Materialising a New Era in Product Design, Wim
Materialising a New Era in Product Design, Wim
3D Printing An Ecosystem Enabled by Software Wim Michiels Executive Vice President Materialise • Founded in 1990 by Wilfried Vancraen • 900+ employees and growing • HQ in Belgium, offices around the world • Active in the field of Additive Welcome to Materialise Manufacturing (3D Printing) • 3D Printing Production, 3D Printing Software, Medical Solutions 3 Generation of Lattice structures 4 5 6 Low Volume Manufacturing 7 Image courtesy of Phonak Surgeons F. Stockmans, MD, KULeuven – Campus Kortrijk, Belgium 9 T. Husby, MD, Ulleval Universtitetssykehus, Oslo, Norway Patient Specific Implants from OBL 10 11 Melinda Looi Birds Melinda Looi X Materialise - 'Face it' ©The Photoz - Zung Melinda Looi X Materialise - 'Her Love and Strength' ©The Photoz - Zung i.materialise Contest 'Owls Wear' and 'Snowey Owl Brooch' by AmniosyA- Fly around Marlon Artis ©Materialise x ROB Walbers 'Korean bridal crown Hairband' by Kijin Shin ©Materialise x ROB Walbers 'Kotori' by Kazunori Takeishi ©Materialise x ROB Walbers 'Plumblossom' by Kazunori Takeishi ©Materialise x ROB Walbers Industrial Production Medical 3D Printing Engineering Software Development BME Software for Additive Manufacturing 14 An Ecosystem Materialise: A Neutral Platform for your Ecosystem 15