

What kinds of games do you prefer to play? (choose all that apply)
Skateboard/snowboard games.
Horror Games
Pause strategy?
Point and click adventures
Just Adventure
Action RTS
Grand Strategy Games
Most from of game. Sports is a exceptions becouse it simply more fun to do it in real
Survival Horror
2D platformers
Strategy games
Turnbased Games
Rogue Like
Turn-based strategy
Rougelike (Binding of Isaac, FTL)
Turn based
the primary form of gaming to me is Table-top Roleplaying. World of Darkness,
Dungeons and Dragons etc.
TCGs, Pen and paper RPGs
grand strat, adventure, platformers
turn based strategy, graphic adventures, roguelikes, platformers
Simulator, Building
Turn Based Strategy
Beat'em up, fighting games, casual.
Most anything PvP
Quizzes, singstar, dance cental, guitar hero
Chess, Tony Hawk skate boarding game
Pseudo simulators
do not play any games at all
Turn-based strategy, sandbox, point and click
4X, Turn Based Strategy,
Adventure (not Action Adventure - the difference is huge)
and City building games.
Outdoor adventure, such as canoeing and rafting etc.
Super Mario
platformers, military sims.
You forgot Tower Defense ^^
What are your top-3 favorite games (any platform)? Please explain why as well.
Grand theft auto IV and soon V. I just like bloody and brutal games
Counter Strike 1.6 - Because you analyse the other players patters and you find a way
to use that against them and also to improve skill. Warcraft 3 -It was very funny while
playing during that time but i grew out of that kind of games but still fun to play. Aion
- Its a really good game well planed and nice graphics its really good playing with
players that you know.
Trine:I love puzzle games you can play with your friends. Quake 3: I prefer science
fiction shooter games and this one happens to be my favorite. Minecraft: I like the
style and that you can create (almost) anything you like.
skyrim - love the big areas with so mutch freedom. halo - becorse it´s youst awsome!
burnoute revenge - like that it is difrent to other car games, here it´s okey to smach.
GTA Assassin's creed Winning eleven(football)
Tetris (addictive because of the straightforward competition against yourself and
others), Super Mario (immortal classic), Minecraft (time-killer, can be played in a way
that allows one to choose if/when to fight or to be peaceful, with or without friends,
I don't have a specific favorit game, but I like to play escape-the-room games since
they often are short and good for a short break in my studies. Sometimes I also play
rpg/puzzlegames on cellphone or psp, puzzlquest is one of my favorites sice it har both
puzzle and a storyline:).
Fifa- because it's fun to play with your friends while you're drinking beer. Mario Cart Also fun to play with your friends while you're drinking beer. Uncharted - Very good
adventure game.
Fallout - klassiker sedan man var yngre och jävligt bra helt enkelt! WOW - mest för
att frugan lurade i en att testa och spelar tillsammans emellanåt. inga fler på topp listan
Civilization Call of Duty Skyrim
Candy chrash
super mario on wii, klara banor för att få fortsätta candy crush saga, samma sak här
med banor need for speed ps3, gillar racing och bilar
Ico, because of the focus on the lonely atmosphere. Also becuase of the minimal
elements (characters/gameplay) that still makes it intruiging to play. Portal 2 - becuase
of the witty and very well-planned dialog (monolog) of the characters and the simple
genious idea of "making portals" to find your way out. It makes you see reality in a
whole different way too! In-game I get the feeling it is focused only on that, to really
become aware of your surroundings and how to use it. I find it is the best game I ever
plauyed just because it is so easy to pick up and stop playing and becuase the
characters grow on you, grow with you like I've never experienced in any other games
before. It is as if I'm in a movie but there is no other stress element other than yourself.
I find it a very logical and focused game, that is why I enjoy it so much. Rayman mostly because of the graphics and the quirky world it has built up.
Battlefield 2, Warcraft 3(Dota), Half Life 1. They gave us the best games ever in
forms of mods. PR, CS, Dota etc. These games werent spammed out to please noobs,
like most games today. They also prove that the real games are made by users
themselves when the corporations give us a good engine to work with.
Mass effect - fantastisk historia och roligt att spela. Portal - roligt och utmanande. The
old republic - är man star wars nörd så är man.
Nr 1: Battlefield 3. Jag älskar att jag tvingas tänka nytt, att fatta blixtsnabba beslut för
att överleva samtidigt som jag ändå måste tänka två, tre steg framåt. Det krävs att jag
håller alla spelets möjligheter och dimensioner i huvudet, det måste finnas i mitt
muskelminne som en del av mig. Jag älskar att samarbete och kommunikation är
nödvändigt inte bara för att vinna, utan för att jag personligen ska prestera optimalt.
Att varje pjäs på spelplanen måste kunna självständigt läsa av spelplanen, se hur
linjerna förändras, samordna sig, byta fokus. Det är komplext och föränderligt. Jag
älskar att vinna. Att ligga i toppen på scoreboarden. Älskar mina ”Battlefield
moments”, som när man precis missar fiendetanken med sin rpg, men den istället
träffar ett träd som går av, faller ner på tanken och fastnar på den och tanken måste
köra runt förblindad och omfamnad av ett jätteträd. Premisserna är enkla. Du har ett
objektiv och diverse vapen. Men jag har spelat kanske 1000 rundor på bara Operation
Metro-kartan och inte två matcher är lika. 2. Dragon Age: Origins. För att ingen
skriver spel som BioWare och jag har aldrig känt mig så mycket som en del av en
grupp karaktärer som i DA:O. BioWare lyckades göra mitt party till mina vänner,
mina älskare och när Alistair gjorde slut med en av mina karaktärer mådde jag dåligt i
flera timmar. Jag brydde mig på riktigt. Jag älskade att bara gå runt och göra små
skituppdrag och lyssna på hur mina medäventyrare gnabbades med varandra i
bakgrunden. Jag slet livet ur mig för att göra Morrigan nöjd, men hon tittade bara
föraktfullt på mig. När BioWare gjorde karaktärerna så verkliga för mig, blev världen
också verklig och jag brydde mig faktiskt om att rädda den. Nr 3: Resident Evil 4. Ett
av de bästa spel som gjorts. Perfekt tempo hela tiden i växlingarna mellan krypande
oro och hektisk action. Miljöerna satte precis rätt stämning och det var spännande
varenda sekund. Det enda spel som jag direkt börjat om på samma sekund som jag
klarade av det.
Penumbra, the atmoshpere. Mount & Blade, the freedom. Total war (Any), the
First off, if you would compare me to others Im more of a casual gamer. I probably
havnt played as many games as others might have so my spectrum of games played is
kind of small. Anyways. 1# World of Warcraft. I dont play as much as I used to, but
still it's one of my favorite games. The social part of the game is something I really
enjoy. During the time I played WoW the most, it was with friends, and that made it
so much more enjoyable. Also the skill-cap in the game, which is (Was. Nowadays Im
not so sure..) in my opinion pretty high. You could face really, really bad players but
you could also face freaking pros. It made the game challenging, which is something I
think everyone searches for in a game like this. I also loved the progression with gear,
new zones and dungeons etc which came successively throughout the games' patches
and expansions. There was always stuff to do even when there really wasn't!(?) And it
managed to not feel like an endless grind at that. #2 Counter Strike 1.6 (and CZ) So as
you might have noticed mediocre graphics dont bother me to much as long as there is
a "hook". Something that makes you want to keep playing the game. Fun factor
perhaps, as in Counter Strike. I especially like the small maps without any objectives
other than killing the opposing team. Though in WoW for example I really like the
large battlegrounds like Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin. But when I play them I
rarely care about completing objectives unless my team is looking like winners. If they
turn out to suck, I just run around looking for trouble without completing objectives.
Almost the same goes for larger maps in Counter Strike where there are objectives. It
might be that im not much of a team-player to begin with, but it's also the almost-
always-to-expect zerg fest that occurs at the more crowded places on these maps that I
dont like. Id rather have a challenging 2 versus 1 situation than running into a 10 vs
10. This counts for most games I play. Anyway, CS is fun and somewhat fast paced,
which are qualities I really appreciate in a game. #3 Okay, I'll choose Warcraft 3
Frozen Throne. I think I've played only like half the campaign mode in WC3 but that
is not the reason I like it. It's the large amount of custom maps with different gameplay
that you can play which makes it fun, especially at LANs. And thats basically the only
time I play WC3.. haha. Other games worth mentioning (though I wont ellaborate
much on why): Halo 2, Amped 2, the NFS Underground series,the THPS series, Star
Wars: The old republic (Atleast the leveling was kind of fun. Lots of laughs at the
acting on some of the quest-cinematics also) Joking aside, the "alternate story" option
or whatever you'd like to call it, is a really nice addition to a game. It somewhat takes
away the feeling that your path in the games story already has been set. (Which it kind
of has been, just in another way but still) Sorry for wall of text : )
Team Fortress 2 Mass Effect 2 The Witcher 2
Starcraft, due to it's competitiveness and huge depth. SWToR, for story, and leveling
feeling. Leauge of Legends for playing with friends.
Minecraft- Addictive, always more stuff to find. The game never really ends and when
you die its not a big deal because the buildings and other stuff is where you left it.
Alice madness returns- Nice and awesome enviroment. Killing is fun. I love Alice in
wonderland, so i think i like the game because its a sick way of looking at a cute little
story. Making something cute into scary and bloody is always fun. Tetris- There will
always be someone somewhere playing tetris. Easy rules, few buttons.
NHL Call of duty Blitzkrieg
Mass Effect, because of the story and the game being rather easy to learn even for
someone who isn't used to playing FPS. Amnesia, because of the atmosphere and
story. Zelda, Ocarina of time, because of the play style and the story. And probably the
1. Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Awesome story, great soundtrack, great characters and
voice acting. Mixture och violence and cars/racing. 2.Goldeneye 007 N64. Best
multiplayer game of all time. Nuff said. 3. Gran Turismo(series) Best racing game.
Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines (bcause i love WoD), Call of Duty - Modern
Warfare (exciting story line and awesome effects),Gitar Hero/Sing Star/Rock Band
(great for social gatherings)
Final fantasy X(10) (PS2) The Story was awesome and it resonated well with me
because of where I was in my life at the time. The RPG aspects of the game was one
of the best I had seen. The length of the game was long but I almost cried at the end,
not sure if it was because of the story or because I had finished the game. Shadow of
the Colossus (PS2) The game is about you killing very unique and huge bosses. All of
them have different tactics on how to beat them. The story is amazing even tho there's
almost no dialog and none of the back story is explained. Uncharted 2(PS3) This game
has probably the most beautiful and stunning graphics that I've seen. The story is fun
and always keeps you on your toes.
Ruzzle: you have to think fast, you get your result immidiatly, three rounds which
allows you to repair mistakes and makes you go faster the next round = exciting!
Quizkampen; competing with others in different subjects, 6 rounds with 3 questions
each, timelimit, and you always want to be the smartest, right? Betapet/wordfeud;
score high points by finding the best spot for the highest points, little bit slower than
the other games but it is a challenge for constructing words with letters you are given!
Mobile : Subway surfers : its fun and keeps u interested MAC/PC : Battlefield
PS3/xbox : Fifa
Assassins creed you can do Much Cod 4 mw Easy to play with friends 3D sex villa
fun fun fun
Bastion - An overall fantastic experience both visually and sonically. World of
Warcraft - A truly immense world to be immersed into with good game play, great
lore and beautiful sonic elements. Braid - An outstanding game in so many ways and I
truly love the complexity of the game.
Dont know
Spelar inte så mycket spel. Spindelharpan, röj, frågesport. Gillar klurigt, dock inte på
tid, blir stressad.
Half-Life, Counter-Strike and Diablo 2. I really like the cinematic narrative in HalfLife and Diablo. Counter-Strike is fun because of the well-balanced and competitive
World of Warcraft, Diablo, Counter-Strike
Wow.. Fun. Adult game if u wanna be good. Diablo 3... Fun nice fun Assasin creed
Xbox 360... Fun nice to sit in the sofa:)
Hard to choose, too many good games to choose from. I play "Team Fortress 2" fairly
often and has lasted longer than most games for me. The nice visuals, interesting
characters and the fun and varied gameplay does it for me. Not to mention the amount
of content it has. I also like stealth games such as Dishonored, Deus Ex:HR (by
choice), Hitman and Assassins Creed (though it's more action oriented), just to
mention a few. I think it's exciting to try and sneak past enemies and get perfect
scores. I also like action games like Just Cause 2 and Darksiders for simply being
plain fun. Sorry, I started writing an essay here..
Devil may cry- ps2-3 bra spel, man får lösa missions och mörda monster Myst - PC ett
riktigt tänk spel, tycker om att lösa gåtor och kluriga uppgifter.
left 4 death 2 CS Fifa 13
all puzzle games from Big Fish company, because of the gorgeous graphic they
made.What's more, I prefer relaxing games.
Path of Exile, Because of the extensive skill and trading system. Diablo II+LOD
expansion, Because of the extensive skill tree and the fact that i can choose my own
stats. Minecraft, because of the amount of things you can do in it, i mostly play with
Baldurs Gate Serien: Story Total War: Gameplay! Masseffekt: Ingame action och
pause taktik Fallout: Postapocalyptic free action
Grand Theft Auto-series (PC) Minecraft (PC) Guitar Hero III (PS3) No special reason
why I like them, I just do.
1. Assassins creed(PS3) 2. Call of duty (PS3) 3. Football Manager (PC)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) Shadow of the Collossus (PS2)
Pro Evolution Soccer series (PS2/PS3)
Wordfeud Quize
NBA 2012 - big interest in b-ball The Settlers - like medieval settings and the strategic
planning City Life - and here again is it the strategic planning
prince of Persia , hit man , god of war
Assassins Creed 1,2,3, Great story Guild Wars 2, Free to play and sweet graphics
1. The Witcher 2 - Assassin of Kings - Action RPG - Required Gaming. Excellent
writing, fair business practise and just great over all challenge. 2. Planetside 2 Wonderful MMO FPS with massive battles and gameplay. 3. TES-series ( Morrowind,
Oblivion, Skyrim with DLC )Perhaps not as much of a game as a adventure simulator,
but still a beautiful enviromental experience held together with a well thought-out lore
behind it.
1. Final Fantasy series, especially 6,7 and 9. best games ever created. 2. Starcraft2
cause i like rts games. you can see your progress and see that you have become better.
3. Flyff. I dont play it anymore but its a MMO with anime style. nowadays it totaly
sucks cause theres so much hacking. the reason i love it is cause i met my girlfriend
though it.
World in Conflict, PC, "Interesting competative multiplayer. Easy to learn, hard to
master" EVE Online, PC, "Mature, deep and engaging game world to explore and
interact with" Mass Effect, PC, "Great single player experience, compelling story and
HoN, FIFA 13. WoW. They are so great they don't need an explanation.
Trackmania United Forever - An athletic driving game with a wide variety of
gameplay styles, as well as customisable tracks and vehicles. Has an extremely active
user base. A testament to the triumph of bending the rules of physics as well as
opening development tools up to the user. Rez - Explores the feeling of synaesthesia, a
symptom of LSD as well as at least one psychological disease where one sense starts
affecting another, the level of interaction with the player makes it impossible for any
other medium to convey this feeling as well. One of the first 3D games to completely
fulfill an aesthetic with its abstract visuals, has an extremely good soundtrack. Radiant
Silvergun - A top-down shoot-em-up by Treasure, also known as the spiritual prequel
to Ikaruga. Short but intense, every stage feels different with both differences in
palette and challenges. The scoring system encourages taking risks; focusing fire on
enemies of a distinct color (out of red, yellow and orange), 'buzzing' (colliding objects
with your sprite but not your hitbox) and finding secrets with your homing weapons.
The game also rewards scoring by giving the player upgrades to the weapons they use
to accomplish these risk-taking activities.
LoL-Played it because it was the only one the computer could manage, now im stuck
Skyrim- Really good game lots of stuff BF3-Good 1st person shooter, can play with
StarCraft BW & II WoL,HOTS love to play games against other players. League of
Legends, great team game and you get to play against other players. Mario Party great
social game.
Skyrim! It is awsome! All of the assassin creed games
fifa 13 Call of duty Assasins creed
Assassin´s creed. Because of the feeling of freedome when you are playing Legend of
Zelda. Because of the atmosphere and story CoD. Beacuse it is just so fun
Halo Golden sun Assassins Creed
Mario Bros. Wii, ett spelsom är perfekt för trevligt sällskap Blood Brothers, ett
strategispel som inte kräver några som helst ansträngningar för att spela Skyrim, spelar
det för att det aldrig tar slut
The Walking Dead - engaging story The Secret of Monkey Island - funny story
Planescape Torment - sick story
PC - League of Legends; I just love these kind of games. PC - World of Warcraft; I
like the community and all the achivements etc. N64 - Zelda : Ocrina of Time; I love
this 'cuz of the adventures and story. Also it's kinda nostalgic.
Wow, Wordfeud
GTA IV GTA SAN Andreas GTA Vice City
Ruse=> strategy, every game is new in some way. Fifa 13-> nice to play agains
friends, together in the same room. CS-> Easy to lear the basic movements, but still
hard to play online.
Dreamfall Grim fandango Day of the tentacle I love games of classic pick-and-click
Tibia! Diablo 2. Oblivion. Gillar att samla grejer och att levla! Skaffa nytt svärd etc.
Half life serien har alltid kommit med något nytt och har en spännande berättelse.
Diablo 1 och 2 ettan var ju banbrytande med hur ett spel kunde se ut. Tvåan hade mera
en fängslande berättelse med unika karaktärer i spelet. Civilization serien är alltid kul
att bygga och skapa själv en egen stat med krig osv.
Americas Army operation: Som det såg ut för 4-5 år sedan. För den som vet hur
militära saker fungerar och låter på riktigt så är detta spel i en klass för sig. Need for
speed most wanted: Jag vet att det finns nyare och mer utvecklade spel som bygger på
samma sak. Men när det kom så var det ändå någonting som jag väntat på i många år.
Således så är det någonting som jag har tillbringat mycket tid till och det gör att det är
ett av favoritspelen. Need for speed World (online-spelet) är faktiskt inte lika bra
heller även fast det är så mycket nyare. Tomb Raider last Revalation: Kanske inte det
nyaste och rent grafikmässigt inte i närheten av vad som gör nuförtiden. Men spelet
var genomtänkt och man gick inte igenom det så snabbt heller.
Assasins creed 2,starcraft,crysis2
#1 Dark Souls #2 Mass Effect 1-3 #3 The most recent "Call of Duty" Dark Souls and
the Mass Effect series are games that had me so captivated that i just couldn't stop
playing. Great story and amazing atmosphere. The call of duty games is just
something i play because my friends do. It's entertaining, mindless fun.
streat fight,
1. Dota 2. I like the strategy, the gameplay and the graphics. 2. Sid Meier's
Civilization V. 3. The Sims 3. I like constructing the houses more than the actual
playing of it after that initial phase.
Spelar sällan eller aldrig spel
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Fun, meaty combat with very satisfying feel when
fraggin someone. Killing Floor. Great co-op zombie shooter. Easy to pick up and play
for a while with some friends. The Mass Effect series. Except for the ending I had a
blast with ME. Interesting characters and universe.
League of Legends, Dragon Age: Origins, CS
World of Warcraft - In love with the story and lore, and because of the whole
multiplayer thing. League of Legends: Because it's a teamgame, and the diversity of
what you can play. Company of Heroes: Multiplayer as previous, and of the many
ways you can set up tactics and play the game.
Heroes of newerth Hitman Bloodmoney Devil may cry 4
Mr Do! by Universal (platform=Arcade) Super Mario Battlefield 3
Counter-Strike 1.6 for the perfection of gameplay meets skill World of Warcraft for
the MMO mass community
Zelda, super Mario, monkey island
Call of Duty. May Payne. Need for Speed.
Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory Dota(1-2) Assassins Creed (Multiplayer part)
Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX. Bra historier och upplägg.
Assassin's creed serien Half-Life 2 Portal
Diablo 2 - character customization Donkey Kong 64 - Music, collecting Pokémon replayability
1, Quake 1 (QW), no bullshit, easy to learn hard to master. Fastest FPS and best
teamplay game there've ever been. 2, Portal 3, NHL 13, Good couch game. Maybe I'll
change the list to: 8 Bit Metroid, Castlevania and Zelda.
Portal: Great concept, story, music and characters. Metal gear solid: all of the above.
Battlefiled 3: intense action. both sound and visuals combine to induce a feling of
stress and raise the adrenaline
Battle for middle earth Warhammer 40k Blacklight
Far Cry III Battlefield Sof
WoW Path of Exile Assassin I like RPG games a lot.. and these are the best ones.
Alla Halo spelen. För att spelen skapar både glädje och ilska speciellt om man spelar
LoL = Fun to play Dragon Age = Beast Storyline Farcry 3 = Beast storyline, and great
wordfeud, texas holdon, solitaire
Minecraft(freedom of imagination), Neverwinter nights 2(great story and great
characters), League of Legends (cuz you can always play MOBa when you don't have
anything else to play).
Dota ps soccer
Master of Magic A game with great strategic depth and at the same time gives the
player lots of freedom Roller coaster Tycoon 2-3 The ability to create you own park
and really craft it in to something unique is something I really find appealing.
Arcanum A deep game you and a lot of different ways. Combined with a atypical
Eve Online - The sandbox style environment and awesome community PoE - Imho a
better version of Diablo 2 (and it goes without saying that it is miles better than D3). I
like the complex skill system and the retro feeling where it is ok to be overpowered.
League of Legends - A game that has a very good "Perfect imbalance" and almost
self-maintaining meta-game. Much can be optimized gameplay wise and you can
always get better
Neverwinter Nights: Unlimited opportunities to explore the RPG genre Final Fantasy:
Extremely polished story-intensive RPG. Silent Hill: -The- best survival horror series.
Immersive, disturbing psychological terror.
NFSrun,counter strick(C.S)
Super Meat Boy and They Bleed Pixels, my favorites because of the difficulty.
Dishonored, just a great game in general. The freedom on how to approach everything
makes it fantastic
Mass Effect Series - Great story and action mechanics. Elder Scrolls Series Exploration. Knights of the Old Republic Series - I love Star Wars.
League of legends- because i like the teamplay. Katamari- crazy fun game Okamilovely stroy
Diablo (I like to collect rare items, and don magic) Age of Empires (first strategy
game I ever played.I liked the fishing boats) Skyrim ( part of the Elder Scrolls sagas,
as I said earlier: I like rare items)
League of Legends - Kul att spela med kompisar och mycket variation(olika taktiker
och champions etc.) SSX 3 - Bästa snowboardspelet någonsin pga den mäktiga
känslan man får när man flyger ner från bergstopparna :) Plants VS Zombies - Kul att
kombinera olika plantor efter varandra för att få den ultimata taktiken.
Jagged Alliance 2 - nice story and enables you to think about many things, TES:
Morrowind - I spent one month for 8h/day playing this game :)
Eve Online, because of the depth of the universe and the skill system Entropia
Universe, the virtual currency tied to the dollar makes it feel as if you are living in a
sci-fi version of the real world.
Bike Race Smartphone Rita Gissa Smartphone Counter Strike GO PC
Diablo 3 Path of Exile
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Open world exploration. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina
of Time. Great adventure game with a perfect balance of action and puzzle solving.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Great RPG with intresting battle mechanics and great
story with good puzzles.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Like the multiplayer part Diablo 3 - Like
roleplayinggames, single aswell as multiplayer Mass Effect - Like sci fi, rpg,
alternative endings
League of legends - Competing against others while growing due to new challenges
and mistakes. Being able to play ranked/rated is fun. (WoW - used to play it extremely
much, the PvE environment was just so epic and grand for me and it really "caught"
me. It just actually feels like an entirely different world with sooo many possibilities,
the teamwork during raids and the feeling of accomplishment after downing a boss.
Not to mention gloating around with cool mounts and gear infront of the newbies.
Played it semi-hardcore. I would be listing Neverwinter nights for reasons that come
close to these ones.) Legends of zelda - Ocarina of Time, no words necessary. Big fan
of all the Half-Life games as well!
Subway sufers is a cartoonist game, Ogame it is real time strategy game , Call of duty
is action game with a good graphics
Morrowind: Although the fightstyle is sometimes annoying, the time and effort put
into everything, including story, bakground, charaterisation, dialouge, environment
and so on makes the game forever memorable. Civilization 4: This game never gets
old, there are almost unlimited ways to play through and end the game. Different
strategies and factions together with well thought out game mechanics immortalized
this game. X-com terror from the deep: Some nostalgia might be involved, but i love
turnbased tactical games, the horrors of the game give a good atmosphere, also when
you realize you how the odds are stacked against you and you're just delaying the
Sims 2; for the simplicity. WoW; for the graphics, the adventure, the unpredictability.
Mirrors edge; for the story and the graphics.
1. Binding of Isaac, decision making and knowledge 2. Portal 2, Characters and
Environment 3. Super Mario 64, Nostalgia and Control over Characters Movement
Metal gear (all of them) Singularity Dead Space
GTA San Andreas (PC) engaging story line, with heart-stopping action, nuff said.
Counter-Strike 1.6 (PC) fast paced, fps, requires a lot of skill and focus, and is perfect
for the competitive scene. Crash Bandicoot (Playstation/Xbox) it's a playful and fun
game, with many different elements, just makes for great fun, period.
•The legend of zeld series, becouse of the story and immersion and tight gameplay.
Diablo Puzzle-games,like hidden object-ones
Starcraft, Warcraft...
Dishonored, Far Cry 3, Mark of the Ninja. Because they all have good
implementations of stealth, which is my favorite type of gameplay.
Warcraft 3 - Custom Games, Diablo 2 - Median XL Mod, Ragnarok Online - Private
Modded Servers. Old classics which have all been highly tinkered with by people like
myself. I started playing them as a kid and still do.
Football Manager Fifa NHL
Command and Conquer Generals. Fun multiplayer. Portal 2. Enjoyable story and good
gameplay. Total War Shogun 2. Good AI and has interesting mechanics
Love the Kingdom Heart series on all platforms because of the story and battle flow
The world ends with you on ds because of the story and that it was one of the few
games that really took advantage of the stylus. I also like the ff series and most of the
games there
Fallout: New Vegas - The freedom and the comical and quirky story. Rome: Total
War - The battle system and the scale of the battles. Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The
story and its length.
Shadow of the Colossus -The game is just plain amazing I Wanna Be The Guy -Love
the challenge Cave Story -Great story -Great music -Plain fun
Command & Conquer(Basic RTS, Nostalgia) Binding of Isaac (Random, Decision
making, knowlage) Portal 2 (good storytelling, different gameplay)
BF3, beautiful graphics. Real good feeling and experience. L.A. Loire, awesome
realistic feel.
Quizkampen Wordfeud NBA2K13
God Of War(Great twist of Greek mythology)-Assassin's Creed(Great,nobble ideals)Prince Of Persia(I find very interesting the way the Prince moves through time and
BIO MENACE - Det är coolt och man tröttnar inte Duke nukem 1 samma Half-life :
allt är bra med spelet + det är fint
NHL 2012, xbox, multiplayer Mario Kart Nintendo 64, simple Grand theft auto
Final fantasy 6, F.E.A.R,
Monkey Island 1-3 Puzzle, comedy and great music!
quake 1
Super Smash Bros Brawl (the best game to play with friends) League of Legends (a
game I can play casual with others without the feeling of tryhard) Shadow of Colossus
good story and greats boos fights
Dragon Age Origins: Because of the power it gives you over the storytelling. There
are loads of different ways for the game to end and it actually feels like your choices
matter. The Mass Effect (entire series) for same reason as above And finally The
Witcher wich not only has an amazing story but also has a brilliant combat system. It
lets you customize yourself (with alchemy) before you enter dangerous situations wich
allows you to show not only your tactical prowess (with positioning) but also your
strategic intelligence.
Folklore PS3. Great in-depth and captivating story of two separate characters that
intertwine. Awesome psychedelic colors and character designs throughout the game.
Amazing soundtrack. Final Fantasy Tactics. PS1. A really good story that is bigger
than the game itself. The soundtrack is the best in the series and the character
customization is great. Star Ocean: Till the end of Time. PS2. Character and item
customization goes beyond deep, level cap is 255, post-game material is twice as
much as the game itself which makes it last forever. Also great soundtrack.
Grim Fandango/the Journey down, due to funky, thought-through characters and
settings. Pain killer, due to the omission of realistic elements and focus on raw shooter
World of Warcraft: Enough said. Assassin's Creed: I like the possibility to plan out
your assassinations, the overall the fighting system, and perhaps most of all, the
integration of fantasy and real life history.
Street fighter 2 Classic The Chaose engine Classic Monkey Island 2 Classic
League of legends, widly popular game. Age of mythology, perhaps the best game of
all times. Used to play World of Warcraft aswell. Played some skyrim from time to
Disgaea, Super Mario World, Minecraft
PC: CoD modernwarfare 4,2 & 3. World of warcraft. Counter-Strike 1.6.
Path of Exile (PC) - a Diablo-inspired game with Diablo II-like atmosphere and with
interesting game mechanics which complement the style well to create a challenge and
allow for enormous character customization to fit your game style. League of Legends
(PC) - because of it's relative simplicity and clarity of what's happening on the screen
at any given time. Minecraft (PC) - it's a game which you can grow tired of for period
of time, but can always get back to once you get a new wave of inspiration. Also
notable is that all three of these games are online multiplayer games. It's a big, big
bonus for me to be able to play the favourite games together with my friends and
Assassins creed, Need for speed, Madden(NFL)
Call of duty 4 PC: From a competetive standpoint almost the perfect shooter for me.
Supreme Commander PC: The size of the battles is amazing. Dota 2 PC: its dota, nuff
super mario
World of Warcraft - har inte spelat på ett tag men förut var jag beroende! Det roliga är
att det är så stort och har oändliga möjligheter. Counter Strike Source - tidsfördriv när
man inte vill tänka allt för mycket! Worms - SÅ himla kul att spela mot varandra!
Skrattar nästan konstant av det spelet när jag spelar mot någon kompis eller mot min
fifa 13, CS 1.5, NBA Street
1. Zelda 2. Super mario galaxy 3. Trine 2 (för att det är så snyggt)
1: Tetris. It helps me to relax. 2: Bejeweled. Same reason as #1. 3: Saints Row 3. You
feel free to do what ever you want (mostly murderous rampages through out the city)
but it's so exaggerated, you can't take it seriously.
Dark ages: Mage (Table-top rpg) is my favorite game. it centers around the practice of
magic in the dark ages of Europe. the character creation of this game is in depth and
very involving. I have been playing this game about once a week for 3 years straight
with 5-7 of my closest friends. Medievil- Playstation 1: its an action platformer in
which you play as a reanimated fool of a soldier who bragged about his martial
prowess whom now has to rise from the grave to do deeds that matches his boasting.
Magic: the Gathering. Its a collectible card game with close to 130000 unique cards
that you build into a 60 card deck. the rules of this game are so convoluted that i cant
bother to address them here, but i like this game because of the freedom it gives you in
constructing your own personal deck.
battlefield 3 bra grafik, korta väntetider, onlinespel Red alert strategi
I dont play games, only suduko on my cellpshone, or cardgames..
Half Life It was the first single player FPS I ever played and I were compelled by the
story even though it was told indirectly. Final Fantasy IX Loved the steam-punk
environment and interesting characters and it had quite an interesting plot-twist. The
Secret of Monkey Island A really good puzzler with amazing storytelling. It had a
compelling plot and memorable characters.
counter strike - we can play with our own friends game of thrones- story game NFSracing game
Assassin's creed-serien: Jag gillar den öppna världen, grafiken och att det utspelar sig i
verkliga städer, att man kan klättra och smyga omkring. GTA: Av samma anledning
som ovan egentligen. Den öppna världen och missionbaserade upplägget. Left 4 dead:
Jag gillar FPS och zombie-slakt. Särskilt om man ska spela flera. Vilket innebär att
man kan köra om banorna hur många gånger som helst. Kan inte riktigt säga varför jag
just fastnat för L4D.
League of Legends: Since it is a team game. I mean since I'm in a eSports team and all
it has to be number one right. Final Fantasy 8: Why not 7? Well 7 was good but in my
opinion FF8 were just perfection in it's purest form. From how they could fit in the last
song in the game into other soundtracks in-game. how they developed the fighting
system. and don't get me started on the characters. We do have the standard types here
but I also do think that FF8 has something extra everywhere. The scenary is just
beutiful. the bond between Rinoa and Squall how she can turn someone that antisocial into like another human. Even though Squall is slow on that front himself. But
we also get the story behind his behavior. And for FF7 Clouds backstory is more like
his world got ruined and he is not "strong enough" therefore he is all down and kinda
cold. Nope! FF8 it is! Resident Evil: As a horror game fan-boy I just love the resident
evil series. the camera angle just sets it up well and the story is good (Until RE5. I'm
not alone on that part either.)
Golden Eye (N64) XIII (Xbox) Settlers III (PC) Samtliga handlar om nostalgi/roliga
1. Shenmue, because for me this was just the perfect game. It has a wonderfull story,
emotional attachments and incredibly music. What a trailer and you´ll see why. 2.
Mega Man 2, Basically the perfect game, and the game I grew up with. 3. Resident
Evil 2. This also something I grew up playing a lot and still to this day this game
scares me.
Skyrim, Alice: Madness Returns, Fable.
Dota 2, it's a versatile game with lots of variation and gives you a great opportunity to
teamplay with your friends. Total War-series (Rome: Total War), Thanks to this series
i've come to love history and i know quite a lot about world history. I have this series
to thank for that.
1. tibia - very good game, no game has ever been better. Perhaps cause I found it when
I was young. 2. This was the second game I found, when I played, I was still young. 3.
HoN - This was the third game that I "really" played.
Dark Souls, difficulty and depth Zelda Majora's Mask, story and characters League of
Legends, social and competetive
World of warcraft i like the social aspect of the game i find it much more entertaining
to be able to play with friends Kingdom Hearts series i love final fantasy and disney so
this is a awesome game Final fantasy 7 is my number one i just love the story of it.
Angry birds, tetris, wordfeud. I use all of them for quick relaxation. Something to do
while waiting, or as à treat before next thing at work,
1. Battlefield 3 (har bara spelat Alfan och Betan). 2. Cities in Motion, Man planerar
kollektivtrafik (kommer en tvåa framöver) 3. Emergency 4 med LA-mod. Man styr
över blåljus-verksamheter.
Bioshock - Häftiga miljöer, bra story, intressanta karraktärer. Ett väldigt snyggt spel.
Fallout 3 & Fallout New Vegas - Av samma anledning som Bioshock. Miljöer, story,
karraktärer. Fifa 13 - Blir bättre och bättre för varje år. Finns otroligt mycket att göra.
The Suffering-has a very good scenario Football Manager-is a good strategy game
Age of Mythology-is a good strategy game
The Sims, Subway Surf, Need for Speed
World of warcraft Minecraft Arma 2 (DayZ)
Uncharted Halo
World of Warcraft League of Legends Starcraft 2
Odin Sphere (ps2) Because of an interesting art style and story that takes place in fairy
tale-like worlds which all are connected. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (gba) A rich
and fun world with opportunities to advance your party which you build up mostly on
your own while doing lots of quests and going through lots of interesting battles. Also
very beautiful graphically. Shadow of the Colossus (ps2) Because of the empty eerie
feeling and a lot of focus in the gameplay is to tell the story; no rooms for trophy
hunting and grinding. It drags you in quite well story and world-wise and don't
underestimate the audience.
World of Warcraft Age of Empires II Track Mania Nations
Counter strike - the biggest fps game of them all, nothing more to say Battlefield 3 The graphic and the competitive modes Left 4 dead 2 - It is fun to play with friends
okami .tomb raider for pc. shadow of the colosus
age of empires, because you can build stuff
1.Black and White alla spelen, väldigt unikt gameplay och vem har inte velat leka gud
med ett as coolt pet att lära allt man kan? 2.Heroes of newearth, älskar E-sport scenen
och tycker Moba spel ger ett taktiskt djup som jag älskar. Half life 1 - 2 bästa story
spelet jag någon spelat.
Fifa (PS3) CoD MW (PC) Dota 2 (PC)
Hay day and farmville are the only games I sort of generally play...
real time -interesting racing -like to play sport -like to play
Supermario - roligt äventyr nivåskillnader, tar en stund att spela. Plague inc spännande strategi tidspress Diablo 2 - spännande strategi och nivåskillnader
Counter strike, Unreal and doom. I like action games so the user feels that he is part of
the character in the game.
Conker Bad Fur day for N64 and Xbox Because it has amazing childish humour that
no other game has and it presents it very well. Skyrim for PC specificly because of the
modding community and the wide open world where you can do whaterver you want.
League of legends because its easy to learn fun to play and if you want to you can get
really into it competitively.
okami .tomb raider for pc. shadow of the colosus
1:Super Metroid(Snes) 2:The legend of zelda: Ocarina of time.(N64)
3:S.T.A.L.K.E.R: shadow of chernobyl(PC)
WoW, Eve online, Dota 2
Quizkampen Ruzzle The Sims
DayZ , becuase it rocks. WoW,addicting as fuck and well done Flyff, nostalgia game,
right in the childhood
Heroes Of Newerth, the competetive teamplay. Guild Wars 2 - The casual MMO with
no demands. Fable 1 - Just a perfect storytelling with smooth gameplay.
Total war serie Europa universalis III Star craft II
Europa Universalis 3/Crusader Kings 2 <- detailed and allow for a lot of emergence so
they have very high replay value F-Zero GX <- fastest game I've played and the most
rewarding in terms of skill progression Doom/Doom 2 <- FPS before they became
slow and linear.
resident evil-exciting,challenging and pure fun super mario-escape from reality tetrisrelaxing
diablo 2, heroes of newerth, starfox
SimCity(series) - The simulation aspect really shows the strength of the gaming
medium. Silent Hill(1-3) - Unique atmosphere with a strong sense of story telling.
Europa Universalis - Deep strategy with relational/diplomatic focus.
Minecraft, finns så stora möjligheter och kan göra nästan vad som helst. Team Fortress
2, kan snabbt starta och ha roligt med vänner, samtidigt som man kan utvecklas med
nya vapen och egenskaper.
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) Excellent gameplay coupled with a great culmination to
the story of Metal Gear. I love bizarre stories that are a bit detached from reality and
all Metal Gear games offer this. 2. Demon's Souls (PS3) (I'm yet to play Dark Souls)
Love it because it's so different compared to most games today. It's challenging but
fair and the atmosphere is just excellent. It really felt like an accomplishment when I
finished it. 3. Mass Effect 2 (PC)(I'm yet to play Mass Effect 3) Great story and
universe with markedly better gameplay compared to ME1. You really get immersed
in the world.
I have about 15 game that could all fit in my top 3, but I'll try. Baldur's Gate: For the
highly explorable world as well as for being one of the only games to do a good low
lvl campaign. Dark Souls: Has an incredibly well made and coherent world and level
design. It also has a fair sense of challenge and a fun and varied combat system To the
Moon: The best written game I've ever played. In particular it's very good at not
spelling things out until the player has had a chance to figure it out on their own.
Football manager 2013, tar aldrig slut och tanken kring alla detaljer m.m är magiska.
Left 4 dead, spännande zoombie spel som gör en så jävla förbannad. FIFA 13, brukar
rädda lördag kvällarna!
Europa Universalis 3, THE grand real time strategy game. Halo, probably the best
franchise on the console market. Mount & Blade Warband, freedom and realism that
in my opinion rivals that of the Elder Scroll series
Grim Fandango - brilliant story, brilliant world and brilliant characters. Simply the
most emotionally compelling game that I've played. Knights of the Old Republic Roleplaying classic with a great story, superb characters and a great twist towards the
end. The gameplay is kind of dated but it's still enjoyable. To the Moon - More of an
interactive story than a game. Still amazingly well written.
Curse of monkey Island - the humour. Final Fantasy VII - childhood nostalgia together
with great story and music. Crusader Kings II - Extremly advanced dna system makes
every playthrough different.
AssasinCreed fantastic reflection of history CoD nice experience and Great Story Dirt
real Control Feeling & replay function
Any kind of Zelda games to Console. Love the Zelda story. World of Warcaf,PC.
Started playing it coz all my friends played it, then I were stuck. You always had
something to do in WoW, I think that is the main reason I kept playing. I don't really
do have a third favorite game, but if we go after hours I played the game, it is Modern
Warfare 2. Started playing this when I left WoW.
Don't know
Lego Star Wars (Xbox360) - Easy to complete, and you can play two players at once
GTA SanAndreas (PC) - Doesnt play the story, I like just running around fucking
things up. Minecraft (PC) - cant really explain it, just like it.
Need for speed - Hot Pursuit (Windows), Angry birds (Android), Prince of Persia
(Windows) Their high-end graphics and ease of use.
Counterstrike GO Sonic hedgehog ray man 3
Team fortress 2, because it is a well designed, fun game that can be played either
casually or competetively. Dota 2, i just started playing this game but i think its really
challenging and fun to learn how to play it. Counter strike 1.6, because it is the classic
shooter that brings such a high level of competitive gaming to your computer. Im not
really sure, bur i might switch dota 2 for Quake live for the same reason that i said
about cs.
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3, because skills are what matters, no casual shit. Dota 2,
Same as above. Red Dead Redemption, one of the few games that really touched me.
SimCity (SNES and PC), because I love building games where I have to design.
Kohan 2: Kings of War (PC), not a huge fan of Strategy games but this game lets me
design and develop my own campaign. Also the building is fun! :P Populous: The
Beginning (PC), a game from the past that is just awesome! Building, strategy
(fighting) and just a pure fun game!
1 super smash melee(a really good game to play with friends) 2 zelda a link to the past
(so much to explore) 3 age of mytholgy really like the long single player campagin
Super Mario, phantasy star, Zelda
Fallout 3. Fallout New Vegas. Starcraft 2.
CSS, csgo och l4d2. Alla pga samma sak. Det är på det sättet jag kan socialisera mig
med de jag känner söderifrån.
1:Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (Turn Based Strategy) This is a game I played A LOT
in my childhood and now 15 years later, I can still play it. Amazing atmosphere,
tactical, great music and so much fun to play in multiplayer with friends. 2:Baldur's
Gate 2: Shadows of Amn (RPG) Another game I loved as a child. A huge and partly
open world, the great story along with strategic combat, great character development
makes it to my all time favorite RPG. It offers a challenging but rewarding game
experiance. 3: Quake World (FPS shooter) Arguably the best fps-shooter of all time as
far as multiplayer goes. Amazing "feel" when you move, shoot and jump. It's a
masterpiece in many respects and is still played by many to this day. It's a very
challenging game that will put your reflexes and awareness to the test, as well as your
mind in order to achieve mapcontrol whether you play 1v1, TeamVsTeam or free for
Have no favourite
Return to castle. Red alret
The legend of zelda skyward sword: complex history, outstanding puzzle solving and
item use. World of Warcraft: massive content, social gaming at its best, very
challenging. Prince of Persia warrior within: amazing story, dark environments, highly
complex gameplay, violence.
Max payne spider man Harry potter
Civilization, eftersom variationerna är oändliga, och det tar ganska lång tid att spela.
Tetris, enkelt och stressande, hjärnstimulerande. Sim city, oändligt varierande,
Wow, LoL, Fifa
Tomb Raider (spännande, bästa spelet), Test Drive Unlimited (bästa racingspelet,
innehåller både rena lopp och möjligheter till cruising runt om i landet/staden,
underbar grafik), Uncharted: Drake´s fortune-spelen (roligt, spännande och
Dota 2 a, BF 3 och Cod. Jag spelar på en pc för det är den enda spelkonsolen jag har.
Minecraft Portal DMC 1
Now a days I am not playing any game, because of my busy life, Any how Any game
like racing, sports etc I like
BF3 - Awesome MP many unlocks big game. Guild Wars 2 - Big maps, friendly
community cheaper than Wow Forza Motorsport 4 - Just love racing games that has
good simulation.
don't have any favorite
Dota 2: Short fun games with lots of action Counter Strike: same reason as above.
Skyrim: Huge open world with lots of exploring and deciding how to play your
character yourself!
1.The Walking Dead: The Game:I love this game because of the story, it's the walking
dead and telltale did it. 2.Majoras Mask:This one is also because of the story and the
well written story, plus i love Zelda in general. 3.Metro 2033: It had an unique feel
and the atmosphere in this game is great.
Assassin's Creed: It's a stealth game and realistic to a grat extent. Hitman Absolution: I
like games that includes puzzles, realistic thinking, strategy etc. Counter Strike 1.6:
The feeling you have controlling the person. Attn: I really like stealth games and it's a
bit difficult to prioritize which are my top-3 games.
1. World of Warcraft, spelat i ca 10 år. Kan spelas på olika svårighetsnivåer, mycket
socialt och utmanande konstant. Tyvärr tidskrävande så nu för tiden med småbarn i
hemmet, blir det inte mycket spel. 2. TP (playstation). Frågespel, socialt. 3.
Quizkampen. Frågespel, på mobil. Enkelt, snabbt och man har alltid nåt att göra.
HoN - competative fun game with friends Fallout 3 Bioshock
Bloodline Champions. Because best PvP I know. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Great PvP FPS. Dark Souls. Awesome singleplayer game, cool atmosphere and really
hard game.
Quizkampen, för det är roligt med frågesport Singstar, kul att sjunga högt och falskt
Dancecentral, svårt och därför kul
CoD Modern warfare 3 Assassins creed - Good gameplay Fifa 13
I love to play CHESS because it enables me to think strategically. TONY HAWK, I
played Tony Hawk in 2004 to 2008. It was an interesting SKATE BOARDING
walking dead, fallout 2, homeworld 1
Skyrim - The freedom Supreme commander - The massive battles Anno 2070 - An
easy going game
heavy rain-best game on ps3 that i´ve ever played. So different from all of the other
games i use to play. starcraft-amazing game that challange you on every level, most
fun to play with friends. guild wars 2-unbelievable beautiful world, i just want to
wander around and look at all the stuff they have created.
Angry Birds, Bad Piggies, Angry Birds Rio
Battlefield 3 PC Total war series PC GTA series PC
Dota 2 Starcraft 2 BroodWar
League of legends Final Fantasy Star wars the old republic
Diablo III, Borderlands Persona 3-4
Red alert, WoW, star craft
Candy Crush Saga, Bubble Witch Saga, Solitaire. The first two: Nice graphics,
variation within the game, a bit difficult. Solitaire is relaxing and addictive.
Castlevania-series(Just pure awesomeness) Mass-effect (awesome story and
gameplay) Braid(super nice setting, awesome story and the gamedesign rocks)
The Walking Dead - fascinating plot, one of those games that can move sb to tears.
Baldurs Gate 2 - amazing story with hundreds of secondary adventures. Counter Strike
(1.5, 1.6, Global Offensive) - cooperation with friends and pure rivalry with other
players. Great way to integrate with people.
Forza(great simulation) Angry Birds(fun challenge) Cargo-bot(innovative and fun)
DotA, Final Fantasy series. Why? DotA -> fun to play, less than 1 hour. Final Fantasy
series -> nice characters, cool stories.
Portal series; For it's innovative puzzle solving structure. Minecraft; For it's free
roaming creativity generator. AC series; For it's often very spot on controls and game
Max Payne, Resident Evil, NFS, FIFA, Call of Duty(Mordern Warefare, Black ops),
SWAT etc...
Minecraft; the appeal is the challenge of creating things that are aesthetic as well as
strategic. And when the monsters are on, action and adventure. Mariokarts: The only
racing game that I'm good at. Therefore excellent. Not much of a gamer so no third
option, sorry! (But I have played sims)
LoL - Broad variety of tactics, players, champions etc. Monkey Island series - Great
humour and puzzles. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - Strategical decisions and timeconsuming.
Grim Fandango (the fanatstic story and music) Mist (cool atmosphere) red dead
redemtion (
Asphalt 6 and7 - fun to race. Bubble mania- likes the characters and difficulties
Templerun - design And difficulties.
League of legends- I dunno :P Warcraft 3 TFT Mount & blade
Max payne Series, as I love to play shooting games and they are thrilling.
Warcraft 3, Path of Exile and Mount&Blade
God of War series, hack-and-slash and not too hard (on easy) to play with a badass
main character and interesting fights. "Kara no shoujo", a so called Visual novel (see it
as a point-and-click with looots of text), a Detective Work/thriller, with a very
interesting story and gameplay.The art style is nice too. solitaire, easy to play and kill
time with, not very "good", but a bit addicting.
1. Zelda series. Because they're perfect adventure games. 2. Banjo kazooie/Banjo
Tooie, Nintendo 64. These two games tie for the best platform games of all time. 3.
Killing Floor. Action co-op zombie shooter for PC. Not any other zombie shooter, this
game require strategy, skills and cooperation. Lovely.
God of War: Great cinematics, story and violeny Call of Duty: Quick and fun matches,
doesn' take much time Vampires, the masquerade - Bloodlines: good story
Ruzzle, boogle, are the only ones I play. I like to play games that activates the brain.
Far Cry3 - Its beutiful and it's has a long single-player mode. Monkey Island series It's funny and tricky. Killzone 3 - Funny multiplayer modes.
Starcraft 2 Red alert Heroes of might and magic
FIFA, gillar fotboll. enkelt att spela mot andra. CSS, snabba matcher, man behöver
inte vänta en evighet när man dött. Call of duty, välgjort och roligt, lätt att förstå vad
man ska göra
Grim Fandango - Great writing Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward - Amazing story
To the moon - Amazing story and writing
LoL Bf CoD
cs:go NHL Starcraft
Heroes of Newerth. Always played Dota and instantly fell in love with HoN when it
came out. Counter-Strike 1.6. Chilchood memories mostly.
Half-Life 2; unikt när det kom ut och fortfaranderiktigt bra. Terranigma; ett klassiskt
rollspel som har det mesta. Red Alert; går inte att klå känslan i detta spel.
do not play any games at all
Super Mario Mario and Luigi Son Goku
Angry birds, temple run, rail rush
It's a very long time since I played games. But here we go: ** Mafia - Nice mix
between driving, tasks to complete (both on time and puzzles) and a very good story.
** Colin McRae Rally 2.0 - Very good game for its time. Very hard, so it's not
completed during a weekend, realistic driving simulation. ** Gran Turismo 1 & 2 Classics, fantastic driving experience, a lot of tracks, beautiful cars.
- Natural Selection 2 (PC), mix between FPS and RTS and requires a lot of thinking
and teamwork. - Final Fantasy 7 (PC and Console), don't think I need to explain why.
- Super Smash Bros Series (Gamecube/Wii), very entertaining fighting game
EarthBound, because it has a great story and setting, while also fixing many issues
with turn-based RPG's before it. The Walking Dead, because I haven't been that close
to crying from a video game, ever. Excellent characters and take on moral choice.
Half-Life 2. For its age, it still holds remarkably well. It's a high-octane FPS that also
boasts an interesting presentation of a conflict between makind and the Combine.
CS 1.6 and Heroes of Newerth - just for the competitive side of the games. NHL series
- just for the love of hockey
1. World of Warcraft: Bra "lore", fina miljöer, helt enkelt ett komplett spel. 2. Baldur's
Gate: Ett typiskt RPG-spel med allt vad det innebär. Spännande karaktärer med
genomtänkta bakgrunder. 3. Neverwinter Nights: Personerna bakom Baldur's Gatespelen har lyckats igen. Ett spel med roliga uppdrag och intressant "lore".
puzzles, hidden objects The Fancy Pants Adventure. world 2
Deus Ex - due to unrivaled innovation in both gameplay and story telling. Ultima
Online - for being almost entirely run by players, free-for-all PVP and full loot.
Starsiege: Tribes - For being highly technical and competitive.
Battlefield 3( På grund av det taktiska moment blandat med actionfylld shooter)
Chivalry:Medieval Warfare( Som CS med svärd, enough said) WoW( SPelar inte just
nu och har inte gjort på ett tag, men känner mig tvungen att peta ditt det ändå på grund
av alla de timmar jag lagt på det).
Zelda spelen, för de har mysig stämning, äventyr och bra blanding av story och action.
Mass Effect spelen, för de har ytterst bra karaktärer, story och bra gameplay. Persona
spele, återigen för bra story och intressant gameplay.
Skyrim Diablo 1-3 Mass Effect 1-3
Candy crush.
Assassin's creed series for being so original and I ike the story and the characters. BF3
for the intense action. Gran turismo 5, 'cause I love cars and the racing is fun.
Football Manager-series NHL-series FIFA-series
1. Dota 2, because it's fun and can be a real challenge. I also love the genre, fill all my
needs. 2. Warcraft 3, so many different maps and functions so you never get tierd. 3.
Minecraft, you can almost create anything you want. So simple and clean, yet so funny
Heroes of Might and Magic III Civilization III Assassins Creed
halo,need for speed,ogame
Wordfeud Quiz battle Quizkampen
Final Fantasy VII -Best story, Charaters in a game so far The uncharted series Indiana jones in the console world, need i say more? Mega Man X (SNES) - Its a
classic, first Mega man on 16 bit and it was (at the time, 1995) clean graphics nice
controls and a good story.
World of Warcraft Civilization 5 Warcraft 3
Super Mario cart dubbel dash, super Mario alstars for SNES and the donkey kong for
half life 1 and 2, just great games WoW had some great times playing with friends
Diablo 2 awesome game
World of warcraft, splintercell, Borderlands. För jag gillar onlinespel
GEX. Brilliant platform game with a lot of replay value. Soul Calibur. Lovely fighting
game. Warhammer tabletop, because I'm a nerd and I love it.
BF3(PC), Assasins creed(xbox), NHL (Xbox)
Final Fantasy X - because it was the first game I played with a Deeper meaning behind
the story. Machinarium - Not very hardcore, but cute, beautiful, and tells a story with
no words Portal - Because Everything.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) was the first Zelda game that I played,
and it made a great impression on me with great gameplay, very memorable music,
and likeable characters. Guild Wars (Windows) was one of the first online RPG games
that I played. Not only was it a great game, but I also enjoyed the social elements,
which is something that regular "offline RPG" games lacked. To the Moon (Windows)
is an puzzle-adventure/visual novel game. It managed to impress me with a wellwritten story and a very fitting soundtrack. To the Moon is one of those games that
tends to "induce" a lot of emotion in the players.
Gothic (2001, PC). Where The Elder Scrolls are shallow, predictable, repetitive and
boring roleplaying, "high fantasy" games, Gothic is a realistic, authentic, gritty RPG
where social ability, wit, survival and exploration is fundamental. Greatest game ever
made. Period. The Neverhood Chrinicles (1996, PC). It's a puzzle adventure game
made entirely out of real-life modelled clay. Superb soundtrack, amazing game design
as well as visual design, beats the shit out of anything made by Lucas Arts and most
certainly is one of the most unique games of all times. Ico (2002, PS2). Are games art?
Fumita Ueda, creator of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus says "no" in multiple
interviews. Yet his games is a statement to the opposite, with a poetical adventuresque
setting and emotional stimuli that stands unrivaled in comparison with other games best illustrated with Ico. Although I admit, Journey (2012, PS3) does not fall far
Ssx tricky
need for speed PC version road rash PC version though these games lack latest
technological effects, but it somehow got life in it still. may be the reason i like it is
because those are the first games i started playing on PC.
Zelda SNES - the best of all Football FIFA or PES - social game Donkeykong SNES playong with me grandmother
Fia med knuff, yatzy & brädspel. Spelar väldigt sällan men när jag väl spelar är det i
tidsfördriv eller om jag har tråkigt.
Assassins creed series LoL Call of duty series
Halo 3, its a good game witha rich story imho. Final fantasy 7, due to its story and
richness of the world. Little big adventure. The story and the world was fun and
SWOTR Red dead redemption mass effect
I don't have any specific games. I only play with my sons favorite games.
Starcraft 2, dune 2000, red alert 2. Kickass westwoodproductions as well as
challenging multiplayer(starcraft 2)
AOE, Temple run, RON
Mario 64 - Still the best game ever made, I grew up with it and it never gets boring.
WoW - like being part of this huge alternative world. random puzzle games for ipad.
Silent hunter 4, exellent subsim Dawn of war 2, a good adaptation of the warhammer
franchise Eve Online, it's a grim and unforgiving universe.
The Sims. Fun to build houses!
Morrowind, Final Fantasy VIII and League of Legends.
Baldur's Gate battlefield 3 mass effect 2
Sims Potter Sing star
1. SuperMario Bross (Nintendo Wii) (It is a classic, I love Platform games) 2. Prince
of Persia (Nintendo Wii) (I used to play when I was a child in my computer and then
this Wii version came up and I really like it) 3. Sony (Sega MegaDrive) ( I used to
play when I was a child but I haven't play for a long time)
1. Mass Effect (hela serien) 2. Counter-strike 1.6 3. Saints Row: The Third
Sim City series, World of Warcraft, Total War series.
Can´t remember the name of the games.
DayZ -Kul spel där man kan göra allt typ. Max Payne 3 - riktigt roligt action och
skjutaspel. Skyrim - Av samma anledning som DayZ.
The sims 3, Its fun to "live" another life for a while sometimes. Heroes of might and
magic 6, Good combination of strategy och roleplaying. Nice fantasyenvironment and
Its turnbased which means you can play in a slow pace if you want. Myst, nice story,
realistic environments mixed with fantasy and great puzzles.
of course this differs from time to time. I seem to loose interest in some games after a
while even if they are really good for a while. I'll try to list one or two all-timefavorites and one more contemporary. 1. A good version of Sudoku makes my brain
relax as well as work hard. There are fair or good versions for all the platforms that I
usually use (mac, PC, Android-cell phone, i-pad) 2. Myst. I loved the mystery, trying
to find clues to be able to get further. It's kind of slow, but it hooked me badly. It's old
now, but I haven't found any game that hooked me as bad since. 3. Star Wars The Old
Republic (PC) I'm palying that a lot at the moment, but I guess I will loose interest
after a while :)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Fallout Call of duty
DotA 2 Darksiders 2 Mirrors Edge
Ni No Kuni - Bästa stämningen i ett spel sen zelda. Dark souls - dystert, svårt och
otroligt bra miljö. Zelda ocarina of time - nostalgiskt och bara bra. Värda att nämna är
både braid och to the moon.
LoL, fifa13, gta
Super Mario Bros U. - Nostalgi. Epic Mickey 2 - Mysig familjestund Skylanders
Giants - Mysig familjestund
Zelda: ocarina of time. Amazing story, music and characters. Well designed levels and
great gameplay. Half life (1-2) Again, the most important thing for a game is, in my
opinion story and music. Half life graphics is also great, with cool weapons and
enemies Half life makes a great action game experience. Left for dead (1-2) Vales
does it again, a co-op game with lots of zombies, even tho story is not so important for
this game, the whole multilayer/survival thingy does enhance the game experience.
Assassins Creed - Graphics. Call Of Duty[All Series] - Exciting and Addictive.
Batman Arkham Asylum - good story and game play is exquisite.
Jade Empire; the atmosphere, art, the characters and the story. Dragon's Dogma;
exploration, character customization and battle system. Metroid Fusion/Zero Mission
or Castlevania Order of Ecclesia; the atmosphere, art, exploration, battle system and
gaining abilities/weapons.
StarCraft 2 CounterStrike Leauge of Legends
-Dark Souls -Dead Space 2 -Baldurs Gate 2 The storyline, characters, the freedom to
make your own character and the general atmosphere in these games are what makes
them great.
Skyrim : The open world/freedom Dota 2: The social bit Any nintendo 8 bit game:
Beyond Good & Evil, the story and characters are magnificient. Final Fantasy 6, The
story and the art style is really good, and Kefka is so cartoonishly villanious. Chrono
Trigger, the characters, the music, the EVERYTHING is perfect in this game.
1. All Tony Hawk games (until American Wasteland) - I like skateboarding and grown
up playing all Tony Hawk games before Skate came out. 2. Final Fanatasy - when I
was a teenager this was the game I liked most, and played a lot of times. 3. Wordfeud pretty funny choice I guess, but nowadays I prefer to just play mellow games on my
iPhone and I really like this Scrabble-style kind of game (strict of course)
Dragon age -xbox (good game overall) World of warcraft (good sense of adventure)
Plants vs Zombies (like the idea)
dota 2: very competetive play. skyrim: fun relaxing game if you just wanna fool
around. GTAIV: the same as skyrim.
Dota 2 The best game ever made better. Path of Exile A true successor to Diablo 2.
Golden Eye N64
Mass Effect 2 - Epic story with intimate moments with great characters Dark Souls Love the challenge and the lore Red Dead Redemption - Just love the old west
Mario Cart Racing. Gillar spelet för sin enkelhet och att man har mycket roligt när
man är flera som spelar samtidigt. Baldurs Gate 2. Ett helt underbart spel för en som
gillar Dungeons and Dragons spel. Football Manager 2013. Alltid gillat football
manager serien. Dess djup gör spelet så roligt.
1 crash banicot on Ps1 or 2. Great platform game! 2 temple run 1 and 2. Also a
platform game ( on istore and android) where you do different tasks and collect coins
to buy things to improve your character. 3 unblock me on istore and android. Strategy
game where you activate your brains.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, still a very good game, good story and
puzzles. Super Mario Bros. 3, it's a good cooperative/competitive family game with
great graphics. Minecraft, a good level of graphical detail, and addicting
awesomeness. One more block, one more block, one more block...
Zelda, man får lösa gåtor
Skylander, starwars, bilspel. Spelar dem med mina barn.
Half-Life 2, for its superb Source technology, living characters, and impressive
storyline. Super Mario 64, for its brilliantly imagined worlds and length. Truly a
challenge to be had as a child. Dota 2. An extremely deep game, that even I, who have
played it for over 1000 hours since last year, haven't fully mastered.
Homeworld 2, because of its semi-realistic space strategy elements. Star Wars:
Knights of the Old Republic II, because of the story and roleplay. Most of the RTS
games share the third place.
EVE online: community keeps me playing. Trine 1/2: one of the most fun platformers,
the mix of good and well thought out mechanics with awesome music makes this
game one of the best. No time to explain: the thing that makes this game are the insane
and random humor. add to that the music (all games need good music) and the way
that the game mix the game mechanics.
Fallout 3 (Postapocalyptic fan) Fallout New Vegas (Postapocalyptic fan) Fable
tetris bejeweled sudoku
Assasins creed for overall gamefeel. Nhl13 best casuall game with friends. Dota2 &
sc2 for competitive playing
Half-Life, DotA, Red Alert. No motivation (sorry)
Super metroid, SNES. Snyggaste grafiken någonsin med tanke på när spelet kom ut.
Riktigt bra story, samt ett soundtrack som är den absolut bästa "oldschoolgaming"musiken någonsin. Zelda - a link to the past - SNES. behövs ens nån motivering?
Bästa Zeldaspelet någonsin. Bra story, bra musik och fin/söt grafik. Torchlight 2 - Ett
spel väldigt likt diablo2 (samma utvecklare). Väldigt roligt i multiplayer. Trevlig
SimC ity - best city builder ever! Sins of a solar empire - Massive space battles Anno
2070 - Awesome resource and production system
Guild Wars 2 (fresh MMO feel) Elder Scrolls V Skyrim (Vast world) Mass Effect
Trilogy (Best RPG ever in my entire life of gaming)
Titres , Solitare , 4 in a row, 5 in a row
Ratchet & Clank (PS3) Agry birds Super Mario (wii & DS)
Project IGI(the first game chich I,ve began playing), Medal of Honor(after watching
the "Saving Private Ryan" you select this game as top favorite game , Call of duty.
GTA (PC), (the whole series); Because of the freedom within the game. Company of
heroes (PC); It's the best RTS I have ever played. Assassin Creed I&II(PS3); Great
game mechanics and visuals.
MGS3,Final Fantasy 7, Portal 2
1. Kotor -> great story 2. Quake 3 arena Ra3 -> Best shooter I ever played 3. Mass
effect -> Great story, great gameplay
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) Super Mario World (SNES) Max Payne
Mass Effect 2, gives choices and options to play the game the way you want. Good
mix of shooter and rpg. Interactions between characters. A good single player and
multiplayer. PC Football manager. Good for tactical analysis. Challenges. Easy to pick
to play for a short or long time. You can leave the computer for a while and nothing
will happen. Addictive though. Good for singel and multiplayer. PC Left 4 dead 2.
Easy. Fun with friends. Challenging. New maps keeps getting created and mods. PC
Call Of Duty - Black ops 2 Battlefield 3 Call of Duty Modern War...
angry birds - takes precision ruzzle - good mental training candy crush saga - feeling
of accomplishment
Fallout 3 - The Setting Fallout New Vegas - The Setting Borderlands 2 - The humor
Bucky O' Hare (NES) Zelda (Any) Super Mario World / 2 (SNES)
WoW - mostly out of habit, Baldurs Gate - first RP game I played, Planescape
Torment - fantastic story
Diablo II Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Unreal Tournament
Dont play
quizkampen, rumble, wordfeud
World of Warcraft Black Ops 2 Fable 3
Angry birds, ruzzle, quizkampen, wordfeud. Roliga och man får fundera ut en strategi
för att vinna.
The Sims, Ratcher and Clank and Monopoly. Fun and easy games to play.
FIFA 10-13, the best game cause its realistic. Maffia 2 cause you have to finish
levels(chapters). And Grand theft auto same as mafia
GTA Tetris Excite bike
wordfeud Angry Birds wii-lego
Chrono Trigger Half-Life Braid
Tycker framförallt om Tetris eftersom det är ett snabbt och enkelt spel man kan
påbörja och avsluta när som, ett evighetsspel som man inte behöver få cravings efter.
Spelar inte så mycket mer spel nuförtiden, haha, men förr gillade jag spel när man
bygde upp saker så som The Sims, Sims City etc. Också evighetsspel, jag antar att det
är det jag gillar. Man kan återkomma när som och man bestämmer själv hur historian
ska gå.
Runescape so many things u can do and met great people trough the game, with every
week new content Call Of Duty everything can happen its strategy and shooting
together what can be better Ace Of Spades its a combination of minecraft and a
shooter in 1 sentence, great fun to shoot people and go to there base making a secret
Journey PS3 - Amazing concept, style and soundtrack. No words needed. Jet Set
Radio Future XBOX - An unappreciated game that won my heart with it's fantastic
soundtrack, fun and challenging gameplay and not to mention the environment. The
feeling of racing through Tokyo on your rollerblades beats everything. Okami PS2 - I
can't remember how many times I've replayed it but Okami will always have a special
place in my heart. The storytelling is great and it always keep you wondering what
will happen next. The characters are charming with their own quirks and personalities,
the concept of watercolor and ink works flawless with the graphics. The music is a
mix of traditional Japanese style with engaging battle music. Overall it got the whole
package. Honorable mentions: Final Fantasy 9, Mass Effect series, Atelier of Arland
series, Ace Attorney series, Persona 4, LA Noire and Heavy Rain.
League of Legends Legends of Zelda Super Mario
Only play PC.. BF3 Settlers 4 War of the Worlds (98)
1st place: Grand Theft Auto-series Why: This game let's you experience freedom
within a huge open modern and highly realistic world. The developers has always
taken tons and tons of details in account, which makes the game live and stand out
from any other game. This is, and will probably be my all-time favorite. 2nd place:
Battlefield 3 (PC) Why: I haven't played many other shooters in the past compared to
some really experienced old school gamers has, but once I played this game on quite
high graphics, I was blown away by the visuals and the feel within the game.
Everything is in perfect porportions. It offers a high variety of maps, which keeps you
enjoying the game for a longer time. 3rd place: Need for Speed: Underground 2 (PC)
Why: Had many other games, but I did choose this one because it has had quite an
impact on me. This game was totally amazing when it was released. It offered so much
for it's era of racing games. Amazing customization, great free-roam, the story was
actually good, and tight visuals for it's time.
Total War-Series: Realistic, deep and varied. Elder Scrolls-series: Free, open, wide
Mass effect-series: Deep roleplaying
1. FIFA. älskar sport 2. Skate 3. extrem sport är najs som fan 3. Football Maeger,
Zelda a link to the past. ( SNES ) Breath of fire IV ( PS1 ) Tetris attack ( SNES )
JOURNEY It's such a different game, and so emotional. I like it because it stands out
from "typical" games and because it's charming story and stunning graphics had me in
joy. Amazing game. BASTION Also a different game. It's a platformer, but so
charming, so beautifully told and so well-written that it's just fantastic. I love it do
death because of it's narrative, story and sweet characters. RED DEAD
REDEMPTION This game is something out of the ordinary. I like it because of the
amazing story, the great characters, the world and because it's an open-world game
giving the feel of freedom and choice. I love it.
1)Ratchet & Clank-serien 2)Dark Chronicle 3)Tales of the Abyss Mängder med olika
vapen (en del med häftig design och knasiga effekter och funktioner), bra musik, fin
grafik och stor värld att utforska.
Bloodline Champions - best arena game Path of Exile - diablo 2 says it all World of
Tanks - MMOshooter with tanks, whats not to like
I just enjoy fantasy a hole lot therefor its games like: Assasins Creed 3 Prototype 2
The Witcher 2 and so on.
Prey, because of the puzzles mixed with some shooting. Also a rich story. Zeno Clash,
because style and graphix. Trine, cause puzzle platformer with fun co-op. Also
Black & White - God simulator. Freelancer - Best spacegame Ever. Incoming - Arcade
Black Ops 2 'cause I like shooting people Trackmania because no matter how many
times I crash, the car is fine! GOVERNMENT STOLE MY DRIVER'S LICENSE
Halo, I love slicing people's ass off with the plasma sword thing.
- Final Fantasy VII (story, gameplay, style of FF-games in general) - World of
Warcraft (by far the best made and most entertaining MMO with so much to do) Dota2 (I like competition and teamplay and this is the perfect game for both)
The elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind I love the story of the game, and also how big the
game world is. The freedom the game gives you makes it perfect Fable The first game
is one of the best games I've played. The story is wonderful and you have so much
power in the end so you feel godlike! FEAR Every now and again I like to pick up a
horror game, and FEAR is a perfect mix of horror and first person shooter.
League of legends - really nice to team with friends Starcraft 2 - really nice to play
with friends and solo. Skyrim - becus its so free
Tetris - Kan vara fast i flera timmar, simplistiken och logiskt tänkande attraherar mig.
Blur - Älskar stilen på det, det känns väldigt modernt, sticker ut bland alla andra
racingspel. Ett spel som går i liknande stil är (ett spel som mergar dessa hade jag blivit
beroende av) Nitronic Rush - Innehar nästan allt som ett awsome spel skall ha.
Grafiken, mekaniken och ljudet är helt underbart! Önskar bara att dom gjort det
multiplayer (dom håller ju dock på att utveckla en uppföljare). Bulletstorm- Det enda
FPS som jag gillar. Älskar verkligen grafiken och känslan som är i atmosfären och
mekaniken med force-saken med handsken och att döda på så snygga och roliga sätt
som möjligt.
Ninja Gaiden 1 NES - om man hoppar rätt är det lätt. Ninja Gaiden DS - Crowd
control Star Craft: Brood war - co/op!
Cod 4 mw 3 anno 1400
Mass Effect, Haunting Ground and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
World of Warcraft, black ops. Cs.
Trine 2 music, art and co-op Warcraft 3 -art direction
Guild Wars 2 - Wonderful MMO where i can play with my friends. Dragon Age 2 Lovely story and characters Skyrim - Open world exploring
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim It is a vast game world with hundreds of hours of
gameplay, a vast array of quests and it's moddable. It does never get boring actually.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood The second part of the Ezio-triology. I love the story of
this part and the large focus on rebuilding and upgrading the city and the Assassin's
Guild. The quests are also huge fun, combined with the new feature of completing
them in a certain way for max points. Borderlands 2 One of the craziest shooter games
I have seen. I love the sadistical humor in this game and not to mention the
combination of shooter and RPG.
1. Tales of serien 2. GuildWars 1 & 2 3. Zelda
What kind of themes do you prefer in games? (choose all that apply)
Not sadistic but brutal games
nyfikenhet, spänning, klurighet, multiplayer - för "gemenskap" över nätet
I like melancholy games, I've notices. Like Ico. But also in the likes of "Journey"
Happy might work, but if so there has to be a touch of unhappy aswell to balance it out
Customization, if that counts. Non-linear.
Challanges to your mind
Fantasy... Game should be a escape from. Real life
Sadness, etc. Many themes to explore.
Doesn't matter too much what the theme is, as long as it does what it does well and the
business practise is fair and square. Something we see less and less.
no special theme... wth?
Realism, men måste inte vara i en realistisk värld. Dvs det måste vara trovärdigt. Men
fantasy är ok.
Controlled Chaos and team work
could be any theme
Not important. Skillfull, rewardning action.
No kidding. It's best when it's mixed.
Almost anything. Not that keen on gloryfying volience. Volience have it it place to
Not sure which
Dark fantasy, psychological themes, story-centric
fantasy, science fiction
fast-paced action
Any theme is alright if it is pulled of right
Brain games
Evolved Game Mechanics
As long as the story is well made the theme is unimportant
Fantasy with a well built lore behind it.
Action, funny
Sci-Fi, Magical
magical and medieval.
see *5
Steam-punk, Sci-Fi, Fantasy.
All of the above - in moderation
Story driven
Anything really works, as long as it makes sense. I do prefer exaggeration with themes
and a lot of underlying psycology and double meanings to everything in the game I'm
playing as well.
Never ending
Anything as long as you notice theres work put down in the game im gonna enjoy it ^^
no strong preference whatsoever as long as it fits the game (mechanics).
As long as it's handled well, I'm fine with any subject matter except maybe horror.
Anything that "works" for the game to be better
Comedy, surreal
Fantasy - altho I would argue that a variety is the key.
theological, mythological, futuristic, revenge.
Violent but not as violent as brutal/sadistic.
Epic; Fantasy; Tradgedy;
NORMAL theme
good gamedesign
Theme should be suitable for the topic.
In additon Immersion (whihc includes the selected above)
Not sure what is meant by romantic, so I intrepreted it as fantasy.
Everything that's japanese , almost :)
Fantasy, war
Most kinds
Over the top/djup i spelet(inte ngt man kan mästra under en kort stund)
do not play any games at all
Psychological horror
Heroism. Bara de gör det bra.
Kreativt, djuplodande story med en bra historia som skapar bakgrundsmaterial till
Mystical - Unexpectedness
i dont know
Poetic, philosophical
No preference.
Emotional stimuli. Romance/fear/humor/anger etc all apply - i.e. Not just having
kamp människa mot människa. Esport!
Dark, but not brutal/sadistic
Creativity (as in push players to be creative)
Freedom to play it your way
sci fi, fantasy
Fantasy and sci-fi
Well, I don't really like to theme-games. The theme _of_ the game is totally up the one
who plays it. Take for example GTA. You can be happy with it, when you've achieved
something hard; even the in-game characters' are happy. Then, while looking in the
newspaper, the game is rater Brutal/Sadistic and addicting etc. There are genres, not
themes in my opinion!
What graphical style do you prefer in video games?
Vet ej
Different styles for different type of games.
I love when it is simple yet very emotionally evoking, like "Limbo" or "Journey" or
"Ico" - I feel more at ease then. Portal 2 is an exeption. I like it just because it is pretty
minimalistic in its design although it is realistic. It also gives something to the player
that it is realisitic, first person, and not cartoony. With the constant cynical, witty
voice-over it gives a very nice contrast.
Vad somhelst som är väl gjort och passar. Fast det är häftigt när någons fantasi fått gå
bärsärk och man utnyttjar möjligheten att skapa en alternativ värld till max.
Dark, the colors toned down.
The best
Dark and gloomy.
grafics isnt everything. i enjoy old games as long as the gameplay is good.
Abstract, see works Torus Trooper, Gunroar
Depends on the theme, can´t generalize that broadly
Beror ju helt på vad det är för spel?
Darker themed colours.
Not imporatant
i really dont care
Beautyful graphics that makes the game more immersive
Muted tones/colors. Dark atmospheres.
doesn't matter
Depends on what feel the game is going for.
Realistic physics in a surrealist world.
Anime style?
depends on which game
As long as it fits the story it's unimportant
Windwaker, borderlands har mycket skön gafiskstil.
lots of colours but not in a cartoonish manner.
see *5
Everything that relates well to the theme of the game
Depends on story ofcourse.
Whatever works, as long as there's a thought behind it and not using that style because
it is the standard graphical style at the moment (such as hyperrealism)
Not more than needed, to make it playable for everyone
Realistic are the worst colours.
no strong preference whatsoever as long as it fits the game (mechanics).
Anything that "works" for the game to be better
Doesnt really matter.. The style of the game should match the idea of the game. You
cant have an open world game with farcry graphics for a chess game..
Depends on the type of game, again variety.
Don't know! Doesnt' matter!
good contrasts
Stilized realism. See Borderlands.
Graphical style should be suitable for the topic. It's one of the possible devices to
create an interesting world. In my opinion it's impossible to pick up favourite
graphical style without any context.
No specific preference
Hmm , final fantasy quality :)
do not play any games at all
Antar att detta kan gå under "Cartoonish feel", men jag tycker ändå att det är värt att
nämna japanskt animerat. Alltså en manga/anime feel.
Återigen, bara det görs bra så duger vilket som.
a good toon shader is wonderful.Naruto ultimate ninja storm or similar. ookami
dont know
No preference.
Really depends on the gametype, but mostly realistic.
Semi-Realistic and also comic book (not cartoony, Zeldad WW, bleh. More like XIII,
Darkness 2, Ultimate Spider-Man)
Does not matter really. Counter Strike 1.6 have nice graphic forexample.
note: this really depends on the game.
Something that makes the game stand out
A really nice artstyle that can include all of the examples. It's just how they're are
It really depends what genre it is. I love everything from super cartoonish to super
Neonljus (som i Nitronic rush)
a unique art style
8) What is most important to you in video games? Well-made characters with a distinct personality
and look, or wonderful landscapes and graphics?
When playing video games, are you studying the university of the game or are you just
playing the game? Why?
Just playing the game because that is the only thing that matters for me.
Usually i avoid the toturial of the game and learn the game by exploring until i get to
that point of the game when you are need of a game strategy and so on then i look it
up on the internet and find one the customise it for what i want.
I tend to stop and look at different things and ponder on how it was made or just to
appreciate how good it looks.
depends of the game, but a bit of bacground check is almost always aplaied.
I am just playing games ,cause i can make my mind free and been relaxing.
university or do you mean universe? I like to explore the game, but not how itäs
I don't understand this question, do you relly mean university? maybe universe or
universality? i usually don't pay much attention to the details of the game unless it is
relly bad and then you get annoyed.
Just playing because thats why i bought it.
både ock.. beror på vad man känner för.
little of both
spelar för nöjes skull, tar bort tankar från annat
If the game gives "room" for exploration or implies on the player (me) to
explore/study the universe, I study it. Like in Portal 2 with all the posters and grafitti,
but it the game forces me into a time-pressure (or something else) I find it hard to
I play the game to win.
Nu tolkar jag att "university" var ett felstavat "universe". Beror på vilket vilket humör
jag är. Ibland det ena, ibland det andra. Men oftast tycker jag det är roligt att utforska
spelets värld.
Är det ens möjligt att "bara" spela spelet? Hur skiljer man på de två när man spelar?
Det är få spel man kan klara eller spela bra om man inte tar in åtminstone en hel del av
helheten. Jag antar att jag tillhör dem som går in väldigt långt i spel - jag läser faktiskt
all lore, coh jag kan tala om vad spreaden och bullet dropen är på nästan vartenda
vapen i BF3 - stående, liggande, med attachments och utan...
I find this question to be confusing. When I play a game, I play the game. What
university are you talking about?
Im assuming you mean universe. Yes I do. Not in the sense of "Oh I wonder how they
coded that" or "I wonder how they textured that" or any other technicalities. I know
little to nothing about developing a game. But in the sense of simply exploring, yes I
do. If I find it interesting enough. And if I know there is stuff to find other than just
Studying the university of the game.
I've always been a sucker for lore and information about the universes.
Don't understand the question.
I choose the games around my area of interest
I don't quite understand the question.
Depends on the game.
Just playin the game I guess. Don't really understand the question..
I guess it depends on the game. Most of the time when I'm playing games I try to learn
all I can about the characters and the story of all of them. Especially when the game is
long and you're going to spend a lot of time with them.
Never play this kind
I dont understand this question !! kindly reframe it!!
Just playing
Just playing.
Spelar bara! Enkla spel som inte kräver att man sätter sig in i en story. Spelar inte så
mycket spel, ska vara enkelt.
It depends on the game. In single player games it's easier to get drawn into the
atmosphere of the gameworld and thus you have to study it.
Define university of the game... diversity?
Just playing... Escape from Work och studdy
Do you mean "universe"? If the game world is interesting then yes, I will "study" it (to
a certain degree). I suppose I just want to know the full story.
spelar bara, roligt och avslappnande då inget är på riktigt
Only for the game, because its fun
just play the game, cause game is for fun and relax.
It varies, sometimes i just play the game to waste some time, but other times i like to
explore every detail of the game and story.
Depends on the game, and what mood iam in. Mostly i do not explore
It depends what game it is. In open-world game I always explore the world and try to
find glitches/bugs and just fool around, but in games like Half-Life 2 I play the story.
I try to study the university of the game.
Before I loved exploring everything in a game. But now when I'm a little older, with
kids and less time to play I don't have the patience to explore.
Just playing bcz I don't care
just playing, it´s entertainment
i am just playing the game
Just playing, why I don't know
Depends on how much thought is put into the game's lore. If we take games like the
Witcher, which is based on the universe of the Books, there is huge of lore to discover
inside the game as well as in the books or on online wikis. Or MMOs like World of
Warcraft which depsite never making anything original, still have some quite
interesting lore behind it. I do like to read up, discover and emerge myself in it. While
if we look at games such as Call of Duty or League of Legends, the lore or story in
those are hardly the focus in the first case, and in the second case merely something
Riot invested in creating as a afterthought to sink a couple of million of $ just cause.
i usually playthough a game 1 time casually to learn it and then if i like it like FF7 for
example i can replay it with made up challanges or speedrunning. it makes the game
much more fun.
Assuming you mean 'universe' and not 'university': Yes, exploring the game universe
is half the fun. A rich game world can bring up deeper philosophical questions and
make me reflect upon how our own society works contrasted with that in the game.
Just playing.
Depends on the game. I usually don't fuss about world-building details because they
usually don't let me accomplish the game's goal better. At least, on my first
playthrough. The few exceptions where I did, I was usually trying to picture if the
environment looked lived-in or not.
I just like to play the game and learn from friends who played more than me.
Just playing games
just playing games for fun. it´s a great way to waste time with your friends
I play the game since that is what I like to do
studying the university. Because it's more fun
spelar bara
Playing the game, lack of time.
Depends on the game, really. If you know there's a possablity for hidden awesome
stuff I explore more. If it's just a flashgame I usually just play it.
Just playing the game
I like to study the details in a game, because you get a better feeling for the game.
Just playing for fun
just playing as intertainmnent
just playing as intertainmnent
Depends on The game
Jag spelar spel för att det är kul.
Va!? Om jag studerar universitetet av spelet? Wtf???
Playng the game för Funäsdalen
If it's a game i really like i will read about everything there is to know about the games
universe and characters.
just game for fun
I play the game to learn more about the game.
Kan inte svara på frågan
Depends on what kind of game. If it's an RPG I study the university, otherwise I just
play the game.
Studying the world, you never know what you might find :3
Some games yes. Most of the times I study the game more, I get another feeling of it
and enjoy it even more.
studying the university of the game
Just playing
depends which game, and depend what type of game. I can go very in depth, as well as
just "play for fun"
Playing for relax
Just the game.
I think you mean universe. Depends on the game but mostly just playing and reading
the in game story. Almost no extra curricular studies.
Spelar bara för skojs skull.
Både och, dumt att missa upplevelsen genom att rusa genom spelet. men samtidigt ska
det inte gå för långsamt
both because I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.
Yes, to understand game and adjust tactics.
I don't study the universe outside the game itself (read on the internet and such). Butt i
do try to explore as much as possible ingame.
Don't know
Both, the games are expensive and I want most of it.
Both.. I like to study it.. but not to the last detail.
Spelar bara för att jag anser att om man försöker skapa sig en uppfattning om spelet så
förlorar man en del av nöjet.
playing and going with the flow
just playing
If game's universe is well planned and done, I'll gladly study about it. I don't really
have a reason for it. It's just interesting.
just play for fun
I am not sure what the question is. If the question is if I study the craftsmanship that
goes in to the game when I play it then yes. I it interesting to see what is done to evoke
emotions or to see how the UI work and so on. So many facets goes in to crafting a
good game. A big reason why I decided to study the art of Game Design my self. If
the question is if I study the lore of the world where the game is set then the answer is
yes to. Part of what makes a really good game is that your transported in to a other
world. A world you can explore and learn is secrets. When a game hint at something
bigger then just what you seen on the screen then is easy to just become a part of the
I am always studying the meta and strategies that apply to the given game. I find the
aspect of optimizing my playstyle to be the most rewarding experience
no just playing the game
dude.. what?
I don't read too much lore but I do try to soak in the atmosphere.
I like to explore and colect hiden things. It is also fun to listen to different sidequests.
It gives life to the gameworld.
When I choose to play a game it is because the whole universe in the game is
captivating, with good stories and characters.
Första gången som jag spelar ett spel så spelar jag bara igenom det, sen om jag gillar
spelet så kan jag spela igen och då mer noggrant besöka spelets alla element.
depends on the game
The universe* is an engine in the story, and if you don't have a reasonable universe
wrapped around the gaming experience then what sense can you make of the gaming
Just playing the game. Counter Strike is a fast game, that needs no thinking or
studying, just shoot and run ;)
Just playing the game.
It depends. If I want to explore the world and see new thing or progressing with my
character I will probably study the universe out of my own free will. It also depends
on what kind of game I'm playing. If it is a deep backstory of the universe I might go
into it unless everything is thrown in my face.
Just playing the game, dont feel like I have the time for more.. since im a mom,
student and a gamer ;)
Mostly just playing the game.
While playing a game i will study and analyze to find next step in it.
Morrowind is certainly a game that can be studied but im no freaking ludologist
Mostly i just play the game for the sake of relaxation, to get my kind off say school or
other things, for a change of pace. Instead of reading a book...
Mostly Just playing the game. Beacuse i always sit in TeamSpeak and talk with
friends when im on the computer, so hard to take everything in and concentrate on
I don't understand the question. Why would I play a video game for any other reason
than to play it.
For my favorite games, I enjoy knowing different aspects of it, like the creator, the
background of the game, etc.
If it is a game with backstory i'd like to be somewhat invested.
kinda just playing the game i would say
If it's a larger game, I study it so I know what I'm dealing with.
I spend more time reading about the game and tweaking it than I do actually playing it.
Just playing the game.
Both really. Depends on the game. Mostly just playing the game.
Both I love games where i dont mind the leveling up system. One of the main reasons
that i love the kh series is because it is fun to fight random monsters to gain exp And
the story as well that kept you playing to find out more
It depends on the game, if it has a complicated and involving story then I study the
university of the game, but if its a game that is less about the story then I just play the
Not really studying the universe, but I am enjoying the story and sometimes enjoy the
side stuff.
Really depends on which kind of game it is. But I generally prefer story and character
before gameplay.
Depends on the type/genre. BF3 was worth studying. Some games are just there to be
I like to compete with my friends trough video games
Just play the game.Games are just for fun.
Oftast bara spela
just playing the game
Playing the game unless the gameworld is wellmade, coherent and interesting.
Just playing for recreation.
depends on which game, if the games universe is intresting enough I can explore it
I'm guessing you're asking about the games universe. I like to understand the game
and it's lore as much as possible. Immersion makes the game alot more fun.
I delve deep into the game and set my mind in a state where I let the story affect me
emotionally to get the very most out of the game. There usually are a lot of people
behind a game and they have worked on creating a world , characters and a story with
emotional value and it's only fair to give a game the fair chance of affecting you in the
way the developers intended.
I always want to find out all there is to know about the university. I find it to be the
very soul of the game.
University wan't to feal the deapth of the game.
I read guides and theorycraft a little. Not to deep into it though. Mostly play for fun,
but i want to perform at a decent level.
Both, cuz
Det gör det roligare.
If I'm alone, I spend time reading/listening/searching for information about the game
while playing, otherwise I mostly play as to not slow down the game experience for
those I'm playing with.
Just playing
Im trying to learn as much as possible about the universe in the game to be able to get
a better imersion
just for fun
Fattar inte! Menar ni universe? För det gör jag om spelet har fin grafik!
just playing
Studiying the university
I try to study it so that I can learn to make my own "good" games and avoid mistakes
others have made.
i want to immerse myself into the game and its world, not study it.
playing. To reset the brain after reading for several hours.
It really depends on what kind of game it is and how much lore there is. Some games,
for example Skyrim have too much of it. So if you try to read it all you will spend
more time reading than actually playing the game. But it's nice to find some pieces of
lore here and there. Some of the most interesting bits is usually the piece of lore that's
not in any text, but rather told through characters actions.
just play game, didnt know the reason
university of the game? Förstår tyvärr inte riktigt hur ni menar. Om ni undrar ifall jag
är typen som bara kör på eller typen som måste undersöka allt så är jag typ nummer
två. Jag har ett kontrollbehov och måste veta allt. Jag vill inte missa något.
It depends on how well the game can draw me in. Some games I study the universe
and explores all of the game. But in other games I just want the story and says "Fuck
that" to all the sidetracking.
Beror en del på vilken spelgenre och vilket humör man är på. Älskar att utforska
spelvärlden och hitta personliga favoritkaraktärer, platser etc. Samtidigt är det vissa
dagar man bara vill spela lite FPS med några kompisar och låta tiden flyga iväg.
Not sure I get this question.
Just enjoying the game
Hard question. Some games require you too think and study, some simply don't and
remains shallow.
I don't understand this question.
depends on the game some games are not worth the time to study the univers, because
the developers put things in just to make the game not look as shallow. However
games that have depth and you can feel how the developer are close to the project I
find the universe become a part of the game and a way to tell a intresting story, instead
of maybe extra bosses or some extra currency.
depends on the game if i like it i usually read about the lore and im also like to make
sure i do everything the game has to offer ifi like it.
Not sure I understand the question. Would say just play the game.
Just playing the game.
Om spelet är bra utforskar jag mer. Är det givande att leta utanför huvudspåret sporrar
det mig att fortsätta leta och utforska.
Just playing the game.
Studying the university of the game. Why? No reason it just comes naturally
Both, I really enjoy playing the game but I also want to discover the world of the
game. There can be lots of other enjoyable things to do besides "playing the game".
Im just playing the game, and focus on having fun.
Both, depending on how much I enjoy the game or rather why I enjoy it. But I
probably try to focus on playing the game more, since I don't play that much games to
start with.
Im just playing because it is fun
its more fun to explore the univers of the game than actuall playing. it´s boring when
you know theres a end in the game. that the world ends
gillar bara att spela spelet antar att spelet ska visa mig universumet, antar att det va det
ni menade med frågan.
I like to be able to explore the game but still want to have guidelines for what I am
supposed to do.
Eehm, not so intrested in games at al so I dont think that much, just play...
any time
Nä för det har ingen betydelse
Playing the game, if I understand correctly you are asking if I am applying will I am
studding at the university. I do not do both I usually either study or play games.
Depends on the game really sometimes i just want to have some good old fashion fun
playing it and sometimes i want to learn about the game in general.
Depends on the game. If the game has a really interesting world then i will study the
lore of the world.
The world is the most impotent thing in a game for me.
Dont play video games
Play the game ofcourse. 5000 quests in wow * 0,3 a4 page in questtext for example.
That's 1500 a4 pages of text. Ain't nobody got time for that!
The university, because it gives much more dept too the game.
Just playing
Depends on if that aspect of the game is fun/appealing to me. Not all games have/need
escaping from reality for a short while
playing the game, cause i bought it to play it
(university == universe?) Both, but not always simultaneously. It depends on whether
I want to immerse myself in the game or reflect on mechanics for example.
Jag tycker om att utforska och lära mig nya saker om spelet, som gör att jag kan spela
bättre och utvecklas.
(I assume you mean universe) I love a great story but a game without a story or with a
very vague story works just as well. I usually watch all cutscenes and listen to all
dialogue however I rarely look up the universe on the Internet. Why? I want to feel
immersed in the world and feel that something is happening because of my actions.
I will assume you meant universe. It depends on the game, but if the setting is
interesting, then yes
Playing, programmering suger
Depends on the game.
Both. If I get lost in the game I'm unlikely to analyze it but if I find elements that
intrigue me I'm likely to make notes of them for future reference.
studying the game. Because I myself am a game programmer.
Former, cuz knowing the whole Storyline and Background Makes Game atrractive
I dont know, can't really answer that quiestion:P
Only the university
Just playing, its relaxing. Make me think of other things
i am both studying as well as playing the game. This is because i like to innovate the
faults while i enjoy playing.
Just playing.
I dont know what you mean by "university", but i can both just play the game or read
about its story and stuff like that if i feel like thats important for the experience.
Totally depends on the game, if I'm playing Tetris it's not like I wanna know every
single story about each block. But if I play lets say Red Dead Redemption I wanna
know more about the characters etc.
If you are talking about "studying the university" as in understanding every level of it
to become a better player then I would say no. I play my way and I have no doubt
many people would kick my ass in many games. But that isnt why I play games. I play
my way and only that way can I enjoy a game!
just playing the game. I jsut want to have some entertainment.
I am studying the university of the game, I don't know why.
Exploring is fun
Spelar bara för den sociala biten
Not sure if I understand the question entirely, therefore I'll leave this one unanswered.
Just playing!
Depends on the game mechanics and complexity. If the game requires a further study
to enhance performance, i will study it.
just playing the game since noone can say it is not fun :)
När jag var yngre så spelade jag bara eftersom jag helt enkelt inte tänkte längre. nu är
jag lite äldre och visare så tänker jag mer på helheten, att vara förutseende och vad
som faktiskt krävs för att vinna.
Playing cause its fun
Både och.
Spelar bara spelet, bryr mig inte om handlingen.
Just palying the game, because i like it.
Dont understand the question.
just playing
Both, depending on what mood I am in.
I'm guessing that you meant "the universe" of the game? I would say, dependent on
which game it is, but in general, I always think about how they did that skill, how does
that work en etc. so the first option there
I would say if the game distinguish itself, I think of the way how it's made. Otherwise,
I just play the game.
Spelar för nöjes skull? Förstår inte riktigt frågan.
i study because the more u know the easyer to win
Both, depends if the university and game seems worth studying if not I don't.
Jag gillar att kolla på detaljer runt omkring, vill se hur mycket spelmakarna brytt sig.
Just playing. That is what I think is fun.
PLAY CHESS during my free-time. I use it to refresh me brain.
what? just playing, depending on how good it is
studying the university, i like game that have a great world. the feeling of exploration
is amazing.
Playing the game
you must study the universe of the game. See what crazy things you can do.
playing to win and get better at the game!
Playing mostly
University? :P Yes, I enjoy to think about the world and learn more about it.
Försöker uppleva alla delar av spelet, alltså utforska snarare än att bara klara ut det.
Just playing. It is for fun.
i love lore, cuz its nice
Depends on the genre, game, how it is constructed and if studying the game universe
is enjoyable.
Just playing
The university of the game = ? I just play the game.
It depends on how well made the game is made, a higher level of immersion lets me
enjoy the game at an entierly different level. I find I will scrutinize the game more
thoroughly if the facade is broken.
I don't want to just play game. Its like the game I play must depend on my thinking
capability and decision what I make during the Game. There should be a specific task
given to me and I must be the one to accomplish which will make me feel happy and
think like a hero.
A little bit of both.. Playing the game because, that's the point of the game? And
inspecting the universe (or did you really mean university?) of the game out of
curiousity and because of its relevance to the game.
I play the games mainly to waste time when bored.
No, too old. But I still enjoy to play :-)
Just playing the game
Studying the university of the game
Studying the University of the Game. The story interests me.
Just playing the game. I love to dive in to another world which is not like my own at
Mostly just playing the game, I'm not much of the thinking type of person (atleast not
during playing/watching things) which means that I mostly tend to go with the "flow"
of the game. Thinking, if any, usually occurs after the game.
I study the game for a bit. I don't play that many games, but when I do, I take a deep
dive into it.
Depends on the game
I dont care about that.
It depends of which game it is. Is it like FarCry3, have a big world to discover.
Playing cassualy
spelar bara, orkar inte sätta mig in i hela berättelsen.
Depends on the game. I don't want to read loads of text about small things.
Just playing the game for fun
just playin'. playing competitive so don't really care about the rest
When I play i do so to be enjoyed so I try to be as engrossed as possible, so Im just
playing the game without analyzing it as that takes away some of the laidback nature I
fell games has.
do not play any games at all
just playing, because I am not interested in whole story. Playing is for freetime and
then I just want to play
Just play
I'm a visual person, therefore it's important that the sets are well made and I prefer
games with as little restrictions as possible on where you can go. GTA is good
example, you can explore the environment, which is fun.
Just play
Depends on the game. If the story is interesting then I may study the university, if it
isn't then I just play for the gameplay.
Depending on how the game presents what depth it does have, I usually try to get most
out of it. For instance, in the first Mass Effect, I studied the Codex (in-game
encyclopedia) in depth to find out about this vast world I was traversing.
Just playing. I nostly play online games for the competition, no time for studying then.
Jag gillar att fördjupa mig i spelets miljöer och historik, då det ger mig en möjlighet att
undfly den inte alltid roliga verkligheten.
just usually just play the game but if i like it a lot i study more about the game
just playing
I generally dive into the universe of the game, a solid background usually gives a
much deeper attachment to the game and it's world.
Oftast spelar jag bara spelet, men jag spelar på ett sätt som gör att jag alltid vill sätta
mig in i spelet så mycket som möjligt.
Båda. Vill inte avbryta min immersion med att analysera, men kan inte låta bli att
tänka i sådana banor ibland.
Jag vill få inlevelse i karaktärerna och dess omgivning och vetenskapen bakom dess
I have begun looking at more things than just the game. I like to analyse a lot of things
so I think of a lot when playing. I am studying technical artist so I tend to try and look
a bit more at how they have done things since I also learn how to make games.
Just playing the game
I study the universe because I like see every detail.
Eftersom jag inte ens vet vad ni menar med university of the game, gissar jag att jag
bara spelar det då..
Just playing
Studying, because there is much more to games than mere gameplay. There is details
in the background, maybe some easteregg laid out by the producers and so on.
Don't follow he question
Playing for fun
depends on what game but mostly i like to just play the game as it is a break from
Spelar bara. Kul
Im studying the university, because I want to get the whole picture of the game.
Both - I love when games accidentally makes me seek knowledge about the lore
Not all games have a backstory that is worth caring about, such as all the Call of Duty:
Modern Warfare games. Also, I tend to find games that have a backstory heavily
based on reality to be less interesting vs games that have a bit more imagination built
into it.
Studying the university of the game? I do not understand the question. But I often find
myself analyzing games rather than mindlessly "enjoying" (read: pushing through)
them, as often intended by commercial game companies like Blizzard. P.S. Above
question: Graphics could be more important than characters and vice versa. Take a
look at Flower (2008, PS3) which has no characters. I find it diffucult to generalize,
but as characters has a more conventional connection to storytelling, that is my
Just playing the game
no, i m not studying the university of the game. the reason is.. it is a game. i am not a
developer to focus on the stuff, a regular person who wants to kill the time.
Just playing, I don't have a console myself, more a social thing for me.
Spelar bara, är varken insatt eller intreserad!
Of course I always try out different strategies
Depends on the type of game. but mostly i study it if its a good university.
Both. The universe of the game is important to keep my drawn back to the game. It
needs to have a depth, a story and be beautifully created. It all adds to the gaming
Playing the game. Intention...object..main idea....
Just, playing the game. playin is just a way of spending time together.
Just playing
just play games in free time.
Don't understand this question.
just playing to pass time
I try to explore as much as possible.
playing the game
Just play
I am just playing the game, I guess that if I like the game I don't think about anything
else I just keep playing.
Båda, beror helt på spelet. T.ex. CS är endast för spela, skjuta och trolla. The Saints
Row eller Mass effect däremot allt att komma in i storyn och bli del av världen.
Shooters: Just having fun. RTS/City Building: Studying, min maxing.
Just playing the game, because it´s supposed to be a few minutes of joy.
Spelar för att det är kul och för att jag alltid gjort det. Typ fördriva tiden.
Dont really understand the question. But I try to explore as much as I can ingame so I
dont miss a lot of content.
It differs. Some puzzle games I just play, of course. And some make me dig deeper in
the "world" of the game.
both - because I think that you can't get a feeling of satisfaction without these two
thing. landscape is just important as playing the game.
Studying the university, there is often a story to be told
Det ger ju självklart en bättre spelkänsla om man känner till mer om världen och
karaktärerna, dark souls är ett bra exempel, här får man ju inte allt presenterat så man
måste gräva lite själv.
Just playing the game!
Depends, if I play a mmo, I enjoy getting carried away by the universe and the
characters. When I play a more competitive multilayer game I don´t think of the
universe at all, like battlefield or dota, I just want to win.
Just Playing The Game because
I get absorbed in the games universe, when a game is bad, then I usually study the
Just playing the game. It's about esport you know!
Depends, some times you feel like reading background story and other times you just
whant to play. Depends on mood and how much time you have.
I like to study the university of the game becasue every thing in the game was made
with hard work
I don't really understand the question here.
Since I don't play many different games I think I study the university of the game a lot.
Just beacuse I play the same game so many times it comes naturally that you study
more details I guess
I like to se the univesity of the game if I get the feeling that the makers have put an
effort in it.
im just playing the game. cause when i play the game it's my spare time.
I just play the game.
I always throw myself into the lore and universe if the game is good enough. Mass
Effect for example, I love that universe so much that I've bought and read books,
watched movies and spent several hours on it's wiki. If the game intrigues me enough,
I always go the extra mile
Både och. Ibland för att analysera hur ett spel är uppbyggt, ibland för att bara koppla
Depends on which game
I prefer just playing the game, but really appriciate when the game gives the
possibility to learn more about it's universe.
playing, kul.
University of the game. Escapism
Spelar bara spelet.
Mostly I'm just playing the game. The vast majority of games makes me not want to
spend too much time on every single one.
just playing
(I assume that you mean universe..) I do like to immerse myself into the games
universe, learning the lore and the characters.
Im feeling the game.
I don't like games with a lot of text and history, I just play for relaxation.
Playing mostly but the university plays big aswell
Just playing.
Playing the game. You school separate "work" and hobbies imo.
if you mean exploring the universe in the game then yes, I want to play all of the game
not just the story.
I like to explore both the entirety of the ingame world which means i like to both
experience the games story and it's environment.
Stupid Question. I don't understand this.
Både ock
I just playing the game.
I want the story as much as I want to explore the game's world.
Universe? Yeah, sure at it's best it's an escape from reality to a different world which
is amazing to experience.
Not sure what is meant by university in this context.
Vill se och uppleva allt i ett spel jag gillar
just playing the game. for fun
? If you men universe. Then yes I will also study and look around in the world to find
hidden gems.
Spelar bara... Finns inget annat än att få bort motståndet som är intressant
just playing the game - its a passtime, not a life commitment
I can do both. Some games I just play through with out thinking much about it, but
most games I can sit for hours and just read lore I found. The games I have enjoyed
the most are the games that have a well build world OUTSIDE the game.
No, but i've learn to do it more and more
Studying the universe, makes playing more fun.
Just Playing the Game..
Fint play
Its funny
Just playing the game. Dont have time for more.
Playing it for fun.
just playing the game.
just playing
playng the game for distraction purpose
Playing for fun
Jag analyserar sällan den miljö jag spelar i, förutom om jag av någon anledning stör
mig på omgivningen eller den förstör mitt spel på något sätt. Upplägget bryr jag mig
heller sällan om så länge det inte förstör mitt spel.
playing the game mostly, sometimes on updates or new content for me i question stuff
around it
If you mean to ask if I study the universe when playing, then yes, I often do. I get very
engaged emotionally when playing games and really put myself in the hero/ine's
shoes. I imagine what it feels like to be there, to see what they see and what it's like to
be in that world.
Im studying the game universe, yes.. because as much info as possible in a game helps
to add feeling in the game.. deep games can be pretty awesome :)
I do not really understand this one. I play games because I enjoy it, relaxation, and to
escape reality sometime.
Do not understand the question
just play for fun
I definitely dwell into the universe for immersion and because of mere interest. I think
if someone can forge a good story and an interesting setting, one should explore it as
much as one can.
For fun
Mestadels bara spela men även studera lite grann. Jag studerar mest ljudet i spelet. Hur
man har spelat in det och vad man har använt för plug-ins för att totalförändra ljudet.
Och ju mer saker man kan göra i spelet (inte bara slåss och gå framåt under spelets
gång) desto roligare blir det.
Most games i play require you to have a pretty good understanding of it, so yes.
Study, cause in enhances the experience
I try to read the lore to understand elements of the game that I otherwise wouldn't. A
game with rich history and lore is almost as important as "playing the game"
A bit of both, they do compliment each other.
I like erotic fan art of my soldiers
Depends, most often i just play the game and react to things looking weird etc.
I think I do a bit of both, I often try to think of how they solved some of the things you
might see, like how a certain puzzle works in the mechanics of the game, but I don't
let things like that take away the fun of playing.
depends on what game and how fun i think it is. if its a really nice game i sometimes
wants to explore everthing.
Jag vet inte, är det ett MMO som WoW eller SWTOR så läser jag på mer, och är det
indie-spel vill jag veta mer om utvecklarna och så. Men annars brukar jag bara spela
spelar bara spelet, men uppskattar väldigt mycket bra ideer och att det flyter bra, antar
att de två går ihop ganska mycket.
Playing because are bored. Other for Nice
Both, but only if I find an interest in the characters.
Both, depending om the game
just relaxing
Studying the game, because I find the story and characters interesting
I try to immerse myself into the game, it is more fun to actually play as your character,
not only control him/her.
Båda. För är ett spel som är tillräckligt snyggt kan vara intressant att bara studerar
miljön medan ett spel som inte är snyggt kan man spela igenom utan att tänka på hur
dåligt det är i miljömässigt.
Which character, of any game, has made the greatest impression on you? Why?
Nico Bellic in GTA IV. He's raw!
I think super mario has done the greatest impression on me because of that he tries on
and on to reach a goal without thinking of what will come his way.
Jim Raynor from Starcraft because of his rebellious attitude.
i dot know
Realistic, like GTA or assassin, because i can assume myself in the game.
Not sure.
sackboy in little big planet. because it is simple, relatable and has a lot of variations.
Crash bandicoot. That was the first game i owned with my sister when we were little.
That character made a impression.
super mario. got me into playing
I dont know
super mario, fortfarande så populär trots att han varit med i många år
GLADos. She's hardly a character, but just becuase I love/hate her so much (mostly
love, though) in Portal 2 as the commentary that gives cynical response on everything
you do. And because she sings.
? Gordon?
Svårt att säga.
Shepard i Mass Effect. För att vara precis: FemShep. För att det var första gången jag
fick spela en kvinnlig karaktär som inte var sexistiskt eller stereotypt gjord. Jag inser
att det är för att hon är precis samma som MaleShep, och det är ju det som är poängen.
Hon är bara cool, heroisk, kompetent och intressant, och hon är attraktiv utan att
någonsin bli objektifierad, chickifierad eller sexualiserad av utvecklarna. Svårt att
förklara hur extremt betydelsefull en sådan spelupplevelse är för en kvinnlig gamer.
Artorias, the Abysswalker (Dark Souls). He's awesome. And got a nice lore behind
Snake, from Metal Gear Solid. I played Metal Gear Solid 3. He is freaking badass.
They have made him look cool, catched the "hero-essence" but yet not overdone it.
What I mean is he is still credible. Not as far as realism goes but for a game. The way
they've designed the game helps on that part because you can get injured by all kinds
of stuff. Shots, poison, leeches, fractures etc. Of course a normal person couldnt
possibly get back on their feet after the amount of injuries you take as playing the
character Snake, but it still feels somewhat truer then the "either you die or you
survive uncrippled by anything" mentality in lots of games. There is no inbetween.
Snake is also kind of a smartass when it comes to warfare and the role is generally
played really well.
Commander Shepard
In all honestly, I haven't played that many games with such clear personalities that
could have made that huge impression on me. But if I had to chose, it would probably
be Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2
Haven't find the perfect character yet. Good luck making one.
Shepard from Mass Effect, because while she's a real strong character, you can still
choose how you want her to be. With the customization they use every Shepard is a
different Shepard.
Tommy Vercetti, remember the name. Great personality. Sex appeal. Great voice
Can't really say.. I mean OK so McGee's Alice was scary as fuck. Other than that I
can't really come up with anyone..
I guess it was Tidus from Final Fantasy X(10). It was a long time since I played it last
time but if I recall correctly, he was kind of whiny in the beginning of the game. The
world was new to him as it was for the player playing the game. But he did develop as
a characters as the story continued and by the end he was pretty bad ass.
See nr 9
Of course MARIO : Cause he was a childhood hero !! :D
Altajir assassins creed i like his style
To hard to decide, unfortunately.
Dont know
Gordon Freeman from Half-Life. He's a believable protagonist. He's not overly badass
or an underdog.
Hunter... Wow... Love pets in real life.. Was easy chois in game :)
Can't think of any in particular.
Super mario - han bara kör på oavsett, dör han är det bara att börja om :P
no coment
none of them, game characters are unrealistic, I will forget all cause I won't live in an
unreal and fantasy world.
Not sure.
Serius Sam´s info comments ... cos thay are funny?
Master Chief in Halo. I don't know why.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze, great story overall.
Wander in Shadow of the Collossus.
Super Mario my first game
those games doesn't interest me...
Mario character
Can't answer that one, different characters make different impressions on you, and
some of them are impressions you make for them, can you make great impressions on
Cloud in Final Fantasy 7. the story and stuff around him is so fasinating
Maybe it is picking an encounter rather than a character but I come to think of the
Rachni Queen from the Mass Effect series. Being the last of her race the whole
dilemma she poses really left me thinking about my decision long after encountering
her in the game...
Crash Bandicoot, because he is a badass!
Tough choice between Big Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3 and Grayson Hunt in
Bulletstorm. Both games were about very serious matters but they weren't afraid of
having a sense of humour. I think what endeared me to them is that the characters not
only had issues and motivations, but a sense of humour and a somewhat childish way
of interacting with the world.
Guybrush Threepwood
The Zergling in SC that unit is crazy cheap and I love the impact that it can make at
the end of an game.
Ezio in Assassing creed. Because of him i got the highest grade in history
can't remember one
Ezio from Assassin´s creed. because he is a character i think you get to know very
well and not just like others where you just become them without knowing anything
about their past
Shepherd from Mass Effect because of the way he changes due to your actions
Link i zelda ,för han håller käften och ändå blir han förståd
Stan - The Secret of Monkey Island. He´s the man!
Not that much of an RP-gamer but... I guess.. Death Rider from the hack and slash
game : Darksiders. I like his agility and mobility. Also he's pretty cool and "deep".
MARIO, han är rolig
Super mario. There is a big statue of him in Karlskrona. Every day I see him when am
going to school. But then the famouse sound of the game is a important factor as well.
De jag skapat själv
Gordon Freeman har inte gjort så mycket i sig självt mera att de har låtit saker vara
osagda så man får själv använda sina fantasi för komma på svar.
Vet inte? När jag stänger av så försvinner spelet ur huvudet. Inget som fyller mitt liv.
Kan lägga till att jag aldrig har spelat WOW av den anledningen att jag är rädd att
fastna för det och förstöra mitt liv som andra har gjort.
John "freakin' Shepard from the Mass Effect games. Don't really know why.
I haven't really encountered any characters that made that big of an impression on me.
Kan inte svara på frågan
Garrus from Mass Effect. One of the best character in that series IMO. I can somewhat
relate to him.
Sten in Dragon Age: Origins, being so stiff and severe.
Ouhf.. well, since I spent most of my time with the Warcarft series I will have to say it
to be Thrall Durotan, of the reason of the increadible awesome story of his, from the
game and therafter.
Half-Life 2 characters Its about how well done they act with expressions and
PAC-MAN, Because he is only a yellow dot but still rule the world of video games
after 30+ years
dont really pay much attention to characters already fixed stories
Link - like the graphics
Sam Fisher - Splinter Cell Biggest badass ever.
Yuna från Final Fantasy X. Godhjärtad och psykisk styrka.
Gordon Freeman.
Tyrael from the Diablo series, he is so nice to mankind.
Gordon freeman: He is a theoretical physicist and as such not a likely hero in the
classical sense (not an army idiot).
Don't know
Dont know
Assassin. The way he is created.. both graphically and in story.. he is amazing.
Aldrig fått någon större känsla för någon direkt karaktär men det beror nog på att jag
mest spelar online vilket antagligen gör att man inte skapar sig någon känsla för
karaktären som man spelar
Shepard from ME. Seems like a cool guy
super mario
Commander Shepard from Mass Effect series... cuz he became real brick in the ending
of the 3d game. :/ huge dissapointment.
Very hard question. There so many great characters. From GlaDOS in Portal to Samus
Aran in Metroid.
First thing that comes into my mind: Tyrael Diablo 3 because of Act 2 cinematic. He
is a character that in the cinematic truly represents in a great way what he is meant to
be (as envisioned by the fans and designers). His actions reflect the truth of his word.
In my honest opinion, this is the best cinematic in all of video game history.
Impossible decision, but Squall of Final Fantasy 8 is a well portrayed, realistic
character with a distinct personality.
None really. mostly play indie platformers without any real story or mmo's like world
of warcraft, where u don't care about anyone but your own character.
I can't say that I've connected with any character in particular. I do like Tali'Zorah
from Mass Effect though.
I liked the story in Myst 3. The had actors in the game witch were very good (an old
game, but great how they add movies for cutscenes)
Diego in Gothic (2, I think). He is nice, helpful, and a loyal friend until the end.
Ethan Mars från Heavy Rain
one of the characters from Jagged Alliance 2, don't remember his name, but he lived
"on his own", not always doing what we was supposed to do
I rarely have lasting emotional ties to game characters when I play games, so I can't
think of one.
Duke Nukem, be cause of his brutal and sometimes funny comments.
Wizards and witches. Don't know why.
Ike from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn. There are many reasons but
here is one. When he got into the country of laguz (which are humans that can
transform into animals and therefore mostly refered to sub-humans in beorc countries)
he called one of them a sub-human and the laguz became angry so Ike apologized and
asked what he should call them because sub-human was the only word he knew.
Tomb Raider - strong personality, identification ect
Most likely some WoW-character, perhaps Archimonde, it was a pretty big deal when
me and my guild first killed him (many nerdscreams on ventrilo etc). Other major
"villains" or protagonists of WoW have probably also made big impressions.
almost all my fave games have like no characterizations
Uuuuhm. Not any particular impression but I always found the evil guy of Settlers to
be hilarious.
Guybrush Threepwood, Monkey Island his wit
Impossible to answer.
Carl Johnson from GTA San Andreas. it taught me about the importance of having
your homies stick by you through thick and thin. GROVE 4 LIFE
I guess Link becouse of the awesome adventures
have no idea
Hyun-ae in Analogue: a Hate Story. Because it gives a new perspective on everything.
I don't care much for the neither graphics nor storyline.
Don't know
GLaDOS from Portal. Funny and wierd.
Sephiroth i guess Obvious reasons he's an awesome villian
Link from the Zelda series. Mostly because the series was such a big part of my
Gordon Freeman The Silent Hero Played a lot of half life when I was younger
Kane (Command & Conquer) The game uses filmed video and Joseph Kucan plays
Kane really good and I just like how the game keeps reminding yopu that he is the evil
madman but the character and the actor convinces me of the opposite.
Altair (Assassins Creed)
no one special
Altair from Assassin's Creed.Perfect climber.
Snake Logan, just för att det var bland de första spelen jag spelade. Alternativt
Commander Keen, troligen det sista.
Kreia from kotor 2
Guybrush Threepwood, who does not want to be a Monty Pythonish Pirate?
solid snake (intresting story and good sense of humor)
It's either Geralt from the Witcher or War from Darksiders. Mostly because of their
dark/cynical personalities.
Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid series. I've followed him for many years and went
through a lot of ordeals with him. Seeing him old and dying in the latest game and at
the same time remembering how unstoppable he was and kinda still are makes me
sentimental. I actually cried playing the game, no shit.
Manuel Calavera from grim fandango, with his class and casual manners
Arcturus Mengsk, "StarCraft": The lore behind this character is so well written, and
you really have to read the book about him, "I, Mengsk", so really understand what a
wonderfully complex character this really is.
guybrush Threepwood
Probably the druid in World of Warcraft, my first Character and favourite. Played so
many fun hours back in the days.
Cpt. Price, modernwarfare serierna, jävla sköning., även kanske någon skön karaktär i
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande from Neverwinter Nights. It was the first 3D game I
spent a lot of time on due to the customization available and the replayability of the
game. Lady Aribeth is the protagonist of the story, and the player is the hero who
helps her throughout the story. It's an interesting type of game story, which is not seen
Enzo from Assassins creed
Dante from devil may cry.
Min paladin Evannah i WoW... för att hon var så bra och jag fick beröm för det, vilket
ökade mitt självförtroende på den tiden!
Super Mario
The traveler i the journey
I can't think of any that made a great impression on me.
Maxim Ivanov. He is a character that i have been playing for 2 years and going, in the
game called Vampire:The Masquerade. He is my essay on the tragic hero archetype. a
man who is falling on the ladder that is humanity. to play and act through this
character has helped me with several aspects of my personal life. such as improving
my speaking skills and incentivize me to be a better person.
G-Man or Government Man from the Half Life franchise. The reason being that
nobody knows who he is, who he works for or what his own agenda is, if he has one.
On top on that, nobody knows his race or true appearance. He is very mysterius and
can be seen here and there through the games just for a short period of time.
prince of persia because it is realistic
Svår fråga. Vet inte om de har påverkat mig så mycket. Men om jag måste välja någon
favorit så väljer jag väl Altair i AC. Av den enkla anledningen att han rörde sig så
smidigt till skillnad från efterföljarna.
Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8. First time I set my eyes on her she made an huge impact.
Probably Ryu Hazuki from Shenmue, because of his values on other people. And
secondly I would have to say Naomi Campbell from Metal Gear Solids series.
GLaDOS, she has a great singing voice!
I've no strong connection to any character, but i'm probably not alone when i say that
"super mario" is a character that pops into my head if someone tells me to think about
"video games" - even though i only played super mario-related games a few times.
Thrall, cause he is powerfull
if it has to be a character its probably Link, because how he proves that talking and
using that as a way to tell the story or introduce mechanics is just a way to make the
character seem dumb. silence is more then enough when you are creative.
Gordon freeman he is the silent hero
Vet ej.
Crash Bandiocoot. Vet inte riktigt varför. Nostalgi, en galen och kul figur.
Have no idea,don't remember.
Characters I made myself?
Little Big Planet
Tryndamére He was my first character and i just went berserk with him from day one
Probably Tidus from FFX since he didn't follow the typical macho man stereotype and
that opened my mind to how gaming could look like if people quit with stereotyping
in the production of games.
amateratsu. simply genius
alone in the dark: the ghosts. because they are really scary.
Gordon Freeman, hans öde att slå sig igenom en horde av alien varelser är ganska
Can't think of one.
it depends
Supermario i supermario papermario, för att han har så Många möjligheter
The first game that I played was Doom and I was really impressed by the time of the
graphics and the whole concept.
I honestly dont know. There are to many good characters that i know of and i cant
single one out to be the best.
amateratsu. simply genius
I cant think of a any character that strikes out very much. When i play a game i usually
focus on the world itself rather than the characters within.
Link in the Zelda games.
I dont know
Wow illidian :D <3 Id let him ravage me, no homo
No clue.
Bon has made any impression on me
Probably Deionarra in Planescape Torment. Something very sad about her being dead
and him not remembering who she is. Oh, and the music.
dont know
Maria (Silent Hill). Her character showed that game characters can be dimensional.
Steve från Minecraft, han är ensam i världen
Big Boss (aka Naked Snake) (Metal Gear Solid series) Big Boss is a pretty complex
character (like most are in Metal gear). He went from a war hero to a war criminal and
saw a lot of nasty stuff. He abandoned his home nation to fight for himself and his
own army because that is all he knows. He doesn't like war but he simply has to accept
being a soldier. MGS is pretty great in the way that it doesn't glorify war to the extent
popular military shooters do today like Call of Duty. In the end he finally breaks free
from the bonds that have shackled him his whole life.
River in To the Moon. I empathized with her inability to communicate with her loved
Vet inte
Minsc, (Baldur's Gate) this crazy character with his miniature giant space hamster has
given me so many laughs that I use his lines as ringtones.
Manny Calavera from Grim Fandango. The amount of character development that
goes into him during the game is amazing. Well likeable, clear motives for his actions
and memorable dialogue.
Super Mario
To broad a question.
Desmond in AC, i witnessed how he becomes stronger and takes the responsibility
Link in Zelda. Even if he can't speak people understands him and he is always there to
save the world over and over again. And he is awsome.
Don't know
Doesnt really care about characters, so cant say..
Ray man 3 cause he is not a full human, he is missing parts of his body.
Leon from resident evil 4, because i played through that game like 16 times.
Red Dead Redemptions "John Martson", because of the situation he is in. If you've
played the game you know what I'm talking about.
I cant say any game character has done that. I dont have posters on the wall regarding
Mario or Sonic. If that is what you are thinking about. But characters that come to
mind are Mario, Sonic, Bowser, Dr Wright (game icon of Will Wright, the developer
of games like SimCity, Spore and so on..), Raziel and Kain (Legacy of Kain series)
and a few others..
the stranger from Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. because first he seemed like a cold
ruthles person who is gathering money, but then you see that he is trying to change
himself too fit in his sociteys standard but fails and get cast out and then accepts his
own place in the world and find freedom. which seems quite human to me.
Link, ultimate friendzooooned
I don't really know.
Ingen aning
Irenicus of Baldur's Gate. Because he is not just another generic antagonist. Instead
you get to know him, his motives, his feelings etc. and all that adds another depth to
the game.
Don't know!
Dante from Dante's inferno. It is the greatest moral transformation i have seen in a
video game character during game flow.
I don't know if I am impressed by any character in a game.
Mario, eftersom jag spenderade en himla massa tid med honom när jag växte upp. :-)
Enkel med rolig
my own on wow, since lots of other players
Lara Croft då hon är med i mitt favoritspel.
Non at all.
Yurda, since i really wanted to defend her
no one
Duke Nukem because it was one of the first games i owned.
don't remember
Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2. She has taught me that you can be whatever you want
to be, who ever you are.
Clementine from The Walking Dead: The Game: It was such a well written game, and
as lee, I really wanted to protect that little girl from all the horrors of the post
apocalyptic world.
Ezio from Assassins Creed. I am fascinated of the renaissance era. Generally
characters dont make me impressions but the game.
Vet ej.
dont know. Hard to pick
Don't know anyone particular that has influenced me.
Gubben i donkey kong som man spelade på Game and Watch. Han såg så stressad ut
ända tills han räddade flickan från gorillan, och det var en skön känsla att klara banan.
The character in assassins creed.
CHESS, TONY HAWK Pro-skater 4
clementine, walking dead
don't know
Link from the Zelda games, easy one. He is the ultimate hero. he´s got it all.
Birds in Angry Birds
Cj in GTA San Andreas because Rockstar made a great story about him, and kept a
red line through the whole game.
don't realy play single player games so none
Zidane from Final fantasy IX, because it was the first game I ever played.
Ingen specifik men blizzards karaktärer i WoW tycker ja de flesta är intressanta. Kan
inte specificera mig.
Lee Everett from The Walking Dead, because of the influence I had on his creation.
Red bird in angery birds, does nothing special but its always everywhere
Windrunner, she is swift, fast, a good supporter but not just that, if played well, could
dominate the game.
Sonic the Hedgehog. Simply due to the fact that it was the first video game I ever
played. Also the controls in the original games were tight!
As I said I don't think of any specific character. Only I think of role and task given to
me and I don't think of character in it.
Having already stated that I'm not a great gamer I think that this question is
Guybrush Threepwood - Anyone can achieve greatness.
Temple runner
Hmm...Cloud in ffvii , it was the start of my interest to animation and modeling.
Max payne
I do not know. I often play games where I make the characters myself and also change
them quite often, for an example in HoN, I am not always the same character while
No idea, sorry.
I'd say Super Mario. Bowser keeps kidnapping his girl over and over again, but at the
end of the day, Mario still invites Bowser to drive kart, play tennis and so on. What a
nice fellow.
Nathan drake
Super Mario 3. That was my first game and I still love it!
Gaybrush Threetwood (the spelling sucks but the main charactery in Monkey Island).
vet ej
Can't think of any.
Arthur from WC3/WoW as he became the evil he promise to fight against
Mario, childhood memories.
None really. There are many that have been good, but the gaming world still got miles
to go in story telling and character build to get even close what books got.
do not play any games at all
Mario, hero of childhood
Rail simulator..
Megaman, who have the ability to change the characteristics and functionality during
the game.
Not really one character. It is usually a mix between many characters in the same
Lee Everett, from The Walking Dead. Although he's never a set character, since you
choose what he should do and say, it is intriguing to see how the story plays out and
how Lee acts depending on what choices you make. You more or less shape his
relations to all the others in the survivor group and it doesn't feel pasted on or forced.
Wheatly from portal 2, great personality and voice-acting.
Jag gillar Link i Zelda-spelen, då jag har vuxit upp med de spelen, och hans
mångsidighet fascinerar mig. Han kan ta sig an alla sorters utmaningar och fiender.
The Fancy Pants Adventure. it's so simple but dynamic and attractive seems it's alive.
The Nameless One from Planescape: Torment, exploring his origin, multiple
personalities and how he affected the world around him left a long lasting impression.
Svårt att säga, diggar Tidus från Final Fantasy x, han liksom personifierar hela grejen
med att den längsta resan börjar med ett steg. I Final Fantasy 7 bjöd även på helt
suveräna karaktärer.
Vet inte riktigt... Link förmodligen... För att han är Link liksom.
Mass Effect. Commander Shepherd.
No one
I dunno.. can't think of anyone particular. Wheatly from portal made a big impression
'cause he turned tail and went evil. that was pretty awesome.
I don't know
Desmond Miles
Zack Fair - FF7. I reall yfon't know, but he just got to me. A nice guy with a huge
sword, who wouldn't want a friend like that :)
Arthas Menethil. Just a cool, complex character.
Super Mario
dont know
Druid, world of warcraft. Mångfaceterad karaktär men natur som grund.
Super Mario
Ezio in Assasins Creed.
Glados - portal 1& 2.
I don't know.
Squall from Final Fantasy VIII (1999, PSX). I could relate to his bitterness with life
while myself going through high school, and would take comfort in it.
I dont know
age of empires. there is actually no character there. its me controlling the whole army.
it feels more realistic than expecting a character to move like robot. i can control the
whole army. isnt that great?
Har ingen!
MAste rchief in Halo. His selflessness is inspiring, his sence of duty as well.
Male Imperial Agent in SWTOR. Awesome voice actor, awesome animations of char,
good storyline, captivating.
Guile in Street fighter 2 at the console super nintendo. I loved his flash kick.
Jim Raynor Badass
Mario - I grew up with him.
hard question, i guess i would say Handsome jack :P
Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII, fell in love...
Minsc Baldur's gate miniature giant space hamster
Vet inte
The characters of Gran Theft Auto, they are very real, and when I played this game I
was used to the SuperMario so the difference in realism are huge...
Garrus i Mass Effect (Vaas i Farcry 3 är också väldigt underbar)
Alex in HL2. Because the her realistic animation, eye movement etc. And unlike most
of the NPC she is not helpless, she actually feels like a real life character.
No specific character, except that the characters and environment of war-games makes
me feel very bad because it looks so real. I don´t support the fact that players use war
as entertainment.
Runescape som man lirade som väldigt ung har satt sina spår. Samt GTA Vice City.
Spelade mycket Vice City som ung och kommer fortfarande ihåg hela kartan och alla
April Ryan from Dreamfall. I played this game the first time beeing around the age of
ten. It was really nice that the main character was a girl, and not the typical "celebrity
beautiful" kind of girl. She has attitude, a bit of foul language, shes kind of poor but is
fighting for her dream to come true. What I like the most is her determination and
the main character of Myst (forgot his name now...) Why? Well, why do you fall in
love? You can not always tell, but he was mysterious enough.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R - I think that this game has a very huge potential if developers invest
more time on it. This game has action and role - you are not bound to just stupid
shooting on one way. At the same time you are not alone in this game - developers
created other charachters that are ruled by computer which gives you a feeling of teem
and friendship.
Squall in FF 7
Förmodligen link från zeldaspelen, helt klart en förebild för andra spelhjältar.
Red dead redemption main character. Good story and u get very close to the player!
Super Mario. Nostalgi. Spelade mycket Mario på Snes när jag var liten.
I would probably say characters from the GTA series. Amazing voice actors which
makes you as a player feel more connected to them.
Ezio Auditore[From Assassins Creed].He is realistic, more Mature, Intelligent and
brave. And of course Stylish.
Batman(or Batwoman, Batgirl), or more game related; Samus Aran (before Other M,
f*** that story, gameplay ok though), she a strong, competent character that gets send
to nowhere to find out what's wrong and fix it.
Daniel from Amnesia the dark descent. He starts out as a good guy but fear drives him
to become evil and ends up doing the right thing. Hes the hero and the villain, and that
makes him more intresting than just "the knight in shining armor".
Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3: He feelt so real.
Jade from Beyond Good & Evil. A female character that overcomes all the hurdles
with courage, also, the emotional moments in the game are perfectly acted by her
voice artist.
Cloud in Final Fanasty VII beause that is the game I've played the most.
Idk, none
the last boss in dishonored. (i liked all the characters in that game so its hard to
G-man Half-Life
Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2 & 3) - Just think he's a well crafted character with a lot
of depth and nuance to him. Same goes for alot of characters in that universe. But
Mordin sings Gilbert and Sullivan, so he comes out on top. Clementine (The Walking
Dead)- Anyone who has ever played The Walking Dead probably understands
Link, i Zelda spelen. Han var så enkel i det första spelet 1986, men i det senaste var
han så avancerad och för varje spel adderas det in nya funktioner på hans karaktär.
Crash bandicot because he was so awesome
Samus Aran, 'cause she's badass.
Link i Zelda
Vet ej
Solid/Naked Snake, of the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
dont't know
mmh.. many?
Dont know
Link in Zelda. Because he is the protagonist in the games thatA I like. Especially the
old Game Boy games.
Link, first character i met playing
Not sure
Samus Aran in metroid. Never before had anyone heard of a kickass girl frying
metroids for fun! (and best part, no one knew she was a chick to begin with)
not that many characters in the kind of games I play
Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect trilogy simply because even though he or
she is yours to make however you wish to be they still managed to make Shepard
memorable and not simply be the same as every other character you made in any other
G.W Bush
Ratchet för att jag spelar det mest och gillar de spelen mest
Sam Fisher "Splinter cell"
I don't have any perticular in mind.
Solid Snake
Shepard from Mass effect because you can relate to him and because you have spent
so much time playing as him.
Link, för han är så cool :)
mario. he is funny
Mass effect. Shephard. Latest character and easiest to remember. You make the
choices and se how the game/world progresses.
Svårt att avgöra :S
The greatest impression is, by far, Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2. He have such
grim humor that makes me laugh all the time, but yet he got this "villain" feel reeking
around him.
Link, can't really explain why
Imoen from Baldurs gate I, the finale was fantastic and the character was well written.
Diablo II-Paladin
super mario
The Sims 3 husdjur. Välgjorda karaktärer hästar och hundar, fin arkitektur och vackra
Clank, he is smart and cute
Lionel messi cause he is as Great in the game as in real life.
Mario. First game i ever played and followed.
Mario - wii For joy and pleasure, always happy
Clementine from Waling Dead; very real.
Spyro tror jag... Antagligen för att det var ett annorlunda djur att kunna spela, och han
hade väldigt gediget uttryck och attityd.
It might be because I'm currently replaying it but I'm gonna go with Vivi from FF9.
He is this really shy kid who doesn't really dare to do anything or believe in anyone
(not even himself). He learns how to deal with a lot of things, both about himself but
also such things as death and loss. He kinda keeps his thoughts to himself and worries
a lot. I think he reminds me of myself when I was a kid.
Zelda, beacuse i was borned with playing zelda and it formed me
cant really come up with anyone.. guess they dont make much of an impression on me
I'm not into making me a fan of any gamecharacter actually. I just enjoy them within
their game and enviorment. How well made they are, and how their personality,
humor and emotions are shown. Take for example Niko Bellic from GTA:IV.
Cloud Strife (FFVII): Started out as a terrorist but realised he was wrong and changed
for the better.
Some some footballplayer
Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series. He is one of the best characters I've ever
played (or even watched). He's funny, smart, cool, courageous and really neat at the
same time. I feel like he's made me laugh a lot, as well as made me want to continue to
play the Uncharted games. He's not the only reason why I love the Uncharted series,
but he's one of the biggest reasons. He's just such a well-written character that you
gotta love him.
Dr. Nefarious från Ratchet & Clank. Han får alltid att skratta, har en side-kick som
han skriker åt (har blivit lite av en catch-frase när han skriker side-kickens namn:
LAWRENCE!!!) och för att vara en så väl konstruerad robot så har han en liten
"defekt": brukar stanna upp och då spelas ett radioprogram upp. Jag kan inte tänka mig
något annat spel där man inte vill ha ihjäl en sådan episk superskurken.
Can't really think of one as the focus of most games i play aren't on the characters but
the gameplay.
Lets just say any of the "kings" in wow
Hard to say.
Captain Price has some real hot buns behind.
Vivi, in Final Fantasy IX, cute, mysterious and badass!
This is a hard question, I don't think I've been very attached to a character in a game
before and I can't think of anyone that has made a big impression on me so far. Either
that, or every character has made an impression on me, and I'm just having a hard time
deciding which is the greatest one.
dont know.
Jag har inte bekantat mig så mycket med någon karaktär från spel. Jag gillar att
utveckla mina egna karaktärer (även om man redan spelar en pre-set huvudkaraktr så
som link eller liknande). Men den karaktär som inte skiljer sig så mycket från vad jag
vill att den skall vara är huvudkaraktären i Prototype (1an) på grund av hans kaotiska
sätt att vara.
ondil i world of warcraft, fick välja klass, utseende och yrke själv
Aria T'Loak (Mass Effect), because she's a strong female character who's badass and
My bountyhunter in starwars the old republic.
Either Thrall from wc or Gordon Freeman from hl, childhood memories
I dont know
Very hard question. I think it is a tie between Sergeant Avery Johnsson of the Haloseries and Sam "Serious" Stone of the Serious Sam-series. They got fairly different
personalieties, but one thing they have in common is a talent for witty and taunting
comments. And they are very good at it.
Duke Nukem. Hans komentarer är awesome:P
You are playing a game that lets you create your character from scratch. There is no
restrictions on gender, race, good/evil or anything. How would you portray this character as?
Cool, raw, brutal, handsome
I want a character that knows the difference between right and wrong and who is nice
to everyone but when he gets pushed to the limit his powers seems god like and a bit
A chaotic good leader (gender doesn't matter)
proberbly female, race depends on skills, i like swordsmen or gun shooters. other
thongs changes from time to time sometimes i wont to be good somtimes evil,
sometimimes I want to be whita, black or even purple.I am a graphic designer so I take
wath I thinks looks best in the enviroment
As you can see in my answers i really prefer to be as hero in game characteristics.
Good, female and in a way that i can see myself in some form..
as an animal, maybe a rabbit or a cat. If it has to be a human I guess I would make it
look like me.
If a human, the character in uncharted Draco. But if non human it could be a non
gender good creature with a evil sissling.
som mig själv =)
like myself
Dont know
tjej, god, hjälten som hjälper andra
I would like a character who's neither extreemly manly or female, just simply complex
with a background, some witt of some sort that gives depth to him/her. It gives alot if
you also don't know too much about the character but let the player "guess" or
"suggest". But then there has to be elements that encourages that. An element like that
could be the setting or side characters that interact with you.
a naked woman? who cares.
God - alltid! Kvinna och svart, helt ärligt, för jag ser det aldrig representerat i andra
spel som huvudkaraktären.
Vad gäller karaktär och utseende kan jag leka ganska mycket, och det är roligt att ha
val. Men jag spelar alltid som kvinna om det finns ett val. För det mesta är jag väl
"god", vad nu det betyder med tanke på hur många miljoner varelser jag slaktat under
mitt gaming-liv, men ibland är det roligt att göra och säga saker man aldrig skulle göra
eller säga i verkliga livet och bara gå all-in med en totalt psykopatisk figur.
Male human, tall, lawful evil, stealthy~ish.
Why did you ask that question? Haha! So many thoughts..! And I instantly start
thinking about game balance.. Okay game balance aside - Id probably make an
Undead-type stealthy Rogue (yes im damaged from playing WoW) with some ranged
damage skills and lots of gadgets. As for gender, Id probably make a male. I make
both female and male characters when I get to choose. It just depends on how each
gender looks. Sometimes the male characters will look so ugly, I'll pick a female
character instead. Sometimes the male characters just look way cooler and I'll pick
them instead. Sometimes I even make an ugly character just for the heck of it. But if I
was going to play remotely serious id choose a cool looking one. How would I portray
him, in this case? Id portray him either like a mystical, abit drawn back robin hood
kind of guy(thing?). OR , like a kind of mix of a badass like Rorschach in Watchmen
and the kind of way spiderman is. Humoristic, agile.
I act as I would in real life.
Geez this one is tough. I prefer to learn what my character is on the go. Anyways, I
would probably have a "goal", as in this is what I believe in and I will do anything to
get there. I.e, I want money so I'll chose whatever gives me the most no matter if it's
evil or bad.
I would make a little, cute character. Like a little girl or a teddybear. That kind of
character you want to go and hug, but when you do, the small character destroys the
hell outta you. Maybe she/he has magical powers and can transform random stuff into
candy. This candy is very sticky and the opponent can get stuck. If the opponent tries
to eat some of this candy he/she gets "hooked up on sugar" and starts to jump around
like crazy. If you want do kill my cute character, you can throw brusselsprouts at it
and it would get seriously wounded.
man,ex military, mean
I would make a female undead-like character. Probably a bit chaotic good, but not too
A hot girl with big boobs and nice as so you have something to look at while playing.
I guess I woulda made a more awesome version ofmyself and I would probably try on
both good and evil. Yeah, so I guess white, 25 year old female with heavy armoury
and killer legs. LOL
The character will closely resemble myself in IRL but with some differences. On my
first play trough I always play as an evil characters just so I can have fun with the
game and be as badass as possible.
See nr 9
Just like myself !!
As My selfe
Dont know
Jag skulle inte spela sådant spel.
In these kind of games I usually end up making my character evil.
Male, good
My self
Tough woman, good but perhaps a bit snarky (not too much).
Troligen barbar eller någon alv liknande ras, ond eller god beror på spel, troligen
kvinna, då det är lättare av någon anledning att knyta an till spelet. utseende i övrigt
ganska lik mig själv
dont no
one like myself most, and see what it's ending will be in the game.
Unsure what the question is? if it's how i would make my character? then it would be
an good female elf of a mage class preferably perhaps a ranger class. if it's how i
percive these options? i love to be able to customize so the more customization the
Depends in what mood iam in
A metalhead with long black hair, a black denim vest with band patches and studs and
spikes and chains, black denim pants with chains.
Like Loki
don't know
dont know
those games doesn't interest me...
Male, Human, good
My answer would be too long for you to read, I have been known to spend ~ 2 - 3 days
on creating World of Warcraft characters. And more on games with better
customization options. But if I'll make a conclusion by average amount of characters
I've made, it would probably be a Male, Middle Aged ( Say 30's - late 40's ), Slightly
above average height, usually a melee or magical fighter or something inbetween,
Warrior,Soldier, Marauder, Paladin, Spellsword, Battle Mage. Etc.
Young sexy female char with blond hair and 2 ponytails on each side. a red short skirt
with a red top. alot of skin showing and the ass+boobies need to be good proportions
Mysterious and relies on intelligence and techniques/finesse rather than brute force.
Male, Tauren but good (alliance)
Some manner of grossly overweight, neckbearded monstrosity on tiny legs. Tiny legs
that somehow let him run at normal speed. Also his face doesn't look anything like a
normal face. What I'm saying is I'll min/max every slider in Saints Row 2 and then
some if you let me...or make Corporal Blackadder somehow.
normal, good male.
Evil wizard girl that lookes pretty weak but can kill stuff pretty good.
Fucking badass
like myself
Totally depends on the game.
Man eller kvinna. Någon form av övernaturlig, men realistisk, så som
genmanipulation etc. inte överbiff som gears of war, utan human kropp INGA
ZOMBIES! god-guy
I would go for anything premade or simple randomize until I got something I could
bare with.
Id probably make it some sort of eye candy. As I'll be seeing alot of it.
Kvinnlig, god
quite annonymt. So that the character will not stand out from the rest when playing the
game. If the character is a "eye catch" then you will often get enemies.
A dark and troubled person with a traumatic past
As myself.
Ett monster utan kön som är totalt ond.
Beror ju helt på vad för spel det är. men jag tenderar att alltid vilja göra söta/gulliga
tjejer. Har märkt att vid onlinespel som jag spelar med okända så ger det mig fördelar.
Jag utger mig i princip alltid för att vara tjej då det som sagt ger mig grymma fördelar
när jag spelar. Hehe!
2 meter tall White person with a lot of muscles
I tend to always make characters or heroes that I would like to see. White Caucasian
female that are neutral.
strong , kind , helping people
I would make the character my gender, which ever race I found most interesting, and
probably be "one of the good guys".
har jag aldrig gjort
More towards evil and looking out for myself, though still capable of doing something
nice. Race and gender depends on what would get me into the most trouble.
to look just like me!!
Haha well.. I would take this directly from my RP of wow. So he would be a male
human person of age ~50. Would hide his true nature of evil by spending most time
doing things for the good - however, just getting closer to his "own" plans to take over
the world!;)
Something rougeish
Non gender fantasy character. Good but with evil powers
too big question ;>
Short question, long answer.
Male gnome rouge/trickster chaotic neutral.
Fantasi karaktär, mod, inre styrka, godhjärtad, magiker
Badass kvinnlig ond karaktär som har mer kläder än minimum.
gender and race is of no real concern. I would create the character as neither good or
bad, in my view good and evil is a matter of perception and point of view . Game
characters are in my opinion to black and white (Hitler or Bamse) and i would
therefore create a character ho is more dynamic and hos action is dynamicly ranked as
good or bad in the eyes of the surrounding characters (a bit like Mass Effect)
Don't know
Depends on the game. But I like too be the week character fighting the bigger ons.
Most likely some lovely girl.. i like to play with character i like to look at.
En man som är ondskefull eftersom det är enligt min mening roligare att spela en
karaktär som man inte direkt kan vara IRL, det finns inga normer inom spelvärlden
utan de normer som samhället har satt upp är till för att brytas i spelvärlden
copy good shepard probabbly
random every time
I'll try to make him look more like me or more what I would like to look as.
I would need help.
I tend to experiment playing several different rolls. In general however I play good
characters. Wile I like to explore the evil side (Something I also find easier to do when
I am in a leadership role) I do tend to slip in to the good. When I play evil I tend to
play more of a Pragmatic, Machiavellian evil character. Not a character that is evil for
evils sake. Racial wise if we are talking about fantasy races then I am more towards
exotic creatures. Though to tell the truth it depends a lot on there abilities to. I like to
explore racial abilities and see how they change the game play. Flight or Water
breathing for example. When it comes to race in general (be it fantasy or a real racial
group) I also tend to like to play minorities or people are outcasts. I like raising against
adversity and proving my self. As for gender I tend to play female a bit more then
male. Though it depends a bit on what character I make. Voice acting and the selection
of clothing can steer me in once direction or the other. (This also goes for race
actually.) Female character also tend to have a bit more prejudice against them which I
find interesting. But I do play plenty of male character to. Part of what is fun is
playing something you are not. Something you would like to try out being. Why
probably I do not like playing evil that often because I do not want to be evil (Even if
Evil is cool :P). Also breaking stereotypes is fun. One of my Arcanum characters was
a diplomatic Frankenstein bride sorcerer just because I wanted to explore some of the
weirdness combination attributes one could think of. And boy was it fun.
A male human who has suffered memory loss and wakes up in a foreign world. This
world has convinced itself of its justice, but to this man all is not black and white. He
can see the "gray", the imperfections of what the world has told itself to be.
Depends entirely on mood or what I'm trying to accomplish with the character, but
usually an evil male, human or possibly a monstrous race is given the option.
>mfw question
Gender: Female, Race: Human, Alignment: Good I usually make female characters
whom I pretend are my daughters or nieces. I have a big inclination on giving toons
reversed roles. Usually mages and archers are female but I will make them male and
instead give the heavy armor role to a female toon.
i don't know.
A female demigod from hell who wants to help the good guys.. My character Nyx in
Skyrim is likes that. Looks evil but is really nice :-)
Skulle gjort karaktären så lik mig själv som möjligt.
usually exactly like me (maybe a little more muscles :D)
Ogre, hammer-tank with completely white skin, red eyes and small legs which support
his potato-like body. He needs to have tusks as well and red hair.
Fast and atlethic, I guess.
If I'm not roleplaying I would probably just create one of my preference and decisions.
A tomboy such as myself, with good intentions, big heart, humor,right wrongs, save
humanity ect
I have no idea. Most of the time i end up doing a lot of different characters, when i
played for example WoW/NWN or diablo etcetc.
Male character with a black hair, light brown skin.
A regular guy or gal, no messiah predictions, no sexualisation, maybe a different
bodytype or something to make the game more unique in its presentation.
Usually I goo for a good "guy", depending on the nature of the game a woman, race
doesn't matter at all but I like to make characters that wouldn't blend into a crowd.
Good, beacuse I feel like a douchebag otherwise. Beautiful/Sexy Girl, nice to look at.
Depends on how i'm feeling at the time of creating the character, and the theme or
nature of the game.
As myself
a worriar woman with a pinch of magic a guess
God, mighty
A small androgynous alien with no regards of good or evil who saves and/or destroys
worlds for no reason other than personal amusent.
I'd probably pick some character from mythology or out of a book.
As myself
A crazy heroic genius that looks like a normal man. Think the Doctor from Doctor
I would be bored of that and make it like myself in the end
A male specimen of some humanoid alien race. He would be more neutral than
anything, a sort of observer, going along watching as the story unfolded and doing as
he likes. Skills wise they would be more prone to agility based skills.
Depends a lot on the game
Male, sneaky, evil/mad. I often try to do the opposite of what the game seems to want
me to do.
Male humanoid, good but rogue. Quick in actions kind of like Ezio meets Legolas.
As realistic as possible if it is a sports-game
A female character who is a true neutral elf.
vet ej
Most often the character will resemble how i myself would like to be portrayed in that
game world. Other times its an astethic choice based on what visual I can look at for a
long time.
Pink furry pirate
no need for that
I would make a male orc. Lawful neutral. And make him look like an old grizzled
veteran with gray hair, red eyes and alot of scars.
As myself. I always like to portray my main character as close to myself as possible.
Definitely male. Some kind of humanoid race, not a monster or a troll or anything.
And usually more evil than good.
Angel good
Probably realistic, sorta outlawish or neutral. preferbly a mix of magic and warrior
abilities. 100% a sword fighter :)
Male, Humanoid, Chaotic Good
Har spelat WoW för 2 år sedan, ni vet hur pass mycket man kan bestämma om sin
karaktär, jag skulle nog inte låta spelaren ändra för mycket så som i kanske Skyrim.
Human male, good-doing, homosexual. Average body, short hair.
Male, evil but righteous
Male, rough. Abit "for the greater good" kind of guy. often sneaky and ranged, be it a
sniper in modern shooters or a archer in medival rpgs.
Antagligen könlös och någon skum ras, typ troll eller alv eller något med vingar! Och
den skulle vara ganska ond.
As myself.
As myself: beautiful female
ANYTHING...? Right... I wouldn't just make one charater, I would make several, both
male/female, good/evil (probably depending on which way of playing makes me gain
the most).
i do this on a weekly basis. there are 3 types of characters that are my favorite
archetypes to play and act through, these are: The Rogue(not necessarily a thief, but a
man whom deviate himself from the laws of society to a certain degree) while this
character could be anything from an outlaw sorcerer to a backstabbing politician, I
always play them as strict individualists. by myself for myself, fuck everyone else.
The Layman( Average McOrdinary from Normal Town ) whom gets embroiled in a
plot/mystery/event beyond his control. it could be anything from a Bank Robbery to
him "awakening" his latent magical powers, but this character is goodhearted. he don't
want to hurt anyone and has few ambitions in life except for settling down and start a
family. The Stranger( traveling hooded figure, a dark magi from unknown lands, the
nameless eccentric thief that lurks in the bowels of the city) This one is special, for
his/hers/its motives are unknown. you dont know what the things goals are, for this
creature is alien to you.
I would make a double gendered evil genius mage who studies the arcane arts. He/She
has a rat's tail and short, spiky purple hair. My character goes to a mage's school and
will do anything to aquire more power (Knowledge and/or spells and ancient texts).
Its me
Jag gillar inte att göra egna karaktärer. Det enda jag kan säga är att jag skulle
antagligen göra en man.
first I would pick female because I find it more suitable and easier to design a female.
She should be around avarage length. (around 1,7m I think)with a gentle expression on
her face and almost no make-up. (Just let the lip-stick and eye liner do what it does
best.) the hair is black with bits of purple in it. as for the clothes she has black normal
shoes. The pants are more of a visual-kei stylish pants with tight pants and lots of
details and she also where a good looking skirt to it for extra style. The T-shirt is an
normal Shirt with a motive on it with a dead bunny in a cartoon style holding a heart
and hollow eyes saying: "I love you." age: 18-20
Nått åt magiker/alv-hållet om det varit någon form av RPG spel.
No idea, probably as much like me as possible.
Probably an evil elven mage, female.
probably a male with a non-aggressive and intelligent/evolved look with peaceful
A manifistation of myself.
Dark hair, slim, evil, elf, mage or thief, short.
i usully like to go into the evil role as a man with big beard and muscels since that the
exakt oposite of how i am in real life
Probably a child, a girl. Not really for me though.
Ofta gör jag karaktären ganska så lik mig själv.
That will probably depend on the game but in general I don't put that much
thought/time on the characters looks.
Probably would be a female human who is good.
a ragdoll
A male panda with the power to stop evil and an awesome lookinng hat
Totally depends on what game I'm playing. I usually play as a character that will be a
minority in that world or IRL, or get most reactions out from npc's or party members if
there is such. When I play, I don't care much of what choices are good or evil but
rather answer what I want to answer according to my own morals and see where that
takes me in that universe.
Retarded and funny looking
as someone i would like to be. or if you have an ide of a person from a movie or so.
alltid en god snubbe vars mål är att förändra världen, klarar inte ondska har för dåligt
samvete för det ^^
Matters to the type of game. I would probobly rechoose multiple times thought
because I'm never happy with my choice and want try other characters. A good male
hero is probobly my first choice.
Like a normal person,
Som Mig själv
I assume Male, both sides Good and evil depending the moment of the game and how
I would like the character to react.
first character would be my alter ego the second character would probably be a female
character that id make as good looking as possible. The third would try to make as
silly as possible. All of this depends on the game though so i cant really answer your
question specificly.
I always end up making a digital version of myself or a female version of myself.
Greedy male dwarf.
I dont know
No....no...there must be genders. How do i show males are the superior gender if there
are no genders.
A badass looking angel.
Hero or regular joe
It mainly depends on the variety within the game. In some games the undead
characters look more appealing to me than the elves, in others it's the opposite. I don't
have a consistent preference that applies to all games.
a zombie from hell....
white evil master mind
Entirely dependent on the story and theme of the game (and how I want to engage the
female, human, good
White male that is good but has some evil tendencies. Race and gender doesn't really
matter but I probably picked white male since that what I am myself. The character is
ultimately a good guy but it's not really clear cut. I like some ambiguity instead of
having to play as a typical good guy.
Typically fairly close to myself, which would be male, above average height and
leaning good. If it's a fantasy game I usually decide race based on stat bonuses and if
there's a default character, I will usually pick it.
Vet inte
I would try to make it a reflection of myself
Depends on the game and kind of character that I want to play. I usually try to create
characters that feel "right" for the world and story.
Depends on alot of circumstances such as my mood, will I play with others, the type
of genre for the game, the story game world etc
A barbarian with Kind Heart
Good character who fights with swords.Always willing to help. He has to hate onion.
Don't know
Male, Human, Evil
Ninja. Fighting for a cause in the game.
Ugly and fat.
I really dont care that much about making my own character, if I have to I make it as
quick as possible to get into the game before i get to bored.
Depends on the genre of the game, I won't create the same character in lets say a Sims
game like I would in a Elder Scrolls game.
Male, Maza (my own race for Spore), Strong (good and evil, depending on the
situation :P), Technology race, Military race, Civilization race.. You can find what I
am talking about at Spore: Maza (yellow dude with horns)..
would probaly try to play good characther first playtrough and then on the second
playtrough play as bad one to se what i missed.
Black and mean with mohawk.
Female evil readhead
En arabisk God man som infiltrera den onda organisationen.
Hard to say, as I played plenty of these kind of games and it's not always the same. I
prefer to take a Neutral Human/Undead and along the way, depending on the
surroundings, choose weather to go more towards the evil or good side. Having a
choice is preferable.
Don't know!
genderless, divine, fair, a justice paladin but extremely brutal and powerful.
Strong, not a terror face though.
Snygg, ond, listig, smart, kvinna, alv med rosa långt hår.
Depends on the game itself, can be diffrent cause of world and so on
Kvinna, stark, äventyrlig, smart.
Närstidskämpe, ondl, orc typ, skäggig, rakad
Cute and Fantastic
No Answer
As myself. With a few superpowers
Funny and smart character
A big buff orc with a pony-tail and a huge two-handed double-edged axe
If it was te first time i've played it. I would try to portray it as myself, because i would
also make decisions based on how i feel and and what i would do in that situation.
The character should match the game style so it's difficult to say because it depends on
which game I am playing. Generally I would say that the character has to be so
realistic as possible with an inspiring background.
Som en kopia av mina egna egenskaper - iaf de jag vill tro att jag har :)
Duke nukem.
Bad-ass male slaying everything
Jag gör dem ganska intetsägande(xbox) men de brukar vara en tjej som ser sportig och
trevlig ut
A cool dude with a gun.
Not applicable to me.
female, good, "race" don't know
i would make a character the way i would want to be in that specific world.
It depends on what mood I'm at the moment. So basically it will be random.
none don't play rp style games
... That's a huge question. I'd make an interesting humanoid race. A dangerous but
very kind woman.
Troligtvis skygg person i huva osv, mörkt klädd.
Depends on the game. If we consider role playing games I usually pick a good, male
mage who is a dark elf.
Male special Seals force
For the most part I choose a character of the opposite sex. And I usually strive towards
beeing neutral or some kind of anti-hero. I feel though that current games with any
kind of honor system tends to punish the player for not following a specific path
I prefer male and female both equally and I will select them according to the game
Which I play. For instance in Tomb Raider female role is cool whereas in Call of Duty
Male role is cool. I prefer to be good fellow. The Race is not a big deal.
Try to make them as human as possible, that is both good and evil.
I would create a character that resembles me as closley as possible. Not always human
though, and sometimes evil.
Abillity to create good and dark sides. Gender less important. Learning that decision
can be moraly justified based on the circumstances. Intersting to understand decision
based games, thus non linear.
Gentle male character.
My first chaachter would probably be something goofy looking :)
Good looking handsome hunk I guess.
I often tend to be a female, quite young and good. Mostly because I am a youn female.
I also like to be ranger, palladin etc. I rather stand from a distance and attack while
others are the "tanks".
Probably similar to me, except with more 'unnatural' things (hair color, stuff like horns
and what not)
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I like to be a really evil son of a, but for the most
times I'd make a good guy.
I have no idea? Never done it
I potray after meself but stronger.
vet ej
Male, white/gray hair, human, ~35 years old, good. Usually.
Quite similar to myself
big 'n badass!
No clue.
Race or gender is quite random for me, but in more or less all game i play i tend to
portray a goodie to shoes, the hero. Dont know why but I have to make an effort to
break that stereotype.
do not play any games at all
dont know yet
No fantasy right now, sorry.
Super hero
Depends on my mood. Usually good in the beginning but later when I replay the game
I may choose evil again.
It varies a lot. Usually I'd choose to play as a female character when given the choice,
since there are still very few female main characters in games. As for personality, I
usually go for one with a great sense of justice and fairness along with a take-no-shit
disposition towards douchey NPC's.
A badass night elf with a bow, ALWAYS a nigh elf with a bow.
Ofta en neutral man (människa) som försöker att finna sitt öde i världen, oavsett om
det lutar mot det goda eller det onda.
sketchy with less colors
dont know
It would probably be a mixed heritage female, playing as a somewhat "chaotic good"
Från en MMO-standpoint brukar det sluta med en slag mänsklig anti-hjälte eller
åtminstone en hjälte som är good snarare än lawful good. Brukar även ha en fetisch för
svärdsvingande, så en svärdsmästare är ett måste.
Kvinna, för det finns inte tillräckligt med kvinnliga huvudkaraktärer (eller kvinnliga
karaktärer överhuvudtaget,spec inte med kläder på). Förmodligen av en mörk etnicitet,
för jag tycker det är snyggare än tråkiga vita människor (och återigen, alla är vita i
spel...) Och jag gillar att spela en god moralisk hjälte i spel, rädda alla och hyllas.
Neutral, Elf, Ranger
Calm and nice
Male, centaur, a bit evil but mostly good. tatoos, long hair and if it looks good, a
moustache too. xD mostly in Neverwinter nights and Elder scrolls Skyrim I go for
something odd, like a halfling.. but mostly I go for a male.
He/she wpould look funny
I don't really care about the character!
Det beror helt på vad spelets story är, var det utspelar sig och vilka förutsättningar som
finns inbyggda i spelet för varje sorts vald karaktär.
Good leader
A mediocre female human whos personality most reflects back on myself.
Male, 20-30 y.o, neutral with potential of evil.
dont know
En naturbunden tank.. Ledare
The most badass character ever
I think I would make a woman, gnome, good.
A copy of myself. The character would be neither good or evil, but if I have to choose,
it's usually good.
I create several characters, that are distinct visually and/or in personality.
In what game? Environment? Story? With what mtivation? I think this question to be
the same as asking me to describe the main character of a book which I have never
written. This cannot be generalized unless you put absolutely zero value in context.
I dont know
with the best i can come up with. the character would be filled with all the capabilities
that i wanted to have and not achievable in the real time. ironically the display of the
character would be a upgraded version of me. some features are kept the same i.e.
facial structure, eyes or hair....just to ensure that its me playing.
Would probably try both good and evil and see which attracts me the most.
Ingen aning, har inget intresse.
Male asian good guy
as myself, as much as possibel tio helop with the illusion of me being in the world
Gender: I play both female and male chars. Race: If fantasy elf, if space Human
Cyborg. Allignment: Almost always good, I have a huge problem playing evil. Char is
always good looking! Char is always dressed properly, I seriously hate female chars
with almost no clothes.
Fat, geeky and weird male character.
Neutral evil, he plays by the rules but uses the system for his own gains.
Male human with as long black hair as possible, may look a little feminine. Good, I
have a hard time playing evil characters in RPGs.
Female, Elf, ranger, good
Olika beroende på känslan för dagen
I don't know, Male, Spanish and good... But I really don't mind.
Jag gör oftast mina karaktärer mörka, osymmetriska och väldigt unika. Antingen gör
jag väldigt attraktiva karaktärer eller från smått hemska till direkt groteska. Det beror
ju helt på vad för karaktär jag rollspelar som.
The problem with choices in games is that I would prefer to test all combination. But
first playthrough would probably be, the typical hero. And the opposite for the second
The best angel on earth, but very powerful. Gender doesn´t matter, nor do race.
Alltid godhjärtad. Det är svårare att upprätthålla. Sen ska han vara en stor vit man som
inviger skräck i folk. Även om inte dey hjälper :p
Like myself, but with more attitude and courage. And maybe a bit of crazyness to
make the character less predictable.
Mysteriuos, female (or androgyn if possible), definitely good, humanlike, but not
common (dwarf, elf or similar). Very strong, strategic, caring (usualy have healing
abilities), likes crafting and wants to get rid of all the evil around!
If those restrictions are not of importance, that is they are not the scarce resources in
the game, it doesn-t matter how your charachter looks like.
Probably similar to me
Beror på spelet och hur jag känner just då, varierar mellan onda och goda karaktärer gärna med helt stukade utseenden. Ofta är onda gubbar roligare att spela iofs.. :)
As close as myself.
Jag vet inte riktigt!
A muscle Good Guy Greg, trying to make the world a better place!
Female superwoman with killer looks and super intelligence and deadly skills who is
the most powerful invincible ruler of the universe.
Strong female character. Somewhat neutral not really evil but no goody-two-shoes
either. Helps friend but not random stranger without good reasons. Not stupid and
doesn't falls for the most obvious traps. Good looking with moderate features.
Would probably never play that game.
Male, Human, True neutral
Evil and fat!
We can do this in for example Mass Effect, and there, I have used a female paragon.
For me, it depends on the voice artist of the gender.
Probably like my self, or else as good as possible for that type of game
Slender, graceful, bluish, feminine guy
gender: male race: dremora good/evil: good but he is going to be crazy and really hard
to understand.
I mostly make good characters.
Even though I'm a male I always play as a caucasian female with red hair and green
eyes. Most of the times good, but I do like to sneak in a little evil.
Det beror på spelets upplägg. Ibland spelar jag ond, ibland god, ibland neutral. Kvinna
eller Man. Variation förnöjer.
Probably similar to what I look like, perhaps with enchanted features to make it look
more cartoonic. Blond, tall, thin, blue eyes, long hair and a cute outfit.
Usually as an improved version of me, because it helps with immersion in the game.
Male, white, good.
Vet ej
A male, neutral rogue or thief of some kind.
Man, good, old wizard, if fantasy game! Man, good, young tech-guy, if sci-fi game!
that depends on what I want to do with the character
Most often i try to make the character look like me, and then play him as the evil guy.
However i usually end up beeing the good guy.
An animal, preferably a bug or ant etc. I loved the SimAnt game (ant simulator from
the 90s).
Too big question sry
Not sure
A young female orc, sneaky and maybe criminal. Although, wanting the best for the
world/society etc.
I find it very hard to play as a bad guy. When I create a character it would be a rely
good character.
Gender and race not that very important, what is important is the alignment of the
character. A character with his own moral compass, no matter how the world
perceives them is what i usually like to make.
good and a male.
A person that near to my face and character.
To look like myself
Classic good guy
A good image of myself.
Jag vill spela the good guy som slåss mot de onda.
good. little and red
Male, human, good. Will reflect the real me but I may add some extra feat. Such as
facial hair.
someone who looks like my husband - so i can control him haha
Depends more on the setting then anything else. With just this information, I cannot
Depends on the game and what i know about the story.
Like the Paladin of Diablo II
Dont play
pink lady
As someone I like to look like.
Tough, goodloking
Lawful Neutral
Kön spelar ingen större roll, möjligtvis skulle jag valt kvinnlig för att det är närmst
min egen sanning. Givetvis en god sådan!
a good guy undercover at the enemies
That depends on the game environment/setting and what I feel like playing. In Skyrim
I might want to be a power-thirsting evil high elf mage one day and the next a
dragonborn imperial knight who wants nothing but to serve the kings and beat the
rebellions. I often make a lot of different character if such a opportunity is presented.
Good, Little, Fast.
depends on if I wanna playon my evil side or good.. if evil: Gender: dont matter race:
I'd probably make up my own.. he would probably not be really evil.. just so selfish
that he would seem evil.. IF Good: Gender would be male since its the moast true to
the reality.. race: no clue.. dont matter he'd be fair and kind.. and do what seemed to be
Probably some kind of blue abstract sphere (e.g Algalon from World of Warcraft) that
is loyal had has great posture. Haha!
Female, Lawful good, ideal human
like myself
a modified version of myself
I would portray this character as evil, very evil. I would probably make this character a
female and probably extremely good-looking and handsome. Why? Because it's the
extreme opposite of me. I would allow this character to do things I would never do in
real life myself only because I can do it in a video game and enjoy it. Also, it's
interesting to see what that kind of a character would appear like, and how others
would view him/her.
Min karaktär skulle se lite surrealistisk ut, kanske även mer djur än människa.
Older man, full beard, short-meduim grey hair put backwards, slightly overweight.
Human. no alignment.
Man, half humna half demon, evil with a hint of good.
A gracious and friendly character. Preferebly male, also race doesnt matter.
My ideals for an awesome hero
Hulk dual-wielding miniguns
Depends on my mood and the game, propably a small female that doesn't look ugly
but also doesn't fit into the setting of the game (ex. medieval MMO)
A good female necromancer, undead or human I can't decide. I always play the good
guy in games and if I can I'll make them appear evil. Doing the whole "Misunderstood
hero" cliché.
Human, kinda bad guy, but tries to be nice and help people. in a fantasy rpg.
Kaotiskt ond, backstabber, man, många psykopatiska drag, varulv, snabb och stealthy,
såväl användning av närstridsvapen som kaotisk och mörk magi.
en leopardkatt som vill sprida vegetarianismen hos sina artfränder.
Well, I guess it depends on what game the character is created for? (this was a kind of
tricky question)
If it'a a rpg game, i'd make him like myself, with some exeptions. Never ever a female
though. And never a pantzy ass archer or magician.
21 year female elf, quite neutral but tilting to good
I am sort of tired of always playing as a good character, so my character would be an
evil one, male or female and probably human.
kvinna eller djur. God.
What kind of game environment do you prefer? (choose all that apply)
Not sure.
Alla som är gjorde vaäl och med fantasi.
Open dungeons.
Winter! I love snowy and mountainy landscapes.
None of the above
Train Airbase desert
Spelar ingen roll
Anything can work.
see what the game's plot is
Is that all u can think of?
i like games with many diferant environments. makes it less repetative
Post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Whatever, maybe a buildning of some sort.
i really dont care
Impossible to chose, cuz it depends on the game and expectations from the game.
Varity is the spice of life. I also like desart, alien worlds, dark caverns, temples,
dungeons, mushroom kingdoms and so on. Some of there evenroments do get a bit
more stale quickly. Is easier to make a uninspiring laveworld or desart world. Yes
these worlds can aslo be very varied and intersting to explore if done right.
Depends entirely on context - usually darker environments.
Tombs, Ancient Ruins
I really like the environment of the first NWN(neverwinter nights)-game where you
are trapped in a plague affected city and parts of the town is in chaos. Also most of the
environment in WoW is just awesome.
Brain games
En blandning av alla överstående.
I like everything except space, but prefer to stay out of cities too.
medieval city enviroments. Dark Souls hits the homerun for everything i want in a
games Scenery and aesthetics.
"Super-Clean" Sci-Fi
Anything that's strikes me and looks amazing.
Övergivna platser
Vet ej
Especally floating islands etc, thats some good shiet!
no strong preference whatsoever as long as it fits the game (mechanics).
Again, any setting that's well made works for me.
Desert, Snowy/Frozen enviroment,
Don't know!
divine realms.
Real historical places
Post apocalyptic
ficitonal worlds
Så realistiskt som möjligt, inte guitarhero under vattnet tex
Battle ground
houses, countryside
Mostly realistic landscape, but with a fantasy touch to it.
do not play any games at all
Football pitch
Post-apocalyptic cities (like purgatory in Chaos Rings)
No preference.
Matters little as long as they maintain verisimilitude
board games
I like it when you can explore different environments in a game.
Does not matter. As long as the map i balanced and not to distracted from the game.
Make it look good and the specifics aren't important anymore.
Depends on the setting. The environment isn't as important as how it's potrayed.
Sweet candy, pink environment
I didn't choose space because it's simply too big and too "floaty". I think it only fits in
2D platforms or indiegames.
Arena, sports
Dungeons, Caves
Matrix - digital värld
Thick fantasy forests
13) Do you prefer games with alot of smaller worlds/episodes, or do you like when the levels are
fewer, but larger?
14) Do you own a smartphone?
Of the following, what type of game appeals more to you, when playing on a cellphone?
Why? - Platform games, like Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc. - Demolition/Puzzle
games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc Print
Platform games, because it is fun
Most the games is thinking games but some is platform games.
I don't play games on my cellphone, but if I did, I would prefer puzzle games.
puzzle, it fits beter for the phone, for mario and etc i would lika my controles
I don't like to play with my self phone.
More puzzle, but not only..
Demolition/Puzzlegames. I never liked platform games, puzzlegames is more mentally
Dont play on my cellphone except from quiz games.
spelar inte på telefon
Puzzele games
Puzzle games
why would i play games on a cellphone
Pussel spel - jag spelar bara på telefonen för att slösa tid/ slappna av. Vill ha något
lagom utmanande jag kan lägga ifrån mig när bussen är framme.
None, I play shoot em ups.
I just got my smartphone haha! I havnt played any games on it yet. If I was to start
playing games on my phone though, I would probably play platform games like Mario
and Banjo indeed. I just like the more adventurous kind of games. Demolition games
feel so trivial and boring in the long run. Puzzle games might work. In the end though
I think platform wins. Besides, who says you cant mix puzzle + demolition in a
platform type game.
Platform games.
Puzzle games do normally not require a large screen which makes it ideal for
smartphones. There are also some well made platform games that are fun, but when I
want to game seriously (playing something that often requires some time to get
started) I use my PC instead.
I like games like "subway surfers".
Demolition/Puzzle games. Because I feel that the games I play on my phone should be
short, small games you play while waiting.
Plattforms. But Sandbox games like GTA are better, even on the smartphone.
None, I think playing on the phone sucks. Sorry.
When playing on my cellphone I want to be able to sometimes play quick games when
I'm waiting for the bus. Then its good with puzzle games. Other times I like playing
longer games like Game Dev story or Dungeon village. Kairosoft is one of my favorite
cellphone developers. I don't play Platform games on my phone because of the touch
controls are not responsive.
puzzle demolition
Never play any games on my smartphone to be honest.
Super mario
Puzzle games
Platform games. Demolition games are fun for a few minutes but soon become boring.
Platform games have more variaty to them.
Hardly play on the phone, Feels it's kinda lame
I have not played enough games on my cell to have an opinion.
inget, då jag inte spelar spel på telefonen
I play brothers in Arm 2 , because its a war game and fun to shoot.
I didn't install any games on my cellphone cause the monitor is too small for games, I
have to zoom in to see the graphic clearly, not convenient.
I prefer, puzzle/quizz games when playing on the phone, either that or classic
SNES/NES games using an emulator.
none of the above .. nvr play with da phone
Platform games. No reason.
Do not play games on my smartphone.
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc
puzzles, i like to think, and they are easy to start and stop...
subway surf game
Tower Defense and Puzzle Games ( If I played handheld games ) PS Angry Birds is
hardly a fucking game, so dumbed down for uninformed gamers, but its still a gaming
demographic. ( Not Elitist, oh no )
on phone i like puzzles like candy csrush saga though i dont play much on it
Demolition/Puzzle games as they are more mentally engaging.
Puzzle games, stimulates the brain.
I guess I'd rather want a platformer. I dunno, Angry Birds never really gave you much
Puzzle, usually play for short time, when waiting for bus etc.
Mario Cart for the win one of the best games ever.
super mario, because it is at easy game and a classic
none of them since I don´t play cellphonegames
alla sorters
Puzzle games, it fits the format.
Puzzle games. Why? : Because you have to think. And it's timeconsuming.
Puzzel games
Gillar Clash of clans :)
Har spelat några få spel och det har varit puzzle-spel. De är fortfarande ganska dåliga
till android (som jag har). Skärmen är också såpass liten att jag inte finner det roligt.
Hemma sitter jag typ 5 meter ifrån min 64 tummare och spelar. Det är så det ska vara,
full upplevelse.
Puzzles, to kill some time White witing
Platform games. Easy to pick up and play.
Both would be fine I guess, but not really playing any games on my cellphone. If I had
to pick one I'd probably say Demolition/Puzzle.
Kan inte svara på det
Platform games
Platform games - don't play much tho.
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc
Quick and easy to play - like Simon Says or PAC-MAN. Game that do not require
all these apps... phone games sucks...
Puzzle - like bigger screen To play other tames
In fact both.
Platform games, rolig underhållning.
Senare alternativet
will never play mobile games
It's pointless to play without a controller. Maybe puzzles would work.
I don't play games on my cellphone.
Option 2, there is, today, no good way to combine the controlls and the "world" you
run in in option 1.
Dont play so much on the phone.
I'm not playing on cell phone
Demolition/Puzzle games. Främst för att om man har växt upp med super mario så
förväntar man sig att man har en spelkontroll i handen när man spelar ett plattform
spel inte att man styr karaktären med hjälp av sina fingrar...
platform, nostalgia.
puzzle games
I don't play cellphone games, but I would probably prefer Platform games. I guess
there's more action in some of them.
Sorry I can not help here much. I do not really play games on my Cellphone. I did play
snake on my old cellphone which I guess is a puzzle game but that is because it was
the only decent game on the phone. My smartphone is pretty new so I have yet to
install any games on it.
I do not play games on my smartphone
temple run subwaysurfer
the 2nd one, platformers doesn't really work with touchscreen
I don't play games on my phone.
puzzle games- i like solving problems
puzzle. I tried platform, but the screens are to small...
Platform games, för att man har större kontroll.
I don't play on phone.
I prefer puzzle games, like card games (Solitaire) because it's the only game which I
can relax me; other games energize me too much. I use games for relaxation often.
Puzzle games and multiplayer challanges, like Bike Race or Wordpuzzle.
Neither. I like things where I can take my time and don't require precision and where i
can progress.
Probably platform, but i don't play a lot on cellphones.
Platform games when playing in cellphone because they are some realistic in such
screen size
no cellphone games beyond snake sorry
Demolition/puzzle. I find the phone screen too small for platform games.
Demolition/Puzzle Games beacuse touch is a horrible interface for games that requires
precise controls
I play whatever is more fun to play than doing whatever I am doing at the time I am
looking on my phone instead of doing whatever I am suppose to be doing or listening
i like em all
puzzle. It's esyer to manouver.
Platform games, because they tend to be more complex and has larger variety.
I don't play on my cellphone. Though if I'd find myself with a lot of time without my
laptop, I'd probably hit up some puzzle game.
Don't know
Puzzle games as they often don't need as much extensive controlling.
I do sudoku on the phone nothing Else really in that area
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc due to the lacking in control that
you get with a touch screen. Also when I'm "on the go" I don't want any complicated
story that requires that I pay attention at all times.
-Puzzle Love puzzles
I don't play games on my smartphone
dont know
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc(Seems the proper games for a
plattform, det andra är tråkigt.
det sistnämnda
I have no interest of playing games om my smartphone as long as I have a pc. They
are far to limited.
Point n click, final fantasy for iphone, its a touch screen, there are no controllers, the
smartphone is useless for arcade style games.
plattform games
I don't play cellphone games
Platform if I had to choose. I only play RPGs on my phone but platform is the closest
to that.
I don't play cellphone games.
Puzzle games
I dont really play games on my cellphone...
Platform, växte upp med dom ni gav som exempel.
Don't play games on my phone
none. i want 4x strategy games for my smartphone. Platforming controls on touch is
realy bad, as it doesnt give you any feel for where you are pressing.
Demolition/Puzzle games the are most fun and sutis the platform
Platfrom! More action
Puzzle games
Platform games
puzzles. I can stop playing those when ever I want + that puzzles makes me relax.
i don't play games on my cellphone.
suduko. because it doesnt take too much time, and it keeps my brain going.
Demolition/Puzzle The reason being that it's very hard playing a platformer well on a
smartphone. I would only play games on my phone when I absolutely don't have
anything else to do.
first one
Pusselspel. Jag gillar sådana spel och jag tycker inte att det är särskilt kul att röra en
gubbe på en liten skärm utan bra styrning.
Puzzle games. It's frustrating to try to play a platform game when you don't have a
control stick.
Demolition/Puzzle framför Platform
None really. I play some Angry Birds, but I haven't found any game I really like on a
SmartPhone just yet.
Puzzle games
Demolition/Puzzle. These games are easier to stop playing if something urgent
appears, which is usually the case if i'm on my phone. If i want to play story-based
games then the computer is more appealing.
RPGs (Gameboy games because they fit the IOS.)
puzzles i see it as brain exercises
Angry birds
Pusselspel. Spelar bara på telefonen under korta perioder.
I would prefer demolition/puzzle games.They easier to play using small screens like
the ones in cellphones.
I like both.
Demolition/Puzzle games, because my smartphone is pretty old, so it cant handel
those new games. (HTC desire).
Platforms game
Demolition/Puzzle games
Both, depending on how much time I have at hand when I want to play.
Bloons TD 5
Puzzle games, because it is fun to play with friends and family
super Mario
spelar aldrig på min mobil
Demolition/Puzzle because they feel more adapted to cellphones. Playform games
should be played on PCs.
Demolition/puzzle games
Supermario :) för att jag gillar de spelen
I do not have a smart phone.
None i dont play on my phone but if i had to choose it would probably a puzzle game
where i can take my time and think things through.
super Mario
puzzle games. Because they work on a touchscreen. Platform games would work if
they had any kind of control with physical input.
Don't play on cellphone.
Angry birds etc
Puzzle games. Mostly because I do not see the cellphone as a gaming device and only
play for small amounts of time.
platform games
Platformers. Many of the best games of all time are platformers.
bubble bobble
Neither. I prefer puzzles and simpler strategy. Their mechanics fits well with the
Puzzel games, men jag spelar aldrig på telefonen
Don't play a lot on my smartphone so kinda hard to answer. Demolition/Puzzle works
great on a touch device but I imagine 3D platformers (and 2D platformers as well for
that matter) would be pretty hard to handle with just touch controls. On a console I
definitely prefer classical platform games but based on current smartphone controls I
would probably have to choose demolition/puzzle
I definitely prefer the platform examples, but I don't think I have a general genre
Angrybirds, lättare att styra spelet.
Puzzle games
Demolition / Puzzle due to control problems when playing Platform games.
None, no games are more appealing for me to play on my phone.
Latter, cuz Easy and Not Take much Time Or phonepower
I do not prefer to play on my smartphone, it's boring.
Puzzle games. Platform games is usually a clone of a game made for an other
platform. And was made to play with a controller, the controls on a smart phone just
doesnt make it.
Demolition -angry birds Example of Angry Birds game: its for a positive purpose.
(pigs steal the eggs of the birds and so the birds take revenge )
I hate playing on the cellphone. Is the most horrible thing ever.
Well the last mentioned type of games are made for the smartphones, so they will be a
better experience than games that were supposed to be played with a controller.
Playing SM64 on a Smartphone? No thanks, I'd rather die. None of the above.
None, never really play games on a phone since the display is too small and those
games have no real debth = no real value = worth playing.. I want a game that you
spend atleast 25 hours playing.. 50-250 hours and we have a deal!
dont really like games on mobile. usally play sudoku with it when im bored wating for
a bus or so.
Retro games 80:s
Platform games, because I've grown tired of the simplicity of modern Puzzle games.
Demolition, platform games need a controller
Quizkampen och såna spel
Assuming this question is for cellphone games, I would prefer more of a puzzle
solving game. Platform games are alright too, but I feel that I don't have the control of
my charactare that is necessery to get a good gaming experience. Therefore, I rather
have puzzle solving or something that is turn based instead.
Platform: the sense of development of characters and the complexity of the history and
the game itself is way much higher.
Demolition games.. Since it is new and always fun
Pusselspel är det enda jag spelat på min mobil.
Both, since i'm played them all
Demolition/puzzle games.
Spelar inte på mobilen
none, dont like playing on phone
No Answer
Both, depends on the mood.
demolition/puzzle games
I usually play versus games like Quizkampen, Wordfeud and Yatzy World.
I like plattformers more in general, but the control is kind of crappy on smartphones so
i prefer to play smaller gamer on it, like a good td and games such as angry birds
The second! Simply because game applications are more appropriate when they are
not so complicated in graphics. Personally it's also more entertainment when playin
games that are simple in graphics but well done and that they include levels with
mediocre difficulty level.
inget utav det.
platform by faaaaar.
Puzzle games. Because they feel easier to play on the go on a smartphone.
Bara quizkampen, tycker annat är slöseri med tif
2. Easier to play on a phone.
CHESS on my cellphone because available when I need it.
angry birds, puzzle
platform, more fun
demolition/puzzle games, because they tend to have shorter levels. Which means that
you can stop play whenever and start whenever.
Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Mario Kart
I like puzzle games on smartphones because you don't have to keep an eye on the
phone all the time.
Angry Birds!
platform games
short puzzles.
Platform spel pga ja gillar de gamla hederliga spelen helt enkelt.
Puzzle games
Platform games. I don't like repeating one thing all the time in order to find a good
solution (angry birds). It makes me bored.
Angry birds. It's simple and enough just to kill some time. I don't actually like playing
in smartphone due to its limitation.
Puzzle games. It lets me kill a few minutes when waiting for other things. However I
do prefer other hand held devices.
Both I prefer. I like super Mario as well as Angry Birds because I like both
Adventures as well as Puzzle. Also, sometimes especially in Puzzle game at some
point I may not solve the puzzle even after trying it for a long time so at that time I
will start to play some adventures game and I will come back to puzzle after some
days and I would solve it. It happened to me a lot of times.
As to the platform games, I didn't know these were available on cellphone (my
answers in this survey will obviously be useless). But I do like puzzle games.
Demolition/Puzzle, platform games are hard to control usually.
demolition and puzzles
Plattform games have to be played on console
Demolition/puzzle games
Both. It all depends on the game itself, not the platform.
Puzzle games, easier to play on a small screen, not that I've played that many games
on my phone.
Platform Games. Because its so much More fun and!
Puzzle games.
Platform, its more of a game
puzzle games, angry birds. ska vara enkla spel när skärmen är så liten
Platform games, because demolition games are all the same.
None in particular since the phone haven't the same capacity as the computer the
games doesn't become quite as good
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc
Platform games.
I like slower games as Angry Birds and Dragonvale. This because the limited
controllability and small screen. So Demolition/puzzle games for me.
do not play any games at all
puzzle games, etc
Platform - Story, missions, you get to use your brain. Angry Birds etc are at the best
good time killers on the phone.
Most likely platform games since they usually have better replayability.
Platform games. I grew up with them and there are plenty of platformers that are
greatly challenging yet fair, which makes clearing a level a reward and
accomplishment in itself. See Mega Man X. Occasionally hard as shit, but so
satisfying once you actually beat the boss you've been spending several lives on.
Platform games usually have a great sense of speed and thus stimulates the ability to
react and act quickly. Like the older Sonic games, for instance.
Platform games. often more challenging and faster then puzzle games.
Plattformsspel, då jag har vuxit upp med dem, och pussel-spel lätt tråkar ut mig i
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds, Pain etc, cause you can play every where
you don't need to have platform, which is expensive
dont know
Platform games, I'm not a big fan of chasing high scores which demolition games
usually boil down to.
Skulle nog säga lite av båda, dock så är ingen av dessa genrar något jag spelar
Platform spel,för angry birds och liknande är ytters tråkigt och hjärntvättande utan
någon tanke bakom. Ja är dessutom uppväxt med mario och banjo...
Dont know
Platform, I find it funnier to go around at explore.
Platform games
Platform games are interesting
Angry birds
Platformgames - Have never been the puzzle guy. And im one of the old generation ;)
"In my time we walked sideways"
Don't care for any
First, super Mario
Platform, because of replay value
I don't think one type of game appeals me more than another. It just depends on what
Puzzle games. I like to think and accomplish things by thinking the solution, not by
having the best timing.
Platform games. Besides ... it's ridiculous to compare Super Mario 64 and Angry
Birds, as the first was one of the most successful 3D games on the N64, which made
further 3D installments featuring Mario possible. Angry Birds, on the other hand,
didn't really innovate much in the artillery game genre, as games like "Crush the
Castle" had the gameplay formula down already. Angry Birds just wrapped everything
up in a nicer package, featuring better/ more "likable" graphics and a good soundtrack.
Generally speaking, platform games is a better ground for storytelling than puzzlers.
The first one
demolition/puzzle games. reason is...they are more fun...
Plattform - almost never played on my phone.
Puzzle, yatzy & Ludo- its fun!
Platform games
Demolition/puzzle: its teh destruction that kinda makes it feel interestign, to change
the world, and puzzles are indeed fun, to use my brain to get past a spot is always fun.
Super Mario 64
Platform games. They are exiting
Super Mario 64 is my all-time favorite game, but I prefer playing puzzle games.
none of them.
Puzzle games
Depends, Platform I think but Puzzle Quest is fun too.
Platform games
Platform games, Super Mario, Donkey Kong... I don't know why but I can't stop
playing, while Puzzle games I can play 10 min and then I get bored.
Platform games
None of the above, prefer my PC games. Dont really see the point, playing on a small
screen or withouth a keyboard and mouse.
Actually the purpose of the game is more important to me, and therefore it doesn´t
really matter.
I like puzzlegames the most. I have always been a problemsolver, "playing" with
puzzlebooks instead of dolls as a child. I just love the feeling of solving stuff.
Demolition/Puzzle games. I just do not like platform games, it just feels silly for some
At different times, I like different games.
Platform, demolition games are to "simple"
Plattformsspel - vet inte riktigt, antagligen roligare helt enkelt
All the kairosoft developers games
Platform games. Det är en historia i spelet.
I don´t really play any of them, but if I must choose, I would pick platform games.
Because I grew up with platform games.
Demolition/Puzzle games as they challenge our mind as we try to score maximum
through fewer chances.
Platform, the exploring and although they also usually contain puzzles, they are
usually integrated well into the game world.
esports games only.
Platform games
Platform games. Playing on the smartphone is just annoying.
Platform games, just a personal preferance.
I like both in different ways.
Platform games, i like the flow and I get boored easily of puzzle
Platform games I like them better.
Neither, I enjoy some of both like Limbo, Angry Birds etc. But I pretty much just play
like one of each once every year. I primarily play for story, and in my experience
those games often lack an interesting and emotinally engaging story
Plattform, för sin enkelhet men höga underhållningsvärde.
Platform games
Platform games, because there is usually a higher level of immersion in the game.
Platform games. Tröttnar inte lika snabbt på dem.
Platform games. I feel that they allow for more imagination and freedom than a typical
puzzle game.
I like Platform games more, but don't have the time, so demolition/puzzle games are
great from time to time.
platform: platformers are either hard or gives a certain flow
i guess puzzle games, i like to think while playing.
I like puzzle games the most.
Depends on how much time i like to spend for the moment, little time i go more for
small puzzles more time i rather play mario or something
Platform games. Never saw the fun in puzlegames? The fun is to follow and upgrade a
given character, aswell as getting to know them better as the game goes on.
puzzle games, they are more challenging
Wasn't much of a Nintendo fan in my youth but I do like platform games. Not sure
what Demolition/puzzle games entails exactly, but I do like a well thought out puzzle
in any game. Most of all among these I like platform games I suppose.
Demolition/Puzzle games, like Angry Birds
Platform games mer storry i det
Puzzle games, because when I play on my smartphone, it's only to make time pass.
Quick in and out.
Platform games on console and Puzzle on handheld/smartphone playing to the
strengths of the platform
Both are not my favorite but if I had to choose I would say demolition over platform.
The reason they are not my favorite is because in my opinion they are quite boring to
play. I do not feel engaged.
Plattform, för att man engagerar sig mer i sånna spel.
Mario. More to do. Running around. More to explore and discover.
Demolition/Puzzle games, it doesn't require any commitment. I think getting too
caught up in a game and obsessing about it isn't healthy, so why expose myself to it at
all. I like games that are easy to start and quick to finish so that I can just use it
whenever I feel like it without planning or making time for it.
Platform Games. As I have stated, lore is more important to me, and it's easier to have
it going in a platform game.
1st choice
puzzle games
Platform games, they are fun, more enviorments, less chance to be borred
Super Mario
The games have different purpose, Super mario is good for long time play, smartphone
games can be used when ever waiting for something
Platform games
Demolition/ puzzle, se tidigare svar (5)
Both aslong its a enjoyable game which u want to play when u have a spare 5 minutes
and dont know what to do
Platform games. Mostly because I think puzzle games weren't a big hit until recently
and I've only played a few such as the Professor Layton games. If you think back a
few game generations when PS2/XBOX launched, there were barley any puzzle
games that made a breakthrough.
Super Mario 64.
Platform games - nostalgia
dont matter
platformers over demolition. Puzzle is rather fun tho, and it's a shame you count engry
birds as one.
Platform games. I feel like I am extremely interested in both types of games, but the
reason why platform games appeal more to me is because I can relate more to them.
Sure, they're all almost identical, but they're all fun. I'm not sure why I love platform
games, but it could be because I grew up playing many of them.
Super Mario 64
Platform spel. Jag gillar spel med en handling (story) så man strävar efter ett mål och
att man får slåss mot fiender.
Platform, mostly because thats what i have been playing the most of these two.
Platform games, more fun
Platform because the freedom of movement. Puzzle platformers are also nice. I like to
play out the puzzle and figure it out at the same time.
Neither, But if I have to pick, Platform games. Exploration
Platform games, because they make no sense!!
Playform games, I don't really like games that is really simple and repeated. I like to
progress through a story etc.
Platform games! I've always played platformers since I was a kid and I still enjoy
them. Might have something to do with them often being childish games, while
maintaining a level of complexity so even "grown-ups" can have a fun challenge while
Puzzle för att man kan vara fast i det i flera timmar. Då är det dock tetris mest, eller
orbital på telefonen inte angry birds. Jag gillar att det stimulerar hjärnan och det
logiska tänkandet.
alla spel, men spelar bara på mobilen så det underlättar för mig att man kan spela korta
rundor och inte förlora något på att behöva stänga av snabbt.
Super Mario you have a caracter then put him evryvere
Plattform games, I want to play games that have story and worlds to run around in.
Demilition/puzzle. I like Solving problems
The first, I prefer controlling a character and overcoming obstacles with friends.
Platform games, I find them more fun and entertaining
I like both, but i think I prefer Demolition games. Destroying property is not
something you can do in real life, so that's what the games are for
(for those who answered Platform in the previous question) What elements do you want to see
in a platform game? What elements do you absolutely not want to see in one?Print
I do not know, does not matter for me
I have actually no idea but when it comes to those kind of games is it that while
playing you get fulfilment within itself,
A double-jump feature and cool ways of "conquering" the landscape by having
interesting arrangements of heights and depths of platforms. It is also very nice with
quests, like in "Jak II". It gives alot to have quests and a storyline to follow when it is
a plaform game, I think.
Jag vet inte. Fantasi. Påhittighet. Det är sånt man vet när man ser det.
I havnt played many platform games in my days buuut.. Challenging gameplay as
always. It's boring if its way too easy. If its really really hard though, it has to be really
fun also :P Some kind of checkpoints are probably due if so. What I dont want to see..
Uhm, the same enemies who do the same thing over and over. The same
surroundings/environments. The same weapons etc. Variation is needed. Also, the
element of surprise! Like, when a boss does something unexpected that fucks you up
all the time and you have to keep trying. Or the ground starts falling off and you-cantstop-running-or you'll-die kind of stuff. Well, you get the point. Im not too creative at
the moment.. : P
Want: Everything thats in the classics. Good midi music. Do not want: New boring
better graphics ....price is very high
I want pure skills no magic
I'd like to see some cooperative gameplay. I wouldn't want to see another "Meatboy"
or "I wanna be the guy" type of game.
Zombiiii games
I don't know.
Characters Graphics
If it's going to be a 3D platformer on a cell phone, I'd guess you'd want some way of
keeping it pick-up-and-play. Frequent auto-saving or saving on exit would be nice.
Small, tight environments also. Other than that, I want guns. Lots and lots of guns.
Think Ratchet & Clank level of guns.
doesn't really matter
no idea
ZOMBIES! Behöver inte blod eller tidtagarur
easy controlls, so that the character are doing the things I am thinking off. I hade when
The game has a long store, behind it.
As long as it doesn't have dumb controls like tilting my phone and look like a jackass
in public, then i'm ok with it.
Short levels, easy to understand and follow.
all these apps... phone games sucks...
Mycket färger, roliga karaktärer. Det jag inte vill se: För mycket våld utan historia.
playability. not too stressful and annoying
Quick, action, funny = yes. Slow, time consuming = no.
Not sure, some form of challenge should be involved at least. Or some choice to make
it harder if need be.
These questions seems to be directed to people that actually study these kind of things.
Sony know
Want: Fast pace, adjustable difficulty, helicopters. Do not want: 3 dimensions, too
large levels, birds.
dont know
a good plattform game need to have a good control, intresting level design and
diversity in game play
Considering it's for the phone I would want to save anywhere at anytime. Objectives
should be crystal clear and easy to find even if you just click away all the explanatory
text. I want the game to progress every time I play, even if it's only a little. I absolutely
don't want the game to be difficult to progress due to information that I might have
Zelda-karaktiserat spel, nivåer, pussel att lösa, gärna inslag av hemligheter, framför
allt: bra story.
Jag vill se färgglada världar och glad musik men inga buggar! Buggar i plattformspel
är satans avkomma
Kan tyvärr inte komma på någpot.
Jag vet inte
I do not have a smart phone.
Dont know, not really that into phone games, mostly when visiting the bathroom :D
Violence, puzzels
Platformers need tight controls. I don't think there are any specific limitations beyond
I like either metroidvanias, or precision platforming (not both at once), so exploration
and good actual platforming is nice. I care less about lots of enemies, high scores and
other things that puts more emphasis on speed and timing. I also don't like when you're
forced to keep your momentum a la Sonic games
Don't know
Creativity, to easy
Dynamic and destructable landscape would be cool, I guess.
A gradual advancement. Some original ideas are always welcome. Don't want to see a
"Pay to win" system. Rather have a price on the game with a free demo than a "free"
game that costs so much more in the end. As for story, don't want a generic story
where a hero saves the world...
I want to see: character evolution, boss battles, good history. I don't want to see:
crafting and gathering items... it takes you away from the main game history line most
of the time.
More fun
More details and generally more realistic elements. What I don't want to see is
complex elements that are difficult to understand.
Its a must to have good controls and i hate to redo long parts of the game. Many saves
and high difficulty ia he best
I do not understand this question
fun, crazy and challenging
2D, lack of dynamics, lack of colour
Vill ha det simpelt utan krav på snygg grafik.
I don't know. I don't think about that. It's the game designer's role.
Nothing like that. Only thing game should not get me bored
Gyro based and less buttons
Smart puzzles and a lot of power ups/upgrades. Like banjo kazooie. I do not like
repeating platformers that doesn't change in gameplay at all.
No pay to win dlc More intresting mecanics and music
I don't want to be timed. I want extremely responsive controls, and great difficulty (á
la super meat boy)
do not play any games at all
I want replayability and multiplayer.
A good gimmick of some sort can carry a platform game a long way. A strong
theming may also lead to the player developing a stronger relation to this jump-nrunnin' character. I absolutely hate: disappearing platforms (fuck you, Mega Man, I
still love the games though), bottomless pits, dead-ends without rewards or such
(reward curiosity!)
Don't know sorry.
Jag vill se vackra miljöer som går att utforska. Något jag inte vill se är spel där allt
bara går ut på att slåss, utan jag vill att man ibland ska behöva tänka till för att komma
I find that some kind of power progression is important for the character, as well as a
great variety in levels and how they are themed. Excessive collectibles is something I
absolutely hate.
Ingen åsikt direkt.
Spelar ingen roll, uppbyggnaden av spelet är det viktigaste.
Can really decide..
Jag vill se att man vågar utanför de vanliga ramarna för hur traditionella spel ser ut.
Det finns en uppsjö av spel, men många skiljer sig bara i figurers utseende men är
egentligen uppbyggda på exakt samma sätt, vilket inte skapar någon variation.
A strong theme and a strong game plan
Hard question, I like plattform games who challenge you,makes you think a bit. But i
do not want a cliché story and characters. There should be something new and
I dunno
Timed jumping puzzles in platform games can often be infuriating ... they're often not
done so well.
Responsive controls, unrepetetive environments, puzzle elements and risktaking. And,
of course, a heroin shot of storytelling (see: Another World (1991, PC)).
I dont know
Back to SNES - more fun when it's simple and harder to make an complex game I
No idé??
The usual stuff
Grazy graphic effects and idiotic noise etc
Food plot and graphics.
no idea.
I don't have any preferences...
Jag personligen vill se något unikt, gärna inte bara jump platform utan nya sätt att ta
sig igenom, VVVVVVV är ett bra exempel på detta. Gillar också snygga animationer
och grafiska element, VVVVVVV är inte ett bra exempel på detta, Lambo eller Mark
of the Ninja är bra exempel.
I might not have understood this question correctly, but I will answer it in the way I
read it. All kinds of war are the elements I don´t want to see. I would like to see more
of communication and problem-solving in other ways, to help the new generations to
do better in this world.
Vet faktiskt inte.
Often much skill involved to solve a "task". Often there is depth to be learned about
how to play the game properly.
Varierade världar är ett måste, viss pussellösning är alltid ett plus. Bra kontroller och
solid story. Vill inte se tidsbegränsning eller larviga "du klarade banan såhär, du får tre
stjärnor istället för två".
Basically levels designed to make a good challenge for the player. Rather a bit harder
then easier. Avoid repetitive gameplay.
Adventure, story line, and some special effects[however small they might be]. i do not
want to see slow games, bad graphics and most importantly... paid games .
Bad camera and camera controls.
Great story, its the most important thing for a good game.
What I would like to see: A lovable charater. What I don't like to see: Repetitive music
Good controls and a camera that works are absolutely essential, so many potentially
good games are destroyed by shoddy controls or camera. Big setpieces are nice too,
big environments.
Good graphics, good puzzles Sloppy puzzles, no challenge
i want a fast paced fluid gameplay
Ingen realism i dem. De skall vara ologiska men hög humorfaktor.
No opinion
It should make sense, in the universe of the game. Puzzles should be there for a
reason, not for it's own sake. Then I like non-important collectibles in abundance, and
important collectibles that you can find out where to get.
I dont want to see violence. I want adventures and mysteries.
Vet ej
A hub-world works wonders in those types of games. I would not want too have 10
kinds of thing to collect, though. I want the core game to be in focus, not having to
worry about getting to 100%.
dont't know
as I said in question 15. I want my platformers to either be hard or have a certain flow
in them.
Not sure.
Rpg-elements and a story, something like Castlevania (if you've played it).
Needs to be fun and varied and if there are bad controls I'm out!
don t know
Elemt of suprise. Different aspects in the game so that everything isnt the same. A
introduction of items that changes the gameplay. Leveling up and choosing what skills
the character can learn.
Doesn't matter much, to be honest. As long as it's well executed.
In plattformers run and shoot like Mega Man.
Depends on context, but many levels are always more fun.
- Easy to control the character - Graphics
Doesnt matter
Don't know
The Anti-hero!
Nice graphics ease of play and configuration. Newer unwanted sound increse/decrease
Good physics (not realistic per se, just fun physics). Rewarding play.
I think it needs to be innovative and have good environment/graphics. Games that
cross my mind are the old classic Rayman games, Super Meat boy with it's challeging
game, New Super Mario Bros with it's fun yet annoyingly hard co-op and Super Mario
Galaxy who made a great combination of platform and mini games with a good story
to it. The thing I definitely don't want to see is bad controls, laggy jumps and copypaste standard mario levels.
Allows more freedom and adventure, which brings a better experience.
repeditivenesss. That goes for everything. Music, backgrounds, items, quests, etc etc.
Elements I want to see are creativity and the making of something different, cool, new
and maybe even ground-breaking. Elements I don't want to see is recurrence and lousy
En handling (story), olika motståndare, stor värld att utforska med olika nivåer
(levels), mängd olika vapen man kan använda och man ska kunna välja mellan olika
karaktärer (antingen om man väljer i början eller om det är mer än en karaktär i spelet
som man kan byta emellan) eller designa sin egen karaktär. Ingen tidsgräns, ska t.ex.
inte ta tid att klara av en bana eller en tävling.
Simplicity. No random-number-generators.
No idea, soz
Bad controls and timed jumps.
Easy exploration no Management of cities or armies.
'Shrooms with funny effects. 420!
DO WANT: - Difficulty! (i like hard games) - Upgrades (better jump, new weapon
etc), - Multiplayer DO NOT WANT: - Bad multiplayer (only some parts of the game
being played multiplayer ex: dark souls)
What I expect from a platformer is a fun adventure that you can laugh at while you
play, like Banjo Kazooie or Conker's Bad Fur Day. I do not want to have a platformer
that's all grim and dark with a serious storyline, never played one like that and I don't
think I'll enjoy it.
Physics, real time blocking attacking great co-op teamwork, What I dotn want to see is
generic shooters and hack n' slashers
Haven't played enough platform games to answer
Puzzelaktiga. Vill inte se spel som Banjo kazzoie till xbox360
(for those who answered Demolition/Puzzle in the previous question) What elements do you
want to see in such a game? What elements do you absolutely not want to see in one?Print
Linear (or almost linear) progression in difficulty is something I'd like to see. Timed
results(records) is something I do not want to see unless the solution in the
levels/stages cannot memorized.
somerthing tricky but not to tricky, and meny veriations of levels.
challenges, personal scoreboard and perhaps a way to compare scores with friends
it is important that it has a logic, not just random things happening. it has to be
difficult but not impossible.
bra grafik och skärpa trots liten skärm
I want a simple and intriguing mechanism that is possible to relate to.
Vill ha: roliga och olika puzzel. Stor variation. Vill ej ha: långrandiga levels.
Achievements, variety of maps. Slow difficult increase, and not a steep one. As for
what I don't want to see; million of gametypes (prefer a few good ones), when
everything is open from the begining. I like to advance when I play - before I can play
the hard ones, you have to bet the easy ones.
I want it to be fairly easy, so you don't get stuck for too long, because you probably
don't have that long time to play the game. I don't want to see a long story or some
longer thing you have to complete, for the same reason as before.
As I said before, Puzzle games are good for when you want to play quick and fast
games when you don't have much time.
love to crack the puzzle ...... to dumb sometimes ....
Inte tidsbegränsning
Nice to use the head
Zombiiii games
impossible levels... or more son uneven levels. It should be harder and harder not
super easy and then super hard...
no idea i would prolly not get any games on it anymore
I enjoy games that let me pause and think about the problems it presents me with
rather than games that are stressful and force a quick solution.
Don't really know.
Should be easy, quick to learn but yet still challanging
doesn't really matter
Don't know
Ehmm, a challenge?
I have no idea really. >.< :d
Vet inte riktigt. Jag är som sagt inte egentligen så intresserad av att spela på min
smartphone (även om jag själv utvecklar spel till just smartphones... ja ja... blir lite
I want to see different difficulties in a game . I dont want to see long introspektion
before the game starts( serveras minutes long introspektion)
I want to see solvable but hard puzzles. When you get it right it you should feel that
the answer was easy in the end, even though it took a while for you to get it. I am not
sure what I would not want to see.
No birds. Simple but yet challenging puzzles.
all these apps... phone games sucks...
One level per bathroom break.
Just give me a puzzle to solve.
Angry birds har gjort det bra, det är ett spel som är enkelt och lätt att förstå samtidigt
som grafiken är relativt bra. Ett puzzle game ska inte vara för svårt att förstå för då
försvinner lite av känslan.
Social games are fun.
I don't think Solitaire is a good game to start with, but... A game which you are able to
modify your tempo with and actually wants you to think before you act. A slow but
yet still exciting game which doesn't put unnecessary stress on the gamer.
I like it simple, not too many funny gadgets or buttons that need to be pressed. Don't
want something that needs to be customised before I can play.
Anything that requires precise controlls or real-time input (not turn-based)
Same here. I don't really care because I just love the game for million of reasons, not
High presition touching/pointing in the screen.
i dont know really
Sony know
Surprise me.
I want to see simple controls. No time restrictions. I don't want to see annoying
I like to see simplicity in controls but still complexity to the tasks. I don't like to see
complicated controls or an involving story.
-Easy to pick up and play quickly -shouldn't take long to get started
More thinking, less luck.
dont know
I wanna see some kind of stuff, you know, things happening
I puzzles that aren't too obvious but not too hard either. Modesty is a virtue.
easy to play, quick launch, ability to close and restart at same level NO
i really dont care. im not a gamer
Dinosaurs, bullet-time and brave adventurers.
Vet inte riktigt hur jag ska svara där. Det enda jag kräver av att pusselspel är att det
inte är för lätt och inte för svårt. Och att grafiken inte ser ut att vara gjord i typ Paint.
I like all sorts of puzzle games so I don't really wanna see no elements. But I would
love to have every element instead.
Gillar om det finns någon form av Survivor/Endless utmaning så spelet inte bara tar
Lots of different levels or difficulties.
More thinking, strategy and surrealistic logics. Games like Limbo, Antichamber and
Thomas was alone.
I want variety... and challenge. I don't want silly characters.
i want to se more hard things that you have a hard time solveing i have yet to run into
a game that i have found hard and challeging
Not sure. I like angry birds because it is simple but nice. Fun with new animals
sometimes and new ways to shoot the pigs, yet it's easy to understand.
Allt som utmanar hjärnan är bra. Kan inte komma på något jag inte kan tänka mig att
Have no idea.
Multiplayer possibilities would be nice. Don't know what I wouldn't want to see.
Not sure, i just find a game that i like and it's almost always a puzzle game or
something similar.
I want to the game to make me think alot. It should be exhausting.
I do not have a smart phone.
I want time. I dont want timed.
fast paced multiplayer kinda like the puyo puyo series. Not another angry
birds/tetris/bejewled clone.
No clue
i wanna see skulls i dont wanna see hearts
Får tänka själv och räkna sig till svaret, där det kan ta väldigt lång tid att lösa. Tycker
inte om när det är mer att gissa
Challenging puzzles but not so hard that you have to use a guide or check Youtube.
Puzzles that use real life physics are pretty cool (like Portal). I do not want puzzle that
anyone with half a brain can solve and I do not want things like being able to pay to
get more time/chances and things like that. Basically I don't want any kind of "pay to
win" model.
I want the puzzles to be as skill dependant as possible. No random chance or guessing
the creators intentions. I also prefer that the primary focus is on the solution, rather
than the execution.
Massa banor och nivåer.
I do not really know, I rarely play.
Want: Clever puzzles, easy to use interface, utilizing the cellphone's capabilities Do
not want: Not doing those things.
Better with Storyline and an end
Elements? dont know what you mean with that. But i want the games to be simple, not
to many controls. Short intervals, so that you can play the game just for 5 minutes if
you want.
ease in playing the game. the harder the levels in the game, the lower the chances of
playing it.
It should be pretty casual gaming on a smartphone. Im not a huge fan of when a game
uses capacitive buttons instead of just letting the entire screen act as the controller.
Mer frågor :)
Don't know!
great color and graphics.. mainly FAST.
Sorry, ingen kommentar
More brainactivity
I would like to see a real time competition.
It should be a game that requires short game sessions. It should be fun and not
necessarily addicting i think thought it helps the game if it is. It should also be
Can't think of something right now.
It must be easy to just pick and start play right from your pocket and get right into
where you left of.
Don't really know. I would prefer games that are similar to farmville or something like
I do not understand this question
not to hard, not to easy
short, fun and amazing levels. It should have a lot of things happening so you dont get
Lack of precision, graphics not adapted to the small screen.
Simple controlls with high effect
Simplicity & creativity rather than complexity & beautiful graphics
Something along the lines of Bookworm adventures (typing game) or [insert name]
TD with a strategy element or Any form of slicing (or sliding) á la Fruit ninja. In short
keep it simple, casual and user friendly. The smartphone is not a hand held gaming
device of the same caliber as 3DS, or PSV. It serves the purpose of knocking away a
few minutes here and there.
Nothing like that. Only thing game should not get me bored
As few pixels as possible. Does that help?
I would like to see creative and innovative puzzles. I would not like to see games with
bad controls.
Gyro based and less buttons
Elements not needed - Too much colour, confusing behavior of the character
Fun thrilled games with good characters and the addictive ones.
Well, since it's for a phone, easy to pick up/put down games are probably a plus, a
game that would need your attention for a longer game would probably be a bit
troublesome depending on what you do. And difficult controls would be a minus too
on a small screen.
Simple to understand the missions and different environments. I hate commersial!
Like Tetris.
enkelt, klurigt
Interactivity and time consuming.
do not play any games at all
Just a good game to have fun playing and stress free..absolute brutality is prohibited
Difficult puzzles, Which can be solved by thinking and not trial and error and not by
spamming buttons...
pop up ads... no one wants to get interrupted between a game. and possibility of
suggestion for winning that level.
I dont want to see statit things lilek buildings takign hits after hits and still standing. I
want realism in those types of games, I want puzzles to be well thought out and fittign
for teh enviroment not just a puzzle for the sake of it. somethign that makes you feel
smart and logical.
Simplicity. Don't want complexity and long learning curves. Graphics are also
thinking style
Vet inte
I might not have understood this question correctly, but I will answer it in the way I
read it. All kinds of war are the elements I don´t want to see. I would like to see more
of communication and problem-solving in other ways, to help the new generations to
do better in this world.
I like it when it's not obvious at first sight what you should do. Its even better when
you need several clues to figure it out.
I prefer mind-challenging games, like sudoku, word puzzles. Coulours and good
graphics are wellcome, but not necessary if the function is good. I like them to have
many levels of difficultyi f word or number based. But the function is the most
important, there are too many bad games out there.
dont't know
Pros: Anything: blocks, colors, sounds, paths, images, pictograms, animals, humans
etc. Cons: Real puzzle pieces, like a puzzle simulator :)
I dont want to see difficult levels of games. Passing the level should be as easy as
passing the swedish exam.
I don't know.
Remove all the games that just copy one of the games already out and come up with
some unique mechanics.
don t know
Some difficulty that makes you have to give it a couple of tries before you pass a
level, but i would hate anything that has an unreasonable finish or way of completion.
Jag tycker om det abstrakta som inte är kopplat till något verklighetstroget. Främst vill
jag nog slippa människoavbildningar i spelet!
enjoyable but not that u have to grind so hard u dont want to play it anymore
This is an answer for 18, I do not use my cellphone for gameing.
Hitta mönster, snygg grafik (som passar spelet, men det skall se ut att man har lagt ner
tid på det), Ingen musik (mutar det alltid ändå då jag vill spela min egen musik till).
spel som baseras för mycket på grafik och roliga teman istället för bra mekaniker. till
exempel angry bids: starwars adderar graviditet och att olika fåglar har olika
Various environments, some characters. I like if they can make funny comments on
how the player performs. It is always fun with various tools and various materials.