Section L MIL-DTL-83513 Micro
Section L MIL-DTL-83513 Micro
Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 Section L MIL-DTL-83513 Micro-D Connectors product selection guide Glenair’s Complete Micro-D Product Line includes all M83513 Micro-D connectors. Choose Solder Cup, Pre-Wired or PCB versions. Glenair M83513 connectors always use TwistPin Contacts for high performance, made in U.S.A. M83513/01, /02, /06, /07 Solder Cup Metal or Plastic Shell These connectors feature gold-plated solder cup contacts for termination to #26 AWG or smaller wire. M83513/03, /04, /08, /09 Pre-Wired Pigtails, Metal or Plastic Shell These crimped, epoxy-potted assemblies are available with insulated 19 strand #26 AWG wire or with #25 AWG uninsulated single strand wire. Insulated wire options include wire type, color code and length. Uninsulated wires are gold-plated or SnPb 63/37 solder dipped. M83513/05 Jackscrews and Jackposts These hardware kits contain stainless steel jackscrews in two lengths. Choose slot head or hex head. Jackscrews attach with e-rings. Jackposts also are stainless steel. M83513/10 Thru 21 Right Angle .100" Pitch Printed Circuit Board Connectors These metal shell connectors feature SnPb 63/37 solder-dipped PC tails. Select vertical or right angle mounting. PC tails are .020 inch (0.50 mm.) diameter on a .100 inch (2.54 mm.) offset grid. Jackposts and threaded inserts are available. M83513/22 Thru 33 Vertical Compact Vertical Mount Printed Circuit Board These recent additions to the mil spec feature .075 inch by .100 inch PC terminal spacing. The plastic tray does not extend beyond the envelope of the metal connector shell. © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Metal Shell M83513/01 & 02 Page L-4 Plastic Shell M83513/06 & 07 Page L-8 Metal Shell M83513/03 & 04 Page L-5 Plastic Shell M83513/08 & 09 Page L-9 M83513/05 Hardware Kits Page L-7 M83513/10 to 15 Right Angle Narrow PCB Page L-11 M83513/16 to 21 Right Angle Wide Style PCB Page L-15 M83513/22 to 27 Vertical Mount PCB Page L-19 M83513/28 Thru 33 Compact Vertical PCB Page L-23 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-1 L Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro-D Connectors MIL-DTL-83513 At-A-Glance About The Mil Spec INCH-POUND MIL-DTL-83513E 29 May 2002 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-83513D 22 April 1997 CATION DETAIL SPECIFI TANGULAR, ELECTRICAL, REC SHELL, CONNECTORS, ARIZED POL E, MICROMINIATUR CIFICATION FOR GENERAL SPE ents use by all Departm is approved for This specification of the Department of Defense. and Agencies 1. SCOPE specification 1.1 Scope. This rs. ngular connecto ominiature, recta shell, micr covers polarized 1.2 Classification. 1.2.1 Class ) (shell and insulator P - All plastic ) l (plastic insulator M - Metal shel 1.2.2 Type e) acts (nonremovabl e) I - Crimp cont acts (nonremovabl II - S older cont DOCUMENTS this standard. ions 3 and 4 of 2. APPLICABLE nded for specified in sect in this section are ions of this standard or recomme documents listed r sect completeness of e to ensure the 2.1 General. The include documents cited in othe mad been ts cited in has not e every effort irements documen Whil . requ This section does ples ified exam spec on or as must meet all additional informati ioned that they . t users are caut not they are listed or ther this list, documen whe , of this standard sections 3 and 4 s, and documents. 2.2 Government ifications, standard , the The following spec otherwise specified and handbooks. herein. Unless ions, standards, nse Index of the extent specified 2.2.1 Specificat Department of Defe itation (see 6.2). this document to of the of part a issue form in the solic handbooks ts are those listed supplement thereto, cited in the men docu e ) and issues of thes Standards (DODISS h Specifications and pertinent data whic deletions) and any nse Supply Center ions, additions, ts (recommendat addressed to: Defe 00 by using Beneficial commen oving this document should be s, OH 43216-50 impr at the end d Street, Columbu Broa aring East appe ) may be of use in 3990 (DD Form 1426 N: DSCC-VAI, ovement Proposal Columbus, ATT n Document Impr the Standardizatio by letter. t or of this documen FSC 5935 se; distribution is ic relea AMSC N/A Approved for publ STATEMENT A. DISTRIBUTION The "Slash Sheets" At-A-Glance All Glenair Micro-D's, whether mil spec or COTS, are built with the same components and meet identical requirements. A COTS Micro-D is not a lower cost version of a mil spec part. COTS versions offer more options than the mil spec versions. Which is more readily available: Mil Spec or COTS? All M83513 aluminum shell connectors are in stock. All standard COTS versions are also stocked. What is the difference between a Glenair Mil Spec connector and another brand? MIL-DTL-83513 allows the use of low-cost stamped contacts; however, the Glenair Micro-D connector features the high performanceTwistPin contact system. Glenair M83513 connectors are 100% Made in USA. Glenair's industry-leading Micro-D capacity and capabilities offer quick worldwide access to the full range of QPL items. © 2011 Glenair, Inc. The QPL At-A-Glance Manufacturers are required to perform a series of mechanical, electrical and environmental tests in order to be eligible for listing as an approved supplier. When DSCC approval is granted, the manufacturer is added to the Qualified Products List (QPL). Glenair is QPL approved for all M83513 variations. unlimited. What is the difference between a Glenair COTS Micro-D and a Glenair Mil Spec Micro-D? Which is less expensive? L The United States Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Supply Center, Columbus, Ohio (DSCC, pronounced "Dessy"), maintains a vast library of military specifications covering all kinds of components used in defense equipment. These mil specs simplify system design and procurement, because mil spec parts do not require costly testing for suitability. Easy multiple sourcing is another key advantage of a mil spec part. MIL-DTL-83513 is a detail spec controlling dimensions, materials, performance and testing. This spec covers plastic and metal shell Micro-D connectors. In addition to the general specification, MIL-DTL-83513 contains a total of 33 Detail Specification Sheets, nicknamed "slash sheets" because a forward slash is used in the numbering system. How to get a copy of the spec DSCC specs are available for download. The documents include: MIL-DTL-83513 Detail Specification (the general spec) MIL-DTL-83513 Slash Sheets (33 individual specs) These specs can be found at: asp The QPL can be found at: Glenair CAGE Codes A CAGE (Commercial And Government Entity) Code is a five position code that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the Federal Government. Glenair uses two CAGE codes to identify M83513 products: 06324, Glenair, Glendale , California 0CA77, Glenair Microway Division, Lincolnwood Illinois. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-2 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro-D Connectors MIL-dtl-83513 contact arrangements (face view pin connector) 1 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 Contacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 Contacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 Contacts 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 Contacts 1 2 31 Contacts 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 41 50 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 Contacts 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 51 Contacts 100 Contacts mil-dtl-83513 materials and finishes (specific to glenair) Connector Shell, Metal Aluminum Alloy 6061 In Accordance With SAE-AMS-QQ-A-250/11 Plating Code C: Cadmium With Yellow Chromate Conversion Coating in Accordance With SAE-AMS-QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 3 Plating Code N: Electroless Nickel In Accordance With SAE-AMS-26074, Class 3 Stainless Steel, 300 Series, Passivated In Accordance With SAE-AMS-QQ-P-35 Connector Shell, Plastic Liquid Crystal Polymer, 30% Glass-Filled, In Accordance With MIL-M-24519 Insulator Interfacial Seal Terminal Block, PCB Liquid Crystal Polymer, 30% Glass-Filled, In Accordance With MIL-M-24519 Fluorosilicone Rubber In Accordance With A-A-59588 Liquid Crystal Polymer, 30% Glass-Filled, In Accordance With MIL-M-24519 Pin Contact (TwistPin) Beryllium Copper, Gold Plated In Accordance With ASTM B 488 Type II Class 1.27 (50 Microinches Minimum) Code C, Over Nickel Underplate In Accordance With SAE-AMS-QQ-N-290, Class 2 (30 Microinches Minimum) Socket Contact Phos Bronze In accordance With ASTM 139 Gold Plated In Accordance With ASTM B 488 Type II Class 1.27 (50 Microinches Minimum) Code C, Over Nickel Underplate In Accordance With SAE-AMS-QQ-N-290, Class 2 (30 Microinches Minimum) Encapsulant (Potting) Epoxy Resin, Hysol EE4215/HD3561 Jackscrews, Jackposts Stainless Steel, Passivated In Accordance With SAE-AMS-QQ-P-35 Pigtail Wire, Insulated Hookup MIL-W-22759/11: 19 Strand Silver-Coated Copper Wire, Extruded PTFE Insulation, 600 Volts RMS, 200° C. MIL-W-22759/33: 19 Strand High-Strength Silver-Coated Copper Alloy Wire, Crosslinked Modified ETFE Insulation, 600 Volts RMS, 200° C. Pigtail Wire, Uninsulated Wire Type 07 and 08: Solid Copper Wire In Accordance With A-A-59551, 90% Tin/10% Lead Coated Wire Type 05 and 06: Solid Copper Wire In Accordance With A-A-59551, Gold-Plated L Mil-dtl-83513 performance specifications Current Rating 3 AMP Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Insulation Resistance Contact Resistance Low Level Contact Resistance Magnetic Permeability Operating Temperature Shock Vibration Outgassing Mating Force Salt Spray Durability 600 VAC Sea Level, 150 VAC 70,000 Feet 5000 Megohms Minimum 8 Milliohms Maximum 32 Milliohms Maximum 2 µ Maximum -55° C. to +150° C. 50 g. 20 g. Meets NASA Outgassing Requirements (10 Ounces Maximum) X (# Of Contacts) 48 Hours Aluminum Shell With Cadmium Plating 500 Mating Cycles Minimum © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-3 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/01 & /02 Micro-D Connectors Metal Shell Solder Cup Metal Shell Solder Cup M83513 Connectors feature gold-plated TwistPin non-removable contacts for solder termination to AWG #26 or smaller wire. m83513/01 & /02 solder cup part numbers Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S Config. Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Electroless Nickel Plated Aluminum Shell M83513/01-AN M83513/02-AN M83513/01-BN M83513/02-BN M83513/01-CN M83513/02-CN M83513/01-DN M83513/02-DN M83513/01-EN M83513/02-EN M83513/01-FN M83513/02-FN M83513/01-GN M83513/02-GN M83513/01-HN M83513/02-HN Cadmium Plated Aluminum Shell A B C D E Passivated Stainless Steel Shell M83513/01-AC M83513/02-AC M83513/01-BC M83513/02-BC M83513/01-CC M83513/02-CC M83513/01-DC M83513/02-DC M83513/01-EC M83513/02-EC M83513/01-FC M83513/02-FC M83513/01-GC M83513/02-GC M83513/01-HC M83513/02-HC 9-69 CONTACTS � .096/.088 (2.43/2.23) DIA. 100 CONTACTS � .150/.145 (3.81/3.68) DIA. M83513/01-AP M83513/02-AP M83513/01-BP M83513/02-BP M83513/01-CP M83513/02-CP M83513/01-DP M83513/02-DP M83513/01-EP M83513/02-EP M83513/01-FP M83513/02-FP M83513/01-GP M83513/02-GP M83513/01-HP M83513/02-HP .093 ± .005 (2.36 ± 0.13) F G H .110 (2.79) MAX J .200 (5.08) MAX dimensions A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S B In . C Max. mm. In. mm. ± .003 ± 0.08 .785 .785 .935 .935 1.085 1.085 1.185 1.185 1.335 1.335 1.485 1.485 1.435 1.435 2.170 2.170 19.94 19.94 23.75 23.75 27.56 27.56 30.01 30.01 33.91 33.91 37.72 37.72 36.45 36.45 55.12 55.12 .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. In. mm. .333 .400 .483 .551 .633 .701 .733 .801 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 D Max. In. .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .228 .296 .270 .333 mm. 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 5.79 7.52 6.86 8.46 E Max. In. .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .351 .351 .394 .394 F In. mm. ± .003 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 8.92 8.92 10.01 10.01 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 G Max. mm. ± 0.08 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 In. .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 H Max. J Max. mm. In. mm. 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 .400 .400 .550 .550 .700 .700 .800 .800 .950 .950 1.100 1.100 1.050 1.050 1.442 1.442 10.16 10.16 13.97 13.97 17.78 17.78 20.32 20.32 24.13 24.13 27.94 27.94 26.67 26.67 36.63 36.63 In. .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .310 .310 .360 .360 mm. 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 7.87 7.87 9.14 9.14 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-4 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/03 & /04 Micro-D Connectors Metal Shell Crimp, Pre-Wired Micro-D Pre-Wired Pigtails — These connectors feature gold-plated TwistPin contacts and mil spec crimp termination. Specify aluminum shells for best availability. 100% tested and backpotted, ready for use. Choose the Wire Type To Fit Your Application — For lightest weight and smallest diameter, select M22759/33 space grade insulated wire. how to order metal shell Pre-wired crimp mil-dtl-83513 micro-d connectors Base Part Number Slash Number Shell Size Wire Type M83513 /03 A B C D E F G H M22759/11-26 Teflon®-Insulated Hookup Wire 01 – 18 Inches (457mm), White 02 – 36 Inches (914mm), White 03 – 18 Inches (457mm), 10 Color Repeating 04 – 36 Inches (914mm), 10 Color Repeating Pin Connector (Plug) /04 Socket Connector (Receptacle) Shell Finish C – Cadmium N – Electroless Nickel P – Passivated SST 13 – 72 Inches (1829mm), White Codes A - H specify the shell size. The number of contacts is shown below for reference. 14 – 72 Inches (1829mm), 10 Color Repeating M22759/33-26 Irradiated Tefzel® Insulated Hookup Wire 09 – 18 Inches (457mm), White 10 – 36 Inches (914mm), White 11 – 18 Inches (457mm), 10 Color Repeating 12 – 36 Inches (914mm), 10 Color Repeating A – 9 B – 15 C – 21 D – 25 E – 31 F – 37 G – 51 15 – 72 Inches (1829mm), White 16 – 72 Inches (1829mm), 10 Color Repeating 25 AWG Single Strand Uninsulated Wire 05 – .500 Inch (12.7mm), Gold Plated 06 – 1.000 Inch (25.4mm), Gold Plated 07 – .500 Inch (12.7mm), Tin-Lead Plated(2) 08 – 1.000 Inch (25.4mm), Tin-Lead Plated(2) H – 100 Sample Part Number M83513 /04 — B 09 N application notes 1. Shell Material & Finish: Cadmium plating offers better corrosion resistance compared to nickel, but cad is not acceptable for space or RoHS applications. Electroless nickel plated aluminum is recommended for new design activity. Or, choose stainless steel shells for corrosive environments. 2. Tin-Plated Wire: The next revision of the mil spec is expected to prohibit the use of pure tin. Glenair M83513 connectors do not contain any components exceeding 97% tin. 3. M22759/33 Corrosion: The M83513 spec contains a cautionary note regarding M22759/33 wire. The wire insulation is known to cause corrosion to metal parts when stored in a sealed environment. This corrosion has been observed on M83513 connectors. Glenair has implemented a packaging procedure to minimize or eliminate this problem. Connectors are individually wrapped with teflon tape, and the unit pack is a perforated paper envelope. M22759/33 continues to be the preferred wire for space applications. © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-5 L Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/03 & /04 Micro-D Connectors Metal Shell Crimp, Pre-Wired A B C E WIRE LENGTH +1.0/-0.0 (+25.4/-0.0) J D LENGTH FOR INSULATED STRANDED WIRE 9-51 CONTACTS � .094/.088 (2.39/2.23) DIA. 100 CONTACTS � .150/.145 (3.81/3.68) DIA. F LENGTH +0.2/-0.0 (+5.08/-0.0) G J .093 ± .005 (2.36 ± 0.13) H LENGTH FOR UNINSULATED WIRE dimensions A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S B In . C Max. mm. In. mm. ± .003 ± 0.08 .785 .785 .935 .935 1.085 1.085 1.185 1.185 1.335 1.335 1.485 1.485 1.435 1.435 2.170 2.170 19.94 19.94 23.75 23.75 27.56 27.56 30.01 30.01 33.91 33.91 37.72 37.72 36.45 36.45 55.12 55.12 .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. In. mm. .333 .400 .483 .551 .633 .701 .733 .801 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 D Max. In. mm. .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .228 .296 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 5.79 7.52 .270 .333 6.86 8.46 E Max. In. .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .351 .351 .394 .394 F In. mm. ± .003 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 8.92 8.92 10.01 10.01 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 G Max. mm. ± 0.08 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 In. .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 .416 .429 H Max. J Max. mm. In. mm. 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 10.57 10.90 .400 .400 .550 .550 .700 .700 .800 .800 .950 .950 1.100 1.100 1.050 1.050 1.442 1.442 10.16 10.16 13.97 13.97 17.78 17.78 20.32 20.32 24.13 24.13 27.94 27.94 26.67 26.67 36.63 36.63 In. .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .270 .310 .310 .360 .360 mm. 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 7.87 7.87 9.14 9.14 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-6 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/05 Micro-D Hardware Jackscrews and Jackposts Order One Kit Per Connector. Jackpost kits contain two posts, two hex nuts and 2 lockwashers. Jackscrew kits contain 2 screws and 2 e-rings. Packaged one kit (two screws or posts) per bag. Mil Spec Hardware Kits feature 300 series stainless steel. mil spec jackscrew kits Configuration Connector Size, Thread Size Sizes 9 to 69 Contacts. Mil Spec Size A to G #2-56 UNC Jackpost Size100 Only Mil Spec Size H #4-40 UNC Sizes 9 to 69 Contacts. Mil Spec Size A to G #2-56 UNC-2A Hex Head Jackscrew Low Profile Size 100 Only Mil Spec Size H #4-40 UNC-2A Sizes 9 to 69 Contacts. Mil Spec Size A to G #2-56 UNC-2A Mil Spec Part Number Glenair Part Number Dimensions .190 / .185 (4.8 / 4.7) M83513/05-07 080-00-00-100 .086 (2.2)-56 UNC-2A .125 (3.2) HEX .086 (2.2)-56 UNC-2B .490 / .460 (12.4 / 11.7) .185/.175 (4.7 / 4.4) M83513/05-17 080-00-00-101 .112 (2.8)-40 UNC-2A .187 (4.7) HEX .112 (2.8)-40 UNC-2B .490 / .460 (12.4 / 11.7) .083 (2.11) DIA .062 (1.57) HEX M83513/05-02 #2-56 UNC 2A .090 (2.29) MIN PERFECT THD .125 (3.18) DIA 080-00-00-502 .258 (6.55) MAX .103 (2.62) MAX .140 (3.56) DIA .062 (1.57) HEX M83513/05-12 080-00-00-512 #4-40 UNC 2A .110 (2.79) MIN PERFECT THD .187 (4.75) DIA .292 (7.41) MAX .098 (2.49) .083 (2.11) DIA M83513/05-05 080-00-00-505 #2-56 UNC 2A .090 (2.29) MIN PERFECT THD .125 (3.18) DIA .258 (6.55) MAX .103 (2.62) MAX .140 (3.56) DIA Slot Head Jackscrew Low Profile Size 100 Only Mil Spec Size H #4-40 UNC-2A Sizes 9 to 69 Contacts. Mil Spec Size A to G #2-56 UNC-2A Hex Head Jackscrew Extended Size 100 Only Mil Spec Size H #4-40 UNC-2A Sizes 9 to 69 Contacts. Mil Spec Size A to G #2-56 UNC-2A M83513/05-15 .187 (4.75) DIA 080-00-00-515 .098 (2.49) .062 (1.57) HEX M83513/05-03 080-00-00-503 #4-40 UNC 2A .110 (2.79) MIN PERFECT THD .292 (7.41) MAX .083 (2.11) DIA .156 (3.96) DIA MAX .258 (6.55) MAX .610 (15.49) MAX .062 (1.57) HEX M83513/05-13 080-00-00-513 .140 (3.56) DIA .200 (5.08) DIA MAX .083 (2.11) DIA 080-00-00-506 .156 (3.96) DIA MAX © 2011 Glenair, Inc. Size 100 Only Mil Spec Size H #4-40 UNC-2A M83513/05-16 080-00-00-516 .200 (5.08) DIA MAX .610 (15.49) MAX U.S. CAGE Code 06324 #2-56 UNC 2A .090 (2.29) MIN PERFECT THD .258 (6.55) MAX .610 (15.49) MAX .140 (3.56) DIA Slot Head Jackscrew Extended #4-40 UNC 2A .110 (2.79) MIN PERFECT THD .292 (7.41) MAX .610 (15.49) MAX M83513/05-06 #2-56 UNC 2A .090 (2.29) MIN PERFECT THD #4-40 UNC 2A .110 (2.79) MIN PERFECT THD .292 (7.41) MAX Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-7 L Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/06 & /07 Micro-D Connectors Plastic Shell Solder Cup Plastic Shell Solder Cup M83513 Connectors feature goldplated TwistPin non-removable contacts for solder termination to AWG #26 or smaller wire. These all-plastic connectors are more economical, lighter and smaller than metal shell versions. A B C part numbers Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S D Config. Part Number Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle Plug Receptacle M83513/06-A M83513/07-A M83513/06-B M83513/07-B M83513/06-C M83513/07-C M83513/06-D M83513/07-D M83513/06-E M83513/07-E M83513/06-F M83513/07-F M83513/06-G M83513/07-G .096/.088 (2.43/2.23) DIA. .100/.088 (2.54/2.24) E F G .110 (2.79) MAX J H J .200 (5.08) MAX SOCKET CONNECTOR PIN CONNECTOR DIMENSIONS A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S B In . C Max. mm. In. mm. ± .003 ± 0.08 .788 .788 .938 .938 1.088 1.080 1.188 1.185 1.338 1.338 1.488 1.488 1.438 1.438 20.02 20.02 23.83 23.83 27.64 27.64 30.18 30.18 33.99 33.99 37.80 37.80 36.53 36.53 .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. In. mm. .292 .380 .442 .530 .592 .680 .692 .780 .842 .930 .992 1.080 .942 1.030 7.42 9.65 11.23 13.46 15.04 17.27 17.58 19.81 21.39 23.62 25.20 27.43 23.93 26.16 D Max. In. .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .260 .260 mm. 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 6.60 6.60 E Max. In. .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 mm. 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 F Max. G Max. H Max. In. mm. In. mm. In. .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 .408 .408 .558 .558 .708 .708 .808 .808 .958 .958 1.108 1.108 1.058 1.058 10.36 10.36 14.17 14.17 17.98 17.98 20.52 20.52 24.33 24.33 28.14 28.14 26.87 26.87 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .220 .220 J Max. mm. 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 5.59 5.59 In. .134 .218 .134 .218 .134 .218 .134 .218 .134 .218 .134 .218 .177 .260 mm. 3.40 5.54 3.40 5.54 3.40 5.54 3.40 5.54 3.40 5.54 3.40 5.54 4.50 6.60 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-8 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/08 & /09 Micro-D Connectors Plastic Shell Crimp, Pre-Wired Micro-D Pre-Wired Pigtails — These connectors feature gold-plated TwistPin contacts and mil spec crimp termination. 100% tested and backpotted, ready for use. Choose the Wire Type To Fit Your Application — For lightest weight and smallest diameter, select M22759/33 space grade insulated wire. how to order plastic shell Pre-wired crimp mil-dtl-83513/08 and /09 connectors Base Part Number Slash Number Insert Arrangement Wire Type M83513 /08 A B C D E F G M22759/11-26 Teflon®-Insulated Hookup Wire Pin Connector (Plug) /09 Socket Connector (Receptacle) Codes A - G specify the shell size. The number of contacts is shown below for reference. A – 9 B – 15 C – 21 D – 25 E – 31 F – 37 01 – 18 Inches (457mm), White 02 – 36 Inches (914mm), White 03 – 18 Inches (457mm), 10 Color Repeating 04 – 36 Inches (914mm), 10 Color Repeating 13 – 72 Inches (1829mm), White 14 – 72 Inches (1829mm), 10 Color Repeating M22759/33-26 Irradiated Tefzel® Insulated Hookup Wire 09 – 18 Inches (457mm), White 10 – 36 Inches (914mm), White 11 – 18 Inches (457mm), 10 Color Repeating 12 – 36 Inches (914mm), 10 Color Repeating 15 – 72 Inches (1829mm), White 16 – 72 Inches (1829mm), 10 Color Repeating Single Strand Uninsulated Wire 05 – .500 Inch (12.7mm), Gold Plated 06 – 1.000 Inch (25.4mm), Gold Plated 07 – .500 Inch (12.7mm), Tin-Lead Plated(2) 08 – 1.000 Inch (25.4mm), Tin-Lead Plated(2) G – 51 Sample Part Number M83513 /09 — G L 12 application notes 1. Intermatability: M83513 plastic shell connectors are not intermateable with metal shell M83513 connectors. 2. Tin-Plated Wire: The next revision of the mil spec is expected to prohibit the use of pure tin. Glenair M83513 connectors do not contain any components exceeding 97% tin. 3. M22759/33 Corrosion: The M83513 spec contains a cautionary note regarding M22759/33 wire. The wire insulation is known to cause corrosion to metal parts when stored in a sealed environment. This corrosion has been observed on M83513 connectors. Glenair has implemented a packaging procedure to minimize or eliminate this problem. Connectors are individually wrapped with teflon tape, and the unit pack is a perforated paper envelope. M22759/33 continues to be the preferred wire for space applications. © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-9 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro-D Connectors Plastic Shell Crimp Pre-Wired M83513/08 & /09 LENGTH FOR INSULATED STRANDED WIRE A B C LENGTH + 1.0/-0.0 (+25.4/-0.0) H J D PIN CONNECTOR .096/.088 (2.43/2.23) DIA. LENGTH + 1.0/-0.0 (+25.4/-0.0) H J .100/.088 (2.54/2.24) SOCKET CONNECTOR E LENGTH FOR UNINSULATED WIRE F LENGTH + 0.2/-0.0 (+5.08/-0.0) H J SOCKET CONNECTOR G LENGTH + 0.2/-0.0 (+5.08/-0.0) H J PIN CONNECTOR dimensions L A Max. Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S In. B In . C Max. mm. mm. ± .003 ± 0.08 .788 20.02 .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 .788 20.02 .938 23.83 .938 23.83 1.088 27.64 1.080 27.64 1.188 30.18 1.185 30.18 1.338 33.99 1.338 33.99 1.488 37.80 1.488 37.80 1.438 36.53 1.438 36.53 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. In. mm. .292 .380 .442 .530 .592 .680 .692 .780 .842 .930 .992 1.080 .942 1.030 7.42 9.65 11.23 13.46 15.04 17.27 17.58 19.81 21.39 23.62 25.20 27.43 23.93 26.16 D Max. In. .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .218 .260 .260 mm. 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 6.60 6.60 E Max. In. .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 .202 .185 mm. 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 5.13 4.70 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 F Max. G Max. H Max. In. mm. In. mm. In. .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 .395 .375 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 10.03 9.53 .408 .408 .558 .558 .708 .708 .808 .808 .958 .958 1.108 1.108 1.058 1.058 10.36 10.36 14.17 14.17 17.98 17.98 20.52 20.52 24.33 24.33 28.14 28.14 26.87 26.87 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .173 .220 .220 J Max. mm. 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 5.59 5.59 In. mm. .134 3.40 .218 5.54 .134 3.40 .218 5.54 .134 3.40 .218 5.54 .134 3.40 .218 5.54 .134 3.40 .218 5.54 .134 3.40 .218 5.54 .177 .260 4.50 6.60 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-10 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/10 Thru /15 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (CBR) High Performance — These connectors feature goldplated TwistPin contacts for best performance. PC tails are .020 inch diameter. Specify nickel-plated shells or cadmium plated shells for best availability. Solder-Dipped — Terminals are coated with SN63/Pb37 tin-lead solder for best solderability. how to order M83513/10 THRU /15 NARROW PROFILE RIGHT ANGLE PCB CONNECGTORS Spec Number Slash Number- Shell Size PC Tail Length Plug (Pin Contacts) 01– .109 Inch (2.77 mm) 02– .140 Inch (3.56 mm) 03– .172 Inch (4.37 mm) M83513/ 10–A 10–B 10–C 10–D 10–E 10–F 11–G 12–H - 9 Contacts - 15 Contacts Shell Finish C – Cadmium N – Electroless Nickel P – Passivated SST - 21 Contacts N –No Jackpost P –Jackposts Installed T – Threaded Insert in Board Mount Hole (No Jackposts) - 25 Contacts W –Threaded Insert in Board Mount PC Tail Length ± .015 (0.38) - 31 Contacts Hole and jackposts Installed - 37 Contacts - 51 Contacts See "Hardware Options" below for Illustrations - 100 Contacts Receptacle (Socket Contacts) 13–A 13–B 13–C 13–D 13–E 13–F 14–G 15–H Hardware Option Shell sizes A (9) through G (51) are #2-56 UNC-2 threads. - 9 Contacts - 15 Contacts Shell size H (100) is #4-40 UNC-2 threads. - 21 Contacts - 25 Contacts - 31 Contacts - 37 Contacts - 51 Contacts - 100 Contacts M83513/ Sample Part Number 13-B 02 N L P Hardware options N THRU HOLE No Jackpost © 2011 Glenair, Inc. P T THRU HOLE Jackpost 2X THREADED INSERTS Threaded Insert U.S. CAGE Code 06324 W 2X THREADED INSERTS Jackpost, Threaded Insert Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-11 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/10 Thru /15 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (CBR) A B C E THREAD SIZES 9-51 CONTACTS #2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS #4-40 UNC D 9-51 CONTACTS �#2-56 UNC-2B THREADS 100 CONTACTS �#4-40 UNC-2B THREADS CONFIGURATION FOR 31-100 CONTACTS CONFIGURATION FOR 9-25 CONTACTS F H H J G J K 2X MOUNTING HOLES L PCB MOUNTING HOLES 9-51 CONTACTS .096 DIA. ± .003 (2.44 ± 0.08) 100 CONTACTS .125 DIA. ± .003 (3.18± 0.08) DIMENSIONS A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S In. .787 .787 .937 .937 1.087 1.087 1.187 1.187 1.337 1.337 1.487 1.487 1.435 1.435 2.175 2.175 B In. mm. mm. ±.003 ± 0.08 19.94 19.94 23.75 23.75 27.56 27.56 30.01 30.01 33.91 33.91 37.72 37.72 36.45 36.45 55.12 55.12 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 C Max. D Max. E Max. F G Max. In. mm. mm. ±.003 ± 0.08 In. mm. In. mm. In. .333 .400 .483 .551 .633 .701 .733 .801 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .228 .296 .270 .333 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 5.79 7.52 6.86 8.46 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .351 8.92 .351 8.92 .394 10.01 .394 10.01 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 In. 4.65 .425 10.80 4.95 .425 10.80 4.65 .425 10.80 4.95 .425 10.80 4.65 .425 10.80 4.95 .425 10.80 4.65 .425 10.80 4.95 .425 10.80 4.65 .525 13.34 4.95 .525 13.34 4.65 .525 13.34 4.95 .525 13.34 4.65 .660 16.76 4.95 .660 16.76 4.65 1.010 25.65 4.95 1.010 25.65 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 H J In. mm. In. mm. mm. ±.010 ±0.25 ±.010 ±0.25 .230 .230 .130 .130 .130 .130 .130 .130 .130 .130 .130 .130 .150 .150 .200 .200 5.84 5.84 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.81 3.81 5.08 5.08 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .250 6.35 .300 7.62 .300 7.62 .400 10.16 .400 10.16 K Max. L Max. In. mm. In. mm. –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .450 .590 .590 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 11.43 11.43 11.43 11.43 11.43 11.43 14.99 14.99 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 1.085 1.085 1.185 1.185 1.225 1.225 1.820 1.820 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 27.56 27.56 30.10 30.10 31.12 31.12 46.23 46.23 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-12 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/10 Thru /15 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (CBR) M83513/10 THRU /12 connector pCB LAYOUTS – PIN CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. 9 Thru 51 Contacts .096 (2.44) Diameter Mounting Holes, 100 Pin .125 (3.18) Diameter CONNECTOR FLANGE (FRONT) .020 (0.51) .083 (2.11) 1 .100 (2.54) 7 .108 (2.74) .100 (2.54)TyP .250 (6.35) 2 6 4 2 3 8 9 9 3 14 13 .083 (2.11) 5 6 4 15 17 16 8 7 18 .250 (6.35) 10 9 19 .050 (1.27)TyP .100 (2.54) .158 (4.01) 2 11 20 4 3 6 5 19 18 .020 (0.51) 21 3 1 .100 (2.54) 15 21 16 20 24 11 10 25 22 13 12 27 26 .050 (1.27)TyP 1.115 (28.32) 15 14 19 .100 (2.54) TyP 21 20 36 5 23 22 37 25 41 29 28 40 43 12 46 45 44 13 11 10 42 26 39 27 9 7 24 38 8 1 3 2 .020 (0.51) 30 20 5 4 9 20 11 22 21 .250 (6.35) 12 24 23 13 .020 (0.51) 25 CONNECTOR FLANGE 24 23 29 47 16 30 48 .050 (1.27) 17 31 8 26 25 11 10 28 13 12 27 15 14 29 31 30 17 16 .250 (6.35) 19 18 33 32 .050 (1.27)TyP 1.265 (32.13) .050 (1.27)TyP .100 (2.54) TyP 35 34 35 1 50 27 .275 (6.99) 31 30 53 76 .020 (0.51) 37 36 55 78 35 34 57 56 80 79 10 8 59 58 82 81 41 40 62 65 88 86 87 90 89 67 20 71 94 93 24 48 95 75 73 96 74 98 97 26 51 50 72 70 25 49 47 69 92 23 22 46 68 91 21 45 44 66 1.800 (45.72) 51 PIN M83513/11-G 18 43 42 64 19 17 16 14 63 61 85 .400 (10.16) 15 39 38 60 84 83 12 37 36 CONNECTOR FLANGE 13 11 9 33 32 54 77 7 6 4 29 52 51 5 3 .100 (2.54) 2 34 32 CL .025 (0.64) 28 18 33 49 9 37 PIN M83513/10-F .300 (7.62) 15 7 6 22 21 31 14 28 .050 (1.27)TyP 1.215 (30.86) © 2011 Glenair, Inc. 7 19 10 CL .100 (2.54) 16 .108 (2.74) 6 8 5 18 .100 (2.54) .250 (6.35) FRONT OF CONNECTOR FLANGE CL 4 6 .183 (4.65) 9 23 CONNECTOR FLANGE 25 PIN M83513/10-D CONNECTOR FLANGE 8 7 4 17 14 31 PIN M83513/10-E 3 .020 (0.51) 15 .050 (1.27)TyP .965 (24.51) CL 1 14 CL 21 PIN M83513/10-C 2 13 .050 (1.27)TyP .100 (2.54) .865 (21.97) .100 (2.54) 11 8 15 PIN M83513/10-B 1 17 6 9 PIN M83513/10-A 2 1 12 .715 (18.16) CL .100 (2.54) 10 .250 (6.35) 7 .565 (14.35) .083 (2.11) 2 5 3 .050 (1.27)TyP .100 (2.54) 12 4 1 .100 (2.54) 5 CONNECTOR FLANGE .100 (2.54) CL .100 (2.54) CL CONNECTOR FLANGE (FRONT) 100 99 100 PIN M83513/12-H U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-13 L Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/10 Thru /15 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (CBR) m83513/13 THRU /15 connector pCB LAYOUTS – SOCKET CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. 9 Thru 51 Contacts .096 (2.44) Diameter Mounting Holes, 100 Pin .125 (3.18) Diameter CONNECTOR FLANGE .020 (0.51) .083 (2.11) 5 .100 (2.54) 8 .108 (2.74) .100 (2.54)TyP .250 (6.35) 4 9 2 7 3 7 14 .250 (6.35) 2 12 3 13 1 11 10 .020 (0.51) 9 .050 (1.27)TyP .050 (1.27)TyP .715 (18.16) 9 SOCKET M83513/13-A 15 SOCKET M83513/13-B .100 (2.54) CL .083 (2.11) 8 10 11 9 20 .083 (2.11) 6 5 7 3 17 19 4 18 .250 (6.35) 2 14 16 .050 (1.27)TyP 12 1 13 15 13 .100 (2.54) .020 (0.51) 12 11 24 25 22 23 8 6 9 4 7 21 20 3 5 19 17 18 .250 (6.35) 2 15 16 1 .020 (0.51) 14 25 SOCKET M83513/13-D CONNECTOR FLANGE CL .158 (4.01) 10 .050 (1.27)TyP .965 (24.51) 21 SOCKET M83513/13-C .100 (2.54) CONNECTOR FLANGE CL .865 (21.97) CONNECTOR FLANGE CL .100 (2.54) .183 (4.65) 15 16 .100 (2.54) 13 14 30 11 12 29 31 9 8 10 27 28 6 24 25 4 7 26 2 5 23 3 21 22 .050 (1.27)TyP 1.115 (28.32) .250 (6.35) 1 19 20 19 .020 (0.51) 17 17 18 .100 (2.54) 37 L .300 (7.62) 17 18 35 16 14 31 33 34 51 15 32 50 12 29 30 49 11 48 27 9 10 46 28 43 45 47 .050 (1.27)TyP 8 7 41 42 44 6 5 25 26 40 4 23 24 39 .050 (1.27) 2 3 1 21 22 38 .100 (2.54) 23 26 24 12 31 32 9 7 10 29 5 8 28 30 3 6 27 2 24 25 .250 (6.35) 1 4 26 .050 (1.27)TyP 1.265 (32.13) 22 50 36 100 99 20 48 98 18 46 22 23 .020 (0.51) 20 21 70 10 38 64 88 6 33 34 59 60 86 87 8 36 84 2 29 30 55 56 82 83 4 32 27 28 .275 (6.99) 53 54 80 81 1 3 31 57 58 85 5 7 35 61 62 89 9 37 63 90 91 12 40 66 11 39 65 92 93 14 42 68 13 41 67 94 95 .400 (10.16) 16 44 CONNECTOR FLANGE CL 15 43 69 96 97 17 45 71 72 74 19 47 73 75 20 21 49 51 1.215 (30.86) 52 78 79 76 77 1.800 (45.72) 51 SOCKET M83513/14-G © 2011 Glenair, Inc. 34 11 .025 (0.64) .275 (6.99) 19 37 14 33 .050 (1.27)TyP .100 (2.54) TyP 25 .108 (2.74) 13 13 37 SOCKET M83513/13-F FRONT OF CONNECTOR FLANGE CL .100 (2.54) 16 36 18 15 35 31 SOCKET M83513/13-E .100 (2.54) TyP 6 15 6 4 .565 (14.35) .100 (2.54) 21 5 8 .100 (2.54) 1 CONNECTOR FLANGE .100 (2.54) CL .100 (2.54) CL CONNECTOR FLANGE (FRONT) 100 SOCKET M83513/15-H U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-14 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/16 Thru /21 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (BR) High Performance — These connectors feature gold-plated TwistPin contacts for best performance. PC tails are .020 inch diameter. Specify nickel-plated shells or cadmium plated shells for best availability. Solder-Dipped — Terminals are coated with SN63/Pb37 tinlead solder for best solderability. how to order M83513/16 THRU /21 RIGHT ANGLE PCB CONNECGTORS Spec Number Slash Number- Shell Size PC Tail Length Plug (Pin Contacts) 01– .109 Inch (2.77 mm) 02– .140 Inch (3.56 mm) 03– .172 Inch (4.37 mm) M83513 16–A - 9 Contacts 16–B 16–C 16–D 16–E 16–F - 15 Contacts Shell Finish C – Cadmium N – Electroless Nickel P – Passivated SST - 21 Contacts N –No Jackpost P –Jackposts Installed T – Threaded Insert in Board Mount Hole (No Jackposts) - 25 Contacts W –Threaded Insert in Board Mount PC Tail Length ± .015 (0.38) - 31 Contacts Hole and jackposts Installed - 37 Contacts 17–G - 51 Contacts (See "Hardware Options" below for Illustrations) 18–H - 100 Contacts Receptacle (Socket Contacts) 19–A 19–B 19–C 19–D 19–E 19–F 20–G 21–H Hardware Option Shell sizes A (9) through G (51) are #2-56 UNC-2 threads. - 9 Contacts - 15 Contacts Shell size H (100) is #4-40 UNC-2 threads. - 21 Contacts - 25 Contacts - 31 Contacts - 37 Contacts - 51 Contacts - 100 Contacts Sample Part Number M83513/ 19-F 02 N L P Hardware options N THRU HOLE No Jackpost © 2011 Glenair, Inc. P T THRU HOLE THREADED INSERT Jackpost Threaded Insert U.S. CAGE Code 06324 W THREADED INSERT Jackpost, Threaded Insert Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-15 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/16 Thru /21 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (BR) A F B C E D Tail Length .020 (0.5) ± .002 (0.1) F THREAD SIZES 9-51 CONTACTS #2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS #4-40 UNC H J K G 2 X PCB MTNG HOLES 9-51 CONTACTS .096 ± .005 (2.43 ± 0.13) 100 CONTACTS .125 ± .005 (23.18 ± 0.13) DIMENSIONS A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S In. mm. 1.390 1.390 1.540 1.540 1.690 1.690 1.790 1.790 2.040 2.040 2.340 2.340 1.875 1.875 2.780 2.780 35.31 35.31 39.12 39.12 42.93 42.93 45.47 45.47 51.82 51.82 59.44 59.44 47.63 47.63 70.60 70.60 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. B In. mm. ±.005 ± 0.10 .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 C Max. D Max. E Max. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. .333 .400 .483 .551 .633 .701 .733 .801 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .228 .296 .271 .333 4.70 6.26 4.70 6.26 4.70 6.26 4.70 6.26 4.70 6.26 4.70 6.26 5.79 7.52 6.88 8.64 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .325 8.26 .360 9.14 .360 9.14 .420 10.67 .420 10.67 F G Max. In. mm. ±.007 ± 0.18 In. 1.150 1.150 1.300 1.300 1.450 1.450 1.550 1.550 1.800 1.800 2.100 2.100 1.600 1.600 2.500 2.500 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .465 .565 .565 .765 .765 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 29.21 29.21 33.02 33.02 36.83 36.83 39.37 39.37 45.72 45.72 53.34 53.34 40.64 40.64 63.50 63.50 H J K mm. In. ±.003 mm. ±0.08 In. ±.015 mm. ±0.38 In. ±.010 mm. ±0.25 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 14.35 14.35 19.43 19.43 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .225 .225 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 5.72 5.72 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-16 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/16 Thru /21 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (BR) M83513/16 THRU /18 pCB LAYOUTS – PIN CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. 9 Thru 51 Contacts .096 (2.44) Diameter Mounting Holes, 100 Pin .125 (3.18) Diameter CL .150 (3.81) 9 .100 (2.54) TyP 7 4 CL 51 6 3 50 35 2 .100 (2.54) TyP 1 .375 (9.53) 18 34 17 49 33 16 48 32 47 46 31 15 14 30 45 29 13 9 PIN M83513/16-A 12 44 11 27 10 .100 (2.54) TyP 13 6 12 5 11 4 10 3 31 9 2 16 1 .300 (7.62) 11 10 19 9 18 8 23 21 22 6 5 4 36 20 3 19 2 .050 (1.27) 1 30 15 29 14 28 13 27 12 26 11 .100 (2.54) TyP 25 10 24 9 23 8 21 22 7 6 20 5 19 4 18 17 3 (1.27) 2 1 .050 31 PIN M83513/16-E .150 (3.81) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 17 7 .100 (2.54) TyP 1.550 (39.37) CL 20 7 37 38 .050 (1.27) TyP 1.450(36.8) .150 (3.81) 8 24 39 CL 15 PIN M83513/16-B 21 9 25 40 1.800 (45.72) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 14 26 41 .150 (3.81) .150 (3.81) 7 42 51 PIN M83513/17-G CL 15 43 28 1.300 (33.02) 8 .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 8 5 1.600 (40.64) .150 (3.81) 1.150 (29.21) 16 6 15 5 14 4 13 3 12 2 25 1 .225 (5.72) .100 (2.54) TyP CL 13 24 12 23 11 .100 (2.54) TyP 21 PIN M83513/16-C 21 22 10 .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 20 9 8 19 7 18 6 17 5 16 4 15 3 (4.45) 2 .175 14 1 25 PIN M83513/16-D 2.100 (53.34) .150 (3.81) CL .100 (2.54) TyP L .050 (1.27) TyP 37 19 36 18 35 17 .100 (2.54) TyP 34 16 33 15 32 14 31 13 30 12 29 11 28 10 27 9 26 8 25 7 24 6 23 5 21 22 4 3 20 2 .150 (3.81) 37 PIN M83513/16-F 1 2.500 (63.50) .150 (3.81) CL .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 100 .100 (2.54) TyP 99 75 51 26 98 74 50 25 97 73 49 24 96 72 48 23 95 71 47 22 94 70 46 21 93 69 45 20 92 68 44 19 91 67 43 18 66 42 17 90 89 65 41 16 88 64 40 15 87 63 39 14 86 62 61 37 38 13 85 12 84 60 36 11 83 59 35 10 82 58 34 9 57 33 8 .050 (1.27) 81 80 56 32 7 79 55 31 6 78 54 30 5 77 53 29 4 76 52 28 3 27 2 1 100 PIN M83513/18-H © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-17 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/16 Thru /21 Micro-D Connectors Right Angle PCB Connectors (BR) M83513/19 THRU /21 pCB LAYOUTS – SOCKET CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. 9 Thru 51 Contacts .096 (2.44) Diameter Mounting Holes, 100 Pin .125 (3.18) Diameter CL .150 (3.81) 6 1 .100 (2.54) TyP CL .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 7 8 2 1.600 (40.64) .150 (3.81) 1.150 (29.21) .050 (1.27) TyP 36 9 3 4 19 5 .100 (2.54) TyP .375 (9.53) 1 37 20 2 38 39 21 3 40 22 4 41 23 5 42 24 6 43 25 7 9 SOCKET M83513/19-A 26 8 27 1 2 12 3 12 13 4 5 14 15 6 7 1 8 .300 (7.62) 1 2 3 15 4 12 13 49 32 14 50 33 15 51 34 16 .050 (1.27) 35 17 18 18 2 19 3 20 21 4 5 22 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 27 11 28 12 29 13 30 14 31 15 16 .150 (3.81) .100 (2.54) TyP 31 SOCKET M83513/19-E .150 (3.81) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 16 5 .100 (2.54) TyP 1.550 (39.37) CL 14 48 31 .050 (1.27) TyP 17 1.450(36.8) 13 11 30 CL 15 SOCKET M83513/19-B .150 (3.81) 10 29 47 1.800 (45.72) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP .100 (2.54) TyP 28 46 .150 (3.81) .150 (3.81) 11 45 51 SOCKET M83513/20-G CL 10 44 9 1.300 (33.02) 9 .100 (2.54) TyP 17 6 18 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 14 11 .225 (5.72) .100 (2.54) TyP CL 1 15 2 16 3 .100 (2.54) TyP 21 SOCKET M83513/19-C 17 4 18 5 .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 19 6 20 7 21 8 22 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 .175 (4.45) 13 25 SOCKET M83513/19-D 2.100 (53.34) .150 (3.81) CL .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP L 20 1 21 2 22 3 23 4 .100 (2.54) TyP 24 5 25 6 26 7 27 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 32 31 12 13 33 14 34 15 35 16 36 17 37 18 .150 (3.81) 19 37 SOCKET M83513/19-F 2.500 (63.50) CL .150 (3.81) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 76 .100 (2.54) TyP 77 52 27 1 78 53 28 2 79 54 29 3 80 55 30 4 81 56 57 32 31 5 82 6 83 58 33 7 84 59 34 8 85 60 35 9 86 61 36 10 87 62 37 11 88 63 38 12 89 64 39 13 90 65 40 14 91 66 41 15 92 67 42 16 93 68 43 17 94 69 44 18 70 45 19 .050 (1.27) 95 96 71 46 20 97 72 73 48 47 21 98 22 99 74 49 23 100 75 50 24 51 25 26 100 SOCKET M83513/21-H © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-18 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/22 Thru /27 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (BS) High Performance — These connectors feature goldplated TwistPin contacts for best performance. PC tails are .020 inch diameter. Specify nickel-plated shells or cadmium plated shells for best availability. Solder-Dipped — Terminals are coated with SN63/Pb37 tin-lead solder for best solderability. how to order M83513/22 THRU /27 straight PCB CONNECGTORS Spec Number Slash Number- Insert Arrangement M83513/ PC Tail Length 01– .109 Inch (2.77 mm) 02– .140 Inch (3.56 mm) 03– .172 Inch (4.37 mm) Plug (Pin Contacts) 22–A 22–B 22–C 22–D 22–E 22–F 23–G 24–H - 9 Contacts - 15 Contacts Shell Finish C – Cadmium N – Electroless Nickel P – Passivated SST - 21 Contacts N –No Jackpost P –Jackposts Installed T – Threaded Insert in Board Mount Hole (No Jackposts) - 25 Contacts W –Threaded Insert in Board Mount PC Tail Length ± .015 (0.38) - 31 Contacts Hole and jackposts Installed - 37 Contacts - 51 Contacts (See "Hardware Options" below for Illustrations) - 100 Contacts Receptacle (Socket Contacts) 25–A 25–B 25–C 25–D 25–E 25–F 26–G 27–H Hardware Option Shell sizes A (9) through G (51) are #2-56 UNC-2 threads. - 9 Contacts - 15 Contacts Shell size H (100) is #4-40 UNC-2 threads. - 21 Contacts - 25 Contacts - 31 Contacts - 37 Contacts - 51 Contacts - 100 Contacts L Sample Part Number M83513/ 26-G 03 C W Hardware options N Thru Hole No Jackpost © 2011 Glenair, Inc. P T Threaded Insert Thru Hole Jackpost Threaded Insert U.S. CAGE Code 06324 W Threaded Insert Jackpost, Threaded Insert Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-19 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/22 Thru /27 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (BS) J H B THREAD SIZES 9-51 CONTACTS #2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS #4-40 UNC ED 2 X PCB MTNG HOLES 9-51 CONTACTS .096 ± .005 (2.43 ± 0.13) 100 CONTACTS .125 ± .005 (23.18 ± 0.13) A C F K G TAIL LENGH ± .005 (0.13) .020 ± .002 (0.51± 0.05) DIMENSIONS A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S In. mm. .790 .790 .940 .940 1.180 1.180 1.275 1.275 1.575 1.575 1.875 1.875 1.775 1.775 2.585 2.585 20.07 20.07 23.88 23.88 29.97 29.97 32.39 32.39 40.01 40.01 47.63 47.63 45.09 45.09 65.66 65.66 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. B In. mm. ±.003 ± 0.08 .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 C Max. D Max. E Max. F In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. ±.004 mm. ±0.10 .333 .400 .483 .551 .633 .701 .733 .801 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .184 .250 .228 .296 .270 .333 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 4.67 6.35 5.79 7.52 6.86 8.46 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .310 7.87 .351 8.92 .351 8.92 .394 10.01 .394 10.01 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 G In. ±.010 H J Max. K mm. ±0.25 In. ±.007 mm. ±0.18 In. mm. In. ±.010 mm. ±0.25 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .333 8.46 .525 13.34 .525 13.34 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.450 1.450 1.500 1.500 1.800 1.800 2.100 2.100 2.000 2.000 2.800 2.800 29.21 29.21 29.21 29.21 36.83 36.83 38.10 38.10 45.72 45.72 53.34 53.34 50.80 50.80 71.12 71.12 1.390 1.390 1.390 1.390 1.690 1.690 1.740 1.740 2.040 2.040 2.340 2.340 2.270 2.270 3.250 3.250 35.31 35.31 35.31 35.31 42.93 42.93 44.20 44.20 51.82 51.82 59.44 59.44 57.64 57.64 82.55 82.55 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .155 .293 .293 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 7.44 7.44 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-20 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/22 Thru /27 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (BS) M83513/22 THRU /24 pCB LAYOUTS – PIN CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. 9 Thru 51 Contacts .096 (2.44) Diameter Mounting Holes, 100 Pin .125 (3.18) Diameter 2.000 (50.80) 1.150 (29.21) CL .050 (1.27) 9 5 .100 (2.54) TYP 8 4 .100 (2.54) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP 7 3 51 6 2 CL .100 (2.54) TYP 35 1 18 .375 (9.53) 50 34 .050 (1.27) TYP 49 33 17 48 32 16 47 31 15 46 30 14 45 29 13 9 PIN M83513/22-A 44 28 12 11 13 .100 (2.54) TYP 6 12 5 11 4 9 10 3 31 1 16 30 15 29 14 28 13 27 12 26 11 25 10 11 10 18 9 8 17 7 6 5 4 36 20 3 .150 (3.81) 19 2 1 24 21 22 7 6 20 5 19 4 18 3 17 2 1 .150 (3.81) .100 (2.54) TYP 31 PIN M83513/22-E 16 15 14 5 4 .100 (2.54) TYP 13 3 12 2 25 1 .225 (5.72) CL .050 (1.27) .100 (2.54) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP 6 23 8 1.500 (38.10) CL 19 21 .100 (2.54) TYP 9 1.450(36.8) 20 7 37 38 22 .050 (1.27) TYP 15 PIN M83513/22-B 21 8 39 23 CL .050 (1.27) 9 2 .225 (5.72) .050 (1.27) 40 24 51 PIN M83513/22-G .100 (2.54) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP 14 41 25 1.800 (45.72) .050 (1.27) 7 42 26 10 CL 15 43 27 1.150 (29.21) 8 .100 (2.54) TYP 13 24 23 12 11 21 PIN M83513/22-C 9 10 .100 (2.54) TYP 21 22 .100 (2.54) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP 20 8 19 7 18 6 17 5 16 4 15 3 14 2 1 .150 (3.81) 25 PIN M83513/22-D 2.100 (53.34) Connector Orientation CL .050 (1.27) 37 Pin #1 19 .050 (1.27) TYP 36 18 35 17 .100 (2.54) TYP 99 75 51 .050 (1.27) 26 50 25 15 32 14 31 13 30 12 29 11 28 10 27 9 26 8 25 7 24 6 .100 (2.54) TYP 97 73 96 72 48 23 95 71 47 22 94 70 46 21 93 69 45 20 92 68 44 19 91 67 43 18 42 17 90 66 89 65 41 16 23 5 21 22 4 3 20 2 .150 (3.81) 1 .150 (3.81) .050 (1.27) TYP 49 24 16 33 2.800(71.12B ) CL 98 74 34 37 PIN M83513/22-F .100 (2.54) TYP 100 .100 (2.54) TYP 88 64 40 15 87 63 39 14 86 62 37 38 13 85 61 12 84 60 36 11 83 59 35 10 82 58 34 9 81 57 33 8 80 56 32 7 79 55 31 6 78 54 30 5 77 53 29 4 76 52 28 3 27 2 1 100 PIN M83513/24-H © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-21 L Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/22 Thru /27 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (BS) M83513/25 THRU /27 pCB LAYOUTS – socket CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. 9 Thru 51 Contacts .096 (2.44) Diameter Mounting Holes, 100 Pin .125 (3.18) Diameter 2.000 (50.80) 1.150 (29.21) CL .050 (1.27) 6 .100 (2.54) TyP 1 7 2 .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 8 3 36 9 4 CL .100 (2.54) TyP 19 5 1 .375 (9.53) .050 (1.27) TyP 37 20 2 38 21 3 39 22 40 23 4 41 24 5 42 25 6 43 26 7 9 SOCKET M83513/25-A 9 .050 (1.27) 1 2 .100 (2.54) TyP 12 3 13 4 5 10 14 6 7 1 8 .225 (5.72) 1 2 14 3 15 4 .100 (2.54) TyP 16 18 2 19 20 3 21 4 22 5 23 6 18 6 14 15 51 34 16 .150 (3.81) 35 17 18 .100 (2.54) TyP 24 7 25 8 26 9 27 10 11 28 12 29 30 13 14 31 15 16 .150 (3.81) .100 (2.54) TyP 31 SOCKET M83513/25-E 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 14 11 .225 (5.72) CL .050 (1.27) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 17 5 13 50 33 1.500 (38.10) CL 13 12 49 32 31 .050 (1.27) TyP 17 15 1.450(36.8) 12 11 48 47 30 CL .050 (1.27) 15 SOCKET M83513/25-B .050 (1.27) 46 29 1.800 (45.72) .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 11 45 28 51 SOCKET M83513/26-G CL 10 44 27 8 1.150 (29.21) 9 .100 (2.54) TyP 15 1 16 2 17 3 4 .100 (2.54) TyP 21 SOCKET M83513/25-C 18 19 5 .100 (2.54) TyP .050 (1.27) TyP 20 6 21 7 22 8 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 .150 (3.81) 13 25 SOCKET M83513/25-D 2.100 (53.34) Connector Orientation L CL .050 (1.27) 20 Socket #1 1 .050 (1.27) TyP 21 2 .100 (2.54) TyP 22 3 23 4 .100 (2.54) TyP 24 5 25 6 26 27 7 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 32 31 12 13 33 14 34 15 35 16 36 17 37 18 .150 (3.81) 19 37 SOCKET M83513/25-F 2.800(71.12B ) CL .100 (2.54) TyP 76 77 52 27 .050 (1.27) 1 28 2 79 54 29 3 .150 (3.81) .050 (1.27) TyP 78 53 .100 (2.54) TyP 80 55 30 4 81 56 32 31 5 82 57 6 83 58 33 7 84 59 34 8 85 60 35 9 86 61 36 10 87 62 37 11 88 63 38 12 89 64 39 13 90 65 40 14 91 66 41 15 92 67 42 16 93 68 43 17 94 69 44 18 95 70 45 19 96 71 46 20 97 72 48 47 21 98 73 22 99 74 49 23 100 75 50 24 51 25 26 100 SOCKET M83513/27-H © 2011 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-22 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (CBS) Space-Saving — These connectors take up less room on the PC board. PC tail spacing is .075 inch (1.9mm), compared to .100 inch (2.54mm.). Threaded Inserts — Stainless steel inserts are insert molded into plastic trays. These inserts provide a ground path from the PC board to the mating cable. Solder-Dipped — Terminals are coated with SN63/Pb37 tin-lead solder for best solderability. how to order M83513/22 THRU /27 straight PCB CONNECGTORS Spec Number Slash Number- Shell Size PC Tail Length Plug (Pin Contacts) 01– .109 Inch (2.77 mm) 02– .140 Inch (3.56 mm) 03– .172 Inch (4.37 mm) M83513 28–A 28–B 28–C 28–D 28–E 28–F 29–G 30–H - 9 Contacts - 15 Contacts Shell Finish C – Cadmium N – Electroless Nickel P – Passivated SST N –No Jackpost P –Jackposts Installed T – 2-56 Threaded Insert in Board Mount Hole (No Jackposts) - 21 Contacts W –2-56 Threaded Insert in Board PC Tail Length ± .015 (0.38) - 25 Contacts - 31 Contacts Mount Hole and Jackposts Installed - 37 Contacts U –4-40 Threaded Insert in Board - 51 Contacts Mount Hole (No Jackposts) - 100 Contacts Y –4-40 Threaded Insert in Board Receptacle (Socket Contacts) 31–A 31–B 31–C 31–D 31–E 31–F 32–G 33–H Hardware Option Mount Hole and Jackposts - 9 Contacts Installed - 15 Contacts (See "Hardware Options" below for Illustrations) - 21 Contacts - 25 Contacts Shell sizes A (9) through G (51) are #2-56 UNC-2 threads. - 31 Contacts - 37 Contacts Shell size H (100) is #4-40 UNC-2 threads. - 51 Contacts - 100 Contacts Sample Part Number M83513/ 33-H 01 C L P Hardware options N P T W Threaded Insert Jackpost, Threaded Insert PC BOARD No Jackpost © 2011 Glenair, Inc. Jackpost U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-23 REV 19 APRIL 2011 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (CBS) F A TAIL LENGTH ± .015 (0.38) B C E .025 (0.6) G D Ø .020 (0.51) ± .002 (0.05) m83513/28 thru 33 hardware options HARDWARE OPTION N HARDWARE OPTIONS T & U NO JACKPOST, NO THREADED INSERT THREADED INSERT, NO POST HARDWARE OPTION P HARDWARE OPTIONS W & Y JACKPOST AND THRU-HOLE JACKPOST AND THREADED INSERT PC BOARD .160 (4.1) MIN. (9-51 PINS) .225 (5.7) MIN. (100 PIN) MTNG HOLE DIA. THREAD SIZE 9-51 CONTACTS .096/.088 (2.44/2.24) 100 CONTACTS .128/.122 (3.25/3.10) 9-51 CONTACTS # 2-56 UNC-2B 100 CONTACTS # 4-40 UNC-2B THREAD SIZE 9-51 CONTACTS # 2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS # 4-40 UNC USE WITH .156 (3.96) MAX. PC BOARD THICKNESS THREAD SIZE 9-51 CONTACTS #2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS #4-40 UNC dimensions A Max. L Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S B In . C Max. mm. D Max. E Max. F In . G Max. mm. In. mm. In . mm. In . mm. In . mm. ± .003 In . mm. .785 .785 .935 .935 19.94 19.94 23.75 23.75 .565 .565 .715 .715 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 .333 .400 .483 .551 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 .185 .253 .185 .253 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 .310 .310 .310 .310 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 .355 .355 .355 .355 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 1.085 1.085 1.185 1.185 27.56 27.56 30.01 30.01 .865 .865 .965 .965 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 .633 .701 .733 .801 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 .185 .253 .185 .253 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 .310 .310 .310 .310 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 .355 .355 .355 .355 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 1.335 1.335 1.485 1.485 33.91 33.91 37.72 37.72 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 .185 .253 .185 .253 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 .310 .310 .310 .310 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 .355 .355 .355 .355 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 1.435 1.435 2.170 2.170 36.45 36.45 55.12 55.12 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 .228 .296 .271 .340 5.79 7.52 6.88 8.64 .400 .400 .510 .510 10.16 10.16 12.95 12.95 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 .355 .355 .430 .430 9.02 9.02 10.92 10.92 © 2011 Glenair, Inc. ± .005 ± 0.13 U.S. CAGE Code 06324 ± 0.08 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-24 REV 19 APRIL 2011 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (CBS) m83513/28 thru 30 pCB LAYOUTS – PIN CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 8 .038 (0.96) REF 1 3 4 2 .200 (5.08) .565 (14.35) 10 12 15 13 11 9 8 6 4 2 .225(5.72) 7 5 .183(4.65) TYP 14 6 9 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 7 .038 (0.96) REF .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 5 1 3 .350(8.89) REF .715 (18.16) Connector Orientation 9 PIN M83513/28-A .225 (5.72) .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 15 PIN M83513/28-B Pin #1 .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 18 20 11 .038 (0.96) REF 9 10 7 8 12 14 16 17 19 21 15 13 4 6 .500 (12.7) REF .075 (1.91) 24 .225 (5.72) 1 3 5 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 12 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 10 16 .038 (0.96) REF .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .075 (1.91) 27 13 11 22 24 25 23 8 10 12 14 15 26 28 29 9 18 20 6 7 4 5 .225 (5.72) 17 19 21 2 1 3 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .750(19.05) REF 1.115 (28.32) 4 2 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 36 .038 (0.96) REF 34 33 35 19 17 18 32 15 16 30 31 13 14 9 11 12 27 29 10 24 26 28 8 20 21 3 5 7 .900(22.86) REF 1.265 (32.13) 22 23 25 4 6 .225 (5.72) 1 2 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 37 PIN M83513/28-F 1.800 (45.72) .075 (1.91) TYP .0375 (0.95) TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 99 97 96 94 93 91 90 88 87 85 84 82 81 79 78 76 51 49 46 44 42 41 39 38 37 36 100 74 73 71 70 68 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 56 55 53 52 35 33 31 30 29 27 26 24 23 20 1 34 32 14 12 28 9 8 18 17 16 15 13 11 10 7 .750 (19.05) 1.215 (30.86) 6 4 5 .1875 (4.76) 75 98 72 95 69 92 66 89 63 86 60 83 57 80 54 77 50 48 47 45 43 25 40 22 21 19 51 49 48 46 45 43 42 40 39 37 36 34 33 31 30 28 27 2 26 50 23 47 20 44 17 41 14 38 11 35 8 3 .125 (3.18) DIA TYP 51 PIN M83513/29-G © 2011 Glenair, Inc. 6 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 37 31 PIN M83513/28-E .2325 (5.91) TYP 8 .225 (5.72) 1 3 5 25 PIN M83513/28-D .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 30 7 14 15 .965 (24.5) 21 PIN M83513/28-C 31 16 17 19 .600(15.24) REF .865 .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 18 20 21 9 11 13 .038 (0.96) REF 2 22 23 25 25 24 22 21 19 18 16 15 13 12 10 9 .0375 (0.95) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP 32 5 7 6 29 2 4 3 1 .075 (1.91) .2812 (7.14) 100 PIN M83513/30-H U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-25 REV 19 APRIL 2011 L Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D Connectors Straight PCB Connectors (CBS) mm83513/31 thru /33 pCB LAYOUTS – socket CONNECTORS Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 7 .038 (0.96) REF .183(4.65) TYP 9 5 3 2 9 4 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 15 1 .038 (0.96) REF 2 18 5 3 19 17 16 14 4 7 6 21 20 9 11 8 L .038 (0.96) REF .038 (0.96) REF 20 22 24 26 28 30 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3 5 11 13 15 9 7 6 4 8 12 10 14 .750(19.05) REF 1.115 (28.32) .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 6 16 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .038 (0.96) REF 4 3 6 5 25 9 7 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 21 2 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 3 9 7 11 13 15 17 19 5 4 6 8 10 12 .900(22.86) REF 1.265 (32.13) 14 16 .225 (5.72) 18 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 77 79 80 82 83 85 86 88 89 91 92 94 95 97 98 100 52 78 55 81 58 84 61 87 64 90 67 93 70 96 73 99 76 53 54 56 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 74 75 11 12 14 33 17 1.215 (30.86) 12 1.800 (45.72) 1 8 10 13 15 16 18 .750 (19.05) 10 37 Socket M83513/31-F 20 38 23 41 43 28 46 31 49 51 19 21 22 24 26 27 29 30 32 34 35 2 8 .225 (5.72) .075 (1.91) 1 36 37 39 40 42 44 45 47 48 50 .125 (3.18) DIA TYP 51 Socket M83513/32-G © 2011 Glenair, Inc. 4 .600(15.24) REF .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 1 25 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 20 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 23 21 .965 (24.5) 31 Socket M83513/31-E .2325 (5.91) TYP 19 16 18 20 22 24 11 13 3 7 9 5 2 .225 (5.72) .075 (1.91) TYP .0375 (0.95) TYP .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 25 Socket M83513/31-D .075 (1.91) 2 17 15 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 18 8 .075 (1.91) 1 21 Socket M83513/31-C 17 1 6 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP 14 .865 .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .225 (5.72) 15 Socket M83513/31-B .225 (5.72) 10 .500 (12.7) REF 4 .350(8.89) REF .715 (18.16) .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP Socket #1 14 13 15 5 7 3 2 .038 (0.96) REF Connector Orientation 9 Socket M83513/31-A 13 11 1 .200 (5.08) .565 (14.35) 12 12 10 .225(5.72) 8 6 1 .040 (1.016) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) .1875 (4.76) 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 50 51 28 4 31 7 34 10 37 13 40 16 43 19 46 22 49 25 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 .0375 (0.95) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .075 (1.91) .2812 (7.14) 100 Socket M83513/33-H U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912 E-Mail: [email protected] L-26 REV 19 APRIL 2011
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