Large Aperture [O I] 6300˚A Photometry of Comet Hale
Large Aperture [O I] 6300˚A Photometry of Comet Hale
Large Aperture [O I] 6300 Å Photometry of Comet Hale-Bopp: Implications for the Photochemistry of OH Jeffrey P. Morgenthaler, Walter M. Harris, Frank Scherb, Christopher M. Anderson, Ronald J. Oliversen, Nathaniel E. Doane, Michael R. Combi, Maximus L. Marconi, William H. Smyth [email protected] 1 Currently a National Research Council fellow at NASA/GSFC, Code 681 2 Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin–Madison 3 Space Astronomy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin–Madison 4 Visiting Astronomer at the National Solar Observatory, operated by the Association for Research in Astronomy, under contract to the National Science Foundation 5 Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin–Madison 6 NASA/GSFC, Code 681 7 ITSS Lanham, MD, currently at Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin–Madison 8 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, The University of Michigan 9 Fresh Pond Research Institute 10 Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. Introduction What: The 6300 Å line of neutral oxygen ([O I] 6300 Å) Where: From the coma (expanding neutral gas cloud) of comets When: During cometary perihelion passage (Hale-Bopp 1997 Feb-Apr) Why [O I] 6300 Å? – Transition between metastable and ground state (lifetime 130 s) – Not excited by solar radiation – Tracer of multi-body interactions such as collisional excitation, collisional dissociation or photodissociation – In cometary comæ, densities imply photodissociation with collisional de-excitation active only in inner coma How: large-aperture narrow-band photometry with multi-object spectrographs and Fabry-Pérot spectrometers/imagers Wow: Found a factor of 3–4 times more [O I] 6300 Å emission that expected coming from comet Hale-Bopp Excess emission appears to be limited to outer coma Implies one or both: – a source of in the outer coma that is unknown or has been previously ignored (unlikely) – there is an error in the standard model of OH photochemistry undetected by previous, narrower FOV measurements The Big Picture: optical image Fig. 1.— Wide-field ( 10 ) optical photograph of comet Hale-Bopp from 1997 March 9, courtesy of H. Mikuz & B. Kambic ( The ion tail is visible in the blue (the ion tail is mostly !#"%$ , but the blue lines are from carbon-bearing molecules such as CO and CN), the dust tail is white (scattered sunlight). Cometary Spectroscopy Gas densities range from near terrestrial atmospheric to interplanetary Solar photon field Solar wind Solar gravity Outer regions are collisionless Ideal environment for study of photochemistry Hale-Bopp 40" ring 1996 Oct. 22 WIYN/Hydra/MOS + Comet NH 2 NH 2 -2 -1 Surface Brightness ( erg s-1cm A arcsec -2 ) [O I] H2O+ Most unmarked emission lines are OH WAVELENGTH ( A ) Fig. 2.— Sample spectrum recorded by the WIYN Hydra MOS. The extraction and reduction of these MOS data are discussed in detail by Anderson (1999) and Glinski et al. (2001). Narrow-band Fabry-Pérot imaging: [O I] 6300 Å coma Fig. 3.— Wisconsin !'& Mapper (WHAM) Hale-Bopp image (1997 March 5) with [O I] emission shown in color, dust in contours. The tailward extension in the [O I] emission has not been seen in other comets but is seen in narrowband observations of other lines (Harris et al. 2002; Oliversen et al. 2002). The asymmetry contributes 13% of the total [O I] emission. Consistency between instruments: Annular view Fig. 4.— Comparison of the WHAM and Hydra [O I] data. The triangles show the azimuthal distribution of the [O I] surface brightness, the asterisks show the dust surface brightness. The Hydra surface brightness values are plotted directly, with the greyscale and legend indicating which ring in fig. 3 the data correspond to. The values for the points in the top right plot were derived from the WHAM image by dividing it into 5-pixel wide rings (1 pixel = 0. ( 8) centered on the Hydra rings and finding the average pixel value in 20 azimuthal bins. Consistency between telescopes: Radial Profiles Upper profile is OH 3080 Å data (Harris et al. 2002) fit with a two-component Haser model (Haser 1957; Krishna-Swamy & Brandt 1986) to constrain shape Using standard ! " and OH photochemistry Haser model [O I] 6300 Å results fit outer coma [O I] 6300 Å emission only if production rate is scaled by 3 Fig. 5.— Measured and modeled radial profiles of [O I] 6300 and OH 3080 emission in comet Hale-Bopp on March 2, March 5 ([O I]) and March 28 (OH). The WHAM profile indicated with the plus symbols is created from the three quadrants of fig. 3 away from the tailward direction; Hydra point are averaged excluding this quadrant. The good agreement between the Hydra and WHAM radial profiles at greater than )+* )-,/. km is our strongest evidence of the corroboration between these datasets. Consistency between instruments: Radial Profiles Densepak data (asterisks) and contemporaneous Hydra data (diamonds) show Haser model is not consistent with data. Take your pick: fit inner coma ( ! " dominated) or outer coma (OH dominated) Fig. 6.— Measured and modeled radial profiles of [O I] 6300 emission in comet Hale-Bopp on March 16, March 18, (models indicated in solid and dashed lines) and April 21. Note the good agreement between the March 16 (Hydra) and March 18 (Densepak) data. We infer from this and fig. 5 good agreement between WHAM and Densepak. Wide-field spectroscopic photometry–WHAM Fig. 7.— WHAM spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp, from 1997 March 5. In this 30 s exposure, the WHAM emission line sensitivity is less than 0.1 R. Solid line is a model with three Voigt profiles in emission plus seven Voigts in absorption representing the scattered solar spectrum. The dotted line is the same minus the cometary [O I] emission line. The wavelength of airglow [O I] line is 6300.304 Å. Wide-field spectroscopic photometry–50 mm Fabry-Pérot Fig. 8.— Sample spectrum recorded 1997 April 14 by a 50 mm Fabry-Pérot spectrometer operated at the main telescope of the McMath-Pierce solar telescope facility. The field of view is 200,000 km in radius, centered on the comet head. Converting photometry to production rates ( 0 5 6 7 8:9 ;=<>@? "FEHGJILKNMLM <BADC 132#4 FOQP ) (1) where the factor of RK corrects for the emission in the 6364 Å decay path of , which is outside of our bandpass, is the distance between the earth C and the comet, and OQP is the aperture correction. 5 5 L!S"TUV9 []\ )_^ W XYZ []\a` []\b> - dc (2) where the BRe are the branching ratios of the ! " photolysis reactions. Table 1. Photodissociation Branching Ratios BRe Reaction ! " ! " U! U! U! U! ^ gihkj ^ gihkj ^ gihkj ^ gihkj ^ gihkj ^ gihkj ! ! ! ! ! " ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l! . . . X . XKT p . K p . . BR1 BR2 BR3> BR ( BR4 BR ( < Quiet Sun Active Sun Ref. f 0.050 0.855 0.094 0.357 0.662 0.472 0.067 0.801 mnmom momnm 0.513 momnm H H M M V M f H, Huebner et al. (1992); M, Morgenthaler et al. (2001); V, van Dishoeck & Dalgarno (1984). The van Dishoeck & Dalgarno OH cross sections have been calculated for a heliocentric velocity of 14 qsr tuv , appropriate for 1997 early March. OH branching ratio calculations Molecular cross section (some disagreement) Solar spectrum (old calculations need updating) Relevant parameters: – Total lifetime against photodestruction – Fraction of each product (branching ratio) Table 2. Quiet-Sun OH Photodissociation Calculations Referencef BR3 BR4 wyx{z}| VD . . . . . . . . . . . . . H/VD . . . . . . . . . . VD + S88 (BR3) VD + S88II . . . . . NL + VD . . . . . > . . NL + VDII (BR ( ) H/NL . . . . . . . . . . . 0.048 0.094 0.066 0.300 0.183 0.357 0.390 0.718 0.662 0.686 0.415 0.600 0.472 0.453 120 134 123 123 107 85 50 f VD, using van Dishoeck & Dalgarno 1984 theoretical OH cross sections; H/VD, treatment of VD cross sections by Huebner et al. 1992; VD + S88, VD updated for OH predissociation calculations of Schleicher & A’Hearn 1988 assuming ~ :9 ,Uqsr t uv (these values are used as BR3 and BR4 in Table 1); VD + S88II, VD + S88 with BR4 at its 1 minimum and the resulting extra photons shifted to BR3; NL + VD, Nee & Lee 1984 experimental cross sections divided by 2.5 to match VD total cross section in the ) ,, )-,/, Å region. < NL + VDII, same as NL + VD but NL cross section at Ly & is not scaled (these > values are used as BR ( and BR ( in Table 1); H/NL, treatment of NL cross < sections in Huebner et al. 1992. | OH lifetime in kiloseconds. Predicted water production rates Radial profiles are weak evidence because of known difficulties with the Haser model Counting photons (photometry) is much easier 5 Convert photometric observations to water production rates ( L!"U ) 5 Fig. 9.— ( !S" ) values from various works. Open symbols denote production rates derived with standard ! " and OH photochemistry (denoted “VD + S88” in the figure). Filled symbols are the same but with a modified U! ^ h j X^ ! branching ratio proposed by Morgenthaler et al. (2001). Implications Large source of 7 in the outer coma that does not come from ! " (otherwise OH distribution would show it) Problem with OH photochemistry OH photochemistry Two major OH cross section works: van Dishoeck & Dalgarno (1984) (theoretical) and Nee & Lee (1984) (laboratory). van Dishoeck & Dalgarno total lifetime results in sensible radial profiles (radial outflow velocities are constrained by radio line profiles) Nee & Lee total cross section clearly too high (Nee & Lee 1984) Nee & Lee U!k^hkj in [O I] 6300 Å case v^! branching ratio gives correct answer Provisional solution proposed by Morgenthaler et al. (2001): use the van Dishoeck & Dalgarno cross section from ) ,, -) ,/, Å to scale the Nee & Lee cross section down, except at & . < Clearly a more satisfying solution is a recalculation of the OH photodissociation cross section REFERENCES Anderson, C. M., Fiberopically Multiplexed Medium Resolution Spectroscopy from the WIYN Telescope, H " O $ , [O I] and NH " , Earth, Moon, Planets, Vol. 78, p. 99, 1999. Glinski, R. J., Post, E. A., & Anderson, C. 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