In-Hospital Resuscitation: Implementation of the AutoPulse as part of
In-Hospital Resuscitation: Implementation of the AutoPulse as part of
In-Hospital Resuscitation: Implementation of the AutoPulse® as part of a process improvement bundle. Presented By: Melanie Roberts MS, APRN, CCRN, CCNS Cri ti c a l Ca re Cli ni c a l N u rse Sp ec i a li st M edi c a l Center of th e Roc ki es L ovela nd, Colora do m g r @ pvh s . o rg OBJECTIVES Articulate the importance of high quality CPR. Discuss the limitations of manual CPR in providing optimal perfusion. Discuss the benefits and challenges of mechanical cardiac support. Share real life experience with program development and implementation, utilizing mechanical cardiac support during in-hospital resuscitation. MANUAL CPR Emphasis on improving basic CPR. American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care, 2005 updates, (Class I): 30:2, rate of 100 compressions per minute Compression depth of 1.5-2 inches If multiple rescuers, change CPR providers every 2 minutes Minimal interruptions, less than 10 seconds Class I recommendation: high level prospective studies, potential benefit outweighs harm MANUAL CPR – How good is it? Prospective, observational study, 67 patients, in-hospital cardiac arrest using monitor/defibrillator with sensing capabilities 40.3 % ROSC (27 patients), 10.7% (7) survived to discharge Analysis of first 5 minutes revealed inconsistent CPR that did not meet guidelines Depth too shallow 37.4% Ventilation rate too high 61% Rate 90/min 28% Mean no-flow was 0.24 (a 10 second pause each minute would yield a noflow fraction of 0.17) Abella B et al. Quality of cardiolpulmonary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest. 2005 JAMA;293(3):305310. MANUAL CPR Retrospective, observational study 435 patients before 2005 ACLS changes, 481 patients after Improved CPR: Decreased pre-shock pauses Decreased hands off time Appropriate compression and ventilation rates Survival 11% and 13 % Quality of CPR improved after implementation of 2005 Guidelines with only a weak trend toward improved survival to discharge. Olasveengen TM, et al. Effect of implementation of new resuscitation guidelines on quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and survival. 2009 Resuscitation;80(4):407-11. MANUAL CPR Challenges with providing high quality CPR during a resuscitation Inconsistency of performance Resuscitation 2009, CPR feedback/prompt devices for training/? Clinical practice Fatigue of providers Resuscitation, 2009 Resuscitation, 2009 Resuscitation, 2009 Resuscitation, 2010 chest compressions depth decay change providers every 1 min low back pain and ideal height for performance CPR best position on floor Chaos of switching providers every 2 minutes BENEFITS OF MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT High quality, effective CPR is required for the patient to have an opportunity to survive, it does NOT ensure survival. Mechanical cardiac support does not have to produce better outcomes than manual CPR, it has to be as good as manual CPR and no increased harm. BENEFITS OF MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Pilot, clinical study In hospital arrest, 31 patients After 10 minutes of failed ACLS, catheters were placed to measure coronary perfusion pressure during alternating manual CPR and AutoPulse mechanical compressions AutoPulse created higher peak aortic pressure, peak right atrial pressure, higher CPP Previous research has shown in an increased CPP is correlated with increased coronary blood flow Timerman S. et al. Improved hemodynamic performance with a novel chest compression device during treatment of in-hospital cardiac arrest. 2004. Resuscitation;61:273-280. MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Multicenter, randomized trial, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Manual CPR= 517, AutoPulse = 554 Primary end point was survival to 4 hours post arrest, secondary end points were survival to discharge and neurologic status No difference in the primary end point Survival to hospital discharge 9.9% in manual CPR group 5.8% in AutoPulse group (P=.06) Neurologic status, cerebral performance category of 1 or 2 at hospital discharge 7.5 % in manual CPR group 3.1% in AutoPulse group (P= .006) Hallstrom A. et al. Manual Chest Compression vs Use of an Automated Chest Compression Device During Resuscitation Following Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. 2006. JAMA ;295(22):2620-2628. MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Observational, cohort 783 adult, out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, manual CPR=499, AutoPulse =210 Outcome ROSC, secondary outcome survival to hospital admission, discharge, and neurologic status on discharge ROSC and survival to discharge was greater with AutoPulse No difference in neurologic outcomes for survivors in either group The number needed to treat for the adjusted outcome survival to discharge was 15 (95% CI, 9-33). Ong M. et al. Use of an Automated, Load-Distributing band Chest Compression Device for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation. 2006. JAMA;295(22):2629-2637. MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Prospective, observational study, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 46 patients, resuscitated with the AutoPulse device 54.3% had ROSC 39.1% were admitted to ICU 21.8% were discharged from ICU End-tidal C02 significantly higher in patients with ROSC Mean time for set-up of the device was 4.7+ 5.9 min but activation of the device was possible within 2 minutes or less (67.4% of cases) No injuries were detected Henning K. et al. Out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the AutoPulse system: A prospective observational study with a new load-distributing band chest compression device. 2007. Resuscitation 73;8695. MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Multicenter, manikin study Primary endpoints hands-off fraction and timing of ALS tasks Hands-off fraction (HOF) was increased with the Autopulse at the site with the lowest fraction with manual CPR. The HOF improved with the Autopulse at the two sites with the highest HOF with manual CPR. Initial defibrillation was delayed with the Autopulse versus manual CPR There were some issues with the multiple sites following the study protocol. Tomte O, et al. Advanced life support performance with manual and mechanical chest compression in a randomized, multicenter manikin study. 2009 . Resuscitation; 80:1152-1157. MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Phased, before-after cohort evaluation, out-of-hospital cardiac arrests Outcome median no-flow time defined as a sum of all pauses between compressions longer than 1.5 seconds in the first 5 minutes of CPR First 5 minutes: manual no-flow time 85 seconds, AutoPulse 104 seconds 5-10 minutes: manual no-flow time 85 seconds, AutoPulse 52 seconds Average time to apply the AutoPulse 152 seconds Greater no-flow time with the AutoPulse in the first 5 minutes, but improved later in the resuscitation. Ong M. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation interruptions with use of a load-distributing band device during emergency department cardiac arrest. 2010 Annals of Emergency Medicine (article in press). BENEFITS OF MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Why don’t we have more research available? Undertaking large scale, RCT, large samples, long term follow-up for outcomes requires more resources than are available to most researchers. Difficult to get multiple centers to follow a study protocol. Cost Resuscitation is complicated with confounding variables. Potential for harm of mechanical chest compression devices compared to manual chest compressions, it is unclear if there is excess harm associated with the mechanical device. Jacobs I. Mechanical chest compression devices—will we ever get the evidence? Resuscitation 2009 (80): 1093-1094. BENEFITS OF MECHANICAL CARDIAC SUPPORT Potential benefits not studied Teamwork Increased “hands off ‘ time (needs further study) Increased “think” time of the team, allowing team to consider causes and definitive treatment earlier Decreased team members required for the resuscitation Increased perfusion Ability to defibrillate while compressions are in progress Generates systolic BP 90-140 mmHg Decreasing the time without compressions Decreased work-related injuries due to providing CPR Implementing a Program with a Mechanical Cardiac Support Device In this fiscal environment, how do you get a mechanical cardiac support device? How many nurses injure their backs doing CPR? How much does it cost to train an RN to work in the ICU ? How many employees does it take to run a resuscitation currently? Mechanical Cardiac Support only has to be as good as manual CPR, may not be better due to multiple variables affecting the outcome of a resuscitation. Not all interventions will have Level I evidence to support use. Is there sufficient evidence to show it is not harmful? Ask ZOLL for an evaluation period USING THE AUTOPULSE™ Implementation of the AutoPulse into the in-house resuscitation team: Our Experience Implementing a Program with a Mechanical Cardiac Support Device Strategic placement is the key Place the Autopulse where it will be maintained and checked routinely Code Blue Team access Base number on response time of Code Blue Team Determine number needed without excess Who will place the device? Autopulse™ Transport Mounted below defibrillator Handle to facilitate pulling or pushing Taken with in-house team when activated Keys to elevator Implementing a Program with a Mechanical Cardiac Support Device Develop a procedure Define what patients populations can and can not have the AutoPulse Who can place the AutoPulse Clearly define how to use the AutoPulse Clearly define how to change the Life Band ® Clearly define how to clean the AutoPulse and have it ready for use – hygiene barrier Daily maintenance Check belt Change battery Documentation regarding AutoPulse during code Implementing a Program with a Mechanical Cardiac Support Device Simulate placement of the AutoPulse Don’t use a manikin, use real people. The manikin is too light. Drill OFTEN, it is a complex skill in a resuscitation At least quarterly Practice precision, placement less than 30 seconds Standardize the process Time the process Review problems with the AutoPulse real time Implementing a Program with a Mechanical Cardiac Support Device AutoPulse placement Start manual CPR, placement of the Autopulse does not have to be immediate. Remove AutoPulse from transport device and turn it on. Continue manual CPR, have staff position themselves on each side of the patient. When everyone is in position and ready, the person with the AutoPulse does the count. On the count of three, the patient is lifted to a sitting position, the AutoPulse slides in behind the patient (round end to the butt). The patient is lowered onto the AutoPulse, ensure positioning is appropriate, bring LifeBand around chest. Pull LifeBand up, start AutoPulse Pausing AutoPulse Pauses should be kept to a minimum Checking for shockable rhythm When shock is advised, the AutoPulse can continue compressions during the shock Medical Center of the Rockies Experience YEAR Number Actual Codes Codes with AutoPulse Initial Rhythm PEA/Asystole VT/VF Survival to Discharge 2007 45 19 (42%) 53% (24/45) 16% (17/45) 43% (17/40) 2008 33 14 (42%) 76% (25/33) 6% (2/33) 33% (9/27) 2009 58 25 (43%) 64% (37/58) 31% (18/58) 44% (21/48) Medical Center of the Rockies Experience AutoPulse is one component of a bundle to improve outcomes with resuscitation: Pharmacist added to the team Increased training of Code Blue Team Simulation training focusing on teamwork, communication Rapid Response Team decreased Code Blue calls outside ICU 1999 study, 35% of all US admissions, statistically significant lower mortality, 32% hospitals utilize pharmacists on their teams. 1029 hospitals, 18 fewer deaths in the hospitals with pharmacists participating on the teams, extrapolated to all hospitals, 67,000 lives saved per year 15% of Code Blue calls outside of ICU Induced Hypothermia (NNT 6-8) Medical Center of the Rockies Experience Lessons Learned Learning curve with use of the AutoPulse (longer than expected) Placement has to be quick and efficient for the Code Blue team to see the benefit of the AutoPulse Practice is imperative for placement The AutoPusle has to become an efficient, planned, and practiced part of the process of the in-hospital resuscitation, with timing of placement based on the clinical situation. PEA/Asystole about 40% of these codes VT/VF only about 5% of these codes In our experience, it is utilized in longer codes, short ones the patient has ROSC before placement can occur. Placement is after the first two minutes of CPR, sometimes at the 4 or 6 minute checks depending on circumstances. Placing the AutoPulse should NEVER delay defibrillation. Medical Center of the Rockies Experience Lessons Learned Critical thinking required about patient physiology and AutoPulse function Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patient (Amyloidosis) Femoral pulses Palpation of brachial/radial (SBP 90-140) Pulmonary Edema MCR uses the AutoPulse on open heart surgery patients, several have had their chests explored after the AutoPulse was used, no injuries were found. Medical Center of the Rockies Experience Case Report 53 yo man, cardiac arrest at home, EMS finds patient in VF (Nov) 10 minutes of manual CPR, 27 minutes Lucas device, 60 minutes with the AutoPulse CCL, 100% LAD, PTCA/Stent, defibrillated 12 times in CCL, IABP Induced hypothermia in the CICU, with 2 more arrests Day 3 returns to normothermia, awakens from sedation within 12 hours Patient asked if he could hear us to give a thumbs up, the pt did Left the hospital 10 days later, completely neurologically intact Visited the CICU in running shorts at Christmas Medical Center of the Rockies Experience Case Report 76 yo man, VF arrest at home, lives next to fire station, manual CPR within 3 minutes of collapse AutoPulse during transport to MCR (35 minutes) CCL, PTCA/Stent, IABP, Induced hypothermia Returned to normothermia, slow to awaken but once awake, follows commands Discharge home, neurologically intact Summary Literature reports the following for survival to discharge: PEA/Asystole 12% VT/VF 37% Overall 0-29% Meaney P, et al. Rhythms and outcomes of adult in-hospital cardiac arrest. Critical Care Medicine 2009;38(10:1-8. Our experience, survival to discharge has increased from 15%-21% (prior to 2007) to 33% -44% (PEA/Asystole 60%) with the AutoPulse implementation as part of a resuscitation improvement bundle. Summary The AutoPulse is a tool, there are times when it is advantageous and times when it isn’t. The ability of the team to place the device quickly, correctly, and efficiently will determine if outcomes will improve. Placement of the AutoPulse CAN NOT delay ACLS interventions. QUESTIONS
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