
.… a dynamic learning
community committed
to each child’s success!
The American
School of Doha
P.O. Box 22090, Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 4459-1500
Fax: +974 4459-1570
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Handbook for School Year 2013-2014
Vision, Mission & Values
Guidelines for Teachers
Guidelines for Teaching Assistants
Guidelines for Support Staff
General Information (for Teaching Assistants & Support Staff)
Additional Information (for ASD Sponsored Support Staff)
Emergency Exit Procedures
Guidelines for the Behavior of Students (for Teaching Assistants)
PACT (Professional and Collaborative Time)
Professional Learning
Financial Support for Professional Learning
Professional Learning Opportunities
Guidelines for NESA Funding
Guidelines for Qatar Reads
Strategic Plan for Improved Student
ASD Academic Calendar 2013-2014
Personnel Policies 5.0
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Our Mission
The American School of Doha is committed to the intellectual and personal development of
our students, inspiring and empowering them to become positive, active global citizens.
Our Vision
ASD is a vibrant learning community...
where learning is fun
where learning is creative
where learning is authentic
where learning is innovative
where learning is collaborative
where learning is data-informed
where learning is technology infused.
ASD is where learning extends beyond walls...
Our Values
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
This teacher’s handbook is designed to be a guide and reference tool for faculty at The
American School of Doha. It is revised yearly. Research clearly indicates that the teachers
are the greatest factor in the quality of a school and the impact on student learning. To this
end, we strive to recruit and retain the very best teachers, and this handbook is part of our
commitment to provide teachers with the necessary support they need to do their job well.
We believe that the key to our success as a school is the quality of our faculty. For this
reason, we go to great lengths to bring the very best teachers to ASD. Our commitment to
you is that we will do our best to support you in a manner that will enable you to do your
very best in the classroom and to continue to grow as a professional during your time at
ASD. Our expectations of our faculty are simple and obvious. We want you to be committed
to meeting the learning needs of each and every one of your students. We want you to add
to the positive spirit of our school community by working and sharing with others and
seeking opportunities to be involved with students, parents, and faculty. We want you to
seek professional growth opportunities to enlarge your skills and stimulate your growth as
a professional. We want your commitment to assist us in our continuous efforts at school
improvement. And we want to hear your voice about school issues and your dreams for our
We have a unique opportunity at ASD to create something very special. We need our
teachers to help us strive for excellence every day in all that we do. We can only be better
Dr. Deb Welch
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Absences (student): Attendance is taken on Power School daily. Parents should make
every effort to avoid taking vacations while the school is in session. If a parent must
remove a child from school he / she should inform the office and the teacher as soon as
possible. Teachers are asked to work with students and parents to lessen the impact on
learning from absences as much as possible. By the same token, students are to be
responsible in making up any missed work within a reasonable time frame.
Absences (teacher): ASD provides a plan for leaves and absences designed to help members
of the staff maintain their physical health, take care of family and other personal emergencies,
improve professionally, and discharge important and necessary obligations.
Leave is considered any time an employee is away from the classroom or office, including days
related to professional development, sports trips, fieldtrips, and all Board Policy Leaves. Any
time leave is taken, an electronic leave of absence form must be submitted to your divisional
Accreditation: The American School of Doha is accredited by the New England Association
of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).
Human Resources: The Human Resource Department is committed to providing quality
services in a professional, caring, and consistent manner to our faculty and staff. With
approximately 350 employees, we recognize that in order to realize our vision of excellence
for the students of ASD, we need to attract and retain the very best teachers, administrators
and support staff.
Overall management services include: Employee Contracts Administration, Residence Visa
Processing, Exit Permits, Leaves of Absence, Medical Insurance, Benefits Administration,
Payroll, Employee Records Management, and all necessary Governmental Paperwork.
Human Resources provide daily guidance and support for all of our employees. In
providing these services, we are dedicated to clear communication, progressive thinking,
and resourceful solutions.
The Human Resource Office is located in the Central Administrative wing. For assistance,
please contact the Human Resources Department.
Assessment Practices: ASD has a set of essential agreements which guide our school-wide
assessment practices. These agreements articulate our beliefs around best practice in
assessment and include the need for both formative and summative assessment that
should engage students high level critical thinking skills, and that there should be both
common and contextual assessments in all subject areas.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Essential Agreements for Assessment:
1. Teachers will use a balance between formative and summative assessment. The school
will educate parents, students, teachers and administrators to become assessment
2. Teachers will actively involve students in the assessment process through selfreflection, goal setting, peer collaboration and teacher guidance.
3. Assessment will be clearly aligned to ASD’s standards and benchmarks.
4. Teachers will use a variety of assessment strategies to ensure standards and
benchmarks are measured accurately.
5. Teachers will provide clear assessment criteria regarding objectives, expectations and
6. Teachers will provide models of performance to ensure students understand the
expectations for their assessments.
7. Teachers will use assessment as a tool for learning and will emphasize process as well
as product.
8. Teachers will use assessment to guide instruction.
9. Teachers will provide students with feedback that is timely, descriptive and objective.
10. Teachers will share assessment ideas and practices, and in common courses and grade
levels, will seek to develop common assessments.
Atlas Rubicon: This web-based software program is used by our faculty to map their
course units and to write unit plans that are aligned to our standards and benchmarks and
performance assessments. All teachers use the Understanding By Design model for units.
Teachers are expected to ensure that all unit maps are updated on Atlas Rubicon each
quarter. Units will include “understandings” and “essential questions” and will have all
other boxes completed. All commonly taught courses will work from a collaborative map.
Updated curriculum units are a requirement to meet the standards of the
Professional Growth and Evaluation (PG&E) rubric. Atlas “go to” people are Gail
Seay, Karen Genest, Jeff Genest and Paula Dolan. Website: http://
If you have password issues or need course changes, please see Gail Seay.
Audiovisual equipment: The school possesses a variety of audiovisual equipment.
Availability is subject to supply and demand. The following AV equipment is available from
ASD’s libraries: data projectors, digital cameras and video cameras, camera tripods, DVD
players, portable stereo CD systems, CD/Cassette stereo systems, external speakers,
overhead projectors, microphones, headphones, and some audiovisual cables and adaptors.
Requests for video recordings should go to the respective libraries.
Bereavement Leave: Under ASD policy, teachers are entitled to ten (10) paid working days
plus round trip airfare to home of record as bereavement leave for members of the
immediate family. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, brothers, sisters, and your
own children. Spouses are also given ten days of paid leave for bereavement (flight is not
included). Local hire teachers do not receive the airfare home but are eligible for the ten
paid working days.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Board of Directors: The ASD Board of Directors comprises twelve (12) appointed and/or
elected members from the ASD community. The fundamental mission of the board is to
establish goals and objectives for the school and then to aid, support and direct the
administration in guiding the school towards these established objectives. Board meetings
are scheduled for the third Tuesday of every month. There is a designated board room in
the central office. All ASD community members are welcome to attend the public session of
the Board meeting.
Business Office: If you have a question regarding your reimbursement, shipping allowance
refunds, and all banking related issues see the Business Office located in the central
administrative wing. Questions related to the contractual aspects of your benefit package
should be directed to the Director of Human Resources.
Chain of Command: If you have either a personal or contractual issue, talk to your primary
administrator before discussing this matter with the director. All concerns, conflicts, and
disagreements on whatever subject should be solved at the lowest possible level that is
between the two individuals most directly involved before moving the concern to a higher
Classroom Appearance: The classroom is the home away from home of our students.
Classrooms should be attractive, warm and conducive to learning. Classrooms should be
organized to provide students with adequate personal space. Although routine janitorial
and maintenance issues are the responsibility of administration, teachers are expected to
maintain a classroom setting that presents a pleasant environment for student learning.
Student work prominently exhibited in conjunction with informative displays is
encouraged. Educational materials should be stored and/or shelved to allow for student
access when appropriate. We ask teachers not to add furniture to their classrooms that is
not part of this design package. If you need additional furnishings, these can be
coordinated with your divisional administration.
Compensation Guide: ASD utilizes a step system of compensation that is based on tenure
at ASD as well as performance. New teachers are placed on the bands according to their
years of experience.
Compensation: Annual salary compensation is clearly specified in the employment
contract entered into by the employee and the employer. Salaries for all staff are paid in
twelve (12) equal installments beginning August 1st. Monthly salaries are deposited on the
last Thursday of the month. Questions about your salaries should be directed to the Human
Resource office.
Contraband: Students are not allowed to carry onto the school grounds any of these
banned items: tobacco, drugs (except prescription), weapons of any kind (or look alike),
skateboards, water pistols, and any other item deemed inappropriate by the
administration. If any student is in possession of any of the above items, please take
appropriate action as soon as possible, particularly in the case of suspected weapons and
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
refer the matter to the appropriate school administrator.
Contractual Obligations: Please read your contract carefully. It explains certain
responsibilities and activities you may be required to assist with that may not have been
requirements at your previous school.
Copying (laminating) Services: Copying and laminating services for ASD are located in
both schools. The location for elementary school will be inside the elementary cafeteria.
The location for middle school/high school will be in room 2301 outside the social studies
classrooms above the dining hall on the 2nd floor. Whenever possible, items to be copied
should be turned in two days in advance. Copiers have been placed in the team planning
rooms for middle and high school teachers and all copying, except for large jobs, should be
done on these machines. Teachers should be aware that there are limitations to the number
of items that may be laminated per quarter. See your principal for specific details. Copying
machines in the administrative offices are not to be used for extensive classroom copying.
A copy machine for student use is available in the MS/HS library at a nominal cost.
Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: Living in a Muslim country and having a wide variety
of nationalities enrolled at ASD requires the professional staff to exhibit and model a high
degree of cultural sensitivity and awareness. Learning a few of the basic customs can help
to prevent misunderstandings and avoid embarrassing situations. It is also important to
realize that different nationalities maintain their own perceptions of the education process.
Some parents may find the ASD program too demanding while others may feel the
curriculum will not adequately prepare their child for repatriation to their home country. It
is critical that teachers are aware of these differences and attempt to bridge any gaps
through dialogue with the parents.
Teachers should also be aware that extending a hand for a handshake to a member of the
opposite sex is a western custom. When greeting a member of the opposite sex, do not
extend your hand unless they have extended their hand first.
Female teachers should be aware that "modesty" is an important concept in Muslim society
and that bare shoulder, scooped neck tops, or other clothing that is acceptable in the West
may be viewed as too "revealing" in Muslim society. Please be sensitive to this.
Curriculum: Teachers are expected to teach and follow the ASD curriculum as the
fundamental basis in the development of long term and short term plans for classroom
instruction. ASD has standards and benchmarks for all curriculum areas. Teachers are
expected to develop and align their unit plans and assessments to these standards and
benchmarks using the Atlas Rubicon website ( The
following is a set essential agreement for all curriculum areas:
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
School-wide Essential Agreements for Curriculum:
 Teachers will teach the ASD standards and benchmarks.
 Teachers will teach the ASD curriculum using a variety of engaging instructional
 Teachers will assess the ASD curriculum using a variety of formative and summative
assessment tools.
 Teachers will differentiate instruction to meet the varying needs of their students.
 Teachers will, where possible, connect learning to the real world.
 Teachers will guide students to reflect on their learning.
 Teachers will maintain regular communication with parents regarding their child’s
learning through timely and descriptive feedback.
Curriculum Development: Teachers are expected to be active participants in the
development of curriculum for The American School of Doha. Our curriculum improvement
plan has included refining our standards and benchmarks, critiquing our assessment
practices, and incorporating the Understanding By Design model for unit design. We will
continue to critically review our unit writing. All teachers are expected to use the UBD
format, to revise their unit plans using the Atlas Rubicon website. ASD is using the Ongoing
Curriculum Alignment Process (see appendix for the OCAP graphic) to ensure that our
curriculum is current and appropriate. Teachers are expected to participate in the various
on-going curriculum improvement processes and initiatives. We use a representative
committee model to review curriculum.
Daily Responsibilities (classroom): Teachers are responsible for daily attendance,
presenting interesting and informative lessons that correlate with the school curriculum,
maintaining accurate student records, maintaining a file of student work that reflects a
student’s academic ability, providing a classroom environment that is conducive to
learning, maintaining class discipline using recognized and appropriate strategies that
motivate rather than embarrass the child and developing long and short term behavioral
Daily Responsibilities (outside of classroom): Teachers may be assigned to lunchroom,
recess, parking detail, and/or extra-curricular activities (after school sports/clubs). All
teachers are responsible for the behavior of all students at all times. Please do not ignore
inappropriate student behavior when you see it.
Discipline: Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior on the school grounds
and when being transported to and from school. The classroom or specialist teacher should
redirect and if necessary discipline students’ inappropriate behavior. If a teacher feels that
a student’s actions deserve additional attention the school principal and/or counselor
should be made aware of the incident. Specific discipline procedures are outlined in each
division's student handbook. The purpose of discipline at ASD is student learning.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Dress Code: Teachers and all other members of the ASD staff should appear neat and clean
and be sensitive to their status as guests in our host country and as role models for
students. Proper dress is that which is acceptable to a majority of our community and is in
good taste for school attendance and life in Qatar. Sleeveless tops are not appropriate. Men
should not wear t-shirts, shorts, sandals, or crocs to school. ASD does have casual
Thursdays when faculty may wear jeans. Students are also expected to dress neatly. Girls
should not wear any revealing clothing. Tube tops, visible midriffs, and shorts or short
skirts are not respectful of our host culture. Students who are dressed inappropriately
should be sent to the office or put on more appropriate clothing.
Driver’s Licenses: Teachers may acquire an official Qatari driver’s license once they
receive their residence permits. A temporary driver’s license must be obtained within the
first 7 days of arrival to legally drive. The Human Resource Department will assist you with
the process. It is important that you possess a current national license from your home
country in order to obtain a Qatari Driving License.
Email: Teachers will be assigned an email address by our network administrator
(, and given instructions on how to use this communication tool.
Teachers are asked to check their email at least twice a day: once in the morning and again
at the end of the school day.
ESL: ESL assistance is available for students whose first language is not English in grades
one through grade eight. If a student appears to be experiencing difficulty with English in
the classroom the teacher should inform the principal and the ESL teacher of the situation
and provide authentic samples of the student’s class work in addition to anecdotal records.
Within a reasonable period of time (no longer than one week) the student’s English
language skills will be evaluated.
Extra-Curricular Responsibilities: All teachers are expected to volunteer for a minimum
of twenty hours of after school activity or school improvement work without additional
compensation. Stipends are paid for some athletics and other student activity
Faculty Advisory Council: The FAC is a group of volunteer faculty who meet with the
director once a month (fourth Tuesday of each month) to present or give input on faculty
issues and to offer advice and insights to the director.
Facilities Usage: There are strict guidelines and procedures for using the facilities at the
school. Please see the school Events Coordinator, Deidre Collins ([email protected]) for
specific details on what types of activities may be conducted and which groups may request
use of the facilities. Faculty, staff, parents or others must book all rooms in advance. Room
reservation forms may be obtained at the Central Office Reception or in the respective
school offices. Forms must be submitted to Deidre Collins ([email protected]) in the
Central Administration Reception area.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Faculty Meetings: Faculty meetings are normally held each month in all divisions of the
school. All teachers, full and part-time, are required to attend faculty meetings and should
not schedule conflicting activities on those days. Teachers who have shared assignments in
different divisions will be assigned to a specific division for faculty meetings.
In addition to faculty meetings, the director will call K-12 meetings as needed. Unless there
is an emergency, these times will be published well ahead of the scheduled meeting time.
Field Trips: School field trips that bring greater cultural awareness to students or enhance
an aspect of the curriculum are encouraged and supported. Trips during school hours
should have specific educational goals that coincide with material being discussed in the
classroom. All field trips will take place in a safe and healthy environment. We ask teachers
to be sensitive to student time way from class and to plan all trips well ahead of time.
Application forms are available in each division’s main office. These forms may also be
found in the public folders in Entourage or Outlook. These forms need to be approved by
the principal and then directed to the office manager for processing. The principal should
be apprised of plans for a field trip at least seven days in advance of the scheduled date of
departure. In addition, teachers should provide the principal with a copy of the trip
itinerary, and a brief summary that explains the rationale for the trip. All students
participating on school-sponsored field trips must sign a permission form. In the ES, if
transportation is required please see the ES office manager. In the MSHS, teachers are
asked to make these arrangements directly with the transportation office.
Fire Drills: See Safety
Fitness Center: ASD is proud to have a fitness center. Teachers are welcome to use the
fitness center before and after school or during the day if classes are not present. The
aerobics room should be booked through Deidre Collins ([email protected]).
Furniture and Appliances: ASD provides housing for overseas hired teachers and each
unit contains basic furniture and general appliances for the kitchen. These items are
property of The American School of Doha and should be properly maintained.
Grade Level Meetings: Grade level team leaders and department chairs meet with
respective principals on the first Tuesday of each month. Grade level team leaders and
department chairs meet with their teams or departments on the second Tuesday of each
Grading Scale – The ASD Student Handbook has a grading scale that provides letters
grades to the corresponding numerical percentage equivalent. Grading and reporting
practices are currently under review to reflect research-based best practices. Performance
standards are used in place of numerical/letter grading in the ES.
Guidance: Guidance services are available for all students. ASD has eight counselors, three
for the elementary and three for the high school, and two for the middle school. Teachers
are encouraged to support the counselor in working with students on their interpersonal
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
and social skills in small group, whole class, or individual settings. In the elementary school,
the counselors will provide lessons for homerooms.
Healthy Food Choice Guidelines:
 Food provided should be within the bounds of healthy choices.
 Fundraising by any group within the school should promote healthy choices.
 Celebrations involving food should provide students with healthy choices.
 The school’s food service provider should offer healthy choices at all times.
Homework: Homework is considered an essential component of the academic program.
However, teachers should make an effort to assign work that promotes positive
reinforcement of material introduced in class, individual responsibility and effectual
parental involvement. It should not exclusively be assignments that demand nothing more
than rote memorization or repetitious tasks. Teachers should consider the developmental
age of their student population when assigning homework. As stated in the ASD Student
Handbook, absolutely no more than 20-25 minutes of homework should be given to
students in grades 1 – 2, of which at least 15 minutes should be reading. Students in
grades 3 can expect 30-35 minutes; 4 – 5 can expect as much as 40 to 50 minutes daily in
each major subject area. However, the total should not exceed one and one half (1.5) hours
as detailed in student handbook. Homework guidelines for high school students should be
from 2 to 3 hours per night and more as tests and exams approach. Staying caught up is the
key to success in high school. Teachers are responsible to review and hold students
accountable for the completion of homework to support the learning process.
Homework during Holidays: Holidays are a time to take a break from school and to be
with family and friends. For this reason, no homework may be assigned to students during
Winter Break, Eid holidays, or spring break. IB/AP students may receive homework during
breaks due to the high demands of the course. By virtue of this suspension of homework,
no tests, projects, essays, or major assignments should occur during the first week back at
school after a holiday or until after the second-class meeting has taken place. Assignments
of significant size should not extend across holidays.
Housing (school sponsored): All overseas hired faculty are provided housing. The size of
the accommodation is dependent upon marital status and the number of dependents. The
location and distribution of school housing is at the discretion of the school director and
availability of housing. Requests for maintenance or repairs should be made by email to our
facilities management company at [email protected]. A 24-hour helpline is
available by calling 4459-1529. Repairs are the responsibility of ASD or the unit’s owner
except for damage due to negligence by either the sponsored staff and/or dependents.
Modifications to sponsored housing need be approved through facilities before proceeding.
Teachers may be responsible for any costs related to restoring the housing to original
condition. Unless otherwise specified, teachers are responsible for all costs related to
exterior plants and gardening.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Internet: Please refer to Social Media, Internet, and Email Guidelines. Teachers should also
be reminded not to download music or videos from the internet during the teaching day as
our bandwidth gets very crowded when we have over 1000 users actively using the
internet. Such downloads can be done after normal school hours.
In-service Orientation (August): All faculty members are required to attend the in-service
sessions before the opening day of school in August. Support staff is required to report as
Keys: All classroom teachers will receive classroom keys as needed and additional keys to
all locking desk drawers and cabinets. These keys must be returned at the end of the
school year. If you have questions pertaining to key replacement, please contact the
facilities management company by email at: [email protected]
Leaving campus: Teachers need to sign out and inform an administrator whenever they
need to leave the school during the workday to attend to personal business. If more than a
brief departure, teachers should check with principal. During PACT time all teachers are
expected to remain on campus.
Lesson plans: While we do not require daily lesson plans, all teachers are required to
insert their units of instruction on Atlas Rubicon and should be prepared to discuss their
lesson planning and preparation with the principal and/or director upon request.
Library Media Center:
The Elementary Library is open Sunday to Thursday from 7:40 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (closing
at 1:00 p.m on PACT Tuesdays). The collection has over 20,000 items that include books,
audio books, magazines, professional resources for teachers, and DVDs. There are several
computers available for students' use. The library is staffed by two certified teacherlibrarians and supported by 3 library assistants and an AV assistant.
The goals of the Elementary Library program are to enable students to learn independently,
to support critical thinking in research, and to foster a love of reading. Students in PREK
and through Grade 2 have a weekly scheduled library times. Grade 3 – 5 are on a flexible
schedule with weekly checkout and additional time for research.
The library catalog is available anywhere via It can also be
accessed via “quick links” and “elementary library.” If you are on campus,
you can simply type “Library” into your browser’s URL bar to get to the library
homepage/catalog. The library website includes helpful links for teachers as well as
The ES library staff works with teachers in planning and teaching information literacy and
technology skills within the context of the curriculum. These lessons include locating and
accessing information, evaluating information sources, and research utilizing print and
digital sources. In addition to the library skills, the librarian provides story times for
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
primary grades, book talks for older children, and special displays that highlight various genres
of literature, holidays, or themes. Parent and teacher workshops are held throughout the year.
Overdue notices are emailed and printed out every Tuesday. Print copies are distributed by
the classroom teacher. No overdue fees are charged. End-of-year report cards and exit
documents are withheld until the accounts for all lost or damaged materials have been
settled. Books that are lost or damaged are charged the cost of the item plus 30 QR for
shipping and processing fees.
Students may visit the library before school and during recess and lunch. They also may
come to the library during class time with the permission of the classroom teacher. All
students are welcome to check out or return books anytime during the day. First through
fifth graders may check out four books, Kindergarteners three books, and prekindergarteners one book.
The Middle School/High School Library is open Sunday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. (closing at 1:00 p.m. on PACT Tuesdays). The collection comprises approximately
20,000 fiction and non-fiction books, reference books, audio books, and DVD resources, and
professional books and journals for teachers. The MS/HS Library subscribes to print
periodicals and full-text online periodical databases for students and adults, covering all
areas of the curriculum, including professional resources. Our library and other resources
are accessible online at
The Librarians are available to help teachers with their curricular needs by: (1)
collaborating with faculty and helping to plan research units; (2) teaching information
literacy skills and information technology skills within the context of an authentic learning
activity or unit; (3) scheduling classes for research and integrated lessons; (4) assisting
with access and use of information and information systems; (5) providing resources,
bibliographies, and pathfinders on given topics; (6) offering reading guidance and support
for reading promotion; and (7) facilitating reservations for AV equipment.
No overdue fees are charged. PowerSchool access may be temporarily closed for extremely
overdue library materials, and end-of-year report cards and exit documents are withheld
until the accounts for all lost or damaged materials have been settled. Books that are lost or
damaged are charged the cost of the item plus 30 QR for shipping and processing fees.
Lunch: A school-wide lunch program is offered under contract from Teyseer Services
Company, with additional services by The Coffee Beanery and Subway on the campus.
Teachers may be responsible for lunchroom supervision.
Mail (school/ personal): All sponsored staff will have their personal and professional mail
delivered to their school mailbox. Mail is delivered morning, mid-day and afternoon.
Outgoing mail may be sent using the central administration reception. Stamps can be
purchased at the main reception desk. Courier service is also available - see the main
receptionist for details.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Make-up Work: Students who are absent may be required to complete assignments they
missed. Teachers should be helpful to students and parents with this make-up process.
Medical (in Doha): There are a number of private clinics located in Doha that provide
minor medical care at a reasonable cost. Hamad Hospital is a 1000+ bed facility that has
the resources and personnel to perform major surgery. Other smaller government clinics
are also available for use. The American Hospital and Al Ahli Hospital are both private
hospitals that accept TIECARE, our school medical carrier. Should you wish to receive a
Hamad Medical Card, in addition to your TIECARE Health card, please contract Human
Medical Examination: Newly hired teachers must agree to have a comprehensive medical
examination performed at the outset of employment with the school, as per the directives
of the Supreme Education Council, Office of Private Schools.
In addition to these examinations, Qatari Law requires all foreigners to have a chest x-ray
and give a blood sample, and be tested for AIDS. This is done in Doha.
Medical Insurance: All sponsored faculty receive major medical coverage from TIECARE.
Teachers will receive information that will explain the employee benefits program through
TIECARE. If you have additional questions please contact TIECARE directly. TIECARE
contact information is located on the back of your insurance card.
Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools (NESA): ASD is a member of NESA, the
association representing professional educators in this region. An educator’s conference is
held each spring. NESA also provides a Fall Leadership Conference, a Fall Training Institute
and a Winter Training Institute. A new teacher representative is selected each year and he
/she is responsible for helping to promote and organize the conference. This year’s NESA
Reps are Mary Edward and Stephanie Moy. As compensation for teacher participation, ASD
covers the cost of the registration fee and a portion of the round trip airfare to the
conference site. Teachers may apply to present a workshop at the Spring Educators
Conference. Applications for funding are reviewed by the Leadership Team and/or the PL
NESA Virtual School: Teachers at ASD are required to post information about their classes
at NESA Virtual School. This includes, but is not limited to, announcements, assignments,
and a course description. NVS would be used in the case of an emergency closing to deliver
instruction to ASD students. It is also used on a regular basis to improve communication
and access to course materials. Use of NVS is a requirement to meet the standards of
the Professional Growth and Evaluation (PG&E) rubric.
Newsletter Elementary (class): Teachers should make an effort to keep parents informed
of class activities and academic progress through an electronic monthly class newsletter.
This publication may be brief (1 page) but it should contain information pertinent to the
daily program.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Newsletter (all school): The school produces an all-school electronic newsletter; Sahifa
every Wednesday. Deadline for submissions are by 3 p.m. on Tuesday to your respective
divisional secretary. Teachers are encouraged to promote student work and activities by
submitting articles to Sahifa on a periodic basis. The Sahifa is posted on the website.
School Nurse: ASD has four registered nurses; one office is located near the middle
school/high school Dining Hall in Room 1302, and one on the LES campus, room 1575. The
school nurses are authorized to dispense prescription drugs providing the students bring a
note signed by parent or guardian.
Nuts Allergies: ASD is a nut-sensitive campus due to the dangers of students with allergies
coming in contact with nuts.
Open House: Open House is scheduled for the first quarter of each year for each division.
This activity is designed to provide a venue for the parents to meet their child’s teacher and
view the classroom setting. If parents required specific information concerning their child,
the teacher should suggest that the parent schedule a conference.
Other Work: The teacher shall devote his/her full time, skill, labor and attention to the
discharge of his/her duties during the term of his/her written contract. Teachers are not
permitted to tutor their own students, and the school discourages teachers from accepting
other work for compensation unless the director gives special permission. All teachers
work visas are valid only for work at ASD.
PACT: Professional and Collaborative Time: Two of the central strands of working at ASD
are collaboration and school improvement, and we have learned that collaborative time is
an essential element to achieving our vision as a school. To this end, we have PACT every
Tuesday, which means that students leave at 12:30 pm and faculty use the remaining time
of the afternoon to work together to improve instruction and student learning. On weeks
when we have less than a full week, we will not have PACT. Teachers are asked to keep a
PACT log, which will be used to record collaboration for each PACT. Teacher leaders will be
setting PACT agendas and will be responsible for communicating team PACT goals to their
divisional principals. PACT is not a time to schedule organizational meetings or for
individual teacher work or grading. During this year some PACT time will be needed for the
accreditation committees.
During PACT time, all PACT work must be undertaken on campus. Leaving campus during
PACT is not permitted unless given permission by the principal.
Parent – Teacher Communication: Parents are encouraged to maintain clear and open
lines of communication with their child’s teacher(s). If parents have questions concerning
aspects of the educational program, they should contact the teacher by phone or schedule a
meeting to address their concerns in person. Teachers should respond to email and phone
messages within 24 hours and make themselves available to meet with parents as soon as
it is convenient for both parties. Parent meetings on PACT afternoon should only be
scheduled after 4:00 p.m.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
It is the teacher responsibility to initiate communication with the parent in advance if any
student is in danger of failing a course.
Parent – Teacher Conferences: Parent teacher conferences are scheduled twice per year,
once each semester. However, parents or teachers may request a conference at any time
deemed necessary to discuss the academic or interpersonal skills of a student. In the
elementary school, the second scheduled conference is a three-way conference starting at
the PK level.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA): The American School of Doha has an active and
enthusiastic PTA. The organization sponsors a Friendship Festival, Book Fair and other
activities each year to raise funds for the school.
Parties: Class parties are an appropriate school activity, provided the theme of the party in
the classroom can be justified as applying to the curriculum or student welfare. Individual
parents, a group of parents, or an appropriate organization may sponsor parties. All parties
must have prior approval of the respective principal and the classroom teacher. It is
recommended that all class parties follow the ASD Health Curriculum guidelines of offering
students healthy choices and that, due to allergies, no nuts or nut products be served.
Personal Leave: Personal leave is granted at the rate of three (3) working days per school
year. Personal leave must be requested and approved by the Principal at least three (3)
working days in advance. The Principal will consider the impact on student learning and
the availability of quality substitutes when making the decision. Personal leave cannot be
attached to a school holiday for vacation purposes.
Personal shipment: When your personal shipment arrives in Doha it will need to clear
customs. The shipping manager/receiver will assist you with this process. If your shipment
is small, the school will provide a vehicle to assist you with the transportation of your
personal effects. Larger shipments need to be handled and delivered by the shipping
company. All shipping costs incurred are the responsibility of the employee. Shipping
charges will be reimbursed upon receipt to the Business Office up to the contracted
shipping allowance.
Petty Cash Reimbursement: Teachers may on occasion purchase educational materials
locally, providing the teacher has received approval in advance from their school principal
regarding the specific item(s). All petty cash items require a receipt before any funds can be
Physical Education: All students are provided with a physical education program. Students
are expected to wear appropriate clothing and footwear on days scheduled for phys. ed.
instruction. All students are required to wear a PE uniform In the ES, students may wear
long sweatpants during the winter months. A six-week mandatory swimming program is
offered in conjunction with PE classes. Students must provide their own swim suit, towels
swim cap, and goggles.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
PowerSchool: Attendance should be entered by 8:15 a.m. in the ES and MS and within the
first 15 minutes of each period in the HS. Grades should be posted within one week of any
given assignment's due date. Teachers should be aware of the public portal for
PowerSchool that allows 24/7 access to student grades and other school information. Use
of PowerSchool is a requirement to meet the standards of the Professional Growth
and Evaluation (PG&E) rubric.
Presentation Rooms: As part of our expansion project, each school division has a
presentation room that may be used for class presentations, showing films, or for meetings.
These rooms are supplied with a light and sound system and a small stage. All bookings for
these rooms must go through your respective divisional office and Deidre Collins
[email protected].
Professional Learning (off site): The faculty is encouraged to make every effort to be
informed of current trends and practices in teaching. Professional Learning is a keystone to
the quality of our school, and partial funding may be provided for a number of conferences
and summer workshops. Please see Gail Seay, Director of Teaching and Learning, faculty
NESA representatives if you have any questions about PL opportunities or funding. The
ASD PL Council is actively involved in the planning of professional development. The PL
Council has developed a process and guidelines for professional development funding
allocations and facilitates the PL funding requests process. Philosophically we believe ASD
funded PL should be aligned to the school's improvement initiatives. Guidelines are listed
in the appendix.
Professional Faculty Growth and Evaluation: The purpose of staff evaluation is to
provide feedback for the teacher to help them and/or are not meeting the high standards of
performance required of ASD faculty self-reflect on their performance and to grow as a
result of this self-reflection. On a secondary level, the process is also used to identify
teachers who need support.
The evaluation process involves bringing a variety of perspectives and data together to
enable the teacher, in collaboration with their principal, to reflect on performance and set
goals for future growth and professional needs.
There are three principal areas of data and/or perspectives that are used for this growth
1. Student feedback, collected from a student survey from the teacher’s classes, provides
student perspective on how well students are learning and how they feel about the
learning atmosphere created by the teacher. This feedback is shared with the Principal
and is used as one piece of data.
2. The teacher is asked to reflect on their performance at ASD based on the standards and
benchmarks created by the FAC. This rubric identifies specific behaviors that are
categorized in “does not meet,” “meets,” and “exceeds.” The teacher is asked to measure
himself/herself against this rubric in collaboration with their principal.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
3. Observation of faculty by the principal is a key piece to any evaluative process. The
leadership team will be using looking for learning protocols to observe classes and
gather information to share with the teachers on student learning.
Prior to writing a narrative evaluative report based on the criteria of the standards and
benchmarks for teachers at ASD, the principal will meet with the teacher who will share
their response to their student feedback, their self-reflection against the teaching criteria,
and the principals will share their perspectives from their observations.
The goal of this process is to create a dynamic dialogue that elicits from data, self-reflection,
and observation clear goals for the teacher to set that will enhance their performance and
will allow them to continue to grow professionally.
The PG&E process is utilized to determine base salary increases and the offer of future
Probation: Probation period is outlined in contracts. For newly hired faculty, the probation
period is one year. For support staff, probationary period is the first 90 days.
Recruitment: If you plan to attend a recruitment conference the policy is that after two
years of service, faculty may be granted five days with pay for the purpose of attending
recruitment fairs. Three additional days may be added from personal leave, if these days
have not been used. This leave is only granted for faculties who have resigned or have not
had their contracts renewed.
Retention: Overall ASD does not believe that the practice of retention is one that is
beneficial to the student. In extraordinary cases retention may be recommended but should
be done so no later than Feb. 1 and should be discussed directly with the principal.
Report Cards: All teachers will maintain grades electronically in PowerSchool.
ES: The ES will only print paper report cards at the end of the year. Parents may request an
official paper copy by contacting the ES office.
MS: The MS will only print paper report cards at the end of the year. Parents may request
an official paper copy by contacting the MS office. Teachers should be aware of the public
portal for PowerSchool that allows 24/7 access to student grades and other school
HS: Semester 1 report cards are available to parents on request. End of year report cards
will be printed and available to all parents the week after school ends.
Resignation: The Director may accept and request resignations and shall inform the board.
In a case of emergency (e.g. health, economics, personal or family problems), an employee
may request that his/her contract be terminated, subject to the approval of the director
and in compliance with the termination clause in their contract.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Safety: School evacuation drills are conducted a minimum three times per year. During fire
drills (extended ringing of school bells) teachers are to close windows and doors, turn out
the lights and direct their students to a pre-designated area.
In a level two emergency drill, entitled “Lockdown Drill,” an announcement is made over
the PA system to activate the drill. All doors should be closed and locked when possible,
window shades should be closed and students and teacher should remain in the classroom
away from windows and doors until they are informed of further action via the PA system.
Other emergency procedures, including evacuation, are detailed in the school’s Emergency
Procedures Manual.
Salary: Teachers are paid on the last Thursday of every month. Salary is deposited directly
into the employees’ current account in Doha.
School Fax: Teachers may have faxes sent via the school fax machine located in the
reception area of the central office. The office staff will send the fax. A fax form must be
completed to include the date and the contact number of the fax so that the fax may be
recorded and the teacher billed later unless it is a school-related matter. The school fax
number is 4459-1570.
School Hours: The first bell will ring at 7:55 a.m. All ASD students are expected to be in
their classrooms by 8:00 a.m. Dismissal for pre-kindergarten is at 12:30 p.m. Students in
grades K – 5 are dismissed at 2:55 p.m. Students in grades 6 –12 are dismissed at 3:00 p.m.
School Materials Order: By December, you should be reviewing catalogs located in the
library to prepare your order for the annual school shipment. The amount of funds
available will be dependent on the school budget and the needs of the overall program. All
orders are completed on computer using a spreadsheet developed for the school order.
Your order should include replacement textbooks, workbooks, and other supplies
necessary for the implementation of your curriculum. Library / Media items and computer
software should not be ordered by classroom teachers. Teachers should provide the
librarian with a list of library / media materials and the computer coordinator with a list of
suggested software. See the respective principal for more details on the ordering process.
School/Classroom Maintenance: All classroom/housing and school maintenance should
be made through the facilities management company by email [email protected] or to
the 24 hour Help Line, telephone number 4459-1529. A response will be received within
24 hours. Please do not contact the workers or supervisor directly as they may have been
assigned other duties.
School Phone Calls: Long distance calls can be placed using your personal Skype account.
In case of emergencies see the Director. For personal faxes, the date and number needs to
be recorded in the fax/phone log both for personal and school business calls. Students are
not to use the office phone without permission from their teacher or secretaries. The
number of the main administrative office is 4459-1501.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
School Year: The contract year for employees is per the Board-approved yearly academic
Security: A professional company is employed by The American School of Doha to guard
the entrance and the perimeter of the school site. This agency is monitored by the regional
security officer (RSO) assigned to the American Embassy. The school’s Director Security is
Rick Thexton; his mobile number is 5588-0204. Plans have been completed that provide
for student evacuation if necessary. All school employees are required to wear their
school ID. All visitors should be wearing special ASD Visitor IDs. All parents are
issued IDs. ID Cards can be obtained from the Securities Department.
Sick Days: Each full-time employee is entitled to fifteen paid sick days per year. If a teacher
believes that he or she will be unable to perform her/his professional duties that individual
should contact the school administrator as soon as possible so a substitute can be arranged.
It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to provide appropriate, easy to understand
plans for the substitute. In the event of an emergency, the classroom teacher should
maintain a substitute packet.
Any additional days taken for illness will be unpaid. Sick days can be carried forward to a
new academic year up to a total of thirty (30) days in a two year period. A physician's
statement is required for illness extending beyond three (3) consecutive days or for
frequent absences.
Teachers must inform their respective substitute coordinator before 7:00 a.m. on the day of
their illness so that a substitute teacher can be contacted.
Leave policies are available for view on the HR Google Site: hr-handbooks-policies
Social Committee: The School has a social committee consisting of volunteer members.
The committee oversees activities such as going-away gifts, and bereavement cards and
flowers. A voluntary fee to fund these activities is requested from each staff member who
wants to participate on an annual basis.
Special Services: Students who require additional testing, assessment, and/or special
instruction may receive this service from the learning resource teacher. Teachers who
believe a student is in need of any or all of the services mentioned should maintain samples
of the student’s work and maintain an anecdotal record to provide the Learning Resource
specialist with information on the student. The principal should be apprised of any student
needing the services of the learning resource program.
Staff Room: A staff room is located in each school. Each room contains a refrigerator,
microwave oven, telephone and computer. Although the custodial staff cleans the room, it
would be most appreciated if you could assist in maintaining the appearance of the room.
Professional and recreational literature is also available in the staff room. Students should
not enter the staff room. Be considerate of your fellow professionals who may have
professional discussions in the staff room, which may involve discussions of students.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Confidentially must be maintained at all times in these matters. Students in the staff room
compromise this confidentially.
Standards/Benchmarks: The American School of Doha has standards and benchmarks for
all subject areas based on the AERO (American Education Reaches Out) standards as a
model. These standards and benchmarks must be aligned to all unit plans placed on Atlas
Rubicon and must be a starting point for all curriculum planning and assessment.
Standardized Tests: NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), SATs, and PSATs are
given at various grade levels during the year. Specific details to be followed on testing
procedures will be provided by the principal and guidance department.
Student Learning Displays: Student learning displays, which highlight learning targets,
are encouraged. Class and individual displays in the hallways should not impede the
normal flow of foot traffic. At ASD, our goal is for all displays of student work to show
evidence of student learning. Display boards need to be changed regularly and must reflect
current learning. All displayed material or student work must be displayed in a presentable
format. The use of borders is strongly recommended. Learning focused display boards
should represent:
 The learning that has taken place in class
 Samples of student work
 Labeled curricular information such as:
o Big Ideas
o Essential Questions
o Learning Outcomes
Student Assessment: Students are to be routinely assessed by the teacher. Teachers are
encouraged to use a variety of assessment tools. Methods that are considered appropriate
may include tests, quizzes, projects, research papers, creative writing, oral reports,
computer generated multi-media presentations, and peer evaluation using rubrics.
Teachers should maintain samples of student work to provide parents with authentic
materials during conferences or to support grades. ASD has developed a set of Essential
Agreements for assessment. Each teacher’s assessment plan should fit within the
parameters of the agreement to include both formative and summative assessments that
guide instruction.
Student Records: Student records are kept in the divisional offices until a student
withdraws after which they are kept in the central office for a period of no longer than
seven (7) years and annually reviewed for accuracy and completion. School records are
kept in the principals’ offices.
Substitute Plans: It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to provide appropriate,
easy to understand plans for the substitute and a list of any duties. In the event of an
emergency the classroom teacher should maintain a substitute packet. This emergency
substitute folder should contain a copy of the class list, class schedule, detailed explanation
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
of student activities, class assignments and any other pertinent details that would be
helpful to a substitute. This folder should be completed by no later than September 15 and
given to the appropriate office manager. The folder should be updated regularly.
Supplies: The Purchasing Manager manages the supply store room located behind the
back stage of the theater in room #1525. If you need restocking of basic materials complete
the appropriate request form and the storeroom clerk will fill the order within twenty-four
hours. An email can be sent to [email protected]
Support Staff: In addition to the Faculty, ASD employees a wide variety of Support Staff
who provide auxiliary services of special benefit to our school. Support Staff include
professional managerial staff or positions with comparable job-level responsibility within
the school, secretarial and clerical positions, teachers’ aides, purchasing coordinators, IT
Help Desk technicians, building operations and maintenance staff, and security personnel.
Teaching Assistants: Teaching Assistants may be provided depending on class size and
adequate funding in the school budget. The classroom teacher will provide direction for the
Assistant’s classroom responsibilities. Teaching Assistants should function as support
personnel and not be responsible for introduction of new material.
Teaching Methodology/Assessment: Teachers are expected to employ a variety of
appropriate and recognized educational strategies in delivering the curriculum. Research
based best practices such as: cooperative learning, portfolio and performance assessment
and rubrics, the writing process and differentiated instruction may be considered as
possible examples. Consideration of students’ individual learning styles should be taken
into account when developing long and short- term plans. The use of data collection
through formative and summative assessment will be used to guide instruction.
Technology: Technology at ASD is ubiquitous with laptops for teachers and support
staff, more than adequate numbers of laptops, IPads and IPods for elementary
students and a pervasive 1 to 1 laptop program for every student in grades 5-12. A
robust wireless network enables Internet access for all devices anywhere on
campus. Technology instruction is integrated into the curriculum and taught in
association with core curricular content and standards. Teachers are expected to
facilitate technology integration and utilize the services and resources established
for their division. Technology integrators are available at each division to deliver
real-time technology training and to assist classroom teachers in developing
appropriate lessons.
Termination: parameters for termination and process are issued in each employee
Theater: ASD has a 630 seat theater. This is a marvelous place for a number of special
events and community gatherings. Anyone who wishes to use the theater must book this
space through the Fine Arts Coordinator; Deborah Flout; [email protected]
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Time Schedules and Workload: The administration determines teaching schedules and
workloads for teaching staff. Full-time teachers will be given an average of one (1)
unassigned period per day for purposes of planning. Teachers are expected to be available
to students for additional help and for parents before and after regular school hours.
Tutoring: Teachers may tutor ASD students for pay only with specific case-by-case
approval of the director. Such approval may be granted for individual cases wherein the
school is unable to provide for a child's special needs within the confines of its normal
program. Under no circumstances is a teacher to tutor their own students for additional
pay. Private tuition for personal profit is not to occur on the school premises during school
hours and is discouraged. The director must grant approval for use of facilities and/or
Teachers may not use the school facilities for tutoring or other purposes that they receive
payment for. Teachers are reminded that the school prefers that teachers focus on the
contracted work for ASD for which they receive fair compensation and on which grounds
their visas are granted.
Unnecessary Absence: All employees are hired with the expectation that they will
complete the school year. It is the intent of the Board that employees should be on duty
daily to provide the continuity that ASD needs. Therefore, absence for reasons other than
illness, bereavement or professional development is not allowed without approval from
the divisional principal.
Unpaid Leave: Unpaid leave may be granted at the discretion of the director in cases of
catastrophic illness or injury.
Weekend Access: Hours for the use of the indoor pool, fitness center, and gym will be
posted. The playing fields and track may be used as long as proper footwear is used to not
damage these facilities. Kindly lock all doors while you are in the building and after usage.
Work Hours: Established work hours for teachers are as follows: 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Administrative and office staff: 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. or as assigned by the respective
Principal. Teachers may, if necessary, leave the school campus during school hours
to conduct personal business provided they notify their respective principals.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The role of the teaching assistant is to provide assistance to the school program under the
supervision of the classroom teachers.
Some of the duties of the teaching assistants are as follows:
Provide assistance to all classrooms at your grade level and other grade levels as needed.
 Assist with student instruction under the direct supervision of the teacher.
 Assist in marking tests, worksheets and other student work under the supervision of the
 Organize materials to be used during the instructional day.
 Help prepare and deliver materials for duplication.
 Help move children to and from specialists’ classrooms, lunch and recess.
 Supervise children during morning recess, in the cafeteria, and noontime recess.
 Help with displays of student work.
 Supervise the class for limited amount of time if the teacher is called out.
 Assist the teachers in the preparation of documents.
 Assist and occasionally take the lead on long term group projects.
 Escort student to their respective buses and gates at the end of the day.
In addition to the specific duties outlined in the above job description, at the discretion of the
Principal, he/she may be assigned to other and or additional duties within the capabilities
and training of the employee.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Support Staff include all non-teaching staff that provide auxiliary services of special benefit
to support staff and students, including but not limited to, all secretarial and clerical
positions, teachers’ aides and assistants, purchasing and information technology personnel,
copy and supply room assistants, etc.
The role of the support staff is to assist the school administration and teaching staff in the
running of the school.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
(For Teaching Assistants and Support Staff)
Absences: Teaching assistants and support staff are entitled to the following:
A physician’s statement is required for illnesses extending beyond three consecutive (3)
days or for frequent absences.
Bereavement leave: Ten (10) paid working days as bereavement leave for members of the
immediate family. Immediate family is defined as spouse, children, and parents. Spouses
employed by ASD may also receive ten (10) paid working days. Airfare for support staff is
not provided by ASD.
Personal Leave: Personal leave is granted at the rate of three (3) working days per school
year. Personal leave must be requested and approved by the Principal at least three (3)
working days in advance. The Principal will consider the impact on student learning and the
availability of quality substitutes when making the decision. Personal leave cannot be
attached to a school holiday for vacation purposes.
Unpaid leave: Unpaid leave may be granted at the discretion of the director in cases of
catastrophic illness or injury.
Board of Directors: The ASD board of directors comprises of twelve (12) appointed and/or
elected members from the ASD community. The fundamental mission of the board is to
establish goals and objectives for the school and to aid support and direct the administration
in guiding the school towards these established objectives. Board meetings are usually
conducted in the ASD library and scheduled for the second Tuesday of every month. All ASD
community members are welcome to attend the general session of the Board meeting.
Busing: Students who utilize the bus program should promptly board the bus at the end of
the school day. The bus departs the school promptly at 3:10 p.m. If a student plans to take
alternative transportation home, the parent must inform the school. Pre-kindergarten
students who utilize the bus program are walked to their bus at 12:30 p.m.
Business Office: If you have a question regarding your salary payments or petty-cash
reimbursement, or any banking related issues, see the Business Office located in the central
administrative wing. Questions related to the contractual aspects of your benefit package
should be directed to the Director of Human Resources.
Confidentiality: All teaching assistants and support staff are reminded that discussions
regarding individual students, faculty and staff are confidential and are not to be discussed
outside the school community.
Chain of Command: If you have a personal issue, please discuss the matter with your
teacher, team leader, supervisor or principal before bringing the matter to the director. All
concerns, conflicts and disagreements on whatever subject should be solved at the lowest
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
level possible before moving the concern onto the next higher level.
Communication: (non-school related) Distribution of information (non-school business)
using the school network as a conduit is prohibited unless you receive a special directive
from the principal or the director. Submit all flyers bulletins invitations and notices to the
principal before distribution.
Compensation: Annual salary compensation and work schedule is specified in the teaching
assistant contract. Any contractual issues should be discussed directly with the Director of
Human Resources. If a teaching assistant acts as a substitute teacher they will be
compensated at the established rate for a substitute teacher which is the difference between
substitute teaching pay and the daily teacher assistant rate.
Classroom appearance: The classroom is the home away from home of our students.
Classrooms should be attractive warm and conducive to learning. Classrooms should be
organized to provide students with adequate personal space. Teachers and teaching
assistants are expected to maintain a classroom setting that presents a pleasant
environment for student learning. Student work prominently exhibited in conjunction with
informative displays is encouraged. Educational materials should be stored and/or shelved
to allow for student access when appropriate.
Copying Services: There are copiers located in the school work rooms, supply rooms and
offices. The first two locations can be used for classroom copying. If there is an excessive
amount of copying needed, a request should be made with the personnel in the copy rooms
at least two days in advance The main copy room has laminating services.
Dress Code: Teaching assistants and all other members of the ASD staff should appear neat
and clean and be sensitive to their status as role models for students. Proper dress is that
which is acceptable to a majority or our community and is in good taste for school
attendance and life in Qatar.
Daily planners: All students in grades two through twelve receive an ASD daily planner free
of charge. Students are encouraged to use these planners to record homework assignments
and keep track of due dates for projects and scheduled dates for quizzes and tests. Should
the first planner be lost the student will be charged a small fee for a replacement.
Employment records: qualification, experience and performance will be maintained by the
Human Resources Department for each member of the staff. These records will be used to
determine future assignments, advancement, termination and/or other personnel actions.
Such records are confidential with access restricted to the appropriate office personnel and
individual concerned. The Board of Directors may have access to the records during
executive sessions of board meetings when personnel actions are under consideration.
Information contained in the records will be made available to others upon written consent
of the employee. Records of previous employees are kept for five years.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Facilities Usage: Faculty, staff, and parents must book all rooms in advance. Room
reservation forms may be obtained at the Main Administration Reception or in the
respective school offices.
Field trips: School field trips are encouraged and supported. Application forms for the trips
are available on the server and ASD website. The forms should be submitted to the principal
at least seven days before the trip. In addition to the form an itinerary must be completed.
All students must have a permission slip signed by their parent prior to leaving on the trip.
Under no circumstances will verbal permission will be used in lieu of a signed permission
slip. Teaching assistants assist in the supervision during field trips.
Fitness Center: ASD is proud to have a fitness center. Staff is welcome to use the fitness
center before and after school or during the day if classes are not present. The aerobics room
should be booked through; Deidre Collins [email protected].
Foreign language: All students in grades 1-5 are provided with a foreign language program
alternating between twice and three times per week. Students are to be supervised by either
the classroom teacher or aides as they transit between classes.
Guidance services: Guidance services are available for all students. ASD has eight
counselors, three for both the elementary and the high school, and two for middle school.
Teachers are encouraged to support the counselor in working with students on their
interpersonal and social skills in small group, whole class, or individual settings. In the
elementary school, the counselors will provide lessons for homerooms.
Hours of Work: See Scheduled Hours of Work.
Internet: Please refer to Social Media, Internet, and Email Guidelines.
Leaving Campus: All teachers and staff need to sign out and inform the Office Manager
whenever they need to leave the school during the workday. Support staff should inform
their supervisor.
Library: The Elementary Library is open every day from 7:40 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., except on
Tuesday when it is open from 7:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; the MSHS Library is open from 7:30
a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except on Tuesday when it is open from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Mail: All school related mail is delivered to each staff member’s personal mailbox.
Make up work: Students or are absent may be required to complete assignments they
missed. On occasion it is the responsibility of the teaching assistant to provide the missed
homework packet to the student.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Meetings for Teaching Assistants: The respective principal will meet with the teaching
assistants on an as needed basis. On occasions an “All Staff" meetings may be called by the
Director or Principal.
Newsletter (class): Each elementary grade level is expected to keep parents informed of
class activities and academic progress through the use of NVS and, a monthly electronic
newsletter. The teaching assistant on occasion may be required to assist the teachers with
the preparation of this newsletter.
Newsletter (all school): The school produces an all-school electronic newsletter; “Sahifa”
every week. Teachers are encouraged to promote student work and activities by submitting
articles on a periodic basis.
School Nurse: ASD has four registered nurses; one office is located near the middle
school/high school Dining Hall, in Room 1302 and one on the LES campus, in Room 1575.
The school nurses are authorized to dispense prescription drugs providing the students
bring a note signed by parent or guardian.
Open House: There is an open house scheduled at the beginning of each school year. The
open house is designed to provide a venue for the parents to meet the teachers, view the
classroom setting, and be introduced to the academic program. If the parents require specific
information about their child a parent conference should be scheduled. Teaching assistants
are encouraged to attend the open house, as they are an integral part of the our students
Parent-Teacher Communication: Parents are encouraged to maintain clear and open lines
of communication with their child's teacher. If parents have questions concerning aspects of
the educational program they should contact the teacher and schedule a meeting to address
their concerns in person. Teachers should respond to messages and make themselves
available to meet with parents as soon as it is possible for both parties. It is not the
responsibility of the teaching assistant to respond to parent concerns, nor should they try to
take on this responsibility: instead they should refer the parent to the teacher.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA): The American School of Doha has an active and
enthusiastic PTA; the organization sponsors a Friendship Festival, Book Fair, and other
activities each year to raise funds for the school.
Parties: Classroom parties are an appropriate school activity. Individual parents, a group of
parents, or appropriate organization may sponsor parties. All parties must have approval of
the respective principal and the classroom teacher. It is recommended that all class parties
follow the ASD Health Curriculum guidelines of offering students healthy choices and that,
due to allergies, no peanuts or peanut products be served.
Petty Cash Reimbursement: Staff may on occasion purchase materials with pre-approval
from the principal for use in the classroom. Reimbursement forms are available in the
Business office. All reimbursements must be approved by the school principal.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Presentation Rooms: As part of our expansion project, each school division has a
presentation room that may be used for class presentations, showing films, or for meetings.
These rooms are supplied with a light and sound system and a small stage. All bookings for
these rooms must go through respective divisions and/or Deidre Collins
[email protected], Events Coordinator, Central Office Reception in the main
administrative office.
Private Lessons for Financial Profit: No teacher, staff member or individual shall profit
financially from the use of the school, the school name, school space or the use of school
Probation and Tenure: The first 90 days of employment shall be a probationary period
during which the support staff employee may be dismissed without indemnity of any kind,
other than salary earned.
Resignation: Resignation should be made to the principal or director. The resignation is
forwarded to the Human Resources Department. All resignations submitted must be in
compliance with the termination clause of the contract.
Scheduled Hours of Work - Under the new schedule for 2013-14, full-time teaching
assistants are expected to be at school from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., (or a time determined by
the principal) except on “PACT Tuesdays”, when they may leave at 12:30 p.m. Exceptions to
this schedule may be done in collaboration with the Principal. Support staff is expected to be
at work every day from 7:45 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. (or a time determined by their supervisor).
School Mailing Address:
The American School of Doha,
PO Box 22090
State of Qatar
School Courier Address:
The American School of Doha, Al Bustan Street, Al Waab/South Al Soudan District, Doha,
State of Qatar.
School fax: The main fax machine is located in the reception of the central office. The office
staff will send the fax. A fax form must be completed to include the date and the contact
number of the fax so that the fax may be recorded and the teacher/teaching assistant will be
billed later. The school fax number is 4459-1570
School hours: All ASD students are expected to be in their classrooms by 8:00 am Dismissal
for Pre-Kindergarten is 12:30 p.m. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 are dismissed
at 3:00 p.m. Students in Grade 6-12 are dismissed at 3:00 p.m.
School materials order: the annual school order is placed in early January. Teaching
assistants can be expected to help the classroom teachers with the placement of the orders.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The school orders consist of replacement textbooks, workbooks, and other supplies needed
to implement the curriculum. Library/Media items and computer software should not be
ordered by classroom teachers.
School/classroom maintenance: All maintenance requests should be submitted by email
to our facilities management company email at [email protected]. If it is an emergency or
you are unable to email, please call the 24 hour Help Desk at 4459-1529.
School phone: The phones in the administration offices are available to make long distance
calls. The date and phone number needs to be recorded on the phone/fax log. Students are
not use the office phone without permission from their classroom teacher. The school phone
number is 4459-1500.
Security: A professional company is employed by The American School of Doha to guard the
entrance and the perimeter of the school site. This agency is monitored by the regional
security officer (RSO) assigned to the American Embassy. The school’s Director of Security is
Rick Thexton, 5588-0204.
Social Committee: The school has a social committee consisting of volunteer members. The
committee oversees activities such as refreshments for all school faculty meetings, going
away gifts, and bereavement. A small donation to fund these activities is requested form
each staff member on an annual basis.
Sick Days: See also absences. - 15 paid sick days per year for full-time employees. If an
elementary teaching assistant is ill, the individual should contact the office after 7:30 am in
the morning. Kindly inform your classroom teacher as soon as possible. Sick days can be
carried forward to a new academic year up to a total of thirty (30) days. Support staff should
inform their supervisor before 7:45 am. All employees are required to submit leave through
divisional on-line leave forms.
Staff meetings: The immediate supervisor will meet with the support staff on an as needed
basis. The director or principal may call, on occasion an “All Staff” meeting.
Staff Room: A central staff lounge is located by the main elementary office. There is one staff
lounge for middle/high school. All personnel are responsible for maintain the appearance of
the room. Students are not allowed in the staff room.
Student pick up from school: Students may use either bus transportation or parent pick
up. Those students who are picked up by their parents and have siblings in the MS/HS leave
the school via Gate 8 or 10. Those students who are picked up by their parents but do not
have siblings in the MS/HS shall leave the ES school by Gate 5. Students leaving by Gate 5 are
to be escorted there by a teacher or teaching assistant.
If students haven’t been picked up, they should be escorted, by the teacher on duty, to the
elementary office where at parent will be called. At any time there is a change in the students
pick up routine, a note must be received by the office.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Teaching Assistant Staff Extra duty: All teaching assistants are responsible for normal
school duties such as morning recess duty and lunch duty.
Theater: ASD has a new 630 seat theater. This is a marvelous place for a number of special
events and community gatherings. Anyone who wishes to use the theater must book this
space through the Fine Arts Coordinator; Deborah Flout; [email protected]
Tutoring: Teaching assistants may tutor ASD students for pay only with specific case by case
approval by the administration. The school facilities are not to be utilized for tutoring
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
VI: Additional Information for ASD
(For Sponsored Support Staff)
Human Resources: The Human Resource Department is committed to providing quality
services in a professional, caring, and consistent manner to our faculty and staff. With
approximately 350 employees, we recognize that in order to realize our vision of excellence
for the students of ASD, we need to attract and retain the very best teachers, administrators
and support staff.
Overall management services include: Employee Contracts Administration, Residence Visa
Processing, Exit Permits, Leaves of Absence, Medical Insurance, Payroll & Benefits
Administration, Employee Records Management, and all necessary Governmental
Paperwork. Human Resources provide daily guidance and support for all of our employees.
In providing these services, we are dedicated to clear communication, progressive thinking,
and resourceful solutions.
The Human Resource Office is located in the Central Administrative wing. For assistance,
please contact the Director of Human Resources, Gerardo Urbina [email protected]
Career development: The school encourages career development through continuing
education and seminars. The Director will review the employee’s request and make a
decision based on the benefit to the school.
Please refer to the Emergency Procedures Manual.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
(For Teaching Assistants)
Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior on the school grounds and when
being transported to and from school. The aides using recognized and approved techniques
should redirect and if necessary discipline the student's inappropriate behavior. If an
assistant feels that a student's action deserves additional attention the principal and/or
counselor should be made aware of the incident. A form should be filled out when there is a
severe or reoccurring discipline problem.
Students are not allowed to carry on to school grounds any of the following items: tobacco,
drugs (except prescription) weapons of any kind, skateboards, water pistols, cricket balls
and bats, baseball bats and balls, personal toys, game boys and electronic gadgets. If any
student is in possession of the above mention items please refer the matter to the
appropriate school administrator. Use of personal CD player's (with the exception of High
School students), mobile telephones and beepers are forbidden in classes at any time.
Students who bring contraband onto the school grounds or who breach school rules by
cheating, fighting, showing disrespect to members of the faculty/staff or vandalizing the
facility or educational materials may be suspended at the discretion of the school Principal
or Director.
Lunch: Lunch program is offered at the school. All teaching assistants are responsible for
lunchroom supervision and lunch recess.
The rules for the lunchrooms and cafeteria / dining hall are as follows:
Quiet "indoor " voices
Students are to sit with their grade level
Sharing of food is not permitted
Elementary students may only buy ice-cream on the last school day of the week. Sweets
and sodas are not permitted.
Walking to and from the cafeteria / dining hall ,as well as within
The students are responsible for clearing their space and throwing their trash away.
Should a student forget their money, they should talk to their teacher assistant assigned
to their grade and a phone call home will be made on the student’s behalf to determine
if money can be loaned to the student.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Playground Duty: Teaching assistants are required to monitor the students during morning
and lunch recess. Prevent problems by moving around the play area and reminding students
on an as needed basis to be polite and guard the safety of others as they play.
Assign appropriate time out periods as an immediate consequence for unsafe or rough play.
Students who consistently break the playground rules or are excessively rough should be
sent to the principal's office.
During non- red flag days the students are to stay outside and may only enter the building
to get a drink of water or to use the restroom.
During red flag days:
Students are not permitted to engage in active play i.e. soccer, basketball, football etc.
Students should stay in the shaded areas outside.
Students may play games in the hallway and if properly supervised play in the
multipurpose room.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
If you see a student:
Tell the student:
Swinging sideways
Be safe, swing straight ahead.
Swinging on their belly
Please sit properly on the swing.
Twisting the chains
No twisting we don’t want any hurt fingers.
Eating on the swings
Finish eating in the assigned area before swinging.
Jumping off the swings
Do you have a parachute on? No jumping off the swings.
Pushing each other
What are you doing? What’s the rule?
If you see a student:
Tell the student:
More than one person swinging on the monkey/ The rule is to swing safely with only one person at a time.
or sliding bars
Arguing about the sequence of swinging on the
monkey/ or sliding bars
Please line-up and wait your turn.
Throwing stones and rocks
Rocks stay on the ground.
Running on the playground equipment (stairs +
Bottoms down on the slides.
Walk up the stairs.
Pushing another student on the slides
Hands to yourself.
At the end of recess gathering at the door
Please line up at the glass doors and use your indoor quiet voices
in the hallway.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
If you see a student:
Tell the student:
Wearing Flip Flops on the courts
To run on the outdoor courts, you need sports shoes. No flipflops.
Eating or drinking juices
Eating food only in assigned food areas. No food on the
Jumping over the nets
Please go around the nets.
Climbing the fences
Feet on the ground.
Hanging on the hoops
Stop! That’s dangerous and it damages the equipment.
If you see a student:
Tell the student:
Tackling each other
No tackling, That’s a five-minute walkabout with me.
Pretend fighting
Hands to yourself.
Eating or drinking juices
Please go to the assigned food area to finish your snack first.
Running with loose sandals or Flip Flops
To play sports you need proper shoes on the fields and covered
Taking off shoes
Shoes stay on the feet.
If you see a student:
Tell the student:
Wandering around
Please stay outside during recess (Exception: Red Flag Days)
Making noises
Indoor quiet voices while in the hallways.
Running or skipping
Please walk through the hallways and between the porta cabins.
RED FLAG DAYS: Students can remain in the hallway/ Outside: Balls ok for the 4 square game,
but no running.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Professional and Collaboration Time
Teachers will use PACT to collaborate within various, changing “Learning Communities” to
grow professionally, and to collaborate together to enhance their planning, teaching and
assessment of student learning.
Focus: PACT should clearly focus on student LEARNING
To improve student learning
To focus on student work
To enhance instructional practices
To increase professional conversations between ASD faculty members
To effectively implement school improvement initiatives through collaboration
To act on the ASD strategic plan
Suggestions of Tasks:
Collaboration to look at student work
Collaboration to analyze data to improve student learning (e.g. NWEA scores etc.)
Collaboration to evaluate the quality of assessment tasks
Collaboration between teachers who teach common courses
Collaboration between grade level teams
Collaboration for vertical alignment of curriculum
Collaboration for common assessments (moderation of assessments)
Collaboration for integration of units
Curriculum reviews and Scope and Sequence
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Discussion of professional reading
Atlas Rubicon collaboration and team planning
Collaboration for implementation of new school programs
Collaborative sessions of professional development
Reflective Conversations around “learning” observations
Work on the ASD strategic plan initiatives
PACT should not be used for departmental or team “housekeeping” or other organizational
PACT is not for individual teacher planning or grading
Learning Communities:
Teachers teaching a common course
Grade Level teams
Special interest groups
Subject areas/Departments
“Critical Friends”/ Peer Partnerships
Divisional groupings
Quarterly Expectations:
Maintain a weekly log that may be used during evaluation conversations
Maintain the Exemplar Binders to include at least one common assessment in all common
courses and one contextual assessment in all other courses
Atlas Rubicon to be updated and maintained
Develop, facilitate and minute PACT meetings (team leaders and department heads)
Suggestions for Measurement of Success:
Individual logs
Streamlined planning
Aligned curriculum
Aligned Assessments
Common Assessments
Completion of Scope and Sequence Review
Atlas Rubicon unit mapping completion
Evidence of anchor papers in the Exemplar Binders and on Atlas
Improved student learning evidenced in data
Improved quality of student work samples
Collection of data for analysis
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Resources for Successful Collaboration:
The Adaptive School – Developing Collaborative Groups by Robert Garmston
Instruction for all Students by Paula Rutherford
Powerful Designs by Lois Easton
The Facilitator's Guide to Professional Learning Teams by Anne Jolly
What is a “Professional Learning Community by Richard DuFour
Emphasizing Team Development Can Boost Student Learning by Joan Richardson
Common Space, Common Time, Common Work by Melody J. Shank
NVS Course for Leadership Tools
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The American School of Doha is committed to the on-going professional learning of all
faculty members. The learning of a comprehensive professional learning program serves to
further enhance the professionalism and skills of faculty members and results in both
improved levels of student learning and enhanced teaching practice. Professional Learning
at ASD is understood as a shared responsibility.
The professional learning program within The American School of Doha provides faculty
with the opportunity to:
 Further develop the skills necessary to more effectively carry out the mission of the
 Further develop the body of knowledge and level of skills necessary to enable the school
to successfully become a school of excellence where students achieve their maximum
potential in a culture of continuous improvement.
To these ends, the professional learning program within The American School of Doha is
focused on expanding the repertoire of skills of staff members by:
Meeting the professional needs of the collective staff enabling each faculty member to
more forward within the ASD school improvement plan
Effective Professional Learning:
The American School of Doha embraces the National Staff Development Council principles of
effective professional learning. These principles:
 Address issues relevant to the priorities of educational improvement and reflect the
knowledge base of the profession.
 Engage staff in an effective learning process that impacts practice.
 Contribute to an environment that supports professional growth.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Learning Forward Standards of Professional Learning (updated from NSDC 2011):
Learning communities – The best professional development occurs within
communities committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility, and
worthy goals.
Leadership – Effective professional learning depends on skillful leaders who develop
capacity, serve as advocates, and create support systems.
Resources – Professional learning won’t happen without prioritizing, monitoring, and
coordinating resources.
Data – To get results, professional learning needs student, educator, and system data for
planning, implementation, and assessment.
Learning designs – Optimal professional learning requires the integration of theories,
research, and models of human learning.
Implementation – Professional learning will have an impact on student learning when
leaders apply research on change and sustain support over time.
Outcomes – Professional learning needs to align student curriculum standards,
educator performance, and student learning.
Essential Agreements:
The American School of Doha embraces the following essential agreements around
Professional Learning.
Essential Agreements for Professional Learning at ASD:
 Funded Professional Learning at ASD will be aligned with, and support, the school-wide
initiatives as stated in the school’s operational plan
 Professional Learning at ASD is a shared responsibility
 Professional Learning opportunities will be research founded
 Professional Learning will be ongoing and sustained
 Reflection for effectiveness will be embedded in every Professional Learning
opportunity at ASD
 Professional Learning will be focused and targeted in improve student learning
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Individual Professional learning:
The responsibilities of the individual in regard to professional learning include the
 Be an engaged, lifelong learner.
 Identify and articulate his/her professional learning needs in support of attaining
individual and school improvement goals.
 Seek approval for PL through the appropriate channels.
 Collaborate with colleagues as a follow up after any Professional Learning Opportunity
 Fully participate in any school funded PL opportunities (ie. conferences and workshops
and embedded PL opportunities).
ASD Professional Learning Committee:
The responsibilities of the ASD Professional Learning Committee include the following:
 Recommend level of funding for individual professional learning activities that require
financial support.
 Assist in the dissemination of information pertinent to professional learning.
 Monitor distribution of Professional Learning funding
 Help plan local professional learning opportunities
ASD Administration:
 The responsibilities of the ASD administration team include the following:
 Design a plan for ongoing and sustainable Professional Learning in support of the
school mission statement, strategic plan and operational plan for school improvement
 Work with the ASD Professional Learning Committee in designing and coordinating PL
opportunities for the ASD faculty
 Provide financial and logistical support for all PL opportunities
 Evaluate the effectiveness of all PL opportunities
 Locate and contact appropriate consultants as a part of the ASD PL Plan
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ASD Professional Learning Committee:
The purpose of the ASD Professional Learning Committee is to facilitate school-wide staff
learning and training. As a result of the school recognizing the value of involving staff
directly in the design, implementation and evaluation of staff learning activities, members of
the Professional Learning Committee are expected to be involved in seeking input on issues
related to professional learning throughout the school year. The Professional Learning
budget will be monitored by the PL Committee and managed by the Director of Curriculum
and Professional Learning. Funding requests will be evaluated by the Committee through a
rubric process.
The membership of the ASD Professional Learning Committee will include the following:
 At least one representative from each division.
 The Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning
 The Senior NESA Rep
Membership is voluntary. Any teacher may seek membership to the committee. The
membership will be limited to no more than nine members. The Administration team
will recommend the divisional representatives from interested faculty members at the
beginning of each school year.
The Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning will serve as the chair of the
Professional Learning Committee and will assume the following responsibilities:
 Convene and facilitate meetings.
 Coordinate the meeting agenda.
 Serve as the liaison to administration.
 Distribute professional learning information to committee members.
Decision Making Process:
The Professional Learning Committee will endeavor to reach decisions through a consensus
The current budget for PL is advised from the Director. The PL Committee will make
decisions regarding the distribution of funding for NESA Conferences (FTI, WTI, SEC), QRA
Workshops, and all other PL funding requests. The NESA FLC decisions will be made by the
Leadership Team. All decisions must be approved by the director.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
School Embedded Opportunities:
 PACT (Professional and Collaborative Time).
 Team sharing.
 Classroom visits.
 Teachers Teaching Teachers Workshops.
Conference / Workshop Opportunities:
 NESA Leadership Conference.
 NESA Educators’ Conference.
 NESA Fall Training Institutes.
 NESA Winter Training Institute.
 Qatar Reads Workshops.
 Supreme Council of Education Symposiums.
 Summer Conferences (by application).
 Summer AP institutes (by school need).
 IB Workshops (by school needs).
 AERO Summer Workshops.
 Other Conferences.
 Mini NESA with QA.
 Aligned to School Improvement Plan Initiatives as needed.
 NESA and AOS funded consultants.
Other Opportunities (limited support only if funds are available and if aligned to school
*(ASD does not provide funding for teachers pursuing higher degrees unless the
program is fully aligned to the school’s initiatives and the teacher’s current job at
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Spring Educators’ Conference:
It is the intent of ASD to support Professional Learning through NESA (Near East South Asia
Council of Overseas Schools).
NESA funding will be provided under the following guidelines:
 Full Conference Fees will be paid by the school for all NESA Conferences.
 Funding for airfare will be made on a year-by-year basis depending on available funds
and the number of faculty attending any given conference.
 A minimum of 50% of the airfare will be paid.
 Full Conference fees will be paid by the school.
 Full hotel accommodation for up to 4 nights will be paid by the school.
 Airfare as per regular delegates.
 In the case of two or more faculty members making a joint presentation, the
accommodation allowance will be split between the number of presenters (ie. two
presenters – each get 50% of a room)
 ASD will fund up to five NESA presenters per year.
Fall Training Institute:
 Full Conference Fees will be paid by the school for all NESA Conferences.
 Funding for airfare will be made on a year-by-year basis depending on available funds
and the number of faculty attending any given conference.
 Accommodation will be the responsibility of the attending faculty member.
Winter Training Institute:
 Full Conference Fees will be paid by the school for all NESA Conferences.
 Funding for airfare will be made on a year-by-year basis depending on available funds
and the number of faculty attending any given conference.
 Accommodation will be the responsibility of the attending faculty member.
Fall Leadership Conference:
 Faculty members may request to attend the FLC if the program is appropriate to their
 Decisions on attending and funding will be made by the Leadership Team.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
 ASD will pay the QR40 membership fees for any faculty member wishing to attend QRA
 Members should attend both the Fall and Spring workshops.
 ASD teachers are encouraged to present workshops at QRA.
 Workshop selection is processed through Qatar Reads.
The ASD Professional Learning Council in conjunction with the Leadership team will
make decisions on all other conferences based on funding available and alignment with
ASD’s School Improvement Plan.
Membership Process:
1. There will be a Senior NESA Rep and a Junior NESA Rep each year.
2. The Junior Rep will become the Senior Rep in their second year of tenure.
3. In any given year, one Rep must be from the Secondary School and one from the
Elementary School.
4. To be eligible to run as the Junior Rep you must be committed to being at ASD for at least
a further two years.
Senior Rep
The Senior Rep will be fully funded to attend the NESA Planning Meeting in the early Fall.
The Senior Rep will be fully funded to attend the NESA Spring Educators Conference (full
airfare and full hotel).
Junior Rep
The Junior Rep will not attend the NESA Planning Meeting
The Junior Rep will receive the same amount of airfare as other faculty members attending
the conference
The Junior Rep will receive 50% of the hotel expenses for the Spring Educators Conference
The Senior Rep and the Junior Rep will determine the breakdown of the responsibilities
from the NESA.
***Applications for professional learning funding may be obtained from the Curriculum
Overview 2013 - 2014
Strategic Plan for Improved Student Learning
Global Citizenship
Strategy 1: We will review and
develop the curriculum, programs
and opportunities essential to all
students becoming positive, active
global citizens.
21st Century Skills
Strategy 2: We will identify and
integrate into the school community
the skills, knowledge and
understandings, essential to students
to succeed in a changing world.
ASD Values
Global Issues Club/ Educare
Grade Level Service Projects ES
CARE Club Animals ES
Service Projects A-CET. Habitat
for Humanity
Service Exploration Elective MS
Conservation Club MS
Week Without Walls MS
Local Service Projects
Sister School Program – Sri
Global Issues elective HS
Student Tutoring Project HS
Local Partnerships ES, MS, ES
IB CAS/ Service Learning HS
Student Council Projects ES,
MMG Language School HS
ASD World Language Program
Skills for a changing world
Information Technology and
Information Literacy (ALA &
I:I Laptop program
Integration of technology
Learning Habits
Dispositions (each division)
WL Action Plan Implementation
Curriculum & Best Practice
Connecting with Qatar
Strategy 3:We will review, deepen,
and refine as needed, the practices,
tools and programs essential for each
student to meet and/or exceed the
ASD standards.
Strategy 4:We will develop a
stronger relationship with the
Qatari community and expand
our involvement with Qatar’s
educational aspirations while
being true to our mission, vision
and identity.
Ongoing Curriculum Alignment
Standards-based grading and
Team Goals - focused on learning
Collaboration Protocols and looking
at student work
Common Assessments
Analysis of data
Looking for Learning conversations
Collaboration skills / PACT
Differentiated instruction to meet
student needs
Using data to set goals NWEA MAP
Developing teacher leadership skills
Math Instruction K-8 (MCI2
Literacy PL
Embedded PL /lab sites
Data Dashboard
Supreme Education Council
SEC Voucher Program for Islamic
Community connections / Education
Astrolabe Student Leadership
UbD Unit Design
NESA Virtual School
Green = for appropriate staff (committees, individual teachers)
Black = all faculty members
Updated Jun, 2013
Atlas Rubicon Mapping
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
American School of Doha
Future Planning – Yearly Focus
Primary Focus
Trans-disciplinary Skills
Data Analysis Recording &
Revisit UbD
Focus on Learning
Recording and Reporting
Technology Integration
Strategic Planning (first
(second semester)
UbD Revisited
Technology Integration
Assessment Data Analysis
World Languages audit
Update for AERO PL around
Eng LA
Accreditation protocol for
Strategic Plan Actions
Accreditation Self Study
Common Core Alignment with
Skills for a changing world
Teacher Leadership Training
Refining all subject area
statements and essential
ES - Standards-based
reporting template
MS – Standards-based grading
and recording and work
HS – Grading policies scoring
Trans-disciplinary Skills
Ongoing Curriculum
Alignment Process
Data Dashboard
Ongoing within Self Study
Ongoing Self Study
Data Analysis
(planning team)
World Languages
Ongoing Curriculum Alignment
Review Cycle
Fine Arts
SS through AERO
Eng/Language Arts
Technology Integration
Mission, Vision, Essential
World Languages
Information Literacy
Science focus
Science HS
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Data Analysis
Recording and Reporting
Recording and Reporting
Recording and Reporting
Recording and Reporting
Recording and Reporting
Focus on Learning
Focus on Learning
Focus on Learning
Focus on Learning
Focus on Learning
Jay McTighe – UbD
Ken O’Connor
Jay McTighe (Oct with WTI)
Maggie Moon – LA
Maggie Moon – Lit
Jay McTighe – UbD
(Recording, grading and
Daisy McTighe
Deb Welch (Data mining)
(Visual Arts)
Emily DeLiddo - Lit
Pete Bowers
L4L - Fieldworks
Matt Glover (early
Matt Glover (early childhood)
Word study
Martin Skelton Focus on
Learning (consolidating)
Sharon Storrier
(Collaboration revisit)
Atlas (revisit new tools)?
Cindy Cummings Eng/LA
Carl Anderson – Lit
Carl Anderson – Lit
Deb Welch (Data
analysis/goals) MS
Looking for Learning Martin
Looking for Learning Martin
Erma Anderson (year 2 of
MIC2) K-8, HS
Connie White
Connie White
Elizabeth Helfante 1:1
Elizabeth Helfante 1:1
Bridget Doogan
Erma Anderson
Daisy McTighe
Carl Anderson - LA
Chris Mikles CPM Math
Chris Mikles CPM Math
Word Study K-5
Visual Arts
Erma Anderson
Patsy Ann Johnson
Libby DeLiddo
Howard Marshall
Kathy Collins - Literacy
Math and Science
Math audit
Martin Skelton – L4L
Pete Bowers
Frances Gipson – Leadership Ian Jukes – Skills for a
changing world
ES word study
Kathlyn Saich
Joellen Killion – Leadership &
Kathy Morabet
Wafa Hassan - Arabic
Wafa Hassan - WL Audit
Vanier - Science
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
May 17th, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The School recognizes that a dynamic and efficient staff dedicated to education is necessary to maintain
a constantly improving educational program. The School is interested in its personnel as individuals, and
it recognizes its responsibility for promoting the general welfare of the staff.
Determination of duties of school employees shall be the responsibility of the Director. The Director
shall make arrangements for the annual evaluation of all faculty.
It is the School's specific personnel goal to:
1. Conduct an evaluation program that will contribute to the improvement of staff
performance; (See Policy 5.306)
2. Develop and manage a staff compensation package that will attract and retain the best
3. Provide an in-service training program for all employees which will improve their
performance and their chances for retention and promotion; (See Policy 5.372)
4. Recruit, select, and hire the best qualified people to staff the school system; (See Policy
5. Develop the quality of human relationships necessary to obtain maximum staff
performance and satisfaction;
6. Use staff talent as effectively and economically as possible, for the benefit of the total
school program; and (See Policy 5.20)
7. Employ personnel who contribute to the total all-around quality of the school.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
It is the policy of the School to recruit, to assign, and to promote all qualified staff, whether
faculty, professional or support without regard to:
1. Race;
2. Creed;
3. Color;
4. Age;
5. Sex;
6. Political affiliation;
7. Social, economic, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds.
No employee shall be denied the right of promotion or position change because of the
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
All school employees will be classified staffing one of the following categories:
1. Faculty – includes all contracted teachers.
2. Leadership Team – includes the Director, Principals, Associate Principals, Various
Departmental Directors, including Finance & Operations, Curriculum, HR, Development,
Admissions and IT.
3. Professional – Non-teaching managerial staff or positions with comparable job-level
responsibility within the school, as deemed appropriate by the Director.
4. Office & Clerical – Staff who provide office support and auxiliary services of special benefit to
support staff and students, including but not limited to, the following categories: all secretarial
and/or clerical positions and purchasing.
5. Assistants (Teaching & Office) – staff who provides assistant support services for students,
offices and libraries.
6. Information Technology & Life Guards – support staff associated with Information
Technology and Aquatics departments who provide service across all school divisions.
7. Building Operations, Maintenance and Other Staff – staff who provide services such as
janitorial, building or associated technical services and security.
Salary and benefit packages will be confined to each class of worker and will be reflected in a
Contract of Employment for each individual.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Policy Deleted: Staff Performance & Satisfaction.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Staff has a right to:
1. Redress through the complaint and grievance procedures.
2. Be assigned only those duties consistent with their strength, skill, aptitude and training, and
professional qualifications.
3. Consult with the Director if changes are to be made in assigned duties.
4. To be informed of all vacancies and newly created in-house positions. Current employees
shall be permitted to apply for vacated or newly created positions.
5. Access their personnel files.
Staff has a responsibility to:
1. Perform as part of their professional duties those activities specified in the contract and
additional activities specified by the Director which relate to the school and/or students,
including in-service activities.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ASD expects that employees will perform their duties in accordance with the best interests
of the school. Adherence to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and fairness by ASD
personnel is essential to assure proper performance of school business and maintenance of
confidence in the school by students and citizens. Avoidance of misconduct and conflicts of
interest on the part of ASD employees through informed judgment is indispensable to the
preservation of these standards.
All ASD personnel are expected to pursue their responsibilities conscientiously and
energetically. It is expected that all ASD employees reflect the highest standards of
community life. ASD employees are expected, at all times, to respect the rights of the school,
its students, visitors, other members of the community, and the laws and cultural standards
of Qatar.
Employees shall not at any time:
Engage in any activity that make time and/or energy demands upon the employee which
could interfere with effectiveness in performing contractual duties.
Engage in any activity that would compromise, embarrass, or in any way reflect adversely on
the school.
Engage in any activity that would adversely affect their employment status or professional
Engage in any other employment or in any private business during the hours required to
fulfill assigned school duties.
Rent or sell any books, supplies, musical instruments, or equipment to any student or to the
parents or guardian of a student unless prior approval has been received from the Director.
No administrator or supervisor shall be responsible for the supervision and/or evaluation of
a relative who is an employee of school.
Solicit gifts from students or parents for any services rendered. Staff may not accept gifts of
more than nominal value, and are expected to use discretion when accepting any gift.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Policy Deleted and content merged with Ethics & Conflicts of Interest Policy (5.2011).
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Policy Deleted and content merged with Ethics and Conflicts of Intent Policy (5.2011).
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
All new faculty and staff must submit:
1. A Federal Level police clearance from their passport country (and country of origin, if
different), as required by Qatari law. Failure to obtain Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of
Interior—CID and Department of Immigration approval makes the employee’s contract null
and void.
2. Prior to arrival, newly hired over-seas hires must provide a report of physical examination
which must indicate that the employee is capable of service in Qatar as per Qatari law. Other
medical exams or medical tests may be required by Qatari law.
3. Diploma & Certification Authentication as required by Qatari law. Government regulations
require that all degree copies and certifications be authenticated at the State
Department/Ministry of Foreign Affairs level. All employees must complete this process.
Failure to submit required documentation makes the employee’s contract null and void.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Qatari visas and work permits will be arranged and processed by the school with any
associated costs to be borne by the school.
All staff traveling on school business will be provided necessary visas at school expense.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Overseas hire staff are entitled to relocation and housing benefits as stipulated in individual
contracts and the current benefits schedule.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The school will keep a personnel file on each staff member. The fill will include credentials,
copies of certificates, contracts, references, evaluation reports and other professional
information regarding the employee.
These records shall be available only for official use by the Director and/or his designee the
employee’s immediate administrative supervisor or for inspection by accrediting agencies,
with permission of the Director, to verify an employee’s training and certification.
The employee shall have full access to his/her file and shall, under the supervision of an
administrator, be allowed to verify their contents and accuracy. If there is any question
about the contents that cannot be resolved by a simple correction, the employee may appeal
to the Director and then the Board.
Personnel files shall not be sent to other schools, or institutions without the written request
and permission of the employee.
The Board shall have access to a staff member’s personnel file in conjunction with a formal
Board motion in regards to a personnel procedure. The staff member whose personal file
has been requested in this way will be notified of the action.
Personnel files will be retained for five (5) years from date of separation.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Overseas hire is defined as a person whose only sponsor in Doha is ASD; someone who was
hired overseas; and someone whose only reason for being in Doha is to teach at ASD. Local
hire is defined as someone who does not meet criteria of overseas-hired staff member. The
Director has the authority to approve any unmodified standard contract. Any modifications
to the standard contract must be approved by the Chair of the Personnel Committee. That
approval will be evidenced by the Personnel Committee Chair signing the modified standard
Individual contracts will be signed for each employee and will include the following
Initial duration of contracts for faculty will be for two (2) years.
Contracts will be in accordance with the current salary package authorized by the Board. See
Schedule of Salary and Benefits – Revision 0 attached to this policy. Any deviation from the
schedule must be approved by the Chair of the Personnel Committee. That approval will be
evidenced by the Personnel Committee Chair signing the modified standard contract.
Contracts will include a description of proposed duties and responsibilities, dates and
duration of employment, salary, and a list of benefits.
Contracts will not conflict with any written article of policy and will include the prerogative
to assign and transfer personnel within their certificated capabilities.
New contracts for the forthcoming school year will be given to employees not later than
December 1. Employees who wish to guarantee their employment for the subsequent year
will be required to sign a contract prior to the mid-year/winter break.
An employee who is hired after the start of the school year will be placed on a pro-rated
The Board approved standard contracts are as follows. These contracts are attached to this
Contract A (number 10001 May 09 - Overseas Hire – one year contract).
Contract B (number 10002 May 09- Overseas Hire – two year contract).
Contract C (number 10003 May 09 - Local Hire – one year contract).
Contract D (number 10004 May 09 - Local Hire – two year contract)
Contract E (number 10005 May 09 - Leadership Team).
Contract F (number 10006 May 09 - Associate Principal).
Contract G (number 10007 May 09 –Support Staff general assistance).
Contract H (number 10008 May 09 – Support Staff general).
Contract I (number 10009 May 09 – Support Staff IT/Life Guard).
Contract J (number 10010 May 09 – Support Staff Building Operations, Maintenance).
Contract K (number 10011 May 09 – Support Staff Professional).
Contract L (number 10012 May 09 – Support Staff Teaching Assistant).
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated & approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
All Leadership Team, Faculty and Professional staff shall be hired upon the decision of the
Director. All Support Staff shall be hired by the appropriate Administrator with ultimate
approval by the Director. The Board of Directors shall be informed of all hiring decisions.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
1. Four-year Bachelor’s degree with major or minor in subject assigned.
2. Previous successful teaching experience.
3. Current Teaching Certificate or License from government organization in assigned teaching
1. Master’s degree in Education in subject assigned.
2. At least two (2) years previous successful overseas teaching experience.
Certified true copy of diploma from recognized college or university authenticated by the
State Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Certified true copy of college or university transcript listing major and minor subjects.
Certified true copy of current teaching certificate or license.
References from most immediate supervisor(s), including contact information.
Photo taken within the past two years.
1. The director, at his/her discretion, may make exceptions to the experience on certification
requirements based on the needs of the school.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Policy Deleted: Professional Staff Orientation.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Policy Deleted: Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The PG&D process for teachers at ASD is based on two principles:
1. ASD wants to recognize and retain the highest quality teachers.
2. For teachers to grow, they must become reflective practitioners.
In order to achieve these two ends, ASD has established a system of evaluation based on performance
and feedback. The key characteristics of this system are:
1. Annual written feedback on performance for each teacher by the principal with the following three
components of feedback:
 An instructional goal (this may be generic for all teachers or individuals).
 Self-reflection against the Standards and Benchmarks for Teachers at ASD.
 Student Feedback.
ASD believes in rewarding high performance, and, therefore, goals and ASD teaching standards and
benchmarks are tied to a rubric for increasing base salary through a performance increase. The
rubric for awarding performance increases will be shared with the board at the beginning of each
school year. The principal, in collaboration with the teacher, reviews performance against the three
data points and a performance increase is awarded if warranted.
The timetable for this process is as follows:
The teacher in consultation with the principal sets instructional goal at the beginning of the school
At any point during the school year, if a principal or associate principal observes that a teacher is
falling below standard, the administrator will meet with the teacher to discuss improvements that
are needed. The administrator will observe the teacher, provide written formal and informal
feedback, and document progress over a period of time. Failure to reach standard could result in a
recommendation to the director for non-renewal or non-retention of the teacher according to Policy
Student feedback is collected from students during the second semester, collated and provided to the
Each teacher meets with his/her principal or associate principal second semester to formally review
performance against the ASD Teaching Standards. This is a self-reflective process facilitated by the
administrator. The administrator completes a written evaluation that is signed by the teacher.
Teachers who fall below the expected standard are placed on probation for the following fall with an
improvement plan. Progress in areas of concern is evaluated prior to the offering of contracts the
next school year.
An alternate PG&E process may be offered, at the discretion of the divisional principal, to those
employees who have successfully met the ASD PG&E teaching standards for three years.
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
The period from the last workday of the school year until the first day of teacher orientation will be
considered as a teacher's annual leave. All other holidays are given as directed by the board approved
yearly calendar.
All other employees will be granted leave as stipulated in their contract in conjunction with the current
approved academic calendar and their Department Supervisor.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
As stated in the contract, conducting extra-curricular activities shall be considered part of a
staff member's professional responsibility. Some activities under the approval of the
Director will be stipend.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and Approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The Board, recognizing the value of participation in professional activities, delegates to the
Director authority to organize local courses and workshops. The Board requires
participation in such workshops when appropriate.
The Board delegates to the Director the authority to grant permission for Faculty and
Professional staff to attend professional meetings, study courses, instructional visitations, or
workshops. Services performed during such absences will be considered equal to the
assigned duties of the individuals concerned and shall be counted as work with pay.
Summer grant funds will be allocated if available according to written procedures as
developed by staff.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and Approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Staff may tutor ASD students for pay only with specific case-by-case approval of the Director.
Such approval may be granted for individual cases wherein the school is unable to provide
for a child's special needs within the confines of its normal program. Teachers may not tutor
a student who is currently enrolled in their course for additional pay. Private tuition for
personal profit is not to occur on the school premises during school hours.
Staff may tutor ASD students and non-ASD students on ASD premises with the approval of
The Director must grant approval for use of facilities and/or materials.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and Approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The board provides a plan for leaves and absences designed to help members of the staff
maintain their physical health, take care of family and other personal emergencies, improve
professionally, and discharge important and necessary obligations.
Such leaves of absence shall be granted in accordance with Board policies pertaining to specific
types of leaves.
Leave is considered any time an employee is away from the classroom or office, including days
related to professional development, sports trips, fieldtrips, and all Board Policy Leaves. Any
time leave is taken, a leave of absence form must be submitted. Failure to submit appropriate
leave forms will result in loss of pay for the undocumented leave and could result in disciplinary
action. Any loss of pay is non-refundable.
Leave without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Director in cases of catastrophic
illness or injury.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and Approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Sick/Emergency leave is granted at the rate of fifteen (15) working days per year at the
beginning of each school year at full pay, accumulating to a maximum of thirty (30) working
days. Unused sick/emergency leave is carried over each year to a maximum of thirty (30)
working days.
Sick leave may be used for one’s self or members of their immediate family, or is granted in
the event of a family situation or personal emergency which requires the presence of the
employee. Family is defined as:
Children (natural, legally adopted or step-children).
Employees with Sick/emergency leave in excess of three (3) consecutive workdays may be
asked to provide documentation by a physician.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Female employees anticipating the birth and/or adoption of a child shall be entitled to
Maternity Leave with full pay for a period of sixty (60) calendar days, if they have been
employed by ASD for at least one full academic year. Maternity leave begins the day the
baby is born.
Where medically possible, all Maternity Leave requests should be submitted for approval at
least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the leave.
Male staff who has been employed by ASD for at least one full academic year may take
fourteen (14) calendar days paid leave in conjunction with the birth/adoption of his child.
This leave should be taken within the first 60 days of the birth and/or adoption. Leave may
not be divided unless the employee is returning to work for at least one full work week
between requested dates.
The above described leaves shall be applied to employees regardless of their marital status.
ADOPTED: October 17th, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Personal leave for faculty is granted at the rate of three (3) working days per school year.
Personal leave may be used for job search.
Personal leave must be requested and approved by the Principal at least three (3) days in
advance. The Principal will consider the impact on student learning and the availability of
quality substitute teachers when making the decision.
Personal leave cannot be attached to a school holiday for vacation purposes.
Personal leave is not accumulative.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Bereavement leave with pay will be granted in the event of a death in the immediate family
of the employee and is limited to the staff’s:
Children (natural, legally adopted or step-children).
Economy class transport for the overseas hired faculty to the home of the deceased will be
paid for by the school.
Bereavement leave will be granted up to a total of ten (10) working days for each death with
a maximum total bereavement leave days available for each staff member of no more than
twenty (20) days in a contract year. (If this benefit is provided by any other agency, it will
not be provided by ASD.)
Spouses will be allowed ten working days as paid leave to attend the funeral. Additional
days without pay may be requested. Airfare will not be paid for by the school.
If sick/emergency leave turns into bereavement leave due to the death of the relative, the
staff member may ask for the leave to be redefined as Bereavement Leave.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Policy Deleted – Covered by 5.308: Professional Staff Family Leave/Personal Emergency
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
After two years of service, faculty may be granted five days with pay for the purpose of
attending recruitment fairs. Three additional days may be added from Personal Leave.
This leave is only granted for those faculties who have resigned or have not had their
contracts renewed.
ADOPTED: May 23, 2006
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
ASD will make an effort shall be made to secure substitutes who have full certification, and
who at least have training or experience at the teaching level or in the subject specialization
of the teacher who is absent.
Qualified teacher-assistants who have worked at the school for at least one year may be
considered for short term substituting of no more than ten school days.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Overseas hire teaching staff will be entitled to waiver of tuition and fees for three (3)
contractually authorized dependent children in addition to the benefits listed in the benefits
page. The Director may provide a waiver for additional children in exceptional cases.
Local hire teaching staff will be entitled to waiver of tuition and fees of one legally
authorized dependent child during the first two (2) years of full time employment. After two
(2) years of service, a second legally authorized dependent child will be granted waiver of
tuition and fees. This benefit is applicable only during the time of employment with ASD.
If the sponsoring agency of a spouse pays for the tuition, the benefit will be reduced by the
amount of that sponsorship.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
The Primary Term of initial contract for Faculty is two (2) years. All other initial contract
durations are at the discretion of the Director. Unless an employee has successfully
completed a previous contract of employment in the same position, the employee is hired
subject to a probationary period of one year. The school may, at any time during this
probationary period, terminate the contract with or without cause:
A. By the SCHOOL not for cause: An employee’s contract may be terminated before its
expiration upon written notice of not less than thirty (30) days in the following
1. The school is closed by (i) an order of the Board, (ii) an order of a government authority, or
(iii) as a result of force majeure where the effect of such force majeure is reasonably
expected to last for more than ninety (90) days.
2. If the employee’s services cannot be continued without contravening laws or restrictions
imposed by the government of the State of Qatar.
3. If the employee’s post is abolished for good cause, provided that the employee cannot be
transferred to another position.
4. If due to declining enrollment, a change in educational programs or to similar causes, the
school determines that a reduction in work force is necessary and the dismissal of staff is
5. If a contract is terminated because the school is closed by the order of the board for any
reason, or by order of the appropriate government authority, the employee shall be paid an
amount equal to three months (3) base salary.
B. By the SCHOOL for cause: A contract may be terminated before its expiration with a
written notice of not less than thirty (30) days in the following circumstances:
1. If any statements or documents furnished by the employee concerning qualifications and
experience are untrue or substantially exaggerated.
2. If the employee performs his or her duties in an unsatisfactory manner.
3. In cases of insubordination, breach of school policy or contract, criminal action, or immoral
3. If the employee’s professional or personal behavior jeopardizes the reputation of the school;
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
4. If a mental or physical disability of the employee prevents the employee from carrying out
the duties for which he or she was engaged.
C. By the EMPLOYEE: A contract may be terminated before its expiration by the employee
upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice to the school in cases of written
recommendation of a licensed physician that the employee is medically unable to perform
his or her employment obligations:
When a locally hired employee wishes to follow his or her spouse who is leaving the State of
Qatar because the work of the spouse has been terminated or the spouse has been
transferred to another location outside of the State of Qatar. In such cases, the following may
a. The employee will be required to reimburse the school for all expenses incurred in the
employee’s and authorized dependent’s travel and air freight expenses to Doha, along with
any loans and/or advances that may have been granted. The employee is responsible for the
return travel of self and authorized dependents and the return shipment of personal and
household effects from Doha.
b. The employee is obligated to pay the school an amount equal to two months (2) base salary.
In addition, the employee may be required to reimburse any funds paid to employee during
the school year for in-service support or other benefits.
NON-RENEWAL is a term embracing end or completion of contract period without the offer
of another contract. Non-renewal shall be made known to a faculty member in a timely
manner to enable the non-renewed faculty member to pursue other employment.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 17, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Should a grievance exist in which an employee of the school believes that there has been a
violation, inequitable application, misapplication or misinterpretation of the terms of
contract or any existing rule, policy, or practice of the school system, the following procedure
for resolution is to be followed:
1. A formal letter of grievance is addressed to the appropriate immediate supervisor. If after
discussing the written grievance at this administrative level and the employee making the
grievance still is not satisfied, that staff member may wish to continue the grievance process.
2. If the decision at the first level is not satisfactory to all of the parties involved, a formal
written grievance shall be submitted to the Director. A written decision on the action to be
taken must be handed down within five working days of the submission of the grievance.
3. If the decision at the Director level is not satisfactory to the party (ies) involved, the formal
written grievance shall be submitted by the complainant(s) to the Board of Directors. The
complainant(s) will present his/her/their case to the Board at a special meeting. The Board
will make a final decision within two weeks of the completion of this special Board hearing.
The decision of the Board is final.
ADOPTED: October 17, 2000
Updated and approved by ASD Board of Directors: May 15, 2007
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
In all public internet forums employees are expected to model ASD values: Respect, Honesty,
Responsibility, and Compassion and follow ASD guidelines for social media, internet and
email. At no time should employees divulge confidential information relating to the school,
faculty, staff, and/or students, use offensive or indecent in content, or post anything that may
bring ASD into disrepute.
Voice mail, email, internet and telephone extensions assigned by the school are for the
purpose of conducting school business. All aspects of personal internet, social media,
blogging, and email should be reserved for personal time and should not conflict with
working hours.
School computers and email are school property. Management and other authorized staff
have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time.
Electronic communication should not be considered private if it is created or stored at work.
Adopted and approved by the Board of Directors: May 19, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
A Catastrophic Illness Bank (CIB) is provided to eligible employees with an emergency pool
of paid leave days to mitigate the impact of lost wages during a time of catastrophic illness or
injury prior to disability insurance payout. The program allows eligible employees to donate
accrued sick leave days to a catastrophic illness bank to be used by other eligible staff
members. This benefit is available to eligible, voluntarily participating employees who have
legitimately exhausted all of their accumulated sick and vacation leave as per the CIB
Guidelines and Procedures.
Adopted and approved by the Board of Directors: May 19, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014
Basic principles apply to all employees who have been issued a school mobile phone to assist
them in the performance of school-related business:
1. Calls from a mobile must be kept to a minimum and in circumstances where a fixed
telephone is available to make outgoing calls, use of the mobile for that purpose is
2. Cellular Data Roaming should always remain switched off. Any charges related to data
roaming will be the responsibility of the employee, unless authorized by the Director.
3. School issued phones are intended primarily for school business use. Any bills associated
with personal use must be settled promptly. Failure to do so may result in this benefit being
4. Upon termination of employment, all mobile phones must be returned to IT department for
check in. Employees will not be allowed to take the number with them, as our numbers
remain part of our contracted service package.
Adopted and approved by the Board of Directors: May 19, 2011
ASD Staff Handbook 2013-2014