Spelling Bee Practice Words - Placer County Office of Education
Spelling Bee Practice Words - Placer County Office of Education
Spelling Bee Practice Words A Handbook ofpractice words for the Placer County Office ofEducation Spelling Bee Practice words derivedfrom thefollowing sources: Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee Words ofthe Champions, The Sacramento Bee California State Spelling Championship, Elementary Word List California State Spelling Championship, Junior High Word List Sponsored by the PC·· GOLD IN EDUCATION Gayle Garbolino--MoJlca COi.mtyStlp'lfl(lt,·no'mrofSchools A aba abacus abaft abandoned abandonment abase abate abdicate abdominal abduction aberrant aberration abhor ably abode abominable aborigines aborning abrading abrasion abrogate abscess absconded absence absolve absorb absorbent abstractive absurd absurdity abundant abyss academic academy accelerate accelerator accentuate acceptable accessible accessorial acclamation acclimatization account· accredited accrue accurate acetylene ache achieve achromatic acknowledge acme acoustical acoustics acquaintance acqUIesce acquire acquisition acquittal acrid acrobat across acrylic activate active actress acumen adamantine addendum addressee adherence adjacent adjourn adjudicate adjunct administration admirer admissible admission admonition adolescence adsorbent advertent advice advise aerator aerial aerodynamic aerospace aesthetic affable affinity afflatus afield aforementioned aftercare against agate agglomeration aggressor aghast agitation agnostic agriCUlture agronomy airborne aisle alabaster alarmable alarmist albino alchemist alcohol alderman alfalfa algorithm alibi alien alignment alimentary aliveness allegory allergy alliance alligator alliteration allocate allotment allowance allspice almond almond alongside aloof alphabetical 1 alphanumeric alpine already altercation alternate aluminum alumnus amalgam amateur amaze ambiguity ambiguous ambrosia ambush amend amendment amenity amiable amiss amity ammonia amnesia amount amplify amulet anabolic anachronism anagram analects analyze anarchic anathema anchorage anchorman ancient andiron anecdote angora angrily anguish angular anklet anneal annihilate announce annoy annuity annulment anonymous answerer antecedent antelope anterior anthem antics antidote antipasto antiquated antique antithesis antler anxiety anxious aorta apartment apathy apex aphid apIece aplomb apocryphal apology apostle apostrophe apothecary apparatus apparel apparent apparition appeal appealed appease appellation appendix appetizing application appoint appraisal appraise appreciate apprentice appropriation approve approximately apricot apron aqueduct arability arbor arcade archaic archeologist archery archetype arcmg arctic ardor arena argent argosy argue aria and aridly arise arithmetic aromatize arraignment arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrogance arsenic articulate artifact artillery artisan ascension ascent ascetic asceticism 2 ascribable asinine askance asparagus aspirant aspIre assessor asSIgn assimilate assistant assure asthmatic atheist athlete athletics atmosphere atomic atrophy attenuate attitudinal attorney audacity audible augment auricular auspicious authentic authoress automobile autopsy autumn auxiliary available avarice avenge aVIomcs avuncular awestruck awful awry axiom axiom B barricade barter basalt baseless, basin basketball basalt basicity bassoon bathrobe battalion battlesome bazaar bazooka beacon bearded beauteous beautiful beckon becoming beeline beeper beginning beguile behavior belfry believe belligerent bellow bellyache benediction benefactor benevolent bereave beret besiege besmirch beware bewilder bias biceps bickering bicuspid biennial babble baboon baccalaureate backstroke bacterium badminton baffle bafflement bagful bailiwick bailment bakeware balance balcony ballad balladist ballerina balloon ballot balminess balsa balsam balustrade bamboozle banality bandit bandstand banishment bankroll bankrupt bantamweight banter barbershop bargain barge barium barley barnacle barracks barrage barrel barren 3 biennially bifocal bighorn bikini bilberry bilge bilingual billboard billionaire binary binoculars biology biplane birthright biscuit bitingly bittern bittersweet bivalve bizarre blabber blackbird blacksmith blameful blarney blatant bleachable bleachers bleakness blemish blessing brighter blinder blockbuster bloodcurdling bloodhound bloodshed blossom blotch blouse bludgeon bluegill blurred boardroom boastful bobbin bobble bobolink boggle bogus boisterous bolster bombardment bonbon boned bonsai bookkeeper boomerang boorish borax borderline bosky botanist bouncily boundary bounteous bountiful bowknot boxwood boycott bracelet bracemate bracket braggadocio braggart bramble brashly bratwurst brawniness brazenface breach break breaststroke breathe breathing breezeway breviary brewery bribery bricklayer brief brigadier brimming brindle brine bristly broadcaster broccoli brochure bronchial bronze broody bruise buccaneer buckish budget budgetary buffoon building bulbously bulldozer bulliform bumptious bungalow bunkhouse buoyancy bureau bureaucracy burglar burglary burlap burnisher bursitis business buttermilk butterscotch buyer 4 C cabaret caboose cabriolet cacophony cadence cajole calcium caldron calendar calisthenics calligraphy callously callow caloric camaraderie cameral camouflage campanology camporee campsite campus candelabra candid candidate cannibal canny canoeist canonical canomze canteen canter capacious capillary capitalism capitol capitulation capnclOus capSIze capstone captain caption carafe carbohydrate carbonaceous carbuncle carburetor carCInogen cardiac cardinal cardiogram career caress caribou caricature carnage carnival carnIvore carouse carpenter carrier carnon carrousel cartwheel cashier casket casserole castigate cataclysm catalepsy catalyst catapult catastrophe catbird catchword categorize caterer cathedral caucus causable cauterize cautious cavalcade cavalier caveat cavern celery celestial cellblock cellist cello cellulose cemetery centennial centimeter central centrifuge ceramic cerebellum ceremony certificate certitude cessation chagrin chalice chamois chancellor chandelier changer channel chaotic chaperonage chaplaincy chapter characterized charcoal chariot charlatan charmer charnel charter chasten chatterbox chattel chauffeur chauvinism cheapskate checkered cheerful chenille 5 cherish cherub chestnut chewy chide chieftain chiffon childishly chiller chime chimerical chimney chimpanzee chivalrous chivalry chocolate cholera choppy chord chordal choreography chortle chortling chorus chromatic chronic chrysanthemum chuckle churlish chum cicada cinematographer cinnamon circuitous circular circumference circumscribe circumstantial cistern citizen civilian clairvoyance clammy clandestine clangorous claret clarify clavichord clench clerical clientele cliffside climber clinically clinkerer clipboard clipping clique cloakroom clobber clockwork cloddish clogging cloistered clothes cloying cluster coalesce coalition coarsely coaxial cockatoo cocoon codger coercion coerCIve coffers cogwheel coherent coincidence collage col1ar collate colleague collectivize college collegial collide colloquial cologne colonel colonial colored coloristic colossal coltish column comatose combustible comfort commg comity command commencement commercial commination commingle commISSIon commit committee commodious community commute comparable compass compassionate compatible compel compensation competently competition compilation complexion compliment comply composure, compound compress compromise comptroller computer conceIve 6 concept concern concerted concerto conceSSIOn conciliate concurrent condemn condescend condign conditional condolence conductor confabulation conference confetti confidential configure confirmable conflict congenial congruent conical conjecture conjure connecting connIvery connOlsseur conqueror conSCIOUS consecrate consensus consequent conserve conspirator constituent constitutional construction consulate consummate container contemplate contemptuous context contradict control contumacy contusion convalescent convene convenience convert convey convivially convoluted convoy cooperate coordinate copious copra copy coquettish cordage cordial coriander corkscrew cornea corollary coroner corporal corpulent corral correct corridor corrupt corsair cortisone coruscate cosmetic costly cottonseed cough counselor counterfeit countervail countryfolk coupon couner courtesy cousin covenant covet cowardly cowhide coyote crabby crackle cradled craft cranberry cranially crash crayon creamery credential credit creditor creek creeper creepy crescendo crestfallen crew crewelwork cribbage crick crimson crinkle crisis cnsp criterion criticize critique crocodile croissant crooked croquet croup crucial crucifixion cruelly crushable 7 crutch cryptic crystal crystallize cubby cubic cucumber CUIsme culpability cUlprit cupboard cupcake cupidity curator currency current curSIve cursory curtain curvature cushy custody custom cuticle cyclical cylinder cymbal cymcism cyst D dabbing dabble daffodil daft dagger dahlia dallied dalmatian dampen dandruff danger dangerous dangle dank dapper dapple darken dashing dastardly data dawdler dazzle deactivate deafen debacle debark decadent decaffeinate deceitful deceive decelerate decennial decent deciduous decipher declension decline decompose decreased deductible defect defend defendant defense deference deficiency definite definitely deflect defrost deft degerminate degrade dehumidify dehydrate deign delay delicacy delicatessen delicious delinquent delta deltoidal delude deluge demagogue demand demented demise demobilize demon demure denominator dental depress depressant deprivation depth derrick descendants description desecrate desert desiccate design designate desirable desist desolate dessert destroy detect deterrence detest detonator detract deuce develop 8 developer devoid devotee dexterity diabetes diagnostic diagonal dialysis diameter diaphanous diary dictum differ difference different differentiate difficult diffident digest digit dilapidated dilemma dillydally dimension diminutive diocese diphtheria diploid diploma dipper direct dirge disability disadvantage disappoint disarm disaster discard discern disciple discipline discombo bulate discomfit discord discredit discreet discrimination discus disdain disease disentangle disguise disheveled dishful dishrag dismal dismiss display disproportionate disrupt dissatisfied dissect disseminate dissent dissertation dissipate dissolve dissonance distance distant distillation distinct distract distress distressful disturbance disunify dither divination divulge dizzy doctor doctrine doddering dogged doggerel dogmatician dolefully 9 dollar dolphin domain dominate dominion domino donation donkey donor doornail dormancy dormant dosage doting doubletone doubloon doughiness dowager dowdy downright downtrodden downy draggletailed draggy drama dramaturgy drastic drawer dreadful dressage drillmaster drive [ drizzle dromedary druggist dryness dual dualistic dubiety dulcet dulcimer duly dumbbell dungarees dunnage duplex duplicator duplicity during dusky dutiful dwindling dyeing dyspeptic E earlobe earnest ebony ebullient eccentric ecclesiastic echelon echo eclipse ecology economIC ecosystem ecstasy ecstatic eczema edict edifice edition editorial education eerily efface effect effective effectuate effervescent efficient effluent effort effrontery egalitarian ego eight eject elate elder elect electrify elephant eligible ellipsis elude elusive emanate embark embarrass embassy embellish emblem emboss embroidery emcee emerge emergency emeritus emigration eminence emissary emphasize empirical employ employed empty empyrean emulate enact enamelware encamp encapSUlate enchant enclose encouraged encroachment encyclopedia endear endeavor endless endorse endow endurance enemy enervate enfold enforce engage engineer engorge engrave engross engrossing engulf enhance emgma enjoin enjoyable enlist enough enrich enroll ensemble enshroud enter entitle entourage entrance entrepreneur enumerate enunciation environment ephemeral epic epigram epitaph epithet epitome epoch 10 equable equal equalize equanimity equation equilateral equmox eqUIpage equivalent equivocal equivocate erasure ermme errand erratic erroneous error ersatz erupt escapade escort escrow esoteric especially espionage essential establishment esteem estimate ethnic etiquette etymology eulogy euphemism euphoria evaluate evanescent eventful eventual evildoer evincible evocative evoke exacerbate exaggerate exasperation exemplify excel excellence exclude excusable exempt exerCIse exhalation exhaust exhibition exhilarate eXIguous existence exonerate exorbitant exotic expand expatriate expectancy expedient expedite expedition expensive experiment expertise expletive explicable exponent expressIOn expropriate exquisite extensive extinct extraordinary extrasensory extravagance exuberant eyewitness fabled fabricate facet facetious facile facsimile factitious factor factual facultative faddish faint fairway faithful fallacy failing falsify falsity familiar families famine fanaticism fancy fancywork fanfare fantasize farcically farmyard farthermost fascination fashion fastidious fatally fatigue fearfully feasible febrifuge febrility feckless feeble felicitous feliform felonious femoral F 11 femur fennel feral ferment ferocious ferried ferry fertile fervent fervor fervorous fetching fetlock fiasco fibrous fickle fiction fictitious fiddle fiduciary fierce fifteen filament filibuster finagle final finale finally finespun finesse finite firearm firkin firmament first fissure fisticuffs fitful fixative flabbergast flagellum flagging flagrant flail flamboyant flamenco flamethrower flaming flamingo flammable flange flannelette flapdoodle flatcar flaxen fleabag fleeciness fleecy flexibility flimflammer flimsy flippant flipper flotilla flourish fluctuate fluent fluid flunk fluorescent foaming foldout folklorist follower footloose foppery forbid forehead foreign forestall foreword forfeit forgetting forlorn format formulate forty forum fossil foster foundation fourfold fourth fowl foxy foozled forbearance forearm foreignness forfeiture forgetfulness fossilize fracas fraction fractious fragile frailty fraudulent fraught frazzle freestyle freighter frenzied frequency frequent fresh fricassee frivolous frolic frolicsome frontal frontiersman froth frothy frugal fruition fuchsia fuel fuliginous fumigate furlough furnish 12 furrier fusion futurama fuzzy G gadgetry gainful gallant galleon gallery galling galore gambol gamut gander gapmg garb garble gardenesque garlic garnish garrison garrulous gaseous gatepost gather gauche gaucherie gauge gawkiness gazettes generalization generalize generally genenc generosity genetic gemus gentlest gently genume geode geography geometry geranium geriatrics germproof gerund getaway geyser ghastly ghost gifted giggle gimmick gingham giraffe girder gladiator gladiolus gland glimpse glisten global globular glorify glory glossary glossy glower glowworm gnarly gnash gnat .gnome goatherd gobble godsend goldenfleece goldsmith goodly gooiest gooseherd gorgeous gOSSIp govern government governor grackle gradient grainy grammar grammatical grandiloquent grandpaternal granite graphite grasp grasshopper grateful grater gratify gratis gratuity graze greed griddle grievance grimace gnmy gristmill gritty grizzled grocery grotesque grouchiness groundless grouse growthy grove gruel guarantee guardrail guileless guitar gullibility gumdrop gumption gymnasium 13 H habilitate habit habitual hacienda haircut haggardly halfback hallucination hammer hammering handicap handkerchief handsome handwriting happen happening harangue harbor hardiness hardware harmful harmonica harmonize harpoon harpsichord harrow harvest harvester haughty having hazardous haziness headpiece heartily heartthrob heathenness heaven heckle hedgingly heelball hegemony height heinous heirloom helicopter hemisphere hemline hemorrhage heptachord herbalist herbivorous heredity heresy heretical hermit hero heroism hesitancy hexagon hibernate hickory hidden hideous hierarchy highlight hilarity hindquarter hinge hipbone hiplength hippopotamus historic historical historical hitchhike hobble hobbyist hobgoblin hoeing hoggery hogwash hoist hollow holograph holster homestretch 14 homily honest honesty honeycomb honeysuckle honor honorable honorific hoodlum hookup hopeless hoping hopper hopperdozer horizon horizontal horrible horrify horsehair horst hospitable hostelry hostile householder hovel howbeit hubbub huckster human humanitarian humanity humble humid humiliate humorous hundred hunger hungry hurricane hurried hurtle husky hutch hyacinth hybrid hydrangea hydrant hydraulic hydrophyte hygiene hygrometer hymeneal hymn hypercritical hypnology hypnotize hypochondriac hypocrisy hypodermic hypothesis hypothetical I icequake ichthyologist identify ideology idiosyncrasies idler idly idolize ignite ignition ignominy ignoramus ignorant ignorant illegible illfare illicit illiterate illuminate illusion illustrate imagine Imagmary imbecile immature immediacy immediate immigrant immortal immunity immunology impact impairment impasse impatience impeccable impecunious impede impediment imperfect imperialism impertinent imperturbable impetuous impish implausible implement importance Impose Impress . . ImpressIOn impromptu improvement impugn impulse impulsive inability inaccurate inadvertent inaugurate incandescence incarcerate incessant inched incident incite included 15 incoherent incompetent inconceivable mcongruous incorporeal incorrigible incredible incredulous incubator incumbent indebtedness indefinite indelible indent independent index indexer indexically indicate indigenous indirect indiscreet indiscretion individual indolent indomitable indubitable inducement induct indulgent indurate industrial industrious inequality inert inertia inescapable inexplicable inextinguishable infallible infamous infancy infant infatuated infect inference inferior infiltration infinite infirm infirmity inflammable inflect influx infraction ingrained ingrate inimical initial initiate injure inkling inmate inmost innate innermost innkeeper innocuous innovation inoculate inordinate inquiry insatiable inscrutable inseam inset insinuation insomniac inspire instant instantly instinct institution intact intercede integer interaction intercept interested interference interior intermittent international interpret interruption intersect intestine intolerant intramural intravenous intrepid intricacy intricate intrigue intrinsic intuitable intuition inumbrate inveigle inverse inverted invidious invisible iodize irascible irate iridescent issuable isthmus item iterance J jabber jackdaw jacket jackrabbit jaded jagged jamboree janitor jangly jargon jasminewood jaundice jauntily javelin jealousy jeerer jellyfish jeopardy jetsam jettison jinx jitney jocular joggle joker jostle jubilant judgmental judicial judiciary judicious jugular juncture juror justice InS ironworker irreducible irregular irrelevant irreparable irresistible irresponsible irretrievable irrigation irritable isolate isometrics isomorphic isotope 16 K kapok karate keelboat kelp kerchief kernel kestrel kettle keypunch kilometer kilowatt kindergarten kindling kindly kinetic kingfisher kinship kinsman kiosk kitsch kittenish knack knapsack kneadable knell knifelike knish knitwear knockabout knowing knowledge knuckle kosher koto L label laboratory laborer labyrinth lacerate lacework lackadaisical lacrosse ladle lagging lakefront lallation lamasery lambently lament lance landau landfill landscape language languid languish languorous lanky lanolated lantern larghetto larva lassitude latch lather lattice latticework laudatory laughter laureate lavaliere lawful laxity layback leafcup leanly lecithin lecture leech legal legation legend legerity legionary legume leisurely length leopardess leprechaun lesion lethargic letterhead lettuce lever lexical liability liable liaison liberalize . library licensable license lichen licit licorice lienholder lifeguard ligature lightning likable liking lilies limb limber limbless limerick limit limousine lineage lineament linear lingual linguistical lining linkage 17 lioness liquation liquefy listen listless literally literate lithesome litter litterbug livelihood lively liveried living lizard loathing loathsome lobbyist lobotomy lobster local location locomobile lodging logistics logrolling loneliness lonely longhorn loose lose lotion lousy loving lox lozenge lucid luggage lullaby lumbeIjack luminary luminous lumpkin lunge luster lustrous luxury lynx lyrically manipulator mannequin manner mansard, manufacturing manuscript mapped marathoner march margIn marginality marionette martial market marmalade marriage marshmallow marsupial martial martyr marvel mascara masculine masquerade massacre maSSive masthead mastodon materialist maternal mathematics matriculation matrimony matronly mature matzo maudlin maverick mawkishly maximize meatiness meandrous meaningful meanwhile M macaroni machinery macrobiotic maestro magazine magical magician maggoty magnet magnetic maimed mainstream major majority making maladroit malady malarial maleficent malice malign malinger mallard malleable mallet mammoth managerial mandatory mandolin maneuver mangle maniacally manifest manifold 18 measles measurable mechanic meddlesome mediator medic medicine medieval mediocre medley medulla meeting megaphone melancholy melba meliorate mellifluous mellow melon memorabilia menagene mental mentalist mentality mercantilism mercury merely meretricious mermaid merriment mesmerize message messenger metabolism metallic metalworking metamorphosis metaphor method metric metropolis mezzanme miasma microcosm microfilm middle middling midget mileage military militia milkman millennial millinery milling millionaire mimic minaret mindful minefield minimization mmImum minstrel minuend 1J1inute mirrored mischief mischievous miscreant miserabilism mishap mIsSIOnary misspell mitigative mixture mnemOnIC moccasins moderate modern mohair moist molasses molecule molehill momentum monadnock monetary moneyless monitor monologue monopoly monoprint monorail monster mooring moratorium mordacious mortar mortgage mosquito motherly motif mountain mountebank mournful mozzarella mucilage muddled muddledom muggy mulligatawny mullion multitude mumps municipally munificence muscle musty mutter muumuu myriad mystify myths N nagging naillike napalm napkin narrate 19 narrative narrow nastiness nasty native nausea nautical nearsighted nebulous necessary necessity neckwear nectar nectarine negative neglect negotiable neither neoplasm nepotism nerve nestle neutrality newel newscaster nibble nicety niche nickel nicotine mece nightingale nightshade nighttime nimble nineteen nitwit noble nocturnal nodular nomad nomadism nominalism nominee nonchalance nonjoinder nonsense noontide normal normally northerly nostalgia nostril notice noticeable novel nOVIce nowhere nubby nucleus nuisance numeral numerator numismatist nurturer nutrient odor odorless offend offense offering office official officiate ogle oilcloth ointment okapi oleo olfactory oligarchy olive ommous omission omit omniscient omnivorous oncology onerous onionskin onlooker onomatopoeia opacity opaque operatable operetta opinionator opponent opportuni ty oppressive optic option opulent orally oratory orbit orchard orchestra ordeal ordered 0 oarlock oaSIS obedient obituary object oblique oblong obsequious observe obsession obstacle occasion occupation occur occurrence oceanfront octagon oddment 20 ordinance original ornate ostentatious ostracize ostrich otherwise otter outlet outrageous outvote ovality ovation overcapitalize overcompensate overriding overseas ovoid owmg oxbow oxen oxidation oximeter oxygen oyster ozone ozomc p pacific package padlock pageantry paintbrush palace palatial pallbearer pallor palmetto palpitant palsy pampas pamper pamphlet pancreas panel panelist panIC papered parachute paradox paraffin paragraph parallel parallelo gram paramount paraphernalia paraphrase parcel pardon parenthesis parka parkin parlay parliament parlor parody parrot parSImomous parsImony parsmp partial partially parting partner parvitude passable passably passage paSSIve pasteurization pastoralism pastry pasture patchy pathos patioed 21 patriarch patriot pattern paunchy, pauper pavilion payee payroll pearlescent pebbled peculiar pedagogue peddler pedestrian pejorative pelican penalty pengum peninsula penitentiary pennant penSIve penumbra peony peppery perambulate percale perceIve perceptible perceptive percolate perennial perfect perforate perfume perimeter periodic perishable perjury permanent permeable permissible permISSIOn pernIcIOus perpendicular perpetuity persecute perseverance persiflage persist persona personnel persuade pertinent perturb perusal pesky pessimist pestilence petitionee petticoat petunia pheasant phenomenal phenomenon phew philanthropist philharmonic phlegm phonetic physical physicist physique picayune pIcmc picnicking pictograph picture picturesque piecemeal pIerce pIgeon pigeonwing pigment pigpen pilgrim pillow pilot pinafore pineapple pIllIOn pinkeye pinnacle pirate pistachio pitchfork piteous pittance pity placeholder placid plagiarize plainspoken planeload planetarium plaque plastic platitude platter plausible pleach pleading plebeian plebiscite plenary plentiful plenty pleurisy plexus pliers plotless plucky plugboard plunder plural pneumatic poacher pocketing poignant poinsettia pointless poised polar police policeman politely pollee pollute polychromatic polyvinyl pompous poncho ponderance populace populate porridge portable portion portly portraiture position positive positron possess possession possibility poster postmark posture potpourri pottery poultry powder powerhouse practical practically praline prank preacher preaudit precarious precede precedent preCIOUS precipitation precision 22 precocious precocious preconceIve precursor predecessor predict preeminent preferred prehistory prejudice preliminary premiere premIse premium premonition prenuptial prepare prescribe preshrink prestige prestigious presumably pretend pretender pretense pretentious prevalent preVIew priest pnmp princely principal principle pnor priority privilege probability probation procathedral proceed proceSSIon proclivity prodigal prodigy product profess profession profile profiteering profligate profuse progeny prognosis program progress proliferate prompt pronunciation proof proofmark propensity prophet propitiate propound propriety proscemum proscribe prosper protect protein proton prototype protuberant proven prowess prying pseudonym psychiatry psychosomatic ptomaine public publicly pueblo puffin pugnacious pullover pulmonary pulpit 23 pulpy pulsebeat pulverize pump punctual punditry punish punitive punster puppet purchase purity purportedly purr pursue pursuit pyrite Q quadrilateral quadruple qualification qualms quantimeter quantitative quarterback quartz quasi quaver query questionable questionnaire queue quibbling quicksilver quiet quinine quintuple quixotic quizzical quorum quotient R raccoon racetrack racketeer radiant radioactive radiology radish raffle raft ragamuffin ragged raglan railbed raillery raiment rainspout rally ramage ramp rampage rampant rancid rancor random randomize ransack rapport rapscallion rapt rapturous raspberry rather rating ratiocinate ration rationale ravage razor react readily readjourn realize really realm rebellion rebuff rebuttal receipt receive receptacle recess recidivism recipe reciprocal reckless reclamation recommend reconcile reconciliation reconnaissance record recur recurrent recycle redeem redeeming redolence reduce reflect refresh refuge refute regenerate register regressive regret regular rehearsal reimburse reiterate reject rejoice rejoin rejuvenate relaxed relegate 24 relent relevant relieve remainder remark remedial remembrance remind reminisce remnant remote renaissance render rendezvous renew renounce renovate renown repaint repartee repatriate repellent repertoire replaceable replicate reportedly repository repossess reprehensible represent repress reprieve reproach reptilian repulsion reputable rescind rescue reserve reservOIr residence residential residue resilient resistance resolute resonance respect respite responsibility restaurant restful restitution resurrect retain retainer retaliate retard retinue retirement retroactive revenge reverie revisory revivalist revolving revulsion rhapsody rheostat rheumatism rhinestone rhinoceros rhombus rhythm ricotta riddance riddle riding righteous rightness rigidly rigmarole rigorous ringleader riotous riptide risky rival riverbank roadworthy roan foaust' ~ rogue rookery roommate roost rosette rotary roughhewn roundabout rousmg routinely royalty rubbery rubella ruckus rudiment ruffled rum rumor runmng rural ruse rush rustic rustle ruthless TT sanctified sandwich sanitary 'safari safety saga salad salesclerk salient salon sameness sampler sandbar sanguinary sanity sapling sapphire sardine sardonic sashay satellite sauerkraut sauna sausage saute savvy sawyer saxophone scaffold scald scallion scan scandal scant scanty scarcely scarcity scarlet scary scathing schedule scenano scenewright scepter •• S sabotage sachet sacred sacrilege sacrosanct saffron salamander salami saltcellar salutary 25 schism schooner scientist scintilla sciolism scissors scorch scorekeeper scorn scorpion scoured scourge screech screen screwdriver scribble scnmmage script scrubbing scrumptious scurried scurry scurvmess searchlight secluded secondariness secrecy secret secretary secrete secure security sedative seemingly seething segrnent segregation Seizure selectivity selector selfish semaphore semmar sensible sensory sensual sentence sentinel sentry separate separately septic sepulcher sequel sequence sequester seraglio serene serviceable serviette session sextant shackle shaddock shadiness shadow shady shaggy shaky shale shameful shampoo shapely shears sheathing sheepishly sheepshearer shepherd shibboleth shimmer shiny shipwreck shivering shoal shoddiness shoplifter shortsighted shredder shrewd shriek shroud shrubbery shuddering sibling sightseer signal signature significance signifier silhouette silica sillographer silverware similar similarity simile sirloin sizzling skedaddle skeptic skewbald skewer skillet skillful skimmer skimpiness skintight skirmish skittish skydiving skyscraper slacken slaughter slavishly sleazily sledgehammer sleeveless slenderize slimy sloganeer slovenly sluggish 26 slurry smidgen smirch smirky smoggy Smuggle snagrel snappish snazzmess sneakiness snippet snobbery snore snorkel snouch soapstone societal sodality soily sojourner solder solemn solicitor solstice somnolent sophisticated sophomoric sorority soulful soundproof sourdough southpaw souvemr sovereignty soybean spacious spaniel spannmg spareribs sparkler spasmodic spatialize spatula species spectroscopy spectrum speechless spherical sphinx spikiness spinet spirit spiteful spittoon splendid splintered splurge splutter spoilage sponsor sponsor spoofery spoonfuls sportswear spotter sprightly sprocket spume squabble squalid squealer squIrm squirrel stable staccato stakemaster stannary stapes starer startle startling statistician statue statuesque statute steadfast stealthily stealthy stereotype steward stickler stimulus stimulus stipend stodgily stoically stomach stoneware stopwatch stowaway straddle straight straightedge strategic strategy streetscape strenuous stretchy strictly structure struggling stubble stubborn studious stupendous stymie subculture subcutaneous subjectable sublease submarine submit SUbplot subpoena subscribe subsidiary substantial subtle succeed successive succinct succotash 27 succulence succumb suede suffice suffocate suffrage suggestible suitable suite suitor sulkily sultriness summarize superego superfluous superintendent supersede supersonic supervIsor supplement supplementary surplus surrender surreptitious surrounded surveillance susceptible suspense suspension suture swallow swarthy swashbuckler sweatshop swelter switch sycophant syllable syllepsis symmetrical symmetry sympathize syncopation syndicate syndrome synthesis syringe syzygy tenon tentacle tentative tenuous tenure terminal terminology termite terrace terrain terrarium terrible tertiary tetherball textile theft theorem theory therapeutic thereupon thermometer thicket thighbone thirsty thorough thoughtful threadiness threaten threshold thrifty thrombosis throng throstle ticketer tidal tigerish tightrope timeliness tinselly tirade tiresome tissuey titanism toastmaster T tabby tabernacle tabletop taciturn tackle tactful tactician tactics tailgate talc talebearer talent talkathon tallowy taloned tandem tangible tappable tariff tarnish tarragon tassel, tattletale tawny taxation teachable technical technique technology tedious temper temperament tenacious tenderize tenderloin tendon 28 tobacco toggery toilsome tolerable tomfoolery tomorrow tonality tonsillitis tonsils topaz tortilla tortoise totalitarian totally touristry tournament traceable trademark tradition traffic tragedy trait trammel trample trampoline tranquilizer transaction transcript transform transference transition translate translucent transmissible transmission transparent trapdoor trapezoid treasure tremendous tremor trepidation trial tribute trickle trillion trinket tripod triumph trowel truant truly trumpet truncated tumbleweed tumefy tumult tunnel turnbuckle turret tutelage tutorial tuxedo twang tweak twelfth twinkling twitter typical tyranny tyrant underrate undoubtedly unearth unfasten UnIcorn unilateral unIque unkempt unleash unmitigated unnerve unprecedented unprincipled umavel umeliable umight unscarred unscathed unselfish unveiled unwritten uproar useful usual utilitarian V U ubiquitous uglify ulterior ultimacy umbrella unabridged unaccompanied unanimous uncle unconscIOUS unconstitutional unctuous undergrowth 29 vacant vaccine vacationland vacuum vagabond vagrancy vaguely valid valorous vampire vandalize vanish vanishing vanquish variation variety vassal vaudeville vegetable veinless velocity vendetta veneer vengeance venom verbally verbatim verdigris verify verisimilitude vermin vertex vertigo vestibule veteran veterinarian vibrant vicinity vicissitude victuals vigil vigilance vignette villain vineyard vinyl violate visible visionary vocalize volatile volcanic voltage volume voracious vouchsafe vowel voyage vulgarity W widget width wiggle wild willow windblown windup windy wmgspan wmsome wiring wisdom wisecrack wishful witchcraft witchcraft withdraw witness wizardry wobble wobbly wolfishly woman wonder wondrous woozy worrywart worth wrangle wrangler wrapper wrathful wreckage wrestling wretched wrinkly wrongful waffle wahine waitress walkathon wallet wallow waltz wander wanderlust warble warbler warmth washtrough waterfowl wavelet waxen waybill weakling weather weevil weird welcome welfare western westward whalebone whammy wharf wheeled wheelwright whereupon whetstone whimsical whiplash whirlpool whisper whistle whittle wholehearted wholesale whoosh widespread X xenophobia xerosis xylophone 30 y yachtsman yardage yarrow yawn yearling yearnmg yellow yield yogism yucca yuletide z zealot zealous zigzag zircon zodiac zoogenic zucchini ZygOSIS 31