Serials guide - Mennonite Library and Archives
Serials guide - Mennonite Library and Archives
SERIALSINDEX Version 2.8 November 2007 Mennonite Library and Archives Bethel College North Newton, Kansas MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 1 Hof Rifton, N.Y.: Woodcrest School, Hutterian Society of Brothers, 1984-1985. Formed by the union of, The Spade and: Ranger's News. Index: Annual index for v. 4 published separately. v. 4-5 (1984-1985) I-W Job Openings Bulletin [S.l.: s.n., 1953]1954-1963 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #3-10, 12-17, 20, 22-24, 26-29 (19541956); #12 (1963)} The I-W Mirror Akron, Pa.: Akron I-W Office, Mennonite Central Committee, 1953-1967. v.1-15 (1953-1967) incomplete {Missing: v. 11 (1963) #12 Note: MLA bound copy of v. 5-10 has several copies of each issue} 1-W Newssheet [S.l.]: Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference 1-W Pastoral Committee, [196-]no. 10-16 (Feb. 1963-June 1965) 53 See: CPS - 53 1 2 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication AASLH DISPATCH See Dispatch AASLH Technical Leaflet See: History News. AASLH Technical Report See: Technical Report (American Association for State and Local History) Die Abendschule St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange, 1854-1940. Has supplement: Beiblatt für Frauen und Mädchen. Has supplement: Frauenfleiss. v. 45-76 (1899-1930) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 44 (1897-98) #50-51; v. 45 (189899) #32-52; v. 46 (1899-1900) #1-17, 34-52; v. 48 (190102) #6-9, 14-15, 26-27, 36-37, 42-43; v. 50 (1903-04); v. 53 (1906-07) #3, 18; v. 54 (1907-08) #1, 26; v. 57 (1910-11) #24; v. 61 (1914-15) #7, 14-15; v. 62 (1915-16) #4-5, 7-11; v. 64 (1917-18) #15; v. 75 (1928-29) #18; v. 76 (1929-30) #1-4, 9-10.} Abiding Branches Wilmington, Del.: Mennonite Messianic Mission Voluntary Service Unit, 1968v. 1-5 (1968-1972) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1968-69) #4; v. 2 (1969-70) #2, 4; v. 3 (1970) #1; v. 4 (1971) #2, 4-6; v. 5 (1972) #1-2} Abraham and Sarah Prayerletter Newton, Kan. and Winnipeg, Man.: General Conference Mennonite Church, Commission on Home Ministries, 19931999. # 1(Fall 1993)-#20 (Summer 1999) complete The Abundant Life Altona, Man.: The Abundant Life, [195-]Aug 1958-May 1974 {Detailed holdings: missing issues unknown} Academy of Music Newsletter SEE: Bethel College Academy of Music Newsletter % The ACCK Hexagon [McPherson, Kan.]: Associated Colleges of Central Kansas, 1986Shelved with school publications. v. 1 (1986)-v. 3 (1989) #2 incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1987-88) #2} Adult Bible Study Guide (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1958-1974. Continues: Mennonite Adult Quarterly. Merged with: Herald Adult Bible Studies to form: Adult Bible Study Guide (Scottdale, Pa.) v. 22 #4-v. 38 (1958-1974) * Adult Bible Study Guide (Scottdale, Pa.) Scottdale, Pa.: Congregational Literature Division of the Mennonite Publishing House; Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press for the Commission on Education of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1974Formed by the union of, Herald Adult Bible Studies and: Adult Bible Study Guide (Newton, Kan.) v. 39 (1974){Missing: Summer, Fall 1998} *Adult Bible Study Teacher Scottdale, Pa. : Faith & Life Resources, 2003Continues in part: Builder (Scottdale, Pa. : Uniform ser. ed.) v. 53, no 6 (2003 Summer) * The Adult Quarterly Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Publishing House, 1934?v. 11 (1950){Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1950), #2; v. 19 (1953)-} Adult Teacher [Newton, Kan.]: Commission on Education, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1975-1983. Apr 1975-Jul 1983 incomplete {Note: We have (1981) Jan, Apr only in photocopied form.} Advanced Sunday School Lesson Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [1907?]-1950. Continued by: Herald Adult Bible Studies. v. 6-43 (1912-1949) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1912) #1; v. 8 (1914) #2-4; v. 9 (1915) #1; v. 11 (1917) #3-4; v. 20 (1926) #3; v. 22 (1928) #1; v. 24 (1930) #1; v. 25 (1931) #1-4; v. 26 (1932) #1, 3-4; v. 27 (1933) #1-4; v. 28 (1934) #1-4; v. 29 (1935) #1-4; v. 30 (1936) #1-4; v. 31 (1937) #1-4; v. 32 (1938) #1-4; v. 33 (1939) #1, 3-4; v. 34 (1940) #1-4; v. 35 (1941) #1-4; v. 36 (1942) #1, 4; v. 38 (1944) #1, 3-4; v. 39 (1945) #1, 4; v. 40 (1946) #1; v. 41 (1947) #2, 4; v. 42 (1948) #1-4; v. 43 (1949) #1-4; v. 44 (1950) #1-3 Note: Some issues bound and shelved under Sunday School Lesson Quarterly.} * Acta Poloniae historica. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 1958v. 87 (2003) - Die Adventisten See: Prüfet die Geister. Action See: CPS - Action Advocate of Peace Washington, D.C.: The American Peace Society May 1917 Located in archives. Acumen See: CPS - Acumen Ad Astra : Kansas People Issues & Arts Lawrence, Kan. : D3 Publishing, 2001. v. 1 (2001) #1-3 (Feb, Apr, Jul) $ The Adams County Sun & Berne Daily Witness Berne, Ind.: Publishers Print. House, Inc., 1974-1976. Located in Archives. Continues: Berne Witness (Berne, Ind. : 1932) Continued by: Berne Tri-Weekly News. v. 77-80 (1974-1976) Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Financial Report Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1972Continues: Congo Inland Mission Financial Report. 1972-1984 Africa Newsletter See: MCC - Africa Newsletter. African Circle Letter Lancaster, Pa.: Mary K. Zimmerman, [1934?]Title varies: Mimeographed Letter (1934-Mar 1944) ; African Mimeographed Letter (Apr-Nov 1944) ; African Letter (1945-Jun 1947). #2-112 (May 31, 1934-May 7, 1951) incomplete {Missing: #8, 13, 16, 19-22, 24-26, 28-32, 34-39, 44, 110} Located in archives. African Letter See: African Circle Letter. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication African Mimeographed Letter See: African Circle Letter. AFSC - Hidden Treasure Los Altos, Ca.: American Friends Service Committee Hidden Villa Project 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #2} Agape Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Relief and Service Committee, 1955v. 1-25 (1955-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1956) #9; v. 4 (1958) #1; v. 8 [i.e. 25] (1979) #1-6} Agenda (Lörrach, Germany) Lörrach : Janz Team, 1991?Mär 1991-Sep/Okt 1992 * Agenda (Winnipeg, Man.) Winnipeg, Man. : Janz Team Ministries, 1993?Win 1993-Fall 1999 AGORA Tokyo: Japan Anabaptist Center, 1978-1982. 1978-1982 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1978) Apr, Sep; (1979) Jan-Aug, OctNov; (1980) Jan-Oct; (1981) Jan-Apr, Sep-Oct; (1982) Apr} Agrartechnik: aktuelle informationen über Ackerbau und Viehzucht C h a c o, Para gua y: Servicio Ag r o p ec u a r i o Mennonitenkolonien, Jan 19901990-1993 {Detailed holdings: #1-10 (Jan-Oct 1990), #12 (Dec 1990); #1-7 (Jan-Aug 1991), #10-11 (Nov-Dec 1991); #1-2 (Jan-Feb 1992), #4 (Apr 1992), #8-10 (Oct-Dec 1992); #110 (Feb-Nov 1993)} Agricultural Almanac Lancaster, Pa.: Printed and sold by John Baer, [1826]Other title: Baer's Agricultural Almanac. 1849-v. 145 (1970) incomplete {Missing: 1850-1851; 1853-1855; 1857-1858; 1867-1868; v. 137 (1962)} The Agrogram See: CPS - Agrogram. AIMM Contact Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1981-1985. Issued with: AIMM Messenger, Fall 1983-Win 1985. Continues: Contact (Elkhart, Ind.) v. 23 #3 (Jul 1981)-Win 1985 * AIMM Messenger Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1972Has supplement: AIMM Contact. Continues: Zaire Missionary Messenger. v. 40 (1972)AION Winnipeg, Man.: Helmut Huebert, 1960-1967. v. 1-6 (1960-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1960) #2-5; v. 2 (1961-62) #1, 4; v. 3 (1963) #1-3; v. 4 (1964-65) #1-2; v. 5 (1965-66) #1-3; v. 6 (1967) #1-3, lit. supp., music supp.} Alcance Menonita Aibonito, Puerto Rico: Convencion de las Iglesias Evangelicas Menonitas de Puerto Rico, [1973?]v. 2-4 (1974-1981) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1974) #4-6; v. 3 (1975) #1-4, 6; v. 4 (1976) #1-2; v. 9 (1981) #1} 3 Alert Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1968-1998. Continues: Informerette. Publisher varies: Mennonite Board of Missions, Mennonite Media Ministries. v. 17 (1968) - v.58 no 7 (Feb 26, 1998) incomplete {Missing: v. 17 (1968) #2; v. 18 (1969) #28; v. 20 (1971) #36; v. 22/33 (1973) #22; v. 34 (1974) #21-22, 27-28; v. 39 (1979) #32-34; v. 40 (1980) #16-17; v. 41 (1981) #16-17} * Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad Kollum: Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 1946v. 1 (1946)incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 2 (1947-48) #14; v. 7 (1952-53) #16, 43; v. 8 (1953-54) #2-9, 11, 18-20, 37-41; v. 14 (1959-60) #37-40, 51-52; v. 16 (1961) #18; v. 17 (1962) #21, 29; v. 18 (1963) #10-11, 25; v. 20 (1965) #39; v. 22 (1967) #33; v. 27 (1972) #24; v. 28 (1973) #1, 20; v. 37 (1982) #8, 31} Algerie Aujourd’hui El Biar (Alger), Algeria: Mennonite Mission, 1964-? v. 1 (1964) #4, v. 2 (1964/1965) #4, 6-8 * Alight Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1987v. 1 (1987)Alive Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1967-1982. Absorbed: News of Mennonite Broadcasts, 1975. v. 1-16 (1967-1982) * Allegheny Conference News Scottdale, Pa.: Allegheny Mennonite Conference, 1954Continues: Southwestern Pennsylvania Conference News. 1969-1996 located in archives. v. 11 (1954)incomplete {Missing: v. 25 (1969) #12} The Allen County Reporter Lima, Ohio: Allen County Historical Society, [1944?]v. 28-48 (1972-1992) Allentown Daze See: MCC - Allentown Daze Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift Berlin: M. Warneck, 1874-1923. 1879-1917 located in archives. v. 2-14 (1879-1887) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2-4 (1875-77); v. 6 (1879) Jan, MarSep, Nov; v. 7 (1880), Jul; v. 10 (1883) Jan; v. 11 (1884), Jul; v. 13 (1886) Jul-Dec; v. 14 (1887) Jan; v. 16 91889), Jul; v. 17 (1890), Oct; v. 21 (1894); v. 23 (1896); v. 34-38 (1907-1911); v. 39 (1912), #1-9, 11-12; v. 40-48 (19131921); v. 50 (1923), #1, 3-12} $ Along the Galician Grapevine In archives, MLA.MS.259, Glen Linscheid papers. The Altona Echo Altona, Man.: D.K. Friesen, 1941-1955. Located in Archives. Continued by: The Red River Valley Echo. v. 4-15 (1944-1955) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1944) #1-25, 27-52; v. 5 (1945) #1-22, 2452; v. 6-7 (1946-1947); v. 8 (1948) #43; v. 9 (1949) #39; v. 10 (1950) #43; v. 13 (1953) #24, 46; v. 14 (1954) #38-40, 48, 50; v. 15 (1955) #7, 10, 12-13} Altpreussische Forschungen Könisgberg, Prussia: Gräfe und Unzer, 1924v. 1-20 (1924-1943) 4 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Altpreussische Geschlechterkunde Hamburg: Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreussen, [1927] Index: v. 1-15 v. 1-17 (1927-43), 50 year commemorative ed. (1975) Altpreussische Geschlechterkunde (Neue Folge) Hamburg: Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreussen, 1953Jg. 1953/54; v. 4-27 (1964-1997) Altpreussische Geschlechterkunde Familienarchiv Hamburg, Germany: für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreussen, 1956v. 1-120 (1965-1998) Altpreussische Geschlechterkunde Mitteilungsblatt Hamburg, Germany: Verein für Familienforschung in Ostund Westpreussen # 1-23 (1978-1989) {Detailed holdings: #1-5 (1978-1981); #7-9 (1982-1983); #11-23 (1984-1989)} AMA Newsletter London, Ohio: Amish Mennonite Aid, 1989Continues: Amish Mennonite Aid Newsletter 1989 (Jul/Aug) - The American-German Review Philadelphia, Pa.: Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, 19341970. Continued by: Rundschau (Philadelphia, Pa.) Index: v. 1-12 (1934-1946); v. 14-31 (1947-1965) v. 1-31 (1934-1965) American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Journal See: Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. * American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Newsletter Lincoln, Neb.: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1971#20 (1978)American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Work Paper See: Work Paper (American Historical Society of Germans from Russia) Ambassador of Peace Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1966-1970. Continued by: Young Companion. v. 1 (1966)-Dec 1970 America Kalender Milwaukee, Wis.: Geo. Brunder 1919-1924 {Detailed holdings: v. 39 (1919); v. 41 (1921); v. 43 (1923); v. 44 (1924)} * The American Archivist Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1938Annual index: Published in no. 4 of each vol., 1979index for v. 44 (1981) published in v. 45, #4 (1982) v. 19 #4 (Oct 1956)- American Friends Service Committee Newsletter Des Moines, Iowa: North Central Regional Office, American Friends Service Committee, [1959?]1959-1964 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1959) Mar, Nov; (1960) Mar, Nov; (1961) Mar, Nov; (1962) Nov; (1963) Apr, Nov; (1964) Mar, Nov} ; American Dream See: Kansans to Freeze the Arms Race. The American Friend [Richmond, Ind.: Friends Publication Board], 1894-1960. Formed by the union of, Christian Worker and: Friends Review. Merged with: Quaker Action to form: Quaker Life. Has supplement: Messenger of Peace. v. 42-56 (1935-1949) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 42 (1935) #8, v. 44 (1937) #15-17, 19, 25; v. 45 (1938) #2, 7, 12, 17-19, 22; v. 47 (1940) #1723; v. 50 (1943) #1, 12-22; v. 51 (1944) #9-10, 17, 22-23; v. 52 (1945) #18, 22, 25; v. 53 (1946) #1-24, 26; v. 54 (1947) #2-26; v. 55 (1948) #1-5, 22-26; v. 56 (1949) #1-3, 5-6, 12-13, 15-16, 20-23} American Friends Service Committee Annual Report Philadelphia, Pa.: American Friends Service Committee, [1918?]1937-1962 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1937; 1943-1944; 1948; 1950; 1955; 1959-1962} American Friends Service Committee Bulletin Philadelphia, Pa.: American Friends Service Committee, [1917?]-1960. Continued by: Quaker Service. 1918; 1950-1960 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #19 (1918?); #24 (1950); #31-41 (1952-1954); #43-45 (1955); #47-50 (1956); #52-55 (1957); #57-60 (1958); #62-65 (1959); #67 (1960)} American Mennonite Mission (Dhamtari, India) - Annual Report Dhamtari, CP., India: American Mennonite Mission, 1900Cover title: Report of the American Mennonite Mission. Cover title: Annual Report of the American Mennonite Mission. v. 1-38 (1900-1938) {Missing: v. 30 (1929), v. 34 (1933)} American Mennonite Mission (Dhamtari, India) - Jährlicher Bericht Dhamtari, India: Amerikanisch-Mennonitischen Mission, [1900?]Cover title: Jährlicher Bericht der AmerikanischMennonitischen Mission. v. 10-13 (1909-1913) incomplete {Missing: v. 11 (1910)} American Society for Reformation Research Annual Newsletter St. Louis, Mo.: American Society for Reformation Research, 1965-1978. Cover titles: Annual Newsletter (American Society for Reformation Research); Newsletter (American Society for Reformation Research); American Society for Reformation Research Newsletter. Caption title: ASRR Annual Newsletter. 1969-1978 incomplete {Missing: 1972-1974} American Society for Reformation Research Newsletter See: American Society for Reformation Research Annual Newsletter. * American Waldensian Aid Society Newsletter New York: The Society, [1923?]Fall 1955, Sum 1958- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 5 Amish Mennonite Aid Newsletter [East Rochester, Ohio]: Amish Mennonite Aid, [195-]-1989 Continued by: AMA Newsletter v. 11 (1966)- (1989) May/June incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1966) #2; v. 13 (1968) Nov; v. 14 (1969) Dec; v. 15 (1970); v. 16 (1971) Feb-Aug, OctDec; v. 17 (1972) Feb-Sep; v. 18 (1973) Jan-Sep; v. 19 (1974); v. 21 (1975); v. 22 (1976) Jan/Feb-May/Jun, Sep/Oct-Nov/Dec; v. 23 (1977); 1978-1988; 1989 Jan/FebMay/Jun} * Anabaptist Network News London, Eng. : Anabaptist Network Trust, 2005Continues: Anabaptist Network Newsletter Spr 2005- Amish Mission Endeavor Elkhart, Ind.: Amish Mission Endeavor, 1952Title varies: Mission Endeavor Bulletin. v. 1-7 (1952-1958) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1952) #3-5; v. 2 (1953) #1-4; v. 3 (1954) #1-3; v. 4 (1955) #1-3; v. 5 (1956) #1-3; v. 6 (1957) #1-3; v. 7 (1958) #1} * Anabaptist Sociology and Anthropology Association Newsletter Harpers Ferry, W Va. and Harrisonburg, Va. : Anabaptist Sociology and Anthropology Association. Title varies: ASAA Newsletter. vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1993)- AMP See: MCC - AMP. * The Anabaptist Times Lincoln, NE: Steve Ratzlaff, 1991v. 1 (1991)- Among Ourselves See: MCC - Among Ourselves. Amstelodamum Amsterdam: Genootschap Amstelodamum, [1914?]v. 14-60 (1927-1973) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 14 (1927) #1, 3-4, 6, 8, 10; v. 15 (1928) #1-3, 5-6, 8-9; v. 16 (1929) #1-5, 10; v. 17 (1930) #1, 3, 5-6, 8-10; v. 18 (1931) #3-10; v. 19 (1932) #1-7, 10; v. 20 (1933) #1-2, 4-8, 10; v. 21 (1934) #1-5, 9-10; v. 22 (1935) #2-4, 6-8; v. 23 (1936) #2-6; v. 24 (1937) #1-2, 4-6, 9-10; v. 39 (1952) Mar, Jun, Sep, Nov-Dec; v. 40 (1953) Jan-Jun, Sep-Dec; v. 41 (1954) Jan-Apr, Jun, Sep-Dec; v. 42 (1955) Mar; v. 60 (1973) #1-2} Amstelodamum Jaarboek Amsterdam: J.H. de Bussy, 1902Cover title: Jaarboek van het Genootschap Amstelodamum. Cover title: Jaarboek der Vereeniging Amstelodamum. v. 12-60 (1914-1968) incomplete {Missing: v. 57-58 (1965-1966)} De Amsterdamsche Gids Amsterdam: Stadsdrukkerij, 1925v. 1-8 (1925-1933) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1925-26) #2,8-11; v. 2 (1926-27) #1-4, 6-12; v. 3 (1927-28); v. 4 (1928-29); v. 5 (1929-30); v. 6-8 (1930-1933)} Anabaptism Today London, Eng.: The Anabaptist Network, 1992-2004. #1 (1992)-#37 (2004) Anabaptist - Mennonite Scholars Network Toronto, Ont.: Anabaptist-Mennonite Scholars Network, 1998-2002 Continued by: Anabaptist - Mennonite Scholars Network Newsletter 1998-2002 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1 (May 1998) - v. 5 #1 (June 2002)} N ote : Is s u es a ls o a va i la b le on li n e a t : * Anabaptist - Mennonite Scholars Network Newsletter Toronto, Ont.: Anabaptist-Mennonite Scholars Network, 2003Continues: Anabaptist - Mennonite Scholars Network 2003No t e : Is s u e s a l s o a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e a t: Anabaptist Network Newsletter London, Eng.: Anabaptist Network Trust, 2002.-2004 Continued by: Anabaptist Network News Jun 2002-Nov 2004 Anfänger Lektionsheft für Sonntagsschulen Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [1912?]v. 7-15 (1918-1926) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 7 (1918) #2; v. 12 (1923) #1, 3-4; v. 13 (1924) #1-2; v. 14 (1925) #2-4; v. 15 (1926)} Angenehme Stunden Elkhart, Ind. : Mennonite Pub. Co., [1887-1892?] Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm {Detailed holdings: #4-13 (12 Mai - 8 Sep 1887) Anniversary Report See: CPS - Anniversary Report Anniversary Review See: CPS - Anniversary Review Annuaire de l’EMC Congo: Communauté Evangélique Mennonite, {MLA has 1961-69 volume.} Annual Conference Minutes (Church of the Brethren) See: Church of the Brethren - Minutes. Annual Conference of the Mennonite Church of Ontario See: Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Annual Report. Annual Meeting of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. Annual Meeting (Southeast Mennonite Conference) See: Mennonite Church. Southeast Mennonite Conference Annual Report. Annual Newsletter (American Society for Reformation Research) See: American Society for Reformation Research Annual Newsletter. Annual Report and Directory (Evangelical Mennonite Church) See: Evangelical Mennonite Church - Annual Report and Directory. Annual Report (Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities) See: Eastern Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. Annual Report (Lancaster Mennonite Conference) See: Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference - Annual Report. 6 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Annual Report (MCC Canada) See: MCC (Canada) Annual Report. Annual Report (MCC Ontario) See: MCC (Ontario) - Annual Report. Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions (Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Pennsylvania Conference) See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Pennsylvania Conference. Board of Foreign Missions - Annual Report. Annual Report of Board of Home and Foreign Missions of the Central Conference of Mennonites See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Central Conference. Board of Home and Foreign Missions - Annual Report. Annual Report of the American Mennonite Mission See: American Mennonite Mission (Dhamtari, India) Annual Report. Annual Report of the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Conference See: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Annual Report. Annual Report of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America See: Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America Annual Report. Annual Report of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. The Annual Report of the Mennonite Central Committee See: MCC - Annual Report. Annual Report of the Schwenkfelder Library See: Schwenkfelder Library - Annual Report. Annual Report of the South America Mennonite Mission See: South America Mennonite Mission - Annual Report. Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State of Kansas See: Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Annual Report. Annual Report of the Waterloo Historical Society See: Waterloo Historical Society - Annual Report. Annual Report: The Mennonite Conference of Ontario See: Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Annual Report. Die Antwort Winkler, Man.: Beacon Publishers, 1934-1935. v. 1-2 (1934-1935) Apostolic Christian Churches See: Church Directory Apostolic Christian Churches and Ministers Oakville, Iowa : Orel R. Steiner, ? 1983 Apuntes See: MCC - Apuntes. Arbeitsbericht (Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher) Essen: Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher, [195-?]Index: n.F. #1-12 (1963-1966), 1965-1970, 1971-1975 1960-1989 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #10-20 (May 1960-Nov 1962); #1-12 (Apr 1963-Apr 1966); #1-15 (Aug 1966-Dec 1970); #1-12 (May 1971-Nov 1975); #1-20 (Apr 1976-Dec 1982); #1-9, 11-12 (Jul 1983-Aug 1989)} Archeion: Organ naczelhej Dyrekcji Archiwow Panstwowych: Czaspoismo Naukowe pos wiecone sprawow archiwalnym Warsaw, Poland: Panstwowe wpawnictwo Naukowe {Detailed holdings: v. 24 (1955)} Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis, Inzonderheid van Nederland Leyden: S. en J. Luchtmans, 1829-1849. Index: v. 1-20 (1829-1849) in v. 26 of: Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. Continued by: Nieuw Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis Inzonderheid van Nederland. v. 1-20 (1829-1849) Archief voor Nederlandsche Kerkgeschiedenis 's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1885-1899. Index: v. 1-7 (1885-1899) in v. 26 of: Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. Continues: Studiën en Bijdragen op 't Gebied der Historische Theologie. Continued by: Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. v. 1-7 (1885-1899) * Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte Gütersloh: Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1904Index: Vols. 1-21 (1903/04-1923), in v. 21; v. 35-44 (19381953) in v. 44; annual index in 1954-1972. Has supplement: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. Beiheft, Literaturbericht. v. 1 (1903/04)- incomplete {Missing: v. 56 (1965) #1} * Arc h i v f ü r R e f or mati ons ge schi chte. Be ihe f t, Literaturbericht Gütersloh: G. Mohn, 1972Index: v. 1-5 (1972-1976) in v. 69 (1978) of Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. Bound with: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. v. 1 (1972)Archiv für Sippenforschung Limburg/Lahn: C.A. Starke Verlag, [19--]Has supplement: Praktische Forschungshilfe. v. 27-38 (1961-1972) incomplete {Missing: v. 31 (1965) #18-19; v. 32 (1966) #22; v. 33 (1967) #27; v. 34 (1968) #30, 32; v. 36 (1970) #37; v. 37 (1971) #42;} $ Archiv ostdeutscher Familienforscher Wollerau, Switzerland: Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher, 1967-1994 {Detailed holdings: 1967-1985; v. 8 #16 (Oct 1982); v. 10 #1-20 (Feb 1986-Dec 1988); v. 11 #1 (Jan 1989)-4 (Jul 1989), #11 (Sep 1990)-20 (Dec 1991, last no. for vol.), index; v. 12 #1-20 (Jan 1992-Nov 1994)} Note: Almost all issues after 1985 are missing as of 21 May 1997. * Archival Issues [S.l.]: Midwest Archives Conference, 1992Continues: Midwestern Archivist. v. 17 (1992)* Archival Outlook Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists, 1993Continues: SAA Newsletter. 1993- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Archival Spirit Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists, [1984?]1984-1989 incomplete {Missing: #1 (1984?)} Arena Goshen, Ind.: Inter-Mennonite Student Services Committee, 1967-1970. Bound with: Forum. Continues: The Student Services Newsletter. Continued by: Forum. Oct 1967-Apr 1970 Arizona Newsletter New Oraibi, Ariz.: Northern Arizona Mennonite Mission, 1965-1976. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1965) #1-4; v. 2 (1966) #1-10; v. 3 (1967) #1-8; v. 4 (1968) #1-9; v. 5 (1969) #1-8; v. 6 (1970) #1-10; v. 7 (1971) #1-8; v. 8 (1972) #1-6; v. 9 (1973) #1-6; v. 10 (1974) #1-6; v. 11 (1975) #1-6; (1976) Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jul, Aug-Sep, Oct-Nov, Dec} Arkansas Valley Democrat Great Bend, Kan.: J.B. Fugate & I.T. Flint, 1877-1883. Continued by: Newton Democrat (Newton, Kan. : 1883) Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Shelved under: Wächter v. 7 (1883) #1-14 Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center News Sheet [La Junta, Colo.]: Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center, 1987Continues: La Junta Medical Center News Sheet. 1987-July 1992 Arlington Enterprise Arlington, Kan.: M.H. and Ruth M. Mandrell, [1960?]-1976. Merged with: Pretty Prairie Times, and Turon Ledger, to form: Ninnescah Valley News. Location note: Some copies of 1972-1976 shelved with Pretty Prairie Times. v. 5-17 (1964-1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1964) #34, 36-37; v. 9 (1968) #43; v. 11 (1970) #44; v. 12 (1971) #26-29; v. 13 (1972) #7, 18, 30-39, 42, 45-52; v. 14-15 (1973-1974); v. 16 (1975) #1-18, 20-52; v. 17 (1976) #1-13 Note: v. 13 #46-v. 15 #46 and v. 16 #50-v. 17 #13 shelved with Pretty Prairie Times} Armen-und Krankenfreund: Eine Monatsschrift für die Weibliche Diakonie der evangelischen Kirche Kaiserswerth a.Rh., Germany: Diakonissen-Anstalt v. 59-71 (1907-1919) 7 Atom See: CPS - Atom The Attendant Philadelphia, Pa.: Mental Hygiene Program of Civilian Public Service, 1944-1945. Continued by: The Psychiatric Aid. Bound with: The Psychiatric Aid. v. 1-2 (1944-1945) Audiovisual Catalog See: MCC - Resource Catalog. Auf Dein Wort Meiringen: Walter Loepthien, 1901v. 29-36 (1930-1938) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 29 (1930-31) #1-5, 7-12; v. 30 (1931-32) #1, 3-6, 8-11; v. 31 (1932-33) #1-9; v. 32 (193334) #4; v. 34 (1935-36) #7, 9-12; v. 35 (1936-37) #1-7, 11; v. 36 (1937-38) #1} Auf zum Werk! New York: Russischen BibelEvangelisationsgesellschaft, 1921-1923. v. 1-2 (1921-1923) und Aufwärts [Davlekanovo, Ufa, Russia]: K.G. Neufeld, [1909-1910?] v.1-2 [1909-1910?] Aus Allen Zeiten und Länden: Illustrierte Monatsschrift für Gebildete aller Stände Braunschweig, Germany: C.V. Schwetschke und Sohn 1883 Die Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in Tangshan und Umgebung See: Missions-Nachrichten aus Tangshan. Der Auslanddeutsche Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1919-1938. Annual index: v.11-16 (1928-1933) Continued by: Deutschtum im Ausland.{We don’t have any by this title.} v. 11-20 (1928-1937) incomplete {Missing: v. 11 (1928) #1-5, 12, 14-15; v. 13 (1930) #5, 1415, 24; v. 14 (1931) #17; v. 15 (1932) #9-10; v. 16 (1933) #7; v. 17-18 (1934-1935) all; v. 19 (1936) #1-4, 6-8, 9-12; v. 20 (1937) #1-4, 6-12} Austrian History Yearbook Minneapolis, Min.: Center for Austrian Studies, 19651-7 (1965-1974) ASAA Newsletter See: Anabaptist Sociology and Anthropology Association Newsletter. ASRR Annual Newsletter See: American Society for Reformation Research Annual Newsletter. Association des Églises Évangeliques Mennonites de France. Annuaire. Montbéliard, France : AEEMF, ? 2002Association of Mennonite Psychologists Newsletter See: MCC - AMP. * Atlantic Coast Conference Currents Gettysburg, Pa.: Atlantic Coast Conference of the Mennonite Church, 1980Located in archives. v. 1 (1980){Missing: v. 11, no. 4-5 (1990), v. 12, n. 1 (1991), v. 13, no. 4 (1992)} Baer's Agricultural Almanac See: Agricultural Almanac. Bandhu Jagdeeshpur, India: Publication Committee of the General Conference Mennonite Churches {Detailed holdings: v. 12 (1953), #1, 8; v. 15-18 (19561959)} Baptist History and Heritage Nashville, Tenn.: Historical Commission of the SBC and Southern Baptist Historical Society, 1965- 8 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Annual index: v. 1-3 published in first issue of succeeding volume; v. 4- published in last issue of volume. v. 1 (1965)-v. 27 (Apr 1992) # 2 Baptist Quarterly London: Baptist Historical Society, 1922Continues: Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society. v. 5-30 (1930-1983) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1930-31) #2, 5; v. 6 (1932-33) #3; v. 11 (1942-43) #1-2; v. 13 (1949-50) #1, 5, 7; v. 15 (1953-54) #5; v. 18 (1959-60) #8; v. 19 (1961-62) #5; v. 20 (1963-64) #6; v 30 (1983) #4} Basel Newsletter [Basel: MCC], 1950-1954. Continued by: Frankfurt Newsletter. Nov. 10, 1951-Sept. 2, 1954 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1951) Nov 10, 26, Dec 7; (1952) Jan 9, 29, Feb 16, 28, Mar 11, 26, Apr 10, 24, May 10, 24, Jun 10, 25, Jul 28, Sep 11, Oct 21; (1953) Jan 2, 14, 29, Feb 11, 25, Mar 11, 31, Apr 16, 30, May 13, 28, Jun 12, 25, Jul 9, 22, Aug 3, 14, Sep 2, 17, Oct 22, Nov 6, 25, Dec 16; (1954) Jan 6, 21, Feb 11, Mar 2, 18, Apr 1, 14, May 5, Jun 2, 18, Jul 2, 16, 29, Aug 18, Sep 2} BC Matters North Newton, Kan. : Bethel College Office of Academic Affairs and Staff Welfare Committee, 2006 2006Located in the Bethel College Vertical File. BCAPA Newsletter SEE: Bethel College Academy of Performing Arts Newsletter BCMYO Newsletter (B.C. Mennonite Youth Organization) Clearbrook, B.C.: B.C. Mennonite Youth Organization, [196-]1967-1969 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1967) May, Jul; (1968) Mar, May; (1969) Jan; one undated issue} BCPS Bulletin See: CPS - BCPS Bulletin. Be Ye Doers See: MCC - Be Ye Doers. Beacon Campbell River, B.C.: Alternative Service Work Camp Q 3 of the British Columbia Forest Service, 1942City of Publication varies: Campbell River, B.C.; Lake Cowichan, B.C.; Kitchener, Ont 1942-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #1-2; v. 2 (1943) #1-11; v. 3 (1944) #1-3; v. 4 (1945) #1-2} Beams of Light Scottdale, Pa.: Gospel Witness Company, 1905-1957. Continued by: Story Friends. v. 5-52 (1910-1957) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1911) #1-21, 28; v. 7 (1912) all; v. 8 (1913) #33, 41-42; v. 9 (1914) #15-16, 21, 26; v. 10 (1915) #2; v. 12 (1917) #19; v. 13 (1918) #7, 44; v. 14 (1919) #40; v. 15 (1920) #16; v. 17-20 (1922-1925) all; v. 21 (1926) #1-26, 29-52; v. 22 (1927) #1-26, 28-37, 39-52; v. 23 (1928) #1, 620, 22-26, 28-31, 33-42, 44-52; v. 24 (1929) #1-9, 11, 26, 28, 30-31, 34-52; v. 25 (1930) #1-27, 29-33, 40-48, 50-51; v. 26 (1931) #1-7, 9-15, 17-18, 20-26, 28-35, 37-48, 50-52; v. 27 (1933) #8, 13, 16, 18-21, 26-27, 33-34, 38-39, 41, 4344, 46, 48, 50-52; v. 28 (1934) #2, 5-18, 24, 26, 41-42, 4551; v. 29 (1935) #1, 5-7, 10-13, 15, 22-25, 29, 31-32, 36, 3940, 42, 45-46, 48; v. 30 (1936) #1-3, 6-7, 9-14, 16-17, 19-22, 25-30, 32-35, 37-41, 43-44, 46, 48-51; v. 43 (1948) #5, 48; v. 44 (1949) #2, 16-17, 20, 22-26, 29-32, 37-38, 40; v. 45 (1950) #1-2, 12-22, 24, 33-34, 38-39, 41-42, 44, 48-49; v. 46 (1951) #52} Beatrice Together See: Together. * Behind the Hammer: Stories and Ideas About People Connecting Through MDS Akron, Pa: Mennonite Disaster Service Binational Office, 2001Continues: MDS News 2001Beiblatt für Frauen und Mädchen See: Die Abendschule. Being in Touch Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1985v. 1 (1985) # 1 - v. 9(Spring 1994)# 2 Note: Unbound copies stored at 722 Main St area range 3.a.5. Available for scanning, microfilming, etc. Beiträge zur Geschichte Westpreussens: Zeitschrift der "Coppernicus-Vereinigung zur Pflege der Heimatkunde und Geschichte Westpreussens e.V." Münster, Germany: Coppernicus-Vereinigung, 1967#1-19 (1967--2004) $ Der Berg Frankenau/Gutfeld: Hrsg. von Fritz van Bergen, [1933-1941] Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Caption title: Die Familien-Zeitung der Familie van Bergen, [1933] v. 1-v. 8, no. 1 [1933-1941] Bergthaler Gemeindeblatt Altona, Man.: Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba v. 13 (1948), #9 Bericht der Amisch-Mennoniten Rats- oder DienerVersammlung See: Conservative Amish Mennonite Conference - Report. Bericht der Taufgesinnten-Gesellschaft zur Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen Kolonieen See: Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht. Bericht der Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen überseeischen Besitzungen See: Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht. Bericht der Verhandlungen der ... jährlichen DienerVersammlung der Amischen Mennoniten-Brüderschaft See: Verhandlungen der ... jährlichen Diener-Versammlung der Deutschen Täufer oder Amischen Mennoniten. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Bericht der Westlichen Distrikt Konferenz der AmischMennoniten Gemeinden See: Western District Amish Mennonite Conference Report. Bericht über den Stand und die Thätigkeit der Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen überseeischen Besitzungen See: Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht. Bericht über den Zustand und die Thätigkeit der Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen überseeischen Besitzungen See: Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht. Bericht über die ... Bundes-Conferenz der MennonitenBrüdergemeinde See: Mennonite Brethren Church. General Conference Yearbook. Bericht über die ... Konferenz der Mennoniten im mittleren Canada See: Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Yearbook. Berichte der . . . Konferenz der Wehrlosen Mennoniten Brüder in Christo von Nord Amerika See: Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America - Year Book. Berichte und Beschluesse der ... Kanadischen Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinden von Nord-Amerika See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Canadian Conference Yearbook. Berichte und Beschluesse der ... Provinzialen Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinden von Ontario See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Ontario Conference Year Book. Berichte und Beschlüsse der ... Südamerikanischen Konferenz der Mennonitischen Brüdergemeinden See: Mennonite Brethren Church. South American Conference - Berichte. Berigt wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit See: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit in Holland. Berita GKMI [S.l.]: Geredja Keristen Muria Indonesia, [196-]#16-45 (1969-1971); Aug 1973-Oct 1974 incomplete {Missing: #21 (1969); #44 (1971)} Berliner Evangelisches Sonntagsblatt: herausgegeben von Evangelischen verein für Kirchliche zwecke Berlin: Evangelische Verein für kirchliche Zwecke, 1879v. 10 (1888), #1 Berliner Mennoniten-Gemeinde Mitteilungsblatt [Berlin]: Berliner Mennoniten-Gemeinde, [193-]1933-1940 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1933) #2; (1934) #1-2; (1935) #1-3; (1936) #1-2; (1937) #1-4; (1938) #1-2; (1939) #1-2; (1940) #1-2} Berne Area Together See: Together $ Berne Tri-Weekly News Berne, Ind.: [s.n.], 1976Located in Archives. Continues: Adams County Sun & Berne Daily Witness. v. 80-83 (1976-1979) 9 $ Berne Witness (Berne, Ind. : 1932) Berne, Ind.: Berne Witness Co., 1932-1974. Located in Archives. Continues: Adams County Witness. Absorbed: Geneva Herald. Continued by: Adams County Sun & Berne Daily Witness. v. 48-77 (1945-1974) incomplete Bethel Bible School Scholars Quarterly: interdenominational Elkhart, Ind.: Bethel Publishing Co. {Detailed holdings: v. 8 (1918), #4; v. 9 (1919), #2-4; v. 19 (1929), #1; v. 23 (1933), #2} The Bethel Breeze Newton, Kans. : Bethel College, 1918-1921 Continued by: The Bethel Collegian Published in The Evening Kansan-Republican, Jan 8, 1918 May 24, 1921 Location: MF PER KS-NEW, KSN, 60-66 Published in Weekly Kansan-Republican, Jan. 10, 1918-June 1, 1921. Location: MF PER KS-NEW, KSN, 16-17 {Detailed holdings: Please use microfilm copies instead.v. 1 (1918) - v. 4 (1920-21) many copies brittle and damaged: lacking v. 2 #4-5; v. 3 #3-6, 9-10, 12-13, 16, 18-19, 21-22, 2527, 29, 31-32; v. 4 #26, 30, 34. Location: Attic} Bethel College Academy of Music Newsletter North Newton, Kan. : Bethel College Academy of Music, 1996-2004 Continued by: Bethel College Academy of Performing Arts Newsletter 1996{Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1996-1997) #1-4, (2004) Location: Bethel College Vertical File * Bethel College Academy of Performing Arts Newsletter North Newton, Kan. : Bethel College Academy of Performing Arts, 2004Title varies: BCAPA Newsletter Continues: Bethel College Academy of Music Newsletter 2004Detailed holdings: (2004) Aug, Oct, Dec Location: Bethel College Vertical File Bethel College. History Newsletter See: History Newsletter Bethel College. The Gray “B” See: The Gray “B” The Bethel Collegian Newton, Kans. : Bethel College, 1921lacking v. 73 (1984-85) #1; v. 78 (1989-90) Gulf War issue. Published in The Evening Kansan-Republican, Oct 6, 1921 May 25, 1926 and Sep 20, 1927 - May 21, 1937. MF, PER, KS-NEW, KSN, 67-92+ Published in The Weekly Kansan-Republican, Oct 7, 1921 May 29, 1925 MF, PER, KS-NEW, KSN, 18-19 This microfilm is lacking issue v. 1 #3 (Oct 21, 1921) Published in The Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1925) Jun 4 Sep 17, 1925 MF, PER, KS-NEW, KSN 19 Published in The Mennonite Weekly Review, Sep 18, 1923 May 26, 1926 MF, PER, KS-NEW, MWR, 1-2 {Detailed holdings} USE microfilmed copies in The Evening Kansan-Republican, Oct 6, 1921 - May 21, 1937. Bound volumes: v, 26-30 (1937-42), v. 31-36 (1942-48) [v. 33 #4-5 (Jan-Feb, 1945) are damaged]; v. 37-42 (1948-53); v. 4349 (1954-61); v. 50-57 (1961-69); v. 58-66 (1969-1978); v. 5866 (1969-1978). 10 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Unbound copies in bound periodical stacks: v. 6 [1] (1926-27); 1970 to date, lacking v. 73 (1984-85) #1; v. 78 (1989-90) Gulf War issue. Additional unbound copies in attic: v. 1 (1921-22) lacking #12, 15, 24; v. 3 (1923-24) #1-35 lacking #30; Bound volumes: one volume containing v. 1-25, 1921-1937 This volume is in poor condition and may not be photocopied. 19211925 are brittle, torn and damaged. Dec 19, 1930 - May 26, 1931 and Feb 19, 1936 - Apr 8, 1937 had the right column guillotined in binding. Issues missing from this volume: v 1 (1921-22) #12, 15, 21, 31; v. 2 (1922-23) #1, 16+; v. 3 (192334) #1 - 4; v. 4 (1924-25) #2+; v. 5 (1925-26) all except Mar 24, 1926; v. 6 (1926-27) holdings are complete but copies were published as v. 1; v. 7 (1927-28) #2, 5-7; v. 8 (1928-29) #6, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21-24, 26; v. 9 (1929-30) #16-18, 20; v. 10 (193031) #6 ?; v. 11 (1931-32) all; v. 12 (1932-33) #1-4, 7+; v. 13-22 (1933-35) all; v. 23 (1935-36) have #6-16; v. 24 (1935-36) Jan - Feb 12, Mar: all exc. 18th , Apr: all exc. 29th , May- Jun; v. 25 (1936-37) Sep - Nov 5, 26, Dec 17+, Jan 21, all after Apr 8. The following loose copies are laid in the volume and included in the above list: v. 11 #5, 6; v. 23 #16. Boofus Spoofus v. 1 #1, April 1, 1932; The Bethel Collision April 1, 1936 Bound volume in attic: v. 11 #36- v. 13 #34 (Jul 14, 1932 - Jun 6, 1934 [Jul 14, 1934 loose copy laid in (brittle and damaged)] Bibel Studien fuer Erwachsene Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1958-2003 Variant title: Bibelstudien für Erwachsene. Continues: Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Newton, Kan.) v. 70 #4 (1958) -v. 115 (2003), #4. Location: v. 70 #4 is bound with Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt. * Bibel und Pflug (Curitiba, Brazil : 1968) Curitiba, Brasilien: Verlagskomitee der Allgemeinen Konferenz in Südamerika, 1968Has supplement: Jugendbrief (1974-1976) Continues: Unser Blatt (Curitiba, Brazil) v. 15 (1968)incomplete 1968-1978, 1983-1988 located in archives, 19791982, 1989- in bound periodicals {Missing: v. 21 (1974) #3; v. 30 (1983) #10, 14, 21-22; v. 31 (1984) #8, 24; v. 33 (1986) #23; v. 34 (1987) #22} Bibel und Pflug (Witmarsum, Brazil : 1954) Witmarsum, Brasilien: Fritz Kliewer, 1954-1966. Has supplements: Bibel und Kind (1955-1958); Unser Kinderblatt (1959-1966); Jugendbrief (1965-1966) Continued by: Unser Blatt (Curitiba, Brazil) v. 1-13 (1954-1966) incomplete {Missing: v. 11 (1964) #15; v. 12 (1965) #2} Bound volume in attic: v. 13 #1-34 (Sep 20, 1933 - Jun 6, 1934) The Bethel Junior Quarterly Elkhart, Ind.: Bethel Publishing Co. {Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1921), #3; v. 17 (1927) #3; v. 21 (1931), #3; v. 22 (1932), #1; v. 26 (1936), #1-2; v. 27 (1937), #1} Bethel News See: The Spotlight. The Bethesda Herald Newton, Kan.: Bethesda Hospital, 1962-[1973?] Continues: Der Bethesda Herold. Note: v. 60-61 (1962-1964) bound with Der Bethesda Herold. v. 60-70 (1962-1973) incomplete {Missing: v. 70 (1973) #8-12 Der Bethesda Herold Newton, Kan.: Mennonitischen-Hospital-Verein, 1902-1962. Continued by: The Bethesda Herald. v. 1-59 (1902-1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 14 (1915) #12; v. 21 (1922) #4, 12; v. 25 (1926) #8} Bethesda Trumpet [Goessel, Kan.: Bethesda Home, 197-]1973-1983 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1973-74) #11-12; v. 5 (1974-75) #1-10; v. 6 (1975-76) #6; (1977) May, Aug-Sep, Dec; (1978) Jan-Mar, May-Dec; (1980) July-Aug; (1981) JanOct, Dec; 1982-1983} Der Beweis des Glaubens Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann, 1865-1908 1878-1905 {Detailed holdings: v. 14-17 (1878-1881); v. 19-40 (18831905) Beyond Ourselves Elkhart, Ind. : Mennonite Mission Network, 2002 Continues: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions. Missions Now. v. 1 (2002)- Bibelstudien für Erwachsene See: Bibel Studien fuer Erwachsene Bible Monitor West Milton, Ohio : Dunkard Brethren Church, 1922v. 19 #1 (Jan 1, 1941) Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte [Bern: Eidgenössische Drucksachen- und Materialzentrale], 1913-1983. Issued as supplements to: Anzeiger für schweizerische Geschichte (1913-1919); Zeitschrift für schweizerische Geschichte (1920-1939) 1913-1946 incomplete {Missing: 1923} Bibliography of the International Court of Justice The Hague: [The Court], 19471947-1995 Biene auf dem Missionsfelde: Monatsblatt der gossnerschen Missionsgesellschaft Berlin-Friedenau: Verlag der Gossnerschen Mission, 18341941 v. 29 (1862) Biennial Report (Kansas State Historical Society) See: Kansas State Historical Society - Biennial Report. Biennial Report of the State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State of Kansas See: Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Biennial Report. Bilder aus unserer Mission Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, [18--?] #1-8 [18--?] Biulleten Soveta Rodstvennikov Uznikov Evangeliskikh Khristian-Baptistov SSSR #1, 1971 * Blackboard Bulletin Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1957v. 1 (1957)incomplete {Missing: Aug-Dec 1976} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Blätter aus der Krefelder Mennonitengemeinde [Krefeld: Krefelder Mennonitengemeinden], 1948-[195-] Continued by: Mennonitengemeinde Krefeld. no. 1-v. 2 (1948-1950) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1948-49) #1, 3-23, 25-40; v. 2 (1950) #3-5, 11, 13, 15-17, 21-22, 25, 27} Blätter aus der Mennoniten-Gemeinde Krefeld Krefeld: P. Kraemer, [192-?](1928) #3 Blätter für württembergische Kirchengeschichte Stuttgart: M. Holland, 1886v. 4 (1889); n.F. v. 33-43 (1929-1939) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1880) #1-12; n.F. v. 33 (1929) #12; v. 34 (1930) #1-4; v. 38 (1934) #1-4; v. 40 (1936) #1-2; v. 41 (1937) #1-2; v. 43 (1939) #1} Blocks for Builders See: CPS - Blocks for Builders The Blue Ridge Bugle See: CPS - Blue Ridge Bugle. Bluffton Community Together See: Together. $ The Bluffton News Bluffton, Ohio: Bluffton News Pub. Co., 1875Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 41-47 (1915-1923) incomplete Located in Archives. v. 84-104 (1959-1980) incomplete The Bluffton Peace Sentinel See: CPS - Bluffton Peace Sentinel. $ Boletin del Seminario Biblico Menonita Montevideo, Uruguay: Seminario Evangelico Menonita de Teologia, 19571957-1968 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-5 (Sep 1957-Nov 1958); v. 3 (1959) #1-3; v. 4 (1960) #1-3; (1961) Mar/Jul, Nov; (1962) May; (1963) Jul, Dec; (1965) Mar, Jun, Nov; (1966) Nov; (1967) Jun, Nov; (1968) Jun, Nov} Note: For some issues, there seem to have been both German and Spanish issues. The holdings list above doesn’t take that into account. Book of Mailings (MCC Peace Section) See: MCC - Peace Section Mailings. Book of Mailings (MCC U.S. Peace Section) See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section Book of Mailings. Book of Mailings (MCC U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office) See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office Book of Mailings. Booklet of Prayer and Handbook of Information See: Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church Booklet of Prayer for Missions and Institutions of the Mennonite Church See: Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church 11 Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church [n.p.] : Mennonite Woman’s Missionary Society, 1925Title varies: 1937-1940, Booklet of Prayer and Handbook of Information; 1940-1946, Booklet of Prayer for Missions and Institutions of the Mennonite Church Publisher varies: 1930-1931 The Women’s Missionary Committee of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities; 1932-1946, General Sewing Circle Committee of the Mennonite Board of Missions & Charities 1925-1927, 1929-1931, 1932/33, 1934, 1934/35-1945/46 Der Bote aus Zion Jerusalem: Druck des Syr. Waisenhauses, [188-]v. 28-77 (1912-1962) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 28 (1912) #4; v. 30 (1914) #1; v. 31 (1915) #1-2; v. 32 (1916) #1-2; v. 33 (1917) #1-2; v. 35 (1919) #1-4; v. 36 (1920) #1, 3-4; v. 37 (1921) #1-2, 4; v. 38 (1922) #3/4; v. 39 (1923) #2-3; v. 40 (1924) #1, 3; v. 42 (1926) #1, 3; v. 43 (1927) #2-3; v. 44 (1928) #1-2; v. 45 (1929) #3; v. 47 (1931) #1; v. 49 (1933) #1; v. 53 (1937) #1; v. 64 (1949) #1-3; v. 65 (1950) #4; v. 66 (1951) #1-3; v. 67 (1952) #1-3; v. 68 (1953) #2; v. 70 (1955) #1-2; v. 71 (1956) #1-2; v. 75 (1960) #3; v. 76 (1961) #3; v. 77 (1962) #1, 3-4} Bote des Heils Rosenort, Man.: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 19831999 v. 1 (1983/1984) - v.17 (1999) #3 complete $ Der Bote (Rosthern, Sask. : 1925) Rosthern, Sask.: Mennonitischen Immigrantenkomitee, 1925-1947. Continues: Der Mennonitische Immigranten-Bote. Merged with: Christlicher Bundes-Bote to form: Der Bote und Christlicher Bundesbote. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Index: Vols. 1-24 (1924-1947), 1 v. v. 2-24 (1925-1947) * $ Der Bote (Rosthern, Sask. : 1956) Rosthern, Sask.: Allgemeine Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden, 1956Indexes: 1948-1963, 1964-1976, 1977-1991, 1992-2000 Note: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Der Bote und Christlicher Bundesbote. v. 33 (1956)$ Der Bote und Christlicher Bundesbote Rosthern, Sask.: Dietrich H. Epp, 1947-1955. Bound with: Der Bote. Index: 1948-1963 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Shelved under Bote. Formed by the union of, Der Bote (Rosthern, Sask. : 1925) and: Christlicher Bundes-Bote. Continued by: Der Bote (Rosthern, Sask. : 1956) v. 24-32 (1947-1955) * Die Botschaft Lancaster, Pa.: Brookshire Publications, Inc., [197-]v. 3 (1977)incomplete Back issues located in Archives. {Missing: v. 3 (1977) #1-29; v. 4 (1978) #1, 47; v. 5 (1979) #4, 10-23; v. 6 (1980-82) #2-6; v. 7/8 (1983-84) #11-20, 2342, 48, 52; v. 9 (1984-85) #8, 31, 40; v. 10 (1985) #3-7; v. 11 (1986) #11} Botschaft des Friedens Bonn-Brüserberg: Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde, 1978v. 1 (1978)-v. 15 (1992) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1981) #22-23} 12 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Der Botschafter Ekaterinoslav: [s.n.], 1905-1914. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Note: MLA has two additional reels. One includes 1905 #15, 1907 #17-28, and 1908 #35-36. The other includes 1906 #15-23, 1908 #8-9, 21-30, 33, 35-49, 51-53, 55-64, 66-70, 72, 75, 78-79, 82, 84, 88-91, 95, 97, 1909 #78, 1910 #21, and 1911 #14. Note: MLA has several paper copies located in archives. Note: The first issue was August 1905. The 1906 issues continue the 1905 numbering, so issue #15 is the first issue of 1906. v. 2-9 (1906-1914) incomplete $ Botschafter der Wahrheit Hillsboro, Kan.: Gemeinde Gottes, einem Zweig Mennoniten, 1897-1967 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 32-56 (1931-1952) lacking v. 35 #21, 23) v. 1-71 (1897-1967) Botschafter des Heils in Christo (Berne, Ind.) Fort Wayne, Ind.: Verlagshaus des MissionsgemeindeVereins, [1902?]v. 5-26 (1906-1927) incomplete Unbound copies located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1906) #5; v. 12 (1913) #6; v. 16 (1917) #1; v. 18 (1919) #10; v. 21 (1922) #1; v. 22 (1923) #1, 2, 9, 11; v. 23 (1924) #1-3, 7, 8, 10-12; v. 24 (1925) #112; v. 25 (1926) #1-3, 5, 7-12; v. 26 (1927) #1, 3, 5-9, 11} Botschafter des Heils in Christo (Quakertown, Pa.) Quakertown, Pa.: John G. Stauffer, 1889-1891. Continues: Die Gemeinde unterm Kreuz. v. 1-3 (1889-1891) Box 96 See: CPS - Box 96. Bratskii Listok {Detailed holdings: #1-4 (1965); #4-5, 11-12 (1967); #3, 6, 8 (1968); #5, 10-12 (1969); #1, 5-10 (1970); #1, 5-12 (1971)} Brethren in Christ Historical Society. Newsletter See: Newsletter of the Brethren in Christ Historical Society * Brethren in Christ History and Life Grantham, Pa.: Brethren in Christ Historical Society, 1978Note: v. 10, no. 2 (1987) issued as the book, Mission on Taylor Street / Paul Boyer. Index: v. 1-13 (1978-1990) v. 1 (1978)Brethren in Christ Missions Yearbook Elizabethtown, Pa.; Stevensville, Ont.: Brethren in Christ Missions, 1971Continues: Handbook of Missions. 1971-1977 * Brethren Life and Thought [Oak Brook, Ill.: Brethren Journal Association and Bethany Theological Seminary], 1955Annual index: Published in last issue of volume; no index published for v. 2 (1957). v.1 (1955)Brethren Service Action Sheet Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren General Offices, [195-]1960-1963 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1960) Jan-Mar, May, Jul; (1961) Mar-Apr, Aug; (1963) Aug} Brethren Service News Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Service Commission, General Brotherhood Board, [1946]v. 8-21 (1953-1966) incomplete {Missing: v. 9 (1954) #2-3; v. 12 (1957) #10; v. 19 (1964) #8; v. 20 (1965) #11-12; v. 21 (1966) #8, 10} Brief (Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep) See: Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep - Brief. Brief van de Gemeenschap voor Doopsgezind Broederschapswerk See: Gemeenschap voor Doopsgezind Broederschapswerk - Brief. Bratskii Vestnik Moskva: Izd. Vses. soveta evangel'skikh khristian-baptistov, [1974- 1995, #1] 1958- incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1958), #4; (1959), #1-2; (1960), #12,4-6; )1961), #4; (1962), #1-6; (1963), #1-6; (1964-1977), all; (1978), #1-6; (1984), all; (1985), #4-6; (1986), #1-6; (1987) #1-6} Briefe an mein Volk Waterloo, Ont.: Jacob H. Janzen, [1937-1940] Continued by: Briefe an unser Volk. 1939-1940 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1939) #64-65, 71-76; (1940) #1-3, 510, 13-14} Brethren Action Dayton, Ohio: Brethren Action, ? 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 7 (1945) #2} Briefe an unser Volk Waterloo, Ont.: Jacob H. Janzen und Friedrich Wilhelm Brepohl, [1940-1942] Continues: Briefe an mein Volk. No. 4-48 [1940] incomplete {Detailed holdings: #4, 8-13, 48} Brethren Civilian Public Service Bulletin See: CPS - Brethren Civilian Public Service Bulletin. Brethren Civilian Public Service Educational Report See: CPS - Brethren Civilian Public Service Educational Report. The Brethren Evangelist Ashland, Ohio: Brethren Pub. House, 1879v. 83-89 (1961-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 83 (1961) #44; v. 86 (1964) #23; v. 88 (1966) #7-25; v. 89 (1967) #1-9} * Brethren in Christ Church. Minutes Harrisburg, Pa.: General Conferences of Brethren in Christ, 18711871incomplete {Missing: 1905-1907, 1912, 1917, 1927-1928, 1959} $ Brieven [S.l.]: Vereeniging voor Doopsgezinden, 1918-1942. v. 1-25 (1918-1942) Gemeentedagen van BroMenn Today Bloomington, Ill.: Community Relations Department of BroMenn HealthCare, 1984v. 1 (1984)-v. 8 (1992) #2 incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1987) #6} Located in archives. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 13 * $ Brook Lane Briefs Hagerstown, Md.: Brook Lane Farm Hospital, [1957]v. 2 (1958)- July 13, 1995 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1958-59) #5-6, 8-16, 19; (1959) Oct 28; (1960) Mar 11; (1961) Jan 10, Mar 9-24, Apr 1025, May 12; v. 4 (1961-62) #10-26, 30, 32; v. 3B (1966) #28-29, 31-48; v. 4B (1967) #1-39; Jan 1968-Apr 1972; Feb 1980Missing scattered issues} The Bucks-Mont Farmer and Courier Skippack, Pa.: Donald E. Thwaits, 1962-1965. Continues: Montgomery County Farmer. Continued by: Bucks-Mont Courier (Harleysville, Pa. : 1965) Located in Archives. v. 12-14 (1962-1964) incomplete {Missing: v. 14 (1964) #9-12 Brook Lane Echoes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1956-1963. Continues: Lisps of the Lane. 1956-1963 incomplete {Missing: (1957) Jan-Feb; (1958) May-Oct; (1962) MayAug} Publishers,1890- Brook Lane Newsletter Hagerstown, Md.: Brook Lane Farm Hospital, 1963[1966?] v. 1-4 (1963-1966) * Brotherhood Beacon Harrisonburg, Va.: Conservative Mennonite Conference, 1971Continues: Missionary Bulletin. v. 1 (1971)incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1976) #3} Die Brücke Witmarsum, Hansa-Hammonina, Santa Catharina, Brasilien; Peter J. Klassen, 1932-1937. Continued by: Die Neue Brücke. v. 1-6 (1932-1937) * Brücke - Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt H amburg: A r b e i t s g e m e i n sc h a f t deutscher Mennonitengemeinden, 1986Formed by the union of: Mennonitische Blätter (Hamburg), and: Gemeinde Unterwegs. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v.1 (1986)Brücke zur Heimat Kassel: Missionswerk Brücke zur Heimat, [194-]1948-v. 28 (1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1948) #10; v. 12 (1960) #5-8; v. 14 (1962) #3-8, 10, 12; v. 15 (1963) #1; v. 26 (1974) #1, 8; v. 27 (1975) #8; v. 28 (1976) #3-6, 9; v. 29 (1977) #1} Bruderblatt [S.l.]: Vereinigung heimgekehrten Baptisten Brüdergemeinden, [197-]v. 4-6 (Nov. 1976-1978) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1978) Apr-Oct} Evangelischen Bruderhof-Berichten [Lochem]: "Society of Brothers", [195-]1954-1958 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1954) Dec; (1955) Jan, Apr; (1956) Oct; v. 3 (1957) #1-4; v. 4 (1958) #1-2} Bücher-Katalog Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, [1920]no. 3-14 (1924-1937/38) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #3-4 (1924-1925/26); #14 (1937/38) * $ The Budget Sugarcreek, Ohio; Sugarcreek Budge Located in the Archives v. 58 (1947) {Missing: (1998) # 3 Builder (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1960-1970. Continues: Herald Teacher (Newton, Kan.) Merged with: Builder (Scottdale, Pa.) to form: Builder (Scottdale, Pa. : Uniform Series Edition) Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 10-20 (1960-1970) Builder (Scottdale, Pa.) Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1960-1970. Formed by the union of: The Christian Ministry ; Program Builder and Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) Merged with: Builder (Newton, Kan.) to form: Builder (Scottdale, Pa. : Uniform Series Edition) Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 10-20 (1960-1970) incomplete {Missing: v. 15 (1965) #10} Builder (Scottdale, Pa. : Uniform Series Edition) Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House; Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1971-2003. Formed by the union of: Builder (Scottdale, Pa.) and: Builder (Newton, Kan.) Annual index: v. 21 (1971); v. 23 (1973)-v. 53, no. 5 (2003 May) Continued by: Adult Bible Study Teacher and Leader: Equipping the Missional Congregation Builders See: CPS - Builders Bulletin See: CPS - Bulletin Bulletin (Canadian Ethnic Studies Association) See: Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Bulletin. Bulletin (Commissie tot de Uitgave van Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica) Amsterdam: CUDAN, 1969no. 1-14 (1969-1982) Bulletin de la Conférence des Eglises évangéliquesmennonites françaises Montbeliard: [Conférence des Eglises évangéliquesmennonites françaises, 1906?]-1907. Continued by: Christ Seul. No. 7-8 (Dec 1906-Mar 1907) Bulletin Mennonite [Montbeliard, France]: Fédération des Églises mennonistes Françaises, 1943-1946. Published as a substitute for Christ Seul. 1943-1946 incomplete {Missing: (1943) May; (1944) May, Aug-Dec} Bulletin (Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario) See: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario - Bulletin. 14 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Bulletin (Mennonite Teachers Association) [Spring Grove, Pa.]: Mennonite Teachers Association, 1958v. 1 #1 (Spring 1958) Bulletin (NSBRO) See: NSBRO Bulletin/General Letter. Bulletin of American Friends Service Committee See: American Friends Service Committee Bulletin. Bulletin of Friends Historical Association [Philadelphia, Pa.]: Friends Historical Association, 19061961. Continued by: Quaker History. Index: Published separately every five years. v. 36-50 (1947-1961) Bulletin of the Library See: Foundation for Reformation Research - Bulletin of the Library. Bulletin on Relief See: CPS - Bulletin on Relief Bulletin (Pennsylvania German Folklore Society) See: Pennsylvania German Folklore Society - Bulletin. Bundesbote-Kalender Berne, Ind.: Verlag der christlichen Central-Buchhandlung der Allgemeinen Conferenz der Mennoniten, 1886-1947. Continued by: Mennonitisches Jahrbuch. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Index: MLA has obituary and biography index compiled by Ruth Unrau. 1886-v. 62 (1947) Die Bürger-Zeitung Alexandrovsk, Russia: W. Spindler and L. Petzhold 1913-1914 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm (lacking same issues as print holdings) {Detailed holdings: v. 12 (1913) #1-150; v. 13 (1914) #1-51, 53-86, 88-110} * The Burning Bush of the Cumberland Valley Marion, Pa.: Washington-Franklin Co. Mission Board, 1966v. 1 (1966)incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1966) #2)} Buxmont Living See: Living * Buyer’s Edge of South Central Kansas Hillsboro, Kan. : Kansas Publishing Ventures, 2006Continues: The Marion County Advocate v. 11 (2006) #3- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication C. E. Witness See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - C.E. Witness. C.P.S. News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter The C.P.S. Round Table See: CPS - The C.P.S. Round Table Calendar See: CPS - Calendar. Calendar of Activities (Mennonite Brethren Church) See: Mennonite Brethren Church - Calendar of Activities. Calendar of Appointments of the Mennonite Church in Ontario See: Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Calendar. Calendar of Appointments of the Mennonite Church in Ontario and the State of New York See: Calender für die Versammlungen der Mennoniten Gemeinde in Ontario und im Staat Neu-York. Calendar of Meetings of the Groffdale Conference Mennonite Churches See: Groffdale Conference Mennonite Churches - Calendar of Meetings. Calendar of the Weaverland Conference Mennonite Churches See: Mennonite Calendar of the Weaverland Conference Calender für die Versammlungen der Mennoniten Gemeinde in Ontario See: Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Calendar. Calender für die Versammlungen der Mennoniten Gemeinde in Ontario und im Staat Neu-York Berlin: Rittinger und Motz, 1836English edition: Calendar of Appointments of the Mennonite Church in Ontario and the State of New York, 1890. 1878-1903 incomplete {Missing: 1879-1881; 1884-1885; 1889; 1899} California Mennonite Historical Society Bulletin Fresno, Calif.: California Mennonite Historical Society, 1990Continues: Mennonite Brethren Historical Society of the West Coast Bulletin no. 23 (Nov 1990) - no. 37 (Dec 1999) California News See: MCC - California News. 15 The Calvary Hour Orrville, Ohio: The Calvary Hour, [195-]Continues: The Calvary Hour Sermons. Continued by: Sermons from the Calvary Hour Radio Pulpit. Nos. 1072-1180 incomplete {Missing: #1079; 1082; 1095; 1103-1104; 1132; 1145; 1164} * The Calvary Hour Newsletter Orrville, Ohio: The Calvary Hour, 19931993{Detailed holdings: 1993: Dec; 1994: May, Dec; 1995: May, Dec; 1996: May, 60th Anniversary ed.; 1997: Jun, Dec; 1998: Jun, Dec: 1999: May, Dec; 2000: May, Dec; 2001: Jul, Dec; 2002: Jun, Dec} The Calvary Hour Sermons Orrville, Ohio: The Calvary Hour, [1936-195?] Continued by: The Calvary Hour. Note: For #699-709 see book The Christian home / Wm. G. Detweiler. Nos. 434-1071 incomplete {Missing: #439-508, 515-531, 550-586; 616-624; 648-653; 663; 678; 699-709; 715; 718; 729-738; 743; 752; 756; 763764; 767; 770; 784; 820; 823; 834; 867-868; 872; 875-883; 901-902; 923-924; 927; 944-945; 947; 949-950; 967-968; 976; 979; 990; 996; 1004-1005; 1028; 1031; 1058-1059; 1066-1067} * Calvary Hour Pulpit Orville, Ohio, The Calvary Hour, 1996Continues: Sermons From The Calvary Hour Radio Pulpit No. 2647 (Jan 1996) * Calvary Messenger Millersburg, Ohio: Calvary Publications, 1970Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1 (1970)Camp Bulletin See: CPS - Camp Bulletin Camp Directors' Bulletin See: NSBRO CPS Directors' Bulletin. Camp Landon Voluntary Service Gulfport, Miss.: Camp Landon Voluntary Service, 19481950. Continued by: Gulf Breeze. Note: MLA also has copies bound with Gulf Breeze. 1948-1950 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1948) Jun-Aug; (1949) Jan, Apr-Oct, Dec; (1950) Jan-Feb, Apr-May, Jul-Aug} The Call Philadelphia: Religious Society of Friends, 1954-1959. v. 1-5 (1954-1959) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1955-56) #3-4; v. 3 (1956-57) #1-3; v. 4 (1957-58) #1-3} Camp Letter See: CPS - Camp Letter Call No. See: Western District Conference Loan Library. Camp Walhalla News See: CPS - Camp Walhalla News Call to Peacemaking Elgin Ill.: New Call to Peacemaking 1979 - 2001. Continued by: ECAPC Newsletter v. 1 (1979) - v. 21 (2001) #1-2. * Campus News Hesston, Kan. : Schowalter Villa, ? 2004: Aug - Calumet See: CPS - Calumet. The Canadian C.O. Montreal: The Canadian C.O., 1942v. 1 (1942-43) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-43) #1, 5} Camp Snowline: Fellowship of Reconciliation See: CPS - Camp Snowline: Fellowship of Reconciliation 16 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. Yearbook See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Canadian Conference Yearbook * Canadian Ethnic Studies Calgary: University of Calgary, 1969Annual index: Published in last issue of volume; no index for v. 12 (1980) v. 1-24 (1969-1993) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1969) #1-2; v. 2 (1970) #2; v. 3 (1976) # 1- v. 20 (1993) # 1 Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Bulletin Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, 1974v. 3-19 (1976-1992) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1977) #4; v. 5-6 (1978-1979) all; v. 7 (1980) #3; v. 12 (1985) #1, 3-4; v. 13 (1986) #3; v. 14 (1987) #4; v. 16 (1998) # 3, 4} Canadian German Business Review Winnipeg: Canadian German Business and Professional Men's Ass'n of Winnipeg, [1955]-1958. Continued by: German Canadian Business Review. v. 4 (1958) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1958) #2-3} Canadian Headquarters Letter See: MCC - Canadian Headquarters Letter. $ The Canadian Mennonite Altona, Man.: D.W. Friesen & Sons, 1953-1971. Has supplement: Canadian Peace Bulletin. v. 1-19 (1953-1971) Note: Located in archives. * Canadian Mennonite Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Publishing Service, 1997Continues: Mennonite Reporter Continues: CMC Nexus v. 1(1997) #l Canadian Mennonite Bible College Bulletin SEE: CMBC Bulletin Canadian Mennonite Bible College - Que Pasa 1 issue from 1979-80 school year Canadian Mennonite Reporter Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Pub. Service, 1971. Continued by: Mennonite Reporter. Shelved with: Mennonite Reporter. v. 1 (1971) Canadian Mennonite University Magazine SEE: CMU magazine Canadian Peace Bulletin Issued as supplement to: Canadian Mennonite. v. 1 # 1 (June 23, 1964) Canadian Plains Bulletin Regina, Sask.: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Saskatchewan, 1974-1997 Continues: Canadian Plains Area Studies Bulletin. v. 13 (1985)-v. 24 (1996/1997) incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1985) #1-3; v. 14 (1986) #1-2} The Canton Argus Canton, Kan.: L.H. Merrill, 1898-1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Merged with: The Canton Leader, to form: The Canton Pilot. v. 1, nos. 1-13 (1898-99) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1898-99) #10} $ The Canton Pilot Canton, Kan. : Ledbetter & Webster, 1899Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Formed by the union of, The Canton Argus, and: The Canton Leader. Note: MLA has paper copies of v. 92-99 (1973-1980) in Archives. v. 1-102 (1899-1983) Capitol Highlights Topeka, Kan.: Topeka I-W's, 1954-1958. v. 1-5 (1954-1958) $ Carillon News Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers, 1946Located in Archives. v. 5-15 (1950-1960) Castañer Newsletter See: CPS - Castañer Newsletter. CCCO News and Notes Philadelphia, Pa.: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1970-v. 45 (1994) # 3 Continues: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors News Notes. v. 26 (1974)-v. 38(1982) # 1,2,4 incomplete {Missing: v. 26 (1974) #1-2, 4-5; v. 27-28 (1975-1976) all; v. 29 (1977) #1, 3-5; v. 30 (1978) #1, 3, 5; v. 38 (1986) #3; v. 40 (1988) #1, 3; v. 41 (1989) # 2; v. 42 (1990) # 1,2,3; v. 43 (1991) # 2; v. 44 (1992) # 2} * CEE Update Harrisonburg, Va.: China Educational Exchange, 1982v. 11, no. 1 (1992){Missing: v. 12 (1993) #1-3, v. 13(1993) #1, v. 1(1994/1995) #4, v. 15 (1995/1996) #2} Center Focus Washington, D.C.: The Center of Concern, 1972-1990 No. 1 (1972)- No. 97 (1990) Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies Newsletter SEE: CMBS Newsletter $ Center for Reformation Research - Newsletter Saint Louis, Mo.: Center for Reformation Research, 19741998 Continues: Foundation for Reformation Research Newsletter. No. 68 (1974) - no. 119 (April 1998) Center News Release See: Japan Anabaptist Center Newsletter. Center of Concern Annual Report Washington, D.C.: Center of Concern, [1972]1973/74-1985/86 incomplete {Missing: 1975-76; 1980-81} Center of Mennonite Brethren Studies Newsletter See CMBS Hillsboro, Kan.: Center of Mennonite Brethren Studies, Tabor College 1981{Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1981), #1; v. 5 (1983), #1; v. 6 (1988), #1; Apr 11990; Feb-Mar 1991; Feb-Mar 1992} Center Peace Colorado Springs, Colo.: The Center on Law and Pacifism, [1978]v. 4-8 (1981-1986) {Missing: v. 4 (1981-82) #1; v. 5 (1982-83) #1, 6; v. 8 (1985-86) #2-6} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Central Board for Conscientious Objectors Bulletin London, England: Central Board for Conscientious Objectors {Detailed holdings: #22 (Nov 1941); #40 (June 1943)} Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors News Notes Philadelphia, Pa.: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1949-1969. Continued by: CCCO News Notes. v. 1-21 (1949-1969) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1953) #11, v. 10 (1958) #3; v. 19 (1967) #6; v. 20 (1968) #4; v. 21 (1969) #2, 5} Central District Conference Focus Goshen, Ind. : Central District Conference, Mennonite Church USA, 2002?Jun 2002Central District Reporter See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Reporter Central States Newsletter See: MCC - Central States Newsletter. The Centre Quarterly London: London Mennonite Centre, 1970-[1972?] v. 1-3 (1970-1972) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1971) #2-4} CFK Information See: Information bulletin of the Christian Peace Conference. Chaff See: Wheatland Homes Chaff 17 The Children's Page [Chouteau, Okla.: "Go Ye" Mission, Inc., 194-]Sept. 1948-Dec. 1958 China Bulletin New York: Far Eastern Joint Office, Division of Foreign Missions, NCCC/USA, 1951-?. v. 2-7, 1952-1957, incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 #2, 14; v. 4 #8, 10, 20; v. 5 #2, 6, 10-12, 15-22; v. 6 #1-2, 4-23; v. 7 #1-2} China Educational Exchange Update See: CEE Update. The China-Home Bond Kai Chow, Hopei: China Mission of the General Conference of Mennonites, 1939-1941. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Taiwan Home Bond. v. 1-3 (1939-1941) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1939) #1-5; v. 2 (1940) #1-8; v. 3 (1941) #1-6} China International Famine Relief Commission. Annual Report. Peking: China International Famine Relief Commission, ?-?. {Detailed holdings: 1933 (Series A, No. 40)} China Journal Shanghai: Arthur De C. Sowerby, 1919-? {Detailed holdings: vol. 11 no. 1 (Sep 1929)} The China Mission Year Book Shanghai: Christian Literature Society for China, 1910-1925. Continued by: China Christian Year Book. v. 8-12 (1917-1924) The Challenge Wellman, Iowa: Iowa-Nebraska Conference of the Mennonite Church, 1987 - 2000. Title variation: The May-Jun and Jul-Aug 2000 issues were published jointly with The Northern Light. The cover title reads: The Challenge / The Northern Light. Continues: Missionary Challenge Continued by:. Scattered Seeds v. 40 (1987)-v. 53 (2000) {Missing: v. 52 #9 (Nov 1999) China Notes New York: East Asia Office, Division of Overseas Ministries, NCC/USA, 1962Continues: China Bulletin of the Far Eastern Office. v. 18 (1980)-v. 30 (1992) #2 incomplete {Missing: v. 18 (1980) #1-2; v. 25 (1986-87) #4; v. 26 (1987-88) #1} Cheltenham News Letter See: CPS - Cheltenham News Letter China Sheet See: MCC - China Sheet. The Cheyenne and Arapaho Messenger Canton, Okla.: Workers Conference of the Missionaries in Oklahoma, 1930-1939. v. 1-10 (1930-1939) Note: As of April 4, 2006 this is on loan to the ATLA Preservation Microfilm Project for filming. Ct. Barbara Thiesen. * Chinese Mennonite Newsletter [Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada], 1987Text: In Chinese and English. v. 1 (1987) # 1-v. 6 (1993) # 3 1987- The Cheyenne and Arapahoe Sword Cantonment, Okla. Terr., 1900-1901. v. 1-3 (1900-1901) {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1900) #1-2, 4-5; v. 2 (1900-1901) #2-3, 5, 8-10; v. 3 (1901) #2-3.} Note: As of January 10, 2007 this is on loan to the ATLA Preservation Microfilm Project.. Photocopies on shelf. The Children's Companion Elkhart, Ind.: Bethel Publishing Company, 1929-1950. v. 11-22 (1939-1950) incomplete {Missing: v. 11 (1939) #1-35, 37-52; v. 12 (1940) #1-7, 17-26, 31-52; v. 13 (1941) #1-43; v. 19 (1947) #9-13, 2226; v. 21 (1949) #43} The Chinese Recorder Shanghai, China: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1912-1938. Annual index: Published separately. Merged with: Educational Review, to form: The Chinese Recorder and Educational Review. v. 49-69 (1918-1938) incomplete {Missing: v. 49 (1918) #1-10; v. 56 (1925) #5, 8; v. 59 (1928) #3; v. 61 (1930) #5; v. 63 (1932) #3-12; v. 64 (1933) #3-7, 9-12; v. 65 (1934) #1, 3, 5-11; v. 66 (1935) #1-4, 6-12; v. 67 (1936) #1-3, 5, 8-12; v. 68 (1937) #1-4, 6-8} The Children's Echo Morris, Man.: Aaron L. Toews, [1946]v. 2-4 (1947-1948) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1947) #1, 10; v. 3 (1948) #1-2; v. 4 (1948) #4, 9-10} China Relief Notes See: MCC - China Relief Notes. The Chinese Recorder and Educational Review Shanghai, China: Editorial Board, 1939-1941. Formed by the union of: The Chinese Recorder, and: Educational Review. v. 70-72 (1939-1941) incomplete {Missing: v. 72 (1941) #7} 18 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Christ Seul Montbeliard: Eglises evangeliques-mennonites francaises, 1907Continues: Bulletin de la Conference des Eglises evangeliques-mennonites francaises. Note: From May 1943-March 1946 a substitute Bulletin Mennonite was published. 1907incomplete {Missing: (1907) #10, 11, 13; (1908) #14, 17; (1909) #4; (1910) #2, 4-5; (1911) #6; (1912) #10; (1914) #1, 3-6, 8-12; (1948) Oct; (1954 #12.} Christian Light Adult Sunday School Lessons Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, inc. {Detailed holdings: v. 18 (1985) #2} Christian Aid Ministries SEE: The seed of truth. The Christian Ministry Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1948-1960. Merged with: Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) and, Program Builder to form: Builder (Scottdale, Pa.) Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-13 (1948-1960) The Christian Challenge Bright, Ont.: The Brethren of Early Christianity, Community Farm of the Brethren, 1966Nos. 1-9 (May 1966-Jan. 1967) * The Christian Contender Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1970Continues: The Pearl of Great Price. v. 10 (1970)$ The Christian Evangel Chicago, Ill.: Central Illinois Conference of Mennonites, 1910-1957. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm (2 copies of each reel) Merged with: The Mennonite; to form: The Mennonite and the Christian Evangel, 1934-1935. v. 1-45 (1910-1957) Note: Unbound copies stored in MLA room 313 (2n d floor). Available for scanning, microfilming, etc. * The Christian Example Crockett, Ky.: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1961v. 1 (1961)incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1961) #4, 10-12; v. 2 (1962) #15-16} The Christian Exponent Wooster, Ohio: The Christian Exponent Company, 19241928. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. Absorbed by: The Mennonite. v. 1-5 (1924-1928) The Christian Family Seymour, Mo.: Historic Christian Publishers, [1974]v. 1-4 (1975-1978) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1975-76) #2, 6-8; v. 3 (1976-77) #9-12; v. 4 (1977-78) #1-8} Christian Family Circle See: Christlicher Familienfreund. * Christian History Worcester, Pa.: Christian History Magazine, 1982Note: Vol. 5, no.1 published as special book issue: Heritage of Freedom. v. 1 (1982)* Christian Leader Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1937Absorbed: The Christian Witness. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume or first issue of succeeding volume; indexes for v. 26-27 in second issue of succeeding volume. v. 1 (1937)- Christian Living Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1954-2002 Formed by the union of, Christian Monitor and: The Mennonite Community. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume; indexes for v. 21-28 published separately. v. 1 (1954) - v. 49 (2002) #8 Missing: v. 42 (1995) # 1 * The Christian Mission Voice Newton, Kan.: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1966v. 1 (1966)incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1967) #3, 6; v. 3 (1968) #11} Christian Monitor Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1909-1953. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Merged with: The Mennonite Community to form: Christian Living. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume; index for v. 39 published in v. 40, no. 1. v. 1-45 (1909-1953) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1916) #6-7} The Christian Nurse (1947) [Scottdale, Pa.]: Mennonite Nurses' Association, 1947-1958. Continues: Mennonursing. Absorbed by: Mennonite Hospitals and Homes. v. 3-14 (1947-1958) The Christian Nurse (1962) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, Mennonite Nurses' Association, 1962-1969. Continues: Mennonite Health and Welfare Horizons. v. 13-20 (1962-1969) incomplete {Missing: v. 15 (1964) #1} * The Christian Pathway Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1964v. 1 (1964)incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1964) #1-26, 28, 30-39; v. 2 (1965) #2, 6, 10, 14, 16-17, 19, 21-42, 44-52; v. 3 (1966) #1-29, 31-34, 36-47, 49-52; v. 4 (1967) all; v. 5 (1968) #1-32, 34-37, 39} The Christian Review Winnipeg, Man.: Rundschau Publishing House, 1926-1928. v. 1-3 (1926-1928) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1928) #9} * The Christian School Builder Crockett, Ky.: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1968Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 1972/73v. 1 (1968)incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1968-69) #4-10} The Christian School (Harrisonburg, Va.) Harrisonburg, Va.: Association of Mennonite Elementary Schools, 1964v. 1-12 (1964-1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1964-65) #1-5; v. 2 (1965-66) #26; v. 3 (1966-67) #1, 3-6; v. 6 (1969-70) #3-6; v. 7-11 (19701975) all; v. 12 (1975-76) #1-2} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Christian School (Scottdale, Pa.) Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Board of Education through the Christian Day School Council, 1949-1960. Index: v. 1-5 (1949-1953) in v. 7, no. 4; v. 6 (1953-54) in v. 7, no. 5. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume or first issue of succeeding volume, 1954v. 1-12 (1949-1960) Christian Service in the South See: CPS - Christian Service in the South Christian Service News Newton, Kan.: Board of Christian Service, 1958Oct. 1958-Nov. 1966 Christian Sunday School Quarterly Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1937-1943. Continued by: Mennonite Senior-Adult Quarterly. v. 1-7 (1937-1943) $ The Christian Witness Inman, Kan.: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Publishing Committee, 1941-1960. Absorbed by: Christian Leader. v. 1-20 (1941-1960) The Christian Writer Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Writers' Fellowship, 1951Title: Quarterly Report of Mennonite Writers' Fellowship. Title: Mennonite Writers' Fellowship - Quarterly Report. v. 1-15 (1951-1966) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1951) #1; v. 6 (1957) #1, 3-4; v. 15 (1966) #2-6} Der Christliche Botschafter Neu-Berlin, Pa.: Adam Ettinger und Georg Miller, 18361846 v. 9-11 (1844-1846) Der Christliche Hausfreund Neukirchen, Kreis Mörs.: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins, [19--]Cover title: Neukirchener Abreisskalender. 1932 Der Christliche Jugend-Freund Elkhart, Ind.: Menn. Verlagshandlung, 1878-1951. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1878-1951 incomplete Absorbed by: Mennonitische Rundschau. v. 1-74 (1878-1951) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 10-11 (1887-1888); v. 12 (1889) #2-52; v. 1316 (1890-1893); v. 17 (1894) #1-6, 12-52; v. 18 (1895) #1352; v. 20 (1897) #6, 23, 29, 34, 41-49, 51; v. 31 (1908) #48, 52; v. 38 (1915) #10-11, 14-15, 47; v. 39 (1916) #43; v. 41 (1918) #48; v. 53 (1930) #41, 45, 52; v. 55 (1932) #7-8, 1314, 17-18, 21-52; v. 57 (1934) #22-52; v. 58 (1935) #1, 3252; v. 59 (1936) #1-47, 52; v. 60 (1937); v. 61 (1938) #1-3, 10-11, 46-47; v. 63 (1940) #51-52; v. 73 (1950) #28-52} Das Christliche Volks-Blatt Milford Squär, Bucks County, Pa. : Mennoniten DruckVerein, 18856-1866 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm; microfilm only, no print copies v. 1 #1 - v. 10 #26 (1856-1866) Continues: Religioeser Botschafter Continued by: Mennonitische Friedensbote Christliche Wissenschaft See: Prüfet die Geister. 19 Christlicher Bundes-Bote Berne, Ind.: Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten von Nord-Amerika, 1882-1947. Formed by the union of: Zur Heimath, and: Der Mennonitische Friedensbote. Absorbed: Nachrichten aus der Heidenwelt. Absorbed: Nachrichten aus der Heidenwelt für Alt und Jung. Merged with: Der Bote (Rosthern, Sask. : 1925), to form: Der Bote und Christliche Bundesbote. Index: MLA has index for v. 15 (1896). Also obituary index compiled by Ruth Unrau. v. 1-66 (1882-1947) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1882) #1; In addition, many issues are damaged. See list of damaged issues shelved with bound volumes.} Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Note: microfilm set includes the missing v. 1 #1 Note: Unbound duplicate issues located in MLA room 313 (2n d floor). Available for scanning or replacements. Christlicher Familien-Kalender für das Jahr unsers Herrn... Halstead, Kan.: Christliche Central Buchhandlung, 18841885. 1884-1885. Christlicher Familien-Kalender SEE: Christlicher Familienkalender $ Christlicher Familienfreund Winnipeg: Kleinegemeinde, 1935-1984. Title variation: Christlicher Familienfreund and Christian Family Circle (1957-1962) Index: 1935-1984 v. 1-50 (1935-1984) Christlicher Familienfreund and Christian Family Circle See: Christlicher Familienfreund. Christlicher Familienkalender Halbstadt: Buchdr. P. Neufeld, 1896-1919. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm (16mm) v. 4-21 (1900-1919) suspended 1916-1917 Christlicher Familienkalender für die Deutschen in Russland Halbstadt : Buchdr. P. Neufeld, 1896-1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm (16mm) Christlicher Familienkalender v. 1 - 3 (1897-1899) Christlicher Gemeinde-Kalender Frankfurt a.M.: Conferenz badisch-pfalzischer Mennoniten, 1892-1941. Continued by: Mennonitischer Gemeinde-Kalender. v. 1-50 (1892-1941) Christlicher Jugendfreund See: Der Christliche Jugend-Freund. Christlicher Volks-Kalender Elberfeld: Im Verlag der Diakonissen-Anstalt, [1842]Has supplement: Jahrbuch für christliche Unterhaltung. 1880; 1903; 1914; 1916 Christlicher Wandkalender Waterloo, Ont.: Jacob H. Janzen, [19--]1943 Christliches Jahrbuch zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung Spat, Post Simferopol: Abr. und Jak. Kröker, 1902-1905. Title variation: Fürs christliche Haus (1905) 1902-1905 Christoterpe: Ein Taschenbuch für Christliche Leser Heidelberg, Germany: Karl Winter Related title: Neue Christoterpe 1852 20 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Christ's Kingdom First See: Women's Missionary and Service Commission Devotional Guide. Christus Victor London: International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 19571959. Continues: IFoR Newsletter. Continued by: Reconciliation Quarterly (London, England) Nos. 96-105 (1957-1959) incomplete {Missing: #102-103 (Sep-Dec 1958)} * Chronicles of Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Okla.: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1921Continues: Historia. Annual index: Published separately, v. 10-51; published in last issue of volume, v. 52v. 10 (1932)incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 10 (1932) #2; v. 28 (1950)- } Church and Mission News Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Mission Board of Ontario, Mennonite Conference of Ontario, 1940-1956. Continues: Mission News Bulletin (1936) Continued by: Ontario Mennonite Evangel. v. 5-21 (1940-1956) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1940) #3, 5-6; v. 6 (1941) #4; v. 7 (1942) #2; v. 9 (1944) #5; v. 10 (1945) #4, 6; v. 11 (1946) #1-3, 5-6; v. 12 (1947) #1-3, 6; v. 13-21 (1948-1956)} The Church Correspondent Conestogo, Ont.: Markham-Waterloo Conference Mennonite Churches in Ont., 1955v. 12 (1966)-v. 34 (1989) #4 incomplete {Missing: v. 12 (1966) #1, 3-7, 10; v. 13 (1967) #2; v. 14 (1968) #5; v. 15 (1969) #3; v. 19 (1973) #2-12; v. 20 (1974) #4, 6-10; v. 21 (1975) #2; v. 22 (1976) #1, 11-12; v. 22 (1977) #11; v. 23 (1978) #1, 5; v. 24 (1979) #4-5; v. 26 (1981) #2} Church Directory Tremont, Illinois : Apostolic Christian Church Foundation, ? 1990, 1995/96 Church Herald Newton, Kan.: Lowther Bros., 1892-1894. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v.1-2 (1892-1894) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1893) #11; v. 2 (1893-94) #1, 5, 10} * Church History Chicago: American Society of Church History, 1932Index: v. 1-30 (1932-1961), 1 v.; v. 31-39 (1962-1970), 1 v.; v. 40-49 (1971-1980), 1 v. Annual index: Published separately until 1977; published in last issue of volume, 1977v. 8 (1939)incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1939) #2-4; v. 9 (1940) #2; v. 10 (1941) #2; v. 29 (1960) #1, 3} Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Conference Council [S. l.] Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 19331933/1939 Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Conference Reports Moundridge, Kan. : Church of God in Christ Mennonite, 18961896-1909, 1896-1921, 1896-1933, 1896-1939, 1896-1956 Note: The 1896-1950 booklet is in Spanish. Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Financial and Activities Report [S.l.]: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, [19--]1953-2006 incomplete {Missing: 1954-1955; 1971, 1979-2003} Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - General Conference Report [S.l.]: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, ? 1959 Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Northern District Conference [S.l.] : Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1917?1945/1958 Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Western District Conference Report Moundridge, Kan. : Church of God in Christ Mennonte, 19401s t (1940) * Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Yearbook [Hesston, Kan.]: Publication Board, 1944Title: Yearbook of the Church of God in Christ Mennonite (1953-1955) Title: Yearbook (Church of God in Christ, Mennonite) (1956- ) 1944incomplete {Missing: 1979; 1983-1985; 1987} Church of the Brethren - Conference Booklet Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Publishing House, [19--]1923-1951 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1909, 1923; 1927; 1936; 1944; 19501951} Church of the Brethren - Directory Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren General Board, 19731981. Continues in part: Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1918) Merged with: Church of the Brethren - Statistics, to form: Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1982) 1973-1981 Church of the Brethren - Gospel Messenger [Elgin, Ill.: General Brotherhood Board, Church of The Brethren], 1883-1964. Absorbed: Missionary Visitor. Continued by: Church of the Brethren - Messenger. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 89-113 (1940-1964) incomplete {Missing: v. 89 (1940) #1-36, 38-end; v. 91 (1942); v. 97 (1948) #32; v. 98 (1949) #32, 53; v. 99-100 (1950-1951); v. 110 (1961) #22-24, 33; v. 112 (1963) #1-41} * Church of the Brethren - Messenger Elgin, Ill.: General Brotherhood Board, Church of the Brethren, 1965Continues: Church of the Brethren - Gospel Messenger. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 114 (1965)incomplete {Missing: v. 122 (1973) #1} Church of the Brethren - Minutes Dayton, Ohio: Christian Pub. Association Print., 1886Title: Minutes of the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren (1930-1967) Title: Annual Conference Minutes (1968- ) 1915-1977 incomplete {Missing: 1916-1929; 1945; 1949-1954} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 21 Church of the Brethren - Statistics Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren General Board, 19721980. Continues in part: Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1918) Merged with: Church of the Brethren - Directory, to form: Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1982) 1972-1980 * CMBS Newsletter Hillsboro, Kan. : Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies at Tabor College, 1978?1981- incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1981) #1; v. 5 (1983) #1; v. 6 (1988) #1; 1990: Apr; 1991: Feb, Mar; 1992: Feb, May; 1996:Spr, Fal; 1997: Spr, Fal; 1998: Spr, Fal; #7 (Spr 1999) #16 (Fal 2003) Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1918) Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren General Board, [1917]1972. Split into: Church of the Brethren - Directory, and: Church of the Brethren - Statistics. 1918-1972 incomplete {Missing: 1921; 1923; 1944-1947} CMC Nexus Winnipeg, Man. : Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1994-1997. Continued by: Canadian Mennonite v. 3 (1996/1997) #1-4, 6-7. incomplete * Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1982) Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren General Board, 1982Formed by the union of, Church of the Brethren Directory, and: Church of the Brethren - Statistics. 1982CIBA Newsletter [Goshen, Ind.: Church, Industry and Business Association], 1970-1976. Continued by: MIBA News Letter. v. 1-6 (1970-1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1970-71) #1-3; v. 2 (1972) #1; v. 3 (1972) #1-2; v. 5 (1975) #1-3; v. 6 (1976) #1-3} The City Hall Echo [North Newton, Kan.] : [s.n.], 1970-1994. Continued by: The Echo 1970-1994 [Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1970) #1-2; v. 2 (1971) #3; v. 3 (1971/1972) #1-4; v. 4 (1972/1973) #1-3; v. 5 (1973/1974) #2-3; v. 6 (1974/1975) #1-4; v. 7 (1975/1976) #1, 4; v. 8 (1976/1977) #-4; v. 9 (1977/1978) #1-4; v. 10 (1978/1979) #1-4; v. 11 (1979/1980) #1-4; v. 12 (1980/1981) #1-4; v. 13 (1981/1982) #1-4; v. 14 (1982/1983) #3; v. 15 (1983/1984) #1-4; v. 16 (1984/1985) #1. 3-4; v. 17 (1985/1986) #1-4; v. 18 (1986/1987) #1-3, 5; v. 19 (1987/1988) #1, 3-4; v. 20 (1988/1989) #1; v. 22 (1990/1991) #2 (Oct 1 1990), #2 (Jan 1 1991); v. 23 (1991/1992) #1-4; v. 24 (1992/1993) #1-4; v. 25 (1993/1994) #5, Jan 1 1994. Civilian Public Service Camp #97-M4 See: CPS - Civilian Public Service Camp #97-M4 Civilian Public Service News Letter See: CPS - Constructive Peace Service The Cleveland Chimes Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Chimes, 1954v. 1-5 (1954-1958) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1958) #9-10} Clio Newsletter (1980) See: History Newsletter Club Times Kansas City, Mo.: [s.n.], 1960v. 1-3 (1960-1964) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1960-61) #1-8; v. 2 (1961-62) #1-5; v. 3 (1963-64) #1-5} * Clues Lincoln, Neb.: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 19741974CMBC Bulletin Winnipeg : Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 1997?-2000 Continued by: CMU Magazine v. 3 (1999/2000) #1-2 Location: Shelved with School Periodicals in Attic. * CMU Magazine Winnipeg, Man. : Candian Mennonite University, 2001Continues: CMBC Bulletin v. 1 (2001)Coastal Compass Middletown, Conn.: Eastern I-W units, 1955v. 1-8 (1955-1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1955) #1, 12; v. 2 (1956) #1-6, 11; v. 6 (1962) #7-12} Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Historical Society, 1910-1928. Shelved under spine title: Kansas Historical Collections. Continues: Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society. Continued by: Kansas Historical Quarterly. Index: 1875-1930, in 1 v.; M, 978.1016, K133c v. 11-17 (1909-1928) Columbia University CPS Unit Letter See: CPS - Columbia University CPS Unit Letter Colombian News Cachipay, Cund., Colombia: Information Service of the Mennonite Mission in Colombia, 1952-1973. Continued by: Encompass. Nos. 1-64 (1952-1973) Colombian News and Views Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Board of Foreign Missions, 1949v. 1-3 (1949-1953) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1949) #1-2; v. 2 (1952) #1; v. 3 (1953) #2} The Columbian: News and Views of CPS camp 21 on the Columbian River See: CPS - The Columbian: News and Views of CPS camp 21 on the Columbian River The Colporteur Scottdale, Pa.: Tract Committee of the Mennonite Publication Board, [1942-1950] Nos. 1-17 [1942-1950] incomplete {Missing: #6, 10, 15-16} Colporteurs Messenger Cheraw, Colo.: Missionary Colportage Endeavor, 1937-1939. v. 1-3 (1937-1939) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1938) #9-12; v. 3 (1939) #4-12} COM Directory See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Prayer Directory 22 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Comenius-Blätter für Volkserziehung Berlin; Münster (Westf.): Verlag der Comenius-Gesellschaft, 1895-1908. Located in Vault. Bound with: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Issued as supplement to: Monatshefte der ComeniusGesellschaft. Continues: Mitteilungen der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Continued by: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Volkserziehung. v. 3-16 (1895-1908) The Comet See: The McPherson Comet. Coming Together Elkhart, Ind.: Fellowship of Hope for the Shalom Covenant of Communities, 1983-1985. v. 1-3 (1983-1985) Commissie tot de Uitgave van Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica - Bulletin See: Bulletin (Commissie tot de Uitgave van Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica) Commission Handbook See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Commission for Christian Education - Handbook. Commission on Education - Reports See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Education - Reports. Commission on Home Ministries - Reports See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Home Ministries - Reports. Commission on Overseas Mission - Directory See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Prayer Directory Commission on Overseas Mission - Reports See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Reports. * Companions Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1973v. 1 (1973)incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (Aug. 26, 1979)} Compass See: CPS - Compass The Compass See: CPS - The Compass. The Complete man Orrville, Ohio : H. A. Mumaw, 1875 Microfilm: uncataloged, microfilm only, no print copy v. 2 #9 (Sep 1875) Continues: Evening at home (Elkhart, Ind.) Continued by: Evening at hoome (Orrville, Ohio) Compulsory Military Service and the Objector See: War Resistance. Concern (Newberg, Ore.) Newberg, Ore.: Association of Evangelical Friends, 1959v. 5-7 (1963-1965) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1964) #1-2; v. 7 (1965) #1} Concern (Scottdale, Pa.) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954-1971. Index: Nos. 1-18 (1954-1971), 1 v. Nos. 1-18 (1954-1971) Conciliation Quarterly See: MCC - Conciliation Quarterly Newsletter. Conciliation Quarterly Newsletter See: MCC - Conciliation Quarterly Newsletter. Conciliation Service: an Occasional Quarterly See: MCC - Conciliation Quarterly Newsletter. Conference Booklet (Church of the Brethren) See: Church of the Brethren - Conference Booklet. Common Ground: A Bond between camps See: CPS - Common Ground: A bond between camps Conference Concerns of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia See: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia - Conference Concerns. A Common Place Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1995Sep 1995 - Conference Historian Newsletter Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Historical Committee, 1984-1987 No. 1 (1984)-No. 6 (1987) Communal Societies Murray, KY.: Murray State University, 1981v. 2 (1982), v. 10 (1990) Conference Journal of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church - Conference journal. Communauté Evangélique Mennonite (Zaïre/Congo) see Annuaire de l’EMC Conference Journal: Ontario Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Ontario Conference Conference journal. The Communicator See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - The COMmunicator. Communique of the Evangelical Mennonite Church See: Evangelical Mennonite Church - Communique. Community Frontiers Pasadena, Calif.: Social-Industrial section of the American Friends Service Committee, Southern Calif. Branch 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #4} $ The Community News Kidron, Ohio: [Harvey Gardner], 1939. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: The Kidron News (1935) Continued by: The Kidron News (1939) v. 4, nos. 7-22 (Mar. 16-June 29, 1939) Conference Messenger Hesston, Kan.: Missouri-Kansas Mennonite Conference, 1945-1981. Continued by: Mennonite Church - South Central Conference Messenger. Bound with: Mennonite Church - South Central Conference Messenger. v. 1-34 (1945-1981) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1945-46) #4; v. 2 (1946-47) #5-6; v. 7 (1952) #5-6; v. 8 (1953) #4?; v. 10 (1955) #3 to end; v. 16 (1960-61) #2-3; v. 23 (1967-68) #1-3; v. 27 (1973-74) #3, 5} Conference News Rosthern, Sask.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, [196]1964-1969 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1964) Jun 29, Jul 5-7; (1969) Jul 5, 2 issues with n.d.} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Conference of Mennonites in Alberta - Annual Report [S.l.]: Conference of Mennonites in Alberta, 1930v. 46 (1975)- incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 46 (1975); v. 50 (1979); v. 53 (1982); v. 56 (1985)} Conference of Mennonites in Alberta - Yearbook [S.l.]: The Conference, 1945Title variation: Jahrbuch der Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden in A lberta. Text: In German, 1945-<1964>; in English, <1965>1951-1974 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 23-37 (1951-1966); v. 40-45 (19691974)} Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia - News ‘n Notes [S.l.] : Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia, [19-](1997) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1997) Jan., Easter, May, Jul/Aug, Sep.} Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia - Report [S.l.]: Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia, 1936v. 43-50 (1978-1985) incomplete {Missing: v. 44 (1979); v. 48-49 (1983-84} Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia - Yearbook Abbotsford, B.C.: Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia, [1936?]1980-1982 Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Berichte See: Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Reports. * Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Bulletin Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1965Continues: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Conference Highlights. v. 1 (1965)- incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1965) #1-4, special? (May 1965), June, Sept.; v. 2 (1966) #1-10; v. 3 (1967) #1-10; v. 4 (1968) #1-8; v. 5 (1969) #1-5; v. 6 (1970) #1-3; v. 7 (1971) #2-5; v. 8 (1972) #1; v. 9 (1973); v. 10-15 (1974-1979); v. 16-24} Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Conference Highlights Winnipeg, Man.: Board of Education and Publication of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1961-1964. Continued by: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin. 1960-1964 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1960-1962; v. 1 (1963) #1-4; v. 2 (1964) #1} Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Directory Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1996/7Continues: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Yearbook 1996/7* Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Minute Book Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 19961996Continues: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Yearbook Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Nexus See: CMC Nexus Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Programs 1960, 1968 23 Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Reports Steinbach, Man.: Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada, [19-]1960-1965, 1989-1994 incomplete {Missing: 1963} * Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Yearbook Rosthern, Sask.: Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada, 1903Title: Konferenz-Bericht (1928?-1930) Title: Bericht über die ... Konferenz der Mennoniten im mittleren Canada (1931-1934) Title: Jahrbuch der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten Canada (1935-1940) Title: Jahrbuch der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada (1941-1965) v. 26 (1928)Continued by: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Minute Book, and Conference of Mennonites in Canada Directory Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba - Minutes 1959-1960 Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba - Report Book [S.l.]: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 19481972-1976, 1983, 1985, 1988 Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba - Yearbook Winnipeg: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1959Title: Jahrbuch (Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba) (1958?-1964?) 1958 - 1999 incomplete {Missing: 1959-1960} Conference of Mennonites in Saskatchewan - Minutes [S.l.]: Conference of Mennonites in Saskatchewan, [19--]1943-1983 incomplete {Missing: 1946-1947; 1949-1955; 1957-1963; 1966; 1968; 1970-1971; 1974-1975; 1977-1981} Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia - Conference Concerns [S.l.]: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia, 1963v.1-15 (1963-1977) incomplete {Missing: v. 2-3 (1964-1965)} Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia - Yearbook [S.l.]: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia, [19--]1951, 1977 Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of Ontario Reports [S.l.]: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of Ontario, [19--]1971-1980 incomplete {Missing: 1972; 1974; 1977; 1979} Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of Ontario Yearbook [S.l.]: The Conference, [19--]1947-1984 incomplete {Missing: 1958; 1962-1963; 1965; 1968-1970; 1972-1978} Conference Report of the Conference of the Defenseless Mennonite Church of North America See: Defenseless Mennonite Church of North America Conference Report. Conference Report of the Conference of the Evangelical Mennonite Church See: Evangelical Mennonite Church - Annual Report and Directory. 24 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Conference Visitor See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Conference Visitor. Congo Contact [Elkhart, Ind.]: Congo Inland Mission, 1960-1965. Continued by: Contact with Congo. v. 1-6 (1960-1965) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1960) #3-5; v. 2 (1961) #4, 6, 1112; v. 3 (1962) #2, 4-6, 10; v. 4 (1963) #6-12; v. 5 (1964) #3, 5, 7-9; v. 6 (1965) #1, 4-5} Congo Inland Mission - Annual Reports See: Congo Inland Mission - Report Books. Congo Inland Mission - Financial Report Elkhart, Ind.: Congo Inland Mission, [19--]-1971. Continued by: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission - Financial Report. 1960-1971 Congo Inland Mission - Report Books Elkhart, Ind.: Congo Inland Mission, [19--]1959-1971 incomplete {Missing: 1960-1961} The Congo Missionary Messenger Chicago, Ill.: Pub. Committee of the Congo Inland Mission Board, 1929-1971. Continued by: Zaire Missionary Messenger. v. 1-39 (1929-1971) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1930) #8; v. 4-6 (1932-1934); v. 7 (1935) #3} * Connection (Newton Medical Center) Newton, Kan.: Newton Medical Center, 1988Continues: In the Service of the King. v. 1 (1988)Located in archives. * Connections (Anabaptist Disabilities Network) Goshen, Ind. : Anabaptist Disabilities Network), 2005Continues: Dialogue on disabilities Sum 2005 * Connections (Goshen, Ind.) Goshen, Ind. : Mennonite Health Services, 1999Continues: MCC - Mennonite Health Services News and Views 2000- incomplete {Detailed holdings: Jan/Feb 2000; May/Jun 2000; Sep/Oct 2000; Nov/Dec 2000; Jan/Feb 2001; Mar/Apr 2001; May/Jun 2001; Sep/Oct 2001; Nov/Dec 2001; Jan/Feb 2002; Mar/Apr 2002.} * Connections (Harrisonburg, Va.) Harrisonburg, VA: Virginia Mennonite Conference and Board of Missions, 1990v. 1 (1990/1991)Connexe Bruxelles, Belgium: Centre Mennonite de Bruxelles, 1982No. 1 (1982)-No. 27 (1989) incomplete {Missing: #2-3 (1983); #10 (1984)} Conococheague Mennonist vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1993)- incomplete * The Conrad Grebel Review Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Grebel College, 1983v. 1 (1983)- The Conscientious Objector New York: War Resisters League, The Fellowship of Reconciliation and Service Committee of the New York Monthly Meeting of Friends (Quakers), 1939-1946. v. 2-8 (1940-1946) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 2 (1940) #1-4, 6; v. 3 (1941) #1; v. 4 (1942) #2, 5} Conscription News Washington, D.C.: [National Council Against Conscription], 1944-1959. 1944-1959 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1944) Dec; (1945) #9-12, 14-25, 2728, 30-44, 46-54; (1946) #55-86; (1947) #87-88, 90-103, 105-108, 110-111; (1950) #172; (1953) #202; (1954) #212213, 216-220; (1955) #221, 225, 227, 229; (1956) #231, 233-234, 236-237; (1957) #238, 240-246; (1958) #248-255; (1959) #258-262} Conservative Amish Mennonite Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, [1911?]1912-1950 incomplete {Missing: 1913; 1915-1918; 1921-1924; 1938; 1942} Conservative Amish Mennonite Conference - Year-book and Directory Arthur, Ill.: A.M. Publishing Association, [19--]1937-1938, 1942 Conservative Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Annual Report Irwin, Ohio: Conservative Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, [19--]1964-1979 incomplete {Missing: 1966-1967; 1969-1970, 1972; 1978} The Conservator See: CPS - Conservator. Constructive Peace Service See: CPS - Constructive Peace service * Consultation Pandora, Ohio : Ted VanderEnde, 1984no. 2 (1984)- incomplete {Detailed holdings: #2-3 (1984)} Contact (Baarn, Netherlands) Baarn: Doopsgezinde Gemeente Baarn-Soest, 1953v. 1-8 (1953-1962) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1953-54) #1, 3-6; v. 2 (1954-55) #2, 4-5, 8; v. 3 (1956) #3; v. 4 (1957) #1-3, 5-6; v. 5 (1958) #1, 3, 5-7; v. 6 (1959) #1-4, 6-9; v. 7 (1960-61) #1-2, 5-6, 89; v. 8 (1962) #1} Contact (Elkhart, Ind.) Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1972-1981. Continues: Contact with Congo. Continued by: AIMM Contact. v. 14-23 (1972-1981) Contact with Congo Elkhart, Ind.: Congo Inland Mission, 1965-1972. Continues: Congo Contact. Continued by: Contact (Elkhart, Ind.) Bound with: Contact (Elkhart, Ind.) v. 6-14 (1965-1972) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1965) #8-10; v. 7 (1966) #2, 10} % Contactos Asuncion, Paraguay: Centro Evangelico Mennonita de Teologia [1980]No. 5 (Junio 1981), #26 (Aug 1991) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Convencion de las Iglesias Menonitas en la Republica Argentina See: Mennonite Church. Argentine Mennonite Conference Report. Cooperstown See: CPS - Cooperstown Council on Medical Missions. Occasional Leaflet. Shanghai: Council on Medical Missions, Chinese Medical Association, ?-?. {Detailed holdings: no. 7 (July 1934)} Counterclockwise See: MCC - Counterclockwise * Courier Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite World Conference, 1986Continues: Mennonite World Conference Newsletter. v. 1 (1986)* Courier See: The Freeman Courier CPC Information See: Information Bulletin of the Christian Peace Conference. CPS 31 Newsletter See: CPS - CPS 31 Newsletter CPS 84 See: CPS - CPS 84 CPS - 53 Gorham, N.H.: C.P.S. #53, 1943. 1943 {Detailed holdings: #2-3 (Mar-Apr 1943)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestview. CPS - Action West Campton, N.H.: C.P.S. #32, 1943-1944. Related titles: Bulletin, Compass Publisher varies: CPS Camp 32, West Campton, N.H. Mar 22 - Jun 28, 1943; CPS Camp 111, Mancos, Cal. Jul 20, 1943 - Apr 21, 1944; CPS Camp 135, Germfask, Mich., Jun 25, 1944. 1943-1944 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943) #1,3-6, 9-16; v. 2 (1943/1944) #2-11} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - The Acumen Wellston, Mich.: CPS #42, March 1945. Related title: Builders 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #1-2; Mar - Apr} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - The Agrogram Lincoln, Neb.: C.P.S. #106, 1944-1945. 1944-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-36 (Sep 1944 - Jun 1945), v. 2 #1-14 (Sep - Dec 1945)} Bound with: CPS - Ruralogue. Location: v. 2 #4 shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews 25 CPS - American Friends Service Committee China Unit Newsletter Philadelphia, Penn.: American Friends Service Committee, 1943. Variant title: CPS China Unite Newsletter 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-2 (Jun-Jul 1943) Location: Bound in a volume titled, CPS - Friends CPS Bulletin CPS - Anniversary Report Ames, Iowa: C.P.S. #104 {Detailed holdings: August 1944} Missing as of 4/16/03 CPS - Anniversary Review Harrisburg, Penn.: C.P.S. #93, 1944-1945. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) # 1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Atom Ashburnham, Mass.: C.P.S. #11, 19421942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #1-3} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize. CPS - BCPS Bulletin Elgin, Ill. : Brethren Service Committee, 1944-1947. 1944-1947 (incomplete) {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944/1945) #1, 3 - 10, 12 - 21; v. 2 (1945/1946) #1 - 37; v. 3 (1946) #2; Feb 7, 1947} CPS - Blocks for Builders Terry, Mont.: C.P.S. #64 Related title: Yellowstone Builder 1945 {Detailed holdings: #98 (Nov 1944), #100-103 (Nov-Dec 1944), #106-126 (Dec 1944-May 1945), #128 (Jun 1945), #131-133 (Jun-Jul 1945), #135-137 (Jul-Aug 1945), #142 (Sep 1945), #144 (Sep 1945), #147-149 (Oct-Nov 1945), #151-165 (Nov 1945-Feb 1946), #169 (Mar 1946), #171-182 (Mar-Jun 1946)} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 45 through 66. CPS - Blue Ridge Bugle Galax, Va.: C.P.S. #39, 1943. Continued by: CPS - Sequoia Hi-lites. Bound with: CPS - Sequoia Hi-lites. 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1, nos. 1-9 (Jan.-May 1943) CPS - Bluffton Peace Sentinel Bluffton, Ind.: C.P.S. # 13, 1941-1942. Continued by: CPS - Jasper-Pulaski Peace Sentinel. Bound with: CPS - Peace Sentinel. 1941-42 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941-42) #1-18} CPS - Box 96 Mulberry, Fla.: C.P.S. #27, 1944 - 1946 Related titles: Crestviews, Wakulla Newsletter 1944-1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944-1945) #1-v. 2 (1945-1946) #11} CPS - Brethren Civilian Public Service Bulletin on . . . Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Civilian Public Service, 1943. Bound with: CPS - BCPS Bulletin. 1943 {Detailed holdings: Orientation, Jan 20, 1943; Administration, Jan 25, 1943; Recreation, Feb 15, 1943; Chapels, Feb 25, 1943; Religious Needs, Apr 5, 1943; Accounting, Mar 25, 1943; Barbering Systems, Mar 31, 1943; Kitchen Management, Feb 5, 1943; Leave and Liberty Regulations, Mar 15, 1943; Overhead Management, Mar 31, 1943; Mobile Disaster Units, Feb 26, 1943 } 26 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Brethren Civilian Public Service Educational Report Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Civilian Public Service, 1942. Bound with: CPS - BCPS Bulletin. 1942 {Detailed holdings: No. 1 (1942)} CPS - Builders Manistee, Mich.: Wellston, Mich.; C.P.S. #42, 1941-1945 Related title: Acumen 1942-1944 (incomplete) {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1942) #6-11; v. 3 (1943) #1-2; v. 4 (1944) #1-2} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS Bulletin See: CPS - CPS Bulletin CPS - Bulletin See: CPS - School of Industrial Relatins Bulletin. CPS - The Bulletin West Campton, N.H.: C.P.S. #32, 1942-1943. Related titles: Action, Compass 1942-1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-43) #1,3,8,10,17-18, 20-21, 23-25, 27, 29} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Bulletin on Relief Philadelphia, Pa.: C.P.S. #101, 1943 1943 {Detailed holdings: July 26, 1943} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - C.P.S. News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter CPS - The C.P.S. Round Table Nashville, Tenn.: Department of Christian Education of adults, Division of the Local Church, The Board of Education of the Methodist Church, 1944-45 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #3-6; v. 2 (1945) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Calendar Fort Collins, Colo.: C.P.S. #33, 1945-1946 Apr. 1, 1945-Aug. 18, 1946 Related titles: Poudre canon News, Rising Tide {Detailed holdings: 1945: Mar 25-Apr 22; May 6-Jul 8; Aug 12-Sep 23; Oct 7-Dec 30; 1946: Jan 6-Feb 24; Mar 10Apr 14; Apr 28-Jul 4; Jul 7-14; Jul 28; Aug 11-Aug 25; Sep 8} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Calumet Marion, N.C.; C.P.S. #19, 1941-1943; Gatlinburg, Tenn. : C.P.S. #108, 1943-1945. v. 1#1- 23 (1941-1942);v.2 #1-17 (1942-1943); v. 3 #1-11 (1944-1945) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1942-43) #18 to end. Location: Most issues are shelved in a bound volume; v. 2 #17, v. 3 #1-4, 8 are shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestview. CPS - Camp Bulletin Colorado Springs, Co.: C.P.S. #5, 1944-1946. Related title: Pike View Peace News 1944-1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944-45) #1, 4-9, 11-14, 16, 18, 20-24, 26-31, 33, 37-51; v. 2 (1945) #1-4, 6, 8-24} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 444; v. 1 #47 shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Camp Letter Belton, Mont.: C.P.S. #55, 1944-1946. Related titles: Trailmaker, Troutline 1944-1946 {Detailed holdings: #1-19 (Feb-Jul 1944), #22-25 (Jul-Aug 1944), #27-38 (Sep-Nov 1944), #40-67 (Dec 1944-Jun 1945), #69-109 Jun 1945-Mar 1946), #111-120 (Apr-Jun 1946)} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 45 through 66. CPS - Camp Snowline: Fellowship of Reconciliation Camino, Ca.: C.P.S. #31, 1943 Related titles: CPS 31 Newsletter, News Letter, On the Job, Safety, Snowliner 1943 {Detailed holdings: Feb 16, 1943} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Camp Walhalla News Walhalla, Mich.: C.P.S. #30, 1942-1943. Related title: School of Cooperative Living Title variation: Camp Walhalla {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-1943) #1-11)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Castañer Newsletter Castañer, Puerto Rico: Brumbaugh Unit, C.P.S. # 43, 19431944-1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1944) #1-5; v. 3 (1944-45) #1-11; v. 4 (1945-46) #1-11; v. 5 (1946-47) #1-8; v. 6 (1947-48) #4, 10; v. 7 (1948-1949) #1-2, 6} Location: Some bound in volume titled CPS Brethren Puerto Rico CPS; remainder shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Cheltenham News Letter Cheltenham, Maryland: C.P.S. #62, 1943. 1943 {Detailed holdings: v.1 (1943) #1-2} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Christian Service in the South Gulfport, Miss.: C.P.S. #141, 1945-1946. 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: summer 1945-spring 1946} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Civilian Public Service Camp #97-M4 See: CPS - El Paso County Dairy Unit No. 97-M-4 CPS - Civilian Public Service News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Letter CPS - The CO Hypo Roseburg, Ore.: C.P.S. #151, U.S. Veterans Hospital, 1946 1946 {Detailed holdings: (1946) Feb 21, May 23, Jun 27, Oct 31 Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins 57, 77, 85, 151 CPS - Columbia University CPS Unit Letter New York: Columbia University CPS Unit, 1943Bound with: CPS - BCPS Bulletin. 1943 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1943) #3-9, 11} CPS - The Columbian: News and Views of CPS Camp 21 on the Columbian River Cascade Locks, Ore.: C.P.S. #21, 1942-1943 Related titles: The Larch Mountaineer, The Mountain Columbian, School of Pacifist Living 1942-1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-1943) #1-18} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Common Ground: A bond between camps Coshocton, Ohio: C.P.S. #23, 1942. Related title: Seed 1942 {Detailed holdings: #3 (Oct 1942)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - Compass West Campton, N.H.: C.P.S. #32, 1942-1944; Waldport, Ore.: C.P.S. #56, 1944-1945; Cascade Locks, Ore.: C.P.S. # 21, 1946. Note: Circulation Office, Ames, Iowa, C.P.S. #104, 1944 Related titles: Action, Bulletin, The Tide 1942-1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-6; v. 2, 1- 6 (Nov. 1942-Spr. 1946)} CPS - The Conservator Malcolm, Neb.: C.P.S. #138, Unit 2, 1945-1946. Related titles: Mennonite Farmunity, Ruralogue Bound with: CPS - Ruralogue. Nos. 1-54 (Feb. 1945-Nov. 1946) incomplete {Missing: #42 (Jun 13, 1946)} CPS - Constructive Peace Service Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1946-1947. Supplement to: CPS - CPS Bulletin Continues: CPS - CPS Supplement 1946-1947 {Detailed holdings: 1946: Jul, Aug, Sep,Oct, Nov, Dec; 1947: Jan} Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - Cooperstown Cooperstown, N.Y.: C.P.S. #12, 1941-1943 1941-43 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941-1942) #1-8; v. 2 (1942) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews. 27 CPS - CPS GI Mancos, Colo.; Big Flats, NY: C.P.S. #111, 1943-1945 1943-45 {Detailed holdings: #1-17, 19-20 (1943-1945)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - CPS Supplement Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee 1946 Supplement to: CPS - CPS Bulletin Continued by: CPS - Constructive Peace Service {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1946) #5-s, 10-s} Location: Bound in volume labeld CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - Crestviews Crestview, Fla.: C.P.S. #27, 1942-[1943?] Related titles: Box 96, Wakulla Newsletter v. 1-2 (1942-1943) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1942) #1-2, 11-12; v. 2 (1943) #9-12} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 through Crestviews CPS - D.H.I.A. Newsletter Dennison, Iowa: C.P.S. #100, 1945. 1945 {Detailed holdings: Apr 26, 1945; Jul 5, 1945; undated; Aug 2, 1945; Aug 6, 1945; Aug 13, 1945} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Dairy Diary Elgin, Il.: C.P.S. #9, C.P.S. #100, 1943-1946. Related titles: Dairy News, Dairy Tester's Letter, Headquarter's Letter, Maine "News and Views" {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943) #2; v. 3 (1945) #5, 9-10; v. 4 (194-?) #2} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen CPS Dairy Farm Unit: "Helps feed the hungry" See: CPS - CPS Dairy Farm Unit: "Helps feed the hungry" CPS - CPS 31 Newsletter Camino, Ca.: C.P.S. #31 Related titles: Camp Snowline, News Letter, On the Job, Safety, Snowliner 1944-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944-1945) #4, 14, 18, 23, 2526, 29-30, 32-34, 36-41, 43-45, 48-49; v. 2 (1945) #1-4, 611, 13, 15-38 Location: Some issues bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 4 - 44. remainder shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters 53 thrugh Crestviews. CPS - Dairy Letter See: CPS - El Paso County Dairy Unit No. 97-M-4 CPS - CPS 84 Concord, New Hampshire: C.P.S. #84, 1943. Christmas 1943 Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Dairy Service Bulletin Akron, Penn.: Mennonite Central Committee, 19451945-46 {Detailed holdings: #1-9 (May 1945-Jan 1946) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen CPS - CPS Bulletin: A Weekly Publication of Mennonite Civilian Public Service Akron, Penn.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945-1947. Continues: CPS - Mennonite CPS Bulletin Has supplement: CPS Supplement (May - Jun 1946) 1945-1947 {Detailed holdings: v. 4 #10-v. 6 #14 (Nov 1945 - Mar 1947) Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - CPS China Unit Newsletter See: CPS - American Friends Service Committee China Unit Newsletter CPS - CPS Dairy Farm Unit: "Helps feed the hungry" Missing 4/17/03 CPS - Dairy News Adrian, Mich.: C.P.S. #97M and 100, 1945-1946. Related titles: Dairy Diary, Dairy Tester's Letter, Headquarter's Letter, Maine "News and Views" 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1945) #2-12; v. 3 (1946) #1-4} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen CPS - Dairy Service News Letter Akron, Penn.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945. Continues: CPS - News Letter Continued by: CPS - Pennsylvania and Maryland Dairy Service News Letter 1945 {Detailed holdings: #10 (Oct 1945) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen CPS - Dairy Tester's Letter Orono, Maine: C.P.S. #100, 1943-1945. Related titles: Dairy Diary, Dairy News, Headquarter's Letter, Maine "News and Views" 1945 {Detailed holdings: Oct 30, 1945} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen 28 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - The Dairy Worker King County, Wash.: CPS #97, 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #5} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary thrugh Marine Bull Pen CPS - Dairyland Views Beaver Dam, Wis.: CPS #97, 1944-1946 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #17, v. 2 (1945) #3, 5; v. 3 (1946) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Days of Our Year Petersham, Mass.: C.P.S. #9, 19411941-42 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941-1942) #1-2, 4-18; v. 2 (1942) #1-2} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Deep River Echo Henry, Ill.: C.P.S. #22, 1942. Continued by: CPS - Marsh Valley Echo. Bound with: CPS - Howard Nursery Views. 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1, nos. 1-12 (Mar.-Oct. 1942)} $ CPS - Demobilization Bulletins [S.l.]: Interagency Demobilization Committee, [1944]Oct. 1944-July 1946 CPS - The Denison Olive Branch Denison, Iowa: C.P.S. #18, 1944. Continues: CPS - The Olive Branch Continued by: CPS - Vanguard 1944 {Detailed holdings: v. 3 #3-9 (Mar - Sep 1944) Location: Bound in a volume labeled CPS - Olive Branch CPS - Epistle Middletown, Conn.: C.P.S. #81, 1944. Continued by: News of the Unit Related titles: From Middletown, News and Opinions, The Scribe 1944 {Detailed holdings: #65-67, 69 (Sep 1944)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary thrugh Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Ex-Harrisburg CPS'ers News See: Ex-Harrisburg CPS'ers News CPS - Exeter Excerpts LaFayette, R.I.: C.P.S. #117, 1944-1946. 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #1-4, 6-8, Mar 16-30, 1945; Apr 16, 1945; May 23-Jun 23, 1945; Jul 16-Sep 29, 1945; Oct 19, 1945; Nov 10-17, 1945; Dec 1-8, 1945; Jan 26-Mar 23, 1945; Apr 6-Apr 20, 1945} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 67150. CPS - Friends Civilian Public Service Newsletter Philadelphia, Penn.: American Friends Service Committee, 1942-1943 Title varies: Civilian Public Service Friends Newsletter. 1942-1943 {Detailed holdings: #1 (Feb 1942), 6 (Dec 1942), 8-10 (Feb-Apr 1943) Location: Bound in volume titled, Friends CPS Bulletin. CPS - From Middletown Middletown, Conn.: C.P.S. #81, 1945 Related titles: The Scribe, Epistle, News and Opinions, News of the Unit 1945 {Detailed holdings: #1-5 (Apr-Sep 1945) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen CPS - Dove-Tale Powellsville, Md.: Camp Pocomoke, CPS #52, 1945-1946. Related titles: Pocomoke Opinion, Powellsville News and Comment, Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter, The Sand-Paper, The Socialist C.O. Bound with: CPS - Harmony. 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-12, v. 2, #1- 9 (Feb. 1945-Sept. 1946) Missing: v. 2 #4 not published} CPS - From the Foot of Pikes Peak See: CPS- Pike View Peace News CPS - Echo Jr. Downey, Idaho: C.P.S. #67, 1945. Title varies: Echo Jr., Jun 1945 - Aug 1945; Junior Echo, Aug 1945; Jr. Echo, Aug - Oct 1945; Junior Echo Nov-Dec 1945 Related title: Marsh Valley Echo 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1945) #23, 25-46} Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins, 67-150 CPS GI See: CPS - CPS GI CPS -El Paso County Dairy Unit No. 97-M-4 El Paso County and Colorado Springs, CO: C.P.S. #97-M4: May 1943-1945. {Detailed holdings: Dairy assignee's letter #1 (May 25, 1943); Dairy Farmers Employer's Letter #2 (May 25, 1943)} Missing 4/17/03 Dairy letters #42-43, 46 (Jun 13, Jun 29, Aug 28, 1945)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bullpen. CPS - Germfask Newsletter Germfask, Mich.: C.P.S. #135, May 1944; Minersville, Calif.: C.P.S. #148, June 1945 1944-46 {Detailed holdings: #1-#7 (May-Dec 1944); v. 1 (1945) #12, 4; v. 2-3 (1945-46)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Good News Waldport, Ore.: CPS #56, 1943 1943 {Detailed holdings: #5-20 (1943)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize. CPS - The Grapevine: Prison news exchange service Cleveland, Ohio: The Grapevine, 1945-1946. 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: #2 (Apr 1945); #4 (Aug 1945); #6 (Dec 1945); #8 (Jun 1946)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Grass Roots Big Flats, N.Y.: C.P.S. #46, 1942-1943 Related title: News and Views {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-1943) #1-4; v. 2 (1943) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Green Pastures Hagerstown, Md.: C.P.S. Camp 24, 1944Related title: The Washington County Conservationist Continues in part: CPS - Soil. v. 1, nos. 1-8 (Jan.-Dec. 1944) Location: Most issues are shelved in the bound volume titled Green Pastures, v. 1 #4 is shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Guinea Pig Gazette Minneapolis, Minn.: Keys Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, 1943. 1943 {Detailed holdings: 1943: May, Christmas} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Gulfport News Report Gulfport, Miss.: C.P.S. #141, ? {Detailed holdings: #16 (Jun 28, 1947)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Harmony Bowie, Md.: C.P.S. Camp #34, 1942-1943 v. 1-v. 2, no. 10 (Aug. 1942-Dec. 1943) CPS - Headquarter's Letter: New England Dairy Farm Unit New England Region: C.P.S. #100, 1945 Related titles: Dairy Diary, Dairy News, Dairy Tester's Letter, Maine "News and Views" 1945 {Detailed holdings: #1-5 (Jun-Aug 1945) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - High Sierra Vistas North Fork, Calif.: C.P.S. #35, 1942Related title: Outlook 1942-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1-v. 2, no. 11 (Oct. 1942-Sept. 1944) CPS - High Time Williamsburg, Va.: C.P.S. #41, 1945. 1945 {Detailed holdings: #1 (Jul 23, 1945)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Howard Nursery Views Howard, Pa.: C.P.S. #40, 1942-1943. v. 1 #1-12 (Sep 1942 - Apr 1943) CPS - Information Philadelphia, Pa.: Friends Civilian Public Service Office, 1943-1946 1943-1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943-1944) #4-5, 14, 24, 29-36, 38, 42-43, 45, 29, 52; v. 2 (1944-45) #2-3, 8, 11-12, 14-19, 21-26, 29, 31-32, 34-39, 41-43, 52; v. 3 (1945-46) #1-2, 410, 12-49} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS - Friends CPS Bulletin. CPS - The Irrigator Trenton, North Dakota: C.P.S. #94, 1943. #1-4 (1943) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Jasper-Pulaski Peace Sentinel Medaryville, Ind.: C.P.S. #28, 1942-1944. Continues: CPS - Bluffton Peace Sentinel. Continued by: CPS - Peace Sentinel. Related title: Weekly Prospectus Bound with: CPS - Peace Sentinel. 1942-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1, no. 19-v. 3, no. 6 (Apr. 1942June 1944) 29 CPS - Jr. Echo See: CPS - Echo Jr. CPS - Junior Echo See: CPS - Echo Jr. CPS - Kalamazoo State Hospital News See: Kalamazoo State Hospital News Note: This is being retained because it was published while there was an active CPS unit at Kalamazoo State Hospital even though this newsletter was not published by the CPS unit. CPS - The Kane Penn Kane, Pa.: C.P.S. #16 Related title: Raising Kane 1942-43 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-1943) #2-23} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - The Larch Mountaineer Cascade Locks, Ore.: C.P.S. #21, 1942. Related titles: The Columbian, The Mountain Columbian, School of Pacifist Living 1942 {Detailed holdings: 1942: Jul 3, Aug 1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Load Line Huson, Mont.: Smoke Jumper Camp, CPS #103, 1944Related title: Static Line Continues: CPS - Smoke Jumper's Load Line. Bound with: CPS - Green Pastures. 1944 {Detailed holdings: v. 2, nos. 1-3 (June-Sept. 1944)} CPS - Louis Whitaker Newsletter Lagro, Ind.: C.P.S. #6, 1942. Related title: The Salamonie Peace Pipe 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #1-2} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Magnolia Time-Peace Magnolia, Ark.: C.P.S. #7, Brethren Service Committee, 1941-1942. Continued by: CPS - Peace Pathways. Bound with: CPS - Peace Pathways. 1941-42 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-2 #4 (1941-1942)} CPS - Maine "News and Views" Orono, Maine: C.P.S. #100 and 125, 1945 Related titles: Dairy Diary, Dairy News, Dairy Tester's Letter, Headquarter's Letter 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #1-4} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 67150 CPS - Mañana Santa Barbara, Calif.: C.P.S. #36, 1942-1944. 1942-43 {Detailed holdings: Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1942; v. 1 (1942) #5; v.2 (194-?) #1; Mar/Apr 1943; Apr 1943} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. CPS - Marine Bull Pen: A paper issued in the interests of sea-going cowboys Elgin, Ill.: C.P.S. Reserve, 1946. 1946 {Detailed holdings: #1-10 (Mar-Aug 1946)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Dairy Diary through Marine Bull Pen. 30 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Marsh Valley Echo Downey, Idaho: C.P.S. #67, 1942Related title: Echo Jr. Continues: CPS - Deep River Echo. 1942-45 {Detailed holdings: v. 2-v. 4, no. 9 (Dec. 1942-Oct. 1945)} CPS - Mennonite Farmunity Malcolm, Neb.: C.P.S. #138, Unit 2, 1945Bound with: CPS - Green Pastures. Related titles: Conservator, Ruralogue 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1, nos. 1-5 (Jan. 1945-Jun 1946)} CPS - The Martin G. Brumbaugh Reconstruction Unit of the Brethren Service Committee Adjuntas , Puerto Rico: C.P.S. #43, Brethren sub-unit 1942-44 {Detailed holdings: #1-26 (Sep 1942-Jan 1944)} Location: Bound in volume titled CPS - Brethren Puerto Rico CPS CPS - MFN See: CPS - Minersville Fortnightly Nuggets CPS - MBF Harmony See: CPS - Harmony CPS - Medaryville Peace Sentinel See: CPS - Peace Sentinel CPS Memos and Records See: MCC - CPS Memos and Records. CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin Akron, Penn. : Mennonite Central Committee, 1943-1945 Note: The office of publication changed to North Newton, Kansas with v. 2 #3 (Aug 1943) Continues: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee News Letter Continued by: CPS - Mennonite CPS Bulletin 1943-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 #2-v. 3 #[16] (Jul 1943Feb 1945) CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter Akron, Penn. : Mennonite Central Committee, 1942-1943. Continues: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Letter Continued by: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee News Letter 1942-1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #6-18 (Oct 1942-Jun 1943) Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Letter Akron, Penn. : Mennonite Central Committee, 1942. Continued by: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. Newsletter 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-5 (Jul - Sep 1942) Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - Mennonite Central Committee News Letter Akron, Penn. : Mennonite Central Committee, 1943. Continues: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter Continued by: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #19- v. 2 #1 (Jun-Jul 1943) Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - Mennonite CPS Bulletin North Newton, Kan. : Mennonite Central Committee, 1945. Continues: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin Continued by: CPS - CPS Bulletin A Weekly Publication of Mennonite Civilian Public Service 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 3 #17-v. 4 #9 (Mar - Nov 1945)} Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS - MCC CPS Bulletin CPS - Minersville Fortnightly Nuggets Minersville, Ca.: C.P.S. #148, 1945. Title varies: MFN (Sep, Oct 1945) 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #1-5; v. 2 (1945) #1-3} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - The Molokan Three Rivers, Calif.: C.P.S. #107, 1944-1946 v. 1-v. 3, no. 3 (Aug. 1944-Mar. 1946) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1946) #2} CPS - Mono Log Coleville, Calif.:C.P.S. #37, 1942. Continued by: CPS - Sage O'piñon. Bound with: CPS - Sage O'piñon. 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1, nos. 1-4 (July-Oct. 1942)} CPS - The Mountain Columbian Corbett, Ore.: C.P.S. #21, Larch Mountain branch Related titles: The Columbian, The Larch Mountaineer, School of Pacifist Living 1942 {Detailed holdings: Jun 20, 1942} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - New Horizons Lapine, Ore.: C.P.S. #60, 1943-1944. Bound with: CPS - Howard Nursery Views. 1943-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943) #1-12, supplement-obituary (Jan. 1944) } CPS - New Roots Royalston, Mass.: C.P.S. #10, 1941-1942. 1941-42 {Detailed holdings: #1-7 (Sep 1941 - Oct 1942) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - News and Views Big Flats, N.Y.: C.P.S. #46, 1943-1944. Related title: Grass Roots 1943-44 {Detailed holdings: 1943; Apr 5, 12, May 12, 27, Jun 8, 21, Jul 7, Aug 4, 26, Sep 28, Oct 4, 12, 28, Nov 20, Dec 1, 20, 1944: Jan 12, Feb 21, 29, Mar 14} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - News and Views Three Rivers, Ca.: C.P.S. #107, 1945-1946. Related title: Sequoia Hi-Lites 1945-1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #1-7, 11-40, 43-52; v. 2 (1945-46) #1-17} Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins 67 - 150 CPS - News Bulletin See: CPS - Rushmore Reminder CPS - News Letter (Akron, Penn.) Akron, Penn.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945. 1945 Continued by: CPS - Dairy Service Newsletter {Detailed holdings: #8-9 (Jul-Aug 1945) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - News Letter (Camino, Calif.) Camino, Calif.: CPS #31, 1946. Related titles: Camp Snowline, CPS 31 Newsletter, On the Job, Safety, Snowliner 1946 {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1946) #1, 4, 11; v. 5 (1946) #1, 3} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - News of the Unit Middletown Conn.: C.P.S. #81, 1944-1945 Continues: Epistle Related titles: From Middletown, News and Opinions, The Scribe 1944-1945 {Detailed holdings: 1944; Oct 14, 18, 28, Nov 2, 14; 1945: Jun 11} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - News Sheet Greystone Park, N.J.: CPS #77, 1944-1945. Bound in volume labeled: CPS - Camp Bulletins 57, 77, 85, 151 1944-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944-45) #1-5, 7-12, 29, 32, 48; v. 2 (1945) #1-2, 15-16, 20, 23} CPS - News Sheet Livermore, Ca.: CPS #150, 1945-1946 Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 67 - 150 1945-1946 {Detailed holdings: 1945: Jan 29-Feb 5, Feb 26-Mar 5, Mar 19, Apr 9, May 28, Jun 11-25; 1946: Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 9} CPS - The Newsette Howard, R.I.: CPS #85, 1944-1946 1944-1946 {Detailed holdings: v.1 (1944) #1, 8-9; v. 2 (1945) #4, 714, 16, 18-23, 25-34, 38-40, 44-45, 47-51; v. 3 (1946) #4-7, 9-20} Location: All but the first issue are bound in volume labeled Mennonite CPS Camp Bulletins 57, 77, 85, 151; v. 1. #1 is shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Mountain Columbian through Salt. CPS - The Olive Branch (Denison, Iowa) Denison, Iowa: C.P.S. #18, 1941-1944. Related titles: Tomorrow, Vanguard Continued by: CPS - Denison Olive Branch. 1941-1944 v. 1 #1-20 (Oct 1941-Sep 1942); v. 2 #1-10, 12 (Oct 1942Oct, Dec 1943);v. 3, #1- 2 (Jan, [Feb] 1944) CPS - Olive Branch (Grottoes, Va.) Grottoes, Va.: C.P.S. Camp #4, 1941Related title: The Olive Twig v. 1-v. 4, no. 6 (Oct. 1941-Feb. 1946) CPS - The Olive Twig Grottoes, Va.: CPS #4, Nov 1945Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 4-44 Related title: The Olive Branch 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v.1 (1945-46) #1-9 CPS - On the Job Camino,Ca.: C.P.S. #31 Continued by: Safety Related titles: Camp Snowline, CPS 31 Newsletter, News Letter, Snowliner 1944 {Detailed holdings: #4 (Jul 1944); #6 (Dec 1944) [Note: #6 should have been published in September not December of 1944] Missing 4/24/2003 #7-8. 10-11 (Oct-Dec, 1944} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt 31 CPS - On the Level Weeping Water, Neb.: C.P.S. #25, 1943. Continues: CPS - Weeping Water News Drops. Bound with: CPS - Howard Nursery Views. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #7-9 (1943)} CPS - Outlook North Fork, Calif.: C.P.S. #35, 1944-1945. Related title: High Sierra Vistas 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #26-28; v. 2 (1945) #10-22, 32} Location: Bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins 444 CPS - The Patapsco Peacemaker Patapsco, Md.: C.P.S. #3, 1941-1942 Continued by: CPS - The Peacemaker 1941-42 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941) #9, 14-18; v. 2 (1942) #1-8, 10-14, 16-19} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt. CPS - Peace Pathways Magnolia, Ark.: C.P.S. #7, Brethren Service Committee, 1942-1944 Continues: CPS - Magnolia Time-Peace. v. 2 #5-22,v. 3 #1-13 (Mar 1942-Oct 1944) Location: v. 13 #13 is shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt. CPS - Peace Sentinel Medaryville, Ind.: C.P.S. #28, 1944-1946. Title varies: Medaryville Peace Sentinel, Apr 1946. Continues: CPS - Jasper-Pulaski Peace Sentinel. Related title: Weekly Prospectus 1941-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 3 #7 -v. 5, # 4 (Apr 1944-Apr. 1946)} CPS - The Peacemaker Powellsville, Md.: C.P.S. #52, 1942. Continues: CPS - The Patapsco Peacemaker 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 #20-21 (Dec 1942) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Pennsylvania and Maryland Dairy Service Newsletter Akron, Penn.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945-1946 Continues: CPS - Dairy Service News Letter 1945-1946 {Detailed holdings: #11-12 (Nov 1945, #14-25 (Nov 1945Apr 1946), #27 (May 1946), #30-31 (Jul-Aug 1946) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Pike View Peace News Colorado Springs, Colo.: C.P.S. #5, 1941Title varies: From the Foot of Pikes Peak, Oct 1943 Related title: Camp Bulletin 1941-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1-v. 5, no. 4 (Sept. 1941-Jan. 1946)} CPS - Pinnacles Periscope Luray, Va.: C.P.S. #45, 1945-1946. Related title: Skyliner {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #3-7, 9, 11; v. 2 (1945) #13, 5, 7-8, 12; v. 3 (1945) #4-5; v. 4 (1945) #7-17; v. 5 (1945) #5-11; v. 6 (1946) #1-10; v. 7 (1946) #2-4; v. 8 (1946) #5-8} Location: Some issues bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins 45 - 66; remainder shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt. CPS - The Plowshare Merom, Ind.: C.P.S. #14, 1941-1942. 1941-42 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941-1942) #3-18} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt. 32 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Pocomoke Opinion Powellsville, Md.: C.P.S. #52, 1943-1944. Related titles: Dove-Tail, Powellsville News and Comment, Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter, The Sand-Paper, the Socialist C.O. 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943-44) #1, Dec 1943, 4-5} Location: Shelved in box labelled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt. CPS - Poudre Cañon News Fort Collins, Colo.: C.P.S. Camp #33, 1942-1943. Related title: Calendar Continued by: CPS - Rising Tide. Bound with: CPS - Rising Tide. v. 1 #1-11 (Jul 1942 - Feb 1943) CPS - Powellsville News and Comment Powellsville, Md.: C.P.S. #52 Title varies: Powellsville News, Apr 1943 Related titles: Dove-Tail, Powellsville News and Comment, Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter, The Sand-Paper, The Socialist C.O. 1943 {Detailed holdings: 1943: Apr 7, May 5, 13, 20, 27, Jun 3} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Prison Newsletter Washington, D.C.: War Resisters League Prison Committee and CPS Social Action Committee, 1943-1944. 1943-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #2-3 (Dec 1943-Feb 1944) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt. CPS - Pulse Letter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1942-1945 Nos. 1-25 (Dec. 1942-Jan. 1945) {Detailed holdings: 1942: #1; 1943: #2-12; 1944: #13-24; 1945: 25. CPS - Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter Powellsville, Md.: C.P.S. #52, 1945 Related titles: Dove-Tail, Pocomoke Opinion, Powellsville News and Comment, The Sand-Paper, the Socialist C.O. 1945 {Detailed holdings: #1-7 (Apr-Jul 1945} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Raising Kane Kane, Penn.: C.P.S. #16, 1944Related title: The Kane Penn 1944 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - The Rebel Clarion Elkton, Ore.: C.P.S. #59, side camp at McKinley, 1945 Related title: Tap Root 1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #2-5} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Release Cherokee, Iowa: C.P.S. #131, 1944-1946. 1944-46 {Detailed holdings: #1 (Nov. 1944); #2 (Jan 1945); #3 (Mar 1946)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Rhythms Philadelphia, Pa.: C.P.S. #49, 1943. 1943 {Detailed holdings: Sep 1943} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Río La Plata Aibonito, Puerto Rico: LaPlata Mennonite Sub-Unit of the Martin G. Brumbaugh Reconstruction Unit, 1943-1955. Publisher varies: After May 1947 published by the Mennonite LaPlata Project Continued in part by: Agape. Continued in part by: Mennonite Hospital News. v. 1-12 (Nov. 1943-July/Aug. 1955) {Missing: v. 9 #10) CPS - Rising Tide Fort Collins, Colo.: C.P.S. #33, 1943-1945 Related title: Calendar Continues: CPS - Poudre Cañon News. 1943-45 {Detailed holdings: 1943: v. 1 #12-21; 1944: v. 2, #1-9; 1945: v. 3 #1-6} The CPS Round Table See: CPS - The C.P.S. Round Table CPS - Ruralogue Lincoln, Neb.: C.P.S. #138-I, 1945-1946 Related titles: Conservator, Mennonite Farmunity 1945-1946 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1945) #3-4, 17-18; v. 2-3 #14 (Sep 1945-Oct 1946) CPS - Rushmore Reflector Hill City, S.D.: C.P.S. #57, 1943-1946. 1943-1946 v. 1 #1-12; v. 2 #1-12; v. 3 #1-12 (Jan 1943-Feb 1946 CPS - Rushmore Reminder Hill City, S. D.: CPS #57, May 1944-1946 Ttitle varies: You Name It, News Bulletin Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 57. 77. 85.151 1944-1946 {Detailed holdings: #1-21 (May-Sep 1944), #32-35 (Dec 1944), #74 (Sep 1945), #77-88 (Oct-Dec 1945), v. 2 (1946) #1-8} CPS - Safety Camino, Ca.: C.P.S. #31, 1944. Continues: One the Job Related titles: Camp Snowline, CPS 31 Newsletter, News Letter, Snowliner 1944 {Detailed holdings: #4, 6-7 (Jul-Aug 1944), #8-11 (SepDec 1944) are missing as of 4/28/03} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - Sage O'piñon Coleville, Calif.: C.P.S. #36, 1942Title varies: Sage O’pinon, Sage O’pinion, Sage O’pinyon Continues: CPS - Mono Log. 1942-1945 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #5-12, v. 2 #1-9, 11-12; v.3 #1, Spr 1945 (Nov 1942-Spr 1945)} {Missing: (1944) Apr, Sep-Dec} CPS - The Salamonie Peace Pipe Lagro, Ind.: C.P.S. #6, 1941-1943. Related title: Louis Whitaker Newsletter 1942-43 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #2-4, 9, 11, 14, 21-32, 37 (Aug 1941-Jun 1942); 1942: Aug-Sep, Dec; 1943: Jan, Feb, Mar, May, v. 3 (1943) #1-2 (Oct, Nov)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Salt Stoddard, N.H.: C.P.S. #15, 1942. Publisher varies: v.1 #3 by C.P.S. #54 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #1-3} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters The Mountain Columbian through Salt CPS - San Dimas Rattler Glendora, Calif.: San Dimas Civilian Public Service Camp, 1941-1945 1941-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1-v. 7, no. 1 (Aug 1, 1941 - Jan 31, 1945)} {Missing: v. 6 #10} Location: v. 1 #4 shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers; remainder in bound volume. CPS - The Sand-Paper Powellsville, Md.: C.P.S. #52, 1945-1946. Related titles: Dove-Tail, Pocomoke Opinion, Powellsville News and Comment, Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter, The Socialist C.O. 1946 {Detailed holdings: v.1 (1945) #15-17, 21-24, 26, 28-29, 39, 44, 46-52; v. 2 (1945-46) #1-27, 29-31, 34, 38-40} Location: Most copies bound in volume titled CPS Camp Bulletins 45 - 66; v. 1 #16-17, 21-24 shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - School of Cooperative Living Newsletter Walhalla, Mich.: School of Cooperative Living, CPS #30, 1943-1945. Related title: Camp Walhalla News 1943-45 {Detailed holdings: Nos. 1, 3-16 (1943-1945)} Location: No. 1 shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers; remainder bound in volume labeled CPS-BCPS Bulletin. CPS - School of Industrial Relations Bulletin Powellsville, Md. : C.P.S. #52, 1944. Related titles: Dove-Tale, The Peacemaker, Pocomoke Opinion, Powellsville News and Comment, Queen Anne’s County Dairy Unit Newsletter, The Sand-Paper, The Socialist C.O. 1944 {Detailed holdings: 1944: Jun, Sep 1, Oct 1, Nov 10 Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - School of Pacifist Living Newsletter Cascade Locks, Ore.: C.P.S. #21, School of Pacifist Living, 1944Related titles: The Columbian, The Larch Mountaineer, The Mountain Columbian 1944 {Detailed holdings: #1 (Jan 1944)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler thrugh Whispers. CPS - School of Race Relations Kane, Penn. : C.P.S. #16, 1944. August 1944 (Mid-Stream Bulletin) Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - The Scribe See: The Scribe Note: This is being retained because it was published while there was an active CPS unit at Connecticut State Hospital even though this newsletter was not published by the CPS unit. 33 CPS - The Scrivener Elkton, Ore. : C.P.S. #59, 1943-1944. 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #4, 6, 9 (Jul - Aug 1943} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Scupss Cleveland, Ohio: C.P.S. #69, 1946. 1946 Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 67-150 {Detailed holdings: #2-9 (Jun-Jul 1946)} CPS - Second Mile Marionville, Penn.: C.P.S. #48, 1943. 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943) #1 Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Seed Fresno, Oh.: C.P.S. #23, 1942-1944 Related title: Common Ground 1942-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-16 (Apr 1942 - Mar/Apr 1944)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Sequoia Hi-lites Three Rivers, Calif.: C.P.S. #107, 1943-1944. Continues: CPS - Blue Ridge Bugle. Related title: News and Views 1943-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #10-v. 2 #12 (Jul 1943-Dec1944)} CPS - Service Durham, N.C.: C.P.S. #61, 1943-1944. 1943-4 {Detailed holdings: #1-3 (Dec 1943-Oct 1944)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Service-Gram Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Service Committee, 1942Bound with: CPS - BCPS Bulletin. Nos. 2-13 (1942-1943) incomplete {Missing: (1942) #7, 11; (1943) #12} CPS - Skyliner Luray, Va.: C.P.S. #45, 1943-1946. Related title: Pinnacles Periscope 1943-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-12; v. 2 #1-6; v. 3 #3-10; v. 4, no. 3 (Jan. 1943-Mar. 1946)} {Missing: Jul 1944-Mar 1945 and Oct 1945-Mar 1946} $ CPS - Smoke Jumper's Load Line Seeley Lake, Mont.: C.P.S. #103, 1943-1944. Related title: Static Line Continued by: CPS - Load Line. Bound with: CPS - Green Pastures. v. 1-v. 2, no. 1 (May 1943-Feb. 1944) CPS - Snowliner Camino, Calif.: C.P.S. Camp #31, 1942-1945. Related Titles: Camp Snowline, CPS 31 Newsletter, News Letter, On the Job, Safety Bound with: CPS - High Sierra Vistas. 1942-45 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942/1943) #1-20; v. 2 (1943/1944) #1-19; v. 3 (1945) #1-4 34 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - The Socialist C. O. Powellsville, Md.: C.P.S. #52, 1944-1945. Related titles: Dove-Tail, Pocomoke Opinion, Powellsville News and Comment, Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter, The Sand-Paper 1944 {Detailed holdings: #12-13 (Oct-Nov 1944)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers CPS - Soil Hagerstown, Md.: C.P.S. #24, 1942-1943. Related title: The Washington County Conservationist Continued in part by: CPS - Green Pastures. Bound with: CPS - Green Pastures. 1942-43 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-2; v. 2, #1- 2 (Nov. 1942-Dec. 1943)} CPS - South Mountain Morsels Wernersville, Pa.: CPS #118, 1944-1945. Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 67-150 1944-1945 {Detailed holdings: #2 Oct 1944), #5-12 (Oct -Dec 1944), #15-23 (Jan-Feb 1945), #25-31 (Apr-Jun 1945), 33-42 (JulNov 1945)} CPS - Special Bulletin See: CPS - Tomorrow CPS - Static Line Huson, Mont.: C.P.S. #103, 1944-1946. Related titles: Load Line, Smoke Jumper's Load Line 1944-46 Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 67-150 {Detailed holdings: #1-10 (Jun-Aug 1944); #12 (Nov 1944); #15 (Jan 1945); #20-21 (May 1945); #24-30 (Jul 1945-Jan 1946)} CPS Supplement See: CPS - CPS Supplement CPS - Tap Root Elkton, Ore.: C.P.S. #59, 1943 Related title: The Rebel Clarion 1943 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-3 (Feb - May 1943} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers CPS - This and That Ypsilanti, Mich.: C.P.S. #90, 1946. Related title: The Weekly Slants 1946 Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 67-150 {Detailed holdings: Mar 6-13, 1946; Mar 27-Aug 7, 1946} CPS - This is Our Story Lyndhurst, Va.: CPS #29, 1943-1945. 1943-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-v. 5, #1 (Mar. 1943-Mar. 1945) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 #1 (1943)} CPS - This Week Stockley, Del.: C.P.S. #124, American Friends Service Committee sub-unit, 1944-1946. 1945 {Detailed holdings: Oct 1, 1945; Oct 8, 1945; Nov 26, 1945; Dec 10, 1945} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - The Tide Waldport, Ore.: C.P.S. #56, 1942-1944. Related title: The Compass 1942-44 {Detailed holdings: Nov 1942; Jan-Mar 1943; v. 2 (1943) #4-5; v. 3 (1944) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers CPS - Tomorrow Denison, Iowa: C.P.S. #18 Related titles: Olive Branch, Vanguard 1944-46 {Detailed holdings: #1-21 (Sep 1944-Jan 1945), 23-44 (Feb-Jul 1945), 46-63 (Jul-Nov 1945), 65-81 (Nov 1945-Mar 1946), 83-89(Apr-May 1946), 92 (Jun 1946)} Locations: Some bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins 4-44, #67 & 69 bound in volume labeled CPS Olive Branch, the remainder shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Trailmaker Belton, Mont.: C.P.S. #55, 1942-1945. Related titles: Camp Letter, Troutline 1942-45 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-13; v. 2 #1-3, 6-11, v. 3 #1-8 (Nov. 1942-Nov. 1945)} CPS - Troutline Belton, Mont.: C.P.S. #55 Related titles: Camp Letter, Trailmaker 1946 {Detailed holdings: #121-132 (Jul 1946)} Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 45-66. CPS - Turnpike Echo Wells Tannery, Pa.: Sideling Hill C.P.S. #20, 1942-1944. Related title: What's Cooking 1942-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-26; v. 2 #1-9; v. 3, 1-13 (Mar. 1942-Oct. 1944)} CPS - Unifier Staunton, Va.: C.P.S. #44, 19441944-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944-45) #1-33, 38-41, 45-52; v. 2 (1945) #1-5, 7-10, 12-33; v. 3 (1946) #1-25, 27} Location: v. 1 #1-3 shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers, remainder bound in volume labeled CPS Camp Bulletins 4-44. CPS - The Unit Messenger Noristown, Pa.: CPS #66, 1944-1945 Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 45-66. 1944-1945 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #1, 3, 13-16; v. 2 (1945) #1-19, 21-22, 27-32, 34-48} CPS - Unit News Concord, N.H.: CPS #84, 1944-1946. 1944-1946 {Detailed holdings: # 28 (Dec 4, 1944); #82 (Dec 11, 1945); # 85 (Jan 2, 1946); #88 (Jan 22, 1946)} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize CPS - Vanguard Denison, Iowa: C.P.S. #18, 1944-1946 Related titles: Tomorrow, Olive Branch Continues: CPS - Denison Olive Branch. 1944-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 1, nos. 1-10 (Oct. 1944-May 1946)} Location: Bound in a volume labeled CPS - Olive Branch CPS - Viewpoint Steilacoom, Wash.: C.P.S. #51, 1943-1945. 1944-45 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1944) #5-18; v. 2 (1945) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication CPS - Wakulla Newsletter Tallahassee, Fla.: C.P.S. #27, Wakulla Unit, 1944-1945. Related titles: Box 96, Crestviews Bound with: CPS - BCPS Bulletin. 1944-1945 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1944) Oct, Dec; (1945) Apr} Location: Oct 1944 issue is shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers; remainder bound in volume labeled CPS - BCPS Bulletin. CPS - The Washington County Conservationist Hagerstown, Md.: C.P.S. #24, 1942 Related titles: Green Pastures, Soil 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #1} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Weekly News Notes Marlboro, N.J.: CPS #63, ? Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 45 - 66. {Detailed holdings: single issue dated Nov. 26} CPS - The Weekly Prospectus Medaryville, Ind.: C.P.S. #28, 1946. 1946 Related titles: Jasper-Pulaski Peace Sentinel, Peace Sentinel Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 4-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1945) #25, 30, 32, 35-39, 41-51; v. 3 (1946) #2-12} CPS - The Weekly Slants: the weekly view of what is new Ypsilanti, Mich.: C.P.S. #90, 1945-1946. Related title: This and That 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (Jun 1945) #2; v. 13 (Feb 1946), #2; v. 14 (Mar 1946), #4; v. 15 (Apr 1946), #1-3; v. 16 (May 1946), #1-4; v. 17 (Jun 1946), #1-4} Note: v. 15 #1 damaged (clipped). Locaiton: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Weeping Water News Drops Weeping Water, Neb.: C.P.S. #25, 1942-1943. Continued by: CPS - On the Level. Bound with: CPS - Howard Nursery Views. v. 1 (1942-43) #1-6. CPS - What's Cooking Wells Tannery, Pa.: C.P.S. #20, November 5, 1943Related title: Turnpike Echo 1943-1944 Bound in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 4 - 44 {Detailed holdings: #1-35 (Nov 1943-Jul 1944); #37-49 (Jul-Oct 1944)} CPS - What's New [Harrisburg, Pa.: CPS #93, [1944?]-1946. Nos. 53-125 (Oct. 1945-Feb./Aug. 1946) incomplete {Missing: #66, 68-82, 84-90, 95-98 (1945-1946)} Location: #s 83, 99-125 are shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize; remainder bound in reverse order in volume labeled: CPS Camp Bulletins 67-150. CPS - Whispering Pines Marietta, Ohio: C.P.S. Camp #8, 1941-1943. 1941-43 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-3; v. 2 #1-23; v. 3.#1-7 (Nov 1941-Apr 1943)} Location: v. 1 #3 is shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize. 35 CPS - Whispers Coleville, Ca.: C.P.S. #37, 1942-1945. {Detailed holdings: 1942: Jun 18; 1943: Jul 9; 1944: Aug 9, 30, Sep 27, Oct 18, Nov 15, Dec 15, Dec 30; 1945: Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 28, May 9, 28, Jun 9, 20, Jul 4, 17, Aug 15} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters San Dimas Rattler through Whispers. CPS - Yellowstone Builder Terry, Mont.: C.P.S. #64, 1943-1946. Related title: Blocks for Builders v. 1 (1943) #1 -8; v. 2 (1944) #1-5, Jun/Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec; 1945: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec; 1946: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May/Jun CPS - You name it See: CPS - Rushmore Reminder CPS - Zalduondo Newsletter Luquillo, PR : Brumbaugh Reconstruction Unit, 1944-1946. Bound in volume labeled: CPS - Brethren Puerto Rico CPS. 1944-1946. {Detailed holdings: #2 (Apr 1944), #11(Feb 1945), #13 (Jun 1945) CPS - Zero Belden, Calif.: C.P.S. #134, 1944 1944 {Detailed holdings: Jun 1944} Location: Shelved in box labeled CPS Newsletters Oversize. Creative Home Building See: Women's Missionary and Service Commission Devotional Guide. Crestviews See: CPS - Crestviews. Crime and Justice Network Newsletter See: MCC - Crime and Justice Network Newsletter. Criminal Justice Network Newsletter See: MCC - Crime and Justice Network Newsletter Cross Culture See: Women's Missionary and Service Commission Devotional Guide. * % Crossroads Harrisonburg, Va.: Eastern Mennonite University, 1994Continues: Eastern Mennonite College Bulletin v. 75 #3 (Fall 1994) Crusade Witness Atglen, Pa.: Augsburger Crusades, under the sponsorship of the Christian Laymen's Evangelistic Assoc., 1962Continues: The Voice of Truth. v. 6 (1962)-Dec. 1974 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6-8 (1962-1964); v. 9 (1965) #1-2; v. 10 (1966) #1-3; v. 11 (1967) #1; v. 12 (1968) #1-2; v. 15 (1971) #?; (1973) Sum; (1974) Dec} Crusader Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1959-1962. Absorbed by: Evangelical visitor. v. 1-4 (1959-1962) Cuadernos Menonitas [S.l.: s.n., 19--]no. 1 [n.d.] Currents See: Atlantic Coast Conference Currents 36 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Dagboek [S.l.]: Uitgave van de Propaganda Commissie der Doopsgezinde Zendingsvereeniging, [19--]-1938. Continued by: Doopsgezinde Kalender. 1938 Dagelijks Leven uit het Woord [S.l.: s.n., 19--]Nos. 1-4 (1948) Daheim: ein deutsches Familienblatt und Illustrationen Leipzig: Daheim-Expedition (Velhagen & Klasing), 1878 Located in archives. Daily Prayer Calendar for Home and Foreign Work of the Mennonite Church See: Mennonite Church. Board of Missions and Charities Daily Prayer Calendar for Home and Foreign Work of the Mennonite Church. Daily Prayer Guide for Missions, Relief and Home Activities of the Mennonite Church Elkhart, Ind.: Women’s Missionary Sewing Circle Organization of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities 1951-1961 Continues: Daily Prayer Calendar for Home and Foreign Word of the Mennonite Church $ Daily Republican Goodland, Kans.: J.H. Stewart, 1889. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Newton Journal v39 #22-50 (Oct 31, 1924-May 29, 1925) v. 1, nos. 2-28 (Sept. 24-Oct. 24, 1889) Dairy Diary See: CPS - Dairy Diary Dairy Farm Unit: "Helps feed the hungry" See: CPS - Dairy Farm Unit: "Helps feed the hungry" Dairy Herd Improvement Association Newsletter See: CPS - D.H.I.A. Newsletter Dairy News See: CPS - Dairy News Dairy Service Bulletin See: CPS - Dairy Service Bulletin Dairy Service Newsletter See: CPS - Dairy Service Newsletter Dairy Tester's Letter See: CPS - Dairy Tester's Letter The Dairy Worker See: CPS - The Dairy Worker Dairyland Views See: CPS - Dairyland Views Dallas Peace Times Dallas, Tx.: Dallas Peace Center, [1985]v. 1 [1985]Continued as: New peace times Has supplement: Peace Times. Located in archives. $ The Dalton Gazette and the Kidron News Dalton, Ohio: W. Glenn Smith, 1974Formed by the union of, The Kidron News (1939) and: The Dalton Gazette. Located in Archives. v. 102-105 (1976-1980) Danziger familiengeschichtliche Beiträge, Heft 1-7 / Gesellschaft für Familienforschung, Wappen- und Siegelkunde in Danzig. Hamburg : Selbstverlag des Vereins [für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreussen], 1988. Note: This is a reprint of issues originally published Danzig:: A.W. Kafemann, 1929, 1934, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1943. Series: Sonderschriften des Vereins für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen, No.60. Days of Our Year See: CPS - Days of Our Year Deep River Echo See: CPS - Deep River Echo. The Defender Magazine Wichita, Kans.: Defenders of the Christian Faith, Inc., 1926v. 9-26 (1934-1952) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 9 (1934-35) #10; v. 10 (1935-36) #4-5, 10-11; v. 11 (1936-37) #12; v. 12 (1937-38) #5, 7, 1012; v. 25 (1950-51) #12; v. 26 (1951-52) #1-3} Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America - Year Book Mountain Lake, Minn.: Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America, 1894-1936. Continued by: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Year Book. v. 25-42 (1917-1936) incomplete {Missing: 1918?; v. 28-31 (1921-1924); v. 33 (1926); v. 35 (1928)} Defenseless Mennonite Church of North America Conference Report [Grabill, Ind.]: Defenseless Mennonite Conference, [19--]1947. Continued by: Evangelical Mennonite Church - Annual Report and Directory. 1939-1947 Dein Reich Komme Wernigerode: Licht im Osten, 1920Microfilm: uncataloged Jan 1925- Jan 1930 1920-1993 incomplete Continued by: Licht im Osten. {Detailed holdings: 1920-1924; v. 6 (1925) #1-9; v. 7 (1926) #5-7, 10-12; v. 8 (1927) #5; v. 9 (1928) #1-9; v. 10 (1929) #1-3, 5-12; v. 11 (1930) #2-3, 11; v. 14 (1933) #6, 9; v. 15 (1934) #1-2, 4; v. 17 (1936) #2-3, 5, 10; (1947) Mar, Aug, Dec; (1948) Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1949) Jan; v. 3-17 (1949-1963); v. 18 (1964) #1-4, 6; v. 19 (1965); v. 20 (1966) #2-6; v. 21-22 (1967-1968); v. 23 (1969) #4-6; (1970); (1971) #2-6; (1972-1981); (1982) #2-3, 5-6; (1983); (1984) #1-3, 5-6; (1985)-1992; 1993, #1-3} Demobilization Bulletins See: CPS - Demobilization Bulletins. Denison Olive Branch See: CPS - Denison Olive Branch $ The Denver Post-Mortem Denver, Colo.: Denver I-W Unit, [1953]1954-1960 Descriptive Notes Chicago, Ill.: The Society of American Archivists, [198-]Spring 1987- 1989 Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblätter See: Jahrbuch der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Historischen Gesellschaft von Illinois. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 37 Deutsch-Americanische Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche Berea, Ohio: German Wallace College {Detailed holdings: v. 18 (1897); v. 2 (1898); v. 22 (1901); v. 24 (1903), #3; v. 26 (1905), #5; v. 27 (1906), #1, 4, 6; v. 28 (1907), #1-4, 6; v. 29 (1908), #1-6; v. 10 (1909), #3, 5; v. 11 (1910); v. 12 (1911); v. 14 (1913), #1, 3-4, 6; v. 15 (1914), #1-4, 6; v. 16 (1915), #1, 3-4, 6; v. 17 (1916), #2-6} * Dialogue (Washington, D.C.) Washington, D.C.: Brethren/Mennonite Council for Gay Concerns, 1978Title variation: Newsletter of the Brethren/Mennonite Council for Gay Concerns. v. 1 (1978)- Der Deutsche Missionsfreund New York, NY: Deutsche evangelische MissionsGesellschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten, J. W. Miller v. 6, #9- v. 11, #10 (Sep 1871-Oct 1876) Dialogue (Goshen, Ind.) See: Dialogue on Disabilities (Anabaptist Disabilities Network) Deutsche Post aus dem Osten Berlin: Volk und Reich Verlag, 1926-1943. v. 8-11 (1936-1939) incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1938) #8, 10, 12; v. 11 (1939) #4-5, 8-12} Der Deutsche Westen McPherson, Kans.: Henry J. Martens, 1907-1910. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1, no. 7-v. 4, no. 51 (Apr. 11, 1907-Dec. 29, 1910) incomplete. One reel is on same reel with McPherson Daily Freeman 1888. Note: MLA has paper copies of v. 1-2 (1907-1908) incomplete; located in Archives. {Missing: v. 1 (1907) #8-10. Missing from paper copies: v. 2 (1908) #30} Deutsche Zeitung von Mexiko [S.l. : s.n.], 1883v. 53 (1935) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 53 (1935) #115-120, 129, 134} Deutscher Arbeiter-Freund Berlin: Verlag u. Druck d. Schriftenvertriebsanstalt, [1880]v. 26 (1905) incomplete {Missing: v. 26 (1905) #34, 45} $ Deutscher Volksfreund New York: Amerikanische Traktat-Gesellschaft, 1871-1907. Merged with: Amerikanischer Botschafter to form: Amerikanischer Botschafter und Deutscher Volksfreund. v. 2-36 (1872-1906) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 30 (1900) all; v. 31 (1901) #33-52; v. 32 (1902) all; v. 34 (1904) #42. Note: Missing issues in bound volumes unknown} Deutscher Warschauer Haus-Kalender Warsaw, Poland: Michael Glücksberg, 1856-?. {Detailed holdings: v. 18 (1873)} Dialogue on Disabilities See: MCC - Dialogue on Disabilities. Dialogue on Disabilities (Anabaptist Disabilities Network) Goshen, Ind. : Anabaptist Disabilities Network, 2003Continues: Dialogue on Disabilities published by Mennonite Mutual Aid. Continued by: Connections (Goshen, Ind.) Title varies: Dialogue (after v. 2 no. 1 (Spring 2004) v. 1 (2003) #1 (Fall)-v. 3, no. 1 (Spr 2005) Dialogue on Disabilities (Mennonite Mutual Aid) Goshen, Ind. : Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1996-2002. Continues: Dialogue on Disabilities (formerly published by Mennonite Developmental Disability Services, Lancaster, Pa. distributed by Mennonite Central Committee.) Continued by: Dialogue on Disabilities published by Anabaptist Disabilities Network v. 16 (1996)-22 (2002) (incomplete) (Detailed holdings: v. 16 (1996), v. 20 (2000) #4, v. 21 (2001), v. 22 (2002) #1-4} The Diary [Gordonville, Pa.]: The Old Order Amish Church of America, 1969Annual index: Published in last issue of volume or first issue of succeeding volume, v. 3 (1971)v. 1-16 (1969-1984) incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1978) #7; v. 16 (1984) #4-12} Ding See: Tripod. * Direction Winnipeg: Mennonite Brethren Schools, 1972Formed by the union of, The Voice and: The Journal of Church & Society. v. 1 (1972) Deutsches Auswandererhaus (Bremerhaven, Germany) See: News Directory (Church of the Brethren) See: Church of the Brethren - Directory. Deutsches Jahrbuch fuer Paraguay Asuncion: Gerhard Ratzlaff 1988- Directory (Eastern District Conference) See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Directory. Deutsches Sonntagschul-Lektionsheft für die oberen Klassen in mennonitischen Sonntagschulen See: Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Newton, Kans.) See: Sonntagsschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Hesston, Kans.) Directory of Mennonite Missions Newton, Kan. : General Conference Mennonite Church; Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 19981998/1999- Deutschtum im Ausland See: Der Auslanddeutsche Devotional Guide See: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary Devotional Guide. D.H.I.A. Newsletter See: CPS - D.H.I.A. Newsletter Directory of Officials Greenville, Ohio : Old German Baptist Brethren,19001997-1998, 2000-2001 Directory of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church and related areas [n. p.] : Publication Board of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church, 19701971-1972, 1974 $ El Discipulo Christiano Buenos Aires, Argentina: Methopress, 1962-1973. v. 1-11 (1962-1973) 38 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Dispatch Nashville, Tenn. : American Association for State and Local History, 1994Continues: History News Dispatch. v. 6 (1994) The Dispatch McPherson, Kans.: Dispatch Pub. Co., 1883. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm. On same reel with Deutsche Westen. v. 1, nos. 1-3 (May 26-June 9, 1883) Division of Administration - Reports See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Division of Administration - Reports. * Doopsgezind Jaarboekje Assen: L. Hansma, 1901Index: MLA has index to obituaries, 1902-1985. v. 1 (1902){Missing: v. 94 (2000)} Doopsgezind Maandblad voor Twenthe Hengelo: G. Heeringa, [1923]v. 2-4 (1924-1927) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1924-25) #10; v. 3 (1925-26) #1, 5, 7, 9-12; v. 4 (1926-27) #1-3, 10} * Doopsgezinde Bijdragen Amsterdam: Frederik Muller, 1861v. 1-56 (1861-1919); Nieuwe reeks no. 1 (1975)Doopsgezinde Broederschap Kalenderboekje [S.l.: Doopsgezinde Broederschap, 19--]1954 Doopsgezinde Jongeren Bond - Jaarverslag [S.l.]: Doopsgezinde Jongeren Bond, [19--]1953 Doopsgezinde Kalender [S.l.: Doopsgezinde Zendings Vereeniging], 1939Continues: Dagboek. 1939-1949 incomplete {Missing: 1943-1946; 1948} Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangelieverbreiding in de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen - Verslag [Amsterdam]: Gedrukt bij C.A. Spin & Zoon, 1849-1956. Continued by: Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad - Jaarverslag. v. 1 (1849)-1956 incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1851); v. 5-11 (1853-1859); v. 14-19 (1862-1867); v. 21-22 (1869-1870); v. 24-25 (1872-1873); v. 28-54 (1876-1902); v. 62-68 (1910-1916); v. 79-80 (1926-1927); v. 92-97 (1939-1944)} Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep - Brief [S.l.]: Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep, 1946-1966. Continued by: Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep - Vredesbrief. 1946-1966 incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: (1946) #1; (1947) #2-4, Jun-Dec; (1948) Jan-Apr, #1-5, 7-9; (1949) #10-20; 1950-1953; v. 814 (1954-1960); v. 15 (1961) #1-10; v. 16 (1962); v. 17 (1963) #1-8, 10; v. 18-20 (1964-1966)} Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep - Vredesbrief [S.l.]: Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep, 1967Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Continues: Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep - Brief. 1967-1980 incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: (1967) Feb-Oct, Dec; (1968) Jan-Jun, Sep-Dec; (1969) Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec; (1970) Jan-Apr, Jun, Aug-Dec; (1971) Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec; (1972) Jan-Jun, AugDec; (1973) Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec; (1974) Jan-May, Aug-Dec; (1975) Jan-Apr, Jun, Aug-Dec; (1976) Jan-Jun, Aug-Oct, Dec; (1977) Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec; (1978) Jan-Jun, Aug, OctDec; (1979) Jan-Jun, Aug-Oct, Dec; (1980) Jan-Mar, Jun} Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad - Jaarverslag Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad, 1957Continues: Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangelieverbreiding in de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen - Verslag. 1957-1967 incomplete {Missing: 1964} The Doukhobor Inquirer Saskatoon, Sask.: Union of Young Doukhobors, 1954-[1955] Continued by: The Inquirer. v. 1 (1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954) #1-8, 10} * Dove Tales Elkhart, Ind. : Peace and Justice Support Network, Mennonite Mission Network, 2003v. 2 (2004) Dove-Tail See: CPS - Dove-Tail. * Dovetail North Newton, Kan. : Peace and Social Concerns Committee, Western District Conference, and Peace and Service Commission, South Central Conference, 2000?v. 3 (2001) Draft Counselor's Update See: MCC - Draft Counselor's Update. * DreamSeeker Magazine Telford, Pa.: Pandora Press US, 20012001Dunamis News See: Dunamisletter. Dunamisletter Washington, D.C.: Dunamis, [1973]Title variation: Dunamis News. v. 1-7 (1973-1979) incomplete {Detailed holdings: n.d.; v. 2 (1974) #1, 3; v. 3 (1975?) #14; v. 4 (1976?) #1-2; v. 5 (1977?) #1; v. 6 (1978?) #1-3; v. 7 (1979?) #1-3} Dutch Review of Church History See: Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. The Dutchman Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 19541956. Continues: Pennsylvania Dutchman (Lancaster, Pa.) Continued by: Pennsylvania Dutchman (Bethel, Pa.) Bound with and shelved with Pennsylvania Dutchman? Index: v. 6-7 (1954-1956), 1 v. of: Pennsylvania Folklife. v. 6-7 (1954-1956) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication E.M.C. Yearbook See: EMC Yearbook Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church See: Directory of the Eastern . . . E.T.E.B.O.N. Amsterdam: E.T.E.B.O.N., no. 5 (1914?) Note: Produced by the Dutch Mennonite university student secret society. ECAPC Newsletter Akron, Penn. : Every Church a Peace Church, 2001Continues: Call to Peacemaking Location: Newsletter available by e-mail subscription or at for current issue or for back issues. EAF Newsletter Harrisonburg, Va. : Evangelical Anabaptist Fellowship, 1993-2001. v. 3 (1996) #1/2, 3, v. 5 (1998) #1/2, v. 6 (1999) #1 East Coast Update See: MCC - MCC East Coast Update Eastern District Conference Mennonite Church Directory See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Directory. Eastern District Conference Newsletter See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference Newsletter. Eastern District Conference Reports See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Annual Report. Eastern District Messenger See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Eastern District Messenger Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Annual Report Intercourse, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, [1915]Continued in part by: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Missions Yearbook (1956-1967) Continued in part by: Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference - Annual Report (1967-1972) Continued in part by: Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference - Annual Report (1979)1951-1978 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1951-1955; 1973-1975; 1976-1978} Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Missions Yearbook Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board in Missions and Charities, 1956-1967. Continues in part: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. Continued in part by: Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference - Annual Report. 1956-1967 Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Newsletter Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1952v. 6-29 (1957-1980) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1957) #4, 7; v. 7 (1958) #8; v. 8 (1959) #2, 9-10; v. 9 (1960) #1, 8, 10; v. 10 (1961) #3, 7; v. 11 (1962) #4, 6-9, 11; v. 12 (1963) #4-5, 10; v. 13 (1964) #1-4, 6-11; v. 14 (1965) #1, 4-6, 8-11; v. 15 (1966) #7, 11; v. 16 (1967) #1-3, 7; v. 17 (1968) #4, 9; v. 18 (1969) #2, 6; v. 19 (1970) #1-11; v. 20 (1971) #1-2, 5-10; v. 21 (1972) #1-2, 5, 7-9, 11; v. 22 (1973) #1-7, 9-10, 12; v. 23 (1974) #1-4, 7-10, 12; v. 24 (1975) #1-7, 9-12, 14-23; v. 25 (1976) #2-5, 7-24; v. 26 (1977) #1-3, 5-6, 11, 14, 16, 18-22, 24; v. 27 (1978) #3-4, 7, 10, 13, 19, 22-23; v. 28 (1979) #1, 3, 6, 13, 15-19, 21-24; v. 29 (1980) #1-24} * The Eastern Mennonite Testimony Myerstown, Pa.: Publication Board of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church, 1969v. 1 (1969)- Das Echo (Lehigh, Kans.) Lehigh, Marion County, Kans.: Jakob J. Wiebe, [1901]Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 9-12 (1906-1909) incomplete Continues: Lehigh Echo. v. 4-12 (1901-1909) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1901) #25; v. 5 (1902) #13; v. 9 (1906) #30-52; v. 10 (1907) #1-52; v. 11 (1908) #2-3, 5-10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22-29, 31-35, 38-41, 43-44, 46-47, 49-51; v. 12 (1909) #1} The Echo (Denver, Colo.) Aspen Colo.: Rocky Mountain Mennonite Conference, 1962v. 1-14 (1962-1975) incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1974) #69; v. 14 (1975) #74-79} The Echo (North Newton, Kan.) [North Newton, Kan.] : City of North Newton, 1994Continues: The City Hall Echo Note: The current issue is available online at: <> 1994-2000 {Detailed holdings: 1994: Spr, Sum, Fal; 1995: Win, Spr, Sum, Fal; 1996: Win, Sum; 1997: Win, Spr, Sum, Fal; 1998: Win, Spr, Sum, Fal; 1999: Win, Spr, Sum, Fal; 2000: Win, Spr, Sum, Fal. Echo Jr. See: CPS - Echo Jr. Echoes (Elkhart, Ind.) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Service Units, [1950]Title variation: Mennonite Service Unit Echoes. 1949-1957 Echoes from Home Hesston, Kans.: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 19451947. Continued by: The Echoes (Newton, Kans.) v. 1-2 (1945-1947) Echoes from Mercy Hospital Moundridge, Kans.: Mercy Hospital, [195-]1953-1965 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1953) Jul-Sep; v. 7 (1958) #4; v. 8 (1959) #1-3; v. 9 (1960) #4; v. 10 (1961) #1-2; v. 11 (1962) #4; (1963) Oct; (1964) Oct; (1965) Oct.} The Echoes (Newton, Kans.) Newton, Kans.: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 19471949. Continues: Echoes from Home. Bound with: Echoes from Home. v. 2-4 (1947-1949) Ecos Menonitas Lombard, Ill.: Concilio Latino, 1975v. 1 (1975)-v. 16 (1990) #3 Educational News Bulletin Newton, Kans.: Board of Education, General Conference Mennonite Church, 19501950-1967 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1950) Aug, Nov; (1951) Aug; (1953) Feb; (1954) Jul; (1955) Feb; (1956) Apr, Sep; (1957) Apr, Dec; (1958) Jul; (1964) Nov; (1966) Spr, Sum; (1967) Mar; (n.d.) 1 issue} 40 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Het Eeuwige Levin: Tijdschrift Gewijdaan de bevordering van de heiligmaking vogens de schrift en aan de opwekking dezer dagen Goes: A.A.W. Bolland, 1880v. 4 (1883), #1 The El Dorado Times El Dorado, Kans.: Times Publ. Co., 1919Located in Attic: Anniversary editions of newspapers A-M Formed by the union of: Walnut Valley Times (El Dorado, Kans. : 1902) and: El Dorado Republican (El Dorado, Kans. : 1885) v. 26, no. 1 (Dec. 1, 1944) Elbinger Nachrichten Uelzen: Verlag Elbinger Nachrichten, [1951]v. 16-29 (1966-1980) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 16 (1966) #350; v. 20 (1970) #450, 453-454, 459-461; v. 21 (1971) #469-470, 472, 475-476, 478-479, 483-484, 487; v. 26 (1977) #565-568, 570-574; v. 27 (1978) #579-580; v. 28 (1979) #590-591, 594-595; v. 29 (1980) #605} $ Elkhart Evening Review Elkhart: Chase & Kent, 1872-1879. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm, 1-6 Continued by: Elkhart Review (Elkhart, Ind. : Daily : 1879) v. 1-10 (1872-1879) $ Elkhart Review (Elkhart, Ind. : Daily : 1879) Elkhart, Ind. : Chase & Kent, 1879-1886. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm,(on same reel as Elkhart Evening Review 1878/1879 Continues: Elkhart Evening Review. Continued by: Elkhart Daily Review. Jan. 30, 1879-Aug. 12, 1879. $ Elkhart Review (Elkhart, Ind. : Weekly) Elkhart, Ind.: C.H. Chase, [1862]-1879. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm [1862-1865 is on same reel with Elkhart Weekly Review 1859-1861] Continues: Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, Ind. : 1859) Absorbed: Elkhart Observer. Continued by: Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, Ind. : 1879) v. 4-19 (1862-1879) $ The Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, Ind. : 1859) Elkhart, Ind.: J.S. Weller, 1859-[186-] Microfilm: MLA PER MFilm Continued by: Elkhart Review (Elkhart, Ind. : Weekly) v. 1-2 (1859-1861) Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, Ind. : 1879) Elkhart, Ind.: Chase & Kent, 1879-1896. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm #, 6-7 Continues: Elkhart Review (Elkhart, Ind. : Weekly) Continued by: Elkhart Review (Elkhart, Ind. : Semiweekly) v. 20, no. 1-v. 24, no. 46 (Feb. 6, 1879-Jan. 3, 1884) EMC Missionary Directory See: Evangelical Mennonite Conference - Missionary Directory. EMC Today Fort Wayne, Ind.: Evangelical Mennonite Church, 1984Continues: Evangelical Mennonite Build. Note: Effective August 2003 this denomination’s name was changed to the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches. v. 1 (1984)-Oct/Nov/Dec 2003 * EMC Yearbook Steinbach, Manitoba: Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 1969Title variation: E.M.C. Yearbook Continues: Evangelical Mennonite Conference Yearbook. 1969Location: 1969-1971 shelved Evangelical Mennonite Conference Yearbook. Emdisches Jahrbuch See: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst und Vaterländische Altertümer zu Emden. * EMMC Convention N.p.: Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference, no. 42 (2001)* EMMC Recorder Winnipeg: Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference, [1964]Continues in part: Der Leitstern. v. 2 (1965)incomplete Note: Cover title changed to The Recorder with v. 42 #9 (Oct 2005), but running title remains as EMMC Recorder. {Missing: v. 3 (1966) #4; v. 6 (1969) #6, 9; v. 8 (1971) #9; v. 25 (1988) #8} Empowered Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Renewal Services, 1983Absorbed: Mennonite Renewal Services Newsletter (Goshen, Ind. : 1976) v. 1 (1983 - 1991) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1986) #3} Encompass Newton, Kans.: Published for the Commission on Overseas Mission by Faith and Life Press, [1973]Continues in part: Colombian News. Note: Issued also as supplement to Der Bote and The Mennonite. 1974-1981 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1974) #3, Dec; (1975) Mar, Jun, Sep; (1976) Mar, Sep, Dec; (1977) Jun; (1978) Jun; (1979) Mar, Sep; (1980) Mar-Dec; (1981) Mar, Dec} England Notes See: MCC - England Notes. Ensemble Wichita, Kans.: Association of Community Arts Councils of Kansas, 1974v. 1-10 (1974-1983) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1974) #1-2; v. 2 (1975) #1-5; v. 3 (1976) #1-4; v. 4 (1977) #5; v. 5 (1978) #5; v. 6-7 (19791980); v. 8 (1981) #1-3, 5-9; v. 9 (1982) #1-2; v. 10 (1983) #1} Environmental & Food Concerns Newsletter See: MCC - Environmental & Food Concerns Newsletter Epistle See: CPS - Epistle Erasmus in English Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970No. 1 (1970) - No. 12-13 (1983 - 1984) incomplete {Missing: #2-3 (1971); #12-13 (1983-1984)} Erholungsstunden zur Unterhaltung und Belehrung für Jung und Alt Chicago: Geo. Brumder, 1879-[1906] v. 16 (1893) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 16 (1893) #6-13, 15-21} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Das Erntefeld Nalgonda, Deccan, India: Gedruckt in der Basler Missionsdruckerei in Mangalur, 1900-[1914] v. 2-10 (1901-1909) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1901) #1, 3, 8; v. 3 (1902) #8, 12; v. 4 (1903) #4, 7; v. 8 (1907) #11-12; v. 10 (1909?) #1} Esperanza en Camino Guatemala, Guatemala: Comision de Capacitacion Teologica de la Iglesia Evangelica Menonita Hondurena y el Comite Central Menonita, 1986No. 1 (1986) - 16 (1994), versíon popular #5 (Nov 1994) {Missing: #10-11 (Fall 1990, Spr 1991), versíon popular #1-4} * La Estrella de Esperanza Crockett, Ky.: Rod & Staff Publishers, [1968]Note: MLA also has English version, The Star of Hope. v. 11 (1978)incomplete {Missing: v. 20 [1987] #1} Et Cetera North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College Journalism Workshop, 1997 Spr 1997 Location: Bethel College Vertical File Et Cetera Shop Newton, Kansas: EtCetera Shop, 1993v. 1 (1993) v. 1 - v. 2 (1995) # 3 ETF Newsletter Donnelson, IA: GC/MC Environmental Task Force, 1994Continued by: Mennonite Environmental Task Force Newsletter. v. 1 (1994)- v. 3 (1997) Ethiopian Relief Notes See: MCC - Ethiopian Relief Notes. Ethiopian Service Notes See: MCC - Ethiopian Service Notes. Euro PAX News Frankfurt/Main: European PAX Headquarters, 1954v. 1-6 (1954-1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954-55) #1-4; v. 2 (1955-56) #1-3; v. 3 (1956-57) #1-3; v. 4 (1958) #1; v. 5 (1958) #2-3; v. 6 (1959) #1-3} European Newsletter [Frankfurt: MCC, 196-]{Detailed holdings: 1958: June 14, Jul 19, Oct 28, Dec 10; 1959: Feb 14, Mar 21, May 20, Jul 10, Sep 4, Oct 21; July 1963; July 1964} European Relief Notes See: MCC - European Relief Notes. Evangel (Kitchener, Ont.) Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Western Ontario Mennonite Conference, 1970-1971. Continues: Ontario Mennonite Evangel. v. 15, no. 5-v. 16, no. 7 (May 1970-July 1971) Location: Bound with Ontario Mennonite Evangel. * Evangel (Seattle, Wash.) Seattle, Wash. : Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, 2000- . Continues: PNMC Evangel v. 55, no. 2 (April 2000) Evangelical Anabaptist Fellowship Newsletter See: EAF Newsletter The Evangelical Mennonite Berne, Ind.: Commission on Promotion of the Conference of Evangelical Mennonites, 1953-1968. Formed by the union of, Gospel Tidings (Newton, Kans.) and: Zion's Tidings. Continued by: Evangelical Mennonite Build. Note: MLA copies of 1967-1968 bound with Evangelical Mennonite Build. v. 1 (1953)-1968 complete Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Annual Report. Mountain Lake, Minn.: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Conference, 1951Continues: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Year Book. Continued by: Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches Annual Report. 1950-v. 93 (1987) incomplete {Missing: v. 64-65 (1958-1959); v. 68-69 (1962-1963); v. 74-75 (1968-1969)} Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Year Book. Mountain Lake, Minn.: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren, 1937-1949. Continues: Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America - Year Book. Continued by: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Annual Report. 1937-1949 incomplete {Missing: 1940-1942; 1945} Evangelical Mennonite Build Fort Wayne, Ind.: Evangelical Mennonite Church, 19681984. Continues: Evangelical Mennonite. Continued by: EMC Today. 1968-1984 Evangelical Mennonite Church - Annual Report and Directory [Fort Wayne, Ind.]: Conference of the Evangelical Mennonite Church, 1948-2002 Continues: Defenseless Mennonite Church of North America - Conference Report. Continued by: Fellowship of Evangelical Churches - Annual Report and Directory 1948-2002 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1948-1957, 1962-1966, 1971-1994, 1996, 1998-2002} Evangelical Mennonite Church - Communique Fort Wayne, Ind.: Evangelical Mennonite Church, [196-]Title variation: Communique of the Evangelical Mennonite Church. 1967-1984 incomplete {Missing: (1967) Jan-Oct, Dec; (1968) Feb-Dec; (1969) Jan-Sep, Nov-Dec; (1970) Jan, Mar, Jun-Jul, Nov; (1971) Jan-Apr, Jul; (1972) Jan, Apr, Oct; (1973) Sep; (1983) Feb} Evangelical Mennonite Conference - Missionary Directory Steinbach, Man.: Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 19761986 Evangelical Mennonite Conference - Yearbook Steinbach, Man.: Evangelical Mennonite Church, 19501968. Continued by: EMC Yearbook 1950-1957, 1959, 1965-1968 incomplete {Missing: 1958, 1960-1964} 42 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Evangelical Visitor Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1887v. 50 (1937)- v. 112 (1999) incomplete Absorbed: Crusader. Absorbed: Forward. Continued by: Visitor. {Detailed holdings: v. 50 (1937) Anniv. no.; v. 56 (1943) #3; v. 59 (1946) #2-9, 11-12, 14-23, 25-26; v. 60 (1947) #12, 6-10, 12-13, 16-18, 20-21, 23-25; v. 62 (1949) #10-14, 17, 23-25; v. 63 (1950) #1-11, 13-26; v. 64 (1951) #1-26; v. 65 (1952) #1-2, 4-12, 14-26; v. 66 (1953) #1-3, 5-26; v. 67 (1954)- } Unbound 1937-1949 issues located in archives. Evangelie Verbreiding [S.l.]: Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangelie-Verbreiding in de Overzeese Gebieden, 1949Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. v. 1-11 (1949-1971) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1949-50) #1-12; v. 2 (1950-51) #1-7; v. 3 (1952) #1-4; v. 4 (1953-54) #1-8; v. 5 (1955) #910; v. 6 (1955) #4; v. 7 (1956) #1-3; v. 8 (1957) #2-4; v. 9 (1958) #1, 3-4; v. 10 (1959) #1-4; v. 11 (1960) #1-4; v. 13 (1962) Je 2, De 22; v. 14 (1963); v. 15 (1964) My 30; v. 16 (1965) Ap 24, De 11; v. 18 (1967) My 27, Oc 28; v. 19 (1968) My 18, Nov 2; v. 20 (1969) My 17, Nov 1; v. 21 (1970) My 30, Nov 7; v. 22 (1971) My 29} Der Evangelisations-Bote Scottdale, Pa.: Konferenz der Vereinigten Mennoniten Brüder von Nord Amerika, 1910-1939. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: Evangelisationsbote and Gospel Tidings. v. 1-29 (1910-1939) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1910) #1-3; v. 2 (1911) #1-12; v. 3 (1912) #1; v. 4 (1913) #1-4, 6, 8-12; v. 5-6 (1914-1915); v. 7 (1916) #4-6; v. 8 (1917) #2-3, 5-12; v. 9 (1918) #1-10; v. 10 (1919) #2-4; v. 13 (1923) #1, 18-19, 22; v. 14 (1924) #2-3, 6-7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18-19, 21; v. 15 (1925) #1-2, 5-6, 8, 10, 13-14, 16, 18, 20, 24; v. 16 (1926) #1, 4-5, 7, 9, 1213, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24; v. 17 (1927) #1, 3, 5, 8-9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 24; v. 18 (1928) #1, 4-7, 9, 11, 14, 16-17, 19, 21; v. 19 (1929) #1, 3, 6-7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22; v. 20 (1930) #45, 7, 10, 14, 16-17, 19, 22, 24; v. 21 (1931) #2-3, 6-7, 9, 11, 14-15, 17, 19, 23; v. 22 (1932) #2-3, 5, 8, 10-11, 13, 15, 1718, 21; v. 23 (1933) #1-2, 4-5, 7, 9-13, 16-17; v. 24 (1934) #1-2, 5, 7, 9, 11-13, 15, 17, 19, 21-23; v. 25 (1935) #1-3, 5, 7, 9, 11-13, 15, 17-19, 21, 23; v. 26 (1936) #1, 4, 6-7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18-19, 22, 24; v. 27 (1937) #2-3, 5, 7, 9, 11-13, 15, 17, 19, 22-23; v. 28 (1938) #2-3, 6-7, 9, 11, 13, 15-17, 20-23; v. 29 (1939) #1-2, 4-5, 8, 10-11, 14, 16-17, 19, 2122} Evangelisationsbote and Gospel Tidings Hillsboro, Kans.: Conference of the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren, 1939-1941. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Der Evangelisations-Bote. Continued by: Gospel Tidings (Newton, Kans.) Note: Many issues are damaged by someone clipping articles. It would be good to replace these if it is ever possible. v. 29-31 (1939-1941) Evangelisch-Lutherisches Schulblatt: Monatschrift für Erziehung und Unterricht St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia Publishing House 1894 Der Evangelische Heidenbote Stuttgart: Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel, 18271855; v. 73-85 (1900-1912) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 73 (1900) #1-6; v. 75 (1902) #8-9; v. 76 (1903) #11-12; v. 77 (1904) all; v. 84 (1911) #7} Das Evangelische Magazin Cleveland, Ohio: Gedruckt in der Buchanstalt der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft, 1869v. 7-58 (1879-1926) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 7 (1875); v. 11 (1879); v. 13 (1881); v. 15 (1883); v. 16 (1884); v. 18 (1886); v. 20 (1888); v. 22 (1890-91); v. 24 (1892) #12; v. 26 (1894); v. 27 (1895) #1; v. 29 (1897), #4, 8; v. 30 (1898) #1-3, 6, 8-12; v. 31 (1899) #1; v. 42-58 (1910-1926)} $ Die Evangelischen Missionen Gutersloh: C. Bertelsmann, 1895v. 1-18 (1895-1912) incomplete $ Evangelischer Wochenbrief Berlin: Adolf Deissmann, 1914Note: Stored in Jacob H. Quiring Papers, MS.203. See also Protestant Weekly Letter. Evangelisches Allianzblatt Witten, Ruhr: Bundes-Verlag, {Detailed holdings: v. 35 (1925), #1-2, 5-8, 10, 13, 15-26, 28-34; v. 36 (1926), #14, 33-43, 45-52; v. 37 (1927), #1-12, 14-25, 27, 30, 32, 35-36, 41, 43-45, 49-52; v. 38 (1928), #114, 17-20, 47, 50-53; v. 39 (1929), #1-4, 6-9, 11-16, 18-19, 25-27, 31, 34, 36, 38-40, 43-52; v. 40 (1930), #1-4, 18} Evening at Home Orrville, Ohio: Mumaw & Wolbach, [1874]-1878. v. 2-4 (1875-1877) incomplete Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Print copies Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1875) #1-2, 5, 8; v. 4 (1877) #512} $ The Evening Kansan Newton, Kans.: P.H. Knowlton & Co., 1897-1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm, 3 reels Continues: Newton Daily Kansan. Merged with: Daily Republican, to form: Evening Kansan Republican. v. 6, no. 195-v. 10, no. 50 (Mar. 12, 1897-Mar. 31, 1899) $ The Evening Kansan Republican Newton, Kans.: The Kansan Co., 1899-1952. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1898-1941 Formed by the union of, Evening Kansan and: Daily Republican. Has supplement: The Bethel Breeze, Jan 8, 1918 - May 24, 1921. Has supplement: The Bethel Collegian, Oct 6, 1921 - May 25, 1926 and Sep 20, 1927 - May 21, 1937. Absorbed: Newton Daily Journal (Mar. 14, 1903) Continued by: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kans. : 1952) v. 13, no. 78-v. 46, no. 281 (Apr. 1, 1899-Dec. 31, 1930) * Ex-Harrisburg CPS'ers News Freeman, S.D.: G.M. Peters, [1958]v. 5 (1963) #2 - incomplete {Missing: v. 7-8 (1964-1965)} Exeter Excerpts See: CPS - Exeter Excerpts $ The Expository Girard, Kans.: J.A. Campbell, 1883-1884. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Kansas Volksblatt v. 1, nos. 1-11 (Nov. 1883-Sept. 1884) Ex-Harrisburg CPS News v. 5 (May 1963) # 2 - v. 34 (1994) # 1 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Der Familien Freund Milford Square, Bucks Co., Pa.: D.G. Stauffer, [1868]v. 29-30 (1896-1897) Located in archives. Familien-Kalender Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitischen Buchdruckerei von J.F. Funk & Bruder, 1870-1940. Microfilm: uncataloged (2 copies of each reel) Title variation: Mennonitischer Familien-Kalender. 1870-v. 71 (1940) Die Familien-Zeitung der Familie van Bergen See: Der Berg. Familienkundliche Nachrichten Neustadt/Aisch: Degener, 1956Supplement to: Familie und Volk; Ostdeutsche Familiekunde. v. 1-3 (1956-1973) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1956-63) #21-32; v. 2 (1964-70); v. 3 (1971- ? ) #1, 3-12} Family Almanac Elkhart, Ind.: John F. Funk & Bro., 1870-1955. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm (2 copies of each reel) 1870 filed under Mennonite Family Almanc Title variation: Mennonite Family Almanac. 1870-1952 incomplete {Missing: 1874} * Family Life Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishing, 1968v. 1 (1968)Family Worship Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1961-1972. Merged with: Our Family Worships, Worship Together, and Light for the Day, to form: Rejoice! v. 1-12 (1961-1972) Far Eastern Relief Notes See: MCC - Far Eastern Relief Notes. * The FCM Informer Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonites, 1986v. 1 (1986)- The Fellowship of Concerned * FCNL Washington Newsletter Washington, D.C.: The Committee, 1961Continues: Friends Committee on National Legislation Washington Newsletter. Bound with: Nos. 209-409 (1961-1978) bound with Friends Committee on National Legislation - Washington Newsletter. No. 209 (1961)Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America: Annual report New York, NY: The Council 1913-1915, 1917-1919, 1922, special report of 1930 Feedback (Elkhart, Ind. : 1982) Elkhart, Ind.: Student and Young Adult Services, Mennonite Board of Missions, 1982-1986. Continued by: Feedback (Elkhart, Ind. : 1986) Nov. 1982-Sept. 1986 Feedback (Elkhart, Ind. : 1986) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, Student and Young Adult Services ; Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, Commission on Education, 1986Continues: Feedback (Elkhart, Ind. : 1982) v. 1 (1986)-v. 4 (1990) #2 43 FEEFHS Journal Salt Lake City, Utah : Federation of East European Family History Societies, 1999Continues: FEEFHS Quarterly v. 7 #3-4 (Fal/Win 1999), v. 8 (2000), v. 9 (2001) FEEFHS: Newsletter of the Federation of East European Family History Societies Salt Lake City, Utah : Federation of East European Family History Societies, 1992-1997 Continued by: FEEFHS Quarterly v. 1 (1992-1993) [reprinted 1994], v. 3 #3 (Oct 1995), #4 (Feb 1996) Note: The reprint volume one includes an index. FEEFHS Quarterly Salt Lake City, Utah : Federation of East European Family History Societies, 1998-1999. Continues: FEEFHS: Newsletter of the Federation of East European Family History Societies Continued by: FEEFHS Journal v. 6 (1998), v. 7 #1-2 (Spr/Sum 1999) Note: Each issue includes an index. Fellowship (Molalla, Ore.) Molalla, Ore.: Latin American Fellowship, 19631963-1966 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1963) Apr-Jul, Sep-Oct; (1963-64) Win; (1964) Spr; (1965-66) Win} * Fellowship (New York, N.Y.) New York: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1935v. 3 (1937)incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 3 (1937) #2-4, 6-9; v. 5 (1939) #1-2, 4, 6, 8; v. 6 (1940) #2, 4; v. 8 (1942) #12; v. 25 (1959) #16; v. 35 (1969) #4; v. 36 (1970) #2-6, 8; v. 37 (1971) #1, 6-12; v. 38 (1972) #1-6, 8, 10-12} * Fellowship Focus Omaha, Neb. : Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches, 2001Continues: Gospel Tidings (Omaha, Neb.) v. 1 (2001) The Fellowship Messenger Hartville, Ohio: Conservative Mennonite Fellowship, 1963-1970. Continues: Herald of Truth (1957) Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-8 (1963-1970) Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches - Annual Report Omaha, Neb.: Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches, 1988Continues: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Annual Report. v. 94 (1988)-v. 100 (1994) * Fellowship of Evangelical Churches - Annual Report and Directory [Fort Wayne, Ind.} : Fellowship of Evangelical Churches, 2003Continues: The Evangelical Mennonite Church - Annual Report and Directory 2003Fellowship of Reconciliation - Annual Report London: Fellowship of Reconciliation, [19--]1987/88- 1991/1992 Festival Quarterly Lancaster, Pa.: Good Enterprises, 1974v. 1 (1974 - 1996) {Missing: Aug-Oct 1976} 44 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Field Museum of Natural History. Annual Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1878/8, 1904-1916, 1921 Note: Shelved in attic, range 1. Filipino Newsletter [S.l.]: Dorothy Friesen and Gene Stoltzfus, [197-]Title variation: Indonesian Newsletter (Aug. 1977); Newsletter (Aug.-Dec. 1978) 1977-1979 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1977) Aug, Nov, Dec; (1978) Mar, Jun-Dec; (1979) Jan-July} Financial and Activities Report (Church of God in Christ, Mennonite) See: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite - Financial and Activities Report. The Flame Berlin, Ohio: Mennonite Information Center, 1993?v. 5 (1997), no. 2-3; v. 6 (1998) no. 1-2; v. 7 (1999), no. 1-2; v. 8 (2001), no. 1; v, 9 (2002), no. 1 Floodlight Wichita, Kans.: Central Kansas I-W Fellowship, [1954]v. 1, no. 2-v. 4, no. 2 (Jan. 1955-June 1956) Flugblatt des deutschen Verbandes der Krim Simferopol: Druckerei Breschko-Breschkowskjoi, 1919No. 1 (July 14, 1919) Focus (Irwin, Ohio) Irwin, Ohio: Information Services of Rosedale Mennonite Missions, [1967]v. 10-27 (1976-1993) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 10 (1976) #1-15; v. 11 (1977) #6; v. 12 (1978) #1-2, 5-8, 10, 12-16; v. 13 (1979) #1-7, 1012, 14-17; v. 14 (1980) #1-9, 12; v. 15 (1981) #1, 3-11; v. 18 (1984) #3; v. 21 (1987) #12; v. 27 (1993) #2} Focus (Goshen, Ind.) See: Central District Conference focus Food and Hunger Notes See: MCC - Food and Hunger Notes. Foreign Missions Conference of North America: being the report of the Conference of Foreign Mission boards in Canada and in the United States New York, NY: Foreign Missions Conference, 1911 1920-1938 {Detailed holdings: 1920, 1926-1930, 1934-1935, 19371938} Formosa Mission Memo Hualien: Hugh and Janet Sprunger, 19551955-1959 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1955) #1-3; v. 2 (1956) #1; v. 3 (1957) #1; (1959) Jan, Oct} Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen : Sonderheft Essen : Klartext Verlag, 1991-2001. 1999-2001. {Note: Nr. 11 was the last issue. Ceased publication.} Forum Goshen, Ind.: Joint Mennonite Committee, 1970-1981. Continues: Arena. 1970-v. 14 (1981) Student Services Forward Elizabethtown, Pa.: General Sunday School Board of the Brethren in Christ Church, [1948]-1965. Absorbed by: Evangelical Visitor. v. 1-17 (1948-1965) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1948) #1; v. 2 (1949) #1; v. 517 (1952-1965)} The Foundation Echo Aibonito, Puerto Rico: Ulrich Foundation, 1954-1959. v. 1-6 (1954-1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954) #1-2; v. 2 (1955) #1-3; v. 3 (1956) #1-3; v. 4 (1957) #1-2; v. 5 (1958) #1-2; v. 6 (1959) #1-2} Foundation for Reformation Research - Bulletin of the Library St. Louis, Mo.: Foundation for Reformation Research, 1966-1973. Continued by: Sixteenth Century Bibliography. v. 3-8 (1968-1973) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1968) #1-4; v. 4 (1969) #2-4; v. 5 (1970) #1-4; v. 6 (1971) #1-4; v. 8 (1973) #1} Foundation for Reformation Research - Monthly Newsletter St. Louis, Mo.: The Foundation, 1967-1972. Continued by: Foundation for Reformation Research Newsletter. Nos. 11-54 (1967-1972) incomplete {Missing: #16-21 (Apr-Sep 1968), 24-27 (Dec. 1968-Mar 1969); #49 (Apr 1971)} Foundation for Reformation Research - Newsletter St. Louis, Mo.: The Foundation, 1972-1974. Continues: Foundation for Reformation Research Monthly Newsletter. Continued by: Center for Reformation Research Newsletter. Nos. 55-67 (Mar. 1972-Sept. 1974) Four Lights (Philadelphia, Pa.) Philadelphia, Pa.: Women' s International League for Peace and Freedom, National Literature Dept., 1941-1970. Has supplement: Washington newsletter. Continues: Four Lights (New York, N.Y.) Continued by: Peace and Freedom (Philadelphia, Pa.) v. 1-30 (1941-1970) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1941-42) #8, 10; v. 2 (1942-43) #1, 2, 56; v. 3 (1943-44) #7, 10; v. 4 (1944-45) #1-5, 8-9; v. 5 (1945-46) #1-2, 5-10; v. 6 (1946-47) #1-3, 5, 7-10; v. 7 (1947-48) #1-2, 7-10; v. 8 (1948-49) #5; v. 9 (1949-50) #1; v. 15 (1955-56) #3, 8; v. 17 (1957-58) #2, 6; v. 20 (1960-61) #7; v. 22 (1962-63) #3-4, 6; v. 27 (1967) #9} Franconia Conference News Souderton, Pa.: Franconia Mennonite Conference, 19722001. Continues: Mission News. Continued by: Intersections. v. 36 (1972)-v. 65 (2001) Located in archives. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper New York: Frank Leslie 1881, 1886 Located in archives. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly New York: W. J. Arkell, 1891-1894 1892 Located in archives. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Frankfurt Newsletter [Frankfurt: MCC], 1954Continues: Basel Newsletter. Sept. 30, 1954-Mar. 1, 1956 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1954) Sep 30, Oct 20, Nov 11, 26, Dec 9; (1955) Jan 5, 20, Feb 2, 16, Mar 4, 19, Apr 12, May 9, Jun 14, Jul 1, 19, Aug 9, 31, Sep 24, Nov 3, 15, Dec 3; (1956) Jan 3, 19, Feb 3, Mar 1} Frauenfleiss See: Die Abendschule. Frederick Home News Frederick, Pa.: Frederick Mennonite Home, 1983-1987. Separated from: Frederick Mennonite Home (Frederick, Pa.) - Home Life. Continued by: Frederick Mennonite Community News. Sept. 1983-v. 5, no. 1 (Fall 1987) * Frederick Mennonite Community News Frederick, Pa.: Frederick Mennonite Community, 1988Continues: Frederick Home News. v. 5, no. 2 (Fall 1988)Frederick Mennonite Home (Frederick, Pa.) - Annual Report Frederick, Pa.: Mennonite Home, 1897v. 1-12 (1897-1908) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1897); v. 3 (1899); v. 9 (1905); v. 11-12 (1907-1908)} Frederick Mennonite Home (Frederick, Pa.) - Home Life Frederick, Pa.: Mennonite Home, 1958-1983. Split into: Home Life and: Frederick Home News. v. 1-26 (1958-1983) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1958) #1-2; v. 3 (1960) #7)} Freedom and Responsibility See: Women' s Missionary and Service Commission Devotional Guide. * $ The Freeman Courier Freeman, S.D.: [s.n.], 1902Back issues located in Archives. v. 35 (1939/40)incomplete {Missing: v. 38-41 (1940/41-1942/43); v. 53-55 (19551956) Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Freezeletter See: Kansans to Freeze the Arms Race. Der Freie Zeuge See: Der Zionspilger. * Fretzletter Sellersville, Pa.: Fretz Family Association, [1970]Location: M, 929.2, F894f, supp. No. 13incomplete {Missing: #22-23, 25-34, 36-39, 41, #44 (Aug 1981)} Freundschaft Tselinograd, Kazakhstan: Sozialistik Kasachstan, Located in Archives. v. 5 (1970)-8 (1973) {Missing: all of v. 5 but July 28, 1970; Jan 12 & 16, 1970; Jan-Nov 1972; Dec 1973} Die Friedens Rundschau Hamburg: Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner Deutscher Zweig und des Internationalen Versöhnungsbundes Deutscher Zweig, [1947]v. 13-20 (1959-1966) incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1959) #1-9, 11-12} 45 Der Friedensbote St. Louis: Deutschen Evangelischen Synode von NordAmerika, 1850-1958. v. 50 (1899) Note: Located in archives. Friedensstimme Berlin: Jakob und Abraham Kröker, 1903-[1919?] v. 1-17 (1903-1919) incomplete Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm, 15 reels in two series Microfilm holdings: v. 4, no. 15-v. 12, #87 (Apr. 1906Dec. 1914) incomplete Note: MLA also has microfilm with 1908 #39b-51b and 1910 #2-25 (b?) filed under Botschafter; and 1909 ausgabe b filed under Friedensstimme Note: Paper copies located in archives, {Detailed holdings of paper copies: v. 1 (1903) #12; v. 3 (1905) #10, 12; v. 4 (1906) #22-24, 28, 43; v. 6 (1908); v. 7 (1909) #1b-12b, 14b-19b, 21b-50b, 52b; v. 10 (1910) #2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26; v. 11 (1910); v. 9 (1911) #53, 65, 78; v. 12 (1914) #41-44, 4748, 50-52, 54; v. 16 (1918) #30-36, 38, 41-43, 45-46, 49, 57, 61, 81; v. 17 (1919) #1-2, 4-6, 9-10, 29, 39 Missing from microfilm: v. 4 (1906) #34-37; v. 6 (1908) #5-6; v. 10 (1912) #31; v. 11 (1913) #52-53} Note: With issue 36b in 1908, Die Friedensstimme began publishing twice weekly, an ` a' and ` b' issue. One could subscribe to the new ` b' issue and receive both, or simply subscribe to the ` a' issue. The existing Friedensstimme microfilm in North America has only the ` a' issues. In 1910, matters become more confusing as the paper ceases to use the letters. Our existing 1910 film has issues 1-26, but if one looks at them, half are identical. The real issues 2,4,6,... are missing. Issues 13b, 20b, and 51b are not missing from 1909; they never appeared. The issues prior to where our microfilm begins in 1906 are not in the St. Petersburg or Moscow libraries. Issues in 1917 and after are also missing.--Terry Martin 1993. Friedensstimme Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten. Gummersbach, Germany: Friedensstimme Missions, 1995Continues: Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten. v. 20 (1995) - v. 21 (1996) #1 Note: English edition: ‘Friedensstimme’ (Voice of Peace) News. ‘Friedensstimme’ (Voice of Peace) News Gummersbach, Germany: Friedensstimme Missions, 1995?-1999. Continued by: Voice of Peace News v. 20-24, 26-27 incomplete Note: German editions: Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten, F r iedensstimme Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten. {Detailed holdings: v. 20 (1995) #1-6; v. 21 (1996) #1-4; v. 22 (1997) #2-4; v. 23 (1997) #1-2l; v. 26 (1999) #4; v. 27 (1999) #4} Friedenswarte Berlin: A. H. Fried 1956-1959 {Detailed holdings: v. 53 (1956), #2-4; v. 55 (1959), #12} FriedensWord Bluffton, Ohio: Central District Conference, 1993v. 1 (1993)-v. 9 (2001) #2 I s s u e s n o w a v a i l a b l e a t : {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1993) #1-3; v. 2 (1994) #1-4; v. 3 (1995) #3-5; v. 4 (1996) #1-3; v. 5 (1997) #2-3; v. 6 (1998) #1-3; v. 7 (1999) #1-4; v. 8 (2000) #4; v. 9 (2001) #1-2 46 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Friend (London) London: Charles Gilpin, 1843Has supplement: The Wayfarer. v. 91-98 (1933-1940) incomplete {Missing: v. 91 (1933) #1-2, 4-44; v. 98 (1940) #1-13, 19-52} The Friend of Truth Chicago, Ill.: Peniel Publishing House, 1934v. 1-v. 5, no. 4 (1935-1938) The Friend (Philadelphia) Philadelphia, Pa.: The Friend, 1827-1955. Merged with: Friends' Intelligencer, to form: Friends Journal. v. 115-124 (1941-1951) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 115 (1941-42) #26; v. 116 (194243) #26; v. 117 (1943-44) #10-12, 14, 22-23, 26; v. 118 (1944-45) #2, 4, 6-7, 9, 11; v. 119 (1945-46) #15-26; v. 120 (1946-47); v. 121 (1947-48) #1, 3-26; v. 122-123 (1948-1950); v. 124 (1950-51) #1-15, 17-23} The Friendly Agitator Concordville, Pa.: Friends Suburban Project, 1970Apr. 1976-Sept. 1983 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1976) Apr, Oct; (1977) Jan, Jun, Nov; (1978) May; v. 11 (1979) #1; v. 12 (1980) #1; v. 13 (1981) #1-2; v. 14 (1982) #1; v. 15 (1983) #1-2} Friends Committee on National Legislation - Washington Newsletter Washington, D.C.: The Committee, 1943-1961. Continued by: FCNL Washington Newsletter. Nos. 1-208 (1943-1961) incomplete {Missing: (1943) #2; (1948) #58; (1953) #111-112, 114} Friends' Intelligencer Philadelphia: Friends' Intelligencer Association, 19021955. Continues: Friends' Intelligencer and Journal. Merged with: The Friend (Philadelphia), to form: Friends Journal. v. 76-111 (1919-1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 76 (1919) #20; v. 92 (1935) #42; v. 93 (1936) #1, 3, 6-7, 11, 15-16, 21, 36-37, 40, 45-48, 50-52; v. 94 (1937) #1-5, 31, 39-40, 42-43, 46, 50; v. 95 (1938) #8, 24, 40; v. 96 (1939) #1, 3-8, 10-13, 15-22, 2426; v. 102 (1945) #1-7, 9-52; v. 103 (1946) #1-22, 24-52; v. 104-105 (1947-1948); v. 106 (1949) #1-7, 9-53; v. 107 (1950) #1-7, 9-14, 16-44, 46, 48-52; v. 109 (1952) #1-51; v. 110 (1953); v. 111 (1954) #1-28, 30-52} Friends Journal Philadelphia: Friends Pub. Corp., 1955Formed by the union of: The Friend (Philadelphia), and: Friends' Intelligencer. Annual index: Published in no. 4 of each volume, 19821987; published in no. 3 of each volume, 1988v. 2 (1956)-v. 39 (1993) #1 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1956) #42; v. 3 (1957) #35, 4647, 50; v. 4 (1958) #1-2, 14-18; v. 5 (1959) #6, 8-32, 3738; v. 6 (1960) #7; v. 8 (1962) #5; v. 9 (1963) #23-24; v. 10 (1964) #4-20; v. 11 (1965); v. 12 (1966) #1-11, 15-19; v. 15 (1969) #18; v. 19 (1973) #20-21; v. 20 (1974) #1, 3-4, 6-11, 14-16, 19; v. 21 (1975) #16-17; v. 22 (1976) #4, 11, 13-21; v. 23 (1977)- } $ Friends of Germantown Philadelphia, Pa.: Germantown Mennonite Church Corporation, 1974-1989? Continues: Friends of Germantown Newsletter. Continued by: Germantown. v. 2 (1974-75)-Apr. 1989 incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1982) #2-3} Friends of Germantown Newsletter Philadelphia, Pa.: Germantown Mennonite Corporation, 1973-1974. Continued by: Friends of Germantown. v. 1 (1973-74) Church Friends' Quarterly Examiner London: British Periodicals, 1867-1946. Continued by: Friends' Quarterly. v. 50 (1916) From Enemies to Friends See: Women' s Missionary and Service Auxiliary Devotional Guide. From Middletown See: CPS - From Middletown From Pillar to Post Elgin, Ill.: Social Action Department, Brethren Service Commission, 1953v. 1-v. 11, no. 2 (July 1953-Nov. 1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1956) #2; v. 10 (1961) #4} From Swords to Plowshares Newton, Kans.: Task Force on Farm Issues, 1976-1982. v. 1-7 (1976-1982) From the Allentown Penn See: MCC - From the Allentown Penn From the Foot of Pikes Peak See: CPS- Pike View Peace News Fryske Husfrjeon rym en onrym ut earder en letter tiid Ljouwert: R. van der Velde, 19011901, 1903 Fundament en Bouwstenen See: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Die Furche Berlin: Furche Verlag, [1915]v. 18-23 (1932-1937) incomplete {Missing: v. 23 (1937) #10} Fürs christliche Haus See: Christliches Unterhaltung. Jahrbuch zur Belehrung und MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Galician Grapevine In archives, MLA.MS.259, Glen Linscheid papers. Ganze Bibel: Gradierte Lektionen: Oberstufe Schülerheft Hillsboro, Kans.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1939 Apr 1939-Jun 1949 {Missing: #4 (1941); #1 (1944)} Ganze Bibel: Gradierte Lektionen: Mittelstufe Schülerheft Hillsboro, Kans.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House Apr 1939-Sep 1948 {Missing: #3 (1942); #4 (1944); #1 (1946)} Ganze Bibel: Gradierte Lektionen: Unterstufe Lehrerheft Hillsboro, Kans.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House Apr 1939-Sep 1940 Bound as: Ganze Bibel Lehrerheft Ganze Bibel: Gradierte Sontagsschul-Lektionen für Schueler der Mittelstufe Winnipeg, Man.: The Christian Press Limited, 1955-1958 Bound with: Oberstufe edition as Ganze Bibel v. 1-3 (1955-1958) Ganze Bibel: Gradierte Sontagsschul-Lektionen für Schueler der Oberstufe Winnipeg, Man.: The Christian Press Limited, 1955Bound with: Mittelstufe edition as Ganze Bibel v. 1-3 (1955-1958) Die Gartenlaube Leipzig: Ernst Keil's Nachfolger (August Scherl), 1871-1916 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1871); (1915) #43-46, 49-52; (1916) #1-2} Note: Located in archives. * GCH Messenger Henderson, Neb. : Grace Children’s Home, 1997Continues: The Messenger (Henderson, Neb.) v. 53 (1997) #3Gecomen [S.l.: s.n.], 1957-2000. v. 1 (1957) - Apr 30, 2000 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1957-58) #2; v. 6 (1963) #5; v. 8 (1965) #5; v. 10 (1967) #5; v. 11 (1968) #5-6; v. 12 (1969) #2-3; v. 14 (1971) #3-end; (1979) Jan, Mar; (1980) Jan, Mar, May, Nov; (1981) Nov; (1987) Nov; (1988) Jan, Mar, May} $ Geisteskultur Berlin: Alfred Unger, [192-]-1934. Located in Vault. Continues: Geisteskultur und Volksbildung. v. 33-43 (1924-1934) $ Geisteskultur und Volksbildung Berlin: Alfred Unger, 1920-[1923?] Located in Vault. Continues: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben. Continued by: Geisteskultur. v. 29-30 (1920-1921) Gemeenschap voor Doopsgezind Broederschapswerk - Brief Ka m p e n : G em e e n s c h a p v o o r Doop sgezi n d Broederschapswerk, [194-]1946-1956 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1946) Apr, Dec; (1948) Dec; (1949) Feb, Apr, Jul, Sep; (1950) Apr, Sep, Dec; (1951) Mar, Sep, Dec; (1952) Apr, Sep, Dec; (1953) Apr, Sep, Dec; (1954) Apr, Sep, Dec; (1955) Apr, Sep, Dec; (1956) Apr} 47 Gemeenteblad der Doopsgezinde Gemeente van Leeuwarden Leeuwarden: Doopsgezinde Gemeente van Leeuwarden, 1928-1941. Continues: Ons Doopsgezind Blaadje. v. 31-34 (1953-1957) incomplete {Missing: v. 31 (1953-54) #1-9; v. 33 (1955-56) #11; v. 34 (1956-57) #2-12} Die Gemeinde unterm Kreuz Quakertown, Bucks Co., Pa.: John G. Stauffer, 1885-1888. Continues: Die Kirche unterm Kreuz. Continued by: Botschafter des Heils in Christo (Quakertown, Pa.) v. 1-4 (1885-1888) Gemeinde Unterwegs Karlsruhe: Verbandes deutscher Mennoniten-Gemeinden, 1974-1985. Continues in part: Der Mennonit. Merged with: Mennonitische Blätter (Hamburg) to form: Brücke - Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-12 (1974-1985) Gemeindeblatt Hillsboro, Kans.: Krimmer Mennoniten Brudergemeinde in Nord-Amerika, 1903-[1904?] Continues: Gemeindeblatt und Waisenheim. v. 8-9 (1903-1904) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 8 (1903) #1, 3; v. 9 (1904) #10-11} $ Gemeindeblatt der Mennoniten Reihen: U. Hege, 1870-1968 (Sinsheim: G. Becker) Continued by: Gemeindeblatt des Verbandes BadischWurttembergisch-Bayerischer Mennonitengemeinden. Has supplements: Werden! Wachsen! Wirken!, 1932-1941; Mennonitische Jugendwarte, 1940-1941; Junge Gemeinde, 1948-1963. v. 1-99 (1870-1968) incomplete Note: Located in archives. {Missing: v. 1 (1870) #1-2; v. 4 (1873) #2; v. 22 (1891) #1, 12; v. 27 (1896) #1; v. 30 (1899) #3, 6-7, 12; v. 34 (1903) #13, 23; v. 35 (1904) #1, 3, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18-19, 23-24; v. 36 (1905) #2-3, 5, 14, 17-21, 23; v. 37 (1906) #2-7, 9, 11-13, 15-19; v. 38 (1907) #12, 22-23; v. 39 (1908) #1; v. 40 (1909) #3; v. 41 (1910) #19-20, 22-24; v. 45 (1914) #10, 14, 22; v. 73 (1942) all; v. 74 (1943) all; v. 75 (1944) all; v. 76 (1945) all; v. 77 (1946) all; v. 78 (1947) all) Gemeindeblatt des Verbandes Badisch-WurttembergischBayerischer Mennonitengemeinden Karlsruhe: Fa. Heinrich Schneider, 1969-1973. Continues: Gemeindeblatt der Mennoniten. Issued as supplement to: Der Mennonit. v. 100-104 (1969-1973) Gemeindeblatt und Waisenheim Hillsboro, Kans.: Krimmer Mennoniten Brudergemeinde in Nord-Amerika, 1895-1902. Continued by: Gemeindeblatt. v. 3-7 (1897-1902) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1897) #1, 10-12; v. 5 (1899) #3, 6-7; v. 7 (1902) #1-8, 10, 12} Gemeindebote der Mennoniten zu Frankfurt am Main Karlsruhe: Mennonitengemeinde Frankfurt a. M., [195-]1956-1970 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1956) #1-4; (1957) #1, 3; (1958) #1-3; (1959) #1-3; (1960) #1-3; (1961) #1-3; (1962) #1-4; (1963) #1-4; (1964) #1-3; (1965) #1-3; (1966) #1-2; (1967) #1-3; (1968) #1-2; (1969) #1; (1970) #1-3} 48 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Gemeindebrief der Mennonitengemeinde zu Hamburg u. Altona Hamburg-Altona: O. Schowalter, 1949-1984. Continued by: Gemeindebrief der Mennonitengemeinden Hamburg, Kiel, Friedrichstadt. 1949-1984 incomplete {Missing: (1961) #30; (1963?) #35; (1965) #43-44; (19681975) #58-156} Gemeindebrief der Mennonitengemeinden Hamburg, Kiel, Friedrichstadt Hamburg: Peter J. Foth, 1984Continues: Gemeindebrief der Mennonitengemeinde zu Hamburg und Altona. No. 240 (June 1984)-1991 incomplete {Missing: #253 (Sep 1985)} Gemeindebrief der nordwestdeutschen Mennoniten Leer: A. Fast, [194-]1948-1949 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1948) #1-4; (1949) #6} The Genealogical Acorn Tampa, Fla.: G.A.B. Publications, 1968v. 1-2 (1968-1969) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1969) #2-4} * Genealogical Computing Fairfax, Va.: Data Transfer Associates, 1981v. 2 (1983)incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1982-83) #1-3; v. 3 (1983-84) #1} General Board - Council Sessions See: General Conference Mennonite Church. General Board - Council Sessions. General Board - Summer Sessions See: General Conference Mennonite Church. General Board - Summer Sessions. General Conference Heritage Newton, KS: Historical Committee of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1989-1993. 1989-1993 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #2-8} General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Business Administration - Reports Newton, Kans.: The Board, 1954-1968. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church. Division of Administration - Reports. Note: 1968 bound with succeeding title. 1954-1968 General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Christian Service - Reports Newton, Kans.: The Board, 1952-1968. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Home Ministries - Reports. 1952-1968 General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Education and Publication - Reports Newton, Kans.: The Board, 1946-1967. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Education - Reports. 1949-1967 incomplete {Missing: 1955} General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions Reports Newton, Kans.: The Board, 1955-1968. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Reports. 1955-1968 General Conference Mennonite Church. Central Conference. Board of Home and Foreign Missions - Annual Report Bloomington, Ill.: Central Mennonite Publication Board, 1911v. 17-22 (1927-1932) General Conference Mennonite Church - Central Conference Year Book [S.l.]: Central Conference of Mennonites, 1922-1956. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Central District Conference Year Book. Note: Vols. 27-35 (1948-1956) bound with succeeding title. 1922-1956 Geneeral Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference - Committee Reports {Detailed holdings: 1964, 1967, 1968, 1971} * General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference Handbook [S.l.]: Central District Conference, 1986Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church - Centrad District Conference Year Book 1986-1995 Missing: 1991 General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference - Report Book [S.l.]: Central District Conference, 1986Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference Year Book 1986-1990 General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference Year Book [S.l.]: Central District Conference, 1957-1985 Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church - Central Conference Year Book. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Central District Conference Handbook and General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference - Report Book. 1957-1985 * General Conference Mennonite Church - The Central District Reporter Goshen, Ind.: Central District, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1957Issued as supplement to: The Mennonite, Nov. 1964 - Jul 25, 1989. v. 1 (1957) Location: Copies dated 2001 and earlier are shelved under General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Reporter. General Conference Mennonite Church - China-Home Bond See: The China- Home Bond * General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Education - Reports Newton, Kans.: The Commission, 1968Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Education and Publication - Reports. Note: 1968-1969 bound with preceding title. 1968- incomplete {Missing: 1986-1989} General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Home Ministries - North American Workers Directory Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, [1975?] 1975 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Home Ministry - Reports Newton, Kans.: The Commission, 1969Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Christian Service - Reports. 1969- incomplete {Missing: 1986- } $ General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - The COMmunicator Newton, Kans. : Commission on Overseas Mission, 1983? 2002? This newsletter is shelved in the Archives. General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Prayer Directory Newton, Kans.: Commission on Overseas Mission, [1973?]1996/1998. Title variations: Directory for Overseas Missions (1973), Overseas Prayer Directory (1974/1975-1982/1983), Prayer Directory (1984/1985- 1992/1993), Prayer and Information Directory (1994/1996-1996/1998), Cover title: Commission on Overseas Mission Directory (1994/1996-1996/1998) Continued by: Directory of Mennonite Missions 1973-1996/1998 * General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Reports Newton, Kans.: The Commission, 1969Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions - Reports. 1969- incomplete {Missing: 1985- } $ General Conference Mennonite Church - Conference Visitor Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1952-1971. 1952-1971 * General Conference Mennonite Church. Division of Administration - Reports Newton, Kans.: Division of Administration, 1969Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Business Administration - Reports. 1969- incomplete {Missing: 1986- } * General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Annual Report [S.l.]: Eastern District Conference, [19--?]v. 153 (1951)- incomplete {Missing: v. 154-155 (1952-1953); v. 168 (1966); v. 182188 (1980-1986)} General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - C. E. Witness Allentown, Pa.: Eastern District Mennonite Young People's Union, 1941-1947. v. 1-7 (1941-1947) incomplete Consolidated with: The Messenger of the Eastern District Conference. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941-42) #1-7; v. 2 (1942-43) #1-6; v. 3 (1943-44) #1, 3-6; v. 4 (1944-45) #1-5; v. 5 (1945-46) #1-6; v. 6 (1946-47) #1-7; v. 7 (1947) #2-3} General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Directory [S.l.]: Eastern District Conference, [19--]1961-1982 incomplete {Missing: 1963/64-1964/65; 1967/68-1968/69; 1971/72; 1974/75-1975/76; 1977/78; 1980/81} 49 General Conference Mennonite Church - Eastern District Conference Newsletter [S.l.]: Eastern District Conference, [195-]v. 2-11 (1960-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1960) #6-7, 9-10; v. 3 (1961) #1, 3-6; v. 4 (1962) #1; v. 11 (1967) #1} General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Report [S.l.]: Eastern District Conference, 19101910-1960 incomplete {Missing: v. 118 (1916); v. 120 (1918); v. 127 (1925)} General Conference Mennonite Church - Eastern District Messenger [Lansdale, Pa.]: Eastern District Conference of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1947. Continued by: The Messenger of the Eastern District Conference v. 1 #1 Oct 1947 * General Conference Mennonite Church. General Board Council Sessions Newton, Kans.: General Conference General Board, 19681968incomplete {Missing: 1986} * General Conference Mennonite Church. General Board Summer Sessions Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 19701970incomplete {Missing: 1986} * General Conference Mennonite Church - Handbook of Information Newton, Kans.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1947Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1947-1948, 1951-1956, two copies of each reel Continues: General Conference Mennonite Year Book. 1947incomplete {Missing: 1949-1950} $ General Conference Mennonite Church. Kansas Conference - Minutes [Halstead, Kans.]: The Conference, 1877-1892. English translation of the German issues of: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes and Reports. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes. Bound with: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes. 1877-1892 General Conference Mennonite Church - Mennonite Year Book and Almanac Quakertown, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Conference, 18951930. Microfilm: uncataloged Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Year Book. Index: MLA has obituary and biography index. 1895-1930 General Conference Mennonite Church. Middle District Conference - Minutes [S.l.]: Middle District Conference, [1889]-1957. v. 50-67 (1938-1956) 50 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * General Conference Mennonite Church - Minutes [S.l.]; The Conference, 1859Note: Vols. for 1888-1902 published in The Mennonite. Note: Additional General Conference minutes can be found in the archives under I.E.3. Caption title: Supplement to The Mennonite. Text: In German, [1859]-1935; English, 1905v. 1-11 (1859-1887), v. 17 (1905){Missing: v. 12-16} $ General Conference Mennonite Church - News Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, [1955]-2001 Location: Shelved in Archives. 1955-1969 at MLA.I.HH.1, 1970-2001 at MLA.VII.K.3. 1955-2001 * General Conference Mennonite Church. Northern District Conference - Minutes and Reports [S.l.]: Northern District Conference, [1893]Text: In German, [1893]-1939; English, 1940v. 14 (1906)incomplete {Missing: v. 15 (1905-06); v. 21 (1912); v. 25 (1916)} General Conference Mennonite Church. Northern District Conference - Northern Light See: The Northern Light (Conference Publication) $ General Conference Mennonite Church . Pacific District Conference - The Messenger Milwaukie, Ore.: Pacific District Conference, 1959-1967 Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - Worker's Exchange. v. 31 (1959-60)-v. 38 (1966-67) Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Pacific District Messenger Location: 1959-1965 are bound with The Worker’s Exchange * General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - Secretary's Report [S.l.]: Pacific District Conference, [1896]v. 45 (1944)incomplete {Missing: v. 90 (1989)- } General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - The Worker's Exchange [Reedley, Calif.]: Pacific District Conference, [1929]-1959. Title variation: The Pacific District Worker's Exchange, [1930]-1935. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - The Messenger. 1930-1959 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1930) Dec; (1931) May; v. 3 (193132) Jan, May; v. 4 (1932-33) #1, 3, 5-6; v. 5 (1933-34) #1, 3-5; v. 6 (1934-35) #3-7; v. 7 (1935-36) #1-7; v. 8 (193637) #1, 3-5; v. 9 (1937-38) #1-7; v. 10 (1938-39) #1-7; v. 11 (1939-40) #1-3, 5-7; v. 12 (1940-41) #1-8; v. 13 (1941-42) #1-7; v. 14 (1942-43) #1-7; v. 15 (1943-44) #1-7; v. 16 (1944-45) #1-7; v. 17 (1945-46) #1- 6, 8; v. 18 (1946-47) #1-7; v. 19 (1947-48) #1, 3-10; v. 20 (1948-49) #1-10; v. 21 (1949-50) #1-8; v. 22 (1950-51) #1-10; v. 23 (1951-52) #1=10; v/ 24 )1952-53) #1-10; v. 25 (1953-54) #1-10; v. 26-28 (Jul 1954-Jun 1957); v. 29-30 (1957-1959)} $ General Conference Mennonite Church - Pacific District Messenger Ritzville, Wash. : Pacific District Conference, 1968-1993 Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - The Messenger Issued as supplement to: The Mennonite, Feb. 1968-1987 Continued by: The Messenger (Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference) 1968-1993 (Spr) General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference - Annual Meeting See: Pacific Northwest Mennoninte Conference - Annual Meeting General Conference Mennonite Church - The Pumpkin Newton, Kan. : General Conference Mennnite Church, 1986?v. 11 (1997) #1 - v. 13 (1999) #2 General Conference Mennonite Church - Taiwan Home Bond See: Taiwan Home Bond $ General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes Newton, Kans.: The Conference, 1892-1932. English translation of the German issues of: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes and Reports. Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Kansas Conference - Minutes. 1892-1932 * General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes and Reports [Halstead, Kans.]: The Conference, 1877Text: In German, 1877-1932; German and English, 19331937; English, 1938English translation of German issues: General Conference Mennonite Church. Kansas Conference - Minutes; General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes. 1877General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District Conference - A special message to Western District CE's Newton, Kans.: Western District 1943-1951 {Detailed holdings: Nov. 1943; Jul, Nov 1944; Jul 1945; Jul 1946; Mar, May-Jun 1950; Sep 1951} General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District News See: Western District News General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District News Bulletin Newton, Kans.: Western District Conference, 1958-1962. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Western District News. Bound with: General Conference Mennonite Church Western District News. v. 1-5 (1958-1962) General Conference Mennonite Church Year Book Berne, Ind.: General Conference Publication Board, Mennonite Book Concern, 1931-1946. Microiflm: uncataloged, 2 copies Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church Mennonite Year Book and Almanac. Continued by: General Conference Mennonite Church Handbook of Information. Bound with: Vols. 37-45 (1931-1939) bound with preceding title; vols. 46-52 (1940-1946) bound with succeeding title. Index: MLA has obituary and biography index. v. 37-52 (1931-1946) General Letter (NSBRO) See: NSBRO Bulletin/General Letter. General Mission Handbook, Including Annual Reports See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication German Canadian Business Review Winnipeg, Man.: German Canadian Business and Professional Association of Manitoba, 1959Continues: Canadian German Business Review. v. 5-17 (1959-1971) incomplete {Missing: v. 9 (1963) #2} $ German Culture Museum Newsletter Walnut Creek, Ohio: German Culture Museum, [198-]1986-1997 incomplete German Emigration Center (Bremerhaven, Germany) See: News German Genealogical Digest Pleasant Grove, Utah: Jensen Publications, 1985-2004. v. 1-20 (1985-2004) Germania Kalender Milwaukee: G. Brumder, ?-1918 {Detailed holdings: 1885, 1892-1893, 1896-1897, 19011904, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1914-1916} Germano-Slavica Waterloo, Ont.: Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Waterloo, 19731973-1979 {Missing: v. 1 (1973-1975), #3; v. 2 (1975-1978), #4 Germans from Russia Heritage Society Heritage Review See: Heritage Review Germans from Russia Heritage Society Newsletter See: GRHS News * Germantown Philadelphia, PA: Germantown Mennonite Church Corporation, 1992?Continues: Friends of Germantown. 1992{Detailed holdings: fall 1992, summer 1993, summer 1996} Germfask GI See: CPS - Germfask Newsletter Germfask Newsletter See: CPS - Germfask Newsletter De Gids Amsterdam, Holland: P.N. Van Kampen and Zoon N.V. 1942, 1944 Gids voor de vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam Amsterdam, Holland: Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968-1972, 1974 Giesbrecht Family News Dallas, Ore. : Albert Ratzlaff, 1998 - 2001 May 1998 - Oct 2001 Girls' Missionary and Service Auxiliary Devotional Guide Elkhart, Ind.: General Committee, Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary, [196-]1964-1978 Der Glaubensweg Berlin-Lichterfelde: Zeltmission, 1938-1939 {Detailed holdings: v. 12 (1938) #3, 5, 9; v. 13 (1939) #1, 5, 9, 11} 51 Gleanings from the Heart of the Cornbelt Normal, Ill.: Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society, 1967v. 2-10 (1968-1976) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1968) #1; v. 10 (1976) #4} * Gleanings from the Threshing Floor North Newton, Kans. : Mennonite Library and Archives, 1976-1989, 1998{Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1976) #1-2, v. 2 (1980-81) #1-6, v. 3 (1981-82) #1-4, v. 4 (1982-83) #1-5, v. 5 (1984) #1, v. 6 (1984-85), #1-4, v. 7 (1985-86) #1-4, v. 8 (1986-87) #1-3, v. 9 (1987-88), #2, v. 10 (1988-89) #1, 3, 1998-99 #1-2, 1999-2000 #3, 2001-02 #4, 2002-03 #5, 2004-05 #6, 200506 #7} Globus München: VDA-Verlag, [1969?]v. 14 (1982) - v. 27 (1996) GMSA Gems Elkhart, Ind.: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary, 1959-1962. Absorbed by: Words of Cheer. v. 1-4 (1959-1962) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1959-61) #1-8; v. 3 (1961-62) #14; v. 4 (1962) #1} "Go Ye" Inola, Okla.: "Go Ye" Mission, 1946v. 1-19 (1946-1964) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1946) #1-3; v. 2 (1947) #5; v. 3 (1948) #5, 7-12; v. 4 (1949) #1-12; v. 5 (1950) #1-9, 11-12; v. 6 (1951) #1-2, 4-9; v. 7 (1952) #1-11; v. 8 (1953) #1-7, 911; v. 9 (1954) #1-2, 4-12; v. 10 (1955) #1, 3-8, 10-12; v. 11 (1956) #2, ?, 3-5; v. 12 (1957) #1-7; v. 13 (1958) #1-7; v. 14 (1959) #1, 3-5; v. 15 (1960) #1-6; v. 16 (1961) #1-5; v. 17 (1962) #1-5; v. 18 (1963) #1-5; v. 19 (1964) #1; 1 undated issue} God Acts Through His Son: Junior Sunday school lessons Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet v. 3 (1970), #2 God and Caesar Newton, Kans.: Commission on Home Ministries of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1975Absorbed: Peace and Justice Newsletter, 1989. Cease publication: Jan-Dec 1991 v. 1 (1975) - v. 8 (1994) #2 God's Hand in History: Intermediate Sunday school lessons Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet v. 2 (1969), #1, 4 $ Goessel Gazette Goessel, Kans.: Goessel Lions Club, 1963-1982. Issued as supplement to: Hillsboro Star-Journal, Nov. 14, 1979-May 19, 1982. Absorbed by: Hillsboro Star-Journal, May 26, 1982. v. 1 (1963)-1982 incomplete Note: Located in archives. {Missing: v. 14 (1976-77) #28-52; v. 18 (1979-80) #9; (1980) Sep. 3, 10, Dec 24, 31; (1981) May 27-Sep 2, Sep 16, Oct 14, 21, Nov 11, 25; (1982) Jan 6 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} $ The Golden Gate Newton, Kans.: W.H. Werner, 1879-1882. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Absorbed by: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kans. : 1872) v. 1-3 (1879-1882) 52 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Good News [S.l.: s.n., 196-]Text: In Japanese. no. 43-161 (1965?-1975?) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1965?) #43-44, 49; (1966?) #52-53, 59; (1968?) #78; (1969?) #89, 91-99; (1970?) #100-111; (1971?) #112-113, 115-6, 119-122; (1972?) #123, 125-132; (1973?) #136, 138-147; (1974?) #149-159; (1975?) #161} The Gospel Message Kansas City, Mo.: Gospel Union Publishing Co., 1892v. 8 (1900) - v. 95 (1987) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1900) #1-7; v. 12 (1903) #8-12; v. 13-56 (1904-1947); v. 69-81 (1961-1972)} Good Tidings (Lancaster, Pa.) Lancaster, Pa.: Reformed Mennonite Church, 1922-1932. v. 1-11 (1922-1932) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1922-23) #1-2; v. 2 (1923-24) #2; v. 4 (1925-26) #3; v. 5 (1926-27) #3} The Gospel Teacher Foraker, Ind.: P.J. Kaufman, 1891-1931. v. 7-18 (1901-1912) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 7 (1901) #7-8-9; v. 11 (1905) #4; v. 18 (1912) #1} Goodland Daily Republican See: Daily Republican. Gospel Tidings (Newton, Kans.) Hillsboro, Kans.: Conference of the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren, 1941-1953. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1941-1953 Continues: Evangelisationsbote and Gospel Tidings. Merged with: Zion's Tidings, to form: The Evangelical Mennonite. v. 31-42 (1941-1953) incomplete {Missing: v. 32 (1942) #6, 10; v. 33 (1943) #15; v. 33 (1944) #9; v. 34 (1945) #2; v. 35 (1946) #14} The Goschenhoppen Region Vernfield, Pa.: Goschenhoppen Historians, Inc., 1968v. 1-4 (1968-1974) % The Goshen College Record: Review Supplement Goshen, Ind.: Goshen College, 1926. Issued as supplement to: Goshen College Record. Continued by: Mennonite Quarterly Review. Bound with: Goshen College Record v. 27 (1926). v. 27, nos. 4-10 (Jan.-Sept. 1926) Gospel Banner [Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church], 18781969. Merged with: Missionary Banner, and Emphasis to form: Emphasis on Faith and Living. v. 32-91 (1909-1968) incomplete Note: Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 32-39 (1909-1916); v. 55 (1932) #1-2, 11-20; v. 57 (1934) #1-13, 15-16, 20, 22-50; v. 58 (1935) #4, 8-9, 11, 16-21, 23-25, 27, 29, 31, 45-50; v. 59 (1936) #30, 32; v. 60 (1937) #13-50; v. 61 (1938) #3-4, 6-9, 11-17, 19-33, 35-42, 45-50; v. 62-67 (1939-1944); v. 68 (1945) #13; v. 70 (1947) #25; v. 72 (1949) #22, 26, 47-48, 50; v. 73 (1950) #1-43, 45-50; v. 74 (1951) #1-26 [all]; v. 75 (1952) #1, 6-11, 13-22, 37; v. 77 (1954) #16-17; v. 84 (1961) #43; v. 89 (1966) #22; v. 91 (1968) #24} Gospel Courier Greeley, Colo.: Gospel Courier, 1978v. 1 (1978)incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1978) #1-4} * The Gospel Evangel Scottdale, Pa.: Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Mission Board, 1948Continues: The Rural Evangel. v. 29 (1948)- incomplete {Missing: v. 30 (1949) #3; v. 32 (1951) #1} The Gospel Hall Messenger Tientsin, N. China: Gospel Hall for Service Men, 1928v. 1, no. 1 (March 1928) Gospel Herald Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publication Board, 1908Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1908-1955 Formed by the union of: Gospel Witness (Scottdale, Pa.) and: Herald of Truth. Merged with The Mennonite, Feb 17, 1998 Annual index: Published in last issue of each volume. Note: Index for v. 30 (1937-38) not published. v. 1 (1908)incomplete {Missing: v. 14 (1921-22) #2-5, 7, 9-11, 15, 17-19, 26; v. 19 (1926-27) #42, 44, 46-48, 50-52; v. 21 (1928-29) #10, 23; v. 25 (1932-33) #13 Missing index: v. 19 (1926-27) Note: v. 65 (1972) has many pages which have been cut.} Gospel Messenger See: Church of the Brethren - Gospel Messenger. Gospel Tidings (Omaha, Neb.) Omaha, Neb.: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Conference, 1961-2000. Continued by: Fellowship Focus v. 2 (1962)-v. 40 (2000) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1962) #1-2, 4-12; v. 3-5 (1963-1965) all} * Gospel Witness (Philadelphia, Pa.) Philadelphia, Pa.: Gospel Words and Music Radio Broadcast, [1949]v. 18 (1966)- incomplete {Missing: v. 18 (1966) #2; v. 38 (1986) #6- } Gospel Witness (Scottdale, Pa.) Scottdale, Pa.: The Gospel Witness Company, 1905-1908. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1905-1908 Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. Merged with: Herald of Truth, to form: Gospel Herald. v. 1-3 (1905-1908) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1905-06) #1-22, 26-28, 30-36, 42} Grace Children's Home Messenger Henderson, Neb.: Grace Children's Home, 1944-1991. Continued by: The Messenger v. 1 (1944) - v. 47 (1991) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1945) #1; v. 2 (1946) #1-2; v. 4 (1948) #4; v. 5 (1949) #3, 6; v. 6 (1950) #8-10; v. 7 (1951) #5-7; v. 9 (1953) #7, 9; v. 13 (1957) #6; v. 15 (1959) #6, 12; v. 17 (1961) #6; v. 19 (1963) #3, 5; v. 22 (1966) #7 Note: None of the missing issues for 1945-1966 are available from publisher.} Graded Sunday School Lesson for Senior, Intermediate, and Primary Departments Hillsboro, Kans.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1944), #2} A Grain of Dust from a Musty Corner North Newton, KS: Mennonite Library and Archives, Cornelius Krahn Sep 1953, Feb 1955 (second and third grains) The Grapevine: Prison news exchange service See: CPS - The Grapevine: Prison news exchange service Grass Roots See: CPS - Grass Roots The Gray “B” Newton, Kans. : Letter Club of Bethel College, 1925-1926. v. 1, #1-3 (1925-1926). Location: Bethel College Vertical File. Letter Club. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Great Plains Gleaner Topeka, KS: CWS/CROP, 1990-? spring 1990-fall 1991 Continues: Kansas CROP Harvest * The Great Plains Newsletter Emporia, Kans.: Center for Great Plains Studies, Emporia State University, [1979]v. 6 (1984)- incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1984) #1-2, 4} * Great Plains Quarterly Lincoln, Neb.: Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1981v. 1 (1981)Great Plains Research: A Journal of Natural and Social Sciences Lincoln, Neb.: Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska, 1991v. 1 (1991) #1, 2 Green Pastures See: CPS - Green Pastures. Greencroft Courier Goshen, Ind.: Greencroft Foundation, 1977v. 1 (1977)-v. 13 (1990) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1977-78) #1-4; v. 2 (1978) #2-3; v. 3 (1979) #1-2; v. 4 (1980) #1-2; v. 5 (1981) #1-2; v. 6 (1982) #1-2; v. 7 (1983) #1-2; v. 8 (1984) #1; v. 9 (1985) #1-4; v. 10 (1986-87) #1-6; v. 11 (1988) #1; v. 12 (1989) #2-3; v. 13 (1990) #2, 4; special issue (1991?)} Greencroft Messenger Goshen, Ind.: Greencroft Villa, 1970-[1976?] Continues: Greencroft Newsletter. v. 5-6 (1970-1971) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1970) #1, 3-8; v. 6 (1971) #1-5} Greencroft Newsletter [Goshen, Ind.]: Greencroft, 1966-[1969] Continued by: Greencroft Messenger. v. 1-4 (1966-1969) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1966) #1; v. 2 (1967) #1-4; v. 3 (1968) #1-7; v. 4 (1969) #2} * GRHS News Bismarck, ND : Germans from Russia Heritage Society, 1990-2006 Title varies: Germans from Russia Heritage Society Newsletter, GRHS Newsletter Continued by: Heritage Review 1990-2006 Groffdale Conference Mennonite Churches - Calendar of Meetings [S.l.]: Groffdale Conference, [197-]1971-1991 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1971; 1974; 1978; 1980-1981; 1989; 1991} Growth News Newton, Kans.: Growth Associates, Prairie View, Inc., 1981v. 1 (1981)-v. 9 (1989) Gruess Gott! Winnipeg, Man.: Schoenwieser Gemeinde, [194-]Nos. 49-162 (1946-1972) incomplete {Missing: #50-61 (Sep 1946-Nov 1947); #97 (May-Jun 1951); #104 (Feb 15?, 1952); #126-127? (May-Jun 1954); #27 (Feb. 1957)} 53 A Guide to Mission Study [Newton, Kans.]: Published by Literature Committee, Women's Missionary Association, The General Conference Mennonite Church, 1954Continues: A Program Guide for Missionary Societies. 1954/55-1974 Guidelines for Today Holsopple, Pa.: Guidelines for Today, Inc., 1966-1989 Absorbed by: Sword and Trumpet No. 1 [1966]-v. 24 (1989) Gulf Breeze Gulfport, Miss.: Camp Landon Voluntary Service, 1950Continues: Camp Landon Voluntary Service. Sept. 1950-Summer 1974 incomplete {Missing: (1952) Jan, Oct; (1953) Mar, Sep, Dec; (1954) Sep-Oct; (1963) Jul-Aug; (1967) Jul-Aug} Gulfport News Report See: CPS - Gulfport News Report 54 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Habegger Review Newton, Kan. : David L. Habegger, 2003-2006. No. 1-14 (2003-2006) * Habegger Review Apex, N. C. : R. E. “Rick” Habegger, 2006No. 1Haerlem Jaarboek Haarlem: Erven F. Bohn N.V. 1944-1947, 1949 $ The Halstead Clipper Halstead, Kans.: Dorr Mathies, 1884-[1886]. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1-3 (1884-1886) $ Halstead Herald (Halstead, Kans. : Daily) Halstead, Kans.: H.E. Swan, 1887. Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-HAL, IND, 1 Location: On same microfilm as Halstead tribune, Mar. 14, 1890-July 29, 1892 v. 1, nos. 1-24 (March 15-April 14, 1887) $ Halstead Herald (Halstead, Kans. : Weekly) Halstead, Kans.: J.M. Finch, [1886]-1888. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Location: On same microfilm as Halstead independent, Apr. 29, 1881-Jan. 12, 1883 Absorbed by: Halstead Independent (Halstead, Kans. : 1881) v. 1, no. 7-v. 2, no. 52 (Jan. 13, 1887-Dec. 13, 1888) $ Halstead Independent (Halstead, Kans. : 1881) Halstead, Kans. : Joe F. White, 1881-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Location: Apr. 29, 1881-Jan. 12, 1883 on same microfilm as Halstead herald, Jan. 13, 1887-Dec. 13, 1888 Absorbed: Halstead Herald (Halstead, Kans. : Weekly) Merged with: Halstead Tribune to form: Halstead Independent Tribune. v. 1, no. 1-v. 12, no. 14 (Apr. 29, 1881-July 29, 1892) $ Halstead Independent (Halstead, Kans. : 1892) Halstead, Kans.: E.J. Bookwalter, 1892Continues: Halstead Independent Tribune. Located in Archives. v. 93 (1973)Continued by: Harvey County Independent Note: MLA also has Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Microfilm holdings: v. 12-94 (1892-1975) Halstead Independent Tribune Halstead, Kans.: E.J. Bookwalter, 1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Location: on reel with Halstead Independent Nov 29, 1889 Jul 29, 1892 Formed by the union of: Halstead Independent (Halstead, Kans. : 1881) and: Halstead Tribune. Continued by: Halstead Independent (Halstead, Kans. : 1892) v. 12, nos. 15-23 (Aug. 5-Sept. 30, 1892) The Halstead Record Halstead, Kans.: W.F. Waller, [1876-1877] Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Location: on reel with Halstead Tribune v. 1, no. 27 (March 9, 1877) $ The Halstead Tribune Halstead, Kans.: J.C. Gaiser, 1890-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Merged with: Halstead Independent (Halstead, Kans. : 1881) to form: Halstead Independent Tribune. v. 1, no. 1-v. 3, no. 21 (March 14, 1890-July 29, 1892) Handbook for Christian Workers See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Commission for Christian Education - Handbook. A Handbook, Including Annual Reports, of the General Mission Board of the Mennonite Church See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook. Handbook of Information See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Handbook of Information. A Handbook of Mission Activity, Including Annual Reports See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook. Handbook of Missions [Nappanee, Ind.: Evangelical Visitor Publishing House], 1918-1970. Continued by: Brethren in Christ Missions Yearbook. 1919-1970 incomplete {Missing: 1927-1928} Handbook of the Churches See: Yearbook of American Churches. Handbook of the General Mission Board of the Mennonite Church, Including Annual Reports See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook. Handelingen en levensberichten Leiden: Brill Continues: Jaarboek van Levensberichten 1941-1943 de Handelingen en Handelingen van de Algemeene Vergadering van Leeraren en Afgevaardigden uit de Gemeenten, deelhebbende in het Emeritaat-Fonds voor Doopsgezinde Leeraren te Zaandam Zaandam, Netherlands: Algemeene Vergadering . . ., 1946 Handelingen van de Buitengewone Algemeene Vergadering van Leeraren en Afgevaardigden uit de Gemeenten, deelhebbende in het Emeritaatfonds voor Doopsgezinde Leeraren te Zaandam Zaandam, Netherlands: Algemeene Vergadering . . ., 1937, 1940 Happenings North Newton, Kans. : Print Journalism Class, Bethel College, 1994-1995 Location: Bethel College Vertical File 1994-1995 Continued by: Profiles {Detailed holdings: Spring 1994, 1995} Hans Denk Fellowship Newsletter Düsseldorf, Germany: Hans Denk Fellowship, 1990-? We have only issue no. 1, fall 1990. This is likely the only issue published. Harder Family Review North Newton, Kans.: Leland Harder, 1988-2003. Continues: The Harder Letter. no. 1 (Jan. 1988)-no. 64 (October 2003) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Harder Letter North Newton, Kans.: [Menno S. Harder, 1954-1965] Continued by: Harder Family Review. May 17, 1954-no. 20 (Sept. 1965) incomplete {Missing: #6-9 (1958-1959); #11 (1960); #15-19 (19621965)} Harmony See: CPS - Harmony. Hart en Handen See: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Harvest Time Sarasota, Fla.: Gospel Crusade, 1958-1970. Merged with: Herald of Faith, to form: Herald of FaithHarvest Time. v. 1-17 (1958-1975) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-2 (Apr-Sep 1958); #5-6 (Apr-Sep 1959); #9-14 (Apr 1960-Sep 1961); v. 4 (1961-62) #15, 16; v. 5 (1962-63) #17-20; v. 6 (1963) #1-3; v. 7 (1964) #2; v. 8 (1965) #3; v. 16 (1974) #5; v. 17 (1975) #1} $ Harvey County Banner Newton, Kans.: M.L. Harter, 1896-1898. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Location: 1:1-35 (Jul 3, 1896-Feb 19, 1897) is on reel with The Golden Gate Merged with: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal, to form: Newton Weekly Journal and Harvey County Banner. v. 1-3 (1896-1898) Harvey County Genealogical Society See: The Homesteader * Harvey County Independent Halstead , Kansas: E. J. Bookwalter, 1892 Continues: Halstead Independent Tribune and Halstead Independent. Located in Archives. v. 93 (1973) Note: MLA also has Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-Hal, IND, 6-35. Microfilm holdings: v. 12-94 (1892-1975 $ Harvey County News (Newton, Kans. : 1875) Newton, Kans.: Moore & Duncan, 1875-1879. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: Newton Republican (Newton, Kans. : 1879) v. 1-4 (1875-1879) $ Harvey County News (Newton, Kans. : 1893) Newton, Kans.: [Emmett Tiffany], 1893-1895. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1-2 (1893-1895) $ The Harvey County Voice Newton, Kans.: B.M. House, 1892Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1, nos. 1-13 (Oct. 15, 1892-Jan. 7, 1893) Haus und Herd Cincinnati: Hitchcock und Walden, 1873-1918. v. 4 (1876); v. 6 (1878); v. 9 (1881); v. 10 (1882); v. 4-43 (1876-1915) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1876); v. 6 (1878); v. 9 (1881); v. 10 (1882); v. 16-25 (1888-1897); v. 27 (1899) #6; v. 43 (1915) #4} $ Der Hausfreund Danzig: M. Dannemann, [1889]Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 10-44 (1899-1938) 55 Der Hausfreund (Newton, Kans.) Topeka, Kans.: C.D. Heinrich, 1889Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved as Kansas Volksblatt v. 1, no. 10-v. 5, no. 1 (Dec. 1889-Oct. 1892) incomplete Note: paper copies located in archives. {Detailed holdings on microfilm: v. 1 (1889-90) #10-11; v. 2 (1890) #1; v. 5 (1892-93) #1} {Detailed holdings in photocopy: v. 1 (1900) #2; Feb. 1901; v. 2 (1902) #5, 6 (originals at Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Tabor College)} Hawkeye-tems Iowa City, Iowa: Iowa City Voluntary Service Unit, 1954v. 1-2 (1954-1955) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954) #1-10; v. 2 (1955) #1-2} Hayahad Digest Petah Tikvah, Israel: Baptist Congregations of Israel, 1961v. 1-6 (1961-1972) incomplete Note: located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1961-62); v. 2 (1962-63) #7-12; v. 3 (1963-64) #13-18; v. 4 (1964-67) #1-5, 9-19; v. 5 (196869) #1-10; v. 6 (1971-72) #2, 3, 5} HCARC News See: NCRC News. Headquarters Letter See: MCC - Headquarters Letter. Headquarter's Letter: New England Dairy See: CPS - Headquarter's Letter: New England Dairy Heart to Heart Harrisonburg, Va.: Heart to Heart Program, [195-][Series 1], nos. 299-414; [Series 2], nos. 15-973 incomplete {Missing: [Series 1] #301, 305, 307-308, 312, 317, 319322, 328-330, 337-340, 342; [Series 2] #106, 116, 229, 366369, 383-386, 448-456, 460, 496-500, 538-539, 566-569, 705-708, 735, 737-739, 774-782, 788, 808, 814-817, 870874, 892-900, 926, 964} Heart to Heart Letter Harrisonburg, Va.: Heart to Heart Program, [1955?]1956-1976 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1956) Jan, May-Sep, Nov; (1957) FebMar; (1958) Jan-Feb, Apr-Dec; (1959) Jan-May, Jul-Dec; (1960) Jan-May, Aug-Dec; 1961-1964; (1965) Jan-Apr, JulDec; (1966) Jan-Oct; (1967) Jan-Aug; (1968) Jan-Apr, JulAug, Nov/Dec; (1969) Jan-Apr, Jul-Aug; (1970) Sep-Oct; (1971) Jan-Dec; (1972) Jan-Dec; (1973) Jan-Apr, Jul-Aug, Nov-Dec; (1974) Jan-Oct; (1975) Jan-Aug, Nov-Dec; (1976) Feb-Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec} Heilig dem Herrn Bad Blankenburg (Thüringer Wald): Hrsg. von Pastor Ernst Modersohn, [1910]v. 16-18 (1925-27) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 16 (1925) #10-11, 13-14, 16-21; v. 18 (1927)} Der Heils-Bote Flanagan, Ill.: C.R. Egle, 1898-1917. Note: Many issues are damaged by someone clipping articles. It would be good to replace these if it is ever possible. v. 3-20 (1900-1917) incomplete Note: located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1900) #3, 6-7; v. 4 (1901) #1, 312; v. 5 (1902) #1, 3, 5, 7-12; v. 6 (1903) #11-12; v. 7-10 (1904-1907); v. 11 (1908) #2-12; v. 12 (1909); v. 13 (1910) #1-9, 11-12; v. 14 (1911) #1-9; v. 15 (1912) #1-3, 5-12; v. 16 (1913) #1-5, 7-12; v. 17 (1914) #1; v. 18 (1915) #12; v. 19 (1916) #2-7; v. 20 (1917) } 56 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Die Heimat Crefeld: Th. Gippers, 1921Annual index: Published separately. v. 1-29 (1921-1958) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1921-22) #1; v. 2 (1922-23) #1-2; v. 4 (1925) #1-3; v. 5 (1926) #3; v. 7 (1928) #3; v. 8 (1929) #34; v. 9 (1930) #2-3; v. 10 (1931) #3-4; v. 11 (1932) #1-3; v. 13 (1934) #3-4; v. 14 (1935) #1-2; v. 16 (1937) #4; v. 19 (1940) #4; v. 28 (1957) #1-2} Heimat im Glauben [Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1959]Issued as supplement to: Volk auf dem Weg. 1959-1979 incomplete {Missing: (1960) #1; (1968) #1; (1974) #4; (1975) #3-4; (1976) #3; (1979) #1, 3} * Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1956Continues: Heimatbuch der Ostumsiedler: Kalender. Note: Maps included in each volume are added to map collection. Note: v. for 1969-1972 has separate title: Die Kirchen und das religiöse Leben der Russlanddeutschen and is cataloged as a monograph with call no. M 274.7 Sch59k. 1956Heimatbuch der Ostumsiedler: Kalender Stuttgart: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ostumsiedler, 19541955. Continued by: Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland. Bound with: Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland. 1954-55 Hello See: MCC. Hello. * $ The Henderson News Henderson, Neb.: [Service Press, 1952]Located in Archives. v. 8-25 (1959-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1959) #1-24; v. 24 (1978) all. Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Herald Adult Bible Studies Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1974. Continues: Advanced Sunday School Lesson Quarterly. Teacher's edition: Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) Merged with: Adult Bible Study Guide (Newton, Kans.) to form: Adult Bible Study Guide (Scottdale, Pa.) v. 44-68 (1950-1974) Herald Evangelist Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press Tracts, 1969v. 1-3 (1969-1971) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1969) #1-2; v. 3 (1971) #3-4} Herald Intermediate Bible Studies (Newton) Newton, Kans.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1951-1960. Teacher's edition: Herald Teacher (Newton, Kans.) v. 15-24 (1951-1960) incomplete {Missing: v. 15 (1951) #1, 4; v. 16 (1952) #1-2,4; v. 17 (1952-1953); v. 18 (1954) #1, 3; v. 22 (1958) #1} Herald Intermediate Bible Studies (Scottdale) Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1951-[1960] Continues: Intermediate Quarterly. Teacher's edition: Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) v. 14-23 (1950-1959) Herald Junior Bible Lessons Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1960. Continues: Junior Quarterly. Teacher's edition: Herald Junior Teacher. Note: v. 20, no. 1 (Jan-Mar. 1956) bound with Herald Junior Teacher. v. 14-24 (1950-1960) Herald Junior Teacher Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1960. Continues: Junior-Intermediate Teacher's Quarterly. Student's edition: Herald Junior Bible Lessons. Note: v. 6, no. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1956) bound with Herald Junior Bible Lessons. v. 1-10 (1950-1960) $ The Herald of Truth Chicago, Ill.: John F. Funk, 1864-1908. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1864-1908 German edition: Herold der Wahrheit. Merged with: Gospel Witness (Scottdale, Pa.), to form: Gospel Herald. v. 1-45 (1864-1908) incomplete Note: Located in archives. {Missing: v. 14 (1877) #12; v. 35 (1898); v. 43 (1906) #13, 28, 41; v. 44 (1907) #1-5, 7-20, 23-24, 28, 34, 37-38, 41-52 Note: Double-check inventory.} Herald of Truth (1957) Uniontown, Ohio: Herald of Truth, 1957-1962. Continued by: The Fellowship Messenger. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 19611962. v. 1-5 (1957-1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1958-59) #1, 4-5} Herald of Truth (1961) Uniontown, Ohio: John J. Overholt, 1961Separated from: Herald of Truth (1957) 1961-1966 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1961-62) #1-10; v. 5 (1964-66) #2-4, 6-8} Herald Preschool Teacher: an Adaptation of the Herald Primary Uniform Sunday School Materials for preschool children, particularly five-year-olds Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House #4, (1951) Herald Press Books Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, [195-]Cover title: Herald Press Catalog. 1953incomplete {Missing: 1954-1964/65} Herald Press Catalog See: Herald Press Books. $ Herald Press Tracts Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, [19--]MLA holdings filed alphabetically. Herald Primary Bible Lessons Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1959. Continues: Sunday School Lessons for the Primary Boys and Girls. Teacher's edition: Herald Primary Teacher. v. 45-54 (1950-1959) Herald Primary Teacher Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1959. Continues: Primary Teachers Quarterly. Student's edition: Herald Primary Bible Lessons. v. 14-23 (1950-1959) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Herald Teacher (Newton, Kans.) Newton, Kans.: Published jointly by the Herald Press and the Mennonite Publication Office, 1950-1960. Student's edition: Mennonite Adult Quarterly, Mennonite Young People's Quarterly, Herald Intermediate Bible Studies (Newton). Continued by: Builder (Newton, Kans.) v. 1-10 (1950/51-1960) incomplete Note: In our bound volumes, the Newton and Scottdale are intermixed. The inventory in the previous edition of the serials guide was completely inaccurate. $ Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1960. Continues: Teachers Sunday School Lesson Quarterly. Student's edition: Herald Adult Bible Studies, Herald Youth Bible Studies, Herald Intermediate Bible Studies (Scottdale). Merged with: The Christian Ministry, and Program Builder to form: Builder (Scottdale, Pa.) v. 1-8 (1950-1958) incomplete Note: In our bound volumes, the Newton and Scottdale are intermixed. The inventory in the previous edition of the serials guide was completely inaccurate. Herald Youth Bible Studies Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950-1974. Teacher's edition: Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) Continued by: Youth Bible Study Guide. v. 1-24 (1950-1974) El Heraldo de la Plata Aibonito, P.R.: La Plata Project, 1944-[1957?] 1945-1957 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1944-45) #1, 3-4; v. 3 (1946) Oct-Dec; v. 5 (1948) May-Sep, Dec; (1950) Oct, Dec; (1954) Feb-Mar, May-Jul, Sep-Dec; (1955) Feb-Apr, Jul, Oct; (1956) Feb, Jun-Aug; (1957) Apr-Dec} El heraldo de la Plata La Plata, Puerto Rico: s.n. 1947-48 {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1947) #4-6, 8-9; v. 5 (1948) #12, 4} El Heraldo Evangelico Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1942-1961. Continues: El Heraldo Mexicano. v. 3-21 (1943-1961) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1943) #1-2, 4-7, 9-12; v. 4 (1944) #1-7; v. 5 (1945) #2, 6-8, 11-12; v. 6 (1946) #2, 6, 11-12; v. 19 (1959) #6} Heritage Center News Kutztown, Penn.: Kutztown University Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center, 1993-2001. Continued by: Pennsylvania German Review No. 12 (Spr 1997) - No. 23 (Sum 2001) Heritage Keeper Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 19891989-1993 Heritage of Kansas Emporia, Kans.: Department of English of the Kansas State Teachers College, 1957-1979. Continued by: Heritage of the Great Plains. v. 1-12 (1957-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1959) #2-4} * Heritage of the Great Plains Emporia, Kans.: School of Liberal Arts and Sciences of the Emporia State University, 1980Continues: Heritage of Kansas. Note: Vol. 13 (1980) bound with Heritage of Kansas. v. 13 (1980)- 57 Heritage Posting Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1999 Continues: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society Newsletter no. 24 (Mar. 1999) - #39 (incomplete) {Detailed holdings: #24-29 (Mar 1999 - Jun 2000), #33 (Jun 2001), #35-36 (Dec 2001 - Mar 2002), #39 (Dec 2002) * Heritage Review Bismarck, North Dakota: Germans from Russia Heritage Society, 1973 Note: Dec 2006 issue not published. v. 20 (1990)* Heritage Review (Old Amish Library) vol. 1 (1990)$ Der Herold Newton, Kans.: Western Book & Pub. Co., 1910-1920. Continues: Post und Volksblatt. Continued by: Mennonite Weekly Review. Index: MLA has index to v. 24-27 (1910-1913); v. 33-34 (1919-1920 v. 24-55 (1910-1941) incomplete Note: MLA also has Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Microfilm holdings: v. 24-34 (1910-1920) 24: 1-26:12 (Jan 6, 1910 - March 21, 1912 on same microfilm with Post und Volksblatt 23:29-52 (Jul 22 - Dec 30, 1909) Note: Complete inventory has not been done on paper or microfilm copies.} Der Herold der Wahrheit Chicago, Ill.: John F. Funk, 1864-1901 Microfilm: 1864-1901. English edition: The Herald of Truth. Absorbed by: Mennonitische Rundschau. Annual index: Published separately. Note: Some MLA volumes bound with Herald of Truth. v. 1-35 (1864-1898) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1865) #6; v. 31 (1894); v. 32 (1895) #1-8, 10-15, 19, 21-end; v. 33 (1896)} * $ Herold der Wahrheit (Elkhart, Ind.) Elkhart, Ind.: Gedruckt in der Office der Mennonite Publishing Co., 1912Microfilm: 1912-1956 Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1 (1912)incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1918); v. 9-11 (1920-1922) Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} $ Der Herold ein Mennonitisches Familienblatt (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kans. : Herold Pub. Co., 1920-1941 Continues: Der Herold (Newton, Kans.) Has supplement: Mennonite Weekly Review, Aug. 9-Sept. 6, 1923. Jahrg. 34, no. 32-41 (Aug5-Oct 7, 1920) - Jahrg 55, No. 52 (Dez. 25, 1941) Microfilm holdings: MLA PER Mfilm v. 34 - 55 (19201941) Index: MLA has index to: v. 42 (1928) v. 34 - 55 (1920 - 1941) incomplete Note: Complete inventory has not been done on paper or microfilm copies.} {Missing: v. 41 (1927); v. 43 (1929)} Herr House Foundation Newsletter Willow Street, Pa.: Hans Herr House, {Detailed holdings: spring, summer 1992} 58 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Hertzler Research Foundation News Halstead, Kans.: Hertzler Research Foundation, 1984Continues: The Hertzler Research Foundation Newsletter. v. 16, no. 2 (June 1984)-v. 19 (1987) The Hertzler Research Foundation Newsletter Halstead, Kans.: Hertzler Research Foundation, 1969-1984. Continued by: The Hertzler Research Foundation News. v. 1-v. 16, no. 1 (1969-Mar. 1984) * $ The Hesston Record Hesston, Kans.: [Record Printing Co.], 1932Located in Archives. From 2 Feb 1995 on, shelved at 9.a.6 in Archives. v. 19 (1952)incomplete {Missing: (1977) 5/19, 11/17; (1978) 9/21; (1979) 12/13; (1986) 11/2; Feb-Dec 2000 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Heugelijke Tijding Holwerd: Doopsgezinde Bijbelwerkgroep in Nederland, [1960]1960-v. 7 (1966) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1960) Jul; v. 2 (1961) #19-20, 22-24; v. 3 (1962) #1-9; v. 4 (1963) #4; v. 5 (1964) Mar; v. 6 (1965) Jan; v. 7 (1966) Apr, Jul, Nov} $ Hi-lights of the Mennonite Publishing House Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1954Continues: Training-in-Service. v. 10 (1954) - v. 54 (2002) #2 incomplete Continued by: online version at {Missing: v. 12 (1956) #7, 11-52; v. 13 (1957) #2-5, 26-35, 37-38, 42, 47-52; v. 27 (1972) #5} Hidden Treasure See: AFSC - Hidden Treasure % High School Clarion Newton, Kans.: Newton High School, 1893-1894. Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-NEW, REP, 12 v. 1, nos. 1-8 (Oct. 1893-May 1894) High Sierra Vistas See: CPS - High Sierra Vistas. High Time See: CPS - High Time Higley Commentary, International Uniform Sunday School Lessons Winona Lake, Indiana: Lambert Huffman, 1964v. 31-32 (1964-1965) Continues: Higley Sunday School Lesson Commentary, International Sunday School Lessons, Uniform Series Higley Sunday School Lesson Commentary, International Sunday School Lessons, Uniform Series Winona Lake, Indiana: Lambert Huffman, 1962-1963 v. 29-30 (1962-1963) Continues: Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons Uniform Series Continued by: Higley Commentary, International Uniform Sunday School Lessons Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Commentary on the International Improved Uniform Lessons Butler, Indiana: Higley Press,1934?v. 11-18 (1944-1951) Continued by: Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons Uniform Series Note: We kept this title because one of the editors, Jasper A. Huffman, was a Mennonite Brethren in Christ leader. Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons Uniform Series Butler, Indiana: Higley Press, 1952-1961 v. 19-28 (1952-1961) Continues: Higley’s Sunday School Lesson Commentary on the International Improved Uniform Lessons Continued by: Higley Sunday School Lesson Commentary, International Sunday School Lessons, Uniform Series Missing: v. 26 (1959), v. 27 (1960) Das Hilfswerk Stuttgart: Verlag der Evangelischen Gesellschaft, 1947Has supplement: Jahresbericht des Hilfswerks der Evangelischen Kirchen in Deutschland. nos. 1-93 (1947-1954) incomplete {Missing: #6-18 (1947-1949); #28-32 (1949); #74 (May 1953); #80-87 (Nov 1953-Jun 1954); #90-91 (Sep-Oct 1954)} Hilfswerk-Bericht Weierhof: Internationale Mennonitische Organisation für Hilfswerk, [197-]1977-1984/85 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1977-1980/81; 1984/85} The Hillsboro Advocate Hillsboro, Kan.: Hillsboro Advocate, 1996-2002. Continued by: The Marion County Advocate. v. 1 (1996)- v. 7 (2002) #1. {Missing: v. 1 (1996) #2; v. 3 (1998) #1-2, 4-5, 7; v. 6 (2001) #4 Hillsboro Anzeiger Hillsboro, Kans.: J.F. Harms, 1890-1897. Continues: Marion County Anzeiger. Merged with: Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kans. : 1897), to form: Kansas Volksblatt und Anzeiger. v. 7, no. 6 (May 19, 1893) $ Hillsboro Herald Hillsboro, Marion Co., Kans.: Hillsboro Pub. Co., 1886[1889?] Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-HIL, HER, 1 v. 1-v. 3, no. 39 (1886-June 27, 1889) Hillsboro Journal (Hillsboro, Kans. : 1903) Hillsboro, Kans.: Journal Publishing Co., 1903-1909. Located in Archives. Continued by: Hillsboro Journal and "Vorwärts" v. 1 (1903) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1903) #29, 33, 36-46, 50} $ Hillsboro Journal (Hillsboro, Kans. : 1940) Hillsboro, Kans.: M.B. Pub. House, 1940-1953. Located in Archives. Continues: Vorwärts. Continued by: Hillsboro Kansas Journal Weekly. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm July 11, 1940-May 22, 1941 on same reel as Vorwärts, July 15, 1938-July 5, 1940 Note: Vol. 38 (1940) bound with Vorwärts. v. 38-41 (1940-1953) {Missing/damaged: June 2, 1949 (#22); Mar 29, 1951 (#13)} $ The Hillsboro Kansas Journal Weekly Hillsboro, Kans.: Journal Pub. Co., 1953. Located in Archives. Bound with: Hillsboro Journal (Hillsboro, Kans. : 1940) Continues: Hillsboro Journal (Hillsboro, Kans. : 1940) Merged with: Hillsboro Star, to form: Hillsboro StarJournal. v. 41, nos. 40-50 (Oct. 1-Dec. 10, 1953) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Hillsboro Post Hillsboro, Marion Co., Kans.: Post Pub. Co., [1898]-1902. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Merged with: Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kans. : 1898), to form: Post und Volksblatt. v. 1, no. 13-v. 5, no. 4 (Mar. 25, 1898-Jan. 24, 1902) * $ The Hillsboro Star-Journal Hillsboro, Kans.: Star-Journal Pub. Co., 1953Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm1990-1992 Located in Archives. From 9 Dec 1998 on, shelved at 9.a.7. Formed by the union of: Hillsboro Kansas Journal Weekly, and: Hillsboro Star. Absorbed: Goessel Gazette. Note: Vols. 30-31 (1953-1954) bound with Hillsboro Journal (Hillsboro, Kans. : 1940) v. 30 (1953)incomplete {Missing: Oct. 9, 1958 (#41); v. 43 #35, 38; v. 44 #35; (1967) 8/17, 9/7; (1968) 8/15; (1978) 4/4, 4/12, 5/3, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7; (1981) 11/18; (1982) 8/4, 12/22; (1983) 7/20; June 21, 1989; Apr 4, 1990; vol. 60 #20-vol. 63 #26 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Hillsboro Vorwärts See: Vorwärts. Das Himmels Manna Milford Squäre, Pa.: John G. Stauffer, 1876-1908. English edition: The Manna for Young and Old. Located in archives. v. 4-31 (1879-1907) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1879) #1, 3, 8-9, 11; v. 5 (1880) #1-2; v. 6 (1881) #1-2; v. 7 (1882) #3; v. 8 (1883) #6-7, 912; v. 9 (1884) #3, 7; v. 10 (1885) #3; v. 29 (1903) #3; v. 31 (1907) #7} * The Historian Grantsville, MD: Casselman River Amish and Mennonite Historians, 1989v. 5, no. 2 (April 1993)Historic Preservation Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1952Continues: Quarterly Report (National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings) Annual index: Published separately. v. 35 (1983)-v. 44 (1992) #2 * Historical Journal Ephrata, Penn.: Eastern Mennonite Publications v. 1 (1995) # 2 Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church Austin, Texas: Church Historical Society, 1932-1986. Continued by: Anglican and Episcopal History. Annual index: Published in last issue of each volume. v. 36-44 (1967-1975) incomplete {Missing: v. 36 (1967) #2-4} Historical News Letter Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1948v. 1-32 (1948-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1948-49) #1-6, 12; v. 2 (1949-50) #1; v. 3 (1950-51) #2; v. 5 (1952-53) #7; v. 8 (1955-56) #11; v. 10 (1957-58) #12; v. 12 (1959-60) #8; v. 21 (1968-69) #9-10} Historical Papers and Addresses of the Lancaster County Historical Society See: Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society. 59 The Historical Society Mirror Topeka, Kans.: Kansas State Historical Society, 1955-1979. Continued by: Kansas State Historical Society Mirror. v. 1-25 (1955-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 9 (1963) #2-6; v. 10-13 (1964-1967); v. 14 (1968) #1-4; v. 15 (1969) #2} * History News Madison, Wisc.: American Association for State and Local History, 1949Continues: State and Local History News. Issued with: Technical Leaflet, (1962)Includes detachable: Technical Report, (1986)Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 19491985; published in first issue of succeeding volume, 1986v. 13 (1957-58)incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1957-58) #1-12; v. 14 (1958-59) #1-12; v. 15 (1959-60) #1-2, 6-10, 12; v. 16 (1960-61) #10; v. 20 (1965) #7; v. 25 (1970) #2} History News Dispatch Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History, 1986-1993 Continued by: Dispatch. v. 1 (1986) - v. 8 (1993) History Newsletter (Bethel College) North Newton, Kan. : Bethel College History Department, 1981Continues: History Notes from Bethel College 1981Detailed holdings: 15-28 Location: Bethel College Vertical File.. History Department History Notes From Bethel College North Newton, Kansas : Bethel College History Department,1967- 1980 Title varies: Clio Newsletter (1980) Continued by: History Newsletter No. 1 (1967) - No. 14(1980) complete Detailed holdings: 1-14 Location: Bethel College Vertical File. History Department. The Hoe See: MCC - Hoe. 60 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication De Hoeksteen Bussum: Doopsgezinde Jongeren, 1935-1970. 1935-v. 36 (1970) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1935) Oct, Dec; (1936) Mar; v. 2 (1936-37) #1-2, 4-7; v. 3 (1937-38) #2-5; v. 4 (1938-39) #18; v. 5 (1939-40) #1-8; v. 6 (1940-41) #1-12; v. 7 (1941-42) #1-10; (1945) Dec; v. 12-31 (1946-1964/65); (1954?) 20th anniv. issue; v. 32 (1965-66) #1, 3, 5, 7-8; v. 33 (1966-67) #1-8; v. 34 (1967-68) #1-7; v. 35 (1968-69) #1, 3-6; v. 36 (1969-70) #2-7 Note: Complete inventory on bound volumes not done.} * Humanities Topeka, Kans.: Kansas Committee for the Humanities, [1976]v. 5 (1980)- incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1980) #1-2; v. 8 (1983) #2; v. 9 (1984) #1-4; v. 10 (1985) #2-4; v. 11 (1986) #1; v. 12 (1987) #1, 3-4; v. 13 (1988) #2} Hoffnungsstrahlen [S.l.]: "Raduga" Molochansk, [19--]1918 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1918) May 1, Jun 1} Der Huterische Bote Winnipeg, Man.: Verläger der "Mennonitische Rundschau", 1941. In Mennonitische Rundschau. Continued by: Unser Bote. v. 1 (1941) Home Horizons Ephrata, PA : Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2003 v. 1 (2003). Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-2 (July-August, 2003) Home Life (Frederick Mennonite Home) See: Frederick Mennonite Home (Frederick, Pa.) - Home Life. Home Life (Virginia Mennonite Home) See: Virginia Mennonite Home (Harrisonburg, Va.) - Home Life. * Home Messenger Ephrata, Pa.: Home Messenger, [1964]v. 11 (1974)The Homesteader (Bluffton, Ohio) Bluffton, Ohio: Mennonite Memorial Home, 1978Continues: Mennonite Memorial Home Newsletter. v. 29 (1978)-v. 43 (1992) #2 incomplete {Missing: v. 33 (1982) #2-3} * The Homesteader (Newton, Kansas) Newton, Kan. : Harvey County Genealogical Society, 2005v. 1 (2005) Note: Vol. 1 no. 1 unnamed. A contest was held to name the newsletter and that title appeared on the second and subsequent issues. Hong Kong Mail-Sack Hong Kong: Hong Kong Unit of the Mennonite Central Committee, 1958Continues: Tokyo Mail-Sack. Nos. 1-5 (Nov. 1958-May 1960) Horizons (Mennonite Health and Welfare) See: Mennonite Health and Welfare Horizons. Hot Line See: MCC Peace Section - Hot Line. Hotline See: MCC - Hotline The House Church Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1978-1985. v. 1-8 (1978-1985) Howard Nursery Views See: CPS - Howard Nursery Views. Howard, Rhode Island See: CPS - Howard, Rhode Island Der Hülfsbote: Zweimonatsschrift für Prediger des Evangeliums und Bibel forscher Berlin, Germany: Missionsbuchhandlung Bethel, v. 25 (1905) Huron Service Unit Notes See: MCC - Migrant Unit Notes. Hymnal Subscription Service Scottdale, Penn. : Herald Press, 1997 - 2002. 1997-2002 Location: M 783.952 H997s Hymnal Coll. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 61 Ich Sende Euch! Gretna, Man.: Mennonite Collegiate Graduates Society, 1942-[1980?] 1942-v. 38 (1980) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-4 (Aug 1942-Jun 1943); #9 (Mar 1944); v. 3 (1944-45) #1-12; v. 4 (1945-46) #1-9, 11; v. 5 (1946-47) #1-5, 7-11; v. 6 (1947-48) #1-2; v. 7 (1948-49) #1, 3; v. 8 (1949-50) #1-2; v. 11 (1952-53) #3; v. 24 (196667) #1-3; v. 25 (1967-68) #1-2; v. 26 (1968-69) #2-4; v. 27 (1969-70) #2-3; v. 28 (1971) #2; v. 29 (1972) #1-2; v. 30 (1973) #1-2; v. 31 (1974) #1; v. 32 (1975) #1; v. 33 (1976) #1-3; v. 34 (1977) #1-2; v. 35 (1978) #1-2; v. 36 (1979) #2; v. 37 (1979) #1; v. 38 (1980) #1} * Im Dienste der Liebe Asuncion, Paraguay: [Leprastation Km. 81], 19521952- incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1958) #3} IDA See: In dit Amsterdam. Immigration & Refugee Newsletter See: MCC - Immigration & Refugee Newsletter. IFOCC Newsletter See: OVM Newsletter. IMO Bulletin Weierhof: Internationale Mennonitische Organisation, [1965]v. 8-16 (1976-1986) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 8 (1976) #3-4; v. 9 (1977) #2-3; v. 10 (1978) #1, Jun, Nov; v. 11 (1979) Mar, Aug, Nov; v. 12 (1980) Jul/Aug, Dec; v. 13 (1981) Jul, Dec; v. 14 (1982) Jul; v. 15 (1985) Sep; v. 16 (1986) Sep} * Illinois Mennonite Heritage Normal, Ill.: Illinois Mennonite Historical Society, 1990Indexes: v. 26-30 (1999-2003); Twenty-five year index, 1974-1998; v. 17-21 (1990-1994); v. 1-25 (1974-1998) Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. Continues: Mennonite Heritage v. 17 (1990)* Illinois Mennonite Heritage Newsletter Normal, Ill.: Illinois Mennonite Historical Society, [1973]Title varies: Illinois Mennonite Heritage News (v. 31, #3 (Dec 2003 - ) v. 1 (1973)incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1973) #1; v. 3 (1975) #2} Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society Directory of Membership Metamora, Ill.: The Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, 1976-1994/1995. Title variations: Membership Directory of the Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society (1976-1977, 1979, 1981-1982); IMHGS Membership Directory(1978, 1980, 1984-1985); IMHGS Directory of Membership (19861995) No. 1 - 15 (1976-1995) complete Continued by: The Illinois Mennonite Histoical and Genealogical Society Year and Membership Book . . ., 1996Location: Shelved as IMHGS Directory of Membership. * Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society Year and Membership Book . . . Metamora, Ill.: The Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, 19961996/1997Continues: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society Directory of Membership, 1976-1995. Location: Shelved as IMHGS Directory of Membership. The Illuminator Akron, Pa.: I-W Services, Mennonite Central Committee, [195-]nos. 1-4 [195-] Illustrierter Molotschnaer Volks-Kalender für die deutschen Umsiedler in Süd-russland auf das Jahr nach Christi Geburt Prischib: Gottlieb Schaad, 1913-1914 Im Dienste der Gemeinschaft Kolonie Menno, Chaco, Paraguay: [s.n.], 19721972-1992 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1972) #2-6, 8-11; (1973) #5-7; (1974) #6; (1984) #5-7; (1985), #2; (1986) #1-10, 12; (1987-88) #1-9; v. 21 (1990) #2; v. 22 (1992) #2} IMHGS Directory of Membership See: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society Directory of Membership IMHGS Membership Directory See: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society Directory of Membership. Impact Hillsboro, Kan.: Christian Service Program, 1965v. 1-12 (1965-1977) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1965) #1-4; v. 2 (1966) #1-2; v. 3 (1967) #1; v. 4 (1968) #1; v. 5 (1969) #1; v. 6 (1970) #1; v. 7 (1971) #1-2; v. 8 (1973) #1-2; v. 9 (1974) #1; v. 10 (1975) #1-2; v. 11 (1976) #2; v. 12 (1977) #1-2} * In Context Loman, MN: Impact North Ministries, 19911991Continues: Northern Light Gospel Missions Newsletter. Missing: v. 7 (1997) # 2 * In dit Amsterdam Amsterdam: [Verenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam], 1961Caption title: IDA. Located in archives. v. 1 (1961)incomplete {Missing: v. 9 (1969) #4; v. 10 (1970) #3; v. 11 (1971) #7; v. 22 (1983) #4-5} In Search Elkhart, Ind.: Student and Young Adult Services of Mennonite Board of Missions, 1983v. 1 (1983)incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1985) #5; v. 4 (1986) #5} In the Service of the King Newton, Kan.: Bethel Deaconess Home and Hospital Society, 1942-1987. Continued by: Connection (Newton Medical Center) v. 1-45 (1942-1987) In Touch Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., [197-]Publisher varies: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions. Media Ministries Continued by: Media Connections. nos. 1-87 [197?-198?] In Touch (General Conference Mennonite Church) See: Being in Touch. 62 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Inclusion Newton, Kan. : Northview Developmental Services, Inc., 2001 2001 - 2004 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1 (Fal 2001) - v. 4 #2 (Sum 2004). Ind'pls 1-W News See: Indianapolis News. $ Independent (Whitewater, Kan.) Whitewater, Kan.: Rose Pub. Co., 1901-1980. Located in Archives. Spine title: Whitewater Independent. Continues: Weekly Independent (Whitewater, Kan.) Absorbed by: Butler County News and Butler Free-Lance. v. 64-96 (1948-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 68 #39-v. 70 #18 (Dec 4, 1952-Jul 8, 1954); v. 93 (1974) #45 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Information: a weekly news service of Friends Civilian Public Service See: CPS - Information: a weekly news service of Friends Civilian Public Service India Calling! Janjgir, C.P., India: Published by the Missionaries of the General Conference Mennonite Mission of the Central Provinces in India, 1940v. 1-34 (1940-1971) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-2 (Aug 1-Oct 15, 1940); v. 2-4 (1941-1943); v. 5 (1944) #1-4; v. 6-15 (1945-1952); v. 16 (1953) #1-3; v. 17 (1954) #1-3; v. 18 (1955) #1-4; v. 19 (1956) #1-3; v. 20 (1957) #1-3; v. 21 (1958) #1; v. 22 (1960) #1-2; v. 23 (1961) #1; v. 24 (1962) #1; v. 25 (1962) #1; v. 26 (1963) #1-3; v. 27 (1964) #1-3; v. 28 (1965) #1-2; v. 29 (1966) #1-2; v. 30 (1967) #1-2; v. 31 (1968) #1; v. 32 (1969) #1; v. 33 (1970) #1-2; v. 34 (1971) #1-2} India-Indies News See: MCC - India-Indies News. India-Java News See: MCC - India-Java News. India Mission News Dhamtari, C.P., India: [American Mennonite Mission in India], 1922-1934. v. 1-13 (1922-1934) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1922) #1; v. 3 (1924) #6; v. 4 (1925) #3-4; v. 8 (1929) #3} The Indian of the Southwest Ganado, Arizona : Southwest Bible & Missionary Conference, 1910 - ? 1922 (Jul), 1924 (Jan) Note: Jul 1922 includes program of the Southwest Bible & Missionary conference. Note: #38 (1920) is cataloged at: MLA 266.021 In2 Indian Report Washington, D.C.: Friends Committee on National Legislation, [197-]no. 17 (Feb. 1983)-#42 (1992) incomplete {Missing: #18-21 (1983-1984); v. 26 (1986); #28 (1987)} Indian Workers Newsletter [S.l.: General Conference Mennonite Church, Commission on Home Ministries], 1951-1977. nos. 1-26 (Feb. 1961-Dec. 1977) Indianapolis News Indianapolis, Ind.: Indianapolis Unit, 1953Caption title: Ind'pls 1-W News. v. 1 (1953-54) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1953-54) #1-3, 5-9} Indochina Issues Washington, D.C.: Center for International Policy, Indochina Project, 1979no. 1 (1979)-#93 (1991) Indonesian Newsletter See: Filipino Newsletter. The Industrial Home Journal Hillsboro, Kan.: T.A. Long, 1906-1907. v. 1-v. 2, no. 7 (1906-July 1907) Information Bulletin of the Christian Peace Conference Prague : Information Dept. of the Christian Peace Conference, 1964Caption title: CPC Information. Caption title: CFK Information. nos. 19-245 (1965-1979) incomplete {Missing: #23 (Dec 1965); #29 (Aug 1966); #31 (Sep 1966); #44 (Jan 1968); #47 (Dec 1968); #69-79 (Jan-Oct 1971); #82-91 (Jan-Apr 1972); #93-244 (May 1972-Dec 1978} Informations-Blatt Asunción, Paraguay: MCC, 1964no. 1 (Apr. 1964) Informations-Blätter Nuglar, Switzerland: Der Verein, 1977Continued as: Mennonitica Helvetica v. 1 (1977)-v. 12 (1989) Informationsblatt Boulogne: Iglesia Evangélica Menonita de la Argentina, [19-]July 1980; Feb. 1982 Informationsblatt Neuland Kolonie, Paraguay: n.s. Continued as: Informationsblatt der Kolonie u. Kooperative Neuland 1989 {Detailed holdings: Apr-Jul 1989} Informationsblatt der Kolonie u. Kooperative Neuland Neuland Kolonie, Paraguay: n.s., August 1989Continues: Informationsblatt (Neuland Kolonie) 1989-1993 {Detailed holdings: August 1989-1992, 1993 #3-7, 9-12} Informationsblatt der Mennonitischen Bruedergemeinden von Brasilien Curitiba: der Mennonitischen Bruedergemeinden von Brasilien, 1967v. 3-14 (1969-1980) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1969) #1-6; v. 6 (1972) #5; v. 14 (1980) #912} The Informer Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1956Continues: The Mennonite Hour Informer. v. 5 (1956)-1967 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1956) #7, 9-11; v. 6 (1957) #2-5, 7-10; v. 7 (1958) #1-3, 5, 7, 9-10, 12; v. 8 (1959) #1-9; v. 9 (1960) #1-5; (1960) Jun-Jul, Sep-Nov; (1961) Jan-Aug, Oct, Dec; (1962) Jan, Mar-Nov; (1963) Jan-May, Jul-Nov; (1964) Jan, Mar-May, Jul-Sep, Nov-Dec; (1965) Jan-May, Jul, Sep, Nov-Dec; (1966) Jan, Mar-Jul, Sep-Nov; (1967) Jan, MarMay, Jul} The Informerette Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., [1956]-1967. Continued by: Alert. v. 6-14 (1961-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1961) #12; v. 7-9 (1962) #1-2, 47; v. 10 (1963) #1-11; v. 11 (1964) #1-9, 11; v. 12 (1965) #1-9; v. 13 (1966) #1-2; v. 14 (1967) #1} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ The Inman Review Inman, Kan.: L.C. Heim, 1892-1973. Continued by: Inman Review and Buhler News. Located in Archives. v. 53-86 (1945-1973) incomplete Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-INM, INR, 1-17. Microfilm holdings: v. 1-53, no. 43 (1892-Oct. 26, 1945) {Missing: v. 83 (1969) #3, 17; v. 84 (1970) #9, 35-36, 42, 45; v. 85 (1971) #36 Note: Complete inventory has not been done on paper or microfilm copies.} $ The Inman Review and Buhler News Inman, Kan.: Gordon M. Herr, 1973-1987. Located in Archives. Continues: Inman Review. Merged with: Moundridge Journal to form: Ledger. v. 86, no. 27-v. 96A, no. 24 (July 5, 1973-June 11, 1987) The Inquirer Saskatoon, Sask.: Union of the Young Doukhobors, [19561958] Continues: The Doukhobor Inquirer. v. 3-v. 5, no. 4 (1956-May 1958) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1956-57) #5, 11; v. 4 (1957-58) #4} Inside Line Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, [196-]1964-1969 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1964) Apr; (1965) Jan-Feb, Apr-Jul, Sep-Dec; (1966) Jan, Apr-Dec; (1967) Jan-Feb, Apr-Jun, Aug-Sep, Nov-Dec; (1968) Jan-Jul; (1969) Apr} Insight Bakersfield, Calif.: Kern View Community Mental Health Center, [1976]v. 2-v. 3, no. 3 (1977-Fall 1978) Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Mitteilungen Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 1951-1962. Continued by: Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch. Annual index: Precedes volume, v. 10-12 (1960-1962). v. 1-12 (1951-1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1951) #1} The Institute Newsletter North Newton, Kan.: Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, 1989See: Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution Newsletter v. 1 (1989-90) - v. 3 (1991) # 1 Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) - Yearbook [Waterloo]: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of Ontario, 19741974-1982 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1974; 1977; 1981-1982} Inter-Mennonite Farm Newsletter See: MCC - Inter-Mennonite Farm Newsletter. Intercessor Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Church, Board of Missions, 1960Continues: Mennonite Brethren Church - Prayer Guide. 1960-1987 incomplete {Missing: (1960) Jan-Nov; (1961) Feb, Apr, Jul-Aug; (1962) Dec; (1963) Feb, May, Sep-Dec; (1964) Jan-Feb, Sep; 1966-1983; (1984) Jan-Nov; (1985) Jun-Aug, Nov; (1986) May-Jun, Aug-Sep; (1987) Feb-Dec} 63 Interchange Henderson, Neb.: Henderson Community Hospital and Nursing Home, 1977v. 1 (1977)-v. 12 (1988) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1977) #1-4; v. 2 (1978) #1-2; v. 3 (1979) #1; v. 4 (1980) #1-3; v. 5 (1981) #1-3; v. 6 (1982) #1-3; v. 7 (1983) #1-2; v. 8 (1984) #1-2; v. 9 (1985) #1; v. 10 (1986) #1-2; v. 11 (1987) #3-4; v. 12 (1988) #1-3} Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Peace Notes See: MCC - Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Peace Notes. Intercom See: MCC - Intercom.. Intermediate Christian Sunday School Quarterly Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1939-1943. Continued by: Mennonite Junior Quarterly. v. 1-5 (1939-1943) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1939) #1} Intermediate Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1937-1950. Continues in part: Junior-Intermediate Quarterly. Teacher's edition: Junior-Intermediate Teacher's Quarterly. Continued by: Herald Intermediate Bible Studies (Scottdale) v. 1-14 (1937-1950) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1937) # 4} International Bulletin of Missionary Research Ventnor, N.J.: Overseas Ministries Study Center, 1981Continues: Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research. Annual index: Published in last issue of each volume. v. 5 (1981)-v. 16 (1992) * Intersections Souderton, Penn. : Franconia Mennonite Conference, 2002Continues: Franconia Conference News. v. 1 (2002) Interstate Witness Kansas City, Kan.: 1-W's of greater Kansas City, 1954[1957?] v. 1-3 (1954-1957) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954) #3-4; v. 2 (1955-56) #1-13, 15; v. 3 (1957) #16-20} * Intótemak Winnipeg, Man.: Native Ministries, Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1979Continues: Totémak. Note: Vols. 8-9 (1979-1980) bound with Totémak. v. 8, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 1979)Iowa Fellowship Des Moines, Iowa: Des Moines Fellowship of Reconciliation, May 1942Continues: Iowa Peace News {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1942-43) #2-12; v. 3 (1943-44) #1-12; v. 4 (1944-45) #1-10} Iowa Historian Iowa City, Iowa: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1987Formed by the union of: Bracket, and: Iowa State Historical Department News for Members. v. 1 (1987)-v. 5 (1991) Iowa Journal of History Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1949-1961. Continues: Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 47-58 (1949-1960) Iowa Mennonite Historical Society Reflections See: Reflections (Iowa Mennonite Historical Society) 64 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Iowa Peace News Des Moines, Iowa: Des Moines Fellowship of Reconciliation, May 1941-1942 Bound in vol. titled: Iowa Fellowship Continued as: Iowa Fellowship 1941 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1941) #1-12; v. 2 (1942) #1} Iowa State Historical Department News for Members Iowa City, Iowa: State Historical Society of Iowa, 19471982. Caption title: State Historical Society of Iowa News for Members, 1947-1975. Merged with: Bracket, to form: Iowa Historian. v. 16-35 (1963-1982) incomplete {Missing: v. 16 (1963) #1-8, 10-11; v. 17 (1964) #3; v. 18 (1965) #3; v. 20 (1967) #4-6; v. 23 (1970) #2} The Irrigator See: CPS - The Irrigator Iskra Brilliant, B.C.: Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ, 1945Continues: Sten-gazeta Soiuza Dukhovnikh Obshchin Khrista. nos. 28-214 (1945-1949) incomplete {Missing: #201 (Jan 28, 1949)} Items and Notes See: The MVS Connection. Izumi Hokkaido: Japan Mennonite Church Conference, [19--]Text: In Japanese. 1959-1964 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1959) #47-48; (1964) #1-5} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Jaarboek der Vereeniging Amstelodamum See: Amstelodamum Jaarboek. Jaarboek van de Handelingen en levensberichten (Leiden: 1936) Leiden: Brill Continues: Handelingen en levensberichten {Detailed Holdings: 1936-1939} Jaarboek van de Handelingen en levensberichten (Leiden: 1945) Leiden: Brill Preceded by: Handelingen en levensberichten {Detailed Holdings: 1945-1953, 1955-1958} Jaarboek van het Genootschap Amstelodamum See: Amstelodamum Jaarboek. Jaarboekje voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in de Nederlanden Amsterdam: Bij M. Schooneveld en Zoon, 1837-1850. Has supplement: Naamlijst der Remonstrantsche Gemeenten en Predikanten in de Nederlanden. Continues: Naamlijst der Doopsgezinde Gemeenten en Leeraren. Continued by: Godsdienstige Lectuur voor Doopsgezinden. 1837-1850 65 Jahrbuch der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Historischen Gesellschaft von Illinois Chicago, Ill.: Deutsch-Amerikanischen Historischen Gesellschaft von Illinois, [1901]Running title: Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblätter. v. 27-33 (1928-1937) Jahrbuch der Evangelischen Mennoniten Brüder See: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Year Book. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst und Vaterländische Altertümer zu Emden Emden: Verlag von W. Haynel, 1872Index: v. 1-18 (1872-1914), in 1 v. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 8-27 (1889-1939) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1889) #1; v. 15 (1905) #1; v. 16 (1906); v. 24 (1933/36); v. 28-33 (1940-1953)} Jahrbuch der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba See: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba - Yearbook Jahrbuch der Krimmer Brüdergemeinde See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Jahrbuch der Krimmer Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Jaarverslag (Doopsgezinde Jongeren Bond) See: Doopsgezinde Jongeren Bond - Jaarverslag. Jahrbuch der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada See: Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Yearbook. Jaarverslag (Doopsgezinde Vereniging tot Evangelieverbreiding) 1951 Jahrbuch der Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden in Alberta See: Conference of Mennonites in Alberta - Yearbook. Jaarverslag (Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad) See: Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad - Jaarverslag. Jaarverslag (Vereeniging voor Gemeentedagen van Doopsgezinden) N.p.: Vereeniging voor Gemeentedagen van Doopsgezinden, 1924/25 Jaarverslag der Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Groningen Groningen, Netherlands: Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente, 1935 Jaarverslag van de Commissie van Voorlichting aan Gewetensbezwaarden tegen den Militairen Dienst Den Haag, Netherlands: Commissie van Voorlichting aan Gewetensbezwaarden tegen den Militairen Dienst, 1939 Jaarverslag van de Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad See: Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad - Jaarverslag. Jaarverslag van den staat en de verrichtingen der Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot bevordering der Evangelieverbreiding in de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen See: Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangelieverbreiding in de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen - Verslag. Jaarverslag van het Doopsgezind Pensioenverhoogingsfonds Amsterdam: Doopsgezind Pensioenverhoogingsfonds, 1930{Detailed holdings: 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937} Ein Jahr Unter den Telugus See: Unter den Telugus. Jahrbuch der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten Canada See: Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Yearbook. Jahrbuch der Konferenz der Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden in Britisch Columbien See: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia - Yearbook. Jahrbuch der Krimmer Brüdergemeinde See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Jahrbuch der Krimmer Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Jahrbuch der Mennoniten in Südamerika Curitiba, Paraná: Tipografia Santa Cruz, 1961. Continued by: Mennonitisches Jahrbuch für Südamerika. 1961 Jahrbuch der Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden in Ontario, Canada See: Conference of the United Mennonite Churches of Ontario - Yearbook. Jahrbuch der Wehrlosen Mennoniten Brüder in Christo See: Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America - Year Book. Jahrbuch des Hilfswerk der evangelischen Kirchen in Deutschland See: Jahresbericht des Hilfswerks der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. Jahrbuch des Vereins für die Evangelische Kirchengeschichte Westfalens See: Jahrbuch des Vereins für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte Bethel bei Bielefeld: Verlagshandlung der Anstalt Bethel, [19--]-1973. Cover title: Jahrbuch des Vereins für die Evangelische Kirchengeschichte Westfälens. Continued by: Jahrbuch für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte. v. 21-48 (1919-1955) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 21 (1919); v. 27 (1926); v. 36 (1935); v. 40-42 (1939-1949); v. 44-48 (1951-1955)} 66 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Jahrbuch für Christliche Unterhaltung Kaiserswerth am Rhein: Diakonissen-Anstalt, [1842]In Christlicher Volks-Kalender. 1880; 1903 Jahrbuch (Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba) See: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba - Yearbook. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas München: Isar Verlag, v. 4 (1956), #1 Jahres-Bericht der "Erntefeld-Mission" in Haiderabad, Dekkan-Indien See: Unter den Telugus. Jahres-Bericht der Konferenz der Süddeutschen Mennoniten Kaiserslautern: Konferenz der Süddeutschen Mennoniten, [1903]v. 11-18 (1913-1920) incomplete {Missing: v. 12-16 (1914-1918)} Jahres-Bericht der Mennonitischen Missionsarbeiter in Hyderabad, Dekkan-Indien See: Unter den Telugus. Jahres-Bericht der Vereinigung der Mennoniten-Gemeinden im Deutschen Reich See: Vereinigung der Mennoniten-Gemeinden im Deutschen Reich. Jahresbericht der Pilger-Mission auf St. Chrischona bei Basel Bettingen bei Basel: Der Pilgermission, [19--]1927-1945/46 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1927-1930; 1932; 1939; 1945/46} Japan Anabaptist Center Mini-Newsletter See: Japan Anabaptist Center Newsletter. Japan Anabaptist Center Newsletter Tokyo: Japan Anabaptist Center, 1986Title variations: Center News Release, Mar. 1987; Japan Anabaptist Center Mini-Newsletter, June 1988. Text: First two issues in Japanese. no. 1 (July/Aug. 1986)-(April 1995) Japan Mennonite Hour Newsletter See: Japan Radio Evangelism News Letter. The Japan Newsletter [S.l.]: Japan Mennonite Fellowship, [1956]v. 7-12 (1962-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 7 (1962) Jun, #3; v. 8 (1963) #1-3; v. 9 (1964) #1; v. 10 (1965) #2-3; v. 11 (1966) #1; v. 12 (1967) #1} Japan Radio Evangelism News Letter [Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1957]Title variations: Japanese Evangelism Radio Newsletter, May 1961-Oct 1962; Japan Mennonite Hour Newsletter, Nov 1962no. 24 (Jan. 26, 1959)-June 15, 1964 incomplete {Missing: #61 (Feb 1962); Aug 1963-May 1964} Japan Witness Newton, Kan.: Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1961-1971. v. 1 (1961)-no. 25 (Winter 1971) {Note: "Due to the change of editors, v. 1 (1961) #2 was skipped"} Japanese Evangelism Radio Newsletter See: Japan Radio Evangelism News Letter. Jahresbericht des Hilfswerks der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1945Issued as supplement to: Das Hilfswerk, 1949-1952. 1945-51; 1954-1956/57 Jasper-Pulaski Peace Sentinel See: CPS - Jasper-Pulaski Peace Sentinel. Jahresbericht für deutsche Geschichte Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1927v. (1925) $ The Jayhawker Press Newton, Kan.: Jayhawker Press, 1923-1949. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: Kansas Publisher. v. 1-26 (1923-1949) Jahresbericht über die Tätigkeit der Taufgesinnten Missionsgesellschaft zur Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen Kolonien See: Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht. Jahresbericht über die Thätigkeit der TaufgesinntenGesellschaft zur Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen Kolonieen See: Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht. Jährlicher Bericht der Amerikanisch-Mennonitischen Mission See: American Mennonite Mission (Dhamtari, India) Jährlicher Bericht. The Jamaica Mennonite Voice Kingston, Jamaica: Jamaica Mennonite Conference, 1963Title variation: The Mennonite Voice. v. 1-7 (1963-1970) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1963) #2, Nov-Dec; (1967) MarApr, May-Jun; (1968) Jun; v. 7 (1970) Mar-Apr} Janz Team Reporter Calgary, Alberta: Janz Brothers Gospel Assoc., [1960]-1982. Continued by: Spectrum. v. 6 (1965)-1982 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1965) #1; (1966) #4; (1967) JanJun; (1969) Jun, Sep; (1970) Mar, Jun, Dec; (1971) Mar, Jun, Sep; (1972) Feb, May, Jun, Sep, Dec; (1973) Feb, Apr, Jun, Sep-Oct, Dec; (1974) Feb, Apr-Dec; (1975) Jan-Dec; (1976) Jan-Oct; (1977) Jan-Feb, May-Oct; 1978-1982} Java-Pakistan News See: MCC - Java-Pakistan News. Jehovas Zeugen See: Prüfet die Geister. Jerusalem-Messenger Cöln (Marienburg): Syrian Orphan Asylum at Jerusalem, 1925no. 1-53 (Oct. 1925-Summer 1956) incomplete {Missing: (1927) #4-5; (1939) #41; (1940) #43-44; (1955?) #48, 50-51} Jesus to the Communist World See: The Voice of the Martyrs. Jong Leven: Doopsgezind Maandblad van Leeuwarden Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Douwe Woelinga, 1922?-? {Detailed holdings: v. 4 #1-2 (15 Jan, 18 Feb)} Jordan News See: Jordan Relief Notes. Jordan Relief Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1954Title variation: Jordan News. no. 1-11 (Dec. 1953-Oct. 1956) Jottings See: MCC - Jottings MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Journal (Moundridge, Kan.) Moundridge, McPherson Co., Kan.: J.J. Toevs, 1894-1902. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Moundridge Leader. Continued by: Moundridge Journal. v. 1-16 (1894-1902) The Journal of Church & Society Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Publishing House, 1965-1971. Merged with: The Voice, to form: Direction. v. 1-7 (1965-1971) A Journal of Church and State Waco, Tex.: J.M. Dawson Studies in Church and State, Baylor University, 1959Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 7-14 (1965-1972) incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1965) #1-2; v. 8 (1966) #1-3; v. 10 (1968) #2; v. 14 (1972) #3} * Journal of Mennonite Studies Winnipeg: Published by the Chair in Mennonite Studies, University of Winnipeg, in cooperation with Canadian Mennonite Bible College, the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, and the Mennonite Literary Society, 1983Indexes: v. 11 (1993) includes a cumulative index for v. 110; v. 21 (2003) includes a cumulative index for v. 11-20. v. 1 (1983)- 67 Jugendblatt See: Mennoblatt. Jugendbrief [Witmarsum, Brasilien]: Hrsg. von der südamerikanischen Jugendarbeit, [1964-1976?] In Bibel und Pflug, [1964]-1966, 1974-[1976?] Note: Published separately 1967-1973. no. 17-241 (Feb. 1965-Dec. 1976) incomplete {Missing: Jun-Jul 1975} Jugendzeitung der Schweizer Mennoniten Brügg: Mennonitische Jugend-Kommission der Schweiz, [1974]no. 7 (Dec. 1974)-(1997) incomplete Note: Located in archives. {Missing: #1-6 [1974]; #10 (Apr/May 1975); #32 (Sep 1977)} * Junge Gemeinde Karlsruhe: Jugendkommission der Konferenz der süddeutschen Mennoniten, 1948-2003. Issued as supplement to: Gemeindeblatt der Mennoniten, 1948-1963. [Nr. 1 (Apr. 1948)]-v. 53 #1 (Jan/Feb 2000)] incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1948) #9-12; v. 2 (1949) #4) Junge Kirche [Bremen: Verlag Junge Kirche], 1933v. 5-6 (1937-1938) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1937) #1-3; v. 6 (1938) #2-24} * Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Lincoln, Neb.: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1978Continues: Work Paper (American Historical Society of Germans from Russia) Index: v. 1-5 (1978-1982), in 1 v. v. 1 (1978)- Junior Bible Study Guide Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1958-1960. Continues: Mennonite Junior Quarterly. Teacher's edition: Junior Bible Study Guide: Teacher's Manual. v. 22-24 (1958-1960) The Journal of the Friends Historical Society London: Friends' Historical Society, 1903Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 27-43 (1930-1951) incomplete {Missing: v. 29-38 (1932-1946) Junior Bible Study Guide: Teacher's Manual Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1958-1960. Continues: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Student's edition: Junior Bible Study Guide. v. 22-24 (1958-1960) Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster County Historical Society, 1956Continues: Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society. v. 84-85 (1984-1985) incomplete {Missing: v. 84 (1984) #4; v. 85 (1985) #2, 4} The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate Moscow: Moscow Patriarchate, [19--]Russian edition: Zhurnal Moskovskoi Patriarkhii. Text: In Russian, 1965-1971; in English, 19781965-1991 #8 incomplete {Missing: 1972-1977; (1985) #1, 8, 12; (1986) #1; (1987) #9-12} Journal of the Theology for Southern Africa Braamfontein, Transvaal: South African Council of Churches, 1972Formed by the union of: Credo, and: Ministry. Index: nos. 1-8 (Dec. 1972-Sept. 1974), in no. 8; index published every 5th issue beginning with no. 13. no. 1 (1972)-(1994) incomplete {Missing: #47 (Jun 1984)} Der Jugend-Arbeiter Winkler, Man: Beacon Publishers, [1940]v. 5-7 (1944-1946) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1944) #1-11; v. 7 (1946) #2-12} Jugend-Blätter Stuttgart: J.F. Steinkopf'sche Buchhandlung, 1836v. 1 (1836); v. 5 (1838) Junior-Intermediate Sunday School Lesson Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1925-1936. Cover title: Junior-Intermediate Lesson Quarterly. Split into: Junior Quarterly, and: Intermediate Quarterly. Teacher's edition: Junior Teacher's Sunday School Lesson Quarterly. v. 1-12 (1925-1936) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-2 (1925-1926); v. 7 (1931) #1-4; v. 8 (1932) #1-4; v. 9 (1933); v. 10 (1934) #1-4; v. 11 (1935) #1-4; v. 12 (1936) #1-4; v. 13 (1937) #1} Note: Some issues bound and shelved under "Sunday School Lesson Quarterly." Junior-Intermediate Teacher's Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1937-1950. Continues: Junior Teacher's Sunday School Lesson Quarterly. Continued by: Herald Junior Teacher. Student's editions: Junior Quarterly; Intermediate Quarterly. v. 1-14 (1937-1950) Junior Messenger Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1939-1970. Separated from: Kinder-Bote and Junior-Messenger. Merged with: Words of Cheer, to form: On the Line. v. 1-32 (1939-1970) 68 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Junior Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1937-1950. Continues in part: Junior-Intermediate Quarterly. Continued by: Herald Junior Bible Lessons. Teacher's edition: Junior-Intermediate Teacher's Quarterly. v. 1-14 (1937-1950) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1937) #2-4; v. 3 (1939) #1} Junior Sonntagschul Lektionsheft Jan-Mar 1925 Junior Teacher's Handbook See: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Junior Teacher's Sunday School Lesson Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1925-1936. Caption title: Junior Teacher's Quarterly. Student edition: Junior-Intermediate Sunday School Lesson Quarterly. Continued by: Junior-Intermediate Teacher's Quarterly. v. 1-12 (1925-1936) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1925) #1, 3-4; v. 2 (1926); v. 4 (1928) #1; v. 7 (1931) #1-4; v. 8 (1932) #2-4; v. 9 (1933); v. 10 (1934) #1-4; v. 11 (1935) #1-4; v. 12 (1936) #1-4; v. 13 (1937) #1} Note: Some issues bound and shelved under "Sunday School Lesson Quarterly." * Just for You Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, [1970]no. 1 (1970)- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication KAIROS Philadelphia, Penn.: Association of Mennonites in the Arts, 1996-1999. 1996-1999. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1996/1997) #1-2; v. 2 (199719999) #1-3. K.M.B. Conference Year Book See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Kalamazoo State Hospital News Kalamazoo, Michigan: Kalamazoo State Hospital, ? {Detailed holdings: v. 15 (1944-45) #1} Note: This is being retained because it was published while there was an active CPS unit at Kalamazoo State Hospital even though this newsletter was not published by the CPS unit. Kalender für die Deutschen in Brasilien São Leopoldo: Evangelische Buchhandlung, [1882]v. 56 (1937) Kalender für die Versammlungen der MennonitenGemeinden in Ontario St. Jacobs, Ont.: ? {Detailed holdings: 1966, 1968, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979} Kalender (Jahrweiser) für die Deutschen Evangelischen Gemeinden in Brasilien Porto Alegre: Hrsg. im Auftrag der Rio-Grandenser Synode, [1922]v. 11 (1932); v. 16 (1937) Kalona/Wellman Together See: Together Kämpfende Jugend See: Mennoblatt. The Kane Penn See: CPS - The Kane Penn $ Kanhistique Ellsworth, Kan.: Karl K. Gaston, 1975Annual index: Published separately for v. 1-9 (1975-1984). v. 1 (1975) - v. 25 (1999) #8 Kansan-Republican See: Evening Kansan-Republican Kansans to Freeze the Arms Race Winfield, Kan.: Kansans to Freeze the Arms Race, [198-]1988. Title variations: Freezeletter, 1983; American Dream, Sept./Oct. 1987-1988. Continued by: Tallgrass. 1983-1988 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1983) Feb, Oct; (1984) Aug, [Oct], Dec; (1985) Apr, Jun/Jul, [Dec]; (1986) Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec; (1987) Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Dec; (1988) Jan/Feb} * Kansas! Topeka: Kansas Economic Development Commission, 1957Continues: To the Stars. v. 15 (1960)incomplete {Missing: v. 15 (1960) #1-5; 1961-1965; (1966) #1-3; (1967) #1; (1970) #3} 69 Kansas - 100 Years Ago Topeka: Kansas State Historical Society, [1954]-1983. 1954-1983 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1954) Sep-Oct; (1955) Mar, Jul, Oct, Dec; (1956) Feb, Sep; (1957) Feb, May; (1961) Mar; (1962) Oct; (1970) Apr, Jun, Oct; (1971) Jan-Feb, Jun-Jul, Oct-Dec; (1972) Jan-Jun, Sep, Nov-Dec; (1973) Jan-Dec; (1974) FebApr, Jul-Nov; 1975-Apr 1983} Kansas Agriculture See: Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Kansas Agriculture. The Kansas Authors Club Yearbook Topeka, Kan.: Kansas Authors Club, [19--]1945-1970 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1945; 1947; 1953; 1957-1966; 1968; 1970} The Kansas Chronicle Newton, Kan.: Dewey Langford, 1888. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Newton Democrat Continued by: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1888) v. 1, nos. 1-45 (Feb. 10-Dec. 14, 1888) Kansas City Mennonite Children's Home News Kansas City, Kan.: Kansas City Mennonite Children's Home, 1952Title variation: Kansas City Mennonite Home. v. 1 (1952)-no. 67 (Dec. 1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1952) #3-5; v. 2 (1953) #2, 4-5; v. 3 (1954) #2-3, 5; v. 4 (1955) #2-3; v. 5 (1956) #1-4; v. 6 (1957) #1-4; v. 7 (1958) #1-3; #28-67 (Dec 1958-Dec 1968) Kansas Conference - Minutes See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Kansas Conference - Minutes. Der Kansas Courier Hillsboro, Kan.: [s.n.], 1891-[1893] Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Deutsche Westen v. 2, no. 51-v. 3, no. 3 (Oct. 13-Nov. 10, 1893) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1893-94) #1} Kansas CROP Harvest Topeka, Kan.: Church World Service and CROP, 1983-1989 Continued as: Great Plains Gleaner Winter 1983-Fall 1989 * Kansas Heritage Topeka, Kans.: Kansas State Historical Society, 1993Continues: Kansas State Historical Society Mirror v. 1 (1993) #1Kansas Historical Collections See: Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society; Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society; and Kansas Historical Quarterly. The Kansas Historical Quarterly Topeka: Kansas State Historical Society, 1931-1977. Shelved under spine title: Kansas historical collections. Continues: Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society. Continued by: Kansas History. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-43 (1931-1977) * Kansas History Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Historical Society, 1978Continues: Kansas Historical Quarterly. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. Index: Vols. 1-10 (1978-1987), in 1 v. v. 1 (1978)- 70 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution Institute Newsletter North Newton, KS: Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Bethel College, 1989-1991. v. 1 (1989) - v. 3 (1991) #1 Kansas Magazine Manhattan, Kan.: Kansas Magazine Publishing Assoc. and the Kansas State College Press, 1933-1968. Continued by: Kansas Quarterly. 1939-1967 incomplete {Missing: 1940, 1942-1957; 1960; 1964-1965} Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus Hillsboro, Kan. : Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus, 19741975 Continued by: News of Interest to the Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus 1974-1975 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1974/75) #1, 4} Kansas Quarterly Manhattan, Kan.: Kansas State University, 1968Continues: Kansas Magazine. v. 1-4 (1968-1972) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1968/69) #2; v. 4 (1971/72) #2-4} * Kansas Preservation Topeka, Kan.: Historic Preservation Department, Kansas State Historical Society, 1978v. 3 (1981)- incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1980-81) #1-5; v. 4 (1981-82) #4-6; v. 5 (1982-83) #5-6; v. 6 (1983-84) #1-3} * The Kansas Review Topeka, Kan.: Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, [198-]v. 10 (1984/85)Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Annual Report Topeka: [Office of the State Board of Agriculture], 18721877. Continued by: Kansas State Board of Agriculture Biennial Report. 3rd (1874), 5th (1875/76) Missing as of 10/17/2003 Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Biennial Report Topeka: The Board, 1878-1948. Continues: Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Annual Report. Continued by: Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Kansas Agriculture. 1st-41st (1877/78-1947/48) incomplete {Missing: 8th-9th (1891-1894); 11th (1897/98); 35th (1945/46)} Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Kansas Agriculture Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1956Continues: Kansas State Board of Agriculture - Biennial Report. 39th-67th (1953/56-1984) incomplete {Missing: 40th-58th (1957-1974)} Kansas State Historical Society - Biennial Report [Topeka, Kan.: The Society], 1881Note: Nos. 1-2 bound in Kansas Historical Collections. Index: 1875-1930, in 1 v.; M, 978.1016, K133c. no. 1-24 (1881-1924) incomplete {Missing: #3-4 (1883-1885); #8 (1893)} The Kansas State Historical Society Mirror Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Historical Society, 1979-1992 Continues: Historical Society Mirror. Continued by: Kansas Heritage. v. 25 (1979)-v. 38 (1992) incomplete {Missing: v. 32 (1986) #1} Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kan. : 1897) Newton, Kan.: Volksblatt Pub. Co., 1897. Microfilm: MLA PER MFilm Merged with: Hillsboro Anzeiger, to form: Volksblatt und Anzeiger. v. 1, nos. 1-2 (Nov. 26-Dec. 3, 1897) Kansas $ Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kan. : 1898) Newton, Kan.: Volksblatt Pub. Co., 1898-1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Kansas Volksblatt und Anzeiger. Merged with: Hillsboro Post (Hillsboro, Kan.), to form: Post und Volksblatt. v. 12, no. 47-v. 13, no. 12 (Nov. 24, 1898-Mar. 23, 1899) Note: The end date of 1899 is questionable. The MLA has a paper copy from 1900, boxed and shelved with the earliest issues of the Post und Volksblatt. Kansas Volksblatt und Anzeiger Newton, Kan.: Volksblatt Pub. Co., 1897-1898. Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-NEW, HER, 1 Formed by the union of: Hillsboro Anzeiger, and: Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kan. : 1897) Continued by: Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kan. : 1898) v. 10, no. 50-v. 11, no. 46 (Dec. 10, 1897-Nov. 17, 1898) * Kauffman Museum Newsletter North Newton, Kan.: Kauffman Museum, 1984no. 1 (Summer 1984)Location: Back issues shelved with Bethel College periodicals. Kerkhistorisch Archief Amsterdam: P.N. van Kampen, 1857-1866. Continues: Nieuw Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis Inzonderheid van Nederland. Continued by: Studiën en Bijdragen op 't Gebied der Historische Theologie. Index: Vols. 1-4 (1857-1866) in v. 26 of Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. v. 1-4 (1857-1866) Kern View's [Bakersfield, Calif.: Kern View, 196-]Continued by: Shop Talk. Oct. 1, 1969-June 17, 1970 incomplete {Missing: (1970) Jan 14-Feb 5, Apr 1, May 13, Jun 3} $ Khristianin St. Petersburg; Leningrad: I.S. Prokhanov, [19--]Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Text: In Russian. 1914-1928 incomplete {Missing: 1916-1923 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Khristianskoe slovo: organ soiuza evangeliskikh khristianbaptistov Moscow: AUCECB, 1989-1995 {Missing: #9-10 (Nov-Dec 1989); #19-21 (Sep-Nov 1990)} * Kidron Bethel Retirement Services - Annual Report. North Newton, Kan. : Kidron Bethel Retirement Services, 1988?1988Location: MLA Vertical Files : Kidron Bethel Retirement Services Kidron Bethel Village See: Patterns MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 71 $ The Kidron News (1935) Kidron, Ohio: [Harvey Gardner], 1935-1939. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Kidron Weekly News and Shoppers Guide. Continued by: The Community News. Jan. 16, 1935-v. 4, no. 6 (Mar. 9, 1939) Kings View - News and Views (Reedley, Calif. : 1975) [Reedley, Calif.]: Kings View, 1975Caption title: News and Views. Continues: Kings View News and Views (Reedley, Calif. : 1969) v. 1 (1975)-v. 17 (1990-91) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1982) Jul-Dec; v. 9 (1983) #1-2} $ The Kidron News (1939) Kidron, Ohio: [Harvey Gardner], 1939-1973. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: The Community News. Merged with: The Dalton Gazette, to form: The Dalton Gazette and the Kidron News. v. 4-39 (1939-1973) Note: MLA has v. 38-40 (1972-1974) in paper copy located in Archives. Die Kirche unterm Kreuz Quakertown, Bucks Co., Pa.: John G. Stauffer, 1885. Bound with: Die Gemeinde unterm Kreuz. Continued by: Die Gemeinde unterm Kreuz. v. 1, nos. 1-8 (April-Nov. 1885) Kidron Weekly News and Shoppers Guide Kidron, Ohio: [Harvey Gardner], 1934-1935. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: The Kidron News (1935) Dec. 26, 1934-Jan. 2, 1935 De Kleine Medearbeider Amsterdam: C.P. van Eeghen, [1899]Annual index: Published inside front cover of each volume. v. 2-4 (1900-1902) Kinder-Bote Berne, Ind.: S.F. Sprunger, 1886-1936. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: Kinder-Bote and Junior-Messenger. v. 1-50 (1886-1936) incomplete Note: Paper copies located in archives. {Missing: v. 7 (1892) #20, 24; v. 48 (1934) #6, 17, 20, 22; v. 49 (1935) #1-2, 7, 9-10, 21-22; v. 50 (1936) #3, 11, 1314, 17, 21, 23} Kinder-Bote and Junior-Messenger Bethel College, Kan.; Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1937-1938. Microfilm: 1937-1938 Continues: Kinder-Bote. Split into: Kinderbote, (Rosthern, Sask.) and: Junior Messenger. v. 51-52 (1937-1938) Note: Located in archives. Der Kinderbote (Rosthern, Sask.) Rosthern, Sask.: Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten Nordamerikas, 1940-1981. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1940-1955 Continues in part: Kinder-Bote and Junior-Messenger. Absorbed: Unser Kinderblatt, 1967. v. 53-95 (1940-1981) incomplete Note: Paper copies located in archives. {Missing: v. 62 (1949) #14; v. 67 ( 1954) #22; v. 69 (1956) #4; v. 70 (1957) #4, 8, 14-15; v. 71 (1958) #21-24; v. 73 (1959) #1-7; v. 78 (1964) #10} The Kingdom Quarterly Harrisonburg, Va.: Renewal Resources, 1990v. 1 (1990) #1 The King's Business Los Angeles, Calif.: Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 19101970. Continued by: Biola Broadcaster. v. 11-14 (1920-1923) incomplete {Missing: v. 11 (1920) #1, 3; v. 12 (1921) #1, 4-5, 8, 1012; v. 13 (1922) #4, 6, 9; v. 14 (1923) #4, 8-12} Kingview/Scottdale Together See: Together Kings View News and Views (Reedley, Calif. : 1969) [Reedley, Calif.]: Kings View, 1969-1974. Continued by: Kings View - News and Views (Reedley, Calif. : 1975) v. 1-6 (1969-1974) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1973) #47; v. 6 (1974) #16, 22} Die Kleine Afrika-Bote Winnipeg, Man.: Afrika-Missions-Vereins, 1936-1943. v. 1-8 (June 1936-1943) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1943) #7} Kleine Mitteilungen (Verband der Sudetendeutschen) New York: Verband der Sudetendeutschen, [19--]1953-1955 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1953) Dec; (1954) Jan, Mar, Jun, Oct, Dec; (1955) Jun} Der Kleine Säemann See: Säemann. * Klippings [Altona, Man.: Ted Friesen], 1987v. 1 (1987)KMMC Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus Wichita, Kan. : Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus, 19951996. Continues: News of Interest to the Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus Continued by: KMMC Newsletter 1995-1996 {Detailed holdings: v. 20 (1995) #2-4, v. 21 (1996) #1-4} KMMC Newsletter Wichita, Kan. : Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus, 1997Continues: KMMC Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus v. 22 (1997) #1 Koers Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Jeugd Centrale, [1946]v. 16 (1961) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 16 (1961) #1, 3, 6-8} Konferenz-Bericht See: Conference of Mennonites in Canada - Yearbook. Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba - Jahrbuch See: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba - Yearbook D a s Ko n f e renz-J ug endbla tt d e r Me n no n i te n Bruedergemeinde von Manitoba Winnipeg, Man.: Komitee für Jugendarbeit der Manitoba Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde, 1945-1957. Text: In German and English. v. 1-12 (1944/5-1957) Kranken-Bote Chicago, Ill.: Peter Fahrney & Sons, [1881]v. 31, no. 1 (1911); v. 36 (1916) #1; v. 40, no. 1 (1921); v. 44 (1925) #1 72 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book [Elkhart, Ind.]: Krimmer Brüdergemeinde, 1905-1960. Title variations: Jahrbuch der Krimmer Brüdergemeinde, 1905-1910; Jahrbuch der Krimmer Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde, 1911-1944; Year Book of the Krimmer Mennonite Church of North America, 1945-1946; Year Book of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, 1947-1952; K.M.B. Conference Year Book, 19531960. v. 1-56 (1905-1960) Ks. magazine Wichita, Kan.: Wichita Pub., Inc., 1984{Detailed holdings: v. 2 #9 (June 1986); v. 3 (November 1986)} #3 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication La Junta Medical Center News Sheet La Junta, Colo.: La Junta Medical Center, [197-]-1986. Continued by: Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center News Sheet. Aug. 31, 1979-Dec. 26, 1986 incomplete {Missing: Dec. 17, 1981} La Plata-Post Montevideo: G.E. Reimer, 1962Continues: Nachrichtenblatt (Montevideo). v. 1-v. 13, no. 20 (1962-Oct. 1974) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1963) #20; v. 3 (1964) #1, 16; v. 5 (1966) #18} The Ladies Magazine Newton, Kan.: Reynolds Printing Co., 1891-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1, nos. 1-11 (Aug. 1891-June 1892) Lancaster Conference Directory See: Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference Directory. Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society Mirror See: Mirror (Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society * Landelijke Federatie van Doopsgezinde Zusters Leeuwarden: W. Kuindersma-de Jong, [1960]Has supplement: Verslagenbrief van de Landelijke Federatie van Doopsgezinde Zusters, 1978. no. 88 (Sept. 1971)incomplete {Detailed holdings: #88-89 (1971); #93 (1972); #99 (1974); #104 (1975); #108-109 (1976); #116 (Sep 1978)} Landis Homes News Lititz, Pa.: Landis Homes, 1968Title variation: Landis Homes Retirement Community News, April 1984v. 1 (1968)-v. 24 (1992) * The Ledger Moundridge, Kan.: Gordon M. and Jean V. Herr, 1987Formed by the union of: Inman Review and Buhler News, and: Moundridge Journal. Shelved in archives. From 13 Feb 1997 on, shelved at 9.b.6. v. 101, no. 25 (June 18, 1987)Lehigh Echo Lehigh, Marion County, Kan.: Jakob J. Wiebe, 1897-[1900]. Continued by: Das Echo (Lehigh, Kan.) v. 3, nos. 1-14 (Apr.-July 1900) Der Leitstern Altona, Man.: Lehrdienst der Rudnerweider Gemeinde in Manitoba, 1943-1967. Continued by: EMMC Recorder. v. 8-23 (1951-1967) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1951) #1-7, 9-12; v. 9 (1952) all; v. 10 (1953) #1-5, 7-12; v. 11 (1954) all; v. 12 (1955) #1-3, 10; v. 14 (1957) #5-12; v. 16 (1959) #11; v. 20 (1964) #11; v. 23 (1967) #1, 3, 4} Lektionsheft Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, [1904-195-] v. 19-50 (1918-1953) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 19 (1918) #1; v. 20 (1919) #1, 3-4; v. 21-23 (1920-1922); v. 25 (1924); v. 26 (1925) #1; v. 28 (1927) #1; v. 34 (1933) #2; v. 37 (1937) #1-2, 4; v. 38 (1938) #2; v. 39 (1939) #2-4; v. 40 (1940); v. 41 (1941) #12, 4; v. 42-50 (1942-1953)} Leslie's illustrated newspaper See: Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper Leslie's Weekly See: Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Landis Homes Retirement Community News See: Landis Homes News. A Letter to Boys and Girls Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1946-1968. no. 1-78 (1946-1968) Lansdale/Hatfield Together See: Together Liberty to the Captives See: MCC Peace Section - Liberty to the Captives. The Lantern Elkhart, Ind.: Peace Problems Committee, Mennonite General Conference, 1954-1955. v. 1, nos. 1-21 (1954-55) Licht dem Osten Wernigerode: W.L. Jack, 1924v. 1 (1924) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1924) #4} The Larch Mountaineer See: CPS - The Larch Mountaineer * Licht des Lebens Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1978v. 1 (1978)- Latin American Fellowship Continues: Latin America Fellowship news bulletin: Presenting Christ to Latin America {Detailed holdings: 1960; Jan-Jul 1961; Jan, May, Oct 1962; Feb 1963} Leader : Equipping the Missional Congregation Scottdale, Pa. : Faith & Life Resources, 2003Continues in part: Builder. v. 1, no. 1 (Fall 2003) Leadership Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1973 - July 1993 Sept. 1973incomplete {Missing: (1974) Jan, May; (1975) May; (1979) Jan, Sep} Lecciones Biblicas para el Hogar [S.l.]: "Luz y Verdad", [19--]lessons 1-12 [n.d.] 73 Licht fuer den Tag Rosthern, Sask.: Erziehungs- und Publikationsbehörde der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada, 1959-1971. English edition: Light for the Day. Merged with: Family Worship, Our Family Worships, and Worship Together, to form: Rejoice! v. 1-13 (1959-1971) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-4 (1959-1962); v. 5 (1963) #1-4; v. 7-13 (1965-1971)} Licht im Osten Korntal-Münchingen, Germany: Licht im Osten, 19931993 - Apr # 4, 5 Continues and is bound with: Dein Reich Komme. {Note: First issue is 1993 #4} 74 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Licht und Hoffnung Chicago, Ill.: J.A. Sprunger, [1893-1934] v. 2-43 (1894-1934) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1894-95) #10-12; v. 3 (1895-96) #6-7; v. 15 (1906-07) #22; v. 16 (1907-08) #1-6, 8, 10-12, 17, 21-24; v. 17 (1908-09) #1-2, 4-14; v. 18 (1909-10) #5-6, 9, 15, 21, 23-24; v. 19 (1910-11) #3, 5; v. 21 (1912) #2, 6; v. 22 (1913) #10; v. 23 (1914) #3, 5-9; v. 24 (1915) #11-12; v. 25 (1916) #5, 7-8, 10, 12; v. 26 (1917) #1, 3-5, 7-12; v. 27 (1918) #1-2, 4-10; v. 28 (1919) #1, 3-9; v. 37 (1928) #6, 7; v. 38 (1929) #6; v. 39 (1930) #1, 4; v. 40 (1931) #2, 6, 8; v. 41 (1932) #2-4, 7, 11; v. 42 (1933) #1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12; v. 43 (1934) #1-4} Lieder-Quelle für Kirche und Haus Winton, Calif.: A.G. Sawatzky, 1929-1930. Title variation: Lieder-Quelle: eine Sammlung neuer Ausgewälter Lieder für Kirche und Haus. 1929-1930 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1929) #2-3; (1930) #1-2, n.d.} Life in New York Mennonite Conference Martinsburg, NY : New York Mennonite Conference, 19752004 v. 28 (2003) #1-issue 3, 2004. Livländischer Kalender Riga, Latvia: Müllersche Buchdruckerei, {Detailed holdings: 1869} Living Grottoes, Va. : Shalom Foundation, Inc., 1991Issued in regional editions. Winter 2001 - incomplete Related Publications: See regional editions of Together. {Detailed holdings: Buxmont Living (Sellersville, Pa.) v. 10 #4 (Winter 2001) Valley Living (Harrisonburg, Va.) v. 11 (2002) #1 (Spring), #2 (Summer), #3 (Fall), #4 (Winter); v. 12 (2003) #1 (Spring), #2 (Summer), #3 (Fall)} Living Springs Souderton, Pa. : Mennonite Resources, Network, 2000-2002. v. 1 #1 - v. 2 #1 LMCHS Mirror See: Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society Mirror. Load Line See: CPS - Load Line. Lifework See: MCC - Lifework. Loan Library See: Western District Conference Loan Library. Light and Hope Chicago: J. A. Sprunger, {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1899), #9} * Longenecker Family Newsletter Greenwich, CT: Richard Cryer, 1999v. 1 (1999)- Light for the Day Rosthern, Sask.: Board of Education and Publication of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1959-1971. German edition: Licht fuer den Tag. Merged with: Family Worship, Our Family Worships, and Worship Together to form: Rejoice! v. 1-13 (1959-1971) Light in the East Korntal-Münchingen, West Germany: Licht im Osten, 19781981. Note: Russian language edition published as Vera i Zhizn' (BEPA) Continued by: Light in the East News. v. 2-4 (1979-1981) * Light in the East News Korntal-Münchingen: Licht im Osten, 1981Note: Russian language edition published as Vera i Zhizn' (BEPA) Continues: Light in the East. 1981- incomplete {Missing: (1983) #4-5; (1984) #4} The Lindsborg Progress Lindsborg, Kan.: Progress Printing Co., 1930Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1, nos. 1-49 (Jan. 23-Dec. 25, 1930) Link See: MCC - Link. Lisps o' the Lane Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1951-1956. Continued by: Brook Lane Echoes. 1951-1956 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1951) Aug-Nov; (1952) Jan-May, JulAug, Oct; (1953) Feb-Mar, May-Sep, Nov/Dec; (1954) Jan/Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1955) Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec; (1956) Jan-Aug} Literatur-Berichte der Comenius-Gesellschaft See: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Louis Whitaker Newsletter See: CPS - Louis Whitaker Newsletter Love, Joy, Piece See: MCC - Love, Joy, Piece Luchi Sveta na Kazhdii Den' [S.l.]: Svet na Vostoke, [19--]1981- incomplete {Missing: 1982-86; 1988} Luther [Berlin]: LVH, 1919v. 49-57 #1 (1978-1986) incomplete {Missing: v. 52 (1981) #2; v. 52 (1982); v. 56 (1985) #2-3) Lutherjahrbuch Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980-1985 * Luz de la Vida Crockett, Ky.: Vara y Cayado, 1978v. 1 (1978)incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1987) #12} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication M.A.C. Newsletter See: MAC Newsletter of the Midwest Archives Conference. M.B.C. Handbook See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church - Handbook. The M.B.Y.P.U. Quarterly Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, [193-]April/June 1934 Maandblad van de Doopsgezinde Gemeente te 'sGravenhage ['s-Gravenhage: Doopsgezinde Gemeente te 's-Gravenhage, 1911]Located in archives. v. 18-24 (1928-1934) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 18 (1928) #1, 9; v. 19 (1929) #3-4, 6-10, 12; v. 20 (1930) #1-5, 7-12; v. 21-23 (1931-1933); v. 24 (1934) #1-3} Maandblad voor de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam Amsterdam: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad, [1957]Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad.. Located in archives. v. 1-4 (1957/58-1960) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1958/59) #12; v. 3 (1959/60) #1, 7, 10; v. 4 (1960/61) #4-5, 7-12} Maandblad voor de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem Amsterdam: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad, [195-]Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad.. Located in archives. July 1954-March 1961 incomplete {Missing: (1959) Mar, Jul, Nov-Dec; (1960) May} * MAC Newsletter of the Midwest Archives Conference Urbana, Ill.: The Conference, 1973Includes: Constitution and Bylaws, Membership Directory, 1987. v. 9 (1981)- incomplete {Missing: v. 9 (1981/82) #2-3} MACWIN Intelligencer Harrisonburg, Va.: James O. Lehman, 1979-1982. v. 1-2 (1979-1982) Magnolia Time-Peace See: CPS - Magnolia Time-Peace. * MAH (Michiana Annabaptist Historians Newsletter) Goshen, Ind: Michiana Anabaptist Historians, 1992 v. 1 (1992 ) # 1 Maine "News and Views" See: CPS - Maine "News and Views" The Maine Tide Akron, Pa.: MCC, 1953-1956. March 1953-Dec. 1954 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1953) Mar, Oct; (1954) Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct, Dec} Mañana See: CPS - Mañana 75 Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society Newsletter Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1984-1998 Title variation: MMHS Newsletter. Continued by: Heritage Posting no. 1 (1984)- no. 15 (1992) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-11 (Dec 1984 - Jul 1990), #15 (Jun 1992) Manitoba Mennonite Youth Organization Bulletin See: MMYO Bulletin. $ Manna Fellowship of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan, 19591960-1998 Note: Located in archives. The Manna for Young and Old Milford Square, Bucks Co., Pa.: John G. Stauffer, 18791909. German edition: Das Himmels Manna. Located in archives. v. 1-28 (1879-1906) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1879) #2; v. 5 (1883) #6, 10; v. 6 (1884) #9-10, 12; v. 28 (1906) #7} Maple Lawn News Eureka, Ill.: Maple Lawn Homes, 19791967-1986 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1967) #3-4; v. 6 (1969) #8; v. 7 (1970) #9-11; v. 9 (1972) #1; (1979) Sep; (1980) Jan, May, Sep; (1981) Mar, Jul, Oct; (1982) Jun; (1983) Jan, Jul; (1986) May; (1987) Spring} Maple Leaves Eureka, Ill.: Maple Lawn Homes, 1983v. 2 (1984)-v. 11 (1992) #6 incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1987) #9; v. 7 (1988) #3-9} Marine Bull Pen: A paper issued in the interests of seagoing cowboys See: CPS - Marine Bull Pen: A paper issued in the interests of sea-going cowboys The Marion County Advocate Hillsboro, Kan.: Hillsboro Free Press, 2002-20006 Continues: The Hillsboro Advocate. Continued by: Buyer’s Edge of South Central Kansas v. 7 (2002) #2 - v. 11 (2006) #2 $ Marion County Record (Marion, Kan. : 1871) Marion Centre, Kan.: C.S. Triplett, 1871-1882. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved udner Western News Continues: Western Giant. Continued by: Marion Record. v. 1-5 (1871-1876) NOTE: Missing as of 24 March 1999. * The Marketplace Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Industry and Business Associates, 1980Continues: MIBA News Letter. v. 10 (1980)- incomplete {Missing: v. 12 (1982) #1, 3, 5, 7} % Marquette High School (Marquette, Kan.) - MHS-Booster Marquette, Kan.: Marquette High School, 1925Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Lindsborg Progress v. 3, no. 6 (Dec. 2, 1927) Marquette Journal Marquette, Kan.: S.M. Irwin, 1909. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Lindsborg Progress v. 1, no. 48 (Mar. 23, 1909) 76 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Marsh Valley Echo See: CPS - Marsh Valley Echo. The Martin G. Brumbaugh Reconstruction Unit of the Brethren Service Committee See: CPS - The Martin G. Brumbaugh Reconstruction Unit of the Brethren Service Committee MBHS Bulletin See: Mennonite Brethren Historical Society of the West Coast Bulletin. MCA Directory See: Mennonite Camping Association Directory. MCA Newsletter See: Mennonite Camping Association Newsletter. MCC - Africa Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1985v. 1 (1985/86); v. 1 (Oct 1987) # 1-3; v. 5 (May 1990) v. 5; v. 6 (Jan 1992); v. 7 (Feb 1993); v. 8 (May 1994) MCC - Allentown Daze Allentown, Pa.: MCC Summer Service Unit, ? 1951 {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1951), #1-2} $ MCC - Among Ourselves Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 19501950-1953, 1972-1978, 1985, 1988, 1990-1991 incomplete Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} MCC - AMP Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1989Caption title: Association of Mennonite Psychologists Newsletter. 1989 - v. 4 (sum/fall 1990) # 2; v. 5 (1991) # 2 MCC - Annual Meeting Reports Chicago, Ill.: Mennonite Home Mission, 1940-1950. Continued by: MCC - Annual Report. 1940-1950 incomplete {Missing: 1943} MCC - Annual Report [S.l.: The Committee], 1951-1958. Continues: MCC - Annual Meeting Reports. Continued by: MCC - Workbook. 1951-1958 MCC - Apuntes Akron, Penn. : Comite Central Menonita, ? v. 14 (1992) - v. 25 (2003) #6 incomplete Note: English edition: MCC Jottings. Detailed holdings: v. 14 (1992) #1; v. 17 (1995) #2-5; v. 18 (1996) #1-4; v. 19 (1997)-v. 21 (1999); v. 22 (2000) #1, 3-5; v. 23 (2001)- v. 25 (2003) #6 } MCC - Be Ye Doers Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1948-1956. 1948-1956 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1948) Dec; (1949) Feb, Apr-May, JulOct, Dec; (1950) Mar, Jul-Oct, Dec; (1951) Feb-Mar, MayJun, Aug, Oct-Nov; (1952) Jan, Mar, Jul, Oct, Dec; (1953) Jan, Apr, Jun, Sep, Dec; (1954) Mar, Aug-Sep, Dec; (1956) Jul-Sep} MCC - California News Reedley, Calif.: California Migrant Unit, 1952-[1953?] 1952-1953 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1952) Aug-Oct; (1953) Aug} MCC - Call to Peacemaking See: Call to Peacemaking MCC (Canada) Annual Report Winnipeg, Man.: MCC (Canada), 1964Running title: MCC Canada Bulletin. Issued as supplement to: The Canadian Mennonite. Issued as supplement to: Mennonite Weekly Review. 1964-1978 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1964) #1; 1968-1969 (19691970); 1978 (1979)} MCC Canada Bulletin See: MCC (Canada) Annual Report. MCC - Canadian Headquarters Letter Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944-[196-] Caption title: Mennonite Central Committee Canadian Headquarters Letter. 1944-1964 incomplete {Missing: (1945) #9; (1946) #28-31; (1948) #46; (1953) #103; (1955) #120; (1956) #128; (1957) Jan-Jul, Sep-Dec; (1958) Feb-Mar, May-Dec; (1959) Jan-Apr, Jun-Dec; (1960) all; (1961) Jan-Mar, May-Dec; (1962) Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec; (1963) all; (1964) Spr, Aut-Win} * MCC Central States News North Newton, Kan.: MCC Central States, 1984Continues: MCC - Central States Newsletter. Note: v. 26, no. 2 not published. v. 9, no. 2MCC - Central States Newsletter North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Central Committee, 19771984. Continues: MCC - North Newton Newsletter. Continued by: MCC Central States News. v. 2, no. 2-v. 9, no. 1 (June 1977-Mar./May 1984) MCC - China Relief Notes Kaifeng, Honan, China: [MCC China Unit], 1946-[1950] Continues: MCC - China Relief Sheet. Microfilm: 1946-1948 MLA PER Mfilm China Relief Notes Merged with: MCC - Java-Pakistan News, and MCC Philippine Relief Notes, to form: MCC - Far Eastern Relief Notes. Index: v. 1-4. v. 1, no. 7-v. 4, no. 1 (June 1946-Dec. 1948) MCC - China Relief Sheet Chengchow, Honan, China : [Mennonite Central Committee], 1946. Continues: MCC - China Sheet Continued by: MCC - China Relief Notes Microfilm: 1946 MLA PER Mfilm China Sheet Bound with and shelved under: MCC - China Relief Notes. Vol. 1, no. 4 (Jan/Feb 1946)-v. 1, no. 6 (May 1946). MCC - China Sheet Chungking, Ichang, Hupen, China: MCC China Unit, [1946]Microfilm: 1945 China Sheet Bound with and shelved under: MCC - China Relief Notes. Continued by: MCC - China Relief Notes. v. 1, nos. 1-3 (1946) MCC - Civilian Public Service News Letter See: CPS -Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Letter MCC Committee on Women's Concerns Report See: MCC - Women's Concerns Report. MCC - A Common Place See: A Common Place MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication MCC - Conciliation Quarterly Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, U.S. Peace Section, 1982-2005 Title variations: Conciliation Service: an Occasional Quarterly, 1982-1984; Conciliation Quarterly, 1985; MCS Conciliation Quarterly, 1986-2005 v. 1 (1982)- v.24 (2005) {Missing: v. 7 # 1,2,4, v. 8, v. 9, v. 10 3 1,2,3, v.12 # 1,3, v. 14 # 3,4} * MCC Contact Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1977Title variation: Contact, April 1980-Dec. 1985. Continues: MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Akron) v. 1 (1977) - v. 18(May 1995) # 2 Missing: v. 12 (1988) # 5; v. 14 (1991) # 3, 4 MCC - Counterclockwise Akron, Penn. : Mennonite Central Committee East Coast Office, 2002 Continues: MCC - Shoulder Tapper v. 2 (2003) #1, v. 3 (2004) #1-3 MCC - CPS Bulletin See: CPS - Constructive Peace Service 77 MCC - EtCetera Shop See: EtCetera Shop MCC - Ethiopian Relief Notes Akron, Pa.: Publicity Office, Mennonite Central Committee, 1947-1948. Continued by: MCC - Ethiopian Service Notes. v. 1, nos. 1-5 (Apr. 1947-Mar. 1948) MCC - Ethiopian Service Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1949-1950. Continues: MCC - Ethiopian Relief Notes. v. 2-v. 3, no. 2 (1949-May 1950) MCC - European Relief Notes London, England: Mennonite Central Committee, 19451957. Continues: MCC - England Notes. v. 1-v. 13, no. 2 (1945-June 1957) incomplete. {Missing: v. 12 (1956) #4} MCC - Far Eastern Relief Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1951Formed by the union of: MCC - China Relief Notes, MCC - Java-Pakistan News, and MCC - Philippine Relief Notes. v. 1-v. 4, no. 2 (1951-Fall 1954) $ MCC - CPS Memos and Records [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee], 1940-1946. 1940-1946 Location Note: This bound volume of letters, memoranda, forms, and published manuals which includes no serials has been moved to the archives, MLA.V.17, Civilian Public Service Records, 1942-1950. MCC - Fieldnotes See: MCC - Notes MCC - Crime and Justice Network Newsletter Akron, PA: MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice, 19891993. Title varies: MCC - Criminal Justice Newtwork Newsletter (Jul 1989 - Mar 1990) Continues: MCC - Network Newsletter Jul/Sep 1989-Jan/Mar 1993 MCC - From the Allentown Penn.: "the official publication of the Mennonite Unit at Allentown, Penna." Allentown, Penn.: Mennonite Central Committee, June 19491949 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1949) #1-3} MCC - Food and Hunger Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, Food and Hunger Concerns, 1976no. 1 (1976)-(Spring 1994) # 1 Missing: # 13 MCC - Criminal Justice Network Newsletter See: MCC - Crime and Justice Network Newsletter $ MCC - Headquarters Letter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1941-1951. no. 1-138 (1941-1951) MCC - Dialogue on Disabilities Elkhart, Ind.: Developmental Disability Services, 1979-1994 v. 1 (1979)-v.15 (1994) Continued by: Dialogue on Disabilities Missing: v. 7 (1986) # 4 * MCC - Hello Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 2004v. 1 #1 (Mar 2004) - MCC - Draft Counselor's Update Akron, Penn.: MCC U.S. Peace Section, 1980v. 1 (1980)- v. 14 (1992) # 2 incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1981) #1, 5-11; v. 3 (1982) #2-9; v. 9 (1988) #1, 6; v. 11 (1990) # 3} MCC East Coast Update Akron, Penn. : Mennonite Central Committee U. S., 19961998, 2000, 2001 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1998: v. 3 #1-2; 2000: v. 5 #3; 2001: v. 6 #2} $ MCC Educational Memo [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee], 1942-1946. 1942-1946 MCC - England Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee Headquarters Office, 1944-1945. Continued by: MCC - European Relief Notes. Bound with: MCC - European Relief Notes. v. 1, nos. 1-6 (July 1944-Apr. 1945) MCC - Environmental & Food Concerns Newsletter Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria : MCC West Africa, ? #14 (May 1995) MCC - Hoe Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1985v. 1 (1985)-v. 6 (1990)* MCC - Hotline Washington, D.C.: Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office, ? SEE ALSO: MCC. Peace Section - Hot Line Feb 16, 1996Note: Different editions are mailed to advocates concerned with Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Civil Rights, Domestic Economic Justice, Environment, Global or International Economic Justice, Latin America, and Peace. Some editions are sent to multiple categories of advocates. Location: MLA Archives V.1.I (MCC Vertical File) Box 2. MCC - Immigration & Refugee Newsletter Washington, D.C.: Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Immigration and Refugee Program, 1984-1990? v. 1 (1984)-1990 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1984) #1-2; (1985) Sep; v. 2 #1 (winter 1990)} 78 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication MCC - India-Indies News New Delhi, India: MCC Relief Unit in India, 1948-[195-] Continues: MCC - India-Java News. Continued by: MCC - Java-Pakistan News. v. 2, no. 3-v. 3, no. 2 (Oct. 1948-Sept. 1949) MCC - India-Java News Calcutta, India: MCC Relief Unit in India, 1947-1948. Continued by: MCC - India-Indies News. v. 1-v. 2, no. 2 (1947-July 1948) MCC - Inter-Mennonite Farm Newsletter Akron, Pa.: MCC U.S., 1985no. 1 (1985)- no. 19 (1989) * MCC - Intercom Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1961v. 1 (1961){Missing: v. 9 (1969) #8; v. 12 (1972) #2-3, 6; v. 13 (1973) #2, 4-5, 7, 10 to end; v. 14 (1974) #3-4, 6-8; v. 15 (1975) #4; v. 16 (1976) #2, 7, 10; v. 17/21 (1977) #6, 10, 12; v. 31 (1987) no. 11?} MCC - Java-Pakistan News Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1950. Continues: MCC - India-Indies News. Merged with: MCC - China Relief Notes, and MCC Philippine Relief Notes, to form: MCC - Far Eastern Relief Notes. v. 4, nos. 1-2 (Mar.-Aug. 1950) MCC - Jottings Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1979?Feb 1980 - Nov 2003 incomplete Continued by: MCC Fieldnotes Note: Spanish edition: MCC - Apuntes. {Detailed holdings: [2 undated issues] 1980: Feb, Mar, Jul, Sep; 1981: Jan, Mar, Jul; v. 4 (1982) #1-2, 4-6; v. 5 1983) #2-6; v. 6 (1984) #1-5; v. 7 (1985) #1-5; v. 8 (1986) #1-5; v. 9 (1987) #3-5; v. 10 (1988) #2-3; v. 11 (1989); v 12 (1990) ; v. 13 (1991) #1-3; v. 14 (1992) #1-4; v. 15 (1993)v. 16 (1994); v. 17 (1995) #2, 4-5; v. 18 (1996)-v. 19 (1997); v. 20 (1998) #1-3, 5; v. 21 (1999)- v. 25 (2003) #6} Central Committee Peace MCC - Link [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1976?]Sept. 1976-July 1978 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1976) Sep-Dec; (1977) Feb, AprMay; (1978) Jan-Feb, Apr-Jul} MCC - Love, Joy, Piece Edina, Minn. : Mennonite Central Committee, North American Mennonite Relief Sale Board - Quilter’s Newsletter, ? Note: The most recent issue is availabel online at: 2004 Jun MCC - MenCenComments [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1971?]v. 1 (1971-72) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1971-72) #19-20} MCC - Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin MCC - Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Lletter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service Newsletter MCC - Mennonite Central Committee News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee News Letter MCC - Mennonite CPS Bulletin See: CPS - Mennonite CPS Bulletin MCC - Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Peace Notes Goshen, Ind.: Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship of the Mennonite and Affiliated Colleges, 1955Caption title: Peace Notes. v. 1 (1955)-Jan 1993 {Note: Frequency varies. Difficult to determine if set is complete.} MCC - Lifework Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Section(U.S.), 1979-1981. no. 1-5 (1979-1981) MCC - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter MCC - Mennonite Health Services News and Views Akron, Pa.; Mennonite Health Services, 1990-1999. Continued by: Connections v. 1 (Nov 1990) # 2 - v. 4 (Dec 1993) # 2 MCC - Migrant Unit Notes Coalinga, Calif.: MCC, [1955]Title variations: Migrant News and Notes; Huron Service Unit Notes, Nov. 19571955-1958 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #2-13 (Oct/Nov 1955-Dec 1956); (1957) Jan/Feb-May, Nov-Dec; (1958) Jan-Feb, May; [n.d.] 1 issue} MCC - Network Newsletter Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Central Committee, Offender Ministries Program, 1979-1989 Continued by: MCC - Crime and Justice Newtwork Newsletter. Oct. 1979-Apr/June 1989 $ MCC - News Service Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, [19--]Note: Printed edition discontinued, now only available via an e-mail list. Location: Stored in Archives at MLA.V.I.K. 1943-2003 Aug 8 MCC - Newsletter on the Americas Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988v. 1 (1988)-v. 7 (1994) # 4 Missing: v. 1 (1985) # 3; v. 2 (1989) # 4: v. 4 (1991) # 4; v. 5 (1992) # 1; v. 6 (1993) # 1; v. 7 (1994) # 1 MCC - North Newton Newsletter North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Central Committee, 19761977. Continued by: MCC - Central States Newsletter. v. 1-2 (1976-1977) MCC - Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central committee, 2004. Title variation: MCC - Fieldnotes Continues: MCC - Jottings v. 1 #1 (Feb 2004) , #3 (Jun), #4 (Aug) MCC (Ontario) - Annual Report [Altona, Man.]: The Canadian Reporter, [1966]Running title: MCC (Ontario) Bulletin. Issued as supplement to: The Canadian Mennonite. 1968-1970 MCC (Ontario) Bulletin See: MCC (Ontario) - Annual Report. * MCC - Peace Office Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, 1988Continues: MCC - Peace Section Newsletter. v. 18, no. 3 (May/June 1988)- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication MCC Peace Section and U.S. Peace Section Materials for Libraries See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office Book of Mailings. MCC Peace Section Counsellors' Bulletin Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1952-1957. no. 1-36 (July 3, 1952-Dec. 21, 1956) incomplete {Missing: #38 (1957)} MCC Peace Section - Hot Line Washington, D.C.: MCC Peace Section, [197-]SEE ALSO: MCC - Hotline 1974-1980 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1974) Aug; (1977) Jun; (1980) Jan} MCC Peace Section - Liberty to the Captives Akron, Pa.: MCC Peace Section, 19721972-1974 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1972-73) #5, 8-10; v. 2 (1973) #1-9; v. 4 (1974) #1-4} MCC - Peace Section Mailings Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, [197-]-1986. Merged with: MCC - U.S. Peace Section Mailings, to form: MCC - U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office Book of Mailings. 1980-1985 MCC Peace Section - Memorandum [Akron, Pa.]: MCC Peace Section, 1950-1956. no. 1-60 (Aug. 1950-Oct. 1956) incomplete {Missing: #61-62 (1956)} MCC - Peace Section Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section, 1946-1988. Continued by: MCC - Peace Office Newsletter. no. 1-v. 18 (1946-1988) incomplete {Missing: #22 (1948)} MCC Peace Section Quarterly [Akron, Pa.: MCC Peace Section], 1955-1956. v. 1, no. 2 (Nov. 1955); v. 1, no. 4 (May 1956); v. 2, no. 1 (Aug. 1956) MCC Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church & Society Report See: MCC - Women's Concerns Report. MCC - Peace Section Washington Memo Washington, D.C.: Mennonite Central Committee, 19691994. Title variations: Memo from the Peace Section Washington Office, 1969-July/Aug. 1970; Washington Memo, Sept./Oct. 1970-May/June 1977. v. 1 (1969)- v. 26 no. 2 (March/April 1994) Continued by: MCC - Washington Memo. MCC - Philippine Relief Notes Vigan, Ilongos Sur, Philippines: [MCC Philippine Relief Unit], 1946-1950. Microfilm: 1946-1950 Merged with: MCC - China Relief Notes, and MCC Java-Pakistan News to form: MCC - Far Eastern Relief Notes. Bound with and shelved under: MCC - China Relief Notes. v. 1-v. 4, no. 1 (1946-Jan./June 1950) MCC - Puentes Akron, Pa. v. 1 (Jan 1994) # 1 - v. 1 (Sep 1994) # 3 * MCC - Redbud Whitesburg, Ky.: MCC U.S. Appalachia, 1984v. 1 (1984)- 79 MCC - Reedley Monthly Reedley, Calif.: MCC Regional Office, 1965-[1977] Continued by: MCC - West Coast Monthly. no. 1-106 (1965-1976) incomplete {Missing: #60-61 (1971); #78 (1973); #97 (1975)} MCC - Relief News Letter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944-1946. Continues: MCC - Relief Trainees' News Letter. no. 9-32 (Oct. 1944-Sept. 1946) MCC - Relief Trainees' News Letter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944. Continued by: MCC - Relief News Letter. Bound with: MCC - Relief News Letter. no. 1-8 (Feb.-Sept. 1944) MCC - Report Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1958Continues MCCServicesBulletin. v. 1-8 (1958/59-1966) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-7 (1958/59-1964/65); (1966) Mar} * MCC - Resource Catalog [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1980]Title variations: Audiovisual Catalog, 1980; Mennonite Central Committee Resource Catalog, 1980/81. 1980$ MCC Self-help Close-up Ephrata, PA: Selfhelp Crafts, 1993-1994 incomplete $ MCC - Selfhelp Newsletter Ephrata, Pa.: Selfhelp Crafts, 1991-1996 1991-1996 incomplete Continued by: MCC - Ten Thousand Villages News United States Edition MCC - SELFHELP World Ephrata, Pa.: SELFHELP Crafts, 1985v. 1 (1985)-1991 Continued by: MCC - Selfhelp Newsletter. * $ MCC Service Opportunities Akron, Pa: Mennonite Central Committee, 1962Note: Back issues are filed with MCC Archives Collection. 1962MCC Services Bulletin Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1947-1956. Formed by the union of: MCC - War Sufferers' Relief Bulletin, and: Constructive Peace Service. Continued by: MCC - Report. v. 1-10 (1947-1956) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-8 (1947-1954); (1955) Jan-Jun; (1956) Apr/Jun} * MCC - Shop Talk: A Newsletter of the MCC Thrift Shops Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 1980v. 4 (1983) #4 {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1983) #4-8; v. 8 (1987) #4-5, 7-9; v. 9 (1988) #1-5; v. 10 (1989) #1-6; v. 11 (1990) #1-6; v. 12 (1991) #1-2; v. 13 (1991) #3; v. 15 (1992) #1-5; v. 16 (1993) #1-5; v. 17 (1994) #1-3; v. 18 (1995) #1-2; v. 19 (1996) #1-4; v. 20 (1997) #1-2; v. 21 (1998) #1; v. 22 (1999) #1; v. 23 (2000) #1-2; v. 24 (2001) #1-2, 4; v. 25 (2002) #12 {Missing: v. 8 (1987) # 6; v. 9 (1988) # 6; v. 13 (1991) #4; v. 18 (1995) #3-4; v. 20 (1997) #3-4; v. 21 (1998) #2-4; v. 22 (1999) #2-4; v. 23 (2000) #3-4; v. 24 (2001) #3} 80 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication MCC Shoulder Tapper Akron, Pa.: MCC East Coast, 1988-2002. Continued by: MCC - Counterclockwise v. 1 (1988)-v. 15 no. 2 (2002) MCC - Sounding Board: An Idea-sharing Newsletter for Relief Sale Boards Akron, Pa. : Mennonite Central Committee, ? Note: The most recent issue is available online at: v. 5 #1 (1995?), Jun 2004 MCC - South America Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, We have one undated issue, from ca. 1960. MCC - Summer Service Newsletter Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 1993. #1-2 (summer 1993). MCC - SWAP Update Harlan, Ky.: SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People, ? Oct 2002, Win 2004 MCC - Swappin' News Evarts, Ky.: Sharing With Appalachian People Program, [1985]- ? Fal 1985; Fal, Win, Spr 1986; v. 4 (1989) #2, v. 5 (1990) #1-2; v. 6 (1991) #1-2; v. 7 (1992) #1-2; v. 8 (1993) #1-2 $ * MCC - Ten Thousand Villages News - United States Edition Ephrata, PA: Ten Thousand Villages, 1996-2006 1996-2006 Title varies: Ten Thousand Villages - Village News Onlline edition: Continues: MCC - Self-help Newsletter * MCC - U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office Book of Mailings Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1987Formed by the union of: MCC - U.S. Peace Section Mailings, and: MCC - Peace Section Mailings. 1986-1991 MCC - U.S. Peace Section Mailings Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1981-1986. Merged with: MCC - Peace Section Mailings, to form: MCC - U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office Book of Mailings. 1980-1985 MCC - Voluntary Service Newsletter Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Mennonite Central Committee Office Issued in German or English 1955-1971 {Detailed holdings: #9-16; 21; 24-27; 30; 32-37; Apr, Oct, Dec 1955; Feb, Apr 1956; Mar-Apr; Oct-Dec 1957; Jan-Feb; Apr; Oct-Dec 1958; Jan-Mar; Oct-Dec 1959; Feb, Oct-Nov 1960; Jan-May, Oct-Dec 1961; Jan-May, Oct-Dec 1962; Jan-May, Oct-Dec 1963; Jan-May, Oct-Dec 1964; Jan-Feb, Apr, Autumn-Christmas 1965; Feb, Autumn, Christmas 1966; Feb, May, Sep, Dec 1967; Feb, Sep, Dec 1968; Feb, May, Sep, Dec 1969; Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1970; Mar 1971} MCC - V. S. Witness Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee {Detailed holdings: Jul-Aug 1953; Aug 1954} MCC - War Sufferers' Relief Bulletin Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945-1947. Bound with: MCC Services Bulletin. Continued by: MCC Services Bulletin. v. 1-2 (1945-1947) * MCC - Washington Memo Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1994v. 26, no. 3 (1994)Continues: MCC - Peace Section Washington Memo. Location: v. 26, no. 3 (1994)- v. 28 (1996) bound with MCC - Peace Section Washington Memo. MCC - Weekly News Notes Relief Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee {Detailed holdings: Jan 9, 17-Feb 22, 1944; Mar 1-22, 1944; Jul 19-26, 1944; Aug 2-30; Sep 27, 1944; Dec 20, 1944; Mar 21, 1945; May 9-23 1945; Jun 13-28, 1945; Aug 8, 1945; Aug 29, 1945; Oct 10-17, 1945; Nov 21-28, 1945; Dec 12-19, 1945; Jan 3-23, 1946; Jan 24-31, 1947; Feb 28, 1947; Mar 7, 21, 1947; Apr 4, 1947} * MCC - West Coast MCC Memo Reedley, Calif.: West Coast Mennonite Central Committee, 1978Continues: MCC - West Coast Monthly. v. 2 (1978)- incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1978) Nov-Dec} MCC - West Coast Monthly Reedley, Calif.: West Coast Mennonite Central Committee, 1977-1978. Continues: MCC - Reedley Monthly. Continued by: MCC - West Coast MCC Memo. v. 1-v. 2, no. 1 (1977-Feb. 1978) MCC - West Coast Regional Newsletter Reedley, Calif.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1950-1957. v. 1 (1950/51)-1957 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1950-51) #1-11; v. 2 (1952) #1; (1953) Spr, Sep-Dec; 1954-1956; (1957) Jan-Feb, Spr-Sum} MCC - What’s in Store Akron, Pa. : Crafts of the World Mar 1993 - Sep 1996 Missing: Jan, Feb, Aug, Oct 1993; Aug, Nov 1994 MCC - The Whittier Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee single issue, undated MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Akron) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1943-1977. Title variations: Mennonite Central Committee Women's Activities Letter, 1943-April 1946; Women's Activity Letter, July 1967-1977. Continued by: MCC Contact. no. 1-378 (1943-1977) MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Kitchener) Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944no. 1-209 (June 1944-Mar. 1962) incomplete {Missing: #8-10 (Apr-Jun 1945); #14 (Oct 1945); #18 (Feb 1946); #23-25 (Jul-Aug 1946); #31 (Feb 1947); #33 (Apr 1947); #37 (Aug 1947); #43 (Feb 1948); #56 (Mar 1949); #84 (Sep 1951); #117 (Jul 1954); #132 (Oct 1955); #138 (Mar/Apr 1956)} MCC - Women's Concerns Report Akron, Pa.: Task Force on Women, MCC Peace Section, 1973-2004 Title variations: Report from the Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church and Society, 1973-1975; MCC Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church & Society Report, 1975-1982; MCC Committee on Women's Concerns Report, 1982-1985. no. 1 (1973)- no. 176 (2004). * MCC - Workbook Akron, Pa.: The Committee, 1959Continues: MCC - Annual Report. 1959- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication MCC - World-Pax Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee v. 1 (1960) $ McPherson Anzeiger McPherson, Kan.: Western German Printing Co., 18871890. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved under Lindsborg Progress v. 1-v. 4, no. 20 (1887-Aug. 29, 1890) McPherson Comet See: The M'Pherson Comet. $ McPherson Daily Freeman McPherson, Kan.: H.B. Kelly, 1887-1888. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm First reel shelved under McPherson Anzeiger v. 1-v. 2, no. 46 (1887-Nov. 9, 1888) The McPherson Daily Press McPherson, Kan.: The Press Pub. Co., 1884Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-MCP, FRE, 3 v. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 30, 1884) McPherson Freeman (McPherson, Kan. : Daily) McPherson, Kan.: J.A. Almgren, [191-]Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 10, no. 277 (July 10, 1915) MCS Conciliation Quarterly See: MCC - Conciliation Quarterly Newsletter. MDS News Akron, Pa: Mennonite Disaster Service, 1997-2001. Continues: MDS Quarterly Newsletter. Continued by: Behind the Hammer. 1997-2001 incomplete Note: Frequency varies. {Detailed Holdings: 1997 Sep-Dec; (1998) Mar, Apr, Sep, Dec; 1999; (2000) Oct, Nov-Dec; 2001 Jan-Jun} MDS Quarterly Newsletter Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Disaster Service, [196-]-1996. Continued by: MDS News. 1965-1997? incomplete Note: Frequency varies. {Detailed holdings: (1965) Jan-May; (1967) Apr, AugNov; (1968) Sep, Nov, (1969) Jan; (1971) Mar-Apr, AugOct, Dec; (1972) Jan, Mar-Dec; (1973) Jan-Feb, Apr-Sep, Dec; (1974) Jun, Dec; (1975) Jun, Sep, Dec; (1976) Mar, Jun-Jul, Sep, Dec; 1977-1980; (1981) Mar-Sep; (1982) JunDec; (1983) Sep; (1984) Jun-Dec; 1985-1987; (1989) Mar; (1990) Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep, Dec; 1992; (1993) Jun-Dec; 1994; (1995) Mar-Jun, Dec; (1996) Jun-Sep} Meadowlark Flyer Newton, Kan.: Meadowlark Homestead, 1974-1987. Continued by: Meadowlark Perspective. 1974-1987 Meadowlark Perspective Newton, Kan.: Meadowlark Homestead, 1988-2002. Continues: Meadowlark Flyer. 1988-2002. Medaryville Peace Sentinel See: CPS - Peace Sentinel $ Mededelingen voor de doopsgezinde Gemeenten in de provincie Friesland Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1967-1973 {Missing: Jan 1969; Jan-Sep 1971; May 1972} 81 $ Mededelingen voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in Gooi en Sticht 1967-1973 {Missing: Feb 1969; Jan 1971; Jun 1971; Jan 1972; Jul 1972} $ Mededelingen voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in Groningen en Drente 1967-1973 {Missing: Jan-Nov 1967; Jan-Feb 1968; Jan 1969; Feb 1970; Dec 1970; Jul 1971; Sep 1971; Jun 1972} $ Mededelingen voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in NoordHolland ‘t Noorden 1967-1973 {Missing: 1967; Apr 1969; Oct-Nov 1969; Dec 1972} $ Mededelingen voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in NoordHolland ‘t Zuiden 1967-1973 {Missing: Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec 1967; Apr 1969} $ Mededelingen voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in Oost- en Zuid Nederland 1967-1973 $ Mededelingen voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in ZuidHolland en Zeeland 1967-1973 $ Mededelingen voor de gemeenten in Gooi en Sticht Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1959-1967 {Missing: Jan-Oct 1959; Jan 1960; Apr-May 1960; NovDec 1960; Feb 1962; Jan-Feb 1963; Dec 1963; Nov 1964; Sep-Oct 1965} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Akkrum Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad 1954-1967 {Missing: Jan-Jul 1954; Mar 1959; Jul 1959; May-Jun 1960; Apr 1961; Dec 1962-Jan 1963; Jul 1964} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Amsterdam Kollum: Drukkerij fa. T. Banda Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1947-1957 Title variant: Mededelingen voor de groep gemeente Amsterdam {Detailed Holdings: Apr-Jun 1947; Aug 1948; Jun 1950; Dec 20, 1952-Jan 17, 1953; Feb 7, 1953; Jul 17, 1954; Aug 14, 1954-Jul 2, 1955; Aug 6, 1955; Sep 3, 1955-Jul 7, 1956; Aug 4, 1956; Sep 1, 1956-Mar 6, 1957} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Bolsward Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as supplement to:Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1954-1967 {Detailed holdings: Aug 1954-Dec 1959; Feb-Oct 1960; Jan-Mar 1961; May 1961-Nov 1962; Jan 1963-Jun 1964; Aug-Nov 1964; Jan-Aug 1965; Oct 1965-Dec 1966; Jan 1967} $ 82 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mededelingen voor de groep Dantumawoude Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1953-1967 {Missing: Jan-Jul 1953; Sep 1953-Jul 1954; Jan 1960; May-Jun 1960; Nov-Dec 1960; Feb 1963; Nov 1964; SepOct 1965} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Groningen-Drente Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1954-1967 {Missing: Jan-Jul 1954; Dec 1956; May-Jul 1957; Jul 1958-Jul 1959; Dec 1959; Mar 1960; May 1960; Jul 1961} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Haarlem en Zuid-Holland Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1950-1951 {Missing: Jan-Apr 1950; Jul-Oct 1950; Jan 1951; Apr-Dec 1951} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Haarlem, Leiden, 't Gooi Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Aug 1949-Mar 1950 $ Mededelingen voor de groep Maas en Schelde Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1954-1964 {Missing: Jan-Aug 1954; Dec 1956; Jun 1957; Feb 1958; Jul 1959; Dec 1959; Mar 1960; Dec 1960; Oct-Dec 1962; Jul 1963; Feb-Dec 1964} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Noord-Holland 't Noorden Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1954-1967 {Missing: Jan-Jul 1954; Jan 1960; Apr 1961; Aug-Sep 1962; Dec 1962; Aug 1963; 1967} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Noord-Holland 't Zuiden Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad 1954-1967 {Missing: Jan-Jul 1954; Jan 1960; Jun 1960; Apr 1961; Aug 1961; Dec 1963; Sep 1965; Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec 1967} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Oost- en Zuid Nederland Kollum: Drukkerij Fa. T. Banda Issued as Supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1964-1967 {Missing: Sep 1964} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Overijssel en Gelderland Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1954-1963 {Missing: Jan-Jul 1954; May 1955; Dec 1956; Jun 1957; Jul 1959; Dec 1959; Mar 1960; May 1960; Jan 1961; Aug 1961; Jan 1962; Dec 1962} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Utrecht en 't Gooi Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1950-1959 {Missing: Jan 1950; Apr-Sep 1950; Mar-Jun 1951; Nov 1951; Jan 1952; Apr 1952; Jun-Jul 1952; Mar 1953; Nov 1953; Oct-Dec 1959} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Zuid-Holland en AalsmeerHoofddorp Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1954-1963 {Missing: Feb 1954; Apr-Jun 1954; Apr 1958; Apr 1959; Jul 1959; Dec 1959-Jan 1960; May-Jun 1960; Apr 1961; Jan 1962; Jan 1963} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Zuid-Holland en Utrecht Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1948-1950 {Missing: Jan 1948; Jun 1948; Aug-Nov 1948; Apr 1949; Jul 1949; Sep 1949; Feb-Dec 1950} $ Mededelingen voor de groep Zuid-Holland en Zeeland Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1964-1967 {Missing: Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec 1964; 1966} $ Mededelingen voor de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem Kollum: Banda N.V. Issued as supplement to: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. 1961-1979 Title variants: Mededelingen van de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem, Mededelingen Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem {Missing: Jan-Apr 1961; Apr 1962; Jan 1963; Oct 1966; Jan?, Jul? 1967; July 1968; Feb 1969; Apr 1969; Jul 1969; Feb 1970; Apr 1970; Jul-Dec 1970; Feb, Mar, Sep-Nov 1971; Jan, Mar-Jun, Aug, Dec 1972; Feb, Mar, Jun-Aug, Oct-Dec 1973; Jan, Mar-Dec 1974; Jan-Aug 1975; May 1979} Media Connections Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Media, 1984-1998. Continues: In Touch. Continued by: Links@MennoMedia (an email newsletter available from <[email protected]> Jul 1996, Nov 1996, Mar 1997, Jul 1997, Nov 1997, May 1998 incomplete Meeting Calendar: Mennonite Congregation of Eastern Pennsylvania and Washington Co., Md. See: Mennonite Meeting Calendar for Eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. Meeting Calendar of all the Mennonite Churches in Eastern Pennsylvania and Washington Co., Md. See: Mennonite Meeting Calendar for Eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. Das Memelland: Nachrichten des Memelland-Bundes und Seiner Zweigvereine Berlin, Germany: Memellandbonde 1925-1928 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1925), #6, 14, 16-20, 23; v. 3 (1926), #11; v. 4 (1927), #1, 15, 21; v. 5 (1928), #1} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Membership Directory of the Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society See: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society Directory of Membership. Memo 500 Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1975-2002. v. 1 (1975)-v. 28 #3 (Jan 25, 2002) {Missing: v. 27 #14, 32 (Apr, Aug, 2001) -- 1975-1997 not inventoried} Memo from the Peace Section Washington Office See: MCC - Peace Section Washington Memo. Memorandum (MCC Peace Section) See: MCC Peace Section - Memorandum. Memorial Home Pine Village Newsletter Moundridge, Kan.: Memorial Home for the Aged, 1978Title variation: Memorial Home Newsletter. Dec. 1978- v. 13 - 14 (1992) #52 (Irregular) MenCenComments See: MCC - MenCenComments. De Mennist Fennells-Bay, Australia: Nederlandse Doopsgezinden en Vrijzinnig Protestanten in Australia, [1966]July 1967-Jan 1980 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1967/68) #1, 11-12; v. 3-4 (1968/69-1969/70); v. 5 (1970/71) #1-7, 10-12; v. 6 (1971/72) #1, 6-9, 11-12; v. 7 (1972/73) #1-6, 9-12; v. 8-10 (1973/74-1976/77); v. 11 (1977/78) #1-10; v. 12 (1978/79) Mar-May; v. 13 (1979/80) Aug-Oct, Jan} Menno-Blatt See: Mennoblatt. Menno-Haven Menno-Village News Chambersburg, Pa.: Menno-Haven, 1964Title variations: Menno-Haven News, 1964-1979; News from Menno-Haven Menno-Village, Apr. 1976-Nov. 1977; Menno-Village Menno-Haven, 1978-1979. v. 1 (1964)-v. 29 (1992) #2 Menno-Haven News See: Menno-Haven Menno-Village News. Menno-Hof Newsletter Shipshewana, Ind.: Menno-Hof, 1986Continued by: Reunion v. 1 (1986)-v. 4 (1989) incomplete {Missing: 1987} Menno Informiert Chaco, Paraguay: Kolonie Menno, 19881988-1990 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1988) #3; v. 3 (1990) #1-2, 6} The Menno-Knight Los Angeles, Calif.: Henry J. Wiebe, 1927. v. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1927) The Menno-Light Bloomington, Ill.: Mennonite Hospital and School of Nursing, 1960-[198-] v. 1-24 (1960-1983) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1960) #3-4; v. 2 (1961) #3-4; v. 4 (1963) #2-4; v. 5 (1964) #2-4; v. 6 (1965) #2-4; v. 7 (1966) #2-4; v. 10 (1969) #1; v. 22 (1981) #2} Menno-Memos North Newton, Kan.: Western District Conference, 19831987. Continued by: Mustard Seed Co. Journal. v. 1-3 (1983-1987) Menno-Village Menno-Haven See: Menno-Haven Menno-Village News. 83 Menno-Zeitung von Mexiko Cuauhtémoc, Chih., Mexiko: Cornelius Rempel, 1986Title variations: Mennonitisches Nachrichten Blatt, Nov.Dec. 1986; Mexikanische Menno-Zeitung, Jan. 6, 1987. v. 1, nos. 1-24 (1986/88) * Mennoblatt Colonie Fernheim, Chaco, Paraguay: Menno-Blatt, 1930Has supplements: Kämpfende Jugend, 1934-1936; Jugendblatt, 1959-1978. v. 1 (1930)Mennogespräch Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 1983-1992. v. 1 (1983)-10 (1992) Continued by: Ontario Mennonite History. Mennolite Student Newsletter Elkhart, Ind. 1987 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1987), #2 Der Mennonit Basel: Mennonite Central Committee, 1948-1973. Absorbed: Unser Blatt (Gronau, West Germany) Split into: Mennonitische Blätter (Hamburg), and: Gemeinde Unterwegs. Has supplement: Gemeindeblatt des Verbandes BadischWürttembergisch-Bayerischer Mennonitengemeinden, 19691973. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 19631973. v. 1-26 (1948-1973) Mennonita Helvetica v. 13 (1990) - v. 19 (1996) * The Mennonite Philadelphia, Pa.: Mennonite Church, 1885Absorbed: The Christian Exponent. Absorbed: Missions Quarterly. Merged with: Christian Evangel, to form: The Mennonite and The Christian Evangel, 1934-1935. Resumed individual publication with 1936. Index: MLA has obituary index to 1885-1945, 1946-1971, 1971-1997 Annual index: Published separately, 1946v. 1 (1885)incomplete Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1-48 (1886-1933) and v. 5165 (1936-1950); v. 87 (1972)- v.103 (1988) Missing microfilm: v. 89 (1974) Note: Microfilm for the Mennonite and Christian Evangel, 1934-1935 is filed separately under that title. 2 copies of each. Missing paper copies: 27 Apr 1911 (v. 26 n. 17) Merged with: Gospel Herald Feb 17, 1998 under the name The Mennonite Note: Unbound duplicate issues located in Room 313, MLA 2n d floor. Available for scanning or replacements. Mennonite Adult Quarterly Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1948-1958. Continues: Mennonite Senior-Adult Quarterly. Continued by: Adult Bible Study Guide (Newton, Kan.) Teacher's edition: Herald Teacher (Newton, Kan.) v. 12-22 (1948-1958) Mennonite Air Missions Newsletter Seymour, Mo.: Mennonite Air Missions, Inc., [1974]v. 5-8 (1978-1981) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1978) #9-12; v. 6 (1979) #1-4, 810, 12; v. 7 (1980) #1-12; v. 8 (1981) #1} The Mennonite and the Christian Evangel See: The Mennonite. 84 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Mennonite Bandhu [S.l.: s.n., 19--]Text: In Hindi. 1943-1947? Mennonite Brethren Church. British Columbia - Minutes [Yarrow, B.C.]: The Conference, [1931]1962-1963 Mennonite Brethren Church - Calendar of Activities Fresno, Calif.: Evangelism and Christian Ed. Office, [1964]1973-1979 incomplete {Missing: 1974/75} Mennonite Brethren Church. Canadian Conference Yearbook Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1946Continues: Mennonite Brethren Church. Northern District Conference - Yearbook. Title variations: Verhandlungen der ... Kanadischen Konferenz; Berichte und Beschluesse der ... Kanadischen Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinden von NordAmerika. Text: In German and English, 1946-1966; in English, 19671946-1972, 1979-1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989 Mennonite Brethren Church. Central District Conference Yearbook McPherson, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1910Text: In German, 1910-1938; in German and English, 1939-1949; in English, 1950Note: Vols. for 1910-1925 issued jointly with Southern District Conference, Northern District Conference, and Pacific District Conference. v. 1-71 (1910-1980) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1912-13); v. 6 (1915-16); v. 9-10 (1918/191919/20); v. 24 (1933); v. 27 (1936); v. 30 (1939); v. 36 (1945); v. 70 (1979)} Mennonite Brethren Church. General Conference Yearbook Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Pub. House, 1883Title variations: Bericht über die ... Bundes-Conferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde; Verhandlungen der ... Bundes-Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüder-Gemeinde; Year Book of the Mennonite Brethren Church; Year Book of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America; Yearbook Convention of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. Text: In German, 1883-1936; in German and English, 1939-1963; in English, 19661886-1995 {Missing: 1981} Mennonite Brethren Church. Graded Sunday School Lesson for Senior, Intermediate, and Primary Departments Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Publishing House {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1944), #2 Mennonite Brethren Church - Mennonite Brethren Workers Directory Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Missions/Services, 19721974-1976 Mennonite Brethren Church. Northern District Conference Yearbook McPherson, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1910-1945. Continued by: Mennonite Brethren Church. Canadian Conference - Yearbook. Title variations: Verhandlungen der ... Nördlichen DistriktKonferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde von NordAmerika; Year Book of the Northern District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America. Text: In German and English. Note: Vols. for 1913/14 and 1925/26 issued jointly with Central District Conference. v. 1-35 (1910-1945) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1915); v. 8, (1917); v. 10 (1919); v. 22 (1931)} Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba - Minutes Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1941Cover titles: Minutes of the Provincial Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba; Protokoll der Provinzialen Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Manitoba. Text: In German. no. 12-13 (June-Oct. 1947); no. 23-25 (1957-1959) Mennonite Brethren Church. Ontario Conference - Minutes Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1932Cover titles: Minutes of the ... Annual Provincial Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Ontario; Protokoll der ... jährlichen Provinzialen VertreterVersammlung der Mennoniten Brüder-Gemeinden von Ontario. Text: In German. {Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1942); v. 16 (1947); v. 19 (1950); v. 27-30 (1958-61)} Mennonite Brethren Church. Ontario Conference - Year Book [Winnipeg, Man.]: Christian Press, [196-]Cover titles: Year Book of the ... Annual Provincial Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Ontario; Berichte und Beschluesse der ... Provinzialen Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinden von Ontario. Text: In German and English. v. 32 (1963) Mennonite Brethren Church. Pacific District Conference Yearbook Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, [1912]Title variations: Year Book of the Pacific District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church; Verhandlungen der ... Pacific Distrikt-Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde von Nord-Amerika. Text: In German, 1912-1938; in German and English, 19391943; in English, 1944Note: Some vols. issued jointly with Central District Conference and Southern District Conference. v. 2-72 (1913/14-1980/81) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1912); v. 4-8 (1915-1917), v. 10-11 (19191921); v. 24 (1933/34); v. 27 (1936/37); v. 45 (1954); v. 7071 (1979-1980)} Mennonite Brethren Church - Prayer Guide Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Board of Foreign Missions, 1954/551959/60. Continued by: Intercessor. 1955/56-1959/60 incomplete {Missing: 1958/59} Mennonite Brethren Church. South American Conference Berichte [S.l.]: The Conference, [195-]v. 9-10 (1960-1962) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonite Brethren Church. Southern District Conference - Home Missions Hillsboro, Kan.: Board of Home Missions, Southern district conference headquarters March 1947 Mennonite Brethren Church. Southern District Conference Yearbook McPherson, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1910Title variations: Year Book of the Southern District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church; Verhandlungen der ... südlichen Distrikt-Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde von Nord-Amerika. Text: In German, 1910-1938; in German and English, 1939-1943; in English, 1944Note: Some vols. issued jointly with Central District Conference and Pacific District Conference. v. 1-68 (1910-1977) incomplete {Missing: v. 3-4 (1912-1914); v. 6 (1914-15); v. 10 (191920); v. 15 (1924-1925); v. 23 (1933-34); v. 26-27 (19361937); v. 30 (1939-40); v. 62 (1971)} * Mennonite Brethren Church. United States Conference Minutes and Reports Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1957v. 1-25 (1957-2004) {Missing: v. 13 (1980), v.15-19 (1986-1992} Mennonite Brethren Church. Young People's Union Quarterly Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House 1934 {Detailed holdings: Apr-Jun 1934} Mennonite Brethren Churches of North America Planner Directory Winnipeg, MB: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1964{Detailed holdings: v. 21 (1984/85), v. 22 (1985/86), v. 30 (1993/94) * $ Mennonite Brethren Herald Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1962Continues: Mennonite Observer. Annual index: Published in last volume of issue. v. 1 (1962)Mennonite Brethren Historical Society of the West Coast Bulletin Fresno, Calif.: Mennonite Brethren Historical Society of the West Coast, 1978-1990. no. 1 (1978) - no. 22 (1990) incomplete Continued as: California Mennonite Historical Society Bulletin {Missing: v. 3 (1980) #1} Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Board of Foreign Missions - Regions Beyond (annual report) Penn.: Mennonite Brethren in Christ 1925, 1927 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church - Conference Journal Berlin, Ont.: Gospel Banner Print, 1899-[1906] 1901; 1905 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. General Conference - Proceedings Wakarusa, Ind.: General Conference, 1900-[194-] v. 9-13 (1916-1936) incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1920)} Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church - Handbook Waterloo, Ont.: [Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church], 1946. 1946 85 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Indiana-Ohio District - Proceedings Elkhart, Ind.: The Conference, [18--]Continued by: United Missionary Church. Indiana District Conference - Proceedings. v. 56 (1940); v. 58 (1942) Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Conference - Minutes [S.l.]: The Conference, [19--]v. 18 (1913/14); v. 39 (1935); v. 44 (1940) Nebraska Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Ontario Conference Conference Journal [S.l.]: The Conference, [1899-1947] v. 30 (1913); v. 32 (1915) Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Pennsylvania Conference. Board of Foreign Missions - Annual Report [S.l.]: Mennonite Brethren in Christ, Pennsylvania Conference, [1885-1947] v. 36 (1920) Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Pennsylvania Conference - Proceedings [S.l.]: The Conference, [1899]v. 26 (1909); v. 66 (1949); v. 71-74 (1954-1957) Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. United Missionary Society - Year Book Elkhart, Ind.: U.M.S. Board, 1928-1930. 1928 Mennonite Brethren Workers Directory See: Mennonite Brethren Church - Mennonite Brethren Workers Directory. Mennonite Calendar of Appointments [S.l.]: Markham-Waterloo Conference, [19--]v. 46 (1977); v. 49 (1980); v. 51 (1982); v. 59-60 (19901991); v. 62 (1993); v. 65 (1996) Mennonite Calendar of Weaverland Conference [S.l.]: The Conference, [1932]Title variations: Calendar of the Weaverland Conference of Mennonite Churches (2002) 1946; 1969-1993, 2002, 2005 incomplete {Missing: 1984-1988, 1994-2001, 2003, 2004} Mennonite Camping Association Directory Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Camping Association, 1990Title varies: MCA Directory 1990- (biannual?) 1994 Mennonite Camping Association Newsletter Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Camping Association, 1962-2005. v. 1 (1962)-Feb/Mar 2005 incomplete Variant title: MAC Newsletter Continued by: Natural links Note: MCA newsletter was used as the running title then became the regular title in 1989. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1962) #1; v. 3 (1964) #1-3; v. 4 (1965) #1-2; v. 5 (1966) #1-3; v. 6 (1967) #2; v. 7 (1968) #12, Nov; (1969) Jan, Sum, Nov; (1970) Jan, Jun; v. 10 (1971) #1; (1972) Sum, Dec; (1973) Apr, Sum, Dec; (1974) May, Dec; (1975) Mar, Jun, Oct; (1976) Jan, Apr, Jun, Oct; (1977) Jan, Apr, Jun, Oct; (1978) Mar, Jun, Oct; (1980) Jan, Jun, Sep; (1981) Jan, May, Aug, Nov; (1982) Feb, May, Sep, Dec; (1983) Feb, May, Aug, Nov; (1984) Feb, May, Aug/Sep, Nov; (1985) Feb/Mar, May/Jun, Nov; (1986) Feb, May, Sep, Nov; (1987) Mar, Sep, Nov; (1988) Feb, Sep, Dec} Mennonite Central Committee Annual Meeting See: MCC - Annual Meeting Reports. Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Bulletin. 86 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee C.P.S. News Letter Mennonite Central Committee Canadian Headquarters Letter See: MCC - Canadian Headquarters Letter. Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee Civilian Public Service News Letter Mennonite Central Committee Dialogue on Disabilities See: MCC - Dialogue on Disabilities Mennonite Central Committee Headquarters Letter See: MCC - Headquarters Letter. Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Health Services News and Views See: MCC - Mennonite Health Services News and Views Mennonite Central Committee Mental Health Service News Letter See: Mennonite Mental Health Services News. Mennonite Central Committee News Letter See: CPS - Mennonite Central Committee News Letter Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section Book of Mailings See: MCC - Peace Section Mailings. Mennonite Central Committee Relief News Letter See: MCC - Relief News Letter. Mennonite Central Committee Relief Trainees' News Letter See: MCC - Relief Trainees' News Letter. Mennonite Central Committee Resource Catalog See: MCC - Resource Catalog. Mennonite Central Committee Services Bulletin See: MCC Services Bulletin. Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Peace Section Book of Mailings See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section Book of Mailings. Mennonite Central Committee Voluntary Service Newsletter See: MCC Voluntary Service Newsletter. Mennonite Central Committee West Coast Regional Newsletter See: MCC - West Coast Regional Newsletter. Mennonite Central Committee Women's Activities Letter See: MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Akron) Mennonite Church - Atlantic Coast Conference Currents See: Atlantic Coast Conference Currents Mennonite Church. Board of Missions and Charities - Daily Prayer Calendar for Home and Foreign Work of the Mennonite Church Elkhart, Ind.: General sewing circle committee of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Continued as: Daily prayer guide for missions, relief and home activities of the Mennonite church 1946-1951 Mennonite Church. Board of Missions and Charities - Daily Prayer Guide for Missions, Relief and Home Activities of the Mennonite Church See: Daily Prayer Guide for Missions, Relief and Home Activities of the Mennonite Church. * Mennonite Church Canada Directory Winnipeg, MB : Mennonite Church Canada, 20022002Frequency: Irregular Note: MLA holds this serial only in electronic format – Adobe PDF files. See MLA Electronic Records Accessions #91, 92, 97 + Mennonite Church. General Assembly - Report Lombard, IL: Mennonite Church, 1971. 1971- 1989 Mennonite Church. General Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 1898-1971. Includes: Proceedings of the Mennonite General Conference, and Workbook. Reports: 1896-1944; 1947-1971. Proceedings: 1900; 1941-1943; 1947-1971. Mennonite Church. Illinois Mennonite Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 1921-[197-] Continued by: Mennonite Church. Illinois Mennonite Conference - Yearbook. 1923-1975 incomplete {Missing: 1924-1925; 1927; 1960-1961; 1968-1970; 1972} Mennonite Church. Illinois Mennonite Conference Yearbook [S.l.]: The Conference, [197-]Continues: Mennonite Church. Illinois Mennonite Conference - Report. 1976-1985 incomplete {Missing: 1982} The Mennonite Church in the City [Chicago, Ill.: Committee on City Churches, Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church], 1956no. 1-44 (Sept. 1956-July 1968) Mennonite Central Committee Workbook See: MCC - Workbook. Mennonite Church. Indiana-Michigan Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 19301930-1972 incomplete The Mennonite: Central District Edition See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Reporter. Mennonite Church Information. Harrisonburg, Va. : Christian Light Publications, 19981999. The Mennonite Centre Newsletter Toronto, Ont.: Mennonite Centre, 1984no. 1 (1984)- # 13-16 Oct 1989 - Feb 1991 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-8 (Jan 1984-Sep 1987); n.d. (Feb 1988?); #11 (Oct 1988)- } Mennonite Church. Iowa-Nebraska Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 19211921-1975 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1921-1932; 1934-1935; 1937; 1940; 1942; 1947-1948; 1952; 1956-1957; 1961; 1966; 1970; 1971; 1973; 1975} Mennonite Church. Argentine Mennonite Conference Report [S.l.]: The Conference, [192-]v. 2-22 (1924-1949) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2-9 (1924-1931); v. 11 (1934); v. 13-18 (1937-1942); v. 21-22 (1947-1949)} Mennonite MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference - Annual Report [S.l.]: Lancaster Mennonite Conference, [1967?]Continues in part: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. 1967-1993 incomplete {Missing: 1973-1978} Mennonite Church. Lancaster Conference Directory [S.l.]: The Conference, [19--]1976-1984 incomplete {Missing: 1982} Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Education Bulletin Elkhart, Ind.: The Board, 1931-1932. v. 1-2 (1931-1932) Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions. Media Ministries - In Touch See: In Touch. Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions. Mennonite Media - Media Connections See: Media Connections Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions Missions Now Elkhart, Ind: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1997-2001. Continued by: Beyond Ourselves. 1997-2001 incomplete {Missing: Winter 1998} Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions Working Reports Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1972Continues: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook. 1972-1975 Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report [S.l.]: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, [1907]1958. Continued by: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook. Title variations: Annual meeting report of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities; Report of the ... annual meeting of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities; Annual Report of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. Note: v. 52 (1958) bound with succeeding title. v. 10-52 (1916-1958) Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church See: Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church. Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Handbook Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1959-1971. Continues: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. Continued by: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions - Working Reports. Title variations: A Handbook of Mission Activity, Including Annual Reports; A Handbook, Including Annual Reports, of the General Mission Board of the Mennonite Church; General Mission Handbook, Including Annual Reports. 1959-1971 Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Service Opportunities Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1956), #2, 8} Note: Additional copies in Archives at MLA.VII.R.42. 87 Mennonite Church. Mennonite Commission for Christian Education - Handbook [S.l.]: The Commission, [19--]1940-1957 * Mennonite Church. Mennonite Yearbook and Directory Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Board of Charitable Homes and Missions, 19051905Mennonite Church. Missouri-Kansas Mennonite Conference - Report. [S.l.]: The Conference, 1921-1945. Title variation: Report of the Missouri-Kansas Church Conference. Continued by: Mennonite Church. South Central Mennonite Conference - Report. 1921-1945 Mennonite Church - North Central Conference Bulletin See: North Central Conference Bulletin Mennonite Church. Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference - Minutes [S.l.]: The Conference, [194-]1944-1951 Mennonite Church. Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 19281928-1940 incomplete {Missing: 1929-1930} Mennonite Church. Ohio Conference. The Ohio Evangel See: The Ohio Evangel Mennonite Church. Pacific Coast Conference. Missionary Evangel See: Missionary Evangel Mennonite Church. Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference - Annual Meeting See: Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference - Annual Meeting Mennonite Church. Pacific Conference - Evangel See: PNMC Evangel. Northwest Mennonite Mennonite Church - South Central Conference Directory North Newton, KS: South Central Conference, {Detailed holdings: Nov. 1990, Sept. 1991} Mennonite Church - South Central Conference Messenger Yoder, Kan.: South Central Conference, 1981 - 1996 Continues: Conference Messenger. Continued by: South Central Mennonnite Conference Messenger v. 34 (1981) #1 - v. 49 (1996) #1 Mennonite Church - South Central Mennonite Conference. Annual Reports Hesston, Kan. : South Central Mennonite Conference 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Mennonite Church - South Central Mennonite Conference Messenger See: South Central Mennonnite Conference Messenger Mennonite Church. South Central Mennonite Conference Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 1946Continues: Mennonite Church. Missouri-Kansas Mennonite Conference - Report. 1946-1960 Mennonite Church. South Pacific Mennonite District Mission Board - Southwest Messenger See: Southwest Messenger 88 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonite Church. Southeast Mennonite Conference Proclamation See: Proclamation Mennonite Church. Southeast Mennonite Conference Annual Meeting [S.l.]: The Conference, [1968]v. 19 (1986)- (1988) incomplete {Missing: v. 20 (1987)} Mennonite Church. Southeast Mennonite Convention Proclamation See: Proclamation Mennonite Church. Southwest Mennonite Conference Southwest Messenger See: Southwest Messenger Mennonite Church. Southwestern Pennsylvania Mennonite Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 1922-1953. Continued by: Mennonite Church. Allegheny Mennonite Conference - Report. 1922-1953 incomplete {Missing: 1938} Mennonite Church. Yearbook of the Western Ontario Mennonite Conference, United Mennonite Churches of Ontario, and the Mennonite Conference of Ontario 1978 The Mennonite Community Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Community Association, 19471953. Merged with: Christian Monitor, to form: Christian Living. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-7 (1947-1953) The Mennonite: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Edition [S.l.]: The Mennonite, [197-]Issued as supplement to: The Mennonite. 1976-1983 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1976) Apr; (1978) Feb, Sep; (1979) Apr, Sep; (1980) Mar, Sep; (1981) Apr, Sep; (1983) Mar} Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada - Annual Session Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada, 1988?1992, 1994, 1995 Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada - Directory Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada, 1988?1990, 1992 Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada - Reflections Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada, 1988?1991 Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Annual Report [S.l.]: The Conference, [1835]Title variations: Annual Conference of the Mennonite Church of Ontario; Annual Report: The Mennonite Conference of Ontario; Official Record of the Annual Session of the Mennonite Conference of Ontario. 1910-1915; v. 125-136 (1959-1970) incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1910-1915; v. 125-128 (1959-1962); v. 130 (1964); v. 132-136 (1966-1970)} Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Calendar Berlin, Ont.: Hett & Eby, 1836German title: Calender für die Versammlungen der Mennoniten Gemeinde in Ontario. 1891-1981 incomplete {Detailed holdings: German: v. 57-59 (1892-1894); v. 63-64 (1898-1899); v. 74-75 (1909-1910); v. 77 (1912); v. 79-80 (1914-1915); v. 82 (1917); v. 85 (1920); v. 90 (1925); v. 146 (1981) English: v. 2-6 (1891-1896); v. 9-14 (1899-1904); v. 17 (1907); v. 19-29 (1909-1919); v. 31-35 (1921-1925); v. 37 (1927); v. 40 (1930); v. 45 (1934); v. 51 (1941); v. 53-54 (1943-1944); v. 57 (1947); v. 61 (1951); v. 64 (1954); v. 6669 (1956-1959)} Mennonite Conscientious Resistors' Newsletter North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1981-[1985?] Continues: Mennonite Non-Cooperators' Newsletter. v. 2-6 (1981-1985) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1981) #2-7; v. 3 (1982) #1-5; v. 4 (1983) #1-3; v. 5 (1984) #2-3; v. 6 (1985) #1} Mennonite CPS Bulletin See: CPS - Mennonte CPS Bulletin The Mennonite Critical Saskatoon, Sask.: Hulda Regehr, 1950. no. 1 (Aug. 1950) Mennonite Distorter Ottawa, Ont.: Heretic Foundation, 1986v. 1 (1986)The Mennonite Draft Resistance Newsletter Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Resistance, 1970-[197-] Continued by: Mennonite Non-Cooperators' Newsletter. Note: Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1970) bound with Mennonite NonCooperators' Newsletter, v. 1, no. 1 (April 1980) 1970-1972 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1970) #1-5; v. 2 (1971) #1-2; v. 3 (1971) #3; (1972) Feb} Mennonite Educator Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Education, 1974v. 1-v. 3, no. 1 (1974-Spring 1976) The Mennonite Endeavorer Philadelphia, Pa.: Church Press Association, 1897v. 1-3 (1897-1899) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1897) #5; v. 2 (1898) #5-12; v. 3 (1899) #1-12} * Mennonite Environmental Task Force Newsletter Newton, Kan. : Mennonite Environmental Task Force, 2001Continues: ETF Newsletter 2001Mennonite Family Almanac See: Family almanac. * Mennonite Family History Elverson, Pa.: Mennonite Family History, 1982Annual index: Published separately. v. 1 (1982)Mennonite Farmunity See: CPS - Mennonite Farmunity. Mennonite Genealogist v. 1, #1 (Jan. 1995)-# 2 (1996) Mennonite Health and Welfare Horizons Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1960-1962. Continues: Mennonite Hospitals and Homes. Continued by: The Christian Nurse (1962) v. 11, no. 3-v. 13, no. 4 (March 1960-Jul./Aug. 1962) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonite Health Association Newsletter Goshen, IN: Mennonite Health Association, 19911991- Oct 1994 Continues: MHA Healthcare Newsletter. * Mennonite Health Journal Columbus, Ohio: Mennonite Medical Association, 1998Continues: Mennonite Medical Messenger v. 1 (Oct/Nov 1998) # 1a Mennonite Health Services News and Views See: MCC - Mennonite Health Services News and Views Mennonite Heritage Normal, Ill.: Illinois Mennonite Historical Society, 19741989 Index: Vols. 1-6 (1974-1979), in v. 6, no. 4 (Dec. 1979); v. 7-11 (1980-1984), in v. 11, no. 4 (Dec. 1984); v.12-16 (1985-1989) shelved with bound volume 1982-1989. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. Continued by: Illinois Mennonite Heritage v. 1 (1974)-v. 16 (1989) * Mennonite Historian Winnipeg, Man.: History-Archives Committee, Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1975Absorbed: Mennonite Brethren Historical Society of Canada Newsletter. Index: Vols. 1-12 (1975-1986), in 1 v. v. 1 (1975)Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania Newsletter See: MHEP Newsletter. Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania Quarterly See: MHEP Quarterly. * Mennonite Historical Bulletin Scottdale, Pa.: Historical Committee of Mennonite General Conference, 1940Index: Vols. 1-10 (1940-1949), with v. 10; v. 11-20 (19501959), in v. 20, no. 4; v. 21-30 (1960-1969) issued as supplement to v. 32, no. 3; v. 31-40 (1970-1974) in v. 40, no. 4. v. 1 (1940)Mennonite Historical Society of BC Newsletter Abbotsford, B.C. : Mennonite Historical Soceity of BC Newsletter, 1995?-2003 Continued by: Roots and branches: Newsletter of the Mennonite Historical Society of BC v. 6 (2000) #3-v. 9 (2003) #3 Mennonite Historical Society of Canada Newsletter [S.l.]: The Society, 1976. v. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1976) Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario - Bulletin Waterloo, Ont.: The Society, 1966no. 1-3 (Nov. 1966-Nov. 1970) Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan Inc. See: News Issue Mennonite Hospitals and Homes Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1957-1960. Continues: Mennonite Hospital News. Absorbed: The Christian Nurse (1947) Continued by: Mennonite Health and Welfare Horizons. v. 8-v. 11, no. 2 (1957-Feb. 1960) 89 Mennonite Hospital News La Junta, Colo.: Mennonite Hospital and Sanitarium, 19501956. Continued by: Mennonite Hospitals and Homes. Bound with: Mennonite Hospitals and Homes. v. 1-7 (1950-1956) The Mennonite Hour Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., [195-]MLA has issues from 3 series; see boxes for details. {Detailed holdings: Series #1: #16-17; 22-23, 81-142; 147-201; 212-245; 250254; 259-262; 267-277; 279-287; 296-297; 299-304; 322; 325-338; 344-356; 374 Series #2: #1-22; 27-156 Series #3: #26-59; 61-70; 72-92; 95-127; 129; 131-152; 154-169; 172-210; 215-234; 238-242; 246-256; 258; 261331; 336-343; 349-382} The Mennonite Hour Informer Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Crusaders, Inc., 1952-1956. Continued by: The Informer. v. 1-5 (1952-1956) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1952) #4; v. 2 (1953) #3-11; v. 3 (1954) #1-10, 12; v. 4 (1955) #1-9, 11; v. 5 (1956) #1-6} Mennonite Junior Quarterly Newton, Kan.: Board of Publication of the General Conference, 1943-1958. Continues: Intermediate Christian Sunday School Quarterly. Continued by: Junior Bible Study Guide. Teacher's edition: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Note: Vols. 21-22 (1957-1958) bound with Junior Bible Study Guide. v. 1-v. 22, no. 3 (1943-Sept. 1958) Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1944-1958. Title variations: Junior Teacher's Handbook; Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Teacher's Handbook; Teacher's Handbook for Mennonite Junior Quarterly; Mennonite Junior Teacher's Handbook; Mennonite Junior Teacher. Continued by: Junior Bible Study Guide: Teacher's Manual. Student's edition: Mennonite Junior Quarterly. Note: Vols. 21-22 (1957-1958) bound with Junior Bible Study Guide: Teacher's Manual. v. 2-22 (1944-1958) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1946) #4; v. 5 (1947) #2; v. 17 (1953) #1} Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Teacher's Handbook See: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Mennonite Junior Teacher See: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Mennonite Junior Teacher's Handbook See: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Mennonite Librarian and Archivist Goshen, Ind.: North American Mennonite Archivists and Librarians Assoc., 1984v. 1 (1984) # 1-10; - 1977 * Mennonite Life North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1946Indexes: Vols. 1-10 (1946-1955), in v. 11, no. 1; v. 11-15 (1956-1960), in v. 16, no. 1; v. 16-20 (1961-1965), in v. 21, no. 1; v. 21-25 (1966-1970), in v. 26, no. 1; v. 26-30 (19711975), in v. 31, no. 1; v. 31-35 (1976-1980), in v. 36, no. 2; v. 36-40 (1981-1985), in v. 41, no. 1. v. 1 (1946)Note: MLA has microfilm copies for v. 41 (1986)- MLA PER Mfilm Mennonite Literary Society Occasional Newsletter Winnipeg, Man. : Mennonite Literary Society, 1998. v.1 #1 (Oct 1998). 90 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonite Medical Messenger [S.l.]: Mennonite Medical Association, 1949Continued by: Mennonite Health Journal 1950-1998 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1950) Apr; (1951) Apr; v. 4 (1952)v. 49 (1998) # 3 Mennonite Meeting Calendar for Eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland [S.l.]: The Conference, [19--]Title variations: Meeting Calendar of all the Mennonite Churches in Eastern Pennsylvania and Washington Co., Md.; Meeting Calendar: Mennonite Congregations of Eastern Pennsylvania and Washington Co., Md. 1890-1968 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1890; 1910; 1922; 1933; 1936-1938; 1940-1949; 1951-1958; 1962; 1964; 1966; 1968} Mennonite Memorial Home Newsletter Bluffton, Ohio: Mennonite Memorial Home, [1950]-1978. Continued by: The Homesteader. v. 27-29 (1976-1978) incomplete {Missing: v. 27 (1976) #1-3} Mennonite Mental Health Services News Akron, Pa.: MCC, 1949Title variations: Mennonite Central Committee Mental Health Service News Letter, 1949-1951; Mental Health News. 1949-1958 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1949) sample, #1; (1950) #2, Jun, Aug, Nov-Dec; (1951) Mar-Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (195556) #1-9; (1958) Mar, Apr, Jul} Mennonite Mirror Winnipeg, Man.: Brock Publishers, Ltd., 1971-1991. Indexes: Vols. 1-6 (1971-1977), in v. 6, no. 10; v. 7-10 (1977-1981), in v. 11, no. 2; v. 11-13 (1981-1984), in v. 13, no. 10. v. 1 (1971)-v. 20 (1991) Mennonite Missionary Messenger Elkhart, Ind. : Mennonite Church Home and Foreign Relief Commission, 1901 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm [ microfilm only, no print copies] v. 1 #1-4 (Apr - Jul 1901) Mennonite News Letter London: London Mennonite Centre, 1959-1960. Title variation: London Mennonite Newsletter. 1959-1960 Mennonite Mutual Aid Top Drawer See: MMA - Top Drawer Mennonite Non-Cooperators' Newsletter Harrisonburg, Va.: A. Gingerich and L. Hurst, 1980-1981. Continued by: Mennonite Conscientious Resister's Newsletter. v. 1-v. 2, no. 1 (1980-Jan. 1981) $ Mennonite Observer Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1955-1961. Separated from: Mennonitische Rundschau. Continued by: Mennonite Brethren Herald. v. 1-7 (1955-1961) The Mennonite: Pacific District Edition See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Pacific District Messenger. Mennonite Pioneer Mission Altona, Man.: Mennonite Pioneer Mission, 1945-[196-] v. 3-17 (1947-1961) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1947) #1-2; v. 4 (1948) #3; v. 6 (1950) #3; v. 7 (1951) #1-2; v. 8 (1952) #1-2; v. 9 (1953) #14; v. 10 (1954) #1-2; v. 11 (1955) #1-2; v. 12 (1956) #1-4; v. 13 (1957) #1-3; v. 14 (1958) #1-3; v. 15 (1959) #1-2; v. 16 (1960) #1-2; v. 17 (1961) #1} Mennonite Publishing House Tracts Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [19--]nos. 24-533 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #14, 24, 28, 38, 41, 43, 68-69, 105, 152, 158, 183, 524, 533, 2 with no numbers} * Mennonite Quarterly Review Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Historical Society, 1927Continues: Goshen College Record: Review Supplement. Indexes: Vols. 1-25 (1927-1951), in v. 26, no. 1; v. 31-40 (1957-1966), in v. 40, no. 4; v. 41-50 (1967-1976), in v. 50, no. 4; v. 51-60 (1977-1986), in v. 51, no. 1. Annual index: Published separately or in last issue of volume. v. 1 (1927)Mennonite Renewal Services Newsletter (Goshen, Ind. : 1976) Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Renewal Services, 1976-1984. Absorbed by: Empowered. no. 1-v. 9 (1976-1984) Mennonite Renewal Services Newsletter (Goshen, Ind. : 1985) Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Renewal Services, 1985Separated from: Empowered. August 1985Mennonite Reporter Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Pub. Service, 1972Continues: Canadian Mennonite Reporter. Continued by: Canadian Mennonite. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 2 - v. 27, no. 15 (1972 - Jul 28, 1997) incomplete Mennonite Research Journal [Lancaster, Pa.]: Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society, 1960-1977. Continued by: Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage. Index: Vols. 11-18 (1970-1977), in v. 18, no. 4. v. 1-18 (1960-1977) Mennonite Review See: Mennonitische Rundschau. Mennonite Senior-Adult Quarterly Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1944-1947. Note: Vols. 8-10 (1944-1946) bound with Christian Sunday School Quarterly; v. 11 bound with Mennonite Adult Quarterly. Continues: Christian Sunday School Quarterly. Continued by: Mennonite Adult Quarterly. v. 8-11 (1944-1947) incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1946) #4} The Mennonite Suvarthamani Mahbubnagar: A.M.B. Mission Press, [1922] Text: In Hindi. v. 39-53 (1960-1974) incomplete {Missing: v. 44 (1965) #7; v. 46 (1967) #1; v. 47 (1968) #12; v. 48 (1969) #1, 5, 10; v. 50 (1971) #11-12; v. 51 (1972) #1-2, 4-8; v. 53 (1973) #3-12} The Mennonite Voice See: The Jamaica Mennonite Voice. Mennonite Voluntary Service - Opportunities for Service Stored in Archives at MLA.VII.R.42. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * $ Mennonite Weekly Review Newton, Kan.: Herald Pub. Co., 1923Separated from: Der Herold. Has supplement: Bethel Collegian, 1923-1929. Indexes: MLA has index for 1923-1930; obituary index for 1924-1955. The most recent index, 1923-2001 and updated is at Note: MLA has microfilm copies for v. 1-8 (1923-1930) on MF, PER, KS-NEW, MWR, 1-3. v. 1 (1923)Note: An inventory of the paper copies in 1996 found no missing issues but many damaged ones. A list of damaged issues is shelved with the bound copies. {Missing: v. 3 (1925), #1, 51; v. 4 (1926), #22, 27, 29, 30, 38, 52; v. 10 (1932), #11; v. 11 (1933), #10, 25} The Mennonite: Western District Edition See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District News. The Mennonite: Window to Mission Edition See: Window to Mission The Mennonite: WM Edition See: Window to Mission The Mennonite: WMA Edition See: Window to Mission Mennonite Woman’s Missionary Society. Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church. See: Booklet of Prayer for Missions of the Mennonite Church. Mennonite Women Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Women, 2001Dec 2001-May 2002 Continued by: Mennonite Women USA Mennonite Women USA Newton, Kans. : Mennonite Women USA, 2002March 2003 Continues: Mennonite Women Mennonite World Conference Newsletter Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite World Conference, 1976-1984. Continued by: Courier. Title variation: MWC Newsletter. v. 1-8 (1976-1984) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1976) #1-2; v. 2 (1977) #1; v. 3-8 (1979-1984)} 91 Mennonite Young People's Meeting Topics Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House 1915-1944 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm [1915-1944] microfilm labeled and filed under Mennonite Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics Continues: Mennonite Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics {Detailed holdings: 1915, 1919-1922, 1924-25, 19271944} Mennonite Young People's Quarterly Newton, Kan.: Board of Education of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America, [1937?]-1958. Continued by: Youth Bible Study Guide. Teacher's edition: Herald Teacher (Newton, Kan.) v. 12, no. 1-v. 22, no. 3 (Jan. 1948-July/Sept. 1958; missing v. 12, #2) Mennonite Youth Service [S.l.]: Youth Christian Service Activities Committee of Lancaster Conference, 1951-[196-] v. 1-15 (1951-1963) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1951) #1-2; v. 2 (1952) #1, 3-5, 9-10, 12; v. 3 (1953) #2-4, 9-11; v. 4 (1954) #1-10; v. 5 (1955) #1-4; v. 6 (1956) #1-2; v. 7 (1957) #1, 3; v. 8 (1958) #1-3; v. 9 (1959) #1-4; v. 10 (1960) #1-4; v. 11 (1961) #1-4; v. 13 (1962) #1-3; v. 14 (1963) #1,3; v. 15 (1963) #4} Mennoniten Gemeinde Krefeld See: Mennonitengemeinde Krefeld. Mennonitenbrief aus Göttingen Göttingen: Mennonitengemeinde, 1947-1950. 1947-1950 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1947) Jul, Oct; (1948) Jan, May, Sep; (1949) Jan, Apr, Aug; (1950) Dec} Mennonitengemeinde Krefeld Krefeld: Mennoniten Gemeinde, [195-]Title variation: Mennoniten Gemeinde Krefeld, 1954-Sept. 1973. Continues: Blätter aus der Krefelder Mennonitengemeinde. 1954-1992 incomplete {Missing: (1962) Aug; (1963) Aug-Dec; (1964) Jan-Sep; (1967) Dec; (1968) Jun-Aug; (1975) Aug; (1976) Dec; (1983) #1, 11; (1984) #1-3} Mennonite Writers' Fellowship - Quarterly Report See: Christian Writer. * Mennonitica Helvetica Nuglar, Switzerland: Der Verein, 1990Continues: Informations-Blätter v. 13 (1990)Note: v. 17 (1994) published as monograph. See call no. M 289.74943 Um5e 1994 Mennonite Year Book and Almanac See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Mennonite Year Book and Almanac. Mennonitische Auslese Steinbach, Man.: Arnold Dyck, 1951. v. 1, no. 1 (1951) Mennonite Yearbook & Directory See: Mennonite Church - Mennonite Yearbook and Directory. $ Mennonitische Blätter Danzig: J. Mannhardt, 1854-1941. Title variation: Mennonitische Blätter zur Belehrung und christlichen Erbauung zunächst für Mennoniten. Note: MLA has microfilm copies for 1854-1941 on MF, PER, PRUSSIA, MBL, 1-4. v. 3-88 (1856-1941) incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1856-1897; 1899-1906; 1911-1913; 1917-1921; 1927-1941. Lacking: 1854-1855: all; 1856: #2; 1857: #4; 1860: #3, 4, 6; 1868: #7; 1877: #1-3, 5, 7-8; 1878: #10; 1879: #3, 5-6; 1880: #2, 8, 10, 12?; 1881: #1-2; 1882: #4; 1884: all; 1896: #7; 1897: #3; 1898: all; 1899: #3, 5; 1901: #5-8; 1902: #4; 1905: #7; 1906: #2-4, 7, 10; 1911: #3, 12; 1913: #2; 1920: #8, 10, 12; 1921: #1-7, 9-10; 19221926: all; 1937: #3, 6, 7/8, 10, 12; Mennonite Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics Scottdale, Pa. : Christian monitor, 1900s - 1914 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1913-1914, microfilm only, no print copies Continues: Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics Continued by: Mennonite Young People’s Meeting Topics 1913-1914 92 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonitische Blätter (Hamburg) Hamburg: Verei n i gu n g der Deutschen Mennonitengemeinden, 1974-1985. Continues in part: Der Mennonit. Merged with: Gemeinde Unterwegs, to form: Brücke Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-12 (1974-1985) $ Der Mennonitische Friedensbote Milford Squäre, Pa.: Gedruckt von J.G. Stauffer, 1867-1881. Continues: Christliche Volksblatt. Merged with: Zur Heimath, to form: Christlicher BundesBote. Microfilm: v. 11-26, 1867-1881 v. 11-26 (1867-1881) * Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter Frankfurt a.M.: Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 1936v. 1 (1936)$ Der Mennonitische Immigranten-Bote Rosthern, Sask.: Mennonitischen Immigrantenkomitee, 1924. Continued by: Der Bote (Rosthern, Sask. : 1925) Note: MLA also has uncataloged microfilm copy labeled and filed Der Bote, Reel #1. Bound with: Der Bote. v. 1, nos. 1-51 (Jan.-Dec. 1924) Mennonitische Jugendwarte [Ibersheim]: Kommission für Jugendfürsorge, 1920-1939. Continues as bimonthly supplement to: Gemeindeblatt der Mennoniten, 1940-1941. v. 1-19 (1920-1939) incomplete {Missing: v. 14 (1934) #5-6; v. 18 (1938) #6; v. 19 (1939) #5-6} Mennonitische Lehrerzeitung Horndean, Man.: Victor Peters, 1948-1950. Continued by: Mennonitische Welt. Bound with: Mennonitische Welt. v. 1-2 (1948-1950) * Die Mennonitische Post Steinbach, Man.: Mennonitische Post, 1977v. 1 (1977)incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1979-80) #14; v. 4 (1980-81) #19; v. 6 (1982-83) #22; Feb 20, 1998} * Mennonitische Rundschau Elkhart, Ind.: Menn. Verlagshandlung, 1880Title variations: Die Rundschau; Mennonite Review, June 5-Oct. 2, 1940. Microfilm: 1880-1909 Continues: Nebraska Ansiedler. Absorbed: Christliche Jugendfreund. Merged with: Herold der Wahrheit, to form: Mennonitische Rundschau und Herold der Wahrheit, 19011908. English counterpart: Mennonite Observer. Has supplements: Der Huterische Bote, June 11-Aug. 20, 1941; Unser Bote, Aug. 27-Dec. 24, 1941. v. 3 (1882)incomplete Indexes: 1880-1889, 1890-1899, 1900-1909, 1920-1929, 1930-1939 {Missing: v. 5-7 (1884-1886); v. 8 (1887) #31; v. 13 (1892) #25, 30-31, 44; v. 16 (1895) #52; v. 18 (1897); v. 24 (1901) incomplete; v. 34 (1911); v. 41 (1918); v. 46 (1923) #3, 16, 20, 51; v. 48 (1925) #8; v. 74 (1951) #28, 34; v. 75 (1952) #35, 46; v. 80 (1957) #28; v. 85 (1962) #31; v. 97 (1974) #38} Mennonitische Vierteljahrsschrift Berne, Ind.: Johannes Horsch, 1900v. 1, nos. 1-2 (1900-01) Mennonitische Volkswarte [Steinbach, Man.]: A.B. Dyck, 1935-1936. Continued by: Mennonitische Warte. Index: MLA has index to v. 1 (1935) v. 1-2 (1935-1936) Mennonitische Warte [Winnipeg, Man.]: A.B. Dyck, 1937-1938. Continues: Mennonitische Volkswarte. Continued by: Warte-Jahrbuch fuer die Mennonitische Gemeinschaft in Canada. v. 3-4 (1937-1938) Mennonitische Welt Horndean, Man.: Victor Peters, 1950-1952. Continues: Mennonitische Lehrerzeitung. v. 3-5 (1950-1952) Mennonitischer Familien-Kalender See: Familien-Kalender. Mennonitischer Gemeinde-Kalender Karlsruhe: Konferenz der Süddeutschen Mennoniten, 19511970. Continues: Christlicher Gemeinde-Kalender. Continued by: Mennonitisches Jahrbuch (Karlsruhe) v. 51-70 (1951-1970) Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt Lemberg: Gemeinde "Kiernica-Lemberg," [1919]Continues: Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt für Oesterreich. v. 8-25 (1920-1939) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 8 (1920) #30-32; v. 9 (1923) #3; v. 10 (1924) #1; v. 11 (1925) #1; v. 12 (1926) #1; v. 13-22 (1927-1936); v. 23 (1937) #2-4; v. 24 (1938) #1-4; v. 25 (1939) #1-2} Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt für Oesterreich Lemberg: Gemeinde "Kiernica-Lemberg," 1913-1918. Continued by: Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt. v. 1-3 (1913-1918) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1913) #7; v. 2 (1914) #3-4, 6-7; v. 3 (1917/18) #1-10} Mennonitisches Jahrbuch für Südamerika Curitiba, Brasil: Verlagskomitee der Mennonitengemeinden in Südamerika, 1968Continues: Jahrbuch der Mennoniten in Südamerika. 1968/69 Mennonitisches Jahrbuch (Gross-Tokmak, Ukraine) Gross-Tokmak: H. Lenzmann, 1905-1914. no. 1-10 (1903/4-1913) incomplete Index: 1905-1914, subject and author {Detailed holdings: #1-3 (1903/4-1905/6); #9 (1911/12); #10 (1913)} * Mennonitisches Jahrbuch (Karlsruhe) Karlsruhe: Konferenz der Süddeutschen Mennonitengemeinden, 1971Continues: Mennonitischer Gemeinde-Kalender. Note: Vols. 71-73 bound with Mennonitischer GemeindeKalender. v. 71 (1971)incomplete {Missing: v. 85 (1985)} Mennonitisches Jahrbuch (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1948-1957. Bound with: Bundesbote-Kalender. Continues: Bundesbote-Kalender. Index: MLA has obituary and biography index compiled by Ruth Unrau. v. 63-72 (1948-1957) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mennonitisches Nachrichten Blatt See: Menno-Zeitung von Mexiko. * Mennonot no. 1 (fall 1993)Mennonursing [Scottdale, Pa.]: Mennonite Nurses' Association, 1945-1947. Continued by: The Christian Nurse (1947). v. 1-v. 2, no. 4 (1945-Jan. 1947) El Mensajero Cd. Juárez, Chih.: Evangelio de Jesús, 1966v. 1 (1966)- (Apr 1989) incomplete {Missing: Series 3, v. 7 (1987) #3} Der Menschenfischer Basel: Christliche Radiomission, Janz Team, [1957-1960] Continued by: Ruf zur Entscheidung. v. 4 (1960) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1960) #1-4, 6-8} Mental Health News See: Mennonite Mental Health Services News. Messenger (Church of the Brethren) See: Church of the Brethren - Messenger. The Messenger (Henderson, Neb.) Henderson, Neb. : Grace Children’s Home, 1991-1997 Continues: Grace Children’s Home Messenger Continued by: GCH Messenger [v. 47 (1991) #2] - v. 53 (1997) #2 Messenger (Hesston, Kan.) See: South Central Mennonite Conference Messenger. The Messenger of the Eastern District Conference [Coopersburg, Pa.]: Eastern District Conference of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1947Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church -Eastern District Messenger v. 1 (1947-48) #2-v. 43 (1991) #1 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1947-48) #4; v. 2 (1948-49) #2-4; v. 3 (1949-50) #1-3; v. 4 (1950-51) #4} * Messenger of Truth Hillsboro, Kan.: Church of God, a Branch Mennonite, 1903Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1903-1953 Indexes: (baptisms, marriages, obituaries) 1920-1979, 1980-2000 Note: Many of the MLA’s copies are low-quality photocopies. It would be good to get original copies if it is ever possible. v. 1 (1903){Missing: v. 20 (1921) #21; v. 21 (1922) #20; v. 22 (1923) #24-25; v. 24 (1925) #16; v. 25 (1926) #14, 25; v. 26 (1927) #11, 17, 20; v. 27 (1928) #20; v. 28 (1929) #7, 21, 23; v. 29 (1930) #4, 18, 23, 25; v. 30 (1931) #9, 22 The Messenger (Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference) Reedley, Calif. : Pacific District Conference Education Committee (General Conference Mennonite Church) and Southwest Mennonite Board (Mennonite Church), 1993 1998 Publisher varies: Published by Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference, 1994-1998 Title varies: Summer 1993 issue only: Pacific District & Southwest Messenger Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church - Pacific District Messenger, and Southwest Messenger Continued by: Panorama 1993-1998 The Messenger (Ritzville, Wash.) See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Pacific District Messenger. 93 * The Messenger (Steinbach, Man.) Steinbach, Man.: Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 1963Has supplements: The Servant (Steinbach Bible Institute); MCC Annual Report, 1966-1970. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, v. 1-3, 6; published in first issue of succeeding volume, v. 4-5. v. 1 (1963)Messenger (Yoder, Kan.) See: Mennonite Church. South Central Conference Messenger. Mexikanische Menno-Zeitung See: Menno-Zeitung von Mexiko. MFN See: CPS - Minersville Fortnightly Nuggets $ MHA Healthcare Newsletter Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Health Association, 1980-1990. 1984-1990 incomplete Continued by: Mennonite Health Association Newsletter. MHA Newsletter See: MHA Healthcare Newsletter and Mennonite Health Association Newsletter. MHEP Newsletter Souderton, Pa.: Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania, 1974-1997 Title variation: Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania Newsletter. Continued by: MHEP Quarterly. v. 1 (1974)- v. 24 (1997) * MHEP Quarterly Harleysville, Pa.: Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania, 1998Continues: MHEP Newsletter. v. 1 (1998)MHS Booster See: Marquette High School MIBA News Letter Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Industry and Associates, 1977-1979. Continues: CIBA Newsletter. Continued by: The Marketplace. v. 6-9 (1977-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1977/78) #1} Business The Michigan Reporter for Conscientious Objectors Detroit, Mich.: Michigan Council for Conscientious Objectors, {Detailed holdings: May 1, 1944; July 1, 1944; Aug. 1, 1944; Sept. 1, 1944} Middle District Conference - Minutes See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Middle District Conference - Minutes. Midwest Genealogical Register Wichita, Kan.: Midwest Genealogical Society, 1966-1980. Title variation: News letter from the Midwest Genealogical Society, June 1966. Continued by: Midwest Historical and Genealogical Register. Annual surname index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-14 (1966-1980) 94 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Midwest Historical and Genealogical Register Wichita, Kan.: Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society, 1980Continues: Midwest Genealogical Register. Surname index: Published in each issue. Note: Vol. 15 (1980/81) bound with Midwest Genealogical Register. v. 15 (1980/81) - v. 38 #2 (Jul/Aug/Sep 2003) {Missing: v. 25 (1990)} * The Midwestern Archivist [S.l.]: Midwest Archives Conference, 1976-1991. Continued by: Archival Issues. Index: Vols. 1-8 (1976-1983), in 1 v. v. 6 (1981)-v. 16 (1991) Mifflin County Mennonite Historical Society newsletter vol. 1, no. 1 (April 1987)- incomplete Migrant News and Notes See: MCC - Migrant Unit Notes. Migrant Unit Notes See: MCC - Migrant Unit Notes. Militia Christi Lochem: De Tijdstroom, 1945-1982. Continued by: Kerk en Vrede. v. 1-v. 2, no. 1 (1945-Dec. 1946) Mimeographed Letter See: African Circle Letter. Minersville Fortnightly Nuggets See: CPS - Minersville Fortnightly Nuggets Minister's Parish Paper North Newton, Kan.: Western District Conference, 1975v. 1-v. 2, no. 2 (1975-Feb. 1976) Minority Ministries Council's Happenings Elkhart, Ind.: The Council, 1971Caption title: Happenings. v. 1-3 (1971-1974) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1971) #1; v. 2 (1972) #1-2; v. 3 (1974) #2-4} Minutes and Reports (Northern District Conference) See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Northern District Conference - Minutes and Reports. Minutes and Reports of the ... Convention of Mennonite Brethren Churches of the United States See: Mennonite Brethren Church. United States Conference - Minutes and Reports. Minutes and Reports of the United States Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church See: Mennonite Brethren Church. United States Conference - Minutes and Reports. Minutes and Reports to the ... Annual Session of the Western District Conference See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes and Reports. Minutes (Conference of Mennonites in Saskatchewan) See: Conference of Mennonites in Saskatchewan - Minutes. Minutes (General Conference Mennonite Church) See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Minutes. Minutes (Kansas Conference) See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Kansas Conference - Minutes. Minutes (Middle District Conference) See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Middle District Conference - Minutes. Minutes of ... Annual Session of the Central District Conference of the General Conference Mennonite Church See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Central District Conference Year Book. Minutes of the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren See: Church of the Brethren - Minutes. Minutes of the ... Annual Provincial Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Ontario See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Ontario Conference Minutes. Minutes of the ... Annual Session of the Nebraska Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Nebraska Conference - Minutes. Minutes of the Ohio Mennonite and Eastern A.M. Joint Conference See: Mennonite Church. Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference - Minutes. Minutes of the Provincial Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba See: Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba - Minutes. Minutes of the Spring Conference of the Church of the Mennonite Brethren of British Columbia See: Mennonite Brethren Church. British Columbia Minutes. Minutes of the Western District Conference See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes. Mir Vancouver, B.C.: Union of Young Doukhobors, 1973v. 1 (1973)-no. 17 (May 1979) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1973/74) #2, 7/10; v. 2 (1974/75) #1-10; v. 3 (1975) #1-2; #11-17 (Feb 1976-May 1979)} * The Mirror Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society, 1969v. 1 (1969) Mission der Mennoniten unter den Arapahoen und Cheyennen im Indianer-Territorium, Nord-Amerika [Berne, Ind.]: Bundesboten, [1888]Issued as supplement to: Christlicher Bundes-Bote. 1888-1890 incomplete {Missing: (1890) #3-4} Mission Focus Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1972-1992. v. 1 (1972)-v. 20, #3 (Sept. 1992) * Mission Focus: Annual Review Elkhart, Ind. : Mennonite Board of Missions, 1993v. 1 (1993){Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1993), v. 3 (1995), v. 5 (1997)-v. 7 (1999), v. 9 (2000)} Mission News Lame Deer, Mont.: {Detailed holdings: July 19, 1950} Note: Possibly published by the voluntary service unit there. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Mission News Souderton, Pa.: Franconia Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1937-1972. Continued by: Franconia Conference News. v. 6-v. 36, no. 4 (1942-July/Aug. 1972) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1942-43) #1-3; v. 7 (1943-44) #2-3; v. 8 (1944-45) #2, 5; v. 9 (1945-46) #2; v. 10 (1946-47) #1, 3, 56; v. 11-12 (1947-1949) all; v. 13 (1949-50) #5-6; v. 14 (1950-51) all; v. 16 (1952-53) #1, 3, 5; v. 17 (1953-54) #2, 4; v. 20 (1956) #6; v. 27 (1963) #5-6; v. 28 (1964) #3-6} Mission News Bulletin (1925) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1925-1947. v. 1-22 (1925-1947) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1925) #1-23; v. 2 (1926) #1-24; v. 3 (1927) #1-5, 7-16, 19, 21-24; v. 4 (1928) #1-24; v. 5 (1929) #1-9, 11-13, 15-24; v. 5 (1930) #1-24; v. 6 (1931) #1-16, 18-24; v. 7 (1932) #1-7, 9-22; v. 8 (1933) #1-15, 1724; v. 9-13 (1934-1938); v. 14 (1939) #1-3, 5, 8-24; v. 1516 (1940-1941); v. 17 (1942) #1-23; v. 18 (1943) #1-20; v. 19 (1944) #1-24; v. 20 (1945) #1-17; v. 21 (1946) #1, 3-22; v. 22 (1947) #1-21} Mission News Bulletin (1958) Goshen, Ind.: Indiana-Michigan District Mission Board, 1958Continued by: Mission News Release. v. 1-v. 2, no. 2 (1958-Feb. 1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1958) #1-3; v. 2 (1959) #1-2} Mission News of the China Mennonite Mission Society Tsaohsien Sung, China: China Mennonite Mission Society 1924 {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1924), #24-25, 28} Mission News Release Goshen, Ind.: Indiana-Michigan Mission Board, 1959Continues: Mission News Bulletin (1958) v. 2-7 (1959-1964) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1962) #1, 4, 6-7; v. 6 (1963) #12; v. 7 (1964) #4-12} Mission Q Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, [1972]1972-1978 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1972) #1-3; v. 2 (1973) #1-6; v. 3 (1974) #1-3, 5-6; v. 4 (1975) #1-6, 8; v. 7 (1976-78?) #16} Mission Quarterly Newton, Kan.: Home and Foreign Missions of the Mennonite General Conference of N.A., 1924-[193-] Title variation: Missions-Quartalblatt. German edition: Bound with English. v. 1-7 (1924-1930) incomplete {Detailed holdings: English ed.: v. 1-6 (1924-1930) German ed.: v. 1-v. 7, no. 1 (1924-Dec 1930)} Mission-Service Newsletter Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1953v. 1-11 (1953-1968) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1961) #7; v. 11 (1968) #4- } The Mission Worker Chicago, Ill.: Mennonite Home Mission, 1906-1909. v. 1-2 (1906/07-1907/08) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1906/07) #4; v. 2 (1907/08) #2, 5} 95 Missionary Banner New Carlisle, Ohio: United Missionary Society, 1938-1969. Merged with: Gospel Banner, and Emphasis to form: Emphasis on Faith and Living. v. 1-32 (1938-1969) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1938-39) #1-2, 4; v. 7 (1944-45) #3-4, 6; v. 12 (1949-50) #2, 4, 6-7, 9; v. 13 (1950-51) #5; v. 14 (1951-52) #10; v. 28 (1966-67) #9, 11; v. 29 (1967-68) #3-7; v. 32 #5 (Jan. 1969)} Missionary Bulletin Scottdale, Pa.: Conservative Amish Mennonite Mission Board, 1952-1970. Continued by: Brotherhood Beacon. v. 7-19 (1958-1970) Missionary Challenge Chappell, Neb.: District Mission Board, Iowa-Nebraska Conference, 1948-1987. Continued by: The Challenge. v. 3-40 (1950-1987) Missionary Church Association. General Conference Report Ft. Wayne, Ind.: M.C.A. Publishing Dept., [1899]1944-1946 Missionary Day Elkhart, Ind.: General Sunday School Committee of the Mennonite Church and Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, [19--]Title variation: Missionary Day Bulletin. 1925-1947 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1925-1932; 1935-1943; 1945; 1947} Missionary Day Bulletin See: Missionary Day. Missionary Evangel Portland, Ore.: District Mission Board of the Pacific Coast Conference, 1944 v. 4 (1947-1948)- v. 49 (1994) #2 Continued by: PNMC News {Missing: v. 4 (1947-1948) #3-4; v. 5 (1948-1949) #1; v. 47 (1992) #1, 4; v. 48 (1993) #4} * The Missionary Guide [Peoria, Ill.]: Mennonite Mission Board of the Illinois District, 1944Includes: Annual Report of the Illinois Mennonite Conference, 1974-1975. Located in archives. v. 1 (1944)- incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1944) #1} The Missionary Herald Boston: Published for the Board by Samuel T. Armstrong, 1821-1934. Continues: Panoplist and Missionary Herald. Merged with: American Missionary, to form: Missionary Herald at Home and Abroad. Annual index: Published separately, bound in front of volume. v. 17-18 (1821-1822) Missionary Light Harrisonburg, Va.: Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1941v. 1 (1941)- v. 72 (1991) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1941) #1-3; v. 6 (1946) #3; v. 16 (1956) #3} * Missionary Messenger Scottdale, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities of Lancaster Mennonite Conference, 1924Includes: Prayer Letter Supplement, 1952-1958. v. 2 (1925)- 96 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Missionary News and Notes [Newton, Kan.]: Executive Committee of Mission Societies of the General Conference Mennonites, 1926-1965. German edition: Missionary News and Notes: German Edition. Continued by: Missions Today. Text: In English and German, 1936-1943. Annual index: Published in no. 11 of succeeding volume, 1948-1953; in no. 7 of succeeding volume, 1954-1965. v. 1-39 (1926-1965) Missions Today North Newton, Kan.: Women's Missionary Association, 1965-1973. Continues: Missionary News and Notes. Continued by: The Mennonite: Window to Mission Edition. Note: Vols. 39-42 (1965-1968) bound with Missionary News and Notes. Annual index: Published in no. 5 or 7 of succeeding volume. v. 39, no. 11-v. 48, no. 1 (July 1965-Sept. 1973) Missionary News and Notes: German Edition [S.l.]: Exekutiv Komitee der Missionsnaehvereine, 19271935. Note: Vols. 4-9 (1929-1935) bound with English edition. 1927-1935 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1927) Jun, Sep; (1928) Jan-Jun, Sep, Nov-Dec; (1929) Jan, Apr; v. 4-9 (1929-1935)} Missions Yearbook See: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Missions Yearbook. $ The Missionary Review of the World New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1888-1939. Continues: Missionary Review. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 13-62 (1900-1939) Missionary Sewing Circle Letter Scottdale, Pa.: General Sewing Circle Committee of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1930-1944. Continued by: Missionary Sewing Circle Monthly Shelved under: WMSC Voice. v. 1-v. 17, no. 1 (1930-July 1944) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1931-32) #4-6; v. 8 (1937-38) #1-3} Missionary Sewing Circle Monthly Scottdale, Pa.: General Sewing Circle Committee of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1944-1954. Continues: Missionary Sewing Circle Letter. Continued by: Women's Missionary & Service Monthly. Shelved under: WMSC Voice. v. 17, no. 2-v. 25, no. 4 (July 1944-Sept. 1954) The Missionary Worker Berne, Ind.: Missionary Church Association, [19--]v. 52-63 (1955-1966) incomplete {Missing: v. 52 (1955/56) #1-21, 23-24; v. 53 (1956/57) #6-14, 18-19, 22; v. 54 (1957/58) #6, 8; v. 57 (1960/61) #21} Missions Informer Steinbach, Man.: Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 1960v. 1-5 (1960-1964) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1962) #2} * Missions Nachrichten Gummersbach, Germany: Missionswerk FriedensBote, 1993?1993Missions-Nachrichten aus Tangshan Tangshan, Kiangsu Prov., China: E. Kuhlmann, 1920-1941. Located in Archives: Ernst Kuhlmann Collection, MLAMS-42, folder 9. Title variations: Die Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in Tangshan und Umgebung, Apr. 1928; Verkündigt das Evangelium, July 1928-July 1938; Nachrichten aus China, Oct. 1938-1941. no. 1 (March 1920)-v. 22, no. 1 (1941) incomplete {Missing: #10 (1922); #14 (1924/25); v. 21 (1940) #4 (?)} Missions Now See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions Missions Now Missions-Quartalblatt See: Mission Quarterly. Missionsblatt Mbopicúa, Paraguay: Mennonitischen Missionskomitee fuer Paraguay, [196-]1964-1966 incomplete {Detailed holdings: [Apr 1964]; #8 (Apr 1965); #9 (Aug 1965); [Jan 1966]; #11 (May 1966)} Missionsbote aus Neukirchen Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Mission, 1960Continues: Missions und Heidenbote. 1982-v. 114 (1992) incomplete {Missing: (1982) #1, 4; (1983) #5-6; (1984) #1} Missionsnachrichten von ‘Licht den Indianern’ [Chaco, Paraguay: Licht den Indianern] {Detailed holdings: Sep 1989, June 1991, Oct 1991, July 1992, Oct 1992} Missouri-Kansas District Church Conference Report See: Mennonite Church. Missouri-Kansas Mennonite Conference - Report. * Mistletoe Leaves Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1973Continues: Mistletoe Leaves (1893-1895). v. 10 (1979)incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1979) #1-5; v. 14 (1983) #9-12; v. 15-16 (1984-1985); v. 17 (1986) #1} $ Der Mitarbeiter Winnipeg, Man.: Konferenz der Mennoniten im Mittleren Canada, 1906-1934. v. 1-27 (1906-1934) Der Mithelfer Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1926-1927. 1926-1927 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 16 issues (n.d.)} $ Mitteilungen der Comenius-Gesellschaft Leipzig: R. Voigtländer's Verlag, 1893-1894. Located in Vault. Bound with: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Issued as supplement to: Monatshefte der ComeniusGesellschaft. Continued by: Comenius-Blätter für Volkserziehung. v. 1-2 (1893-1894) Mitteilungen der Freunde des Mennonitischen JugendRund-Briefes [S.l.: s.n., 193-]1933-1936 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #4 (Sep 1933); #9 (Sum 1935); #10-11 (Jan-Oct 1936)} Mitteilungen der Niederländischen Ahnengemeinschaft Hamburg: Niederländischen Ahnengemeinschaft, 1938v. 1-3 (1938-1965) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-3 (Apr 1938-May 1939), #6; v. 2 #1-7 (Mar 1952-Jun 1961); v. 3 #1-2 (Apr 1964-Dec 1965)} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Mitteilungen des Sippenverbandes der Danziger Mennoniten-Familien Epp-Kauenhowen-Zimmermann Göttingen: Kurt Kauenhowen, 1935-1943. Title variation: Mitteilungen des Sippenverbandes Danziger Mennoniten-Familien, 1941-1943. Continued by: Nachrichtenblatt des Sippenverbandes Danziger Mennoniten-Familien. Note: MLA has microfilm copies for v. 5-9 (1939-1943) on MF, PER, GERMANY, BERG, 1. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-8 (1936-1942) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1-2; v. 2 (1936) #1-6; v. 3 (1937) #1-6; v. 4-8 (1938-1942) Note: Complete inventory of microfilm has not been done.} Mitteilungen des Westpreussischen Geschichtsvereins Danzig: Kommissionsverlag der L. Saunierschen Buch- und Kunsthandlung, [1901-193-] Continued by: Weichselland: Mitteilungen des Westpreussischen Geschichtsvereins. v. 10-30 (1911-1931) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 10 (1911) #4; v. 12 (1913) #3; v. 13 (1914) #3; v. 15 (1916) #1; v. 16 (1917) #3-4; v. 30 (1931) #1} Mitteilungen für die Mennonitengemeinde in Fernheim Fernheim, Paraguay: Mennonitengemeinde, ?{Detailed holdings: (1990) #10-12; (1991) #1-6, 8-10; (1992) 5 Jan, 2 Feb, 1 Mar, 5 Apr, ? May, 7 Jun, 5 Jul, 2 Aug, 6 Sep, 4 Oct, 1 Nov, 6 Dec; (1993) #1-7, 9-10, 7 Nov, 5-19 Dec} Mitteilungsblatt SEE: Altpreußische Geschlechterkund Mitteilungsblatt Mittheilungen aus dem religiösen Leben Königsberg i. Pr. : Carl Harder, 1848. Continues: Monatsschrift für die Mennoniten 1 v, Heft 1-8 (Juni-Dec. 1848) Notes: Editor: Carl Harder. Photocopies evamgelischen Miyakonojo Monthly [S.l.: s.n., 1960]v. 2, no. 2 (Feb. 1961) MMA - Dialogue on Disabilities See: Dialogue on Disabilities. MMA Newsletter Harrisonburg, Va. : Mennonite Medical Association, 2004?Title varies: MMA E-Newsletter (Detailed holdings: (2004) Aug, Dec; (2005) Feb 10, Mar, Dec; (2006) Mar, Aug, Nov MMA - Top Drawer See: MLA Vertical File: Mennonite Mutual Aid Association. MMHS Newsletter See: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society Newsletter. MMYO Bulletin Altona, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Youth Organization, [1964]v. 2-5 (1965-1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1965) #3; v. 5 (1968) #2-3} Molokan See: CPS - Molokan. The Molotschna Villager Phoenix, Ariz. : Hildegard Wasnick, 1994-2002. v. 1 (1994) # 1 - v. 7 (2002) #2 97 Molotschnaer Flugblatt Molotschansk, Gouv. Taurien: Verlagsgesellschaft "Raduga", [19--]-1917. Continued by: Volksfreund. Aug.-Dec. 1917 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1917) Aug 12, Sep 9, Nov 11, Nov 30, Dec 9, Dec 15} Monaths-Blatt von Beuggen Basel: Chr. Fr. Spittler, [18--]1832-1834 Monathsblätter für öffentliche Missionsstunden Calw-Hirsau, Germany: 1839-1916. 1839 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1839), #1} $ Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft Leipzig: R. Voigtländer's Verlag, 1892-1908. Located in Vault. Title variation: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Philosophie und Geschichte, 1908. Has supplements: Mitteilungen der Comenius-Gesellschaft, 1893-1894; Comenius-Blätter für Volkserziehung, 18951908; Literatur-Berichte der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Continued by: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben. Annual index: Published separately, bound in front of volume. v. 1-17 (1892-1908) $ Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben Jena: Eugen Diederichs, 1909-1919. Located in Vault. Has supplements: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Volkserziehung, 1909-1915; Monatshefte für Volkserziehung, 1915-1919; Literatur-Berichte der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Continues: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft. Continued by: Geisteskultur und Volksbildung. Annual index: Published separately, bound in front of volume. n.F. Bd. 18-n.F. Bd. 11 (1909-1919) $ Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Volkserziehung Jena: Verlag von Eugen Diederichs, 1909-1915. Located in Vault. Bound with: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben. Issued as supplement to: Monatshefte der ComeniusGesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben. Continues: Comenius-Blätter für Volkserziehung. Continued by: Monatshefte für Volkserziehung. n.F. Bd. 1-n.F. Bd. 7 (1909-1915) $ Monatshefte für Volkserziehung Jena: Eugen Diederichs, 1915-1919. Located in Vault. Shelved under: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben. Issued as supplement to: Monatshefte der ComeniusGesellschaft für Kultur und Geistesleben. Continues: Monatshefte der Comenius-Gesellschaft für Volkserziehung. n.F. Bd. 7-n.F. Bd. 11 (1915-1919) Monatsschrift für doe evamgelischen Mennoniten Königsberg i. Pr. : Carl Harder, 1846-1848. Continued by: Mittheilungen aus dem reliösen Leben Jahrg. [1]-2 (Oct. 1846-Mai 1848) Notes: Editor: Carl Harder. Photocopies. Mono Log See: CPS - Mono Log. 98 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ The Montezuma Press Montezuma, Gray County, Kan.: Bernard and Waneta Collett, [1915]Located in Archives. v. 59 (1973/74) incomplete {Missing: v. 59 (1973/74) #1-2, 4-6, 51-52} Montgomery County Farmer Skippack, Pa.: Bert Shontz, 1951-1962. Located in Archives. Continued by: The Bucks-Mont Farmer and Courier. v. 9-12 (1959-1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 9 (1959) #1-11} Monthly Letter Issued by the General Committee See: Monthly Letter Issued by the Mennonite Woman's Missionary Society. The Monthly Letter Issued by the Mennonite Woman's Missionary Society [S.l.]: General Committee, Mennonite Woman's Missionary Society, 1919-1928. Title variation: Monthly Letter Issued by the General Committee, Sept. 1921-Feb. 1922. no. 4 (Jan. 1921)-v. 9, no. 9 (Jan./Feb. 1928) incomplete {Missing: #1-3 (1919-1920); #7 (May 1921); v. 4 (192223) #10; v. 9 (1927-28) #8, 10-12} Monthly Ministry Memo See: WDC Monthly Ministry Memo Die Mormonen See: Prüfet die Geister. Morning Light Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Board of Foreign Missions, 19491954. v. 1-5 (1949-1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1949-50) #1-5; v. 2 (1951) #1-4; v. 3 (1952) #1-4; v. 4 (1953) #1-4; v. 5 (1954) #1-7} $ Moscow News Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, [1931]Located in Archives. v. 11-13 (1941-1943) $ Moundridge Journal Moundridge, Kan.: August Ringwald, 1902-1987. Located in Archives. Continues: Journal (Moundridge, Kan.) Merged with: Inman Review and Buhler News, to form: The Ledger. Note: MLA has microfilm copies for v. 16-64 (1902-1949) on MLA PER Mfilm v. 59-101 (1944-1987) $ The Moundridge Leader Moundridge, Kan.: Jas. M. Coutts, 1887-1894. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: Journal (Moundridge, Kan.) v. 1-7 (1887-1894) The Mountain Columbian See: CPS - The Mountain Columbian $ Mountain Lake Observer Mountain Lake, Minn.: Mountain Lake Observer and Mountain Lake View, [1894]-1974. Located in Archives. Continued by: Mountain Laker Observer/Butterfield Advocate. v. 44-79 #33 (1937-1974) * $ Mountain Lake Observer/Butterfield Advocate. Mountain Lake, Minn.: C. Bill and Marcia Paulsen, 1974Title variation: Observer/Advocate, Observer Advocate, Mountain Lake Butterfield Observer/Advocate Located in Archives. Bound with Mountain Lake Obserever. Continues: Mountain Lake Observer and Butterfield Advocate newspapers. v. 79 #34 (Feb 7, 1974) - v. 80 #27 (Dec 12, 1974), Feb. 5, 2003Mountain View Echoes Aroda, Va.: Mountain View Rest Home, 1970v. 1 (1970)-v. 240 (1992) The M'Pherson Comet McPherson, Kan.: Wm. Hall, 1881-1882. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm McPherson Anzeiger v. 1, nos. 1-26 (1881-82) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1881-82) #21} Music Messenger Quarryville, Pa.: Christian Education Board of Lancaster Mennonite Conference, 1967-1979 Index: Vols. 1-10 (1967-1976), in v. 10, no. 6; v. 11-13 (1977-1979), in v. 13, no. 3. v. 1-13 (1967-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 8 (1974) #4; v. 9 (1975) #3} Mustard Seed Co. Journal North Newton, Kan.: Western District Conference, 19871992 Continues: Menno-Memos. 1987-1992 The MVS Connection Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Voluntary Service, 1972Title variation: Items and Notes, Oct. 1973-Dec. 1974. v. 1-14 (1972-1986) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-8 (1972-1979); v. 9 (1980) #1-4; v. 10 (1981) #1-4; v. 11 (1982) #1-3; v. 13 (1985) #8; v. 14 (1986) #1, 3, 6} MWC Newsletter See: Mennonite World Conference Newsletter. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 99 Naamlijst der Remonstrantsche Gemeenten en Predikanten in de Nederlanden See: Jaarboekje voor de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in de Nederlanden. Nachrichtenblatt (Rosthern, Sask.) Rosthern, Sask.: Canadian Mennonite Board of Colonization, 1935v. 1, nos. 1-6 (1935-36) Nachrichten aus China See: Missions-Nachrichten aus Tangshan. $ NAPC Newsletter Newton, Kan. : Newton Area Peace Center, 1989-2001. Continues: Newton Area Peace Center Newsletter. Continued by: Peace Connections Newsletter. Feb 1989 - Jan/Feb 2001. Location: Shelved with Newton Area Peace Center Newsletter. Nachrichten aus der Heidenwelt Halstead, Kan.: Allgemeinen Conferenz der Mennoniten in Nord-Amerika, 1877-1881 (Halstead, Kan.: Westliche Publikations-Gesellschaft) Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm c.1 positivec.c.2 negative)\ Absorbed by: Christlicher Bundes-Bote. v. 1-5 (1877-1881) Nachrichten aus der Heidenwelt für Alt und Jung Berne, Ind.: Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten von Nord-Amerika, 1885-1887. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Located in archives. Absorbed by: Christlicher Bundes-Bote. v. 1-3 (1885-1887) Nachrichten-Blatt des Concordia Vereins Winnipeg, Man.: Concordia Verein, 1928-?. {Detailed holdings: Jg. 2 No. 2 (Juli 1929)} Nachrichten des "Volksfreund" Molotschansk, Gouv. Taurien: "Raduga", 1917. May 13, 1917 Verlagsgesellschaft Nachrichten für die Nordwestdeutschen Mennonitengemeinden Emden: Heinold Fast, [195-]1959-1992 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1959) Aug-Dec; (1960) Jan-Oct; (1961) Mar-Dec; 1962-1964; (1965) Jan, Apr-Dec; (1966) Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec; (1967) Jan-May, Aug-Dec; (1968) JanApr, Sep-Dec; (1969) Jan-Jun, Aug-Nov; (1970) Feb-Dec; (1971) Jan-May, Sep-Oct; (1972) Feb-Jun, Nov-Dec; (1973) Feb-Mar, May-Jul, Sep-Oct; (1974) Jan-Nov; (1975) JunDec; (1976) Feb-May, Aug-Sep; (1978) Jan-Feb, Sep-Dec; (1979) Jan-Jul, Sep-Oct, Dec; (1980) Jan-Mar, May-Jul, Sep-Oct; (1981) Dec; (1982) Jan-Mar, Aug-Sep, Dec; (1983) Jan-Feb; (1985) May/Jun, Dec/Jan; (1986) Dec/Jan, Feb/Apr, Jun/Aug; (1987) Dec/Jan, Sep-Dec; (1988) Jan, May/Jul, Sep-Dec; (1989) Jan/Feb- } Nachrichten von den Feldern der Verfolgung Gummersbach: Missionswerk Friedensstimme, [1976]-1989. Continued by: Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten 1980-1989 The Narrow Way St. Joe, Ark.: Martin Printers, 1956German edition: Der Schmale Weg. v. 1-7 (1956-1966) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1956) #1; v. 2 (1957) #1; v. 3 (1961) #1, 3, 5-8; v. 4 (1962) #1-4; v. 5 (1963-64) #1-8; v. 6 (1965) #1-4; v. 7 (1966) #1-3} National Christian Council of China. Annual Report. {Detailed holdings: 1924-1925 (1 volume)} National Christian Council of China. Biennial Report. Shanghai: National Christian Council of China, 1923?-?. {Detailed holdings: 1929-1931 (1 volume)} National Council for Prevention of War News Bulletin Washington, D.C.: The Council, [1922-1934] Continued by: Peace Action. v. 5-13 (1926-1934) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1926) #9-12; v. 6 (1927) #1-2, 4, 6-7, 9-12; v. 7 (1928) #1-3, 5-12; v. 8 (1929) #1-7; v. 12 (1933) #12; v. 13 (1934) #2-5} NATO Watch Brussels: NATO Interest Group of the European Mennonite Peace Committee, 1985no. 1 (1985)-v. 7 (1991) # 1 Natural links [Elkhart, Ind.] : Mennonite Camping Association, 2005Jun/Jul 2005Continues: Mennonite Camping Association newsletter Note: Also available online at: The Navajo Missionary Ganado, Ariz.: Mennonite Mission School, 1951v. 1-2 (1951-1952), (1964-1966) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1951) #1-3; v. 2 (1952) #1-12; (1964) Jun-Sep, Nov-Dec; 1965; (1966) Jan} Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten Gummersbach: Missionswerk Friedensstimme, 1990Continues: Nachrichten von den Feldern der Verfolgung Continued by: Friedensstimme Nachrichten von Missionsfeldern im Osten 1990, #78 - v. 20 (1994) #106 Location: 1990 and 1991 bound with Nachrichten von den Feldern der Verfolgung. Navajo News Bloomfield, N.M.: Brethren in Christ Mission, 1950v. 11 (1962)-v. 42 #6 (1991) incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1964) #1-5; v. 14 (1965) #4; v. 41 (1990) #1} Nachrichtenblatt des Sippenverbandes Danziger Mennoniten-Familien Göttingen: Kurt Kauenhowen, 1943-1944. Continues: Mitteilungen des Sippenverbandes der Danziger Mennoniten-Familien Epp-Kauenhowen-Zimmermann. no. 1-3 (Dec. 1943-June 1944) NCC Bulletin See: North Central Conference Bulletin Nachrichtenblatt (Montevideo) Montevideo: G.E. Reimer, [1949?]-1961. Continued by: La Plata-Post. v. 12 (1961) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 12 (1961) #7-12, 14-15, 19, 21, 2324} De Navorscher Amsterdam: Frederik Muller, 1851v. 93-94 (1951-1954) NCPH Newsletter See: Newsletter of the National Council on Public History. 100 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication NCRC News Newton, Kan.: Newton Council for Retarded Children, [1953]Title variation: HCARC News. v. 2-21 (1955-1974) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1955-56) #7, 13; v. 4 (1957-58) #1-2, 4-6; v. 5 (1958-59) #1-6, 8-9; v. 6 (1959-60) #1, 7-10; v. 7 (1960-61) #2-11; v. 8 (1961-62) #1, 5-11; v. 9 (196263) #1-10; v. 10 (1963-64) #2-10; v. 11 (1964-65) #2-4; v. 12 (1965-66) #3-4; v. 19 (1972-73) #3-5; v. 20 (1973) #111; v. 21 (1974) #2-4} The Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record Lincoln, Neb.: Nebraska Genealogical Society, 1923-1944. v. 1-22 (1923-1944) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1923) #1-2; v. 2 (1924) #1; v. 4 (1926) #1; v. 7 (1929) #1; v. 8 (1930) #4; v. 9 (1931) #1-2; v. 10-12 (1932-1934); v. 13 (1935) #1; v. 14 (1936) #1; v. 15-17 (1937-1939); v. 18 (1940) #1-2} Nebraska Ansiedler Supplement to: Herald of Truth. Continued by: Mennonitische Rundschau. Index, June 1878-May 1880 Microfilm: 1878-1880 $ Nebraska History Lincoln, Neb.: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1938Continues: Nebraska History Magazine. v. 22-61 (1941-1980) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 22 (1941) #4; v. 26 (1945) #2-4; v. 27-59 (1946-1978); v. 60 (1979) #1-3; v. 61 (1980) #2 Note: Complete inventory on bound volumes has not been done.} Nebraska Mennonite Historical Newsletter Dorchester, Neb.: Nebraska Mennonite Historical Society, 1991-2002. v. 1 (1991) - v.[11] #1 (2002) Nebraska State Board of Agriculture - Annual Report Nebraska: State board of agriculture 1911 * Der Neue Amerikanische Calender Baltic, Ohio: Johan Räber, 1930English edition: The New American Almanac. v. 1 (1930)incomplete {Missing: 1934-1935; 1964; 1968 Note: Must be ordered annually from Raber's Bookstore, Baltic, Ohio; no standing order or subscription available.} Die Neue Brücke Witmarsum-Hammonia, Sta. Catharina: Siedlungsleitung in Witmarsum, 1938. Continues: Die Brücke. Bound with: Die Brücke. v. 1 (1938) Neue Christoterpe: Ein Jahrbuch Halle a.S. und Bremen: Müller's Verlagsbuchhandlung 1880-81; 1891; 1894-97; 1903; 1905; 1908; 1915 $ Das Neue Dorf Charkow: Zentralverlag, [19--]Located in Archives. 1929-1930 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1929) #59, 62, 65, 67, 69-70, 73, 7682, 84, 86-88; (1930) #104-107, 109, 111-117, 122, 124125, 129, 132-134, 137-138 Note: Holdings taken from box label; inventory of issues has not been done.} Neue Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiet historischantiquarischer Forschungen Halle: Thüringisch-Sächischen Verein für Erforschung des vaterländischen Altherthums und Erhaltung seiner Denkmale, 1834-1910. Bd. XIV, 2 (1878) Note: Shelved under M/943.22/N393 Neue Pfade im fernen Westen Topeka, Kan.: Neue Pfade Publishing Co., 1884v. 1 (1884-85) * Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis s'Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1949Title variation: Dutch Review of Church History. Continues: Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. v. 37 (1949)- $ Das Neue Vaterland Newton, Kan.: Phillipp Schmitz, 1879. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm on same reel with Kansas Volksblatt Merged with: Kansas Volksfreund, and Stern des Westens, to form: Kansas Staats-Anzeiger. v. 1, nos. 1-32 (Jan. 11-Aug. 16, 1879) Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1902-1949. Continues: Archief voor Nederlandsche Kerkgeschiedenis. Continued by: Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. Index: Vols. 1-22 (1902-1929), in v. 26. v. 1-36 (1902-1948/49) Neue Wege Zürich: Vereinigung Freunde der Neuen Wege, 1907v. 21-29 (1927-1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 21 (1927) #11; v. 27 (1933) #9-12; v. 28 (1934) #1-5, 7-12; v. 29 (1935) #1-2, 4-8; v. 46 (1952) #1; v. 52 (1958) #5; v. 53 (1959) #3} Network Scottdale, Pa.: Provident Bookstores, 1979? v. 22 #1 - 4 (Oct 2001 - Jul 2002) Note: Back issues from Jan-Mar 1996 are available at: Neuer Gemeinnütziger Pennsylvanischer Calender Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär, [18--]1840-1899 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1840; 1859; 1865-1866; 1868-1870; 1872; 1877; 1880-1885; 1887-1888; 1890; 1894; 1899} Network Newsletter See: MCC - Network Newsletter. Neuer Haus- und Landwirthschafts-Kalender für Deutsche Ansiedler im Südlichen Russland Odessa : L. Nitzsche, [18--]1867-v. 46 (1914) incomplete Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm {Detailed holdings: 1867; 1881-1915} Neu Sonnefelder Jugend Waldmuhle Breitewitz b. Gräfenhainichen Bez. Halle a./S.: H. Klassen, [19--]no. 5 (n.d.) Die Neuapostolischen See: Prüfet die Geister. Neues für Alle Asunción, Paraguay: Helmut Janz, 1979v. 14 #406 (27 Aug 1993) - v. 16 #474 (Dec. 23, 1994) Located in archives. {Missing: # 412-413, 416-417, 423-428, 453, 454, 464, 467, 468, 473} $ MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Neues Leben Moskau: "Prawda", [1957]1964-1985 Located in archives. Neukirchener Abreisskalender See: Der Christliche Hausfreund. Der Neukirchener Jugendfreund Neukirchen, Kreis Mörs: Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins, [19--]Cover title: Tägliche Andachten: Bibelsprüche mit Erklärungen. 1929 * The New American Almanac Baltic, Ohio: Ben J. Raber, 1970Title variation: The New American Calender, 1970. German edition: Der Neue Amerikanische Calender. 1970{Note: Must be ordered annually from Raber's Bookstore, Baltic, Ohio; no standing order or subscription available.} The New American Calender See: The New American Almanac. New Handbook of the Churches See: Yearbook of American Churches. New Horizons See: CPS - New Horizons. New Peace Times Dallas, Tx: Dallas Peace Center, 1991Continues: Dallas Peace Times v. 1 (1991)-v. 2 (1992) New Roots See: CPS - New Roots The New Way Bulletin Harrisonburg, Va.: New Way, [19--]Text: In Russian. Russian edition: Novij Putj. 1957-1976 incomplete {Detailed holdings: Russian edition: (1957) #2-4; (1958) #1-6; (1959) #1-2; [n.d.] #3-23, 25-57 English edition: v. 3 (1960) #1, 3} * News Bremerhaven, Germany : Deutsches Auswandererhaus, 20042004Note: Text in German and English News and Opinions See: CPS - News and Opinions News and Views See: CPS - News and Views News and Views See: Kings View - News and Views (Reedley, Calif. : 1975) News from Menno-Haven Menno-Village See: Menno-Haven Menno-Village News. News from Sierra View Homes Reedley, Calif.: Sierra View Homes, 1981Title variation: Sierra View Homes News, April/May 1988v. 1 (1981)-v. 19 (1993) #2 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1981) #1; v. 5 (1985) #2-6; v. 6 (1986) #16; v. 7 (1987) #1} 101 News (General Conference Mennonite Church) See: General Conference Mennonite Church - News. News in "General" Kansas City, Mo.: Hospital Service Unit, [195-]1950-1955 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1950) Sep-Nov; (1951) Jul-Aug, Dec; (1952) Jan-Aug/Sep; (1953) Jan, Apr/Jun-Oct/Dec; (1954) Jan/Mar-Oct/Dec; (1955) Jan/Mar} News Issue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan Inc 1993-1996. v. 1 (1993) - v. 4 (1996). incomplete. Continued by: Saskatchewan Mennonite Historian. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1993) #1; v. 2 (1994) #3; v. 3 (1995) #1-2; v. 4 (1996) #1) News Letter See: CPS - News Letter News ‘n Notes See: Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia - News ‘n Notes News of the Unit See: CPS - News of the Unit News Notes Berkeley: Northern California Service Board for Conscientious Objectors, [194-]1943-1945 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1943) Dec 17; (1944) Feb 7, Apr 22, Jul; (1945) Jan, Apr} News Notes of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors See: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors News Notes. News of China New York, NY: United China Relief, 1942-? 1944-1947 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1944), #8-12; v. 4 (1945) #2-6; v. 6 (1947) #2} Note: The organization was later known as United Service to China. News of Interest to the Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus Wichita, Kan. : Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus, 1974-1994 1976-1994 incomplete Continues: Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus Continued by: KMMC Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1976) #1, 3, 4; v. 3 (1977) #1, 3, 4; v. 4 (1978) #1-3; v. 5 (1979) #3, v. 6 (1979/80) #1-3; v. 7 (1981) #1-3; v. 8 (1983) #3; v. 9 (1984) #1-2 [clipped partial copies]; v. 10 (1985) #1-5; v. 11 (1986) #1, 3, 4; v. 12 (1987) #1-3; v. 13 (1988) #1; v. 14 (1989) #1-4; v. 15 (1990) #1; v. 18 (1993) #1; v. 19 (1994) #1-5} News of Mennonite Broadcasts Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1967-1975. Absorbed by: Alive. Aug. 1967-Oct. 1975 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1967) Aug, Oct; (1968) Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1969) Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1970) Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1971) Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1972) Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1973) Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1974) Feb, Apr, Jul, Oct; (1975) Jan, AprOct} News of the Unit See: CPS - News of the Unit News Service (Mennonite Central Committee) See: MCC - News Service. News Sheet See: CPS - News Sheet 102 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Newsette See: CPS - Newsette Newsletter (American Society for Reformation Research) See: American Society for Reformation Research Annual Newsletter. Newsletter (Center for Reformatin Research) See: Center for Reformation Research - Newsletter. Newsletter (Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities) See: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities Newsletter. Newsletter from South America See: MCC - South America Newsletter Newsletter from the Peggy Memorial Home for Girls See: Peggy Memorial Home - Newsletter. Newsletter (German Culture Museum) See: German Culture Museum Newsletter. Newsletter (Mennonite World Conference) See: Mennonite World Conference Newsletter. Newsletter (Michiana Anabaptist Historians) See: MAH (Michiana Anabaptist Historians) Goshen, IN: Michiana Anabaptist Historians, 19921992* The Newsletter of the Brethren in Christ Historical Society Grantham, PA: Brethren in Christ Historical Soceity, 2002v 1 #1 (Fall 2002) Newsletter of the Brethren/Mennonite Council for Gay Concerns See: Dialogue. $ Newton Anzeiger Newton, Kan.: Western German Pub. Co., 1887-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER MFilm Absorbed by: Der Wächter. v. 1-5 (1887-1892) $ Newton Area Peace Center Newsletter Newton, Kan.: Newton Area Peace Center, 1983-1989. Continued by: NAPC Newsletter 1983-Jan. 1989 The Newton Bee Newton, Kan.: W.H. Werner, 1879. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1, nos. 9-17 (June 7-Aug. 2, 1879) The Newton Daily Herald Newton, Kan.: Herald Publishing Co., 1895-1896. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Title variation: Newton Saturday Herald. v. 1, nos. 33-76 (Jan. 9-Feb. 28, 1896) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1895-96) #48} $ The Newton Daily Journal Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1902-1903. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Absorbed by: Evening Kansan Republican. v. 1-2 (1902-1903) $ Newton Daily Kansan Newton, Kan.: Chas. H. Kurtz, 1892-1894. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Newton Evening Kansan. Continued by: Evening Kansan. no. 683-1227 (Mar. 7, 1892-Jan. 12, 1894) The Newsletter of the Casselman Valley Conservative Mennonite Churches Meyersdale, Pa.: Casselman Valley Conservative Mennonite Churches, [1954]v. 23, nos. 10-24 (May-Nov. 1976) $ Newton Democrat (Newton, Kan. : 1883) Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1883-1887. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Arkansas Valley Democrat. Absorbed by: Newton Weekly Journal. v. 7, no. 14-v. 5, no. 12 (July 6, 1883-June 17, 1887) Newsletter of the National Council on Public History Washington, D.C.: National Council on Public History, 1980-1986. Title variation: NCPH Newsletter. Continued by: Public History News. v. 4, no. 3/4-v. 6, no. 3 (Spr./Sum. 1984-Spr. 1986) Newton Democrat (Newton, Kan. : 1914) Newton, Kan.: Cretcher & Harlow, 1914Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1, nos. 1-8 (Apr. 17-June 5, 1914) Newsletter of the Society for German-American Studies See: Society for German-American Studies Newsletter. Newsletter (Swiss Community Historical Society) See: Swiss Community Historical Society (Bluffton, Ohio) Newsletter. Newspeace New Malden, Surrey: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 19711987. Continues: Reconciliation. Continued by: Peacelinks. 1971-1987 incomplete {Missing: (1971) Jun-Jul; (1972) Jun-Oct; (1973) Jan; (1974) Nov; (1976) Mar} * Newton Area Peace Center Newsletter Newton, Kan.: Newton Area Peace Center, 19831983- $ Newton Evening Kansan Newton, Kan.: H.C. Ashbaugh, [1886]-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continued by: Newton Daily Kansan. no. 310-682 (Sept. 15, 1887-Mar. 5, 1892) Newton Evening Kansan-Republican See: Evening Kansan-Republican $ Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1891) Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1891-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan.) Continued by: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1892) v. 4, no. 13-v. 5, no. 16 (May 1, 1891-May 27, 1892) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1900) Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1900-1903. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Reel 11 labeled as Newton Weekly Journal and shelved as Newton Weekly Journal, Reel 12 shelved as Newton Weekly Journal, Reel 15 shelved as Newton Journal Continues: Newton Weekly Journal and Harvey County Banner. Continued by: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1903) v. 19-v. 20, no. 115 (Sept. 7, 1900-Jan. 23, 1903) $ Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1904) Newton, Kan.: Cretcher & Napier, 1904-1953. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1925-1927 shelved with Weekly Kansan-Republican 19241925 Continues: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1903) Continued by: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1953) Note: MLA has paper copies of v. 66-71 (1947-1953) in Archives. v. 22-59 (1904-1930) $ The Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1872) Newton, Kan.: H.C. Ashbaugh, 1872-1894. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Absorbed: Golden Gate. Merged with: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1892), to form: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal and Kansan. v. 1-v. 22, no. 22 (Aug. 22, 1872-Feb. 1, 1894) $ Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1894) Newton, Kan. : C.H. Kurtz, 1894-1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Separated from: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal and Kansan. Merged with: Weekly Republican (Newton, Kan.), to form: Weekly Kansan Republican. v. 22, no. 44-v. 27, no. 30 (July 5, 1894-Mar. 30, 1899) Newton Kansan anniversary editions 50th : 22 August 1922, vol. 51, no. 1 100th : 16 October 1971 (missing section A) 125th : 21 August 1997, vol. 125, no. 308 Located in archives. $ Newton Republican (Newton, Kan. : 1879) Newton, Kan. : Coutant & Wickersham, 1879-1896. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Harvey County News (Newton, Kan. : 1875) Continued by: Weekly Republican (Newton, Kan.) v. 5-v. 21, no. 22 (Aug. 7, 1879-Sept. 25, 1896) Newton Saturday Herald See: The Newton Daily Herald. $ The Newton Semi-Weekly Journal Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1894-1898. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Separated from: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal and Kansan. Merged with: Harvey County Banner, to form: Newton Weekly Journal and Harvey County Banner. v. 12, no. 41-v. 21, no. 5 (July 6, 1894-Aug. 26, 1898) 103 The Newton Semi-Weekly Journal and Kansan Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1894. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm - 2 copies - one shelved Newton Kansan 1892-1894, one shelved Newton Weekly Journal 1892-1894 Formed by the union of: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1892), and: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1872) Split into: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal, and: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1894) v. 24, nos. 1-40 (Feb. 9-July 3, 1894) The Newton Transcript Newton, Kan.: Transcript Pub. Co., 1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved as Herold 1940-1941 v. 1, nos. 1-8 (Oct. 25-Dec. 13, 1899) $ The Newton Weekly Journal and Harvey County Banner Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1898-1900. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Formed by the union of: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal, and: Harvey County Banner. Continued by: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1900) v. 17-v. 18, no. 53 (Sept. 2, 1898-Aug. 31, 1900) $ Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1888) Newton, Kan.: Jno. A. Reynolds, 1888-1890. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm (1888-1889 shelved as Newton Democrat) Continues: Kansas Chronicle. Absorbed: Newton Democrat (Newton, Kan. : 1883) Continued by: Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan.) v. 1, no. 46-v. 2, no. 52 (Dec. 21, 1888-Jan. 31, 1890) $ Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1892) Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1892-1894. Microfilm: MLA PER MFilm Continues: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1891) Merged with: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1872), to form: Newton Semi-Weekly Journal and Kansan. v. 5, no. 17-v. 6, no. 52 (June 3, 1892-Feb. 2, 1894) $ Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1903) Newton, Kan.: J.B. Fugate, 1903-1904. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved as Newton Journal 1903 Continues: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1900) Continued by: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1904) v. 21-v. 22, no. 26 (Jan. 27, 1903-Mar. 3, 1904) Newton Weekly Republican See: Weekly Republican (Newton, Kan.) Nexus See: CMC Nexus Niedersächische Ahnenstamme Beilage zur Zeitschrift der Zentralstelle für Niedersächsische Familienkunde, Hamburg Hamburg, Germany: Hans Christian und Verlag 1932, #3 Nieuw Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis inzonderheid van Nederland Schiedam: H.A.M. Roelants, 1852-1854. Continues: Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis, inzonderheid van Nederland. Continued by: Kerkhistorisch Archief. Index: Vols. 1-2 (1852-1854), in v. 26 of Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis. v. 1-2 (1852-1854) 104 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Nieuw Theologisch Tijdschrift Haarlem: H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, 1912-1946. Continued by: Teyler's Theologisch Tijdschrift. Annual index: Published separately; bound in front of volume. v. 1-33 (1912-1946) Nieuws uit de Broederschap See: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Nieuws uit de Gemeenten 1984-1988 incomplete Continues: Noordelijke Mededelingen. {Detailed holdings: 1984: Dec; 1985: Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Sep-Dec; 1986: Jan, May, Jun, Aug, Nov, Dec; 1987: May, Sep, Dec; 1988: Apr} Ninnescah Valley News Pretty Prairie, Kan.: Shelia Hawkins, 1976Formed by the union of: Pretty Prairie times, Arlington enterprise, and Turon ledger. Located in Archives. v. 70 (1979)-v. 83 (1993) incomplete {Missing: v. 66 (1975/76) #1-34, 52; v. 67 (1976/77) #132, 35-52; v. 68 (1977/78) #1-6, 8, 10-52; v. 69 (1977/78) #1-17, 19-20, 25-52; v. 70 (1979/80) #1-24, 26-52; v. 71 (1980/81) #49, 52; v. 72 (1981/82) #1; v. 73 (1981/83) #15, 4, 7, 38, 46; v. 74 (1983/84) #11, 34-52; v. 75 (1984/85) #113, 15-16} De Noodbrug Rotterdam: S.H.N. Gorter, 19451945-1946 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1945) #2, 4, 6; (1946) #7-12} Noordelijke Mededelingen Kollum: Banda B.V., [197-]1973-1984 incomplete Continued by: Nieuws uit de Gemeenten. {Detailed holdings: 1973: Aug 18, Sep 22, Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 10, Nov 24, Dec 8, Dec 22; 1974: Jan 12, Jan 26, Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 9, Mar 23, Apr 27, May 11, May 25, Jun 9, Jun 22, Jul 20, Aug 24, Sep 14, Sep 28, Oct 12, Oct 26, Nov 9, Nov 23, Dec 14; 1975: Jan 11, Jan 25, Feb 22, Mar 8, Mar 22, Apr 12, Apr 26, May 10, May 24, Jun 14, Jun 28, Aug 9, Sep 13, Sep 27, Oct 11, Oct 25, Nov 8, Nov 22, Dec 13; 1976: Jan 10, Feb 7, Mar 13, Apr 10, Apr 24, May 8, May 22, Jun 12(?), Jun 26, Aug, Sep 25, Oct 23, Oct 30, Nov 27, Dec 25; 1977: Jan 27(?), Feb 26, Mar 26, Apr 23, May 25, Jun 25, Aug 27, Sep 24, Oct 22, Dec 24; 1978: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27, Aug 26, Sep 23, Oct 28; 1979: Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 24, Apr 28, May 26, Aug 18, Sep 22, Oct 27, Nov 24; 1980: Mar 19, Dec 28(?); 1981: Jan 24, Feb 28, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 16, Jun 27, Aug 15, Sep 26, Oct 24, Nov 28, Dec 24; 1982: (became monthly) Jan 23(?), Feb 24, Mar 27, Apr-Jul, Sep-Dec; 1983: Oct-Dec; 1984: Jan, Mar-Jun, Aug-Nov} Nordelbingen Heide in Holstein: Boyens and Co., 1923v. 1 (1923) North American Workers Directory See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Home Ministries - North American Workers Directory. * North Central Conference Bulletin Glendive, Mont.: North Central Mennonite Conference and Mission Board, 1965 v. 1 (1965) North Newton Dispatch North Newton, Kan. : [s.n.], 1953?1954: v.2 (Apr), 27th ed. (Dec); 1957: v.1 #1 (Apr 8); 1960: v. 3 #3 (Sep 16) North Newton Newsletter See: MCC - North Newton Newsletter. Northern Arizona Mennonite Mission See: Arizona Newsletter. The Northern Beacon Soo, Ont.: Conchie Boys of the Canadian Service Camp, 1942v. 1, nos. 1-10 (Jan.-July 1942) Northern District Conference - Minutes and Reports See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Northern District Conference - Minutes and Reports. Northern Echoes Carstairs, Alberta: Linford D. Hackman, {Detailed holdings: March 1961, October 1962, December 1962, March 1963, July 1963} Note: Some kind of newsletter from a Mennonite-related mission to First Nations groups. The Northern Light (Conference Publication) [Freeman, S.D.]: Northern District Conference, 1955Title variation: The May/Jun and Aus/Sep 2000 issues were published jointly with The Northern Light. The cover title reads: The Challenge / The Northern Light. Location: The May/Jun and Aug/Sep 2000 issues are shelved with The Challenge. Continued by: Scattered Seeds v. 1 (1955) - Aug/Sep 2000. { Missing: (1959) Sep/Dec; (1967) Jan} $ Northern Light Gospel Missions Newsletter Loman, Minn.: Northern Light Gospel Mission, 1947-1990. 1951-1990 Continued by: In Context. The Northern Light (Young People's Paper) Freeman, S.D.: Northern District Conference, 1942-1950. Title variations: Y.P.'s Paper, May 1942; The Young People's Paper, Nov. 1942. 1942-1949 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 2nd sample ed. (May 1942); v. 1-3 (1942-1945/46); v. 4 (1946) #2-6; (1949) May; v. 5 (1947) #1-4} Northwest Pacifist Minneapolis, Minn.: Pacifist Action Fellowship, [1939]v. 3-6 (1941-1944) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1941) #30, 34-37; v. 4 (1942) #113, 15, 17-24; v. 5 (1943) #1-15, 17-20; v. 6 (1944) #1} Novij Putj See: The New Way Bulletin. $ NSBRO Bulletin/General Letter Washington, D.C.: National Service Board for Religious Objectors, [19--]Includes: NSBRO General Letter. Merged with: Camp Information Bulletin, to form: The Reporter. 1940-1946 NSBRO CPS Director's Bulletin Washington, D.C.: National Service Board for Religious Objectors, [19--]Includes: Special Projects Bulletin, 1943. 1941-1946 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1941) #3, 5, 8-11; (1942) #12, 14-17, 19-20, 22-33, 35-44; (1943) #45-116; (1944) #117-148; (1945) #149-168; (1946) #169-179 Special Projects Bulletin: (1943) #1-9, 11-13, 15} NSBRO General Letter See: NSBRO Bulletin/General Letter. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Oaklawn Psychiatric Center Newsletter [Elkhart, Ind.]: Oaklawn Psychiatric Center, 19581959-1966 incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1959) #2; v. 5 (1962) #6; v. 6 (1963) #4-6; (1965) Mar-Oct; (1966) Apr-Dec} Oakleaves Elkhart, Ind.: Oaklawn Center, [1976]Includes: Annual Report, 1978-79. Fall 1980-v. 17 (1992) #2 Observer/Advocate (Mountain Lake, Minn.) See: Mountain Lake Observer/Butterfield Advocate. Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research Ventnor, N.J.: Overseas Ministries Study Center, 19771980. Continues: Occasional Bulletin from the Missionary Research Library. Absorbed: Gospel in Context. Continued by: International Bulletin of Missionary Research. Index: Vols. 1-4 (1977-1980), in v. 4, no. 4. Note: v. 4 bound with International Bulletin of Missionary Research. v. 1-4 (1977-1980) Odessaer Kalender See: Neuer Haus- und Landwirthschafts-Kalender für Deutsche Ansiedler im Südlichen Russland Ohio Mission Evangel [Scottdale, Pa.]: Ohio Mennonite Mission Board, 1948-1952. Continues: Ohio Mission News Bulletin. Continued by: Ohio Evangel. v. 2-6 (1948-1952) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1948) #1-2; v. 3 (1949) #3-4; v. 4 (1950) #2-4; v. 5 (1951) #1, 3-6; v. 6 (1952) #1-6} Old Dominion 1-W Denbigh, Va.: [s.n.], 1953v. 1-2 (1953-1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1953) #5; v. 2 (1954) #1, 6-7} Old German Baptist Brethren. See: Directory of Officials. The Old-Order Mennonite Directory Ephrata, Pa.: The Home Messenger, 19761976 Old Order Notes Covington, Ohio: Fred W. Benedict, 1978-2003 Note: Published in the interests of Old Order Brethren. Index: Nos. 1-4 (1978-1981), in no. 4; nos. 5-8 (19821985), in no. 8; nos. 9-12 (1986-1993); 20 issue index (1978-1999); complete index (1978-2003) in no. 27. no. 1 (1978)- no. 27 (2003) The Olive Branch See: CPS - Olive Branch (Denison, Iowa) Odessaer Zeitung Odessa, Russia: L. Nitche, 1863Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm no print copies Note: In addition to the run filed under the title there is also one reel with scattered holdings from 1904, 1905 and 1907 filed under Botschafter {Detailed holdings: (1891) #1-290; (1892) #1-290; (1903) #253, 278; (1902) #40, 59, 61, 87-88, 111, 182, 187, 198, 286; (1903) #72; (1904) #1, 60, 242, 258, 263, 272, 291292; (1905) #2-3, 7-8, 25-26, 51-58, 65-66, 78, 101, 116, 136, 152, 161, 202; (1906) #24-29, 35, 37, 40, 42-43, 4647, 51, 56, 57, 62, 65, 67, 69-75, 77, 79-80, 84, 86, 90-91, 94-95, 97, 105, 108, 111, 114-115, 117, 120-126, 128-130, 133-136, 138-140, 143-146, 148-150, 154, 157-165, 167168, 170, 174, 183, 188, 190-191, 194, 199-219, 222-223, 226-227, 230-232, 235-237, 240, 242, 244, 249, 267-268, 277-282, 284-296, 299; (1907) #15, 28, 52, 62-63, 69-70, 108, 111-112, 122, 123, 140, 145-156; 158, 168-169, 171172, 181, 195-197, 199-200, 230-232, 248, 250-252, 256268, 278, 286-298} The Olive Branch See: CPS - Olive Branch (Grottoes, Va.) Official Minutes and Reports of the ... Session of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of N.A. See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Minutes. On the Job See: CPS - On the Job Official Record of the Annual Session of the Mennonite Conference of Ontario See: Mennonite Conference of Ontario - Annual Report. Ohio Amish Library Newsletter Millersburg, Ohio: Ohio Amish Library, 1990 no. 1 (Feb 1990) - no. 17 (2004) * The Ohio Evangel Scottdale, Pa.: Ohio Mennonite Mission Board, 1953Continues: Ohio Mission Evangel. v. 7 (1953)The Ohio Mennonite Literarian [Orrville, Ohio: Gerald C. Studer], 1947-1948. Continued by: Voice of Youth Fellowship. v. 1 (1947-48), #2, 5, 6 105 The Olive Branch in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia See: CPS - Olive Branch (Grottoes, Va.) * Olive Branches Lancaster, PA : Peace and Justice Support Network, Mennonite Church USA, 2003Vol. 1 (2003)The Olive Twig See: CPS - The Olive Twig OMHGS Newsletter Canby, Ore.: Oregon Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, September 19881988-1992 {Detailed holdings: v. 1-5 (1988-1992) On the Level See: CPS - On the Level. * On the Line Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House and Faith and Life Press, 1971Formed by the union of: Words of Cheer, and Junior Messenger. v. 1 (1971)On the Rock Together See: Together. Ons Amsterdam Amsterdam: Gemeentelijke Commissie Heemkennis, 1949v. 5-21 (1953-1969) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1953) #5-12; v. 6-7 (1954-1955); v. 9 (1957) #8-9; v. 11 (1959) #12; v. 13 (1961) #11; v. 14 (1962) #10; v. 18 (1966) #2; v. 19 (1967) #7, 9; v. 20 (1968) #10-12, v. 21 (1969) #4} 106 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Ons Doopsgezind Krantje Wormerveer: Ver. Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Wormerveer, [1913]1916-1922 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1916) #22; v. 9 (1922) #35-45; v. 10 (1922) #1-2, 4-8} Ontario Mennonite Evangel Kitchener, Ont.: Mennonite Conference of Ontario, 19561970. Continues: Church and Mission News. Continued by: Evangel. v. 1-15 (1956-1970) * Ontario Mennonite History Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 1993v. 11 (1993)Continues: Mennogespräch. Ontplooiing: Maandblad voor de Religieuze Leiding van Juniores . . . Aalsmeer, Netherlands: Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Aalsmeer, 1948-? {Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1 (Sept. 1948)} Onze Hoop Brussel: Belgische Evangelische Zending, [1931]v. 27, nos. 1-5 (1957) Onze Kampkrant Gouda: Algemeene Kamp-Commissie voor de Doopsgezinde Catechisantenkampen, [1930]nos. 1-4 (Nov. 1930-June 1931) Onze Zending Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Zending, 1927v. 1-16 (1927-1942) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1927) #3; v. 10 (1936) #12; v. 11-15 (1937-1941); v. 16 (1942) #1-2} Op Weg naar Morgen See: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Open Ballot Silver Spring, Md.: World Citizens' Cooperative, July 19431943 {Detailed holdings: v.1 (1943) #1-6} The Open Door Primavera, Alto Paraguay: The Bruderhof, [1952]nos. 2-5 (Jan. 1953-May 1954) Opportunities for Service Stored in Archives at MLA.VII.R.42. Oral History Review Fullerton, Cal.: Oral History Association v. 2-12 (1973-1984) Osaka Mail-Sack [Osaka, Japan: Mennonite Central Committee], 1953-1954. v. 1-2 (1953-1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1953) #1-3, 5; v. 2 (1954) #1-4} Ostfriesland Leer: Ostfriesische Landschaft und Ostfriesischen Heimatvereine, [19--]Has supplement: Ostfriesische Familienforschung, [19511955] 1951-1980 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1951) #1, 4; (1953) #1; (1955) #1-2; (1958) #1; (1960) #3; (1961) #1; (1962) #4; (1967) #4; 1968-1980} The Other Side Savannah, Ohio: The Other Side, 1969Continues: Freedom now. Annual index: Published in last issue of v. 14 and 15. v. 8 (1972) - v. 35 (1999) #3 incomplete Note: Portions of each issue are available at: {Detailed holdings: v. 8 (1972) #6; v. 9 (1973) #3-4; v. 10 (1974) #2, 6; v. 12 (1976) #3-6; v. 14 (1978)-v.35 (1999) #3} Others Henderson, Neb.: Grace Mission, 1973v. 1 (1973/74)-v. 18 (1990) # 3 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1973/74) #1-2; v. 4 (1977) #4; v. 6 (1979) #2-3; v. 11 (1983) #6; v. 15 (1987) # 4; v. 18 (1990) #3} Ottawa Report Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Board of Christian Service, 19671967-1971 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1, 3 (1967); #4-6 (1968); #20 (1969); #21 (1970); v. 2 (1971) #1-5} $ Oud-Holland 's-Gravenhage: Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Kunst, Letterkunde, Nijverheid, 1883Annual index: Published separately; bound in front of volume. v. 6-50 (1888-1933) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1886); v. 6-7 (1888-1889); v. 12 (1894); v. 18 (1900); v. 22-23 (1904-1905); v. 26 (19098); v. 33 (1915); v. 36-37 (1918-1919); v. 41-42 (1923-1925); v. 46-47 (1929-1930); v. 49-50 (1932-1933); v. 51 (1934); cumulative index to v. 1-60; indexes to 1946-1949 and 19511955} Note: Inventory of issues has not been done.} * Our Faith Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Digest, Inc., 2001v. 1 (2001)Our Family Worships Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 19611971. Merged with: Family Worship, Worship Together, and Light for the Day to form: Rejoice! v. 1-11 (1961-1971) Our Home Friend Milford Square, Pa.: Peter Hugh Stauffer, 1875. v. 1, no. 1 (July 1875) Our Journal St. Anne, Ill.: Negro Mennonite Churches of the Chicago Area, 1950v. 1, no. 1 (May 1950) Our Literaries [S.l.]: Mennonite Church, 1937v. 1, no. 2 (March 1937) Our Paper Yarrow, B.C.: C.J. Plett, 1946Located in Archives Text: In English and German. v. 1-3 (1946-1948) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1948) #45-46} Our Story See: CPS - This is Our Story. Our Times Suginami ku, Tokyo: BC-Menn. Related Churches, [1969]Continues: South East Asia MBC Church News. v. 5-9 (1969-1973) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1969) #1; v. 6 (1970) #1-2; v. 8 (1972) #1; v. 9 (1973) #1} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Outlook See: CPS - Outlook $ Overground Railroad Evanston, Ill.: Reba Place Church-ORR, 1983-1992. v. 1 (1983)-v. 9 (1992) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1984) #1} Overseas Prayer Directory See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Prayer Directory. * OVM Newsletter Newton, Kan.: Interfaith Offender Concerns Committee, 1983Title variation: IFOCC Newsletter, 1983-Jan. 1985. 1983- 107 108 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication P.S. Akron, Pa.: MCC Personnel Services, 1978v. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1978), no 4-5; v. 3, no. 5 (Sept. 1980) Pacific Cable: to serve as a communication of goodwill Seattle, Wash.: Seattle office of the American Friends Service Committee and the Seattle Youth Fellowship of Reconciliation 1942 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) August 26, #5-6, 8-10, 13} Pacific District Conference - Secretary's Report See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - Secretary's Report. The Pacific District Worker's Exchange See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - Worker's Exchange. * Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference - Annual Meeting Portland, Ore.: Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, 19941994 Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference Evangel See: PNMC Evangel Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference Handbook 1999/2000, 2004/2005, 2006/2007 Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference News See: PNMC News Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference Messenger See: The Messenger (Reedley, Cal.) Pages (Elkhart, Ind.: Council) Elkhart, Ind.: Inter-Mennonite Council on Aging, 1986-1990 v. 2-6 (1986-1990) incomplete? Continues: Pages (Newton, Kan.) Continued by: Pages (Elkhart, Ind.: MARP) {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1986) #1-2; v. 3 (1987) #1-2; v. 4 (1988) #1-4; v. 5(1989) #1-4; v. 6 (1990) #1-2} * Pages (Elkhart, Ind.: MARP) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Association of Retired Persons, 1991v. 7- (1991-) Continues: Pages (Elkhart, Ind.: Council) {Detailed holdings: v. 7 (1991) #1-2, v. 8 (1992) #1-4, v. 9 (1993) #1-2, v. 10 (1994) #1, v. 11 (1995) #2, v. 12 (1996) #1-2, v. 13 (1997) #1 Pages (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Inter-Mennonite Council on Aging, 1985 v. 1 (1985) #1-4 Continued by: Pages (Elkhart, Ind.: Council) The Palatine Immigrant Columbus, Ohio: Palatines to America, 1976v. 4 (1979) - v. 24 (1999) #4 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1979) #4; v. 9 (1983) #1; v. 12 (1987) #1 - v. 20 (1995) #4; v. 21 (1996) #4, v. 23 (1997) #1- v. 24 #4} Palatine Patter Columbus, Ohio: Palatines to America, [197-]Continues: Palatines to America. no. 45 (Aug 1987)- no. 88 (Aut 1999) The Palimpsest Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1920Annual index: Published separately, [19--]-1971; published in last issue of volume, 1972v. 17 (1936)-v. 73 (1992) #3 incomplete {Missing: v. 17 (1936) #1-9, 11-12; v. 18-21 (1937-1940); v. 22 (1941) #1, 3-12; v. 23-24 (1942-1943); v. 25 (1944) #1-11; v. 26-38 (1945-1957); v. 39 (1958) #1-2, 4-12; v. 40 (1959) #1-4, 6-12; v. 41 (1960) #1-3, 5-12; v. 42-43 (19611962) Missing indexes: v. 47 (1966); v. 54-55 (1973-1974)} The Panoplist, and Missionary Herald Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong, 1812-1820. Title variation: The Panoplist, and Missionary Magazine, 1812-1817. Continues: Panoplist, and Missionary Magazine United. Continued by: Missionary Herald. Annual index: Bound in front of volume. v. 13-16 (1817-1820) The Panoplist, and Missionary Magazine See: The Panoplist, and Missionary Herald. * Panorama Orange, Cal.: Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference, 1999Continues: The Messenger (Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference.) 1999Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society Lancaster, Pa.: The Society, 1896-1955. Issued in bound edition as: Historical Papers and Addresses of the Lancaster County Historical Society. Continued by: Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society. v. 30-49 (1926-1945) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 13 (1909), #1, 3-10; v. 14 (1910), #1-10; v. 16 (1912), #1-10; v. 18 (1914), #1-10; v. 19 (1915) #1-10; v. 22 (1918) #3-5, 7-9; v. 27 (1923) #6; v. 28 (1924) #1; v. 30 (1926) #3, 8-10; v. 31 (1927) #7, 9-10; v. 32 (1928) #3-4, 5-6; v. 33 (1929) #1, 6, 7, 10, 11; v. 39 (1935) #3-4; v. 49 (1945) #4} Paraguay Notes Asuncion, Paraguay: Mennonite Central Committee, 19451948. Continued by: Southern Notes. v. 1-v. 2, no. 5 (1945-May 1948) The Parish Paper Richmond, Va.: Yokefellow Institute, 1971v. 5 (1976)-(Aug 1993) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1975/76) #1-8; v. 10 (1980/81) #7; Feb 1981; Nov 1989-Aug 1990} Parksidelights Hillsboro, Kan.: Parkside Homes, 1964v. 2, no. 5 (Aug. 1965) Parole di Vita Firenze, Italy: Parole di Vita, 1961v. 2-15 (1962-1975) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1962) #10-12; v. 3 (1963) #2-3, 6-10, 12; v. 4 (1964) #1; v. 11 (1971) #1; v. 12 (1972) #1-2; v. 13 (1973) #1; v. 15 (1975) #1} * Partners Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1969v. 1 (1969)Pastoral Letter [S.l.]: Northern District, [19--]nos. 220-270 (1961) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #220 (n.d.); #268 (Jun 1961); #270 (Oct 1961)} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Pastoral Messenger Scottdale, Pa.: Lancaster Conference, 1941-1980. v. 1-40 (1941-1980) Patapsco Peacemaker See: CPS - The Patapsco Peacemaker Path Newsletter: the prison ministry New Carlisle, Ind: Abe H. Peters 1974-1975 {Detailed holdings: Jun 1974; Jan-Mar, Jun 1975} Path of Salvation = Put’ Spasyeniya Novosibirsk, Russia: ? , 19981998-2002 incomplete [detailed holdings: 1998: #7, 8, 10, 11; 1999: #14, 18; 2000: #22, 23; 2001: #24, 25, 27, 28, 29; 2002: #30, 31, 33 Pathways Hagerstown, Md.: Brook Lane Psychiatric Center, 1985v. 1-2 (1985-1987) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1985) #1; v. 2 (1987) #1} * Patterns : Weaving Choices Into Life North Newton, Kan.: Kidron Bethel Retirement Services, Inc., 1991?1991: May, Oct; 1992: May; 1993: Sep; 1994: Feb; 1995: Feb, Sep; 1996: Mar, 1997: Mar, Nov; 1998: Sep, Dec; 1999: Spr, Fal; 2000: Fal, Win; 2001: Fal; 2002: Win PAX Bulletin London: PAX, [19--]-1971. Absorbed by: Pax Christi Bulletin. no. 81-116 (Sept. 1959-Sept. 1971) incomplete {Missing: #82 (1959/60); #106 (1968)} Pax Christi Bulletin London: Pax Christi, [19--]Absorbed: PAX Bulletin, Jan. 1972. Oct./Nov. 1970-no. 123 (Spring 1974) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1970) Oct/Nov; #117-118 (1972); #120-123 (1973-1974)} Pax et Libertas Geneva: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1951Continues: Pax International. 1951-1973 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 17 (1951) #6; v. 18 (1952) #2; v. 20 (1954) #1-4; v. 21 (1955) #1; v. 24 (1960) #1; v. 27 (1962) #2-4; v. 28-30 (1963-1965); v. 31 (1966) #1, 3-4; v. 32 (1967) #1-4; v. 33 (1968) #1-2; v. 34 (1969) #1; v. 35 (1970) #1-4; v. 36 (1971) #1-2, 4; v. 37 (1972) #1-4; (1973) Dec} PAX Newsletter Frankfurt/Main: European PAX Office, 1958-1959. v. 1-2 (1958-1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1958) #6, 9, 10; v. 2 (1959), #1, 3, 8-10} PAX Newsletter Wakarusa, Ind.: PAX 50 Celebration - Reunion Committee, 2000-2002. #1-5 (2000-2002) Incomplete {Detaled holdings: 2000: #1 Oct, 2001: #2, Apr; 2002: $5 Mar) Peace Philadelphia, Pa.: Friends Peace Committee, [197-]1973-1976 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1973) Jan?, Feb, May-Jun, Sep-Oct, Dec; (1974) Jan, Apr, Sep-Nov; (1975) Oct-Dec; (1976) Jan} 109 Peace Action Washington, D.C.: National Council for Prevention of War, 1934-1937. Continues: National Council for Prevention of War news bulletin. Continued by: Peace Action of the National Council for Prevention of War. v. 1-3 (1934-1937) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1935/36) #6} Peace Action of the National Council for Prevention of War Washington, D.C.: The Council, 1937Title variation: Peace Action: the Voice of Peace from the Nation's Capital, 1955Continues: Peace Action. v. 3-32 (1937-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1936-37) #9-10, 12; v. 4 (193738) #1-4, 6-12; v. 5 (1938-39) #1-9, 11; v. 6 (1939-40) #112; v. 7 (1940-41) #1-11, 13-15; v. 8 (1942) #1-5; v. 9 (1943) #3-12; v. 10 (1944) #1-11; v. 11 (1945) #1, 3-12; v. 12 (1946) 1-7, 11-12; v. 13 (1947) #1-6, 8-9; v. 14 (1948) #1-7; v. 15 (1949) #2, 9; v. 16 (1950) #7-8, 12; v. 17 (1951) #1-12; v. 18 (1952) #1, 12; v. 19 (1953) #1, 4-8, 10-12; v. 20 (1954) #1-3 5-12; v. 21 (1955) #1-5; v. 22 (1956) #1-7, 911; v. 23 (1957) #1-11; v. 24 (1958) #2-11; v. 25 (1959) #12, 4-11; v. 26 (1960) #2, 4; v. 29 (1964) #12; v. 30 (1965) #1-2, 11-12; v. 31 (1966) #1-11; v. 32 (1967) #4-6, 8-9} Peace Action: the Voice of Peace from the Nation's Capital See: Peace Action of the National Council for Prevention of War. Peace and Freedom Philadelphia, Pa.: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, United States Section, 1970Continues: Four Lights (Philadelphia, Pa.) v. 30-v. 51, no. 1 (1970-Feb. 1991) incomplete {Detailed Holdings: v.30 (1970) #2- v. 34 (1974) #8; v. 34 (1974) #10-v. 40 (1980) #6; v. 40 (1980) #8- v. 42 (1982); v. 43 (1983) #1, 3-5; v. 44 (1984) #2-9; v. 45 (1985), #1-4, 6/7; v. 46 (1986), #7; v. 48 (1988), #2, 3, 5-6; v. 49 (1989), #2, 4-5; v. 50 (1990), #1; v. 51 (1991), #4, 5; v. 53 (1993) #4; v. 54 (1994) #3-6; v. 55 (1995) #1-3} * Peace Connections Newsletter Newton, Kan. : Peace Connections, 2001Continues: NAPC Newsletter. Mar/Apr 2001 Peace Education Newsletter of the North Central Regional Office of the American Friends Service Committee Des Moines, Iowa: AFSC, North Central Regional Office, [195-]July/Aug. 1952; May, Dec. 1961; May 1963 Peace Notes See: MCC - Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Peace Notes. Peace Office Newsletter See: MCC - Peace Office Newsletter. Peace Pathways See: CPS - Peace Pathways. Peace Section and U.S. Peace Section Book of Mailings See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section and Peace Office Book of Mailings. Peace Section Mailings See: MCC - Peace Section Mailings. Peace Section Newsletter See: MCC - Peace Section Newsletter. Peace Section Washington Memo See: MCC - Peace Section Washington Memo. Peace Sentinel See: CPS - Peace Sentinel. 110 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Peace Tax Fund Newsletter Washington, D.C.: National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, 1985Continues: WPTF Newsletter. 1985Peace Times Issued as supplement to: Dallas Peace Times. Sept. 1985 Peace Year Book Supplement London: National Peace Council, [193-]1940-1942 Peacelinks London: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1987Continues: Newspeace. v. 1 (1987)-v. 6 (1992) #7 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1987) #5/6; v. 2 (1988) #1} The Peacemaker Yellow Springs, Ohio: Peacemakers Movement, 1949v. 1 (1949)-v. 45 (1992) #1 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1949-50) #7, 11; v. 3 (1951-52) #22; v. 4 (1952-53) #18; v. 5 (1953-54) #6, 8, 20, 24; v. 6 (1954-55) #1-18; v. 7 (1956-57) #1-2, 4-5; v. 11 (1958) #17-end; v. 12 (1959) #13, 15-end; v. 18 (1965) #13} The Peacemaker (General Conference Mennonite Church) [S.l.]: Peace Committee of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America, 1948v. 1-5 (1948-1952) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1948) #1-2; v. 2 (1949) #1; v. 3 (1950) #1-2; v. 4 (1951) #2; v. 5 (1952) #1} The Pearl of Great Price Manheim, Pa.: James Siegrist, 1961-1969. Continued by: The Christian Contender. v. 1-9 (1961-1969) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1961) #1-3; v. 2 (1962) #1; v. 3 (1963) #1-2; v. 4 (1964) #4-9; v. 5 (1965) #1; v. 6 (1966) #3, 5-12; v. 7 (1967) #3-12; v. 8-9 (1968-1969)} Peggy Memorial Home - Newsletter Kingston, Jamaica: The Home, [1959]1959-1968 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-2 (Dec 1959-1960?); #4 (1960?); #6-8 (1961?-1962?); #11 (Dec 1963); #14-15 (Dec 1965Dec 1966); (1968) Apr, Dec} The Penn Germania Lititz, Pa.: H.W. Kriebel, 1912-1914. Continues: Pennsylvania-German. v. 1-3 (1912-1914) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1912) #5, 7} Der Pennsylvaanisch Deitsch Eileschpiggel Lancaster, Pa.: J. William Frey, [194-]v. 2, nos. 1-5/6 (1944-1946) Pennsylvania and Maryland Dairy Service Newsletter See: CPS - Dairy Service Newsletter Pennsylvania Dutchman (Bethel, Pa.) Bethel, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 19561957. Located in archives. Bound with: The Dutchman. Continues: The Dutchman. Continued by: Pennsylvania Folklife. Index: Vol. 8 (1956-57), 1 v. of Pennsylvania Folklife. v. 8 (1956-57) Pennsylvania Dutchman (Lancaster, Pa.) Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 19491954. Continued by: The Dutchman. Index: Vols. 1-5 (1949-1954), 1 v. of Pennsylvania Folklife. v. 1-5 (1949-1954) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 5 (1953) #7} Pennsylvania Folklife Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 19571997 Continues: Pennsylvania Dutchman (Bethel, Pa.) Index: v. 9-25 (1957-1976), 1 v. v. 9 (1957) - v. 46 (1997) #3 The Pennsylvania-German Lebanon, Pa.: P.C. Croll, 1900-1911. Continued by: Penn Germania. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, vols. 2, 11 and 12. v. 2-12 (1901-1911) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2-5 (1901-1904); v. 6 (1905) #2, 4; v. 7 (1906) #1, 8; v. 8 (1907) #1, 10; v. 9 (1908) #1; v. 10 (1909) #1; v. 11 (1910) #1, 3-12; v. 12 (1911) #1-2, 4-12} Pennsylvania German Folklore Society - Bulletin Allentown, Pa.: The Society, [1965]v. 2, no. 3 (Oct. 1966) Pennsylvania German Folklore Society - Yearbook Allentown, Pa.: The Society, 1936-1966 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1936); v. 3-6 (1939-42); v. 8-20 (1944-1956); v. 22-28 (1958-1964)} Pennsylvania German Review Kutztown, PA : Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Society and the Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Culture Society, 2001 Location: Available online at: eview.pdf Pennsylvania German Society Proceedings See: Proceedings and addresses ... of the PennsylvaniaGerman Society. Pennsylvania History Philadelphia, Pa.: The Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1934Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 1952- ; no index published for v. 23 or 36. v. 1-44 (1934-1977) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v 1 (1934) #4; v. 4 (1937) #4; v. 5 (1938) #2-4; v. 6 (1939) #1-4; v. 7 (1940) #4; v. 9 (1942) #1; v. 11 (1944) #1-3; v. 12 (1945) #4; v. 13 (1946) #3; v. 14 (1947) #1-4; v. 15 (1948) #2-4; v. 17 (1950) #2; v. 19 (1952) #3-4; v. 20 (1953) #3-4; v. 21-32 (1954-1965); v. 33 (1966) #1-4; v. 34 (1967) #3-4; v. 35 (1968) #2; v. 36 (1969) #1-4; v. 37 (1970) #2; v. 38 (1971) #1, 3-4; v. 39 (1972) #1-3; v. 40 (1973) #1-4; v. 41 (1974) #2-4; v. 42 (1975) #1-4; v. 43 (1976) #1-2, 4; v. 44 (1977) #1-3} The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography Philadelphia, Pa.: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1877Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-100 (1877-1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1877) #2; v. 5 (1881) #1-4; v. 6-7 (1882-1883); v. 8 (1884) #1; v. 16 (1892) #1-4; v. 63 (1939) #4; v. 64-68 (1940-1944); v. 69 (1945) #1-2; v. 75 (1951) #1-4; v. 76 (1952) #1-3; v. 77-80 (1953-1956); v. 81 (1957) #1, 4; v. 82-87 (1958-1963); v. 91 (1967) #2-4; v. 92 (1968) #1-3; v. 93 (1969) #1-2; v. 94 (1970) #1, 3-4; v. 95 (1971) #1-3; v. 97 (1973) #2, 4; v. 98 (1974) #1-4; v. 99 (1975) #3; v. 100 (1976) #1} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society, 1978Continues: Mennonite Research Journal. Indexes: Vols. 1-5 (1978-1982), in 1 v.; v. 6-10 (19831987), in 1 v., v.11-15 (1988-1992) in 1 v.; v. 16-20 (19931997) in 1 v.; v. 21-25 (1998-2002) in 1 v. v. 1 (1978)Perfect Peace Newton, Kan.: State Holiness Association, 1894Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm shelved as Mennonite Weekly Review 1929-1930 v. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1894) Permanent Court of International Justice The Hague: the Court, 1947v. 1-26 (1947-73); v. 28-39 (1975-86) Perspektive : Wochenblatt der Mennoniten der Schweiz (Alttäufer) = Perspective : hebdomadaire des Eglises Mennonites Suisses. Brüg b. Biel, [Switzerland] : Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schwiz (Alttäufer), 1990Continues: Der Zionspilger v. 109 (1990) - v. 116 #28/29 (20 Jul 1997) {Missing: v.110 (1991) #11, 15; v. 111 (1992) #5, 6, 41; v. 112 (1993) #3, 8, 18, 37; v. 113 (1994) #45; v. 114 (1995) #24} Pfälzer Heimatgruss Kaiserslautern, Nr.: Heimatstelle Pfalz {Detailed holdings: 1963, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1978} Die Pfingstbewegung See: Prüfet die Geister. Der Pflug (1938) Ashton Keynes, Wilts., England: Pflugverlag des CotswoldBruderhofes, 1938-1940. Continued by: Der Pflug (1953) English edition: The Plough (1938) v. 1-2 (1938-1939) 111 Plautdietsch Frind : Zeitschrift für Plautdietsch in Deutschland und weltweit Oerlinghausen : Plautdietsch-Freunde, 2001-2006 No. 1 (Jun 2001) - No. 20 (Spring) 2006 Lacking: No. 18 & No. 19. Pleasantview Home Newsletter for Members of Over-all Board Kalona, Iowa: Pleasantview Home, 1978no. 1-13 (Feb. 1978-June 1980) The Plough (1938) Ashton Keynes, England: Plough Pub. House, 1938-1940. Continued by: The Plough (1953) German edition: Der Pflug (1938) v. 1-v. 3, no. 2 (1938-Summer 1940); v. 5, #1 The Plough (1953) Bromdon, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England: Plough Pub. House, 1953-1960. Continues: The Plough (1938) Continued by: The Plough (1983) German edition: Der Pflug (1953) 1953-1959 incomplete {Missing: (1958) #1-2, 4; (1959) #2-4; (1960) #1 (last issue published)} * The Plough (1983) Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Pub. House, 1983Continues: The Plough (1953) no. 1 (Nov. 1983)Ploughshares Monitor Waterloo, Ont.: Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo, 1977v. 1-2 (1977/78-79/80) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1977/78) #2, 5-6; v. 2 (1979-80) #6} Ploughshares Monitor Newsreport #2 (Dec. 1981), #7 (Oct. 1982) The Plowshare See: CPS - The Plowshare Der Pflug (1953) Bromdon, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England: Plough Publishing House, 1953-1960. Continues: Der Pflug (1938) English edition: The Plough (1953) n.F. v. 1-2 (1953-1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1953) #3; v. 2 (1954) #3} Plowshare [Hino City, Tokyo, Japan: COMIT], 1975nos. 1-69 (1975-1988) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-19 (1975-1978); #28-30 (1980); #36 (1981); #43 (1982); #69 (1988)} Phantasmagoria [North Newton, Kan.] 2004-2005 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (2004-2005) #1-5 Location: Shelved with Bethel College periodicals PNMC Evangel Lebanon, Ore. : Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, 1996-2000. Continues: PNMC News. Continued by: Evangel v. 51 (1996) #2 - v. 55 (2000) #1 The Philhaven Perspective Lebanon, Pa.: Philhaven, 1976v. 1 (1976)-v. 17 (1992) #3, v.23 (1998) #1-2 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1976) #1; v. 2 (1977) #4; v. 4 (1979) #2- } Philippine Relief Notes See: MCC - Philippine Relief Notes. Pike View Peace News See: CPS - Pike View Peace News. The Pilot Elkhart, Ind.: Bethel Publishing Co., [1929]v. 29-30 (1957-1958) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 29 (1957) #15; v. 30 (1958) #36, 38} Pinnacles Periscope See: CPS - Pinnacles Periscope PNMC News Lebanon, Ore. : Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, 1994-1996. Continues: Missionary Evangel. Continued by: PNMC Evangel. v. 49 (1994) #3 - v. 51 (1996) #1 Pocomoke Opinion See: CPS - Pocomoke Opinion Polyphony Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 19771989 v. 1 (1977)incomplete {Missing: v. 10 (1988)- } 112 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ Die Post Steinbach, Man.: A.B. Dyck, [1914-1934] Located in Archives Continued by: Steinbach Post. v. 17-21 (1930-1934) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 17-18 (1930-1931); v. 20 (1933) Note: Inventory of issues has not been done.} Post-American Deerfield, Ill.: People's Christian Coalition, 1971-1975. Continued by: Sojourners. Index: Vols. 3-4 (1974-1975), in v. 4, no. 8. Note: v. 3, no. 3-v. 4 (Apr. 1974-1975) bound with Sojourners. v. 1-4 (1971-1975) $ Post und Volksblatt Newton, Kan.: Western Book & Pub. Co., 1902-1909. Located in Archives. Formed by the union of: Hillsboro Post (Hillsboro, Kan.), and Kansas Volksblatt (Newton, Kan. : 1898) Continued by: Der Herold. Has supplement: The Review, Dec. 29, 1904-1909. Note: MLA also has v. 16-18 (1902-1904) on microfilms MLA PER Mfilm shelved as Hillsboro Post and v. 18-23 (1904-1909) v. 16-23 (1902-1909) incomplete {Missing: v. 16 (1902) #1-16, 20, 22, 24, 39, 44-52; v. 17 (1903) #1-7, 15, 43; v. 18 (1904) #22-23, 40; v. 19 (1905) #48; v. 20 (1906) #27; v. 21 (1907) #52 Note: Inventory of microfilm issues has not been done.} $ Die Post (Winnipeg, Man.) Winnipeg, Man.: Tribune Pub. Co., [196-]-1971. Continues: Steinbach Post. Merged with: Der Staats-Anzeiger, to form: Die WeltPost und Der Staats-Anzeiger. v. 53-57 (1967-1971) Praktische Forschungshilfe Glücksburg/Ostsee: C.A. Starke-Verlag, [1956?]Separated from: Archiv für Sippenforschung. v. 22-26 (1956-1960) Der Praktische Landwirt Moskau: Verwaltung des Allrussischen Mennonitischen Landwirtschaftlichen Verein, 1925-1926. Note: MLA also has v. 1-2 (1925-1926), incomplete, on microfilm MLA PER Mfilm v. 1-2 (1925-1926) {Missing from microfilm: v. 1 (1925) #1-2, 4-5} Pray Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, 1969Continues: The Prayer Call. Title variations: Prayer Requests from Mennonite Broadcasts, 1974; Pray and Praise, 1975. 1969-1975 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1969) Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec; (1970) Jan-Feb, Apr, Jun-Oct; (1971) Jan-Apr, Jun, Aug-Dec; (1972) Jan-Mar, May, Jul-Aug, Oct-Dec; (1973) Feb, AprMay, Jul-Dec; (1974) Jan-Feb, Apr-May, Jul, Oct; (1975) Jan-Apr, Jun, Oct} Pray and Praise See: Pray. The Prayer Call Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, [196-]-1969. Continued by: Pray. Dec. 1961-Mar. 1969 incomplete {Missing: (1962) Dec; (1963) Jan, Nov; (1964) Mar, May; (1967) Mar-Jun, Oct; (1968) Jan-Feb, Nov} Prayer Directory See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Overseas Mission - Prayer Directory Prayer Guide See: Mennonite Brethren Church - Prayer Guide. Poudre Canon News See: CPS - Poudre Canon News. Prayer Requests from Mennonite Broadcasts See: Pray. Poverty and Affluence See: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary Devotional Guide. Preach the Gospel Tangshan, Ku, China: [s.n.], 1939-1941. Located in Archives: Ernst Kuhlmann Collection, MLAMS-42, folder 9. Text: In English and German. v. 1-3 (1939-1941) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1939) #1-2; v. 2 (1940) #1-3; v. 3 (1941) #1} Poverty News Newton, Kan.: Poverty Fund, 19711971-1972 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1971) Oct-Nov; (1972) Jan-Mar, May-Jul, Sep-Oct; 1 issue (n.d.)} Powellsville News and Comment See: CPS - Powellsville News and Comment * The Prairie View Newton, Kan.: Prairie View Hospital, 1962Title variation: Prairie View Newsletter. Continues: Prairie Views. 1962-Summer 1979. v. 1 (1962)- incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1964) #2-3; v. 10 (1971) #2-4; v. 16 (1977) #3-4; v. 19 (1980) #4; v. 20 (1981) #4} Prairie View Newsletter See: The Prairie View. Prairie Views Newton, Kan.: Prairie View Hospital, 1955-[196-] 1955-1961 incomplete Continued by: The Prairie View. {Missing: (1955) #17; (1958/59) #145-147, 152, 154, 157166, 168-170; (1959) #172-176, 183, 190-191, 203; (1960) #210-211, 241 Note: Missing issues after #245 (Sep 28, 1960) unknown.} Predikbeurtenboekje van de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem Haarlem, Netherlands: Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem, 1954-1958 El Pregonero (Colombia) Cali, Colombia: Servicio de la Cristiandad, 1960v. 1-v. 6, no. 32 (1960/61-Apr./June 1966) El Pregonero (Puerto Rico) La Plata, Puerto Rico: Instituto Biblico Menonita, [1955]v. 2-3 (1956-1958) Preservation News Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1961v. 23 (1983)-v. 32 (1992) #1 incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 23 (1983) #1-6, 8; v. 24 (1984) #1} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Preserving our Heritage Steinbach, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Village, 1993v. 3 (1995-1996) # 3-v. 11 (2003-2004) #1 Note: Copies from July 1998 on may be downloaded from the web site. v. 10 #4 and v. 11 #1 have been printed from the web site and are in black and white instead of color. Missing: v. 5 (1997-1998) # 3 * Preservings Steinbach, Manitoba: Hanover-Steinbach Historical Society, 1993Publisher varies: Beginning with #22 (June 2003) the publisher is the Flemish Mennonite Historical Society. #1 (Jan. 1993)Pretty Prairie Times Pretty Prairie, Kan.: Percy Torrey, 1911-1976. Located in Archives. Merged with: Arlington Enterprise, and Turon Ledger, to become: Ninnescah Valley News. v. 38-66 (1947-1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 48 (1957/58) #2-6, 8-13, 15-31, 3339, 41-47, 49-51; v. 49 (1958/59) #1-51; v. 50-56 (1959/601965/66); v. 57 (1966/67) #1-20; v. 58 (1967/68) #47; v. 59 (1968/69) #5, 12; v. 60 (1969/70) #5, 19, 32; v. 61 (1970/71) #4, 44-46, 49; v. 62 (1971/72) #1, 5, 20, 26, 3452; v. 63 (1972/73) #1-34, 36-52; v. 64-65 (1973/741974/75); v. 66 (1975/76) #1-34} * Preußenland Marburg, Germany: Historische Kommission für Ost- und Westpreussische Landesforschung und aus den Archiven der Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1963Jahrg. 17- (1979- ) incomplete {Detailed holdings: Jahrg. 17 (1979) #3; Jahrg.. 26 (1988) #2/3; Jahrg. 42 (2004) #1- ) Primary Lesson Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [1907]-1936. Title variation: Primary Sunday School Lesson Quarterly. Continued by: Sunday School Lessons for the Primary Boys and Girls. v. 18-26 (1923-1936) incomplete Note: Some issues bound and shelved under "Sunday School Lesson Quarterly." {Detailed holdings: v. 18 (1923) #1; v. 20 (1925) #3; v. 21 (1926) #3; v. 26 (1931); v. 27 (1932); v. 28 (1933) #1; v. 29 (1934) #3; v. 30 (1935), #1, 3-4; v. 31 (1936); v. 32 (1937) #1} Primary Pupil's Leaflet Philadelphia, Pa.: Judson Press, 1958{Detailed holdings: v. 44 (1961) #3, parts 1-13} Primary Sunday School Lesson Helps Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co. v. 10 (1908), #1 Primary Sunday School Lesson Quarterly See: Primary Lesson Quarterly. Primary Teachers Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1937-1950. Continued by: Herald Primary Teacher. Student's edition: Sunday School Lessons for the Primary Boys and Girls. v. 1-14 (1937-1950) incomplete Note: Some issues bound and shelved under "Sunday School Lesson Quarterly." {Missing: v. 10 (1946) #4} Prison Newsletter See: CPS - Prison Newsletter Prison Views Philadelphia, Penn.: J. W. Reilly, 1947-1949. v. 3 #1 (Jan/Feb 1949) 113 Probe: a quarterly Boston, Mass.: Charles Bloomstein and J. Dickinson 1945-46 {Detailed holdings: Spring, Autumn 1945; Winter 1946} Proceedings and addresses ... of the Pennsylvania-German Society Pennsylvania: The Society, 1891-1966 v. 5-9 (1896-1900); v. 12 (1903); v. 15-17 (1905-1907); v. 19-29 (1910-1920); v. 32-33 (1923-1924); v. 40-41 (19311932); v. 47-51 (1938-1942); v. 53 (1944); v. 56 (1947); v. 59-61 (1950-1952); v. 63 (1954) Note: Shelved as “Pennsylvania German Society Proceedings”. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Indiana-Ohio See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Indiana-Ohio District - Proceedings. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Pennsylvania Conference - Proceedings. Proceedings of the Indiana Conference of the United Missionary Church See: United Missionary Church. Indiana District Conference - Proceedings. Proceedings of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church ... General Conference See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. General Conference - Proceedings. Proceedings of the Mennonite General Conference See: Mennonite Church. General Conference - Report. The Processor New Windsor, Md.: s. n. 1947 {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1947) #10, 13} Proclamation Sarasota, Fla.: Southeast Mennonite Conference, 1973-2003 { Detailed holdsings: v. 2 (1974/75) # 10; v. 3 (1975/76) # 5-10; v. 4 (1976/77) # 1 - v 5 (1977-1979) #10; v. 6 not published, v. 7-11 (Apr 1979-Nov/Dec 1984) in bound volume; v. 12 (1984/85) - v. 14 (1986/87) #17; v. 15-17 (1988-1991) in bound volume, v. 18 (1992) #1-v. 29 #1 Jan/Feb 2003) incomplete} Vol. 7, no. 12 (1979-1980) not published. {Missing: v. 1; v. 2, #1-9, v. 3, #1-4; v. 22, #5; v. 25, #6.} Profiles North Newton, Kans. : Print Journalism Class, Bethel College, 1996. Continues: Happenings Location: Bethel College Vertical File 1996 Program Builder Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1945-1960. Merged with: The Christian Ministry, and Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.), to form: Builder (Scottdale, Pa.) v. 1-v. 16, no. 3 (1945-July/Oct. 1960) A Program Guide for Missionary Societies [Newton, Kan.]: Published by Literature Committee, Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Association, General Conference Mennonites, [1942?]-1954. Continues: Guide-Book for Mission Society Leaders. Continued by: A Guide to Mission Study. Note: 1952/53-1953/54 bound with A Guide to Mission Study. 1949/50-1953/54 incomplete {Missing: 1950/51} 114 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Program Guide for Sunday Evening Services Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1965-1974. 1965-1974 Program Guide for the Women's and Girls' Missionary and Service Auxiliaries See: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary - Program Guide. * Prologue [Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration], 1969Continues: National Archives Accessions. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1 (1969)Das Prophetische Wort Bremen: Ernst F. Ströter, 1907v. 1-20 (1907-1926) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1907) #1-2, 6, 9, 11; v. 2 (1908) #6, 11; v. 5 (1911), #2-3, 5-12; v. 6 (1912) #5-6, 8-9; v. 14 (1920) #5/6; v. 18 (1924) #1-6; v. 19 (1925) #1-3, 5-6; v. 20 (1926) #1} $ Protestant Weekly Letter Berlin, Germany: Adolf Deissmann, 1914-? Note: Translation of Evangelischer Wochenbrief. Stored in Jacob H. Quiring Papers, MS. 203. Protokoll der ... Jährlichen Provinzialen VertreterVersammlung der Mennoniten Brüder-Gemeinden von Ontario See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Ontario Conference Minutes. Protokoll der Konferenz der Prediger und Diakonen 1955-56, 1962, 1965 Protokoll der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba Morden, Manitoba: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba 1959 Protokoll der Provinzialen Konferenz der Mennoniten Brudergemeinde von Manitoba See: Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba - Minutes. Protokoll der ... Westlichen Distrikt-Konferenz See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Western District Conference - Minutes and Reports. Protokoll (Konferenz der Mennoniten von Saskatchewan) See: Conference of Mennonites in Saskatchewan - Minutes. Prüfet die Geister Stuttgart: Quell-Verlag der Ev. Gesellschaft, [n.d.] Contents: Nr. 1. Die Neuapostolischen -- nr. 2. Die Adventisten -- nr. 3. Jehovas Zeugen -- nr. 4. Die Pfingstbewegung -- nr. 5. Die Mormonen -- nr. 6. Christliche Wissenschaft. nos. 1-6 [n.d.] PSMC Messenger See: The Messenger (Reedley, Cal.) The Psychiatric Aid Philadelphia, Pa.: National Mental Health Foundation, 1946Continues: The Attendant. v. 3-6 (1946-1949) * The Public Historian Santa Barbara, Calif.: Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California, 1978Index: Vols. 1-5 (1978-1983), in v. 5, no. 4. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, v. 6v. 1 (1978)* Public History News Boise, Idaho: The National Council on Public History in cooperation with the School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs and the History Department, Boise State University, 1986Continues: Newsletter of the National Council on Public History. v. 6 (1986)incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1987) #2} Public Service Reporter Canton, Kan.: Alternative Service Section of the Church of God in Christ Mennonite, [1952?]Continued by: Youth Service Reporter. v. 8, nos. 7-11 (July-Dec. 1959) Puentes See: MCC. Puentes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee - El Salvador, 1994-? v. 1, nos. 1-3 (Jan-Sep 1994) Pulse Letter See: CPS - Pulse Letter. The Pumpkin See: General Conference Mennonite Church - The Pumpkin * Purpose Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1968Continues in part: Youth's Christian Companion. v. 1 (1968)- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Quaker History Haverford, Pa.: Friends Historical Association, 1962Continues: Bulletin of Friends Historical Association. Index: Published separately every five years. v. 51 (1962)* Quaker Life Richmond, Ind.: Friends United Meeting, 1960Formed by the union of: American Friend, and Quaker Action. Annual index: MLA has indexes for 1980, 1982-1985, 1988. v. 10 (1969)incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 10 (1969) #1-3; v. 12 (1971) #1-9, 11-12; v. 13 (1972) #1-4, 6-8; v. 16 (1975)- } Quaker Service Philadelphia, Pa.: American Friends Service Committee, 1960Continues: American Friends Service Committee Bulletin. 1960-1973 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #68-70 (1960); #73-74 (1961); #77-79 (1962-63); #81-90 (1963-1965); #95 (1967); #106 (1970); #112-116 (1972-1973)} Quaker Service Bulletin See: Quaker Service. Quarterly Report of Mennonite Writer's Fellowship See: Christian Writer. Que Pasa See: Canadian Mennonite Bible College - Que Pasa. Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter See: CPS - Queen Anne's County Dairy Unit News Letter * Quelle des Lebens Neuwied/Rhein: Mennonitische Brüdergemeinde Europas, 1960Continues: Wort des Lebens. v. 3 (1960)- incomplete {Missing: v. 20 (1977) Jan-Apr, Jun-Dec} $ Quellwasser fürs deutsche Haus Leipzig: Georg Wigand, [1876/77]v. 18 (1893/94) Quickborn Hamburg: Quickborn, Vereinigung für niederdeutsche Sprache und niederdeutsches Schrifttum, [1968]Continues: Mitteilungen aus dem Quickborn. v. 63-64 (1973-1974) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 63 (1973) #3-4; v. 64 (1974) #1} 115 116 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Radio Messenger=Der Radio-Bote Altona, Man.: Mennonite Radio Mission, [195-]Aug. 1962 Reedley Monthly See: MCC - Reedley Monthly. Ranger's News Rifton, N.Y.: Woodcrest School, [1981]-1983. Merged with: The Spade, to form: 1-Hof. v. 2-3 (1982-1983) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1982) #2-3; v. 3 (1983) #1-7} * Reflections (Iowa Mennonite Historical Society) Kalona, Iowa: The Society, [1987] v. 2 (1988) - incomplete Missing: {v. 2 (1988) # 1, 2} (Note: All issues prior to 2003 missing as of 25 Feb 2003.) Ratzlaff Report Elgin, Ill.: The Ratzlaff Family Association, 1997-1999. v. 1 (1997) # 1 - v. 3 (1999) #12. Regarding Peace and Service Newton, Kan.: Board of Christian Service, 1953?vol. 3 no. 4 (1 Nov 1955) RCDA: Religion in Communist Dominated Areas New York: Research Center for Religion and Human Rights in Closed Societies, 1962Annual index: Published separately; MLA has indexes for v. 15-17 (1976-1978) and v. 19-22 (1980-1983) v. 6-24 (1967-1985) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1967) #15/16; v. 7 (1968) #19/20-23/24; v. 8 (1969) #23/24; v. 9 (1970) #3/4; v. 10 (1971) #1/2; v. 14 (1975) #4/6-7/9; v. 16 (1977) #1/3-4/6, 10/12; v. 17-22 (1978-1983); v. 23 (1984) #1/3-12; v. 24 (1985) #1} * Der Reggeboge Allentown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1967Text: In German or English. v. 1 (1967)- Reba Place See: Overground Railroad The Rebel Clarion See: CPS - The Rebel Clarion Reconciliation London: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1947-1967. Continues: Christian Pacifist. Continued by: Newspeace, and: Reconciliation Quarterly (New Malden, Surrey) v. 32-44 (1955-1967) incomplete {Missing: v. 32 (1955) #1-5, 9-11; v. 33 (1956) #1-9, 11; v. 34 (1957) #1-2, 10; v. 42 (1965) #5} Reconciliation Quarterly (London, England) London: International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 19601966. Continues: Christus Victor. Continued by: Newsletter of the IFoR. no. 109-135 (1960-1966) incomplete {Missing: (1962) #116, 118; (1963) #120; (1964) #126; (1965) #131} Reconciliation Quarterly (New Malden, Surrey) New Malden, Surrey: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1967Continues in part: Reconciliation. no. 1 (Oct. 1967)-v. 21 (1992) #3 incomplete {Missing: #2 (1967)} The Recorder See: EMMC Recorder. Recreational Therapy Review Pueblo, Colo.: Summer Service Unit, Colorado State Hospital, Jun 19471947 {Detailed holdings: #1-2 (Jun 1947); #5-8 (Jul-Aug 1947)} The Red River Valley Echo Altona, Man.: D.W. Friesen & Sons, 1955Located in Archives. Continues: The Altona Echo. v. 15, nos. 40-51 (Oct. 5-Dec. 21, 1955) The Redbud See: MCC - Redbud. The Reedley Exponent Reedley, Calif.: Reedley Exponent, Inc., [1891]Located in Attic: Anniversary editions of newspapers O-Z. v. 97, no. 17 (Oct. 27, 1988) Regions beyond: Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions Reglement voor de Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit ter Bevordering van den Predikdienst See: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit in Holland. Reichszeitung der deutschen Erzieher Bayreuth: Gauverlag Bayerische Ostmark, 1933-1937. Continued by: Deutsche Erzieher. 1936 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1936) #7, 10} * Rejoice! Newton, Kan.: Commission on Education of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1972Formed by the union of: Family Worship, Our Family Worships, Worship Together, and Light for the Day. v. 7 (1972)Release See: CPS - Release Release Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) and Mennonite Central Committee, 19761976-1979 incomplete {Detailed holdings: [(1976) Sep, Oct, Dec]; v. 2 (1977) #12; v. 3 (1978) #1-2; v. 4 (1979) #1-3} Relief News Letter See: MCC - Relief Newsletter. Relief Trainees' News Letter See: MCC - Relief Trainees' News Letter. Religioeser Botschafter Milford, Bucks County, Pa.: J.H. Oberholtzer, 1852-1855. Microfilm: 1852-1855 Continued by: Christliche Volksblatt. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-2 (1852-1854) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 1 (1852-53) #23; v. 2 (1853-54) #7} Religion in Communist Dominated Areas See: RCDA: Religion in Communist Dominated Areas. * Religion in Communist Lands Chislehurst, Kent: Centre for the Study of Religion and Communism, 1973Annual index: Published separately, v. 3v. 1 (1973)- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Religion und Atheismus in der UdSSR München: Haus der Begegnung, [196-]Note: MLA has editions in Russian, German, and English. 1971-1984 incomplete {Detailed holdings: Russian ed.: (1971) #1-6, 8-9, 11-12; (1972) #1-3; (1979) #5-12; (1980) #1-7, 9-12; (1981) #3-4, 8-12; (1982) #1-5, 7-12; (1983) #1-10, 11-12; (1984) #1-11/12 English ed.: (1978) #1 German ed.: (1972) #7/8, 11-12; (1973) #1-9, 11; (1974) #3-7, 9-13; (1975) #1-3, 6-12; (1976) #1-13; (1977) #1-6/7, 12; (1978) #1-12; (1979) #1-5, 7; (1980) #1-2, 5-6/7} Religious Telescope Dayton, Ohio: Church of the United Brethren in Christ, 1934-1946 v. 104 (1938), #4, 8, 30, 38 Remnant Chicago, Ill., 1969? v. 1 #3 (Dec 1969) Report from Tangshan, Ku. China Tangshan, Ku. China: Paul Kuhlmann, 1937-[1939?] Located in Archives: In Ernst Kuhlmann Collection, MLA-MS-42, folder 9. nos. 2-9 (1937-1939) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #2-4 (1937); #9 (1939)} Report from the Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church and Society See: MCC - Women's Concerns Report. Report (Mennonite Central Committee) See: MCC - Report. Report of the American Mennonite Mission See: American Mennonite Mission (Dhamtari, India) Annual Report. Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Annual Report. Report of the Conservative Amish Mennonite Conference See: Conservative Amish Mennonite Conference - Report. Report of the Eastern District Conference See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Eastern District Conference - Report. Report of the General Conference of the Missionary Church Association See: Missionary Church Association. General Conference Report. Report of the Illinois Mennonite Conference See: Mennonite Church. Illinois Mennonite Conference Report. Report of the Indiana-Michigan Church Conference See: Mennonite Church. Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference - Report. Report of the Iowa-Nebraska Mennonite Conference See: Mennonite Church. Iowa-Nebraska Conference Report. Report of the ... Mennonite General Conference See: Mennonite Church. General Conference - Report. Report of the Missouri-Kansas Church Conference See: Mennonite Church. Missouri-Kansas Mennonite Conference - Report. 117 Report of the Ohio Mennonite and Eastern A.M. Joint Conference See: Mennonite Church. Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference - Report. Report of the South America Mennonite Mission See: South America Mennonite Mission - Annual Report. Report of the South Central Mennonite Conference See: Mennonite Church. South Central Mennonite Conference - Report. Report of the Southwestern Pennsylvania District Mennonite Church Conference See: Mennonite Church. Southwestern Pennsylvania Mennonite Conference - Report. Report of the Western District A.M. Conference See: Western District Amish Mennonite Conference Report. Report of the Western District Conference of the Amish Mennonite Church See: Western District Amish Mennonite Conference Report. The Reporter Washington, D.C.: National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1942-1947. Formed by the union of: Camp Information Bulletin, and NSBRO Bulletin. Continued by: Reporter for Conscience' Sake. Note: July 1942 to Apr 1943 are damaged, words cut off because trimmed too much. v. 1-5 (1942-1947) * The Reporter for Conscience' Sake Washington, D.C.: National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1947Continues: The Reporter. Annual index: Published in no. 1 or 2 of succeeding volume, v. 13 (1956)Note: Vol. 5, nos. 7-11 bound with The Reporter. v. 5 (1947)incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1949/50) #7} Reports and Official Minutes (General Conference Mennonite Church) See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Minutes. Resource [Newton, Kan.]: Commission on Education, General Conference Mennonite Church, [1967?]Aug. 1967; May 1971-Aug 1994 Resource Catalog See: MCC - Resource Catalog. Der Rettungsbote Altona-Elbe: Grossstadtmission für Hamburg und Altona, [1921-1934?] Continued by: Wort und Werk. v. 11-14 (1931-1934) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1931) #8-12; v. 12 (1932) #1-3, 6-7, 9; v. 13 (1933) #1-12; v. 14 (1934) #1-2} Reunion Shipshewana, Ind: Menno-Hof, 1991 Continues: Menno-Hof Newsletter 1991 Note: The only issue produced was winter 1991. 118 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication The Review Canton, Ohio: H.P. Krehbiel, 1899-1904. Microfilm: 1899-1903 Absorbed by: Post und Volksblatt. v. 1-6 (1899-1904) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 4 (1902) #8, 12} $ Rheinischer Merkur Köln: F.A. Kramer, 1946v. 3-4 (1948-1949) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 3 (1948) #1-22 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Ruf Karlsruhe: Janz Team, 1971-1975. Continues: Ruf zur Entscheidung. Continued by: Ruf in unsere Zeit. v. 15-18 (1971-1974/75) Ruf in unsere Zeit Lörrach: Janz Team, 1975Continues: Ruf. Note: Vols. 18-19 (1975-1977) bound with Ruf. v. 18 (1975)-1992 #4 * Rhubarb Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Literary Society v. 1 (1988) #1 - Ruf zur Entscheidung Basel: Christliche Radiomission, Janz Team, 1961-1971. Continues: Der Menschenfischer. Continued by: Ruf. v. 5-15 (1961-1971) incomplete {Missing: v. 5 (1961) #1-3, 5-8, 12; v. 6 (1962) #2-5, 9-12; v. 7 (1963) #1, 8, 10-11; v. 8 (1964) #1-2; v. 12 (1968) #6; v. 13 (1969) #10; v. 14 (1970) #11-12; v. 15 (1971) #2, 6} Rhythms See: CPS - Rhythms Die Rundschau See: Mennonitische Rundschau. Rights New York: Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 1953v. 10-22 (1963-1976) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 10 (1963) #4/5; v. 11 (1964) #1-5; v. 12 (1965) #1-6; v. 13 (1966) #1-4, Dec; v. 14 (1967) #14; v. 15 (1968) #1-5; v. 16 (1969) #1-4; v. 17 (1970-71) #15; v. 18 (1971-72) #1-2; v. 19 (1972-73) #5; v. 20 (1974) #1/2; v. 21 (1975) #1-4; v. 22 (1976) #1-3} Der Rundschau-Kalender Winnipeg, Man.: Rundschau Publishing House, 1927-1935. 1927-1933 incomplete {Missing: 1928} Rincón Teológico Montevideo, Uruguay: Seminario Evangélico Menonita de Teología, [1964]1964-1974 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1964) #5-7; (1965) #8; (1966) Apr, Nov; (1967) Apr; v. 7 (1968) #1-3; v. 8 (1969) #1-3; v. 9 (1970) #2-3; v. 10 (1971) #1-2; v. 11 (1972) #1-2; v. 12 (1973) #1-2; v. 13 (1974) #1-3} Rising Tide See: CPS - Rising Tide. Rod and Staff Publishers Catalog Crockett, Ky.: Rod & Staff Publishers, [19--]1961-1986 incomplete {Missing: 1962-1963; 1970-1971; 1979; 1981} Rod and Staff Publishers Tracts Crockett, Ky.: Rod & Staff Publishing, [19--]Note: MLA has tracts arranged by title in alphabetical order. The Rolling Coulter Grantham, Pa.: Messiah College, 1989v. 1 (1989)-v. 1 (1994) # 1 Rooting Around Leavenworth, Kan.: Leavenworth County Genealogical Society, [1981]v. 7 (1987)-v. 12 (1992) #4 incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1987) #1-2} * Roots and branches: Newsletter of the Mennonite Historical Society of BC Abbotsford, BC : Mennonite Historical Society of BC, 2003Continues: Newsletter of the Mennonite Historical Society of BC v. 9 (2003) #4Royersford BFC Together See: Together RQ See: Reconciliation Quarterly. Rundschreiben der Schoenwieser Gemeinde See: Gruess Gott! Rural Evangel Scottdale, Pa.: Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Mission Board, 1920-1947. Continued by: Gospel Evangel. v. 3-28 (1921/22-1947) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1921/22) #3; v. 4-5 (1922/231923/24); v. 6 (1924/25) #1-3; v. 7 (1925/26) #3-4; v. 8 (1926/27) #2, 4; v. 9 (1927/28) #1; v. 10 (1928/29) #1, 4; v. 11 (1929/30) #1-3; v. 12 (1931) #2-3, 5; v. 13 (1932) #2-5; v. 14 (1933) #1-6; v. 15 (1934) #1-5; v. 16 (1935) #1-2, 6; v. 17 (1936) #1-3; v. 18 (1937) #1-2, 5-6; v. 19 (1938) #2-3, 6; v. 20 (1939) #1, 4, 6; v. 21 (1940) #1-6; v. 22 (1941) #1, 3-6; v. 23 (1942) #3-6; v. 24 (1943) #1; v. 25-28 (19441947)} Rural Missions New York: Agricultural Missions, Inc., 1948-1972. Continues: Agricultural Mission Notes. no. 79-159 (Summer 1951-Summer 1972) incomplete {Missing: #82-87 (1951-1953); #93 (1954); #110-111 (1959-1960); #158 (1972)} Rural Papers Whiting, Kan.: Kansas Rural Center, 1983no. 2-15 (Feb.-Dec. 1983) Ruralogue See: CPS - Ruralogue. Rushmore Reflector See: CPS - Rushmore Reflector. Rushmore Reminder See: CPS - Rushmore Reminder Der Russlanddeutsche Lucas Gonzalez, Entre Rios, Argentina See MLA vertical files “Mennonites - Brazil” and “Brepohl, Friedrich Wilhelm.” Also the 4 Feb 1938 (Jg. 9, Nr. 45/462) in the B. H. Unruh papers, MS.295, box 2, folder 13. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication S.A.A. Newsletter See: SAA Newsletter. S.B.I. Bulletin Steinbach, Man.: Steinbach Bible Institute, [196-]-1977. Issued as supplement to: The Messenger (Evangelical Mennonite Conference) and EMMC Recorder. Continued by: The Servant. Bound with: The Messenger (Evangelical Mennonite Conference) and EMMC Recorder. 1964-1977 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1964) Aug, Dec; (1965) Sep, Dec; (1966) Mar, Jul, Oct; (1967) Jan, Apr, Fall; (1968) Sum; (1969) Win, Sum, Aut; (1970) Win, Fall; (1971) Fall; (1972) Spr, Fall; (1973) Spr, Sum, Fall; (1974) Spr, Fall; (1975) Fall; (1976) Spr; (1977) Spr, Sum} S.M.Y.O. Reporter See: SMYO Reporter. SAA Newsletter See: Archival Outlook Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists, [1973]Continues: SAA Placement Newsletter. Continued by: Archival Outlook. 1975-1992 incomplete {Missing: (1975) Jan, Mar, Jul, Sep; (1976) Mar, Nov; (1978) Jan, Mar; (1979) Mar, May} Säemann Hillsboro, Kan.: Salem Publishing Concern, 1897-[191-?] Microfilm: 1897-1898, 1908-1912 Title variation: Der Kleine Säemann, 1899. v. 1-16 (1897/98-1912) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-2 (1897-1899); v. 12 (1908) #12; v. 13-15 (1909-1911); v. 16 (1912) #1-3, 5, 9-12} Safety See: CPS - Safety The Sage O'piñon See: CPS - Sage O'piñon. The Salamonie Peace Pipe See: CPS - The Salamonie Peace Pipe Salem Report Hillsboro, Kan.: Salem Home and Salem Hospital, [198-]v. 1 (1988)-(Mary 1994) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1988) #9-10, 12-13; v. 2 (1989) #1-2, Mar, Apr- } $ Salems Stern Salem, Ore.: Salem Diakonissen-Mutterhauses, 1919[1930?] Text: In German and English. v. 1-10 (1919-1930) Salt See: CPS - Salt San Dimas Rattler See: CPS - San Dimas Rattler. The Sand-Paper See: CPS - The Sand-Paper Sänger-Bote: Organ des christlichen Sängerbundes der Mennoniten Brudergemeinde von Nord Amerika Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House v. 5 (1915), #12; v. 6 (1916), #11 $ Saskatchewan Valley News Rosthern, Sask.: D.H. Epp, 1903Located in Archives. v. 49-52 (1951-1954) * 119 Saskatchewan Mennonite Historian Saskatoon, Sask.: Saskatchewan Mennonite Historical Society Inc., 1996Continues: News Issue v. 1 (1996) Saskatchewan Mennonite Youth Waldheim, Sask.: Mennonite Youth Society of the General Conference of the Mennonites in Canada, 1945v. 1-5 (1945-1949) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1945) #1, 3; v. 4 (1948) #4; v. 5 (1949) #1-3} $ Saskatchewan Valley News Rosthern, Sask: D.H. Epp, 1903 Located in Archives v. 49-52 (1951- 1954 * Scattered Seeds Freeman, SD : Central Plains Mennonite Conference, 2000Continues: The Challenge. Continues: The Northern Light. v. 1 #1 (Oct/Nov 2000)Schenkofsky Peak Oakland, Calif.: Henry Schenkofsky, [193-]v. 3-36 [n.d.] Der Schlussel: Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnisse mit Ortsquellennachweisen für genealogisch-heraldische und historische zeitschriftenreihen Göttingen, Königsallee: Heinz Reise 1952-1955 {Detailed holdings: 1952, #7; 1953, #11; 1954, #13; 1955, #15} Der Schmale Weg Tamps., Mexico: Est. Manuel, [1954]English edition: The Narrow Way. v. 3, no. 1 (1956); v. 4 (1957) #1 % $ The School Journal Newton, Kan.: Catholic Educational Society, 1891-1892. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm v. 1-v. 3, no. 1 (Oct. 1891-Oct. 1893) School of Cooperative Living Newsletter See: CPS - School of Cooperative Living Newsletter. School of Pacifist Living See: CPS - School of Pacifist Living Schrifttumsberichte zur Genealogie und zu ihren Nachbargebieten Neustadt a. d. Aisch: Verlag Degener, 1959v. 1-2 (1959-1972) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1951-1959) #1/12; v. 2 (19621972) #1-10} Der Schulfreund Hague, Sask.: The Hague Printing House, 1917v. 1 (1917), #3-12 Der Schulungsbrief Berlin: Reichsschulungsamt der NSDAP and Deutsche Arbeitsfront, 1934v. 1-5 (1934-1938) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1934) #2-3, 5-8; v. 2 (1935) #1-4, 7-11; v. 5 (1938) #6-7, 10} Schwarzenau Chicago, Ill.: Alexander Mack Historical Society, 1939-1942. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-3 (1939-1942) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1941/42) #3} 120 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Schweitzer Salt [North Newton, Kan.?] : Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association, 2002v. 1 #1 (Spring 2002)Note: Also available online at Schwenkfelder Library: Annual report Pennsburg, Pa.: Schwenkfelder Library, 19541955-1958 The Schwenkfeldian Norristown, Pa.: General Conference of the Schwenkfelder Church, 1903v. 17 (1920)-v. 88 (1989) #2 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 17, no. 1 (Jan. 1920); v. 36, no. 11 (Nov. 1939); v. 54 (1957)- } Schwenckfeldiana Norristown, Pa.: Board of Publication of the Schwenkfelder Church, 1940v. 1, no. 5 (Sept. 1945) The Schwenksville Item Schwenksville, Pa.: N. Bertolette Grubb, [1881]Located in Archives. Note: MLA has 75th anniversary issue [n.d.] v. 80 (1956-57)-v. 115 (1992) #31 incomplete {Missing: v. 80 (1956-57) #1-34; v. 81 (1957-58) #7-52; v. 82 (1958-59) #1-45; v. 87 (1963-64) #7, 30; v. 88 (1964-65) #16; v. 90 (1966-67) #18; v. 91 (1967-68) #6, 14; v. 109 (1986-87) #3, 5} The Scribe Middletown, Conn.: Connecticut State Hospital, Department of Occupational Therapy Related titles: Epistle, From Middletown, News and Opinions, News of the Unit 1943-44 {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1943) #4; v. 2 (1944) #1-2, 5} The Scrivener See: CPS - The Scrivener Scupss See: CPS - Scupss Second Mile See: CPS - Second Mile Secretary's Report (Pacific District Conference) See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - Secretary's Report. Seed See: CPS - Seed * The Seed of Truth Berlin, Ohio : Christian Aid Ministries, 1996Oct 2005* Seek Grantham, Pa. : Brethren in Christ Church, 2005Continues: Visitor v. 118 (Sum 2005Detailed holdings: v. 118 (2005) #1-3 Note: Also available online in pdf format at Selective Service News Washington, D.C.: Selective Service System, 1969Continues: Selective Service. v. 20 (1970)-May 1971 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 20 (1970) #1-4; (1970) Apr-Aug, Oct-Dec; (1971) Jan-May} Selfhelp Newsletter See: MCC - Selfhelp Newsletter SELFHELP World See: MCC - SELFHELP World. Sende Mich Informationsblatt Asunción, Paraguay: Mennonitisches Missionskomitee für Paraguay, 1978{Detailed holdings: v. 15 (1992) #2-4, 6; v. 16 (1993) #4-5} Senior Sonntagschul-Lektionsheft Jan-Mar, Juli-Sept 1925 Sent Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1979{Detailed holdings: 1978 fall; 1979-1985; v. 32 (1986) #12, 4; v. 33-35 (1987-1989); v. 36 (1990) #1} Sequoia Hi-lights See: CPS - Sequoia Hi-lights. Sermons from the Calvary Hour Radio Pulpit Orrville, Ohio: The Calvary Hour, 1967Continues: The Calvary Hour. Continued by: The Calvary Hour Pulpit. no. 1181/1185 (Dec. 1967)-no. 2638/2646 (Nov/Dec 1995) incomplete {Missing: #1255/1258 (May 1969); #1438/1441 (Nov 1972); #1516/1519 (May 1974); #1620/1624 (May 1976); #1660/1663 (Feb 1977); #1880 (May 1981) 1886-1898 (JulAug 1981); #2116-2124 (Nov-Dec 1985); #2507-2524 (May-Aug 1993); #2559-2576 (May-Aug 1994)} * The Servant (Steinbach, Man.) Steinbach, Man.: Steinbach Bible Institute, 1977-1994. Issued as supplement to: The Messenger (Evangelical Mennonite Conference), EMMC Recorder, and CMC Chronicle. Continues: S.B.I. Bulletin. Bound with: The Messenger (Evangelical Mennonite Conference) and EMMC Recorder. v. 1 (1977) - v. 17 #3 (Sum 1994) * The Servant (Wichita, Kan.) Wichita, Kan. : Mennonite Housing Rehabilitation Services, Inc., 2000 v. 1 (2000) Service See: CPS - Service Service-Gram See: CPS - Service-Gram. Service News Elkhart, Ind.: CROP Community Hunger Appeal of Church World Service, [19--]Continues: CROP Service News. 1969-1983 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 22-31 (1969-1978); v. 32 (1979) #13; v. 33 (1980) #1-2, 4; v. 34 (1981) #1-2, 6; v. 35 (1982) #1; (1983) Sep} Service Opportunities See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Service Opportunities Services Bulletin See: MCC Services Bulletin. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Seventeen Eleven Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1957-1975. v. 1-21 (1957-1975) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1957-58) #11, 13; v. 2 (1958-59) #8, 11-14, 16-17, 19-24, 26, 28-29, 31-33, 35-41, 43, 45, 47, 49; v. 3 (1959-60) #1-8, 10, 12-25, 27-50; v. 4 (1960) #1-4, 6-28; v. 5 (1961) #1-24, 26-51; v. 6 (1962) #1-7, 9-12, 14-24, 26-44, 46-51; v. 7 (1963) #1-24, 26-51; v. 8 (1964) #1-24, 26-51; v. 9 (1965) #1-24, 26-50; v. 10-12 (19661968); v. 13 (1969) #1-13, 18-50; v. 14-20 (1970-1974); v. 21 (1975) #1-33} SGAS Newsletter See: Society for German-American Studies Newsletter. * Sharing Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Mutual Aid Assoc., 1967v. 1 (1967)$ * Shenandoah Mennonite Historian Harrisonburg, VA: Shenandoah Historians, 19941994- 121 Silver City Together See: Together Singelaria See: Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad. Sippen-Zeitung der Sippe van Bergen van Bargen See: Der Berg. $ * The Sixteenth Century Journal St. Louis, Mo.: Foundation for Reformation Research and the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, 1972Continues: Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies. Annual index: Published in first issue of succeeding volume, v. 9-13; published in last issue of volume, v. 14Note: MLA also has microfiche copies for v. 8, no. 4 (1977)- on MFc, 1000. v. 3 (1972){Note: Inventory on microfiche has not been done.} The Skyliner See: CPS - Skyliner. Valley Mennonite Shop Talk (Akron, Penn.) See: MCC - Shop Talk Shop Talk (Bakersfield, Calif.) [Bakersfield, Calif]: Kern View Community Mental Health Center and Hospital, [197-]Continues: Kern View's. Dec. 9, 1974-Feb. 15, 1978 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1974) Dec 9-20; (1975) Jan 3-31; Feb 14-28, Mar 13-27, Apr 10-24, May 8-22, Jun 5-19, Jul 3-31, Aug 14-28, Sep 12-26, Oct 9-23, Nov 6-20, Dec 4-18; (1976) Jan 22, Feb 27, Mar 11-26, Apr 9-23, May 7, Jun 224, Jul 13, Aug 6, Sep 9, Oct 6, Nov 15, Dec 10; (1977) Jan 14-28, Feb 11, Mar 7-18, Apr 21, Jun 15, Jul 5-25, Aug 26, Sep 13, Oct 11, Nov 1; (1978) Feb 15} Slowo Prawdy Warszawa: Polski Kosciól Chrzescijan Baptystów, [19--]1970-1981 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1970) #4-12; 1971-1972; (1973) #1-9; (1974) #11; (1975) #1-3, 5-9; (1977) #9-12; (1978) #3-8, 1112; (1979) #1-4, 6-12; (1980) #1, 3, 5-12; (1981) #2-3, 5-6} Small Fry Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Relief and Service Committee, 1953v. 1-30 (1953-1957) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-2 (1953-1954); v. 3 (1955/56) #114; 1 issue (n.d.); v. 13 (1956) Apr; v. 16-30 (Jul 1956-Sep 1957)} Smoke Jumper's Load Line See: CPS - Smoke Jumper's Load Line. Shun Portland, Ore.: Society to Preserve Mennonite Traditions, 1979-1984. no. 1-12 (1979-1984) SMYO Reporter Drake, Sask.: Saskatchewan Mennonite Youth Organization, 1961v. 1-8 (1961-1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1961) #2; v. 2 (1962) #3; v. 4 (1964) #1, 4; v. 5-7 (1965-1967); v. 8 (1968) #1-3} Sibbe Amsterdam: Liebaert, 19411941-1944 {Missing: 1944, 9-12} The Snowliner See: CPS - Snowliner. Sichel und Sense Heilbronn a. Neckar: Deutsche Mennoniten-Hilfe, [19--]1 issue [n.d.] Sierra View Homes News See: News from Sierra View Homes. The Signpost Chatswood, Australia: Signpost Publishing Agency, 1967v. 1-v. 5, no. 2/4 (1967-Apr./June 1971), v. 7 (1973) #1 Located in archives. *$ Signs of the Times Chicago, Ill. : Christian Peacemaker Teams, 19891989 (Jan), 1991 (Jul) The Silent Messenger Smoketown, Pa.: Deaf Youth for Christ of Lancaster, [1954]v. 4-14 (1957-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1957) #6-9; v. 5 (1958) #3-11; v. 6 (1959) #1-12; v. 7 (1960) #1-12; v. 8 (1961) #1-10; v. 9 (1962) #1-11; v. 10 (1963) #1-4; v. 11 (1964) #5; v. 12 (1965) #2-5; v. 13 (1966) #1-2, 4-5; v. 14 (1967) #1-2} Soc. Cooperative Colonizadora Fernheim Filadelfia, Paraguay: Die Verwaltung der Kolonie Fernheim, May 19861986-1993 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1-2 (May-Jun 1986), #4-14 (Aug 1986-Jun 1987), #16-28 (Aug 1987-Sep 1988), #30-35 (Oct 1988-Mar 1989), #37-42 (May -Oct 1989), #44 (Dec 1989)Mar 1991, May-Dec 1991; 1992 #1-11; 1993 #1, 3-12} The Socialist C. O. See: CPS - The Socialist C.O. * Society for German-American Studies Newsletter Northfield, Minn.: The Society, [198-]Title variations: Newsletter of the Society for GermanAmerican Studies; SGAS Newsletter. v. 2, no. 2 (1980-81); v. 2, #5 (1981); v. 3, #3-4 (1982); v. 5 (1984)Soil See: CPS - Soil. 122 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Sojourners Washington, D.C.: People's Christian Coalition, 1976Continues: The Post-American. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 19761979; published separately, 1980-1982. v. 5 (1976)-v. 21 (1992) The Soka Gakkai News Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1975no. 61 (Dec. 1977)-1993 #1 incomplete {Missing: (1987) #221-223; (1988) #232} Sonntagschul-Lectionen See: Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Elkhart, Ind.) Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Berne, Ind.) Berne, Ind.: S.F. Sprunger, 1889. Continued by: Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Berne, Ind.) Bound with: Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Berne, Ind.) v. 1 (1889) Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1957-1958. Caption title: Deutsches Sonntagschul-Lektionsheft für die oberen Klassen in mennonitischen Sonntagschulen. Continues: Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Newton, Kan.) Continued by: Bibel Studien fuer Erwachsene. Bound with: Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Newton, Kan.) {Detailed holdings: v. 69 #1-4; v. 70 #1-3 (Jan/Mar 1957July/Sept. 1958) Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Berne, Ind.) Berne, Ind.: Welty & Sprunger, 1890Continues: Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Berne, Ind.) v. 2-47 (1890-1935) incomplete {Missing: v. 42-45 (1930-1933); v. 47 (1935) #1, 3} Sonntagsschul-Lektionsheft Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [1907?]-v. 9-37 (1915-1943) incomplete Note: Some issues bound and shelved under "Sunday School Lesson Quarterly." {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1908), #4; v. 3 (1909), #1, 4; v. 6 (1912), #3; v. 7 (1913), #4; v. 9 (1915) #2; v. 10 (1916) #1; v. 11 (1917) #1; v. 14 (1920), #1, 3; v. 17 (1923), #1, 3-4; v. 18 (1924), #1-3; v. 19 (1925), #1-2, 4; v. 20 (1926) #1-4; v. 25 (1931) #1-4; v. 26 (1932), #1-4; v. 27 (1933), #1-4; v. 28 (1934), #1-4; v. 29 (1935), #1-4; v. 30 (1936), #1-4; v. 31 (1937), #1; v. 32 (1938) #1-4; v. 33 (1939) #1-4; v. 34-37 (1940-1943)} Sonntagsschulheft Chicago: K.M.B. Publishing House, [1918?]v. 13, no. 2 (Apr./June 1930) Sophia wisdom Winnipeg, Man. : Sophia Wisdom, Inc., 1991-2003. v. 11 (2001)-v. 13 #3 (Fall, 2003) Sounding Board See: MCC - Sounding Board South America Mennonite Mission - Annual Report Pehuajo, Argentina: South America Mennonite Mission, [1919?]Title variation: Report of the South America Mennonite Mission. 1923-1926 incomplete {Missing: 1924} South American Mission News Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions & Charities, 1934v. 1 (1934) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1934) #1-3, 5-6} South America Newsletter See: MCC - South American Newsletter Sonntagschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Board of Publication of the General Conference, [1889?]-1956. Continued by: Sonntagschul-Lektionen (Newton, Kan.) v. 52-78 (1940-1966) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 52-57 (1940-1945); v. 59-68 (19471956)} South Central Conference Update North Newton, Kan. : South Central Mennonite Conference, 2001-2002 {Detailed holdings: May 8, 2001, Jan 16, 2002, Feb 8, 2002} Note: Published occasionally. These three issues are the only ones published to Sep 2004. Sonntagschul-Lektionen nebst Erklärungen (Elkhart, Ind.) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co., 18911891-1908 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1891-1893; 1897 #2; 1901 #3-4; 1902 #1-4; 1903 #1-4; 1904 #1-3; 1905 #1-4; 1906 #1, 3-4; 1907 #1; 1908 #1-2} * South Central Mennonite Conference Messenger Hesston, Kan. : South Central Mennonite Conference, 1996 Continues: Mennonite Church - South Central Conference Messenger v. 49 (1996) #2 Location: Copies published in 2001 or earlier are shelved at Mennonite Church - South Central Mennonnite Conference Messenger. Sonntagsschul-Lektionen für Jung und Alt (Hesston, Kan.) Hesston, Kan. : Gemeinde Gottes in Christo Mennoniten, ? Note: This edition of Sonntagschul-Lektionen fur Jung und Alt / Bibel Studien fuer Erwachsene produced by the Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, Newton, Kansas, was distributed to Church of God in Christ Mennonite congregations by Gospel Publishers, Hesston, Kansas Caption title: Deutsches Sonntagschul-Lektionsheft für die oberen Klassen in mennonitischen Sonntagschulen. (19571958) Caption title: Bibel Studien fuer Erwachsene. (1958-1966) {Detailed holdings: v. 69 (1957), #2-4; v. 76 (1964) #1-3; v. 77 (1965) #1-4; v. 78 (1966) #1} South East Asia MBC Church News [S.l.: s.n.], 1965-1968. Continued by: Our Times. v. 1-4 (1965-1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1965) #1-2; v. 3 (1967) #1; v. 4 (1968) #1-2} South Mountain Morsels See: CPS - South Mountain Morsels South-North Partners See: Overground Railroad v. 1 (Apr 1993) # 1; v. 3 (Apr 1995) # 1 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 123 South Texas Echoes Premont, Texas: South Texas Mennonite Church Council, [1966]v. 2-9 (1967-1975) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1967) #2, 6-9, 11; v. 3 (1968) #13, 5-11, 13; v. 4 (1969-70) #1-2, 4-10, 12-14; v. 5 (1971-72) #1-3, 5-9, 11; v. 6 (1972) #1-4; v. 7 (1973) #1-11; v. 8 (1974) #1-3, 6-8; v. 9 (1975) #1-2} A Special message to Western District CE's See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District - A Special message to Western District CE's South West Messenger See: Southwest Messenger. The Spirit of Glencroft Glendale, Ariz.: Friendship Retirement Corporation, 1986v. 1 (1986)-v. 4 (1989) #1 Southern Notes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1949-1954, 1961?. Continues: Paraguay Notes. v. 1, nos. 1-10 (Aug. 1949-Jan. 1954); June 1961 Southwest Messenger Upland, Calif.: South Pacific Mennonite District Mission Board, 1956-1993? Publisher varies: Published by Southwest Mennonite Conference, 1968Title varies: South West Messenger, 1956-1957. Merged with: Pacific District Messenger to form: The Messenger Has supplement: Southwest Mennonite Conference Youth Newsletter, 1987-? v. 1 (1956)- v. 36 (1990) #1 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1956) #1-5; v. 29 (1983) #1; all after v. 36 #1 (Winter 1990)} Southwest Mennonite Conference Youth Newsletter See: Southwest Messenger. Southwestern Pennsylvania Conference News Scottdale, Pa.: Southwestern Pennsylvania Mennonite Conference, 1942-1954. Continues: Southwestern Pennsylvania Mission News. Continued by: Allegheny Conference News. v. 1-11 (1942-1954) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942-43) #1-6; v. 2 (1943-44) #1; v. 3 (1944-45) #1-6; v. 4 (1945-46) #2-4; v. 5 (1946-47) #1, 2, 6; v. 6 (1947-48) #1-3, 5; v. 7 (1948-49) #1-3, 5-6; v. 8-11 (1949/50-1953/54)} Southwestern Pennsylvania Mission News Scottdale, Pa.: Southwestern Pennsylvania Mennonite Conference Mission Board, 1937-1942. Continued by: Southwestern Pennsylvania Conference News. v. 1-6 (1936/37-1941/42) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1936-37) #4; v. 2 (1937-38) #1, 3-6; v. 3 (1938-39) #1-6; v. 4 (1939-40) #1-6; v. 5 (194041) #4-6; v. 6 (1941-42) #2-4} * Souvenance Anabaptiste Mennonitisches Gedächtnis [S.l.]: L'Association Francaise D'Histoire AnabaptisteMennonite, 1982no. 1 (1982)The Spade Norfolk, Conn.: Deer Spring School, [1981?]-1983. Title variation: Der Spaten. Merged with: Ranger's News, to form: 1-Hof. v. 3 (1983) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1983) #5, 7} Spanish Broadcast Messenger Elkhart, Ind.: Spanish Broadcast Committee, Radio Evangelism Committee of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1954v. 1-2 (1954/55-1955/56) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954-55) #1-6; v. 2 (1955-56) #1-3} Der Spaten See: The Spade. Spectrum Winnipeg, Man.: Janz Team Ministries, 1982Continues: Janz Team Reporter. v. 1 (1982)- v. 12 (Mar 1993) # 1 The Spotlight [Newton, Kan.: Bethel Deaconess Hospital], 1953Title variation: Bethel News, Nov. 5, 1953. no. 1-186 (Nov. 1953-July 1969) incomplete {Missing: (1954) #11, 14, 19; (1955) #33, 35, 37-39; (1955-56) #41-56; (1956) #58; (1962) #117; (1967) #177; (1969) #184} Spotlight on Mennonite Men of the Western District Conference [S.l.: Mennonite Men of the WDC], 1952v. 28-30 (1980-1982) incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1952 #1, 3-5; v. 2 (1953) #1, 8-10, 12; v. 3 (1954), #1-4, 6-7; v. 4 (1955) #1-5; v. 6 (1956) #2-5; v. 7 (1957) #1-2, 4; v. 8 (1958) Mar, Apr, Jul, Sep, Dec; v. 9 (1959) Jan, Apr, Jul, mid-1959, Sep; 1960 #1, Apr, #2; 1961, Feb, Apr, Oct; 1962, Feb, Apr, Oct; 1963, Mar, Apr, Nov; v. 28 (1980) #1-3; v. 29 (1981) #1-3; v. 30 (1982) #1-2} Sprays from Sunday School Springs [North Newton, Kan.]: Western District, [1944]v. 2-3 (1945-1946) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1945) #1-2; v. 3 (1946) #1; 2 issues (n.d.)} The Staff Wooster, Ohio: Ohio Christian Workers Conference, 19561963. Absorbed by: The Builder. 1958-1963 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1958) Sep-Dec; v. 3 (1959) Jan, Jun; v. 1-4 (1960-1963)} * Star of Hope Crockett, Ky.: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1967Spanish edition: La Estrella de Esperanza. v. 1 (1967)State Historical Society of Iowa News for Members See: Iowa State Historical Department News for Members. Static Line See: CPS - Static Line Statistics (Church of the Brethren) See: Church of the Brethren - Statistics. Steinbach Bible Institute Bulletin See: S.B.I. Bulletin. $ Steinbach Post Steinbach, Man.: Steinbach Post, [1934]Located in Archives. Continues: Die Post. Continued by: Die Post (Winnipeg, Man.) v. 21-42 (19341955) incomplete {Detailed holdings: Jan 7-28 (1932); Feb 11 (1932); Feb 25-Mar 17 (1932); Mar 31-Jul 21 (1932); Aug 4-Dec 22 (1932); Jan 3, 24 (1934); Feb 21-Dec 26 (1934); Jan 30 (1935); Feb 6-27 (1935); Mar 13-Jun 26 (1935); Jul 10-Aug 7 (1935); Aug 21 (1935); Sep 4-Nov 6 (1935); Nov 20 (1935); Dec 4-18 (1935); v. 23-31 (1936-1944); Jan 1-Mar 21 (1945); v. 34-42 (1947-1955) Note: Inventory of issues has not been done.} 124 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Stemmen uit de Doopsgezinde Broederschap Assen: Koninklijke van Gorcum & Comp., 1952-1963. v. 1-12 (1952-1963) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1953) #5} De Stemvork Bussum: Vereeniging Nederlandsche Meisjes Clubs, [1938?]v. 2-4 (1939/40-1941/42) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1939/40) #7; v. 3 (1940/41) #4, 7-8, 11-12; v. 4 (1941/42) #1-2} Sten-gazeta Soiuza Dukhovnikh Obshchin Khrista Brilliant, B.K.: [Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ], 1943-1945. Text: In Russian. Continued by: Iskra. no. 12-27 (1944-1945) Die Stimme der Gemeinde Mainz: Stimme-Verlag, 1949-1974. Absorbed: Bekennende Kirche auf dem Weg. Continued by: Neue Stimme. v. 3-4 (1951-1952) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1951) #5-6; v. 4 (1952) #4-6, 9} * Story Friends Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1958Continues: Beams of Light. v. 53 (1958)* Story Mates Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1969v. 1 (1969)The Student Services News Letter Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Student Services Committee, 1961-1967. Continued by: Arena. Feb. 1961-May 1967 Students [Altona, Man.]: The Student Services Committee, 1965Issued as supplement to: The Canadian Mennonite. 1965-1967 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1965) #1-2; v. 1 (1966) #1; v. 2 (1967) #1} The Students' Call Abbotsford, B.C.: [Mennonite Educational Institute, 1946]Text: In English and German. v. 8, nos. 3-4 (Jan.-Mar. 1953) Studies in the Renaissance New York: Renaissance Society of America, 1954-1974. Absorbed by: Renaissance Quarterly. Note: Mantz Library has v. 4-21 (1957-1974) and also has Renaissance Quarterly. v. 3-21 (1956-1974) $ Sudermann-Enss Family Newsletter Northfield, Minn. : David P. Sudermann, 1992-1997 v. 1 #1 - v. 4 #1 (1992-1997) Detailed holdings: v. 1 #1 (Dec 1992), v. 2 #1 (Mar 1994), v. 3 #1 (Mar 1995), v. 4 #1 (Mar-Apr 1997) Summer Service Newsette [Elkhart, Ind.]: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 19611961-1964 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1961) #2-12; (1964) #1-5} Summer Service Newsletter See: MCC - Summer Service Newsletter The Sunday School Banner New Carlisle, Ohio: Bethel Publishing Co., 1911v. 6-58 (1916-1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1916) #48; v. 7 (1917) #24; v. 27 (1937) #8, 26; v. 29 (1939) #5-7, 13-53; v. 30 (1940) #1-30, 34, 39, 42; v. 32 (1942) #27; v. 37 (1947) #9-13, 22-26; v. 41 (1951) #4; v. 43 (1953) #14-52; v. 44-58 (1954-1968)} Sunday School Bible Lesson Quarterly Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern v. 1 #4-v. 6 (1900-1906) The Sunday School Herald Nappanee, Ind.: E.V. Publishing House, 1937v. 9-26 (1945-1962) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 9 (1945) #14-25, 27-39, 41-43, 4547, 49, 51-52; v. 10 (1946) #1-18, 20; v. 24-26 (1960-1962)} The Sunday School Instructor Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Brethren Conference of Canada, [1951]v. 10, nos. 2-6 (1960-61) Sunday School Lesson Helps Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co., [1891?]v. 13, no. 2 (April/June 1903); v. 18, #1-2 Sunday School Lessons for the Primary Boys and Girls Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1937-1950. Continues: Primary Lesson Quarterly. Continued by: Herald Primary Bible Lessons. Teacher's edition: Primary Teachers Quarterly. v. 32-45 (1937-1950) incomplete {Missing: v. 32 (1937) #4} Sunshine News Maumee, Ohio: Sunshine Children's Home, 1964no. 1-40 (Sept. 1964-1978?) incomplete {Missing: #28 (1972)} Supplement to The Mennonite See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Minutes. SWAP Update See: MCC - SWAP Update Swappin’ News See: MCC - Swappin’ News * Swiss Community Historical Society (Bluffton, Ohio) Newsletter Bluffton, Ohio: The Society, [198-]1987* The Sword and Trumpet Denbigh, Va.: The Sword and Trumpet, 1929v. 1 (1929)- MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication TAC Newsletter Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Anabaptist Center, ? 1997: July; 1998: June Tägliche Andachten: Bibelsprüche mit Erklärungen See: Der Neukirchener Jugendfreund. Taiwan Home Bond Taichung, Taiwan: General Conference Mennonite Mission of Taiwan, 1956-1973. Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church China-Home Bond. v. 1-18 (1956-1973) incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1961) #4; v. 7 (1962) #1, 3} Tallgrass Newton, Kan.: Kansans to Freeze the Arms Race/Kansans for Peace and Justice, 1988Continues: Kansans to Freeze the Arms Race. 1988-1989 incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1988) #3} Tap Root See: CPS - Tap Root Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft - Bericht Hamburg: H.O. Persiehl, [1849]Title variations: Bericht der Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen überseeischen Besitzungen, 1866; Bericht über den Stand und die Thätigkeit der Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen überseeischen Besitzungen, 1867-1870; Bericht über den Zustand und die Thätigkeit der Taufgesinnten Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen überseeischen Besitzungen, 1873; Bericht der Taufgesinnten-Gesellschaft zur Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen Kolonieen, 1878; Jahresbericht über die Thätigkeit der TaufgesinntenGesellschaft zur Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen Kolonieen, 1883-1907; Jahresbericht über die Tätigkeit der Taufgesinnten Missionsgesellschaft zur Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in den Niederländischen Kolonien, 1910-1922. v. 18-73/74 (1866-1921) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 18 (1866); v. 20-22 (1868-1870); v. 24 (1872); v. 30 (1878); v. 35-39 (1883-1887); v. 46 (1894); v. 48-50 (1896-1898); v. 52-53 (1900-1901); v. 55 (1903); v. 58-59 (1906-1907); v. 62-63 (1910-1911); v. 65-67 (1913-1915); v. 69-73/74 (1917-1921)} Teacher's Handbook for Mennonite Junior Quarterly See: Mennonite Junior Quarterly: Handbook for Teachers. Teachers Sunday School Lesson Quarterly Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [1907]-1950. Continued by: Herald Teacher (Scottdale, Pa.) v. 15-44 (1921-1950) incomplete Note: Some issues bound and shelved under "Sunday School Lesson Quarterly." {Detailed holdings: v. 15 (1921) #1; v. 17 (1923) #1; v. 20 (1926) #2-3; v. 25 (1931) #1-4; v. 26-27 (1932-1933); v. 28 (1934) #1-4; v. 29 (1935) #1-4; v. 30 (1936) #1-4; v. 31 (1937) #1-2; v. 32-35 (1938-1941); v. 36 (1942) #2-4; v. 3744 (1943-1950)} Technical Leaflet (American Association for State and Local History) See: History News. Technical Report (American Association for State and Local History) Nashville, Tenn.: Technical Information Service, American Association for State and Local History, 1985Issued as detachable section of: History News, 1987Note: See History News for issues after no. 10. no. 1-10 (1985-1986) 125 Teyler's Theologisch Tijdschrift Haarlem: Erven Loosjes, 1903-1911. Continued by: Nieuw Theologisch Tijdschrift. Annual index: Published separately; bound in front of volume. v. 1-9 (1903-1911) incomplete {Missing: v. 7 (1909)} Theologische Tijdschrift Leiden: S. C. van Doesburgh 1905 El Timbre de Plata Monterrey, N.L.: Conferencia de los Hermanos Menonitas en Mexico, [1964]v. 2, no. 1 (Nov. 1965) * Timbrel Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Women Jan/Feb 1998 Merges: Window to Mission (GCMC) and WSMC Voice (MC) This and That See: CPS - This and That This is Our Story See: CPS - This is Our Story. This Week See: CPS - This Week The Tide See: CPS - The Tide % TMTC Newsletter Toronto, Ont.: Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre, 1993v. 1 #1 (Sept 1993)Toerusting en Opbouw [S.l.]: Gemeenschap voor Doopsgezind Broederschapswerk, [1963-1966] Index: Vols. 1-2 [1963/64-1965/66], in 2. jaarg., les 39-40. v. 1-2 [1963-1966] 126 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Together Scottdale, Pa.: Together, 1986Issued in regional editions. May/Jun 1986- incomplete Related Publications: See regional editions of Living. {Detailed holdings: Aberdeen Together (Aberdeen, Ida.) (2003) Summer BeatriceTogether (Beatrice, Neb.): (1987) Sep/OctNov/Dec; 1988 - 1989; (1990) Jan/Feb-Jul/Aug Berne Area Together (Berne, Ind.): (2001) Win, (2002) Spr; (2003) Spr Bluffton Community Together (Berne, Ind.): (1986) May/Jun Carlsbad Together (Carlsbad, N.M.) (2003) Summer, Fall Deep Run Togerther (Perkasie, Pa.)[Deep Run Mennonite Church East]: (2002) Win; (2003) Spr Fairview/Comins Neighbors Together (Mio, Mich.): (1991) Nov/Dec; (1992) Jan/Feb- Mar/Apr, Jul/AugSep/Oct; (1993) Jan/Feb, Sep/Oct Grace Mennonite Church Together (Lansdale, Pa.): (2002) Win; (2003) Spr Kalona/Wellman Together (Kalona, Ia.): (1988) May/Jun Kingview/Scottdale Together (Scottdale, Pa.): (1989) Jan/Feb Landsdale/Hatfield Together (Hatfield, Pa.): (1989) Mar/Apr On the Rock Together (Pawnee Rock, Kan.): (1987) Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec; (1988) Jan, Mar, May/Jun, Sep/OctNov/Dec; (1989) Mar/Apr; (1990) Nov/Dec; (1991) May/Jun; (1992) May/Jun-Nov/Dec Royersford BFC Together (Royersford, Pa.): (1988) Jan Silver City Together (Kansas City, Kan.): (1989) May/Jun York Living Together (York, Ont.): (1988) May/Jun} Tokyo Anabaptist Center See: TAC Newsletter. Tokyo Mail-Sack Tokyo: [MCC], 1955-1958. Continued by: Hong Kong Mail-Sack. v. 1-3 (1955-1958) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1955) #1-5; v. 2 (1956) #1-3; v. 3 (1957-58) #1-4} Touché Atlanta, Ga.: Mennonite Service Unit, 1969v. 1-4 (1969-1972) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1969-70) #1-12; v. 2 (1970) #1-6; v. 3 (1971) #1-3; v. 4 (1972) #1} The Touchstone Topeka, Kan.: Topeka State Hospital Service Unit, 19491949-1952 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1949) #1-5; v. 2 (1950) #1-6; v. 3 (1950-51) #1-2; v. 4 (1950-51) #1-2; (1951) Nov-Dec; (1952) Mar, Jun-Jul, Sep} The Trailmaker See: CPS - Trailmaker. Training-in-Service [Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1947]-1953. Continued by: Hi-Lights of the Mennonite Publishing House. v. 2-9 (1948/49-1953) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1948/49) #4, 10, 25-26; v. 3 (1950) #10; v. 4 (1951) #1-3; v. 6 (1951) #12; v. 7 (1952) #3; v. 8 (1952) #5-8, 11; v. 9 (1953) #1, 3-12} Trans-Chaco-Mission teilt mit Loma Plata, Paraguay: Trans-Chaco-Mission, ?{Detailed holdings: June 1991, Mar 1992} Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society Topeka: The Kansas State Historical Society, 1881-1908. Shelved under: Kansas Historical Collections. Spine title: Kansas Historical Collections. Issued with: Biennial Report of the Board of Directors of the Kansas State Historical Society. Continued by: Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society. Index: 1875-1930 in 1 v.; M, 978.1016, K133c. v. 1-10 (1875/81-1907/08) incomplete {Missing: v. 3 (1881/85); v. 5 (1891/96)} The Treesearcher Dodge City, Kan.: Kansas Genealogical Society, 1959v. 14, no. 1 (1972) De Tolk Amsterdam: Kerkeraad van de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam, [1938]v. 8, no. 4 (Jan. 1946) De Triangel Arnhem: Vereeniging Nederlandsche Meisjes Clubs, [1935?]v. 6, no. 9 (May 1941) Tomorrow See: CPS - Tomorrow Tripod Hong Kong: Holy Spirit Study Centre, 1981Title variation: Ding, 1981. no. 1-16 (1981-1983) * The Tool Kit Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1975v. 1 (1975)De Toorts Aalsmeer: [s.n., 1944]v. 4 (1947-48), 22 (1966) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1947-48) #4-5, 8; v. 22 (1966), #7} * Top Drawer See: MMA - Top Drawer Torch See: The VS Unit Torch. Totémak [Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Pioneer Mission, Conference of Mennonites in Canada], 1972-1979. Continued by: Intótemak. v. 1-8 (1972-1979) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1972) #2; v. 3 (1974) #3, 8; v. 4 (1975) #9; v. 5 (1976) #1-3; v. 6 (1977) #1-2} Troutline See: CPS - Troutline Turnpike Echo See: CPS - Turnpike Echo. Turon Ledger Pretty Prairie, Kan.: Rex and Joyce Turner, 1974-1976. Located in Archives; shelved with Pretty Prairie Times. Published and distributed with: Pretty Prairie Times, and Arlington Enterprise. Merged with: Pretty Prairie Times, and Arlington Enterprise, to form: Ninnescah Valley News. v. 1-v. 2, no. 26 (Sept. 12, 1974-March 4, 1976) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication U.S. Peace Section Book of Mailings See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section Book of Mailings. Unser Bote Winnipeg, Man.: Verläger der "Mennonitische Rundschau", 1941. In Mennonitische Rundschau. Continues: Huterische Bote. v. 1 (1941) U.S. Peace Section Mailings See: MCC - U.S. Peace Section Mailings. Unifier See: CPS - Unifier Unser Danzig Lübeck: [s.n., 1949]v. 13-27 (1961-1975) incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1961) #1-15, 17-?; v. 14 (1962) #1-15; v. 16 (1964) #6; v. 26 (1974) #18; v. 27 (1975) #6-24} Union Rescue Mission News Wichita, Kan.: Union Rescue Mission, [1952]v. 19 (1970) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 19 (1970) #8, 10} $ Unser Missionsblatt Altona, Man.: Missions-Nähvereinen der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada, 1946v. 1-18 (1946-1963) The Unit Messenger See: CPS - The Unit Messenger Unit News See: CPS - Unit News United Missionary Church. Indiana District Conference Proceedings Elkhart, Ind.: The Conference, [194-]Continues: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. IndianaOhio District - Proceedings. v. 12-19 (1954-1961) incomplete {Missing: v. 13 (1955); v. 17-18 (1959-1960)} United Missionary Church - Year Book Kitchener, Ont.: Trinity Publishers, [1946?]v. 5, 7 (1950, 1952) United Missionary Society Year Book See: Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. United Missionary Society - Year Book. UNRRA Monthly Review Washington, D.C.: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 1944-1946. Continues: UNRRA Review. no. 7-26 (March 1945-Oct. 1946) incomplete {Missing: #12 (Aug. 1945)} The Unruh Umbrella Winnipeg, Man. : Peggy Regehr, 1997-2000. v. 1 (1997) - v. 4 (2000) #1 Unser Besucher Mountain Lake, Cottonwood County, Minn.: J.J. Bärgen, [1902]Located in Archives. v. 4-21 (1905-1922) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 4 (1905) #1-7; v. 14 (1915) #50; v. 15 (1916) #42-43; v. 16 (1917) #2, 5, 14, 18-19, 22-31, 3338, 40, 42-52; v. 17 (1917-18) #1-13, 15-26, 28, 31-34, 3640, 43-52; v. 18 (1919) #1-8, 12, 14-18, 31-35, 37-39, 4152; v. 19 (1919-20) #1-17, 20-52; v. 20 (1921) #1-3, 5-13, 15, 17-18, 40, 42-52; v. 21 (1922) #1-2, 4-9} Unser Blatt (Curitiba, Brazil) Curitiba-Paraná-Brasil: Verlagskomitee der Allgemeinen Konferenz in Südamerika, 1967-1968. Continues: Bibel und Pflug (Witmarsum, Brazil : 1954) Continued by: Bibel und Pflug (Curitiba, Brazil : 1968) v. 1-v. 2, no. 6 (Jan. 1, 1967-March 16, 1968) Unser Blatt (Gronau, West Germany) Gronau/Westf.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1947-1950. Absorbed by: Der Mennonit. v. 1-4 (1947-1950) Unser Blatt (Moscow) [Grossweide]: Allgemeine Bundeskonferenz Mennonitengemeinden, 1925-1928. Index: MLA has index to v. 1-3. v. 1-3 (1925- June 1928) {Missing: v. 3 no. 2, Nov. 1927} 127 der Unter den Telugus Mangalur: Buchdruckerei der Basler Mission, [18--]Title variations: Jahres-Bericht der Mennonitischen Missionsarbeiter in Hyderabad, Dekkan-Indien, 1900; Jahres-Bericht der "Erntefeld-Mission" in Haiderabad, Dekkan-Indien, 1901-1903; Ein Jahr Unter den Telugus, 1928/29. 1900-1928/29 (1901-1929) incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1900-1903 (1901-1904); 1928/29 (1929)} Unterhaltungsblatt für Deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland 1846-1862 Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1846-1856; 1858-1862 {Detailed holdings: 1846-1856; 1858-1862} {Note: All of these are missing as of Jan. 29, 1999. What is on the shelf is scattered photocopies in the period 185052.} Update (China Educational Exchange) See: CEE Update. Upstalsboomblätter: für Ostfriesische Geschichte, Heimatschutz und Heimatkunde Emden: 1912-1929 1915-1927 {Detailed holdings: v. 5-7 (1915-1918); v. 10-11 (19211923); v. 13 (1925-27)} Urban Connections Newton, Kan.: Commission on Home Ministries, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1985-2001 v. 1 (1985)-v. 17 (2001) #3 128 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication V.S. Witness See: MCC - V.S. Witness Valley Living See: Living The Valley Mennonite Messenger Harrisonburg, Va.: Parkview Press, 1962v. 1 (1962)-v. 27 (1989) Vanguard See: CPS - Vanguard. Vanguard Elkhart, Ind.: 1-W Services Office, 19651965-1970 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1965/66) #2, 5-11; v. 2 (1967) #1-2; v. 3 (1967) #1-7; v. 4 (1968) #1-7; v. 5 (1969) #1; (1970) Dec} El Vecino Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico: Summer Service Unit sponsored by the MCC, 1947-1952. Text: In English. 1947-1952 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1947) #1-2; v. 2 (1948) #1-2; (1949) Sep-Dec; (1950) Jan-May, Jul, Sep, Nov-Dec; (1951) Jan-May, Jul-Dec; (1952) Jan-Aug} Venture Club News Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press and Mennonite Publishing House, 19911991- 1995 Vera i Zhizn' (BEPA) Korntal/Württ., Germany: Missionsbund "Licht im Osten", [1973]Text: In Russian. Note: English edition published as Light in the East/ Light in the East News. no. 1 [1973]- 5/99 incomplete {Missing: #3, 34, 49, 51, 6/99} Vereniging Rembrandt - Verslag [Amsterdam]: Vereeniging Rembrandt, [19--]-1985. Continued by: Vereniging Rembrandt - Jaarverslag. 1945-1955 incomplete {Missing: 1950} Verein für familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen c. V. Mitteilungsblatt SEE: Altpreußische Geschlechterkund Mitteilungsblatt Vereinigung der Mennoniten-Gemeinden im Deutschen Reich - Jahres-Bericht Altona: Heinrich Dircks, [18--]-[1933] 1890-1915 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1890; 1902; 1904-1905; 1907-1911; 1913-1915} Die Vereinsglocke Leamington, Ont.: Jugendverein der Essex County Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinde, 1945v. 1-v. 28, no. 199 (1945-March 1962) incomplete {Missing: v. 2 (1946-47) #11-24; v. 3 (1947-48) #25, 27, 29-36; v. 4 (1948-49) #37-48; v. 5 (1949-50) #49-55, 57-60; v. 6 (1951) #65, 69; v. 7 (1952) #86; v. 8 (1953) #93; v. 9 (1954) #100-109, 111; v. 12 (1956) #134; v. 14 (1959) #163} Verhandlungen der ... Bundes-Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüder-Gemeinde See: Mennonite Brethren Church. General Conference Yearbook. Verhandlungen der ... jährlichen Diener-Versammlung der Deutschen Täufer oder Amischen Mennoniten Lancaster: Gedruckt bey Johann Bär's Söhnen, 1862-1878. Title variation: Bericht der Verhandlungen der ... jährlichen Diener-Versammlung der Amischen MennonitenBrüderschaft, 1870-[1878?] v. 1-16 (1862-1878) Verhandlungen der ... Kanadischen Konferenz See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Canadian Conference Yearbook. Verhandlungen der ... Nördlichen Distrikt-Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde von Nord-Amerika See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Northern District Conference - Yearbook. Verhandlungen der ... Pacific Distrikt-Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde von Nord-Amerika See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Pacific District Conference - Yearbook. Verhandlungen der ... südlichen Distrikt-Konferenz der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde von Nord-Amerika See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Southern District Conference - Yearbook. Verkündigt das Evangelium See: Missions-Nachrichten aus Tangshan. Verslag omtrent de . . . Vergadering der Vereeniging tot Ondersteuning van Doopsgezinde Weezen in Onvermogende Gemeenten Haarlem: Vereeniging, 1910, 1920, 1925, 1930 Verslag over het Jaar . . . Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Groningen Groningen, Netherlands: Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Groningen, 1932 Verslag van de Algemeene Vergadering der Leden van het Historisch Genootschap Utrecht: Historisch Genootschap, 1938, 1950, 1951 Verslag van het . . . Algemeene Vergadering van het Hollandsche Weduwfonds voor Weduwen en Kinderen van Doopsgezinde Leeraren N.p.: Hollandsche Weduwfonds, 1924 Verslag van de . . . Vergadering der Vereeniging van Doopsgezinde Gemeenten Haarlem: Vereeniging van Doopsgezinde Gemeenten, {Detailed holdings: 1870, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925} Verslag van het Fonds voor Weduwen en Kinderen van Doopsgezinde Leeraren, in de Provincien Noord- en ZuidHolland Amsterdam: Fonds, 1844 Verslag over den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit See: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit. Verslag van den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit See: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit. Verslag van den Staat en de Verrigtingen der Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangelieverbreiding in de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen See: Doopsgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangelieverbreiding in de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen - Verslag. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Verslag wegens de Staat der Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit Kollum: Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit, 1946Continues: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit. 1946/47-1970/71 incomplete {Missing: 1948/49; 1953/54-1955/56; 1962/63; 1965/66} Verslag, wegens de Vergadering, uitmakende het Bestuur van de Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit See: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit in Holland. $ Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit Amsterdam: Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit, 1909-1946. Continues: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit in Holland. Continued by: Verslag wegens de Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit. Note: 1936-1946 bound with succeeding title. 1909-1946 $ Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit in Holland Haarlem: A. Loosjes, Pz., 1811-1908. Continued by: Verslag wegens den Staat der Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit. Note: 1901-1908 bound with succeeding title. 1811-1908 Verslagenbrief van de Landelijke Federatie van Doopsgezinde Zusters See: Landelijke Federatie van Doopsgezinde Zusters. Victim Offender Reconciliation Program Clovis, Ca.: Victim Offender Reconciliation Program of the Central Valley, Inc. 1990-1991 {Detailed holdings: Feb, Jun, Oct, Dec 1990; Sep-Nov 1991} View Point Reedley, Calif.: Kings View Foundation, 1974v. 1-v. 2, no. 4 (1974-April 1975) Viewpoint See: CPS - Viewpoint * The Villa Vista Hesston, Kan.: Schowalter Villa, 1970no. 2 (Feb. 1970)incomplete {Missing: (1970) #3, 11; (1977) #86, 92; (1985) #179; (1998) #304; (2000) #207-313, 315; (2000-2004) #316-342, 344-350, 352-355} * The Vindicator Dayton, Ohio: Samuel Kinsey, 1870Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 93 (1962)incomplete {Missing: v. 93 (1962) #1-6} The Vine Press [Berne, Ind.]: Mennonite Young People's Division, Middle District Conference, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1936-1957. v. 1-19 (1936-1957) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-2 (1936/37-1938); v. 3 (1939) #1, 3-6; v. 4 (1940) #1-6; v. 5 (1941) #1, 3-6; v. 6 (1942) #1-6; v. 7 (1943) #1-5; v. 8-12 (1944-1949); v. 13 (1950) #1; v. 15 (1952) #1-3; v. 16 (1953-54) #3, 5-6; v. 17 (1954-55) #1-2, 5; v. 18 (1955-56) #1-6; v. 19 (1956-57) #2-6} 129 Virginia Mennonite Home (Harrisonburg, Va.) - Home Life Harrisonburg, Va.: Virginia Mennonite Home, [1963]v. 1 (1963-64) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1963-64) #4-12} * Vision : a journal for church and theology Winnipeg : Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 2000v. 1, no. 1 (Fall 2000)Visitor Nappanee, Ind. : Evangel Press and the Brethren in Christ Board for Media Ministries, 2000-2004 Continues: Evangelical Visitor. Contnued by: Seek v. 113 (2000) -v. 117 (2004) The Voice See: The Voice of Youth Fellowship. The Voice Winnipeg: Mennonite Brethren Bible College, 1952-1971. Text: In English and German. Merged with: Journal of Church & Society, to form: Direction. v. 1-20 (1952-1971) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1952) #1-3} The Voice of Hope South Bend, Ind.: Hope Rescue Mission, 1954v. 1-31 (1954-1987), 1989 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1954-55) #2-8; v. 2 (1956) #2-6; v. 3 (1957) #1-5; v. 4 (1958) #1-4; v. 5 (1958-59) #1-3; v. 6 (1959-60) #1-4; v. 7 (1960-61) #1-2; v. 8 (1962) #1-3; v. 9 (1962-63) #1; v. 10 (1966) #1, 4; v. 11 (1966-67) #1-4; v. 12 (1968) #1-2; v. 13 (1968-69) #1-6; v. 14 (1970) #2-4; v. 15 (1970-71) #1-5; v. 16 (1971-72) #1-6; v. 17 (1973) #1-7; v. 18 (1973-74) #1-10; v. 19 (1974-75) #1-11; v. 20 (1975-76) #1-7, 9-11; v. 21 (1976-77) #1-10; v. 22 (1977-78) #1, 4-10; v. 23 (1978-79) #1-11; v. 24 (1979-80) #1-11; v. 25 (198081) #1-11; v. 26 (1981-82) #1-8, 10; v. 27 (1982-83) #1-5, 7-10; v. 28 (1983-84) #1-9; v. 29 (1984-85) #1-2, 4-11; v. 30 (1985-86) #1-5, 11; v. 31 (1986-87) #1; v. 33 (1988-89) #4} Voice of Hope Mission (Friedensstimme) News Letter Vancouver, BC: Voice of Hope Mission, 1988?Continues: Article 227 1988?-1996 incomplete {Detailed holdings: #1?, #2, #9-11, #13-16, #17 (two different ones), #18-20, #22-31, #33-34, #35 (two different ones), #36, #40 Voice of Hope Mission English Edition Vancouver, BC: Voice of Hope Mission, ? v. 78 (June 2002). Location: Boxed with Voice of Home (Friedenstimme) News Lettr Mission * Voice of Peace News Gummersbach, Germany: Friedensstimme Mission, 2000Continues: Friedensstimme (Voice of Peace) News. v. 28 (2000) The Voice of the Martyrs Glendale, Calif.: Jesus to the Communist World, 1967Title variation: Jesus to the Communist World, 1967-Jan. 1971. Oct. 1967-Oct 1990 incomplete {Missing: (1978) #7; (1979) #8, 11-12; (1980) #12; (1981) #1-3, 7-12; (1982) #1-12; (1983) #1-2, 4, 6-7, 10; (1984) #7; (1987) #2, 4; (1990) 1-9} The Voice of Truth Lancaster, Pa.: The Voice of Truth, 1957-1961. Continued by: Crusade Witness. v. 1-v. 5, no. 6 (1957-Nov./Dec. 1961) 130 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Voice of Youth Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Youth Fellowship of the IndianaMichigan Conference, [1960]v. 2-3 (1961-1962) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1961) #2, 4-5; v. 3 (1962) #1-2} The Voice of Youth Fellowship [S.l.]: Ohio Mennonite Youth Fellowship, 1949Continues: Ohio Mennonite Literarian. Title variation: The Voice, Dec. 19581958-1960 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1958) Oct, Dec; (1959) Feb, Apr, [Jun], Sep; (1960) [Mar]} * Volk auf dem Weg Stuttgart: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der OstumsiedlerRusslanddeutsche, [1951?]1951- incomplete {Missing: (1951) #1-2, 4-12; (1952) #1, 3, 5-6, 8-12; (1953) #1-4, 8-10, 12; (1954) #4-5, 10-12; (1955) all; (1956) #1-4, 6-8, 10-11; (1957) #1-3, 7, 9-11; (1958) #2, 10-11; (1965) #2; (1967) #11-12; (1968) #2-3, 12; (1971) #6, 9; (1974) #8-10; (1975) #7-8, 10-11} Volksfreund Molotschansk, Gouv. Taurien: Verlagsgesellschaft "Raduga", 1917Continues: Molotschnaer Flugblatt. v. 1-2 (1917-1918) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1917) #1; v. 2 (1918) #2-4, 6, 11, 13-29} Vorwärts Hillsboro, Kan.: J.G. Evert, 1909-1940. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Hillsboro Journal and "Vorwärts" Continued by: Hillsboro Journal (Hillsboro, Kan. : 1940) v. 2-38 (1910-1940) incomplete Located in archives. Note: V. 32 (1934) #26-35, 37-39 are bound with 1932 v. 30. {Missing or damaged: v. 2 (1910) 7 Jan, #8, #52; v. 3 (1911) #32, 41, 52; v. 4/10 (1912); v. 11 (1913) #27; v. 12 (1914) #19, 23; v. 13 (1915) #1, 30; v. 14 (1916) #1; v. 15 (1917) #16; v. 18 (1920) #48, 52; v. 19 (1921) #1, 7, 9, 13, 14, 46; v. 20 (1922) #4, 14; v. 21 (1923) #18, 24, 51, 52; v. 23 (1925) #5, 16; v. 26 (1928) #4, 11, 34, 19, 37} Vorwärts-Kalender Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1925-1943. 1912; v. 1-19 (1925-1943) De Vredesbrief See: Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep - Vredesbrief. La Voz de Mathis Mathis, Texas: MRSC Voluntary Service Unit, 1954-1955. v. 1, nos. 1-3 (Nov. 1954-Apr. 1955) Volkszeitung Winkler, Man.: Volkszeitung Publ. House, [1902]v. 2, no. 40 (Oct. 14, 1903) La Voz Menonita Trenque Lanquen: Iglesia Menonita en la Argentina, 19321961. v. 1-31 (1932-1961) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1932) #1-2; v. 3 (1934) #1-12; v. 4 (1935) #2-12; v. 5 (1936) #1-10, 12; v. 6 (1937) #10; v. 7 (1938) #2; v. 8-10 (1939-1941); v. 11 (1942) #1-6, 8-12; v. 12-14 (1943-1945); v. 15 (1946) #7, 11; v. 16 (1947) #1-4, 9-12; v. 17 (1948) #1-5, 8-10, 12; v. 18 (1949) #1-12; v. 19 (1950) #1-3, 5-12; v. 20 (1951) #1-9, 12; v. 21-22 (19521953); v. 23 (1954) #1-2, 4-12; v. 24 (1955) #1-9, 11-12; v. 25 (1956) #1-7, 9-11; v. 26 (1957) #1-12; v. 28 (1958) #1, 46; v. 29 (1959) #1, 4-5, 7-12; v. 30-31 (1960-1961)} The Volunteer Salunga, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Conference Voluntary Service Office of the Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1957-1974. v. 1-v. 17, no. 9 (1957-Sept. 1974) De Vriendenkring [S.l.: s.n.], 1929v. 17-22 (1946-1951) incomplete {Missing: v. 17 (1946) #1-4; v. 21 (1950) #11; v. 22 (1951) #2, 5, 7-12} De Voorbode Delft: Doopsgezinde Jongeren Bond, [194-]Nov.-Dec. 1945 Vrije Fries Leeuwarden: G. T. N. Suringar, 1837{Detailed holdings: v. 26 (1918); v. 28-29 (1926-1929; v. 35-39 (1939-1948)} Der Volksfreund und Beobachter Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär, [18--]-1910. Continues: Volksfreund und Lancaster Beobachter. v. 73, no. 39 (April 6, 1881) VORP Network News Valparaiso, Ind.: VORP Resource Center, 1983Continues: VORP Working Papers. 1983-1987 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1983) Mar; v. 2 (1983) Jun; v. 3 (1983) Nov; v. 3 (1984) #1 (Win), #3 (Sum), #4 (Fall); v. 4 (1985) #1 (Win), #2 (Spr), #3 (Fall); v. 5 (1986) #1 (Spr), #2 (Fall); v. 5 (1987) #1 (Spr), #3 (Fall), #4 (Special issue)} Vorträge und Aufsätze aus der Comenius-Gesellschaft Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, [1883]Located in Archives: Ludwig Keller Collection, MLA-MS64, Box 22. v. 12-18 (1904-1910) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 12 (1904) #1; v. 13 (1905) #3; v. 14 (1906) #1; v. 15 (1907) #2; v. 16 (1908) #1; v. 17 (1909) #7; v. 18 (1910) #6} VS Newsletter Wichita, Kan.: Wichita Mennonite Voluntary Service Unit, 1969v. 1-v. 2, no. 6 (Aug. 1969-March 1971) VS Partyline [S.l.]: Voluntary Service Office, 1958v. 1-2 (1958-1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1958) #3, 5; v. 2 (1959) #1-3; v. 3, (1960), #1-4, 13-20; v. 4 (1961), #1, 1-22; v. 5 (1962), #13; v. 6 (1963), #1-4; v. 7 (1964), #3-7; v. 8 (1965), #1-5; v. 9 (1966), #1-2} The VS Unit Torch Rosthern, Sask.: Mennonite Youth Farm, VS Unit, 1966Title variation: Torch, 19681966-1969 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1966) May, Jul, Sep, Dec; (1967) Apr, Aug; (1968) Apr, Jun; (1969) Mar, Jul, Dec} MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication De Wachter Middelburg: M.D. Baas, [1930]v. 17 (1946) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 17 (1946) #4, 7-8, 10} $ Der Wächter Kansas City, Kan.: C.D. Heinrich, 1892-1894. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Absorbed: Newton Anzeiger. v. 1, no. 7-n.F., no. 138 (April 21, 1892-Oct. 25, 1894) Der Waffenlose Waechter Lancaster, Pa.: Samuel Ernst, 1870-[1888?] Continues: Acorn and Germ. English edition: The Weaponless Watchman. v. 6-13 (1876-1883) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1876) #9; v. 9 (1879) #9; v. 10 (1880) #1, 3, 5; v. 12 (1882) #1-2; v. 13 (1883) #3} $ Der Wahrheitsfreund Chicago, Ill.: Krimmer Mennoniten Publikationshaus, 1915-1947. Microfilm: 1915-1947 Index: Vols. 1-33 (1915-1947), in 1 v. v. 1-33 (1915-1947) incomplete {Missing: v. 20 (1934) Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Brüder Wakulla Newsletter See: CPS - Wakulla Newsletter. Walton Star Walton, KS {Detailed holdings: #90-126} WAMYF Newsletter West Abbotsford, B.C.: West Abbotsford Mennonite Youth Fellowship 1964-1966 {Detailed holdings: Jan-Apr, Jun-Sep 1964; Jan, Apr-May 1965; Jan, Mar, May, Nov-Dec 1966} The Wandering Volhynian Vancouver, BC: Ewald Wuschke, 1987?-1999? v. 1? (1987) - v. 12 #3 (1999) War-Nation-Church Washington, D.C.: Church Peace Mission, 1963-1966. 1963-1966 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1963) #3-6; (1964) #7, 8, 12-16; (1965) #17-24, 26; (1966) #27-32, May} War/Peace Report New York: Center for War/Peace Studies of the New York Friends Group, 1961v. 6-12 (1966-1973) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1966) #1-3, 5-11; v. 7 (1967) #110; v. 8 (1968) #1-5; v. 11 (1971) #1-10; v. 12 (1973) #1-5} War Resistance London: War Resisters' International, 1962Continues: War Resister. 1970-1971 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1970) #33/34-35; (1971) #38-39} The War Resister Enfield, Middlesex, Eng.: War Resisters' International, 1926-[1962?] Continues: War Resisters' International Bulletin. Continued by: War Resistance. nos. 48-51 (Aut. 1942-Sum. 1946) incomplete {Missing: #50 (1945)} War Sufferers' Relief Bulletin See: MCC - War Sufferers' Relief Bulletin. 131 * Die Warte des Tempels Stuttgart-Degerloch: Verlag der Zentralkasse der Tempelgesellschaft Ltd. in Jerusalem, [1845]v. 83 (1927)- incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 83 (1927) #24; v. 84 (1928) #19-20, 22-24; v. 126 (1970) #6-7, 11-12; v. 127 (1971)- } The Washington County Conservationist See: CPS - The Washington County Conservationist Washington Memo See: MCC - Peace Section Washington Memo, 1969-1994. See: MCC - Washington Memo, 1994Washington Newsletter Washington, D.C.: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, [19--]nos. 30-150 (1954-1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1954) #30; (1967) #141-142; (1968) #150} Washita County Enterprise Colony, Okla.: H.C. Ramsey, 1920Continues: Colony Enterprise. Located in Archives. v. 41 (1954)-v. 75 incomplete {Missing: v. 41 (1954/55) #1-14, 24, 30-32; v. 45 (1963/64) #26; v. 46 (1964/65) #28, 36, 38, 51; v. 47 (1965/66) #51; v. 48 (1966/67) #15; v. 50 (1968/69) #15; v. 52 (1970/71) #13; v. 55 (1973/74) #4-5; v. 56 (1974/75) #8, 22; v. 57 (1975/76) #22; v. 58 (1976/77) #22; v. 59 (1977/78) #49; v. 60 (1978/79) #31; v. 61 (1979/80) #26, 46; v. 64 (1981-82) #17; v. 65 (1982-83) #9; v. 66 (1983-84) #26, 39} * The Watchword Messenger Lebanon, Pa.: North Lebanon Publishers, 1968v. 1 (1968)incomplete {Missing: v. 6 (1973-74) #2, 7} Waterloo Historical Society - Reports Berlin, Canada: Waterloo Historical Society, 1913-1956. Continued by: Annual Volume of the Waterloo Historical Society. Index: Nos. 1-35 (1913-1948), in no. 35; quinquennial indexes published 1913-1942. 1st-47th (1913-1959) incomplete {Missing: 1950-58} The Way Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1913v. 25-62 (1937-1975) incomplete {Missing: v. 38 (1951) #4-6, 8, 10; v. 39 (1952) #1, 3-4, 67; v. 40 (1953) #8; v. 58 (1971) #7} The Wayfarer See: The Friend (London). WDC Monthly Ministry Memo North Newton, Kan. : Western District Conference, ? 1997-2001 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1997: May, Jul; 1998: Jan; 2001: May, Jun, Aug} Note: An earlier Western District Conference publication, Monthly Memo, ca. 1991-1993, is found in the Archives at MLA.II.3.f.4. Weathervane Evanston, Ill.: Evanston I-W Unit, [19--]1955-1966 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1955) #7-10; v. 4 (1956) #19-23, 25-26, 28-51; v. 5 (1958) #51-52; v. 6 (1958) #1-3, 5-6; (1959) Jan-Dec; (1960) Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec; (1961) Feb-Mar, Jun-Nov; (1962) Feb-Mar; (1964) Aug-Sep; (1965) Mar; (1966) May-Jun} Weaverland Conference Calendar See: Mennonite Calendar of the Weaverland Conference 132 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Weckruf Posadas (Misiones), Argentina: R.E. Schmidt, [1940]v. 1 (1940-41) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1940-41) #4-5, 8-10} * Wee Lambs Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1964v. 1 (1969)incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1964) #1-28, 30-39; v. 2 (1965) #1-8, 1139, 41-45, 47-52; v. 3 (1966) #1-8, 10-52; v. 4 (1967) #125, 27-52; v. 5 (1968) #1-39} Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: Reynolds Bros., 1890-1891. Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-NEW, JNL, 6. Continues: Newton Weekly Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1888) Continued by: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1891) v. 3-v. 4, no. 12 (Feb. 7, 1890-Apr. 24, 1891) $ The Weekly Kansan Republican Newton, Kan.: The Kansan Co., 1899-1925. Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-NEW, KSN, 9-19. Has supplement: Bethel Breeze, Jan. 10, 1918-June 1, 1921. Has supplement: Bethel Collegian, Oct. 7, 1921-May 29, 1925. Absorbed: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1894) Absorbed: Weekly Republican (Newton, Kan.) Merged with: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1904), to form: Newton Journal (Newton, Kan. : 1925) v. 27, no. 30-v. 53, no. 41 (Apr. 7, 1899-May 29, 1925) Weekly News Notes See: CPS - Weekly News Notes Weekly News Notes Relief Notes See: MCC - Weekly news notes relief notes The Weekly Prospectus See: CPS - The Weekly Prospectus $ Weekly Republican (Newton, Kan.) Newton, Kan.: John A. Reynolds, 1896-1899. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Title variation: Newton Weekly Republican, Jan. 13-Mar. 31, 1899. Continues: Newton Republican (Newton, Kan. : 1879) Merged with: Newton Kansan (Newton, Kan. : 1894), to form: Weekly Kansan Republican. v. 21-22 (1896-1899) The Weekly Slants: the weekly view of what is new See: CPS - The Weekly Slants: the weekly view of what is new Weeping Water News Drops See: CPS - Weeping Water News Drops. Weichselland: Mitteilungen des Westpreussischen Geschichtsvereins Danzig: Kommissionsverlag Danziger Verlags-Gesellschaft, [193-]Continues: Mitteilungen des Westpreussischen Geschichtsvereins. v. 37, no. 4 (Oct. 1938) Welcome Tidings Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co., 1887-1895. nos. 19-270 (1887-1894) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #19 (Nov 3, 1887); #58 (Dec 27, 1887); #89-90 (Jul 17-24, 1890); #180 (Apr 14, 1892); #270 (Jan 25, 1894)} $ Die Welt-Post und Der Staats-Anzeiger Omaha, Neb.: [Organ von Russland-Deutschen], 1971Formed by the union of: Die Post (Winnipeg, Man.), and Der Staats-Anzeiger. Located in Archives. 1971-1974 Weltwacht der Deutschen: Zeitung für das Deutschtum der Erde Hellerau bei Dresden: Edwin Tanzmann 1938-1939 {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1938), #12, 23; v. 6 (1939), #3-4} Werden! Wachsen! Wirken! Karlsruhe in Baden: Heinrich Schneider, [1932?]Issued as supplement to: Gemeindeblatt der Mennoniten. v. 1-9 (1932?-1940) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1932?) #1, 10; v. 2 (1933?) #4, 811; v. 3 (1934?) #4; v. 4 (1935) #2-3, 7; v. 6 (1937) #1-2, 412; v. 7 (1938) #1-12; v. 8 (1939) #2-12; v. 9 (1940) #1, Jun} West Abbotsford Mennonite Youth Fellowship Newsletter See: WAMYF Newsletter West Coast MCC Memo See: MCC - West Coast MCC Memo. West Coast Memo See: MCC - West Coast MCC Memo. West Coast Regional Newsletter See: MCC - West Coast Regional Newsletter. Western Challenge Yarrow, B.C.: West Coast Children's Mission of B.C., 19561961-1969 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1961) Mar, Jun, Nov; v. 6 (1962) #1, 3-4; v. 9 (1965) #2-3; v. 10 (1966) #1-12; v. 11 (1967) #111; v. 12 (1968) #1-9; v. 13 (1969) #1} Western District Amish Mennonite Conference - Report [S.l.]: The Conference, 1890-1920. Title variations: Report of the Western District Conference of the Amish Mennonite Church; Report of the Western District A.M. Conference. German edition: Bericht der Westlichen Distrikt Konferenz der Amisch-Mennoniten Gemeinden. 1898-1920 incomplete {Missing: 1899-1901; 1907; 1912} Western District Conference Loan Library North Newton, Kan.: The Library, 1950v. 1-v. 20, no. 74 (May 1950-Apr. 1969) Western District Conference - Monthly Ministry Memo See: WDC Monthly Ministry Memo $ * Western District News Newton, Kans.: Western District Conference, 1962Continues: General Conference Mennonite Church Western District News Bulletin. Issued as supplement to: The Mennonite Mar 1962 - Jun 10, 1999. v. 1 (1962) incomplete Issues bound with The Mennonite: v. 1 (1962) #3, 5-6; v. 2 (1963) #4, 7, 9; v. 3 (1964) #1; (1966) Jan, Apr. Note: Missing issues unknown after Oct. 1965.} Location: Issues dated 2001 or earlier are shelved at: General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District News. Western District News Bulletin See: General Conference Mennonite Church - Western District News Bulletin. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Western District Retreat News [S.l.]: Retreat Committee, [19--]Dec. 1948 Western District Tidings McPherson, Kan.: [Western District C.E. Convention], 1939-1946. v. 1-v. 8, no. 2 (1939-June 1946) The Western Giant Marion Centre, Kan.: John E. Murphy, 1871. Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm Continues: Western News. Continued by: Marion County Record (Marion, Kan. : 1871) v. 2, nos. 3-4 (Apr. 15-22, 1871) Western Gospel Mission Steinbach, Man.: Western Gospel Mission, [1957]v. 1-3 (1957-1959) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1957) #1-2; v. 2 (1958) 1-2, 4; v. 3 (1959) #2} Western Journal of Commerce Souvenir Edition, Newton, Kansas, probably 1902. See SA.III.281 and elecrec/acc162. The Western News Detroit, Kan.: A.W. Robinson, 1870-1871. Microfilm: MF, PER, KS-MAR, WES, 1. Continued by: Western Giant. v. 1, no. 27-v. 2, no. 1 (Sept. 14, 1870-Apr. 1, 1871) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1870) #27-28; v. 2 (1871) #1} Westliche Post (Saint Louis, Mo. : 1857 : Daily) St. Louis, Mo.: Plate, Olshausen & Co., 1857Located in Archives. v. 58-61 (1915-1918) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 58 (1915) #65, 67-69, 71-72, 74-79, 81, 84-86, 88-93, 95-99, 102-103; v. 61 (1918) #141; v. 62 (1919) #16, 24-25; v. 71 (1928) #266; v. 72 (1929) #50, 101, 161; v 73 (1930) #344, 357-358; v. 75 (1932) # 336; v. 76 (1933) #73, 97, 102-103, 256, 343, 346, 348; v. 77 (1934) #64; v. 78 (1935) #200; v. 79 (1936) #5, 338-339; v. 80 (1937) #94, 96, 98, 99, 102, 106, 113-116, 119-124, 143, 145, 221, 237, 247-249, 251, 300, 309-310, 329-330, 332334, 336-340, 342-348, 350, 353-356; v. 81 (1938) #3-4, 78, 14-16, 18-19, 21-22, 29-31, 33, 35-39, 42-47, 53-54, 5660, 64, 67, 69-71, 73-74, 77-79, 81, 84-86, 88-89, 91-93, 95, 98-103, 105-106, 108-111, 114-115, 117, 122-125, 127130, 132-136, 138, 142-143, 154, 157, 161-162, 170-171, 174} Der Westpreusse Lübeck: Landsmannschaft Westpreussen, [1949]v. 11-29 (1959-1977, 2004-) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1959) #34; v. 12 (1960) #1-32, 34-36; v. 18 (1966) #15, 16, 35/36; Oct, Dec 1968; v. 29 #12 18 June 1977} Westpreussen Jahrbuch Münster: C. J. Fahle, 1950v. 1-53 (1950-2003), index to v. 1-27 Westpreussische Rundschau Elbing: Gerhardt Seiffert, [19--]no. 90 (Apr. 18, 1933) 133 Wheathill Bruderhof Newsletter Bromdon, Bridgnorth, Shropshire: Society of Brothers at the Wheathill Bruderhof, 1956no. 1 (Dec. 1956) Wheatland Homes North Newton, Kan. : Wheatland Homes, 2002. Continues: Wheatland Homes Chaff. v. 33 #4 (Apr 2002) - v.33 #5 (May 2002). $ Wheatland Homes Chaff North Newton, Kan. : Wheatland Homes, 1969?-2002. v. 25 (1994)-v. 34 #3 (Mar 2002) Whispering Pines See: CPS - Whispering Pines. Whispers See: CPS - Whispers Whitewater Independent See: Independent (Whitewater, Kan.) The Whittier See: MCC. The Whittier WILTWYCK Flashes Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee Note: Wiltwyck School, New York City. {Detailed holdings: Oct 1952; Summer and Fall 1953} Window to Mission [S.l.]: Women in Mission, 1974Variant titles: The Mennonite: Window to Mission Edition, The Mennonite: WMA Edition, The Mennonite: WM Edition Issued as supplement to: The Mennonite. Continues: Missions Today. 1974--Dec 1995 Continued by: Timbrel Wirthschafts-Kalender für Deutsche Ansiedler im Südlichen Russland Odessa: L. Nitzsche, [18uu]1867 Microfilm: 1856 [on microfilm with Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1846-1862] * With Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1968Continues in part: Youth's Christian Companion. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, 1984v. 1 (1968)Without the Camp London: The Mission to Lepers, [1897]Continues: Mission to Lepers in India and the East. nos. 119-248 (1926-1958) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1926) #119; (1929) #129, 131; (1931) #138-140; (1932) #141-142; (1951) #217; (1952) #222-224; (1953) #225, 227-228; (1954) #229-230; (1958) #248} Witness of the Word Bell, Calif.: Wm. J. Bestvater, [1944]German edition: Zeugnis der Schrift. Sept. 1944-Dec. 1947 incomplete {Missing: Dec 1945; Mar 1946} What’s in Store See: MCC - What’s in Store Witnessing Holmesville, Ohio: [Mission Interests Committee of the Amish Church], 1953v. 1-9 (1953-1961) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1953) #1; v. 5 (1957) #12; v. 7 (1959) #6; v. 8 (1960) #4; v. 9 (1961) #3- } What's New See: CPS - What's New. WMSA Monthly See: Women's Missionary & Service Monthly. What's Cooking See: CPS - What's Cooking 134 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication WMSA Program Guide See: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary - Program Guide. WMSA Voice Scottdale, Pa.: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 19611971. Shelved under: WMSC Voice. Continues: Women's Missionary & Service Monthly. Continued by: WMSC Voice. v. 35-v. 45, no. 2 (1961-Aug. 1971) WMSC Voice Scottdale, Pa.: Women's Missionary and Commission of the Mennonite Church, 1971Continues: WMSA Voice. v. 45, no. 3 (Sept. 1971)- (Sept. 1997) Discontinued. See: Timbrel Service Wolhynische Hefte Schwabach, Germany: Historischer Verein Wolhynien, 6. Folge (1990) Women Expendable for Christ See: Women's Missionary and Service Commission Devotional Guide. Women's Activities Letter See: MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Akron). Women's Activities Letter See: MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Kitchener). Women's Activity Letter See: MCC - Women's Activities Letter (Akron). Women's Concerns Report See: MCC - Women's Concerns Report. * Women's International League for Peace and Freedom : Newton-Area (Kansas) Branch Newton, Kan.: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, [198-]Sept. 1985incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1985) Sep, Nov; (1986) Feb, Apr/May-Jun, Sep-Oct/Nov; (1987) Jan/Feb-Mar/Apr, Sep/Oct-Nov/Dec; (1988) Jan/Feb, May/Jun, Sep/OctNov/Dec; (1989) Jan/Feb- } Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary Devotional Guide Elkhart, Ind.: General Committee, Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary, 1964-1971. Continued by: Women's Missionary and Service Commission - Devotional Guide. 1964-1971 incomplete {Missing: 1966/67} Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary - Program Guide Elkhart, Ind.: General Committee of the Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary, 19561957/58-1974 incomplete {Missing: 1960/61} Women's Missionary and Service Commission - Devotional Guide [S.l.]: General Committee, Women's Missionary and Service Committee, [1972]Continues: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary Devotional Guide. 1973/74-1977/78 Women's Missionary & Service Monthly Scottdale, Pa.: Women's Missionary and Service Auxiliary of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1954-1961. Shelved under: WMSC Voice. Continues: Missionary Sewing Circle Monthly. Continued by: WMSA Voice. v. 28, no. 4-v. 34, no. 12 (Oct. 1954-June 1961) $ Woord over Daad Amsterdam: Stichting voor Bijzondere Noden in de Doopsgezinde Broederschap en Daarbuiten, 1993-1994 incomplete Word of Testimony Tsaohsien, Shantung, China: China Mennonite Mission Society, [1929]v. 9-12 (1937-1940) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 9 (1937) #1, 3; v. 10 (1938) #3-4; v. 11 (1939) #1, 3; v. 12 (1940) #3} Words of Cheer Orrville, Wayne Co., Ohio: H.A. Mumaw, 1876-1970. Absorbed: GMSA Gems, 1962. Merged with: Junior Messenger, to form: On the Line. Annual index; Published separately, 1876-1881; published in last issue of volume, 1882-1959. v. 2-95 (1877-1970) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1877) #3, 12; v. 3 (1878) #3-12; v. 4-5 (1879-1880); v. 6 (1881) #2-12; v. 8 (1883) #12; v. 910 (1884-1885); v. 13 (1888) #5; v. 17 (1892) #10; v. 19 (1894) #12; v. 21 (1896) #1-11, 34; v. 23 (1898) #3, 19; v. 24 (1899) #33, 37; v. 25 (1900) #7, 13, 15-16, 18-20, 22-24, 26, 35, 38-39; v. 26 (1901) #1-2, 4-17, 19-48, 51-52; v. 27 (1902) #22-24, 27, 32, 43; v. 29 (1904) #6, 46-52; v. 30 (1905) #1-29, 31-50, 52-53; v. 31 (1906) #1-6, 8-18, 20, 36; v. 32 (1907) #4-7; v. 33 (1908) #1-16, 27, 38, 46, 49, 52; v. 34 (1909) #22, 37; v. 35 (1910) #9, 18, 36, 50; v. 38 (1913) #3-6, 8-9, 11, 13, 15, 21-22, 25, 30, 33, 35, 43, 46, 48-49; v. 39 (1914) #2, 7, 9-10, 12-14, 18-19, 21-22, 25, 27, 33-34, 36, 38-39, 41-45, 48, 50-51; v. 40 (1915) #21-23; v. 41 (1916) #1, 3-11, 13-53; v. 42 (1917) #1-52; v. 43 (1918) #128, 30-52; v. 44 (1919) #1-8; v. 45 (1920) #37-38, 49, 52; v. 46 (1921) #25-26, 33-34; v. 47 (1922) #11; v. 48 (1923) #13, 32-33, 36, 53; v. 49 (1924) #7-9, 12, 14-17, 19, 36, 43, 45, 52; v. 50 (1925) #1, 19, 23, 28-33, 35, 38, 42-45, 47-49, 51-52; v. 51 (1926) #1-2, 4, 11, 14, 17, 19-23, 25, 27, 32-33, 51; v. 52 (1927) #1-2, 4-52; v. 53 (1928) #1-53; v. 54 (1929) #1-52; v. 55 (1930) #4, 8, 10-13, 16-19, 23-25, 34, 42, 4750; v. 56 (1931) #2, 5, 13, 17, 21-22, 42-43, 47; v. 57 (1932) #13, 15, 24, 29, 32, 36-37, 39, 42-43, 45, 47, 49-52; v. 58 (1933) #2, 5, 8-13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 27-28, 31, 34-36, 41, 4445, 51-52; v. 59 (1934) #6-8, 10, 14-21, 25-27, 30-31, 34-38, 41, 44-52; v. 60 (1935) #18-20, 27-28, 36-37, 42, 46-52; v. 61 (1936) #2, 5-6, 11, 14-15, 24, 39, 42-45, 47; v. 62-72 (1937-1947); v. 73 (1948) #1-8, 10-52; v. 74-95 (1949-1970) Index holdings: v. 3 (1878); v. 5-6 (1880-1881); v. 8-10 (1883-1885); v. 19 (1894); v. 79-84 (1954-1959)} Work Paper (American Historical Society of Germans from Russia) Greeley, Colo.: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1969-1977. Continued by: Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. Index: Nos. 1-25 (1969-1977), in 1 v. no. 1/2-25 (Jan. 1969-Winter 1977) Workbook See: MCC - Workbook. Workbook (Mennonite Church. General Assembly) See: Mennonite Church. General Conference - Report. The Worker's Exchange See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Pacific District Conference - Worker's Exchange. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Working Reports See: Mennonite Church. Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities - Working Reports. World-Pax Newsletter See: MCC. World-Pax Newsletter Worship Together Fresno, Calif.: Board of Christian Literature, Mennonite Brethren Church, 1966-1972 (Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House) Merged with: Family Worship, Our Family Worships, and Light for the Day, to form: Rejoice! v. 1-4 (1966-1969) Wort des Lebens Neuwied/Rhein: Mennonitischen Brüdergemeinde Europas, 1958-1960. Continued by: Quelle des Lebens. v. 1-3 (1958-1960) Wort und Werk Altona-Elbe: Grossstadtmission für Hamburg und Altona, [1934]Continues: Der Rettungsbote. v. 14-37 (1934-1957) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 14 (1934) #6-7, 11-12; v. 15 (1935) #1-8, 10-12; v. 16 (1936) #1-12; v. 17 (1937) #1-12; v. 18 (1938) #2-4, 8-12; v. 19 (1939) #2-7, 8/9-10; v. 20 (1940) #3-4; v. 29-33 (1949-1953); v. 34 (1954) #1-4, 6; v. 35-36 (1955-1956); v. 37 (1957) #2-6} WPTF Newsletter Washington, D.C.: National Council for a World Peace Tax Fund, [1974]-1984. Continued by: Peace Tax Fund Newsletter. v. 5-11 (1978-1984) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 5 (1978) #4; v. 6 (1979) #2-4; v. 7 (1980) #2; v. 8 (1981) #2; v. 9 (1982) #1-4; v. 10 (1983) #1, 4; v. 11 (1984) #1-4} WRL News New York: War Resisters League, [19--]-1984. Continued by: Nonviolent Activist. nos. 143-194 (1967-1975) incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1967) #143; (1969) #155; (1970) #158-159, 161-162; (1972) #168-169; (1975) #191-192, 194} 135 136 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication $ The Y.P. Messenger of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada Prince Albert, Sask.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1947-1950. Text: In English and German. v. 1-v. 4, no. 2 (1947-June 1950) incomplete Y.P.S. and S.S.U. Notes [S.l.]: Sunday School and Young People's Society of the Eastern District Conference Mennonite Church of North America, [1931]-1941. v. 2-8 (1932-1939) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 2 (1932) #3; v. 3 (1933) #1; v. 4 (1934) #2-3; v. 6 (1936) #1; v. 8 (1939) #2} The Y.-P.-S. News Scottdale, Pa.: Endowment Program for Christian Education, 1928-1930?. {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1928-29) #1-3; v. 2 (1929-30) #13} Yatahay Phoenix, Az.: Navajo Indian Migrant Service Unit of the Mennonite Relief Committee, 1953v. 1-v. 3, no. 2 (1953-Apr./June 1955) Year Book of the ... Annual Provincial Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Ontario See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Ontario Conference Year Book. Year Book of the Central Conference of Mennonites See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Central Conference - Year Book. Year Book of the Central District Conference of the General Conference Mennonite Church. See: General Conference Mennonite Church. Central District Conference - Year Book. Year Book of the Churches See: Yearbook of American Churches. Year Book of the Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America See: Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ of North America - Year Book. Year Book of the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren See: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Year Book. Year Book of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America See: Mennonite Brethren Church. General Conference Yearbook. Year Book of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America See: General Conference Mennonite Church Year Book. Year Book of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church of North America See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Year Book of the Krimmer Mennonite Church of North America See: Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church - Year Book. Year Book of the Mennonite Brethren Church See: Mennonite Brethren Church. General Conference Yearbook. Year Book of the Northern District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Northern District Conference - Yearbook. Year Book of the Northern District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Northern District Conference - Yearbook. Year Book of the Pacific District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Pacific District Conference - Yearbook. Year Book of the Southern District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church See: Mennonite Brethren Church. Southern District Conference - Yearbook. Year Book (United Missionary Church) See: United Missionary Church - Year Book. Yearbook Brethren in Christ Missions See: Brethren in Christ Missions Yearbook. Yearbook (Church of the Brethren) See: Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1918) Yearbook (Conference of Mennonites in Alberta) See: Conference of Mennonites in Alberta - Yearbook. Yearbook (Illinois Mennonite Conference) See: Mennonite Church. Illinois Mennonite Conference Yearbook. Yearbook (Inter-Mennonite Conference, Ontario) See: Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) - Yearbook. Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1973Continues: Yearbook of American Churches. v. 41-46 (1973-1978) incomplete {Missing: v. 44 (1975)} Yearbook of American Churches New York: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, 1915-1972. Title variations: Federal Council Year Book, 1915/16; Year Book of the Churches, 1917-1924/25; Handbook of the Churches, 1926/27; New Handbook of the Churches, 1930. Continued by: Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. 1919-1972 incomplete {Detailed holdings: 1919-20; 1921/22; 1924/25; 1927; 1931; 1933; 1939; 1952; 1958-1965; 1972} * Yearbook of German-American Studies Lawrence, Kan.: Society for German-American Studies, 1981Continues: Journal of German-American Studies. Text: In English and German. v. 16 (1981)Yearbook of the Church of the Brethren See: Church of the Brethren - Yearbook (Elgin, Ill. : 1918) Yearbook of the Western Ontario Mennonite Conference, United Mennonite Churches of Ontario, and the Mennonite Conference of Ontario See: Mennonite Church. Yearbook of the Western Ontario Mennonite Conference, United Mennonite Churches of Ontario, and the Mennonite Conference of Ontario Yellowstone Builder See: CPS - Yellowstone Builder. York Living Together See: Together You Name It See: CPS - Rushmore Reminder MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication * Young Companion Aylmer, Ont.; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishers, 1971Continues: Ambassador of Peace. Jan. 1971Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics Scottdale, Pa. : Mennonite Publishing House, 1900s Microfilm: MLA PER Mfilm 1908, microfilm labeled and filed under Mennonite Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics Continued by: Mennonite Young People’s Bible Meeting Topics 1908 The Young People's Messenger of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada See: The Y.P. Messenger of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Young People's Paper Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co., 1894-1906. v. 1-12 (1894-1905) incomplete Located in archives. {Detailed holdings: v. 1-6 (1894-1899); v. 7 (1900) #2-4, 6, 8-9; v. 8 (1901) #2, 11-12; v. 9 (1902) #4-10, 12; v. 10 (1903) #1-4, 6, 10; v. 11 (1904) #1, 3-10; v. 12 (1905) #6, 8, 10} Your Time [Harrisonburg, Va.]: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., [197-]nos. 1-65 [n.d.] incomplete {Missing: #42} Youth Bible Study Guide North Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1958-1981. Continues: Mennonite Young People's Quarterly. Absorbed: Herald Youth Bible Studies, Sept./Nov. 1974. v. 22-45 (1958-1981) Youth Guide See: YouthGuide Youth Ink! Bluffton, Ohio: Central District Office, 1976-1980. v. 1-5 (1976-1980) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1976) #2-3; v. 2 (1977) #1-3, 67, 9, 11; v. 3 (1978) #1, 5, 7-12; v. 4 (1979) #1-5, 7, 10, 12; v. 5 (1980) #1-2, 5} Youth Messenger Scottdale, Pa.: Youth Messenger Publishing Committee, 1964-1974. v. 1-v. 11, no. 7, part 4 (1967-July 1974) Youth Prayer Calendar Newton, Kan.: Young People's Union of the General Conference Mennonite Church, [1941]1955-1964 Youth Service Reporter Galva, Kan.: Christian Youth Service, 1960Continues: Public Service Reporter. Jan. 1960-April 1964 incomplete {Missing: (1963) Oct-Nov} Youth Worker [Kitchener, Ont.]: Youth Committee of the Canadian Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, [1952]{Detailed holdings: v. 6, no. 6 (Feb. 1958); v. 8 (1960) #10; v. 18 (1970) #1; v. 25 (1977) #2} 137 YouthGuide: Resources for Ministry with a New Generation Newton, Kan. : Faith & Life Press, 19901997-2002 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 8 (1996/19973-4; v. 9 (1997/1998) #2-4; v. 10 (1998/1999) #1-2, 4; v. 11 (1999/2000) #2-4; v. 12 (2000/2001) #2-4; v. 13 (2001/2002) #1-2 The Youth's Christian Companion Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1920-1968. Split into: With, and: Purpose. Annual index: Published in last issue of volume, v. 1-38 (1920-1957). v. 1-49 (1920-1968) incomplete {Missing: v. 4 (1923) #18; v. 5 (1924) #14; v. 15 (1934) #50; v. 19 (1938) #51; v. 44 (1963) #19} 138 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Zaanlandsch Jaarboek Koog aan de Zaan: P. Out, [19--]1932; 1934 The Zaire Missionary Messenger North Newton, Kan.: Congo Inland Mission Board, 1972. Continues: Congo Missionary Messenger. Continued by: AIMM Messenger. Note: Vol. 39, no. 4 bound with Congo Missionary Messenger; v. 40, no. 1 bound with AIMM Messenger after issue v. 42, no. 3. v. 39, no. 4-v. 40, no. 1 (Winter 1972-Spring 1972) Zalduondo Newsletter See: CPS - Zalduondo Newsletter Zeichen der Zeit Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing Association, [1899]v. 87-89 (1965-1967) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 87 (1965) #10; v. 88 (1966) #6-9, 11-12; v. 89 (1967) #1-5} Zeitbild Reutlingen: Friedrich Braun, "Eine Monatsschrift zur Beurteilung des Zeitgeschehens von biblischer Warte aus." Jan. 1935-June 1936 Zeitschrift der Historischen Gesellschaft für die Provinz Posen Posen: J. Jolowicz, 1885-1918 v. 8 (1893) Zeitschrift der Zentralstelle für Niedersächsische Familiengeschichte Hamburg: Zentralstelle für Niedersächsische Familiengeschichte, [1899]v. 7, nos. 3-5 (Mar.-May 1925); v. 13 (1931) Zeitschrift des Westpreussischen Geschichtsvereins Danzig: A.W. Kafemann, 1880-1941. nos. 27-73 (1889-1937) incomplete {Detailed holdings: #27 (1889); #38-39 (1898-1899); #42 (1900); #52 (1910); #73 (1937)} * Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 1962Title varies: Zeitschrift für Kultur Austausch Continues: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Mitteilungen. Annual index: Published separately, v. 12-31 (1962-1981). Note: Vols. 12-13 (1962-1963) bound with Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Mitteilungen. v. 12 (1962)-v. 52 (2002) #4 incomplete {Missing: v. 14 (1964) #1-3; v. 21 (1971) #4; v. 22 (1972) #3-4; v. 23 (1973) #1-2} Zeitschrift für niedersächsische Familienkunde Hamburg: Zentralstelle für Niedersächsische Familienkunde v. 14 (1939), v. 17 (1942) Zeitschrift für schweizerische Geschichte Zürich: Leemann & Co., 1921-1950. Continues: Anzeiger für schweizerische Geschichte. Continued by: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte. v. 19, no. 4 (1939) Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Münster: Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Westfalens, 1838-1929. Continued by: Westfälische Zeitschrift. v. 26-64 (1866-1906) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 26 (1866); v. 3-51 (1872-1893); v. 64 (1906} Zero See: CPS - Zero Zeugnis der Schrift Winnipeg: Rundschau Publishing House, [1924?]English edition: Witness of the Word. 1926/27-1947/48 incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 3 (1926-27) #1-3, 5-12; v. 4 (192728) #1-12; v. 5 (1928-29) #1-12; (1944) Jul-Dec; (1945) Jan; v. 2 (1945-46) Jul-Feb, Apr-Jun; v. 3 (1946-47) #1-12; v. 4 (1947-48) #1-5} Zhurnal Moskovskoi Patriarkhii See: The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. Zion's Call Berne, Ind.; Flanagan, Ill.: Salem Orphan's Home, 18981921. Merged with: Good Tidings (Chicago, Ill.), to form: Zion's Tidings. v. 13-22 (1912-1921) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 13 (1912) #12; v. 14 (1913) #11-12; v. 15 (1914) #1, 3; v. 17 (1916) #11; v. 19 (1918) #10-12; v. 20 (1919) #14-15, 22; v. 22 (1921) #8} Zion's Herald [S.l.]: Publication Board of the United Zion Church, 1935Continues: My Church Paper. 1957-1972 incomplete {Detailed holdings: (1957) Nov; (1959) Sep-Dec; 19601971; (1972) Jan-Aug} Zion's Tidings Pandora, Ohio: Defenseless Mennonite and the Defenseless Mennonite Brethren in Christ Conferences of North America, 1921-1953. Microfilm: Vol. 1, no. 15 (Apr. 1, 1922)-)v. 33, no. 12 (June 15, 1953) Formed by the union of: Zion's Call, and Good Tidings (Chicago, Ill.) Merged with: Gospel Tidings (Newton, Kan.), to form: The Evangelical Mennonite. Note: Many issues are damaged by someone clipping articles. It would be good to replace these if it is ever possible. v. 1-33 (1921-1953) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1921-22) #15, 20, 22-23; v. 2 (1922-23) #1, 3-4, 6, 17; v. 3 (1925) #19; v. 4 (1925-26) #11-12, 19; v. 6 (1927-28) #6, 9-11; v. 7 (1928-29) #1-10, 12; v. 17 (1936-37) #7-12; v. 18-19 (1937-1939); v. 20 (1939-40) #1-10, 12; v. 21 (1940-41) #1-5, 7-12; v. 22 (1941-42) #1-12; v. 23 (1942-43) #2-12; v. 24-33 (19431953)} $ Zionsbote McPherson, Kan.: Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Nordamerika, 1884-1964. Text: In German with some articles in English. Index: v. 1-80 (1884-1964), in 3 v. Note: MLA also has copies for v. 6, no. 5-v. 30, no. 39 (Jan. 29, 1890-Sept. 30, 1914) on Microfilm, MF, PER, KS-HIL, ZNB, 1-6. v. 32-80 (1916-1964) MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication Der Zionspilger Langau, Schweiz: Altevangelischen wehrlosen Taufgesinnten-Gemeine im Emmenthal, 1882-1989. Title variation: Der Freie Zeuge, 1918-June 1921. Text: In German with some articles in French. Continued as: Perspektive. v. 1 (1882)-v. 108 (1989) incomplete {Missing: v. 1 (1882) #1; v. 6 (1887) #2-24; v. 7-9 (18881890); v. 10 (1891) #1-2, 4-24; v. 11 (1892) #1, 3-24; v. 1216 (1893-1897); v. 17 (1898) #1-6, 9-10, 12-30, 32-52; v. 18-19 (1899-1900); v. 20 (1901) #1-25, 29-32, 34, 36-37, 39-40, 42-45, 47, 52; v. 21-28 (1902-1909); v. 29 (1910) #1-40, 42-52; v. 30-31 (1911-1912); v. 32 (1913) #2-46, 48, 51-52; v. 33 (1914) #1, 5, 8, 10, 16-23, 30, 32, 36, 38-40, 44-47, 50, 52; v. 34 (1915) #1, 4-18, 22, 24-25, 28-32; v. 35 (1916) #7-8, 16, 38-39; v. 36 (1917) #7, 20, 23, 27, 33-34, 39, 41-42, 48, 52; v. 37 (1918) #1-2, 12-18, 41-42, 44, 46; v. 40 (1921) #23, 27-39, 47; v. 41 (1922) #5, 11, 15-23, 2829, 42, 46; v. 42 (1923) #40-41, 43; v. 43 (1924) #4, 18, 36; v. 44 (1925) #2, 7, 19, 21, 24; v. 49 (1930) #5, 9-10, 13, 1516, 30, 41, 45-46, 48; v. 50 (1931) #10, 19, 43, 50-51; v. 51 (1932) #5-7; v. 52 (1933) #4, 6, 23, 26-27, 33, 36, 48-49; v. 53 (1934) #10, 17, 36, 42, 47; v. 54 (1935) #2-4, 20-22; v. 107 (1988) #31, 50-52; v. 108 (1989) #1, 10} $ De Zondagsbode Meppel: Kuiper & Taconis, 1887-1942. Annual index: Published separately, 1890-1942. v. 1-55 (1887-1942) incomplete Located in archives. {Missing: v. 15 (1901-02) #26, 29 Note: Complete inventory has not been done.} Zum Feierabend St. Charles, Mo.: P.A. Balzer, [1870]v. 4 (1873); v. 10 (1879) Zur Heimath Summerfield, Ill.: David Goerz, 1875-1881. Microfilm: 1875-1881 Annual index: Published separately, v. 1-3. Merged with: Der Mennonitische Friedensbote, to form: Christlicher Bundes-Bote. v. 1-7 (1875-1881) Located in archives. The Zwiebach North Newton, Kan.: Western District Young People's Union, 1974-[1975?] v. 1-2 (1974-1975) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1974) #1-5; v. 2 (1975) #1-2} Zwingliana Zürich: Vereinigung für das Zwinglimuseum, 1897Annual index: Published in last issue of volume. v. 1-12 (1897-1968) incomplete {Detailed holdings: v. 1-8 (1897-1948); v. 9 (1949-53) #14; v. 10 (1954-55) #8; v. 12 (1964-68) #3, 6-8, 10} 139