ISSN 1224-6808
ISSN 1224-6808
ISSN 1224-6808 CONTENTS Stefania TESCARI, Georg UMGIESSER, Christian FERRARIN, Adrian STĂNICĂ, Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta...............................................................................................5 Mariline DIARA, Jean Paul BARUSSEAU, Late Holocene evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal)......17 Laura JUGARU, Mireille PROVANSAL, Nicolae PANIN, Philippe DUSSOUILLEZ, Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques (1970-2000) dans le Delta du Danube. Le cas du bras de Saint-George............................................................................................................................................29 Adrian TEACĂ, Tatiana BEGUN, Marian-Traian GOMOIU, Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom mussel community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone.............................................................................................43 Adrian TEACĂ, Tatiana BEGUN, Marian -Traian GOMOIU, Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV, The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast...........................................................................................................................................................................................................53 Tatiana BEGUN, Adrian TEACĂ, Marian -Traian GOMOIU, Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV, Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast............................67 Mihaela Carmen MELINTE, Cretaceous-Cenozoic paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore areas.........................................................................................................................................................................79 Radu OLTEANU, Dan C. JIPA, Dacian basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain.........................................................................................................................................................................................91 Vlad RĂDULESCU, Florian RĂDULESCU, Ioan STAN, Geoelectrical measurements applied to the assessment of groundwater quality.............................................................................................................................................................................. 107 Florian PĂUN, Mirel Ciprian PĂUN, MS Excel built-in program for flow and channel profile determination................. 111 Book Review.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 117 CURRENT CIRCULATION AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT IN THE COASTAL ZONE IN FRONT OF THE DANUBE DELTA Stefania TESCARI(1), Georg UMGIESSER(2), Christian FERRARIN(2), Adrian STĂNICĂ(3) (1) University of Padova, Department of Physics, Italy (2) ISMAR-CNR, Institute of Marine Science, Venice, Italy (3) GEOECOMAR, Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology, Bucharest, Romania Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract. The objective of this study is to simulate, through an interaction of two mathematical models, the current circulation and sediment transport in the Northern part of the Romanian coastal area. The area of study has a length of about 34 km, North – South oriented, between the Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe branches of the Danube River, extending for about 30 km offshore. First a 3-dimensional hydrodynamic model of 5500 triangular elements is used to simulate the current circulation pattern at different depths in the proximity of the coastal area. Closer to the coast, the resolution of the element is about 200 m. Parameters used as data input were the bathymetry map of the studied zone interpolated with the grid, the wind stress calculated from real values using the formula of Smith and Banke and the liquid discharge of the Danube River. The sediment transport model, that aims to simulate the sediment dynamics, is coupled with the hydrodynamic one and forced by solid discharge and sea bed sediment characteristics. Three ideal situations considering the most frequent wind regimes have been carried out to better understand the general pattern of the circulation. The anti-cyclonal current described in literature could be simulated and analysed with particular meteorological conditions. Subsequently, real data measured in 2002 have been used to force a one year simulation. The results show the presence of seasonal differences in the erosion and deposition dynamics mainly due to different wind regimes. Key words: Danube Delta coast, modelling, sediment transport, coastal dynamics INTRODUCTION ear shape mainly due to the cut-off of many of its meanders The Danube is the second longest river in Europe, with a length of 2857 km. Its source is in the mountains of the Black Forest in Germany. Its drainage basin covers an area of 817000 km2 (Panin and Jipa, 2002). made during the last century, that shortened it by 15% . The Southern branch is Sf. Gheorghe, with the 28% of the total discharge. 5 km before the mouth of the river it splits into two smaller branches that make up the Sf. Gheorghe It finally flows into the North-Western area of the Black Sea through three principal mouths: Chilia, Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe (Fig. 1). Delta. Chilia is the Northern branch of the Danube. It has a length of 117 km mapping out the border between Romania and Ukraine. It carries half of the total Danube discharge in the Black Sea through 45 smaller branches, from which the biggest arms are Oceacov and Stambulu Vechi. from which 165 km are Romanian territory. Sulina is the central branch and it accounts for 22% of the total discharge (Panin, non published data). It has a lin- The Danube Delta covers an area of 5800 km2 (90% in Romania, and 10% in Ukraine) with a coastal length of 240 km, The attention is focused on the coastal area between the two Southern branches: Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe. It is 34 km long and mainly North-South oriented. It is probably the most important natural reservoir in South Eastern Europe. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta The interest in this area is related to the coastal dynamics. During the last century the human influence modified it relevantly, causing a strong erosional rate. For example the construction of the two Iron Gates dams along the river, in 1970 and 1985, caused a sharp decrease in the sediment load carried by the Danube, that is, 35 to 50% of its previous discharge (Panin, 1997). Another important effect was caused by the construction of the Sulina jetties, which began in the second half of the XIXth Century to reach now a length of 8 km (Stanica, 2004). This work caused a strong impact in the current circulation and therefore in the sediment dynamics, accounting for the increase of the erosional phenomenon in the Danube Delta coastal zone. The objective of this study is to simulate, through two coupled mathematical models, the current circulation and the sediment transport in the coastal zone between the branches of Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe. The study is divided into two parts: one of ideal simulations with constant wind and discharge in order to better understand the effect of different wind directions and meteorological conditions on erosion or deposition; the second one simulates the annual water and sediment dynamics, through four simulations in order to investigate the seasonal differences, related to the seasonal meteorological conditions. This work should be considered as the beginning of a collaborative project between Romania and Italy, aiming to implement and better calibrate the model, and to increase the quantity of the measured data used both as input and as comparison with the simulated results. MODELS A 3-dimensional hydrodynamic model (SHYFEM) together with a sediment transport model (SEDTRANS05) were used in this study. SHYFEM uses the hydrodynamic equations to simulate the values of the barotropic transport and of the water level at each point of the grid. The sediment transport module gives the erosional or depositional rate in each element of the grid and the sediment concentration flowing in and out from the water column. Shyfem SHYFEM (Shallow Water Hydrodynamic Finite Element Model) is a 3-dimensional hydrodynamic model developed at CNR-ISMAR of Venice (Umgiesser et al., 2004a,b; Umgiesser 2004; Ferrarin and Umgiesser, 2005; Scroccaro et al. , 2003, 2004) which solves the hydrodynamic Shallow Water equations. For the spatial discretization, it uses the finite element method for the horizontal plane, and for the vertical one, a Fig. 1 Danube Delta map, division into the three main branches (figure from Google Earth modified by Elias Tahchi) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta system of layers that divide the water column. The finite element method offers the advantage of a bigger flexibility allowing for change in the shape and the size of the elements in different places of the grid. This advantage makes the model very suitable for areas with a complex geometry and bathymetry. ∂Vi ∂Vi Adv iy = −Ui − Vi ∂x ∂y The stress terms in every layer are described as: ∂u τix = νρ0 ∂z i For the temporal discretization it uses an algorithm with a semi-implicit time resolution, which has the advantage of both explicit and implicit methods. The equations used by the model are the hydrodynamic equations in the Shallow Water approximation, derived from the momentum and mass conservation equations, simplified with the incompressibility condition and the hydrostatic approximation. Relations between water level ζ , and velocity u and v (in the x and y directions, respectively) are presented as: ∂ 2u ∂ 2u du 1 ∂p 1 ∂τ x − fv = − + + AH 2 + 2 ∂x dt ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ∂z ∂y Dividing the water column into L layers i (with i=1,...,L), where 1 is the superficial layer and L the bottom one, which have constant thickness except for the superficial one (with a variation due to the water level ζ), the transport U and V are defined as: Vi = udz ∫ hi The bottom stress terms are calculated as: τbottom = cB ρ0UL UL2 + VL2 / hL2 x τbottom = cB ρ0VL UL2 + VL2 / hL2 y where cB is the bottom drag coefficient, UL and VL the two components of the bottom velocity. where C is the Chezy coefficient which varies with the depth as: where τ is the stress, g the gravity acceleration, H=h+ζ the water column total depth, h the undisturbed depth and ζ the water level, t the time, f the Coriolis parameter, ρ0 the reference water density, p the pressure and AH horizontal eddy viscosity. hi where ν is the kinematic viscosity. cB = g / C 2 ∂ς ∂Hu ∂Hv + + =0 ∂t ∂x ∂y ∫ ∂v τiy = νρ0 ∂z i The drag coefficient of the water is calculated with the Chezy equation: ∂ 2v ∂ 2v dv 1 ∂p 1 ∂τy + fu = − + + AH 2 + 2 ∂x dt ρ0 ∂y ρ0 ∂z ∂y Ui = vdz where the integrals are calculated for each layer, between the lower and upper interface, and hi is the thickness of the layer i. C = ks H ∂ U ∂ U ∂Ui 1 ∂pi 1 i −1 i − fVi = Adv ix − hi + τ x − τ x + AH 2i + 2i ∂x ∂t ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ∂y ∂ 2V ∂ 2V ∂Vi 1 ∂pi 1 i −1 i − fUi = Adv iy − hi + τy − τy + AH 2i + 2i ∂x ∂t ρ0 ∂y ρ0 ∂y ( ( ) ) where the advective terms are: ∂Ui ∂Ui Adv ix = −Ui − Vi / hi ∂x ∂y 2 1 6 where ks is the Strickler coefficient. The drag coefficients relative to the water surface are calculated with the following formula: τsurf = ρaCDuw (uw2 + v w2 ) x τsurf = ρaCDv w (uw2 + v w2 ) y where ρa is the air density, CD the drag coefficient, uw and vw the wind velocity in the x and y directions, respectively. The drag coefficients for the shear stress induced by the wind are parameterized by Smith and Banke (1975) as: ( ) ( ) CDx = 0.066 uw + 0.63 ⋅ 10−3 Integrating vertically, the first equations become: 2 / hi CDy = 0.066 v w + 0.63 ⋅ 10−3 Sedtrans05 SEDTRANS05 is a numeric zero-dimensional model for the study of the bottom boundary layer dynamics and the sediment transport in continental shelf and in coastal environments. This is the last version of the Sedtrans model, originally developed at the logical Survey of Canada-Atlantic (GSCA) in the ‘1980s. It is used to simulate the transport rate of sedi- GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta ments under the effect of current or combined current and waves. The sediment dynamics is studied with a transport and diffusive module. The bottom sediments are studied with a direct advective scheme. The sediment is composed of different grain size classes considered independently. Erosion and deposition processes mainly occur in the bottom boundary layer, which is formed between the water column and the sea bed. To calculate the bottom shear stress and the velocity profile, the program uses the bottom boundary layer theory (Grant and Madsen, 1986). In order to calculate the bedload transport of noncohesive sediments, it applies the algorithms of Yalin (1963) and Van Rijn (1993), whereas for the total transport (bedload+suspended) it uses the methods of Engelund and Hansen (1967) and Bagnold (1963). The bottom level and sediment distribution due to erosion and deposition are updated at each time step. The bottom is schematized through different layers, out of which only the superficial one is active. Friction factor and bed shear stress In order to predict the bottom shear stress and the velocity profile in the bottom boundary layer, the continental shelf bottom boundary layer theory formulated by Grant and Madsen (1986) is used. To calculate the total bed roughness z0, both grain roughness, bed form (ripple) and bedload roughness due to the sediment transport are considered. Bedload transport To predict the bedload transport of non-cohesive sediments there are five algorithms which can be used. The Van Rijn (1993) formula is applied in this study. If the bottom stress is not high enough, the sediments stay in their inertial position. The critical shear stress for motion initiation is: where ρs is the sediment density, D the average sieve diameter and θcr the dimensionless critical Shields parameter calculated with the Yalin method (Li et al., 2001). In the Van Rijn (1993) method, as in the previous Bagnold approach, the bedload transport consists of jumps of the particles under the effect of hydrodynamic and gravity force. The instantaneous bedload is defined as the product between the saltation height and the bed concentration, and is calculated as: q = ηi α(s − 1) g 0 .5 1 .5 D D*−0.3 τ2m.1 τm = τcs − τcr τcr with τcs the instantaneous skin friction current shear stress, and τcr the critical shear stress for the sediment motion initiation. D* is the dimensionless grain size calculated as: g (s − 1) D* = 2 ν 1 3 D SUSPENDED SEDIMENT TRANSPORT When the sediment velocity in the bottom layer is comparable with the settling velocity a part of the sediments can be resuspended. Once the sediments are in the water column, these can be transported and diffused by the current, as long as the force upwards is higher than the gravity force. The critical shear stress for initiation of the suspended transport is calculated with the Van Rijn (1993) method: 1 < D* < 10 → D* > 10 → * ucrs 4 = ws D* * ucrs = 0 .4 ws where u*crs is the shear velocity, ws the settling velocity calculated with the Soulsby’s formula (1997): ws = ( ν 10.362 + 1.049D*3 D ) 0 .5 − 10.36 The critical shear stress is calculated using the following formula: * τcrs = ρ(ucrs )2 Advection and diffusion equations τcr = θcr (ρs − ρ)gD 0 .5 where s is the ratio between the sediment and water density, ηi is the availability relative to the fraction i of bottom sediment, α is a constant equal to 0.053, and τm the shear stress parameter calculated as: When the bottom shear stress is higher than the suspended critical shear stress, the particles enter in the water column and move under the current effect. The concentration C of the suspended sediment is described by the 3-dimensional equation of advection and diffusion: ∂ 2C ∂ 2C ∂C ∂uC ∂vC ∂wC ∂C ∂ 2C + + + − ws = νH 2 + 2 + νV 2 + E ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂y ∂z where νH and νV are the horizontal and vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient, respectively, while ws is the settling velocity and E is the external source term. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta Using this equation, the mass of sediment which can be advected with the current, settled due to gravity and diffused by turbulence, is conserved. Its vertical boundary conditions are: ∂C −νV + w sCtop = 0 ∂z z =0 Morphodynamics Modifications in the bed elevation are obtained as the sum over the different sediment fraction of the net exchange due to suspended and bedload transport. The net sediment exchange due to bedload is calculated using the sediment continuity equation: ∂C + w sCbot = ED + νV ∂z z = bottom b ∂h 1 ∂q xb ∂qy = + ∂t 1 + ε ∂x ∂y where the first equation refers to the top of the surface layer, and the second to the bottom layer. ED is the net sediment flux between the bottom and the water column, thus equal to the difference between resuspension and deposition of each grain size material. The term ED ( >0 if there is erosion) is calculated explicitly in case of erosion, implicitly in case of deposition, thus avoiding the possibility to obtain a negative concentration if the deposition rate is bigger than the quantity of sediments existing in the water column. Sediment exchange with the bed The net flux between the accumulated and resuspended sediments (ED) is calculated as the difference between the equilibrium concentration and the concentration present in the lower layer of the water column: ED = w s (Ceq − C ) where Ceq is the average sediment concentration of equilibrium in the lower layer, calculated from the equilibrium concentration Ceq close to the bed and assuming a logarithmic velocity and concentration profile of the suspended sediment. C is the suspended sediment concentration present in the lower level for the considered sediment class. This equation shows that when the sediment concentration close to the bed is smaller than the equilibrium value, the net flux of particles is from the bed to the water column (ED>0, erosion). On the contrary, if the concentration exceeds the equilibrium value the flux is in the opposite direction (ED<0, deposition). The sediment concentration at the reference height (bed roughness z0) is calculated following the Smith and McLean (1977) formula adapted for a different material. Ceq = ηi γ 0Cb τ* (1 + τ* ) with Cb the volume concentration of the sediment bed and τ* = ( τcws + τcr ) τcr is the normalized excess of shear stress, τcws the skin-friction combined with the shear stress, τcr is the critical shear stress for the initiation of the motion and γ0 the empirical sediment resuspension coefficient (Li and Amos, 2001). where h is the variation of the bed elevation, ε the sediment porosity and q xb and qyb are the volumetric transport rate in the x and y directions. The change in the bed elevation due to resuspension and redistribution of the suspended sediment is calculated as: ρs (1− ε ) ∂h = −ED ∂t with ρs the sediment density. INPUT DATA Grid To apply the mathematical model it is necessary to create a numerical grid first. The first step is the digitalization of a map; in this study the bathymetric map from 2002 is used. The basin extends about 34 km to the North-South direction between Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe arms of the Danube. In the East-West direction, it covers an area between the shoreline and an offshore distance of approximately 30 km, reaching a depth of 40 m in the Southern zone. The basin is then divided into 5493 triangular elements that vary in shape and dimension in order to have different resolutions in different zones. In this case, for example, in the area near the shoreline, the resolution is of about 200 m, while at the other basin border, in deep water, it is of about 2 km. There are 3022 vortexes of elements (nodes). Once the grid is regular enough, the bathymetry is inserted. Elements on the final grid are differentiated by the grain size of the bottom sediment. That is made by dividing the basin into three different zones: one constituted only of fine sand (200 µm), one made of 65% silt (20 µm) and of 35% clay (4µm), and the last one constituted of these three grain size classes in equal proportions. The water column is divided into 15 layers. In the first 10 m, each layer is 1 m thick. At higher depths the thickness increases, reaching 13 m in the deepest layer. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta Table 2 Average frequency values of the wind in 2002 in the main directions (%) Discharge The discharge data used in this study are measured by the National Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology of Bucharest and have monthly frequency (one data each month). The average liquid discharge from the Sulina mouth (22% of the total water mass carried by the Danube) has a value of 1390 m3/s, which corresponds to 6318 m3/s by the whole river (199 km3/year). The only branch of the Chilia Distributary considered in this study is the Southern one called Stambulu Vechi, accounting for 60% of Chilia`s discharge (30% of the entire river discharge). This is the only one able to influence the studied zone, since the Sulina jetties stop all the sediments transported from the North close to the shoreline. Solid discharge N 19.0 The solid discharge distribution for the three branches is similar to the liquid one (22% through Sulina, 28% through Sf. Gheorghe and 50% through Chilia). The solid discharge is divided into three grain size classes: fine sand (200 µm), silt (20 µm) and clay (4 µm). Most of the sediments transported by the Danube are silty. Sand and clay have more or less the same percentage (6%-8%). The data are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Percent composition of the sediments discharged by the three Danube branches divided by the grain size (Ungureanu et al., 2005; Olariu et al., 2005), and total average solid discharge (kg/s) from the values measured in 2002 Branch Sulina Sf. Gheorghe Stambulu Vechi Fine sand 8% 8% 6% Silt 86% 86% 86% Clay 6% 6% 8% Discharge 340 (kg/s) 433 (kg/s) 464 (kg/s) Wind The wind data used in this study are measured in the meteorological station at Sulina by the Regional Meteorological Centre of Drobogea (Ministerul Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor, Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie), and has a frequency of four values per day (one every 6 hours). The wind data are inserted into the model as stress values, calculated using the Smith and Banke formula. Analyzing the wind data measured in 2002, the three predominant wind directions of wind are North, South and North-East (percentages are shown in Table 2). 10 E 10.3 SE 7.1 S 14.4 SW 12.9 W 7.4 NW 12.3 Still 0.9 A different analysis is made on the wind velocity. For 0.9% of the year 2002, the wind was considered still. The highest percentage (49.7%) was measured for wind velocities between 1 and 5 m/s, the second most frequent wind velocities (33.9%) are between 5 and 10 m/s; velocities between 10 and 15 m/s were present 9.3% of the year, and higher than 15 m/s in 6.2% of the time. The wind velocities are strongly related to the wind directions. The average velocities in the different directions are shown in Table 3. The quantity of sediments that flow into the Black Sea carried by the Danube during 2002 had an average value of 1689 kg/s, which corresponds to an annual total of about 63 million tons. Out of these, 340 kg/s were carried by the Sulina branch. As input into the model, the solid discharge is expressed as average concentration. The average concentration in 2002 was about 331 g/m3. NE 15.7 Table 3 Average wind velocities (m/s) in 2002 in the main directions N 7.3 NE 8.4 E 6.7 SE 4.9 S 6.6 SW 5.8 W 4.5 NW 5.5 RESULTS General setup of simulations The study is divided into two parts: the first consists of ideal simulations using as input data average values of discharge and of wind speed, separately studying the different wind directions. The second simulates the sediment dynamics and the annual circulation, using as inputs the data measured in 2002, with particular attention to the seasonal differences. In both groups of simulations the vertical viscosity coefficient is set at the reference value of 10-3m2/s. The time step is 300 secs throughout the entire simulation. The data output is daily. The first group of simulations lasts for one month. The current circulation becomes stationary after 2 days of simulation, while the erosional and depositional phenomena increase with time. The attention is focused on the moment when an erosional or depositional rate higher than 0.5 cm begins to occur and on the situations simulated after one month. In the second part of the study the circulation varies strongly, with, mainly, the wind speed and direction. The interest is thus focused on current characteristics in moments when there were considerable changes in the bottom elevation. An extra analysis is based on the final maps of erosion and deposition resulting from the singular seasonal simulations, in order to compare them with the seasonal meteorological characteristics. The data inputs for the model simulations are the Danube discharge and the wind stress. Constant average values are used in the first part, while variable data are used in the second part. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta Idealized simulations This part of the study can be divided into two further parts. The first studies the current circulation, using only the 3dimensional hydrodynamic model. The output is represented by circulation maps at different depth levels. The second part regards mainly the sediment transport. In this case both models are used (the hydrodynamic model is used, nevertheless, in 2-dimensional mode). The barotropic circulation simulated by the 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model is similar to the one obtained by the average circulation at all levels. The ideal simulations have a constant value of solid and liquid discharges, equal to the average values measured for 2002. These values are shown in Table 4. Table 4 Liquid discharge (m3/s) and concentrations (g/m3) in the different branches of the Danube river Branch Stambulu Vechi Sulina Sf. Gheorghe Liquid discharge 1890 1386 1764 Concentration Sand 13.17 17.57 17.57 Silt 188.85 188.85 188.85 Clay 17.75 13.17 13.17 The model allows us to calculate the average current in all the layers. This barotropic current (Fig. 2) seems similar to the one simulated by the 2-dimensional model. It presents an anti-cyclonal current which occupies the Northern area (about 6.6 km) of the coast and a parallel current along the coast in the Southern zone. The sediment dynamics is simulated under this wind condition. Most of the sediments discharged through the Sulina mouth settle close to the jetties, at few kilometres from the coast, due to an evident reduction of the current velocity. The remaining is divided into two parts: one carried by the anticyclonal current, is moved towards the Northern coast, while the second one, carried by the current parallel to the coast, flows towards the Sf. Gheorghe mouth. For the assessment of the deposition pattern the simulation has to run for at least 8 days, and after a month it reaches a value of the order of 1 cm. In the immediate proximity of the coast (except for the Northern area) the current speed is too high to allow deposition. With a wind speed of 13 m/s, the sediments released from the Sulina mouth can be carried closer to the coast, and the deposition is relevant after 3 days of simulation. After a month, the deposition reaches the value of about 3 cm. The wind stress is constant for each time step, equal to the average value of the 2002 measured data in the first simulation. Other ideal simulations are made with constant values of wind, increasing gradually to 15 m/s. The simulations are made in the three main wind directions: North, South and North-East. North The simulation is done with a constant Northern wind with a speed of 7.3 m/s. Once arriving at a stationary state in the first (superficial) layer, the current flows Southwards, parallel to the shoreline along the entire coast. Close to the Sulina jetties, a divergence point from which the water flows in various directions is obvious. At a depth of one meter the current begins to change its shape, revealing the presence of an anticyclonal current, forming an eddy whose diameter is directly proportional to the water depth. This eddy has a diameter of several kilometres, starting near the end of the jetties and extending towards the coast. In the Southern area there are no differences in the current direction at different depths. As expected, the current velocity decreases inversely proportional with the water depth, due to the bottom friction increasing influence. Fig. 2 Barotropic current circulation in the ideal case of constant wind from North with a speed of 7.3 m/s GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 11 S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta Deposition was the only phenomenon resulting from this simulation. In order to understand the critical wind speed value that generates erosion, other simulations with higher wind speed values are made. Erosion starts, only in the Southern zone, when the wind speed approaches 13 m/s, and in this case it is higher than 0.5 cm after only one day of simulation. After one month of simulation it reaches an average value of 2 cm, with peaks of 10 cm. South The simulation is done with a constant wind from the South with a speed of 6.6 m/s. The current in the Southern zone flows Northwards, parallel to the coast, for all the considered water depth levels. Its speed decreases with increased depth. When arriving close to the Sulina jetties, the water turns Eastwards, toward the open sea. At the surface and in the first layer a small cyclonal eddy is formed, due to the wind effect and to the coastal morphology. This eddy disappears in the deeper levels. It is anyway present in the average barotropic circulation, even if it does not significantly influence the coastal dynamics. The Northward oriented current carries all the sediments discharged from the Sulina mouth out of the study zone Northwards. Also, the sediments from Sf. Gheorghe mouth are carried by a Northward current and deposited along the coastal area, without reaching the Northern part, due to the slow current speed. The highest deposition is in front of the Sf. Gheorghe mouth and it has a value of 3 cm. The study of the erosional threshold is particularly interesting. Increasing the wind speed, the erosion begins at 13 m/s. After a month of simulation it has a slightly smaller value than in the previous case (an average of about 2 cm with peaks of 10 cm). With this wind speed value, the current velocity in the vicinity of the coast is very high, being thus able to carry the eroded sediments to the Northern zone, where the current slows down to a value of about 15 cm/s. Here this allows the sediment deposition that, after a month, increases the bottom elevation by 1 cm. This phenomenon is more obvious when the wind has a velocity of 15 m/s. In this case the sediments eroded from the Southern zone are carried close to the jetties allowing an increase of the bottom elevation of about 4 cm. It must be noted that this is the only case in which the settled sediments are mainly sandy, due to the bottom sediment characteristics near the shoreline. The erosional process is evident from the first day of simulation. For the deposition the model must run with an aver12 age wind speed for at least 6 days, and for 1 day only with a higher value of wind speed. North-East The simulation is done with the North Eastern wind with a speed of 8.4 m/s. The same situation occurs as in the case of Northern wind: an anticyclonal current appears from the 2mnd layer on in the Sulina zone. The diameter of the eddy increases with depth, but in this case it is smaller and further from the shoreline. In the barotropic circulation, obtained by averaging the levels, the eddy has small dimensions and is far from the shoreline. In fact, in the Northern area the current flows Westwards, parallel to the jetties, and then parallel to the coast, Southwards for the entire studied area. The current speed in the Northern coast is higher than the one obtained with the Northern wind simulation, due to the absence of the anticyclonal current and to a higher value of the average wind speed. In this case the sediments discharged by the Sulina mouth are carried by the current parallel to the jetties. The deposition zone is similar to the one obtained in the case with Northern wind, but moved Northwards, adjacent to the jetties for the first kilometres. Compared to the simulation performed for Northern winds, even the values are similar, with an increase of the bottom elevation of about 1 cm after a month of simulation. There are differences, though, as the deposition rate amounts to 0.5 cm after 11 days. The sediments not carried towards the Northern coast are transported Southwards, to the Sf. Gheorghe mouth. Nevertheless these never touch the shoreline due to the high current speed. Gradually increasing the wind speed, it is possible to notice the erosional phenomenon in the Southern part of the coast when the wind speed approaches 15 m/s. In this case, erosion becomes relevant after only one day of simulation and reaches a value of about 2 cm after a month. Compared to the previous simulations, it has the same average erosion value but with much lower peak values. The deposition rate in the Northern area is higher, directly proportional with the wind speed. The deposition reaches a value of 6 cm after one month. SIMULATIONS OF 2002 In this part of the study the wind stress input is once for every 6 hours, using the measured data of 2002. The average annual wind speed is of 6.5 m/s. The wind speed highest value (29 m/s) is reached by the end of winter. The longest storm period (about 4 days) was at the beginning of December, with an average wind velocity of 21.8 m/s. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta The discharge input consists of the monthly values measured in 2002. The highest value is reached in December, with a value of 1790 m3/s through the Sulina branch. The lowest discharge is in January, with a value of 935 m3/s. For the solid discharge also the highest value is in December (1290 kg/s) which strongly differs from all the others (except for December and November, the monthly discharges of other months do not exceed 500 kg/s). The smallest value is in January with a solid discharge of 20 kg/s. General features After the entire simulation, the meteorological conditions during relevant changes in the sea bottom were analysed. It was thus possible to identify the general features that allow deposition or erosion of the bottom sediment. The deposition in the Northern area was present in different situations: average value of wind speed mainly from North and North-East for a period of at least 2 or 3 days; high values of wind from South; sharp decrease in the wind speed, and therefore in the current velocity, after a period of storm, or equivalently a fast change in the wind direction, which causes a decrease in the current velocity. The erosional process is mainly due to winds from North and North-East with speeds higher than 13 m/s. The longer the period with winds stronger than 13 m/s, the higher is the erosion rate. Table 6 The main seasonal variation of wind characteristics Season Max Vel Aver Vel Winter Spring Summer Autumn 29 m/s 18 m/s 17 m/s 26 m/s 6.6 m/s 5.5 m/s 5.9 m/s 8.0 m/s Vel > 13m/s 10.3% 3.9% 6.9% 19.1% Main dir SW, S N, NE NE, N N The highest wind speed value in 2002 is 29 m/s, registered during winter. This value does not strongly influence the coastal dynamics because it is isolated. The storm during which that value was measured lasted for only one day. During winter the average wind velocity, as the frequency of wind speed higher than 13 m/s, is the second highest. Nevertheless, the erosional rate (about 9 cm decrease in bottom elevation), found after the simulation of the entire season (Fig. 3), is only the third in comparison with the other seasons. This is due to two factors: first, the high wind values are generally isolated, so they are not able to strongly increase the current velocity. Second, the most frequent wind direction is South-West, and from this direction the current speed is slower than the one caused by a wind from either North or South, and the erosional threshold is higher. The deposition rate is the lowest found in all seasons, and it is situated very far from the coast. This is mainly due to the very low value of solid discharge present in this season, and If a high wind event is isolated, i.e. the strong wind lasts for only a few hours, the current does not have the time to increase and erosion cannot develop. Otherwise, if strong winds last longer, erosion can occur from the first day. Seasonal differences In order to investigate the seasonal differences in coastal dynamics, it is useful to analyse the differences in the meteorological conditions for the various seasons. In Table 5 the average seasonal solid and liquid discharge values through the Sulina branch are shown. In Table 6, the wind is described through some characteristic values such as the highest velocity, average velocity and main directions, measured in each season. As pointed out in the ideal study, the erosion process is greatly influenced by winds stronger than 13 m/s. For this reason the percentage of wind higher than this value is computed for each season. Table 5 The main seasonal variation of discharge characteristics Season Winter Spring Summer Autumn Liquid discharge 1190 m3/s 1470 m3/s 1280 m3/s 1603 m3/s Solid discharge 700 kg/s 890 kg/s 450 kg/s 2070 kg/s Fig. 3 Final map of bottom elevation after the winter simulation GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 13 S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta to the small quantity of eroded sediments available for the current to be carried towards the Northern area. In spring, the modelling shows the best conditions for a high deposition rate. In fact the wind speed, mainly coming from North and North-East, has small values and the frequency of winds faster than 13 m/s is lower than 4%. There are many periods during which the wind continuously blows from the same directions for more days so it is possible that the sediments are carried to the Northern coast, by the anticyclonal current when the wind is from North, and by the current parallel to the jetties when the wind is from North-East, as it is shown in the ideal simulations. The simulation of this season is shown in Fig. 4. The deposition rate close to the coast is higher than in all the other seasons, as it reaches the value of about 4 cm. Erosion in the Southern area has a lower value than in all the other seasons, equal to about 5 cm. In summer, the wind has the 2nd lowest speed, and this produces the 2nd biggest deposition rate (about 3 cm) close to the Northern coast. This was mainly due to the fast decrease in the wind speed after storms (in several cases decreases from more than 15 m/s directly to less than 5 m/s). Many of the sediments suspended during the storm, settled quickly when the current velocity decreased, and this happened mainly in the Northern area due to the presence of the jetties that stopped the water flow. Results are shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 4 Final map of bottom elevation after the spring simulation When the wind speed is higher, the main directions of wind are from North-East and North. This causes a strong erosion along the Southern coast (about 12 cm after the entire season). The highest wind speed values in 2002 are in autumn, and the percentage of time during which it was higher than 13 m/s is close to 20%. This is why during autumn the results showed the highest erosion rate. During the first part of the season, the Southern coast was in erosion, whereas the Northern one was in deposition, mainly due to the sediments deposited when the current velocity decreased sharply after a storm. At the beginning of December the most relevant event of the entire year happened. A storm more than 4 days long affected the zone. The average value of wind speed was 21 m/s, in a range between 18 and 26 m/s, mainly coming from North and North-East. This caused a current speed higher than 70 cm/s in the Southern coast and of about 30 cm/s in the Northern area protected by the jetties. In only 4 days the coastal dynamics relevantly changed, as shown in Fig. 6. The deposition zone in the Northern coast disappeared and switched to erosion (10 cm). In the Southern area the higher erosion rate made the bottom decrease by more than 30 cm only during this storm. The highest deposition rate in December is of 5 cm, positioned far from the coast. 14 Fig. 5 Final map of bottom elevation after the summer simulation GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Ideal simulations comparison Analysing the current circulation, the anticyclonal current, described in literature, was identified under the effect of particular meteorological conditions. With an average North Eastern wind, the eddy is far from the coast and its diameter has only a few kilometres. With an average Northern wind, the eddy is well defined and its diameter is a little smaller than the length of the jetties. The eddy arrives to its highest dimensions during North Western winds, when its diameter is as long as the jetties and the only current present near the Northern coast is the anticyclonal one. The bottom sediments characteristics show that the simulated deposition zone situated at several kilometres from the jetties as well as from the coast is mainly composed of silt. This is the main material discharged by the Sulina mouth, being thus in agreement with the simulated data. It was possible, through the ideal simulations, to identify three different ways of deposition in the Northern area, depending on the wind direction. With a Northern wind, the sediments discharged by the Sulina mouth are carried by the anticyclonal current. The high current speed at the river mouth allows the transport of the sediments towards a circular area, few kilometres off the jetties and from the coast, where the current speed decreases and the sediments settle. This deposition area increases in width until it reaches the coast. With a North-Eastern wind, the sediments are carried by a current parallel to the jetties. The deposition zone has a shape similar to the previous one but moved Northward, in contact with the jetties in the first kilometres. The third way of deposition is during Southern winds stronger than 13 m/s. In this case the deposited sediments are those eroded along the Southern coast and carried by the current toward the Northern area to the jetties, where the current quickly decreases. These sediments are mainly sandy, different from the other case, when they are mainly silty. The threshold wind speed necessary to generate erosion was also identified. When the wind blows from North or South, the wind speed has to be higher than 13 m/s, while when the wind blows from North-East the speed must exceed 15 m/s. Annual simulations comparison The wind is the main factor that influences the coastal dynamics. Except for autumn (8.0 m/s), the average values of wind speed in the other seasons are quite close (winter 6.6 m/s, summer 5.9 m/s and spring 5.5 m/s). It is important to analyse the different wind directions and the period during which the wind is higher than 13 m/s. Fig. 6 Maps of the bottom elevation before (top) and after (bottom) the storm of the beginning of December 2002 During winter, the second highest value of average wind speed was recorded, but the direction, mainly from SouthWest, causes only the third highest value of erosion. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 15 S. Tescari, G. Umgiesser, C. Ferrarin, A. Stănică - Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta During the same season, the very low discharge also caused the lowest deposition rate. During spring, the average wind is from North and NorthEast. That causes the highest deposition rate close to the coast in the Northern area, mainly due to the transport of the sediments discharged by Sulina through the anticyclonal current and the current parallel to the jetties. The highest erosion rate is in autumn, strongly increased by the tempest in the beginning of December, as well as the highest rate of deposition far from the coast in the Northern area. The year’s simulation presents a high rate of erosion all along the coast. In the Southern part it is due to the sum of the erosional rates computed for all the seasons, while in the Northern coastal area it is due mainly to the storm from the beginning of December 2002, which induced an erosional rate higher than the sum of the deposition rates computed for all the other three seasons. From the measured data (presented in Fig. 7) the Northern area is the only one with a tendency of deposition in the first 2 km. Moving southwards, after a stable zone (about 1.5 km), there is an area of about 2 km influenced by an erosional rate between 3 and 4 m/yr (Stanica, in press). The Southern area, up to 6 km from the Sf. Gheorghe mouth, follows a tendency of erosion ranging between 5 and 7 m/yr of coastline retreat. The highest erosion rate was 23 m in one year (between1997 and 1998). The area near the Sf. Gheorghe mouth is generally stable. The tendency shown in this study is qualitatively in agreement with the simulated results. Thus, the Northern part is generally in deposition until the storm of December 2002. The Southern coast is mainly under the effect of erosion. Fig. 7 Coastal dynamics from measured data A stable zone means that the shoreline changes from deposition to erosion in different years. In 2002 the simulated data show a total tendency of erosion. It must be noticed that the results cannot be quantitatively compared with the measured ones, because the model outputs differences in the bottom elevation, leaving the position of the shoreline unchanged. However, the measured data gives the movements of the shoreline. REFERENCES Bagnold, R. A., 1963 - The sea. Vol. 3. Hill, M.N. Ed., Ch. Mechanics of marine sedimentation., pp. 265-305. tie. Ph. D. thesis Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest. Engelund, F., Hansen, E., 1967 - A monograph on sediment transport in alluvial stream. Teknisk Vorlag, Copenhagen, Denmark. Stanica, A., Panin, N., (in press) 2006 - Present evolution and future predictions for the black sea coastal zone between the Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe Danube river mouths (Danube Delta). A theoretical view of sustainable shoreline management issues. Geomorphology. Ferrarin, C., Umgiesser, G., 2005 - Hydrodynamic modelling of a coastal lagoon: the Cabras lagoon in Sardinia, Italy. Ecological modelling 188, 340-357. Grant, W. D., Madsen, O. S., 1986 - The continental shelf bottom boundary layer. Annual review of fluid mechanics 18, 265-305. Panin, N., 1997 - On the geomorphologic and the geologic evolution of the river Danube – Black Sea interaction zone. GEO-ECO-MARINA 2, 31-40. 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Aqua publications Amsterdam, Netherlands Stanica, A., 2004 - Evolutia geodinamica a litoralului romanesc al Marii Negre din sectorul Sulina- Sf. Gheorghe si posibilitati de predic- 16 Yalin, M. S., 1963 - An expression for bedload transportation. In: Journal of hydraulics and division. Vol. ASCE 89 (HJ3). Pp. 221-250 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) Mariline DIARA(1), Jean Paul BARUSSEAU(2) (1) Department of Geology – Cheikh Anta Diop University – Dakar (Senegal) – e-mail : [email protected] (2) LEGEM –Via Domitia University – Perpignan (France) – e-mail : [email protected] Abstract. The post-glacial transgression up to the present sea level, which occurred about 5500 years B.P., deeply modified the coastal zone morphology, especially in the river mouth region, where, in a few millennia, the geographical pattern changed from an open bay to a delta environment. The Salum islands case illustrates this evolution. Sediments deposits and anthropic shell-middens, built in a time interval starting 6000 years B.P. up to now, based on radiocarbon dating, provide a chronological framework of the delta evolution. At first, the open post-transgression bay was subject to filling-up. A major second stage, occurring not later than 2550 years B.P., is characterized by the formation of beach barriers. The third stage is the completion of the filling-up behind the beach barriers. The whole construction is under the distinct influences first, of the Sahelian and the Salum River sediment fluxes in the Northern part of the delta and then, the Gambia River sediment input in the Southern part. Detailed analyses of the sediment testify to this double origin of the various morphosedimentary exhibited units: tidal flats and beach barriers. Grain-size analysis, SEM examination and heavy mineral assemblages revealed sand as the dominant component in the Northern part. It originated from atmospheric and fluvial conditions favouring the coarse component input. To the South, a clay dominant influx, controlled by the Gambia River discharge, is responsible for back-barrier mud-flats, accumulated in relation to the reduction or the absence of the tide-dominated fluvial processes in the Salum River. Hence, the Diomboss arm does not form one of the delta distributaries between the Northern and the Southern part as previously considered but a residual space of the former mid-Holocene bay, separating the real Salum River delta to the North and the pre-Gambian delta to the South. All morphological units described in the delta are established at a level located within the present tidal range. There is no need to refer to sea level variations to explain the geomorphologic pattern. The sedimentological input and forcing seem to be the major agents of sedimentary unit distribution. Key words: delta – eustatic stability – beach barriers – tidal flats - Holocene – West Africa Introduction The delta areas are part of terrestrial environments that – apart from volcanic phenomena - have undergone the most important transformations in recent millennia, and in particular since the post glacial sea attained its current level. This event occurred between 6000 and 5000 years B.P, and for the few millennia that followed, the sea level has varied only slightly, whereas the coastal area has undergone considerable changes. The most obvious cause of these changes in deltas is the volume of sediment fluxes redistributed by fluvio-marine dynamics, as illustrated by the morphologic and stratigraphic classification of the deltas (Galloway, 1975). The possible variations of the sea level and local or regional lithospheric upwelling or subsidence phenomena have also played a role. In a simplified context where one of the factors can be considered as a constant, the comparison of the respective effects of the other two must be facilitated. Consequently, the share of the incidence of the hydrosedimentary factors and that of the purely eustatic component can be estimated, provided that the tectonic effects are negligible on the scale of the time considered. This comparison is difficult in large deltas such as those of the Rhone, the Po or the Mississippi, which are well known for the subsidence processes that occur there to variable degrees. It may be simpler to assess in small arrangements, such as a site on the West-African coast in Senegal, on the Petite Côte to the South of Cape Verde (Dakar): the Salum “delta,” selected for this study. Small delta environments are not extensively studied and are even less known; they provide an opportunity to diversify knowledge on this type of environments. Description of the site under study The Salum delta, that now covers an area of 2250 km², opens up at about 150 km to the South of Dakar, in a Miocene geological setting known as the “Continental Termi- GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 17 M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) nal” which has undergone a profound ferrallitic pedogenesis (Lappartient, 1985). The sector is part of the West-African passive margin, where indications of crust mobility in the Senegalo-Mauritanian basin are limited to a certain subsidence in the Senegal River delta area (Monteillet, 1986). A general lithospheric stability prevails elsewhere (Einsele et al., 1974) as attested, for instance, by observations at Cap des Biches (Diouf et al., 1995). The Eemian is encountered there at a low altitude (~1 m) above mean sea level, showing that this stability is observed at a time scale that most certainly includes the Holocene. The climate of the region is Sudanese, characterised by two alternating, contrasting seasons. Considerably different modalities are nonetheless encountered in Senegalese territory (Ausseil-Badie and Monteillet, 1985). In the North of the country, the Senegal River flows in an arid to semi-arid Sahelian region; conversely, among the “Rivers of the South,” the Gambia flows in a tropical area (Diop, 1990). The Salum Delta is situated at the edge of these two areas and consequently enjoys a specific bipolar climate (Diara, 1999). The Salum River (Fig. 1) is actually a ria now fed only feebly by a limited river flow for two to three months during the rainy season, from July to September. Its hydrodynamics are governed essentially by the penetration of the tidal wave and the strong evaporation regime which develops in the vast system of interdistributaries (known as ‘bolons’) and mangroves of the delta (Barusseau et al., 1985). Conversely, the Gambia River, which opens in the immediate South of the delta, is fed continuously with fresh water, albeit subject to wide fluctuations (Marius, 1985; Diop, 1990; Dacosta, 1993). The delta spreads out between the Salum and the Gambia rivers, and is cut by two unequal arms. The Bandiala to the South is a long, narrow and quite shallow bolon, unlike the vast Diomboss, which seems to form a border between the most extensive semidelta in the North and the Betanti Islands in the South (Fig. 1). In the Diomboss, the greater depths (25 m) and the width (2 to 5 km) do not seem compatible with a normal fluvio-deltaic process. Fig. 1 Location of the studied area 18 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) In relation to Galloway’s classification (1975), the Salum delta displays an organisation strongly dominated by fluviatile fluxes and tide. The latter is microtidal in the North (Diaw, 1993) and macrotidal in the South (Barusseau et al., 1988; Diara, 1999). According to these characteristics, it is of a mixed type, neither clearly lobate like the delta of the Senegal, nor cuspate, like the delta of the Rhone. The influence of the swell is marked by a long, Senegalese type of spit, the Sangomar Spit, similar to the Langue de Barbarie that diverts the Senegal River when it reaches sea and shifts its mouth several tens of kilometres to the South. In two cases, however, natural (Salum) or anthropogenic (Senegal River) processes have recently created intermediate openings that tend to stay, unlike similar events in the recent past (Cuq et Diaw, 1985; Ba et al., 1993; Diaw, 1997; Thomas and Diaw, 1997; Ba and Diouf, 1998). In the Salum, the spit was broken in February 1987, and the breach has widened constantly in the years that follow to reach more than 4 km. The process is indicative in particular of a sedimentary dearth responsible for erosion phenomena that are widespread in all of the Petite Côte, between the Cap Verde and the Gambia (Barusseau, 1980). These particular features have long attracted the attention of researchers from various fields such as morphology (Michel, 1973; Sall, 1983; Diop, 1990), hydrology (Barusseau et al, 1985; Saos and Pages, 1985), pedology (Kalck, 1978; Marius, 1985), sedimentology and micropaleontology (Ausseil-Badie et al., 1991; Barusseau et al., 1985, 1995) who have noted wide differences in the distribution of beach ridges, mud tidal flats and sand flats (locally known as “tanne” units) – the three main morphosedimentary units encountered between the Northern and Southern parts of the delta (Diara, 1999). Another particular feature of the Salum delta is the existence of a large number of anthropogenic shell middens. They attest to the presence of Neolithic cultures since at least 1940 B.P. (Faboura mound, to the North of delta, Descamps et al., 1977; Thilmans et Descamps, 1982). They were erected near gathering areas of the main mollusc, exploited for its meat, Anadara senilis, along sand-mud or sand-silt areas, often in a sheltered and internal position, as can still be seen today (Descamps, 1989). The different mounds are located on the edge of reliefs that surround the delta plain, as well as inside the plain along active bolons or old distributaries that have now disappeared. They mark the different stages of the sedimentary filling of the delta plain and their chronological positioning consequently provides reference points of this history. These works have made it possible to sketch an explanation of how the estuary functioned, as well as an initial framework for these formations (Ausseil-Badie et al., 1991). Fig. 2 summarises the steps, from the open bay stage at the beginning of the filling between 6000 and 3500 B.P. (Fig. 2A), until the current stage marked by the deposit, in two episodes (2000-1500 years B.P., then 1000-600 years B.P.) of mud and sand-flats (Figs. 2C and 2D), behind vast beach ridges formed between 3150 and 2550 years B.P., with an apparently different polarity in the North and in the South (Fig. 2B). Questions nonetheless remain unsolved and pertain more particularly to two clearly distinct issues. The first concerns the relative importance of factors that determine the nature and abundance of deposits as well as the articulation of its constituent units. The second has to do with the origin of the median Diomboss (Fig. 1) and to the origin of the differences between the two parts of the delta that it separates. The purpose of this article is to present the state-of-the-art about these two issues. Methodology The delta plain consists of deposits organised into distinct geomorphic and sedimentologic units, which were studied by Diara (1999). The indication of the role of possible fluctuations of the sea level in the formation and architecture of these units implies that their altimetric position is determined in relation to the sea level, in light of the tidal and/or marine variations (storm surges) that affect it. The methods used fall under topography. In each point study, a reference level was defined in relation to the level of the highest watermarks on the shore or the banks. All the stratigraphic limits marked in the cross-sections and boreholes have thus been connected to this reference level. Nevertheless, with no zero adjustment, and taking the tidal range into account, the precision of these evaluations is subject to an error of up to ±0.50 m. Some verification with a total station has shown that the altitude of the units varies in particular from North to South, depending on a likewise variable tidal range. To understand the formation of the delta and its evolution through time, surface and subsurface samples were taken down to – 6.80 m on the ridges and – 5.20 m in the tidal flats – positions measured in relation to the reference level determined in the field. Their analysis in the laboratory has made it possible to define their grain-size and SEM grain surface characteristics, to study their heavy minerals, and to determine their clayey minerals with X rays. Some additional radiocarbon dating was performed on shells. A total of 53 stations to the North of Diomboss and 39 to the South have been described and studied. They are more concentrated around the beach ridges, entailing a less homogeneous distribution to the North than to the South of Diomboss, because they are located to the West of the delta plain in the North, whereas they are vaster and regularly distributed in the South. Results Their main sedimentological and morphological characteristics are described below, underlying the differences between the Northern and Southern parts on either side of the Diomboss. The three types of morphosedimentary units of the delta The sediments are organised into morphosedimentary units, which show clear differences between the Northern and Southern parts in terms of their distribution and mutual – in particular stratigraphic – relations. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 19 M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) Fig. 2 The four major stages of the delta construction according to Ausseil-Badie et al.(1991). Explanations in text 20 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) Three types of units were considered (Fig. 3): Fig. 3 The main geomorphic and sedimentary units in the delta. Dotted areas: beach barriers; white surfaces: tidal flats (mud flats and the so-called “tannes”= sand-flats are not distinguished). The grey surfaces correspond to the geological substratum outcrops (= “Continental terminal”) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 21 M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) • • • The morphology of the beach ridges is very different depending on the sector studied. In the Northernmost part, the ridges are flat and dismantled, at a low altitude that does not exceed 1 m. In descending towards the South, they gradually become more imposing and form long, wide, voluminous and high barriers, at an altitude that at time reaches 10 m. Fine, at times cross-bedded laminations show on the fresh sections of the ridges in the South but, generally, because of the very homogeneous deposits, both in the North and in the South, stratigraphic correlations cannot be established. The mud tidal-flats are actually complex units, rarely totally composed of mud, but most often of mixed sand-clay, and at times sand-silt sediments: they correspond to the slikke of the mud-flats. They are located at the base of the ridges or at the edge of the third units, the “tannes,” and do not exceed some twenty metres in thickness above the Continental Terminal (Marius, 1985). On the high parts of the mud tidal-flats develops the mangrove, thick and often inextricable in the South, poor and sparse, in riparian position in the North. The mud tidal-flats in the North are characterised by abundant sand interlayers from the ridges that are dismantled, striped and swept by the wind. The boreholes in the mud tidal-flats in the North are rapidly stopped by sandy beds and exceptionally exceed 1.50 m under the surface, whereas a depth of 6 m is attained more easily in the South. The mud tidal-flats of the South are more developed and more clayey; although they too often show alternating beds of very fine sand and of clay, they show a less developed pedogenesis. The “tannes” form very flat areas, most often emerged during spring tides and the rainy season; they correspond to bare or herbaceous schorre, except where geochemical processes occur because long periods of desiccation alternate with short periods of flooding. From the South to the North, the evolution of the “tannes” is accompa- nied by an increasingly more intense pedological transformation due to oxidation phenomena whereby pyrite is transformed into jarosite, and Rhizophora roots are fossilised into iron pipes (Vieillefon, 1974). The “tannes” are much extended in the extreme North, and have evolved into hyper-salted and acid soils. Location of the mud tidal-flats in relation to sea level The highest level (in altitude) of the mud tidal flats is always situated at the high tide limit and varies from North to South. The high tide accompanying the gradual increase in the tidal range in this direction rises from 0.50 m in the North to 2.5 m in the South. Sand fraction grain-size An often abundant sand fraction is found in the ridge, mud tidal flat and “tanne” sediments. It must therefore be examined. The sand barrier sediments of the three units are fine to very fine (Figs. 4 and 5). The Northern sand barriers have a grain-size modal value essentially between 160 and 250 μm, generally higher than that observed in the Southern sand barriers. The same difference is noted between the sands of the Northern and of the Southern mud flats, even if the grain-size modes of the quartz component are finer than those of the barriers. It is worth noting, in fact that the sands of the mud flats often have bi-modal grain-size curves. This is due to two particular features. The texture of the pelitic fraction of the muds is in fact favourable to the development of an endofauna that produces a coarse bioclastic component. Furthermore, prismatic or saccharoid gypsum stemming from the authigenic processes is often encountered. Shell debris like gypsum crystals appear only after the sediment has been deposited, in the final development phase of mud tidal flats. Consequently, unlike the quartz framework population, this post-depositional formation provides no argument on the deposition process. Fig. 4 Grain-size mode distribution in sand-barrier sediments (x-coordinate in microns; y-coordinate in %). Fig. 5 Grain-size mode distribution in mud-flat and “tanne” sediments (x-coordinate in microns; y-coordinate in %). The textural grain-size duality observed is also underscored by the distribution of the asymmetry indices which reveal significant differences between samples from the delta to the North and to the South of the Diomboss. Sandbarrier sediments in the North show a preponderant asymmetry towards the coarse tail of the grain-size distribution, while those of the South clearly show an asymmetry towards the fine end. In mud flats, this opposition is reversed, with an asymmetry towards the fine in Northern sand barriers, whilst the majority of those in the South have an asymmetry towards the coarse end of the distribution (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7). 22 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) Fig. 6 Asymmetry index distribution in sand-barrier sediments (y-coordinate in %). Nature and quantitative distribution of pelites Pelites are not a dominant category in the Salum delta, even in the mud tidal flats, as we have seen. They are present in higher proportion in the mud tidal flats of the South than in those of the North; the opposite is true in the “tannes” (Table 1). Table 1 Pelitic index in mud-flats and “tanne” sediments (number of samples in parentheses) Content of pelites in mud flat sediments Content of pelites in “tanne” sediments Northern part 36.5±14.12 (18) Southern part 45.8±27.15 (39) 18.6±18.60 (63) 7.4±10.01 ( 9) The clayey paragenesis is highly constant, as already recognised by Kalck (1978). It is represented by two species, kaolinite and smectite, which constitute more than 80% of the clayey fraction under 2 μm, whereas illite, more subsidiary, represents only 5 to 20%. Kaolinite constitutes more than 50% of the clayey assemblage of the sediments. According to Kalck (1978), kaolinite is inherited from the alteration of the Continental Terminal; illite comes from the same source. According to this author, smectite (of the ferriferous beidellite variety) is always symptomatic of a marine flux. This situation must be compared with a certain abundance of pelites at the outlet of the Gambia, in the inner-shelf zone (Barusseau, 1983), over an area of more than 20 km², at times exceeding 25% of the total sediment. The Gambia actually has real floods and a solid flow rate of 660000 tons/year at 530 km from the mouth (Lerique, 1975). This river therefore has the necessary capacities to bring fine elements in suspension. At the outlet of the Salum, on the other hand, this proportion is lower, about 5 % over a reduced area. SEM examination of the quartz fraction A SEM surface analysis of the quartz grains has shown that, all the grains in the delta have marks indicating that they passed in a coastal area, at times in high energy sectors. The grains are often very clean and show marks of current shock. However, a clear distinction appears among all Fig. 7 Asymmetry index distribution in mud-flat and “tanne” sediments (y-coordinate in %). the sand barrier, mud flat and “tanne” sediments: the quartz grains of the Northern clearly demonstrate a prevailing wind component with a high percentage of round and mat grains, traces of wind-derived scratch, sharp edge fractures and, at times, even flat surfaces reminiscent of dreikanters. Grains are also often found with traces of shocks on silica coatings typical of desert areas. The SEM examination of these grains shows a provenance from a desert environment and, very frequently, indications of wind transport. In the Southern units, on the other hand, the wind-derived component is always feebly represented and grain shapes are largely dominated by rougher forms; among which exoscopy has shown numerous alterations manifested by, e.g. rounded edges and blunted peaks. This set of characteristics, together with the frequency of non-worn grains (15 to 50%) attests to a consequent fluvial flux and suggests that the Southern delta was fed from sources nearby. Only the Gambia – because of its proximity and water discharge – can be considered as a valid source for this type of sediments. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of heavy minerals The same opposition is established when the distribution of heavy minerals is considered. The weighted percentage of heavy minerals is three times higher in the Southern than in the Northern beach barriers: the average in the South is 0.70%, but only 0.21% in the North. When notable percentages are on occasion recorded in the North (Niodior: 0.42 % and Fandong: 1.42), it is because the light fraction is winnowed, thereby implying residual enrichment. The dominant mineralogical species in the delta are zircon, tourmaline, rutile, highly resistant minerals; then come metamorphic minerals: staurotide, andalousite and disthene. Garnet, sphene, and muscovite, chemically or mechanically more fragile, are in low quantity. The distribution of these mineral species shows two tendencies: the Southern barriers are richer in rutile, whereas the Northern beach barriers are richer in muscovite. All the other heavy minerals show a homogeneous distribution between North and South of the delta. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 23 M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) Dating Several new dates have been obtained on samples of shell remains (Anadara senilis, Dosinia isocardia and Gryphea gasar) taken from beach barrier sediments (4), “tanne” sediments (2) and tidal flats (4). The results are given in Table 2. These dates supplement, but do not challenge the scheme of relations between the different units and the chronology of the steps shown by Ausseil-Badie et al. (1991) as presented above (Fig. 2). Table 2 14C dates on shell remains from various morphosedimetary units of the Salum delta Morphological unit Beach barrier Beach barrier Beach barrier Beach barrier Tidal flat (slikke)) Tidal flat (slikke) Tidal flat (slikke) Tidal flat (slikke) Tidal flat (schorre) Tidal flat (schorre) Location Falia Dionewar Dionewar Niodior Niodior Niodior Niodior Djiffère Diogane Diogane Depth (m) 0.80 2.10 2.50 0.70 0.10 0.47 0.63 0.25 0.10 0.35 Interpretation - DISCUSSION Relative weight of eustatic and sedimentary forcing factors The sequence of deposits formed during the filling of the primitive estuary bay of Salum represents a dynamic system, where the evolution in time and space is regulated by a balance between three allocyclic factors (Vail et al., 1977): variation in sea level (i.e. the change in the volume of the world’s ocean water), isovolume deformation of the solid substrate (i.e. variation of its geometry), and sedimentary fluxes that modify the form of the substrate locally through the addition of new material. The problem in the Salum delta is actually limited to establishing the share between the relative weights of two factors only: eustatism and sedimentary forcing, for the sector belongs to the West African passive margin, where a general lithospheric stability prevails (Diouf et al., 1995). It can point out first that the sedimentary reservoir was considerable throughout the period. There were voluminous ergs to the North of the Salum-Gambia region from the previous glacial phase (“Ogolian”; Michel, 1977). In the South, the entire first half of the Holocene was marked by a hot and humid climate, favourable to abundant fluviatile sediment fluxes. The question arises as to possible positive and/or negative variations in the sea level during the entire interval of the construction of the delta plain. Such variations have frequently been cited in the region to explain the arrangement of the deposits (Faure and Elouard, 1967). The observations reported here seem to suggest that no considerable variation in sea level is either necessary or demonstrable. The argument is provided by the altitude of the mud tidal flats. 24 Species Dosinia isocardia Anadara senilis Anadara senilis Anadara senilis Gryphea gasar Gryphea gasar Anadara senilis Gryphea gasar Gryphea gasar Gryphea gasar 14C Date (years B.P.) 3670±100 2370±50 2780±60 570±40 170±50 390±70 530±70 1180±80 580±60 400±60 This unit is established according to the tide, and its highest level is always at the limit of mean high tide (De Vries Klein, 1985). The considerable variation of the tidal range in the delta, although progressive from North to South, is not linear. On the coastal sector from the North of Salum to Guinea-Bissau, the spring tidal range rises from 1.10 m in Djiffère to 1.60 m in Banjul (Gambia) and to more than 4 m in Guinea-Bissau. This rise in the tidal range essentially explains the variations observed in the delta. It is not sufficient, however, and the abruptly tapered end of the funnel-shaped morphology of the Bandalia helps explaining a strong, hypersynchronous characteristic in the bolons of the South, whereas the maintained width beyond the neck of the distributary explains a synchronous behaviour in the internal reach (Diara, 1999). A local amplification of the tidal range results (up to 2.50 m) and the variation in altitude of the mud tidal flats corresponds to this exaggeration, and not to eustatic variations in the sea level. So there seems to be an adjustment in the organisation of the mud tidal flats of the entire delta depending only on present conditions. The delta construction: a two-fold process This dual formation is expressed by the origin of the sediments at the interface of two climate zones: Sahelian and tropical. The origin may be defined from the distribution of morphosedimentary units, the results of the grain-size, SEM surface aspects and mineralogical analysis of the sand fraction and the distribution of pelites. Two types of sedimentary units in the Salum delta have a clearly antagonistic distribution between North and South: the sand barriers and the “tanne” sediments. The sand barriers are long, numerous, but not very high in the North. They have undergone multiple modifications connected to the GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) movement of channels and the arms of the Salum (Ausseil et al., 1991). They are more massive and not much affected by the variations of the delta process in the South. The extension of the “tanne” sediments is nowhere in the world as important as in Northern part of the Salum delta. It is, however, very limited in the South of the Diomboss. The sedimentological study of the constituents of the different units also leads to underscore wide differences between the two parts of the delta on either side of the Diomboss. The central role of a terrigenous quartz population was noted, as it is still present and coarser to the North than to the South of the Diomboss, even if it is at times masked by circumstantial components (bioclastic, authigenic). The causes of this grain-size duality are to be found in the two possible sources of the terrigenous sand material. To the North and to the North-East of the delta extend the Ogolian ergs of the Ferlo (Michel, 1973; Barbey, 1982); then, further North, the Mauritanian desert. These two areas are reservoirs of sediment easily blown away by the wind – and the North and North-West winds are frequent in this region, where vegetation is very sparse when not totally absent, or by streaming during rain periods, or by the North-South coastal drift (Gac et al., 1992). They can also transport coarser sediments (Kocurek and Lancaster, 1999). Consequently, sandy material from the North can be thought to have their source in the North. The second potential source is in the South with the powerful hydrological system of the Gambia, the existence of which at the Southern edge of the delta cannot be ignored. Draining a catchment area where the tropical hydrolysis systems are highly active, it plays a role in both the coarse input and the arrival of fine materials. The SEM examination provides convergent arguments. The quartz grains show surface states that justify distinguishing them according to their belonging to two different provinces separated by the Diomboss sound. To the North, the sediment has the same origin as the coarse component. This predominantly wind-originated sand with obvious marine reworking has constituted the Northern delta in part during climatic periods of the late Holocene interval. In the South, the sediments show quartz grains of essentially fluvio-marine origin with a secondary wind component. The distance of the Salum from this part and the proximity of the Gambia justify identifying the latter as the vector of the dominant fluvial-marked component. Based on the above, the quartz grains finally show that they belong to two different provinces separated by the Diomboss sound, a hydraulic border that prevents grains with fluviatile marks from crossing from the South to the North. The wind component, on the other hand, crosses this space and its presence is recognized in the sediments of the South, albeit not as abundant as in the North. The North-South duality thus underscored is confirmed by more discrete signals such as the assemblage of heavy minerals and the distribution of the pelites. In the case of Salum, two distinctive heavy minerals are present: muscovite in the North and rutile in the South. They are available not only because they exist in the sources, but also because of different processes that occur after they are mobilised: a pedogenetic alteration in the source massifs and geological formations, weathering or fracturing during the different transport phases in a fluvial or marine environment, involving their mechanical and chemical resistance, early post-depositional diagenesis (Morton and Hallsworth, 1999). The fragility of the muscovite, crystallised into flakes, excludes transport in an energetic hydrodynamic environment. Its relative abundance in the North could suggest relatively nearby sources, transport in a calm environment and, consequently, reduced shocks. The Salum corresponds to a low energy outflow. It would have conveyed the muscovite from the sedimentary layers of the Meso-Cenozoic basin up to its deposit in the delta. On the contrary, the rutile is a mineral both mechanically and chemically resistant. Although generally small in size, it is a highly dense mineral (4.2 to 5.5). Its more frequent presence in the South may therefore adapt to the conditions of a sedimentary history that adds transport phases and alteration phases. Other mineralogical species are relatively less represented, because they have not resisted as well. The high density of the rutile moreover entails that it can be transported only by energy outflows. Its rounded form does not, in fact, make it particularly buoyant. It is therefore necessary to acknowledge a sufficient flux to understand how it got established in the South. There too, the Gambia, the floods of which produce high flow rates, must be the essential agent of this transport. The muscovite and the rutile therefore help identify a Northern mineralogical province (the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basin), the sediments of which are conveyed by the Salum, and a province originating in the South-East, the folded range of the Mauritanides, one of the culminating points of which is the Fouta Djalon, the source of the Gambia. The different relative abundance of the heavy mineral fraction in the North and the South also confirms this distinction. Whereas in the Northern part, the material is fed by the reworking of the sedimentary strata where the heavy residue has already extensively diminished and is being transported and deposited under not very energetic agents, the direct flux from the crystalline massifs by a powerful river is easier to understand in the South. The distribution of pelites provides a second discrete yet significant signal. The pelitic assemblage is homogenised by a dynamic, geochemical mixing; it is not discriminating. The same cannot be said when its relative abundance is consid- GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 25 M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) ered; we have seen that mud flats are incomparably more abundant in the Southern half than in the Northern part. The fine materials are generally dispersed in the sea by a turbid plume. Their evolution then depends on the proximity of the deposit zones characterised first and foremost by hydrodynamic calm. Two preferential sites generally have such potential: the depths of the inner shelf below the storm wave-base and the sheltered areas of the coast. This pattern is encountered near large estuaries, such as the Gironde and the Marennes-Oléron Basin (Lesueur et al.1994; Barusseau. 1973) or, closer to Senegal, in the mud tidal flats of Guinea (Rüe, 1988) and Guinea-Bissau (PNUE, 1985). It is also found off the Gambia, in the sheltered environments of the nearby continental shelf (Domain. 1977; Ba- russeau, 1983) and in the entire delta, in all the parts of the former estuary bay, as it was protected by the sand barrier structures erected from 4000 B.P. Furthermore, the fact that the mud tidal flats to the North of the Gambia are dated 6000 B.P. at 10 m of depth (Kalck, 1978) show that the delta bedrock was established there from the beginning of the sedimentary filling under the influence of fluxes from this river, at the Southern edge of the area. The North of the delta, being far from the source, receives less fine sediments. Finally, the relative abundance of muds, highly imbalanced between the North, rather poor in pelites, and the better provided South, attests to a separation between the Northern and the Southern part of the delta (Fig. 8). Fig. 8 The distinct origin of the Northern and Southern parts of the delta. Conclusion At the end of a discussion that takes into account the results obtained on the arenic and pelitic fractions of the sediments, on the exoscopic characteristics of the quartz grains and on the formation of the heavy fraction, a double origin of the sedimentary flux emerges clearly, identifying two provinces of origin, two modes of flux and two parts of the delta: • 26 a Northern part, characterised by a quartz flux, chiefly windtransported, reworking slightly the deposits of a highly altered sedimentary basin. The fluvial hydrodynamics are discrete and subordinated to the coastal transfers by waves and tidal currents in the reverse estuary part of the Salum; • a Southern part under the influence of the wide catchment area of the Gambia, and the mineralogical province of the Mauritanides that it drains. The fluvial hydrodynamics produce a recognizable imprint, even if the last marine characteristics attenuate it somewhat. The Salum delta must therefore be reduced in the Northern part; whereas the Southern part represents the pre-Gambian delta. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M. Diara, J.P. Barusseau - Late Holocene Evolution of the Salum-Gambia Double Delta (Senegal) Between the two, the Diomboss, originally considered as one of the distributaries of a large delta of the Salum, actually represents only a remnant of the original estuary bay that existed when the sea reached its current level. There are no indications that justify retaining the idea of extensive changes of the eustatic position of this level in References Ausseil-Badie J., Monteillet J. 1985 - Incidences des variations climatiques récentes enregistrées par la microfaune et la macrofaune des estuaires du Senegal et du Saloum (Senegal). Océanographie Tropicale, 20, 2, 151-160 Ausseil-Badie J., Barusseau J.P., Descamps C., Diop E.H.S., Giresse P., Pazdur M. 1991 - Holocene deltaic sequence in the Saloum estuary, Senegal. 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CASE STUDY: St. GEORGE DISTRIBUTARY (1970-2000) Laura JUGARU (1,2), Mireille PROVANSAL (2), Nicolae PANIN (1), Philippe DUSSOUILLEZ (2) (1) INCD GEOECOMAR, Rue Dimitrie Onciul, No 23-25, 024053, Bucarest, Roumanie, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (2) UMR 6635, CEREGE-CNRS, Europôle Méditerranéen de l’Arbois, 13545, BP 80, Aix-en-Provence, Cedex 04, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. The paper describes the evolution of one distributary of the Danube Delta (the St. George distributary) over the last 30 years by use of topographic maps as well as aerial and satellite images transformed and georeferrenced in a geographic information system (GIS). By analysing a multitude of parameters the authors intend to assess the changes in channel and meanders morphology induced by human intervention in the drainage basin of the Danube River and in its delta in the early 80s. The anthropogenic changes (damming of the river, cut-offs of the distributary meanders within the delta area) have significantly altered the hydraulic and sediment dynamics in the distributary resulting in diminished migration of meander belts, occurence of longitudinal sand bars, bathymetric changes. The natural channels of meanders and the newly cut channels evolve differently, fundamentally changing the sediment transport processes. Key words: GIS, St. George distributary, meander belt, cut-offs, channel evolution Introduction Ce papier présente une première analyse de l’évolution du bras de Saint George au cours des 30 dernières années, à partir du traitement de cartes topographiques et d’images satellitaires par les logiciels Mapinfo et ERMapper. Le traitement d’image et les SIG permettent la reconstitution de l’évolution récente des milieux fluviaux en vue d’une analyse des réponses du système aux différents forçages (naturels et anthropiques). L’analyse des modifications morphologiques des systèmes fluviaux à partir de cartes anciennes, photographies aériennes et images satellitaires est fréquemment utilisée (Huckleberry, 1994 ; Large et Petts, 1996 ; Rinaldi et Simon, 1998 ; Leys et Werritty, 1999 ; Biedenharn et al., 2000 ; Winterbottom, 2000 ; Lach et Wizga, 2002 ; Pisut, 2002; Citterio et Piégay, 2000 ; Dzana, 2000 ; Warner, 2000). De nombreuses recherches ont été réalisées sur la mobilité des méandres à partir des années 1970. Les impacts mor- phologiques des aménagements fluviaux ont été aussi analysés. Les dynamiques ont été étudiées à différentes échelles, à partir des processus caractérisant l’érosion des rives (Hooke, 1979 ; Knighton, 1973 ; Thorne et Tovey, 1981), le transport sédimentaire et le dépôt dans les sinuosités (Bridge, 1984, Dietrich et al, 1984) et les changements dans la configuration des écoulements (Hickin, 1978). Les impacts morphologiques et sédimentaires en relation avec les aménagements hydro-électriques ont été analysés sur des organismes de tailles très différentes (Arno - Fleuve Jaune, Timar – Tisza, Winkley - Mississippi). La réduction de la charge sédimentaire par les barrages est variable selon les fleuves. Elle est estimée à 30% sur le Mississippi, 95% sur le Nil et l’Ebre (Milliman & Meade, 1983 ; Shahin, 1985, J. Guillén & A. Palanques, 1992). Les conséquences sont en général une augmentation de l’activité érosive dans le chenal, liée au déficit de charge sédimentaire. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 29 L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube L’endiguement et les recoupements des méandres, destinés à améliorer les conditions de la navigation et à permettre une évacuation plus rapide des eaux de crue, entraînent des modifications significatives sur les profils en long (Emerson J.W., 1971 ; Keller E.A.., 1975). Les études sur les rectifications des méandres montrent qu’ils ont un effet sur le régime hydrologique, mais aussi sur la morphométrie des bras recoupés qui se colmatent progressivement, alors que les bras de recoupement s’approfondissent (Ichim, Radoane, 1986). Sur les cours d’eau à méandres, la constructions de barrages, les endiguements (protection contre les débordements) et les recoupements destinés à améliorer les conditions de la navigation et à permettre une évacuation plus rapide des eaux de crue ont entraîné des modifications significatives sur les profils en long (Emerson J.W., 1971 ; Keller E.A., 1975). La zone d’étude : présentation générale Le bras de Saint George est le plus méridional du delta du Danube. Il débute à 108 km de la mer par une diffluence du bras médian (bras de Tulcea). Sa largeur est variable (150 à 550 m), sa profondeur est comprise entre 3 et 27 m sous le niveau d’étiage local (Bondar, 2004). Très méandriforme, ce bras est actuellement le plus actif du delta du Danube, par son activité morpho-dynamique (mobilité des méandres), par l’évolution rapide de son embouchure (progradation d’un lobe deltaïque et mobilité de l’île-barrière de Sakhaline (Panin, 2003). Actuellement le bras véhicule environ 21-22% du débit liquide et 20% du débit solide du Danube à l’entrée dans son delta. La morphologie du bras permet d’identifier 3 secteurs différents, d’amont en aval (fig. 1): • un secteur presque rectiligne, peu sinueux, à partir de la diffluence jusqu’au PK 90, contraint par l’affleurement de l’orogène nord-dobrogéen et un système de failles en rive droite (« fractures de Saint George », Panin 2003) ; • un secteur de méandres libres dans la plaine fluviale (6 méandres entre les PK 90 et PK 22) ; • un secteur peu sinueux, qui recoupe les cordons littoraux historiques progradants entre le PK 22 et l’embouchure. Les méandres du bras de Saint George n’ont pas été beaucoup étudiés ; des études ont été faites par Panin et Popa (1994) sur l’impact des constructions des barrages des Portes de Fer I et II sur le bras de Saint George. Une étude systématique sur les impacts morphologiques induits par les aménagements hydro-électriques et le recoupement des méandres dans le delta n’a pas été réalisée. C’est l’objet de cet article. Trois types d’aménagements ont modifié les conditions de fonctionnement du bras : Deux objectifs ont été fixés à ce travail : analyser et quantifier l’évolution dynamique d’un chenal à méandre soumis à des variations d’apports liquides et solides ; analyser l’impact spécifique lié aux travaux de recoupements des méandres. Depuis 30 à 40 ans, l’aménagement hydro-électrique du bassin-versant (en particulier la construction des barrages hydro-électriques des Portes de Fer I et II entre 1971 et 1984) a modifié les flux solides entrants à l’amont du delta, provoquant une diminution des apports sédimentaires d’environ 25 – 30% (Panin et al., 1979-1994; Popa, 1994). • • Fig. 1 Le Delta du Danube, secteur d’étude: le bras de Saint George 30 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Dans les années 1984-1988, six méandres libres du bras de Saint George ont été recoupés afin d’améliorer la navigation et d’augmenter les débits liquides du bras; la longueur du bras a été ainsi diminuée de 32 km. Les chenaux de recoupement étaient initialement profonds de 7-8 m, avec une largeur de 75-100 m. Ces travaux ont induit un changement de répartition des débits liquides et solides du bras de Saint George, qui capte partiellement les eaux des deux autres bras du delta. La figure 2 montre que ces travaux jouent un rôle déterminant sur le débit du bras de Saint-George. La construction d’un éperon à la première diffluence deltaïque (bras de Tulcea/bras de Sulina et de Saint-George) dans les années 1970-1980, destiné à dévier le flux liquide vers le bras de Sulina pendant les périodes de basses eaux, a réduit l’alimentation du bras de Saint-George (A. Popa, 1993). Le bras de Sulina captait 41% du flux en 1928-1929, 45% en 1958-1960 et 54% en 1990-1994. Ces trois types d’aménagements modifient les conditions hydrologiques et sédimentaires du bras de Saint George, sou- mis successivement à une réduction des apports solides, puis à une augmentation des apports liquides. La figure 2 résume ces transformations, qui se surimposent à la variabilité naturelle des flux, saisonnière et pluriannuelle. La période 1971-1984, séparant la construction des deux barrages, est caractérisée par deux crues importantes, alors que la turbidité diminue. La période de rectification des méandres (1984-1988) coïncide avec deux périodes d’afflux sédimentaires importants (400 kg/s), associés à des débits liquides annuels “moyens” (1300 m3/s). Les années suivantes correspondent à une augmentation progressive des débits liquides moyens annuels (jusqu’à 1900 m3/s), alors que les concentrations de MES continuent leur diminution tendancielle (150 à 250 kg/s). L’année 1990 enregistre les débits liquides et solides les plus bas depuis 40 ans (A. Popa, 1994). Ces modifications du rapport débit liquide/débit solide accroissent de fait la capacité globale d’érosion du bras de Saint George. Fig. 2 Evolution des débits liquides et solides sur 37 ans sur le bras de Saint George GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 31 L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube L’étude hydrologique réalisée par GeoEcoMar en 19891994 dans le secteur des méandres recoupés, confirme que les chenaux de recoupements évacuent une partie croissante des débits liquides et solides, « court-circuitant » ainsi les méandres du chenal naturel (fig. 3). Le recoupement des petits méandres aval (méandres 2, 3, 5, 6 et 7) dérive 12 à 20% des débits liquides et 11 à 22% des débits solides ; celui du grand méandre amont (1) dérive 45,6% des eaux et 37,5% des sédiments. On peut donc s’attendre à ce que ce dernier joue un rôle majeur. Par ailleurs, l’effet des recoupements est sensible dès la première année (1990) et s’amplifie très rapidement dans les années suivantes. Méthodologie du travail La démarche passe par les étapes suivantes : (1) recherche de la documentation cartographique et photographique. Nous avons sélectionné 4 dates significatives permettant de fournir une situation initiale « naturelle », puis d’encadrer les aménagements (1970, 1980, 1990, 2000): • 1970-1972 : carte topographique au 1 :50 000 en projection Gauss Krüger (6 feuilles) (réalisées par la Direction Topographique Militaire); • 1980 : carte topographique au 1 :25 000 en projection Gauss Krüger (13 feuilles), (réalisées par la Direction Topographique Militaire); • 1980 : photographies aériennes au 1 :25 000 (réalisées par la Direction Topographique Militaire); • • 1990 : image satellitaire Landsat 5 TM (résolution de 28 m/pixel) et Spot (résolution 10 m/pixel) ; 2000 : image satellitaire Landsat 7 ETM (panchromatique – canal 8, résolution 15 m/pixel). (2) calage, géo-référencement et rectification sous MapInfo et ERMapper des cartes topographiques et des photos. Les résolutions choisies sur les cartes (4 m pour 19711972 ; 2 m pour 1980) sont meilleures que de celles des images satellitaires (28, 10, 15 m). (3) vectorisation des berges et réalisation de transects transversaux pour mesurer la largeur du chenal pour chaque période, afin de localiser et quantifier les modifications des surfaces mouillées et du périmètre du chenal (déplacement latéral, augmentation, rétrécissement). Le secteur intermédiaire, correspondant aux méandres recoupés, a été analysé particulièrement. Les caractéristiques morphologiques de chaque méandre ont été calculées (longueur et largeur du chenal, longueurs d’onde et amplitudes des méandres, indice de sinuosité (Is= λ/L, où λ = longueur d’onde, L= longueur du thalweg entre deux inflexions de même sens). Les données exploitées dans le SIG sont affectées d’une marge d’erreur qui doit être prise en compte. Ces incertitudes tiennent à plusieurs facteurs (Raccasi et al., sous presse) : • Les différentes résolutions spatiales des capteurs : la comparaison des images Spot (10 m/pixel) et Landsat 7 (28 m/pixel), acquises à des dates très proches (20.10.1989 et Fig 3 Evolution des débits liquides et solides (%) dans les chenaux de recoupement du bras de Saint George, 1989-1994 (d’après A. Popa, 1993) 32 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube • • 20.08.1989), montre après vectorisation une différence en surface de la zone mouillée du chenal de 0.5 km2. L’erreur liée à la résolution de l’image est de 4.7% de la surface mouillée totale pour l’image Spot, de 12.3% pour l’image Landsat 7. La variation de la hauteur d’eau dans le chenal (liée aux variations du débit) perturbe la comparaison entre les différents documents. Elle donne en effet une image différente de la largeur du chenal, de la hauteur des berges émergées et de l’extension des marges forestières. La différence entre les surfaces mouillées des deux images satellites s’explique également par la différence de débit entre les 2 dates de prise de vue (1651 m3/s pour Spot et 1404 m3/s pour Landsat 7). La diversité du matériel cartographique utilisé (images satellites, cartes, photographies aériennes) : les cartes décrivent par principe une situation proche de l’étiage, alors que les photographies et les images satellites correspondent à une visualisation instantanée dans des contextes hydrologiques très variables. Résultats Globalement la largeur du bras n’a pas beaucoup varié entre 1970 – 2000 (fig. 4). Dans le secteur amont, on observe un faible élargissement (largeur moyenne 250 m en 1970, 260 m en 2000). Le secteur aval apparaît stable, à l’exception de l’embouchure, où le rétrécissement (de 1570 à 380 m) est lié à la progradation du lobe au-delà de la zone étudiée (laquelle passe ainsi d’un état « embouchure » à un état « che- nal »). Le secteur des méandres est le plus mobile, caractérisé par de fortes réductions/augmentations localisées, sensibles en 1990 et 2000. Cette disparité d’évolution souligne le rôle des recoupements artificiels des méandres et justifie une analyse par secteurs. (1) Le secteur peu sinueux à partir de la diffluence (entre PK 108 - PK 90) C’est la partie la plus stable du bras de Saint George. La figure 5 montre cependant une tendance à l’élargissement. Autour d’une moyenne de 35.60 m (soit 1,18 m/an), les valeurs extrêmes oscillent entre + 53 m (1,76 m/an, soit 20,15% de la valeur initiale) et -70,5 m (soit 2,35 m/an, 22,65% de la largeur initiale). Le segment comprend deux principaux secteurs d’élargissement du chenal : entre les PK 102-101, où apparaît en 1980 une île qui s’accroît rapidement (fig. 6), puis entre les PK 94 et 91. Ils sont compris entre trois secteurs de rétrécissement, dont le plus important est situé au PK 99 (-70,5 m soit 2,35 m/an, 22,65% de la largeur initiale). Au PK 90, situé à l’amont du chenal de recoupement de Mahmudia, le chenal s’élargit jusqu’en 1980, puis se rétrécit. (2) Le secteur des 6 méandres libres dans la plaine fluviale (entre Pk 90 et Pk 22) Globalement, l’évolution de la largeur du chenal est très disparate, entre les moyennes de +55 m (+1,81 m/an) et - Fig. 4 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 1970-2000 (l’ordonnée zéro représente les valeurs 1970) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 33 L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Fig. 5 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 1970-2000 entre les PK 108-90 (l’ordonnée zéro représente les valeurs 1970) Fig. 6 Evolution d’une île à l’intérieur du chenal naturel entre1970-2000 34 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Fig. 7 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 1970-2000 entre les PK 90-22 (l’ordonnée zéro représente les valeurs 1970) 107,1 m (- 3,57 m /an). Les valeurs extrêmes oscillent entre + 80,9 m (2,69 m/an, 45,45% de la valeur initiale) et -292,6 m (14,63 m/an, 52,32% de la valeur initiale), cette dernière étant acquise en seulement 20 ans (fig.7). On peut opposer la partie amont (PK 90 à 50), caractérisée par une tendance dominante à la réduction, à la partie aval qui a tendance à s’élargir. Ces déformations sont le plus souvent acquises dès 1980. La figure 7 montre l’organisation générale du secteur en 3 unités (méandre naturel-chenal de recoupement) : le grand méandre de Murighiol à l’amont (1), puis deux unités de petits méandres (2-3 et 5-6) séparé par le méandre 4 qui n’est pas rectifié et enfin un dernier méandre aval (7). Nous analyserons ces unités successivement. Le secteur entre PK 84- 64 correspond au méandre de Murighiol (1), qui est le plus grand et le plus complexe des méandres du bras de Saint George (fig. 8). L’évolution est dominée par la tendance au rétrécissement de la largeur du chenal (-114,4 m en moyenne soit 3,8 m/an). Cette tendance est la plus nette en amont du secteur, avec un maximum au PK 74 (-292,6 m, 14,63 m/an, 47,6% de la valeur initiale), où une île s’est développée en rive gauche. Elle est importante entre 1990 et 2000. La figure 8 permet de visualiser en plan l’évolution 19702000. Sur le premier tiers du méandre (PK 84 à 78), l’apex des sinuosités conserve encore une certaine mobilité : au PK 81 la rive convexe prograde, mais l’extrados reste stable (d’où une réduction de 122 m la largeur du chenal) ; au PK 78 (à placer sur la figure) le méandre se déforme en translation latérale et le chenal s’élargit de 61 m. Vers l’aval, le colmatage devient prédominant : quasi fermeture du chenal artificiel de Garla Filatului (PK 74) et développement d’une île qui réduit de Fig. 8 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 1970-2000 entre les PK 84-64 (méandre Murighiol) (l’ordonnée zéro représente les valeurs 1970) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 35 L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube 192 m la largeur du chenal principal. Une île apparaît en 1990 au PK 65, qui double de surface entre 1990 et 2000. réduction de la sinuosité (expansion et extension latérale dé- Le secteur entre les Pk 59 et 49 est représenté par les deux méandres de Dunavat de Sus et Dunavat de Jos (2) et (3). recoupement (Dunavat de Sus et Dunavat de Jos) déforme le La largeur du chenal s’est réduite sur l’ensemble du secteur, en particulier dans les apex des méandres (PK 57,5, 54 et 52), avec un maximum de -162,3 m au PK 54. L’érosion des apex et la sédimentation sur les extrados aboutissent à une Le secteur de correspondant au méandre (4) (fig. 10), en- croissantes, Hooke, 1977). La connexion avec les chenaux de bras dans la direction d’écoulement au PK 54. tre les PK 49 et 44, est le seul qui n’a pas été rectifié à cause de sa sinuosité peu élevée (Is=1.3). Stable à l’amont, il s’élargit de 1.84 m/an (16,56 % de la largeur initiale) à l’aval du PK 47. Fig. 9 Evolution des méandres Dunavat de Sus et Dunavat de Jos entre 1970-2000 Fig. 10 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 19702000 entre les PK 49-44, méandre (4), (l’ordonnée zéro représente les valeurs 1970) 36 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Dans les méandres (5) et (6), recoupés par les chenaux Dranov et Erenciuc (fig.11), le chenal est moins mobile (variations de largeur +/- 50 m, 17-18% de la largeur de 1970), bien que les apex des méandres soient encore capables de se déformer. Dans le détail, on observe une évolution en opposition de phase entre l’amont et l’aval : à l’amont (PK 41 et 34) le chenal ’élargit entre 1970 et 1980 (43 m et 65 m), puis se rétrécit entre 1980 et 2000 (20 et 37 m) ; à l’aval (PK 29) la largeur diminue entre 1970-1980 (51 m), puis s’élargit de 43 m. (3) Le secteur peu sinueux, qui recoupe les cordons littoraux historiques progradants entre le PK 22 et l’embouchure. Le méandre d’Ivancea (PK 22 à 16) est le dernier méandre, situé à 19 km de l’embouchure. Il correspond à l’entrée du chenal dans le système des cordons littoraux sableux hérités qui le limite vers le nord. Bien que recoupé par un chenal artificiel (chenal Ivancea), il est encore affecté par une mobilité latérale (extension des apex, PK 18,5 et 16). Son évolution est marqué par une diminution de 10.4 m entre les années 1970-1980, puis une augmentation de la largeur de 39.3 m entre 1980-1990 (après les rectifications du méandre) et 5,8 m entre 1990-2000, fig.12. Fig. 11 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 1970-2000 entre les PK 84-64 (l’ordonnée zéro représente les valeurs 1970) Fig. 12 Evolution de la largeur du chenal 1970-2000 entre les PK 22-16 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 37 L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube A l’aval de ce méandre, la morphologie apparente du bras est très stable dans le temps et espace, ses variations de largeur ne dépassant pas +/-20 m. Son tracé est rectiligne, sans doute contraint par la présence des cordons sableux de la plaine maritime. À partir du PK 5 la largeur du chenal a une évolution particulière. À l’embouchure le développement très rapide d’un lobe deltaïque au cours du dernier siècle a influencé la mor- phologie du chenal. La rive gauche reste stable, des modifications de la ligne de côte sont dues aux différents niveaux énergétiques de la mer. La rive droite évolue en progradation jusqu’à 1897 quand l’île de Sakhalin apparaît. À partir de cette date la rive droite commence à reculer (fig.13, Giosan et al, 2003). Le recul du cordon littoral en formation Sakhalin vers le continent fait que la rive droite du chenal du bras de Saint George devient de plus en plus stable. Fig. 13 Evolution du bras de Saint George à l’embouchure (Giosan et al, 2003). © Landsat 2000 38 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Bilan de l’évolution morphologique du bras de Saint-George, 1970-2000 (1) Variations de l’amplitude, de la longueur d’onde et de la sinuosité des méandres (fig. 14). L’indice de sinuosité (L/λ, L= longueur du thalweg entre deux inflexions de même sens, λ= longueur d’onde) est élevé (entre 1.2 et 5.9), confirmant la forte sinuosité du bras. Entre 1970 et 2000, il varie peu : stable pour le premier et le dernier méandre, légèrement inférieur (0,1) pour les méandres 2 et 3, supérieur (+0,1) pour les méandres 4, 5 et 6. L’amplitude des méandres va de 1030 m à 5510 m. Les méandres 2, 3, 4, 5 sont peu déformés (±30 m), alors que l’amplitude des méandres 1 et 6 diminue (– 70 m) ; seul le méandre 7 est stable. La longueur d’onde de la plupart des méandres est en diminution (-30 m pour 1, 3, 4, 5 ; -70 m pour 2 et 6), à l’exception du méandre 7 (+10 m). Sur la base de la classification élaborée par Hooke (1977), qui repose sur le mouvement des points d’inflexion et des apex (i .e. les variations de l’amplitude et de la longueur d’onde), les méandres du bras de Saint George se caractérisent par une extension et une expansion décroissantes. La mutation est la plus rapide sur les méandres 2 et 5, situés à l’amont des deux systèmes doubles, recoupés respectivement par les canaux de Dunavat de Sus et de Dranov. Le grand méandre de Murighiol présente la même tendance, mais sa taille amortit l’amplitude des déformations. Seul le méandre aval (7) présente une expansion croissante. La translation perpendiculaire sur l’axe du chenal est très faible en amont (PK 78, Murighiol), plus importante à l’aval (méandres 3, 5, 6, 7). Sur le méandre 7, elle est associée à une translation dans le sens du courrant dans le chenal. (2) Périmètre et superficie (fig. 15). La longueur du périmètre s’accroît de 4 km en 30 ans, soit de 2%. La surface mouillée reste quasi stable (diminution de 0,4 km2, soit 1,3%). Leurs valeurs augmentent entre 1970-1980, puis diminuent à partir de 1980. Les îles fluviales apparaissent, puis croissent à partir des années 1980 (198090 - 0,19 km2 ; 1990-2000 - 0, 33 km2). Fig. 14 Longueur d’onde, amplitude et sinuosité des méandres du bras de Saint George Fig. 15 Evolution du périmètre et de la superficie du chenal entre 1970-2000 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 39 L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Interprétation Trois différents forçages décalés dans le temps entrent en interaction : la construction des barrages hydro-électriques des Portes de Fer (1971-1984) réduit la charge solide ; le recoupement artificiel des méandres en 1984-1988 ont des effets contradictoires sur les débits liquides et les transformations de la diffluence amont du delta (Bras de Tulcea/ bras de Saint George et Sulina) dans les années 1980 qui ont eu comme effet des modifications des distributions des débits liquides et solides entre les trois bras du Danube après les rectifications des méandres du bras de Saint George. Ces forçages ont un impact global sur la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire du bras de Saint-George, mais le recoupement des méandres induit également des effets localisés sur les méandres et aux points de recoupement canaux-méandres. Dès 1975 les barrages provoquent une réduction du flux solide (fig. 2). A l’aval, le ralentissement du colmatage de l’embouchure ainsi que l’amorce du recul du cordon de Sakhaline confirme la précocité de cet impact. Le système fluvial s’ajuste à ces changements : il se recharge en sédiments en érodant le chenal. Cette réponse est visible sur la plupart des secteurs après 1980. Cette évolution morphologique se traduit, selon les cas, par une réduction de la largeur moyenne du chenal (vraisemblablement corrélée à une incision du fond) ou un élargissement (érosion des berges en réponse au colmatage du fond du chenal). Ces comportements contradictoires se succèdent sur le linéaire : l’élargissement/colmatage est dominant à l’amont du bras, dans la première partie du secteur 4, puis dans les méandres 5 et 6, alors que l’incision verticale caractérise le méandre de Murighiol et l’aval du secteur 4. On peut faire l’hypothèse d’un transit en relais de la charge de fond déstockée par l’érosion du chenal, puis piégée dans les secteurs fluviaux plus sinueux ou moins profonds. La mobilité des méandres est réduite. A partir de 1984, le recoupement des méandres provoque un accroissement du débit liquide moyen annuel qui augmente la puissance fluviale et doit logiquement aboutir à une accentuation de l’évolution précédente. L’analyse montre cependant que ce n’est pas toujours le cas : on peut séparer les impacts globaux et locaux. Globalement, la longueur d’onde et la sinuosité du système semblent se « figer », à l’exception de son extrémité aval (méandre 7). La tendance générale est une réduction de la longueur d’onde et de l’amplitude des méandres recoupés, traduisant une expansion-extension décroissante, significative d’une perte d’énergie. La réduction des largeurs (= incision), dominante dans les méandres amont (1, 2 et 3), contraste avec l’élargissement du chenal (= colmatage) à partir du méandre 4 (fig. 7) : on peut faire l’hypothèse que la charge de fond déstockée à l’amont est en cours de transit dans les méandres aval. Il est enfin difficile d’expliquer le maintien d’une bonne mobilité dans le méandre recoupé 7, à l’aval. 40 Dans le détail, les évolutions doivent être interprétées en fonction des contextes locaux : amont/aval des canaux de recoupement, méandres court-circuités. A l’amont du système (PK 108-90, fig. 5), le chenal s’élargit progressivement entre 1970 et 2000 (à l’exception du PK 99) et une île se développe à partir de 1990 : l’érosion des berges est donc bien une réponse au colmatage du chenal. A partir du PK 91, très proche de l’entrée du canal de recoupement de Mahmudia, la réduction de la largeur du chenal pourrait correspondre à une incision par érosion régressive, induite par l’accélération des vitesses du flux. Dans le méandre recoupé de Murighiol, l’évolution morphologique traduit une réduction de l’énergie, de l’amont (mobilité des apex, translation latérale au PK 78, forte réduction de largeur entre 1990 et 2000) vers l’aval (largeur stable, apparition d’îles), qui s’explique par la captation d’une part importante du débit liquide par le canal de recoupement. Dans les méandres 5, 6 et 7, les variations alternativement positives/négatives de la largeur pourraient traduire le transit de la charge de fond et le ré-ajustement du lit qui l’accompagne. La translation des extrados démontre que ces méandres bien qu’ils aient été recoupés, disposent encore d’une dynamique naturelle. Mais la vitesse d’extension des apex s’est encore réduite depuis 1980. Enfin, dans les zones de recoupement canaux-méandres, le chenal naturel est déformé dans la direction de l’écoulement, témoignant de l’énergie importante du flux liquide au débouché des canaux artificiels. Ces observations sont conformes à celles de Ionita et Radoane (1986). Mais elles ne recoupent pas systématiquement les données bibliographiques sur la dynamique des méandres recoupés. Laczay (1977) confirme la variation rapide de la largeur des fleuves hongrois, alors que Matthes (1947) montre la stabilité des méandres du Mississippi. Sur la Wales, Thorne et Lewin (1979) démontrent que les recoupements favorisent le colmatage, la réduction de la mobilité des méandres et l’élargissement dans les secteurs chenal recoupé-méandre. Mais Mosley (1975) décrit une augmentation de la sinuosité du fleuve Bollin (Cheshire) après recoupement, comme Brice (1977) pour le Sacramento, où l’augmentation de la sinuosité s’accompagne d’une réduction de la largeur du chenal. Enfin, pour Hickin (1983), les coupures n’introduisent que des perturbations passagères du système fluvial. D’autres chercheurs ont fait des remarques sur l’incidence des rectifications avant et après (Lathrap, 1968), ou sur les évolutions à long temps (300 ans sur le fleuve Klaralven par Sundborg, 1956). Les mutations du Danube apparaissent donc originales, par la rapidité et l’ampleur des réponses morphologiques. Ces particularités peuvent s’expliquer par la granulométrie très fine des sédiments, à dominante limono-argileuses, y compris sur les berges et les apex des méandres, qui est caractéristique du delta d’un très long fleuve médio-européen. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas L. Jugaru, M. Provansal, N. Panin, P. Dussouillez - Apports des Systemes d’Information Géographiques à la perception des changements morphodynamiques dans le Delta du Danube Elle confère une grande mobilité à la charge sédimentaire, qui permet une réponse rapide du système fluvial au double forçage des barrages et des recoupements de méandres. Conclusion Sur le bras méandriforme de Saint George, la réduction des débits solides provoquée par les barrages, puis l’augmentation du débit liquide après le recoupement artificiel des méandres, déterminent une augmentation globale progres- sive de l’énergie fluviale. Ces forçages donnent naissance à un mécanisme d’ajustement, qui tend vers un nouvel équilibre. En diminuant la distance entre deux points d’un méandre, les canaux de recoupement augmentent la puissance spécifique à leur débouché, mais la réduisent sur le méandre recoupé. 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Gravel-bed Rivers, 659-681 **** 1970-1972, 1980 – Cartes topographiques et photographies aériennes, Direction Topographique Militaire, Bucarest GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas RECENT DATA ON BENTHIC POPULATIONS FROM HARD BOTTOM MUSSEL COMMUNITY IN THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COASTAL ZONE Adrian TEACĂ, Tatiana BEGUN, Marian -Traian GOMOIU National Institute of Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar), Constanta Branch, 304 Mamaia Blvd., 900581 Constanta, Romania Tel/Fax: +40-241-69.03.66 Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract. On the basis of the analysis of 27 samples collected by diving in 9 stations along the South Sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast, the authors present the qualitative and quantitative state of the benthic community of the hard bottom mussels in the shallow waters. The study, carried out in mid and upper-infralittoral in August 2001, reveals the occurrence of 68 species and 11 supraspecific taxa, with an average density of 750,000 indvs.m-2 and a biomass of 16,500 g.m-2: Numerical dominants are represented by worms (~ 460,000 indvs.m-2) and crustaceans (~ 270,000 indvs.m-2), and the weight dominants by mollusks – Mytilus galloprovincialis over 95% (~ 16,300 g.m-2) and crustaceans (~ 137 g.m-2). The general ecological state of the hard bottom mussel benthic community of the Romanian Black Sea coast in August 2001 can be considered satisfactory in comparison with the 1980s. Keywords: hard substrate with mussel community, Black Sea, Romanian coast, macro- and meio-benthos INTRODUCTION The benthos researches of the Romanian Black Sea coast have generally been focused on the sandy bottoms. There are few studies that considered the holistic analysis of epibiont organisms due to numerous difficulties in collecting the quantitative samples. The classic equipment for benthos samplings is efficient only on sedimentary bottoms and only a few dredges can collect samples from the hard bottom. In addition to the researchers getting underwater with the help of the self-contained diving suit, more detailed studies of the stony areas of the benthos could be conducted through directly observing and collecting quantitative samples. The first quantitative studies on the rocky bottoms associations of the Romanian Black Sea coast were published more than 30 years ago (Băcescu et al., 1963, 1971; Gomoiu et al., 1974, 1978; Ţigănuş, 1979). Until today, information has actually remained limited, even though some studies of the epibiont organisms, especially referring to fouling, have been published. Compared to the sandy bottoms, the rocky natural ones occupy far less surface (0.3% of the total surface of the Romanian coast). These may be found only South of Constanta, being represented by a discontinuous band of submerged rocky platforms, interrupted by sandy beaches. The shortage of rocky bottom was compensated for by the construction of protective coastal dams in the ’70s-’80s, which could be likened to artificial reefs (Gomoiu, 1986,1997). The ecological implications of these water structures have been both positive and negative, even if the shore protective role, for which they were built, proved to be minor and sometimes adverse. The benthic communities grown on the artificial rocky bottoms, similar to the natural stony ones, have a great importance in the ecology of this sector in spite of the limited expansion of the habitat. This is partly due to their qualitative and quantitative abundance and partly to the result of their coenotic structure (Gomoiu et al., 1981; Gomoiu, 1986). The most important function of the associated fauna is to be a vast natural water filter. In most cases, the sessile organisms (mainly in terms of stability and abundance, in the hard bottom biocenosis) are very efficient filtering species, and this has major consequences on the surrounding environment. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 43 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone The nature of the substratum encourages the settlement and domination of microbenthic sessile and vagile species, the majority being mass species with a large density per unit area, which indicates the maturity of an epibiont system. The macrobenthic dominant species in this biocenosis, such as Mytilus, Mytilaster and Balanus, act as a secondary bottom with many gaps and anfractuosities, forming an array of niches and microhabitats. The rocky bottom tends to be very complex both as a result of its shallow depth and because of the pronounced hydrodynamism, which leads to a resedimentation of suspended and organic matter. MATERIAL AND METHODS In order to analyze the benthic fauna related to the biocenosis of stone mussels from shallow waters, 27 quantitative samples were taken by free diving during August 2001, from 9 stations along the Romanian Black Sea coast between Midia Cape Dam and the coastal sector 2 Mai – Vama Veche: • Station 1 – (CM) Midia Cape sea wall, • Station 2 – (MC) The sea wall in line with “Casino” Mamaia Hotel Complex, • Station 3 – (PM) Pescarie Mamaia sea wall, • Station 4 – (TC) Tataia beach (Constanta) sea wall, • Station 5 – (MD) “Modern” beach (Constanta) sea wall, • Station 6 – (AG) Agigea sea wall, • Station 7 – (EN) Eforie Nord sea wall, • Station 8 – (2M) the sea wall near the 2 Mai fishery, • Station 9 – (MV) natural rocky bottoms from 2 Mai - Vama Veche, in the neighborhood of the meteorological station. Three samples were taken from each station at three different depths (0, 1m, 2m) by scraping out the epibiosis from an area of 400 cm2 with the help of a 20 cm long knife. The knife blade served jointly as a measuring reference for scraping a 20 x 20 cm square. The scrape areas were chosen at random. The scraped biological samples were stored in a classic net (only permeable to water); its hatch would close through a binder in order to prevent the loss of the samples in the water. The samples’ fixation was carried out differentially. The larger organisms (mostly bivalves) were preserved in 5 - 6 % neutralized formaldehyde in sea water; vagile micro- and macrobenthic fauna after being separated, were preserved in 80 % alcohol. The taxonomic identification was performed in its totality for the higher taxa and partially for genera and species. Analytic ecological indexes and current indexes of biodiversity were used for the statistical processing of the results obtained from the triage. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS General situation. Benthic communities of the shallow waters in 2001 In terms of space, the rocky bottom of the Romanian littoral belongs to the medio- and infralittoral (upper and inferior), which is populated by a single authentic biocenosis Mytilus galloprovincialis or the stone mussels biocenosis, with a series of varieties depending on the depth. After analyzing the samples, several aspects of quantitative and qualitative parameters were clarified concerning the benthic fauna of shallow waters stone mussels. 18 supraspecific taxonomic groups were identified comprising 79 taxa. Among them, 15 (75%) are common to all 9 sampling stations. The other 3 groups (25%) Spongia, Tanaidacea and Tunicata are dominant in other well-defined locations in the Southern part of the littoral. Excluding the organisms identified at the group level (Nemertini, Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Harpacticoida, Insecta) and other species from the rest of the groups (Turbellaria, Nemertini, Polychaeta, Halacarida, larvae), there were 68 taxa identified as species/genera. The analysis of populations’ structure by supra-specific taxonomic groups indicates that the qualitative differences among the three depth levels (0, 1, 2m) are much reduced; even if the biological diversity is slightly richer at the depth of 2m, it does not differ basically from 0m and 1m, the most dominant forms remaining the same (Table 1). Table 1 Populations’ structure by supra-specific taxonomic groups Taxa group Spongia Coelenterata Turbellaria Nemertini Nematoda Polychaeta Oligochaeta Mollusca Halacarida 0 2 3+ 2+ + 16+ + 3 1+ Depth (m) 1 1 2 3+ 2+ + 18+ + 5 1+ Taxa group 2 2 2 3+ 2+ + 20+ + 5 1+ Cirripedia Ostracoda Copepoda Amphipoda Isopoda Tanaidacea Decapoda Insecta Tunicata 0 1 5 + 10 4 2 2 + - Depth (m) 1 1 5 + 12 4 2 4 + 1 2 1 5 + 14 4 2 6 + 1 Note: The figures represent the number of taxa identified; + shows that some taxonomic group is present in the samples; shows absence of any taxonomic group in samples 44 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone The real diversity according to the number of species shows a slight boost in the Southern locations, especially for the benthic macrofauna (~ 45 species) compared to the approximately 30 species from other locations. This development of specific biodiversity in the Southern littoral is justified by the stability of physical and chemical properties of the water and the high heterogeneity of habitats (artificial rocky bottom, natural rocky bottom, extensive algae fields, coarse-grained sandy bottoms mixed with debris and sandy enclaves among the rocky bottom) etc. (Fig. 1). Depending on quantity, the numerical density and the biomass of the main epibiont invertebrate groups (Spongia, Coelenterata, Vermes, Mollusca, Crustacea, Halacarida, Insecta, Tunicata) fluctuated significantly in the analyzed coastal area. The average density calculated at depths for each station is about 750,000 indvs.m-2 with an average biomass of approximately 16,500 g.m-2. In each of the dominant cases according to density values, there were worms (~460,000 indvs.m-2) and crustaceans (~270,000 indvs.m-2), followed by mollusks (5,500 indvs.m-2), Halacarida (5,000 indvs.m-2), insects (3,000 indvs.m-2), Coelenterates (180 indvs.m-2), sponges and tunicates (Fig. 2). Fig. 1 Variation of macro – and meiobenthic number of species in the biocenosis of the stone mussels from the shallow waters of the coast between Midia Cape – Navodari and Vama Veche, 2001 Fig. 2 Variation of average density (DAVG) and biomass (BAVG) of the main groups of epibiontic organisms depending on the depth of the Romanian littoral in 2001 The previous statistics are completely different from those showing the average biomass values where mollusks are the dominant species (~ 16,300 g.m-2), followed by crustaceans (137 g.m-2), Coelenterates and sponges (26 g.m-2), and worms (13 g.m-2). Halacarida, insects and tunicates make up an insignificant biomass of below 1 g.m-2. along the Southern littoral (stations Agigea, 2 Mai, Vama Veche). The factors influencing this increase are the cumulative particular biotic and abiotic conditions at the Southern end of the Romanian coast, where some meio- and macrobenthic communities exhibit a greater variety of species and higher quantitative parameters per unit area (Fig. 3). Regarding density values, 10 taxa are dominant, making up 96.6 % of the whole, of which only two, Nematoda and Harpacticoida form 92.32 % of the total average densities. The dominant taxa with average density values are: Nematoda, Harpacticoida, Cirripedia (Balanus improvisus), Halacarida (Rhombognathus sp.), Polydora ciliata, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Grubea clavata, Echinogammarus olivii, larvae of Chironomida and ostracod - Xestoleberis decipiens. Biomasses are dominant in the ratio of 95.85% of just a single species – Mytillus galloprovincialis, followed by 9 macrobenthic species: Mytilaster lineatus, Balanus improvisus, Actinia equina, Rhithropanopeus harrisi, Idotea baltica, Sphaeroma pulchellum, Echinogammarus olivii, Melita palmata and Platynereis dumerilii (APPENDIX I). A slight decrease in the average biomass of the sessile macrofauna was observed in the more Southern locations. This is essentially due to the nature of substratum (natural calcareous), bottom relief (Sarmatian calcareous shelf ), and the main orientation with regard to the direction of the prevailing winds coming from the Eastern and North-Eastern regions, directly influencing aspect to the optimal areas for sessile malacofauna growth. As a result, due to a lack of suitable areas (stones, grottos, niches, safe areas) for the growth of sessile species which are weight dominant, of polistratification of bivalves’ colonies, as well as the substratum fragility (Sarmatian limestone), the biomass average values are lower than those for the artificial rocky bottom of safe areas. This is valid only for the shallow waters near the coast (Fig. 4). With the exception of mollusks, crustaceans represent the weight dominant group, with 78% of the total biomass being zoobenthos (Fig. 5). With an eye on the variation of average density and biomass of vagile meio- and macrofauna from one station to the other, show that the number and weight values increase GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 45 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone Fig. 3 Variation of average density (DAVG) of the macro – and meiobenthic epibiontic organisms in the shallow waters of the Romanian Black Sea coast, 2001 Fig. 4 Variation of average biomass (BAVG) of the macro – and meiobenthic epibiontic organisms in the shallow waters of the Romanian Black Sea coast, 2001 Fig. 5 Average biomass (BAVG) of the main groups of epibiontic organisms (excepting mollusks) in the Romanian Black Sea coast, 2001 Fig. 6 Average density (DAVG) of the main groups of epibiontic organisms in the Romanian Black Sea coast, 2001 The average density variation of the main groups of organisms shows three numerical heights in the different stations (Casino Pescarie Mamaia, Agigea and 2 Mai). Thus, the total average density for all stations, concerning the meioand macrobenthic worms, is 61% of the total density of zoobenthos (Fig. 6). Among these, Nematoda and Polychaeta are the most abundant with an average percentage of 92.5% for all stations, and Turbellariata, Nemertina and Oligochaeta with just 7.5% of the total density of zoobenthos. There are 6 species of Polichaeta that are constantly dominant for all three depths: Polydora ciliata, Grubea clavata, Sphaerosyllis bulbosa, Fabricia sabella, Platynereis dumerilii and Neanthes succinea, where basically, the first 4 are small-sized species with a high ecological plasticity index. Turbellaria has a clear demarcation in the distribution of its three dominant species, where Leptoplana tremellaris and Stylochus tauricus are the most common species in the rocky infralittoral. Convoluta convoluta shows a high affinity only for natural rocky bottom in the Southern point of the littoral. heights, more or less broad, at Casino Mamaia, Agigea and 2 Mai-Vama Veche, in all stations having an average of 37% of the total zoobenthos density (Fig. 6). Cirripeda, Ostracoda, and Amphipoda have almost identical values for all stations (≥10 000 ind.m-2) with a growing development towards the southern littoral (Fig. 7). The average density variation of the main groups of meio- and macrobenthic crustaceans shows three numerical 46 The largest fluctuations are registered for macrobenthic crustaceans such as Isopoda, Decapoda and Tanaidaceea due to the pronounced algal blooming phenomenon from 2001. After an analysis of the populations’ structure in supra-specific taxonomic groups, we witness that the numerical and weight variables of the epibiont fauna have been seriously influenced by this phenomenon. Thus, it was evident that there was migration of macrobenthic forms (Decapoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda) from the deeper levels towards the sub-superficial level, where the oxic conditions allow their survival. At more than 2 meters depth, the epibiont system would be seriously affected by the algal blooming causing a mass mortality of mollusks and other sessile species. A drastic decrease was noted in the number of worms from the structure of the epibiont system. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone crustaceans; the vagile and sessile macrofauna (Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Tanaidacea and Decapoda), represented mainly by 12 taxa: Balanus improvisus, Echinogammarus olivii, Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Idotea baltica, Corophium bonelli, Sphaeroma pulchellum, Stenothoe monoculoides, Hyale perieri, Naesa bidentata, Melita palmata, Jaera nordmanni and Amphithoe vaillanti, forms only 8%. Fig. 7 Variation of average density (DAVG) and biomass (BAVG) of the main groups of epibiontic organisms in the Romanian Black Sea coast, 2001 The juveniles were practically absent. The multi-specific algal blooming phenomenon due to the effect of the heat and predominance of North and North-East marine circulation caused an increase in the water temperature up to 26-28°C and a salinity of less than 10 ‰. All these conditions influenced an expansive development of diatoms such as: Leptocylindrus danicus, Cerataulina pelagica and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum, the latter being known for the huge algal blooming followed by mass mortalities of organisms in the period between 19701980 and beginning of the 1990s. During this period, decreases of O2 were recorded in the littoral waters up to 4.96 cm3 l-1 and even 2.61 cm3 l-1; as a result of this phenomenon the saturability decreased to 47.5%, which resulted in a mass mortality of benthic-nektonic and benthic organisms. The surprisingly low values of the Decapoda in certain locations (e.g. Agigea), where they should have been present in considerable densities, are a consequence of the predominance of the crabs Rhithropanopeus harrisi and Pilumnus hirtellus in the north and in some southern stations. Among these, Rhithropanopeus harrisi has simply invaded the epibiont communities without any restriction in the last 10 years. Nevertheless, it does not mean that there is a qualitative decline of reptant decapodes on the Romanian seashore; proof of this is the signalization of some rare listed species such as Pisidia longicornis, which was found in large numbers at Agigea, and Eriphia verrucosa, found at 2 Mai – Vama Veche. The biomasses generally follow the same tendencies only for the meiobenthic forms; the biomass mainly consists of worms (1.96 g.m-2), followed by crustaceans – juveniles of amphipods, copepods and ostracods (1.62 g.m-2). As for macrobenthic forms, the majority of biomass invariably consists of mollusks (over 16,000 g.m-2) and crustaceans (approximately 135.7 g.m-2). The meiobenthic forms, represented by copepods (Harpacticoida) and ostracods (mainly Xestoleberis decipiens and X. aurantia acutipenis), form 92% of the total abundance of The general variation in zoobenthos density shows a positive linear function along with the depth increase (R2= 0.6937). However, the existence of an increased correlation between the ecological indexes of associated zoobenthos and the increase of depth, due to the relative proximity of vertical collection points (0, 1m, 2m) cannot be confirmed. In general the upper zones (mediolittoral, superior infralittoral) are characterized by a relative qualitative homogeneity of faunistic composition due to the proximity to the water surface and the assembly of abiotic factors, which equally affect this shallow-water zone by selecting populations with a more or less uniform distribution. However, even in this case we may observe the existence of increased linear correlations for certain groups, mostly reflecting a natural reality, which can be justified ecologically. Thereby, two of the four major groups (Mollusca, Varia) record a diminution in the number of populations as depth increases, and Crustacea and Vermes exhibit a conspicuous increase. There is an explanation in the case of the mollusks, where larvae of mussels and Mytilaster may find available surfaces for settlement and avoid the competitive interactions with the adult forms from the upper zone of 0m, where free surfaces, which are suitable for being populated by bivalves’ larvae, have been cleared due to periodically pronounced hydrodynamism. Thus, we are witnessing a massive colonization of the wave breaking and run-up band with small-sized forms, mainly less than 20mm; recordings also show increased mass density in the superior zones compared to the sub-superficial. These colonies become more stable temporally and spatially with the depth increase, and are able to resist certain bad weather conditions and translocations, with a smaller number of individuals per unit area but with a far bigger size. This spatial endurance and dominance is preserved up to a critical depth when the populations become more sporadic, frequently clogged up because other factors encourage certain epibiont associations to establish themselves, and the means through which they are realized. The increase in the number of individuals per unit area is compensated by the multilayered structure of the mussel colonies. This strategy, which solves the lack of available areas, is practically absent in the 0m upper zone. There are some exceptions depending on the orientation of areas with the prevailing currents (exposed areas – protected areas). The main factor that prevents mussels from forming beds is hydrodynamism and emersion for a long time permitting the establishment of bivalves for no more than two layers. This condition and all the hydrometeorological and hydrodynam- GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 47 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone ic activity, specific to shallow waters, result in an eloquent selection of associated fauna. Varia, which is composed of Spongia, Coelenterata, Halacarida, Insecta and Tunicata, records an insignificant reduction in the number of populations with a more marked difference in depth, yet for the species associated with the algae fields and those favoring highly saturated oxic conditions. Thus, the abundance of coelenterates (especially Actinia equina) and tunicates (Botryllus schlosseri) will decline with depth because they prefer shallow waters and optimal oxic conditions. As for halacarids (Rhombognathus sp.) and insects, their preference is for thickets of algal macrophyte (especially for the genera Ceramium and Cladophora), which obviously record the highest densities in well-lighted shallow waters. The above theories are valid only for the artificial hard substratum represented by the hydrotechnical coastal protection structures. The situation differs somewhat for the natural substratum due to the interference of other factors that regulate the distribution of these respective groups. The numerical increase of the crustaceans and worms is due to the accentuated diversity of habitats and the abundance of trophic resources in particular for detritivorous forms (these represent the majority for the qualitative composition of the two groups). By analyzing the frequency of taxa in the shallow-water biocenosis of Mytillus galloprovincialis, it was discovered that the following species were recorded in the summer season of 2001: • 13 euconstant species (F – 75.1-100%): Nematoda, Grubea clavata, Platynereis dumerilii, Polydora ciliata, Sphaerosyllis bulbosa, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Rhombognathus sp., Balanus improvisus, Harpacticoida, Echinogammarus olivii, Melita palmata, Idotea baltica, Sphaeroma pulchellum (APPENDIX I). • 14 constant species (F – 50.1-75%): Actinia equina, Leptoplana tremellaris, Nemertini varia, Neanthes succinea, Nerine cirratulus, Spio filicornis, Oligochaeta, Xestoleberis decipiens, Amphithoe vaillanti, Hyale perieri, Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Jaera nordmanni, Rhithropanopeus harrisi, Insecta (APPENDIX I). • 20 accessory species (F – 25.1-50.0%); • 32 accidental species (F-1.0-25%). With reference to the euconstant and constant species, it was observed that there are 12 species of crustaceans (44.4%) and 11 species of worms (40.7%), which are dominant on locations and depth. The mollusks (1 sp.) and varia (Coelenterata, Halacarida, Insecta – 3 sp.) are qualitatively more homogenous. Thus, the qualitative diversity of the shallow-water epibiont populations is dominated by the crustaceans and worms that include over 20 euconstant species forming a mature epibiont system. Taking weight into consideration, the epibiont associations have always been dominated by the big48 sized sessile malacological fauna, represented by Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilaster lineatus. The function of mollusks in the shallow-water upper zone consists in the complication of primary substratum and the creation of microhabitats for the vagile forms (meio-, macrobenthic) among the byssus filaments, which retain most of the water-mass-driven organic and mineral suspensions. The random spreading characteristic of benthic organisms and the abundance-related variations of quantitative values are more representative in the southern locations (Agigea, 2 Mai, Vama Veche). The richness of associated populations here is dependent on the heterogeneity of substratum conditions and the multitude of biotopes compared to a more homogenous substratum and a qualitatively depleted fauna in the northern locations (Mamaia, Constanta). Yet, the abundance of the northern sectors’ populations records high values of average densities due to the meiobenthic faunistic sector, compensating for the small macrobenthic component present within these locations. CONCLUSIONS The results of the ecological analysis of the shallow-water epibiont populations (0-2m), of the littoral sector between Midia Cape and 2 Mai – Vama Veche, in 2001, enabled us to highlight the following general conclusions: The qualitative structure of shallow-water hard-substratum associated meio- and macrofauna is formed of 18 major taxonomic groups with a total number of 79 taxa, and the total number of identified species/genera-level taxa is 68. The average abundance of the populations developed on the analyzed artificial substrata varies around 750,000 indvs. m-2 with a total average biomass of 16,500 g.m-2. The numerical dominants are represented by worms (~ 460,000 indvs. m-2) and crustaceans (~ 270,000 indvs.m-2), and the weight variables are dominated by mollusks (~ 16,300 g.m-2) and crustaceans (~ 137 g.m-2). The most important role in establishing the density dominants is played by Nematoda and Copepoda in a ratio of 92.32% of the total average densities. The biomasses are dominated in a ratio of 95.48% by Mytilus galloprovincialis species followed by 2 macro-zoobenthic species, Mytilaster lineatus and Balanus improvisus. The qualitative analysis on the euconstant (13 sp.) and constant species (14 sp.) indicates that the location and depth dominants are taken by crustaceans (12 sp.) (44.4%) and worms (11 sp.) (40.7%). The analysis of populations’ structure on supra-specific taxonomic groups shows that the qualitative differences among the three levels of depth (0, 1, 2m) are very reduced, and the biodiversity, slightly higher at the depth of 2 m, does not basically differ from 0m and 1m, while keeping the same main forms. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone APPENDIX I General characteristics of the benthic populations recorded AT the Romanian littoral, 2001 No. Taxa F% DAVG 1 Dysidea fragilis 3.7 2 Halichondria panicea 3 Eudendrium ramosum 4 Actinia equina 70.4 5 Convoluta convoluta 22.2 6 Leptoplana tremellaris 7 Stylochus tauricus 8 Turbellaria varia 9 Nematoda 10 Emplectonema gracile 14.8 23.7 11 Tetrastemma sp. 48.1 12 Nemertini varia 59.3 13 Grubea clavata 14 Grubea limbata 15 Grubea tenuicirrata 29.6 16 Fabricia sabella 48.1 17 Harmothoe reticulata 25.9 38.9 18 Hediste diversicolor 3.7 0.9 19 Perinereis cultrifera 14.8 20 Phylodoce tuberculata 11.1 21 Platynereis dumerilii 22 23 DECO DD% WD RkD BAVG BECO DB% WB RkB 0.9 25.0 0.000 0.02 75 2.31 62.50 0.014 0.23 39 7.4 1.9 25.0 0.000 0.04 72 4.63 62.50 0.028 0.46 24 25.9 13.9 53.6 0.002 0.22 57 1.11 4.29 0.007 0.42 25 171.3 243.4 0.023 1.27 32 17.74 25.21 0.108 2.75 4 610.2 2745.8 0.082 1.35 29 0.06 0.27 0.000 0.09 52 74.1 1375.0 1856.3 0.185 3.70 14 1.65 2.23 0.010 0.86 16 44.4 115.8 260.6 0.016 0.83 41 0.17 0.39 0.001 0.22 40 48.1 145.4 301.9 0.020 0.97 38 0.01 0.01 0.000 0.04 64 100.0 442481.5 442481.5 59.37 77.05 1 0.75 0.75 0.005 0.68 20 160.0 0.003 0.22 58 0.47 3.20 0.003 0.21 41 250.0 519.2 0.034 1.27 33 0.75 1.56 0.005 0.47 23 204.6 345.3 0.027 1.28 31 0.41 0.69 0.002 0.38 30 92.6 2732.8 2951.4 0.367 5.83 7 0.27 0.30 0.002 0.39 28 33.3 213.9 641.7 0.029 0.98 37 0.06 0.19 0.000 0.11 50 125.9 425.0 0.017 0.71 46 0.04 0.13 0.000 0.08 53 1250.0 2596.2 0.168 2.84 20 0.10 0.21 0.001 0.17 44 150.0 0.005 0.37 52 0.02 0.09 0.000 0.06 57 25.0 0.0001 0.02 76 0.06 1.75 0.000 0.04 67 6.5 43.8 0.001 0.11 64 0.03 0.22 0.000 0.05 60 6.5 58.3 0.001 0.10 68 0.02 0.20 0.000 0.04 66 81.5 484.3 594.3 0.065 2.30 23 4.12 5.05 0.025 1.43 10 Polydora ciliata 96.3 4492.6 4665.3 0.603 7.62 5 0.76 0.79 0.005 0.67 21 Pygospio elegans 14.8 5.6 37.5 0.001 0.11 67 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.01 78 24 Neanthes succinea 59.3 403.7 681.3 0.054 1.79 28 2.06 3.47 0.012 0.86 17 25 Nerilla antennata 25.9 34.3 132.1 0.005 0.35 53 0.02 0.08 0.000 0.06 58 26 Nerine cirratulus 51.9 102.8 198.2 0.014 0.85 40 0.02 0.04 0.000 0.08 54 27 Notomastus lineatus 3.7 3.7 100.0 0.0005 0.04 73 0.01 0.21 0.000 0.01 73 28 Scolelepis ciliata 48.1 158.3 328.8 0.021 1.01 36 0.05 0.10 0.000 0.12 49 29 Sphaerosyllis bulbosa 81.5 1165.7 1430.7 0.156 3.57 15 0.93 1.14 0.006 0.68 19 30 Sphaerosyllis hystrix 14.8 23.0 155.0 0.003 0.21 59 0.02 0.12 0.000 0.04 65 31 Spio filicornis 51.9 209.3 403.6 0.028 1.21 34 0.06 0.12 0.000 0.14 47 32 Syllis prolifera 14.8 34.3 231.3 0.005 0.26 55 0.03 0.19 0.000 0.05 61 33 Polychaeta larvae 3.7 138.9 3750.0 0.019 0.26 54 0.01 0.15 0.000 0.01 75 34 Polychaeta varia 14.8 8.3 56.3 0.001 0.13 63 0.01 0.03 0.000 0.02 71 35 Oligochaeta 70.4 1057.4 1502.6 0.142 3.16 18 0.21 0.30 0.001 0.30 36 36 Middendorfia caprearum 29.6 446.3 1506.3 0.060 1.33 30 2.39 8.06 0.014 0.65 22 37 Tergipes tergipes 7.4 7.4 100.0 0.001 0.09 70 0.001 0.02 0.000 0.01 77 38 Cyclope donovani 3.7 0.6 15.0 0.0001 0.02 77 0.27 7.42 0.002 0.08 55 39 Mytilaster lineatus 40 Mytilus galloprovincialis 41 42 43 Balanus improvisus 33.3 888.0 2663.9 0.119 1.99 27 504.78 1514.4 3.059 10.10 2 100.0 4143.2 4143.2 0.556 7.46 6 15817.6 15818 95.85 97.91 1 Rhombognathus sp. 96.3 4906.5 5095.2 0.658 7.96 4 0.05 0.05 0.000 0.17 45 Hallacarida varia 33.3 303.7 911.1 0.041 1.17 35 0.003 0.01 0.000 0.02 70 100.0 7091.7 7091.7 0.952 9.75 3 71.01 71.01 0.430 6.56 3 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 49 A. 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Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone No. Taxa F% DAVG DECO DD% WD RkD BAVG BECO DB% WB RkB 44 Cyprideis littoralis 22.2 72.2 325.0 0.010 0.46 51 0.005 0.02 0.000 0.03 69 45 Cytherois valkanovi 11.1 18.5 166.7 0.002 0.17 60 0.001 0.01 0.000 0.01 76 46 Paradoxostoma intermedium 22.2 273.1 1229.2 0.037 0.90 39 0.02 0.08 0.000 0.05 62 47 Xestoleberis aurantia acutipenis 40.7 2202.8 5406.8 0.296 3.47 16 0.14 0.35 0.001 0.19 42 48 Xestoleberis decipiens 55.6 3376.9 6078.3 0.453 5.02 10 0.22 0.40 0.001 0.27 37 49 Harpacticoida 100.0 245555.6 245555.6 32.95 57.40 2 1.23 1.23 0.007 0.86 15 50 Amphitoe vaillanti 70.4 505.6 718.4 0.068 2.18 25 2.02 2.87 0.012 0.93 13 51 Apherusa bispinosa 18.5 241.7 1305.0 0.032 0.77 45 0.24 1.31 0.001 0.16 46 52 Caprella acanthifera 7.4 12.0 162.5 0.002 0.11 65 0.02 0.29 0.000 0.03 68 53 Corophium bonelli 37.0 1373.1 3707.5 0.184 2.61 22 0.55 1.48 0.003 0.35 35 54 Erichthonius difformis 3.7 18.5 500.0 0.002 0.10 69 0.02 0.45 0.000 0.02 72 55 Gammarus aequicauda 40.7 125.0 306.7 0.017 0.83 43 0.62 1.53 0.004 0.39 27 56 Echinogammarus olivii 88.9 2563.9 2884.4 0.344 5.53 8 7.35 8.27 0.045 1.99 8 57 Hyale pontica 22.2 158.9 715.0 0.021 0.69 47 0.40 1.79 0.002 0.23 38 58 Hyale perieri 74.1 1075.7 1452.2 0.144 3.27 17 2.34 3.16 0.014 1.03 11 59 Jassa ocia 14.8 160.2 1081.3 0.021 0.56 48 0.14 0.97 0.001 0.11 51 60 Melita palmata 85.2 673.1 790.2 0.090 2.77 21 4.04 4.74 0.024 1.44 9 61 Microdeutopus gryllotalpa 74.1 1728.3 2333.3 0.232 4.14 12 1.36 1.83 0.008 0.78 18 62 Nototropis guttatus 7.4 51.9 700.0 0.007 0.23 56 0.09 1.26 0.001 0.06 56 63 Stenothoe monoculoides 48.1 1261.1 2619.2 0.169 2.85 19 0.55 1.14 0.003 0.40 26 64 Amphipoda juv. 3.7 48.1 1300.0 0.006 0.15 61 0.002 0.05 0.000 0.01 79 65 Jaera nordmanni 51.9 670.3 1292.7 0.090 2.16 26 0.48 0.92 0.003 0.39 29 66 Idotea baltica 96.3 1501.4 1559.2 0.201 4.40 11 9.01 9.35 0.055 2.29 6 67 Naesa bidentata 40.7 915.7 2247.7 0.123 2.24 24 3.07 7.53 0.019 0.87 14 68 Sphaeroma pulchellum 96.3 1269.5 1318.3 0.170 4.05 13 8.29 8.61 0.050 2.20 7 69 Leptochelia savignyi 22.2 73.1 329.2 0.010 0.47 50 0.22 0.99 0.001 0.17 43 70 Tanais cavolini 22.2 230.6 1037.5 0.031 0.83 42 0.92 4.15 0.006 0.35 34 71 Palaemon elegans 18.5 4.8 26.0 0.001 0.11 66 1.25 6.76 0.008 0.37 31 72 Eriphia verrucosa 3.7 0.0 1.0 0.000 0.00 78 0.69 18.58 0.004 0.12 48 73 Pachygrapsus marmoratus 22.2 2.0 9.2 0.0003 0.08 71 1.02 4.58 0.006 0.37 32 74 Pilumnus hirtellus 33.3 4.4 13.2 0.001 0.14 62 5.11 15.34 0.031 1.02 12 75 Pisidia longicornis 3.7 1.3 35.0 0.0002 0.03 74 0.01 0.17 0.000 0.01 74 76 Rhithropanopeus harrisi 70.4 29.6 42.1 0.004 0.53 49 14.81 21.05 0.090 2.51 5 77 Larvae megalope 33.3 150.9 452.8 0.020 0.82 44 0.02 0.05 0.000 0.06 59 78 Chironomida larvae 74.1 3021.3 4078.8 0.405 5.48 9 0.30 0.41 0.002 0.37 33 79 Botryllus shlosseri 3.7 0.0 1.0 0.000 0.004 79 0.09 2.50 0.001 0.05 63 Taxa Vermes Mollusca 5485 Crustacea 273442 Varia 8419 10433 1.13 Total 745250.3 100 50 Numerical abundance DAVG DECO DD% 457904 469829 Weight BAVG 61.44 8428 0.74 294793 36.69 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 13.19 BECO DB% 24.00 0.08 16325 17347 98.93 137.27 202.33 0.83 26.24 157.46 0.16 16501.7 100 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu - Recent data on benthic populations from hard bottom Mussel Community in the Romanian Black Sea coastal zone REFERENCES Băcescu, M., Dumitrescu, E., Marcus, A., Paladian, G., Mayer, R., 1963 – Donnees quantitatives sur la faune petricole de la Mer Noire a Agigea (secteur roumain) dans les conditions speciales de l’annee 1961, Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Gr. Antipa”, Bucureşti, 4: 131-155 Băcescu, M., Müller, G.I., Gomoiu, M.-T., 1971 – Cercetări de ecologie bentală în Marea Neagră (analiza cantitativă, calitativă şi comparată a faunei bentale pontice), Ecologie marină, Ed. Acad., Bucureşti, 4: 357 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., 1974 – Contributions to the knowledge of the fouling on the Romanian maritime ships, Cercetări marine, IRCM Constanţa, 7: 83-112 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., Bondar, C., 1978 – Date privind formarea foulingului în apele de larg ale Mării Negre, Al VIII-lea Simpoz. Biodeter. Climat., Braşov: 375-380 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., 1981 – Structure qualitative et quantitative des salissures formees dans les eaux du large de la Mer Noire, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., CIESM., Monaco, 27, 2: 185-184 Gomoiu, M.-T., 1986 – Donnees preliminaires sur la structure et le role d’une communaute epibionte formee sur le substrat artificiel, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., CIESM., Monaco, 30,2: 17 Gomoiu, M.-T., 1986 – Importanţa construirii de recifi artificiali pentru dezvoltarea mariculturii în zone deschise ale Mării Negre, Probleme de maricultură, IRCM Constanţa: 163-174 Gomoiu, M.-T., 1997 – Recifi artificiali la litoralul românesc. An. Univ. „Ovidius” Constanţa, Seria Biologie-Ecologie, I (1): 159-174 Ţigănuş, V., 1979 – Observations sur la structure qualitative et quantitative de la biocenose des moules de rocher du littoral roumain de la Mer Noire, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., CIESM., Monaco, 25(26):159–160 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 51 THE PRESENT STATE OF THE EPIBIONTIC POPULATIONS TO THE BIOCENOSIS OF STONE MUSSELS IN THE SHALLOW WATER OFF THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COAST Adrian TEACĂ (1), Tatiana BEGUN (1), Marian -Traian GOMOIU (1), Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV(2) (1) National Institute of Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar, Constanta Branch, 304 Mamaia Blvd, 8700 Constanta, Romania (2) Department of Natural Sciences, The Ovidius University of Constanţa, Constanţa, 8700, Romania Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract. This paper presents observations and ecological analyses of benthic community of the hard bottom mussels in the shallow waters. This study is based on the analysis of 21 quantitative biological samples collected by diving at 7 stations in two zones along the Romanian Black Sea Coast – Mamaia and Mangalia in 2003. The study attempts to pinpoint some aspects related to defining and adopting the term of “littoral cell” and to highlight the possible differences between the epibiontic communities developing on the inside and the outside of these coastal artificial structures. These hydrotechnic structures create a specific eco-climate inside the semi-closed aquatic area limited by the protective dams that influence the number and spatial distribution of the epibiontic organisms. The study reveals the occurrence of 76 species of benthic organisms belonging to 13 supraspecific taxa, with an average density of 2 122 523 indvs.m-2 and a biomass of 19 437,2 g.m-2. Numerically, the dominant species are the crustaceans (~539 224 indvs.m-2) and worms (~416 972 indvs.m-2) and the weight dominants are molluscs – Mytilus galloprovincialis over 96 % and crustaceans (~136 g.m-2). Keywords. Black Sea, macro-, meiobenthic communities of the hard bottom, qualitative, quantitative, littoral cell INTRODUCTION Aquatic ecosystems and their biotic and abiotic components in general, but above all marine coastal zones, have been and continue to be both of great scientific interest and also of considerable practical interest. The inherent difficulties in the analysis of the hard bottom have limited the studies of the associated fauna because they are restricted to a very narrow strip in the south of the Romanian littoral and also because of the difficulties in collecting quantitative samples. The first quantitative and qualitative research of the microbenthic and macrobenthic component associated with the natural hard bottom was started by the scientific group led by the great oceanologist M. Băcescu, resulting in a series of valuable papers (Băcescu et al., 1963, 1971). The research of the rocky fauna proper, in a holistic approach to the study of the substrata communities including the associated meioand macrofauna both qualitatively and quantitatively, began at the same time as the Romanian littoral was transformed by works; these brought about serious changes in the structure of the benthic communities, which are still affected at present. The coastal protection dams, like artificial reefs, have partially compensated for the lack of hard bottom along the Romanian littoral, giving rise after a short time to an epibiontic sessile and vagile fauna very diverse and numerically abundant (Gomoiu, 1986, 1997). The installation of these hydrotechnical structures in the littoral waters favoured the creation of some more or less closed areas, called littoral cells, where the hydrologic processes and the dynamic of the benthic population present certain differences in comparison with open areas. Consequently, “littoral cells” are coastal marine sectors bordered by permeable or impermeable protective dams, usually built at a right angle to the shore and having variable terminal shapes in T, Y, L, etc. The majority of these structures delimit a semiclosed aquatorium communicating with the sea through one of the sides or through a narrow canal (e.g. harbour enclosures). The initial aim of these coastal enclosures was to protect the beaches against erosion and to reduce or break the kinetic energy of the waves. It was later shown that these hydrotechnical structures had and still have both positive GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 53 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast and negative ecological implications, and their initial role of coastal protection proved to be insignificant or even sometimes adverse. The closed-in aquatorium has a specific “calm waters” characteristic/encloses a unique “calm-water” area where the eco-climate is different from that of the open sea, and the hydrologic and geo-ecological processes are greatly influenced by this relative isolation. At the moment, there is little information regarding the dynamic of the ecological variations of the epibionthic populations in the cell, in comparison with those in the open marine sectors. Because of the deficient exchange of water mass from inside the aquatorium with the open sea,/the water mass inside the aquatorium is not influenced by the open sea, these sectors experience important fluctuations in the physical and chemical parameters of the water. During the summer season, these aquatoria can become ecologically high-risk areas because of the explosive growth of some algal, bacterial or fungi populations sometimes followed by the mass mortality of the benthic and nektonic populations. MATERIAL AND METHODS The analysis of the structure of the associations of epibiontic organisms in the two littoral cells is based on 21 quantitative biologic samples collected by diving at 7 stations (5 stations in the Mamaia cell and 2 in the Mangalia cell) in the summer and autumn 2003: • Station 1 – the Midia Cape (CM) protective dam, • Station 2 – the open sea dam in front of the hotel complex «Casino» Mamaia (external area) (DLC-ex), • Station 3 - the open sea dam in front of the hotel complex «Casino» Mamaia (internal area) (DLC-pt), • Station 4 – protective dam in front of Pescărie Mamaia (exposed area) (PM-ex), • Station 5 – protective dam in front of Pescărie Mamaia (protected area) (PM-pt), • Station 6 – the Mangalia protective dam, in front of “Mangalia” hotel (external area) (MM-ex), • Station 7 – the Mangalia protective dam, in front of “President” hotel and very close to the Mangalia Harbour (internal area) (MP-pt). They comprise the protected internal and unprotected external areas of the coastal protective dams. A sample was collected from each station at a depth of 3 m, by scraping the epibiosis over a 400 cm2 surface (20 x 20 cm) using a knife with a 20 cm long blade. The blade was also used to measure the scraping area, i.e. a square with 20 x 20 cm side/ The scraping areas were chosen randomly. The biological material scraped was deposited in a classic mesh (permeable only to water) the end of which was fastened by a string to prevent loss of the material in the water. The sampled material was preserved in formaldehyde neutralized (5 – 6 %) in seawater. • 54 The samples were then processed in the following ways: Washing samples using 3 sieves of 1 mm, 0,5 mm and 0,125 mm to separate macro- and meiofauna; • • • Identifying the species using either a magnifying glass or a microscope, and, at the same time, counting the number of individuals in each identified species; For the macrobenthic forms, the biomass was determined by weighing the organisms using an electronic scales, and for the meiobenthic forms, their weight was determined using standard weight tables; Computer processing of the data for ecological parameters. In order to statistically process the results obtained following separation, the analytical ecological indicators and diversity indicators were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS General biological description of communities from the littoral cells The biological description of the areas investigated is based on the results of laboratory analyses of samples, both from the hard and the mobile bottom, as well as in situ observations. The results of taxonomic determinations and the statistical analysis of the biotic component within the cells, when compared to the data found in specialized literature, indicated that the associated biota is in a relatively good condition, in comparison with that of previous years. Direct observations in the areas of interest indicate the existence of a greater diversity of biotopes formed as a result of hydrotechnical constructions (dams) and of specific hydrological conditions favouring the migration of pelagic forms (fish – grey mullet, anchovy, atherine) and planktonic forms (coelenterates) in search of food in the shallow waters of the cells. Planktonic forms include juvenile and adult jelly fish such as Aurelia aurita and Rhizostoma pulmo, mainly during the second half of July and the ctenophore – Mnemiopsis leydii in its adult stage, with much lower densities but with a constant presence in all studied locations. The North-Atlantic ctenofor Beroe ovata was found at the end of the summer season, once the water started cooling, in adult populations. Its density however was lower in comparison with previous years, when the species was found in the middle of the summer season, in numbers comparable to those of Mnemiopsis. This situation probably shows that a population balance was reached between these two alien species with different feeding regimes – filtration (Mnemiopsis) and predator (Beroe). It must be noted that Hyppocampides (sea horses) are present at Pescărie Dam (Mamaia), Casino (Mamaia) and Mangalia but reach impressive densities at the Casino. In both these stations we discovered during the second collecting period, an area of approx. 30x30 cm, populated by small seagrass (Zostera sp.), on a sandy-silty texture substratum in the proximity of the dam. Numerous galleries and organisms of Upogebia pusilla were also found on the sedimentary bottoms surrounding the inner dam. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast As for plankton life forms, around September, it must be emphasized that virtually every adult specimen of Rhizostoma pulmo was located near mackerel juvenils (Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus), numbering between 3 and 15. The re-apparition of the perennial brown alga Cystoseira barbata in the southern extremity of the littoral is of a great importance for the littoral hard bottom biocenosis. This situation has resulted in the diversification of habitats and favours the apparition of species closely related to this very endangered species, which has a very sparse distribution. Hydrological conditions underwent considerable variations during the two sampling periods – the first half of June and the second half of July respectively. In July the hydrological conditions were typical, as far as temperature and salinity were concerned, of the early spring cold water period with temperatures as low as 11°C (ex. Midia Cape Dam). This phenomenon was due to a large extent to the dominance partly of southerly winds and partly of winds blowing from a northern direction parallel to the shore combined with a noticeable upwelling of coastal waters. These conditions persisted for approximately two weeks and also influenced the biotic component of benthic biocenosis, favouring species that prefer low temperature waters. Thus, hard surfaces were almost completely covered by algal macrophytes such as Ceramium sp. (ex. Midia Cape). This is a rather typical situation, generally characteristic of the periods from April to May and October – November. Warm water forms (Enteromorpha, Ulva, Cladophora) established in June were mainly removed by the more or less marked wave activity present at the end of June and the beginning of July, also related to their inability to withstand low temperatures, and they accumulated in deposits at the bottom of the sea in small semi-closed gulfs (in beds of up to 0.5m) or were stranded in impressive numbers on the shore (ex. Cape Midia). Algae stranded on the shore or in shallow (0.5m) waters harbour a vagile fauna exclusively dominated by isopods (Idotea baltica, Sphaeroma pulchellum) and amphipods (Melita palmata etc.). Algal deposits accumulated on the sedimentary bottoms at depths exceeding 1.5m constitute excellent feeding and living areas for a series of vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, such as Syngnathides, which “give birth” to their young and feed in these thickets (firsthand observation in situ), whereas hyppocampides and shoals of grey mullet feed at the boundary between these accumulations and the mobile sediments. In the other sectors macrophites developed jointly, although rhodophites were being gradually replaced by clorophites (Enteromorpha, Cladophora) where there was a gradual warming of the water column (approx. 18°C), but with a sudden cooling near the bottom (at 0.5m – 1m) reaching temperatures as low as 10 - 11°C. The most significant example of vagile macrofauna shows that adult isopods (Idotea baltica, Sphaeroma pulchellum, S. serratum) reappear when the water gets colder. The vagile macrofauna of the sandy bottom is dominated in all locations, apart from Midia Cape, by mysidae, amphipods, shrimp (Crangon crangon), diogenic crabs (Diogenes pugilator), the sand crab (Liocarcinus holsatus). As far as molluscs are concerned, Corbula mediterranea, Mya arenaria, Cyclope neritea are the dominant species. The observations made in the last month of sampling (September), showed the general tendency of the majority of macrobenthic forms (misids, shrimp, hermits crabs, crabs, etc.) to retreat towards the deep. At the edge of the Pescărie dam, at 4-5 m deep, an interesting condensability or grouping phenomenon was noticed in an impressive number of misids belonging to the species Mesopodopsis slaberi and Paramysis kroyeri concentrated in a water column of 3 x 3 m. Characteristics of the benthic populations associated with the shallow hard bottom in the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells Following the analysis of the biological material sampled, 95 types of benthic organisms associated with the hard bottoms were identified, belonging to 13 taxonomic supra-specific groups. Excluding the organisms identified at group level (Foraminifera, Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Harpacticoida, Insecta) and the varia inside the groups (Hydrozoa, Turbellaria, Nemertini, Polychaeta, Bryozoa, Halacarida, Larvae), the total number of taxa identified according to species/type is 76. Out of a total of 95 identified taxa, 57 (60%) are to be found in both analyzed locations. The number of taxa found only in the Mamaia cell was 20 (21%) and 18 (19%), respectively in the Mangalia cell. Of these, worms are the most numerous as species in the Mamaia area (10 taxa) in comparison with the Mangalia area where only 4 species of polychaeta were found out of a total of 18 taxa identified in this cell alone. In the case of crustaceans, the situation is reversed, so that in Mamaia the total number of species identified in this area alone is 7, compared with 9 in Mangalia (Fig.1). The ratio between the macrobenthic taxa identified in both locations and of those taxa peculiar to only one location is quite balanced. Only 54% (41) of the identified taxa are common to both locations. Thus, with regard to the macrobenthic associated with the shallow hard bottom, the mixture of conditions in each cell encourages the growth of certain taxa with specific preferences for that biotope (APPENDIX I, Fig. 2). The differences regarding the presence or absence of taxa in a cell were generally noted in the case of polychaeta and superior crustaceans, because of their specific demands in relation to the biotope. The lowest specificity is noticed in the associated meiofauna, where 83% (15 taxa) of taxa are common for both locations, and the contribution of the characteristic forms is negligible (APPENDIX II, Fig. 3). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 55 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast hard rock) that provides shelter for an amazingly abundant microcosm. The interrelations established between various cocenotes are vital for the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium inside the system. The real seasonal diversity, according to the number of identified species, is higher in the Mangalia cell. This can be explained by the same level of physical and chemical parameters of the water, vital for the selection of a population with a low ecologic plasticity and a high heterogeneity of habitats (artificial hard bottom, natural hard bottom, vast algal fields, bottom of rough ground sand mixed with biogenic sediment, enclaves of sand in the hard bottom) (Fig. 4). Fig. 1 The percentage of specific and common macrobenthic and meiobenthic taxa identified in Mamaia and Mangalia cells Fig. 2 The percentage of specific and common macrobenthic taxa identified in Mamaia and Mangalia cells Fig. 3 The percentage of specific and common meiobenthic taxa identified in Mamaia and Mangalia cells These percentage estimations show the capacity of the epibiontic system to form and of the associated fauna to constantly evolve, with respect to the diversification of the association and the reconfiguration of the habitat in relation with the abiotic conditions in the specific aquatorium. A high percentage of macrobenthic in association ensure an extraordinary complication of the primary biotope (denuded 56 The seasonal changes in the structure of the qualitative composition of the benthos in the Mamaia and Mangalia cells are not significant. They have to be considered not changes, but a result of the random distribution of some benthic species, of the heterogeneity of the bottom and of some inherent limits of the sampling. The most significant taxa occuring in the highest density and frequency parameters : harpactycides, nematodes, veliger larval forms Mytilus galloprovincialis, Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Polydora ciliata, Balanus improvisus, Melita palmata, Rhombognathus sp., nectocheta larvae, Polydora antennata; and a series of species with reduced frequency, but with numerous populations in certain periods or locations, such as: turbelariates Stylochus tauricus and Leptoplana tremellaris, polychaeta Neanthes succinea, Fabricia sabella, Nerilla antennata, Platynereis dumerilii, Sphaerosyllis bulbosa, chitons Middendorfia caprearum, leading bivalve in the biocenosis of the shallow hard bottom Mytilus galloprovincialis, the ostracodes represented especially by Xestoleberis decipiens and X. aurantia acutipenis, the amphipodes Sthenothoe monoculoides, Amphithoe vaillanti, Jassa ocia, Erichthonius difformis, the isopode Idotea baltica, the crustacean cypris larvae and chironomide larvae. Of these, the nematodes and harpactycides lead in numbers, in 90 % of the total mean densities. The biomasses are dominated in over 99,09 % cases by only one species, a large form of bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis. With the exception of bivalves, the following species are predominant: cirripedia Balanus improvisus, the decapodes Pilumnus hirtellus and Rhithropanopeus harrisii tridentatus, the amphipodes Melita palmata, Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Amphithoe vaillanti, polychaeta Neanthes succinea, the coelenterate Actinia equina and the turbelariate Stylochus tauricus. The ecological parameters typical of the benthic populations indicate a homogenous distribution in the area in terms of both species and abundance of density and biomass. The most important major groups of benthic invertebrates, numerically dominant are the crustaceans – 54 % of the total mean density of the associated fauna, and – 69 %, respectively, of the total mean biomass, and the worms – 38 % of the total mean density and 19 % of the total mean biomass (Fig. 5). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast Fig. 4 Seasonal variation of the total number of epibiontic species identified along the Romanian littoral in 2003 Fig. 5 Variation of average density (DAVG) and biomass (BAVG) of the main groups of epibiontic organisms in the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells The scale of the density variations in the Mamaia cell is between 866 922 indvs.m-2 and 3 853 500 indvs.m-2, and the biomasses between 15 937 g.m-2 and 27 927 g.m-2. In the Mangalia cell, they are between 1 417 923 indvs.m-2 and 3 070 000indvs.m-2 with biomasses of 14 090 g.m-2 and 20 602 g.m-2. In general, the mass values of the epibiontic organisms are almost equal or slightly higher in the interior regions of the Mamaia and Mangalia cells, compared to the external regions. There are no great differences in the biotic composition of the two locations, from a quantitative point of view. The difference in the structure of the epibiosis appears when the macro- and meiobenthic fauna segment in each cell is analysed. Namely, some quantitative differences between littoral cells exist but only in the case of macro-fauna. This can be easily explained by the nature, conditions and variations of biotopes (natural rocky, sand enclaves, algae fields, etc.) of the Southern sector, in comparison with the Northern one, which sustains a more qualitatively diversified epibiosis, with a greater number of macrobenthic organisms. In the Northern sector, i.e. the Mamaia cell, the reduced density of macrobenthic organisms is compensated for by the abundance of the meiofauna with affinity for both the hard and the mobile-sandy bottom dominating the distribution in the shallow areas in the Northern sector (Fig. 6, 7). The ratio between the macro- and meiofauna associated for the Mamaia cell is 1 : 9.35 and for the Mangalia cell is 1 : 5.01. The bigger difference in the Mamaia cell is due to the eutrophic character of the aquatorium; this situation permits the development of a very abundant meiobenthic segment, constantly enriched by organisms migrating from the sandy bottom. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 57 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast Fig. 6 Variation of average density (DAVG) and biomass (BAVG) of the macrobental epibiontic organisms in the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells Fig. 7 Variation of average density (DAVG) and biomass (BAVG) of the meiobental epibiontic organisms in the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells Fig. 8 Diagram of the weight of the main macrobental epibiontic groups in the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells, 2003 Fig. 9 Diagram of the weight of the main meiobental epibiontic groups in the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells, 2003 The comparative analysis of the epibiontic macro- and meiofauna by taxonomic groups shows that the main groups that create the difference between cells are the Crustacean and Varia in the case of the macrofauna and the Foraminifera, Molluscs and Varia in the case of the meiofauna (Fig. 8, 9). Out of a total of 26 superior macrobenthic crustacean species, only 12 are common to both locations. Thus, in the Mamaia cells 6 species were identified that are not found in the Southern area, such as: Gammarus olivii, Sphaeroma pulchellum, Paramysis kroyeri, Palaemon adspersus, Palaemon elegans, Athanas nitescens. This does not suggest the absence of those species in the epibiotic structure of the Mangalia cell, and is due to some typical limitations of the sampling method (the swimming decapods that represent half of the missing species, because of their active locomotion capabilities, swim away when the biological material is scraped and cannot be captured later). Based on direct visual observations made during diving, Palaemon elegans and Athanas nitescens are common species for the biocenosis of the rock mussels in the shallow areas along the littoral. For the Mangalia cell, the number of crustacean species identified in this location alone is 8, as follows: Apherusa bispinosa, Hyale pontica, Jassa ocia, Erichthonius difformis, Caprella acanthifera ferox, Naesa bidentata, Cumella limicola, Siriella jaltensis jaltensis. Most of these species present a degree of specificity with regard to the environment conditions (except for Apherusa bispinosa, Hyale pontica and Cumella limicola), being found only in the Southern regions. Nevertheless, some of them, such as Jassa ocia and Naesa bidentata, can be found in some Northern locations as well, but in smaller numbers. 58 The orientation of the substrata in the direction of/relative to the water masses represents an important ecological factor in selecting and determining the settlement of the epibiontic associations. The calcareous or sessiles species are the dominant fauna segment; they can withstand dislocation caused by the high hydrodynamics of shallow waters. Of the two mollusc species dominating the epibiontic system, Mytilaster lineatus and Mytilus galloprovincialis, only the young of the mussel and the adult specimens of Mytilaster accompanied by/and Balanus improvisus shape the epibiontic system in the shallow area of 0 – 1m. Of these, Mytilaster lineatus is the dominant species of the system, because of the robust shape of its valves and its protruding/bulky carcass that GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast “breaks” the waves. In the direction of the water masses, the molluscs never form more than 1-2 superposed levels, which prevents the settlement and diversification of the vagile fauna segment; they form a tube using the detritus as a building material or the detritus feeding. The detritus which abounds at the bottom of a coastal protection dam, is mainly made up of the pseudofecales of molluscs from upper levels and is virtually inexistent in the 0m horizon, being permanently washed away by water. The few vagile forms associated with/ found in the shallow areas are therefore either passive or active filtrating species. The quantitative analysis of the macro- and meiobenthic segments related to the orientation of the substrata, i.e. the internal protected and the external unprotected areas of the cell, shows certain quantitative and qualitative differences. Generally speaking, the epibiontic communities on the internal side of the protective dams are more abundant and complex than those on the external side. There are nonetheless cases when the quantitative and qualitative differences are greatly reduced, where there is more communication with the open sea or a large shallow area surrounding the cell. Shallow depths/areas, especially inside the cell – as in the case of the Mamaia cell – favour the movement of the associated fauna on the mobile seabed in periods of high hydrodynamism or when there is strong upwelling, supplementing both qualitatively and quantitatively the epibiontic system on the hard bottom. In this situation, the external area sometimes seems more diversified than the internal one, as in the case of the macrofauna in the Mamaia cell (Fig. 10). Among the sandy macrobenthic invertebrates identified in the epibiosis of the Mamaia cell in the external area, and not present in the samples collected in the internal protected areas, were the polychaeta with a number of 4 species typically sandy worms: Laonice cirrata, Namanereis pontica, Pygospio elegans, Fig. 10 Diagram representation of the macrobental populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mamaia cell, in 2003 Spio filicornis. Certainly, in the case of annelids, which prefer a mobile substratum, their presence in the epibiontic system is due to the clogging of the epibiosis with sedimentary material in sufficient quantities for these species to be able to perform vital activities. It must be stressed that the presence of sandy species is characteristic for depths under 1.5 – 2 m (generally) on the external unprotected areas of protective dams, because the sedimentary material that usually clogs the entire side of the dam (vertically) is easily removed from the shallow area. The epibiosis in this area is therefore completely free of mineral or organic suspensions and does not encourage the development of a species needing a mobile substratum. Consequently, the differences in number and weght are very slight in the Mamaia cell, because of its vast area. The epibiontic associations are nevertheless slightly more abundant in the internal area compared to the external area where they are subject to the moving action of the water masses (Fig. 11). Because of the limited surface area and semi-closed character of the Mangalia cell, the differences in the numeric abundance of each fauna segment or in relation to the orientation of the substrata seem greater. In any case, the epibiontic associations on the internal side of the dam are qualitatively and quantitatively more abundant. The structure of the bottom around the cell (natural hard calcareous bottom) eliminates the possibility of the epibiontic system being “contaminated” with sandy forms. Thus, most of the identified species are typical of rocky surfaces and some have a very strong stenobiotic character, e.g. Siriella jaltensis jaltensis. Still, in the areas where communication with the open sea is limited, the protected nature of this aquatorium tends to trap excess organic material. This leads to the clogging of the epibiontic system and encourages the evolution of opportunistic species with high Fig. 11 Diagram representation of the meiobental populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mamaia cell, in 2003 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 59 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast resistance to this type of biotopes. Such species include the tubular and detritofagous species (ex. Polydora ciliata, Capitella capitata, oligochetes) (Fig. 12, 13). The structure of the benthic fauna associated with rocky bottoms (artificial-natural) in the two locations was analysed and compared with the information regarding the epibiontic populations of the last 2-3 decades; no significant qualitative variations in the dominant species in the epibiontic system was evident. The most significant differences were noted between the observations made in the 1960s (Băcescu et al., 1963; Băcescu et al., 1971), 1970s (Ţigănuş, 1979), 1980s (Gomoiu, 1981, `86, `89) and 1990s (Ţigănuş, 1992 in Petranu, 1997; Gomoiu, 1992) concerning the qualitative structure of upper crustacean macrofauna (swimming and crawling decapods). Yet, the most significant differences were probably in the quantitative parameters for both the meio- and the macrobenthic epibiontic forms. Thus, the mean densities of shallow water sessile and vagile epibiontic populations at the end of the 1970s and 1980s-1990s, a period considered to be of the greatest ecological instability for coastal ecosystems in the North-West of the Black Sea were between 163 352 indvs. m-2 on the hydrotechnic constructions in Mamaia (Gomoiu, 1989) and 255 697 indvs.m-2 in the Agigea area (Ţigănuş, 1979). Compared with the data of 2003, when the total mean density of the zoobenthos associated with the hard bottom was 2122,52x103 indvs.m-2 these mean values are at least 10 times lower. These numeric differences are due to the extremely abundant meiobenthic segment in the epibiontic associations, like the nematodes and the harpactides, forming densities generally higher than 600 000 – 800 000 indvs. m-2. The values of the mean abundances obtained in 2003 are only comparable with those noted in 1961 in Agigea (Băcescu et al., 1963) and with those in the structure of the fouling on ships’ keels where similar values of 500 000 – 1 500 000 in- Fig. 12 Diagram representation of the macrobental populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mangalia cell, in 2003 60 dvs.m-2 were noted for the vagile meiobenthic forms such as nematodes and copepods (Gomoiu, Ţigănuş, 1974, 1976). Consequently, the number of epibiontic organisms on both artificial hydrotechnic structures and on natural hard bottom has greatly increased in recent decades compared to the ecological crisis in the 1980s-1990s (Fig. 14). The increase in populations was noticed in all the major invertebrate groups in association of rocky mussels. The least significant variations were noted for the mean biomasses : 20540,11 g.m-2 in the Mamaia cell and 16679,76 g.m2 in the Mangalia cell, together with the malacological component compared to values mentioned in scientific papers. Excluding the molluscs, the mean values for the other epibiontic groups present certain small differences between the two locations. Thus, the mean values registered in Mamaia in 2003 and 1988-1989 were 198,46 g.m-2 and 171,75 g.m-2 respectively, and quantitative differences were only noted in the groups of worms and crustaceans. For the Mangalia cell, the mean biomass is similar to that in the Mamaia cell, namely 197,80 g.m-2. Generally, these mean values are greatly affected by the numeric abundance of cirripedia obscuring the contribution of other zoobenthic groups without calcareous structures to the total biomass per surface unit. The contribution of cirripedia in terms of biomass compared to the rest of the crustacean species was 62,92 g.m-2 in 2003 and 226,678 g.m-2 in 1977. This was approximately 45 % of the total crustacean biomass in 2003 (total crustacean biomass 143,43 g.m-2) and 89 % in 1977 (total crustacean biomass 253,466 g.m-2) (Fig. 15). The most important crustacean species (except the cirripedia) causing higher mean values per surface unit are the decapods represented by Pilumnus hirtellus, Rhithropanopeus harrisi tridentatus and the amphipods Melita palmata, Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Amphithoe vaillanti. Fig. 13 Diagram representation of the meiobental populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mangalia cell, in 2003 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast The greatest quantitative changes in the shallow water epibiontic associations were noted for worms, molluscs and crustaceans. The 1980s-1990s represent the most unbalanced period in the coastal aquatic ecosystems, with serious negative consequences in the structure of the epibiosis due to exclusive dominance of the meiobenthic worms (Nematoda) and of the opportunistic annelids (polichaeta species: Polydora ciliata, Capitella capitata and oligochaeta species) with high ecological plasticity, capable of enduring the eutrophication of the marine environment during that period. Crustacean and mollusc populations diminished dramatically in terms of abundance and number of species (Fig. 16). Still, both before and after the changes caused by eutrophication, the numerically dominant groups/species among the crustaceans have been and still are: Harpacticoida, Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Balanus improvisus, Melita palmata. recently, the situation of the benthos associated with the hard bottom is between the normal limits of evolution for the epibiontic communities, especially through the quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the vagile segment which exhibiting the eco-functional maturity of any natural aquatic system (Fig. 16). Surprisingly, the total number of crustacean species identified in 2003 in the Mamaia and Mangaia cells is, in terms of quality, at least 10 taxa higher than in the period of reference around 1977 (as shown by the analysis of the epibiosis in the Agigea area). Thus, 20 taxa and 18 crustacean species were identified in 1977 in the epibiotic associations. The total number of species identified in 2003 is 32 and 33 taxa, respectively. There is an evident contrast between this qualitative abundance and the state of the crustacean epibiontic populations in the 1960s on the natural rocky bottom of Agigea. The same situation is found in the case of worms (Turbellaria, Nemertini, Nematoda, Annelida) where the total number of taxa identified in 2003 is 39 and 34 species, respectively. Thus, the yearly comparative analysis shows a deep imbalance in the population equilibrium of the benthic invertebrates, characterized at the end of the 1980s by the exclusive dominance of worms in contrast to other groups. More Fig. 14 Variation of the average density of the main groups of epibiontic invertebrates in the 1977 – 2003 interval along the Romanian Black Sea littoral The holistic comparative analysis of the shallow water epibiontic associations for each littoral cell has brought to light important aspects of the distribution and abundance of the epibiontic system. This encourages the study of the evolution of littoral biocenosis relative to changes in the Romanian coastal area. The rich biodiversity in the researched locations can be compared (in the case of some extraspecific groups) with the situation of the benthic populations in the period of ecological stability in the 1960s-1970s. CONCLUSIONS The results of the ecological comparative study of the epibiontic shallow benthic populations of the Mamaia and Mangalia littoral cells in 2003 lead to the following conclusions: • the qualitative structure of the associated meio- and macrofauna in the two locations is represented by 95 types of benthic organisms belonging to 13 taxonomic extraspecific groups, and the total number of taxa identified according to species/type level is 76; • as regards quality, in 2003, the total number of crustacean species observed in Mamaia and Mangalia cells was at least 10 taxa higher than in the reference period in 1977, when only 18 species were identified; in 2003, the total number of species identified was 32; • the quantitative analysis of the macro- and meiobental segment relative to the sub-layer orientation, namely the internal – protected – area and the external – unprotect- Fig. 15 Variation of the average biomass of the main groups of epibiontic invertebrates in the 1977 – 2003 interval along the Romanian Black Sea littoral GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 61 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast Fig. 16 The percentage weight of the epibiontic organisms populations in the associations of the shallow hard bottom along the Romanian Black Sea littoral in the 1977 – 2003 time interval • • 62 ed – area records some differences in both quality and quantity. They are generally more abundant and more complex on the internal side of the protective dams than on the external side that is subject to the disturbing and continuous action of the water mass; due to the large surface area, the numeric and weight differences are very reduced for the Mamaia cell; the qualitative uniformity of the epibiontic associations noted in the interior/exterior of the Mamaia cell is due to the large surface area and extensive communication with the open sea, considerably reducing more significant qualitative differences; the reduced surface and semi-enclosed nature of the Mangalia cell, have resulted in greater differences in numerical abundance of each fauna segment according to • the sub-layer orientation; in all cases, the epibiontic associations on the internal side of the protection dam are more abundant both in quality and quantity; comparing the structure of the benthic fauna associated to/on the rocky floors (artificial-natural) of the two locations examined with information about epibiontic populations in the last two-three decades no important variation is evident in the quality of the dominant species in the epibiontic system. The most important differences recorded were quantitative parameters, for both the epibiontic meio- and macrobenthos; the average values of the epibiontic populations’ abundance in 2003 show they were at least 10 times higher than those obtained in the years `60-70. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast APPENDIX I General characteristics of the macrobenthic populations recorded in 2003 in the Mamaia and Mangalia area of interest No. Taxa Mamaia cell F% DAVG DD% RkD Mangalia cell BAVG DB% RkB F% DAVG DD% RkD BAVG DB% RkB 1 Halichondria panicea 50.00 41.67 0.01 44 37.50 0.22 5 2 Hydrozoa 16.67 33.33 0.01 48 0.27 0.00 44 3 Actinia equina 60.00 150.00 0.07 27 4.01 0.02 9 66.67 45.83 0.01 38 6.14 0.04 13 4 Leptoplana tremellaris 60.00 4026.33 1.99 11 1.11 0.01 17 83.33 954.17 0.26 23 0.40 0.00 31 5 Stylochus tauricus 80.00 10452.27 5.16 8 2.95 0.01 10 66.67 363.17 0.10 28 0.59 0.00 28 6 Emplectonema gracile 6.67 1.67 0.00 57 0.01 0.00 53 66.67 45.83 0.01 39 0.82 0.00 21 7 Tetrastemma sp. 80.00 323.33 0.16 21 0.61 0.00 20 100.00 247.17 0.07 27 0.65 0.00 19 8 Nemertini varia 66.67 278.33 0.14 23 0.55 0.00 24 33.33 16.67 0.00 49 0.03 0.00 50 9 Brania clavata 60.00 1250.00 0.62 13 0.38 0.00 26 100.00 1845.83 0.51 17 0.53 0.00 22 10 Capitomastus minimus 33.33 541.67 0.15 30 0.32 0.00 40 11 Eteone picta 26.67 13.33 0.01 48 0.04 0.00 39 50.00 45.83 0.01 43 0.15 0.00 41 12 Eulalia limbata 26.67 46.67 0.02 40 0.04 0.00 40 16.67 4.17 0.00 56 0.00 0.00 57 13 Fabricia sabella 100.00 5262.50 1.45 13 0.31 0.00 33 14 Grubea limbata 20.00 111.67 0.06 39 0.03 0.00 44 16.67 16.67 0.00 51 0.01 0.00 56 15 Grubea tenuicirrata 40.00 133.33 0.07 30 0.04 0.00 34 33.33 20.83 0.01 46 0.01 0.00 53 16 Harmothoe imbricata 66.67 35.00 0.02 38 0.61 0.00 21 50.00 33.33 0.01 45 0.73 0.00 29 17 Harmothoe reticulata 80.00 125.00 0.06 26 1.51 0.01 14 83.33 33.33 0.01 41 0.77 0.00 20 18 Janua pagenstecheri 19 Laonice cirrata 20 Namanereis pontica 21 Neanthes succinea 22 Nereis pelagica 23 Nereis rava 24 66.67 3192.67 0.88 16 0.54 0.00 30 6.67 1.67 0.00 58 0.00 0.00 58 13.33 58.33 0.03 44 0.04 0.00 45 100.00 14778.33 7.29 6 26.52 0.13 5 100.00 6377.50 1.76 10 14.23 0.09 7 16.67 16.67 0.00 52 0.17 0.00 45 100.00 628.67 0.31 14 1.65 0.01 12 66.67 70.83 0.02 35 0.27 0.00 39 Nerilla antennata 13.33 1493.33 0.74 22 0.15 0.00 33 25 Nerine cirratulus 20.00 878.33 0.43 24 0.18 0.00 31 16.67 4.17 0.00 57 0.00 0.00 58 26 Nerine tridentata 13.33 3.33 0.00 53 0.00 0.00 57 27 Perinereis cultrifera 73.33 378.33 0.19 20 1.72 0.01 13 83.33 166.67 0.05 32 0.88 0.01 18 28 Pholoe synophthalmica 6.67 5.00 0.00 54 0.00 0.00 55 29 Phylodoce lineata 16.67 4.17 0.00 58 0.01 0.00 52 30 Platynereis dumerilii 60.00 941.87 0.46 16 1.61 0.01 16 100.00 390.00 0.11 26 3.42 0.02 14 31 Polydora antennata 86.67 18796.67 9.27 4 0.44 0.00 23 83.33 5629.17 1.55 14 0.50 0.00 25 32 Polynoe scolopendrina 33.33 78.33 0.04 35 0.05 0.00 35 16.67 12.50 0.00 55 0.01 0.00 54 33 Poydora ciliata 93.33 42601.00 21.02 1 1.21 0.01 15 100.00 5548.33 1.53 12 0.42 0.00 26 34 Prionospio cirrifera 6.67 3.33 0.00 55 0.02 0.00 48 35 Pygospio elegans 6.67 3.33 0.00 56 0.00 0.00 59 36 Sphaerosyllis bulbosa 86.67 5495.80 2.71 9 0.68 0.00 19 100.00 995.00 0.27 20 0.19 0.00 38 37 Spio filicornis 6.67 60.00 0.03 47 0.02 0.00 50 38 Syllis gracilis 6.67 640.00 0.32 32 0.06 0.00 46 50.00 58.33 0.02 40 0.02 0.00 49 39 Oligochaeta 46.67 129.87 0.06 29 0.03 0.00 38 83.33 1816.67 0.50 18 0.36 0.00 34 40 Doridela obscura 13.33 15.00 0.01 50 0.11 0.00 36 41 Tergipes tergipes 13.33 48.00 0.02 45 0.01 0.00 51 42 Middendorfia caprearum 100.00 6395.00 1.76 9 10.40 0.06 9 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 63 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast Mamaia cell No. Taxa F% DD% RkD Mangalia cell BAVG DB% RkB F% DAVG DD% RkD BAVG DB% RkB 43 Setia valvatoides 16.67 25.00 0.01 50 0.05 0.00 51 44 Mytilaster lineatus 100.00 2975.07 1.47 10 566.61 2.76 2 100.00 1462.00 0.40 19 273.87 1.64 2 45 Mytilus galloprovincialis 100.00 8721.80 4.30 7 19767.62 96.29 1 100.00 5726.33 1.58 11 16191.50 97.11 1 46 Bowerbankia gracilis 47 Bryozoa varia 48 49 6.67 9066.67 4.47 15 0.00 0.00 56 73.33 33.33 0.02 37 0.03 0.00 32 50.00 50.00 0.01 42 0.05 0.00 46 Balanus improvisus 100.00 35129.33 17.33 2 71.59 0.35 3 100.00 16559.00 4.56 7 41.23 0.25 3 Amphithoe vaillanti 100.00 483.00 0.24 17 1.83 0.01 11 100.00 17174.17 4.73 6 8.44 0.05 10 50 Apherusa bispinosa 66.67 675.00 0.19 25 0.44 0.00 35 51 Caprella acanthifera ferox 66.67 245.83 0.07 31 0.30 0.00 37 52 Corophium bonelli 40.00 193.33 0.10 28 0.03 0.00 41 100.00 2704.17 0.74 15 0.28 0.00 36 53 Dexamine spinosa 33.33 140.00 0.07 31 0.12 0.00 30 66.67 141.67 0.04 33 0.09 0.00 42 54 Erichthonius difformis 83.33 14939.17 4.11 8 3.10 0.02 15 55 Gammarus olivii 40.00 64.33 0.03 36 0.26 0.00 28 56 Hyale perieri 20.00 57.33 0.03 41 0.06 0.00 37 16.67 16.67 0.00 53 0.01 0.00 55 57 Hyale pontica 100.00 590.83 0.16 24 0.51 0.00 24 58 Jassa ocia 100.00 62400.83 17.18 2 6.45 0.04 11 59 Melita palmata 100.00 15854.33 7.82 5 17.10 0.08 6 100.00 34780.00 9.58 5 20.17 0.12 4 60 Microdeutopus gryllotalpa 100.00 22479.13 11.09 3 7.51 0.04 8 100.00 84070.83 23.15 1 11.20 0.07 8 61 Nototropis guttatus 20.00 8.33 0.00 51 0.02 0.00 47 66.67 283.33 0.08 29 0.50 0.00 32 62 Stenothoe monoculoides 46.67 66.67 0.03 33 0.00 0.00 49 100.00 35570.83 9.80 4 0.41 0.00 27 63 Naesa bidentata 100.00 940.83 0.26 21 2.43 0.01 17 64 Sphaeroma pulchellum 13.33 82.60 0.04 42 1.19 0.01 27 65 Idotea baltica basteri 66.67 1925.00 0.95 12 0.34 0.00 25 50.00 83.33 0.02 37 0.03 0.00 48 66 Cumella limicola 83.33 1120.83 0.31 22 0.64 0.00 23 67 Paramysis kroyeri 6.67 1.67 0.00 59 0.01 0.00 52 68 Siriella jaltensis jaltensis 16.67 16.67 0.00 54 0.13 0.00 47 69 Palaemon adspersus 13.33 6.67 0.00 52 0.06 0.00 42 70 Palaemon elegans 40.00 15.00 0.01 46 0.18 0.00 29 71 Athanas nitescens 46.67 65.00 0.03 34 0.83 0.00 22 72 Pisidia longicornis 46.67 370.33 0.18 25 1.37 0.01 18 33.33 20.83 0.01 47 0.14 0.00 43 73 Pilumnus hirtellus 100.00 463.33 0.23 18 35.04 0.17 4 66.67 70.83 0.02 36 22.18 0.13 6 74 Rhithropanopeus harrisi tridentatus 86.67 421.13 0.21 19 11.72 0.06 7 66.67 83.33 0.02 34 3.85 0.02 16 75 Larvae megalope 20.00 48.33 0.02 43 0.04 0.00 43 Chironomida 6.67 46.67 0.02 49 0.00 0.00 54 100.00 43150.00 11.88 3 4.59 0.03 12 Mamaia cell No. Taxa 64 DAVG DAVG Vermes 103772.47 Mollusca Crustacea Varia Total DD% Mangalia cell BAVG DB% DAVG 42.29 0.21 11759.87 5.80 20334.35 99.05 77874.87 38.42 149.31 0.73 9296.67 4.59 4.05 0.02 43320.83 11.93 202703.87 100 20530.00 100 363132.00 100 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 33713.83 DD% 51.19 BAVG DB% 9.28 26.34 0.16 13608.33 3.75 16475.82 98.82 272489.00 75.04 122.54 0.73 48.55 0.29 16673.24 100 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast APPENDIX II General characteristics of the meioobenthic populations recorded in 2003 in the Mamaia and Mangalia area of interest Mamaia cell No. Taxa 1 Foraminifera 2 Turbellaria varia 3 Nematoda 4 5 6 Spionidae larve 7 Syllidae juv. 8 Polychaeta varia 9 Veliconcha Mytilus 10 F% DAVG 73.33 2703.33 DD% RkD Mangalia cell BAVG DB% 0.14 7 0.12 RkB F% 1.20 4 DAVG 33.33 DD% 354.17 RkD BAVG DB% 0.02 13 0.02 RkB 0.24 13 20.00 563.33 0.03 11 0.06 0.56 8 50.00 1133.33 0.06 12 0.12 1.86 10 100.00 705187.13 37.20 2 1.06 10.45 3 100.00 632882.33 34.79 2 1.00 15.32 1 Nereidae larve 13.33 576.67 0.03 12 0.02 0.23 10 Polydora sp. - juvenili 13.33 83.33 0.00 14 0.01 0.07 13 33.33 83.33 0.00 16 0.01 0.11 14 6.67 86.67 0.00 16 0.01 0.05 15 20.00 2213.33 0.12 8 0.05 0.52 9 33.33 4800.00 0.26 10 0.10 1.47 11 66.67 21461.93 1.13 4 0.08 0.78 7 100.00 34941.67 1.92 6 0.17 2.57 7 66.67 147733.33 7.79 3 7.30 72.25 1 33.33 6866.67 0.38 9 1.52 23.24 6 Rhombognathus sp. 60.00 12837.47 0.68 5 0.09 0.87 6 100.00 64053.00 3.52 5 0.55 8.48 5 11 Halacarida varia 13.33 1849.00 0.10 10 0.02 0.15 11 100.00 12082.83 0.66 8 0.09 1.31 9 12 Cyprideis littoralis 6.67 26.67 0.00 17 0.00 0.00 17 16.67 533.33 0.03 15 0.00 0.05 16 13 Paradoxostoma intermedium 6.67 960.00 0.05 13 0.01 0.06 14 66.67 19096.67 1.05 7 0.24 3.72 8 14 Xestoleberis decipiens 6.67 106.67 0.01 15 0.00 0.01 16 100.00 93634.17 5.15 4 0.96 14.65 2 15 Xestoleberis acutipenis 13.33 2026.67 0.11 9 0.01 0.13 12 100.00 97334.17 5.35 3 0.84 12.82 4 16 Loxochoncha pontica 33.33 305.00 0.02 14 0.00 0.06 15 17 Harpacticoida 100.00 977576.33 51.56 1 1.08 10.71 2 100.00 846966.67 46.56 1 0.88 13.43 3 18 Larvae cypris 33.33 19876.80 1.05 6 0.20 1.97 5 16.67 4200.00 0.23 11 0.04 0.64 12 DAVG DAVG Mamaia cell No. Taxa DD% Mangalia cell BAVG DB% DD% BAVG DB% Foraminifera 2703.33 0.14 0.12 1.20 354.17 0.02 0.02 0.24 Vermes 730172.40 38.51 1.28 12.66 673840.67 37.04 1.39 21.34 Mollusca 147733.33 7.79 7.30 72.25 6866.67 0.38 1.52 23.24 Crustacea 1000573.13 52.78 1.30 12.87 1062070.00 58.38 2.96 45.37 Varia 14686.47 0.77 0.10 1.02 4.18 0.64 9.80 76135.83 REFERENCES Băcescu, M., Dumitrescu, E., Marcus, A., Paladian, G., Mayer, R., 1963 – Donnees quantitatives sur la faune petricole de la Mer Noire a Agigea (secteur roumain) dans les conditions speciales de l’annee 1961, Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Gr. Antipa”, Bucureşti, 4: 131-155 Băcescu, M., Müller, G.I., Gomoiu, M.-T., 1971 – Cercetări de ecologie bentală în Marea Neagră (analiza cantitativă, calitativă şi comparată a faunei bentale pontice), Ecologie marină, Ed. Acad., Bucureşti, 4: 357 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., 1974 – Contributions to the knowledge of the fouling on the Romanian maritime ships, Cercetări marine, IRCM Constanţa, 7: 83-112 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., 1976 – Cercetări privind compoziţia foulingului de pe navele maritime româneşti, Al VI-lea Simpoz. Biodeter. Climat., Constanţa, 1: 84-91 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., Bondar, C., 1978 – Date privind formarea foulingului în apele de larg ale Mării Negre, Al VIII-lea Simpoz. Biodeter. Climat., Braşov: 375-380 Gomoiu, M.-T., Ţigănuş, V., 1981 – Structure qualitative et quantitative des salissures formees dans les eaux du large de la Mer Noire, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., CIESM., Monaco, 27, 2: 185-184 Gomoiu, M.-T., 1986 – Donnees preliminaires sur la structure et le role d’une communaute epibionte formee sur le substrat artificiel, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., CIESM., Monaco, 30,2: 17 Gomoiu, M-T., 1989 – Potential role and ecological effects of artificial reefs constructed on the coastal sandy bottoms of the Black Sea (Romania), Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Gr. Antipa”, Bucureşti, 30: 291306 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 65 A. Teacă, T. Begun, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - The present state of the epibiontic populations to the biocenosis of stone mussels in the shallow water off the Romanian Black Sea coast Gomoiu, M.-T., 1997 – Recifi artificiali la litoralul românesc. An. Univ. „Ovidius” Constanţa, Seria Biologie-Ecologie, I (1): 159-174 Ţigănuş, V., 1979 – Observations sur la structure qualitative et quanti- Petranu, A., (compiler), 1997 – Black Sea Biological Biodiversity – Romania. Black Sea Env. Series, 4, United Nations Publ. New York: 314 de la Mer Noire, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., CIESM., Monaco, 66 tative de la biocenose des moules de rocher du littoral roumain 25(26):159–160 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas PRESENT STATE OF THE SANDY INVERTEBRATE POPULATIONS IN THE MAMAIA AND MANGALIA SECTOR OF THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COAST Tatiana BEGUN (1), Adrian TEACĂ (1), Marian -Traian GOMOIU (1), Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV (2) (1) National Institute of Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar, Constanta Branch, 304 Mamaia Blvd, 900581 Constanta, Romania (2) Department of Natural Sciences, The Ovidius University of Constanţa, Constanţa, 900581, Romania Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract. This paper presents the quantitative and qualitative distribution of sandy invertebrate populations of coastal littoral cells bordered by protective dams in Mamaia and Mangalia, in the summer and autumn of 2003. Overall, 60 taxa were found belonging to the 15 major taxa, with an average density of 722,012 indvs.m-2, and a biomass of 192.25 g.m-2. The comparative analysis of sandy invertebrate populations in the tow areas under observation have generally revealed differences of quantitative nature, both the macrobenthal and meiobenthal organisms in the Mamaia cell being approximately 2 times more numerous than in the Mangalia cell, because of the spatial limitations of the mobile sediments in the Mangalia cell, a situation that does not allow for the evolution of the typical psammic associations. The most abundant organisms were the meiobenthal populations, with Nematoda and Copepoda group reaching the highest density in the summer 2003 in comparison with the 1970s. Key words: Black Sea, littoral cell, sandy invertebrate populations, qualitative, quantitative Introduction The systematic concern for the research of the littoral ecosystems in the shallow waters of the Romanian coastal areas has a history of over a century. Now, there are several observations and data concerning the situation of sandy invertebrate populations along Romanian littoral, many of which having been published in the series: ”Marine Ecology” printed in the Romanian Academy Editions (Editura Academiei Române), in the periodicals “Marine Research” (“Cercetări marine – Recherches marines”), etc. Nevertheless, there still is a lack of information concerning detailed research on certain sectors. On the other hand, some of these studies, although of a real value, were conducted over 30 years before, when major changes of the marine environment had occurred due to the increasing pollution and eutrophy, changes that have had a profound impact on all biotic and abiotic components of the marine ecosystem. This study presents the changes observed in the quantitative and qualitative structure of the sandy invertebrate populations of the littoral areas of Mangalia and Mamaia, as well as the current status of the sandy invertebrate populations in the “littoral cells” – coastal marine sectors bordered by permeable or impermeable protection dams, usually built perpendicularly to the shore, having variable terminal forms of T, Y, L etc. In those sectors, water communicates with the open sea only on one side (the exposed area), and this results in the creation of a sheltered area, that protects beaches against erosion and where the kinetic energy of the waves is lost or reduced to a minimum. The coastal littoral cells have a special character of “still waters”, inside them occurring ecologic conditions that are different from those outside them, due to the relative isolation provided by the protection dams. At the moment, little is known about the differences between the biotic composition in the cell interior and that in the open sea sectors. Certainly, these semi-enclosed sectors become, during summer, areas of ecologic risk, as a consequence of an explosive development of algae, bacteria or fungi populations that may be followed, in some cases, by mass mortality of benthal and nektonic organisms. The areas undergoing research belong to the superior infra-littoral layer, represented by the fine sand biocenosis Corbula mediterranea – the only biocenosis that is typically GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 67 T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast psammobiontic, and that has an important presence along the Black Sea and Azov seacoasts. Also, according to Bacescu et al. (1971) this biocenosis is one of the most important biocenoses of the Black Sea, since it is the feeding area of several fish species of economic value, as well as of their offspring. Material and methods The study is based on the analysis of 21 quantitative and 10 qualitative samples, collected in summer and autumn 2003, at 7 stations on the Romanian Black Sea coast (5 stations in Mamaia cell and 2 in Mangalia cell). Quantitative sampling was done by Van Veen grab covering an area of 200 cm2, and the qualitative sampling by a dredge (“Băcescu dredge” – having the net mesh size Φ 1 mm). The samples have been conserved with buffered formaldehyde 5 % and stained by Congo Red Laboratory processing: • Washing samples through 3 sieves of 1 mm, 0.25 mm and 0.125 mm to separate macro- and meiofauna; • Identification of the species by binocular microscope; • Counting all species / individuals; • Larger size forms were weighed (wet weight, including shells, intervalvar water etc.); • Meiobenthos biomasses were estimated using standard weight tables; • Computer processing of the data for ecological parameters were performed. In order to statistically process the results obtained following separation, the analytical ecologic indicators and diversity indicators were used. Results and Discussions The results of researches carried out in summer and autumn 2003 at Mamaia and Mangalia shallow water zones proved the presence in the biocenosis of the mobile sediments of 60 taxa, of which 50 have been identified accord- ing to their species. Of the total taxa identified, foraminifers represent 12 % of species, worms – 45 %, mollusks – 7 %, crustaceans– 33 % and the other groups– 3 %. The average density recorded in the sandy invertebrate populations in the researched areas has been of 722,011.90 indvs.m-2, and the biomass of 192.25 g.m-2. The most important role in obtaining the density and frequency of occurrence dominants is that of meiobenthal forms: nematodes, copepods, polychaetes Nerine cirratulus and Polydora antennata, turbellariates and the foraminifer Amonia beccari. Of these, the nematodes and the copepods represent 94 % of the total average density. In the case of the biomasses, the macrobenthal populations account for 90 % of the total, represented by the bivalve mollusks Mya arenaria, Corbula mediterranea, Cardium edule, by the amphipod Ampelisca diadema etc. After having conducted a comparative study of the sandy invertebrate populations of both the Northern Romanian shore (Mamaia) and the Southern area thereof (Mangalia) it was noted that the diversity of macrobental populations, although richer in Mamaia (34 taxa) is not different from that in Mangalia (30 taxa), where the fauna in the sandy areas is more like that of the submerged beaches to the North of Constanta than the fauna of the neighboring areas. Of the total taxa (40) identified in both areas - 24 (60 %) are common, 10 taxons (25 %) were present only in Mamaia and 6 taxa (15 %) only in Mangalia (APPENDIX I, Fig. 1). The differences concerning absence or presence of taxa in an area were noted in cases of polychaetes and crustaceans. Yet the diversity of the meiobenthal populations is higher in Mangalia (18 taxa) than in Mamaia area (11 taxa), where poorer ecological conditions favour the development of some species with low ecologic plasticity (ostracods, some polychaetes) (APPENDIX II). Of the total identified taxa (20) only 8 taxa (42 %) are common to both areas, 9 taxa (47 %) were present only in Mangalia and 2 (11 %) only in Mamaia (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 The percentage of specific and common macrobenthal and meiobenthal taxa in the studied areas, i.e., Mamaia and Mangalia in 2003 68 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast By analyzing the values of average density and biomass of the macrobenthal populations that are cohabitating in the two sectors of Romanian sea coast, it was noted that fauna in the Mamaia cell (29,013 indvs.m-2, that is 235.13 g.m-2) has 1.4 times higher density and 3.2 greater biomass than in Mangalia (20,300 indvs.m-2 that is 73.37 g.m-2) (Fig. 2). This has also been noticed in the case of meiobenthal populations, which, in the Mamaia area, have a density 1.8 times higher and an average biomass 1.9 times greater than in Mangalia area (Fig. 3). The reduced contribution of the macro - and meiobenthal fauna segment in Mangalia sector to the formation of populations of average numeric and weight variables greater than those in the Mamaia sector is due to the spatial limitation of the mobile sediments, which does not allow the evolution of typical psammic associations. The sediments that aggregate in sufficient quantities to allow for the support of sandy invertebrate populations are only achieved in the cell interior, sheltered by protection dams. Due to the bordering of the sedimentary bottoms by the natural one, the possibilities of fauna inflows from other regions are limited, and the quality was only improved where the species existed on the hard bottom (e.g.: polychaetes Brania clavata, Eteone picta, etc., amphipods Amphithoe vaillanti, Hyale perieri, Hyale pontica, cumaceans Cumella limicola etc). The reduction of the communities associated with the sandy bottom is achieved also through the important aggregation of algae that are wiped away from the hard bottom. This happens in the circumstances of the summer stillness, which favours the occurrence of the hypoxia in these areas through the consumption of O2 in the shallow water column and subsequently by the decomposition of excess organic material, a process also related to high levels of O2 consumption. Because of the reduced surface and stillness of the water mass in summer, the pseudo-faeces of the mollusks also contribute to a high extent to the overloading of sediments with organic material (and mineral, too). Generally, at the foundation of any coastal pro- Fig. 2 The average density and biomass of the macrobenthal psammobiontic populations in Mamaia and Mangalia cells in 2003 tection dam, especially on the inside, the fauna associated with mobile sediments is extremely poor in quality and in points of abundance, because of the pseudo-faeces rain favouring the decomposition processes using up the O2 in the sediment column. Direct observations in free diving have shown that the sub-superficial layer of sediments was fully oxidized, and that it was producing a strong smell of sulphurous hydrogen. Thus, limitation of the hydrologic exchange in these semi-closed cells represents a decisive factor in electing some populations that are scarce in points of species count and abundance per surface unit, when compared to Mamaia cell, where extended exchange provides for a water mass circuit even in stillness periods, and the renewal of populations affected by mass mortality is more rapidly achieved. The participation of macrobenthal populations, of the main organisms groups in the psammic biotopes in the areas analyzed is presented in figure 4, and the domination of Vermes group are obvious. Of these worms, in the Mamaia cell, a major weight in points of number and an almost constant presence is that of polychaetes that are exclusively psammic, Nerine cirratulus (9,460 indvs.m-2) and Polydora antennata (6,217 indvs.m-2) followed by oligochaetes, with 2,467 indvs.m-2. In the Mangalia cell, apart from the species mentioned, a significant abundance has been recorded also in the polychaetes Sphaerosyllis bulbosa (1,267 indvs.m-2) and Spio filicornis (1,100 indvs.m-2). As compared to the years 1960 – 1970, the polychaete Spio filicornis, a species that is largely present in the infra-littoral with fine sands, has reduced its densities in the areas analyzed. The mollusks are the most representative element in the sand area, defining the type of biocenosis. In the Mamaia cell, the mollusk populations are represented by Corbula mediterranea, Mya arenaria and Cardium edule that have recorded abundance and biomasses higher than those in the Mangalia cell. Corbula, the most common species in the fine sand area, has been thoroughly watched in its biocenosis by Băcescu et al. (1965, 1967) and Gomoiu (1965, 1966, 1968a, 1968b, 1969). Fig. 3 The average density and biomass of the meiorobenthal psammobiontic populations in Mamaia and Mangalia cells in 2003 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 69 T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast Fig. 4 Participation of the macrobenthal populations in the main groups of organisms to the psammic biotopes of Mamaia and Mangalia cells, 2003 Today, the populations of this species have undergone important changes in structure. Thus, the leading species, of the biocenosis, less tolerant to environmental changes has reduced populations from 246,000 indvs.m-2 in the 1960s (Bacescu et al. 1971) to 3,700 indvs.m-2 at the beginning of the 1990s (Petranu, 1997). At the moment, the densities of this species in the upper infra-littoral area of Mamaia, on the isobaths of 1.5 m, have increased to approximately 7,350 indvs. m-2, the most abundant species in the macrobental populations. It is worth mentioning that in the Mangalia cell Corbula mediterranea has not been found in any of the samples analyzed, but its absence in the samples does not mean that it is missing in the sandy areas in the Southern littoral. In the sands of the Romanian shore, but especially in Northern areas, Mya arenaria is an element quite frequent (it is found in over 50 % of the stations analyzed). Sometimes Mya arenaria remains the leading species in the biocenosis of fine sands, replacing Corbula (in the Mangalia cell). Almost all systematic groups represent the crustaceans in the analyzed areas. Of the macrobenthal forms, the amphipods and cumaceans have recorded in the Mamaia cell densities almost twice as high as in the Mangalia cell. The amphipods populations are dominant in both areas by the species having a large ecological plasticity, Ampelisca diadema, but the important contribution of the populations of rocky – phitophagous species Amphithoe vaillanti, Echinogammarus olivii, Hyale perieri, H. pontica etc. should be noted. Isopods, tanaids and decapods have a heterogeneous spreading in the areas analyzed. Significant abundance has been recorded in the populations of isopods represented by Idotea baltica and Sphaeroma pulchelum and the tanaids in the Mangalia cell, and the decapods analyzed from the quantitative samples in the Mamaia cell. Among the meiobenthal forms, the worms represented by Nematodes were dominant, 90 % of the total density in both littoral cells. The meiobenthal crustaceans in the copepods group exhibited large densities in the Mamaia cell, 1.7 times higher than in the Mangalia cell, and the ostracods were only identified in Mangalia. 70 As in our quantitative samples the epifauna organisms have usually been missing, since they can only happen to be taken by our semi-quantitative dredgers, a series of semiquantitative dredges were conducted, that revealed that the epifauna is made of Mysida, as a dominant group, and of Amphipoda, Cumacea and Decapoda. The dispersion of mysida populations is, in most cases, an aggregate one, and their density in the biocenoses analysed is generally low, not reaching the high values indicated in the specialized literature, namely thousands of items per m2. This is supported also by the fact that mysida are species intolerant to pollution, and in the last two decades a series of changes in these aquatic ecosystems, following increase of the anthropogenic pressure, has certainly affected the mysida populations, taking into account their low number in the samples analysed. Among the mysida populations of Mesopodopsis slabberi average densities were recorded of 36 indvs.m-2, and Paramysis kroyeri of 118 indvs.m-2 in both areas analysed. The Mediterranean species slightly eurihalyne and psammic species Gastrosaccus sanctus together with Siriella jaltensis jaltensis – stenobiotic, rocky substratum, exceptionally phototropic and an excellent predator have been found only in the south of the Romanian Black Sea coast, (Mangalia cell) having average densities of 9 indvs.m-2. The decapods species found in the qualitative samples were the shrimp Crangon crangon, hermit crab Diogenes pugilator and the sand crab Liocarcinus holsatus. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative distribution of the macro - and meiobenthal fauna segment in the protected area of the Mamaia and Mangalia cells reveals mostly quantitative differences. Thus, in the case of macrobenthal populations in the Mamaia cell as well as in the Mangalia cell in their protected areas, protected by dams, densities twice as high as in the exposed areas were recorded. (Fig. 5, 6). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast Fig. 5 Diagram representation of the macrobenthic populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mamaia cell, in 2003 Fig. 6 Diagram representation of the macrobenthic populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mangalia cell, in 2003 Fig. 7 Diagram representation of the meiobenthic populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mamaia cell, in 2003 Fig. 8 Diagram representation of the meiobenthic populations in the protected and exposed areas of Mangalia cell, in 2003 The differences are accounted for by the polychaetes populations Polydora antennata, Nerine cirratulus as well as by the oligochaetes, preferring the protected areas of the littoral cells, where densities 7 times higher were recorded, as a consequence of the presence of a rich organic material found as detritus preventing the inter-specific competition and allowing for the quantitative count development thereof. Specific abundance was recorded among the meiobenthal populations in the protected area of Mamaia cell, with densities exceeding 1,000,000 indvs.m-2, as compared to Mangalia cell, where in both exterior and interior sides, the quantitative variables are similar (~ 450,000 indvs.m-2) (Fig. 7, 8). By comparing the structure of the sandy invertebrate populations in the two locations analysed with the data published by Băcescu et al. (1969) an increase is noted in the average density of the psammobiontic organisms in 2003, 5.8 times in Mamaia and 4 times in Mangalia. This increase is generated by the meiobenthal populations (worms of the groups Nematoda, Turbellaria and Polychaeta, crustaceans of the group Harpacticoida and Ostracoda) and affects the macrobental ones (Fig. 9). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 71 T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast But the average biomass of the benthal organisms in the Mamaia area was twice as high in 2003 (239.3 g.m-2) as in 1968 (104.3 g.m-2), and in the Mangalia area, it was 5 times lower in 2003 (74.8 g.m-2) than in 1968 (367.4 g.m-2) (Fig. 10). This increase and decrease of the average biomass is achieved based on the psammobiontic mollusk which, in the Mamaia area (2003) has witnessed a recovery in number, especially, populations of Corbula mediterranea. In the Mangalia area, the populations of mollusks were represented by juvenile stages of Mya arenaria and Cardium edule and this lead to the achievement of a lower average biomass, compared to 19601970, when the biocenosis of gross sands in the Southern littoral was dominated by Corbula mediterranea. Due to its high Fig. 9 Variation of average density of sandy invertebrate populations in Mamaia and Mangalia areas in the 1968 – 2003 interval abundance, this small-scale species is the main element in points of weight in the structure of psammic shallow water populations of the Romanian shores. A problem that is worth mentioning is the ratio between macrobenthos and meiobenthos, that has lately changed compared to the years of reference (1960 –1970) (Table 1). The value of the ratio macrobenthos – meiobenthos indicates the numeric abundance of the meiobenthal populations in the period analysed, more resistant to external perturbations – permanent instability and high fluctuations of the defining ecological factors, compared to the macrobenthal populations, that have better used the new biotopic conditions of the aquatorium. After analyzing the current status of the major groups of macrobenthos and meiobenthos in the two areas under study, compared with the status existing in 1960 – 1970, it is evident that the populations of macrobenthal and meiobenthal psammobiotic organisms in the Mamaia area have recorded quantitative changes, that are usually characterized by increases in the benthos abundance, both in points of number and weight. The most important changes concerning the quantitative weight in the analysed areas were recorded in the groups of worms, crustaceans, and foraminifers, which reached significant abundances in 2003 (Fig. 11). In the Mangalia area, apart from the reduction of the taxa count, there was a sharp decrease in the numeric abundance of mollusks’ populations, from 40,120 indvs.m-² between 1960-1970, to only 1,075 indvs.m-² in 2003. But the macrobenthic crustaceans represented by amphipods, isopods, tanaids and decapods have doubled their densities (Fig. 12). Together with the reduction of populations in species characteristic of the fine sands biocenosis with Corbula mediterranea, some opportunistic species have proliferated, benefiting from the increase of organic substance in the marine environment, and also the competition has decreased in the dominant species, the polychaetes Polydora antennata, Nerine cirratulus, the bivalves Mya arenaria and Scapharca inaequivalvis (Gomoiu, 1981, 1984a). Fig. 10 Variation of average biomass of sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia areas in the 1968 – 2003 time interval Table 1 The ratio of the average density and biomass of the macrobenthos and meiobenthos DAVG BAVG D Mangalia AVG BAVG Mamaia 72 1968 2003 Macrofauna : Meiofauna Macrofauna : Meiofauna 1 : 13 1 : 27 405 : 1 61 : 1 1:1 1 : 22 371 : 1 36 : 1 In order to maintain the essential ecological processes, of the life support system, and of the biodiversity in the marine and coastal areas, an integrated management thereof is required. This concept guarantees the sustainable development of marine and coastal areas, as well as reduction of their vulnerability to the natural pressures and especially to the anthropogenic ones. Conclusions The results of the ecological research on the sandy invertebrate populations in the upper infra-littoral in the Mamaia and Mangalia cells in 2003 have revealed the following conclusions: • The coastal marine ecosystems are directly or indirectly targeted by the most powerful ecological pressures exerted by multiple human activities of the littoral areas, in the sea as well as in the hydrographical areas of the rivers flowing into the Black Sea, one of the two main coastal ecosystems GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast • • • Fig. 11 Diagram of the quantitative and qualitative changes of the main groups of organisms in the macrobenthos and meiobenthos in Mamaia areas in the 1968 – 2003 time interval Fig. 12 Diagram of the quantitative and qualitative changes of the main groups of organisms in the macrobenthos and meiobenthos in Mangalia areas in the 1968 – 2003 time interval – the one of the sandy grounds with Corbula – Mya, has recorded important ecological changes in the last decade, and sediment associations have occurred that make use of the organic material that is “captive” in the sediments; The comparative analysis of the sandy invertebrate populations in the two areas under observation have generally revealed differences of quantitative nature, both the macrobenthal and meiobenthal organisms in the Mamaia cell being approximately twice as many as in the Mangalia cell, because of the spatial limitations of the sandy bottoms in the Mangalia cell, a situation that does not allow for the evolution of the typical psammic associations; Following the comparative study between the protected and exposed areas of the Mamaia and Mangalia cells, it was noted that in the protected areas of the littoral cells, densities recorded are approximately twice as high as in the exposed ones, as a consequence of the presence of a rich organic material in the form of detritus, preventing inter-specific competition and allowing the numeric quantitative development thereof; By comparing the structure of the sandy invertebrate populations in the two localities analysed with the data published by Băcescu et al. (1969), an increase was noted in the average density of the psammobiontic organisms in 2003, 5.8 times in Mamaia and 4 times in Mangalia; the increase is marked in the meiobenthal populations (worms in the Nematoda, Turbellaria and Polychaeta groups, crustaceans in the Harpacticoida and Ostracoda groups) to the disadvantage of the macrobenthal ones; As for the average biomass, an increase approximately double was noted in the Mamaia area of the psammobiontic mollusk populations which, in 2003 record a numeric recovery, namely through the populations of Corbula mediterranea, and in Mangalia area the mollusk populations were represented by juvenile stages of Mya arenaria and Cardium edule, a fact that has lead to obtaining an average biomass lower than in the 1960-1970 interval, when the biocenosis of the gross sands in the southern littoral had been dominated by Corbula mediterranea; The value of the ratio macrobenthos – meiobenthos in the recent period has changed radically compared to the reference years (1960 –1970), which indicates the numeric abundance of the meiobenthal populations in the analysed period. These populations have proved a higher resistance to external disturbances – permanent instability and high fluctuations of the defining ecological factors, than the macrobenthal ones, and they make better use of the new biotope conditions of the aquatorium. • • GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 73 74 13.33 100.00 6.67 6.67 33.33 33.33 13.33 20.00 20.00 66.67 86.67 Capitomastus minimus Eteone picta Eulalia limbata Grubea tenuicirrata Laonice cirrata Magelona papilicornis Neanthes succinea Nereis rava 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nerine cirratulus 11 Nerilla antennata 12 Perinereis cultrifera 13 Platynereis dumerilii 14 Polydora antennata 15 Polydora ciliata 16 Prionospio ciliata 17 Pygospio elegans 18 Sphaerosyllis bulbosa 19 Spio filicornis 20 Oligochaeta GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 7350.00 25.33 41.10 2 8 36.35 16.27 15.46 6.92 0.21 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.01 2.64 0.01 0.01 0.80 0.04 0.14 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 32.10 15.19 4.26 3.02 0.54 0.48 1.03 0.60 9.39 0.23 0.31 8.97 0.75 2.17 0.42 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.25 0.33 WB RkB 2 3 8 10 18 19 14 17 5 27 25 6 16 11 20 32 33 34 26 22 8.33 25.00 16.67 50.00 8.33 33.33 DAVG 75.00 50.00 425.00 16.67 83.33 3383.33 100.00 1100.00 66.67 1266.67 16.67 50.00 9441.67 16.67 83.33 2891.67 16.67 33.33 16.67 50.00 16.67 33.33 F% 66.67 6.25 0.49 0.32 0.03 0.03 0.19 0.03 6.21 0.02 0.03 1.89 0.10 0.33 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 DB% 23 Corbula mediterranea 1.17 3 5 15 9 18 11 4 23 33 1 25 12 28 32 31 30 10 14 BAVG 50.00 21 340.00 RkD 33.33 27.14 15.70 1.73 4.31 1.11 2.84 26.73 0.83 0.28 57.10 0.68 1.96 0.39 0.28 0.28 0.28 3.62 1.73 WD 22 Cardium edule 8.50 3.70 0.15 0.93 0.09 0.24 21.43 0.10 0.01 32.61 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.22 0.15 DD% 16.67 2466.67 1073.33 43.33 270.00 26.67 70.00 6216.67 30.00 3.33 9460.00 10.00 33.33 6.67 3.33 3.33 3.33 63.33 43.33 DAVG Mamaia cell Midendorphia caprearum 33.33 6.67 6.67 6.67 6.67 60.00 20.00 Brania clavata 1 F% Taxa No. 2.09 0.08 16.67 5.42 6.24 0.25 46.51 0.37 14.24 0.04 0.12 0.08 0.25 0.04 0.16 DD% 10.23 1.17 37.27 23.28 20.40 2.03 48.22 2.48 34.45 0.83 2.03 1.17 3.51 0.83 2.34 WD RkD 7 24 2 4 5 21 1 17 3 26 20 23 14 25 19 Mangalia cell 19.12 0.05 0.68 0.33 0.71 0.35 8.26 0.05 0.58 0.08 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 BAVG 26.05 0.07 0.92 0.45 0.96 0.48 11.26 0.06 0.79 0.11 0.34 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 DB% 36.09 1.08 8.77 6.71 8.01 2.82 23.73 1.01 8.10 1.38 3.37 0.34 0.37 0.14 0.67 WB General characteristics of the macrobenthic populations recorded in 2003 in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector 2 19 6 10 8 13 3 20 7 16 12 26 25 30 22 RkB APPENDIX I T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast 6.67 13.33 13.33 28 Hyale perieri 29 Hyale pontica 30 Melita palmata GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Taxa Vermes Mollusca Crustacea Varia Total 0.14 0.14 4.97 26.55 68.34 DD% 29013.33 100 40.00 1443.33 7703.33 19826.67 DAVG 40.00 0.96 0.78 Mamaia 22 24 235.13 1.03 10.05 214.29 9.76 BAVG 1.03 4.67 100 0.44 4.27 91.14 4.15 DB% 0.44 1.98 0.03 1.71 5.14 1.67 12 7 13 33.33 50.00 6.67 0.05 0.07 15 83.33 50.00 50.00 66.67 16.67 16.67 50.00 33.33 50.00 66.67 40 Chironomida 13.33 7 1.01 9 30 23 28 24 31 21 29 4 1 F% 13.33 12.25 0.05 3.19 0.09 0.32 0.15 0.31 0.08 0.36 0.09 11.58 52.44 RkB 39 Diogenes pugilator 1.61 0.12 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.68 68.76 WB 50.00 466.67 21 1.20 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00 3.94 161.67 DB% 93.33 0.96 16 20 13 27 26 29 19 34 6 17 BAVG 38 Iphinoe maeotica 0.05 1.66 RkD 16.67 13.33 0.14 1.04 1.92 0.55 0.55 0.39 1.07 0.28 14.91 1.36 WD 37 Cumella limicola 20.00 35 Sphaeroma pulchaelum 40.00 0.08 0.14 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.01 2.78 0.05 DD% 16.67 20.00 34 Idotea baltica basteri 23.33 40.00 6.67 6.67 6.67 16.67 3.33 806.67 13.33 DAVG Mamaia cell 36 Tanais cavolini 13.33 Stenothoe monoculoides 33 32 Nototropis guttatus 26.67 20.00 27 Echinogammarus olivii Microdeutopus gryllotalpa 6.67 26 Amphithoe vaillanti 31 80.00 25 Ampelisca diadema F% 40.00 Taxa 24 Mya arenaria No. 0.57 3.74 5.30 90.39 D% 0.57 0.82 0.04 0.04 0.25 0.66 0.33 0.12 0.41 0.04 0.04 0.21 0.12 0.66 3.12 DD% 20300.0 100 116.67 758.33 1075.00 18350.0 DAVG 116.67 166.67 8.33 8.33 50.00 133.33 66.67 25.00 83.33 8.33 8.33 41.67 25.00 133.33 633.33 DAVG RkD 11 9 30 29 16 8 13 18 12 28 27 15 22 10 6 Mangalia 5.36 6.41 0.83 0.83 2.87 7.40 4.05 2.48 5.23 0.83 0.83 3.20 2.03 5.73 14.42 WD 3.01 5.39 53.67 11.30 BAVG 3.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.45 4.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.76 34.50 BAVG 73.37 Mangalia cell 100 4.10 7.35 73.14 15.40 D% 4.10 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.61 5.45 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.03 1.03 47.02 DB% 14.32 1.31 0.17 0.28 4.52 21.31 0.52 2.10 1.32 0.41 0.26 1.51 1.01 7.19 55.99 WB 9 1 5 18 29 27 11 4 23 14 17 24 28 15 21 RkB T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast 75 76 Ammonia tepida Ammonia pelucida Elphidium incertum Elphidium macellum Cribroelphidium poeyanum Quinqueloculina aspera Turbellaria Nematoda Nerinidae larvae Polydora larv. Juv Spionidae larvae Syllydae juv. Polychaeta varia Halacarida Copepoda Xestoleberis acutipenis Xestoleberis decipiens Loxoconcha pontica Paradoxostoma intermedium Taxa Foraminifera Vermes Crustacea Varia Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 100.00 53.33 26.67 40.00 100.00 100.00 13.33 13.33 13.33 33.33 93.33 Ammonia beccarii 1 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 4896.67 796010.00 63473.33 727640.00 DAVG 63473.33 813.33 1366.67 2706.67 717326.67 5426.67 33.33 43.33 33.33 350.00 4436.67 100 7.97 91.41 0.62 DD% 7.97 0.10 0.17 0.34 90.12 0.68 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.56 8.26 0.24 0.27 0.24 1.21 7.21 28.24 2.33 2.14 3.69 94.93 WD RkD 2 6 7 5 1 3 11 9 10 8 4 3.86 1.27 1.66 0.93 BAVG 1.27 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.22 1.25 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.81 BAVG 100 32.89 43.03 24.07 DB% 32.89 0.84 1.42 2.81 5.62 32.34 0.39 0.51 0.39 1.84 20.95 DB% 57.35 6.71 6.15 10.59 23.72 56.87 2.28 2.60 2.28 7.84 44.22 WB RkB 16.67 33.33 16.67 66.67 83.33 2425.00 33.33 25.00 33.33 375.00 1816.67 DAVG 83.33 16.67 16.67 50.00 50.00 33.33 66.67 66.67 33.33 83.33 1 100.00 7 8 5 708.33 444183.33 216.67 39150.00 402533.33 2283.33 DAVG 100.00 133.33 275.00 37933.33 216.67 16.67 200.00 616.67 866.67 483.33 4 100.00 397925.00 2 100.00 11 9 10 6 3 F% DD% Mangalia DAVG F% Taxa No. Mamaia 100 0.05 8.81 90.62 0.51 DD% 0.16 0.02 0.03 0.06 8.54 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.14 0.20 0.11 89.59 0.55 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.41 DD% 7.39 0.35 0.43 0.35 2.37 5.84 3.26 1.23 1.00 2.27 29.22 2.02 0.25 0.87 2.63 3.12 1.90 94.65 WD RkD 5 12 13 9 2 10 18 14 7 6 11 1 3 17 15 16 8 4 2.02 0.02 0.84 0.89 0.28 BAVG 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.76 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.24 BAVG 100 0.75 41.53 43.92 13.79 DB% 2.28 0.32 0.43 0.89 37.61 0.75 0.50 0.40 1.22 1.72 0.96 4.81 34.32 0.07 0.06 0.74 0.84 12.08 DB% 12.34 4.63 3.78 8.59 61.33 7.92 2.87 2.57 7.82 9.27 5.65 21.93 58.59 1.11 1.36 3.52 7.47 31.73 WB General characteristics of the meiobenthic populations recorded in 2003 in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector 3 5 12 13 7 1 8 15 16 9 6 11 4 2 18 17 14 10 RkB APPENDIX II T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast T. Begun, A. Teacă, M.T. Gomoiu, G.M. Paraschiv - Present state of the sandy invertebrate populations in the Mamaia and Mangalia sector of the Romanian Black Sea coast References Băcescu, M., Gomoiu M.-T., Bodeanu N., Petran A., Műller, G.I., Manea V., 1965 – Studii asupra variatiei vietii marine in zona litorala nisipoasa la nord de Constanta. Ecologie marina 1 : 7-138 Gomoiu, M.-T., 1968a – Calcium carbonate content of marine sandy beaches of the Black Sea Romanian littoral. Rev. roum. Biol., Ser. zool., 13 (6): 385-392 Băcescu, M., Dumitrescu E., Gomoiu M.-T., Petran A., 1967 – Éléments pour la caractérisation de la zone sédimentaire médio-littorale de la mer Noire. Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. Gr. Antipa ,7: 1-14 Gomoiu, M.-T., 1968b – Distribution of sand areas and their biocoenosis in the Romanian Black Sea Coast. 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New York: 314 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 77 CRETACEOUS-CENOZOIC PALEOBIOGEOGRAPHY OF THE SOUTHERN ROMANIAN BLACK SEA ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE AREAS Mihaela Carmen MELINTE National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar Bucharest), 23-25 Dimitrie Onciul St, 024053, Bucharest, Romania Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract. Investigations carried out on 22 drillings on the Southern onshore area of the Romanian Black Sea and on one drilling from the Southern offshore area of the Romanian Black Sea are presented here. The lithological/sedimentological investigations and the micropalaeontological (calcareous nannoplankton) quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed several depositional sequences. The oldest identified sedimentary cycle is latest Jurassic (Tithonian) - Early Cretaceous (Berriasian - Valanginian) in age and composed of marine shallow water carbonates. The next cycle, in stratigraphic order, is Barremian - Early Aptian in age, composed of marine shallow water carbonates. A fluvial-lacustrine formation, Middle - Late Aptian in age, was observed only in the drillings from onshore area. The youngest Cretaceous cycle (Santonian – Maastrichtian) is mainly composed of chalks, with intercalations of glauconitic sands towards the base. In the chalk offshore deposits of the Black Sea, a continuous sedimentation took place within the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval. The Paleogene deposits (Middle – Late Eocene) are characterized by the presence of marlstones and claystones. These are overlain by Oligocene black shales, rich in organic matter and fish remains. Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits were sedimented in a brackish environment, but several marine influxes probably occured (based on the nannofloras encountered) within the Middle Miocene, latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene and Late Pleistocene. The Cretaceous-Eocene nannofloras are dominated by warm water taxa (Tethyan nannofloras). The occurrence of the Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton confined to high latitudes (Boreal taxa) within the Late Valanginian, the Barremian - Aptian boundary interval and the latest Maastrichtian, indicate cooler water surfaces. A more significant cooling could be assumed in the Early Oligocene, occuring at the same time with the separation of the Paratethys Realm, and with the appearance of endemic nannofloras in the Black Sea offshore area. Key words: Cretaceous - Paleogene - Neogene, litho- and biostratigraphy, nannofloras, NW Black Sea INTRODUCTION sediments cropping out in the Southern Dobrogea were pub- The area on which this study is focused comprises both the onshore and the offshore zone of the Southern Romanian Black Sea region (Figure1). This area belongs, in terms of tectonic evolution, to the Eastern extension of the Moesian Platform (the Dobrogea sector - including both the Central and the Southern Dobrogea, according to Săndulescu, 1984). The analyzed onshore wells are placed in Southern Dobrogea, a subsided block, which is separated from the uplifted block of the Central Dobrogea by the Capidava - Ovidiu Fault (Dinu et al., 2002). Pioneer investigations of this region have started as early as the second half of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth century (Reuss, 1865; Peters, 1867; Anastasiu, 1898; Simionescu, 1906 and Macovei, 1911). Detailed studies of the lithology and palaeobiology of the Cretaceous - Cenozoic lished, in the second half of the last century, by Chiriac (1968), Tătărâm et al. (1977), Neagu et al. (1977), Neagu (1986, 1987), Bărbulescu & Neagu (1988), Ion et al. (1998) and Avram et al., 1988 (among others). If there is a remarkable amount of data available for the surface stratigraphy of Southern Dobrogea, the data concerning the subsurface of Southern Dobrogea are scarce. One of the first published studies on this topic is by Băncilă (1973). In the ’80s, the drilling of 22 wells, in the Southern Dobrogea area, revitalized the investigation of the subsurface of the Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore. Stratigraphical investigations of these drillings generated new data on Cretaceous subsurface deposits of this region (Avram et al., 1993; Ion et al., 1998). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 79 M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas This study aims to provide a reconstruction of the depositional history of the Southern Romanian Black Sea area, based on the detailed lithological and palaeontological analyses of 22 onshore drillings. Investigations of the Cretaceous - Cenozoic sequences, of one well (Tandala), drilled offshore in the Southern Romanian Black Sea territory (Fig. 1), were also completed. MATERIALANDMETHODS Detailed investigations were completed of 22 drillings onshore in the Southern Romanian Black Sea and of one drilling offshore in the Southern Romanian Black Sea (Fig. 1). Lithological and sedimentological analyses, as well as preliminary micropalaeontological data were previously published by teams of scientists, including the author of this paper (Avram et al. 1993; Ion et al., 1998; Popescu et al., 1998). Apart from a new interpretation of the data acquired, detailed calcareous nannoplankton studies, on the Black Sea onshore and offshore drillings, were also carried out. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were done. On each smear-slide, 300 specimens were counted, the investigation being completed to 200 fields of view. The diversity was estimated as the number of the total taxa in each sample, while the abundance was considered as the number of nannofossils in one field of view. The nannofloral taxonomy follows Perch-Nielsen (1985a, 1985 b). RESULTS Early Cretaceous The oldest deposits traversed by the studied onshore drillings belong to the Cernavodă Formation and yielded two main facies: a North-Western facies, mainly composed of evaporitic rocks, variegated clays, marls and sandstones (the Amara Member, 150-180 m thick) and a South-Eastern one, mainly made by calcarenites and calcilutites (the Alimanu Member, 150-180 m thick) – figure 2. The two units described above are Early Berriasian - Late Valanginian, as proved by the identified calcareous nannofloral assemblages. The successive first occurrences (FO) of the nannofossils Cretarhabdus angustiforatus (Black) Bukry and Calcicalathina oblongata (Worsley) Thierstein led to the identification of the NK1, NK2 and NK3 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones of Bralower et al. (1989). The deepest Berriasian deposits were recorded at 397 m (drilling 19), while the uppermost Berriasian sediments were identified at 55 m (drilling 8). The quantitative studies focused on four taxonomical groups : (1) Watznaueria barnesae, an extreme cosmopolitan species, resistant to diagenesis; (2) the Tethyan Nannoconus species, oligotrophic taxa, indicating warm surface waters (Melinte and Mutterlose, 2001); (3) Tethyan taxa, especially confined to low to middle latitudes (other then Nannoconus), including Polycostella senaria Thierstein, Diazomatolithus leh- Fig.1 Studied drillings in the Southern part of the Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore (modified after Avram et al., 1993; Ion et al., 1998) 80 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Fig. 2 Composite lithology and biostratigraphy of the studied drillings from the Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 81 M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas manii Noël and Conusphaera mexicana Trejo; (4) Boreal taxa (sensu Mutterlose, 1992) including Micrantholithus speetonensis Perch-Nielsen, Sollasites horticus (Stradner) Čepek and Hay, S. lowiei (Bukry) Rood et al., and Crucibiscutum salebrosum (Black) Jakubowski, nannofossils which indicate relatively cool water surfaces. Similar to other Romanian sections (e.g. the Carpathian Domain - Melinte and Mutterlose, 2001), the Berriasian of the Black Sea onshore is characterized by nannofloral assemblages dominated by Watznaueria barnesae (Black) Perch - Nielsen (yielding an abundance of 20-30%) and Nannoconus spp. (with an equivalent abundance of 20-30%) – Figure 2. The cosmopolitan species are, within most of the Berriasian, more abundant than the Tethyan ones (Nannoconus spp., Polycostella senaria, Diazomatolithus lehmanii and Conusphaera mexicana). The Late Berriasian - Early Valanginian nannofloras (lower part of the NK2 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone) are dominated by the Tethyan taxa (the abundance of Nannoconus is almost 50%). In the Late Valanginian, there was a shift in the abundance of nannoconids. The event is synchronous with the appearance of the Boreal taxa, which represent up to 12% from the assemblages. High fertility proxies, as Biscutum constans (Gorka) Black, Diazomatolithus lehmanii and Zeugrhabdothus erectus (Deflandre) Reinhardt, increase in abundance (amounting jointly to 15%) within the Late Valanginian. In the investigated offshore drilling (Tandala), the oldest recorded deposits are latest Jurassic - earliest Cretaceous (Tithonian - Valanginian) in age and 120 m thick. In terms of lithology, these sediments are similar to the Lower Cretaceous South - Eastern facies of the studied onshore drillings – i.e. calcarenites and calcilutites with frequent dasycladacean algae belonging to the Alimanu Member (Cernavoda Formation). The latest Jurassic (Tithonian) age was assigned based on foraminiferal assemblages containing Topalodiscorbis sp. and mililoids (Neagu in Avram et al., 1993) and also based on the presence of the Crassicolaria Calpionellid Zone. The BerriasianValanginian age is argued by the foraminiferal assemblages with Pseudocyclammina litus and Trocholina alpina – Neagu in Avram et al., 1993 and also by the identification of the NK1 and NK2 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones (Fig. 3). The qualitative investigations of earliest Cretaceous nannofloras revealed similar trends to those recorded onshore of the Black Sea in the calcareous nannoplankton fluctuations; high abundance of the Tethyan species (including Nannoconus) within the Berriasian and Early Valanginian, and their significant decrease, within the Late Valanginian, together with the occurrence of Boreal taxa and increase of Watznaueria barnesae. The next lithological unit (in the stratigraphical succession) traversed by the studied onshore drillings is the Ramadan Formation (90-100 m thick), which displayed two main facies (Fig. 2). There occur red clays, sandstones and locally, calcarenites in the Western part of the surveyed area; and ree82 fal limestones and calcarenites rich in orbitolinids and miliolids in its Eastern part. Comparing with the subjacent Lower Berriasian - Upper Valanginian calcarenites of the Cernavoda Formation, mainly containing dasycladacean algae, the most abundant microfossil of the Ramadan Formation are the arenaceous foraminifers, as well as the miliolids and orbitolinids (Neagu, 1986; Avram et al., 1993). The deepest recorded level of the Ramadan Formation is 220 m (Well 24), while the topmost is 48 m deep (Well 11). The identified nannofloras indicate, for the Ramadan Formation, a Late Barremian - earliest Aptian age, based on the successive FOs of the nannofossils Vagalapilla matalosa (Stover) Thierstein, Hayesites irregularis (Thierstein) Covington & Wise and Braarudosphaera hockwoldensis Black. The latest bio-event approximates, in the Tethyan Realm (including the nowadays Romanian territory), the Barremian-Aptian boundary interval (Barragan and Melinte, 2006). The quantitative nannofloral studies focused on four taxonomical groups : (1) Watznaueria barnesae, an eurytopic cosmopolitan and ecologically robust form, one of the first species to settle in new biotopes; (2) Nannoconus spp., taxa which are believed to be restricted to lower photic zone and controlled by fluctuations of nutricline depth (Erba,1994). High abundance of Nannoconus indicates deep chlorophyll maximum zone (DCM), with increased productivity of the lower photic zone and high surface water temperatures (Melinte and Mutterlose, 2001; Bersezio et al., 2002); (3) Tethyan taxa (other than nannoconids), which are also especially confined to low to middle latitudes, including Assipetra terebrodentarius (Applegate et al. in Covington and Wise) Rutledge and Bergen in Bergen, Hayesites irregularis, Conusphaera mexicana, and C. rothii (Thierstein) Jakubowski, (4) Boreal taxa (sensu Mutterlose, 1992) including Sollasites horticus, Crucibiscutum salebrosum, Zeugrhabdotus sysiphus (Gartner) Crux and Vagalapilla matalosa, species indicating relatively cool water surfaces. The Late Barremian nannofossil assemblages (upper part of NC5 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone of Roth’s Zonation, 1978) are dominated by the Tethyan taxa, which make up, together with Nannoconus spp. almost 70% of total nannofloras – Figure 2. Within the latest Barremian (around the boundary between the NC5/NC6 Calcareous Nannofossils Zones of Roth, 1978) there was a significant shift in the Tethyan taxa (from 70% up to 45%). This bioevent is coincident with an increased abundance of cosmopolitan nannofossil Watznaueria barnesae and of Boreal taxa. The shift in the Tethyan calcareous nannoplankton is even more pronounced within the earliest Aptian (lower part of the NC6 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone). That is an interval in which they represent only 25% of nannofloras – Figure 2. In the Tandala Well, reefal limestones and calcarenites (80 m thick), rich in orbitolinids and miliolids were identified. The Hauterivian – Aptian age of the above-described succession was formerly confirmed based on the presence of GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas Fig.3 Lithostratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Cenozoic deposits traversed by the Tandala Well (Southern Romanian Black Sea offshore) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 83 M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas foraminiferal assemblages (Neotrocholina paucigranulata, Gavelinella barremiana, Epistomina carpenteri Assemblage – according to Neagu in Avram et al., 1993). Based on calcareous nannoplankton investigations, these deposits are Late Hauterivian - earliest Aptian in age (an interval covered by the NC5 and NC6 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones of Roth, 1978). The nannofloral quantitative analyses of the offshore sediments revealed a trend similar to the one in the onshore deposits. The Hauterivian - Barremian nannofloras are dominated by Tethyan taxa. The Boreal nannofossils occurred within the latest Barremian and the warm water nannofossils (including the nannoconids) decreased significantly within the earliest Aptian. The Ramadan Formation is unconformably overlain, in the Southern offshore of the Black Sea, by the Gherghina Formation, which is mainly constituted by sands with thin coal lenses and kaolinitic clays. The Gherghina Formation (50-60 m thick) was encountered in the onshore drillings 10, 11, 13, and 15, the deepest level where it was recorded being 182 m (Well 13), while its uppermost level is 50 m deep (Well 11). This lithological unit is Middle - Late Aptian in age, based on the identification of charophyte assemblages, containing among other taxa, Atopochara trivolvis trivolvis Pech, A. trivolvis tricheta (Pech) Grambast, Clavator harrisi Peck, Nodosoclavatus adnatus Martin-Closas & Grambast-Fessart, Pseudoglobator paucibracteatus Martin-Closas & GrambastFessart and Perimneste horrida Grabast (Iva, 1990). Late Cretaceous The Upper Cretaceous deposits were identified in the onshore area of the Black Sea in the wells 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 (Fig. 1). The oldest Upper Cretaceous lithostratigraphical unit discovered (in drillings 8 and 10) is the Murfatlar Formation, made up of grey-whitish argillaceous chalks, with reddish mottled clays in the lower part, overlain by yellowish clays and whitish, massive chalky limestones towards the top (Ion et al., 1998). The Murfatlar Formation is 30-40 m thick, with its deepest level situated at 113 m (in Well 9), while its topmost level is placed 12 m deep (in Well 10). The calcareous nannoplankton assemblages, characteristic of CC18, CC19 and CC20 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones (of the Sissingh’s Zonation, 1977) argue for a Santonian – early Late Campanian age (Fig. 2). The next stratigraphical unit is the Nazarcea Formation (found in the drillings 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12). Its deepest level is 113 m (in drilling 9) while its uppermost level is 10 m deep (Well 8). The Nazarcea Formation (from 20 to 45 m thick) is composed of reddish marls, gray-yellowish marls and clays, as well as kaolinitic clays. The Nazarcea Formation was assigned to the Early Maastrichtian, based on its charophyte content (according to Iva in Ion et al., 1998). The youngest Upper Cretaceous unit found in the studied drillings of the Black Sea onshore is the Nisipari Formation, which was encountered in the drillings 8, 9 and 10. It is 10-25 m thick. The deepest level where it was identified 84 is 68 m (in the drilling 9) while the topmost is 3 m (in the drilling 10). The Nisipari Formation is made by chalky marls and clays, overlain by glauconitic sands, and whitish massive chalky limestones. The age of this formation, i.e. latest Campanian - Late Maastrichtian is proved by the identification of the CC22-CC26 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones of the Sissingh’s Zonation (1977) – Figure 2. This formation was attributed the same age based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers (Ion et al., 1998). It must be noted that the youngest deposits traversed by the 22 investigated wells, in the onshore area of the Black Sea, are Neogene in age, and were not subject of this study. The quantitative Late Cretaceous nannofloral analyses focused on four taxonomical groups: (1) Watznaueria barnesae, an eurytopic cosmopolitan and ecologically robust form; (2) Micula spp., the dominant genus in the Upper Cretaceous nannofloral assemblages. The genus Micula is mainly represented by Micula decussata Vekshina (80%). Within the Upper Maastrichtian deposits, Micula murus (Martini) Bukry and M. prinsii Perch-Nielsen also frequently occur. The species of this genus are mostly confined to low to middle latitudes, indicating also an oligotrophic environment; (3) Prediscosphaera spp., another prevailing component of the recorded calcareous nannoplankton is mainly represented by the species P. cretacea (Arkhangelsky) Gartner. P. stoveri (Perch-Nielsen) Shafik & Stradner was considered along with the Boreal taxa; (4) the Boreal taxa are represented by Nephrolithus frequens Górka, Cribrosphaerella daniae Perch-Nielsen, Kamptnerius magnificus Deflandre and Prediscosphaera stoveri – nannofosils mostly confined to high latitudes and particularly cool surface waters (Worsley and Martini, 1970). The Santonian (the lower part of the Murfatlar Formation) is dominated by Watznaueria barnesae and Micula spp., which jointly amount to more than 50% of nannofloras. In the latest Santonian, there is an increase in the abundance of Micula spp (up to 35%), synchronously with the shift in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae. This trend continues into the upper part of the Murfatlar Formation (Early Campanian in age). There is a significant change in the nannofloral composition within the Late Campanian earliest Maastrichtian (the Nazarcea Formation), when the abundance of W. barnesae reaches a peak of 40% - Figure 2. Concurrently, the abundance of genera Micula and Prediscosphaera sharply decreases. A significant fluctuation in the abundance of the calcareous nannofloras took place within the Late Maastrichtian (CC24, CC25 and CC26 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones). It was then that the assemblages were, once again, clearly dominated by the genera Micula and Prediscosphaera, jointly amounting to more than 50% of the nannofloras. The latest Maastrichtian (upper part of the Nisipari Formation) is characterized by an increase in Boreal taxa (up to 15%), along with a decrease in Micula spp. and Prediscosphaera spp., and mostly constant values of Watznaueria barnesae (around 30%). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas The Upper Cretaceous deposits identified in the Black Sea offshore area (within the Tandala Well) consist of chalky marlstones and claystones, as well as white chalky limestones, yielding a remarkable high calcareous nannoplankton content. More than 80 nannofloral taxa were recorded, with an average abundance of 25 taxa/field of view. The calcareous nannoplankton analyzes led to the identification of the CC20, CC21, CC22, CC23, CC24, CC25 and CC26 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones, spanning over the late Early Campanian - latest Maastrichtian interval – Figure 3. The whole Upper Cretaceous succession identified in the Tandala Well is 95 m thick. The Campanian calcareous nannofloras are dominated by Tethyan taxa - Ceratolithoides aculeus (Stradner) Prins & Sissingh in Sissingh, Quadrum sissinghi Perch-Nielsen and Quadrum trifidum (Stradner in Stradner & Papp) Hattner & Wise, which together with the Micula and Prediscosphaera genera amount to over 60% of nannofloras. The Early Maastrichtian calcareous nannoplankton assemblages mainly consist of cosmopolitan taxa, while in the latest Maastrichtian, the Boreal nannofossils represent a significant component of the nannofloras (almost 20%). The calcareous nannoplankton investigations yielded a continuous sedimentation, in the chalk deposits of the Tandala Well, within the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval. This finding is supported by the identification of the nannofloral mass extinction within the upper part of the chalky limestones. Over 95% of the Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton have disappeared: that bioevent was previously recorded not only in other Romanian sections across the K/T Boundary (Melinte, 1999), but also in other continuous K/T successions of the Tethyan Realm (e.g. Spain – Lamolda et al., 2005; Italy – Monechi & Thierstein, 1985; Tunisia - Gardin, 2002). The occurrence of the nannofossil Biantolithus sparsus Bramlette & Martini, together with a recorded acme of Markalius inversus (Deflandre in Deflandre & Fert) Bramlette & Martini, led to the identification of the NP1 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone of the Martini’s Zonation (1971) - earliest Paleocene (Early Danian) in age. Paleogene The Paleogene deposits were encountered only in the Black Sea offshore area, in the Tandala Well. The earliest Paleocene (Early Danian) is characterized by chalky limestone deposits, as previously described. These deposits are overlain by calcareous claystones and marlstones, interbedded with thin (cm) calcarenites (Fig. 3). The presence of the NP15, NP16, NP17, NP18, NP19, NP20 and NP21 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones of Martini’s Zonation (1971) suggest continuous sedimentation within the Middle - Late Eocene interval (corresponding to the Lutetian, Bartonian and Priabonian stages). The total thickness of the Eocene deposits is 365 m. The quantitative calcareous nannoplankton analyzes focus on four taxonomical groups : (1) Sphenolithus spp., taxa confined to warm well oxygenated surface waters and open marine environments (Aubry, 1992); (2) Discoaster spp., nannofossils mostly confined to warm water surfaces and open-marine settings; (3) Zygrhablithus bijugatus Deflandre, Lanternitus minutus Stradner, Orthozygus aureus (Stradner) Bramlette & Wilcoxon and Isthmolithus recurvus Deflandre, holococcoliths abundant in near-shore environments (Krhovsky et al., 1992); (4) Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler & Wade) Bukry & Percival and Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Roth & Hay) Bukry, cosmopolitan taxa, which proliferate remarkably under stable marine conditions, tolerating slight salinity fluctuations. The Middle Eocene nannofloras are generally dominated by warm water taxa (the genera Sphenolithus and Discoaster), which jointly amount to 40% of nannofloras. Both the euthrophic nannofossils Dictyococcites bisectus and Cyclicargolithus floridanus represent up to 35%. Meanwhile, the abundance of the holococcoliths decreases to 10%. The Late Eocene nannofloral abundance, recorded in the Tandala Well, is similar to that identified within the Middle Eocene deposits traversed by this drilling. A significant shift of Tethyan taxa (Spehenolithus and Discoaster) to 10% took place within the latest Eocene (Late Priabonian). The holococcoliths become significantly abundant (up to 30%), while the D. bisectus and C. floridanus jointly amount to 50% of nannofloras. The youngest Paleogene sediments recorded in the Tandala Well are bituminous clays (160 m thick), with numerous fish remains (mainly scales). Such deposits are described in the Carpathian Domain as “dysodilic shales”. Two distinct laminitic limestones (the oldest one, at the lower part of the bituminous clays, is 40 cm thick and the youngest, 30 cm thick, towards the middle part), were identified. According to nannofloral content, the bituminous clays were assigned to the NP21 (pars), NP22, NP23, NP24, NP25, NN1 and NN2 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones Martini’s Zonation (1970), spanning the Oligocene -earliest Miocene interval (the Rupelian, Chattian, Aquitanian and Early Burdigalian stages). The quantitative nannofloral studies focused on four taxonomical groups : (1) Sphenolithus spp., taxa confined to warm well oxygenated surface waters and to open marine environments; (2) Helicosphaera spp., nannofossils mostly related to warm surface waters and near-shore environments (Krhovský et al., 1992); (3) Dictyococcites bisectus and Zygrhablithus bijugatus, cosmopolitan species, frequent in near-shore environments (Krhovský et al., 1992), that bloom whenever the nutrient input increases (Melinte, 2005); (4) Pontosphaera spp., euthrophic taxa (Aubry, 1992) which proliferated under stable marine conditions and tolerated only slight salinity fluctuations. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 85 M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas The Eocene/Oligocene boundary interval exhibited a significant decline in the abundance of warm water nannofossils (species of Sphenolithus and Discoaster) which resulted in their disappearance. The Early Rupelian nannofloras are characterized by the dominance of cosmopolitan taxa, such as Dictycoccites bisectus, Zygrablithus bijugatus and Cyclicargolithus floridanus. There was an occurrence of endemic nannofossils (restricted to the Paratethys Realm), such as Transversopontis fibula Gheta, T. latus Müller and Reticulofenestra ornata Müller, within the Rupelian deposits of the Tandala Well. The endemic nannofossils have a remarkable abundance amounting to over 80% of all recorded nannofloras within the oldest level of the laminitic limestone (placed at the lower part of the bituminous clays of the Tandala Well). The warm water taxa (Sphenolithus spp.) reoccur in the Late Oligocene (within the Chattian stage – NP24 Nannoplankton Zone), where they represent up to 35% of nannofloras. In the upper Chattian (NP25 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone), the total abundance of Sphenolithus significantly drops to 5%, to later increase to over 20% within the Oligocene/Miocene boundary interval (NN1 Nannofossil Zone). Helicosphaera spp. varies from 5 to 35% of calcareous nannoplankton assemblages in the Oligocene deposits traversed by the Tandala Well, with the maximum evidenced in the uppermost Chattian (NP25 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone), and the minimum in the Rupelian, (NP23b Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone). Dictyococcites bisectus and Zygrhablithus bijugatus are also abundant in Oligocene nannofloras of the Tandala Well. The abundance of these species strongly fluctuates, from 35% (in the lower Rupelian – NP23 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone) to 70% in the Lower Chattian (NP24 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone), with the maximum recorded within the youngest laminitic limestone level. The lowest abundance of the genus Pontosphaera (5%) was also observed in the Lower Oligocene deposits (belonging to the NP23 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone), while its highest percentage (30%) was recorded in the Upper Oligocene sediments (assigned to the NP25 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone). Neogene The oldest Neogene deposits, traversed by the Tandala Well, are bituminous clays (Aquitanian - Early Burdigalian in age), lithologically similar to the Oligocene deposits. The earliest Miocene (Early Aquitanian) calcareous nannoplankton assemblages are characterized by strong reworkings, from Cretaceous, Eocene and Oligocene. Only 20% of the total nannofloras characterizing the NN1 Calcareous Nannofloral Zone of Martini’s Scheme (1971), are in situ, the most common taxa being Helicosphaera scissura, H. mediterranea, Coronocyclus nitescens, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Sphenolithus moriformis, Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus, Coccolithus miopelagicus and small reticulofenestrids. 86 The 410 m thick overlaying sequence, composed of detrital sediments, was attributed to the Middle Miocene (Lower Sarmatian), based on the identification of the NN7 and NN8 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zones (Mărunţeanu in Popescu et al., 1998). The youngest deposits encountered within the Tandala Well, Late Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene-Holocene in age, are, lithologically speaking, characterized by the presence of silty clays, with frequent layers of thin calcareous sandstones. Within the Pleistocene, oolitic sandstones were deposited – Figure 3. The entire previously described sequence yielded macrofaunas (mainly mollusks – Papaianopol in Popescu et al., 1998), as well as microfaunas (ostracods – Olteanu in Popescu et al., 1998). These lines of evidence suggest the presence of the Upper Miocene (Pontian, 560 m thick), Pliocene (Kimmerian and Kuyialnikian stages, jointly, 380 m thick) and Pleistocene-Holocene (with a thickness of 213 m). The identification of the NN11b, NN12, NN13, NN19 and NN20 Calcareous Nannofossil Zones (reported by Mărunţeanu in Popescu et al., 1998) points to marine influxes during the latest Pontian (Late Bosphorian), Early Pliocene (Early Kimmerian), Late Pliocene (Early Kuialnikian), Early Pleistocene and Holocene. DISCUSSION The results obtained so far suggest a very complex depositional history and paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore areas, during the Cretaceous-Cenozoic times. It was assumed that a wide carbonate platform has been active in the Eastern part of the Moesian Platform (including the present onshore and offshore areas of the Black Sea Southern Area) since Late Jurassic (Avram et al., 1996; Georgescu, 1997; Ion et al., 2001). The data presented herein confirms a shallow marine carbonate sedimentation spanning over the latest Jurassic (Tithonian) – earliest Cretaceous (Berriasian – Valanginian – early Hauterivian) interval. The deposition of the Cernavoda Formation indicates a coastal marine environment in the Eastern part of Southern Dobrogea (the Alimanu Member) and mixed marginal marine and brackish water in its Western part (the sedimentation of the Amara Member). Oligotrophic conditions were established on the water surface during the latest Tithonian – Berriasian – early Valanginian interval, as indicated by the high percentage of Nannoconus species, among the nannofloral assemblages. Since this genus seemed to proliferate, during the Early Cretaceous, in the photic zone of the Tethys Ocean (Erba, 1994; Bersezio et al., 2002), a high temperature of surface waters, associated with a low fertility of the planktonic organisms, would have existed. The presence of Boreal nannofossils (normally confined to cold water and high GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas latitudes) could be indicative of a Late Valanginian sea-level rise in the investigated area. Also, the Boreal taxa appear together with a significant increase in Biscutum constans and Zygodiscus erectus (both indicating high fertility conditions at surface waters and upwelling of cooler waters). These biostratigraphical patterns reflect surface water oligotrophic (and stable) conditions within the Tithonian-Early Valanginian interval and eutrophic (and more unstable) ones, during the Late Valanginian interval. The next sedimentary cycle, observed in the investigated drillings from the Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore areas, is represented by Upper Barremian - Lower Aptian sediments of the Ramadan Formation, deposited in a marginal marine setting. In the Eastern part of the investigated area (SE part of Southern Dobrogea and Southern Romanian Black Sea offshore area), the Late Barremian - Early Aptian deposits are reefal limestones and calcarenites with orbitolinids, a sedimentation typical of the Urgonian Facies of the Tethys Realm. The Late Barremian surface waters are characterized by high temperature and low fertility, as proved by the remarkable abundance of the Tethyan genus Nannoconus. Pronounced shifts of low latitude nannofossils (e.g. Nannoconus spp., Conusphaera spp. and Assipetra spp.) were recorded in two distinct intervals (the latest Barremian and the earliest Aptian). These bioevents, synchronous with a significant increase in high latitude taxa in the nannofloral associations, could be indicative of cooler periods, leading to an instability in the Tethyan ecosystems, and to the occurrence of new, mostly cosmopolitan species. During the same interval (Late Barremian - Early Aptian), the NW part of the investigated area was occupied by coastal marine sediments – mainly variegated (red, green and gray) clays and sandstones, interbedded with thin conglomerates, indicating a detrital littoral facies. The next depositional sequence (Middle - Late Aptian), observed in the onshore drillings only, is the Gherghina Formation, accumulated under fluviatile-lacustrine conditions (as proved by its charophyte content). The multicoloured clays of the Gherghina Formation contain a high percentage of kaolinite, among other clay minerals. Its source area (still preserved in North-Dobrogea), is a pre-Cenomanian lateritic weathering crust (Rădan, 1989). The next sedimentary cycle is Late Cretaceous in age (chalks covering the Santonian pro parte - Maastrichtian interval in the onshore drillings and the Campanian - earliest Paleocene interval in the offshore drilling). The chalk deposition indicates an offshore sedimentation. Furthermore, the marine Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian deposits, exposed in outcrops in Southern Dobrogea, were not identified in the studied drillings. The NE end of the investigated onshore area accumulated, during the Late Campanian - earliest Maastrichtian interval, continental-lacustrine deposits (mainly variegated clays with charophytes – Ion et al., 1998). Presumably, during that time, the Nazarcea-Nisipari area of Southern Dobrogea was an emerged land. Both in the Southern Romanian Black Sea offshore sector, as well as in the central and SE part of Southern Dobrogea, the Santonian – Late Campanian interval is characterized by abundance and diversity of well preserved calcareous nannoplankton. Within the above-mentioned interval, a high abundance of Micula taxa is related to the oligotrophic water surface conditions, exhibiting a stable and warm marine environment. The peak of abundance and diversity of Tethyan taxa (including Micula spp., Quadrum trifidum, Q. sissinghi and Ceratolithoides aculeus) occured within the latest Campanian, which could be regarded as the warmest Upper Cretaceous interval in the investigated area. Notably, the Late Cretaceous climate seems to have been equally warm in both hemispheres, with very low latitudinal gradients (Barron, 1983). But, based on identified calcareous nannoplankton associations from the Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore areas, two significant cooler phases were identified in the Upper Cretaceous: the oldest within the Early Maastrichtian and the youngest within the latest Maastrichtian. This assumption is made on the dramatic changes of recorded nannofloras: the shift of Tethyan taxa, occuring with assemblages of the taxa normally confined to high latitudes (Boreal species). These facts led to the conclusion that the end of the Cretaceous was already an instable time-span, characterized by rapid changes in marine ecosystems, increasingly eutrophic conditions and particularly cool surface waters. The Cretaceous sedimentation ends (in the area covered by the onshore drillings) in the latest Maastrichtian. In the Tandala offshore drilling, an apparent continuity was recorded, within the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval, based on micropalaeontological evidences. These are the mass extinctions of Cretaceous foraminifers and nannofloras (Popescu et al., 1998), followed by the blooms of calcareous dinoflagellate genus Thoracosphaera and of the nannofossil Braarudosphaera bigelowii, indicating strong salinity fluctuations. In the investigated offshore drilling there was no trace of the lithological signature of the K/T boundary (e.g. ejecta layer, Iridium fallout laminae, microtektites, etc.) The Upper Cretaceous chalk deposits are overlain, in the Tandala, by Eocene sediments. A marine sequence was recorded within the Middle Eocene (Lutetian) – Early Miocene (Burdigalian) interval in the studied drilling from the Black Sea offshore area. The Eocene sediments are characterized by a carbonate-rich deposition, related to a shallow shelf environment. It is to be assumed that during the Middle - Late Eocene interval there were warm, well oxygenated surface waters, as indicated by the high frequency of Tethyan nannofloral genera Discoaster and Sphenolithus, recorded in the studied cores. The progressive shift of warm calcareous nanno- GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 87 M.C. Melinte - Cretaceous-Cenozoic Paleobiogeography of the Southern Romanian Black Sea Onshore and Offshore Areas plankton taxa, along with the increase in cosmopolitan and mostly eutrophic ones, reflected the climatic deterioration (i.e.,progressive cooling) towards the end of the Eocene. A sharp change in sedimentation was identified in the Tandala Well within the Early Oligocene (Rupelian), the carbonate-rich sediments being replaced by a bituminous clay deposition, probably related to an outer shelf environment. This event is synchronous with a marked global cooling (Savin, 1977; Jovane et al., 2004), as well as with the first separation of the Paratethys Domain (including the present-day Romanian territory) from the Mediterranean Realm (Rusu, 1988; Rögl, 1998). The Early Oligocene calcareous nannofloral assemblages of the Tandala Well reflected these paleoclimatic and palaeogeographical changes: endemic taxa occurred together with cosmopolitan ones, while the typical Tethyan species vanished. There was high productivity in the surface waters and low oxygen levels in the bottom waters. The Early Rupelian laminitic coccolithic limestones, contain blooms of endemic taxa, as well as of Braarudosphaera bigelowii, suggesting a strong decrease in the salinity. Notably, the youngest laminitic coccolithic limestone identified in the Chattian deposits of the Tandala Well contains only blooms of cosmopolitan nannofloras; no endemic taxon was recorded. These facts support a re-connection between the semi-isolated Paratethys basin with the Mediterranean one, within the Late Oligocene. The re-occurrence of the Tethyan taxa, during the same interval, also suggests a warmer period, more stable environmental conditions and probably a higher amount of nutrients at surface waters. These features persist into the earliest Miocene (Aquitanian - Early Burdigalian). In the Tandala Well, the earliest Miocene sediments are overlain by Middle Miocene (Lower Sarmatian) detrital deposits of an inner shelf. In the Volhinian outcrops of Southern Dobrogea, levels with marine faunas (Ionesi & Ionesi, 1973) and nannofloras are interbedded with brackish faunal levels, indicating strong salinity fluctuations in the Central Paratethys semi-enclosed basin (including the investigated area) and/or several sea-level changes. The Middle Miocene deposits are followed, in the Tandala Well, by Upper Miocene sediments. All the substages of the Pontian (namely, Odessian, Portafferian and Bosphorian) were separated based on ostracod communities (Olteanu in Popescu et al., 1998). The faunal associations indicate prevailing brackish conditions during the Late Miocene, but short marine influxes are present within the Late Pontian (Bosphorian- NN11b Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone, Mărunţeanu in Popescu et al., 1998). Some authors (Tătărâm et al., 1977; Ion et al., 2005) consider that the entire Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore was an emerged land during Pontian times. Moreover, the Dobrogea seems to be a source (a mi- 88 nor one, the main being the Carpathian Domain) of Pontian sediments for the Dacian Basin (Jipa, 2005). The Pliocene deposits traversed by the Tandala Well onshore are characterized by a continental sedimentation, with minor brackish episodes (Popescu et al., 1998). An important change in the sedimentary regime took place within the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary interval, when the fresh-waters of the Kuyialnikian were replaced, in the Black Sea basin, by a dominant marine Quaternary deposition (Wong et al., 1994, Panin, 1997), characterized by very high sedimentation rate (Panin et al., 2005). Brackish marine episodes within the Middle Holocene of the NW Black Sea (where monospecific nannofloral assemblages with Braarudsophaera bigelowii) were reported (Oaie et al., 2005). An important transgression took place during the Late Holocene (Olteanu, 2005), marine faunas and floras being recorded in the Tandala Well sediments. CONCLUSIONS The Late Jurassic (Tithonian) to Neogene history of the Southern Romanian Black Sea onshore and offshore reflects multiple depositional episodes of different sedimentological regimes, separated by several hiatuses of varying duration. These hiatuses may reflect periods of slow deposition and/or erosion. • The oldest sedimentary sequence recovered by the studied drillings is latest Jurassic (Tithonian) - earliest Cretaceous (Berriasian - Valanginian) in age. This sequence is followed by a hiatus of more than 15 MA. • The next depositional cycle, in stratigraphic order, is Late Barremian - Early Aptian in age. • A hiatus of around 45 MA was evidenced in the studied drilling of the offshore Black Sea area, covering the Early Aptian - Early Campanian interval. • In the onshore area, after a shorter hiatus (up to 10 MA), a fluvial-lacustrine formation was deposited, within the Middle - Late Aptian interval. • The Upper Cretaceous sequence covers the Campanian – Earliest Paleocene interval on the offshore drilling and the Santonian - latest Maastrichtian interval. • In the offshore area, a hiatus, of around 13 MA (earliest Paleocene – Middle Eocene) was pointed out, while in the offshore zone, a hiatus of more than 10 MA (Early Miocene - Middle Miocene) was recognized. • The next sequence is represented by the Middle Miocene (Lower Sarmatian). • Offshore, a hiatus up to 4 MA follows. • The youngest sequence identified (in the offshore Tandala Well) covers the Upper Miocene (Pontian) – Quaternary interval. 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Nature 225, 1242-1243 90 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas DACIAN BASIN ENVIRONMENTAL EVOLUTION DURING UPPER NEOGENE WITHIN THE PARATETHYS DOMAIN Radu OLTEANU (1), Dan C. JIPA (2) (1) “Emil Racovitza” Speleology Institute, 13, 13 Septembrie St, Bucharest (2) National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology (GeoEcoMar), 23-25 Dimitrie Onciul St, 024053 Bucharest, Romania Abstract. The present paper describes the paleoecological evolution of the Dacian Basin starting with the Sarmatian time. The Uppermost Sarmatian is strongly regressive with freshwater faunas. However, the Meotian is transgressive and it is characterized by a Congeria fauna (indicating reduced salinity) and ostracoda of marine origin. Both groups disappeared at the end of the Meotian (a freshwater episode). The transgression of the Pontian brings about a new fauna (with new morphological structures). During the Middle Pontian, the biodiversity is maximal and the Pontian Sea extends to the Panonian Basin. During the Upper Pontian – Lower Dacian interval, there is a regressive phenomenon which gradually isolates the Dacian Basin from the Euxinian Basin. Two bioprovinces with distinct morphogenetic evolution take shape. In the Romanian, the Dacian Basin is a freshwater lake. Key words: Dacian Basin, paleoecology, ostracoda, mollusc INTRODUCTION The Tethys Ocean was an equatorial basin. Starting with the Paleozoic, it separated the unique protocontinent, Pangea, dividing it into the Laurasia and Gondwana supercontinents. The Austrian geologist Eduard Suess coined the name Tethys and introduced the idea into scientific literature in 1893. The sea Goddess Tethys, whose name was chosen by Seuss, is, in Greek mythology the personification of the fertile ocean. The Tethys ocean, as conceived by Eduard Suess, has altered significantly with time. Initially, Tethys was imagined as a continuum, uniform oceanic body, encased in the Paleozoic continent Pangea. Later on (Metcalfe, 1999), Tethys was seen as a series of aquatic basins which had occurred and supposedly closed down in the Paleozoic-Mesozoic times. A collision of the continental plates during the Upper Eocene fractured the Tethys ocean. The current Mediterranean area is its present remnant. The new sea, spread between the two continents (Fig.1), taking shape North of Tethys, was called Paratethys (Laskarev, 1924). Its history, the history of the events that marked the progress of the geologic time, is mostly that of the faunas undergoing periodical change with every palaeoecologic opportunity (changing from marine to brackish, and, often, to lacustrine). In other words, the history of the Paratethys belongs with the palaeoecologic history. Configured as an inland sea, the Paratethys spreads from the Alps to beyond the Aral sea. Senes (1979) and Steininger, Papp (1979) subdivided its domain as follows: • The Western Paratethys (the Rodanian Basin) • The Central Paratethys (the Panonic and Dacian basins) • The Oriental/Eastern Paratethys (the Euxinian and AralCaspian basins) Paleobiologic and geodynamic considerations enabled Senes and Marinescu (1974) and Rusu (in 1988) to distinguish four periods in the development of Paratethys: the ProtoParatethys, the Eo-Paratethys, the Meso-Paratethys, and the Neo-Paratethys (Fig. 2). The intracontinental Paratethys area separated into a number of basins which often developed independently. It was during the Oligocene that the Paratethys (Fig. 3) evolved as a geographical, even faunal, unity (Rusu, 1977, 1988; Baldi, 1979, 1980), when links with the Mediterranean Sea GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 91 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain were diminishing in the South. Moreover, there were differences occurring between the Western (Alpino-Carpatian or Central Paratethys) area and the Eastern one (spreading to the North and East over the North Sea and the Caspian Sea = Scitic Sea and even further East, the Turanic Sea). It was for the first time that the brackish-water biotypes occurred (in Solenovian=Oligocene) and also the first Euxinian facieses (in Maikopian= Upper Oligocene – Early Miocene) together with the first endemic elements of faunas. Its connections with the Mediterranean basin (Tethys) are discontinous while the fauna is mostly influenced from the North. The Lower Miocene is predominantly marine as a consequence of reestablishing connection with Mediterrana through the pre-Alpine pass. East of the Caspian Sea, a fluvial-lacustrine sedimentation (and fauna) was evolving. Starting with the Middle Miocene, the Eastern Paratethys tends to isolate itself, first, ecologically and then, geographically, also. From the beginning of the Late Konkian (“Veseleanka Beds”), the water turns brackish (while the links with the ocean are diminishing). Davidaschvili (1932) found almost 50 endemic mollusc species including the new Mactrae, Cardium, Ervilia, Modiola, Cerithium, Mohrenstermia species. Starting with the Sarmatian, the Paratethys separates itself for good from the Mediterranean Sea, as all connections close down, turning it into a brackish intracontinental sea – a facies which has continued, with certain intermissions, up to the present (the relict basins of the Black and Caspian Seas). From then on, there were two ecosystems evolving at the same time (the brackish one, in Paratethys and the marine, in the Mediterranean basin), with totally different faunae and, consequently, two biostratigraphical scales which are difficult to correlate. THeAPPeARANCeANDeVOlUTIONOfTHe PARATeTHYsDOMAIN The final phase of the tethys domain (Upper Eocene, 37 – 34 Ma) The paleogeographic image can be explained entirely through faunas, while their development is traced in the epicontinental areas, littoral and sublittoral, mostly. During the Late Eocene, some domains have become ‘classic’ due to the abundance and diversity of their fauna – all the basins of Paris, Vincentin, Pannonic, Transilvania, Crimea, developed on the edge of the alpine zones, consolidated by the Cretaceous – Paleocene orogenesis. Fig. 1 Paleogeographic configuration during the final existence of the Tethys Domain (Late Eocene, 37-34 Ma). Simplified after Popov S.V., Shcherba, I.G., Stolyarov, A.S., (in: Popov et al., 2004) 92 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain Fig. 2 Critical phases of the Paratethys time scale Until the end of the Tethys Ocean (during the Upper Eocene), the European continent was mostly covered with water. The Black Sea, the Caspian and the Mediterranean seas are the depression zones. There were wide connections between them and a significant faunal unity (Fig. 1) while the faunal differences between the boreal and the Atlantic-Mediterranean area are still insignificant. The faunas in the Parisian and the Belgian basins, as well as the ones in the North of Germany are quite similar to the faunas in Aquitania and the Mediterranean Sea areas. The connections of the basin with the Northern Sea are cut off during the Upper Lutetian and the basin is totally isolated later. The Stampian is transgressive with Northern faunae. In the Upper Oligocene, the basin is cut off again turning into a freshwater lake whereas the Belgian area is wide open to the North (the Kassel clays, Chattiene). As regards the intra-Carpathian area (in Transilvania), the post-Senonian and before Middle Lutetian ‘lower red clays’ sequence reaches over 1,500 m in width (with Timiriazevia punctata Clemens, a common species in Wealdean). The ‘marnes with Anomia tenuistriata’ is the first marine sequence. Throughout the Lutetian interval, the benthonic faunae (molluscs and ostracoda) belong almost exclusively to the mesogeene bioprovince; it is in the Priabonian (the “Cluj limestone’ and the Numulites fabianii complexes) that the faunae exhibit an obvious Northern influence. At the end of Eocene, there are differences occuring between a West European kind of fauna (in Transilvania and the Panonian basin) and an East Mediterranean one (in Dobrogea and the Varna-Tracia basin) (Sonmez-Gokcen, 1972). That dif- GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 93 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain ference suggests distinct influences and affiliation. Thus the existence of an ‘Anatolian bioprovince’ can be substantiated. Proto-Paratethys (the Lower-Middle Oligocene) At the end of the Eocene, movements of the tectonic plates (the drift towards the North of the Indian continent which collides with Asia; the simultaneous rotation of Africa and the compression between Africa and Europe generate the deep reorganization of the Tethys domain and the occurrence of two new marine domains (Fig. 1): the Paratethys domain, in the North and the Mediterranean one, in the South (a relict of the Tethys ocean). In the Paratethys area, there starts an intensive phase of continentalization. The Eastern Paratethys no longer has communication with the Indian Ocean. Episodic connections with the Northern Sea occur instead (through the “Polish Strait” and the “Rhine Rift”), while the connections with the Mediterranean Sea of the Western and Central Paratethys diminish significantly (are restricted merely to the “Slovenian corridor”). The connections are interrupted in the Late Chattian, when in the “Renan depression” brackish and freshwater faunas start to flourish. North of the Black Sea area, the facies pertaining to the Euxinian Sea of the Maikopian Series are forming. It is a Mediterranean fauna in Eocene, but it attains distinct characteristics starting with Oligocene when the Northern influences intensify. It is connected through the Northern Ukrainian platform and through the Polish basin. During the Rupelian time there is a slow regression, the waters withdrawing towards the Black Sea depression. A new transgression takes place during the Poltavian (=Chattian). A strong process of faunal endemism begins in some areas (for example, in Transilvania, where brackish insertions occur) due to a tendency towards regional isolation. During the Upper Oligocene (Fig. 3) the Paratethys Sea reopens to the world ocean. The North European influence continues to be dominant on the fauna in the Western Paratethys which connects with the North Sea through the “Rhine Rift“. The central Paratethys connects with the Mediterranean Sea through the “Slovenian corridor” until the end of the Badenian. After a brackish water episode (in Solenovian), the marine regime is restored in the Eastern Area. The still randomly intermingling three European bioprovinces i.e., the North-Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Ponto-Caspian (“Oriental Paratethys”) are finally taking shape. At this point, the biostratigraphic discrepancies become apparent (in the compositions of the fauna and of the desynchronization of the “events”). Hereon, the biostratigraphy turns prolix. The classic layers are being discussed, dismissed, and replaced by other layers, said to be more accurate. In the literature, there are more than 50 new stages in the European space referring to the Mi94 ocene and Pliocene intervals only. That is creating confusion and raises the problem of redefining the “biostratigraphical taxonomy” from a thouroughly different viewpoint. In the intercontinental area of the Central Paratethys a new biostratigraphic scale was drafted (Senes and Cicha, 1968), apart from the Oriental Paratethys one. The Oligocene-Miocene boundary is set within the Egerian, while the Miocene-Pliocene limit is placed either somewhere in the Pontian or at the Pontian/Dacian boundary. The demarcation line to the Pleistocene is conventionally agreed upon at 1.8 Ma because the attempt to find a geologic event occuring symultaneously all over the continent has failed. The boundary between the two main time sequences, ranked as epochs, namely the Oligocene and the Miocene, has generated a debate yet to be settled. In the central area of the Paratethys, the boundary is set at the end of the “Buda Marls”, when the Miogypsinoides complanatus and the Paragloborotalia opima opima species occur, as well as, at the end of the Nannoplancton NP-24 zone, which both mark the beginning of the Egerian (Baldi 1969,1979, 1984). In Transilvania, the existence of a specific episode called Merian (Moisescu 1975, 1989) is pointed out. Its upper limit would be set at the “Cardium lipoldi level” synchronized with the base of the nannoplankton NP-23 zone. The faunal evolution in the late Oligocene to early Miocene is influenced by Mediterranean and Indo-Pacific connections (Rogl, 1996). The molluscs community seems to demonstrate similarities during the Egerian and the Caucasian stage. During the Aquitanian, in the Atlantic bioprovince, sediments, mostly sandy, accumulated with an exceptionally rich fauna. The Bazas and Saucats falunae become the stratotype of the Aquitaine and the Burdigalian. In the Helvetian stage of this area noticeable tropical influences become apparent. During the Burdigalian (Fig. 4), the Western Paratethys was connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the “PreAlpine Pass”. In the Central and Oriental Paratethys there is ample regression. With the Burdigalian, the “faunas with giant Pectinids” occur; they are considered to be of “indo-pacific, subtropical” origin (Rögl, 1988). This horizon is a world wide stratigraphic marker level (according to Addicott, 1974, Steininger et al., 1976, Rogl, 1996). The dissimilarities between the three (aquatic) bioprovinces remain, moreover, they become more prominent which indicates a diminishing faunal “flow”. Still, many species, are known to be familiar both with the North Sea and Aquitania, while, the boreal faunas enter the Pannonic area through the “Silesian passage”. In the North-German area, after a regressive stage (with coals), the sea advances with a faunal minority of Mediterranean origin. From now on, the fauna becomes entirely holoarctic. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain Fig. 3 Paleogeographic configuration during the initial stage of the Paratethys Domain (Early Oligocene, 34-32 Ma). Simplified after Popov S.V., Shcherba, I.G., Stolyarov, A.S., (in Popov et al., 2004) Fig. 4 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Early Burdigalian (20.5-19 Ma). Simplified after Popov S.V., Shcherba, I.G., Stolyarov, A.S., (in Popov et al., 2004) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 95 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain In the Carpathians flysch-type sedimentation continues. The disoxic and anoxic conditions persist (regionally) in the deep water environments (North of the Black Sea depression, the “Maikop Strata” are formed). A major event is the Ottnangian-Kotsakhurian. The sudden “burst” of the Rzehakia species, together with the Congerii, Melanopsidae and Eoprosodacnae validates the existence of a brackish-water biofacies resulting in their excessive and mostly exclusive growth. The extension of that ecologic episode across Paratethys supports the hypothesis of a general event (generated by isolation as well as by a huge regression along with the setting up of certain detrimental facies that favoured the “eruption” of those eccentric, unknown or previously minor faunae). Meso-Paratethys (Karpathian – Badenian) According to the fossil faunas, the Karpathian from the Central Paratethys is a Late-Burdigalin sequence. Meanwhile, numerous species of foraminifera and ostracoda (Zorn, 1995) generate the luxuriant Badenian fauna. Obviously, the boundaries are no more – and cannot be any more – than merely “transitional”. A large transgressive phase (Rögl, 1996) in the entire Circum-Mediterranean area generated a new basal Badenian fauna. The Langhian correlates with the Lower Badenian due to the existence of Praeorbulins (Cita & Premoli Silva, 1968) and of the Orbulina universa species in both areas. (including the Serravallian stage). Within intra-Carpathian area, the Pannonian basin was flooded during the Lower Badenian (Moravian). The occurrence of the first evaporites throughout the Paratethys domain is equally important to substantiate the existence of a warm climate (with Orbulina suturalis) (Fig. 5). The faunas of the Eggenburgian – Badenian time interval are similar to the ones found in the Pad Valley, the Rhone Depressions and the Vienna basin. That supports the idea that permanent links existed through the Drava-Sava-Vincentin corridor (the transdinaric or Slovenian corridor). Within the Paratethys, the faunal segregation process increases. The central Paratethys was separated from the Western one when the “Bohemian massif” emerged; it connected instead, with the Mediterranean through the ‘Slovenian corridor’. The Oriental Paratethys is clearly quasi-isolated, with its faunae and its distinct stratigraphy (the Sakaraulian, Fig. 5 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Early Badenian (16 - 15 Ma). Simplified after Goncharova, I.A., Shcherba, I.G., Khondkarian, S.O., (in Popov et al., 2004) 96 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain Tarkhaninan, Tschocrakian, Karaganian and the Lower Konka levels, all of them, considered nowadays contemporary with the Miocene). The Sakaraulian correlated to the Acvitanian-Burdigalian and the Eggenburgian. Many ostracod species are common (Cytherella postdenticulata Oertli, Senesia philippi (Reuss), Hermanites sakaraulensis Schneides (closest to H. haidingeri), Loxoconcha punctatella (Reuss), Cushmanidea bradiana (Lnkls.), Cytheretta ovata (Egger), Xestoleberis tunida (Reuss), Krithe galericum Schneider etc) (Schneider, 1963). After the Kotsakhurian brackish-water episode the Tarkhanian transgression restored the marine conditions (Nevesskaya et al., 1984, 1987, fide Rogl, op. cit.). The Tarkhanian is marine (with marine species: Pterigocythereis calcarata, Costa edwardsi, Bosquetina carinella, B. zalanyi, Loxoconcha carinata, Eucythere alexanderi, Schneider, 1956, and Flexus plicata, F. triebeli, Bythocypris lucida, “Trachyleberis” prestwichiana, Suzin, 1965). Andrusov, (1918) and Davidaschvili, (1932), (fide Amitrov, 1975) found molluscs species: Nucula placentina Lamarck, Pecten denudatus Riss, Nassa tamanensis n sp, N. rosticorum n sp, four Turboniella species, Leda fragilis Chemn., Ostrea cochlear Poli. etc, all of them suggesting the pre-Lower Badenian time. During the Lower Badenian two new taxa appeared, Acanthocythereis histrix (Reuss) and Verrucocythereis verrucosa (Reuss). The ostracod community is larger (Mutylus (?) polyptichus (Reuss), Cytherella postdenticulata Oertli, Bythocypris lucida (Seguenza), Mutilus aff deformis (Reuss), Aurila philippi (Reuss), Urocythereis seminulum (Reuss), Quadracythere sulcatopunctata (Reuss), Bosquetina carinella (Reuss), Costa reticulata (Reuss), Flexus triebeli (Ruggieri), Cushmanidea longa (Reuss), Occultocythereis bituberculata (Reuss), Cytheropteron vespertilio (Reuss), Eucytherura pygmea (Reuss), Hemicytherura aff. videns (G.W.Muller), Ruggieria tetraptera tetraptera (Seguenza), Loxoconcha punctatella (Reuss), Loxoconcha aff hastata (Reuss). Likewise, the marine Tschokrakian faunas correlate admirably with the Middle-Upper Badenian (similar with the Costei ostracod and foraminifer community, from Transilvania). Schneider (op. cit.) found an ostracod community with: Paracytheridea aff triquetra (Reuss), Phlyctenophora kalikzii (Schneider), Leptocythere rugosa (Schneider), Pontocythere suzini Schneider, Pseudocytherura aff caudata Sars, Semicytherura filicata (Schneider), Semicytherura aff acuticostata (G.W.Muller), Semicytherura aff inversa (Seguenza), Ruggieria tetraptera tetraptera (Seguenza), Costa edwardsi (Roemer), Falunia plicatula (Reuss), Cytheridea mulleri (von Munster), Eocytheropteron inflatum Schneider, Loxoconcha aff carinata (Lienenklaus), Loxoconcha carinata alata Schneider, “Trachyleberis” prestwichiana (Jones – Sherborn). In 1956, Suzin completed it with: Pontocythere vitrea Suzin, Paradoxtoma eusiforme Brady, Semicytherura aff reticulata (Lienenklaus), Cytheropteron obesum Schneider, Cushmanidea lithodomoides (Bosquet), Cytherella aff compressa (von Munster), Cytherella gracilis Lienenklaus. Davidaschvili (op. cit.) offers a long list of molluscs, most of them, endemic elements (almost 50 species). Dominant taxa are: Venus konkensis Sokolov, V. marginata Hoernes, Mactra bajarunasi Andrusov, Donax tarchaniensis Andrusov, Tapes vitalianus Andrusov, Spaniodontella intermedia Andrusov şi S. crassidens Andrusov, Modiola volhinica Hoernes, M. marginata (Eichwald), Ervilia praepodolica Andrusov, E. trigonula Sokolov, Mohrenstermia inflata Andrusov, Cardium (six endemic species), Cerithium (five species), Trochus (12 endemic species and subspecies), Leda (4 species). All of them suggest that the beginnings of the ecologic isolation process occured before the Central Paratethys areas (salinity reduction). During the Karaganian time, that results into a poor fauna, presumably generated by a sharp decline in salinity. Ossipov (1932) found seven Spaniodontella species, and some Unio, Mohrenstermia, Sandbergeria, Nassa, Planorbis, Lymnea and Helix species, suggesting an oligohaline restricted biotop. Such community with brackish and lacustrine species shows a regional facies with fluvial-continental influences. Schneider (op. cit.) found some ostracod species: Candona ex gr candida Muller, Herpetocypris reptans (Baird), Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Stevenson), Loxoconcha truncata Schneider, “Cythereis” declivis Schneider (both are juvenile specimens), Loxoconcha aff bairdii Muller (new species). The Konkian (biostratigraphically matched with the Kosovian, Rogl, 1998) and its thoroughly marine fauna suggest a reopening of the Paratethys towards the marine West (Nevesskaya et al., op. cit.). It is the time of the ecosystem change in two steps, “Venus konkensis Beds”, belong to Konkian s. str. and “Veseleanka Beds” belong to the Buglovian stage). A significant reduction in biodiversity occurred, 316 mollusc species and almost 200 ostracod species within the Upper Badenian and 140 mollusc species and 41 ostracod species within the Konkian. During the last sequence of the succession (“Veseleanka Beds”) the community is more reduced. The following mollusc species are dominant: Acanthocardia andrussovi, Venus konkensis, Mactra basteroti konkensis and Ervilia pusilla – trigonula - podolica, Congeria sandbergeri, Cardium kokupicum, C .praeplicatum, C. ruthenicums, Cerithium konkensis, Mohrenstermia etc. (Ossipov, op. cit.). Schneider (op. cit.) described the following ostracod community: Cytheridea muelleri (von Munster), Pterigocythereis calcarata (Reuss), Falunia plicatula (Reuss), Mutilus deformis (Reuss), Aurila punctata (von Munster), Carinocythereis carinata (Roemer), Hermanites haidingeri (Reuss), Aurila similis (Reuss), Cytheretta aff tenuipunctata (Bosquet), Loxoconcha aff bairdi Muller (new species), Loxoconcha aff laevatula (Normann) (new species), Bairdia explicata Schneider, Phlyctenophora affinis Schneider, Hemicytherura videns Muller, Semicytherura bacuana (Schneider), “Cytheridea” parangusta Zalany (juvenil), Pontocythere mediterranea Schneider, Amnicythere tenuis (Schneider). During the Konkian s. l. a new fauna “wave” appeared. Most of them are endemic species characterized by larger intrapopulational variability. It is another type of community GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 97 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain generated by a particular ecology, a slow transition between the marine ecosystem and the brackish-water ecosystem. The process occurred on the Volhino-Podolian area. We think that it was not an actual geographic isolation (geographic barriers like the continental spaces), but rather an ecological one. The Eastern Paratethys area has slowly started to turn brackish, while in the Western part, the faunal communities are exclusively marine. The faunae were restrictively and selectively migrating in all directions, which made the biostratigraphical correlation hardly possible. South-West of Transylvania, there are several Badenian fossiliferous deposits which are an indicator of a large and direct connection with the Mediterranean; similarly, West of the Dacian basin. By contrast, the rest of the Carpathic area (that is, Northern Transylvania and the central part of the Dacian basin) is characterised by a specific litho- and bio-stratigraphical sequence: the “marls (tufa) with globigerinae”, “salt breccia”, “radiolar schists” and “marls with Spiratella”. The existence of salt supports the hypothesis of dessication in Transilvania and in the sub-Carpathian fosse from Moldavia to Muntenia. The fossiliferous deposits from Lăpugiu, Coştei, Delineşti (in that order of succession) in the South-Western Transylvania, correlated well to the Badenian from Vienna Basin (Nussdorf, Kostel etc, Brestenska & Jiricek, 1975). The literature assumes the closing of the “Slovenian corridor” during the Upper Badenian (Fig. 6). The existence of the luxuriant mollusc fauna (Rado-Moisescu, 1965, more than 350 species) and ostracoda from Buituri (Latest Badenian) invalidates such an assumption At the “Buituri level” there is an extremely rich Mediterranean fauna (Hemicytherura videns (G.W.Muller)*, Semicytherura sanmarinensis Ruggieri, Semicytherura retipunctata Ruggieri, Falunia (Hiltermanncythere) hartmanni (Caraion)*, Carinocythereis carinata (Roemer)*, Costa edwardsi edwardsi (Roemer), Costa napoliana Puri*, Pseudocytherura calcarata (Seguenza), Aurila convexa (Baird)*, Aurila aff. cicatricosa (Reuss), Mutilus badenicus Olteanu, M. aenigmaticus Olteanu, Cytheridea acuminata (Bosquet)*, Loxoconcha rhomboidea (Fischer)*, L. quadricornis Ruggieri, Semicytherura punctata (G.W.Muller)*, Costa edwardsi runcinata (Baird)*, Henryhowella assperrima (Reuss)*, Pterigocythereis jonesi, (Baird)*, “Cythereis” polygonata Rome*, Ruggieria tetraptera unicostata Olteanu, Bythoceratina unica Olteanu) (*nowadays species from the Black Sea, Schornikov, 1969), while the “marls with Spiratella” show links with the Eastern area. Such segregation brings to mind the existence of an ecological barrier. Fig. 6 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Late Burdigalian (14 - 13 Ma). Simplified after Ilyina, L.B., Shcherba, I.G., Khondkarian, S.O., Goncharova, I.A. (in Popov et al., 2004) 98 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain The features that differentiate the faunae of the Central and Eastern Paratethys are significant indeed. Yet, there are enough shared traits to support the random connection between them. NEO-PARATETHYS (SARMATIAN-RECENT) The Neo-Paratethys is characterized by specific faunae at all levels of the faunal spectra. Beginning with the Sarmatian time (Fig. 7) the biggest intercontinental brackish basin in the geological history of Europe took shape. During the Volhinian, it displayed the maximum areal extension and a clear faunal uniformity. The Sarmatian begins ca 13 Ma (Rogl op. cit.) but it ends differently in the two areals. The correlation is questionable. In Eastern Paratethys Saulea et al. (1969), Saulea (1995) emphasize the significance of the presence and migration of the Chisinau-Orhei-Camena barrier reef. The movement towards the South (which takes place beginning with the Upper Badenian up until the Middle Sarmatian) is evident with intense subsidence in front of the Eastern Carpathians. This reef facies suddenly ceases during the Middle Basarabian. It is followed by a strong regression which simultaneously affects both the South Dobrogean promontory and the Eastern end of the Dobrogean ridge. The facies, that Saulea et al. (op. cit.) called “continental-deltaic” which emerged in the Lower Sarmatian, in the Septentrional part of the Carpathian avantfosse, extends into the Upper Sarmatian covering the foreland also. This leads to the closing of the aquatic basin of the avantfosse in the North. Consequently, it may be said that the paleogeographic area configuration of the Dacian basin was completed in the Upper Sarmatian. The major processes that led to the configuration of the Dacian Basin were the following: • the broadening of the sedimentation area of the Carpathian avantfosse. It started to extend (to the East and to the South) in the Upper Badenian continuing during the Lower and Middle Sarmatian; • the closing of the aquatic basin of the Carpathian fosse during the Middle and Upper Sarmatian due to the emergence of the Northern part of the avantfosse and the setting up of a continental facies. The occurrence of the Dacian Basin as an independent aquatic unity is one of the consequences of the movements pertaining to the attic phase (Saulea et al., 1969). The separation of the Dacian Basin from the Pannonian Basin is another consequence of the attic movements. Meanwhile, the connection between the Dacian Basin and the Oriental Paratethys continues into the Upper Pontian. Fig. 7 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Sarmatian s.l. (12 - 11 Ma). Simplified after Paramonova, N.P., Shcherba, I.G., Khondkarian, S.O., (in Popov et al., 2004) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 99 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain In the Central Paratethys area (including the Dacian basin), the Sarmatian is transgressive. In the Eastern Paratethys (Volhinia, Bassarabia, Northern Black Sea) only, there is a gradual succession from the marine to the brackish faunas, with all the faunal changes generally encountered starting with the Upper Konkian. Gradually, the new ‘residual’ eurihaline communities become dominant and the intra-specific diversification processes increase. Distinct philogenetic lineations occur, with distinct morphogenetic directions, starting from several previous typologies while the ‘opportunist’ species of marine (Badenian) origin are slowly disappearing. The cases of the Limnocardiidae, of some of the ostracoda or some of the foraminifera shows a remarkable ‘selection of species’ when the new brackish ecosystem is established. The Volhinian had still preserved a great number of previously existing foraminifera and ostracoda. The Basarabian is an epoch of maximum biodiversity (dominated by new mollusc, ostracoda and foraminifera species), their morphogenesis following individual tracks. At the Lower and Middle Sarmatian level, the faunas display uniformity and quasi-unity both in the central and in the Eastern Paratethys basins. Throughout, littoral or deep to shallow areas are identified. They are examples of local or regional situations which do not alter the overall image (i.e., metacommunity). The regional biotope with Congeria on the Moldave platform is an example (Jeanreanud, 1963). The Upper Sarmatian (Chersonian) is a short and atypical temporal sequence for the general evolution of the faunas. The diversity of the faunas on the whole is sharply reduced (the existence of several small sized Mactrae and of several species of ostracoda). There are only some endemic foraminifera species known (Bica Ionesi, 1968, Natalia Paghida-Trelea, 1968). The Late Sarmatian ends with freshwater facies (with Candona, Cypris, Darwinula) resulting in the extinction of all the “Sarmatian type” faunas (more precocious in the Moldavian Platform, called “the Balta-Paun formation”, Ionesi et al., op. cit.). The post-Sarmatian period, in the Paratethys area is characterized by the following processes: • The colmatation of the aquatic basins in the Central Paratethys (the Pannonic and Dacian basins) • The action of ample eustatic movements in the EuxinianCaspian region • The almost entire separation of the Black Sea from the Caspian. As compared to the Sarmatian Sea, the geographical area of the Neo-Paratethys diminishes sharply during the Maeotian. Fig. 8 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Early Meotian (8.5 - 7 Ma). Simplified after Ilyina, L.B., Shcherba, I.G., Khondkarian, S.O., (in Popov et al., 2004) 100 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain It is asserted that during the Upper Miocene (Maeotian, 8.5 to 7 Ma) (Fig. 8), in the Eastern Paratethys, a “corridor” opened towards the Indian Ocean (Chepaliga, 1995). There are no concrete examples (with one exception, namely, Abchazia, the Atapi Valley, where the marine-level (with Mutilus polyptichus (Reuss), Hemicytheria sp.n., Callistocythere sp.n, and Loxoconcha sp.n) in the Lower Meotian is intercalated among brackish faunas with two morphotypes of Cyprideis sp.). Nevertheless, the Maeotian community in the Northern-Black Sea area appears to be uniform and relatively compact (it is symbolically named “the Dosinia complex”). The fact that such uniformity is not to be found in the Western areas (in the Dacian basin) suggests that the “marine influx” originates from the East (South of the Caspian Sea?) and not entirely from the South (from the “Aegean” Sea, Gillet, 1961, Semenenko & Ljulieva, 1978). In the Dacian Basin, after the Uppermost Sarmatian fresh-water levels a new brackish-water community appeared (with Drobetiella, Severinella, Hemicytheria, Loxoconcha, Maeotocythere species). It was followed by the “Dosinia level” (with Modiola incrassata, Ervilia minuta, Pirenella caspia, P. disjunctoides, Caspia minor and two ostracod species Mutilus parabulgaricus Olteanu and Maeotocythere sulakensis Suzin only), a fresh-water level (with Leptanodon- ta), a large level with brackish ostracods (Hemicytheria - 22 species, Loxoconcha, Xestoleberis, Maeotocythere, Stanchevia) and finally, the last two short fresh-water levels, with Unio, Helix and Reticulocandona and the second one, with Congeria novorossica-navicula-panticapea, this with frequently Pontian ostracods in Eastern and central areas of the basin). The history of the Dacian Basin during the Maeotian time was a successive opening and isolation phases with “cosmopolite” and endemic taxa, respectively. The absence of Limnocardiids and foraminifers (except for Ammonia beccari) and the last occurence of Mutilus, Hemicytheria, Xestoleberis species are the specific features of the Maeotian metacommunity. The luxuriant Congeria species evolution suddenly interrupted. No Maeotian taxa crossed the Pontian boundary. The correlation of the Pontian with Mediterranean scale is disputable (Khondkarian et al. 2004). In the Lower Pontian (the Upper Messinian) (Fig. 9), the Gibraltar closes down while the Mediterranean Sea becomes an enclosed lake (5.8 Ma). On the edges, evaporites and gypsum are being deposited. During the next time (5.8 – 5.6 Ma) the sea level rises forming the so-called “Lago mare” with brackish waters (and implicitly brackish faunas). Eventually, 5.6 Ma, Fig. 9 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Early Pontian (6.1 – 5.7 Ma). Simplified after I.G., Khondkarian, S.O. Shcherba, S.V. Popov (in Popov et al., 2004) GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 101 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain the sea level decreases sharply and massive areas of land are exonded. Still, the brackish faunas which occur meanwhile invade the Eastern Paratethys across the Aegean Sea and the Pre-Pontida (or the area located just North of it). In other words, there are several separate phases: the first is a phase characterized by hypersalinity, followed by the refilling of the basin and the dilution of the water to the brackish “Pontian type” (around 0.010% salinity). Similarly, we must remember that the (hypersaline) Dead Sea still receives river influx from the Jordan Valley without turning brackish. Likewise, the salinity of the Caspian Sea does not decrease under 0.06%. It is true though, that the warm climate and the intense evaporation are responsible for it (but the Mediterranean had the exact same conditions at the time). The Early Pontian is strongly transgressive. A new wave of fauna migration spread through the Eastern seas (neoLimnocardiids as Chartoconcha, Pseudocatillus, Prosodacna, Pachydacna, Tauricardium, Caladacna, Pontalmyra, Phyllocardium etc. and new ostracod types as Bacunela, Pontoniella, Euxinocythere, Pontoleberis). It is possible but unlikely they originate from the Pannonian area. The question of the origin of the brackish faunas in the South of France, the Italian Peninsula and the Aegean basin remains a mystery. The question is whether those influences and movements or morphogenetic evolutions, respectively, are unique to this area (Olteanu, 2000, 2003). The maximum sea extent occurred in the Pannonian Basin in the Portaferrian time. The semi-enclosed Dacian basin continues to be under the „faunal umbrella” of the Euxinian bioprovince, in spite of the fact that, starting in the Upper Pontian, it tends to become isolated. In its Western region, more fresh levels appeared. During the Post-Pontian, there is a gradual, but persistent retreat and freshening of the waters, as, after the Middle Pontian, the Moldavian Platform is emerging (Ionesi et al., 2005). Lacustrine formations occur. The flora is an indicator of warm climate (Ionesi et al., op. cit.). The Euxinian basin is the only one which stays brackish throughout this interval. The Pontian can be directly correlated with the Dacian basin fauna (and the Portaferian fauna, with the Pannonian basin). The differences occur in Post-Pontian, when the biostratigraphic nomenclature becomes cor- Fig. 10 Paleogeographic configuration of the Paratethys Domain during Late Romanian (3.4 – 1.8 Ma). Simplified after I.G., Khondkarian, Paramonova, N.P., S.O. Shcherba, (in Popov et al., 2004) 102 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain respondingly intricate (and more accurate). In the Northern Euxinian area, the first freshwater episode to appear is in the Kuialnikian time. (Contrary to the Black Sea deep basin, which stayed brackish, as it was in the Kimmerian, preserving the same type of evolutionary line of the fauna. Consequently, the Kuialnikian cannot be accepted but as a marginal, shallow final facies of the Kimmerian stage, a facies which presumably continued the „Azov Beds” dominated by the Congeria species). During the Late Dacian time, the Dacic Basin was isolated. Its low brackish-water rich fauna (Olteanu, 1995) is different from the Kimmerian fauna (three common species only). There are two directions in fauna evolution in the two bioprovinces with different (paleo) ecology, low salinity in the Dacian Basin and higher and constant salinity in the Euxinian Basin. The upper limit of the Pontian was conventionally set to coincide with the Miocene/Pliocene boundary, which should begin with the Zanclean (in the Mediterranean Sea), with the Dacian (in the Dacian basin), with the Kimmerian (in the Euxinic basin) and the Babadzhanian (in the Caspian area), around 5.3 Ma (Popov et al., 2004). During the Romanian stage, the Dacian basin was isolated. It became a large lake with a rich community of fresh-water molluscs (Unionidae, more 70 endemic species, Melanopsidae and Viviparidae) and ostracods (Candona s. l., Cypris s.l.). The Middle Romanian is characterized by a specific ostracod community: Cypris mandelstami, Zonocypris membranae, “Eucypris” famosa, Kowalevskiella sp. (that community includes Upper Pliocene species existing also in the Caspian area). A variety of ecosystems are known for the Dacian basin development, from marine (Badenian), through all the brackish phases (Sarmatian - Dacian) to the fresh-water ecosystem (Romanian). In the Upper Pliocene (3.4 – 1.8 Ma) (Piacentian and Gelasian in the Mediterranean basin; Romanian, in the Dacian basin and Akchiaghilian in the Pontic-Caspian area), in the Paratethys domain, the Pliocene orogenic movements shaped the general features of the present-day geography (Fig. 10). After the “Congeria rhomboidea Beds” (Portaferrian), the Pannonian basin was almost completely filled up, except for two regional depressions. In both areas there is the abundant, but exclusively endemic ostracoda and mollusc species. In Slovenia, the “Paludinae Beds” represent an essential break up from the previous community, while in the satellite “Baraolt basin” (Jekelius, 1932) a “residual fauna” with the (dominant) Pachidacna fuchsi, and the P. abichiformis (inherited from the Pontian fauna) and few new taxa, together with the last species of “Hungarocypris” and with deviant forms of Caspiolla and Amplocypris (Olteanu, 2003) survived to prove the continuity of the faunal evolution in the Post-Pontian or even newer oligohaline and lacustrine facies. In the final part of the sequence (at Racos and at Bodos-Baraolt) forms of Unio - looking like certain spe- cies from the Romanian of the Dacian basin (in the Pristinunio pristinus and P. mutabilis group) (Olteanu, Lubenescu, in press) - were found. The above support a most likely correlation (with the Romanian and the Pleistocene) as our knowledge deepens and extends. The Euxinian basin is isolated although there occur random connections with the Caspian basin through the Manici corridor (Northern Caucasus). The Kuialnikian-Gurian-Ceaudian episodes (conspicous in the NE area of the Euxinian basin), each of them with specific community, (Imnadze, 1971) imply an intense eustatic „play” and an implicit hydrochemical one (yet, it cannot be claimed that the area turned „lacustrine”. Ancient or recent, the Black Sea has never been a freshwater lake). The Caspian basin (as well as the whole geographical area belonging to the Paratethys) is now a low salinity one (as compared to the Pliocene average). The water level movement compared to the present-day level of the Black Sea, reaches high levels (up to 500m). In the „Akchiaghilian Episode” a lower level and a freshwater upper level occur (confirmed by ostracoda, Mandelstam et al., 1962). In the middle level of the Akchiaghilian, the sea extends towards the North (along the Volga - Ural depression axis), for nearly 2,200 km and Westwards towards Taman-Crimea across the Kuban depression. The Black Sea boreholes brought to light ‘exotic’ faunal elements of a rather high salinity (of marine origin in a Sarmatian “typology” (Avimactra, Avicardium, Miricardium, Andrusella, Kirkiziella) which naturally, raises the question: Where did they come from? Likewise, where did the Mediterranean brackish fauna come from?). (Olteanu, 2001). The mollusc fauna suggests that the salinity exceeded the Pliocene average. That brackish insertion-transgression (along with its specific fauna of uncertain origin) seems to be generated by a South Caspian possible corridor through the Upper basin of the Eufrat that would have linked that basin to the Southern marine area (Steininger et al., 1985, Chepalyga, 1995). The likely cronostratigraphic correlation between the Romanian and the Akchiaghilian was generally agreed upon, while the next episode, Apscheronian, belongs to the Lower Quaternary. The boundary with the Pleistocene is again conventionally set (at 1.8 Ma) just because it is generally impossible to put together a correlation of any kind of geological ‘events’. The Dacian Basin area was ephemerally invaded by the Euxinian waters during the Upper Dacian (in the Lehliu – Alexandria area is the one constant level, 0.10cm with Kimmerian ostracods) and, for the last time, during the Apscheronian (with the mollusc fauna in Barbosi – Galati, Macarovici, Costetchi, 1973, with Didacna crassa, D. aff pseudocrassa, Adacna plicata, Corbicula fluminans, Viviparus sadleri, V. pseudo-sadleri, V. diluviensis etc and Bandrabur, 1960, Unio pictorum, Unio sp.). The ostracoda fauna in Barbosi sequence is particularly rich: Amnicythere precaspia (Livental), A. quinquetuberculata (Livental)*, A. multituberculata (Livental)*, A. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 103 R. Olteanu, D.C. Jipa - Dacian Basin environmental evolution during Upper Neogene within the Paratethys domain bacuana (Livental)*, A. striatocostata (Schweyer)*, A. cymbula (Livental)*, A. propinqua (Livental)*, A. variabituberculata propinqua (Livental), A. unicornis (Schweyer), Euxinocythere bosqueti (?) propinqua (Livental), E. aff ergeniensis (Schweyer), E. post-kuialnica n. sp., Candona mandelstami (Schweyer), C. liventalina (Evlachova), C. elongata (Schweyer)*, Limnocythere (Scordiascia) aff sharapovae (Schweyer), Tyrrhenocythere pontica (Livental), Loxoconcha petasa (Livental), L. eichwaldi (Livental), Cytherissa new sp.(*recent species in the Black Sea). It suggests a large western lagoon of the Black Sea. During the Karangatian (the Riss-Wurm interglacial period) the Bosporus opens up and the Black Sea area is invaded by organisms from the Mediterranean basin, including many marine ostracod species: Pterigocythereis jonesi, Carinocythereis carinata, Loxoconcha aff granulosa, L. lepida, L. aff eliptica, Semicytherura aff sanmarinensis, S. aff acuticostata, Mediocythereis n. sp., Sclerochilus n. sp., Echinocythereis n. sp., Hemicytheria n. sp. etc. The second opening of the Bosphorous takes place during the Sourozkian episode: Leptocythere multipunctata, L. macallena, Loxoconcha granulata, Cytheridea aff acuminata, while the last opening, during the Upper Neo-Euxinian: Hemicytherura videns, Callistocythere diffusa, C. flavidofusca, C. mediterranea, C. ramosa, C. fabaeformis, Costa edwardsi runncinata, Urocythereis margaritifera, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Aurila convexa. (three brackish ingressions in the Danube Delta) (Olteanu, 2004). Three moments, three migration waves and three types of colonists signify different ecological features during the Black Sea recent history. selected References Agalarova D.A., 1967 - Mikrofauna Ponticskih otlojenii Azerbaidjana i copredelnih paionov, Iz. Nedra, 124, XXIV pl., Leningrad Davidaschvili L.C., 1933 - Fossils of the Apscheronian Beds, Tr. Gas. Iss. Naft. Inst., XII, Moskva-Leningrad Archambault-Guezou J., 1976 - Etude de Dreissenidae du Neogene europeen et revue stratigraphique des niveaux correspondants de la Paratethys, Trav. Lab. Pal. Univ. Paris Freels D., 1980 - Limnischen Ostracoden aus Jungtertiar und Quartar der Turkey, Geol. Jahrb. B. 39, Hannover Aiello G., Barra Diana, Bonudace G., 2000 - Systematics and biostratigraphy of the ostracoda of the Plio-Pleistocene Monte S. Nicola section (Gela, Sicily), Bull. Soc. Pal. Italica, 3 (1), 83-112, Modena Amitrov O. V., 1975 - Tarchanian, In: Stratotypes of Mediterranean Neogene Stages, II, 187, Eds. 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Intel 91 S.R.L. , 12 Valea Buzaului St, Bucharest, Romania, [email protected] (3) Institutul de Studii şi Consultanţă Energetica S.A., Bucureşti, Romania Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract. The aim of this paper is to convince both the specialists in the drilling fields and those in the environmental protection field to use the geophysical methods of investigation, especially in the field of water supply. It is almost essential to use geophysical methods especially in the geoelectrical domain when you have drilled for water if you take into consideration the possibility this method gives of an optimum setting for estimating the quality of these waters. Below we are laying before you some examples of water quality estimation through geophysical methods. We are also mentioning that applying this geoelectrical method important savings can be realized, concerning the performing of same drillings for potable water Key words: geoelectric, resistivity, groundwater, VES, well log, drill, borehole INTRODUCTION Geoelectrical measurements are very often used to identify the underground aquifers, their geometrical characteristics, groundwater quality, aquifer porosity layers and even the direction and flow velocity of the groundwater. Generally, the geophysical and especially the geoelectrical techniques (Buselli et al. 1990) were successfully used in realizing the image of a very wide feature variation, including: the heterogeneity of the aquifers lithology, the under pressure aquifer layers width, position of the hydrostatic level, the depth to the aquifers bed , presence of the clay lenses, fracture zone identification, the geometry of underground cavities concerning the cavernous limestone, as well as the characteristics of the contamination lenses with both organic and inorganic compounds (Castany 1972, Gheorghiu 1969). In order to satisfy the requirements of drinking water, a series of boreholes have generally been made at medium depths (50 -100 m) lately. For an optimum placement it is compulsory to make a geophysical measurement mainly the standard electrical logging, which is a cheap, rapid and precise geophysical method. Resistivity measurements in boreholes can present useful information, not only regarding the existence of an aquifer horizon or geological information with compact characteristic (sandstones, limestones), but also regarding groundwater quality. In the following chapters, we will present some typical situations regarding the groundwater quality estimations using both geoelectrical surface and borehole measurements. 1. GEOELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Rocks and geological formations can vary in their capacity of conducting the electrical current, a capacity which is usually called electrical resistivity. Electrical current implies electricity moving electrical loads, in the case of geological formations these louds being either electrons or ions, ions moving through the fluids of spongy space of rocks. Experimental results have shown that water consistency has the most important contribution to the electrical current conduction through rocks and sedimentary geological formations. According to the electrical resistivity variations of underground formations, some hydrogeological characteristics may be identified. The surface alternative of geoelectrical research (Modin et al., 1997) can supply regional or local information about the distribution of aquiferous formation at depth, over their development and the degree of mineralization in groundwater pollution estimations. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 107 V. Rădulescu, F. Rădulescu, I. Stan - Geoelectrical measurements applied to the assessment of groundwater quality In the electrical logging, the information is local, the degree of accuracy in determining the aquifer horizon is to the nearest centrimetre and the contact, almost direct between measurement device and aquifer horizon, may lead in many times to almost exact estimates of the groundwater quality especially when, in the case of drilling for water, the existing geological situation may be easily surveyed during drilling. As we know, water conductivity is influenced by the content of free electrical charge that may be electrons, in case of the existence of chemical elements with some iron content, or free ions, in case of azoth and a azothates. Delimitation of the type of water mineralization cannot be done using geoelectrical data. This method indicates, in a qualitative mode, the existence of a certain degree of water mineralization. 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Geo-electrical measurements in boreholes have been taken using a GEOLOGGER 3000 logging installation. General results consisted in 3 curves, two of them representing resistivity correlations and one is a potential curve (PS). While the first two curves make evident the resistivity of the formations, penetrated by the boreholes, the PS curve shows the electro-chemical processes inside those geological formations. As a result, the total potential has the form of a ponderate average between diffusion and absorption potential, oxido-reduction potential and electro filtration potential (Gheorghiu, 1969). In the case of geological sedimentary formations the diffusion and absorption potential is mainly present. The prevailing rocks of this type are: clayish sands, fine or coarse sands and broken stones; all these do have water in their content. The PS curve is very useful in analyzing geophysical data, especially in locating the aquifer horizons but only if it being correlated to the resistivity curve. Surface geo-electrical measurements have been taken with Intel91 V3 resistivity meter that uses Schlumberger disposal (Mundry 1980). Data interpretation and management is done using the self modelling program for VES (Simulation 2). 3. DATA ANALYSIS As previously presented, geological formation resistivity depends on mineralogical composition, water content and the degree of mineralization in the water. The geo-electrical perspective shows that, (in the case of sedimentary formations), apparent resistivity measured using electrical logging is as follows: • clay and marl 5-10 ohmm • dry sands > 150 ohmm • sandstone > 150 ohmm • limestones > 500 ohmm • sandy clays 10 – 15 ohmm • clayish sands 10 – 25 ohmm • aquiferous sands 50 – 100 ohmm • mineralizated water 0 – 0.1 ohmm The values presented above have only an informal character, occasional major modifications being possible due to either 108 Fig. 1 Well log H = 110 m - Vela layer thickness penetrated by the electrode, the composition of the mud drilled or the mineralogical groundwater composition or the specific conditions for that particular borehole. The geophysical well log presented in Fig. 1 was recorded in the Dolj area. From a lithological point of view, this area is mainly argillaceous, horizons with aquifer sands being located (using the electrical logging results) in-between 19-23, 48-52 and 61-70 m. Due to the fact that the average value for resistivity is 70 ohmm, we have considered that the groundwater deposited in sandy horizons is not mineralized and is accordingly drinkable. We must also mention that in-between 55-61 m, high levels of apparent rezistivity (200 ohmm) indicate the presence of some compact sands; the same result being obtained during the drill process. Close to Ramnicu Valcea city quite an opposite situation was noted from the groundwater quality point of view. The well log presented in figure 2 indicates the presence of a sandy horizon within 0-18 m interval. After this interval, the resistivity curve remains constant around 2 – 5 ohmm although the PS indicates the presence of some sandy horizons. In this condition, we can definitely identify the mineralized groundwater. Because the salt concentration (NaCl) within this borehole was so dense, it was quite impossible to separate the salty water horizons from possible drinkable water horizons. In order to solve the problem some surface measurements were taken (VES). The results obtained from these measurements are presented in the figure 3. After the interpretation of SEV, the existence of two very conductive horizons between 17-37 m and 47-70 m and of a resistive horizon between 37 and 47 m was noted. The first two horizons were composed of salty sands and the resistive one was composed of a volcanic tuff. This last horizon was also identified during the drilling process. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas V. Rădulescu, F. Rădulescu, I. Stan - Geoelectrical measurements applied to the assessment of groundwater quality Fig. 4 Well log H = 50 m - Movilita Fig. 2 Well log H = 70 m – Rm. Vâlcea Fig. 5 Well log H = 30 m - Movilita Fig. 3 Vertical electrical sounding (VES) – Rm. Vâlcea The boreholes taken in the Movilita region at depths of about 50 m (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) present very low resistivity, which proves that the groundwater retained especially in the clayish sands (prevalent in this area) is very well mineralized. Fig. 6 presents the state of the Liscoteanca region. There, the groundwater source is situated in the clayish sands at 540 m depth, but also in two small sandy horizons (of about 20-30 cm) within a 60 m interval. The lowest resistivity values indicate the presence of a very strongly mineralized water. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Fig. 6 Well log H = 80 m - Liscoteanca 109 V. Rădulescu, F. Rădulescu, I. Stan - Geoelectrical measurements applied to the assessment of groundwater quality CONCLUSION The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the groundwater quality may be measured using geoelectrical measurements, before using cased boreholes. In this way it is possible to reduce the costs of drilling if drinking water is desired. When a decision regarding groundwater quality is needed, it is recommended to gain all the information about that area (some geological information, hydrological or geophysical information). It is also recommended to use surface geoelectrical measurements, in order to locate the optimum water drilling, especially in areas where there is a lack of hydrogeological information or in areas where there are doubts about the groundwater quality. References Barker, R. D., 1990 - Improving the quality of resistivity sounding data in landfill studies . In:Ward, S. H. (ed.).Geotechnical and Enviromental Geophysics, 2, SEG, Tusla, Oklahoma, 245-251 Buselli, G., Barber, C., Davis, G. B., Salama, R.B., 1990 - Detection of groundwater contamination near waste disposal sites with transient electromagnetic and electrical methods, in: Geotehnical and environmental geophysics, Vol.2, 27-39, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Castany, C., 1972 - Prospectarea şi explorarea apelor subterane , Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti Gheorghiu, Fl., 1969 - Investigarea găurilor de sondă prin metode geofizice - Editura tehnică, Bucureşti Kelly, W. E. 1976 - Geoelectric sounding for delineating groundwater contamination. Ground Water, 13, 418-427 Modin, I. N., V.A. Shevnin, A.A. Bobatchev, D. Bolshakov, D.A. Leonov, M.L., Vladov, 1997 - Investigations of oil pollution with electrical prospecting method, in Proc. 3rd Meeting, edited by N.B. Chridtensen 267-270 Environm. and Eng. Geoph. Soc. Europ. Section Georgescu, P., 1977 - Three-dimensional models for resistivity data, Rev. Roum. Geophy. et Geogr., serie de Geophysique, 21,1 Mundry, E., 1980 - The effect of a finite distance between potential electrodes on Schlumberger resistivity measurement – A simple correction graph, Geophysics, 45, (12), 1872-1875 Georgescu, P., Gavrilă, I., 1989 - Influence of electrical prospecting arrangement on apparent resistivity anomalies, Rev. Roum. Geophy. et Geogr., serie de Geophysique, 33,1 Ştefănescu, S. S., Ştefănescu, D., 1974 - Mathematical models of conducting ore bodies for direct current electrical prospecting. Geophysical Prospecting, 22,1 110 GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas MS Excel Built-in Program for Flow and Channel Profile Determination Florian PĂUN, Mirel Ciprian PĂUN National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology (GeoEcoMar), 304, Mamaia Blvd., 900581 Constantza, Romania e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The results of the program are the following: a quick display of the flow through a transversal section; display of the section’s area and of its profile, all these in the same worksheet as the input data (bathymetric data, speeds and depths measured on a minimum number of at least 3 “verticals” on each profile). Also, the possibility to use then, for processing and presenting output data, all the graphical and tabular MS Office facilities for selecting, copying, pasting, resizing, moving, font formatting, aligning, coloring, text-tables and graphics transferring between applications, sorting, filtering, reports and pivot-tables realization... as the main purpose of direct MS Excel “built-in” programs, is to allow work as if everything would have been programmed by Microsoft itself, from the raw data input, intermediate and final processing to the final results presentation, all in a single Workbook, by mere mouse clicks on a toolbar’ buttons, independent but absolutely similar to the Excel original ones. Key words: flow, transversal section area, channel profile, speeds and medium speeds, depths, GPS assisted positioning This complex program performs: 1. transversal section area’s integral computerized calculus for any running water, 2. channel profile’s graphical represen- tations (depth dependent on the left/right border distance, expressed in meters or geographic coordinates), based on bathymetry results and on a small number of measurements on selected profile’s verticals, 3. the section’s flow calculus, by many methods, based on different hydrological models (and the program’s authors can easily implement, on request, any other desired model, for any researcher that will address to them). The program has routines for computerized preparation of all input data, results, in different formats and combinations, from other programs and devices, such as: • routine for synchronizing bathymetry (depths) data and GPS position, their processing in the format desired for the next stage, by retaining the useful columns only (from the multitude of columns given by GPS), • routine for filtering bathymetry data at intervals desired by different end-users, (the bathymetric data sorting at • • • • 10 or 20 or 30 seconds only, for example, from the very big data number offered by the bathymetric device, at every second, generally), routines to parcel out and process by columns separated on degrees, minutes and thousandths, the latitude and longitude geographical coordinates; obtaining any desired formats for those, different subroutines included in the main routine for areas and flow calculus, for coordinates and distances to borders calculus for the projection points of all bathymetry as well as of all “verticals” for depths-speeds on the straight line that join the two marks previously chosen on the two river borders, routine for on screen bathymetric complete profile instant display, in coordinates and depths, in order to allow fast selection, immediately after finishing preceding bathymetry, of the best positions for the “verticals” of the speeds-depths measurements by the flow meter or other adequate device; these selected positions will be given to the ship’s commander for a most precise positioning of the ship on the desired coordinates, for the next stage, routine to determine on “vertical” mean speed, by a corresponding specific calculus formula, GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 111 F. Păun, M.C. Păun - MS Excel Built-in Program for Flow and Channel Profile Determination • • • routines to determine the 6-degree polynomial functions that approximate the channel profile’s real curves, routines to implement the desired hydrological models, routines to compute the partial and total areas, and partial and total flows, based both on bathymetry (with as few or as many filtered data as one wishes), as well as on the “verticals” only (minimum 3, but the precision obviously grows with the number of “verticals” on each profile). Once the input data (already pre-prepared by using the first routines anteriorly presented: depths, East and North geographical positions, and in the bottom part, of the “verticals”, the mean speeds’ column is also completed) is adequately introduced, a simple mouse click on the (built-in Excel) DEB button is needed, which will start practically instantly the automated achievement of all tabular and graphical desired results, presented in Figs. 1 and 2 and in Table 1. The program is exemplified with the Sf. Gheorghe km108.4 profile from the 2004 campaign. First, the final desired results, coloured in red automatically by the program for their immediate emphasizing are presented; These are the total flows of: 2423.62 (m3/s) – computed based on the given profile by the 5 “verticals” only, and then 2718.35 (m3/s) and 2706.87 (m3/s), respectively. They are computed based on the much accurate profile, from much more depths, supplied by the preceding bathymetry, but restricted to the same number of 5 mean speeds only, for the 5 “verticals”. The mean speeds are distributed by the program to the multitude of bathymetry points, according to two models, md1- based on the principle of proximity to the verticals, and md2-, the model of the linear variation of the speed between two successive “verticals”; Any other speeds variation model, imposed by hydrological studies is easy to implement, but the variations do not exceed very few percentages. There is a greater difference only from the first value, in which the channel profile is approximated by just 5 depth measurements, on the 5 “verticals”. Immediately to the left of the total flows’ red values’, there are the red figures of the total section’s areas, namely 3035.41 (m2), computed based on bathymetry’s dozens of points, and 2779.56 (m2). The latter is an obviously smaller and less accurate value, as it is calculated based on a smaller number of depths: those corresponding to the “verticals” chosen for the speeds’ measurement in 6 layers (speed horizons) and on mean speed computation. In figure 1, the 4 graphics automatically obtained are included, simultaneously with table 1, with titles according to the presented data, namely 112 1°-Lat.N-Long.E, with the measurement points’ geographic positions (in thousandths of degree) as well as with their projections on the line joining the two borders marks; 2°-Depths(m)-Distances(m): 3°-Depths(m)-Eastern Longitude 4°-Depths(m)- Inverse Distances (m) In figure 2, the Depths(m)-Distances(m) presentation is resumed, this time at exactly the same scale on ordinate as well as on the abscissa, in order to have the real, undistorted profile image, without the horizontal compression from the last 3 previous graphics. We do that because, though in metres too, the depth and the distances from the borders differ substantially by an order of magnitude, from 20…30 metres for maximum depths to 300…900 metres for channel’s profile width. The table is structured on an upper side, for the bathymetry points, and a lower one, for the “verticals” points (minimum 3 and maximum as many as the fuel cost allows), separated by the two points of the two border marks coordinates. Those points also border each of the two groups for bathymetry and “verticals”, in order to close the profiles at the river borders, where the depth and river speed are considered null. As the columns’ significance is identical, the units of measurement are displayed only once, in the intermediate part of the two zones (i.e., bathymetry and “verticals”), in magenta, but they aren’t crucially necessary, all data and computations being made in the SI units (m, m2, m3, m3/s). Detailing the program’s presentation, here are, from left to right, the table’s columns significance: 45, in the first cell, [A1], tells to the program to use the degree-minute-thausandths of minute transforming relations that are valid for the 45° latitude parallel, of Sf.Gh.km108, which exemplifies the program, E, on column 1, A, signifies the East coordinate, the longitude, used as abscissa in the first two graphics, on the left side. N, on column 2, B, the North coordinate, the latitude, used as ordinate in the first graphic, left-up corner, from the 4, to which the b letter is attached for the upper zone, of the bathymetry, the D letter for the line joining the two river borders marks (on this line both the bathymetry’s points as well as the 3…5 or even more “verticals” measurement points are projected, by drawing perpendiculars) and the v letter for the lower zone, of the “verticals” measurements by the “handmill” (flow-metre ) or other device, in the 6 layers or continuously, thus obtaining the titles Nb, ND and Nv. np, the ordinates at the origin, in the East-North plane, of the perpendicular lines drawn, from the bathymetry’s and verticals’ points, on the line joining the two border points, orange coloured line on the first, trajectories’ graphic. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Fig.2 The actual shape of the Danube basin in the studied section (the same horizontal scale for the distances from the border and depths) Fig.1 The 4 graphics automatically drawn by the program togther with the calculs of the section area and of the water flow into the section F. Păun, M.C. Păun - MS Excel Built-in Program for Flow and Channel Profile Determination 113 F. Păun, M.C. Păun - MS Excel Built-in Program for Flow and Channel Profile Determination Ebpr and Nbpr, columns 4 and 5, the E and N coordinates of the light blue projection points on the orange line, of the dark blue bathymetry’s points, from the columns 1 and 2 of the upper part of the table. Evpr and Nvpr, columns 4 and 5 of the lower side, the E and N coordinates for the orange points of projecting on the same line the Verticals’ red points from columns 1 and 2 of the lower part of the table. D and Dinv, columns 6 and 7, the distances of each bathymetric point or vertical measurement, to one border and to the other border, respectively. Ab and Av, respectively, on column 8, of bathymetric depths - up and of Verticals, down, respectively, is the column of input data. Vm, column 9, for mean speeds, is automatically completed by the program, in the upper part, the Bathymetry part, with the speed mean values read from the lower part, the Verticals’ part (input data), according to the criterion of the proximity of each bathymetric point (its projection on the straight line, to be more exact) to the closest speed measure-ments vertical (that is, a mean speeds repartition to all the bathymetry points, according to the criterion of proximity to the flow-metre Verticals measurements, as well as Vlin, in the last column, 13, contains the repartition into the bathymetry points for the same mean speeds, but according to another model, for comparison, the model of linear speed variation between verticals; any other hydrologic model can be attached). Column 10, Arii, (areas), calculates the elementary areas, between two successive bathymetric points in the upper zone, between two successive Verticals in the lower zone, respectively. Column 11, Debite, (Flow), calculates the elementary flow for each elementary surface, multiplying the elementary areas by their respective elementary surfaces (DebiteB, up, in the bathymetry zone, and DebiteV, down, in the Verticals zone). Likewise, DebL, in column 12, calculates the elementary flows based on the model 2, of mean speeds linear variation, from column 13, Vml. Under the latter semi-columns, in red, there are the sums of the total areas and flows, as final results (with which we, in fact, begun our presentation). The first graphic, I, upper-left, “Trajectories”, was already entirely described, when the table was presented, and the 3 subsequent graphics from Fig.1. display the channel’s profile as follows: The second graphic, II, in the bottom-left corner, represents additionally, in blue, the bathymetry projections curve; in red, the 5 Verticals projections depths (with the values enclosed), and in black, the curve of the 6 degree polygon. It best approximates, as a function, the blue bathymetric curve, while the equation of the 6 degree function is written, just in the middle of the 3 functions, under the table: the first function, of degree 1, is, obviously, the equation of the line joining the two borders, on which the bathymetry and the Verticals profile are projected, while the last, third function is the polynomial function of also of degree 6, (the maximum degree with 114 which Excel and its incorporated language, VBA, work), which best approximate the red, Verticals profile curve. The writing of these functions was programmed for their further use in the most precise areas calculus by integrating these functions between the limits of the borders, after a separate mathematicalphysical discussion. The ordinate of this second graphic, i.e., II, (depths graphic) is obviously depth, while its abscissa is the East latitude, in thousandths of a minute (exactly in the same way as for the first graphic, I). The last two graphics, III and IV, in right side, also represent the depths, in metres, but not as functions of the East geographic coordinate, but as function of the distances to the two borders, in metres (D, to a border, and Dinv to the other border). All the last 3 graphics clearly show smaller areas closed by the red (Verticals depths) curves, than the areas closed by the blue (bathymetry) curves, which is based on many more measurement points, that is on a much better approximation of the channel bed profile, thus graphically justifying the bigger values, in red, based on bathymetry, than those based only on a few Verticals in approximating the bed channel profile and its section area. A still better approximation, still closer to the real values, can be obtained by using in the upper, bathymetry part, all registered bathymetric points, 5 time more numerous, a value at every 2 seconds as compared to the method presented until now, in which the bathymetric values were filtered from 10 to 10 seconds, as required. Only the final results of this new calculus is directly given, based on the entire bathymetric registration, 3026.35 (m2) for the total area and 2749.48 (m3/s) for the total flow, (without the entire table type 1 and the entire figure type 1 for the entire bathymetry), all that only to emphasize the fact that these values, naturally the most accurate, are however with only 1.27% more precise for flows and with a still smaller percentage for the total area, a fact that completely justifies the bathymetry points filtering (“decimation”) use, at every 10 seconds instead of every 2 seconds, as the total registration is made. The line’s equation is normally the same, while the 6 degree curves’ equations differ by the small, insignificant powers only, (1 and 2, at the most 3 powers). It should be emphasized that our method for areas calculus is most accurate, approaching, in fact, the integral’s definition (just the Darboux sums, in fact, before passing to the “limit” process). On the first table’s line, at the right of latitude’s degrees’ value (45, in our exemplification), the program automatically completes a series of intermediate values, very useful for the next calculations, as well as for controlling the accuracy of the results’ (by the programmer and user), such as the straight line’s slope, its origin ordinate, the slope of the perpendicular projections on this line which join the channel’s borders, the values in meters, on latitude and longitude, at the exact value of the sample’s latitude, etc. It should be mentioned that the program is very, very precise when using a maximum number of decimals. Yet the final results’ precision essentially depends on the precision of the input data, that is on the precision of the devices, on the methods used and on the specialist who works with it. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Tab.1 The input, intermediate and output data. The final form triggerred by a click on the DEB button F. Păun, M.C. Păun - MS Excel Built-in Program for Flow and Channel Profile Determination GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 115 F. Păun, M.C. Păun - MS Excel Built-in Program for Flow and Channel Profile Determination It should be again underlined that a national and even an international collaboration for establishing the best profiles on the Danube, the good marking of all these profiles with good marks on both borders (stable and visible, at least electronically, in the worst weather and environmental conditions, flood and tempest including), stable for the following dozens of years, with precisely known coordinates, would distinctly improve and facilitate the Danube’s and its tributaries flow and profile monitoring. So, a database can be created which would permit the positioning always not only on the same profiles, but also on the same verticals in the profiles. The year on year comparisons would be thus done based on just a single annual Vertical only. The measurements, both bathymetrical and by flow meter, can be more accurately made using very small boats, more precisely positioned and more easily preserved on the chosen positions. More precise results can also be obtained by doubling the number of the devices, on both boat borders, and also doubling the Verticals measurements for the same number of positions of the boat, that is, for the same fuel consumption. Another most important special desideratum is to place the GPS and the bathymetry devices as near as possible to the flow-metre emplacement, for the place of the measurements to coincide. Also, a complex transducer, for depth and speeds in the same unit, would eliminate any other supplementary errors, especially when measuring the depth based on hydrostatical pressure (that is, apart form the current speed and angle between the vertical and the transducer’s cable). The detailed and chronological algorithm to use this program is the following: • the Debite toolbar display (Excel standard proceeding: VIEW, Toolbars, Debite), that contains two incorporated buttons: DEC and DEB. • bathymetry data processing (in a sheet named, for example, BatOrigin) at a simple click on the DEC (“decimation”) button. • the processing of these results according to the prototype from TransformPunctVirg.xls (which keeps the needed transform formulae in its second line), by mere rolling the mouse, from up to down, for the second selected line, over all data. • • • from the new results, only the further useful ones are copied [Depths, E-thousandths, N- thousandths] and Past on a new sheet, renamed, for example [ E, N, Ad ] the completion of the first cell with the value of the parallel on which the profile is situated, in order that the program reads it from here and automatically uses it in transforming the geographical coordinates in metres, for the correct distances, areas and flow calculus. In our example, [A1]. value=45 the minus sign is assigned to the entire depths column (for a correct graphic representation of the column under the axis) and the depths are moved to column 8. Conversion to NUMBER-format of the columns [1:2], that is [E,N], in order not to be treated as text. Their selection, with or without title, and the realization of a preliminary diagram, according to the Excel std. method (INSERTCHART, type=xyScatter), the elimination of the edges (“S” trajectory’ curvatures) in order to keep only the trajectory’s linear part; the appropriate elimination of the Parasite data from the beginning and end of the bathymetry trajectory. • the adding of the borders coordinates, MS and MD, left and right border. • selection of E (East) and Ab (bathymetry depths) and quick display of the bathymetry diagram (INSERTCHART, type=xyScatter) for selecting immediately the Verticals positions, that will be given to the ship’s commander to best position its boat, using these data and the GPS. • completion, under bathymetry, two lines by two columns, for the line joining the borders marks, MS, MD; further completion, with data obtained by the Verticals’ measurements, (minimum 3, but better, 5 or even more, depending on the complexity of the profile, channels or sub-channels), also bordered, up and down, with the two borders values, for curves’ closing. • completion with mean speeds, by averaging flow-metre data. • click on the special Excel built-in DEB button, to compute flow, and the Table 1 and the 4 graphics of Fig.1 are instantly automatically completed, together with a new graphic, for the real profile’s shape. Here, the same metric scales are used horizontally and vertically, that is, for horizontal distances and vertical depths. References F.l. Păun, M.C. Păun, 2004 – MSExcel built-in Program for Analytic and Synthetic Ecological Indices Describing Ecosystems,Geo-EcoMarina 9/10 2003-2004 *** Microsoft Excel User’s Guide *** Microsoft Excel Visual Basic User’s Guide 116 *** Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Reference *** Microsoft VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) *** Microsoft OLE Automation with Applications (MSWord, MS-Excel, MS-Project). GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas BOOK REVIEW “DANUBE DELTA Genesis and Biodiversity” by Claudiu TUDORANCEA and Monica M. TUDORANCEA (eds), 2006, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden: 444 pp ISBN 90-5782-165-6 The publishing of a new book is an event that should be greeted. It is a challenge; a challenge meant to lead to improvement, to further work on the weaker points of the book and finally to a new and better book. That is the reason why we welcome the publishing of this monographic volume “DANUBE DELTA Genesis and Biodiversity” edited by Professor Claudiu Tudorancea, who is supported by his wife Monica M. Tudorancea, and we recommend it to all those interested in both deciphering the „secrets” of wetlands in general, of the Danube Delta – an European and world asset in particular, and making a comparison with the situations in other deltas of the world. And if in the analysed paper there are some slips somewhere, omissions, inadvertences, overlaps, imbalances, redundancies etc., we hope that specialists will come with a better book in the future. The book, published in the collection “Biology of Inland Waters” - Series Editor K. Martens, is a monographic paper concerning one of the most important deltas of Europe, the Danube Delta, a wetland of global importance, designated a biosphere reserve and, part of it, a zone of the world natural heritage. It is worth mentioning the effort of the Editor of this series of books on the biology of inner waters and, unquestionably of the volume editors, to highlight a unique European area, most of it still unaffected by anthropogenic influences. The book is the result of a fruitful collaboration of 20 authors, most of them specialists with rich knowledge and practice of the Danube Delta ecosystems. In the Preface of the volume, the Distinguished Emeritus Professor H. B. N. Hynes (University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada) considers that the work is of large interest to limnologists and various other specialists in environmental protection, fishermen - ichthyologists, bird watchers – ornithologists; the Professor mentions that the book is the first attempt to deal comprehensively both with the limnology and the general biology of a river delta and abounds in a variety of points of view on the diversity of the topics – the origin of the delta and its physical-geographical problems, water chemistry, the phytoplankton, zooplankton, its vegetation or bacteria living on sediments etc., with some overlaps, inevitable in a work with so many authors. Following the “Preface”, the “Acknowledgements” and the “Authors’ Addresses”, there is a short introduction by C. Tudorancea, on the history of the Danube Delta knowledge (Chapter 1 – Introduction), which comprises the main coordinates, including two maps, and surveys the major bibliographic reference points. We present below the contents of the other 15 chapters of the book, all of them containing, with a few exceptions, the subchapters “Introduction”, “Conclusions” and “Bibliography”, together with some comments. Chapter 2 - Danube Delta geology, geomorphology and geochemistry (N. Mihăilescu) comprises, besides an introduction, a few subchapters which analyse the origin - the Pleistocene and evolution of the Danube Delta during the Holocene, the recent lacustrine deposits, the lakes of the fluvio-marine area of the Danube Delta (the Roşu-Iacub-Lumina and Razelm-Sinoe depressions), the lakes of the fluvio-lacustrine area of the Danube Delta (the Matiţa-Trei Iezere, Gorgova-Isacova and the Meşter-Lungu-Fortuna depressions). The conclusions reveal that the form and dynamics of the Danube Delta are the effect of the climatic evolution during the Upper Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Chapter 3 - Physiography and climate (Vasile Torică) synthetically presents the physical and geographical factors characterizing the Danube Delta: location, area, boundaries, relief, then paleo-geological, climatic and pedo-geographic elements, followed by the climate, the radiative and dynamic factors for the 1961 – 1999 interval (the mean monthly and annual values of the sunshine period, nebulosity, the regime of atmospheric pressure, air temperature, winds and humidity/precipitations etc.), as well as the unusual meteorological GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 117 Book Review phenomena connected with the radiative or advective atmospheric processes. on the characteristic structures – the Macrophytes cover and the reed community, the phytophilous fauna. Chapter 4 - The hydrological regime of the Danube River in the deltaic sector (I. A. Irimuş) briefly deals with the hydrological relations within the aquatic components of the Danube Delta and the hydrological budget of this system as well, presenting comparative data concerning the evolution of knowledge in the field; at the end, the chapter presents a major practical problem, the long term hydrological forecast of the summer-autumn minimum flow in the deltaic sector of the Danube River. The complex problems of the Danube Delta ecosystems still require more attention, more research, and more efforts. The study of the chemical characteristics and dynamics of the ecosystem complex in the Danube Delta, presented in Chapter 5 - The chemistry of the Danube Delta (Carmen Postolache) focuses on two major aspects: a. the development of the trophic state of the delta ecosystems and b. pollution – heavy metals and pesticides. By using the historical approach, the author differentiates three periods in the trophic state of the deltaic ecosystems: 1. before 1980 - a state of relatively low nutrient concentrations and variations (DIN:TRP > 10), characteristics typical of meso and early eutrophic conditions; 2. the period 1981 – 1990 – a state of higher concentrations and a wider range of nutrient fluctuation (DIN:TRP < 10), characteristics typical of eutrophic and hypertrophic conditions, and 3. the period 1990 - present – characterized by the reduction of nutrient load, but without any clear tendency in the trophic state development of the ecosystems. Pollution with heavy metals has become an important problem in the last 15 – 20 years, not for the Danube in particular, but especially for the ecological effects recorded far away from the emission source. No severe contamination was signalled along the lower Danube; in this sector, as well as in the most important lakes of the delta a significant reduction in the concentration of heavy metals was recorded in the majority of the ecosystem compartments along the West – East geographical gradient. An important bioaccumulation of most heavy metals, together with an active accumulation in the bottom sediments, occurs in the delta lakes in comparison with the channels where the processes are very slow. The chapter on the Danube Delta chemistry stands out as one of the most successful parts of the book. Chapter 6 - The Danube Delta ecosystems (Nicolae Găldean & Dorel M. Ruşti) briefly mentions some generalities, however redundant as information, which become important when the concept of ecosystem is applied in a practical and specific way. The authors consider that the delta ecosystems can be grouped as follows: the Danube branches, shallow ponds and channels, lakes, lagoons, river banks, marshes, marine sand banks, land plains, marine shore and calcareous islands. In a logical sequence based especially on literature, the subchapters deal with the aquatic ecosystems, focusing 118 Chapter 7 - Phytoplankton and its primary production in the Danube Delta (Ioan Cărăuş & Nicolae Nicolescu) r e p r e sents a substantial part of the monographic volume, which consistently analyses the qualitative structure (specific composition - 1098 species, 37.98% Chlorophyceae, 30,69% Diatomaceae, 16,12% Cyanobacteria) and the quantitative structure (abundance, biomass, comparative analysis of different physio-geographical units), then the elements of phytoplankton productivity and its development to the level characteristic of eutrophication processes. It is worth mentioning that the authors pay great attention to the delta - sea ecotonal zone, which represents a mosaic with different proportions of the stenohaline or eurihaline freshwater forms and eurihaline or stenohaline brackish water species. The chapter ends with the analysis of the distribution and role of the phytoplankton in the Danube Delta. The species of algae identified in the Danube Delta are presented in Appendix 7.1, which is praiseworthy, but the pieces of information are difficult to follow because they are not included in a table (typographically space-consuming, but easily accessible). In Chapter 8 - Aquatic Macrophytes (Anca Sârbu), the author presents and characterizes, in order, the Danube Delta aquatic vegetation by categories:emerged macrophytes (Typha angustifolia, Schenoplectus lacustris or Phragmites australis), macrophytes with floating leaves (Nuphar lutea, Nimphaea alba, Trapa natans, Hydrocaris morsus-ranae and Nymphoides peltata), natant macrophytes (Salvinia natans, Lemna minor, L. gibba, Spirodella polyrrhiza, Azola caroliniana, A. filimicoides, Adrovanda vesiculosa, Utricularia australis) and submerged macrophytes (Batrachium, Ceratophyllum, Elodea, Hippuris, Lemna, Myriophyllum, Najas, Potamogeton, Utricularia, Vallisneria şi Zannichellia), then the changes in species composition, density dynamics, biomass, nutrient cycling, the role of aquatic Macrophytes in the ecosystem feedback mechanisms. The chapter contains numerous interesting quantitative data, some of which could be better structured in the future. Sometime methodology should be described so that the reader might grasp the text more easily: for instance, in Fig. 8.2 – Changes in frequency (F%) and abundance (A%) of submerged macrophytes species… the frequency values over 100% are questionable. In Chapter 9 - The zooplankton structure and productivity in Danube Delta lacustrine ecosystems (Victor Zinevici & Laura Parpală), after a concise introduction and the general characterization of the Danube Delta lacustrine zooplankton, the authors present the multiannual values of the structural and functional parameters, the spatial, seasonal and interannual dynamics, then, they proceed by analysing the lacustrine zooplankton under the natural evolution of the GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Book Review trophic state of ecosystems; at the end, the authors describe the structure and productivity of the Danube Delta lacustrine zooplankton under the impact of eutrophication. The chapter abounds in information, containing, for instance, the list of recorded species, some values of the number of species in definite situations, values of population density, biomass, productivity etc. In the period 1975 – 1995, 562 components were identified in the lacustrine zooplankton of the Danube Delta, having the mean general values as follows: 659 indvs.L-1 for density, 4.7 mg.wet weight.L-1 for biomass, 0.5 mg.wet weight.L-1/24 h for productivity, and 9.4 days for biomass cycling time. The analysis of multiannual dynamics showed three distinct periods in the development of the delta zooplankton, revealing the evolution of the eutrophication process: 1975 – 1980, a period of less impacts, 1981 – 1990, a period of maximum impact, 1991 – 1995, a period of slight decrease in impacts. Chapter 10 - Benthic fauna of the Danube Delta (Claudiu Tudorancea), is an attempt to summarize the knowledge of the different aquatic ecosystems in the delta. The author focuses on three major problems: 1. the composition of benthic fauna, supported by a list of species, well-organized and very useful (Table 10.1 – The occurrence and distribution of benthic species in the major types of aquatic ecosystems in the Danube Delta), 2. benthic habitats and their fauna (the Danube branches, lakes and ponds, new marine lagoons), and 3. trends in the dynamics of benthic fauna. After 1983, the benthic communities in the Danube Delta are characterized, as a rule, by the presence of Chironomidae and Oligochaeta populations, which shows a severe reduction in benthic fauna diversity. The important ecological role of Oligochaeta populations in the last decades (numerical dominance up to 60% and biomass dominance up to 47% of the total benthic fauna) made it necessary that the book should include a special section on this issue. Chapter 11 - Structure and function of the Oligochaeta communities in lentic ecosystems of the Danube Delta (Geta Rîşnoveanu), analyses in detail, starting from the studied lakes located between the three Danube arms, the structure, dynamics and role of the dominant species in the communities of reference. Then, the author provides extremely important information on the role of Oligochaeta in the energetic flow and in the cycling processes of nitrogen and phosphorous, suggestively illustrated by diagrams (Fig 11.6 and Fig. 11.7). Another section of the book deals with an issue less tackled – the invertebrate fauna of the substratum represented by the submerged vegetation; thus Chapter 12 - Weed-bed fauna of the Danube Delta (Constantin Ciubuc & Ovidiu Ciolpan) includes, in a table occupying 55% of its length, the identified taxa, the studied area and the species composition of the vegetation substratum (Table 12.1 – The list of macro invertebrates in the thickness of the Danube Delta submerged vegetation). Phytophilous fauna is characterized, as a rule, by relatively low specific diversity (sometime 16 species appear to the utmost) and great variations in space and time; the most abundant taxonomic groups were Chironomidae – 22%, Gastropoda – 16%, Coleoptera – 14%, Odonata – 9%, then Oligochaeta - 8%, Trichoptera - 8% etc. Chapter 13 - Benthic microbial communities (Doina Ionică), presents the results of consistent studies performed on 16 deltaic lakes along a period of over 20 years (1975 – 2000). The structural characteristics of benthonic heterotrophic microorganisms are related to the number and/or the biomass of the population, while the functional aspects are analysed in terms of the rates of microbial processes or micro biota activity. Beside the microbial numerical density, the author focuses on the seasonal dynamics and the horizontal and vertical distribution of heterotrophic bacteria. The bacterial biomass in sediments recorded large variations (5.8 – 20.3 μg wet mud), with the highest values in summer. The subchapter dealing with the activity of the micro organisms living in sediments briefly tackles the problems of aerobic and anaerobic decomposition, the coefficient of heterotrophic activity and the dehydrogenaze activity. When analysing the relationship between microorganisms and nutrient cycling, the author first underlines the bacteria taking part in the nitrogen cycle, then the role of bacteria in the carbon and sulphur cycle. The important role of benthic microorganisms in assessing the trophic state of the Danube Delta lakes is shown when the author presents the following aspects: the total number of viable cells, the density of different physiological groups of microorganisms, the rate of aerobic decomposition of organic matter in sediments and the coefficient of heterotrophic activity. The conclusions confirm the data in the field literature and, at the same time, show an increasing tendency in the numerical density of bacteriobenthos in the lake complexes of Roşu-Puiu and Matiţa-Merhei during the period 1975 – 2000. The world of the fishes is largely presented in Chapter 14 - The ichthyofauna of the Danube Delta (K. W. Battes & F. Pricope), through two major aspects, namely fish taxonomy (species, interspecific hybrids, races, intraspecific hybrids) and fish ecology. It is worth mentioning that the authors present an orderly list (Table 14.1 – List of the Danube Delta fish species – after Nalbant, 2003), which comprises 82 species, and a list of bibliographical synthesis of species recorded in three different habitats (Table 14.2, which should have included not only the English common names of the species, but also the Romanian vernacular). The ecological aspects comprise first the zoogeographical problems of the fish populations, fish migrations, then aspects of growth biology, reproductive and feeding biology. An important subchapter, containing statistical data from various sources, deals with fish yield and the control factors influencing it. The assessment of the state of deltaic ichthyofauna reveals the major changes in the structure of various fish species, characterized especially by the general tendency of severe decrease in the deltaic fish resources. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas 119 Book Review The amazingly varied world of birds, an emblem of the Danube Delta, is presented in Chapter 15 - The Danube Delta avifauna (Dan Munteanu), in which the author analyses the bird populations by taxonomic order and species. Special attention is paid to migration and the influencing factors of the deltaic avifaunistic structure from the biogeographic point of view (geonomic factors, palaeoecological, ecological and anthropogenic factors); the author concludes that the deltaic avifauna includes elements of great zoogeographical diversity, some of these elements, the ones of Asian and Sarmatian origin, making the link with the European avifauna. The subchapter presenting the habitats of the Danube Delta avifauna is particularly interesting from a didactic point of view and it should be further developed. The final subchapter, rich in information and very well organized, refers to changes and change tendencies, most of them regressive, the qualitative and quantitative modifications in the structure and functioning of avifauna communities in the Danube Delta. The author considers that, during the 20th century, the avifauna of the delta, lost up to 7 breeding species (plus 4 more species in the lakes complex), but gained 18 species by recent immigration. In the period 1961 – 1970, a drastic decrease in the number of colonial birds was registered; after 1970 – 1975 the populations of some species (Phalacrocorax carbo, Ph. pygmaeus, Ardeola ralloides) recovered, while other species recorded the continuous diminishing of their populations (Plegadis falcinellus, Ardea purpurea); in the 1980s the number of colonies decreased, but the number of individuals in the remaining colonies increased; after 1990 (the year when the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – DDBR was established) some species become more abundant (Phalacrocorax carbo, Ph. pygmaeus, Ardeola ralloides, Egretta garzetta, Nycticorax nycticorax, even Plegadis falcinellus), while other species maintained the same low levels (Ardea purpurea, Egretta alba). The last part of the book, Chapter 16 - Human presence in the Danube Delta (Monica M. Tudorancea) presents, after some historical data, the main economic activities characteristic of the Danube Delta (fishing, agriculture - especially cattle breeding, reed harvesting and eco-tourism), then the activities after 1990 when the law establishing DDBR was passed by Parliament. Finally, the author underlines the strategies concerning the protection and ecological recovery of the Danube Delta, starting from the causes of the ecological disturbances in the delta and upstream. 120 At the end of the volume, one can find a Subject index and a Taxonomic index of all cited species, both of them of great use to readers. • • • • • • • • • Weak points: The occurrence of titles in the original in the lists of literature, without the corresponding English translation; Overlaps or redundant information; Absence of final conclusions with regard to the state of the Danube Delta ecosystem complexes; Insufficient information on the impact of anthropogenic activities in the Danube Delta; Insufficient data on the management in the DDBR in the last years (concerning deltaic ecosystems and their biodiversity, ecological restorations included); Absence of a chapter presenting the marine zone in front of the Danube Delta, which, in fact, belongs to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve; Some important titles on the Danube Delta missing from chapter bibliographies; Imbalance in including more recent papers into the bibliography; the knowledge of some authors, regarding recent problems in the Danube Delta is limited; Heterogeneous presentation of biodiversity – sometimes in tables, sometimes in rows or included as enumerations in the text. The paper gives an image of the Danube Delta biome, which is more or less static, with grey shades whose occurrence should challenge the “shooting” of a film that might achieve better links between compartments and describe the real dimension of the huge flow of substances and energies at the confluence of the Danube and the Black Sea. Despite the inherent weak points of such a comprehensive task undertaken by Professor Claudiu Tudorancea, the book deserves to be praised as a reference benchmark and appreciated as being useful to a large range of specialists and students, to ecologists, hydrobiologists, geographers, specialists in nature protection and in the management of protected areas; finally, the book is an efficient instrument and a challenge for future studies. GEO-ECO-MARINA 12/2006 Coastal Zones and Deltas Professor Marian-Traian GOMOIU GeoEcoMar National Institute & “Ovidius” University - Constanta