cutting raised - Pentland Plants
cutting raised - Pentland Plants
Yo u n g P l a n t C a t a l o g u e 2 0 1007 TERMS OF BUSINESS (1) Ordering: BY POST: All orders will be confirmed promptly BY PHONE: Our office is open 9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday Telephone 0131-440 0895 Sales Office Direct Line 0131-440 3455 BY FAX: At anytime 0131-448 2108 (2) Discounts: (a) Cumulative Quantity Discounts – This means the more you buy the better discount your orders will attract. Our discount year runs from 1st November to 31st October for deliveries and our computer system automatically adds all your orders together, no matter when they are placed, to give you the best possible discount. 1-50 trays catalogue price; 51-100 trays 2.5%; 101-200 trays 5%; 201-300 trays 7.5%; 301+ please ask for a quote. (b) Payment with order discount – 5% (c) Early order discount – for orders placed before 15th November 2009 less 5%, for orders placed before 31st December 2009 less 2.5%. All orders for delivery in 2010. (d) Cash and Carry discount – 5%. Collections only on Friday unless by prior arrangement. (e) Loyalty discount – If you bought plugs from Pentland in 2009 please deduct an extra 2% discount from all orders placed for delivery in 2010. (f) Discounts do not apply to royalty and labels. (3) Orders are accepted subject to plants being available from our own stock at time of delivery. The nearest equivalent variety will be substituted if any variety is not available unless orders are clearly marked 'No substitutes'. All despatch dates are target dates and we reserve the right to vary delivery dates according to weather conditions and other factors outwith our control. (4) The minimum carriage paid order for any one delivery is six trays, assuming they can all be delivered together, and orders less than this will have a surcharge of £10.00 per delivery. Four trays of 25’s are equivelent to one standard tray, 25’s must be ordered in multiples of four. (5) Prices exclude VAT but include packing and delivery to mainland UK. Deliveries to Eire, N. Ireland and the Islands by arrangement. (6) Please send payment with order unless you have a credit account with us. If you wish to open a credit account please ask for the necessary forms. We now accept payment by all major credit cards. (7) Credit Terms – All credit accounts are due for payment net 30 days from the date of invoice. Interest at the rate of 2% per month will be charged on overdue accounts. If credit terms have not been approved payment is due with order. (8) Cancellations – All cancellations must be in writing. If an order is cancelled less than three weeks prior to the delivery date we reserve the right to charge 90% of the invoice value plus VAT. See page 64 3.4. BOPP ACCREDITATION PENTLAND PLANTS has become an accredited grower under the British Ornamental Plant Producers accreditation scheme. This is your guarantee that all aspects of our nursery business are run to very high standards ensuring that you will receive quality produce. As an accredited grower we are inspected once a year. Pentland Plants must prove compliance with all parts of the special nursery manual to keep the accreditation mark. The nursery manual covers all aspects of the business, from growing procedures right through to customer care and environmental concerns. By being in the scheme we hope it will give you added confidence in our quality produce standards of care. Contents Pentland’s People ..........................2 Dahlia ..................................12, 41 Myosotis ....................................20 Customer Care ..............................3 Dianthus ..........................12-13, 41 Nemesia ....................................51 Cash and Carry! ............................4 Diascia........................................43 Nepeta........................................51 Colour Handles ..............................4 Dichondra ..................................13 Nicotiana ..............................20-21 Non Catalogue Items ....................4 Euonymus ...................................43 Ornamental Kale..........................21 What’s New ..................................5 Euphorbia....................................43 Osteospermum......................21, 51 Testimonials ................................37 Fuchsia..................................43-45 Pansy ....................................21-24 Standard Conditions of Sale ........64 Gaura..........................................45 Penstemon ................................ 51 Gazania ......................................13 Perennials..............................58-60 Ageratum ......................................6 Geranium ..................14-15, 45-47 Petunia ......................25-28, 53-55 Ajuga ..........................................39 Gerbera ......................................15 Phlox ..........................................55 Alternanthera ................................6 Godetia ......................................15 Plectranthus ..........................29, 55 Alyssum ........................................6 Grasses ......................................58 Polyanthus ..................................29 Angelonia....................................39 Gypsophila ..................................15 Primrose................................29-31 Antirrhinum ..................................6 Hedera ........................................47 Primula ......................................31 Argyranthemum ..........................39 Helianthus ..................................15 Pyrethrum ..................................31 Aster ............................................7 Helichrysum ..........................15, 47 Ranunculus ................................31 Aubrieta ......................................39 Heliotrope ..................................15 Rudbeckia ..................................32 Bacopa ......................................39 Herbs ....................................61-62 Salvia..........................................32 Begonia Semperflorens ..............7-8 Impatiens ..................16-17, 47-49 Sanvitalia ....................................55 Begonia Small/Double Flowered ..39 Ipomea........................................49 Scaevola ....................................55 Begonia Tuberous ....................8-10 Kochia ........................................17 Senetti ........................................55 Bellis ..........................................10 Lamium ......................................49 Shrubs ........................................63 Bidens ........................................41 Laurentia ....................................18 Stock ..........................................33 Brachycombe ..............................41 Lavender ....................................49 Sweet William..............................33 Calendula....................................11 Lobelia..................................18, 51 Torenia........................................55 Calibrachoa ................................41 Lonicera ......................................51 Trachelium ..................................33 Celosia........................................11 Lophospermum ..........................51 Vegetables and Fruits ............62-63 Cineraria ....................................11 Lysimachia ..................................51 Verbena ..........................33-34, 57 Coleus ........................................11 Marigold ................................18-19 Viola......................................34-35 Convolvulus ................................41 Mesembryanthemum ..................20 Wallflower ..................................36 Coreopsis....................................41 Micropropagation ........................36 Zinnia ........................................36 Cosmos ......................................11 Millet ..........................................20 Cyclamen ..............................11-12 Mimulus......................................20 Cover pictures (clockwise from top left): Pansy Mariposa White, Antirrhinum Aromas Fresh Lemon, Gazania Big Kiss White Flame and Begonia Go-Go Sunnyside-Up Mixture 1 PENTLAND’S PEOPLE DAVID S PRAY D i r ec to r H IL DA SPR AY D ir e c t o r JA C K I E C L A R K N u r s er y M a n a g e r C A R O L G O RD O N Sal e s M H A I R I M c P HE R S O N P r o d u c t io n Ma n a g e r K E VI N C L A R K D i s p a t c h M a n a g er CARO LYN S PRAY D ir e c t or IR EN E SM IT H R e c e pt io n A L IS O N B EL L Ac cou nt s O U R P R O D U C TI O N T E A M KAT E BL IC HAR SKA So win g Su pe r v is o r M A R TA B L I C H A R S K A Tran spl ant i ng Su pe rvis or R ICH AR D S PRAY D ir e c t or J EA N R EP E C K A C u t t in g M a n a ge r L E S L E Y BU R D E N P i c ki n g M a n a g e r K R Z Y S LA S Z K I E W I C Z Te ch ni cal S upe rvi sor JANET WILSON Sales After 15 years working with Pentland Plants, Janet will be retiring in December 2009. DRE W SCOTT Tran sp ort 2 M ARK TUR NBULL Ma i n t e n a n c e J O HN SA ND E RSO N Tra ns por t We would like to thank her for all her hard work and wish her well in the future CUSTOMER CARE We are very aware of how important it is for us to have the closest possible contact with you, our customers. We attend all the major trade shows each year and are always delighted to discuss your requirements. If you attend any of the shows please stop by and say “hello” so we can put a face to the name should you telephone us. Our team of Pentland Representatives will be pleased to help you plan your crops and select the best varieties. Please contact them direct if you wish a visit. PENTLAND PLANTS HEAD OFFICE: Contact Carolyn Spray Telephone: 0131 440 0895 • Sales Office Direct Line: 0131 440 3455 Fax: 0131 448 2108 • E-mail: [email protected] HIGHLANDS Central and South England GRAMPIAN TAYSIDE CE NT RA L NIGEL STEVENSON Sales Manager South East England and East Anglia E FIF LOTHIAN FRANK SOLOMON STRATHCLYDE NO RTH UM BE RLA N Tel: 01308 426527 Fax: 01308 426541 Mobile: 07813 696403 [email protected] D BORDERS DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY Tel/Fax: 01223 709561 Mobile: 07813 697619 [email protected] TYNE & WEAR CUMBRIA DURHAM ISLE OF MAN CLEVELAND NORTH YORKSHIRE LANCS EAST YORKS WEST YORKS ANGLESEY MERSEYSIDE SOUTH YORKS DERBY STAFFS SHROPSHIRE W. MID Scotland, North West and Northern Ireland IA N U N SW O R T H Tel: 01253 790207 Mobile: 07866 433 062 [email protected] LL WA RN O C DEVON GWENT ICK RW WA GLOUCESTER LINCS LEICS S NT HA CAMBS TH R NO BEDS OXFORD BUCKS W. GLAM MID GLAM S. GLAM LAN DS WO RC S S WY PO RD HEREFO DYFED NORTH LINCS CHESHIRE NO TT S GWYNEDD CLWYD GTR MANCHESTER HERTS ESSEX GREATER BE RKSHIRE WILTSHIRE LONDON SOMERSET RE HI SURREY S KENT MP HA WEST DORSET EAST SUSSEX SUSSEX ON AV ISLE OF WIGHT NORFOLK SUFFOLK North East England R ON NE W T ON Tel/Fax: 01748 850603 Mobile: 07974 969871 3 CASH AND CARRY! We have cash and carry each Friday at Pentland Plants starting at the end of February through to the beginning of May and again from the beginning of August through to the end of September. The cash and carry is open from 9am until 3:30pm. You can come and browse through our surplus stock of plugs and top up on any extra plants that you may need. There is a wide range of varieties and colours available as full and part trays. Availability changes from week to week and specific plants cannot be guaranteed. Plants are sold on a first come, first served basis. There is a minimum spend of £25.00 including VAT. Payment by cash or card only. If you are close enough to drive to us then it is definitely recommended as there are fantastic savings to be had! Lesley and her team look forward to meeting you. COLOUR CO-ORDINATED HANDLES Last year we designed a picture handle for a carry tray which hold 6 x 9cm basket and container plants that we sell in our garden centre. We were delighted at the response from our customers who love the idea they could pick up six pots of colour co-ordinated plants. The handles are non-specific to allow you to select six plants of the right colour looking good at the time. They have been a great success and have helped increase sales. There are three handles – pink shades, hot shades and blue shades – costing 12p each plus VAT, sold in bundles of 50. NON-CATALOGUE ITEMS The varieties we have chosen for inclusion in our catalogue are excellent proven varieties. However if you particularly want a variety we do not list, we can grow these specially for you. Experts in Design and Installation of Woodfuel Heating Efficient, Reliable and Well Constructed Boiler Systems Ongoing Service Support High Quality, Clean Wood from Local Sustainable Forests Delivery throughout the UK High Speed Contract Chipping available 0131 440 0895 4 There is a minimum order of ten standard trays per variety, per delivery. We can only guarantee to supply the number of plants which germinate and we cannot resow if the germination is poor. These varieties will carry no discount. Terms and conditions are available on request. NEW VARIETIES FROM PENTLAND We have an amazing range of exciting new varieties to offer you this year. Many are proven favourites and others are improved breeding. Our industry thrives on “SOMETHING DIFFERENT” for our customers to try and this selection is second to none. BEGONIA GO-GO ANTIRRHINUM AROMAS Earlier to flower than Non-Stops. This new pink shades mixture is sure to be a hit. Improves upon and replaces Ribbon. Uniform plant habit and timing, well branched plants and strong stems. BE G O N I A G O - G O S W E E T HE A RT M I X E D A N T I R R H I N U M AR O M A S GAZANIA BIG KISS VERBENA EMPRESS Big 11.5cm blooms on full bushy plants which fill containers and borders quickly. Extra large blooms and uniform in habit. An outstanding series with three new colours. G A Z AN I A B I G K I S S Y E L L O W F L A M E V ER B EN A E M PR E SS SA L M O N P INK CALIBRACHOA ALOHA PETUNIA SURPRISE TWIST A dark velvety purple makes a superb new addition to the series. Semi upright habit with large flowers. An excellent medium vigorous variety with a large flower. Also new is Surprise Yellow Twist. P E T U N I A SU RP R I S E O R A N G E T W I ST CA L I B R A C H O A A L O H A M I D N I G H T P U R P L E PETUNIA SURPRISE PETUNIA POTUNIA One of the exciting new colours added to the Surprise range. An upright variety ideal for pot production with rounded habit and intense flower power. P E T U N I A S U R P R I S E S TA R B U R S T P E T U N I A P O T U N I A CA P P U C C I N O IMPATIENS NEW GUINEA RIVIERA IMPATIENS SUNPATIENS COMPACT A superb new variety with eight stunning colours. Medium vigorous growth with large flowers. IM PATI E N S NE W G U IN E A R I V I E R A R E D S TA R Large eye-catching flowers and excellent vigour. Flowers from spring through to hard frost. I M PAT I E N S S U N PAT I E N S C O M P A C T O R A N G E 5 A Ageratum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £23.10 6.6p Wks 10-24 230 £18.86 8.2p CHAMPION BLUE – Mid-blue flowers on compact plants LEILANI BLUE – Clear blue. Height 35-50cm Ageratum Champion Blue Alternanthera Purple Knight Alyssum Golf White SEED RAISED ANNUALS Alternanthera Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-20 100 £29.60 29.6p PURPLE KNIGHT – Dark purple foliage for contrast Alyssum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 610 £25.01 4.1p Wks 8-20 350 £19.60 5.6p GOLF VIOLET – Compact violet GOLF WHITE – Very popular, white GOLF BRIGHT MIXED – Strong colours SNOWCRYSTALS – Tetraploid with large flowers Alyssum Golf Violet Alyssum Golf Bright Mixed Antirrhinum Bells Mixed Antirrhinum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 350 £30.10 8.6p F1 AROMAS. Improves upon and replaces the Ribbon series. Uniform for plant habit and timing. Well branched plants and strong stems. Height 60-75cm F1 AROMAS FRENCH VANILLA – NEW – White F1 AROMAS FRESH LEMON – NEW – Lemon yellow F1 AROMAS MAGENTA MIST – NEW – Magenta F1 AROMAS ORCHID BLISS – NEW – Orchid F1 AROMAS PEACH BREEZE – NEW – Peach/yellow F1 AROMAS RED SPICE – NEW – Bright red F1 AROMAS SWEET PINK – NEW – Soft pink F1 AROMAS MIXED – NEW – A mixture of all the colours 6 Antirrhinum Aromas Fresh Lemon Antirrhinum Aromas Magenta Mist Antirrhinum Aromas Orchid Bliss Antirrhinum Aromas Peach Breeze Antirrhinum Aromas Red Spice Antirrhinum Aromas Sweet Pink Antirrhinum Order for Wks 8-20 Plants/tray 350 Price/tray £23.10 Price/each 6.6p F1 BELLS MIXED – Long lasting ‘Butterfly’ type florets with strong basal branching habit. Grow in pots/packs/ colour bowls. A mix of all the colours. Height 20-25cm F1 LA BELLA. A variety similar to Sonnet but flowers one week earlier on compact plants. Performed very well in our trials. Height 50-60cm F1 LA BELLA BRONZE – Soft bronze F1 LA BELLA LAVENDER – Strong lavender F1 LA BELLA LIGHT PINK – Pink F1 LA BELLA PURPLE – Magenta F1 LA BELLA RED – Orange red F1 LA BELLA RED AND WHITE – Red Antirrhinum La Bella with white throat Mixed F1 LA BELLA ROSE – Strong rose F1 LA BELLA WHITE – Ivory white F1 LA BELLA YELLOW – Clear yellow F1 LA BELLA MIXED – Formula mix FLORAL SHOWERS. Dwarf day neutral Antirrhinum suitable for autumn containers. Height 20cm Available Wks 28-32 only FLORAL SHOWERS APRICOT BICOLOUR – Apricot and yellow FLORAL SHOWERS DEEP BRONZE – Dark bronze FLORAL SHOWERS RED AND YELLOW – Red and yellow bicolour FLORAL SHOWERS ROSE – Vibrant rose FLORAL SHOWERS YELLOW – Pure clear yellow FLORAL SHOWERS WINE BICOLOUR – Purple-white bicolour FLORAL SHOWERS MIXED – A mix of all the colours Antirrhinum Floral Showers Wine Bicolour Antirrhinum Floral Showers Apricot Bicolour Antirrhinum Floral Showers Rose A Aster Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 350 £19.60 5.6p ROUNDABOUT MIXED – Dome-shaped special bedding Aster Dwarf, recommended for parks and bedding work Aster Milady Mixed Aster Roundabout Mixed Begonia Bada Bing Pink Begonia Bada Bing Rose Begonia Bada Bing Rose Bicolour Begonia Bada Bing Scarlet Begonia Bada Bing Soft Pink Begonia Bada Bing Mixed Begonia Bada Boom Pink Begonia Bada Boom Rose Begonia Bada Boom Rose Bicolour Begonia Bada Boom Scarlet Begonia Bada Boom White Begonia Bada Boom Mixed Begonia Semperflorens A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £23.80 6.8p Wks 10-22 230 £23.23 10.1p F1 BADA BING and F1 BADA BOOM. Green and bronze leaf series loaded with flowers. The ideal choice for mass planting and borders, reach 20-25cm, 10-14 days earlier than the market leader F1 BADA BING PINK – Light pink, green leaf F1 BADA BING ROSE – Rose pink, green leaf F1 BADA BING ROSE BICOLOUR – Pink edged white, green leaf F1 BADA BING SCARLET – Top Seller – Bright scarlet, green leaf F1 BADA BING SOFT PINK – NEW – Soft blush pink F1 BADA BING WHITE – Top Seller – Pure white, green leaf F1 BADA BING MIXED – A mixture of the above green leafed colours F1 BADA BOOM PINK – Top Seller – Bright pink, bronze leaf F1 BADA BOOM ROSE – Bright rose, bronze leaf F1 BADA BOOM ROSE BICOLOUR – NEW – White centers with bold rose edges F1 BADA BOOM SCARLET – Top Seller – Bright red, bronze leaf F1 BADA BOOM WHITE – Top Seller – White, bronze leaf F1 BADA BOOM MIXED – A mixture of the above bronze leafed colours F1 BADA TOTAL MIXED – NEW – A mixture of both green and bronze leaf varieties SEED RAISED ANNUALS MILADY MIXED – A well-proportioned mixture of the separate colours. Flowers are fully double and long lasting. Height 30cm 7 B Begonia Semperflorens Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £24.85 7.1p Wks 10-22 230 £24.38 10.6p F1 BAYOU MIXED – A mixture of colours. A must for parks as the vigorous plants reach 35-40cms and need a lower planting density F1 DEVIL MIXED – Superb bronze shaded mixture. The brightly coloured flowers contrast well with the dark bronze foliage F1 ORGANDY MIXED – A mixture of colours in both bronze and green leafed types, well matched for habit and flowering period F1 SUPER OLYMPIA MIXED – A well-proportioned mixture of colours. Large flowers on a compact plant contrast well with bright glossy green foliage SEED RAISED ANNUALS Begonia Bayou Mixed Begonia Devil Mixed Begonia Organdy Mixed Begonia Super Olympia Mixed Begonia Semperflorens Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £43.40 12.4p 8 Begonia Big Red Green Leaf A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-20 84 £25.62 30.5p F1 GO-GO. Large flowered Begonia from Goldsmith. Uniform and early to flower with excellent garden performance F1 GO-GO APPLE BLOSSOM – Delicate pink and white F1 GO-GO CHERRY – Bright unusual cherry F1 GO-GO LIGHT YELLOW – Top Seller – Primrose F1 GO-GO ORANGE – Top Seller – Bright orange F1 GO-GO RED – Crimson red F1 GO-GO ROSE – NEW – Rose pink F1 GO-GO SALMON – Good salmon F1 GO-GO SCARLET – Top Seller – Bright red F1 GO-GO WHITE – Top Seller – Clear white F1 GO-GO YELLOW – Bright yellow F1 GO-GO MIXED – Top Seller – A mix of the above F1 GO-GO SUNNYSIDE UP MIXED – NEW – A mix of light yellow, yellow and white F1 GO-GO SWEETHEART MIXED – NEW – A mix of cherry, apple blossom and rose Begonia Go-Go Apple Blossom Begonia Go-Go Cherry Begonia Go-Go Light Yellow Begonia Go-Go Orange Begonia Go-Go Red Begonia Go-Go Rose Wks 10-22 230 £36.57 15.9p F1 BIG. Large showy flowers, glossy bronze and green leaves. Early flowering and vigorous. Height 35cm F1 BIG RED BRONZE LEAF – Red flowers (5-8cm) over a bronze leaf F1 BIG RED GREEN LEAF – Red flowers (5-8cm) over a green leaf F1 BIG ROSE BRONZE LEAF – Rose flowers (5-8cm) over a bronze leaf Begonia Big Red Bronze Leaf Begonia Tuberous Begonia Big Rose Bronze Leaf B Begonia Go-Go Scarlet Begonia Illumination Apricot Begonia Go-Go White Begonia Go-Go Yellow Begonia Illumination Peaches ‘n Cream Begonia Illumination Orange Begonia Illumination Salmon Pink Begonia Illumination Scarlet F1 ILLUMINATION SCARLET – Vibrant eye catching scarlet F1 ILLUMINATION WHITE – Pure white F1 ILLUMINATION MIXED – Top Seller – Mixture of the above Begonia Go-Go Mixed Begonia Go-Go Sunnyside Up Mixed Begonia Go-Go Sweetheart Mixed F1 NON-STOP. Tuberous rooted with non-stop flowering habit, shiny green foliage with large blooms F1 NON-STOP APPLE BLOSSOM – Pink and white F1 NON-STOP APRICOT – Top Seller – Clear apricot orange F1 NON-STOP BRIGHT RED – Rich crimson scarlet F1 NON-STOP BRIGHT ROSE – Deep rose F1 NON-STOP DEEP RED – Large double deep red flowers F1 NON-STOP DEEP SALMON – Glowing salmon F1 NON-STOP FIRE – Hot shades of yellow, gold, orange and red Begonia Non-Stop Apple Blossom SEED RAISED ANNUAL Begonia Go-Go Salmon Begonia Tuberous Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-20 84 £26.88 32p F1 ILLUMINATION. Floriferous cascading Begonias for baskets or containers F1 ILLUMINATION APRICOT – Top Seller – A beautiful soft apricot tinged with yellow in this popular range F1 ILLUMINATION ORANGE – Top Seller – Vigorously branching stems are smothered in vivid orange flowers F1 ILLUMINATION PEACHES ‘N CREAM – NEW – Soft peaches and cream colour shades F1 ILLUMINATION ROSE – Masses of vibrant rose flowers F1 ILLUMINATION SALMON PINK – Top Seller – Very prolific cascading habit, double bright pink flowers with a touch of salmon Begonia Non-Stop Apricot Begonia Non-Stop Bright Red Begonia Non-Stop Bright Rose Begonia Non-Stop Deep Red Begonia Non-Stop Deep Salmon Begonia Non-Stop Fire 9 B F1 NON-STOP GOLDEN ORANGE – Scarlet buds opening to flame F1 NON-STOP ORANGE – Deep orange F1 NON-STOP PINK IMPROVED – Top Seller – Shades of soft warm pink F1 NON-STOP ROSE PETTICOAT – Rose pink bicolour F1 NON-STOP SCARLET – Warm scarlet F1 NON-STOP WHITE – Clear white F1 NON-STOP YELLOW – Top Seller – Bright yellow F1 NON-STOP PASTEL MIXED – Pastel shades F1 NON-STOP MIXED – Top Seller – Blend of above colours Begonia Pin-Up Flame Begonia Pin-Up Rose F1 PIN-UP. The first tuberous rooted Begonia to display all single flowers. Four petals, two large and two small form a circular flower up to 12cm across F1 PIN-UP FLAME – Golden yellow and red bicolour F1 PIN-UP ROSE – The flowers have a pure white centre radiating out into a bold pink margin Bellis SEED RAISED ANNUALS Begonia Non-Stop Golden Orange Begonia Non-Stop Rose Petticoat Begonia Non-Stop Orange Begonia Non-Stop White F1 NON-STOP MOCCA. Tuberous rooted with non-stop flowering habit and bronze leaves F1 NON-STOP MOCCA DEEP ORANGE – Deep orange F1 NON-STOP MOCCA PINK SHADES – Top Seller – Bright pink F1 NON-STOP MOCCA SCARLET – Bright red F1 NON-STOP MOCCA WHITE – Pure white F1 NON-STOP MOCCA YELLOW – Bright yellow F1 NON-STOP MOCCA MIXED – Top Seller – A mixture of the above colours Begonia Non-Stop Pink Improved Begonia Non-Stop Yellow 10 Wks 30-40 230 £15.18 6.6p HABANERA RED – NEW – Mid crimson double flowers HABANERA ROSE – NEW – Light pink double flowers HABANERA WHITE – NEW – Pure white HABANERA MIXED – NEW – Mixture of the above. Height 15cm TASSO STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM – Good sized flowers deep pink in middle fading to creamy white TASSO MIXED – A mixture of all the colours Begonia Non-Stop Mocca – Deep Orange, Scarlet, White, Yellow Bellis Tasso Mixed Bellis Speedstar Mixed Bellis Begonia Non-Stop Mocca Pink Shades F1 ON TOP. Excellent picotee varieties with prolonged flowering F1 ON TOP PINK HALO – White with pink picotee F1 ON TOP SUNSET SHADES – Top Seller – Yellow and apricot with scarlet edges Begonia On Top Pink Halo Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Begonia On Top Sunset Shades Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 30-40 230 £19.09 8.3p F1 SPEEDSTAR. Abundant semi-double blooms. Low growing temperature requirement for autumn or early spring sales F1 SPEEDSTAR CARMINE – Deep carmine red F1 SPEEDSTAR ROSE – Good strong rose F1 SPEEDSTAR WHITE – Clear white F1 SPEEDSTAR MIXED – A mix of the three colours Bellis Tasso Strawberries and Cream Calendula Calypso Bright Yellow Calendula Calypso Orange B C Calendula Wks 8-20 230 £25.30 11p CALYPSO. Compact with large double flowers CALYPSO BRIGHT YELLOW – Bright golden yellow with green leaves CALYPSO ORANGE – Orange Celosia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each FRESH LOOK RED – Red plumes FRESH LOOK YELLOW – Yellow Celosia Fresh Look Yellow and plumes Red FRESH LOOK MIXED – A mix of all the colours. Height 35cm Cineraria Pot Wks 33-42 84 £21.84 26p STARWARS MIXED – Short sturdy habit and can be described as a multiflora type producing masses of bright flowers in a tight ball above the foliage WIZARD. The ultimate in seed raised Coleus with a good colour range WIZARD CORAL SUNRISE – Pink and Coleus Wizard Mixed green leaves WIZARD JADE – Top Seller – Clear ivory, green edges WIZARD GOLDEN – Green and gold WIZARD ROSE – Red and green with green edge WIZARD SCARLET – Pale green edge with a bronze red centre WIZARD SUNSET – Vivid apricot WIZARD VELVET RED – Top Seller – Rich red WIZARD MIXED – Top Seller – A blend of all the colours and types Cosmos Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 230 £27.14 11.8p Cineraria Silver Dust Cineraria Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 14-20 230 £18.86 8.2p SONATA. Excellent plant for borders or patio. Good cut flower SONATA CARMINE – Vibrant wine colour SONATA PINK – Soft pink SONATA WHITE – Pure white SONATA MIXED – A blend of all the colours Cineraria Jester Mixed Order for Coleus Wizard Scarlet Coleus JESTER MIXED – Compact rounded plant habit with uniform blooming across the colour range Cineraria Starwars Mixed Coleus Wizard Jade Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 14-20 230 £24.84 10.8p Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Coleus Wizard Coral Sunrise SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 and 28-32 350 £19.25 5.5p Wks 10-24 230 £18.86 8.2p CIRRUS – Dwarf variety with rounded silver leaves, keeps leaves longer than other strains. Weather resistant SILVER DUST – Compact, silver leaves deeply cut in a lacy pattern. Height 20cm Cosmos Sonata Carmine Cosmos Sonata White Cosmos Sonata Pink Cyclamen Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 24-30 230 £81.65 35.5p F1 MIRACLE. Miniature Cyclamen with long lasting fragrant flowers and good uniform habit F1 MIRACLE MIXED – A well balanced mixture F1 MIRACLE FLAME MIXED – Mix of white edged flowers 11 C Cyclamen Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 24-30 230 £81.65 35.5p SILVERADO. Mini type with nicely marbled silver and green foliage. There is no other mini silver leaf on the market SILVERADO SCARLET – Bright scarlet red SILVERADO WHITE – Pure clear white SILVERADO PURPLE FLAME MIXED – Shades of purple flame colour SILVER HEART MIXED – Unique, eye-catching foliage is covered with silvery hearts. Fragrant and has a smaller habit which tends to be more heat tolerant and tougher in the garden. Frost tolerant SEED RAISED ANNUALS Cyclamen Silver Heart Mixed Cyclamen Sterling Mixed Dianthus Super Parfait Strawberry Dianthus Super Parfait Raspberry Dianthus Super Parfait Red Peppermint Dianthus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £29.40 8.4p Wks 10-24 230 £25.30 11p (mixed only) F1 SUPER PARFAIT. Improved version of the Parfait series. Three early flowering ‘eyed’ Dianthus with outstanding performance and compact habit F1 SUPER PARFAIT RASPBERRY – Royal crimson with deep crimson eye F1 SUPER PARFAIT RED PEPPERMINT – White with a red eye F1 SUPER PARFAIT STRAWBERRY – Light rose with deep scarlet eye F1 SUPER PARFAIT MIXED – A mix of the above Cyclamen Sierra Mixed Cyclamen Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 20-28 84 £40.32 48p F1 STERLING MIXED – A mixture of all the colours. The first silver leaf F1 Hybrid intermediate Cyclamen on the market F1 SIERRA MIXED – A formula mixture of Sierra colours. Outstanding F1 hybrid producing an abundance of large blooms on short, strong stems. An attractive marbled foliage giving a good shape Dahlia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 230 £21.85 9.5p DIABLO MIXED – Mixed double flowers in vivid colours against deep bronze foliage. Height 40cm FIGARO IMPROVED MIXED – Early, uniform. Height 30cm Dianthus Ideal Select Salmon Dianthus Ideal Select Violet Dianthus Ideal Select Raspberry Dianthus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22/28-32 350 £29.40 8.4p Wks 10-24 230 £25.30 11p (mixed only) F1 IDEAL SELECT. A compact plant with outstanding pack and garden performance. Produces blooms up to 4cm diameter, blooming habit throughout the season. Flowers 10-14 days earlier than Princess and new cultural techniques open new marketing opportunities for this species. Height 20-25cm F1 IDEAL SELECT RASPBERRY – Rose and pink bicolour F1 IDEAL SELECT RED – Deep scarlet F1 IDEAL SELECT ROSE – Bright rose F1 IDEAL SELECT SALMON – Pure salmon F1 IDEAL SELECT VIOLET – Dark violet purple F1 IDEAL SELECT WHITE – Pure white F1 IDEAL SELECT WHITE FIRE – Pure white, red centre F1 IDEAL SELECT MIXED – Top Seller – Blend of all above colours SALES OFFICE DIRECT LINE 0131 440 3455 Dahlia Diablo Mixed 12 Dahlia Figaro Improved Mixed We accept payment by all major credit cards Dianthus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Gazania Wks 10-24 230 £27.60 12p Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each F1 NOVERNA. This annual Sweet William needs no vernalisation so will flower in the first year. Flowers all summer with large heads. Height 45cm F1 NOVERNA MIXED – A formulated mixture Wks 8-22 350 £35.00 10p D Wks 10-24 230 £29.90 13p F1 BIG KISS. Big 4.5’’ blooms on full, bushy plants fill containers quickly. Height 20-25cm F1 BIG KISS WHITE FLAME – NEW – Rose stripes against a creamy white background F1 BIG KISS YELLOW FLAME – NEW – Mahogany-red stripes against a bright yellow background Gazania Dianthus Noverna Mixed Dichondra Silver Falls Dichondra Emerald Falls Dichondra Wks 8-20 Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 100 £25.80 25.8p EMERALD FALLS – Excellent trailing plant for hanging baskets and mixed containers SILVER FALLS – A superb silver grey trailing plant Gazania Big Kiss White Flame Gazania Kiss Orange Flame Gazania Big Kiss Yellow Flame Gazania Kiss Yellow Flame Wks 10-24 230 £25.30 11p F1 KISS. An early flowering variety which is naturally compact with short basal branching. Flowers remain open even on dark or cooler days F1 KISS BRONZE – Rich gold to bright orange F1 KISS BRONZE STAR – Bronze centre, yellow border F1 KISS GOLD – Golden orange F1 KISS GOLDEN YELLOW – Warm yellow with mahogany centre stripe F1 KISS LEMON SHADES – Attractive shades of lemon F1 KISS MAHOGANY – Deep burgundy F1 KISS ORANGE – Top Seller – Vibrant orange F1 KISS ORANGE FLAME – Top Seller – Orange with red – mahogany stripes F1 KISS ROSE – Attractive shades of rose F1 KISS WHITE – Ivory white F1 KISS YELLOW – Top Seller – Bright yellow F1 KISS YELLOW FLAME – Top Seller – Yellow/bronze F1 KISS MIXED – Top Seller – A mixture of Kiss colours F1 KISS FLAMED MIXED – NEW – Mix of the flame types F1 KISS FROSTY MIXED – Top Seller – A mixture of all the silver leaf varieties F1 KISS THE SUN MIXED – NEW – Designer mixture of yellow, white and lemon shades Gazania Kiss Golden Yellow Gazania Kiss Mixed Wks 8-22 350 £28.00 8p Gazania Kiss Lemon Shades Gazania Kiss Flame Mixed SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Gazania Kiss Mahogany Gazania Kiss Frosty Mixed Gazania Kiss The Sun Mixed 13 G Geranium A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Order for Wks 6-20 Wks 6-20 Wks 6-20 Plants/tray 350 230 100 Price/tray £41.65 £41.40 £21.30 Price/each 11.9p 18p 21.3p 350-size cell is now a peat-free glue plug SEED RAISED ANNUALS F1 PENTLAND. Our special selection chosen for uniformity and excellent colour range F1 PENTLAND APPLE BLOSSOM – Top Seller – Pale pink/white F1 PENTLAND CHERRY – Cherry pink F1 PENTLAND DEEP RED – Top Seller – Deep scarlet F1 PENTLAND DEEP SALMON – Good deep colour F1 PENTLAND HOT PINK – Strong pink F1 PENTLAND ORANGE – Bright orange F1 PENTLAND ROSE – Soft rose F1 PENTLAND SCARLET – Top Seller – Warm scarlet F1 PENTLAND VIOLET – Cerise pink violet F1 PENTLAND WHITE – Pure white F1 PENTLAND MIXED – Top Seller – Mixture of the above Geranium Pentland Apple Blossom Geranium Pentland Cherry Geranium Pentland Deep Red Geranium Pentland Deep Salmon Geranium Pentland Hot Pink Geranium Pentland Orange Geranium Pentland Rose Geranium Pentland Scarlet Geranium Pentland Violet Geranium Pentland White Geranium Order for Wks 6-20 Wks 6-20 Wks 6-20 Plants/tray 350 230 100 Price/tray £55.30 £46.00 £25.40 Price/each 15.8p 20p 25.4p 350-size cell is now a peat-free glue plug F1 BULLSEYE. Dark chocolate foliage with green edges and stunning colours make this a must to try. Height 32-37cm F1 BULLSEYE CHERRY – Warm cherry F1 BULLSEYE LIGHT PINK – Silver pink F1 BULLSEYE SALMON – Rich salmon F1 BULLSEYE SCARLET – Glowing scarlet F1 BULLSEYE MIXED – Formula mix F1 MAVERICK. Large bold flowers suitable for pots or packs with excellent garden performance. Height 30-40cm F1 MAVERICK APPLE BLOSSOM – Delicate shades of soft pink with zoned foliage F1 MAVERICK CORAL – Bright coral orange F1 MAVERICK GLOW – Pink with a cherry red centre F1 MAVERICK ORANGE – A vivid orange scarlet F1 MAVERICK PINK – Top Seller – Bright rose pink F1 MAVERICK QUICK SILVER – Frosty lavender, silver zoned foliage F1 MAVERICK RED – Top Seller – Pillar box red F1 MAVERICK SALMON – Strong salmon pink F1 MAVERICK SALMON CONFETTI – Salmon ripple F1 MAVERICK SCARLET – Top Seller – Bright scarlet F1 MAVERICK STAR – Two-tone pink with rose eye F1 MAVERICK VIOLET – NEW – Bright violet-rose F1 MAVERICK WHITE – Top Seller – Snow white F1 MAVERICK MIXED – Top Seller – A mixture of the colours Geranium Bullseye Cherry 14 Geranium Bullseye Light Pink Geranium Bullseye Salmon Godetia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Geranium Maverick Violet Geranium Maverick Mixed Geranium Order for Wks 6-20 Wks 6-20 Wks 6-20 Plants/tray 350 230 100 Price/tray £55.30 £46.00 £25.40 Price/each 15.8p 20p 25.4p 350-size cell is now a peat-free glue plug F1 MULTIBLOOM MIXED – A mixture of colours. Popular variety for parks and gardens. Free flowering and colourful. Height 25-30cm F1 RIPPLE MIXED – A mixture of colours. Unique among modern seed raised Geraniums. Ripple has flowers with a distinctive dark fleck on a lighter background. Height 30-40cm F1 SATIN MIXED – A profuse flowering dwarf variety suitable for pots or containers. A blend of all the colours Gypsophila Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Geranium Ripple Mixed Geranium Summer Showers Mixed Geranium Ivy Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 100 £48.30 48.3p SUMMER SHOWERS MIXED – Ideal for hanging baskets as the plants have good basal branching, developing a cascading habit. A mixture of colours Gerbera Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-20 100 £30.50 30.5p Wks 8-24 100 £19.40 19.4p GYPSY – Semi double flowers are borne in profusion, excellent for pots, containers and baskets. A semi double pink Gypsophila Gypsy Geranium Multibloom Mixed Wks 8-24 230 £51.52 22.4p Helianthus Choco Sun Helianthus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-20 100 £20.50 20.5p CHOCO SUN – Golden-yellow flowers with dark centre. Compact, uniform habit with small, deep green leaves. Branching Sunflower ideal for pot production. Early flowering Helichrysum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 100 £30.00 30p SEED RAISED ANNUALS Geranium Maverick Salmon Confetti G SILVERMIST – Small leafed silver foliage F1 DURORA MIXED – NEW – Colourful mini-gerbera ideal for pots and can be used outside on a sunny patio. Early, compact with an excellent shelf-life. More than 90% of the plants have double flowers F1 FESTIVAL MINI MIXED – An exciting mix of all the colours. Unique petite flowers on compact plants. Perfect for pot production. Ideal as an eye catcher in mixed patio containers Helichrysum Silvermist Heliotrope Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Gerbera Durora Mixed Gerbera Festival Mini Mixed Godetia Satin Mixed Heliotrope Marine Wks 10-24 350 £29.05 8.3p HELIOTROPE MARINE – Large umbels of deep violet flowers over dark green leaves, popular with parks 15 M I Impatiens A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Order for Wks 8-22 Wks 10-24 Wks 10-24 Plants/tray 350 230 100 Price/tray £23.10 £22.08 £21.90 Price/each 6.6p 9.6p 21.9p Impatiens Xtreme Rose Impatiens Xtreme Salmon Impatiens Xtreme Scarlet Impatiens Xtreme Violet Impatiens Xtreme Hot! Mixture Impatiens Xtreme Little Gem Mixture Impatiens Xtreme Pastel Mixture Impatiens Xtreme Rosy Mixture Impatiens Xtreme Utopia Mixture (mixed only) SEED RAISED ANNUALS 16 F1 XTREME. A series well suited to high density mass production, genetically dwarf. Fast cropping and uniform. Well suited for containers, borders and hanging baskets F1 XTREME DEEP SALMON – Rich salmon F1 XTREME LILAC – Strong deep lilac F1 XTREME ORANGE – Bright orange F1 XTREME PINK – Mid pink F1 XTREME RED – Top Seller – Crimson red F1 XTREME ROSE – Top Seller – Strong rose F1 XTREME SALMON – Salmon F1 XTREME SCARLET – Light scarlet F1 XTREME VIOLET – Top Seller – Bright violet F1 XTREME WHITE – Top Seller – Pure white F1 XTREME MIXED – Top Seller – A blend of the above colours F1 XTREME HOT! MIXTURE – Deep salmon, red, salmon, scarlet and white F1 XTREME LITTLE GEM MIXTURE – Lavender, pink, violet and white F1 XTREME PASTEL MIXTURE – White, lilac, salmon, lavender F1 XTREME ROSY MIXTURE – Pink, rose, violet and white F1 XTREME SAPPHIRE MIXTURE – Pink, lavender and violet F1 XTREME UTOPIA MIXTURE – Lavender, rose, salmon and violet Impatiens Xtreme Lilac Impatiens Xtreme Orange Impatiens Xtreme Sapphire Mixture Impatiens Xtreme Pink Impatiens Xtreme Red Impatiens Xtreme Mixed I Impatiens Wks 8-22 350 £24.50 7p Wks 10-24 230 £23.92 10.4p F1 ACCENT. The free branching habit results in a well proportioned plant bearing a profusion of large flowers in a wide range of colours. An ever popular tried and tested variety F1 ACCENT BRIGHT EYE – Flowers of white blushing to pale pink, with a deep rose eye F1 ACCENT DEEP PINK – Vivid pink F1 ACCENT LAVENDER BLUE – Flowers of iridescent lavender-blue F1 ACCENT ORANGE – Vibrant, rich orange flowers are produced on superbly uniform plants F1 ACCENT PINK PICOTEE – Excellent picotee F1 ACCENT RED – Large, solid crimson-red flowers smother the plants F1 ACCENT ROSE – Brilliant rose flowers – deepening towards the centres F1 ACCENT SALMON – Salmon-pink – a true and warm salmon colour F1 ACCENT SALMON PICOTEE – Salmon swirl F1 ACCENT VIOLET – Flowers of stunning, vibrant violetpurple. Quite vigorous F1 ACCENT WHITE – Very large flowers of brilliant, pure white F1 ACCENT MIXED – A formula mixture of all the separate colours F1 ACCENT BLUSHING FLAME – A designer mix of blush pink and burgundy F1 ACCENT CHELSEA MIXED – A designer mix of rose, pink, bright eye and white F1 ACCENT EVENING FALLS – A sunset designer mixture of burgundy, blush pink, apricot and scarlet F1 ACCENT MYSTIC MIXED – A designer mix of violet, bright eye, lilac and lavender blue F1 ACCENT SUNRISE MIXED – A designer mix of orange, apricot, coral, salmon and white Impatiens Accent Sunrise Mixed Impatiens Accent Mixed F1 MOSAIC IMPRESSION MIXED – A designer mixture of all the Mosaic colours and Accent White. Mosaic petals have a unique mottled pattern which gives a textured effect F1 SWIRL MIXED – A bicolour mix of pink, raspberry and peach shades with a picotee edge. Colours have a beautiful iridescent quality Impatiens Fanciful Tropical Mixed Impatiens Mosaic Impression Mixed Impatiens Fanciful Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £33.60 9.6p F1 FANCIFUL TROPICAL MIXED – An attractive variation of standard Impatiens as each flower is semi-double. A selection of warm colours ideal for containers Kochia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Impatiens Accent Pink Picotee Impatiens Accent Blushing Flame Impatiens Accent Chelsea Mixed Impatiens Accent Evening Falls Impatiens Swirl Mixed TRICOPHYLLA – Burning Bush. Green foliage turns red in the autumn. Useful dot plant which is very popular with park departments to add height and interest in planting schemes SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 100 £29.90 29.9p Kochia Tricophylla 17 M L Laurentia Avantgarde Blue Laurentia Avantgarde Pink Lobelia Fountain Lilac Laurentia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-24 230 £48.76 21.2p SEED RAISED ANNUALS AVANTGARDE. Stunning for baskets and containers. Masses of star-shaped flowers produced during the summer. Height 30cm AVANTGARDE BLUE – Powdery blue AVANTGARDE PINK – Pale pink AVANTGARDE WHITE – Pure white Lobelia Bedding Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 610 £21.35 3.5p Wks 8-22 350 £19.60 5.6p CAMBRIDGE BLUE – Clear sky blue CRYSTAL PALACE – Top Seller – Bronze leaves, deep blue MRS CLIBRAN – Deep blue, white eye ROSAMUND – Carmine red, white eye STRING OF PEARLS MIXED – A mixture of all the popular colours WHITE LADY – NEW – White Lobelia Fountain White Lobelia Fountain Mixed Marigold – African Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 230 £26.68 11.6p F1 ANTIGUA. An early flowering, compact African Marigold with a good basal branching habit to ensure that blooms cover the plant. The blooms are fully double and held nicely above the foliage. Grow in a pack or in 10cm pots to produce plants for bedding or containers. Antigua varieties are day length neutral, flowering more easily under long day conditions. Height 25-30cm F1 ANTIGUA GOLD – Rich golden yellow F1 ANTIGUA ORANGE – A really vivid orange F1 ANTIGUA PRIMROSE – Soft primrose-yellow F1 ANTIGUA YELLOW – Bright lemon-yellow F1 ANTIGUA MIXED – A mix of the above colours Lobelia Trailing Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 Wks 8-22 Wks 10-24 610 350 100 £21.35 £19.60 £17.60 3.5p 5.6p 17.6p Marigold Antigua Gold Marigold Antigua Orange Marigold Antigua Yellow (mixed only) FOUNTAIN BLUE – Light blue flowers on bright green foliage FOUNTAIN CRIMSON – Rich crimson red flowers with a distinctive white eye FOUNTAIN LILAC – Lilac flowers FOUNTAIN ROSE – Carmine red, white eye FOUNTAIN WHITE – Top Seller – White flowers freely produced on a mid green foliage FOUNTAIN MIXED – Top Seller – A mixture of all the colours 18 SAPPHIRE – Deep blue, white eye Marigold Inca II Orange Lobelia Fountain Blue F1 INCA II. An improved version of Inca. This variety is day length neutral therefore flowering better under long day conditions. Height 30-35cm F1 INCA II GOLD – Large double bright gold F1 INCA II ORANGE – Brilliant orange F1 INCA II PRIMROSE – Light yellow F1 INCA II YELLOW – Bright yellow F1 INCA II MIXED – Blended mixture of the four colours Lobelia Fountain Rose Lobelia Fountain Crimson Marigold Antigua Mixed A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value French Marigold Selection Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 230 £22.08 9.6p SAFARI. Improved Robusta carnation type Marigold, earlier into flower and with larger flower size. High quality pack appearance with improved doubleness on first flower. Unsurpassed garden performance. Height 20-25cm SAFARI BOLERO – Yellow flecked red SAFARI GOLD – Deep golden yellow SAFARI ORANGE – Top Seller – Pure orange SAFARI QUEEN – Red edged golden bronze SAFARI RED – Top Seller – Rusty red SAFARI SCARLET – Bright scarlet red SAFARI TANGERINE – Light orange SAFARI YELLOW – Top Seller – Pure yellow SAFARI MIXED – Top Seller – Formula mixture Marigold Safari Bolero Marigold – French Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 230 £25.30 11p DISCO. Good early single flowers produced throughout the season. Height 25-30cm DISCO MARIETTA – Golden yellow with mahogany blotch DISCO MIXED – A mixture of colours Marigold Disco Marietta HERO. Earlier flowering and more compact than Royal Crested varieties. Produces an abundance of large double flowers. Height 20-25cm HERO BEE – Large double flowers, yellow with mahogany edge HERO FLAME – Red and gold bi-colour HERO GOLD – Medium gold with a red base HERO HARMONY – Maroon with orange crest HERO SPRY – Bicolour of golden yellow inner petals with contrasting mahogany outers HERO YELLOW – Deep yellow, large flowered HERO MIXED – A mixture of the above colours Marigold Hero Bee Marigold Hero Flame Marigold Hero Gold Marigold Hero Harmony Marigold Hero Spry Marigold Hero Yellow Marigold Safari Gold Marigold Triploid Marigold Safari Orange Marigold Safari Queen Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each SEED RAISED ANNUALS Marigold French M Wks 10-24 230 £29.21 12.7p SUNBURST MIXED. Big bold plant, single long-lasting flowers. Ideal for parks. Height 35cm Marigold Safari Red Marigold Safari Scarlet Marigold Safari Tangerine Marigold Safari Yellow F1 ZENITH. A series bred for early pots and packs. These triploid varieties have a vigorous uniform habit with plenty of flowers all summer in all weathers. Height 30cm F1 ZENITH GOLDEN YELLOW F1 ZENITH LEMON YELLOW F1 ZENITH ORANGE F1 ZENITH ORANGE AND RED F1 ZENITH MIXED – A mix of all the colours Marigold Zenith Lemon Yellow Marigold Zenith Orange and Red 19 M Mesembryanthemum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 350 £23.80 6.8p MAGIC CARPET – Full range of colours in daisy-like flowers Millet Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-20 100 £41.90 41.9p Wks 30-40 230 £15.18 6.6p SYLVA. Excellent series, large flowers. Height 20cm BLUESYLVA – Myriad of bright blue flowers on compact plants ROSYLVA – NEW – Intense pink flowers with exceptional vigorous habit SNOWSYLVA – NEW – Snow white flowers on compact plants SYLVA MIXED – NEW – Formula mix of the single colours SEED RAISED ANNUALS F1 PURPLE BARON – Slightly darker than Purple Majesty. Height 90cm F1 PURPLE MAJESTY – Deep purple foliage, stems and flowers. Height 1.2-1.5m All of our plugs are grown to order so make sure you order in plenty of time to avoid disappointment SALES OFFICE 0131 440 3455 Myosotis Sylva Mixed Nicotiana Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £22.40 6.4p Wks 8-24 230 £23.69 10.3p (mixed only) Millet Purple Majesty Mimulus Magic Pastel Mixed Mimulus Magic Orange Mimulus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £24.50 7p F1 MAGIC. This is an early flowering dwarf series of Mimulus, producing clear-faced flowers on a compact habit F1 MAGIC IVORY – Ivory white F1 MAGIC ORANGE – Bright orange F1 MAGIC WHITE FLAME – White, burgundy speckles F1 MAGIC WHITE WITH BLOTCH – White, maroon blotch F1 MAGIC YELLOW FLAME – Yellow, red speckles F1 MAGIC MIXED – A balanced mix of Magic colours F1 MAGIC PASTEL MIXED – A formula blend of pastel shades including pink, cream, ivory and yellow bicolours. Compact and early flowering Mimulus Magic White with Blotch 20 Myosotis Mimulus Magic White Flame Mimulus Magic Yellow Flame F1 SARATOGA. Very uniform habit and flowering with good garden performance make Saratoga an excellent choice. Height 25-30cm F1 SARATOGA APPLE BLOSSOM – Pale pink F1 SARATOGA DEEP ROSE – Vibrant deep rose F1 SARATOGA LIME – Soft lime green F1 SARATOGA PURPLE BICOLOUR – Soft purple shades with white centre F1 SARATOGA RED – Rich crimson red F1 SARATOGA ROSE – Pure rose F1 SARATOGA WHITE – Pure white F1 SARATOGA MIXED – A mixture of Saratoga colours Nicotiana Saratoga Mixed Nicotiana Saratoga Deep Rose Nicotiana Saratoga Apple Blossom Nicotiana Saratoga Purple Bicolour Nicotiana Saratoga Lime Nicotiana Saratoga Rose N Which Pansy variety to choose? Nicotiana Saratoga White Nicotiana Only The Lonely F1 ONLY THE LONELY – Used as a dot or accent plant in borders. Makes a spectacular display. Height 1.5m PERFUME MIXED – A mix of Perfume colours. Profusion of upward facing evening scented flowers. Height 4045cm. Ornamental Kale Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 25-32 230 £27.14 11.8p F1 NORTHERN LIGHTS. A first class series producing rosettes of leaves that are tightly packed in the centre opening out slightly towards the outer ones F1 NORTHERN LIGHTS PINK BLUSH – Pink centre leaves, base leaves tinged cream F1 NORTHERN LIGHTS ROSE – Rose-red centres, base leaves tinged red F1 NORTHERN LIGHTS WHITE – Bright creamy white centres on a green base F1 NORTHERN LIGHTS MIXED – A colourful mixture of the above Pansy (Winter-Spring) Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 28-44 350 £25.55 7.3p Wks 28-48 230 £22.08 9.6p F1 CATS MIXED – Mixture of the Cats series. Medium to large flowers with a unique whiskers pattern makes this very popular Pansy Cats Mixed Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Formula Mixed F1 FRIZZLE SIZZLE FORMULA MIXED – Early flowering, compact and well branched habit. Displays a unique performance in pots and flower beds F1 FANCY MIXED – A mix of all Fancy colours. Genetically compact habit, large flowers carried on short stems, uniform early bloom time of all colours Ornamental Kale Northern Lights Mixed Osteospermum Asti Mixed SEED RAISED ANNUALS Nicotiana Saratoga Red For autumn and winter flowering the multi flowered varieties such as Mariposa and the larger flowered Fancy and Karma are reliable and popular varieties. These are best transplanted from plugs throughout the summer to give a succession of plants showing colour for sales in September, October and November. The large flowered varieties such as Karma and Fancy can also be transplanted in late autumn and over-wintered cold for early spring sales in flower. Pansy Pentland Large Flower is also available in weeks 2-8 as 230 trays ONLY. FLAMBÉ – The bronze and deep rose flowers change colour as they mature to shades of apricot, pink and cream. Some petals also have a ruffled edge Osteospermum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 10-24 100 £23.30 23.3p ASTI MIXED – A mix of lavender shades, white and purple. Height 40-50cm PASSION MIXED – Mixture of rose-pink and blue-white shaded flowers. Good for borders and also as a container plant. Maintains its compact habit better than the vegetatively propagated types. Height 25-30cm Pansy Fancy Mixed Pansy Flambé 21 P Pansy Large Flowered A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Pansy Pentland Large Flowered White Pansy Pentland Large Flowered White Blotch Pansy Pentland Large Flowered Yellow Pansy Pentland Large Flowered Yellow Blotch It is generally accepted that no one breeder has all the best varieties or colours. We have assessed all the colours of many popular varieties for uniformity, flower size, colour, weather tolerance, etc, both in our pack and field trials. We have put together a collection of the best, covering all the major colour groups and can highly recommend this to you. Order for SEED RAISED ANNUALS Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 28-44 350 £22.75 6.5p F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED BLUE BLOTCH – Violet blue with a dark blotch F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED ORANGE – Rich dark orange F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED ROSE – Deep rose with yellow eye F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED ROSE BLOTCH – Deep rose with darker blotch F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED WHITE – Pure white with yellow eye F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED WHITE BLOTCH – White with wine red blotch F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED YELLOW – Pure yellow F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED YELLOW BLOTCH – Yellow with burgundy blotch F1 PENTLAND LARGE FLOWERED MIXED Pansy Pentland Large Flowered Blue Blotch Pansy Pentland Large Flowered Rose 22 Wks 28-48 and 2-8 230 £20.24 8.8p Pansy (Winter-Spring) Order for Wks 28-44 Wks 28-48 Plants/tray 350 230 Price/tray £25.55 £22.08 Price/each 7.3p 9.6p F1 KARMA. Early to flower, free flowering on sturdy stems, compact and bushy, develops strong roots and easily fills pots and beds. Large flower F1 KARMA BLUE BUTTERFLY – Blue and yellow F1 KARMA DEEP BLUE BLOTCH – Dark blue blotch F1 KARMA DEEP ORANGE – Dark orange F1 KARMA ORANGE – Mid orange F1 KARMA PRIMROSE – Delicate primrose yellow F1 KARMA PURPLE – Rich, deep velvety purple F1 KARMA PURPLE WING – Yellow blotch/purple wing F1 KARMA RED BLOTCH – Bronze red with dark blotch F1 KARMA ROSE BLOTCH – Deep rose, darker blotch F1 KARMA TRUE BLUE – Medium blue F1 KARMA VIOLET WITH FACE – Violet/white F1 KARMA WHITE BLOTCH – White with dark blotch F1 KARMA YELLOW – Pure yellow F1 KARMA YELLOW BLOTCH – Yellow burgundy blotch F1 KARMA MIXED – Top Seller – Mixture of the colours F1 KARMA BLUES MIXED – Designer mixture of denim, light blue, true blue and white blotch Pansy Pentland Large Flowered Orange Pansy Pentland Large Flowered Rose Blotch Pansy Karma Blue Butterfly Pansy Karma Deep Blue Blotch Pansy Karma Purple Wing Pansy Karma Primrose Pansy Karma Purple Pansy Karma Red Blotch P Pansy Multi Flowered Pansy Karma Rose Blotch Pansy Karma True Blue Pansy Karma Violet with Face A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Pansy Karma White Blotch Pansy Karma Yellow Pansy Karma Yellow Blotch Wks 28-44 350 £22.75 6.5p Wks 28-48 230 £20.24 8.8p F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED BEACONSFIELD F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED BLUE BLOTCH F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED MARINA F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED ORANGE F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED PRIMROSE F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED RED BLOTCH F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED TRUE BLUE F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED WHITE F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED WHITE BLOTCH F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED YELLOW F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED YELLOW BLOTCH F1 PENTLAND MULTI FLOWERED MIXED Pansy Karma Blues Mixed Pansy Karma Mixed Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Beaconsfield Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Blue Blotch Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Marina Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Orange Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Primrose Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Red Blotch Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered True Blue Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered White Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered White Blotch Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Yellow Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Yellow Blotch Pansy Pentland Multi Flowered Mixed SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 23 P Pansy (Winter-Spring) Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 28-44 350 £25.55 7.3p Wks 28-48 230 £22.08 9.6p SEED RAISED ANNUALS F1 MARIPOSA. Multi flowered and excellent winter performance F1 MARIPOSA BEACONSFIELD F1 MARIPOSA BLUE BLOTCH F1 MARIPOSA BLUE OVER YELLOW F1 MARIPOSA FIRE F1 MARIPOSA LAVENDER SHADES F1 MARIPOSA LIGHT BLUE F1 MARIPOSA MARINA F1 MARIPOSA ORANGE – Top Seller F1 MARIPOSA ORANGE BLOTCH F1 MARIPOSA PEACH SHADES F1 MARIPOSA PRIMROSE F1 MARIPOSA RED BLOTCH F1 MARIPOSA RED WING F1 MARIPOSA ROSE BLOTCH F1 MARIPOSA ROSY SUNSET F1 MARIPOSA TRUE BLUE – Top Seller F1 MARIPOSA VIOLET WITH FACE F1 MARIPOSA WHITE F1 MARIPOSA WHITE BLOTCH F1 MARIPOSA YELLOW – Top Seller F1 MARIPOSA YELLOW BLOTCH F1 MARIPOSA MIXED – Top Seller F1 MARIPOSA BLOTCH MIXED – Mixture of colours with blotches F1 MARIPOSA CITRUS MIXED F1 MARIPOSA CLEAR MIXED – Mixture of clear colours F1 MARIPOSA PACIFICO MIXED – Designer mixture of blue blotch, light blue, marina and white blotch F1 MARIPOSA SUNNY SKIES MIXED – Designer mixture of true blue, blue over yellow and yellow Pansy Mariposa Beaconsfield Pansy Mariposa Blue over Yellow Pansy Mariposa Light Blue Pansy Mariposa Marina Pansy Mariposa Orange Blotch Pansy Mariposa Peach Shades Pansy Mariposa Red Wing Pansy Mariposa Rose Blotch Pansy Mariposa Rosy Sunset Pansy Mariposa Violet with Face Pansy Mariposa Clear Mixed Pansy (Summer Flowering) Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £25.55 7.3p F1 KARMA MIXED – Early to flower, free flowering on sturdy stems, compact and bushy, develops strong roots and easily fills pots and beds. Mixture of the Karma colours including clear faces, blotch faces and many unusual colour combinations Pansy Mariposa Fire Pansy Mariposa Citrus Mixed Pansy Happy Flower Mixed Pansy Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Pansy Mariposa Sunny Skies Mixed 24 Pansy Mariposa Pacifico Mixed Wks 8-22 350 £20.30 5.8p F2 HAPPY FLOWER MIXED – This F2 variety is an excellent and less expensive option to the F1 varieties. A popular choice for pack production. Uniform habit, rich colour range of clear and blotched faces P Petunia Grandiflora A Pentland Preferred Variety Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £19.25 5.5p Wks 8-24 230 £17.94 7.8p F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA BLUE – Deep blue F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA BLUE VEIN – Blue with a deep blue vein F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA LIGHT PINK VEIN – Soft pink with pink vein F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA RED – Rich red F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA ROSE – Bright rose F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA SALMON – Soft salmon pink F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA SALMON MORN – Salmon outer petals with creamy white throat F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA VIOLET – Magenta F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA WHITE – Pure white F1 PENTLAND GRANDIFLORA MIXED – Top Seller – A mixture of the full range of colours Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Salmon Morn Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Violet Petunia Pentland Grandiflora White Petunia Grandiflora Express Mixed Petunia Grandiflora Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £21.70 6.2p Wks 8-24 230 £19.32 8.4p F1 EXPRESS MIXED – An early large-flowered series of Grandiflora Petunias. Express varieties have distinctive blooms, some veined, some plain and some with clear white stars on a darker background. An excellent blended mixture of the popular Express series Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Blue Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Blue Vein F1 FROST MIXED – An earlier flowering Picotee type with a more uniform flowering habit and compact plants. Thicker flower petals give better rain resistance. Good balanced mixture F1 STORMY WEATHER MIXED – Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner. A weather resistant Grandiflora Petunia with the characteristics of Multiflora types for pack or pot production. Large flowers are freely produced on plants with a very uniform habit. A mixture of the pastel storm colours Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Light Pink Vein Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Red Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Rose Petunia Pentland Grandiflora Salmon Petunia Grandiflora Stormy Weather Mixed SEED RAISED ANNUALS Choose this for even better value Petunia Grandiflora Frost Mixed 25 P Petunia Grandiflora Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £22.40 6.4p Wks 8-24 230 £20.01 8.7p F1 DOUBLE HARMONY MIXED – Uniform double flowers in a wide range of colours F1 LIMBO MIXED – An exciting breeding breakthrough. This genetic dwarf variety needs no growth retardant and has been a very popular addition. A mix of all the colours SEED RAISED ANNUALS Petunia Grandiflora Double Harmony Mixed Petunia Grandiflora Limbo Mixed Petunia Pentland Multiflora Blue Petunia Pentland Multiflora Blue Vein Petunia Pentland Multiflora Mid Blue Petunia Pentland Multiflora Light Pink Vein Petunia Pentland Multiflora Red Petunia Pentland Multiflora Red Vein Petunia Multiflora A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £19.25 5.5p F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA. These perform consistently well in our trials even in wet years. A compact variety with masses of flowers which recover quickly after rain F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA BLUE – Dark blue F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA BLUE VEIN – Blue with dark vein F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA MID BLUE – Pure blue F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA LIGHT PINK VEIN – Pink with dark vein F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA PINK MORN – Rose with a creamy white throat F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA RED – Deep red F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA RED VEIN – Red with a darker vein F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA ROSE – Rose pink F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA SALMON – Salmon pink F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA SALMON MORN – Salmon with a creamy white throat F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA VELVET – Dark burgundy F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA WHITE – White F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA YELLOW – Bright yellow F1 PENTLAND MULTIFLORA MIXED – A mix of all the colours Petunia Pentland Multiflora Salmon Morn Petunia Pentland Multiflora Rose 26 Petunia Pentland Multiflora Salmon Wks 8-24 230 £17.94 7.8p Petunia Pentland Multiflora White Petunia Pentland Multiflora Velvet Petunia Pentland Multiflora Yellow Petunia Pentland Multiflora Mixed Petunia Multiflora Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Petunia Multiflora Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £21.70 6.2p Wks 8-24 230 £19.32 8.4p F1 FRENZY MIXED – The plants have a good freeflowering habit essential for mass colour. This is still one of the most popular choices of Multiflora Petunias F1 FRENZY DEEP DARK DAWN – A designer mixture of three veined Frenzys – lavender vein, orchid and velvet F1 FRENZY GRAND RAPIDS – A ‘cool’ collection of blue shades plus white, which avoids the glare of other colours F1 FRENZY REFLECTIONS – An early flowering mixture from this first class Multiflora series – salmon, lavender, red, rose and sugar, all with attractive veining F1 FRENZY SATIN AND SILK – A delightful pastel mixture made up of four Frenzy varieties – light blue, rose vein, salmon and white Wks 8-24 230 £20.01 8.7p F1 DUO MIXED – Compact, large fully double flowers. Wide colour range, with an abundance of big long lasting blooms all summer. Ideal in hanging baskets and containers. A formula mixture of all the colours Petunia Multiflora Duo Mixed F1 MAMBO. Another exciting breakthrough from the breeders of F1 Limbo. Mambo is the multiflora version of the genetic dwarf Petunia and needs no growth retardant F1 MAMBO BLUE – Nice shade of blue F1 MAMBO PINK – Rose pink F1 MAMBO PURPLE – Rich purple F1 MAMBO RED – Bright red F1 MAMBO SALMON – Warm salmon F1 MAMBO WHITE – Pure white F1 MAMBO VIOLET – Strong violet F1 MAMBO MIXED – A blend of all the separate colours Petunia Multiflora Mambo Blue Petunia Multiflora Mambo Pink Petunia Multiflora Mambo Purple Petunia Multiflora Mambo Salmon Petunia Multiflora Mambo White Petunia Multiflora Mambo Violet SEED RAISED ANNUALS Petunia Frenzy Mixed Wks 8-22 350 £22.40 6.4p P Petunia Milliflora Petunia Frenzy Deep Dark Dawn Petunia Frenzy Grand Rapids Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £22.40 6.4p Wks 8-24 230 £20.01 8.7p F1 PICOBELLA MIXED – Mounded plants covered with flowers. Better garden performance and more weather tolerant. A mix of all the colours including red Petunia Frenzy Reflections Petunia Frenzy Satin and Silk Petunia Milliflora Picobella Mixed 27 P Petunia Easy Wave Red Petunia Easy Wave Blue Petunia Easy Wave Pink Petunia Ramblin’ Salmon Capri Petunia Ramblin’ Calypso Mixed Petunia Ramblin’ Cool Berry Mixed Petunia Ramblin’ Cotton Candy Mixed Petunia Ramblin’ Razzleberry Mixed Petunia Tidal Wave Cherry Trailing Petunias Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 230 £57.50 25p Wks 8-20 100 £33.00 33p These are quite amazing. Not only do they cover the ground rapidly but the flowers are almost weatherproof. Very good in containers and baskets SEED RAISED ANNUALS F1 EASY WAVE. Less vigorous version of Wonder Wave F1 EASY WAVE BLUE – Dark blue F1 EASY WAVE PINK – Bright pink F1 EASY WAVE RED – Good red F1 EASY WAVE SHELL PINK – Light salmon pink F1 EASY WAVE WHITE – Pure white F1 EASY WAVE MIXED – A mixture of all colours Petunia Easy Wave Shell Pink Petunia Ramblin’ Burgundy Chrome Petunia Ramblin’ Lilac Glo Petunia Ramblin’ Neon Rose Petunia Ramblin’ Nu Blue Petunia Ramblin’ Peach Glo Petunia Ramblin’ Red F1 RAMBLIN’. Flowers early in the pot in the middle of the plant, so it can be sold in flower. Excellent for containers as well as just “ramblin” over the beds F1 RAMBLIN’ BURGUNDY CHROME F1 RAMBLIN’ LILAC GLO F1 RAMBLIN’ NEON ROSE F1 RAMBLIN’ NU BLUE F1 RAMBLIN’ PEACH GLO F1 RAMBLIN’ RED F1 RAMBLIN’ SALMON CAPRI F1 RAMBLIN’ CALYPSO MIXED – Neon rose, peach glo and salmon capri F1 RAMBLIN’ COOL BERRY MIXED – A mix of burgundy and lavender F1 RAMBLIN’ COTTON CANDY MIXED – A mix of lilac glo and salmon capri F1 RAMBLIN’ RAZZLEBERRY MIXED – Burgundy chrome, lilac glo and nu blue 28 F1 TIDAL WAVE. Something a bit different. They will quickly carpet the beds at a density of only a few plants per square metre, but planted a bit closer they will “climb” as soon as they touch to give it the name of “hedgiflora” F1 TIDAL WAVE CHERRY – Stunning rosy pink F1 TIDAL WAVE HOT PINK – Vibrant shade of pink F1 TIDAL WAVE PURPLE – Magenta blooms F1 TIDAL WAVE SILVER – Silver white to very light lavender with dark purple veins – slightly larger than Cherry and Hot Pink Petunia Tidal Wave Hot Pink Petunia Tidal Wave Purple Petunia Tidal Wave Silver F1 WONDER WAVE. Large weather tolerant flowers. It is very vigorous and can be used for baskets or economical ground cover as one plant can cover as much as one sq metre F1 WONDER WAVE BLUE – Velvety blue F1 WONDER WAVE PEARLY – Pale lavender to white F1 WONDER WAVE PINK – Rose pink F1 WONDER WAVE PURPLE – Magenta blooms F1 WONDER WAVE ROSE – Brilliant rose F1 WONDER WAVE MIXED – A mixture of all colours Petunia Wonder Wave Blue Petunia Wonder Wave Pearly Petunia Wonder Wave Pink Petunia Wonder Wave Purple Petunia Wonder Wave Rose Petunia Wonder Wave Mixed P Plectranthus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 100 £30.00 30p SILVER SHIELD – Large soft silvery grey leaves. Long flower spikes with light blue flowers. Height 60cm Polyanthus Supernova Pink Polyanthus Supernova Rose Bicolour Polyanthus Supernova White Plectranthus Silver Shield Polyanthus Wks 25-36 350 £41.30 11.8p Wks 30-38 230 £31.74 13.8p F1 CRESCENDO. A popular large flowered variety of Polyanthus with very bright colours. Height 30cm F1 CRESCENDO BELLAROSA – Bright clear rose pink tones with a hint of salmon and a yellow eye F1 CRESCENDO BLUE – Mid blue shades F1 CRESCENDO ORANGE – Top Seller – Golden yellow F1 CRESCENDO RED SHADES – Top Seller – Bright crimson red and scarlet tones F1 CRESCENDO ROSE SHADES – A combination of carmine rose and light pink shades F1 CRESCENDO WHITE – White tones with yellow eye F1 CRESCENDO WINE – Burgundy red F1 CRESCENDO YELLOW – Top Seller – Lemon shades F1 CRESCENDO MIXED – Top Seller – A mix of all colours F1 CRESCENDO SPRING FEVER MIXED – Mixture of orange, yellow and white Polyanthus Crescendo Bellarosa Polyanthus Crescendo Orange Polyanthus Primabella Mixed Polyanthus Supernova Yellow Polyanthus Supernova Mixed Primrose Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 25-36 350 £41.30 11.8p Wks 30-38 230 £31.74 13.8p F1 COTTAGE CREAM – Very compact habit and early to flower. Reminiscent of the wild primrose but more programmable. Height 10-13cm Primrose Cottage Cream Primrose Daniella Mixed F1 DANIELLA MIXED – For February-March sales. The series retains the same high quality standards found in our Danova series, yet is not nearly as early to flower. Thus the Daniella series is truly the best mid-to-late series offered on the market today Polyanthus Crescendo Red Shades Polyanthus Crescendo Rose Shades Polyanthus Crescendo Mixed F1 PRIMABELLA MIXED. Large, hardy perennial Polyanthus well suited to one-litre pot production F1 DANOVA MIXED – Superb series bred for large flowers which are produced freely, compact strong foliage. Mid-season SUPERNOVA. Early hybrid series. Easy to programme for autumn or spring, making compact plants for pots or packs. Large flowers on strong stems. Height 20cm SUPERNOVA BLUE SUPERNOVA CREAM SUPERNOVA PINK SUPERNOVA RED SUPERNOVA ROSE BICOLOUR SUPERNOVA WHITE SUPERNOVA YELLOW SUPERNOVA MIXED Primrose Danova Mixed – Salmon Orange, Apricot, Yellow with Eye, Scarlet SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Primrose Danova Mixed – Blue, White, Purple, Light Violet, Rose Lavender Shades 25 29 P F1 FORZA MIXED – Mid-season. A mixture of seven unique pastel shades each with a red ring in the centre of the flower. Height 13-15cm Primrose Finella Mixed Primrose Fruelo Mixed Primrose Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 25-36 350 £41.30 11.8p Wks 30-38 230 £31.74 13.8p F1 FINELLA MIXED – Mid-season. Solid colour with lacy edges similar to Finesse in size and habit. Height 1315cm SEED RAISED ANNUALS F1 FRUELO MIXED – Large flowered, mid-season series. Excellent performer. Height 13-15cm F1 METEOR BICOLOUR MIXED – Stunning collection of unique bicolour flowers. Mid-season F1 ORION. Compact habit with large scented flowers perfect for outdoor containers and windowsills. Mid-season. Height 13-15cm F1 ORION BLUE – NEW – Blue F1 ORION PINK – NEW – Bright pink F1 ORION ROSE FROST – NEW – Bright rose with petal edges rimmed in white F1 ORION SCARLET – NEW – Bright scarlet F1 ORION YELLOW WITH EYE – NEW – Yellow with small orange eye F1 ORION MIXED – A mixture of all the colours Primrose Meteor Bicolour Mixed Primrose Primera Blue Wks 36-38 230 £56.81 24.7p FRILLY MIXED – Frilly is very early to flower against other semi and double varieties. When grown not too wet and spaced Frilly will reward you with a plant of tough foliage that is resistant to disease and will not become soft and leafy F1 PALOMA MIXED – Semi-double rosebud type primrose with a good range of colours and vigorous growth making it ideal for one-litre pot production Primrose Primera Pink Primrose Frilly Mixed Primrose Primrose Orion Mixed Primrose Primera Orange Primrose Primera Yellow Primrose Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Primrose Forza Mixed F1 PRIMERA. For early season production as it requires no cool period to initiate flowers. Good uniformity F1 PRIMERA BLUE – Top Seller F1 PRIMERA LIGHT YELLOW – NEW – Bright light yellow F1 PRIMERA ORANGE F1 PRIMERA PINK F1 PRIMERA SCARLET – Top Seller F1 PRIMERA WHITE F1 PRIMERA YELLOW – Top Seller F1 PRIMERA MIXED – Top Seller 30 Primrose Primera Scarlet Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 36-38 230 £56.81 24.7p WOODLAND WALK – NEW – Compact, dark bronze foliage set off heart shape petals. The flowers range from almost pure white with pink tinges to strong pink/mauve markings. Flowers late January through to March Primrose Paloma Mixed Primrose Woodland Walk P Primula Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Primrose Arctic Mixed Primrose Wanda Mixed Wks 33-42 84 £14.70 17.5p MALACOIDES PRIMA MIXED – Compact and uniform with large fragrant flowers OBCONICA LIBRE – A carefully blended mixture of the best varieties Primrose (Hardy) Wks 30-38 230 £38.18 16.6p F1 ARCTIC MIXED – A hardy bronze leaved Primrose with more vigour and uniformity than Wanda. The flowers are about twice the size of and brighter than Wanda F1 HUSKY. A hardy outdoor primrose to sell as green plants in the autumn. A range of brightly coloured flowers appear in March and April. Height 13-15cm F1 HUSKY APPLEBLOSSOM F1 HUSKY BLUE F1 HUSKY CREAM F1 HUSKY PURPLE F1 HUSKY RED F1 HUSKY ROSE F1 HUSKY WHITE F1 HUSKY YELLOW F1 HUSKY MIXED WANDA MIXED – A very hardy variety of primrose with neat bronze foliage and startingly bright flowers in early spring. A mixture of colours Primula Malacoides Prima Mixed Primula Obconica Libre Pyrethrum Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 350 £21.70 6.2p Wks 8-22 230 £17.71 7.7p GOLDEN MOSS – A very dwarf and compact strain with soft, golden-yellow leaves SILVER FEATHER – A foliage plant with finely cut, lacy, silver-grey leaves Ranunculus Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Primrose Husky Appleblossom Primrose Husky Blue Primrose Husky Cream Primrose Husky Purple Primrose Husky Red Primrose Husky White Primrose Husky Yellow Wk 42 230 £46.00 20p Ranunculus Magic Rose Primrose Husky Rose MAGIC. Large blooms on short stems, enjoys partial shade. Height 10-15cm MAGIC ORANGE – Delicate shade of orange MAGIC ROSE – Soft mid rose MAGIC RED – Warm clear red MAGIC WHITE – Soft creamy white MAGIC MIXED – An extended range of colours Primrose Husky Mixed Ranunculus Magic Red Ranunculus Magic Mixed Ranunculus Magic White SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Ranunculus Magic Orange 31 R Rudbeckia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 100 £19.30 19.3p An increasingly popular plant for pots, containers and garden planting. Lasts well into the autumn CORDOBA – Covered with small flowers. Yellow petals with a red ring. Height 45cm CORONA – Well branched with golden yellow petals with dark eye. Height 50cm MARMALADE – Has 10cm flowers of golden orange with a deep eye. Height 60cm PRAIRIE SUN – Very large gold flowers with lemon yellow tips. Height 70cm SEED RAISED ANNUALS TOTO. Compact and well branched with an abundance of flowers. Ideal for containers. Height 30cm TOTO GOLD – Deep gold TOTO LEMON – Pale lemon TOTO RUSTIC – Orange shades TOTO MIXED – A mix of all the colours Wks 8-22 350 £24.50 7p EVOLUTION – Compact, well branched with lots of deep violet flower spikes. Outstanding garden performance. Height 45cm FAIRY QUEEN – Compact habit, very floriferous, intense branching. Good garden performance with long blooming season. Sapphire blue flowers with white blotch. Height 45cm Salvia Farinacea Fairy Queen STRATA – FLEUROSELECT GOLD MEDAL WINNER. Greyish flower spikes bearing blue flowers with a white calyx throughout the summer. Good for the flower border or patio gardens. Height 45cm VICTORIA – Bushy habit, deep blue flower spikes Salvia Splendens Rudbeckia Cordoba Rudbeckia Prairie Sun Rudbeckia Corona Rudbeckia Toto Mixed Rudbeckia Marmalade Rudbeckia Tiger Eye Rudbeckia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 100 £26.30 26.3p F1 TIGER EYE – F1 Hybrid Rudbeckia. An increasingly popular plant for pots, containers and garden planting. Lasts well into the autumn. Lots of branches and longlasting flowers with a reduced sensitivity to powdery mildew. Height 40-60cm Salvia Farinacea Evolution 32 Salvia Farinacea Salvia Farinacea Strata Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £24.50 7p Wks 10-24 230 £22.77 9.9p MOJAVE – Early compact red flowers with outstanding garden performance. Day-length neutral. Unique branching habit and flower spike structure. New spikes cover the old for a prolonged and intense display REDDY – A dwarf bright red, excellent for early packs PICANTE SCARLET – Bright red flowers on a large vigorous plant. Height 35-40cm SALSA. A great combination for pack and garden performance SALSA PURPLE – Deep purple SALSA ROSE – A bright rose SALSA SALMON – Warm salmon SALSA SCARLET – Vivid scarlet SALSA WHITE – Clear white SALSA MIXED – A mixture of all the colours Salvia Splendens Mojave Salvia Splendens Reddy Salvia Picante Scarlet Salvia Splendens Salsa Purple Salvia Splendens Salsa Salmon Salvia Splendens Salsa Scarlet S Stock Wks 8-20 350 £23.80 6.8p A Pentland Preferred Variety DWARF TEN WEEK SPECIAL MIXED – NEW – A mix of white, pink, lavender and purple fragrant blooms. Height 30-40cm Sweet William Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 30-40 230 £14.95 6.5p Sweet William Indian Carpet Mixed Trachelium Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-20 230 £58.42 25.4p PASSION MIXED – Large, very decorative umbels, compact habit with outstanding basal branching. Sure to be a winner Choose this for even better value Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £29.05 8.3p Wks 8-24 230 £24.61 10.7p (mixed only) INDIAN CARPET MIXED – Dwarf single, small moundlike plants with big flower heads Stock Dwarf Ten Week Special Mixed Verbena F1 TUSCANY. An excellent series with tolerance to powdery mildew. All the main Verbena colours and extremely even. Performs very well in trials F1 TUSCANY BLUE – NEW F1 TUSCANY BURGUNDY EYE – Burgundy-rose with eye F1 TUSCANY LAVENDER PICOTEE – Top Seller – Soft lavender with white centre F1 TUSCANY ORCHID FROST – Dark orchid centre fading to light orchid edges F1 TUSCANY PEACH F1 TUSCANY PINK PICOTEE – Top Seller F1 TUSCANY ROSE WITH EYE – Top Seller F1 TUSCANY SCARLET – Bright pure scarlet F1 TUSCANY SILVER – NEW F1 TUSCANY VIOLET WITH EYE – Top Seller F1 TUSCANY WHITE F1 TUSCANY MIXED – Top Seller F1 TUSCANY PASSION MIXED – NEW – Designer mixture of lavender picotee, violet with eye and white F1 TUSCANY PASTEL MIXED – NEW – Designer mixture of lavender picotee, peach, pink picotee and white Trachelium Passion Mixed Verbena Tuscany Burgundy Eye Verbena Tuscany Lavender Picotee Verbena Tuscany Orchid Frost Verbena Tuscany Peach Verbena Tuscany Pink Picotee Verbena Tuscany Rose with Eye Verbena Tuscany Scarlet Verbena Tuscany Violet with Eye SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 33 V Viola A Pentland Preferred Variety Choose this for even better value Verbena Tuscany White SEED RAISED ANNUALS Verbena Tuscany Passion Mixed Verbena Tuscany Pastel Mixed Verbena Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-22 350 £30.45 8.7p Wks 8-24 230 £25.76 11.2p BONARIENSIS – Tall stately mauve Verbena to enhance informal bedding schemes. Available weeks 12 and 15 in 230 trays only F1 IMAGINATION – Flowers of deep violet blue, ideal habit for hanging baskets F1 QUARTZ MIXED – Pure and eyed type mix F1 QUARTZ WATERFALL MIXED – Lavender blue with eye, purple with white eye and solid white VENOSA – Subject to seed crop – Violet flowers complement underplantings. Available weeks 12 and 15 in 230 trays only Verbena Bonariensis Verbena Quartz Mixed 34 Verbena Tuscany Mixed Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 28-44 350 £25.55 7.3p Wks 28-48 230 £21.39 9.3p F1 PENNY. A mounding garden habit with a multitude of large uniquely coloured blooms F1 PENNY AZURE WING – Upper petals azure blue, lower petals white F1 PENNY BLUE – Deep mid blue F1 PENNY CREAM – Creamy white F1 PENNY DEEP MARINA – A darker marina shade F1 PENNY DENIM JUMP UP – Blue with deep blue upper petals F1 PENNY MARLIES – NEW – Shades of blue on upper petals over yellow lower petals with blotch F1 PENNY MICKEY – Violet with white face F1 PENNY ORANGE – Clear orange F1 PENNY ORANGE JUMP UP – Upper petals burgundy, lower petals orange F1 PENNY ORCHID FROST – Orchid centre with white frosted edges F1 PENNY PEACH JUMP UP – Upper petals purple, lower petals apricot F1 PENNY PRIMROSE BICOLOUR – Yellow with pastel yellow upper petals F1 PENNY ROSE BLOTCH – Rose with dark blotch F1 PENNY VIOLET FLARE – Deep violet, white centre F1 PENNY WHITE – Pure white F1 PENNY WHITE BLOTCH – White with small dark blotch F1 PENNY YELLOW – Golden yellow F1 PENNY YELLOW FROST – Cream with a splash of yellow on the lower petals F1 PENNY YELLOW JUMP UP – Upper petals burgundy, lower petals yellow F1 PENNY CITRUS MIXED – Designer mix of cream, orange, primrose, yellow and yellow frost F1 PENNY LANE MIXED – A mixture of the penny colours F1 PENNY JUMP UP MIXED – Mix of all the Jump Up colours F1 PENNY WINTER MIXED – Designer mix of azure wing, blue and cream Verbena Imagination Verbena Quartz Waterfall Mixed Verbena Venosa Viola Penny Azure Wing Viola Penny Deep Marina V Viola Penny Denim Jump Up Viola Penny Marlies Viola Penny Citrus Mixed Viola Penny Winter Mixed Viola Wks 28-44 350 £29.40 8.4p Wks 28-48 230 £24.38 10.6p F1 FOUR SEASONS. Ideal for winter hanging baskets. Very early free – flowering pendulous or creeping habit F1 FOUR SEASONS BLUE WITH YELLOW – Rich yellow with blue standards F1 FOUR SEASONS GOLDEN YELLOW – Bright golden yellow F1 FOUR SEASONS VELVET – Deep velvet F1 FOUR SEASONS VIOLET WING – Pale yellow with lavender flowers with violet wings F1 FOUR SEASONS MIXED – NEW – A mixture of all the Four Season colours F1 MAGNIFICO – A truly unique seed raised Viola. Lavender white with a mid blue picotee edge Viola Penny Orchid Frost Viola Penny Peach Jump Up Viola Penny Mickey Viola Penny Orange Jump Up Viola Penny Primrose Bicolour Viola Penny Rose Blotch Viola Four Seasons Blue with Yellow Viola Four Seasons Golden Yellow Viola Penny Violet Flare Viola Penny White Blotch Viola Four Seasons Velvet Viola Four Seasons Violet Wing Viola Penny Yellow Frost Viola Penny Yellow Jump Up Viola Four Seasons Mixed Viola Magnifico SEED RAISED ANNUALS Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 35 W Wallflower Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wallflower Treasure Primrose Wallflower Treasure Yellow Wallflower Treasure Bronze Wallflower (Cheiranthus) Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 30-40 230 £17.94 7.8p SEED RAISED ANNUALS F1 TREASURE. Flowers autumn, winter and spring. Strong well-branched habit with clear colours and uniform spikes, scented and hardy. Height 25-30 cm F1 TREASURE BRONZE – Warm bronze F1 TREASURE PRIMROSE – Light yellow F1 TREASURE SCARLET – Bright red F1 TREASURE YELLOW – Strong yellow F1 TREASURE MIXED – Mixture of four colours ORANGE BEDDER – Bright orange yellow SCARLET BEDDER – Rich red MIXED BEDDER – Formula blend Zinnia Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10-24 100 £20.00 20p MAGELLAN MIXED – Large flowers and bright colours will make this variety popular in the garden and in pots. A mix of all the colours Choice Plants from Micropropagation We offer a selection of popular plants from tissue culture. These will be in 4cm plugs ready to be potted into a 2 or 3 litre pot. Their availability will be timed to coincide with your non-peak times of space and labour. HEUCHERA HOSTA AVAILABLE JUNE AND SEPTEMBER A June planting in 2lt pots will be ready for late summer/autumn sales A September planting will be ready the following Spring Varieties: Black Beauty, Frosted Violet, Jade Gloss, Lime Rickey, Marmalade and Peach Flambe AVAILABLE IN JUNE Varieties: Blue Angel, Devon Green, Earth Angel, Halcyon, Minute Man, Paradise Expectations, Reversed Patriot, Sieboldiana Elegans and Sum & Substance ECHINACEA AVAILABLE IN JUNE Plants in 2lt pots and cut off the first single flower and end plant will then produce multiple flowers the following summer. Sells on sight Varieties: Green Envy, Harvest Moon, Hot Summer, Little Magnus, Purity and Tiki Torch Heuchera Lime Rickey 36 Wks 30-40 230 £15.18 6.6p Heuchera Marmalade Heuchera Frosted Violet Other varieties which will be available include Achillea, Astrantia, Bergenia, Coreopsis, Dicentra, Geranium, Pulmonaria, Sedum and Verbascum Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 100 £80.00 80p 25 £23.75 95p 25s o f a n y var ie tie s m u s t be o rder e d i n m u lti pl es of 4 u n i ts o f 25 pla n ts Labels will be available. Please ask for more information Echinacea Harvest Moon Echinacea Purity Various Hosta Varieties ll Farm R, Pickwe E P A R D ANDREW the varieties in sy n a P n Autum tended to used other found they d n a We have l, sa s as Univer ly. Wherea past, such very quick y g fect g er le p o a g g d allowin ct stretch an a p m co ay Pansies st les Mariposa for retail sa ct u prod s l a i n o Testim NES, CHRIS JO ery rs u N Cofton d se u e v I ha ens ti a p m I Xtreme st few over the la found years and ve them to ha nue to act, p m then conti co d n a ck a a good p abit in the nted out uniform h l when pla el w y er v perform ry am Nurse GE, Lyneh D O H L U PA time this r the first fo s ia on and eg oB , uniform rown Go-G be compact any to m Having g s em A th op type. ve found st a on h n I , r n la u so om sea the reg tain in Blo ower than e in the Bri onias et p earlier to fl eg m B o co s G omer h the Goit w d iod of my cust se a le g p judgin per ns they are during the d oo competitio g g in season ey are look rly in the because th latively ea re is h ic h w Palace pton Court m a H , G IN Y BOULD ANTHON tly.We quite recen ly n o s la io V ground e to using t cover the a th ts n I have com la p r beds. performing ted in large groups o need high n la t, their ood when p las do not disappoin and look g io V wering y series of e great flo th h it w The Penn d e abit couple a clear winner for m mounded h em ce make th performan ll us often te are, s r e m to s Our cus ertain varietie re c a h d o would s how go e w t h g ou we thou oughts with y h t their HOEY, EDWINA ouncil C Gosport o-Go are Begonia G lants to fantastic p uniform grow, very anding, and undem wer with early to flo l pack exceptiona in 2010 ality. and pot qu definitely grow more We will ouncil , Angus C N O S T R E B KEVIN RO hout eds throug b r u o in ca compact arigold In d them for en m m We use M o ec r masses can highly stems and g n o r st h Angus and wit mmer m growth looms all su and unifor b g in st la of long Ajuga Burgundy Glow Ajuga Mahogany Angelonia Angel Face Blue Angelonia Angel Face Blue Bicolour Angelonia Angel Face Dark Violet Angelonia Angel Face Pink Angelonia Angel Face Wedgewood Blue Argyranthemum Butterfly Argyranthemum Dana Argyranthemum Beauty Pink Argyranthemum Beauty Yellow Argyranthemum Summersong Cherry Argyranthemum Summersong Lemon Argyranthemum Summersong White Improved Argyranthemum Reflections Pink Argyranthemum Reflections Yellow Cream Aubrieta Bubble Blue Aubrieta Bubble Purple Aubrieta Dr Mules Variegated Aubrieta Kitte Blue Aubrieta Kitte Purple Aubrieta Variegated Red Bacopa Sutera Snowflake Bacopa Sutera Scopia Great Pink Ring Bacopa Sutera Scopia Great Regal Blue Bacopa Sutera Scopia Gulliver Blue Sensation Bacopa Sutera Scopia Gulliver White Bacopa Bahia Blanca Bacopa Bahia Lavender Blue Begonia Blue Sky Appleblossom Begonia Blue Sky Pink Begonia Blue Sky Red Begonia Flamboyant Price per tray £30.80 9.35 Price per plant 30.8p 37.4p ANGELONIA (PW) wks 8-20 Plus 7p Royalty and label per plant ANGEL FACE®. Long flowering spikes emerge from shiny green foliage from June–September. Sells on sight in garden centres in 1 or 2L pots BLUE Violet blue with a white eye BLUE BICOLOUR Mainly white flowers with splashes of blue DARK VIOLET NEW Very dark and striking Top Seller PINK Salmon pink flowers with blotched throats Top Seller WEDGEWOOD BLUE White flushed with pale blue 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p ARGYRANTHEMUM BUTTERFLY DANA Plus 21/2p label per plant 100 £29.20 29.2p Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant 100 25 £29.20 £8.50 29.2p 34p ARGYRANTHEMUM wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant REFLECTIONS®. Large single flowers with a vigorous growth intensity. Excellent tolerance to extreme weather conditions and to diseases PINK Pink YELLOW CREAM Yellow cream 100 25 £29.20 £8.50 29.2p 34p AUBRIETA wks 26-34 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant Widely used evergreen mat-forming trailing rockery alpine plants. 10cm BUBBLE BLUE Unique double blue flowers, dome forming green foliage BUBBLE PURPLE Unique double purple flowers on green foliage DR MULES VARIEGATED Blue flowers with variegated leaves. No Royalty, 21/2p label KITTE BLUE Extra large blue flowers on grey-green foliage KITTE PURPLE Extra large deep purple flowers on grey-green foliage VARIEGATED RED Red flowers with variegated leaves. No Royalty, 21/2p label 100 25 £29.70 £8.80 29.7p 35.2p BACOPA (SUTERA) Plus 21/2p label per plant 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p BACOPA (SUTERA) wks 8-20 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant SCOPIA. Masses of flowers on compact plants. Ideal for hanging baskets and containers Top Seller GREAT PINK RING Light pink with purple halo Top Seller GREAT REGAL BLUE Large dark blue flowers GULLIVER BLUE SENSATION Extra large blue flowers Top Seller GULLIVER WHITE Large white flowers 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p 100 £41.10 41.1p AJUGA wks 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant Ideal foliage plant for autumn patio containers. Best in semi shade BURGUNDY GLOW Cream, pink and silver green foliage MAHOGANY Dark mahogany green with blue flowers Top Seller Top Seller wks 8-20 Single yellow Single white ARGYRANTHEMUM wks 8-20 BEAUTY PINK NEW BEAUTY YELLOW NEW SUMMERSONG CHERRY SUMMERSONG LEMON SUMMERSONG WHITE IMPROVED Warm pink Lemon yellow Double cherry Double lemon flowers Double white SNOWFLAKE BAHIA. Big flowers BLANCA LAVENDER BLUE wks 8-20 Top Seller NEW NEW Small white star-like flowers White flowers over green foliage. Medium-vigorous growth Lavender flowers over green foliage. Medium growth. Early BEGONIA Double flowered wk 12 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant BLUE SKY. Fully double flowers on neat rounded and compact plants with dark bronze foliage APPLEBLOSSOM Appleblossom PINK True pink RED Soft red FLAMBOYANT Top Seller A CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 A very popular variety covered with scarlet flowers, green foliage 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS 39 Bidens Aurea Bidens Peter’s Surprise Brachycombe Blue Brachycombe Mauve Mystique Brachycombe Strawberry Mousse Calibrachoa Aloha Blue Sky Calibrachoa Aloha Hot Orange Calibrachoa Aloha Midnight Purple Calibrachoa Aloha Purple Sky Calibrachoa Aloha Red Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Hot Pink Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Orange Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Calibrachoa Million Bells Cherry Calibrachoa Million Bells Golden Terracotta Calibrachoa Million Bells Red Calibrachoa Million Bells Trailing Blue Calibrachoa Million Bells Trailing Fuchsia Calibrachoa Million Bells Trailing White Ice Convolvulus Sabatius Coreopsis Sangria Coreopsis Pink Lady Coreopsis Rum Punch Dahlia Gallery Art Deco Dahlia Gallery Art Fair Dahlia Gallery Art Nouveux Dahlia Gallery Cezanne Dahlia Gallery Pablo Dahlia Gallery Renoir Dahlia Gallery Rivera Dianthus Garden Pinks Cranmere Pool Dianthus Garden Pinks Devon Wizard Dianthus Garden Pinks Doris Dianthus Garden Pinks Valda Wyatt Price per tray £24.80 Price per plant 24.8p wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant Early flowering compact variety 100 £24.80 24.8p BRACHYCOMBE BLUE wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Green foliage with fragrant lilac blue flower with yellow centre 100 £24.80 24.8p BRACHYCOMBE MAUVE MYSTIQUE PW STRAWBERRY MOUSSE wks 8-20 Plus 7p Royalty and label per plant Large bluey mauve flowers cover the plants Large pink daisy flowers 100 £24.80 24.8p CALIBRACHOA wks 8-18 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant ALOHA RED FOX®. Uniform, semi upright growth. Big flowers with intense colours Top Seller BLUE SKY Light blue Top Seller HOT ORANGE Orange with red eye MIDNIGHT PURPLE NEW Intense purple PURPLE SKY Light purple Top Seller RED Red Top Seller TIKI ORANGE Yellow-orange with red centre Top Seller TIKI HOT PINK Pink with red centre Top Seller TIKI SOFT PINK Light pink 100 25 £29.20 £8.50 29.2p 34p CALIBRACHOA wks 8-18 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant MILLION BELLS®. Small Petunia-like flowers on a compact yet cascading habit Top Seller CHERRY Warm cherry pink Top Seller GOLDEN TERRACOTTA Golden with flecks of orange RED Vibrant scarlet Top Seller TRAILING BLUE Mid blue Top Seller TRAILING FUCHSIA Bright fuchsia pink TRAILING WHITE ICE Medium white flowers. Trailing habit 100 25 £29.20 £8.50 29.2p 34p CONVOLVULUS SABATIUS wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Clear blue flowers on silvery grey foliage, trailing 100 £24.80 24.8p COREOPSIS wks 26-34 Plus 15p Royalty and label per plant Popular herbaceous plant with dark green fine cut leaves and a multitude of star-shaped flowers SANGRIA Rich ruby red flowers with yellow eyes. Height 40cm PINK LADY Baby pink flowers. Height 40cm RUM PUNCH Fiery amber flowers turning rose red. Height 40cm 100 25 £33.00 £10.00 33p 40p DAHLIA wks 8-20 Plus 7p Royalty and label per plant GALLERY. Double flowers ideal for smaller gardens, front of borders and in containers. Compact, freely branching habit ART DECO Orange with deep red brown underside. Height 30cm ART FAIR White with yellow-green centre. Height 40cm ART NOUVEUX Lilac with red-purple underside. Height 40cm CEZANNE Yellow. Height 30cm PABLO Bicolour salmon yellow. Height 40cm RENOIR Bright mauve. Height 30cm RIVERA Red. Height 30cm 50 £25.00 50p DIANTHUS wks 8-20 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant GARDEN PINKS. Highly perfumed, ideal for garden borders, large containers and cutting CRANMERE POOL Creamy white with deep magenta eye DEVON WIZARD Vibrant purple with a ruby red centre DORIS Soft pink with a coral eye VALDA WYATT Deep rosy lavender 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p BIDENS AUREA BIDENS PETER’S SURPRISE wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Vigorous trailing plant with bright yellow single flowers PW Top Seller 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS B CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 41 Diascia Coral Belle Diascia Little Dancer Diascia Little Maiden Diascia Red Ace Diascia White Belle Diascia Genta Dark Coral Fuchsia Annabel Fuchsia Auntie Jinks Fuchsia Autumnale Fuchsia Cascade Fuchsia Dancing Flame Fuchsia Dark Eyes Fuchsia Eva Boerg Fuchsia Frosted Flame Fuchsia Harry Gray Fuchsia Jack Shahan Fuchsia La Campanella Fuchsia Marinka Fuchsia Pink Galore Fuchsia Southgate Fuchsia Swingtime Fuchsia Tom West Fuchsia Dollar Princess Fuchsia Heidi Anne Fuchsia Koralle Fuchsia Spion Kop Fuchsia White General Monk Fuchsia Winston Churchill Fuchsia Bella Rosella Fuchsia Deep Purple Fuchsia Holly’s Beauty Fuchsia Peachy Fuchsia Peppermint Candy Fuchsia Seventh Heaven Fuchsia Voodoo Price per tray £24.80 £7.45 Price per plant 24.8p 29.8p DIASCIA wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant GENTA. This series was much admired at trials and is excellent in hanging baskets and containers. Large long lasting flowers ANTIQUE RED NEW Red flowers over green foliage. Med growth. Early flowering DARK CORAL Warm salmon pink PINK Pink 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p EUONYMUS wks 26-34 Hardy evergreen shrub grown for its foliage that turns pinkish in the winter EMERALD AND GOLD Green and gold variegated leaves GAIETY Green and white variegated leaves Plus 21/2p label per plant 100 25 £30.80 £9.35 30.8p 37.4p EUPHORBIA wks 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant Hardy evergreen plants with attractive foliage. Thrives in semi shade and is excellent for autumn and winter containers. Lime green long-lasting flowers in early spring PURPUREA Purple leaves and a lime green flower ROBBIAE Dark green glossy leaves and a yellow lime flower 100 25 £30.80 £9.35 30.8p 37.4p FUCHSIA BASKET 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p DIASCIA wks 8-20 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant Our collection of Diascias from UK breeders. Ideally suited for pot production Top Seller CORAL BELLE Attractive deep salmon coral flowers Top Seller LITTLE DANCER Bright pink flowers, compact habit LITTLE MAIDEN Soft pink with red eye Top Seller RED ACE Light red flowers, upright growth habit Top Seller WHITE BELLE Pure white wks 8-20 ANNABEL AUNTIE JINKS AUTUMNALE CASCADE DANCING FLAME DARK EYES EVA BOERG FROSTED FLAME HARRY GRAY JACK SHAHAN LA CAMPANELLA MARINKA PINK GALORE SOUTHGATE SWINGTIME TOM WEST Top Seller Top Seller Top Seller Top Seller FUCHSIA UPRIGHT White with a white centre (Double) Purple corolla/white sepals (Single) Red with a deep purple centre. 20-30cm (Single) Purple corolla/pink sepals (Single) Light orange with a deep orange centre (Double) Deep violet blue corolla/red sepals (Double) Violet/white (Double) Light pink with a flame (dark red) centre (Single) White/white (Double) Deep rose corolla/rose sepals (Single) White flushed pink/purple-cerise (Single) Rich red/pink (Single) Pink on pink (Double) Soft pink/rose (Double) White and red (Double) Red with a purple centre. 15-20cm (Single) wks 8-20 BEACON ROSA DOLLAR PRINCESS HEIDI ANNE KORALLE SPION KOP WHITE GENERAL MONK WINSTON CHURCHILL Top Seller Top Seller Top Seller Top Seller FUCHSIA GIANT FLOWERED BELLA ROSELLA DEEP PURPLE HOLLY’S BEAUTY NEW MILLENIUM PEACHY PEPPERMINT CANDY SEVENTH HEAVEN VOODOO Top Seller Plus 21/2p label per plant Red/pink (Single) Cerise/purple (Double) Red with a blue centre (Double) Pale orange with a bright orange centre (Single) Red with white and pink veins in centre (Double) Red/white (Double) Pink tipped green/lavender blue with veins (Double) wks 8-20 Top Seller Top Seller Plus 21/2p label per plant D CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 Plus 21/2p label per plant Peach corolla/pink sepals (Double) White with deep blue centre (Double) Lilac corolla/white sepals (Double) Pink with a black centre. 20–30cm (Double) Light Pink corolla/pink sepals (Double) Purple corolla/salmon sepals (Double) White pink with burgundy centre (Double) Violet corolla/red sepals (Double) 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS 43 Fuchsia Alice Hoffman Fuchsia Display Fuchsia Lady Thumb Fuchsia Mrs Popple Fuchsia Son of Thumb Fuchsia Snowcap Fuchsia Tom Thumb Gaura Dwarf Pink Geranium Ivy Leaf Atlantic Burgundy Geranium Ivy Leaf Atlantic Red Velvet Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Blue Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Bright Red Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Hot Pink Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Lavender Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Salmon Pink Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Soft Pink Geranium Ivy Leaf Pacific Violet Geranium Ivy Leaf PAC Happy Face Amethyst Geranium Ivy Leaf PAC Happy Face Mex Geranium Ivy Leaf PAC Happy Face Scarlet Geranium Ivy Leaf PAC Happy Face Velvet Red Geranium Ivy Leaf Blanche Roche Geranium Ivy Leaf Mexica Granatit Geranium Ivy Leaf Red Sybil Geranium Ivy Leaf PAC Ville De Dresden Decora Geranium Ivy Leaf Ville Lilac Geranium Ivy Leaf Ville Red Geranium Ivy Leaf Ville Rose Geranium Pelgardini Contrast Geranium Pelgardini Frank Headley Geranium Pelgardini Madame Salleron Geranium Pelgardini Mrs Pollock Geranium Pelgardini Occold Shield Geranium Pelgardini Vancouver Centennial Geranium Pelgardini Wilhelm Langguth CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 Price per tray £24.80 £7.45 Price per plant 24.8p 29.8p GAURA wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant Good container plant for patios in summer and autumn DWARF PINK Dark pink, compact GRACE Dark red-brown leaves with deep rose flowers WHIRLING BUTTERFLIES White 100 25 £32.50 £9.65 32.5p 38.6p GERANIUM IVY LEAF wks 8-18 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant ATLANTIC RED FOX®. Medium compact growth with good branching. Semi double Top Seller BURGUNDY Burgundy red RED VELVET NEW Black red double flowers 50 £19.80 39.6p 50 £20.90 41.8p ALICE HOFFMAN DISPLAY LADY THUMB MRS POPPLE SON OF THUMB SNOWCAP TOM THUMB wks 8-20 Top Seller Top Seller Top Seller Plus 21/2p label per plant Rose with a white centre (Double) Clear pink with a deep pink centre (Single) Red with a white centre (Semi-double) Scarlet with a purple centre (Single) Pink with a lavender centre (Double) Red with a white centre (Double) Scarlet with a purple centre (Single) CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS FUCHSIA HARDY F PACIFIC RED FOX®. Semi double, big, early flowers with good branching. Medium vigorous growth Top Seller BLUE Blue lilac BRIGHT RED Light red HOT PINK Intense salmon Top Seller LAVENDER Soft lilac SALMON PINK Intense salmon pink Top Seller SOFT PINK Soft pink VIOLET Red violet p® HAPPY FACE®. Single flowered ivy leaf pelargoniums with large flowers. Medium to early flowering with abundant cascading growth AMETHYST p® Large single mauve Top Seller MEX p® Large single velvet red and white bicolour Top Seller SCARLET p® Large single bright red Top Seller VELVET RED p® Large single velvet red Our choice of the best p® varieties BLANCHE ROCHE NEW White to delicate rose pink, semi-double MEXICA GRANATIT p® NEW Velvet red with white stripes, semi-double RUBY p® NEW Red, semi-double flowers TOMMY p® NEW Dark burgundy, semi-double flowers p® SYBIL. Exquisite double rosebud style flowers BLUE SYBIL p® NEW Double blue-violet flowers RED SYBIL p® NEW Double red flowers VILLE. Vigorous growth with single, early flowers VILLE DE DRESDEN DECORA White LILAC Lilac RED Red ROSE Pink GERANIUM PELGARDINI wks 8-18 Plus 21/2p label per plant PELGARDINI. Fancy leaved Geraniums, eye catching with or without flowers CONTRAST Red flowers, green, brown and yellow foliage Top Seller FRANK HEADLEY Salmon single, cream/green leaf MADAME SALLERON Lilac pink with grey green foliage Top Seller MRS POLLOCK Scarlet single, cream/green/bronze leaf OCCOLD SHIELD Orange red double, green/bronze leaf VANCOUVER CENTENNIAL Russet red leaf with lime edge with a scarlet flower Top Seller WILHELM LANGGUTH Red double, cream/green leaf 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS 45 Geranium Zonal PAC Flower Fairy Berry Geranium Zonal PAC Flower Fairy Rose Geranium Zonal PAC Flower Fairy White Spash Geranium Zonal PAC Anthony Geranium Zonal PAC Blanca Geranium Zonal PAC Candy Rose Geranium Zonal PAC Calais Geranium Zonal PAC Foxy Geranium Zonal PAC Samelia Geranium Zonal PAC Shocking Pink Geranium Zonal PAC Victor Geranium Zonal Survivor Appleblossom Geranium Zonal Survivor Blue Geranium Zonal Survivor Dark Red Geranium Zonal Survivor Fuchsia Geranium Zonal Survivor Neon Violet Geranium Zonal Survivor Pink Geranium Zonal Survivor Pink Charm Geranium Zonal Survivor Plum Geranium Zonal Survivor Salmon Geranium Zonal Survivor Scarlet Geranium Zonal Survivor White Hedera Golden Variegated Hedera Silver Variegated Helichrysum Gold Helichrysum Silver Helichrysum Variegated Impatiens Double Just Must Compact Citrus Impatiens Double Just Must Compact Pink Impatiens Double Just Must Compact Purple Impatiens Double Just Must Compact Rose Impatiens New Guinea Petticoat Hot Rose Impatiens New Guinea Petticoat Orange Star Impatiens New Guinea Petticoat Pink CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 50 Price per tray £19.80 Price per plant 39.6p HEDERA wks 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant Great trailing foliage plant suitable for use in autumn baskets and containers. Two cuttings per plug GOLDEN VARIEGATED Rich gold and green foliage SILVER VARIEGATED Silver grey and green foliage 100 25 £29.70 £8.80 29.7p 35.2p HELICHRYSUM wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant A great foliage plant suitable for use in baskets and containers as a foil against flower colours GOLD Rich gold yellow foliage SILVER Attractive silver grey foliage VARIEGATED Silver grey foliage with strong variegation 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p IMPATIENS wks 10-18 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant DOUBLE JUST MUST COMPACT. Medium, double flowers over compact, standing, green foliage. Height 20-30cm CITRUS NEW Bright yellow PINK NEW Pink PURPLE NEW Purple ROSE NEW Bright rose 100 25 £33.00 £9.90 33p 39.6p IMPATIENS wks 8-18 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant NEW GUINEA PETTICOAT. Medium growth, early flowering HOT ROSE NEW Intense blue pink flowers over green foliage ORANGE STAR NEW White with orange star over dark green foliage PINK NEW Pink over green foliage 100 25 £33.00 £9.90 33p 39.6p GERANIUM ZONAL wks 8-18 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant Vigorous, suitable for 13cm pot production and prestigious bedding schemes. Excellent in containers with a superb range of colours G Our choice of the best p® varieties ANTHONY p® Top Seller Scarlet red, vigorous BLANCA p® Top Seller White with dark green leaf CANDY ROSE p® Rose pink CALAIS p® Salmon, bright border p® FOXY Dark purple SAMELIA p® Top Seller Compact red SHOCKING PINK p® Cerise pink VICTOR p® Top Seller Velvet red SURVIVOR RED FOX®. This series is recommended for its vigorous growth and weather resistance. A good substitute for the superseded Americana series APPLEBLOSSOM Soft pink/white Top Seller BLUE Blue lilac Top Seller DARK RED Dark red FUCHSIA Intense pink NEON VIOLET Red Violet PINK NEW Soft pink with eye PINK CHARM Brilliant pink with white centre PLUM Intense pink with violet eye SALMON Salmon SCARLET Bright red WHITE White 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS p® FLOWER FAIRY. Semi double flowered zonal Pelargoniums with blotched flowers BERRY p® Purple with big dark red eye ROSE p® Rose pink with dark magenta blotch WHITE SPLASH p® NEW White with a pink eye 47 Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Blue Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Blue Star Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Bright Red Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Deep Salmon Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Orange Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Pastel Pink Impatiens New Guinea Riviera Red Star Impatiens New Guinea Riviera White Eye Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Blush Pink Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Coral Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Lilac Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Orange Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact White Ipomea Blackie Ipomea Marguerite Ipomea Variegated Ipomea Sweet Caroline Bronze Ipomea Sweet Caroline Green Ipomea Sweet Caroline Purple Lamium Beacon Silver Lamium Gold Nuggets Lamium Hermann’s Pride Lamium White Nancy Lavender Angustifolia Blue Rider Lavender Angustifolia Hidcote Lavender Angustifolia Munstead Lavender Angustifolia Twickle Purple Lavender Intermedia Grosso Lavender Intermedia Provence Lavender Stoechas Kew Red Lavender Little Bee Blue and White Lavender Little Bee Deep Rose Lavender Little Bee Lilac Lavender Little Bee Purple Price per tray £33.00 £9.90 Price per plant 33p 39.6p IMPATIENS wks 12 and 14 Plus 10p Royalty and label per plant SUNPATIENS COMPACT. Big attractive eye-catching flowers and excellent vigor. Perfect for beds and containers. Flowers from spring through to hard frost. Thrives in full sun. Height 50-60cm BLUSH PINK NEW Shades of blush pink CORAL NEW Light coral LILAC NEW Lilac purple ORANGE NEW Bright orange WHITE NEW White with slight pink tinges 100 £43.00 43p IPOMEA wks 12-20 Superb foliage trailing plant with uniquely shaped leaves BLACKIE Unique black foliage MARGUERITE Lime green foliage VARIEGATED Pink and white variegated foliage Plus 21/2p label per plant 50 £19.25 38.5p IPOMEA wks 12-20 Plus 9p Royalty and label per plant SWEET CAROLINE. Short internodes produce a more compact plant, with a smaller leaf size and less aggressive growth. Sweet Caroline is excellent in small pots BRONZE Red/orange foliage maturing to purple/bronze with veins GREEN Dark green lobed foliage with light green veins PURPLE Heart shaped deep purple foliage 50 £19.25 38.5p LAMIUM wks 12-20 and 26-34 A fast foliage crop which is winter hardy and weather resistant. Height 35cm BEACON SILVER Purple flowers with silvery foliage GOLD NUGGETS Purple flowers with golden foliage HERMANN’S PRIDE Grey foliage with green veins WHITE NANCY White silvery foliage Plus 21/2p label per plant 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p LAVENDERS wks 12-20 and 26-34 Plus 8p Royalty and label per plant This ever popular dwarf shrub is well suited to 11cm-2L pot production for retail sales. The Stoechas group can be planted in February/March and kept frost free and will flower in 10-12 weeks. The Angustifolia and Intermedia groups require a longer growing time and are best planted up in the autumn and kept in a frost free greenhouse and will flower in early summer. Plant one plant in a small pot and up to three in larger containers 100 25 £28.00 £8.25 28p 33p IMPATIENS wks 8-18 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant NEW GUINEA RIVIERA. Medium-vigorous growth. Big flowers BLUE NEW Blue lilac flowers over green foliage BLUE STAR NEW Lilac/red star flowers over dark green foliage BRIGHT RED NEW Bright red flowers over green foliage DEEP SALMON NEW Intense salmon flowers over dark green foliage ORANGE NEW Intense orange flowers over green foliage PASTEL PINK NEW Soft salmon-pink flowers over green foliage RED STAR NEW White/red star flowers over dark green foliage WHITE EYE NEW White with pink eye flowers over green foliage ANGUSTIFOLIA. English Lavenders BLUE RIDER HIDCOTE (Non Royalty, 21/2p label) MUNSTEAD (Non Royalty, 21/2p label) TWICKLE PURPLE (Non Royalty, 21/2p label) Blue variety, Height 30cm The most popular variety, dark blue, Height 30cm Lavender blue, prolific, Height 40cm Deep purple, Height 50cm INTERMEDIA. Dutch Lavenders GROSSO (Non Royalty, 21/2p label) PROVENCE (Non Royalty, 21/2p label) Large bush with long flowered stems, good for drying Violet blue flowers on 60-70cm stems STOECHAS. French Lavenders KEW RED LITTLE BEE BLUE AND WHITE LITTLE BEE DEEP ROSE LITTLE BEE LILAC LITTLE BEE PURPLE Compact red, Height 40cm Compact blue and white flowers, Height 40cm Compact dark rose flowers, Height 40cm Compact lilac flowers, Height 40cm Compact dark purple flowers, Height 40cm 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS I CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 49 Lobelia Hot Blue Lobelia Hot Tiger Eyes Lobelia Purple Star Lobelia Superstar Lobelia Richardii Lonicera Baggesens Gold Lophospermum Lofos Summer Cream Lophospermum Lofos Wine Red Lysimachia Golden Yellow Nemesia Nemesis Cherry Nemesia Nemesis Compact Yellow Nemesia Nemesis Orange Fancy Nemesia Nemesis Red Fancy Nemesia Nuvo Blue Nemesia Nuvo Blue Bicolour Nemesia Nuvo Carmine Nemesia Nuvo Purple Bicolour Nemesia Nuvo White Nepeta Variegata Osteospermum Summertime Blueberry Osteospermum Summertime Bronze Charme Osteospermum Summertime Deep Purple Osteospermum Summertime Kardinal Osteospermum Summertime Pink Osteospermum Summertime Pink Charme Osteospermum Summertime Red Velvet Osteospermum Summertime Royal Purple Osteospermum Summertime Sunset Osteospermum Summertime White Penstemon Firebird Penstemon Flamingo Penstemon King George V Penstemon Raven Penstemon Snowstorm LOBELIA wks 8-20 Plus 7p Royalty and label per plant HOT. Heat tolerant with strong growth habit, big single flowers HOT BLUE Dark blue with white eye HOT TIGER EYES Blue and white bicolour STAR. Big flowers over green foliage PURPLE STAR NEW Purple flowers. Compact medium growth. Early flowering SUPERSTAR NEW Blue with large white eye. Compact growth Price per tray £24.80 £7.45 Price per plant 24.8p 29.8p LOBELIA RICHARDII wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Established variety with proven performance 100 £24.80 24.8p LONICERA wks 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant 100 25 £30.80 £9.35 30.8p 37.4p BAGGESENS GOLD Small gold leaves on a compact plant LOPHOSPERMUM wks 8-20 Plus 11p Royalty and label per plant LOFOS®. Large tubular flowers, trailing to 1.5 metres long. Superb in a specimen basket SUMMER CREAM Creamy white flowers WINE RED Burgundy red flowers 100 £33.00 33p LYSIMACHIA GOLDEN YELLOW wks 8-20 and wks 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant Vibrant trailing yellow foliage with yellow flowers 100 £24.80 24.8p NEMESIA wks 8-20 Plus 7p Royalty and label per plant NEMESIS. Early flowering. Broad, compact, green foliage. Ideal for baskets CHERRY NEW Cherry red. Compact-medium growth. Semi-trailing habit COMPACT YELLOW NEW Yellow. Compact growth. Upright habit ORANGE FANCY NEW Orange. Compact-medium growth. Upright habit RED FANCY NEW Red orange. Medium growth. Upright habit 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p NEMESIA wks 8-20 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant NUVO. Early flowering, compact variety. Suitable for retail packs and pots BLUE Mid blue BLUE BICOLOUR Blue and white with slightly larger flowers Top Seller CARMINE Strong carmine pink PURPLE BICOLOUR Purple and white with slightly larger flowers WHITE Pure white 100 £24.80 24.8p NEPETA VARIEGATA wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Long trails of green and cream scented leaves 100 £24.80 24.8p OSTEOSPERMUM wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant SUMMERTIME RED FOX®. Unique colours, early flowering and good growth habit. Highly recommended BLUEBERRY Blue, red BRONZE CHARME Bronze with a light centre Top Seller DEEP PURPLE Intense purple KARDINAL Dark purple Top Seller PINK Soft pink Top Seller PINK CHARME Pink, white centre Top Seller RED VELVET Dark red purple Top Seller ROYAL PURPLE Purple with blue centre and white ring Top Seller SUNSET Orange, purple centre Top Seller WHITE White 100 25 £28.00 £8.25 28p 33p PENSTEMON wks 12-20 and 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant Very popular perennial looks superb in a sheltered spot in the border. Fully hardy with bright flowers, ideal in a 1-3 litre pot FIREBIRD Large bright red flowers, 90cm FLAMINGO Deep pink flowers with a white throat, 100cm KING GEORGE V Crimson flowers with a white throat, 90cm RAVEN Large deep purple flowers with a white veined throat, 100 cm SNOWSTORM Pure white, 70cm 100 25 £28.00 £8.25 28p 33p 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS L CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 51 Petunia Conchita Doble Dark Blue Petunia Conchita Doble Pink Petunia Conchita Doble Velvet Petunia Double Surprise Blue Vein Petunia Double Surprise Purple Vein Petunia Double Surprise Soft Pink Petunia Potunia Cappuccino Petunia Potunia Dark Red Petunia Potunia Deep Purple Petunia Potunia Neon Petunia Potunia Pink Petunia Potunia Red Petunia Potunia Yellow Petunia Surfinia Blue Petunia Surfinia Blue Vein Petunia Surfinia Burgundy Petunia Surfinia Dark Violet Petunia Surfinia Giant Purple Petunia Surfinia Hot Pink 2005 Petunia Surfinia Hot Red Petunia Surfinia Lime Petunia Surfinia Sky Blue Petunia Surfinia Sweet Pink Petunia Surprise Blue Petunia Surprise Blue Vein Petunia Surprise Hot Pink Petunia Surprise Hot Red Petunia Surprise Kardinal Vein Petunia Surprise Kardinal 09 Petunia Surprise Marine Petunia Surprise Neon Petunia Surprise Orange Twist Petunia Surprise Red 09 Petunia Surprise Starburst Petunia Surprise Yellow Twist CUTTING RAISED PETUNIA wks 8-18 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant CONCHITA DOBLE PW®. A range of double and semi double Conchitas Top Seller DARK BLUE PW® Dark violet blue, double Top Seller PINK PW® Vibrant pink double VELVET PW® Purple, semi double WHITE PW® Pure white Plants per tray 100 25 Price per tray £28.60 £8.50 Price per plant 28.6p 34p P POTUNIA RED FOX®. Rounded plant habit and intense flower power makes this series the perfect choice for pot production. Great weather stability CAPPUCCINO NEW Crème with brown veins DARK RED Intense red DEEP PURPLE Vibrant velvet purple LOBSTER Salmon with red veins NEON Intense pink red PINK Light rose pink RED Strong bright red YELLOW NEW Yellow centre with paler edges SURFINIA®. The name Surfinia, Million Bells, Tapien and Temari are Suntory registered AMETHYST Beautiful shades of dark lilac Top Seller BLUE Dark blue BLUE TOPAZ Violet blue with delicate darker veins Top Seller BLUE VEIN Blue with a darker vein Top Seller BURGUNDY Deep maroon DARK VIOLET Deep rich violet Top Seller GIANT PURPLE Dark purple Top Seller HOT PINK 2005 Bright pink with a slight vein HOT RED Large pink/red flowers Top Seller LIME Lime with a darker throat PINK VEIN Bright pink with a vein Top Seller PURPLE Dark purple RED Bright red Top Seller SKY BLUE Pale blue SWEET PINK Light pink vein Top Seller WHITE Crisp clear white SURPRISE RED FOX®. Medium vigorous, big flowers Top Seller BLUE Intense blue Top Seller BLUE VEIN White with blue veins Top Seller HOT PINK Bright pink HOT RED NEW Intense red with dark centre KARDINAL VEIN Purple with darker veining KARDINAL 09 Intense purple MARINE Blue marine NEON Intense pink ORANGE TWIST NEW Orange with red veins. Early flowering RED 09 Red STARBURST NEW White with pink veins Top Seller WHITE White YELLOW TWIST NEW Yellow centre with white edge. Early flowering 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS DOUBLE SURPRISE RED FOX®. Double flowers and good branching. Medium-compact growth habit BLUE VEIN White with blue veins PURPLE VEIN Pink, purple veins SOFT PINK Light pink 53 Petunia Sweetunia Blue Sky Petunia Sweetunia Caramello Petunia Sweetunia Extreme Yellow Petunia Sweetunia Hot Pink Morning Petunia Sweetunia Lavender Petunia Sweetunia Purple Petunia Sweetunia Purple Vein Petunia Sweetunia Royal Creme Petunia Sweetunia Soft Pink Morning Petunia Sweetunia Strawberry Morning Phlox Amazing Grace Phlox Bavaria Phlox Emerald Cushion Blue Phlox MacDaniels Cushion Phlox Purple Beauty Phlox White Delight Plectranthus Variegated Sanvitalia Aztec Gold Sanvitalia Sunbini Scaevola Brilliant Scaevola Diamond Scaevola Topaz Pink Senetti Blue Bicolour Senetti Deep Blue Senetti Lavender Senetti Magenta Senetti Magenta Bicolour Senetti Violet Bicolour Torenia Magenta Moon Torenia Purple Moon Torenia Rose Moon Torenia Velvet Moon Torenia Violet Moon Torenia Yellow Moon Price per tray £28.60 £8.50 Price per plant 28.6p 34p PHLOX wks 26-34 Plus 21/2p label per plant Evergreen, mound-forming alpine plant. Nice compact plants abundantly flowering in Spring. Ideal for rockery gardens AMAZING GRACE White with rose heart BAVARIA White with blue heart EMERALD CUSHION BLUE Lilac blue MACDANIELS CUSHION Big deep rose flowers PURPLE BEAUTY Purple WHITE DELIGHT White 100 25 £29.70 £8.80 29.7p 35.2p PLECTRANTHUS VARIEGATED wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Pale to mid green foliage with strong variegation 100 £24.80 24.8p SANVITALIA AZTEC GOLD wks 8-20 Plus 21/2p label per plant Dark green foliage with tiny golden flowers 100 £24.80 24.8p wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant Excellent compact free flowering variety with yellow flowers 100 £24.80 24.8p wks 8-20 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant Large dark blue, early flowers on compact plants Blue and white bicolour Masses of bright pink flowers on glossy foliage 100 £24.80 24.8p SENETTI wks 2-4 and 47 Plus 8p Royalty and label per plant SENETTI SUNTORY®. A “must have” plant for garden centres as it fills a gap in plant supply at that time of the year. A relatively low temperature crop it is best potted in weeks 4-8. Full culture notes are available BLUE BICOLOUR Blue petals with inner white band and dark eye DEEP BLUE Large deep blue flowers LAVENDER Soft lavender blue with inner white band MAGENTA Intense deep magenta flowers MAGENTA BICOLOUR Magenta with inner white band VIOLET BICOLOUR Violet with inner white band 50 £22.55 45.1p TORENIA wks 8-20 Plus 5p Royalty and label per plant MOON. Dense semi-trailing foliage, large two-tone open flowers borne in profusion Top Seller MAGENTA Magenta flowers. Medium growth intensity Top Seller Dark purple with a yellow throat PURPLE ROSE Dark pink VELVET NEW Purple and light yellow flowers VIOLET NEW Violet and white flowers Top Seller YELLOW Yellow 100 25 £28.60 £8.50 28.6p 34p PETUNIA wks 8-18 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant SWEETUNIA RED FOX®. Medium sized flowers borne in profusion on vigorous plants. Very weather resistant BLUE SKY Light Blue. Slightly later flowering Top Seller CARAMELLO Cream with pink veins Top Seller EXTREME YELLOW Deep yellow centre with lighter edge. Early to flower HOT PINK MORNING Intense pink with white eye. Early to flower LAVENDER Light lilac PURPLE Dark purple Top Seller PURPLE VEIN Light pink with purple veins and eye ROYAL CREME Cream with a dark eye SOFT PINK MORNING Soft pink with yellow tinged eye Top Seller STRAWBERRY MORNING Salmon with a light yellow eye SANVITALIA SUNBINI® SCAEVOLA BRILLIANT DIAMOND TOPAZ PINK PW 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS P CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 55 Verbena Empress Burgundy Verbena Empress Burgundy Charme Verbena Empress Dark Red Verbena Empress Hot Pink Charme Verbena Empress Lavender Verbena Empress Lavender Blue Verbena Empress Lavender Charme Verbena Empress Pink Verbena Empress Purple Verbena Empress Strawberry Charme Verbena Empress Royal Blue Verbena Empress Salmon Pink Verbena Empress Strawberry Verbena Empress Peach Verbena Empress Violet Improved Verbena Tapien Pink Verbena Tapien Pink Parfait Verbena Tapien Purple Verbena Tapien Salmon Verbena Tapien Violet Verbena Corsage Cerise Verbena Corsage Peach Verbena Corsage Pink Bicolour Verbena Corsage Red Price per tray £24.80 £7.45 Price per plant 24.8p 29.8p VERBENA wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant TAPIENTM. Delicately cut foliage and an open habit. All five colours are vigorous and ideal for baskets and ground cover PINK Bright silvery pink PINK PARFAIT Rose pink flowers maturing to blush pink PURPLE Superb variety, early flowering with masses of bright purple flowers on compact stems, fine feathery dark green foliage with a superb trailing habit SALMON Pale pink Top Seller VIOLET Deep violet blue 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p VERBENA wks 8-20 Plus 7p Royalty and label per plant CORSAGE. Compact double series that is ideal for hanging baskets and 10cm pot production CERISE Large cerise flowers PEACH Multi-toned creamy peach PINK BICOLOUR Medium pink bicolour flowers Top Seller RED Strong bright red 100 25 £24.80 £7.45 24.8p 29.8p VERBENA wks 8-20 Plus 6p Royalty and label per plant EMPRESS RED FOX®. Extra large blooms in a wide range of colours. All the Empress varieties are uniform in habit with a broad leaf pattern to protect against mildew and water stress. This is an outstanding series BURGUNDY Dark burgundy Top Seller BURGUNDY CHARME Purple with white centre Top Seller DARK RED Dark red Top Seller HOT PINK CHARME Intense pink Top Seller LAVENDER Lavender LAVENDER BLUE NEW Dark lavender LAVENDER CHARME Lavender with white centre PEACH NEW Apricot Top Seller PINK Pink Top Seller PURPLE Blue violet Top Seller ROYAL BLUE Intense royal blue SALMON PINK NEW Salmon pink STRAWBERRY Red pink STRAWBERRY CHARME Pink red with white eye Top Seller VIOLET IMPROVED Violet Top Seller WHITE White 25s OF ANY VARIETIES MUST BE ORDERED IN MULTIPLES OF 4 UNITS OF 25 PLANTS V CUTTING RAISED ANNUALS CUTTING RAISED Plants per tray 100 25 57 G Grasses Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 10, 14 & 30 100 £25.30 25.3p SEED RAISED PERENNIALS GRASSES. Superb in containers and will grow slightly larger in borders. Beautiful shapes and colours. Winter hardy with architectural winter foliage, a must for every garden CAREX AMAZON MIST – Height 25cm CAREX BRONCO – Height 25cm CAREX BRONZITA – Height 35-40cm CAREX COPPERTOP – Height 25cm CAREX PRAIRIE FIRE – Height 40cm CAREX RED ROOSTER – Height 60cm CORYNEPHORUS SPIKY BLUE – Height 20cm FESTUCA FESTINA – Height 15-25cm STIPA PONY TAILS – Height 50cm Carex Amazon Mist Carex Bronco Carex Bronzita Carex Coppertop Carex Prairie Fire Carex Red Rooster Corynephorus Spiky Blue Festuca Festina Stipa Pony Tails Perennials We will have availability of some new varieties which we are currently trialling. Please ask your local representative or contact head office for more details Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 30-42 and 2-8 100 £19.30 19.3p Achillea Millefolium Colorado Alchemilla Mollis Aster Novi-Angliae ‘September Ruby’ Bergenia Cordifolia Coreopsis Grandiflora ‘Early Sunrise’ Delphinium Blue Mirror Delphinium Magic Fountains Dark Blue With White Bee Delphinium Magic Fountains Lilac Pink With White Bee Delphinium Magic Fountains Sky Blue With White Bee AQUILEGIA McKANAS HYBRIDS – Mixed pastel shades ARMERIA LARGE FLOWERED HYBRIDS – Long stems with rose flowers ASTER NOVI-ANGLIAE ‘SEPTEMBER RUBY’ – (F) – Pinky mauve flowers. Height 60cm BERGENIA CORDIFOLIA – Rose flowers CAMPANULA PERSICIFOLIA BLUE – Blue flowers CAMPANULA PERSICIFOLIA WHITE – White flowers CHRYSANTHEMUM SILVER PRINCESS – White flowers COREOPSIS GRANDIFLORA ‘EARLY SUNRISE’ – (F) – Early semi-double golden flowers. Height 40cm DELPHINIUM BLUE MIRROR – (F) – Spurless flowers of a beautiful mid blue. Height 40cm DELPHINIUM MAGIC FOUNTAINS DARK BLUE WITH WHITE BEE – (F) – Dwarf and very sturdy habit. Height 80cm DELPHINIUM MAGIC FOUNTAINS LILAC PINK WITH WHITE BEE – (F) – Dwarf and very sturdy habit. Height 80cm DELPHINIUM MAGIC FOUNTAINS SKY BLUE WITH WHITE BEE – (F) – Dwarf and very sturdy habit. Height 80cm DELPHINIUM MAGIC FOUNTAINS PURE WHITE – (F) – Dwarf and very sturdy habit. Height 80cm DELPHINIUM PACIFIC GIANTS MIXED – Vigorous, early DIGITALIS F1 CAMELOT CREAM – (F) – Cream flowers with rose speckles DIGITALIS F1 CAMELOT LAVENDER – (F) – Lavender flowers with double rose speckles DIGITALIS F1 CAMELOT ROSE – (F) – Strong rose (F) DENOTES FIRST YEAR FLOWERING ALSO AVAILABLE WEEKS 18 AND 24 ACHILLEA CERISE QUEEN – Cherry red ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM COLORADO – (F) – Pastel shades of flowers with feathery leaves. Height 60cm ALCHEMILLA MOLLIS – Yellow green 58 Digitalis Camelot Cream Digitalis Camelot Lavender Digitalis Camelot Rose D Doronicum Caucasicum Helenium Autumnale ‘Helena Mixed’ Heuchera Palace Purple Hollyhock Chaters Double Digitalis Primrose Carousel DIGITALIS F1 CAMELOT WHITE – (F) – Clear white with green speckles DIGITALIS EXCELSIOR MIXED – Foxglove. Colours include white, cream, purple, primrose and pink DIGITALIS PRIMROSE CAROUSEL – (F) – Primrose yellow speckled claret flowers. Height 75cm DORONICUM CAUCASICUM – Bright yellow daisy flowers ECHINOPS RITRO – Blue ERIGERON AZURE FAIRY – Pale blue ERYNGIUM BLUE HOBBIT – ERYNGIUM BLUE Silver blue stems that emerge HOBBIT from basal rosettes before Plants/tray 100 forming a globe-like flower Price/tray £35.50 head. Attractive for bees and Price/each 35.5p butterflies. Height 30cm GAILLARDIA ARISTATA ‘GOBLIN’ – (F) – Large daisy like flowers, deep red centre blending to yellow outer. Height 35cm GAILLARDIA ARIZONA SUN – Blooms earlier than other Gaillardias. 10cm bright red and yellow flowers. Height 30cm GEUM LADY STRATHEDEN – Golden yellow double GEUM MRS BRADSHAW – Bright red HELENIUM AUTUMNALE ‘HELENA MIXED’ – (F) – Mixture of bold hot colours. Height 100cm HEUCHERA PALACE PURPLE – Sprays of creamy white HOLLYHOCK CHATERS DOUBLE – Wide colour range KNIPHOFIA UVARIA ‘FLAMENCO’ – (F) – Mixture of red, yellow and orange spiked flowers from July to September. Height 80cm LAVENDER MUNSTEAD – Early flowering and compact with pale lavender scented flowers and foliage LIATRIS SPICATA – Purple flower spikes, ideal for cutting. Height 150cm LOBELIA CARDINALIS QUEEN VICTORIA – Scarlet flower spikes F1 LOBELIA FAN BURGUNDY – Deep burgundy red flowers. Height 70cm F1 LOBELIA FAN BLUE – Blue flowers, deep green foliage. Height 70cm Erigeron Azure Fairy Gaillardia Arizona Sun Eryngium Blue Hobbit EARLY SPRING DELIVERIES Our alpine and perennial plugs are now also available for delivery in weeks 2-8. Pot up and grow under cover for pristine plants ready for selling from April onwards Kniphofia Uvaria ‘Flamenco’ Liatris Spicata F1 LOBELIA FAN DEEP ROSE – A good basal branching habit produces several stems at a time, forming spikes of rose-pink flowers in July-September. Height 5060cm F1 LOBELIA FAN SALMON – Rich salmon flowers above bronze foliage. Height 60cm F1 LOBELIA FAN SCARLET – Single scarlet flowers bloom from July to September. The contrasting flowers above copper leaves make this plant a real winner Lobelia Cardinalis Queen Victoria Lobelia Fan Blue Lobelia Fan Deep Rose Lobelia Fan Salmon SEED RAISED PERENNIALS Digitalis Excelsior Mixed Gaillardia Aristata ‘Goblin’ 59 L Lupin Gallery Blue Lupin Gallery Pink SEED RAISED PERENNIALS LUPIN GALLERY BLUE – (F) – LUPIN GALLERY Blue and blue bicolour Plants/tray 100 flowers. Height 50cm Price/tray £22.50 LUPIN GALLERY PINK – (F) – Pink and pink bicolour flowers. Price/each 22.5p Height 50cm LUPIN GALLERY WHITE – (F) – White shades. Height 50cm LUPIN GALLERY YELLOW – (F) – Yellow and yellow bicolour shades. Height 50cm MECONOPSIS BETONICIFOLIA – Heavenly blue. Height 1.2m NEPETA MUSSINI – Lavender blue flowers Lupin Gallery Yellow OENOTHERA MISSOURIENSIS – Soft yellow PAPAVER NUDICAULE ‘GARDEN GNOME’ – (F) – Bright colours on a compact plant. Height 30cm Papaver Nudicaule ‘Party Fun’ Papaver Nudicaule ‘Garden Gnome’ Physostegia Virginia Alba Salvia Superba ‘Dwarf Blue Queen’ Scabiosa Caucasica ‘Compliment’ PHYSOSTEGIA VIRGINIA ALBA – White flowers POTENTILLA MISS WILMOTT – Cherry pink PYRETHRUM KING SIZE MIXED – Single red and pink shades RUDBECKIA PURPUREA – Purple crimson SALVIA SUPERBA ‘DWARF BLUE QUEEN’ – (F) – Deep violet flowers on a compact plant. Height 30cm SALVIA SUPERBA ‘ROSE QUEEN’ – (F) – Rose pink flowers Scabiosa Ritz Blue PAPAVER NUDICAULE ‘PARTY FUN’ – (F) – Improved variety with excellent range of colours and large flowers. Height 45cm PAPAVER ORIENTALE – Large scarlet flowers 60 Salvia Superba ‘Rose Queen’ Sidalcea Hybrida ‘Party Girl’ SCABIOSA CAUCASICA SCABIOSA RITZ ‘COMPLIMENT’ – (F) – Soft BLUE lavender blue flowers. Height Plants/tray 100 60cm Price/tray £27.30 SCABIOSA ISAAC HOUSES Price/each 27.3p HYBRIDS – Large flowered mixture SCABIOSA RITZ BLUE – NEW – Very dainty sky blue flowers. Well branched, globe shaped compact habit. Ideal for beds, borders, pots/containers and cut flower. Height 25cm SIDALCEA HYBRIDA ‘PARTY GIRL’ – (F) – Slender spikes of dark pink flowers. Height 90cm STACHYS LANATA – Grey woolly foliage VERBASCUM PHOENICEUM – (F) – Mix of pink, white, purple and salmon blooms on many stems. Height 90cm VERONICA TEUCRIUM – Blue flowers Verbascum Phoeniceum Stachys Lanata B Basil (Sweet) Chives Dill Dukat Parsley Plain Leaf Sage Thyme Chamomile Non Flowering Dwarf Curry Plant Mint (Applemint) Mint (Chocolate) Mint (Moroccan) Mint (Spearmint) Order for Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each Wks 8-16 and 30-40 350 £19.25 5.5p Wks 8-16 and 30-40 100 £19.40 19.4p There is an ever increasing demand from the gardening public for both common and the less usual herbs. They are best sold in a 9 or 10cm pot with a picture label. Our seed raised herb plugs are multi-seeded to give a quick pot fill BASIL (SWEET) – Large green leaves, very popular CHIVES – Onion flavoured foliage, delicious when chopped with salads and soups CHIVES GARLIC – Add to salads and stir fries CORIANDER SANTO – Scalloped, broad leaves and seeds are used extensively in Asian cooking DILL DUKAT – Tall graceful plant with feathery foliage, used as a condiment FENNEL BRONZE – Copper and bronze with fern like leaves MARJORAM (POT) – Used in Mediterranean cuisine PARSLEY MOSS – Curled mid-green foliage PARSLEY PLAIN LEAF – Vigorous, plain leaves, use in fish dishes SAGE – Grey-green foliage, purple flowers THYME – Used extensively for seasoning Fennel Bronze Marjoram (Pot) MINT (MOROCCAN) – Bright green leaves, spearmint flavour MINT (PEPPERMINT) – Strong peppermint scent MINT (SPEARMINT) – Purple flowers in summer. Green leaves with serrated edges OREGANO AUREUM VARIEGATA – Leaves splashed with gold, pink to white flowers OREGANO HOT AND SPICY – Dark green leaf used in Italian cooking ROSEMARY MISS JESSOP – Upright, pale blue flowers ROSEMARY UPRIGHT BLUE – Blue flowers SALVIA ICTERINA – Gold variegated leaf, mild flavour SALVIA OFFICINALIS GROWER'S FRIEND – An excellent choice for summer potted culinary herbs SALVIA PURPUREA – Strongly flavoured, purple leaf SALVIA TRICOLOUR – Pink splashed green leaf with white margin, mild flavour TARRAGON FRENCH – Peppery scent, anise undertones HERBS AND VEGETABLES HERBS SEED RAISED Parsley Moss HERBS CUTTING RAISED Order for Wks 8-16 Wks 8-16 32 and 34 32 and 34 Plants/tray 100 25 Price/tray £29.80 £8.80 Price/each 29.9p 35.2p Plus 21/2p label per plant CHAMOMILE NON FLOWERING – Carpeting, bright green leaves, apple scent DWARF CURRY PLANT – Silver foliage, strong curry scent, used for decorative edging MINT (APPLEMINT) – Apple scented bright green leaves MINT (CHOCOLATE) – Hint of chocolate scent Oregano Aureum Variegata Salvia Officinalis Grower’s Friend Salvia Icterina Tarragon French Thyme Creeping Red Thyme Doone Valley 61 T 100 Tray Price/tray £43.90 Price/each 43.9p STRAWBERRY ELAN – Vigorous plant with long sturdy flower trusses, large bright red fruit are produced throughout the summer. Height 30cm Thyme Gold Thyme Vulgaris HERBS AND VEGETABLES THYME CREEPING RED – Red flowers, excellent ground cover THYME DOONE VALLEY – Creeping habit, lemon scented green leaves, gold splashes THYME GOLD – Rose purple flowers and golden leaves THYME SILVER POSIE – Green leaves edged in silver, pale pink to lilac flowers THYME VULGARIS – Thin green aromatic leaves for use as dried or fresh leaves VEGETABLES AND FRUITS Courgette Ambassador Cucumber Femspot Lettuce Butterhead Sunny Lettuce Little Gem Lettuce Curled Leaf Lollo Rosso Lettuce Iceberg Saladin Melon Sweetheart Pepper Chilli Apache Pepper Chilli Cheyenne Pepper Dwarf Bell Bell Boy Pepper Dwarf Bell Mohawk Strawberry Elan Order for weeks 8-20 100 Tray Price/tray £30.00 Price/each 30p COURGETTE F1 AMBASSADOR – Quick maturing cylindrical fruits 100 Tray Price/tray £46.20 Price/each 46.2p CUCUMBER F1 FEMSPOT – All female variety which is a quick, strong grower 230 Tray Price/tray £18.63 Price/each 8.1p LEEKS MUSSELBURGH – Multi seeded reliable variety 230 Tray Price/tray £18.63 Price/each 8.1p LETTUCE BUTTERHEAD SUNNY – Good round lettuce. Resistant to mildew LETTUCE LITTLE GEM – Small cos type LETTUCE CURLED LEAF LOLLO ROSSO – Non-hearting red leaf variety LOLLO BIONDA – Pale green version of Lollo Rosso LETTUCE ICEBERG SALADIN – Dark green crisp head 100 Tray Price/tray £32.60 Price/each 32.6p MELON F1 SWEETHEART – Charantais type. Sweet orange flesh 100 Tray Price/tray £30.00 Price/each 30p PEPPER CHILLI F1 APACHE – Dwarf variety, good pepper F1 CHEYENNE – Medium sized, orange fruits 100 Tray Price/tray £17.30 Price/each 17.3p PEPPER DWARF BELL F1 BELL BOY – Deep green to red plants MOHAWK – Dwarf sweet pepper, orange medium sized fruits 62 T 100 Tray Price/tray £12.70 Price/each 12.7p TOMATO CHERRY GARDENERS DELIGHT – Lots of small sweet tomatoes. Excellent. Cordon variety 100 Tray Price/tray £16.20 Price/each 16.2p TOMATO CHERRY SUN BABY – Good sweet flavour. Lots of cherry sized tomatoes TUMBLING TOM RED – Sweetly flavoured cherry fruits. Cascading variety ideal for hanging baskets and containers F1 TUMBLER – Hanging basket Cherry variety. Popular Price/tray £12.70 Tomato Cherry Sun Baby Tomato Cherry Tumbling Tom Red Tomato Cherry Tumbler Tomato Golden Sunrise Tomato Shirley Price/each 12.7p TOMATO GOLDEN SUNRISE – Attractive yellow fruits with a tangy, sweet flavour. Cordon variety MONEYMAKER – Heavy cropper. Very popular. Cordon variety 100 Tray Price/tray £16.20 Price/each 16.2p TOMATO F1 SHIRLEY – Early short-jointed cordon variety. Resistant to many diseases F1 TOTEM – Dwarf bush variety producing masses of tasty fruits Tomato Totem Shrub Liners Many of our parks and grower customers find it increasingly beneficial to grow their own shrubs. We have our own garden centre and are growing many of the easy to grow varieties to save on the considerable cost of buying everything in. We trialled many varieties last year and have narrowed them down to the most reliable which we can highly recommend to you We have a selection of popular varieties available in 4cm ellepots grown in a 50 cell tray. You can have 2 varieties x 25 in a tray to give a larger selection. All plants will have been trimmed back to produce bushy plants. Plant into 2lt pot and grow on for 2-3 months depending on variety. Buddleja Lochinch Escallonia Appleblossom Available Feb/March and June/July Plants/tray Price/tray Price/each 50 £22.50 45p HERBS AND VEGETABLES 100 Tray Tomato Cherry Gardeners Delight 25 £13.50 54p 25 s of an y va r ie tie s m u s t be or de r ed in m u lt iple s of 2 u n its of 25 pla n ts Please ask for more details and varieties available Euonymus Emerald n Gold Kerria japonica Plenifora Spirea jap. Golden Princess 63 STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. 1.1 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 64 INTERPRETATION In these Conditions: "Purchaser" means any person who accepts a quotation of the Seller for the sale of the Goods of whose order for the Goods is accepted by the Seller: "Goods" means the Goods (including any instalment of the Goods or any parts of them) which the Seller is to supply in accordance with these Conditions; "Seller" means Pentland Plants, Pentland Nurseries, Loanhead, Midlothian; "Conditions" means the standard terms and conditions of sale set out in this document and, in so far as they do not conflict with the standard conditions of sale, the Terms of Business set out on page 1 of this Catalogue and (unless the context otherwise requires) includes any special terms and conditions agreed in writing between the Purchaser and the Seller; "Contract" means the Contract for the purchase and sale of the Goods. BASIS OF THE SALE The Seller shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Goods in accordance with any Order Acknowledgement issued by the Seller which is accepted by the Purchaser, or any written or verbal order of the Purchaser which is accepted by the Seller by an Order Acknowledgement, subject in either case to the terms of the Seller's Order Acknowledgement and these Conditions which shall govern the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions subject to which any such Order Acknowledgement is accepted or purported to be accepted, or any such order is made or purported to be made, by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Seller's Order Acknowledgement and the conditions unless the Purchaser intimates the contrary to the Seller in writing within two working days of receipt of the Seller's Order Acknowledgement. No variation to these Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing between the authorised representatives of the Purchaser and the Seller. The Seller's employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the Goods unless confirmed by the Seller in writing. ORDERS AND SPECIFICATIONS No order submitted by the Purchaser shall be deemed to be accepted by the Seller unless and until confirmed in writing by the Seller's authorised representative. Subject to clause 3.3 below the quantity, quality and description of and any specification for the Goods shall be those set out in the Seller's Order Acknowledgement. The Purchaser shall be responsible to the Seller for ensuring the accuracy of any order (including any applicable specification). The Contract is subject to the Goods being available from the Seller's stock at the time of delivery. The Seller reserves the right to make any changes in the specification of the Goods as recorded on the Order Acknowledgement which are unavailable from the Seller's stock so as to substitute the nearest equivalent Goods unless an order is clearly marked no substitutes by the Purchaser. No order which has been accepted by the Seller may be cancelled by the Purchaser except with the agreement in writing of the Seller and on the terms that the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller by way of liquidated damages (and without the Seller having to prove loss):3.4.1 in the case of cancellation in the period 6 to 12 weeks before delivery 25%; 3.4.2 in the case of cancellation in the period 3 to 5 weeks before delivery 50% and 3.4.3 in the case of a cancellation in the period less than 3 weeks before 90% in each case of the full price stated on the Sellers Order Acknowledgement and Value Added Tax thereon. Notwithstanding the terms of this condition the Seller shall be entitled to seek further compensation for its loss in unusual circumstances. PRICE OF GOODS The price of Goods shall be the price stated on the Seller's Order Acknowledgement. The Seller reserves the right, by giving notice to the Purchaser at any time before delivery, to increase the price of Goods to reflect any increase in the cost to the Seller [of producing the Goods] which is due to any factor beyond the control of the Seller. All Goods will normally be supplied carriage paid by the Seller except where specifically excluded in terms of the Seller's Order Acknowledgement. The price is exclusive of any applicable Value Added Tax, which the Purchaser shall additionally pay to the Seller. 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. 7.1 7.2 8. 8.1 8.2 TERMS OF PAYMENT Subject to any special terms agreed in writing between the Purchaser and the Seller, the Seller shall be entitled to invoice the Purchaser for the price of the Goods on or at any time after delivery of the Goods, unless the Goods are to be collected by the Purchaser or the Purchaser wrongfully fails to take delivery of the Goods or fails to give the Seller adequate delivery instructions at the time stated for delivery, in which event the Seller may invoice the Purchaser for the price at any time after the Seller has notified the Purchaser that the Goods are ready for collection or (as the case may be) the Seller has tendered delivery of the Goods. The Purchaser shall pay the price of the Goods (less any discount to which the Purchaser is entitled, but without any other deduction) within 30 days of the date of the Seller's invoice, notwithstanding that delivery may not have taken place and the property in the Goods has not passed to the Purchaser. The time of payment of the price shall be of the essence of the Contract. If the Purchaser fails to make payment on the due date then without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller shall be entitled to: 5.3.1 cancel the Contract or suspend any further deliveries to the Purchaser; 5.3.2 appropriate any payment made by the Purchaser to such of the Goods (or the Goods supplied under any other Contract between the Purchaser and the Seller) as the Seller may think fit (notwithstanding any purported appropriation by the Purchaser); and 5.3.3 charge the Purchaser interest (both before and after any decree or judgement) on the amount unpaid, at the rate of 2 per centum per month, until payment in full is made. DELIVERY Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Seller delivering the Goods to the Purchaser's address as stated on the Seller's Order Acknowledgement or, if agreed by the Seller, at another place requested by the purchaser, or by the Purchaser collecting the Goods at the Seller's premises at any time after the Seller has notified the Purchaser that the Goods are ready for collection. Any dates quoted for delivery of the Goods are target dates only and the Seller shall not be obliged to deliver by said date. If the Seller is unable to deliver on the target date the Seller shall notify the Purchaser of that fact as soon as it becomes apparent. The Goods may be delivered by the Seller in advance of the target date on reasonable notice to the Purchaser. Where the Goods are to be delivered in instalments each delivery shall constitute a separate Contract and neither failure by the Seller to deliver any instalment with these Conditions nor any claim by the Purchaser in respect of any one or more instalment shall not entitle the Purchaser to treat the Contract as a whole as repudiated. RISK AND PROPERTY Risk or damage to or loss of the Goods shall pass to the Purchaser: 7.1.1 in the case of Goods to be delivered at the Seller's premises, when the Seller notifies the Purchaser that the Goods are available for collection; or 7.1.2 in the case of Goods to be delivered otherwise than at the Seller's premises, at the time of delivery or, if the Purchaser wrongfully fails to take delivery, when the Seller has tendered delivery of the Goods. Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk in the Goods, or any provision of these Conditions, the property in the Goods shall not pass to the Purchaser until the Seller has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of the price of the Goods and all other Goods agreed to be sold by the Seller to the Purchaser for which payment is then due. WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY The varieties comprised in the Goods will correspond with their specification as set out in the invoice at the time of delivery. Beyond this the Goods are sold without warranty, express or implied as to description, quality, productivity or freedom from pest and disease and in particular the Seller will have no liability to the Purchaser for any disease, pest, damage or defect which is not discoverable by reasonable inspection of the Goods at the time of delivery or within a 7 day period thereafter. Any claim by the Purchaser which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the goods or their failure to correspond with specification shall (whether or not delivery is refused by the Purchaser) be notified to the Seller by annotation of the delivery sheet/despatch note by the Purchaser 8.3 8.4 8.5 9. 9.1 9.2 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 countersigned by the Seller's delivery agent or (where the defect or failure not apparent on reasonable inspection) by notice in writing to the Seller within 7 days from the date of delivery. If delivery is not refused and the Purchaser does not notify the seller accordingly, the Purchaser shall not be entitled to reject the Goods and the Seller shall have no liability for such defect or failure, and the Purchaser shall be bound to pay the price as if the Goods had been delivered in accordance with the Contract. Where any valid claim in respect of any of the Goods which is based on any defect in the quality and condition of the Goods or their failure to meet specification is notified to the Seller in accordance with these Conditions, the Seller shall be entitled to replace the Goods (or the part in question) free of charge or, at the Seller's sole discretion refund to the Purchaser the price of the Goods (or a proportionate part of the price), but the Seller shall have no further liability to the Purchaser. The seller shall not be liable to the Purchaser for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), cost, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of the Seller, its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the Goods or their use or resale by the Purchaser. The Seller shall not be liable to the Purchaser nor be deemed to be in breach of the Contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform, any of the Seller's obligations in relation to the Goods, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Seller's reasonable control. INSOLVENCY OF PURCHASER This Clause applies if: 9.1.1 the Purchaser becomes apparently insolvent or makes any arrangement with its creditors, or being a company goes into liquidation whether voluntary or compulsory (otherwise than a voluntary liquidation of a solvent company for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or being an individual or a firm is sequestrated; 9.1.2 the Purchaser being a Company an administration order is made in relation to it or a receiver appointed over any of the property or assets of the Purchaser; or 9.1.3 the Purchaser ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business; or 9.1.4 the Seller reasonably apprehends that any of the above events is about to occur and notifies the Purchaser accordingly. If this Clause applies then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Seller, the Seller shall be entitled to cancel the Contract or suspend any further deliveries under the Contract without any liability to the Purchaser, and if the Goods have been delivered but not paid for the price shall become immediately due and payable notwithstanding any previous agreement or arrangement to the contrary. PLANT BREEDERS RIGHTS The Purchaser will not use the Goods other than for flower production without the prior written consent of the owner of the plant variety concerned and in particular the Purchaser shall not use the Goods for the propagation of legally protected varieties unless the Purchaser holds a licence from the owner of the plant variety concerned. No plant material comprised in the Goods will be sold on by the Purchaser except under the relevant variety name or trade name. If the Purchaser finds a mutant in the plant variety forming part of the Goods the Purchaser will inform the Seller forthwith in writing and make its offspring available for viewing and/or testing purposes to the Seller or to the owner of the breeder's rights free of charge. The Purchaser shall give to the Seller or owner of the breeder's rights in any variety forming part of the Goods access to the Goods at any time in order to check their use. The Seller shall be entitled to charge an additional royalty charge over and above the price in respect of all legally protected varieties. The Purchaser shall indemnify the Seller in respect of any loss, injury or damage caused as a result of violation by the Purchaser of the plant breeder's rights. 11. GENERAL 11.1 The Seller and the Purchaser agree that if any of these conditions are found to be unenforceable then only such clause or part of a clause as is unenforceable shall fail and the remaining clauses will stand separately and remain enforceable. 11.2 This Contract shall be governed by the Law of Scotland. Typeset and Printed by Scottish County Press Ltd, Sherwood Industrial Estate, Bonnyrigg PENTLAND PLANTS CALENDAR 2010 JANUARY FEBRUARY Week No. 53 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M T W T F S S 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 APRIL M T W T F S S 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M T W T F S S 19 20 21 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M T W T F S S OCTOBER Week No. M T W T F S S 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 M T W T F S S 40 41 42 43 4 5 6 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 25 26 27 26 Week No. 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 M T W T F S S 35 36 37 38 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 23 30 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Week No. Week No. M T W T F S S 13 SEPTEMBER Week No. 27 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Week No. 18 AUGUST 26 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JUNE 17 Week No. 39 M T W T F S S 10 Week No. JULY M T W T F S S Week No. 9 MAY Week No. 13 MARCH Week No. 48 M T W T F S S PENTLAND PLANTS PENTLAND NURSERIES Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9QG Tel: 0131 440 0895 Sales Office Direct Line: 0131 440 3455 Fax: 0131 448 2108 e-mail: [email protected] Sales e-mail: [email protected]