2014-04 TropiQuarium E version
2014-04 TropiQuarium E version
Tro p i Q u a r i u m The Official Publication of the Motor City Aquarium Society w w w. m o t o r c i t ya q u a r i u m . c o m Inside this issue: April 2014 Page President’s Message 4 Board Meeting Minutes 5 MCAS Program Schedule and Upcoming Events 6 Information on Tal Sweet, our April 10th Speaker 7 Bowl Show Results 8 Focus On: by Mike Zajac 9-10 Curtain Spawning Mops by Mike Zajac 12-13 MCAS Meeting April 10, 2014 at 7:00pm Visit us on Facebook General Meeting and Banquet Location Our monthly meetings will be held at the Crash Landing Restaurant and Bar 26620 Dequindre Road, Warren, MI. 48091 (586)751-4444 Located on the east side of Dequindre, about 1/4 mile north of I-696. MCAS will provide refreshments. Members may avail themselves of Crash Landing’s menu items. Reservations are encouraged for our banquets. Meetings start at 7:00 PM. Board and General Meeting Information Board meetings are held on the Wednesday a week before the general meeting. The general meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm All board members are required to attend the monthly board meeting. All chair people and assistants are encouraged to attend. Please contact a board member if you plan on attending the board meeting. MCAS Policies The TropiQuarium is published monthly for the membership of the Motor City Aquarium Society (Metro Detroit area and for corresponding societies). Correspondence regarding the TropiQuarium should be addressed to the editor. Motor City Aquarium Society (MCAS) will exchange publications with those clubs interested in receiving our publication. In turn, we welcome other clubs to send us a copy of their publication. Deletion of any club from the MCAS mailing list is at the discretion of the board of directors. Please submit articles, committee reports and show results for publication in the TropiQuarium by the Saturday following the general meeting. All articles, reports & results submitted within that time frame will be featured in the next issue of TropiQuarium. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com TropiQuarium Motor City Aquarium Society Executive Board President Vic Bondi [email protected] Vice President Ron Albers [email protected] Secretary Mike Zajac [email protected] Treasurer Juergen Kasprick [email protected] Board of Directors 1 year term Don Combs [email protected] 1 year term Mike Zebrowski [email protected] 1 year term Jeff Ouimet [email protected] 2 year term Jeffrey Olivier [email protected] 2 year term Gary Mousseau [email protected] 2 year term Christine Amberg [email protected] Program & Committee Chairpeople, Representatives & Assistants Advertising Auction Chairperson Auction Assistant Blackworm Sales Bowl Show Breeder Award Editor Exchanges Receipt USPS Exchanges Receipt Web Exchanges Editor F.A.A.S. Rep Fishin’ Post (web) Fishin’ Post (TropiQuarium) Horticultural Award Manufacturers' Rep. Membership Monthly Programs Raffles Refreshment Webmaster Ron Albers Patricia Piekarz Gary Damm Open Jeffrey Olivier Gary Leung Jeff Ouimet Randy Stier Jeff Ouimet Chuck Riffenburg Open Vic Bondi Jeff Ouimet Chris Newell Gary Mousseau Leslie Ernst Board of Directors Patricia Piekarz Patricia Piekarz Steve Kranson 586-268-3271 586-945-5917 586-415-8396 248-677-3441 248-375-9353 586-558-4375 248-375-9353 586-292-4637 586-754-6135 248-375-9353 586-202-1375 412-552-0654 586-945-5917 586-945-5917 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fellows of the Motor City Aquarium Society Don and Betty Campau 2013 Dewey and Delores Schehr 2013 Juergen Kasprick 2013 www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 2 TropiQuarium From the Editor: The TropiQuarium is produced by and for the members of Motor City Aquarium Society. Don’t miss the following articles this month. Mike Zajac’s “Focus-On” series article on Metro Detroit Fish Stores. This month is on Highland Tropical Fish and Bird Haven Don’t miss our April Meeting speaker Tal Sweet-”Captive Breeding: FAQ’s” See page 7 for additional details. We currently have two open positions that need to be filled so please volunteer. Blackworm Sales F.A.A.S. Representative Please see a Board Member for additional information and time commitment. Thank you. MCAS has logo T-shirts for sale. To purchase a T-shirt, please see Gary Damm at our general meeting or at our auctions. Editor: Jeff Ouimet TropiQuarium Staff 248-375-9353 [email protected] Exchange Editor USPS Mailing: Randy Stier 29155 Orvylle Dr. Warren, MI 48092-4612 Electronic Mailing: Vic Bondi [email protected] Membership Rates Membership rates per year which includes monthly newsletter, TropiQuarium Email delivery of TropiQuarium $10 per year Postal delivery of TropiQuarium $20 per year Advertising Rates per Year Full Page Ad - $120; Half Page Ad - $80; One Third Page ad - $60 Reprint Policy Non-profit organizations: Reprinting from the TropiQuarium is encouraged provided that proper credit is given to the author & MCAS. Please provide MCAS with a complimentary copy of the publication featuring the reprint. For-profit organizations: Reprinting from the TropiQuarium in whole or in part is forbidden unless written permission is received from MCAS and/or the author. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com NEW MCAS Mailing address: Motor City Aquarium Society P.O. Box 722 Sterling Heights, MI 48311-0722 3 TropiQuarium President’s Message I usually don’t focus on the weather. However, this past winter has certainly had an effect on our doings. It’s made it difficult to get together for board meetings as well as for visitors to our General Meetings. Now that that’s behind us, let’s focus on the immediate future. For our salt water aficionados, we’ll be hosting a very special speaker and presenter at our April General Meeting. Our sister clubs in neighboring areas are hosting a number of events. I’ll certainly be attending the locals and I just might be travelling to Louisville this year and attend the American Cichlid’s soiree in July. I invite all other hobbyists to show their support to these presenters for all their hard work. In just a few short weeks we’ll be planning on formulating our slate of officers for our next fiscal year. As I’ve mentioned just a time or two, if you have just a few hours each month to help the cause and keep MCAS on track, why not join the hard working personnel we already have serving and do your part. Please see any of our current executive or directors and let them tell you all about how you can contribute. MCAS will be putting together another of our awards night and banquet meetings in June. Let’s get in those last minute entries into our Author of the Year, Breeders’ Award Program, Bowl Show and Horticultural Award Program. We usually reward outstanding participants in these programs at the June meeting. The June meeting just may also feature a prize table wherein we state that everyone wins. We’re doing our part to maintain your interests in this fascinating and multi-faceted hobby. All we’re asking for is just a little bit of support, in your own way, to lighten the load for our usual tireless contributors. So, let’s take one step forward and ask what you can do to maintain our very successful position in the hobby. i|v UÉÇw|, www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com President 4 TropiQuarium MCAS March Board Meeting Minutes The Board Meeting was held March 5th at National Coney Island in Warren Michigan. President Vic Bondi called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Members present were Mike Zajac, Jeff Ouimet, Jeffrey Olivier, Juergen Kasprick, Ron Albers, and Gary Mousseau.Visitor present was Tim Mousseau. Mike read the February Minutes. The motion to accept was made by Ron, seconded by Gary. Motion passed. Juergen gave the Treasure's Report. The motion to accept was made by Mike, seconded by Jeff. Motion passed. Vic gave the President's Report. The auction was very successful and the results will be available at the next board meeting. We would like to see more items at the mini auction. We will have some openings on the Board for next year, members should contact current members if interested. The Club inventory list needs to be updated. Jeff is the process of updating the supporters list. Gary gave an update on manufactures donations. We are in need of someone to handle Blackworm sales at the meeting. If we do not have someone step up we will drop this program. We are looking for an update on BAP, as well as an An Additional update on rules for website. The Club's Rep. for FAAS is Note from MCAS Don't forget you can win our Open. If members are interested, open chair positions are monthly $25.00 gift certificate listed in the TropiQuarium. The gift card for the March by entering monthly in one of Program comes from Moby Dick. We would like to thank or all of the BAP, HAP, bowl show, or submit an article for Gary. the TropiQuarium (one ticket for each of the categories). We try to get a gift certificate to a different pet shop in the area every month. The Club is considering holding a rare fish auction at a regular meeting. Check us out on our Facebook Page. Mike made a motion that the club pay for the expenses for the March Meeting, Seconded by Jeff. Motion Passed. The April Board Meeting will be held at Juergen's House. A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff, seconded by Juergen.Meeting Adjourned at 8:57. Submitted by Mike Zajac www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 5 TropiQuarium Motor City Aquarium Society Program and Banquet Schedule April 10 - General Meeting-Speaker Tal Sweet-”Captive Breeding: FAQ’s” May 8 - General Meeting-Speaker Mark Denero June 12 - Banquet July - No Meeting August 14 - General Meeting with hors d’oeuvres September 11 - General Meeting October 9 - General Meeting Nov 8 - Auction November 13th - General Meeting December 11th - Banquet Upcoming Regional Events April 5 - Greater Detroit Aquarium Society Auction http://greaterdetroitaquariumsociety.org/ April 5 - Michiana Aquarium Society Auction www.michianaaquariumsociety.org/2013-events/2013-spring-auction.html April 27 – Greater Chicago Cichlid Association Swap Meet www.gcca.net May 15-18 – American Livebearer Association Convention St Louis MO Aquarium Society www.missouriaquariumsociety.com May 23-25 American Killifish Assoc. 2014 National Convention Syracuse, NY http://conv2014.aka.org May 31 & June 1 Michigan Guppy Breeders Show & Auction www.michiganguppybreeders.com/index.php?p=1_13 June 5-8 North American Native Fishes Association 2014 Convention www.nanfa.org/convention.shtml June 7 – NEO Fish Club Auction Valley View OH www.neo-fish.com June 21-22 - Greater Akron Aquarium Society Ultra-Aqua Fish Show www.gaas-fish.net July 10-13 – American Cichlid Association Convention, Louisville KY www.aca-convention.com July 19 – Champaign Area Fish Exchange Urbana Civic Center www.champaignfish.com/index.php/auction-info Sept 20 - NEO Fish Club Auction Valley View OH www.neo-fish.com Nov 2 - Greater Akron Aquarium Society Auction www.gaas-fish.net Nov 21 thru 23 - Ohio Cichlid Extravaganza, Strongsville, OH www.ohiocichlid.com www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 6 TropiQuarium Information on Tal Sweet, our April 10th Speaker Tal is the co-creator of the Marine Breeding Initiative MBI. His presentation is titled "Captive Breeding: FAQ's". He will be answering the most common questions that people have when they are considering captive breeding. The core of the MBI (Marine Breeding Initiative) is a universal Marine Breeders’ Award Program (BAP). The MBI is a project of the Marinelife Aquarium Society of Michigan (MASM), spearheaded by Tal Sweet and Chad Penney. The MBI invited a select group of breeding experts, programmers, and aquarists, to form the MBI Council. Learning from freshwater aquarium BAPs and leveraging modern technology, the MBI Council created the MBI as a modern system of documenting, reporting, verifying, scoring, and ranking for breeders. Ultimately, the MBI is an online service available to Marine Aquarium Clubs and online Marine Aquarium Communities anywhere in the world. The MBI Council continually seeks to improve the MBI program by identifying other services and needs that are supportive of the hobbyist breeder. By making the MBI available to organizations worldwide, we bring breeders together in a way no other clubspecific BAP could. In the end, the “universal language” of the MBI is like that of a sports league – we all play by the same rules, with the same terms and statistics. Individuals can compete amongst themselves, but unlike the isolated BAPs of the freshwater hobby, clubs and organizations around the world can now compete and compare their accomplishments too. Furthermore, should an aquarist move halfway around the world, they need not lose their status and start over in a new BAP, but are able to bring their stats with them. Much like a free agent baseball player, a MBI participant need only switch the organization they are “playing for”. By using the universal motivation of friendly competition and bragging rights, a concept familiar to all of us, the MBI creates an incentivized environment that encourages and rewards individual achievement and innovation, while maintaining communitywide support and sharing, in a way no other project could. The MBI stands ready as a league organizer and system of referees; all it takes is for you and your organization to step onto the playing field! Outlined below are some basic concepts and structures of the MBI program. Purpose 1. To encourage captive breeding of marine ornamental fish and invertebrates. 2. To share knowledge of captive breeding techniques. 3. To enable more people to participate in captive breeding. 4. To recognize outstanding achievement in the captive breeding of marine ornamental fish and invertebrates. 5. To create a pool of information for hobbyists and professionals to use in breeding of established and untried species. 6. To reduce reliance on wild caught animals for the marine aquarium trade by supporting captive breeding and sustainable collection. Read more at the MBI website, www.mbisite.org. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 7 TropiQuarium 2013/2014 Bowl Show Categories September: October: November: December: January: February: March: April: May: Goldfish, Angelfish, Killifish Guppies, Plecos, Gouramis Dwarf Cichlids, Corydoras, Tetras No Bowl Show African Cichlids, Rainbows, Synodontis & Photo Show Danios, Swordtails and Platys, Favorite Fish & Photo Show Barbs, Bettas, Gobies Loaches, Livebearers (AOV), Albino Aquatic Animals, North American Natives The Bowl Show Report By Jeffrey Olivier Sorry-No Update This Month Member 1st 2nd 3rd Mark Allar 150 30 10 HM BIP Total 190 Christine Amberg 25 25 Bob Kanas 50 15 Philip Kukulski 25 15 20 60 Pat Piekarz 25 45 10 80 45 *HM denotes Honorable mention, awarded when an entry is made and the club member does not place in any category. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 8 TropiQuarium Focus On: Highland Tropical Fish and Bird Haven By Mike Zajac Highland Tropical is located at 10655 Highland Road (M-59) in White Lake Michigan. They’re on the web at www.highlandtropical.com. This local fish store was founded in 1984. It’s owned by Brett Overall. Doug Brendel is the store manager and Bob Topper is their Aquatic Specialist. Highland Tropical features their specials through an email list. Club members receive 10% off of their purchases. Special prices may also be available for multiple fish purchases. Highland features 4,500 gallons of freshwater aquariums. To maximize the effectiveness of their displays, all of the aquariums feature plants, rocks and gravel, piled high in the back and low in the front. This type of set up is just like you’d expect to see in the more serious hobbyists’ aquariums. Throughout the store you will find clean and well stocked aquariums. Bob T will always attempt to assist their customers in putting the right fish together. This is something that I would love to see at all fish stores. Their wide variety of tropical fish stock is divided into three distinct sections, i.e., freshwater/community, New World Cichlids and Rift Valley Cichlids. Not to be missed is their nice selection of freshwater plants, aquariums and various aquarium supplies such as decorative rocks, driftwood and caves. The store also features a nice selection of reptiles, birds and a full line of their supplies. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 9 TropiQuarium Focus On: Highland Tropical Fish and Bird Haven By Mike Zajac Highland Tropical prides themselves in their personal customer service. So, if you need to special order something, they are happy to lend their assistance to fulfill your personal requests. Whenever you’re in the area, stop on in at Highland Tropical and be sure to mention you’ve heard a little bit about them via Motor City Aquarium Society. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 10 TropiQuarium Plastic bags for Sale! The club has purchased three different size 2 mil plastic bags to offer to our members. 6 X 20 8 X 20 10 X 22 (fish not included) All sizes are priced at 10 for $1.00 See Ron Tichansky at our general meetings. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 11 TropiQuarium Curtain Spawning Mops By Mike Zajac This is a slightly different look at Spawning Mops. Over the years I have had used traditional spawning mops and I have been a bit disappointed. I always wanted a mop with a lot of surface room and a mop in which fish could easily swim though. When I used a traditional mop with corydoras, I often found corys buried in the mops when I checked them. Not always a pleasant surprise. I also wanted a smaller mop that I could put in a net breeder. This allows me to crowd the fry and have a larger tank for the bio load. Crowding the fry makes feeding easier. Sometimes this is the parent’s tank or a separate tank that I use for fry. First you will need to gather your materials. You will need acrylic yarn (I prefer dark green), a book, a straw, scissors, and foam or cork. 1) Cut the straw 3 to 3 ½ inches. You may also use plastic tubes. 2) Take a 12 to 19 inch piece of yarn and push it through the straw. A bent paperclip is helpful to get the yarn though the straw. 3) Tie a knot with the yarn to prevent the yarn from coming off the straw. 4) Wrap the yarn the book approximately 50 times. The size book you use will determine the length of the mop. 5) Cut yarn. 6) Double up the yarn, make a loop pull the yarn though the loop and pull tight. Each loop makes two strands. 7) Repeat step 6 until the straw is covered with yarn. 8) Cut a piece of foam. 9) Tie the yarn from the top of the mop. This will allow the mop to float. If you use a stone the mop will sink. 10) After this is completed you should presoak your mops for use. www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 12 TropiQuarium Curtain Spawning Mops By Mike Zajac Finished Curtain Spawning Mop www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 13 TropiQuarium Bird & Fish Sale by Motor City Bird Breeders, Inc. When: May 3, 2014 10:00am - 4:00pm Place: Madison Place 876 Horace Brown Drive Madison Heights, MI Table Information: 1/2 Table (3’ x 4’) $20.00 Full Table (4’ x 8’) $40.00 Now is the time to sell those items and fish and make room for the upcoming auction season. No limit on fish or fish related items, fill your table space. All money from sales is yours to keep. Tables must be paid for by April 1st. Contact Lori Kanas 586-727-9286 or Jeffrey Olivier 248-632-8239 Fishin' Post Fresh & saltwater tanks for sale. 10 tanks from very large to small sizes available. Must sell very soon. Call Frank Pullizz at 586-615-5752 or email at [email protected] ******************************************************************************************************************** 120 gallon tank for sale. Dimensions are 33H x 26W x 33L. Best Offer, John Hodgson, (734)676-8564, [email protected] www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 14 Fantastic Fins Freshwater & Saltwater Fish & Fish Supplies Stendker Discus (German) L-Number Plecos Tank Raised Fancy Plecos Rare Tetras, Barbs, Rasboras, Etc. Stingrays African, South American, and Central American Cichlids Rare Fish Bulk & Live Foods M-F 12-8 Sat 11-8 Sun 12-6 734.464.3523 38131 Ann Arbor Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 [email protected] Owners Dale Ernst II & Chris Carothers Tropical Fish & Pet Supplies Full line pet store 17800 E. 9 Mile Rd Eastpointe, 48021 3 miles east of Gratiot, 1 mile west of Kelly 586.778.0547 Mon - Sat: 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM Sun: 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM www.stingraybayofmi.com www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 15 Marine & Tropical fish • Invertebrates • Decorative Coral Open: Mon - Sat 11 am - 8 pm Sunday 12 pm - 5 pm www.oceansandseasinc.com Aquariums & Supplies 10% discount to MCAS members! 20741 Mack Ave Gross Pointe Woods, MI 48236-1435 Since 1970 A Complete Line of Pet Supplies Tropical Fish Dog/Cat Nutrition Reptiles Birds Small Animals Donald Cook, Owner Stephanie Catalfio, Manager www.louspetshop.com 313-885-1560 www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 16 TropiQuarium Why Join Motor City Aquarium Society? Benefits: You will receive an electronic copy of our monthly publication, the TropiQuarium. You can purchase raffle tickets at our general meetings with the possibility of winning products from aquatic manufacturers. You are invited to attend the our June and December Banquets. You will receive an electronic copy of other clubs publications. You are invited to participate in Shop Hops Great programs from local and regional fish experts Websites of Fish Interest American Cichlid Association http://www.cichlid.org/ Michigan Cichlid Association www.Michigancichlid.com American Killifish Association www.aka.org Michigan Guppy Breeders www.michiganguppybreeders.com American Livebearers Association http://livebearers.org/ Michigan Killifish Association http://mka.aka.org Grand Valley Aquarium Club www.grandvalleyaquariumclub.org Missouri Aquarium Society www.missouriaquariumsociety.com Great Lakes Cichlid Society www.greatlakescichlidsociety.net Planet Catfish www.planetcatfish.com Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society www.gcas.org Pleco World www.plecoworld.org Greater Detroit Aquarium Society www.greaterdetroitaquariumsociety.org Raleigh Aquarium Society www.raleighaquariumsociety.org/ Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society www.gpasi.org Seriously Fish www.seriouslyfish.com/ Michigan Aquatic Plant Group www.miapg.com/forums Southwestern Michigan Aquarium Society www.swmas.org www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 17 Motor City Aquarium Society Thanks our Supporters! Local Support Fantastic Fins Lou’s Pet Shop Moby Dick’s Pet Store Oceans and Seas Pet Suppliers Stingray Bay Tropical Fish & Pet Supplies Re- gional Support www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 18 Motor City Aquarium Society Thanks our Supporters! Regional Support www.motorcityaquariumsociety.com 19