March 2015 Newsletter
March 2015 Newsletter
The InnerNet March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9:15 a.m. SS and FF 10:15 a.m.Worship Service 11:30 Blessing of the Hands 11:45 Children’s Choirs 11:45 Jubilate Bells 4:00 p.m. All Youth 10:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. RITI 2 3 6:00 pm Brownies 4 10:00 a.m. 5 6 7 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts Den Mtg 7:00 p.m. Forward Together 6:30-8:30 Carmel Village II (Educ.Rm) Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Praying with Scripture 6:00p.m. Lenten Service 6:45 - 9:00 p.m. Choirs 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 10:15am Bridge group 8 Daylight Savings Time Begins Girl Scout Sunday 9:00 a.m. Jubilate Bells Reh. 9:15 a.m. SS & Faith Forum 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 -Childrens Choirs 11:30 Lenten Discipline Prayer 4:00 p.m. All Youth 9 10 11 10:00 a.m. 6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts Parents’ Meeting 7:00 a.m. 13 Men’s Bible Study Preschool Closed 10:00 a.m. Quilt workshop 10:15a.m.BridgeGroup 6:00p.m. Lenten Service 7:00 p.m. Lenten Prayer Discipline 6:45-9:00 p.m. Choirs 14 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts Den Meeting 6:30-8:30 Carmel Village (F.H.) Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Praying with Scripture 11:30 a.m. Kids in Christ to go to Bright Blessings 15 9:15 a.m. SS & FF 16 17 18 19 7:00 a.m. 21 First Communion Instruction 10:15 a.m.Worship Service 11:15 Children’s Choirs 11:45 Church Council 4:00 p.m. MS Youth 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:00-7:00 pm Brownie Troop Men’s Bible Study 10:15am Bridge group 6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts # 165 6:45 Cub Scouts Den Meeting 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 11:30 Primetimers Wan Fu Chinese Cuisine 1:00 p.m. PWS 6:00p.m. Lenten Service 6:45-9:00 p.m. Choirs 22 9:00 a,m.Children’s Choirs 23 6:00-8:00 p.m. 24 25 10:00 a.m. 26 7:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. SS & Faith Forum First Communion Instruction Carmel Crossing HOA 6:45 a.m. Boy Scouts #165 Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Praying with Scripture 6:00 p.m. Lenten Service 6:45-9:00 Choirs Men’s Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts #265 Pack Meeting. 1 6:45 Boy Scouts #165 10:00 a.m.-6:00a.m. RITI 11:30 Lenten Prayer Discipline 4:00 p.m. HS Youth 10:00 a.m.-6:00am Room In The Inn 29 Palm Sunday 9:15 a.m. SS & FF 10:15 a.m. Worship 11:45 a.m. Jubilate Bells 3/1 3/2 3/3 6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts #165 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/9 3/9 3/11 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/18 3/18 Elaine Hazen Roger Kurth Ann Chriske Nicky Sample Joel Patterson Bailey Biggs John Farris Ashlyn Cicuzza-Beach Linda Lyle Keith Falls Cardon Hawley Madeline Buff Kenneth Cochran Michael Frixen Carolyn Grizer John Williams Margorie Sahr Eric Forster Emma Cunningham Joyce Godwin 6:30 p.m. Saturday Movie Night at the Church “The Railway Man” 1:00 p.m. Hope Circle 7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts Parent/Leader Meeting 10:15am Bridge group 7:00 p.m. Lenten Prayer Discipline March 2015 27 28 10:00 a.m. Egg Hunt All Ages Welcome! Under 5, accompanied by an adult. 31 30 March Birthdays 20 L I V I N G 6:00 p.m. Brownie Troop #1686 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts Den Meeting 3/19 Michael Butterworth Hanna Miller Irmgard Schildroth 3/20 Kathy Gaddis Harry Gibson 3/21 Deb Borley 3/24 Alan Conley Dominique Greve 3/25 Preston Gist 3/26 Wendi Mayer 3/28 P.J. Krause 3/30 Cindy Bergh Chad Coltrane Anthony Kerby Mark Walker 3/31 Cindy Buff March Anniversaries 3/7 Bob and Donna Loges 3/11 Marty and Alice Jenkins 3/25 Chad and Tami Coltrane If you notice any errors or omissions, please contact the church office so that our records can be updated. PAGE 12 A community of disciples in service to the Living Savior Lay Care Ministry Lay Care ministry touches so many lives in our church family and in our community. So many people participate in the Lay Care ministries and we want to bless you each year, as you do the work of being God’s hands and feet in this world. A time of blessing the hands will be held March 1 following worship in the Fellowship Hall. If you participate in the lay care ministry, come and have your hands blessed. S A V I O U R L U T H E R A N C H U R C H “Living Saviour welcomes people to Jesus Christ, God’s Work: Our Hands equips them to grow in faith, and sends them to serve others.” FORWARD TOGETHER, IN CHRIST, IN COMMUNITY We are going forward together, in Christ, and in community. That is the focus of the team of folks -- Greg Funk, Corker Carver, Chad Coltrane, CD Hathcock, Pastor Angela, Janet Wagstaff and Steve Westphal - - moving forward, not alone, but as a congregation; not alone, but anchored in Christ, and not alone, but in the community of faith — and in the community in which we find ourselves. Community is the last part of the Forward Together logo and team’s mission. Community is defined as a group of people in the same area, or as a group of people with a common interest or background or history. Living Saviour is all of those! We have a common history, a shared interest in Christ and passing on the things of the faith. We are also in an area of Charlotte, placed here 35+ years ago, once mostly from within a close proximity, but now more diversely spread. Our community is no longer the Carmel Road/Hwy 51 corridor, but is now from Union County to South Carolina, to near South Park Mall to Huntersville! We are now a regional church, one people drive some distance to reach. But that doesn’t excuse us from being part of the community around the church. We have houses, condos, apartments, office buildings, and stores all within a very short radius. We are part of this community, and that brings some responsibility to reach out to the people around us and get to know them. What are their needs? What does this community need that it is lacking? Senior adult care? Inexpensive lunch options for the businesses? After school care? A community gathering place? A place businesses can use for conference space or office space on a short term basis? What is needed in the community that this church can provide? What is God’s dream and how does Living Saviour fulfill that dream? What is God calling us to do and be in the community around the church? How are we to be church to the region and the people who drive to get here? So many questions, which the team is working to discern. We know we have a mission—to be a community of disciples in service to the Living Savior. We know we are a community—brought together by the power of the Holy Spirit, for God, to give glory to God, to serve God and God’s people. The Forward Together Team is seeking to discern what that looks like in this particular location. Pray that we discern what God is calling us to do and be. Pray that as God’s dream becomes apparent, we will be willing, as a community of disciples, to step into God’s dream and live out our calling. We exist for the sake of the world, not for our own sake. We exist because God called this church into being, and we have a mission and a vision and a calling. Let us boldly step into it. Love in Christ, Pastor Angela PAGE 1 CONTINUING OUR JOURNEY TO EASTER The season of Lent has been labeled as a “Journey to Easter.” It is a time of preparation for that most joyful day of days. Each worship experience is not an end to the journey, but rather a “mile marker” on our pilgrimage. Each Sunday morning during Lent our worship concludes in silence, with no Sending Song and no organ postlude. This is done to symbolically convey the feeling that each time of worship is not ended, we have not reached the end of our journey, but rather, as a congregation, we continue toward our Easter destination each time we gather. As part of the journey to Easter, Lenten sermons will focus on “Signs of Lent” - such as U-Turn, Stop, One-Way… LIVING SAVIOUR LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL The Preschool has openings for the current school year for all ages. We have also begun registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Living Saviour Church members receive free registration ($100.00 value). Registration forms are available online ( We are opening our Summer Camp to children who will be completing Kindergarten or First Grade this school year. Please tell your friends and we welcome back previous students!! Spots are limited. If you have Questions, please call Jessica Jordan, Preschool Director, at 704-542-9110. Wednesday evenings from 6:00-6:30 will be a Lenten worship experience, “Prayer Around the Cross.” It is a service of singing and prayer. Palm Sunday, March 29 Maundy Thursday, April 2 Good Friday, April 3 Easter Sunday, April 5 Worship Service at 10:15 a.m. Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Worship at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. Worship Service at 8:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday or on the Sunday after.Easter. The next meeting of Church Council will be Sunday, March 15, at 11:45 a.m. We invite you to come and experience the road and the journey that ends at the tomb. We hope you will invite a friend to come and experience the journey as well. 2015 CHURCH COUNCIL Pastor Angela FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES COMING UP SOON The Child in Our Hands will celebrate First Communion on Easter Sunday, April 5, with those children that complete First Communion instruction with Pastor Angela and Shea. Teaching times will be on Sunday, March 15 and 22 from 9:15 to 10:00 for children with their parents/guardian. This is designed for any child older than 5. Families make the decision when their child receives first communion instruction, with a typical child being about 7 years of age; but when a child younger than 5 reaches for a wafer, it indicates a conversation with the child, family, and Pastor might be advisable. Holy Communion is the meal of the baptized and is available for children at the age their family determines is best. If you have a child age 5 or older and you think he/she is ready to learn about the sacrament of Holy Communion, please contact Caren Ballantine 704-552-6412 or [email protected] to register for the instruction classes. MOVIE NIGHT AT THE CHURCH Saturday, March 21, 6:30 p.m. Join Pastor and Brian as we view a movie about sin and forgiveness. The Railway Man, starring Colin Firth as a veteran of World War Two who seeks to overcome the trauma of the Prisoner of War Camp he endured in the Pacific Theater. Note: This is a “R” rated movie with mature themes, and some graphic violence. It is 108 minutes long. Bring a snack to share. Pastor will have lemonade, tea, water, coffee. We will have a time of discussion following the movie. PAGE 2 President - C.D. Hathcock Vice President - Caren Ballantine Secretary - Lillian Stephens Treasurer - Steve Westphal Council Members and Area of Responsibility Caren Ballantine - Stewardship Russell Bowman - Worship and Music Russell Hinson - Lay Care/Youth Laurie Markusen - Samaritan Ministries Kari Proctor - Christian Education Sally Ganz - Communication Chuck Lyle - Property Bruce Melosh - Personnel Lillian Stephens - Fellowship LIVING SAVIOUR CHURCH STAFF The Reverend Angela K. Powell, Pastor Mr. Don Huff, Minister of Worship and Music Mr. Shea Berbaum, Director of Youth and Family Ministries Ms. Nancy Mersereau, Organist and Music Assistant Ms. Trudy Haseley, Office Administrator Ms. Sherry Wooldridge, Office Administrator Ms. Carla Gearheart, Childcare Provider 6817 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 Telephone: 704-542-3626 We’re Living Saviour Lutheran Church on Facebook PAGE 11 KIDS IN CHRIST BE JOYFUL IN THE LORD The people served by Lutheran Services Carolinas have experienced many hardships. The theme for LSC’s emphasis month, Be Joyful in the Lord, encourages us to recognize and share God’s joy with all people. During the month of March, the ministries of Lutheran Services Carolinas are celebrated in congregations across North Carolina. Services offered include Lutheran Disaster Response, foster care, adoption, refugee resettlement, veterans services, mental health services, counseling, supportive housing, residential services for adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities, and transitional living for homeless adults with traumatic brain injury and/or severe and persistent mental illness. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the work of LSC Child and Family Services, make checks payable to Lutheran Services Carolinas and write “Child and Family Month” on the memo line. Contributions may be mailed to P.O. Box 947, Salisbury, NC 28145, or made securely online at 1st - 5th graders Saturday, March 14 BRIGHT BLESSINGS Mission To Make Birthday Packages For Homeless Children Meet at church at 11:30 a.m. –pick up at 1:45 p.m. Leaving church at 11:40 a.m. $10.00 donation per child……or $5.00 if you have more than 1 child Destination: The Giving Village at Bright Blessings 608-A Matthews Mint Hill Road Matthews, NC 28105 Needed: drivers and Youth helpers SERVING ROOM IN THE INN THIS MONTH AT LIVING SAVIOUR DATE GREETER SAT. BUS PICKUP SUN. MORNING BED SETUP Feb.28- Bill and Mar. 2 Corky Carver Caren MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM Mar. 7-9 Andrew and Amanda Alice Thom 10 A.M. ADULT TEAM MEAL SERVICE SUN. BUS DRIVER OVERNIGHT HOSTS MONDAY BUS DRIVER DRIVER PICKUP FOOD PROVIDER M AND F: J.Sundberg Brian and Pastor Angela Powell Bill Carver M: Tissie and Jerry Littlejohn Larry Wagstaff Corky Carver Bill Carver Corky Carver Sally Ganz Larry and Janet Wagstaff HIGH SCHOOL TEAM M AND F: Ellers and Haseleys Mike Michael Mar. 21- Brian and 23 Pastor Angela Nancy Powell 11:15 ADULT TEAM M and F: Geraldine and Pastor Jay H. Sherry W. Nancy N. Brian Powell Mar. 28- Ron and 30 Shallen Gordon Alice ALL M:Sherry & Cathy AVAILABLE MaryAnn E. Williams HELP F: 10 A.M. New South Nancy PAGE 10 Mike and Laura Michael Larry Wagstaff Caren Ballantine Tissie Littlejohn Janet Wagstaff W: Alice Jenkins Kathy Sullivan L: Jean Dunne Mike Michael Laura Michael W: Alice Jenkins Elaine Horack L: Linda Honeycutt Pastor and Brian Brian Powell Powell Alice Jenkins W: Nancy Nein PROVIDE BAG LUNCHES L. Margaret Conrad F: Jersey Mike’s Mar. 14- David and 16 Nancy Nein MONDAY WRAP-UP AND LAUNDRY Alice Jenkins Pastor Angela Caren Ballantine W: Nancy Nein L:M.A. Eller/J. Sundberg Sandra Sample ALL Margaret AVAILABLE Krause TEAM MEMBERS There is a 25 child limit, counting the youth! RSVP or questions: Call the church office (704-542-3626) by Monday, March 2 LSLC EASTER FOOD COLLECTION FOR SMITHFIELD BACKPACK STUDENT FAMILIES LSLC is again planning to provide nutrition support for approximately 10 of the Smithfield Backpack Program students and their families, this time during the Easter holiday week. The LSLC outpouring of support for the Thanksgiving food drive was extremely successful, and the need was obviously great. The goal again is to supply food items for those families that otherwise will have little food for the nine day holiday week. Below are some suggestions of what could be donated, but any items will be appreciated. Collection boxes are located in the Fellowship Hall now and through Sunday, March 29th. Financial contributions are also welcome so we can purchase perishable and/or gift cards just before we deliver Easter week. Breakfast items — (cereals, cereal bars, granola bars, instant oatmeal and/or grits packets, muffins, bagels, jelly, coffee, milk Lunch items — Macaroni and cheese boxes, Ramen noodles, soups, ravioli/spaghetti/chili, sandwich thins, cheese Dinner items — Canned tuna fish, canned chicken, canned vegetables, canned fruits, pasta, pasta sauce, instant potatoes, bread Snack foods / beverages / dessert items — Apples and oranges (bags), raisins, dried fruit, fruit/ applesauce cups, microwave popcorn, nuts, trail mix, peanut butter and cheese crackers, dried meat/jerky sticks, pretzels/chips, boxes of crackers, cookies, cakes, water, sodas Note: Perishable items show in italics—please donate these during the last week before Easter. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Jerry and Tissie Littlejohn at [email protected] PAGE 3 THE PIGS ARE HERE! THE PIGS ARE HERE! EASTER LILIES It has been our tradition at Living Saviour to have Easter lilies adorn our worship space on Easter morning. Lilies are again being offered this year for $9.50 each. These beautiful flowers are provided by King’s Greenhouse which is owned by Larry & Jean Leonard. Order blanks will be in the bulletin, and on the board near the flower chart in the Gathering Area. Checks should be made out to LSLC with a notation on the memo line of “Easter Lily”. Completed orders can be placed in the offering plate or in the Gathering Area. The deadline to order is March 16th. This is a great way to remember or honor someone special, in addition to adding such beauty to our sanctuary. In 2014 the members of Living Saviour supported the “Buck a Chick” to purchase 500 chickens at $1 each through ELCA Good Gifts program to help stamp out world hunger. This year we hope you will support an effort to buy PIGS! Just $30 can provide a piglet to a family in need. When this little piggy grows up, she will give birth to as many as 16 piglets each year! Pigs help fertilize fields, provide food to eat and can be sold at market for much needed income. What a difference a piglet can make! We are asking each family (or a group of people) to set a goal over the next 10 weeks (that’s just $3/week) to provide a blessing to these families that have so many needs. We are offering an adorable piggy bank for you to save your money in. The banks will be collected with our offering on Easter Sunday, April 5. Piggy banks were distributed February 1. If you need a bank, one is available on the Welcome table in the entrance. Be CREATIVE! We have members taking them to work to get support from co-workers, hosting pig pickings and asking guests to bring a donation toward buying a pig; grandparents are sending banks to their grandchildren to encourage them to join in the fun! During the season of Lent we are asked to focus on all the blessings God has given us and how we can be a blessing to others through sacrificial giving. Our goal is to be able to provide a minimum of 100 pigs! (Just think, next year that would be 1600 pigs!) We hope you will help us fill God’s global barnyard! Questions? Contact anyone on the Stewardship Team: Caren Ballantine, Steve Westphal, Marty Jenkins, Pastor Angela LENTEN PRAYER DISCIPLINE Pastor Angela invites you to a Lenten discipline of reading a book on prayer written by an ELCA bishop, Michael Rineheart, titled, Learning to Pray Again: Peace and Joy through an Ancient Practice. It is available through Amazon as a paperback book or a Kindle book. The Kindle edition is $2.99 and you don't have to have a kindle to read it electronically, as a Kindle App is available for computer or other tablet devices. The paperback book is $8.99. Remember to sign up and use Amazon Smile ( benefitting Living Saviour Lutheran Church, if you do place an order. This book is designed for 40 days of reading, and Pastor will be reading it, trying the ways of prayer each day, and will have some opportunities to gather and discuss what you experienced. The ELCA has provided an opportunity for its leaders to be healthy by having monetary incentives for completing healthy activities. This year, prayer for 40 days is one of the options. You can help Pastor earn her wellness dollars by reading and praying with her. Support and encouragement are welcome and appreciated. You can also start the reading at any time during Lent. Pastor will gather with any interested persons on Thursday evenings at 7:00 on February 26, March 12, and March 26; and the same discussion on Sunday mornings following worship on March 8 and 22. Come to one session, come to them all; each stands alone and will simply be a discussion of how it is going trying something new or old as a Lenten discipline. PRAYING FOR POSSIBILITIES Our Mission is to Grow God’s kingdom through the power of prayer. We pray for the possibilities that can happen in and of our building; for all the people volunteering, working and participating here, activities for all, visitors and those that God gathers and the opportunities for witnessing. Ideally, we walk the property to pray for the possibilities that can happen in each place. If you cannot walk it or be there with us, we have made booklets with pictures for you to use. So, please join us! For more information, contact [email protected] March “Weekly Prayer Teams” 3/1-3/7 3/8-3/14 3/15-3/21 3/22-3/28 3/29-4/4 George Goodman and Greg Baird Janet Wagstaff and Glenda Kilminster Corky Carver and Jan Sundberg Marty Jenkins and Rufus Gregory Lynn Stephens and Janet Mayer NOVUSWAY MINISTRIES 2015 Summer Camp SOUL FEAST Soul Feast, by Marjorie Thompson has been around for 20+ years and is a practical book on how and why to do Faith Practices. Fridays at 9:30 a.m. for about 90 minutes, a group is forming to read and PRACTICE these faith forming practices. Anyone interested in finding out more should see Pastor Angela for the details. We have received 2015 summer camp brochures for programs at Lutheridge and Lutherock. The brochures can be found on the Youth bulletin board. You are encouraged to look at a brochure or visit their website ( to see the many opportunities for children, youth and families to have a fun, faith-filled experience. Since the camps and this congregation offer scholarship help, finances do not need to be an obstacle. Early bird discounts are available, if you register by March 15. Join the middle schoolers, Pastor Angela and Shea the week of June 14 - 20 at Lutheridge. All who hunger and thirst for a deeper spiritual life are welcome. PAGE 4 PAGE 9 SMITHFIELD ELEMENTARY SERVICE PROJECT Our Middle and High School Youth Groups recently completed a service project benefiting Smithfield Elementary School. We created and delivered 80 homemade Valentine boxes filled with Hershey Kisses for the teachers and staff to enjoy. Thanks go to Thrivent, Robin LaFollette, Shea Berbaum, Karen Kaufeld, Joy Forester, and the youth for participating in this outreach ministry! . WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room We are studying "Manna and Mercy" by Daniel Erlander. He tells the story of God found in the pages of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. For information on study, Go to the web site WOMEN OF THE ELCA Activities for March Quilt Workshop Thursday, March 12, at 10:00 am Cutting batting & backings to size Assembling quilt layers Cutting squares for more quilts Flat sheets needed! New or gently used…any size Collection box on counter in Fellowship Hall Hope Circle SMITHFIELD OPPORTUNITIES Thank you to all who supported our Smithfield Elementary partnership in 2014. They are extremely thankful for all the ways we have supported the staff and students. So what is next? Wanted to give you a heads up on some projects that are coming up: *Learning Materials: Leader - Moss Hathcock *Spring Break Meals for at risk families: Leaders - Jerry and Tissie Littlejohn *Tennis Ball collection for classrooms: Leader - Caren Ballantine *Fun Run- There are three ways we can support this: *providing volunteers for the actual event on April 25 *providing gift items to be used as raffle prizes *sponsorships to help financially support the event starting at $25 We are building a great team of volunteers. We literally have church members in the school every week, in addition to the special projects. If you are interested in any of these projects or have an idea of your own of how we can support the staff and/or students, please let me know! If you want to work directly with the students, remember you have to register online as a CMS volunteer first. Caren Ballantine NC WOMEN OF THE ELCA INVITE YOU TO JOIN US LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF VOLUNTEER DAY 4 Days - September 24-27, 2015 This 4-day tour, arranged by Christian Tours includes 3 buffet breakfasts, 1 lunch and 2 dinners. On September 24, we will travel to Timonium, Maryland in a deluxe air-conditioned motorcoach (stopping in the DC/Baltimore area for shopping along the way), for our three-night stay. On September 25, after a breakfast buffet, we will go to New Windsor, MD, home of the Lutheran World Relief Center, for a day of volunteer activities, breaking for lunch and followed by a tour of the campus. All of us will have the opportunity to help at each location during the day. In the afternoon, we will go to the gift shop, before leaving the campus. In the evening we will have dinner in one of the area’s favorite restaurants. On the 26th following breakfast, we’ll travel into Baltimore to visit Zion Church, a bilingual ELCA congregation; then board a Spirit cruise ship for a tour and lunch, followed by free time to shop in stores of Inner Harbor….then a dinner feast. September 27 will include breakfast, morning worship at Washington Nathioal Cathedral and a tour through the capital before our journey home. Details about the Lutheran World Relief Volunteer Day 4-day trip are posted on the Kiosk in the fellowship area, including cost per person (and early booking discounts).and information on to whom you mail reservations and payments. To access this information online, you can first Google Lutheran World Relief Volunteer Day and then click on the section entitled, “Download the Brochure - NC Women of the ELCA.” If you have questions, you may contact Terri Brown at (704) 213-4202 or [email protected]. Pastor Angela is planning to go on the 4-day tour and will be taking her mother along with her. Please let Pastor know, if you are interested in participating. PAGE 8 Books are $8.00 and can be purchased in the church office. However, it is not necessary to have a book to be a part of our group study. Please join us. Everyone is welcome!! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Janet Mayer at [email protected] Thursday, March 19, at 1:00 pm Book discussion: Wild by Cheryl Strayed Plus, a devotion about the “Bold Life of Katie Luther” Looking Ahead: Spring Gathering – April 18 at Morningstar Lutheran (Look for registration form on kiosk) WELCA Sunday at LSLC – April 19 Guest preacher – Pastor Ruth Ann Sipe Thankoffering collection All women are welcome to join in any of our activities! Alice Jenkins ([email protected]) “PRIMETIMERS” EASTER EGG HUNT Please join us for lunch March 28 10:00– 12:00 Wednesday, March 18 11:30 a.m. at Wan Fu Quality Chinese Cuisine 10719 Kettering Drive Charlotte, N.C. 28226 Bring a dozen filled eggs by March 22 (place in bin in fellowship hall) On March 28, bring a dozen boiled eggs in the shell for the children to dye Always good food and great fellowship Ages 50 and above are welcome!! Suggestions or Questions? Contact Dawn Gibson at 704-542-1740 [email protected] Bring a basket to hold your goodies, yourself, your friends, your family. All ages are welcome! (those under 5, we ask a parent/grandparent to stay and help guide them through the activities. Questions? Please call the church office 704-542-3626. PAGE 5 MAKE AN IMPACT WITH THRIVENT ACTION TEAMS LSLC YOUTH What is your passion? Thrivent Action Teams are a new way for Thrivent members, their friends, family and church community to get involved to make a difference. The project should bring people together for a onetime fundraiser, service activity or educational event that can be completed within 90 days. & FAMILY Getting Started: A member identifies an unmet need and completes an online application at team. Once approved, the member will receive an action kit in the mail, complete with promotional signage, T-shirts and resources to make the project a success. It comes with a Community Impact Card with $250.00 seed money to help cover some of the project costs like promotional, material and rental expenses — not intended to be used as a gift or grant—but to inspire people to take action and together make a bigger impact. We have used funds at LSLC for: Sub Sandwiches, Spay-ghetti Dinner, Smithfield, Salvation Army Stockings, Prayer Shawl Ministry and Living Waters in Cherokee. If you are not a Thrivent member and would like to learn more about membership and all the benefits, visit to find a Thrivent Financial representative near you. BLESSED TO BLESS OTHERS Yes, what a blessing our Prayer Shawl Ministry received from Caren Ballantine and Kathy Ballantine so that we might bless others! Caren and Kathy presented our group with a $250.00 Thrivent gift card to spend on yarn to make our prayer shawls. Monday, February 2nd, Caren, Kathy, Jean Dunne, Gail Fay, Shallen Gordon, Tissie Littlejohn, Jan Sundberg and I met at Michaels at Stonecrest and had the best time choosing yarn to make prayer shawls for this year. (They were having a great sale, so we were able to buy more yarn!) Thanks to their love and generosity, we were able to purchase yarn for at least 18 prayer shawls. Our group is well stocked with yarn for this year to provide for the needs of our church family. Last year we provided 28. Welcome to the season of Lent. Lent is a time of reflection and contemplation that often gets missed in the busy day to day operations of family life. When do we have time to add in Lenten disciplines in our lives? To help answer this question, I hope you will check out the LSLC Youth and Family Blog and Facebook page this month. Every week there will be a new post on Lenten disciplines that are easy to do with the family at home. Our confirmation students are participating in a Mentoring program all throughout Lent. They will be studying the Lord’s Prayer with adult mentors, outside of the family unit, and learning how Jesus’ famous prayer teaches us how to pray every day. Please pray for our confirmation students and their mentors as they journey together through this season. Youth and Family Dates: February 18 - April 5: Confirmation Mentoring season. March 4, 11, 18, 25: Lenten Worship Service “Prayer Around the Cross” March 1: All youth (grades 6-12) at 4:00 p.m. March 8: Christian Education Visioning Team Meeting following Worship All Youth (grades 6-12) at 4:00p.m. March 14: Kids in Christ and young Kids in Christ at Bright Blessings. Contact Pastor Angela, Shea Berbaum, or the church office to RSVP We would love to have new members. We meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the church. Please join us! March 15: 1st communion classes available during SS hour Middle School Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Jeanne Davis ([email protected] and the Prayer Shawl Ministry March 22: High School Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. March 29: Palm Sunday No Youth THE ADULT FAITH FORUM CLASS has two more sessions of The Greatest Story: Bible Peace and Blessings, Introduction, and then on March 15, we will begin a wonderful Lenten journey using Adam Hamilton’s study series, The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. Using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith, the study will follow in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry, including the people he loved, the parables he taught, the enemies he made, and the healing he brought. Shea Berbaum The six study sessions include: Prologue: John the Baptist and Jesus Baptism and Temptation: The Jordan River and the Wilderness Proclaiming the Kingdom: The Mountains Calming the Storm: The Sea of Galilee Sinners, Outcasts, and the Poor: Samaria The Final Week: Jerusalem Please feel free to join the class for any or all of the sessions, as you are able. The class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. FaIth O R U m S CAMPFIRMATION—Summer Camp at Lutheridge for our Middle School students. All middle school confirmation students are asked to attend one week of summer camp. This year we will be going with the other 5 churches in our “cluster” to learn together and have fun together the week of June 14-20. We will leave the church following worship, and be back on Saturday mid-day. The church pays ½ of the cost of camp and other scholarship money is available. Questions? See Pastor. Deadline to register is MARCH 8. Don’t be late! Trudy Haseley, Coordinator PAGE 6 PAGE 7 MAKE AN IMPACT WITH THRIVENT ACTION TEAMS LSLC YOUTH What is your passion? Thrivent Action Teams are a new way for Thrivent members, their friends, family and church community to get involved to make a difference. The project should bring people together for a onetime fundraiser, service activity or educational event that can be completed within 90 days. & FAMILY Getting Started: A member identifies an unmet need and completes an online application at team. Once approved, the member will receive an action kit in the mail, complete with promotional signage, T-shirts and resources to make the project a success. It comes with a Community Impact Card with $250.00 seed money to help cover some of the project costs like promotional, material and rental expenses — not intended to be used as a gift or grant—but to inspire people to take action and together make a bigger impact. We have used funds at LSLC for: Sub Sandwiches, Spay-ghetti Dinner, Smithfield, Salvation Army Stockings, Prayer Shawl Ministry and Living Waters in Cherokee. If you are not a Thrivent member and would like to learn more about membership and all the benefits, visit to find a Thrivent Financial representative near you. BLESSED TO BLESS OTHERS Yes, what a blessing our Prayer Shawl Ministry received from Caren Ballantine and Kathy Ballantine so that we might bless others! Caren and Kathy presented our group with a $250.00 Thrivent gift card to spend on yarn to make our prayer shawls. Monday, February 2nd, Caren, Kathy, Jean Dunne, Gail Fay, Shallen Gordon, Tissie Littlejohn, Jan Sundberg and I met at Michaels at Stonecrest and had the best time choosing yarn to make prayer shawls for this year. (They were having a great sale, so we were able to buy more yarn!) Thanks to their love and generosity, we were able to purchase yarn for at least 18 prayer shawls. Our group is well stocked with yarn for this year to provide for the needs of our church family. Last year we provided 28. Welcome to the season of Lent. Lent is a time of reflection and contemplation that often gets missed in the busy day to day operations of family life. When do we have time to add in Lenten disciplines in our lives? To help answer this question, I hope you will check out the LSLC Youth and Family Blog and Facebook page this month. Every week there will be a new post on Lenten disciplines that are easy to do with the family at home. Our confirmation students are participating in a Mentoring program all throughout Lent. They will be studying the Lord’s Prayer with adult mentors, outside of the family unit, and learning how Jesus’ famous prayer teaches us how to pray every day. Please pray for our confirmation students and their mentors as they journey together through this season. Youth and Family Dates: February 18 - April 5: Confirmation Mentoring season. March 4, 11, 18, 25: Lenten Worship Service “Prayer Around the Cross” March 1: All youth (grades 6-12) at 4:00 p.m. March 8: Christian Education Visioning Team Meeting following Worship All Youth (grades 6-12) at 4:00p.m. March 14: Kids in Christ and young Kids in Christ at Bright Blessings. Contact Pastor Angela, Shea Berbaum, or the church office to RSVP We would love to have new members. We meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the church. Please join us! March 15: 1st communion classes available during SS hour Middle School Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Jeanne Davis ([email protected] and the Prayer Shawl Ministry March 22: High School Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. March 29: Palm Sunday No Youth THE ADULT FAITH FORUM CLASS has two more sessions of The Greatest Story: Bible Peace and Blessings, Introduction, and then on March 15, we will begin a wonderful Lenten journey using Adam Hamilton’s study series, The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. Using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith, the study will follow in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry, including the people he loved, the parables he taught, the enemies he made, and the healing he brought. Shea Berbaum The six study sessions include: Prologue: John the Baptist and Jesus Baptism and Temptation: The Jordan River and the Wilderness Proclaiming the Kingdom: The Mountains Calming the Storm: The Sea of Galilee Sinners, Outcasts, and the Poor: Samaria The Final Week: Jerusalem Please feel free to join the class for any or all of the sessions, as you are able. The class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. FaIth O R U m S CAMPFIRMATION—Summer Camp at Lutheridge for our Middle School students. All middle school confirmation students are asked to attend one week of summer camp. This year we will be going with the other 5 churches in our “cluster” to learn together and have fun together the week of June 14-20. We will leave the church following worship, and be back on Saturday mid-day. The church pays ½ of the cost of camp and other scholarship money is available. Questions? See Pastor. Deadline to register is MARCH 8. Don’t be late! Trudy Haseley, Coordinator PAGE 6 PAGE 7 SMITHFIELD ELEMENTARY SERVICE PROJECT Our Middle and High School Youth Groups recently completed a service project benefiting Smithfield Elementary School. We created and delivered 80 homemade Valentine boxes filled with Hershey Kisses for the teachers and staff to enjoy. Thanks go to Thrivent, Robin LaFollette, Shea Berbaum, Karen Kaufeld, Joy Forester, and the youth for participating in this outreach ministry! . WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room We are studying "Manna and Mercy" by Daniel Erlander. He tells the story of God found in the pages of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. For information on study, Go to the web site WOMEN OF THE ELCA Activities for March Quilt Workshop Thursday, March 12, at 10:00 am Cutting batting & backings to size Assembling quilt layers Cutting squares for more quilts Flat sheets needed! New or gently used…any size Collection box on counter in Fellowship Hall Hope Circle SMITHFIELD OPPORTUNITIES Thank you to all who supported our Smithfield Elementary partnership in 2014. They are extremely thankful for all the ways we have supported the staff and students. So what is next? Wanted to give you a heads up on some projects that are coming up: *Learning Materials: Leader - Moss Hathcock *Spring Break Meals for at risk families: Leaders - Jerry and Tissie Littlejohn *Tennis Ball collection for classrooms: Leader - Caren Ballantine *Fun Run- There are three ways we can support this: *providing volunteers for the actual event on April 25 *providing gift items to be used as raffle prizes *sponsorships to help financially support the event starting at $25 We are building a great team of volunteers. We literally have church members in the school every week, in addition to the special projects. If you are interested in any of these projects or have an idea of your own of how we can support the staff and/or students, please let me know! If you want to work directly with the students, remember you have to register online as a CMS volunteer first. Caren Ballantine NC WOMEN OF THE ELCA INVITE YOU TO JOIN US LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF VOLUNTEER DAY 4 Days - September 24-27, 2015 This 4-day tour, arranged by Christian Tours includes 3 buffet breakfasts, 1 lunch and 2 dinners. On September 24, we will travel to Timonium, Maryland in a deluxe air-conditioned motorcoach (stopping in the DC/Baltimore area for shopping along the way), for our three-night stay. On September 25, after a breakfast buffet, we will go to New Windsor, MD, home of the Lutheran World Relief Center, for a day of volunteer activities, breaking for lunch and followed by a tour of the campus. All of us will have the opportunity to help at each location during the day. In the afternoon, we will go to the gift shop, before leaving the campus. In the evening we will have dinner in one of the area’s favorite restaurants. On the 26th following breakfast, we’ll travel into Baltimore to visit Zion Church, a bilingual ELCA congregation; then board a Spirit cruise ship for a tour and lunch, followed by free time to shop in stores of Inner Harbor….then a dinner feast. September 27 will include breakfast, morning worship at Washington Nathioal Cathedral and a tour through the capital before our journey home. Details about the Lutheran World Relief Volunteer Day 4-day trip are posted on the Kiosk in the fellowship area, including cost per person (and early booking discounts).and information on to whom you mail reservations and payments. To access this information online, you can first Google Lutheran World Relief Volunteer Day and then click on the section entitled, “Download the Brochure - NC Women of the ELCA.” If you have questions, you may contact Terri Brown at (704) 213-4202 or [email protected]. Pastor Angela is planning to go on the 4-day tour and will be taking her mother along with her. Please let Pastor know, if you are interested in participating. PAGE 8 Books are $8.00 and can be purchased in the church office. However, it is not necessary to have a book to be a part of our group study. Please join us. Everyone is welcome!! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Janet Mayer at [email protected] Thursday, March 19, at 1:00 pm Book discussion: Wild by Cheryl Strayed Plus, a devotion about the “Bold Life of Katie Luther” Looking Ahead: Spring Gathering – April 18 at Morningstar Lutheran (Look for registration form on kiosk) WELCA Sunday at LSLC – April 19 Guest preacher – Pastor Ruth Ann Sipe Thankoffering collection All women are welcome to join in any of our activities! Alice Jenkins ([email protected]) “PRIMETIMERS” EASTER EGG HUNT Please join us for lunch March 28 10:00– 12:00 Wednesday, March 18 11:30 a.m. at Wan Fu Quality Chinese Cuisine 10719 Kettering Drive Charlotte, N.C. 28226 Bring a dozen filled eggs by March 22 (place in bin in fellowship hall) On March 28, bring a dozen boiled eggs in the shell for the children to dye Always good food and great fellowship Ages 50 and above are welcome!! Suggestions or Questions? Contact Dawn Gibson at 704-542-1740 [email protected] Bring a basket to hold your goodies, yourself, your friends, your family. All ages are welcome! (those under 5, we ask a parent/grandparent to stay and help guide them through the activities. Questions? Please call the church office 704-542-3626. PAGE 5 THE PIGS ARE HERE! THE PIGS ARE HERE! EASTER LILIES It has been our tradition at Living Saviour to have Easter lilies adorn our worship space on Easter morning. Lilies are again being offered this year for $9.50 each. These beautiful flowers are provided by King’s Greenhouse which is owned by Larry & Jean Leonard. Order blanks will be in the bulletin, and on the board near the flower chart in the Gathering Area. Checks should be made out to LSLC with a notation on the memo line of “Easter Lily”. Completed orders can be placed in the offering plate or in the Gathering Area. The deadline to order is March 16th. This is a great way to remember or honor someone special, in addition to adding such beauty to our sanctuary. In 2014 the members of Living Saviour supported the “Buck a Chick” to purchase 500 chickens at $1 each through ELCA Good Gifts program to help stamp out world hunger. This year we hope you will support an effort to buy PIGS! Just $30 can provide a piglet to a family in need. When this little piggy grows up, she will give birth to as many as 16 piglets each year! Pigs help fertilize fields, provide food to eat and can be sold at market for much needed income. What a difference a piglet can make! We are asking each family (or a group of people) to set a goal over the next 10 weeks (that’s just $3/week) to provide a blessing to these families that have so many needs. We are offering an adorable piggy bank for you to save your money in. The banks will be collected with our offering on Easter Sunday, April 5. Piggy banks were distributed February 1. If you need a bank, one is available on the Welcome table in the entrance. Be CREATIVE! We have members taking them to work to get support from co-workers, hosting pig pickings and asking guests to bring a donation toward buying a pig; grandparents are sending banks to their grandchildren to encourage them to join in the fun! During the season of Lent we are asked to focus on all the blessings God has given us and how we can be a blessing to others through sacrificial giving. Our goal is to be able to provide a minimum of 100 pigs! (Just think, next year that would be 1600 pigs!) We hope you will help us fill God’s global barnyard! Questions? Contact anyone on the Stewardship Team: Caren Ballantine, Steve Westphal, Marty Jenkins, Pastor Angela LENTEN PRAYER DISCIPLINE Pastor Angela invites you to a Lenten discipline of reading a book on prayer written by an ELCA bishop, Michael Rineheart, titled, Learning to Pray Again: Peace and Joy through an Ancient Practice. It is available through Amazon as a paperback book or a Kindle book. The Kindle edition is $2.99 and you don't have to have a kindle to read it electronically, as a Kindle App is available for computer or other tablet devices. The paperback book is $8.99. Remember to sign up and use Amazon Smile ( benefitting Living Saviour Lutheran Church, if you do place an order. This book is designed for 40 days of reading, and Pastor will be reading it, trying the ways of prayer each day, and will have some opportunities to gather and discuss what you experienced. The ELCA has provided an opportunity for its leaders to be healthy by having monetary incentives for completing healthy activities. This year, prayer for 40 days is one of the options. You can help Pastor earn her wellness dollars by reading and praying with her. Support and encouragement are welcome and appreciated. You can also start the reading at any time during Lent. Pastor will gather with any interested persons on Thursday evenings at 7:00 on February 26, March 12, and March 26; and the same discussion on Sunday mornings following worship on March 8 and 22. Come to one session, come to them all; each stands alone and will simply be a discussion of how it is going trying something new or old as a Lenten discipline. PRAYING FOR POSSIBILITIES Our Mission is to Grow God’s kingdom through the power of prayer. We pray for the possibilities that can happen in and of our building; for all the people volunteering, working and participating here, activities for all, visitors and those that God gathers and the opportunities for witnessing. Ideally, we walk the property to pray for the possibilities that can happen in each place. If you cannot walk it or be there with us, we have made booklets with pictures for you to use. So, please join us! For more information, contact [email protected] March “Weekly Prayer Teams” 3/1-3/7 3/8-3/14 3/15-3/21 3/22-3/28 3/29-4/4 George Goodman and Greg Baird Janet Wagstaff and Glenda Kilminster Corky Carver and Jan Sundberg Marty Jenkins and Rufus Gregory Lynn Stephens and Janet Mayer NOVUSWAY MINISTRIES 2015 Summer Camp SOUL FEAST Soul Feast, by Marjorie Thompson has been around for 20+ years and is a practical book on how and why to do Faith Practices. Fridays at 9:30 a.m. for about 90 minutes, a group is forming to read and PRACTICE these faith forming practices. Anyone interested in finding out more should see Pastor Angela for the details. We have received 2015 summer camp brochures for programs at Lutheridge and Lutherock. The brochures can be found on the Youth bulletin board. You are encouraged to look at a brochure or visit their website ( to see the many opportunities for children, youth and families to have a fun, faith-filled experience. Since the camps and this congregation offer scholarship help, finances do not need to be an obstacle. Early bird discounts are available, if you register by March 15. Join the middle schoolers, Pastor Angela and Shea the week of June 14 - 20 at Lutheridge. All who hunger and thirst for a deeper spiritual life are welcome. PAGE 4 PAGE 9 KIDS IN CHRIST BE JOYFUL IN THE LORD The people served by Lutheran Services Carolinas have experienced many hardships. The theme for LSC’s emphasis month, Be Joyful in the Lord, encourages us to recognize and share God’s joy with all people. During the month of March, the ministries of Lutheran Services Carolinas are celebrated in congregations across North Carolina. Services offered include Lutheran Disaster Response, foster care, adoption, refugee resettlement, veterans services, mental health services, counseling, supportive housing, residential services for adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities, and transitional living for homeless adults with traumatic brain injury and/or severe and persistent mental illness. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the work of LSC Child and Family Services, make checks payable to Lutheran Services Carolinas and write “Child and Family Month” on the memo line. Contributions may be mailed to P.O. Box 947, Salisbury, NC 28145, or made securely online at 1st - 5th graders Saturday, March 14 BRIGHT BLESSINGS Mission To Make Birthday Packages For Homeless Children Meet at church at 11:30 a.m. –pick up at 1:45 p.m. Leaving church at 11:40 a.m. $10.00 donation per child……or $5.00 if you have more than 1 child Destination: The Giving Village at Bright Blessings 608-A Matthews Mint Hill Road Matthews, NC 28105 Needed: drivers and Youth helpers SERVING ROOM IN THE INN THIS MONTH AT LIVING SAVIOUR DATE GREETER SAT. BUS PICKUP SUN. MORNING BED SETUP Feb.28- Bill and Mar. 2 Corky Carver Caren MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM Mar. 7-9 Andrew and Amanda Alice Thom 10 A.M. ADULT TEAM MEAL SERVICE SUN. BUS DRIVER OVERNIGHT HOSTS MONDAY BUS DRIVER DRIVER PICKUP FOOD PROVIDER M AND F: J.Sundberg Brian and Pastor Angela Powell Bill Carver M: Tissie and Jerry Littlejohn Larry Wagstaff Corky Carver Bill Carver Corky Carver Sally Ganz Larry and Janet Wagstaff HIGH SCHOOL TEAM M AND F: Ellers and Haseleys Mike Michael Mar. 21- Brian and 23 Pastor Angela Nancy Powell 11:15 ADULT TEAM M and F: Geraldine and Pastor Jay H. Sherry W. Nancy N. Brian Powell Mar. 28- Ron and 30 Shallen Gordon Alice ALL M:Sherry & Cathy AVAILABLE MaryAnn E. Williams HELP F: 10 A.M. New South Nancy PAGE 10 Mike and Laura Michael Larry Wagstaff Caren Ballantine Tissie Littlejohn Janet Wagstaff W: Alice Jenkins Kathy Sullivan L: Jean Dunne Mike Michael Laura Michael W: Alice Jenkins Elaine Horack L: Linda Honeycutt Pastor and Brian Brian Powell Powell Alice Jenkins W: Nancy Nein PROVIDE BAG LUNCHES L. Margaret Conrad F: Jersey Mike’s Mar. 14- David and 16 Nancy Nein MONDAY WRAP-UP AND LAUNDRY Alice Jenkins Pastor Angela Caren Ballantine W: Nancy Nein L:M.A. Eller/J. Sundberg Sandra Sample ALL Margaret AVAILABLE Krause TEAM MEMBERS There is a 25 child limit, counting the youth! RSVP or questions: Call the church office (704-542-3626) by Monday, March 2 LSLC EASTER FOOD COLLECTION FOR SMITHFIELD BACKPACK STUDENT FAMILIES LSLC is again planning to provide nutrition support for approximately 10 of the Smithfield Backpack Program students and their families, this time during the Easter holiday week. The LSLC outpouring of support for the Thanksgiving food drive was extremely successful, and the need was obviously great. The goal again is to supply food items for those families that otherwise will have little food for the nine day holiday week. Below are some suggestions of what could be donated, but any items will be appreciated. Collection boxes are located in the Fellowship Hall now and through Sunday, March 29th. Financial contributions are also welcome so we can purchase perishable and/or gift cards just before we deliver Easter week. Breakfast items — (cereals, cereal bars, granola bars, instant oatmeal and/or grits packets, muffins, bagels, jelly, coffee, milk Lunch items — Macaroni and cheese boxes, Ramen noodles, soups, ravioli/spaghetti/chili, sandwich thins, cheese Dinner items — Canned tuna fish, canned chicken, canned vegetables, canned fruits, pasta, pasta sauce, instant potatoes, bread Snack foods / beverages / dessert items — Apples and oranges (bags), raisins, dried fruit, fruit/ applesauce cups, microwave popcorn, nuts, trail mix, peanut butter and cheese crackers, dried meat/jerky sticks, pretzels/chips, boxes of crackers, cookies, cakes, water, sodas Note: Perishable items show in italics—please donate these during the last week before Easter. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Jerry and Tissie Littlejohn at [email protected] PAGE 3 CONTINUING OUR JOURNEY TO EASTER The season of Lent has been labeled as a “Journey to Easter.” It is a time of preparation for that most joyful day of days. Each worship experience is not an end to the journey, but rather a “mile marker” on our pilgrimage. Each Sunday morning during Lent our worship concludes in silence, with no Sending Song and no organ postlude. This is done to symbolically convey the feeling that each time of worship is not ended, we have not reached the end of our journey, but rather, as a congregation, we continue toward our Easter destination each time we gather. As part of the journey to Easter, Lenten sermons will focus on “Signs of Lent” - such as U-Turn, Stop, One-Way… LIVING SAVIOUR LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL The Preschool has openings for the current school year for all ages. We have also begun registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Living Saviour Church members receive free registration ($100.00 value). Registration forms are available online ( We are opening our Summer Camp to children who will be completing Kindergarten or First Grade this school year. Please tell your friends and we welcome back previous students!! Spots are limited. If you have Questions, please call Jessica Jordan, Preschool Director, at 704-542-9110. Wednesday evenings from 6:00-6:30 will be a Lenten worship experience, “Prayer Around the Cross.” It is a service of singing and prayer. Palm Sunday, March 29 Maundy Thursday, April 2 Good Friday, April 3 Easter Sunday, April 5 Worship Service at 10:15 a.m. Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Worship at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. Worship Service at 8:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday or on the Sunday after.Easter. The next meeting of Church Council will be Sunday, March 15, at 11:45 a.m. We invite you to come and experience the road and the journey that ends at the tomb. We hope you will invite a friend to come and experience the journey as well. 2015 CHURCH COUNCIL Pastor Angela FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES COMING UP SOON The Child in Our Hands will celebrate First Communion on Easter Sunday, April 5, with those children that complete First Communion instruction with Pastor Angela and Shea. Teaching times will be on Sunday, March 15 and 22 from 9:15 to 10:00 for children with their parents/guardian. This is designed for any child older than 5. Families make the decision when their child receives first communion instruction, with a typical child being about 7 years of age; but when a child younger than 5 reaches for a wafer, it indicates a conversation with the child, family, and Pastor might be advisable. Holy Communion is the meal of the baptized and is available for children at the age their family determines is best. If you have a child age 5 or older and you think he/she is ready to learn about the sacrament of Holy Communion, please contact Caren Ballantine 704-552-6412 or [email protected] to register for the instruction classes. MOVIE NIGHT AT THE CHURCH Saturday, March 21, 6:30 p.m. Join Pastor and Brian as we view a movie about sin and forgiveness. The Railway Man, starring Colin Firth as a veteran of World War Two who seeks to overcome the trauma of the Prisoner of War Camp he endured in the Pacific Theater. Note: This is a “R” rated movie with mature themes, and some graphic violence. It is 108 minutes long. Bring a snack to share. Pastor will have lemonade, tea, water, coffee. We will have a time of discussion following the movie. PAGE 2 President - C.D. Hathcock Vice President - Caren Ballantine Secretary - Lillian Stephens Treasurer - Steve Westphal Council Members and Area of Responsibility Caren Ballantine - Stewardship Russell Bowman - Worship and Music Russell Hinson - Lay Care/Youth Laurie Markusen - Samaritan Ministries Kari Proctor - Christian Education Sally Ganz - Communication Chuck Lyle - Property Bruce Melosh - Personnel Lillian Stephens - Fellowship LIVING SAVIOUR CHURCH STAFF The Reverend Angela K. Powell, Pastor Mr. Don Huff, Minister of Worship and Music Mr. Shea Berbaum, Director of Youth and Family Ministries Ms. Nancy Mersereau, Organist and Music Assistant Ms. Trudy Haseley, Office Administrator Ms. Sherry Wooldridge, Office Administrator Ms. Carla Gearheart, Childcare Provider 6817 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 Telephone: 704-542-3626 We’re Living Saviour Lutheran Church on Facebook PAGE 11 The InnerNet March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9:15 a.m. SS and FF 10:15 a.m.Worship Service 11:30 Blessing of the Hands 11:45 Children’s Choirs 11:45 Jubilate Bells 4:00 p.m. All Youth 10:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. RITI 2 3 6:00 pm Brownies 4 10:00 a.m. 5 6 7 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts Den Mtg 7:00 p.m. Forward Together 6:30-8:30 Carmel Village II (Educ.Rm) Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Praying with Scripture 6:00p.m. Lenten Service 6:45 - 9:00 p.m. Choirs 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 10:15am Bridge group 8 Daylight Savings Time Begins Girl Scout Sunday 9:00 a.m. Jubilate Bells Reh. 9:15 a.m. SS & Faith Forum 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 -Childrens Choirs 11:30 Lenten Discipline Prayer 4:00 p.m. All Youth 9 10 11 10:00 a.m. 6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts Parents’ Meeting 7:00 a.m. 13 Men’s Bible Study Preschool Closed 10:00 a.m. Quilt workshop 10:15a.m.BridgeGroup 6:00p.m. Lenten Service 7:00 p.m. Lenten Prayer Discipline 6:45-9:00 p.m. Choirs 14 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts Den Meeting 6:30-8:30 Carmel Village (F.H.) Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Praying with Scripture 11:30 a.m. Kids in Christ to go to Bright Blessings 15 9:15 a.m. SS & FF 16 17 18 19 7:00 a.m. 21 First Communion Instruction 10:15 a.m.Worship Service 11:15 Children’s Choirs 11:45 Church Council 4:00 p.m. MS Youth 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:00-7:00 pm Brownie Troop Men’s Bible Study 10:15am Bridge group 6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts # 165 6:45 Cub Scouts Den Meeting 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 11:30 Primetimers Wan Fu Chinese Cuisine 1:00 p.m. PWS 6:00p.m. Lenten Service 6:45-9:00 p.m. Choirs 22 9:00 a,m.Children’s Choirs 23 6:00-8:00 p.m. 24 25 10:00 a.m. 26 7:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. SS & Faith Forum First Communion Instruction Carmel Crossing HOA 6:45 a.m. Boy Scouts #165 Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Praying with Scripture 6:00 p.m. Lenten Service 6:45-9:00 Choirs Men’s Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts #265 Pack Meeting. 1 6:45 Boy Scouts #165 10:00 a.m.-6:00a.m. RITI 11:30 Lenten Prayer Discipline 4:00 p.m. HS Youth 10:00 a.m.-6:00am Room In The Inn 29 Palm Sunday 9:15 a.m. SS & FF 10:15 a.m. Worship 11:45 a.m. Jubilate Bells 3/1 3/2 3/3 6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts #165 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/9 3/9 3/11 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/18 3/18 Elaine Hazen Roger Kurth Ann Chriske Nicky Sample Joel Patterson Bailey Biggs John Farris Ashlyn Cicuzza-Beach Linda Lyle Keith Falls Cardon Hawley Madeline Buff Kenneth Cochran Michael Frixen Carolyn Grizer John Williams Margorie Sahr Eric Forster Emma Cunningham Joyce Godwin 6:30 p.m. Saturday Movie Night at the Church “The Railway Man” 1:00 p.m. Hope Circle 7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts Parent/Leader Meeting 10:15am Bridge group 7:00 p.m. Lenten Prayer Discipline March 2015 27 28 10:00 a.m. Egg Hunt All Ages Welcome! Under 5, accompanied by an adult. 31 30 March Birthdays 20 L I V I N G 6:00 p.m. Brownie Troop #1686 6:45 p.m. Cub Scouts Den Meeting 3/19 Michael Butterworth Hanna Miller Irmgard Schildroth 3/20 Kathy Gaddis Harry Gibson 3/21 Deb Borley 3/24 Alan Conley Dominique Greve 3/25 Preston Gist 3/26 Wendi Mayer 3/28 P.J. Krause 3/30 Cindy Bergh Chad Coltrane Anthony Kerby Mark Walker 3/31 Cindy Buff March Anniversaries 3/7 Bob and Donna Loges 3/11 Marty and Alice Jenkins 3/25 Chad and Tami Coltrane If you notice any errors or omissions, please contact the church office so that our records can be updated. PAGE 12 A community of disciples in service to the Living Savior Lay Care Ministry Lay Care ministry touches so many lives in our church family and in our community. So many people participate in the Lay Care ministries and we want to bless you each year, as you do the work of being God’s hands and feet in this world. A time of blessing the hands will be held March 1 following worship in the Fellowship Hall. If you participate in the lay care ministry, come and have your hands blessed. S A V I O U R L U T H E R A N C H U R C H “Living Saviour welcomes people to Jesus Christ, God’s Work: Our Hands equips them to grow in faith, and sends them to serve others.” FORWARD TOGETHER, IN CHRIST, IN COMMUNITY We are going forward together, in Christ, and in community. That is the focus of the team of folks -- Greg Funk, Corker Carver, Chad Coltrane, CD Hathcock, Pastor Angela, Janet Wagstaff and Steve Westphal - - moving forward, not alone, but as a congregation; not alone, but anchored in Christ, and not alone, but in the community of faith — and in the community in which we find ourselves. Community is the last part of the Forward Together logo and team’s mission. Community is defined as a group of people in the same area, or as a group of people with a common interest or background or history. Living Saviour is all of those! We have a common history, a shared interest in Christ and passing on the things of the faith. We are also in an area of Charlotte, placed here 35+ years ago, once mostly from within a close proximity, but now more diversely spread. Our community is no longer the Carmel Road/Hwy 51 corridor, but is now from Union County to South Carolina, to near South Park Mall to Huntersville! We are now a regional church, one people drive some distance to reach. But that doesn’t excuse us from being part of the community around the church. We have houses, condos, apartments, office buildings, and stores all within a very short radius. We are part of this community, and that brings some responsibility to reach out to the people around us and get to know them. What are their needs? What does this community need that it is lacking? Senior adult care? Inexpensive lunch options for the businesses? After school care? A community gathering place? A place businesses can use for conference space or office space on a short term basis? What is needed in the community that this church can provide? What is God’s dream and how does Living Saviour fulfill that dream? What is God calling us to do and be in the community around the church? How are we to be church to the region and the people who drive to get here? So many questions, which the team is working to discern. We know we have a mission—to be a community of disciples in service to the Living Savior. We know we are a community—brought together by the power of the Holy Spirit, for God, to give glory to God, to serve God and God’s people. The Forward Together Team is seeking to discern what that looks like in this particular location. Pray that we discern what God is calling us to do and be. Pray that as God’s dream becomes apparent, we will be willing, as a community of disciples, to step into God’s dream and live out our calling. We exist for the sake of the world, not for our own sake. We exist because God called this church into being, and we have a mission and a vision and a calling. Let us boldly step into it. Love in Christ, Pastor Angela PAGE 1