full text - NWT Protected Area Strategy
full text - NWT Protected Area Strategy
NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1), Acasta Gneiss Candidate Protected Area, Northwest Territories, Canada Carolyn Relf and John Ketchum Recommended Citation: Relf, C. and Ketchum, J., 2008. Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1), Acasta Gneiss Candidate Protected Area, Northwest Territories, Canada; Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, NWT Open File 2008-05, 26 p. >>> NORTHWEST TERRITORIES GEOSCIENCE OFFICE PO Box 1500, 4601-B 52 Avenue, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R3 Northwest Territories Geoscience Office 4601-B 52 Avenue P.O. Box 1500 Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2R3 Canada 867-669-2636 www.nwtgeoscience.ca This publication may be obtained from the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office (see address, phone number, and website above). © Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 Background ................................................................................................................................. 3 Terms of Reference ..................................................................................................................... 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING ........................................................................................ 4 GEOLOGY OF THE ACASTA GNEISS ...................................................................................... 7 MINERAL POTENTIAL OF THE ACASTA GNEISS SITE ..................................................... 11 Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide ............................................................................................... 13 Vein-Hosted Lode Gold ............................................................................................................ 13 Banded Iron Formation Gold .................................................................................................... 14 Magmatic Sulphides.................................................................................................................. 15 Kimberlite-Hosted Diamonds ................................................................................................... 16 Quarrystone For Lapidary Purposes ......................................................................................... 16 Summary Of Mineral Potential ................................................................................................. 17 SCIENTIFIC VALUE OF ACASTA GNEISS ............................................................................ 17 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHASE 2 NRA ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERABLES ........... 19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... 21 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 22 NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 1 NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Earth’s oldest rocks, the Acasta gneisses, are exposed along the Acasta River about 150 km northeast of the community of Gamèti in Wek’eezhii (Tlicho Settlement Area), Northwest Territories. The site is recognized as a unique window into Earth’s early history as rocks at this locality have yielded ages of greater than 4 billion years old. The Acasta gneisses are a finite resource with significant scientific and cultural value. For this reason, the area is being considered for protection under the NWT Protected Areas Strategy. As part of the process for protection, a candidate protected area’s values (minerals, energy, socioeconomic, etc.) are assessed. This report presents the results of a Phase 1 Non-renewable Resource Assessment of the Acasta gneisses. The information presented is based on existing data, and the scope of the report includes an evaluation of the site’s mineral potential, its value to the public, and its scientific value. Based on available data, the potential for the site to host significant mineral deposits ranges from Very Low to Moderate. The two highest-ranked deposit types are kimberlite-hosted diamonds (assigned a ranking of Moderate) and copper-nickel-platinum group metals hosted in mafic (ironand magnesium-rich) rocks (assigned a ranking of Low to Moderate). In both cases, our confidence for these rankings is very low, as little information is publicly available to inform our assessment. The report recommends some specific low-impact work that could be undertaken to increase the level of certainty for the mineral potential rankings of these two deposit types. While its value to the public is not easily quantified, we note that the NWT Geoscience Office receives numerous requests each year to provide samples of Acasta gneiss to schools, museums, and individuals from around the world. In addition, media interest over the years attests to the public’s ongoing interest in these rocks. Geologists consider the scientific value of the Acasta gneisses to be very high. This is based both on the rarity of rocks of this age, and the potential for research to provide insights on planetary evolution and the earliest tectonic processes on Earth. New analytical methods could one day allow the Acasta gneisses to contribute to major advances in understanding early Earth processes. In conclusion, it is felt that the scientific value of the Acasta gneisses warrants continued work toward protection of the site. It is recommended that further work be undertaken to delineate a footprint that will preserve the scientific integrity of the site and allow for rock sampling in a manner that does not adversely impact the landscape. The footprint could be fairly small and would not significantly impact regional land access for other purposes such as mineral exploration. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 2 INTRODUCTION Background The ca. 4.0 Ga Acasta gneisses, located on a series of islands and adjacent mainland along the Acasta River on NTS map sheet 86G/04 (approximate coordinates 65° 10’N, 115° 34’ W), represent the oldest known intact fragment of continental crust on Earth (Bowring et al., 1989a; Bowring and Housh, 1995; Bleeker and Stern, 1997; Iizuka et al., 2006, 2007). Attention was first drawn to these rocks when Bowring et al. (1989a) published their landmark paper on the ca. 3.96 Ga U-Pb age of zircons from the site. Since then, a number of research teams have visited and sampled the rocks and refined the radiometric age data. Recently, Iizuka et al. (2006) published the first, albeit indirect, evidence for even older, ca. 4.2 Ga crust in this region. The Acasta gneiss site represents a unique and finite scientific resource, and also highlights the geology of the NWT, and specifically Wek'eezhii (Tlicho Settlement Area) from a tourist and cultural perspective. In addition, public interest in owning a piece of the Earth’s oldest rocks has sustained modest businesses selling pieces for souvenirs (e.g., http://rockofagesnwt.com/). The NWT Geoscience Office (NTGO) has proposed to the NWT Protected Areas Strategy (PAS) Secretariat that the site be considered for protection under the PAS, in order to preserve the rocks for research and cultural interests. While a specific mechanism for protection (e.g. territorial park, national historic site, UNESCO Geo-Park) has not been identified, some progress has been made. Currently the site is designated as a Scientific Reserve. This status does not encroach on mineral claim rights, nor does NTGO have any enforceable authority for limiting access to the site. The PAS Secretariat has included the Acasta gneiss site on its list of candidate protected areas. As part of the PAS process, a candidate protected area’s mineral, energy, ecological, cultural, and socio-economic values are assessed in order to support an informed decision regarding land use priorities. This report presents findings from the first of two phases of a Non-renewable Resources Assessment (NRA) of the Acasta gneiss site. The report describes regional and local geology, and undertakes an evaluation of both the mineral potential and the potential scientific value of the rocks. Terms of Reference Phase 1 NRAs are typically a qualitative assessment of an area’s mineral and hydrocarbon potential, and are based on existing data. They include an analysis of knowledge gaps and recommendations for further work to address these gaps. Phase 2 assessments are based on the follow-up field and laboratory work defined in the Phase 1 assessment. While the assessment of resource potential may still not be entirely quantitative, the level of confidence that the assessment is accurate is higher for a Phase 2 NRA as a result of the targeted assessment work undertaken. Notwithstanding the greater certainty, the conclusions drawn in a Phase 2 NRA can NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 3 change if further studies highlight new mineral deposit types or geologic features not previously considered. To illustrate with an example, an assessment of the mineral potential of the central Slave Province carried out 20 years ago would likely have deemed the area to have low economic mineral potential, as diamonds would not have been considered in the study. The discovery of diamonds in this area in 1991 would have rendered such an assessment incorrect. Currently, all areas underlain by the Slave craton are considered potentially prospective for diamonds. In the case of the Acasta NRA, hydrocarbon potential has not been considered, as the study area lies entirely within the Canadian Shield, and therefore oil and gas potential is held to be very low. The scope of the mineral resource assessment was expanded to consider not only the potential value of metallic and gem minerals associated with rocks in this setting, but also the potential value of the rocks themselves as a scientific resource. The ranking system follows that used for other NRAs undertaken in support of the NWT Protected Areas Strategy. Rankings are presented for both mineral (rock) potential and level of confidence. Potential Rankings comprise 8 values; these are A through H, corresponding to very high to not assessed. Confident Rankings have 4 values; 1 through 4, corresponding to highest to lowest level of confidence. REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Slave Geological Province (also termed Slave craton) is an Archean granite-greenstoneturbidite terrane in the northwestern Canadian Shield (Figure 1). The region has been the subject of numerous geological mapping campaigns and more detailed field- and laboratory-based studies mainly since the 1940s, but despite this effort, parts of the province remain poorly understood in terms of geological history and mineral potential. The description that follows is drawn largely from this previous work. Supracrustal rocks are relatively abundant in the Slave Province and consist predominantly of ca. 2.72 to 2.66 Ga metavolcanic rocks, interfingered with and overlain by much larger volumes of metaturbidite. A younger (<ca. 2.59 Ga) sequence of clastic sedimentary rocks, comprising mainly conglomerates and arenites, occurs locally within narrow, isolated fault-bounded basins. Collectively the supracrustal rocks have been designated the Yellowknife Supergroup (Henderson, 1970). Plutonic rocks include syn-volcanic mafic to felsic dykes, sills and small plutons spatially associated with the volcanic belts; a ca. 2.63-2.61 tonalite-trondhjemitegranodiorite suite; and widespread, ca. 2.60-2.58 Ga peraluminous granites. The tonalitetrondhjemite-granodiorite suite was emplaced during shortening and crustal thickening, which culminated in regional high-temperature/low pressure metamorphism. Geochronologic data coupled with metamorphic pressure-temperature studies mainly record peak metamorphism between ca. 2.59 and 2.56 Ga at upper to mid-crustal levels. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 4 Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Slave Province, NWT. The Acasta gneisses are found within a larger gneiss complex located near the western edge of the province. Figure modified from Bleeker et al. (1999b). NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 5 Pre-Yellowknife Supergroup (> 2.85 Ga) rocks of the Slave Province consist mainly of foliated to gneissic granodiorite and tonalite, and are exposed in several places in the western part of the province. Pb and Nd isotopic data (Thorpe et al., 1992, and Davis and Hegner, 1992, respectively) suggest that these old rocks underlie most of the central and western part of the craton (Figure 2). Locally, occurrences of fuchsitic quartzite, iron formation, and minor rhyolite were recognized adjacent to these ‘basement’ gneisses by early mappers (e.g. Easton et al., 1982), although few appeared on regional geological maps as the units are generally too thin to be represented at this scale. Kusky (1989) referred to the area underlain by these old rocks as the Anton terrane and suggested that they represent the remnants of an ancient micro-continent against which the Yellowknife Supergroup was accreted. Bleeker et al. (1999a, b) studied the basement gneisses in more detail, demonstrating that they could be traced continuously through a series of anti- and synclinoria that underlie the Yellowknife Supergroup in the central and western parts of the Slave craton. In addition, they delineated the quartzite-bearing supracrustal package as a semi-continuous cover sequence sitting unconformably on these gneisses. Most exposures of the basement-cover contact were subsequently deformed during later tectonism, obscuring the original unconformable relationship. The quartzite-bearing cover package was considered by Bleeker et al. (1999a) as the lowest unit of the Yellowknife Supergroup. Bleeker et al. (1999a) proposed the terms Central Slave Basement Complex for the basement gneisses, and Central Slave Cover Group for its associated supracrustal package. Rocks of the Central Slave Basement Complex represent a protracted record of Earth history. They range in age from 4.03 Ga to 2.85 Ga, and limited petrologic and geochronologic studies suggest that their formation was punctuated by a number of regionally-extensive but poorlyunderstood thermal/magmatic events (Davis and Bleeker, 1999). The oldest known phases of the basement complex, located along the Acasta River in the westernmost Slave Province, have garnered the most attention as they represent the oldest rocks currently known on Earth. The margins of the Slave Province are marked by younger orogenic belts and sedimentary basins. To the west is the 1.94-1.86 Ga Wopmay orogen (Bowring and van Schmus, 1984; Hoffman, 1989), formed during the collision and accretion of Paleoproterozoic arc rocks to the western rifted margin of the Slave craton. Slave basement and cover rocks are known to occur beneath Proterozoic cover as far west as the Wopmay fault zone (Bowring and Podosek, 1989; St-Onge et al., 1991; Bleeker et al., 2000). The eastern border of the Slave craton is marked by the 2.02- 1.91 Ma Thelon Tectonic Zone, a deformed plutonic and metamorphic complex that developed during collision with the adjacent Churchill Province (Hoffman, 1989). This collision resulted in flexure of the Slave Province lithosphere, forming the Kilohigok Basin in the northern part of the Slave Province and the Athapuscow Basin in the east arm of Great Slave Lake (Grotzinger and McCormick, 1988; Hoffman, 1989). To the south, the Slave Province is truncated by the 1.98-1.92 Ga Great Slave Lake shear zone. The northern and southern extensions of the craton are covered by Mesoproterozoic and Phanerozoic rocks, respectively. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 6 GEOLOGY OF THE ACASTA GNEISS There are surprisingly few published descriptions of the detailed geology of the Acasta River area despite almost two decades of knowledge that Earth’s oldest rocks occur in this region. Emphasis has been placed instead on isotopic analysis of whole rock samples and selected minerals (e.g., zircon, apatite, feldspar) extracted from these samples. Most workers describe the Acasta River area (Fig. 2) as being underlain by a heterogeneous assemblage of foliated and gneissic tonalite, granodiorite, and amphibolite. Lesser volumes of gabbro, diorite, and ultramafic rocks commonly occur as xenoliths within the granitoid gneisses (e.g., King, 1986; Bowring et al., 1989b; Stern and Bleeker, 1998; Iizuka et al., 2007). These rocks are cut by several generations of younger granitoid veins and dykes that range from foliated to massive. Post-Archean lithologies in the area include small sedimentary outliers of the Paleoproterozoic Epworth Group, and Mesoproterozoic diabase dykes of the 1.27 Ga Mackenzie swarm (e.g., Bowring and Housh, 1995). The Acasta gneisses are part of a much larger basement exposure termed the Acasta Gneiss Complex (AGC; King, 1985). In detail, this complex consists of a series of north-trending antiformal culminations separated by narrow synformal saddles. Bowring and Housh (1995) described the eastern portion of the complex as being dominated by pink, foliated to massive granite with xenoliths of amphibolitic to granitic gneiss. The number and size of xenoliths increases noticeably toward the west. On the western side of the complex, the Archean rocks are predominantly banded gneisses of tonalitic to granitic composition that are intruded by sheets of foliated granite (e.g., Iizuka et al., 2006, 2007). Immediately overlying the AGC to the west and south is a thin, discontinuous package of quartzite, quartz pebble conglomerate, and minor banded iron formation, which is in turn overlain by deformed mafic volcanic rocks. King (1986) and St-Onge et al. (1991) assigned these supracrustal rocks to the Paleoproterozoic Epworth Group, a claim which Bleeker et al. (2000) have disputed. The latter authors instead assign these supracrustal rocks to the Yellowknife Supergroup, with the quartzite-banded iron formation package forming the westernmost occurrence of the Central Slave Cover Group. This claim is supported by the apparent absence of Proterozoic detrital zircons in a quartzite sample from the western edge of the basement domain (Bleeker et al., 2000; Sircombe et al., 2001), and an unpublished, ca. 2.7 Ga zircon age from the overlying mafic volcanic package (Davis and Bleeker, pers. comm., 2005). An important implication of this finding is that turbiditic metasedimentary rocks immediately south and west of the quartzite-mafic volcanic packages may also be Archean. Bleeker et al. (2000) suggested that Archean rocks may extend as far west as the Wopmay fault zone in this region, a conclusion that was also suggested in part by St-Onge et al. (1991). An additional implication is that the north-trending folds of the AGC may also be Archean (Bleeker et al., 2000), in contrast to earlier suggestions that these folds were generated during Calderian (Wopmay) orogenesis (King, 1986; St-Onge et al., 1991). NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 7 Figure 2. Simplified geology map of the Acasta gneiss region, modified from Iizuka et al. (2006). Black dots indicate location of some U-Pb geochronology sample sites, with numbers keyed to published U-Pb data summarized in Table 1. “Discovery Island” is located at 65° 10’N, 115° 34’ W. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 8 The most detailed published map of the area of 4.0 Ga Acasta gneisses is that of Iizuka et al. (2007). These workers portray the area in terms of two principal rock associations – ‘layered gneiss’ cut by foliated granite sheets in the west, and ‘tonalitic-granitic gneiss’ with large enclaves or intrusive bodies of dioritic gneiss in the east (Fig. 2). A two- or three-part lithological subdivision of the map area is also supported by Bowring and Housh (1995) and Bowring and Williams (1999), who published less detailed geological maps. U-Pb geochronological data from the AGC have been obtained by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP), and laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) methods. Published ages based on zircon and apatite dating are presented in Table 1 with some sample locations shown in Figure 2. Apart from detailed work in the area of the original discovery site, there has been relatively little work to determine the regional extent of ~4.0 Ga crust. A geochronological investigation by Ketchum and Bleeker (unpublished data) of Slave basement rocks located 40 km southeast of the AGC in the Grant Lake area yielded U-Pb zircon ages no greater than ca. 3.3 Ga. Similar results were obtained by these workers from a detailed study of gneissic basement rocks exposed both at and southwest of Point Lake, 80-100 km east of the AGC. Hence, it would be desirable to investigate the age of similar gneissic rocks at locations between these study areas, preferably by working outward from the region of known 4.0 Ga occurrences. Recent work by Iizuka et al. (2006) has pushed back the age of the oldest zircon contained in the Acasta gneisses to ca. 4.2 Ga, which represents a significant and exciting new finding. The 4.2 Ga portion of the dated zircon is interpreted as a xenocryst, meaning that a younger magma entrained this zircon from an older source rock. We note however, based on our own field observations and subsequent correspondence with Iizuka, that this age comes from a sampled boulder along the shore of the Acasta River which cannot be linked to a nearby outcrop source. Despite this, the boulder more than likely represents an Acasta gneiss sample, and therefore the scientific finding is not invalid. It remains possible that with additional U-Pb dating, the older source rock could one day be discovered at the surface in the Acasta region. The Acasta area was mildly to moderately overprinted during thermal and tectonic events associated with the Paleoproterozoic Wopmay orogen. Some brittle structures and shear zones in the region are likely associated with Paleoproterozoic compressional tectonism, and both published and unpublished data from zircon, apatite, titanite, and whole rock samples indicate that some new mineral growth and/or isotopic resetting also occurred at this time (see Table 1). NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 9 Table 1. U-Pb age data for the Acasta gneiss region. notes: 1. Detrital ages are for grains <±0.5% discordant (conventional) or >95 to <105% concordant (SHRIMP) 2. Age (mineral): z - zircon; a - apatite 3. Type: C - conventional TIMS analysis; S - SHRIMP analysis; LA - laser ablation ICPMS analysis No. Sample Locality Age (mineral) Type Significance Reference 1 tonalite gneiss AGC 4189±46 (z) S inherited core (1 anal.) Iizuka et al. 2006 2 leucocratic quartzofeldspathic gneiss AGC 4114±25 (z) S protolith age Sano et al. 1999 3 tonalite gneiss AGC 4065±8 (z) S age of inherited component Bowring & Williams 1999 4 granodiorite gneiss AGC 4031±3 (z) S protolith age Bowring & Williams 1999 5 tonalite gneiss AGC 4025±18 (z) S protolith age Stern & Bleeker 1998 6 tonalite gneiss AGC 4012±6 (z) S protolith age Bowring & Williams 1999 7 tonalite gneiss AGC 4002±4 (z) S protolith age Bowring & Williams 1999 8 tonalite gneiss AGC 3974±26 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 9 amphibolitic-tonalitic gneiss AGC 3964±4 (z) S protolith age Bowring et al. 1989a 10 leucocratic granitic gneiss AGC 3958±8 (z) S protolith age Bowring et al. 1989a 11 tonalite gneiss AGC 3958±40 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 12 granite gneiss AGC 3941±43 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 13 quartz diorite gneiss AGC 3931±34 (z) LA minimum protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 14 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 3775±40 (z) S oldest detrital zircon age (1 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 15 tonalite gneiss AGC 3758±5 (z) S zircon recrystallization Bowring & Williams 1999 16 tonalite gneiss AGC ca. 3750 (z) S Pb loss from zircon Bowring & Williams 1999 17 granodiorite gneiss AGC 3744±41 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 18 tonalite gneiss AGC ca. 3730 (z) S metamorphism Bowring & Williams 1999 19 granite gneiss AGC 3728±40 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 20 quartz diorite gneiss AGC 3691±36 (z) LA metamorphism, anatexis Iizuka et al. (2007) 21 granite gneiss AGC 3689±61 (z) LA metamorphism, anatexis Iizuka et al. (2007) 22 granodiorite gneiss AGC 3680±31 (z) S zircon recrystallization or overgrowth age Bowring & Williams 1999 23 tonalite gneiss AGC 3663±42 (z) LA metamorphism, anatexis Iizuka et al. (2007) 24 tonalite gneiss AGC 3661±47 (z) LA minimum protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 25 amphibolitic-tonalitic gneiss AGC 3621±6 (z) S zircon recrystallization or growth age Bowring et al. 1989a 26 tonalite dyke AGC 3618±21 (z) S protolith age Bleeker & Stern 1997 27 tonalite gneiss AGC 3611±11 (z) S metamorphic zircon overgrowth age Bowring & Williams 1999 28 pegmatite AGC 3589±30 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 29 granite gneiss AGC 3586±26 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 30 granite gneiss AGC 3585±70 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 31 foliated granite AGC 3584±26 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 32 foliated granite AGC 3546±60 (z) LA protolith age Iizuka et al. (2007) 33 dioritic banded gneiss AGC 3509±19 (z) S metamorphism Bleeker & Stern 1997 34 tonalitic gneiss AGC 3480±8 (z) C ? Bowring et al. 1989b 35 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 3410±6 (z) S detrital zircon model age (7 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 36 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 3401±13 (z) S detrital zircon model age (6 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 37 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 3393±9 (z) S detrital zircon model age (6 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 38 dioritic banded gneiss AGC 3382±8 (z) S leucosome development Bleeker & Stern 1997 39 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 3379±10 (z) S detrital zircon model age (3 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 40 tonalite gneiss AGC 3360 (z) S metamorphism, anatexis Bleeker & Stern 1997 41 tonalite gneiss AGC 3356±14 (z) S metamorphism/leucosome growth Stern & Bleeker 1998 42 granite sheet AGC 3348+43/-34 (z) S protolith age Bleeker & Stern 1997 43 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 2898±7 (z) S detrital zircon model age (6 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 44 granite sheet AGC 2877±3 (z) S protolith age Bleeker & Stern 1997, unpubl. 45 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 2875±4 (z) S detrital zircon model age (4 anal.) Sircombe et al. 2001 46 CSCG quartzite western margin AGC 2823±11 (z) S detrital zircon age (1 anal.); max. deposition age Sircombe et al. 2001 47 leucocratic quartzofeldspathic gneiss AGC 1967±93 (z) S Pb loss from zircon Sano et al. 1999 48 leucocratic quartzofeldspathic gneiss AGC 1936±28 (a) S apatite growth or cooling age Sano et al. 1999 49 tonalite gneiss AGC ca. 1700 (z) S Pb loss from zircon Bowring & Williams 1999 50 tonalite gneiss AGC ca. 1000 (z) S Pb loss from zircon Bowring & Williams 1999 NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 10 MINERAL POTENTIAL OF THE ACASTA GNEISS SITE Following NTGO’s Non-renewable Resource Assessment methodology, mineral potential is assigned one of seven rankings (Rank A through G), corresponding to very high through very low probability of undiscovered deposits, respectively. An eighth ranking (Rank H) corresponds to mineral potential that is unknown or beyond the scope of the assessment. Each mineral potential ranking is also assigned a confidence ranking (Rank 1 through 4) which represents the level of confidence of the assessment by linking it to the amount and quality of reliable information upon which the potential ranking was based. An NRA value of A1 represents the highest probability that undiscovered mineral deposits exist in the study area and has the highest level of certainty based on abundant, reliable information. A value of F3 indicates that while the probably of undiscovered deposits is considered low, the assessment is based on limited information, and therefore may be incorrect. It is unlikely that further work would change the ranking in the former example, whereas additional data would increase the confidence ranking, and possibly change the potential ranking, for the latter example. Little is known about the metallic and non-metallic mineral potential of the Acasta gneisses as research has mainly focused on petrology and isotopic data collection, and little exploration work has been reported for this area. In this section, we compare the general geologic setting of the Acasta gneisses with the settings of mineral deposit types commonly associated with Archean terranes, focusing primarily on deposit types found in the Slave Province. The mineral deposit types examined are: • volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS); • vein-hosted lode gold; • banded iron formation-hosted gold (BIF gold); • magmatic sulphides (nickel-copper-platinum group elements); and • kimberlite-hosted diamonds. In addition, because the Acasta gneisses are highly unique and therefore possesses an intrinsic value both in raw and processed forms, we also discuss its potential as a quarrystone for (mainly) lapidary purposes. Descriptions of the mineral potential and confidence rankings for each of the deposit types above are presented below and summarized in Table 2. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 11 Table 2. Summary of Mineral Potential Rankings. CONFIDENCE RANKING POTENTIAL RANKING Rank 1 (abundant reliable information) Rank 2 (moderate amount of information) Rank 3 (some information) Rank 4 (little and/or unreliable information Rank A: Very High Quarrystone for lapidary purposes Rank B: High Rank C: Moderate to High Rank D: Moderate Diamonds Rank E: Low to Moderate Magmatic sulphides Rank F: Low Rank G: Very Low Vein-hosted gold VMS, BIF gold Rank H: Not Assessed Description of Potential Rankings: Rank A: Geologic environment is favourable; significant deposits/accumulations are known; presence of undiscovered deposits/accumulations is very likely Rank B: Geologic environment is favourable; occurrences are present but significant deposits/accumulations may not be known; presence of undiscovered deposits/accumulations is likely Rank C: Intermediate between moderate (Rank D) and high (Rank B) potential Rank D: Geological environment is favourable; occurrences may or may not be known; presence of undiscovered deposits/accumulations is possible Rank E: Intermediate between low (Rank F) and moderate (Rank D) potential Rank F: Some of the aspects of the geologic environment may be favourable but are limited in extent; few if any occurrences are known; low probability that undiscovered deposits/accumulations are present Rank G: Geologic environment is unfavourable; no occurrences are known; very low probability that undiscovered deposits/accumulations are present Rank H: Deposit types unknown, overlooked, beyond the scope of the assessment, or not worth mentioning at the time the assessment was done NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 12 Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) base metal deposits comprise massive to disseminated sulphides hosted within subaqueous to shallow marine volcanic sequences, and include a number of world-class deposits of Archean age. Examples include the Kidd Creek Deposit in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Ontario, and Hackett River in the Slave Province, Nunavut. Models for the formation of this deposit type propose a sub-volcanic intrusion as the thermal driver for fluid circulation (Franklin, 1996; Hannington et al., 1999), and require interaction between magmatic fluids and sea water to dissolve, transport and precipitate metal-bearing sulphides in the overlying volcanic pile (e.g. Whalen et al., 2004). No volcanic rocks have been reported from the Acasta gneiss site. Further, there is no evidence to suggest that any phases of the gneiss represent the plutonic root of an eroded Mesoarchean volcanic carapace. Even if such evidence existed, in the absence of the overlying volcanic section, the potential for VMS-type mineralization is ranked as very low. This ranking is assigned a high level of confidence. Vein-hosted Lode Gold A number of settings for vein-hosted lode gold deposits have been documented in the Slave Province, including shear zone-hosted quartz-carbonate veins in mafic volcanic rocks, saddle reef-type sediment-hosted quartz veins, and quartz veins in sheared granitoid rocks. All of these fall into the larger orogenic gold deposit model. The first setting includes the Con and Giant deposits near Yellowknife, and the Boston, Doris, and Madrid deposits in the Hope Bay Greenstone Belt in the northeastern (Nunavut) part of the Slave craton. Con and Giant mines collectively yielded over 13 million ounces of gold over 60+ years of production, contributing over $4 billion to the NWT’s gross domestic product (Bullen and Robb, 2006). Statistics on Giant Mine record nearly 30,000 person-years of direct and indirect employment between 1948 and 1998. The resource contained in the Hope Bay Belt is approximately 9 million ounces of gold (http://www.miramarmining.com/s/HopeBayProject.asp), and the property is currently in the early development stage. Within the Slave Province, gold-bearing vein systems hosted in metasedimentary rocks include the past-producing Discovery Mine and numerous showings in the Yellowknife basin near Gordon Lake. Discovery Mine produced 1 million ounces of gold between 1949 and 1969 (Bullen and Robb, 2006), and recent exploration and feasibility work by Tyhee Development Corporation has defined a further resource of over 1 million ounces measured and indicated (combined Ormsby and Nicholas Lake deposits; http://www.tyhee.com/projects/resources.php). A third setting for vein-hosted gold in the Slave Province is in sheared plutonic and metaigneous rocks such as the Arcadia Bay gold deposit within the Anialik River Igneous Complex in the northwestern Slave Province (Abraham, 1989). Exploration reports (e.g. Jones et al., 1989) NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 13 suggest the bulk of the gold there is contained in northeast-striking quartz veins that are associated with a similarly-oriented shear zone. Abraham et al. (1994) carried out geochemical and isotopic studies of the shear zone and concluded that shearing and gold deposition occurred at or before ca. 2656 Ma. Based on textural evidence, Relf (1995) speculated that the shear zone may have seen some Proterozoic reactivation and late quartz vein emplacement. Relf et al. (1999) presented evidence for fluid movement along the nearby Tokhokatak shear zone, which may be linked to the Arcadia Bay shear zone (Abraham et al., 1994), as late as ca. 1.89 Ga. The Arcadia Bay deposit, while never developed, underwent extensive exploration in the late 1980s, and contains an estimated resource of 860,000 tonnes grading 7 g/tonne gold (Northern Miner, Mar. 28, 1988). Collectively, these three sub-types of vein-hosted gold (i.e., those occurring in volcanic, sedimentary, and plutonic protoliths) make virtually all rocks of the Slave Province potential exploration targets. At the Acasta gneiss site, no rocks of the Yellowknife Supergroup are present, making the potential for volcanic- and sediment-hosted gold deposits nil. However, the potential for pluton-hosted gold-bearing quartz veins is higher. Although the possibility of vein gold hosted in meta-igneous rocks cannot be ruled out at the Acasta gneiss site, we also note that no significant zones of shearing or quartz veins of significant size or continuity have been reported by previous workers. However, very little gold prospecting has been undertaken in the area in spite of the fact that mineral rights have been held for the area by prospectors since 1990. Overall, this suggests that gold potential is low, although the ranking is based primarily on a lack of geologic information rather than any data collected in the search for vein-hosted gold. The confidence for this ranking is therefore moderate to low. Banded Iron Formation Gold Banded iron formation (BIF)-hosted gold deposits are an important mineral deposit type in the Slave Province. Examples include the Lupin Mine, which produced over 3 million oz of gold between 1982 and 2004, and the Damoti gold deposit, estimated to contain 34,200 ounces measured and indicated (http://www.anacondamining.com/damotiprofile.html). In both deposits, the gold occurs in layered, sulphide-rich, silicate-amphibole-chlorite BIF surrounded by metaturbidites of the Yellowknife Supergroup. Gold occurs within the BIF associated with sulphides and chlorite, and is also associated with quartz veins that cut the iron formation (NORMIN Mineral Showings database). No iron formation has been identified at the Acasta gneiss site, and although minor BIF is locally associated with the Central Slave Basement Complex (BIF comprises part of the Central Slave Cover Group), it is the younger BIF of the overlying Yellowknife Supergroup that is the target of gold exploration in the Slave Province. The potential for BIF-hosted gold at the Acasta site is therefore designated as very low, with high confidence. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 14 Magmatic Sulphides Magmatic sulphides hosted in differentiated mafic to ultramafic plutonic and volcanic rocks can contain significant amounts of nickel, copper, and platinum group elements (Ni-Cu-PGE), and as such are a valuable mineral deposit type. Two characteristics common to magmatic sulphide deposits are: mafic to ultramafic host rocks, and; the segregation of ore minerals (pyrrhotite + pentlandite + chalcopyrite ± pyrite ± magnetite) near the base of the host magmatic body. Magmatic sulphide deposits include four main sub-types: 1. rift-associated mafic intrusions associated with flood basalts, such as the Noril’sk deposits of Siberia (Naldrett, 1989) and the Duluth complex in the central United States (Ripley, 1986). 2. komatiite-hosted deposits such as the Archean Abitibi belt of Quebec (Corfu, 1993) and the Proterozoic Thompson Nickel Belt of Manitoba (Peredery, 1982). 3. mafic igneous complex-hosted deposits associated with the Sudbury meteorite impact structure, Ontario (Naldrett et al., 1984). 4. tholeiite intrusion-hosted deposits such as at Voisey’s Bay, Labrador (Ryan, 1997). Only two and perhaps three of these sub-types have the potential to occur in the Slave Province: komatiite- and tholeiite-hosted deposits, ± impact-generated deposits. Komatiites are very rare and only one example of mineralized komatiites has been reported to date in the province (http://www.ggldiamond.ca/index.php?m=projectcat&cat=nickel). Impact-generated mafic intrusive complexes have not yet been reported. In contrast, tholeiitic gabbros are fairly common in the Slave Province, and include small plutons and sills associated with ca. 2.7 Ga tholeiitic volcanic belts, and gabbro dykes and sills of Paleoproterozoic age. A number of gabbro-hosted sulphide showings have been reported in rocks of both Archean (e.g. McConnell and Knutsen, 1967, Rebic and Woollett, 1985) and Paleoproterozoic (e.g. Nickerson, 1970) age. At the Acasta gneiss site, mafic gneiss comprises one of the principal rock types. In spite of the significant interest by researchers in the Acasta gneisses, few detailed description of this mafic unit’s mineralogy, texture, or compositional range could be found in the published literature (see Iizuka et al. (2007) for a recent description). On the Iizuka et al. (2006) map, the mafic gneiss (termed ‘dioritic gneiss’) appears to be an early phase entrained as xenoliths and large screens within the tonalite gneiss. The largest contiguous segment is approximately ~300 m wide and ~2 km long in map view. To our knowledge, it has never been sampled for assaying. While no significant sulphide content has been reported in the field observations of previous workers, its mineral potential nevertheless remains largely unknown. Based on limited knowledge of the unit, we rank its potential to host metamorphosed magmatic sulphides as low-moderate. This potential ranking has a low confidence ranking, which could be raised with further data collection. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 15 Kimberlite-hosted Diamonds Limited information on kimberlite exploration in the Acasta gneiss area is publicly available. Within the last two decades, a number of mineral claims have been held in the area surrounding the gneisses, and exploration work on these claims included till sampling and airborne geophysics. While the results reported in the assessment files do not reveal much about the area’s potential to host kimberlite, the fact that the claims were dropped suggests that efforts to find kimberlites in this area were unsuccessful. Notwithstanding the above, kimberlite pipes and dykes can be difficult to discover and commonly require the integration of multiple exploration tools. In the Slave craton, kimberlites rarely occur in outcrop, and so can only be definitively identified through drilling. The main techniques used to identify drill targets are geophysical (primarily magnetic and electromagnetic, and more recently, gravity) surveys, and till sampling surveys. The former delineate anomalies in the physical character of the rocks relative to the surrounding rocks, and can be very subtle. The latter involves the separation and recovery of minerals associated with kimberlites from till samples; these “picking” results are integrated with glacial transport direction data to identify potential source areas of the indicator minerals. Even if a kimberlite body is discovered, unless it has encountered, entrained, and preserved material from the lithospheric mantle from within the diamond stability field, it will not contain diamonds. Data filed in exploration assessment reports reveal the presence of some kimberlite indicator minerals from tills in the Acasta area (e.g. Gordanier, 1995; Blusson, 1995; McCorquodate, 1995); however, limited exploration has been carried out in this region, and no reports of exploration results could be found for the Acasta gneiss site itself. Based on publicly-available data, we cannot draw any conclusions about the potential for kimberlite-hosted diamonds within the Acasta gneiss area of interest. A moderate ranking is assigned based on the presence elsewhere in the Slave Province of economic kimberlite pipes. The level of confidence of this assessment is low, and given the value of diamond deposits relative to other commodities, some further investigation is warranted. Quarrystone for Lapidary Purposes While granitoid gneisses are not generally considered to have significant economic value, gneisses from the Acasta site are unique in that they represent the oldest known intact continental crust on Earth, and therefore they are of significant interest to the general public and the media. The NWT Geoscience Office receives numerous requests each year for hand samples of the gneiss from schools, museums, and individuals, and at least two museums have collected large samples for public display. In 1989, a local prospector staked the mineral rights to the discovery site (Humphries, 1992) and established marketing rights to sell pieces of the oldest rock in the world. The mineral claim is still in good standing at this time, although the claim is owned by a NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 16 different individual who has investigated the lapidary potential of the gneiss, in particular its use in funeral urns. Despite these activities and ongoing public interest, we suggest that the economic value of the Acasta gneisses for use as carving stone or lapidary products (e.g. clock faces, coasters, table tops, etc.) remains largely untested. To our knowledge, most efforts to date have gone into selling individual small rock samples (with limited success) and there has been no longer-term testing, production, and marketing of value-added lapidary products that would appeal to a wider range of buyers. Just how strong and widespread that appeal might be however is not fully known. One potentially important factor is that finished product costs would likely be relatively high given that the Acasta area is mainly accessed by expensive air transport. However, some form of winter road access could considerably change this situation if it was determined to be a viable option. While we are not qualified to assess the tourist/art market, such lapidary businesses are successful elsewhere in North America. Furthermore, our experience suggests that the novelty of the gneisses has significant public appeal, just as samples from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (corresponding to the extinction of dinosaurs) do. Finally, although it is arguably intangible, the value of public education is real. Overall, we would assess the lapidary potential of the Acasta gneisses as high for a small business venture. The remoteness of the Acasta area and other factors would likely limit a larger operation from developing. The level of confidence of this assessment is moderate based on the currently known and unknown factors described above. Summary of Mineral Potential A summary of the mineral potential and confidence rankings for the six deposit types discussed above is presented in Table 2. The highest-ranked mineral deposit type is kimberlite-hosted diamonds, and two other types (magmatic sulphides and diamonds) have low confidence rankings. Further examination of the diamond and magmatic sulphide potential is proposed among the recommendations near the end of this report. In terms of quarrystone, the Acasta gneisses rank highly in terms of lapidary potential due to the fact that they can be uniquely marketed as the oldest rocks on Earth. However we can only assign a moderate confidence in this ranking at present because the overall market appeal of Acasta lapidary products has not been thoroughly assessed. SCIENTIFIC VALUE OF ACASTA GNEISS The Acasta gneisses are considered here to represent a significant scientific resource. This assessment is based on the following facts and observations: NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 17 • early Earth materials (those formed within approximately the first 500 m.y. of Earth history) are extremely rare due to the recycling and obscuring effects of younger tectonic, plutonic, metamorphic, and erosional activity. Although the AGC has been affected by a number of post-4.0 Ga geological events, the rocks nevertheless survive and represent a valuable laboratory for studying early Earth materials, in particular mineral species such as zircon that are robust enough to retain original isotopic and chemical information; • links between early Earth materials and the study of planetary and solar system evolution are strong. Researchers have long asked the question of why the Earth evolved as a unique planet within our solar system. Such questions can only be answered with any certainty by studying what remains of the rock, mineral, and chemical/isotopic record of the early Earth; • the preservation of the Acasta gneisses itself represents an interesting scientific question that has not been addressed in detail. How did these rocks survive, what was their original extent, and what is it that is unique about the Slave craton that has yielded this preservation? These questions are fundamental in determining how continental crust formed and was subsequently stabilized during the Paleoarchean, and what this tells us about lithospheric growth and the activity or inactivity of plate tectonic processes during this era; • elsewhere, researchers have expended considerable time and effort in studying early Earth materials such as ancient detrital zircons (e.g., Jack Hills region of Western Australia; Wilde et al., 2001). It is expected that with the recent publication of the 4.2 Ga Acasta zircon age (Iizuka et al., 2006), this region could potentially experience a similar intensive research effort. We are aware of at least one major university-based study currently underway (Munster University, Germany), and a Japanese research group has recently completed a mapping and sampling program in the area (Iizuka et al., 2006, 2007). NTGO is supporting the work of a post-doctoral fellow at Memorial University who is studying the age of detrital zircons that are likely sourced from eroded Acasta crust. This study targets sedimentary units of the adjacent Wopmay orogen, and as such will not occur within the Acasta region itself; and • new analytical tools are continually being developed in the Earth Sciences. For example, the advent of ion microprobe, and more recently laser ablation microsampling methods, has advanced the science considerably in the past two decades, and has contributed greatly to what we currently know about the Acasta gneisses. Future analytical tools could potentially offer similar advancements of understanding. In other words, the Acasta area may hold future scientific potential that we cannot presently comprehend. This is a significant fact in considering the benefits of protecting the Acasta gneiss area in perpetuity. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 18 As noted previously, Acasta field-based research to date has been somewhat limited considering the unique nature and antiquity of these rocks. However this can be attributed mainly to logistically difficult and expensive access to the region, and also the presence of slightly younger rocks elsewhere on Earth that are much less deformed and metamorphosed (e.g., Isua greenstone belt, Greenland). Such areas tend to be studied extensively, after which interest dies off for a period until new methods of examining the rocks are developed. It can perhaps be argued that the Acasta region has yet to reach its full research potential due to remoteness and the relatively strong deformation and metamorphism of the 4.0 Ga rocks. However, it is likely that this region, host to the oldest-known rocks on the planet, will continue to stimulate the interest of both researchers and the public for some time to come, particularly if the search for old crust on Earth does not yield anything older. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHASE 2 NRA ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERABLES This Phase 1 NRA report examines the value of the Acasta gneisses from two main perspectives: mineral potential and scientific value. A summary of these values and recommended additional activities are described below. Due to their highly unique nature, we also briefly discuss the value of the Acasta gneisses as a potential tourist attraction. A proper assessment of this potential would more fittingly be included in a socio-economic study. Based on the geology of the site, the potential for significant mineral resources is deemed to be low. The highest-ranked mineral deposit types are kimberlite-hosted diamonds (ranked as moderate), and magmatic-hosted sulphides (ranked as low-to-moderate). Both rankings are associated with high uncertainty, and it is recommended that further work be undertaken to increase the level of confidence of these rankings and refine the mineral potential rankings. Similarly, the high potential of Acasta gneiss as a lapidary stone should be further investigated. However, much of the required assessment (product development, market assessment, advertising strategies, etc.) would fall outside the scope of a non-renewable resource assessment. In contrast to relatively low mineral potential (albeit with significant uncertainty), the scientific value of the site is considered to be high, particularly given recent advances in the field of isotopic analysis. While a significant body of knowledge has already been published on the Acasta gneisses, there are some analytical techniques (e.g., in situ laser-ablation multi-collector ICP-MS) and isotopic systems (e.g., Hf) that could be applied, or applied more extensively, to learn more about the timing and nature of the formation of this complex segment of continental crust. It should be noted that the tourist value of the site is potentially significant due to its geological novelty and other natural attributes. The site is located amongst rolling hills at the tree line along a scenic river that offers a number of attractive beach camp sites. Given its isolation, it is unlikely that large numbers of people would visit the area. However, those that do would mainly NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 19 be drawn by the uniqueness and significance of the bedrock, which is well exposed in a number of easily-accessed locations. If the site were given some public profile, it is likely that a local business could sell at least a limited number of educational/sightseeing/rock collecting trips to more wealthy tourists. An assessment report filed by the prospector who originally staked the discovery site concludes “the economic potential … is in the eye of the entrepreneur and the rock collectors of the world” (Humphries, 1992). We would suggest that the potential remains largely untested, but is very real. Proposed Phase 2 NRA activities include work to increase the confidence level of the mineral potential rankings for diamonds and magmatic sulphides, and to further evaluate the scientific value of the rocks. The marketing potential of the rocks is already established, and as mineral rights at the discovery site are owned by a private investor, further proof of their value lies outside the scope of a Phase 2 resource assessment. Regarding mineral potential, the following activities are proposed: • a modest till sampling program of 20-30 samples ‘down-ice’ from the Acasta area (i.e., immediately west of the area shown in Figure 2); • detailed mapping and sampling of mafic gneisses to determine the extent of primary differentiation within these bodies; • sampling of the mafic gneisses for assay analysis. Further evaluate the scientific value of the gneisses by: • generating a detailed (1:5,000) geology map of the discovery site and surrounding area that could serve both as an inventory of lithologies for the purposes of scientific sampling, and as a general guide to the various rock types that comprise the Acasta suite of gneisses; • collecting and examining samples of various phases of the gneiss for the purpose of undertaking analyses of both whole-rock samples and selected minerals (e.g. zircon, monazite, titanite, etc.). Selection of samples and definition of analytical work will depend on results of field mapping; • identifying an area to be proposed for the final footprint of the protected area, based on outcrop quality, quantity, and accessibility; • identifying a type section of gneisses and/or a field trip for the purpose of public outreach and education; • identifying a location from which samples can be collected for tourists without removing material of high scientific value or degrading particularly illustrative or scenic outcrops. NWT Open File 2008-05 Non-renewable Resource Assessment (Phase 1) – Acasta Gneiss 20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Luke Ootes (NWT Geoscience Office) and an anonymous external reviewer for timely and informative reviews of this manuscript. Karen MacFarlane and Scott Cairns are also acknowledged for their efforts in editing and publishing this report. 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