 26.89 sq.kms Total Lagoon area Territorial Waters Exclusive Economic Zone No. of district No. of Sub-Divisions No. of CD Blocks No. of islands : : : : : : : 4,200 Sq.kms 20,000 Sq.kms 400,000 Sq.kms. 1 10 10 27 Inhabited : 12 Villages : 6 Towns : 6 Un-inhabited : 15 Population of Lakshadweep increased by 365.44 % since 1901 Decadal Growth Rate came down to 6.3 % in 2011 from 17.3 % in 2001. Density of population increased to 2149 from 1895 in 2001. Lakshadweep stands fifth in density of population among the States/UTs in India. Sex-ratio decreased to 947 in 2011 from 948 in 2001. Literacy Rate of Lakshadweep increased to 91.85 % in 2011 from 86.7% in 2001. Lakshadweep ranks second in Literacy among the States/UTs in India. 9 Important Statistics State Number of Villages Total Inhabited Uninhabited Number of Towns Statutory Census Total 21 6 15 - 6 6 6 6 Normal Institutional Houseless 11,541 33 - 11,541 33 - Total Persons Males Females 64,473 33,123 31,350 64,473 33,123 31,350 Rural Persons Males Females 14,141 7,243 6,898 14,141 7,243 6,898 Urban Persons Males Females 50,332 25,880 24,452 50,332 25,880 24,452 Number of Households Population District 21 6 15 Percentage Urban Population 78.07 Decadal Population Growth 2001-2011 Number 78.07 Percentage Number Persons 3,823 6.30 3,823 6.30 Males 1,992 6.40 1,992 6.40 Females 1,831 6.20 1,831 6.20 Area (in sq Km.) 30.00 30.00 Density of Population (Persons per sq Km.) 2149 2149 946 952 945 946 952 945 Sex Ratio (Number of females per 1000 males) Percentage Total Rural Urban 10 Important Statistics State Number Percentage Literates Persons Males Females 52,553 28,023 24,530 Scheduled Castes Persons Males Females - Persons Males Females 61,120 30,515 30,605 Persons Males Females Scheduled Tribes District Number Percentage 91.85 95.56 87.95 52,553 28,023 24,530 91.85 95.56 87.95 0 0 - 0.00 0.00 0 - 0.00 94.8 92.13 97.62 61,120 30,515 30,605 94.80 92.13 97.62 18,753 15,318 29.09 46.25 18,753 15,318 29.09 46.25 3,435 10.96 3,435 10.96 Persons Males Females 10,804 9,137 16.76 27.59 10,804 9,137 16.76 27.59 1,667 5.32 1,667 5.32 Persons Males Females 7,949 6,181 12.33 18.66 7,949 6,181 12.33 18.66 1,768 5.64 1,768 5.64 Persons Males Females 45,720 17,805 27,915 70.91 53.75 89.04 45,720 17,805 27,915 70.91 53.75 89.04 Workers and Non-Workers Total Workers (Main and Marginal) (i) Main Workers (ii) Marginal Workers Non-Workers Category of Workers (Main & Marginal) Persons Males Females - 0 0 - 0.00 0.00 - 0 - 0.00 (ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons Males Females - 0 0 0 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 (iii)Workers in household industry Persons Males Females 264 134 130 1.41 0.87 3.78 264 134 130 1.41 0.87 3.78 (iv) Other Workers Persons Males Females 18,489 15,184 3,305 98.59 99.13 96.22 18,489 15,184 3,305 98.59 99.13 96.22 (i) Cultivators 11 Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA) Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract Introduction: The Indian Census has the reputation of being one of the best in the world. The first Census in India was conducted in the year 1872. This was conducted at different points of time in different parts of the country. In 1881 a Census was taken for the entire country simultaneously. Since then, Census has been conducted every ten years, without a break. Thus, the Census of India 2011 was the fifteenth in this unbroken series since 1872, the seventh after independence and the second census of the third millennium and twenty first century. The census has been uninterruptedly continued despite several adversities like wars, epidemics, natural calamities, political unrest, etc. The Census of India is conducted under the provisions of the Census Act 1948 and the Census Rules, 1990. In Censuses until 1931, a synchronous de-facto method was adopted wherein the Census was conducted throughout the country on a single night. This being a very costly affair and involved the deployment of very large force at one point of time was given up in 1941. Since then the same methodology has been followed in all the Censuses. It is a gigantic operation and considered to be the single largest, complex, peace time administrative exercise in the world. The Census Operation in India is carried out in two distinct but inter connected phases - the House listing and Housing Census followed by the Population Enumeration. During the first phase of Census 2011 i.e., House listing and Housing Census, the buildings, census houses and households were identified and systematically listed in the House Listing and Housing Census Schedule during the period April to September, 2010 in different States/Union Territories. Apart from listing of houses, some useful data on the amenities available to the households was also collected for assessing condition of human settlements, housing deficits etc. Censuses prior to Census 2001 had the system of collecting the information through Individual Slip which was a key schedule for every individual. The information collected through slip was then compiled for a household. Some information was also collected in addition to this for the household. During 2001 Census a comprehensive Household Schedule was adopted replacing the individual slip concept. In 2011 Census also similar household schedule was used for canvassing. The scope of demographic, socio-economic parameters has been widened in every census. 2.Population Enumeration - Census 2011: The field work of the second phase i.e. Population Enumeration was carried out during February-March, 2011. One of the essential features of Population Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time. The Census moment and the reference date for the Census of India 2011 was 00:00 hours of 1st March, 2011. The enumeration was conducted from 9th February to 28th February, 2011 along with a revisional round from 1st March, 2011 to 5th March, 2011 synchronously all over the country except for few specific areas of the Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states that remain snowbound in February. In these locations the population enumeration was done from 11th September, 2010 to 30th September, 2010 along with a revisional round from 1st October, 2010 to 5th October, 2010. The reference 14 date for the census in snow bound non-synchronous areas of these states was 00.00 hours of the first day of October, 2010. In addition to the coverage during House listing& Housing Census, the enumeration of the Houseless population was carried out on the night of 28th February, 2011, as has been the usual practice. For the purpose of Census, certain areas where the access of the civilian enumerators was not permissible due to security reasons termed as ‘Special Charges’ such as the Defence and strictly Military/Para-Military areas, including operational areas were also covered. Such areas were not covered during the House listing& Housing Census. In addition to the defence/para-military areas, Special Charges also included certain factory areas, certain colonies, sensitive areas, scientific establishments, etc. These also formed Special Charges as these were not accessible by the usual census enumerator. 3.Quality Assurance: A Task Force for Quality Assurance (TFQA) functioned under the chairmanship of the RG & CCI. Experienced officers of the different divisions of the organization i.e. Heads and senior officers of the Census Division, Data Processing Division, Map Division, Demography Division and Social Studies Division comprised the TFQA. The Directors of Census Operations were co-opted as members whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their States/Union territories. The main objective of constituting the TFQA was to subject the data to stringent validation checks and ensure its quality before release as it was expedient to be satisfied itself about the quality of data before putting the same in public domain. The Directors and their senior officers were involved at all levels with respect to the quality and the coverage of their States/UTs. The TFQA intensively scrutinized coverage and content parameters including edit and imputation logic. The most important aspect of the data quality was to ensure complete coverage of all geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct geographical linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of the quality control, especially for small area population statistics. The content was scrutinized mainly through the process of internal consistency, comparison with similar data in the past and also through validation with likewise data if available, from external sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception was looked at to understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of population distribution and characteristics. A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism was put in place to objectively examine the preliminary Census 2011 Population Enumeration results and finally clear them for use. The population data was cleared only after the full possible satisfaction of the TFQA. The entire work relating to the data validation and scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union territories under the overall supervision and monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active cooperation and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and Map Division. 4.Primary Census Abstract: The Primary Census Abstract which is an important publication of 2011 Census gives basic information on Area, Total Number of Households, Total Population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Population, Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main Workers and Marginal Workers classified by the four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural Labourers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, and (iv) Other Workers and also 15 Non-Workers. The characteristics of the Total Population include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and Houseless Population and are presented by sex and ruralurban residence. In 1981 census main workers were presented into four categories. As regards 1991 Census, the nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given in the Primary Census Abstract. One of the important features of the Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census was the presentation of population of the age group 0-6 which is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. All the children of age 6 years or less have been treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and may have picked up reading and writing. This will help the data users in better analysis and understanding of the literacy data as the literacy rate is calculated with 7 years and above population and it is referred as effective literacy rate. In 2001 and 2011 census four categories of main workers have been given in the Primary Census Abstract. 5.Level of Presentation of PCA data in District Census Handbooks: The format of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) adopted in the DCHB of 2001 Census has been continued for 2011 Census as the data on four categories of works have been presented similar to 2001 census. The Primary Census Abstract data in different PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of presentation of Primary Census Abstracts in DCHB is as under: 1.District Primary Census Abstract -District/C.D. Block/Town. 2.Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- District/C.D. Block/Town. 3.Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes -District/C.D. Block/Town. 4.Village Primary Census Abstract -C.D. Block/Village wise. 5.Urban Primary Census Abstract- Town/Ward level. The PCA Data for villages was presented C.D. Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. The term ‘Total Population’ includes the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless populations. An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract has also been furnished showing urban enumeration block-wise particulars on Total Population, the Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population for each town. 6.Area Figures: The area figures supplied by local revenue authorities of the district in respect of tahsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are given in square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have been converted and shown in hectares. The area figures of the C.D. Block are the total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block. The area figures for the district are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at the national level. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 16 District Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT PRIMARY Location code number 1 Total/ Area in District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Town Urban Kilometre 2 3 4 587 Lakshadweep District 0001 Amini 627030 0002 Amini (CT) Bitra 0003 Chetlat 0004 Kiltan 0005 Kadmat 627034 0006 Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti 627038 0007 Kavaratti (CT) Agatti 0008 Andrott 627046 0009 Andrott (CT) Kalpeni 627054 0010 Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy 627056 Minicoy (CT) URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 Number of households 5 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 6 7 8 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 9 10 11 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban 30.00 8.05 21.95 2.59 0.00 2.59 2.59 0.10 0.10 0.00 1.04 1.04 0.00 1.63 1.63 0.00 3.12 0.00 3.12 3.12 4.22 0.59 3.63 3.63 3.83 3.83 0.00 4.84 0.00 4.84 4.84 2.79 0.51 2.28 2.28 4.39 0.02 4.37 4.37 11,574 2,710 8,864 1,375 1,375 1,375 75 75 526 526 778 778 1,061 1,061 1,061 2,249 3 2,246 2,246 1,328 1,328 1,806 1,806 1,806 934 934 934 1,442 1,442 1,442 64,473 14,141 50,332 7,661 7,661 7,661 271 271 2,347 2,347 3,946 3,946 5,404 5,404 5,404 11,221 11 11,210 11,210 7,566 7,566 11,191 11,191 11,191 4,419 4,419 4,419 10,447 10,447 10,447 33,123 7,243 25,880 3,829 3,829 3,829 154 154 1,172 1,172 2,012 2,012 2,690 2,690 2,690 6,182 11 6,171 6,171 3,894 3,894 5,500 5,500 5,500 2,324 2,324 2,324 5,366 5,366 5,366 31,350 6,898 24,452 3,832 3,832 3,832 117 117 1,175 1,175 1,934 1,934 2,714 2,714 2,714 5,039 5,039 5,039 3,672 3,672 5,691 5,691 5,691 2,095 2,095 2,095 5,081 5,081 5,081 7,255 1,815 5,440 859 859 859 40 40 308 308 549 549 603 603 603 1,158 1,158 1,158 918 918 1,383 1,383 1,383 433 433 433 1,004 1,004 1,004 3,797 950 2,847 441 441 441 21 21 141 141 296 296 301 301 301 618 618 618 492 492 736 736 736 218 218 218 533 533 533 3,458 865 2,593 418 418 418 19 19 167 167 253 253 302 302 302 540 540 540 426 426 647 647 647 215 215 215 471 471 471 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 2.59 3.12 3.63 4.84 2.28 4.37 1,375 1,061 2,246 1,806 934 1,442 7,661 5,404 11,210 11,191 4,419 10,447 3,829 2,690 6,171 5,500 2,324 5,366 3,832 2,714 5,039 5,691 2,095 5,081 859 603 1,158 1,383 433 1,004 441 301 618 736 218 533 418 302 540 647 215 471 18 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 12 13 14 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 15 16 17 Persons 18 Literates Males 19 Females 20 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 - - - 61,120 13,463 47,657 7,541 7,541 7,541 271 271 2,195 2,195 3,827 3,827 5,178 5,178 5,178 9,955 3 9,952 9,952 7,167 7,167 10,948 10,948 10,948 4,051 4,051 4,051 9,987 9,987 9,987 30,515 6,752 23,763 3,733 3,733 3,733 154 154 1,068 1,068 1,927 1,927 2,519 2,519 2,519 5,166 3 5,163 5,163 3,600 3,600 5,336 5,336 5,336 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,012 5,012 5,012 30,605 6,711 23,894 3,808 3,808 3,808 117 117 1,127 1,127 1,900 1,900 2,659 2,659 2,659 4,789 4,789 4,789 3,567 3,567 5,612 5,612 5,612 2,051 2,051 2,051 4,975 4,975 4,975 52,553 11,288 41,265 6,062 6,062 6,062 224 224 1,875 1,875 3,036 3,036 4,563 4,563 4,563 9,218 11 9,207 9,207 6,142 6,142 8,887 8,887 8,887 3,778 3,778 3,778 8,768 8,768 8,768 28,023 5,949 22,074 3,251 3,251 3,251 131 131 978 978 1,598 1,598 2,321 2,321 2,321 5,307 11 5,296 5,296 3,231 3,231 4,547 4,547 4,547 2,054 2,054 2,054 4,605 4,605 4,605 24,530 5,339 19,191 2,811 2,811 2,811 93 93 897 897 1,438 1,438 2,242 2,242 2,242 3,911 3,911 3,911 2,911 2,911 4,340 4,340 4,340 1,724 1,724 1,724 4,163 4,163 4,163 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban - - - 7,541 5,178 9,952 10,948 4,051 9,987 3,733 2,519 5,163 5,336 2,000 5,012 3,808 2,659 4,789 5,612 2,051 4,975 6,062 4,563 9,207 8,887 3,778 8,768 3,251 2,321 5,296 4,547 2,054 4,605 2,811 2,242 3,911 4,340 1,724 4,163 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 19 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Lakshadweep District Amini Amini (CT) Bitra Chetlat Kiltan Kadmat Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti Kavaratti (CT) Agatti Andrott Andrott (CT) Kalpeni Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy Minicoy (CT) URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ number Town Urban 1 2 3 587 Lakshadweep District 0001 Amini 627030 0002 Amini (CT) Bitra 0003 Chetlat 0004 Kiltan 0005 Kadmat 627034 0006 Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti 627038 0007 Kavaratti (CT) Agatti 0008 Andrott 627046 0009 Andrott (CT) Kalpeni 627054 0010 Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy 627056 Minicoy (CT) URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 Persons 24 Total workers Males Females 25 26 Persons 27 Main workers Males Females 28 29 Persons 30 Cultivators Males Females 31 32 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban 18,753 4,653 14,100 1,903 1,903 1,903 137 137 876 876 1,096 1,096 1,724 1,724 1,724 3,531 11 3,520 3,520 2,533 2,533 2,195 2,195 2,195 1,620 1,620 1,620 3,138 3,138 3,138 15,318 3,787 11,531 1,575 1,575 1,575 99 99 642 642 906 906 1,350 1,350 1,350 2,893 11 2,882 2,882 2,129 2,129 1,751 1,751 1,751 1,308 1,308 1,308 2,665 2,665 2,665 3,435 866 2,569 328 328 328 38 38 234 234 190 190 374 374 374 638 638 638 404 404 444 444 444 312 312 312 473 473 473 10,804 2,225 8,579 917 917 917 67 67 507 507 579 579 962 962 962 2,241 3 2,238 2,238 1,069 1,069 1,084 1,084 1,084 1,241 1,241 1,241 2,137 2,137 2,137 9,137 1,878 7,259 775 775 775 56 56 412 412 496 496 808 808 808 1,848 3 1,845 1,845 911 911 900 900 900 1,044 1,044 1,044 1,887 1,887 1,887 1,667 347 1,320 142 142 142 11 11 95 95 83 83 154 154 154 393 393 393 158 158 184 184 184 197 197 197 250 250 250 - - - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 1,903 1,724 3,520 2,195 1,620 3,138 1,575 1,350 2,882 1,751 1,308 2,665 328 374 638 444 312 473 917 962 2,238 1,084 1,241 2,137 775 808 1,845 900 1,044 1,887 142 154 393 184 197 250 - - - 20 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of main workers Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 33 34 35 Household industry workers Persons Males Females 36 37 38 Persons 39 Other workers Males 40 Females 41 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 - - - 97 20 77 18 18 18 1 1 11 11 4 4 6 6 6 13 13 13 4 4 29 29 29 8 8 8 3 3 3 66 9 57 16 16 16 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 1 1 18 18 18 6 6 6 2 2 2 31 11 20 2 2 2 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 11 11 11 2 2 2 1 1 1 10,707 2,205 8,502 899 899 899 66 66 496 496 575 575 956 956 956 2,228 3 2,225 2,225 1,065 1,065 1,055 1,055 1,055 1,233 1,233 1,233 2,134 2,134 2,134 9,071 1,869 7,202 759 759 759 55 55 409 409 492 492 804 804 804 1,837 3 1,834 1,834 910 910 882 882 882 1,038 1,038 1,038 1,885 1,885 1,885 1,636 336 1,300 140 140 140 11 11 87 87 83 83 152 152 152 391 391 391 155 155 173 173 173 195 195 195 249 249 249 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban - - - 18 6 13 29 8 3 16 4 11 18 6 2 2 2 2 11 2 1 899 956 2,225 1,055 1,233 2,134 759 804 1,834 882 1,038 1,885 140 152 391 173 195 249 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 21 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Lakshadweep District Amini Amini (CT) Bitra Chetlat Kiltan Kadmat Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti Kavaratti (CT) Agatti Andrott Andrott (CT) Kalpeni Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy Minicoy (CT) URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Location code number 1 Total/ District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Town Urban 2 3 587 Lakshadweep District 0001 Amini 627030 0002 Amini (CT) Bitra 0003 Chetlat 0004 Kiltan 0005 Kadmat 627034 0006 Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti 627038 0007 Kavaratti (CT) Agatti 0008 Andrott 627046 0009 Andrott (CT) Kalpeni 627054 0010 Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy 627056 Minicoy (CT) URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 Marginal workers Persons Males Females 42 43 44 Persons 45 Cultivators Males Females 46 47 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 48 49 50 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban 7,949 2,428 5,521 986 986 986 70 70 369 369 517 517 762 762 762 1,290 8 1,282 1,282 1,464 1,464 1,111 1,111 1,111 379 379 379 1,001 1,001 1,001 6,181 1,909 4,272 800 800 800 43 43 230 230 410 410 542 542 542 1,045 8 1,037 1,037 1,218 1,218 851 851 851 264 264 264 778 778 778 1,768 519 1,249 186 186 186 27 27 139 139 107 107 220 220 220 245 245 245 246 246 260 260 260 115 115 115 223 223 223 - - - - - - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 986 762 1,282 1,111 379 1,001 800 542 1,037 851 264 778 186 220 245 260 115 223 - - - - - - 22 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 51 52 53 Other workers Persons Males Females 54 55 56 Persons 57 Non-workers Males 58 Females 59 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 167 73 94 22 22 22 4 4 13 13 26 26 26 13 13 13 56 56 20 20 20 4 4 4 9 9 9 68 17 51 16 16 16 1 1 10 10 8 8 8 13 13 13 6 6 10 10 10 1 1 1 3 3 3 99 56 43 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 18 18 18 50 50 10 10 10 3 3 3 6 6 6 7,782 2,355 5,427 964 964 964 70 70 365 365 504 504 736 736 736 1,277 8 1,269 1,269 1,408 1,408 1,091 1,091 1,091 375 375 375 992 992 992 6,113 1,892 4,221 784 784 784 43 43 229 229 400 400 534 534 534 1,032 8 1,024 1,024 1,212 1,212 841 841 841 263 263 263 775 775 775 1,669 463 1,206 180 180 180 27 27 136 136 104 104 202 202 202 245 245 245 196 196 250 250 250 112 112 112 217 217 217 45,720 9,488 36,232 5,758 5,758 5,758 134 134 1,471 1,471 2,850 2,850 3,680 3,680 3,680 7,690 7,690 7,690 5,033 5,033 8,996 8,996 8,996 2,799 2,799 2,799 7,309 7,309 7,309 17,805 3,456 14,349 2,254 2,254 2,254 55 55 530 530 1,106 1,106 1,340 1,340 1,340 3,289 3,289 3,289 1,765 1,765 3,749 3,749 3,749 1,016 1,016 1,016 2,701 2,701 2,701 27,915 6,032 21,883 3,504 3,504 3,504 79 79 941 941 1,744 1,744 2,340 2,340 2,340 4,401 4,401 4,401 3,268 3,268 5,247 5,247 5,247 1,783 1,783 1,783 4,608 4,608 4,608 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Urban 22 26 13 20 4 9 16 8 13 10 1 3 6 18 10 3 6 964 736 1,269 1,091 375 992 784 534 1,024 841 263 775 180 202 245 250 112 217 5,758 3,680 7,690 8,996 2,799 7,309 2,254 1,340 3,289 3,749 1,016 2,701 3,504 2,340 4,401 5,247 1,783 4,608 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 23 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Locatio n code number 1 Lakshadweep District 587 Amini 0001 Amini (CT) Bitra 627030 0002 Chetlat 0003 Kiltan 0004 Kadmat 0005 Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti 627034 0006 Kavaratti (CT) Agatti 627038 0007 Andrott 0008 Andrott (CT) Kalpeni 627046 0009 Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy 627054 0010 Minicoy (CT) URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) 627056 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block wise APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 755 - 747 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 719 - 718 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 745 - 736 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 827 - 803 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 747 - 733 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 584 - 575 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 806 - 796 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 696 - 690 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 845 - 824 627030 Amini (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 937 - 919 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 653 - 592 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 824 - 814 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 607 - 587 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 511 - 491 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 448 - 411 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 570 - 564 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 598 - 574 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 673 - 648 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 513 - 497 627034 Kadmat (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 7 - - 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 665 - 590 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 703 - 666 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 687 - 560 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 701 - 632 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 873 - 804 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 845 - 741 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 786 - 724 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 691 - 660 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 781 - 718 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 719 - 680 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 841 - 796 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 842 - 741 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 778 - 651 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 738 - 609 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 521 - 380 627038 Kavaratti (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-310100 39 - - 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 917 - 890 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 868 - 851 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 811 - 793 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 664 - 653 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 693 - 666 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 713 - 696 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 656 - 647 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 795 - 781 26 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 833 - 829 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 699 - 688 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 709 - 698 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 536 - 531 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 507 - 500 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 539 - 539 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 667 - 625 627046 Andrott (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 584 - 561 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 753 - 679 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 626 - 568 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 520 - 457 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 540 - 466 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 612 - 585 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 452 - 436 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 413 - 401 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 494 - 459 627054 Kalpeni (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 9 - - 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 680 - 660 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 808 - 805 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 795 - 761 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 676 - 671 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 678 - 665 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 782 - 751 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 665 - 654 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 842 - 838 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 796 - 784 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 866 - 862 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 855 - 854 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 621 - 568 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 690 - 614 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 424 - 341 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 237 - 159 627056 Minicoy (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-330100 32 - - 27 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) ** There is no Scheduled Castes notified ** Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 587 Lakshadweep District 0001 Amini 0002 Bitra 0003 Chetlat 0004 Kiltan 0005 Kadmat 0006 Kavaratti 0007 Agatti 0008 Andrott 0009 Kalpeni 0010 Minicoy 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) Number of Total/ households Rural/ with ST as Urban head 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 10,665 2,563 8,102 1,318 1,318 75 75 494 494 748 748 998 998 1,892 2 1,890 1,244 1,244 1,746 1,746 831 831 1,319 1,319 61,120 13,463 47,657 7,541 7,541 271 271 2,195 2,195 3,827 3,827 5,178 5,178 9,955 3 9,952 7,167 7,167 10,948 10,948 4,051 4,051 9,987 9,987 30,515 6,752 23,763 3,733 3,733 154 154 1,068 1,068 1,927 1,927 2,519 2,519 5,166 3 5,163 3,600 3,600 5,336 5,336 2,000 2,000 5,012 5,012 30,605 6,711 23,894 3,808 3,808 117 117 1,127 1,127 1,900 1,900 2,659 2,659 4,789 4,789 3,567 3,567 5,612 5,612 2,051 2,051 4,975 4,975 7,055 1,750 5,305 855 855 40 40 283 283 538 538 585 585 1,100 1,100 889 889 1,359 1,359 423 423 983 983 3,699 918 2,781 438 438 21 21 133 133 288 288 294 294 589 589 476 476 726 726 214 214 520 520 3,356 832 2,524 417 417 19 19 150 150 250 250 291 291 511 511 413 413 633 633 209 209 463 463 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 1,318 998 1,890 1,746 831 1,319 7,541 5,178 9,952 10,948 4,051 9,987 3,733 2,519 5,163 5,336 2,000 5,012 3,808 2,659 4,789 5,612 2,051 4,975 855 585 1,100 1,359 423 983 438 294 589 726 214 520 417 291 511 633 209 463 32 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES Persons 11 Literates Males 12 Females 13 Persons 14 Illiterates Males 15 Females 16 Total/ Rural/ Total workers Persons Males Females Urban 17 18 19 3 49,576 10,717 38,859 5,949 5,949 224 224 1,756 1,756 2,931 2,931 4,357 4,357 8,085 3 8,082 5,803 5,803 8,693 8,693 3,424 3,424 8,354 8,354 25,661 5,524 20,137 3,161 3,161 131 131 888 888 1,522 1,522 2,158 2,158 4,384 3 4,381 2,980 2,980 4,413 4,413 1,737 1,737 4,287 4,287 23,915 5,193 18,722 2,788 2,788 93 93 868 868 1,409 1,409 2,199 2,199 3,701 3,701 2,823 2,823 4,280 4,280 1,687 1,687 4,067 4,067 11,544 2,746 8,798 1,592 1,592 47 47 439 439 896 896 821 821 1,870 1,870 1,364 1,364 2,255 2,255 627 627 1,633 1,633 4,854 1,228 3,626 572 572 23 23 180 180 405 405 361 361 782 782 620 620 923 923 263 263 725 725 6,690 1,518 5,172 1,020 1,020 24 24 259 259 491 491 460 460 1,088 1,088 744 744 1,332 1,332 364 364 908 908 16,402 4,225 12,177 1,809 1,809 137 137 788 788 1,030 1,030 1,573 1,573 2,597 3 2,594 2,267 2,267 2,085 2,085 1,314 1,314 2,802 2,802 13,074 3,380 9,694 1,486 1,486 99 99 559 559 842 842 1,206 1,206 2,004 3 2,001 1,877 1,877 1,645 1,645 1,008 1,008 2,348 2,348 3,328 845 2,483 323 323 38 38 229 229 188 188 367 367 593 593 390 390 440 440 306 306 454 454 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 5,949 4,357 8,082 8,693 3,424 8,354 3,161 2,158 4,381 4,413 1,737 4,287 2,788 2,199 3,701 4,280 1,687 4,067 1,592 821 1,870 2,255 627 1,633 572 361 782 923 263 725 1,020 460 1,088 1,332 364 908 1,809 1,573 2,594 2,085 1,314 2,802 1,486 1,206 2,001 1,645 1,008 2,348 323 367 593 440 306 454 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 33 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Lakshadweep District Amini Bitra Chetlat Kiltan Kadmat Kavaratti Agatti Andrott Kalpeni Minicoy URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 587 Lakshadweep District 0001 Amini 0002 Bitra 0003 Chetlat 0004 Kiltan 0005 Kadmat 0006 Kavaratti 0007 Agatti 0008 Andrott 0009 Kalpeni 0010 Minicoy 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 Persons 20 Main workers Males Females 21 22 Persons 23 Cultivators Males Females 24 25 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 9,219 1,923 7,296 851 851 67 67 430 430 542 542 824 824 1,788 3 1,785 881 881 1,040 1,040 969 969 1,827 1,827 7,623 1,587 6,036 712 712 56 56 337 337 460 460 676 676 1,426 3 1,423 731 731 857 857 776 776 1,592 1,592 1,596 336 1,260 139 139 11 11 93 93 82 82 148 148 362 362 150 150 183 183 193 193 235 235 - - - - - - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 851 824 1,785 1,040 969 1,827 712 676 1,423 857 776 1,592 139 148 362 183 193 235 - - - - - - 34 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES of main workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 29 30 31 Other workers Persons Males Females 32 33 34 Total/ Rural/ Marginal workers Persons Males Females Urban 35 36 37 3 91 18 73 18 18 1 1 9 9 4 4 4 4 12 12 4 4 28 28 8 8 3 3 61 8 53 16 16 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 10 10 1 1 17 17 6 6 2 2 30 10 20 2 2 7 7 2 2 2 2 3 3 11 11 2 2 1 1 9,128 1,905 7,223 833 833 66 66 421 421 538 538 820 820 1,776 3 1,773 877 877 1,012 1,012 961 961 1,824 1,824 7,562 1,579 5,983 696 696 55 55 335 335 456 456 674 674 1,416 3 1,413 730 730 840 840 770 770 1,590 1,590 1,566 326 1,240 137 137 11 11 86 86 82 82 146 146 360 360 147 147 172 172 191 191 234 234 7,183 2,302 4,881 958 958 70 70 358 358 488 488 749 749 809 809 1,386 1,386 1,045 1,045 345 345 975 975 5,451 1,793 3,658 774 774 43 43 222 222 382 382 530 530 578 578 1,146 1,146 788 788 232 232 756 756 1,732 509 1,223 184 184 27 27 136 136 106 106 219 219 231 231 240 240 257 257 113 113 219 219 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 18 4 12 28 8 3 16 2 10 17 6 2 2 2 2 11 2 1 833 820 1,773 1,012 961 1,824 696 674 1,413 840 770 1,590 137 146 360 172 191 234 958 749 809 1,045 345 975 774 530 578 788 232 756 184 219 231 257 113 219 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 35 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Lakshadweep District Amini Bitra Chetlat Kiltan Kadmat Kavaratti Agatti Andrott Kalpeni Minicoy URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 587 Lakshadweep District 0001 Amini 0002 Bitra 0003 Chetlat 0004 Kiltan 0005 Kadmat 0006 Kavaratti 0007 Agatti 0008 Andrott 0009 Kalpeni 0010 Minicoy 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) Total/ Rural/ Cultivators Urban Persons Males Females 3 38 39 40 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Household industry workers Persons Males Females 44 45 46 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban - - - - - - 154 72 82 22 22 4 4 13 13 26 26 4 4 55 55 18 18 4 4 8 8 57 17 40 16 16 1 1 10 10 8 8 4 4 6 6 8 8 1 1 3 3 97 55 42 6 6 3 3 3 3 18 18 49 49 10 10 3 3 5 5 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban - - - - - - 22 26 4 18 4 8 16 8 4 8 1 3 6 18 10 3 5 36 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES marginal workers Persons 47 Other workers Males 48 Females 49 Persons 50 Non-workers Males 51 Females 52 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 7,029 2,230 4,799 936 936 70 70 354 354 475 475 723 723 805 805 1,331 1,331 1,027 1,027 341 341 967 967 5,394 1,776 3,618 758 758 43 43 221 221 372 372 522 522 574 574 1,140 1,140 780 780 231 231 753 753 1,635 454 1,181 178 178 27 27 133 133 103 103 201 201 231 231 191 191 247 247 110 110 214 214 44,718 9,238 35,480 5,732 5,732 134 134 1,407 1,407 2,797 2,797 3,605 3,605 7,358 7,358 4,900 4,900 8,863 8,863 2,737 2,737 7,185 7,185 17,441 3,372 14,069 2,247 2,247 55 55 509 509 1,085 1,085 1,313 1,313 3,162 3,162 1,723 1,723 3,691 3,691 992 992 2,664 2,664 27,277 5,866 21,411 3,485 3,485 79 79 898 898 1,712 1,712 2,292 2,292 4,196 4,196 3,177 3,177 5,172 5,172 1,745 1,745 4,521 4,521 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 936 723 805 1,027 341 967 758 522 574 780 231 753 178 201 231 247 110 214 5,732 3,605 7,358 8,863 2,737 7,185 2,247 1,313 3,162 3,691 992 2,664 3,485 2,292 4,196 5,172 1,745 4,521 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 37 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Location code number 1 Lakshadweep District 587 Amini 0001 Bitra 0002 Chetlat 0003 Kiltan 0004 Kadmat 0005 Kavaratti 0006 Agatti 0007 Andrott 0008 Kalpeni 0009 Minicoy 0010 URBAN Amini (CT) Kadmat (CT) Kavaratti (CT) Andrott (CT) Kalpeni (CT) Minicoy (CT) 627030 627034 627038 627046 627054 627056 Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0001 0001 0001 627030 Name of Village 2 Amini (Total) Amini (Rural) Amini (Urban) URBAN Amini (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 259.00 0.00 259.00 1,375 1,375 7,661 7,661 3,829 3,829 3,832 3,832 859 859 441 441 418 418 259.00 1,375 7,661 3,829 3,832 859 441 418 40 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amini Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 - - - 7,541 7,541 3,733 3,733 3,808 3,808 6,062 6,062 3,251 3,251 - - - 7,541 3,733 3,808 6,062 3,251 41 Females 19 Name of Village 2 2,811 Amini (Total) Amini (Rural) 2,811 Amini (Urban) URBAN 2,811 Amini (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0001 0001 0001 627030 Name of Village 2 Amini (Total) Amini (Rural) Amini (Urban) URBAN Amini (CT) Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 1,599 1,599 578 578 1,021 1,021 1,903 1,903 1,575 1,575 328 328 917 917 775 775 142 142 1,599 578 1,021 1,903 1,575 328 917 775 142 Persons 20 42 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amini Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - 18 18 16 16 - - - - - - 18 16 43 2 2 899 899 759 759 2 899 759 - Name of Village 2 140 Amini (Total) Amini (Rural) 140 Amini (Urban) URBAN 140 Amini (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0001 0001 0001 627030 Name of Village 2 Amini (Total) Amini (Rural) Amini (Urban) URBAN Amini (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 986 986 800 800 186 186 - - - - - - 986 800 186 - - - - - - 44 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Amini of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 22 22 16 16 22 16 6 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 6 964 964 784 784 180 180 5,758 5,758 2,254 2,254 6 964 784 180 5,758 2,254 - 45 Name of Village 2 3,504 Amini (Total) Amini (Rural) 3,504 Amini (Urban) URBAN 3,504 Amini (CT) Location code number 1 0001 0001 0001 627030 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0002 0002 0002 627031 Name of Village 2 Bitra (Total) Bitra (Rural) Bitra (Urban) RURAL Bitra Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 9.93 9.93 0.00 75 75 - 271 271 - 154 154 - 117 117 - 40 40 - 21 21 - 19 19 - 9.93 75 271 154 117 40 21 19 46 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bitra Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 - - - 271 271 - 154 154 - 117 117 - 224 224 - 131 131 - - - - 271 154 117 224 131 47 Females 19 Name of Village 2 93 Bitra (Total) 93 Bitra (Rural) Bitra (Urban) RURAL 93 Bitra DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0002 0002 0002 627031 Name of Village 2 Bitra (Total) Bitra (Rural) Bitra (Urban) RURAL Bitra Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 47 47 - 23 23 - 24 24 - 137 137 - 99 99 - 38 38 - 67 67 - 56 56 - 11 11 - 47 23 24 137 99 38 67 56 11 Persons 20 48 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bitra Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 - 66 66 - 55 55 - 1 - 66 55 1 49 Name of Village 2 11 Bitra (Total) 11 Bitra (Rural) Bitra (Urban) RURAL 11 Bitra DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0002 0002 0002 627031 Name of Village 2 Bitra (Total) Bitra (Rural) Bitra (Urban) RURAL Bitra Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 70 70 - 43 43 - 27 27 - - - - - - - 70 43 27 - - - - - - 50 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bitra of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 - - - 70 70 - 43 43 - 27 27 - 134 134 - 55 55 - - - - 70 43 27 134 55 51 Name of Village 2 79 Bitra (Total) 79 Bitra (Rural) Bitra (Urban) RURAL 79 Bitra Location code number 1 0002 0002 0002 627031 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0003 0003 0003 627032 Name of Village 2 Chetlat (Total) Chetlat (Rural) Chetlat (Urban) RURAL Chetlat Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 103.86 103.86 0.00 526 526 - 2,347 2,347 - 1,172 1,172 - 1,175 1,175 - 308 308 - 141 141 - 167 167 - 103.86 526 2,347 1,172 1,175 308 141 167 52 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Chetlat Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 - - - 2,195 2,195 - 1,068 1,068 - 1,127 1,127 - 1,875 1,875 - 978 978 - - - - 2,195 1,068 1,127 1,875 978 53 Females 19 Name of Village 2 897 Chetlat (Total) 897 Chetlat (Rural) Chetlat (Urban) RURAL 897 Chetlat DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0003 0003 0003 627032 Name of Village 2 Chetlat (Total) Chetlat (Rural) Chetlat (Urban) RURAL Chetlat Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 472 472 - 194 194 - 278 278 - 876 876 - 642 642 - 234 234 - 507 507 - 412 412 - 95 95 - 472 194 278 876 642 234 507 412 95 Persons 20 54 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Chetlat Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - 11 11 - - - - - - - 11 3 3 - 496 496 - 409 409 - 8 496 409 3 55 8 8 Name of Village 2 87 Chetlat (Total) 87 Chetlat (Rural) Chetlat (Urban) RURAL 87 Chetlat DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0003 0003 0003 627032 Name of Village 2 Chetlat (Total) Chetlat (Rural) Chetlat (Urban) RURAL Chetlat Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 369 369 - 230 230 - 139 139 - - - - - - - 369 230 139 - - - - - - 56 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Chetlat of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 4 4 - 1 1 - 4 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 3 3 365 365 - 229 229 - 136 136 - 1,471 1,471 - 530 530 - 3 365 229 136 1,471 530 1 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 57 Name of Village 2 941 Chetlat (Total) 941 Chetlat (Rural) Chetlat (Urban) RURAL 941 Chetlat Location code number 1 0003 0003 0003 627032 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0004 0004 0004 627033 Name of Village 2 Kiltan (Total) Kiltan (Rural) Kiltan (Urban) RURAL Kiltan Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 163.37 163.37 0.00 778 778 - 3,946 3,946 - 2,012 2,012 - 1,934 1,934 - 549 549 - 296 296 - 253 253 - 163.37 778 3,946 2,012 1,934 549 296 253 58 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kiltan Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 - - - 3,827 3,827 - 1,927 1,927 - 1,900 1,900 - 3,036 3,036 - 1,598 1,598 - - - - 3,827 1,927 1,900 3,036 1,598 59 Females 19 Name of Village 2 1,438 Kiltan (Total) 1,438 Kiltan (Rural) Kiltan (Urban) RURAL 1,438 Kiltan DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0004 0004 0004 627033 Name of Village 2 Kiltan (Total) Kiltan (Rural) Kiltan (Urban) RURAL Kiltan Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 910 910 - 414 414 - 496 496 - 1,096 1,096 - 906 906 - 190 190 - 579 579 - 496 496 - 83 83 - 910 414 496 1,096 906 190 579 496 83 Persons 20 60 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kiltan Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 4 - 4 4 - 575 575 - 492 492 - 4 - 575 492 4 61 Name of Village 2 83 Kiltan (Total) 83 Kiltan (Rural) Kiltan (Urban) RURAL 83 Kiltan DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0004 0004 0004 627033 Name of Village 2 Kiltan (Total) Kiltan (Rural) Kiltan (Urban) RURAL Kiltan Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 517 517 - 410 410 - 107 107 - - - - - - - 517 410 107 - - - - - - 62 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kiltan of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 13 13 - 10 10 - 13 10 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 3 3 504 504 - 400 400 - 104 104 - 2,850 2,850 - 1,106 1,106 - 3 504 400 104 2,850 1,106 - 63 Name of Village 2 1,744 Kiltan (Total) 1,744 Kiltan (Rural) Kiltan (Urban) RURAL 1,744 Kiltan Location code number 1 0004 0004 0004 627033 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0005 0005 0005 627034 Name of Village 2 Kadmat (Total) Kadmat (Rural) Kadmat (Urban) URBAN Kadmat (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 312.00 0.00 312.00 1,061 1,061 5,404 5,404 2,690 2,690 2,714 2,714 603 603 301 301 302 302 312.00 1,061 5,404 2,690 2,714 603 301 302 64 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kadmat Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 - - - 5,178 5,178 2,519 2,519 2,659 2,659 4,563 4,563 2,321 2,321 - - - 5,178 2,519 2,659 4,563 2,321 65 Females 19 Name of Village 2 2,242 Kadmat (Total) Kadmat (Rural) 2,242 Kadmat (Urban) URBAN 2,242 Kadmat (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0005 0005 0005 627034 Name of Village 2 Kadmat (Total) Kadmat (Rural) Kadmat (Urban) URBAN Kadmat (CT) Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 841 841 369 369 472 472 1,724 1,724 1,350 1,350 374 374 962 962 808 808 154 154 841 369 472 1,724 1,350 374 962 808 154 Persons 20 66 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kadmat Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 4 6 4 2 956 956 6 4 2 956 - - 67 2 - 804 804 804 Name of Village 2 152 Kadmat (Total) Kadmat (Rural) 152 Kadmat (Urban) URBAN 152 Kadmat (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0005 0005 0005 627034 Name of Village 2 Kadmat (Total) Kadmat (Rural) Kadmat (Urban) URBAN Kadmat (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 762 762 542 542 220 220 - - - - - - 762 542 220 - - - - - - 68 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kadmat of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 26 26 26 8 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 8 18 18 736 736 534 534 202 202 3,680 3,680 1,340 1,340 8 18 736 534 202 3,680 1,340 - 69 Name of Village 2 2,340 Kadmat (Total) Kadmat (Rural) 2,340 Kadmat (Urban) URBAN 2,340 Kadmat (CT) Location code number 1 0005 0005 0005 627034 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0006 0006 0006 627035 627036 627037 627038 Name of Village 2 Kavaratti (Total) Kavaratti (Rural) Kavaratti (Urban) RURAL Pitti (Birds' Island) Suheli Valiyakara Suheli Cheriyakara URBAN Kavaratti (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 421.53 58.53 363.00 2,249 3 2,246 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 11,221 11 11,210 1.20 29.02 28.31 3 11 363.00 2,246 11,210 70 6,182 11 6,171 5,039 5,039 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 1,158 1,158 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------11 6,171 5,039 1,158 618 618 540 540 - - 618 540 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kavaratti Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 - - - - - - - - - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 9,955 3 9,952 Literates Males 18 4,789 4,789 9,218 11 9,207 5,307 11 5,296 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------3 3 - 11 11 9,207 5,296 9,952 5,166 3 5,163 Persons 17 5,163 4,789 71 Females 19 Name of Village 2 3,911 Kavaratti (Total) Kavaratti (Rural) 3,911 Kavaratti (Urban) RURAL Pitti (Birds' Island) Suheli Valiyakara Suheli Cheriyakara URBAN 3,911 Kavaratti (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0006 0006 0006 627035 627036 627037 627038 Name of Village 2 Kavaratti (Total) Kavaratti (Rural) Kavaratti (Urban) RURAL Pitti (Birds' Island) Suheli Valiyakara Suheli Cheriyakara URBAN Kavaratti (CT) Persons 20 2,003 2,003 2,003 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 875 875 1,128 1,128 3,531 11 3,520 875 1,128 72 Total workers Males Females 24 25 638 638 2,241 3 2,238 1,848 3 1,845 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------11 11 - 3 3 2,238 1,845 3,520 2,893 11 2,882 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 2,882 638 393 393 393 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kavaratti Persons 29 - Cultivators Males Females 30 31 - - Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - - - - - - 13 13 11 11 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------- - 13 11 73 2 2 2 2,228 3 2,225 1,837 3 1,834 3 3 2,225 1,834 Name of Village 2 391 Kavaratti (Total) Kavaratti (Rural) 391 Kavaratti (Urban) RURAL Pitti (Birds' Island) Suheli Valiyakara Suheli Cheriyakara URBAN 391 Kavaratti (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0006 0006 0006 627035 627036 627037 627038 Name of Village 2 Kavaratti (Total) Kavaratti (Rural) Kavaratti (Urban) RURAL Pitti (Birds' Island) Suheli Valiyakara Suheli Cheriyakara URBAN Kavaratti (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 1,290 8 1,282 1,045 8 1,037 8 8 1,282 1,037 245 245 Persons 44 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 - - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------- 245 74 - - - Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - - - - - - - - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kavaratti of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 13 13 13 13 13 13 - - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 1,277 8 1,269 1,032 8 1,024 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 245 245 7,690 7,690 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------8 8 1,269 1,024 245 75 3,289 3,289 - - 7,690 3,289 Name of Village 2 4,401 Kavaratti (Total) Kavaratti (Rural) 4,401 Kavaratti (Urban) RURAL Pitti (Birds' Island) Suheli Valiyakara Suheli Cheriyakara URBAN 4,401 Kavaratti (CT) Location code number 1 0006 0006 0006 627035 627036 627037 627038 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0007 0007 0007 627039 627040 627041 627042 627043 627044 627045 Name of Village 2 Agatti (Total) Agatti (Rural) Agatti (Urban) RURAL Tinnakara Parali (I) Parali (II) Parali (III) Bangaram Agatti Kalpitti Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 383.29 383.29 0.00 41.81 2.16 1.35 2.43 57.62 270.73 7.19 1,328 1,328 - 17 1,311 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 7,566 7,566 - 45 7,521 76 3,894 3,894 - 3,672 3,672 - Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 918 918 - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------44 1 3,850 3,671 918 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 492 492 - 426 426 - 492 426 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Agatti Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 - - - - - - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 7,167 7,167 - 3,600 3,600 - 3,567 3,567 - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------40 39 1 7,127 3,561 3,566 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 77 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 6,142 6,142 - 3,231 3,231 - 45 6,097 44 3,187 Females 19 Name of Village 2 2,911 Agatti (Total) 2,911 Agatti (Rural) Agatti (Urban) RURAL Tinnakara Parali (I) Parali (II) Parali (III) 1 Bangaram 2,910 Agatti Kalpitti DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0007 0007 0007 627039 627040 627041 627042 627043 627044 627045 Name of Village 2 Agatti (Total) Agatti (Rural) Agatti (Urban) RURAL Tinnakara Parali (I) Parali (II) Parali (III) Bangaram Agatti Kalpitti Persons 20 1,424 1,424 - 1,424 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 663 663 - 761 761 - 2,533 2,533 - 663 761 78 Total workers Males Females 24 25 2,129 2,129 - 404 404 - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------41 41 2,492 2,088 404 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 1,069 1,069 - 911 911 - 158 158 - 34 1,035 34 877 158 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Agatti Persons 29 - - Cultivators Males Females 30 31 - - - - Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - 4 4 - 1 1 - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------4 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 79 3 3 - 3 1,065 1,065 - 910 910 - 34 1,031 34 876 Name of Village 2 155 Agatti (Total) 155 Agatti (Rural) Agatti (Urban) RURAL Tinnakara Parali (I) Parali (II) Parali (III) Bangaram 155 Agatti Kalpitti DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0007 0007 0007 627039 627040 627041 627042 627043 627044 627045 Name of Village 2 Agatti (Total) Agatti (Rural) Agatti (Urban) RURAL Tinnakara Parali (I) Parali (II) Parali (III) Bangaram Agatti Kalpitti Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 1,464 1,464 - 7 1,457 1,218 1,218 - 7 1,211 246 246 - Persons 44 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 - - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------246 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 80 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - - - - - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Agatti of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 56 56 - 56 6 6 - 6 50 50 - 50 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 1,408 1,408 - 1,212 1,212 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 196 196 - 5,033 5,033 - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------7 7 1,401 1,205 196 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 4 5,029 81 1,765 1,765 - 3 1,762 Name of Village 2 3,268 Agatti (Total) 3,268 Agatti (Rural) Agatti (Urban) RURAL Tinnakara Parali (I) Parali (II) Parali (III) 1 Bangaram 3,267 Agatti Kalpitti Location code number 1 0007 0007 0007 627039 627040 627041 627042 627043 627044 627045 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0008 0008 0008 627046 Name of Village 2 Andrott (Total) Andrott (Rural) Andrott (Urban) URBAN Andrott (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 484.00 0.00 484.00 1,806 1,806 11,191 11,191 5,500 5,500 5,691 5,691 1,383 1,383 736 736 647 647 484.00 1,806 11,191 5,500 5,691 1,383 736 647 82 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Andrott Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 - - - 10,948 10,948 5,336 5,336 5,612 5,612 8,887 8,887 4,547 4,547 - - - 10,948 5,336 5,612 8,887 4,547 83 Females 19 Name of Village 2 4,340 Andrott (Total) Andrott (Rural) 4,340 Andrott (Urban) URBAN 4,340 Andrott (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0008 0008 0008 627046 Name of Village 2 Andrott (Total) Andrott (Rural) Andrott (Urban) URBAN Andrott (CT) Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 2,304 2,304 953 953 1,351 1,351 2,195 2,195 1,751 1,751 444 444 1,084 1,084 900 900 184 184 2,304 953 1,351 2,195 1,751 444 1,084 900 184 Persons 20 84 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Andrott Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - 29 29 18 18 11 11 1,055 1,055 882 882 - - - - - - 29 18 11 1,055 882 85 Name of Village 2 173 Andrott (Total) Andrott (Rural) 173 Andrott (Urban) URBAN 173 Andrott (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0008 0008 0008 627046 Name of Village 2 Andrott (Total) Andrott (Rural) Andrott (Urban) URBAN Andrott (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 1,111 1,111 851 851 260 260 - - - - - - 1,111 851 260 - - - - - - 86 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Andrott of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 20 20 10 10 10 10 1,091 1,091 841 841 250 250 8,996 8,996 3,749 3,749 20 10 10 1,091 841 250 8,996 3,749 87 Name of Village 2 5,247 Andrott (Total) Andrott (Rural) 5,247 Andrott (Urban) URBAN 5,247 Andrott (CT) Location code number 1 0008 0008 0008 627046 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0009 0009 0009 627047 627048 627049 627050 627051 627052 627053 627054 Name of Village 2 Kalpeni (Total) Kalpeni (Rural) Kalpeni (Urban) RURAL Cheriyam Kodithala Tilakkam (I) Tilakkam (II) Tilakkam (III) Pitti (I) Pitti (II) URBAN Kalpeni (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 278.78 50.78 228.00 934 934 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 4,419 2,324 2,095 433 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4,419 2,324 2,095 433 218 215 218 215 218 215 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------- 45.44 0.27 1.03 0.63 0.36 2.77 0.28 228.00 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 934 4,419 88 2,324 2,095 433 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kalpeni Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 - - - - - - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 4,051 2,000 2,051 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4,051 2,000 2,051 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 3,778 2,054 3,778 2,054 3,778 2,054 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------- - - 4,051 2,000 2,051 89 Females 19 Name of Village 2 1,724 Kalpeni (Total) Kalpeni (Rural) 1,724 Kalpeni (Urban) RURAL Cheriyam Kodithala Tilakkam (I) Tilakkam (II) Tilakkam (III) Pitti (I) Pitti (II) URBAN 1,724 Kalpeni (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0009 0009 0009 627047 627048 627049 627050 627051 627052 627053 627054 Name of Village 2 Kalpeni (Total) Kalpeni (Rural) Kalpeni (Urban) RURAL Cheriyam Kodithala Tilakkam (I) Tilakkam (II) Tilakkam (III) Pitti (I) Pitti (II) URBAN Kalpeni (CT) Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 641 270 371 641 270 Persons 20 Persons 23 Total workers Males Females 24 25 1,620 1,308 312 -------------Un-inhabited-------------371 1,620 1,308 312 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 1,241 1,044 197 1,241 1,044 197 1,241 1,044 197 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------641 270 371 90 1,620 1,308 312 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kalpeni Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - - - 8 6 -------------Un-inhabited-------------8 6 2 1,233 1,038 2 1,233 1,038 2 1,233 1,038 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------- - - - - - 8 6 91 Name of Village 2 195 Kalpeni (Total) Kalpeni (Rural) 195 Kalpeni (Urban) RURAL Cheriyam Kodithala Tilakkam (I) Tilakkam (II) Tilakkam (III) Pitti (I) Pitti (II) URBAN 195 Kalpeni (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0009 0009 0009 627047 627048 627049 627050 627051 627052 627053 627054 Name of Village 2 Kalpeni (Total) Kalpeni (Rural) Kalpeni (Urban) RURAL Cheriyam Kodithala Tilakkam (I) Tilakkam (II) Tilakkam (III) Pitti (I) Pitti (II) URBAN Kalpeni (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 379 264 379 264 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 115 -------------Un-inhabited-------------115 - Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - - - - - - - - -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------379 264 115 92 - - - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kalpeni of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 4 1 3 4 1 3 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 375 263 112 -------------Un-inhabited-------------375 263 112 2,799 1,016 2,799 1,016 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------4 1 3 375 263 112 2,799 93 1,016 Name of Village 2 1,783 Kalpeni (Total) Kalpeni (Rural) 1,783 Kalpeni (Urban) RURAL Cheriyam Kodithala Tilakkam (I) Tilakkam (II) Tilakkam (III) Pitti (I) Pitti (II) URBAN 1,783 Kalpeni (CT) Location code number 1 0009 0009 0009 627047 627048 627049 627050 627051 627052 627053 627054 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0010 0010 0010 627055 627056 Name of Village 2 Minicoy (Total) Minicoy (Rural) Minicoy (Urban) RURAL Viringili URBAN Minicoy (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 438.52 1.52 437.00 1,442 1,442 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 10,447 5,366 5,081 1,004 -------------Un-inhabited-------------10,447 5,366 5,081 1,004 533 471 533 471 533 471 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 1.52 437.00 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 1,442 10,447 94 5,366 5,081 1,004 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Minicoy Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 - - - - - - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 9,987 5,012 4,975 -------------Un-inhabited-------------9,987 5,012 4,975 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 8,768 4,605 8,768 4,605 8,768 4,605 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- - - 9,987 5,012 4,975 95 Females 19 Name of Village 2 4,163 Minicoy (Total) Minicoy (Rural) 4,163 Minicoy (Urban) RURAL Viringili URBAN 4,163 Minicoy (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0010 0010 0010 627055 627056 Name of Village 2 Minicoy (Total) Minicoy (Rural) Minicoy (Urban) RURAL Viringili URBAN Minicoy (CT) Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 1,679 761 918 1,679 761 Persons 20 Persons 23 Total workers Males Females 24 25 3,138 2,665 473 -------------Un-inhabited-------------918 3,138 2,665 473 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 2,137 1,887 250 2,137 1,887 250 2,137 1,887 250 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,679 761 918 96 3,138 2,665 473 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Minicoy Persons 29 Cultivators Males Females 30 31 Industrial category of main workers Household industry Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - - - - - 3 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 2 1 2,134 1,885 1 2,134 1,885 1 2,134 1,885 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- - - - - - 3 2 97 Name of Village 2 249 Minicoy (Total) Minicoy (Rural) 249 Minicoy (Urban) RURAL Viringili URBAN 249 Minicoy (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0010 0010 0010 627055 627056 Name of Village 2 Minicoy (Total) Minicoy (Rural) Minicoy (Urban) RURAL Viringili URBAN Minicoy (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 1,001 778 1,001 778 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 223 -------------Un-inhabited-------------223 - Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - - - - - - - - -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,001 778 223 98 - - - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Minicoy of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 9 3 6 9 3 6 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 992 775 217 -------------Un-inhabited-------------992 775 217 7,309 2,701 7,309 2,701 -------------Un-inhabited-------------9 3 6 992 775 217 7,309 99 2,701 Name of Village 2 4,608 Minicoy (Total) Minicoy (Rural) 4,608 Minicoy (Urban) RURAL Viringili URBAN 4,608 Minicoy (CT) Location code number 1 0010 0010 0010 627055 627056 Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP URBAN PRIMARY Location code number 1 627030 0001 627034 0001 627038 0001 627046 0001 627054 0001 627056 0001 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Amini (CT) Ward No. 1 Kadmat (CT) Ward No. 1 Kavaratti (CT) Ward No. 1 Andrott (CT) Ward No. 1 Kalpeni (CT) Ward No. 1 Minicoy (CT) Ward No. 1 Area in Square Kilometr e 3 2.59 3.12 3.63 4.84 2.28 4.37 Number of households 4 1,375 1,375 1,061 1,061 2,246 2,246 1,806 1,806 934 934 1,442 1,442 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 7,661 7,661 5,404 5,404 11,210 11,210 11,191 11,191 4,419 4,419 10,447 10,447 102 3,829 3,829 2,690 2,690 6,171 6,171 5,500 5,500 2,324 2,324 5,366 5,366 3,832 3,832 2,714 2,714 5,039 5,039 5,691 5,691 2,095 2,095 5,081 5,081 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 859 859 603 603 1,158 1,158 1,383 1,383 433 433 1,004 1,004 441 441 301 301 618 618 736 736 218 218 533 533 418 418 302 302 540 540 647 647 215 215 471 471 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 - - - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 7,541 7,541 5,178 5,178 9,952 9,952 10,948 10,948 4,051 4,051 9,987 9,987 3,733 3,733 2,519 2,519 5,163 5,163 5,336 5,336 2,000 2,000 5,012 5,012 3,808 3,808 2,659 2,659 4,789 4,789 5,612 5,612 2,051 2,051 4,975 4,975 103 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 6,062 6,062 4,563 4,563 9,207 9,207 8,887 8,887 3,778 3,778 8,768 8,768 3,251 3,251 2,321 2,321 5,296 5,296 4,547 4,547 2,054 2,054 4,605 4,605 2,811 2,811 2,242 2,242 3,911 3,911 4,340 4,340 1,724 1,724 4,163 4,163 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Amini (CT) Ward No. 1 Kadmat (CT) Ward No. 1 Kavaratti (CT) Ward No. 1 Andrott (CT) Ward No. 1 Kalpeni (CT) Ward No. 1 Minicoy (CT) Ward No. 1 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP URBAN PRIMARY Location code number 1 627030 0001 627034 0001 627038 0001 627046 0001 627054 0001 627056 0001 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Amini (CT) Ward No. 1 Kadmat (CT) Ward No. 1 Kavaratti (CT) Ward No. 1 Andrott (CT) Ward No. 1 Kalpeni (CT) Ward No. 1 Minicoy (CT) Ward No. 1 Persons 20 1,599 1,599 841 841 2,003 2,003 2,304 2,304 641 641 1,679 1,679 Illiterates Males Females 21 22 578 578 369 369 875 875 953 953 270 270 761 761 1,021 1,021 472 472 1,128 1,128 1,351 1,351 371 371 918 918 104 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 1,903 1,903 1,724 1,724 3,520 3,520 2,195 2,195 1,620 1,620 3,138 3,138 1,575 1,575 1,350 1,350 2,882 2,882 1,751 1,751 1,308 1,308 2,665 2,665 328 328 374 374 638 638 444 444 312 312 473 473 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 917 917 962 962 2,238 2,238 1,084 1,084 1,241 1,241 2,137 2,137 775 775 808 808 1,845 1,845 900 900 1,044 1,044 1,887 1,887 142 142 154 154 393 393 184 184 197 197 250 250 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 - - - - - - 18 18 6 6 13 13 29 29 8 8 3 3 16 16 4 4 11 11 18 18 6 6 2 2 105 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 11 2 2 1 1 899 899 956 956 2,225 2,225 1,055 1,055 1,233 1,233 2,134 2,134 759 759 804 804 1,834 1,834 882 882 1,038 1,038 1,885 1,885 140 140 152 152 391 391 173 173 195 195 249 249 Amini (CT) Ward No. 1 Kadmat (CT) Ward No. 1 Kavaratti (CT) Ward No. 1 Andrott (CT) Ward No. 1 Kalpeni (CT) Ward No. 1 Minicoy (CT) Ward No. 1 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : LAKSHADWEEP URBAN PRIMARY Industrial category Location code number 1 627030 0001 627034 0001 627038 0001 627046 0001 627054 0001 627056 0001 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Amini (CT) Ward No. 1 Kadmat (CT) Ward No. 1 Kavaratti (CT) Ward No. 1 Andrott (CT) Ward No. 1 Kalpeni (CT) Ward No. 1 Minicoy (CT) Ward No. 1 Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 986 986 762 762 1,282 1,282 1,111 1,111 379 379 1,001 1,001 800 800 542 542 1,037 1,037 851 851 264 264 778 778 186 186 220 220 245 245 260 260 115 115 223 223 106 Persons 44 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 - - Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 22 22 26 26 13 13 20 20 4 4 9 9 16 16 8 8 13 13 10 10 1 1 3 3 6 6 18 18 10 10 3 3 6 6 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 964 964 736 736 1,269 1,269 1,091 1,091 375 375 992 992 784 784 534 534 1,024 1,024 841 841 263 263 775 775 180 180 202 202 245 245 250 250 112 112 217 217 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 5,758 5,758 3,680 3,680 7,690 7,690 8,996 8,996 2,799 2,799 7,309 7,309 107 2,254 2,254 1,340 1,340 3,289 3,289 3,749 3,749 1,016 1,016 2,701 2,701 3,504 3,504 2,340 2,340 4,401 4,401 5,247 5,247 1,783 1,783 4,608 4,608 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Amini (CT) Ward No. 1 Kadmat (CT) Ward No. 1 Kavaratti (CT) Ward No. 1 Andrott (CT) Ward No. 1 Kalpeni (CT) Ward No. 1 Minicoy (CT) Ward No. 1 Location code number 1 627030 0001 627034 0001 627038 0001 627046 0001 627054 0001 627056 0001 Section – II Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural /Urban) at District and Sub-District level Table -1: Households by Ownership Status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011 Name of district Ownership Number of dwelling status rooms 1 2 Owned 3 No exclusive room Others District Lakshadweep (31587) Total Total Rural 5 Total 4 42 16 26 - - - 37 16 21 435 146 289 - - - 432 146 286 Two rooms 1,516 401 1,115 - - - 1,508 400 1,108 Three rooms 2,428 471 1,957 - - - 2,418 468 1,950 3+ rooms No exclusive room 4,513 1,173 3,340 - - - 4,434 1,169 3,265 5 55 5 - - - 3 - 3 One room 10 342 287 - - - 171 38 133 Two rooms 540 88 452 - - - 383 67 316 Three rooms 481 79 402 - - - 357 65 292 3+ rooms No exclusive room 209 66 143 - - - 137 47 90 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3 One room 27 2 25 - - - 8 2 6 Two rooms 43 7 36 - - - 32 6 26 Three rooms 37 8 29 - - - 33 8 25 3+ rooms No exclusive room 77 6 71 - - - 72 5 67 55 21 34 - - - 43 16 27 804 203 601 - - - 611 186 425 Two rooms 2,099 496 1,603 - - - 1,923 473 1,450 Three rooms 2,946 558 2,388 - - - 2,808 541 2,267 3+ rooms 4,799 1,245 3,554 - - - 4,643 1,221 3,422 One room Rented Number of households Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 One room Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets 111 Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, Sl. No. 1 Name of Sub - District 2 1 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) 2 Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) 3 Permanent Total Semi permanent Temporary Permanent 3 4 5 6 1,285 (98.69%) 10 (0.77%) 7 (0.54%) 0 (0.00%) 65 (97.01%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (2.99%) 65 (97.01%) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 464 (92.99%) 23 (4.61%) 12 (2.40%) 464 (92.99%) 4 Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) 724 (97.18%) 15 (2.01%) 2 (0.27%) 724 (97.18%) 5 Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 983 (98.89%) 2 (0.20%) 9 (0.91%) 0 (0.00%) 6 Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) 1,912 (95.79%) 46 (2.30%) 18 (0.91%) 0 (0.00%) 7 Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) 1,144 (94.39%) 33 (2.72%) 31 (2.56%) 1,144 (94.39%) 8 Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) 1,714 (96.35%) 36 (2.02%) 29 (1.63%) 0 (0.00%) 9 Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) 837 (97.55%) 12 (1.40%) 9 (1.05%) 0 (0.00%) 10 Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) 1,242 (99.28%) 6 (0.48%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 10,370 (96.89%) 183 (1.71%) 119 (1.11%) 2,397 (95.01%) District - Lakshadweep (31587) 1.Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. Note : Permanent : Permanent houses refer to those houses whose walls & roofs are made of pucca materials, i.e., where burnt bricks, G.I. Sheets or other metal sheets, stone, cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles, slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, lime and stone and RBC/RCC concrete are used for roof. Semi Permanent : Semi permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials. Temporary : Temporary houses refer to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials, i.e., where, grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo, mud and unburnt bricks are used for the construction of walls and grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo thatch, mud, unburnt bricks and wood etc. are used for roofs. 112 Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011 Rural Semi permanent Temporary 7 8 Name of Sub-District Permanent Urban Semi permanent Temporary 9 10 11 2 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,285 (98.69%) 10 (0.77%) 7 (0.54%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (2.99%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 23 (4.61%) 12 (2.40%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 0 (0.00%) 15 (2.01%) 2 (0.27%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 983 (98.89%) 2 (0.20%) 9 (0.91%) Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,912 (95.79%) 46 (2.30%) 18 (0.91%) Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) 33 (2.72%) 31 (2.56%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,714 (96.35%) 36 (2.02%) 29 (1.63%) Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 837 (97.55%) 12 (1.40%) 9 (1.05%) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,242 (99.28%) 6 (0.48%) 0 (0.00%) Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) 71 (2.81%) 47 (1.86%) 7,973 (97.47%) 112 (1.37%) 113 72 (0.88%) District - Lakshadweep (31587) Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total Number of households 3 4 Total Rural 3 Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 7 Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 18 (1.38%) 973 (74.73%) Total 67 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 67 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 499 8 (1.60%) 129 (25.85%) 0 (0.00%) 355 (71.14%) Rural 499 8 (1.60%) 129 (25.85%) 0 (0.00%) 355 (71.14%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 745 4 (0.54%) 635 (85.23%) 0 (0.00%) 83 (11.14%) Rural 745 4 (0.54%) 635 (85.23%) 0 (0.00%) 83 (11.14%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 994 4 (0.40%) 124 (12.47%) 5 (0.50%) 861 (86.62%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 994 4 (0.40%) 124 (12.47%) 5 (0.50%) 861 (86.62%) 1,996 743 (37.22%) 12 (0.60%) 22 (1.10%) 1,210 (60.62%) Total Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 1,996 743 (37.22%) 12 (0.60%) 22 (1.10%) 1,210 (60.62%) Total 1,212 7 (0.58%) 0 (0.00%) 11 (0.91%) 841 (69.39%) Rural 1,212 7 (0.58%) 0 (0.00%) 11 (0.91%) 841 (69.39%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,779 73 (4.10%) 84 (4.72%) 20 (1.12%) 1,584 (89.04%) Total Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,779 73 (4.10%) 84 (4.72%) 20 (1.12%) 1,584 (89.04%) Total 858 29 (3.38%) 0 (0.00%) 37 (4.31%) 787 (91.72%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 858 29 (3.38%) 0 (0.00%) 37 (4.31%) 787 (91.72%) Total 1,251 33 (2.64%) 3 (0.24%) 623 (49.80%) 248 (19.82%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 1,251 33 (2.64%) 3 (0.24%) 623 (49.80%) 248 (19.82%) District - Lakshadweep Total (31587) Rural 10,703 976 (9.12%) 1,192 (11.14%) 736 (6.88%) 6,942 (64.86%) 2,523 19 (0.75%) 764 (30.28%) 11 (0.44%) 1,279 (50.69%) 8,180 957 (11.70%) 428 (5.23%) 725 (8.86%) 5,663 (69.23%) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Urban 10 8 973 (74.73%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 9 7 18 (1.38%) 205 (15.75%) Urban 8 6 205 (15.75%) Un-covered well 0 (0.00%) Urban 6 75 (5.76%) Covered well 75 (5.76%) Urban 5 5 1,302 Tap water from untreated source 0 Urban 4 Tap water from treated source 1,302 Urban 2 Number and percentage of Household Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 114 by main source of Drinking water, 2011. having following source of drinking water Handpump Tubewell/ Borehole Spring 11 River/ Canal Tank/ Pond/ Other Sources Lake 12 13 Total/ Rural/ Urban 9 10 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 8 (0.61%) 14 3 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 8 (0.61%) 22 (1.69%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 67 (100.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 67 (100.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.20%) 6 (1.20%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.20%) 6 (1.20%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 22 (2.95%) Total 1 (0.13%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 22 (2.95%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.15%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 6 (0.30%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.15%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.25%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 349 (28.80%) Total 3 (0.25%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 349 (28.80%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 6 (0.34%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 6 (0.34%) 12 (0.67%) Urban 1 (0.12%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.12%) 3 (0.35%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 22 (1.69%) Total 2 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 0 (0.00%) Urban Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) 6 (0.30%) Urban Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) 0 (0.00%) Urban 12 (0.67%) Total 1 (0.12%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.12%) 261 (20.86%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) 22 (1.76%) 60 (4.80%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 261 (20.86%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) 22 (1.76%) 266 (2.49%) 5 (0.05%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.01%) 38 (0.36%) 547 (5.11%) Total 4 (0.16%) 1 (0.04%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.04%) 444 (17.60%) Rural 262 (3.20%) 4 (0.05%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.01%) 37 (0.45%) 115 Name of Sub-District Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) 3 (0.35%) Urban Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) 60 (4.80%) Urban 103 (1.26%) Urban District - Lakshadweep (31587) Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households Electricity Kerosene Solar 3 4 5 6 7 Total 1,302 1,297 (99.62%) 3 (0.23%) 1 (0.08%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 2 3 Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 1,302 1,297 (99.62%) 3 (0.23%) 1 (0.08%) Total 67 67 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 67 67 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 499 498 (99.80%) 1 (0.20%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 499 498 (99.80%) 1 (0.20%) 0 (0.00%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 745 743 (99.73%) 2 (0.27%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 745 743 (99.73%) 2 (0.27%) 0 (0.00%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 994 993 (99.90%) 1 (0.10%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 994 993 (99.90%) 1 (0.10%) 0 (0.00%) Total 1,996 1,987 (99.55%) 6 (0.30%) 2 (0.10%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 1,996 1,987 (99.55%) 6 (0.30%) 2 (0.10%) Total 1,212 1,209 (99.75%) 2 (0.17%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 1,212 1,209 (99.75%) 2 (0.17%) 0 (0.00%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 1,779 1,772 (99.61%) 3 (0.17%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,779 1,772 (99.61%) 3 (0.17%) 0 (0.00%) 858 857 (99.88%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 4 Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Urban 5 Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) Urban 6 7 Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) Urban 8 Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Urban 9 Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Total Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 858 857 (99.88%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 1,251 1,246 (99.60%) 4 (0.32%) 1 (0.08%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) Urban 10 Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) District - Lakshadweep (31587) Number and Percentage of households Urban 1,251 1,246 (99.60%) 4 (0.32%) Total 10,703 10,669 (99.68%) 22 (0.21%) 4 (0.04%) Rural 2,523 2,517 (99.76%) 5 (0.20%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 8,180 8,152 (99.66%) 17 (0.21%) 4 (0.05%) Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 116 by main source of Lighting, 2011. having following main source of lighting Other oil Any other No lighting Total/ Rural/ Urban 8 9 10 3 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.05%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.05%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.17%) 1 (0.06%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.17%) 1 (0.06%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.12%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.12%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 5 (0.05%) 3 (0.03%) Total 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.04%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.05%) 3 (0.04%) Urban Name of Sub-District 2 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) District - Lakshadweep (31587) 117 Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 3 Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 6 7 Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) District - Lakshadweep (31587) 7 8 1,228 (94.32%) 10 (0.77%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,302 45 (3.46%) 1,228 (94.32%) 10 (0.77%) 1 (0.08%) Total 67 0 (0.00%) 64 (95.52%) 1 (1.49%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 67 0 (0.00%) 64 (95.52%) 1 (1.49%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 499 16 (3.21%) 461 (92.38%) 1 (0.20%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 499 16 (3.21%) 461 (92.38%) 1 (0.20%) 0 (0.00%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 745 2 (0.27%) 724 (97.18%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 745 2 (0.27%) 724 (97.18%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0.00%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 994 0 (0.00%) 987 (99.29%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 994 0 (0.00%) 987 (99.29%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 1,996 18 (0.90%) 1,917 (96.04%) 15 (0.75%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 1,996 18 (0.90%) 1,917 (96.04%) 15 (0.75%) 0 (0.00%) Total 1,212 0 (0.00%) 1,201 (0.99%) 3 (0%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 1,212 0 (0.00%) 1,201 (0.99%) 3 (0%) 0 (0.00%) 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Total 1,779 7 (0.39%) 1,704 (95.78%) 11 (0.62%) 37 (2.08%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1,779 7 (0.39%) 1,704 (95.78%) 11 (0.62%) 37 (2.08%) Total 858 133 (15.50%) 699 (81.47%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.12%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 858 133 (15.50%) 699 (81.47%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.12%) Total 1,251 32 (2.56%) 1,141 (91.21%) 3 (0.24%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 1,251 32 (2.56%) 1,141 (91.21%) 3 (0.24%) 0 (0.00%) Total 10,703 253 (2.36%) 10,126 (94.61%) 45 (0.42%) 39 (0.36%) Rural 2,523 18 (0.71%) 2,450 (97.11%) 6 (0.24%) 0 (0.00%) Urban 8,180 235 (2.87%) 7,676 (93.84%) 39 (0.48%) 39 (0.48%) Urban 10 6 0 (0.00%) Urban 9 5 45 (3.46%) Urban 8 With slab/Ventilated improved pit 0 Urban Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Other system 1,302 Urban 5 Pit Septic tank Rural Urban 4 Flush/Pour latrine Piped sewer system Total Urban 2 Number and percentage of households Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 118 by type of Latrine facility, 2011 having following type of latrine facility Latrine Without slab/open pit 9 Night Soil Service Latrine disposed into Night soil Night soil open drain removed by serviced by human animals 10 11 12 No latrine within premises Public Latrine Open 13 14 Total/ Rural/ Urban Name of Sub-District 3 2 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.31%) 14 (1.08%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.31%) 14 (1.08%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (0%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (0%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 21 (4.21%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 21 (4.21%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.54%) 14 (1.88%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.54%) 14 (1.88%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0%) 6 (0%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0%) 3 (0.15%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 14 (0.70%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 3 (0.15%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 14 (0.70%) 29 (1.45%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (0%) 5 (0%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (0%) 5 (0%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.06%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 8 (0.45%) 11 (0.62%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 1 (0.06%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 8 (0.45%) 11 (0.62%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.35%) 22 (2.56%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (0.35%) 22 (2.56%) Urban 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.32%) 71 (5.68%) Total 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) Rural 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (0.32%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 41 (0.38%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 7 (0.28%) 42 (1.66%) Rural 4 (0.05%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 34 (0.42%) 153 (1.87%) Urban 119 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) 0 (0.00%) Urban Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 0 (0.00%) Urban Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) 0 (0.00%) Urban Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 6 (0%) Urban 29 (1.45%) Total Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) 0 (0.00%) Urban Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) 71 (5.68%) Urban 195 (1.82%) Total District - Lakshadweep (31587) Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011 Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 Total Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 264 (20.28%) 924 (70.97%) Total 67 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 67 (100%) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Rural 67 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 67 (100%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 499 2 (0.4%) 21 (4.21%) 476 (95.39%) Rural 499 2 (0.4%) 21 (4.21%) 476 (95.39%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 745 4 (0.54%) 454 (60.94%) 287 (38.52%) Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Rural 745 4 (0.54%) 454 (60.94%) 287 (38.52%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 22 (2.21%) 139 (13.98%) 833 (83.8%) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 4 Urban Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) Total Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 22 (2.21%) 139 (13.98%) 833 (83.8%) Total 1,996 548 (27.45%) 342 (17.13%) 1,106 (55.41%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,996 548 (27.45%) 342 (17.13%) 1,106 (55.41%) Total 1,212 0 (0%) 5 (0.41%) 1,207 (99.59%) Rural 1,212 0 (0%) 5 (0.41%) 1,207 (99.59%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 93 (5.23%) 10 (0.56%) 1,676 (94.21%) Urban Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) Urban 8 Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Total Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 93 (5.23%) 10 (0.56%) 1,676 (94.21%) Total 858 127 (14.8%) 8 (0.93%) 723 (84.27%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 9 Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Urban 10 924 (70.97%) 0 (0%) Urban 7 7 264 (20.28%) 114 (8.76%) Urban 6 6 114 (8.76%) 0 2 5 5 1,302 1,302 Urban 3 Number and Percentage of households by type of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage 858 127 (14.8%) 8 (0.93%) 723 (84.27%) Total 1,251 310 (24.78%) 144 (11.51%) 797 (63.71%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,251 310 (24.78%) 144 (11.51%) 797 (63.71%) Total 10,703 1,220 (11.4%) 1,387 (12.96%) 8,096 (75.64%) District - Lakshadweep (31587) Rural 2,523 6 (0.24%) 480 (19.02%) 2,037 (80.74%) 8,180 1,214 (14.84%) 907 (11.09%) 6,059 (74.07%) Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 120 Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011 Sl. No. 1 1 2 3 4 Name of SubDistrict 2 Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 6 7 9 10 Cooking outside house Does not have kitchen 5 6 Has kitchen 7 No cooking Does not have kitchen 8 9 1,302 1,011 (77.65%) 6 (0.46%) 257 (19.74%) 11 (0.84%) 17 (1.31%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban Sub-District - Bitra Total (3158705621) Rural 1,302 1,011 (77.65%) 6 (0.46%) 257 (19.74%) 11 (0.84%) 17 (1.31%) 67 21 (31.34%) 0 (0%) 35 (52.24%) 0 (0%) 11 (16.42%) 67 21 (31.34%) 0 (0%) 35 (52.24%) 0 (0%) 11 (16.42%) Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 499 104 (20.84%) 5 (1%) 363 (72.75%) 15 (3.01%) 12 (2.4%) Rural 499 104 (20.84%) 5 (1%) 363 (72.75%) 15 (3.01%) 12 (2.4%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 745 347 (46.58%) 22 (2.95%) 317 (42.55%) 43 (5.77%) 16 (2.15%) 745 347 (46.58%) 22 (2.95%) 317 (42.55%) 43 (5.77%) 16 (2.15%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 632 (63.58%) 2 (0.2%) 327 (32.9%) 10 (1.01%) 23 (2.31%) Sub-District Chetlat (3158705622) Urban Sub-District - Kiltan Total (3158705623) Rural Sub-District Kadmat (3158705624) Total Sub-District Kavaratti (3158705625) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 632 (63.58%) 2 (0.2%) 327 (32.9%) 10 (1.01%) 23 (2.31%) Total 1,996 1,292 (64.73%) 14 (0.7%) 561 (28.11%) 21 (1.05%) 108 (5.41%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,996 1,292 (64.73%) 14 (0.7%) 561 (28.11%) 21 (1.05%) 108 (5.41%) 1,212 1,012 (83.5%) 15 (1.24%) 166 (13.7%) 9 (0.74%) 10 (0.83%) 1,212 1,012 (83.5%) 15 (1.24%) 166 (13.7%) 9 (0.74%) 10 (0.83%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 1,075 (60.43%) 5 (0.28%) 669 (37.61%) 6 (0.34%) 24 (1.35%) Urban Urban Sub-District - Agatti Total (3158705626) Rural Urban 8 Cooking inside house Has kitchen Sub-District - Amini Total (3158705620) Rural Urban 5 Number and Percentage of households having kitchen Sub-District Andrott (3158705627) Total Sub-District Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District Minicoy (3158705629) District Lakshadweep (31587) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 1,075 (60.43%) 5 (0.28%) 669 (37.61%) 6 (0.34%) 24 (1.35%) Total 858 600 (69.93%) 8 (0.93%) 230 (26.81%) 7 (0.82%) 13 (1.52%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 858 600 (69.93%) 8 (0.93%) 230 (26.81%) 7 (0.82%) 13 (1.52%) Total 1,251 1,144 (91.45%) 10 (0.8%) 62 (4.96%) 1 (0.08%) 34 (2.72%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,251 1,144 (91.45%) 10 (0.8%) 62 (4.96%) 1 (0.08%) 34 (2.72%) Total 10,703 7,238 (67.63%) 87 (0.81%) 2,987 (27.91%) 123 (1.15%) 268 (2.5%) Rural 2,523 1,484 (58.82%) 42 (1.66%) 881 (34.92%) 67 (2.66%) 49 (1.94%) Urban 8,180 5,754 (70.34%) 45 (0.55%) 2,106 (25.75%) 56 (0.68%) 219 (2.68%) Urban Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 121 Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 7 Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,302 1,045 (80.26%) 12 (0.92%) 6 (0.46%) 0 (0%) Total 67 0 (0%) 40 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 67 0 (0%) 40 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 499 0 (0%) 448 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 499 0 (0%) 448 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 745 20 (2.68%) 630 (84.56%) 1 (0.13%) 2 (0.27%) Rural 745 20 (2.68%) 630 (84.56%) 1 (0.13%) 2 (0.27%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 720 (72.43%) 2 (0.2%) 1 (0.1%) 0 (0%) Total Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 720 (72.43%) 2 (0.2%) 1 (0.1%) 0 (0%) Total 1,996 481 (24.1%) 2 (0.1%) 1 (0.05%) 0 (0%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,996 481 (24.1%) 2 (0.1%) 1 (0.05%) 0 (0%) Total 1,212 901 (74.34%) 6 (0.5%) 2 (0.17%) 0 (0%) Rural 1,212 901 (74.34%) 6 (0.5%) 2 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 1,649 (92.69%) 5 (0.28%) 2 (0.11%) 1 (0.06%) Total Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 1,649 (92.69%) 5 (0.28%) 2 (0.11%) 1 (0.06%) Total 858 660 (76.92%) 2 (0.23%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.35%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 858 660 (76.92%) 2 (0.23%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.35%) Total 1,251 391 (31.25%) 2 (0.16%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,251 391 (31.25%) 2 (0.16%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 10,703 5,867 (54.82%) 1,149 (10.74%) 13 (0.12%) 6 (0.06%) Rural 2,523 921 (36.5%) 1,124 (44.55%) 3 (0.12%) 2 (0.08%) Urban 8,180 4,946 (60.46%) 25 (0.31%) 10 (0.12%) 4 (0.05%) Urban 10 Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) District - Lakshadweep (31587) 8 0 Urban 9 7 Rural Urban 8 6 6 (0.46%) Urban 6 Coal/ lignite/ charcoal 12 (0.92%) Urban 5 Cowdung cake 1,045 (80.26%) Urban 4 5 Crop residue 1,302 Urban 3 Firewood Total Urban 2 Number and percentage of households by Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 122 by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011 No cooking Total/ Rural/ Urban 14 3 availability of fuel used for cooking Kerosene 9 LPG/ PNG 10 174 (13.36%) Electricity 11 7 (0.54%) 37 (2.84%) Bio-gas Any other 12 3 (0.23%) 13 1 (0.08%) 17 (1.31%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 174 (13.36%) 7 (0.54%) 37 (2.84%) 3 (0.23%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0%) Rural 16 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 11 (0%) Total 16 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 11 (0%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 12 (0%) Total 38 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 12 (0%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 70 (9.4%) 2 (0.27%) 3 (0.4%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 16 (2.15%) Total 70 (9.4%) 2 (0.27%) 3 (0.4%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 16 (2.15%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 29 (2.92%) 18 (1.81%) 2 (0.2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 18 (1.81%) 2 (0.2%) 0 (0%) 311 (15.58%) 1,079 (54.06%) 13 (0.65%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.05%) 108 (5.41%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 311 (15.58%) 1,079 (54.06%) 13 (0.65%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.05%) 183 (15.1%) 70 (5.78%) 38 (3.14%) 2 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.83%) Total 183 (15.1%) 70 (5.78%) 38 (3.14%) 2 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.83%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 7 (0.39%) 1 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural Sub-District - Kadmat (3158705624) 23 (2.31%) Urban Sub-District - Kavaratti (3158705625) 108 (5.41%) Urban Sub-District - Agatti (3158705626) 0 (0%) Urban 24 (1.35%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 86 (4.83%) 4 (0.22%) 7 (0.39%) 1 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 24 (1.35%) Urban 136 (15.85%) 33 (3.85%) 3 (0.35%) 8 (0.93%) 0 (0%) 13 (1.52%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 0 (0%) Rural 136 (15.85%) 33 (3.85%) 3 (0.35%) 8 (0.93%) 0 (0%) 13 (1.52%) Urban 257 (20.54%) 555 (44.36%) 11 (0.88%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 34 (2.72%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 257 (20.54%) 555 (44.36%) 11 (0.88%) 1 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 1,470 (13.73%) 1,779 (16.62%) 131 (1.22%) 18 (0.17%) 2 (0.02%) 307 (12.17%) 72 (2.85%) 42 (1.66%) 3 (0.12%) 0 (0%) 1,163 (14.22%) 1,707 (20.87%) 89 (1.09%) 15 (0.18%) 2 (0.02%) 123 Sub-District - Kiltan (3158705623) 0 (0%) Urban 23 (2.31%) Total 29 (2.92%) 4 (0.22%) Sub-District - Chetlat (3158705622) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) 0 (0%) Urban 199 (20.02%) 86 (4.83%) 2 Sub-District - Amini (3158705620) 17 (1.31%) Urban 38 (0%) 199 (20.02%) Name of Sub-District Sub-District - Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District - Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District - Minicoy (3158705629) 34 (2.72%) Urban 268 (2.5%) Total 49 (1.94%) Rural 219 (2.68%) Urban District - Lakshadweep (31587) Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and Sl. No. Name of SubDistrict 1 2 1 Sub-District Amini (3158705620) 2 Total/ Total Total number of Rural/ number of households availing Urban household banking services s 3 Total Rural Urban Sub-District - Bitra Total (3158705621) Rural Urban 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 1,302 Radio/ Transistor 6 1,032 (79.26%) Television 7 184 (14.13%) 816 (62.67%) Number and percentage of households Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptopWith Internet Without Internet 8 9 35 (2.69%) 94 (7.22%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,302 1,032 (79.26%) 184 (14.13%) 816 (62.67%) 35 (2.69%) 94 (7.22%) 67 62 (92.54%) 11 (16.42%) 22 (32.84%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.49%) 67 62 (92.54%) 11 (16.42%) 22 (32.84%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.49%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Chetlat (3158705622) Total 499 430 (86.17%) 79 (15.83%) 245 (49.1%) 4 (0.8%) 28 (5.61%) Rural 499 430 (86.17%) 79 (15.83%) 245 (49.1%) 4 (0.8%) 28 (5.61%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Kiltan (3158705623) Total 745 659 (88.46%) 160 (21.48%) 344 (46.17%) 2 (0.27%) 15 (2.01%) Rural 745 659 (88.46%) 160 (21.48%) 344 (46.17%) 2 (0.27%) 15 (2.01%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Kadmat (3158705624) Total 994 848 (85.31%) 179 (18.01%) 627 (63.08%) 27 (2.72%) 74 (7.44%) Sub-District Kavaratti (3158705625) Urban Urban Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 994 848 (85.31%) 179 (18.01%) 627 (63.08%) 27 (2.72%) 74 (7.44%) Total 1,996 1,773 (88.83%) 444 (22.24%) 1,408 (70.54%) 85 (4.26%) 270 (13.53%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,996 1,773 (88.83%) 444 (22.24%) 1,408 (70.54%) 85 (4.26%) 270 (13.53%) Sub-District Agatti (3158705626) Total 1,212 1,035 (85.4%) 161 (13.28%) 751 (61.96%) 24 (1.98%) 117 (9.65%) Rural 1,212 1,035 (85.4%) 161 (13.28%) 751 (61.96%) 24 (1.98%) 117 (9.65%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Andrott (3158705627) Total 1,779 1,460 (82.07%) 311 (17.48%) 964 (54.19%) 33 (1.85%) 260 (14.61%) Sub-District Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District Minicoy (3158705629) District Lakshadweep (31587) Urban Urban Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,779 1,460 (82.07%) 311 (17.48%) 964 (54.19%) 33 (1.85%) 260 (14.61%) Total 858 711 (82.87%) 325 (37.88%) 585 (68.18%) 23 (2.68%) 70 (8.16%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 858 711 (82.87%) 325 (37.88%) 585 (68.18%) 23 (2.68%) 70 (8.16%) Total 1,251 1,117 (89.29%) 311 (24.86%) 1,093 (87.37%) 94 (7.51%) 245 (19.58%) Rural 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,251 1,117 (89.29%) 311 (24.86%) 1,093 (87.37%) 94 (7.51%) 245 (19.58%) Total 10,703 9,127 (85.28%) 2,165 (20.23%) 6,855 (64.05%) 327 (3.06%) 1,174 (10.97%) Rural 2,523 2,186 (86.64%) 411 (16.29%) 1,362 (53.98%) 30 (1.19%) 161 (6.38%) Urban 8,180 6,941 (84.85%) 1,754 (21.44%) 5,493 (67.15%) 297 (3.63%) 1,013 (12.38%) Urban Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 124 number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011 None of the specified asset Total/ Rural/ Urban 16 3 having each of the following specified assets Land line Telephone 10 Mobile Telephone 11 136 (10.45%) Both Land line and MobileTelephone 12 598 (45.93%) Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Cycle/ Moped 13 406 (31.18%) 14 1,087 (83.49%) Car/ Jeep/ Van 15 327 (25.12%) 19 (1.46%) 34 (2.61%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 136 (10.45%) 598 (45.93%) 406 (31.18%) 1,087 (83.49%) 327 (25.12%) 19 (1.46%) 34 (2.61%) Urban 0 (0%) Rural 2 (2.99%) 43 (64.18%) 15 (22.39%) 2 (2.99%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.49%) 6 (8.96%) Total 2 (2.99%) 43 (64.18%) 15 (22.39%) 2 (2.99%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.49%) 6 (8.96%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 20 (4.01%) 243 (48.7%) 191 (38.28%) 325 (65.13%) 97 (19.44%) 14 (2.81%) 36 (7.21%) Total 20 (4.01%) 243 (48.7%) 191 (38.28%) 325 (65.13%) 97 (19.44%) 14 (2.81%) 36 (7.21%) Rural 2 Sub-District Amini (3158705620) Sub-District - Bitra (3158705621) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 45 (6.04%) 456 (61.21%) 164 (22.01%) 591 (79.33%) 174 (23.36%) 7 (0.94%) 28 (3.76%) Total 45 (6.04%) 456 (61.21%) 164 (22.01%) 591 (79.33%) 174 (23.36%) 7 (0.94%) 28 (3.76%) Rural 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 89 (8.95%) 467 (46.98%) 360 (36.22%) 896 (90.14%) 310 (31.19%) 9 (0.91%) 20 (2.01%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 89 (8.95%) 467 (46.98%) 360 (36.22%) 896 (90.14%) 310 (31.19%) 9 (0.91%) 20 (2.01%) Urban 58 (2.91%) 1,243 (62.27%) 640 (32.06%) 1,707 (85.52%) 988 (49.5%) 79 (3.96%) 14 (0.7%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 0 (0%) Urban 58 (2.91%) 1,243 (62.27%) 640 (32.06%) 1,707 (85.52%) 988 (49.5%) 79 (3.96%) 14 (0.7%) Urban 106 (8.75%) 654 (53.96%) 412 (33.99%) 1,034 (85.31%) 460 (37.95%) 32 (2.64%) 9 (0.74%) Total 106 (8.75%) 654 (53.96%) 412 (33.99%) 1,034 (85.31%) 460 (37.95%) 32 (2.64%) 9 (0.74%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 197 (11.07%) 726 (40.81%) 729 (40.98%) 1,564 (87.91%) 679 (38.17%) 36 (2.02%) 22 (1.24%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 197 (11.07%) 726 (40.81%) 729 (40.98%) 1,564 (87.91%) 679 (38.17%) 36 (2.02%) 22 (1.24%) Urban 81 (9.44%) 268 (31.24%) 462 (53.85%) 792 (92.31%) 342 (39.86%) 13 (1.52%) 17 (1.98%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 0 (0%) Urban 81 (9.44%) 268 (31.24%) 462 (53.85%) 792 (92.31%) 342 (39.86%) 13 (1.52%) 17 (1.98%) Urban 136 (10.87%) 279 (22.3%) 797 (63.71%) 1,029 (82.25%) 732 (58.51%) 35 (2.8%) 16 (1.28%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 136 (10.87%) 279 (22.3%) 797 (63.71%) 1,029 (82.25%) 732 (58.51%) 35 (2.8%) 870 (8.13%) 4,977 (46.5%) 4,176 (39.02%) 9,027 (84.34%) 4,109 (38.39%) 245 (2.29%) 202 (1.89%) Total 173 (6.86%) 1,396 (55.33%) 782 (30.99%) 1,952 (77.37%) 731 (28.97%) 54 (2.14%) 79 (3.13%) Rural 697 (8.52%) 3,581 (43.78%) 3,394 (41.49%) 7,075 (86.49%) 3,378 (41.3%) 191 (2.33%) 123 (1.5%) Urban 125 Name of SubDistrict 16 (1.28%) Urban Sub-District Chetlat (3158705622) Sub-District Kiltan (3158705623) Sub-District Kadmat (3158705624) Sub-District Kavaratti (3158705625) Sub-District Agatti (3158705626) Sub-District Andrott (3158705627) Sub-District Kalpeni (3158705628) Sub-District Minicoy (3158705629) District Lakshadweep (31587) ORGI-LAKSHADWEEP English - 2011 Directorate of Census Operations, Lakshadweep UT Ministry of Home Affairs, UT of Lakshadweep Baithul Haram Building, Churiyanoda, Near Light House, Kavaratti Island – 682555 Email: [email protected] Website:
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