Jun / Jul 2014
Jun / Jul 2014
2 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com page 02 SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE is the official news and information source of the SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® which is published six times per year. MEMBERS: Send change of address to [email protected] or log onto the website at www.sevrar.com. The purpose of The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® is to serve its members by providing programs, products, services, and activities which enhance members’ freedom and ability to conduct their real estate practices successfully, with integrity, and competency, and through collective action to promote and protect private property rights. The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles contained herein. The contents of information of articles are the opinions of the authors alone and do not necessarily represent those of officers, directors, staff, or The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS®. Advertisements and article submissions contained in the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE should not be construed as an endorsement by the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE staff. The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® does not test advertised products or services, and therefore, cannot ensure their quality, accuracy or reliability. Advertisement content and placement is at the discretion of the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE editor and/or Board of Directors. All real estate advertising in this publication is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of eighteen living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under eighteen. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination, call HUD at (800) 669-9777; the hearing impaired call (800) 927-9275. page 06 www.SEVRAR.com page 04 EVENT NEWS SEVRAR Poker Tournament Laser Tag Tournament Global Business & Alliance Council Meet & Greet SEVRAR Charity Golf Tournament NAR Tech Edge page 19 page 32 page 40 MEMBER NEWS Board Election Nomination Form & Election Chronology News From the Real Mart Store YPN Honors 40 Under 40 Winners Brokerage Design Have You Taken Advantage of Google+ Yet? page 06 page 18 page 20 page 35 Page 43 page 02 page 13 page 13 EDUCATION NEWS My Journey To Earning The GRI Designation page 07 Military Relocation Professional Certification page 12 Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) page 17 page 19 COMMITTEE NEWS Do YOU Know the Difference Between A REALTOR® and a Real Estate Agent? Our Members Give Back Builder Spotlight: K. Hovananian® Homes® Leadership Program Ends With Graduation page 09 page 15 page 31 page 39 EDUCATION & EVENT CALENDAR Education & Events Calendar page 41 page 31 ADVERTISERS Want to advertise in the SEVRAR News Magazine? REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies , and may be used ONLY by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics. Copyright © 2014 by The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS®, 1363 South Vineyard, Mesa, Arizona 85210-8932. Telephone: (480) 8337510. Fax: (480) 835-1329. Articles unassigned in this publication may be reproduced providing credit is given to SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE with a copy mailed to the editor. Reproduction of articles written by all others is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. PRESIDENT’S NEWS Busy, Productive Committees & Board Visit: www.sevrar.com page 43 Arizona East Valley Chapter WCR pg 08, 11 ARMLS pg 14 Assure Home Inspection pg 37 First American Home Buyers Protection pg 09 PRS Property Management pg 04 REALTOR.com pg 38 REALTORS® Federal Credit Union State Farm Insurance YPN Event Sponsors pg 10 pg 42 pg 20, 27, 30 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 3 PRESIDENT’S NEWS Busy, Productive Committees & Board MOVING INTO THE SECOND HALF OF OUR YEAR By Pam Frestedt, 2014 Board President We are almost through our second quarter this year and we are making positive strides at the Board of Directors. This year we have been successful in accomplishing most of our goals within the 2014 Strategic Plan and we are just at the end of May. The 2015 Strategic Plan was just approved by the Board of Directors at our May meeting and we are looking forward to working with our committee chairs to set the business plans for 2015 in June of this year. At the REALTOR® Party Convention and Trade Expo in Washington, DC in May, we visited the Hill and let our members of Congress know the stance of the REALTOR® Party regarding current bills and changes regarding tax benefits for homeownership. The main item that was approved at the National Association Board of Directors meeting was the new mandatory core standards for Associations of REALTORS®. Each Association across the country will be required to meet these requirements and “re-charter” as of June 30, 2015. I am pleased to say that SEVRAR already provides the ser- vices expected of a local association per these guidelines and we do not expect to have any changes or issues with how we currently do business. Locally, the Board of Directors has approved a contract for the sale of our current building and we are actively in the process of finding our new building. The Board has also recommended a Bylaws change which would allow more than two agents from the same brokerage (yet always less than a majority) to serve on the Board during the same year. The 30 day notice has been posted on our website, per the requirements. I want to congratulate Cathy Joyce, Broker with Choice One Properties, who was elected by the Board to represent SEVRAR on the ARMLS Board of Directors for the remainder of 2014. Additionally, a special congratulations to all of the recipients of the 2014 YPN 40 UNDER 40 Award, what an impressive group of young professionals we have in our midst. Thirdly, I am sending a special congratulation to our 2014 Leadership Program class of graduates. Every year we are pleased to find such an outstanding group of professionals willing to step into leadership and this group is no exception. I am exCONTINUED ON PAGE 05 4 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR STAFF OPERATIONS Janet Kane, CAE, CIPS, RCE Chief Executive Officer MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Wyndi Austin Director of Marketing Communications EDUCATION Tonya Deskins Director of Education PUBLIC RELATIONS & EVENTS Laurel Pendle, CMP Director of Public Relations & Events PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Tonya Deskins Professional Standards Administrator Caity James Customer Service Assistant GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Janet Kane, CAE, CIPS, RCE Chief Executive Officer MEMBERSHIP Elizabeth Litten Director of Membership Missy Brammer Membership Services REAL MART STORE Cathy Blake Real Mart Store Manager IT SERVICES Maribel Petrotto Director of Technology FINANCE Barbara Danielson Director of Finance Patsy McManus Accounting Manager Lori Evans Accounting Assistant ADMINISTRATION Barney Thornton Admin. Assistant & Rental Coordinator FACILITIES Michael Carrillo Facilities Manager www.SEVRAR.com Front row: Janet Kane (CEO), Pam Frestedt (President), Keri Hoge Means (Vice President), Judy Warga (Affiliate Director). Middle row: Laurie McDonnell (Director), Doug Adcox (Past President / Treasurer), Heidi Quigley-Larke (President Elect), Mara Benson (Director), Jim Amdahl (Director), Shane Cook (YPN Representative Ex-Officio Board Member). Back row: Liz Harris (Director), Craig Peck (Director), Rick Moody (Director), Jeff Murray (Director), Marci Slater (Director), George Bliss (Commercial Representative Ex-Officio Board Member). cited about our future and what this group will bring to the table. I encourage all of you to consider running for a position on the Board of Directors for 2015. We are accepting applications from all members until June 30, 2014. Please consider putting your name forward, so that you can help guide our association in becoming the premier association in the country. We are one of the largest in total membership in the country and this board is dedicated to making our association relevant in our local advocacy and business services that we provide to our members. We need you and your ideas to make us even stronger. always feel free to reach out to me or any of your directors with suggestions, questions or comments that will make our association stronger. Thank you, Pamela Frestedt 2014 President I hope to see you at our upcoming events this summer. Come join us and SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 5 6 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com ELECTION CHRONOLOGY Thursday, May 1, 2014 Election Chronology to be approved by the Board of Directors (by May 1st) Friday, May 2, 2014 Election Nomination forms and procedures are made available to members. (First Friday in May) Monday, June 30, 2014 Deadline for Nomination Application for Officers and Directors (June 30th) Thursday, July 24, 2014 Board of Directors approval of applications at the July Board meeting. (by July Board Meeting) Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Announcement of candidates and voting procedures are made at all marketing meeting/home tour functions. (July 30th) Friday, August 15, 2014 Elections OPEN (Third Friday in August) Friday, August 22, 2014 Elections CLOSE (Fourth Friday in August) (Rev. 10-12) Sunday, August 31, 2014 Election results are posted (no later than) (August 31) WWW.SEVRAR.COM/BOARD-ELECTION www.SEVRAR.com EDUCATION NEWS My Journey To Earning The GRI Designation By Nicole Hamming When I first thought about elevating my professionalism, I considered which designation I should obtain. There are many designations to choose from in our industry. The answer was easy. I knew that I could set myself apart from the other REALTORS® in Arizona by earning the Graduate, REALTOR® Institute Designation (GRI). Getting my GRI designation was the best investment, both financially and educationally, I could have ever made in my real estate career. On average, a GRI designee earns nearly 50% more than an agent without a designation. (source: 2013 NAR Member Profile) The classes that I have attended have changed the way that I do business for the better. The GRI classes cover everything we need and should know that we did not learn in real estate school, giving us practical applications on the correct way of doing business in real estate, both ethically and legally. As a REALTOR®, bound to the Code of Ethics, we have a duty to protect and promote the interests of our clients. The GRI designation gives us a higher level of understanding and education to be able to do just that. The GRI designation gives us that edge and sets us apart from our competition. GRI has given me the skills and forethought to protect myself and my increasingly sophisticated clients in this ever evolving industry of real estate. Even after 17 years in the business I still gained new knowledge and insights on ways I could improve the way I do business. As a professional, I want to stay on the cutting edge of real estate standards and practices. This class allows you to learn about the diverse topics that affect today’s practicing agent. One of the biggest benefits of attending GRI classes at your local association are the relationships that you build along the way. GRI classes are full of networking opportunities. I have made so many friends and contacts in the classes that I have taken and met so many real estate professionals along the way. I am proud to have completed the classes necessary to earn such a prestigious designation. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 7 8 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com COMMITTEE NEWS Do YOU Know The Difference Between A REALTOR® And A Real Estate Agent? By Kathy Mayus, ABR, CNE, CRS, e-PRO, MRE, RECS, SFR, Professional Standards Committee Chair A REALTOR® commits to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®. The Code of Ethics is comprised of 17 Articles, with the most violated articles being Articles 1, 2, 9, 12 and 16. Briefly, they are: Article 1: REALTORS® must promote the best interest of their client, and treat all parties honestly. Article 2: REALTORS® must avoid concealment, misrepresentation; maintain confidentiality; must not work outside area of expertise. Article 9: REALTORS® must be sure all contracts are in understandable writing, and provide copies to clients upon signing. Article 12: REALTORS® must present true picture in all communications, including advertising and marketing, conveying they are a Licensed Real Estate agent. Ombudsman: This is a verbal process ~ parties discuss issues with an independent, objective third-party REALTOR® Ombudsman, who communicates with each party, offering options and explaining processes. set up in an environment to enable REALTORS® to represent themselves. There is never any predetermined outcome. Each case is ruled upon, based solely on the facts presented in each specific case. Mediation: Parties settle the dispute with the aid of a neutral third-party REALTOR® Mediator. They discuss the issues and attempt to agree on a settlement. It's more expedient, less costly than a hearing, and the parties determine the outcome themselves. “Procuring cause” cases can be very complex, with many factors going into a panel's decision. In a nutshell, the procuring agent is the agent who "shook the tree," not the one who "gathered the nuts". There is no “threshold” standard, automatically ruling in favor of the first agent who showed a home. Commission is earned by the broker whose efforts are the foundation upon which the negotiations, resulting in a sale, are begun; procuring cause is an Ethics and Arbitration Hearings: Formal hearings in which both Complainant and Respondent present their cases to a panel of five REALTORS®, who make a binding decision on the complaint. Parties may have REALTOR® Counsel and/or legal counsel. However, the process is CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Article 16: REALTORS® must not take any action inconsistent with exclusive representation agreements another REALTOR® may have with clients. Even professionals have good faith business disputes, and SEVRAR, AAR and NAR have a process to work through conflicts in an amicable manner. The options include: www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 9 MEMBER NEWS D0 YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE... uninterrupted series of events that results in a successful transaction. Decision factors in Procuring Cause include several categories: The nature and status of the transaction The roles and relationships of the parties The initial contact with the pur- chaser The conduct of the broker or agent Continuity and breaks in continu- ity The conduct of the buyer and seller Just a few of the panels’ considerations may include factors such as: transaction to close by removing an impediment that the first broker could not? 3. Did the initial agent maintain “an uninterrupted series of events” with the buyer, or could their inaction have been perceived as abandonment? 4. Was there bad faith interference in an agency relationship by a second agent? A client can choose who represents them, but they cannot choose who gets paid. To be able to defend yourself in the event a complaint is ever filed against you, be proactive: Abide by the Code of Ethics Educate your clients at the first meeting about open houses; perhaps giving them several of your business cards 1. Did the agent who made the initial introduction to the property engage in conduct [or fail to take an action] which caused the buyer to hire another agent? If you become aware another 2. Did a second broker cause the Keep great records 10 Copy yourself on emails to cli- ents and other parties to the transaction Confirm conversations in writing to be sure there is clear communication and understanding SEVRAR and Arizona Association of REALTORS® cannot affect an Arizona Real Estate License. If the party's goal is to affect an Arizona real estate agent’s license, they must contact the Arizona Department of Real Estate. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. agent is involved, contact them to discuss the situation SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 11 EDUCATION NEWS Military Relocation Professional Certification HELPING THOSE WHO SERVED US By Jimmy Vercellino I once heard a saying that forever changed my outlook on serving. Simply stated, “You can have anything you want in life if you are just willing to help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar With that said, I’m sure that you have helped several first time home buyers with the purchase of a new home, but I’d like to you ask you this... have you ever helped a first time homebuyer that has done three combat tours to Iraq or Afghanistan? Or have you ever experienced the look of sincere gratefulness and appreciation from a soldier who has just been given the keys to his family’s new home? Of course we all know how good it feels to help others, but I can assure you this… there is no greater feeling of pride, and honor that exists quite like this when selling a home to a veteran who has honorably served our country! If you would like to serve our Nation’s Finest who have selflessly defended, and continue to defend our great nation, then the MRP Certification is for you. This course is designed to educate the real estate professional in the following three areas: MRP focuses on The Military 12 Market, the PCS Process (orders), and the VA Home Loan. The reality is, is that there are certain things that you may have heard in the real estate community about the VA Loan process that are simply not true. These types of myths include some of the following… The VA Loan appraisal is terrible, the seller has to pay all of the fees, the underwriting process is too strict, it takes too long to close, and the loan is a sub-prime loan. Myth’s such as these are completely untrue, and have had a detrimental impact on our nation’s heroes that have served and continue serving today. The following MRP course is designed to dispel such myths, and educate and equip agents with the tools that will allow them to serve more veteran clients, sell more homes, and at the same time advertise the exclusive MRP certification logo. “You can have anything you want in life if you are just willing to help enough other people get what they want.” –Zig Ziglar The Veteran and Active Duty community is certainly growing in size. SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 With the conflict in Afghanistan winding down, and US military involvement in Iraq ended, I believe that we are going to continue to see more and more Service Members leaving the military, and transitioning into civilian life and the workforce. Last year alone, the VA marked its best year ever insuring nearly 630,000 loans; making 2013 a record year for the VA Home Loans. This makes it abundantly clear that Veteran and Military home buyers are here to stay. Now is the time to make an investment in your business that will certainly be impactful, and advance your career for years to come! After being MRP Certified you will be the VA Real Estate expert serving the active duty military and veterans in your community. ■■■ Jimmy Vercellino is a Marine Corps Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Mortgage Banker Specializing in VA Loans with First Choice Loan Services Inc. and licensed instructor with ADRE and instructor for NAR’s MRP Certification. The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 13 14 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com COMMITTEE NEWS Our Members Give Back SEVRAR SPIRIT OF THE COMMUNITY AWARDS By Tricia McKenna, Community Outreach Committee Member The Real Estate industry sure can take up a lot of our time and create an imbalance in our lives. The Spirit of the Community Award (with news article) is a place where we recognize SEVRAR members that go above and beyond their call of duty as a REALTOR® or Affiliate member, and still find time to give back to their community. The Community Outreach Committee started the Spirit of Community Award in 2013 and was provided the opportunity to highlight some really special people. Congratulation to all of the recipients of the 2013 Spirit of the Community Award. Gail Evans GetArizonaProperty.com Gail has been a REALTOR® for over twenty six years and she has served her community as Chairman of the Apache Junction Planning and Zoning Commission. In this role Gail has collaborated with builders on ways to build better and safer communities. Currently Gail serves as a Councilmember for City of Apache Junction. I asked Gail, “How many hours a month does serving as a Councilmember consume?” She explained, “there are four meetings a month, but it is all the meetings with community organizations and outreach events that really add up the hours and it ends up being about eighty hours a month”. As I was interviewing Gail for this article she mentioned her late husband, Rob Evans who was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a behavior health center he founded in Apache Junction (Mountain Health and Wellness Center). Gail immediately got involved with the center as well and enrolled at Arizona State University (ASU) for two years to learn how to create a community garden. www.SEVRAR.com She took this knowledge and training to the center to give patients an outdoor refuge as they receive their therapy. She shared the amazing benefits of gardening and how therapeutic it can be. The name of the garden park is Earth Heart Park and it is located right by Mountain Health and Wellness Center in Apache Junction. The park is open to the public and has walking paths for all visitors to experience. A key element of design for the garden was to leave it un-gated and open so the homeless people in the area would have access to fresh fruits and veggies. Thank you Gail, on behalf of the SEVRAR Community Outreach Committee for being a leader in our industry! We look forward to working with you in a joint effort to better our local communities and build solid relationships with community members. Joni Walker RE/MAX Infinity Before Joni became licensed in real estate just two years ago and stated selling homes—she was already a leader in her community. Joni has been involved with the East Valley Women’s League for the last four years. The group consist of fifty women who all work together to empower underprivileged woman and children in the community. These volunteering women meet each month from August to May. Each year they encourage current members to bring new projects to the table for the benefit of various organizations and needs within the communities. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 15 16 COMMITTEE NEWS SEVRAR SPIRIT OF THE COMMUNITY AWARDS Some of their projects include: Thank you Joni, for being a leader in your community! Cinderella Project COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE We are also looking for top leaders in our industry. So, if you know someone that takes time to mentor others, or that serves on SEVRAR committees, local political teams, please nominate them. Scholarships for single mothers and underprivileged women and children Packing for Success Chemo Companions Feeding the Hungry Mind and Body Food Drive Homebound Project MP’s Wish Children’s Cancer Network Pregnancy Care Center of Chandler Joni chairs the Packing for Success Committee for which they just wrapped up with the event. The group collects backpacks stuffed with school supplies and delivers them to the various schools by the end of the year. The purpose is to get it setup prior to the first day for school for students that are in need. It helps them to avoid embarrassment by not having a backpack and the required supplies. They get what they need right away and always fit in with the others. If you know of local retailers or would like to help support Joni’s cause, please contact her directly or go to www.evwl.org for more information. Simply go to www.sevrar.com/community to fill out a questionnaire and a member of the Community Outreach Committee will be in touch for a brief interview to get all the details of the nominee. If you are one of those people who volunteers, donates or organizes charity event, please don’t hesitate—give yourself a big pat on the back and nominate yourself too! ■■■ SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARD We are looking for SEVRAR members who are doing great things in the community by giving back to local organizations and providing needed community services. Nominate yourself or someone you know doing good things! Learn more at: www.SEVRAR.com/community 16 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 17 MEMBER NEWS News From the Real Mart Store MAKE YOUR LISTINGS REALLY “POP” AND SAVE MONEY AT THE SAME TIME! By Cathy Blake, Real Mart Store Manager Try our NEW corrugated balloon open house signs. At only $4.25 each, these reusable signs take the place of one-time use costly helium balloons, which deflate with the heat, get tangled in landscaping and blow away! Stop in the next time you are at SEVRAR and check these out! Have you checked out Real Mart Online yet? While we LOVE to see you shopping at the Real Mart Store at SEVRAR, there are many real estate related items that we are not able to stock here. That’s where the Real Mart Online steps in! Real Mart has partnered with Amazon to offer an online store to assist our members with all their real estate needs. The website features real estate related items, such as books and DVDs, in addition to marketing items and elec- 18 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 tronics. Ordering is quick and easy. Just click on REALMART STORE at the top of SEVRAR’s home page, then ” Shop Online” to start shopping! Once you’ve made your selections, the check-out process is handled quickly and efficiently via Amazon, a respected and trusted online retailer. Most items ship free with a $35 minimum order. Please contact Cathy at 480-833-7510 ext. 6411 if you have any questions or need assistance with Real Mart online. www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 19 MEMBER NEWS YPN Honors 40 Under 40 Winners YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORK HOSTS EVENT IN HONOR OF RECEIPIENTS By Shane Cook, YPN Chair For the second year in a row the SEVRAR Young Professionals Network (YPN) brought valley real estate professionals together for one exciting night honoring some of the best in the business. Their production is off the charts to say the least—a total of 1317 units sold collectively. That's $168M in volume for 2012. It takes passion, knowledge, and compassion to achieve success. This success is not measured by what your community does for you—rather by what YOU do for your community. Be an advocate for those you represent. We look for you to continue to be a pillar for your community and Industry. Thank you to our event sponsors and for all those in attendance to help honor this prestigious group of young professionals and congratulations to the award recipients! The Young Professional’s Network was established to help young real estate professionals excel in their careers by giving them the tools and encouragement to become involved. We want you connected with your REALTOR® association. We want you to pursue leadership positions within The Real estate industry. We want to see your involvement with your industry peers and we want you to continue to serve your community. ■■■ CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 20 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Ben Arrendo, DPR Realty, LLC Ben is heavily involved in his community. A large part of his business is assisting firefighters in the purchase of their first homes. He has a beautiful wife and two boys ages 1 and 3. Since the birth of his boys his production has taken off as well as, becoming more involved in the community. Ben was the 3rd top producing agent at DPR Realty last year both units and volume. Dawn Bahr, Solutions Real Estate You will feel at ease with Dawn’s professional and personable working style. She is involved as a member of the PTO at her daughter’s school as well as organizations through her church, as well as the Starbright Foundation, Samaritan's Purse, and many more. Second homes and retirement communities have become Dawn’s niche. Mara Benson, West USA Mara is a Director on the Board at SEVRAR, she just received her CIPS certification, the first class in AZ at SEVRAR. Mara has become a Mentor at West USA to help other REATLORS® become successful in building their businesses. She has joined the Woman's Council of REALTORS®, and serves as the Secretary. Mara volunteers with DECA, The Boys and Girls Clubs, Youth Hockey Clubs, Youth Figure Skating Club and many other programs in her community. She is the 1st Vice Chairman of her Legislative District 16 for the Mesa Republican Woman’s club. Nathan Biggar, United Brokers Group Nathan’s background of being a Regional Sales Manager for 14 years with US Bank over a twenty state area helped him to achieve over $5 million in business in his first year as a REALTOR® with no team. When he’s not volunteering at one of his 3 kids’ schools, he’s enjoying hiking and golf in his leisure time. Nathan’s future plans are to be involved in a Real Estate team of 8 people doing $50 million+ in sales. Christopher Boesel, United Brokers Group Chris embraces technology to the point that he teaches iPad/paperless REALTOR® classes throughout the valley. He’s also taught and spoken on a technology panel. Chris has volunteered at the St. Mary's food bank and tries to be involved with as many community events near his home as possible that help children or animals. He likes to work closely with veterans as well. Stephany J. Bullington, Tierra Antigua Realty Stephany’s specialty is anything and everything to do with residential real estate in Phoenix or Tucson. She is heavily involved in her community with her charitable contributions including events for The Care Fund and helping to organize a full day event and fund raiser for givemaxlove.org which supports pediatric cancer research. Stephany has always loved music and the arts. She has been the director of several children's choirs and programs when her kids were younger. Her future goal is to be running successful Real Estate teams in Phoenix and Tucson with her husband. www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 21 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Tiffany Carlson-Richison, Realty One Group Tiffany develops and maintains strong friendships and relationships with any of her clients she always adheres to the golden rule. She strives to answer her phone and return calls quickly. Tiffany donates to various charitable organizations, is an active member of Shepard of the Hills and is a member of Mesa Host Lions Club. In her leisure time Tiffany says she is “addicted to shopping at estate sales”. She states that aside from scoring a deal on a unique item, it gives her an opportunity to meet different people, become better acquainted with neighborhoods throughout the valley and viewing homes that aren't on the market. Scott Cook, RE/MAX Solutions Scott comes from a family of successful self-employed professionals. This is the foundation of his hard-work and integrity. At least 75% of his business funnels in through past or current client referrals. Scott represents SEVRAR and NAR. He is heavily involved in community charities, including mentoring an autistic teenager. Kelly Courvisier, HomeSmart Kelly is married with two children. She helped form a team and successfully raise $1600 for the Phoenix Congenital Heart Walk. She is also Chapter President for SE Gilbert mom e-club organization. Kelly is a member of the Phoenix Association of REALTORS®. Her specialty is listing and marketing homes as well as short sales. Elizabeth (Beth) Cox, United Brokers Group Beth is a member of SEVRAR and NAR, and currently teaches free classes on data visualization to agents in her brokerage and other brokerages. Beth volunteers at Ashland Ranch Elementary School and sit on the host committee for Guerrant Foundation events which raises money for microfinancing. As well, she occasionally acts as a substitute teach for Gilbert Public Schools. Beth’s ability to analyze and visualize data helps her explain the market to clients, which she says tends to attract like-minded clients and investors. Clients trust that she can educate them about the home buying and selling process and explain the market trends. Dragan Daubenmier, United Brokers Group Dragan makes it a point to “treat my clients well”. He maintains that his sense of humor keeps the process fun despite the fairly large amount of stress that can come along with a home purchase. He likes to balance the fun aspect with the professional responsibilities at the same time. He has been volunteering with New Pathways for Youth for approximately three years. Dragan’s ultimate goal is to retire ear1y, start a farm, and sculpt metal for a living - pretty much complete “hippie mode”! Jason Dawson, Keller Williams Realty East Valley When Jason’s not diving into real estate, you can find him spending time with his gorgeous wife Tanya, their two dogs, playing golf, traveling with family & friends, attending social events or working out. He is involved in The Care Fund, The 100 Club, Make-A-Wish, Tempe Center for Rehabilitation, Helen's Hope Chest, House of Refuge, KW Cares and various church functions. Jason gives both time and money – his own personal time raising awareness & physical activities such as volunteering, remodeling & raising awareness. Jason’s team niche is Luxury listings. 22 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Tanya Dawson, Keller Williams Realty East Valley Tanya is part of a husband (Jason Dawson) and wife team. They specialize in specific niches of the real estate Industry. They strive for a memorable experience for all of their clients and vendors they work with on each transaction no matter the price of the sale. Their tag line is "A luxury experience for everyone" - this does hold true for all of their clients. Tanya is actively involved in numerous charitable groups in her community some of which include The Care Fund, The 100 Club, Make-A-Wish, Tempe Center for Rehabilitation, Helen's Hope Chest, House of Refuge, KW Cares & various church functions. Tanya won the “Spirit Award" at her brokerage’s annual award ceremony. Torey Gannon, United Brokers Group Torey is very passionate and driven to do the best she can do every day. Her focus is on her clients – “I try to foresee their needs and offer them exceptional service”. Torey brings positive energy and new ideas to the Real Estate industry while also respecting the incredibly experienced agents and brokers she works with. She hopes to bring new energy by staying involved in numerous committees, charities and peer groups. She is a member of SEVRAR YPN committee. Torey is the Vice President of Education (VPE) of my Toastmasters club in Chandler. Deena Harris, RE/MAX Infinity Realty Deena and her family raise funds for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, contributes to Juvenile Diabetes Research Society and Adopts a family each Christmas. She is involved in SEVRAR and specializes in first time homebuyers. Her five year goal is to gross $500,000 in commissions, have an assistant, and at least 1 Buyer’s Agent. Tiffany Herrmann, West USA Realty Revelation Tiffany is involved with several dog rescues and regularly contributes financially to the organizations. Animal Advocacy is dear to her heart. She is a member of NAR, SEVRAR and occasionally participates in local tours. Tiffany is currently pursuing the luxury market. Dustin Holindrake, Solutions Real Estate Dustin is involved with Save the Family. Also, he and his wife run a small organization called "The Arizona Knocker Walkers". They raise money and donate 100% of the proceeds directly to women who are battling breast cancer. He is the founder of a new company called Open House Helpers they set up and break down "mega" open house events for agents. Dustin recently participated in the NAR Communications Focus Group. He is also considering applying for the SEVRAR Leadership Program. Michelle Jernigan, Jernigan Realty Michelle’s slogan is “Where professional meets personal”. Her business is almost 100% referral. She is heavily involved in charitable organizations through her church. In 2012 Michelle and her husband felt that they should become foster parents. She says it’s the most rewarding thing she has ever done. Michelle is involved with SEVRAR, AAR, and NAR. Her niche is focused on first time homebuyers. In 2013 Michelle was awarded with SEVRAR’s Multi-Million Dollar Producer Award, as well as the YPN 40 Under 40 award. www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 23 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Nina Johnson, Infinity Wealth RE Nina believes in “the 3 P's” - Proper Expectation – Proactive - Positive Energy. She encompass these characteristics not only in her business but throughout every aspect of her life. Nina is heavily involved in her community and stays active by being the Downtown Chandler Ambassador. One of Nina’s passions is taking a neglected home and breathing new life into it for someone or family to build memories in. She is a single mom of 2 little girls that are her world. She strives hard to be the best person and example she can to teach them important values and morals. Matt Long, Solutions Real Estate Matt volunteers at his church to assist with many organizations that help homeless people get back on their feet. He is always seeking opportunities to help agents within his office who find themselves in need. Along with his daughters, they sponsor a child in Argentina thru Food for the Hungry. Matt enjoys mountain biking, hiking, camping and taking picnics in the beautiful desert. He is engaged to the amazing Sarah Hollmann and has two incredible daughters. He says his niche is 100% referrals. Matt loves helping people achieve their dreams. Michelle Mazzola, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Arizona Properties Michelle was the President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer for the Maricopa Women in Business. She volunteers her time in the Chandler school district and to local food banks. Michelle is currently working on putting together a non-profit woman's organization in Chandler. She considers herself an incredibly hardworking, dedicated, honest, and motivated individual, as well as agent. She is always looking to better herself and grow as a business person. Her integrity is very important, not to mention her customer service to her clients. She is a wife, mom of three beautiful children, and a true professional in all she does. Michelle is an Arizona native raised in the east valley. Krystal McCormick, Solutions Real Estate Krystal is a member of Local FirstAZ. She also supports the City of Tempe Arts program and is a member of SEVRAR and AAR. Krystal works well with first time home buyers and relocation clients. She is a third generation REALTOR®. She has experience in all aspects of the business from the title process, loan process to real estate. In Krystal’s free time, you can find her camping, kayaking, mountain biking or hiking with her husband all over the beautiful state! Tricia McKenna, Infinity Wealth Real Estate Tricia is the only female in her home. She has four athletic teenage boys, her husband, and two male dogs. She serves on the SEVRAR Community Outreach Committee and helps to sell Critical Needs Bracelets at CE classes. Her niche market is the Local First Movement business owners and networking opportunities. Being a part of Local First Arizona provides her with the opportunity to meet and network with other "Localists". Her goal is to help educate new agents on how to develop solid relationships with their clients so they can have a lasting referral business. Dani Miller, Solutions Real Estate Dani was the Chairman of the Board of Directors for her local YMCA for over three years. She is currently on an Advisory Board for a local children's sport and outreach program. She has a one and four-year old son, who is her inspiration for her children's book. She has always wanted to own her own mini farm and just this past month she has been able to make that happen. Dani has two dogs, four chickens, three goats, one horse, a guinea pig, tortoise and African Cichlid Fish. The Heroes Home Advantage Program gives her an edge when marketing clients in one of the service fields. 24 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Bridget Morgan, Solutions Real EstateBridget has a desire and drive to help other REALTORS® succeed. She manages a real estate team and her company's Success Program all to help other agents obtain their goals. She is also a mentor for new agents. She is actively involved in her son's high school and sporting events as well as youth football in her community. She donates her time volunteering at the games and fundraising events. She donates monetarily as well to support the school and booster programs. Bridget’s specialty is internet leads. Leila Newsom Woodard, Vintage Real Estate, LLC Leila is on the SEVRAR Community Outreach Committee and Professional Development Committee. She is also a member of NAR and SEVRAR. She enjoys working with out of state and foreign investors. She has traveled to Canada participating in real estate seminars throughout Alberta. Leila is very active in her community as being a member of numerous charitable organizations, including Girls Scouts AZ Cactus Pine Council. In her free time she enjoys hiking, kayaking and biking with her family. Daniel Noma Jr, Venture REI Dan is involved in the Chandler Boys & Girls Club as well as the Chandler Compadres. In his free time he loves to play golf. He is primarily working with people investing in real estate while 90% of his business is built on referrals. Dan holds a BA degree in both Business and Political Science from Arizona State University. Danny Perkinson, Treehouse Group Danny is a Scout Master for a local Boy Scout Troop. He is also involved in donating to local charities and nonprofit organizations such as Sunshine Acres Children’s Home and Phoenix 100 Club. In his free time you’ll find Danny playing golf, snowboarding, wakeboarding, wake surfing, cycling, dirt biking, camping and fishing. He has been married for 10 years and is a father to four amazing children. His niche is being a new age REALTOR®. He attracts clients by his widespread knowledge in technology. David Rose, ProSmart Realty David currently volunteers as a Director with the City of Chandler Industrial Planning Authority. He is currently Head Coach of Chandler Girls Fast-Pitch 12u Girls Softball League and was the Assistant Coach from 2012-2013 10u Girls. He is a team sponsor of the softball team and an alumni of Chandler High School. David is an active Booster for the Chandler High School Football Team from 2011-Present. He participates on the SEVRAR Luxury and Chandler/Gilbert Home Tours. Marketing custom homes is one of his specialties. A majority of David’s business comes from open houses, farming and lead generating. “Rose Knows Real Estate” is his specialty slogan. Phil Shaver, Go Sold Realty Phil started his own Brokerage six years ago. He has his own real estate magazine called the Gold Sold Times. Phil is a big supporter for Hamilton High School in Chandler, AZ. Every year Phil is involved in a coat drive for foster kids. He trained in Florida with former Major League pitcher and CY Young Award winner Mike Marshall for four years. Phil specializes in marketing to his past clients and business by referral. www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 25 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Renee Slagter, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Arizona Properties Renee is involved in various service projects through Chandler Christian Church, including teaching VBS and Feed My Starving Children. She enjoys playing tennis and watching her son play basketball. She participates in various events through SEVRAR. As a speciality, Renee and her husband work as a team and focus on helping Veterans. Renee specializes in first time home buyers and relocation. Kamberly Stoltz, DPR Realty, LLC Kamberly’s focuses most of her volunteer work in Chandler, AZ. She is a new mom as of December 2013. She brings her daughter, Stella, with her to help with her real estate errands. Kamberly is 100% referral based. She is young, motivated, eager to learn and truly loves Arizona real estate. Steve Trang, Stunning Homes Realty Steve loves to spend time with his lovely wife and two beautiful daughters. He manages his work-life balance in real estate, and is happy that he can spend meaningful hours with them every day. Steve donates to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. His real estate niche is online marketing. His future goal is to open a second and third location for Stunning Homes Realty. Josh M. Underwood, DPR Realty, LLC Josh is currently focused on two main charitable organizations, The Care Fund and The Phoenix Rescue Mission. He is addicted to pushing the limits of what he thinks he can do. He has taken part in a few whitewater rafting trips, extreme racing events and other various physical challenges. Josh was one of 2013 SEVRAR YPN’s 40 Under 40 award recipients. A majority of his business stems from referrals from his past clients that refer friends, family and colleagues. Jason Wells, Keller Williams Realty East Valley Jason is a practicing real estate Attorney. He represents all of his clients as both attorney and REALTOR®. This allows him to negotiate, draft, plan and represent clients on a higher level. Jason volunteers with Boy Scouts of America and through his church. He serves on the brokerage Board of Directors and Chair of the Productivity Committee - this allows him to lend insight and mentorship to nearly 250 agents. Paul Whittle, American AllStar Realty After a colleague/agent was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), each year Paul sponsors the MS walk without fail. His future plans are to operate multiple offices across the valley. Paul’s niche is REO and believes that showing up each day and giving 100% effort to your clients and your team is the key to success. Paul holds an MBA and has a twin brother. 26 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com 2014 YPN 40 UNDEER 40 RECIPIENTS Lisa Whyte, RE/MAX Infinity Realty Lisa has a passion for faith, her family, and succeeding in business. She loves reading, going to the movies, eating at new restaurants, and traveling with her family. Most of Lisa’s business is generated from past clients and referral. Lisa is President of Desert Sky Mother of Multiples. She also volunteers her time at her children’s school and teaches art masterpiece in her daughter’s classroom. “I love God and my family. They are my everything.” Michael Widmer, RE/MAX Infinity Realty Most of Michael’s community involvement revolves around his son. He has been a longtime volunteer at his school. His background in teaching makes it really enjoyable for him. He also coaches his sons Pop Warner football team and has coached a number of his baseball teams throughout the years. This year Michael started a videography company that specializes in Luxury Home Tours for the Real Estate Market. He belongs to SEVRAR, AAR and NAR. Michael was also a 2013 YPN 40 Under 40 recipient. He enjoys being a buyer’s agent. Megan Williams, Signature Realty Solutions and Property Management Megan is a contributor to the Lost Our Home Pet Foundation, Arizona Humane Society, Goodwill and Brides Against Breast Cancer. She is an avid couponer and loves clipping her coupons every week then heading out to spend hours at the grocery store to see what kind of deals she can get. She attends several trainings monthly brought to agents by all of the REALTOR® organizations. Megan has a unique opportunity as a brokerage owner and property manager to help investor clients acquire income properties through traditional and auction sales. She then facilitates the repairs/rehab work and then supplies superior rental homes to the market to attract tenants. Courtney Yant, Power Realty Group Model Home Center Courtney is a team leader and volunteer for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She participates in the annual Light the Night Walk. She is also launching a new charity this year called Spoil the Patient with her sister. They will find a chemotherapy patient or someone who just completed chemotherapy and spoil them for an entire day! Courtney was born in Baltimore, Maryland and has lived in Phoenix for five years. She has a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter. She belongs to all local, state and national REALTOR® organizations. Event Photos by: Rob K Photography 480.241.4202 | [email protected] | www.robkphoto.net www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 27 28 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 29 30 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com COMMITTEE NEWS Builder Spotlight K. HOVNANIAN® HOMES® A Monthly Feature Brought To You By The SEVRAR Builders Liaison Committee To succeed for more than 50 years as a company, it takes a clear vision of what we stand for to allow us to endure. Back in 1959, Kevork Hovnanian, our company founder, did just that when he created this nationally recognized home building company. Today, K. Hovnanian® Homes® is still going strong by adhering to the principles set in place by its founder. As we move forward, we will maintain the legacy of trust, quality, value and customer satisfaction that distinguishes K. Hovnanian® Homes®. Through well-defined acquisition efforts, K. Hovnanian® has expanded over the years to become a family of homebuilders with localized expertise in markets throughout the United States. K. Hovnanian® Homes® operates in Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. Now in our second generation of family leadership, K. Hovnanian® Homes® continues to provide well-built, quality homes and amenity-rich communities for every stage of life. That is why, for over 50 years, we have been – and will continue to be – “The First Name in Lasting Value®.” With neighborhoods throughout the Phoenix metro area, including Enclave at Veneto in Phoenix, Regency at Victoria Manor in Chandler, Avalon at Travata in Peoria and Line K at Boulder Mountain Estates in Scottsdale, K. Hovnanian® Homes® of Arizona provides homes and neighborhoods for your clients to nurture a new lifestyle with their friends and new neighbors and find a new appreciation for living life to the fullest. K. Hovnanian Homes of Arizona designs homes that are built for the way our homeowners live. We bring life back to the outdoors with designs that focus on a seamless flow from indoor space to outdoor space. We create spaces that allow families to focus on what is really important – celebrations and together-time. Included features such as family centers, valets and drop zones keep the family organized, leaving more time for family dinners, game nights and story time. K. Hovnanian® Homes® values its relationships with real estate professionals. That’s why we offer our REALTOR® partners something that no other builder in town does – Rapid Registration. With Rapid Registration you can pre-register your clients before even visiting. Simply contact our Agent Resource Center to fill out a Rapid Registration, send it back to our friendly Community Information Specialists, and your clients will be registered at ALL K. Hovnanian® Homes® Communities valley wide for 30 days. K. Hovnanian® Homes® has earned a solid reputation for integrity, dependability, leadership and value, due in large part to our unwavering attention to quality construction and unfailing pursuit of customer satisfaction. It is our promise to build a trusting relationship to meet your expectations. Our Associates are available any time to answer your questions and make your homebuilding experience a positive one. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 31 32 EVENT NEWS Charity Golf Tournament BROKER CUP GOES TO RE/MAX ALLIANCE GROUP By Matt Redding, Charity Golf Tournament Chair Brought to you by the Affiliate Committee, the annual Charity Golf Tournament took place on Friday, May 2 at the Superstition Springs Golf Club. Team George Bliss (KW Commercial), Pam Frestedt (Realty Excellence Group), Dave Barnes (Mesa Chamber of Commerce), and Aaron Ament (AE Engineering) took home the overall winning title for best score at the event. Over 100 golfers teed off for a scramble tournament competing in a variety of categories for prizes including the top two; the Brokers Cup and Affiliate Cup. The Brokers Cup was awarded to RE/MAX Alliance Group which included Bill Risser (Chicago Title), Mark Toon (RE/MAX Alliance Group), Jim Carlisto (RE/MAX Alliance Group) and Mike McSweeney (RE/MAX Alliance Group). Empire West Title took home the Affiliate Cup and included; Seth Banda (Empire West Title Agency), John Sahnow (Empire West Title Agency), Brock O'Neal (Capri Realty) and Paul White (American AllStars). those in need for a variety of challenging life situations. The remaining winners were: Closest to the Pin Men: Bart Haiduk (AZ Property Solutions) Closest to the Pin Women Cindy Debrocke (R.A.N Realty) A special thank you to the golfers and event sponsors which included: The main purpose of this event is to raise money for the 2014 SEVRAR Charities which include the CareFund, southeast valley military charities and our own SEVRAR Critical Needs Fund which benefits solely our members— In addition, this is a great event that brings together the REALTOR® and Affiliate members for a great day of networking, golfing and lunch. Hole Sponsors Redstone Mortgage, Matthew Remus Dixon Golf, Kristen Kerrigan Showhomes Southeast Arizona, Kelli Reed SEVRAR Villa Rialto, Hudd Hassell ArizonaFPV Emergency Service Pro, Kristle Jensen US Bank Home Mortgage, Eric Johnson North American Title, Autumn Nagle Starboard Financial, Matt Redding Supreme Lending, Nick Weber Liberty Mutual, Jack Costello Maethon Lending, Aaron Payne Fairway Independent Mortgage, Andrea Beach Academy Mortgage, Michael Lara Cart Sponsor Villa Rialto, Hudd Hassell 2014 BROKERS CUP WINNERS Bill Risser (Chicago Title) Mark Toon (RE/MAX Alliance Group) Jim Carlisto (RE/MAX Alliance Group) Mike McSweeney (RE/MAX Alliance Group) 32 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 CONTINUED ON PAGE 33 www.SEVRAR.com Lunch Sponsors Starboard Financial, Matt Redding Driggs Title, Lee Worthington Andrade Promotions, Sharon Stover Moving You Simply, LLC, Debra Meyer Courtesy Cart Sponsors Lawyers Title, Anthony Penna Academy Mortgage, Michael Lara Crown Dental Plan , Karla Flores Thank you again and hope to see you next year! CONTINUED ON PAGE 34 www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 33 34 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com MEMBER NEWS Brokerage Design ON THE ROAD TO CONVERGENCE By Jeremy Conaway The residential real estate market is approaching the mid-point of the second quarter of 2014. It is well into the spring season and all signs point to a very productive year. Even now, the summer magic of Memorial Day weekend has begun to sound in our consciousness. This week is the NAR REALTOR® Party event in Washington, D.C. By the time the industry comes up for air it will be August again. This is a great time to take a moment to look around and take stock of the current industry forces and dynamics that will mark our lives, businesses and careers for the third and fourth quarter of 2014. The current industry dynamic is much more under the surface than in years past. This is largely due to the fact that the industry and the marketplace are now exhibiting and manifesting actual changes rather than the threats and trend indicators we have been monitoring and reacting to over the past several years. There is a sense of calm in the current marketplace. It is almost as if the industry has tired of being threatened and hassled about the “future” and has simple resigned itself to getting it over with. What are these convergence patterns that are forming, what dynamics do they reflect and how will they impact the marketplace, transaction and industry? A critical element in understanding the current market and industry dynamic is understanding how convergence works. The folks who produce the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup candy have been trying to explain convergence for years. They take the taste and qualities of chocolate and mix it with the equally unique properties of peanut butter and create a third and completely different taste of a branded candy. Of course one can still monitor specific trends and identify freestanding motion paths across the real estate marketplace. However, the more interesting activity has now become watching two or more unrelated forces crash together and form a totally new force field. A classic example of convergence can be found in the current MLS environment. The industry has reached a relatively universal agreement that the classic traditional MLS is either unable to or is simply unwilling to move with the times and circumstances. Over the past few years its failure to even consider changing its role or developing its leadership potential has been puzzling and annoying to those who have been attempting to bring their CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 35 MEMBER NEWS 36 ON THE ROAD TO CONVERGENCE brokerages and other entities into the present. Over the past few months it has become increasingly obvious that the classic MLS is now on the endangered species list. But even more interesting are the forces that are now are converging to accelerate and stage this downfall. The three most vibrant MLS predators are high production agents through their “off MLS” marketing practices, consumers through “Community’ marketing programs and the largest brokerages in the country through the Realty Alliance’s efforts to design, develop and implement its listing diversion program. Note that none of these three groups are competitors; rather they are customers and consumers who are simply unwilling to tolerate the existing experience. This situation gets even more amazing when one considers the fact that at least one of the three contenders for developing and building the MLS “killer” system is one of the top MLS system vendors in the industry. In no other industry would such a situation be allowed to exist. Another example of how convergence is impacting the industry can be found in the dramatic expansion of the listing portal. Ignoring, for the sake of this discussion, the competition between Zillow, Trulia and REALTOR.com, the fact is that the activities of the portals have now converged with the growing power of the new consumer to create a whole new market configuration. Like the volcano that rises from the ocean floor to become an island, the portal has now become an essential player on the residential real estate landscape. The industry watched with great interest over the past five years as a new “Internet” powered consumer arrived, developed and emerged as a major market power. At each step of the way, the consumer clearly announced through surveys, actions and elections what they were looking for with respect to a real estate expe36 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 rience. At each of these steps the market examined the request and summarily rejected it as being too radical and not in the interest of the status quo. In so doing it created that vacuum that nature so abhors. Into this vacuum grew the portal and now, five years later, the portal has become a permanent and potentially expensive part of the transaction process. The industry is currently considering from what source this new expense will be paid. There is really only one such source available. The third convergence that is even now poking its head through the surface involves standards. The industry and the market has long prided itself on the fact that it didn’t need “no stinking” standards. It accepted as a matter of pride the distinction that it was the only industry still standing in the North American economy without articulated standards and quality assurance processes. This convergence has an equally unexpected cast of sponsors. The first of these surprise sponsors is the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). Lead by its visionary CEO Dale Stinton NAR has declared that organized real estate is simply not positioned correctly to meet the challenges of the new industry. A number of NAR reforms and initiatives are being prepared to remedy this situation. The first of these efforts can be found in a recently released “organizational realignment” report that establishes a number of new standards under the catch phrase “Mandatory Core Standard.” Converging with these efforts are the current initiatives of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Only four years old, this new industry force has already supported consumer empowerment with radical changes and standards in the area of student loans, car loans, credit cards and, yes, home mortgages. A close and careful monitoring of current CFPB activities easily susCONTINUED ON PAGE 37 www.SEVRAR.com 37 MEMBER NEWS ON THE ROAD TO CONVERGENCE tains the growing sense that, given the fact that homeownership is clearly the most significant financial transaction and that the CFPB is already in the brokerage office inspecting mortgage programs, it will soon expand its role and influence in the real estate transaction. Interestingly enough one of the CFPB primary avenues of regulation is through standards. As in the cases above, convergence is not being driven by competitive forces but rather by those with specific views regarding consumer experience. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORK For more information and upcoming events visit: www.SEVRAR.com/YPN or www.facebook.com/EVYPN Take some time out of your busy spring and summer schedule to track and appreciate the impacts of convergence in our industry. Whether through MLS regression, portal expansion or standards proliferation our industry and our marketplace will be measurably different by August. ■■■ Jeremy Conaway is a recognized and leading expert in the field of real estate brokerage, associaƟon and MLS design, and a leading source of strategic and tacƟcal ideas and applicaƟons for the real estate industry. He is a naƟonally known speaker, author, and facilitator. He has created business plans, strategic campaigns, and tacƟcal objecƟves for some of the top companies in the real estate services industry. His arƟcles are regularly published in a number of naƟonal journals. The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 37 38 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com 39 COMMITTEE NEWS Leadership Program Ends With Graduation CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2014 By Dee Kepp-Schippel As Chair of the 2014 Leadership Development Program, I am pleased to introduce this years Leadership graduates! Becky Bell, HomeSmart Charles Brown, Transcity Property Management Katrina Deist, Home Town Sales Travis Dutson, Premier Real Estate Opportunities Dena Greenawalt, RE/MAX Infinity Tiffany Jones, United Brokers Group Helena Kaucheck, United Brokers Group Michael Lara, Academy Mortgage Corporation Karrie Law, RE/MAX New Heights Realty Lydia Maranville, West USA Realty Revelation Jeff Murray, Keller Williams Jason Robert, DPR Realty These individuals started out in February as a respectable group of eleven REALTORS® and one Affiliate wanting to stretch and grow into a new level of professionals. After applying for acceptance into the program and going through an intense interview process, this group was chosen to move forward to another exciting chapter in their lives. Their commitment of meeting weekly for eleven weeks, learning to work together as a team (and still maintainwww.SEVRAR.com ing an independent nature), and moving through open doors to new heights, is always commendable. But, what happens during the process is always an exciting phenomenon! SEVRAR provides the venues, speakers and a value packed program. Led by our CEO Janet Kane, growth occurs not only individually, but life long friendships are made by a bonding process that is like non other. Great leaders surround themselves with positive, successful people. This group has already proven to support each other in whatever endeavors they individually choose. rich, community minded professionals that will help move our association into the future. We thank each of you for your commitment to "give back" and we will be there to support all of you in your personal endeavors! Please join myself and Vice Chair, Martha Kimsey in congratulating the SEVRAR 2014 Leadership Graduates! ■■■ SEVRAR has yet another layer of SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 39 40 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com EVENT & EDUCATION CALENDAR 41 Event & Education Calendar Monday, June 2 8:30am COMMITTEE: RAPAC Committee 8:30am SEVRAR Orientation 1:00pm Ethics & the Licensee Tuesday, June 3 8:00am TOUR: Chandler Home Tour 9:00am Fair Housing Arizona Past to Present Wednesday, June 4 8:00am TOUR: San Tan Valley Home Tour 1:00pm COMMITTEE: Grievance Committee PANEL 2 1:00pm COMMITTEE: Builders Liaison Committee 5:00pm EVENT: After Hours Networking Thursday, June 5 8:00am CCIM: Residential Real Estate Financial Analysis 8:15amTOUR: Ahwatukee Home Tour Friday, June 6 8:15am WCR: Arizona East Valley Chapter Business Resource Meeting Monday, June 9 8:30am Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) 9:00am ARMLS Fast Track Extreme 10:30am COMMITTEE: Marketing Home Tour Committee Meeting 1:00pm COMMITTEE: Professional Development Committee Tuesday, June 10 8:00am TOUR: Mesa LUXURY Tour 1:00pm Agency Law www.SEVRAR.com Wednesday, June 11 8:15am TOUR: Gilbert/Higley Home Tour 8:15am TOUR: Tempe Home Tour 9:00am AAR Residential Contract Q&A 1:00pm 30 Ways To Lose Your License 4:30pm EVENT: Meet & Greet with Global Business & Alliance Council Thursday, June 12 8:00am Affiliate Certification 9:00am COMMITTEE: Affiliate Committee Meeting 11:00am Open for Business: Listing Consultation Tuesday, June 17 8:00am TOUR: Chandler Marketing Tour 9:00am COMMITTEE: Government Affairs Committee 1:00pm COMMITTEE: Finance Committee Meeting 3:00pm COMMITTEE: Community Outreach Committee Meeting Wednesday, June 18 8:00am TOUR: Queen Creek Home Tour 8:15am TOUR: Mesa Marketing Home Tour Thursday, June 19 7:30am COMMITTEE: Commercial Committee Meeting 8:00am CLOSED: SEVRAR Staff Meeting Office Closed 8:00am GRI: The Contract Class 8:15am TOUR: Ahwatukee Home Tour Monday, June 23 1:00pm Disclosing Environmental Issues Tuesday, June 24 8:30am TOUR: Chandler LUXURY Tour 9:00am Just in Time Series: 20 Reasons Why a Buyer Should Buy New Construction Wednesday, June 25 8:15am TOUR: Tempe Home Tour 9:00am Fair Housing Arizona Past to Present 1:00pm Hidden Legal Issues for Today's Real Estate Agent Thursday, June 26 9:00am Shift Your Risk 11:00am Open for Business: Selling a Home Saturday, June 28 EVENT: Poker Tournament Monday, June 30 9:00am Knowledge is Power Tuesday, July 1 8:00am TOUR: Chandler Home Tour 9:00am Dodd Frank 2014 Compliance in Arizona CONTINUED ON PAGE 42 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 41 42 EVENT & EDUCATION CALENDAR Wednesday, July 2 8:00am TOUR: San Tan Valley Home Tour 10:00am COMMITTEE: Grievance Committee PANEL 2 Thursday, July 3 8:15am TOUR: Ahwatukee Home Tour Friday, July 4 CLOSED: SEVRAR Closed for Holiday Monday, July 7 8:30am COMMITTEE: RAPAC Committee 8:30am SEVRAR Orientation 1:00pm Ethics & the Licensee Tuesday, July 8 8:00am TOUR: Mesa LUXURY Tour 10:00am Technology Tuesday 1:00pm COMMITTEE: Property Management Committee Meeting Wednesday, July 9 8:15am TOUR: Gilbert/ Higley Home Tour 8:15am TOUR: Tempe Home Tour 10:00am COMMITTEE: Grievance Committee Panel 2 1:00pm When Good Deals Go Bad 5:00pm EVENT: After Hours Networking Thursday, July 10 8:00am Affiliate Certification 9:00am COMMITTEE: Affiliate Committee Meeting 11:00am Open for Business: Social Media Friday, July 11 8:15am WCR: Arizona East Valley Chapter Business Resource Meeting Monday, July 14 9:00am ARMLS Fast Track Extreme 10:30am COMMITTEE: Marketing Home Tour Committee Meeting 6:00pm SEVRAR Orientation Thursday, July 17 8:00am CLOSED: SEVRAR Staff Meeting Office Closed 8:15am TOUR: Ahwatukee Home Tour 2:00pm COMMITTEE: Information Systems (IT) Committee Meeting Tuesday, July 15 8:00am TOUR: Chandler Marketing Tour 9:00am COMMITTEE: Government Affairs Committee 1:00pm COMMITTEE: Finance Committee Meeting 3:00pm COMMITTEE: Community Outreach Committee Meeting Tuesday, July 22 8:30am TOUR: Gilbert/ Higley LUXURY Tour 6:00pm EVENT: Laser Tag Tournament Wednesday, July 16 8:00am TOUR: Queen Creek Home Tour 8:15am TOUR: Mesa Marketing Home Tour 9:00am Agency Tales from the Courtroom Wednesday, July 23 8:15am TOUR: Tempe Home Tour 1:00pm Natural Hazards of Arizona Disclosure Law Thursday, July 24 11:00am Open for Business: Negotiating 1:00pm Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, July 30 9:00am Don't Watch Behind, Keep Your Standards in Line 1:00 PM Come One, Come All, Today's Fair Housing Friday, July 31 9:00am Reverse Mortgage for Purchase ■■■ 42 SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 www.SEVRAR.com MEMBER NEWS Have You Taken Advantage of Google + Yet? INCREASE YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE AND INFLUENCE SIGNIFICANTLY By Brady Garrett your business. People will be more able to find your local business with Google Maps integration, and also develop trust in your business via consumer reviews on your Google+ Local page. Denys Prykhodov / ShuƩerstock.com Everybody working in online marketing will appreciate the power of Facebook and Twitter as viral marketing platforms that can extend the reach and increase the engagement of online marketing campaigns. But what of Google+? Launched in 2011 and described by Google as “social layer” that aims to make social discovery a completely organic and natural experience, there are many reasons why businesses should be making the most of this social networking service: Increase your PageRank. For businesses with any kind of online presence, maximizing PageRank is essential for ensuring that a business website is ranked more favorably in Google search results. Linking Google + with all business web activities is good practice for any company wishing to improve their Google Rank and as a result, increasing the number of visitors to their website. Linking posts to Google + authorship, as well as sharing stories via Google +and encouraging other users of the social media site to give your story a +1, will help to boost the PageRank of your business website dramatically. Boosting local business. Google+ is linked with Google+ Local, a web enterprise that helps businesses connect with people on a local level. If you are the owner of a business that is location specific, such as a local retail enterprise, you will find that connecting with Google+ helps people in your local area connect with www.SEVRAR.com Increase your marketing reach. For people signing up to Gmail for the first time, it is now mandatory to create a Google+ account. Gmail is a largely popular email service and thus the number of people signed up to Google+ is huge. This means that the number of Google+ users is rapidly catching up with the number of Facebook users. There are 300 million users actively interacting with the Google+ service each month, and this means that if you share engaging content in the right way via this platform, your online marketing activity could potentially have an enormous reach. Utilize Google+ Hangouts. The most popular content medium of the 21st century is undoubtedly video. Billions of hours of video content are watched each day on YouTube alone. If you can create the right content and broadcast it on the most engaging platform for your audience, this could have a significant effect on your business. The Google+ Hangout tool is essentially a video webcasting solution that allows users to engage with live streamed video. For businesses of all sizes, Google+ Hangouts can be used in creative and exciting ways. Google+ Hangouts are the perfect environment for virtual press conferences, product demonstrations, product launches, and Q&A sessions that can engage thousands of people in real-time on the web. Any business that does not have a Google+ account in 2014 is missing a trick. By making the most of this platform’s many features, companies can create engagement on a local and national level, and increase their online presence and influence significantly. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. SEVRAR News Magazine June - July 2014 43