M15 Youth Leaders Guide
M15 Youth Leaders Guide
YOUTH LEADERS GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information Theme Location When Connect Contact 3 3 3 3 3 3 Before Conference Checklist Registration Estimated Expenses Meals Lodging Seating Small Group Curriculum Packing List 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 At Conference Checklist Schedule Parking Check-In Seating Community Groups/Youth Leader Track Meal Pick-Up Attractions in Birmingham 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 2 GENERAL INFORMATION THEME IT STARTS HERE A starting point can be defined as “a place that marks the beginning of a journey.” There are starting points in all of our lives; defining moments where our journeys begin. Moments where God clearly speaks to us and compels us to live according to His call. At MOTION 15, we will have the opportunity to experience catalyst moments together to be marked by God; to stand in awe of His goodness, to give our all to Him, and to be propelled into the extraordinary journey He has for us. God is calling this generation to put our faith into MOTION and lead the way to redemption and revival. We believe that IT STARTS HERE at MOTION 15. LOCATION Legacy Arena at the BJCC 1001 19th Street N Birmingham, Alabama, 35203 WHEN Thursday: July 30 2:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Friday: July 31 9:30 AM 10:00 PM Saturday: August 1 9:30 AM 5:00 PM Registration and Seating Community Credential Pick-Up Opens Session Begins Close Sessions Begin Close Sessions Begin Conference Ends Detailed schedule available online. CONNECT /MOTIONSTUDENTS @MOTIONSTUDENTS @M_STUDENTS CONTACT [email protected] | 205-439-4342 3 BEFORE CONFERENCE CHECKLIST ! Register for conference admission (leaders and students). ! Pre-register for on-site for boxed meals (recommended), or ensure meals are arranged. ! Book lodging. ! Book transportation. ! Communicate any registration additions/changes to MOTION team before July 1. ! Create Packing List/Trip Itinerary for parents/students. ! Plan a parent meeting to review the details of the trip. ! Finalize rooming list with lodging provider. ! Plan activities for your students if you anticipate arriving early or staying an extra day. ! Plan to stay for the duration of the conference. We have saved one of our best speakers for the last session, plus we will also participate in the important “ME+MOTION” commitment moment together. You don’t want to miss it! REGISTRATION Register your group at www.motionstudents.com/register. 1-14 Registrants 15-39 Registrants 40+ Registrants Until March 1 $85 $80 $75 March 2 - May 1 May 2 - July 1 $90 $95 $85 $90 $80 $85 July 2 - July 29 At Doors $100 $105 $95 $100 $90 $95 If you are bringing a group to conference, please contact us by June 1 to give us an estimated number of total attendees. This will ensure that we are able to accommodate you to the best of our ability. If you plan to make any additions/changes to your registration, please do so before July 1. After July 1, all special rates and discount codes will expire and all registration rates will match the best available pricing according to the chart above. If you need to register by check, please make it out to “Church of the Highlands” with your name and number of registrants in the memo. You can mail your check to: Church of the Highlands ATTN: MOTION 1701 Lee Branch Lane Birmingham, AL 35242 4 ESTIMATED EXPENSES PRICING PER PERSON TO HELP WITH YOUR PLANNING: If you book lodging at a local hotel at an average of $99 per room/per night, you can use the expense chart below to help with planning the price per individual: Registration: Lodging (2 nights): Food Est. - Thursday: Food Est. - Friday: Food Est. - Sat. *Total: $80.00 (Avg.) $50.00 (4 people per room) $10.00 (Dinner) $14.00 (Free Breakfast at hotel, boxed lunch & dinner on site at conference) $17.00 (Free Breakfast at hotel, boxed lunch on site at conference, dinner on the way home) $171/ per individual *Does not include transportation MEALS 1. BOXED MEALS: Highly Recommended For your convenience we will have reasonably priced food vendors on-site for Lunch and Dinner on Friday, July 31st, and Lunch on Saturday, August 1st. Boxed meals from these vendors are $7.00 each and include an entrée, side, dessert, and water. You may prepurchase your meals at motionstudents.com under the “Food” tab in advance before July 27th. If you need to make additions to your meals- you may do so on-site at conference during registration or in the vendor area, located in the Piazza. For pick-up, all meals will be pre-sorted by vendor and available during each mealtime in the vendor area, located in the Piazza. Vendors include: Chick-fil-A, Jim ‘N Nick’s BBQ, and Moe’s Southwest Note: group meals may not be purchased on-site, you must purchase in advance online, 2. CONCESSIONS: There are a variety of food options available at concession stands throughout the Arena. Prices vary. 3. PACK A MEAL: As an affordable option, you may want to organize making sandwiches for your students and storing them on the bus in coolers while you are in session. This is a creative way to save money throughout the event. Please note that outside food and drinks are not allowed inside the arena. If you are staying in a hotel without complimentary breakfast, you may want to go to Sam’s or Costco to buy breakfast foods for your students for a cheap and easy option! 5 LODGING If you haven’t yet made arrangements for lodging, we have a list of recommended hotels with special rates to accommodate you and your group. Check out www.motionstudents.com/lodging for details. SEATING We are excited to introduce “Seating Communities” to MOTION 15! Every attendee, together with either their group or family/friends they registered with, will be allocated into a Seating Community of approximately 200 others attending conference. With your Seating Community, you will rotate to sit in a different section each day for the Main Sessions of conference. The advantages of Seating Communities are as follows: 1. Allocated Seating Sections: You will be able to sit with the group that you registered with for the duration of the conference, and you will know in advance what section you will be seated. Together with the other people in your Seating Community, you will have a great opportunity to fellowship with one another and make new friends, since you will experience conference together from start to finish! 2. No Need to Line-Up / Rush To Save Seats: Although seats are first-come first-serve in your Seating Community, you will have guaranteed seats waiting for you in your Seating Community section. This will alleviate the need for you to fight the crowd to hunt for seats. Please note that all seats become General Admission 10 minutes before the session beginsso be sure to be on time. 3. A Variety of Viewpoints: Each Seating Community will move around the arena on a rotation basis, giving you the opportunity to experience MOTION from different angles. Each Seating Community will be assigned a new seating section for each day. The Seating Community that you/your group is placed in is determined by the date of your registration and the size of your group. You will receive more details about your Seating Community with your admission information for MOTION 15! It is important that your registrants are paid in full by July 1 so that we can place you in the best available Seating Community. After July 1, we will place you in the seating that remains. Note: Those who pre-registered at MOTION 14 and met the registration deadlines/requirements will receive priority reserved seating, and will not rotate with a Seating Community throughout the conference. 6 (in)MOTION SMALL GROUP CURRICULUM We have prepared an 8-week Small Group curriculum specifically for your use as you prepare to attend MOTION! Through this curriculum, our goal is for every heart to be fully prepared for what God is going to do during the conference. We believe this curriculum will build unity within our students and open the doors for the Lord to move during our weekend together. The curriculum provides a great outline for weekly conversation with the following elements: • • • • • Checking In Theme Verse Discovery Points Discussion Living in Motion You may also want to use this curriculum as a resource to help prepare your chaperones and leaders for conference. To access this material, please visit motionstudents.com and click the “Leaders” button on the menu. PACKING LIST Here is a suggested list of items to pack for conference to minimize confusion and help your students enjoy the weekend to the fullest! • • • • • • • • • • What • • • • • Wristbands for conference admission (mailed to you after July 1) Seating Community Voucher (mailed to you after July 1) Youth Group T-Shirt (helps make your group easily identifiable) Spending money for students to buy merchandise, snacks, etc. Reservations and receipts for pre-purchased meals Emergency Contact information for each student Activity Release Form for each student (provided by your church) Notebook Pen Bible Not to Bring: Tobacco products or alcohol of any kind Gaming devices / laser pointers Knives or weapons of any kind Drones Note: Backpacks and bags are subject to search for admission into the Arena, and may not be allowed. 7 AT CONFERENCE* *Will be updated mid-June CHECKLIST BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME: ! Visit motionstudents.com for updated arrival information for conference. ! If you registered before July 1- confirm you have received your wristbands and Seating Community voucher in the mail. ! If you registered after July 1- plan to pick up your wristbands and Seating Community Credentials on-site at the BJCC between 2pm & 6pm. We recommend planning to arrive early in the afternoon to give you plenty of margin. ! Get clear directions to the BJCC Arena and communicate to all drivers. ! Confirm your rooms and rooming list with lodging provider. ! Plan for any meals needed on the way to conference, including dinner Thursday evening. ! Establish a list of “ground rules” for your students to follow and your leaders to encourage. § Some things we might suggest based on our experience traveling with students: • Stay with a buddy at all times • No girls in guys rooms, no guys in girls rooms • No leaving the sessions without telling a leader • Encourage no TV in hotel rooms • Encourage them to not call home or use their cell phones. Disconnecting with their every day lives will help them focus on what God is doing in them at MOTION. FOR CONFERENCE ARRIVAL: ! Identify a meeting location for your group for meal times and post-session (away from the meal vendor tents please). ! Follow directions for Group Drop-Off on Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N. ! Ensure your drivers know where to pack buses/vans. ! If a conference host has contacted you, send them a text or give them a call letting them know you’ve arrived. ! Visit registration first to pick up Seating Community lanyards and make any changes/additions to wristbands. ! If you have purchased boxed meals, ensure no additions need to be made. ! Check into hotel and check rooming assignments. ! Ensure you know your Seating Community section/location for Thursday night’s session. ! Be ready to enter Arena before 6pm. DURING CONFERENCE: ! ! ! ! Identify adult leaders/chaperones to pick-up meals at meal times. De-brief sessions with your students daily (discussion, testimonies, and prayer). Contact your Seating Community host if you are late or cannot attend a session. Plan to be in your seats at least 15 minutes before sessions begin. All seats will become general admission after that time. 8 DETAILED CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Thursday: July 30 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM Registration and Check-In Opens- South Hall Doors Open to the Arena Session One- Arena Late Night- Arena Close Friday: July 31 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Session Two- Arena Community Group 1 / Youth Leader Track 1- Exhibit Halls Lunch Break- Piazza Session Three- Arena Community Group 2 / Youth Leader Track 2- Exhibit Halls Dinner Break- Piazza Session Four- Arena Close Saturday: August 1 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM Session Five- Arena Community Group 3 / Youth Leader Track 3- Exhibit Halls Lunch Break- Piazza Community Group 4 / Youth Leader Track 4- Exhibit Halls Session Six- Arena Conference Ends PARKING There are designated lots for bus parking for MOTION. We will let you know the location of these lots as we approach conference. All other parking is first-come, first-serve around the Arena. All lots should be $8 per vehicle, per day. We do not recommend parking on 11th Ave North or on any street north of 11th Avenue. CHECK-IN Registration and check-in will be open on Thursday, July 30th from 2-6pm. It will be located in the South Exhibition Hall of the BJCC. If you did not received your wristbands in the mail, you will need to pick-up your wristband and Seating Community credentials for your group at the Registration Area. If you did receive your wristbands in the mail, you will need to visit the Registration Area to redeem your Seating Community voucher for Seating Community credentials. Your wristband will indicate the community group/youth leader track you will attend throughout the conference. Your Seating Community will be noted on your credential. Both you wristband and credential are required for admission to MOTION 15- so you should plan to wear them at all times! 9 SEATING Follow the seating assignments listed on your credential. Be sure the pay attention to the section number you are assigned for each day. This section number will indicate where you should enter the arena. If you get confused, look for your Seating Community color in the concourse (it will match the color of your credential). You can also ask one of our helpful MOTION Team volunteers to assist you in finding your seats. Plan to arrive early for each session and be in your seats at least 15 minutes before session begins. All seats will become general admission at 15 minutes ‘til. Don’t forget to contact your Seating Community host if you are late or cannot attend a session. COMMUNITY GROUPS/YOUTH LEADER TRACK Community Groups will be divided by age (Junior High, High School, and College) so that students can appropriately process what they are learning with their peers. A pastor from the MOTION team will facilitate each Community Group. Community Group names are printed on your wristbands, which should be worn at all times. The Youth Leader Track will meet at the same time as Community Groups. During the Youth Leader Track, your adult leaders will be refreshed, resourced, trained, and encouraged. We know that they’ll leave conference excited to take on the fall with your students back home! Group Locations: Junior High: High School: College: Youth Leader: North Hall 1- ground floor East Hall 2-3 - upstairs South Meeting Room- upstairs South Hall- ground floor 10 MEAL PICK-UP Meals that you have pre-purchased will be available for pick-up for your group in a designated “Group Pick-Up” area in the Piazza. This will be located just outside of the Youth Leader Track. Youth Leaders will be dismissed from the Community Group sessions first to allow time for you to pick up your meals before your students are dismissed. Please let your students know in advance that you will pick up their meals and to meet you at a specific meeting point when they are dismissed from Community Groups. Important: Please do not ask your students to meet you at the meal vendor tents. Choose a location away from the vendor area. This will ensure that meal pick-up flows smoothly for everyone. ATTRACTIONS IN BIRMINGHAM There are a variety of attractions that could be of interest for your students while visiting Birmingham. If you plan to stay for church on Sunday, we would be honored to have you at one of our Church of the Highlands campuses! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Church of the Highlands Sunday Service Times and Locations– www.churchofthehighlands.com o Grants Mill – 8AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 4:30PM, 6PM o Fultondale – 9:30AM and 11:30AM o Greystone – 8AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 4:30PM, 6PM o Riverchase – 8AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 4:30PM, 6PM Birmingham Dream Center – www.birminghamdreamcenter.com Oak Mountain State Park - www.alapark.com/oakmountain Red Mountain Park and Adventure Area- www.redmountainpark.org/adventure-area Riverchase Galleria Mall - www.riverchasegalleria.com Railroad Park - www.railroadpark.org Splash Adventure Waterpark - www.splashadventurewaterpark.com Birmingham Museum of Art - www.artsbma.org Birmingham Zoo – www.birminghamzoo.com McWane Science Center - www.mcwane.org Birmingham Civil Rights Institute - www.bcri.org Vulcan Statue - www.visitvulcan.com Birmingham Barons Minor League Baseball Game - www.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t247 Shop at The Grand River Outlet Mall- http://www.shopsofgrandriver.com/ Watch a movie at The Alabama Theatre- http://alabamatheatre.com/events/2014-06/ Tour Birmingham’s Local Coffee Shops: Seeds Coffee Company, Church Street Coffee and Books, Octane, Urban Standard, The Red Cat, Hart and Soul, and O’Henry’s. 11
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