Business Update Summer 2015
Business Update Summer 2015
11155 Robinson Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433-3761 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #4190 TWIN CITIES, MN BU BU SINESS SINESS NAME NAME COON RAPIDS BUSINESS UPDATE CoonRapidsHospitalAdds CoonRapidsHospitalAdds NewBirthCenter NewBirthCenter After After completing completing a a comprehensive comprehensive review review of of the the obstetrical obstetrical servicesofferedatMercyandUnityhospitals,AllinaHealthhas servicesofferedatMercyandUnityhospitals,AllinaHealthhas decided decided to to combine combine the the programs programs into into one one all-inclusive all-inclusive proprogramatTheMotherBabyCenteratMercyinCoonRapids.The gramatTheMotherBabyCenteratMercyinCoonRapids.The new new center, center, a a partnership partnership between between Allina Allina Health Health and and ChilChildren’sHospitals&ClinicsofMinnesota,openedonJuly27. dren’sHospitals&ClinicsofMinnesota,openedonJuly27. RiverNorthSeniorHousingDevelopment RiverNorthSeniorHousingDevelopment ExpectedtoOpenin2016 ExpectedtoOpenin2016 TheCityofCoonRapidshasbeenworkingwithseniorhousingdeveloperDominiumtoconstructa167TheCityofCoonRapidshasbeenworkingwithseniorhousingdeveloperDominiumtoconstructa167unitseniorapartmentbuilding,namedRiverNorth,eastoftheCoonRapidsIceCenterat109thLane unitseniorapartmentbuilding,namedRiverNorth,eastoftheCoonRapidsIceCenterat109thLane andCrookedLakeBoulevard.Theprojectisexpectedtobreakgroundlaterthisyearwithcompletion andCrookedLakeBoulevard.Theprojectisexpectedtobreakgroundlaterthisyearwithcompletion expectedbylate2016.Thebuildingwillincludeprimarilyoneandtwo-bedroomunitswithafewthreeexpectedbylate2016.Thebuildingwillincludeprimarilyoneandtwo-bedroomunitswithafewthreebedroom bedroom units. units. Occupancy Occupancy will will be be for for seniors seniors ages ages 55 55 and and up. up. Leasing Leasing is is expected expected to to begin begin later later this this year. If you are interested in learning more, contact River North directly at 763-762- 4762 year. If you are interested in learning more, contact River North directly at 763-762- 4762 or or visit visit “Thismergerofthesetwoprogramscreateswonderfuloppor“Thismergerofthesetwoprogramscreateswonderfulopportunitiesforourstaffandthecommunity,"HelenStrike,presitunitiesforourstaffandthecommunity,"HelenStrike,president, dent, Unity Unity Hospital, Hospital, said. said. "The "The ability ability to to be be innovative innovative with with ourobstetricalservicesispossiblebecauseoftheuniquerelaourobstetricalservicesispossiblebecauseoftheuniquerelationship tionship Mercy Mercy and and Unity Unity have have within within Allina Allina Health. Health. We We look look forward forward to to having having the the ability ability to to care care for for more more patients patients in in the the beautifulnewfacilityontheMercyHospitalcampus." beautifulnewfacilityontheMercyHospitalcampus." RMSWinsAwardFrom RMSWinsAwardFrom Manufacturer’sAlliance Manufacturer’sAlliance RMS, RMS, located located on on Evergreen Evergreen Boulevard Boulevard in Coon Rapids, recently received in Coon Rapids, recently received a a “ManufactureroftheYear”awardfrom “ManufactureroftheYear”awardfrom theManufacturers’Alliance.Companies theManufacturers’Alliance.Companies areselectedtowintheawardbasedon areselectedtowintheawardbasedon their their demonstration demonstration of of sharing sharing best best practiceswiththeirpeerstobene�itall practiceswiththeirpeerstobene�itall manufacturing. manufacturing. RMSisacontractmanufacturerofmachinedandmoldedcomRMSisacontractmanufacturerofmachinedandmoldedcomponentsusedinthemedicaldeviceandaerospaceindustries. ponentsusedinthemedicaldeviceandaerospaceindustries. Thebusiness,whichbeganoperatinginCoonRapidsin1992, Thebusiness,whichbeganoperatinginCoonRapidsin1992, has has expanded expanded several several times times and and is is currently currently Coon Coon Rapids’ Rapids’ largestprivateemployer. largestprivateemployer. SS ç çà Ãà à ٠٠2 20 01 15 5 INSIDE INSIDE THIS THIS ISSUE: ISSUE: Open Open to to Business Business Program Program 2 2 New New City City Website Website Launch Launch 2 2 Coon Coon Rapids Rapids Civic Civic Center Center FaciliƟes FaciliƟes 3 3 Major Major Building Building Projects Projects Road Road ConstrucƟon ConstrucƟon Update Update 3 3 3 3 New New Senior Senior Housing Housing Development Development 4 4 C C II TT Y Y SS EE R RV V II C C EE D D II R R EE C C TT O OR RY Y Police and Fire: 911 Police and Fire: 911 Assessing: Assessing: (763)767-6446 (763)767-6446 Building Building InspecƟons: InspecƟons: (763)767-6476 (763)767-6476 Bunker Hills Golf Club: Bunker Hills Golf Club: (763)755-4141 (763)755-4141 CTN CTN Studios: Studios: (763)767-6525 (763)767-6525 City City Hall: Hall: (763)755-2880 (763)755-2880 Coon Rapids Coon Rapids Ice Ice Center: Center: (763)951-7222 (763)951-7222 City Hall Fax: (763)767-6491 City Hall Fax: (763)767-6491 Economic Economic Development: Development: (763)767-6430 (763)767-6430 Fire AdministraƟon: Fire AdministraƟon: (763)767-6429 (763)767-6429 Planning Planning and and Zoning: Zoning: (763)767-6430 (763)767-6430 Police Police AdministraƟon: AdministraƟon: (763)767-6481 (763)767-6481 Public Public Works: Works: (763)767-6462 (763)767-6462 Senior Senior Services: Services: (763)767-6473 (763)767-6473 UƟlity UƟlity Billing: Billing: (763)767-6438 (763)767-6438 QuesƟons QuesƟons or or comments comments may may be be directed directed to (763)767-6430 or to (763)767-6430 or [email protected] [email protected] Sign Sign up up for for City City e-newsleƩers e-newsleƩers at at Communitystrength…forgenerations Communitystrength…forgenerations P¦ 2 CÊÊÄ RÖ®Ý BçÝ®ÄÝÝ SçÃÃÙ 2015 P¦ 3 OpentoBusinessProgramProvidesFree BusinessConsultations ReserveMeeting&BanquetSpaceatthe CoonRapidsCivicCenter Exiting news! The Open to Business program is now being offered to anyone in Anoka County who is interested in starting a business or currently owns a business. Business Advisor Kathleen DuChene holds of�ice hours at the Anoka County Government Center and other locations around Anoka County, including at Coon Rapids City Hall on the third Tuesday of each month from 2:00—4:30 p.m. Entrepreneurs interested in this service can also schedule anappointmentbycallingKathleenat(763)438-7315.This serviceisperfectforthoselookingto: • Openabusiness • Discuss�inancingoptions • Developmarketingstrategies • Understandthelogisticsofleasingorpurchasingproperty • Andotherbusiness-relatedneeds TheCoonRapidsCivicCenterprovidesaffordable optionsfortoday’sbusinessneeds. BanquetRoom: • Seatingforbetween80and230 • Accesstoelegantpatioarea • Commercialkitchen Conference&TrainingRooms: • Seatingforupto40 • White-board • Drop-downscreen CoonRapidsLaunchesNewCityWebsite TheCityofCoonRapidsnowhas anewwebsite!Takealookatthe new design and features which include easy navigation, interactive mapping, event calendars, language translation, better search functions and many more options! Make sure your business is listed in our Business Directory, featured on the Economic Development homepage. Read more about all of the new features in the fall Citynewsletter,theCoonRapids Connection. Checkoutwww.coonrapidsmn.govandseeforyourself! 11155 ROBINSON DR. (763) 767-6522 [email protected] MajorBuildingProjects CurrentmajorbuildingprojectsinCoonRapidsinclude: • Dominiumhasproposeda167-unitseniorapartmentbuildingadjacenttotheCoonRapidsIce Center.SiteplanapprovalwasgrantedandtheCity'sEconomicDevelopmentAuthorityapproved apurchaseanddevelopmentagreement. • PermitswereissuedforanewTacoBellrestaurantatHansonBoulevardandGatewayDrive. • MagnumFreighton Evergreen Boulevard has nearly completed work on a new 42,000 square footfreightterminal,�,300squarefootof�ice,and14,000squarefootmaintenancebuilding. • SpiralManufacturingon Yellowpine Street has nearly completed work on a 7,750 square foot addition.Spiralisamajormanufacturerofhighpressurepipesand�ittings. RoadConstructionUpdate CurrentandupcomingroadconstructionprojectsinAnokaCountyinclude: • Work on University Avenue will continue, making it a four lane roadway with additional turn lanesandatrail.TheprojectisexpectedtobecompletearoundNovember1,2015 • WorkwillcontinueonthesegmentofFoleyBoulevardfrom101stAvenuetoEgretBoulevard. Theprojectincludesstormsewerupgrades,concretemedian,signalinstallation,andasphaltand concretewalks.TheprojectisexpectedtobecompletebyearlyJuly2015. • Foley Boulevard from Egret Boulevard to Northdale Boulevard will be reconstructed with workexpectedtotakeplacein2016. thenclickonHighwayDepartment.
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