sphex ichneumoneus l. - California Academy of Sciences
sphex ichneumoneus l. - California Academy of Sciences
Anim. Behav.,1980, 28, 426--445 THE CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH IN A DIGGER WASP (SPHEX ICHNEUMONEUS L.) BY H. JANE B R O C K M A N N * Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53702 Abstract. Golden digger wasps, Sphex ichneumoneus L. (Sphecidae), are a solitary, ground-nesting species that dig burrows to particular depths in the soil. I develop and evaluate alternative hypotheses about the mechanisms controlling digging behaviour. By altering the wasps' burrows as they are digging, I show that they are not digging for some prescribed length of time nor are they digging until they reach some suitable environmental characteristic deep in the soil. Rather, they appear to be digging until they reach a particular tunnel length, making corrections if the tunnel is too shallow or too deep. This distance can be altered somewhat by surface environmental conditions. Animals that build artifacts such as burrows, webs, or nests (without the aid of visual cues) are faced with the difficult task of measuring precise distances. Often the necessary measurements are shorter than one body length, which means that the animal can simply use an appendage as a ruler. For example, bees use receptors on the antennae to determine the thickness of the wax walls of the larval brood cells (Martin & Lindauer 1968), caddisfly larvae manipulate and choose particles of the right size before incorporating them into their houses (Hansell 1968), and leaf-rolling beetles bore into the leaf stem one body length from the base of the petiole (Daanje 1975). But many animals are faced with a more difficult problem: how to measure distances that are greater than one body length. A number of insects, for example, show correcting behaviour, i.e. after being forced to turn to the right, they turn to the left at the next choice point so that they continue walking in a more-orless straight line (Dingle 1962, 1964; Wilson & Hoy 1968). However, if they have walked more than a specific distance after the forced turn, then they continue to walk straight rather than choosing to turn at the choice point. It was found that the distance traversed from forced turn to choice point rather than the time taken to walk this distance was the cause of the decline in correcting behaviour (Dingle 1965). A remarkable example is found in the nest-site selecting behaviour of honey bees. They are apparently capable of estimating the volume of a cavity by integrating information on the distance and directions of walking movements made inside the cavity (Seeley 1977). Animals that dig long burrows in the ground to particular depths have a similar measur*Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. ing problem. This paper describes the nestbuilding behaviour of the great golden digger wasp, Sphex iehneumoneus (Sphecidae), a solitary ground-nesting species that digs burrows which it then provisions with katydids as food for its offspring. I develop a model for the control of burrow length and experimentally evaluate a series of hypotheses about the possible mechanisms controlling nest depth. I will show that these wasps are probably measuring the length of the burrow they dig and are capable of correcting this length when the burrow is artificially altered. The Problem Nest construction in Sphex ichneumoneus involves many behavioural patterns influenced by a multitude of factors. The behavioural system can be summarized in a kinematic diagram (Fig. 1). In such a system, control is exercised through the timing and selecting of alternative transitions. Wherever alternative behavioural patterns occur, the animal is making a decision (Dawkins & Dawkins 1973) about whether to continue with one activity or to switch to the next. In this ease I am concerned with the factors influencing one particular decision: the transition between digging the main tunnel and widening the main tunnel in preparation for digging the side tunnel. In other words, what controls the depth to which Sphex dig ? The control of tunnel length is a particularly interesting problem, both because of the ease with which one can manipulate the system experimentally and because of the importance of choosing the optimum length for the survival of the wasp's offspring. The soil close to the surface becomes extremely hot (up to 53 C at 3 cm) in the middle of the summer, conditions that almost 426 BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH certainly are lethal to the wasp grub. Nests with very deep chambers may be too cool for the development of the larva, too far for the emerging wasp to dig, or simply too time-consuming for the adult wasp to construct. (Winter conditions probably play no role in the selection pressures influencing tunnel length, since soils freeze regularly to 20 to 50 cm.) Natural selection must have acted in some way to 'set' the appropriate compromise depth. But how? There are two general approaches for establishing what factors influence a particular behavioural pattern: descriptive and experimental. The descriptive method involves measuring every environmental variable I can think of and correlating these with burrow length. I did this by measuring soil and air temperature, soil moisture, air humidity, light levels at the surface and in the burrow as it was being dug, cloud conditions, wind velocity, barometric pressure, soil compaction, time of day, date, and age of the wasp. Very few of these correlated with the length of the tunnel and none showed any consistent significant correlation over the different years of the study (Brockmann 1976). A multiple regression analysis of all these factors revealed that only 35 70 of the variance in the length o f the main tunnel was accounted for by covariance with light level near the surface (21 700) and soil moisture (147o). Clearly, I could not base any conclusions on this kind of descriptive study. An experimental approach would have to be used. When a wasp digs a nest, she performs a set of behavioural patterns repeatedly until apparently reaching some criterion or condition. At this point she stops digging the main tunnel and begins to construct the side tunnel. Clearly, the decision of whether or not to continue digging is under closed-loop control (McFarland 1971), where the output of the digging behavioural system, for example how far the wasp has dug, influences the input in some way. The objectives of this study, then, are to determine experimentally the nature of the input, output, and feedback mechanisms involved in the control of digging behaviour. But first it is necessary to give more background on the methods used and the behaviour of the wasps. Materials and Methods Study Area During the summers of 1972 through 1975 I studied an aggregation of 8 to 35 nesting Sphex ichneumoneus on the campus of the University 427 of Michigan in Dearborn, Michigan (referred to throughout as MI). I observed the wasps daily from the date they began to emerge until middle August: in 1972 from 5 July to 15 August, in 1973 from 10 July to 16 August, in 1974 from 14 July to 22 August, and in 1975 from 15 July to 10 August (in 1975 my assistant, Timothy Manning, made the observations from 22 July to 10 FLIES TO NESTING AREA (WASP HAS NO ACTIVE NEST) IOO% I00 % T 85%~ 70%B1 FLIES FROM NESTING AREA NTS, FLIES FROM rING AREA AND ER RETURNS TO E ACTIVITY ORIENTS, FLIES FROM NESTING AREA (N=231) Fig. 1. Kinematic diagram of the nest-contruction behavioural system (based on 761 landings at the nesting area by wasps that did not have active nests). The limit of the digging system is indicated by the large box. A block represents a behavioural sub-system, an arrow the transition between two sub-systems (the dashed arrow is a temporary interruption of an activity). The number on the arrow is the percentage of the observations of a sub-system where that transition to another sub-system occurred. For example, wasps flew from the nesting area during the construction of 33 70 of the main tunnels, and 107o of the main tunnels were abandoned before the wasps began to widen the bottom. Wherever there are alternatives in the behaviour, control is taking place. This study concentrates on one control problem, indicated with a star. 428 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, August). In 1975 1 studied a second aggregation of wasps from 24 July to 22 August in a sunny section of grassy lawn in Exeter, New Hampshire (referred to throughout as NH). In 1976 I observed a third aggregation of these solitary wasps along the east side of a building on the campus of Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota (referred to throughout as MN), from 8 July to 6 August 1976. Marking Wasps At each nesting area I individually marked all wasps with colour-coded dots of Testor's Pla enamel paint. When a wasp began to dig a burrow for the first time, I captured her by placing a test tube over the entrance of her burrow while she was inside. As she backed out, she walked up into the test tube, which I then plugged with cotton. I anaesthetized her lightly with ether (1972-1974) or CO2 (1975-1976), measuring her length and weighing her on a balance as well as marking her with dots of paint. Measurements Taken While the Wasp Was Digging I marked the location of each new tunnel and recorded the following information while the burrow was being dug: (a) which individual was digging; (b) when she started and ended the digging; (c) the soil surface temperature (measured with a thermocouple, see Brockmann 1976) and the temperature at the entrance and at the bottom of the main tunnel (when the wasp started on the side tunnel); (d) the percentage soil moisture at the bottom (by taking soil samples or by estimating from a nearby tensiometer); (e) the surface humidity (from a nearby humidity probe); and (f) the light level at the surface (using a pyrheliometer) and at 2 cm intervals down the tunnel (using a light meter probe, see Brockmann 1976). With an otoscope I frequently observed the wasp while she was digging. I measured the length of the straight main tunnel (or 'main burrow' of Evans 1957, 1966b) when the wasp began digging the side tunnel (or 'cell burrow' of Evans) (Fig. 2). Other measurements of the burrow were taken when the wasp had completed the side tunnel and chamber. Occasionally the wasp first dug some distance beyond the point where she ultimately dug her side tunnel, thus creating a 'spur' (as shown in Fig. 2). All measurements taken while the wasp was digging were accomplished within a minute. During this time the wasp merely stood aside, walked, bit at the instruments, or groomed. Occasionally an 28, 2 individual would fly up to a nearby tree, returning within a few minutes. The Wasps and Their Burrows Adult male and female Sphex ichneumoneus dig their way out of the ground in early to mid-July. After emerging the wasps immediately fly to trees and open fields, where they feed on the nectar of flowers and presumably copulate (although this has never been observed). After a day or two, the females return to nest in the area from which they emerged. Each female digs several burrows during her short (about six-week) lifetime, each with several brood chambers. She provisions these chambers one at a time with several paralysed katydids as food for the single egg she lays in each. After laying the egg, she fills in the side tunnel with soil and begins to dig a new chamber or she fills in both side and main tunnels and digs a new nest. Digging Behaviour After returning to her natal nesting area, the female wasp goes through an active process of searching before beginning to dig. She chooses to nest in the warmest and driest areas available that are not too near the nests of other wasps (Brockmann 1979). She begins digging by biting at the ground with her mandibles and scraping away surface debris (Fig. 3A, 3B). The biting and scraping soon result in an indentation in the surface soil. After she has progressed a centimetre or so, she begins to carry the loosened soil out of the burrow (Fig. 3C). Repeatedly she enters, bites at the bottom, picks up the loosened soil, carries it out, and drops it on the mound, and then re-enters the tunnel for another load. When the wasp is on the mound, this pattern is broken by scraping (Fig. 3D; occurring on average once per minute), trampling (Fig. 3E; ocr, length ,~ ht.=~§ ~ hole diam. mound i~{!}~ main (~) ~ i tu' nnel~ 5cm" sp side angle of hole, ~-metel skewer (~ tunnel Fig. 2. The method used for measuring the dimensions of the wasps' nests. (A) The names used for the different parts of the nest. (B) The length of the main tunnel was measured from the soil surface to the bottom of the spur (if present). BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH 429 or in bouts of 2 to 10 (generally 2 or 3). (E) Trampling. When on the mound, the wasp flattens and spreads the dirt by trampling. She flexes the coxal and femoral joints of the hind legs, drawing the leg anteriorly and dorsally so that the tarsi are under the anterior part of the abdomen but still touching the ground. Then with a quick extension, she moves the hind leg posteriorly along the ground in line with the body axis. Often this is accompanied by a simultaneous lateral motion of the leg to almost a right angle with the body. She may trample while stationary or while moving backwards. Trampling occurs in bouts of 2 to 15 (generally 2 to 5), being performed alternately or simultaneously by the two hind legs. (Size of wasps: 2.0 to 3.0 era). Drawings by Cheryl Hughes. | Fig. 3. Digging behaviour of Sphex ichneumoneus. (A) Digging walk. When a wasp digs, the prothoracic tarsi are curled medially and dorsally so that she walks on the distal end of the first tarsal segment and the dorsal surface of the second and third (and sometimes fourth) segments, with the remaining two (or one) tarsal segments raised up off the substrate. The wasp walks on either the ventral or dorsal surfaces of the mesothoracic tarsi and on the ventral surface of the metathoracic tarsi while digging. B. In contrast, during normal walking, the front tarsi are not curled and the wasp walks on the ventral side of the distal two to three tarsal segments of all three pairs of legs. (C) Carrying. In the digging walk position, the wasp gathers up and consolidates loosened soil with a series of short, quick anterior to posterior and medial movements of the prothoracic legs, rather like a person gathering up loose sand between two hands. With her front legs on either side of the accumulated pile of dirt, she clasps it. The top of the gathered pile of dirt is supported against the ventral side of the head and the ventral anterior part of the prothorax. (Wasps that carry dirt in this manner are described as 'pullers' by Olberg 1959.) Bearing her load of dirt, the wasp walks backwards up the hole on four legs. Emerging at the surface, she walks backwards 1 to 5 cm before depositing her load of dirt on the accumulating mound. (D) Scraping. The wasp levels the mound with scrapes ('raking' of Olberg 1959 and Evans 1966a), a simultaneous quick, posterior movement of the prothoraeic legs. Scraping occurs singly curring on average once every 1.5 rain), a n d g r o o m i n g (average once each 2 min). She digs quickly, t a k i n g 5 to 11 trips p e r m i n u t e a n d p r o gressing at a rate o f 0.1 to 0.7 e m / m i n (Table I), r e m o v i n g 0.01 to 0.09 g per trip. Digging is often a very t i m e - c o n s u m i n g process. T h e w a s p spends 12 to 68 min digging the m a i n tunnel, a n d c o m pleting the nest (all the time spent digging to the first provisioning o r inspection) takes f r o m 30 to 225 m i n (Table I). W h e n the w a s p begins to dig the side tunnel, her b e h a v i o u r changes from biting at the b o t t o m o f the tunnel to biting at the sides, thereby widening the end o f the m a i n tunnel. I n the early stages o f constructing a side tunnel, the w a s p brings each l o a d o f dirt to the surface. Later, however, she deposits dirt at the b o t t o m o f the m a i n tunnel. She digs for 30 s to 5 min in the side tunnel, then clears out the a c c u m u l a t e d soil f r o m the b o t t o m o f the m a i n tunnel in b o u t s o f three to five carries, a n d then returns to digging the side tunnel a n d chamber. I f there is a ' s p u r ' on the m a i n tunnel, the w a s p m a y fill it in with soil while digging the side tunnel. A l t h o u g h Sphex ichneumoneus b o t h dug holes t h a t they later a b a n d o n e d a n d dug in the a b a n d o n e d nests o f other wasps ( B r o c k m a n n et al. 1979; B r o c k m a n n & D a w k i n s in press), the following descriptions a n d experimental study a p p l y only to new nests dug entirely b y one wasp, a n d to nests t h a t the wasp c o n t i n u e d to occupy for at least one full day. The m e a s u r e m e n t s were t a k e n either at the time the wasp reached the p o i n t where she dug the side tunnel o r directly after she c o m p l e t e d the side tunnel a n d c h a m b e r Length of the Main Tunnel The length o f the newly dug m a i n tunnels varied m a r k e d l y f r o m one locality to another. In M I tunnels dug in a flower p l a n t e r (Site P1) were shorter t h a n those dug on a n e a r b y knoll (Site 430 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 28, 2 ,~. ,...1 ~ ~.~ I ~ 9 .c~ ,nc~ ~. ~. A A A ~ t'q ~0 I 0 o c ~ ~ n c ~ ,-J-H ~-. ~-. I I -;44 ~.'44 " I I ~. Z 4- i 9 ~. A I ~. [ I I ~~ 9 ~o~ E - o o o o o o o o o z e 0 ~o .o~ = g ~ ;~ ~t~ g g g g g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ "~ ~ ~ ~ "'~ ~ .~_ ~ "~ BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH K). The N H wasps generally dug longer tunnels than most of the MI wasps (Table I). Literature accounts reveal even more variation in burrow length. Ristich (1953) observed that tunnels were dug to a depth of 10 to 33 cm (mean 17.0 cm) in cinder-fill while being dug from 10 to 17.5 cm (mean 14.5 cm) in compacted soil. Similarly other observers have found tunnels varying in length from 7 to 20 cm depending on whether they were dug in hard-packed clay or sandy soils (Packard 1869; Peekham & Peckham 1898; Davis 1911; Hancock 1911; Rau & Rau 1918; Abbott 1931; Frisch 1937; Fernald 1945; Mendoza 1969). Rau (1933) observed much shorter tunnels (3.5 to 5.5 cm) in hard-packed ground on Barro Colorado Island in Panama, where the wasps dug between the daily rainfalls in July and August. Individually, the wasps also showed considerable variation in the length of the several (newly dug) main tunnels they constructed over a season at one nesting area. However, the individual variance was not significantly different from the population variance (one-way analysis of variance, F ratio : 1.2, P > 0.10, Table I). This means that some individuals are not consistently digging shorter or longer tunnels than other individuals at one site. My observations of tunnel lengths combined with those from literature reports make it clear that wasps are digging to a prescribed depth that differs between sites. Are they perhaps responding to some external cue such as soil moisture that always occurs at a certain depth at one site ? Or, is it possible that they are simply digging for a prescribed length of time, which means that given a certain soil type their holes are all about the same length and different sites differ in soil type ? Or, could they be actually measuring out the length of the tunnel ? Natural selection may have acted in such a way as to programme individuals to respond adaptably to local conditions, or individuals at different sites may be programmed to dig to different depths as a result of generations of selection. But in either case it remains to be shown what they are responding to or how they do the measuring. Experimental Design Figure 4 is a block diagram of the hypothesized mechanism controlling burrow length. At any given moment the state of the digging system is defined by the values of all the variables of the block diagram. Alternative hypotheses for the nature of the feedback mechanism are evaluated 431 in field tests by interrupting the closed-loop control. In each experiment I compared the lengths of two different tunnels dug by each individual wasp. One was designated the 'experimental' and the other the 'reference' burrow (the order of these was randomized so that the experimental burrow was dug first about half the time). I f an undisturbed wasp dug two consecutive tunnels, one arbitrarily designated the experimental and the other the reference, one would expect that on average the length of the experimental tunnel (E) would be equal to the length o f the reference tunnel (R). The descriptive results discussed earlier show some individual variability in tunnel length. Therefore, although the length of a particular experimental tunnel may not be exactly equal to the length of a particular reference tunnel, a population of experimental tunnels should not be significantly different from a population of reference tunnels dug by the same wasps. Alternative hypotheses were evaluated by artificially altering experimental and reference tunnels. As the wasp dug I not only implemented the conditions for the experiment but I also observed her behaviour and took the measurements described earlier. I allowed her to continue digging until she had dug one body length in the side tunnel at the bottom. At this point, I measured the length of the main tunnel. Since wasps were easily disturbed during the early stages of .... x -~,~ ...... ,o.o, _I o,oo,.olo~ w -I BEHAWOURJ Y ~ense siqnal Z _.__] SiN S I N G ,[ DEVICE stimulus Fig. 4. Block diagram illustrating the functional relationships between or the flow of information carried by the variables of the digging system. The arrows are variables and the blocks are transfer functions betweenindependent (input to box) and dependent (output from box) variables. The decision to continue digging, or alternatively to cease digging, is controlled by the values of four variables, in this simplest representation of the system. The wasp senses the value of some stimulus variable (II) that results from digging, and converts this to an internal sensory signal (Z) that is compared (symbolizedby the quartered circle) with an internal reference value (set-point variable X). If the two match, no error-signal is generated and no further digging occurs, but if the two do not match, an error-signal (W) results, and the digging continues, which results in a further change in the value of Y. ANIMAL 432 BEHAVIOUR, digging, I always allowed them to dig at least one body length before introducing the experimental conditions. The alternative hypotheses were evaluated statistically by comparing the actual length of the experimental tunnel with that predicted by each hypothesis. For each comparison I performed two non-parametric statistical tests for related samples: the sign test and the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test (Siegel 1956). Internal or External Cues? The first problem is to determine whether the information affecting tunnel length originates from sources external or internal to the wasp. This dichotomy is illustrated in Fig. 5. I f the wasp is measuring a cue originating from within herself, then I can alter her experimental tunnel as she is digging by coring out a few extra centimetres of s0il and she should continue to dig as she does in her uncored reference tunnel (internal cues hypothesis). At completion, then, her experimental tunnel should be longer than her reference tunnel. On the other hand, if she is using an external cue, then coring should not affect the tunnel length. At completion, the experimentally cored tunnel should be the same length as the unaltered reference tunnel (external cues hypothesis). X ~ W L Y: TUNNEL LENGTH ble [SENSING DEVICE ~ , u. WASP Fig. 5. Block diagram illustrating the two alternative hypotheses for the control of tunnel length (the dashed line indicates the boundary of the wasp; see Fig. 4 for symbols). (a) Internal cues hypothesis: digging results in a change in some internal variable Yi, such as hunger level. This variable is measured by a sensing device and compared with an internal set-point. The wasp continues to dig until she reaches a set value of the internal variable when digging ceases. (b) External cues hypothesis: digging results in the increasing length of the main tunnel, which in turn results in a correlated change in some variable Ye, for example decreasing temperature in the soil. The box H is the transfer function that relates tunnel length to the possible controlling variables such as temperature, soil moisture, and light level. The external variable is measured by some sensing device and then compared with an internal set-point. The wasp continues to dig until reaching a set value of the external variable. 28, 2 Method for Coring When the wasp had dug a specified distance, I artificially increased the length of the main tunnel by coring. After she backed out, I twisted and pushed a hollow metal rod a specified distance into the bottom of the tunnel at the same angle and with the same diameter as the original tunnel. I removed the soil and saved it for soil moisture analysis (the soil was not placed on the mound). Three separate coring experiments were completed. (1) Tunnels cored early in digging: I cored the experimental tunnel to 6 to 8 cm after the wasp had reached 3 to 4 cm, i.e I lengthened the tunnel by 3 to 4 cm. In the reference tunnel I cored less than 1 cm of soil from the bottom when the wasp had dug to 3 to 4 cm (conducted 1974 MI). (2) Tunnels cored late in digging: I cored the experimental tunnel to 11.0 to 11.5 cm after the wasp had dug to 5.5 to 7.0 cm, i.e. I lengthened the tunnel by 4.5 to 5.5 cm. In the reference tunnel I removed less than 1 cm after the wasp had reached 5.5 to 7.0 cm (conducted 1973 MI). (3) Tunnels cored very late in digging: I cored the experimental tunnel to 13 to 14 cm after the wasp had reached 8 to 9 cm, i.e. I lengthened the tunnel by 5.0 to 6.0 cm. In the reference tunnel I removed less than 1 cm after the wasp dug to 8 to 9 cm (conducted 1973 MI). Analysis of Data I f the experimental tunnel is lengthened by coring, then the final length of the experimental tunnel, E, depends upon whether the wasp is monitoring an internal cue (int) or an external cue (ex0 to control digging. I f she is using an internal cue, then she should continue to dig as though no coring had occurred, resulting in a longer tunnel than usual. Under the internal cues hypothesis, then, the predicted length of the experimental tunnel (Eint) is the length of the reference tunnel (R) plus the amount I cored (CE). However, the actual experimental situation is somewhat more complicated because in each case the reference tunnel was cored slightly as a control for any factors associated with the act of coring (as opposed to the length of the coring). Therefore, the amount of the reference coring (C~) must be subtracted from the amount of the experimental coring (C~). Hence, E~n~ = R -t- CE -- Cu. (1) On the other hand, if the wasp is using an external cue, then she should detect and respond to the alteration I made by coring her tunnel. The external cues hypothesis predicts that the length BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH of the experimental tunnel (Eext) will be, on average, the same as the length of the reference tunnel (R). However, when I cored the experimental tunnel late in digging, the amount that the wasp dug before I cored (B~) plus the amount I cored (CE) was greater than R. When this occurred one would not necessarily expect any further digging. Under the external cues hypothesis, then, the predicted length of the experimental tunnel depends on when I did the coring: If BE + CE < R, then E e x t = R and if BE + CE > R, then Eext = BE -}- CE. (2) (3) There is one further complication. When I cored very late in digging, the wasp sometimes filled or shortened the reference tunnel after I had done the coring. When this occurred, the length of the experimental tunnel must be considered undefined. Therefore, there is one further restriction placed on equations (2) and (3): If B E + C ~ < R and R ~ > B R + C m E e x t = R and if B E - k C E > ~ R and R ~ > B ~ - b C m Eext : BE @ CE. then (4) then (5) Results (1) Tunnels cored early in digging. When 12 tunnels, already dug 3 to 4 cm, were lengthened by artificial coring to 6 to 8 cm, all wasps continued to dig from 1.2 to 8.0 cm farther. (Two of these wasps dug 2.1 and 5.7 cm beyond the point where they ultimately constructed side tunnels.) There were no significant differences between the lengths of experimental and reference tunnels, i.e. there were no differences between the actual results and the predicted values under the external cues hypothesis (Fig. 6A). The lengths of the tunnels were significantly shorter than the predicted lengths under the internal cues hypothesis (Fig. 6A; sign test P = 0.02, Wilcoxon test P < 0.01). In addition, there were no significant differences between reference and experimental tunnels when the nests were first provisioned, or in the lengths of the tunnels on the following day. (2) Tunnels cored late in digging. When 11 tunnels already 5.5 to 7.0 cm long were cored to 11.0 to 11.5 cm, two wasps stopped digging and nine continued to dig. Both the wasps that stopped at the cored length moved up 1.0 c m from the cored bottom to dig their side tunnels. The other nine wasps continued to dig 1.0 to 2.8 cm beyond the cored length where they constructed side tunnels. The lengths of experimental tunnels 433 were significantly shorter than the predicted lengths if the~wasps had continued to dig disregarding the coring, i.e. shorter than predicted by the internal cues hypothesis (Fig. 6B; sign test P < 0.006, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). The cored experimental tunnels were, however, slightly longer than the reference tunnels (Fig. 6B; sign test P = 0.03, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). The time spent digging the experimental tunnels was not different from the time spent digging the reference tunnels. The lengths of the experimental tunnels remained greater than the reference tunnels when the nests were first provisioned (sign test P = 0 . 0 1 , Wilcoxon P < 0.05). However, by the following day, the lengths of experimental tunnels were the same as the reference tunnels, due to the fact that by then wasps had constructed side tunnels at shallower depths, filling in the main tunnels below. There was no difference in the number of prey provisioned or in the number of days experimental and reference nests remained active. (3) Tunnels cored very late in digging. When 11 tunnels already 8 to 9 cm long were artificially lengthened by coring to 13 to 14 cm, eight wasps stopped digging within 0.5 cm and three continued to dig from 1.5 to 7.5 cm farther. Of those that stopped digging immediately, two dug a side tunnel within 0.5 cm of the cored length, whereas six wasps moved 1.0 to 4.0 cm u p the main tunnel to dig the side tunnel. Of those that continued to dig after the coring, two moved up from the distance they had dug (by 3.2 and 5.5 cm) to dig the side tunnel and one dug a side tunnel 1.0 cm below the cored length. When tunnels were cored very late in digging, most wasps partially filled their experimental tunnels and four also partially filled the reference tunnels. For these four, the predicted value for the experimental tunnels is undefined, thus reducing the sample size by four. Experimental tunnels were significantly shorter than predicted by the internal cues hypothesis (Fig. 6C; sign test P < 0.03, Wilcoxon P < 0.02). The length of the experimental tunnels was the same as predicted by the external cues hypothesis (Fig. 6C; sign test P = 0.227, Wilcoxon P > 0.05). There: was no significant difference in the time spent digging experimental and reference tunnels. By the time the nests were provisioned, usually on the following day, the lengths of the experimental tunnels were no longer greater than the lengths of the reference tunnels. There was also no significant difference in the number of days experimental and reference nests remained active nor in the number of prey provisioned in each. 434 ANIMAL ~qo;,, _ uJlo _J LU Z Z BEHAVIOUR, 9 28, 2 / / | ~BE+C E ~,>i v ~8 p- ~oe,/.C 12 . rr LU --I 9 I0 BE+CE ~ ~4 EextiB+CE.." I i Eext = B E + C E --I 9 t _,,~/" ~ ~6 :E ,~.e- 14 [ .."'f~l wasp b,J 9 //e t ,/ / / J 9 , Eext if wasp fills experimental compleeely fills 9 ill/' reference, Eext undefined !~cR CR LU i, 0 "r 2 p- CE CR E z. BR _,t,,,.q ~ o':7~tl o ill l I t I I II ~ oR I I 2 4 6 8 tO LENGTH OF REFERENCE TUNNEL, R 6 t CR _l~, I-i fi t 8 I0 I I 1 12 14 I R Fig. 6(C) Fig. 6(A) / / / / ? // / C.,~, | / 14 Fig. 6. A comparison between the final lengths in centimetres of experimentally cored tunnels and the predicted final lengths (based on the lengths of uncored reference tunnels) under two alternative hypotheses. (See text for symbols.) Each data point represents the intersection between the lengths of the experimental (E) and reference (R) tunnels dug by each individual wasp. A. Tunnels cored early in digging, i.e. after the wasp had dug 3 to 4 cm I lengthened the experimental tunnels 3 to 4 cm (12 individuals tested). B. Tunnels cored late in digging, i.e. after the wasps had reached 8 to 9 cm I lengthened the experimental tunnels by 4.5 to 5.5. cm (11 wasps tested). C. Tunnels cored very late in digging, i.e. after the wasps had reached 8 to 9 cm I lengthened the tunnels by 5.0 to 6.0 cm (11 wasps tested). All reference tunnels were lengthened by less than 1 era. 12 Conclusions BE+C Eexf :BE + C E / / E I0 / bJ / :_-F_cR 8 CE / 6 BR 4~-1 I / / CR I I 6 I I 8 I R I I0 Fig. 6(B) I I 12 I 14- and Discussion The result o f coring tunnels clearly shows that the wasps were taking the alterations into acc o u n t : the cored tunnels were significantly shorter than the predicted length by the internal cues hypothesis and the same length as predicted by the external cues hypothesis. Thus it appears that some external cue is controlling the length o f the wasp's tunnels. I n the model presented in Fig. 5, the variable controlling tunnel length is dearly measured external to the animal, i.e. outside the dashed line. Wasps were capable o f shortening the lengths o f their burrows when they were cored close to the time o f completion. After coring, the wasps tended to continue digging for a short while and BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH PLATE I O o~ o= o~ 0~ oh V~ Brockmann, Anita. Behav., 28, 2 BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH then moved back up the main tunnel to construct the side tunnel, leaving a spur. The lengths of these experimental tunnels remained longer than the lengths of the reference tunnels by a mean of 2.5 cm. When I measured the length of the main tunnels, I always included the length of the spur that was not filled with soil. In excavations of tunnels, the spur was found to be 1 to 3 cm long. The presence of the spur is sufficient to explain the observed differences in the lengths of experimental and reference tunnels cored late in digging. Therefore, all the results of these experiments seem consistent with the hypothesis that tunnel length is controlled by some external variable. The next question, then, is how the cue is measured. Depth of Soil or Distance from Entrance? There are two general kinds of variables associated with tunnel length: the distance from the tunnel entrance and the depth in the soil (ordinarily not the same as tunnel length because the tunnel is dug at an angle with respect to the surface; see Table I). The model in Fig. 7 is a modification of Fig. 5. It illustrates the dichotomy between the two possible external cues the wasp might be using to measure tunnel length. The wasp may be digging, for example, until she reaches 29 C in the soil. The depth at which 29 C occurs is a function of her distance from the surface (given a particular temperature profile and soil conditions). On the other hand, =/ 3 -88 OlOth , s'?~ Yc I.A=. Fig. 7. Block diagram illustrating two alternative hypotheses concerning the nature of external feedback in the control of digging. The length of the tunnel affects two variables: distance from the tunnel entrance at the surface and depth in the soil. Even in normal tunnels, these two are not quite the same: the transfer function Heist is the identical transform, but the function Hdo~this not because the tunnel is dug at a slight angle (75~ with respect to the vertical. The wasp may be sensing either a variable (Va) that is a function (Ha) of the distance from the entrance or a variable (Vb) that is a function (Hb) of the depth in the soil. 435 she may be digging, for example, until the light in her tunnel drops to a certain level. Since light enters at the entrance, the light level at any given point is a function of her distance from the entrance of the tunnel (and surface lighting conditions). The wasp could be cueing on any variable associated with either distance or depth, so a series of experiments was conducted in which the two variables were dissociated. I f the wasp is measuring a variable deep in the soil, then it is possible to raise the level of the entrance without affecting the digging (prediction of depth in soil hypothesis). I f she is digging as a function o f her distance from the entrance, then extending the entrance above the ground level would decrease the length o f the tunnel (prediction of distance from entrance hypothesis). Method for Extending the Tunnel I extended the length of the wasp's main tunnel by raising the entrance above ground level with an 'extension block'. Extension blocks are 7- • -5-cm wooden blocks o f various heights. Extending through the block is a hole at a 75 ~ angle (with the surface of the block). The hole is lined with a glass tube (1-cm diameter) that can be adjusted so that there is a good fit between the tunnel in the block and the wasp's own tunnel in the soil. The glass tube is lined with a thin layer of soil so that the wasp can climb more easily. After the wasp had dug 3.5 to 4.8 cm (far enough so that her hind tarsi were in the tunnel), I placed the extension block over the entrance while she was inside her tunnel. I picked up most of the dirt on the small mound that had accumulated and placed it on top of the block in the appropriate orientation to the new tunnel entrance. Invariably the wasp simply backed out and dropped her next load of dirt on the new mound at the top of the block (Plate I, Fig. 8). Once on the mound, only occasionally did she seem bothered by the new surroundings; and soon she was digging as rapidly as before the block was added. Sometimes (about once per tunnel) a wasp fell off the block and was not able to find the entrance to her tunnel. I then removed the block, allowed the wasp to enter the tunnel, and then replaced the block immediately, before she backed out again. After a wasp had spontaneously left the block once, going through the orientation flight, she returned directly to the entrance in the bIock. I generally removed the block after the wasp was well into (more than one ANIMAL 436 BEHAVIOUR, 2 from the actual soil surface to the bottom of the main tunnel. body length) the side tunnel, although twice the wasp provisioned the nest with the block in place. Two separate tunnel extension experiments were conducted: (1) the experimental extension block extended the tunnel 7 cm and the reference block extended the tunnel 2 cm (conducted MI 1974); (2) the experimental extension block extended the tunnel 4 cm and the reference block 1 cm (also conducted MI 1974). Naturally, placing the block over the tunnel changed the temperature and moisture gradients through which the wasp walked while she was in the block, but once below the surface of the soil, there were no differences between experimental and reference tunnels (Brockmann 1976). The definition for the length of the tunnel remains the same for these experiments as that used previously: the distance Analysis of Data Under the depth in soil hypothesis the length of tunnels dug under the experimental extension block (Eaepth) should be the same length as the tunnels dug under the reference block (R): (6) Edepth = R (Fig. 9A). On the other hand, if the wasps are measuring some variable as a function of their distance from the entrance of their tunnels, then the extension block should affect the length of the tunnels they dig. Under the distance from entrance hypothesis, then, the lengths of the experimental tunnels (Edis0 should be shorter than the A. Depth in Soil EXPERIMENTAL TUNNEL Experimental J f / / Extension I X /] ] 28, Hypothesis PREDICTION : Edept h REFERENCE TUNNEL Reference =R BE I BR EXPERIMENTAL TUNNEL ^E///J_ so,, B. Distance from E n t r a n c e R Hypothesis TUNNEL / ........... I"': ...... Ix l I PREDICTION: Edist Edist = R-D / / ~ /,, R Fig. 9. Experimental predictions of the depth in soil and distance from entrance hypotheses (see text for symbols). A. If the wasp is measuring her depth in the soil, then the distance she digs should not be affected by the presence of extension blocks. B. If the wasp is measuring her distance from the entrance of her tunnel (at the top of the extension block), then the length of the tunnel she digs should be affected by the presence of the blocks. 437 BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH lengths of the reference tunnles (R). How much shorter should they be ? According to this hypothesis, the wasps are measuring their distance from the tunnel entrance at the top of the extension block. Therefore, the length of the experimental tunnel (E) plus the length of the experimental extension (X~) should equal the length of the reference tunnel (R) plus the length of the short extension block on the reference tunnel (XR). Hence, E d i s t = R @ XI~ - - X E . (7) If D is the difference in length between the reference and experimental extensions, then Eaist = R - - D (8) (Fig. 9B). However, there is a complication. With the 7-era-high block, it was not always possible to place it over the tunnel early enough, i.e. the length of the tunnel when I added the block was already greater than the predicted length, BE > E a r n . The coring experiments showed that the wasps were capable of shortening tunnels by filling. However, I decided not to assume that the wasps could shorten tunnels under the different protocol of this experiment. Therefore, I decided to use the following predicted values for the lengths of the experimental tunnels under the distance from entrance hypothesis: if R -- D > B~, then and if R -- D ~< B~, then Eaist = R - - D Earn = B~. (9) (10) Results When the 7-cm experimental extension was used, the lengths of the experimental tunnels were shorter than predicted by the depth in soil hypothesis. Experimental tunnels dug with the 7-cm extension were shorter than those dug with the 2-cm reference extension (Fig. 10A; N -~ 12: sign test P < 0.003, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). However, when the 4-cm experimental extension was used, experimental tunnels were not significantly different from those dug with the 1-cm reference extension (Fig. 10B; N = 8: sign test P = 0.36). Tunnels dug with the 4-cm extension were also no different in length from those dug with no extension block (N = 11 : sign test P ----0.15). In both experiments the experimental tunnels were significantly longer than the predicted values by the distance from entrance hypothesis. Experimental tunnels dug with the 7-cm extension were significantly longer than predicted from the length of those dug under the 2-cm reference extension (Fig. 10A; N ~ 12: sign test P < 0.02, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). Tunnels dug with the 4-cm experimental extension were also shorter than the values predicted from the 1-cm reference extension (Fig. 10B; N = 8: sign test P = 0.04, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). In summary, then, the lengths of the experimental tunnels generally fell between the values predicted by the two alternative hypotheses. Eight of 12 experimental tunnels dug with the 7-era extension were abandoned after a side tunnel was dug (and the block was removed), whereas only four were abandoned when dug with the 1-cm and three when dug with the 2-cm reference extensions. Of the nests that were not abandoned, the lengths of experimental and reference tunnels on the following day were not significantly different, i.e. by then the wasps had made the experimental tunnels longer. Condusions and Discussion When I used the 7-cm extension over the experimental tunnels, the wasps dug tunnels that were shorter than the reference tunnels. When I used the 4-cm extension over the experimental tunnels, the wasps dug burrows that were the same length as the reference tunnels. Such a result suggests that the wasps were measuring some factor as a function of their depth in the soil as well as their distance from the entrance of their tunnel. When the extension was very high (7 cm above soil i5 | / / / / / / 10 // /// 9 " / -B E Edisl = B E 9 ,, BR 5 I0 R Fig. 10(a) o / / / / 438 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, | / / 9 / / / / / / IO 9//// / 8 b3 /11~ 9 4, (" //// ~@ 6 -B E 4 Edist = B E 2 BR 0 0 I 21 I 41 ~ I 61 I 81 ~ II0 I IL2 I R Fig. 10(b) Fig. 10. A comparison between the final lengths in centimetres of artificially extended main tunnels and the predicted lengths under the depth in soil and distance from entrance hypotheses (see Fig. 9 for explanation). A. The tunnels were extended by adding a 7-cm extension block to the experimental tunnel and a 2-cm extension to the reference tunnel (12 wasps tested). B. The experimental tunnel was extended by adding a 4-cm extension block and the reference tunnel was extended by adding a 1-em extension block (eight wasps tested). surface), the wasps' distance from the entrance affected the lengths of their tunnels. When the extensions were lower (4 cm), this distance apparently did not affect the lengths of the tunnels they dug. What might account for the different results from the 7-cm and 4-cm extension experiments ? I know of no physical differences between the two kinds of extension blocks nor any difference in the procedure used in the two experiments. There were three differences that conceivably could have had an effect. When I added the 7-cm extension to the experimental tunnels, the distance the wasps had already dug plus the length of the extension either usually exceeded or was within 1 cm of exceeding the length of the reference tunnel (18 of 22 tunnels). When I added the 4-cm extension, however, all but two of the wasps still had more than 1 cm left to dig (2 of 16 tunnels). If the wasps measured the length of the main tunnel only periodically, for example, this could influence tunnel length differently in the 28, 2 two experiments. Another difference between the two experiments was that the 4-cm experiment was conducted later in the season in 1974 than the 7-cm experiment. Any physical factor that correlated with date might influence tunnel length differently under the two extension experiments. However, there were no significant correlations between any environmental variable that I measured and the date in 1974. Another difference was that all but two of the wasps that dug in the 4-cm extension experiment had also dug with a 7-cm extension block earlier in the season. But once again I do not know how this could differentially influence tunnel length under experimental and reference blocks. I am left, then, with the somewhat contradictory results of the extension experiments, indicating that the factors influencing tunnel length were measured both as a function of the wasp's distance from the entrance of the tunnel and as a function of her depth in the soil. Looking now at the distance from the entrance component, how does a wasp measure how far she is from the entrance of her tunnel ? Optical Distance or Path Length? There are at least two kinds of distance from entrance cues that a wasp might use: what might be called the 'optical distance' and the actual physical path traversed by the animal. The wasp might measure the optical distance, for example, by assessing the light level at the bottom of the tunnel (e.g. 'dig until it gets dark') or by judging the diameter of the tunnel opening as seen from the bottom (e.g. 'looking over her shoulder' at the tunnel entrance). Alternatively, she might measure the physical distance, for example, by counting the number of steps to the bottom or by sensing the concentration of some air-borne chemical that must follow that same path length. Ordinarily these two distances would be the same, of course, but they can be experimentally dissociated by allowing the wasp to walk through a clear plastic block while digging, thereby lengthening the physical path of the tunnel without influencing the optical distance. Method for Increasing Path Length I increased the tunnel length relative to the optical distance by using 'lengthening blocks', transparent blocks cast from clear acrylic plastic through which there extended either a straight or a curved tunnel. I added the block after the wasp had dug 3.0 to 4.3 cm, far enough so that her hind tarsi were below the ground surface. The BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH lengthening b l o c k p l a c e d over the reference tunnel was similar to the 4-cm extension b l o c k - - a 7-cm • 8-cm plastic b l o c k with a 1-cm-diameter hole t h r o u g h it at a 75 ~ angle so t h a t the wasp w a l k e d 4.5 c m t h r o u g h the block. The experim e n t a l lengthening b l o c k was also 4 c m high, b u t the tunnel t h r o u g h this 7-cm • 13-cm b l o c k was curved so t h a t the distance the wasp actually w a l k e d while in the b l o c k was 8.5 cm. The curved tunnel in the experimental b l o c k was constructed so t h a t the wasp entered at a 75 ~ angle regardless o f whether she entered the b l o c k f r o m the m o u n d at the t o p o r f r o m her b u r r o w at the b o t t o m . The A. Opticol Distance angle o f the tunnel t h r o u g h the r e m a i n d e r o f the b l o c k was 13 ~ with s m o o t h l y r o u n d e d corners at the turns (Fig. 11). T h e inside o f b o t h experim e n t a l a n d reference lengthening blocks was lined with a thin layer o f q u a r t z sand (the wasps need r o u g h walls in o r d e r to climb u p the tunnel). There was little difference in the light, t e m p e r a ture a n d h u m i d i t y o f the tunnels d u g b e l o w the two kinds o f blocks. The curved tunnel was a fairly artificial situation, as wasps rarely have curved m a i n tunnels to their n e s t s q a n d when they do it is for a couple o f centimetres at most, to get a r o u n d a stone o r Hypothesis EXPERIMENTAL TUNNEL. E,perimenta, L.o0, .o,o0 439 e~ I PREDtCTION: Eopt REFERENCE TUNNEL Re'ereocel ~ L.o0,. =R ._~~I Optical distance R Path length R B. Path Length Hypothesis EX PERIMENTAL TUNNEL PREDICTION : REFERENCE TUNNEL / r / / BE- Epalh : BE B'R R Fig. 11. Experimental predictions of the optical distance and path length hypotheses (see text for symbols). A. The optical distance in the experimental and reference tunnels was increased by placing a 4-cm-high clear plastic block over the wasps' tunnels. If the wasps were measuring their optical distance from the tunnel entrance, then experimental and reference tunnels should be the same length. B. The physical path length was increased by 8.5 cm in the experimental tunnels and by only 4.5 cm in the reference tunnels. If the wasps were measuring the length of the tunnel from the entrance at the top of the block, then tunnels dug under the experimental block should be 4 cm shorter than those dug under the reference block. Epath / / / /.'~ Z,~" 440 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, root they have encountered while digging. Nonetheless, after 2 to 7 min, the wasps walked through the experimental lengthening block as they walked through the reference block. The only difference was that when the experimental block was first introduced, the wasps backed up the first 75 ~ section and deposited their load of soil in the section with the 13 ~ slope. After 5 min or so, the accumulating dirt and hence the narrowing of the tunnel forced them to walk out on top of the block, which they continued to do from then on. I kept the lengthening block over the tunnel for one full day after digging or until the wasp had provisioned her nest with one katydid. In the analysis I did not use tunnels that were abandoned while the block was in place. This was necessary since I did not have the otoscope during this study ( N H 1975), so I could not see when a side tunnel was constructed. Analysis of Data Under the optical distance hypothesis, the predicted length of the experimental tunnel (EopO is the same as the length of the reference tunnel (Fig. l l A ) : Eopt = R. (11) Alternatively, under the path length hypothesis, the predicted length of the experimental tunnel (Ep ath) is shorter than the length of the reference 15r- / o / / / / / 9 9 ,.,,,""" u / I1~" 5 / -BE / /I I / "i/ ~ i t/~<~" Epoth = B E BR 0 _ _ 3 _ _ 0 ~ I 5 10 _ I 15 28, 2 tunnel (R) by the difference in the distances walked while in the two blocks, or 4 cm. However, as in the extension experiments, when the predicted length of the tunnel (Epath) is less than the length of the tunnel when I added the block (BE), then the predicted length is B~ (Fig. 11B): i f R -- 4 > BE then Epat~ = R -- 4 and (12) i f R -- 4 < BE then Epath = BE. (13) Results All 10 wasps continued to dig when the experimental and reference lengthening blocks were added. The lengths of tunnels dug with the experimental block were shorter than those dug with the reference block (Fig. 12; sign test P = 0.011, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). The lengths of experimental tunnels were not significantly different from the values predicted by the path length hypothesis. The lengths of the experimental tunnels remained somewhat shorter than the lengths of the reference tunnels on succeeding days (sign test P = 0.03, Wilcoxon P = 0.03). Since the reference lengthening block was similar to the 4-cm extension block discussed in the previous section (except that the former was made of clear plastic and the latter of wood), it was possible to make a comparison similar to those made in the preceding section and thereby add more data to the problems discussed under the extension experiments. Tunnels dug with the 4-cm plastic block were significantly shorter than tunnels dug with no block (Fig. 13; N = 10: sign test P = 0.01, Wilcoxon P = 0.02). Tunnels dug with the 4-cm plastic block were not significantly different from the values predicted by the distance from entrance hypothesis (Fig. 13; sign test P = 0.09). Therefore, the results using the 4-cm plastic block and N H 1975 wasps were different from the results obtained using the 4cm wooden extension block and the M I 1974 wasps, where the tunnel length data were far more variable (Fig. 10). These results provide further support for the hypothesis that the wasps are measuring tunnel length as a function of their distance from the entrance of their tunnel rather than their depth in the soil. It seems possible that for some reason the wasps were not measuring the full distance of the 4-cm wooden extension blocks in the preceding experiment. R Fig. 12. A comparison between the final lengths in centimetres of artificially lengthened main tunnels and the predicted lengths under the optical distance and path length hypotheses (see Fig. 11 for explanation; 10 wasps tested). Conclusions and Discussion The results of the tunnel-lengthening experiment are consistent with the hypothesis that the lengths of tunnels dug by wasps are measured as B R O C K M A N N : CONTROL OF NEST D E P T H / 9 / / / // 9 / / ///// ~////// [0 //~. / t~ BE 9 9 Edlsl = B E BR O0 5 ..... ]kO ll5 R Fig. 13. A comparison between the final lengths in centimetres of artificially extended main tunnels and the predicted lengths under the depth in soil and distance from entrance hypotheses (see Fig. 9 for explanation). The experimental tunnels were lengthened by adding a 4-cm plastic extension block. No extension was added to the reference tunnels (10 wasps tested). a function of the wasps' physical distance from the entrance of their tunnels. Somehow they are apparently measuring the physical path length of the tunnel as they walk up and down during digging. As was mentioned earlier, however, the distance from the entrance probably only partially explains the mechanisms controlling tunnel length. At least under some circumstances, the wasps' depth in the soil may also influence the lengths of their tunnels. There is one problem with this experiment: it is possible that the light level in the bottom of the experimental tunnels may have been slightly lower than in the bottom of the reference tunnels. This is because sunlight could (although usually did not) shine directly down the straight tunnel through the reference block, whereas in the curved tunnel of the experimental block this was not possible. Therefore, I thought it important to control for differences in lighting conditions in a separate setZof experiments. Does Light Affect Tunnel Length ? Although the wasps are apparently measuring their physical distance from the entrance of their tunnels, it is still possible that they may be affected by the amount of light in the tunnel. I tested for this by having the wasps walk through 441 a false-tunnel-entrance block as they were digging. The false tunnel entrance is similar to the 1-cm wooden reference extension block of the tunnel extension experiment. The false-entrance block differs in that it has a 1-cm-high rim around the hole and mound except where the wasp actually walks. By resting a piece of wood on this rim, it is possible to shade either the tunnel entrance and the mound or just the mound or just the entrance (not done because the small area involved made this more difficult) or neither. The procedure is the same as in the previous experiments: each wasp digs one experimental and one reference tunnel (in random order) and the experimental and reference tunnels differ in the amount o f shading given during digging. If light at the bottom affects the length of the tunnel, then experimental tunnels dug with false tunnel entrances where the entrance and mound are shaded should be shorter than reference tunnels dug through false tunnel entrances where there is no shading. If light at the bottom is not important, then the lengths of these experimental and reference tunnels should be the same. But it is also possible that light at the surface may affect tunnel length. Therefore, it is necessary to make a second comparison. If light at the surface is affecting tunnel length, then experimental tunnels dug with false entrances where only the mound is shaded should be shorter than reference tunnels dug without the mound being shaded. On the other hand, if light at the bottom affects tunnel length, then experimental tunnels dug with the entrance and mound shaded should be shorter than reference tunnels dug with only the mound shaded. If light is of no importance, then all these experimental and reference tunnels should be the same length. Results (1) Lighting in bottom of tunnel. Experimental tunnels where the entrance and mound were covered during digging were significantly shorter than reference tunnels where there was no shading (N = 10: sign test P = 0.06, Wilcoxon P < 0.01). However, there is no significant difference between experimental tunnels dug with the entrance and mound covered and reference tunnels dug with only the mound covered (N == 10: sign test P = 0.62). As discussed above, this result supports the hypothesis that lighting in the bottom of the tunnel is not affecting the length of the tunnel. It suggests instead that lighting at the surface may be important. 442 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, (2) Lighting at the surface. Experimental tunnels dug when just the mound is covered are significantly shorter than reference tunnels dug with no shading on the mound (N = 10: sign test P = 0.06, Wilcoxon P < 0.02). Tunnels dug under the two conditions differed in length by a mean of 3.4 cm. Apparently, then, neither the optical path length, i.e. the distance from the tunnel entrance as determined by the wasp 'looking over her shoulder' at the entrance, nor the amount of light at the bottom is affecting tunnel length. Rather, the amount of light falling on the mound at the surface is in some way affecting the length of the burrow. Discussion A New Model for the Control of Nest Depth To this point the proposed model for the control of tunnel length included only one behavioural component: digging. According to the models in Figs. 4, 5 and 7, the wasps dig until they reach the value of some variable, when they cease digging and begin to construct a side tunnel. However, the descriptive and experimental results of this study reveal that there are really two behavioural components involved in the control of tunnel length: digging and filling. First, if I core tunnels beyond the point where the 28, 2 wasp digs her side tunnel, she moves back up the tunnel to the appropriate level, filling the main tunnel below the level of the side tunnel with soil. Second, in the artificially extended tunnels where the wasps dig short burrows, they lengthen them after the extensions are removed. The ability to adjust tunnel length is almost certainly not an experimental artifact. Wasps frequently alter existing burrows while the owner is away (Brockmann & Dawkins in press). A female who is digging a new burrow may return after an hour (feeding .9) to find that another wasp has dug it deeper or filled it in. The wasps, then, are not simply digging until they reach the value of some variable as was originally proposed. Rather, they assess a variable, and then dig or move up the tunnel, whichever is appropriate. Clearly a new model that incorporates all the results must inelude filling. The block diagram in Fig. 14 is one representation that accounts for the known facts concerning the control of tunnel length. The results of the extension experiments suggest that the cues influencing tunnel length are measured primarily as a function of the wasp's distance from her tunnel entrance. However, there may be other factors measured deep in the soil that, at least under some circumstances, might also influence ........................................... wl L,j ~ -- ngth~ )~ ~ Y:TUNNEL LENiTy DIG light stimulus z path ~ WASP .................................. deiPnth ~ Vp:stimulus Vb: stimulus Fig. 14. Block diagram illustrating the simplest scheme that accounts for known facts concerning the control of tunnel length in Sphex ichneumoneus. (See Fig. 4 and text for symbols.) The error signals Wand W' activate motor activities of filling or digging, which together with the present length of the tunnel determine its subsequent length. When Z = X no error signal is produced and the animal begins the next behavioural subsystem (digging the side tunnel). The results of this study suggest that surface lighting conditions may affect the value of the set-point (X). BROCKMANN: CONTROL OF NEST DEPTH tunnel length (Fig. 14). Therefore, either there is more than one variable controlling tunnel length through one or more feedback mechanism(s), or some factor encountered during digging may influence the value of the set-point. In addition, the results of the tunnel lengthening experiments suggest that the wasp is in some unknown way measuring the physical path length of her tunnel (Fig. 14). For example, she might be pacing off the distance or measuring how long it takes her to walk the length of the tunnel. Only further experiments can shed light on these intriguing problems. It should be noted that other, more complex controlling schemes are possible. For example, other external stimuli associated with tunnel length could affect the set-point (X) in a manner similar to the effect of surface lighting. Different set-points might control filling and digging; in fact, these activities might be controlled by separate feedback loops acting through different senses. Other complexities are also possible, but present data do not necessitate involvement of any components or connections beyond those diagrammed in Fig. 14. This model represents a hypothesis that could be tested by further experiments. Additional Variables Influencing Tunnel Length There appear to be factors other than path length affecting the depth to which wasps dig. Shading the mound and tunnel entrance or just the mound shortens the burrow by about one body length. But what is the specific variable involved ? Is it the change in light level per se or some other factor highly correlated with surface lighting conditions ? Are there other factors also influencing tunnel length ? The descriptive results mentioned at the outset indicate that some of the observed variability in tunnel length may be accounted for by covarianee with surface light levels and soil moisture. However, the experimental results suggest that the wasps are not digging until they reach some specific value of these variables, but rather that they dig to a preset length that may be influenced by variables encountered during digging. Further evidence for this comes from the fact that the depth at which a particular temperature, light, or moisture level occurs differs markedly over the day (Brockmann 1976). If they were digging to specific values of these variables, there would be large differences in the lengths of burrows dug early in the morning and late in the afternoon. These descriptive results, then, are consistent 443 with the experimental finding that shading influences burrow length but does not determine the specific depth to which the wasps dig. Most authors who have studied golden digger wasps in detail agree that the compaction of the soil has something to do with tunnel length (Rau & Rau 1918; Frisch 1937; Ristich 1953). However, I feel that soil moisture would be an equally good explanation for their observations. Sandy, uncompacted soils are capable of far greater drying than are packed soils with some clay content (Miller 1973). The interesting results of Rau (1933), that wasps dig very short tunnels in hardpacked but very wet soils in Panama, would tend to confirm this suspicion (although, of course, it is possible that Panamanian Sphex iehneumoneus have been subjected to different selective pressures so that the control mechanisms may be different). Evans (1966b) and Alcock & Ryan (1973) have suggested that in another species of sphecid wasp that digs tunnels of highly variable lengths (Microbembex nigrifrons), variability in soil moisture may be partially responsible for the variability in tunnel length. Literature observations, then, seem to support the notion that soil moisture may be an important additional factor influencing tunnel length. When one discovers in an experiment that an animal is adjusting the depth to which it digs its nest on the basis of surface light levels, one cannot help but ask why. What is the selective advantage for such behaviour ? I see at least three possible explanations. First, it is, of course, possible that I have not measured the correct variables. Shading the nest entrance may simultaneously increase the surface soil moisture or humidity. No experiments were conducted to test the effect of these variables independent of light levels. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether the wasps are really responding to shading or to changes in some other variable closely correlated with shading. Second, it is also possible that the animal might be using an easily measured variable such as surface light level to predict some difficult-to-measure but biologically important variable such as soil moisture (which is possible if the two are closely correlated). Third, surface light levels may, in fact, be a better predictor of some biologically important condition deep in the soil where the larva is developing than actual measurements of the condition itself. For example, the integrated temperature over the day may be an important factor in the success of the developing larva. Temperature levels in the soil vary enormously 444 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, over the course of the day, being cooler than the surface early in the morning and warmer than the surface late in the afternoon as a wave of heat f r o m the hot afternoon sun flows deep into the soil (many complexities are added to this by other weather conditions, personal observations). I f the female were to measure the temperature deep in the soil she might have a worse indication o f the integrated temperature than if she simply knew whether she was digging in the sun or in the shade and adjusted her behaviour accordingly. Conclusion The results collected so far indicate that a wasp measures the length of the tunnel she is digging and compares it with a preset value. She continues digging if the main tunnel is too short, and she moves up the tunnel if it is too long. The preset length may be altered up or down by about one body length depending on surface conditions. Surface light levels may act to reset the set-point for tunnel length, or soil moisture encountered during digging may act as a secondary mechanism controlling tunnel length. However, such a proposed controlling mechanism appears to be contrary to the observation that the lengths of the tunnels dug by one wasp in one localized area are highly variable. I do not think this is a contradiction; for even within one area, local conditions, such as the presence of a plant, strongly influence local soil moisture and light levels. In Exeter, where there was less variability in the environment, i.e. equal exposure to sun and more or less equal presence of plants, the tunnel lengths were also less variable. I suggest, therefore, that variability in tunnel length may be largely a reflection of variability in local surface conditions. The model proposed for the mechanism controlling tunnel length (Fig. 14) suggests that the wasp is using more than one kind of information. The animal is apparently not completely dependent upon one external stimulus source or one sensory system. Such a redundant system could be crucial for an animal that digs in such a variety of soils over such a wide geographical range. Because wasps choose to dig only in certain areas, only at specific times of the day (Brockmann 1979), and only to particular depths, and because of redundant mechanisms controlling tunnel length, the end result of the digging, i.e. the environment in which the larval wasp develops, may be held within specific limitations. 28, 2 Acknowledgments I would like to express my particular gratitude to Jack P. Hailman, whose thoughtful comments and critical mind played a very important role in the design of these experiments and in the writing of this manuscript. I would also like to thank W. P. Porter, A. O. W. Stretton, S. D. Carlson, R. D. Shenefelt, and H. E. Evans for reading the manuscript and for providing many helpful suggestions. The University of Michigan in Dearborn, Michigan, Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, and Richard and Betty Brinckerhoff of Exeter, New Hampshire, kindly provided study sites. Orin Gelderloos, Gary Wagenbach, Timothy Manning, Calvin DeWitt, Thomas Brockmann, and Jean O'Meara provided assistance for this study. The University of Wisconsin and Maxwell and Helen Brockmann provided support for the research. Cheryl Hughes prepared the figures and drawings from slides and sketches by the author. John Dallman and Ken Olsen assisted with the experimental apparatus. This manuscript is a modification of one submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. REFERENCES Abbott, R. L. 1931. Instinct or intelligence in the great golden digger? Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 38, 255-258. Alcock, J. & Ryan, A. F. 1973. The behavior of Microbembex nigrifrons (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Pan-Pac. Entomo[., 49, 144-148. Brockmann, H. J. 1976. 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(Received 7 November 1978; revised 20 Jane 1979; MS. number: A2229).