1992 - Golf Manitoba
1992 - Golf Manitoba
It's a lifestyle ••• come join us! If you are at that poim in your life where you are successful in your career and recognize the need to both relax and pamper yourself ... our club is the place you should belong. • 18 holes of golf in a qui et country seuing. (A test lind cho\1cngc for the avid player but yet enj oyable for the nov ice) . • A completely automated irT'igmi on sys tem ensures ideal playin g co ndili o ll ~ . • A fully stocked Pro Shop for nil of your golfin g need, . • Private lessons from c. P,G,A. Staff and a first.-c1ass driving ra nge on which to practice. • A finely appointed modern Clubhouse that olTers both formul gourmet dinners or light snacks oncl informal meals. • Elega nt ly detoiled privntc panics. "Theme Evenings" and a full social ca lendar of fun for all age groups. • ProfclSsionui and cOUJ1cous staff. • Friendship, camaraderi e and memories for the future. \I nO\ Home o"he FOR MEMB ERSHIP INQUIRIES CONTACT OUR CLUB MANAGER AT 7620 Robljn Blvd ., Headingly, Manitoba ROH OJO Ph. (204) 895-7205 P,, /)/i.r/' f'{1 by: The MA nitoba Golf Association 200 Main Slreel Winnipeg, MB R3 C 4M2 (204) 985-4057 Page 15 Page 22 Execliti ve Direcl.or I)on Page 39 rolg Development Co-ordinator Kelly Docs Assislant Developmellt Co-ordinaLOr Dorryl Ashton Admini slnHi ve Secretary Br~ltdo Ingram l oumul Clmirnutn Syd Cohall o ( Tourll3mCIlI Secretary Ke n Uncon N T E N T s Preside m' s Message/MGA Exec utive ... ....... .... .. .............. .. ...... .... ... ... ... ... .................. . 6 Message from ProvincelRCGAlMSF ....... ...... ... ....... .............. ...... ...... ... ... ...... ............ . 7 MGA provides valuab le service 10 go lf .. .. ............ ........................ .... .......................... 8 MGA Report ........ ...... .. .. .......... ... .. .. .... .. ... .. .... .. .... ............. ....... .................... .... ...... ...... 9 Ready for th e challenge ................ .. ...... .. .... ............................. .................... .. .... .. ...... 12 1992 Tournome nt Schedu le ............ .... .. .... .. ...................... .......... .. ............................. 14 Ad l'er'isiflg saln , publication mWWktullell', t ditoriaJ, design a"d production by Todd Fanning named Manitoba 's besl.. ........ .... .. .. .......... .......................................... 15 The Open - Editorinl Nnncy Boomer Design, pl'oducti on Anne Belonger Phul ugrllphy lIugh All on Advcnising Sulcs Gerry Lepine G ibso n sets record ................... .. .. ... .. .. .. ................ .. .... .. .... .. ................. 2 1 Junior Men' s - Convincing win for McMi ll an .......... .... .......... .. .............. .. .......... .. . 25 Senior Men 's - Q uinton captures his first ........ .... .... .. ........................ ... .... ........ .. ... 28 Profile 3C - 2020 Portage Avenue Winnipeg. MB R3J OK4 (204 )885-7798 FAX: (204)889-3576 Fanni ng repenls .... .. ............ .. .... ...... .. .... ................ .... .... .. .......... ...... 18 The Amnleur - Gord Lenton ......... ...... .......... .................. ... ... .... ... ........................ ... .. ... .. .. .. 29 Maniloba Rural Profile - Genoway, Ridl ey and Michaleski .... .......... .. .... .. .. .... ................. 30 Bob Ge noway ...... .... ...... ........ .. .. .. ............ .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... ...... ........ .. .. .. ..... .... 32 lnter-C lub - Teamwork pays off .......... ...... ... .... .... ........ .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .......... .... .. .... 33 Match Play - Third tim e lucky for Dave Lava llee ............ ... ...... ...... .. .. .................. 34 Mid-Handi cap High Schoo l PrO-Am - Davis caplUres inaugural Mid-Handicap ....... .. .. .... ...................... 36 Slude nts take 10 the links in ne w evenl .. .... .... .. ... ... ... .... ............ ..... 36 harily and Pine Ridge are big winners ...... .. ...... .. .... .. ................... .. ... .. 37 Family C lassic - II ' s all in the family .... .. .. ...... .. ............ .. ...... .... ............ .. .... .... .. .. ... 38 Pas l Maniloba Champions ... .......... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ...... ... ..... ..................... ..... .. .... ... ... ..... 39 Lcuderboard .. .. .................. .. .. .. .... ....... .. ............................ ................................. .... 40/41 Ha vens for . wingers: The go lf course boom .................... ....................................... .42 Direc tory o f go lf courses .... ... .................... ..... ... ........ ................................................ 44 1992 Mat/it oim (;{I11/o.lrImi - he 1991 golf 8e080n wa8 very successful fo,' both the Manitoba Golf As8ociation (MGA) and many players of the province. We look forward to the T new season with optimism and anticipation. For me, the year as Presidont of the Golf Associution was nn interesting, oxciting and re· warding one, and contained many rughlightB: • th 8uccesses of our Junior and Willingdon Cup t.eams which both placed first in the 8nadian hrunpionships, with the Junior. winning their playoff, while the Willingdon team lost to Quebec; • Todd Fanning experiencing another out8tanding ycur, winninl!{ our Amateur, playing on the anadiun team at the PucificTeam Matches inAustra lin, and repeating .. s LaboWs Golfer of the Year; • the first annuol North America Cup Matches with au'· best amateurs playing the best amateurs from North Dakota • my attendance at the Canadian Amateur C h ampion ~ ships at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club was the experience of a lifetime; and • the development of exciting new golf courses. and the expansion of many courtles outside of Winnipeg 88 testimony to the game'. increasing popularity. or The various committees your Association had a busy and productive yeoI' in planning, organizing and delivering program8 nnd s rvices to our members and mombor clubs. My sincer thank. to all. The move of the Manitoba Open to Breozy Bond Country Clu b went very smoothly, and the event easi ly maintained its roputation as the premiere event on the Limited to become the "'I'itle Sponsor" of the Opon i. very welcome, a nd Xerex is to be commended for its great support. Since 1987, J efTHnatiuk served the MGA and thegolfing community of Manitoba Btl our Executive Diroctor. He made a 8ignificant can· tribution to the game in this province, nnd we wish him 8uccess in his now challenge with the Manitoba Amateur Hockey Association. We are fortunate to have had Don Craig join ourorgoni zation as Jeff's lJuccessor. His 25 years ex perience as a volunteer member of the MGA and the RCOA will de'm itely bo an asset as we move toward the sccond century of golf in Canada. Kelly Bocs, our Development Coordinator, will be taki ng 00 on expanded administrative role. and a long with Brenda lngram, ExecutiveS cretory, and Ken Bacon, Tournament Secretory, will ensure cfTec· tive support to the volunteers who are the MOA. A sincere "thank you" goos La our corporate supporters, to the greatest s ports media in the country, and to the golf clubs which hoat our tournaments and clinics. onaelian Jim Seollan, MGA President Professional Golf 'I'ou,·. The decision of Xerox Canada MGA EXECUTIVE AND MEMBERS OF PRESIDENT Jim Scollan , Elmhurst PRESIDENT·ELECT Dav, Morison, Breezy Bend VICE PRESIDENTS Rick Thain. Wpg. Municipal (Course Rallng) Bob Genoway, Morden (Rurel Chairman) FINANCE CHAIRMAN Brian Gllhuly . Salklrk PAST PRESIDENT Ted Chop , Northornalro DIRECTORS John Urkivlch, CherlOSWOOd (Junior Chairman) Moe Solomon, Elmhurst (Assistant Junior Chairmen) Gord Lenton, SelklrtUPlno Ridgo (Official. Chairman) Syd Cohan . Glandal. (Goi/ Journal) ZONE REPRESENTATIVES WINNIPEG Kin MacCherlel , St. Cherles Garland Bouvier, Wltdewood Don Knudlen, Pine Ridge Glenn Simplon, Transcona 1992 Malll/olxl Coif ]ourtlul OUNCIL Walter Menzlea, Rossmere Jerry Budyk , Elmhurst Mike Linton , SI. Bonllace Doug Poaplt , Asslniboine Ronald FUMe, Breezy Bend Jack Wlnmlll , Southwood Peter Perchal , Wpg. Canoe Club Syd Cohan , Glendalo Bob Stafford , Nlakwa Rick Thain , Municipal Courses AI Gray , Charleawood Weiland Wllllaml , Bol Acres WESTMAN Tom Bryan . Shilo George McLeOd. Wheal City CENTRAL Bob Genoway, Morden Don Revel , Carman Barrie Sanderl, Carman EASTMAN Lei Hlmbroff, Plnewa Peter Guenther, Stoinbach INTERLAKE Brian Gllhuly, Selkirk Richard BrIIlOOII , Toulon PARKLAND .. Jack Kullberg , Wasagaming Brian Minish, Swan River NORMAN Glen Outchak , Thompson NORTHWEST ONTARIO Harry Bar.toot, Kitchen Creek Ed Bowman, Kenora MEMBERS AT LARGE Day. McLeod. SI. BonHaca Lorne Klngyen s, Bel Acres Gord Lenlon , Selkll1< Moe Solomon, Elmhurst Brian ToeWI, Transcona DavI Morllon, Breozy Bend 0 . 1. MacDonald, Pine Ridge Jim Scollan, Elmhurst John Urkevlch, Charleswood STAFF Don Craig (Execullve Olroctor) KellyBoel (Devolopment Co-ordinator) Ken aacon (Tournament Secretary) aavln McFadzean (Tournament Secretary Emeritus) Dllrryl Alhton (Assist , Development CO-Ordinator) Brenda Ingram (Administrative Secretary) Golf as a lifelong sport appeals to many thousands of ManHobans with opportunities available for participants of all ages a nd sk ill levels from tho recreati ona l golfer to tho compotitive amateur to the professional. It is al80 a sport th at provides a socia l atmosphere that makes the game even more enjoyab le for those who participate. Throughout OUI province are on array of courses, each offering 8 different and interesting leve l of chall enge to one's individual s ki lls and abilities. The development ofn ew courses and upgrading'of others enhances the for um in which th e sport is played. The Province of Ma nitoba is pleasod to support the programs of the MGA, its volunteers and mombor clubs who ar e dedicated to the ongoing development and growth of the s port in our province. As tho Minister re. ponsible for Fitness and Sport, T take great pleasure in extending best wishes to Manitoba golfers for co ntinued succeS8 in 1992. Eric Stefanaon, Minister F itness a nd SP.ort, Provinco of Manitoba It is my pleasure to extond gree tings and best wishe. from the RCGA to tho MGA and to every golfer in the provillce. Manitoba is blessed with fin e courses as well os an array of !;feat tournaments. We are proud ofthecalibro ofManitoba's co urses and th e oxc lIent events they play host to every season. Much of the success oftbese events is due to the generosity of the members of these clubs; they not on ly give up their courses, but many of them serve as volunte r s. We appreciate their commitment to amateur golf and hold it up as an xamp le to tho rest of' Canada . Tn addition , we applaud the energy and enthusjasm of t he MGA. U nder the leaders hip of Don Cr aig, and with the direction of his Board and the assistan ce ofhi8 able stafT, the MGA once again organi zed a very successful Golf Forum io March. This notable event, unique in Canada, was very professionally done. Now , Don and hjs statT Ilro busy ensurin g that golf in Manitoba will be even more enjoyable th an ever . W at the RCGA look forward to another !;feat yea r of co-operation with the MGA an d servi ce to every golfer in Manitoba. Hugh G. Hallward, President Roya l Canadian Golf Associa tion On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Sports Federation it is my pleas llre to extend our best wishes to the Manitoba Golf Association . Golfis a sport whjch provides opportunities for Manitobans of all ages and skill level• . The recreationa l golfer out for an enjoyable round or two has an impressivo und varied choice of courses around the province. Competiti ve go lfers cnn participate in a number of high calibre a nd challenging competitions. while elite ath letes compete with th e support of th e MGA in the pursuit of excellence and to bring credit to our province. ConJ,lfatulations to the athletes, volunteer s and staff ofth e MGA and everyone who contributes to the continuing succoss ofgoll'. The MSF is proud to be partners with the MGA in t he development of sport in this province. Ken Zealand, President MSF Board of Directors - ..I2QB. SPOlrnSl'APER ~\VINNIPEG SUN 1992 M(witoml Golf /mm lal MGA provides valuable service to golf hrough club affi li a tion , approximately 14 ,000 golfers in Manitoba have n voice in the governingoftheMGA. Unpnidoflic rs inthisdomocrnt. ie, non-profit. organization give generously of their time a nd ta l nts by ottonding regular moet.ings ond by aorving on committees. T ' <;[.I(;HlLE CLU US AND .-EES Any organized golf club in th e jurisdiction which has rogularly appointod officors is eli gible for membership in the association. Membor clubs pay y orly duos to the M A lor each mole member 19 yenrs of ago and oldor. Of the me mbers hip dues re · ceived by thooS8ocintion, $4 .00 per member is forwarded to the RCGA. The MGA provides affiliated clubs with momborship nnd hondi ca p co ..ds for members. COMI'E'I'IT IONS Compoti tive events invo lving all ploy I' brockets have long been a prominent function of the MGA. From tho ex cutiv viewpoint th ey ofTer an opportunity to di s play s kill at t he game, e ncourage proficiency and provide exchange visits which do much to improve ge ne ..al playing s tondard •. COURSE RATING AND IIANDI CA I'S Tho rating of plnyors by the awardi ng of ha ndicaps i" tho bo lnn ci ngfnctorwhich 01IOWA overy go lfor to pOI'tici. pnLo Oil an equa l basis. In no other sports hove cqunlizing method s beon 80 AUCCCSl:lful. Tho aWArdingofhnndicaps bas beon an important foetor in bringing enjoyment to both cas ual and ex pert. players in com p~ tition . Tho MGA provides full parlicu iorson the notional handi capping aYHte m t.hrough handicnpbookl tso ndchnrts. All golf courS08 oro similarly r.ted through the notional co urso rating sys tem . Tho '/992 MIII/i/o/Jr/ Gvlf IUllnlal MGA providos 011 me mbor clubs with the official course rating booklet ond is rcsponsible for roting golf courso8 in Manit.oba. As a result.. a ll courses and players 0 1'0 Toted in relotion too uniform Conodian ~t,a ndard . RULES AND ETIQUETTE The present rules of golf repres~nt tho oceu mu loted ex- perience of t.wo cel't.uries e nd were developed outoftbe play of th e game. Golf cn n only thrive if a ll players become fami li ar with the letter of t.hoso Inwsnswell ns the s pi rit. of th ru le. code. The MGA provides aut.hori tative and alert ad mini stration of all phtUU:l8 orgoll', u uniform code of Rules of Oolf, rulcs interpretation and distributi on of Rule" of Golf booklet• . GOI.F IlEVELOPMENT A lorge portion of t he MGA'. budget is a ll otted to juniordovolopmcntprogra ms. Through co mpetiti on , the MGA f:lelect8 u four man junior team, and with the assistance of tho R GA s ponsors them ann ua lly in the Canadian Junior Championship. N umorous other co mpetitions at t.he junior I vel ar a lso orgll ni zed bytheMGA. Croup inst.ruct.ion programs aro supported und simi la r programs carried on at the club leve l are enthu siastically endo rsed by our association . The MGA is .Iao involved in the development of a ll pha.e.ofthegame. Thc MGA conducts a Golf Conference on a bi-an nu al basis, which COvers a ll aspects orthe ga m - t he player, turfgrass, club management - 8S weU a8 regulnr semi nars covering topics suc h as the Rul es, Juni or Development, and any other topics whi ch may have a n cf- D fecton t.heoasociat.ion's rne rnborship. PUBLIC ITY 'I'he news media iff 8U pplied with information on nI l MGA organi zod co mpetitions and other events ofintertl8t to the golfing fraternity . Postors nnd entry form s 01'0 circulated to member clubs in lidvonce of competitions. The MGAnlso produces nn annual Martitoba GolfJournal.s well 8S quarterly newsletters. TECIINICAL ASSISTANCE The MGA has a D vclopIDent Co-ordinator who is responsible for many of th e association's programs. Orle of the mai n objectivet:J of the Developmont Coordinator is to promote the game tit:J weU as plan and coordinate basic fundamental nnd rul es c1i ni cs in rura l Mtmitobti where instruction is not readily available, Avail nble to bothjuniorB and adults, these clini cs are arranged through membcl'c1ubs nnd re· giona l rec reation associations. Clubs which are not members of the MGA receive nn initial clinic but nrc not eligible for further clinics unless t hey become members of the MGA. Tbe Development 0 ordinutor is also involved in orgunizingjunior camps which include an Elite Camp, PreElite Camp, City Cump tlnd two Rural Cam ps a8 well as a. Winter program a ll aimed at hel ping to develop Manitoba' " junior golfers. To coi ncide withjuniord evelopment, the MGA i8 a l80 planning, designing and coordi na ting progra ms to providegolfexposure in the school systems (e lementary, junior high, high school nnd univer· s ity). Another function ofthe Dc- vc loprntlnt o-ordinator i8 t hot of organizing special se minars such as Junior Chairman, Rules, etc. As well, tho MGA is involved in administering a Vid 0 Library consi8ting of a variety of instructionsJ tapes which may bo borrowed atony timo. MAN ITOIIA S I'OKl'S F~: I)EKATION/PK()V I NCIA I . S I'OKT DIKECTO RATE The MOA receives financial a88istance from the Manitoba Sports Federation through the Monitobo Lotteries . These fund s partially cover odministrotion coats and services including office accommodation and relnted office services in the Adminis tration Centre, 8S welJ 8 S a substantial share of the Executive Director and office secretary salaries, The Development Co ordinoto r's position and prugram l3 are made p0813ible by the Manitoba Sports Federation. Tb e association also receives an annual grant from the Provincial Sport Director· ate to Hssiat in a wide variety of sport programming. The associa tion reports to the department at the senson's end on grant expenditures. M i\N ITUIli\ GO I,'" SCIIOI.i\KS'I'" FUNU I N(;. The Monitobn Golf Scholarship Fund Inc. ialln officinl charitycstablished to provide periodic scholarships to younR molo or fornnle go lfors who reside in Manitobtl. TUK .. 'ONSULTAl'ION I n co-operation with the Oolf Course Superintendents Assoc iation of Manitoba , a consulting service is available to clubs which may not haveD full time s uperin tendent. Emergency sit u9tion s which may arise such a8 di scose, fertili zation req uirements nnd winter protection may be supported by this program . M (; i\ I{I PO I{ I T he yea r 1991 was typically busy for the Ma nitoba Go lf Associa ti on , a nd 1992 is already sha ping up to be even busier. The game of golf continues to grow by leaps and bounds ocr 08R North Amer jcu (lnd Munj tobu i H nn exc ption. What iA r eally exci ting is t he number of now golf courses whi ch have j ust opened , or a re under developme nt, or a re in th e planning sta ge. As we ll , ma ny of th e existing golf courses outs ide of Winnipeg a re un de rgoing ex pa ns ion from 9 to 18 h oleB, or a re co nve rting from Band to grass greens. It's all great news for Manitoba golfers! A recent survey of' go lfpar t ici pation in Canada which was carried out by the National Go lf'F'oundation (a U.S. based clearin g house for golf information ) rovea lod sarn o sta rtling data. Whilo 18% of Ca na di n nIJ played eight C)1" mo}'o round f!. of golfin n yeor (compa red to 13% in th e Sta tes), over 24% of th e population of th e prail'ie provinces play th e game that ofte n. Obvious ly th ese n ew a nd expa nded courses are needed . Pa rti cu la rly gratifying ie th e continued in tereR t a nd parti ci pation by junior age players. Without this growth in th o number s of young player s, t ho future of th o gam o would not be OR Rocurc OR it lR. ••• GOLF FORUM '92 On March 20 a nd 21, the MGA held its second bia nnu aJ conference, ca ll ed Golf Fo rum '92. Featurin g a variety of to pics of in teres t to a ll segments of the golf community, the conference brought several nationa l and intern ationa l speakers to share their knowl· dg a nd cxp n once with th o delega tos. Eva luations r caived from th pa rti cipa nts indicotod that Golf Forum '92 wa. very wellreceived, a nd probably e ns ured th a t there will be a Go lf Forum '94. Co nfe re n ce C h a irm a n Bob Ga naway of Mord en (MGA Vi cePreside nt for Rura l Ma nitoba) and his commi ttee pla nned s08sions of' interest to playe rs of a ll ski ll levol., to gree n s uperinte nde nts a nd gree o.s chai rme n, an d to club ma llagers a nd we re the a ppearance of LPGAHa II of Fame member Be tsy Rawls O R keyn ote spea ke r a t t ho opening bonqu ot, and n pa nol di scussion on th e fut ure of golf wi t h in sig h ts fro m a croBs-sect ion of pl'ofessionals In t h e golf ind us try. ••• uno\ THE PLACE TO SEE THE STARS For ma ny years, the Manitoba Open has held th o roputotion of boing the premi er o event on t ho Cnl10di un Profession al Go lf Tour a nd, in Int'go measuro, th a t r eputa ti on h as boon croa tod beca use of the wonderful s upport the tourn am ent has received from the loca l corpora te community. Pa.rticularly during Iwmewhllt diffi cult economi c tim es, it is grati fyi ng wh on a compa ny of th o interna tion al ~ta tu1"o of X l'OX Ca nada Limi ted ma kes a commitment to con tinue, a nd indeed to expa nd on its in vol vement in golf. Th eil'leade rs hip will se t a grea t example for oth er corpora tions to foll ow. Pla nning for the '92 even t is a lready unde rw ay and tbe Breezy Bend Host Committee, under t he chairma nship this yoor of R(lY Bonson , in tends th at everything will be eve n better th a n in 199 1. The Can a dion Tour grows stronge)' oach yoa l', a nd attracts man y of the fmest young profess ional golfers in the wor ld. hOR I'd member s, ••• Players learned a bout the ne w Slope course ra ting sys tem; opportunit ies for go lf os a carecr; and a bout th e me n tal aspects of t h e ga me. Mean while, course superinte ndents and th eir gr oe ns ch airrnc n took in sessions on go lf and en viron- mental issues; setting up Ii NEW IN mainte- na nce sch edul e; and buy ing and m aintaining t urfgrass equipment, There was a lso n B08sion on expa nsion ond renov(1tion of' cours 8. Club ma nage ment a nd boa rd members h ad se8sions onjunj or golf program s, club man agem ent, and th e reso u rces a va il a ble to clubs through the Canadia n Golf Found ation , th e Royal Ca nadi an Golf Association, and th o Ma nitoba Golf Association. Two h ighlights of Golf Forum '92 HOII of Farner 8.t.yRawl. highlighted the Forum. .. '92 The Roya l a n adi a n Go lf Associa ti on h as just announ ced a n ow provision und er t h o Rules of Amateur S tatus wh ich should bo of inte rest to golfers wishing to co mpe te in golf to urnaments at Bome diBtance from th eir h orne, but wh o may find the expe nses of doing so a little more th an th eir budget can ma nage. Known as the Piue Da." Expense Rule, th o n ow provis ion nllows u pluyo r to receive (l rOlll3on ub le a mount of expenses whi ch he actua lly incurs , as follow s: As an indi vidual member nominated 0 1' s p o n ~ sored by his golf club to engage in competition in Canada, provi ded tha t the expen ses ar e pa id by t he golfc\ub a nd Dr e limited to fi ve (5) com petitivQ days in a ny ono cal end a r year . "Competitive dOYAn include t ravelling days and pl'acti ce day • . The addition of (g) to Rule 1-10 will ena ble th e '/992 MmlitolHl Golf IOll nlal individunl golfer to roceive expellses to participate in 811 event. Expenses include entry fees, tran s l>ortntion, Dccom modat.ions and men Is. Tho club itself is not roquired tu pay expenses. If the me mbers wished to pass Lh o hat, so to speak, Lhis is acceptab lo provided Lh e club monitors t he expensea, os on ly Hclunl expenses incurr d CQn be reimbursed. Any individual or club which may be intoresLed should contect the MGA offico. Nancy ScranLun'a win aL Voncouver Golf Club lasL yeoI' was achieved in dramatic aLyl.: he r Lhird round 64 seL a women's course record while her 188t round 68 e nabled her Lo earn a cheque for over $120,000 . The three leading money winners in the du Mouner ltd . Classic hjetory include: LPG A Hall of Fame and three-time winner of the event, Pat Bradley, with $226,687 (16 appearances) • Nancy Scranton, $163,376 (6 appearances) • Betsy King , $143,729 (13 appearances) ••• WOM EN' PROFES tONAL GOLF AT ITS BEST OME TO W INN IPEG The 1992 du Maurior LLd. Cla8sic is being held at Winnipeg's St. Charle8 Country lub from Augu8t 10 to t 6. Tho vent is the only Canodio n stop on the LPGA Tour and is regarded by the players os the most popular tourno menLon tour. It is ono of the LPGA's four major ovents a long wilh the LPGA Championship, the U.S. Womon's Open and the Nabisco Dinoh Shore. 1992 MANITOBA SUMMER GAMES After 8 very successfu l debut as part of Lhe 1988 Manitoba Summer Gam 8, golf will once again bo part of the Games in 1992. T ho e m phasis ofLhe golf co m· petition in the Summer Games program is lhot golf is truly 8 "Iifetim • sport. Of 11 sports in the '92 Summer ames, golf is lhe only one which is opon to every age group nnd to both males and femoles. The age classifications will bo: 10·13, 14· 17, 18·34, 35·54, 55-64 and 65 and ovor. Each of tho Boven regions in the province will be conducting n rogional golf competition where t he winner "f each age category lisLed .bove (both malo nnd female) will go on Lh represent his/her region at the Manitoba Summer Games finals in Minnedo88 and Neepnwn from AugusL 19·23, 1992. Listed below ure the dote8, locations o nd con tact. phone nu mb f8 for each regional com peti tion. An official handicap is not I' quired to purticipat:e in Manitoba Summer Games Regional Competition 1992 MalrUnl lt1Goll /oll rllflJ RIGION When you conside r that t he tournament is 0180 Lo lovisod notiona lly and internaLionally by TV lind RDS (Reseau des Sports) in Canado, Prime Sports Notwork in the United SteLe8, ESPN in ~~ urope, and TDS in Japan , ond carrie8 8 high Lelevision roting, one .enses Lhe calibre of entertein· monL and technique that professional 8 provide for the viewing gallery and t lovieion audience. Be !:lUTe to mark theBe seven exciting days on your golf calendar. lho regionnl golfcompetiLions. Golfers who have competed in Lhe following ovents .ince 1988 will not bo eligible to compete in tho 1992 Came.: Males: • • • • • Manitoba Open Manitoba Amateur Manitoba Senior Rural Amateur and Senior Those players qualifying for the final 36 holes In Manitoba Junior Fema les: • Manitoba Ladies Junior, Amateur, and Senior Championships with a handicap of 15 and under, For more informatinn on how to participate, please contact your regional 8port association at lh applicable phono numbor Iioted or conLacL the MGNM LCA Manitob. Summer Gomes o-ordinator aL 985·1999. locATION DATU Central Pilot Mound Jufyl0&11 12 .June -- - . Eutman La BroquerIe Interlake Lundllr Normlll1 - PHONe' 822·5418 367-8437 June a 542·5155 Flln Fion ---- June 13 an-e785 Gilbert Plaine June 13 838-9111 Weltman Birtle July" & 5 72e-e072 ~ W1ndlO1' Pm G.C. July 3 ParlcJand - II!I 965-1999 Ready golfor. The Polo Park Golf Course W08 virtually in my backyard then and the only timo I'd 80tfOOt on the golf' course wns to collect stray golf ball s out of Omand's Crook to sell back to golfers.' forthe challenge! MGA EXECUTIVE WHEN DIRECTOR JEFF HNATIUK ANNOUNCED HIS lNTEN'I'lON TO JOIN THE MANnOBA AMATlWR HOCKEY Asso IATION LAs'r SPRING, THE SEARCI! WAS ON FOR A SU ITAIlLE REPLACEMENT. ENTER DON CRAIG. lef'g"i(Ung the (lctivities o(the highly s" ccess("l Winnipeg World Curling Cham.pion. .'lhips, the,,, serving as Presi· dent o(the newly established A As you worked arou.nd the sport, it 8eems your interest in golf grew. How did that interest munifest itself7 "I deeidod to become a golf volunteer so 1 joined th e MGA nnd served a. representative of city courses on its Board of Directors. [ also joined the Manitoba Golf Course Superinten· dents ASBociation, 8 me mbership I maintained until my retirement rrom th city and one which T i ntend to r enew. At tbe MGA , T s rved in nil chairman ship position s in cluding pres id ent (1977 ) .. . rvo been involved in golf as a volunteer administrator provincinlly and at the national level since abo ut 1965." What was your involv~ment at the na· tional level'l "I wa s invited in 1981 to become 8 member of the Board of Governors of the Royal anadian Golf Association . I've sorved 10 years as a volun· teer in that organizalion . In 1991, I WaS lectod Honournry Gov roor which is very nice but iL'S virtua lly automatic for anyone who hangs arou nd for 10 years." Manitoba Open Inc., Craig was rea.dy to meet the challenge o( guid· ing the MGA into the '90s. In. the (ollow· ing interview, the congenial Mr. Craig shares hi. thoughts on the Ma>litoba Golf As."iociation - Everyone dream. of reo tiring early nnd you were able to do thut. What prompted your decision? "J retired at th e age of 51. past, present and future: How did you get interested in golf? "I started working with the City of Winnipeg at the age of 15 when I got a summer job working at tho Kildonan Park Golf Course. 1 got involved in golf, coi ncidentnlly and accidentally . Tworkod s ummers for seven years, through high school a nd university. 1 never did get a univers ity degreo becnuse I was too busy havi ng u good time. Then , l wll S offered 8 cleri cal position with the City and I accepted." Executive Director Don Craig And you worked your way up through the syst m from there? "I guess T went from the lowest pos ition in the e ntry level to th e second most senior position in Parks and Recreation in tho city. Mind you, it took 36 years. ] s pent the last eight years with th city QS Director of Recreation and Commu nity Parks." Why were you interested in the Executive Di_rcctor position with MGA? "When lion tho city, I had noth· ing .pecific in rn ind t hough I a l· way. knew I would like to do some· thing in golf because my duti es with Parks & Recrea tion , and 8S a Though you started working around golf, i. It true you weren't partioularly interested in the sport at that time? "Whon I started with the City, I wns not a /992 Mmlilooo Golf jClIInwl For ponsion purposctl, con ~ tinuing to work didn't have AS ma ny advantnges du e to my yoars of service. Also, my job wasn't as sa ti s fy ing 9S it once had been. H's one of life's ironics that, as you rise in an organi zlltion , eHch tlte p you take up ta kes you one step furth er away from the things that rea Uy attracted you or intereated you most in th first place. I huvo no regret•. Uad thi s (MGA) not come along, I would still have no regrets. Tho decision was not one made in hasLe, by any s tretch of the imagination . It was simply time for a change." m golf vulunt~eJ' and golf' administrator, were all wrapped up in go lf', Wh on l rotired , if I hud thought about my choi co or 0 ny posi tion out th el'e, I don't think r could have wished rol' anything bette r than thi ~ , It gave me an oppor· tunity to get invo l v~d in ~omething 1 kn ew J enjoyed doing, 'For me, it was a perfect fit ." What is involved in the Executive Directorship of MGA? "'rhe Executive Director over8~e8 th e day -to-day management of the Manitoba ColI' Association ; looks aftor its financial inte rests; liai ses with member clubs; and maintains supplieR, Maybe, most importantly , OUI' role at th e MGA office i8 to provide the nece.aary ,'esoUl'ces for th e vol unteers , who make up th e MGA, to carry out their res ponBibilitie •. They aro the MGA. The administration iij the support or tho rosOlll'CO to tho volunteers," I understand you arc also President of Manitoha Open Inc. Why was this organization formed and what is your role? "Manitoba Open lnc, is a sepm'ato (rrom MCA) company croated oxclu. s ive ly to plan, organize and conduct tho Manitoba Open. MGA was looking for someone with experience in the conduct of major champiunships, in · eluding professionals , and in the ad · lTIini ~ trl;l.tiv e l;I. ~ pect. The MGA Exocu· tive cnme to me nnd nsked 01 0 to be the President of' thi s compo ny, "The company's Board consists of two MGA appointeeB, two rrom the host club which is Breezy Bend, repre· sentatives from the four major spon· sors and another perRon to act as Pres i· dent, The President chairs meetings, p rforms administrative work, pre· pOt' 8 budgets, Boli cita and liaises with sponsors, rnaintair18 supplies, conducts billings, etc. "One of the biggest responsibilities, ir not t ho biggest, is what 1 coli the 'recruitmont, care and feedjng' of our co rporate s pon s ors, Without the corporate s upport that we enjoy uniquely here in Manitoba for the Open, there wouldn't be an Open . It's that simpl e," What do you think is the most important consideration in deal· ing with corporate sponsors? "There Brc about 120 compani es who contribute to th e Open in va rying degrees from fin ancial s uppurt to the donation of products and services, An important IlRpoCt of that is to onSU1'O th ese companies are receiving a fair return on their inves tment. I think, too uften, volunteer organizations think the corporate community is out thore as an end less supp ly of' funds , Compa. nics are not philanthropic, That is not why th ey we"e crented; to donate money to CRuseR, no mattor how worthy those ca uses mi ght be . So, we have to try to find ways thHt we can mutually achieve what we're luuking fur ," What do you consider to be the greatest strength you bring to your position with the MGA? "Whon 1 worked for tho city, r 01waYR conRidored mysclfto be a b~11'ea u crat because ] never considered it to be a nega tive te nn , I'm a profess ional admin istrato" . r am what you would ca ll a 'gene ric manager' as opposed to a specialist, 1 have experience in many areas," What do you think i. thegrentest challenge facing the MGA in the 1992 season'l fiT think we nee d to mak e OUf' membership aware orwhy thet'e needs to be a Manitoba Golf Association . What does this urganization do fbr you, as a member of a club, or us ono who golf;' occasionall y? What do you get out or yoU!' $9 pe" yeoI' plu s GS'T'? How do you expect the Board nnd yourself will address that challenge? "V ice President Bob Gonoway of' Morden and I have talked about the MGA initiating an information p"ogmm to educate people about the association and its function in represent· iJ1g the beijt interests of golfers, from the elite tu those at the grassroots level. We wi ll likely start by reviewing ou,' informational mate rial s and update where necesRa ry ,'" The MGA also acts as a lobby group for the golJ"tng community, What kind of projects has it taken on? "We have tuken un activo stance in eRtab lishing 'favourabl e treatment' for golf courses in relation to increas ing prope,-ty taxes. We were not looking for an exemption;just favourable treat· ment considering the cuntributiuns made by golf cuurses tu our quality of life," m What arc your short· and long. term gonls with the MGA'I "My immediate goa l is to fully ra mil iarize myself with the operation of the MGA, uur re latiun ship to the Manitoba Sports ~-'e dol'ation , vo lun toers' oxpec· tations of tho organization, and to mos· ter the laptop computer, Over the long. term, r will be wOf'killg to imp l'ove th e MGA's p,'ome." What were the highlights of the 1991 Manitoba golf senson nnd how do they reflect on the MGA' s progress? flOu 1'.Juni01' toom won the Canadian champions hip and three of the fOUl' team members are ~ till of juvenile age with two more years of' e ligibility, It is gront for them (lnd kudo8 for the MOA , r think it points out thnt OU I' junior deve lopment program is working, I was at the Canadian Junior Championship (i n a RCGA capacity) and peo ple from other provincial jurisdictions were say· in g 'what nre you people in Manitoba doing to bo developing thiR ca libl'o of' playor - and 80 many of them - out of a relatively small population base?' "Our Willingdon Cup team ti ed for firs t and lost in the playofT in Ottawa with another fairly young team , Todd Fanning was named Labatt Manitoba Colfor of tho Yea r and was selected to play on an inte rnational tea m "c pre· senting Ca nada in a competition in Australia and did very well th ere, "It hH. to be !{l'Htifying fol' the peo ple whu have been working with the play. ers and hove Beon th om comi ng a long, advancing to thi s level, knowing th ey havo contributed in Ro mo way to th eir s uccess, These phtyel's obviuusly ha vo u lot or talent to start with but they . till need the opportunities nnd the events in which to participate RO th ey can devo lop thoso talents." What significunt rule changes can 1(0lfer8 expect in the 1992 8eli· son? "The changes to tho code in 1992 01'0 relatively minimal. Thoy nre mol'O COR ~ metic chunges to clarify th e rul es, "However, 1992 will Bee Ca nada , through th e nCGA, adopt th e 'slope' sys tem for COUl'SO ratin g handicaps , Through '92 und probably into '93, go lf' courses nCl'oss Canada, including those orth. MGA, wi ll be ,'.· rated und or tho now slope system whi ch is des igned to elirninate the home co urse advantage lhat Some players ha ve," 1992 Mimi/Dba Golf /oltl'tlol Manitoba Goll Association Moy -------------------------23 Manitoba Match Play Championship, qualifying round, Bel Acres 24 Maniloba Match Play Championship, qualifying round , WlldoWOOd 30 Manitoba Match Play Championship, S!. Charles 31 Manitoba Match Play ChampionShip, S!. Charles Glen Abbey Golf Club, Oakvllle, ON 16·17 Interprovincial Team Matches 16-16 Senior Gall Championship of Canada , Rlvershore Goll Club & Eagle Point Goll Club, Kamloops, BC 24-27 World Amaleur · Womon, Morine Drive Goll Club, Vancouver, BC October ----------------------- -- 1·4 Worid Amateur - Men , CaplIIano Golf & Country Club, Vancouver, BC J une --------------------------2 Manitoba Match PlAy Championship, SI . Charles 4 Manitoba Match Play Championship , S!. Charles 14 Sunday Junior Inlerclub evenl . SOuth Interlake (Warron) 24-2 5 Mid Handicap ChampionShip, Stolnbach 27·28 Amateur Tour Event, T.B.A July 4-5 NOr1h America Cup matches, Niekwa 5 Sunday Junior Intorclub event, Parcours La Verendrye (La Broquerlel 6 Manitoba Open qualifying, Glendale 9· 12 XerOK Manitoba Open ChampionShip , Breezy Bend 13 Manitoba Amateur Cjuallrylng evenl, Pine Ridge '4-17 Me nJlaba Junior Championship, Solklrk/SI. Bonllace 16- 19 Junior learn lr1als, Tronscona 20-23 Manullfe ManitOba Amalour Champlon~h l p , Southwood 25-26 Wlllingdon Cup trials, Nia:kwR 29 Rural Junior Championship, Portage Augul t 4-6 ManitOba Senior Championship, Elmhurst 9· tO Rural Amateur/Senior Championships, Hecla 14 Froe !'ress Interclub evenl, Teuion 11 Junior Inlerclub Championship, Rossmere 16 Family Golf Classic, Lartors 21 Coors lite Rurallnlorclub Championship , Morden 23-24 MB Minnesota Matches , Glendale September - - - - - - - -- ---------- -- Senior Interclub Championship, Klngswood 12· 13 Amateur Tour Event , T,B.A. 19-20 AmoteurTour Event. Bel Acres 25 MB High SchOOl Golf ChOmplonshlps, Cprman Roral Canadian Goll AssoclaUon June ----------------------------23-26 Canadian Club Champions ChampionShip, Dovll's Pulpit , Caledon Village, ON JUly -------------------------7· 11 Mld-AmateurChamplonshlp, Glendale Goll & C.C., Edmonton, AB Augul t ----- ---------------------11 ·12 Junior Interprovincial Team Matches 11 -14 Canadian Junior Championship, Llngan Country Club, Sidney, NS 11 -14 Canadian Juvenile Championship, Llngon Country Club, Sidney, NS 19·20 Interprovincial Team matches 19-22 Canadian Amotour Golf Championship, Riverside Country Club, Saint John, NB September --------------- -- ------ 10· 13 Canadian Open Goll ChampionShip, 1992 M(mil olxl Golf lOiirtlt11 Winnipeg Municipal Tournaments August ----------- -- ---------- ---Aug. 8·9 Men's Club Championship, Kildonan, Windsor, John Blumberg 15·16 Grand Finals , Klldonan Other Men's Tournaments May ----------------------- - 17-16 Men's Spring Tourney , Neepawa 16 Victoria Day Mlx9d , Drydon 23 4 Man Texas Scramble, Winkler 24 Mixed Jr, Open , MacGregor 25 Men's Spring Open , Macgregor 25 Men's Early Bird , Kitchen Creek 26 3rd Annual Happy Rock Men's Open June ----------------------------5-7 OptImist Jr. World, BrandoNShlk> 6 Men's Open, Winkler 6 Provincial Teachor'1I Tournament 6-7 Big Moose, Dauphin 6-7 Spring Men's Open , Melita 7 Men's Amateur, ChQrloswOOd 11 Senior Men's Open , Rat River 11 Senior Mon's 55 & Over, Gladstone 11- 12 Spring Mon's Open, Deloralne 13 Men's Open, Plnawa 13-14 Men's Open, Mlnnewasta 12-14 Grey Owl, Wasagamlng 15 Senior Men's Tournament, Killarney 18 SeniOr Men's Open, Pleasant Valley 20 Senior Open, Dryden 20·21 Mon's Open , Atlklkan 20·21 Men'a Opon, Ollbert Plains 20-21 Golden FAlcOn , Falcon Beach 20-21 Men'a Open, Ullle Falls 20·21 Southwestern Manitoba Men's Match Play, Melita 20-21 Father's Day Men's Open, Carman 20·21 Sprlng Tournament, SOuris 21 Mixed Tournament, Delahunl 27·26 Men'a Sanner County Open, Russell 27-28 Men'a Open, Roland 28 Junior Open, Portage 26 Junior Opan , Carman 28 Men's Amaleur, WildewOOd July -------------------------5 5 11 11 11·12 11 ·12 12 12 13 15 18 16- 19 16-19 18· 19 19 19 22 24 Jr. Open, SI. Boniface Mon's Open, Lundar Men's Opon , Rat River Mixed Open , La Riviera Men's Open, Macgregor Big Rock Classic, Deloralne Men', Opon, Delahunt Men's Open, Toulon Senior Open, Roland Kellke Klssslc, Steinbach T, Scali Agency 2nd Annual 2-Ball Mixed Men's Open , Dryden Moon Shine Days Tournament , Roblin Men's Amateur, Selkirk Mixed Open , Neepawa Men's Open, Steinbach Junior Open, Selkirk Alex Welsh Memorial , Breezy Bend III 25 26 31 August 1·2 3 or10 5 6 6 7 7 6 8-9 8·9 8-9 8·9 Junior Open, Dryden Am Am, Dauphin Junior Open, WlidewOOd ------------------- - - - - Portage Open , Portage JunIor Open, Wildewood Senior Men's Open, Macgregor Junior Open, Breezy bend Junior Open , Charleswood Junior Open, Nlakwa Junior Open, Teulon Senior Mixed Open, La Rlvlore Blueberry Open , OjibwllY Mixed 2·Boll Foursome , Roland Northeastern Open, Pine Falls Laban's Medal Match Play , Macgregor Annual Lefihanders Cpen , Portage JuniOr Open (Boys & Olris), Killarney Senior Men's Opon , Gilbert Plains Senior Men'. Open, Pleasant Valley Mon's Annual, Manitou FaUTournamenl , Sourla Goose COuntry Open , Lundar Men's Best Ball , Breezy bOnd Seniors Open, Winkler Junior Mixed Open, Gilbert Plains SonlorMh(od 50+ Open , Gladstone Junior Boys Open , Rsl River Senior Men's Tournament , K11Iamey Junior Open , Winkler Men's Classic, Kitchen Creek Men's Open, La Verendrye Men's Fall Open, Gladstone Men's Open, Killarney Aosebowl Match Play, Neepawa Senior Open, Carman 9 10 10 13 15· 16 15-16 18 16 17 17 17 17 17 21 22-23 23 23 29-30 30-31 31 Septem ber 2 Senior Mixed Open, Macgregor 4 Senior Open, Steinbach 5-7 Tun.;ey Trail ClassIC, Russell 6-7 Labour Day Te)(as Scramble, Souris 7 Labour Day Mixed, Dryden 7 SonlorsTournament , Delahunt 11-12 Men's Fall Open, Deloralne 12 Skiers Mixed Open, La RNlere 12-13 Last Chance Tournament , Selkirk 12· 13 Men's Open, Plea8ant Valley 12-13 Men's Fall Open, Mollta 13 Senior Men's, La Verandrye 20 Mixed Open , Gilbert Plains 27 Open Best Ball Foursome, Manitou Manitoba Ladles Goll Association Juno --------------------------- 'I Foursome toumament, Rossmere 8·14 Ada MacKenzie tOUtn8ment , T.BA 18 Super High Handicap and Higher Handicap tournaments, Selkirk 23 City & District tournament SI , Charles 24 City & District tournament , S!. Bonifaco July --------___________________ 6·8 Manitoba Junior, Amateur and SeniOr Open Championships, Nlakwa 13 Crosl tournament, Glendale 15 National Handicap & NCTC, 0 18lr1ct I , J & K, South Interlake G,C" Warren 29 Interclub A, WUdowood 29 Interclub B, John Blumberg 6 National Club Teams Champlonshlp 11 12 13 14 16 20 Provincial Level, SouthWOOd Colleen Hutchinson, Bel AcrOs Colleen Hutchinson , Transcona Colleen HutChinson , Canoe Club Colleen Hutchinson, Asslnlbolne National Handicap, Portage Rural Open, Carman I ABA I I MANII (lilA COlli I{ 01 till' "I AI{ Todd FIHllll1ill1g TWEJ.V1i: YEARS AGO, A PROMIS ING YOUNG GO LFER LEFI' THU NDER BAY named1 TO MAKE HIS HOME IN WINNIPEG. TODAY IT IS INCREAS INGLY OBVIOUS Mlllll1itoba § best outhwood'a Todd Fanning first sw ung a golfclub at th e tender age ortive, following the lead of hi s father who was a n avid golfoI'. "It's th e same old story," Fa nn ing laughs. "I had th e old cut-down wooden dri ver and when my father played golf, I wal ked around and hit balls while he waa pl ayi ng." ~"'a nning began his compe ti tive ca ree r a fOOr reloca ting to Manitoba a nd credits the directi on nnd competition he THAT O NTARIO'S LOSS WAS MANITOBA'S GAl N. hia third Ama teur tille, Fanning wos named Lnbutt MunjLoba GolfoI' of the Year for 1991. Sha rin g th e nom inee spotli ght were Rob MoMillan, Aileen Hobertson a nd Chri sty Power. Fanning says tho a nnouncement was a de fini te surprise, "I thought the co ndidates I was up aga inst had dono as much os I had. 'I'hey were all provincial champions who ha d don o we ll nationally , so it was a rea l surprise/' says F anning. "I: guess 1 did have 0. good year," "'rh e junior program at Southwood, wh ere I'm 0 membor, is rea lly good," says Fann ing. "1 was fortun ate e nough to rnd ed it was a very good year. Na med Golfe" of the Yellr for a fourth time, Fannin g followed h is victory at th e Manitoba Ama teur by being tho low Manitoban at th e Canadi an Chumpionship. Ho was selected to "eprese nt have a lot of good pl ayors my age to play aga in st a nd I just kept goi ng from there." And goi ng and goi ng ... Cana da on a four-ma n tea m nt th o Pacific Team Cha mpi ons hip in Port h, Australi a based on, he be li eves, his pas L pe rformances nt the Canadian Juni or Championships and received at Southwood for his s teady skill development. Afte r another illustrio us season whi ch saw him capture his conaistont good play within Malli toba . Fa nning's feats were furthe r recogni zed wi th his se lection as fin ali st ror tho Manitoba Sportswritors and Sportscasters Association 1991 Male Athl oto of the Year. Considering the expe l"i enc "Downundol'" to be a definite highlight of his golfyear, Fanning " Iso hud th e opportunity to show hi . stufT in a very challenging settin g 8S toUl'nnmont organizers in vited the Cn n n~ dia n team me mb 1'S to participate as indi vidu als in th o Australia n Am ateur, The te nac ious F anning n d ~ vnncod to qu a rte r~ fin a l pl oy in th o match play tournamont be fore be ing elimin ated. He says tho experience was an enlightening one. "It was quite un eye~o p o n e r to see Born e of tho better young players in Au strali a." 8ays l"anning, «Th roe of the four guys on th eir toom were 20 and 21 yea rs old and these guys we,'e breaking course reco rds. 'I'hey were just incredibl e. 'I'h y're playing 12 months of th e yea r. You r eally get an understanding of how good you have to bo to make a li ving a t thja s po,·t." And making a living at the s po,'( is just wha t Fanning intends to do but he's a pproaching th e jump to the pros with caution . "I thought brie fly lost summer abou t tu rning pro in Todd proudly occepled hi. 1991 Golfe, of the Year aword from LoboH', Doug Lavallee (II). th e fall ," suys Fa nning. "AJ1.e .. playi ng wi th some peo ple who h ad tried to turo pro, I decided to wai t until I could make 8 li ving at it rath er th an going out the re just b ca use I've nothin g better to do and s tr uggle a long. I've give n myse lf m 1992 M(lIIilo/Ja Coif J(Jll nla/ unoLher couple ofyeurB as an amateur before 1 docido to turn pro." Fanning says ho'd like to fo llow th e career route taken byfellow Manitoban Glen Hnatiuk who's currently playing on the Ben Hogan Tour. The approximato ly 30 tournaments per yea r on tho Hogan TOllr appeals to Fanniag who says his professional ti melines are nex ibl . "If, in two yem's, 1 don't fco l roady for il, I'm not goi ng to do it just because I said I would," says a refleclive F a nning. "r ve got to make !::l ure I'm ready to win some money and that means practi ci ng hard ... rt's time to stort show ing I'm worthy of attai ning profess ional status." It i. that sort ofviBion and determination that leads people to s uccess but golfwB s not t ho only prclfl:lSlSional sport thatb ckoned Fanning's athletic prowess. The National Hockoy Loogue's Va ncouver Canu cks drafted Fanning in 1987 a fter a successful goaltending career at Ohio State where he earn ed a bu ~ ino ss degree on It hockey/gulf scholarship. Graduating in 1990, he tested th o NHL waters but opted for a mOre ge ntl emanly purs uit. "llri ed to plU'sue my hockey CSlreor so I alte nd ed Va nco uver Cn nucks' trai nin g camp in 1990," says Fanning. "l ki cked it around a bit and decided I didn't wa nt to live Il 'l ife in th e minol's. ] thought 'I do hove 0 degr eo and] do 1992 M{llI ifo/J(/ Gllif /0I1I'f/(// have 80me so rt of golf skills' so I think I wont to purs ue th ose r a t h er t h a n p laying minor professional hockey for the next foul' 0 1' five years." Hi ~ concentration un ho ckey lurned his attention away from his golfgnrne ; a consequence Fanning hoped to rosolve as one of his goals for tho '91 senson . "One of my goals fol' last yea I' was to get bock to the level where I was as ajunior and, todo that, 1 jUl:lt needed to pracLice a lot more," Fa nning says. "Of course, I wanted to repeat {ttl Amate ur champion and J did that. l wanted to play in more events and 1 did that by going to North Da kota four times. You can procti ce as much OR you want but you've got to be playing competitively more often . That's what! did and I was fairly BucceBBfu l down there." This season, Fanning is slri ving to be a member of th o four~p l ayer team representing Canada in the World Amateur Championship he ld every two yea rs. Th e 1992 edition tok es place in Vancouver in September bul flUther challenges lie in Fanning's pa tb before he may get the opportunity Lo ascend the world sta ge. .1I'd li ko to win the Manitoba Amateur again," sayR F an ning, admiring the idea of three in a ruw . 1'1 would olso like to piny in the Ma nitoba Open and ! have a goal of being eight-und er-por 01' better over foul' r OWlds so that's an average of 70 at Breezy Bend. You try to set goals that are very hard to rcach. In golf, you've gollo t1.Un high, shoot low," Fanning credits an ea rly statt Lo his s uccess in t he go me though ta lont and perseverance ha ve not hu rt him any, either. He readi ly acknowledges t he s upport shown by his mother and stepfather who have enco uraged him throu ghout h is university life a ndgolf career. He chuckles wh ile noting his mother "was at every round of every lourna ment jn the provi nce last yeo I'. 1 think she enjoys it." Anoth er person who has been a significant infl uence on Fan ning is 0 champion himself, Manitoba Sports Hall of Famer, Al lan Boea. "When I won my fi rst Amateu r at 16 yea rs ofag~, he WIUI so excited, he gave me one ofhjs medals that they used to give instead of trophies," says Fan ning of his long-time friend. "He gave me one of his med. ls from 1940. Every yenr, going into the lust round, I put on his meda l fo r a little inspiration ." The affable Fann ing has made mnny fri end. in his career, among-them Gary Nicklaus whose golfing filther waS a boyhood favourite of Fanning'S. "Yeah , I've met Jack N icklau8 a few times," eays Fanning, with a laugh . "Actuall y, the clubs 1 use are a spare set of J ack's. Hi s son askod mo to try them out and, ifI liked th em, I co uld hovo th orn. Of' course, 1 did." But it i. not th e "famolls" clubs that a,'e the most memorable as pect of this ta lented 24-year-old'. performance on the links. His rendy smile and easygoing nature have made hl.m a fan favou rite at tournaments around th e province, For Todd Fanning, the future seem. filled with the 80rt of challenges on which his competitive spirit thrives. "I've always prided myself on being a good putter," says 1991 Manitoba Amateur chllmplon, Todd Fanning. ' Sometimes whs t separated me from a few of the others was my ability to putt better thsn most." According to Fanning, proper head position is one of the more critical aspects of successful putting. "The key to putting Is to keep your eyes over top of the ball. Don 't get your head bahlnd It. If you were to drop a ball off the end of your nose, It should land on top of the ball you 're pun/ng. II kH PS evelYlhlng squsre through the pun/ng stroke. It's such s small movement but so importsnt. "Keeping your head stili In putting may ba more Important than keeping your h88d sUIi during the swing.' The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company THE M AN ITO BA AMATEUR CROWN ALMOST SL IPPED Fanning becomes only second repeat winner THROUGH HIS FINGERS IN 1990 BUT S OUTHWOOn'R T ODD FANNTNG WAS D(O;T(O; ({MlNED NOT TO LET HISTORY REPEAT ITSELI' , " TH IS YEAR'S EVENT WASN'T AS CLOSE AS IT'S BEEN IN OTH ER YEARS," SAYS F ANN ING . " I N 1990, I ALMOST LET 11' (TJ-tE CHAMPIONSHIP) S I.IP AWAY. I HAD A BIG LEAD, LOST IT , TII EN MANAGE D '1'0 GET IT BACK, I WASN'T GO ING '1'0 LET THAT IIA PPEN '('HIS YEAR." d the perennial fan favo uri te was true to his word; it j ust took h im a whi lo to got .tarted, Fanning assumed the lead aftor 36 holos a nd nevor looked back cltroute to his 80Cond consocutive Mani toba Amateur Golf Cha mpionship, played July 16-19 a t the Rossmere Golf a nd Country lub. A Q UALIFYING R OUND A CT ION The cha llonges came not only from tho golf course but fTom naturo and technology as 144 golfors vied for 88 SpoLs in the Amateur qua lifier at the Glendale Golf and Country Club. Scorching heat, pesky mosquitoea and unexpected sprinkler action were among th e obstncles to be ove r- com by competitor. before a playoff that gave new meaning to t he term 'twilight golfing.' On the first extra holo, the a utomatic s prinkler sY8tem in adve r·tently became functio nal j ust as Ron Smith was getting ready to putt. Tho pULL was ra ined out as S mith's coml,>onions did their best to avoid getting drenched. Wh en it was fm alJy over, 88 competitors wore ready tojoin the 56 exempt playe rs for the Monu life Manitoba Amateur Championship. Top qua lifi ers in clud od Micha e l Wa lke r of Charle.wood (e ven-pa r 72), Ni nkwn's Doul( Irwin (73), Ka rl P"rrin gto n of Konora (73 ), SCOLL Pa rke r of Rossmore (74), Trent Wood of Southwood (74 ), Le n Sovak of P ine Ridge (74), and Andrew Taylor of Rossmere at 75. R OUNUON E "'"era norrowvlc'oryln 1m , roddeemed'he 1991 ,m. bya convincing 10 , trokes. AI Briscoe of St. Boniface was the unexpected leade r afte r recording a two- und ~r- pa r 68 in fi rst ro und action . Rossmere's Ga ry Kullm on, who captu red low amatour honours at the Mani toba Opon days prev ious, followed that foat with a one-under 69 on hi. horne good for second place . co u n~ e , 1992 M (wilo/HI Golf /mll'lwl m • 1 Mi\NII OBi\ i\1\1i\ II UI{ Two back of Kullm a n , ti e d a t one .. ove r 71 we re South wood's Todd I'a nninl{, C lend ale's J eff Helpor, C ran t Foster of Nia kwa and Darron McMillon of Pine Ridge. Willingdon CUp Trials Todd F a nning's commanding lead going in to Wi llinlidon Cup play a t Ross mere made t he 36· hole contest " pleasu re lrip as he shot a one-ove r 73 to incresHe hi Hove ra ll lea d to 12 strokes, Hi s five-round tota l of 353 waR novor throatened though the other three spots on tho Manitoba team wore .!-I til1 very much up for b'T'nbs, Tied for seco nd a t 365 we re Dole Go.h"ing of B,'eezy Bend (74) ond Doug Trwin of Niakwa (75 ), At 367 in the fourth a nd final position was Dave La va llee of P ine Ridge (77), one up On club mate Todd Teplitski who, along with "Brandon's Grant Cou lter, recorded the day's b st score of 72, R OUN I) Two Re ig nin g cha mp Todd Fa nni ng reverted to his old form , fnRhioning n four-under-pHr 66 Lo open a six-shot lead 81. 137 afLe,' 36 holes. Todd Te plits ki of P ine Wdge shot a 69 whi lo Ri ch So bkowi ch of HOijs mere recorded a 70 to leave tho pair in a t ic a t. three-over 1.43 . An ot.h er shot bac k were Garth Collings of Br ezy Bond ond Ross me,'e's Ga ry Kullma n. Fann ing BOYS ho pu t hi s golf ca "eer on hold dW'ing hi . years a t Ohi o Sta te University a t Columbus as h e pursued a nothe r in profess ional hockey . Hi s time a way from prac- tice took its to ll on his ga me but he showed he still has t h e righ t stull'with birdies on 2, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 16 onrout to his second rou nd lend. First rou nd leodor Al Briscoe of St. BOlliface dJ'Opped to 14·bac k (68·83=1511, di s pelling his hopes of a n upset vic· tory. Meanwhile, Ga ry Ku ll man, the Open's low ama teur, Rco red n di sa ppointin g 75 ror 9 two-round total or 144 , R OUNO T u REE Todd Funnin g completed t hh'd round action wi t h a one· ovor 71., appea ring well -poised to ca pture hi s second co n~ecuti vo Am uteu,' crown . Hi s 54· hole total of tw o· u nde r 208 lefL him eigh t strokes up on hi. nearest competitor, Carman's Bru ce North was a lon e in s~cond place w ith a tb ree· ro wld tota l of 216 wh.il e Breezy Bend's n a le Coehring a nd Carth Collings ti od for thi rd a t 217. S hootin g th omso lves out of co nte ntion Wel'e Todd Tepli tski of Pino Ridgo (74·69· 76=219) a nd Ro s~ m erO' R Ri ch Sobkowich (73· 70·81=224). Match P lay ch am p Dave La va n ee of Pine Ridge was tied at 218 with Jun io r ch ampi on Rob McMilla n (77·71· 70=218). F irs t round leade r AI Briscoe (68·83· 71=222) followed, one stroke a head of Andrew Taylor of Ross mere (75· 73· 71 =219). TilE F EARSOME F OURSOM E ARE D EC LA RED It was Todd F a nni ng a ll th e way as he waltzed to • 14· s t rok e victo ry in the fm a l rOlmd oflhe Willingdon Cup te",n trials at Rossmere , Fanning's fina l round 70 add ed to his six-round totol of 423 and on e - und e r ~ par win . His closest riva l was ODie Goe hri ng of Broo~y Bond wh oso closing round of 70 gavo him 0 436 tota l. The t hird tcom spot wos ca ptured by Ma tch Pi ny ch nmp De ve La va llee of Pine Ridge who peraeve red to u 71 a nd a 438 tota l. The ba ttl e for t he fo urth a nd fin al position was a cliflh on ger as Todd Teplitski ofPino Ridgo ond Doug Irwin of N iakwa, both at 441, fought it out in n ployofTwith Irwi n ome rging vi ctorious, Irwi n's birdi e on the fit'at playo ff hole ns u" ed his spot on Ma nitoba's Wil1ingdon Cup squ ad, 'T'eplitoki was na med th e tea m's first alterna te a nd a Ma nitoba re pl'ese nta ti ve a t th e Mani toba-Minn eso ta ma lches slated for mid-August in S t. Pau l, Minneso ta, His teamma tes included Carman's Bruce N orth, Ga rth Coll ings of Breezy Bend and Grant Coulter of Brandon. Fanning earn ed his fifth trip to the Conodi on Am ot Ill' to be playod ot th o Royal Ot towa Go lF lub in Ay lmor , Quebec from August 21·24·, For Goelu ing, Lava llee a nd Irwin, it w as a novice ex peri ence , F INAL R OUND PLA Y Todd F a nnin g becam e only th e second go lfer since E lmhu rs t's Billy Parker (1978, 1979) to win co nsecutive Ma nitoba Ama te ur Cha mpionships by coasting to an even· pal' 280 in final round action at Rossmore, Fanning fini shed up with a two-over 72, 10 shots bottor t ha n Da ve La va ll ee (77· 70· 71· 72=290) a nd Ni a kwo's Doug Irwi n (73· 73· 77· 67s 290). "1 conce ntrated more on not pl ay ing the peo ple behind me but playi ng the co ul'se and tha t really helped," said a vic tori ous Fa nnjng, "If someone's go ing to ahoot the s core~ to beHt me, then th ey've played well. But whe n yo u've got the lead , they've got to catch you," And no ono did . Bruce North of Carman , wh o started the finnll'ound in sole possession of seco nd place, ca me up with a 75 for a 291 tota l a nd a ohareoffourth wi th Breezy Bend'o Dale Goehring nnd Ga rth Collings. Rosome,'e's Rob Loewe n record ed a f:lecond consecutive 71 to fini sh in ~ev enth place, Twe nty· t wo golfe rs with Scores of 299 or be tter qua lified for the Willi ngdon Cup team tr ials held July 27·28 a t Pine Ridgo. ••• The Canadian Championship A golFe.' used to ,'ounds of a difTe re nt kind was t he leadel' ofLor 18 h oieo of th e COllodion Ama te ur Golf Cha mpiollohip at Ay lme,', Quebec. Lucaa Parsons, a part-time bartender in his native Au ~tralia , bagged a three-under-par 68 in in termittcnl d_rizzle to lead the puck a fter the fi rt;;t l'Ound of p IRY , Manitoba's Todd Fanning was a lonc in second pl nce at 69, the resu lt of his sixth consecutivo 8 ub ~ p a l' round, Fanning was ri ght in the thick of things after seco nd ,'ound play, shooting a two·over 73, thl'ee s trokes back oCthe leade r with a 36·hole total of 142. Scores a re determ ined through the top three rounds from each tea m ovar 36 holos, Ma nitoba finished p lay b od with Quebec but La Belle Pro vince claimed the Cl"Own by a s ingle stroka on th o second hold of a sudde n· deo th playofT. Todd F a nnin g was th o low Manitoban as teammatos Dalo Goeh,"ing, Doug lrwin und Dovo La va ll eo represe nted t h eir provin ce well a t th nn· ti onal level. m 1992 Mmdtaba Golf JOl/rII(l1 The Most Important Document at the Xerox Manitoba Open Xerox is proud to be the title sponsor of the 1992 Xerox Manitoba Open. And we want to thank tlle players, volunteers, and spectators who make it one of the be t tops on the Canadian Tour. Whetiler it' in tile office, on tile the Breezy Bend scorecard . golf course, or in communities The most important document at this year 's Open. across the province, Xerox is committed to success. That's why you'll see our nanle on more than just copiers and fax Doc..,.", XEROX Company machines. You ' Ualso see it on ~ • The ,. • 1 Manitoba Gibson Tlf8 MANITOBA Qp8N LOOKED Lnffi A ONE- MAN SHOW UNTil. THE HALPWAY POINT . THEN, ANOTHER PERFORMER WORKED HIS WAY sets course N record INTO THE SPOTLIGHT TO 8ARN THE FINAL OVATION. eW Orlenns 6th -year pro Kolly Gibson tore up Breezy Bend, th e new hom o of Manitoba's pre mi e l'o golf eve nt, enl'o ute to a blistering 21· und er-pnr tournament. record and th e $18,000 championship prize. Gibson, who earlier in t.he week entertained patrons of a West Winnipeg bar with his karaoke skills, shoved four strokes ofT the record set by 1990 champion JeIT Bloom. Overcoming a comm a ndin g lead built. up by 1989 Open champ Stunrt Hendley over the firs t. two rounds. Gibson grabbed the lead af\e r 54 holos and never looked back. Undaunted by a strongsoutll wind in flnal round ploy, Gibson fashioned a 6-under-par 66 for a 72-holo total of 261. He finished four strokes up on Hond loy whose fin al round 3-undor Gibson accepl. hi. $ 18,000 c heque and trophy from MG~ Pr••ldenl Jim Scollan. Xerox involvement provides big boost for Open The recent announcement that XIIOX c.nada Umlted .,. become thI title IjIOnIOr 01 the 1882 Xlrox tMntIobI Open II GaUM for nllbnlllon by ~ UIOCIated wtth thlSIIme 01 goIIln thI ~ p!O'Moa. AccordIng 10 Don Craig, PI'eIIdenI 01 ManIIobe Open Inc., "II would be III unde~ 10 MY we .... delighted 10 have a company willi thllnIamdonaI . .IUra of Xerox bacoma eo doMIy Ina clalacl willi our pn:Mnoa'llIIIjar golf 1howcuI. "lncradlbll MIOUnIa 0I1ImI and IfIort have gone InIo IIIIIIlI.tJIng thI OsMn" rapuIaIIon ulha ftnllllYllll on IhI ClnadIIn Tour. To have XIIOx oomt IoIward during _ _ dIfIIcuII -.omIc IImII givM till 0sMn jutI the booII " naadllO remtIn In thI fotlhonl 01 Canadan golf," Thle IIIhI fouIIh year Ihat Xerox .,. bean 8IlIIYIIy InYoIWd In IPOI-.hlp of IhI Open. WIIh _ 200 1mPfO.- In ~ thI company .,. allllllcl InIIrwIIn communfty - * and chaI1IIIa, The IIIIe IPCJIIIOIIhIp of thI X_ ManIIobII Open Ie one mora lxampIt 01 III oomlllib,lIIII 10 ImpoItIInI ~ and communlly partnlrlhlpt wtthIn the provlnoa. I ID 69 com pleted his 271 total. Hendley, of Woodlands, Texas, eurned$lO ,OOO for hi. oflort. along with on extra $600 for recording the best single rou nd of tho tour· na m nt with his record 10-underpar 62 on opening day. Florida's Todd Hamilton bugged the best scoro of the fin n I round with an 8-und or- poT 64 for a 72·holo total of 274, good for third place honours an d $6,000. Mike Heinen Jr. of Louisiana and Louis Brown of Georgia, who began the final rou nd tied with Hendley at only one shot back of the lea der, came up nat Olil H inen's 73 loft him at 275 nnd Brown's 74 at 276. With tho oxceptionoftwo holos, Gibson was alo no in th e lead. He porred the first hole whilo Heinen, Brown and Hendley oach birdied to create n four-way ti for top spot at 15·under-par. Gibson birdied th second holo as did Hendloy and Hei nen, while Brown's bogey BOW him lose ground on tho I adors. The eventua l winn r mode his movo with 6 birdie on the third hole followed by five more on the 4th, 6th , 8th, 11th and 15th. Ian Leggatt of Cambridge shot D final round 69, moving him into a fourth place tie with Heinen . The two each collected $4,500. Local favourit.e , form r Manitoban Glen Hnatiuk took home $2,250 after finis hing in a five· way ti e for 8th place. His closing round 71 brought his 72hole totel to 277, ll· under-par. Manitoba's co ntribution to the PGA Tour, Dan Halldorson cardod 8 one-over-por 73 in final round action to closo in a tio for 23rd place at 281. Low Amateur honours were captured by three-tim Manitoba Amateur winner Gary Kullm on of &ssmere but the field was too 1992 M(witoiHl Golf JOl4rmil close ro,' co mro,t with only rour st rok es se pa rn ting th e rour amutours, The '9 1 Open ma rked the firs t t imo four amnteurs have survived the cut Flince automatic exe mptions were a llowed ; 0 d finitec reditto MGA's dovclopmentol progrAm s. KullTllHn I:IhoL a final round o" e-unde r-par 71 ror a 72-hole total or 288, even par, edging out Todd FanningorSouthwood who fini shod with 0 74 ror 289, On th eir hec ls WOl'O Dale Goohl'ingorthe host club whose clOfoling "Ollilel 75 gave him a rou,'-,'o und toto l or 290 and eH rman's Bl'uce North who fin is hod with a 76 for 291. Q UA Ll FV ING R OUN US Human interos t stori es we re the order orth e day during Open quolirying round action a t Bel Acres ount.ry lub as a hon eymooning pro nnd n father-son combination were among those uu rning t he finAl eight berth s. Mike Hoinon Jr. or L<>uisionn J'cc ruitod hi s bl'ide of iluee weeks to handle caddy cho res 88 he ca rded fI one-under-par 71 to shore top s pot with Illinois pro Murty DeAngelo. J ohn Irwin, h on d pro at Niukwu, shot n one-over-par 73 to qu oliry ond shored the ex pel'ionco with his son, Doug whose 74 mod e h im th e only amateur player to qualify, 1I00T-OUT throuj.{h two s hootouts befol' D being eliminated by Punasik on the second-lost hole. Hnlldorso n co rn ed $500 for his trouh le mal.ch ed by Guy Boros or Fo,'t Louderda le who combined hi!! $100 bi,'di e bonus with his $~OO prize, J ovial J ack Kay Jr. or Toronto, the third eliminated, picked up $300 and Canadian Tour me mbe r Rick Todd bowed out second, ea rning a $200 prize and 0 birdie bonus. Jell' Bloom of Scottie, 1990 Manitoba Open chomp, bid a hosty oxit with a bogey on the first hole but . till mono ged to collect a $100 prize, Tm: PKO- J lJN IOK EVI(NT Six profcssiona ll:! Lemned up with rura l, city und Breezy llendjunior me mbers in a n ino-hole toa m tournam ent os QU<'bec pro Remi Bouchard led his tenm to top hon ours in th e pro-junior event a lso played Ju ly 10 at Breezy Be nd, Bouchard's three-und e r-par 33 combined with J ohn Hoprne r or Da uphin (3 4), J ohn S troich of Ross me re (38) and Don Caron or t he Bend at 40 for an aggregatc scorc of 123 over nin e ho les. Low pro honours belonged to J cff Budor of Onturio with [I 32 nnd his team of Joel Cure of Rat River, Ku,'t Ge,'ecke or the host club and Ja.on T ''I'is of Bel Acres took second place with a n aggr ega te sco re of 126. T IlE PRo - AM EVENT Leo Pm'tor of' NOI'th Co rolinn eR tnbli Rhed 0 competitive course record with a hogey-free, eight ~ und c r - p[\r 64 to sc t t h e pace in t.h e Monitoba Open Pro-Am Tourney played July 10 at Breezy Be nd . Thi'ty-eight tea ms took pa rtin the co mpetjtion , each cons isti.ng ortwo pro8 a nd three amateurs. Porter, who birdied four hoios on onch nino, eurned $500 us th e tournamont's low individua l scoro. One stroke back was Jim Reist or Roge rsv ill e, Al a ba ma, Davi d Te ntis of White Bear [Al ke, Minneoota a nd Ashl ey Chinner ofTeronto, Pro-Am t.eam honours we nt to pros Joe Lloyd and Vic Wilk with help from theiramatcur tcn m motes Butch Ba rkwell , ,fohn Crondell and Len Bora nyk with 0 total or 217 points. Each pro earned $300. Second place be longed to th e tea m of pros Mike Gl'ob and Ron Philo and amateurs Bill Morrissoy, Scott Grunt and Put Nowbound with $200 in pri 7.ef1 goi ng to each of tho proressiono ls. Third , at 211 , wo re pros Da vi d Te ntis and Pat Ke mball along with a mateu rs Scott E dga r, Jim collan a nd Al Shipman, with $100 prizes going to oach profcssiona l. TILE GRAND F INALE On July 11 , the M.a nitoba Open bega n amid th e s urrounding!! of it!! hom e for the next tlll'CO years, th e Breezy Bend Golrand Country Club. Those who predicted high scores looked shoepis h os 1989 Op n champ Stuart Hond ley shot 0 course record lO-und er -par 62 to tnke the lead olter fi ,'st round action. Rainy wea th e r co ntributed to more than holr orthe 156 co mpetitan bettering par, with anothor 10 at even par, Showers dogged ploy- 1I0WDOWN It storts with sov n and then th e re's ono, Tho AnrlUol Shootout feature8 seven players beginning ploy on th e firs t hole with ono player eliminated per holo, Stlll-ted in 1990, t his eve nt hU I:! becomo a popular p1'elude to the Munitoba Opon. Windso,' pro and 1986 Open chompion , Bob Po nosik collec tod $1,100 ror a day's work a ft I' s urviving two shootouts e nroute to the $900 first prize a nd added another $200 for a pai r of birdies. Burnaby's Word Stouffer c1uimcd second plnce - good for $600 - ond odded $200 in birdie bonuses. Dan llolldorson .lso made it 1992 Mnlli/o/m Golf /oll rtfn / Huge gallerle. watched a. Gibson fashioned a final round 66 and a convinc ing four ,'roke victory. m el's 1110St of the day, letting up only for the flnal hour of competition . Fours shots back of the leade,' were Phi ll ip Hatchett of Kentucky and Louisiana's Mike Hein on who fended Gibso n's font was 0110 Rtroko bock ofStunrtHond loy's record-sotting first round p~rforman ce. Ironically, the leader th"ough the first two reunds rocorded tho fifth worst score of the third. Hendley saw his sizeable lead diminished as h e ofl'thc mornin g rain to record 6-under- j,lcored a two-over 74 t.o drop to 14-under-par with a 54- par 66 •. hole totol of' 202. Louis Brown of Georgia (66) and Louisiana's Mike Heinen Jr. (6 7) made progress tojoin Hendley nt 14-undcr-par. After tho firflt round , Gary Ku llm an of Rossmere was the leading amateur an d th e low Manitoba n with his twound er-par 70. Chall enging Kuliman were Todd Fanning of Southwood , Bruce North of Carman and Dale Goehring of' the hOBt club, each at 7l. Otho ,' notable Manitobans included Cnd Lechmnn of ElmhurBt (72), 1991 Match Play champion Davo La va ll ee of Pine Ridge (73) and Doug Irwin of Niukwa at 73. Setting the pace for loca l pros were Carman's Put Kcmboll , Brondpn'sTom Rolf Dnd Teulon's Barry Gibson euch of whom cardod a 71 . Pat O'Donnell of' Pine Ridg (72) was on stroke ahead of Jim LozaJ'ko of Pine Fall s, John Irwin of Niakwa , John Bowen of HI umborg, and Michel Pion of Ha rbour View, all at 73. R OUND Manitobn'a PGA Tour s tor, Don Hnlldol'son 1'0- co!'Cled a thi "d "ound 69 for an eight-under-pnr total of 208 and Carman's Put Kemball, the only activ Manitoban to s urvive the cut, shot a 70 for a sevenunder 209. Competition was inte nse in tho top amateur honours racc as Dale Gochrin g boasted a four-s hot lead coming into third round action. The 1990 Amateur champ had Bome diffi culty and, after a thi"d round sco re of 77, fo und himself ti ed with Carman's Bruce North, Todd FarrningofSouthwood a nd minois pl'oMaJty DeAngelo. The Re/Max Real Estate Long Drive competition was a closo contest as Cam Emerson of Grimsby, Ontario be lted a 322-ya rd drive ofT the first tee at B,'oo zy Bond to win tho compotition, postponed from July 13 due to roin . EmerAon, 0 Three time Manitoba Amateur champion Gory Kullman captured 'he Open 's low amateur honorJ, Canadian Tour mem · bel' whe also holds a Hogan card, finished t hree ym'dB ahead of Kelly Murray , well-known for his enthusia. tic drivc!:J, Two Moth r Natu l'D wns in fin o form during second round playas winds and heavy rain took centre stage reBulting in a 2 112 hour rain delay. Wh en play finally resumed, Stuart Hendley padded hiB lead by carding a 6-und er-par 66 for " two-day tota l of 128, 16-u nde,'-p"" Hendl y's 66 was matched by Mark Wurtz of Washington, Louis Brown of Georgia and Marty Sebiene of Illinois as best scOres in th e second round . DaloGoehringofHreozy Hend, 1990 Junior champ, recorded a 5-und er-par 67 to go along with his one-under 71 after 18 to bring hi. total to 138, 10 sbots back of tbe leader. The flurry of low score8 over 36 holos made the cutaoll' mark a stingy one but 72 players mndo tho grade with scores of' two-under-pUT 142 or better to advance to th o final two round fJ. CPG~\ PROfESS'O~I~\lS Devoted to promoting your enjoyment oj golf through expelt instruction and the fines t in golf equipment, customfilting, repairs and the latest in fashionable attire, TALK TO A QUALIFIED GOLF PROFESSIONAL TODAY. ROUND THREE At last, golf weather! On a windless, s un -filled day, tho plot thickonod whon third round action sow Kelly Gibson , n 5th year pro from Now Orlea ns, take ovo r the lead with a blis, te"ing nine-unde"-par 63. Hia threeround tota l of 201 was 15-und e,·-par. Canadian Professional Golfers' AssocIation of Manitoba m 1992 M(II/;/o/XI Galf /ollfllal MANII OIlA JUNIOR Convincing win for THE RAIN, IT'S PLAIN, FIlI,L .MA INLY McMillan 1991 MANITOBA JUNIOR ON THE GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP, PLAYED JULY 2 TO 5 AT THE ST. CHAHLES GOL~' AND OUNTRY CLUO AND JOHN BLUMBERG GOLF COURSE . TORRENTIAL RAIN FORC~D THE CANCELLATION OF SECOND ROUND PLAY REND"RING THE TOUHNAMENT A 54- HOLE CONTEST. ournam ent favourit e Rob McMillan of Pine Ridge, didn't disa ppoint 8S he put together three solid efforts to produce a winning lotal of 212, three-under-parand 12 Rtrokesbctterthan his closest competition. McMillan, who lost the 1990 event in the last round, seemed determined te redeem himself and succeeded brilliantly. "La8tyeo r, wh n J lost iton the last day, it became a big goal (or me te win this yoar," said McMillan, "I still remember the feeling of IO!:l in g 80 it WflS a huge win for roe," T FIRST ROUNI> A CTION McMillan completed the first round of play with a blazing 5-under-par 67 at St. Charles, five strokes ahead of Tyle r Rice ofWssagaming and Andy Oakden of Brandon Wheat City who carded v n-par 72s on the day . Another ohot back was Derron Magda of Elmhu rst at 73. McMillan started slowly, matching par on the par-5 first hole followed by a bogey on the second challenge. But that bogey would be his last of the round, replaced i!lstead by a succession of birdios on 5, 6, 9, 10. 13 nnd 14 . Meanwhile, Marc Cadioux and Scott Brown covered their home co urse in 74 s troke• . Five playors tied at 76 including Craig Ash of Brandon, Elmhurat's JelTLailey, Melita's Jason Hicks, Brian Hous ton of Niakwa and Jeff Ciccko of Southwood. Tho low 8t tally of the day at Blumberg was 79, shot by KenDra'. Ron Johnson. An-ilK 36 mILES The field of 158 truded courses for second round action and McMillan continued ltis domination of the teurney at the pa r-7l John Blumberg c'O urSe. McMill an bagged a one-under 70 for a cumulati ve lotal of six-under-par 137, prompting mony to specul ate the Pine Ridge golfer might challenge the Junior-titleby-18-strokes record set by 1987 cbamp, J elT Holper. The rain-inspired cancellation of second round play dashed that theory but failed te dampon McMillan's enthusiasm. Bi. closest rival. were Tyler Rice (If Was.gaming (72-73=145) and Andy Oakden of Tournomenl (ovorll. Rob McMillon did nol dl.oppolnl o. he flnl.hed 12 ahead of hi. neor.,f com~tlto,. ,',o/(e, '/992 MfHlUO //(/ Golf /mlnUl! instead of ekoing it out,lt Magda s ncoked into a second place finish by recording the best score of th e day - 0 one-over 73 - toolORO out at 224, ono upon Wasagamin g's Tyler Rice (72-73-80=226). McMi ll an's victory a l80 cinched the 15-16 age group shi eld while Ma gda , onco again, settled for runner-up honours. The toast of the 17-18 oge cotogory was Tyler Rico whose 225 was two strokes bettor than Dean North of Carma n (78-74-75=227). The provincial juveni le team was choson for th e Weste rn Can a da Juve nil e 1'eam Championship for golfers 16 years of years of age or under, sloted for the St. Boniface Golf Club. Joining McMi ll on and Magda in the winnor's circle we reNinkwa clubmatcA Brian Houston and Todd Slatnik . Wa.agam/ng ', Tyler /lIce wa, #lIn Ihe 17- 18 ag. calegory. Bra ndon Wh eat Ci ty (72-74a 146). J e ff Ciecko of Southwood (7673=149) was in fOllrth arte r 36 holes, followed by Elmhurst's J elT Lailoy at 150 and De rron Ma g da of Elmhurst, Scott Brown and Ma rc Cadi eux of St. Cha rles, Brian Houston of Niakwa and Jody Chudley of Brandon, a ll tied at 151. Whil e score s better than 166 made th e cut going into final round play, the 16 best sco res after 18 hol es a lso qualified for another 36ho le conte.t to determine the fOllrplayer provincial team. Young~r age group winnors were determined through ploy on the 36 h ole s. Thirteen-yea r -old Da v id Francis of Ke nol' a topped the 13-14 age group with a two-round tota l of 160, four strokes bette r than Daniel Ch a rtrand of Southwood ot 164 . The 12-and-und er shiold went to Adam Speirs of St. harles wh ose 93- 85~178 bettered the 88-93: 181 recorded by Ru ssoll'. Ryan Robson of Russoll. NEVER IN I)OU II'I' The prolific McMilla n corded 8 fin a l round t hree-over-par 75 but sti ll incr 'aBed hi . load, taking th e Juni or title with a 54-hole total of 212, three-unde r-par a nd 12 strokes be tter thon runner· up, DorTon Magda of Elmhurst. uIt wu s very sa tisfying," said McMillan of his victory , "Especially bccHu tJe there was nO qu estion of' winning. It wasn't clol:3e; it wa s not a nuko. 1 kind of m ade it a win 1992 M{lIIlIcJlxl Golf /ol/runt Th. under- 12 "". went 10 Adam Speirs 01SI. Charle • . ••• Junior Team Trials Rob McMi ll an followed hi8victory in the MWlitoba Junior by crwsing to top spot in th e provincial Junior Team Tri a ls he ld July 2021 at Southwood. The Pine Ridge wo nd I' was out for redemption once again as he failed to make the grade for last year's team, a disappointment he was determin~d not to repeat. After the first round of t eam tria ls, McMi llan was out In front With 8 fouraround tota l of 284 . Dea n North of Carmon he ld down second place with a tota l of 297. Dorron Ma gda , sti ll of juvenile ago, was in third spot at 299, . . Vying for the fina l team position were Tyler Rice of W~saga mmg (303), Bl'lan /fouston ofNiakwa (305), JetfLailey of Elmhurst (307), DaVl d MlChalesk. of Selkirk (3 07), Kolly Rasmu sse n of Ross mere (308), Mike Ciecko of Southwood (309), Todd Slatnik of Ninkwa (310) and Mllrc Cadieux of St. Charles (3 11). In final ,'ound play, McMillon continued to dominat.e, shooting 0 Boven -over-paT 77 to clos with a five-round total of361. Joining him on the Manitoba team h ead ed for t ho Canadian Ju nior Championship in Ontario were Derron Magd a of Elmhurst, orman's Dean North and Brian /fouston of Niakwa. Magda record ed n final rOllnd 78 for a 377 total. Meanwhile, North shot an 82 enroute to 379 total whilo Houston's closing 75 gave h im a total of 380. Sixteen-year-old Houston needed to ga in three shots on Wasagami ng's Tyler Rice to nab the final team berth and h e did so in spades. Rice's finol round 89 e na bled Houston to gain 14 strokes and the right to represent Manitoba. Todd Slatnik of Niakwa enjoyed the day's best .core of 73 to odd to his 383 total, good eno ugh for top spot on tho provinCial team for tho annual ManitobaMinnesoto m atches s lated for the Midla nd Hills Oolf COUTse in St. Paul. JoiningSlatnik in the 'fwin Citios were Elmhurst's Jeff La ilay, David Michulos ki of Selkirk and Mike Ciecko of Southwood. It took a three-man playo ff to de termin o the a lternate player but Kev in Schledwitz of R08srn er emerged victorious aner the first hole over clubmate Ke Uy Rasmussen and Tyler Ri ce. Slatnik nnd Ciecko a lso ea rnod spots as extra juvenile piHyel'8 at tho nation a l junior even t. in Ontario. ••• David Franc/. of Kenora earned top hono" for 13- 14-yearold• . The Best in the West Manitoba juvenil e golfers proved th oy were, un doubtedly, th e best in th e west as our province played host to the Western Conad.a Juvenil e Team Golf Ch a mpionship Jul y 29 a nd Au gust 1 at the St . B o nif~ce Golf & Country Club. Rob McMillan and lhe home tea m oarn d individua l a nd team honours, res pecti vely, t he second Buch victory for McMillan and lhe fou rth slraighlleam viclory for M ~ nitob •. McMilhm's opening round two·ove r-ps l' 74, one up on tenmmate Dorl'Dn Magda who missed a one-foot. putt on th e 18th to close wilh a 75 . Meanw1ti le, Todd Slatnik and Brian Houslon ma naged 82s lo co nlribu te to t h Leo m co use. With th o top three scorcs count ing, Ma nitoba fini sh d round one at 231. Ma nitoba op ned up a 10-shot lead attor second round play wilh lhe A1berla leam nearesl to th e eventual champions. Hob McMilla n ca rd ed a 75 while Brian Hou ston . hot a 78 and Dorron Magda contributed a n 81. Fellow teo mmate Todd Slatnik was a little shaky this day, rocking up on 84 . In indi vi dua l play, McMill an continued his domjnunce wilh a 14 9 lol. 1over 36 holes, seven shots better th un teumm ato Dc rro n Magda and Alberta's Bryce I·;'arr oll . It was Man itoba all the way in the fina l round aa lhe fearsome foursome co mbin od their efforts for n 699 lola l, 13 shots b lte r t ha n second placo Alberta . Briti8h olumbi a s ettl ed fo r t hird with 7 24 and Saskatchewan fini shed with 740. And it was McMillan a ll t he way as th e Pine Ridge golfer shot a fin al round one-ovo r-par 73 for 54-hole lotal of 222 a nd th e Wes tem Canadi a n Ju ve nile indivi du a l title. Runner-up honours went to Bryce Farrell of Al berta (235). Add ing to McMilla n's BCOTO wer e De rron Magda at 81, Brian Houston olso at 81 !lnd Todd Slatnik at 85. ••• Taking on Canada Tho depth of Moni toba golf ta len t was in evidence once oga in AS n youthfu l Manitoba ju ni or ton m wen t th e dista nce, bringi ng homo th e 199 1 Co nodi a n Junior Tea m Championship after a thrilling I>layo ff at th e Carlelon Golf and Yacht Club in Manotick, Ontario. Three j uve n ile m embe rs - Rob McMillon, Derron Magdu, and Bria n Hous ton joined for ccs with Dea n North to capture Manitoba's first na tionaljunjor/juvenile crown s ince 1985. Moreove r, foul' of Man itoba's eight co mpetitors m ade the cut McMilla n, Magd a, Dean North a nd Marc Cadi eux. Al ways in tho thick of competilion, Ma nitoba comploted tho first round tied for first place with Nova Scotia. Al\er 36 holes, Ma nitoba fin is hed in u three-way ti e for top spot with Nova Scotio a nd Briti sh Columbi n, ouch wi t h scorcs of 445. Birdies on th e 18th halo by Manitobans Ro b McMilla n and Der ro n Magda propelled our prov incia l tea m into th e three-team playo ff. Tho British Columbiu team was eliminated on the fi rst playoff hole, leavin g Manitoba lind Nova Scotia t.o b a tt le it ou t for champi on s hip honours. The hero of th day was Bria n Hous ton who bi rdied th e second pl uyofl'hole to ensure the wi n for Ma nitoba . Ma nitobans Rob McMilla n, Dea n North and Ma rc Cadi eux we"e am ong th o lop 10 finis hers at the cha mpionship, a strong indicntion ofth e wealth of golf ta lent existin g in this province. In indi vidual pl ay, Rob McMilla n was looking to re pea t his notionol juve nile cha.m pionship pe rform a nce of a year previous but feU just one stroke s hort, bowing to Onta rio's Bri a n McC[lnn . ••• ManitobaMinnesota Matches Manlfobo', ou"fandlng Juvenile feam capfured fhe We.fern Canadian champlonlhlp held af Sf. Bonifac e Golf and Counfry Club. Team membe" (L -II) were coacf, John Urkevlch, 1I0b McMillon, Brian Houlfon, Todd Slafn/k, and Oe"on Magda. The 11th annu a l Manitoba-Minnesota ma tch es we"e played August 20-21 at the Midl a nd Hills Coun t ry Club in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hoping for a repeat of the 1990 victory at H ecla Island, Manitoba fe ll b hind early, bowing 5-3 in the first round of si ngl s match play, The second round featured teams play ing four-ball match pl ay with a victory counting 8S two poin ts for each mutch . There aga in, Minnesota topped Mani toba 5-3. Minnesot a wrapped up the toUI'namont with D cumu lative tota l of 10 'It comes down to smart p,.~. A lot of ~ go out to the driving range and just beat bells, When I go, I make a point of _11y thinking about what I'm doing and making sure whet I do Is a repetition of what I would do If I were on tha course. I/,s like vitJuallzation. You can build a 'muscle memory'so when you get Jnto that lltualfon on the course, you don 1 have to fHlly think about It, 1/ just happans. 'The one ",/ng many amllleu", have prob/fIms with Is tha bunker shot from be8Ide the green . The most Important thing to remember In a bunker ,. not to be afraid of the shot. Be agQreSSIve and confident with It, 'WIth your club face pointing at the target and your stance open to the /lII'get, swing down your body line SO you're swinging down from an opfIn stance, Be sure to maintain a proper grip on the club while doing so. 'Wlth the club face stili pointing at the target during tha swing, the bell come. out vel)' soft and with lots of spin so It will land soft and won~ go scooting across the green a, a lot of amateurs' shots might do.'. points to Manitoba's six. 1992 Mnllitu/Jil Gof[Jmmllll i\L\ NII OIlA SI NIOI{ Quinton captures .is first IT TOOK SOME WAITING B1Yl' PERSEVERAN E PAID OFF FOR D IC K Q UINTON WII O CAPTURED HIS I' IRST I, Vlm MA NITOIlA S~; NI O R G OLF CHAMPIONSIDP, PLAYEn A UGUST "T 6-8 ON HIS HOME TURF, THE NIAKWA GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB . he tourn ament was at my homo courso 80 t hat a lways helps ou t/' Quin la n says with a la ugh , addi ng th e victo ry was "thrilling" for him. "rve played the re for so long a nd you have to tak e advantage of th at when it comes along." "Seniors' golf is Ii lot of run /' says QuinLon. "Everyone's not Loo sorious but t hey enjoy it." Acco rd ing to Quinton, t here a re abou t 20 or 30 golfe rs play ing at a bout t he sa me level wh o meet regula rly Ulrough th e Beni or putte r league. AB a resul t, the seniors' cham pionship is a toss-up. He luughs when reminded he i!:l Manito ba's roigning sonior champ and salu tes ano th er who was truly in a cl oss by himself. "Jimmy Doyle was n stop a bove t h o rcst as th e res ult showed whe n he we nt to the Can adi a ns," say. Q uinlan of tho popular form e r ch a mpion who pas.ed a way in 1991.Th e 42·year me mbe r of N iukwa savoured h is firs t tourn a men t win after a playo ff was necessn ry to brea k a doad lock betwee n himsolfnnd Car l Teplits ki of Pine Ridge. The t wo were ti ed at 233 after 54 hole8; one Dick Quinton shot better tha n N ia k wa 's Ron Castela ne nnd two up on Pine R idge's Bruce H ud son . The fou r Marlin Travel o..'O~~' ~v G r:lOR10A. HAWAII, ARIZONA. Vu..IFOI:> OLFING H OLIDAYS ' r'I1;?r INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP BOOKINGS CITY-WIDE TICKET DELIVERY 'Bring in this cou pon and receive $50 off per person o n your next ho liday !selected air and hotel packages) KILDONAN PLACE 1992 MOlIllolHI Coif IOIlYl/ol 0 661-8148 m represe nted Mani toba at the nationa l cha mpi ons hip at algary's Gle ncoe Go lf a nd Coun try Club. Co mpe tition was keen a mong the 175 competi lars 80 it seemed utting play wo uld come down la a playoff. Once down to two com· peti tor s, Quinton paTTed th e fi.rst hole whil e Teplitski missed a 25· foot pu tt la m atch pa r . Ridley led a fter t he ra iny [trst ro und of play, ca rding 8 one-overpar 73 for a thr ee-s ho t l ea d . 'l'epli tsk.i fini shed round one three . hots back of t ho leader at 73. At 77 were forme r senior cha m p Do n Forsyth of Breezy Bend , Ron Castelone of Nia kwn a nd Cla ude B issonnette of St. Bon iface. At 78 we re Dic k Q ui nton of Nia k wa , Dave Keep of St . Boni face, Ke n MncC hnr l.s of St . Cha rl es, Bruce Hudson of Pine Ridge a nd Glon Sinclair of Kin gswood . R OUND Two E lmhurst's Trv Benne celebrated his first venture in to competitive golf by pos ting th e seco nd ro und'. beat acore of two-ove r 74. Be nn e shared th o 36-holo lead of 155 with B ruce Hudso n of P ine Rid ge. E ven t ua l ch a mp Dick Quin la n he ld dow n thir d place at 156, fol· lowed by Wa ll y Ma t ia t ion of Transconn (157), Oord Lcn lan (158) nnd Cnrl Topli ts ki (158), both of Pine Ridge. Bob MacLa ren of Niakwa won the 70·and·over ago division , wh ich was decided after 36 holes, trai led by Gord Peterson of Kenora nnd J oseph Kolsch of St. Bonifaco. 10 ago di visiona l pI ny, toppr iZ08 WeJl t t o (55-59) Trv Be nn e o f E lmhurst; (60·64) Go rd Le nton of P in e Rid ge; (6 5.69 ) M a rty Mnlcovis h of J ohn Blumberg; (70+) Gord Pete rson of Kenora . Net winn er6 in the age groups we re Glen S incla ir of Kingswood ; Alf Sobkowich of Ross mere; Ch a r· Ii. Cains of Wiruli peg Canoe Club; an d J oseph Kelsch of S t. Boniface. ALbERTA BOUND Ma ni toba finj sh ed in sixth place at th o Ca nad ia n Senior Men's Ch a mpi on sh ip in Calga ry. Wi t h the beat three scores countin g, Ma nitoba t allied a 470, behind Alberta (4 41). \ / PRO I II I For Gord Lenton, it's a great game in more ways than one P UT S ELKIRK'S G ORD LENTON ANYWIII>IUi N"A1t THE GAME OF GOLF AND, AS A RULE, HE'S A HAPPY MAN. t WOI:! that ottitud e which inspired Lenton to pursue vo lunteer oppo r~ tunities with the MGA, a move it seems he's never regretted. "I guess [ wan ted to put someth ing back in to the garno, as everyone saY8," laughs Le nton of his motivn.. tion to work with tho MGA. "It sounds like a cliche, but it's true. I've played golf in every province in Canada, courtesy of th o Manitoba Golf Association . It's been just groa t 80 it Bcemed like a good way to repay them and [ e'li0Y it, too. Anything thot has to do with golf - being a round the golf co urs and golfers there's nothing better." Lenton's a rea of expe rtise is officiating, j us t recently ha ving been certified as a golf roferee. H. s peaks of his volunLeer ndeo vo uTs wi th fJin cere enthusias m: "Golf rules ha ve al ways intorostod me. It's a game where, in ordor to really e'li0Y it, you have to play by the rul es. Thoy are thero to help you rather than hind r you." Lenton takeR hie work seriously but es pecially e'lioys tho educational facot of officiating. He says he loves to work with junior playe rs who may violate rules through inexpe rie nce. I "'I'h oy nro 80 'green' th at when you do toll them a rule, almost without fail , they say 'th ank you'," says Lenton , not- ing he prefers to edu cate than pena lize with th is age group. "[ think, in all my yea rs as a refere , I only had to penalize o kid onco , for having lao many clubs," Lenton believes his 'educate rather than pena lize' philosophy helps yo ung golfers r mombe r tho rules bettor. "You don't wo nt to turn kid s off/' he says. "You could penalize thorn for som o- thing they a re completely ignora nt of. I'd suy 99% of the time, the rule infrac tions a re ve ry innocent." Lenton's voluntee r ass ignme nts e nable hjm to s pe nd tim e at tho golf coursc with golf people and that's where he likes to be. With memberships at botb the Selkirk ond Pi ne Ridge golf courses, his retirement lifestyle is a nything but sedate. Hi s own proweRS on th e course has not fa ltered over Lime 811d be continues to be a solid contender a mong Ma nitoba senior golfers. Lenton ca ptu red low 8ffiHteur honours in both the 1965 and J 966 Manitoba Open champions hips as well 8S the 1971 Quebec Open. He was a mombor of Manitoba's Willingdon Cup toam in 1967 and represented Quebec ill the 1970 version of thnt tournam ent. Lenton won the Manitoba Senior crown in hi. first year of eligibility (1982) then repeated the feat in 1987. He earn ed a Rpot on the provi ncial senior team soven times in nine years and earned runner·up honours at tho Canadian Senior Championship in 1986. Lenton also laid claim to eight club championRhips at Selkirk between 1953 and 1987 and another at Pizle Rid ge in 1.973. "Accuracy is tho key," he says of his golf success. 'Staylng out oftroubl and havi ng a good putting ro und helps but acc uracy is the ma in thing." Seni or go lf s uits Lenton just fino. The comra de rie among players nnd keen competition without the pressure associated with golf in younger age groups scems an ideal situa tion for the avid senior enthus ia st. And he has no plnns to eve r give up the game be so obviously e'li0Ys. "T1l pl ay till [drop," la ughs Lenton, addGordon lenlon pIon. 10 ing he hopes to stay sloy Involved wllh Ihe involved with the game for yeo" to com• . MGA. "Right now, I'm in chargc of officials . I do onjoy boin g i nvol ved with golf - it's a great game." 1992 Mtmitooo Golf IOl/rll1I1 1 , "/II had a tIp that 's worked for me, It's try to play withIn your means. Try to play to as high a percentaga as you can. /I you aren't hittIng a club well, try to avoid that club during your game. Don 't have high expectallons for perts of your game thaI aren'l working very well. In all likelihood, you'll gat yourself In trouble. "I think playing within your means and using what works for you Is Important. If you have good 3- and 4wood games, there's no reason to use your driver on a golf course like Hecla where any lillie mistake ends up costing you a couple of strokes. Courses like Hecla csn be Intimidating and you may have a tendancy to play shots Ihal you aren't ntlCfi/lSrlly cspeble of making." Genoway repeats while Ridley and Michaleski enjoy first titles F OHMll R CI'IAMP B OB GENOWAY DID IT AGAIN , CAP'f lJRING T HE MANITOBA RURAL AMAT EU R GO LF CROWN AFTER 36 who attributed t he victory to th e HBS i s· ta nce of his 14-ycn r-old nephew/caddy, J uli a n F isher. "Ju lia n was rea ll y holpful and I fccl like we won it togeth er/' sa id Ge noway . "He was my good luck cha rm ." Fivc shot. ofT th e pace was Ba rry Ta nasichuk of Cilbort Plai ns at 148 whil e form er cha mp Br uce North clai m d t hird ploco with 0 two-round to ta l of 148. Arni e Biluk of Sa ndy H oo k fi nished fourth at 151 whi lo Keith Fa wcett a nd Ti m Croma rty of Selki1'k tied for finh at 152. "AR D formor champ ion , 1 u8u a IJy fccl I co n be competitive i f I'm pltly ing we ll and J felt Twas playi ng so we ll my exp elatiolls we re high,"soys Ocnowoy of his th oughts going in to the tou rnament. "H ecla l!dH nd, t.o me, is a rea ll y tough golf cour se and it see JllS if yo u ca n play th e course conse rvatively and make as few mi stakes a. possibl ,you can bet the oth er golfers will probably get th emselves in trou ble." Mel Biluk of Sandy Hook a nd Phil Ha ll of Brandon fini shed ato p t he fi rs t fli ght at 153. Davi d Keating of Ru ssell (158) won t he . econd fl ight, followed by Michae l Funke of Co rm an. In t he t hird, Pinawa's Bill Doivin led with 163 , one shot ahead of Max MacLeod of Bra nd on . C l iff Sve in s on o f North ern aire won t he fourth flight with n 163, t wo shots better th an Albert Kl assen of Winkler. MANITO U" R URAL A MATEUR C IIAM I' IONS KlI' ob Gonoway, of' Morden (Minnewasta), fired a fl "st round throo-under-par 69 for u i wo ~ ij trok e lead going into fin nl round play . 'I'wo Hirokee back of th e lender wos BI'od Clemont of RUBsell a t one-under71. Ba rry Tnnasichuk of Cilbort P lains was anoth er shot back with 0 first round pa r-72. F ive s hots 01T the pace and ti ed at 74 were C len MOtTison of Pin awA, D wight Kea rn s of Bra ndon Wheat City, Ken Crove an d Tim Cr omarty of Selkirk a nd form er fu m ) amateu r champ B r uce North of Carmnn. Cenowayodd d a second round 74 to his opening 69 for a one-un der-par 143 ond t he championship. "I think 1 played solidly from tee to green . I was putting well and stuy ingo ut oftroub le," says Cenoway B TIu! 1991 rural A mateur Champion', aduice for playing better golf i. simple: M AN ITOBA "Vi.it a pro. Thot '8 what I cW." R URA L SF.NIOR C II AM PIONS I"" MGA Pr.s/~nt-Etect Dave Morison (Il) pr• ••ntfld SOb Geno wa y with his third rural amo/eur I/I/e. 1992 MllllilfJ /XI GOlf }oll mnl HOLES OF PLAY AT H EC LA. EI I The 199 1 Mani toba Ru ra l Seni or Champions hip wilS cla imed by Weldon Ri d loy of Mord en whose 36-hole total of 76-80z 156 was ono botter t han Ruy Minish of Swan River 74-83=157 . MANllOBA RURAl Rid ley was a lso th o best go lfer in bis ngo division (55·64) over th e to urn ament, six strokes better than Glen Sincl~ir of KinK"wood (82-81~ 163 ) an d 10 a h.Md of MurrMY Sim of Selkirk (8680 ~ 166). "1 just went to piny in n t ourn a me nt Rnd th ings tu rn ed out rather well for m ." Bays Ridley, downplaying his ~uc cess, with a laugh. "Tenj oyed the to ur!lament ~nd the fellows I played wlth. We all had a good time t hat day a nd I just happened to be the lucky one." In the 65 and OVOI" ugo grou p, tou rname nt runner-up Roy Minish of Swon Ri ver was tops with 74-83=11i7. Two strokes back was Barrie Sanders of Carman at 79-BO ~ 159, followed by Joe Nespor of Pinaw~ with 80-85 ~ 165. MANITOIJA RURAL .J UNIOR C HAMI'IONSHII' The Manitoba Rural Junior Ch ampionship was claimed by Sol kirk's David Michaloski but tho champ mi ght havo missed out hud it not been for somo friond ly advice. "At first, Tdid])'t want to ente r' beca use it wasa Hitle far away fl'on1 Selkirk," says Mi c h o l e!~ ki of~h e tournament held a t the Minne wasta Golf Club III Morden. "But my friend, Mark Anderson (assistant pro at Selkirk) kind of prodded me along and gave me the incentive to go." It waR n good t h ing, DR Michal Rki's fivc-ovor-pl.lI'.'7 topped the field or 72 competitors to givo him the ~n . "After th e fir'st nin e h oles, ( settl ed down a httle bit" Michol oski r·cca lls. "I didn 't play t hat well on the fro;lt nine (41) but on the back nine, I shot even par." Hunner-up honow's were s hared by Brnndon's Jody Chudl ey and Andy Onkden, onch with a 78. Ca rm a ~'s Dean Nort h ti ed Brandon's Bi ll DinsdAle at 79 whrl e Br'od H ough ton of Pine Falls shot on 80 to fini sh ill sixth ploco. "I'd never seen the co urse before 80 I jU!::I t wanted to play well," says Michaleski about his tournament ex pectations. "I'd played with a lot of those guys and 1 thought 1 could compoto with them . 1fT ployod w?II , 1 wou ld do O.K. Tnevor reall y thought about wrnnlllg it. r just won ted to play well." Age group wi nners we re (12 and under) Jonathor~ Marti]) ofMinn edosa with runne r-up Scott Kulchycki of Dauphin; (13-14 ) Robe rt Maki of Bra ndon Wheat City with runner-up Davi d Frost of Kenora; (15-16) Brad Houghton of P ino Foils with I'unn ~r- u~ Dorek Oross of Brandon Wheat City; (17-18) DaVld Mlch oleski of Selk irk with runn er-up J ody Chudl ey orB randon Whea t Ci ty. "One thing that's really helped me is I spend a lot more time on my short game now. I'd ~mmend snyonf/ spending a lot of time on that because it's a big part of YOUf game. I took lessons with Pat Kemball 8t Klngswood Golf Dome 8S part 01 the MGA program and he pointed out that almost 50% of your game Is putting. If I could tell everybody one thing, It would be 'spand more time on a putting green, ' There's only about th"l1 clubs you can fllal'y practice - your driver, middlll and short Irons and your putter. If you can hit a SlIvlln-lron, driver and puttllr, you should be O.K. • GOLF & TURF INC. With a IIftle prodding from a USED Be RECONDITIONED GOLF CARS $ WXl.OO & UP SALES Be SERVICE friend. David Mlchaleskl went on to capture rural WINNIPEG BRANCH 11 2 Paramount Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 2W3 Junior honors. OO L' CA liS Bu s: (204) 694·4574 Fax : (204) 694·9669 II COMMERCIA l. EOUIPMtlNT 1992 Mmlirolxl COlfjollflln/ Genoway makes h;s mark h Vico-President of MGA's Rural Operations. Genoway first became interested in golf as 8 youth when hi. parents operated a small nine-h ole go lf course neur their Swun Rivor farm . Summers spont at tho course helped develop his appreciation for tho game and a slO11levol that would serve him well in his adult yenrs. "I got involved in th e MGA after J moved to Morden in 1983 /' recalls Gonoway, n regional recreation manager for the provincial govornment. "I was playing golf at a competitive level sO I was involved in a lot ofMGA events. I always felt strongly that there should bo a strong rural voico in tho MGA; strongly enough that I onded up getting involved." In his position on the MGA Board of Di rectors, Gonoway is responsible for rep· resenting th e int rests of tho large proportion of clubs located outside of T Winnipeg. Because he can't be in all places at all tim es, Go noway rece ives input from approximatoly 15 MGA counci11ors in !.he region to ensure tho best interests of all rur.1 clubs are s ufficiently served. "1 could see my term as rural chairman lusting anywhere from another year to thr 0 yoars and thon the natu ral proiSJ'ess ion aftor that would be into the presid ncy," says Gonoway. "1 like our Board of Directors' attitude that we're trying new things and we're listening to our membera; t.rying to implement new id eas and not just maintaining !.he status quo." Ono of thoae "new ideas' is the very popular bi -a nnual Golf Forum which brings U,gethor mombors of the Manitoba golf community in an exchange of information and ideas related to tho dovolopment of b tter golf games and bottor golf course• . 1'he Forum, the first of its kind in Cnnada, foaturos golf experts from acro~s 1992 Mtlllito/xt Golf Imtrlmi SOM~; PROVINCIAL ORGANIZATIONS MUST BE REMINDED PI>RIODI ALLY THA'r THERE ARE MEMBERS TO BE SERVED BEYOND WINNIPIW'S PERIMETER HIGHWAY. BUT TIlE MANITOBA GOLF AsSOCIATION DOESN'T FIT INTO THAT CATEGORY, THANKS 1'0 THF. WORK OF M ORnt;N'S BOB GENOWAY. the contin nt. G noway who has chaired both the 1990 and 1992 editions, believea th e 'celebrities' playa lorge role in the conference's success. "People in Manitoba wo nt to develop t.h eir go lf course and th eir golf game. Thoy'ro probably no different than golf enthusiasts anyw here in tho world ," says Genoway. "So, when there'. a chance to talk to people who are considored 'ex perts', people like to do tbat. Our rolo was not only to get those people to come to Manitoba but to do so at an affordable rate ao that anyone interested in golf could come to it. I think we've succooded with that.' The Forum also provides members of the Mani toba Ladies Golf Association with the opportunity to formally excha nge ideos with their male counterparts, a move Ganaway applauds. "The two gro ups havo boen somewhat separate all these years, like they are in curling," Gonoway says. "I think we're s lowly brealdng that barrier in Manitoba and it's about timo, as far as I'm concerned." Genoway SNY. the most aa tisfying part of his MGA involvement i. the opportunity to see some of his work in action , whothor the results are tangible or intangible. "Ono of tho most rewarding part. of my MGA work ia knowing 80me ofth. idoos I brought to the table are benefttting tb e peopl e who golf and develop golf in Manitoba," explains Genoway. '"Take the Golf Forum, 8S an example; tying that to th e co ncept of seoing it grow and help people is very satiafying. Boing ab lo to subsidiz' Ilnd promote a clinic in rural Manitoba and then two or three years down the road, seeing some you ngster developing in his game- just maybe that clinic or 80me sort of help wo provided played some 8mall role in that." Gonoway has Illao had some rather satisfying moments on tho links, winnjng the rural amateur crown in 1986, 1988 and 1991. This past year, he wos a member of Mnnitoba's North ... America Cup teum and h. hop s one day to make the Willingdon Cup team . Also included in Genoway's future plana is a continued involvement with th e Manitoba Golf Association's Board of Directors and furlher evidence ofWs d dication to t.he development of Manitoba gol f. "I thjnk ~e've made progress in the last fivc years a nd I still think we can go a lot farther," Genoway says of the MGA Board . "I'd stiU like to be involved there and I'm sWI very interested at the locallovcl us I chair Lhejun,ior program in Bob Genowoy enjoy. Morden . And , 3S a competitor, I s till want to bringing new Ideo. fo comp to for a whilo. That's tho beauty of golf; the golf scene. you can keep un playing." m Teamwork pays off THE COMPETITION WAS KEEN BUT ONLY TWO TEAMS COULD WIN AT THE 1991 FREE PRESS INTER-CLUB. ine Ridge cmcrgcq victorious aftor n retrogression countback to break a tie with Breezy B nd. Both hod 218 based on the best three scores from four· man teams. Greg Ozog was the toast of the Ridge by posting a two-under·par 69 to pace the winning team. Teammates Todd Teplitski at 74, Darcy Furber with 0 75 and Corl Teplitski at P 78 joined Ozog in the winner's circle. Challenging the champs were Breezy Bend's team of Michael MacKay with an even-par 71, Dove Anderson at 72, Garth Collins with u 75 and 1990 Junior Men'. Chomp Dale Go hring who carded a 78. The host club toek third place honours with a combined totul of 225. Repres nting Elmhu rs t were Terry More with un ev n-par 71, Lorne Jamison at 76, Jay Doyle with a 78 and Rob MacDonald who pORted 0 79. In rural intor-c1ub action, Selkirk w.s in the spotlight led by Tim Cromartis 75. Teammates Kevin Bauer chipped in a 77, Ken Grove shot a 79 and Barry Coffin bagged an 89 for a team toto l of 23 1. opturing second place was the Carman team at 235, paced by Bruce North's 76 along with Bill North at 78, Rick Blight at 81 Ilnd Michael Funke at 87. Brandon's Wheat City entry tied Cannan at 235 for a third place fini sh. Dwight Kearns led tho Brandon team with 0 75, Dol Coulter (79), Gerry Hodgson (8 1) and Grant McPhail (83). Senior Inter-Club The team of George Sired, Dave Keop, Ed Borgner and Claude Bissonette paced St. Boniface to the Manitoba Senior Men'" lntor- lub Champions hip playod August 20 at Brandon . With the bestLhree offour scOres counting, St. Bonifaco U)80 rc· co rded the low gross for the day with a 228, one stroko bettor than tho foursom e from Niakw8. Low net honours belonged to the Shilo team of Larry Nahachewsky, John Benstead, Miko Spack a nd Steve Gedai with a combined total of 202, eight strokes better than Carmnn . Best low individun l score was shared by Gord Lenton of Pine Pine Illdge', team 01 (L-Il) Darcy Furbfor, Greg Ozog, Carl Teplilski and Todd Teplilski 'cored a narrow counlbock vic lory In Ihe Wlnn/~ Inler-C/ub. Ridge and Don McNeill of Niukwa with 73 . 1991 Junior Inter-Club The spotlil(ht foil on teams from Pine Ridge tlnd Selkirk in 1991 Junior 1ntor-Club competition played August 21 at tho Stoinbach Golf Club. For th Bond year in n row, Pine Ridge was the toast of the city slickers with a team total of234. With 14 teams in contention , golfers from RosliS mcre fmishcd in tho runner-up pORition with 237 . With the best thre scores on each team counting, Pine Ridge was paced by Scott Enns (73) followed by Brett Scbeltholm (78), Yanick Maurice (83) and Brian Enns (92). Kelly Rasmusson lod the Rossmere sq uad with a 74 while Kevin Schledwitz kicked in a 79, John Menzies cOl'ded an . 84 and Brent Stevenson shot an 88. Top rural team honours belonged to Selkirk with a combined Bcore of 234, seven strokes ahead of the Learn from Swan Riv r . SI. 80nlface', leam 01 (L -II) George Sired. Claude 81$$onell", Dove K•• p and Ed S.'pne, captured the Senior Int.,· Clvb crown Mik Frost paced t he Selkirk squad with a 76, with Mike Godfrey (78), Tobin Praznik (80), and Mark Shewchuk (89) contributing to the win. Lending Swan River was Colin Nahnybida (76), followed by Derek Campbell (79), Jeromy Gray (86) and Darren Peel (87). 1992 Mallitoba Coff JOImml !\1;\ I t " I'I;\Y [- Third time lucky for Dave Lavallee I T WAS TlllHD TIME LUC KY FOR DAVE LAVALLBE WHt;N m ; CAPTURED THE 1991 M ANI 'I'O BA M EN'S MATCI! PLAY CHAMPI ONS HIP AFTER NEAR- MI SS I,S IN THE PAST TWO YEARS, he Pine Ridge c'O r.1pe titor fini s hed s ec, o nd III 1989 and agaIn In 1990 be fore pOTtie ve rin g to th o top pri ze, the J ack Bi niI' Me mor ia l Trephy, La va ll ee d efea ted Pine Hid ge team , mato Todd Te l)li tski 7 a nd 5 in tho Ma tch Play C ha mpi ons hip played ,June 6 a t Bol Acres Golf a nd Country C lub, "Comin g in to th o tou r nam ent , I j us t wa nted to pl oy we ll. r didn't really foeuo on m a kin g it in to th e rin a l/' says La vull ee. "Afte r 1 qualHi ed, T j ust t ri ed to pl ay well in ea ch match. My Loug h cst mutch was Hct.u alJy my firs t again s t T Don McNeill of Niakwa th at went one extra hole, Th e oth er m a tches 1 wo n quite h a ndily a nd iji.x mo,'e RAt At 79 befor e qua lifyin g pl ay moved to Wild owood fol' second round pl ay, Q UAl.IFYI NG R OUND: THE SEQUEL After second round "cti on, 16 plnye ,'. qu ulili od for th e M an itoba Men's Mutc h Play Cha mpi ons hip s la ted for Jun e 1-2, 4-6 at Bel Acres. Dave Lava ll ee of Pino Ridge sa id he wa nted to pl ay we ll a nd he did , leadin g a ll qua lifier. wi th 75-72 scores for II 36-hole tota l of 117. Ono s troke bac k of th e lea de r was c1ubmoto Todd Teplits ki (7 0-78 =J4 8) and Breezy Be nd'. Gu rth Collings (747 4 = 14 ~). quite ea rly on ." '1'111, QUALIF IER: RO UNn ON" 'l'oplit8ki reco rd ed th o day'. bes t sco re in the fi rst round of tho qu ulifi er ut Pine Ridge with a two-under -pa r 70 . T horo wa s noth in g like t.he comforts of hom e for Pine Ridg go lfe rs liko Te plit8ki , who we re res pons ibl e 1'0" lour of t he top s ix sco r es, Labatt 1990 Ma njtoba Golf. ,' of th e Yea r Rob McMillnn was one s hot back of Teplits ki , while Dave Ll1vu ll ce und McMill o n's brother Dar r e n ro· co rd ed ma tchin g 75s. Ken Tresoo r of Ro •• m ere an d Ga rth Collings of Breezy Be nd inte rrupted th e a ll -P ine Ridge I)H rLy. each co rding 74s, n os" m e "e's Andrew T uy lor s hot a 76 a nd clubm a te G8I'Y Kullm a n cam e in at 77 . Two more pl aye rs were two ahots behind Kullm a n J 992 M(1IIitO/NI Golf JOllrf1ff/ Dav. Lavalle. accampllsh"a his goal of playing well In the final to earn the Jock Blair MemorIal Trophy. Rou llClin g out t ho lie ld of qua lifiers we r e Ke n T r esoor of R08sm cr'c (74· 77 =15 1), Rob McMill on of Pine Ridge (71 -8 0a 15!), Da rre n McMill on of th e Ridgo (70-78 =152), Ga ry Kullm a n of R oss m e ,'e (77-75 = 152), d e fe ndi ng ch a mp Ca rl Lechman of E lmhu rst (7975=154 ), Ke n Wa r wick of N ia k wa (7877 =155), Joy Doyle of' Elmhus t (7877= 155), Breezy Bend 's Dave Anderson (82-74 =156), Wa l'l'e n Scot.t of St. Boni face (78-78=156), Rob O liph a nt ofRos.m e re (8 0-76=156), B rya n t Robert of Ross me r e (7 9 -78 = 157), a nd fo rm e r Match Play cha mp Ho b Loewe n of Rossme re 181-76= 1571. Do n McNeill of NiJlkwa snapped up th e fin a l qu a lifyin g pos iti on a lter a retrogress ive co u ntbac k d ee med him • eligible with a 16S. In the first championship round, Jay Doyl e of Elmhurst de feated clubm ate Ca rl Lochman 3 ond 2, apoilingLechmnn'schnncc nto repeat. championship. rrop qualifier Dave LHvallee needed 19 holeR to de feat Niakwa'. Don McNeill. Lavallee parred tho par-5 playoff hole to ci nch th e win. Mea nwhil e, Ken Tre8oorBqucnk~d pa s t Ro ss m ore co ll oogu e Rob Oliphantl-up; Rob McMi llon of Pine Ridge downed Davo And erso n or Breezy Bend 2 and 1; Todd 'l'e plitBki or Pine Ridge defeated BryantRobe rt of RoSBmcrc 3 Dnd 2; Ke n Warwick of Niakwa edged past Ourren McMillon of Pin Ridge by u 2 and a 1 sco"e; Garth Co lli ngs of Breozy Beod eliminated Ross mol'o'e Rob Loe'fYen 3 and 2; un d Gary Ku llm orl of Rossmel'e gut post WUl'r en Scott of St. Boniface by a 7 a nd 6 margin. THE SECOND TIME ARO UND Ro ss more's Gory Kullman sna tched vicwry from th e jaws of defeat with n come-from-behjnd win ovcr Ga ,t h Collings of D,'cozy Bend in second round play. Both gol fe rs woro play ing we ll but 011 i ngs boosted a three-holo lead with fou_r t.o go when Kullman bega n. to gather Bteam . Ho proceeded to win the next t hree of foul' hol es then parrod t he "ccond playoff for th e win . Tho di so ppointmen t in losing wn~ two-fo ld for ollinga who just mi sscd n il exem pti on into th o Manitoba Men's Amateur Golf Cha mpi onship; one ofthe pe rks granted to those who reach the Match Ploy se mi-finals , In other action, Todd Teplitski advanced with 0 3 and 2 win ove r Ninkwo's Ken Warwick, Eventual winn r Dave Lavallee downed ,Joy Doyle of Elmhurs t 8 and 6 whil e 1'resoor edged Rob McMillon of Pine Hidge 5 and 4. three, Wh e n Kullman 's too shot on the p l:.lr~ three 16th h ole found its way into t he forest, h e immediately co ncedod , Meanwhilo. Lavallee boasted a five-holo lead after the 11th hole but Tresoor re main od determined , He gai ned so me gl'ound with on eagle on th e par-fi ve 12th and a birdie on th e 14th, On th o Juth , T,'esoo,". tee s hot found tho bus hes and 8 valia nt effort to sn lvnge th e hole WO R in vain , TEll FOR Two In tho final . mony observers thought putting SUcceSH but, fo r Dove Lavollee, th e st,'ategy was a little morc bas ic cnroute to hi A vi ctory over clubmnte Tcplitski : k ep the ball in ploy und piny we ll. "I t hink I wao ohout 5-under par ufier 12 holes so I was playing extremely well," reca lls Lavulloe. "Tncld IlAd beaten me in n mntch piny tournament in n pl'evious year so whon I pIny d him in tho fin ol match, it was 'payback time', T was roaJJy focused on playing well and go t olHo a good lead, I was about 4 or r, up nrter 9 holes a nd th e match ended on th e 12th: Natura lly, Lavall ee was pleased with t ho resu lt, "In athor yea "s, Tlost in the linal. and I didn't ploy very well . If you play we ll nnd you lose, t hen you I'ea lly ca n'L be lou disappointod. This tim e wo s dilier'e nt." wnuld be t he secre t to Hillcrest "In malch play. I really think that familiarity with the course you're playing Is a big advantage, Being older (laughs). I've played most of l!>e courses and often. In qualifying, especially on this one course we play - Wlldewood It's a short nine-hole course and vel}' narrow, The priority is kHplng the ball In play. If you hit it amongst the big lrees, It could ba bouncing around Ihere for a long lime and a lot of people find II vel}' fruslrallng 10 play, I Ihlnk I used my driver twice In Ihe whole round; I just used my Iron off Ihe tHo It's a short course so you rtNJlly don't need a driver, A 101 of people feel thellf you've got the thing (driver) In your bag. you !>eve 10 usa II. Familiarity Is vel}' Importanl. so go out and play the course bafore the match.· By Kangaroo AND TII EN THEKIi WEKE FOUR H.ossmer's Gory Kullman took on Todd Tep lits ki of th e Ridgo a nd c lubm ate Dave Lavalloo fac e d R08sme re'a Ken Tre Boor os 8e mi ~ final action got und e r'way, 'l'eplitski triumphed over Kullman but it was anybody's game until the 11th hol e, The two were even to that point then Te plitski pulled away, winni ngth l'ee anhe next five togo up For Free L~"rature :iC)ic)RiiAi)o.E~1I DOUG SCHLICHTER • 132 Qu. .n SI. S " Kitchen." On!. H20 W8 (518) 745-1506 1i.:he world's finest motorcaddie. 1992 M Ill/itO/HI ColfllmY/1II1 Davis cap6uures inaugural Midd Handicap layed August 27 & 28 a t th e TranseD n a Golf and Country Club, the event was designed to provide p loyers not eligible for th e Ma nitoba Amateur th e opportunity to compot o for pro ~ vin cial h onours unde r a flight· ing syste m based on handica ps similar to the Manitoba Rura l Am a te ill' Ch a mpionsh ip. P Brion Dovl. lead from . tort to finish a. h. c apture d a narrow one . troke vic tory. A NEW INITIATIVE OF THE MANITOllA G OLF AsSOCIATION, THE MANITOBA MID-HANDfCAP CHAMPIONSH1P, PITTED 51 GOLFERS WITH 7-18 liAND ICAPS IN A PRO VINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Cha rleswood's Br ian Davis set th e pace afte r ] 8 holes with a two·ove r 73 for a two-st roke lead . Tied ror second place we re Carman 's Michael Funke and E lmhurst's John Scallan, each with oponing round 75 •. One shot back were Ga ry Swaffer of Rossmor e nnd Transcona's AI Wheele r, rollowed by Bob Gill of E lmhurst a t 77. Gol ~ r s with scores of 80 or under qualified ror th e cha mpionship ni ght . Those not qua lifying carried th eir sco res into two second a ry fli ghts . Wh e n all was eaid and done, Bri nn Davis of Charl es wood em erged vi ctorious in th e ch ampi on ship ni ght with a 36· holo tota l of 156, fullowed by Rossme re's Gary Swa lTer (157), Brad Neufeld of E lmhurst (159) a nd Tony Dyck of Crosce nt Drive (160). Blake Ru ssoll orTran scona topped the fi rs t night with a two- round total of 164 whil o Glend a le's aene Goga l ea rned second fli ght honor s at 164 . Students take to the links in new event the top fema le competitors were tho Ca rm nn Couga rs' optember 28 spelled a nother first ror th e MGA wi th the first-e ver Mani toba High Sch ool Golf Champ ionship at th e Carman Coif Course. Conducted in association with the Ma ni toba High Sch ool Athletics Associ a tion a nd t he Manitoba Ladies Golr Association , the event rea tured tho winn er s of 17 zone qualifica tion tourn am e nts. The objecti ve of t he e vent is to pro vide students who excel at golf an opportunity to represent t hair school in a provincia l champi onship. With th e best three offour scores counting fOl' oach team , • BALL WASHERS • HOLE CUTTERS • GREEN UPS • WATER OOLERS Robyn Dea rman , Ki l'ste n Funke, Mar'la McKni ght and Deb Pritch a rd combining th eir tale nts to produce a team score of 313. The tea m i . coached by Brian P a rker. On t he male side, Vi nce nt Massey Vikin gs or Brandon took Iirst p lnco honours with a score of 238 by tea m members Craig Ash , Derek GroS8, Andy Oa kdon a nd Da vid Scinocca. The tea m is coached by Dennis Ardran. Recording th e bes t individual scores were Ka thy S paldin g or Vinc.nt Massey Troj aIl@ (Brandon) who shot a 98 to pace t h o roma le golfers a nd classma te Craig Ash who led ma le go lfers with an impressive 75. • • • • TEE MARKERS GREENS SPEEDM ETERS SIGNS AND MOR E BAyeo ' An ALI-Canadian made line of go lf course accessories now being manufac tured in Winnipeg, Mani toba. Golf Course Accessories BA Y BRONZE INDUSTRIES LTD. 2200 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba TEL: (204)633·5650 FA X: (204)633-6119 1992 Mllr, iloba Golf /oumal I'I{()- A\! Charity and Pinl Ridgl ar.1 big Wlnnlrs ro Pat O'Donnell shot a n ovon-par 70 to lead hi B a m a t ~ ur teammates Honry Dahl , Harry Black an d Hugh C ummin gs . The Pine Rid ge am ate urs playod bolow their handica ps to earn a tota l score of 129, basod on t he three best n t scor s on oach hole. Th e re WDS [l throe-way tie for ru nner-up honours with tea ms from Tuxedo, KingBwood a nd Russell all nt 132 . Th top team received $800 plus travelling attire for th o team pro and $400 worth of attir for each of his a mate ur tea mmates. Selkirk professiona l AI Scott was tho tap individual with a fi ve-und erpar 65, good for the $300 to p individua l money. Scot t's score was two bette r th a n Dan Scanlon of J ohn Blumberg who was repres nting Russell in this tourn a ment a nd picked up $250 for hi. effort • . In third place was J ohn Irwin of Niakwa with a t wo-under-pa r 68 and the $200 thi rd prize, followed by Pat O'Donnell of the winning tea m at 70 a nd a $100 prize. Six pros posted one-ove r 718 to share sixth place: Stan Homonuik of Dauphin, Jim Laza rko of Pino Fa lls, Burry Gibson of Teulon, Pat Kemba ll ef Carman, J im Collins of St. Charl es a nd .John lsoac of 'l'uxedo. P • O NTO THE NATIONALS T h e P in e Rid ge fourso m e did Manitoba proud, winning the Labatt C h arity Pro-Am Nat ion a l Go lf Champion. hip, played August 26-27 at th e Wi nd orm ere CoIf and Co untry I GOL~'ERS FROM PIN E RIDGE EARNE D THE RIGHT TO Rll PRES Il NT MANITOBA AT THE NATIONAL PRO-AM CHAMP IONSHIP A~'rER CAPTURING PROVINCIAL P ROAM HONOURS AT THE L ABATT Laball', Doug Lavall .... (1) C II AR ITY CLASSIC PLAYED presented a muc h-appreciated chequ.. 10 K.. SInc lair 01 Ihe 1 AT R OSSMERE. SocIety lor Manlloban, wlfh Dilabilltl., and event co ordinator Atan Maxwell (11). A UGUST Club in Edmonton. Ma niLo ba t ea m m e mb e r s P at O'Donnell , H enry Dahl , Ha rry Black and Hugh Cummi ngs captured the crown wit h a two-day to ta l of 243 und r th o Stabl eford scoring system. Ontario s har ed firs t place with Ma ni toba after first round play but dropped to a third p lace ti e with ,th Newfoundl an d (both a t 230) in the fina l st a ndings. H.unnor-up honoul's belonged to Br itis h Columbia with 234 . Pr inco E dwa rd Is la nd and New Brunswick s hared fiJl.h place with 227, Rheod of Saskatchewan at224, Alberta at 214 , Nova Scoti a at 210 and Quebec at 198. B.W. Stapleton & Son Ltd. Exca vu ting • Levelli ng • Loa ding Landscape Shap in g, Specializing i n Golf Cou rsos Complim enlS of R.J_ (Bob) FORCAND Worki ng to Rny d esign, yo urs or mine To b uild a n e w comploto cou rse or to update th o older on e CALL DON STAPLETON Phone 832-1713 221 WaUasey St. WiImipeg, MB R3J 3C2 PR ESIDENT Winni peg Valve & Fitting Ltd_ 341 Bcdson Street Win nipeg, MB R3K 1R2 Phone: (204) 837-7879 Fax: (204) 831-1068 Breezy Bend Memher 1992 MI1"itoflll Golf lemmal It's all in the family MANITOBA SENIOR CHAMP DI CJ( QU INTON PROVED IT'S ALL IN THE FAM I LY AS HI, AND SON DAVE CAPTURED TOP HONOURS IN 'I'HI,: MGA FAM ILY GOLF CLASSIC HELD AUGus'l' 1991 26 A'I' SI,:LK IIUC T he pair combined their tn lonts to post (1 one-over-par 72 in the Father/Son IA A" Divis ion, one ahead of Ken Treaoor and Ken Jr. of Rossmcre. . Dic k Quinton and , on Dave c aptured the Fathel / Son "A " DIvIsIon. Recordi ng low net honoUl's were Alex and Rich Sobkowich (66 1/2) of Rossmore with th e runner-up nod going to Wa lt and John Men zies, also of Rossmore. The Willnipeg Canoe Club'. Ra lph and Victor Hotel at 81 squ eaked past Dan and Dennis Nord of Sout.hwood to win the "B" Group champ ionship. Best low net .core on tho "B" side belonged to P eter and Mark MacLeod of St. Boniface with a 65 112, Run ners· up we"e Har ry and Kelly Gowerluk of Selkirk at 66. Southwood'. Dorell e and John Mathews were the top Parent/C hild combination, posting an 80; one stl-oke better than the fath er/daughter teo m of Art Smith and Lynda Pa lahniuk of Elmhurst at 81. Low net honou1'8 went to the combination of Ga il Walker of Rat River and Gill Leslie of Rossmere with their 67 1/2, just ahead of Harley and Rhonda Navratil of St, Charlos at 68. We've Got Over 1000 Ways All and RIc h Sobkowlc h earned low net "A " to Improve Your Game Division hono rs. In our Ireemail order catalogue 01 the moSI complete lisl 01 goll videos and books you 'li find anywhere plus golf soltware and praclice aids. CALL OR WRITE TODAY FOR YOUR FREE COPY Lo w net "B" winner, were Mark and Peter Moc Leod. Strictly Sports 1702 • 155 Carlton St. Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8 989-7323 or toll free 1-800-665-5604 Fax: 947-2054 DOlelle and John Mathew. wer. the top Pal. nt/ Chlld team. Clubs: Contact us for dotalls about our Gill L... lle and Gall Walker /tnl. hed II,.t In the Parenti sales plans for you of Our products to your members, our go" bsff recovery f-= = = net. seN/CO and our tournament programs. 1992 Mnl/itoim Coif lOllt'l/al - Manitoba Op en 193 1 · Eric Bannlstor, SI. Charles , 932 • A,J , Reith , Assln lbolne 1933 · Bud Donova n, N lakwa 1934 • R,J . Reith , Assin ibolne 1935 · A.J . Reith , Assinibolne 1936 · Kasmlr ZabowSkl, Pine Rklge 193/ · Arthur Land. St. Cha rles 1936 · Kasmlr Zabowskl. Pine Ridge 1939 • Kasmlr Zabowskl. Pine Ridge 1940 · Art Land. St . Charles 1941 · Allan 8 0es, Southwood 1942 · Gerhard Kennedy, 51. Charles 1943 · Allan Boes, Southwood 1944 · Allan Boes, Southwood 1945 · Claude Shackoll , SI. Boniface 1946 · Joe Teehan , Elmhurst 1947 · Harold Eidsvig, Pine Ridge 1948 · Allan Boes, Southwood 1949 · Harold Eldsvlg, I'lne RIClge 1950 · A.J, Reith, Asslnlbolne 195 1 · Joe T achan , Elmhurst 1952· Hfu old Eldsvlg, N lakwa 1953 . len Harvey. 5 1. Charles 1954 · Len Harvey, St. Charles 1955 · Ha rold Eldsvig, Pine Ridge t 956 • Ev SlUa rt, Duluth 1957 · Joe Tachan , Elmhurst 1Q58 • George Knudson, T oronto 1959 · Goorgo Knudson , Toronto 1960 · George Krludson, To ronto 196 1 • Wllf Homonulk, Glendale 1962 · Alvie Thompson , Toronto 1963 · Dayton Olson , Minneapoli s 1964 • Alvle Thompson , Toro nto 1965 · Moe No rman , T oronto 1966 · Moe No rman , Toronto 1967 · Moe No rman , Toronto 1968 · Alvlo Thompson , Toro nto 1969 · Mike Roasor, Californ ia 1970 · Gary Pitch ford, T oronto 197 1 • John Ell iot, Jr.. Florida 1972 · Will Ho menu ik, Winnipeg 1973 · Gar Hamilton , To ronto 1974 · Bill Tape, Kitchener 1975 · Ed Byman, Mexico 1976 · Richard Ehml;mnlraul , 5 t, Pa ul 1977 • Dan Ha lldorson , Do uglas, MB 1978 · Dan Halldorson , Shllo. MB 1979 · Jerry Anderson, Scarborough , ON 1980 · SOb Cox, Richmond, BC 1981 · Dan Croonqulst, St. Paul 1982 • Kolly Murray. Vancouver 1983 · Oan Halldorson, Brandon 1984 · Dan Halldorson, Brandon 1985 · Robbie Phillips. Jackson's Pt .. ON 1966 · Bob Panaslk, Windsor. ON 1987 • Oave Barr, Kananaskis, AS 1988 · Dave Barr, Kananaskis, A6 1989 · Stu Hend ley, Houston , TX 1990 · Joll Bloom, San Diego, CA 199 1 · Kolly Gibson. Now Orleans, LA Manitoba Amateur 1922 • A.J. Wilson , Pine Ridge 1923 · J.T. Cuthbert, Winnipeg 1924 · F.F. Tribe, Norwood 1925· J.T . Cuthbert , Norwood 1926 · C . Ross. Sommerville . London, ON 1927 · C .L. Hogm an, Nlakwa 1926 • A.C. MacWilliams , Elmhurst 1 92~ • A.C. MacWilliams, Elmhurst 1930 • D.N. Amott, Asslnlboine 193 1 . D.N. Arnott, Assiniboine 1932 • R.J . Reith , A$slnibo lne 1933 · R.J. Reith . Assl nlbo lne 1934 • A.A. (Sandy) Weir, W innipog Baach 1935 · R.J . Reith , Assinibolne 1936 · R.J. Reith , Asslnibolne 1937· R.J. Reith , Assinibo ino 1936 · Ernie Palmer, Southwood 1939 · Ern ie Palmer, Southwood 1940 · Howard Be nnell, Southwood 1,941 • Allan B09s. Southwood 1942 · Howard Bonnoll. Southwood 1943 · Allan Boes. Southwood 1944 • Allan Boes, Southwood 1945 · Charlie Woods, Niakwa 1946 · Harold Eldsvig , Pine Ridge 1947 . Harold Eidsvig, Pine Ridge 1948 • Allan Boes, Southwood 194 9 · Mike !='Idlaskl, SI. Boniface 1950 · Mike PldlaSkl, $1. Boniface 195 1 · 8111 Budd . SI. Boniface 1952 • Merv Moxley, Nlakwa 1953· Roy Kepro n. Elmhurst 1954 • Jack Jacobs, T oronto 1955· Rod McC ulloch , Assinlbolno 1956 · Will Home nulk, Elmhurst 1957 · Wilt Home nuik , Elmhurst 1958 · Don Gardner, Nlakwa 1959 · Ron Flddlor. SI. Boniface 1960 · Bill Pldlaskl, Elmhurst 196 1 · T ed Hom enuik, Rossmoro 1962 · Ron Fiddle r, Elmhurst 1963 · Bill Pidlaskl , Elmhurst 1964 · Don Alexander, Nlakwa 1965 • Barry McKenzie, Rossm ere 1966 · Nick MlckoSkl, Elmhurst 1967 · Terry More, Southwood 1968 · Barry Chlpka , Rossm ere 1969 · Tod Ho monulk. Elmhurst 1970 • David Kruclk, Elmhurst 197 1 • Gary Kullman , Rossm ore 1972 • Steve Bannatyne, Rossm ere 1973 · G ary Kullman , Rossm ero 1974 · Sieve Bannal yne, Rossm ero 1975 • J im Doyle, Elmhurst 1976 · G ary Kullman . Rossmore 1977· T ed Home nuik, Elmhurst 1976 · 6 111 Parker, Elmhurst 1979 · Bill Pe rker, Elmhu rs t 1980 · Creig Dea rden, Glendale 196 1 • Oan Scanlon , Breezy Bend 1962 · 6111 Pa rker, Breezy Bend 1983 · Pat Doyla, Se.ndy Hook 1984 · Todd Fanning, SouthwoOd 1985 · T erry Hashimoto, SI. Charles 1986 · Glen Hnatluk, Pine Ridge 1967· Garth Collings, Breozy Bond 1966 1989 1990 1991 • Kevin Baker, St. Charles . Dave Mc Millan. Rossm oro · T odd Fanning. Southwood • T odd Fanning, Southwood Manitoba Senior 1966 · Jim McKendry. Nlakwe 1967 • Fred Adams. St. BonlfaCG 1968 • Alla n Boos, SouthwOOd 1969 • Les Evans, Rossme re 1970 · Bill Pinniger, Elmhurst 197 1 • Jack Gardnor, Plno Ridge 1972· Ha rry C ritchley , Breezy Bend 1973 · Ha rry Critchley, Breezy Bend 1974 • Ha rry C rltchloy. Broezy Bend 1975 • Ha rry Critchley, are$2;y Bond 1976· Fred O tto, St. Chanos 1977 • 6111 Pldlaskl , Elmhu rst 1978 · Bill Pidlaskl , Elmhurst 1979 · Ha rry C ritchley, Bree;z;y Bond 1980 · Ha rry C ritchley, Breezy Bond 196 1 • Smiley Mero nok, SI. Charlos 1962 · Go rd Lenton . Plno Rldgel Selkirk 1983 • Nick Mlckoskl , Elmhurst 1964 • Smiley Mero nek, S1. Charles 1965 · Ba rrie Sanders, Carmen 1986 · Don Mc Neill , Nla kwa 1987 • Go rd Lonton , Pine Ridge 1986 · Don Fo rsyth , Broozy Bond 1989 · Jim Doylo, Sandy Hook 1990 · Jim Doyle, Sandy Hook 199 1 . Dick Quinton , Niakwa 1970 · Dan Halldorson , Bra ndon 197 1 • John Kropp , Nlakw8 1972 · Craig Dea rden , Elmhurst 1973 · Darrell Mc Donald, Nlakw9 1974 • Bill Parkor. Nlakwa 1975 · Da rroll Mc Donald. Nlakwa 1976 ~ Doug Howell , John Blumberg 1977 · Peter Hayes , Rossm ore 1976 · Peter Hayes, Rossm ere 1979 · Todd Toplltskl . Ph'e Ridge 1960 · Brian 8 ao rt. St. Bon/laco 1981 · Marc Chamberland , Breezy Bond 1982 . Craig Klndrst, Solklrk 1983 • David W hite, Southwood 1984 · T odd Fanning, Southwood 1985 · T odd Fan ning, Southwood 1986 · SCOII Parker, Rossm ere 1987 - Jell Helper, Gle ndale 1988 · Scott Parker, Rossm ere 1989 · Scott Parker. Rossm ere 1990 · Oalo Gooh rlng. Broety Bend 1991 • Rob Mc Millan, Pine Rldgo Manitoba Junior 1942 • Emil Beauc hemin 1943 · 8111 Brown 1944 · Cam Millor 1945 • Bill y Roy 1946 · Don Ga rdnor 1947 • Bill y Roy 1948 · Don Howe 1949 • Do n Ga rdner 1950 · Ken Toland 195 1 • Jim Doyle 1952 • Tom Mc Dougall 1953 • Alan Patterson 1954 • Goorge Knudson 1955 • George Knudson 1956 · Don Atkinson 1957· Don 8 06S 1958 • Don Atkinson 1959 · Bob Dunbar. Nlakwa 1960 · Peler Ball , Southwood 1961 • Jorry Moore, Southwood 1962 · Jerry Mooro, Southwood 1963 · Jerry Hanovlch , Pine Ridge 1964 • T orry More, Southwood 1965 · David Hill , Southwood 1966 · David HIli, Southwood 1967 · David Hill, Southwood 1968 · M. Braovac , Thunder Bay 1969 · Ma rk Shushack, Thunde r Bay A s evidenced by this youthful George Knudson who captured the Manitoba Junior crown In 1954, m an y illustrious galle,. have comp eted In and won our various pro vincial golf c hampionships. 1992 Mfillitooo GOI[JOIIYllfl/ II ;\IlLRIHMRIl 1111 Manlloba Match Pia, Championship Pine RldgeIWlldewood Par 72 -72 - 144 May 25-26 Dave Lava llea, Pin a Ridge Todd Tepllt skl , Pine Ridge Ga rth COli li ngs, Breezy Bend Rob McMillan, Pine Ridge Ken Trescott Rossmore Gary Kullman, Ross mere Darren McMillan, Pin e Ridge Carl Lechman , Elmhurst Jay Doyle, Elmhurst Ken Warwick, Nlakwa Rob Oliphant, Rossmere Warren Scott, St.Bonlface Dave Anderson. Breezy Bend Bryant Robert, Rossmere Rob Loewen, Rossmere Don McNeil, Nlakwa 75-72 - 147 70-78 - 148 74-74 - 148 71-80 - 151 74-77 - 151 77-75 - 152 75-78 - 153 79-75 - 154 78-77 - 155 78-77 - 155 80-76 - 156 78-78 - 156 82-74 - 156 79-78 - 157 81-76 - 157 79-79 - 158 Dave Lavallee defeated Todd TeplltBkl7 and 5 In the final. ab - Brian Houston. Nlakwa b - Todd Slatn lk, Nlakwa b - Jeff Lailey , Elmhurst b - DaVid Mlchaleskl , 228-77-75 - 380 230-80-73 - 383 229-78-79 - 386 St. Chartes/Btumberg/St. Chartes - July 2-5 Par 72-71-72 - 2 15 Dorron Magda, Elmhurst Tyler Rice, Wasagamlng Dean North , Carm an Brian Houston, Nlakwa Kelly Rasmussen,Rossmore Jeff Lalley, Elmhurst Todd Slatn lk, Nlakwa Marc Cadieux, St.Charles 67-10-75 - 212 73-78-73 - 224 72-73-80 - 225 78-74-75 - 227 76-75-77 - 226 78-77-74 - 229 78-74 -79 - 229 78-76-76 - 230 74-77-80 - 231 Kevin Schledowltz, Rossmore Andy Oakden, Bra ndon Mike Clecko, Southwood Jason Hicks, Melita Bill Olm sdale, Brandon David Mlchalaskl , Selkirk Jody Chudley, Brandon 81-74-76 - 231 72-74-86 - 232 81 -76-76 -233 76-78-79 - 233 79-73-82 - 234 82-75-77 - 234 79-72-84 - 235 Junior Team TrIals Southwood Golf and Country Club July 20-2 1 (Junlor Chsmp/onshlp plus two rounds) 8 - provinCial toem b - Manitoba-Minnesota team c - won pjayoff as alternate 234-73-8 1 - 386 Southwocx:l c - Kevin Schledowitz. Aossmere Kelly Rasmu sson, Aossmere 233-76-80 - 389 Ga rth Collings, Breezy Bend 231-83-78 - 392 Colin Drewe, Southwood Ca rl Lechman, Elmhurst 291-79-78 - 448 296-75-79 - 450 296-79-74 - 451 Da rren McMillan, Pine Ridge Da rcy Furber,Plne Ridge 296-79-76 - 45 1 297-77-77 - 45 1 Tyler Rice, Wasagamlng Marc Cadieux, St.Charles Andy Oakden, Brandon Jason Hicks, Melita 229-79-84 - 392 225-78-89 - 392 231-80-82 - 393 232-82-83 - 397 233-84-83 - 400 Kelly Gibson Stuart Hendley Todd Hamilton Ian Leggett Rossmefe - July 16- 19 Par 70-70-70-70 - 280 Todd Fanning, Sothwood Doug Irwin, Nlakwa Pine Ridge Dale Goeh ring, Breezy Bend Garth Collings, Breezy Bend Bruce North , Carman 1992 Matlitoba Coif JOllnlal Colin Drawe, Sothwood Darren McMillan, Pine Ridge Todd Teplltskl, Plne Rldga Scott Parker, Rossmere Mike Walke r, Charleswood Michael MacKay, Breezy Bend Max Desaulniers, Elmhurst Darcy Furber, Pin e Ridge AI Briscoe , St.Boniface Gary Kullman, Rossmere Karl Parrington, Kenora Andrew Taylor, Rossmere Ca rl Lechman, Elmhurst 1991 Manitoba Open Breezy Bend - July 11-14 1991 ManHoba Amateur 71-66-71-72 - 280 73-73-77-67 - 290 Mike Heinen Jr. LouiSBrown 77-70-71-72 - 290 Jack Kay Jr. Ray Freeman 75-70-72-74 - 291 Glen Hnatluk Arden Knoll 72-72-73-74 - 291 72-75-69-75 - 291 76-74-71-71 - 292 74-7 1-78-73 - 296 Ma.tthew Lane Da.vid Tentls Perry Parke r Mark Wurtz Brad King Jack Stelnicke 71-74-76-75 - 296 Grant Walle Matt Cole 67-71-63-66 - 267 62-68-74-69 - 271 70-69-71-64 - 274 68-69-69-69 - 275 66-69-67-73 - 275 70-66-66-74 - 276 68-74-65-69 - 276 69-73-70-65 - 277 68-70-69-70 - 277 67-70-69-71 - 277 67-69-70-71 - 277 68-71-69-69 - 277 68-72-66-72 - 278 69-66-72-71 - 278 68-69-68-74 - 279 72-67-69-71 - 279 68-71-70-70 - 279 66-70-70-71 - 279 74-69-76-77 - 296 77-76-74-70 - 297 79-73-72-73 - 297 Laban's LHe Team Pro·Am 77-75-72-73 - 297 Rossmere - August 2 76-74-73-74 - 297 74-74-75-74 - 297 68-83-71-75 - 297 69-75-77-76 - 297 76-71-74-76 - 297 73-75-71-78 - 297 75-70-78-75 - 298 Rob McMillan, Pine Ridge 77-71-70-80 - 298 Wllllnadon CUP 'lam TrIals Pine Ridge - July 27-2B (Amateur Champlonsnlp scores pluS two rounds) b - won playoff for flnaf berth on first hole Pine Ridge - 129 Pro Pat O'Donnell, amateurs Henry Dahl, H,rJY Black, Hugh Cummings Klngawood - 128 Pro Brad Keats, amateurs Norm Winch, BOb Milner, Brian Wh ite Tuxedo - 126 Pro John Isaac, amateurs Ernie Rehberg , Chris Block, Rolly Lagasse Ruaa.U- 126 Pro Dan Scanlon (Blumberg), amateursPeter ·Senek, Vince Edwards, Walter Patterson Nlakwa. - 124 Pro John IrwIn, amateurs Ron Castelane, 212-72-77 - 361 ab - Derron Magda, Elmhurst ab - Daan North, Carman 296-72-73 - 44 1 291-81-75 - 447 299-72-77 - 448 a - won team berths ab - Rob McMillan, Pine Ridge Todd Teplltskl, Plna Ridge Selkirk b - Mike Clocko, Rob Loewen. Rossmere Rob McMillan, Pine Ridge 290-75-76 - 44 1 Bruce North Carman Grant Coulter, Brandon Dave Lavallee , 1991 Manitoba Junior ab - Doug Irwin, Nlakwa 224-75-78 - 377 227-70-82 - 379 a- Todd Fanning, Southwood 280-73-70 - 423 a- Dala Goehring, Breezy Bend 291-74-72 - 437 Deedar Sagoo, Jack Cunnlngs Tranecona - 124 a . Dave Lavallee, Plne Rldga 290-77-71 - 438 Pro Brian Clark (E lmhurst), amateurs Mike Berney,Rolly St.Laurent, Glenn Grapentine 1991 Manitoba 8enlor Championship Jody Chudley. Whoat City 78 Ni8.kW8 Country Club - August 6·8 15 and16 Brad Houghton. Pine Falls Derek Gross, Wheat City 80 won playoff on first extra hole b . named to provincial senior team Breezy Send 78 8. - ab - Dick Qui nton, Nlakwa b - Carl Teplilskl . Pine Ridgo b - Ron Caslelane. Niakwa b - Bruce Hudson, Pine Ridge 78·78·77 · 233 76-82·75 · 233 77 - 8~ · 75 · 234 78·77· 80 · 235 13 and 14 Robert Maki, Whoat City David Frost, Kenora ~ 1 8: Darcy Furber Carl T eplltskl Michael MacKay Dave Anderson Garth Collins Dale Goehring Terry More LorneJamlson Jay Doyle Rob MacDonald Rural Championship Selkirk ~31 : Tim Cromarty Kevin Bauer Elmhurst225: 87 ee 12 and under Jonathan Martin, Mlnnedosa Scott Kulchyckl . Dauphin 95 Ken Grove Irv Benne, Elmhurst Gord Lenton . Pine Ridge Alan Mahon. Breezy Bend Wally Mallatlon, Tr8n9con8 Weldon Ridley , Morden Bill Reichel. Minnesota " Russell Jones, 5t.Boniface Max Dosaulnlers, Elmhurst Dick Howard, St.Charles Dave Keep, St.Boniface Claude Bisson notte, St .Bonlface Don Forsyth . Breezy Bend Glen Sinclair. Klngswood Bill Gibson. Pine Ridge Ross Jones, St.Boniface Ken MacCharles. St.Charles 81·74·8' ·236 79·79·79 · 237 79-80-78 · 237 79-78-82 · 238 73·88·79 • 240 83-76·81 · 240 79·83·79 • 241 79·8 ~ · ~Q · 24' 79·81·82 · 242 78· 82·82 · 242 77·86·80 · 243 77·85·81 · 243 78·82-83 ·243 81 ·82·81 · 244 80·81· 83 • 244 78-81-85 - 244 Carman235: 1991 Family ClassiC Selkirk - August 26 (l8-hole alternate shot) Wheal City 235: Father/Son Low Gross "A" 72 Ken and Ken Tresoor, Rossmore 73 Walt and John Menzi es, Rossmore 66.5 67.5 Gerry Hodgson Grant McPhail 1991 Junior Inter-Club Dan and Dennis Nord, Southwood 80 81 City Ch ampion ship Pine Ridge 234: Scott Enns Brett Schelthelm Yanick Maurice 65.5 68 Brian Enns Rossmere 237: Kelly Rasmussen Kevin Schledewitz Hecla Island - August 11-12 Pare nt/Child Low Gross John and Oorelle Mathews, Southwood AmataurChomplonahlp Bob Genoway. Morden 69·74 · 143 Barry Tanaslchuk . Gilbert Plains 72·76 · 148 Bruce North, Carman 74 -74 - 148 Arnie Blluk. Sandy Hook 76·75 · 151 Tim Cromarty. Selkirk 74·78·152 Keith Fawcett. Selkirk 75-77·152 Barry Coffin. Selkirk 75·78 · 153 Larry JOhnston. Dauphin 75·79 · 154 Brad Clemenl. Russell 71·84 · 155 Dale Coulter, Brandon 76·80 · 156 Bill North. Carman 76· 80 · 156 Senior Championship Weldon Ridley. Morden Roy Minish, Swan River Barrie Sandars, Carman Glen Sinclair, LaSalle Joe Nespor, Plnawa Murray Slm, Selkirk 76·80 · 74· 83 · 79·80 · 82· 8t · 80·85 · 86·80 · 156 157 t59 163 165 166 Art Smith and Lynda Palhaniuk, Elmhurst 80 81 Paront/Chlld Low Not Gall Walker, Rat River and Gill Leslie, Rossmere 67.5 Harley and Rhonda Navratil, 81. Charles 68 John Menzies Brent Stevenson Rural Championship Se lkirk 234: Mike Fros, Mike Godtrey Swan River 241: Tobin Praznlk Mark Shewchuk Darren Peel Colin Nahnyblda Derek Campbell Jeremy Gray 1991 Mid·Handicap w Brian Davis, Charleswood Gary SwaNer, Ross more Brad Neufeld, Elmhurst Tony Dyck, Crescent Orlve 73 78 83 92 74 79 84 88 76 78 80 89 87 76 79 ee 199181nlor Inter-Club Transcona - August 27 28 156 157 159 180 Brandon - August 20 Low Gross SI.Bonlface 228; George Sired Dave Keep Ed Bergner Claude Bissonette 1991 Frel Press Intlr·Club Low Net Sh110202: Elmhurst Country 91ub - August t6 1991 Rural Junior 75 77 79 89 76 78 81 87 75 79 81 83 Steinbach - August 2 t Father/Son Low Gro •• "B" Ralph and VIClor HOlel. Canoe Club Father/Son Low Net " B" Peter and Mark Macleod, 5 t.Bonlface Harry and Kelly Gowerluk. Selkirk 1991 Rural Amateur/8enlor Dwight Kearns Dale Coulter DiCk and Dave Oulnlon. Nlakwa Father/Son Low Net " A I, Alex and Rich Sobkowlch. Rossmere Barry Coffin Bruce North Bill North Rick Bllghl Michael Funke 75 78 7t 72 75 78 7t 76 78 79 MinnewBstB Goff and Country Club, Morden July 24 City Champion ship a . won on the basIs of a retrogressIon countback 17and 18 David Mlchaleskl. Selkirk a · Pine Ridge ~t8 : Greg Ozog Todd Teplitskl Larry Nahachewsky John Benstead Mike Spack Steve Gedal Low Individual 77 .. 69 74 Gord Lenton Don McNeil 73 73 1992 Mall ifVoo Golf !OImw/ ,, The golf course boom n the '90s alone, 10 new co urses h avo opened and another eight h ave been expond od to 18 holes. Despite the growing I THOUG H TlfE GO LF SEASON IS BUT SIX MONTHS LONO IN TH IS PROVINCE , M ANITOBANS AR E: GOLF CRAZY. W HETHER PLAYED FOR FUN, RELAXATION, COMPETITION, TO STR"NOTH"N BUSINESS TIES OR CREATE NEW ONES, AN TNCRE:AS TNO ARE ~~NJOYING NU MB~, R OF PIWT'LE 'I'HE GAME OF GOLF, AS EVIDENCED BY THE EVE:R- INCREAS ING NUMBER OF NEW GOLF' FACIUTTES , ' number of fncil.itics, courses cunlinue to b popular places in warm weather even w hen clouds or mosQuitoes ar e counted nmong the course's natu ral haza rd s. olf courses unveiling new or expanded facilitios in recent yeurs include: · LORETTE GOLF COURSE Located approximately 1a kilometres south 01 Winn ipeg, this nine-hole public course opened in 1990. The par-36 course cha llenges competitors with more than 18 sand traps and six water hazards. Open seven days a week. this scenic course offers club & ca rt rentals and a snack bar. Tournaments are welcome and tee reservations are appreciated. Dress code in effect. For Information, ca ll the cl ubhouse at 878-2172. • OAKWOOD GOLF COURSE AT ST, ANN E · LARTERS AT ST. ANDREWS Loceted 20 minutes from downtown Winn ipeg in St. Andrews, Larters Is a semi-private 1a-hole course with a traditional Scottish flavour. Partially owned by the hockey playing Babych brothers, the 6616-yard, par 71 course torments golfers with water hazards, pot bunkers and greenside sand bunkers. Opened In 1990, Larters features club & cart rental, driving range , dining facilities, cocktail lounge, golf lessons and club repairs . Tournaments are welcome and tee rese rvations are accepted. For Information, ca ll golf pro Peter Ewert In the Pro Shop at 334-2107. • H OLIDAY MOUNTAIN GOLF COURSE AT LA RIVIERE Located In the scenic Pembina River Vaiiey, the nine-hole Holiday Mountain Golf Course opened In the town of La Riviere In 1990. The 2806-yard, par 36 course offers club and cart rental, driving range, restaurant, cocktail lounge, outdoor patio and pro shop, Tournaments are welcome and tee reservations are accepted. For Information , call general manager Noel Later at 242-2008. 1992 Mal/Ita/Ill Golf ImmUlI Lort.,. outstondlng c lubhouse, with all the flrst-c foll focliitle. you could ask for, .ymbollze. the Inve.tment being mode In Monltobo golf. Nestled among oak trees, the nine-hole Oakwood Golf Course Is located east of Winnipeg on Highway H1. Among the 2447-yard, par 34 course's special chalI ~nges are the numerous trees , water hazards and sand traps, Oakwood also aHars club and cart rentals, restaurant & coffee shop, cocktail lounge, pro shop and golf lessons, Tournaments are wel come; tee reservations accepted. For information , ca ll general manager Philip Vincent at 422-8045. . R,VER OAKS GOLF COURSE AT RICHOT Opened In 1991 , the 6055-yard, par 72 Is located just minutes outside Winnipeg. Roiling landscape and majestic oaks follow the LaSalle River providing scenery and challenge as evidenced by an island green in the midst of a water hazard on the ninth hole. Other features include club & cart rental. restaurant & coffee shop, cocktail lounge, pro shop and golf lessons. Tournaments are welcome as are tee rese rvations. For lnformatlon, call Bryan Pearson , Mark Gree n o r Va leri e Pearson at 261-4653. • LA V ERENDRVE GOLl' C OURSE "T LA BROQUERI E Loca ted 35 miles so uth eas t of Winnipeg, the nine-hole, par 35 course opened In 1991 and is ex pecte ~ to expand to 18 holes by the spring of '92 . Course challenges Include Island tees and greens adjacent to the Seine River, numerous bridges and two man·made lakes. A special feature Is the 17th hole with fou r tee boxes which can be played from a 549-yard , par 5 to the longest par 6 in the world at 751 yards. The La Verendrye Golf Course offers club and ca rt rentals, restaurant & coffee shop, pro shop, club repairs and golf lessons. Tournaments welcome; tee reserva· tion s appreciated. For Information, call Jacques Lavack at 424-504 6. Manitoba's northernmost golf course was almost literally cut out of th e woods, It opened In 1991 . Th e nine-hole, public course Is heavil y wooded, with water hazard s, large roughs and bluegrass greens. The 2092-yard , par 24 has th e potential to be one of the province's most challenging courses. Features in· clude club rentals and driving range. Tournaments welcome. For informa· tlon, call H.B. Johnson at 473-2421. • N ETlEV CREEK G OLF C OURSE M PETERSFIELD o pened in August, 199 1, th is nine-hole publi c cou rse Is loca ted north of Winnipeg on Highway #8. Surrounded by natural beauty, Netley Creek Is a 3131-yard, par 36 layout with a natural spring creek winding through th e fairways. Netley Creek offers club and ca rt rentals, driving range, club repairs, pro shop and coffee shop. Tournaments are welcome: tee reservations ac· cepted. For Information, call Bruce or Bonnie Dalman at 738-4653. , Q UARRY O AKS GOLF C OURSE AT STEINIIACH Located three miles east of Steinbach , Ouarry Oaks takes Its name from the gravel quarry on which It was constructed. Th e 6926-yard , par 72 course fe atures a rug ged landscape with spri ngfed pools flanked by a successi on of oak tree s. Qu arry Oak s, Manitoba's newest 18-hole course , featu res cl ub & cart rentals, restaurant, pro shop, golf lessons and club repairs. hllting stations found on three levels. Golfers ca n watch th e flight of their drives and correct problem areas with th e help of the range's contrasting blue background. The facility also features a pulling green, chipping area and miniature golf course, coffee shop, cocktail lounge and pro shop. Golf novices can receive Instruction from one of the five CPGA professionals on staff. Open seven days a week, fees at the Klngswood Golf Dome are $9 per half hour with special hourly rates. Yearly passes, golf school membership and family packages are available. Tournaments are welcome: tee reser· vatlons are appreCiated . For Information , ca ll Harry Fehr at 326-9302. , C OURSE EXP" NSIONS TO 18 HOLES (UNLESS NOTE D PREVIOUSL v) • Portage la Prairie Golf Course expanded In 1991. South Interlake Golf Course In Warren expanded In 1991. Kingswood Golf Course at La Salle expanding In 1992. • Pinawa Golf Course expanding In 1992. • Killarney Lakeside Golf Course expanding in 1992 or 1993. Scotswood Links at Elm Creek expanding In 1993. Holiday Mountain Golf Course at La Riviere expanding 1993, THE D OME Located in Kenaston Industria l Pail(, The Dome boasts Winnipeg's longest Indoor driving facility at 125 yards . Th e city's newest Indoor driving range features 48 hitting station s, putling green, pro shop, food kiosk and professional golf Instrucllon, Open saven days a week, fees at The Dome are $7.50 per half hour and while the facility offers no memberships per se, co-owner Chuck Arnason says 10-hour packages are available at the reduced price of $11 0 or ($11 per hour) . • G OLF D OMES The latest concept to hit the Manitoba golf market Is th e domed all-weather driving range. Winnipeg currently has two such facilities with the Klngswood Golf Dome and The Dome, both located In the southwest part of the city. KINGSWOOD GOLF DOM E At the K,ngswood Golf Dome, golfers may practi ce their drives on a 100-ya rd indoor driving range from one of the 55 Golf Course Architecture , Rnanelal ! Market Feasibility Studies , Design ! Project Management! Construction , Golf Course Expansion and Renovations , Residential ! Golf Course Subdivisions , Resort Master Planning and Design • Regulatory Approvals Hilderman Witty Crosby & Hanna Associates Landscape Architects, Golf Course Architects Planners & WINNIPEG SASKATOON 500 - 11 5 Bannatyne East, Winnipeg, Man~oba R3B OR3 944-9907 1992 Mrmitv/Ju Golf }Qu mal DlRI:CTOI{Y 1J.1B FOLLOW ING PAGES REPRESENT AN ALI'HAHE'fICAL LISTING OF TIlE GOLF COURSES IN M AN ITOBA AND N ORTHWESTERN ONTAR IO WHICII ARE CURRENTLY MEMBERS or THE M AN ITOHA GOLP Ass 'IATION, COMPLETE WITH COURSE DESCRU'riONS TN TERMS or LENGTH, PAR, RATING AND LOCATION, WE TRUST OUR DI RECTORY WILL BE AN IDEA L GU IDE AS YOU PLAN YOUR EXCURS IONS AROUND OUR PROVINCIAL GOLI'ING PARADISE, THE CITY OF WINNIPEG PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MUlllCIPAl IiOlF COURSES Klldonan Park Golf Course 334 - 0452 Crescent Drive Golf Course 453 - 4875 Windsor Park Golf Course 257-1264 John 81umberg Golf Course 888 - 8860 Harbour View Golf Course 1867 Springfield Road 222-2751 VI." ou, fully .rocked golf 8Itop. Fo, all 'IOU, golfing need. ENJOY A GAME WITH US THIS WEEK 1992 Mnllilobn Coif }o/l,."a{ ASIIERN GOLF & COUNTRY CJ.lJII 9 holes 1)I""lmces: 2849 yards (D lue) 2bl 9 yu rd ~ (Wh ile) 1'lIr; 36 (Me n) 36 (Ltldies ) nux 337, Ashern. M8 RO OEO 1..00' fl/f'{/ fil l BOISSEVA IN GOLf' CWII notsseYAln , M8 ROKOEO 534.2365 768·3 137 Pmvillrin lllfll hll'lIY #6, 180 kmllortlr of Wilmi/}('g, jll:J f sOlltll uf I\.I'ht·rn . A SSINIIlOINE GOLF CLUB 9 h o l c~ OlstflllCC: 313 1 yunh Pur: 36 (Men) 3M (L.'ldics) R H IIII~ : 69 (M en) n (I ,adies) nflX216. St. Jnmes r.o. Wllll1illt!Itt, Mn RJJ 3R4 RR9.h225 A RES GOLF & COUNTRY 1..oL"llfctl 24 km mm ll nfUS/( '(Uuufo bo rder Oil IJm\lill riol N lg ltll'{/y It 10, 264 k/ll .W llflt wt!.\'f q{ Willfl i,J1'I.f. C LUII Iii holes 34lh Sireet & McUnnllld A venue Uraudon.MU R7A 6A2 I>lslImccs: 674 1 yu rd .. ( Atuc) 6482 yord ... (While) Pllr: While · 72 (Me n) 73 (Ladie!o) Roling: White · 7 1 (M en) 72 (L ndies) Hlue * 72 (Men) 75 (LadieJol) Uux 32, K.K.N2 Wlnnlpeg.M U RJC 2~~6 632·8341 Lm:tII('c/ 4.8 klllllo nh of W"H . ' ,~ C m ' mNwoon GOLF CLUB White· 7 1 (Mcn) 73 ( I.adies) Blue · 72 (Mc:n) 76 (I...udicli) Ilox 193. RR#I Ilcllding ley, MIJ ROIIOJO 895· 7206 1.QC(/f('(l o II Robli" IJolI!t' !'iml ll'l'.11 uJ \Wmripel.( '.f Per;/11I'tPr Hi8 '1 11'(l1' ill H I'(1(IiIl ~ /t'>" CLUB J 8 holes DlstllIlCCS: 6725 yards (Blue) 6272 ynrds (W hite) Pur: White · 72 (Me n) 73 (Lndic:s) Pl'riml'ff'r "' \\IY. 01/ Siu rgeoll Rucu/ ( Ro,I'.w' r ). Oi.lit.1I11CC.'i : 18 hol cs · 3 164 yurtls ( Hhle) -3043 yards (Willie) WI, itt: co/ l r,~p ·3 1!ttl ynrd~ ( Blue) · 3033 yards (While) R(1(/ ('(mrs(' ·J04 l ynrd, ( Olue) ·2R94 yurds (While) Pflr: 7 1 (M en) 7 1 (L udi es) Rulin~ : 6R (Men) Illstnncc: 5855 yards I'u r: 7() (Me n) 72 (Lndies) Hlltlng: 67 (Me n) 7 1.5 (Ladies) Dux IItt . Cormon, Mil ROC; 0,10 745·2366 Loc(lfl.'d 80 k", ~u lIlll\I 'l'l'1 uf Willl/ ipt'R ml Pm"illrifl l H igh ll'fI)' nox 4J SI. AnlH~ . Mil ROA IRO 422·5540 l.ocflleti 25 ltIitmlt'J cow l of Wimli,Jt'1.( (m Tratl ,f , C(uUU/fI l/iRhll'fl v III . #.1. C RESCENT ORIV>: CUARLESWO(1n GO'"" Y holes CLUII 9 holc!! Distances: 1376 yurd.s (Whi le) Ilu r : 27 (M en) 27 (L.,'ldies) Roling: 49 (M en) 725· 0~44 BREEZY BEN" C OUNTRY 27 holes !lfll t' C:Ull rl'(' CARMAN G01.F C LUII BHANnON R ECREATION CENT HE GOLF CLUB 18 holes DlS((lIIcc: 606li yurd li Pur: 7 1 (Mcn) 74 ( Lad les) RlItin~ : flY,S ( Men) 70 (Ladies) Oox 960 II EL Uollng: 9 holes Histance: 2695 yards Pur: 33 (Men) :n (L.'1dics) Wittin g: 65 .5 (Me n) 68 ( L[l(Ji c~) nux R22, GOLF C OURSE Dl~llIm:c: 3024 yards Par: 3S (Men) 38 ( Ladies) 7ti I Cresce nt Drive. Fori .urry Rating: 68 (Men) 70 ( Lnd ic~) 310 I-Inney Street , Unx 11 Winnil)cg. Ml\ RJR OY6 Wlnnil)cg. MU RJT IX3 453.4"75 RRR· 04R4 ALLGOLFERSWEL OME AT We have a b eautiful l8-hole c ourse, Just one hour from Winnipeg. Our new c lubhouse offers licensed fac ilities, excellent food, pro shop, c lub rentals, cart rentals. Charleswood Golf Club (1976) Inc. Best wishes to the M GA in 1992 MANITOBA'S OLDEST GOLF COURSE 310 Haney Street C.P.G A Pro - Pat Kemball FOR BOOKINGS, CALL US AT 1-745-2366 PRESIDENT Harvey Zimberg GOLF PROFESSIONAL Bob McVicar 1992 Mallitooo Golflollr/wl Dauphin Golf Club A challenging J8 holes DA UI' Iil N C OUNTRY CLUII 18 holes D EWRAIN E GOLF CLU O 9 ho les Ul')tullccs:tl ll l yurtls (Blue) S9SS yards (While) S670 yards (Red) PAr: 70 (M en) Rulinl:: While - 68.5 (Men) 73 (Llldics) Distonces: 3266 yards (Blue) 2IJJ3 )'urds (white) )JAr: 36 (Men) 34 (Ladies) Rulin,,: Blue - 7 1 (Men) 63 While - 6H ( Men) 63 (lAIdie,) (lAIdles) Oclorltlnc. MH Uox 478 GREEN FEE PLA YERS WELCOME - 18 HOLE RATE $15.00 Two Day Advance Booking Privileges Driving Range and Private Lessons available from one of Maniloba's top golf pros. Rai nbow Bench and cnmping facilities close by. A scenic 45 minute drive from Clear Lake. lub & company lourmnnents welcome. PRO STAN HOMENUlK Pro Shop - 638-9400 17 km cast of Dauphin on Hwy . 20 E. • • • "RIVATE Lf..SSONS II" NQUt::,'S GO I . ~' C" WT &: • n ,UIlIU:NTAI.•S LICI!:NSI!:U Ul NINU Ilnuphln, MU 638-9400 Locate(J 0 11 I-/III'Y. 112f), 16 km t'(l~t of DmllJl!i1l wh ich is 325 km lIortln"tSI o/ Wil//l ipf'N 011 IIw)'. 1110. DEER RID ,E GOLF COURSE 9 holes Oistilllce: 2767 yards Pur : Blue - 36 (M en) While · 35 (Men) Hulin ~ : While - M (Men) Box 1424 IIrlindon, MD R7A 6N2 D ELA IIUNT GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 9 holes DistAllce: 3260 yards Pur: 36 (Men) 36(Ladies) Rotlrl G: 68.S (Men) 69 (lAIdi cs) 80x 149, Treherne. MB RtJG 2VU 723-2502 tnr(lU'd J km ('a .vI nf TreJlI:m l!. /04 kill west of WlmlifJt!S Elmhurst 1t7N 2V3 011 N3. DRYIlEN GOLI' & CURLING C U JII 9 holes llIslllnce: 3329 ynrds Pllr: 36 (Men) 37 (Lnd ies) Hitting: 1 1 (Men) 73 (Ladies) Box 279 Orydell , ON I'8N 2Y8 (807) 223-4218 EAR FALLS GOLF CLUO 9 holes Ols tullce : 3207 yards Pltr: 36 (Men) Ruth1 ,, : Dlu ~ - 7 1 Red - Hwy.1I2. f~ar Fulls. ON POV ITO (807)222-3206 GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Manitoba Golf Association For its production of the "Golf Journal " All golf enthusiasts wi ll find this a mosl interesting publication. CLUB MANAGER RON FRANKS For in/ormation telephone: 224-2244 7992 Maul/ooo Coif Journal 67.S Box 411. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE H EAD PROFESSIONAL RANDY BREKKE ROM OMO 747-24 11 t o (UnJ 5 kttl M.rt (md 3 km ,umtlr of Deloruilli! which Is a/lOut Joo km sOllllnww nf Whm ipt'll nil /-liRlrway EI.M IIUKST GOI.F CO UNTRY CI. n 18 holes Ol!itullccs: 6637 yurds(l3 lue) GI L IIERT PI.AINS C OUNTKY CLUII 9 hules UlstiWCC: 2952 YUrt.!s 6394 yard'i{ While) I)nr: 7 1 (M en) 74 (Lad ies) Pu r: 35 (M en) 37 (Ln(lics) Hilling: 68 (Men) 72 (Ladic!i) n 01C 4, & RnllnJ,t: Forward - ttl) (M!:Il) (1.Ildles) Back - 72 (Men) 75 (Llldies) 1.•O('fU("(1 310 km lI onh we,f f II lVy. 1I5, bt'(II'(' t' lI F AI.I:ON L AKE GOLF C OUKSE 18 holes Uls hlflets: 6964 yurds ( Olue) 6340 yords (Wh ile) ~253 yurds (Red) IlM : 12 (Men) 72 (Luclie .. ) Ru llllJ.t: Dlue - 73 .5 (Men) 75 (I ,utl ie",) White - 7 1.S (Men) Fulcun !leuch, Mil Ril E I KII 349-2554 of W" H'. & <) COUNTRY C LUB holes RAting: 67.5 (Men) 71 (Ladies) lime 70, Glcnhoro, MD ROK IIXO 827 -2856 While - 68 (Men) 6R 2 kill I/n,.," nj m e"')(Jm which Is 150 km wtst l,u,'(lIt.'tJ J k", wtSt and (Ludies) Uux 9 1, of WilillipfOg Oil Tra /l,f·Cmuu/a Fishing Packages and Rates INClUUlS; DELUXE HOTEL A CCOMOOA liONS G I.ENUi\LE CO UNTRY C LUB IMholes OIshUlccli : 64RO yards (B luc) 6 105 yards (White) Pu r: 72 (Me n) 74 (Ladies) Ruling : Blue - 72.S (Me n) ONt OAY: $28 1 00 sing le occu pAn cy $247 00 pC" person douhle occtlpnllCY Ttmll DAY , $80600 slIlq lf' occlIpnncy S696 00 per P'" SOil douhle occupnncy Fr vt D AY; S 1338.0U srllq lc occupnncy 5 113800 per per .. o n (Ioub lf' occupnncy INN Of' THE: WOODS occupnncy (jolf Packages LAKESIDE HO TEL AND CON FE R E NC E C E N T R E SUMMt II SI A~;()N : May I, H)92 Sf'p lCmbcr 7. 1992 Huur s 1 :00 amlu dusk FI\lI 5, A'-.ON: Se pt ~ lHlw l H 1992 Oclober 31,1997 We lcome to the Inn of the Woods where 1\ friendl y, professionul stuff wuit 10 show yvu our rellovfllCd hotel. Once you've stayed wilh 11,\, you' ll never stay anywhere else, TIle hote l is located on the shore o f beautiful Luke of the W oods, within eusy wu Jld ng di..,Hlnce 10 do wru own Kenora. T he I nn of Ihe W oods p rn" i de~ 11 unique and professiunu] h>eule for con ferences, sell1l nars and cllceul]"c rClrCfll S ,.. IIl11 idsl Ihe nulurll l bcnut y of N01'lhern Ontario. Our' faci lit ies will necommodnle up to 2~ O pcol)]e, Idelll for mid-si ze seminars or cOll ventions. Whether YOll nre trave lling o n husincslI or pleasure, from c heck-in 10 chcck-oul . you nre our !irsl concern. PHON E: (S07) 468-5521 TOLL FKEIl I-ROO-465-1120 FAX : (H07) 4(;R-4734 I NUU[)I ,; ' • 2 nights tlCCollllllodntion • 1 round 0 1 golt n l Kenoril Goll 8. COlln try Cl ub wi th power CM! • S95.00 pe l per son/doub le occupancy • S 16 5 .00 per ,le I son/s ingle OCCUpllllCy N e t 1l01l -C0I11I11ISSI0nab le Apphcilbll' lil ltl'S not Included Upon aVilllillllllly Ollu" pilch .. IClf'S ,lVil/iable Sf V~N D AY: $ I 85 70U ~lIlglf' OCC Upiln CY $148300 pc, IWIson double k1ll lI orth oJ Wimll,Jfl g, 72 (!.adies) MCil llJlilll hreaklnsl, lun c h , dinn er OOills . I),ul and gUide Fi sh siorilg~' F l sh mg h C{~llsl' S h o re IUll c he s nv.!llablc Ncl non-colnlllissrollilbic Upon IIvmlflhlllly Advance rc!'>ervallOIlS n rc requir ed Appli cab le I.u;es IIlcluded 69 ,5 (Ll.Idies) 69 ,S (Me n) 69.5 (Ladies) n ox 70 RI "erlo n. MU I{O('; 2 RO 432-5272 Loc(lted at tlte I/(mh end of lied" Islalld, (jol/ow /liS/limy #8 111m" thcn RO(l(I 233 tasr) IVlr/ell is 175 Red · nf Wi,lI/ fJ)t'g Oil Hi8 /m'ay #2, Glndslonc, MU ROJ 0'1'0 385-2750 L()(.Ylfed on II lghway #34, 3 kill ,\'(Jlltll oJGlmlstu//( wit/eli Is I J.5 kill IIIrst (md lUJr(h nJ Wimriptf.: mr HlK/r wllY 1116, IJixllway III. Ii EI:L A GOLF COUKSE 1H holes Distance: 6272 ( Rcd ) 6583 ( Rille) Pur: 72 (M e n) 72 (Lndies) I{lItlnK: Allie · 71 (Men) Dls tnnce: 2948 yards Pur: 35 (Me n) 36 (Ladies) hul~s Ruling: i31ue - 70 (Me n) ('(/SI 1867 S l)rln ~ ncld Rd , N. Klldouhn. Wlu lI ll)('g. Mn 222-275 1 GLENIIOKO GOLF Uislu nccs: 3 149 yard). (Illue) 2954 Yllrds (While) II" ,,: 36 (Mc n) 3Y ( 1.IIdic s) l...vc(I/t'd ill lile W""(',~h l'lI Ruling: 49 (Men) 44 (Lad ies) n fl/ IIJM" ,Co Gralldview, 9 HAKBOUK VI EW GOLF C OUKSE 9 holes Olslil.ncc: 1242 yards Pa r: 27 (Men) 27 (Ladies) Drnndon,MB R7A 3A8 728-9090 1./ J('(IfNt DI'prnxima tely 9,7 km cast oj Rrmulotl 0" HI'(lf'('I't'$t /)1'. 1:.'. GLA OSTONE G OI.F & COUNTR Y CLUII Rum'. Pmv;"dul Pm"I<, abullt 155 lim ()II 837-8383 1002 - 2nd Street 548-2 118 K. K.ifS. W innipeG. Mil K2C 2Z 2 222-55 11 w('(1/(,(/4 km e(/,Wof J-IIRIIII'IIY 1159 Gan'ell Dl~ tnll c(': 5605 yards liar: 69 (Men) 71 (Lad ies) Ruli n g: 66 (Me n) 66 (Ladies) ROI. OXO 7) . ~ ()II 18 holes G ilbert Pl nlns. Mil Midd le · 71 (Men) While - 71,:') (Men) 4()() Angler A \If. W lnn lp('g. M n R3K I S4 GLEN- L EA G OI..F CL UB V;' Inn of the W oods 470 Firsl A ve n ue S o ulh , Ke nom, On tnrio III P9N I W5 Phone (204) 474 -1345 1992 Mnrrjfo/Jn QJlf /OIlrfrnl IHRI ("'lORY R(H lng: 18 Blue · 70 (Men) H OLlUAY MOUNTAI N GOLF COU HSE 9 holes D I."IIIIIC':: 2~ 4 S yards I'lIr: 36 Ruling: 6~ (Men) n ux " 9, I ,"rlvler". MU ROG I An 242· 2008 18 Wh ite · 69 (Men) 70 .5 (Lnd les) 67 (L.d ie, . 9) 4540 Pnrlllgc Avenue Hend lngley. MB ROH OJO 888·8860 l....oc(lfed 2 kill Wt'st of Wi/ll/ip t'/: 's ferimeter f lIllY. 0/1 }Jor'{jge A \/e. I< ;NACE GOL .. & COUNT RY C U JII 9 holes Dlslnucc: 6525 yards 1' 111": 72 K ENOHA GOL .. COUNTRY CLU B & 1~ holes Olslu nccs: 6310 yards (B lue) Rn tlll ~: 7 1 6160 yOr'ds (White) nox 1079 Pur: Blue · 7 1 (Men) Ignoce. Olllorlo POT I TO Whilo · 7 1 (Me n) R" Hn ~: OIue • 70.S (Men) 72 ( Ludi es) J OliN B LU MBERG GOLF COU RSE Y holes, 18 holes Dlstnnccs: 6343 yurds ( 18 . 5~44 While · 69 (Men) lIux 4SS Kenor", ON. Iry N 3XS (807) 468· 7995/468·3597 IllUt~ ) ynrds ( 1M• While) 2739 ynrds (9) I'lI r : 7 1 (Men · 18 White) 73 (Ladies · 18 White) Y Whi le 66 (Men) I g While 69 (M en) KIL.DO NAN P A RK GOL .. C O URS'; 18 hol es Olstu ncc: 54Y5 yu rd.s PM : 69 (Melt) 72 (Ladies) 18 Uluc 70 (M en) KrrCUEN C HEE K G OLF & COUNTR Y C I.UII Rul lnA : M (Men) 69 (Ladics) 71.5 (LurJics) 202.1 M" ln Slr'eel Winnll)cg, Mil H2 V 211Y 334· 1452 18 h o l ~s K ,LLAR NEY LAK ESIIW: GOLF CLU B 9 holcs OIShtncc : 2748 Yi\I'(jS r nr: 35 (Men) 35 (Ladies) Killing: 66 (M en) 67 (Ladi es) nux 118 1 Klllnrney. M D HUK I GU 523· 8277 Wc(lf('l/ 3 kill we')', uJ Klflllrllf:Y which I.~ "h(m! nD lOll .~ollfhlllesr of WI/III/p cg UII Nighll'lIY #1 8. 74 .5 (I .udi cs) 80); 387 F'u rt f<'rll llccs, UN ,,9A 3M 7 (807) 274·3587 I11NI1I'(/ V. 7 kill 'tilt'S' of Highll'ay #71. LA V ERENDR YE GOLl' COU RSE (LA BROQU EHI E) IR110I ....s DlsiAnCe: 7 106 yurt..l s (Blue) 6544 yards (White) 5526 y"d, (Red) K ' NGS WOOl) GOL .. & COUNTRY CLU B 18 hules DlsUlnces:6372 YARDS Pur: 7 1 Rfi lln ~ : 70.5 8 0x 220 LflSulle Mll, ROG 180 736· 4079 1.IJ('(//e(J 1.6 kill lVe~'1 oj u.lSa/{{' l-liRhll'flY 24 7. Illstunc(': 6408 ynrds Pur: 72 (M en) Ril ling : 70 (Men) I'M: 73 (M en) 72 Kuling: (L(t(HI! .~) 72 · Blue (Men) 69.5 M White (M en) 65 • Red (M en) 7 1 · Red ( I.adies) 0/1 nux 340 Lu Uroquerlc. MuuJlobn ROA OWO (2114)424. 5046 /"n('fII('d 70 km s() IIII/{' lISI vJ W//1/1"peR on lIiRi1wIIY 21D. L ARTERS AT ST. AN DR EWS 1K hules Dista nce: 6655 yards I'ur: 72 (Men ) 7 1 (L adies) Ruling: 72 (Men) 7 1 (Llldics) Box 100. Group G, H.H, # IU W lnn lpcg, MU R3C 4A3 334· 2107 GOLF DOME 1205 Wilkes Ave. 489-7776 • 58 HIlTING STATTONS ON 3 LEVELS • I 8 - HOLE MINIATURE GOLF • • ADDY 5 ,·IED L ITTLE FALLS GOLF CLU U • LICENSED SNACK BAR 911 0LI!.S BIR1'IIDA Y PAKTII?S AND GROU PS WF.:LCQME • IllPJ'LNC AND PUTTLNC AREA ,.... GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB LaSalle . MB (6 mlns, south of Perimeter Hwy.) • I 8 · HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP OURSE •T uRNAMENTS FO R GROUPS UP TO • DKl VINC HANCE 150 • LICENSED CLUBHOUSE • FLEET OF 35 GOLF CA RTS • M EMAF.RS ANn PUSUC weLCOM e DEVELOPMENT LaSalle . MB • 183 O NE- A RE LOTS • R,VER AND GOLr OUkSE LOCATIONS 1992 Mrlllito/xl Golf jo/mlnl • A LL LO'rs PULLY SERV ICED • DlSPLAY O FFICe AND SHOW [lOM ES IlIs tltncc: 3083 yards Pur : 36 (Mtm) Hali ng: 69 (Men ) 69.5 (L,dle,) n o,729 AUkok"". ON 1'01' I CU (807) 597· 1106 L ORETTE G OLF COURSE 9 holes Olstnncc : 2946 yards POr : 36 Nfltln g: White · 70 (M en) Red· 68 (M en) Lorette, MU 878· 2 172 L UNDAH G OL .. & COUNTRY CLUII 9 holes Distu nce: 3053 yards Pu r : 36 (Men) 36 (Ludics) 8 0x 175 I.undor, MU ROC I YO 762.5877 [,, f)cored (// ,hejlmerioll of Highways #6 (I"d #419. LWldllr I.~ J{)() km lIorth of Wiml ireR Oil H ighway 116. M A<:G ~E(;()R T OWN & C OUNTR Y GOI~ F CLUU 9 ho les Distance: 2907 yurds Pur: 35 (Men) 38 (Ladles) Rntlnrt: ()7 (Men) 70 (Ludics) 8 0x 464 [!J Larters Mllc(; rcgor. MU ROll ORO at St. Andrews 6ijS· 2SijS Lm.:lltl!llllf the iml'r.lw'liO/J n/ Provincial Road 350 "lid IJixhwa)' III . M nrCr('gor Is 106 lim WIW (JJ Willll ipf!N all III I' T/'{/lIs· CrU/(lda fligll w{/)i #1 . M AN ITO U TOWN & COUNTRY CJ.UII 9 h o l e.~ OlsUH1ce: 2750 yards Pur: 34 (Men) 35 (Lad ies) Dox 566 242· 2287 /"){'fllt'd 140 km SOII /"Wt'~'1 of Willll ipeJ.: mr Will/way #3. M ELI TA G OLF CLU n 9 holes OI.d uncc: 2995 yards Par: 35 (Men) 37 (Llldics) Rfl lIng: 68 ..5 (Men) nox 665 Melllll, MU ROM ILO 522· 3624 Lm:all:d 319 kill .1·(JUlhWI!.~t nf Winnipeg (If rhe j Ull ef/wl oj lIi1(hIl'Uy.f #.l (Illd #83. MINNEOOSA GOLF CLU O 9 holes Dislullcc: 29Y4 ymcls Par: 36 (Men) 36 (LCtdies) Ruling: 6H(Men) 69 (LIllJi ~s) Uux 11 9 1 Mlnllcdosll. Mn ROJ l EO R67·3 1S I 217 km lIorthwe,I" of Wi/lll ifU'R. Ilf'nr ,11(' jllll CI IV/I uJ IIwy,r.IIJ6 (/fItJ 11/0. M INNE WASTA G OLF & COUNTRY CLU O I R holes Dlstollce: 6582 yards (Blue) 6 153 yards (Whi le) 5652 yn ,ds (Red) R o tlll~ : Blue · 72 (Men) While · 70 (Men ) Red · 68 (Men) n (Lod ies) 6me 68 Morden, MD ROG 1,10 H22·4992 WLnC(J/t'(J on Roo(11I4J2, I km Country Club would like to thank all those who made our first year a very successful one. Manitou. MD ROf: If: O UJCaTl'tJ Golf & wt'.~t of Murden which (,f 120 km ,wmthW("f/ of Winnipeg UII fJighwlI)' Loca l 'd on h ls tortc RIver Road (PR2381. Jus t 20 min u tes fr<)m Portage an d Main , Lalters (It St. Andrews Is Manlloba's newesl championship cou rse. The plCl.u resqu· lract features USGA regulation greens, the challenge of wa ter. the feel of the lorest and the game from t he Scottis h links, Private members h ips, corporale members hi ps. public and lournam ent bookin gs are now available , Call today for a comple le InformaUon package, 334-2107 #3, 1992 M{/tliloixl Golf / 011",(// I>lRI ( I ()In 'rl-r • AA niB C 0 U N TRY wa C L U B NEEPAWA GOLF O AKVI EW GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 9 holes & COUNTRY CLUO 9 hules Olstfmce: 3269 yards DlsUmce: 3073 yards Pur: 36 (Men) 37 (Lutlies) Rntlng: 70.5 (Men) 73 (Ladies) lIox 1119, Neepawa, Mil ROJ 1110 476·57 11 l..ocmed I km emu oj' Neepawn which i.f 190 km northweSTa/ WI'S. Pur: 36 (Men ) Roli ng: 69 (Men) 67 (Ladies) 8 0x 972 Altona,M8 ROC 080 327. 5590 Loca/ed 1.5 km mmh a/Gretna and NIAKWA COUNTRY CLUO 18 holes I)lsluncc: 6234 )'urds Pur: 72 (Men) 74 (Ladies) Kutlng: Blue - 7 1.5 (Men) While - 70.5 (Men) 73 (Ladies) 620 Nlllkwu Rd., Wlnnlpe~, R2J 2X3 256· 2013 CONGRATULATIONS to the Manitoba Golf Association M8 NORTIIERNAIRE GOLF CLUO 9 holes Uil;tancc: 297 Myards Pur: 36 (Mell) 37 (Ladies) KuHng : 68 (M en) nOli: 11 3, Glnd l,MB ROC 1110 642·7776 wc:(lferi Il eal' Ames whlt'h Is / 8 kill mm h nfGimli nil Highway NR. Cimlll.f 97 k.m fUm/! tlf Will1l ipl!R (III flig /llv/IY #8 or #9. I km west of lhe high way. GreiM is I I/ kill soulh oj Wln nl/Jeg on t-lighwtlY ItJO. OAKWOOD GOL'- CLUB 9 ho les Dlslnnce: 2970 yards kutlng: 64 nux 7, Sic. Anne, Mil RDA IRO 433· 8045 OJIDWAY GOLF & CURLING CLUIl 9 ho les Olstance: 2945 yards Pllr: 35 (Men) Rallng: 68 (Men) 00.994 Sioux Lookout, ON I'OV 21'0 (807) 737· 1800 PIIANTOM LAKE GOLF CLUU 9 holes rlistuncc: 2997 yards I'or: 36 (Men) 37 (Ludies) Ruling: 68 (Men) 7 1 (Lad ies) Dux 128 FlinFlon,M8 RM IM7 • • • • Licensed Clubhouse Cart Rentals Fully-stocked Pro Shop Group Tournaments Welcomes to our stqff Pro /Manager Garth Goodbrands on Minnewasta Golf and Country Club Superintendent Marcel Deneer Phone 1-822-4992 for tee times (24 hrs advance) 687·3355 wc,'(lIecI 2 km SU IIlIt uf Ffln Flo" which Is 770 km north w('J" of Winnipeg rJII /-/ighway 11/ 0. PINAWA GOU' CLU U 18 holes Dista ncc: 6563 yurds (Blue) 627 1 yards (While) Pur: 72 (Men) 73 (Ladies) Ril ling: 7 l.S - Glue 70,0 - While 110' 263 PhUIW8, M8 RO E I LO 753· 2760 wCcl/cd 100 km l/unht!tW of Winn ipeg_ PINE FALLS GOLF CLUB INC. 9 ho les Distance: 2972 yards POr: 35 (Men) 36 (Ludi.,) Roli ng: 66 (Men) 70 (Lnd ies) Morden, Man. Ask about our Lifetime memberships 1992 Mmlitooo Golf JOIly/llil - Bo,298 Pine Falls. MD RO E IMO 367· 8463 1)11{1 ( lOin I'INE RIDGE G OLF CLUB lR hules Dlst li llces: 641 1 )'Il rd .~ ( Alllc) 63 10 yal'l.Js (White) Pur : Hlue · 72 (Men) Whi te · 7 1 (Men) 76 (Ladlc!!) RlIlh'2: OIue - 72 (Men) 76,5 (Lad les) White 7 1 (M en) 74 (Lutlics) RI VERVIEW C OU 9 holes l)lslnncc; 2776 yards 9 holes Dlstllncc : 26 19 yords & COUNTRY CLUIl 35 ( M en) Pur: 34 (Men) 36 (Ladi es) Pll r : Rilling : 64 (Men) Rulln).:: 66 (Men) 6 ~ (Lmlics) 8 0x 667 Morris, MU Reslo n, MU ROM IXO 877 -3692 ROG IKO LnrfltPd I kill IW' f l of RrSlO1I II'Mdl I~ 260 km lI'esl of Wpg. (m II wy. #2. 746-2027 w r f/t f'fl 1!2 km t(HI of flu! brldgt' /1/ tIlt· lIorth cml of M fJ rri.f wllir h ;,f 65 km ,fO .1t1t oj Will/lfjlt'S W I H lI'y. 75. R.IUS W l nlllp q~. MIJ R2C 2Z2 i.t)('(Jff(/4 )j kill 1159 CHI G(Jnl~m 222- 1573 of N INhwtly Hmul. 1\It'~ 1 PI.EASANT V ALU; Y Gou ' C I.UII ( B ELMONT) 1Mholes OISlullcc: 5875 yan.ls (White) 534U yurds (Red) Pur: 7 1 Killing: Whi le - 68(Mt n) Red - h5 (Me n) 69.5 - (Lud Ic .. ) Uelmont . M B. ROK OCO 537 -262R wC{l/t'd O il R(NU/ #340, 15 km ,f fmtll o/ Hr llllotlf 11'11(('11 Il' I 85 kIll .w uthh'e.ft ()f Wi llll ilu' R OI l fllghwoy ltV . I'OR'I'A(;E I.A I) RAIllIE COL>' CLU B I K holes Dlstallces: 6355 yurds (Blue) 6 10.5 yards (White) SK20 ynrd, (Red) New Clubhouse complete with: • Fine dining • Spacious m embers lounge • Separate banquet facility for up to 250 We welc ome tournaments and functions Inc luding: • Brunches • Gradua tions • Weddings • Wind-ups • Lunc heons . Dinner Mee tings . Bridal Showers and more! Home of the 1993 CPGA Transamerican Golf Championship Phone: 204-222-6477 Fax 204-222-5118 Iln r : 36 (Me n) 37 (LlltHes) Rutin..:: Blue - ' (I.U (Men) Whil e - 69.0 (M en) 67 ,5 (Men) 72 .5 ( Lildi cs) lIed - 8nx 7 1S fJorlllge Ln Jlrn lrle. Mil RI N 3C2 R57.(,I 77 1.0('011'(/ ritl '~lcm(1 Park in PorttlRe. R AT RI VER G OLF CI.UII 9 hult s Uis toll('(' : 2506 GOLFPINAWA SceniC, challenging 18 hole golf course along the Winnipeg River, one hour northeast of Winnipeg, y Ll rd ~ I).. r : 33 ( Men) Rn1il11l: 64 (Men) 8 0x 5 11 , St. IJlerre·J olys. MB ROA IVO 433·71 77 u)('(jf~d 1m H wy. liSt), 50 kill sO/llh Competitive dally rates : Weekday fees - $15 Seniors - $13 Weekend fees - $18 Cart rentals - $20 (GST Includedl) o! WI/I/liptl(. Annual membership fees: Rw Adults - $255 Seniors - $230 Students - $130 Juniors - $85 LAKF; AR M COLI' & COUNTRY CLU D 9 hules Distance: 2665 yards 1'lI r : Rille 70 (M en) White · bfU (M en) 72 ( Lad les) Rulln. , fi3.~ (Men) 67 (Lad les) 1l" lmerlowlI, ON J'OV l e o (807) -One oj tile bes t kept secl'ets In Manitoba " - TEEOFF. 735- 2 69~ Call for reservations and tournament Info, Pro Shop 753-2294 Clubhouse 753-2760 ID Course Rating Men's: Blue - 71,5 White - 70,0 Ladles: Red - 70,0 1992 M(mitooo Coif JOllmal While · 70 (Men) 70 (Ludies) 925 WRit Streel. Wlnnlpt!g. MU R2K 2'1'4 66l1-RS II ROIII ,I N GOLF CONGRATULA7'IONS T07'HE MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION FROM & COUNTRY CLUII 9 ho les DlJohUll'cS: 3102 (Dlue) 2978 (While) Pur: Blue · 70 (M en) White · 68.5(M cn} 72 (Llldies) RallnA: Blue · 70, White · R USSEl.L GOL .. BOJC 31.Roblln,MII ROO. IPO 937.4774 Locmed I 1/2 kill nonh and I km & COUNTRY CLUU 9 ho les OI.'1 lnnce : 3097 yard ~ I'nr: 7 1 (M en) 36 (LlIdics) kllLlnJ.: : 70 (Men) 70(Ludies) Sox !l61. Russell. M n east of Robli n. 392 kill nonhwesl of Wpg. at jU IIl:liuli uf Il wYI> , HS & Lnrmed (III lI",y. 1145, .5 lem eW't vj 6~ . 5 N83 ROJ I WO 773-2969 R,,~'scl/ which Is J50 km fIOrt"Wf'St of Wpg, on the Yl'lImvh f'(ul Rowf'. ROLA N!) GOo. .. CLUB SANlllIILLS GOo. .. & COUNTKY CLU B 9 ho les Distance: 2499 yard~ I):.r: 33 (Men) 33 ( Llldics) Ruling: 62 (Men) 64 (Lad ies) MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE ENQUIRIES PHONE: JOHN OLTHOF - 668-9526 Genora l Manager RAIG YAHIRO - 668-8511 Golf Pro St. Boniface Golf Club 100 Youville St., Wpg. Uux 225, H.nlund, MIJ RIIG 11'11 343-2409 wl'lIled I kill 1-\'(',\' / (lml J kill IIorrh of Rolantl whi{'h ;,r 100 km s(mtlrll'c.ft tlf wpJ<. Oil /-Iwy. #23. Ros ' MERE GOLF & CO UNTRY CLUB 9 holc~ OISlunce: 3263 yards lIar: 36 (Men) 35 (Ludies) KuliuK: 72 (Men) Box 160. Car berry. Mil KOK 0110 18 holes DistUIICl'S: 64 1S yards (Glue) 6204 yn rd" (While) Pur: White · 70 (Men) 73 (Lad ies) Rlltlng: Blue · 7 1 (Me n) 73 .S (Lu dic .~) SANDY HOOK GOLF CLUB 50 MILES NORTH OF WINNIPEG VIA HIG HWAVS II OR 9 Labour Day Alternate Shot Classic September 5-6, 1992 233-4276 1992 Mn"ilooo Golf Jour/1II1 233-2497 lem .\'()ulh oj km west of WPll" jlw ,{Omit of the Trmu · CllfI(U/(I H/~hwcly, Home of the Original For information teJephone: R34-3349 / tlX'lliea on I-/w)" 115, .5 C~jrbl!rr)' wllidlls 158 1-389-5466 S ANOY HOO K G OI. F· C LUII 18 holes Dista nce: 6096 yords IJllr: 1 J (Men) 73 (Ladies) Rilling: 69 (Men) Dux 10, Sundy Hook, M U ROC2WO 389·377 1 389·5466 Ux:Clltd on Plr.fI Ave.. S(lndy Hook. b,.,wt't'" fl wys, N9&81111l/ 3 k", north of Wlflllipeg Hearl!. Sandy Nook Is (lbo11l 80 k", ,,()rth of Wpg. Oil Uigll w"y #9. S COTS WOO l) LI NKS (EI.M C REEK) 9 holes Distance: 2940 yards Pu r: 33 (M en) ROling: 69 (Men) "~hn Cr eek, MB ROC ONO 436·2600 ux:altd .80 lem we.ft of Jun ction Highway 111 (ml/II/ ) . SELKIRK G OI .F & COUNTRY C LUII 18 holes 1) lstance : 6148 yards Par : 7 1 (Men) 73 (Ladies) Rutlng: 70 (Men) 72 (Uidies) Uox IS, 100 SUlhe rluud AvtlluC Selkirk, Mil MIA 21:U 482· 59 11 l.txtued east uf Main S/reet il/ Selkirk ,35 lem IInnll nf Willn l,Jeg 011 Hlghlllay 119. SO UTII 1NT ERLA KJl GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB (WARREN) S IlI LO GOLF C LUn 18 holes Distullcc: 6 11.)1 yords I)ar: 7 1 (M en) 7 1 (Ludics) Roling: 69 (M en) 7 1.3 (ladi<s) " ox 15. C. r. D. Shllo, MB ROK 2AO 765·2 128 I R ho les u)ctJIed ,fOWl! o! the Tr(lIl j ,Cflllodo H ig/HI'llY 01/ RO{uJ 11304. /1 Is /H.1rf of ,h,. (1mI' Min Anlltll Foret's base, loc(ltcd 176 k", we,f l of Wi1l ll lppg. Olstnnce: 6907 yards (Blue) 6776 yards (While) 6255 yards (Red) Par: 7 1 (M en) 74 (Uidies) R.li.lln/.:: 73· Blue 72,,5 · Whi le 70· Red (M en) 75 · Red (Ladies) Box 18 1, Wa rrt n, MU RO E 3EO 322.5335 SNOW LAK.: GOLF C LU8 9 ho les Distance: 2450 ynrds Pur: 33 nux K62 S now La ke. M B ROn IMO 358·2744 S O URlslG I.ENWoo n G OU ' C O URSE 9 holes Dista nce: 3 13 J yards Pur : 35 (Men) 36 (l.,.::Id ies) Rilling: 70.S (M ell) 69 (Ladi. s) 8 0x 985 Suurl'4, ~fO ROK 2eO 483·2956 l..ccat(!(/1 ,6 Ie". sourh of ~u urjJ' 0 11 NI/o:hll'uy 1122 (lml t/Ulfl I lem east, Souris Is 240 kill 1IIt'.\', uf Willllipe/o: (JII I/ IVY. 112. S O UTH WOOl) GOLF & C O UNTRY CLUB 18 holes DlstAllce : 6200 yards (Blue) 6079 ynrd, (While) P Ar: 70 (Men) 72 (Ladics) RHllng: Blue - 70 (Men) While · 69 (M en) 74 (Ludies) nox 602, Wlnnll)eg. MB R3C 2K3 269·73 15 ST, B ONIFACE GOLF' C1 .UII 1Mho les Dista nces: 62 10 yat'ds (Blue) 6146 Yll r~ (While) Pur: 72 (Men) 74 (Ladies) Ruling: Wh ile · 70 (Men) 74 (Llldies) Blue · 69.3 (Men) Ro x 44, Norwood G rovtl Winnipeg, MB RlH 3 nR 233·4276 ST, C II ARLES COUNTRY C LUII 27 holes Olslllnccs: NS - 6442 yurds ( Hille) · 62 19 ynrds (White) SW - (0,5 12 ynrd ~ (l3Iuc) - 6234 yurds (W hite) NW - 6466 yards (Bille) - 62 13 yunts ( White) I'ur: 72 (Men) 74 (Llidies) Muting: NS • Bille . 7 1.5 (Men) • 76 (Ladies) - Whi le - 70..5 (Men) . 73 .5 (Ladies) 100 Counlry '1LIb HOAd Wlnnl pt:t;, MIl R3K IZJ 888·8229 STEINIIACII F LY' IN GOLF CLU 8 18 holes Olstllnces:6453 yards (Olue) 6064 yards (White) Par: 72 (Men) 73 (Ladies) Ra lln,,: Bille . 70 (Men) 7 1 (Lad ies) While - 68 (Men) Uux 42 1. S lclnbnch, MU ROA 2AO 326·68 13 Lot'll/ed 0 11 thl! l!{ut .\'ide of tlU' hillhw(,y, j"sllIQrth of SIf! lflbil('h IIIhlt '" i,l' 4R kill $(JuthetMl of Wjlllllpt'g, !HI !-liN/MllY 11 12. Steil/bach " Th_ Automobile City". &ELKIQK Tm~ UOM" OF 1'1-1., AUTO·C ITY PRO·AM Colrand CounLry Club V ,SITORS W ELCOME TmzT IMBS AVA ILABLE CALL 1-482-5911 24 ,·IOURS IN ADVANCE 100 S UTHERLAND AVE. Box 15,SELKIRK, MB RI A2BI 18 HOLES LICENSED CLUB HO USE PRO SHOP DRIVING RANGE m 1992 Manitoba Golf }oumal SWAN RI VER GOLF & COUNTRY CLUU VIKIJEN WELLVIEW \) holes 9 holes H;I't'r which /1 485 km 'IOrl/III'eM oj Willl,ip"R (m 1-1i8hw(/V NIO. T EULON GOLI' & COUNTRY nUll I H holes Distul1cc: 6402 ynrds l'a r; (Mel!) 72 (Ludics) }(ullng: 7 1 (Men) 69 (Ladies) lIox 33. Tculon MB ROC 300 886·2639 l..o('(1ft'd IIm',h of T(,,,IOII II'hkll is ulHllI1 50 klllllo,.,h of Willl/il't'S lUI flighwCIJ' 117, n t Til E PA S ( HALe ROW LAKE) GOL .. CLUII t) holc"! DI.~ luncc : 3D)) ynrds Ifur: 69 (Men) 36 (Lnclics) Muuk Huud Thonll)Son. MB R8N IN6 LtJ(:lIted 011 HfH,d 11.19 1, .I kl/l Ilortl, ufThulllflS(JII w"irh is 7.1X kill IIorlf. of WitmifJ{·g 011 RU{I(11I391 , TRANSCONA GOL .. CL.UIJ 1Mholes Oi.o;hmcc: ~ 7 43 yord s Pnr: 7 1 (M~n ) 72 (LHdicli) Rilling: 67 (Men) 70.5 (Ludb) nox 146 2 120 Dugald Ruud Winnipeg. MIS R2C 2Z5 222· 617 1 TIJxmo GOLF CLU U 18 holes Ulstnnce: 5925 yards Pur: 7 1 (Men) 72 (Ladles) Kuling: 68.5 (Men) 70 (Ladies) Unx 2606 The I'n."I, M n R9A IM9 623·755 1 Lm:{/Il'd I 1/2 km wt>.fl o/Cnrl'nf Ril 't' y 74 (LwJie!o) P.O. "ox S42 l1ux 392 VIr<lcn.MD ROM 2 0 748· 172 1 LocO/ed I kill 1I'l!.ft (If ,II" tow" (If 'he jllllrtinll oj fl/IJhway 1183 (lIId HOlUl #257. Virden if 291 kill WI"Sf oj 1992 Mlmito/Jn oJi /ollnr(lJ IS holes Dlstill.cc : :'1201 yards 1'111': 6H (Men) 69 (Ludie~) Rntlug: 63 (Men) 67.5 (I..l\dics) 10 Des Mcurnn/l Wlnnll)cg. MU 257· 1264 RlM 2X6 W,)g. 0/1 lire TrtllI,I -C/lIIl1dll 1Iwy. WINKLER Gou' CLUII 9 hole" DIstlillce: 30 17 yards WASA(;AMING GOLF CLUIl 18 holes. .tar: 36 (Men) 37 (Ludit:s) Kulin ,,: {)9 (Men) 67 (Lad ies) Box 940 Ulstn nce: 6270 yards Pur: 72 (Men) 7f1 (I.adies) Killing: 69 (Men) 73 (Ludies) Uox 52 Wasngmnlng, Mil ROJ 2110 K4~ . 7445 Wlnkler. MB ROG 2XO 325.7S~2 IAcO/et/ 0/1 1511, S,reet III '''e II'I',fl ,f/t/t' of Win k/a whie:" is 130 km J'olliit of Willllipe/( 011 "'IVY, 1114, WILIJ EWOOD CLUO W INN II' EG CANOE CI. II Y hoicli Q holes I)lslunce: 3041 yurds OISlullce: 2M4 yards 1'lIr: 34 (Men) 36 (Ladle!» Killing: 00 (Men) 69 ..5 (L.'ldh:s) 47 Dunkirk Plllcc Winnipeg. MU Jlllr: 36 (Men) 36 (Ladies) }(1It1ng: 70 (M en) 73.5 (Ladies) 76 1 Nurlh Drive Wlnlllpcg.MU R3TOAJ 2~4 · 7385 Rutlnr.: : 67.;ii (Men) 71 (I.adics) 95 Woodneld Boy Winnipeg. MU R3R lZ l ~~~ . 2 ~67 du Maurier Ltd. Classic Sanctioned by : W INIlSOR PA RK COl .•' CO RSE I Dlstttncc: ~ l:n yard .. "Ar: 36 (Men) 38 (Ladies) Rullnw,: tW.S (Men ) 70 (Ladies) K;tling: Hlue · 72 (Mlm) While ~ 7 tl .~ (Men) 734 · 393~ Lm'UII!114 k lllll't'.\'/ U/SII'(l1I 9 holes 3269 yards (Blue) JlAr : 37 (Men ) 37 (Ludies) 6Y (Men) 69 .5 (Ladic:,) nux 423. SWflll River, MlJ ROL I ZO (;01 .•' CWU Dlslance: 32 16 yards (White) Ulslul1('c: 1()~2 yn rd ~ I'"r: 36 (Men) 36 ( Ludi t:: .~) Klllill~ : TIIOMI'SON COL .. CWII August 10 to 16, 1992 St. Charles Country Club Winnipeg, Manitoba TOURNAMENT OFFICE Telephone (204) 832-GOLF Fax (204) 831 -6810 m R2M OV2 233· 1105 Entertaining a client, or just taking a break from your hectic business day, there's always that important call you just can 't afford to miss. And you won't ... with MTS CELLULAR. Because with MTS CELLULAR along, your calls can find you .. . on the courts, in the gym, even out on your bike or walking ... almost anywhere you go. And if you're not free to answer, MTS CELLULAR's Message Centre will answer for you and take a detailed message .. . even mark it urgent. So you never have to be out of touch. At work or play. MTS CELLULAR