Day of the Death
Day of the Death
La voz de Coliman es un boletín interno de Grupo Coliman, cuyo fin es mantener informados a nuestros colaboradores alrededor de México y Estados Unidos. Los artículos publicados en este boletín son responsabilidad de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente la opinión de Grupo Coliman. Se prohibe la reproducción de cualquier tipo de publicidad diseñada en este boletín, así como el uso de fotografías ó textos sin permiso por escrito de sus autores. La Voz de Coliman is a Coliman Group publication intended to provide information to our employees in Mexico and the United States. Articles published in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Coliman Group. Reproduction of any article in this newsletter, as well as the use of photographs or text without written permission of the author, is not authorized. Number 12 November / December de 2012 C Day of the Death Page 3-4 Coliman Rally Breast CancerArticle Page 2 Soccer tournament Coliman Page 5 The tree of hope Communication at Work 1+BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER:November / December EDITORIAL D ear readers, it is a pleasure to greet you again in this last newsletter edition of the year. How fast did this year went by? In less than we think we will be opening Christmas presents, but hey .. step by step .. in this newsletter you will find interesting halloween articles,and as well as in past editions we will also find important activities within our company and many interesting activities in the city of Hermosillo. If you want to publish an article or news on our newsletter feel free to send your contributions to the mail that comes below, share with us the events or activities of your company and will gladly be part of our Newsletter. Remember to share this interesting newsletter with colleagues, friends and family! Coliman Rally The Coliman Rally took place on October 19 in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora,all administrative staff participated on this event. Different activities and dynamics were organized by the Human Resources team, who ushered the audience a very fun day. The activities began with a welcome and everyone enjoyed a delicious meal. Finally they thank the presence of our peers as well as the energy and joy that everyone showed in every activity of the rally. It is important to mention that this activity fulfilled the main objective, which was unity, teamwork and fun to our employees through recreational games, generating an atmosphere of healthy competition and integrity. 1st place. Team # 1 (55 points) 2nd place. Team # 5 (45 points) Daniela Peralta, Diana Vega, Karla Medina y Jorge A. Aguilar Jr. Graphic Co-editor: Marco Lizárraga Coliman Mail Please let us know any comment or question: [email protected] 3rd place. Team # 2 (40 points) November / December :BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER+2 Breast cancer To make a monthly selfexamination is essential, you better than anyone to discover any irregularities in your breasts. the month of October was dedicated to breast cancer, so a large number of companies and individuals came together to fight in various ways and raise awareness of this aggressive disease. In recent years, breast cancer has increased devastatingly and the numbers are truly alarming: one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point of their lives. This disease has claimed many lives and continues to do so, it is the main cause of death in women 25 to 55 years. Breast cancer is usually diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease but if diagnosed early, it can be cured in a high percentage of cases. Think that it can also happen to you, so it is imperative to make a monthly breast self-examination since you turn 20, a week after your period started. You better than anyone to discover any abnormalities in your breasts. Important Findings Antibiotics. May favor the development of mammary tumors, for they are fungi, bacteria or chemicals that kill germs or prevent them from reproducing, but they are also a great enemy of health. The current lifestyle. In the cities breast cancers and tumors will increase. The usual stress influences sus- ceptibility to cancer, it is an invisible enemy that weakens your defenses. Breast size. It is a myth that if your breasts are small you are less prone to this disease. Size does not matter, any woman can suffer from it. Aspirin. not only relieves pain, fever and prevents heart attacks, but it also protects you from breast cancer. Taking an aspirin every day can reduce the risk of getting it. Exercise. You can prevent breast cancer by exercising because it burns the fat that accumulates in the body and increases the production of estrogen, a hormone that fuels breast tumors. Sleep. The long and repairing nights are another Risk Factors ▶ Genes. If your grandmother, mother or sister has had breast cancer or ovarian cancer, your risk is four times higher. So make a breast self-examination every month. ▶ Pregnancies. There is more risk in women who have not had children, those who have had after 30 years and among those who haven’t breastfed. ▶ Menstruation. The risk increases if your first rule was at an early age or if you haven’t stopped menstruating before age 55. ▶ Weight. Overweight is very detrimental to the breasts, so is way to protect you . During sleep you segregate melatonin in response to darkness which protects you from breast cancer. excess fat in the abdomen and waist, for the stored fat increases estrogen production. ▶ Food. A diet high in fat, caffeine or cola, or low in fruits, vegetables and fish, increases your risk. Learn about what foods can fight breast cancer. ▶ Exercise. Athletic women have half the risk than sedentary. ▶ Alcohol. Alcohol consumption increases the risk. ▶ Cigar. In female smokers, the risk increases. ▶ Implants. The silicone prosthesis compresses the breast tissue, making the interpretation of mammograms much harder. 3 +BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER:November / December Day of the Death Dia de Muertos in Mexico has its origins in ancient times from ethnic groups like the Mexica, Maya, Purepecha, Nahua and Totonac which they celebrated in the ninth month of the solar calendar Mexica and was chaired by the Goddess Mictecacíhuatl (Lady of Death). The spiritual conquest imposed by the Spanish was an interesting religious syncretism. One of the richest demonstrations of this mixture is the Night of the Dead, where the indigenous concept of death plays with Christian ideas of “beyond”. It was believed that the dead needed food to reach their final destination, so they left them food, water, gifts and various objects right next to their crypt. This tradition was mixed and adapted to the Christian calendar on the first two days of November. November the 1st is the All Saints day dedicated to deceased children and the 2nd to the deceased elders. It is believed that these days the dead return to visit their loved ones. The Lake Patzcuaro and Janitzio Island are located 60 kilometers from Morelia, capital of the state of Michoacan. This island is strucked by the beauty of its white buildings with red tile roofs. Dia de Muertos is a joyous celebration, but the “Noche de Muertos” becomes the sound of mourn- Celebrating Halloween!! On the 31th of October the Human Resources team, disguised and toured the facilities of Frutas Finas del Noroeste in the city of Hermosillo, giving candy to our operational and administrative ful bells. Everyone starts to appear, dressed in black, with gifts, sweets and bread to leave on the graves, where they sit to mourn and pray for their dead. According to the legend, Mintzita was the daughter of King Tzintzicha and Itzihuapa was the son of employees by reference to the day of Halloween. The tour also saw our comrades, surprised by the activity, because they did not expect, were relaxed, smiling and playful. Tare and Crown Prince of Janitzio. Their great love was thwarted by the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, who took Mintzita’s father prisoner. Itzihuapa attempted to extract the treasure found in the bottom of the lake to trade for the King Tzintzicha’s free- dom, but was submerged and trapped by souls of the twenty rowers guarding the treasure in the depths, becoming the twenty-first guardian. In the “Noche de Muertos”, all the guardians of the treasure wake up the climb to the top of the island. The Princes Mintzita November / December :BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER+4 and Itzihuapa go to the top of the island to the cemetery to receive the offerings of the living. All night the bell is rung, placed at the entrance of the graveyard to summon souls to the great ceremony, throughout the islan,d purepecha chants are heard imploring for the repose of the absent souls and happiness of the living. Participating in this event was a sacred duty for centuries for the inhabitants of the island. For those visiting the island on this special night is recommended to enjoy the concert at the Basilica of Our Lady of Health and see the staging of Don Juan Tenorio, at the Franciscan Exconvento. The Purepecha are generous and allow outsiders to come and be part of their traditions, but the best way to feel part of the commu- nity is by taking some offering such as bread, flowers or candles. Michoacán is one of the states with more wealth and craftsmanship of Mexico and during the week of festivities, craft “tianguis” are installed and remain active throughout the day and late into the night. 5+BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER:November / December Soccer tournament Coliman The event took place the August 19th at the soccer field that is located next to CUM(Centro de Usos Multiples), as expected, it was attended by all the participating teams, who were very excited and uniformed, ready to start the tournament. The first game was between AB1 and FFN, the game was very entertaining, both teams were very competitive and determined to win. The game concluded with the next scoreboard: 12-3, the winning team being FFN. At the end of the first game the inauguration of the tournament proceeded, which was enlivened by Mr. Salvador Rosales, Mr. Julian Gamez and Mr. Mario Jauregui. A welcome message and a motivational one was given to encourage this kind of events to continue happening. They also wished good luck to all of the teams. After that, Mr. Salvador Rosales kicked the first ball to start the tournament. The final match was between AB3 and AB2, being AB3 the winning team with 8 goals to 3, but it is also important to recognize the effort of the other teams who always kept fighting to score goals and win the game they were disputing. November / December :BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER+6 Communication at Work A consistent and measured communication promotes human relationships and the work environment. In our daily activities, communication plays a key role. We communicate with our colleagues, our boss, customers, and suppliers. That’s why it is important to have good communication. We have to learn how to communicate. That’s why the on 25th and 26th of September the application of a dynamic called “The Lion” took place in the branches of Culiacan and Los Mochis, mainly addressing the issues of communication, teamwork, leadership, and recognition of personal qualities. There were different games and dynamics that made the par- ticipants to feel integrated and relaxed, carried away by laughter in a good environment. To conclude, they were taught the importance of how good communication and poor communication can affect many aspects of life, whether they are personal or professional. The tree of hope The Tree of Hope is an activity that is to be held in the month of December for the sole purpose of collecting toys, food and blankets from the generous contribution of the employees who are part of Coliman enterprises in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. We look forward to your valuable participation! Soon we will be posting dates and modes of recollection; if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Diana or Berenice from the Human Capital department in Frutas Finas del Noroeste Hermosillo. Happy birthday !!! November 01-Nov Leticia Arciniega Valladares Tijuana Ángel González Méndez Tecomán 02-Nov Carlos Iván Zaragoza Bueno Tecomán Francisco Armando Gutiérrez L. Hermosillo Ignacio Torres Wong Hermosillo 03-Nov Rigoberto Acosta Sanudo Tijuana Ignacio Rodríguez Yépez Tecomán Víctor Alfonso Alfaro Ramos Mexicali José Antonio González Avila Hermosillo 04-Nov Carlos Esparza Ramos Hermosillo Carlos Zúñiga Becerra Guadalajara Ismael Madrid Bernal Mexicali Juan Carlos Rosas Torres Mexicali 05-Nov Francisco Hernández Méndez Mexicali Edgardo Ugarte Vizcaíno Tecomán Martín Arnoldo Ochoa V. Hermosillo Carlos Enrique Robles Pérez Hermosillo 06-Nov 07-Nov Mayela Esquer Arizona Ernesto Quintana Ramirez Hermosillo Roxana Sabina Alcantara L. Obregón 08-Nov Alfredo García Vicencio Hermosillo 09-Nov Veronica Puente Maldonado Tecomán Víctor Hugo Villalobos Terán Hermosillo Sergio Salvador Zaragoza H. Tecomán Sergio Alejandro Torres G. Tecomán 10-Nov Blanca Belén García Pelayo Tecomán Noe Bautista Ibarra Tecomán Andres Contreras Rafael Hermosillo Miguel Martínez Luevano Mexicali 11-Nov Gabriela Adriana Amaya Hermosillo Rosa María Sanchez León Hermosillo José Luis Ramirez González Mexicali Sonia Martina Córdovaa S. Culiacán José Eduardo Varela G. Hermosillo 12-Nov José Luis Rodríguez J. Tecomán Juan Manuel Ponce Arizona 14-Nov José Juan Madrigal Melgoza Tecomán Pia Sosa Villegas La Paz 15-Nov Raúl Alonso Pelestor Medina Mexicali José Humberto Terán Amaya Ensenada Enrique Palomino González Tecomán 16-Nov Eduwiges Arias Toribio Tecomán Carlos Antonio Esteban A. Tecomán Alejandro Amezquita Baena Tecomán Raymundo Pacheco Alcantar Guaymas 17-Nov Nydia Guadalupe Velarde C. Mexicali José María Icedo Munguía Hermosillo 18-Nov María Del Carmen García G. Mexicali Luis Alberto Vargas Mendoza Tecomán Misael Lucas Salmoran Tecomán Carlos Soberano Romero Tecomán 19-Nov Miguel Ángel Soterio L. Tecomán Luis Alberto Hernández L. Hermosillo 20-Nov Carlos Eligio Pérez Castro Mexicali Félix Soriano González Tecomán Martha Alicia Gastélum Z. Hermosillo 21-Nov Angélica María X Martínez Mexicali René Mauricio Gaxiola E. Mexicali Jesús David Limones G. Culiacán Alejandro Escobar Santizo Hermosillo Claudia Irela Ruiz López Tecomán 22-Nov Claudia Cecilia González R. Tecomán Ángel Bernardo Pacheco M. Hermosillo 23-Nov Andrea Gómez Alba Mexicali Héctor Contreras Soto Obregón Carlos Armando Saucedo V. Hermosillo 24-Nov Hipólito Vera Lara La Paz Jesús Antonio Renteria P. Hermosillo Antonio Acosta García Los Cabos 25-Nov Juan Luis Orona Luna Ensenada César Viera González Tecomán 26-Nov Roman García Alfonso Mexicali 27-Nov Eduardo David Yahoaca S. Tecomán 28-Nov Juan Carlos Rodríguez O. Tecomán Francisco Barreto Ascencio Tecomán Jorge Miranda Lara Culiacán 29-Nov Abel Villarreal Maldonado Mexicali Víctor Manuel García E. Felipe De Jesús Amezcua A. Josél Adrián Moraga Castillo Óscar Sandoval Campos Mexicali Tecomán Obregón Mochis December 01-Dec 02-Dec 03-Dec 04-Dec 05-Dec 06-Dec 07-Dec 08-Dec 09-Dec 10-Dec 11-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 23-Dec 24-Dec 25-Dec 26-Dec 27-Dec 28-Dec 29-Dec 31-Dec Guadalupe Muñoz José Carlos Chávez Bulgado Luis Enrique Mayoral Molina Rafael Esparza Damian Alejandro Farfan Guzmán Genaro Valenzuela Almada Franco Corona Reyes Martha Elena Ornelas G. Juan Manuel Velarde G. Juan Diego Espinoza B. Antonio Valenzuela Flores Pedro Ricardo Rodríguez Q. Bertha Reyes Barragán Claudia Irela Ruiz López Raúl Ojeda Peña Manuel De Jesús Aragon C. Francisco Javier Amarillas I. Marcos Antonio Cruz Eduardo Alfonso Soto R. Roberto Delgado García José Antonio Enciso Portillo Jorge Alberto Velarde Lohr Jorge Salomon Bernal C. Jorge Salomon Bernal C. Itzel Pigford César Hiram Marín Jimenez Edvin Waldemar Fernandez M. Adán Saucedo Zambrano Ignacio Moreno Vizcaíno Jesús Eduardo Cruz H. Angélica Janeth López Mora Edgardo Arturo Ochoa M. Jesús Omar Acosta Jesús Arturo Durán B. Roberto García Espejel Lucio Ramírez Castro Valentin Félix García Ismael Osorio Díaz Juan Francisco Mercado M. José Guadalupe Cantabrana A. José Teodoro Rivera R. Martha Andrade León Jorge Alberto Farías C. Blanca Estela Angulo Fox Cornelio Sebilla Colio Lydia Guadalupe Rocha R. Eduardo Vega Antunez Jesús Leyva Chávez José Manuel Rivera Díaz Alejandro Llamas Hurtado Víctor Corona Ruiz Yolba Liliana Hernández N. David Gilberto Cebreros L. Joel Domínguez Valencia Jorge Ángel Aguilar Gallegos Sergio Córdovaa Estrella Pablo Cuauhtémoc Moreno A. Israel Octavio Gastélum C. Sonia Mendoza Jesús López Martínez Marte Zazueta Urias Patricia Hunjun Saldaña Tomas Ortega Manzo Eduardo David Yahoaca S. Juana Hernández Ramirez Germán Martínez Molina Nereyda González Quiñones Sotero Valles Miranda Adiel Roberto Cid Marquez Jesús Gil Bianca Esthela Rivera Alamea Arizona Mexicali La Paz Hermosillo Mexicali Hermosillo Tecomán Tijuana Hermosillo Hermosillo Mexicali Hermosillo Mexicali Tecomán Tecomán Obregón Mexicali Tecomán Tijuana Mexicali Hermosillo Hermosillo Tijuana Tijuana Arizona Tijuana Tapachula Hermosillo Michoacan Hermosillo Culiacán La Paz Arizona Hermosillo Mexicali Tijuana Culiacán Mexicali Mexicali Los Cabos Mexicali Tecomán Tecomán Hermosillo Culiacán Peñasco Hermosillo Tecomán Tecomán Tijuana Mexicali Hermosillo Culiacán Hermosillo Hermosillo Hermosillo Tijuana Tijuana Arizona Tecomán Mochis Mochis Mexicali Tecomán Hermosillo Hermosillo Obregón Hermosillo Mexicali Arizona Hermosillo