2005 Audited Financial Statement
2005 Audited Financial Statement
CITYOFNEWARK NEWCASTLECOUNry DELAWARE AUDITREPORT DECEMBER 31,2OO5 CIIY OF NEWARK IA8I.TOF COI'ITEMS REPORT INDEPENOENT AUDTORS' BASICFIMNCIA!SIAIEMEIIIS Enlllv-wldstlmnclol slqiem€nlsi - Slololn€nlol Nel Assels - Slql€m€nlof Actlvlllgs Fund tlnonclqlSlolemenlsl - Soloncash6et - GovemmenlqlFunda - neconclllollonot lhe Boloncesheel ' Gov€lnmanljolFundslo Siolomonlol Net As56ls - Slolomenlof R6von!e!, ExpgndltuGsond Chongesln fund Eolonc€s- Govemmgnlolfunds - Reconclllollonol stotemenlot Rgvonugs,Exp€ndlluresond Chongpr In Fundglolonceaol Govsnmenlol Fundllo slolemonl ot Aclivlll€s - Stolqmanlot R6venu95,Expondlfui€rond Chong€sIn fund Eoloncas' Eudgeldnd Acluol - GenorolFund 9 - Stolem€nlof Nol Alaols- PropdeioryFunds l0 - Slol€m6nlof Revenu6s,Expsm€5ond Chonga3In FundNofAss6ls' PropdoloryFunds ll - siolem€nl of CoshFlows- PropdeloryFundl 12 - Siolem€niof Nol Alsel! - FlducloryFunds l3 - Slolom€nlof ChongeaIn Nel fus€ls- Flduclorytunds l4 SIAIEMENTS NOIESTOFINANCIAI, t5-37 INFORMATION SUPPLEMENIANY Comt nlng FundSlolomenli: - ComblnlngSolonceSh6el- NonmolorGov€mmenlolFund]ypel - @mbhhg Stotomentot Rovonu65,apgndlluros ond Chongos In FundEoloncss- NonmolorGovemm€nid FundTyp6i 39 - comblnlng Slolomontot Nel Assots- FlducloryFund3 40 - ComblnlngStolgmenlol Chong€sIn Nol A5s6ts- FlducloryFundt 41 INDEP€NDENT AUDITORS' REPORT Decemb€r6, 2006 Momb€lsot Clly Councll CfV ot l{owofi Ngwork.Dolowoto Wehovo oudlt€d lhe occomponytng ttnonclotdot€m9nb of th6 govemmonlqtocflvilies,ihe budn€a!lypo ocllv[br, soch rnojor fund ond lh6 oggr6gole l6molnlng fund Intormoflonol the CW ol Ngwork, N€work,Delowore,os ot ond tor lhe ysor onat€dD6c6mber31, 2OOS, whlch collec vglv comprlselhe Clly's bodc flnonclol liol€mgnts os llsled In tho lobtg ot conlehts. Iheso llnonclol slolemgnb ole ihe respondb|flt ot lh€ Clifr monqgemenl. Olr r€sponslbllltylr lo axpaerson optntonon th€soflnonclol siol€mgnls bos6d on our oudll. Th€ prlor yedr summodzedComporollve Inlormollon hoi L€en d6 v6d lrom the Cli/s 2m4 flnonclol rlolgments ond, In our reporl duol_doted July O. 2(X)Sond Oclober 6, 2006,w9 €xpr€ilgd on unquotlfledoplntonon thosaflnonctol rlol6menti We conducled our oudtt In occordonce wlh oudlllng slondords qendo y occ€pl€d ln th€ Un[€d Slolot ot Amo co ond the sljondordsopFrlcobl€to flnoncbl oudlls conlolnod tn Gawe.nmdt A)d lng Stondords,lssu6dby the Comptfoll€rGonercl ot lh€ th od Stol6r. lhoss slondorclsr6qulrelhol w€ plon ohd perlorm lhe oudll to oblolh reosonobl6o$suKrnc€obout whgth€r the finonctol slolgmenls or9l€€ of mol€rlol mlsslolemenl. An oudil Incluctgsexomlnlng,on o losl bqsls,evldence sufporllng thg omounls ond dlsclcsuresIn th6 llnonclql alolemenb. An oudll ollo Includor oss€s5tnglhe occouning palnclpJesus€d ond slgnlicont esfmot6s mocle by monogrmgnl, 03 wglt os evoluo ng th6 ov6roll flnoncld ilol6menl pr6sentollon. We b€lteve lhol our oudil provtd€so a€osonoblobosts torouf opinlohs, In ou odnlon, the tlnonclol sliolemenl!r6fer6d l,o obove p€sonl tokly, ln oll mot€rlol rosp€cls,lhe lespecllvo flnonclol poslllon ot the governm€ntolocllvlfles, th€ busln6ss-lyp9ocllvlllgst eoch rholor tund ond lhe oggrgglole femolnlng lund lnlornollon ot th€ Clly of Notvod<,Nevrork,Oolowore,os ot D€comt€r 31, 2005, ond lh€ reapecllvechonge! In flnohctotposlfionond cosh flow,, wh€.e oppllcoue, lhea6otond the budgolory compodsonstor lh9 gBnorol tund tor lhe y€or then ond€d, In conlohlly wlth occounltng pdnclpl€sgsn€ro y occepl6d In the UnltedSlotesot Amo co, fn occordonco wflh GovemmenlAudttlng s'or'dd/rdt,we hove ql$o lssuedou reporl cbled Oecembe, 6, 2006 on ou conEld€.ollonof the Clt ol Newolk'sInl€r|ol conlrol over flnonclol rgporflngqnd our igsir of lh compllonce wllh carlotn provbloosol towi, regulollons,conlrqcts, gronl ogl6gm€nls ond olher mollers, lhg pu.p$e of lhol r€portt! lo delcib€ th€ ,cope ol our t63llngot lntelnol controtov6r nnonclolr€porling ond compttonca onal lhc rosulr ot thol l6sllng, ond not to provtdo dn odnlon on lhs Inletnol conhol ov6r llnonctol reportinoor on comp[once, Thot rsporl lr on lntegrol pdrt ot on oudfl pedomad fn occordonce with GovernmehtArdllhtg Siohdo.dsortd shoutdbo cond<teredln o$6sgng lh6 r6l1llbol our oudll. ,t, Membgrsot CltVCouncll CIV ot Newqrk Itl€ monogomonl'adlrcur6lonond onolyslsls nol o requlr€dpod ol ihg bodc tlnonclol liolemenl6 but l iopplemenlory lnlormollon €qulrgd by occounling pdnclplas gor|erolly occ€pted In ihg Unlled slolgs ol Amgrloq. Th6Clt ol ll€wo* hot not paelenledthe monogemenfi dl cusslonond onolysk lhol rccgunllng pdnclde! 96n€rolly ocrepied In the Unlt€d SlolFsof Am€dco hov€ dotomlnod b n6cessclrylo r{/pplgmenl, ollhough nol r6qulredto bc porl ol lho boslc tlnonclol slql€monls. Ot! oudlt wo, conduclod for lhe purFoso of lolmlng oplnlons on lh,a linonclol ilolem€nb lhol coll€cilvoly compdsa lh€ Clty of Ngwoat'6bo,lc llnonclol dolemenlr. lhe comblnlm fund tlnonclol stotemenli ore p€lanlod lor purposgsot qdclllonol onqvslsqnd oro not o r€qulr€d porl ol lhe boilc fnonclol slolom6nlt. lh6 comunlng lund flnonclol dolemonL hove b€gn qrbJoct€dlo lhe oudning proc6duret opdlod In lhg oudll ol lhe bodc flnoncbl slolomenbond, In our oplnlon, 016lol y sliolod In oll molerlol r€sp€clsIn r6lollon to lhe boslcflnonclol tlol€monls lok6n os o whole. /Jo"[..-.- :f n o.t a-: Caq2a"!L SARBACANE, THORMON& COINPAI{Y -2- CIrY OF I{EW RK STATEf,EIII OF I{ET ASIETS DECETSER11.2OO5 Prlm|ll Gornrlxn rt Go[mi|.nt t Bu.tn.t .{yD. ^.dvth. Aclvth. ASSETA Cash6nd cash equiv.l€ni! $ Ac.ounb ncaivabl€, mt ous trm of'or gov€mmonb $ ---ro-F 3,W2 6Is' Toblcumnt 8..t. NoncumntArxt: 4,989,380 _ 5.963,568 8,854,278 3,210,321 Conslruclicnin prc9rc33 Buildinge Madjnery and Equipm6nt --ar#f"+ l--EntlE- 461,321 9,0€7.529 3,783,248 $ 330.000 055,875 39.235 PrBpaidli.ma and dstornrdohaQos Tot l noncun nt[-t !,44{t,878 7,415,920 '|,w7,2AA 253,303 -iSEzstt ---.d- 2oo5 1,910,199 t 17,083,:t49 5,r50,530 253,303 330,000 895,110 221 3,057,108 28,4fi,422 s,550,563 251.61 793,029 5,/too --EEBfii --E#fii a,7aa,127 r5,710,8{X €,973.576 16,201,7U 8An,89O ----:a=Eo=iar 13,7n,4'0f 15,710,804 12,957,141 25,11€,0€2 4,0O5,211 -3--Es8-ZiEi- 13,fn,507 10.159,085 13,386,693 24,593,995 3,875.719 14'76 -----65Jd7tt3- $ 103.922.8sO uaa[lrEa 215.61K1 185,738 82,557 330,000 44,7W Compons.iedabs€nces ouo to otnff gov€m,ndnls Accn €d int€rastparabto 3,914,i€ 498,855 6,715 38,103 165,952 26,587 725.000 aA74 495.000 Olh€rcun rt liabiliiio! Tot.l cumnt l||bllltlc Noncur |t l||bltnt..: Comp€rEat6dab6€rc€3 12,365 --T5e.oa3- ----sr8-Zs-tt 370,448 53.960 3,548 10,941 15,600.000 '103,4,92 3.375.000 Totrl noncunri fol.l llrbll(c.. tt.bttttLr 3,745,448 15.972,059 21,354,8A8 5,093,571 rnv6sl€din epitat 8s6ta, n.t of rctat€dd.bl Tot l lLblltl...nd _ n t |'..tr '19,167,547 31,91€,587 9.316,or|(t 28,.€3.567 FSSir;i3.- 10,415,679 423W.266 E-E3'6-E?iE- Th€ sccompaniry nor.s ero an inroglatpad of rh€setinancjslsr.t€menF. I 4,129,786 684,593 69,272 369,103 212,732 24,587 1,22O,OOO 6,474 12.3€5 ----75d51r- S -- 2,2A2,A1A 673,97A 67,61() 193,4,18 218,750 3€,468 1,215,000 a,471 4.6soJ-n 424,444 3,546 t0,941 19,175,000 39E,049 2,79 37,001 20,395,000 26,448,4s9 2-Eeaa- 51,0E4,134 49,441,4n /r,s96,277 ---lE#Hi --a#ltri ## #ffi I E g E ' c sstF3 pt s l El€gg:elil $s:1 t t ] I t fr:ss$3i J- .lslE EBI ri <t d d.j <t ct; 65Fg3e .i- * ,l I "l I ir|; ;:t,tJ , dt g t S tA g9C i S r- nJEl r-o-F-rl - - - - l = l - l t t t 5 'l iRiel I b l $|lt1 . ES{, FEl$€J - oad sg t"l I . tdl a B F583PET3 fFsegj.j I sEE'3Rlel a9a cPtSl t Stcla fl 11' t l iEsEsFi .t.\i ; TI l 0lo16_ Eipses$ElRl$ jsl8l8 ui1 *, u;il " t1 - | l , t l N l r t aNl|@ l NI "|1 l slgl E E gf. i i" {1 6d_ l ii -$ p s| l .tlj.t - (-Ii_t tAtS At&l | ! R :E qq€- li-l.i - dlF.|,j t-l t l lel 9E rti 3Efi lE; 5EE Tg * E lall t t l-[ lEl EEI EH.E3 8 rrl ,!El , l rll ;rl J ll 1 tfl qfl 3 ; 3 E tRl sE* a I t.l E83F3PI tl P8g g F a slEl g;:c 9 ! 1 11 t" I E u €f t _g r E$E gff,,,,$F g;Ef ggEf ;,$gu#*,g !. t t BALANCE STGEI @vEilFttlL FUro9 DECEXBER li, ror'3 P.C.ct ASSETS C.dr aid e8h .qulvlLntt a oG lEn oh.. tu.ns 3af,417 I 1,550.000 552,41f 253,303 Fun.L 173.203 t 4,165,557 ,ntll4 784,516 1.646,3,t1 814,871 405,$1 221 ---AJi-tz23.3ss- z0ott ::@ 1.325,168 3 7J41,806 1,8f ,298 253,303 a05,9al 22,O51 22,o'51 221 T-'o-iE3:ei6- t 355,517 ?.751,152 i,zl2,3f6 251.&l 14,0e3 5,,100 10.r27_07s ITB|UNE! AI{I) FUNOBAIA CE t lor.t .utd.. 151,2U 185,738 i,830.842 605,941 t , 3,S50 2,f74,605 3,650 4,700,891 L!* 6nid€n.nt P.*r a.d |!fulion Tot l tund b.L'p. Tot l ll.o||rd.. md turd b.l.nco =** t - s 16,612 130,000 12,06a 158,?00 256,1a5 353,25.1 195,433 1,740,@8 12,044 -.55676t $.N7 ------a$s-3Ef- i,&|a,500 4{r619 515,711 72,t,030 153,222 4,400,4r0 46,619 535.711 f24,030 153,222 =*Et ;T*jesl- Th. [email protected] mr.. er! .n hi.got tart ot t|@ nMntt t tt t mont!. I 171.6€6 185,733 1,43),882 735,981 I 10,75s,9r0 t 6,4€4,586 rr0,303 195022 372,Xsf 131,:t03 39,041 f ,8f ,372 1{i,'fr{ R.coocttt.don ot th. AJ.nc. Sh..t-cov.nn ntrl Fuad, to th. Srabri.nt o, t{.t A$.t O.c.mb.r 31, 2005 Totrl Fund aahnca - cov.mmand Fund. 7,819.5515 AmorJnl6r€pod€dfor gov€mm€ntetactMths in th€ stabm€nt of n€t a66otsars dittd€rn bea$s: Capitalalssb us€d in govdnm€ntatactivitiG a|r not tinanciatr6ourc€. and, lh€.€'1o.6,a.. nor r6po.t€din lhe tund!. Atso exdudsd ,l€ $5AE.6:tl ol Inl€rml 36rvc€ c€pdrt isssh ac6unlad for h ths ioloung lh€. Intornals6rvic6tunds ar€ us6d by md|'g€mdi to dr€r€€ rh€ cGts of th€ op66lion of m€d1inry, r€t €te and buitdhg m€lntenanc€pmvid€dto oti€r d€partmg{s ot th6 City on a costrsimbuEom€nrb6.is. Th€ aBssrsand lisbiliti€. ot rba ht€md s€rvtcstund ts inctud€dln tho go/€rnmsnratac vitid in tho 3lste.n€ntot n€t assei! o|hsr loog t€.n *e€t! such as bond issuoco6G€ro not av€atdteto oav ro. cun€nt p€iod srp€.d ur63ard. rjorctoro, rE d€t.fl€d in ths tu;g Som€of th3 Towr16htp.s rsv6||u6 wi b€ co €.tsd aftsr ysar_€ndbut are nol ardlabt€ soon 6noughto pay tor tis cun'|t p€dod6o(p€nditur6sand lhsr€rorod€ dgfarr€din ih€ thds. 22,4,1qw 710,637 14,766 1,830,605 Som€ ti6bititi6 616not du6 and payabb in th€ cln€nt p€rbd and llrsdorc a.o not r€po.t€din tne tunds, Tho6etiabititiG co.tsistof: Nct ..r.tr Eon& Payabt€ Comp6nsat€dab€eoc€s Acc.u€dint6r65tpayabte of lowrnm.nta .ctlvt0.. Ths accompanyngnol66.F an int€gEt pa.t o{ th€.6 finandal stat.m€rns {3,870,000) (424,009) CIIY OF NEWARK STATEIEI'I OF REVEI{UE!,EIPENOIIURE! ^l{D CHAIIOESII{ FUI{D&{II{CES GOVERI{f,EI'ITALFUI{D3 FORIHE YEAREXDEDDECEIAER 3I, 2OO!I C.pltl Prol.crr O0r.r @vrmmdt l Fundt REVEiIUES 1 3 , 5 6 3 . 7 5 3 S - $ 2,2€r,U1 R@l .!lat€ lran€lsr Lien.o3 and p{rnit! Fi le3, torf.ib a.d c6ts hl.r6€l dMd6& d! .anls hl€rlovotnmonbi EwnuB chr!.r b. svc.! Subvontin - UnivGl9 of D€laMrc 243,789 r,329,526 1,594,150 95,112 309.545 1,3t0,tt6 --nffi EXPEIIOITURES G.n 6l C.v6mdn 52,95 44,422 1,566,071 25,235 109.935 27,fiO 2.W,77e @,465 212,31E 1,631,959 34qn5 12,1ae 116,145 505,@0 157,089 2.003.617 --nfrr,4r6 ----1ti-ia,o4o---ZlGin (D.ncbne, ol dy.nu.r lurld.r) dp.ndllrtr orH€R FTNXCnG aOURCE! lugEa, [email protected]. tron tno 6€l€of catii.l a.6€t! R.irding bdd3 tis{r€d Paymsnlto bo rennd€dbondeicrow egdt Ih€ 6cc@padylng mi6 (89,.{58) @.n Int gdt pa.t ot r!6. fnancjat stat rnonb. 3,432,231 1,410.1t0 1,821,231 1,329,392 260,686 2.973€66 r,337,605 4,314,201 8,029,046 1,@,42f 349,ns 2,102,S16 220,9f 505,00o t5?.089 2.@3,A21 ---:p342F- 4,041,040 7,,|e1.990 4,4€9,92t 520.893 2.050.3s9 39,786 4€0,@ 20a,92 1,279,A?1 ---J0.€o-1Jo-i (1,210,043) (9,259,74a1 0:f'3,na) 2,11r,508 - 1,862,406 1436,692) 12,94f.274 (3.454,077) 22,731 13,268.700 15,114,2021 44,306 2,040,000 (2.0o5,000) 134,971 4,@5,920 r--+3#;T.,7636i- b€. 3t t {1.962,537) -----;FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.tid ---?.rrr-iir ----iaiiir Totd oth.r f mmlry |ourc.r ud 0t.r iltl ch.n9. In tund bd.rd Fud bdand - Janlary I Fundb.hno.. {D€ndt)- o6c 4,067,361 (3,021,385) 22.734 3,563.753 2,291,U1 243.799 1.529,526 1.02(t455 255,169 1,902.916 1.405.881 ---rrj.r -,.,"r-,ir--#S# -### 4,314,?01 7,410,f26 3,028,460 Coomu.it O.v.k'Fno( Cultu.6dd r.tcletton Chsngsin tan €tuo of lnvostn€it s t 206,070 2,*2.411 3.109.031 --liiitsi 272,18 ---iC"-i* 287.$! 7,279,&f 7,a)47,372 Clty ot Lw.d( Racoiclll.don of Shtamant ol Ravanuaa,Erpandltu.rr Jrd Changa. In Flnd Bdrncaa ol Gov.mnrnt l Fundr to th. St t m.nt ot Ac,{vtu.. For th. Y..r End.d D.c.mbcr 31. 2005 at Chang.3In FundBalancaa. Tot tGovamfiant tfunda 252,183 Amounbr6po.t€dfor govamrn€ntatactivid€sIn tho staiamontof activitios alo dlitar€ntb€c€us6r Govommental tundsr€poncapitalouttaF as oxpandthiro3.How€v€r, in lh6 stalementof actlvlll€s,the cost of thos€aslots (9,103,126) is eltocatsdov€r th€ir$Umat6du3€tu1livesas dopr€cialion€rp€ns€(91.471,039).Thtsis '16 amount by whichclepreciation 6xc66d€dcapii€toudaysin fio cur€nt p€riod. 632,087 R€v€nu6 in lh€ statomontof acttvitjesthetdo not p|ovid€c!fisnt financial re8or,rc€3 ar€ not t€port€das r€v6nu63In th€iinda. 90,274 Tha net efi€ctof vadousmiscellan€ous lransacljomInvolvlngc€pitata6s6ts (1,o.,salos,IrEd€'ins,and donations)ts lo d€creas€n6(ass€ts_ (27,158) R€paymontof debtprinclpalis an €)(p€ndttu€in the gov€mm€ntatfundB, but th€ r6paymsntreducoslong-telmtiabititiesin th6 stat€mentof n6t ass€ts: Bondorincioal Accru€dintet€slpayable :o5,0(,0 6,018 Th6 lasuanc€of long-t6m d€btprovidsscufl€ntfinancialresoorcosto gov6mm€nlal i/nds, rf l€ th6 rspaymentot lh€ princtpalof tong.is.md6btconsum6tth€cln€nt finsnclalr6sourc€3ol gov€mmsntalfunds, Notth€r!.ans<on,ho*€v6r, hasanv€fi6cton netaas€b. Also,govemmofllatfundsrgportth6 slfscl of bondissusncecostr wtt6nth€ dabtis frst issued,wi€r€a6 thes€amounbar€ dsferr€dandemortiz€din the 6talomsntof €ctivid€s. (3,692) Some6xp€ns€sr€port€din ihe stretemsnt ot activl!€sdo nol requt.6th€ usg of cunonlfinancidlr€sourc6sandlherofor€ar€ noi r€portedas €rDendltures in lh€ govomri€otalfunds: Componsat€d ab€€nces (23,239) htemal €€rvicofund3are |]36dby manag€nEntto chgryefi€ costgof tho operEdon of machinory,v6hicl66nd buitdtngmainl€nancoprovidedto otlsl d€Dadn;ts ol th€ Cityon a cosl-reifi$urs€msntbasts, Ths n6t Fvenu€ol c€riainactiviti€sot inteftal s€rvicstun& b.aporled withgovemmontalactvtu63 58,986 Ctmg. h lLt A$.t. of cov.mft.ntrt Ac0vt .r Thoaccomparrying not€sar€ an integratpaft of thes€financjatslalefi€nts. S 1.490.2t59 CITYOF TIEWARK STATEflEI{T OF REVEI{UES,EXPENDITURES, ANO C}tA GEg II{ FU'{O BATA}ICES. BUDGETAIID ACTUAL GEIIERALFUID Original Budoet REVE UES Real €stat6- cuF€nt Real sstat€- dolinquentand inter€st R€al estele - tlansfer $ Lic€ns€€and pe|mits Fines,torigils and costs lnt€rolt, divid€ndsand r6nts Inl€rgovemmenlelrevenuss Chargastor siicsdt€€5 Subvention- Univ€rsttyof Detaware 3,'|0,000 25.000 1,400,000 243,2* 1,40€,000 1,297,500 100,000 389,750 1,301,780 2(X,000 (BudgEiary Basis) (NegEtlv€) 3,526,776 36.977 2,291,841 28:i,799 1,529,526 1,594,150 s5,412 309,545 1,380.44€ 11,252,472 EXPEI{DITURES Cuneol: G€n€ralgovarnment: Fjnancod€partln€ol Planning Admlnlstration L€glslaliv€ Judicial Tolal g€n€ralgovemm€nt Public6af6tyl Euilding 1,774,203 719,n1 659,120 892,8€8 4,3s5.826 1,683,549 21,890 691,496 83s,702 331,564 14.201 (13,224) 11,Sn 801,84.1 549 123,526 296,650 (4.588) (80,205) 78,660 1.30s,192 90,654 (52,119) (32.376) 57,184 (21,718) 4't,625 956,273 6,755.544 7,711,A17 Totalpubticsaf€ty $ (236l (104,675) (104,911) Hlghwaysand streets S6nitation Totalpublicworks Cultur€and recreallon Nond€parlm€ntal: Changoin fak valu€ot lnv€strn€nts Tolel cxpandlturaa 17 60.465 17,310,640 Daflclancy ot rcvanuaaundar arpandlturc. (7,32,5541 {€,058.r68) (1,2U,78/d1 8.967,351 (3,021.385) 22,734 (7,973,gtt) 8,S67.381 (2,3,{O,385) (7,2@l 97rl.300 3,110,840 2.085.751 Otfi.r Fln.nclng Sosr€.r (Ul..l Appropriatcdtund betanco Transfersln Tran6f€.6Out Proce€dsftom lh€ sale of capitalass€ls Proc€od6froansale of bqds Total othaafinanclng rourc.a and u.aa 949,555 2.078,913 3,028,488 2,0&.778 27,745 @,a27 88,372 (5,027) 7,973,954 (681,000) 30,000 5,968,710 N.i ch.ng.In fund b.l.nco - JanuaryI FundSalances FundEatancos- Ooc€mber31 (89,458) 39,041 -t----ts7i7i The accompantngnoles a.e an int€€ral part of thesofnancial slat€menls. I (89J58) -s-df+ir 'l'11*1 11 -11flil ,J.fl *$1slfl ' FiJl |1 lll '"l1 st g clEJ Iri' i 'tal I ile l-l |1 a ifi; ;FEg l,l jl 3:3 aplPl sBsislsl l t 'a t t l tJl l"l I I I 't'l $Bl t-t9l Il q cffi aFcP&l il cap^!3Ftit rea*lsl '"1'l t l ;EsslalEl r sl*ld 8 BlElr'l " $ slgFl Filfl 11 ' 111 ltl i19sl sflf til il ' l l tsq4 l'I sflif l-lsi l1 g:: s:l PA at Eg. Il I a ru 'l'l-i FF1ul{ 'luifl lt s c I gqg$RhFq ' 'lelal glrl 't'l til ' 'il 39 t-l I rlt I tg I t.t tl 3 9 " 3 3 3 S :- o. *" li I I 8F 3 t-l {!t i ; E g S H E T : a aeelelcl SqagdEj 1"1 tatsl { aslst l.l$l It F33a3|Sl 'l"l a Il tl t a II 9A Cl II ill FA cslshl Scl$lg ' 'islcl tb. t I ill t i t t f e t Jisii;,iii,f,lfj,g;iii .t q lnle secFlslsl I t & R S 3 3 t R tI I Et l . I i!, i ; t-t 4; l |ll -..1-l-,--.-r-r.l ; t6t -. asg Pt6tI e Hetr';P1; nl e;dslisars:lalsl 4353 E'fiEcl :iilcgsPlBEl ",. " 3 b . E " Fl - l l l Fl=l l ti'l1fl |l|flfl u11E$qff l aselxl :eessnl*lpl axSa fl**qq;fl 1 fl*Flqfl 3-lsls'-ulelfl 1 fl'qlqfl 1 : [ ' | l t flE*q1,ld tl 3eryegisa$er 1 ff,qqqf fR6l;15B:!qRl5R1 BI"$ : fl-- l1l 3 = E f j ee lsla aseslcjsj ;3 € EEsl*l3l 38 X 6 . j - ;< iE !E tE!.1 EE€; :EE; h66; icE g F z x :Ltr ri l3l ir l r t 9 ll t l l nqce enslel lsld .l :l - il II |Il rsslsl eas*q:lpl;l REiA qsiislg;l s.!i,lgl 3e E pasrsslslil esslpl t I - l t l t l t I E8 f € I ! I t I g$is,ffifff'f*ii' iilrig t a ' 1 1 " ' 1 ! s l 1 l l ' i lt J u J 1 1 Irl ' 1 1 , " , l l ' lI .l i11 rl ! cqt t t l r*r * {:3sqqr$qq fli:ec 1fl .' -'"r11 't t:sggFqil i 1 t l t - |: i 1l i 3 s s1flg' :Esl J i l g ds = - t 1 11 'I 1 1 1 u1 1' r l iiE!l -nu 1 1 ! l 1 i ' s l l ' 1 J r i ' s11s ;it! ! ' 1 s q l i!'Eqq,q 1'11 l r e $ 1i'1fl rq '11 $g qi :!!iq;l 1'11 fl;iea;rs 1I J = t 1 " l ail1 1 !ri*t 3 ridtl ? - 5 E r lH = l $ : l I c.aEqrilcl fig.efl 8l i .g'la t l I r;t; ' q - l l l . l l t :l d 5 l i 5.rAtl 3 E d g r igrl 5 ! l-l d c.rbl El:l ';, r ! ; I - l l l S r;ri!_;!i ! I I ' q ! t ! i , ! t , t . ! . ! : l : ! - : .lt ft! ! l l rt iiiif*;;l*l;i" ftiiillfi | .i ittiit!iit !it" iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiliiiiiiil ! . d i r d 6 . I. r- r r _ ! ! -! r r s t l r J u r . i I ! l t t l t r : - - - - r - . - - " " i in, j t € I t ! CITYOF NEWARK STATEIENT OF T{ETASSETS FIDUCIARY FUNDS DECEIIBER 3I,2q'5 Ponalonand Solt lnalaanca Tru3l Fund Aaaat! Ca6handcashequivalents Invostm€nt6 roceivable Contdbutions TotalAssgls 15,653 6,705,221 $ Ll.bllltl.o Accountspayable Total Liabilities 36.810,059 2.552 t{at Aaaott A$ets heldin fusl for employo€polt emdoyment benefits Theaccompaning not6sarean integralpartof lhosefinancial stalements. 13 36,807,507 CITYOF TEWARK STATETSEI{T OF CHAI{GESI1{NETASSETS FIDUCIARY FUNDS FORTHEYEARE DEDDECEI{BER 3I.2OO5 Ponalonrnd golf Inau.anc. Truat Fund Addltlonr Conhibutions: Emplq/€rcontdbulions Slateaid- polic€ EmploJ€a Tolalcontributions Invgstmenls: Investmenl earnings s 1,253,304 231,254 369,212 1,853,770 45,496 Notincreas€ (dec.6as€) in fak vafti€of investrn€nls Totalinvoslment eernings Totaladditions Deduc-tlont B€nEfits Claims Adminislrative exp€na€s Tolal O€ductions Ch.ngo In N.t Arlots N€tA'lata . JanuaryI t{€t Aarotr - D.cembar 31 2,23a28 2,27a,1U 4,'131.954 2,064,891 135,227 1,825,229 35,182,278 36,807,507 Th€accompaning notesar€an int€gralpartof th€seflnancial sial€menls. 14 CIIY OF NEWARK, DEI.AWARE NOTESIO THEFII'IANCIAISTAIEMENTS NOIE I SUMMARY OFSIoNIFICANT ACCOUNNNG POUCIES lto- -Clly ol Ncwork comdl.s wnh g6n€ro y occ6pted occounltng pdnctpbs (dAp), GAAP Include, otl rebvont Govar*nenlol Accounflng Stondords Ooord (GASB) pronounc€m6nls. lhe occounllng ond r6podtng fromowotk ond lh9 morg stgnillcont occounllrlg pollclesore ctlscursodIn subs€quonlsubs€c ons of ihtsNoto. FlnonclolR€podlnoEnlltu Ih6 Clly of N€work,D6loworellhe 'ClM wo! lncoDoroled In 1652,undgrthe qovlslon! ol lhe Slole ot D6lowor€. lh6 Ctty Operoiosunder o Cc,unc-Monog€r tolm ot gov6mm€nt ond p.ovlclgsthe lollowlng sorylceso! oufDdzod by ltr chortgr: publlc sol6ty, streets, €nllollon, uillllles, heollh ond soclol s6rytces, cufiurg ond focreo on. Dubllc lmprov6m6nh,pionnlng ond zonlng,ond genelol odmlnlslrdllon. Ihe Goiomm€nlol Accounltng Slondordi Boord esiobllsh€dlhs crllerb tor delomlnng th9 oclMies, olgonlzolionsond tuncliohsot govenmenl lo b€ lnclud€d In ihe flnonc|ol aloiom€nl! of th6 ropodhg enfliy. The c ledo us€d tn d€t€mtnlng whether such orgonlzolkrni $ould b€ Included In the Clty.s fnonclol r€porling enll'y org fnonc|ol ld,oldee:ndongl .€teclk n ot gov6mtngouthortty,destgnottonot monogom€nt,ob ny lo Cgnflconlly Intluence op6rolion!, occountob fiy br nrcol mofiorr, sc-opeot oubllc sorvlcoond sp€cloltlnonctngrelotlonshtpa. lhe Clt hoa dotermlned lhol no othgr oolCd€ ogency m€ols the obov€ crilsdo qnd, fh6r€to€, no olher ogency ho5been lncluded os o compon€nt unlt In the CIV! fnonclol dolemonh. In oddltton, ths Clly ls not owqr6 ot ony enllly whlch wouLl ex€.ctsesucn ovedghl whlch woutd r€sullIn th6 C[y belng conlider6d o component unlt ot the 6n fu. Govommenl-Wde dnd fund Flnonctot Slolomonh lh9 govommgnl-wlde tinonclol slolemonb (1.e.,lhe slotgment ot not ossels ond lh€ stqlemenlof chong€s In nei osigls)reporl Intomollon on oll ol lhe nonllducloryocfivllles ot lhe Clly. Ellmlnottonsol lntcrfi$d oclvlt hov6 b6€n modo to mtnlmks the douob counllng ol Inl€rnol oclkttt6!. covommontol ocflvntgt, whlch normollyore luppodeo Dy t(uo3 ond Inl6rgov€mmenlol rev€nug!, ol€ repodod topotol6ly trom budftoss-lvoe ocl9figs, whlch rely to o stgnlllconl€xt6nton t66sond chorger for aupport. lhe rlolom€nl ot ocllvillg! (bmonslrolesihe d6gr€€ lo whlch lh6 dlrecl oxp€Nos ol o glv6n tuncllon or s€gmenl or9 otf!€l by prcgrom.evgnugi. Dk€cl exp€ns6!oro lho6e lhol oro cloorly ldenllttobte wjtrho sp€cnc funcion or logrn€nl. proglom rovenues Include l) chorg.s to ct tlomeo who purchole, use or dllocty bon€til trom goods, s6rvbesor prMl€gei provid€d by o tuncflon or s€gmont.ond 2) gronb ond conl lr ons lhot or0 aeddclod to mo61ln9tho oF€rollonot or copttol @qul.€m6nlsof o lunc on or !€qrn6nl. Toxs! or'!d gthgr llems not prop€dy Inclu<lodomong progom €venu€s ore Epod€d Inilood os g€nofol r€venu€a. -t5, CIW Of N€WARK,OELAWART NOIESIO THEFINANC|AISTAIEMEITTS NOIE I sUMtiiARY oF SIGNIFICANI ACCoUNnNcpO[CtEs {confd) s€porot6 flnonclol stotremonts o16p.ovtdd frorgovernmenbt runds,propri€iory,undsqnd llductorytunds, even though th€ toit oro exctided trom |tro govi,;fi.i*tje ;nor.., !|ol€mgnb, .Molor lndMduol govommonlol tunds ond molor indlvtduol enfeipA* f,rnOr orar reponeo os s€po.ot€ column! In the fund finonctol stotemenls. govornmgnlottunds or9 oggr€goied ond roport€d os nonmo,offuncL. tnAl r€molnlng oOA on, rne fund tlnonclol rtolemenb pr6s€nlIntelnolservtcetundsond ffducloryfun* OVfunJ fv!. lhe gov6rnm6nt-wtcbtlnonctol stoljem6ntiore r€Frod6duslng lhe €conomb l€|lourcaa mecBur€montbcur ohctthe occruol bo!l! of occounflng, os 016the prcpdelorytund fiduclory tund itotiement. R€vsnu6s016 rocord€d itren eoneo o,iJ "rJ",id oncl "r. rocorcledol the tlme lloblllllosore Incur6d, regqfdlgssof the llmlng of na ddJ "*n ore r€cogntzed os rsvenietn ne yeort", frrt iirey-oie-iou,.o. l!y:l fl9?Tty..tor:. ('fonl! om.s|m or fl€ms(nonexchongekonsoclbns) ot6 r€cognEed os nav€nueos soon or ol_glrgEI[y r€quremenh ImpGod by lhe provtd€rhovg bo€n loisfled. Aoency repon onryosselsond ob lll6s,os ihey do not hovs o m€osurgm€nt,ocus buj ao funds use,ne occruorDostsol occounflng, Ih€ govemmenlol fund flnonclot siolemenls ol9 €fror'6d ustng lhs currgnl llnohc|ql r€touacosnr€oaulenl€nltocuaord the modfl6d occtuol bogs ol occoonflno. Rgveiua! ora rocognEodqs soon 05 th6y b€como bolh m€osurobl6ond ovoloble, R-evenujs ore concdered to be ovo obli r they ore co ect€d wnhtnthe cunent pertJo, i*n .iiugn iher6ql|er lo poy llobllnieJot lhe curr€nl p€rlod. Forgovernmentoifr^O-iyp"., congclor.oll rov€nuesto bo ovotk bte Ir rroy o€ co eciod wtthln60 d.rys d;ti;iyr",fn. Cfry 6nd.. Rovenuesconstdor€dsuscepfitDle trooccnrot Inauae property tco<ei,i;;;-&"., fronchlsetox6s, c€nsos,Intered ond dtvtdend lncome, orio ironh <si*iJeo iifr= ,ne cur€nt ttscotyeor. onty tho por on of th6 spectotosressmendrecef"qOrJo;e wtt;i;.s cur6nl ffscolyeor ls con3ld6r€dlo b€ ,uscep ble to occr(rol ond recognfrJ oa i"""nuu In the curonl ttscol ysor. Alt other r€vonue ltems ore constdeiii-;;;;;;;'"r" ovolloblo only whgn cosh t! r€cslveclbv tho Clfu Erp6ndllufesEre Fcorded wfign the relot€d t.ytd llot ly 13Incur€d (upon r€c6tpl ol gooda or !orvtca,), except for prtnclpot ond Intereston gen€rot tohg-d; o"6r, "ilr., ono Juogmenl3,ond comp€nGlod ob3onc6!, whlch oI. r€cognl2cdo! axp€Mlrure! to tho extenl th€y hove motur€d. Generqt copfiol os!€ts ocq-ut, on3 o;6'r.;d; ", exp€ndtturss In governmentot tundr. t-ong_t€lmd€bt t!sr6; ono *qrfrr-rJni ii"", clpllol l€o59s016r€porl€d os olh€r inonclng sources. Ih€ clly leport! rhe to owlng molor gov6mmenid tunds: - Ihb rund l! u.€d to occount tor the g€nerol operoing E?nefqqllaC octMlt€s o, th€ clly.. cenerot governm.nt, publc loiBty, pr.rbtb io|k, p"iij ".o-.J,iJ6"] ono ,ud-lclctyotfber ore ftnonc€d lhroughlhtstund wtfir r6c€tptt tiom gBnoroi pro-p"rfyt*"., -tor t|center ond pglmlts, Invgtlm€nt lnt..et, flnes, cnorger cuir"ni "!.uicrr, Inl€rgov€lnmenlolond olh€r revenue, -t6- CITYOFNEWARK. DEIAWARE NOIESTOI}IE F}IANCIJAI STAIEMENI; NOIE I Summ6 ot SldnlllcontAcco{lnllnoPolctos(cont'd) Cdottiot Prot€ctaFund - Ihls fund b us€d to occounl to. iho d€Cgn, conslrucflononcl lmp.ovem€nl ot Clly buttdhgc, lond lmprovomeots,ond ltro purchosa ond r6ptoc€mgntolveHclss.mochtneryonal equlpment. Ihe Clly repod6lh€ tollowlngmojor proprletoayfundsj Ebctrb Fund- Usedto occounl for the ope@llonot on €l€cHc dtahlbullonsysl€.n, \l/ot€r Fund - Usgdto occounl lor the operoflonot o wqter suppv system. lgwglEllld - t s6d 1ooccounl tor the opero on ot o s€wog6co oclton sysi6m. Pgllog-EUOlL-Usedto occount tor the operotionot o muntctpotpo*tng tot sws.n. lhe Clty olso r6portsthe ic[owtng tund tpe3: lnlemol SeMco Fund - lhls fund ls usad lo occounl tor lhe operqfion of mochlnory, vehicb qnd b(Jlldlngmolnlenonce provld€d lo olhe, deportmonh of the Clly on o cosl'relmbuFemenlboCs, P€n{on lhJrl Fund - Ihls lund ls ur6d lo occouni tor th€ ossoh h€ld by ths pon5bn progrom In o lrus'leocopoclty for lhe omptoyoesot the Clty. lhe p€rubn progrom, whlch ls pod ot the Clt'3 tegot 6n1ty, 6 o stngte-emptoyerdsflned b€nefi pe-nsbn plon lhdl provldesb€nefltt to Cltyemployeei. Self-lnsuroncoIrud Fund - ThtEfund occounls tor posl€mpl,oymenlb€n9ffitspold on beholt of rellre€sot l'\€ Clty. AII gov€rnmenlol ond busines-typgocfivlfle! ond gnlerpdlg tunds of th6 CtV tollorv FlhonclclAccounting StondordrBoord(FAS8) Stotomonlsond Intelp.otqiom tssu€doh d Lr€loreNovomber30, 1969,Accounthg prtnctplo6Boord Optntoruond Accounflng R€a€orchBulbllns,unt€s6thosepronounc€mgnlsconf ct wlfh GASSpronouncemenli. fh€ Cliy olso hqa lho option lo lo ow lubr€quenl ptuole-s€ctor gul€lrrce tor lls -but builnesr-type octlvlllos ond 6ntelpds6functswllh cerloln llmltotions, hos 9t6ct€d nol lo do to. Wlh llmll€d exc€pllon,, lho ofl€cls ot Iniorfundocflvtiy hove b€on e mlnolg<tllom lhg govemmentyrlde flnonclqt doiamgntr. ExcepflonsIncludo chqrgoa by ono gov€mrnontol luncllon lo onoth6r wh6r0aoNlcoshov6 bo€n govtd€d. Etimlnollonot thesc chorget woilld dlslort the dlr€ct coctr ond progfom revonuos.gpod6d foalh6 vo ru! funclbru. -17- CITYOFNEWAiK,DEI.AWARE NOIESIO IHEFIMNC|AISIAIEMEI.fiS NOTEI portctEs (confd) suMtd RYOf S|GN|F|CANTACCOUNnNG Roprl6tory fund6 dtsthgutrh operoflng rgvcnua! ond exponseslroft nonoperollng ll€m& Opgroling l6vonu6sqnd expotu$ gon€roly r€6utttrom p.ovldlng servtcesonO pro<luchg ond dellve ng goods In coolleclton wlth o paoprtoloryfu-nd,sprtncloot ongolng op€rollons. lhe princtpol op€rollng r€venuot ot tho d;hb, wodr, !€for ond pofing paoprl9toryfundsond lh6 motnienonc0Inlolnol seryicefund oro chorq€s to ouatom€Gtor solsr ortd s€.vlces. Opercdingexponsa tor €nterprtlg ond lnl6;ol sg lce lunda Include lhe corl ot sotei ond seNlc6s, odmlnlaLolivo6xp6l}r€s ono <leprgclollonon copllol osrgls. All r€venuosond €xp€n6e6nol mg€ltng thtsdeflnlton ote r€poded os nonoporqllng|evenueaond €xpons€a. Whsn bolh resttcred or|d unro.rrlcl€d rosourcosof€ ovoltoble lor ulo In c6rloth prc€roms, ll ls lhe Clt's po cy lo oppty cosl_r€lmbul!€m€nt Cfonl r€,olrc€s flrsi to rnos6 progroms,to owed by tjond proceods, cot€gortcol btock gronlr ond lh€n by gengrol levonuei, os they ore n€€d6d. CoshAnd CoshEoulvotonts Forlhe purposeot lt|e rtolomeni ol cosh flows,th€ propdetoryfundscon tderoll hlqhtv llquld Inverlm6nlswith on odgtnotmotudt ot thre6 monthsor tesswhsn purctrose; ,o be cosh €qulvotenta. Alowonco ForDoubtlulAccounls Th€Cliy ot Nswork'swoler, s€wg|ond €bchlc ufllt or o)llod6nca vory smolllo5s€strom uhcollscllblg occounls. Woter ond sgworlo6s consfitutoo lt€n ogolnst 16olotooertv ond (lsuollycon be co ect€d h tu \r,h€n fis trondo6. Accordhgt. on offo*i.,JJroi doublful occo_unhls tund€d onnuolly ol lhs rqlg ot .l per"ent-oi onnuoi,*enuei, 6xcludlng odlt$lm€nl, penotiles ond mlscelbnoour r6v9nudl. ffrfs omouni opproxlmoiel ocluol lo3e€s,Only bobncos thol remotnotier to( solgsqrq wtllt9n of, eoch y€or. El€clrlclo6s do oot coorflfut€ o ll6n; howev€r,molntenohceof oO*uJ" cu9omor ctepodta,monthly bl tng ond d lgsnt co eclion pr@oduaosmtnlmLeloss€s nom unco ocltbi€ occounL. Accordlngty, on olowqnce tor doubtfut occounls ts tundod onnuotlyol the |ote of .2 porcenl ot onnuol r6v€nuos,o(cludlng oaF*mJnf, ponolllesond mllcollon€ousrevenusa.lhtr omountopproxtmolerffre Ciirs dcfuoifosi 6xp€derc6. coniotnlng ctos€doccounls or€ molnlolnod tor o poriod ot _Recgfuobtes lve y€ora. Eoch y€or oll occounh trom the otdosl ygor on record ore wdfien gf, ogohst th6 ollowonco. As ol Docembor 31, 2OOS,the ollowonce tor ooubliui occount!omounlodto Sll7,173 In ih6 Et€ctaic Fund,S2g,O49In th6 SowerFundond $2| ,7uOIn the Wot€rFund. Inv6nlori6sAnd Preooldll€ms Inveniod65.of propd€tory lurE fypes ore volu€d ot overog€ cosl. Th6 cosls ol gowmmonld fund,tpe Invenlodesorg record€d os expendttureswhen consumod rolhor lhon when purchoied. Cedoln poymentsto vondori rellecl costsoppffcoOiefJ fulureoccounllng psrtodi ohctole recordedos plepold llems. -t8- CIWOFNEWARI(, DETAWARE NOTES TOIHEFIMNCT STA'IEM€N]S NOIE ] SUMITI RYOFSIGNIFICANIACCOUNnNG (contd) POUC|ES Copllol Ass€ls Codlol o$ets Includtngpropgrt, ptont ond equtp.n€ntore ropoded In the opp cqbt€ govelnmenlol or bualnels-lypaoctlvilles columns In lhe gov€mmenl-wtdgllnohcbl riolomenls. Ih€ Cty hos donn€d copllol ossglsos ossetsvrllh o mtntmumcosl ot $3,(x)0 dnd on esllmot€d usefutltt€ In 6xcessot one yeor, The Cfiy reporh lntloslructur€o$els on o n6lwor*ond subsystembods. Accordlngly,th6 omounlssp€nltol llro cohrlrucllon oaocqulsilbn of Infroslrucfurgo,s€ls qr€ copllolb€d ond looort€d ln lh6 gov€mm€nl-Wd€flnonclql itolomenls rggordleis ol th€h omounl. Cogllot olsols moy tre purchos€d or conslnrcledom ore r€cordod ol cosl. Donotod copnol oSrelt oro r6cord€d ol eillmoled fok volu6 ol lh€ dot9 ol dooo on. Ih6 costr ol normot rnolnlenonce ond repolls thol do nol odd lo the volue ol lhe ossei or mol€rlolly exlond lhg o9s€l'sllte or€ nol coollollz€d. Codtql osrgis ol lhe CIV ol9 dgpaeclot€d ustng tho stotghlllno melfbd over lh6 €slLnol€d usoful llv6s ol lhe rcloled o3s6L. lh6 Cfy g6nero y us6aih9 lollovrlng osllmoied uselul llv€s unle$ on o,!€t! llte hos boon odjusted bosad on octuol 6xDgd6nc6i Bulldlngs ElecttlcSyslom SoworSyal€m WoterSystgm lmptovem€nis Equlpm6nl 20-40y6ors I &30 yeors 50 y€ort 2G50 y6ors I G20 y€ors 5-10y€ors Comoen6ql6dAbsences Clly €mployees eorn vocollon qnd slck leovo depgndlng on lhek lenglh ot aevlca. Slck lsove ls occumulol6d oi lhe lolo ot l5 doyt por y€or. Any unuled rlck logvg ls pold onnuolly ol lh6 lqle ot ono doy for everythroe doys occumuloled In 6xc€srot 90 doys. Employeoshove no ve,ted Into.€stIn unu36dltck leovo ot tomlnollon ond. (rccordlngly, lh€ Clty hos no ,uch ttlbi ty. Altsr I Oy€on ot seMce. employe€! moy coray foMord up lo two w6ok! ot vocolton me whlch, lt unused,ts pold ot llm€ oj l6oving lh€ Clly. Co.np€.$olory limg li occumuloisd os 6oln€d, wllh onv unus€d omounlsb€lng pold ot tlme ot toovlngth6 Clly. Lono-T6mObllootlons In lh€ gov€mmenl-wldeflnonclol 3lolem€nhond tho paopd€torylund tpos h th6 fund flnonclol diol6menls.long-lormd€bl ond olher long-lerm ob goiions ore Eporl€d os lloblllll€! In tho oppllcqble govemmonliol ocflvll6t, bushestvpo octMlios or paoprl9lorytund lyp6 slolemontot net oss6ts. Bond promturn!ond ct/rcounb,os well os l auonce cosls. or9 datefiod ond omodlz€dovgr lh6 llte ot th6 bonds uslrlg th6 oltocllv9 Infered roto mothod. Bondr poyoble or9 Gported net ot lh€ oppllcoblo bond premlum or dbcothl. Bond lssuoncocostsore reporl€d 03 d€terFd chorgeg ond omorllted over lh€ lgrm ot lho r€loted ctett. -t9- CIWOf NEWARK. OEIAWARE NOIESTOIHEFIMNCIA!STATEMEN$ NOTEI StMli[ PYOFSIGNIFICANTACCOUN|INC (con]d) POI-|C|ES In the fund linonclql slolemgnF,govslnmentol fund typ€6 rocognlzebond plemtumi, dkcounls ond bond ls$rorrc€ colt dudng the cq.ent llnonclol psdod. Ihe foca omount of debl li3ugd 15repodod os olher ftnonclng sourcas. paemlumsrecetuodon debl lasuonces016 roporiBd o! olhor flnonclng sources whlle dllcdJnls on debl lttuonc€s ore ropoatedoa olhet flnonclng u!6s. lssuonc6 cotls, wlreih€r ot nol wllhheld trom lhe ocluol debl proce6d! lecelved, o16 roporlgd os d6bt setvlce expendilut€s. N6l AB!6tsAnd FundEoullv lhs dllt€€rc6 b€lw69o tund o3selsond lloblttttosls "N6t Aglsts' on the gov€rnmontwld6. ploprlalory ond llduclrry lund slolemgnt!ond "FundBotonc6"on govonm€nlor fund sl,oiamgnli. N€l Assekor€ closttl€d o! 'lnt/et€d ln Coplol Ais€t!. Nsl ol Rolol€o D6bl ' l€grolly'Resticl€d' tor o sp€cltlc purposo,or .Unrosldclod'ond ovollobl€ for opF[oprbllon lor lhe gsn6rol purpos€sol lhe fund. In lh6 govelnmenlol flnd flnonclol rlolemonls,rosotvotbnsol tuhd bolonco rop.€s9nl omounl9lhol o€ legolly rostrlcledby outsE6 porflostor uso tof d sp€clflc purpo6€or oro olh€twlsonol ovollobl6 tor opprop ollon. Dostgnollonaol tund bolonce reprosenl ,eniollve monog€menidons lhol or€ luq€d b chongo. Eg!g$L!crg! Properv loxes otloch os on gntofceobl€ ll€n on prop€av wh€n levl6d. Tqes ore l€vled on July I ond qr€ poyobl€ on of belorg Septombgr30. Tox6sDold ofter th€ poyoblo dolg o,€ osross€do tlve p€rcant ponolty ior nonpoymentond one ond onoholt porcent Inlereslp€r month th9r€otler. TheClty b|l|! ond colbcts ltt own gop€rty ldxer Clly paoporlylor revohue! ol€ r€cognlz9d on o pa9 rqlo bosls. Oellnquenl loxes o.g conCdered fulty colloctlbls ond. th€retor€,no otlowonco tor uncolbc bt€ ioxgs la provlded. lhe properly lox 1016tor 2m5 vros45 conls p€r Slm ot osr€s!€d lJseOl Esllmol€sIn lhe PreoorollonOl FlnonclolStotem€nts lh€ pfgporollon ol tlnonclol dolgmentr In contomlt wllh g€ncrolly occaplad occounllng prlnclpleargquhosmonogementlo moke eltimoloa ond oaaumpllon!thol oll€ct c€.loin repoded omounls ond dlsclosqre!. Accordlhgly, ocluol rgsultacould dltt€r lrom lhos6osllmoles. NOIE 2 STEWARDSHIPCOMPTIANCE ANDACCOUMAXITMY EUDG€I'trYINFORMAIION Iho CIV lollows lhos€ procedurosIn ostobttlhtngthe budgetory doto rofl€cl€d 1lrihe llnonclol alol€menlsl -20- CIIYOf NEWARK, OETAWARE NOIESIO IHEFIMNCIAI,STA'IEMENIS NOIE 2 slEwARpsHtP. coMPtrANcEANOACCOUNTAB|TfiY (CONTD) o. Formol budgElory Intggrotion 15omployed o! o monog€m€nl coolrct clovlc€ durlng lhg y€or tor lh€ Generol Fund. lhts budget ls odoptod on o bosts consl ,gr wllh gatnorotty@c6pled occounling prlnclplos. b. lh€ Clty Councll odopls t€gol onnuol budggts tor the G€n€rol Fund,propdglory Funds, ce oln Speclol Rovenuetunds dnd the Debt SgMce Fund. lhe Cliy Councll olso odopts t€gol proloct length budgols lor tb Copllot prolgctaFundr ond cedoln SpeclotR€venugFunds. Stnce proJ6ctp€do<ti moy dtfier trom lhe Cfiy's fl3col yoor, q cornpo 6on ot bldg€iory Inlormoflon for the combln€q Copltol Prolocls Fundr ond cedoln Spgclol Revanue Funds woutd rrot be |neqnlnglul ond hos nol E€en presanied In lha occomponylng tkrdnclol slol6menls, c. lhe Clty Monoger ls oulhodredlo lronslsr b{dggl omounL b€hre€n deporlm6nls wllhln ony lund; however,ony rovlslonslhol oner lhe totot opproprlqitom of on, lund mud be opprov€d by the Clty Counc , Thor€toro,th€ lov6t ot budgator, respondbilltyls by iolol opproprloltona;howevor,tor repod Furpose,,thtstev6lhos been gxponal€dlo o tuncllonotbosts. d. Unusodopp.oprlollonstor oll ol lhg obovg onnuolly budg€lod tund! totrio ot y€or end. e. lh€ budge, omounh lhown In lho ffnonclol slolemgnl! ore lh€ flnot oulhoriEd omounL or reMs€ddurlngih€ yeor. Exoendlluteio'y6l Aoorco ollons tor lhe yeor end€d Dec€mbd 31, 2005,expendllur€sexc€gd€d qppaoptiollonrIn lhe puulc rotet depodmenlot lho g€noroltund by $104,91tond In ,he cunureono recr€ollon depqrlmsnl of lhe gongrot tund by S5,027. lh€s6 ov€r-expendllureswers lundod by gr€oler lhon onllclpotod fevenuesIn the g€nerot tund. Detlcll Fundtoullv Ihe Gengrol Fund hod o d€lictt fund boljrlce ot $50,417 os ot Docomb€r3t, Zms. Extoordlnoryclrcumslonca!r6ull6d In operottnglorge! In thg ol€clrlc ond aetverulllity tunalslhol llmlled cosh ovolloblo fo. op€roting trongtersthol typlco y supporlgonerol gowmmentol ocllvlflga. NOIE 3 CASH.CASHEOUIVA|.ENTS ANDITMSIMENIS D6ooslls Curtodlol crodll rlskls ths drkihol In tho event ot o bonk tollur6,lh€ Clty.t deposlbmoy nol tlo r6iumed. TheClly doos not hove o w ll€n pollcy tor cudodtol crodlt rtsk, Al December 3l, 2005, lh€ corrytng omount ot lhe C[y,s cosh occouhls ond colh on -21 - CIIYOf NEWAR(, DEI.AWARE NOIESTOIH: FIMNCIAISTA'IEMENTS NOIE 3 (cont'd) CASH.CASHEOUIVALENTS ANDIIIVESIMENTS hond wqs St,925,852.ll|9 bonk botonceswe.€ $t,493,46O.Ot the bonkboloncr,, S2O0,q)0wor covo@d by foderol DeposltoryInruaorcg. lhe r6mqlnlng bolonce ot S1,293,460 wqs s€cur€d by collolerol conslsling ot unln,ulod qrd unr€glstered lrw€slmonlshgld by tho ptodgtngttnonclolInsflfuflonbul not In lhe Clly's nom6. Theobovo does nol Includ6ponConfund depos s r6fl6cted ln Not69. Investm€nls lh€ Clly's Inveslmenlsore repodod ot toh volls. lhe Clly ls oulhodzedlo Invesllh t nlled Sloijesgov€mmgnl!€curltl€s:t€defol ogerrcy s€cuallles;cedmcobs of depo6ll, llme deposlts ond bonkeG occ6ptdnce!; cofporol9 debl lnstrumgnb:r6Durchos6 ogroem6nk; money mork€l mufuot tunds;th6 pooted Investm€ntfund tnown oa lhe D6lowqrg Locol Governm€nl Inv€6tmenlpoot (DELG|Aqs oultloriz€d bry nl|6 29, Chopler l2 ol lhe Oelowor€Code; munlclpolobllgollonsthot or€ ro& In ollhorot lho lwo hlghed rollng cof€gode3by o nolionotlyGcognlz€d rollng og6.lcy; ond guoron. l€€d Invedmenl coni.ocls. Amountsthoi moy be Inv€slod In ony one ot thea€ cologorles ore suqecl lo porc€ntoge llmloflons os sel todh In th€ C[v's witten Inv€slmonlpollcy. Ar ol D€cember31, 2005,th6 Cttyhod the tollowtngInvoslmentsl Inv€stmenlMetudti€6rin vearst LeaaThan OnotoFlve StloTen Mor.Than Fak value yG€I! OneY6sr Tanyssrs Y9cI9 U.S.GowrnmanlS€c|ritl6. 12,621,627 S1,317,482g 1,307.348 S - S FederafAqency S€orrjties La52,624 2,OU,AU 7,5O0,21a 117,526 CorporateNoles 1,737,533 1,215,qA {el.q's Corllfic€les ot Oepo3lt 4,353,638 349,5€1 Z 2O7,Ag7 1,424,121 322,0{16 Mon6yFunds 185,661 1a5,661 Inlg8tmenlTvoe TOTAL 018,59.|,8831s,173,0€6 511,507,91191,424,12. t 4E9.s82 lnveslmenh In t nlled Slolos Governm€nlSecu.lfl€5,Federol Agency S6cunflsaond Cedlflcoi€sot Depoill 016 lnsuFd, r€gki6red, of hetd by the Cfry or lls ogent In lh6 Cllys nomg. Crodlt Rlsk Iho Cft'yhor no pollcy €gqrdlng cr€dlt riskto. U.S.GovemmentSecurlll€sor Fodolol Agency Sgcurllles. lh€ CIV'Slnv6lm6nls In U.S.cov6rnm6ntsecuritlcs(U.S.Ilgosrrrynoles)ore loi6ct AAA by Slondord & Poor! os ot Oecembor31, 2005. fh6 ClV.! Inv€stmenl!In tod€rol og€ncy ,ocurillos or€ compalssdot Fedorcl Homo Loon Mortgoge Corporoflon (FroddleMoc), F€d€rolHom€Loongonk(fHl-),Fedorottorm CrqcfitBonk!ond F€d9rol Nollonol Mortgoge Assoclolloa(FNlrA secudllos. lh€se s€curlll€sore roled AA\ bv Slondord& Poorsos ot Decombsr3l , 2005. - 22- CIWOf NEWARK, D€I.AWAPE NOTES TOIH€ FIMNCIAISTAIEMENTS NOTE3 CASH.CASHEAlJVATENTS ANp II{VESTMCNTS (cont'd) lhe Clt's InvgalmonkIn clErolole nolioaore rot€d AA by SfiCndord& Poo/s oa ot D€cembef31, 2005. lnl6r6slRol6 Rlsk Inlerosl ,ole dsk ls lhe pocllblllt lhol on Inleroslrdte chonge coutatoclvers€lyoltgcl on Invg$menl'slok volue. Ihe Cltl Inveshnenlpollcy r€qordlng mox|mummoludly of Invejm€nls |6qutrerth€ molnl9nonc6 ot od€quole llquldlv to ms€t coah tlow ne€rt5 ol lh€ Cllv, lhs po tollo ls truclur6d In o monngr lhol ansur€slufttclont cosh ta ovolloble to moet onficlpotgd llquldlv ng€d!. Ihe porfollo l! Inwsicd In p€mlltod Inveitmontswlrh o sljolgd molurily ol no moro lhon tlve y€or6 frcm lhe dote ot pufchos€ unlossthe Eocurllyls molched lo o specltlc obllgo on or dobt ot tho C[y. To cont ot voto lh ot the porltollo, lhe Clly delermln€s o durotlon iorgot for h€ podfolio, not to cxc66cllhr€6 y€ors. CuslodlolCredll Rlsk Cu5lodlol credll rlsk ls lhe 5k lhot In lhe evgnl ot follure ot the counlsrporty, the Clly wlll nol be oble lo lecover lh€ volug ot lts Inv6dm6nh or collol€rot recudllos lhol ore ln th6 possesslon of on outsldeporty. A,l Inv€dmenl s€curillespurchosed by lh€ Ctty of held os collolerol on deDoslls or Invetlmgnlsore held In ihlrdfody sot€ke€ptngot o quo fled flnonctot Ins fullor, lhol l! nol o counleporly lo lho Invoslmenitronsoctlon. Al socurltlesIn ih6 Clly Inveslmeniporttollo o16 hold In ihe nom€ of lhe CIV ond ore lroe ond cl€orot ony lien, Appoprlote Clt otllclolr ond roprelenbtve! ol lhe depollory responrtbl6for. or In ony monn6r Involvod wllh, lho sol6k0eplng ond custody proc6ss ot lhe Clty qro bond€d. Concenhollon ol C€dlt Rlsk CorEgnfollon ot cr€dll rlst lr the Inobfity to r€covgrlhe vqtu€ ot d6fro9ls,tnveilmonts o. collolorol secu lles In lh6 possosslonot on outslde porv co6ed by o lqck ol dtuersltlcolion(lnv€slmgnlrocquk€d trom o Cngb tssu€.|. Itl€ Cliyl portlollr ls dtueBlll€dlo lllnll €xposuroio ohy on€ trau6f. No mor6 ihon tlvg p€rc€nl ol lhe Cltl porfiollo l! InvostodIn tha recurlltesot ony dn9l9 llsu€awlth lhe folkrwlngexcepllons: U,S,Taeosurv Eoch tederql oo€ncy Tlm€d€posllslully Insurodby FDIC/FSUC -23- I 00oAmoxlmum 25%moxlmum l0% moxlmum CITYOF NEWARK,OELAWARE NO'IESTOTHEFIMNC|AI STAIEMENTS NOTE3 CASH.CASHEoUlr'A[ENrSANp Ii{VESTM€NTS(cont'd) Edch r€purcho!€ogao€m€nlcounleFody Monoymorketmutuoltund D:LGIP 25%moxlmum 25% moxllnum 25%modmum Inv6lm€nls ln bsuels lhol repres€nl tlv6 p€rc€nl ot more ot lolol Inveatm6nlsol D€c€mber31, 2005ore os lollows: Inv..tn.nulnuer ConcantndonRl.l Dlttrlbudon fi!!llrl!! $2,38.r,307 2,065.853 2,965,531 2,276,935 2,424,427 1,737,933 a,353,A38 130,6 FoderalHomeLoanMorlgageCoD F€d6r6lHomr LoanBank Fecl6rel FarmCrodllBrnks UnilodSlatosGov€mmentS€drriti€g CorporateNot6s Cerliflc5tosof Daposil NOTE 4 'noa 1E% 12.4 11% e% 23.4 CAPITAL ASSETS lh€ copltol oslol octivlty lor lhe yeor end€d Decemb€r 31, 2O0Swos 03 follows: B.timidg Baloe EndinS hcrer!€s Dc$ear.s Cov.rmdral Activirid Crpitll A$eh Not B.int D.p.ccialed: s 4,9E9,1E0 S Total CapitalAssetrNot Beinr Depr.cist d Capiial AssctsB€ingD.prcciated: Buildings Ml.hin6y andcquiphcnt Tot l CapitalAsslts Bcing Dcprcciarcd t !r rccumulatld dcptuiation forl Buildiryr - J 9,t37,252 t14,l9l 9,2Er,443 |,597,t87 E24,2E9 t2,521,476 8.382.11081.114.646 (497,1t4) 9.0t9.940 (197,tt4) 30,822.859 29,2t6,E47 ?,t03,126 3,U2.@6 255,269 3,370.4E3 296,7t5 5.360.520 919.055 tt.173.609 l.47l.Ol9 Ma.ltndy ord .quipmdtt Totrl Aeumulatcd D.D@iarion Totd C.pit l Ars€rsBcing DcprcciaEdN.t Cnv.lmmtal Adivirics CapiralAs.rs, Na BBin6-we Acrivitics Capibl Asst3 Not B.ing D+rcciat.d: lrd CoD8lruction-i|Fprog.*s Total Capibi A$ct! Nor BcingDcpr@ialcd - 21- s 4.989_380 4.9E9,1E0 - 3,297,815 3,661,t9E (459.9161 5.t09.6t9 1469-956t 12.771.592 t?.443238 632.087 (27.15Et I E,048,167 $22.432,6tEt 632.0E7 $ (27.158)123.037.J47 - t I t,7t8,r27 S 10.rt9.095 5.5J1,?09 18,947,222 SJ,5fl,709 t $ E.7tE,t27 t5.710.t04 J24.498.911 CITYOf NEWARK, DETAWANE NO'IESIO II{E FIMNCIAI STAIEMENTS NOIE 4 CAPIIALASSETS(confd) Bcgimidg Dccreases 240,639 745,172 25t.420 |,23?,531 (lt4.424\ t5,E60,E90 31,823,954 2.0t8.81E (1f1,824) 49.703.682 (l t4,82{) 0 f4,E24) E,tt?,3t4 15,552,170 t.t63.94E 25.6t3.4J2 B8in6$t@ Activities (@ntd) Clpital Ass.ls Bcing Dcprcided: BuildiDts Impov.6ml! M&hincry 4d cquipmcnt Totrl CapitalAss.ls B€iry D.p@iarcd f5,620:51 31,07E,482 1,882,242 48,tE0,95 Lcs Eeunularcd deprcci3riontor: Buildings Imprcv6ncnti M&hincry dd cquipm.nt Tot!.l [email protected] D€pr€iarion E,32E:05 559,t09 14,Et1.t95 750,975 I,02E,:l0E 250,364 24,t67,808 t,J60,rt4E ToralCapiirt ArsctsBeinSDcFlciar.d, N.t 24,413,t67 auliness-t?c Aclivitics CapilaiAsscrs,Nc! EndinS Bal&e Incr66 (122,9171 24.090.250 l{J,160,1E9$t,228,?92J-J4E.5E9.lEt Dopr€clollon €xp9n66 wos chorg€d lo lhe funclions os followsl Gencrd Cov€rnm€nt Public Safety Culturcand Rccr.ation Capitslassetshcld by th. govcmm€ntsintemaise*icc fimdssrc charScdto th€ variousfunctionsbarcdon th€irusage Total D€prcciationExpeNc - GovcrnDcntalAcriviaics Busincss-typ€ ActiviliB: El€ctric Parking - Busincss-tnc TolaLD€p.ccialion Expensc Activiti€s NOIE 5 366,329 543,191 160,686 67,598 !-1ry_ 650,149 60E,459 201,6t6 94,204 !]4t!. LONG.TERM DTET GonerolOblloollon Bonds Gan6fol ottlgolloh bond! hove beon llsu6d lor boih govemmsnlol ond blJCness-typ€ octlvnlos. All bonds oulslondlngon D€cembor31, 2@5 ore generol obltgoton debt qrppoded by the full folth ond cGdll ot lh6 Clt. lhe 2000 Ssri€sG€r|€rol Obllgollon Bondsvrgre l$ued lo podiolly r€imbu|r€ fundt odvonced tor lhe ocqulCllonol o .es€rvolrCt€ oncl odJocsnl op6n ,poco ond lo Eroy lh€ coib ot lssulhg the bonda. Th6 bonds moturo S€ptgmbor '1, 2003 through Sgplombgrl, 2020 ond boor Inlgreslrolig! lhol vory lrom 4.6 p€rcenl lo 5.1 porcenl, poyoble Morch I ond Soplemb6rL Proporv l,ox rav€nue. wlll b€ usod lo poy lh€ prlnclpolondlniio€sidue on lho bond!. -25- CIW OF NEWARK, DEI.AWARE NOTESIO IHI FIMNCTALSTAIEMEI{TS NOIE 5 LONG-IIRMDEST(confd) lhe 2q)2 S6rk$ conerol Obllgollon Bonatsw6r6 lssu€d to prjovlct€tuftls lor ih6 conrhucllon of o wql€r reagfiolrond SouthWellfletdwqter lreolmenl plont ond b ; tho co5t5 of lssulngthe bondr. lhe tlonds mofur€ S€plombq 15. 2OO3lhrouo; Soplsmb€r 15, 2022 oN fui Interestot rotos thot vory trom Z.O percEnt fo liS pgrc6nl, poyoblo Moach15ond SeptemberI S, Wol€rsoMeo teeswllt ir useO poy to lho p.lnclpol ond Inle€st due on tho bor|d!. lhe 2m4 56.l€6A Gon€rolObltOoflootonds wer€ lssuedtjoprovtdgfun& n€celsorvlor the cur.onl refundtDgot lh6 Cfiy,sc9n€aolObltgo on 8onds,Soai6s ot 1993. llrs Lron.k motureJohuory15,2@5 lhrowh Jonuory15,201Oond b€or hter6ltol o ldte ol 2.,|l perc€nt, poyoblg Jonuory 15 ond Juty 15. propertylox revenueswfl b€ u5€d10poy lh6 pdnclpol ond Inleresldue on lh€ bonds Gonerolobllgottonbondscurrohllyoublondtng016o, tollows: Pu|Dose Arnounl Goverhmgnlolocilvilies Bualness-iype ocllvttlgs s 3,670,@0 16.525,0m s20,395,000 Annuol debt lslvlce roqukomgntslo motudtv for g6n9rol obtlgollon bonds oro o5 Y.ar Ending Dcccmbcr 3l 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20tt:20t5 2016-2020 2021-2022 Gov.mm.ntal Activities Principal Ilcr9s s 495,000 490,000 480,000 450,000 28J,000 730,000 940,000 $ t43,0rE r29,080 I t5,042 101,263 E9,718 343,825 I45,645 Busincss-tvpe Activiti.s Principal l!!se!t $ 725,000 745,000 765,000 790,000 Et5,000 4,5t5,000 5,545,000 $ 646,055 627,930 605,580 5E2,630 558,930 2,2t3,450 1,301,920 )77,370 s6,783,865 Ihe, Clty olso hos o not€ wlh Wtmlngtonlrust Compony, Inc. ot OOpercenl ot lh€ noflonor comm€rctd rote, us€d to. tho purchosoof 38.OOO squoro teel o, r€otertol€ knownos tot #l. thg poymontsot p nctpot ond Int€restoro gi,86f "o"f, ._ft-.-Jni hs nnot poyrr€nt sch€dut€dtor Sopt€mbor2m7. lhs toon Isco otero aed Lot# I W lond. -26- CIW Of NEWARK.DETAWARE NO]ESTOIIIE FIMNCIAI STAIEMENIS NOTE5 |-oNG-IERMDEBT{confd) Annuol clebl a€rvlce r€qulr6monb lo mofudv tor lhe nol€ poyobl€ ore o3 lolbwi: Ye& Erding Busincss-rvp. Activitics Dcc€mb€r3 | Princip8l I!!9lert 2006 2007 NOTE6 t 26,587 10,941 $ r,456 307 3 37,52E I1,763 CIIANGESIN LONEIERM IjAAIIIES long tgrm lloblllly ocflvlly tor the yoor endgd Decemt er 3l , 2mS. wos os toltows: Bcginnios Balancc Govchm.ntal activilics: Bonds payablc Comp€nsstcdabrcnocs GovcrnmeDt6l activiii€s lons-tcrm tiabilities Busir.!s-tpc activitics: Bonds Fyablc Plus: dcf€rftd lmounls Notc payablc Compcnsatcd Ebsenc€s Bushess-t T'c activiti.s long-icrn Iiabiliti.s Addnions - s 4,175,000s 406,993 t,0E4,t6t Ending Rcductiods Du€ Widin t (505,000) s 3,870,000t495,000 (1,058,t09) 433,045 62,55.1 s 4,781,993$,084,161 90,563,t09) $ 4,303,045 $557.55? $17,215,000 $ - l)6,540 17,3s1,540 69,467 58.696 254.141 $ (?10,000) I6,52s,000 (6,474) (7t5,474\ ( 31,919) (252.1441 $725,000 110,066 6,474 t6,635,066 73t,414 37,528 26,587 60.695 6.715 st5,733,2A9 t7U.776 Iho tund ,gspondble lor Incurlng lhg componsot€d obsence, poyg the obllgq on. lh6 Ini€mol se|vlc€ tund predomlnonllys6rvoslhe govgmmenlol lundr. lcco-hgly. loog-tem llobittllgi tor thgm ore Includedoi port ot the obove lotob for govglnmenlol ocllvllles. A ot D€cember31, 2005,S8,946of IntemolseMce luhdscompensored obsencgstsIncluded In the obov6 omounla. NOIE7 INIERFUNO IMNSfERS Iho comportttonot Intorfundlronstolsos tor lhe yeor €nd6d Oecemb€rgl, 2OOS vrgre ctslollowS: Tr.nsf.r ln Gcncr.l F $d CapitalProjcotsFund Nomajor gov€rnmcntlltunds $ E,967,360 2,117,508 1,852,405 t90,E64 Total Transfcrs -27 - Tr.nsfcr Out $ 3,021,385 436.691 7,002,360 2,300,000 400.000 CITYOF NEWARK,DEI.AWI,RE NOTES IO THEFIMNCI^I SIAT€MENIS NOIE 7 (confd) TnANSFERS INIERFUND mor lo 1996,the Clt motntolnedo stngteoperollngfund. Stnce1996.on onnuol oFr€roting|ronller ol oleclrlc ulillv rovonuesls mode to lho Ggn€rolFund. Woie{|otgs odopled on July l, 2ml obo lnclude S40O,000h onnuol aupporl tor lhe G€nerol Fund. Ih6 Ct/6 pollcy ls thot gonorol rev€nuG shoutdsl./pporl50p€.c€nl or more or loiol Gonorol Fund sxp6ndtture!,wilh th€ bolonca of luppod funded by op€rothg llonJers 'lom fi€ eniEpdsotunds. NOIE 8 FUNDMTANCE Amounlsore r9s€rygdtor lh€ lollowlngpurpose,l Debl sorvlcotund Sp€clol tov€nuelund - low enlorcemenl Copllol proJech Sh€els Po*s ond recroolion NOIE 9 S 46,619Itordebl .ervlcepoym€ntsl S 535,71I(torpo c6 grontproJocts) 5 4,760,89t (toropp.ov6d copiidt projectsl S 724,930(lorslro6tmotntenonce) S 153,222(io'rpo*s ond r€cr€olton) PENSIONS PlonD€lcrlpllon subslonliollyoll futt-tlmoqmploygosof lh€ CIV oro covered Lyylhs Am6nded ponslon Pbn lor Emdoye€s ol the Cftryot Newoft, Dslowole, cr€ot€d om operotgd un<tea S€ctlon2.98 ot ,h9 Ctty Cod€, lhls ls o slngto€mploygrdsfln€d benefit ponslonpton occounted lor os o penlton fiust tund ond odmhlst6.ad by lt|€ C[y Counc ,llllng or lho Eoord ot lrusl€€s. lh6 dofln€d bgnofli p€njlon plon la reporl€d In thg C]t,s inoncbl llolements qnd t$ not Includ€d In tho reporl ot ony oth€r psb c employ€e aolir€m9nlsyslem or olhd onity, Eoch y€or on Jonuory l. Wlllom M, lr€rcer, IncoForol€d, p.6poret o complelo pcnston pton Acfuoriol Voluofloo Report thol tl ovollobl6 ior rovtewln lh6 Fhonc6 D9podmenl. On o quort9dy boltr. FronkRu$cll lrurt Compony paepoleso perlormqncemonllorlngr6pgd on tho Invgslmenlret({nsol don o$91a, Flnonce Defrortmenlstoft p.oporg o s€porote r6pod whlch, otono wlh lhoia ot lhe consullonls,ls Ironrmltled to the loord ot Trusle$, dlscuss€dol r;ulol publlc mo6lingsond mdd€ ovollobb for r€vlswh th€ FlnonceDepodm€nt. All tull-flrnomunblpol omptoyoss016 ellglbl6 to onrcll In ihe plon tmm6dlotetyupon hlro. PdorsaMce os o porl-ttmeor tompoEry €mptoye€ls nol conslder€d. Althoughdon olsets ore coltgclfu€tymomg€d ond odmtntrtolod,the plon tr ocluolly o comblnollon ol lhr€€ ptonr wllh djrthctv d[tgrenl lev€t! ot bon€flis. Evonlhoug; lharo ore lhre€ benslll l6vel3,oll pion o9s6lsore ovolloble lo poy bonelilslo ony pt6n rn€mbet. lhe lhree dons orel - clvlllon!non-sworn, l. tlon-Pollce r6gutor,tull-llmq€mploys€s 2. Pollce- oll swolnpollco otttc€rsoxcept the Chlel of pollce 3. Sp€clolPollce- th€ Cttet ot po ce -28 CITYOFNEWARK, DEIAWAPE NOIESIO THEFIMNCIAISTAIEMENIS NO'IE9 (conl'd) PENSIONS Non-Pollc6ond Sp6clol Pollcoemdoyoes ore 6nilll9d lo o benoflt ot 2.1 porc€nl ol lhelr fnol ov€rog6 comp€nslion comprl56dol bo56 poy plus bngevlty llm€6y€orsol credlled sgrvlce. For Exempt ond Sp€clol Pollce employ€os, llnol ov€rog€ comp€hlqllon €quols lhe ovarogo ot lhe emdoyeo's 60 hlgh€st pold @ns€culive months ol Clty employmenl, For membeasol lhe Int€molbnol Unlon of Ebct lcol Woftora (whlte colloo ond the Angdcon Fedgrollon ol Stotg, County ond Munlclpol Employoos(Hu€ collor), flnol ov€m€6 comp€nsollon €quql! tho overogs of lhe 6mdoy66's 36 hlghed pold consecullvemonlhsot Clly employmenl. ForNon-Polb€ emdoyegi lh€ normol rellremenlcbl€ l! lh€ llrsl doy ot lh€ month colncldlng wllh or nexl lollowlngth€ lolier of lhs tltf'rronnlv€aaoay ot lhe m6mbo/s plon porficlpoliondole or lhe memb€r's65lh bl hdoy, Fo, Speclol Pollce th6 nofmol lell€m6nt dole ls lhe lolgr of lh6 empbyeg's scih blrthdqy or the 6mploye9's llllh onnve6ory ol po.fclpollon In lho Plon. Ihe Plonpemlls €o y r€llrom€nlfor Non-Pollceemployeos ol dge 55 wllh lhe complollon ol 15 o. more yeo6 of c€dlled sorvlce. Tt€ 6orly rgllr€menlb€n€tll k ocluo olly r6duc€d unl63slhe sum ol y6drs ot s€tvlcaond oge ls 6quol lo 85. Th€leoaeno oorlv rollr€menloplloN lor Spgclol Pollco. Pollce 6mploye9s ore enllllod to o benotlt colculoted oi dtfer€ol rolos. Fors€rvlce prlor lo Jonuory I , t 97E,o bonellt ql 2.2 pgrcenl ol lh9 llnol overoge compenlollon (lhe ovgrogg of lhe €mployee', 36 hlgheslpold conseculive monlhsol gmdoymsnt with the Clty)comprls€dot bos6 poy phJslongevlly lhes y€on ol crodltod soNlc6. For reMce lromJonuoryI, 1978ihrolgh D€cemb€r31, 1987,!€Mc6 crgdll5occumulols ol lh6 lole of 2.25 p€rcanl for eoch yeof ol s€rvice. For soMce oller Dscembd 31. 1907 lervlce credlls occumulol€ ol lh6 role ol 2.5 p€rconl lor €och y€or ot aewicr. Pollc€6moloveesore llmlled lo o moxlmumoccruol ol €rvlco crodlls ln lhe omounl ot 62ffi. A Pollce€mploy€ohkgd on JonuoryI, 1976would occumulolgmoxlmumaeMca cr€dlbIn lhe omounlof 62.5porcontlhrowh Docember31, 2005os llluslrotod belowi t976-t977 2 Yeo6 t978-1987 l0 Y€ort l9t8-2(D5 l6 Y€oB Sublolol IVAXMUM AIIOWAEITSEFr'ICE CREDIT x X x 2.21ood Yeol 2.25% o€t Y.ol 2.5% o€r Y6or 4.4% 225& 4t 0% 71.9% 62.5% Normol r€llr€menllor Pollceomdoy€ss hlr€d botor6 Jonuory I , 1989 ls th€ eorllerol (l) lhe lolof ol lho gmploy€€'sSOlhblrthdoy or lhe lttth onnlveraoryol lhe m€mb€/, doig ol porllclpollon In lhe plqn or (21lhd cofid6lion ot 20 ycqrl ol crodll€d !6Mce o! o Pollc€ employ€o. For o Pollce6mdoyee hhod otlef Jonuory l. 1989,nomol rallremenl occurs upon lf|o complollon ol 25 v€on of crodlled roMca qs o conlrlbullno momber. A Pollcs member who hos complolod 15 or drole y.ors ol cr€dll€d lorvlc€ ond who lormlnolesemploymenlno mo(e lhon llrc y€d.s palcrlo lho membor's normol r€llr€mentdol. sholl bc ellglblt lo recelve o r6tll€m€nl p€nslon benolll commonclng on lho l|lsl ot lhe month lollowlng th9 memb€/s normol r€llr€monldol€. -29- CITYOf NEWARK, DETAWARE NOIESTOII{E FIMNC|AI STATEMENTS NOIE 9 PENSIONS (conldi Eoch omploye€ vrholi unoble lo 9ngog6 In ony $rbslonllol golnful ocllvtly by rgolon ot o m€dlcolly d6t6mlnobb phydcol or m6nlot lrhpotm€nl moy b€ oltgibte tor o dlroblllv p6nrlon €quol lo lhe €mployoel occumulolqd s€Mce credlls, r€duc€d by ony banotlls pob under the Clly'! long{6m dlsoblllly Insuronceproorqm. Pollc€ond Spocbl Pollc€ €mployeei whos€ dlloblllv rosullsllom the dlscholge of thelr ofibbl dutiqs shqll r€calve p€n8lon benoflh ot hol lgrr thon 75 porcanl ot lh6lr Drlor December I componsibn, r€duc€d by ony ben€lll! pold un<rerqny work6r! comp€nsollonlovr, lhe Clly'r long-tem dlsoullt l5$Joncepaogromqnd 50 porcontol octuol SoclolSocudtyAcl dl,oblllly b€neffls. It o memb€alormlnqlos€mployan€nlb€tore bocomlng ellgtble foaony other b€nofts uncler th6 plon, lhe m€mbar b enllflod lo o comdgtg relund ot th€ gmplov66,s pgndon conldbutlons.lhe conflbuflon3olo relunddd with Interest,whlch occumuloles ol lhe lole ol tour porcanl onnuolly. Wllh ive y9or. or mol6 ot cr€dltod serytce,9l9hl vesliedbqr|€lll opllons ot €qufuol€nt octuorlolvolueore ovollobl6os iottowsi l. A relk€menlbeneflt foi lh6 r€molnderot tt|o ohploye€'5 llto, 2. A relt6m6nl b€n€lll icr o mlnlmumot flvc wols ond ih6n only for th9 rest ot lhe m6mber's 1116. ll lhg momber do6s nol tlv€ tor tlve y6or5 ofld lemlnollng omploym€nt, lh€h lh9 bongfblory would conttnu€ lo rscafuo th9 b€nelll lor th6 romolndorol lho llvo-y€orpadod. 3, A letlrem€nt b€n€lll tor o mlnlmumot l0 y€ors ond th€n only tor the les, of lh€ m6mbo/s llte. lf lh€ memb€r doos nol llvo tor I 0 y6or5 ofigl lemlnollng employnenl, lhen the bengficlory would conttnug to lecelvg lhg bohellt tor lh6 remolnderot lhe I o-y€orp€riod. 4, A rollrem€nl b€netll lor o mlnlmumol l5 y€on ond lhon only toathe rosl ol lho m6mb6r's lllo. ll lhg member do€s not llvg tor l5 y€ol! oller l€rmlnollng omployment, lh€n lh9 benetlclory would contlnu€ lo recolve the beheit tor lh€ remoln€lerot lhs ls-yeor p€dod. 5. A sJrvlvorbonelll €quol to 50 percentot lhe employ€o'sbenelll otler lho m€mtj€r! deolh. 6. A survtuorbonetlt 6quol lo 66-213p€rc€nl ot lh6 omptoyee! b6nefli o'|er lhe membg/rd€olh. 7. A surylvorb€nelll 6quol lo 75 pqcont ot lh€ omploye€! b0neft ofl€. th€ membe/3 d6oth. 6. A luwlvor bonefll cquql lo l0O perconl ot lh6 employ6o's bonsfll ott€a t'ro memb€r'! ctarolh. -30, CIWOf NEWARK, OELAWARE NOTES TOIHEFIMNCIAISIAIEMENIS NOIE9 lEllllgNs (confd) Ih6 conlrlbutlon porcenliogg tor NorFPollcoond Sp€clol Pollce emdoyeos In 2005 wor 2.5 p€rcenl ol cu,renl bose ond long6vit poy aorned lhroughout lho y€or. Pollc6 employ€o! ol the CIV ore loqulred lo conl bul6 lo lhg plon ol o porcenloge of lh€lr tos€ ond longevlv poy os dolermlned on Docomber 'l ol lhg pr€c€dlng yeor. Theconfulbulionrot6 ls €quol lo lh€ pr6vlruscobnalor yeor oclr.lorlollv€commgncted amployorconl bullon rot€ for th6 Pollcoomdoyoes, provlded thot ll daes nol exceod 6.0 p6rc6nl ond lhol ll do€s nol Increosomore lhon 2,0 pglcsnl over th6 orevlou! y6o/s roi6. ThePollceemployo€conklbullonrol€ wos 6.0 percenl In 2005. AnnuolPonslonCosl lho CltV l! r€qulred to mok€ onnuol conhlbullonsbos€d on on ocluodollv comgol,od p€acenlogeot covered wog6s In omounlssulllcl9nl lo cov6r normol coslsol b€netits ond omorllzothe prlit 5eMc6 lloblllllesovgr o pg od ol 15 yeors. Ihs onnuol r€qulred contrlbutlon tor lhe curenl y6or \{os d€lgrmln€d o! porl ol th6 Jonuqry l, 2@5 dcluorlol voluolion Uslnglh€ 9nlry og€ cosl melhod os d6lln6d In Secllon I ot GASB Stolem€nlNo. 27. Slnc€1994,lh9 Clly hor mode 6xce3sconklbuilonsof 5104,549 over lb onnuol roqulred conldbullon. lh€ ocluorldl volue ol osrgl! wo! dolernlned ullng technlques lhot smooth lho effocls ot shod-l6m volotlllly In lh6 loh vqtuo ot lnvestm6nlsov6r o lhr6o-y€orDeriod. Th6untuMed ocluodol llobllltlosore omoatlzed over o clos€d Is-yeor p€rlod lrom lh6 voluollon dote ol the voluollon role ol 7,5 ootc€nt. Annuolreouk€dconlrlbullon Inl6.€il on n€l pondon obllgoilon Adruslmeniio onnuol r6qulr€dConLlbullon AnnuolDonsloncosl Conlrlbullonsmode IncrooseIn n6l ponslonobllgollon Net pensionobllgollon, b€glnnlngot y€or N€l p€nsionobllgollon. €nd ot y€or s 1,453,304 4,377 t6.610l I,45t,071 I,484,557 (33,i186) r54ll s _lil4luz Durlng th€ yoor €ndod O€c€mbar 31, 2005, lhg p|on orps €ncgd o 2.5 p€acenl Increoro In lls untuM€d oct(lodol lloblllv. lhe unfunded ocluqriol occrued llJblltrv lncrgds€dSl24,020lor Ponce,5105,134 tor Non-Polb6ond 5229.154 tor lhe Plonos o whole. Clly co,li Incr€os€d.70 p€acenl. A! o percontoga ol poyroll, lhg 2005 Clly cohlrlbullon hos d€cr€osd sllghllyirom 2004 (ond budgot 2mS) |6wb. Inveslmenl produclng o nel Inw'tmenl to6s, |6lum! on ossek woro b6low ochroriol ossumpllcrats, 2m4 c|'Y ond Stole clnlrlbu'lbns w6ro lesslhon lh€ r€commendodomounl. thla wot podlolly oflsel by hlgher thon 9xp9cted €mployoo conldbulions.lhc lmpoci ol ths low€rlhqn €xpocl€d don ols€li rryq5morelhon oflsel by on Incaoos€In lhe nunbat ot 3l - c|N OFNEWARK, DCTAWARE NOTES TOTHEFIMNCIAI.SIAIEMENTS NOIE 9 PEtlSlONs(confd) employ€osworklngpost lh6lr qssum€dr€llr€menl096. lh€ rgauttls o d€croos€ In lhe Clly'i normol cosl lor 2005;lhlah llkelyo shorl,termevenl thol wtltrgv6.!o lh6ll os lh€se employ6€sr6lho ord or€ €plocad by youngd wo*€rs. fh6re w6r€ no o,sumplionor plon chongss lq lho 2005voluollqn. Slgnltlcontocluotiol o3$mplions us6dln del€rmlnlnglhe ngt pontbn bcncflt obttgolbn Includ€i (o) rote of r9ftJm on lhe Invedmsnl pBsanl ord fulure olseh ot 7.5 porcont por y€or compoundod onnuolly, (b) proieclgd lolory Incroosgsot 4.5 pdc6nt p€f y€or, (c) o 2.5 p€rcenl €mployee conldbt]llon rote for .lon-pollco ond o rolllng lhr6e.yoor overogo of lha pdor ihr€o yeo|s ocluol contdbullon roles tor pollc€, ond (d) lhe os$mpllon lhot benetilswlll nol lrlcr€os9oflearellromenl. Aslumptionrfor Inflq on 016 lmpllcll In Gsumpllonslor lh€ Inveslmgnl1016of r€fumaotoryIncGoaes,qnd emplovoe conhlbullons. Ih€ Clfy's onnuol omployer penilon cosl lor the flscot y6o. encled Decembor31. 2005 y,os91,451,071.lhe contibltlon! tor tho y6or by vo our Clty tund! lololed 51,484,558Includlng5231.254ot lunclsprovtd€d by th6 Stoteot Delowo16. PlonMemberrhlo As ot Jonuory1, 2005,the mosl recenlocluoriolvoluotton,employ€€membershlp conslsl€dol: Podlcloonlr egl]99 R€ilaedond dlsobled mernb€arr€c€lvlnob€nottb V€rlod l6rmlnoi6d m€mb€[ nol rocelvingb€n€flts 50 _l IOIA u4 tlon-F'olbeond Sp€clolt'ollca r60 61 I9le! 219 ll4 -l ?t| t!2 ThoClt's lolol poyroll toaoll emdoyoes cov€r€d by lhe Plqnior lhg curonl y€or wq! $10,720,609.PorllclpolbnIn the Plonls volunloryond vlduolvoll €llgtbt€employ€€s hqve chosenlo oorllcloole. PlonAss6h In occodonce wlth GASBNo. 25, Invoslmgntsor€ reporled ol tok voluo, Shorl-l€h InveSlmgnis ore rgpod€d ol co6l, whlch oppaoxlmolestok volue. Socurlllgatrod€d on o nolionol or Inl€r|ollonol exchonge ore volu€d ol lhe lqai rgpo.led lolgj prtce ot currenl exchongo loles. In 2001, ih€ CIV hh€d lhe FronkRussollTruglComponv to monoge lh€ lnveslm€nl ol pendon plon ossoL, Tho Russa componv mot. olnt numerou!commlngled Inv65lmenlfund3lor quolltl€d pubttc e|nployeo pgnalonplons. lh6sc Invoslmonko.€ nol colegodzed occordlng to lhg lovol ot .t!k oaslm€d ot y€or €nd b€courg lhey or€ nol ropr€s€niodby 3€curllles. -32- CIW Of NEWARK, DETAWARI NOIESTOTHEFIMNCAI STAIEMENIS NolE 9 fENIIQNS(conrd) Toioloss6t5ond nel oss€lsovolloble tor bgnefflros ot Dgcembor3l, 2005 condstodol lhg tollowlng j flx€d lncome muluol tun<b Lorgecop eqult muluol tund! Inlemolloholoqullv muluoltunds Smollcopequllymufuollunds Gov€mmenls€cualtl'es tund 514,223,791 r2.62r,605 5,536,999 't,724,U2 887,050 s35,193,987 AdmlnlslrolivoCosls Admlnlslrollv6cosls,lncludlnglhg Inv€dmenlmonoger, cuslodlol lrusleeond ocluorlol seNlcos,ore chorg6d ond pold by sho.ljgm o$ola ot ihs plon. Conconlrolionot PlonAssols As ot Decombor 3t, 2005 lhere wele no Indlvlduol Invgslmonli. olher lhon lhose bocked by the U.S.Gcvelnmenl,whlch consliluled llve percenl or mo€ ot lho plont r|€l o560!s, Roquk€dSupplemenloryInlomollon MunlclpolGenerolEmploy€€s P€mlonPlon Sch€duleot FundlnoProoross Unfimded Liability (AAL) - ErFy Age (b) Dst (UAAL,) (b-a) Funded I(aiio (db) o/.ot Payroll (c) Payroll tO-!Ycl 1/t/o5 s3?,ot7,7E2$41,509,81Is9,492,029 7 7 . 1 3 y ' $10,720,609 8E.54% l /o4 30,0E9,369 39,352,244 9,262,E75 76.46V" 10,323,409 89.73o/o l/v03 28,E09,165 36,418,942 7,609,177 79.1t% 79.78% 1/l/o2 28,999,363 t/v0l 27,817,800 3 r,280,847 3,463,O47 88-93o/. 8,941,662 38.730/. l/t/o0 26,547,363 29,242,E02 2,695,439 90.74r/" 4J47,748 33,301,942 4,30E,579 E7.O6o/t -33- 9,t77,t26 46.95% 12.29./, CIW OF NEWAR(.DETAWARE NOTESIO IHE FIMNCIAI- STAIEMENTS NOTT9 (confd) PENSIONS Schodul€ ol Conldtxrllom From Emobvor ond Olher Contrlbuflnd En ti€s Ycsr Ended D.cember31 AnnualRequired ConEibution 2005 2004 2001 2002 2001 2000 $1y'53,304 1,43E,278 |,225,756 1999 1998 692,368 548,558 473,334 483,63E 666,6t0 E44,193 746,566 t99l 1996 NOIEl0 City Contsibution s1,464,558 1,374,838 t,t76,223 Contribut.d t02.16./0 932,141 867,436 95.s90/" 95.96y. 1o7.594/0 t02.7syo 755,350 tot.lto/, 690,944 518,018 46E,840 99.79yo 521,686 94.43'/. 99.05n/. t01.81% RISK IVIAMG€MEN] The CIiy molnlolns commerclol Insuronca cov€roge lor rlsk ot logsgsrelollm to genorot.outomotive, pollcaprofesslonot, publjcofflclotsond c,lms.lhere hosb€€i nc' Canltlconl chongg In coveroge durlng the post yeor. lhele hove b€on no losses oErov9Inlurohce ttmtbdurlngthg toil toury€ora. lhe Ctt b selt-lnsurodtor workg/s compenlollon; lrowovor, modlcot cots lgbted lo on-lh€.job Inlul€s or0 cover€d by lhe Clly's hoollh Insuroncoprovldor. lho Clty,s comp€ns< on poymonlsore colculoted bos6d upon o wdtfonpo cv odmlntto.ed bv lhe Clly. Tt|€Clly molntiotns on int€hols€wlc6fundior work€r's compgnrolionctotmi ond al€ducilbleomountspold to I! InslJronceund€turlels. thot Soll]nsuronc€Flsd ls Includod In lhosg stot€m€nls.R€sourcosore olocoted lo tht! turld frorn oDerollno lundr. Hlslo colly, th€ CIV hos6xp€ 6nced very lew Indtvlduotclolms. On OiemU] 31,2005,lh€r€w6r€threeouttondlngclqtmaond nonependlng. lhe Clly hos requ€sledo ploposol trom on ocfuo.lot comullont lo d€tsmkE tf ll ls posslblelo e5tlmol6tulu€ ctollnsond obiljll€r bos6d on ovollobtg dolo. Fiscal 2005 2004 2003 2002 AssrcgatcLiability for ClaimsOl/0 1/04 Actual Claims Cl3ims $139,227 14,252 60,220 44,77O - 31- sr39,227 14,252 60,220 44,770 Aggr.gatc Licbility for Claim$ l2r3ll05 CITYOFNEWARK, OETAWARE NOIESTOTHEFIMNCIqISTATEMEN]S NOIE I I DEFERRED COMPENSANON PLAN lhe Clly ottgrs lls employg6so d€tgfied compensdllon plon cleoled In occordonce wllh lr elnol Rovonue Code (|rc) Socnon 457. the pton, ovo obte to oll Ctty employg€!, permllsthem to dot€r o porttonot lh6lr soldryun t lufureyoors. ]he lrc Secllon il57 wqs om€nded by oddlng subs€cfion(g), whtch r€qutr€dthe Ctty lo omend ll5 Delgred Componsolbnnon Grc4 Tru5lAg.€gm€nl. In D€camb€r1996. lhe Clty qmend€d lli DCPond om€nd€d ltr exlsllngDCPTrustAgreem€nllo comply vrllhchonges In the lRC. Ihg omgnded DCPprovtdosthot olt ocreb ond Income ot ths DCpof6 hotd In tho DCp Irusl for tho 6xcluslv€b€neflt ot podlclponlsond thgk tronoiclo.t€s. Ihoreloro, th6se oileb wlll no longef bo tho sol6 p.oporty ol lhe Clty ond wttl nol bo sublect io lhe clolms ol the Clly's genercdcFdllors. In oddlllon, o! o lesull ol lhlschonge, lho o3r€is hov6 be€n sllmlnol€dtrcm lhe Clly'sboloncesh€€toi ol JonuoryI , 1999. Al cosis ond €xp€n€i of odmlnldednothe plon or€ born€ by lhe porliclponta. NOIE ] 2 POST.RENREMENT HEATIH CAREEENEf ITS In oddlllon lo provldlng p€Dron bonelllsdescdb€dIn Not€ 9, lh6 CIV p(ovldgsc€dolh llmll€d po,l-rellremenl h€ollh core b€o€tlls lor gmploycos thot m66t ollglbltfy Gquh6monls. lh6s6 bgnellls w6le Included ln controcli nogoliotod wiih the CIV! €mploy€eborgolnlngunllslhol b€comeetf€cllveAprttt, 2@1. In €xchongetor o llx6d conklbullonfowordIndlvlduolr6ttr6€heolthcore promlurns, th9 Cltyoblolnoo o long{grm lobor ogleomgnl, woge Inct€oler bolow lh6 hlstoalcolovercEg, o rod9Jgn ol h€ollh bongtlb ond conlrlluibm loword ocllvg emdov€o h€olh Inruronco premlumi Curr€nlly,nlne gmploye€smeet the ellglbillv r€qutrgmenlsond qr€ rocelvlng o benetit. Th€ coal of rellreo heolth core li Gcognkod os on exp€ndlfur€In lh€ Self.ln ronc! TrusiFundos premlumsoro pold. Forlh6 y6or 6nd6o D6c6mbor31, 2005,tho!€corlsw6r6SI06,546. NO'IE13 RESERVOIR ANDWA'IER SYSIEM IMPROVEMEN'S In 1999,lhe NoworkClly Councllopprovod on updotgd Wol6. Sysl6.nMoatorplon lhot Includ€d conslruclionot o reservolrn€or the Whlt6Cloy Cr€ek, on lron Gmovot ptonl tor tho SoulhW6ll Fl€lclond olher moosuresdestgned to provlde lhe CtV wt,r'bo sotf. sulllclgnl wolor supply. Lqler f'tlotygof, lh6 CftVInltloted condsmnollon p@c66dln€6 lo ocqulre o I l2-ocrg porcol odlocait lo tho Clt ond ttr wql9| treotmenltqcllly on lhe WhlljoCby Cre€k. On Novgmber 2, 1999. N€work vot6rs opproved o bond .et€rsndumlo flnoncolheslleocquisilion by borrowlngup to S4.2Smllllon. In 2000. ttle lo th6 3lt6 wos ocqutrod tor 97.95 m lton. Th€ Stot6 of Dotowore porllclpotgd ln lhe p.oiect wllh o copll,olconktbullon ot S3.4mlllbn. proc€€dafom o Decembor 14. 2000 generct ottlgotton bond lsrue of S2.7 mllllon hove ollov,od the -35- CIW OF NEWARX, OETAWART NO]ESTOT]{EFIMNCTAI SIAIEMENTS NO]El3 @(confd) cily to relmbursollsolt lor oll but 52 mllllonior whlch copllol releNeswe.e used. Dobr seMce tor lhe Serles2000 G€n€rolObllgo on Sond ls provld€d trom o S.03prop€dy iqx Incr€oseol 7.7 poacenlttrot wos odoptgd by Clly Councll on November13. 2000 os port ot lhe 2001 operollng budg€l lhe new tox roto b€come otteclfue on Jdy I 2001. On Aprll 10, 2001,Newo* vot6Gposs€don 518.6m lon gen9rolob gotkrnbond r6t6r€ndumlhol Includeclwoiof 1016Incr0os6sot opprodmololy 84 p€rc€nl In ord€rlc luppoal dobl lervlce, construcllonond op€rollon ol lhe woler syalem. Publlcsupport for both p(ol€cls \Nosovorwh€lmlng;82.8 porcenl voled In iovor o, bllldlng lhe releNolr ond 86.5 percenl vol€d In lovor of bulldlng th€ wot6r h6olm6nt loclllt. Wqler rol6s were Inc€o5€d opprodmotely 84 p€.c6nt on July I, 2001 03 octuedisedln lh6 retelendum. !h6 Clty lssued lts Sedes2002 Gonerol Obllgotlon Sondr on Sopl€mb€r 17, 2002. Wochovlo gonk purchosgdlho bonal6on o compotlilvo bld ol lhe In,leInloreslcod ot 3.946063porcent. FltchRollngsdselgn€dth€ rollng AA lhol wosenhonc€d lo AM by Wochovlo's pu.chos€ ol o bond Insuroncepollcy provlded by A.nboc Asgrronce Corpofolion. Moody'sInv€sloriSgMce osilgned th6 unlnsuredlottng ofAo3 ond the Insur€drollng ol rroo. On D€camber19, 2002,the Clly fohburled f!e[ In iho omount of $5,109,t21 tor roservolrohd vroler lieolmenl plont oxp€ndtluGt pold p.lor to th€ trond llsuonc€clolg. Thlirglmbullemonlwos outhorlzodbV Cl|y CouncllRolollllon 0l -Wdoled NovomborI2, 2001. Slnce ocqlhlng llll€ to lh€ r€s€rvokCt€, lhe Clty ho5 €nlor€d conlrqcls lolo ng 516,576,553tor lhe deCgn ond conshucllonot lhe reseryoirond on expordod woigl treqlmenl loclllly tor SouthW6lltl6ld. Ctty Counclt ho! delo|mlnod thol lhs slro ot th€ rosololr wlll I'o opproxlmololy 318 mllllongollons,lorge enouqhlo provklevlduolly I 00 perconl €llobillly tor droughh rocorcr.gd dudng tho post I 00 yeoti, Consfucllon begon In Jun6 2(Xl2qnd wos achoduledlo bg compl€led In Dec€mbor 2OO:1.lh€ genorol conlroclor hlrod lo bulld the prolect rtopped wo.k In S9pl6mb6r 2003 ond lotusod lo complele poriormonco,orgulng lhot ,ha proJcctcould not b€ bulll qi deslgned. Att€rottempt lo medlot! ihg dl pute, ihe conhoct wos lermlnoled by th€ Clty In €orly 2004. Ih6 conlroclor lll€d o ctvtt suttogolrul th6 CltVIn the U.S. Dlilrlct Court lor D€loworeoll€glng br€och of conhocl, dotdmotton ond cMl dOhl5 Molollons. In Novembo.2004. lh€ Clly negollol€d o n€w controcl wllh o dlftorgnl compony lo complgle lho prol€ct lor opproxlmcl€ly 56 mllllon. lh9 Ngwqrk Rosotvokvvor comdgl€d In Mqy 2006 ond 15fully op€rotlonol. Al wol6r lystom tmprov6msnlstor whlch g€nerol obllgotlon dobl wqs lssuedoro now compt6ta. App,oxlmotofyS75,OO0 of tho ClVs orlglnol budgel tor lhd!6 proJecbr€molnsovolloble. -36. CIIYOFNEWARK, DELAWARE NOTES TOTHEFIMNC|^I SIAIEMEN]S NOTEI3 @(confd) Iho trlol phoa€of the clvll $Jlthlliolod by ih€ lgrmlnol€d conhocior In 2(X)4concluci6d on October 6. 2006. A fed6rol lury owqrded ths plolnltff $25 ml ton ln ctvl rtght alomoge! for pr€clurlon ol lho contociot'9 dght lo puEue posl{ormlhollon budneas wllhout dug proc$s ond opproxlmolelySll mllllon In conhocl domggg!. Ihl$ conlrcclor hod orlglnolty ogr€€d lio consLucl ih6 resoryohfo( S9.6 mllttonond wo$ pqll 96,2 mllllon lor workcomplsLd. Ih6 Clly hod wfhheld poyment ot S275,000tor Involce! lubmltlredond cedlttod by the englneer ol lecord. lhe verdlcl hos nol yel bggn gnleaedby th6 Coud pondlng rullngon oulsliondlngrnotionr. ll thti v€rdlcl b nol sol ollde by lh6 ldol ludgo, lh€ Clly wlll llle llr opp€ol ln lhe lhtrd U.S.CtrcuttCou.t ol App€ob In Phlldelphlo, Ponnsylvonlowhen oll post-tttol mottonr hove bo€n ruted upon. lho Clly's InsurqncoundgMdis(, Sl, Poul Trovolds, hor provlded the def€naeot lhls cole lrom the outsel. Sl. Poul Trqvgl9rshos no llobllllv on conlrocfuot llsuoabut hos opp.oxlmolely S7 mllllon In llobllttylor lhe clvll rlghtt podlon ot ihe vsrdtct. St. tbut Trovolgnhot on obllgollon lo d€t€nd lhe Clly ond ho6oaCgnedn€w towyeBlo pursle oppellole octlon. lhe Clly Sollcllorond lh€ CIVI triol counsel b€[ov6 thot there t! subslonliollovelslblo srror In lhe Courll p€-lrlol rullngs,lrbl rutlng! ond lury Inslrucltonr 60 os lo ylgld o slrong portblllly ot iucc6$ on oppcot. Al the paolent t|mo, trlol couns€|, ougmenl€d by o number ot oddltlrnol otlort|eys retolnod by Sl. Poui, oae vlgorouslyplrsulng mollonslor new |.lrl, tor rsconCdgrottonot €orll€( rullngsond tor r6ducllonsof the omounli ol lh9 v€rdiclr. Iho CltV Counctt hoi dlr€ctod lh€ Soltcnor ond ih€ Clt's hlol counsollo vlgo@urlypo|ile every ovenue ot opp6ol. -37- SUPPLEME]{TARYINFORIATIOt{ 83gagl 3Ee attl SASg I 1{fl FI :l lt 11d "l-l 398 ECdN II !R slSl E E : 9 !lsla FI :lri| H t{fl il.,, lfl l1 Il "H5* g "r lslpl *tg: li tTl -E!* Etl :*l:l lqfl Eq" i - i l 11fl d:hl 111 | :€l ill I !l ,il rl !l 'l .l e F! I t:59 l.E I'l | -l-l 3 ll - I lFj rg I t8l | a i3Ef; ;:Eii EI ' ' 5Fl :tl c.'EE . llelle l Etl ' 4 . , , t a t3 , , ll$ l l I ,,fuii,: i,cu':riiigfii $qfl t1 exedcj ei leld slil 3 : E e l l l its*s ssE:^ 3s l:l tl as "" t"t l1l s;snlsj e g s s l g l iqtli celElI iEtlr $! l:l il "'t1 t liq t it l3l " | , !t tl e E e n ,l c: ,l. . . . , : l : l ll tl '!l - :l rg *olhi ,i | o t-; :9i : t qI t6t 14fr "l iEig EEXg tl 6l rEEfr 6!E{ tl; Htr F8! E 2 b It z I l:l 5t , addE *;]fl i l | tl . l d d a . l e l p * i nl l | :ll il: nl t 6 J F " ti t | . t - r I l - | rrl c o lsl , x" :lt lol - lt rl II il - !! ll t-l l n*1fl t-l t I 1 9 i l a,lil | l l 1t h]s1:l 1l . s , . l e, l, r . . . . . l d i l rlr d l E lr l Tfi tl l i I | p r! 3" l 3slfl 1l acl ll l 1 : bl :tl Filil t1 8Fl t tinl I 9tEl .1F1 hl gl "l l*l il l *Tl |1 sa.lsl5l , , 9! tal s i F lq c ll | | : -i l I il rsl l : ,ii;i;s,ir;ffir,,ri ilift,ii iii glEIal I rl "I EI t;ll I H I .l slall -lo-tl 'l I F a s l F 5El AnIU . I ;rs6 r i I 6EFE z I .l Hll |:fl :il lBll o-l 3ll fl d l 1l l -ln>d, = .,itl :il 11 t l ! t l E;Eq " .tl -".I;l fi5 | o irl 3 sFll EIR]I sil ril t-tl itl ti i ; fr E $eE -fl , 4 Eo 4 6 G Ee E e ,i E -:tl I 5-s t I ft I I EE E3 tgEEgre*i$a E E e I E 6 eeslel e el*lsl ' sSBls-lB Blslsl E l-l 111 | | l - :x:lel s slsl .i - | 1 8 f2 i F. :; 2 e .,t fl - * ^ t E r'.I 3S8l 3tl + ot Ail =''l=l *11 BfElBl s slpl $il F: '-r ..i iill I tl I 1t rl gs a€ xHcfi ;EdH EFFE EEiH i ; o 5 6 o Z = S F E c i*rlFl *|$lFl #slHl :t't"t'l"t-t"l .9 t' 6 9 5 (J -5 E e C Ee . ^ 9 E 5 s $ ; i E g FS P .g '= H E -E --b egicE*EEc;, t*i;E s";ii s. s€F# E' = g ;E 8€$S €8Ei; """8€JJ E F