- EuroFOX
- EuroFOX
A structured approach to facades Contents Basics of ventilated facades ..................................................................... 3 Building physics Service package Static analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Installation training .................................................................................................................................. 4 Installation plans ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Brackets MacFOX .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 – 7 XFOX ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 – 9 MacWUDI ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 MacUNI .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Project-Checklist ................................................................................................................ 12 Reference projects ......................................................................................................... 13 Fixing systems Metal ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 – 20 ACM ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 – 26 Fibrecement / HPL .......................................................................................................................... 27 – 34 Ceramic / Thin Stone ..................................................................................................................... 35 – 41 Terracotta ............................................................................................................................................... 42 – 49 Render ................................................................................................................................................................... 50 2 Changes reserved. Edition 2007 Advantages of ventilated facades Building physics Rain protector / humidity / dew protector Thermal insulation-Cold Sound insulation Thermal insulation-Heat Thermal expansion Fire safety / lighting arrester Versatile facade design Alignment and levelling Large tolerances www.eurofox.com www.eurofox.com 3 Service package EUROFOX project specific assesment with installation drawing We can create a “project specific” assessment for your scheme – including static calculations. We can provide an installation plan and a EUROFOX components schedule. EUROFOX static analysis ■ Primary fixing dimensions in accordance with local authority regulations and local pull out testing (primary fixing) ■ Verification of flexible points (dynamic load / pressure) and fixed points (deadload, cladding and windloads) ■ Verification of profiles Verification of sliding points input data a n= 1 d = 1,85 cm Szul = 0,80 kN m= 2 f = 3,69 cm L= 3,00 m cantilever length k= 0,435 m effective span a= 1,065 m unit spacing b= 0,60 m � H zul,1 = tension: �f a profile length � W 1, 2 f � � � 0 , 75 � d zul H zul,2 = � zul � W 1 , 2 � �d � 0 , 75 � H zul,D = �f k Example of static Verification of anchor points Dzul = 1,60 kN Zweifeldtr‰ger Felder: 2 0 site: V 40 wind load acc. To ÷N B 4014 / T1 vorh GF I q0= support structure c druck = 1,000 0,81 kN/m� c sog = 1,375 H s = | 0,712 kN | 1,19 kN 60% 1,07 kN 67% � min H s,zul = 0,89 kN 80% vorh H d = | 0,518 kN | g= material: Mustermontage Mustergasse 1 2700 Mustervillage 1,11 kN/m� w= 1,11 kN/m� 0,10 kN/m� Al Mg Si 0,5 F25 H= 0,71 kN G= 0,180 kN e1 = 2,6 cm compression: 2 � 0,54 kN �= �� = H/G= HS / G = 3,954 3,954 34% bolts / rivets 2 verification by the permissible bolt / rivet shear force: v = 0,1667 e = 3,00 cm x= j= fyk = 25,0 kN/cm� �zul = 10,0 kN/cm� �zul = 6,0 kN/cm� 14,6 kN/cm� Hd ,zul, 4 = t � Hd ,zul, N = vorh � A4 zul � Szul * m = 13,04 kN 4% 1,60 kN 32% � H d = 0,52 kN min H d,zul = 1,60 kN 0,500 0,500 number of spans: 2 05.09.2007 results: facadeweight: 1,00 m -0,06 wind: 0,60 m centre distance: -0,06 horizontal: L 40/60/1,8 -0,06 wind load: moment and deflection diagram W u = 1,373 cm� E*I = 3,9760 kNm� 0,00 0,00 W o = 0,305 cm� 0,00 vertical: M zul = 0,137 kNm 0,00 Verification of anchor profiles 0,00 44 cm 107 cm 107 cm 0 cm 44 cm 0,03 0,03 0,541 0,493 system: load: 25% � M zul = 0,137 kNm 49% column: 0,585 0,000 1,00 kN/m� 0,10 kN/m� serviceability: 0,00 0,0027 4 0,128 *b * w * L / (E * I) = 0,6 0,77 mm 0,690 facade load: moment and deflection diagram wind load: 0,00 M St¸tz = 0,067 kNm wind: facadeweight: 0,6 0,6 44 cm 107 cm 0,00 0,00 0,000 0,000 0,00 M zul = 0,137 kNm 0,00 � 0,00 k= 1,065 m 0,435 m 0,00 M Feld = 0,035 kNm 2x 0,00 span: cantilever: 0,6 107 cm 0 cm 44 cm facade load: 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,0027 0,00 kN/m 0,00 kN/m 44 cm 0,00 kN/m 107 cm 0,00 kN/m 107 cm 0 cm 44 cm profile: L-40/60/1,8 stress ratio: support system: MacFox 40 load: EUROFOX installation training ■ We can provide your installation personnel with on-site instruction www.eurofox.com Changes reserved. 56,9% n � D zul G zul,D = dowel w= 2 � �( f � d) � �1 � w� � 1 � � � f 0,0000 0,27 kN 67,7% G zul = 0,27 kN 67,7% � 32% Eurofox - dimensioning 05.09.2007 vertical supporting profile f = 3,69 cm Dzul = 1,60 kN vorh system: 1 verification by the permissible dowel force: A4 = 1,50 cm� � � �e � v � j � � �2 � x 2 0,32 kN 36,0 � � = 1,15 �v,zul = S zul t = 0,25 cm ��= e 1 � 12 Eurofox - dimensioning 4 2 � d � e1 � � � � � 3�� d � � �W � �W �h � � t ,4 � � b,4 1 � G zul,S = 05.09.2007 f= e1 = 2,60 cm � v , zul 80% G zul,4 = f � n � D zul � � d� H s = 0,71 kN h 1 = 6,00 cm d = 1,85 cm 0,89 kN 0,81 kN/m� ws = max max MTA_v-100 company wd = vorh wall weight max V 40 Wt,4 = 0,1667 cm� HPL 6 mm terrain categories date: FP - M /2 Wb,4 = 0,0417 cm� Verification in section 4: loading: facade element 1x W1,2 = 0,1307 cm� system: Nr.: GP - S (horizontal loads only) k STATICAL ANALYSIS 65,17% H: 0,64 kN V: 0,18 kN G = 0,18 kN � min EUROFOX installation plans www.eurofox.com www.eurofox.com 5 Brackets MacFOX MacFOX Bracket sizes Installation | vertical fixing V 40 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 1 Clipped Connection, adjust ■ For initial line and level adjustment the EUROFOX profiles are clipped into the MacFOX-brackets. 2 Final Fixing ■ After adjustment the EUROFOX profiles are fixed to the MacFOX-brackets with screws (or rivets). Round holes and elongated holes in the MacFOX-brackets allow for the creation of both, fixed points (FP) and flexible points (GP) FP GP FP GP Clipped Connection 6 Changes reserved. 1 Final Fixing 2 Structural system 3 MacFOX – fixed point ■ The vertical profile is fixed to the MacFOX support bracket by screws (rivets) through the round holes. The MacFOX bracket absorbs both vertical dead loads and horizontal wind loads. MacFOX MacFOX bracket bracket 5 Structural system vertical fixing ■ Each vertical profile is fixed to one MacFOX fixed point and a number of MacFOX flexible point brackets. As a consequence of thermal expansion, the length of the profiles normally does not exceed the storey height. The bracket spacing is determined by cladding options such as the dimensions and weight of the facade cladding, wind loads and cladding zone. screw screw MACFOX MacFOX flexible GleitGleitpoint punkt punkt HH dowel dowel vertical vertical profile profile MACFOX facade facade element element MacFOX fl exible GleitGleitpoint punkt punkt 3 MacFOX – fixed point 4 MacFOX – flexible point ■ Screws (rivets) fixed through the elongated holes connect the vertical profile to the MacFOX bracket. Consequently, thermal expansion is not constrained by the support system. The MacFOX flexible point bracket absorbs windloads only. storey height Geschoßhöhe GG MACFOX fixed MacFOX Fixpoint Fixpunkt punkt MACFOX MacFOX flexible GleitGleitpoint punkt punkt MacFOX MacFOX bracket bracket screw screw HH MACFOX MacFOX flexible GleitGleitpoint punkt punkt dowel dowel vertical vertical profile profile MacFOX – flexible point facade facade element element 4 vertical section -V- 5 www.eurofox.com -7- 7 Brackets XFOX XFOX Bracket sizes Installation | horizontal fixing V 70 90 120 150 180 1 Clipped Connection, adjust ■ For initial line and level adjustment the EUROFOX profiles are clipped into the XFOX-brackets. 1 Clipped Connection 2 Final Fixing ■ After adjustment the profiles are fixed to the XFOX-brackets with screws (or rivets). Round holes and elongated holes in the XFOX-brackets allow for the creation of both, fixed points (FP) and flexible points (GP). FP FP 8 Changes reserved. GP Final Fixing GP 2 Structural system ca. 3,0 m flXFOX exible point Gleitpunkt flXFOX exible point Gleitpunkt structural system – horizontal fixing fixed XFOX point Fixpunkt flXFOX exible point Gleitpunkt 3 3 Horizontal section ■ flexible point L-profile To enable thermal movements, the horizontal L-profiles are fixed by one XFOX fixed point and a number of XFOX flexible points. flexible point L-profile storey height 4 Vertical section ■ Vertical profiles Each vertical profile is fixed to one horizontal fixed point L-profile and flexible jointed to a number of flexible point L-profiles. The length of vertical profiles should not exceed the storey height. Consequently, thermal expansion is not constrained by the support system. Fixpoint L-profiles Due to the rigid connection, fixed point Lprofiles are able to absorb both, vertical dead loads and horizontal wind loads. Flexible point L-profiles Flexible point L-profiles take wind loads only. flXFOX exible point Gleitpunkt fixed point L-profile flexible point L-profile flexible point L-profile Vertical section 4 www.eurofox.com 9 Brackets MacWUDI MacWUDI compensation of tolerances is an ideal solution for the support of timber battens used for timber cladding (soft and hardwood). For smaller cladding zones, the design easily accommodates any uneveness in the timber and allows the battens to be quickly and accurately lined, levelled and secured. Distance of fixing (a) depends usually on: ■ allowed pulling test of the dowel (substrate) ■ weight / m2 ■ distance from wall = V max. Number of MacFOX/dowels in case of buildings up to 20 m are normaly (windloads acc. DIN) app./m2. (b) = static requirement (c) = panel dimension / grid timber battens distance 10 Changes reserved. Brackets MacUNI compensation of tolerances MacUNI The assembly of MacUNI to MacFOX or XFOX brackets provides an ideal element for the fixing of timber battens where medium to large cladding zones are required. Distance of fixing (a) depends usually on: ■ allowed pulling test of the dowel (substrate) ■ weight / m2 ■ distance from wall = V max. Number of MacFOX/dowels in case of buildings up to 20 m are normally (windloads acc. DIN) app. 2 piece/m2. (b) = static requirement (c) = panel dimension / grid www.eurofox.com 11 Project-Checklist Info from Date Project name Project address Area m2 New building Facade Element Renovation Metal Ceramic Fabricate Compound/ACM Brick Dimension mm HPL Render Weight kg/m2 Thickness mm Fibrecement Fixing method EUROFOX-system Visible Rivets Invisible Mechanical Screws Project data Panel Portrait Adhesive Landscape Other Building Height m1 Windloads Storey Height m1 General kN/m2 Window Height m1 Special kN/m2 Wall condition Other Certified pullout of anchor kN Brick Insulation mm Steel Cavity depth mm Concrete CAD-Plans View of claddings Plan view Arrangement of sheets Client/Architect Installation company Dates Name Name Planning Address Address Offer E-Mail E-Mail Installation Details To provide you with an offer please complete and submit a project checklist, ideally accompanied with elevation and plan AutoCAD drawings, indicating your proposed cladding requirements. This will allow us to prepare a project specific cladding solution, including static calculations, setting out information and overlay drawings for the system and panels. 12 Changes reserved. Reference projects Leatherhead House | Surrey, UK application: Compound material: Etalbond 1500 m2 designed: 2003 Towson University | USA application: Keramik material: Mirage 2000 m2 designed: 2005 Vardo Headquarter | Rumänien application: HPL material: Trespa Meteon 800 m2 designed: 2002 Terrington House Cambridge, UK application: Compound material: Aluminium 500 m2 designed: 2003 LBS Fürstenfeld Österreich application: Glasfaserbeton material: FibreC 700 m2 designed: 2005 www.eurofox.com 13 Fixing systems Metal System MLA-v-100 visible fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section 14 Changes reserved. vertical section System MLA-v-570 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 15 Fixing systems Metal System XLA-h-100 visible fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section 16 Changes reserved. vertical section System MLA-v-400 secret fixing with special profile horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 17 Fixing systems Metal System XLA-h-100 secret fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section 18 Changes reserved. vertical section System MUH-v-200 secret fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 19 Fixing systems Metal System MUH-v-200 secret fixing with nails / screws horizontal section 20 Changes reserved. vertical section ACM System MUK-va-100 visible fixing with aluminium bolts / rivets (screws) horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 21 Fixing systems ACM System MTA-v-400 visible fixing with rivets horizontal section 22 Changes reserved. vertical section System MTA-v-900 visible fixing with rivets horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 23 Fixing systems ACM System MTK-v-900 secret fixing with adhesive system horizontal section 24 Changes reserved. vertical section System MYH-v-900 visible fixing with special profile horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 25 Fixing systems ACM System MYA-v-900 visible fixing with rivets horizontal section 26 Changes reserved. vertical section Fibrecement / HPL System MTA-v-100 visible fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 27 Fixing systems Fibrecement / HPL System MLZ-v-500 visible fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section 28 Changes reserved. vertical section System MTK-v-100 secret fixing with adhesive system horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 29 Fixing systems Fibrecement / HPL System XLZ-h-100 visible fixing with rivets / screws horizontal section 30 Changes reserved. vertical section System MLV/k-v-20 secret fixing with hangers / stud anchors horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 31 Fixing systems Fibrecement / HPL System MLZ/k-v-00 secret fixing with hangers / stud anchors horizontal section 32 Changes reserved. vertical section System XLP-v-300 secret fixing with stud anchors / adhesive system horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 33 Fixing systems Fibrecement / HPL System MWH-h-100 visible fixing with screws horizontal section 34 Changes reserved. vertical section Ceramic / Thin Stone System MTC-v-300 visible fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 35 Fixing systems Ceramic / Thin Stone System MTC-v-100 visible fixing with stainless steel clamps horizontal section 36 Changes reserved. vertical section System XLC-h-350 visible fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 37 Fixing systems Ceramic / Thin Stone System MLV/k-v-20 secret fixing with hangers / stud anchors horizontal section 38 Changes reserved. vertical section System MLZ/k-v-00 secret fixing with hangers / stud anchors horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 39 Fixing systems Ceramic / Thin Stone System XLP-v-300 secret fixing with stud anchors horizontal section 40 Changes reserved. vertical section System MTK-v-100 secret fixing with adhesive system horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 41 Fixing systems Terracotta System XLP-v-400 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section vertical section Fehlt 42 Changes reserved. System MTS-v-400 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 43 Fixing systems Terracotta System MTS-v-500 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section 44 Changes reserved. vertical section System MTS-v-700 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 45 Fixing systems Terracotta System MTS-v-710 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section 46 Changes reserved. vertical section System XLT-v-100 secret fixing with special profile horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 47 Fixing systems Terracotta System XLS-h-400 secret fixing with aluminium clamps horizontal section 48 Changes reserved. vertical section System MUH-v-600 secret fixing with screws horizontal section vertical section www.eurofox.com 49 Fixing systems Render System MTA-v-300 secret fixing with rivets horizontal section 50 Changes reserved. vertical section www.eurofox.com 51 EUROFOX GmbH A-2821 Lanzenkirchen, Gewerbepark 10 Tel.: +43 (0)2627 42400-0, FAX: +43 (0)2627 42400-40 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.eurofox.com Technische Grafiken: CSI Fassadentechnik www.eurofox.com
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