Tape Head
Tape Head
RECORER CARE TM BY NORTRONICS BROADCAST STUDIO DUPLICATOR PROFESSIONAL TAPE HEAD REPLACEMENT GUIDE INCLUDES SPECIALIZED AUDIO APPLICATIONS FOURTH EDITION PRECISE REPLACEMENT HEADSWITH CONSISTENT UNIFORM QUALITYYOU CAN DEPEND UPON! When you use professional recording equipment for demanding professional applications, you just can’t afford second best in a replacement head. We know that qualityand dependability are the hallmarks of performance in broadcasting, recording studios, tape duplication, and other professional environments where equipment downtime must be minimized and optimum audio quality maximized. Nortronics’ professional replacement heads are available in industws widest range for virtually all broadcasting,studio, and duplicating equipment. Moreover, each head we manufacture is built with the consistent, uniform quality that ensures that it will be equal to or better than the original head supplied b y the equipment manufacturer.As a matter of fact, Nortronics is one of the world’s major suppliers of heads to OEM’s and chances are good thatwe builtthe head you need to replace. Professional users will also find that Nortronics’ replacement heads are readily available from our nationwide distributor network -usually from the distributor‘s extensive stock-without delays. And, it doesn’t end merely with a product. We’re pleased to offer technical assistance, application and installation know-how, dependable delivety, and evety other support function you should expect from the company that manufactures the finest electrically and mechanically compatible direct replacement heads in the world today! A DIVISION OF NORTRONlCSs FORM NO 8002A C Nortronlcs Company lnc 1979 Prlnted in U S A INDEX To Find Your Nortronics Replacement Head: Reel to Reel I. PAGES 2-5 2. If you can't find your recorder in these sections, but know the recorder Replacement by Manufacturer & Model Number If you know Recorder Model Number and Head Track Style, refer to Sections A, B, C or D for Head and QK Mounting Hardware, if needed. manufacturer's Head Part No., refer to Section E. 3. If you know the Norhonics OEM Head Number, refer to Section F to determine the Recorder-Care Number. Broadcast Cartridge PAGES 6-11 Manufacturer's Listed In This Book Amega (Rangertone) Ampex Ampro (Instatape) ATC (Gates] (Harris) Audi-Cord Audiotronics (ATC) Automatic Electric (Electronic Secretary) Beaucart (UMC Electronics) Becht Broadcast Electronics (see Spotmaster) Brush [Clevite) Cetec Code-A-Phone(Fordl Collins Concertone (Beriant) Crown International Cuemaster (Consolidated Electronics) (Cepak) Dictaphone (see also Metrotech) Echoplex (Market)(Gibson-Maestro) Electro Sound Electronic Secretary (see Automatic Electric) Fairchild Fender (Echo-Fonic) Ford Industries (see Code-A-Phone) Gables Garner Grindley (Tad) Harris (Gates)(ATC) lnfonics Instatape (see Ampro) InternationalAudio (Alpha) InternationalTapetronics (ITC) InternationalVideo ITC (InternationalTape) Lockheed Aircraft Service Replacement b y Manufacturer & Model Number Lyrec Macarta (see SMC) Magnasync (see Moviola) Magnecord (Telex) MCA MCI Metrotech (Scully) Micro Magnetics 3 M (see Wollensak) Moviola (Magnasync) Muzak Newcomb Otari Pentagon Pioneer Presto Rapid-Q [Edco) [Garron) [Stacor) Rawdon-Smith (Multitape) RCA Recordex Revox Schafer (Cetec) Scully (Scully/Metrotech) (Dictaphone) L.J. Scully Showchron (Honeywell) SMC (Macarta)(Sono-Mag) Sparta (Cetec) Spotmaster (Broadcast Electronics) Stancil-Hoffman Sundstrand [United Control) Tad (see Grindley) Tape-Athon Tapecaster Teac Technics (Panasonic) Telex (Magnecord)(Viking) Vega Viking [Telex) Wollensak (3M) Duplicators Copiers m E PAGES 12-13 Replacement b y Manufacturer & Model Number Speciatized Audio PAGE 14 Replacement b y Manufacturer & Model Number Cross Reference PAGES 15-20 Manufacturer Head Part Number to Nortronics Part Number Head Specifications & Accessories PAGES 21-31 Reference Notes and Abbreviations PAGE 32 E E Model No. . Track Style Ref. Note RPor RPE 4th Head or Combo rst time c AG300-1 AG300-2 AG300 AG3004 AG305-1 AG305-2 AG305 AG305 AG350-1 AG350-2 AG350 AG355 AG355 AG440 AG440 AG440 AG440 AG440B AG440B AG440B AGMOB AG440C AG440C AG440C AG440C AG445 AG445 AG445 AG445B AG445B AG445B AG445C AG445C AG445C 2TS - 17 F T - 15 2TM - 17 2TS - 17 F T - 15 2TM 2TS F T -14.20 17 17 2TS - 20 4TS - 20 4CH 112" - 17 F T Play 2TS Play 4TS Play ____ 4CH 11 4 ' Play F T - 14,20.27 P 2T 2TS - 20.27 P 4T: P 2TS 4TS - 20.27 FT P 2T 2TS P 4T: F T - 23 P 2T ZTS - 23 P 4T: P 2T: 4TS - 23 4CH112"-44 P 2T F T - 23 2TS - 23 P 4TI 4TS - 23 P 2TI 4CH 112" - 44 FT.2T-23 P2T 2TS - 23 P 4TI 4TS - 23 P 2TS 4CH 112'' 44 FT P 2T 2TS P 4TS 4CH 1 14" FT P 2T 2TS P 4TS 4CH 1/4" FT P 2T ZTS P 4TS 4CH 114'' AG500 FT P 2T -..~ AG500 2TS - 21 P 4TS AG500 4TS - 22 P 2TS ! 4CH 114" - 22. 301 AG500 AG600 FT-15 AG600 2TM. 2TS - 21 AG600 4TS - 22 AGGOOB F T - 15 AGGOOB 2TM. 2TS - 21 AGGOOB 4TS - 22 AL500 2TS - 21 AL500 4TS - 22 4CH 114'' - 22. 30 AL500 ATR700 ATR700 ATR700 PR-10-1 F T - 15 PR-10-1 2TM - 15 PR-10-2 2TS - 17 P 4TI PR-10-2 4TS-15 300~1 300-2 2TS - 17 300-2 4TS - 8200+86 8600+86 9202186 8200+76 8600t76 9209+76 8609+76 9209t76 9209+76 8609+76 9209t76 9209+76 8609+76 9209+76 9104+76 9204+76 861 4+76 9104+76 9204+76 8618+76 9465 9104t76 9204t76 8618+76 9465 9104+76 9204176 8618+76 9465 9209t76 8609+76 9209+76 8609+76 9209t78 8609+76 9207t87 8607t87 9207+87 8607187 9207+87 9103+87 9203+87 8618+87 5604t87 91 03 t86 9203+86 8618+86 9103+86 9203t86 861 8+86 9203+87 8618+87 5604+87 9203+85 8604+85 8400+87 8600t87 9203t87 Playback Erare Head & OK Head & OK Model No. Track Style 4 t h Head RPor RPE Ref. Nates or Combo Record Head & OK Playback Head & OK lv) 9103+86 8401 t 8 6 9203+86 9103+86 8401 +86 9203+86 91 03+86 8401 +86 9203+86 9103+86 8401 +86 9203t86 9103+86 8401 t 8 6 9203+86 9103+86 8401 186 9203+86 9104+76 9204+76 8614+76 9465 I f A121 A122 A122 Record Head & OK 9103+85 9103+87 8401+87 9203+87 861 8+87 9103+76 9203t76 8618+76 9102+86 8400+86 9203+86 9102t86 8400+86 9203186 9102t86 8400+86 9203186 9102i86 8400+86 9203+86 91 02+86 8400+86 9203+86 9102+86 8400+86 9203+86 9102+76 9202+76 8600+76 9464 9102+76 9202+76 8600t76 _ __ 5603176 9102+76 9202+76 8600'76 9102t76 ~. 9202+76 9109+76 9209+76 8609t76 9474 9109+76 9204+76 8609+76 9474 9109t76 9209176 8609+76 9474 9109+76 9209176 5605+76 9109+76 9209176 5605+76 9109t76 9209+76 5605+76 9111t87 9207+87 8607+87 5603+87 9111+86 9207+86 8607186 9111+86 9207+86 8607+86 9207+87 8607+87 5603+87 9213+85 8608t85 9119+85 9102+87 8400t87 9202+87 8600+87 9102+76 9202+76 8600t76 ~ 9125t86 9223+86 9223+86 91 2 5 t 8 6 9223186 9 223 +86 91 25t86 9223t86 9223t86 91 2 5 2 8 6 9223.186 9223+86 91 25t86 9223t86 9223+86 9125+86 9223t86 9223+86 91 2 7 t 7 6 9222178 8640+76 9472 I 300-4 350-1 350-2 350-7 ~ -. . 350-4 351-1 351-2 354-2 354-2 400 I400 4CH112"-17 FT 2TS - 17 14TS ]4CH1/2"-17 2TS - 17 4TS - 15 FT 12TS - 17 Erase Head & OK 19472 9125+76 9223176 8701176 19472 9125176 II 1 I I I 2TS - 17 600 600 1 9127t76 9222+76 8640t76 1 9127179 9 22 7 +79 8640+79 9472 9127+79 9227t79 8640t76 9472 9127+79 9227+79 8640179 9472 601 2 602~1 900 Serler 900 Serler , 900 serer 1200 1200 1250 1250 F T - 15 2TM - 17 F T - 15 2TM - 17 2TS-15 I F T - 15.37 2TM - 17.37 t " . L _ 8400192 8401192 9102+92 9103+92 8401+92 8400192 9203+92 9202192 9103t86 9102186 8401t86 8400186 9203+86 -~ 9102186 9103+86 8400+86 8401186 9203+86 9202t86 8600186 8604+86 9203t86 8604+86 9202+86 9203+86 8604186 8608186 I 2TM - 32.15 ZTS - 32.17 4TS - 32.15 2TS - 15 4 T S - 15 "L 9223+92 91251929223+92 9223192 9125t86 nlq-linE 9223+86 9223186 8701+86 47771Rr: I I -I 8640+86 I--- CUEMASTER (CONSOLIDATED ELECTRO MK 1 1 1 MK I V MK V MK V CS CEPAK) PRBl E F 14 PRBlEF14 FT FT FT ZTS 3209 CONCERTONE (BERLANT) 1v102 1v102 4v102 4v102 1v102 1v102 3A-1 9125+87 9227t87 8640+87 9125+87 9125+86 9227+86 864 0+86 91 2 5 t 8 6 9227+86 8640+86 9227t87 8640+87 91 25+87 9226+66 8701 +66 91 26t66 9125+87 8504+87 9223187 8640+87 9125176 9 2 2 3+76 8701+76 3A-1 3A~l 3A-1 3AX 3AX 3AX 3AX 5RX 3R X 3RX 3RX 8RXD5-5 BRXD5-5 BRXD5-5 BRXD5-5 BRX-P 8RX-P BRX-P BRX-P BRX-1 BRX-1 8RX-1 2 FT - 4 2M-4 2s - 4 4s - 4 3c - 4 , l l I4C-4.11 I FT 3c - 4, 11 4c - 4 , l l F T .- 4 2M 2s 4s FT 2M 2s 4s FT 2M-4 2s 4s - 4 FT - 4 2M - 4 2s - 4 4s - 4 FT 2M 2s 1 I I I 91 11t 106 8401t106 20031106 12031106 5702+106 5601 + l o 6 9105+106 8401 + l o 6 2003tl06 1203+106 5702tl06 5601 + l o 6 91 0511 06 8401+ l o 6 2003+106 12031106 91 05+106 8401+106 20031106 1203+106 91 051106 8401t106 20031106 1203t 106 91051106 8401 + l o 6 20031 106 1203t106 9105t106 8401t106 20031106 _- 9100t106 2600+106 2000+108 1200+106 5701t106 56031106 9111+106 2600+206 2000+106 1200t106 57011106 5603+106 9111+106 2600+106 20001106 1200+106 9111+106 2600+106 2000+106 1200+106 44001304 36001304 22001304 14001304 81011106 8101+106 4400+304 3600t304 2200t304 14001304 8101+106 81 01 + l o 6 44001304 36001304 2200t304 14001304 44001304 36001304 2200+304 14001304 91111106 2600+106 2000t106 12001106 91 11 + l o 6 26001106 2000+106 1200+106 911 11106 2600'106 20001106 4400+304 36001304 2200'304 1400'304 44001304 36001304 2200+304 1400+304 44001304 36001304 22001304 I Tape Head Track Style Model No. Ref. Notes acements for: Reel-to-Reel RPor RPE - CONCERTOF i (BERLANT (Con 8RX.1 C-540.IGM MARK V I I MARK V I I MARK V I I MARK V I I MARK VII-C TWR TWR TWR TWR TWR-1 TWR-1 TWR-1 TWR-1 20120SERIES 20120SERIES 20120 SERIES 20120 SERIES 30130 SERIES 30130 SERIES 30130 SERIES 30130 SERIES 33 36-ST 36-ST 364T 36-ST 60 SERIES 60 SERIES 60 SERIES 60 SERIES 60 SERIES 63-K 91 92 93;2:2A 93:2:2A 122 216s 240 303 303D 400 406D 500 505R 605 SERIES 605 SERIES 605 SERIES 605 SERIES 100 .. 727 770 790 790 800 801 802 804 1033 4s 2M FT 2M 2s 4s 2s FT-4 2M - 4 2s - 4 4s - 4 FT-4 2M-4 2s - 4 4s - 4 FT - 4 2M 2s - 4 4s - 4 FT - 4 2M-4 2s - 4 4s - 4 2s FT - 4 2M-4 2s - 4 4s - 4 FT-4 2M-4 2s - 4 4s - 4 4C-4.11 2s 2M 2M 2s 4s -Trail Head 2M - 8 4s 2M 4s 4s NONE 4s 4s - 3 4s - 3 FT - 5 2M - 5 2s - 5 4s - 5 2M - 2 4s - 8 4s - 2 . 8 4s 4s - 2 4s 4s 4s 4s FT-15 2M-4 2s-4 4s 4th Head or Combo Record Head & Q K Playback Head & QK Erare Head & QK 1203+106 1200+106 2601+84 91 11+106 2600+106 2000+106 1200+106 2000+106 91 11+106 2600+106 1400+304 NONE 4400+304 36001304 2200+304 1400+304 NSI 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 NONE 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 8101+106 --t- 1203+106 9105+106 8401+106 2003+106 1203+106 1203+106 1200+106 4000+106 26001106 2000+106 1200+106 I1200+106 2000+10fi 2601+84 2601+84 2000+84 -I8401+84 8401+84 2010+84 RP RP 3101+21 5232 5130 8602+66 1203 RP - RP I 1200+84 1202+66 1202 5230 3002 1203+66 1203+66 1203+66 1203+66 91 051.1 06 2603+106 2003+106 1203+106 1201+66 1201+66 1201+66 1201+66 9111+106 CX811 CX812 CX822 CX822.P4 CX824 CX824-P2 CX844 SL724 SL802 SL822 SL824 SP314 SP324 SP702 SP722 SP724 SP801 SP802 SP822 8506+84 8506+84 8306+66 3601+18 NONE NONE 1408+66 1408 NONE 8708+84 8708+66 4402+19 3602+19 2202+19 8640+66 NONE 1408+38 1408+18 NSI NONE 1401+19 1401+19 1401+19 1401+19 4400+304 3600+304 2200+304 1400+304 A-314 A-324 A.1314 BIC801 EiC802 BIC822 BIC824 EX801 EX802 8x822 8x824 8x1024 5x1401 0x1402 8x1422 CBD CBF C1744 C1844 CID ClDS CIF CPDS CPF CR I 2M - LIR 4s - LIR 2M - LIR 4s - LIR 2M - LIR FT - 18 2M - 18 25-18 4s-18 1 I 2s - 19 4s 4s 2s - 19 ZM - 19 1 FT 4T. 4C 4c 2M-9 2s FT 12s 1 FT rx71i .. CX712 CX724 CX724.P2 cx744 8406+66 8601+66 8406+66 I 4 I !; 8403+66 9111+66 RP RP RP 8403+66 8209+66 9111+66 RP or RPE FT j 2 s - 19 4th Head 01 Combo RE 2M P4S 2s. RE 4s. PZS 6004+66 RE Record Head & QK Playback Head & QK Erase Head & QK 9103+66 8404+66 9205666 86016 6 8603+66 9111+66 8406+66 9213+66 8208+66 8601 166 8104+66 3601+18 9222+66 820866 8601+66 5604+66 5603+66 8600+66 860066 921366 860066 840666 8601+66 840666 9213666 8601 +66 911166 840666 9213+66 8601 6 6 5603+66 8406+66 8208+66 8600+66 9111+66 8406+66 9213+66 8601+66 8208+66 911166 840566 911166 8406+66 9213+66 8208+66 8601+66 86016 6 911166 840666 6004+66 8603166 9205+66 860366 2M - LIR 4s - LIR 4s FT 2M 4s SP844 SS702 SS722 SS724 4CH 2M 2s RE RE RE 14s 2M - 19 2s - 19 14s 2s - 19 FT 2M FT 12M 2s - 19 2s. P4S 6126+66 6101+66 6004+66 RE 6101+66 RE 6004+66 9103+66 8404+66 9205+66 8603+66 8204+66 9103+66 8404+66 9103+66 840466 9205+66 8601+66 8603+66 820866 9103+66 8404+66 860166 8603+66 8208+66 ~ 4s. PZS RE 2s. P4S 6101+66 ~ 2s. P2S RE RP RP RP RP RP 2s - 19 800PK 600466 9111+66 8403+66 8209+66 8608+66 8209+66 9103+66 5604+66 2s - 19 FT 2M 2s - 19 F T 114" 2TM 114" 2TS 114" 4TS 114" 4CH l I 4 " 4CH 112" 8CH 1" F T 114" 2TM 114" 2TS 114" 4TS 114" 3601+18 2201+18 1401+18 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 8104+66 36011.18 9222+66 1401+18 9222+66 810466 3601+18 810466 3601+18 922266 1401+18 810466 3601+18 8208+66 8601 +66 8601+66 1401+18 1401+18 9103+66 8404+66 9205+66 8603166 910366 8404+66 9205+66 8603+66 560266 8601+66 9111+66 8403+66 921366 8608+66 9111+66 8403+66 9213+66 8601+66 810466 3601 +18 9222+66 1401+18 810466 3601+18 9222+66 1401c18 9104+73 9204+73 9204+73 8614+73 5607173 9102+73 9202+73 9202+73 8600+73 5603+73 9127+89 9227+89 9227+89 8640+89 8640+89(2 P ES.505 ES-505 ES.505 ES-505 ES.505 ES-505 ES.505 ES.555 ES.555 ES.555 ES-555 ES.555 1401+18 1401+18 81 04+66 3601 +18 9222+66 1401+18 8304+38 FT 1002 1022 1024 1401 1402 1422 1424 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 8104+66 8304+66 8304+66 1401+19 8 104+66 3601+18 9222+66 1401+18 1401+18 81 04+66 3601+18 9222+66 8501+66 8104+66 1401+18 1401+18 8301+66 8301+66 8 104+66 8301+66 81 04+66 2201+18 81 04+66 3601+18 9222166 6101+66 - 844ST P P P 9102+73 9202+73 9202+73 8600+73 P I 5603+73 I INTERNATIONAL TAPETRONICS (ITC) 1 I 855-0001 855-0002 855.0003 855.0004 855 0005 855.0006 855.0007 855-0008 856.0001 856.0002 856.0003 856-0004 856-0005 856.0006 856.0007 856-0008 855-7515 h e r 855.7524 855-7525 855-7534 " 855.7535 " 855.7544 1401118 4s. P2S 4T. 4C 45 I SPR74 SS802 SS822 SS824 SS1400 SX701 SX702 SX711 SX712 SX722 SX722.P4 SX724 SX724-P42 SX8ll SX812 SX822.P4 SX824 SX824-PZ 701-GCB 702-GCP 712-GCSX CROWN INTERNATIONAL A-51 Ref. Notes ued) 91 05+106 8401+ l o 6 2003+106 1203+106 2003+106 91 05+106 8401+106 RP - Track Style Model No. 1401118 3 1 1 1 FT FT 2TM 2TM 2TS 2TS 4TS 4TS FT FT 2TM 2TM 2TS 2TS 2TM 2TM 2TS 2TS 4TS I I I 9105 19119 19125 2003D 2003D 8603 8603 8202 8202 8608 8608 9119 9119 8403 8403 8202 I8202 9226 9226 8640 8640 1 9105 8404 8404 20030 2003D 8603 9119 8403 8403 8202 8202 8608 I I 1 9226 9226 9226 9226 8640 Tape Head Replacements for: Reel-to-Reel Track Style Model No. 855.7545 750 856-7514 Series I 856.7515 . . . - - 856-7524 856-7525 856-7532 856-7534 856.7535 I, 1, 81 Ref. Notes 4TS FT IFT 2TM 2TM 2TS 2TS 2TS TR532-8 TR532.16 TR532-24 Record Head& QK 4th Head or Combo RPor RPE 8603 I I Playback Head & QK 8608 91 19 I9119 8403 8403 8202 8202 8202 I 8CH 1" 16CH 2" 24CH 2" 9885 9501 9988 Eras Head & Q K 8640 I Muzak 9889 9502 9989 9891 9997 9987 1020 1021 iii NONE 2s 2s NONE NONE h lnhic NONE FT 2M 1:; 2s JH16 JH16.8 JH24 JH24-16 JHllO JHllO JH114.8 2s FT - 40 4s - 40 1421F 1421H 1422H 14220 1 I2 1 1 45 2s 4s FT 8202 8202 9103+35 8401+35 8201+35 8604+35 9102+35 8403+35 8200335 8600+35 AV-70M SM-310 SM-310-4 TX10-4 2s ARS-1000 Mark 11.2 M i r k 11.4 MTR 60 MX.5050.FL 2TS 2TS MX.5050.QXHD MX-50508 MX.50508 MX.50508 MX-7000 MX.7000 4CH 114" 2TS FTM 4CH 114'' 2TS FTM 9204+88 8604+88 9202t88 8600188 9288t88 8202 9111 8602 9112 8607 840612Ml 8702 8102 8600+88 9202+88 8607 8202 4s 16CH 2" 8CH 1" 24CH 2" 16CH 2" FT 114" 2TS 1/4" 8CH 1" 4s 4s 18402166 Erare Head & QK J 1 2250 2250 1450 1450 2050 2050 1250 1250 2TS FTM 2TP 9213+93 4TS P 8209+93 2TSP 4TSP 9213193 8209193 9203193 9213+93 9213193 9227193 9203+93 9103193 9213+93 9119193 9227+93 NONE 5606+93 9203+93 9103+93 5606+93 9203+85 9103185 5603+93 9213C93 9119+93 5603-93 9213185 9119+85 NONE 9227193 NONE NONE 8604+102 9203+102 9103+102 5604t102 8608+102 9207+102 9111+102 5603+102 ?+rn? 8608+102 R T 707 RT 2022 4CH 8602 9204+88 8604+88 9112 8404 8203 8602 9993 9885 9983 9993 9104 9204 9885 I I 1 5833 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P , i ~777+04 NONE 9227+95 9127195 NONE PRESTO 18607 9202+88 8600+88 8406 8406 8202 8607 18702 9288188 8102 8302 8302 8702 9103 9103 6104 6104 6104 6104 6104 6104 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 6007 I5832 8209 8209 8601 8601 8601 8209 8209 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 9119 9119 8209 8209 8209 9103+35 8401 +35 9103135 8401+35 9103+35 8401 135 3402-35 3106-35 I 8301 -35 8106-35 8402-35 0136-35 9125-35 8301-35 8406C35 8208135 8601+35 8302t35 8302~35 8702135 6007 9107 8206 2002 8601 9108 8205 2002 4951 8110 8307 8307 F T - 34 2s - 34 4s - 34 2s - 34 A.700 FT - 34 A-700 D36,E36,F36,G36 F T - 35 D36,E36,F36,G36 2s - 35 D36,E36.F36,G36 45 - 35 9103187 9203t87 8604+87 9204187 9104+87 9105+87 9205187 8603+87 9111+87 921 1+8? 8607-87 9211187 9110+87 9102+8? 9202+87 8600187 AL.330 VLR Logger 1222 1222 1221 8601 FT 2s 4s FT 2M 2s 4s FT 2M 2s 4s F T FT 2M t 9997 9891 9987 9997 9125 9222 9994 9886 9984 9994 9109 9209 9886 3403+35 PB-17 PT-900 PT.900 RC-10 RC.10 RC-24 RC-24 RD175 625 625 800 800 800 800 825 825 825 825 850 850 850 850 METROTECH 4TS 4TS 4TS 4TS 1CH.4T 1CH.4T 2CH. 4T 2CH. 4T 4CH. 4T 4CH. 4T i Playback Head & QK 4C H 112'' .~ 2s 4s 1 RT-19 Log RT.21 RT.21 RT.22 TP.66 1 9103135 8401+35 8201+35 8604135 9103+35 8401+35 8201-35 8604135 9103+35 8401135 8201 135 8604135 I RCA 2TM 2TS 2TS 4TS 4TS RP RP RP RP 2s RT.2022 RT2044 8600+88 9202+88 ZM I 8 T 1/4" ZTM 2TM 4CH. 4T 4CH. 4T 4CH. 4T 2TS 2TS 4TS 4TS 4TS 4TS 4TS 4TS 4TS FT FT 2TM ZTM 2TM i Record Head & QK RT 701 9127135 9227135 9227135 8640+35 I 400L 514A 514P 516A 516LP 516P 523A 523P 525A 525P 526A 526LP 526P 527AL 527LP 531A 531R 533A 533R 534A 534R 543A 543R 545A 545R 546A 546R 547A 547R 552A 552L 554A 554L 555A 555L I 4th Head or Combo PIONEER 2s 4s NONE NONE NONE NONE 2s - 40 4s - 40 9204 9204 I2TM-45 RPor RPE I FXI MAGNECORD M A G N F C n R l l fTFI (TELEX) ._._ 8358 DMT Series DST Series F358 M30 Series M33 M80 M90 M9l P60 P75 MBO;M90:P60;P75 M80.M90.P60.P75 M80.M90.P60.P75 PT-6 PT-63 ~. S356 S366 728 748 Track& Ref. Style Notes Model No. 4CH. 4T FT 2TS 2T R-Cart 16-mm 1 1 , I A-77 A-77 A.77 t 4401 4401 8209 8209 8209 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 ~~ - 100-8 100.16 250-FT 250-1 250.2 250-24 255-FT 255-1 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 8601 3M (See WOLLENSAK) 4 8CH 1" - 38 16CH 2" - 38 FTM 114" 2TM 1i4" 2TS 114" 4TS 114" FTM 114" ZTM 114" RPE RPE P P 9887 RPE 9998 RPE 9888 RP 9995 R P 9104 8207 8207 8618 9110 8202 8202 8607 9110 8202 9892 E 9999 E 9128 9223 9223 8641 Tape Head Replacements for: Reel-to- Reel 1 Track I ~ Model No. Style Ref. Notes RPor RPE 4th Head Record Head&QK or Combo Playback Head& Q K Eras Head &QK Model No. SCU LLYIME 2TS 114" 255-24 1 P I I 310 I8202 * : i Track Style Ref. Notes ~ RPar 4th Head RPE or Combo 4TS 270.1 340 340 410 505 505 505 7 00 700 700 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 1230 1250 1300 1340 1400 1500 1500 1600 1600 2010 2020 2040 2050 2070 2080 2100 2100 2300 2300 2340 2500 270.24 270.44 275.1 275-44 I--- 9128+91 9223191 9223+91 8641+91 1402121 91 28191 9223+91 9223191 8641+91 280.1 280-2 280-4 280-44 2808-FT 2808-1 2808-44 282.3 282-4 9370 9470 9890 9128191 9223+91 9223191 9470 8641t91 2848-FT 2848.1 2848.2 2848-4 2848.8 2858-FT 2858-2 2858-24 288-8 288-12 288-16 t 12CH 1" 16CH 2" ! 9890 9128+91 9223191 8641191 9890 9986 9996 1 ~ I 2TM 2TS 4TS LJ.10 P P P FT 2TM 2TS 4TS 4CH 9105 8404 9205 8603 5601 9111 8403 9213 8608 5603 I TAPE-ATHON 2TM CT-1. CT375. CT375.720 720 720,800 900 900.1 900-2 900-4 900.L2 900-12-8 900.L4 900.L4-4 900.14-8 900.L8 900.L8.8 1000 1400 1 4TMlS 4TMlS FT 2TM 2TS 4TS ZT 8T 2CH 45 4T 8T 4CH 8T 8T FT FT I I ] Pair Heads I 7405L 7404U I 11201 2 0 1166 66 9103166 840166 9203+66 8604166 9203166 5832t66 8604+66 8604+66 583266 5832+66 5832+66 9103t66 9103+66 1 I I I I4CH I I I 91 25+66 9125+66 9222166 9222+66 8701t66 9222166 9119+66 8403+66 9213+66 8608+66 9213+66 5832+66 8608166 8608+66 5832+66 5832+66 5832+66 9119166 9119t66 8701+66 8701+66 9125t66 9125t66 9125i66 I I I5603+85 I TFAP TCA4O TCA41 TCA42 110 110 200 5604185 1 I ~ 1 41 4TS - 41 Playback Head& QK Head& QK 9103+85 9203+85 8604185 9103+85 9203r85 8604185 5604185 9103t84 9203184 8604184 9103t85 9203185 8604+85 9103+85 9203185 8604r85 9203+85 8604185 8604185 9119-85 921 3+85 8608185 9119185 9213+85 9126+66 9226166 4TS ~ I 5604185 8604+85 9203185 8604185 920345 8604 41 4TS - 41 4TS - 41 4TS - 41 4TS - 41 I T S - 41 4TS - 41 I T S - 41 2TS ITS - 41 2T S I T S 41 ICH ITS 1TS 2TS ITS 1CH =T 2TS ITS - 24 RP RP RP RP RP RP 5603185 91 19+84 9213184 8608184 91 19f85 9213185 860845 91 19185 9213185 8608-85 9207.85 8607185 8607L85 8607t85 8607185 5603785 8608+85 9207185 8607185 9207-85 8607+85 8607+85 8607+85 8607185 860745 8607t85 8607185 9203t85 8604185 9203t85 8604185 5604185 ~ ;1: ITS - 41 i T S - 41 ITS - 41 1TS - 41 1TS - 41 1TS - 41 RE RE 1 1 :E 2TS 4TS 4CH 2TS RS-1500-US RS.1506-US S2T 4TS Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio 230 230 230 230 FT - 25 2TM - 25 2TS - 25 4TS - 25 FT 26 2TM - 26 2TS - 26 4TS - 26 FT 2TM 2TS 4TS 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 4TSP 8608t102 ~ 8640+66 9226166 8640166 9226-66 8640166 8640166 8640+66 8640+66 8640+66 864OL66 8640+66 9226+66 8640166 9226.66 8640166 9203185 8604+85 5604185 9103185 9203t85 8604185 5604185 8604185 8604+85 8604185 8604185 8604+85 9103185 9203+85 8604+85 8604185 9203185 9203+85 9203185 8604185 5604t85 9203185 8607t85 8608185 8608t85 8608185 8608+85 8608c85 9119185 9213+85 8608185 8608185 9213+85 9213+85 9213185 8608+85 5603t85 9213185 92031102 9213t102 92271102 9105 3205 2005 1205 9105 3203 9205 1203 9105 3203 2003 1203 9111 3201 9213 8608 9111 3201 9213 8608 9111 3201 2001 1201 44001 3600L 2200L 1400L 4401 L 3601 L 2201 L 1401L 4401 L 3601 L 2201 L 1401 L 9226166 8640-66 9126185 9226185 8640+66 8640166 8607t85 6006185 8608 ( P I 8608 ( P I 9127166 9227166 8640'66 9126166 9226-68 8640+66 9126+66 9226166 8640-66 9226+66 8640+66 8640*66 9213185 8608185 9213-65 8608185 5603'85 860745 8607185 9213185 8608.85 5603+85 9119185 9213.85 8608185 5603185 6006185 6006+85 4TS - 41 4TS-24.41 Erase 8608185 I I 4CH 1070 1300 j000 iOl0 $300 ,500 6000 6000 6000 6010 6100 6300 7010 7010 7040 7300 91 25 8304 9226 8701 41 4TS - 41 1020 .~ R70/ARP76 R70iARP76 R70iARP76 R70iARP76 R70lARP76 1 4TS 3300 1300 1340 1010 1010 1010 1OlOSRA 9202 9202 8600 ~ 2TS ,520 - L. J. SCULL' 4TS Record Head& QK 8640166 564OL66 3640+66 3640166 8640+66 9226166 8640+66 8640+66 9226166 8640+66 9226t85 I ZTS 4TS 4CH 800 5 2TS 4TS 8609+76 9204176 9209176 9227176 Nortronics Tape Head Replacements and Conversion Guide for: Broadcast Cartridge Recorders INTRODUCTION NAB CONVERSION Nortronics heads are standard as original equipment on most broadcast cartridge machines, and the tables in Section B should permit the selection of the correct replacement head for over 90% of the transports in existence. If the machine has a Nortronics head it can be identified by the OEM part number stamped on it, such as "P-B2H7K" or i t s equivalent RCD number "2001 ". Cross-reference between OEM and RCD numbers is given with Head Specs in Section F. The vzry early cartridge machines equipped with single-channel heads can sometimes be converted to "NAB monitor" by replacing the singlechannel heads with two-channel types. However, this requires modification of the electronics to separate the record and playback functions, and can b e a fairly difficult task. Write to NORTRONICS RCD giving make and model of recorder and we will try to give assistance when possible. REPLACEMENT L I STI NG CAUTION 1. The first column of the following machine/head listings gives the recorder model number and indicates if it i s a Mono (2-channel heads) or a Stereo (3-channel) machine. Delay machines are always mono, but may use either single-channel or two-channel heads. Care should be taken to avoid striking the face of the tape heads with any hard object and this does include the cartridge itself, which can dent the head face if inserted a t an angle. Use of a hold-down spring and side-guide rail is highly recommended. 2. The second column gives the machine manufacturer's head part number, which probably will not be stamped on the head, but which will most likely appear in the parts l i s t in the machine maintenance manual. Penetration of the head into the cartridge should be set a t 9/32-in. Excessive penetration will cause faster head wear and possible tape skewing. 3. The third column gives head function. Each machine usually has two heads; one to record program and cue, and the other head to play program and cue. Mono recorders use the top channel for program and the lower channel for cue, utilizing two-channel heads. Early mono machines incorporated single channel heads, one to record and play program, and the other to record and play cue; no monitoring during recording was possible as in current "NAB Standard" machines. (See "NAB CONVERSION" below for possible modification to two-channel heads.) QK-114 installs two no-mount B-size heads on a cartridge transport. I t includes micrometer adjustments for head position, a cartridge holddown spring, and side-guide rail to control :artridge insertion. QUI K-K ITS QK-110 installs two no-mount B-size heads, with provision for third head. Third bracket not included-order QK-112 if needed. Includes phono jacks and head plugs, plus cartridge side-guide rail and holddown spring. QK-112 is the single B-size head bracket and mounting screws to f i t either QK-100 or QK-114. Stereo machines use three-channel heads, with the program on the top two channels and cue on the lower. Play-only machines have only one active head, playback, and often place a dummy head in the record position to support the tape for better guidance. I Delay cartridge recorders generate the typical seven second time delay needed for live telephone talk shows. They use a special combination erase-record head next to the capstan, plus a normal play head located in the left position. The tape sequence is play, erase, record, delay, and again play. Early delay-only machines used singlechannel heads, while the more recent machines have two channel heads so they can also be used for conventional playback and record. 4. The fourth column ("Mount Type") shows the mounting style of the original heads. The first cartridge machines used exclusively rearmount heads with the 1/4-28 threaded mounting stud. Recent models use mostly no-mount heads which are easier to install and more convenient to adjust. Be sure t o verify the head mounting style on your machine as it may have been converted to no-mount heads with the aid of a Nortronics OK-1 14 cartridge-mount kit. 5. The fifth column ("Orig. Head") indicates the Nortronics RCD head number to replace the original equipment heads. In some cases a twochannel head is specified as a replacement instead of the original single-channel head furnished on early recorders; if so, use only one channel of the head. Note that the part number for a rear-mount head is derived by adding 50 to the equivalent no-mount head, i.e. 2001 becomes the 2051 rear-mount head. 6. The sixth column ("Duracore") indicates the equivalent long-wear Duracore head, when available, and i s usually the regular head number with the letter D added. Some machines are supplied with Duracore heads as original equipment. 7. The seventh column ("No-Mount Conversion") shows the heads and Quik-Kit to convert from rear-mount heads to no-mount, when practical and feasible. On certain Harris and RCA machines, as indicated in the application notes, conversion i s not recommended, 6 QK-114 Type 2-Head Nest I Tape Head Replacements for: Broadcast Cartridge Recorders R ECOR DE R MANUFACTURER AND MODEL NORTRON ICS R EP LACEM E NT ORIGINAL HEADS Mfgr. Head No. Head Function Mount Type Original Head Duracore SPECIAL NOTES No-Mount Conversion c Play-only machines have no record head. Use 7605 for dummy record head. CT-2500,3500,4500 5500 Series Mono 9086-1 9103-1 Record Program & Cue Play Program & Cue No Mount 2010 2001 2010D 2001D CT-2500, 3500,4500, 5500 Series Stereo 9085-1 91 02-1 Record Program & Cue Play Program & Cue No Mount 5710 5701 5701D Criterion CP11, CP12, CP13 20-1014 20-1011 Record Program & Cue Play Program & Cue Rear Mount 2053 2057 2053D 2057D * Mono Criterion CP11, CP12, CP13 20-1016 20-1015 Record Program & Cue Play Program & Cue Rear Mount 5753 5757 5753D * Stereo P150, P190, PB150, PB190, PC150, PC190 Mono 20-1001 20-1001 Record/Play Program RecordlPlay Cue Rear Mount 2051 2050 Mono Dummy Head* Play No Mount 105,106 Stereo Dummy Head* Plav No Mount 110,111 Mono Record Play No Mount 120,121 Mono Record Plav F 125, 126 I - Play-only machines have no record head. Use 7605 for dummy record head. *Conversion to NoMount heads not recommended. ;:A1114 *Play-only machines substitute dummy head for record head. 100,101 1 - 5701 D 2003 2001 I 2003D 2001D I I 5701D I Mount Record Stereo Mount Play 130,132,134,136 Network Delay 131, 133, 135, 137 I Mount 1 Delay n tM :: I 140,141 Mono 145,146 Stereo Play No Mount 5701 127 4-Chan. Record Play No Mount 5601 5603 1I - X Ix-xxx Mono BH-1001 BH-3001 Dummy Head' Play No Mount 7605 2001 7605D 2001D 11-x2x-xxx Stereo BH-1001 BH-5001 Dummy Head' Play No Mount 7605 5701 76050 5701D 12-x1x-xxx Mono BH-2001 BH-3001 Record Play No Mount 2003 2001 2003D 2001D 12-x2x-xxx Stereo BH-4001 BH-5001 Record No Mount I 5703 5701 5703D 5701D Dummy Head' No Mount I 7605 2001 I 7605D 2001D No Mount I 2003 2001 I 2003D 2001D 1 13-X1X-XXX BH-3001 13-X2X-XXX Dummy Head' BH-5001 14-X1X-XXX Record BH-3001 14-x2x-xxx Stereo 21-XI x-xxx Mono 1 BH-4001 BH-5001 Record BH-1001 BH-3001 Dummy Head* Play No Mount 7 7605 2001 7605D 2001D I I I I *Play-only machines substitute dummy head for record head. I I Tape Head Replacements for: Broadcast Cartridge Recorders ~ RECORDER MANUFACTURE R A N D MODEL NORTRONICS REP LACEME NT ORIGINAL HEADS Mfgr. Head No. Mount Type Head Function Original Head Duracore No-Mount Conversion - SPECIAL NOTES J 1 I BEAUCART (UMC ELECTRONICS) Continued 'Play-only machines substitute dummy head for record head. Dummy Head* Play BH-2001 BH-3001 Record Play Mono Delay BH-2001 P-AZH44R BH-3001 Record EraseIRecord Plav No Mount 2003 6101 2001 2003D 6101 2001D Mono Delay BH-2001 B1 EF4J BH-3001 Record Erase Play No Mount 2003 8104 2001 2003D Stereo 22-x1x-xxx Mono 22-X1X-011 I BH-1001 BH-5001 Zl-X2X-XXX II I n tM ;: I 2003 2001 I 2003D 2001D - 22-XI X-021 1 22-x2x-xxx Stereo BH-4001 BH-5001 Record 22-x5x-xxx Stereo BH-4005 BH-5001 Record Play 41-x1x-xxx Mono F42-X1x-XXX Mono I P150, P190, PB150, PB190 Mono 642A-1,642A-2 Mono I I 642E-1 - ~ No Mount BH-2001 BH-3001 Record 235-0012 235-0012 Record/Play Program Record/Play Cue 235-0012 235-0012 I RecordIPlay Program Record/Play Cue No Mount - 5701 I 2001 Rear Mount 1 I Rear Mount 2001D I 5701D 2001D A::; 1 2051 2050 I I 2051 2050 2 Requires circuit modification. See Nortronics Form 7213 l4 1 I Play-only machines have no record head. For dummy head use #7605. I Mono 020-8000-040 020-8000-030 Record Program & Cue Plav Proaram & Cue No Mount 2003 2007 2003D 2007D Stereo 020-8000-010 020-8000-020 Record Program & Cue Play Program & Cue No Mount 5703 5707 5703D EraseIRec. Prog. & Cue Play Program & Cue Rear Mount 6151 2050 Record Program & Cue Plav Proaram & Cue Rear Mount 5753 5751 5753D 5751D Rear Mount 2051 2050 - ~~ 642E-2 1 CT85,751,753,754, 756, 757,903,906, Cuerac Mono 983,986, Cuerac Stereo 1 Play-only machines have no record head. For dummy head use #7605. HARRIS (GATES) (ATC) 1 M5944 730-0329 730-0330 RIP - Program RIP - Cue M6211,M6213 730-0343 730-0423 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue1 Stereo Compact Mono 730-1429 730-1376 Criterion 1, II, Ill Compact Stereo 730-0730 730-1371 Criterion 80 Criterion 80 n Stereo 1 730-0726 730-0727 M6212, M6214 : P Record-Program & Cue Plav-Proaram & Cue1 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue1 I Record-Program & Cue a r a m & Cue1 o 1 %1 1 1; 1 202: Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue1 r E i t 1 Mount 2007l 2003D 2007D' Mount 5707l 5703D 5701 D1 1 2053 20571 ? ;:E1 730-1157 730-1156 Criterion 9 0 Stereo 730-0730 730-1371 2003D ZOOID' KSP-10 Delay 730-1439 730-1376 5703 ~~ 1 y;bo Erase/Record 8 1 No Mount 1 6103 2007 NOTES: 1 I 2052D I2002D 114 2052D1 2002D 5753 57511 730-1429 730-1376 Criterion 90 I Rear Mount Rear Mount $::A1114 - 5703D 5701 D1 numbers in Section E. 1 I + I I I head only. Note4. I 3. Use #7605 for dummy record head 4. Conversion to No-Mount heads not recommended. Tape Head Replacements for: Broadcast Cartridge Recorders RECOR DE R MANUFACTURER AND MODEL I Mfgr. Head No. I1 Mount Type Original Head Duracore I 1 2001 7605 2003 2001 D 7605D 2003D No Mount 2001 2003 Head Function 504-0006 504-0001 504-0003 Playback Dummy Head* Record 504-0020 504-0021 Playback Record Mono 504-0002 504-0001 504-0003 Playback Dummy Head' Record RP Series SP Series WP Series Playback Dummy Head" Record No Mount Stereo 504-0004 504-0001 504-0005 RPD Series Delay 504-0011 504-0002 Combo Erase/Record Playback No Mount Encore Series Mono I NORTRONICS REP LACEME N T ORIGINAL HEADS PD-II Series RP Series SP Series WP Series Mono 1 n tM :: I I I 2001D 2003D SPECIAL NOTES No-Mount Conversion 'Play-only machines substitute dummy head for record head. I **Original heads are Duracore. 1 2001 D 7605D 2003D 3D Series Mono 504-0002 504-0001 504-0003 Playback Dummy Head* Record No Mount 3D Series Stereo 504-0004 504-0001 504-0005 Playback Dummy Head* Record No Mount 5701 D 7605~ 5703D - 6101 - 2001 D 2001 D 7605D 2003D - I 7605D 5703D I MACARTA (See SMC) R Q Series Mono Record Playback' No Mount 2003 2002 2003D 2002D R Q Series Stereo Record Playbac k1 No Mount 5703 5702 5703D RT-7A2 Mono 1 223320 223320 I Record/Play Program4 Record/Play Cue 1 Rear Mount I 2051 2051 I ;22; 1 Mono 22651 7 223320 Record/Play Program4 Record/Play Cue Rear Mount 2052 2051 RT-a, RT-17, RT-27, RT-37 Mono 231 290 231290 Record Program & Cue4 Play Program & Cue Rear Mount 2052 2052 RT-a, RT-I 7, RT-27, RT-37 Stereo 231 289 231 289 Record Program & Cue4 Play Program & Cue Rear Mount 5752 5752 RT-125, RT-126, RT-127 Note 5. Mono Record Program & Cue4 Play Program & Cue No Mount 2010 2001 2010D 2001D RT-125, RT-126, RT-127 Note 5. Stereo Record Program & Cue4 Play Program & Cue No Mount 5710 5701 5701 D RT-I25A, R T - I 26A. RT-127A Note 5. Mono Record Program & Cue4 Play Program & Cue No Mount 2003 2001 2003D 2001 D RT-125A. R T - I 26A. RT-127A Note 5. Stereo Record Program & Cue4 Play Program & Cue No Mount 5703 5701 5703D 5701D RT-7B, RT-7C. RT-7D2 1. Play-only machines have no record head. For dummy head use #7605. 2002 2001 1 142 142 - Note 3. 2052D 2052D Note 3. I I 1. Program head i s next to the capstan. 2. NAB monitor conversion of RT-7 series to two-channel heads i s described in Nortronicr Form #7407. Order a copy from RCD Div. of Nortronics. Different heads are specifiedfrom those on this sheet. 3. Quik-Kit conversion t o No-Mount heads i s not recommended. 4. Play-only machines have no record head. Use #7605 for dummy head, (No-Mount) or 7655 (Roar Mount) 5. "A" Series takes different record head from older "non-A" machines. I I SCHAFER (CETEC) Audiof i le Mono P-B2H4R P-B2H7K Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue No Mount 2003 2001 20030 2001D Audiofile Stereo P-B3Q4R P-B3Q7K Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue No Mount 5703 5701 5703D 5701D Play-only machines have no record head. For dummy head use #7605. Tape Head Replacements for: Broadcast Cartridge Recorders - RECORDER MANUFACTURER AND MODEL I05/1 08 208 Mfgr. Head No. Mono 4T Stereo 245 & 248 & 250 Carousel, 500, 51 0, 710, 721, 790 Caro-Stat,Mark I I NORTRONICS REPLACEMENT ORIGINAL HEADS Head Function P-G1H7K-N P-G1H7K-N Record/Play Program Record/Plav Cue P-B2Q7K Play Program P-B2H2K Play, Program & Cue P-B307K Play, Program & Cue Mount Type I No Mount NO Mount Original Head Duracore 2001 2001 2001D 2001D 1 8608 1 I 2000 No Mount No-Mount Conversion . SPECIAL NOTES Notes 1, 2 NOTES: Notes 1, 2 1. OK-114 needed if machine has rearmount heads. 2. Play-only machines have no record head. Use #7605 for dummy head. Notes 1, 2 Mono ~~ 245-2 248-2 & 252 Carousel, 502, 512, 572, 712, 722, 792, Mark I I Stereo 560, 570, 590, 770,790 Mono 572, 592, 772, 792 Stereo P-B3Q4R P-B3Q7K Record, Program & Cue Play, Program & Cue No Mount 5703 5701 593,793 Delay Mono P-A1HC44R P-BlHY2K Erase/Record Program Play Program No Mount 6126 2600 2405/2408 Carousel Mono P-G1H7K-N P-G1H7K-N Play Program Play Cue I P-B2H4R P-B2H7K ~ I I Record, Program & Cue Play,Program & Cue SPARTA (CETEC) CD 15-2 R/P/E (Combo Head) 1 I 1 Mknt Mount No Mt:nt 1 %: I 2o01 %: I 5703D 5701 D Note 1 I Note 1 I Notes 1, 2 I ; :26 1 1 NOTES: QK-1142 1. Playback units take play head only. I BP11, BP22, BP22B. BP22C, CP-5, Play, Port. Mono I 200P, ZOORP, 300P, 300RP MC104,3OOB,300C, ~ O O P ~, O O R Paoop, , aoow, 4510,4515, 4610,4615, Century I MC204,200P, 200RP 600P. 600RP. 4520, 4620,4625, Century 303,305,400 405,500,505 605,610,1070, threel70, 2000 303,305, 500,605, 610,1070RPS, 2000 Mono I 895-0024 Play-Program & Cue 895-0022 895-0022 Record/Play-Program Record/Play-Cue 895-0010 895-0020 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue 895-0040 895-0042 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue DM2RB DMIB~ Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue DM2RC2 D M c2 ~ Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue DM3R1B D1SA Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue DM3RC2 Record-Program & Cue ~1 ~3 ~1 PI $ 3 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue LMR4 LMP1,4 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue Mono Stereo Mono Stereo I Side Mount I Rear Mount 2001+38 I I No Mount Rear Mount Mount Rear Mount I I I 5703 57011 2053 20511 2. Early units with rear mount heads need OK. 1 2003 20011 No Mount I 2051 2051 3. For dummy head use #7605. 2003D 2001D I I I 5751’ 5703D 5701D 2053D 2051D’ 5751D 725321 - 1 I OK-’ 14’ 2003 2001t114 I I I t NOTES: 1. Play units take play heads only. 2. Special narrow “C” size (3/8” wide) heads used on some models. Use only where needed. 1 3. Early units. 3000, 4000, 5000, 5300, 5500 Mono 1 - 1 2003D4 I 2001D1,4 5. Additional head part numbers in Section E. Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue 3000, 4000, 5000. 5300, 5500 Stereo 500,1070 Delay _..-. 3000 No Mount 4. Later units f u r nished with Dura- Delay LSR4 ~Sp1.4 Record-Program & Cue Play-Program & Cue Mount DL2C DMIB Combo Erase-Record Play-Program & Cue Rear Mount DL2D LMP Combo Erase-Record Play-Program & Cue No Mount 5701 D’ ,4 1 6151 2051 6101 - 1 2051D 2001D 6101 12001[114 I Tape Head Replacements for: Broadcast Cartridge Recorders RECORDER MANUFACTURER AND MODEL NORTRONICS REPLACEMENT ORIGINAL HEADS Mfgr. Head No. Head Function Mount Type Original Head Duracore SPECIAL NOTES No-Mount Conversion TAPECASTE R 600P. 600RP Mono P-G1H7K-R G1 H2K-R 700P. 700RP Mono P-B2H7K-R3 P-B2H7K-R6 700PS. 700RPS X700P, X700RP X7OOPS, X700RPS 700RPD, X700RPD Stereo Mono Stereo Delay Record/Play-Program Record/Play-Cue 1 1 91; 1 ![!%:1 1 Record & Play1s 2 ( 2 heads, same) Mount Rear I R/P-Program & Cue2 (1 head only)* P-B2H7K-R64 P-B2H7K-R6 P-B3Q7K-R64 Record-Program& Cue Play-Program & Cue2 M E t Mount R/P-Program & Cue2 (1 head only) 2056 20511 I I I I 5751 I 5754O‘, 2056 Mount P-A2H47K-R64 Rec/Erase-Prog. & Cue P-B2H7K-R6 Play-Program & Cue Mount Older vacuum tube models will take the same heads listed. 20011\114 2001 5701+114 NOTES: 1 1. Mono record and play heads are same type. 2. Play-only and stereo machines have dummy head in left position. 3. Either ”R” (short stud) or “R6” (long stud) rear mount heads will fit 700 series. 2056 I l l Dummy Head2 (used on Mono-play and on Stereo units) Mount 4. Only “R6” (long stud) heads will f i t X700 series and precision head bracket. TE LEX/MAGN ECORD ~ 55742 Play-Program & Cue Dummy Head No Mount 2001D 7605D 2001D 7605D 55748 Record-Program& Cue Play-Program & Cue No Mount 2003D 2001D 2003D 20010 Stereo 55746 55742 Play-Program & Cue Dummy Head No Mount 5701D 7605D 5701D 76050 Stereo 55745 55746 Record-Program& Cue Play-Program & Cue No Mount 5703D 5701D 5703D 5701D MC-P3 MC-PR3 r I MC-PS3 MC-PRS3 11 NOTE: "D'indiwtes long life Duracore Heads Model No. I Track Style Ref. Notes I Master Play Haad 8 OK I Slave Record Head & OK I Erase Head I AMPFX PD-10 PD-10 PD.10 3200 2TS R-R 4TS R - R FTM R-R 2TM R.R ZTS/M R-R FTM R-R 4TS R-R 4CH 8T ZT CASS - 31 4T CASS - 31 - 46 - 46 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3300 3400 1 2::i:;B AV.132C 1 i:,",".: FTM R-R 921119211D+87 8606+87 9110+87 8409+76 9206/9206D+76 9109/9209D+76 8610+76 5840176 920619206D+76 5606+76 1 8402+38 8402+38 8610+38 9204+38 8401+38 8604+38 ~ 8T 8T 8T 8T BE2900 BE3000 4CH CASS SL R.R SL Slave Record Head & OK Erase Head 541 115411D 214 2T 4T 2T 4T 2T 4T ZT 4T 254 272 274 292 294 352 354 C SL C SL R SL R SL 114" R MAS 114" R MAS CAS SL C SL 5220D 5417D 9214D 5607 821019206D 5606 152200 5417D 1 I ~ ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA BE900 BE910 BE1000 BE1010 Master Play Head & OK Ref. Notes INFONICS (Continued) I 921419214D+87 8614+87 91 13+87 8414+76 9214/92140+76 91 13/9113D+76 8614+76 5843+76 5220Dt.76 5417D+76 Track Style Modal No. 21 22 ~~ 2T C.C 2T C SL 520515205D 5220152200 522015220D 2T 114" BM-CT 4T 112" EM-CT 4T 114" B M C T 8609 9477 8609 12) 5225 5415D 5415D 41 44 5810 (41 5810 141 R-R SL R.R MAS R-R MAS 5800 141 P.2000 P-2000 P.2000 541 1/5411D 1 I 91 18 (Mon I 9118 (Mon I 9118 (Mon I I I I J I921119211D 12004 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 5225 1 5212 1 MAGNECORD ( T E L E X ) Copy-Cars II L I Z14T C-C I FTM R-R 2T 114" R-R GRINDLEY (TAD) I I R.1017 R-1017 R.1017 R-1017 I 2T 114" RM.C 4T 114" R M-C FTM 114" R-R 2T 114" R - R I 1I I 541215412D I I GARNER 1056 1056 5413D I 91 06191090 920619206D 910419104D 1920419204D 920619206D 5606 920619206D 920619206D 520115201D 541 115411D 910319103D 1920319203D I I RCC.2 I I2T 4T 2T 4T 8T 2T 4T 2T C-C C.C CAS SL CAS SL 114" R-R 114" R.C 114" R-C 114,, RIC.C RCC-4 ] 4 T 114"RIC-C RR-1 RR.2 RR-4 RS-2 RS-4 74M I FT 114" R.R 2T 114" R.R 4T 114" R-R 2T 114" R SL 4T 114" R SL FT 114" R.R I 520515205D I 5201 15201D 5413154130 541 115411D 520115201D 541 115411D 5891 520115201D 541 115411D 5890 821019206D 5606 821019206D 5205152050 520115201D I I 8610 I FT R.R 2T 114" 4T 114" FT R.R 2T 114" 4T 114" 1 R-R R.R R.R R-R I 260812608D 9206192060 5606 260812608D 9206192060 5606 I 1910319103D 9203192030 5607 910419104D 920419204D 5607 MCA I 521 1 2T C-C 1 520515205D PENTAGON I9156 8260 5656 I 9156 1 Tuber Tuber Solid State Solid State Solhd State Solid State Solid State c I c-l I 19164 8251 5654 8251 5654 91 53 2TR.R 4TS R-R I I TubeTvDer I I ~t:~,5413D I541115411D I I MAGNEFAX J INFONICS cc.2 cc-4 CS-2 cs.4 D.8 RC-2 RC.4 1 1000D-DMT lO00D-DST c.100 c-120 C-140 C-320 C-340 C.400 c.1000 12 2T C.C 4T C-C 8T 114" MAS - 42 8T 114" S L - 42 2T C.C 4T C-C 2T C.C 2TC.C 4T C-C 2T C-C 4T C-C 4T C.C 2T 114" R-C 5221 D 5413D 5847/5848 5221 D 54130 5221 D 520515205D 541 315413 0 520515205D 5413154130 54131) 921019206D --I- 5201 D 541 1D 584515846 5845'5845 5201 D 5411D 5201 D 5201 15201D 541 115411D 5411D 520115201D I Nortronics Tape Head RepIacements for : Duplicators/C o pier s Track Style Model No. C.1320 Master Play Head & Q K Ref. Notes Erase Head 1224 1225 1225 3421 3422 ZT 114" RC-C 4T 4T 12T 4T 114" R-C 1/2" R-C C-C C.C CM-2000 I CM-4000 CS.420 2T C MAS I 4 T C MAS 2T C SL I cs. 1 140 I4TCSL ZT 1/4" R.C RC-1120 RCC.1120 IRM.1140 RM.1200 2T 114" RC.C I 4 T 114" R.MAS 2T 114" R MAS Style Model No 14T 114" RR-CC C.1400 C.5400 I cc.1120 CC-1140 FTRR 2T14 R R 4T 1r4 R R 2T C C 2T C.C I 1 1 52211) 5413D 5205152051) 541 315413 0 520515205D 541 315413D Ref Notes Track Slave Record Head & Q K 5201 D 5411D zs.200 CS-203 CS-403 cs.2000 CS.2500 cs-4000 DUP I DUP II GT 2A GT 2AS GT 4A GT 4AS SUPER PRO 30 SUPER PRO 30 5201 15201D 541115411D 5201 D 541 1D ~ ~ Z ~ 1 9 2 0 6 D 15201 541 1D 5201D 9210192060 5221D 5606154130 54110 92 1019206D 2T C.C 2T C.C 4T C-C 2T C.C 2T C-C 4T C.C 4T C-C 2T C.C 2T 184'' 2T 1/4" 4T l j 4 " 4T 1{4'' 2T C-C 4T C-C RM R SL RM R SL 1 Master Play Head & OK I Slave Record Head & OK 9109!$109D 9206 9206D 5606 5205'5205D 520515205D 9103 9103D 9203 9203D 5604 5201 5201D 5201 152050 5206 520515205D 5413154130 5206 5205I5205D 541015410D 541315413D 520515205D 920619206D+38 D 5201~5201 5201/5201 D 541115411D 5201 15201D 5201'5201D 541 1!5411D 5411 '5411D 5220!5220D I Erase Head 5214 5214 5214 5214 5214 9204 '9204D+38 8610+38 5205r5205D 5413'54130 8604+38 5220 5220D 5411'54110 5214 5214 921 019206D 921 0/9206D RME.2410 RME.2810 4T 114" R MAS 8T 114'' R MAS 8T 1" R MAS 5840 921019206D RMT-4250 RS.1120 RS.1140 RS.2150 I RS-2210 RS.2400 RS.2410 RS.2810 RS.2818 S-140 s.1000 S.1400 SCC.2150 l SRCC.4250 1214 1215 4T 114" R MAS ZT 114" R SL 4T 114" R S L ZT 15" R SL 2T .15" R SL 4T .15" R SL 4T .15" R SL ZT .15" R SL I ZT .15" R SL 2T 114" R SL 4T 114" R S L 4T 114" R SL 8T114"RSL 8T 114" R SL 4T .15" R SL 4T 1/4" R SL 4T C SL ZT C SL 4T C SL ZT C-C i 520515205D 920319203D 5604 920319203D 51304 ... 5201 15201 D 5201 I5201 D 1541315413D 541 315413D 5201 15201D 5201 15201D 920319203D 5604 5604 5841 5841 1541315413D 15604 541115411D 520115201D 54111541 1D I520115201D I I I I I 1 4T 114" R-C-C CM-C C SL CM-C C SL CM-C 300 2T l ( 4 " RM-C 4T 1I4" RM-C 5224D 52240 5414D 541413 5224D 5214 5214 5214 5214 9206!9206D 5201r5201 D 5213 5606 5411 5411D 5213 5223 5415 5223 2T CM-C 5205!5205D 5201 15201 D 521 3 4T C M X 541315413D 541115411D 5213 2T 114" RM-R 9206/9206D 9203!9203D F T 1/4" RM-R 9109!9109D 910319103D 4TS 114" RM.R 4CH 114" RM.R 2T 1/4" RM.R F T 114" RM.R 2T C.C 8606 5602 9211!9211D 911019110D 5206 8603 5604 9203/9303D 9103/9103D 5201/5201D WOLLENSAK . 3 M 1520 AV 2750 AV 2760 AV 2270 AV 2780 AV 6030 AV i) F T R.R 2T 114" R - R 2T 2T 4T 4T ZT 16476 300 16835 300 37113-03 300 37113-06 300 36781 300 36782 235 235 235 235 235 1 I >OPIER I :OPIER / I >OPIER 1V >OPIER V ICON. COP 920619206D 91 0919109D 920619206D 920319203D 91 0319103D 920319203D 13 2TM R-R 2T CAS MAS 2T C S L 2T C MAS 2T C SL 2T l ( 4 " R MAS RPE.22 5205152050 5201 '5201D 5221 15221 D 522015220D 9206/9206D I Nortronics Tape Head Replacemen 1s for: Specialized Audio This section covers those unique applications such as aircraft recorders, reverberation units, telephone answering systems, etc. Listiing is by manufaIcturer's machine model number. See also Section E. Record Head&OK Playback Head&OK Erase Head&OK 200mil - 48 200mil - 48 9105 9109 9111 9109 8104 6104 4CH 114" CART 56131 a a a 4 ~ 5614/ a a a 4 ~ 4406 Model N o . Track Style Up to 1973 After 1973 642c.1 4 t h Head RPor RPE Ref. Not- or Combo Model No, Track Style Ref. Notes RPor RPE 4 t h Head or Combo Record Head & OK Playback Head & OK 741 1 741 1 741 1 741 1 I I I I I I I I I I56111 156121 14408 1 FAIRCHILD (Cockpit Recorder) IA-1W 1 4CH 114"CART I 18a 4R I Baa4L I 16.1P.X 2TM - 47 7402 lPici 11 CAM II CAM 202 Flt. Rec 4CH 8TR 7609 AV.5578 14 5610 5610 4CH 8 TR 5832 Erare Heed & OK AMPEX 0296170-01 02961 70.02 02961 70.03 02961 70.07 02961 70-08 0296192.01 0296192.02 02961 92-03 0296640.01 1231 757.01 1231888-01 1232357-01 1232358-01 1232359-01 1232360-01 1232361.01 1232362.01 1232363-01 1232363-02 1232363.03 1815108.01 1815108.02 18151 09-01 18151 10-01 18151 10-02 18151 11.01 18151 12.01 18151 12-02 1815112-03 181 51 12.04 18151 12.05 4020228.01 4020228-02 4020228.03 4020284-01 4020285.01 4040076.04 4040076-05 4040076.06 4040084.10 4040084.20 4040084-30 4040084-40 4040084-50 4040084.60 4040323 4040324 4040325 4040426-01 4040437.01 4040437-02 4040437-05 4040437-06 4040438-51 4040438-52 4040438-63 4040438-64 4040438.66 4040438-67 4040438-68 4040558-01 4040558-02 4040558-04 4040558-05 4040564-01 4040684-03 4040684.04 4040684-05 4040684-06 4040684-07 4040684-08 4040684-09 4040684-1 1 4040684.1 2 4040737-10 Head & QK AMPEX (Continuedl CODE-A-PHONE (Cont'd.) CONCERTONE (Cont'd.) 9202+87 9203+87 9223187 9204+87 921 1187 91 02+87 9103+87 9125+87 8600+87 9202+76 9472 91 25+86 9103+86 9111+86 9222t86 8401 +86 8403+86 4040738-10 4040829-01 4040829.02 4040831 -02 4040837.01 4045042.20 4045043-10 4350037-01 7040015.20 7040030 7040161-01 7040224.01 L03.015 LO3-018 L03.021 L03.025 103.033 LO3-039 LO3-041 8608+86 8209 8210 9085-1 9086-1 9102.1 9103.1 105244 105246 105247 105248 106120 106121 106122 (-21 106123 (-21 106124 106125 106126 1.1,-21 106390 106438 108046 108145 108245 135234 1400t304 1400t304 NONE NONE 3600+304 4400+304 261 0+106 201 O+l06 2600+106 2000+106 91 0311 06 91111106 1200+106 4403+304 2002+106 2002+106 2603 700548 700682 RECORD 700682 PLAY 700683 2010+66 9105+66 9111+66 91 28 +66 8604186 864 0+86 9111+87 9104+87 9125+87 9213+87 9203+87 9 2 2 2 + 87 8600+87 8604t87 8708+87 8600187 8605+87 8600+87 8604+87 8701+87 5607 5605 9202+66 9203+66 9223+66 9125+66 9103+66 9102+66 9223+66 8401 +66 8400+66 8701+86 8604+86 8600+86 9125t76 9202+76 9203176 9204+76 9209+76 8400+76 9102+76 91 27+76 91 25+76 8414+76 9104+76 9109176 9464 9465 9465 9464 9472 9202+66 9203+66 9223+66 91 25t66 91 031.66 91 02+66 9223+66 8400+66 8401+66 8607+86 1407+86 9127+76 91 27+79 9227+79 9222+76 8607t86 8607+86 8609176 8607+86 8607+86 8607+86 1203+86 COLLINS 020-8000~010 020-8000-020 020-8000.030 020.8000-040 5703 5707 2007 2003 270-2250-000 270-2251-000 270-2271.010 270.2271.020 270-2299.01 0 2702299-020 270.2299.030 2053 1251 9105 P.81 HC4K 4401 + 19 561 3 5614 AMPRO (INSTATAPE) 6103t66 2001 +66 5710 2010 5701 2001 ATC (GATES) (HARRIS) 20-1001 Pro 20-1001 Cue 20.1010 20-101 1 20-1014 20-1015 20.1016 20.1017 3251 3250 3251 2057 2053 5757 5753 2051 CONCERTONE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC (ELECTRONIC SECRETARY) WW3253-44 WW4430-44 WW4446-44 WW5392.44 .... WW6604-44 WW6896.44 WW7222-44 WW8086.44 WW9454-44 7406+21 7406+21 3606+19 7406+21 .. . 2600 3200+21 7406+21 G1 HY5L8-B 61 28 BROADCAST ELECTRONICS (See SPOTMASTER) BRUSH (CLEVITE) BK-1065 BK-1072 BK.1072E BK-l072R EK-1090 BK-1091 BK-1110' BK.1250 BK-1251 BK-1252 8403t35 9213+35 8301+35 9203t35 8403+35 8400+35 8501135 9103135 9102+35 8102+35 CODE-A-PHONE (FORD) LO301 1 LO3-012 L03-013 LO3-014 4400 6131 6131 6302 2200 6302 6131 7406 NONE NONE 2001 15 BT-2 BTZB2 BT-3 BT-4 BT.6 BT-22 BT-66 ND51 ND52 ND53 THP-102 THP-204 0113 0342 04-0014 04.001 5 04.0016 04-0055 04-0056 04-0057 33T 951 3754 3758 10124 105230 105231 105232 105233 105234 105235, (-11 105236. (.1l 105237 105238 105239 105240 105241 105242 105243 1200+106 4400+304 9105+106 2600+106 1400+304 1400+304 9105+106 1203+106 1200+106 1400+304 26001 106 1202 1207 NONE 2601+87 1200+84 1402+19 1203+66 1401+19 1203+66 1201+66 1408118 1203 1202 1203+106 2603+83 1200+66 1200+66 2600 4400+304 9105+106 91 11t 1 0 6 3600+304 2603+106 2600+106 3600+304 1200tl06 1203+106 12031106 2003+106 2000+106 1400+304 14001304 CROWN INTERNATIONAL a5q3k a504r 51a31 t1b3 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 119R 1200 1201 1202 1203 __ __ 1704 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1621 .~ 1631 1690 1705 1716 1763 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1799 1201+66 1203+66 2601 +66 1201+66 61 01 +66 9103+66 8404+66 9103+66 8608+66 8406+66 8406+66 3601+19 6004+66 R204+66 ... .. 8603+66 8106+66 91 11+66 9213166 1401+lR . . 5604+66 5602+66 5603+66 3600+19 9222+66 NONE NONE NONE 8209+66 9222+66 8209+66 9111+66 8403+66 8601 +66 8201+66 NONE NONE NONE 5604+66 5603+66 1200+66 Cross Reference Recorder Manufacturer and/or Head Manufacturer's Part Number to Nortronics Replacement Head & Quik-Kit CROWN INTERNATIONAL (Continued) Head & OK HARRIS (GATES) (ATC) Continued 1800 1801 1862 2065 2066 2171 2172 21 73 2174 2266 2267 2383 241 8 2443 2459 2485 2494 2501 2501A 2530 2572 2578 2579 2741 2750 2791 2864 2901 3058 3059 3086 3088 730.1 155 730.1 156 730-1 157 730.1 158 .~ 730.1 162 730.1 163 730.1371 730-1375 61 26+66 8208+66 NONE NONE 8404+66 8601+66 8603+66 820466 8208+66 9111+66 9103+66 8209+66 8406+66 5603t66 8608+66 8404+66 6101166 5603+66 5603+66 81 06+66 8406+66 9111+66 9103+66 8104t66 . . .. 3600t19 8201+66 5603+66 921 3+66 9222+66 9127+66 7605 5603166 1401t18 1401t 19 3601+19 9125+66 91 11+66 5603+66 NONE 8640+66 3160 . .. 3166 3167 3183 3184 3328 3522 3602 DICTAPHONE (See METROTECH) 5834 5832 8104 6005 1207 6127 ZJZL44R 6200 5130 6300 7419 120059 120062 120339 121358 121359 122103 124037 132461 132462 150100 150431 ECHOPLEX (MARKET) AlHC44R.R AlHC47R-R G1 HYZK-R 61 83 61 79 7456 ELECTRONIC SECRETARY (SeaAUTOMATIC ELECTRIC) FAIRCHILD 9300.242 9300-245 9300-246 9300.369 9300.500 9300.501 4408 561 2 5613 9111 5833 C1 LC4K.83 FENDER (ECHO-FONIC) 13.1A1 HC47R 13.2GMH3L 61 29+66 7406121 FORD INDUSTRIES (See CODE-A-PHONE) MOVIOLAIMAGNASYNC 2053 5757 5753 2051 61 51 7655 5707 7605 36151 36155 36155.1 76241 3077316 21 08.910 2108.911 21 06-91 2 028-0270 045-0009 045-0018 PENTAGON INFON ICS 13.0003 13-0004 13.0005 13-0008 8260 8251 91 53 3252 13-0013 13.001 4 13-0015 13.0018 13-0019 13-0020 13.0021 13.0022 13.0023 13.0024 13-0025 13-0026 13-002X . . 13-0029 13-0030 13-0032 541615410D 5205152050 5201 I5201D 8610 9156 13.0039 13.0040 10008.15 81 3100-001 541 315413D 54121541 5D 522015220D 6100 mni 68-02 68.03 68-04 68-05 68-06 68-07' 68-08' 68-09' 68-12' 68-13' 68-14' 68-15 68-16 68.1 7 68-20 68.21 68.22 68-2201 68-2202 68-23 68-2301 68-2302 68.28 68.31 68.32 68-33 68-34 ... 68-35 68-36 68.37 68-38 8260 8654 520515205D 5656 5654 CH3.83 541315413D 5x91 . . 5890 541115411D 52 0 515 205 0 ClHY7K.RS.12S P-GZ(17K.R.lZS 7466 7658 HARRIS (GATES) (ATC) 730-0101 730-0328 730-0329 3251 3251 3251 730-0730 730-0731 730-1783 5703 5701 2057 "0"I S Duracore __ w i n9203 5606 5604 5205 5201 5410 541 1 5201 9203 5604 541 1 541 1 9468 9103 9106 5413 5841 5845 5846 5840 5847 5848 5221 9210 5606 5201 D 5221 D 541 1 D 5413D 9203 5604 ~~~ 249421 274941 945870 946592-1 946634-1 1585201.1 1621396-1 3310376.3 3310376-6 3310377.1 33103774 3310378.1 3310378.3 3310376-6 3450599-1 3453976-1 3481303-1 5007283 8453976 1 8494854.1 8546668-1 8728446.3 8728446-6 8728447-1 8728447-3 8728448-1 8728448.3 8728448-6 8746920-3 8762076-1 4951 1009138 2200+18 1401 118 1000+38 2201 + l 8 2000+66 8205 9108 8110 8307 9107 8206 9107 2200C18 1401* I 8 4951 4910 1401118 4951 491 0 8205 9108 8110 8307 9107 8206 9107 2047 1202 8 76 2076.2 8971589 8600 4955 ~~ RECORDEX 87701 87702 87703 87704 87705 87706 87707 87708 87709 5201 5201D 5206 5410'541 OD 5411,541 1D 8610138 9206r9206D+38 5205 5205D 5220/5220D 5214 ~ REVOX ~~ INTERNATIONAL TAPETRONICS (ITC) 504-0001 504-0002 504-0003 504-0004 504-0005 504-001 1 504.001 2 504-0013 504-0014 504-0015 504-001 8 504.0020 504.0021 504.0022 504-0027 504-0028 504-0029 504.0030 761 001 1 1 RCA 76050 2001 D 2003D 5701 D 5703D 6101 8202 9226 91 25 9119 9105 2001 2003 2001 8608 8603 8640 2001 7721 LOCKHEED 10077Y500 7609 METROTECH (SCULLY) P.AZH48R P.A2048K P.6 2Q 7F PR-BlF7K PR-BlF8R PR-B2H7K SMEF4-N9 6104 6007 8601 91 19 9103 9213 4401 8209 8601 MICRO MAGNETICS 1410-001 626-143 98808 101494 103277 105362 106208 106362 108948 110293 11 1677 11 1697 116380 116381 117059 117060 123721 123722 123723 ~. 124121 127444 127674 165871 167240 167257 222435 222436 222437 222438 222439 222440 22244 1 223320 223870 223925 225132 22651 7 229552 231289 231290 231773 232937 234449 234450 234451 234452 234453 234454 240080 240081 240083 241571 ~ 8608 *Obsolete 741 1 741 1 741 1 4955 7413 7423 7425 7426 9111 4956 4401 INSTATAPE (See AMPRO) MAGNASYNC (See MOVIOLA) MAGNECORD (See TELEX) GABLES RCA (Continued) 3M (See WOLLENSAK) 7420 16 5752 3101t20 RPE-24 2000466 3601119 1009+103 3601+19 1401+18 1009138 1408118 1401t l 8 1009+38 1408119 3600119 3101 1007 1007 1408+19 5800 5800166 5130 5800 5230 5800 8205 8206 8306 NONE 9108 9107 8110 3251 3000 2200 2200C18 3252 4910 5752 2052 3252 1401+18 8205 9108 8110 8307 9108 8206 8110 8307 2002 9107 1.017.360 1.017.370 1 0 1 7 380 1 017 390 11'6021 1116022 1116026 1 116 027 1 116 041 1,116,042 1.1 16.046 1.1 16.047 9205187 9202+87 8603187 8700+87 9203187 9203C87 921 1+87 9211-87 8604187 8604+87 8607+87 8607C87 SCULLY/METROTECH (DICTAPHONE) 180000 180001 180002 180003 180004 180005 180006 180007 180009 180010 180011 180012 180013 180014 180015 180016 1. ~.0 0 1 7 180018 180019 180020 180021 9211191 9209191 9102c91 9202+91 9110+91 9470 9476 9469 NONE .~ NONE NONE 7721 NONE NONE NONE NONE 4404 9998 8641 8618191 9128191 9223t91 180026 180027 180028 180029 180030 180031 180032 180033 180034 180035 180036 180037 6104 8209 6007 6006 1221 NONE 9213 9119 9103 4401 8601 8608 iRnnm _.... Recorder Manufacturer and/or Head Manufacturer's Part Number to Nortronics Replacement Head 84 Quik-Kit Cross Reference SCULLY/METROTECH (Cont'd) Head & QK SCULLY/METROTECH (Continued) STANCI L-HOFFMAN (Continued) 180038 180039 180040 1ROO41 ... 180042 180043 180044 180045 180046 180047 180048 180049 180050 180051 180052 180053 180054 180055 180056 180057 180058 180059 180060 180061 180062 180063 180064 180065 200517.05 200525.04 200579.01 200579-02 200579-03 200579-04 200579-05 200602-01 200602.02 200602.03 200603-01 200603-02 200603-03 200603.04 200603-05 200703-03 200703.04 200703-05 200708-00 200742-01 200742-02 022110101 022110102 022110102.01 022110102-02 022110201 022110202 022110202-01 0221 10402 0221 10402.01 022120301 0221 20302 022120401 0221 20402 022130801 022130802 022131 201 022131 202 022141602 022210101 022210102 02221 0202 022210402 02221 0402-01 022220302 022220402 022220402-01 022220402.02 022230802-01 022231202-01 022241602 02231 0102 02231 0202 02231 0202-02 02231 0302 022310402 022310402-01 022320302 022320402 022330802 022331 202 022341 602 101010000-08 101010000.1 2 101010000 16 501 250000-01 501 250000-02 501 250000-03 501 250000-04 501 250000-05 502230000-01 502230000-02 502230000.03 502230000-04 502230000-05 502230000-06 502240000-01 502240000-02 502240000.03 502240000-04 502240000.05 502240000-06 502250000-01 502250000.02 502250000-03 502250000-04 502250000.05 502250000-06 504230000-01 504230000-02 504230000-03 504230000-04 504240000.01 504240000.02 504240000.03 504240000-04 504250000.01 504250000.02 504250000-03 504250000-04 508230000-01 508230000.02 508230000.03 508240000.01 508240000-02 508240000-03 508250000-01 508250000-02 508250000.03 24.021 24.044 24-053 24-056 24.057 24.063 ~~ "L" and "D" a r e Duracore PR.BZG12K 9882 9889 9890 .... 5622&91 5627191 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 8207 NONE 8607 8202 9104C91 820OA91 91 10+91 9211191 8606191 5602f91 9476. 9211+91 9209191 9110+91 9104+91 9202+91 8618+91 5607191 9469 8702191 NONE 9470 4404 9128191 9223191 91 28191 9128191 9127+91 9128191 9223+91 9223+91 9227+91 8702+91 1402 9370 9370 9470 9470 9890 9890 9986 9986 9996 9104191 9104191 9204191 8618+91 5607+91 9361 9461 9461 9466 9881 9981 9992 9102t91 9202-91 9202191 5701t91 8600191 56XL91 9360 9460 9880 9980 9990 9887 9982 9998 9102+91 8200+91 8200+91 8600191 5603+91 9128191 9223+91 9223191 8702191 9370 9470 9104+91 9204+91 9204t91 8618191 9361 9461 9102191 9202191 9202191 8600191 9360 9460 9890 9886 NONE 9470 9881 9981 NONE 9470 9880 9980 NONE 9460 9890 9880 9996 9881 9981 9992 9880 9980 9990 ~ 317~1000~001 317 1001-001 317 1002981 31 7.1003.002 31 7-1004 31 7.1005.001 31 7-1006 317.1007.001 31 7.1022.001 103032 103033 103034 108417 BlHC7K-RG G1 H2K.R P.A2H47K.R6 P-B2H7K-R6 P-B3Cl7K-R6 P-G1H7K-R Dummy - R Dummy. N 2003 2001 3251 2001 61 27 61 27 1201 5703 5701 9161 3252 3251 ~~~~ ~ DliDZ D1A DOlA DOlAX DOME DMlA DM2TA DMlB DMlBX DM2RB DMZRBX DMlC DMZRC M1P M1R DLZD LMP LMR DM3RB DlSA DM3RC S1P S1R LSP LSR PK-1 D2MB DLlA DLZB DL2A DLZC H801016 ~ ~ 7468 3250 6152 2056 5754 3251 7655 7605 TAPE-ATHON 3250 3251 3251 3001 3050 3251 3251 2051 2001 2053 2003 7251 7252 2001 2003 6101 2001 D 2003D 5753 5751 7253 5701 5703 5701D 5703D 3251 1250 6177 6153 2051 6151 7605 0500 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0506 0507 0508 0509 0510 051 1 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 0520 7405L 7405U 9125+66 91 03+66 91 19+66 9222166 9203+66 9213+66 8701 +66 8604166 8608+66 8403+66 5603+66 8401+66 9222+66 1201166 5832+66 5800166 ~~~ TEAC THE-202 THE-1201 THP.204 THR-202 608 1497 2315 66101 66103 66201 66203 66301 86302 66303 66402 66404 66502 66504 66601 66602 66604 66702 66805 66901 66903 66904 66905 66951 562171 562172 562231 B 562241 562242 562251 562252 563171 563231 563241 263251 651231 STANCI L-HOFFMAN 24-001 24.004 24.005 24-007 . .. 24-009 24-010 24-01 1 24.01 3 24.014 24-01 5 24-016 24-01 7 24-020 9111 8101 7602 5832 NONE 5610 NONE MEF22MZ 4400 L 7602 9111 81 01 5610 TAPECASTER SPOTMASTE R (BROADCAST ELECTRONICS) 250-0001 250-0002 250-0003 250-0004 250-0005 251-0001 251-0001 252.0001 252-0002 252.0003 252.0004 252-0005 252-0006 252.0007 252.0008 252.0009 252-0017 252.0018 253-0001 253-0002 253-0003 253-0004 253-0005 253-0014 253.0015 254-0001 259-0001 259-0002 259.0003 259.0004 259.0005 407-0001 4401t18 821 0 5603 81 04 61 26 7721 SUNDSTRAND (UNITED CONTROL) SPARTA (CETEC) 895-010 895.020 895-022 895-024 895-030 895.032 895-033 895.040 895-042 895-055 895-060 895-062 TEAC (Continued) 7721 2603 5603 2001 ... 5601 91 05 9111 2602 2003 2021 1203 1221 9213 17 8640+66 9127+66 8608+85 8614+85 8704+85 8640+66 8600+85 9127166 91 26+66 9222t66 9226166 8640+66 8640166 8640166 9103185 9103+85 9203t85 9203+85 8604185 8604185 8604185 9119185 9213185 8608185 8607185 8608t85 8607185 8607185 91 03185 9103185 8603185 9203185 9203+85 8604185 8618+85 9119+85 8608+85 9213+85 8608+85 8704185 672099 673298 673737 5611013 5611313 5612013 5612023 5612223 561 231 3 5622023 50660310 50660410 50660450 50660480 50660490 506610 10 50661050 50662010 m o. m. - -f-i-w- . 50663010 50663030 50663410 50663430 50664020 506641 10 50664210 50664220 50664250 50664350 50664410 50664420 50664430 50664440 50664450 506644 80 50664490 50664820 50665041 50665700 50665800 50666020 50666041 50666070 50666200 50666210 50666310 50666320 50666700 50666800 50667020 50667200 50667210 50667250 50667310 50667320 50667350 50667410 50667420 .. 50667700 50667800 50668050 50668070 50669010 50669030 50669040 50669050 50669070 50883131 60570030 60570040 60576050 ~ 8604+85 8608185 8608185 91 27+66 91 26+66 9222+66 8640+66 9226+66 864 0+66 8618+85 5410 5230A 5230A 5230A 5230A 9127166 9125166 9227166 9226166 . ~ .. ~ . 8640166 8640+66 6006+85 6006+85 9103+85 NONE 5604+85 5604+85 5604+85 5603185 5604+85 5603185 8604185 8608185 8640+66 8604+85 8608+85 5603+85 9203+85 9103+85 9119185 8604+85 8604185 8604+85 9203+85 9203+85 921 3+85 9213+85 9203185 9213+85 91 19185 8604+85 8604+85 8604+85 8608+85 8608+85 8608+85 6006+85 6006+85 8604+85 8608t85 921 3+85 9213185 8608185 8607+85 8608185 8607+85 8608+85 5230A 91261.66 9226+66 8640+66 TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) H85-F2 H85-F5 H85-02 ~85.~15 H85-RCl2A H85-SZ H85S5 H85.1 H85.5 75-1 75-5 85.F2A 85-F5A 85-S5B 55010 5501 1 55012 55013 55014 5501 5 55016 55017 55018 55019 55020 55021 55022 55023 55024 9111 44001 1200 14001 1205 2000 22001 3200 36001 3101+21 1400+19 9111 44001 22001 3200 36001 2000 22001 1200 1400L14001 3201 9111 44001 3200 2050 3250 3650 NONE Cross Reference TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) Head & OK 55015 __.__ NONE 55026 55027 55018 .. _. 55029 55030 55031 55032 55033 55034 55035 55036 55037 55038 55039 55040 55041 55042 55047 --. ._ 55044 55045 55046 55047 55048 55049 55050 55051 55052 55053 55054 55055 55056 55057 55058 55059 55060 55061 55062 55063 55064 55065 55066 55067 55068 55069 55070 55071 55072 55073 55074 55075 55076 55077 55078 55079 55080 55081 55082 5 50m ..___ 55084 55085 55086 55087 55088 55089 55090 55091 55092 55093 55094 55095 55096 55097 55098 55099 55100 55101 55102 55103 55104 55105 55106 55107 55108 55109 55110 551 11 55112 55113 55114 551 15 551 16 55117 551 18 551 19 55120 55121 55122 55123 55124 55125 551 26 1200+66 . . 1400+19 NONE NONE 22m19 NONE 2002 1203 2005 NONE 3250 1250 1450 2050 NONE 2 20m 19. ..~. 3201+21 3000+21 1400+19 3600+19 3600+19 3600+19 1401+19 1201 3650 1202 1401L 2201+19 2201+19 3251 3000 NONE 2001+66 NONE 3200 3200 3200+21 3001+21 3250 3250 3250 3201 3201 3201+21 3201+21 3201+21 3201+21 3251 3201121 3201 CH3R 9111 9161 9161 3200 3250 .-.~ 3200+21 3 200+2 1 3205 3251 3251 3201 3251 3202+21 3202+21 3252 3202+21 3202+21 3202 1200 1202 1202+66 1202+66 1202+66 1250 2000 2005 2050 2005 2051 2002 2052 2003 1200 1200+66 1201 1201+66 1202 1203 1203+66 1202166 1202+66 1205 1200 1250 1202+66 1202+66 1201 1202+66 Recorder Manufacturer and/or Head Manufacturer's Part Number to Nortronics Replacement Head 84 Quik-Kit TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) 551 27 55128 55129 55130 55131 551 32 55133 55134 55135 55136 55137 55138 55139 55140 55141 55142 55143 55144 55145 55146 55147 55148 55149 55150 55151 55152 55153 551 54 55155 551 56 551 57 55158 55159 55160 55161 55162 55163 55164 55165 55166 55167 55168 55169 55170 55171 55172 55173 55174 55175 55176 551 77 55178 55179 55180 55181 55182 55183 55184 551 85 55186 55187 55188 55189 55190 55191 55192 55193 55194 55195 55196 55197 55198 55199 55200 55201 55202 55203 56204 ~... 55205 55206 55207 55208 55209 55210 55211 5521 2 55213 55214 5521 5 55216 5521 7 55218 55219 55220 55221 55222 55223 55224 55225 55226 55227 55228 55229 55230 55231 55232 55233 55234 55235 55236 55237 55238 55239 55240 55241 55242 55243 55244 55245 55246 55247 55248 55249 55250 55251 55252 55253 55254 55255 55256 55257 55258 55259 55260 55261 55262 55263 55264 55265 3600119 1250 1252 1203 1203 5603 5602 5653 1203 1201119 3601 L 2201t19 2251 2201 L 1451 3250 3203 3251 9111+66 9110 3051 200 1166 2052 1400119 1200 2000 1200 1205 2201 + l 9 3002 3001 1205 1401119 3201 3201 2201 L 55273 55274 55275 55276 55277 55278 55279 55280 55281 55282 55283 55284 55285 55286 55287 55288 55289 55290 55291 55292 55293 55294 55295 55296 55297 55298 55299 55300 55301 55302 55303 55304 55305 55306 55307 55308 55309 55310 5531 1 55312 55313 55314 55315 55316 5531 7 55318 55319 55320 55321 55322 55323 55324 55325 55326 55327 55328 55329 55330 55331 55332 2200L 3202 14001 4450 3251 3202+21 2200L 1401 L NONE 1201 1202 3200 1205 3205121 1202166 1221 1203 2005+66 5601 2200L 3600L 1400L 4400L 2003 3200 1451 1400L 1400119 7406121 3600t19 1200t66 2000166 2200+66 2052 3251 2002 3202 2001 1257 1002 2051 120066 1200+66 1200166 3202121 3202+21 3601+19 7406+21 2002 61 03 2603 1201166 1202 3200 1201 166 1201166 1257 3200 3202 3202 55333 55334 55335 55336 55337 55338 55339 55340 55341 55342 55343 55344 .. 55345 55346 55347 55348 55349 55350 55351 55352 55353 55354 55355 55356 55357 55358 55359 55360 55361 . ~ ~ . 55362 55363 55364 55365 55366 55367 55368 55369 55370 55371 55372 55373 55374 55375 55376 55377 55378 55379 55380 55381 55382 55383 55384 55385 55386 55387 55388 55389 55390 55391 55392 55393 55394 55395 55396 55397 55398 55399 55400 55401 55402 55403 55404 55405 55406 55407 55408 55409 55410 5541 1 5541 2 55413 55414 5541 5 55416 55417 55418 55419 55420 55421 55422 55423 55424 55425 55426 55427 55428 55429 55430 55431 55432 55433 55434 55435 1250 1250 1200 1250 1250 1202 1202 1202 1201+66 1201 7406+21 4450 3101 4450 4400L 1200 3600+19 3600+19 NONE 2000 2005 1200 1205 9111 4400+19 91 11+66 1450 1200+66 1200+66 1400+19 1400119 1200 1400L 1200 1251 3255 1255 1252 2201 L 2051 5651 5653 2002 7406121 3601+19 2200+19 3202 3201 3250 3201t21 3201+21 3251 3205+21 3201 3201 1201+66 1202 1202+66 1200 1201+66 1251 1201+66 1203166 4450 3600+19 3600L 3601119 1401L 22001 2200L 2200+19 2250 2201 L 2201 L 2201 L 1400L 1450 1450 1401L 1400+19 1401+19 1401t19 1401L 2050 2051 2051 1250 1200 1202+66 1207 3202 2002 3600+19 3600+19 3600+19 2200+19 2200+19 2200+19 2201119 1400+19 1400+19 1401+ l 9 1400+19 . " L ' is Duracore 18 3202 2000 3201 2005 2251 3202 3202 2052 3200 3200 3200121 1202t66 3251 3200121 3200+21 7406+21 3202121 3202+21 2052 3201 1201 3200 1205 2005 2003 3205 3203 1200 1203 2002 4401 L 3201 3601 L 3203 9105 2002 2010 1210 P-G1H8R 1202 9110 2051 3051 2053 2001166 2021 +66 5602 5751 5752 2003 1201-66 1201-66 1401119 5653 NONE 9103 NONE 1252 2052 2251 3102 6000 PA2H17R-R 6180 NONE PA2H17K R 5602-66 1257 1251 1221 3202 3252 1251 PA1017K-R 5604 2050 3651 A2022K-R 1201 3102121 3202+21 1207 3252 3252 9111 2053 3251 2005 2001 7406 1201166 A2044K-R PA1 HCl7K-R 91 03 2010 1210 5800 6153 3201+21 3201.21 3201121 3201C21 3201121 Cross Reference TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) Head & QK 55436 55437 55438 55439 55440 55441 55442 55443 55444 55445 55446 55447 55448 .. 55449 55450 55451 55452 55453 55454 55455 55456 55457 55458 55459 55460 55461 55462 1201+66 1201+66 12021.66 1202+66 3201 3202 3601 + l 9 3253 qlRO - _. 4451 3600+19 3253 1401+19 1202 7406+21 3202421 1202+66 3201+21 3205+21 2001+66 1205+66 3202t21 1202+66 3203+21 2002+66 1203+66 1205 55468 55469 55470 55471 55472 55473 55474 55475 55476 55477 55478 55479 55480 55481 55482 55483 55484 55485 55486 55487 55488 55489 55490 55491 55492 55493 55494 55495 55496 55497 55498 55499 55500 55501 55502 55503 55504 55505 55506 1257 2052 1250 1250 2051 1207 NONE 1207 5652 1202 5701 1251 2051 2056 6151 3001 1255 6153 2060 7406+21 1253 2002 A2Hl7K.R 3201+21 PA2047K.R 2002+66 PA2Q44K.R ~2000 1251 1251 NONE NONE 3201121 3201+21 1221166 3253 6180 3251 1257 55512 55513 55514 5551 5 55516 55517 55518 55519 55520 55521 55522 55523 55524 55525 55526 55527 55528 55529 55530 55531 55532 55533 55534 .... 55535 55536 55537 3251 61 52 3201t21 1251 1202+66 1251 2002 A1 HC44R-R 5653 5652 7468 1200 1201 __ 2000 1252 7406+21 3250 7406 3252t21 61 26+66 61 53 6151 fiOO2 _.._ PA2042K-R PA2042K-R 1253 Recorder Manufacturer and/or Head Manufacturer's Part Number to Nortronics Replacement Head & Quik-Kit TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) TELEX (MAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) TELEXTMAGNECORD) (VIKING) (Continued) 55538 55539 55540 55541 ... 55542 55543 55544 55545 55641 55642 55643 55644 ... 55645 55646 55647 55648 55649 ... . 55650 55651 55652 55653 55654 55655 55856 55657 55658 55659 55660 55661 55662 55663 55664 55665 55666 55667 55668 55669 .... 55670 55671 55672 55673 55674 ... 55675 55676 55677 55678 55679 55680 55681 55682 55683 55684 55684 55685 55686 55687 55688 55689 55690 55691 55692 55693 55694 55695 55696 55697 55698 55699 55700 55701 55702 55103 . . .. 55704 55705 55706 55707 55708 55709 55710 5571 1 55712 55713 55714 55715 55716 55717 55718 55719 55720 55721 55722 55723 55724 55725 55726 55727 55728 55743 55744 55745 55746 55747 55748 55749 55750 55751 55752 55753 55754 55755 55756 55757 55758 55759 55760 1257 1222 3201 2050 .... 2007 1201 1202+66 2002 55551 55552 55553 55554 55555 55556 55557 55558 55559 55560 55561 55562 55563 55564 55565 5800 5850 1002+66 8210 3251 1202+66 1202+66 8400 7406+21 5835 5651 2055 3201+21 3201+21 1202 55571 55572 55573 55574 55575 55576 55577 55578 55579 55580 55581 55562 55583 55584 55585 55586 55587 55588 55589 55590 55591 55592 55593 55594 55595 55596 55597 55598 55599 55600 55601 ...~ 55602 55603 55604 2602 3202 3202+66 5813 5603 2050 PA2H17K-R 2203+19 7406 1251 2055 2001 921 1 5604 5602 5834 1252 9228 9204 9202 NONE NONE NONE 1252 6055 3252 1202 3201 2021 1250 5561 0 55611 5561 2 55613 55614 5561 5 55616 55617 55618 55619 55620 55621 55622 55623 55624 55625 55626 55627 55628 55629 55630 55631 55632 55633 55634 55635 55636 55637 55638 55639 55640 9160 NONE 3251 2007 3201+21 1202 1210 5652 2053 2057 1260 ~. 1253 5201 2053 1402 1402+19 5654 NONE 5685 5683 5652 3250 2602 5200 1201 5850 3252 541 1 541 1 1257 5130 2000+fifi .... .. 1251 1200+66 7406 5200 NONE NONE NONE . _ NONE 5602 NONE 5206 5410 . . PR.82H14N 5230A 5213 5213 5213 3150 9228 9203 9213 2203 1251 NONE 5220 8602 8607 8702 8203 8202 8302 9112 8102 8408 5223 521 1 5833 .... 5802 NONE 6201 521 1 5232 7421 5210 5410 5201 NONE NONE NONE NONE 8210 NONE NONE NONE 2004 8614 8202 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE zoo1 .._ 5411 5410 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 8601 8208 8406 6201 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 5230A TELEX (VIKING) (MAGNECORD) A3681061 A36B107.1 A36B117-1 A36C119-1 A91D8784.1 A91D8784.2 A91 D8764.3 A91D8784-4 A91 D8784-17 A91D8784-20 A91D8784-23 A91 D8784-26 A91D8784-27 AN291 AN322 EBB157 EFN141 EFN295 EFN363 EFR140 EFR276 EH8143 EH8144 EH8302 EHNll EHN293 EHN365 EHR23 EM8156 EM8157 EM8253 EMN159 EMN299 EMR253 E0829 EO846 EQ8262 EO8300 EON15 EON267 EON275 EON280 EON294 ESN265 ESN273 ESN279 ESN292 ESR26 ESR298 ESR337 FB152 FN18 FN82 FN150 FN367 FR80 HE139 HE286 HE301 H8317 H8318 HB320 55734 55735 55736 55737 55738 55739 55740 55741 55742 "L" and "D" a r e Duracore heads. 19 8208 1271D 57030 57010 2003D 2001 D NONE 5800 5224D 5201 D 54240 54110 NONE 6101 9202 5230A 5230A NONE NONE NONE NONE 8304 5800 76050 HE332 HE333 HE342 HE343 H8346 HE347 H8348 HE349 HE350 HN63 HN69 HN82 9103+35 9102+35 9112 8102 8602+74 8607 8203 9207 8702 8302 8102 9214 1204 5601 6103 1400+19 44001 44001 4401 L 4450 4450 3600+19 3600119 3600+19 36001 36001 3601 L 3650 1400tl9 1400319 1400+19 14001 14001 1450 1400119 1400+19 1401+19 1400+19 14001 14001 14001 1401 L 14001 2201 L 22001 22001 22001 2250 2251 2251 9111+66 9111 2600 9111 9105 9161 3101+21 2603+66 2000+21 2602+66 2602t66 7401 2602 2602 3101121 3202+21 3100121 3002+21 3101+21 3202+21 3202121 3000 3001 2600 Cross Reference TELEX (VIKING) (MAGNECORD) (Continued) Head & QK HN89 HN259 HN263 HN264 HN274 HN278 HN284 HN297 HN309 HN316 HN323 HN326 HN330 HN331 HN335 HN338 HN339 HN341 HN352 ..~ HN354 HN358 HN359 HN364 HN366 HR22 HR90 HR250 HR277 HR307 HR345 M122 MB154 MB155 M8344 MN51 MN 158 MN16O MRlZ2 QB131 ~ ~ 1 4 2 (18266 (18268 a m 9 08270 2600 3002 3001 3001 2602 2601 2600 2600 3002 3000 2603 3000 3200 3202 2601 3002 3001 3000 3701 __. I 3200 3205 2603 3201 3203 3250 3051 3051 3051 3051 3051 1250 1000+66 1000+66 1202+66 1201 1200 1000 1251 1001+66 1000+66 1200+66 1201+66 1200+66 1200+66 Recorder Manufacturer and/or Head Manufacturer's Part Number to Nortronics Replacement Head 84 Quik-Kit TELEX (VIKING) (MAGNECORD) (Cont'd) TELEX (VIKING) (MAGNECORD) (Cont'd) QB281 QB282 Q8283 QB287 QB303 Q8314 Q8315 08324 Q8327 SN321 SN334 SN336 SN356 SN357 Sy362 SN368 SN369 SR21 SR306 SR313 SR340 SR351 4A91A941 4A91 A942 36'21 11 36C112 36C113 36C114 36C115 36C116 36C117 36C118 36C119 36C141 36C142 36C143 36C153 75-G5B 75Q2 7582 51628.000 51 628.001 51628-002 51982-001 51982-002 51982-003 51982-004 85545-01 90076-000 7298991 a ~ m QN 129 0~132 QN148 QN149 0~256 QN257 QN261 ON282 QN283 QN288 QN289 0~312 0~325 ON355 QN360 0~361 QN370 QN372 OR127 QR311 QR329 SB27 SB251 SB290 SB304 SN103 SN 106 SN 146 SN 147 SN255 SN271 SN272 SN296 SN308 SN310 1201+66 .~ 1201+66 1202+66 1202+66 1200+66 1200+66 1ZOO+% 1201t66 1201+66 1201+66 1200 1205 1200 1205 1200 1205 1205 1201 1201 1221 1203 1202 1202 1205 1200 1203 1210 1202 1250 1251 1251 ~~ 2000+66 2001 +66 2005+66 2000+66 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2000 2005 2003 2002 2001 2002 2000 2001 2005 2003 2002 2002 2010 2050 2052 2051 2052 2052 8403175 . . 8403+75 8602 8607 8702 8203. 9207 8302 9112 9111 8102 2004 1204 8202 8202 1401t19 1200+66 2000+66 2001 2001 5603 5201 7421 5220 ~. 5205 6800 5802 5802 WOLLENSAK 13M) . . 78.8010-4492 78-8473.8962 261 61.700 27161-001 27161-010 271 61 -060 27161 -070 271 61.090 61 -080 -27161-100 27161-110 27161.130 271 61 -140 27161-180 27 161-190 27161 .ZOO 27161 -210 27 161-220 27161-221 27161 -250 7610 7610 5221 RPE-20 RPE-20 7601 7722 7722 NONE NONE RPE-20 7722 7601 RPE-20 6125 6026 ~~ 6002 RPE-20 RPE-20 6005+66 ~~ 27161 -270 27161.280 27161.281 27161.320 27161 -380 27161-410 27161.450 27161-460 27161-470 ~. 27161.510 27161.520 271 61 6 4 0 27161 -570 27161 -580 27161-590 27161-600 271 61 -610 27 161-620 27161.690 27161.700 27161 -860 61 28166 RPE-21 RPE-21 RPE-22 6008 5232 5133 RPE-22 NONE .~ 6008 1202 5207 5205D 5201D W2ER6 821 0 521 2 WlR25G 5220D 5221D 5151 ~~ VIKING (See TELEX) Professional recording equipment users need magnetic heads with greatly-extended wear life to directly reduce operational costs by eliminating electronic adjustments, requiring fewer service calls and cutting recorder downtime. Nortronics now offers a new series of direct replacement magnetic heads constructed with a newwear-resistant material called DURACORE. I t provides ten times the operational lifespan of conventional Mu-metal replacements t o yield meaningful cost advantages. More than three years of extensive testing have proved DURACORE to be the ideal material for long-life replacement heads. You'll find that DURACORE heads provide excellent wear resistance and they're also affordable. DURACORE replacements are currently available for popular professional reel-to-reel and cartridge recorders/payers manufactured by many well-known companies 20 Nortronics Magnetic Head Specifications These specifications cover the complete line of NORTRONICS replacement heads, listed in numerical order by their RCD (Recorder Care Division) Model No. Included are heads for use on the ,150-inch cassette tape, 1/4-inch, l/P-inch, I-inch, and 2-inch tapes. Replacement heads for specific recorders. Write to Nortronics for a FREE dealer listing. \ f a E I DURACORE - Nortronics pioneered this long-wearing core material which gives up to ten times the life of conventional permalloy. Heads available in DURACORE are indicated by the letter "D" after the Model No. IRECORD/PLAY P L A Y BACK RECORD MAGNETIC HEADS 1/4-INCH TAPE u g E NORTRONICS magnetic heads have been tested and proven during over twenty years of manufacturing experience. Features pioneered by NORTRONICS In. clude deposited quartz gaps. hyperbolic face contour, and the B-size case which has become standard in the industry. The widest variety and most complete line of magnetic heads i n the world i s offered b y NORTRON ICS. PREMIUM 4-track Stereo Heads B-size case, laminated cores, deposited gaps. hyperbolic feces. ,043-inch l 1 , l m m I tracks (2) ,136.inch (3.45-mml center-to-center track spaclng. 7.5 IPS unequalired R I P relponre using 3M176 tape pk.biased at 1 kHz, 12 dB below tape saturation. v) K i zz 5.' :I" P 'i 5 I" ji j 1250 1251 1252 1253 58 58 58 58 1255 1257 - 58 58 - - 58 - - 1050 1051 1051D 1052 1052D PREMIUM 2-track Stereo Heads 1053 1053D B-size case, laminated cores. depnsited gaps, hyperbolic faces. ,080-inch 12.0-mml tracks (21 ,160-inch (4.0-mml center-tocenter track spacing. 1055 1057 1057D - 1060 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 '-62Cl2K '.Bz~~K '.Bz~~K '-62a4~ ,ee #8614 '-B2Cl7R ~.BZ~SK 'W2Cl8R ,-B Z ~~F .P.B2(17F 200 6 I 1300 500 13500 '.6208F '-62H2K '-8ZH7K .P-BZH7K '-62H4K .P-E2H4K '-B2H4R .P-B2H4R '.BZHllR '-62H7R '-BZH6K .P.B2H6K .B2HBR .P-BZHBR -BZH7F -B2H47K 340 )ual Imp. 2.6 -82H7K.R6' hvperbolic facer. .OIO.inch 12.0-mm) single track. Located ,020-inch f0.5-mm) below center on head face. PREMIUM 2.trrok Mono Heads G.Size case, iaminatad cores. deposited gaps, hyperbolic faces. .08Ohch 12.0-mm)single track. Located ,080 f2.0-mml off center on head face. (Full offset. so head may be 200 B P I -- 6 00 1271 STANDARD 2.track Mono Heads G 4 z e case, laminated cores, deposited gaps, N R Z digital writelread data, 7.5 IPS, 400 2500 ilHY2K ilHY5L .GlHZK -GlH7K -GlH4K -G1 H4R -GlH7R .24R8L5.R* (L42RlL3-64 .42R8L-R' 190E3U4.R. 170R4L4.R' 170R5L6-6 .42R5K55-B 21 I0 I1 12 200 1300 40 425 80 280 2800 520 200 220 1500 1500 . . . - .- . 0.4 100 0.5 I 6 0 I 0.3 1 2 0 1.0 I 5 0 0.4 I 3 5 I I 30 40 I 3.4 3.0 1 1 -3 -3 I 1.3 1.5 I 70 55 I? I 125 40 35 I [ I 0.7 2.1 1.0 I 0 1 I +2 I I +3 I I 1600 800 I 15.01 12 5.0 I 40 2.0 25 1 1 800 I 1600 I 800 Magnetic Head Specifications RECORD/PLAY PLAY BACK RECORD z CASSETTE HEADS ,150-INCH (3.81-mml TAPE r 1-718 IPS unequaiized R I P Rerp With TP-18 tape pk-biased a1 t kHz.tZd8 belowtspelaturation. C .-H [All 'W"usn Cawttn heads have "A"mount bracket unless otherwise indicated.) I 200 50 50 50 80 200 100 CASSETTE 2.mck Mono Heads ,057-inch (1.45-mm) single track. Located ,046.in. l1.17.mm) below center of head face. - S ng e ,130' 13.3-mmr Traw 14.3mm) TracK CASSETTE Mono RAW head. IDual Gap1 ,057'' (1.45-mml Single Track - 43W I n . ~ c I",.,". 42W 42W 50 50 -50 50 -_--- 1 I 9 3.6 6 4 3 9 1600 800 1600 1600 1600 800 10 10 800 22 5 1600 - 1600 rn 25 110 - - 7 I I 3.6 1.0 0.3 9 0.2 - -17 20 100 35 - - - 0.7 -12 5 1 3 I 1600 15 I 3 0 0 I I 350 1 - 17 0.4 I 1 -12 I - 2.3 3.5 1 I 14 I 4 I - - - 1.2 -12 300 1200 - 200 15 4.3 - - 50 30 .45 18 30 .25 -10 9 1 I 60 1600 800 800 800 40 DC22P060K2-A 40 DC22P084KF2-A 5410 LP-W4J4F-A 541 1 5411D LPYV4JBN-A 5412 51W P-W4JllN.A 5413 LP.W4JBF-A 5413D 5414D 51W I LPZW4JllNGlNO 5415D 5416 5417 51w LPZ-W4JllN.A 54171) 50 . - ..__. .,.- s 1 55 1600 * -_ _ __ -_ - - I BPI 1 7 3 4 5 1 1 1.7 2.3 12 -_ 3 -- mu ~ 50 50 50 200 54100 - MAGNETIC HEADS 1/4.lNCH TAPE 50 50 50 -50 _-50 50 5230A 5261 50 200 1 5260 50 mA 33 -- - ..-, , .,. LP-W2PllN.A I - - - __ _- - CASSETTE 4.CHANNEL HEADS Capable of recording and playing ali four channels of the standard cassette stereo format. Heads have all-metal faces, precise track alignment, and unusually low crosstalk ,021-inch (0.53-mml Track Width (4) 5-mil laminations (Std. P & LP types) 2-mil laminetions IPrem. P2 & LP2 types1 for lower losses a t very high bias frequencies. - - 50 50 -00 50 _00 50 __ '00 50 _- - - dB 40 - CASSETTE 4-track Storm Hnad .024-inch l0.6l-mml Tracks 12) - ,035-inch 10.9mml C.C Spacing CASSETTE Rud.Aher.Write Heads Twochannel Dual9ap heads for digital writahead or audio record and monitor. 0.57.inch l1.45-mm) Write Track (2) 0.36-inch (0.9-mm) Read Track (2) 0.92-inch (2.34-mml C-C Track Spacing mu UA U _& -- I DC12P060KZ.A P P P-P mA --- 5151 5200 5200D 5201 5201 D 5202 5203 5205 5205D 5206 5207 5220 39w 5220D 5221 5221 D 5222 5223 5224D 5225 CASSETTE PREMIUM 2-track Zchennal Heads. 2- mil core laminations for meximum efficiency a t high bias and audio frequencies, ,057-inch 11.45-mm) Track Width ,092-inch (2.34-mml Center-to-Center Track Spacing. dB -- 51 50 5160 CASSETTE STANDARD 2-track lchannel Heads. ,057-inch 11.45-mm) Track Width. ,092-inch 12.34-mm) Center-to-Canter Track Spacing. RECORD/PLAY PLAYBACK RECORD 1 I-. -E- - S ngia ,170" l *$ 6t uin CASSETTE PREMIUM Full Track l d NORTRONICS cassette heads have fine-laminated cores, deposit. ed-quartz gaps and hyperbolic face contour. 'W" case s m end "A" removable mounting bracket are standard for convenience in interchangeability CASSETTE PREMIUM Full Trick N R Z digital writelread data, 7 5 IPS. 200 BPI 15 iPS dupl. d a t a With 500 k H 2 bias, 8 & 8 0 k H z I I I 200 55 200 55 50 55 200 200 50 55 55 55 200 55 g 1 I 7 120 _ - 3.3 13 0.5 11 4 14 270 900 40 - - 0.2 -12 16 50 3 3.3 11 270 - - 16 -12 - I 7 5 IPS uneouallzed R/P rpk-biased e i p ~ n uriniJM176 a~t 1 kHz. 12tape d0 1600 800 800 1600 .3 4 800 N R Z dldtai 7 . 5 IPS, data, write1r;ad 200 BPI below tape saturation. NDRTRDNICS magnetic heads have been tested and proven during over t w n t y years of manufacturingexperience. Features pioneered by NORTRONICS include deposited quartz gaps, hyperbolic face contour, and the 0-size case which has become stendard in the industry. The widest veriety and most complete line of magnetic heads in the world is offered by NORTRONICS. 4.Track 4-Channel Heads for 114-inch t a p . PREMiUM P-80Q models have superior crosstalk rejection. as do the 8 4 0 models. 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 128 128 128 128 128 12' ma: :ED 5607 5609t Ma: & 128 5611t 5612t 128 128 !:iiD $i:D 128 5630 138 ;;;iD 118 ,037-inch 1.95-mm) Track Width ,071-inch (1.8-mml C-C Track Spacing ,042-inch Il.07.mm) Track Width ,067-inch 11.7-mm) C-C Track Spacing PREMIUM 3-Channel Heads for 1144nch tape. Hvperbolic metal-few record and play heads with three channels. Popularly used on the NAB.type stereo cartriage tape machines. ,043-inch l 1 , l m m ) Track Width 131 .lOO-inch l2.54-mm) C-C Track Spacing 5702 5703 57030 - 5707 5710 128 128 40 35 I I 0.7 0.6 I I 22 23 1 I I 60 60 [ 0.8 I - I I +4 2.7 2.7 14 +4 1.6 2.3 8 [ 14 [ 14 1 1 400 800 128 118 'lB 50 50 50 118 118 118 22 I - - - 0.5 15 40 7 45 130 I 1.5 1 1.2 I - - 36 26 9 1600 1600 400 Magnetic Head Specifications IRECORD/PLAY PLAYBACK RECORD (Continued) -r $ MAGNETIC HEADS 114.INCH TAPE $ $8$!a a dle $.PJ I - g 3.75 IPS unequslized R I P response using 3M175 ? w e Dk.bInIed I t 1 k H z . 12 dB below t a m saturation >Kf 1 I N R Z digital writelread data. 7.5 I P S , 200 BPI IPS 9ULC bI &TRACK STEREO Heads for ll4-inch Tape. Standard Models: 0.18-inch (.46-mml Track Width (21 127.oncn 13 23.mmr C.C TracA Spac ng PREMIUM %TRACK Stereo heads with fine laminations for improved H.F. p r f o r m m c e . ,021-inch (.53-mml Track Width (21 ,127-inch (3.23.mml C-CTrack Spacing I I 430 1600 I 430 1600 RP 58 IL.82L7K BZL7K 35B 5850 35BX - -801 IP - lH899019 I 20 10 358 - - 450 - - P42L4R 50 4CHANNEL 8-TRACK H u d r for 114.inch tape. Two staggered heads may be used t o generate all 8 tracks on the tape. ,021-Inch (0.53-mml Track Width (41 ,0635-inch (1.62-mml C.C Track Spacing PREMIUM 4-CHANNELS-TRACK Headsfor 114-inchtaDe. Two heads may be used for ail 8 tracks. Incorporate better intarchannel shielding for improved crosstalk rejection in duplicator aDDlications. ,021-inch 10.53-mm) Track Width (41 ,0635.inch (1.62-mml C.C Track Spacing coAI) I 6RIR ERAS .RECORD/PLAY I"COMBO" HEADS ERASE + "Combo" heads consist of an erase head pius a recordiplayback or record-only head installed into one head care. "2.Combo" heeds differ in that erase and RIP sections share a common pole structure. per. mitting the erase and RIP gaps to be spaced only 030 inches apart. The extended-pole version 2-Combo heads work particularly wall against hard magnetic oxide surfaces such as ale and R I P heads. For example. the 25 2.Track Mono Combo Head 080mch ( 2 O-mm)TrackWidth(l)CenteredTrack 1 1 1I 1 :iz; 258 258 6177 58 58 161791t 6131 258 258 6179 RlRRt 75R filR? iP-AlHC44R AlHC47K86 1 A1HC47R-R' AlHC15L2 ERP AlHPdAR.R* FR ,057.inch (1.45-mml Track Width (11 2Channel Carrene 2-Combo E.RP 0.057.inch (1.45-mml Track Width I l l Ext..tip 2-Combo Super.8 Film 0.021.inch (.53-mml Track Width (11 Mono Fcare 2-Combo. 1-inch Video ,0135-inch (.34.mml Track Width (11 Ext.-tip 2-Combo E-RP ,021.inch 1.53-mml Track Width (11 BTreck Stereo ZCombo 0.021-inch (.53-mml Track Width (21 6303 - XZ-W1LC47K1 ERP - H8001491VCZ ERP 6304 528 - - X2.R1LC96K2 ERP 6800 358 - - Z-JZL47K2 ERP Self-biased from erase section; 1.875 IPS. TP-1 8Tape. 'Seifhased from erase section; 3.75 IPS. 3M.176 Tape. 23 I 400 126001400 I 1 0 0 I - I 25 50 8 400 25 180 -25 390 - 50 25 200 26 -26 200 -400 28 -- --27 350 28 200 26 450 0.5 I 50 I 25 I 1.6 I 0 I 10 I 32 I 12 1 60 Magnetic Head Specifications $ 7 I I P S unequalized R I P response u r ~ n g3M176 tape p k blared a t 1 k H z 1 2 d 0 below t a m ~ a t ~ r a f l o n . 7 5 5c c D mH 400 50 50 400 400 400 390 I N R Z digital writelread data. 7.5 IPS. 200 BPI b 4 8 101 501 501 "1, d0 mA V uA mV dB P-P mA P P mV 0PI 101 101 101 161 161 - 400 1.a 400 4 400 400 800 400 400 150 - - 400 100 210 - 24 16( - 101 ZK 101 201 101 101 101 101 101 50 - - 101 101 50 - .55 0.4 Erase Head Section for specifications 2.3 1600 Magnetic Head Specifications PROFESSIONAL HEADS (Continued) N R Z digital WSDOnSe Y I l n 9 wrirelread 3M206 tape ok-biased a t 1 k H z . 1 2 d B d a t a . 7 5 IPS. 200 B P I 400 400 _ - - 60 800 - 75 800 10 1 12 "PRO" Series 2-Track Stereo Format .082-!nch 12.1-mml Track Width ,156-1nch13.95.mml Track Spacing - 1 400 1600 1600 PRO Series piay heads have low frequency response down to 25 Hz at 15 IPS t a p e speed ~~ W STUDIO HEADS - -- I 1IP.MICH. 1-INCH 2-INCH TAPE RECORD, PLAYBACK, AND RECORD/PLAY P.OleIs.0-a 0 - 8 1, leaor A i n m,perDo c A . ~ ~ Facer t a Deoor :cc C l a u Gaps ano La-- ^. ate0 Cores For oeiai eo o F e n s 0-1 ano mo-n- ng nformat O P . reQ.esl ' r m hORTROhlCS 0' , o - r D e a e r or, F o r m a9223 A d a o Cata og 1/2msh Tap-. 3Channel Format 100- ncn 2 5 4 m m l Trac< h atn ,185 n c i 4.72-mm Center-to-Center Track Spacing 112-inch Tape, 4-Channel Format ,070-inch (1.78-mm) Track Width ,130.inch (3.30-mml Center-to.Center Track Spacing : a C Y) 20 j- 5U 2d k# PO 9360 9361 STP.3S9-El3 STR.3SS-El2 - STP-488-E3 STR4EN7.E23 STP.488-F53 STR.4EN7.F64 9460 9461 9464 9465 9469 9474 9476 9477 - 9880 9881 9882 98859886 9887 9888 - I Ohms Play Record Ie c Ohms 510 8 -30 4200 - 650. _ 14 30 4 2 W - 650 14 30 10 30 10 30 150 650 -15 8 Record Record * 500 - STP-4831-F93 STP.4832.El00 STP4846-N148 Play STP.888-E33 STR-8BN7-ESD STR-8EN34-El12 Record Record STP-8E51.Gl24 9888+9892 Play RiPE -4200 30 30 30 35 ' 650 14 10. _ 13 12 - -- 200 200 300 200 Se STRP-8EN11-N 9889 2.inch Tape, 16Channel Track Format ,070-inch (1.78-mm) Track Width ,127-inch l3.24-mm) Center-to-Center Track Spacing 1.inch Tape. 12.Channel Track Format 038. ncn .97.mml Tracr h otn 084- nch 2.14.mmi Center.to-Center Tracr Spac ng 2.mh Tape. 24Channel Track Format ,038. ncn l97.mmi T i a m W atn 084. ncn 12 14.mml Center.to.Center Trac* Soacing 24nch Tape, 16Channel Track Format .070-inch (1.78-mm) Track Width .1274nch (3.24-mml Cantevto-Center Track Spacing 4.5 800 10 12 1600 4.5 26 1600 Average 1 5 IDS Constant Current R I P charac1eriltiCI "ring 3M206 tape peak blared a t 1 k H z and recorded a t 12 dB below t a w saturation. 14nch Tape, 8-Channel Track Format ,070-inch 11.78.mm) Track Width ,130-inch (3.30-mm) Centerm-Center Track Spacing 22 9920 9921 9980 9981 9983 STP-16EN60.Nl44 STP.12UN21-E30 STR-1ZUN20-E24 I 4000 40 720 35 200 500 9984 9988 9989 9990 9992 9993 9994 9995 - 9998 9995+9999 RIPIE See date for 9995 am 25 92 OL 006 OL 008 009 C 11'0 C'l 09 Ll & 021 051 Cl 1 011 19 011 8 09 8 09 021 OL 001 99 05 LL'O C919b CBIlb CIiibb 2'1 CWlP 9'0 W19 6666 1666 9666 l ~ l D . 9 5 N ~ b Z 3 1 SL866 SElN-189Nn'oZ-31S 9866 N-9NE91-31S 92lD.98NE91-31S 523-9N891-31S SQV3H 3SVU3 oianis 3 d V l H3NI.Z aN,V H3NI.L H3NI-ZlL I: $2 SlV,l33dS aNV L 3113ssv3 ' 3 d V l H3NIWL -0 e Head Outlines NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN I N INCHES OVER MILLIMETERS. E 062 p$ 1B 1200/PB2Q 2B 8600/WPB2Q 1.57 w 1 NSN 6B 6026/AlQC ,100 T R A C K SPACING 2.54 CENTER TO CENTER 1 043 1 09 1 09 S N 3G 7608/PG2Q ,073 5 .062J 1.57 145 S 4B 761O/PBlQY 8LE 1400L/LSEQ I f 9B 8701/B2EQ 10B 8640/PRB2EQ +ff&?T 39 042 E T W I41 14’ 067 131 -+ 128 5600/BQQ 2 03 S N 16B 8401/PBlHY 14 B 8801/PCB4EQ 13B 5630/B4Q + F + o __. 040 1 02 2 03 e OF CASE 1 7 8 8400/WPBlHY 080 2 92 I 18G 3200/PGlH 2 03 2.03 20B 2000/PB2H [ m+- ffi2121 ? 57 I 040 102 158 7414/BlHC 5B 6000/PA2Q - S N 11B 5700/PB3Q N NSN 071 I31 037 ETW 141 6 35 1 3 7SE 1400/SSEQ ++&j* 1W 21 B 8200/WPB2H 63 22B 9200/PRB2H 23C 7251/PC2H 24B 6100/PA2H 115 1 3 42 ,115 25B 6126/PA1 HC 26SE 3600/SMEH 27SE 2200/SSEH 31B 9102/PRBl F COIL TO UPPER PINS I NSN 115121 2 92 28LE 2200L/LSEH 29B 8301/B2EH 32B 9125/PRBlEF 33B 8101/BlEF ,100 121 NSN 308 9222/PRB2EH gq TKZ7 018- 021 4 57 5.33 161 34SE 4400/SMEF 358 5800/B2L TK4J ETW 121 FTW / + \ S N 36B 5830/BQL rTKl iTK3 P- BQL R P GAP4l-ERASE ‘OILS GAP PC-BQL R P GAP4l-ERASE GAP L 070 178 37W 5130/W1R 38W 5230A 39W 5200/W2P 40W 6200/ZW1R 41W 6201/ZW2R K Head Outlines NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN INCHES OVER MILLIMETERS. "A" MOUNT STYLE 180 42W 5260/DC22P I 43W DCl2P 44 5210/W2ER I 45W 5150/DC11F/K I 46L 4950lL24R- R 47L 4952/L42R-B I m ERASE TK. L.030-.035 DIA. PIN (81 10.76 - 0.891 R/P TRACK SNS ,021 ,028 0.71 0.53 48W 6302/XZ- W 1LC I 49M 4954/M70R - R 50M 4955/M70R I 51W 5400/P-W4J 7 62 1 1 83 - t 52B "B' SIZE DIMENSIONS 53C "C" SIZE DIMENSIONS I-;; 54G "G" SIZE DIMENSIONS II ,260 1.325 26.92 JJ.66 p 2 1.22 5 -D1.40 l A . 7.1 1 55LE "LE" ERASE DIMENSIONS 56SE "SE" ERASE DIMENSIONS I 57RX 7721/REX-101 TYPICAL REAR MOUNT HEX N U T 7 LOCK W A S H E R WASHER LA :T[ 2 ERN-GRN (Mono Use #1) B2Q/B2 H/S E H 1 1 RED-ORG 2 YEL-BLU 13 WHT-BLK YEL-BLU 1 I I 1 ELK-RED 2 ERN-~RG 3 GRN-YEL 4 WHT-BLU 5600/5830 BOQ/BO L REAR MOUNT LEADS -COLOR CODE 58 REAR MOUNTS SINGLE 6-32 STUD (.200 inch back from from head face, spot welded t o spring clip.) OK-19 "SE" Erase Heads QK-21 "G" Size R/P Heads OK-66 All "6" Size Heads 59 BASE MOUNT QUIK-KITS TWO 2-56 STUDS ( O n side of spring clip.) OK-18 "SE" Erase Heads OK-20 "G" Size R/P Heads OK-38 All "6" Size Heads 60 SIDE MOUNT QUIK-KITS BIAS OSCILLATOR TRANSFORMERS BRACKETS QK-74 Universal Mounting Bracket. A unique, general-purpose assembly featuring alignment for head, face-and azimuth. Two TG-7 guide posts may be added if desired, or tabs for guide posts may be snapped-off for limited space applications. Base features holes for mounting on recorder. For all Nortronics No-Mount Record, Play, Record/Play and Combo heads except 3000-3299 Series and miniature heads. Also fits special "6"Case Erase heads. Basesize with tabs: 1 1/16"W x 127/32"L. Base size without tabs: 1 1h6"W x 17/32"L. QK-75 Identical t o QK-74, but t w o TG-7 guide posts are included. QK-77 Identical t o QK-74, but for No-Mt. heads in 3000-3299 Series. QK-78 Identical t o QK-74, but for No-Mount erase heads. Does not f i t special "B" Case or "L" Case heads. T-70SERIES for P.C. board mounting only Cat. No. Dercrlption T70-T2 T70-T5 T70-T6 For Xsistor circuits, 50-120 KHz & 40, 80 or 120 Volts RMS. For Xsistor circuits, 150-200 KHz. For Xsistor circuits, 230-500 KHz 8. 70 Volts RMS. QK-76 Mounting hardware t o convert many AMPEX nests t o Nortronics heads. Includes mounting block with hardware and plug. QK-18 OK-19 OK-20 OK-21 OK-35 QK-38 OK-66 QK-73 QK-79 OK-82 OK-84 QK-85 OK-86 OK-87 T-60 SERIES for chassis mounting only Cat. No. Dercrlptlon T60-TZ For Xsistor circuits, 60-110 KHz B 40, 80 or 120 Volts RMS. For Xsistor circuits. 230-500 KHz & 70 T60-T6 Volts RMS. For Vacuum Tube circuits, 40-70 KHz T60-E 8 7 or 120 Volts RMS. For Vacuum Tube circuits, 60-100 KHz T60-F 8 60 or 150 Volts RMS. OTHER Q U I K - K I T MOUNTS A V A I L A B L E QK-88 Magnecord 728 QK-112 QK-113 QK-89 Scully Adaptor OK-90 Scully Adaptor QK-114 QK-91 Scully QK-115 QK-92 Ampex 600 QK-116 OK-93 Otari OK-117 OK-94 Pioneer RT701 OK-119 OK-95 Pioneer 2022 OK-300 Electro Sound QK-101 Bell & Howell QK-304 Ampex AG440 OK-102 "6" Dual-Stud Base OK-305 Tandberg OK-105 Bell & Howell OK-306 Concertone OK-1 06 Concertone "6" QK-701 Teac Ampex 900/600 OK-1 1 0 810-045 Ampex PR-10 OK-1 11 810-046 Std. Erase- Side Std. Erase - Base " G " Case Side "G" Case Base "B" Case - Sp.Base " 6 " Case - Side "6" Case - Base ~ ~ CONTACTOR HEAD for end-of-tape sensing/ track switching CH-3-N/B CH3-R WCH3-A Contactor head, no mount head including base mount adapter Contactor head, Rear/Mount Contactor head, cassette Pentron Concertone -Erase Sony - Erase Sony- Erase - Lge. Pioneer RT701 Oscillator TAPE GUIDE POST TG-8 Stainless Steel for use with side-mount heads when space prohibits use of a TG-7 guide post or when replacing side-mount heads with a built-in tape guide. Can be used with L-5 or L-6 brackets. Slotted holes provide variable adjustment. Size: 21/32" H x 25/32"W. TG-7 Precision guide for positioning and controlling tape path travel. Special chrome-plated brass finish for longest life, minimum wear. Supplied with a variety of mounting hardware. PRESSURE PAD STRIPS f i4T"o;PK PP-5 TC..54 Gold-plated beryllium copper (supplied in pkgs. of 100.) For heads with .050" pins. TC-91 Gold-plated beryllium copper (supplied in pkgs. of 100.) For heads with .030" pins. WHITE BLACK ORANGE (CC-77 WIRING) CC-77 Roberts 81 0-066 Sony 300 R/P TAPE GUIDE PLATE PLUG AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES CC-70 810-042 810-043 810-055"B"Cart. 8 1 0-056 66.864 Pressure Pad Strips, 5/Pkg. PP-50 Pressure Pad Strips, 50IPkg. ,270 18" Plug and shielded insulated cable assembly for new model Nortronics heads (except Mono Combo and Cassette heads). 18" Plug and shielded Insulated cable assembly for Nortronics Mono Combo and Cassette heads (except 5400 Series). CC-110 4" Plug and unshielded cable assembly for Mono heads. CC-111 4 " Plug and unshielded cable assembly for Stereo heads. I NNlD r PIN CLIPS AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES CC-55 9" Terminal Clip and shielded cable assembly (red-orange) 2 per pkg. (for ,050'' pins only) CC-56 As above -.coded (yellow-blue) CC-57 As above - coded (white-black) CC-58 As above - coded (red-black) 29 CC-78 24" Terminal Clip and shielded cable assembly (red-orange) 2 per pkg. (for ,050'' pins only) CC-79 As above - coded (yellow-blue) CC-80 As above - coded (white-black) CC-81 As above - coded (red-black) A DIVISION OF NORTRONICSa = lZlE Nortronics Company Inc 8101 Tenth Avenue North Minneapolis Minnesota 55427 U S A 612 545 0401 Telex 290304
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