NovemBer 7
NovemBer 7
eNTs... s e r P N io T a d N u New Noise music fo a c , a r a B r a B a T N a s / / / s y a d 4 / / / s d N a B & s r e k a e P over 50 s P r ic e ! s ic f o r o N e u m e iv l f o see loads lisTeN learN coNNecT e l a s N o s e g d a B & s TickeT 0 1 7 r e e B v l m e e Nwoo vT H o u s a N d T w T aTe sTo.s . T s N o y o v a s e H T @ v. 9THe l o f m u s i c i N d u s T r y P r o N , y a id r f : e c N e r e music cs omNufs i c & T e c H w i T H o u r P a N discus cussioN! s i d e H T f o T Be a Par d of PreseNTer, cHuck PuBlic eNemy –>> m o c . B s e s i NewNo Tickets, Wristbandsand, &educBaatiodgn toesall,NoNeww!Noise Buy New Noise 2012 deli ver musical entertainment In keeping with our mission to pricing options. Here’s the breakdown. Santa Barbara offers a range of affordable All options now on sale at Ticketing powered by Welcome to the New Noise Santa Barbara Music Conference and Festival! N ow in its fourth year, New Noise is a four-day entertainment and education extravaganza that brings live music and artistically minded performances to venues throughout downtown Santa Barbara each evening from November 7 to 10 while delivering stimulating discussions about the convergence of music and technology during a full-day conference on Friday, November 9. For the first time ever, that conference takes place in the heart of Santa Barbara’s music scene at The Savoy (409 State Street), which will serve as the New Noise 2012 hub from Wednesday to Friday. Also making a big splash this year is the New Noise Block Party, a concert-meets-culture festival that will take over a few blocks of Santa Barbara’s celebrated Funk Zone on Saturday, November 10. Featuring live music, food trucks, art-in-action, nonprofit booths, vendors, and a beer & wine garden, the New Noise Block Party will be Santa Barbara’s main attraction, all on tap for a mere $10 entrance fee in advance. On the pages of this program guide, which is printed and graciously sponsored by The Santa Barbara Independent, you’ll find everything you need to enjoy all that New Noise Santa Barbara has to offer in 2012. That includes schedules for each night’s musical offerings, extensive listings for the conference on Friday, a map detailing the various venues at play, and more information about badges, tickets, and other events. Of course, things may change – in fact, in doing this since 2009, we know that they always do. So keep in tune with the latest New Noise news at, on our Facebook page at, or via our Twitter account @newnoisesb. Thanks for your support of New Noise Santa Barbara, the annual community offering of the New Noise Music Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that is dedicated to fostering live music, music industry education, and concert access for all ages in Santa Barbara and beyond. It is only with your continued support that our organization and this event can sustain as a welcome addition to Santa Barbara’s rich cultural scene for the years to come. So on behalf of New Noise, please have a safe, fun, and amazing time in Santa Barbara! As our motto goes: Listen. Learn. Connect. We’ve worked hard to assemble a diverse lineup for you in 2012, and we hope you take advantage! - Jeff Theimer, Co-Founder/Director, New Noise Music Foundation NEW NOISE VIP BADGE: (Our Best Value!) • Priority access and no cover charge for all club showcases, November 7-10, various venues • Full access to all-day Music Conference on November 9, @ The Savoy • Free entry to all-ages New Noise Block Party on November 10, @ the Funk Zone • Concerts may be all-ages, 18+, or 21+ NEW NOISE WRISTBAND: • Priority access and no cover charge for all club showcases, November 8-10, various venues • Does not include: November 7 Lindsey Stribling SOhO concert; Block Party; or Music Conference • Concerts may be all-ages, 18+, or 21+ NEW NOISE BLOCK PARTY: $10 • See Gardens & Villa, Y La Bamba, and more rock bands in the middle of Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone. • All-ages, access to beer & wine garden, vendor booths, live art, and more. New Noise Music Venues: NEW NOISE MUSIC CONFERENCE ONLY: $25 • G uaranteed access to all-day Music Conference, November 9, @ The Savoy (409 State Street) • P anels on music production, touring, licensing, all-ages venues, women in music, and more • S pecial session with songwriters Zach Gill (ALO, Jack Johnson) and Glen Phillips (Toad the Wet Sprocket) • P ublic Enemy’s Chuck D in conversation with Ian Rogers of Topspin Media Does not include music portion of Festival NEW NOISE CLUB SHOWS: Prices Vary. • Single show tickets are available in limited quantities and may not be available on day of show. Please purchase tickets in advance to ensure entry. This year’s participating venues are Velvet Jones, Whiskey Richards, Muddy Waters Cafe, and SOhO Restaurant & Music Club. Depending on the showcase, concerts may be all-ages, 18+, or 21+. . As always, check for the latest information. New noise music foundation board of directors: Jeff Theimer (Director) Members: Matt Kettmann, Tim Boris, Roderick Hare, Suzy Hoke special thanks: (THESE PEEPS RULE) , Allan Viscarra, and Moss Jacobs Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation , Brooks Institute, Mega n Hillegas, Dakota Gartner, Warner Anderson, Jessica Puchli, Ginny Brush, Bill Lewis, Hector Hurtado, Phil Gilley, Joseph Souza, Ishmael Amin, Art Fisher, Thao Dang, Eddy Burgos, Mutiny Studios, Craig Jenkins, Gail Hansen, Tom Long, Sandra Berntsson, Sarah Clark, the New Noise Volunteer Staff & street team, Bryan Berge, Mike Lazaro, Robert Redfield, Crystal Vaughn, Brian Kelly, Taylor Hurta do, City of Santa Barbara, Ted Coe, Notes For Notes, Eric Shifflett, Michael Million, Roger Perry, J7 Surfboards, Blueline, Laura Inks, and, most importantly, all artists and speakers taking part and shari ng their creative talent with us. Extra thanks to Stephanie Theimer for putting up with long hours and helping make New Noise a reality since 2009. We can’t mention everyone, but we appreciate all who have helped contribute to make this event and our Foundation exist, sustain, and grow. AWARDWinning y ursda h T y r e v e t n in-pri online 24/7 + events, , s w e n g n i k brea ensive h e r p m o c t s the mo e county h t n i e d i u g dining visit us online @ [] 2 New Noise Santa Barbara November 8 - 10, 2012 e s a c w o h s ic s u m e v li ’s a r a b r a b New Noise santa nov 7 - 10 2012 A s usual, New Noise Santa Barbara is bringing more than 50 diverse bands to downtown Santa Barbara, where they will be performing tight but powerful sets from Wednesday to Saturday nights at Velvet Jones, SOhO, Muddy Waters, and Whiskey Richards. And in 2012, we are also taking over Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone for a midday New Noise Block Party on Saturday, November 10, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The best way to experience the fun is to purchase an all-access pass for just $55 (which includes entry to showcases, the Block Party, and the Music Conference on November 9 at The Savoy) or a concert-only wristband for $40. Buy them now and learn more about who is performing and when at And remember, this is rock ‘n’ roll, so all artists and set times are subject to change. Stay tuned to the latest info at, Like Us on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter @newnoisesb. wednesday Lindsey Stirling kicks off the New Noise Music Festival on Wednesday, November 7th at SOhO. SOhO Restaurant & Music Club: 1221 State St. Tickets: $18/$20; All Ages New Noise Music Festival KickOff… 9:00pm - Von Grey [Atlanta, GA] 10:00pm - Lindsey Stirling [Provo, UT] THURSDAY Muddy Waters: 508 E Haley St. Tickets: $7; All Ages New Noise Music Festival Presents… 8:30pm - Wilson Gil [Santa Barbara, CA] 9:15pm - Kepi Ghoulie [Sacramento, CA} 10:15pm - Kevin Seconds [Sacramento, CA] Velvet Jones: 423 State St. Tickets: $5; 21 + 92.9 KJEE & New Noise Present... Locally Brewed 8:15pm - Dante Elephante [Santa Barbara, CA] 9:15pm - Saint Anne’s Place [Lonmpoc, CA] 10:15pm - Freakin On Speaker’s [Santa Barbara, CA] 11:15pm - Naked Walrus [Santa Barbara, CA] 12:15am - Beware of Darkness [Los Angeles, CA] Whiskey Richards: 435 State St. Tickets: $5; 21+ New Noise & Mutiny Studios Present... 9:30pm - American Dirt [San Luis Obispo] 10:30pm - The Mutineers [Santa Barbara, CA] November 8 - 10, 2012 11:30pm - The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band [Bean Blossom, IN] SOhO Restaurant & Music Club: 1221 State St. Tickets: $16/$18; 18+ New Noise and Numbskull Present… 7:30pm - Jake Jeanson [Santa Barbara, CA] 8:15pm - Little Indian [Santa Barbara, CA] 9:15pm - Leftover Cuties [Los Angeles, CA] 10:30pm - Tyrone Wells [Spokane, WA] Dinner reservations available by calling 962-7776 New Noise Santa Barbara 3 e s a c w o H s ic s u m e v li ’s a r a B r a B New Noise saNTa Nov 7 - 10 2012 soho resTauraNT & music cluB: 1221 sTaTe sT. friday velveT JoNes: 409 sTaTe sT. Tickets: $20; All Ages; *Early Show* Doors open 6:30p New Noise Music Festival Presents… 7:00pm - Def.Eye.Kon [Santa Barbara, CA] 7:30pm - Mod Sun [Bloomington, MN] 8:00pm - Saul Williams [New York City, NY] 9:00pm - Blackalicious [Sacramento, CA] velveT JoNes: 423 sTaTe sT. Tickets: $10; 18+ New Noise Music Festival Presents… 10:45pm - Ralph Torrefranca & the Outlawed Sons [Los Angeles, CA] 11:30pm - Larry & His Flask [Central, OR] 12:30am - Mike Watt & The Missingmen [Portsmouth, VA] Blackalicious bring their Bay area Hip Hop to velvet Jones on friday, November 9th @ 7:00pm Tickets: $18; 21+ New Noise Music Festival Presents… 8:45pm - Matt Armor [Santa Barbara, CA ] 9:30pm - Indian Trading Furs [Santa Barbara, CA] 10:30pm - Wil Ridge [Santa Ynez, CA] 11:30pm - The White Buffalo [Los Angeles, CA] muddy waTers: 508 e Haley sT. Tickets: $8; All Ages New Noise & Muddy Waters Cafe Present… 8:30pm - Islay Street [Santa Barbara, CA] 9:15pm - The Kinds [Santa Barbara, CA] 10:15pm - Sparrows Gate [San Luis Obispo, CA] 11:15pm - Howlin’ Woods [Santa Barbara, CA] wHiskey ricHards: 435 sTaTe sT. Tickets: $5; 21+ New Noise and Numbskull Present… 9:00pm - Guests 10:00pm - POOR [Ventura, CA] 11:00pm - Eating Fear [Santa Barbara, CA] 12:00am - The Fu*&ing Wrath [Ventura, CA] ozomatli bring their amazing live show to soho on saturday, Nov. 10 at 8pm. THe savoy (409 sTaTe sTreeT) Friday, November 9, 5:30p.m.-7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Playback Recording Studios & Dos Equis New Noise HaPPy Hour & oPeN mic aT THe savoy If you’ve been learning from Chuck D and others all day at the conference, it’s time to unwind, hang out, and relax with guest speakers and other attendees. Meet new friends, network, talk shop, and plan your night of music as we sip on hand-crafted cocktails. Plus, if you’ve got your guitar, there’ll be an open microphone on stage, so maybe you’ll land a record deal with so many industry insiders in attendance. If you’d like to perform either show up or email [email protected] today. A Capo for Every Chord. WE’RE PROUD TO BE PART OF THE LOCAL LANDSCAPE. Create an alternate tuning sound and feel while keeping familiar finger patterns. At Cox, we don’t just serve the local community – we support the local community. That’s why we partner with charitable organizations that promote social responsibility, education, science and arts in our neighborhoods. From helping homebound seniors to providing college scholarships for deserving students, we believe in working together to build a better place to live. And we couldn’t do it without you. Find out more at 4 New Noise Santa Barbara November 8 - 10, 2012 New Noise fesTival maP Nov 7 - 10 2012 regisTraTioN, HuB, music, coNfereNce BADGE & WRISTBAND PICK UP: 11/7-11/9 NEW NOISE CONFERENCE (11/9)FEAT CHUCK D OF PUBLIC ENEMY + MUSIC INDUSTRY SPEAKERS NEW NOISE HAPPY HOUR (FRIDAY, 11/9, 5:30PM-7:30PM Cota St. t. o soh Anapam u St. Figueroa music veNues carliTos Victoria S arBor St. CARILLO S New Noise Block ParTy THe freNcH Press mTd Transit T. Canon P erdido S t. PaNiNo De la Gu erra St. Ortega S t. STATE ST. PiaNos oN sTaTe wHiskey ricHards ve JoNelveT s Haley St. muddy waTers Garden St. Laguna S t. red’s Bar & TaPas amtrak station VISIT NEWNOIESB.COM FOR ALL LOCATIONS bara St Santa Bar St. Anacapa THe savoy Chpala St. De La Vina St . St. warBler records PASEO NUEVO Cota St. Gutierrez THe savoy coNfereNce HuB caf New Noise Block ParTy sPoTs we dig Saturday, November 10, 11:00a.m. - 5:00 p.m. On Mason Street between State and Anacapa Streets, in Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone New Noi Block PaserT y All ages allowed. $10. Children under 10 free. Limited capacity. Advanced purchase recommended. Free Bike Valet by BiciCentro: Santa Barbara’s two-wheeled champions Bici Centro are providing free bicycle valet services for attendees of the New Noise Block Party to anywhere in town. Please tip accordingly. See November 8 - 10, 2012 Beer & wiNe masoN sT sTage HeleNa sT The on-stage stars are: Gardens & Villa [Santa Barbara, CA] , Y La Bamba [Portland, OR], Little Owl [Santa Barbara, CA], SISU [Los Angeles, CA], So Many Wizards [Los Angeles, CA], Ghost Tiger [Santa Barbara, CA] and Millions [Lompoc, CA]. sTaTe sT A full day of fun for the whole musically inclined family, with live music, art on display, vendor booths, and a beer & wine garden, featuring the brews of Dos Equis and Pacific Beverage Company as well as the Urban Wine Trail offerings of Pali Wine Co., Oreana Winery, Municipal Winemakers, and Santa Barbara Winery. New Noise Santa Barbara 5 e s a c w o H s ic s u m e v li ’s a r a B r a B New Noise saNTa Nov 7 - 10 2012 saTurday New Noise Block ParTy: sTaTe & masoN sT. Tickets: $10; All Ages; Doors open @ 10:30am New Noise & Notes for Notes Present… 11:15am - Millions [Lompoc, CA] 12:00pm - Ghost Tiger [Santa Barbara, CA] 12:45pm - So Many Wizards [Los Angeles, CA] 1:30pm - SISU [Los Angeles, CA] 2:15pm - Little Owl [Santa Barbara, CA] 3:00pm - Y La Bamba [Portland, OR] 4:00pm - Gardens & Villa [Santa Barbara, CA] muddy waTers: 508 e. Haley sT. Tickets: $7; All Ages New Noise and Numbskull Present… 3:30pm - Greg Attonito (of Boucing Souls) and Shanti Wintergate **Family Show** Bring the kids and rock out to some kids tunes... with a catchy/punky edge! velveT JoNes: 423 sTaTe sT Tickets: $12/$13 (Door); 21+ New Noise and Numbskull Present… 8:30pm - Wild Heart [Los Angeles, CA] 9:15pm - PK [San Luis Obispo, CA] 10:15pm - Wild Roses [Los Angeles, CA ] 11:15pm - Old Man Markley [Los Angeles, CA ] 12:00am - Nerf Herder [Goleta, CA] local legends Nerf Herder make a rare santa Barbara appearance during the New Noise music festival w/ old man markley+ more wHiskey ricHards: 435 sTaTe sT. Tickets: $5; 21+ New Noise and Numbskull Present… 9:00pm - Guests 10:00pm - Pullmen [Ventura, CA] 11:00pm - Terrible Feelings [Malmö, Sweeden] 12:00am - Spittin Cobras [Seattle, WA] soho resTauraNT & music cluB: 1221 sTaTe sT. PiaNos oN sTaTe Tickets: $30; 21+ New Noise and Numbskull Present… 9:00pm - Naia [Los Angeles, CA] 10:30pm - Ozomatli [Los Angeles, CA] muddy waTers: 508 e Haley sT Tickets: $8; All Ages New Noise & Numbskull Present… 7:30pm - Comfort Machine [Santa Barbara, CA] 8:15pm - Saint Anne’s Place [Lompoc, CA] 9:15pm - Naked Walrus [Santa Barbara, CA] 10:15pm - Buster Blue [Gardnerville, NV] 6 New Noise Santa Barbara November 8 - 10, 2012 WHERE: Various locations all over downtown Santa Barbara. WHEN: Thursday, November 1 to Monday, November 12, 10am- 9pm daily. WHAT: Pianos on State is a collaborative community musical experience in which artistically designed pianos are dropped off in public places throughout downtown Santa Barbara and open for anyone to play. Some performances are planned and scheduled in advance, but many others are completely spontaneous and impromptu. This third annual public art outreach event coincides with New Noise Santa Barbara, and kicks off during the 1st Thursday event on November 1. WHO: Pianos on State is made possible by the gracious support and efforts of the Santa Barbara Bowl Education Outreach, Notes for Notes, Santa Barbara Education Foundation, Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative, Santa Barbara County Arts Commission, Laura Inks, and the New Noise Music Foundation. WHY: In addition to fostering a more musical and creative culture in Santa Barbara, Pianos on State raises awareness for the Third Annual Instrument Drive 4 Youth. MORE INFO: See CE N FERE N CO MUSIC AL T DIGI NEW NOISE FRIDAY @ THE SAVOY F or four years in a row, the New Noise Digital Music Conference has brought together some of the music and technology worlds’ smartest minds to discuss the future of sound, giving participants a chance to learn directly from and interact intimately with today’s biggest industry players. This year’s conference goes down all-day on Friday, November 9, when we host dozens of visionaries, entrepreneurs, app creators, software developers, journalists, investors, artists, and organizations who are playing an integral role in shaping the culture and the future of how we produce, listen to, and discover music. This year’s conference takes place for the first time ever at The Savoy, a nightclub located in the middle of Santa Barbara’s entertainment district. Housed in one of our beautiful city’s most historic buildings on State Street, The Savoy is being transformed into New Noise’s festival hub all week long. From Friday morning until evening, the conference is taking over all three levels with panels and conversations between the folks who aren’t afraid to tell you the truth about the music industry, including the venerable hip-hop pioneer Chuck D of Public Enemy. If you’re an aspiring musician, someone who wants a career in music, or just an informed music fan, this is the place to be. And it’s affordable too: only $25 for a conference-only ticket. Come on down to The Savoy to be a part of the discussion! Conference Pass: Only $25! On Sale Now @ NewNoiseSB.Com 10:00 a.m., First Floor Stage Welcome to New Noise! elcoming words plus morning refreshments and W nourishment. 10:15 a.m., First Floor Stage License to Ill: Licensing and Publishing in the Digital Age L earn how to get your music onto top TV shows, movies, videogames, and all over those crazy internets. We will discuss how artists can tap into this revenue stream and the basics of getting connected with the right people. with: Pam Springs (Executive Director Music Licensing, Universal Pictures) Greg Danylyshyn (Owner, Go Big! Entertainment) Mike Locke (Owner, Silver Side Productions) Budd Carr (Music Supervisor, Savages, The Terminator, etc.) oderator: Jonathan Miller (Entertainment Attorney, m Nye Peabody, Stirling, Hale & Miller) 10:30 a.m., Third Floor Lounge New Media for Traditional Business: Hands-On Workshop With Oniracom T he music industry quickly became a leader in captivating internet audiences, extracting revenue from online business, and developing unique web presences. What can traditional businesses, whether music-focused or otherwise, learn from that experience? Santa Barbara-based Oniracom will share what they’ve learned in helping Jack Johnson, Henry Rollins, Counting Crows, G Love, and others excel in the 21st century marketplace. with: Gideon Rubin (CMO, Local Market Launch) Kyle Ashby (Founder, Kaldera Marketing) Jacob Tell (CEO, Oniracom) moderator: Mike Wald (CBDO, Oniracom) 11:30 a.m., First Floor Stage Brand New World: Marketing, Branding, and Getting Your Music Heard hat’s the most effective way to get your band or W Chuck D (Member of hip hop royalty brand out there in these days of a social mediaPublic Enemy, Producer, Writer & swirling, internet-addicted world? How do our panelists market their artists using some of the Activist) will sit down with Ian Rogers most innovative tech tools available? From DIY to of TopSpin Media to discuss his latest traditional PR, we’ll discuss how to get your sweet projects and his views on the changing tunes heard. Extensive Q&A to follow music industry (Friday, Nov 9th @ the with: Savoy) 10am-5pm. Danny Ornelas (Owner, OrnelasOnline) Aly Comingore (Music Editor, The Santa Barbara Independent) Tom Osborn (Head of Marketing at Epitaph/Anti) Evan Skopp (CEO, Inside Track) Nick Long (CEO, MIXTA.PE) moderator: Charles Donelan (Arts Editor, The Santa 2:10 p.m.: First Floor Stage Barbara Independent) 11:45 a.m., Third Floor Lounge On the Road Again: Touring in 2012 and Beyond ith record sales sliding, the importance of touring cannot W be understated for career musicians. But how do you get booked? Do you need an agent? If so, how can you get one? Here’s all you need to know before setting sail on the open road and what to do and what to avoid to get the best gigs. with: Eddy Numbskull (Owner, Numbskull Productions) Damon Harris (Manager, Omega Management) Christopher Darling (Logistics Co-Originator, Janco Trucking) Gail Hansen (Owner, SOhO Restaurant & Music Venue) JJ Cassiere (Agent, The Agency Group) moderator: Jeff Theimer (Director, New Noise Music Foundation) 1:00 p.m., First Floor Stage The Kids Aren’t Alright: Why We Need All-Ages & Community Music Venues S anta Barbara and MANY other towns like it are in desperate need of a place for all ages peeps to rock out. Come learn why, and about what other communities have done to foster successful programs. with: Ted Coe (Development Coordinator, KCSB 91.1 FM) Allan Viscarra (Living Room Chair, New Noise Music Foundation) Bill Lewis (Owner, Muddy Waters Cafe) Chad Peterson (Talent Buyer, Goldenvoice; Bassist, Strife) Channing Peake (Bassist, False Puppet) moderator: Matt Kettmann (Senior Editor, The Santa Barbara Independent) Sustainable Songwriting: How to Turn Your Passion Into a Career T wo of Santa Barbara’s most talented resident songwriters will discuss how they managed to take turn their talents and dreams into everyday reality. with: Zach Gill (ALO, Jack Johnson Band) Glen Phillips (Solo artist/ Toad the Wet Sprocket) moderator: Charles Donelan (Arts Editor, The Santa Barbara Independent) 2:30 p.m., Third Floor Lounge pitch it! with brian zisk of SF musictech Ever wondered how to get your start up off the ground? Wondering why you can’t seem to find or connect with the right people who want to help turn your amazing idea into reality? Brian Zisk is an entrepreneur specializing in digital media, web broadcasting and distribution technologies. He is a founder of BuzzMakers, Inc., which produces the SF MusicTech Summit and the Future of Money & Technology Summit. Brian will be on hand to listen to your best ‘elevator pitch,’ and help guide you to success. Who knows – if he digs your idea, he might even help make some intros for ya! Drop your business card off when you arrive at the session, and be ready to do an up to 60 second pitch on your startup, product, or idea. Preparation is not required, but is encouraged. Take advantage of this opportunity! Brian will be preceded by one of the winner’s of Santa Barbara Start Up Weekend (Nov 2-5) for a brief presentation. with Brian Zisk (of SF MusicTech) 1:15 p.m., Third Floor Lounge Studio Lovin’: What You Need to Know About Recording and Producing 3:10 p.m., First Floor Stage Still ‘A Man’s World’?: How Women Continue to Rise to the Top of the Music Biz L ike throughout the rest of corporate America, women are rising to the top of the music industry. But how difficult has it been? And what challenges do they still face? with: Beverly Jackson (Senior Director of Marketing,GRAMMY Awards) Rosylnn Carrabius (Senior Director of Artist Relations, MySpace Music) Tonya Cooke (Head of Music, Adler Integrated Agency) Shirley Halperin (Music Editor, The Hollywood Reporter) moderator: Jaime Sarachit (CMO, TicketMob) 4:10 p.m., First Floor Stage THIS WEEK IN MUSIC With Ian Rogers: The Chuck D Interview P ublic Enemy’s Chuck D is the pioneer of activist minded hip-hop, and he’ll be talking frankly about the role of the movement under America’s first black president. Leading the conversation will be Ian Rogers of Topspin Media, who was also a seminal player in the growth of hip-hop due to his previous jobs at Grand Royale and as the webmaster of from 1993 to 1998. He’ll also be asking Chuck about how P2P networks affected his career and find out what he thinks about Spotify, MOG, and other streaming platforms. Definitely an interview you won’t want to miss! All New Noise Conference Sessions have extensive Q&A opportunities to make sure you get the info you want out of the discussion. Ian Rogers (CEO, TOPSPIN MEDIA) will interview Chuck D on his “This Week In Music,” live from the New Noise Digital Music Conference F or up and coming bands, stepping into the studio is a daunting affair. These experts, who have expertise in everything from arena rock to hip-hop, will break it down. with: Luke Ebbin (Producer, songwriter, new media entrepreneur) Tucker Bodine (Owner, Playback Recording Studio) Eric Palmquist (Producer, Infrasonic Sound) Damion “Damizza” Young (Producer, Baby Ree Productions) moderator: Tim Boris (attorney, The Boris Group) November 8 - 10, 2012 New Noise Santa Barbara 7 s ou er N ge r ou k aN TH To ke li ld ou w New Noise saNTa BarBara sPoNsors media: HosPiTaliTy: SHELTER - social club - Oreana Winery & Tastingroom Santa Barbara, California veNues: RICHARDS WHISKEY New Noise Santa Barbara is proud to be funded in part by the Community Events & Festivals Grant Program using funds provided by the City of Santa Barbara in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission.