Owner`s Manual - S3 amazonaws com
Owner`s Manual - S3 amazonaws com
MANUAL OWNER'S d PartsList Outfaw #2137 d AssemblyandOperatingInstructions fl Recipes d Accessories fi Warnings ( P a g e1 0 ) ry"ff:',* TheBIGGrillin theLittleBox! ZH Z@ ZW E 0 0 { Zrffiffi V@ Z@ Z4H 0 I I II L 0 L t! T Zm IJ t ! ! B U Y E R SG U I D E Z@ ADJUSTABTE GRATE EASY DUMP ASHPAl{ EasyGlean Up zm zm zm ADDCOALS ASYOUCOOK c0ltvElflE1{T EASY CtEAl{UP VERSATILIil IIMIlIG STOPS BURI{OUI {,n+t _SERVEMoRE PEOPTE -41{0THERWAY TOSMOKE I - DURABTE EVEI{HEAI PARTS LIST AND TOOLS REQUIRED (ToolsNot lncluded) Pliars ffi€ and 7116"nut driver .-dE A assEMBLY rNsrRucrroNs Read allsafety warnings andinstructions yourgrill. carefully belore assembling andoperating IMPORTANT HINT:DONOTTIGHTEN ANYNUTSANDBOLTS UNTILGRILLIS FULLY ASSEMBLED. (Estimated Assembly Time: 45minutes) Assemblyrequires2 people.Get anotherperson iiffi'S"::'."?;l::'nff;ffii'H;:"S'?IYY'*' M Nottightenanyboltsunlessinstructed to doso. Tightening toosoonmayprohibitpartsfrom Fittingtogether. All HexNutsshouldbeonthe Insideofthegrillunlessstatedotherwise. Unpack all contentsin a well-clearedand paddedarea. suoRr LEc @ L O N GL E G Insertone LONGLEGinto one SHORTLEG. See Fig.A. Repeat this step for the other LONG and SH0RTLEG. Attach LEGBRACESIo the outside of one of the LONGand SHORTLEGassembliesyou just made. See Fig. B. Use Nvo 21/2" hex bolts and nuts for each LEGBRACEbut only finger tight. Inseft all four corners of the BOTTOM WIRE SHELFinto the four holes located near the bottom insideof the four LEGS.See Fig. C. Next, rotatethe LEGSupward untilvertical. lmportant:Make sure the two Long Legs are on the same end. ll -t ,ro*rrr)ii;,hivhee, @ Attach the other end of the LEGBRAGESIo the correspondinglegs using 21/2" Hex Bolts and Nuts but only fingertight. See Fig.D. Gently hammer one HUBCAPtoone end of the AXLE. Slide one WHEELonto the AXLE. InseftAXLEthrough the holes at the bottom of both SHORTLEGS.Slide second WHEELonto AXLE then gently hammer the second HUBCAPonto AXLE. Next inserl a mtter pin throughthe hole in each end of the axle and spread the tip of the cotter pin. See Fig.D. Stand the CART/LEG ASSEMBLY upright. Attach the bottom half of the BODY to the CART/LEG (make sure damper is on same side as ASSEMBLY wheels) with four 21/2" Hex Bolts. There are two holes in the front and two in the back of the grill BODY. See Fig.E. EI to the front BRACKETS SHELF B . Attachtwo (2) FBONT grillbodyusingtwo (2) 314" HALFof edgeof BOTTOM (with the nutson the insideof the grill). Nuts Hex Boltsand SHELF to the FR0NT Attachthe longW00DSLATS and at the sametime attachthe FR0NT BRACKETS to the undersideof the outer SUPP0RT BRACES SHELF withfour(4) 1" BRACKETS SHELF Holesof the FRONT CarriageBoltsand Nuts. Attachthe otherend of the Support Bracesto the GrillBodY.Fig.G. a Bottom Half ot Grill Body Attach to Grill Body the H00Dup through fromINSIDE InsertSM0KESTACK the hole. Attachwithtwo (2) 314"hex boltswiththe nutson to removethe the inside.Fig.H. Note:lt is not necessary Damper @ StackDamper. HexBolt-1P .P holein hood(fromoutside) GAUGEthrough 10. InsertHEAT tabson the sideof HEAT RlNGover and oushthe SPLIT insidethe hood. GAUGEfrom to the centerof the H00D 1 1 .AttachW00DH00DHANDLE withtwo (2) 314'hex bolts,lockwashers,and hex nuts. F i g .H . Lock Washer on top of the POSIT|0N, 1 2 .Setthe H000,in the GL0SED I bottomHalfof the grillbody. Lineup the Hingeholesand insertthe ClevisPins. This may requireliftingup on the back of the Hood. Then,carefullyopenthe hood,makingsureto not let the ClevisPinsfallout,and insertthe HairCotterPins intothe ClevisPins.Fig.I' to insideof bottomhallof CIRCLE 1 3 .Attachthe DAMPER c-7\ w'' *--ll-----U. I grillbodywitha 3/4" Bolt. The boltgoesthrua FlatWasher, Clevis Pin thruthe DamperCircle,thruthe GrillBody,thruanotherFlat Washer,thrua LockWasher,and finallyattachedto a Hex Nut. The smalltabon the DamperCircleshouldprotrude outward.Fig.J. AdjustableHanger I Bottom Damper Circle ay need to spread for better tit) Fire Grate __=-_ Catch Tabs Flat Washer thefour(4)holeson left 1 4 .AttachSIDE SHELFIo hexboltsandnuts.Fig'L. sideof grillwith112" On BOLTS: PIV0T RACKS WARMING 1 5 .ATTACHING just insert one(1)2" center, of of theH00D back eachEND (A) with HEX HEXB0LT(total2) (fromoutsidein)in holes ig. e f H O0 D .FM. o ni n s i do N UTS fromthe B0DY4" GRILL of theL0WER OneachEND (total 2) (from backcorner,insertone(1)3/4"HEXB0LT insideof GRILL in)in holes(B)withHEXNUTSon outside . . B 0 DYF. i g M all aftertightning RACKuntil WARMING Donotinstall B0LTS. PIV0T RACK fourWARMING o, HenB.,, -. a; nt'"ut SrdeShelf /- ASSemD'v L00P WIRE RACK',S(4) THEWARMING ATTACH RACK'S SlDESand ontheWARMING located HOLES, B0LTS LEGS, overthefour(4)PIV0T WIRE leftsidefirst' Attach B0DY. H00DandGRILL fora LEGoutwards WIRE the flex may Hint:You fitandto center.Fig.M. tighter ALLnutsandbolts. 16.Tighten l 'l6s'- -$/+:.J,i t'!-v.' 2 B0lt &Eo,Pi/rt Le!lWre 3 J Bott ib-. HANGERS withADJUSTABLE GRATE, 17. PlaceFIRE grill body. HALF of into BOTTOM attached, Fis.K&L GRATES. theC0()K|NG lnstall COMPLETE! ASSEMBLY C()NGRATULATIONS, whenthehoodiswar m. r em oved d th eh o o di s mo r eeasily Hin t : Thpea p el ra b e l l h ai st a ffi xeto likeWD-40. lubricant a spray oflwith glueresidue canbecleaned Anyieinaining Grills. 0nUsed NoReturns Note, Please E GRILL PREPARATION & INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING ON USEDGRILLS NO RETURNS PLEASENOTE: A Readall safetywarningsand instructionscarelully / !\ Beforeassemblingand operatingyour grill' l . C u r e G R I L L p r i o r t o y o u r i n i t i a | u s e ! o p p t . e g t . ] ! e i n t e r i o r a n d e x tcnAreS' inruo n , i s INSTDE h a n d t ooF p r eBARREL v e n t u n)n a t u r a | f l a v o r Suiiib'it it;i;;i;o QRtLLge - J i o r . f(B) "";i ALi:iNiERl6R (A)Lightry firstmeats. Builda mediumsizedlire on fire)' or coalJ hot ne"ar use n.jt Oo Ori is easiest oil withveqetableoil (sprayvegetable and heatat approximately gi.te", clcjse'lid i"price-cooking the tiregrate. (c) AftercoaiJasnover,spreadorit"urJ, hours.You can lightlycoatthe "ilapioximate-ly"?oo il"glli return and I to1ty9 GRATES Re-coat hours. 250F tortwo muchlikewaxinqa car' Your finish' the oit]tnls wiilextendthe lifeo{ exteriorof the grillnooytwnirewirrl *it, u"geraote " i,r"tii"iiorffii; thi; pr";;.J ino'tot severaluses-butwill slow *irioYip cirrr GRrLLwi* thenbe reaoyfor-use.ttorr: overtime. N E V E R E x c E E D 4 0 0 B E G A U S E T H I S W | L L - D A MAGAINST 4 9 F . T HRUST' EFINISHAND-coxTfiIBUTET0RUST.PA|NT|SN0TWA ISHOIWARRANTED iliii'REIi[iii T.OUCH-db.-i1ir5.[ilii burns 2 . T o S T A R T F I R E _ s t a c k 5 0 - 6 0 b r i q u e t s i n pover y r aor-m i dgray' a n d sspread^them a t u r a t e w i out t h | i)nd g h t start e r f | ucookrnq' i d ( D O Nlf' one T U Send E.G ASOLINE).L LTGHTEB coalsin severalplaces,"]o"" fiOaitui briquetb-ash cHnnc'ArAND toiev6n 1'""t 3iiinislblt-ow N0Nc0MBUSTIBLE faster.use tonqsto movecoarsfrom one end-to_tr,Join", suRFAcE oHry0N zr ruuroMANUFAcrufifi"s'tNiiHirilr!_s4g'wnfii'iilic5.lsi0uioootis LEMATERIAL' usrlB Dc0MB ooAN Wo / ! \i ;ri{-dfrV'in'dm FIREGRATE AdlustGRATE DAMPERSand ADJUSTABLE 3. controlheatwith amountand typeof FUEL,,DUAL heat. more is airflow More thancoals. WooOOurnsrr<iiter ;;;;;;i;tiine. 4.Fornof|are-ups,cookwithlidinthedownposition.Addwatersoakedhardwoodchipsforasmokedf|avor' 5.Suggestion:Screw3/4,,,cuphooks(notturnished)onfrontofthewoodshe|ftohangcookingutensi|S. rustthroughany thicknessof steel This too longholdmoistuLe-and 6. Burnout may be rustout. Ashesleftin b.ottom FoR CARED PRoPERLY uor tr RuSilisptctnllv ""i#'t,?.".;;i;h v[li'i ol steet sriilismade before closinglid' f lavor. Burnlighterf luidcompletely 7. Do not use self-strtrngcharcoalas it willgiveunnatural and baremetalwhile.warmto reducerust on the EXTERIoR' 8. Afterusing,coatvegetableoil on interior.grates paint,availableat most hardware/autostores' removeust with *ir" oruffJno i""fr.t Jp *iflj;-h'gh heai 9.HINT:|fcastirongratesgetcaked,puttheminse|fc|eaningoven.Theycomeout|ikenew,butneedre-se the holein the grillto catchdrippings' 10. You may placea coffeecan on bottomshelfunder in oven' whichwill steamout duringcooking Gaugemay be calibrated 11. HEATGAUGEmay obtainmoisture, (NotProvided)' 12.You may f ill unwantedholeswith Nuts& Bolts This shouldnot affectyourcooking N0TE:Smokewillescapefromareasotherthanthe smokestack GRILLING RECIPES D I R E C TM E T H O D Generallvspeakingto qrillmeats' SiiiftId nlfWf inTSJ'Cookfooddirectlyabovecoals. on eiachsideivittrthe lid open tor one-miriuiJ (hot)and sear raisefiregrateto high.position mediumpositionwithlid closedand iotiig S1"tq and in ltavor to seal ru'""r.'Thdn'iii',il"r firegrate' dampersand adjustable cookto desiredoneness.citniioi rreit wiirr"ouat before Placeqrilledmeatbackin tletnarinadefor severalminutes BARBECUE: BETTER kill to {irst marinade extra Boil i"r[ff"bAuiioN: servinq- it wittbecom","tYiJi"u]..1ij bacteiiaremainingfromthe raw meat' partnot ensuresfoodis fullycooked. Inserlintothickest cookinqwitha MEATTHERMOMETER be170to180 shourd rorBrRDS tiv;';i;#;ie;;si'.teiiitf '#Xgnn:m*"": ariow i.i,iiii'BironJa 140for rare,160mediumand "]-r0meiisnould be E GRILLING RECIPES (continued) - Mixmarinade MARINATED FLANK ingredients STEAK in nonmetal dish. Letsteakstandin marinade for no lessthan4 hoursin refrigerator. Browneachsidefor5 minutes, butcentershouldremainrare.Cut steakdiagonally acrossthegrainintothinslicesbeforeserving.Grillwithfiregratein high(hot)position withlidooenor closed. MARINADE:1/2 cupvegetable or oliveoil,1/3cupsoysauce,1/4cupredwinevinegar, 2 tbs.Lemonjuice, 1 tsp.Drymustard, 1 mincedclovegarlic,1 smallmincedonion,1/4 tsppepper. '; i -Coverbirdsin ltaliandressing (GoodSeasons pouroffdressing or KraftZesty),marinate 0UAIL0B DOVES overnight, andcoverwith TexasPeteHotSaucefor6 hours.Wrapbirdsinthickbaconsecuredby a toothpick..Placeon grill- keepturninguntilbaconis black.Grillfor20 minules.Searwithlidopenandfiregratein high(hot)position for 1 mineachsidebeforelowering grateandclosing lid. -ORSMOKEby placingbirdsin centerof GRIDwithfirein bothendsof FIREBOX. - Alternating greenpeppers, KABOBS on skewersanycombination of meat,onions,tomatoes. mushrooms, zucchini, circular sliceof Meatcouldconsistof chunksof shrimp,scallops, pork,beef,etc. .../d^_) corn-on{he-cob, or pineapple. lobster, chicken, sausage, Marinate themeatin refrigerator forseveralhours.Grilleachsideapproximately 7 minutes turningoccasionally while - t W piecesin orderto cookfaster.Grillwithlidup and " {://','i!Fbastingwithmarinade.Leavea smallamountof roombetween thefiregratein thelowestposition.Seemarinade recipeon lastpage. ,rritV '&juice,2 teaspoons KAB0B MABINADE:M|x 1 cupsoysauce,1/2cupbrownsugar,1/2cupvinegar,1/2cuppineapple salt,1/2teaspoon garlicpowderandbringto a boil. Marinate bee{in mixturea minimum of 4 hours. - Grillwithlidup andfiregratein high(hot)position HOTDOGS for approximately 6 minutes, turneveryfewminutes. - Mixin choppedonions,greenpeppers, HAMBURGERS salt,sear3/4inchpattieson eachsidewithfiregratein highposition fora few minutes.Lowerfiregrateto mediumposition andgrillwithliddownto avoidflare-ups.Cookeachside3 to 7 minutesaccording to desireddoneness.Cookgroundmeatto 150internally or untiljuicerunsclear(freeof blood)forprevention of Ecoli Burgers canbe bastedwithmarinade whenturningand/orotheringredients canbe mixedinwiththegroundbeefsuchas chilisauceor powder; or youmaymarinate by allowing lo standin marinade Ior1 or 2 hoursat roomtemperature before cooking; or letstandincovered dishin refrigerator upto 24 hours.Bringto roomtemperature beforecooking. Seemeatmarinade on oaoe9. -Placeon skewers, (Peeled) SHRIMP & Ctaylish coatwithmeltedbutterandgarlicsalt. Grill4 minuteson eachsideor untilpink. Cocktail sauceoptional. - Rubwithbutterandwrapin foilandcookon grillwithliddown{or50 minutes.Turnafter25 minutes(noneedto BAKED P0TATOES fordoneness. turnif smoked).Squeeze - Trimexcesssilkfromendandsoakin coldsaltedwatert hourbeforegrilling.Grill25 minutes- turning lNHUSKS SWEET CORN times. several - Huskandwash.Rubwithbutterandseasonwithsaltandpepper.Wrapeachearin foil lNFO|L SWEET C0RN andgrillfor30 minutes turningseveraltimes(noneedto turnif smoked). -Slice1/4"thickandsoakin oliveoilpriorto grilling VEGETABLES GBfLLED to preventburning. Grillfor9 minutes eachside. 8* .-\./ E (WATER PA]U STOKIN' RECIPES METHOD INDIRECT Pan not included' Disposablebread pan is recommended times) sMoKE BY COOKIN9SLOWLY(Seecharton page10for smoking on right -rheof.firegrate' 2) Placehot coals 1) place water/drippdn on left side ine accessoheIps,conf basket charbdal ry ;.id;'A"j'il"nOioT tir'egraie. in rou water above meat #;di;'il;'sid;l sl Fla6e eql;9,1119^?fire^srate ddjustable & srate' fi;ii,;;."6iCior" [6 aionttoirreatwiyrdamp'ers meatdirectlyabovecoalswith LID you mav want to sear certainfoods beforesmokingby-Pl3,clng minutes. for several position (hot) in htgh #;;;i'FICt'bRATS part marinade,beer or wine to 3 partswater Add flavorsoakedwood chipsto the fire and add 1 to the driPPan. TIME' O P E N I N GT H E S M O K I N GC H A M B E RW I L LE X T E N DC O O K I N G c.ooked.Insertthermometerintothickest cookingwith meatthermometerensuresfood is fully -Meat Internaltemperaturefor birdsshould part not toucnrngoone,and allowtive m]nr]tli i-oredisiei-, shouldbe cookedto internaltemperature be 170.to 1g0"or when leg moveseasiivlnro'nt. done' well 170'fcir and m6dium 5ir+o: tor iitb, too; for A D D | N G M o R E W A T E R _ C h e c k t h e w a t e r | e v e | wmeat h e n cov6r oot< i 1 9pouring a g r , e ]water 1 ? ' | , 1through ^h.9'ursorwhenyo and *uTei ov inoving can,thearthe watersi-nimering.-Aoo GRILLiNtOWATERPAN. , H E F I R E ' SR I G H T .I F T H E S M O K EI S B L A C K ' I F T H E S M O K EI S W H I T E T ADD SOMEDRAFT ,. with oaPertowel,tuckwingtiPs SMOKEDTURKEY- Emptycavityrinseand pat d,ry abov ,,t'Ii cbokinqgrid oriddirectlyabove of cboking rt'h ol anOtie legsiogethb^r'Placein center ;;'d6ithe Oact< extra_ Allow.several pound. @ panofwater.. toiiorrp 9To[9-fo-1,1-2.T111.":^P:l^ * Use a meatthermometerfor for expansion' ;i;;iJr-p"iioijno it stutteoto allow (190"internal). bestresults and curedwholeham or shank sMoKED BAKED HAM - Fullycookedcannedham or smoked or butt Portion. *ai$ry :,\l'SJJ,??:?'Sitix?,iIs'J9s"J'o1l,fiilo""1i:%f"'?,3 cooking,grid in center,of up nit wilr tatside |l,Xt"i""i"".jtvO'i*iSiitr."pilcl 9 minutes pan.CioiellO.Rnout Perpgyqpissugggsigd,, ;i*;iiv "b,;ve'Oiip iL"LlY]l'q?ii3:e'#''o_g .1lp"lpmi+^ql##'[trHll!:fi t"i:[y-SS",:"f rings v{ withpineapple gO-r'nuteJbi time.Garnish cooking tiil;;;rriifist iuoul i s minutesbeforeendof cookingtime' packed,112cuporangejuice'112cuphoney' HAMGLAZE:1 cupof lightbrownsugar,firmly for at least4 hours' sit ilraiinadei Let ;"ibh; Jg"r, irilJund f'oney. within1/4inchof eachend. stuff -.Slithotdogslengthwise, sMoKEDHOTDOGSSTUF_FED Ftaceon cookinggridoverdrippanand wrap-ih-odcon. r"ri-rn-lno hotdoqswithcheesE-uid or untilbaconis crisp' lilbte"is-zo minutes r stoKlN' REGIPESIWATERPANI IndirectMethod(continued) pat dry with paper sMoKED CHICKENPARTS AND HALVES Rinsepiecesin cold water and with salt and taste to season oil and vegetable piece with towels. Brusheach ,,_::.1.-_-=.-n grate in high or and lid open with coals above pieces directly pepper. Brown grate pieces cooking place on Then minutes. position for several medium {or lid down with position, cook low grate the in pan. the with drip above directly marinade' pepper if using and or salt oil vegetable not use Do done. until 55 to 60 minutesor €si) "heftybag"and marinatefor 2-4 days,turningdaily' Marinate SMOKEDVENISON:placeleg of venisonin a containeror with at leastan hourbeforecooking.Seasongenerously baconovernightin its marinade.Removeroastfrom refrigerator per minutes 20125 smoke and roast, of the top the over Bacon seasonedsaltanctcoarsegroundblackpepper.wrap 1 lb. pound.or untiltender. Do not overcook. 112oz Tabasco,2 tbs' Season VenisonMarinade:1 cup Balsamicor winevinegar,1 cup olive oil,2 oz. Worcestershire, 4 dashes 2 oz. Worcestershire, vinegar, Wine 2 ox. Marinade: Bacon sauce. All, 1 to 2 choppedjalapenos,3 oz. Soy Tabasco. crushedgarlic,Tabasco,slicedgreen sMoKED SHRIMp& cRAyFlsH: Mix in a foil pan 112cup butter,two clovesof smoke45 minutes' pepper,1 tblseachof mincedonions,saltandjuicesfromone lemon.Add shrimpand/or crayfishand peeledonions,zucchini,squash,etc' Put in pan Turnips,potatoes,carrots,okra,mushrooms, sMoKED VEGETABLES: Or placevegetableson grilland smokefor 50 meat. the and coverwith waterand cookfor severalhourswhilecooking minutes,eitherwrappedin foilor not. fish in 1 cup whitewine, 1 cup soy SMOKEDFISH: Marinatein brine(1/4 cup dissolvedin 1 qt of water)or marinate Let air on rack20 minutesbefore refrigerator. in dish in covered juice. overnight Marinate saucemixedwith 1 cup lemon 25 minutes grill. Smoke placingon Pamsprayed surfaceswithseasoning.Placeribsin sMoKED spARE/BACKRIBS: peel off toughlayerof skinon backside. Rub all 1 1/2 hoursor until meatspullsaway from bone Bastewith centerof grid abovedrip pan and smokeapproximately barbecuesauceduringlast30 minutes. cup red wine vinegar,1 teaspoon cHfcKEN MARINADE: Combine 112cup soy sauce, 114cup vegetableoil, 114 pepper. Pour over chicken parsley, 1/4 teaspoon powder with garlic oregano,1/2 teaspoonsweetbasil,1/2 teaspoon to bastechickenwhile marinade Use occasionally turning overnight, oiecesin nonmetaldish. Coverand refrigerate cooking. choppedlargeonionsand 2 MEAT MARINADE:For steaks,chops,and burgers:combineq cup soy sauce,2 coarsely is very smooth' Stir in mixture until clovesgarlic(halved)in an electricblender;cover,processat highspeed1 minuteor (or substitute1 seasoning Monde Beau 114cupbotilegravycororing(KitchenBouqetand GravyMaster)and 2 teaspoons teaspoonMSG and 1 teaspoonseasonedsalt)' up lo 24 hoursin a covereddish' Bring for 2 hoursor relrigerate Allowmeatto standin marinadeat roomtemperature cooking. before meatto roomtemperature l 1 2 c u pp i n e a p p ljeu i c e ' 2 s H I s H K A B O B M A R I N A D EM : i x l c u p s o y s a u c e l,1 2 c u p b r o w n s u g alr1, 2 c u p v i n e g a r , of 4 hours' minimum a mixture in beef Marinate boil. to a powder bring and garlic teaspoonssall,ll2teaspoon E Food BeefRoasts,BeefBrisket LambRoasts.Venison Largecutsof Game PorkRoasts Pork/BeefBibs PorkChops Links Sausage Ham.Fresh Ham,Cooked (Cutup or split) Chicken (Whole) Chicken Turkey(Unstuffed) Fish,smallwhole Fish.filets.steak Duck Smallqamebirds WalerPan Weight 3-4lbs. 5-7lbs. 7-9lbs. 3-4lbs. 5-8lbs. Fullgrill Fullgrill Fullgrill 1 0l b s . Allsizes 1-4lryers,cut up or split 1-4 fryers .12 lbs. 8F u lg l rill Fullgrill 3-5lbs, Fulg l rill a* Temperature on MeatThermometer SideFireBox 1-11l2hours 1314- 2112hours 2112- 3112hours 1314- 2112houts 2112- 3 hours 1112- 2 houts 314- 1114hour 2 - 2314nows 3 - 4 hours .l 1/2 2 hours 4-5hours | 140orare 5-6hours l160"medium 7 - 10 hours I 170"welldone 1-11/4hours - 1112hour 1114 1314- 2112hours 112- 314hours 114- 112hours 'I 13/4hours 3/4* t hour i i i I ! In,|PORTANT 5-6hours 1170" 7-Shours 4 - 6 hours 4 - 6 hours 4 - 5 hours 7 - 8 hours 3 - 4 hours 4 - 5 hours 5 - 6 hours 7 - 8 hours 2 - 3 hours 1 - 3 hours 5 - 6 hours 4 - 5 hours | i i | I I 170" Meatpullsfrombone Meatpullslrombone 170"forfreshsausage 170" 130" 180"/ legmoveseasrlyin 1oinl 180"/ legmoveseasilyin joint 180"/ legmoveseasrlyin joint Flakeswithfork Flakeswithfork 180"/ legmoveseasilyin joint 180"/ leqmoveseasilyrn SAFETY WARNTNGS CAREFULLY R E A D A L L S A F E T YW A R N I N G SA N D I N S T R U C T I O N S B E F O R EA S S E M B L I N GA N D O P E R A T I N GY O U R G R I L L . Usecaution yourgrillto avoid andoperating whenassembling or cutsfromsharPedges. scrapes . Donotusegasoline, for lighting charcoal. kerosene or alcohol couldcausean Useof anyof theseor similarproducts possibly leading to severebodilyinjury. explosion . Keepchildren is & petsawayfromgrill.Supervision whenin use. Use anddo notleavegrillunattended necessary grillto prevent strains.Keepgrillat least whenmoving caution fences, (decks, buildings, material 15feetfromanycombustible etc). trees,bushes, . Whenaddingcharcoal caution. and/orwood,useextreme . Nevermovegrillwhenit is in useor whenit contains hotcoals or ashes. . Donolplacegrillnearflammable gasesor where liquids. vaporsmaybe present. flammable . Usecaution whenfreshairsuddenly sinceflamescanflare-up thelid,keephands, withfire. Whenopening comesin contact faceandbodysafefromhotsteamandflamellare-ups. . Donolexceeda temperature of 400F Donotallowcharcoal and/orwoodto reston thewallsof grill.Doingso willgreatly reducethelifeof themetalandiinishof yourgrill. EE . Alwayswearovenmittsto protect handsfromburns.Avoid hotsurlaces. touching . Whenopening lid,makesureit is pushedallthewaybackso caution brackets.Useextreme it restsagainst thelidsupport andcausebodily as hoodcouldfallbackto a closedposition InJury. . Closelidandalldampers flame, to helpsuffocate . Alwaysholdan openlidfromthewoodenhandleto prevent it fromclosingunexpectedly. . Neverleavecoalsandashesunattended. Beforegrillcanbe leftunattended, coalsandashesmustbe removed.Use place yourself Carefully andproperty. to protect caution metalcontainer coalsandashesin a noncombuslible remaining withwater.Allowcoalsandwaterto completely andsaturate 24 hourspriorto disposing. remainin metalcontainer . To protect keepall thatcouldcauseillness, bacteria against or microwave; andthawin relrigerator meatsandrefrigerated fromotherfoods;washeverything keeprawmeatsseparate andrefrigerate rawmeats;cookthoroughly; thatcontacts to welldone. immediately. Cookmeatsmedtum leftovers "SIDEFIREBOX" APPLYALSOTOTHE WARNINGS THESE Professional Accessories Branded withChar-Griller' Logo OUHEW, > Spatula/ Turner . Greatfor movinodelicatefoods . SharpenedLeadingEdge.. > Tongs. . Safelymoves hot coals . M o v e sf o o dw i t he a s e . . TOORDER VISIT www.chargriller,com or .$7.99.. :-:. mr,.lr.+f,r]WHffi .......97.99.. > Gri l l B ru sh . CleanGrates . R e m o v eb u i l d - u p . BastingBrush . Keep foods moist . M a r i n a tw e h i l ec o o k i n g . . . . . . . .....$7.99.. fr'',p'* SffiFq .........$7.99.* CALL:912-638-4724 FOfk S&ti ;r':',:iffiff or . Stoke hot coals safely FAX:912-638-2580 . M o v e sf o o dw i t he a s e . . .......$7.99.. OrMAIL: i BBQ Hook P.O.Box 30864 . Flip food with flip of wrist . See it to Believeltl Faster& Easier!. Sealsland,GA ........$7.99.. 31561 ** F=F q Cover: CustomFit DurableVinyl Protectsgrillfinish CoverAccommndates SideShelt0t SideFireBox E G r i l lC o v e r# 3 7 3 7f i t s C h a r - G r i l l ewr i t h a S i d e F i r eB o x o r S i d eS h e l v e s . . . . $ 1 9 . 9 9 > ROtiSSerie - HeavyDutytspecitv forwransreq **-:F=-. . Excellent grilling for effortless }l . 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