Sternoclavicular Joint: MR Imaging-Anatomic
Sternoclavicular Joint: MR Imaging-Anatomic
Joachim Brossmann, Debra Trudell, RA MD #{149}Axel Stabler, MD Donald Resnick, MD Sternoclavicular MR Imaging-Anatomic PURPOSE: resonance clavicular tions. To correlate magnetic (MR) images of the sternojoint with anatomic sec- imaging AND was MR METHODS: performed on 14 sterno- clavicular joints in seven specimens from cadavers (three men and four women 64-94 years of age at death; mean, 84 years). MR arthrography was performed in four specimens (eight joints), after injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine. After imaging, the specimens were frozen and cut into 3-mm-thick slices along the MR imaging planes. Images were correlated with the anatomic slices. RESULTS: MR imaging depicted the anatomy of the sternoclavicular joint and surrounding soft tissue. T2weighted and proton-density-weighted images images were superior in depiction to Ti-weighted of the intraarticu- lar disk. MR arthrography depicted best the intraarticular disk and four of five perforations and delineated the joint capsule. All perforations also were depicted on T2-weighted images. CONCLUSION: MR imaging allows delineation of all structures of the sternoclavicular joint. MR arthrography tions allows of the Index terms: delineation intraarticular Joints, Joints, sternoclavicular, 473.92 Radiology 1996; of perforadisk. MR. 473.121411, 473.12141 473.122 1, 473.122, 198:193-198 I From the Department of Radiology, Veterans Administration Medical Center, 3350 La Jolla Village Dr, San Diego, CA 92161. From the 1995 RSNA scientific assembly. Received May 15, 1995; revision requested June 20; revision received July 10; accepted July 14. Supported in part by Veterans Administration grant SA360 and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant BR 149911-1. Address reprint requests to DR. 1996 MD Preidler, Correlation’ T HE stemnoclavicular only upper joint is the that joins the articulation extremity the wide and the range torso. Dc- of motion and the great mange of forces on this joint, abnormalities of the stcmnoclaviculam joint are mare, and only infrequently is it injured in sports and accidents. The stemnoclavicular joint can be affected, however, infections by numerous diseases and (1-5). Assessment of dislo- cation in a patient who has sustained trauma is another important indication for imaging of the sternoclaviculam joints (6,7). Plain radiography tional tomography diagnosis ties, but and convenare helpful in the of most of these abnormalibecause of superimposed computed tomographic (CT) techniques are preferred, espccially in injured patients (7-9). Studies have suggested use of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the evaluation of disorders of the stennoclaviculan joint (10,11). The purpose of our study was to evaluate the use of MR imagstructures, ing in examination stemnoclavicular ing ligaments. ANATOMIC of structures joint and in the surround- Figure 1. Anterior aspect of the sternoclavicular joint. The right sternoclavicular joint is cut in the coronal plane. 1 = intraarticular disk, 2 = interclavicular ligament, 3 = antenor sternoclavicular ligament, 4 = costoclavicular ligament, posterior fibers, 5 = first costal cartilage, 6 = costoclavicular ligament (anterior fibers), 7 = second costal cartilage, 8 = manubriosternal joint, 9 = second sternocostal joint. (Adapted, with permission, from reference 12.) lined cavities cavities cavity cral cavity. stemnoclaviculam joint throdial saddle joint bounded bulbous medial end of the the concave saddle-shaped notch of the manubrium the cartilaginous part is a dian- by the clavicle, claviculam stemni, and of the first rib (Fig 1). The articulan surface of the clavicle is covered by fibrocantilage which covers the of the sternum. Owin size between the two articulan surfaces, the stability of the stennoclavicular joint depends primarily on surrounding ligaments. The fibrocartilaginous disk is flat and nearly between clavicle dividing intraarticular circular. It lies the articulan surfaces of the and the manubrium sterni, the joint into two synovium- 1). The two the the joint inferomedial supemolat- intraanticulan disk the junction between the first costal cartilage and the stemnum and inserts on the postcmosuperior surface of the medial edge of the originates CONSIDERATIONS (Fig differ in size: is smaller than clavicle The thicker than that articulam surface ing to a discrepancy RSNA, W. Joint: spite MATERIALS #{149} Klaus #{149} The from (Fig 1). In the anterior and posterior aspects the disk is attached to the fibrous capsule. The anterior and posterior sternoclaviculam ligaments reinforce the fibrous joint stemnoclavicular capsule (12). ligament to be the strongest stemnoclavicular The anterior is presumed ligament joint (13). of the It is at- tached to the anterosuperiom aspect of the medial epiphysis of the clavicle, to which it is mediocaudal, and inserts on the ventral surface on the upper part of the manubrium stemni. The posterior stemnoclavicular ligament attaches to the posterior surface Abbreviation: FOV = field of view. 193 b. a. Figure matrix, cartilage 2. Coronal sections through the sternoclavicular joint of an 80-year-old man. (a) TI-weighted spin-echo MR image (500/20, 256 x 192 14-cm FOV, two signals acquired). (b) Corresponding anatomic slice. C = clavicle, M = manubnium sterni, R = first rib, I = articular of clavicle, 2 = articular cartilage of manubrium, 3 = intraarticular disk, 4 = capsule, 5 = interclavicular ligament (fibers). of the medial is less distinct noclavicular sternoclavicular caudal aspect of the clavicle but than the anterior sterligament. The posterior ligament is medio- to the clavicle; the insertion is on the dorsal surface of the superior aspect of the manubrium. The interclavicular ligament is a tough band of fibers that connects the clavicles in the superior and medial aspects (Fig I). The costoclavicular ligament is attached to the undersurface of the medial clavicle and to the superior rim of the first rib and costal cartilage (Fig 1). Two different fasciculi exist within this ligament: an anterior fasciculus, which is directed craniolaterally, and a posterior fasciculus, which is oriented in the craniomedial direction (12). Several muscles have origins or insertions on the medial end of the clavicle. The origin of part of the stemnocleidomastoid muscle is on the medial half of the superior surface of the clavicle. The insertion of some fibers of the pectoralis major muscle is on the medial anterior surface of the clavicle. The origin of part of the sternohyoid muscle is dorsal to the attachment of the costoclavicular liga- ment on the inferior surface of the clavicle. The subclavius muscle, which connects the first rib and the clavicle, is attached by a thick tendon to the first costal cartilage anterior to the costoclavicular ligament. Laterally, it is attached to the undersurface of the middle third of the clavicle. MATERIALS Fourteen fresh from seven human and four women AND sternoclavicular cadavers 64-94 years #{149} Radiology MR unit (Signa; GE Medical Systems, pulse sequences with repetition times of 500 msec and 2,000 msec and echo times of 20 msec and 80 msec (repetition time msec/echo time msec = 500/20 and 2,000/ 20, 80). The field of view (FOV) was 14 cm in all examinations. The data-acquisition matrix was 256 x 192 for the TI-weighted images and 256 x 128 for the T2-weighted and proton-density-weighted images. A section thickness of 3 mm was used with a 1-mm intersection gap. Two signals were acquired. Imaging transaxial, sagittal, in an oblique plane the clavicle. After completion was and arthrography noclavicular performed of four (eight was joints joints). performed coronal in the planes and along the long of MR imaging, axis of A 2-mmol on the specimens solution pentetate dimeglumine (I mL ist [Scheming, Berlin, Germanyl 250 mL of saline solution) was into the joints with a 23-gauge stem- of gadoof Magnevdiluted in injected needle un- der fluoroscopic guidance. Images of these four specimens were obtained with TIweighted and fat-suppressed TI-weighted spin-echo sequences. After imaging, the specimens were planes. photographed pearance. subjective AS.). Each slice was for correlation Correlation impressions joints (three men of age at the were with a sity. Calcified peared sity examined with MR was based on of the authors and apthe U.B., RESULTS The anatomy of the stemnoclavicular joint was demonstrated best with weighted spin-echo MR images. Ti- intraarticulan as areas on disks of lower Ti-weighted ap- signal images, intenand were easier to visualize fled disks. At macroscopic than of the calcification sliced specimens, they noncalciinspection of the intnaanticular disk appeared localized white areas within the Calcification was present in four as disk. of specimens. Differentiation nous intraarticulan lam surface was of the fibrocartilagidisk from the articueasier on T2-wcighted and proton-density-weighted images than on Ti-weighted images. On T2weighted images, the intmaarticular disk appeared as an area of low signal intensity surrounded by areas of high signal intensity, which represented the joint space and articulan cartilage. On proton-density-weighted images, the deep-frozen for 24 hours (Forma BioFreezer; Forma Scientific, Marietta, Ohio). Then, each specimen was cut with a band saw into 3-mm slices along one of the im- aging These images depicted all ligaments and soft tissue around the stemnoclavicular joint. The fibrous capsule, postenor sternoclaviculan ligament, and anterior stemnoclavicular ligament were of low signal intensity in all imaging sequences and imaging planes. On Ti-weighted images, the intnaarticulan disk was depicted as an area of low to intermediate signal inten- seven MR METHODS time of death; mean age, 84 years) examined. Images were obtained 194 1.5-T Milwaukee, Wis) with a circular 5-inch (12.7 cm) receive surface coil. The specimens were placed anterior surface down on the coil, which was centered on the superior sternal notch. Imaging parameters included spin-echo intmaamticular disk appeared as an area of low signal intensity, but the anticular cartilage and joint space were not delineated as well as they were on T2-weightcd images. Although an increase in signal intensity of the intraarficular disk on T2-weighted and proton-density-weighted images suggested abnormality type of abnormality was of the alterations intensity disk, the confirmed only with MR arthnography. No definite altemations in intradiskal signal intensity were found on Ti-weighted images. Five of 14 stemnoclaviculan joints showed in signal consistent January 1996 a. b. c. d. e. f. Figure 3. Coronal sections through the sternoclavicular joint of a 92-year-old woman. (a) Ti-weighted spin-echo MR image (500/20, 256 x 192 matrix, 14-cm FOV, two signals acquired). (b) T2-weighted spin-echo MR image (2,000/80, 256 x 128 matrix, 14-cm FOV, two signals acquired). Small amounts of synovial fluid allow delineation of disk perforation on the left side and possible perforation on the right. (c) Ti-weighted spin-echo MR arthrogram (500/20, 256 x i92 matrix, 14-cm FOV, two signals acquired) of the left sternoclavicular joint shows disk perforation. (d) Corresponding anatomic slice. (e) Ti-weighted spin-echo MR arthrogram (500/20, 256 x 192 matrix, 14-cm FOV, two signals acquired) of right sternoclavicular joint shows no disk perforation. (f) Corresponding anatomic slice. C = clavicle, M = manubrium sterni, R = first rib, 3 intraarticular disk, 4 = capsule, 6 = costoclavicular ligament, 7 = subclavius muscle, insertion of tendon at first rib, 8 = sternocleidomastoid muscle, 9 = anterior sternoclavicular ligament. perforation of the disk. The presence of four perforations was confirmed with MR arthrography. with Coronal Plane Imaging Volume the coronal imaging 2, 3) was best suited for the articular surfaces of the of the clavicle and the main plane (Figs displaying medial end 198 Number #{149} 1 nubrium. The coronal imaging plane also was best for delineating the entire intraarticular disk and for demonstrating perforations. The disk usually was thicker in its periphery, especially the posterosupenior part. The origin of the disk near the junction between the first costal cartilage and the sternum and the insertion of the disk on the medial edge of the posterosupe- surface onstrated. nor In the of the medial clavicle aspect, were the joint = dem- cap- sule could not be differentiated from the fibers of the interclaviculan ligament. At its lateral attachment at the undersurface of the clavicle, the joint capsule was not well demonstrated. MR arthrography helped delineate the extent of the capsule. Radiology 195 #{149} Figure 4. Sagittal noclavicular joint sections through (a) Ti-weighted spin-echo (500/20, 256 x 192 matrix, signals cavities woman. MR arthrogram 14-cm acquired) demonstrates and attachment of the joint capsule. slice. A subchondral the ster- in a 64-year-old FOV, two both joint disk to the (b) Corresponding anatomic cyst communicates with the joint space. C = clavicle, M = manubrium sterni, R = first rib, 3 = intraarticular disk, 4 = capsule, 9 = anterior sternoclavicular ligament, 10 = posterior sternoclavicular ligament, ii = pectoralis muscle. Anterior surface faces the right. The anterior clavicular demonstrated and posterior sterno- ligaments were not well in the coronal plane. The costoclavicular ligament delineated, but differentiation tween anterior and posterior was not possible. toclavicular the subclavius Anterior ligament, muscle was first the insertion costal cartilage. tion face of the of the also was to the cos- the tendon was evident, of the The muscle middle was well beportions muscle lateral of as on the inser- on the undensurthird of the clavicle delineated. Sagittal Plane Use of the sagittal imaging plane (Figs 4,5) allowed the best delineation of the antcnoposterior thickness of the costoclavicular ligament. The two fasciculi of this ligament and the bursa between the fasciculi were not differentiated, however. Sagittal images also showed the position of the subclavius muscle, which was under the clavicle and anterior to the costoclavicular ligament. The extent of the anterior and posterior stemnoclaviculam ligaments was defined, and the attachment of the intraarticular anterior and posterior capsule was seen. disk to the joint Although the disk and the two joint on images in this cavities were seen plane, diagnosis of disk perforations was with routine Transaxial Use not Plane of the transaxial imaging (Fig 6) allowed depiction nor and posterior parts capsule possible MR imaging. and the anterior plane of the anteof the joint and poste- nor stemnoclavicular ligaments. Single images viewed in this plane, however, did not demonstrate optimally the position of the clavicles in relation to the manubnium. The anterior and posterior ticular disk attachments to the joint depicted. Delineation of the intraarticular sible. 196 Use of the #{149} Radiology of the intraarcapsule were of perforations disk was not pos- transaxial plane also a. Figure 5. Sagittal sections through woman. (a) Ti-weighted spin-echo nals acquired). (b) Corresponding ligament, 7 = subclavius muscle, b. area of the interclavicular ligament in a 64-year-old MR image (500/20, 256 x 192 matrix, 14-cm anatomic slice. C = clavicle, R = first rib, 6 11 = pectoralis muscle. Anterior surface faces FOV, = two sig- costoclavicular the right. January 1996 a. b. Figure 6. Transaxial sections through the sternoclavicular joint of an 86-year-old woman. (a) Ti-weighted spin-echo MR image (500/20, 256 x 192 matrix, 14-cm FOV, two signals acquired). (b) Corresponding anatomic slice. C = clavicle, VB = brachiocephalic vein, VT! = inferior thyroid vein, 1 = articular cartilage of the clavicle, 3 = intraarticular disk, 5 = interclavicular ligament, 8 = sternocleidomastoid muscle, 9 = anterior stemnoclavicular ligament, 1(1 = posterior sternoclavicular ligament, 12 = sternothyroid muscle. Anterior surface faces the top. a. Figure b. 7. Oblique sections parallel 192 matrix, 14-cm FOV, two signals the clavicle, 2 = articular cartilage posterior sternoclavicular ligament. allowed demonstration to the long axis of the clavicle acquired). (b) Corresponding of manubrium, .3 = intraarticular of the costo- clavicular and the intcnclavicular ligaments. The close relation between the stemnoclavicular joint and the great vessels and trachea was shown. Oblique Transaxial Use of the (Fig 7) allowed the relation clavicle Plane oblique the transaxial plane best assessment of of the to the medial manubrium. end of the The extent and course of the anterior and postenor stemnoclavicular ligaments were depicted in great detail. The posterosuperior ticulan clavicle attachment of the intraardisk to the medial end of the also was well demonstrated. tients with seronegative thropathics (3), rheumatoid (16), and hyperpamathyroidism The stennoclaviculam Several clavicular clavicle tion diseases involve the joint. It can be a site for infection, users (1,4,5,14,15). lam joint also may Volume 198 especially in drug The sternoclavicube affected in pa- Number #{149} sternoof loca- 1 spondyloararthritis (17,18). joints are a typi- cal site of involvement in the SAPHO syndrome (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis), which cornprises chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyclitis (CRMO), osteitis condensans of the clavicle, sternocostoclavicular hypenostosis, and various forms of pustulotic amthro-osteitis (2,9,1 1,19-21 ). Degenerative changes in the stennoclavicular joint affect the clavicle and the fibmocartilaginous disk (22). Perforations of the disk and chondrocalcinosis with deposition of calcium pymophosphate dihydrate are common DISCUSSION in a 67-year-old woman. (a) Ti-weighted spin-echo MR image (500/20, 256 x anatomic slice. C = clavicle, M = manubrium sterni, I = articular cartilage of disk, 7 = subclavius muscle, 9 = anterior sternoclavicular ligament, 10 = (22,23). Dislocation of the (6,7) is associated with inju- nies to the noclaviculam anterior and ligaments. posterior stemWith addi- tional superior displacement clavicle, the costoclavicular also is disrupted. Radiognaphs of the of the ligament stemnoclavicular joints often are inadequate. projections include oblique, and lateral these projections the stemnoclaviculam Special Standard postemoanteniom, views, although often do joint radiographic not display adequately. projections of the stemnoclavicular joint have been described (24-26), but they arc used primarily to demonstrate dislocations of the joint. For better visualization of the joint surfaces and subtle intmaosseous phy changes, or CT has conventional been used To our knowledge, imaging in the the diagnosis tomogra(14,15,20). role of MR of stennocla- vicular joint diseases has not been defined, although a few descriptions of the use of MR imaging in the asscssmcnt vicular Our relation slices, of disorders of the stennocla- joint do exist (10,11,21). results, derived from close conof MR images and anatomic suggest that the anatomy of the stennoclaviculan joint and the sunrounding tissues can be demonstrated in detail. All the ligaments around Radiology the #{149} 197 stemnoclaviculan joint eated with conventional sequences. The can be delinMR imaging anterior and posterior stennoclaviculan joints can be partially demonstrated on coronal images, can be well demonstrated on transaxial and sagittal images, and can be best demonstrated on oblique images, which parallel the long axis of the clavicle. The intenclavicular ligament can be evaluated best on coronal images, although it also can be seen on transaxial and sagittal images. The coronal and sagittal planes appear most favorable for imaging the costoclavicular ligament. The intraarticular disk is best demonstrated in its entirety in the coronal plane. This disk is difficult to diffementiate from the fibrocantilaginous anticulan surfaces on Ti-weighted images unless it is calcified. Although it is well demonstrated MR images with proton-density-weighted sequences, the on demonstrated and imaging is best delineated perforations these limited 198 studies by respiratory of the Radiology #{149} are likely motion of supporting the joint and may prove assessment joint to the (27,28). is. 16. 1. Karten I. Septic rheumatoid 17. parathyroidism. 326. 18. Med 1969; 19. 3. 4. Kahn MF, Chamot 6. 7. 8. SAPHO 1993; 20:1184-1186. Reginato AJ. Syphilitic arthritis and osteitis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1993; 19: 379-398. 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In patients, around cpiphysis Rheumatol with MR anthrography combined with Ti-weighted on Ti-weighted fat-saturated imaging. MR amthrography assessment conventional T2-wcightcd disk although fasten imaging sequences and developments in gating techniques should make MR imaging of the stemnoclavicular joint feasible. The ability of MR imaging to allow direct 20. 21. 22. 23. Chigira M, Shimizu T. Computed tomographic appearances of sternoclavicular hyperostosis. Skeletal Radiol 1989; 18:347352. Ginalski JM, Landry M, Rappoport C, et al. MR imaging of stemnocostoclavicular thro-osteitis with palmoplantar EurJ 1992; 14:221-222. Radiol arpustulosis. Kier R, Wain SL, AppleJ, et al. Osteoarthritis of the sternoclavicular joint: radiographic features and pathologic correlation. Invest Radiol 1986; 21 :227-233. Resnick D, Niwayama G, Goergen TG, et al. Clinical, radiographic and pathologic abnormalities in calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease (CPPD): pseudogout. 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