fractured craters in Mare Smythii and west of Oceanus Procellarum
fractured craters in Mare Smythii and west of Oceanus Procellarum
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. El0, PAGES 21,201-21,218, OCTOBER 25, 1995 Floor-fractured craters in Mare Smythii and west of OceanusProcellarum: Implications of crater modification by viscousrelaxationand igneousintrusionmodels R. W. Wichman Department of SpaceStudies, University of NorthDakota,GrandForks P. H. Schultz Department of Geological Sciences, BrownUniversity, Providence, RhodeIsland Abstract.Endogenicmodificationin lunarfloor-fractured craterscanconstrainspatialvariationsin earlylunarconditions. Thenatureof theseconstraints, however,depends ontheassumed mechanismof cratermodification.For viscousrelaxation,theextentof cratermodificationdependson thesurrounding crustalviscosity andthusprovides looseconstraints onthehistoryof crustalheatingwithina region.For igneous intrusion models,theextentof cratermodification reflectsmagmaticallydrivendeformation andcanbe invertedto estimatebothlocalmagmapressure andintrusiondepth.Bothmodelsindicatecleardifferences betweenregionalconditions at Mare Smythiiand in thehighlands westof Oceanus Procel•m. The uniformlyshallowcraterdepthsin Mare Smythiiprobablyindicatea long-livedperiodof extremecraterrelaxation, whereasthewiderange of modifiedcraterdepthsin thewesternhighlands suggest a muchshorterperiodof partialcrater relaxation.For comparable relaxationtimes,theaverageviscosityderivedfor Mare Smythiiis over 10 timeslowerthantheaverageviscosityinferredfor thewesternhighlands. Alternatively,if modificationreflectsdeformationovercrater-centered, laccolithlikeintrusions, thederivedmagma pressures indicatea broad,uniformmagmasource beneath MareSmythii,whereas thespatialvariationof estimated magmapressures in thewesternhighlands suggests thepresence of several, smallermagmasources. Thederivedintrusiondepthsarepartlya functionof cratersize,butrange from~1 to 10 km in depthfor bothregionsandmaybe slightlygreateron averagein thewestern highlands. Whilebothviscous relaxation andigneous intrusions canexplainthemodification of individual craters,theregionalvariations in thesederivedmodification conditions alsoallowfurthertestingof eachmodification model.In particular,thecorrelation of thelowestviscosities or thelongestrelaxationtimeswith thesmallestcratersin bothMare Smythiiandthewesternhighlandsseemsinconsistent withcratermodification by therelaxationmechanism. The onsetof total relaxation at progressively smallertopographic wavelengths overtimemightproducesucha trend in Mare Smythii,buttotalrelaxationcannotbe invokedfor thewesternhighlands, wheremany largecratersstillpreserve significant fractions of theirinitialrelief.In addition,therelaxation of thesmallest cratersin bothregions suggests thepresence of exceptionally highnear-surface thermalgradients (~150-200K/km).Sincetheobserved regionalvariations in cratermodification can be easilyattributed to variations in magmapressure asa functionof mantletopography, we concludethatcraterfloorfracturing in bothregionsis moreconsistent withtheigneous intrusion mechanism thanwith viscousrelaxationduringa crustalheatingevent. Introduction Numerous shallow craters on the Moon contain distinctive fracturepatternsin and aroundtheir craterfloors.Thesefloorfracturedcratersare preferentiallylocatedwithin or nearthe lunar maria [Schultz, 1972; 1976a; Young, 1972; WhitfordStark, 1974], and many containminor volcanicunits [Young, 1972; Schultz, 1976a]. Moreover, despitetheir variable crater depths,the centralpeak and craterrim heightsin suchcraters are generally comparableto those in other lunar craters [Schultz, 1976a]. Consequently,the floor-fractured lunar cratersapparentlyrecordan endogenicprocessof floor uplift and crater modification related in some way to lunar volcanism. Although the endogenicmodificationof such craters is widely accepted,two competingmodelshave arisenfor the mechanismof crater modification: (1) viscous relaxation of cratertopographyover time [e.g., Danes, 1965;Baldwin, 1968; Hall et al., 1981], and (2) surfacefailure and uplift in responseto crater-centered igneousintrusions[e.g., Schultz, 1972; 1976a; Brennan, 1975; Wichman, 1993]. Both mecha- Copyright1995by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber95]'E02297. 0148-0227/95/95YE-02297505.00 nisms can explain the developmentof observedfeaturesin individual floor-fractured craters [Schultz, 1976a; Hall et al., 1981], but they have distinctlydifferent implicationsfor the natureof local crustalconditionsduringcratermodification. 21,201 21,202 WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS In the relaxation model, low crustal viscosities allow visthe exceptionof a few, large mare-flooredcratersnear Mare cous flow at depth to equilibrate the topographicstresses Marginis (e.g., Neper), craters outside the central Smythii beneatha crater.The preserveddepthsof most craterson the region show little or no signsof endogenicmodification.In Moon, however, indicate relatively high crustal viscosities contrast,no craterlargerthan20 km in diameteris unmodified since at least the formation of the Imbrium basin [Baldwin, insideof the inner Smythiiring scarp.The interiorcratersare 1971]. Thus viscous relaxation in floor-fractured craters either floor-fracturedor mare-filled, and they includesomeof requires the development of locally or regionally reduced the most extensivelymodified craterson the Moon [Schultz, crustalviscosities.If such viscositychangesare attributedto 1976a]. Many craters exhibit a characteristicstyle of crater crustalheatingduringmare emplacement, then the distribution modification featuring extensive floor uplift inside a wide of floor-fracturedcratersshouldreflect the extentand intensity moat structure(e.g., Haldane). Apollo photographsand the lunar topographicorthophoof regional heating by nearby mare volcanism[Hall et al., 1981]. Alternatively, in the igneous intrusion model, crater tomapsprovide detailed topographythroughoutthe Smythii modification is directly linked to the injection of mare mag- region.Thereforethe degreeof modificationin theseinterior craterscan be quantifiedby comparingcraterdepth,diameter, mas into breccia units beneath an impact crater. Thus floorfractured craters in this model indicate individual intrusion rim height, and floor elevationwith the valuespredictedfor siteswithin a regionalsystemof subsurface magmabodiesand pristinecraters(usingrelationsderived by Pike [1980]). As surfacemare units [Young, 1972; Schultz, 1976a]. If crater shownby Figure 2, suchmeasurements for 74 cratersin and modificationis related to the growth of a specificintrusion aroundthe centralmareregion(Figurelb) clearlyrevealdiffergeometry,then the recordof deformationin lunar floor-frac- ent crater morphometriesinside and outside of the central taxredcraterspotentially can provide model estimatesfor the basin floor. magmaticpressuresand intrusiondepthswithin suchregional Major cratermodificationis restrictedto distanceslessthan magmasystems[Wichman, 1993]. --200 km from the center of $mythii, a limit that closely Dependingon the mechanismfor cratermodification,there- matchesboth the crest of the inner basin scarp (-210 km fore, variationsin crater modificationwithin a region should radius) and the outer edge of Mare Smythii. Similarly, the reflect spatialvariationsin either the intensityof local crustal derived reduction in total crater depthsis greatestfor craters heatingor in the magmaticand structuralpropertiescontrol- insidethis radius(Figure 2b), and the similar floor elevations ling intrusiongrowth.As craterrelaxationis only an indirect insideof the centralSmythiibasin(Figure2c) contrastsharply (thermal) effect of mare volcanism, however, the d•tailed with the rangeof elevationsobservedfor cratersoutsideof the implicationsof each modificationmechanismfor local and basin.Last, the depth/diameterratiosfor the innermostcraters regionalmagmatismare likely to be significantlydifferent. at Smythii are significantlylower andmore uniform thanthose Consequently, thesetwo modelsfor cratermodificationcan be of cratersat greaterradial distances.Craterdepthsinsideof the testedby assessing how the style of cratermodificationvaries inner scarpare characteristicallylessthan 20% of their initial with crater settingwithin a single region, and by comparing value,whereascraterdepthsoutsidethe scarpare reducedby no the distributionsof crater modification within distinctly difmore than 50% with many craters preservingtheir initial ferent regional settings. depths(Figure2d). In this paper,we describetwo setsof floor-fracturedcraters Western highlands. Another prominent concentration in distinctlydifferent lunar settings:the central Smythiibasin of lunar floor-fracturedcraters is located nearly anfipodalto and the highlandswest of OceanusProcellarum.We then sum- Mare Smythii in the highlandswest of OceanusProcellarum marize the implications of viscous relaxation and igneous [Schultz, 1976a]. In contrastto Mare Smythii,this regionlies intrusionsfor cratermodificationin eachregion,and discuss how theseresultsvary with the distributionand geologicsetting of differentfloor-fractured craters. outside of any recognizedmultiring basin, and there are no clearstructural boundaries delineating the sitesof cratermodification. Instead, these floor-fracmr. ed craterstypically occur in groupsor clusterswithin a broadbandabout300 km wide The Study Areas This studyusesthe Mare Smythii region and the highlands west of OceanusProcellarumto investigatethe variation of crater modification with geologic setting. Both regions contain many floor-fractured craters, and these craters, in turn, exhibit significantdifferencesin the distributionand style of crater modification. Consequently, before modeling the regional implications of crater modification in these study areas,we summarizehere, for eachregion,both the settingsof crater modification and the apparentvariations in modified cratermorphometryas a functionof cratersize andcraterlocation. In addition,we also briefly describea regionof the lunar farside,near crater King, to illustratethe effects of nonendogenic modificationprocesseson cratermorphometry. Mare Smythll. The Smythii impact basin (Figure 1) is a nearly circular,multiringedstructurewhich is centeredat ~2S, 87E on the easternedge of the lunar nearside.Mare volcanism is essentiallyconf'medto the low-lying basin interior and to the lavas of Mare Marginis on the northern basin rim. With andover1200kmlong(Figure3).'Thisbandroughly parallels the edge of OceanusProcellaxum,but it cutsobliquelyacross structuresthat have been identified with the outermostring of the proposedProcellarumbasin [Wilhelm.v,1987] or, alternatively, with extendedfailure aroundthe lmbriumbasin[Schultz and Spudis,1985;Spudis, 1993]. Sinceseveralcraterclusters in thesehighlandsappearto be centeredon a larger central crater (e.g., the Lavoisier and Einsteinclusters),local structural and topographiccontrolsmay be more importantfor crater modification in this region than well-defined basin structureslike that ohseyedat Smythii. The floor-fracturedcraterswestof Procellarumdiffer slightly in appearance from the extensivelymodifiedforms found in Mare Smythii. While a few wide floor moat featuresdo occur west of Procellarum,they axe less commonthan at Smythii, and polygonalfracturepatternsoccurmore frequentlyin the central crater floors. In some instances(e.g., Repsold),fractures extend radially from one crater into another[Schultz, 1976b]. Also, Schultz and Mendenhall [1979] suggestedthat several small (<20 lcm) floor-fractured craters inside of WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS 21,203 Figure 1. Mare Smythii studyarea. (a) Image showingboth the floor-fracturedcratersin the basin interior(annularstructures) andcratersof theouterbasinring andexteriorregions.For reference,N indicatesNeper,M indicatesMare Marginis,H indicatesHaldane,and arrowsmarka sectionof the outerscarp(A16-M3035). (b) Sketchmapidentifyingthefloor-fractured craters(stars)andothercraters (triangles)of the Smythiidataset.Heavy dashedlinesdenotesectionsof the innerand outerbasin scarps. ent structural settings. Where small floor-fractured craters occur independentlyin Mare Smythii, suchcratersinvariably craters. occureither insideof or superposed on the rim of largerfloorThe morphometryof floor-fracturedcratersin the western fracturedcratersin the westernhighlands.Similarly, although highlandsalso indicatesa changein crater modificationfrom there is no clear relation between crater modification and either that observed in Mare Smythii. Although detailed stereo crater diameter or the distance to the edge of Oceanus topographylike that used in the Smythii region is not avail- Procellarum(Figure4b and 4c), thereis evidenceto supporta able, Lunar Orbiter imageryprovidesshadowmeasurements (at clusteringof floor-fracturedcratersin the westernhighlands. Most (-76%) of the floor-fracturedcratersin this data set are sun anglesof ~6ø to ~25ø) of crater depth in 30 of the 33 cratersidentifiedby Figure 3b. These shadowmeasurements within one crater diameter of another floor-fractured crater, and show that only a few highlandcratershave lost most of their the averagecenter-to-center distancebetweensucha craterand initial apparentdepth.Rather,many craterspreserveconsider- its nearestneighboris ~55 km. able fractions of their initial topography and two depths The King region. For reference,crater depthsand diamappearpristine(Figures4a and 4b). Thus, while a few crater eters are also described for an area on the lunar farside around measurements match those of floor-fractured craters in the cencrater King (5N, 121E). This region lies on the edge of the tral Smythii basin(Figure 2), most more closelyresemblethe ancientA1-Khwarizmi/Kingimpactbasin (Figure 5) and none degradedcratersoutsideof Mare Smythii. of the cratersstudiedexhibit fracturedfloors or any othereviLast, there is also a difference in the size and distribution of dence of endogenicmodification. Although a broad region the modified craters. In Mare Smythii, the floor-fractured exhibitingdark-haloedcraters[Schultzand Spudis,1979] anda craters have a mean diameter of ~30 km and a maximum diamesinglefloor-fracturedcrater [Schultz,1976a, 1976b] lies to the ter of -60 km. The modified craters west of Procellarum, hownorth and east of this region in the ancient Lomonosovever, have a mean diameter of -45 km and a maximum diameter Fleming basin, thesecratersalso appearto be well removed of ~170 km. A few modified craters less than 20 km in diameter from major mare volcanism and from the effects of recent occur in both regions,but thesecratershave distinctlydiffer- basin-formingimpacts.Therefore this third data set should Einsteinmay result from secondaryimpactsof melt from the Orientale impact, rather than endogenicallymodified primary 21,204 WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS CraterDepthsforthe SmythiiRegion CraterShallowing fortheSmythiiRegion ; © I ß diameter <20 krn , ß diameter 20-45 krn I ß diameter >45 krn I Oßel f"'•) ß •• ß • •- ß ß ß ß ßß ß © pre-Nect, ariancrater + post.lmbrian crater I , ß I ß I ,..+© , ß lee. I e ß t•) ß . ß ß • •e ß ßeß •Zßle ß ß diameter <20 km ß diameter 20-45 krn ß diameter >45 km O. •, .-- ß pre-Nectarian crater 0ß ß I I - + post-lmbdancrater • 500. ß ßß , ß - I +. . ß I 600. I 700. If 100. 200. ! 300. I 400. I ! 600. 500. 700. RadialdistancefromSmythiicenter(kin) Radialdistance fromSmythii center(kin) Normalized CraterAspectRatiosforSmythiiRegion CraterFloorElevations forthe SmythiiRegion 'o 1.o o o •E 7o00. • m f.,, Io ZI 6000. • ee ß ß -I ß I 0 •_0 $000. ._ ß ß %. I ß ß 'O ß I 0 0.8 ß ß 0.4 - ß •o0o. ._N eß ß * - ß I I 0. ,oo. zooY 300. • 0.2 400. o. 700. ß I I + post-lmb?n cater i o.o SO0. ß diameter >.45 km •) pre-Nectar'•d'• •=ater I ß Radialdistance fromSmythii center(kin) <20 km ß •ameter 20-45km o ß ß + post-lmbriancrater I 500. ß z '•- craler % + I 2000. ß diameter ' diameler <20km ß diameter 20-45 km ß diameter 3,45 km mean mare elevat,on I ii 100. 200. .•00. 400. Radialdistance fromSmythii center(kin) Figure 2. Crater modificationdata in the Smythii basin.(a) Crater depthsplottedagainstdistance from the centerof Smythii.(b) Approximatecratershallowingversusdistancefrom thebasincenter, thisvalueis derivedfromthedifferencebetweenidealcraterdepth[P/ke,1980]andtheobserveddepth. (c) Crater floor elevationsplotted against distancefrom the basin center. (d) Observed crater depth/diameterratio normalizedby the ideal crateraspectratio, plottedagainstdistancefrom the Smythii center.The ideal aspectratio is determinedfrom the relationsof craterdepthto diameter [Pike, 1980] and the observedcraterdiameter. primarily record the effects of exogeniccrater modification (i.e., degradationby small impactsand ejectadeposition). The normalizedcrateraspectratios in the King region show two distinct groups (Figure 6), with only relatively small craters((40 km) showingsignificantchangesin depth.Larger cratersare uniformlyunmodified,but a numberof cratersin the smallersize range are also fairly pristine(Figure 6). Beyond the fact that all of the shallow craters are of Imbrian age or older, the extentof modificationdoesnot appearto be a function of crater age or geographicplacement.Most of the shallower depthsoccur to the south,but this region also contains the highestpopulationof small craters. different conditions [Schultz, 1976a; Wichman, 1993], but the primary dependentvariable in these models is the changeof crater depth resulting from floor uplift [Hall et al., 1981; Schultz, 1976a]. Consequently,the changesin crater morphometry identified above can be inverted to constraincraterspecificmodelsfor the extent and conditionsof cratermodification by both viscous relaxation and specific intrusion geometries[Wichman, 1993]. The basicapproachand assumptions for two such inversion models are described here, and more detaileddescriptionsof each model are given as appendices. Viscous Modeling Crater Modification Both viscous relaxation and crater-centered intrusions can theoreticallyproducea range of floor fracturepatternsunder Relaxation Previousworkers[e.g., Danes, 1965; Cathies, 1975] have developed theoretical equationsfor the relaxation of crater topographyover time with the assumption that the lunarcrust WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS 21,205 o OCEANUS --.• PROCELLARUM ** Figure 3. The studyareawestof OceanusProcellarum,centeredon ~80W and extendingfrom ~ION to ~55N. (a) Major groupsof floor-fractured cratersoccurnearthecratersRepsold(R), Lavoisier(L), andEinstein(E), but otherfloor-fractured cratersoccursinglyor in pairsbetweenthesegroupsandto the west.The scalebar is ~91 km (LO IV-189-M). (b) Sketchmap identifyingthe selectedfloorfracturedcraters(stars)usedin thisstudy.Crosses indicateotherfloor-fractured cratersoccurringinside Oceanus Procellarum. behavesover long time framesas a viscousmedium.Because the topographyof most impact cratersis essentiallyaxisymmetric, theseequationsare expressedin cylindricalcoordinates and describethe wavelength-dependent decayof cratertopography as a functionof time and radial distancefrom the crater center.The only othermajor variablein theseequationsis the crustalviscosity;consequently,theserelationsprovidea simple basis for modeling the distribution,timing and evolution of crater modification at specific crustalviscosities[Danes, 1965; Scott, 1967]. dependent.Hence the distribution of uplift within a crater shouldvary over time, and detailedprofiles for the initial and presentcratertopographyare neededin orderto fully characterize the nature and extent of relaxation in a crater [Hall et al., 1981]. Because stereographicApollo photography covers only a small fraction of the lunar surface, however, detailed topographicdata (pre-Clementine) are available for only a small subsetof the lunar crater population.Third, although cratertopographycan constrainthe distributionand magnitude of deformationwithin a crater, both crustalviscosity(•/) and The inversion of such forward relaxation models on the the duration of modification (t) occur in the same term of the Moon is less straightforward, however. First, while crater relaxation equations.Thus, without independentconstraints topographycan record the effects of viscousrelaxation, the on the time span of floor uplift, the observeddifferencesin equationsof the forwardmodelsactuallycharacterizethe cumu- topographybetween a pristine and a floor-fracturedcrater of lative surfacedisplacementresulting from viscousrelaxation the samesize can only constrainthe combinationof variables rather than crater depth. Consequently,the data used in any t/•l [Hall et al., 1981]. Despite these difficulties, Hall et al. [1981] developeda inversionof crater topographyby relaxation are not the present crater profile but the difference at any given radius least squaresinversionof cratermodificationfor t/• l usingthe betweenthe observedcrater profile and a model of the initial topographyof pristine lunar craters to model the initial procrater topography.Second,viscousrelaxationis wavelength- files in floor-fractured craters of the same size. The Hall et al. 21,206 WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION CraterDepthsWestof OceanusProcellarum AND INTRUSION MODELS Normalized CraterAspectRatiosWestof Procellarum 5.5 --. 3.0 • 2.0 ._o E ._ I.$ 'o __ pristine½a:ers(fromPike) ß 1.0 ß ß Einstein •-'ater cluster ß 0.5 ß + post-lmbdan crater I 20. Z © pre*Nect, ar'ancrater ß 0.00• ._- ohs, floor*fractured ß 0.4 40. f 60. 80. •00. ! •20. •40. •60. •80. 0. Craterdiameter(kin) craterdiameter (kin) Normalized CraterAspectRatiosWestof Procellarum 1.2 G * diameter <20 •m ß diameter 20-:5 km ß diame{er >45 km 1.0 - © pre-Nectanan •"3ter ..J- post-lmbrian •'=.t•: O 0.6 - i 0.6- !3 0.4 - ._.N E • 0.2 - Z 0.0 = 0. I • I [ I I I I i I ,30. 60. 90. 120. 150. 18o. 21 o. 240. 270. 5oo. Distance frommareedge(kin) Figure 4. Cratermodification datawestof Procellarum. (a) Estimated craterdepthsplottedagainst cratersize;a reference curvefor theidealdepthvaluesis alsoshown.In fourinstances, nocraterdepth wasderivedanda depthof zerois indicated. (b) Derivedcrateraspectratios,normalized by theideal valueandplottedasa functionof craterdiameter. (c) Normalized crateraspect ratiosplottedagainst distancefromthemareedge.Notethewiderangein preserved craterdepthsandtheapparent independence of cratermodification fromproximityto themare. inversion,however,usesdetailedcraterprofilesto producean overdeterminedsolutionfor t/l?. Here, we simplify the relaxation equationsthroughadditionalmodel assumptions to allow a cruder inversion based on simple crater depth estimates (AppendixA). Specifically,extensivecratermodificationprimarily featuresa broad,coherentuplift of the craterfloor while preservingboth central peak and crater rim heights[Schultz, 1976a]. Thus craterrelaxationappearsto be concentrated into a relatively narrow rangeof long topographicwavelengths.If this wavelengthrangeis then approximatedby the relaxation of a single,dominanttopographicwavelengthrelatedto crater size, a simple estimate for t/r I can be generated without detailedmodelsof the craterprofile beforeand after modification. Instead, the amount of floor uplift and of relaxationis constrainedby comparingthe presentcrater depth with that predictedby the morphometricrelationsof Pike [1980], and the quantityt/•? is derivedby insertingthis uplift into a single equationfor relaxationat the inferredwavelengthdominating crater topography. Sincethe t/rI parameterdoesnot providean intuitivefeel for the conditions of viscous crater relaxation, we also convert the derivedt/rI valuesfor our studyareasinto representative estimatesfor crustal viscositiesand temperatures.For this purpose, we assumethat (1) the durationof crater modificationin each case was l0 Ma, and (2) that the relation betweencrustal viscosity and temperatureis similar to an experimentally determinedrheology[Sheltonand Tullis, 1981] for terrestrial diorite. For the first assumption,the age of crater modificationis generallyindistinguishable from that of nearbymare volcanism [Schultz,1976a]. In addition,the exponentialdependence of relaxation on viscosityimplies that crater modification WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS 21,207 rocks are much drier than terrestrialcompositionsand are typically at lower confiningpressures,they shouldbe less susceptible to microscopiccreep processes[Tullis and Yund, 1989]. Consequently,if lunar rocks are stiffer than comparableterrestrial rocks,higherlunar temperatures are neededto producethe same deformationrates, and any temperaturesderived for the Moon with a terrestrial theology should underestimate the actuallunar temperature. Igneous Intrusions Severaltypesof inlxusioncan conceivablyproducecratercentered deformation [Schultz, 1976a; Wichrnan, 1993], but the coherent,level uplift of craterfloors on the Moon strongly resemblesthe simple vertical uplift of strata observedover many terrestriallaccoliths.Furthermore,the range and apparent evolutionof fracturepatternsin lunar cratersalso are consistent with progressivefailure over a shallow, laccolithlike melt body [Wichman and Schultz, 1991; Wichman, 1993]. Since terrestrial studieshave developedtheoreticalrelations for intrusiongrowth and surfacedeformationduring the different stagesof laccolith eraplacement[Pollard and Joh•on, 1973; Corry, 1988], laccolithsthusprovide a reasonablebasis for modelingthe effectsof crater-centeredintrusions. Laccolithiceraplacementmodelson the Earth, however,use terrestrial field work to constrain estimates for intrusion di- mensionsand local material properties[e.g., Johnson and Pollard, 1973]. Consequently,similar modelsfor cratermodification on the Moon require the use of additional model Figure 5. Apollo image showing the crater King (K, assumptions.Since erosionis limited on the Moon and since right-center)and mostof the surrounding studyarea(eight presentlunar gravity data cannotcharacterizethe (small) gravcraters in the southeast corner of the data set are not iF signaturesof cratersunder ~100 km in diameter [Schultz, shown).White lines indicateapproximateboundariesof 1976a], we estimatethe size and thicknessof the proposed lunar topographicorthophotomaps usedfor the measure- lunar intrusionsfrom changesin crater morphometry.For intrusionsize, horizontalintrusiongrowth appearsto be limments reportedhere. For scale, crater King is ~75 km ited in laccolithsafter the onsetof verticaluplift [Johnsonand across(Apollo 16-M3000). shouldprimarily occurduringthoseintervalsfor which crustal viscosity is most greatly reduced [Hall et al., 1981]. Consequently,althoughthe agesof basin formationand final mare volcanism at Smythii allow a maximum time for crater relaxationof the order of 700-800 m.y., the majority of crater relaxation probably occurred during those times when both local magmatismand crustalheatingwere at a maximum. For suchperiodsof peak mare volcanism,the derivedsampleages for the different classesof mare basalts[Wilhelms, 1987, p. 237] indicatepulsedurationsof betweena few tensand possibly a few hundredsof millions of years.Alternatively,crater relaxationalsocouldoccuron timescalesas shortas 1-10 m.y. if minimum crustal viscositiesapproachedthoseof the bulk Earth mantle [Hall et al., 1981]. Thus the values for duration and viscositycited here are probablynot completelyaccurate, but they are not unreasonablefor illustratingspatialvariations in the conditionsof craterrelaxationwithin our studyareas. Regardingour temperatureestimates,the theologicalrelations for lunar rocks are poorly known. Thus any conversion of crustalviscosityto a model temperaturevalue mustrely on an empiricallyderivedtheology for terrestrialrocks. The theology assumedhere appearsto describeflow behavior under terrestrialconditionsfairly well (J. Tullis, personalcommunication, 1990); however,this theologyprobablyoverestimates deformationin the lunar caseand thusprovidesonly a lower boundon the modeledlunar temperaturevalues.Becauselunar Normalized CraterAspectRatiosnearCraterKing 1.0 ß 0 ß- 0.• ß ß E • I).6- ee •, e ._• -- © pre-Nec:arian age o I).2 - ß Nec:arian.Irabrianage -!- post-imbrian age 0.0 O. I ! I I 20. 40. 60. 80. 1 lOO. 120. Craterdiameter(kin) Figure 6. CratermodificationnearCraterKing. Observed crateraspectratios,normalizedby the idealdepth/diameter ratio, are plotted as a functionof crater size. Unusually shallow craters are restricted to craters less than 40 km in diameterand noneof the cratersin this region hasa normalized aspectratio comparableto thoseseeninside the Srnythiibasin. WICHMAN ANDSCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION ANDINTRUSION MoD•..S 21,208 Relaxation Parameters fortheSmythiiRegion Pollard, 1973; Corry, 1988]. Therefore the similarity of the moat-bounded lunar crater floors to the fault-bounded strati- 1.8x•0'? graphicuplifts over terrestrialpunchedlaccoliths[Wichman, 1993] suggeststhat crater floor uplifts on the Moon approximate the size of any underlyinglunar intrusions.For intrusion thickness,a simple estimate is provided by the difference between the observedand the predicted (pristine) depth of a floor-fractured Finally, the material propertiesgoverningdeformationover an intrusion(Table 1) alsomust be specifiedin order to invert the model equations.Becausethe bulk propertiesof deepseated crater floor materials are poorly constrainedon the Moon, we assumefor this study that the responseof uplifted crater floor materials is dominated by a coherentelastic unit (possiblyimpact melt) with the elastic modulusof a typical terrestrialbasalt. With these assumptions,the laccolith model providesestimatesfor both the driving pressurein an intrusion and intrusiondepth, and theseestimatesthen can be used to model - + crater. the distribution and thickness of subcrustal mantle .4- + + + -l.. + + • ++ + i + o.o - I lOO. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. Radialdistance fromSmythii center(kin) 1.8x.0'? meltswithin a region(seeAppendixB). 1.5x•0'? Model Results Both crater modificationmodels can relate regional variations in crater modification to differencesin crustal or magmatic conditions. In addition, however, differences in crater settingwithin a region shouldalsoproducerecognizablevariations in crater modification.Consequently,this sectionpresentsa summaryof the regional and local constraintsderived for cratermodificationin our studyareasby the differentinver- + + + sion models. + + Viscous Relaxation •1 + .I-4. 4' 20. For the Smythii region, the derived values for the parameterclearly reflect the differencesnoted earlier between crater modification inside the central Smythii basin and outside of the inner basin ring (Figures 7 and 8). The derived valuesinside the inner basin scarpare both much greaterand more widely scatteredthan the t/rl valuesobservedoutsideof the inner basin(Figure 7a). If craterrelaxationoccurredin ~10 Ma, thesedata indicate that the averagehalf-spaceviscosity insideMare Smythiiwas well over an orderof magnitudelower than the averageviscosityoutsideof the centralbasin during crater modification(Figure 8). For reference,theseviscosities in a terrestrial diorite indicate average interior and exterior basintemperatures of ~710øC and ~640øC,respectively. aO. 60. 80. 100. 120. I 140. Craterdiameter (kin) Figure 7. Derived relaxation parameters(t•)for the Smythii region. (a) Relaxationparameterplottedagainst distancefrom the Smythiicenter.(b) Relaxationparameter as a function of crater diameter. mately400 km from the basincenter(Figures7a and8a). Since this radius is locatedjust inside of the most prominentring scarpat Smythii [Wilhelm.v,1987], someminor relaxationor crater infilling may have occurredalong this outer basinring, therebyindicatinga possibilityof fault-controlledmagmatism In addition to the clear differences between conditions outsidethe centralbasin. Similarly, there is also a suggestion inside and outsideof the central Smythii basin, the derived that the t/rl values inside Mare Smythii decreaseas one inversionvalues also show several possibletrends in local approaches the edge of the inner basin (200 km from basin crater modificationaroundSmythii that could provide further center). This observationcould indicate a slight decreasein detailson the sourcesand historyof crustalheating.First, the crustaltemperaturesaway from the basin center,but it is not rangesof t/rl and viscosityoutsideof Mare Smythii are rela- supportedby the derivedviscosityvalues(Figure 8a). Instead, tively uniform, but both data setsshow an inflectionapproxi- the central basin craters indicate fairly uniform viscosities insideMare Smythii,and thereis an abruptincreasein modeled viscosityacrossthe inner basin scarp.Last, while the derived Table 1. Constants in laccolith modelequations. t/rI valuesinsideMare Smythiimay not dependon locationin Symbol Description Value the centralbasin,both the t/rl valuesand the inferredviscosiB elasticmodulus of countryrock 7.47 10lø Pa ties in this centralbasin are clearly a functionof craterdiamek magmayieldstrength 104 N/m2 ter (FiguresTo and8b). A similardependence may alsooccurin g lunargravitational acceleration 1.62 m/s2 the viscosity values outside of Mare Smythii (Figure 8b), Prn magma density 2900kg/m 3 where the derived values show a broad, diffuse trend roughly ?'m unitmagma weight 4700kg/m2s 2 paralleling that of the cratersinside Mare Smythii. We will WICHM AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS HalfspaceViscosity forSmythiiCraters 21,209 Lavoisier and Einstein crater clustersare only slightly lower (-4.1x1022 P and5.3x1022P, respectively). For reference, 1.00E+25 theseviscositiesimply temperatures of-660-670øC in a terrestrial •' 1.00E+24 ß ._• ß ß ßß J ß ßß o 1.00E+23 ß ß ._• ß ß ß ß ß o • 1.00E+22 ß .;;, ..' ß ß I ' / I I 100 200 300 ß 1.00E+21 0 ß I 400 500 600 700 RadialDistancefromSmythiiCenter(kin) HalfspaceViscosityfor SmythiiCraters diorite. In contrast to crater modification at Smythii, therefore, crater modification in the western highlands shows little regionalorganizationor uniformity.Rather,the derivedinversion parametersindicatehighly variableconditionsfor crater modification(Figure 10a). There is a slight contrastin average viscositybetweenregionswith closely spacedfloor-fractured cratersandregionswith moresparselydistributedcratermodification (Figure 10b), but even the clearestcrater clustersat Lavoisier and Einstein contain viscosity values which are comparableto the lowest viscositiesoutsideof theseclusters. Nevertheless,the derivedtlrl and viscosityvaluesboth showa pronouncedvariation with crater size (Figures9b and 10c), similar to that observedinside Mare $mythii (Figures7b and 8b). Suchvariationsare clearestat the smallest(<40 km) crater diameters,however,and thesecratersare primarily locatedin 1.00E+25 Time/Viscosity ValuesWestof Procellarum 2.5OE-07 _>,1.00E+24 ._ + o 2.00E-07 + • 1.OOE+23 1.50E-07 "o 1.00E+22. 1.00E-07 , ß Craters outside central basin iaCraters inside central basin o 1.00E+21 0 i I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 + 5.00E-08 [ + ++ 160 O.00E+00 ,'• + -•.+,•.•+, +• CraterDiameter(kin) 20 40 60 so 100 120 140 160 180 Craterdiameter(kin) Figure 8. Modeledviscosityvaluesin the Smythiiregion. (a) Derivedhalf-spaceviscositiesas a functionof distance from the Smythiicenter,assuminga relaxationeventof 10 m.y. duration.(b) Modeledhalf-spaceviscosityas a func- Time/Viscosity ValuesWestof Procellarum 2.50E-07 tion of crater size. ß-- discussthe variousimplicationsof this trend for cratermodification later. For the highlandswest of OceanusProcellarurn,few floorfracturedcratersindicaterelaxationcomparableto or greater than that observed in the floor-fractured craters at Smythii. Instead,the majorityof the derivedt/rI valuesare morecomparable to those derived for the non-floor-fractured craters outside of Smythii (Figure 9). Moreover, in contrastto Mare Smythii, thereis no clear geographiceffecton the derivedvaluesfor t/rl in the westernhighlands(Figure 9b). Although somecraters 2.00E-07 ._ • 1.50E-07 ß • 1.00E.07 5.00E-08 •jxCraters near Lavoi o Craters in/near Einstein x • + x + Other craters o 0.00E+00 50 1oo 150 200 250 300 350 Distanceto nearestmare(kin) near Lavoisier and Einstein indicate extensive relaxation, other cratersin both of theseclustersare essentiallyunmodiFigure 9. Crater relaxationmodelsfor the highlandswest fied with very low t/rl values. The highland floor-fractured of •us Procellarum.For reference,the values of craters cratersalso indicate a much broaderrange of derived crustal in Einsteinand theLavoisierclusterare distinguished from more isolated instances of crater modification. (a) Derived regions of the Smythii basin (Figure 10). Last, the average viscosities than was found for either the interior or exterior is roughlyan order of magnitudelarger than the averagevalue relaxationparameters(t/U) plottedagainstdistancefrom OceanusProcellarum.(b) Derived tlrl valuesas a function insideMareSmythii(-6.3x1021 P).Theaverage values forthe of crater size. viscosity across thewestern highlands region(~7.9x1022 P) 21,210 WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION or near both Lavoisier HalfspaceViscosityforProcellarum Craters MODELS and Einstein. Thus the inferred hetero- geneityof crustalconditionswest of Procellarummay partially reflect a nonrandom distribution 1.00E+25 of small floor-fractured craters within the region. Finally, to illustrate the effect of simple (exogenic)crater =Craters in/near Einsteindegradationon the inversion for viscousrelaxation, we have I ßOther Craters alsocalculatedmodel viscositiesfor a farsideregionnearcrater =Einstein King. These calculations indicate an average viscosity of • ß Craters near Lavoisier '"" 1.00E+24 o• 0 ß ~1.2x1023P anda reference temperature of ~660øCfor the 1.00E+23 1:3 1.00E+22 ß ß ß o ß ? 1.00E+21 0 SO 100 150 200 250 300 350 DistancefromMareEdge(kin) ModelViscosityVariationwithinCraterClusters 1978]. 1E+25 .. © ß CratersnearRepsold = Craters near Lavoisier o ß Craters near Bartels • 1E+24 o Craters near Einstein ß Craters SE of Einstein o >1E+23 l craters near King (Figure 11). However, the preservationof large cratersin this region combinedwith the frequentmodificationof smallerstructures(Figure 6) contradictsthe preferential loss of long-wavelengthtopographypredictedfor viscous relaxation.Thus cratermodificationin the King regionprobably reflects a greaterdegradationand infilling of the smaller cratersby small impactsand distalbasinejecta[Neukumet al., 1975]. Also, some of the smaller craters with shallow depths may representold basin secondarycraters,which have lower depth/diameter ratios than more recent, primary impacts [Schultz, 1976b; Oberbeck et al., 1977; Wilhelms et al., Since the derived relaxation values near King are comparable to those derived for craters between the Smythii ring scarps,it is probably inappropriateto attributemodification of the craters outside Mare $mythii to viscous relaxation. Endogeniccrater modification in the Smythii region apparently has been confinedto the cenl•al basin floor. In conl•ast, the relatively minor differencebetween the derivedviscosity averagesfor cratersin the westernhighlandsand near King suggeststhat endogeniccrater modificationhas been limited west of Oceanus Procellarum. Most of the craters near o '• 1E+22 ß ß Procellannnapparentlyrequirea partial relaxationeventwhich is distinctly different from the almost complete relaxation inferredinsideMare Smythii. m ß , 1E+21 0 2o 40 60 80 loo 120 •40 •so •80 200 DistancefromNearestLargerCrater(kin) Igneous Intrusion The 1accolithinversionmodelsalso indicatesignificantdifferences between crater modification at Smythii and in the westernhigh]ands.In particular,the derived valuesfor magmatic driving pressure inside Mare Smythii and west of OceanusProcellarumshow distinctly different disuibutionsas HalfspaceViscosityfor Procellarum Craters 1E+25 ViscosityValuesin the KingRegion "'" 1E+24 1.00E+25 0 (• 1E+23 • 1.00E+24 ß Craters near Lavoisier 13 Craters in/near Einstein • 1E+22 ß Other craters ß 0 • 1.00E+23 ß 1E+21 i o 2o 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 o 1.00E+22 CraterDiameter(kin) Figure 10. Modeledviscosityvaluesfor thewesternhighlands.(a) Estimatedviscosityplottedagainstdistancefrom Oceanus Procellarum. Co)Estimatedviscosityasa function 0 I • ! ,I 1 20 40 60 80 1O0 120 Craterdiameter(km) of craterspacing withinthedifferentcraterclusters. (c) Figure 11. Modeledviscosityvaluesfor the farsidenear Estimatedviscosityasa functionof cratersize. cratergSng. WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION 21,211 120 ing pressurethat parallelsthe expectedeffectof cratertopography on subsurfacelithostaticpressures.Thus the modeled intrusionsfor Mare Smythii appearto be equilibratedwith local, near-surfacehorizontalpressuregradients.In contrast, the deriveddriving pressures west of Procellarumare widely scattered,especially for those craters located outside of the LavoisierandEinsteincraterclusters(Figure12). This rangeof modeleddriving pressures may be slightlyexaggerated, since no allowancefor craterrim degradationhas been made in the western highlands. Nevertheless,only those pressuresin excessof the Smythii trend are likely to reflect a lossof rim topographyduring crater modification. The lower driving 1oo • ß I• ß ß ©f ß ß mm m 80 13 m 60 13 ß ,• 40 ß MoatFFC insideSmythii E ,3 Non-moat Craters inside m 20 Smythii ( i i i 50 100 150 200 250 Distance fromSmythiiCenter(kin) pressurescorrespond to craters with limited modification in which rim degradationseemsunlikely. DrivingPressuresat Procellarum 160.00 The spatial distribQtionof the modeleddriving pressures also supportsa contrastin regionalmagmatismbetweenour two studyareas.Inside the Smythiibasin,the deriveddriving pressures(like the inferred crustal viscosities)are nearly constant,with only the faintøsthint of declining valuesnear the edge of the mare (Figure 13a). In the westernhighlands, however, the derived magma pressuresare highly variable. , 140.00 T 120.00 ß 100.00 13 ß ß 80.00 ß 60.00 ß ß and mare volcanism in Oceanus Procellarum (Figure 13b). Still, the observedmagmapressuresdo suggestthat more localizedvolcanic centers may have affected crater modification. Specifically,the driving pressureswest of Procellarumappear to decreaseas a functionof distancefrom the largestcentral crater within a group of floor-fracturedcraters(Figure 13c). Sincepressuredropsaccompany viscousflow througha feeder dike [Johnsonand Pollard, 1973], sucha distributionof magmatic driving pressuresmight thus indicate a variation in magma column lengths around localized magma sources. Alternatively, since variationsin crustal thicknessshouldalso control magma pressures,the derived driving pressuresmay simply reflect crater-relatedvariations near the largest floorfracturedcraters in both surface topographyand the depth of the crust/mantleboundary.(Note: althoughthe Procellarum highlands lie in a transitional region between Oceanus MODELS ModeledMagmaPressuresat Smythii a functionof size and location(Figures12 and 13). InsideMare Smythii,cratersexhibit a relatively uniform increasein driv- There is no clear relation between crater modification AND INTRUSION ß ß ß O 4o.0o ß Individual Craters WestofProc. O ß 20.00 13 Cratersnear Lavo,sier ß 0.00 0 * Craters ,n/nearEinstein I , ' I 50 100 150 200 m ! I 250 300 350 Distance fromMareEdge(kin) Magma PressureVariationwithin Crater Clusters 160.00 ß CratersnearRepsold ß- 140.00 -- o Craters near Lavoisier ß Craters near Bartels • 12o.oo E R. o Craters near Einstein ß Craters SE of Einstein lOO.OO •o Procellarum and the thickest crust on the lunar farside, data o o '- 80.00 E 60.00 c3 ,,-1 o o -- I ModeledMagmaDrivingPressures 160 o rn I o A "- 140 e 120 '13 40.00 ._> ß u• 100 - C• 80 -•. ß CratersinsideSmy•hii = Individual Craters West of Proc. ß Craters near Lavoisier o Craters in/near Einstein 60 • 4o ß • = 2o T • 20.00 0.00 o 0 t I 50 100 Im 150 200 DistancefromNearestLargerCrater(km) Topo.PressureEffect Figure 13. Derivedmagmapressures asa functionof locationwithinourstudyareas.(a) Deriveddrivingpressures as CraterDiameter(km) a functionof radiallocationwithin the Smythiibasin.(b) Figure 12. Laccolith driving pressuresderivedfrom the Drivingpressures in the westernhighlandsasa functionof crateruplift data in Mare Smythiiand the westernhigh- distancefrom OceanusProcellarum.(c) Variationof derived lands. The solid curve shows the reduction in lithostatic drivingpressures withinthe individualcraterclusters.One pressure expectedfrom thedifferencein elevationbetweena isolatedcrater(Nernst)is notrepresented here,as it is over craterfloorandthesurrounding (mean)surfacelevel. 250 km awayfromthenextnearestfloor-fractured crater. o o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 21,212 WIC• AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS ModeledIntrusionDepths 100.00 0 '- ß UkelyInt Depths,Pro½. 1.oo - mm•8 n UkelyInt Depths,Smythii •0 ½. 2800 kg/m o Te of Proc. Craters 'o B o 8 0 oo 0.10 o Te of SmythiiCraters o pM = 3400kg/m , 10 100 1000 CraterDiameter(kin) Figure 14. Estimatedlaccolith depthsbeneathfloorfracUuvxl craters. Theminimumvaluesrepresent thederived effective elastic thicknesses,while the maximum values allowfor effectsof layeringon flexuralstrength andcorrespondto values6 timesthe effectiveelasticthickness. Figure 15. Diagramof modelfor cratermodificationover a laccolith. D isthecrater diameter; Df isthecrater floor from the Clementinemissionssuggestthat the floor-fractured diameterandapproximate diameterof theintrusion. Wm is cratersoccurwithin a regionof fairly uniformcrustalthickness the thickness of the intrusion and extent of floor uplift; in (~60-70 km [Zuber et al., 1994]).) floorupliftis equalto theinitialapparent Turning to other model constraints,the laccolith inversion thisexample, modelalsoprovidesestimates for the intrusiondepth,magma craterdepth (d).T is the thicknessof the upliftedfloor the effectiveflexuralthickness of columnlength, and subcrustalmelt thicknessbeneatha floor- blockandTe represents fracturedcrater.The derivedvaluesfor intrusiondepth,how- the floor plate during uplift. Beneaththe intrusion,hc ever,are stronglyrelatedto the craterdiameter(Figure14), denotesthe crustalcolumnheightof magmafeedingthe sinceintrusionsize is derivedfrom the upliftedcraterfloor laccolithand dM is the depthto the baseof the magma plate dimensions, Becausethe averagecratersize insideMare columnin the mantle.For the hydrostaticcalculations in Smythii is smallerthan that in the westernhighlands,the thetext, Pmisthemagma density (-2900kg/m3), Pcis magmasnearProcellarum thusmay havebeenslightlydeeper thecrustaldensityandPM is themantledensity. on averagethan thosebeneathMare Smythii.This interpretation also can be derived simply from the differencesin observedcrater size for the two regions.Since the derived intrusiondepthstypicallyrangefrom only a few hundredto a Smythiiindicatea commonmagmasourceof regionalextent, cratersof the westernhighlands apparently few thousandmetersbeneatha craterfloor (Figure14), the the floor-fractured likelihoodof magmasinteractingwith smallerand shallower reflect the presenceof several, smaller, discretemagma sources. cratersshoulddecreaseasregionalmagmadepthsincrease. Finally, the magmaconduitlengthsderivedfrom the model drivingpressures and intrusiondepthsalso indicateregional differences betweenmagmatism in Mare Smythiiandthe westAdditional ModelImplications ern highlands.If the modeledintrusionstap hydrostatic mare magmacolumns(Figure 15), the inferreddistributionof lunar 80.00 crustal thicknesses[Bratt et al., 1985] indicatesaverage I=: 70.00 magmacolumn lengthsof ~35 km for the central Smythii basin,andof ~67 km for the westernhighlands(Figure16). Further,the subcrustal melt thicknesses (drnof Figure15) supporting these magma columns are strongly correlatedwith • 60.00 • 40.00 modeledmagmapressures, and thusexhibit a muchgreater o O 30.00 variation in the westernhighlandsthan beneathSmythii E (Figure17). Althoughthe averagesubcrustal melt thicknesses • •o.oo = for thesetwo studyareasare almostidentical(-8-8.5 km), the • lO.OO ß WesternHighlands = MareSmythii distributions of these subcrustal melts differ. Where the sub- crustalmelt thicknesses beneathMare Smythiishowonly a broad,gentlereductiontowardthe outermare edge(Figure o.oo I I I I I • 80 80 100 120 140 180 CraterDiameter(kin) 180 17a), the melt thicknesseswest of Procellarum(like the derivedmagmapressures) showmuchmorelocalizedvariations Figure 16. Modeledmagmacolumnlengthsfor theflooraroundindividualgroupsand clustersof floor-fracturedcraters fracturedcratersin Mare Smythiiand the westernhigh(Figure 17b). Consequently, wherethe modifiedcratersinside lands. WICHM AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODEL3 MantleColumnLengthsbeneathSmythii 21,213 18a), the dependenceof relaxationon topographicwavelength actually favors the initial equilibration of larger craters. Indeed, for comparablefir/, small craterscan remain essentially unmodifiedeven as modeledfloor uplifts in much larger craters approachthe initial apparentcrater depths (Figure o lO ß ß ßß ..o Q.c: 6 CraterFloorUpliftinMareSmythii 3500. 4 ß MoatFFC insideSmythii 3000. n Non-moat Craters inside Smythii 50 100 150 200 2500. 250 DistancefromSmythiiCenter(kin) '---' Subcrustal Melt Thicknesses beneath W. Proc. 2000. ..I- - ._ • •soo. - ..I- eee o o 10o0. - 500. - ß Cratersnear Repsold 15.00 + m Craters near Lavoisier initialapparentdepth ß estimatedflooruplift + modeleduplift(t/q 6.31e-9) ß Craters near Bartels I O. o Craters near Einstein I I I 20. O. I 40. ! I 60. ! ! 80. I I loo. t J 120. l 140. Craterdiameter(kin) ß Craters SE of Einstein Theoretical FloorUpliftforCratersin a ViscousHalfspace o (relaxation wavelength definedbyfloorradius) [] lO.OO 3500. cø o 5.00 "-" 2000. ..•. 15oo. , , ß - 0.00 0 50 100 150 ,' *' __ in,tiaJ a•arentde•th ß " J..•. upli• for • 3.15e-8 O' •" +' 200 DistancefromNearestLargerCrater(km) o. I J J i J. •.uplift for •• 6.31 1.•e-8 I o uplift for e-g I I I I I + uplift for• 3.15e-9 ,'*', i . . 10. 20. 30. &O. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. II0. •20. 130. 140. 150. Figure 17. Modeledsubcrustal melt thicknesses beneath Mare Smythiiandthewesternhighlands. (a) InferredmanCraterdiameter(kin) fie melt thicknessas a functionof positionwithin Mare Figure 18. Floor uplift in the Smythiiinterior.(a) Crater Smythii. (b) Variationsin mantlemelt thicknessaround floor upliftsas a functionof craterdiameter.Ideal, initial individual clusters of floor-fractured craters in the western apparent depthsareindicatedby thecurve.Estimated uplifts highlands. are shownby dotsandrepresentthe differencebetweenthe pristineandobservedvaluesfor apparentcraterdepth.The Implicationsfor Crater Modification four open circles representcraterslocated on the inner, Both models for crater modification indicate different mare-bounding scarpand may be biasedby inclusionof regional conditionsin Smythii and in the westernhighlands, scarptopographyin the crater rim height estimate.For but theseregionsalsoreveallocal variationsin cratermodifi- reference,a predictedspectrum of floor uplift dueto crater cationwith both crater size and setting.Crater size and setting relaxation is also shown (crosses).(b) Theoretical floor shouldaffect viscousrelaxation and igneousintrusionsdifferuplift due to relaxationas a functionof cratersize. Again, ently; therefore these regional observationsprovide a basis the solidcurvedenotesthe ideal valuesfor initial apparent for further testingthe validity of the cratermodificationmodcrater depth.The othercurvesrepresentprogressive relaxels. ation modelsat increasingrelaxationparameters.In each Viscous Relaxation case,the calculateduplift at a particularcrater diameter Although small cratersrequire less modificationto produce reflectsrelaxationof a wavelengthequalto 5.2 timesthe the observedfloor uplifts thando largecraters(Figures2b and corresponding craterfloorradius. 21,214 WlCHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS 18b). Once uplift is equivalentto the initial depth, however, little further relaxation should occur and longer relaxation times allow comparablefloor uplifts to occur at progressively smallercrater sizes (Figure 18b). Thus for cratermodification during a short-livedregional heating event, relaxationshould producea spectrumof crater modificationwith minimal floor uplifts in the smallestcratersand near total relaxationat very large crater diameters.Alternatively, if modification results from a long-lived thermal anomaly, uplift can continue in smallercraterslong after relaxationhasequilibratedthe topography of larger crater forms (Figure 18b). In this case,total relaxationeventuallyoccursover a broadrangeof cratersizes, and the derivedt/•l valuesincreasewith decreasing cratersize. Moreover, becausemodification of the larger craters occurs early in the relaxation event, the smallest craters yield the most representativevalues for that relaxationevent since they are the mostrecentlyequilibrated. Inside the Smythii basin, the near equivalenceof the inferredfloor uplifts with initial craterdepthsat all sizes(Figure 18a) requirestotal relaxationdown to craterdiametersof-20 km. Even though the observedfloor uplifts in Smythii are compatiblewith extreme viscousrelaxation, however, this correlationmay be coincidental.Specifically,the inferenceof total craterrelaxationin Smythiiprimarily reflectsthe equivalence of crater floor elevations with the surroundingbasin floor. Magmastatic equilibration with the mare of any intrusionsbeneaththesecratersalso can producesucha uniformity of floor elevations [Schultz, 1976a]. Since the volcanically flooded floor sectionsin many of these craters indicate that magmashave at least partially modified presentcrater topography inside Smythii, these cratersthus provide only limited (and nonunique) support for viscous crater relaxation in the absenceof an associatedsequenceof smaller,partially relaxed peraturesreflect the temperatureat d, then crater relaxation providesa looseconstrainton local vertical temperaturegradientsduring relaxation.These thermalgradientsare smallestat larger crater sizes (due to the greater scale depths), but the smallest floor-fractured craters (D<20 km) in both regions indicatemodel temperaturegradientsof between220øC/kmand 150øC/km.Consequently,for basalt solidus temperaturesof ~ 1100øC [Basaltic VolcanismStudyProject, 1981], thesegradientsimply basalticmelts at model depthsof ~5 to 7.5 km, well within the depthrangeat whichmagmascan initiatedirect crater modification by flexure and uplift [Wichman, 1993]. Further,since a lunar rheologyshouldbe more viscousthan our rheologicalmodel, the implied melt depthscould be even less than those indicated Igneous In here. Intrusion contrast to the viscous relaxation inversion, the observeddifferencesbetween crater modificationin our study areasprovide qualitative supportfor deformationover cratercenteredintrusions.In particular,the derivedintrusionparameters apparentlyreflect the differences in dominant regional structurein two ways. First, hydrostaticmagma columnson the Moon should be sensitive to regional mantle depths [Solomon, 1975; Head and Wilson, 1992]. Thus greater magma pressuresshould develop at any given crustal level over regions where the crust/mantleboundary is shallower. Second,due to differencesin the efficiency of magma flow, variations in lithosphericstressor crustal structurecan limit the distribution and emplacement of subsurface magmas. Consequently,if cratermodificationis the result of crater-centered intrusions,both the range of derived magma pressures and the distribution of smaller floor-fractured craters should reflect the structuraldifferencesbetweenMare Smythii and the crater forms. western highlands. In the western highlands, the strong dependenceof the In the Smythii region, both the relatively narrow range of derived t/•l and viscosityvalueson cratersize also arguesfor observeddriving pressuresand the restrictionof cratermodifitotal relaxationdown to small crater sizes.The wide range of cationto the centralbasinfloor can be relatedto a structurally inferredcraterdepthswest of OceanusProcellarum,however,is def'med,commonmagmasourceof regionalextent.Becauseof inconsistentwith total relaxation on a regional scale. Also, the broad, uniform mantle uplift resultingfrom basin formawhile a few cratersshow relaxationcomparableto the craters tion, little variation in magmatic conditionsor crater modifiinsideMare Smythii,many of the lessmodifiedcratersin this cation within this region would be expected.For the craters region still indicate greater relaxation at small crater sizes west of Procellarum,however, both the highland setting and than at larger crater sizes (Figure 9b). Consequently,the the broaderrangein derivedmagmapressures suggestthe presobservedspectrumof cratermodificationin the westernhigh- ence of more variable mantle topography.The concentration lands is inconsistentwith the predictedeffects of (partial) vis- of high magma pressuresnear the centersof the observed cousrelaxation.Although enhancedrelaxationof the smallest floor-fracturedcrater clusters(Figure 13c) also supportsa corcraters in and around Einstein and Lavoisier might reflect relation between crater modification and local variations in locally diminishedcrustalviscosities(Figure lob), suchlocal- mantle topography,and the common occurrenceof smaller ized viscosityvariationsseem less likely for other, more iso- floor-fracturedcraterson other, largercraterrims may indicate lated craters which also show such enhanced relaxation (Figures10a and lob). In addition,becausethe topographicstressesdriving deformationattenuaterapidly with depth[Jaegerand Cook, 1979], crater relaxation requires viscous behavior at very shallow crustaldepths.For a square-edged cylindricalload of radiusRo, half of the material flow responsiblefor relaxationin a vis- a number of structurally controlled magma columns within highlandimpact structures. ConcludingRemarks Viscousrelaxation and igneousintrusionmodels for crater modification have distinctly different implications for coushalf-spaceshouldoccurabovea scaledepth8 equalto regional conditions in Mare Smythii and the westernhigh~l.4Ro [Cathies, 1975]. Therefore, again equatingRo to the lands.For viscousrelaxation, the uniformity of presentcrater observedcrater floor radii, the average floor plate sizes in depthsat all crater sizesin Mare Smythii indicatestotal crater Mare Smythii and the westernhighlandsindicatescaledepths relaxationdown to diametersof ~20 km and a long-livedheatof-10-15 km, whereas the smallest floor-fractured craters ing event. In contrast, the wide range of preservedcrater requireviscousflow in bothregionsat depthsof <3-5 kin. depths in the western highlands suggestspartial relaxation These derived scale depthsfor viscousrelaxationpresent during more transientand localized heating events.Inversion anotherpotential difficulty. If the estimatedhalf-spacetern- of the preservedcrater topographiesfor a representativehalf- WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS space viscosity places average crustal viscosities in Mare 21,215 al., 1981], but suchheatingshouldbe much less likely over Smythiiandthewestern highlands at ~6x1021P and~9x1022 most of the westernhighlandregion, where shallow crustal P, respectively,but some clustersof floor-fracturedcratersin the western highlands indicate local viscosity averages2-3 times lower than the regional average.Craters outsideof the central Smythii basin are distinctly deeper than those in the mare and are comparablein both morphometryand implied viscosityto cratersnear King on the lunar farside. Since the trendof craterdepthsaroundKing is inconsistent with viscous relaxation,the observedcrater depthsoutsideMare Smythii probablyreflect modificationby crater-fillingejectadeposits rather than crater relaxation. For the igneousintrusionmodel,cratermodificationprimarily reflects local magma pressuresand regionalvariationsin the associatedmagma columns.Inside Mare Smythii, the uniform derived magma pressuresprobablyindicate regionally shallowmagmaswithin a broad, basin-centeredmantle uplift. The apparentequilibration of magma pressureswith topographicallycontrolledlithostaticpressuressuggeststhat these model valuesare primarily controlledby near-surfacepressure gradients.In contrast, the derived magma pressureswest of OceanusProcellarumapparentlyindicate a variety of conduit lengths arrayed around a few, localized, subcrustalmagma reservoirs.Sincethesereservoirsappearto be centeredon relatively large, crater-centeredmantle uplifts, cratermodification in the western highlands seems to reflect regional crustal thicknessesrather than local surface topography.Although magmabodiesare likely to be sparselydistributedandmay be stronglyaffectedby othercraterstructures. Finally,although theviscous r•laxation andigneous intrusion modelshave been consideredseparatelyin this paper, thesemechanisms are not necessarily independent. Regionally elevatedtemperaturesmay induce volcanism,whereassufficientlylarge,long-livedmagmaticintrusions may producesufficient crustalheatingto allow viscousrelaxation.While such combinations can accountfor volcanismin viscouslymodified craters,however,they do not requirerelaxationover an intrusion. Moreover,they do not addressthe apparentdifficulties with regional viscous relaxation discussedabove. Therefore, sincethe uniformityof craterdepthsin Mare Smythii can be explainedby the flotationof craterfloorson subsurface magmas as well as by viscous relaxation [Schultz, 1976a], we believe that the regional context of floor-fracturedcratersin both Mare Smythii and the highlands west of Oceanus Procellarum is more consistent with deformation over inde- pendent, crater-centeredintrusions than with viscous relaxation duringregional crustalheating. The recentClementinemissionshouldprovidefurthertests for this hypothesis.At the least, Clementinetopographydata allow analysis of regional surface elevations near floorfracturedcratersin the westernhighlands.If thesecratersare magmaficallymodified,thenmostof thesecratersshouldoccur the inferred subcrustalmelt thicknesses(-8 km) are, on aver- at comparable,low elevations,and the crater clustersmay be age, similar for the two study areas,derived magma column separatedby higher topography.In addition, the Clementine lengthsin the westernhighlandsare much greater than those data alsomay provideimprovedcraterdepthestimatesfor the in Mare Smythii (67 km versus35 km), and thereis a sugges- highland craters, while the improved model inversionsfor tion that the modeled intrusiondepthsare also slightly deeper crustalthicknessprovide a strongerbasisfor testingthe relation of magmaticpressuresand crustal thicknessvariations. in the westernhighlandsthanin Mare Smythii. Both viscous relaxation and igneouscrater modification Nevertheless,conclusiveproof of the postulatedcrater-cenindicate regional differencesbetweenMare Smythii and the tered intrusions probably awaits future missions and the westernhighlands.Severalaspectsof the observedcratermod- implementationof orbital radar sounders,detailed gravity mapping via low-orbit satellites or lander/penetrator-based ification, however, seem inconsistent with the viscous relaxation mechanism.In particular, the consistentlyenhanced seismic surveys. relaxation of smaller craters within the western highlands (relativeto largercraters)conflictswith the expectedeffectsof Appendix A: Modeling Crater Modification by crater relaxation. A progressiverelaxation of shortertopo- Viscous Relaxation graphicwavelengths over time mightproducesuchan apparent The characteristicequationsfor the viscous relaxation of enhancement,but the range in both preserved crater morphologiesand relative crater depthsin this region contrasts crater topographyover time [Danes, 1965; Scott, 1967; Hall strongly with the equilibrationof larger craters expectedto et al., 1981] describean axially symmetriccraterimposedon a precederelaxationat shorterwavelengths.In addition,the dis- viscoushalf-space.Under theseconditions,crater topography tribution of craters in the western highlandsappearsto be is treatedsimply as a functionof time andradial distancefrom more consistentwith variationsin magmacolumnheight than the crater center,and if the effectsof planetarycurvatureare with variationsin crustalviscosity.The derived highlandvis- ignored,the equationfor surfacetopographyon a uniformviscosity values show little pattern beyond a combination of coushalf-spacebecomes[Cathies,1975] high and low viscosityvalues near major crater clusters,but the derived magmatic driving pressuresshow a recognizable trend of radially decreasingmagma pressuresaround these crater clusters. This trend is consistent with both variations in j(r,t)= JF(k) e-pgt/2•lk Jo(lcr) kdk. (A1) In this equation,J0 is the Besselfunctionof orderzero,fir, t) is the topography,k is the radial wavenumberand, lettingfir,O) representthe initial craterform, local crustal thicknessand with increasedmagma conduit lengthsfrom a central reservoir.Furthermore,the size of the smallestfloor-fracturedcratersin both Mare Smythii and the western highlands also poses a problem for viscous relaxF(k) = lf(r,O) Jo(kr) r dr. (A2) ation. Crater relaxationin thesecratersshouldrequireviscous 0 behaviorat depthsof less than -5 km; and thesedepths,couThe decayof cratertopographyover time is describedby the pled with the modeled viscosity values, suggestboth high exponentialterm of equationA1, and thushas a characteristic thermalgradients(~200øC/kin)and the presenceof fairly shallow basalticmelts (<5-8 km depth).Regionalheatingby such decaytime x(k)= 211k/pg,where//is the half-spaceviscosity, shallowmagmasmay be plausibleinsideMare Smythii [Hall et p is the density,and g is gravitationalacceleration.Since k is 21,216 WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AIR) INTRUSION MODELS the variable of integration,the unknownsfor an inversion of thesetwo equationsare the viscosityand the durationof modification (t), which can be combinedinto a single parameter t/rl, characterizingthe extentof relaxation[Hall et al., 1981]. Although the parametert/rI can be derived by an iterative leastsquaresinversionof equations(A1) and (A2) [Hall et al., 1981], this inversion requires detailed topographicdata for both the floor-fracturedcrater ([(r,t)) and a pristine crater of comparablesize (J•r,0)). Such topographicdata are presently availablefor only a small subsetof the lunarcraterpopulation. If crater modificationis approximatedby the relaxationof a single topographicwavelength,however,detailedtopography is unnecessary to estimatet/rI. Since the primarymodification associatedwith floor fracturingis a broad, coherentuplift of the crater floor, the extent of modification should reflect the changein craterdepthduringuplift, which can be constrained by comparingshadowmeasurements of crater depth with a pristine crater depth indicatedby the morphometricrelations of Pike [1980]. Although such shadow-derivedestimatesare less precise than those derived from Apollo topographydata, both methodsappearcomparablein accuracyfor craterdiametersgreaterthan 15 km [Pike, 1974]. Eliminationof the topographicprofile data from the relaxationmodel alsosimplifiesthe modelequations.First, because of the flat floor uplift, crater depth can be roughlycharacterized by any point on the crater floor. For the crater center, equationA1 thusbecomes determinedue to the difficulty of estimatingrim heightsfrom shadow measurements[Pike, 1977]. Thus we use a conservative estimatefor apparentcraterdepthderivedby subtracting the initial rim height from the derivedcrater depth.This estimate assumes that relaxation has not affected the short wave- length topographyof the crater rim, and is consistentwith the general similarity of crater rim heights for floor-fractured cratersand unmodified craters [Schultz, 1976a]. Still, in cases of extremecrater modification,this assumptionis unrealistic, and the resultingapparentcrater depthsare negative.In such cases, a present crater depth of zero is assumed,since the relaxation of short wavelengthcrater rim topographyshould require extensiverelaxation of the crater cavity as well. With these assumptions,equation (A4) then yields the following general relation for the relaxation parameter t/•l in terms of the observedquantities t/•l=Pg•,ho ] k•- (A5) where k is 1.2/RfandRfistheradius of thecrater floorplate. This simplified relaxation model can be testedin two ways. First, the inversion results of Hall et al. [1981] can be comparedto the resultsof equation(A5) for the samecraters.As shownby FigureA1, the valuesderivedfrom thesetwo inversion techniquesmatch those of the Hall et al. calculations fairly well. (Note: for craterslike Rungeand Dumaswherethe greatestdifferencesare observed,the inversionby Hall et al. appearsto have been partially biasedby the inclusionof mare or othercrater-fillingunits in the modeledcraterfloor uplift.) Second, we can also use the derived t/h values of Hall et al. in combination with observed floor uplift to test the assumed sinceJo (0) = 1. Further, by concentratingrelaxation into a valueof k in our inversionmodels. Applicationof equation single wavelength, we can remove the integral in equation (A4) to the relaxation models of Hall et al. [1981] resultsin (A3). For a half-spaceof uniform viscosity,this indicatesan effective wavenumbers that are also similar to those derived exponential decay of topography according to the relation from our cylindricalcavity approximation(FigureA2). [Cathles, 1975] •0•) =JF(k) e-pgt/2•lk kdk (A3) h(t)=ho e-pgt/2 •lk (A4) Comparison of Time/Viscosity Inversion Values where h0 is the initial depthand h(t) is the craterdepthat time t. The solutionof equation(A4), however,still requiresa value for k, which should be related to crater size through the dominantwavelengthof relaxation.Cathies [1975] showsthat the centerof a cylindrical,square-edged hole will relax as if the appliedload wereharmonicwith an effectivewavenumberof k = 1.2/Ro.Therefore,sincecrater depthis essentiallyconstant over the crater floor, the evolution of a square-edged cylindricalcavity the size of the craterfloor providesa simple model for the dominant wavelengthof viscouscrater relaxation. Further,we approximatethe depthof the cavity in equation (A4) with the apparentcrater depth (i.e., the crater depth relative to the regional mean elevation,not the rim crest), rather than the total crater depth, since the short wavelength topographyon the crater rim shouldnot contributeto relaxation of the crater cavity. Our inversion of crater depth for regional viscosity thus requiresa value for bothh(t), the presentapparentcraterdepth, andhO,the initial apparentdepth.The lattervalueis estimated from the morphometricrelationsof Pike [1980] and assumes that crater diameter is not significantly altered during relaxation. In the absenceof detailedtopographydata, however,the presentvalue for apparentcrater depth is more difficult to - + topographic error oHall et al. (1981) solution • + Hall et al. (1981) range o. ! • s. I 20. I I ! I -. Craterdiameter(kin) Figure A1. A comparisonof derivedrelaxationparameter (t/TI) from our method(stars)to the valuesdetermined by Hall et al. (circles).Errorbarsrepresent theeffectof a 100m errorin floor uplift on our inversionand the confidence intervalof Hall et al. [1981],respectively. WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS Comparison of DerivedEffective Wavenumbers .•. 4xTO'f - 3[ c) . as is likely on the Moon, bendingshouldinitiate pervasive failure at depth near the edge of the intrusion [Pollard and Johnson, 1973]. Since suchperipheralfailure separatesthe uplifted units from surroundingstrata, the final intrusion thicknesscan then be related to the driving magma pressure and to magmaticdensity[Pollard and Johnson,1973].In particular, if the uplifted roof block is totally supportedby magmaat the end of uplift, Pd=w,n (•+y,,) . 2xtO'4 IO'f -, •) relaxation model o Hall et al. (1981) solution of the intrusion. + Hallet ai. (1981)range o. 10. 15. 20. 25. 50. ,]5. 40. 45. Craterdiameter(krn) Figure A2. A comparisonof effectivewavenumberfrom our approach(stars)andthatimpliedin theHall et al. solution by the derivedrelaxationparameterand floor uplift (circles).The errorbarsreflecttherangeof t/rl derivedby Hall et al. (1981). Appendix B: Modeling Crater Modification by Laccolithic Intrusions Laccolithsare, by definition,intrusionsthat evolve from an initial sill-like form throughthe verticaluplift of overlying strata[Gilbert, 1877; Corry, 1988]. Consequently, the model relationsfor deformationover a laccolithtypically incorporate a force balancebetweenmagmaticpressuresinside the intrusion and elastic deformation (B2) In this equation,k is the magmayield strength(an essentially negligiblequantity),and Y,nrepresentsthe unit magmaweight •. .... 21,217 outside of the intrusion. Sincemagmapressuremustat leastequallithostaticpressure for intrusiongrowth,deformationover a laccolithshouldprimarily reflect the intrusionsize, the strengthof the overburden, and a drivingmagmaticpressure(Pd), whichis definedas the differencebetweenthemagmapressure (P,n)andthelithostaticpressure(Pt) [Johnsonand Pollard, 1973].In a sill, this drivingpressurecausesonly minor deformationthroughgeometrical stressconcentrationsat the edge of the intrusion [Pollard and Johnson,1973]. Becauseof lateral sill growth, however, the net upward load of magma on its overburden In combination,theseequationsthus provide a relatively straightforward basisfor reconstructing the sequenceand conditions of deformation over terrestrial laccoliths [Pollard and Johnson, 1973]. Given values for the intrusion size and thick- ness,equation(B2) constrainsthe magmaticpressure,P,t, and this value is then insertedinto equation(B1) to estimatethe effective overburden thickness under various conditions. Since satelliteimagescannotdirecfiy constrainthe size or thickness of a subsurfacelunar intrusion,however, the applicationof theserelationsto lunar crater modificationrequirestwo additional model assumptions.First, we assumethat the size of an upliftedcraterfloor plate providesan approximatesize for the underlying intrusion since horizontal intrusion growth appearsto be minimal after the initiation of fault-bounded, block uplift in terrestrial laccoliths [Pollard and Johnson, 1973]. Second,the changein craterdepthduring floor uplift providesa simple, minimum estimatefor the intrusionthickness, assumingthat peripheral failure precludessignificant horizontalstretchingof the uplifted craterfloor units. In addition,a rangeof modelestimatescan be derivedfor the depth of an intrusionbeneaththe crater floor. At one end of this range,the derivedT, valuesprovide a minimumpossible depth for the inferred intrusions since these values reflect deformationof each floor plate as a single elastic layer. Discreteimpactmelt units,fallbackejectalayers,anddeeper breccias,however,can producea crudelylayeredcraterfloor stratigraphy[Schultz,1976a;Denceet al., 1977], whichmay not deformas a singlelayer. On the Earth,layeredstratigra- phies allow intrusion depthsmuch greater than the derived effective elasticthicknesses[Pollard and Johnson,1973], and increases in proportion to the floor area of the intrusion for the extremecaseof a sequence of decoupledelasticlayers, [Gilbert, 1877] and when this load finally exceedsthe rigid the effective elastic thicknesscan be theoreticallyrelated to strengthof the crust,uplift can occurby flexure or failure of layer propertieswithin the sequence by the sum the overlying section. From the analysis of Pollard and Johnson [1973], such Bi uplift initially occursby flexure.Therefore,if the overburden is treatedas a layeredsequenceof elasticplates,the maximum extent of uplift over the intrusionis related to the driving where n is the numberof layersover the intrusion,B, is the elasticmodulususedto calculateTe, Bi represents the individpressure,Pd, and an effectiveelasticplatethickness, T,, by ual elasticmodulusfor each layer, and ti is the thicknessof 5.33w,n BT,3 layer. Thus, despitethe poor constraintson the subfloor Pd= a4 , (B1) each stratigraphyof lunar impactcraters,rudimentarymodelsalso wherew,n is the floor uplift; a is the radiusof the intrusionand can be derived to illustrate a likely range of crater-centered B is the elasticmodulus.While uplift is limited, suchflexure is intrusiondepthson the Moon. Sincethe lunar impactmelt and likely to produceonly limited brittle failure over the intrusion. breccia stratigraphies are likely to contain fewer, thicker As uplift continues,however,two responsesare possible.If layers than the sedimentarysectionshostingmost terrestrial crustalfailure is primarilyductilein character,flexurecan con- laccoliths,we have assumedfor this study that the uplifted tinue throughoutintrusiongrowth [Corry, 1988]. Alterna- floor sectionsare composedof no more than five layers, and tively, if failure is dominatedby brittle or elasticdeformation, that mostof theselayers are of equivalentthickness. T'3 =• '•t ti3' (B3) 21,218 WICHMAN AND SCHULTZ: CRATER RELAXATION AND INTRUSION MODELS Finally, the derived values for magmaticdriving pressure Neukum,G., B. Konig,andJ. 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