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Regina Coeli Report
The Priest:
Another Christ
This issue of the Regina Coeli Report is dedicated
to the activities of chapels across the U.S. District for
the last five months.
The winning photo on page three depicts a Mass
being said at the Civil War battlefield of Antietam,
MD in the Bloody Lane. During the battle men who
died there lay stacked three and four bodies high.
At many chapels Midnight Masses were spectacular. Of special note is the first Mass celebrated at St.
James Church in Pittsburgh, PA and solemnly blessed
by first assistant Fr. Niklaus Pfluger on March 28. Our
Lady of Fatima Chapel in Veneta, OR held a conference honoring the centenary of the death of Pope St.
Pius X.
Number 263 May - June 2015
St. Ignatius Retreat House in Ridgefield, CT is
also home to Christ the King Chapel and Padre Pio
Academy. Crusaders from chapels in Minnesota
participated in conferences and a day of recollection.
St. Joseph’s Church in San Antonio, TX has shared its
history commemorating its 30th anniversary. March
brought us St. Joseph’s tables celebrations in many
The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima began
her journey across the U.S. District on the feast of
the Annunciation at St. Vincent de Paul Church in
Kansas City, MO. Her travel schedule can be found on
page 11.
Regina Coeli House 11485 N. Farley Road, Platte City MO 64079 - USA | Tel: (816) 733-2500 |
Letter from
the District Superior
Dear faithful,
We are happy to see Our Lady of Fatima’s Pilgrim Statue coming to your chapel
in the following months or years! It will indeed take almost three years to visit all our
churches and missions. I am glad to have been able to launch the project conceived
by Fr. Rostand before the end of his term. After him, “I entrust all our apostolates, in
particular your families, your souls, and our schools to Our Blessed Mother, whom
you will receive as a pilgrim in your chapels. She is the most powerful source of
fidelity; she is the faithful Virgin!”
(Letter to Friends and Benefactors, July-August 2014)
This Fatima Apostolate, in the spirit of a crusade, should change our lives, helping
us to spend every moment in accord with our baptismal vows. Our Lady is the one
who can make it happen, because she is the Mother that God chose for His beloved
Son and for us.
Chapels and schools, parish groups and guilds, recollections and conferences
all aim to bring our souls closer to God and it is through our Lady’s assistance that
we are able to approach the Most High. The whole work of the Society falls under
the providence of our Blessed Mother. Let us remind that the Society of St. Pius X is
also named, by the will of our Founder, the Apostles of Jesus and Mary!
A visit from the Pilgrim Statue is an opportunity to increase our devotion to our
Lady, to make or renew our consecration to her Immaculate Heart, and to improve
our connection to the propitiatory end of the sacrifice of the Mass. This visit can
change lives and it will!
We entrust especially to her protection our families and religious vocations. We
lament having too few workers joining us in the Master’s vineyard this year. According to the recommendations of Jesus, we must beg for more workers to be sent.
May Our Lady present our requests to the Holy Trinity: “grant us many holy priests
and religious vocations!”
With my blessings,
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Fr. Jürgen Wegner
Photo Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Winner
Photo Contest
Send us your photos illustrating the theme. We
will choose the best from all submissions received
by the deadline. Entries will be judged on photo
quality, artistic sensibility, and how well they tell a
story representing the theme.
The winning photo will be featured in an upcoming Regina Coeli Report, in an E-pistola update, and
on The winner will also receive a $25 gift
certificate from Angelus Press.
Theme: He is Risen!
Deadline: August 15
To submit your entry, send an email to [email protected]
asking for an invitation to a special contest Dropbox.
1. Photo Contest Winner: Mass at the Bloody Lane by Sean Cerven.
2. Preparing the Mass at the Grand Crayon.
Regina Coeli Report
May - June 2015
1. Christmas Midnight Mass at St. James in Pittsburgh, PA.
2. Altar boys during Christmas Midnight Mass at St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, MO.
3. Students proudly display their Jesse trees for Fr. Frank Kurtz at Queen of Angels Academy in Dickinson, TX.
Oregon Celebrates St. Pius X
In November 2014, a dinner was hosted by the Holy
Name Society of the Our Lady of Fatima Chapel in
Portland, OR to commemorate the 100th anniversary
of the death of St Pius X. Fr. Joseph Wood explained
why Archbishop Lefebvre chose Pope St Pius X as patron, and Louis Verrecchio compared the ideals and
form of government of Pope St Pius X to that of Pope
Francis. Mr. Verrechio decided to address the stark
contrast that exists between Pope St. Pius X and
Pope Francis relative to each man’s understanding of
the duties that are incumbent upon the Successor of
St. Peter.
To better understand the trajectory of the current
pontificate, he referred primarily to the apostolic
exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, wherein Pope
Francis sheds considerable light on his intentions.
In the case of Pope St. Pius X, he focused on an
Apostolic Letter that was sent by His Holiness to the
bishops of France entitled Notre Charge Apostolique,
the purpose of which was to address a wayward
socio-political movement that has a great deal in
common with some of the currents running not
just through various nations today, but through the
Church itself.
Mr. Verrechio was delighted to expound
upon the great treasure that is the pontificate of
Pope St. Pius X in the light of Pope Francis’ anthropocentric vision for the Church, concluding that all
present were reminded once more that the remedy
for every evil and error is ever the same; a remedy
summed up well in the motto of Pope St. Pius X,
Omnia Instaurare in Christo!
1. Frs. Jonathon Loop, Jamey Rigi, Scott Graves and Joseph Wood and
Louis Verechio
2. Fr. Joseph Wood delivers his conference.
3. Louis Verechio with happy attendee.
Regina Coeli Report
May - June 2015
Events in the Northeast
St. Ignatius Retreat House in Ridgefield, CT hosted
retreats in November for senior boys and girls from
Blessed Virgin Mary Academy in Warners, NY. There
was also a high school boys recollection weekend
and a women’s retreat.
In December high school seniors and families from
Padre Pio Academy and St. Anthony of Padua Chapel
in North Caldwell, NJ attended The Barber of Seville
at Lincoln Center in New York City, followed by a delicious dinner at Carmine’s. The Servants of Mary held
a bazaar raising money to help a seminarian with his
Weather was challenging in January. Despite difficulties caused by an ice storm, there was a parish
Christmas party, an annual school family and staff
party, including a bake sale, a men’s retreat and a
visit from the monks from Our Lady of Guadalupe
Monastery in Silver City, NM. Fr. Matthew gave a
brief conference on the Benedictine life of the monastery, and there was an opportunity to purchase some
of their delicious Abbey Roast coffee beans.
Throughout February, the students of Padre Pio
Academy were hard at work practicing for their performance of The Sound of Music Comes to America.
It is an original production written, produced and
performed by our students. Miss Angelica Mendes,
parishioner, art teacher and high school administrator is the director. The play was performed in April at
the Scotts Ridge Middle School in Ridgefield, CT.
1. Families from Padre Pio Academy in Ridgefield, CT and St. Anthony of Padua in North Caldwell, NJ. at Lincoln Center in New York City.
2. Padre Pio Academy Students perform songs during the annual Christmas party at Christ the King Church in Ridgefield, CT.
How St. Joseph’s Started in San Antonio, TX
Fr. Hector Bolduc had just finished saying Mass
at my daughter’s home on December 28, 1974, the
feast of the Holy Innocents. He and the other guests
were relaxing at a Christmas buffet supper when
he approached me and said, “You seem to have a
nice family, so if you start something here, I will
come on a regular basis.” My daughter had seen
Fr. Bolduc in Houston that Christmas when, following Mass, she asked him if he would say Mass at
her home in San Antonio. It was agreed, and that is
how St. Joseph’s was born.
Fr. Bolduc did not come every week, but would
phone when he could come. Since the faithful
there were starting from nothing, he would bring
a suitcase with all the necessities for saying Mass.
At first, we rented a room at the Holiday Inn and
phoned everyone we knew to invite them to Mass.
Then Fr. Carl Pulvermacher came. This was a
God-send because Fr. Bolduc definitely needed
help. Fr. Pulvermacher was with us for many years.
After 2 or 3 years of Masses at the hotel, an old
house in the River Road Neighborhood on East
Magnolia Street came up for sale.
Some very wonderful people came to join us.
I have to mention them because I could not have
succeeded without their help. Jose P. and Teresa
Gonzales, of happy memory, were always there to
help with everything. Then there was Gene Garza.
He jumped in with both feet to help.
He and his wife were newlyweds, and although
Gene was still in school, he spent what little free
time he had looking for altar supplies. He found a
beautiful monstrance at Wong’s Antique Shop. We
made an offer for it. Mr. Wong refused the offer
because he wanted more. He was adamant about
his price. Nothing budged him until Gene spoke up,
“Mr. Wong, if you let us have it for our price, we will
pray for you each time it is used.” It was ours. When
Fr. Bolduc blessed it, he added that each time it
will be used, a blessing shall fall on Mr. Wong.
In the meantime, Fr. Bolduc told us to write to
every parish asking for their cast-offs. We named
our chapel after St. Joseph, since he is the patron
saint of the Catholic Church, so I composed a letter
from the Friends of St. Joseph asking for unwanted
thing to help missionary priests. We had an avalanche of supplies poured on us. It is incredible
how many lovely things were being thrown out,
including a beautiful chalice.
One Saturday morning Emily Chlebowski called
me to say that Blessed Sacrament Parish was selling their song books. I went over there right away
to find that the song books were not suitable but
all the furnishings were for sale. When I told the
pastor that I was helping missionary priests, he
gave me the tabernacle which adorns our altar, the
stations of the cross, the wooden alter, and two
prie-dieux. We stored all this in our various homes
until we could put it in the new chapel.
In 1978, our first Holy Week services were held at
our new chapel. Albert Gonzales made the tabernacle still being used on Holy Thursday for the
altar of repose. Also still being used are the clapper, portable lectern, and the stand for the Easter
Candle made by Gene Garza.
Eventually this first chapel was sold and a larger
building was purchased. After the purchase of the
current chapel, Barney Kneuper and several men
and women from the parish got together to install
kneelers, and a communion rail. Mr. Glen Florence
purchased the altar from St. Joseph’s chapel of St.
Joseph’s Hospital in Kansas City, MO. The beautiful
statues of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Joseph,
St. Michael, and the Infant of Prague were gifts
from Emily Chlebowski, who brought them from
Pittsburgh, PA. Fr. Bernard Fellay came to bless
this chapel in the fall of 1985.
Excerpted from the account of Mrs. Dorothy
Carabetta (1917 - 2009)
Regina Coeli Report
May - June 2015
1. Frs. Lawrence Novak, Stephen Soos, and Nicholas Gardner celebrated Fr. Soos’ 20th anniversary of Fr. Soos’ priesthood.
2. Crusaders from the St. Peter Julian Eymard Chapter in Long Prairie, MN assembled with those from St. Rose of Lima Chapter in Saint Cloud,
MN and Frs. Otto Keiser and Thomas Duncan.
3. The confirmed, sponsors and families with pastor, Fr. Steven Webber and Bp. Tissier de Mallerais at Corpus Christi Chapel in Nashville, TN.
4. The newly confirmed display gifts that will help them grow as soldiers for Christ.
5. Eucharistic Crusaders from St. Rose of Lima Chapter in Saint Cloud, MN hosted a day of recollection.
6. Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X with Eucharistic Crusaders.
News From Immaculate Conception Church in Post Falls, ID
Immaculate Conception
Church in Post Falls, ID is
a large Catholic community
with a very active parish
St. Dominic Girls’ School
hosted a parish skate
night in November for
Immaculate Conception
Church. There was also
a Turkey Bowl for the
men of the parish. For the
feast of the Presentation
of our Lady the Militia
Immaculata held adoration
from 9:00 pm to midnight.
In December, there was
an Italian Extravaganza, a
celebration for feast of the
Immaculate Conception, and a parish trivia night. The
feast of our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 was a
very full day starting with Mass at 5:45 am. Following
Mass, the parish sang Las Mañanitas in the church hall
and a hot breakfast was served. A Rosary was offered
that evening with hymns to our Lady. A dinner followed
in the church hall. Night adoration was held by Militia
Immaculata. Later in the month, there was a Christmas
carol concert with performances by the St. Dominic’s
Girls Choir, Immaculate Conception Academy Boy’s
Choir, Exsurge Young Adult Group, and the Sarto Singers
at Lake City High School in Coeur d’Alene.
The new year started with an all night adoration
beginning New Year’s Eve. The first meeting for a newly
called Eucharistic Crusade to took place on Saturday,
Jan. 10. On Sunday, January 11, a 54-day Rosary Novena
began for the feast of the Holy Family. On January 22
Benediction and a 15 decade Rosary were offered in
reparation for the legalization of abortion in 1973. The
following day on January 23, Fr. Kimball gave a conference for the Militia Immaculata.
In February, a men’s Ignatian retreat was held. The
Heart of Mary Guild invited all ladies of the parish
to their annual Day of Recollection in February and
Catholic Cadets of America hosted a bake sale.
There was a mission week on the sacrament of marriage March 15-21 followed by St. Joseph’s Table on
March 22 and Confirmations by Bp. Alfonso de Galarreta
on March 28.
1. St. Joseph’s Table at Immaculate Conception Church in
Post Falls, ID.
2. St. Joseph’s Table at St. Benedict’s Church in Louisville, KY.
Regina Coeli Report
May - June 2015
Our Lady of Fatima Apostolate
Pilgrim Statue Itinerary
May 8 – St. Mary’s Academy & College – St. Mary’s, KS
May 15 – Queen of All Saints Chapel – Springfield, MO
May 22 – Saint Mary Magdalen Chapel – Mexico, MO
May 29 – Our Lady of Victory Chapel – Necedah, WI
June 5 – St. Theresa Chapel & Academy – Waunakee, WI
June 12 – St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary – Winona, MN
June 19 – Immaculate Heart of Mary Church – St. Paul, MN
June 26 – Sacred Heart Novitiate: Browerville – MN
July 3 – St. John Vianney Chapel: Long Prairie – MN
July 10 – Holy Family Chapel & Academy – Belle Plaine, MN
July 17 – St. Robert Bellarmine Church – St. Cloud, MN
July 24 – Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel – Crookston, MN
July 31 – St. Michael’s Chapel – Mandan, ND
August 7 – Our Lady of the Snows Chapel – Sioux Falls, SD
August 14 – Guardian Angels Mission – Manning, ND
August 21 – Sts. Peter and Paul Mission – Rapid City, SD
August 28 – Annunciation Chapel – Fort Collins, CO
Mass Association
During our Lady’s pilgrimage to the chapels and schools in the
U.S. District daily Mass is offered for the success of the apostolate
and all the intentions you wish to entrust.
You can also send a notice to your loved ones that they are being remembered at these Masses. This is a great way to introduce
others to the message of Fatima.
To enroll
1. Go online at
2. Complete and mail the enclosed Mass Association Card to
11485 N. Farley Rd.
Platte City, TN 64079
Order additional Mass Association Cards and Novena Cards at
SSPX Fatima: 816-733-2574 | [email protected]
Girls’ Summer Camps
Boys’ Summer Camps
Our Lady of Good Success Camp
Camp Chaplain: Fr. Christopher Danel
Camp Director: Judy Grieco
Location: St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church in Roswell, GA
Dates: June 22 to June 27
Ages: 8 to 17 (exceptions considered)
Contact: Judy Grieco
770-205-9230 | [email protected]
Registration deadline: April 25
Don Bosco Boys Camp
Camp Chaplain: Fr. Patrick Mackin
Camp Director: Fr. Patrick Mackin
Location: Camp Tamarack, Waupaca, WI
Dates: July 27 to August 8
Ages: 8 to 17
Contact: Fr. Patrick Mackin
315-391-9435 | [email protected]
Registration Deadline: May 15
Our Lady of the Rosary Camp
Camp Chaplain: Fr. Michael Goldade
Camp Director: Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
Location: Camp Howard, OR
Dates: June 6 to June 11
Ages: 9 to 16
Contact: Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
Registration deadline: April 30
Camp De Smet
Camp Director/Chaplain: Fr. Richard Boyle
Location: Black Hawk, CO
Dates: July 1 to July 10
Ages: 9 to 16
Contact: Fr. Richard Boyle
303-325-7558 | [email protected]
Registration deadline: May 30
Los Gatos Girls’ Camp
Camp Chaplain: Fr. Thomas Asher
Camp Director: Amy Simpliciano
Location: St. Aloysius Retreat House, Los Gatos, CA
Dates: July 1 to July 8
Ages: 8 to 16
Contact: Amy Simpliciano
818-300-8550 | [email protected]
Registration deadline: June 1
Camp Honor
Camp Chaplain: Fr. David Thomas
Camp Director: Fr. Patrick Mackin
Location: Camp Round Meadows in Catoctin Mountain State Park
Thurmont, MD
Dates: July 10 to July 20
Ages: 8 to 17
Contact: Fr. Patrick Mackin
315-391-2644 | [email protected]
Registration Deadline: June 1
St. Maria Goretti Camp
Camp Chaplain: Fr. Trevor Burfitt
Camp Director: Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
Location: Nisswa, MN
Dates: July 1 to July 9
Ages: 9 to 16
Contact: Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
540 W. 8th St. | Browerville, MN 56438
Registration deadline: June 1
Los Gatos Boys’ Camp
Camp Director/Chaplain: Fr. Jonathan Loop
Location: St. Aloysius Retreat House/Big Basin Redwoods State
Dates: July 18 to August 1
Ages: 8 to 15
Contact: Fr. Jonathan Loop
541-935-8608 | [email protected]
Registration deadline: June 18
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Girls’ Camp
Camp Chaplain: Fr. Patrick Crane
Camp Director: Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
Location: Hickory State Park, PA
Dates: July 20 to July 31
Ages: 8 to 17
Contact: Sr. Mary St. Anne: 785-437-2471 or
Lisa Bonnel: [email protected]
Registration deadline: July 1 or until camp is full (40 girls).
Angelus Press Conference
October 9-11, 2015
Theme: The Family
Location: Kansas City, MO International Airport Hilton
Keynote Speaker: Bishop de la Galarreta:
The Blessed Virgin, Spouse and Mother”
June 12, 2015 – Ordinations to the priesthood & the diaconate
June 13, 2015 – First Masses
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, MN
For more information please contact: 507-454-8000 |
Job Opening
Our Lady of Good Success Academy, friend school of the
SSPX in Green Bay, WI seeks a “teaching” principal for grades 1-5
for the 2015/2016 school year.
For more information please contact: [email protected]
For more information please contact:
800-966-7337 |
May 2
May 3
May 30
North Caldwell, NJ
Ridgefield, CT
Chicago, IL
Bp. Bernard Fellay
Bp. Bernard Fellay
Bp. Tissier de Mallerais
Dates subject to change
For more information please contact: 816-733-2500 |
Upcoming Retreats
Eucharistic Crusade
May 4-9
May 18-23
Jul 6-11
Jul 13-18
Aug 17-22
Aug 17-22
Sep 21-16
Oct 3-5
Oct 5-10
Oct 12-17
Nov 2-7
Nov 9-14
Dec 3-6
Dec 7-12
Dec 7-12
Phoenix, AZ
Ridgefield, CT
Ridgefield, CT
St. Louis, MO
Los Gatos, CA
Saint-Césaire, Quebec
Ridgefield, CT
Phoenix, AZ
Los Gatos, CA
Ridgefield, CT
Ridgefield, CT
Saint-Césaire, Quebec
Los Gatos, CA
Ridgefield, CT
Phoenix, AZ
Monthly Intentions
May: For Christian morality which is in peril
May 7-10
May 11-16
Jun 8-13
Jul 6-11
Jul 20-25
Aug 10-15
Sep 7-12
Sep 21-26
Nov 9-14
Nov 16-21
Dec 17-20
Ridgefield, CT
Los Gatos, CA
Ridgefield, CT
St. Louis, MO
Saint-Césaire, Quebec
Ridgefield, CT
Los Gatos, CA
Phoenix, AZ
Los Gatos, CA
Ridgefield, CT
Los Gatos, CA
Aug 17-19
Oct 28-31
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Dates subject to change
For more information please contact: 816-733-2500 |
International Pilgrimages
Lourdes, Fatima & Southern Spain October 12-23, 2015
Visit Lourdes, Fatima, Zaragoza, Valencia, Granada, Seville,
Cordoba. In Spain, see the Holy Grail, Our Lady of the Pillar,
St. John of God, the tombs of the Catholic Kings Ferdinand & Isabella, St. Ferdinand III, St. Vincent, and more.
For more information please contact:
Regina Pilgrimages
866-369-8149 | 785-437-2883 | [email protected]
P.O. Box 67, St. Mary’s KS 66536 |
Holy Land Pilgrimage
June 29 - July 10, 2015
This pilgrimage will visit the holy sites of Nazareth, Bethlehem,
Jerusalem, Ein Karem, and more. Chaplain: Fr. John Young
For more information please contact:
Saint Pius X Pilgrimages | Christine di Cecco
203-378-2763 | [email protected]
O my God and my All, in Thy goodness
and mercy, grant that before I die I may regain all the graces which I have lost through
my carelessness and folly. Permit me to attain the degree of
merit and perfection to which Thou didst desire to lead me,
and which I failed by my unfaithfulness to reach.
Mercifully grant also that others regain the graces which
they have lost through my fault. This I humbly beg through the
merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Virgin
June: That priests zealously fill souls with the love of God
The priest who is moved by the spirit of zeal for the glory
of God and the salvation of souls is not afraid of weariness, is
not fearful of danger, does not consider sacrifices, does not
indulge himself in comforts, knows no rest, does not trouble
about repose. Though contradicted and persecuted he does
not lose heart, because he knows that the heritage of the
Church Militant is the hatred of the gloomy, and the greater
obstacles he encounters the more there increases in him a
burning desire to show himself a true Minister of God in everything, “in tribulations, in hardships, in distresses . . . in labors,
in sleepless nights . . . in honor and dishonor, in evil report and
good report . . .” [2 Cor. 4:4-8]
from Recipe for the Holiness of Priests, quotes by Pope St. Pius X
E-mail: [email protected]
U.S. Pilgrimages
Cataldo: July 17-19, 2015
3-day walk over 50 miles following in the footsteps of
Fr. De Smet and so many generous missionaries from Immaculate
Conception Church in Post Falls, ID to the Sacred Heart Indian
Mission in Cataldo, ID.
For more information please contact:
Cataldo Piilgrimage Secretary | Timothy Eloe
509-879-7777 | [email protected]
Santa Fe: July 24-25, 2015
Men and boys only. 33-mile overnight walk to the Padilla Cross
just outside of Lyons, KS.
For more information please contact: 816-982-0691
Mother Cabrini: August 21-22, 2015
2-day walk from St. Isidore’s Catholic Church in Watkins, CO to
the shrine of Mother Frances Cabrini in Golden, CO.
For more information please contact: 303-325-7558
Auriesville: September 11-13, 2015
3-day pilgrimage to the Shrine of the North American Martyrs
in Auriesville, NY.
For more information please contact: 203-431-0201 x. 28
Starkenburg: October 15-18, 2015
3-day walk from the Katy Trailhead in Jefferson City, MO to Our
Lady of Starkenburg Shrine in Starkenburg, MO.
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Regina Coeli Report
Number 264 July- August 2015
Regina Coeli House 11485 N. Farley Road, Platte City MO 64079 USA | Tel: 816-733-2500 |