liphook - Boehringer Ingelheim
liphook - Boehringer Ingelheim
Russell Parker BVsc. MSc. DipECVS MRCVS Liphook Equine Hospital LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Most medicaFons are performed with the horse weight bearing } LiKing a forelimb is safe and can be useful } Distal limb anatomy is similar } LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Complex anatomy } 5 joint spaces } ◦ Tarsocrural ◦ Proximal intertarsal ◦ Talocalcaneal ◦ Distal intertarsal ◦ Tarsometatarsal LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL } The needle is inserted 1cm dorsal or palmar to the saphenous vein, 2-‐3cm distal to the palpable medial malleolus of the Fbia. The joint is superficial. LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Needle: 20G 1.5” } The needle is inserted in the palpable notch created by the caudal margin of the Fbia and the cranial margin of the calcaneus to a depth of 1 inch. } LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Needle: 20G 1.5” } The needle is inserted 1-‐1.5 cm proximal to the palpable proximal margin of the 4th metatarsal bone in a dorsomedial direcFon, angled slightly distally } LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL } Needle: ◦ 23-‐25G 5/8” medial approach } Insert the needle at the distal edge of the cunean tendon at the juncFon between the central tarsal bone, the third tarsal bone and the fused 1st/2nd tarsal bones. LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL } Needle: 20G 1.5” } The needle is inserted immediately lateral to the long digital extensor tendon, 8mm proximal to the level of the proximal extent of MTIV in a plantaromedial direcFon (Just et al. 2007) LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL } Variable depending on method of assessment 25% in latex studies (Bell et al. 1993) } 38% aKer arthrography (Kraus-‐Hansen et al 1992) } Up to 100% diffusion of mepivicaine (Gough et al 2002), 64% at >300mg/ml } 100% diffusion of MPA to DIT aKer TMT medicaFon (Serena et al 2005) } } But clinical experience suggests otherwise LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Large complex joint } 3 compartments with variable communicaFon } ◦ Femoropatellar joint ◦ Medial femoroFbial joint ◦ Lateral femoroFbial joint LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Femoropatellar joint 60-70% 90% 20% 90% Lateral femorotibial joint Medial femorotibial joint 0% 90% Vacek et al 1992 Gough et al 2002 Needle: 2” 19G } The needle is inserted between the middle and medial patellar ligaments, 3-‐4 cm proximal to the Fbial crest. The needle is parallel with the ground } LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Needle: 1.5” 2OG } The needle is inserted caudal to the lateral patellar ligament or lateral edge of the patellar, 5-‐7cm proximal to the Fbial crest unFl bone is contacted } My preferred approach } ◦ Beier fluid retrieval ◦ Less movement LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Needle: 1.5” 20G } The needle is inserted 2 cm proximal to the Fbial crest between the medial patellar ligament and the medial collateral ligament to a depth of 1-‐3cm } LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL Needle: 1.5” 20G } The needle is inserted between the lateral patellar ligament the long digital extensor tendon or between the LDE and the lateral collateral ligament, 1-‐2 cm proximal to the Fbial crest } LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL } } } } } } Bell BT, Baker GJ, Foreman JH, Abboi LC. (1993) In vivo invesFgaFon of communica6on between the distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints in horses and ponies. Vet Surg. 22(4):289-‐92 Gough MR1, Munroe GA, Mayhew G (2002) Diffusion of mepivacaine between adjacent synovial structures in the horse. Part 2: tarsus and s6fle. Equine Vet J. 34(1):85-‐90. Just EM, Patan B, Licka TF. (2007) Dorsolateral approach for arthrocentesis of the centrodistal joint in horses. Am J Vet Res. 68(9):946-‐52 Kraus-‐Hansen AE, Jann HW, Kerr DV, Fackelman GE. (1992) Arthrographic analysis of communica6on between the tarsometatarsal and distal intertarsal joints of the horse. Vet Surg. 21(2):139-‐44. Serena A1, Schumacher J, Schramme MC, Degraves F, Bell E, Ravis W (2005) Concentra6on of methylprednisolone in the centrodistal joint aLer administra6on of methylprednisolone acetate in the tarsometatarsal joint. Equine Vet J. 2005 Mar;37(2):172-‐4. Vacek JR, Ford TS, Honnas CM.(1992) CommunicaFon between the femoropatellar and medial and lateral femoroFbial joints in horses. Am J Vet Res. 53(8):1431-‐4 LIPHOOK EQUINE HOSPITAL
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