CAREOREGON ADVANTAGE PROVIDER DIRECTORY 2011 H5859_1004_PS_0008 FILE AND USE 10/02/10 careoregon and you. better together. Stephanie Anderson, MD Roberta McClenathan “I don’t want to slow down. I’m a survivor, that’s for sure. And I’m thankful for all the care that CareOregon has given me,” said CareOregon member Roberta McClenathan, pictured with Stephanie Anderson, MD. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY CAREOREGON ADVANTAGE PLUS HMO-POS SNP CAREOREGON ADVANTAGE STAR HMO-POS 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY This directory provides a list of CareOregon Advantage’s network providers. This directory is for our service area, which includes Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Jackson, Josephine, Marion, Multnomah, Polk and Washington counties in Oregon. This directory is current as of January 1, 2011. Some network providers may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. We do not guarantee that each provider is still accepting new members. To get the most up-to-date information about CareOregon Advantage’s network providers in your area, you can visit or call our Customer Service Department at 503-416-4100, or toll free at 1-800-224-4840, every day, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-735-2900. CAREOREGON ADVANTAGE PROVIDER DIRECTORY 08/10/10 H5859_1004_PS_0008 FILE AND USE 10/02/10 i careoregon and you. better together. ii 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION This directory provides a list of CareOregon Advantage’s network providers. To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage. *HQHUDOO\\RXVHH\RXU3&3¿UVWIRUPRVW of your routine health care needs. There are only a few types of covered services you can get on your own from a network provider, ZLWKRXWVHHLQJ\RXU3&3¿UVW You will have to choose one of our network providers that are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician/Provider (PCP). The term “PCP” will be used throughout this directory. Generally, you must get your health care coverage from your PCP. 5RXWLQHZRPHQ¶VKHDOWKFDUHZKLFK includes breast exams, mammograms, pap tests and pelvic exams. This care is covered without a referral from your PCP (only if you get services from a network provider). The “network providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care coverage. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory; however, some services may require a referral. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue going to that same provider. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. )OXVKRWVDQGSQHXPRQLDYDFFLQDWLRQV (only if you get services from a network provider). (PHUJHQF\VHUYLFHVZKHWKHU\RXJHW these services from network providers or non-network providers. 8UJHQWO\QHHGHGFDUHWKDW\RXJHW from non-network providers when you are temporarily outside the plan’s service area. 5HQDOGLDO\VLVNLGQH\VHUYLFHV\RXJHW when you are temporarily outside the plan’s service area. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFRYHUHGVHUYLFHV and referrals from your PCP, please see your Evidence of Coverage. 5 careoregon and you. better together. What if you use non-network providers to get covered services? If a non-network provider asks you to pay for covered services you get in these VLWXDWLRQVSOHDVHFRQWDFWXVDW “Non-network providers” are providers that are not part of CareOregon Advantage. If you use non-network providers, you may have to pay more. Care or services you get from non-network providers will not be covered, except for ambulance services, emergency care, including hospital care after you are stable (known as post-stabilization), maintenance care, urgently needed care, renal dialysis (kidney) and any services which were ordered to be covered through an appeals process. CALL 503-416-4100 in Portland, Oregon, or toll free at 1-800-224-4840. You may call any day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. These numbers are also on the back cover of this booklet for easy reference. Calls to these numbers are free. What should you do if you have bills from non-network providers that you think should be paid by CareOregon Advantage? We cover certain health care services that you get from non-network providers. These include care for a medical emergency, urgently needed care, renal dialysis (kidney) that you get when you are outside the plan’s service area, care that has been approved in advance by your network provider and any services which were ordered to be covered through an appeals process. 6 TTY/TDD 1-800-735-2900. This number requires special telephone equipment. It is on the back cover of this booklet for easy reference. Calls to this number are free. WRITE 6:)LIWK$YH6XLWH Portland, Oregon 97204. 2UYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH VISIT 6:)LIWK$YH6XLWH Portland, Oregon 97204 You should never pay any non-network provider more than what the plan is allowed by Medicare. The provider has a right to get his/her fees, but does not have a right to get them from you. Ask the QRQQHWZRUNSURYLGHUWRELOOXV¿UVW ,I\RXKDYHDOUHDG\SDLGIRUWKHFRYHUHG services, we will reimburse you for our share of the cost. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY ,I\RXJHWDELOOIRUWKHVHUYLFHV\RXFDQ send the bill to us for payment. We will pay your non-network provider for our share of the bill and will let you know what, if anything, you must pay. Getting care when traveling or away from the plan’s service area If you need care when you are outside the service area, your health care coverage is very limited. The only services we cover when you are outside our service area are care for a medical emergency, including maintenance care and hospital care after you are stable (known as post-stabilization care), urgently needed care, renal dialysis (kidney) and care that CareOregon Advantage or a network provider has approved in advance. We have network pharmacies outside of the service area where you can get your drugs covered as a member of our plan. Call Customer Service for more information. *HQHUDOO\ZHRQO\FRYHUGUXJV¿OOHG at a non-network pharmacy in limited circumstances (when a network pharmacy is not available). %HIRUH\RX¿OO\RXUSUHVFULSWLRQLQWKH situations described above, call Customer Service to see if there is a network pharmacy LQ\RXUDUHDZKHUH\RXFDQ¿OO\RXU prescription. If you go to a non-network pharmacy when you are not in the plan’s service area, you may have to pay the full cost (rather than paying just your copayment) when you ¿OO\RXUSUHVFULSWLRQ<RXFDQDVNXVWR reimburse you for our share of the cost by submitting a claim form. See Section 6 for more information. Can the list of plan providers change? Yes. CareOregon Advantage may add or remove plan providers from our provider directory. To get current information about CareOregon Advantage plan providers in your area, you can visit or call our Customer Service Department at 503-4164100 in the Portland, Oregon calling area or toll free at 1-800-224-4840, any day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-735-2900. Your rights to access and participate in medical care You have the right to get timely access to network providers and to all services covered by the plan. Timely access means that you can get appointments and services within a reasonable period of time. You have the right to get full information from your 7 careoregon and you. better together. providers when you go for medical care. You have the right to participate fully in decisions about your health care. You have the right to refuse care. What is the service area for CareOregon Advantage? The counties in our service area are Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Jackson, Josephine, Marion, Multnomah, Polk and Washington. How do you find CareOregon Advantage providers in your area? This handbook includes names and contact information of different provider types. Each provider type is organized alphabetically by state, county, city, ZIP code and provider name. 3URYLGHUW\SHVLQFOXGH 3ULPDU\&DUH3K\VLFLDQV 6SHFLDOLVWV +RVSLWDOV 8UJHQW&DUH)DFLOLWLHV 6NLOOHG1XUVLQJ)DFLOLWLHV61) 2%*<1 9LVLRQ If you have questions about CareOregon Advantage, please call our Customer Service Department at 503-416-4100 or toll free at 1-800-224-4840, every day, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TTY\TDD users should call 1-800-735-2900. Or, visit 8 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY LIST OF PLAN PROVIDERS List of Plan Providers Primary Care Providers ...........................10 Specialists ...............................................54 +RVSLWDOV ...............................................143 8UJHQW&DUH)DFLOLWLHV ...........................146 6NLOOHG1XUVLQJ)DFLOLWLHV61)...........149 OB/GYN ...............................................153 9LVLRQ ....................................................167 Index .....................................................182 9 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS OREGON CLACKAMAS COUNTY Canby Canby Health Care Clinic 703 SE 1st Ave Canby, OR 97013 503/266-7686 Richards, John M, ANP ......... Internal Medicine Shaw, Karen E, ANP ............. Internal Medicine Davies Clinic, PC 345 N Grant St Canby, OR 97013 503/266-2066 Anders, Joanna C, ANP ........... Family Practice Bridgeman, Deona L, MD......... Family Practice Davies, Richard C, DO ............. Family Practice Pacific Medical Group – Canby 1185 S Elm St Canby, OR 97013 503/723-4660 Blust, Dianne E, ANP ............ Internal Medicine Hughson, Daniel L, MD ......... Internal Medicine Zenoniani, Marc A, MD ......... Internal Medicine Warren, Amanda S 1507 SE 3rd Ct Canby, OR 97013 503/266-5127 Warren, Amanda S, MD ........... Family Practice Warren, Trent B 1507 SE 3rd Ct Canby, OR 97013 503/266-5127 Warren, Trent B, MD ................ Family Practice Willamette Falls Canby Clinic 200 S Hazel Dell Way Canby, OR 97013 503/263-9500 Tyler, Jeffrey R, MD .............. Internal Medicine Health Practitioner Clinic LLC 143 NW 4th Ave Canby, OR 97013 503/263-6611 Seagren, Bette G, FNP............. Family Practice Clackamas Legacy Clinic Canby 452 NW 1st Ave Canby, OR 97013 503/266-9000 Allmon, Thomas C, MD ............ Family Practice Peter, David R, MD .................. Family Practice Adventist Health Clackamas 11211 SE Sunnyside Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503/659-0880 Einerson, Cheryl E, ANP......... General Practice Lefranc, Yves A, MD ................ Family Practice Moffett, Larry L, DO ................ Family Practice Ressler, Kathleen A, FNP ......... Family Practice White, Agnes, FNP .................. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 10 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Hickethier, Cheryl B 14831 SE 82nd Dr Clackamas, OR 97015 503/656-5657 Hickethier, Cheryl B, MD .......... Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Happy Valley 16180 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite 102 Clackamas, OR 97015 503/582-4900 Alexander, Allan R, MD ............ Family Practice Dunlap, Mary Ann, ANP ........ Internal Medicine Gasow, Shelly L, MD ............... Family Practice Grainger, Kevin J, MD .............. Family Practice Hoffman, Brent L, DO .............. Family Practice Lubkin, Tanya M, DO ............... Family Practice McFarlane, Mhairi A, MD ......... Family Practice Myklebust, Monica, MD ........... Family Practice Robinson, Mindi L, MD ............ Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Sunnyside Internal/ Family Medicine 9290 SE Sunnybrook Blvd, Suite 120 Clackamas, OR 97015 503/215-2110 Cha, Stephanie W, MD .......... Internal Medicine Garcia, Gregory Pajarillaga, MD ................. Internal Medicine Gasow, Shelly L, MD ............... Family Practice Grainger, Kevin J, MD .............. Family Practice Hoffman, Brent L, DO .............. Family Practice Horacek, Jeffrey J, MD ......... Internal Medicine Lubkin, Tanya M, DO ............... Family Practice McFarlane, Mhairi A, MD ......... Family Practice Nayak, Alice C, MD .............. Internal Medicine Nayak, Navin N, MD ............. Internal Medicine Pape, Gary W, MD ................ Internal Medicine Robinson, Mindi L, MD ............ Family Practice Yamase, Melvin H, MD .......... Internal Medicine Damascus Adventist Health Damascus 14450 SE Royer Rd Damascus, OR 97089 503/658-5521 Hickerson, Thomas H, MD ....... Family Practice Lee, Carma J, MD ................... Family Practice Ressler, Kathleen A, FNP ......... Family Practice Estacada Estacada Medical Clinic 103 SW Hwy 224, Suite B Estacada, OR 97023 503/630-5511 Kauffman, Sara B, FNP ............ Family Practice Orth, Richard L, DO ................. Family Practice Rambousek, Edward L 381 NE Main St Estacada, OR 97023 503/630-4234 Rambousek, Edward L, DO ...... Family Practice Gladstone Adventist Health Gladstone Family Medicine 1105 Portland Ave, Suite 2 Gladstone, OR 97027 503/655-2404 King, Gerald M, DO ................. Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 11 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Happy Valley Oakridge Medical Clinic 4309 Oakridge Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/636-9687 Dang, Theresa H, PA ............ Internal Medicine Adventist Health Mt Scott Internal Medicine 9200 SE 91st St, Suite 300 Happy Valley, OR 97086 *Providence Medical 503/236-3443 Fisher, Katherine L, DO......... Internal Medicine Clinic Mercantile Rivers, Peggy J, NP ........................ Geriatrics 4015 Mercantile Dr, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Lake Oswego 503/216-1500 Cleeton Goodell, Clapper, Nanette Rebecca M, DO .................... Family Practice 16699 Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 210 Custer, Mary A, FNP ................ Family Practice Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Fischer-Wright, Ruth A, MD ..... Family Practice 503/635-0200 Lewis, Darren B, MD ............... Family Practice Clapper, Nanette, ANP .......... Internal Medicine Rashid, Kristina R, MD ............ Family Practice Rosicky, Gillian C, FNP ............ Family Practice Hashiguchi, Steven A 16463 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 300 Milwaukie Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/635-6256 CareOregon Community Hashiguchi, Steven A, MD..... Internal Medicine Health Milwaukie 17070 SE McLoughlin Blvd Legacy Clinic Lake Oswego Milwaukie, OR 97267 412 A Avenue, Suite 200 503/305-6282 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503/635-2496 Fortlage, Donald W Rouhbakhsh, Rambod A, MD .... Family Practice 10202 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 201 Milwaukie, OR 97222 Mayock, Ellen K 503/653-0770 16463 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 300 Fortlage, Donald W, MD ...................Pediatrics Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Oak Grove Family 503/635-6256 Mayock, Ellen K, MD ............ Internal Medicine Medical Clinic 2250 SE Oak Grove Blvd, Suite B Milwaukie, OR 97267 503/654-6567 Laplante, Druanne M, DO ........ Family Practice Ruggeri, Roberta W, DO ........... Family Practice Silflow, Jami R, DO ................. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 12 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS *Providence Medical Group Milwaukie Family Medicine 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 205 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/513-8950 Barton, Ian L, FNP .................. Family Practice Burness, Jessica O, MD .......... Family Practice Carey, Marc B, MD .................. Family Practice Cleeton Goodell, Rebecca M, DO .................... Family Practice Gillanders, William R, MD ........ Family Practice Gobbo, Robert W, MD .............. Family Practice Herber, Jennifer D, MD ............ Family Practice Klein, Elizabeth W, MD............. Family Practice McQueen, Cristin E, FNP ......... Family Practice Ricker, Mari A, MD .................. Family Practice Talbot, Cynthia E, MD ........... Internal Medicine Molalla Medical Clinic, PC 110 Center St Molalla, OR 97038 503/829-2273 James, Frank R, MD ............. Internal Medicine Smucker, Ray E, MD................ Family Practice Oregon City Clackamas County Health Department 1425 S Beavercreek Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-8471 Stephens, Sheree D, MD ...... Internal Medicine Division St Family Practice Clinic, PC 1508 Division St, Suite 25 Summit Medical Group Oregon City, OR 97045 2305 SE Washington St, Suite 105 503/656-1481 Milwaukie, OR 97222 Anderson, Kori L, FNP ............. Family Practice 503/657-1255 Beckwith, Jacqueline, FNP....... Family Practice Harris-Hobbs, Kathleen L, FNP ................... Family Practice Rasor, William T, MD ............... Family Practice Lindsey, Judith A, MD .......... Internal Medicine Oregon City Family Practice Clinic, PC 1420 John Adams St Family Medical Group Oregon City, OR 97045 of Molalla 503/656-1484 861 W Main St Eilersen, Christopher R, MD ..... Family Practice Molalla, OR 97038 Norris, T Michael, MD ............. Family Practice 503/829-7374 Pavelka, Jeffrey P, DO ............. Family Practice Orr, Rodney E, MD ............... Internal Medicine Seyer, Mario J, DO .................. Family Practice Pool, Garrett M, MD ................ Family Practice Winjum, Jon M, MD ................ Family Practice Molalla If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 13 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Oregon City Health Center 1425 Beavercreek Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-8471 Ahn, Suzanne S, FNP .............. Family Practice Bjornskov, Leah S, FNP ........... Family Practice Engbretson, Elisa A, FNP ......... Family Practice Gibson, Mary A, FNP ............... Family Practice Lundberg, Tamara K, FNP ........ Family Practice Moseson, Bertha A, MD ..Obstetrics & Gynecology Schaefer, Karen, FNP .............. Family Practice Vockert Burke, Susan M, FNP ... Family Practice Oregon City Medical 728 Molalla Ave, Suite A & B Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-9030 Blackwell, Danielle L, FNP ....... Family Practice Earhart, Amy S, MD ................ Family Practice Tacke Hanson, Jessica J, FNP .. Family Practice Pacific Medical Group – Oregon City 1001 Molalla Ave, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-5273 Cordova, Lee J, MD ............. Internal Medicine Edwards, George M, MD ....... Internal Medicine Eubanks, Douglas L, DO .......... Family Practice O’Halloran, Debra L, GNP ..... Internal Medicine Serres, Julie L, FNP ................ Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Oregon City 1510 Division St, Suite 200 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/650-6880 Goldenberg, Richard, MD ...... Internal Medicine Willamette Falls Family Medicine, LLC 702 John Adams St Oregon City, OR 97045 503/657-3034 McNicholas, Mallory M, PA ...... Family Practice Willamette Falls Medical Group – Oregon City 1510 Division St, Suite 200 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/650-6880 Orchard, Reynold G, MD .......... Family Practice Sandy Adventist Health Mt Hood – Sandy 17055 Ruben Ln Sandy, OR 97055 503/668-8002 Blome, Randall E, MD ............. Family Practice Cha, Michael J, MD................. Family Practice Legacy Clinic Firwood 36860 Industrial Way Sandy, OR 97055 503/826-0206 Buse, Sara A, FNP .................. Family Practice Nicholson, Stephen F, MD ........ Family Practice Shilland, Eric W, DO ................ Family Practice Swiridoff, Eric E, MD ............... Family Practice Tinker, Kimberly A, FNP ............ Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 14 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Welches Willamette Community Medical Clinic 1673 10th St West Linn, OR 97068 503/657-3158 Powell, Ronald W, DO .............. Family Practice Adventist Health Medical Clinic Hoodland 24461 E Welches Rd Welches, OR 97067 503/622-3126 Grise, Murlan E, DO ................ Family Practice Wilsonville O’Connor, Stephanie, FNP ........ Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Wilsonville West Linn 29345 SW Town Center Loop E, Suite 110 Kaufman Medical Group LLC Wilsonville, OR 97070 1750 Blankenship Rd, Suite 275 503/582-2100 West Linn, OR 97068 Goswami, Pompy Z, MD .......... Family Practice 503/657-0074 Cooley, Laura L, MD ........................Pediatrics Kaufman, Steven R, DO ...................Pediatrics CLATSOP COUNTY Legacy Clinic West Linn 2020 8th Ave, Suite B West Linn, OR 97068 503/655-3320 Connor, Rodney W, MD ......... Internal Medicine Karlin, Manuel D, MD ........... Internal Medicine Rouhbakhsh, Rambod A, MD .... Family Practice Zimmerman, Michael A, MD ..... Family Practice *Providence Medical Group West Linn 18676 Willamette Dr, Suite 100 West Linn, OR 97068 503/635-6430 McDonough, Colin M, MD ..... Internal Medicine Meeker, Huey J, MD ............. Internal Medicine Willamette Clinic, The 1750 Blankenship Rd, Suite 280 West Linn, OR 97068 503/496-0290 Laird, Sheri L, MD................... Family Practice Astoria Coastal Family Health Center 2158 Exchange St, Suite 304 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-8315 Galey, Tina M, FNP .................. Family Practice Mattila, Allison M, FNP ............ Family Practice Mickey, Shannon B, FNP .......... Family Practice Suk, Samuel S, MD ................. Family Practice Columbia Memorial Hospital Pediatric Clinic 2265 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-7337 File, Jennifer L, DO .........................Pediatrics Madhavarapu, Ramchander R, MD ...Pediatrics McPherson, Katrina, MD ..................Pediatrics If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 15 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Wimahl Family Clinic Inc 2120 Exchange St, Suite 209 Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-2993 Ashley, Scott E, MD ................. Family Practice Leonardo, Stephen A, PA ......... Family Practice *Providence North Coast Clinic Seaside 727 S Wahanna Rd Seaside, OR 97138 503/717-7556 Berry, Susan R, FNP ................ Family Practice Cockcroft, Benjamin D, MD ...... Family Practice Edwards, Michelle M, PA ...... Internal Medicine Gloria, Alexander F, MD ........... Family Practice Greco, Dominique, MD ............ Family Practice Hammar, Donna L, FNP ........... Family Practice Hoth, Lynn A, FNP ................... Family Practice Hughes, Mimi M, PA ............... Family Practice Humphrey, Linda C, ARNP........ Family Practice Kranzpiller, Susan E, MD ......... Family Practice Potts, Stephanie H, FNP .......... Family Practice Reiner, Steven C, MD .............. Family Practice Sonneland, Jane-Ellen, MD ...... Family Practice Stelson, Hugh C, MD ............... Family Practice Swanson, Colleen M, ANP ...... General Practice Werner, Sandra V, MD ............. Family Practice Cannon Beach Warrenton *Providence North Coast Clinic Cannon Beach 171 N Larch St, Suite 16 Cannon Beach, OR 97110 503/717-7556 Hoth, Lynn A, FNP ................... Family Practice Werner, Sandra V, MD ............. Family Practice *Providence North Coast Clinic Warrenton 171 South Hwy 101 Warrenton, OR 97146 503/717-7000 Cockcroft, Benjamin D, MD ...... Family Practice Edwards, Michelle M, PA ...... Internal Medicine Forrest, Michael J, PA ............. Family Practice Gloria, Alexander F, MD ........... Family Practice Hammar, Donna L, FNP ........... Family Practice Potts, Stephanie H, FNP .......... Family Practice Swanson, Colleen M, ANP ...... General Practice Columbia Pacific Medical Services 2120 Exchange St, Suite 200 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-5360 Agee, Stacey A, ANP ............. General Practice Mittan, Daniella M, MD ......... Internal Medicine Park, Sonny, MD .................. Internal Medicine Lower Columbia Clinic 595 18th St Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-9131 Duncan, Thomas S, MD ........... Family Practice Skinner, Susan L, NMNP ........... Nurse Midwife Seaside Pacific Medical & Surgical Group 3619 Hwy 101 N Seaside, OR 97138 503/738-3832 Vanderwaal, Steven C, MD .... Internal Medicine If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 16 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS COLUMBIA COUNTY Clatskanie Office of Integrative Medicine 525 N Columbia River Hwy Saint Helens, OR 97051 503/366-6244 Alexander, Mari E, PA .............. Family Practice Kelly, Janet R, MD .................. Family Practice Clatskanie Family Medical Clinic 401 Belair Dr Clatskanie, OR 97016 Scappoose 503/728-5111 Dennis-Leigh, William, PA ........ Family Practice OHSU Family Health Center – Scappoose Saint Helens 51377 SW Old Portland Rd, Suite C Scappoose, OR 97056 Legacy Clinic St Helens 503/418-4222 Internal Medicine Balsbaugh, Holly J, FNP .......... Family Practice 500 N Columbia River Hwy, Suite 6 Iverson, Leslie D, FNP ............. Family Practice Saint Helens, OR 97051 Lemke, Erika L, PA.................. Family Practice 503/397-0471 Avila, Pamela T, FNP ............... Family Practice Rugge, John Bruin, MD ........... Family Practice Boss, Diana K, MD ............... Internal Medicine Eid, Jessica N, DO ............... Internal Medicine Vernonia Ienna, Larissa C, NP ..............Family Medicine *Providence Medical Group Kocher, Charlotte, ANP ......... Internal Medicine Vernonia Family & Community Kumar, Suseela, MD............. Internal Medicine Medicine Mark, Susan L, MD .............. Internal Medicine 510 Bridge St Murray, Eric L, MD ............... Internal Medicine Vernonia, OR 97064 Sicard Jr, Gregorio A, MD ..... Internal Medicine 503/429-9191 Alexander, Allan R, MD ............ Family Practice Legacy Clinic Gilmore, Phyllis C, MD ............. Family Practice St Helens Pediatrics Nguyen, Thao T, DO ................ Family Practice 500 N Columbia River Hwy, Suite 6 Prescott, Jennifer M, FNP ........ Family Practice Saint Helens, OR 97051 Roper, Stephen V, FNP ............. Family Practice 503/397-4449 Azhar, Naiyar, MD ...........................Pediatrics If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 17 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Community Health Center Ashland Ashland 99 Central Ave Ashland, OR 97520 Ashland Community Hospital 541/482-9741 Center of Internal Medicine Cullen, Edward Clark, MD ..... Internal Medicine 560 Catalina Dr Eckert, Robert W, MD .............. Family Practice Ashland, OR 97520 McQuoid, Kim A, FNP .............. Family Practice 541/201-4800 Wehage, Marie A, MD .......... Internal Medicine Gramley, Molly M, MD .......... Internal Medicine Hazel, Tom D, FNP .................. Family Practice Delgado Family Care Kolsbun, John A, MD ............ Internal Medicine 148 E Hershey St Kuhl, Karin B, MD ................ Internal Medicine Ashland, OR 97520 Rendleman, Neal J, MD ........ Internal Medicine 541/552-1111 Delgado, John P, MD ............... Family Practice Ashland Family Frires, Patrice M, FNP ............. Family Practice Health Care PC 420 Williamson Way Easton, Holly A Ashland, OR 97520 534 Washington St 541/488-3616 Ashland, OR 97520 Soriano, Miriam, MD ............... Family Practice 541/482-2032 JACKSON COUNTY Ashland Family Practice 935 Siskiyou Blvd Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-2716 Christlieb, Dee E, MD .............. Family Practice Ashland Pediatrics 251 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-8114 Koutnik, Debra L, MD ......................Pediatrics Chatroux, Sylvia Seroussi 400 W Hershey St, Suite 1 Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-7047 Chatroux, Sylvia Seroussi, MD .. Family Practice Easton, Holly A, DO ................. Family Practice Ewald, Thomas M 595 N Main St, Suite 1 Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-5853 Ewald, Thomas M, MD ............ Family Practice Gooding, Matthew K 125 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-3221 Gooding, Matthew K, MD ......... Family Practice Hecox, Kerri A, MD.................. Family Practice Rio, Shannon D, FNP ............... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 18 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Jones, David Scott 595 N Main St, Suite 2 Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-1116 Jones, David Scott, MD ........... Family Practice Southern Oregon Family Practice – Ashland 241 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-9571 Carter-Meletich, Lauralyn, DO ....... Family Practice Honsinger, Patrick K, MD ......... Family Practice Johnston, Tim F, MD ................ Family Practice Morris, Richard L, MD ............. Family Practice Kuzmitz, Andrew A 595 N Main St, Suite 1 Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-5853 Kuzmitz, Andrew A, MD ........... Family Practice Stone Medical 595 N Main St, Suite 2 Mather, Craig S Ashland, OR 97520 595 N Main St, Suite 1 541/488-1116 Ashland, OR 97520 Graham, Francesca B, NP ........ Family Practice 541/482-5853 Stone, Leslie P, MD ................. Family Practice Mather, Craig S, MD................ Family Practice Stone, Peter M, MD ................ Family Practice Morningstar, Howard W 534 Washington St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-2032 Morningstar, Howard W, MD ..... Family Practice Central Point La Clinica Del Valle – Central Point 4940 Hamrick Rd Central Point, OR 97502 Rollins, Janet R 541/535-6239 1025 Siskiyou Blvd La Fleur, Kelli A, FNP ..............Women’s Health Ashland, OR 97520 Rhee, Kenneth J, MD .............. Family Practice 541/488-0873 Sauer, Karen L, MD ................. Family Practice Rollins, Janet R, MD ............... Family Practice Webster, Rochelle M, FNP ........ Family Practice Stringer, Kathryn, FNP ............. Family Practice Williams, Dean E, MD .............. Family Practice Sager, John L 595 N Main St, Suite 1 Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-5853 Sager, John L, MD .................. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 19 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Providence Medical Group Central Point 870 South Front St, Suite 200 Central Point, OR 97502 541/664-3346 Bujosa, Pedro C, MD ............... Family Practice Gilmour, David R, MD .............. Family Practice Hansel, Christina N, DO ........... Family Practice Heyerman, Richard Daniel, MD .... Family Practice Hull, Brandan A, MD................ Family Practice Jendre, Paul G, DO ................. Family Practice Lichtenstein, Roy, MD ............. Family Practice Olsen, Neil M, MD ................... Family Practice Robinson, Michael T, DO .......... Family Practice Sprung, Roma J, MD ............ Internal Medicine Sue, Adrian G, MD .................. Family Practice Taher, Ahmed A, MD ................ Family Practice Yeakey, Patrick C, MD ............. Family Practice Eagle Point Jacksonville Ruch Family Medicine, LLC 7208 Hwy 238 Jacksonville, OR 97530 541/899-6976 Watson, Andrew M, MD ........... Family Practice Medford Children & Adolescent Clinic 2940 Doctors Park Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/779-1300 Christensen, Sarah M, MD ...............Pediatrics Linden, Dennis H, MD .......... Internal Medicine Martin, Christina L, MD ...................Pediatrics Morgan, Christopher R, MD .. Internal Medicine Stumpff, Lawrence C, MD ................Pediatrics Young, Martin K, MD .......................Pediatrics Community Health Center Medford 19 Myrtle St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3863 Campbell III, George E, DO ....... Family Practice Cullen, Edward Clark, MD ..... Internal Medicine Eagle Point Pediatrics Eckert, Robert W, MD .............. Family Practice 10830 Old Hwy 62 Forsyth, John W, MD ............ Internal Medicine Eagle Point, OR 97524 Gillette, Patrick J, MD .......... Internal Medicine 541/830-4060 Glatte Jr, Hayden A, MD........ Internal Medicine Gonzalez, Gregory J, MD .................Pediatrics Hansen, Susan M, MD .......... Internal Medicine McQuoid, Kim A, FNP .............. Family Practice Providence Medical Group Meyer, Janet L, PNP........................Pediatrics Eagle Point Mills, Trudy L, DO ................... Family Practice 1332 Shasta Ave, Suite A Mix, Cindy, FNP ...................... Family Practice Eagle Point, OR 97524 Mosser, Cindy, FNP ................. Family Practice 541/826-8160 Murdoch, Louis Lee, MD .................Pediatrics Morey, Carla P, PA .................. Family Practice continued Wilk, Leonard M, MD............... Family Practice Eagle Point Medical Clinic 275 Loto St Eagle Point, OR 97524 541/830-0333 Finley, Kathleen S, FNP ........... Family Practice Johnson, Laura L, NP .............. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 20 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Safley, Gary H, MD ..........................Pediatrics Smith, Kirk M, FNP ................. Family Practice Vose, Rebecca R, PA ............... Family Practice Wehage, Marie A, MD .......... Internal Medicine Creekside Family Medicine 2859 State St, Suite 102 Medford, OR 97504 541/282-6500 Bates, Alan C, DO ................... Family Practice Boardman Cheevers, Debra E, FNP ....................... Family Practice Castillo, Sherry J, MD.............. Family Practice Dixon, Tamara L, MD ............... Family Practice Hutton, Cynthia I, FNP ............. Family Practice Linden, Dennis H, MD ............. Family Practice Morgan, Christopher R, MD .. Internal Medicine Morgan, Lorie J, MD .. Obstetrics & Gynecology Nelson, Stephen L, MD ............ Family Practice Stanek, Christine A, NP ........... Family Practice Family Practice Group 229 W. Suitewart Ave Medford, OR 97501 541/779-5531 Belafsky, Caryn B, MD ............. Family Practice Collins, Dea A, FNP ................. Family Practice Margulies, Thomas D, MD .... Internal Medicine Peterson, Ashley S, MD ........... Family Practice Ring, Eric W, MD ..................... Family Practice Groskopp & Ryland 800 E Main St Medford, OR 97504 541/608-7683 Bates, Alan C, DO ................... Family Practice Groskopp, Kristine A, DO ......... Family Practice Kent, Diana M, MD ................. Family Practice Ryland, Anne J, PA ................. Family Practice Stanek, Christine A, NP ........... Family Practice Helman, Edward A 1017 Royal Ave Medford, OR 97504 541/770-5188 Helman, Edward A, MD............ Family Practice Johnson Pediatrics 691 Murphy Rd, Suite 122 Medford, OR 97504 541/772-5437 Johnson, Donald H, MD ...................Pediatrics Kids Clinic 691 Murphy Rd, Suite 209 Medford, OR 97504 541/772-5548 Jones, Ronald D, MD .......................Pediatrics Frierson, James Alan 691 Murphy Rd, Suite 114 Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3688 Frierson, James Alan, MD ................Pediatrics Strickland, Heather D, MD ...............Pediatrics If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 21 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS La Clinica Del Valle – Phoenix 3617 S Pacific Hwy Medford, OR 97501 541/535-6239 Barnum, Mary E, NP ............... Family Practice Bolling, Rebecca L, FNP .......... Family Practice Cutler, Mary F, MD .................. Family Practice Harris, Linda R, MD.... Obstetrics & Gynecology Julyan, Richard L, MD ............. Family Practice La Fleur, Kelli A, FNP ..............Women’s Health Orr, Megan C, FNP .................. Family Practice Palm, William H, MD ............... Family Practice Rhee, Kenneth J, MD .............. Family Practice Ryall, Bonita A, PNP ........................Pediatrics Sauer, Karen L, MD ................. Family Practice Schein, Patricia A, FNP ............ Family Practice Schindler, Leah F, FNP ............. Family Practice Shames, James G, MD ............ Family Practice Warner, Katherine A, NP .......... Family Practice Wells, Steven L, MD ................ Family Practice Williams, Dean E, MD .............. Family Practice La Clinica Del Valle – West Medford 1307 W Main St Medford, OR 97501 541/535-6239 Bolling, Rebecca L, FNP .......... Family Practice Julyan, Richard L, MD ............. Family Practice Neff, Ana M, FNP .................... Family Practice Orr, Megan C, FNP .................. Family Practice Palm, William H, MD ............... Family Practice Rhee, Kenneth J, MD .............. Family Practice Sauer, Karen L, MD ................. Family Practice Schein, Patricia A, FNP ............ Family Practice Schindler, Leah F, FNP ............. Family Practice Wells, Steven L, MD ................ Family Practice Williams, Dean E, MD .............. Family Practice Medford Medical Clinic 555 Black Oak Dr, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/734-3430 Alftine, Christopher D, MD .... Internal Medicine Bieraugel, Jean T, MD ............. Family Practice Bujosa, Pedro C, MD ............... Family Practice Chamberland, Shireen N, MD ... Family Practice Charles, Marcelin, MD ............. Family Practice Clark, Sheri R, FNP ................. Family Practice Cullen, Edward Clark, MD ..... Internal Medicine Ewald, Thomas M, MD ............ Family Practice Hagar, Suzin M, MD ................ Family Practice Hills, Rebecca G, MD ........... Internal Medicine Keeley, Nancy J, FNP .............. Family Practice Matz, Paul D, MD.................... Family Practice McNeal, Travis A, MD ........... Internal Medicine Orozco, Rachael, MD ............... Family Practice Peard, Garrett H, MD............ Internal Medicine Smith Ede, Bobbie J, FNP ........ Family Practice Steinsiek, Jill T, MD ................. Family Practice Van Valkenburg, Jon K, MD ...... Family Practice Williams, Keith B, MD ........... Internal Medicine Winter, Todd A, MD .............. Internal Medicine Zaslow, Kimberly A, DO............ Family Practice Providence Medical Group Doctors Clinic 1698 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 400 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-6000 Berryman, James T, MD ....... Internal Medicine Hutchinson, Peter B, MD ...... Internal Medicine Jackson, John W, MD ........... Internal Medicine Kim, Andrew D, MD.............. Internal Medicine Schultz, George E, DO .......... Internal Medicine Wilk, Leonard M, MD............... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 22 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Providence Medical Group Medford Family Practice 1698 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 300 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-7950 Bujosa, Pedro C, MD ............... Family Practice Hansel, Christina N, DO ........... Family Practice Heyerman, Richard Daniel, MD .. Family Practice Kuhl, Jason M, MD ................. Family Practice Lichtenstein, Roy, MD ............. Family Practice Sue, Adrian G, MD .................. Family Practice Sue, Loralee D, MD ................. Family Practice Providence Medical Group Medford Pediatrics 840 Royal Ave, Suite 110 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-8370 Davis, Michael A, MD ......................Pediatrics Munro, Amy J, DO ..........................Pediatrics Linden, Dennis H, MD .......... Internal Medicine Malcolm, Shirley A, DO ............ Family Practice Margulies, Thomas D, MD .... Internal Medicine Martin, Christina L, MD ...................Pediatrics Morgan, Christopher R, MD .. Internal Medicine Nelson, Stephen L, MD ............ Family Practice Newton III, Albert H, MD ...... .Internal Medicine Peterson, Ashley S, MD ........... Family Practice Ring, Eric W, MD ..................... Family Practice Shonerd, John P, DO ............... Family Practice Stumpff, Lawrence C, MD ................Pediatrics Sweeney, Jodeanna M, FNP ..... Family Practice Young, Martin K, MD .......................Pediatrics Southern Oregon Pediatrics 750 Murphy Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/789-4096 Conway, Gregory E, MD ...................Pediatrics Hough, David M, MD .......................Pediatrics Hough, Mary C, MD ........................Pediatrics Southern Oregon Ljungkvist, Valerie A, MD .................Pediatrics Internal Medicine Mills, Michael E, MD .......................Pediatrics 2900 Doctors Park Dr, Suite 200 Murdoch, Mary F, MD ......................Pediatrics Medford, OR 97504 Newman, Ahan E, MD .....................Pediatrics 541/282-2200 Sibley, Barbara J, MD ......................Pediatrics Bates, Alan C, DO ................... Family Practice Young, Heather J, MD ......................Pediatrics Belafsky, Caryn B, MD ............. Family Practice Blanche, Robert N, MD ......... Internal Medicine Valley Family Practice Boardman Cheevers, 3524 Heathrow Way Debra E, FNP ....................... Family Practice Medford, OR 97504 Castillo, Sherry J, MD.............. Family Practice 541/646-3505 Cendejas, Fernando, MD ...... Internal Medicine Bates, Alan C, DO ................... Family Practice Christensen, Sarah M, MD ...............Pediatrics Hartkop, Thomas H, DO ........... Family Practice Collins, Dea A, FNP ................. Family Practice Konecne, Cindy A, DO ............. Family Practice Groskopp, Kristine A, DO ......... Family Practice Malcolm, Shirley A, DO ............ Family Practice Hartkop, Thomas H, DO ........... Family Practice Shonerd, John P, DO ............... Family Practice Husum, William C, MD ......... Internal Medicine Konecne, Cindy A, DO ............. Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 23 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Ventana Wellness, PC 3156 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-9772 Davis, Katherine M, DO ........... Family Practice Goldberg, Deidre N, FNP .......... Family Practice Henry, Jill A, PA ...................... Family Practice Jackson, Nisha M, WHCNP ......Women’s Health Olshausen, Kai Philipp, MD ... Internal Medicine Preslar, Susan K Beardsley, FNP .. Family Practice Roberson, Sarah A, FNP .......... Family Practice Rowley, Elizabeth A, FNP ......... Family Practice Phoenix Talent Southern Oregon Family Practice – Talent 49 Talent Ave Talent, OR 97540 541/535-8008 Carter-Meletich, Lauralyn, DO .. Family Practice Honsinger, Patrick K, MD ......... Family Practice Johnston, Tim F, MD ................ Family Practice Morris, Richard L, MD ............. Family Practice Stephen Joslin & Roberta Kaiser 312 E Main Talent, OR 97540 541/535-9108 Joslin, Stephen P, FNP ............. Family Practice Kaiser, Roberta A, FNP ............ Family Practice Providence Medical Group Phoenix Family Practice 205 Fern Valley Rd, Suite A Phoenix, OR 97535 541/535-1274 Jendre, Paul G, DO ................. Family Practice White City Webb, Eric S, MD.................... Family Practice Community Health Center Yeakey, Patrick C, MD ............. Family Practice White City 8385 Division Rd Shady Cove White City, OR 97503 541/826-5853 Clayton, Kelly M Forsyth, John W, MD ................ Internal Medicine 387 Pinetop Terrace McQuoid, Kim A, FNP .............. Family Practice Shady Cove, OR 97539 Mills, Trudy L, DO ................... Family Practice 541/878-3537 Clayton, Kelly M, FNP .............. Family Practice Mix, Susan M, FNP ................. Family Practice Resnick, Karen A, NMNP .......... Nurse Midwife Shady Cove Clinic Smith, Kirk M, FNP ................. Family Practice 21900 Hwy 62 Wehage, Marie A, MD .......... Internal Medicine Shady Cove, OR 97539 541/878-2022 Bogden, Julie A, FNP .............. Family Practice Finley, Kathleen S, FNP ........... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 24 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS White City Medical Clinic 2841 Ave G, Suite 100 White City, OR 97503 541/826-5252 Celestskye, Jill D, FNP............. Family Practice McMahon, Douglas B, DO ........ Family Practice Robertson, Donald P, DO ......... Family Practice Countiss, John S, MD ........... Internal Medicine Groenhout, Edward G, MD .... Internal Medicine Haddad, Haitham B, MD ....... Internal Medicine Kohn, William L, MD........................Pediatrics Lara, Angelina, FNP ................ Family Practice Luther, Andrew D, MD ............. Family Practice Luttmer, Collette M, MD ....... Internal Medicine Morris, Thomas J, MD .......... Internal Medicine Murray, Philip Bruce, MD ...... Internal Medicine Opel, Markus H, MD ............. Internal Medicine JOSEPHINE COUNTY Perry, Eric, MD .................... Internal Medicine Cave Junction Phillips, Neil A, DO ..........................Pediatrics Pitzak, Andrew S, DO ........... Internal Medicine Siskiyou Community Health Roberts, Timothy E, MD ........... Family Practice Center – Cave Junction Selinger, Daniel S, MD .......... Internal Medicine 25647 Redwood Hwy Sinclair, Ronald S, MD .......... Internal Medicine Cave Junction, OR 97523 Stowell, Bruce R, MD ........... Internal Medicine 541/592-4111 Tripp, Jonathan P, DO .............. Family Practice Feltzin, Joya H, FNP ................ Family Practice Wiggers, Marcel, MD............ Internal Medicine Litak, Carolyn, PA ................... Family Practice Young, Martin K, MD .......................Pediatrics Myers, Jeffrey D, PA ............... Family Practice Terran, Susan I, PA .................. Family Practice Physicians Medical Group, PC Grants Pass 1619 NW Hawthorne Ave, Suite 201 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Applegate Valley 541/474-1020 Family Medicine LLC Badley, Melodee K, FNP .......... Family Practice 8600 New Hope Rd Hamidi, Sara B, MD ................ Family Practice Grants Pass, OR 97527 John, Edsworth S, MD .......... Internal Medicine 541/862-2836 Clayton, Kelly M, FNP .............. Family Practice Mullarkey, Donna E, MD .......... Family Practice Fogg, Roger, FNP .................... Family Practice Grants Pass Clinic, LLP 495 SW Ramsey Ave Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/476-6644 Brown, Caroline J, MD ............ Family Practice Cerkoney, Kathryn A, FNP ........ Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 25 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Siskiyou Community Health Center – Grants Pass 125 NE Manzanita Ave Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/471-3455 Ahmed, Hala M, MD ................ Family Practice Arkless, Tyler M, MD ............. General Practice Beachy, Linford S, MD ............. Family Practice Miller, Kristin Kay, MD ............. Family Practice Swindells, Scott, PA ................ Family Practice Towers, Bruce K, PA ................ Family Practice Selma Mt Angel Mt Angel Family Medicine 690 N Main St Mt Angel, OR 97362 503/845-2000 Domst, James E, MD .............. Family Practice Hyde, Charles D, FNP .............. Family Practice Kochmann, Faith L, MD ........... Family Practice Ramos, Mayda, MD .............. Internal Medicine Salem Cascade Family Care 1111 Liberty St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/581-6550 Weller, John H, FNP ................ Family Practice Clear Creek Family Practice 18173 Redwood Hwy Selma, OR 97538 541/597-2464 Mechling, Katherine A, MD ...... Family Practice Salem Family Physicians 1155 Mission St SE, Suite 205 Salem, OR 97302 MARION COUNTY 503/362-6304 Bjorklund, Erin, ANP .............. General Practice Aumsville Eliason, Douglas D, DO ........... Family Practice Aumsville Medical Clinic Willamette Family 205 Main St Medical Center Aumsville, OR 97325 755 Medical Center Dr 503/749-4734 Coville, Karen B, PA ................ Family Practice Salem, OR 97301 Hadden, Scott T, MD ............... Family Practice 503/585-6388 Hotan, Tanie, MD .................... Family Practice Brandt, Kimberly A, FNP .......... Family Practice Fay, Shannon M, PA ................ Family Practice Fletemier, Heidi L, MD ............. Family Practice Jefferson Krall, Kathleen A, FNP ............. Family Practice Jefferson Medical Clinic Ortega, Salvador M, MD .......... Family Practice 297 2nd St N Picchi, Joanna C, FNP ............. Family Practice Jefferson, OR 97352 Schmidt, Stephanie M, FNP ..... Family Practice 541/327-2380 Steele, Robert L, MD ............... Family Practice Wild, Anne M, MD ................... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 26 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Willamette Health Partners Family Medicine 875 Oak St SE, Suite 4090 Salem, OR 97301 503/814-4400 Corzilius, Susan P, MD ............. Family Practice Techentin, Anna L, MD ............. Family Practice Silverton Family Medical Group of Silverton 335 Fairview St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-8686 Orr, Rodney E, MD .................. Family Practice McClaine Street Clinic 442 McClaine St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-1764 Gilliam, John A, MD ................ Family Practice Grady, Michael E, MD .............. Family Practice Harris, Daniel K, MD ............... Family Practice Hyde, Charles D, FNP .............. Family Practice Surbaugh, Mark F, MD ............. Family Practice Whitson, Joseph P, DO ............ Family Practice Foster, David W 1401 N 10th Ave, Suite 200 Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-6367 Foster, David W, MD ................ Family Practice Ingham, Claire E 1373 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-7151 Ingham, Claire E, MD .............. Family Practice Jorgensen, Damian E 1401 N 10th Ave, Suite 200 Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-9070 Jorgensen, Damian E, MD ........ Family Practice Stayton Family Practice Inc 1375 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-2641 Large, Lance B, MD ................ Family Practice Lissy, Ernest E, FNP ................ Family Practice Sherman, Patricia M, NMNP...... Nurse Midwife Strubel, Elizabeth A, PA ........... Family Practice Sublimity Stayton Sublimity Medical Clinic Degner, George Matthew 114 SE Church St Sublimity, OR 97385 1373 N 10th Ave 503/769-2259 Stayton, OR 97383 Cramer, Erin L, PA................... Family Practice 503/769-7151 Degner, George Matthew, MD ..Internal Medicine Wiser, Amy L, MD ................... Family Practice Wiser, Eric M, MD ................... Family Practice Dougherty, Nancy K 1401 N 10th Ave, Suite 200 Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-9362 Dougherty, Nancy K, MD .......... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 27 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Woodburn Pediatric Clinic LLP Entena, Monchito C 1390 Meridian Dr 2nd Fl 1350 Meridian Dr Woodburn, OR 97071 Woodburn, OR 97071 503/981-5348 503/982-2202 Ballard, Marguerite M, PA ................Pediatrics Entena, Monchito C, MD .......... Family Practice Chang, Li, FNP ....................... Family Practice Habafy, Miriam, PA .........................Pediatrics Evergreen Family Care Kochan, Tami, PNP .........................Pediatrics 685 Evergreen Rd Linderoth, Diana M, MD ..................Pediatrics Woodburn, OR 97071 Steinberg, Richard H, MD ................Pediatrics 503/982-2212 Woodburn McDonald, Patrick C, MD......... Family Practice Legacy Clinic Woodburn 1002 N Boones Ferry Rd Woodburn, OR 97071 503/981-9526 Flores, Elizabeth, MD ...................... Geriatrics Hartog, Robert C, MD .............. Family Practice MULTNOMAH COUNTY Gresham Adventist Health Gresham Station 831 NW Council Dr, Suite 101 Gresham, OR 97030 Woodburn Family Medicine 503/665-8176 1390 Meridian Dr Bergstrom, Robert W, MD ........ Family Practice Woodburn, OR 97071 Bernier, Peter D, DO ................ Family Practice 503/982-2174 Monnier, Janet R, MD.............. Family Practice Broyhill, Julie C, MD ............... Family Practice Hyde, Charles D, FNP .............. Family Practice Taycher, Svetlana, DO .............. Family Practice Jones, Daniel T, FNP................ Family Practice Webb, James M, DO ............... Family Practice Power, Juliette M, MD ............. Family Practice Adventist Health Medical Clinic Read, Tracy L, MD .................. Family Practice Gresham Station Internal Medicine & Family Practice Woodburn Internal Medicine 831 NW Council Dr, Suite 125 693 Ray J Glatt Cir, Suite 5 Gresham, OR 97030 Woodburn, OR 97071 503/661-3439 503/982-0403 Golden III, Maurice F, MD ...... Internal Medicine Bergstrom, Robert W, MD ........ Family Practice Rumbaugh, Lori C, MD ......... Internal Medicine Jovanovic, Vesna A, MD ........... Family Practice Shields, Amanda J, ANP .......... Family Practice Nwerem, Ijeoma C, FNP........... Family Practice Zawada, Eleanor, MD ............ Internal Medicine Schultz, Sarah V, MD ............ Internal Medicine Taycher, Svetlana, DO .............. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 28 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Calcagno Pediatrics, PC 24850 SE Stark St, Suite 150 Gresham, OR 97030 503/491-0714 Calcagno, Frank A, MD ....................Pediatrics Calcagno, John A, MD .....................Pediatrics Frost, Lynne A, PNP ........................Pediatrics Long, Katherine R, MD ....................Pediatrics Pittman, Kristen G, NP.....................Pediatrics Guenzburger, Todd N, MD ........ Family Practice John, Michelle L, MD............ Internal Medicine McHarris, Louise A, DO ........ Internal Medicine Robertson, Douglas J, MD .... Internal Medicine Shah, Anil, MD .................... Internal Medicine McGowan, Patrick J 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 202 Gresham, OR 97030 503/465-8887 McGowan, Patrick J, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Craft Sr, Richard W 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 202 Multnomah County Gresham, OR 97030 Health Department – 503/465-8887 East County Health Center Craft Sr, Richard W, MD ........ Internal Medicine 600 NE 8th St 3rd Floor Gresham Internal Gresham, OR 97030 Medicine Clinic 503/988-5155 Adlawan, Jacqueline P, FNP ..... Family Practice 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 109 Anastasiadis, Shannon K, PNP .........Pediatrics Gresham, OR 97030 Beeson, Laurie A, FNP ............. Family Practice 503/667-1015 Custis, John M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Bowman, Kandice S, PNP ................Pediatrics Lin, Wei-Hsung, MD ............. Internal Medicine Campbell, Karen N, FNP .......... Family Practice Lockwood, Darrell R, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Hatcher, Peter W, MD .............. Family Practice Henninger, Amy K, MD ............ Family Practice Guilleux, Paul M Henriques, Robert W, MD ......... Family Practice 501 NE Hood Ave, Suite 340 Jackson, Steven C, MD ......... Internal Medicine Gresham, OR 97030 Kim, Song Jin S, MD ............ Internal Medicine 503/661-7159 Macveigh, Michael S, MD ..... Internal Medicine Guilleux, Paul M, DO ............... Family Practice Mahr, Peter N, MD .................. Family Practice Salisbury, Margo R, WHCNP ....Women’s Health Legacy Clinic Mt Hood Schaffer, Judy M, FNP ............. Family Practice 24988 SE Stark St, Suite 220 Schlessman, Katherine M, MD . Family Practice Gresham, OR 97030 Sheren, Emily A, FNP .............. Family Practice 503/674-1580 Sosso, Jessica L, MD .............. Family Practice Allen, Robert M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Streiff, Libet D, FNP ................ Family Practice Culbertson, Charles D, DO .... Internal Medicine Toledo, Guadalupe, DO ....................Pediatrics Duplain, Ellen P, MD ............. Internal Medicine continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 29 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Multnomah County Health Department – Eastside Teen Clinic 600 NE 8th St, Suite 170 Gresham, OR 97030 503/988-5488 Balderston, Leslie A, FNP ........ Family Practice Case, Kristin A, FNP ................ Family Practice Dummigan, Rachel, FNP .......... Family Practice Furlong, Norma M, FNP ........... Family Practice Heybach, Debra M, FNP .......... Family Practice Simmons, Carol J, FNP ............ Family Practice Mtn View Family Practice 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 205 Gresham, OR 97030 503/665-1010 Lorenzen, Heather A, NP.......... Family Practice Podett, Paul V, MD .................. Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Gresham Family & Internal Medicine 440 NW Division St Gresham, OR 97030 503/215-9500 Alexander, Allan R, MD ............ Family Practice Carpenter, Kevin R, MD ........... Family Practice Deshmukh, Sunita M, MD .... .Internal Medicine Harris, Kristen A, FNP .............. Family Practice Hobson, Jon M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Pajarillo, Carmela C, MD ......... Family Practice Paquette, Julie A, MD.............. Family Practice Schiaffino-Purvis, Ellen, MD .. Internal Medicine Turner, Pamela E, MD ........... Internal Medicine Whitehead, Guy, MD................ Family Practice Zukowski, Matthew H, MD .... Internal Medicine Talley, Ernest A 501 NE Hood Ave, Suite 340 Gresham, OR 97030 503/661-7159 Talley, Ernest A, MD ................. Family Practice Tidball, Cheryl C 25500 SE Stark St, Suite 204 Gresham, OR 97030 503/465-2011 Tidball, Cheryl C, DO ............... Family Practice Portland Adventist Health Care Center 17223 SE Division St Portland, OR 97236 503/760-0778 Bazan-Salazar, Emilia C, NP ..... Family Practice Adventist Health Cherry Park Family Medical Clinic 10000 SE Main St, Suite 224 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-2186 Bertheau, Leonard R, DO ......... Family Practice Harper, Sean S, MD ................ Family Practice Ronan, Nancy, FNP ................. Family Practice Warda, Robert F, MD ............... Family Practice Adventist Health Eastside Internal Medicine 10000 SE Main St, Suite 128 Portland, OR 97216 503/251-6313 Ge, Shugang, MD ................ Internal Medicine Wise, Todd V, MD ................. Internal Medicine If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 30 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Adventist Health Hazelwood Medical Clinic 12615 NE Halsey St Portland, OR 97230 503/254-7355 Carin, Dorothy A, MD .............. Family Practice Harper, Sean S, MD ................ Family Practice Kelly, Imelda C, MD ................. Family Practice Oellrich, Cheri N, MD .............. Family Practice Adventist Health Internal Medicine Associates 10201 SE Main St Bldg 3, Suite 12 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-7550 Moroye, Marc M, MD ........... Internal Medicine Nguyen, Ngan Lien T, MD ..... Internal Medicine Robinson, Gregory E, MD ...... Internal Medicine Robinson, Nancy, FNP ............. Family Practice Adventist Health Ventura Park 11510 SE Stark St Portland, OR 97216 503/256-0636 Bulger, Arthur Randolph, MD .... Family Practice Bulger, Roberta A, MD ............. Family Practice Rivas, Henry R, MD ................. Family Practice Scribner, Gregory C, MD ....... Internal Medicine Avison, Kathrine E 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 469 Portland, OR 97213 503/231-7747 Avison, Kathrine E, MD ......... Internal Medicine Bridge City Family Medical Clinic 1410 NE 106th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/460-0405 Anderson, Connie J, FNP ......... Family Practice Bunker, Teri, FNP .................... Family Practice Milius, Rebecca A, MD ............ Family Practice Mooney, Kathleen M, MD .................Pediatrics Schleef, Kimberly J, DO ........... Family Practice Simnitt, Betty L, ANP ............... Family Practice Trainor, Anne C, FNP ................ Family Practice Weiner, Marcus I, DO .............. Family Practice Widing, Linda C, DO ... Obstetrics & Gynecology Broadway Medical Clinic – Internal Medicine 4212 NE Broadway St Portland, OR 97213 503/249-8787 Bauer, John E, MD ............... Internal Medicine Bley, Dennis E, DO ............... Internal Medicine Darby, Charles L, MD ........... Internal Medicine Hirsch, Anne M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Amundson, Joel A Howatt, Janis L, MD ............. Internal Medicine 4445 NE Fremont St Hrbek, Marjorie J, MD .......... Internal Medicine Portland, OR 97213 Johnson, James C, MD ......... Internal Medicine 503/249-7752 Simon, Laurel L, MD ............ Internal Medicine Amundson, Joel A, MD ....................Pediatrics Valls, Luis A, MD .................. Internal Medicine Wood, Charles M, MD .......... Internal Medicine If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 31 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Broadway Medical Clinic – Pediatrics 4212 NE Broadway St Portland, OR 97213 503/249-8787 Baker, Mary L, MD ..........................Pediatrics Basco, Hilary R, MD ........................Pediatrics Bengtson, George W, MD .................Pediatrics Collins, Kristan C, MD .....................Pediatrics Coughlin, James M, MD ..................Pediatrics Desimone, June M, MD ...................Pediatrics Hahn, Melissa A, MD .......................Pediatrics Heffernan, Robert E, MD ..................Pediatrics Vestergaard, Anne F, MD .................Pediatrics Cascade Physicians – Bridgetown 501 N Graham St, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97227 503/249-5780 Burroughs, Duane A, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Hendin, Alan P, MD .............. Internal Medicine Iverson, Duane R, MD .......... Internal Medicine Laidley, Tracy L, MD ............. Internal Medicine Root, Leslie L, MD ............... Internal Medicine Seres, Steven P, MD ............. Internal Medicine Slack, Jennifer M, MD .......... Internal Medicine Cascade Physicians – NW Portland 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 505 Portland, OR 97210 503/226-4091 Burroughs, Duane A, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Forsythe, John T, MD ........... Internal Medicine Hendin, Alan P, MD .............. Internal Medicine Iverson, Duane R, MD .......... Internal Medicine Kurz, Frank J, MD ................ Internal Medicine Laidley, Tracy L, MD ............. Internal Medicine Le, Priscilla D, MD ............... Internal Medicine McGrew, Gabrielle M, MD ..... Internal Medicine Peel, Lynda R, MD ............... Internal Medicine Root, Leslie L, MD ............... Internal Medicine Seres, Steven P, MD ............. Internal Medicine Wolfe, Gordon L, MD ............ Internal Medicine Woskow, Lorraine B, MD....... Internal Medicine Children’s Community Clinic 27 NE Killingsworth St Portland, OR 97211 503/284-5239 Beyl, Cecille O, MD .........................Pediatrics Feldman, Virginia M, MD .................Pediatrics Hargunani, Dana E, MD ...................Pediatrics Lagrone, Don H, MD .......................Pediatrics Columbia Medical Clinic 3202 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97266 503/777-5995 Foy, Maria I, FNP .................... Family Practice Nguyen, Hoang Q, MD .......... Internal Medicine Nguyen, Lynne M, PA .............. Family Practice Denker, John T 5622 SE 41st Ave Portland, OR 97202 503/774-6929 Denker, John T, MD ................. Family Practice Family Walk In Medical Center PC – Barbur Blvd 10175 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 105B Portland, OR 97219 503/531-3858 Hasan, Shagufta A, MD ........... Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 32 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Fanno Creek Clinic, LLC 2400 SW Vermont St Portland, OR 97219 503/452-0915 Bentz, Charles J, MD ........... Internal Medicine Chawla, Renu, MD ............... Internal Medicine Choong, Meei, MD ............... Internal Medicine Coodley, Gregg O, MD .......... Internal Medicine Creitz, Bonnie J, MD ............ Internal Medicine Demetrion, George B, MD ..... Internal Medicine Dronkowski, C William, MD ... Internal Medicine Faber, Holly I, MD ................ Internal Medicine Folk, Cathi, FNP ...................... Family Practice Gragnola, Thomas G, MD ...... Internal Medicine Lawrence, Stuart A, MD........ Internal Medicine Levitte, Marc G, MD ............. Internal Medicine Myers, Gloria J, MD ............. Internal Medicine Sullivan, Lisa C, MD ........................Pediatrics Valerio, Donald A, MD........... Internal Medicine Garrett, Lara Y, MD .............. Internal Medicine Gurgel, Catherine L, FNP ......... Family Practice Hammett, Lanette L, ANP ...... General Practice Hanks, Laura E, PA .............. Internal Medicine Harris, Virginia L, FNP ............. Family Practice Hines, Theresa M, FNP ............ Family Practice Husted, Benneth A, DO ............ Family Practice Kauffman, Sara B, FNP ............ Family Practice Lomax, Karen, FNP ................. Family Practice Long, Amy M, GNP .......................... Geriatrics Hanks, Laura E, PA .............. Internal Medicine Moran, Gayle M, ANP ........... Internal Medicine Murphy, Patricia A, ANP ........ Internal Medicine Ortiz, Mary A, FNP .................. Family Practice Provost, Jean Claude K, FNP .... Family Practice Ramsthel, Donald D, MD ...... Internal Medicine Scott, Georgina B, PA ........... Internal Medicine Shields, Amanda J, ANP .......... Family Practice Soehl, Akiko, NP ..................... Family Practice Sperlin, Andrew G, MD ......... Internal Medicine Tews, Marian J, FNP ................ Family Practice Warinsky, Ellen M, FNP ............ Family Practice Yoshinaga, Alison A, FNP ......... Family Practice Hands On Medicine 5311 N Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 503/281-0308 Holmes-Shields, Shelda R, FNP ......... Family Practice Integrative Primary Care Serna, Laura Susana, FNP ....... Family Practice Assoc LLC 2050 NW Lovejoy, Suite 1 Housecall Providers, Inc Portland, OR 97209 4531 SE Belmont, Suite 250 503/227-0350 Portland, OR 97215 Belt-Shaaban, Kristen E, FNP ... Family Practice 503/988-5303 Perkins, Dahra D, MD.............. Family Practice Anderson, Darlene J, GNP ............... Geriatrics Tenscher, Max E, FNP .............. Family Practice Bazan-Salazar, Emilia C, NP ..... Family Practice Buckland, Mary I, FNP ............. Family Practice Kemple, Kip L Byers, Erika L, FNP ................. Family Practice 2230 NW Pettygrove, Suite 120 Concia, Caroline D, GNP .................. Geriatrics Portland, OR 97210 Crabtree, Mary K, FNP............. Family Practice 503/223-1840 Fleury, Philip A, ANP ............ Internal Medicine Kemple, Kip L, MD ....................Rheumatology continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 33 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Legacy Clinic Emanuel Pediatrics 2800 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 165 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-2902 Cabler, Britain T, FNP .............. Family Practice Legacy Clinic Emanuel Internal Cartwright, Victoria W, MD ...............Pediatrics Medicine Endo, Carol Y, MD ...........................Pediatrics 2800 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 230 Greenlee, Michaeline M, MD ............Pediatrics Portland, OR 97227 Kuo, Lena F, MD .............................Pediatrics 503/413-2901 Neuman, Megan F, MD ....................Pediatrics Ahmad, Mahnaz, MD ............ Internal Medicine Anderson, Ross W, MD ...Obstetrics & Gynecology Legacy Clinic Anderson, Stephanie S, MD .. Internal Medicine Good Samaritan Azhar, Naiyar, MD ...........................Pediatrics Internal Medicine Beers, Douglas K, MD .......... Internal Medicine 1200 NW 23rd Ave Coombes, Emily K, DO.......... Internal Medicine Portland, OR 97210 Deering, Darcy E, MD ........... Internal Medicine 503/413-7074 Eid, Jessica N, DO ............... Internal Medicine Ahmad, Mahnaz, MD ............ Internal Medicine Folger, Paula A, MD ............. Internal Medicine Anderson, Stephanie S, MD .. Internal Medicine Hans, Gurpreet K, MD .......... Internal Medicine Beers, Douglas K, MD .......... Internal Medicine Hansen, Jill R, MD ............... Internal Medicine Coombes, Emily K, DO.......... Internal Medicine Hendin, Alan P, MD .............. Internal Medicine Eid, Jessica N, DO ............... Internal Medicine Injety, Kalpana R, DO............ Internal Medicine Folger, Paula A, MD ............. Internal Medicine Jamison, Richard L, MD ........ Internal Medicine Hans, Gurpreet K, MD .......... Internal Medicine Jones, Stephen R, MD .......... Internal Medicine Hansen, Jill R, MD ............... Internal Medicine Krishnasamy, Prasanna V, MD .Internal Medicine Hibbs, David G, FNP ................ Family Practice Liptan, Ginevra L, MD .......... Internal Medicine Ikins, Karen L, FNP ................. Family Practice Mankin, Leonard A, MD ........ Internal Medicine Jones, Stephen R, MD .......... Internal Medicine Mark, Susan L, MD .............. Internal Medicine Knoll, Julie A, MD ................ Internal Medicine Marshall-Olson, Angela T, DO ..Internal Medicine Krishnasamy, Prasanna V, MD .Internal Medicine Miura, Lisa N, MD ................ Internal Medicine Kruse, Karen M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Mohan, Vishnu, MD .............. Internal Medicine Liptan, Ginevra L, MD .......... Internal Medicine Muller, Melinda J, MD .......... Internal Medicine Losli, Steven M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Pettit, Jody L, MD ................ Internal Medicine Mankin, Leonard A, MD ........ Internal Medicine Rydbom, Kimberly A, DO....... Internal Medicine Mark, Susan L, MD .............. Internal Medicine Yeggy, Julie E, MD ............... Internal Medicine Miura, Lisa N, MD ................ Internal Medicine Mohan, Vishnu, MD .............. Internal Medicine Kung, Edna 2456 NW Northrup St, Suite 1A Portland, OR 97210 503/241-5117 Kung, Edna, MD .........Obstetrics & Gynecoloty continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 34 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Muller, Melinda J, MD .......... Internal Medicine Newton, Patricia A, MD ........ Internal Medicine Pettit, Jody L, MD ................ Internal Medicine Rydbom, Kimberly A, DO....... Internal Medicine Sukumar, Shirin R, MD ......... Internal Medicine Unger, Phillip S, MD ............. Internal Medicine Yeggy, Julie E, MD ............... Internal Medicine Mirka, Alar, MD.................... Internal Medicine Oppenheimer, Jonathan E, MD................. Internal Medicine Peterson, Preston L, MD ....... Internal Medicine Scott, Kelly F, MD................. Internal Medicine White, Jocelyn C, MD ........... Internal Medicine Zeller, Katharine M, MD ........ Internal Medicine Legacy Clinic Northeast 300 N Graham St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4134 Alberts, Lisa Marie, MD ........ Internal Medicine Farrell, Lori J, MD ................ Internal Medicine Johnson, Gordon E, MD ........ Internal Medicine Mirka, Alar, MD.................... Internal Medicine Norris, Eric S, MD ................... Family Practice Renner, Laura E, ANP ........... Internal Medicine Tan, Hanny A, MD................. Internal Medicine Tewfik, Michael H, MD .......... Internal Medicine Zeller, Katharine M, MD ........ Internal Medicine Multnomah County Health Department – Binnsmead School Based Clinic 2225 SE 87th Ave Portland, OR 97216 503/988-4577 Bowman, Kandice S, PNP ................Pediatrics Legacy Clinic Northwest 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 220 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-8988 Baugh, Stephen F, MD .......... Internal Medicine Egener, Barry E, MD ............. Internal Medicine Farrell, Lori J, MD ................ Internal Medicine Garcia-Jordon, Rosa M, MD ........Internal Medicine Gibson, Richard F, MD ............. Family Practice Goldenberg, Daniela C, MD ... Internal Medicine Hansen, Jill R, MD ............... Internal Medicine Johnson, Leslie A, MD ............. Family Practice Karlin, Manuel D, MD ........... Internal Medicine Macnichol, Jennifer L, MD .... Internal Medicine Marr, Curtis, MD .................. Internal Medicine Meihoff, Erich J, MD ............ Internal Medicine Multnomah County Health Department – Cleveland School Based Clinic 3400 SE 26th Ave Portland, OR 97202 503/988-3350 Furlong, Norma M, FNP ........... Family Practice Rounsavell, Amy A, FNP........... Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – George School Based Clinic 10000 N Burr Ave Portland, OR 97203 503/988-3829 Dea, Marilee O, PNP .......................Pediatrics Multnomah County Health Department – Grant School Based Clinic 2245 NE 36th Ave Portland, OR 97212 503/988-3372 continued Sincic, Tom J, FNP .................. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 35 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Multnomah County Health Department – HIV Health Services 426 SW Stark St 4th Floor Portland, OR 97204 503/988-5020 Benecki, Eleanor A, PA .......... General Practice Camp, Sarah S, FNP ............... Family Practice Guta, Diane T, FNP .................. Family Practice Kosmetatos, Maria K, FNP ....... Family Practice Krinsley, Jeanne S, FNP........... Family Practice Macveigh, Michael S, MD ..... Internal Medicine McDonald, James E, FNP ........ Family Practice Mejia, Elena C, FNP ................ Family Practice Oxman, Gary L, MD ............... General Practice Porter, Sara A, FNP ................. Family Practice Ragade, Namrata J, MD ....... Internal Medicine Reeder, Joan L, MD ............. Internal Medicine Retondo, Margaret J, MD .... .Internal Medicine Storm, Lisa M, FNP ................. Family Practice Thayer, James R, MD............ Internal Medicine Venator, Kathryn L, FNP ........... Family Practice Jecker, Lajuan M, MD .............. Family Practice Radcliffe, Carla C, MD ............. Family Practice Shah, Amit R, MD ................... Family Practice Sheren, Emily A, FNP .............. Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – Lane School Based Clinic 7200 SE 60th Ave Portland, OR 97206 503/988-5640 Wallis, Joanne M, PNP ....................Pediatrics Multnomah County Health Department – Lincoln Park School Based Clinic 13200 SE Lincoln St Portland, OR 97233 503/988-3554 Dummigan, Rachel, FNP .......... Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – Madison School Based Clinic 2735 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/988-3382 Camp, Sarah S, FNP ............... Family Practice Johnson, Alice G, FNP ............. Family Practice Rounsavell, Amy A, FNP........... Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – Jefferson School Based Clinic 5210 N Kerby Ave Room A2 Portland, OR 97217 503/988-3360 Balderston, Leslie A, FNP ........ Family Practice Mejia, Elena C, FNP ................ Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – Marshall Multnomah County Health School Based Clinic Department – La Clinica De 3905 SE 91st Ave Buena Salud Portland, OR 97266 6736 NE Killingsworth, Suite 100 503/988-3370 Portland, OR 97218 Camp, Sarah S, FNP ............... Family Practice 503/988-3991 Dummigan, Rachel, FNP .......... Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 36 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Multnomah County Health Department – Mid-County Health Center 12710 SE Division St Portland, OR 97236 503/988-3601 Abrams, Alice C, FNP .............. Family Practice Adlawan, Jacqueline P, FNP ..... Family Practice Bava, Julie, NMNP ................... Nurse Midwife Becher, Judith C, MD ........... Internal Medicine Burdick, Linda D, PNP .....................Pediatrics Burns, Julie F, PNP .........................Pediatrics Camp, Sarah S, FNP ............... Family Practice Campbell, Karen N, FNP .......... Family Practice Daly, Anne T, FNP ................... Family Practice De Fontes Jr, Deane C, MD ...... Family Practice Dea, Marilee O, PNP .......................Pediatrics Dummigan, Rachel, FNP .......... Family Practice Englander, Wayne D, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Everson, Teresa A, MD ............ Family Practice Gaglione, Carole D, PNP ..................Pediatrics Galasso, Amy M, WHCNP ........Women’s Health Henninger, Amy K, MD ............ Family Practice Houle, Richard P, MD ............ General Practice Jimenez, Jessica K, FNP .......... Family Practice Kehoe, Tamra D, PNP ......................Pediatrics Kelly, Kim M, MD .................... Family Practice Kloos, Judy, FNP ..................... Family Practice Kullberg, Patsy A, MD ............. Family Practice Lyon, Douglas R, MD ............... Family Practice Mahr, Peter N, MD .................. Family Practice Margoles, Mark N, MD ............ Family Practice Premysler, Raisa, MD ............ General Practice Rounsavell, Amy A, FNP........... Family Practice Schlessman, Katherine M, MD ... Family Practice Shah, Amit R, MD ................... Family Practice Shawn, Erin R, FNP ................. Family Practice Thomas, Robin C, FNP ............. Family Practice Venator, Kathryn L, FNP ........... Family Practice Ventres, William B, MD ............ Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – North Portland Health Center 9000 N Lombard St Portland, OR 97203 503/988-5304 Abrams, Alice C, FNP .............. Family Practice Adlawan, Jacqueline P, FNP ..... Family Practice Balderston, Leslie A, FNP ........ Family Practice Behle, Kristin M, MD ............... Family Practice Black, Joseph L, MD ............ Internal Medicine Botwinick, Ora N, MD .............. Family Practice Carrillo, Luis Fernando, FNP ..... Family Practice Chan, Yuen M, MD ..........................Pediatrics Dea, Marilee O, PNP .......................Pediatrics Fookson, Maxine M, PNP .................Pediatrics Hatcher, Peter W, MD .............. Family Practice Hubbard, Arna L, FNP.............. Family Practice Johnson, Alice G, FNP ............. Family Practice Kim, Song Jin S, MD ............ Internal Medicine Kloos, Judy, FNP ..................... Family Practice Lyon, Douglas R, MD ............... Family Practice Orsini, Caroline M J, MD.......... Family Practice Schlessman, Katherine M, MD ... Family Practice Shah, Amit R, MD ................... Family Practice Smith, Wilma J, PNP .......................Pediatrics Sprague, Lisa A, MD .. Obstetrics & Gynecology Zebroski, Margaret A, PA ......... Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 37 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Multnomah County Health Department – Northeast Health Center 5329 NE Mlk Blvd Portland, OR 97211 503/988-5183 Becher, Judith C, MD ........... Internal Medicine Behle, Kristin M, MD ............... Family Practice Burdick, Linda D, PNP .....................Pediatrics Chan, Yuen M, MD ..........................Pediatrics Daly, Anne T, FNP ................... Family Practice Dea, Marilee O, PNP .......................Pediatrics Fookson, Maxine M, PNP .................Pediatrics Henriques, Robert W, MD ......... Family Practice Holden, Sandra, WHCNP .........Women’s Health Johnson, Alice G, FNP ............. Family Practice Kelly, Kim M, MD .................... Family Practice Krause, Valerie A, MD.............. Family Practice Odell, Vivian B, PNP ........................Pediatrics Reeder, Joan L, MD ............. Internal Medicine Schlessman, Katherine M, MD . Family Practice Shah, Amit R, MD ................... Family Practice Sheren, Emily A, FNP .............. Family Practice Sprague, Lisa A, MD .. Obstetrics & Gynecology Ventres, William B, MD ............ Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – Portsmouth School Based Clinic 5103 N Willis Blvd Portland, OR 97203 503/988-3815 Fookson, Maxine M, PNP .................Pediatrics Multnomah County Health Department – Roosevelt School Based Clinic 6941 N Central St Portland, OR 97203 503/988-3909 Simmons, Carol J, FNP ............ Family Practice Multnomah County Health Department – Westside Health Center 426 SW Stark St, 5th Floor Portland, OR 97204 503/988-5140 Allers, Greg, DO ...................... Family Practice Botwinick, Ora N, MD .............. Family Practice Daly, Anne T, FNP ................... Family Practice Henriques, Robert W, MD ......... Family Practice Heybach, Debra M, FNP .......... Family Practice Multnomah County Health Houle, Richard P, MD ............ General Practice Department – Parkrose Krause, Valerie A, MD.............. Family Practice School Based Clinic Kullberg, Patsy A, MD ............. Family Practice 12003 NE Shaver St Lyon, Douglas R, MD ............... Family Practice Portland, OR 97220 Mahr, Peter N, MD ................. Family Practice 503/988-3392 Abrams, Alice C, FNP .............. Family Practice McDonald, James E, FNP ........ Family Practice Sincic, Tom J, FNP .................. Family Practice Porter, Sara A, FNP ................. Family Practice Ragade, Namrata J, MD ....... Internal Medicine Retondo, Margaret J, MD .... .Internal Medicine Shah, Amit R, MD ................... Family Practice Smith, Wilma J, PNP .......................Pediatrics continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 38 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Sprague, Lisa A, MD .. Obstetrics & Gynecology Stein, Janet R, FNP ................. Family Practice Thayer, James R, MD............ Internal Medicine Vetto, Anne A, MD ................ Internal Medicine Vines, Jennifer L, MD .............. Family Practice Walters, Lee N, MD .............. Internal Medicine Ware, Mary A, MD................ Internal Medicine Biagioli, Frances E, MD ........... Family Practice Chesnutt, James C, MD ........... Family Practice Devoe, Jennifer E, MD ............. Family Practice Dornfest, Franklyn D, MD ........ Family Practice Fagnan, Lyle J, MD ................. Family Practice Garvin, Roger D, MD ............... Family Practice Gordon-Zwerling, Nancy G, FNP Family Practice Iwasaki, Ellen L, FNP ............... Family Practice Michaelson, Ellen M Miller, Amanda F, PA ............... Family Practice 2456 NW Northrup St, Suite 1A Smits, Ariel K, MD ................... Family Practice Portland, OR 97210 Steiner, Elizabeth, MD ............. Family Practice 503/274-0045 Taylor, Harry A, MD .................. Family Practice Michaelson, Ellen M, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Tseng, Ann G, MD ................... Family Practice Webb, Charles W, DO .............. Family Practice Mt Tabor White, Brett A, MD .................. Family Practice Family Medical Group Young, Kimberly K, MD ............ Family Practice 5919 SE Belmont St Portland, OR 97215 503/234-7366 Costello Gard, LIbby A, FNP ..... Family Practice Denker, John T, MD ................. Family Practice Levin, Tedd, MD ...................... Family Practice Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest 15 N Morris Portland, OR 97227 503/230-9875 Anderson, Susan M, FNP ......... Family Practice Bazin-Quintana, Tinah A, NP .... Family Practice Freitag, Corona M, MD ......... Internal Medicine McGovern, Ruth A, FNP ........... Family Practice OHSU Family Health Center at Gabriel Park 4411 SW Vermont Portland, OR 97219 503/494-9992 Bajorek, Mark M, MD .............. Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 39 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS OHSU Family Health Center – Richmond 3930 SE Division St Portland, OR 97202 503/418-3900 Beyer, Gayla J, FNP................. Family Practice Biagioli, Frances E, MD ........... Family Practice Blenning, Carol E, MD ............. Family Practice Cecil, Valerie L, FNP ................ Family Practice Coleman, Clifford A, MD .......... Family Practice Devarajan, Sumathi, MD .......... Family Practice Donovan, Deirdre E, MD .......... Family Practice Eiff, M Patrice, MD.................. Family Practice Fields, Scott A, MD ................. Family Practice Flynn, Jessica M, MD .............. Family Practice Fox, Allison L, FNP .................. Family Practice Garvin, Roger D, MD ............... Family Practice Gideonse, Nicholas L, MD ........ Family Practice Gipson, Teresa F, MD ............... Family Practice Heintzman, John D, MD ........... Family Practice Jacobsen, Emily R, PA ............. Family Practice Joslin Jr, Timothy A, MD .......... Family Practice Livingston, Catherine J, MD ..... Family Practice Luddy, Alyssa C, MD ............... Family Practice Marks, Bruce A, FNP ............... Family Practice McCormick, Elizabeth T, MD ..... Family Practice Milano, Christina E, MD ........... Family Practice Muench, John P, MD ............... Family Practice Page, Tanya L, MD .................. Family Practice Risser, Amanda L, MD ............. Family Practice Rugge, John Bruin, MD ........... Family Practice Sanford, Madeleine J, FNP ...... Family Practice Steger, Robert J, MD ............... Family Practice Verdieck Devlaeminck, Alexandra, MD ..................... Family Practice Yamashita, Daisuke, MD .......... Family Practice Young, Kimberly K, MD ............ Family Practice OHSU Family Medicine at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 9F Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8573 Beyer, Gayla J, FNP................. Family Practice Blanchard, Shawn H, MD ......... Family Practice Cecil, Valerie L, FNP ................ Family Practice Dodson, Lisa G, MD ................ Family Practice Donovan, Deirdre E, MD .......... Family Practice Eiff, M Patrice, MD.................. Family Practice Fields, Scott A, MD ................. Family Practice Flynn, Jessica M, MD .............. Family Practice Fox, Allison L, FNP .................. Family Practice Gipson, Teresa F, MD ............... Family Practice Hayes, Margaret M, MD........... Family Practice Heintzman, John D, MD ........... Family Practice Iverson, Leslie D, FNP ............. Family Practice Joslin Jr, Timothy A, MD .......... Family Practice King, Adam B, PA ................... Family Practice King, Valerie J, MD ................. Family Practice Lallande, Linda E, FNP ............ Family Practice Livingston, Catherine J, MD ..... Family Practice Lochner, Jennifer E, MD .......... Family Practice Milano, Christina E, MD ........... Family Practice Polensek, Natasha A, MD ................Pediatrics Risser, Amanda L, MD ............. Family Practice Saultz, John W, MD ................. Family Practice Taylor, Robert B, MD ................ Family Practice Thompson, Rebecca N, MD ...... Family Practice Toffler, William L, MD ............... Family Practice Verdieck Devlaeminck, Alexandra, MD ..................... Family Practice White, Brett A, MD .................. Family Practice Yamashita, Daisuke, MD .......... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 40 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS OHSU General Pediatric Clinic 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-5700 Aylor, Megan E, MD .........................Pediatrics Banker, Katherine A, MD ..................Pediatrics Blaschke, Gregory S, MD .................Pediatrics Blasco, Peter A, MD ........................Pediatrics Bumsted, Tracy N, MD .....................Pediatrics Deutsche, Joann S, FNP .......... Family Practice Diaz, Jeanette M, PNP.....................Pediatrics Ferrell, Cynthia L, MD .....................Pediatrics Gibson, Noelle E, PNP .....................Pediatrics Hargunani, Dana E, MD ...................Pediatrics Jaffe, Arthur C, MD .........................Pediatrics Long, Barbara J, MD .......................Pediatrics Miles, Marie A, MD .........................Pediatrics O’Boyle-Jordan, Bridget T, PNP ........Pediatrics Phillipi, Carrie A, MD .......................Pediatrics Polensek, Natasha A, MD ................Pediatrics Schwab, Tara A, MD ........................Pediatrics Sells, Clifford Wayne, MD ................Pediatrics Stevenson, Ellen B, MD ...................Pediatrics Stevenson, Windy L, MD ..................Pediatrics Super, Elizabeth R, MD ....................Pediatrics Valvano, Thomas J, MD ...................Pediatrics Wagner, Tamara L, MD ............ Family Practice Watkins IV, James W, MD.................Pediatrics Weill, Beau C, MD ...........................Pediatrics Williams, Latasha N, MD..................Pediatrics Zuckerman, Katharine E, MD ............Pediatrics Bensching, Katherine L, MD .. Internal Medicine Bonazzola, Michael F, MD ..... Internal Medicine Bowen, Judith L, MD ............ Internal Medicine Bower, Elizabeth A, MD ........ Internal Medicine Carney, Stacie L, MD ............ Internal Medicine Chou, Roger, MD ................. Internal Medicine Dellinger, Michael D, MD ...... Internal Medicine Dipiero, Albert R, MD ........... Internal Medicine Eckstrom, Elizabeth N, MD .... Internal Medicine Engstrom, Todd W, MD ......... Internal Medicine Girard, Donald E, MD ........... Internal Medicine Gregg, Jessica L, MD ........... Internal Medicine Haney, Elizabeth M, MD ........ Internal Medicine Hardman, Joseph A, MD ....... Internal Medicine Kilo, Charles M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Korthuis, Philip T, MD ........... Internal Medicine Lang, Michael P, MD ............ Internal Medicine Lindauer, Allison, FNP ............. Family Practice Madnick, Ellen G, MD ........... Internal Medicine Marty, Nanette C, MD ........... Internal Medicine Nicolaidis, Christina M, MD ... Internal Medicine O’Hearn, Mary E, MD ........... Internal Medicine Pickett, Mary E, MD ............. Internal Medicine Raj, Y Pritham, MD............... Internal Medicine Sauvain, Melanie M, MD ....... Internal Medicine Smith, Marian E, DO ............ Internal Medicine Sobota, Mindy, MD ............... Internal Medicine Tolle, Susan W, MD............... Internal Medicine West, Sarah K, MD ............... Internal Medicine Yackel, Thomas R, MD .......... Internal Medicine OHSU Internal Medicine at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8562 continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 41 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Old Town Clinic 727 W Burnside Portland, OR 97209 503/228-4533 Becker, Sara K, MD ................. Family Practice Dellinger, Michael D, MD ...... Internal Medicine Engstrom, Todd W, MD ......... Internal Medicine Gregg, Jessica L, MD ........... Internal Medicine Hettinger, Barbara D, MD ...... Internal Medicine Hubbard, Arna L, FNP.............. Family Practice Martin, Barbara E, PA .............. Family Practice Mozer, Dana, FNP ................... Family Practice Sobota, Mindy, MD ............... Internal Medicine Solotaroff, Rachel, MD ......... Internal Medicine Thayer, James R, MD............ Internal Medicine York, Sarah L, MD ................ Internal Medicine Pearl Health Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Suite 100A Portland, OR 97209 503/525-0090 Brandon, Patricia L, FNP ......... Family Practice Campbell, Joe H, MD .............. Family Practice Del Rosario, Eduardo S, FNP .... Family Practice Forno, Celia G, NP .................. Family Practice Freshman-House, Shari, FNP ... Family Practice Hindel, Ingeborg, MD .............. Family Practice Portland Family Practice Inc 541 NE 20th Ave, Suite 210 Portland, OR 97232 503/233-6940 Bobenrieth, Susanne K, MD ..... Family Practice Callahan, Kerry B, MD ............. Family Practice Outside In Graves, Rachel S, MD ............. Family Practice Kasten, Thomas L, MD ............ Family Practice 1132 SW 13th Ave Michels, Joel A, FNP ............... Family Practice Portland, OR 97205 Nowosielski, Carolyn R, FNP .... Family Practice 503/223-4121 Page, Tanya L, MD .................. Family Practice Pfeiffer, Heather M, FNP .......... Family Practice Sells, Clifford Wayne, MD ................Pediatrics Reagan, Joshua D, MD ............ Family Practice Vines, Jennifer L, MD .............. Family Practice Reagan, Peter L, MD ............... Family Practice Roberts, Lauren W, MD............ Family Practice Pacific Medical Group – Shaff-Chin, Cynthia J, MD ....... Family Practice North Portland Uphoff, Eugene J, MD ............. Family Practice 6445 N Greeley Ave Wilson, Elisa A, MD ................. Family Practice Portland, OR 97217 *Providence Ambulatory Care 503/285-6607 Chan, Simon K, DO ................. Family Practice & Education (PACE) Cordova, Lee J, MD ............. Internal Medicine 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 540 Eubanks, Douglas L, DO .......... Family Practice Portland, OR 97213 Stevens, Eugene A, MD ........... Family Practice 503/215-6600 Childers, David C, MD .......... Internal Medicine Clark, Brinton C, MD ............ Internal Medicine Dechet, Amy M, MD .............. General Practice Geissal, Erik D, MD .............. Internal Medicine continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 42 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Gluckman, Robert A, MD ...... Internal Medicine Gorman, Paul N, MD ............ Internal Medicine Guitteau, Michelle S, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Halperin, Ruben O, MD ......... Internal Medicine Hendrickson, Irene W, MD..... Internal Medicine Hodges, Marian O, MD ......... Internal Medicine Jain, Meera, MD .................. Internal Medicine Kai, Mari, MD ...................... Internal Medicine Marsal, Scott W, MD ............ Internal Medicine Pettit, Jody L, MD ................ Internal Medicine Powell, Christian H, MD ........ Internal Medicine Roast, Andrea B, MD ............ Internal Medicine Rosenberg, Mark R, MD ....... Internal Medicine *Providence Family Medicine Southeast 4104 SE 82nd Ave, Suite 250 Portland, OR 97266 503/215-9850 Bhat, Sumeeth M, MD ............. Family Practice Carey, Marc B, MD .................. Family Practice Gobbo, Robert W, MD .............. Family Practice Ray, Douglas E, FNP................ Family Practice Ricker, Mari A, MD .................. Family Practice Rodriguez, Glenn S, MD .......... Family Practice Schwartz, Thomas M, MD ........ Family Practice Thomas, Melissa S, FNP .......... Family Practice Waddick, Michael A, MD .......... Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Cascade Family Medicine 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 240 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6480 Alexander, Allan R, MD ............ Family Practice Buxman, James H, MD ............ Family Practice Carlisle, James R, MD ............. Family Practice Donaghu, Laura I, MD ............. Family Practice Loebner, Mindy S, MD ............. Family Practice Morales, Carmen M, PA ........... Family Practice Moran-Yandle, Molly, MD ......... Family Practice Moreno, Claudine Y, MD .......... Family Practice Solondz, David K, MD .............. Family Practice Sullivan, Joseph W, MD ........... Family Practice Villegas, Lydia A, MD ............... Family Practice Wells, Robert L, MD ................ Family Practice Wolfe, Valerie A, MD................ Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Gateway Family & Community Medicine 1321 NE 99th Ave, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97220 503/215-4250 Beecher, Heather, MD ............. Family Practice Brischetto, Brenda J, MD ......... Family Practice Constante, Maria Luisa, MD ..... Family Practice Demunter, Jodi K, MD ............. Family Practice Kocher, Kristin M, MD.....Obstetrics & Gynecology Lang, Barbara A, MD ............ Internal Medicine Loomis, Anna C, MD ... Obstetrics & Gynecology Muchowski, Karen E, MD ......... Family Practice O’Neill, Elizabeth R, MD ........... Family Practice Rosenberg, Daniel M, MD ........ Family Practice Satterfield, Deborah A, MD ...... Family Practice Saulino, Evan T, MD ................ Family Practice Shields, Kimberly A, DO ........... Family Practice Smith-Cupani, Kimberly A, MD .. Family Practice Stephens, Craig L, MD ............ Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 43 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS *Providence Medical Group Gateway Internal Medicine 1321 NE 99th Ave, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97220 503/215-4050 Bower, Michael C, MD .......... Internal Medicine Dunsmuir, Larlene M, FNP ....... Family Practice Hsu, Richard L, MD .............. Internal Medicine Hungerford, Linda M, MD ..... Internal Medicine Misra, Sounak N, MD ........... Internal Medicine Parshley, Marianne C, MD .... Internal Medicine Paul, Lisa M, MD ................. Internal Medicine *Providence Medical Group Glisan Internal Medicine 5330 NE Glisan Portland, OR 97213 503/215-9700 Brown, Jay P, MD ................ Internal Medicine Dunsmuir, Larlene M, FNP .... Internal Medicine Geissal, Erik D, MD .............. Internal Medicine Gillcrist, Amy K, MD ............. Internal Medicine Le, Khoi H, MD .................... Internal Medicine Nash, Jean L, FNP .................. Family Practice Reay, Caroline, MD .............. Internal Medicine Savage, Michael F, MD ......... Internal Medicine Walters, Lee N, MD .............. Internal Medicine Weksler, Nicole B, MD .......... Internal Medicine *Providence Medical Group North Portland Family & Community Medicine 4920 N Interstate Ave Portland, OR 97217 503/215-3300 Alexander, Allan R, MD ............ Family Practice Breeze, Matthew J, MD ........... Family Practice Ensminger, Shauna L, MD........ Family Practice Gedenk, Monique, MD ............. Family Practice Grant, Katrina H, MD ............... Family Practice Mizushima, Aoi N, MD ............. Family Practice Pham, Thanhlong D, MD .......... Family Practice Thompson, Mark A, MD ........... Family Practice Wehbe, Kimberly J, FNP .......... Family Practice Wu, Hsiao-Chi D, MD .............. Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Plaza Internal Medicine 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 454 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6405 Amato, Daniel F, MD............. Internal Medicine Buxman, James H, MD ............ Family Practice Carlisle, James R, MD ............. Family Practice Carroll, Michael E, MD .......... Internal Medicine Donaghu, Laura I, MD ............. Family Practice Herder, Kimberly J, MD ........ Internal Medicine Kern, James M, MD ............. Internal Medicine Loebner, Mindy S, MD ............. Family Practice Morales, Carmen M, PA ........... Family Practice Moran-Yandle, Molly, MD ......... Family Practice Moreno, Claudine Y, MD .......... Family Practice North, Ferhan C, MD ............ Internal Medicine Sullivan, Joseph W, MD ........... Family Practice Villegas, Lydia A, MD ............... Family Practice Wells, Robert L, MD ................ Family Practice Whitehead, Guy, MD................ Family Practice Wolfe, Valerie A, MD................ Family Practice Yutan, Paul U, MD ................ Internal Medicine Rose City Family Medicine, PC 7240 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97213 503/335-8700 Pham, John T, DO ................... Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 44 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Rose City Pediatrics 3507 SE 36th Ave Portland, OR 97214 503/232-1392 Huff-Slankard, Janie L, PNP.............Pediatrics Monmouth Total Health Community Clinic 180 N Atwater St Monmouth, OR 97361 Stearns, Angela M 503/606-3288 Fitz, Emily M, PA ..................... Family Practice 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 469 Herskowitz, Lee J, DO .....................Pediatrics Portland, OR 97213 Lee, Junko N, FNP .................. Family Practice 503/231-7747 Oran, Gwendolyn A, MD ........... Family Practice Stearns, Angela M, MD ......... Internal Medicine Pazdernik, Karalyn J, PA ....... Internal Medicine Tran, Vuong V Roman, Marvin, MD ................ Family Practice 8106 NE Wasco St Turner, Pamela E, MD ........... Internal Medicine Portland, OR 97213 Salem 503/255-8258 Tran, Vuong V, MD ................ Internal Medicine West Salem Clinic Truong, Ngoccam T 1233 Edgewater St NW Salem, OR 97304 6236 NE Halsey St 503/378-7526 Portland, OR 97213 Dyer, Heidi S, PA..................... Family Practice 503/284-7746 Truong, Ngoccam T, MD ......... General Practice Fitz, Emily M, PA ..................... Family Practice Fonteno, Kylie M, PA ............... Family Practice Tyler, Jeffrey R Herskowitz, Lee J, DO .....................Pediatrics 10529 NE Halsey St Lee, Junko N, FNP .................. Family Practice Portland, OR 97220 Nocek, Cynthia S, MD .......... Internal Medicine 503/255-4256 Oran, Gwendolyn A, MD ........... Family Practice Tyler, Jeffrey R, MD .............. Internal Medicine Pazdernik, Karalyn J, PA ....... Internal Medicine Price, Harvey B, MD ................ Family Practice Roman, Marvin, MD ................ Family Practice POLK COUNTY Stobart, Olga V, MD .............. Internal Medicine Teglassy, Zoltan, MD ............... Family Practice Falls City Turner, Pamela E, MD ........... Internal Medicine Williams, William E, PA ............ Family Practice Luckiamute Clinic 304 N Main St Falls City, OR 97344 503/787-3353 Picchi, Joanna C, FNP ............. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 45 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS WASHINGTON COUNTY Aloha Park, Jae O 14455 SW Allen Blvd, Suite 101 Beaverton, OR 97005 503/643-2120 Park, Jae O, MD .................. Internal Medicine Aloha Family Practice Clinic 3415 SW 187th Ave Aloha, OR 97006 Rath, Robert S 503/649-5509 14125 SW Farmington Rd Azhar, Ezra, MD ...................... Family Practice Beaverton, OR 97005 503/643-2000 Beaverton Rath, Robert S, MD ................. Family Practice CareOregon Community The Doctors Luce Pediatrics Health Beaverton LLC 17175 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy, 16280 NW Bethany Court Suite B-2 Beaverton, OR 97005 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/713-5330 503/848-5861 Luce, Marcus C, MD .......................Pediatrics Costello Gard, Libby A, FNP ..... Family Practice Luce, Mari S, MD ............................Pediatrics Miller, Philip G, MD .........................Pediatrics Riesinger, Karen A, FNP ........... Family Practice Virginia Garcia Beaverton 2935 SW Cedar Hills Blvd MIR Clinic Beaverton, OR 97005 2155 NW 173, Suite 102 503/352-6000 Beaverton, OR 97006 Afridi, Zahid H, MD ................. Family Practice 503/531-9990 Bax, Catherine D, PA ............... Family Practice Mirtorabi, Mehdi, MD ........... Internal Medicine Draper, Alma S, FNP ............... Family Practice Eberhardt De Master, Joy E, MD .......Pediatrics Pacific Medical Group – Beaverton Esdaile, Sarah K, PA ............ Internal Medicine Goodwin De McClendon, 4510 SW Hall Blvd Jennifer L, MD ..................... Family Practice Beaverton, OR 97005 Hill, Christian N, MD................ Family Practice 503/644-1171 Blust, Dianne E, ANP ............ Internal Medicine Kloos, Judy, FNP ..................... Family Practice Gilligan, John F, MD ................ Family Practice Little, Denise M, ANP .............. Family Practice Silverman, Burton L, MD .......... Family Practice McKiel, Vanessa H, MD ........... Family Practice Stochosky, Margaret A, FNP ..... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 46 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Westside Pediatric Clinic – Tanasbourne 17895 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Suite 110 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/297-1025 Anderson, Carol A, PNP ...................Pediatrics Eaton, Alice A, MD ..........................Pediatrics Hankenson, Lori G, MD ...................Pediatrics Kempler, Geraldine, MD ...................Pediatrics Lutfi, Eman M, MD ..........................Pediatrics Quiles, Nitza S, MD .........................Pediatrics Sims, Eleanor C, MD ............... Family Practice Stochosky, Margaret A, FNP ..... Family Practice Trajano, Nicole S, MD .............. Family Practice Turner, Mary Ann, MD ........... Internal Medicine Wheeler, Linda A, NMNP ........... Nurse Midwife White, Agnes, FNP .................. Family Practice Yoman, Jill R, PA ..................... Family Practice Hillsboro Hillsboro Pediatric Clinic – Cornell Rd 6125 NE Cornell Rd, Suite 240 Cornelius Hillsboro, OR 97124 Virginia Garcia Cornelius 503/640-2757 Brown, Greg W, MD.........................Pediatrics 85 N 12th Ave Dahlquist, Nanette E, MD.................Pediatrics Cornelius, OR 97113 Gutierrez, Monique, MD ...................Pediatrics 503/359-5564 Bax, Catherine D, PA ............... Family Practice Mandi, Anandhi, MD........................Pediatrics Bisgyer, Susan J, FNP ............. Family Practice Nason, Dana R, MD ........................Pediatrics Byerly, Laura R, MD ................ Family Practice Hillsboro Pediatric Clinic – Chamie, Rima, MD .................. Family Practice Main St Chanyaputhipong, Sunisa, MD . Family Practice Gietzen, Jonathon W, PA .......... Family Practice 445 E Main St, Suite 100 Hill, Christian N, MD................ Family Practice Hillsboro, OR 97123 Hindel, Ingeborg, MD .............. Family Practice 503/640-2757 Holles, Gregory H, MD ............. Family Practice Brown, Greg W, MD.........................Pediatrics Humphry, Carol M, MD ............ Family Practice Dahlquist, Nanette E, MD.................Pediatrics Jacobs, Lyn C, MD .................. Family Practice Gutierrez, Monique, MD ...................Pediatrics Kass, Susan A, FNP ................ Family Practice Mandi, Anandhi, MD........................Pediatrics Kloos, Judy, FNP ..................... Family Practice Nason, Dana R, MD ........................Pediatrics Lemon, Ellen J, PA .................. Family Practice Hillsboro Urgent Care Little, Denise M, ANP .............. Family Practice 434 S 1st Ave, Suite 300 McKiel, Vanessa H, MD ........... Family Practice Hillsboro, OR 97123 Morrison, Mary E, PA .............. Family Practice 503/648-8210 Napolitano, Marie, FNP ............ Family Practice Miller, Bryan D, DO ................. Family Practice Perkins, Dahra D, MD.............. Family Practice Shaw, Jonathan G, MD ............ Family Practice continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 47 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Medical Imaging Group of Hillsboro, LLP 335 SE 8th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-1000 Pitts, Randolph J, MD ............. Family Practice Pitts, Randolph J 256 SE 2nd Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-4171 Pitts, Randolph J, MD ............. Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Orenco Family Medicine & OB/GYN 5555 NE Elam Young Pkwy Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/216-1600 Gillingham, Todd S, MD ........... Family Practice Heydon, Kim M, MD ................ Family Practice Kendall, Carmen G, MD ........... Family Practice Marchand, Kristina, MD ........... Family Practice Oh, Kelly K, MD ...................... Family Practice Shatsky, Mark L, DO ............... Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Tanasbourne Family Medicine 18610 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 300 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/216-9300 Chern, Laurie, MD................... Family Practice Cruz, Linda I, MD .................... Family Practice Hall, Michelle C, MD ............... Family Practice Mandelblatt, Steven J, MD .... Internal Medicine Niehus, Douglas R, MD ........... Family Practice Pitta, Sreedevi, MD ................. Family Practice Schweiger Fischer, Annette M, MD Family Practice Strickland, Leslie E, MD........... Family Practice Wyllie, Julius, MD ................... Family Practice Virginia Garcia Hillsboro 226 SE 8th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/601-7400 Arce, Monica M, NMNP ............ Nurse Midwife Bisgyer, Susan J, FNP ............. Family Practice Byerly, Laura R, MD ................ Family Practice Chamie, Rima, MD .................. Family Practice Chapin, William C, MD .......... Internal Medicine Hindel, Ingeborg, MD .............. Family Practice Holles, Gregory H, MD ............. Family Practice Humphry, Carol M, MD ............ Family Practice Jackson, Lydia B, PA ............... Family Practice Jacobs, Lyn C, MD .................. Family Practice Kapka, Tanya J, MD ................ Family Practice Kumar, Suniti, MD ................... Family Practice Lemon, Ellen J, PA .................. Family Practice Martino, Daniel J, PA .............. Family Practice McAndrew, Stephanie A, MD .... Family Practice O’Leary, Maura A, MD ............. Family Practice Perkins, Dahra D, MD.............. Family Practice Preciado, Josephine Phyllis, MD ....................................... Internal Medicine Shaw, Jonathan G, MD ............ Family Practice Stochosky, Margaret A, FNP ..... Family Practice Trajano, Nicole S, MD .............. Family Practice Turner, Mary Ann, MD ........... Internal Medicine Whalen, Larissa J, PA ............. Family Practice Portland Family Healthpartners, LLC 10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Suite 110 Portland, OR 97223 503/293-4055 Duan, Yan, ANP ...................... Family Practice Loewer, Deborah A, FNP .......... Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 48 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Family Practice Clinic 10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Suite 110 Portland, OR 97223 503/244-4268 Carter, Tanya E, DO ................. Family Practice Chang, Yee T, MD .................... Family Practice Freer, Steven D, MD ............. Internal Medicine Gluckman, Robert A, MD ...... Internal Medicine Ham, Jay B, MD .................. Internal Medicine Hitchcock, Emily E, MD ........ Internal Medicine Hodges, Marian O, MD ......... Internal Medicine Leonard, Claudia S, MD ........ Internal Medicine Loeb, Nancy A, MD .............. Internal Medicine Family Walk In Medical Center Loertscher, Laura L, MD ....... Internal Medicine PC – Central Drive Newman, Elise, MD .............. Internal Medicine 15280 NW Central Dr, Suite 204 Pettit, Jody L, MD ................ Internal Medicine Portland, OR 97229 Rahkola, Sarah A, MD .......... Internal Medicine 503/531-3858 Schafir, Alexander D, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Hasan, Shagufta A, MD ........... Family Practice Schoepflin Sanders, Michelle L, MD.................. Internal Medicine Integrative Pediatrics, LLC Tran, Man M, MD ................. Internal Medicine 11790 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 140 Portland, OR 97225 *Providence Medical Group 503/643-2100 Bethany Family Medicine Braun, Mallory, PNP ........................Pediatrics 15285 NW Central Dr Lien, Catherine L, PNP ....................Pediatrics Portland, OR 97229 Thomas, Paul N, MD ........................Pediatrics 503/216-9060 Ware, Wendy B, PNP .......................Pediatrics Gluck, Lori F, MD .................... Family Practice Ji, Dong Lim, MD .................... Family Practice OHSU Doernbecher Paskowski, Brian T, MD ........... Family Practice Pediatric Westside Samagh, Gunjeet K, MD .......... Family Practice 15220 NW Laidlaw Rd, Suite 102 Portland, OR 97229 *Providence Medical Group 503/418-2000 Southwest Pediatric Clinic Diaz, Jeanette M, PNP.....................Pediatrics 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 396 McIlraith, Marlo L, MD .....................Pediatrics Portland, OR 97225 Pena, Angeles, MD .........................Pediatrics 503/216-6550 Weill, Beau C, MD ...........................Pediatrics Crowley, Kirsten E, MD ....................Pediatrics Jacoby-Low, Gail A, MD ...................Pediatrics *Providence Department of Kurmaskie, Jennifer F, MD ...............Pediatrics Medicine – Faculty Practice Lacayanga, Imelda P, MD.................Pediatrics 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Suite Mt2800 Squyres, Carol A, MD ......................Pediatrics Portland, OR 97225 503/216-2621 Chau, Tom, MD .................... Internal Medicine continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 49 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS *Providence Medical Group Sunset Internal Medicine 417 SW 117th Ave 2nd Fl Portland, OR 97225 503/216-9400 Dao, Linh D, MD .................. Internal Medicine Eardley, Dianne C, MD.......... Internal Medicine Khary, Victorya V, MD ........... Internal Medicine Lee, Jean D, MD .................. Internal Medicine Luu, Vien Thao, MD .............. Internal Medicine Ramsay, John P, MD ............ Internal Medicine Tsai, Richard Z, MD .............. Internal Medicine Westside Pediatric Clinic – Peterkort 9555 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 270 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1025 Eaton, Alice A, MD ..........................Pediatrics Hankenson, Lori G, MD ...................Pediatrics Jabbour, Badia, MD .........................Pediatrics Kempler, Geraldine, MD ...................Pediatrics Lutfi, Eman M, MD ..........................Pediatrics Sherwood *Providence Medical Group Sherwood Family Medicine 16770 SW Edy Rd, Suite 102 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/216-9600 Dunlap, Mary Ann, ANP ........ Internal Medicine Gerhard, Amy L, MD ................ Family Practice Kleps, Lindsay K, FNP ............. Family Practice Laborie, Wendy Y, MD......................Pediatrics Martin, Bridget C, MD ............. Family Practice Murphy, Karen L, FNP ............. Family Practice Nguyen, Thanh T, FNP ............. Family Practice Nicosia, Katie S, NP ................ Family Practice Rajani, Bhavesh, MD ............... Family Practice Redwine, Robin L, MD ............. Family Practice Rollin, Sarah J, MD .........................Pediatrics Shah Parker, Sapna S, MD ...............Pediatrics Squyres, Carol A, MD ......................Pediatrics Sweeney, Joseph D, MD ..................Pediatrics Truhn, Patricia K, ANP........... Internal Medicine Weghorst, George R, MD ......... Obstetrics & Gynecology Young, Michael P, MD .............. Family Practice Sherwood Family Medicine PC 20015 SW Pacific Hwy, Suite 300 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/625-2848 Yu, Maggie K, MD ................... Family Practice Tigard Advantage Medical Group 9900 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 200 Tigard, OR 97223 503/293-1515 Blettel, Milton L, MD ............ Internal Medicine Mangum, Daniel K, DO ......... Internal Medicine McMillan, Mischelle, MD ..... .Internal Medicine Scott, Georgina B, PA ........... Internal Medicine Horizon Pediatrics PC 9735 SW Shady Ln, Suite 300 Tigard, OR 97223 503/598-9444 Al Mulla, Zaid S, MD .......................Pediatrics continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 50 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS *Providence Medical Group Scholls Internal Medicine 12442 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Suite 106 Tigard, OR 97223 503/216-9200 Boboia, Dorina S, MD ........... Internal Medicine Chern, Laurie, MD................... Family Practice Corbett, Brett C, MD ............... Family Practice Fellin, Samuel J, DO ............ Internal Medicine Kim, Aileen H, MD ................ Internal Medicine Pacific Medical Group – Tigard Langsdorf, Lawrence L, MD .. Internal Medicine 13200 SW Pacific Hwy Nagappan, Poombavai O, MD ..Internal Medicine Tigard, OR 97223 Nathan, Ranjana S, MD ........ Internal Medicine 503/598-2000 Shenoy, Raghuveer B, MD .... Internal Medicine Berney, Joyce M, MD .............. Family Practice Thomason, Mary A, MD ........ Internal Medicine Clack, Susan M, MD................ Family Practice Graham, Daniel L, MD ............. Family Practice Scholls Pediatric Clinic LLC Grimmell, Faye A, GNP .................... Geriatrics 12442 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Suite 205 Hortsch, Michael P, MD ........... Family Practice Tigard, OR 97223 McCleskey, Michael T, MD ....... Family Practice 503/579-3214 Newberry, Stephen G, MD........ Family Practice Antonovic, Sandra A, MD .................Pediatrics Rember, Katrenka R, MD ......... Family Practice Deklotz, Richard L, MD ....................Pediatrics Wills, David M, MD ................. Family Practice Young, Robert C, MD ............... Family Practice Tualatin Legacy Clinic King City 15298 SW Royalty Pkwy Tigard, OR 97224 503/620-0721 Eberle, Thomas M, MD ......... Internal Medicine Hakkinen, Frederick S, MD ... Internal Medicine Martin, Kenneth L, MD ......... Internal Medicine Mohan, Vishnu, MD .............. Internal Medicine Rouhbakhsh, Rambod A, MD ............ Family Practice *Providence Medical Group Bridgeport 18040 SW Lower Boones Ferry Road, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97224 503/216-0700 Chapman, Carolyn N, MD ........ Family Practice Devisser, Pamela Ann, FNP ...... Family Practice Gerhard, Amy L, MD ................ Family Practice Murphy, Karen L, FNP ............. Family Practice Neborsky, Rebecca K, MD ........ Family Practice Cascade Physicians – Tualatin 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 110 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-1205 Forsythe, John T, MD ........... Internal Medicine Fullman, Jeffrey D, MD ......... Internal Medicine Kearsley, Jennifer B, MD ...... Internal Medicine Migchelbrink, Suzanne L, MD.........Internal Medicine Wolfe, Gordon L, MD ............ Internal Medicine If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 51 careoregon and you. better together. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Legacy Clinic Tualatin 19875 SW 65th Ave Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-7785 Berger, Jonathan M, MD .......... Family Practice Boston, Tammi K, MD ........... Internal Medicine Carlson, Claudia J, FNP ........... Family Practice Eskesen, Staci J, MD .............. Family Practice Gomez, Anthony K, PA .....................Pediatrics Hakkinen, Frederick S, MD ... Internal Medicine Holmes, Bruce N, MD .............. Family Practice Karlin, Manuel D, MD ........... Internal Medicine McKinstry, Mark L, MD ......... Internal Medicine Myers, Emily K, MD ................. Family Practice Reeve Grewe, Gwen Johanna, MD .................... Internal Medicine Rouhbakhsh, Rambod A, MD .... Family Practice Sammond, Elizabeth R, MD ... Internal Medicine Unger, Phillip S, MD ............. Internal Medicine Venigalla, Srividya, MD ......... Internal Medicine Wakeling, David S, DO.......... Internal Medicine Nepveu, Laura 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 255 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-5300 Nepveu, Laura, MD .............. Internal Medicine WASHINGTON COWLITZ COUNTY Longview Peacehealth Family Practice – Team A 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2302 Bittner, Cordon D, MD ............. Family Practice Collins, Christopher J, MD ....... Family Practice McCoy, Anne Marie B, MD ....... Family Practice Nielsen, Judith A, FNP ............. Family Practice Oliver, David L, PA .................. Family Practice Reardon, Julie A, MD .............. Family Practice Rosenzweig, Sandi Y, ANP ........ Family Practice Wang, Xin, MD ....................... Family Practice Westdale, Tad W, PA ................ Family Practice Peacehealth Family Practice – Team B 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2385 Bartlett, Michael L, MD............ Family Practice Evans, Lisa M, MD .................. Family Practice Hamlik, Beverly J, ANP ............ Family Practice Ottenbacher, Eric D, PA ........... Family Practice Randall, Timothy A, MD ........... Family Practice Tate, Jennifer B, PA ................. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 52 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS Peacehealth Family Practice – Team C 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2360 Crider, James T, MD ................ Family Practice Goucher, George T, PA ............. Family Practice Hamill, John W, MD.........................Pediatrics Jolly, Jeff P, PA ....................... Family Practice Lynam, Rochelle M, PA .......... General Practice Potschka, Gretchen M, MD ... Internal Medicine Stoneking, Kim W, MD ............. Family Practice Peacehealth Internal Medicine – Team A 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2727 Castenson, Daniel L, PA .......... Family Practice Cotterell, Louis W, MD .......... Internal Medicine Isreb, Majd A, MD ................ Internal Medicine Jansma, Mary L, FNP .............. Family Practice Saloum, Maher, MD ............. Internal Medicine Stoneking, Lillian S, PA ........ Internal Medicine Suh, Jason J, MD ................ Internal Medicine Thurmon, Kelly G, DO ........... Internal Medicine Peacehealth Internal Medicine – Team B 748 14th Ave Longview, WA 98632 360/501-3601 Asuncion, Dexter James G, MD .................... Internal Medicine Castenson, Daniel L, PA .......... Family Practice Peterson, Patricia J, MD ....... Internal Medicine Tabibi, Reza, MD ..................... Family Practice Thorson, Mark R, MD............ Internal Medicine Whitaker, David E, DO ............. Family Practice If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 53 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS CARDIOLOGY OREGON CARDIOLOGY Clackamas County Cardiographics 8440 SE Sunnybrook Rd, Suite 210 Clackamas, OR 97015 971/236-9171 Clatsop County *Providence St. Vincent Heart Clinics Astoria 2120 Exchange St, Suite 200 Astoria, OR 97103 888/297-6234 Abraham, Jacob, MD Caulfield, Todd A, MD Gluckman, Tyler J, MD *Providence St. Vincent Heart Clinics Seaside 727 S Wahanna Rd, Suite 101 Seaside, OR 97138 888/297-6234 Sohn, Richard H, MD Jackson County Community Health Center Medford 19 Myrtle St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3863 Dauterman, Kent W, MD Hansen, James E, MD Community Health Center White City 8385 Division Rd White City, OR 97503 541/826-5853 Schaefer, Richard A, MD Providence Medical Group Cardiology 940 Royal St, Suite 420 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-7850 Ahmad, Masud, MD Beckerman, James G, MD Caulfield, Todd A, MD Cook, James C, MD Correa, Steven D, MD Garrison, Henry B, MD Simkoff, William L, MD Providence Medical Group Central Point 870 S Front St, Suite 200 Central Point, OR 97502 541/664-3346 Cook, James C, MD Correa, Steven D, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 54 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS CARDIOLOGY Southern Oregon Cardiology 520 Medical Center Dr, Suite 200 Meford, OR 97504 541/472-7800 Brower, Jon R, MD Dauterman, Kent W, MD Dienel, Nicholas H, MD Gross, Brian W, MD Kotler, Todd S, MD Lightheart, Kenneth M, MD Linzmeyer, Kristin M, MD Martin, David J, MD Moran, Mark G, MD Morrison, Brian J, MD Patterson, Bruce L, MD Pena, Eric A, MD Personius, Bradley E, MD Schnugg, Stephen J, MD Josephine County Southern Oregon Cardiology 520 SW Ramsey Ave, Suite 100 Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/472-7800 Burwell, Douglas T, MD Dauterman, Kent W, MD Huth, Mark M, MD Linzmeyer, Kristin M, MD Martin, David J, MD Moran, Mark G, MD Morrison, Brian J, MD Personius, Bradley E, MD Marion County Cascade Cardiology 875 Oak St SE, Suite 5040 Salem, OR 97301 503/485-4787 Azadpour, Maziar, MD Bruton, Orin H, MD Christie, Leonard G, MD Dickinson, Sharon M, PA Gallagher, Lynette M, PA Lewis III, Winslow, PA Patel, Ashit G, MD Walker, Kirk W, MD Wiebe, Heather M, NP Devorss, James E 1687 Sky Terrace SE Salem, OR 97306 503/399-0811 Devorss, James E, MD Salem Cardiology Arrhythmia Division 875 Oak St SE, Suite 5080 Salem, OR 97301 503/240-1844 Salem Cardiology Associates, PC 885 Mission St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/585-5585 Espersen, Sharon L, ANP Fedor, Matthew C, MD Ghalili, Kamran, MD Kamineni, Raghunandan, MD Lowry, James P, MD Rees, Klaus O, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 55 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS CARDIOLOGY Stiles, William K, MD Wasenmiller, James E, MD Wilson, Richard A, MD Multnomah County Fanno Creek Clinic, LLC 2400 SW Vermont St Portland, OR 97219 503/425-0915 McAnulty Jr, John H, MD Legacy Emanuel Children’s Heart Program 501 N Graham, Suite 220 Portland, OR 97227 503/280-3418 Lines, Jason J, PA Legacy Heart Rhythm Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 601 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7970 McAnulty Jr, John H, MD Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Eastside 10201 SE Main St, Suite 10 Portland, OR 97216 503/257-0959 Bonner, Mingying Y, PA Camacho, Samuel Albert, MD Chelsky, Ronald, MD Goldring, Maureen B, MD Greenberg, Gary M, MD Hart, Mark V, MD Juliano, Nickolas D, MD McLean, Katherine E, PA Strelich, Katherine R, MD Voeller, Diane M, FNP Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Gresham 831 NW Council Dr, Suite 145 Gresham, OR 97030 503/492-2322 Bonner, Mingying Y, PA Camacho, Samuel Albert, MD Chelsky, Ronald, MD Greenberg, Gary M, MD Hart, Mark V, MD McLean, Katherine E, PA Strelich, Katherine R, MD Voeller, Diane M, FNP Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Westside 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 606 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7554 Barber, Connie J, ANP Bonner, Mingying Y, PA Goldring, Maureen B, MD Hart, Mark V, MD Juliano, Nickolas D, MD Lewis, Shannon Israel, PA Patrick, Shawn T, MD Strelich, Katherine R, MD Wu, David E, MD OHSU Cardiology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-1775 Adler, Eric D, MD Azadpour, Maziar, MD Broberg, Craig S, MD Brownlow, Victoria C, PA continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 56 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS CARDIOLOGY Cigarroa, Joaquin E, MD Davies, Crispin H, MD Demots Jr, Henry, MD Gandhok, Harminder P S, MD Griffith, Karen K, ANP Gupta, Saurabh, MD Hattenhauer, Mark T, MD Kaul, Sanjiv M, MD Kim, Antony Y, MD Kron, Jack, MD Le, Dai-Trang E, MD Lee, David S, MD Lindner, Jonathan R, MD McAnulty Jr, John H, MD Murphy, Edward S, MD Pantely, George A, MD Patel, Ashit G, MD Raitt, Merritt H, MD Rinkevich, Diana, MD Shapiro, Michael D, DO Stajduhar, Karl C, MD Walker, Kirk W, MD Wei, Kevin S, MD Weiss, Joseph B, MD Hattenhauer, Mark T, MD Kaul, Sanjiv M, MD Kim, Antony Y, MD Kron, Jack, MD Le, Dai-Trang E, MD Lee, David S, MD Lindner, Jonathan R, MD Murphy, Edward S, MD Pantely, George A, MD Patel, Ashit G, MD Rinkevich, Diana, MD Shapiro, Michael D, DO Stajduhar, Karl C, MD Walker, Kirk W, MD Wei, Kevin S, MD Weiss, Joseph B, MD Oregon Cardiology Clinic 501 N Graham St, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97227 503/288-8385 Goldberg, Leonard M, MD OHSU Cardiology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 9 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-1775 Adler, Eric D, MD Azadpour, Maziar, MD Broberg, Craig S, MD Cigarroa, Joaquin E, MD Demots Jr, Henry, MD Gandhok, Harminder P S, MD Griffith, Karen K, ANP Gupta, Saurabh, MD Oregon Clinic – Cardiology 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-3030 Dawley, Douglas L, MD Dorst, Deborah S, ANP Evans, Bradley H, MD Hirsch, Dale D, MD Hodson, Robert W, MD Huang, Xiaoyan, MD Mitchell, Jayne S, ANP Petersen, Ronald R, MD Punja, Manohar M, MD Rahimtoola, Aly, MD Ratkovec, Ranae M, MD continued continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 57 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS CARDIOLOGY Reinhart, Steven E, MD Ross, Alicia M, MD Rydell, Karen A, ANP Sempio, Marilou N, ANP Welborn, Jody M, MD Wong, Debrah A, FNP Yao, Lisa K, MD Zemsky, Alexi P, MD Jhooty, Ramnik S, MD North, Neshe E, MD Parsons, Michael R, MD Peizner, David Stephen, MD Quintos, Robert F, MD Rosenthal, Eli A, MD Schroeder, David A, MD Oregon Clinic – Cardiology 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 103 Gresham, OR 97030 503/665-4278 Evans, Bradley H, MD Giedwoyn, Jerzy O, MD Huang, Xiaoyan, MD Punja, Manohar M, MD Rahimtoola, Aly, MD Reinhart, Steven E, MD Ross, Alicia M, MD Yao, Lisa K, MD Washington County Oregon Clinic – Cardiology 4805 NE Glisan, Suite1G08 Portland, OR 97213 503/963-3030 Dorst, Deborah S, ANP Pacific Heart Associates 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 660 Portland, OR 97210 503/790-1234 Banitt, Peter F, MD Davies, William M, MD Florek, Robert C, MD Garg, Sandeep, MD Gomez, Miguel A, MD Grewe, Kathy, MD Hillsboro Cardiology, PC 545 SE Oak St, Suite C Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-0731 Isenbarger, Daniel W, MD Mitchell, Michael Darren, MD Promisloff, Steven D, MD Toren, Michael S, MD Mays, Maureen E 2100 SW Camelot Ct Portland, OR 97225 503/292-5678 Mays, Maureen E, MD Northwest Cardiologists, PC 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 5200 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-5737 Arden, Emilia L, DO Hamdan, Naji M, MD Parker, Nicole E, PA Reyes, Vincent P, MD Rhoads, Kenneth L, MD Schoenkerman, Aaron B, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 58 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS CARDIOLOGY Northwest Heart Care 9755 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 505 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-0541 Gregory, Kenton W, MD OHSU Tuality Healthplace 1200 NE 48th Ave, Suite 1100 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/640-2641 Gupta, Saurabh, MD *Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Heart Rhythm 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 490 Portland, OR 97225 503/291-2123 Garvey, Scott A, MD Halperin, Blair D, MD Jones, Darren R, MD Oseran, Daniel S, MD Sachdev, Naveen 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 417 *Providence St Vincent Heart Portland, OR 97225 Clinics Bridgeport 503/297-8640 18040 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 207 Sachdev, Naveen, MD Durham, OR 97224 Swanson Gately 503/297-0614 Cardiothoracic Surgeons LLC Providence St Vincent Heart 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 596 Clinics Cardiology Portland, OR 97225 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 498 503/216-8670 Portland, OR 97225 Baker, Alec, PA 503/297-6234 Barr, Theodore G, PA Abraham, Jacob, MD Trenholme, Stuart E Ahmad, Masud, MD Beckerman, James G, MD 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 431 Bourret, Kristin H, PA Portland, OR 97225 Caulfield, Todd A, MD 503/292-4485 Drew, Jennifer S, PA Trenholme, Stuart E, PA Gluckman, Tyler J, MD Viyada Thongouthaithip & Hall, Suzanne M, MD Carmelindo Siqueira, MD, PC Korngold, Ethan C, MD 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 310 Phillips, Jeanne V, MD Portland, OR 97225 Sherry, Shannon K, MD 503/297-8491 Simkoff, William L, MD Siqueira Jr, Carmelindo, MD Sohn, Richard H, MD Thongouthaithip, Viyada, MD Vawter, Michael H, MD Walsh, Craig R, MD Wilson, Geoffrey M, MD Wilson, Michael A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 59 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Westside Cardiology, PC 730-I SE Oak St Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/846-0406 Oh, Charles C, MD CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Jackson County Cardiovascular & Thoracic Clinic 2954 Siskiyou Blvd Medford, OR 97504 541/789-5710 Carmeci, Charles, MD Folsom, David L, MD Hall, Roger V, MD Wilkinson, George R, MD Marion County Oregon Clinic – Cardiovascular Surgery 875 Oak St, Suite 5020 Salem, OR 97301 503/371-4044 Shaar, Andrew F, PA Winkler, Thomas R, MD Multnomah County Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Eastside 10201 SE Main St, Suite 10 Portland, OR 97216 503/257-0959 La Nou, Cynthia M, ANP Lewis, Sandra J, MD Strong, Arlene B, ANP Titus, Bradley G, MD Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Westside 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 606 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7554 Lewis, Sandra J, MD Strong, Arlene B, ANP OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8752 Brunner, Lauren M, PA Cully, Deanna E, PA Esquivel, Ileana M, PA Guyton, Steven W, MD Langley, Stephen M, MD Marath, Aubyn, MD Reed, Richard D, PA Schipper, Paul H, MD Slater, Matthew S, MD Woods, Ronald K, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 60 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY OHSU Interventional Radiology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7660 Chesnutt, Mark S, MD Lyon, Jaylynn, PA Martin, Mark A, MD Sauer Porter, Mary P, PA Shaar, Andrew F, PA Short, Samantha J, PA Tsen, Andrew C, MD OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-1620 Chesnutt, Mark S, MD Oregon Clinic – Thoracic Surgery 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-3030 Douville, E Charles, MD Handy Jr, John R, MD Kirker, Eric B, MD Shaar, Andrew F, PA Sima, Kristien M, PA Oregon Clinic – Cardiology 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-3030 Litt, Robert J, MD Oregon Clinic – Cardiology 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 103 Gresham, OR 97030 503/665-4278 Litt, Robert J, MD Oregon Clinic – Cardiovascular Surgery 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 315 Portland, OR 97210 503/226-6321 Colburn, Leon Q, PA Courtox, Robert L, PA Dubose, Robert A, MD Gray, Dana Robert, PA Hill, Jonathan G, MD Lemmer Jr, John H, MD Pacific Surgical PC 501 N Graham St, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 Long III, William B, MD Windom, Kristine J, PA Washington County Starr Wood Cardiac Group 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 240 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1419 Cully, Deanna E, PA Floten, Harkness S, MD Furnary, Anthony P, MD Hernandez, Cathleen L, PA Hunt, Lindsey L, PA continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 61 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY Swanson Gately Cardiothoracic Surgeons LLC 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 596 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-8670 Askew, Judah A, MD COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY Multnomah County Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 560 Portland, OR 97210 503/281-0561 Breen III, Roy E, MD O’Brien, David P, MD Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/281-0561 Breen III, Roy E, MD O’Brien, David P, MD Surgical Center, The 501 N Graham St, Suite 555 Portland, OR 97227 503/288-7535 Smiley, Peter W, MD Surgical Specialty Group PC 511 SW 10th Ave, Suite 714 Portland, OR 97205 503/222-1615 Ahmad, Rehan S, MD Browning, Scott M, MD Cavanaugh, Megan M, MD Lee, Patrick Yuk-Hoi, MD Washington County Willamette General & ColonRectal Surgery 19875 SW 65th Ave, Suite 260 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-1743 Evetts, Brent K, MD DERMATOLOGY Clackamas County Knott Street Dermatology 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 330 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/253-3910 Hanson, Eric L, MD Kwak, Heh Shin R, MD OHSU Department of Dermatology at South Lake Center 16877 SW 65th Ave Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/620-3376 Devere, Theresa Schroeder L, MD Shaw, Tatyana E, MD Swanson, Neil A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 62 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS DERMATOLOGY Clatsop County Consultants in Dermatology 725 S Wahanna Rd Seaside, OR 97138 503/717-7690 Ehst, Benjamin D, MD Siegel, Dawn H, MD Sobanko, Joseph F, MD Spolar, Trenton J, MD Tofte, Susan J, FNP Trask, David M 492 Murphy Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/772-0557 Trask, David M, MD Ventana Wellness, PC 3156 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-9772 Childers, Jennifer W, MD Jackson County Josephine County Burke, Denise A 749 Golf View Dr, Suite A Medford, OR 97504 541/779-4575 Burke, Denise A, MD Young, David F 1309 NE 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/479-3367 Mills, Philip R, MD Rasmussen, Richard D, MD Schultz, Richard F, MD Young, David F, MD Dermatology & Laser Associates of Medford 2959 Siskiyou Blvd, Suite B Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3636 Igelman, David J, MD Mendelson, Jeri K, MD Naversen, Douglas N, MD Tribelhorn, Dwight R, MD Rogue Valley Dermatology 1910 E Barnett Rd, Suite 101 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-1686 Oursler, Judith R, MD Marion County Dermatology Clinic 2441 Grear St NE Salem, OR 97301 503/364-3321 Currie, John M, MD Denton, Samuel J, MD Goodenberger, Michael E, MD Srinivasan, Shashi K, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 63 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS DERMATOLOGY Multnomah County Broadway Medical Clinic – Internal Medicine 4212 NE Broadway St Portland, OR 97213 503/249-8787 Rimberg, Clytie S, MD Knott Street Dermatology 301 NE Knott Street Portland, OR 97212 503/253-3910 Hanson, Eric L, MD Kwak, Heh Shin R, MD Norris, Patricia L 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 412 Portland, OR 97210 503/227-7117 Norris, Patricia L, MD Werschkul, Leslie J, PA Northwest Dermatology & Laser Clinic, PC 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 330 Portland, OR 97210 503/295-2366 Tavelli, Bert G, MD OHSU Dermatology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-3376 Bar, Anna A, MD Biggs Sanders, Kimberly C, PA Blauvelt, Andrew, MD Devere, Theresa Schroeder L, MD Ehst, Benjamin D, MD Hanifin, Jon M, MD Krol, Alfons L, MD Lee, Ken Kyung-Hoon, MD Morrison, Lynne H, MD Norris, Patricia L, MD Parker, Franklin, MD Rich, Phoebe, MD Shaw, Tatyana E, MD Siegel, Dawn H, MD Simpson, Eric L, MD Sobanko, Joseph F, MD Storrs, Frances J, MD Swanson, Neil A, MD Tofte, Susan J, FNP White, Clifton R, MD White, Kevin P, MD OHSU Dermatology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 16 Portland, OR 97239 503/418-3376 Bar, Anna A, MD Biggs Sanders, Kimberly C, PA Blauvelt, Andrew, MD Devere, Theresa Schroeder L, MD Ehst, Benjamin D, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 64 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS DERMATOLOGY Hanifin, Jon M, MD Krol, Alfons L, MD Lee, Ken Kyung-Hoon, MD Morrison, Lynne H, MD Norris, Patricia L, MD Parker, Franklin, MD Rich, Phoebe, MD Shaw, Tatyana E, MD Siegel, Dawn H, MD Simpson, Eric L, MD Sobanko, Joseph F, MD Solomon Jr, Alvin R, MD Storrs, Frances J, MD Swanson, Neil A, MD Tofte, Susan J, FNP White, Clifton R, MD White, Kevin P, MD *Providence Dermatologic Specialties 5330 NE Glisan St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-9080 Allen, Erin J, MD Cyran III, Stanley J, MD Jetmalani, Shobha N, MD Taylor, Claudia P, MD Wellnitz, Jill K, PA *Providence Medical Group Glisan Internal Medicine 5330 NE Glisan Portland, OR 97213 503/215-9700 Allen, Erin J, MD Taylor, Claudia P, MD Wellnitz, Jill K, PA Washington County Cofield, Brooks G 545 SE Oak St, Suite 8 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-6159 Cofield, Brooks G, DO Denman, Susan T 18345 SW Alexander, Suite B Beaverton, OR 97006 503/591-9654 Denman, Susan T, MD Dermatology Clinic of Hillsboro 730 SE Oak St, Suite F Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-4677 Atkin, Edward G, MD OHSU Doernbecher Pediatric Westside 15220 NW Laidlaw Rd, Suite 102 Portland, OR 97229 503/418-2000 Krol, Alfons L, MD Siegel, Dawn H, MD *Providence Medical Group Bridgeport 18040 SW Lower Boones Ferry Road, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97224 503/216-0700 Mehta, Jessica N, MD Scheker, Luis E, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 65 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY *Providence Medical Group Sherwood Family Medicine 16770 SW Edy Rd, Suite 102 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/216-9600 Mehta, Jessica N, MD *Providence Medical Group Sunset Internal Medicine 417 SW 117th Ave 2nd Floor Portland, OR 97225 503/216-9400 Bonta, Michelle D, MD Chang, Renee M, MD Stevens, Kristin R, MD Turner, Lisa S, MD Skin Cancer Surgery Center 15895 SW 72nd, Suite 250 Tigard, OR 97224 503/968-1940 Kao, David M, MD DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Clackamas County Echo Vision Inc 1500 Division St Oregon City, OR 97045 503/620-5758 Echo Vision Inc 6 SW Centerpointe Dr, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/620-5758 Mt Scott Diagnostic Imaging 9200 SE 91st Ave, Suite 330 Happy Valley, OR 97086 503/774-7700 River Radiologists, PC 1500 Division St Oregon City, OR 97045 541/758-5047 Columbia County Legacy Imaging St Helens 500 N Columbia River Hwy 2 Saint Helens, OR 97051 509/397-1192 Jackson County Barton, John W 280 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-5377 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 66 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Medford Radiological Group 842 E Main St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-2493 Diagnostic Imaging Associates 1165 Union St NE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301 503/588-2674 Oregon Advanced Imaging 881 O’Hare Pkwy Medford, OR 97504 541/608-8791 Diagnostic Imaging of Salem 1165 Union St NE Salem, OR 97303 503/588-2674 RVMC Special Studies 2825 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/773-6281 Mission Medical Imaging 1155 Mission St SE, Suite 105 Salem, OR 97302 503/362-0254 Southern Oregon Open MRI 870 S Front St Central Point, OR 97502 541/732-8228 Salem Imaging 2925 Ryan Dr SE Salem, OR 97301 503/399-1262 Josephine County Advanced Imaging Associates 500 SW Ramsey Ave Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/472-7140 Grants Pass Imaging & Diagnostic Center 1619 NW Hawthorne Ave, Suite 204 Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/472-5154 Marion County Craven & Wright 1401 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 541/758-5047 Salem Radiology Consultants, PC 2925 Ryan Dr SE Salem, OR 97301 503/399-1262 Willamette Valley Radiology 1155 Mission St SE, Suite 105 Salem, OR 97302 503/362-0254 Multnomah County Diagnostic Imaging Northwest, PC 1015 NW 22nd St Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7127 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 67 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Diagnostic Radiologists, PC 10123 SE Market St Portland, OR 97216 503/251-6132 Echo Vision Inc 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 660 Portland, OR 97210 503/620-5758 Echo Vision Inc 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/620-5758 Echo Vision Inc 2801 N Gantenbein Portland, OR 97227 503/402-1660 Echo Vision Inc 501 N Graham St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 503/620-5758 Epic Imaging East 233 NE 102nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/253-1105 OHSU Interventional Radiology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7660 OHSU Interventional Radiology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7660 Open Advanced MRI of Gresham 1026 NW Sleret Ave Gresham, OR 97030 503/489-1674 Open Advanced MRI of Portland II 735 NW 19th Ave Portland, OR 97209 503/220-0066 Open Advanced MRI of Portland III 11750 SE 82nd Ave, Suite J Portland, OR 97266 503/653-1699 Mountain View MRI 24076 SE Stark St, Suite 180 Gresham, OR 97030 503/661-6500 Oregon Clinic – Imaging Center 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-2980 OHSU Diagnostic Radiology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4498 Oregon Clinic – Radiology 4805 NE Glisan, Garden Level Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6029 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 68 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Portland Medical Imaging 10538 SE Washington St Portland, OR 97216 503/215-8900 Radiation Oncologists, PC 450 N Graham St Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4161 Radiology Consultants, Inc 2801 N Gantenbein Portland, OR 97227 503/227-2409 Radiology Specialists of the Northwest 4805 NE Glisan St Portland, OR 97213 800/750-4646 Radiology Specialists of the Northwest 545 NE 47th Ave, Suite 215 Portland, OR 97213 800/750-4646 Siker Imaging 1800 NE 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97212 503/579-5000 Specialty Neuro, PC 1800 NE 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97212 503/579-5000 Summit Radiology Inc 1243 SW Texas St Portland, OR 97219 503/246-9680 TS Radiology Billings 2801 N Gantenbein Portland, OR 97296 503/227-2409 Washington County Body Imaging PC 1500 NW Bethany Blvd, Suite 100 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/619-1100 Bridgeport MRI 15755 SW Sequoia Parkway, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97224 503/437-7681 Center for Medical Imaging – Bridgeport 18040 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd Tigard, OR 97224 503/216-0660 Center for Medical Imaging 1885 NW 185th Ave, Suite 100 Aloha, OR 97006 503/216-4399 Echo Vision Inc 7320 SW Hunziger Rd, Suite 208 Tigard, OR 97223 503/620-5758 Epic Imaging West 8950 SW Nimbus Ave Beaverton, OR 97008 503/643-7226 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 69 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS ENDOCRINOLOGY Medical Imaging Group of Hillsboro, LLP 335 SE 8th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-1000 OHSU Pacific Oncology Cancer Center 15700 SW Greystone Ct Beaverton, OR 97006 503/203-1000 Open Advanced MRI of Portland I 9370 SW Greenburg Rd, Suite J Tigard, OR 97223 503/246-6666 Radiology Group, The 9205 SW Barnes Rd Portland, OR 97225 503/292-9108 Radiology Specialists of the Northwest 9205 SW Barnes Rd Portland, OR 97225 503/216-2168 Tualatin Imaging PC 6464 SW Borland Rd, Suite A-4 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-5737 ENDOCRINOLOGY Clackamas County Bouma, Donald J 16463 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 300 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/635-6256 Bouma, Donald J, MD Jackson County Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology 221 Stewart Ave, Suite 101 Medford, OR 97501 541/776-2003 Eddy, Richard L, MD Medford Medical Clinic 555 Black Oak Dr, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/734-3430 Gallen, John T, MD Providence Medical Group South Diabetes Education 1698 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 300 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-7913 Southern Oregon Internal Medicine 2900 Doctors Park Dr, Suite 200 Medford, OR 97504 541/282-2200 Mendoza, Noriecel D, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 70 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS ENDOCRINOLOGY Theen, James W 935 Town Centre Dr, Suite B Medford, OR 97504 541/245-6050 Theen, James W, MD Adventist Health Diabetes Services 10101 SE Main St, Suite 2014 Portland, OR 97216 503/261-6003 Mallov, Joseph S, MD Josephine County Burford, Patricia A 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 414 Portland, OR 97213 503/445-8080 Burford, Patricia A, MD Physicians Medical Group, PC 1619 NW Hawthorne Ave, Suite 201 Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/474-1020 Huang, Chuck I, MD Wallers, Kimberly L, PA Marion County Physicians Building Group 1234 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/362-9334 Chamberlin, Thomas J, MD Garrison, Cort R, MD Radhakrishnan, Latha S, MD Multnomah County Endocrine & Osteoporosis Associates 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 651 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6586 McClung, Michael R, MD Endocrine Clinic PC, The 10000 SE Main St, Suite 236 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-4096 Karl, Diane M, MD Negreanu, Diana C, MD Youker, Gerald D, MD Adventist Health Diabetes & Endocrine Center 10101 SE Main St, Suite 3012 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-3404 Mallov, Joseph S, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 71 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS GASTROENTEROLOGY OHSU Bone Densitometry 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4814 OHSU Endocrinology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-3400 Ahmann, Andrew J, MD Castle, Jessica R, MD Cook, David Michael, MD Duell, Paul B, MD Fleseriu, Maria, MD Joarder, Farahnaz S, MD Klein, Robert F, MD Klopfenstein, Bethany J, MD Loriaux, Donald L, MD Lundblad, James R, MD Madison, Dana L, MD Orwoll, Eric S, MD Purnell, Jonathan Q, MD Riddle Jr, Matthew C, MD Samuels, Mary H, MD Schuff, Kathryn G, MD Vanek, Chaim, MD Ward, William K, MD Portland Diabetes & Endocrinology Center 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97210 503/274-4884 Beard, James C, MD Bergstrom, Richard W, MD Bookin, Stephen O, MD Grady, Scott P, MD Neifing, James L, MD Suh, Hyun S, MD *Providence Ambulatory Care & Education (PACE) 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 540 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6600 Stephens, Elizabeth A, MD Washington County Clarke, Nicholas E 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 301-A Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4268 Clarke, Nicholas E, MD Hillsboro Internal Medicine 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 301 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4233 Clarke, Nicholas E, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY Clackamas County Gastroenterology Specialists of Oregon – Oregon City 1508 Divison St, Suite 15 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/692-3750 Applebaum, Brian A, MD Beilstein, Michelle C, MD Chang, Chun Yang M, MD Chen, Stephen L, MD Kuhn, Jennifer, ANP Lew, Ronald J, MD Schiele, Mark S, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 72 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS GASTROENTEROLOGY Oregon Clinic – Gastroenterology 10330 SE 32nd, Suite 205 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/963-2707 Bray, Harry E, MD Lum, Donald F, MD Jackson County Chow, Craig C 743 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-8941 Chow, Craig C, MD Gastroenterology Consultants 2860 Creekside Circle Medford, OR 97504 541/779-8367 Adesman, Peter W, MD Buhl, Jeani G, FNP Hauch, Lois E, FNP Haulk, Anthony A, MD Jacobson, Kris N, MD Schleinitz, Paul F, MD Walker, John A, MD Winters, Gregory F, MD Marion County Epstein, Roger J 452 Welch St Silverton, OR 97381 503/982-4878 Epstein, Roger J, MD Salem Gastroenterology Consultants 875 Oak St SE, Suite 3010 Salem, OR 97301 503/399-7520 Brandes, Richard W, MD Buck, Michael D, MD Em, Makkalearn, MD Gates Jr, Lawrence K, MD Kao, Patricia C, MD Ponec, Robert J, MD Schultheiss, Edward H, MD Tukwila Center for Health & Medicine 693 Ray J Glatt Circle, Suite 4 Woodburn, OR 97071 503/982-4878 Epstein, Roger J, MD Multnomah County Gastroenterology Associates 10000 SE Main St, Suite 112 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-3054 Colip, Charles L, MD Schlippert, William C, MD Northwest Gastroenterology Clinic 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 410 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7137 Bennetts, Roland William, MD Breitinger, Anne M, MD Buehler, Jeffrey C, MD Degregorio, Barry T, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 73 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS GASTROENTEROLOGY Galen, Edward A, MD Jazrawi, Saad F, MD Kim, Julie A, MD Poorman, Jay C, MD Smith, Matthew A, MD Taylor, Derek C, MD Wilborn, Sandra L, MD OHSU Gastroenterology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8577 Chang, Michael F, MD Collins, Judith F, MD Eisen, Glenn M, MD Faigel, Douglas O, MD Fennerty, Michael B, MD Katon, Ronald M, MD Lieberman, David A, MD Mummadi, Rajaskehara R, MD Naugler, Willscott E, MD Rodriguez, Sarah A, MD Sasaki, Anna W, MD Schwartz, Jonathan M, MD Sonnenberg, Amnon, MD Wang, Amy, MD Wrigley, Keith A, MD OHSU Gastroenterology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4373 Collins, Judith F, MD Eisen, Glenn M, MD Faigel, Douglas O, MD Fennerty, Michael B, MD Ingram, Kenneth D, PA Katon, Ronald M, MD Knigge, Kandice L, MD Mummadi, Rajasekhara R, MD Naugler, Willscott E, MD Rodriguez, Sarah A, MD Schwartz, Jonathan M, MD Wang, Amy, MD Wrigley, Keith A, MD Oregon Clinic – Gastroenterology 1111 NE 99th Ave, Suite 301 Portland, OR 97220 503/963-2707 Benner, Kent G, MD Bhardwaj, Sidharth S, MD Bray, Harry E, MD Deenadayalu, Viju P, MD Fausel, Craig S, MD Flora, Kenneth D, MD Gilley, Mary T, ANP Grant, Mary E, ANP Holden, Jeremy P, MD Kim, Betty H, MD Kinsman, Kirsten J, MD Kiyasu, Phillip K, MD Lum, Donald F, MD Phillips, Michael G, MD Regan, James K, MD Savoy, Alan D, MD Somogyi, Lehel, MD Sweeney, Dennis P, MD Voukidis, Janice M, ANP Wang, Anne H, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 74 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY Washington County Gastroenterology Specialists of Oregon – Tualatin 19250 SW 90th Ave Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-3750 Applebaum, Brian A, MD Beilstein, Michelle C, MD Chang, Chun Yang M, MD Chen, Stephen L, MD Douglass, Jeffrey M, MD Kuhn, Jennifer, ANP Lew, Ronald J, MD Mason, Steven J, MD Pascua, Monina F, MD Reckard, Kenneth L, PA Schiele, Mark S, MD Sheffield, Michael F, MD Hillsboro Gastroenterology 232 SE 7th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-1614 Hapke, Ronald J, MD Larson, Curtis J, MD Rosenblatt, Charles R, MD Schaer, John A, MD Watson, Randy D, MD Lake, Jeremy M 232 SE 7th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-1614 Lake, Jeremy M, MD Oregon Clinic – West Hills Gastroenterology 9701 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-8081 Ader, Vesna G, PA Birbeck, Patrick M, PA Caine, Amy J, PA Carter, Christopher R, MD Grunkemeier, David M S, MD Heinonen, Larry A, MD Kaynard, Alan H, MD Koval, George, MD Lobitz, John R, MD Maciolek, Izabela, PA Owens, Michael M, MD Shumaker, Douglas A, MD Sleven, Rodger A, MD Vallejos, Cristian R, MD Weprin, Jeffrey J, MD Williams, Diane H, DO GENERAL SURGERY Clackamas County Antolik, John J 728 Molalla Ave, Suite C Oregon City, OR 97045 503/557-1233 Antolik, John J, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 75 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY Portland Surgical Specialists 9200 SE 91st Ave, Suite 320 Portland, OR 97086 503/353-3005 Domreis, John S, MD Eubanks, Thomas R, DO Sandquist, Chloe A, MD *Providence Medical Group Oregon City General Surgery 1510 Division St, Suite 210 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/723-6525 Azar, Robert J, MD Johnson, Kevin R, MD Morgan, Shawn M, MD Ragsdale, John W 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 340 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/652-7191 Ragsdale, John W, MD Clatsop County Columbia Memorial Hospital Specialty Clinic 2265 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-4060 Duret, Edouard J, MD Larsen, Ryan L, PA Columbia Memorial Hospital Surgery Clinic 2055 Exchange St, Suite 270 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-9597 *Providence North Coast Clinic Seaside 727 S Wahanna Rd Seaside, OR 97138 503/717-7556 Gustafson, Robert J, MD Merry III, William H, MD Steffens, Thomas E, DO Sasaki, Truman M 2055 Exchange St, Suite 290 Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-5353 Sasaki, Truman M, MD Wayne, Robert 2265 Exchange St, Suite 270 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-9597 Wayne, Robert, MD Jackson County Bear Creek Surgery 1801 Hwy 99 N, Suite B Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-4464 Stewart, Bert Monte, MD George, Robert G 23753 E Evans Creek Rd White City, OR 97503 541/826-3676 George, Robert G, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 76 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY Hoffman, Paul G 1801 Hwy 99N Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-4464 Hoffman, Paul G, MD Kaufman, Annick-Marie 1801 Hwy 99 N, Suite 2 Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-4464 Meyerding Surgical Associates 2924 Siskiyou Blvd, Suite 200 Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3248 Meyerding, Elliott E, MD Oregon Surgical Specialists 520 Medical Center Dr, Suite 300 Medford, OR 97504 541/282-6680 Castillo, Juan M, MD Cortell, Pamela, NP Eaton, Mark A, MD Faught, William E, MD Herbert, Jeffery K, PA O’Neal, Nancy C, MD Street, David L, MD Traul, David K, MD Providence Medical Group General Surgery 1698 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-7874 Haley, Tracy L, MD Harrie, Robert R, MD Kuo, Wie-Peng, MD Providence Medical Group Siskiyou Surgical 940 Royal Ave, Suite 420 Medford, OR 97504 541/618-8388 Craft, William B, MD Haley, Tracy L, MD Kuo, Wie-Peng, MD Schwartz, John A, MD Josephine County Grants Pass Clinic, LLP 495 SW Ramsey Ave Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/476-6644 Powell, Theo H, MD Grants Pass Surgical Associates PC 1600 NW 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/474-5533 Deatherage, Mark F, MD Fawcett, Cory S, MD Lowe, James R, MD Oehling, David C, MD Hoellrich, Robert G 520 SW Ramsey, Suite 204 Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/479-8308 Hoellrich, Robert G, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 77 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY Marion County McGreevy, Robert G 1371 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-3785 McGreevy, Robert G, MD Silverton Surgical 450 Welch St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-5310 Nealon, James P, MD Waters, Harris J, MD Vanronzelen, Dayton and Durning 875 Oak St SE, Suite 4010 Salem, OR 97301 503/364-6843 Clarke, Christine G S, MD Clarke, G Andrew, MD Dayton, Beth, MD Durning, Jonathan C, MD Vanronzelen, Michael G, MD Multnomah County Breda, Michael A 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 420 Portland, OR 97210 503/228-1010 Breda, Michael A, MD Columbia Surgical Specialists 25500 SE Stark St #101 Gresham, OR 97030 503/667-4000 Cowell Jr, Vernon L, MD Douzdjian, Viken 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 480 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-6555 Douzdjian, Viken, MD Eastmoreland Surgical Clinic 2804 SE Steele St, Suite 2 Portland, OR 97202 503/232-2163 Graham, William M, DO Healthcare Specialists NW – General Surgery 10000 SE Main St, Suite 316 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-1575 Crook, Stephen R, MD Giles, Donald E, MD Hayes, Roby F, MD Mackett, Milton C, MD Rippey, Wesley E, MD Ting, Frances T, MD Legacy Good Samaritan Obesity Institute 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 520 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7557 Garay, Alian G, MD Halpin, Valerie J, MD Legacy Oregon Surgical 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97210 503/226-4325 Schuman, Earl S, MD Standage, Blayne A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 78 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY McAllister, William R 501 N Graham, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 McAllister, William R, MD OHSU General Surgery at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8372 Deveney, Clifford W, MD Deveney, Karen E, MD Dolan, James P, MD Ham, Lyle B, MD Harrahill, Maureen A, ACNP Harrison, Vincent L, MD Herzig, Daniel O, MD Hunter, John G, MD Jakovec, Victoria A, ACNP Lu, Kim C, MD Maccabee, David L, MD Martindale, Robert G, MD Mayberry, John C, MD Mullins, Richard J, MD O’Rourke, Robert W, MD Perkins, Rosina S, MD Schreiber, Martin A, MD Sheppard, Brett C, MD Spight, Donn H, MD Wolfe, Bruce M, MD OHSU General Surgery at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4373 Deveney, Clifford W, MD Deveney, Karen E, MD Dolan, James P, MD Harrison, Vincent L, MD Herzig, Daniel O, MD Hunter, John G, MD Jakovec, Victoria A, ACNP Lu, Kim C, MD Martindale, Robert G, MD O’Rourke, Robert W, MD Sheppard, Brett C, MD Wolfe, Bruce M, MD Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 560 Portland, OR 97210 503/281-0561 Bawden, Gina M, PA Dunst, Christy M, MD Swanstrom, Lee L, MD Whiteford, Mark H, MD Zelko, John R, MD Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/281-0561 Aliabadi-Wahle, Shaghayegh, MD Cook, David William, MD Khoury, Kristy D, PA Whiteford, Mark H, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 79 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 347 Portland, OR 97213 503/281-0561 Aliabadi-Wahle, Shaghayegh, MD Hansen, Paul D, MD Surgical Center, The 501 N Graham St, Suite 555 Portland, OR 97227 503/288-7535 Eshraghi, Niknam, MD Kemalyan, Nathan A, MD Pulito, Joseph F, MD Pacific Surgical PC 501 N Graham St, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 Barbosa, Ronald R, MD Cole, Frederic J, MD Freeman, Michelle R, PA Gubler, Kelly D, DO Izenberg, Seth D, MD Martin, Matthew J, MD Michaels, Andrew J, MD Ramzy, Ameen I, MD Surgical Specialty Group PC 511 SW 10th Ave, Suite 714 Portland, OR 97205 503/222-1615 Frankhouse, Joseph H, MD Specialty Surgery PC 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 511 Portland, OR 97213 503/232-0942 Morrow, Charles E, MD Surgical Associates, PC 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7339 Delamelena, Violeta T, MD Glissmeyer, Margie L, PA Irish, Charles Edwin, MD Johnson, Nathalie M, MD Tseng, Daniel, MD Wheeler, Amanda J, MD TS Billings, LLC 501 N Graham, Suite 130 Portland, OR 97227 503/299-9906 Freeman, Michelle R, PA Ulloth, Karen 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 322 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7224 Ulloth, Karen S, MD Washington County Clackamas Surgical Associates, Inc 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 220 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-5650 Cramer, Andrew B, MD Craven, James P, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 80 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS GENERAL SURGERY Hillsboro Surgical Associates 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 201 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4310 Hardin, David M, MD Reger, Vincent A 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 406 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-2796 Reger, Vincent A, MD Hoeksema, Catharina A 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 4350 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/352-3791 Allen, Nechol L, MD Hoeksema, Catharina A, MD Ocamica, Rosalia, PA Surgical Associates, PC 18650 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 212 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/292-1103 Irish, Charles Edwin, MD Oregon Clinic General Surgery 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 240 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-9895 Swartz, Kim R, MD Wolf, Ronald F, MD Oregon Clinic -General Vascular Surgery 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 940 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1351 Cook, David William, MD Gilster, Jason C, MD Soot, Laurel C, MD Swartz, Kim R, MD Wolf, Ronald F, MD Surgical Associates, PC 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 5500 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-6061 Surgical Associates, PC 6485 Borland Rd, Suite C Tualatin, OR 97062 503/218-2011 Wheeler, Amanda J, MD Surgical Associates, PC 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 830 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-1103 Delamelena, Violeta T, MD Glissmeyer, Margie L, PA Irish, Charles Edwin, MD Johnson, Nathalie M, MD Khaki, Ali A, MD Tseng, Daniel, MD Phinney Jr, Edward S 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 217 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1548 Phinney Jr, Edward S, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 81 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS GERIATRICS Tuality General Surgery 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 200 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4610 Allen, Nechol L, MD Cahn, Robert M, MD O’Leary, Patrick J, MD Ulloth, Karen S 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 933 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-2526 Ulloth, Karen S, MD Wiest, John W 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 321 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-0070 Bolken, Erin S, PA Wiest, John W, MD Williamson, Weldon K, MD Willamette General & Colon-Rectal Surgery 19875 SW 65th Ave, Suite 260 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-1743 Evetts, Brent K, MD Willamette Surgical Clinic PC 19875 SW 65th Ave, Suite 260 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-1743 McBee, Patrick G, MD GERIATRICS Clackamas County *Providence Medical Group Oregon City 1510 Division St, Suite 200 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/650-6880 Rega, Peter R, MD Jackson County Geriatric Consultation Service of Southern Oregon, PC 2960 Doctors Park Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/788-5272 Brummer, Stephen D, MD Gambee, Leandra J, Gnp Stewart, Barbara A, ANP Rogue Valley Manor Clinic 1200 Mira Mar Ave Medford, OR 97504 541/857-7133 Marion County Oh, Eliza 960 Liberty St SE, Suite 140 Salem, OR 97302 503/585-0777 Oh, Eliza, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 82 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS HEMATOLOGY Multnomah County Josephine County Graitzer, Howard M 6040 SE Belmont St Portland, OR 97215 503/872-3283 Graitzer, Howard M, DO Rivers, Peggy J, NP Hematology Oncology Associates 520 SW Ramsey St, Suite 201 Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/774-5853 Taylor, Sandra J, MD Northwest Geriatrics 1101 SW Coronado St Portland, OR 97219 360/260-8225 Krulewitch, Harry S, MD HEMATOLOGY Jackson County Hematology Oncology Associates 2828 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/774-5853 Taylor, Sandra J, MD Hematology Oncology Associates 940 Royal Ave, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/774-5853 Taylor, Sandra J, MD Multnomah County Northwest Cancer Specialists – Adventist Office 10101 SE Main St, Suite 1012 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-3627 Geschke, Wilfred A, MD Kujovich, Jody L, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Providence Office 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 256 Portland, OR 97213 503/239-7767 Geschke, Wilfred A, MD Kujovich, Jody L, MD Langer, Lucy R, MD Yasenchak, Christopher A, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Rose Quarter Cancer Center 265 N Broadway Portland, OR 97227 503/280-1223 Kujovich, Jody L, MD Langer, Lucy R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 83 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS HEMATOLOGY OHSU Center for Hematologic Malignancies 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-5058 Abar, Farnoush A, MD Allen, Bryon E, FNP Batesole, Ashley D, PA Blasdel, Carolyn S, FNP Brewer, Diana E, PA Burmeister, Jennifer S, PA Chen, Andy I, MD Dao, Kim-Hien T, DO Deininger, Michael W, MD Druker, Brian J, MD Fleming, William H, MD Jacoby, Carol E, ANP Kovacsovics, Tibor J, MD Mauro, Michael J, MD Maziarz, Richard T, MD Meyers, Gabrielle, MD Slater, Susan E, FNP Tyler, Kimberly B, ANP OHSU Hematology & Medical Oncology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6813 Batesole, Ashley D, PA Beer, Tomasz M, MD Chui, Stephen Y, MD Deloughery, Thomas G, MD Farnsworth, Melanie E, FNP Greenberg, Daniel L, MD Heinrich, Michael C, MD Lopez, Charles D, MD Luoh, Shiuh-Wen, MD Okada, Craig Y, MD Ryan, Christopher W, MD OHSU Hematology & Medical Oncology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 7 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6594 Beer, Tomasz M, MD Chui, Stephen Y, MD Deloughery, Thomas G, MD Farnsworth, Melanie E, FNP Greenberg, Daniel L, MD Heinrich, Michael C, MD Lopez, Charles D, MD Luoh, Shiuh-Wen, MD Okada, Craig Y, MD Ryan, Christopher W, MD OHSU Hemophilia Treatment Center at CDRC 707 SW Gaines Rd Portland, OR 97239 800/452-3563 *Providence Eastside Oncology & Hematology 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 6N40 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-5696 Bernstein, Eric D, MD Lufkin, Robert C, DO Nichols, Craig R, MD Sanborn, Rachel E, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 84 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY *Providence Lung Cancer Clinic 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 6N50 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-3595 Bernstein, Eric D, MD HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY Clackamas County *Providence Southeast Oncology & Hematology Clinic 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 325 Washington County Milwaukie, OR 97222 Northwest Cancer Specialists – 503/513-1900 Meridian Park Office Kurup, Anupama, MD 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 435 Ruzich, Janet C, DO Tualatin, OR 97062 Zilverberg, Jamie R, FNP 503/692-2032 Yasenchak, Christopher A, MD Jackson County Northwest Cancer Specialists – Cancer Center St Vincent Office of Southern Oregon 9555 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 150 748 State St Portland, OR 97225 Medford, OR 97504 503/297-7403 541/772-5282 Langer, Lucy R, MD Hematology Oncology *Providence Oncology & Associates Hematology Care Clinic 2828 E Barnett Rd 9135 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 261 Medford, OR 97504 Portland, OR 97225 541/774-5853 503/216-6300 Ahmann, Gerald, MD Moore, Christie J, DO Dibb, Charles R, MD Karchmer, Richard K, MD Kohler, Susan E, MD Poisson, Brett A, MD Rizvi, Mujahid A, MD Savage, Alison D, MD Simic Sander, Aleksandra, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 85 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY Hematology Oncology Associates 940 Royal Ave, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/774-5853 Ahmann, Gerald B, MD Dibb, Charles R, MD Kohler, Susan E, MD Poisson, Brett A, MD Savage, Alison D, MD Simic Sander, Aleksandra, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Providence Office 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 256 Portland, OR 97213 503/239-7767 Andersen, Jay C, MD Chang, Edward H, MD Hwang, Alice H, MD Look, Regan M, MD Menashe, Jeffrey I, MD Regan, David H, MD Weinstein, Ralph E, MD Josephine County Northwest Cancer Specialists – Rose Quarter Cancer Center Hematology Oncology 265 N Broadway Associates Portland, OR 97227 520 SW Ramsey St, Suite 201 503/280-1223 Grants Pass, OR 97527 Chang, Edward H, MD 541/774-5853 Hwang, Alice H, MD Kohler, Susan E, MD Look, Regan M, MD Poisson, Brett A, MD Menashe, Jeffrey I, MD Rizvi, Mujahid A, MD Segal, Gerald M, MD Shao, Spencer H, MD Multnomah County Webster, Devon J, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Weinstein, Ralph E, MD Adventist Office OHSU Center for Hematologic 10101 SE Main St, Suite 1012 Malignancies Portland, OR 97216 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd 503/256-3627 Portland, OR 97239 Andersen, Jay C, MD 503/494-5058 Chang, Edward H, MD Deaton, Scott P, PA Hwang, Alice H, MD Gajewski, James L, MD Menashe, Jeffrey I, MD Hayes-Lattin, Brandon M, MD Regan, David H, MD Weinstein, Ralph E, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 86 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY OHSU Hematology & Medical Oncology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6813 Alumkal, Joshi J, MD Youngworth, Sandra J, ANP OHSU Hematology & Medical Oncology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 7 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6594 Alumkal, Joshi J, MD Guthrie, Amy E, CNS Hayes-Lattin, Brandon M, MD Youngworth, Sandra J, ANP OHSU Pacific Oncology Good Samaritan Office 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97210 503/299-6500 Karamlou, Kasra, MD Kittleson, Bonnie K, FNP Radcliff, Lisa M, FNP Seligman, Mark, MD OHSU Pacific Oncology Mt Hood Office 24988 SE Stark St, Suite 140 Gresham, OR 97030 503/661-1112 Desai, Samir B, MD Ey, Frederick S, MD Karamlou, Kasra, MD Karimi, Misagh, MD continued Kittleson, Bonnie K, FNP Mooney, William M, MD Radcliff, Lisa M, FNP Seligman, Mark, MD Takahashi, Gary W, MD Yee, Kevin W, MD *Providence Eastside Oncology & Hematology 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 6N40 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-5696 Lewis, Stacy K, MD Washington County Hillsboro Hematology & Oncology 405 SE 8th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-3687 Byrd, Daniel M, MD Gibbs, Gerald E, MD Stone, Mark R, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Meridian Park Office 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 435 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-2032 Chang, Edward H, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – St Vincent Office 9555 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 150 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-7403 Chang, Edward H, MD Gruenberg, Daniel R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 87 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS NEPHROLOGY OHSU Pacific Oncology Cancer Center 15700 SW Greystone Ct Beaverton, OR 97006 503/203-1000 Ey, Frederick S, MD Karimi, Misagh, MD Mooney, William M, MD Radcliff, Lisa M, FNP Takahashi, Gary W, MD Wood, Turner A, MD Yee, Kevin W, MD OHSU Pacific Oncology Meridian Park Office 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 140 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/885-9789 Ey, Frederick S, MD Karimi, Misagh, MD Takahashi, Gary W, MD Wood, Turner A, MD Yee, Kevin W, MD *Providence Oncology & Hematology Care Clinic 9135 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 261 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-6300 Kurup, Anupama, MD Lanier, Keith S, MD Lewis, Stacy K, MD Myklebust, Erin K, FNP NEPHROLOGY Clackamas County Nephrology Medical Associates of Georgia 16699 Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 110 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 541/564-1810 Akoum, Fadi H, MD Khawandi, Wassim A, MD Khoury, Firas G, MD Jackson County Renal Care Consultants 760 Golf View Dr, Suite 200 Medford, OR 97504 541/618-4400 Gargan, Catia H, NP Hecox, Douglas B, MD Michels, Kendall R, MD Raniele, Dean P, MD Stringer Jr, Kenneth D, MD Marion County Kidney Care Physicians, LLC 875 Oak St SE, Suite 5070 Salem, OR 97301 503/561-8565 Dicker, Lance M, MD Lee, Eva Y, MD Mikeska, Brett W, MD Mohindra, Misha, MD Neahring, Jennifer C, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 88 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS NEPHROLOGY Multnomah County Kidney Care, Inc 10201 SE Main St, Suite 27 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-0877 Ching, Chester S, MD Ford, Deena L, PA Kuehnel, Edward G, MD Raggio, Julie, MD Northwest Renal Clinic 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 640 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7976 Batiuk, Thomas D, MD Bennett, William M, MD Chandran, Rubin, MD Conley, Emily L, MD Deodhar, Hem A, MD Douek, Karen A, MD Hawkey, Mitchell A, MD Hilbelink, Todd R, MD Kelly, Janice J, ANP Kennefick, Thomas M, MD Osman, Shukri A, MD Petrillo, Raymond J, MD Simnitt, Betty L, ANP Smiley, Clayton M, MD Steed, Leslie M, MD Tank, Julia E, MD Walczyk, Michael H, MD OHSU Nephrology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-3442 Anderson, Sharon, MD Cohen, David M, MD Dirkx, Tonja C, MD Ellison, David H, MD Langewisch, Eric D, MD Legg, Veronica, FNP Maddirala, Supriya, MD Mittalhenkle, Anuja, MD Norman, Douglas J, MD Norton, Ted L, PA Obhrai, Jagdeep S, MD Parker, Richard A, MD Rueda, Jose F, MD Watnick, Suzanne G, MD Wusirika, Raghav, MD Portland Hypertension & Nephrology 5314 NE Irving Portland, OR 97213 503/284-1937 Hilbelink, Todd R, MD Israelit, Arnold H, MD Israelit, Sallie E, MD Meyer, Kevin B, MD Raguram, Parthassarathy C, MD Washington County Froom, Donald W 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 534 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-7721 Froom, Donald W, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 89 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS NEUROLOGY NEUROLOGY Clackamas County Northwest Neurology Clinic, PC 10202 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 703 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/513-8020 Nilaver, Gajanan, MD Jefferson Neurology 1801 Hwy 99 N Suite C Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-5515 Ali, Zakir M, MD Medford Medical Clinic 555 Black Oak Dr, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/734-3430 Sanchez, Oscar A, MD Oregon Neurology, PC – Oregon City 1510 Division St, Suite 180 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-9868 Ash, Paul R, MD Jamison, Kevin J, MD Phipps, Thomas A, MD Sluss, Michael P, MD Medford Neurological & Spine Clinic 2900 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/779-1672 Carlini, Walter G, MD Narus, Michael S, DO Sullivan, Kevin J, MD *Providence Neurology Associates 10202 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 703 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/652-2487 Nilaver, Gajanan, MD Southern Oregon Neurology, PC 897 Royal Ave, Suite B Medford, OR 97504 541/779-4991 Maukonen, Larry J, MD Melson, John A, MD Jackson County Community Health Center – Neurosurgery 19 Myrtle St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3863 Narus, Michael S, DO Josephine County Kho, Yung K 1601 NE 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/474-5071 Kho, Yung K, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 90 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS NEUROLOGY Marion County Multnomah County Davidson, Benton J 1344 Liberty St SE, Suite 2 Salem, OR 97302 503/585-0575 Davidson, Benton J, MD Brown, Jeffrey J 501 N Graham St, Suite 515 Portland, OR 97227 503/282-0943 Brown, Jeffrey J, MD Gabr, Mark T 180 Ramsgate Sq SE, Suite 150 Salem, OR 97302 503/485-0672 Gabr, Mark T, MD East Portland Neurology Clinic, PC 10000 SE Main St, Suite 242 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-3034 Crumpacker, Robert W, MD Lupu, Vitalie D, MD Taylor, Howard S, MD Oregon Neurology, PC – Woodburn 685 Evergreen Rd Woodburn, OR 97071 503/692-2850 Sluss, Michael P, MD *Providence Pediatric Neurology – Salem 2478 13th St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/362-2481 Pohowalla, Parvez J, MD Seeto, K William 1344 Liberty St SE, Suite 2 Salem, OR 97302 503/585-0664 Seeto, K William, MD Silverton Specialists Center 452 Welch St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-8740 Nino, Henry E, MD Ginocchio, Christopher J 501 N Graham St, Suite 515 Portland, OR 97227 503/282-0943 Ginocchio, Christopher J, MD Legacy Clinic Neurosurgery 501 N Graham St, Suite 330B Portland, OR 97227 503/413-3650 Huffman, Jennifer C, MD Legacy Pain Management Clinic 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 345 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-2213 Veech, George A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 91 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS NEUROLOGY Legacy Pediatric Development & Rehab 2801 N Gantenbein Ave, Suite 2225 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4505 Cockrell, Janice L, MD Shih, Mark M, MD Neuropsychology at Good Samaritan 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7241 Simon, Roger P, MD North, Elizabeth 24900 SE Stark, Suite 211 Gresham, OR 97030 503/669-0435 North, Elizabeth A, DO North, Elizabeth 501 N Graham St, Suite 515 Portland, OR 97227 503/282-0943 North, Elizabeth A, DO OHSU Child Development & Rehab Center – Gaines Rd 707 SW Gaines Rd Portland, OR 97239 800/452-3563 Pinter, Joseph D, MD OHSU Neurology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7772 Bourdette, Dennis N, MD Brod, Lissa S, MD Brodsky, Matthew A, MD Buracchio, Teresa J, MD Cameron, Michelle H, MD Carter, Julie H, ANP Cereghino, James J, MD Chung, Kathryn A, MD Clark, Wayne M, MD Cupler, Edward J, MD Dellinger, Karen A, MD Denney, Donald D, MD Edgar, Eric M, MD Elsas, Siegward M, MD Erten-Lyons, Deniz, MD Ferguson, Felicia A, MD Fields, Jeremy D, MD Hammerstad, John P, MD Hogarth, Penelope, MD Johnson, Steven William, MD Kaye, Jeffrey A, MD Kim, Edward, MD Kraakevik, Jeff A, MD Lou, Jau-Shin, MD Lowenkopf, Theodore J, MD Lutsep, Helmi L, MD Macri, Elizabeth M, MD Mangin, Teresa M, MD Mass, Michele K, MD Naval, Neeraj S, MD North, Elizabeth A, DO Nutt, John G, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 92 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS NEUROLOGY Oken, Barry S, MD Okon, Nicholas J, DO Peterson, Amie L, MD Quinn, Joseph F, MD Ransom, Mary M, MD Russman, Barry S, MD Salinsky, Martin C, MD Silbert, Lisa C, MD Smith, William B, MD Solomon, Andrew J, MD Spain, Rebecca I, MD Spencer, David Conlee, MD Westbrook, Gary L, MD Whitham, Ruth H, MD Wilkinson, David B, MD Yadav, Vijayshree, MD Yanase, Lisa R, MD OHSU Neurology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 8 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7772 Bourdette, Dennis N, MD Brod, Lissa S, MD Brodsky, Matthew A, MD Buracchio, Teresa J, MD Cameron, Michelle H, MD Carter, Julie H, ANP Cereghino, James J, MD Chung, Kathryn A, MD Cupler, Edward J, MD Dellinger, Karen A, MD Denney, Donald D, MD Edgar, Eric M, MD Elsas, Siegward M, MD Erten-Lyons, Deniz, MD Ferguson, Felicia A, MD Fields, Jeremy D, MD Hammerstad, John P, MD Hogarth, Penelope, MD Johnson, Steven William, MD Kaye, Jeffrey A, MD Kim, Edward, MD Kraakevik, Jeff A, MD Lou, Jau-Shin, MD Mangin, Teresa M, MD Mass, Michele K, MD Nutt, John G, MD Oken, Barry S, MD Peterson, Amie L, MD Quinn, Joseph F, MD Ransom, Mary M, MD Russman, Barry S, MD Salinsky, Martin C, MD Silbert, Lisa C, MD Smith, William B, MD Solomon, Andrew J, MD Spain, Rebecca I, MD Spencer, David Conlee, MD Whitham, Ruth H, MD Wilkinson, David B, MD Yadav, Vijayshree, MD OHSU Pediatric Neurology 707 SW Gaines Street CDRC-P Portland, OR 97239 503/494-5856 Back, Stephen A, MD Narus, Michael S, DO Pinter, Joseph D, MD Roberts, Colin M, MD Russman, Barry S, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 93 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS NEUROLOGY Oregon Clinic – Neurology 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 420 Portland, OR 97210 503/488-2424 Gerber-Gore, Paula A, MD Gibbs, Daniel M, MD Leonard, Hubert A, MD McAllister, Leslie D, MD Ramseyer, Joshua A, MD Rose-Innes, Andrew P, MD Smoot, Kyle E, MD *Providence Pediatric Neurology – East Portland 501 N Graham St, Suite 550 Portland, OR 97227 503/335-3599 Pohowalla, Parvez J, MD Oregon Clinic – Neurology 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 315 Portland, OR 97213 503/963-3100 Curioso, Evelyn A, MD Denning, Janis L, PA Ellison, Catherine M, MD Gerber-Gore, Paula A, MD Goslin, Kimberly L, MD Johnson, Joshua L, MD Rosenbaum, Richard B, MD Rosenbaum, Robert A, MD Sax, Tracy W, MD Weller, Kirk L 501 N Graham St, Suite 515 Portland, OR 97227 503/669-0435 Weller, Kirk L, MD Oregon Neurology, PC – Tualatin 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 280 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-2850 Ash, Paul R, MD Jamison, Kevin J, MD Phipps, Thomas A, MD Sluss, Michael P, MD *Providence Stroke Services 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 8N143 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-1730 Yerby, Mark S 2311 NW Northrup St, Suite 202 Portland, OR 97210 503/291-5300 Yerby, Mark S, MD Washington County Chen, Wan-Jui 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 101 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-0816 Chen, Wan-Jui, MD Friedman, Daniel K 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 101 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-0816 Friedman, Daniel K, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 94 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS NEUROSURGERY Hills, Barbara J 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 101 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-0816 Hills, Barbara J, MD Lowenkopf, Theodore J 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 595 Portland, OR 97225 866/622-2455 Lowenkopf, Theodore J, MD Oregon Clinic – Neurology 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 595 Portland, OR 97225 503/488-2424 Leonard, Hubert A, MD McAllister, Leslie D, MD Rose-Innes, Andrew P, MD Smoot, Kyle E, MD Oregon Neurology, PC – Tualatin 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 280 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-2850 Ash, Paul R, MD Jamison, Kevin J, MD Phipps, Thomas A, MD Sluss, Michael P, MD *Providence Cognitive Assessment Clinic 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 317 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-1090 Mega, Michael S, MD *Providence Geriatric Assessment Clinic West 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 595 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-8654 Mega, Michael S, MD *Providence Multiple Sclerosis Center 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 595 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-1060 Cohan, Stanley L, MD Morrow, Mark J, MD Okon, Nicholas J, DO *Providence Pediatric Neurology – SW Portland 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 390 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-1280 Pohowalla, Parvez J, MD *Providence Stroke Center 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 595 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-2346 Lowenkopf, Theodore J, MD NEUROSURGERY Clackamas County Kellogg, Jordi X 9200 SE 91st Ave, Suite 340 Portland, OR 97086 503/256-1462 Kellogg, Jordi X, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 95 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS NEUROSURGERY Jackson County Community Health Center – Neurosurgery 19 Myrtle St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3863 Kirkpatrick, Douglas B, MD Medford Neurological & Spine Clinic 2900 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/779-1672 Altstadt, Thomas J, MD Bobek, Miroslav P, MD Ross, Donald A, MD Walker, David H, MD Marion County Western Neurosurgery, PC 875 Oak St SE, Suite 5060 Salem, OR 97301 503/399-1386 Hubbard, Jerry L, MD Multnomah County Brett, Darrell C 10101 SE Main St, Suite 1006 Portland, OR 97216 503/253-4000 Brett, Darrell C, MD Columbia Neurosurgical Associates 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 630 Portland, OR 97210 503/796-2743 Adler, David E, MD Hill, Curtis L 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 510 Portland, OR 97213 503/233-5252 Hill, Curtis L, MD Legacy Clinic Neurosurgery 501 N Graham St, Suite 260 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-3650 Dorsen, Michael, MD Luman, Benjamin R, PA Legacy Clinic Neurosurgery 501 N Graham St, Suite 330B Portland, OR 97227 503/413-3650 Dancan, Margaret J, PA Hume, Jenny L, PA Lawrence, Nicola C, PA Wehby, Monica C, MD Legacy Good Samaritan Neurosurgery Clinic 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 220 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-6490 Dancan, Margaret J, PA If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 96 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS NEUROSURGERY Mason, Michael S 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 440 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7900 Mason, Michael S, MD Northwestern Neurological Associates PC 501 N Graham St, Suite 545 Portland, OR 97227 503/288-5151 Grewe, Kent M, MD OHSU Child Development & Rehab Center – Gaines Rd 707 SW Gaines Rd Portland, OR 97239 800/452-3563 Selden, Nathan R, MD OHSU Neurosurgery at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4314 Bahgat, Diaa A, MD Bedell, Jennifer Y, PA Burchiel, Kim J, MD Cetas, Justin S, MD Coppa, Nicholas D, MD Delashaw, Johnny B, MD Dogan, Aclan, MD Domreis, Wendy O, PNP Guillaume, Daniel J, MD Li, Christine M, PA Nemecek, Andrew N, MD Ragel, Brian T, MD Selden, Nathan R, MD Yedinak, Christine G, FNP OHSU Neurosurgery at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 8 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4314 Bahgat, Diaa A, MD Bedell, Jennifer Y, PA Burchiel, Kim J, MD Cetas, Justin S, MD Coppa, Nicholas D, MD Delashaw, Johnny B, MD Dogan, Aclan, MD Domreis, Wendy O PNP Guillaume, Daniel J, MD Li, Christine M, PA Nemecek, Andrew N, MD Ragel, Brian T, MD Remling, Janette K, PA Selden, Nathan R, MD Yedinak, Christine G, FNP OHSU Neurosurgery CDRC 700 SW Campus Dr Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8095 OHSU Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation and Spine Clinic 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 12 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6400 Dafford, Kurtus A, MD OHSU Pediatric Neurology 707 SW Gaines Street CDRC-P Portland, OR 97239 503/494-5856 Selden, Nathan R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 97 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS NEUROSURGERY Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 560 Portland, OR 97210 503/281-0561 Remling, Janette K, PA Hillsboro Neurosurgical Associates PC 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 4250 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/352-1141 Williams Jr, Fred C, MD Pacific Neurosurgical, PC 501 N Graham, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 Chen, Jefferson W, MD Legacy Meridian Park Multispecialty Clinic 6485 SW Borland Rd, Suite F Tualatin, OR 97062 503/413-3580 Dorsen, Michael, MD Pacific Surgical PC 501 N Graham St, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 Remling, Janette K, PA Sherrill, Joseph E, MD Schmidt, James F 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 410 Portland, OR 97213 503/234-0996 Schmidt, James F, MD Washington County Advanced Neurosurgery Specialists, PC 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 4050 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/924-2444 Abtin, Keyvan, MD Bergquist, Bradley J 6464 SW Borland Rd, Suite A2 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/640-0493 Bergquist, Bradley J, MD Legacy Meridian Park Neurosurgery Clinic 19875 SW 65th Ave Tualatin, OR 97062 503/413-3650 Dorsen, Michael, MD Hume, Jenny L, PA Microneurosurgical Consultants 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 440 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-3766 Antezana, David F, MD Freeman, Braidon F, PA Gore, Pankaj A, MD Hume, Jenny L, PA Kuether, Todd A, MD O’Neill, Oisin R, MD Sandquist, Michael A, MD Vanderwerff, Lisa A, PA Wayson, Kim A, MD Wehby, Monica C, MD Yun, Johnny M, PA If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 98 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS ONCOLOGY ONCOLOGY Jackson County Cancer Center of Southern Oregon 748 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/772-5282 Lemanne, Dawn, MD Hematology Oncology Associates 2828 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/774-5853 Greene, David E, PA Hehn, Sean T, MD Taylor, Sandra J, MD Hematology Oncology Associates 940 Royal Ave, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/774-5853 Hehn, Sean T, MD Taylor, Sandra J, MD Josephine County Hematology Oncology Associates 520 SW Ramsey St, Suite 201 Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/774-5853 Hehn, Sean T, MD Taylor, Sandra J, MD Marion County OHSU Salem Cancer Institute at Salem Hospital 875 Oak St SE Salem, OR 97301 503/561-7482 Multnomah County Northwest Cancer Specialists – Adventist Office 10101 SE Main St, Suite 1012 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-3627 Adams-Pangborn, Tawna R, FNP Dana, Bruce W, MD Orwoll, Rebecca L, MD Smith II, John W, MD Soo, Edward W, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Providence Office 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 256 Portland, OR 97213 503/239-7767 Dana, Bruce W, MD Olson, Kevin D, MD Orwoll, Rebecca L, MD Smith II, John W, MD Soo, Edward W, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 99 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS ONCOLOGY Northwest Cancer Specialists – OHSU Radiation Oncology Rose Quarter Cancer Center 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 265 N Broadway 503/494-8756 Portland, OR 97227 503/280-1223 Fuss, Martin, MD Lovell, Margaret M, PA Ismach, Lori L, PA Olson, Kevin D, MD *Providence Eastside Oncology Orwoll, Rebecca L, MD & Hematology Soo, Edward W, MD 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 6N40 Van Ho, Anthony, MD Portland, OR 97213 OHSU Hematology & Medical 503/215-5696 Oncology at Marquam Hill Conlin, Alison K, MD Crocenzi, Todd S, MD 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Curti, Brendan D, MD Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6813 Glenn, Lyn A, FNP Sandler, Alan B, MD Griswold, Roxanne R, FNP Spencer, Nancy L, FNP Urba, Walter J, MD Taylor, Jason A, MD *Providence Clinic Vaccaro, Gina M, MD 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 6N50 OHSU Hematology & Medical Portland, OR 97213 Oncology at South Waterfront 503/215-8650 Glenn, Lyn A, FNP 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 7 Portland, OR 97239 *Providence Lung 503/494-6594 Cancer Clinic Sandler, Alan B, MD 4805 NE Glisan St, Suite 6N50 Taylor, Jason A, MD Portland, OR 97213 Vaccaro, Gina M, MD 503/215-3595 OHSU Pacific Oncology Mt Hood Office 24988 SE Stark St, Suite 140 Gresham, OR 97030 503/661-1112 Eddington, Joanne T, FNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 100 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Washington County OPHTHALMOLOGY Northwest Cancer Specialists – Clackamas County Meridian Park Office 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 435 Bridgeport Eye Physicians Tualatin, OR 97062 at Kruse Woods 503/692-2032 4550 Kruse Way, Suite 105 Olson, Kevin D, MD Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Schnadig, Ian D, MD 503/680-2180 Zaretsky, Susan L, FNP Chauhan, Ranjana, MD Northwest Cancer Specialists – Cornell, Floyd Michael, MD St Vincent Office 9555 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 150 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-7403 Orwoll, Rebecca L, MD Cascade Eye Associates 10001 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite 100 Clackamas, OR 97015 503/652-0600 Cornell, Floyd Michael, MD OHSU Pacific Oncology Cancer Center 15700 SW Greystone Ct Beaverton, OR 97006 503/203-1000 Eddington, Joanne T, FNP Fuss, Martin, MD Child Eye Care Associates 4035 SW Mercantile Dr, Suite 201 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/635-4436 Wheeler, David T, MD Tuality/OHSU Cancer Center 299 SE 9th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4200 Holland, John M, MD Hung, Arthur Y, MD Marquez, Carol M, MD Stevens Jr, Kenneth R, MD Thomas Jr, Charles R, MD Eye Health Northwest – Happy Valley 15963 SE Happy Valley Happy Valley, OR 97086 503/783-3300 Holland, Daniel R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 101 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Eye Health Northwest – Laser Center 12050 SE Stevens Rd, Suite 400 Happy Valley, OR 97086 503/525-2737 Bock Jr, Charles J, MD Fonken, Royce L, MD Grealish, Scott C, MD McKinney, John Kevin, MD Plumb, Donald F, MD Eye Health Northwest – Milwaukie 11086 SE Oak St Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/656-4221 Bock Jr, Charles J, MD Chalmers, Brent E, MD Fonken, Royce L, MD Grealish, Scott C, MD McKinney, John Kevin, MD Stromberg, Paul K, MD Eye Health Northwest – Oregon City 1306 Division St Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-4221 Bock Jr, Charles J, MD Chalmers, Brent E, MD Fonken, Royce L, MD Grealish, Scott C, MD McKinney, John Kevin, MD Stromberg, Paul K, MD Yoken, Jonathan, MD Gareth A Tabor, MD PC 2236 SE Washington St, Suite C Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/659-6710 Tabor, Gareth A, MD Gareth A Tabor, MD PC 27 S State St, Suite 240 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503/636-9608 Tabor, Gareth A, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 4035 SW Mercantile Dr, Suite 216 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/636-2551 Cech, James M, MD Denman, Timothy M, MD Clatsop County Casey Eye Institute Astoria 2055 Exchange St, Suite 320 Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-3803 Armour, Rebecca L, MD Farr, William F, MD Gattey, Devin M, MD Lombardi, Lorinna H, MD Pennesi, Mark E, MD Wilson, David J, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 102 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Jackson County Cataract & Laser Institute of Southern Oregon 1408 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/779-2020 Barrus, Loren R, MD Davidian, James L, MD Schultz, Paul N, MD Medical Eye Center, Inc 1333 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/779-4711 Imperia, Paul S, MD Jorizzo, Paul A, MD Oliva, Matthew S, MD Spitellie, Pete H, MD Oregon Retina Specialists 2859 State St, Suite 103 Medford, OR 97504 541/282-6656 Wang, Yujen, MD Paden Eye Care Center 221 W. Stewart Ave, Suite 110 Medford, OR 97501 541/776-9026 Paden, Philip Y, MD Retina & Vitreous Center 246 Catalina Dr, Suite 1 Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-3192 Gonzales, Christine R, MD Kunjukunju, Nancy, MD Rodden, William S, MD Retina Care Center 748 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/842-2020 Rinkoff, Jeffrey S, MD Siskiyou Eye Center Medical Group, PC 648 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-8100 Epstein, William S, MD Ewing, Robert H, MD Lensink, Daniel B, MD Josephine County Cascade Eyecare Center PC 1226 NE 7th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/476-6636 Davidian, James L, MD Leavitt, Rodney D, MD Leavitt, Russell J, MD Maffett, Mark J, MD Merritt, Douglas R, MD Cataract & Laser Institute of Southern Oregon 1022 NW 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/476-4545 Barrus, Loren R, MD Schultz, Paul N, MD Oregon Retina Specialists 124 NW Midland Ave, Suite 110 Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/282-6655 Wang, Yujen, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 103 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Retina & Vitreous Center 1019 7th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/956-6471 Gonzales, Christine R, MD Kunjukunju, Nancy, MD Rodden, William S, MD Retina Care Center 1236 NE 7th Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/955-7229 Rinkoff, Jeffrey S, MD Marion County Berzins, Uldis J 655 Medical Center Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 503/581-5287 Berzins, Uldis J, MD East, Marcus A 655 Medical Center Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 503/581-5287 East, Marcus A, MD Eye Care Physicians and Surgeons 1309 Liberty St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/585-2022 Neahring, Richard K, MD Rowell, David P, MD Stice, Scott E, MD Warner, Russell B, MD Long, James W 1020 Liberty St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/581-7412 Christiansen, Gregory A, MD Long, James W, MD Retina Consultants, LLP 2450 12th St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/371-4350 Farmer, Samuel G, MD Servais, Edmund Gary, MD Westfall, Andrew C, MD Sornson, Elmer T 655 Medical Center Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 503/581-5287 Sornson, Elmer T, MD Stevens, Thomas R 655 Medical Center Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 503/581-5287 Stevens, Thomas R, MD Tibolt, Robert E 655 Medical Center Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 503/581-5287 Tibolt, Robert E, MD Multnomah County Beri Eye Care Associates 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 217 Portland, OR 97213 503/232-6104 Beri, Meena, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 104 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons LLC Pediatric Ophthalmology 3375 SW Terwilliger Blvd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-3000 Reznick, Leah G, MD Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons LLC 3375 SW Terwilliger Blvd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-3000 Ali, Amro M, MD Armour, Rebecca L, MD Bailey, Steven T, MD Chamberlain, Winston D, MD Dailey, Roger A, MD De Saint Sardos, Alexandre, MD Edmunds, Lorna E, MD Falardeau, Julie M, MD Farr, William F, MD Flaxel, Christina J, MD Flaxel, John T, MD Francis, Peter J, MD Fraunfelder, Frederick T, MD Fraunfelder, Frederick W, MD Gattey, Devin M, MD Hwang, Thomas S, MD Karr, Daniel J, MD Kim, Yu Hyon, MD Klein, Michael L, MD Lauer, Andreas K, MD Lombardi, Lorinna H, MD Marquis, Malcolm M, MD Marx, Douglas P, MD Mathers, William D, MD Morrison, John C, MD continued Ng, John D, MD Palmer, Earl A, MD Parikh, Mansi B, MD Pennesi, Mark E, MD Phan, Isabella T, MD Pierce, Kristine K, MD Robertson Jr, Joseph E, MD Rush, Sloan W, MD Smith, Justine R, MD Steele, Eric A, MD Stout, John Timothy, MD Suhler, Eric B, MD Watzke, Robert C, MD Weleber, Richard G, MD Wilson, David J, MD Yeh, Steven, MD Casey Eye Physicians at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-3000 Ali, Amro M, MD Armour, Rebecca L, MD Bailey, Steven T, MD Chamberlain, Winston D, MD Dailey, Roger A, MD De Saint Sardos, Alexandre, MD Farr, William F, MD Flaxel, Christina J, MD Francis, Peter J, MD Fraunfelder, Frederick T, MD Fraunfelder, Frederick W, MD Gattey, Devin M, MD Hwang, Thomas S, MD Karr, Daniel J, MD Kim, Yu Hyon, MD Klein, Michael L, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 105 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Lauer, Andreas K, MD Lombardi, Lorinna H, MD Marquis, Malcolm M, MD Marx, Douglas P, MD Mathers, William D, MD Morrison, John C, MD Ng, John D, MD Palmer, Earl A, MD Parikh, Mansi B, MD Pennesi, Mark E, MD Phan, Isabella T, MD Pierce, Kristine K, MD Reznick, Leah G, MD Robertson Jr, Joseph E, MD Rush, Sloan W, MD Smith, Justine R, MD Steele, Eric A, MD Stout, John Timothy, MD Suhler, Eric B, MD Weleber, Richard G, MD Wilson, David J, MD Yeh, Steven, MD Casey Ophthalmic Associates 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7672 Armour, Rebecca L, MD Bailey, Steven T, MD Edmunds, Lorna E, MD Farr, William F, MD Flaxel, John T, MD Gattey, Devin M, MD Lombardi, Lorinna H, MD Marquis, Malcolm M, MD Morrison, John C, MD Parikh, Mansi B, MD Phan, Isabella T, MD Rush, Sloan W, MD Watzke, Robert C, MD Wilson, David J, MD Eye Care Services 500 NW 20th St Gresham, OR 97030 503/667-2020 Futterman, Jay B, MD Neal, Dean E, MD Eye Clinic, The – Downtown 1511 SW Park Ave, Suite 100B Portland, OR 97201 503/228-6681 Chan, Patrick J, MD Donohue, Elizabeth K, MD Samples, John R, MD Topinka Jr, John A, MD Wilkins, John H, MD Eye Health Northwest – Gresham/Troutdale 24601 SE Stark St Troutdale, OR 97060 503/255-2291 Hauptmann, Mary Christine, MD Holland, Daniel R, MD Kemp, Jonathan R, MD Kim, Shane K, MD Plumb, Donald F, MD Waldman, James R, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 106 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Eye Health Northwest – NE Portland 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 245 Portland, OR 97213 503/255-2291 Hauptmann, Mary Christine, MD Holland, Daniel R, MD Kemp, Jonathan R, MD Kim, Shane K, MD Plumb, Donald F, MD Waldman, James R, MD Eye Health Northwest – NW Portland 1955 NW Northrup Portland, OR 97209 503/227-2020 Aaby, Aazy A, MD Bentley, Robert W, MD Dave, Sonal B, MD David, Roger C, MD Hagen, Kerry B, MD Romanowski, Andrew, MD Vallabhanath, Prashanth, MD Yoken, Jonathan, MD Eye Health Northwest – SE Portland 10819 SE Stark St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-2291 Hauptmann, Mary Christine, MD Holland, Daniel R, MD Kemp, Jonathan R, MD Kim, Shane K, MD Plumb, Donald F, MD Waldman, James R, MD Yoken, Jonathan, MD Gateway Eye Clinic 10502 NE Wasco St Portland, OR 97220 503/252-2467 Balen, Robert F, MD Chestler, Robert J, MD Glaucoma Associates & Consultation, PC 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-8202 Burgoyne, Claude F, MD Cioffi II, George A, MD Mansberger, Steven L, MD Legacy Emanuel Devers Eye Institute 300 N Graham, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 503/143-7022 Jones, Eric I, MD Legacy Good Samaritan Devers Eye Institute 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 168 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7022 Jones, Eric I, MD Lloyd, Michael J, MD Mansberger, Steven L, MD Pham, Hung T, MD Phillips, Paul M, MD Shah, Anand K, MD Shen, Christopher C, MD Straiko, Michael D, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 107 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS OPHTHALMOLOGY Noland, Carter 10101 SE Main St, Suite 3001 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-2667 Gaskell, Karen E, MD Noland, Carter, MD Northwest Eye Associates 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 504 Portland, OR 97210 503/227-6568 Balentine, Jennifer L, MD Stark, Karen L, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 630 Portland, OR 97210 503/227-1409 Stoumbos, Vasiliki D, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 1380 E Powell Blvd Gresham, OR 97030 503/491-9227 Richard, Christen K, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 445 Portland, OR 97213 503/231-0166 Lindquist, Grant R, MD Richard, Christen K, MD Stoumbos, Vasiliki D, MD Retina Northwest 2525 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97201 503/274-2121 Dreyer, Richard F, MD Handelman, Irvin L, MD Lee, Michael S, MD Lemley, Craig A, MD Ma, Colin, MD Peters, Mark A, MD Terry, Mark A 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-8202 Shamie, Neda, MD Terry, Mark A, MD Washington County Bridgeport Eye Physicians at Sherwood 20015 SW Pacific Hwy, Suite 150 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/680-2180 Chauhan, Ranjana, MD Cornell, Floyd Michael, MD Eye Clinic, The – St Vincent 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 430 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-4718 Chan, Patrick J, MD Donohue, Elizabeth K, MD Samples, John R, MD Topinka Jr, John A, MD Wilkins, John H, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 108 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Eye Health Northwest – Barnes Rd 9555 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 201 Portland, OR 97225 503/227-2020 Aaby, Aazy A, MD Bentley, Robert W, MD Dave, Sonal B, MD David, Roger C, MD Hagen, Kerry B, MD Romanowski, Andrew, MD Vallabhanath, Prashanth, MD Eye Health Northwest – King City 15405 SW 116th, Suite 204 King City, OR 97224 503/227-2020 Aaby, Aazy A, MD Bentley, Robert W, MD Dave, Sonal B, MD David, Roger C, MD Hagen, Kerry B, MD Romanowski, Andrew, MD Vallabhanath, Prashanth, MD Northwest Corneal Services 6950 SW Hampton Blvd, Suite 150 Tigard, OR 97223 503/624-4814 Burris, Terry E, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 18345 SW Alexander St, Suite A Beaverton, OR 97006 503/642-2505 Cech, James M, MD Denman, Timothy M, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 215 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-3630 Larson, William D, MD Lindquist, Grant R, MD Oregon Eye Specialists 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 336 Portland, OR 97225 503/244-8601 Brown, Daniel B, MD Chang, Kelly D, MD ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Clackamas County Oregon Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic 1508 Division St, Suite 105 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-0836 Ballard, James C, MD Black, Bradford T, MD Emch, David C, PA Feinblatt, Jeffrey S, MD Huberty, David P, MD McWeeney, Thomas P, MD Molter, Tessa J, PA Sedgewick, Terrence A, MD Sugalski, Matthew T 6542 SE Lake Rd, Suite 201 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/659-1769 Sugalski, Matthew T, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 109 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Clatsop County Jackson County Columbia Memorial Hospital Specialty Clinic 2265 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-4060 Lacost, William C, DO Ashland Orthopedic Associates 269 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-4533 Knoblich, Guenther O, MD Morrison, Douglas P, MD O’Sullivan, Glen S, MD Townsend, Hal S, MD *Providence North Coast Clinic Cannon Beach 171 N Larch St, Suite 16 Cannon Beach, OR 97110 503/717-7556 Rand, William C, MD *Providence North Coast Clinic Seaside 727 S Wahanna Rd Seaside, OR 97138 503/717-7556 Rand, William C, MD Columbia County Tesar, Paul L 1870a St Helens St St Helens, OR 97051 503/397-9038 Tesar, Paul L, MD Southern Oregon Orthopedics 2780 E Barnett Rd, Suite 200 Medford, OR 97504 541/779-6250 Abdul-Hadi, Omar, MD Barker, Michael D, PA Bloom, Heidi T, MD Chamberlain, Steven E, MD Evans, Casey L, PA Galt, David L, MD Kendall III, Cleve F, PA Kranenburg, Andy J, MD Lotz, Richard M, FNP Metwally, Yaser A, MD Peterson, Mark D, MD Sternenberg III, Paul L, MD Versteeg Jr, Charles N, MD Watkins, Susan L, FNP Weinman, Darrell T, MD Webb, Alan J 691 Murphy Rd, Suite 217 Medford, OR 97504 541/770-1333 Webb, Alan J, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 110 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Josephine County Marion County Asante Fracture Clinic 1505 NW Washington Blvd Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/955-5422 Miller, Edward B, MD Perry, Bruce E, MD Witczak, John W, DO Hope Orthopedics of Oregon 1600 State St Salem, OR 97301 503/540-6300 Ballard, John M, MD Bell, Kevin A, PA Boyd, Harold S, MD Coen, John J, MD Cunliffe, Richard D, PA Fan, Robert, MD Foglesong, Mark E, MD Holt, Jennifer A, PA Knight, Jeffrey B, MD Nanson, Christopher J, MD Pollard, Marcus L, MD Pressman, David N, MD Roberts, John M, MD Sewell, Daniel G, MD Snider, Malcolm P, MD Stevens, John A, MD Stilp, Curt C, PA Tobin, Richard W, MD Zirschky, Robert G, MD Greentree Orthopedics PC 625 Ramsey Ave Suite A Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/244-2044 Dowd, James D, MD Janzik, Carey L, PA Hand and Arm Surgery of Southern OR PC 1619 NW Hawthorne Ave, Suite 210 Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/955-0585 Appleby, David M, MD Paragon Orthopedic Center PC 702 Ramsey Ave, Suite 112 Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/472-0603 Bents, Robert T, MD Mecum, Patricia L, FNP Swartz, Michael B, PA Vanhorne, James, MD Perry, Bruce E 1619 NW Hawthorne Ave, Suite 102 Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/471-6033 Perry, Bruce E, MD Santiam Orthopaedics 1369 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-8470 Stratton, Nicolas J, MD Silverton Specialists Center 452 Welch St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-8740 Block, Richard A, MD Forsythe, David A, MD Smith, Ronald A, PA Thorsett, David A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 111 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Tukwila Center for Health & Medicine 693 Ray J Glatt Circle, Suite 4 Woodburn, OR 97071 503/982-4878 Block, Richard A, MD Cooke, Ruth, ANP Forsythe, David A, MD Multnomah County East Portland Orthopedic & Fracture Clinic 135 NE 102nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/255-5388 Holter, Brookley V, PA Rosborough, Todd M, PA Treible, Timothy J, MD Fanno Creek Clinic, LLC 2400 SW Vermont St Portland, OR 97219 503/452-0915 Austin, John C, MD Legacy Bone and Joint Clinic 501 N Graham St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4488 Achterman, Christopher A, MD Barmada, Adam, MD Bederka, Bryce, MD Haralabatos, Susan S, MD Lenssen, Stephen J, PA McCann, Kathleen J, PA Noall, David L, MD Schlump, Jessica I, PA Van Meter, George L, PA Legacy Emanuel MultiSpecialty Center – Trauma Clinic 3025 N Vancouver Ave Portland, OR 97227 503/413-2000 Earl, Robert J, PA Legacy Good Samaritan Multi-Specialty Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 419 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-4488 Achterman, Christopher A, MD Barmada, Adam, MD Bederka, Bryce, MD Haralabatos, Susan S, MD McCann, Kathleen J, PA Noall, David L, MD Van Meter, George L, PA Mesnier, Natalie S 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 640 Portland, OR 97213 503/231-7809 Mesnier, Natalie S, MD OHSU Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation and Spine Clinic 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 12 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6400 Berent, Kara L, PA Carlson, Hans L, MD Carlson, Nels L, MD Ching, Alexander C, MD Crawford, Dennis C, MD Friess, Darin M, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 112 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Halsey, Matthew F, MD Hart, Robert A, MD Hayden, James B, MD Herzka, Andrea S, MD Hines, Tannia L, PA Holmberg, Andreanna J, PA Huff, Thomas W, MD Kennedy, Michael P, MD Mirarchi, Adam J, MD Mirza, Amer J, MD Nersasian, Keleigh M, PA Orfaly, Robert M, MD Quilici, Samantha M, PA Sothern, Amy E, PA Van Atta, Jennifer K, PA Veri, John P, MD Welbourn, Kayleen M, PA Yoo, Jung U, MD OHSU Orthopaedics 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-6400 Berent, Kara L, PA Brown, George A, MD Carlson, Hans L, MD Carlson, Nels L, MD Ching, Alexander C, MD Cline, Lorena L, PA Crawford, Dennis C, MD D’amato, Charles R, MD Friess, Darin M, MD Halsey, Matthew F, MD Hart, Robert A, MD Hayden, James B, MD Herzberg, Alex M, MD Herzka, Andrea S, MD Holmberg, Andreanna J, PA continued Huff, Thomas W, MD Kennedy, Michael P, MD Krajbich, Joseph I, MD Mirarchi, Adam J, MD Mirza, Amer J, MD Nersasian, Keleigh M, PA Noall, David L, MD Orfaly, Robert M, MD Quilici, Samantha M, PA Renwick, Stephen E, MD Sothern, Amy E, PA Van Atta, Jennifer K, PA Veri, John P, MD Vigeland, Theodore J, MD Welbourn, Kayleen M, PA Yoo, Jung U, MD OHSU Pediatric Orthopaedics 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/346-0640 Halsey, Matthew F, MD Renwick, Stephen E, MD Turker, Ronald J, MD Pacific Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine 10000 SE Main St, Suite 327 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-5866 Aboujaoude, Emad S, PA Anderson, John Charles, MD Hanley, Patrick L, MD Welsh, Robert M, PA Ulmer, Todd W 10101 SE Main St #3008 Portland, OR 97216 503/253-3268 Ulmer, Todd W, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 113 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Woolley, Charles T 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 401 Portland, OR 97210 503/274-4865 Woolley, Charles T, MD OHSU Doernbecher Pediatric Westside 15220 NW Laidlaw Rd, Suite 102 Portland, OR 97229 503/418-2000 Halsey, Matthew F, MD Washington County Hillsboro Orthopedics 349 SE 7th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-0803 Eilers, Anton F, MD Rask, Bart P, MD Schenck, Joseph P, MD OHSU Orthopaedics at St Vincent Medical Center 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 402 Portland, OR 97225 503/418-2444 Berent, Kara L, PA Carlson, Hans L, MD Carlson, Nels L, MD Ching, Alexander C, MD Cline, Lorena L, PA Friess, Darin M, MD Herzka, Andrea S, MD Hines, Tannia L, PA Holmberg, Andreanna J, PA Kennedy, Michael P, MD Mirarchi, Adam J, MD Mirza, Amer J, MD Nersasian, Keleigh M, PA Orfaly, Robert M, MD Sothern, Amy E, PA Veri, John P, MD Yoo, Jung U, MD Northwest Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine 21255 NW Jacobson Rd, Suite 500 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/439-8219 Austin, John C, MD OHSU Tuality Healthplace 1200 NE 48th Ave, Suite 1100 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/640-2641 Carlson, Hans L, MD Carlson, Nels L, MD Benz, A Brooke 1960 NW 167th Pl, Suite 205 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/629-7500 Benz, A Brooke, MD Hillsboro Orthopedic Specialists 862 SE Oak St, Suite B3 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/844-6599 Buuck, David A, MD Hermens, Kenneth A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 114 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS OTOLARYNGOLOGY Oregon Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-0366 Ballard, James C, MD Black, Bradford T, MD Feinblatt, Jeffrey S, MD Huberty, David P, MD McWeeney, Thomas P, MD Sedgewick, Terrence A, MD Schader, James B 19875 SW 65th Ave, Suite 201 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-3250 Schader, James B, MD Tongue, John R 6485 SW Borland Rd, Suite A Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-5483 Tongue, John R, MD OTOLARYNGOLOGY Clackamas County Lake Grove ENT 17704 Jean Way, Suite 101 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/699-0370 Furman, Robert H, MD Huberty, Erika E, MD Mulcahy, Maureen M, MD White, Stephen J, MD Yang, Caroline Y, MD Lake Grove ENT 18380 Willamette Dr, Suite 201 West Linn, OR 97068 503/636-6887 Furman, Robert H, MD Huberty, Erika E, MD Mulcahy, Maureen M, MD Leedy, Daniel A 1508 Division St, Suite 115 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-0601 Leedy, Daniel A, MD Northwest ENT Allergy Care PC 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 320 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/513-8693 Vansandt, Aramis Z, PA Varela, Adrian E, MD Rydlund, Kelly W 1508 Division St, Suite 115 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-0601 Rydlund, Kelly W, MD Clatsop County Miller, Roger W 2095 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-4455 Miller, Roger W, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 115 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS OTOLARYNGOLOGY Jackson County Josephine County Oregon Ear, Nose & Throat Center 920 Royal Ave Medford, OR 97504 541/779-7331 Chambers, David W, MD Lee, Jonathan H, MD Reeck, Jay B, MD Steele, Elizabeth H, MD Traynor, Sean J, MD Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Grants Pass, PC 1600 NW 6th St S Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/476-7775 Fear, Daniel R, MD Johnson Jr, Paul E, MD Miller, Jonathan B, PA Reynolds, Bruce N 280 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/201-4420 Reynolds, Bruce N, MD Rydlund, Kelly W 693 Glatt Circle Woodburn, OR 97071 503/982-4878 Rydlund, Kelly W, MD Skin Cancer, Ear, Nose & Throat Center 1698 E McAndrews, Suite 220 Medford, OR 97504 541/245-5400 Cruickshank, James C, MD Willamette Ear, Nose & Throat LLP 3099 River Rd S, Suite 150 Salem, OR 97302 503/581-1567 Allan, Joseph H, MD Donovan, John S, MD Johnson, Bruce C, MD Nishioka, Gary J, MD Skarada, Douglas J, MD Thompson, Clark R, MD Southern Oregon ENT 555 Black Oak Dr, Suite 210 Medford, OR 97504 541/245-5400 Wayman, Daniel M, MD Marion County Multnomah County Brown, Jeffrey J 501 N Graham St, Suite 515 Portland, OR 97227 503/282-0943 Brown, Jeffrey J, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 116 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS OTOLARYNGOLOGY Fanno Creek Clinic LLC 2400 SW Vermont St Portland, OR 97219 503/452-0915 Schoenberg, Erik D, MD Lundeberg, Duane A 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 622 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-8455 Lundeberg, Duane A, MD Hargunani, Christopher A 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 622 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-8455 Hargunani, Christopher A, MD Mt Scott Ear, Nose & Throat 9200 SE 91st Ave, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97266 503/233-5548 Iuga, Laura D, MD Roberts, Robert L, DO Head & Neck Surgical Associates 1849 NW Kearney St, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97209 503/224-1371 Dierks, Eric J, MD Hodgson, R Sterling, MD Hertler, Craig K 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 607 Portland, OR 97210 503/222-3638 Hertler, Craig K, MD Kim, Edsel U 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 607 Portland, OR 97210 503/222-3638 Kim, Edsel U, MD Lewis, Wesley A 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 607 Portland, OR 97210 503/222-3638 Lewis, Wesley A, MD OHSU Child Development & Rehab Center – Gaines Rd 707 SW Gaines Rd Portland, OR 97239 800/452-3563 Wang, Tom D, MD OHSU Family Health Center – Richmond 3930 SE Division St Portland, OR 97202 503/418-3900 Lipman, Derek S, MD Smith, James D, MD OHSU Otolaryngology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8510 Andersen, Peter E, MD Cook, Ted A, MD Everts, Edwin C, MD Flint, Paul W, MD Gross, Neil D, MD Iuga, Laura D, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 117 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS OTOLARYNGOLOGY McMenomey, Sean O, MD Nguyen-Huynh, Anh T, MD Richardson, Mark A, MD Sautter, Nathan B, MD Schindler, Joshua S, MD Shi, Yong-Bing, MD Smith, Timothy L, MD Wang, Tom D, MD Warren III, Frank M, MD Watts, Tammara L, MD Wax, Mark K, MD Weber, Stephen M, MD OHSU Otolaryngology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 5 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8135 Cook, Ted A, MD Flint, Paul W, MD McMenomey, Sean O, MD Nguyen-Huynh, Anh T, MD Sautter, Nathan B, MD Smith, Timothy L, MD Wang, Tom D, MD Watts, Tammara L, MD Wax, Mark K, MD Weber, Stephen M, MD Wyant, Lindsay E, PA Oregon Clinic – Eastside ENT 24076 SE Stark St, Suite 230 Gresham, OR 97030 503/488-2600 Buckman, Christy R, MD Butler, Erin P, PA Dew, Leigh Anne, MD Ghaheri, Bobak A, MD Mansouri, Roya, MD Wobig, Roger J, MD Oregon Clinic – Otolaryngology 1111 NE 99th Ave, Suite 101 Portland, OR 97220 503/488-2626 Buckman, Christy R, MD Butler, Erin P, PA Dew, Leigh Anne, MD Ghaheri, Bobak A, MD Mansouri, Roya, MD Oregon Clinic – Plaza ENT 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 655 Portland, OR 97213 503/488-2400 Flaming, Michael B, MD Rufener, Justin B, MD Portland Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 501 N Graham St, Suite 455 Portland, OR 97227 503/408-1323 Cleland-Zamudio, Suzanne S, MD Iuga, Laura D, MD Shiley, Samuel G 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 622 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-8455 Shiley, Samuel G, MD Thomas, Larry R 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 622 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-8455 Thomas, Larry R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 118 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS PODIATRY *Providence Medical Group Sherwood Family Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 16770 SW Edy Rd, Suite 102 900 SE Oak St, Suite 201 Sherwood, OR 97140 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/216-9600 503/648-8971 Porter, Gregory G, MD Caro, James E, MD Suits, Gregory W Gabel, Steven P 900 SE Oak St, Suite 201 900 SE Oak St, Suite 201 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-8971 503/648-8971 Suits, Gregory W, MD Gabel, Steven P, MD Thiringer, Jon K Lipman, Derek S 900 SE Oak St, Suite 201 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 831 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Portland, OR 97225 503/648-8971 503/935-8100 Thiringer, Jon K, MD Lipman, Derek S, MD Washington County Oregon Clinic – Westside ENT 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 831 Portland, OR 97225 503/935-8100 Kim, Edsel U, MD *Providence Medical Group Bridgeport 18040 SW Lower Boones Ferry Road, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97224 503/216-0700 Porter, Gregory G, MD *Providence Medical Group Scholls Internal Medicine 12442 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Suite 106 Tigard, OR 97223 503/216-9200 Porter, Gregory G, MD PODIATRY Clackamas County Clackamas Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc 8800 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite 105N Clackamas, OR 97015 503/652-9671 Lam, Thuy-Trang, DPM Oregon City Foot Clinic 1510 Division St, Suite 80 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-0775 Cain, Patricia E, DPM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 119 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS PODIATRY Pacific Foot and Ankle 6542 SE Lake Rd, Suite 102 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/659-6686 Moy, Manny, DPM Helton, Lawrence F 761 Golf View Dr, Suite A Medford, OR 97504 541/779-5263 Helton, Lawrence F, MD Town Center Foot Clinic 8305 SE Monterey Ave, Suite 101 Happy Valley, OR 97086 503/652-1121 Mitnick, Joshua P, DPM Mozena, John D, DPM Medford Foot & Ankle Clinic 713 Golf View Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/770-1225 Dekorte, Michael A, DPM McClure, Rick E, DPM Rawcliffe, Lynn W, DPM Wilsonville Foot Health Center 29756H SW Town Center Loop West Wilsonville, OR 97070 503/682-6035 Fekete, Stephen P, DPM Clatsop County Rivershore Foot & Ankle Clinic 2120 Exchange St, Suite 110 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-5655 Ray, Nancy T, DPM Jackson County Active Foot & Ankle Center 490 Murphy Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/779-5227 Holdermann, Heather A, DPM Holdermann, James S, DPM Rogue Valley Foot Clinic 2655 Siskiyou Blvd Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3338 Code, Patrick T, DPM Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle, LLC 2924 Siskiyou Blvd, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/776-3338 Merrill, Evan C DPM Josephine County Grants Pass Clinic, LLP 495 SW Ramsey Ave Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/476-6644 Froehlich, Monika DPM Johnson, Justin T DPM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 120 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS PODIATRY Marion County Multnomah County Advanced Foot Clinic 1475 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/391-0688 Arabshahi, Hamid R, DPM Advanced Foot Clinic 9663 SW Barbur Blvd Portland, OR 97219 503/977-3668 Arabshahi, Hamid R, DPM Campbell, Daniel J 700 Bellvue St SE, Suite 225 Salem, OR 97301 503/378-1162 Campbell, Daniel J DPM Ankle and Foot Clinic of Oregon 5528 SE Powell Blvd Portland, OR 97206 503/777-3999 Yoon, Jerry J, DPM Cascade Foot Center 3474 Liberty Rd S Salem, OR 97302 503/588-8188 Lisle, James E, DPM Ruben Pollak, DPM, PC 1369 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-7960 Pollak, Ruben, DPM Santiam Foot Clinic 2235 Mission St SE, Suite 150 Salem, OR 97302 503/581-2505 Callahan, John T, DPM Willamette Foot Center 432 Lancaster Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 503/363-0763 Stevens, Robert C, DPM Broadway Foot & Ankle Clinic PC 3508 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97232 503/282-8777 Bullock, Gina M, DPM Chiotti, Gary J, DPM Michael, Elliot N, DPM Downtown Foot Clinic 610 SW Alder St, Suite 506 Portland, OR 97205 503/223-3380 Kennedy, Marshall T, DPM Lantsberger, Rae L, DPM Fanno Creek Clinic, LLC 2400 SW Vermont St Portland, OR 97219 503/452-0915 Jensen, Larry D, DPM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 121 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS PODIATRY Franson, Leslie O 1701 NE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97230 503/255-1381 Franson, Leslie O, MD Greenberg, David C 948 NE 102nd Ave, Suite 103 Portland, OR 97220 503/257-8886 Greenberg, David C, DPM Gresham Foot Clinic 2775 E Powell Valley Rd Gresham, OR 97080 503/667-7789 Kennedy, Marshall T, DPM Lantsberger, Rae L, DPM Hillsdale Foot & Ankle Clinic 6327 SW Capitol Hwy, Suite B Portland, OR 97239 503/246-2212 Tillett, Steven G, DPM Johansen, Lyndon G 12658 SE Stark St Portland, OR 97233 503/256-4018 Johansen, Lyndon G, DPM Lantsberger, Rae L 2775 E Powell Valley Rd Gresham, OR 97080 503/223-3380 Lantsberger, Rae L, DPM Legacy Clinic Emanuel Internal Medicine 2800 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 230 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-2901 Chiotti, Gary J, DPM Laxson, Steven E, DPM Myers, Brandi S, DPM Legacy Clinic Good Samaritan Internal Medicine 1200 NW 23rd Ave Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7074 Chiotti, Gary J, DPM Michael, Elliot N, DPM Myers, Brandi S, DPM Vetter, Wayne A, DPM Legacy Foot & Ankle Clinic 2800 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 130 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-2005 Remmers, Jared K, DPM Tidwell, Justin A, DPM Legacy Good Samaritan Multi-Specialty Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 419 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-4488 Remmers, Jared K DPM Myers, Brandi S 7834 SE 13th Ave Portland, OR 97202 503/235-8594 Myers, Brandi S, DPM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 122 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS PODIATRY Oregon Clinic – Podiatry 1111 NE 99th Ave Parkrose, OR 97220 503/963-2964 Simmons, Troy W, DPM Oregon Clinic – Podiatry 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 103 Gresham, OR 97030 503/963-2964 Simmons, Troy W, DPM Palmer, Thomas R 6108 NE Glisan St Portland, OR 97213 503/255-8100 Broadbent, Bryan K, DPM Palmer, Thomas R, DPM Sampson, Robert A 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 235 Portland, OR 97213 503/408-1102 Sampson, Robert A, DPM Seuferling, Christopher S 7940 SE Division St, Suite E Portland, OR 97206 503/775-5846 Seuferling, Christopher S, DPM Westside Podiatry Clinic 1515 NW 18th Ave, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97209 503/245-2420 Washington County Corrective Step 11515 SW Durham Rd, Suite E1 Tigard, OR 97224 503/624-0364 Rothstein, Alan F, DPM Gregory, Candace L 14795 SW Murray Scholls Dr, Suite 121 Beaverton, OR 97007 503/597-5647 Gregory, Candace L, DPM Hillsboro Foot & Ankle Clinic 862 SE Oak St, Suite 1A Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-2200 Bullock, Gina M, DPM Chiotti, Gary J, DPM Michael, Elliot N, DPM Portland Foot Clinic 9370 SW Greenburg Rd, Suite A Portland, OR 97223 503/244-7894 Hayes, Stephen M, DPM Westside Podiatry Clinic 16770 SW Edy Rd, Suite 216 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/245-2420 Dehqanzada, Yama A, DPM Melillo, Thomas C, DPM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 123 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS PULMONARY DISEASE Westside Podiatry Clinic 18040 Lower Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 207 Durham, OR 97224 503/245-2420 Surratt, Jason R, DPM Westside Podiatry Clinic 18610 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 300 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/245-2420 Gentile, Michael A, DPM Surratt, Jason R, DPM Westside Podiatry Clinic 19875 SW 65th Ave, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/245-2420 Dehqanzada, Yama A, DPM Gentile, Michael A, DPM Melillo, Thomas C, DPM Westside Podiatry Clinic 9900 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97223 503/245-2420 Dehqanzada, Yama A, DPM Melillo, Thomas C, DPM Surratt, Jason R, DPM PULMONARY DISEASE Clackamas County *Providence Medical Group Oregon City Pulmonary/Critical Care 1510 Division St, Suite 200 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/650-6880 Juarez, Ralph A, MD Jackson County Pulmonary Consultants 555 Black Oak Dr, Suite 300 Medford, OR 97504 541/494-2000 Day, Annemarie, FNP Fennell, Dan F, MD Ordal, John C, MD Schoenhals, Joseph A, MD Telford, Byron B, FNP Marion County Salem Pulmonary Associates 801 Mission St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/588-3945 Bader, Fayez A, MD Firoozi, Kamran, MD Ismail, Saleh A, MD Johnson II, Martin C, MD Mankidy, Babith, MD Marvel, Steven L, MD Parosa, James F, MD Shultz, Theodore G, MD Silver, John, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 124 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS PULMONARY DISEASE Multnomah County Adventist Health Portland Lung Clinic 10201 SE Main St, Suite 11 Portland, OR 97216 503/253-2248 Atwal, Kamaljit K, DO Shaker, Kamal G, MD Uri, Andrew J, MD Legacy Clinic Mt Hood 24988 SE Stark St, Suite 220 Gresham, OR 97030 503/674-1580 Karulf, Matthew R, MD Markin, Catherine J, MD Sherbin, Vandy L, MD Legacy Clinic Northeast 300 N Graham St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4134 Lewis, Michael S, MD Legacy Clinic Northwest 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 220 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-8988 Karulf, Matthew R, MD Lewis, Michael S, MD Markin, Catherine J, MD Roessel, Lisa L, FNP Sherbin, Vandy L, MD Legacy Pulmonary Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy St Bldg 1, Suite 411 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-5702 Karulf, Matthew R, MD Lewis, Michael S, MD Markin, Catherine J, MD Roessel, Lisa L, FNP Scherer, Oscar R, MD Sherbin, Vandy L, MD OHSU Pediatric Pulmonary 707 SW Gaines St Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8023 Satcher, Virginia M, ANP OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-1620 Allada, Gopal, MD Barker, Alan F, MD Deffebach, Mark E, MD Gold, Jeffrey A, MD Hagg, Daniel S, MD Hall, Stephen B, MD Holden, William E, MD Jacoby, David B, MD Khan, Akram, MD Lewinsohn, David M, MD Markin, Catherine J, MD Nichols, Dane J, MD Nonas, Stephanie A, MD O’Hearn, Daniel J, MD Osborne, Molly L, MD Richardson, Robert H, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 125 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS RHEUMATOLOGY Satcher, Virginia M, ANP Shaker, Kamal G, MD Strauss, Wayne L, MD OHSU Sleep Disorders Program – Marriott 2115 SW River Pkwy Portland, OR 97201 503/494-8144 Allada, Gopal, MD O’Hearn, Daniel J, MD Oregon Clinic – Pulmonology 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-3030 Bowerfind, William M, MD Chesnutt, Asha N, MD Cummings, Rhett J, MD Heffner, John E, MD Hotchkin, David L, MD Jacobs, Marc A, MD Keppel, John F, MD Lefor, Michael J, MD Libby, Louis S, MD Morganroth, Melvin L, MD Patterson, James R, MD Schaumberg, Thomas H, MD Schoen, Elke, FNP Skokan, Michael D, MD Strauss, Wayne L, MD Wesenberg, Karen J, MD Washington County Kelly, Brian W 545-F SE Oak St Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/640-5950 Byerly, Robert G, MD Kelly, Brian W, MD Oregon Pulmonary Associates, PC 1585 SW Marlow Ave, Suite 101 Portland, OR 97225 503/692-8560 Blair, Gregory P, MD Bluhm, Jeffrey M, MD Flick, Gregory R, MD Kim, Robert D, MD Lazarus, Howard M, MD Riddick, Carl A, MD Rudin, Marilyn L, MD RHEUMATOLOGY Clatsop County Columbia Pacific Medical Services 2120 Exchange St, Suite 200 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-5360 Prasertsuntarasai, Theerapol, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 126 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS RHEUMATOLOGY Jackson County Multnomah County Basin, Karen S 1365 Poplar Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/773-2233 Basin, Karen S, MD Adventist Arthritis and Bone Care Clinic 10201 SE Main St, Suite 25 Portland, OR 97216 503/261-6912 Khaw, Kevin P, MD Chamberland, David L 1365 Poplar Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/773-2233 Chamberland, David L, MD Dryland, David I 1365 Poplar Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/773-2233 Dryland, David I, MD Greene, Rudy R 268 S Pacific Hwy Talent, OR 97540 541/535-5523 Greene, Rudy R, MD Levin, Lawrence B 1365 Poplar Dr Medford, OR 97504 541/773-2233 Levin, Lawrence B, MD Marion County Physicians Building Group 1234 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/362-9334 Han, Kwang-Hoon, MD Gandler, Howard I 2230 NW Pettygrove, Suite 120 Portland, OR 97210 503/223-1840 Gandler, Howard I, MD Griffin, John W 10101 SE Main St, Suite 2001 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-2216 Griffin, John W, MD Legacy Clinic Good Samaritan Internal Medicine 1200 NW 23rd Ave Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7074 Davies, Laura H, MD Sager, Daniel S, MD Legacy Clinic Northeast 300 N Graham St, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4134 Baker, Kathryn B, DO Davies, Laura H, MD Kim, Lauren H, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 127 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS SURGICAL ONCOLOGY OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8637 Chu, Cong Qui, MD Deodhar, Atulya A, MD Hryciw, Cheryl A, FNP Ingram, Shirley B, MD Jones, Kim D, FNP Liebling, Michael R, MD Rosenbaum, James T, MD Scalapino, Kenneth J, MD Schwab, Pascale M, MD Smith, David L, MD Wanchu, Ajay, MD *Providence Ambulatory Care & Education (PACE) 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 540 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6600 Campbell, Stephen M, MD *Providence Arthritis Center 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 155 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6819 Bonafede, Rosario Peter, MD Campbell, Stephen M, MD Davies, Laura H, MD Lee, Wai L, MD Wernick, Richard M, MD Schoepflin, Gerald S 10000 SE Main St, Suite 132 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-5187 Schoepflin, Gerald S, MD Wernick, Richard M 5050 NE Hoyt St 155 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-6819 Wernick, Richard M, MD Washington County Tuality Rheumatology Clinic 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 201 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4394 SURGICAL ONCOLOGY Multnomah County NW Surgical Oncology, PC 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 540 Portland, OR 97210 503/517-9030 Morris, Katherine T, MD OHSU Surgical Oncology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-5501 Naik, Arpana M, MD OHSU Surgical Oncology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 7 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-5501 Naik, Arpana M, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 128 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS THORACIC SURGERY Portland Surgical Oncology, PC 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 317 Portland, OR 97213 503/239-0092 Friedman, Eric I, MD Wood, William J, MD Marion County Oregon Clinic – Cardiovascular Surgery 875 Oak St SE, Suite 5020 Salem, OR 97301 503/371-4044 Shaar, Andrew F, PA Winkler, Thomas R, MD THORACIC SURGERY Multnomah County Clackamas County *Providence Medical Group Oregon City General Surgery 1510 Division St, Suite 210 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/723-6525 Johnson, Kevin R, MD Morgan, Shawn M, MD Jackson County Cardiovascular & Thoracic Clinic 2954 Siskiyou Blvd Medford, OR 97504 541/789-5710 Carmeci, Charles, MD Folsom, David L, MD Hall, Roger V, MD Wilkinson, George R, MD Providence Medical Group Cardiology 940 Royal St, Suite 420 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-7850 Sharma, Sanjeev, MD Healthcare Specialists NW – General Surgery 10000 SE Main St, Suite 316 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-1575 Boskind, Jeffrey F, MD Legacy Emanuel Children’s Heart Program 501 N Graham, Suite 220 Portland, OR 97227 503/280-3418 Hovaguimian, Hagop, MD OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8752 Esquivel, Ileana M, PA Iguidbashian, John P, MD Slater, Matthew S, MD Song, Howard K, MD Sukumar, Mithran S, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 129 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS THORACIC SURGERY Oregon Clinic – Cardiovascular Surgery 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 315 Portland, OR 97210 503/226-6321 Ciolli, Lauren E, PA Colburn, Leon Q, PA Courtox, Robert L, PA Frazee, Scott E, PA Gray, Dana Robert, PA Hill, Jonathan G, MD Lemmer Jr, John H, MD Lyon, Jaylynn, PA Martin, Mark A, MD Sauer Porter, Mary P, PA Shaar, Andrew F, PA Timm, Brian A, PA Tsen, Andrew C, MD Oregon Clinic – Eastside ENT 24076 SE Stark St, Suite 230 Gresham, OR 97030 503/488-2600 Oyarzun, Juan R, MD Oregon Clinic – Thoracic Surgery 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-3030 Douville, E Charles, MD Engstad, Kai E, MD Handy Jr, John R, MD Hartman, Ian M, PA Ott, Gary Y, MD Ramme, Laura D, PA Shaar, Andrew F, PA Pacific Surgical PC 501 N Graham St, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 Karmy-Jones, Riyad C, MD Long III, William B, MD Windom, Kristine J, PA Surgical Associates, PC 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7339 Irish, Charles Edwin, MD Washington County Clackamas Surgical Associates, Inc 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 220 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-5650 Cramer, Andrew B, MD Craven, James P, MD *Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Heart Rhythm 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 490 Portland, OR 97225 503/291-2123 Deitering, Paul J, PA Starr Wood Cardiac Group 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 240 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1419 Floten, Harkness S, MD Long, Justin A, PA If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 130 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS UROLOGY Surgical Associates, PC 18650 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 212 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/292-1103 Irish, Charles Edwin, MD Surgical Associates, PC 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 830 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-1103 Irish, Charles Edwin, MD Swanson Gately Cardiothoracic Surgeons LLC 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 596 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-8670 Swanson, Jeffrey S, MD UROLOGY Clatsop County Columbia Memorial Hospital Specialty Clinic 2265 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-4060 Columbia Pacific Urology 2120 Exchange St, Suite 102 Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-7888 Leibel, David P, DO Columbia County The Urology Clinic – St Helens 500 N Columbia River Hwy Saint Helens, OR 97051 503/274-4999 Kaempf, Michael J, MD Clackamas County Burke, William Romney 1510 Division St, Suite 10 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-2606 Burke, William Romney, MD Oregon Clinic – Urology 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 702 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/215-2399 Klemann, Gilbert P, MD Jackson County Driver, Timothy R 2900 Doctors Park Dr #100 Medford, OR 97504 541/772-6600 Driver, Timothy R, MD Loos, James C 2900 Doctors Park Dr, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/772-6600 Loos, James C, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 131 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS UROLOGY Martin, Eric L 2900 Doctors Park Dr, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/772-6600 Martin, Eric L, MD Rogue Valley Urology, PC 1698 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 280 Medford, OR 97504 541/774-5808 Barrows, Edward Bruce, MD Bui, Thong T, MD Lewis, Jack B, MD Urology Associates 2900 Doctors Park Dr #100 Medford, OR 97504 541/772-6600 Driver, Timothy R, MD Loos, James C, MD Martin, Eric L, MD Marion County Willamette Urology 875 Oak St SE, Suite 5030 Salem, OR 97301 503/561-7100 Bashey, Jaffer A, MD Elkins, David A, MD Elmgren, David T, MD Hay, Alan R, MD Mhoon, John M, MD Warner, Bradley W, MD Multnomah County Center for Mens & Womens Urology, LLC 24076 SE Stark St, Suite 310 Gresham, OR 97080 503/492-6510 Anderson, Donna F, PA Rockove, Shammai, MD Springer, Cheryl A, PA Toland, Kent C, MD East Portland Urology Clinic 171 NE 102nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/254-6418 Shah, Kirit S, MD Kalez, Robert L 24900 SE Stark St, Suite 208 Gresham, OR 97030 503/666-3030 Kalez, Robert L, MD Legacy Pediatric Urology Clinic 501 N Graham St, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-1145 Fernstrom, Bruce, PA Northwest Urological Clinic 2230 NW Pettygrove, Suite 210 Portland, OR 97210 503/223-6223 Bartholomew, Kelly M, PA Lavelle Jr, Michael T, MD Lowe, Bruce A, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 132 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS UROLOGY Myers, Stanley A, MD Pitre, Thomas M, MD Stranburg, Clifford O, MD Williams, Mandy M, PA OHSU Child Development & Rehab Center – Gaines Rd 707 SW Gaines Rd Portland, OR 97239 800/452-3563 Anderson, Erin J, PNP Skoog, Steven J, MD OHSU Urogynecology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4500 Davis, Nina S, MD OHSU Urology at Marquam Hill 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7760 Amling, Christopher L, MD Anderson, Erin J, PNP Austin, James C, MD Barry, John M, MD Conlin, Michael J, MD Davis, Nina S, MD Dugi III, Daniel D, MD Fuchs, Eugene F, MD Garzotto, Mark G, MD La Rochelle, Jeffrey C, MD Skoog, Steven J, MD OHSU Urology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave, Suite 10 Portland, OR 97239 503/494-4779 Amling, Christopher L, MD Anderson, Erin J, PNP Austin, James C, MD Barry, John M, MD Conlin, Michael J, MD Davis, Nina S, MD Dugi III, Daniel D, MD Fuchs, Eugene F, MD Garzotto, Mark G, MD La Rochelle, Jeffrey C, MD Skoog, Steven J, MD Wilson, Paula F, PA Oregon Clinic – Urology 5050 NE Hoyt, Suite 514 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-2399 Klemann, Gilbert P, MD Marr, Lance T, MD Menashe, David S, MD Sandoz, Ivan L, MD Young, Donald A, MD Oregon Urology Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy St, Suite 416 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7722 Rosencrantz, David R, MD Pappas, James T 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 428 Portland, OR 97213 503/231-3355 Pappas, James T, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 133 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS UROLOGY The Urology Clinic – East Portland 10000 SE Main St, Suite 404 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-5244 Kim, Jin Hee, MD Rosenquist, Roger D, MD Winchester, David K, MD Windom, Kristine J, PA The Urology Clinic – Emanuel 501 N Graham St, Suite 420 Portland, OR 97227 503/288-7303 Cost, Gregory A, MD Dutta, Sajal C, MD Giesy, Jerry D, MD McEvoy, Kevin M, MD The Urology Clinic – Good Samaritan 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 535 Portland, OR 97210 503/274-4999 Kaempf, Michael J, MD McCoy, Gregory B, MD McEvoy, Kevin M, MD Wang, Xinyue, PA Polk County Ordonez, Carlos B 591 SE Clay St Dallas, OR 97338 503/623-6638 Ordonez, Carlos B, MD Washington County Gardner, Michael P 19260 SW 65th Ave, Suite 400 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-1200 Gardner, Michael P, MD Murphy, Jeremiah C 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 4500 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-6611 Murphy, Jeremiah C, MD Northwest Urological Clinic 9701 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97225 503/223-6223 Lavelle Jr, Michael T, MD The Urology Clinic – Providence 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 516 Portland, OR 97213 503/943-3265 Cost, Gregory A, MD Kim, Jin Hee, MD Winchester, David K, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 134 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS VASCULAR SURGERY OHSU Doernbecher Pediatric Westside 15220 NW Laidlaw Rd, Suite 102 Portland, OR 97229 503/418-2000 Anderson, Erin J, PNP Austin, James C, MD Skoog, Steven J, MD Skeeters, Charles E 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 235 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-1470 Skeeters, Charles E, MD Westside Urology Associates 333 SE 7th Ave, Suite 4500 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-6611 Murphy, Jeremiah C, MD Rosenblatt, Gregory S, MD Sadowski, Todd J, MD Schmidt, Robert E, MD VASCULAR SURGERY Clackamas County The Urology Clinic – Tualatin 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 250 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-4820 Cost, Gregory A, MD Dutta, Sajal C, MD Kim, Jin Hee, MD Mauer, Kristin K, PA McCoy, Gregory B, MD *Providence Medical Group Oregon City General Surgery 1510 Division St, Suite 210 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/723-6525 Johnson, Kevin R, MD Morgan, Shawn M, MD Urologic Consultants PC 9135 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 663 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1078 Janoff, Daniel M, MD Kensil, Lisa N, PA Leaf, David N, MD Shaffer, Brian S, MD Turner, Craig D, MD Zoubek, Jaroslava, MD Sasaki, Truman M 2055 Exchange St, Suite 290 Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-5353 Sasaki, Truman M, MD Clatsop County If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 135 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS VASCULAR SURGERY Jackson County Oregon Surgical Specialists 520 Medical Center Dr, Suite 300 Medford, OR 97504 541/282-6680 Castillo, Juan M, MD Eaton, Mark A, MD Faught, William E, MD Street, David L, MD Traul, David K, MD Providence Medical Group Siskiyou Surgical 940 Royal Ave, Suite 420 Medford, OR 97504 541/618-8388 Craft, William B, MD Schwartz, John A, MD Marion County Salem Vascular PC 1535 Liberty St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/371-8346 Pittman, Rick D, MD Multnomah County Duncan III, William C 5400 SW Menefee Dr, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97239 503/246-5333 Duncan III, William C, MD Legacy Clinic Good Samaritan Internal Medicine 1200 NW 23rd Ave Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7074 Standage, Blayne A, MD Legacy Clinic Mt Hood 24988 SE Stark St, Suite 220 Gresham, OR 97030 503/674-1580 Huang, Carber C, MD Legacy Columbia Vascular & Endovascular Surgery – Emanuel 501 N Graham St, Suite 415 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-3580 Barnatan, Marcos F, MD Foley, Matthew I, MD Gold-Markel, Judah, PA Huang, Carber C, MD Nicoloff, Alexander D, MD Legacy Columbia Vascular & Endovascular Surgery – Good Sam 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-3580 Barnatan, Marcos F, MD Foley, Matthew I, MD Gold-Markel, Judah, PA Huang, Carber C, MD Liem, Timothy K, MD Nicoloff, Alexander D, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 136 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS VASCULAR SURGERY Legacy Emanuel MultiSpecialty Center – Wound Care Clinic 3001 N Gantenbein Ave Portland, OR 97227 503/413-2000 Duncan III, William C, MD Legacy Good Samaritan Multi-Specialty Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 419 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-4488 Gold-Markel, Judah, PA Nicoloff, Alexander D, MD Legacy Oregon Surgical 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97210 503/226-4325 Schuman, Earl S, MD Standage, Blayne A, MD McAllister, William R 501 N Graham, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 McAllister, William R, MD OHSU Vascular Surgery 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-7593 Azin, Gregg D, MD Edwards, James Mark, MD Landry, Gregory J, MD Liem, Timothy K, MD Mitchell, Erica L, MD Moneta, Gregory L, MD Peck, James J, MD Taylor Jr, Lloyd M, MD Yeager, Richard A, MD OHSU Vein Clinic at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-3700 Landry, Gregory J, MD Oregon Clinic – Cardiovascular Surgery 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 315 Portland, OR 97210 503/226-6321 Tsen, Andrew C, MD Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1040 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 560 Portland, OR 97210 503/281-0561 Zelko, John R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 137 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS VASCULAR SURGERY Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/281-0561 Cook, David William, MD Oregon Clinic – Thoracic Surgery 1111 NE 99th Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/963-3030 Douville, E Charles, MD Handy Jr, John R, MD Ott, Gary Y, MD Pacific Surgical PC 501 N Graham St, Suite 580 Portland, OR 97227 503/528-0704 Gold-Markel, Judah, PA Specialty Surgery PC 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 511 Portland, OR 97213 503/232-0942 Morrow, Charles E, MD Surgical Associates, PC 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7339 Johnson, Nathalie M, MD Washington County Clackamas Surgical Associates, Inc 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 220 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-5650 Cramer, Andrew B, MD Craven, James P, MD Legacy Meridian Park Multispecialty Clinic 6485 SW Borland Rd, Suite F Tualatin, OR 97062 503/413-3580 Nicoloff, Alexander D, MD Northwest Vascular Consultants, Inc 9701 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 140 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-9565 Alexander, Philip T, MD Geary, Gregory L, MD Oregon Clinic – General Surgery 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 240 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-9895 Swartz, Kim R, MD Wolf, Ronald F, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 138 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS IN WASHINGTON Oregon Clinic – General Vascular Surgery 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 940 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-1351 Cook, David William, MD Gilster, Jason C, MD Swartz, Kim R, MD Wolf, Ronald F, MD Surgical Associates, PC 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 830 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-1103 Johnson, Nathalie M, MD Wiest, John W 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 321 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-0070 Wiest, John W, MD Williamson, Weldon K, MD Willamette Surgical Clinic PC 19875 SW 65th Ave, Suite 260 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-1743 McBee, Patrick G, MD WASHINGTON CARDIOLOGY Cowlitz County Peacehealth Specialty Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2730 Cigarroa, Joaquin E, MD Kaul, Sanjiv M, MD Mays, Maureen E, MD Santo Domingo, Noel E, MD Silvernail, Sarah L, PA Stajduhar, Karl C, MD *Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Longview 625 9th Ave, Suite 120 Longview, WA 98632 360/425-2454 CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Cowlitz County Peacehealth Specialty Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2730 Kuchela, Arun, MD Zeilenga, Donald W, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 139 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS IN WASHINGTON DERMATOLOGY GENERAL SURGERY Cowlitz County Cowlitz County Boylon, James L 1106 Douglas St, Suite F Longview, WA 98632 360/636-4500 Boylon, James L, MD Open Advanced MRI of Longview 1015 Ocean Beach Hwy, Suite 125 Longview, WA 98632 360/703-0703 Peacehealth Longview Surgical Group 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/501-3500 Cabrales, Steven X, MD Forte, Mario D, MD Fortner, George S, MD Gaskill, Travis F, PA Katterhagen, Christine M, MD Matthews, Christine L, PA Moseson, Dane L, MD Schultz, Jess M, MD Shaffer, Jesse R, PA Simons, Anthony J, MD Wilfley, William A, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEUROLOGY Cowlitz County Cowlitz County Kirkpatrick, Donald M 1615 Delaware St, Suite 100 Longview, WA 98362 360/577-6628 Kirkpatrick, Donald M, MD Peacehealth Specialty Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2730 Neville, Lawrence H, MD Schostal, Clifford J, MD DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Cowlitz County Peacehealth Specialty Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2730 Breitinger, Anne M, MD Lemon, Stephen K, MD Norris, Mary E, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 140 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SPECIALISTS IN WASHINGTON NEUROSURGERY OPHTHALMOLOGY Cowlitz County Cowlitz County OHSU Longview Clinic 1060 Hudson St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-1388 Delashaw, Johnny B, MD Lower Columbia Eye Clinic 600 Triangle Center, Suite 400 Longview, WA 98632 360/423-0234 Hulbert, James E, MD Lauer, Andreas K, MD Lombardi, Lorinna H, MD Parikh, Mansi B, MD Vrtiska, Timothy F, MD ONCOLOGY Cowlitz County Peacehealth Cancer Center – Lower Columbia 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-7878 Joseph, Robert H, MD Roberts, Stephanie B, PA Yildirim, Zafer, MD Peacehealth Internal Medicine – Team A 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2727 Yildirim, Zafer, MD ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Cowlitz County Longview Orthopedic Associates 625 9th Ave, Suite 210 Longview, WA 98632 360/501-3400 Black, David M, MD Blackstone, Bruce G, MD Hansen, Eric T, MD Kretzler, Jon E, MD Kung, Peter L, MD Maligro, David, PA Mraz, Elizabeth A, NP Turner, William T, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 141 careoregon and you. better together. SPECIALISTS IN WASHINGTON Peacehealth Inmotion Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2700 Brown, Michael A, MD Espinosa, Randall A, MD Reis, Mark T, MD Wehmann, Ryan K, PA OTOLARYNGOLOGY Cowlitz County Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic of the Northwest 1801 1st Ave, Suite 3A Longview, WA 98632 360/636-4469 Davis, Jeffrey R, MD Treyve, Edward L, MD PULMONARY DISEASE Cowlitz County RHEUMATOLOGY Cowlitz County Peacehealth Inmotion Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2700 Nakashima, James J, MD Peacehealth Specialty Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2730 Scott, Kimberley J, PA VASCULAR SURGERY Cowlitz County Peacehealth Longview Surgical Group 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/501-3500 Morrison, Susan Laurie, MD Peacehealth Specialty Clinic 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2730 McNellis, Michael I, MD Sandhu, Jaswinderpal, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 142 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY HOSPITALS OREGON JACKSON COUNTY CLACKAMAS COUNTY Ashland Ashland Community Hospital 280 Maple St *Providence Milwaukie Hospital Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-2441 10150 SE 32nd Ave Milwaukie, OR 97222 Medford 503/513-8300 *Providence Medford Oregon City Medical Center 1111 Crater Lake Ave Providence Willamette Medford, OR 97504 Falls Hospital 541/732-5000 1500 Division St Oregon City, OR 97045 Rogue Valley Medical Center 503/656-1631 2825 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/608-4900 CLATSOP COUNTY Milwaukie Astoria Columbia Memorial Hospital 2111 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-4321 Seaside *Providence Seaside Hospital 725 S Wahanna Rd Seaside, OR 97138 503/717-7000 JOSEPHINE COUNTY Grants Pass Asante Three Rivers Community Hospital 500 SW Ramsey Ave Grants Pass, OR 97527 541/472-7000 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 143 careoregon and you. better together. HOSPITALS MARION COUNTY Portland Salem Adventist Medical Center 10123 SE Market St Portland, OR 97216 503/257-2500 Salem Hospital 890 Oak St SE Salem, OR 97301 503/370-5200 Silverton Silverton Hospital 342 Fairview St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-1500 Stayton Santiam Memorial Hospital 1401 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-2175 MULTNOMAH COUNTY Gresham Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center 24800 SE Stark St Gresham, OR 97030 503/674-1122 Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center 2801 N Gantenbein Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4048 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center 1015 NW 22nd Ave Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7711 OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/494-8311 *Providence Portland Medical Center 4805 NE Glisan St Portland, OR 97213 503/215-1111 POLK COUNTY Dallas West Valley Hospital 525 SE Washington St Dallas, OR 97338 503/623-8301 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 144 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY HOSPITALS WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON Forest Grove Tuality Forest Grove Hospital 1809 Maple St Forest Grove, OR 97116 503/357-2173 Hillsboro Tuality Community Hospital 335 SE 8th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-1111 COWLITZ COUNTY Longview St John Medical Center 1615 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2000 Portland *Providence St Vincent Medical Center 9205 SW Barnes Rd Portland, OR 97225 503/216-1234 Tualatin Legacy Meridian Park Hospital 19250 SW 65th Ave Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-7416 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 145 careoregon and you. better together. URGENT CARE CLINICS CLACKAMAS COUNTY Wilsonville Canby Geneva Health Center & Urgent Care 29756 SW Town Center Lp W, Suite L Wilsonville, OR 97070 503/685-9165 Mon-Fri ...................................... 9 AM-7 PM Sat-Sun .................................... 10 AM-4 PM *Providence Medical Group Canby Immediate Care 200 S Hazel Dell Way Canby, OR 97013 503/263-9500 Mon-Fri .................................... 12 PM-8 PM Sat-Sun ..................................... 9 AM-5 PM Clackamas *Providence Medical Group Happy Valley Immediate Care 16180 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite 102 Clackamas, OR 97015 503/582-4900 Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-8 PM Sat-Sun ..................................... 9 AM-7 PM Molalla Molalla Urgent Care, LLC 861 W Main St Molalla, OR 97038 503/829-7344 Mon-Fri ...................................... 5 PM-9 PM Sat ........................................... 12 PM-8 PM Sun .......................................... 12 PM-6 PM CLATSOP COUNTY Astoria Columbia Memorial Hospital Urgent Care 2265 Exchange St, 1st Floor Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-4050 Mon-Fri .................................... 10 AM-7 PM Sat ........................................... 10 AM-2 PM COLUMBIA COUNTY St Helens Legacy Urgent Care Clinic at St Helens 500 N Columbia River Hwy, Suite 7 St Helens, OR 97051 503/397-7119 Mon-Fri ................................12 PM-8:30 PM Sat-Sun ................................10 AM-5:30 PM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 146 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY URGENT CARE CLINICS MARION COUNTY Salem Salem Urgent Care Clinic 1002 Bellevue St SE Salem, OR 97301 503/561-5554 Mon-Sun .................................. 10 AM-8 PM *Providence Medical Group Gateway Immediate Care 1321 NE 99th Ave, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97220 503/215-9900 Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-9 PM Sat-Sun ...................................... 9 AM-7 PM Woodburn WASHINGTON COUNTY Wellspring Immediate Care 1475 Mt Hood Hwy Woodburn, OR 97071 971/983-5360 Mon-Fri .................................... 11 AM-7 PM Sat-Sun .................................... 10 AM-4 PM Beaverton MULTNOMAH COUNTY Portland Adventist Health Convenient Care 18750 SE Stark St Portland, OR 97233 503/666-6717 Mon-Fr ...................................9 AM-7:30 PM Sat-Sun ...................................... 9 AM-4 PM Outside In – Urgent Care 1132 SW 13th Ave Portland, OR 97205 503/535-3890 Mon-Sun ...........................8:30 AM-Until Full Geneva Health Center & Urgent Care 17175 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy Beaverton, OR 97006 503/642-7429 Mon-Fri ...................................... 9 AM-7 PM Sat-Sun .................................... 10 PM-4 PM Forest Grove Geneva Health Center & Urgent Care 3838 Pacific Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 503/992-0288 Mon-Fri ...................................... 9 AM-7 PM Sat-Sun .................................... 10 SM-4 PM Hillsboro Hillsboro Urgent Care 434 S 1st Ave, Suite 300 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-8210 Mon & Wed ................................. 9 AM-4 PM Tue & Thu ................................... 9 AM-7 PM Fri .............................................. 9 AM-1 PM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 147 careoregon and you. better together. URGENT CARE CLINICS *Providence Medical Group Tanasbourne Immediate Care 18610 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 101 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/216-9360 Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-9 PM Sat-Sun ...................................... 8 AM-7 PM Tigard *Providence Medical Group Bridgeport Immediate Care 18040 SE Lower Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97224 503/216-0700 Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-8 PM Sat-Sun ...................................... 9 AM-5 PM Tuality Urgent Care Clinic 7475 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy *Providence Medical Group Hillsboro, OR 97123 Scholls Immediate Care 503/681-4223 Mon-Sun .................................... 8 AM-8 PM 12442 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Suite 106 Tigard, OR 97223 503/216-9200 Portland Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-8 PM Cornell Urgent Care Sat-Sun ...................................... 9 AM-7 PM 13305 NW Cornell Rd, Suite C Portland, OR 97229 503/646-8500 Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-8 PM Sat ............................................. 9 AM-5 PM Sherwood *Providence Medical Group Sherwood Immediate Care 16770 SW Edy Rd, Suite 102 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/216-9600 Mon-Fri ...................................... 8 AM-8 PM Sat ............................................. 9 AM-5 PM If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 148 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES (SNF) CLACKAMAS COUNTY Canby Marquis Care at Hope Village 1577 S Ivy St Canby, OR 97013 503/266-5541 Gladstone Clackamas Rehabilitation LLC 220 E Hereford Gladstone, OR 97027 503/656-0393 Lake Oswego Avamere Pearl at Kruse Way 4550 Carman Dr Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503/675-6055 Molalla Molalla Manor Care Center 301 Ridings Ave Molalla, OR 97038 503/829-5591 Marquis Care at Oregon City 1680 Molalla Ave Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-2588 Oregon City Health Care Center 148 Hood St Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-4035 Wilsonville Marquis Care at Wilsonville 30900 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070 503/682-2840 COLUMBIA COUNTY Saint Helens Meadow Park Health & Specialty Care Center 75 Shore Dr St Helens, OR 97051 503/397-2713 Oregon City JACKSON COUNTY Avamere at Oregon City 1400 Division St Oregon City, OR 97045 503/656-0367 Ashland Linda Vista Care Center 135 Maple St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-2341 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 149 careoregon and you. better together. SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES (SNF) Medford MARION COUNTY Avamere at Three Fountains 835 Crater Lake Ave Medford, OR 97504 541/773-7717 Keizer Medford Rehabilitation & Nursing Care Center 625 Stevens St Medford, OR 97504 541/779-3551 JOSEPHINE COUNTY Grants Pass Highland House Inc 2201 NW Highland Ave Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/474-1901 Laurel Hill Nursing Center 859 NE 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/479-3700 Royale Gardens Health Rehab Center 2075 Highland Ave Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/476-8891 Avamere Court at Keizer 5300 River Rd N Keizer, OR 97303 503/393-3624 Mt Angel *Providence Benedictine Nursing Center 540 S Main St Mt Angel, OR 97362 503/845-6841 Salem South Salem Rehabilitation And Specialty Care 4120 Kurth St S Salem, OR 97302 503/581-8667 Silverton Marquis Care at Silver Gardens 115 S James St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-5362 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 150 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES (SNF) MULTNOMAH COUNTY Gresham Gresham Rehab & Specialty Care 405 NE 5th Gresham, OR 97030 503/666-5600 Regency Gresham Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 5905 SE Powell Valley Rd Gresham, OR 97080 503/665-1151 Village Health Care One 3955 SE 182nd Ave Gresham, OR 97030 503/665-0183 Portland Avamere Crestview of Portland 6530 SW 30th Avenue Portland, OR 97239 503/244-7533 Fernhill Estates, LLC 5737 NE 37th Ave Portland, OR 97211 503/288-5967 Gateway Care Center 39 NE 102nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/252-2461 Glisan Care Center 9750 NE Glisan St Portland, OR 97220 503/256-3920 Marquis Care at Centennial 725 SE 202nd Ave Portland, OR 97233 503/665-3118 Marquis Care at Mt Tabor 6040 SE Belmont St Portland, OR 97215 503/231-7166 Marquis Care at Piedmont 319 NE Russet St Portland, OR 97211 503/289-5571 Care Center East Health & Specialty Care 11325 NW Weidler St Portland, OR 97220 503/253-1181 Marquis Care at Powellhurst 13033 SE Holgate Blvd Portland, OR 97236 503/761-1533 Cascade Terrace Nursing Center 5601 SE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97236 503/761-3181 Marquis Care at Vermont Hills 6010 SW Shattuck Rd Portland, OR 97221 503/246-8811 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 151 careoregon and you. better together. SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES (SNF) Menlo Park Healthcare 745 NE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97230 503/252-0241 Park Forest Care Center 8643 NE Beech St Portland, OR 97220 503/256-2151 Porthaven Health Care Center 5330 NE Prescott St Portland, OR 97218 503/288-6585 *Providence Child Center 830 NE 47th Ave Portland, OR 97213 503/215-2400 West Hills Health and Rehab 5701 SW Multnomah Blvd Portland, OR 97219 503/244-1107 WASHINGTON COUNTY Beaverton Beaverton Rehab 11850 SW Allen Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005 503/646-7164 Forest Grove Forest Grove Rehabilitation & Care Center 3900 Pacific Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 503/359-0449 Marquis Care at Forest Grove 3300 19th Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 503/357-7119 Hillsboro Hillsboro Rehab & Specialty Care 650 SE Oak St Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-8588 Tigard King City Rehab & Living Center 16485 SW Pacific Hwy Tigard, OR 97224 503/620-5141 Pacific Health and Rehabilitation 14145 SW 105th St Tigard, OR 97224 503/639-1144 If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 152 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS OREGON CLACKAMAS COUNTY Canby Women’s Health Center of Oregon 200 S Hazel Dell Wy, Suite 205 Canby, OR 97013 503/266-4646 Carlton, Sharrel M, MD Cooper, Arthur D, MD Dodson, Darlene J, MD Hall, Wendy S, MD Himel, Kathryn, NMNP Lawson, Marny L, NMNP McMaken Roberts, Alissa Z, NMNP Robinson, Katherine R, NMNP Salisbury, Nancy J, MD St Lawrence, Julia B, CMW Susanka, Elisabeth A, MD Thomas, Martha C, ANP Milwaukie Johnson, Harold Desmond 10202 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 601 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/659-0283 Johnson, Harold Desmond, MD *Providence Medical Group Milwaukie OB/GYN 10330 SE 32nd Ave, Suite 305 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503/513-1800 Lin, Nancy C, MD San Miguel, Virginia V, MD Tan, Dennis C, MD Oregon City Clackamas County Health Department 1425 S Beavercreek Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-8471 Lawson, Marny L, NMNP Oregon City Health Center 1425 Beavercreek Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-8471 Moseson, Bertha A, MD Robinson, Katherine R, NMNP Women’s Health Center of Oregon 1508 Division St, Suite 205 Oregon City, OR 97045 503/657-1071 Carlton, Sharrel M, MD Cooper, Arthur D, MD Dodson, Darlene J, MD Hall, Wendy S, MD Himel, Kathryn, NMNP Lawson, Marny L, NMNP McMaken Roberts, Alissa Z, NMNP Miller-Davis, Jennifer W, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 153 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS Parker-Litt, Hannah M, CMW Robinson, Katherine R, NMNP Salisbury, Nancy J, MD Schmidt, Frederick G, MD St Lawrence, Julia B, CMW Susanka, Elisabeth A, MD Thomas, Martha C, ANP Seaside *Providence North Coast Clinic Seaside 727 S Wahanna Rd Seaside, OR 97138 503/717-7556 Donald, Ian R, MD West Linn West Linn Women’s Clinic 21810 Willamette Dr West Linn, OR 97068 503/656-6603 San Miguel, Virginia V, MD CLATSOP COUNTY Astoria Columbia Memorial Hospital Women’s Center 2265 Exchange St Astoria, OR 97103 503/338-7595 Boullie, Patricia A, CMW Holland, Robert L, MD Liu, Kwang-San, MD Lower Columbia Clinic 595 18th St Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-9131 Skinner, Susan L, NMNP COLUMBIA COUNTY Saint Helens Legacy Clinic St Helens Midwifery 500 N Columbia River Hwy, Suite 6 Saint Helens, OR 97051 888-784-2505 Kenlan-Laurent, Christine M, NMNP Robinson, Elizabeth H, FNP JACKSON COUNTY Ashland Ashland Center for Women’s Health 540 Catalina Dr Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-3327 Fried, Yvonne S, MD Lithia Women’s Care, PC 725 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-6060 Harris, Karen D, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 154 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS Olson, Cynthia L 725 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-6060 Olson, Cynthia L, MD Pearson, Julie S 725 N Main Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-6060 Pearson, Julie S, MD Central Point Providence Medical Group Central Point 870 S Front St, Suite 200 Central Point, OR 97502 541/664-3346 Kronman, Karen R, MD Medford Asante Community Services – Professional Services 1111 Crater Lake Ave Medford, OR 97504 541/789-5526 Hopkins, Linda M, MD Asante Maternal & Fetal Medicine 2911 Siskiyou Blvd Medford, OR 97504 541/789-5526 Hopkins, Linda M, MD Associates for Women’s Health, LLC 3190 State St, Suite 102 Medford, OR 97504 541/773-1565 Carbonell, Miguel G, MD Community Health Center Medford 19 Myrtle St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3863 Harris, Linda R, MD Resnick, Karen A, NMNP Creekside Family Medicine 2859 State St, Suite 102 Medford, OR 97504 541/282-6500 Morgan, Lorie J, MD La Clinica Del Valle – Phoenix 3617 S Pacific Hwy Medford, OR 97501 541/535-6239 Harris, Linda R, MD La Clinica Del Valle – Women’s Health Center 910 S Central Ave Medford, OR 97501 541/535-6239 Brouzes, Linda K, NMNP Frommer-Sherbow, Ute, NMNP Handelsman, Hillary, NMNP Harris, Linda R, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 155 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS Laury, Daniel H 786 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/773-5500 Laury, Daniel H, MD Medford Women’s Clinic 3170 State St Medford, OR 97504 541/864-8900 Bottasso, Cindy M, DO Fuller, Beverly F, MD King, Julie A, MD Larson, Kimberly D, WHCNP Ross, Carissa M, MD Timmins, Caraway L, NMNP Tomlinson, Daniel A, MD Providence Medical Group OB/GYN Health Center 940 Royal Ave, Suite 350 Medford, OR 97504 541/732-7460 Cordeiro, Maria E, MD Fife, Shannon C, DO Hagloch, Nancy L, MD Osborne, Linda D, NMNP Palamara, Alan G, MD Seulean, Nancy L, NMNP Witt, Lanita C, MD Zastrow, Amy N, MD Rulon, Michael P 691 Murphy Rd, Suite 210 Medford, OR 97504 541/779-3520 Rulon, Michael P, MD Rogue Valley Medical Center Maternal Fetal Clinic 2825 E Barnett Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/789-5982 Sohl, Bryan D, MD Taylor, Betty K, CMW Schroeder, Paul W 1910 E Barnett Rd, Suite 102 Medford, OR 97504 541/770-2556 Schroeder, Paul W, MD Women’s Health Care Specialists 3190 State St, Suite 101 Medford, OR 97504 541/734-7733 Ramsey, Anthony E, MD Rote, Joan M, MD Women’s Specialty Group 691 Murphy Rd, Suite 232 Medford, OR 97504 541/773-3018 Binette, Alan A, MD White City Community Health Center White City 8385 Division Rd White City, OR 97503 541/826-5853 Harris, Linda R, MD Resnick, Karen A, NMNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 156 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS MARION COUNTY Salem Salem Hospital Family Birth Center 939 Oak St SE Salem, OR 97301 503/814-2229 Cely, William F, MD Frias Jr, Antonio E, MD Gesteland, Katherine M, MD Hannig, John R, MD Lugenbill, Cheryl A, MD Marvin, Judy Lynn, MD McGee, Charles D, MD Nielsen-Smith, Kathryn A, NMNP Pereira, Leonardo M, MD Segel, Sally Y, MD Von Herzen, Josephine L, MD Salem Nurse Midwives, Inc 1535 State St Salem, OR 97301 503/364-3787 Armstrong, Karen L, CMW Luedtke, Kathryn J, CMW MacMorris Adix, Nancy J, CMW Salem Women’s Clinic 1395 Liberty St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/399-2444 Davidson, Kate E, NMNP Dzata, Mabel Y, CMW Harmon, Elizebeth R, MD McBride, Patricia M, CMW Waring, Jean H, NP Willamette Valley Midwives 1285 Liberty St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/562-4040 Barnes, Patricia M, CMW Egeland, Margaret A, CMW Nielsen-Smith, Kathryn A, NMNP Ribbeck, Elizabeth A, NMNP Smith, Elenie L, CMW Silverton Rowley, Mark C 607 Welch St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-7920 Rowley, Mark C, MD Women’s Healthcare Professionals 406 Welch St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-8853 Dalisky, Denis J, MD Keller, Barbara L, MD Renard, Brooke D, MD Stayton Stayton Family Practice Inc 1375 N 10th Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-2641 Sherman, Patricia M, NMNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 157 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS Bridgeview Women’s Health LLC Gresham 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 520 Gresham Women’s Healthcare Portland, OR 97210 503/274-4800 2150 NE Division St, Suite 202 Cohen, Marguerite P, MD Gresham, OR 97030 Hulton, Lesllie G, MD 503/667-4545 Lohr, Dafna S, MD Gill, Diana, MD Murray, Jennifer H, MD Yanke, Bernard Edward, DO Suzuki, Carol M, MD Mt Hood Women’s Health, PC Central City Concern 24850 SE Stark St, Suite 200 412 SW 12th Ave Gresham, OR 97030 Portland, OR 97205 503/491-9444 503/228-4533 Carter, Kelly A, MD Chisholm, Angela D, NMNP Champagne, Michelle C, CMW Chiavarini, Andrea H, MD Comprehensive Gynecology Collis, Sandra A, DO Associates Hobbs, June E, NMNP 5050 NE Hoyt, Suite 255 Knudsen, Anne M, MD Portland, OR 97213 McDonald, Mary R, FNP 503/231-0407 Clark, Amanda L, MD Portland Osmundsen, Blake C, MD Bridge City Family Downtown Gynecology Medical Clinic 511 SW 10th Ave, Suite 613 1410 NE 106th Ave Portland, OR 97205 Portland, OR 97220 503/222-7333 503/460-0405 Newhall, Elizabeth P, MD Widing, Linda C, DO East Portland Center for Women’s Health 12732 SE Stark St Building G Portland, OR 97233 503/230-9627 Widing, Linda C, DO MULTNOMAH COUNTY If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 158 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS Everywoman’s Health 501 N Graham St, Suite 445 Portland, OR 97227 503/284-5220 Dillon, Deborah Carolyn, MD Holtzman, Sally J, MD Kehoe, Brenda L, MD Ribbink, Philippa J, MD Suriano, Kimberly A, MD Williams, Lara J, MD Gateway Women’s Clinic 177 NE 102nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 503/254-1399 Ahmad, Asma S, MD Caldwell, Clea R, DO Dyson, Robert D, MD Heller, Kimberlynn M, DO Levin, Dina J, MD Healthcare Specialists NW – OB/GYN 10000 SE Main St, Suite 248 Portland, OR 97216 503/257-7757 Harsany, Robert M, MD Hayes, Peggy L, NMNP Nakamura, Alvin K, MD Kung, Edna 2456 NW Northrup St, Suite 1A Portland, OR 97210 503/241-5117 Kung, Edna, MD Laurelhurst Women’s Clinic 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 255 Portland, OR 97213 503/231-0407 Anderson, Ross W, MD Beninger, Renee M, NMNP Legacy Clinic Emanuel Internal Medicine 2800 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 230 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-2901 Anderson, Ross W, MD Legacy Clinic Emanuel Midwifery 2800 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 255 Portland, OR 97227 503/413-4500 Cohen, Terri R, CMW Hayford, Elizabeth J, CMW Hill, Kathleen S, NMNP Kenlan-Laurent, Christine M, NMNP Liedel, Mary E, CMW Robinson, Elizabeth H, FNP Stebbins, Beth A, CMW Multnomah County Health Department – Mid-County Health Center 12710 SE Division St Portland, OR 97236 503/988-3601 Bava, Julie, NMNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 159 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS Multnomah County Health Department – North Portland Health Center 9000 N Lombard St Portland, OR 97203 503/988-5304 Sprague, Lisa A, MD Multnomah County Health Department – Northeast Health Center 5329 NE MLK Blvd Portland, OR 97211 503/988-5183 Sprague, Lisa A, MD Multnomah County Health Department – Westside Health Center 426 SW Stark St, 5th Floor Portland, OR 97204 503/988-5140 Sprague, Lisa A, MD Northwest Women’s Clinic 2222 NW Lovejoy, Suite 619 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7720 Adams, Linda S, NMNP Barrett, Robin W, MD Bruner, Amy R, MD Davis, Michael W, MD Decastro, Enrique C M, MD Decastro, Roberto M, MD Kratzer, Larissa F, NMNP Krishna, Saramati J, MD Kyle, Rebecca A, DO OHSU Gynecologic Oncology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4500 Munro, Elizabeth G, MD OHSU Midwifery 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4500 Alexander, Margaret K, NMNP Chamlee, Deena M, CMW Emeis, Cathy L, NMNP Glenn, Linda D, CMW Hanson, Patricia E, CMW Harmon, Mary P, CMW Hersh, Sally R, CMW Howe, Carol L, CMW Kavanaugh, Elizabeth C, CMW Lachance, Michelle A, NMNP Madrone, Alisha V, NMNP Maunder, Jean M, NMNP Megregian, Michele P, NMNP Shaw, Margaret E, CMW Tallman, Ellen L, NMNP Tilden, Ellen L, CMW Wheeler, Linda A, NMNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 160 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS OHSU OB/GYN Perinatology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4200 Davis, Lowell E, MD Frias Jr, Antonio E, MD Guise, Jeanne-Marie R, MD Jacobson, Sig Linda, MD Pereira, Leonardo M, MD Segel, Sally Y, MD Wyatt, Solange M, MD Patton, Phillip E, MD Renner, Regina-Maria, MD Sampson, Jone E, MD OHSU Perinatology at South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4200 Davis, Lowell E, MD Frias Jr, Antonio E, MD Pereira, Leonardo M, MD Segel, Sally Y, MD Wyatt, Solange M, MD OHSU Obstetrics & Gynecology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4500 Adams, Karen E, MD Allen, Richard, MD Amato, Paula, MD Bednarek, Paula H, MD Berlin, Michelle, MD Berry, Emily, MD Botha, Rosanne L, MD Chambers, Charles E, MD Edelman, Alison B, MD Goetsch, Martha F, MD Gorrill, Marsha J, MD Hatfield, Joanna L, MD Jensen, Jeffrey T, MD Kirk, Edward P, MD Leclair, Catherine M, MD Lee, David M, MD Leslie, Virginia C, MD Messerle-Forbes, Marcella R, FNP Nichols, Mark D, MD O’Donnell, Andrea R, FNP O’Reilly, Margaret M, MD Portland Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 1130 NW 22nd Ave, Suite 120 Portland, OR 97210 503/229-7353 Collins, Michael S, MD Dooley, Timothy A, MD Korman, Laura A, MD continued continued OHSU Urogynecology 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503/418-4500 Denman, Mary A, MD Edwards, Sharon Renee, MD Gregory, William Thomas, MD King, Virginia G, MD Nardos, Rahel, MD Old Town Clinic 727 W Burnside Portland, OR 97209 503/228-4533 Chisholm, Angela D, NMNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 161 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS Moore, Linda Y, MD Ogryzlo, Karen A, MD Ono, Alfred K, MD Sang, Nora M, MD Van Houten, Laura E, MD *Providence Maternal Care Clinic 2705 E Burnside, Suite 114 Portland, OR 97214 503/215-6262 Berger, Wendy S, NMNP Bruns, Rebecca W, NMNP Chickadonz, Lisa J, NMNP Dietrich, Mary K, NMNP Leiva, Maria C, MD Nelson, Linda C, NMNP Spooner, Patricia M, NMNP *Providence Medical Group Gateway Family & Community Medicine 1321 NE 99th Ave, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97220 503/215-4250 Kocher, Kristin M, MD Loomis, Anna C, MD Rose City Women’s Health PC 507 NE 47th Ave, Suite 204 Portland, OR 97213 503/215-2100 Chan, Anita Y, MD Drake, Brian E, MD University Fertility Consultants, LLC 3303 SW Bond Ave Ch 10F Portland, OR 97239 503/418-3700 Amato, Paula, MD Gorrill, Marsha J, MD Lee, David M, MD Patton, Phillip E, MD Women’s Health Today 5050 NE Hoyt St, Suite 362 Portland, OR 97213 503/239-6800 Bauer, Maxine E, MD Bley, Desiree S, MD Denali Luengo, Anika S, MD Gibbens, Janet L, MD Grant, Nancy M, MD Polo, Oscar R, MD Spann, Anna, NP Women’s Healthcare Clinic of Oregon 10000 SE Main St, Suite 10 Portland, OR 97216 503/256-1470 Carroll, Brendan C, MD Crawford, Julie T, MD Wong, Sharon E, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 162 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS WASHINGTON COUNTY Portland Cornelius Northwest Gynecology Center 9701 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 150 Portland, OR 97225 503/734-3535 Hobson, Susan A, MD Karlsson, Anna U, MD Taitano, Anthony M, MD Virginia Garcia Cornelius 85 N 12th Ave Cornelius, OR 97113 503/359-5564 Wheeler, Linda A, NMNP Hillsboro Andrews, David A 620 SE Oak St, Suite A Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-0661 Andrews, David A, MD Brown, Katherine A 1575 NE Arrington Rd Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/693-0113 Brown, Katherine A, MD Tuality Obstetrics & Gynecology 364 SE 8th Ave, Suite 205 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/681-4145 Bennett, Sylvana E, MD Bird, Megan R, MD Hendrickson, Jennifer R, MD Olds, Julie A, MD Rotberg, Nicola S, MD Northwest Perinatal Center 9701 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 299 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-3660 Guinn, Debra A, MD Martinez Poyer, Juan L, MD Olmstead, Andrea C, MD Pandipati, Santosh, MD Tomlinson, Mark W, MD Watson, Peter T, MD Northwest Women’s Clinic 11750 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97225 503/229-7720 Adams, Linda S, NMNP Barrett, Robin W, MD Davis, Michael W, MD Decastro, Roberto M, MD Hulme, Annie M, NMNP Kratzer, Larissa F, NMNP Krishna, Saramati J, MD Kyle, Rebecca A, DO Virginia Garcia Hillsboro 226 SE 8th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/601-7400 Arce, Monica M, NMNP If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 163 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS *Providence Medical Group Columbia Women’s Clinic 9427 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 395 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-2602 Birkemeier, Susan G, MD Haymond, Janice E, MD Jean-Baptiste, Firmine, MD Keating, Angela B, MD Klotz, Michael M, MD Mitchell-Miller, Susan, WHCNP Payne, Susan D, MD Penikas, Jeffrey, MD Reindl, Elizabeth A, MD Strauss, Mitchell J, MD Thum, Lisa A, MD *Providence St Vincent Prenatal Clinic 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 730 Portland, OR 97225 503/216-2807 Dubois, Dominique S, NMNP Irland, Nancy B, NMNP Nelson, Linda C, NMNP Sullivan, Nancy H, NMNP Zietz, Amber L, NMNP Urogynecology Associates LLC 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 634 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-4123 Hamilton Boyles, Sarah B, MD Otto, Lesley N, MD Women’s Healthcare Associates – Peterkort North 9701 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97225 503/734-3700 Brodsky, Trina A, MD Conger, Allard J, MD Cottet, Carole E, WHCNP Dion, Danielle M, MD Fox, Shirley A, MD Garvie-Loveland, Maryanne B, MD Johnson, Ben W, MD Kwiecien, Marni S, MD Lewis-Rott, Mary E, NMNP Mukul, Liberato V, MD Raetz, Kathleen M, NMNP Schrinsky, Daniel C, MD Seeley, Miles K, MD Stewart, Timothy W, MD Wentross, Sally J, MD Women’s Healthcare Associates – Peterkort South 9555 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97225 503/292-3577 Abel, David E, MD Allison, Gina R, MD Bair, Donald G, MD Brodsky, Trina A, MD Burgoine, Gary A, MD Conger, Allard J, MD Dennison, Carole L, WHCNP Dion, Danielle M, MD Fox, Shirley A, MD Fujioka, Angeline K, NMNP Garvie-Loveland, Maryanne B, MD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 164 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY OB/GYN PROVIDERS Geunes, Lindsey A, NMNP Girolami, Stephen G, MD Guinn, Debra A, MD Hoffman, Walter G, MD Johnson, David P, MD Karlsson, Anna U, MD Kelly, Jennifer S, MD Kwiecien, Marni S, MD Lewis-Rott, Mary E, NMNP Mackenzie, Lauren S, NMNP Martinez Poyer, Juan L, MD Morrison, Laura Y, MD Olmstead, Andrea C, MD Pandipati, Santosh, MD Pelosi, Catherine F, NMNP Pew, Lisa C, MD Raetz, Kathleen M, NMNP Schrinsky, Daniel C, MD Seeley, Miles K, MD Simpson, Theresa S, MD Skoczylas, Lori A, WHCNP Stewart, Timothy W, MD Stewart-Koh, Marguerite R, MD Stull, Carol G, MD Taitano, Anthony M, MD Tomlinson, Mark W, MD Warhus, Damon A, MD Watson, Peter T, MD Welch, Helen C, NMNP Sherwood *Providence Medical Group Sherwood Family Medicine 16770 SW Edy Rd, Suite 102 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/216-9600 Weghorst, George R, MD Tualatin Women’s Healthcare Associates – Tualatin 19250 SW 65th Ave, Suite 300 Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-1242 Abel, David E, MD Broms, Anton K, MD Burgoine, Gary A, MD Conger, Allard J, MD Crim, Catherine E, MD Dennison, Carole L, WHCNP Fujioka, Angeline K, NMNP Hoffman, Walter G, MD Kelly, Jennifer S, MD Kwiecien, Marni S, MD Mukul, Liberato V, MD Olmstead, Andrea C, MD Pew, Lisa C, MD Schrinsky, Daniel C, MD Stewart-Koh, Marguerite R, MD Stull, Carol G, MD Vick, Harold G, MD Watson, Peter T, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 165 careoregon and you. better together. OB/GYN PROVIDERS WASHINGTON COWLITZ COUNTY Longview Peacehealth Women’s Clinic 1660 Delaware St Longview, WA 98632 360/414-2800 Boudreaux-Nippert, Denise J, MD Danielson, James N, MD Ludwiczak, Mary H, MD Rice, Victoria A, WHCNP Wolgamott, Gregory A, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 166 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS CLACKAMAS COUNTY Oregon City Canby Michael A Egger, OD PC 1103 Linn Ave Oregon City, OR 97045 503/655-2522 Egger, Michael A, OD Canby Eyecare Inc 364 N Ivy Canby, OR 97013 503/266-4847 Chase, Donald D, OD Clackamas Cascade Eye Center LLC 10001 SE Sunnyside Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503/652-0600 Cornell, Floyd Michael, MD River City Eyecare LLC 9201 SE 91st Ave, Suite 210 Clackamas, OR 97086 503/775-2424 Provost, Bret A, OD Estacada Candace D Hamel 405 NE Main St Estacada, OR 97023 503/630-3528 Hamel, Candace D, OD Molalla Molalla Vision Clinic PC 502 E Main St Molalla, OR 97038 503/829-9186 Saul, Catherine, OD Walker, J Wallace, OD Stanley E Anderson, OD 502 Main St Oregon City, OR 97045 503/650-1839 Anderson, Stanley E, OD Sandy Gresham Vision Center Inc 39400 Pioneer Blvd, Suite 3 Sandy, OR 97055 503/668-4313 Agost, Brett W, OD Caldwell, Dan G, OD Tina L Jeo 36745 Hwy 26 Sandy, OR 97055 503/668-7931 Jeo, Tina L, OD MacPhee, Mel G, OD Saul, Catherine, OD West Linn Ronald K Sasaki, OD 19165 Willamette Dr West Linn, OR 97068 503/697-8879 Sasaki, Ronald K, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 167 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS Wilsonville Wilsonville Vision Center PC 29890 SW Town Ctr Loop W, Suite E Wilsonville, OR 97070 503/682-3234 Christiansen, J Richard, OD CLATSOP COUNTY Astoria Steven C Scruggs, OD PC 261 Marine Dr Astoria, OR 97103 503/325-4641 Scruggs, Steven C, OD Seaside Darren Thorsen, OD 819 S Holladay Dr Seaside, OR 97138 503/738-5361 Thorsen, Darren L, OD George W Curnutt, OD 2020 Columbia Blvd Saint Helens, OR 97051 503/397-4911 Curnutt, George W, OD Scappoose Family Vision of Oregon PC 51675 N Columbia River Hwy Scappoose, OR 97056 503/543-6313 Mannen, Dan L, OD Yee, Lena H, OD JACKSON COUNTY Ashland Ashland Eye Care PC 450 Siskiyou Blvd, Suite 2 Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-3873 Loftus, Kenneth A, OD Saint Helens Ashland Optometric Clinic PC 933 Siskiyou Blvd Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-3466 Harris, Kenneth L, OD Family Vision of Oregon PC 1864 Columbia Blvd Saint Helens, OR 97051 503/397-2020 Mannen, Dan L, OD Yee, Lena H, OD Ashland’s Optical Expressions PC 30 N Main St Ashland, OR 97520 541/488-0320 Ehlers, Kenneth E, OD COLUMBIA COUNTY If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 168 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS Kenneth A Loftus, OD 450 Siskiyou Blvd, Suite 2 Ashland, OR 97520 541/482-3873 Loftus, Kenneth A, OD Douglas G Smith, OD 585 Murphy Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/773-1414 Smith, Douglas G, OD Eagle Point Eyecare Associates of Southern Oregon PC 935 Royal Ave Medford, OR 97504 541/779-2211 Johnston, Tessa C, OD Mitchell, Brian K, OD Wilkening, Wm Kurt, OD Eagle Point Eye Care PC 10546 Hwy 62 Bldg 4, Suite A Eagle Point, OR 97524 541/826-7910 Adamek, James F, OD Jacksonville Jacksonville Vision Clinic Inc 950 N 5th St Jacksonville, OR 97530 541/899-2020 Danielson, Julie D, OD Medford Cloyd Family Vision LLC 709 S Riverside Ave Medford, OR 97501 541/776-3718 Cloyd, Frances G, OD Cloyd, Karl, OD Columbian Eyecare LLC 1175 Royal Ave, Suite A Medford, OR 97504 541/772-9990 Ripper, Richard W, OD Group Eyecare LLC 1430 E Mcandrews Rd Medford, OR 97504 541/772-7273 Lam, George K, OD Horn Optometric LLC 235 E Barnett Rd, Suite 108 Medford, OR 97501 541/779-3797 Horn, Russell H, OD Starchvick Optical Inc 1251 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 100 Medford, OR 97504 541/779-1392 Starchvick,Gerald R, OD Steven L Schireman, OD 713 E Jackson St Medford, OR 97504 541/779-2655 Schireman, Steven L, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 169 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS JOSEPHINE COUNTY Salem Cave Junction Eyecare Center of Salem LLC 660 Capital St NE Salem, OR 97301 503/364-0512 Bishop, Daniel D, OD Kautz, Gregory G, OD Eye Care Group of Southern Oregon PC 335 Caves Hwy Cave Junction, OR 97523 541/592-3921 Matti, C Richard, OD Pelson, Jeffrey S, OD Richardson, Matthew S, OD Vidlak, Daniel J, OD Walters, Scott M, OD Grants Pass Eye Care Group of Southern Oregon PC 1022 NW 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526 541/476-4545 Adamek, James F, OD Matti, C Richard, OD Pelson, Jeffrey S, OD Richardson, Matthew S, OD Vidlak, Daniel J, OD Walters, Scott M, OD MARION COUNTY Keizer Keizer Vision Source PC 4350 Cherry Ave NE, Suite A Keizer, OR 97303 503/393-6060 Gaynor, Michel A, OD Strawn, Cynthia S, OD Pomeroy Eyecare PC 1960 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/363-9011 Randolph, James P, OD Robert J Franz, OD 1885 25th St SE Salem, OR 97302 503/588-2395 Franz, Robert J, OD Silverton Leroy W Gilge, OD 114 W Main St Silverton, OR 97381 503/873-2788 Cline, Kari A, OD Gilge, Leroy W, OD Stayton H Frank Storey, OD 515 N 3rd Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503/769-3441 Storey, H Frank, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 170 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS Sublimity John V Rickman, OD 103 S Center St, Suite D Sublimity, OR 97385 503/769-9181 Rickman, John V, OD Woodburn Scott L Nehring, OD PC 590 Glatt Circle Woodburn, OR 97071 503/982-3937 McFerron, Ashley K, OD Nehring, Scott, OD Mel G MacPhee, OD 1201 SE 223rd Ave, Suite 160 Gresham, OR 97030 503/492-2020 MacPhee, Mel G, OD Mt Hood Vision Center LLC 22400 SE Stark St Gresham, OR 97030 503/667-0441 Clay, O Keene, OD George, Mark A, OD Portland Gresham A J Zelada, OD 2480 NE Fremont St Portland, OR 97212 503/284-3937 Cuddy, Jannell L, OD Zelada, A J, OD Brophy’s Vision Care Inc 2150 NE Division, Suite 101 Gresham, OR 97030 503/667-2424 Brophy, Greg E, OD Broadway Vision World LLC 1962 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 503/223-6655 Massih, Kamelia, OD Eye Care Services Inc 500 NW 20th St Gresham, OR 97030 503/667-2020 Futterman, Jay B, MD Neal, Dean E, MD Carkner Carkner & Carkner, ODs 1775 NE 39th Ave Portland, OR 97212 503/288-6181 Carkner, David C, OD Carkner, Jeffry M, OD MULTNOMAH COUNTY Gresham Vision Center Inc 125 NW Miller Ave Gresham, OR 97030 503/665-3813 Agost, Brett W, OD Caldwell, Dan G, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 171 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS Carter Noland, MD PC 10101 SE Main St, Suite 3001 Portland, OR 97216 503/255-2667 Noland, Carter, MD Gresham Vision Source PC 1274 SE 182nd Ave Portland, OR 97233 503/669-1992 Nguyen, Tuan T, OD Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, OR 97239 503/494-3030 Armour, Rebecca, MD Lombardi, Lorinna, MD Lawrence Chan Jr, OD PC 2524 SE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97236 503/761-2121 Chan Jr, Lawrence, OD Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons LLC 3375 SW Terwilliger Blvd Portland, OR 97201 503/418-9230 Armour, Rebecca L, MD Chamberlain, Winston D, MD Christine R Gebhardt, OD LLC 3431 SE 75th Ave Portland, OR 97206 503/777-5546 Gebhardt, Christine R, OD Christine R Gebhardt, OD LLC 5935 SE Division St Portland, OR 97206 503/777-5546 Gebhardt, Christine R, OD Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center 1040 N W 22nd Ave, Suite 168 Portland, OR 97210 503/413-7022 Mai Le, Kelly, OD Rice, Karen M, OD Santesson, Diane, OD Mary Fazelian, OD 7545 NE Glisan St Portland, OR 97213 503/282-3070 Fazelian, Mary, OD Mila Ioussifova, OD 1046 NW Johnson St Portland, OR 97209 503/944-5567 Ioussifova, Mila, OD Northwest Optometric Clinic 7850 SW Barbur Blvd Portland, OR 97219 503/245-6484 Freedle, Eric S, OD Midson, Clare N, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 172 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS Ogle Inc 310 NW Broadway Portland, OR 97209 503/227-4333 Graziano, Jeremy A, OD Pacific University 3653 SE 34th Ave Portland, OR 97202 503/988-3506 Arvidson, Brian A, OD Bowen, Craig E, OD Brouwer, Lauren M, OD Bulson, Ryan, OD Cardenal, Molly S, OD Citek, Karl, OD Cline, Kari A, OD Closson, Christi L, OD Coffey, Bradley, OD Conway, Bernard P, OD Cooper, Scott C, OD Davis, Elizabeth R, OD Doll, Tracy C, OD Dunham,Amanda M, OD Erickson, Dina H, OD Erickson, Graham B, OD Goodwin, Denise, OD Griffith, Dawne R, OD Hamel, Candace D, OD Handford, Paula A, OD Haynes, Chrystie T, OD Heaton, Ami R, OD Horn, Fraser, OD Hua, Len V, OD Hursh, Rosiland Y, OD Ioussifova, Mila, OD continued Jun, Weon, OD Kautz, Gregory G, OD Kinoshita, Beth T, OD Klemens, Scott, OD Kundart, James J, OD Lampa, Matthew J, OD Landis, Sandra K, OD Laukkanen, Hannu, OD Lewis, John R, OD Littlefield, Susan F, OD London, Richard, OD Lonsberry, Blair B, OD Love, Alan C, OD Lowery, John P, OD Lynch, Jessica A, OD Mallett, Edward B, OD McClellan, Randall J, OD Melore, Gerald G, OD Minavi, Angela, OD Neron, Joseph D, OD Overton, Scott H, OD Pike, Scott E, OD Remington, Lee Ann, OD Robbins-Luce, Diane D, OD Shih, Paul H, OD Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD Smith, John A, OD Smythe, Jennifer L, OD Statton, Charles M, OD Timpone, Carole A, OD Ueshiro, Lynn H, OD Wallace, Rita D, OD Ward, Mari L, OD Williams, Salisa, OD Yudcovitch, Lorne, OD Zamberlan, Suzanne T, OD Zarn, Melissa A, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 173 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS Pacific University 511 SW 10th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503/352-2500 Arvidson, Brian A, OD Brouwer, Lauren M, OD Bulson, Ryan, OD Cardenal, Molly S, OD Citek, Karl, OD Cline, Kari A, OD Closson, Christi L, OD Coffey, Bradley, OD Conway, Bernard P, OD Cooper, Scott C, OD Doll, Tracy C, OD Dunham, Amanda M, OD Erickson, Dina H, OD Erickson, Graham B, OD Goodwin, Denise, OD Griffith, Dawne R, OD Hamel, Candace D, OD Handford, Paula A, OD Haynes, Chrystie T, OD Heaton, Ami R, OD Horn, Fraser, OD Hua, Len V, OD Hursh, Rosiland Y, OD Ioussifova, Mila, OD Jun, Weon, OD Kautz, Gregory G, OD Kinoshita, Beth T, OD Klemens, Scott, OD Kundart, James J, OD Lampa, Matthew J, OD Landis, Sandra K, OD Laukkanen, Hannu, OD Littlefield, Susan F, OD London, Richard, OD Lonsberry, Blair B, OD Love, Alan C, OD Lowery, John P, OD Lynch, Jessica A, OD Mallett, Edward B, OD McClellan, Randall J, OD Melore, Gerald G, OD Minavi, Angela, OD Neron, Joseph D, OD Overton, Scott H, OD Pike, Scott E, OD Remington, Lee Ann, OD Shih, Paul H, OD Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD Smith, John A, OD Smythe, Jennifer L, OD Statton, Charles M, OD Timpone, Carole A, OD Ueshiro, Lynn H, OD Wallace, Rita D, OD Ward, Mari L, OD Williams, Salisa, OD Yudcovitch, Lorne, OD Zamberlan, Suzanne T, OD Zarn, Melissa A, OD Scott Wojciechowski, OD 6539 SE Milwaukie Ave Portland, OR 97202 503/236-6008 Wojciechowski, Scott J, OD St Johns Vision Clinic 8523 N Lombard St Portland, OR 97203 503/286-5060 Overton, Scott H, OD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 174 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS The Eye Clinic PC 1511 SW Park Ave, Suite 100B Portland, OR 97201 503/228-6681 Chan, Patrick J, MD Donohue, Elizabeth K, MD Topinka, John A, MD Wilkins, John H, MD Thuy C Tran, OD 4526 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97213 503/284-9071 Tran, Thuy C, OD Walt Melzer & Breckenridge 13140 NE Halsey St Portland, OR 97230 503/253-7278 Breckenridge, Bruce F, OD Melzer, Douglas C, OD Troutdale Spector Group Inc 226 E Historic Columbia River Hwy Troutdale, OR 97060 503/492-3897 Buset, Nancy E, OD Gurtisen, James M, OD POLK COUNTY Dallas Polk Vision Clinics Inc 506 Main St Dallas, OR 97338 503/623-9233 Knowles, Gary W, OD WASHINGTON COUNTY Aloha Heritage Vision Center PC 20 NW 185th Ave Aloha, OR 97006 503/629-5200 Delplanche, Jacquelyn M, OD Beaverton J D Harris PC 11020 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Beaverton, OR 97005 503/526-9697 Harris, Jeffrey D, OD Remy Delplanche PC 4280 SW Cedar Hills Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005 503/644-5665 Delplanche, Remy J, OD Sunset Eye Clinic LLC 1865 NW 169th Pl, Suite 105 Beaverton, OR 97006 503/533-8441 Janecek, Jacob, OD Lee, Kenny B, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 175 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS Transvision Eye Clinic LLC 3843 SW Hall Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005 503/672-9190 Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD Tran, Thuy C, OD Cornelius Cornelius Vision Clinic 195 N Adair St, Suite E Cornelius, OR 97113 503/357-4482 Statton, Charles M, OD Pacific University 44 N 11th St Cornelius, OR 97113 503/352-8543 Arvidson, Brian A, OD Bowen, Craig E, OD Brouwer, Lauren M, OD Bulson, Ryan, OD Cardenal, Molly S, OD Citek, Karl, OD Cline, Kari A, OD Closson, Christi L, OD Coffey, Bradley, OD Conway, Bernard P, OD Cooper, Scott C, OD Davis, Elizabeth R, OD Doll, Tracy C, OD Dunham, Amanda M, OD Erickson, Dina H, OD Erickson, Graham B, OD Goodwin, Denise, OD continued Griffith, Dawne R, OD Hamel, Candace D, OD Handford, Paula A, OD Haynes, Chrystie T, OD Heaton, Ami R, OD Horn, Fraser, OD Hua, Len V, OD Hursh, Rosiland Y, OD Ioussifova, Mila, OD Jun, Weon, OD Kautz, Gregory G, OD Kinoshita, Beth T, OD Klemens, Scott, OD Kundart, James J, OD Lampa, Matthew J, OD Landis, Sandra K, OD Laukkanen, Hannu, OD Lewis, John R, OD Littlefield, Susan F, OD London, Richard, OD Lonsberry, Blair B, OD Lowery, John P, OD Lynch, Jessica A, OD Mallett, Edward B, OD McClellan, Randall J, OD Melore, Gerald G, OD Minavi, Angela, OD Neron, Joseph D, OD Overton, Scott H, OD Pike, Scott E, OD Remington, Lee Ann, OD Robbins-Luce, Diane D, OD Shih, Paul H, OD Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD Smith, John A, OD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 176 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS Smythe, Jennifer L, OD Statton, Charles M, OD Timpone, Carole A, OD Ueshiro, Lynn H, OD Wallace, Rita D, OD Ward, Mari L, OD Williams, Salisa, OD Yudcovitch, Lorne, OD Zamberlan, Suzanne T, OD Zarn, Melissa A, OD Sunset Vision Center LLC 2200 Baseline St Cornelius, OR 97113 503/357-8454 Janecek, Jacob, OD Lee, Kenny B, OD Forest Grove Brad C Richardson, OD 2804 19th Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 503/357-2020 Richardson, Brad C, OD Pacific University 2043 College Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 503/352-2020 Arvidson, Brian A, OD Brouwer, Lauren M, OD Bulson, Ryan, OD Cardenal, Molly S, OD Citek, Karl, OD Cline, Kari A, OD Closson, Christi L, OD Coffey, Bradley, OD Conway, Bernard P, OD Cooper, Scott C, OD Doll, Tracy C, OD Dunham, Amanda M, OD Erickson, Dina H, OD Erickson, Graham B, OD Goodwin, Denise, OD Griffith, Dawne R, OD Hamel, Candace D, OD Handford, Paula A, OD Haynes, Chrystie T, OD Heaton, Ami R, OD Horn, Fraser, OD Hua, Len V, OD Hursh, Rosiland Y, OD Ioussifova, Mila, OD Jun, Weon, OD Kautz, Gregory G, OD Kinoshita, Beth T, OD Klemens, Scott, OD Kundart, James J, OD Lampa, Matthew J, OD Landis, Sandra K, OD Laukkanen, Hannu, OD Lewis, John R, OD Littlefield, Susan F, OD London, Richard, OD Lonsberry, Blair B, OD Love, Alan C, OD Lowery, John P, OD Lynch, Jessica A, OD Mallett, Edward B, OD McClellan, Randall J, OD Melore, Gerald G, OD Minavi, Angela, OD Neron, Joseph D, OD Overton, Scott H, OD Pike, Scott E, OD continued continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 177 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS Remington, Lee Ann, OD Shih, Paul H, OD Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD Smith, John A, OD Smythe, Jennifer L, OD Statton, Charles M, OD Timpone, Carole A, OD Ueshiro, Lynn H, OD Wallace, Rita D, OD Ward, Mari L, OD Williams, Salisa, OD Yudcovitch, Lorne, OD Zamberlan, Suzanne T, OD Zarn, Melissa A, OD Hillsboro Baseline Vision Clinic 527 SE Baseline St, Suite B Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-8328 Miller, Joan Ploem, OD Family Vision Practice 518 SE Oak St, Suite 2020 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-2020 Furie, Alfred, OD Krebsbach, John B, OD Matthew R Perry, OD 5317 W Baseline Rd Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/648-5522 Andreasen, Toby L, OD Perry, Matthew R, OD Pacific University 222 SE 8th Ave, Suite 114 Hillsboro, OR 97123 503/352-7300 Arvidson, Brian A, OD Brouwer, Lauren M, OD Bulson, Ryan, OD Cardenal, Molly S, OD Citek, Karl, OD Cline, Kari A, OD Closson, Christi L, OD Coffey, Bradley, OD Conway, Bernard P, OD Cooper, Scott C, OD Doll, Tracy C, OD Dunham, Amanda M, OD Erickson, Dina H, OD Erickson, Graham B, OD Goodwin, Denise, OD Griffith, Dawne R, OD Hamel, Candace D, OD Handford, Paula A, OD Haynes, Chrystie T, OD Heaton, Ami R, OD Horn, Fraser, OD Hua, Len V, OD Hursh, Rosiland Y, OD Ioussifova, Mila, OD Jun, Weon, OD Kautz, Gregory G, OD Kinoshita, Beth T, OD Klemens, Scott, OD Kundart, James J, OD Lampa, Matthew J, OD Landis, Sandra K, OD Laukkanen, Hannu, OD Lewis, John R, OD continued If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 178 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY VISION PROVIDERS Littlefield, Susan F, OD London, Richard, OD Lonsberry, Blair B, OD Love, Alan C, OD Lowery, John P, OD Lynch, Jessica A, OD Mallett, Edward B, OD McClellan, Randall J, OD Melore, Gerald G, OD Minavi, Angela, OD Neron, Joseph D, OD Overton, Scott H, OD Pike, Scott E, OD Remington, Lee Ann, OD Robbins-Luce, Diane D, OD Shih, Paul H, OD Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD Smith, John A, OD Smythe, Jennifer L, OD Statton, Charles M, OD Timpone, Carole A, OD Ueshiro, Lynn H, OD Wallace, Rita D, OD Ward, Mari L, OD Williams, Salisa, OD Yudcovitch, Lorne, OD Zamberlan, Suzanne T, OD Zarn, Melissa A, OD Vivid Eye Care LLC 7393 NE Butler St Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/640-2020 Knutson, Linda T, OD Lynch, Jessica A, OD Sunset Vision Center LLC 22075 NW Imbrie Dr, Suite 101 Hillsboro, OR 97124 503/844-6858 Janecek, Jacob, OD Lee, Kenny B, OD Willow Creek Eye Care Inc 14740 NW Cornell Rd, Suite 110 Portland, OR 97229 503/645-8002 Vitiello, Paola F, OD Portland Cornell Eyecare Group Inc 12955 NW Cornell Rd Portland, OR 97229 503/643-5556 Lawson, Chad W, OD Terry P Tobin, OD PC 660 NW Murray Blvd Portland, OR 97229 503/646-6166 Tobin, Terry P, OD The Eye Clinic PC 9155 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 430 Portland, OR 97225 503/297-4718 Chan, Patrick J, MD Donohue, Elizabeth K, MD Topinka, John A, MD Wilkins, John H, MD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 179 careoregon and you. better together. VISION PROVIDERS Sherwood Sherwood Family Eye Health LLC 20407 SW Borchers Dr, Suite 202 Sherwood, OR 97140 503/625-2727 Zapodeanu, Adina N, OD Tigard Northwest Optometric Clinic 7307 SW Beveland Rd Tigard, OR 97223 503/639-8844 Freedle, Eric S, OD Midson, Clare N, OD Wayne L Gerig, OD 10225 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 101 Tigard, OR 97223 503/244-1004 Gerig, Wayne L, OD Tualatin Carkner Carkner & Carkner, ODs 19300 SW Boones Ferry Rd 1D Tualatin, OR 97062 503/692-2020 Carkner, David C, OD Carkner, Jeffry M, OD WASHINGTON COWLITZ COUNTY Kelso Gregory A Webster, OD 1704 Allen St Kelso, WA 98626 360/577-0606 Webster, Gregory A, OD Longview Cascade Eye Care PS 950 11Th Ave Longview, WA 98632 360/577-1500 Cheslock, John N, OD Cheslock, William V, OD Charles A Wardle, OD 1426 Commerce Ave Longview, WA 98632 360/423-7650 Wardle, Charles A, OD Gerald E Thomas, OD 1426 Commerce Ave Longview, WA 98632 360/423-7650 Thomas, Gerald E, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 180 *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. VISION PROVIDERS Longview Eye and Vision PS 820 Ocean Beach Hwy, Suite 100 Longview, WA 98632 360/636-2020 Tack, Jeffrey S, OD Tack, Terence O, OD Woodland Longview Eye and Vision PS 500 Columbia St, Suite A Woodland, WA 98674 360/225-1010 Tack, Jeffrey S, OD Tack, Terence O, OD If you want more information about a provider or facility, please contact Customer Service at 503-416-4100 or 1-800-224-4840 (TTY 1-800-735-2900) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. *Not available to CareOregon Advantage Star HMO-POS participants. 181 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX A Aaby, Aazy A, MD ...............................107, 109 Abar, Farnoush A, MD.................................. 84 Abdul-Hadi, Omar, MD ............................... 110 Abel, David E, MD ..............................164, 165 Aboujaoude, Emad S, PA ........................... 113 Abraham, Jacob, MD ..............................54, 59 Abrams, Alice C, FNP .............................37, 38 Abtin, Keyvan, MD ...................................... 98 Achterman, Christopher A, MD ................... 112 Active Foot & Ankle Center ........................ 120 Adamek, James F, OD ........................169, 170 Adams-Pangborn, Tawna R, FNP .................. 99 Adams, Karen E, MD ................................. 161 Adams, Linda S, NMNP ......................160, 163 Ader, Vesna G, PA ....................................... 75 Adesman, Peter W, MD ................................ 73 Adlawan, Jacqueline P, FNP ....................29, 37 Adler, David E, MD ...................................... 96 Adler, Eric D, MD ...................................56, 57 Advanced Foot Clinic ................................. 121 Advanced Imaging Associates ...................... 67 Advanced Neurosurgery Specialists, PC ........ 98 Advantage Medical Group ............................ 50 Adventist Arthritis and Bone Care Clinic ...... 127 Adventist Health Care Center ....................... 30 Adventist Health Cherry Park Family Medical Clinic.................................... 30 Adventist Health Clackamas ......................... 10 Adventist Health Convenient Care ............... 147 Adventist Health Damascus ......................... 11 Adventist Health Diabetes & Endocrine Center ............................ 71 Adventist Health Diabetes Services ............... 71 Adventist Health Eastside Internal Medicine ... 30 Adventist Health Gladstone Family Medicine .. 11 Adventist Health Gresham Station................. 28 Adventist Health Hazelwood Medical Clinic .... 31 Adventist Health Internal Medicine Associates 31 Adventist Health Medical Clinic Gresham Station Internal Medicine & Family Practice ............................... 28 182 Adventist Health Medical Clinic Hoodland ...... 15 Adventist Health Mt Hood – Sandy ................ 14 Adventist Health Mt Scott Internal Medicine ... 12 Adventist Health Portland Lung Clinic.......... 125 Adventist Health Ventura Park ...................... 31 Adventist Medical Center ........................... 144 Afridi, Zahid H, MD ..................................... 46 Agee, Stacey A, ANP ................................... 16 Agost, Brett W, OD .............................167, 171 Ahmad, Asma S, MD ................................. 159 Ahmad, Mahnaz, MD ................................... 34 Ahmad, Masud, MD ...............................54, 59 Ahmad, Rehan S, MD .................................. 62 Ahmann, Andrew J, MD ............................... 72 Ahmann, Gerald B, MD ...........................85, 86 Ahmed, Hala M, MD .................................... 26 Ahn, Suzanne S, FNP .................................. 14 Akoum, Fadi H, MD ..................................... 88 Al Mulla, Zaid S, MD ................................... 50 Alberts, Lisa Marie, MD ............................... 35 Alexander, Allan R, MD ......... 11, 17, 30, 43, 44 Alexander, Margaret K, NMNP .................... 160 Alexander, Mari E, PA .................................. 17 Alexander, Philip T, MD .............................. 138 Alftine, Christopher D, MD ........................... 22 Ali, Amro M, MD ....................................... 105 Ali, Zakir M, MD.......................................... 90 Aliabadi-Wahle, Shaghayegh, MD ...........79, 80 Allada, Gopal, MD ..............................125, 126 Allan, Joseph H, MD .................................. 116 Allen, Bryon E, FNP ..................................... 84 Allen, Erin J, MD ......................................... 65 Allen, Nechol L, MD ...............................81, 82 Allen, Richard, MD .................................... 161 Allen, Robert M, MD .................................... 29 Allers, Greg, DO .......................................... 38 Allison, Gina R, MD ................................... 164 Allmon, Thomas C, MD ................................ 10 Aloha Family Practice Clinic ......................... 46 Altstadt, Thomas J, MD ............................... 96 Alumkal, Joshi J, MD .................................. 87 Amato, Daniel F, MD .................................... 44 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Amato, Paula, MD ..............................161, 162 Amling, Christopher L, MD ......................... 133 Amundson, Joel A, MD ................................ 31 Anastasiadis, Shannon K, PNP ..................... 29 Anders, Joanna C, ANP ............................... 10 Andersen, Jay C, MD................................... 86 Andersen, Peter E, MD .............................. 117 Anderson, Carol A, PNP ............................... 47 Anderson, Connie J, FNP ............................. 31 Anderson, Darlene J, GNP ........................... 33 Anderson, Donna F, PA .............................. 132 Anderson, Erin J, PNP ........................133, 135 Anderson, John Charles, MD ...................... 113 Anderson, Kori L, FNP ................................. 13 Anderson, Ross W, MD .........................34, 159 Anderson, Sharon, MD ................................ 89 Anderson, Stanley E, OD ............................ 167 Anderson, Stephanie S, MD ......................... 34 Anderson, Susan M, FNP ............................. 39 Andreasen, Toby L, OD .............................. 178 Andrews, David A, MD ............................... 163 Ankle and Foot Clinic of Oregon ................. 121 Antezana, David F, MD ................................. 98 Antolik, John J, MD ..................................... 75 Antonovic, Sandra A, MD ............................. 51 Applebaum, Brian A, MD .........................72, 75 Appleby, David M, MD ............................... 111 Applegate Valley Family Medicine LLC .......... 25 Arabshahi, Hamid R, DPM .......................... 121 Arce, Monica M, NMNP ........................48, 163 Arden, Emilia L, DO ..................................... 58 Arkless, Tyler M, MD ................................... 26 Armour, Rebecca L, MD .......102, 105, 106, 172 Armstrong, Karen L, CMW ......................... 157 Arvidson, Brian A, OD .. 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Asante Community Services – Professional Services .................... 155 Asante Fracture Clinic ............................... 111 Asante Maternal & Fetal Medicine .............. 155 Asante Three Rivers Community Hospital..... 143 Ash, Paul R, MD .............................. 90, 94, 95 Ashland Center for Women’s Health ............ 154 Ashland Community Hospital ...................... 143 Ashland Community Hospital Center of Internal Medicine ........................... 18 Ashland Eye Care PC ................................ 168 Ashland Family Health Care PC .................... 18 Ashland Family Practice .............................. 18 Ashland Optometric Clinic PC..................... 168 Ashland Orthopedic Associates .................. 110 Ashland Pediatrics ...................................... 18 Ashland’s Optical Expressions PC ............... 168 Ashley, Scott E, MD ..................................... 16 Askew, Judah A, MD ................................... 62 Associates for Women’s Health, LLC ........... 155 Asuncion, Dexter James G, MD .................... 53 Atkin, Edward G, MD ................................... 65 Atwal, Kamaljit K, DO ................................ 125 Aumsville Medical Clinic .............................. 26 Austin, James C, MD ..........................133, 135 Austin, John C, MD ............................112, 114 Avamere at Oregon City ............................. 149 Avamere at Three Fountains ...................... 150 Avamere Court at Keizer ............................ 150 Avamere Crestview of Portland ................... 151 Avamere Pearl at Kruse Way ...................... 149 Avila, Pamela T, FNP ................................... 17 Avison, Kathrine E, MD ................................ 31 Aylor, Megan E, MD ..................................... 41 Azadpour, Maziar, MD ....................... 55, 56, 57 Azar, Robert J, MD ...................................... 76 Azhar, Ezra, MD .......................................... 46 Azhar, Naiyar, MD ..................................17, 34 Azin, Gregg D, MD .................................... 137 B Back, Stephen A, MD .................................. 93 Bader, Fayez A, MD ................................... 124 Badley, Melodee K, FNP ............................... 25 Bahgat, Diaa A, MD ..................................... 97 Bailey, Steven T, MD ...........................105, 106 Bair, Donald G, MD.................................... 164 Bajorek, Mark M, MD .................................. 39 Baker, Alec, PA ........................................... 59 Baker, Kathryn B, DO ................................. 127 Baker, Mary L, MD ...................................... 32 183 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Balderston, Leslie A, FNP .................. 30, 36, 37 Balen, Robert F, MD .................................. 107 Balentine, Jennifer L, MD .......................... 108 Ballard, James C, MD .........................109, 115 Ballard, John M, MD ................................. 111 Ballard, Marguerite M, PA ............................ 28 Balsbaugh, Holly J, FNP ............................... 17 Banitt, Peter F, MD ...................................... 58 Banker, Katherine A, MD .............................. 41 Bar, Anna A, MD ......................................... 64 Barber, Connie J, ANP ................................. 56 Barbosa, Ronald R, MD................................ 80 Barker, Alan F, MD .................................... 125 Barker, Michael D, PA ................................ 110 Barmada, Adam, MD ................................. 112 Barnatan, Marcos F, MD ............................ 136 Barnes, Patricia M, CMW ........................... 157 Barnum, Mary E, NP .................................... 22 Barr, Theodore G, PA ................................... 59 Barrett, Robin W, MD ..........................160, 163 Barrows, Edward Bruce, MD ...................... 132 Barrus, Loren R, MD.................................. 103 Barry, John M, MD .................................... 133 Bartholomew, Kelly M, PA .......................... 132 Bartlett, Michael L, MD ................................ 52 Barton, Ian L, FNP ....................................... 13 Barton, John W ........................................... 66 Basco, Hilary R, MD .................................... 32 Baseline Vision Clinic ................................ 178 Bashey, Jaffer A, MD ................................. 132 Basin, Karen S, MD ................................... 127 Bates, Alan C, DO ..................................21, 23 Batesole, Ashley D, PA ................................ 84 Batiuk, Thomas D, MD ................................. 89 Bauer, John E, MD ...................................... 31 Bauer, Maxine E, MD ................................. 162 Baugh, Stephen F, MD ................................. 35 Bava, Julie, NMNP ...............................37, 159 Bawden, Gina M, PA.................................... 79 Bax, Catherine D, PA ..............................46, 47 Bazan-Salazar, Emilia C, NP ....................30, 33 Bazin-Quintana, Tinah A, NP ........................ 39 184 Beachy, Linford S, MD ................................. 26 Bear Creek Surgery ..................................... 76 Beard, James C, MD ................................... 72 Beaverton Rehab ...................................... 152 Becher, Judith C, MD .............................37, 38 Becker, Sara K, MD ..................................... 42 Beckerman, James G, MD ......................54, 59 Beckwith, Jacqueline, FNP ........................... 13 Bedell, Jennifer Y, PA .................................. 97 Bederka, Bryce, MD .................................. 112 Bednarek, Paula H, MD ............................. 161 Beecher, Heather, MD .................................. 43 Beer, Tomasz M, MD ................................... 84 Beers, Douglas K, MD ................................. 34 Beeson, Laurie A, FNP ................................. 29 Behle, Kristin M, MD ..............................37, 38 Beilstein, Michelle C, MD ........................72, 75 Belafsky, Caryn B, MD ............................21, 23 Bell, Kevin A, PA ....................................... 111 Belt-Shaaban, Kristen E, FNP ....................... 33 Benecki, Eleanor A, PA ................................ 36 Bengtson, George W, MD ............................. 32 Beninger, Renee M, NMNP ......................... 159 Benner, Kent G, MD..................................... 74 Bennett, Sylvana E, MD ............................. 163 Bennett, William M, MD ............................... 89 Bennetts, Roland William, MD ...................... 73 Bensching, Katherine L, MD ......................... 41 Bentley, Robert W, MD ........................107, 109 Bents, Robert T, MD .................................. 111 Bentz, Charles J, MD ................................... 33 Benz, A Brooke, MD .................................. 114 Berent, Kara L, PA ..................... 112, 113, 114 Berger, Jonathan M, MD .............................. 52 Berger, Wendy S, NMNP ............................ 162 Bergquist, Bradley J, MD ............................. 98 Bergstrom, Richard W, MD ........................... 72 Bergstrom, Robert W, MD ............................ 28 Beri Eye Care Associates ........................... 104 Beri, Meena, MD ....................................... 104 Berlin, Michelle, MD .................................. 161 Berney, Joyce M, MD .................................. 51 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Bernier, Peter D, DO .................................... 28 Bernstein, Eric D, MD .............................84, 85 Berry, Emily, MD ....................................... 161 Berry, Susan R, FNP .................................... 16 Berryman, James T, MD............................... 22 Bertheau, Leonard R, DO ............................. 30 Berzins, Uldis J, MD .................................. 104 Beyer, Gayla J, FNP ..................................... 40 Beyl, Cecille O, MD ..................................... 32 Bhardwaj, Sidharth S, MD ............................ 74 Bhat, Sumeeth M, MD ................................. 43 Biagioli, Frances E, MD ..........................39, 40 Bieraugel, Jean T, MD ................................. 22 Biggs Sanders, Kimberly C, PA ..................... 64 Binette, Alan A, MD ................................... 156 Birbeck, Patrick M, PA ................................. 75 Bird, Megan R, MD.................................... 163 Birkemeier, Susan G, MD ........................... 164 Bisgyer, Susan J, FNP ............................47, 48 Bishop, Daniel D, OD ................................. 170 Bittner, Cordon D, MD ................................. 52 Bjorklund, Erin, ANP .................................... 26 Bjornskov, Leah S, FNP................................ 14 Black, Bradford T, MD.........................109, 115 Black, David M, MD................................... 141 Black, Joseph L, MD ................................... 37 Blackstone, Bruce G, MD ........................... 141 Blackwell, Danielle L, FNP ........................... 14 Blair, Gregory P, MD .................................. 126 Blanchard, Shawn H, MD ............................. 40 Blanche, Robert N, MD ................................ 23 Blaschke, Gregory S, MD ............................. 41 Blasco, Peter A, MD .................................... 41 Blasdel, Carolyn S, FNP ............................... 84 Blauvelt, Andrew, MD .................................. 64 Blenning, Carol E, MD ................................. 40 Blettel, Milton L, MD ................................... 50 Bley, Dennis E, DO ...................................... 31 Bley, Desiree S, MD .................................. 162 Block, Richard A, MD .........................111, 112 Blome, Randall E, MD .................................. 14 Bloom, Heidi T, MD .................................... 110 Bluhm, Jeffrey M, MD ............................... 126 Blust, Dianne E, ANP ..............................10, 46 Boardman Cheevers, Debra E, FNP ..........21, 23 Bobek, Miroslav P, MD ................................. 96 Bobenrieth, Susanne K, MD ......................... 42 Boboia, Dorina S, MD .................................. 51 Bock, Charles J, Jr, MD ............................. 102 Body Imaging PC ........................................ 69 Bogden, Julie A, FNP ................................... 24 Bolken, Erin S, PA ....................................... 82 Bolling, Rebecca L, FNP .............................. 22 Bonafede, Rosario Peter, MD ...................... 128 Bonazzola, Michael F, MD ............................ 41 Bonner, Mingying Y, PA ................................ 56 Bonta, Michelle D, MD ................................. 66 Bookin, Stephen O, MD ............................... 72 Boskind, Jeffrey F, MD ............................... 129 Boss, Diana K, MD ...................................... 17 Boston, Tammi K, MD .................................. 52 Botha, Rosanne L, MD ............................... 161 Bottasso, Cindy M, DO............................... 156 Botwinick, Ora N, MD .............................37, 38 Boudreaux-Nippert, Denise J, MD ............... 166 Boullie, Patricia A, CMW ............................ 154 Bouma, Donald J, MD ................................. 70 Bourdette, Dennis N, MD ........................92, 93 Bourret, Kristin H, PA .................................. 59 Bowen, Craig E, OD ............................173, 176 Bowen, Judith L, MD ................................... 41 Bower, Elizabeth A, MD ................................ 41 Bower, Michael C, MD ................................. 44 Bowerfind, William M, MD .......................... 126 Bowman, Kandice S, PNP .......................29, 35 Boyd, Harold S, MD ................................... 111 Boylon, James L, MD ................................ 140 Brandes, Richard W, MD .............................. 73 Brandon, Patricia L, FNP .............................. 42 Brandt, Kimberly A, FNP .............................. 26 Braun, Mallory, PNP .................................... 49 Bray, Harry E, MD ..................................73, 74 Breckenridge, Bruce F, OD ......................... 175 Breda, Michael A, MD .................................. 78 185 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Breen, Roy E, III, MD ................................... 62 Breeze, Matthew J, MD ............................... 44 Breitinger, Anne M, MD.........................73, 140 Brett, Darrell C, MD ..................................... 96 Brewer, Diana E, PA .................................... 84 Bridge City Family Medical Clinic ...........31, 158 Bridgeman, Deona L, MD ............................. 10 Bridgeport Eye Physicians at Kruse Woods .. 101 Bridgeport Eye Physicians at Sherwood ....... 108 Bridgeport MRI ........................................... 69 Bridgeview Women’s Health LLC ................ 158 Brischetto, Brenda J, MD ............................. 43 Broadbent, Bryan K, DPM .......................... 123 Broadway Foot & Ankle Clinic PC ................ 121 Broadway Medical Clinic – Internal Medicine .......................31, 64 Broadway Medical Clinic – Pediatrics............ 32 Broadway Vision World LLC ........................ 171 Broberg, Craig S, MD .............................56, 57 Brod, Lissa S, MD ..................................92, 93 Brodsky, Matthew A, MD .........................92, 93 Brodsky, Trina A, MD ................................. 164 Broms, Anton K, MD .................................. 165 Brophy, Greg E, OD ................................... 171 Brophy’s Vision Care Inc ............................ 171 Brouwer, Lauren M, OD ..................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Brouzes, Linda K, NMNP ............................ 155 Brower, Jon R, MD ...................................... 55 Brown, Caroline J, MD ................................. 25 Brown, Daniel B, MD ................................. 109 Brown, George A, MD ................................ 113 Brown, Greg W, MD ..................................... 47 Brown, Jay P, MD ........................................ 44 Brown, Jeffrey J, MD............................91, 116 Brown, Katherine A, MD............................. 163 Brown, Michael A, MD ............................... 142 Browning, Scott M, MD ................................ 62 Brownlow, Victoria C, PA .............................. 56 Broyhill, Julie C, MD .................................... 28 Brummer, Stephen D, MD ............................ 82 Bruner, Amy R, MD .................................... 160 Brunner, Lauren M, PA ................................ 60 186 Bruns, Rebecca W, NMNP .......................... 162 Bruton, Orin H, MD...................................... 55 Buck, Michael D, MD ................................... 73 Buckland, Mary I, FNP ................................. 33 Buckman, Christy R, MD ............................ 118 Buehler, Jeffrey C, MD ................................ 73 Buhl, Jeani G, FNP ...................................... 73 Bui, Thong T, MD ...................................... 132 Bujosa, Pedro C, MD ........................ 20, 22, 23 Bulger, Arthur Randolph, MD ........................ 31 Bulger, Roberta A, MD ................................. 31 Bullock, Gina M, DPM.........................121, 123 Bulson, Ryan, OD ........ 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Bumsted, Tracy N, MD ................................. 41 Bunker, Teri, FNP ........................................ 31 Buracchio, Teresa J, MD .........................92, 93 Burchiel, Kim J, MD .................................... 97 Burdick, Linda D, PNP ............................37, 38 Burford, Patricia A, MD ................................ 71 Burgoine, Gary A, MD .........................164, 165 Burgoyne, Claude F, MD ............................ 107 Burke, Denise A, MD ................................... 63 Burke, William Romney, MD ....................... 131 Burmeister, Jennifer S, PA ........................... 84 Burness, Jessica O, MD............................... 13 Burns, Julie F, PNP...................................... 37 Burris, Terry E, MD .................................... 109 Burroughs, Duane A, MD ............................. 32 Burwell, Douglas T, MD ................................ 55 Buse, Sara A, FNP ....................................... 14 Buset, Nancy E, OD ................................... 175 Butler, Erin P, PA ....................................... 118 Buuck, David A, MD .................................. 114 Buxman, James H, MD ...........................43, 44 Byerly, Laura R, MD ...............................47, 48 Byerly, Robert G, MD ................................. 126 Byers, Erika L, FNP ..................................... 33 Byrd, Daniel M, MD ..................................... 87 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX C Cabler, Britain T, FNP ................................... 34 Cabrales, Steven X, MD ............................. 140 Cahn, Robert M, MD.................................... 82 Cain, Patricia E, DPM ................................ 119 Caine, Amy J, PA ........................................ 75 Calcagno Pediatrics, PC .............................. 29 Calcagno, Frank A, MD ................................ 29 Calcagno, John A, MD ................................. 29 Caldwell, Clea R, DO ................................. 159 Caldwell, Dan G, OD ...........................167, 171 Callahan, John T, DPM .............................. 121 Callahan, Kerry B, MD ................................. 42 Camacho, Samuel Albert, MD ....................... 56 Cameron, Michelle H, MD .......................92, 93 Camp, Sarah S, FNP...............................36, 37 Campbell, Daniel J DPM ............................ 121 Campbell, George E, III, DO .......................... 20 Campbell, Joe H, MD .................................. 42 Campbell, Karen N, FNP .........................29, 37 Campbell, Stephen M, MD ......................... 128 Canby Eyecare Inc .................................... 167 Canby Health Care Clinic ............................. 10 Cancer Center of Southern Oregon ..........85, 99 Carbonell, Miguel G, MD ............................ 155 Cardenal, Molly S, OD ....................... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Cardiographics ........................................... 54 Cardiovascular & Thoracic Clinic ...........60, 129 Care Center East Health & Specialty Care .... 151 CareOregon Community Health Beaverton ..... 46 CareOregon Community Health Milwaukie ..... 12 Carey, Marc B, MD .................................13, 43 Carin, Dorothy A, MD ................................... 31 Carkner Carkner & Carkner, ODs .........171, 180 Carkner, David C, OD..........................171, 180 Carkner, Jeffry M, OD .........................171, 180 Carlini, Walter G, MD ................................... 90 Carlisle, James R, MD ............................43, 44 Carlson, Claudia J, FNP ............................... 52 Carlson, Hans L, MD .................. 112, 113, 114 Carlson, Nels L, MD ................... 112, 113, 114 Carlton, Sharrel M, MD .............................. 153 Carmeci, Charles, MD ..........................60, 129 Carney, Stacie L, MD ................................... 41 Caro, James E, MD ................................... 119 Carpenter, Kevin R, MD ............................... 30 Carrillo, Luis Fernando, FNP ......................... 37 Carroll, Brendan C, MD .............................. 162 Carroll, Michael E, MD ................................. 44 Carter-Meletich, Lauralyn, DO .................19, 24 Carter, Christopher R, MD ............................ 75 Carter, Julie H, ANP ................................92, 93 Carter, Kelly A, MD .................................... 158 Carter, Tanya E, DO ..................................... 49 Cartwright, Victoria W, MD ........................... 34 Cascade Cardiology .................................... 55 Cascade Eye Associates ............................ 101 Cascade Eye Care PS ................................ 180 Cascade Eye Center LLC ........................... 167 Cascade Eyecare Center PC ....................... 103 Cascade Family Care .................................. 26 Cascade Foot Center ................................. 121 Cascade Physicians – Bridgetown ................ 32 Cascade Physicians – Tualatin ..................... 51 Cascade Physicians NW Portland ................. 32 Cascade Terrace Nursing Center ................ 151 Case, Kristin A, FNP .................................... 30 Casey Eye Institute Astoria ......................... 102 Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons .............. 172 Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons LLC ...........................105, 172 Casey Eye Physicians & Surgeons LLC Pediatric Ophthalmology ............ 105 Casey Eye Physicians at Marquam Hill ........ 105 Casey Ophthalmic Associates..................... 106 Castenson, Daniel L, PA .............................. 53 Castillo, Juan M, MD ............................77, 136 Castillo, Sherry J, MD .............................21, 23 Castle, Jessica R, MD ................................. 72 Cataract & Laser Institute of Southern Oregon .......................... 103 Caulfield, Todd A, MD .............................54, 59 Cavanaugh, Megan M, MD ........................... 62 Cech, James M, MD ...........................102, 109 187 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Cecil, Valerie L, FNP .................................... 40 Celestskye, Jill D, FNP ................................. 25 Cely, William F, MD.................................... 157 Cendejas, Fernando, MD ............................. 23 Center for Medical Imaging .......................... 69 Center for Medical Imaging – Bridgeport ....... 69 Center for Mens & Womens Urology, LLC .... 132 Central City Concern ................................. 158 Cereghino, James J, MD ........................92, 93 Cerkoney, Kathryn A, FNP ............................ 25 Cetas, Justin S, MD .................................... 97 Cha, Michael J, MD ..................................... 14 Cha, Stephanie W, MD ................................. 11 Chalmers, Brent E, MD .............................. 102 Chamberlain, Steven E, MD........................ 110 Chamberlain, Winston D, MD ..............105, 172 Chamberland, David L, MD ........................ 127 Chamberland, Shireen N, MD ....................... 22 Chamberlin, Thomas J, MD .......................... 71 Chambers, Charles E, MD .......................... 161 Chambers, David W, MD ............................ 116 Chamie, Rima, MD .................................47, 48 Chamlee, Deena M, CMW .......................... 160 Champagne, Michelle C, CMW ................... 158 Chan, Anita Y, MD ..................................... 162 Chan, Lawrence, Jr, OD ............................. 172 Chan, Patrick J, MD ............106, 108, 175, 179 Chan, Simon K, DO ..................................... 42 Chan, Yuen M, MD .................................37, 38 Chandran, Rubin, MD .................................. 89 Chang, Chun Yang M, MD .......................72, 75 Chang, Edward H, MD ............................86, 87 Chang, Kelly D, MD ................................... 109 Chang, Li, FNP ........................................... 28 Chang, Michael F, MD ................................. 74 Chang, Renee M, MD .................................. 66 Chang, Yee T, MD ........................................ 49 Chanyaputhipong, Sunisa, MD ...................... 47 Chapin, William C, MD ................................. 48 Chapman, Carolyn N, MD ............................ 51 Charles, Marcelin, MD ................................. 22 Chase, Donald D, OD................................. 167 188 Chatroux, Sylvia Seroussi, MD ...................... 18 Chau, Tom, MD ........................................... 49 Chauhan, Ranjana, MD .......................101, 108 Chawla, Renu, MD ...................................... 33 Chelsky, Ronald, MD ................................... 56 Chen, Andy I, MD ........................................ 84 Chen, Jefferson W, MD ................................ 98 Chen, Stephen L, MD .............................72, 75 Chen, Wan-Jui, MD ..................................... 94 Chern, Laurie, MD ..................................48, 51 Cheslock, John N, OD ............................... 180 Cheslock, William V, OD ............................. 180 Chesnutt, Asha N, MD ............................... 126 Chesnutt, James C, MD ............................... 39 Chesnutt, Mark S, MD ................................. 61 Chestler, Robert J, MD .............................. 107 Chiavarini, Andrea H, MD ........................... 158 Chickadonz, Lisa J, NMNP ......................... 162 Child Eye Care Associates.......................... 101 Childers, David C, MD ................................. 42 Childers, Jennifer W, MD ............................. 63 Children & Adolescent Clinic ........................ 20 Children’s Community Clinic ........................ 32 Ching, Alexander C, MD .............. 112, 113, 114 Ching, Chester S, MD .................................. 89 Chiotti, Gary J, DPM ................... 121, 122, 123 Chisholm, Angela D, NMNP .................158, 161 Choong, Meei, MD ...................................... 33 Chou, Roger, MD......................................... 41 Chow, Craig C, MD ...................................... 73 Christensen, Sarah M, MD ......................20, 23 Christiansen, Gregory A, MD ...................... 104 Christiansen, J Richard, OD ....................... 168 Christie, Leonard G, MD .............................. 55 Christine R Gebhardt, OD LLC .................... 172 Christlieb, Dee E, MD .................................. 18 Chu, Cong Qui, MD ................................... 128 Chui, Stephen Y, MD .................................... 84 Chung, Kathryn A, MD ............................92, 93 Cigarroa, Joaquin E, MD .......................57, 139 Cioffi, George A, II, MD .............................. 107 Ciolli, Lauren E, PA ................................... 130 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Citek, Karl, OD ............ 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Clack, Susan M, MD .................................... 51 Clackamas County Health Department ...13, 153 Clackamas Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc ............. 119 Clackamas Rehabilitation LLC .................... 149 Clackamas Surgical Associates, Inc ................... 80, 130, 138 Clapper, Nanette, ANP ................................. 12 Clark, Amanda L, MD ................................ 158 Clark, Brinton C, MD ................................... 42 Clark, Sheri R, FNP ..................................... 22 Clark, Wayne M, MD.................................... 92 Clarke, Christine G S, MD ............................ 78 Clarke, G Andrew, MD ................................. 78 Clarke, Nicholas E, MD ................................ 72 Clatskanie Family Medical Clinic .................. 17 Clay, O Keene, OD..................................... 171 Clayton, Kelly M, FNP .............................24, 25 Clear Creek Family Practice ......................... 26 Cleeton Goodell, Rebecca M, DO .............12, 13 Cleland-Zamudio, Suzanne S, MD............... 118 Cline, Kari A, OD ............................... 170, 173, ................................174, 176, 177, 178 Cline, Lorena L, PA ............................113, 114 Closson, Christi L, OD ....................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Cloyd Family Vision LLC ............................. 169 Cloyd, Frances G, OD ................................ 169 Cloyd, Karl, OD ......................................... 169 Coastal Family Health Center ....................... 15 Cockcroft, Benjamin D, MD .......................... 16 Cockrell, Janice L, MD ................................ 92 Code, Patrick T, DPM ................................. 120 Coen, John J, MD ..................................... 111 Coffey, Bradley, OD ..... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Cofield, Brooks G, DO .................................. 65 Cohan, Stanley L, MD .................................. 95 Cohen, David M, MD ................................... 89 Cohen, Marguerite P, MD ........................... 158 Cohen, Terri R, CMW ................................. 159 Colburn, Leon Q, PA .............................61, 130 Cole, Frederic J, MD ................................... 80 Coleman, Clifford A, MD .............................. 40 Colip, Charles L, MD ................................... 73 Collins, Christopher J, MD ........................... 52 Collins, Dea A, FNP ................................21, 23 Collins, Judith F, MD ................................... 74 Collins, Kristan C, MD ................................. 32 Collins, Michael S, MD .............................. 161 Collis, Sandra A, DO .................................. 158 Columbia Medical Clinic .............................. 32 Columbia Memorial Hospital ...................... 143 Columbia Memorial Hospital Pediatric Clinic .................................. 15 Columbia Memorial Hospital Specialty Clinic ................... 76, 110, 131 Columbia Memorial Hospital Surgery Clinic .................................... 76 Columbia Memorial Hospital Urgent Care .................................... 146 Columbia Memorial Hospital Women’s Center .............................. 154 Columbia Neurosurgical Associates .............. 96 Columbia Pacific Medical Services ............. 126 Columbia Pacific Medical Services ............... 16 Columbia Pacific Urology ........................... 131 Columbia Surgical Specialists ...................... 78 Columbian Eyecare LLC ............................. 169 Community Health Center – Neurosurgery ............................90, 96 Community Health Center Ashland ............................................ 18 Community Health Center Medford ............................... 20, 54, 155 Community Health Center White City ............................ 24, 54, 156 Comprehensive Gynecology Associates ....... 158 Concia, Caroline D, GNP .............................. 33 Conger, Allard J, MD ..........................164, 165 Conley, Emily L, MD .................................... 89 Conlin, Alison K, MD .................................. 100 Conlin, Michael J, MD ............................... 133 Connor, Rodney W, MD ................................ 15 Constante, Maria Luisa, MD ......................... 43 Consultants in Dermatology ......................... 63 Conway, Bernard P, OD ...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 189 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Conway, Gregory E, MD ............................... 23 Coodley, Gregg O, MD ................................. 33 Cook, David Michael, MD ............................. 72 Cook, David William, MD ......... 79, 81, 138, 139 Cook, James C, MD .................................... 54 Cook, Ted A, MD ................................117, 118 Cooke, Ruth, ANP ..................................... 112 Cooley, Laura L, MD .................................... 15 Coombes, Emily K, DO ................................. 34 Cooper, Arthur D, MD ................................ 153 Cooper, Scott C, OD .... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Coppa, Nicholas D, MD ................................ 97 Corbett, Brett C, MD .................................... 51 Cordeiro, Maria E, MD ............................... 156 Cordova, Lee J, MD................................14, 42 Cornelius Vision Clinic ............................... 176 Cornell Eyecare Group Inc.......................... 179 Cornell Urgent Care .................................. 148 Cornell, Floyd Michael, MD ......... 101, 108, 167 Correa, Steven D, MD .................................. 54 Corrective Step ......................................... 123 Cortell, Pamela, NP ..................................... 77 Corzilius, Susan P, MD ................................. 27 Cost, Gregory A, MD...........................134, 135 Costello Gard, Libby A, FNP ....................39, 46 Cotterell, Louis W, MD ................................. 53 Cottet, Carole E, WHCNP ........................... 164 Coughlin, James M, MD .............................. 32 Countiss, John S, MD .................................. 25 Courtox, Robert L, PA ...........................61, 130 Coville, Karen B, PA .................................... 26 Cowell, Vernon L, Jr, MD .............................. 78 Crabtree, Mary K, FNP ................................. 33 Craft Sr, Richard W, MD ............................... 29 Craft, William B, MD .............................77, 136 Cramer, Andrew B, MD ................. 80, 130, 138 Cramer, Erin L, PA ....................................... 27 Craven & Wright ......................................... 67 Craven, James P, MD ................... 80, 130, 138 Crawford, Dennis C, MD .....................112, 113 Crawford, Julie T, MD ................................ 162 Creekside Family Medicine ...................21, 155 190 Creitz, Bonnie J, MD ................................... 33 Crider, James T, MD .................................... 53 Crim, Catherine E, MD ............................... 165 Crocenzi, Todd S, MD ................................ 100 Crook, Stephen R, MD ................................. 78 Crowley, Kirsten E, MD ................................ 49 Cruickshank, James C, MD ........................ 116 Crumpacker, Robert W, MD .......................... 91 Cruz, Linda I, MD ........................................ 48 Cuddy, Jannell L, OD ................................. 171 Culbertson, Charles D, DO ........................... 29 Cullen, Edward Clark, MD ................. 18, 20, 22 Cully, Deanna E, PA ................................60, 61 Cummings, Rhett J, MD ............................. 126 Cunliffe, Richard D, PA .............................. 111 Cupler, Edward J, MD .............................92, 93 Curioso, Evelyn A, MD ................................. 94 Curnutt, George W, OD .............................. 168 Currie, John M, MD ..................................... 63 Curti, Brendan D, MD ................................ 100 Custer, Mary A, FNP .................................... 12 Custis, John M, MD..................................... 29 Cutler, Mary F, MD ...................................... 22 Cyran, Stanley J, III, MD .............................. 65 D D’amato, Charles R, MD ............................ 113 Dafford, Kurtus A, MD ................................. 97 Dahlquist, Nanette E, MD ............................. 47 Dailey, Roger A, MD .................................. 105 Dalisky, Denis J, MD ................................. 157 Daly, Anne T, FNP ...................................37, 38 Dana, Bruce W, MD ..................................... 99 Dancan, Margaret J, PA ............................... 96 Dang, Theresa H, PA ................................... 12 Danielson, James N, MD ........................... 166 Danielson, Julie D, OD ............................... 169 Dao, Kim-Hien T, DO ................................... 84 Dao, Linh D, MD ......................................... 50 Darby, Charles L, MD .................................. 31 Dauterman, Kent W, MD .........................54, 55 Dave, Sonal B, MD .............................107, 109 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX David, Roger C, MD ............................107, 109 Davidian, James L, MD .............................. 103 Davidson, Benton J, MD .............................. 91 Davidson, Kate E, NMNP ............................ 157 Davies Clinic, PC ........................................ 10 Davies, Crispin H, MD.................................. 57 Davies, Laura H, MD ..........................127, 128 Davies, Richard C, DO ................................. 10 Davies, William M, MD................................. 58 Davis, Elizabeth R, OD ........................173, 176 Davis, Jeffrey R, MD ................................. 142 Davis, Katherine M, DO ............................... 24 Davis, Lowell E, MD .................................. 161 Davis, Michael A, MD .................................. 23 Davis, Michael W, MD .........................160, 163 Davis, Nina S, MD ..................................... 133 Dawley, Douglas L, MD ................................ 57 Day, Annemarie, FNP ................................. 124 Dayton, Beth, MD ........................................ 78 De Fontes, Deane C, Jr, MD ......................... 37 De Saint Sardos, Alexandre, MD ................. 105 Dea, Marilee O, PNP ........................ 35, 37, 38 Deatherage, Mark F, MD .............................. 77 Deaton, Scott P, PA ..................................... 86 Decastro, Enrique C M, MD ........................ 160 Decastro, Roberto M, MD....................160, 163 Dechet, Amy M, MD .................................... 42 Deenadayalu, Viju P, MD .............................. 74 Deering, Darcy E, MD .................................. 34 Deffebach, Mark E, MD ............................. 125 Degner, George Matthew, MD....................... 27 Degregorio, Barry T, MD .............................. 73 Dehqanzada, Yama A, DPM .................123, 124 Deininger, Michael W, MD ............................ 84 Deitering, Paul J, PA ................................. 130 Deklotz, Richard L, MD ................................ 51 Dekorte, Michael A, DPM ........................... 120 Del Rosario, Eduardo S, FNP ........................ 42 Delamelena, Violeta T, MD ......................80, 81 Delashaw, Johnny B, MD ......................97, 141 Delgado Family Care ................................... 18 Delgado, John P, MD ................................... 18 Dellinger, Karen A, MD ...........................92, 93 Dellinger, Michael D, MD ........................41, 42 Deloughery, Thomas G, MD .......................... 84 Delplanche, Jacquelyn M, OD..................... 175 Delplanche, Remy J, OD ............................ 175 Demetrion, George B, MD ............................ 33 Demots, Henry, Jr, MD ................................. 57 Demunter, Jodi K, MD ................................. 43 Denali Luengo, Anika S, MD ....................... 162 Denker, John T, MD ................................32, 39 Denman, Mary A, MD ................................ 161 Denman, Susan T, MD ................................. 65 Denman, Timothy M, MD ....................102, 109 Denney, Donald D, MD ...........................92, 93 Denning, Janis L, Pa ................................... 94 Dennis-Leigh, William, PA ............................ 17 Dennison, Carole L, WHCNP ................164, 165 Denton, Samuel J, MD................................. 63 Deodhar, Atulya A, MD ............................... 128 Deodhar, Hem A, MD ................................... 89 Dermatology & Laser Associates of Medford ........................ 63 Dermatology Clinic ...................................... 63 Dermatology Clinic of Hillsboro ..................... 65 Desai, Samir B, MD ..................................... 87 Deshmukh, Sunita M, MD ............................ 30 Desimone, June M, MD ............................... 32 Deutsche, Joann S, FNP .............................. 41 Devarajan, Sumathi, MD .............................. 40 Deveney, Clifford W, MD .............................. 79 Deveney, Karen E, MD ................................. 79 Devere, Theresa Schroeder L, MD ...........62, 64 Devisser, Pamela Ann, FNP .......................... 51 Devoe, Jennifer E, MD ................................. 39 Devorss, James E, MD ................................ 55 Dew, Leigh Anne, MD ................................ 118 Diagnostic Imaging Associates ..................... 67 Diagnostic Imaging Northwest, PC ................ 67 Diagnostic Imaging of Salem ........................ 67 Diagnostic Radiologists, PC ......................... 68 Diaz, Jeanette M, PNP ............................41, 49 Dibb, Charles R, MD ...............................85, 86 Dicker, Lance M, MD ................................... 88 191 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Dickinson, Sharon M, PA ............................. 55 Dienel, Nicholas H, MD ................................ 55 Dierks, Eric J, MD ..................................... 117 Dietrich, Mary K, NMNP ............................. 162 Dillon, Deborah Carolyn, MD ...................... 159 Dion, Danielle M, MD ................................ 164 Dipiero, Albert R, MD ................................... 41 Dirkx, Tonja C, MD ...................................... 89 Division St Family Practice Clinic, PC ............ 13 Dixon, Tamara L, MD ................................... 21 Dodson, Darlene J, MD .............................. 153 Dodson, Lisa G, MD .................................... 40 Dogan, Aclan, MD ....................................... 97 Dolan, James P, MD .................................... 79 Doll, Tracy C, OD ......... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Domreis, John S, MD .................................. 76 Domreis, Wendy O PNP ............................... 97 Domst, James E, MD ................................... 26 Donaghu, Laura I, MD ............................43, 44 Donald, Ian R, MD ..................................... 154 Donohue, Elizabeth K, MD ....106, 108, 175, 179 Donovan, Deirdre E, MD .............................. 40 Donovan, John S, MD ................................ 116 Dooley, Timothy A, MD ............................... 161 Dornfest, Franklyn D, MD ............................. 39 Dorsen, Michael, MD ..............................96, 98 Dorst, Deborah S, ANP ...........................57, 58 Douek, Karen A, MD .................................... 89 Dougherty, Nancy K, MD .............................. 27 Douglass, Jeffrey M, MD ............................. 75 Douville, E Charles, MD ................ 61, 130, 138 Douzdjian, Viken, MD .................................. 78 Dowd, James D, MD ................................. 111 Downtown Foot Clinic ................................ 121 Downtown Gynecology .............................. 158 Drake, Brian E, MD ................................... 162 Draper, Alma S, FNP .................................... 46 Drew, Jennifer S, PA ................................... 59 Dreyer, Richard F, MD ................................ 108 Driver, Timothy R, MD .........................131, 132 Dronkowski, C William, MD .......................... 33 Druker, Brian J, MD ..................................... 84 192 Dryland, David I, MD ................................. 127 Duan, Yan, ANP........................................... 48 Dubois, Dominique S, NMNP ...................... 164 Dubose, Robert A, MD ................................. 61 Duell, Paul B, MD........................................ 72 Dugi, Daniel D, III, MD ............................... 133 Dummigan, Rachel, FNP ................... 30, 36, 37 Duncan, Thomas S, MD ............................... 16 Duncan, William C, III, MD...................136, 137 Dunham, Amanda M, OD ................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Dunlap, Mary Ann, ANP ..........................11, 50 Dunsmuir, Larlene M, FNP ........................... 44 Dunst, Christy M, MD .................................. 79 Duplain, Ellen P, MD .................................... 29 Duret, Edouard J, MD .................................. 76 Durning, Jonathan C, MD............................. 78 Dutta, Sajal C, MD .............................134, 135 Dyer, Heidi S, PA ......................................... 45 Dyson, Robert D, MD ................................. 159 Dzata, Mabel Y, CMW ................................ 157 E Eagle Point Eye Care PC ............................ 169 Eagle Point Medical Clinic............................ 20 Eagle Point Pediatrics ................................. 20 Ear, Nose & Throat Associates .................... 119 Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Grants Pass, PC............................... 116 Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic of The Northwest .. 142 Eardley, Dianne C, MD ................................. 50 Earhart, Amy S, MD ..................................... 14 Earl, Robert J, PA ...................................... 112 East Portland Center for Women’s Health .... 158 East Portland Neurology Clinic, PC ................ 91 East Portland Orthopedic & Fracture Clinic .. 112 East Portland Urology Clinic ....................... 132 East, Marcus A, MD .................................. 104 Eastmoreland Surgical Clinic ........................ 78 Easton, Holly A, DO ..................................... 18 Eaton, Alice A, MD .................................47, 50 Eaton, Mark A, MD ...............................77, 136 Eberhardt De Master, Joy E, MD ................... 46 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Eberle, Thomas M, MD ................................ 51 Echo Vision Inc ................................ 66, 68, 69 Eckert, Robert W, MD .............................18, 20 Eckstrom, Elizabeth N, MD ........................... 41 Eddington, Joanne T, FNP ...................100, 101 Eddy, Richard L, MD .................................... 70 Edelman, Alison B, MD .............................. 161 Edgar, Eric M, MD ..................................92, 93 Edmunds, Lorna E, MD .......................105, 106 Edwards, George M, MD .............................. 14 Edwards, James Mark, MD ........................ 137 Edwards, Michelle M, PA ............................. 16 Edwards, Sharon Renee, MD ...................... 161 Egeland, Margaret A, CMW ........................ 157 Egener, Barry E, MD .................................... 35 Egger, Michael A, OD................................. 167 Ehlers, Kenneth E, OD ............................... 168 Ehst, Benjamin D, MD ............................63, 64 Eid, Jessica N, DO .................................17, 34 Eiff, M Patrice, MD ...................................... 40 Eilers, Anton F, MD .................................... 114 Eilersen, Christopher R, MD ......................... 13 Einerson, Cheryl E, ANP ............................... 10 Eisen, Glenn M, MD .................................... 74 Eliason, Douglas D, DO ................................ 26 Elkins, David A, MD ................................... 132 Ellison, Catherine M, MD ............................. 94 Ellison, David H, MD .................................... 89 Elmgren, David T, MD ................................ 132 Elsas, Siegward M, MD ...........................92, 93 Em, Makkalearn, MD ................................... 73 Emch, David C, PA .................................... 109 Emeis, Cathy L, NMNP............................... 160 Endo, Carol Y, MD ....................................... 34 Endocrine & Osteoporosis Associates............ 71 Endocrine Clinic PC, The.............................. 71 Engbretson, Elisa A, FNP ............................. 14 Englander, Wayne D, MD ............................. 37 Engstad, Kai E, MD ................................... 130 Engstrom, Todd W, MD ...........................41, 42 Ensminger, Shauna L, MD ............................ 44 Entena, Monchito C, MD .............................. 28 Epic Imaging East ....................................... 68 Epic Imaging West ...................................... 69 Epstein, Roger J, MD................................... 73 Epstein, William S, MD .............................. 103 Erickson, Dina H, OD ... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Erickson, Graham B, OD .................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Erten-Lyons, Deniz, MD ..........................92, 93 Esdaile, Sarah K, PA .................................... 46 Eshraghi, Niknam, MD ................................. 80 Eskesen, Staci J, MD .................................. 52 Espersen, Sharon L, ANP ............................. 55 Espinosa, Randall A, MD ............................ 142 Esquivel, Ileana M, PA ..........................60, 129 Estacada Medical Clinic ............................... 11 Eubanks, Douglas L, DO .........................14, 42 Eubanks, Thomas R, DO .............................. 76 Evans, Bradley H, MD .............................57, 58 Evans, Casey L, PA ................................... 110 Evans, Lisa M, MD ...................................... 52 Evergreen Family Care ................................ 28 Everson, Teresa A, MD ................................. 37 Everts, Edwin C, MD .................................. 117 Everywoman’s Health ................................ 159 Evetts, Brent K, MD ................................62, 82 Ewald, Thomas M, MD ............................18, 22 Ewing, Robert H, MD ................................. 103 Ey, Frederick S, MD ................................87, 88 Eye Care Group of Southern Oregon PC ...... 170 Eye Care Physicians and Surgeons ............. 104 Eye Care Services ..................................... 106 Eye Care Services Inc ................................ 171 Eye Clinic, The – Downtown ....................... 106 Eye Clinic, The – St Vincent ....................... 108 Eye Health Northwest – Barnes Rd ............. 109 Eye Health Northwest – Gresham/Troutdale ....................... 106 Eye Health Northwest – Happy Valley .......... 101 Eye Health Northwest – King City ............... 109 Eye Health Northwest – Laser Center .......... 102 Eye Health Northwest – Milwaukie .............. 102 Eye Health Northwest – NE Portland ........... 107 Eye Health Northwest – NW Portland .......... 107 193 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Eye Health Northwest – Oregon City ........... 102 Eye Health Northwest – SE Portland ........... 107 Eyecare Associates of Southern Oregon PC ........................ 169 Eyecare Center of Salem LLC ..................... 170 F Faber, Holly I, MD ....................................... 33 Fagnan, Lyle J, MD ..................................... 39 Faigel, Douglas O, MD ................................. 74 Falardeau, Julie M, MD ............................. 105 Family Healthpartners, LLC .......................... 48 Family Medical Group of Molalla ................... 13 Family Medical Group of Silverton................. 27 Family Practice Clinic .................................. 49 Family Practice Group ................................. 21 Family Vision of Oregon PC ........................ 168 Family Vision Practice ............................... 178 Family Walk In Medical Center PC – Barbur Blvd .................................... 32 Family Walk In Medical Center PC – Central Drive .................................. 49 Fan, Robert, MD ....................................... 111 Fanno Creek Clinic, LLC ..33, 56, 112, 117, 121 Farmer, Samuel G, MD .............................. 104 Farnsworth, Melanie E, FNP ......................... 84 Farr, William F, MD ..................... 102, 105, 106 Farrell, Lori J, MD ....................................... 35 Faught, William E, MD ..........................77, 136 Fausel, Craig S, MD .................................... 74 Fawcett, Cory S, MD ................................... 77 Fay, Shannon M, PA .................................... 26 Fazelian, Mary, OD .................................... 172 Fear, Daniel R, MD .................................... 116 Fedor, Matthew C, MD ................................. 55 Feinblatt, Jeffrey S, MD ......................109, 115 Fekete, Stephen P, DPM ............................ 120 Feldman, Virginia M, MD.............................. 32 Fellin, Samuel J, DO .................................... 51 Feltzin, Joya H, FNP .................................... 25 Fennell, Dan F, MD .................................... 124 Fennerty, Michael B, MD .............................. 74 Ferguson, Felicia A, MD ..........................92, 93 194 Fernhill Estates, LLC ................................. 151 Fernstrom, Bruce, PA ................................ 132 Ferrell, Cynthia L, MD .................................. 41 Fields, Jeremy D, MD .............................92, 93 Fields, Scott A, MD ..................................... 40 Fife, Shannon C, DO .................................. 156 File, Jennifer L, DO ..................................... 15 Finley, Kathleen S, FNP ...........................20, 24 Firoozi, Kamran, MD .................................. 124 Fischer-Wright, Ruth A, MD .......................... 12 Fisher, Katherine L, DO ................................ 12 Fitz, Emily M, PA ......................................... 45 Flaming, Michael B, MD............................. 118 Flaxel, Christina J, MD .............................. 105 Flaxel, John T, MD..............................105, 106 Fleming, William H, MD ............................... 84 Fleseriu, Maria, MD ..................................... 72 Fletemier, Heidi L, MD ................................. 26 Fleury, Philip A, ANP .................................... 33 Flick, Gregory R, MD ................................. 126 Flint, Paul W, MD ...............................117, 118 Flora, Kenneth D, MD .................................. 74 Florek, Robert C, MD ................................... 58 Flores, Elizabeth, MD................................... 28 Floten, Harkness S, MD ........................61, 130 Flynn, Jessica M, MD .................................. 40 Fogg, Roger, FNP ........................................ 25 Foglesong, Mark E, MD ............................. 111 Foley, Matthew I, MD ................................. 136 Folger, Paula A, MD ..................................... 34 Folk, Cathi, FNP .......................................... 33 Folsom, David L, MD ............................60, 129 Fonken, Royce L, MD ................................ 102 Fonteno, Kylie M, PA ................................... 45 Fookson, Maxine M, PNP ........................37, 38 Ford, Deena L, PA ....................................... 89 Forest Grove Rehabilitation & Care Center ... 152 Forno, Celia G, NP ...................................... 42 Forrest, Michael J, PA ................................. 16 Forsyth, John W, MD ..............................20, 24 Forsythe, David A, MD ........................111, 112 Forsythe, John T, MD ..............................32, 51 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Forte, Mario D, MD ................................... 140 Fortlage, Donald W, MD ............................... 12 Fortner, George S, MD ............................... 140 Foster, David W, MD .................................... 27 Fox, Allison L, FNP ...................................... 40 Fox, Shirley A, MD..................................... 164 Foy, Maria I, FNP ........................................ 32 Francis, Peter J, MD ................................. 105 Frankhouse, Joseph H, MD .......................... 80 Franson, Leslie O, MD ............................... 122 Franz, Robert J, OD ................................... 170 Fraunfelder, Frederick T, MD ...................... 105 Fraunfelder, Frederick W, MD ..................... 105 Frazee, Scott E, PA.................................... 130 Freedle, Eric S, OD .............................172, 180 Freeman, Braidon F, PA ............................... 98 Freeman, Michelle R, PA .............................. 80 Freer, Steven D, MD .................................... 49 Freitag, Corona M, MD ................................ 39 Freshman-House, Shari, FNP ....................... 42 Frias, Antonio E, Jr, MD ......................157, 161 Fried, Yvonne S, MD .................................. 154 Friedman, Daniel K, MD ............................... 94 Friedman, Eric I, MD ................................. 129 Frierson, James Alan ................................... 21 Frierson, James Alan, MD ............................ 21 Friess, Darin M, MD ................... 112, 113, 114 Frires, Patrice M, FNP ................................. 18 Froehlich, Monika DPM ............................. 120 Frommer-Sherbow, Ute, NMNP ................... 155 Froom, Donald W, MD .................................. 89 Frost, Lynne A, PNP .................................... 29 Fuchs, Eugene F, MD ................................. 133 Fujioka, Angeline K, NMNP ..................164, 165 Fuller, Beverly F, MD .................................. 156 Fullman, Jeffrey D, MD ................................ 51 Furie, Alfred, OD ....................................... 178 Furlong, Norma M, FNP ..........................30, 35 Furman, Robert H, MD ............................... 115 Furnary, Anthony P, MD ............................... 61 Fuss, Martin, MD ...............................100, 101 Futterman, Jay B, MD.........................106, 171 G Gabel, Steven P, MD .................................. 119 Gabr, Mark T, MD ........................................ 91 Gaglione, Carole D, PNP .............................. 37 Gajewski, James L, MD ............................... 86 Galasso, Amy M, WHCNP ............................. 37 Galen, Edward A, MD .................................. 74 Galey, Tina M, FNP ...................................... 15 Gallagher, Lynette M, PA .............................. 55 Gallen, John T, MD ...................................... 70 Galt, David L, MD ...................................... 110 Gambee, Leandra J, Gnp ............................. 82 Gandhok, Harminder P S, MD ....................... 57 Gandler, Howard I, MD ............................... 127 Garay, Alian G, MD ...................................... 78 Garcia-Jordon, Rosa M, MD ......................... 35 Garcia, Gregory Pajarillaga, MD .................... 11 Gardner, Michael P, MD ............................. 134 Garg, Sandeep, MD ..................................... 58 Gargan, Catia H, NP .................................... 88 Garrett, Lara Y, MD ...................................... 33 Garrison, Cort R, MD ................................... 71 Garrison, Henry B, MD ................................. 54 Garvey, Scott A, MD .................................... 59 Garvie-Loveland, Maryanne B, MD .............. 164 Garvin, Roger D, MD ..............................39, 40 Garzotto, Mark G, MD ................................ 133 Gaskell, Karen E, MD................................. 108 Gaskill, Travis F, PA ................................... 140 Gasow, Shelly L, MD ................................... 11 Gastroenterology Associates ........................ 73 Gastroenterology Consultants....................... 73 Gastroenterology Specialists of Oregon – Oregon City .................................... 72 Gastroenterology Specialists of Oregon – Tualatin .......................................... 75 Gates, Lawrence K, Jr, MD ........................... 73 Gateway Care Center ................................ 151 Gateway Eye Clinic.................................... 107 Gateway Women’s Clinic............................ 159 Gattey, Devin M, MD .................. 102, 105, 106 Gaynor, Michel A, OD ................................ 170 195 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Ge, Shugang, MD........................................ 30 Geary, Gregory L, MD ................................ 138 Gebhardt, Christine R, OD .......................... 172 Gedenk, Monique, MD ................................. 44 Geissal, Erik D, MD ................................42, 44 Geneva Health Center & Urgent Care ...146, 147 Gentile, Michael A, DPM ............................ 124 George, Mark A, OD .................................. 171 George, Robert G, MD ................................. 76 Gerber-Gore, Paula A, MD ............................ 94 Gerhard, Amy L, MD ...............................50, 51 Geriatric Consultation Service of Southern Oregon, PC ...................... 82 Gerig, Wayne L, OD ................................... 180 Geschke, Wilfred A, MD ............................... 83 Gesteland, Katherine M, MD ...................... 157 Geunes, Lindsey A, NMNP ......................... 165 Ghaheri, Bobak A, MD ............................... 118 Ghalili, Kamran, MD .................................... 55 Gibbens, Janet L, MD ................................ 162 Gibbs, Daniel M, MD ................................... 94 Gibbs, Gerald E, MD .................................... 87 Gibson, Mary A, FNP ................................... 14 Gibson, Noelle E, PNP ................................. 41 Gibson, Richard F, MD ................................. 35 Gideonse, Nicholas L, MD ............................ 40 Giedwoyn, Jerzy O, MD................................ 58 Giesy, Jerry D, MD .................................... 134 Gietzen, Jonathon W, PA .............................. 47 Giles, Donald E, MD .................................... 78 Gilge, Leroy W, OD .................................... 170 Gill, Diana, MD ......................................... 158 Gillanders, William R, MD ............................ 13 Gillcrist, Amy K, MD .................................... 44 Gillette, Patrick J, MD.................................. 20 Gilley, Mary T, ANP ...................................... 74 Gilliam, John A, MD .................................... 27 Gilligan, John F, MD .................................... 46 Gillingham, Todd S, MD ............................... 48 Gilmore, Phyllis C, MD ................................. 17 Gilmour, David R, MD .................................. 20 Gilster, Jason C, MD .............................81, 139 Ginocchio, Christopher J, MD ....................... 91 196 Gipson, Teresa F, MD ................................... 40 Girard, Donald E, MD................................... 41 Girolami, Stephen G, MD ........................... 165 Glatte, Hayden A, Jr, MD .............................. 20 Glaucoma Associates & Consultation, PC .... 107 Glenn, Linda D, CMW ................................ 160 Glenn, Lyn A, FNP ..................................... 100 Glisan Care Center .................................... 151 Glissmeyer, Margie L, PA ........................80, 81 Gloria, Alexander F, MD ............................... 16 Gluck, Lori F, MD ........................................ 49 Gluckman, Robert A, MD.........................43, 49 Gluckman, Tyler J, MD............................54, 59 Gobbo, Robert W, MD .............................13, 43 Goetsch, Martha F, MD .............................. 161 Gold-Markel, Judah, PA .............. 136, 137, 138 Gold, Jeffrey A, MD ................................... 125 Goldberg, Deidre N, FNP .............................. 24 Goldberg, Leonard M, MD ............................ 57 Golden, Maurice F, III, MD ............................ 28 Goldenberg, Daniela C, MD .......................... 35 Goldenberg, Richard, MD ............................. 14 Goldring, Maureen B, MD ............................ 56 Gomez, Anthony K, PA ................................. 52 Gomez, Miguel A, MD .................................. 58 Gonzales, Christine R, MD ..................103, 104 Gonzalez, Gregory J, MD ............................. 20 Goodenberger, Michael E, MD ...................... 63 Gooding, Matthew K, MD ............................. 18 Goodwin De McClendon, Jennifer L, MD........ 46 Goodwin, Denise, OD .. 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Gordon-Zwerling, Nancy G, FNP ................... 39 Gore, Pankaj A, MD ..................................... 98 Gorman, Paul N, MD ................................... 43 Gorrill, Marsha J, MD .........................161, 162 Goslin, Kimberly L, MD ................................ 94 Goswami, Pompy Z, MD .............................. 15 Goucher, George T, PA ................................. 53 Grady, Michael E, MD .................................. 27 Grady, Scott P, MD ...................................... 72 Gragnola, Thomas G, MD ............................. 33 Graham, Daniel L, MD ................................. 51 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Graham, Francesca B, NP ............................ 19 Graham, William M, DO ............................... 78 Grainger, Kevin J, MD .................................. 11 Graitzer, Howard M, DO ............................... 83 Gramley, Molly M, MD ................................. 18 Grant, Katrina H, MD ................................... 44 Grant, Mary E, ANP ..................................... 74 Grant, Nancy M, MD .................................. 162 Grants Pass Clinic, LLP .................. 25, 77, 120 Grants Pass Imaging & Diagnostic Center ..... 67 Grants Pass Surgical Associates PC .............. 77 Graves, Rachel S, MD .................................. 42 Gray, Dana Robert, PA ..........................61, 130 Graziano, Jeremy A, OD ............................. 173 Grealish, Scott C, MD ................................ 102 Greco, Dominique, MD ................................ 16 Greenberg, Daniel L, MD ............................. 84 Greenberg, David C, DPM .......................... 122 Greenberg, Gary M, MD ............................... 56 Greene, David E, PA .................................... 99 Greene, Rudy R, MD .................................. 127 Greenlee, Michaeline M, MD ........................ 34 Greentree Orthopedics PC ......................... 111 Gregg, Jessica L, MD .............................41, 42 Gregory, Candace L, DPM .......................... 123 Gregory, Kenton W, MD ................................ 59 Gregory, William Thomas, MD..................... 161 Gresham Foot Clinic .................................. 122 Gresham Internal Medicine Clinic ................. 29 Gresham Rehab & Specialty Care ............... 151 Gresham Vision Center Inc ..................167, 171 Gresham Vision Source PC ........................ 172 Gresham Women’s Healthcare.................... 158 Grewe, Kathy, MD ....................................... 58 Grewe, Kent M, MD ..................................... 97 Griffin, John W, MD ................................... 127 Griffith, Dawne R, OD .. 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Griffith, Karen K, ANP .................................. 57 Grimmell, Faye A, GNP ................................ 51 Grise, Murlan E, DO .................................... 15 Griswold, Roxanne R, FNP.......................... 100 Groenhout, Edward G, MD ........................... 25 Groskopp & Ryland ..................................... 21 Groskopp, Kristine A, DO ........................21, 23 Gross, Brian W, MD ..................................... 55 Gross, Neil D, MD ..................................... 117 Group Eyecare LLC ................................... 169 Gruenberg, Daniel R, MD ............................. 87 Grunkemeier, David M S, MD ....................... 75 Gubler, Kelly D, DO...................................... 80 Guenzburger, Todd N, MD ............................ 29 Guillaume, Daniel J, MD .............................. 97 Guilleux, Paul M, DO ................................... 29 Guinn, Debra A, MD ...........................163, 165 Guise, Jeanne-Marie R, MD ....................... 161 Guitteau, Michelle S, MD ............................. 43 Gupta, Saurabh, MD ...............................57, 59 Gurgel, Catherine L, FNP ............................. 33 Gurtisen, James M, OD ............................. 175 Gustafson, Robert J, MD .............................. 76 Guta, Diane T, FNP ...................................... 36 Guthrie, Amy E, CNS ................................... 87 Gutierrez, Monique, MD ............................... 47 Guyton, Steven W, MD ................................. 60 H Habafy, Miriam, PA ...................................... 28 Haddad, Haitham B, MD .............................. 25 Hadden, Scott T, MD.................................... 26 Hagar, Suzin M, MD .................................... 22 Hagen, Kerry B, MD ...........................107, 109 Hagg, Daniel S, MD ................................... 125 Hagloch, Nancy L, MD ............................... 156 Hahn, Melissa A, MD ................................... 32 Hakkinen, Frederick S, MD ......................51, 52 Haley, Tracy L, MD ...................................... 77 Hall, Michelle C, MD .................................... 48 Hall, Roger V, MD .................................60, 129 Hall, Stephen B, MD .................................. 125 Hall, Suzanne M, MD ................................... 59 Hall, Wendy S, MD .................................... 153 Halperin, Blair D, MD ................................... 59 Halperin, Ruben O, MD ................................ 43 Halpin, Valerie J, MD ................................... 78 197 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Halsey, Matthew F, MD .......................113, 114 Ham, Jay B, MD .......................................... 49 Ham, Lyle B, MD ......................................... 79 Hamdan, Naji M, MD ................................... 58 Hamel, Candace D, OD ...................... 167, 173, ................................174, 176, 177, 178 Hamidi, Sara B, MD ..................................... 25 Hamill, John W, MD ..................................... 53 Hamilton Boyles, Sarah B, MD .................... 164 Hamlik, Beverly J, ANP ................................ 52 Hammar, Donna L, FNP ............................... 16 Hammerstad, John P, MD .......................92, 93 Hammett, Lanette L, ANP ............................. 33 Han, Kwang-Hoon, MD .............................. 127 Hand and Arm Surgery of Southern OR PC .. 111 Handelman, Irvin L, MD ............................. 108 Handelsman, Hillary, NMNP ........................ 155 Handford, Paula A, OD ....................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Hands On Medicine ..................................... 33 Handy, John R, Jr, MD .................. 61, 130, 138 Haney, Elizabeth M, MD ............................... 41 Hanifin, Jon M, MD ................................64, 65 Hankenson, Lori G, MD ...........................47, 50 Hanks, Laura E, PA ..................................... 33 Hanley, Patrick L, MD ................................ 113 Hannig, John R, MD .................................. 157 Hans, Gurpreet K, MD ................................. 34 Hansel, Christina N, DO ..........................20, 23 Hansen, Eric T, MD .................................... 141 Hansen, James E, MD ................................. 54 Hansen, Jill R, MD .................................34, 35 Hansen, Paul D, MD .................................... 80 Hansen, Susan M, MD ................................. 20 Hanson, Eric L, MD ................................62, 64 Hanson, Patricia E, CMW ........................... 160 Hapke, Ronald J, MD ................................... 75 Haralabatos, Susan S, MD ......................... 112 Hardin, David M, MD ................................... 81 Hardman, Joseph A, MD .............................. 41 Hargunani, Christopher A, MD .................... 117 Hargunani, Dana E, MD ..........................32, 41 Harmon, Elizebeth R, MD ........................... 157 198 Harmon, Mary P, CMW .............................. 160 Harper, Sean S, MD ................................30, 31 Harrahill, Maureen A, ACNP ......................... 79 Harrie, Robert R, MD ................................... 77 Harris-Hobbs, Kathleen L, FNP ..................... 13 Harris, Daniel K, MD .................................... 27 Harris, Jeffrey D, OD ................................. 175 Harris, Karen D, MD .................................. 154 Harris, Kenneth L, OD ................................ 168 Harris, Kristen A, FNP .................................. 30 Harris, Linda R, MD ...................... 22, 155, 156 Harris, Virginia L, FNP ................................. 33 Harrison, Vincent L, MD ............................... 79 Harsany, Robert M, MD.............................. 159 Hart, Mark V, MD ........................................ 56 Hart, Robert A, MD .................................... 113 Hartkop, Thomas H, DO ............................... 23 Hartman, Ian M, PA ................................... 130 Hartog, Robert C, MD .................................. 28 Hasan, Shagufta A, MD...........................32, 49 Hashiguchi, Steven A, MD ............................ 12 Hatcher, Peter W, MD .............................29, 37 Hatfield, Joanna L, MD .............................. 161 Hattenhauer, Mark T, MD ............................. 57 Hauch, Lois E, FNP ..................................... 73 Haulk, Anthony A, MD .................................. 73 Hauptmann, Mary Christine, MD ..........106, 107 Hawkey, Mitchell A, MD ............................... 89 Hay, Alan R, MD ........................................ 132 Hayden, James B, MD ............................... 113 Hayes-Lattin, Brandon M, MD .................86, 87 Hayes, Margaret M, MD ............................... 40 Hayes, Peggy L, NMNP .............................. 159 Hayes, Roby F, MD ...................................... 78 Hayes, Stephen M, DPM ............................ 123 Hayford, Elizabeth J, CMW ......................... 159 Haymond, Janice E, MD ............................. 164 Haynes, Chrystie T, OD ...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Hazel, Tom D, FNP ...................................... 18 Head & Neck Surgical Associates ............... 117 Health Practitioner Clinic LLC ....................... 10 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Healthcare Specialists NW – General Surgery ......................78, 129 Healthcare Specialists NW – OB/GYN.......... 159 Heaton, Ami R, OD ...... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Hecox, Douglas B, MD ................................. 88 Hecox, Kerri A, MD ...................................... 18 Heffernan, Robert E, MD .............................. 32 Heffner, John E, MD .................................. 126 Hehn, Sean T, MD ....................................... 99 Heinonen, Larry A, MD ................................ 75 Heinrich, Michael C, MD .............................. 84 Heintzman, John D, MD ............................... 40 Heller, Kimberlynn M, DO ........................... 159 Helman, Edward A, MD ................................ 21 Helton, Lawrence F, MD ............................. 120 Hematology Oncology Associates ....................... 83, 85, 86, 99 Hendin, Alan P, MD ................................32, 34 Hendrickson, Irene W, MD ............................ 43 Hendrickson, Jennifer R, MD ...................... 163 Henninger, Amy K, MD ............................29, 37 Henriques, Robert W, MD ........................29, 38 Henry, Jill A, PA .......................................... 24 Herber, Jennifer D, MD ................................ 13 Herbert, Jeffery K, PA .................................. 77 Herder, Kimberly J, MD ................................ 44 Heritage Vision Center PC .......................... 175 Hermens, Kenneth A, MD ........................... 114 Hernandez, Cathleen L, PA ........................... 61 Hersh, Sally R, CMW ................................. 160 Herskowitz, Lee J, DO ................................. 45 Hertler, Craig K, MD .................................. 117 Herzberg, Alex M, MD ................................ 113 Herzig, Daniel O, MD ................................... 79 Herzka, Andrea S, MD ........................113, 114 Hettinger, Barbara D, MD ............................. 42 Heybach, Debra M, FNP ..........................30, 38 Heydon, Kim M, MD .................................... 48 Heyerman, Richard Daniel, MD ................20, 23 Hibbs, David G, FNP .................................... 34 Hickerson, Thomas H, MD ............................ 11 Hickethier, Cheryl B, MD .............................. 11 Highland House Inc ................................... 150 Hilbelink, Todd R, MD .................................. 89 Hill, Christian N, MD ...............................46, 47 Hill, Curtis L, MD ........................................ 96 Hill, Jonathan G, MD ............................61, 130 Hill, Kathleen S, NMNP .............................. 159 Hills, Barbara J, MD .................................... 95 Hills, Rebecca G, MD ................................... 22 Hillsboro Cardiology, PC............................... 58 Hillsboro Foot & Ankle Clinic ...................... 123 Hillsboro Gastroenterology ........................... 75 Hillsboro Hematology & Oncology ................. 87 Hillsboro Internal Medicine........................... 72 Hillsboro Neurosurgical Associates PC .......... 98 Hillsboro Orthopedic Specialists ................. 114 Hillsboro Orthopedics ................................ 114 Hillsboro Pediatric Clinic – Cornell Rd ........... 47 Hillsboro Pediatric Clinic – Main St ............... 47 Hillsboro Rehab & Specialty Care................ 152 Hillsboro Surgical Associates ....................... 81 Hillsboro Urgent Care ...........................47, 147 Hillsdale Foot & Ankle Clinic ....................... 122 Himel, Kathryn, NMNP ............................... 153 Hindel, Ingeborg, MD........................ 42, 47, 48 Hines, Tannia L, PA ............................113, 114 Hines, Theresa M, FNP ................................ 33 Hirsch, Anne M, MD .................................... 31 Hirsch, Dale D, MD ..................................... 57 Hitchcock, Emily E, MD ................................ 49 Hobbs, June E, NMNP ............................... 158 Hobson, Jon M, MD .................................... 30 Hobson, Susan A, MD ................................ 163 Hodges, Marian O, MD ...........................43, 49 Hodgson, R Sterling, MD ............................ 117 Hodson, Robert W, MD................................. 57 Hoeksema, Catharina A, MD ........................ 81 Hoellrich, Robert G, MD ............................... 77 Hoffman, Brent L, DO .................................. 11 Hoffman, Paul G, MD ................................... 77 Hoffman, Walter G, MD .............................. 165 Hogarth, Penelope, MD ...........................92, 93 Holden, Jeremy P, MD ................................. 74 Holden, Sandra, WHCNP .............................. 38 199 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Holden, William E, MD ............................... 125 Holdermann, Heather A, DPM ..................... 120 Holdermann, James S, DPM....................... 120 Holland, Daniel R, MD ................ 101, 106, 107 Holland, John M, MD ................................. 101 Holland, Robert L, MD ............................... 154 Holles, Gregory H, MD ............................47, 48 Holmberg, Andreanna J, PA ................113, 114 Holmes-Shields, Shelda R, FNP .................... 33 Holmes, Bruce N, MD .................................. 52 Holt, Jennifer A, PA ................................... 111 Holter, Brookley V, PA ................................ 112 Holtzman, Sally J, MD ............................... 159 Honsinger, Patrick K, MD ........................19, 24 Hope Orthopedics of Oregon ...................... 111 Hopkins, Linda M, MD ............................... 155 Horacek, Jeffrey J, MD ................................ 11 Horizon Pediatrics PC .................................. 50 Horn Optometric LLC ................................. 169 Horn, Fraser, OD ......... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Horn, Russell H, OD .................................. 169 Hortsch, Michael P, MD ............................... 51 Hotan, Tanie, MD ........................................ 26 Hotchkin, David L, MD ............................... 126 Hoth, Lynn A, FNP ....................................... 16 Hough, David M, MD ................................... 23 Hough, Mary C, MD ..................................... 23 Houle, Richard P, MD ..............................37, 38 Housecall Providers, Inc .............................. 33 Hovaguimian, Hagop, MD .......................... 129 Howatt, Janis L, MD .................................... 31 Howe, Carol L, CMW ................................. 160 Hrbek, Marjorie J, MD ................................. 31 Hryciw, Cheryl A, FNP ................................ 128 Hsu, Richard L, MD ..................................... 44 Hua, Len V, OD ........... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Huang, Carber C, MD ................................ 136 Huang, Chuck I, MD .................................... 71 Huang, Xiaoyan, MD ...............................57, 58 Hubbard, Arna L, FNP .............................37, 42 Hubbard, Jerry L, MD .................................. 96 Huberty, David P, MD ..........................109, 115 200 Huberty, Erika E, MD ................................. 115 Huff-Slankard, Janie L, PNP ......................... 45 Huff, Thomas W, MD.................................. 113 Huffman, Jennifer C, MD ............................. 91 Hughes, Mimi M, PA .................................... 16 Hughson, Daniel L, MD ................................ 10 Hulbert, James E, MD................................ 141 Hull, Brandan A, MD .................................... 20 Hulme, Annie M, NMNP ............................. 163 Hulton, Lesllie G, MD ................................. 158 Hume, Jenny L, PA .................................96, 98 Humphrey, Linda C, ARNP ............................ 16 Humphry, Carol M, MD ...........................47, 48 Hung, Arthur Y, MD .................................... 101 Hungerford, Linda M, MD............................. 44 Hunt, Lindsey L, PA ..................................... 61 Hunter, John G, MD ..................................... 79 Hursh, Rosiland Y, OD .. 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Husted, Benneth A, DO ................................ 33 Husum, William C, MD ................................. 23 Hutchinson, Peter B, MD.............................. 22 Huth, Mark M, MD ...................................... 55 Hutton, Cynthia I, FNP ................................. 21 Hwang, Alice H, MD .................................... 86 Hwang, Thomas S, MD .............................. 105 Hyde, Charles D, FNP ....................... 26, 27, 28 I Ienna, Larissa C, NP .................................... 17 Igelman, David J, MD .................................. 63 Iguidbashian, John P, MD........................... 129 Ikins, Karen L, FNP ..................................... 34 Imperia, Paul S, MD .................................. 103 Ingham, Claire E, MD .................................. 27 Ingram, Kenneth D, PA ................................ 74 Ingram, Shirley B, MD ............................... 128 Injety, Kalpana R, DO ................................... 34 Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology ............ 70 Integrative Pediatrics, LLC ........................... 49 Integrative Primary Care Assoc LLC .............. 33 Ioussifova, Mila, OD .......................... 172, 173, ................................174, 176, 177, 178 Irish, Charles Edwin, MD ......... 80, 81, 130, 131 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Irland, Nancy B, NMNP .............................. 164 Isenbarger, Daniel W, MD ............................. 58 Ismach, Lori L, PA ..................................... 100 Ismail, Saleh A, MD ................................... 124 Israelit, Arnold H, MD .................................. 89 Israelit, Sallie E, MD .................................... 89 Isreb, Majd A, MD ....................................... 53 Iuga, Laura D, MD ..............................117, 118 Iverson, Duane R, MD .................................. 32 Iverson, Leslie D, FNP ............................17, 40 Iwasaki, Ellen L, FNP ................................... 39 Izenberg, Seth D, MD .................................. 80 J Jabbour, Badia, MD ..................................... 50 Jackson, John W, MD .................................. 22 Jackson, Lydia B, PA ................................... 48 Jackson, Nisha M, WHCNP .......................... 24 Jackson, Steven C, MD................................ 29 Jacksonville Vision Clinic Inc ...................... 169 Jacobs, Lyn C, MD .................................47, 48 Jacobs, Marc A, MD .................................. 126 Jacobsen, Emily R, PA ................................. 40 Jacobson, Kris N, MD .................................. 73 Jacobson, Sig Linda, MD ........................... 161 Jacoby-Low, Gail A, MD ............................... 49 Jacoby, Carol E, ANP ................................... 84 Jacoby, David B, MD ................................. 125 Jaffe, Arthur C, MD ..................................... 41 Jain, Meera, MD ......................................... 43 Jakovec, Victoria A, ACNP ............................ 79 James, Frank R, MD .................................... 13 Jamison, Kevin J, MD ....................... 90, 94, 95 Jamison, Richard L, MD .............................. 34 Janecek, Jacob, OD ................... 175, 177, 179 Janoff, Daniel M, MD ................................ 135 Jansma, Mary L, FNP .................................. 53 Janzik, Carey L, PA ................................... 111 Jazrawi, Saad F, MD .................................... 74 Jean-Baptiste, Firmine, MD ....................... 164 Jecker, Lajuan M, MD.................................. 36 Jefferson Medical Clinic .............................. 26 Jefferson Neurology .................................... 90 Jendre, Paul G, DO ................................20, 24 Jensen, Jeffrey T, MD ................................ 161 Jensen, Larry D, DPM ............................... 121 Jeo, Tina L, OD ......................................... 167 Jetmalani, Shobha N, MD ............................ 65 Jhooty, Ramnik S, MD ................................. 58 Ji, Dong Lim, MD ........................................ 49 Jimenez, Jessica K, FNP .............................. 37 Joarder, Farahnaz S, MD ............................. 72 Johansen, Lyndon G, DPM ......................... 122 John, Edsworth S, MD ................................. 25 John, Michelle L, MD .................................. 29 Johnson Pediatrics ..................................... 21 Johnson, Alice G, FNP ...................... 36, 37, 38 Johnson, Ben W, MD ................................. 164 Johnson, Bruce C, MD ............................... 116 Johnson, David P, MD ................................ 165 Johnson, Donald H, MD ............................... 21 Johnson, Gordon E, MD ............................... 35 Johnson, Harold Desmond, MD .................. 153 Johnson, James C, MD................................ 31 Johnson, Joshua L, MD ............................... 94 Johnson, Justin T DPM .............................. 120 Johnson, Kevin R, MD .................. 76, 129, 135 Johnson, Laura L, NP .................................. 20 Johnson, Leslie A, MD ................................. 35 Johnson, Martin C, II MD ........................... 124 Johnson, Nathalie M, MD ........ 80, 81, 138, 139 Johnson, Paul E, Jr, MD ............................. 116 Johnson, Steven William, MD ..................92, 93 Johnston, Tessa C, OD .............................. 169 Johnston, Tim F, MD ...............................19, 24 Jolly, Jeff P, PA ........................................... 53 Jones, Daniel T, FNP ................................... 28 Jones, Darren R, MD ................................... 59 Jones, David Scott, MD ............................... 19 Jones, Eric I, MD ...................................... 107 Jones, Kim D, FNP .................................... 128 Jones, Ronald D, MD ................................... 21 Jones, Stephen R, MD ................................. 34 Jorgensen, Damian E, MD ........................... 27 201 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Jorizzo, Paul A, MD ................................... 103 Joseph, Robert H, MD ............................... 141 Joslin, Stephen P, FNP ................................. 24 Joslin, Timothy A, Jr, MD ............................. 40 Jovanovic, Vesna A, MD ............................... 28 Juarez, Ralph A, MD .................................. 124 Juliano, Nickolas D, MD ............................... 56 Julyan, Richard L, MD ................................. 22 Jun, Weon, OD ........... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 K Kaempf, Michael J, MD ......................131, 134 Kai, Mari, MD ............................................. 43 Kaiser, Roberta A, FNP................................. 24 Kalez, Robert L, MD .................................. 132 Kamineni, Raghunandan, MD ....................... 55 Kao, David M, MD ....................................... 66 Kao, Patricia C, MD ..................................... 73 Kapka, Tanya J, MD .................................... 48 Karamlou, Kasra, MD .................................. 87 Karchmer, Richard K, MD ............................. 85 Karimi, Misagh, MD................................87, 88 Karl, Diane M, MD....................................... 71 Karlin, Manuel D, MD ....................... 15, 35, 52 Karlsson, Anna U, MD .........................163, 165 Karmy-Jones, Riyad C, MD ........................ 130 Karr, Daniel J, MD ..................................... 105 Karulf, Matthew R, MD .............................. 125 Kass, Susan A, FNP ..................................... 47 Kasten, Thomas L, MD ................................ 42 Katon, Ronald M, MD .................................. 74 Katterhagen, Christine M, MD .................... 140 Kauffman, Sara B, FNP ...........................11, 33 Kaufman Medical Group LLC ........................ 15 Kaufman, Annick-Marie ............................... 77 Kaufman, Steven R, DO ............................... 15 Kaul, Sanjiv M, MD...............................57, 139 Kautz, Gregory G, OD ........................ 170, 173, ................................174, 176, 177, 178 Kavanaugh, Elizabeth C, CMW .................... 160 Kaye, Jeffrey A, MD ...............................92, 93 Kaynard, Alan H, MD ................................... 75 Kearsley, Jennifer B, MD.............................. 51 202 Keating, Angela B, MD ............................... 164 Keeley, Nancy J, FNP .................................. 22 Kehoe, Brenda L, MD ................................ 159 Kehoe, Tamra D, PNP .................................. 37 Keizer Vision Source PC............................. 170 Keller, Barbara L, MD ................................ 157 Kellogg, Jordi X .......................................... 95 Kellogg, Jordi X, MD.................................... 95 Kelly, Brian W, MD ..................................... 126 Kelly, Imelda C, MD ..................................... 31 Kelly, Janet R, MD ....................................... 17 Kelly, Janice J, ANP .................................... 89 Kelly, Jennifer S, MD ................................. 165 Kelly, Kim M, MD ...................................37, 38 Kemalyan, Nathan A, MD ............................. 80 Kemp, Jonathan R, MD .......................106, 107 Kemple, Kip L, MD ...................................... 33 Kempler, Geraldine, MD ..........................47, 50 Kendall, Carmen G, MD ............................... 48 Kendall, Cleve F, III, PA .............................. 110 Kenlan-Laurent, Christine M, NMNP .....154, 159 Kennedy, Marshall T, DPM...................121, 122 Kennedy, Michael P, MD .....................113, 114 Kennefick, Thomas M, MD ........................... 89 Kensil, Lisa N, PA...................................... 135 Kent, Diana M, MD ...................................... 21 Keppel, John F, MD ................................... 126 Kern, James M, MD .................................... 44 Khaki, Ali A, MD .......................................... 81 Khan, Akram, MD ...................................... 125 Khary, Victorya V, MD .................................. 50 Khaw, Kevin P, MD .................................... 127 Khawandi, Wassim A, MD ............................ 88 Kho, Yung K, MD ......................................... 90 Khoury, Firas G, MD .................................... 88 Khoury, Kristy D, PA .................................... 79 Kidney Care Physicians, LLC ........................ 88 Kidney Care, Inc ......................................... 89 Kids Clinic .................................................. 21 Kilo, Charles M, MD .................................... 41 Kim, Aileen H, MD ....................................... 51 Kim, Andrew D, MD ..................................... 22 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Kim, Antony Y, MD ....................................... 57 Kim, Betty H, MD ........................................ 74 Kim, Edsel U, MD ...............................117, 119 Kim, Edward, MD ...................................92, 93 Kim, Jin Hee, MD ...............................134, 135 Kim, Julie A, MD ......................................... 74 Kim, Lauren H, MD .................................... 127 Kim, Robert D, MD .................................... 126 Kim, Shane K, MD ..............................106, 107 Kim, Song Jin S, MD ..............................29, 37 Kim, Yu Hyon, MD ..................................... 105 King City Rehab & Living Center ................. 152 King, Adam B, PA ........................................ 40 King, Gerald M, DO ..................................... 11 King, Julie A, MD ...................................... 156 King, Valerie J, MD...................................... 40 King, Virginia G, MD .................................. 161 Kinoshita, Beth T, OD ... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Kinsman, Kirsten J, MD ............................... 74 Kirk, Edward P, MD ................................... 161 Kirker, Eric B, MD........................................ 61 Kirkpatrick, Donald M, MD ......................... 140 Kirkpatrick, Douglas B, MD .......................... 96 Kittleson, Bonnie K, FNP .............................. 87 Kiyasu, Phillip K, MD ................................... 74 Klein, Elizabeth W, MD ................................. 13 Klein, Michael L, MD ................................. 105 Klein, Robert F, MD ..................................... 72 Klemann, Gilbert P, MD .......................131, 133 Klemens, Scott, OD ..... 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Kleps, Lindsay K, FNP ................................. 50 Kloos, Judy, FNP .............................. 37, 46, 47 Klopfenstein, Bethany J, MD ........................ 72 Klotz, Michael M, MD ................................ 164 Knigge, Kandice L, MD ................................ 74 Knight, Jeffrey B, MD ................................ 111 Knoblich, Guenther O, MD ......................... 110 Knoll, Julie A, MD ....................................... 34 Knott Street Dermatology ........................62, 64 Knowles, Gary W, OD ................................. 175 Knudsen, Anne M, MD ............................... 158 Knutson, Linda T, OD ................................. 179 Kochan, Tami, PNP ...................................... 28 Kocher, Charlotte, ANP ................................ 17 Kocher, Kristin M, MD ...........................43, 162 Kochmann, Faith L, MD ............................... 26 Kohler, Susan E, MD ...............................85, 86 Kohn, William L, MD .................................... 25 Kolsbun, John A, MD ................................... 18 Konecne, Cindy A, DO ................................. 23 Korman, Laura A, MD ................................ 161 Korngold, Ethan C, MD ................................ 59 Korthuis, Philip T, MD .................................. 41 Kosmetatos, Maria K, FNP ........................... 36 Kotler, Todd S, MD ...................................... 55 Koutnik, Debra L, MD .................................. 18 Kovacsovics, Tibor J, MD ............................. 84 Koval, George, MD ...................................... 75 Kraakevik, Jeff A, MD .............................92, 93 Krajbich, Joseph I, MD .............................. 113 Krall, Kathleen A, FNP ................................. 26 Kranenburg, Andy J, MD ............................ 110 Kranzpiller, Susan E, MD .............................. 16 Kratzer, Larissa F, NMNP.....................160, 163 Krause, Valerie A, MD .................................. 38 Krebsbach, John B, OD ............................. 178 Kretzler, Jon E, MD ................................... 141 Krinsley, Jeanne S, FNP ............................... 36 Krishna, Saramati J, MD .....................160, 163 Krishnasamy, Prasanna V, MD ...................... 34 Krol, Alfons L, MD ..................................64, 65 Kron, Jack, MD ........................................... 57 Kronman, Karen R, MD .............................. 155 Krulewitch, Harry S, MD .............................. 83 Kruse, Karen M, MD .................................... 34 Kuchela, Arun, MD .................................... 139 Kuehnel, Edward G, MD ............................... 89 Kuether, Todd A, MD .................................... 98 Kuhl, Jason M, MD...................................... 23 Kuhl, Karin B, MD ....................................... 18 Kuhn, Jennifer, ANP ...............................72, 75 Kujovich, Jody L, MD ................................... 83 Kullberg, Patsy A, MD .............................37, 38 Kumar, Suniti, MD ....................................... 48 203 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Kumar, Suseela, MD .................................... 17 Kundart, James J, OD ....................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Kung, Edna, MD ...................................34, 159 Kung, Peter L, MD .................................... 141 Kunjukunju, Nancy, MD.......................103, 104 Kuo, Lena F, MD ......................................... 34 Kuo, Wie-Peng, MD ..................................... 77 Kurmaskie, Jennifer F, MD ........................... 49 Kurup, Anupama, MD .............................85, 88 Kurz, Frank J, MD ....................................... 32 Kuzmitz, Andrew A, MD ............................... 19 Kwak, Heh Shin R, MD ...........................62, 64 Kwiecien, Marni S, MD .......................164, 165 Kyle, Rebecca A, DO ..........................160, 163 L La Clinica Del Valle - Central Point ............... 19 La Clinica Del Valle - Phoenix ....................... 22 La Clinica Del Valle - West Medford .............. 22 La Clinica Del Valle – Phoenix .................... 155 La Clinica Del Valle – Women’s Health Center ................. 155 La Fleur, Kelli A, FNP ..............................19, 22 La Nou, Cynthia M, ANP .............................. 60 La Rochelle, Jeffrey C, MD......................... 133 Laborie, Wendy Y, MD .................................. 50 Lacayanga, Imelda P, MD ............................. 49 Lachance, Michelle A, NMNP ..................... 160 Lacost, William C, DO ................................ 110 Lagrone, Don H, MD .................................... 32 Laidley, Tracy L, MD .................................... 32 Laird, Sheri L, MD ....................................... 15 Lake Grove ENT ........................................ 115 Lake, Jeremy M, MD ................................... 75 Lallande, Linda E, FNP ................................ 40 Lam, George K, OD ................................... 169 Lam, Thuy-Trang, DPM .............................. 119 Lampa, Matthew J, OD ...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Landis, Sandra K, OD .. 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Landry, Gregory J, MD ............................... 137 Lang, Barbara A, MD ................................... 43 204 Lang, Michael P, MD ................................... 41 Langer, Lucy R, MD ................................83, 85 Langewisch, Eric D, MD ............................... 89 Langley, Stephen M, MD .............................. 60 Langsdorf, Lawrence L, MD ......................... 51 Lanier, Keith S, MD ..................................... 88 Lantsberger, Rae L, DPM ....................121, 122 Laplante, Druanne M, DO ............................ 12 Lara, Angelina, FNP..................................... 25 Large, Lance B, MD .................................... 27 Larsen, Ryan L, PA ...................................... 76 Larson, Curtis J, MD ................................... 75 Larson, Kimberly D, WHCNP ....................... 156 Larson, William D, MD ............................... 109 Lauer, Andreas K, MD ................. 105, 106, 141 Laukkanen, Hannu, OD ...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 178 Laurel Hill Nursing Center .......................... 150 Laurelhurst Women’s Clinic ........................ 159 Laury, Daniel H, MD .................................. 156 Lavelle, Michael T, Jr, MD ...................132, 134 Lawrence, Nicola C, PA ............................... 96 Lawrence, Stuart A, MD ............................... 33 Lawson, Chad W, OD ................................. 179 Lawson, Marny L, NMNP ........................... 153 Laxson, Steven E, DPM .............................. 122 Lazarus, Howard M, MD ............................ 126 Le, Dai-Trang E, MD .................................... 57 Le, Khoi H, MD ........................................... 44 Le, Priscilla D, MD ...................................... 32 Leaf, David N, MD ..................................... 135 Leavitt, Rodney D, MD ............................... 103 Leavitt, Russell J, MD ................................ 103 Leclair, Catherine M, MD ........................... 161 Lee, Carma J, MD ....................................... 11 Lee, David M, MD ..............................161, 162 Lee, David S, MD ........................................ 57 Lee, Eva Y, MD ............................................ 88 Lee, Jean D, MD ......................................... 50 Lee, Jonathan H, MD ................................. 116 Lee, Junko N, FNP ...................................... 45 Lee, Ken Kyung-Hoon, MD ......................64, 65 Lee, Kenny B, OD ....................... 175, 177, 179 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Lee, Michael S, MD ................................... 108 Lee, Patrick Yuk-Hoi, MD ............................. 62 Lee, Wai L, MD ......................................... 128 Leedy, Daniel A, MD .................................. 115 Lefor, Michael J, MD ................................. 126 Lefranc, Yves A, MD .................................... 10 Legacy Bone and Joint Clinic ..................... 112 Legacy Clinic Canby .................................... 10 Legacy Clinic Emanuel Internal Medicine ................ 34, 122, 159 Legacy Clinic Emanuel Midwifery ............... 159 Legacy Clinic Emanuel Pediatrics ................. 34 Legacy Clinic Firwood ................................. 14 Legacy Clinic Good Samaritan Internal Medicine ........ 34, 122, 127, 136 Legacy Clinic King City ................................ 51 Legacy Clinic Lake Oswego ......................... 12 Legacy Clinic Mt Hood .................. 29, 125, 136 Legacy Clinic Neurosurgery ....................91, 96 Legacy Clinic Northeast ................ 35, 125, 127 Legacy Clinic Northwest .......................35, 125 Legacy Clinic St Helens Internal Medicine ..... 17 Legacy Clinic St Helens Midwifery .............. 154 Legacy Clinic St Helens Pediatrics ................ 17 Legacy Clinic Tualatin .................................. 52 Legacy Clinic West Linn ............................... 15 Legacy Clinic Woodburn .............................. 28 Legacy Columbia Vascular & Endovascular Surgery – Emanuel .......................... 136 Legacy Columbia Vascular & Endovascular Surgery – Good Sam .... 136 Legacy Emanuel Children’s Heart Program ............................56, 129 Legacy Emanuel Devers Eye Institute .......... 107 Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center ... 144 Legacy Emanuel Multi-Specialty Center – Trauma Clinic ............................... 112 Legacy Emanuel Multi-Specialty Center – Wound Care Clinic ........................ 137 Legacy Foot & Ankle Clinic......................... 122 Legacy Good Samaritan Devers Eye Institute 107 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center ................................ 144 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center ................................ 172 Legacy Good Samaritan Multi-Specialty Clinic ........ 112, 122, 137 Legacy Good Samaritan Neurosurgery Clinic.. 96 Legacy Good Samaritan Obesity Institute ....... 78 Legacy Heart Rhythm Clinic ......................... 56 Legacy Imaging St Helens............................ 66 Legacy Meridian Park Hospital ................... 145 Legacy Meridian Park Multispecialty Clinic ....................98, 138 Legacy Meridian Park Neurosurgery Clinic..... 98 Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center ................. 144 Legacy Oregon Surgical........................78, 137 Legacy Pain Management Clinic ................... 91 Legacy Pediatric Development & Rehab ........ 92 Legacy Pediatric Urology Clinic .................. 132 Legacy Pulmonary Clinic ........................... 125 Legacy Urgent Care Clinic at St Helens ....... 146 Legg, Veronica, FNP .................................... 89 Leibel, David P, DO .................................... 131 Leiva, Maria C, MD ................................... 162 Lemanne, Dawn, MD ................................... 99 Lemke, Erika L, PA ...................................... 17 Lemley, Craig A, MD .................................. 108 Lemmer, John H, Jr, MD .......................61, 130 Lemon, Ellen J, PA .................................47, 48 Lemon, Stephen K, MD .............................. 140 Lensink, Daniel B, MD ............................... 103 Lenssen, Stephen J, PA ............................. 112 Leonard, Claudia S, MD ............................... 49 Leonard, Hubert A, MD ...........................94, 95 Leonardo, Stephen A, PA ............................. 16 Leslie, Virginia C, MD ................................ 161 Levin, Dina J, MD ..................................... 159 Levin, Lawrence B, MD .............................. 127 Levin, Tedd, MD .......................................... 39 Levitte, Marc G, MD .................................... 33 Lew, Ronald J, MD .................................72, 75 Lewinsohn, David M, MD ........................... 125 Lewis-Rott, Mary E, NMNP ..................164, 165 Lewis, Darren B, MD ................................... 12 Lewis, Jack B, MD .................................... 132 205 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Lewis, John R, OD ..............173, 176, 177, 178 Lewis, Michael S, MD ................................ 125 Lewis, Sandra J, MD ................................... 60 Lewis, Shannon Israel, PA ............................ 56 Lewis, Stacy K, MD ................................87, 88 Lewis, Wesley A, MD ................................. 117 Lewis, Winslow, III, PA ................................. 55 Li, Christine M, PA ...................................... 97 Libby, Louis S, MD .................................... 126 Lichtenstein, Roy, MD .............................20, 23 Lieberman, David A, MD .............................. 74 Liebling, Michael R, MD ............................. 128 Liedel, Mary E, CMW ................................. 159 Liem, Timothy K, MD ..........................136, 137 Lien, Catherine L, PNP ................................ 49 Lightheart, Kenneth M, MD .......................... 55 Lin, Nancy C, MD ...................................... 153 Lin, Wei-Hsung, MD .................................... 29 Linda Vista Care Center ............................. 149 Lindauer, Allison, FNP .................................. 41 Linden, Dennis H, MD....................... 20, 21, 23 Linderoth, Diana M, MD ............................... 28 Lindner, Jonathan R, MD ............................. 57 Lindquist, Grant R, MD .......................108, 109 Lindsey, Judith A, MD .................................. 13 Lines, Jason J, PA ...................................... 56 Linzmeyer, Kristin M, MD ............................. 55 Lipman, Derek S, MD .........................117, 119 Liptan, Ginevra L, MD .................................. 34 Lisle, James E, DPM ................................. 121 Lissy, Ernest E, FNP .................................... 27 Litak, Carolyn, PA ....................................... 25 Lithia Women’s Care, PC ........................... 154 Litt, Robert J, MD ....................................... 61 Little, Denise M, ANP .............................46, 47 Littlefield, Susan F, OD ...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 179 Liu, Kwang-San, MD ................................. 154 Livingston, Catherine J, MD ......................... 40 Ljungkvist, Valerie A, MD ............................. 23 Lloyd, Michael J, MD ................................. 107 Lobitz, John R, MD ...................................... 75 Lochner, Jennifer E, MD .............................. 40 206 Lockwood, Darrell R, MD ............................. 29 Loeb, Nancy A, MD ..................................... 49 Loebner, Mindy S, MD ............................43, 44 Loertscher, Laura L, MD .............................. 49 Loewer, Deborah A, FNP .............................. 48 Loftus, Kenneth A, OD ........................168, 169 Lohr, Dafna S, MD ..................................... 158 Lomax, Karen, FNP ..................................... 33 Lombardi, Lorinna H, MD ................... 102, 105, ....................................... 106, 141, 172 London, Richard, OD ... 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Long, Amy M, GNP ...................................... 33 Long, Barbara J, MD ................................... 41 Long, James W, MD .................................. 104 Long, Justin A, PA ..................................... 130 Long, Katherine R, MD ................................ 29 Long, William B, III, MD ........................61, 130 Longview Eye and Vision PS ....................... 181 Longview Orthopedic Associates ................ 141 Lonsberry, Blair B, OD ....................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 179 Look, Regan M, MD .................................... 86 Loomis, Anna C, MD.............................43, 162 Loos, James C, MD ............................131, 132 Lopez, Charles D, MD .................................. 84 Lorenzen, Heather A, NP .............................. 30 Loriaux, Donald L, MD ................................. 72 Losli, Steven M, MD .................................... 34 Lotz, Richard M, FNP ................................. 110 Lou, Jau-Shin, MD .................................92, 93 Love, Alan C, OD .................173, 174, 177, 179 Lovell, Margaret M, PA .............................. 100 Lowe, Bruce A, MD ................................... 132 Lowe, James R, MD .................................... 77 Lowenkopf, Theodore J, MD ....................92, 95 Lower Columbia Clinic ..........................16, 154 Lower Columbia Eye Clinic ......................... 141 Lowery, John P, OD ..... 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Lowry, James P, MD .................................... 55 Lu, Kim C, MD ............................................ 79 Lubkin, Tanya M, DO ................................... 11 Luce, Marcus C, MD ................................... 46 Luce, Mari S, MD ........................................ 46 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Luckiamute Clinic ....................................... 45 Luddy, Alyssa C, MD.................................... 40 Ludwiczak, Mary H, MD ............................. 166 Luedtke, Kathryn J, CMW .......................... 157 Lufkin, Robert C, DO ................................... 84 Lugenbill, Cheryl A, MD ............................. 157 Lum, Donald F, MD.................................73, 74 Luman, Benjamin R, PA ............................... 96 Lundberg, Tamara K, FNP ............................ 14 Lundblad, James R, MD .............................. 72 Lundeberg, Duane A, MD ........................... 117 Luoh, Shiuh-Wen, MD ................................. 84 Lupu, Vitalie D, MD ..................................... 91 Lutfi, Eman M, MD .................................47, 50 Luther, Andrew D, MD ................................. 25 Lutsep, Helmi L, MD .................................... 92 Luttmer, Collette M, MD ............................... 25 Luu, Vien Thao, MD ..................................... 50 Lynam, Rochelle M, PA ................................ 53 Lynch, Jessica A, OD ... 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Lyon, Douglas R, MD ..............................37, 38 Lyon, Jaylynn, PA .................................61, 130 M Ma, Colin, MD .......................................... 108 Maccabee, David L, MD ............................... 79 Maciolek, Izabela, PA .................................. 75 Mackenzie, Lauren S, NMNP ...................... 165 Mackett, Milton C, MD ................................. 78 MacMorris Adix, Nancy J, CMW .................. 157 Macnichol, Jennifer L, MD ........................... 35 MacPhee, Mel G, OD ..........................167, 171 Macri, Elizabeth M, MD ............................... 92 Macveigh, Michael S, MD .......................29, 36 Maddirala, Supriya, MD ............................... 89 Madhavarapu, Ramchander R, MD................ 15 Madison, Dana L, MD .................................. 72 Madnick, Ellen G, MD .................................. 41 Madrone, Alisha V, NMNP .......................... 160 Maffett, Mark J, MD .................................. 103 Mahr, Peter N, MD ........................... 29, 37, 38 Mai Le, Kelly, OD ...................................... 172 Malcolm, Shirley A, DO ................................ 23 Maligro, David, PA .................................... 141 Mallett, Edward B, OD ....................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 179 Mallov, Joseph S, MD .................................. 71 Mandelblatt, Steven J, MD ........................... 48 Mandi, Anandhi, MD .................................... 47 Mangin, Teresa M, MD ...........................92, 93 Mangum, Daniel K, DO ................................ 50 Mankidy, Babith, MD ................................. 124 Mankin, Leonard A, MD ............................... 34 Mannen, Dan L, OD ................................... 168 Mansberger, Steven L, MD ......................... 107 Mansouri, Roya, MD .................................. 118 Marath, Aubyn, MD ..................................... 60 Marchand, Kristina, MD ............................... 48 Margoles, Mark N, MD ................................ 37 Margulies, Thomas D, MD .......................21, 23 Mark, Susan L, MD ................................17, 34 Markin, Catherine J, MD ............................ 125 Marks, Bruce A, FNP ................................... 40 Marquez, Carol M, MD............................... 101 Marquis Care at Centennial ....................... 151 Marquis Care at Forest Grove..................... 152 Marquis Care at Hope Village ..................... 149 Marquis Care at Mt Tabor .......................... 151 Marquis Care at Oregon City ...................... 149 Marquis Care at Piedmont ......................... 151 Marquis Care at Powellhurst ...................... 151 Marquis Care at Silver Gardens .................. 150 Marquis Care at Vermont Hills .................... 151 Marquis Care at Wilsonville ........................ 149 Marquis, Malcolm M, MD ....................105, 106 Marr, Curtis, MD ......................................... 35 Marr, Lance T, MD ..................................... 133 Marsal, Scott W, MD .................................... 43 Marshall-Olson, Angela T, DO ....................... 34 Martin, Barbara E, PA .................................. 42 Martin, Bridget C, MD.................................. 50 Martin, Christina L, MD ..........................20, 23 Martin, David J, MD .................................... 55 Martin, Eric L, MD ..................................... 132 Martin, Kenneth L, MD ................................ 51 207 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Martin, Mark A, MD ..............................61, 130 Martin, Matthew J, MD ................................ 80 Martindale, Robert G, MD ............................ 79 Martinez Poyer, Juan L, MD ................163, 165 Martino, Daniel J, PA ................................... 48 Marty, Nanette C, MD .................................. 41 Marvel, Steven L, MD ................................ 124 Marvin, Judy Lynn, MD .............................. 157 Marx, Douglas P, MD ..........................105, 106 Mason, Michael S, MD ................................ 97 Mason, Steven J, MD .................................. 75 Mass, Michele K, MD .............................92, 93 Massih, Kamelia, OD ................................. 171 Mather, Craig S, MD .................................... 19 Mathers, William D, MD ......................105, 106 Matthew R Perry, OD ................................. 178 Matthews, Christine L, PA .......................... 140 Matti, C Richard, OD ................................. 170 Mattila, Allison M, FNP ................................ 15 Matz, Paul D, MD ........................................ 22 Mauer, Kristin K, PA .................................. 135 Maukonen, Larry J, MD ............................... 90 Maunder, Jean M, NMNP ........................... 160 Mauro, Michael J, MD ................................. 84 Mayberry, John C, MD ................................. 79 Mayock, Ellen K, MD ................................... 12 Mays, Maureen E, MD ..........................58, 139 Maziarz, Richard T, MD ................................ 84 McAllister, Leslie D, MD ..........................94, 95 McAllister, William R, MD ......................79, 137 McAndrew, Stephanie A, MD ........................ 48 McAnulty, John H, Jr, MD ........................56, 57 McBee, Patrick G, MD ..........................82, 139 McBride, Patricia M, CMW ......................... 157 McCann, Kathleen J, PA ............................ 112 McClaine Street Clinic ................................. 27 McClellan, Randall J, OD ................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 177, 179 McCleskey, Michael T, MD ........................... 51 McClung, Michael R, MD ............................. 71 McClure, Rick E, DPM ............................... 120 McCormick, Elizabeth T, MD ......................... 40 McCoy, Anne Marie B, MD ........................... 52 208 McCoy, Gregory B, MD .......................134, 135 McDonald, James E, FNP ........................36, 38 McDonald, Mary R, FNP ............................. 158 McDonald, Patrick C, MD ............................. 28 McDonough, Colin M, MD ............................ 15 McEvoy, Kevin M, MD ................................ 134 McFarlane, Mhairi A, MD ............................. 11 McFerron, Ashley K, OD ............................. 171 McGee, Charles D, MD .............................. 157 McGovern, Ruth A, FNP ............................... 39 McGowan, Patrick J, MD ............................. 29 McGreevy, Robert G, MD .............................. 78 McGrew, Gabrielle M, MD ............................ 32 McHarris, Louise A, DO................................ 29 McIlraith, Marlo L, MD ................................. 49 McKiel, Vanessa H, MD ...........................46, 47 McKinney, John Kevin, MD ......................... 102 McKinstry, Mark L, MD ................................ 52 McLean, Katherine E, PA ............................. 56 McMahon, Douglas B, DO ............................ 25 McMaken Roberts, Alissa Z, NMNP ............. 153 McMenomey, Sean O, MD .......................... 118 McMillan, Mischelle, MD.............................. 50 McNeal, Travis A, MD .................................. 22 McNellis, Michael I, MD ............................. 142 McNicholas, Mallory M, PA .......................... 14 McPherson, Katrina, MD .............................. 15 McQueen, Cristin E, FNP.............................. 13 McQuoid, Kim A, FNP ....................... 18, 20, 24 McWeeney, Thomas P, MD ..................109, 115 Meadow Park Health & Specialty Care Center ....................... 149 Mechling, Katherine A, MD........................... 26 Mecum, Patricia L, FNP ............................. 111 Medford Foot & Ankle Clinic ....................... 120 Medford Medical Clinic ..................... 22, 70, 90 Medford Neurological & Spine Clinic ........90, 96 Medford Radiological Group ......................... 67 Medford Rehabilitation & Nursing Care Center ........................ 150 Medford Women’s Clinic ............................ 156 Medical Eye Center, Inc ............................. 103 Medical Imaging Group of Hillsboro, LLP ....... 70 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Medical Imaging Group of Hillsboro, LLP ....... 48 Meeker, Huey J, MD .................................... 15 Mega, Michael S, MD .................................. 95 Megregian, Michele P, NMNP ..................... 160 Mehta, Jessica N, MD ............................65, 66 Meihoff, Erich J, MD ................................... 35 Mejia, Elena C, FNP .................................... 36 Melillo, Thomas C, DPM......................123, 124 Melore, Gerald G, OD .. 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Melson, John A, MD .................................... 90 Melzer, Douglas C, OD ............................... 175 Menashe, David S, MD .............................. 133 Menashe, Jeffrey I, MD ............................... 86 Mendelson, Jeri K, MD ................................ 63 Mendoza, Noriecel D, MD ............................ 70 Menlo Park Healthcare .............................. 152 Merrill, Evan C DPM .................................. 120 Merritt, Douglas R, MD .............................. 103 Merry, William H, III, MD .............................. 76 Mesnier, Natalie S, MD .............................. 112 Messerle-Forbes, Marcella R, FNP .............. 161 Metwally, Yaser A, MD ............................... 110 Meyer, Janet L, PNP .................................... 20 Meyer, Kevin B, MD ..................................... 89 Meyerding Surgical Associates ..................... 77 Meyerding, Elliott E, MD .............................. 77 Meyers, Gabrielle, MD ................................. 84 Mhoon, John M, MD .................................. 132 Michael, Elliot N, DPM ................ 121, 122, 123 Michaels, Andrew J, MD .............................. 80 Michaelson, Ellen M, MD ............................. 39 Michels, Joel A, FNP ................................... 42 Michels, Kendall R, MD ............................... 88 Mickey, Shannon B, FNP .............................. 15 Microneurosurgical Consultants ................... 98 Midson, Clare N, OD...........................172, 180 Migchelbrink, Suzanne L, MD ....................... 51 Mikeska, Brett W, MD .................................. 88 Milano, Christina E, MD ............................... 40 Miles, Marie A, MD ..................................... 41 Milius, Rebecca A, MD ................................ 31 Miller-Davis, Jennifer W, MD ...................... 153 Miller, Amanda F, PA.................................... 39 Miller, Bryan D, DO ..................................... 47 Miller, Edward B, MD ................................. 111 Miller, Joan Ploem, OD .............................. 178 Miller, Jonathan B, PA ............................... 116 Miller, Kristin Kay, MD ................................. 26 Miller, Philip G, MD ..................................... 46 Miller, Roger W, MD................................... 115 Mills, Michael E, MD ................................... 23 Mills, Philip R, MD ...................................... 63 Mills, Trudy L, DO...................................20, 24 Minavi, Angela, OD...... 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 MIR Clinic .................................................. 46 Mirarchi, Adam J, MD.........................113, 114 Mirka, Alar, MD ........................................... 35 Mirtorabi, Mehdi, MD .................................. 46 Mirza, Amer J, MD .............................113, 114 Misra, Sounak N, MD .................................. 44 Mission Medical Imaging ............................. 67 Mitchell-Miller, Susan, WHCNP ................... 164 Mitchell, Brian K, OD ................................. 169 Mitchell, Erica L, MD ................................. 137 Mitchell, Jayne S, ANP ................................ 57 Mitchell, Michael Darren, MD ....................... 58 Mitnick, Joshua P, DPM ............................. 120 Mittalhenkle, Anuja, MD ............................... 89 Mittan, Daniella M, MD ................................ 16 Miura, Lisa N, MD ....................................... 34 Mix, Cindy, FNP .......................................... 20 Mix, Susan M, FNP...................................... 24 Mizushima, Aoi N, MD ................................. 44 Moffett, Larry L, DO .................................... 10 Mohan, Vishnu, MD ................................34, 51 Mohindra, Misha, MD .................................. 88 Molalla Manor Care Center ........................ 149 Molalla Medical Clinic, PC ........................... 13 Molalla Urgent Care, LLC ........................... 146 Molalla Vision Clinic PC ............................. 167 Molter, Tessa J, PA .................................... 109 Moneta, Gregory L, MD ............................. 137 Monnier, Janet R, MD .................................. 28 Mooney, Kathleen M, MD ............................. 31 209 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Mooney, William M, MD ..........................87, 88 Moore, Christie J, DO .................................. 85 Moore, Linda Y, MD ................................... 162 Morales, Carmen M, PA ..........................43, 44 Moran-Yandle, Molly, MD ........................43, 44 Moran, Gayle M, ANP .................................. 33 Moran, Mark G, MD..................................... 55 Moreno, Claudine Y, MD..........................43, 44 Morey, Carla P, PA ....................................... 20 Morgan, Christopher R, MD ............... 20, 21, 23 Morgan, Lorie J, MD ............................21, 155 Morgan, Shawn M, MD ................. 76, 129, 135 Morganroth, Melvin L, MD ......................... 126 Morningstar, Howard W, MD ......................... 19 Moroye, Marc M, MD................................... 31 Morris, Katherine T, MD ............................. 128 Morris, Richard L, MD ............................19, 24 Morris, Thomas J, MD ................................. 25 Morrison, Brian J, MD ................................. 55 Morrison, Douglas P, MD ........................... 110 Morrison, John C, MD ........................105, 106 Morrison, Laura Y, MD ............................... 165 Morrison, Lynne H, MD ...........................64, 65 Morrison, Mary E, PA................................... 47 Morrison, Susan Laurie, MD ....................... 142 Morrow, Charles E, MD .........................80, 138 Morrow, Mark J, MD ................................... 95 Moseson, Bertha A, MD ........................14, 153 Moseson, Dane L, MD ............................... 140 Mosser, Cindy, FNP ..................................... 20 Mountain View MRI ..................................... 68 Moy, Manny, DPM ..................................... 120 Mozena, John D, DPM ............................... 120 Mozer, Dana, FNP ....................................... 42 Mraz, Elizabeth A, NP ................................ 141 Mt Angel Family Medicine ............................ 26 Mt Hood Vision Center LLC ........................ 171 Mt Hood Women’s Health, PC ..................... 158 Mt Scott Diagnostic Imaging ........................ 66 Mt Scott Ear, Nose & Throat ....................... 117 Mt Tabor Family Medical Group .................... 39 Mtn View Family Practice ............................. 30 210 Muchowski, Karen E, MD ............................. 43 Muench, John P, MD ................................... 40 Mukul, Liberato V, MD ........................164, 165 Mulcahy, Maureen M, MD .......................... 115 Mullarkey, Donna E, MD .............................. 25 Muller, Melinda J, MD ............................34, 35 Mullins, Richard J, MD ................................ 79 Multnomah County Health Department – George School Based Clinic ............. 35 Multnomah County Health Department – Eastside Teen Clinic ........................ 30 Multnomah County Health Department – Grant School Based Clinic................ 35 Multnomah County Health Department – HIV Health Services ......................... 36 Multnomah County Health Department – Jefferson School Based Clinic .......... 36 Multnomah County Health Department – La Clinica De Buena Salud ............... 36 Multnomah County Health Department – Lane School Based Clinic ................ 36 Multnomah County Health Department – Lincoln Park School Based Clinic ...... 36 Multnomah County Health Department – Madison School Based Clinic ........... 36 Multnomah County Health Department – Marshall School Based Clinic ........... 36 Multnomah County Health Department – Mid-County Health Center.........37, 159 Multnomah County Health Department – North Portland Health Center ....37, 160 Multnomah County Health Department – Northeast Health Center ...........38, 160 Multnomah County Health Department – Parkrose School Based Clinic ........... 38 Multnomah County Health Department – Portsmouth School Based Clinic ....... 38 Multnomah County Health Department – Roosevelt School Based Clinic .......... 38 Multnomah County Health Department – Westside Health Center ............38, 160 Multnomah County Health Department Binnsmead School Based Clinic .......... 35 Multnomah County Health Department Cleveland School Based Clinic ............ 35 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Multnomah County Health Department East County Health Center ......................... 29 Mummadi, Rajaskehara R, MD ..................... 74 Munro, Amy J, DO ....................................... 23 Munro, Elizabeth G, MD ............................. 160 Murdoch, Louis Lee, MD .............................. 20 Murdoch, Mary F, MD .................................. 23 Murphy, Edward S, MD ................................ 57 Murphy, Jeremiah C, MD ....................134, 135 Murphy, Karen L, FNP.............................50, 51 Murphy, Patricia A, ANP ............................... 33 Murray, Eric L, MD ...................................... 17 Murray, Jennifer H, MD ............................. 158 Murray, Philip Bruce, MD ............................. 25 Myers, Brandi S, DPM ............................... 122 Myers, Emily K, MD ..................................... 52 Myers, Gloria J, MD .................................... 33 Myers, Jeffrey D, PA ................................... 25 Myers, Stanley A, MD ................................ 133 Myklebust, Erin K, FNP ................................ 88 Myklebust, Monica, MD ............................... 11 N Nagappan, Poombavai O, MD ....................... 51 Naik, Arpana M, MD .................................. 128 Nakamura, Alvin K, MD .............................. 159 Nakashima, James J, MD .......................... 142 Nanson, Christopher J, MD ........................ 111 Napolitano, Marie, FNP ................................ 47 Nardos, Rahel, MD .................................... 161 Narus, Michael S, DO .............................90, 93 Nash, Jean L, FNP ...................................... 44 Nason, Dana R, MD ..................................... 47 Nathan, Ranjana S, MD ............................... 51 Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest ............... 39 Naugler, Willscott E, MD .............................. 74 Naval, Neeraj S, MD .................................... 92 Naversen, Douglas N, MD ............................ 63 Nayak, Alice C, MD ..................................... 11 Nayak, Navin N, MD .................................... 11 Neahring, Jennifer C, MD ............................ 88 Neahring, Richard K, MD ........................... 104 Neal, Dean E, MD ..............................106, 171 Nealon, James P, MD .................................. 78 Neborsky, Rebecca K, MD ............................ 51 Neff, Ana M, FNP ........................................ 22 Negreanu, Diana C, MD ............................... 71 Nehring, Scott, OD .................................... 171 Neifing, James L, MD .................................. 72 Nelson, Linda C, NMNP ......................162, 164 Nelson, Stephen L, MD ...........................21, 23 Nemecek, Andrew N, MD ............................. 97 Nephrology Medical Associates of Georgia .... 88 Nepveu, Laura, MD ..................................... 52 Neron, Joseph D, OD ... 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Nersasian, Keleigh M, PA ....................113, 114 Neuman, Megan F, MD ................................ 34 Neuropsychology at Good Samaritan ............. 92 Neville, Lawrence H, MD ............................ 140 Newberry, Stephen G, MD ............................ 51 Newhall, Elizabeth P, MD ........................... 158 Newman, Ahan E, MD .................................. 23 Newman, Elise, MD ..................................... 49 Newton, Albert H, III, MD .............................. 23 Newton, Patricia A, MD ................................ 35 Ng, John D, MD .................................105, 106 Nguyen-Huynh, Anh T, MD ......................... 118 Nguyen, Hoang Q, MD ................................. 32 Nguyen, Lynne M, PA .................................. 32 Nguyen, Ngan Lien T, MD............................. 31 Nguyen, Thanh T, FNP ................................. 50 Nguyen, Thao T, DO ..................................... 17 Nguyen, Tuan T, OD ................................... 172 Nichols, Craig R, MD ................................... 84 Nichols, Dane J, MD.................................. 125 Nichols, Mark D, MD ................................. 161 Nicholson, Stephen F, MD ............................ 14 Nicolaidis, Christina M, MD .......................... 41 Nicoloff, Alexander D, MD ........... 136, 137, 138 Nicosia, Katie S, NP .................................... 50 Niehus, Douglas R, MD ................................ 48 Nielsen-Smith, Kathryn A, NMNP ................ 157 Nielsen, Judith A, FNP ................................. 52 Nilaver, Gajanan, MD ................................... 90 211 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Nino, Henry E, MD ...................................... 91 Nishioka, Gary J, MD ................................. 116 Noall, David L, MD .............................112, 113 Nocek, Cynthia S, MD.................................. 45 Noland, Carter, MD.............................108, 172 Nonas, Stephanie A, MD ............................ 125 Norman, Douglas J, MD ............................... 89 Norris, Eric S, MD ....................................... 35 Norris, Mary E, MD.................................... 140 Norris, Patricia L, MD .............................64, 65 Norris, T Michael, MD .................................. 13 North, Elizabeth A, DO ................................. 92 North, Ferhan C, MD ................................... 44 North, Neshe E, MD .................................... 58 Northwest Cancer Specialists – Adventist Office ................... 83, 86, 99 Northwest Cancer Specialists – Meridian Park Office .......... 85, 87, 101 Northwest Cancer Specialists – Providence Office ................ 83, 86, 99 Northwest Cancer Specialists – Rose Quarter Cancer Center 83, 86, 100 Northwest Cancer Specialists – St Vincent Office ................ 85, 87, 101 Northwest Cardiologists, PC ......................... 58 Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Eastside ..........................56, 60 Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Gresham .............................. 56 Northwest Cardiovascular Institute Westside .........................56, 60 Northwest Corneal Services ....................... 109 Northwest Dermatology & Laser Clinic, PC .... 64 Northwest ENT Allergy Care PC .................. 115 Northwest Eye Associates .......................... 108 Northwest Gastroenterology Clinic ................ 73 Northwest Geriatrics ................................... 83 Northwest Gynecology Center .................... 163 Northwest Heart Care .................................. 59 Northwest Neurology Clinic, PC .................... 90 Northwest Optometric Clinic................172, 180 Northwest Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine .............................. 114 Northwest Perinatal Center ........................ 163 212 Northwest Renal Clinic ................................ 89 Northwest Urological Clinic .................132, 134 Northwest Vascular Consultants, Inc ........... 138 Northwest Women’s Clinic ..................160, 163 Northwestern Neurological Associates PC...... 97 Norton, Ted L, PA ........................................ 89 Nowosielski, Carolyn R, FNP......................... 42 Nutt, John G, MD ...................................92, 93 NW Surgical Oncology, PC ......................... 128 Nwerem, Ijeoma C, FNP ............................... 28 O O’Boyle-Jordan, Bridget T, PNP .................... 41 O’Brien, David P, MD ................................... 62 O’Connor, Stephanie, FNP ............................ 15 O’Donnell, Andrea R, FNP .......................... 161 O’Halloran, Debra L, GNP ............................ 14 O’Hearn, Daniel J, MD ........................125, 126 O’Hearn, Mary E, MD .................................. 41 O’Leary, Maura A, MD ................................. 48 O’Leary, Patrick J, MD ................................. 82 O’Neal, Nancy C, MD................................... 77 O’Neill, Elizabeth R, MD ............................... 43 O’Neill, Oisin R, MD .................................... 98 O’Reilly, Margaret M, MD ........................... 161 O’Rourke, Robert W, MD .............................. 79 O’Sullivan, Glen S, MD .............................. 110 Oak Grove Family Medical Clinic................... 12 Oakridge Medical Clinic ............................... 12 Obhrai, Jagdeep S, MD ............................... 89 Ocamica, Rosalia, PA .................................. 81 Odell, Vivian B, PNP .................................... 38 Oehling, David C, MD .................................. 77 Oellrich, Cheri N, MD .................................. 31 Office of Integrative Medicine....................... 17 Ogle Inc ................................................... 173 Ogryzlo, Karen A, MD ................................ 162 Oh, Charles C, MD ...................................... 60 Oh, Eliza, MD ............................................. 82 Oh, Kelly K, MD .......................................... 48 OHSU ...................................................... 144 OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease ........... 128 OHSU Bone Densitometry ............................ 72 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX OHSU Cardiology at Marquam Hill................. 56 OHSU Cardiology at South Waterfront ........... 57 OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery ....................... 60 OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery ..................... 129 OHSU Center for Hematologic Malignancies ................................84, 86 OHSU Child Development & Rehab Center – Gaines Rd ....... 92, 97, 117, 133 OHSU Department of Dermatology at South Lake Center ......................... 62 OHSU Dermatology at Marquam Hill .............. 64 OHSU Dermatology at South Waterfront......... 64 OHSU Diagnostic Radiology .......................... 68 OHSU Doernbecher Pediatric Westside ....... 49 ,65, 114, 135 OHSU Endocrinology ................................... 72 OHSU Family Health Center - Scappoose ....... 17 OHSU Family Health Center – Richmond ..... 117 OHSU Family Health Center – Richmond ....... 40 OHSU Family Health Center at Gabriel Park ... 39 OHSU Family Medicine at South Waterfront ... 40 OHSU Gastroenterology at Marquam Hill ....... 74 OHSU Gastroenterology at South Waterfront .. 74 OHSU General Pediatric Clinic ...................... 41 OHSU General Surgery at Marquam Hill......... 79 OHSU General Surgery at South Waterfront ... 79 OHSU Gynecologic Oncology ...................... 160 OHSU Hematology & Medical Oncology at Marquam Hill ...... 84, 87, 100 OHSU Hematology & Medical Oncology at South Waterfront..84, 87, 100 OHSU Hemophilia Treatment Center at CDRC ................................. 84 OHSU Internal Medicine at Marquam Hill ....... 41 OHSU Interventional Radiology ..................... 61 OHSU Interventional Radiology ..................... 68 OHSU Interventional Radiology at South Waterfront ............................... 68 OHSU Longview Clinic ............................... 141 OHSU Midwifery ....................................... 160 OHSU Nephrology ....................................... 89 OHSU Neurology at Marquam Hill ................. 92 OHSU Neurology at South Waterfront ............ 93 OHSU Neurosurgery at Marquam Hill ............ 97 OHSU Neurosurgery at South Waterfront ....... 97 OHSU Neurosurgery CDRC ........................... 97 OHSU OB/GYN Perinatology ....................... 161 OHSU Obstetrics & Gynecology .................. 161 OHSU Orthopaedics .................................. 113 OHSU Orthopaedics at St Vincent Medical Center ................. 114 OHSU Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation and Spine Clinic .........................97, 112 OHSU Otolaryngology at Marquam Hill ........ 117 OHSU Otolaryngology at South Waterfront ... 118 OHSU Pacific Oncology Cancer Center ...................... 70, 88, 101 OHSU Pacific Oncology Good Samaritan Office ....................... 87 OHSU Pacific Oncology Meridian Park Office .......................... 88 OHSU Pacific Oncology Mt Hood Office ......... 87 OHSU Pacific Oncology Mt Hood Office ....... 100 OHSU Pediatric Neurology.......................93, 97 OHSU Pediatric Orthopaedics ..................... 113 OHSU Pediatric Pulmonary ......................... 125 OHSU Perinatology at South Waterfront ....... 161 OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine .................61, 125 OHSU Radiation Oncology .......................... 100 OHSU Salem Cancer Institute at Salem Hospital............................... 99 OHSU Sleep Disorders Program – Marriott .. 126 OHSU Surgical Oncology at Marquam Hill .... 128 OHSU Surgical Oncology at South Waterfront ............................. 128 OHSU Tuality Healthplace ......................59, 114 OHSU Urogynecology..........................133, 161 OHSU Urology at Marquam Hill ................... 133 OHSU Urology at South Waterfront .............. 133 OHSU Vascular Surgery ............................. 137 OHSU Vein Clinic at South Waterfront .......... 137 Okada, Craig Y, MD ..................................... 84 Oken, Barry S, MD ...................................... 93 Okon, Nicholas J, DO .............................93, 95 Old Town Clinic ....................................42, 161 Olds, Julie A, MD ...................................... 163 Oliva, Matthew S, MD ................................ 103 213 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Oliver, David L, PA....................................... 52 Olmstead, Andrea C, MD ....................163, 165 Olsen, Neil M, MD ....................................... 20 Olshausen, Kai Philipp, MD .......................... 24 Olson, Cynthia L, MD................................. 155 Olson, Kevin D, MD ...................... 99, 100, 101 Ono, Alfred K, MD ..................................... 162 Opel, Markus H, MD .................................... 25 Open Advanced MRI of Gresham .................. 68 Open Advanced MRI of Longview ................ 140 Open Advanced MRI of Portland I ................. 70 Open Advanced MRI of Portland II ................. 68 Open Advanced MRI of Portland III ................ 68 Oppenheimer, Jonathan E, MD ..................... 35 Oran, Gwendolyn A, MD ............................... 45 Orchard, Reynold G, MD .............................. 14 Ordal, John C, MD .................................... 124 Ordonez, Carlos B, MD .............................. 134 Oregon Advanced Imaging ........................... 67 Oregon Cardiology Clinic ............................. 57 Oregon City Family Practice Clinic, PC .......... 13 Oregon City Foot Clinic .............................. 119 Oregon City Health Care Center .................. 149 Oregon City Health Center ....................14, 153 Oregon City Medical .................................... 14 Oregon Clinic – General Surgery .................. 81 Oregon Clinic – General Vascular Surgery ..... 81 Oregon Clinic – Cardiology ............... 57, 58, 61 Oregon Clinic – Cardiovascular Surgery ............................60, 61, 129, 130, 137 Oregon Clinic – Eastside ENT ..............118, 130 Oregon Clinic – Gastroenterology ............73, 74 Oregon Clinic – General Surgery ..............................79, 80, 98, 137, 138 Oregon Clinic – General Surgery .................. 62 Oregon Clinic – General Vascular Surgery ... 139 Oregon Clinic – Imaging Center ................... 68 Oregon Clinic – Neurology ......................94, 95 Oregon Clinic – Otolaryngology .................. 118 Oregon Clinic – Plaza ENT ......................... 118 Oregon Clinic – Podiatry ............................ 123 Oregon Clinic – Pulmonology ..................... 126 Oregon Clinic – Radiology............................ 68 214 Oregon Clinic – Thoracic Surgery ..........61, 130 Oregon Clinic – Thoracic Surgery ............... 138 Oregon Clinic – Urology ......................131, 133 Oregon Clinic – West Hills Gastroenterology .. 75 Oregon Clinic – Westside ENT .................... 119 Oregon Ear, Nose & Throat Center .............. 116 Oregon Eye Specialists ............... 102, 108, 109 Oregon Neurology, PC – Oregon City ............ 90 Oregon Neurology, PC – Tualatin .............94, 95 Oregon Neurology, PC – Woodburn ............... 91 Oregon Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic ...............109, 115 Oregon Pulmonary Associates, PC .............. 126 Oregon Retina Specialists .......................... 103 Oregon Surgical Specialists ..................77, 136 Oregon Urology Clinic ................................ 133 Orfaly, Robert M, MD ..........................113, 114 Orozco, Rachael, MD ................................... 22 Orr, Megan C, FNP ...................................... 22 Orr, Rodney E, MD .................................13, 27 Orsini, Caroline M J, MD .............................. 37 Ortega, Salvador M, MD .............................. 26 Orth, Richard L, DO ..................................... 11 Ortiz, Mary A, FNP ...................................... 33 Orwoll, Eric S, MD ....................................... 72 Orwoll, Rebecca L, MD ................. 99, 100, 101 Osborne, Linda D, NMNP ........................... 156 Osborne, Molly L, MD ................................ 125 Oseran, Daniel S, MD .................................. 59 Osman, Shukri A, MD .................................. 89 Osmundsen, Blake C, MD .......................... 158 Ott, Gary Y, MD ..................................130, 138 Ottenbacher, Eric D, PA ............................... 52 Otto, Lesley N, MD .................................... 164 Oursler, Judith R, MD .................................. 63 Outside In .................................................. 42 Outside In – Urgent Care ........................... 147 Overton, Scott H, OD ... 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Owens, Michael M, MD ............................... 75 Oxman, Gary L, MD ..................................... 36 Oyarzun, Juan R, MD ................................ 130 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX P Pacific Foot and Ankle ............................... 120 Pacific Health and Rehabilitation ................ 152 Pacific Heart Associates .............................. 58 Pacific Medical & Surgical Group .................. 16 Pacific Medical Group - Canby ..................... 10 Pacific Medical Group - Oregon City ............. 14 Pacific Medical Group – Beaverton ............... 46 Pacific Medical Group – North Portland ......... 42 Pacific Medical Group – Tigard..................... 51 Pacific Neurosurgical, PC ............................ 98 Pacific Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine ...... 113 Pacific Surgical PC ...........61, 80, 98, 130, 138 Pacific University ........ 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Paden Eye Care Center.............................. 103 Paden, Philip Y, MD ................................... 103 Page, Tanya L, MD .................................40, 42 Pajarillo, Carmela C, MD .............................. 30 Palamara, Alan G, MD ............................... 156 Palm, William H, MD ................................... 22 Palmer, Earl A, MD .............................105, 106 Palmer, Thomas R, DPM ............................ 123 Pandipati, Santosh, MD ......................163, 165 Pantely, George A, MD ................................. 57 Pape, Gary W, MD ....................................... 11 Pappas, James T, MD ................................ 133 Paquette, Julie A, MD .................................. 30 Paragon Orthopedic Center PC ................... 111 Parikh, Mansi B, MD .................. 105, 106, 141 Park Forest Care Center ............................ 152 Park, Jae O, MD ......................................... 46 Park, Sonny, MD ......................................... 16 Parker-Litt, Hannah M, CMW ...................... 154 Parker, Franklin, MD ...............................64, 65 Parker, Nicole E, PA .................................... 58 Parker, Richard A, MD ................................. 89 Parosa, James F, MD................................. 124 Parshley, Marianne C, MD ............................ 44 Parsons, Michael R, MD .............................. 58 Pascua, Monina F, MD ................................. 75 Paskowski, Brian T, MD ............................... 49 Patel, Ashit G, MD ..................................55, 57 Patrick, Shawn T, MD .................................. 56 Patterson, Bruce L, MD ............................... 55 Patterson, James R, MD ............................ 126 Patton, Phillip E, MD ..........................161, 162 Paul, Lisa M, MD ........................................ 44 Pavelka, Jeffrey P, DO ................................. 13 Payne, Susan D, MD ................................. 164 Pazdernik, Karalyn J, PA .............................. 45 Peacehealth Cancer Center – Lower Columbia............................ 141 Peacehealth Family Practice – Team A .......... 52 Peacehealth Family Practice – Team B .......... 52 Peacehealth Family Practice – Team C .......... 53 Peacehealth Inmotion Clinic ....................... 142 Peacehealth Internal Medicine – Team A ...................................53, 141 Peacehealth Internal Medicine – Team B ....... 53 Peacehealth Longview Surgical Group..140, 142 Peacehealth Specialty Clinic ....... 139, 140, 142 Peacehealth Women’s Clinic ...................... 166 Peard, Garrett H, MD ................................... 22 Pearl Health Center ..................................... 42 Pearson, Julie S, MD ................................. 155 Peck, James J, MD ................................... 137 Peel, Lynda R, MD ...................................... 32 Peizner, David Stephen, MD ......................... 58 Pelosi, Catherine F, NMNP ......................... 165 Pelson, Jeffrey S, OD ................................ 170 Pena, Angeles, MD ...................................... 49 Pena, Eric A, MD ......................................... 55 Penikas, Jeffrey, MD ................................. 164 Pennesi, Mark E, MD .................. 102, 105, 106 Pereira, Leonardo M, MD ....................157, 161 Perkins, Dahra D, MD ....................... 33, 47, 48 Perkins, Rosina S, MD ................................. 79 Perry, Bruce E, MD .................................... 111 Perry, Eric, MD ........................................... 25 Perry, Matthew R, OD ................................ 178 Personius, Bradley E, MD............................. 55 Peter, David R, MD ...................................... 10 Peters, Mark A, MD ................................... 108 Petersen, Ronald R, MD ............................... 57 Peterson, Amie L, MD .................................. 93 215 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Peterson, Ashley S, MD ..........................21, 23 Peterson, Mark D, MD ............................... 110 Peterson, Patricia J, MD .............................. 53 Peterson, Preston L, MD .............................. 35 Petrillo, Raymond J, MD .............................. 89 Pettit, Jody L, MD ...................... 34, 35, 43, 49 Pew, Lisa C, MD ....................................... 165 Pfeiffer, Heather M, FNP .............................. 42 Pham, Hung T, MD .................................... 107 Pham, John T, DO ....................................... 44 Pham, Thanhlong D, MD .............................. 44 Phan, Isabella T, MD ...........................105, 106 Phillipi, Carrie A, MD ................................... 41 Phillips, Jeanne V, MD ................................. 59 Phillips, Michael G, MD ............................... 74 Phillips, Neil A, DO ...................................... 25 Phillips, Paul M, MD .................................. 107 Phinney, Edward S, Jr, MD ........................... 81 Phipps, Thomas A, MD ..................... 90, 94, 95 Physicians Building Group ....................71, 127 Physicians Medical Group, PC .................25, 71 Picchi, Joanna C, FNP ............................26, 45 Pickett, Mary E, MD .................................... 41 Pierce, Kristine K, MD ........................105, 106 Pike, Scott E, OD ........ 173, 174, 176, 177, 179 Pinter, Joseph D, MD..............................92, 93 Pitre, Thomas M, MD................................. 133 Pitta, Sreedevi, MD ..................................... 48 Pittman, Kristen G, NP ................................. 29 Pittman, Rick D, MD .................................. 136 Pitts, Randolph J, MD .................................. 48 Pitzak, Andrew S, DO .................................. 25 Plumb, Donald F, MD .................. 102, 106, 107 Podett, Paul V, MD ...................................... 30 Pohowalla, Parvez J, MD .................. 91, 94, 95 Poisson, Brett A, MD ..............................85, 86 Polensek, Natasha A, MD ........................40, 41 Polk Vision Clinics Inc ............................... 175 Pollak, Ruben, DPM .................................. 121 Pollard, Marcus L, MD ............................... 111 Polo, Oscar R, MD..................................... 162 Pomeroy Eyecare PC ................................. 170 216 Ponec, Robert J, MD ................................... 73 Pool, Garrett M, MD .................................... 13 Poorman, Jay C, MD ................................... 74 Porter, Gregory G, MD ............................... 119 Porter, Sara A, FNP ................................36, 38 Porthaven Health Care Center .................... 152 Portland Diabetes & Endocrinology Center ..... 72 Portland Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists ....... 118 Portland Family Practice Inc ......................... 42 Portland Foot Clinic ................................... 123 Portland Hypertension & Nephrology ............. 89 Portland Medical Imaging ............................ 69 Portland Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates ..................... 161 Portland Surgical Oncology, PC .................. 129 Portland Surgical Specialists ........................ 76 Potschka, Gretchen M, MD .......................... 53 Potts, Stephanie H, FNP............................... 16 Powell, Christian H, MD ............................... 43 Powell, Ronald W, DO .................................. 15 Powell, Theo H, MD ..................................... 77 Power, Juliette M, MD ................................. 28 Prasertsuntarasai, Theerapol, MD ............... 126 Preciado, Josephine Phyillis, MD .................. 48 Premysler, Raisa, MD .................................. 37 Prescott, Jennifer M, FNP ............................ 17 Preslar, Susan K Beardsley, FNP ................... 24 Pressman, David N, MD ............................. 111 Price, Harvey B, MD .................................... 45 Promisloff, Steven D, MD ............................. 58 Providence Ambulatory Care & Education (PACE) .................. 42, 72, 128 Providence Arthritis Center ........................ 128 Providence Benedictine Nursing Center ....... 150 Providence Child Center ............................ 152 Providence Clinic ...................................... 100 Providence Cognitive Assessment Clinic ........ 95 Providence Department of Medicine – Faculty Practice .............................. 49 Providence Dermatologic Specialties ............ 65 Providence Eastside Oncology & Hematology......... 84, 87, 100 Providence Family Medicine Southeast ......... 43 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Providence Geriatric Assessment Clinic West ........................................ 95 Providence Lung Cancer Clinic ..............85, 100 Providence Maternal Care Clinic ................. 162 Providence Medford Medical Center ........... 143 Providence Medical Clinic Mercantile ............ 12 Providence Medical Group Bethany Family Medicine ........................................... 49 Providence Medical Group Bridgeport ............................ 51, 65, 119 Providence Medical Group Bridgeport Immediate Care ............................... 148 Providence Medical Group Canby Immediate Care ............................... 146 Providence Medical Group Cardiology ....54, 129 Providence Medical Group Cascade Family Medicine ................................ 43 Providence Medical Group Central Point ........................ 20, 54, 155 Providence Medical Group Columbia Women’s Clinic ................. 164 Providence Medical Group Doctors Clinic ...... 22 Providence Medical Group Eagle Point .......... 20 Providence Medical Group Gateway Family & Community Medicine .....43, 162 Providence Medical Group Gateway Immediate Care ............................... 147 Providence Medical Group Gateway Internal Medicine ............................... 44 Providence Medical Group General Surgery ... 77 Providence Medical Group Glisan Internal Medicine ..........................44, 65 Providence Medical Group Gresham Family & Internal Medicine.................. 30 Providence Medical Group Happy Valley ........ 11 Providence Medical Group Happy Valley Immediate Care ............................... 146 Providence Medical Group Medford Family Practice .................................. 23 Providence Medical Group Medford Pediatrics ......................................... 23 Providence Medical Group Milwaukie Family Medicine ................................ 13 Providence Medical Group Milwaukie OB/GYN .......................................... 153 Providence Medical Group North Portland Family & Community Medicine ............ 44 Providence Medical Group OB/GYN Health Center .................................. 156 Providence Medical Group Oregon City ....14, 82 Providence Medical Group Oregon City General Surgery ........... 76, 129, 135 Providence Medical Group Oregon City Pulmonary/Critical Care .................... 124 Providence Medical Group Orenco Family Medicine & OB/GYN ................. 48 Providence Medical Group Phoenix Family Practice...................... 24 Providence Medical Group Plaza Internal Medicine ...................... 44 Providence Medical Group Scholls Immediate Care .................... 148 Providence Medical Group Scholls Internal Medicine .............51, 119 Providence Medical Group Sherwood Family Medicine ........... 50, 66, 119, 165 Providence Medical Group Sherwood Immediate Care ................ 148 Providence Medical Group Siskiyou Surgical ........................77, 136 Providence Medical Group South Diabetes Education ................... 70 Providence Medical Group Southwest Pediatric Clinic .................. 49 Providence Medical Group Sunnyside Internal Family Medicine ..................... 11 Providence Medical Group Sunset Internal Medicine ..........................50, 66 Providence Medical Group Tanasbourne Family Medicine ................................ 48 Providence Medical Group Tanasbourne Immediate Care ............................... 148 Providence Medical Group Vernonia Family & Community Medicine ...................... 17 Providence Medical Group West Linn ............ 15 Providence Medical Group Wilsonville ........... 15 Providence Milwaukie Hospital ................... 143 Providence Multiple Sclerosis Center ............ 95 Providence Neurology Associates ................. 90 217 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Providence North Coast Clinic Cannon Beach ............................16, 110 Providence North Coast Clinic Seaside ....................... 16, 76, 110, 154 Providence North Coast Clinic Warrenton ...... 16 Providence Oncology & Hematology Care Clinic ...................................85, 88 Providence Pediatric Neurology – East Portland .................................. 94 Providence Pediatric Neurology – Salem ............................................ 91 Providence Pediatric Neurology – SW Portland .................................. 95 Providence Portland Medical Center ........... 144 Providence Seaside Hospital ...................... 143 Providence Southeast Oncology & Hematology Clinic ........................... 85 Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Bridgeport ......................................... 59 Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Cardiology......................................... 59 Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Heart Rhythm .............................59, 130 Providence St Vincent Heart Clinics Longview ........................................ 139 Providence St Vincent Medical Center ......... 145 Providence St Vincent Prenatal Clinic .......... 164 Providence St. Vincent Heart Clinics Astoria ... 54 Providence St. Vincent Heart Clinics Seaside . 54 Providence Stroke Center ............................ 95 Providence Stroke Services .......................... 94 Providence Willamette Falls Hospital ........... 143 Provost, Bret A, OD ................................... 167 Provost, Jean Claude K, FNP ........................ 33 Pulito, Joseph F, MD ................................... 80 Pulmonary Consultants .............................. 124 Punja, Manohar M, MD ...........................57, 58 Purnell, Jonathan Q, MD .............................. 72 Q Quiles, Nitza S, MD ..................................... 47 Quilici, Samantha M, PA ............................ 113 Quinn, Joseph F, MD ................................... 93 Quintos, Robert F, MD ................................. 58 218 R Radcliff, Lisa M, FNP ..............................87, 88 Radcliffe, Carla C, MD ................................. 36 Radhakrishnan, Latha S, MD ........................ 71 Radiation Oncologists, PC ............................ 69 Radiology Consultants, Inc ........................... 69 Radiology Group, The .................................. 70 Radiology Specialists of the Northwest .....69, 70 Raetz, Kathleen M, NMNP ...................164, 165 Ragade, Namrata J, MD .........................36, 38 Ragel, Brian T, MD ...................................... 97 Raggio, Julie, MD ....................................... 89 Ragsdale, John W, MD................................. 76 Raguram, Parthassarathy C, MD ................... 89 Rahimtoola, Aly, MD ...............................57, 58 Rahkola, Sarah A, MD ................................. 49 Raitt, Merritt H, MD ..................................... 57 Raj, Y Pritham, MD ...................................... 41 Rajani, Bhavesh, MD ................................... 50 Rambousek, Edward L, DO........................... 11 Ramme, Laura D, PA ................................. 130 Ramos, Mayda, MD ..................................... 26 Ramsay, John P, MD .................................... 50 Ramsey, Anthony E, MD ............................. 156 Ramseyer, Joshua A, MD ............................. 94 Ramsthel, Donald D, MD .............................. 33 Ramzy, Ameen I, MD ................................... 80 Rand, William C, MD ................................. 110 Randall, Timothy A, MD ............................... 52 Randolph, James P, OD ............................. 170 Raniele, Dean P, MD .................................... 88 Ransom, Mary M, MD .................................. 93 Rashid, Kristina R, MD ................................. 12 Rask, Bart P, MD ....................................... 114 Rasmussen, Richard D, MD.......................... 63 Rasor, William T, MD.................................... 13 Rath, Robert S, MD ..................................... 46 Ratkovec, Ranae M, MD .............................. 57 Rawcliffe, Lynn W, DPM ............................. 120 Ray, Douglas E, FNP .................................... 43 Ray, Nancy T, DPM .................................... 120 Read, Tracy L, MD ....................................... 28 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Reagan, Joshua D, MD ................................ 42 Reagan, Peter L, MD ................................... 42 Reardon, Julie A, MD................................... 52 Reay, Caroline, MD...................................... 44 Reckard, Kenneth L, PA ............................... 75 Redwine, Robin L, MD ................................. 50 Reeck, Jay B, MD ..................................... 116 Reed, Richard D, PA .................................... 60 Reeder, Joan L, MD ................................36, 38 Rees, Klaus O, MD ...................................... 55 Reeve Grewe, Gwen Johanna, MD ................ 52 Rega, Peter R, MD ...................................... 82 Regan, David H, MD .................................... 86 Regan, James K, MD ................................... 74 Regency Gresham Nursing & Rehabilitation Center ..................... 151 Reger, Vincent A, MD ................................... 81 Reindl, Elizabeth A, MD ............................. 164 Reiner, Steven C, MD .................................. 16 Reinhart, Steven E, MD ................................ 58 Reis, Mark T, MD ...................................... 142 Rember, Katrenka R, MD.............................. 51 Remington, Lee Ann, OD .................... 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 178, 179 Remling, Janette K, PA ...........................97, 98 Remmers, Jared K, DPM............................ 122 Renal Care Consultants ............................... 88 Renard, Brooke D, MD ............................... 157 Rendleman, Neal J, MD ............................... 18 Renner, Laura E, ANP .................................. 35 Renner, Regina-Maria, MD ......................... 161 Renwick, Stephen E, MD............................ 113 Resnick, Karen A, NMNP ............... 24, 155, 156 Ressler, Kathleen A, FNP.........................10, 11 Retina & Vitreous Center.....................103, 104 Retina Care Center ............................103, 104 Retina Consultants, LLP............................. 104 Retina Northwest ...................................... 108 Retondo, Margaret J, MD ........................36, 38 Reyes, Vincent P, MD ................................... 58 Reynolds, Bruce N, MD .............................. 116 Reznick, Leah G, MD ..........................105, 106 Rhee, Kenneth J, MD .............................19, 22 Rhoads, Kenneth L, MD ............................... 58 Ribbeck, Elizabeth A, NMNP ....................... 157 Ribbink, Philippa J, MD ............................. 159 Rice, Karen M, OD .................................... 172 Rice, Victoria A, WHCNP ............................ 166 Rich, Phoebe, MD ..................................64, 65 Richard, Christen K, MD ............................ 108 Richards, John M, ANP ................................ 10 Richardson, Brad C, OD ............................. 177 Richardson, Mark A, MD ............................ 118 Richardson, Matthew S, OD ....................... 170 Richardson, Robert H, MD .......................... 125 Ricker, Mari A, MD .................................13, 43 Rickman, John V, OD ................................. 171 Riddick, Carl A, MD ................................... 126 Riddle, Matthew C, Jr, MD ........................... 72 Riesinger, Karen A, FNP ............................... 46 Rimberg, Clytie S, MD ................................. 64 Ring, Eric W, MD ....................................21, 23 Rinkevich, Diana, MD .................................. 57 Rinkoff, Jeffrey S, MD ........................103, 104 Rio, Shannon D, FNP ................................... 18 Ripper, Richard W, OD ............................... 169 Rippey, Wesley E, MD .................................. 78 Risser, Amanda L, MD ................................. 40 Rivas, Henry R, MD ..................................... 31 River City Eyecare LLC .............................. 167 River Radiologists, PC ................................. 66 Rivers, Peggy J, NP ................................12, 83 Rivershore Foot & Ankle Clinic.................... 120 Rizvi, Mujahid A, MD ..............................85, 86 Roast, Andrea B, MD ................................... 43 Robbins-Luce, Diane D, OD......... 173, 176, 179 Roberson, Sarah A, FNP .............................. 24 Roberts, Colin M, MD .................................. 93 Roberts, John M, MD ................................ 111 Roberts, Lauren W, MD ................................ 42 Roberts, Robert L, DO ............................... 117 Roberts, Stephanie B, PA ........................... 141 Roberts, Timothy E, MD ............................... 25 Robertson, Donald P, DO .............................. 25 Robertson, Douglas J, MD ........................... 29 219 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Robinson, Elizabeth H, FNP .................154, 159 Robinson, Gregory E, MD ............................. 31 Robinson, Katherine R, NMNP .............153, 154 Robertson, Joseph E, Jr, MD ...............105, 106 Robinson, Michael T, DO .............................. 20 Robinson, Mindi L, MD ................................ 11 Robinson, Nancy, FNP ................................. 31 Rockove, Shammai, MD ............................. 132 Rodden, William S, MD .......................103, 104 Rodriguez, Glenn S, MD ............................... 43 Rodriguez, Sarah A, MD ............................... 74 Roessel, Lisa L, FNP ................................. 125 Rogue Valley Dermatology ........................... 63 Rogue Valley Foot Clinic ............................ 120 Rogue Valley Manor Clinic ........................... 82 Rogue Valley Medical Center ...................... 143 Rogue Valley Medical Center Maternal Fetal Clinic ........................ 156 Rogue Valley Urology, PC ........................... 132 Rollin, Sarah J, MD ..................................... 50 Rollins, Janet R, MD .................................... 19 Roman, Marvin, MD .................................... 45 Romanowski, Andrew, MD ..................107, 109 Ronan, Nancy, FNP ..................................... 30 Root, Leslie L, MD....................................... 32 Roper, Stephen V, FNP ................................. 17 Rosborough, Todd M, PA ............................ 112 Rose City Family Medicine, PC ..................... 44 Rose City Pediatrics .................................... 45 Rose City Women’s Health PC .................... 162 Rose-Innes, Andrew P, MD ......................94, 95 Rosenbaum, James T, MD.......................... 128 Rosenbaum, Richard B, MD ......................... 94 Rosenbaum, Robert A, MD ........................... 94 Rosenberg, Daniel M, MD ............................ 43 Rosenberg, Mark R, MD............................... 43 Rosenblatt, Charles R, MD ........................... 75 Rosenblatt, Gregory S, MD ......................... 135 Rosencrantz, David R, MD.......................... 133 Rosenquist, Roger D, MD ........................... 134 Rosenthal, Eli A, MD .................................... 58 Rosenzweig, Sandi Y, ANP ............................ 52 Rosicky, Gillian C, FNP................................. 12 220 Ross, Alicia M, MD ...................................... 58 Ross, Carissa M, MD ................................. 156 Ross, Donald A, MD .................................... 96 Rotberg, Nicola S, MD ............................... 163 Rote, Joan M, MD ..................................... 156 Rothstein, Alan F, DPM .............................. 123 Rouhbakhsh, Rambod A, MD ....... 12, 15, 51, 52 Rounsavell, Amy A, FNP .................... 35, 36, 37 Rowell, David P, MD .................................. 104 Rowley, Elizabeth A, FNP ............................. 24 Rowley, Mark C, MD .................................. 157 Royale Gardens Health Rehab Center .......... 150 Ruch Family Medicine, LLC .......................... 20 Rudin, Marilyn L, MD ................................. 126 Rueda, Jose F, MD ...................................... 89 Rufener, Justin B, MD................................ 118 Rugge, John Bruin, MD ..........................17, 40 Ruggeri, Roberta W, DO ............................... 12 Rulon, Michael P, MD ................................ 156 Rumbaugh, Lori C, MD ................................ 28 Rush, Sloan W, MD ............................105, 106 Russman, Barry S, MD ................................ 93 Ruzich, Janet C, DO .................................... 85 RVMC Special Studies ................................. 67 Ryall, Bonita A, PNP .................................... 22 Ryan, Christopher W, MD ............................. 84 Rydbom, Kimberly A, DO .........................34, 35 Rydell, Karen A, ANP ................................... 58 Rydlund, Kelly W, MD .........................115, 116 Ryland, Anne J, PA ...................................... 21 S Sachdev, Naveen, MD.................................. 59 Sadowski, Todd J, MD ............................... 135 Safley, Gary H, MD ...................................... 21 Sager, Daniel S, MD .................................. 127 Sager, John L, MD ...................................... 19 Salem Cardiology Arrhythmia Division ........... 55 Salem Cardiology Associates, PC .................. 55 Salem Family Physicians ............................. 26 Salem Gastroenterology Consultants ............. 73 Salem Hospital ......................................... 144 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Salem Hospital Family Birth Center ............. 157 Salem Imaging ........................................... 67 Salem Nurse Midwives, Inc ........................ 157 Salem Pulmonary Associates ..................... 124 Salem Radiology Consultants, PC ................. 67 Salem Urgent Care Clinic ........................... 147 Salem Vascular PC .................................... 136 Salem Women’s Clinic ............................... 157 Salinsky, Martin C, MD ................................ 93 Salisbury, Margo R, WHCNP ......................... 29 Salisbury, Nancy J, MD .......................153, 154 Saloum, Maher, MD..................................... 53 Samagh, Gunjeet K, MD .............................. 49 Sammond, Elizabeth R, MD .......................... 52 Samples, John R, MD .........................106, 108 Sampson, Jone E, MD ............................... 161 Sampson, Robert A, DPM ........................... 123 Samuels, Mary H, MD.................................. 72 San Miguel, Virginia V, MD ..................153, 154 Sanborn, Rachel E, MD ................................ 84 Sanchez, Oscar A, MD ................................. 90 Sandhu, Jaswinderpal, MD ........................ 142 Sandler, Alan B, MD .................................. 100 Sandoz, Ivan L, MD ................................... 133 Sandquist, Chloe A, MD ............................... 76 Sandquist, Michael A, MD ............................ 98 Sanford, Madeleine J, FNP ........................... 40 Sang, Nora M, MD .................................... 162 Santesson, Diane, OD................................ 172 Santiam Foot Clinic ................................... 121 Santiam Memorial Hospital ........................ 144 Santiam Orthopaedics ............................... 111 Santo Domingo, Noel E, MD ....................... 139 Sasaki, Anna W, MD .................................... 74 Sasaki, Ronald K, OD ................................ 167 Sasaki, Truman M, MD .........................76, 135 Satcher, Virginia M, ANP .....................125, 126 Satterfield, Deborah A, MD .......................... 43 Sauer Porter, Mary P, PA .......................61, 130 Sauer, Karen L, MD ................................19, 22 Saul, Catherine, OD................................... 167 Saulino, Evan T, MD .................................... 43 Saultz, John W, MD ..................................... 40 Sautter, Nathan B, MD ............................... 118 Sauvain, Melanie M, MD .............................. 41 Savage, Alison D, MD .............................85, 86 Savage, Michael F, MD ................................ 44 Savoy, Alan D, MD....................................... 74 Sax, Tracy W, MD ........................................ 94 Scalapino, Kenneth J, MD .......................... 128 Schader, James B, MD .............................. 115 Schaefer, Karen, FNP .................................. 14 Schaefer, Richard A, MD .............................. 54 Schaer, John A, MD..................................... 75 Schaffer, Judy M, FNP ................................. 29 Schafir, Alexander D, MD ............................. 49 Schaumberg, Thomas H, MD ...................... 126 Schein, Patricia A, FNP ................................ 22 Scheker, Luis E, MD .................................... 65 Schenck, Joseph P, MD ............................. 114 Scherer, Oscar R, MD ................................ 125 Schiaffino-Purvis, Ellen, MD ......................... 30 Schiele, Mark S, MD ..............................72, 75 Schindler, Joshua S, MD ............................ 118 Schindler, Leah F, FNP ................................. 22 Schipper, Paul H, MD .................................. 60 Schireman, Steven L, OD ........................... 169 Schleef, Kimberly J, DO ............................... 31 Schleinitz, Paul F, MD .................................. 73 Schlessman, Katherine M, MD .......... 29, 37, 38 Schlippert, William C, MD ............................ 73 Schlump, Jessica I, PA .............................. 112 Schmidt, Frederick G, MD .......................... 154 Schmidt, James F, MD ................................. 98 Schmidt, Robert E, MD .............................. 135 Schmidt, Stephanie M, FNP ......................... 26 Schnadig, Ian D, MD ................................. 101 Schnugg, Stephen J, MD ............................. 55 Schoen, Elke, FNP..................................... 126 Schoenberg, Erik D, MD ............................ 117 Schoenhals, Joseph A, MD ........................ 124 Schoenkerman, Aaron B, MD ....................... 58 Schoepflin Sanders, Michelle L, MD .............. 49 Schoepflin, Gerald S, MD ........................... 128 221 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Scholls Pediatric Clinic LLC ......................... 51 Schostal, Clifford J, MD ............................. 140 Schreiber, Martin A, MD ............................... 79 Schrinsky, Daniel C, MD .....................164, 165 Schroeder, David A, MD ............................... 58 Schroeder, Paul W, MD .............................. 156 Schuff, Kathryn G, MD ................................. 72 Schultheiss, Edward H, MD .......................... 73 Schultz, George E, DO ................................. 22 Schultz, Jess M, MD ................................. 140 Schultz, Paul N, MD .................................. 103 Schultz, Richard F, MD ................................ 63 Schultz, Sarah V, MD ................................... 28 Schuman, Earl S, MD ...........................78, 137 Schwab, Pascale M, MD ............................ 128 Schwab, Tara A, MD .................................... 41 Schwartz, John A, MD ..........................77, 136 Schwartz, Jonathan M, MD .......................... 74 Schwartz, Thomas M, MD ............................ 43 Schweiger Fischer, Annette M, MD ............... 48 Scott, Georgina B, PA .............................33, 50 Scott, Kelly F, MD ........................................ 35 Scott, Kimberley J, PA ............................... 142 Scribner, Gregory C, MD .............................. 31 Scruggs, Steven C, OD .............................. 168 Seagren, Bette G, FNP ................................. 10 Sedgewick, Terrence A, MD.................109, 115 Seeley, Miles K, MD ...........................164, 165 Seeto, K William, MD ................................... 91 Segal, Gerald M, MD ................................... 86 Segel, Sally Y, MD ..............................157, 161 Selden, Nathan R, MD ................................. 97 Seligman, Mark, MD.................................... 87 Selinger, Daniel S, MD ................................. 25 Sells, Clifford Wayne, MD .......................41, 42 Sempio, Marilou N, ANP .............................. 58 Seres, Steven P, MD .................................... 32 Serna, Laura Susana, FNP ........................... 33 Serres, Julie L, FNP .................................... 14 Servais, Edmund Gary, MD......................... 104 Seuferling, Christopher S, DPM .................. 123 Seulean, Nancy L, NMNP ........................... 156 222 Sewell, Daniel G, MD ................................. 111 Seyer, Mario J, DO ...................................... 13 Shaar, Andrew F, PA ............... 60, 61, 129, 130 Shady Cove Clinic ....................................... 24 Shaff-Chin, Cynthia J, MD ........................... 42 Shaffer, Brian S, MD .................................. 135 Shaffer, Jesse R, PA .................................. 140 Shah Parker, Sapna S, MD ........................... 50 Shah, Amit R, MD ............................ 36, 37, 38 Shah, Anand K, MD ................................... 107 Shah, Anil, MD............................................ 29 Shah, Kirit S, MD ...................................... 132 Shaker, Kamal G, MD .........................125, 126 Shames, James G, MD ................................ 22 Shamie, Neda, MD .................................... 108 Shao, Spencer H, MD .................................. 86 Shapiro, Michael D, DO ............................... 57 Sharma, Sanjeev, MD ................................ 129 Shatsky, Mark L, DO .................................... 48 Shaw, Jonathan G, MD ...........................47, 48 Shaw, Karen E, ANP .................................... 10 Shaw, Margaret E, CMW ............................ 160 Shaw, Tatyana E, MD ........................ 62, 64, 65 Shawn, Erin R, FNP ..................................... 37 Sheffield, Michael F, MD .............................. 75 Shen, Christopher C, MD ........................... 107 Shenoy, Raghuveer B, MD ............................ 51 Sheppard, Brett C, MD ................................ 79 Sherbin, Vandy L, MD ................................ 125 Sheren, Emily A, FNP........................ 29, 36, 38 Sherman, Patricia M, NMNP ..................27, 157 Sherrill, Joseph E, MD ................................. 98 Sherry, Shannon K, MD ............................... 59 Sherwood Family Eye Health LLC ................ 180 Sherwood Family Medicine PC ..................... 50 Shi, Yong-Bing, MD ................................... 118 Shields, Amanda J, ANP .........................28, 33 Shields, Kimberly A, DO ............................... 43 Shih, Mark M, MD ....................................... 92 Shih, Paul H, OD ......... 173, 174, 176, 178, 179 Shiley, Samuel G, MD ................................ 118 Shilland, Eric W, DO .................................... 14 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Shonerd, John P, DO ................................... 23 Short, Samantha J, PA ................................ 61 Shultz, Theodore G, MD ............................. 124 Shumaker, Douglas A, MD ........................... 75 Sibley, Barbara J, MD .................................. 23 Sicard, Gregorio A, Jr, MD ............................ 17 Siegel, Dawn H, MD ......................... 63, 64, 65 Siker Imaging ............................................. 69 Silbert, Lisa C, MD ...................................... 93 Silflow, Jami R, DO ..................................... 12 Silver, John, MD ....................................... 124 Silverman, Burton L, MD .............................. 46 Silvernail, Sarah L, PA ............................... 139 Silverton Hospital ...................................... 144 Silverton Specialists Center ..................91, 111 Silverton Surgical ........................................ 78 Sima, Kristien M, PA ................................... 61 Simic Sander, Aleksandra, MD .................85, 86 Simkoff, William L, MD ...........................54, 59 Simmons, Carol J, FNP ...........................30, 38 Simmons, Troy W, DPM .............................. 123 Simnitt, Betty L, ANP ..............................31, 89 Simon, Laurel L, MD ................................... 31 Simon, Roger P, MD .................................... 92 Simons, Anthony J, MD ............................. 140 Simpson, Eric L, MD ...............................64, 65 Simpson, Theresa S, MD ........................... 165 Sims, Eleanor C, MD ................................... 47 Sincic, Tom J, FNP .................................35, 38 Sinclair, Ronald S, MD ................................. 25 Siqueira, Carmelindo, Jr, MD ........................ 59 Siskiyou Community Health Center – Cave Junction ................................ 25 Siskiyou Community Health Center – Grants Pass ................................... 26 Siskiyou Eye Center Medical Group, PC ....... 103 Skarada, Douglas J, MD ............................ 116 Skeeters, Charles E, MD ............................ 135 Skin Cancer Surgery Center ......................... 66 Skin Cancer, Ear, Nose & Throat Center ....... 116 Skinner, Susan L, NMNP .......................16, 154 Skoczylas, Lori A, WHCNP .......................... 165 Skokan, Michael D, MD ............................. 126 Skoog, Steven J, MD ..........................133, 135 Slack, Jennifer M, MD ................................. 32 Slater, Matthew S, MD ..........................60, 129 Slater, Susan E, FNP ................................... 84 Sleven, Rodger A, MD.................................. 75 Slocum Edmonds, Ann M, OD ............. 173, 174, ....................................... 176, 178, 179 Sluss, Michael P, MD .................. 90, 91, 94, 95 Smiley, Clayton M, MD ................................ 89 Smiley, Peter W, MD .................................... 62 Smith Ede, Bobbie J, FNP ............................ 22 Smith-Cupani, Kimberly A, MD ..................... 43 Smith, David L, MD ................................... 128 Smith, Douglas G, OD ................................ 169 Smith, Elenie L, CMW ................................ 157 Smith, James D, MD ................................. 117 Smith, John A, OD ...... 173, 174, 176, 178, 179 Smith, John W, II, MD .................................. 99 Smith, Justine R, MD .........................105, 106 Smith, Kirk M, FNP .................................21, 24 Smith, Marian E, DO .................................... 41 Smith, Matthew A, MD ................................. 74 Smith, Ronald A, PA .................................. 111 Smith, Timothy L, MD ................................ 118 Smith, William B, MD .................................. 93 Smith, Wilma J, PNP ..............................37, 38 Smits, Ariel K, MD ....................................... 39 Smoot, Kyle E, MD .................................94, 95 Smucker, Ray E, MD .................................... 13 Smythe, Jennifer L, OD...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 177, 178, 179 Snider, Malcolm P, MD ............................... 111 Sobanko, Joseph F, MD .................... 63, 64, 65 Sobota, Mindy, MD .................................41, 42 Soehl, Akiko, NP ......................................... 33 Sohl, Bryan D, MD .................................... 156 Sohn, Richard H, MD ..............................54, 59 Solomon, Alvin R, Jr, MD.............................. 65 Solomon, Andrew J, MD .............................. 93 Solondz, David K, MD .................................. 43 Solotaroff, Rachel, MD ................................. 42 Somogyi, Lehel, MD .................................... 74 Song, Howard K, MD ................................. 129 223 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Sonneland, Jane-Ellen, MD .......................... 16 Sonnenberg, Amnon, MD ............................. 74 Soo, Edward W, MD ..............................99, 100 Soot, Laurel C, MD ...................................... 81 Soriano, Miriam, MD ................................... 18 Sornson, Elmer T, MD ................................ 104 Sosso, Jessica L, MD .................................. 29 Sothern, Amy E, PA ............................113, 114 South Salem Rehabilitation and Specialty Care ........................... 150 Southern Oregon Cardiology ........................ 55 Southern Oregon ENT ................................ 116 Southern Oregon Family Practice - Ashland ... 19 Southern Oregon Family Practice - Talent ...... 24 Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle, LLC ............ 120 Southern Oregon Internal Medicine ..........23, 70 Southern Oregon Neurology, PC ................... 90 Southern Oregon Open MRI ......................... 67 Southern Oregon Orthopedics .................... 110 Southern Oregon Pediatrics ......................... 23 Spain, Rebecca I, MD .................................. 93 Spann, Anna, NP ....................................... 162 Specialty Neuro, PC .................................... 69 Specialty Surgery PC ............................80, 138 Spector Group Inc ..................................... 175 Spencer, David Conlee, MD .......................... 93 Spencer, Nancy L, FNP .............................. 100 Sperlin, Andrew G, MD ................................ 33 Spight, Donn H, MD .................................... 79 Spitellie, Pete H, MD ................................. 103 Spolar, Trenton J, MD .................................. 63 Spooner, Patricia M, NMNP ........................ 162 Sprague, Lisa A, MD ................ 37, 38, 39, 160 Springer, Cheryl A, PA ............................... 132 Sprung, Roma J, MD ................................... 20 Squyres, Carol A, MD .............................49, 50 Srinivasan, Shashi K, MD ............................. 63 St John Medical Center ............................. 145 St Johns Vision Clinic ................................ 174 St Lawrence, Julia B, CMW .................153, 154 Stajduhar, Karl C, MD ...........................57, 139 Standage, Blayne A, MD ............... 78, 136, 137 Stanek, Christine A, NP ............................... 21 224 Starchvick Optical Inc ................................ 169 Starchvick,Gerald R, OD ............................ 169 Stark, Karen L, MD.................................... 108 Starr Wood Cardiac Group ....................61, 130 Statton, Charles M, OD ...................... 173, 174, ................................176, 177, 178, 179 Stayton Family Practice Inc ........................ 157 Stearns, Angela M, MD ................................ 45 Stebbins, Beth A, CMW ............................. 159 Steed, Leslie M, MD .................................... 89 Steele, Elizabeth H, MD ............................. 116 Steele, Eric A, MD ..............................105, 106 Steele, Robert L, MD ................................... 26 Steffens, Thomas E, DO ............................... 76 Steger, Robert J, MD ................................... 40 Stein, Janet R, FNP ..................................... 39 Steinberg, Richard H, MD ............................ 28 Steiner, Elizabeth, MD ................................. 39 Steinsiek, Jill T, MD ..................................... 22 Stelson, Hugh C, MD ................................... 16 Stephens, Craig L, MD ................................ 43 Stephens, Elizabeth A, MD ........................... 72 Stephens, Sheree D, MD.............................. 13 Sternenberg, Paul L, III, MD ....................... 110 Stevens, Eugene A, MD ............................... 42 Stevens, John A, MD ................................. 111 Stevens, Kenneth R, Jr, MD ........................ 101 Stevens, Kristin R, MD ................................. 66 Stevens, Robert C, DPM ............................ 121 Stevens, Thomas R, MD ............................. 104 Stevenson, Ellen B, MD ............................... 41 Stevenson, Windy L, MD .............................. 41 Stewart-Koh, Marguerite R, MD .................. 165 Stewart, Barbara A, ANP .............................. 82 Stewart, Bert Monte, MD ............................. 76 Stewart, Timothy W, MD ......................164, 165 Stice, Scott E, MD ..................................... 104 Stiles, William K, MD ................................... 56 Stilp, Curt C, PA ........................................ 111 Stobart, Olga V, MD ..................................... 45 Stochosky, Margaret A, FNP .............. 46, 47, 48 Stone Medical ............................................ 19 Stone, Leslie P, MD ..................................... 19 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Stone, Mark R, MD ...................................... 87 Stone, Peter M, MD ..................................... 19 Stoneking, Kim W, MD ................................. 53 Stoneking, Lillian S, PA ................................ 53 Storey, H Frank, OD ................................... 170 Storm, Lisa M, FNP ..................................... 36 Storrs, Frances J, MD.............................64, 65 Stoumbos, Vasiliki D, MD ........................... 108 Stout, John Timothy, MD .....................105, 106 Stowell, Bruce R, MD .................................. 25 Straiko, Michael D, MD .............................. 107 Stranburg, Clifford O, MD .......................... 133 Stratton, Nicolas J, MD .............................. 111 Strauss, Mitchell J, MD ............................. 164 Strauss, Wayne L, MD ............................... 126 Strawn, Cynthia S, OD ............................... 170 Street, David L, MD ..............................77, 136 Streiff, Libet D, FNP .................................... 29 Strelich, Katherine R, MD ............................. 56 Strickland, Heather D, MD ........................... 21 Strickland, Leslie E, MD ............................... 48 Stringer, Kathryn, FNP ................................. 19 Stringer, Kenneth D, Jr, MD .......................... 88 Stromberg, Paul K, MD .............................. 102 Strong, Arlene B, ANP.................................. 60 Strubel, Elizabeth A, PA ............................... 27 Stull, Carol G, MD ..................................... 165 Stumpff, Lawrence C, MD .......................20, 23 Sublimity Medical Clinic .............................. 27 Sue, Adrian G, MD .................................20, 23 Sue, Loralee D, MD ..................................... 23 Sugalski, Matthew T, MD ........................... 109 Suh, Hyun S, MD ........................................ 72 Suh, Jason J, MD ....................................... 53 Suhler, Eric B, MD ..............................105, 106 Suits, Gregory W, MD ................................ 119 Suk, Samuel S, MD ..................................... 15 Sukumar, Mithran S, MD ............................ 129 Sukumar, Shirin R, MD ................................ 35 Sullivan, Joseph W, MD ..........................43, 44 Sullivan, Kevin J, MD................................... 90 Sullivan, Lisa C, MD .................................... 33 Sullivan, Nancy H, NMNP ........................... 164 Summit Medical Group ................................ 13 Summit Radiology Inc .................................. 69 Sunset Eye Clinic LLC ............................... 175 Sunset Vision Center LLC ...................177, 179 Super, Elizabeth R, MD ................................ 41 Surbaugh, Mark F, MD ................................. 27 Surgical Associates, PC .........................80, 81, ................................130, 131, 138, 139 Surgical Center, The ...............................62, 80 Surgical Specialty Group PC....................62, 80 Suriano, Kimberly A, MD ............................ 159 Surratt, Jason R, DPM ............................... 124 Susanka, Elisabeth A, MD ...................153, 154 Suzuki, Carol M, MD ................................. 158 Swanson Gately Cardiothoracic Surgeons LLC ....................... 59, 62, 131 Swanson, Colleen M, ANP ............................ 16 Swanson, Jeffrey S, MD ............................ 131 Swanson, Neil A, MD ........................ 62, 64, 65 Swanstrom, Lee L, MD ................................ 79 Swartz, Kim R, MD ....................... 81, 138, 139 Swartz, Michael B, PA ............................... 111 Sweeney, Dennis P, MD ............................... 74 Sweeney, Jodeanna M, FNP ......................... 23 Sweeney, Joseph D, MD .............................. 50 Swindells, Scott, PA .................................... 26 Swiridoff, Eric E, MD ................................... 14 T Tabibi, Reza, MD ......................................... 53 Tabor, Gareth A, MD .................................. 102 Tack, Jeffrey S, OD ................................... 181 Tack, Terence O, OD .................................. 181 Tacke Hanson, Jessica J, FNP ...................... 14 Taher, Ahmed A, MD .................................... 20 Taitano, Anthony M, MD ......................163, 165 Takahashi, Gary W, MD ...........................87, 88 Talbot, Cynthia E, MD .................................. 13 Talley, Ernest A, MD .................................... 30 Tallman, Ellen L, NMNP ............................. 160 Tan, Dennis C, MD .................................... 153 Tan, Hanny A, MD ....................................... 35 225 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Tank, Julia E, MD ........................................ 89 Tate, Jennifer B, PA..................................... 52 Tavelli, Bert G, MD ...................................... 64 Taycher, Svetlana, DO .................................. 28 Taylor, Betty K, CMW ................................. 156 Taylor, Claudia P, MD ................................... 65 Taylor, Derek C, MD .................................... 74 Taylor, Harry A, MD ..................................... 39 Taylor, Howard S, MD .................................. 91 Taylor, Jason A, MD ................................... 100 Taylor, Lloyd M, Jr, MD .............................. 137 Taylor, Robert B, MD ................................... 40 Taylor, Sandra J, MD ..............................83, 99 Techentin, Anna L, MD ................................ 27 Teglassy, Zoltan, MD ................................... 45 Telford, Byron B, FNP ................................ 124 Tenscher, Max E, FNP .................................. 33 Terran, Susan I, PA ..................................... 25 Terry, Mark A, MD ..................................... 108 Tesar, Paul L, MD ...................................... 110 Tewfik, Michael H, MD ................................. 35 Tews, Marian J, FNP ................................... 33 Thayer, James R, MD ....................... 36, 39, 42 The Doctors Luce Pediatrics LLC .................. 46 The Eye Clinic PC ..............................175, 179 The Urology Clinic – East Portland .............. 134 The Urology Clinic – Emanuel .................... 134 The Urology Clinic – Good Samaritan .......... 134 The Urology Clinic – Providence ................. 134 The Urology Clinic – St Helens ................... 131 The Urology Clinic – Tualatin ...................... 135 Theen, James W, MD .................................. 71 Thiringer, Jon K, MD ................................. 119 Thomas, Charles R, Jr, MD......................... 101 Thomas, Gerald E, OD ............................... 180 Thomas, Larry R, MD ................................ 118 Thomas, Martha C, ANP .....................153, 154 Thomas, Melissa S, FNP .............................. 43 Thomas, Paul N, MD ................................... 49 Thomas, Robin C, FNP ................................. 37 Thomason, Mary A, MD ............................... 51 Thompson, Clark R, MD ............................. 116 226 Thompson, Mark A, MD ............................... 44 Thompson, Rebecca N, MD .......................... 40 Thongouthaithip, Viyada, MD ........................ 59 Thorsen, Darren L, OD ............................... 168 Thorsett, David A, MD ............................... 111 Thorson, Mark R, MD .................................. 53 Thum, Lisa A, MD ..................................... 164 Thurmon, Kelly G, DO .................................. 53 Tibolt, Robert E, MD .................................. 104 Tidball, Cheryl C, DO ................................... 30 Tidwell, Justin A, DPM ............................... 122 Tilden, Ellen L, CMW ................................. 160 Tillett, Steven G, DPM ............................... 122 Timm, Brian A, PA ..................................... 130 Timmins, Caraway L, NMNP ....................... 156 Timpone, Carole A, OD ...................... 173, 174, ....................................... 177, 178, 179 Ting, Frances T, MD .................................... 78 Tinker, Kimberly A, FNP ............................... 14 Titus, Bradley G, MD ................................... 60 Tobin, Richard W, MD ................................ 111 Tobin, Terry P, OD...................................... 179 Toffler, William L, MD .................................. 40 Tofte, Susan J, FNP .......................... 63, 64, 65 Toland, Kent C, MD ................................... 132 Toledo, Guadalupe, DO ................................ 29 Tolle, Susan W, MD ..................................... 41 Tomlinson, Daniel A, MD ............................ 156 Tomlinson, Mark W, MD ......................163, 165 Tongue, John R, MD .................................. 115 Topinka, John A, MD ..........................175, 179 Topinka, John A, Jr, MD ......................106, 108 Toren, Michael S, MD .................................. 58 Total Health Community Clinic ...................... 45 Towers, Bruce K, PA .................................... 26 Town Center Foot Clinic ............................. 120 Townsend, Hal S, MD ................................ 110 Trainor, Anne C, FNP ................................... 31 Trajano, Nicole S, MD .............................47, 48 Tran, Man M, MD ........................................ 49 Tran, Thuy C, OD................................175, 176 Tran, Vuong V, MD ....................................... 45 Transvision Eye Clinic LLC ......................... 176 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Trask, David M, MD ..................................... 63 Traul, David K, MD ...............................77, 136 Traynor, Sean J, MD .................................. 116 Treible, Timothy J, MD ............................... 112 Trenholme, Stuart E, PA ............................... 59 Treyve, Edward L, MD ................................ 142 Tribelhorn, Dwight R, MD ............................. 63 Tripp, Jonathan P, DO .................................. 25 Truhn, Patricia K, ANP ................................. 50 Truong, Ngoccam T, MD ............................... 45 TS Billings, LLC .......................................... 80 TS Radiology Billings ................................... 69 Tsai, Richard Z, MD .................................... 50 Tsen, Andrew C, MD .................... 61, 130, 137 Tseng, Ann G, MD ....................................... 39 Tseng, Daniel, MD .................................80, 81 Tualatin Imaging PC .................................... 70 Tuality Community Hospital ........................ 145 Tuality Forest Grove Hospital ...................... 145 Tuality General Surgery ............................... 82 Tuality Obstetrics & Gynecology .................. 163 Tuality Rheumatology Clinic ....................... 128 Tuality Urgent Care Clinic........................... 148 Tuality/OHSU Cancer Center ....................... 101 Tukwila Center for Health & Medicine.....73, 112 Turker, Ronald J, MD ................................. 113 Turner, Craig D, MD................................... 135 Turner, Lisa S, MD ...................................... 66 Turner, Mary Ann, MD .............................47, 48 Turner, Pamela E, MD .............................30, 45 Turner, William T, MD ................................. 141 Tyler, Jeffrey R, MD ................................10, 45 Tyler, Kimberly B, ANP ................................. 84 U Ueshiro, Lynn H, OD .... 173, 174, 177, 178, 179 Ulloth, Karen S, MD ................................80, 82 Ulmer, Todd W, MD .................................... 113 Unger, Phillip S, MD ...............................35, 52 University Fertility Consultants, LLC ............ 162 Uphoff, Eugene J, MD ................................. 42 Urba, Walter J, MD .................................... 100 Uri, Andrew J, MD ..................................... 125 Urogynecology Associates LLC ................... 164 Urologic Consultants PC ............................ 135 Urology Associates .................................... 132 V Vaccaro, Gina M, MD ................................ 100 Valerio, Donald A, MD.................................. 33 Vallabhanath, Prashanth, MD ..............107, 109 Vallejos, Cristian R, MD ............................... 75 Valley Family Practice ................................. 23 Valls, Luis A, MD ......................................... 31 Valvano, Thomas J, MD ............................... 41 Van Atta, Jennifer K, PA ............................. 113 Van Ho, Anthony, MD ................................. 100 Van Houten, Laura E, MD ........................... 162 Van Meter, George L, PA ............................ 112 Van Valkenburg, Jon K, MD .......................... 22 Vanderwaal, Steven C, MD ........................... 16 Vanderwerff, Lisa A, PA ............................... 98 Vanek, Chaim, MD ...................................... 72 Vanhorne, James, MD ............................... 111 Vanronzelen, Dayton and Durning ................. 78 Vanronzelen, Michael G, MD ........................ 78 Vansandt, Aramis Z, PA ............................. 115 Varela, Adrian E, MD ................................. 115 Vawter, Michael H, MD ................................ 59 Veech, George A, MD .................................. 91 Venator, Kathryn L, FNP ..........................36, 37 Venigalla, Srividya, MD ................................ 52 Ventana Wellness, PC .............................24, 63 Ventres, William B, MD ...........................37, 38 Verdieck Devlaeminck, Alexandra, MD ........... 40 Veri, John P, MD ................................113, 114 Versteeg, Charles N, Jr, MD ....................... 110 Vestergaard, Anne F, MD ............................. 32 Vetter, Wayne A, DPM ................................ 122 Vetto, Anne A, MD ....................................... 39 Vick, Harold G, MD .................................... 165 Vidlak, Daniel J, OD .................................. 170 Vigeland, Theodore J, MD .......................... 113 Village Health Care One ............................. 151 227 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Villegas, Lydia A, MD ..............................43, 44 Vines, Jennifer L, MD .............................39, 42 Virginia Garcia Beaverton ............................ 46 Virginia Garcia Cornelius ......................47, 163 Virginia Garcia Hillsboro .......................48, 163 Vitiello, Paola F, OD ................................... 179 Vivid Eye Care LLC .................................... 179 Viyada Thongouthaithip & Carmelindo Siqueira, MD, PC ........... 59 Vockert Burke, Susan M, FNP ....................... 14 Voeller, Diane M, FNP .................................. 56 Von Herzen, Josephine L, MD ..................... 157 Vose, Rebecca R, PA ................................... 21 Voukidis, Janice M, ANP .............................. 74 Vrtiska, Timothy F, MD ............................... 141 W Waddick, Michael A, MD .............................. 43 Wagner, Tamara L, MD ................................ 41 Wakeling, David S, DO ................................. 52 Walczyk, Michael H, MD .............................. 89 Waldman, James R, MD .....................106, 107 Walker, David H, MD ................................... 96 Walker, J Wallace, OD ............................... 167 Walker, John A, MD ..................................... 73 Walker, Kirk W, MD.................................55, 57 Wallace, Rita D, OD ..... 173, 174, 177, 178, 179 Wallers, Kimberly L, PA ............................... 71 Wallis, Joanne M, PNP ................................ 36 Walsh, Craig R, MD ..................................... 59 Walt Melzer & Breckenridge ....................... 175 Walters, Lee N, MD ................................39, 44 Walters, Scott M, OD ................................. 170 Wanchu, Ajay, MD ..................................... 128 Wang, Amy, MD .......................................... 74 Wang, Anne H, MD ...................................... 74 Wang, Tom D, MD ..............................117, 118 Wang, Xin, MD ........................................... 52 Wang, Xinyue, PA...................................... 134 Wang, Yujen, MD ...................................... 103 Ward, Mari L, OD ........ 173, 174, 177, 178, 179 Ward, William K, MD ................................... 72 Warda, Robert F, MD ................................... 30 228 Wardle, Charles A, OD ............................... 180 Ware, Mary A, MD ....................................... 39 Ware, Wendy B, PNP ................................... 49 Warhus, Damon A, MD .............................. 165 Waring, Jean H, NP ................................... 157 Warinsky, Ellen M, FNP ................................ 33 Warner, Bradley W, MD .............................. 132 Warner, Katherine A, NP .............................. 22 Warner, Russell B, MD ............................... 104 Warren, Amanda S, MD ............................... 10 Warren, Frank M, III, MD ............................ 118 Warren, Trent B, MD .................................... 10 Wasenmiller, James E, MD ........................... 56 Waters, Harris J, MD ................................... 78 Watkins Iv, James W, MD ............................. 41 Watkins, Susan L, FNP .............................. 110 Watnick, Suzanne G, MD ............................. 89 Watson, Andrew M, MD ............................... 20 Watson, Peter T, MD ...........................163, 165 Watson, Randy D, MD ................................. 75 Watts, Tammara L, MD .............................. 118 Watzke, Robert C, MD ........................105, 106 Wax, Mark K, MD ...................................... 118 Wayman, Daniel M, MD ............................. 116 Wayne L Gerig, OD.................................... 180 Wayne, Robert, MD ..................................... 76 Wayson, Kim A, MD ..................................... 98 Webb, Alan J, MD ..................................... 110 Webb, Charles W, DO .................................. 39 Webb, Eric S, MD ........................................ 24 Webb, James M, DO ................................... 28 Weber, Stephen M, MD .............................. 118 Webster, Devon J, MD ................................. 86 Webster, Gregory A, OD ............................. 180 Webster, Rochelle M, FNP ............................ 19 Weghorst, George R, MD ......................50, 165 Wehage, Marie A, MD....................... 18, 21, 24 Wehbe, Kimberly J, FNP .............................. 44 Wehby, Monica C, MD ............................96, 98 Wehmann, Ryan K, PA ............................... 142 Wei, Kevin S, MD ........................................ 57 Weill, Beau C, MD ..................................41, 49 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Weiner, Marcus I, DO .................................. 31 Weinman, Darrell T, MD ............................. 110 Weinstein, Ralph E, MD ............................... 86 Weiss, Joseph B, MD .................................. 57 Weksler, Nicole B, MD ................................. 44 Welborn, Jody M, MD .................................. 58 Welbourn, Kayleen M, PA ........................... 113 Welch, Helen C, NMNP .............................. 165 Weleber, Richard G, MD ......................105, 106 Weller, John H, FNP .................................... 26 Weller, Kirk L, MD ....................................... 94 Wellnitz, Jill K, PA ....................................... 65 Wells, Robert L, MD ...............................43, 44 Wells, Steven L, MD .................................... 22 Wellspring Immediate Care ........................ 147 Welsh, Robert M, PA ................................. 113 Wentross, Sally J, MD ............................... 164 Weprin, Jeffrey J, MD.................................. 75 Werner, Sandra V, MD.................................. 16 Wernick, Richard M, MD ............................ 128 Werschkul, Leslie J, PA ............................... 64 Wesenberg, Karen J, MD ........................... 126 West Hills Health and Rehab ...................... 152 West Linn Women’s Clinic .......................... 154 West Salem Clinic ....................................... 45 West Valley Hospital .................................. 144 West, Sarah K, MD ...................................... 41 Westbrook, Gary L, MD ................................ 93 Westdale, Tad W, PA .................................... 52 Western Neurosurgery, PC ........................... 96 Westfall, Andrew C, MD ............................. 104 Westside Cardiology, PC .............................. 60 Westside Pediatric Clinic – Peterkort ............ 50 Westside Pediatric Clinic – Tanasbourne ....... 47 Westside Podiatry Clinic .....................123, 124 Westside Urology Associates ...................... 135 Whalen, Larissa J, PA.................................. 48 Wheeler, Amanda J, MD .........................80, 81 Wheeler, David T, MD ................................ 101 Wheeler, Linda A, NMNP ............... 47, 160, 163 Whitaker, David E, DO ................................. 53 White City Medical Clinic ............................. 25 White, Agnes, FNP .................................10, 47 White, Brett A, MD .................................39, 40 White, Clifton R, MD ...............................64, 65 White, Jocelyn C, MD .................................. 35 White, Kevin P, MD .................................64, 65 White, Stephen J, MD ............................... 115 Whiteford, Mark H, MD ................................ 79 Whitehead, Guy, MD ...............................30, 44 Whitham, Ruth H, MD .................................. 93 Whitson, Joseph P, DO ................................ 27 Widing, Linda C, DO .............................31, 158 Wiebe, Heather M, NP ................................. 55 Wiest, John W, MD ...............................82, 139 Wiggers, Marcel, MD ................................... 25 Wilborn, Sandra L, MD ................................ 74 Wild, Anne M, MD ....................................... 26 Wilfley, William A, MD................................ 140 Wilk, Leonard M, MD ..............................20, 22 Wilkening, Wm Kurt, OD ............................ 169 Wilkins, John H, MD ............106, 108, 175, 179 Wilkinson, David B, MD ............................... 93 Wilkinson, George R, MD ......................60, 129 Willamette Clinic, The .................................. 15 Willamette Community Medical Clinic ........... 15 Willamette Ear, Nose & Throat LLP.............. 116 Willamette Falls Canby Clinic ....................... 10 Willamette Falls Family Medicine, LLC .......... 14 Willamette Falls Medical Group – Oregon City .................................... 14 Willamette Family Medical Center ................. 26 Willamette Foot Center .............................. 121 Willamette General & Colon-Rectal Surgery ... 82 Willamette General & Colon-Rectal Surgery ... 62 Willamette Health Partners Family Medicine .. 27 Willamette Surgical Clinic PC ................82, 139 Willamette Urology .................................... 132 Willamette Valley Midwives ........................ 157 Willamette Valley Radiology ......................... 67 Williams, Dean E, MD .............................19, 22 Williams, Diane H, DO ................................. 75 Williams, Fred C, Jr, MD .............................. 98 Williams, Keith B, MD .................................. 22 Williams, Lara J, MD ................................. 159 229 careoregon and you. better together. INDEX Williams, Latasha N, MD .............................. 41 Williams, Mandy M, PA .............................. 133 Williams, Salisa, OD .... 173, 174, 177, 178, 179 Williams, William E, PA ................................ 45 Williamson, Weldon K, MD ....................82, 139 Willow Creek Eye Care Inc ......................... 179 Wills, David M, MD...................................... 51 Wilson, David J, MD ................... 102, 105, 106 Wilson, Elisa A, MD ..................................... 42 Wilson, Geoffrey M, MD ............................... 59 Wilson, Michael A, MD ................................ 59 Wilson, Paula F, PA ................................... 133 Wilson, Richard A, MD ................................. 56 Wilsonville Foot Health Center .................... 120 Wilsonville Vision Center PC ....................... 168 Wimahl Family Clinic Inc .............................. 16 Winchester, David K, MD ........................... 134 Windom, Kristine J, PA ................. 61, 130, 134 Winjum, Jon M, MD .................................... 13 Winkler, Thomas R, MD ........................60, 129 Winter, Todd A, MD ..................................... 22 Winters, Gregory F, MD ................................ 73 Wise, Todd V, MD ........................................ 30 Wiser, Amy L, MD ....................................... 27 Wiser, Eric M, MD ....................................... 27 Witczak, John W, DO ................................. 111 Witt, Lanita C, MD..................................... 156 Wobig, Roger J, MD .................................. 118 Wojciechowski, Scott J, OD ........................ 174 Wolf, Ronald F, MD ....................... 81, 138, 139 Wolfe, Bruce M, MD .................................... 79 Wolfe, Gordon L, MD ..............................32, 51 Wolfe, Valerie A, MD ...............................43, 44 Wolgamott, Gregory A, MD ......................... 166 Women’s Health Care Specialists ............... 156 Women’s Health Center of Oregon .............. 153 Women’s Health Today .............................. 162 Women’s Healthcare Associates – Peterkort North ............................. 164 Women’s Healthcare Associates – Peterkort South ............................ 164 Women’s Healthcare Associates – Tualatin .. 165 Women’s Healthcare Clinic of Oregon ......... 162 230 Women’s Healthcare Professionals ............. 157 Women’s Specialty Group .......................... 156 Wong, Debrah A, FNP .................................. 58 Wong, Sharon E, MD ................................. 162 Wood, Charles M, MD ................................. 31 Wood, Turner A, MD .................................... 88 Wood, William J, MD ................................. 129 Woodburn Family Medicine .......................... 28 Woodburn Internal Medicine ........................ 28 Woodburn Pediatric Clinic LLP ..................... 28 Woods, Ronald K, MD .................................. 60 Woolley, Charles T, MD .............................. 114 Woskow, Lorraine B, MD .............................. 32 Wrigley, Keith A, MD.................................... 74 Wu, David E, MD ......................................... 56 Wu, Hsiao-Chi D, MD .................................. 44 Wusirika, Raghav, MD ................................. 89 Wyant, Lindsay E, PA................................. 118 Wyatt, Solange M, MD ............................... 161 Wyllie, Julius, MD ....................................... 48 Y Yackel, Thomas R, MD ................................. 41 Yadav, Vijayshree, MD ................................. 93 Yamase, Melvin H, MD ................................. 11 Yamashita, Daisuke, MD .............................. 40 Yanase, Lisa R, MD ..................................... 93 Yang, Caroline Y, MD ................................. 115 Yanke, Bernard Edward, DO ....................... 158 Yao, Lisa K, MD .......................................... 58 Yasenchak, Christopher A, MD ................83, 85 Yeager, Richard A, MD ............................... 137 Yeakey, Patrick C, MD ............................20, 24 Yedinak, Christine G, FNP ............................ 97 Yee, Kevin W, MD ...................................87, 88 Yee, Lena H, OD ....................................... 168 Yeggy, Julie E, MD .................................34, 35 Yeh, Steven, MD ................................105, 106 Yerby, Mark S, MD ...................................... 94 Yildirim, Zafer, MD .................................... 141 Yoken, Jonathan, MD .........................102, 107 Yoman, Jill R, PA......................................... 47 2011 PROVIDER DIRECTORY INDEX Yoo, Jung U, MD ................................113, 114 Yoon, Jerry J, DPM ................................... 121 York, Sarah L, MD ....................................... 42 Yoshinaga, Alison A, FNP ............................. 33 Youker, Gerald D, MD .................................. 71 Young, David F, MD ..................................... 63 Young, Donald A, MD................................. 133 Young, Heather J, MD.................................. 23 Young, Kimberly K, MD ...........................39, 40 Young, Martin K, MD ........................ 20, 23, 25 Young, Michael P, MD .................................. 50 Young, Robert C, MD ................................... 51 Youngworth, Sandra J, ANP.......................... 87 Yu, Maggie K, MD ....................................... 50 Yudcoitch, Lorne, OD ................................. 173 Yudcovitch, Lorne, OD ....................... 173, 174, ....................................... 177, 178, 179 Yun, Johnny M, PA ...................................... 98 Yutan, Paul U, MD ....................................... 44 Z Zamberlan, Suzanne T, OD ................. 173, 174, ....................................... 177, 178, 179 Zapodeanu, Adina N, OD............................ 180 Zaretsky, Susan L, FNP .............................. 101 Zarn, Melissa A, OD .... 173, 174, 177, 178, 179 Zaslow, Kimberly A, DO ............................... 22 Zastrow, Amy N, MD.................................. 156 Zawada, Eleanor, MD .................................. 28 Zebroski, Margaret A, PA ............................. 37 Zeilenga, Donald W, MD ............................ 139 Zelada, A J, OD ........................................ 171 Zelko, John R, MD ...............................79, 137 Zeller, Katharine M, MD ............................... 35 Zemsky, Alexi P, MD .................................... 58 Zenoniani, Marc A, MD ................................ 10 Zietz, Amber L, NMNP ............................... 164 Zilverberg, Jamie R, FNP ............................. 85 Zimmerman, Michael A, MD ......................... 15 Zirschky, Robert G, MD .............................. 111 Zoubek, Jaroslava, MD .............................. 135 Zuckerman, Katharine E, MD ........................ 41 Zukowski, Matthew H, MD ........................... 30 231 Contact Customer Service: 503-416-4100 or toll-free 800-224-4840 TTY/TDD 1-800-735-2900 Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. seven days a week
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