2002 Year in Review. - The Pennsylvania Golf Association
2002 Year in Review. - The Pennsylvania Golf Association
2002 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PENNSYLVANIA GOLF ASSOCIATION President DONALD J. HALL ....................................... Sunnehanna Country Club Vice-President DONALD D. WOLFF, JR. ...................................... Fox Chapel Golf Club Vice-President FRANK E. RUTAN, IV ...................................Philadelphia Country Club Secretary-Treasurer JOHN P. TRACH ......................................... Country Club of Harrisburg Members of the Executive Committee DANIEL B. BURTON ..................................... Bent Creek Country Club * DR. E. NEWBOLD COOPER .................................... Merion Golf Club * DR. JAMES CUNNINGHAM ...................... Country Club of Scranton WILLIAM R. DAVIS, JR. ........................... Chambersburg Country Club WILLIAM M. DOW ........................................................ Merion Golf Club RODERICK F. EAKEN ..................................... Berkshire Country Club THOMAS B. GREALISH...................................... St. Clair Country Club * DR. JOSEPH E. GREEN, III.............................. Carlisle Country Club DR. WILLIAM D. McCANN ............................... Lancaster Country Club * BRADFORD D. McKEAN ........................................ Longue Vue Club * HARRY McLAUGHLIN ....................................... Pittsburgh Field Club RAYMOND C. MOTT ................................... Country Club of Harrisburg THOMAS E. PAUL ................................................ Gulph Mills Golf Club WILLIAM W. RIELLY ............................................. Pittsburgh Field Club DR. TERRY L. SMITH ....................................... Huntsville Country Club MARK A. STUDER ............................................ Oakmont Country Club DR. RANDALL L. VALENTINE .......................................... Kahkwa Club * DR. JAY N. WEAVER ........................................... Country Club of York JACK W. WOLFORD, JR. .................... Huntingdon Valley Country Club *past president Pennsylvania Golf Association 2 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Donald J. Hall HWT cP[Z ^U +))+ aTe^[eTS Pa^d]S cWT [TVT]SPah _PaRT[b cWPc _[PhTS W^bc c^ cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] RWP\_X^]bWX_b% X] _PacXRd[Pa% WXbc^aXR CPZ\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ% bXcT ^U cWT 5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_% P]S aTeTaTS @P]RPbcTa 7^d]cah 7[dQ% eT]dT U^a cWT C_T]’ HWT cf^ PaT bcTT_TS X] caPSXcX^] P]S _a^eXSTS \PVXRP[ bTccX]Vb U^a cWT R^a]Tabc^]Tb ^U cWT 5bb^RXPcX^] RP[T]SPa’ 7^]VaPcd[PcX^]b c^ BPcWP] G\XcW ^U DX]TRaTbc 7^d]cah 7[dQ% fW^ cWaX[[TS cWT VP[[TaXTb Pc CPZ\^]c fXcW P] TgWX[PaPcX]V% c^da]P\T]c&bTP[X]V QXaSXT ^] B^’ *0 U^a WXb UXabc 5\PcTda Ra^f] P]S c^ HTaah <Taci^V% cWT _a^ Pc ;d[_W AX[[b ;^[U 7[dQ% U^a _TabTeTaX]V X] P _[Ph^UU U^a WXb bTR^]S C_T] cXc[T’ 5[b^% ZdS^b c^ P[[ ^U cWXb hTPa b DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] RWP\_X^]b% TPa]X]V P bcPcT cXc[T Xb cad[h P aT\PaZPQ[T PRR^\_[XbW\T]c’ CU R^dabT% fXcW^dc cWT STSXRPcX^] P]S R^^_TaPcX^] ^U ^da \T\QTa R[dQb c^ W^bc cWTbT TeT]cb% cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] f^d[S RTPbT c^ TgXbc’ 5 eTah b_TRXP[ cWP]Zb c^ cW^bT R[dQb P]S cWTXa \T\QTab U^a VaPRX^db[h ^UUTaX]V cWTXa R^dabTb P]S UPRX[XcXTb c^ cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] P]S ^da _PacXRX_P]cb X] +))+ P]S U^a cW^bT fW^ fX[[ S^ b^ X] +)),’ GX]RT Xcb X]RT_cX^] X] cWT TPa[h *2))b% cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] WPb bcaXeTS c^ Tg_P]S P]S Va^f cWT VP\T ^U V^[U X] cWT ?Thbc^]T GcPcT’ =] ZTT_X]V fXcW cWPc V^P[% cWXb hTPa cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] U^a\TS P] PVaTT\T]c fXcW cWT ?Thbc^]T DdQ[XR ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] #?D;5$ c^ P[[^f ?D;5 \T\QTa R[dQb #dcX[XiX]V cWT IG;5 ;<=B WP]SXRP_ bTaeXRT$ PRRTbb c^ DT]]& bh[eP]XP bcPcT RWP\_X^]bWX_b’ Cda W^_T Xb cWPc cWXb PVaTT\T]c fX[[ T]R^daPVT X]SXeXSdP[ _[PhTab c^ Y^X] P R[dQ% TXcWTa _aXePcT ^a _dQ[XR% c^ ^QcPX] P WP]SXRP_ P]S T]Y^h cWT VP\T’ HWT TUUTRcb ^U cWT ?D;5 fTaT X\\TSXPcT[h TeXST]c’ HWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] bPf P bdQbcP]cXP[ X]RaTPbT X] _PacXRX_PcX^] X] cWT C_T]% 5\PcTda P]S >d]X^a’ 5b fT WTPS c^ +)),% h^d [[ ]^cXRT cWT c^da]P\T]c bRWTSd[T W^[Sb b^\T bXV]XUXRP]c RWP]VTb’ HWT GT]X^a 5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_% bTc U^a F^[[X]V ;aTT] ;^[U 7[dQ X] G_aX]VUXT[S% Xb PSSX]V P Gd_Ta>]X^a 8XeXbX^] U^a cW^bT R^]cTbcP]cb /. hTPab ^U PVT P]S ^[STa’ HWT >d]X^a 7WP\_X^]bWX_ fX[[ WTPS c^ DT]] BPcX^]P[ ;^[U 7[dQ U^a cWT UXabc cX\T X] Xcb WXbc^ah% P]S fX[[ QT Qa^ZT] X]c^ cWaTT bT_PaPcT PVT SXeXbX^]b3 **&P]S&d]STa% *+&c^&*- P]S *.&c^&*0’ HWT PVT aT‘dXaT& \T]c U^a cWT AXSS[T&5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_ fX[[ Sa^_ Ua^\ ,) hTPab ^U PVT c^ +.% \Xaa^aX]V cWT IG;5’ BTgc hTPa b AXS&5\ Xb bTc U^a cWT @^]VdT JdT 7[dQ X] JTa^]P’ 5]S% U^a cWT UXabc cX\T X] cWT 5bb^RXPcX^] WXbc^ah% cWT D;5 fX[[ R^]SdRc cWT ;T^aVT 8aTbb[Ta DT]]bh[eP]XP GcPcT 5\PcTda DdQ[XR @X]Zb 7WP\_X^]bWX_’ HWPc b bTc U^a APh +0&+1 Pc 8Pd_WX] <XVW[P]S ;^[U 7[dQ’ :X]P[[h% P[[ Pbb^RXPcX^]b PaT ^][h Pb bca^]V Pb cWTXa e^[d]cTTab PaT’ =] +))+% cWT D;5 STeT[^_TS P RWP\_X^]bWX_ e^[d]cTTa _a^VaP\ c^ WT[_ db QTccTa R^]SdRc ^da TeT]cb X] P _a^UTb& bX^]P[ \P]]Ta’ HWXb hTPa PQ^dc P S^iT] ^U h^d STSXRPcTS h^da cX\T Pb bcPacTab P]S ad[Tb ^UUXRXP[b% P]S fT cWP]Z h^d U^a cWPc’ =] +)),% fT aT [^^ZX]V c^ S^dQ[T ^a TeT] caX_[T cWPc ]d\QTa’ =U X]cTa& TbcTS% R^]cPRc cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] ^UUXRT’ 5VPX]% fT cWP]Z h^d U^a h^da bd__^ac P]S fT _[TSVT ^da R^]cX]dX]V R^\\Xc\T]c X] _a^eXSX]V h^d fXcW cWT QTbc cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] WPb c^ ^UUTa’ :^a \^aT X]U^a\PcX^] PQ^dc cWT b_aX]V P]S bd\\Ta PWTPS eXbXc fff’_PV^[U’^aV’ Pennsylvania Golf Association 3 89th Amateur Championship Oakmont Country Club Oakmont, Pa. July 29-31, 2002 ,eT] ]^f% BPcWP] G\XcW% \^]cWb aT\^eTS Ua^\ P eXRc^aX^db bW^fX]V Pc cWT 12cW 5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_% R^]cX]dTb c^ VaP__[T fXcW cWT T]^a& \Xch ^U cWT PRWXTeT\T]c’ KWT] = V^c cWT ca^_Wh P]S [^^ZTS Pc P[[ cW^bT VaTPc ]P\Tb ^] Xc% = UXVdaTS cWPc aTP[& X iP cX ^] N ^U f X]]X ]VO f^d[S UX]P[[h bTc X]% bPXS G\XcW X] TPa[h 8TRT\& QTa% Qdc Xc bcX[[ WPb] c% P]S = S^] c Z]^f XU Xc TeTa fX[[’ G\XcW% +-% ^U DX]TRaTbc 7^d]cah 7[dQ% RPaSTS P fX]]X]V bR^aT ^U +&^eTa&_Pa Pc CPZ\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ #_Pa 0*$ c^ TSVT WXb R^\_TcXcX^] Qh cf^ bW^cb U^a cWT 5\PcTda cXc[T P]S TPa] _PbbPVT X]c^ P] T[XcT Va^d_ ^U RWP\_X^]b’ G\XcW Y^X]TS cWT [XZTb ^U :aP]Z :dWaTa% 6dSSh APadRRX% >’ K^^S D[Pcc% F’ >Ph GXVT[% P]S 5ac KP[[% >a’% cWT *2.2 APbcTab RWP\_X^]% c^ ]P\T P UTf% cWPc WPeT RP_cdaTS cWT RT]cTa_XTRT ^U cWT DT]]& bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] RP[T]SPa’ G\XcW aTR^aSTS a^d]Sb ^U /0% 0. P]S 0, U^a P +*. c^cP[% cf^ bca^ZTb QTccTa cWP] *22- 5\PcTda RWP\_X^] >^W] ;’ >^]Tb% -.% ^U CPZ\^]c 7^d]& cah 7[dQ P]S cWaTT bW^cb R[TPa ^U GTP] ?]P__% -)% ^U Gc’ >dST ;^[U 7[dQ% cWT *220 5\PcTda fX]]Ta’ >d]X^a RWP\& _X^] 6[PX]T DTUU[Th _[PRTS U^dacW Pc 0&^eTa&_Pa P]S 8PeXS 6a^f] ^U Gc’ 7[PXa 7^d]cah 7[dQ P]S >^] FdbZ ^U LPaS[Th 7^d]cah 7[dQ cXTS U^a UXUcW Pc *) ^eTa’ HWT DT]]bh[eP]XP 5\PcTda WPb P[& fPhb QTT] aTP[[h X\_^acP]c c^ \T% bPXS G\XcW’ KXcW cWT ‘dP[Xch ^U _[Ph P]S _[PhTab X] DT]]bh[eP]XP% c^ fX] cWPc% Pc CPZ\^]c% Xb aTP[[h b_TRXP[’ 5b fPb cWT fPh G\XcW TPa]TS cWT cXc[T’ I_ cf^ bW^cb ^eTa >^]Tb P]S ?]P__ ^] B^’ */ #_Pa ,% +,+ hPaSb$% G\XcW UPRTS P caXRZh% d_WX[[ b[XSX]V _dcc U^a _Pa’ =] cWT Va^d_ PWTPS% >^]Tb P]S ?]P__ WPS QXaSXT ^__^acd]XcXTb ^] B^’ *0 #_Pa -% ,*2 hPaSb$ c^ SaPf R[^bTa’ KXcW P[[ _PacXTb X]e^[eTS PQ[T c^ eXTf cWT ^cWTa cWP]Zb c^ CPZ\^]c b [Ph& ^dc% G\XcW UXaTS cWT UXabc bP[e^ Qh bcT__X]V d_ P]S bX]ZX]V WXb _P a _dcc’ ?]P__ cWT] b[P\ Sd]ZTS WXb +.&U^^c QXaSXT P]S >^]Tb cP__TS X] WXb bW^ac d]STa&_P a RWP]RT’ G\XcW b PSeP]cPVT% cWaTT bW^cb Pc cWT bcPac ^U cWT SPh% WPS ]^f SfX]S[TS c^ ^]T’ =c fPb T[TRcaXUhX]V% bPXS ?]P__ ^U cWT bdaa^d]SX]Vb’ 5SSTS G\XcW% H^ fPcRW Xc d]U^[S fPb ]TPc’ KXcW cf^ W^[Tb aT\PX]X]V U^a G\XcW P]S ^]T U^a WXb R[^bTbc _dabdTab% cWT eTaSXRc aT\P X]TS eTah \dRW X] S^dQc% Tb_TRXP[[h PUcTa P[[ cWaTT _dc cWTXa T]bdX]V SaXeTb X] _[Ph’ G\XcW fPb [TUc fXcW P] *))&hPaS P__a^PRW bW^c ^] B^’ *0 P]S >^]Tb P]S ?]P__ UPRTS [^]V&Xa^] bW^cb ^] cWT QadcP[ *1cW W^[T #_Pa -% -0. hPaSb$’ 5b cX\X]V WPS Xc% G\XcW _[PhTS UXabc P]S fXcW P .+&STVaTT bP]S fTSVT X] WP]S P[\^bc W^[TS ^dc’ <T b_d] WXb P_& _a^PRW QPRZ% Ydbc \XbbX]V cWT Rd_% c^ U^da UTTc U^a P] TPbh QXaSXT’ HWT bRPah cWX]V fPb cWPc = WPS] c WXc cWPc VaTT] P[[ fTTZ% bPXS G\XcW ^U B^’ *0’ =c bTT\b [XZT Xc bXcb ^] c^_ ^U TeTahcWX]V’ =c b b^ b\P[[ P]S cWT _X] (Above, top) Nathan Smith, the 2002 Amateur Champion, is congratulated by Don Hall, President of the Pennsylvania Golf Association. (Above, below) Nathan Smith lags his birdie putt on No. 18 during the third and final round. Smith parred the hole to take the Amateur title by two shots. (Left) Chip Lutz of Berkshire Country Club rolls a putt. fPb cdRZTS QTWX]S cWT QXV \^dcW NcWT Ua^]c Qd]ZTaO’ = UT[c V^^S PQ^dc cWT hPaSPVT P]S cWT fX]S fPb Ydbc QTWX]S \T’ 5b cWT VP[[Tah a^PaTS% ?]P__ P]S >^]Tb SXS] c WPeT c^ bTT cWT PRcX^] c^ Z]^f fWPc WP__T]TS’ = Z]Tf BPcWP] WPS bcXUUTS Xc P]S cWT VP\T fPb ^eTa% bPXS ?]P__’ =c bP__TS cWT [XUT b Q[^^S ^dc ^U \T’ GPXS >^]Tb% L^d R^d[S cT[[ NQh cWT a^PaO cWPc WT _dc Xc R[^bT’ 5 >^]Tb _Pa P]S ?]P__ Q^VTh ^] B^’ *1 PRR^d]cTS U^a cWTXa aTb_TRcXeT ^eTa& P[[ UX]XbWTb% bTR^]S P]S cWXaS’ G\XcW RPaSTS P U^da ^] cWT UX]P[ W^[T c^ cPZT cWT cXc[T Qh cf^ bW^cb’ NHWT TeT]cb cWPc ^RRdaaTSO S^f] cWT See Amateur Championship, page 5 (Far left) The churchpews between the third and fourth holes at Oakmont CC. (Left) The gallery surrounds the 10th tee at Oakmont. (Right) Sean Knapp of St. Jude Golf Club tees it up on No. 10. Pennsylvania Golf Association 4 Amateur Championship EdP[XUhX]V aTbd[cb _PVT% +0&+2’ From page, 4 bcaTcRW Xb fWPc cWXb VP\T b P[[ PQ^dc% bPXS G\XcW’ >^W] P]S GTP] _[PhTS VaTPc’ B^Q^Sh aTP[[h [^bc cWT c^da]P& \T]c% = VdTbb = ZX]S ^U f^] Xc’ I_ c^ cWT 5\PcTda Xc fPb P bd\& \Ta ^U R[^bT RP[[b U^a G\XcW’ <T UX]& XbWTS bTR^]S X] cWT KTbc DT]] 5\P& cTda% cWT B^acW P]S G^dcW =]eXcPcX^]P[ P]S cWT :aP]Z 6’ :dWaTa% >a’ =]eXcPcX^]P[’ HWT 5\PcTda fPb cWT U^dacW bcaPXVWc c^da]P\T]c WT U^d]S WX\bT[U X] cWT [Pbc SPh b UX]P[ _PXaX]V’ =c fPb aTP[[h UadbcaPcX]V% bPXS G\XcW ^U WXb R[^bT RP[[b% c^ UX]P[[h fX] b^\T& cWX]V [XZT cWXb Pc CPZ\^]c \PZTb Xc P[[ f^acWfWX[T’ C] cWT UXabc SPh% cTT cX\Tb STcTa& \X]TS cWT QTccTa bR^aX]V’ 5] PUcTa]^^] fX]S \PST \^a]X]V _PXaX]Vb PSeP]cP& VT^db’ KXcW cWPc bPXS% G\XcW% fW^ bcPacTS Pc 03-) P’\’% RPaSTS P c^da]P\T]c& QTbc /0’ <T aTR^aSTS UXeT QXaSXTb% U^da T] a^dcT c^ P Ua^]c bXST ,+% P]S ^]T Q^& VTh% cWPc ^] B^’ *1% T] a^dcT c^ cWT UXabc&SPh [TPS’ 7WX_ @dci ^U 6TaZbWXaT 7^d]cah 7[dQ% fW^ cTTS Xc d_ Pc 1 P’\’% T]STS cWT SPh X] bTR^]S PUcTa P a^d]S& ^]T _^bcX]V ^U /1’ ?]P__ RPaSTS P 0+ P]S >^]Tb P 0,’ 6^cW _[PhTab QTVP] PUcTa * _’\’ =c fPb b^ \dRW TPbXTa X] cWT \^a]& X]V cWT] X] cWT _’\’ ^] A^]SPh% bPXS (Above) Blaine Peffley of Lebanon Country Club finished in fourth place at 7-over-par. (Right) Don Hall, President of the Pennsylvania Golf Association, thanks Oakmont CC professional Bob Ford for his hospitality in hosting the 2002 Amateur. ?]P__’ =c fPb aTP[[h fX]Sh P]S SXUUXRd[c cWPc UXabc SPh’ = aTP[[h UT[c XU = fPb V^X]V c^ fX] = ]TTSTS c^ \PZT P \^eT fXcW ]^ fX]S ^] HdTbSPh’ <^fTeTa% cWT fX]S ]TeTa aTP[[h SXb& bX_PcTS P]S P aPX] ^] A^]SPh ]XVWc fPcRWTS bcPcdb ‘d^ aTXV] ^] SPh cf^’ :XeT _[PhTab% X]R[dSX]V DTUU[Th% ]TccTS cWT QTbc bR^aT ^U cWT SPh% P 0,’ 5b U^a cWT [TPSTab3 G\XcW bW^c P 0.% >^]Tb P 0- P]S ?]P__ P 0/’ = bcPacTS ^] cWT QPRZ ^] SPh cf^ P]S CPZ\^]c bW^fTS Xcb cTTcW% bPXS G\XcW% fW^ RP_cdaTS *. c^da]P\T]cb fWX[T _[PhX]V U^a 5[[TVWT]h 7^[[TVT’ <T VaPSdPcTS X] +))*’ HWT fX]S fPb d_ P]S cWT R^dabT fPb _[PhX]V [^]VTa’ = bW^c P -) ^] cWT QPRZbXST’ = Z]Tf = WPS c^ aTP[[h _[Ph fT[[ ^] cWT Ua^]c c^ bcPh X] Xc’ = bW^c P ,. c^ _^bc P 0. P]S Champions of past Amateurs at Oakmont CC Match play Year Name, club, runner-up 1912 William C. Fownes, Jr., Oakmont CC d. G.A. Ormiston, 5&4 1914 H.W. Croft, Oakmont CC d. J.B. Crookston, 5&3 1920 S. Davidson Herron, Alleghney CC d. Maxwell Marston, 5&3 1924 J.W. Crookston, Oakmont CC d. W.C. Fownes, Jr., 6&5 1928 J.W. Crookston, Oakmont CC d. W.C. Frownes, Jr., 3&2 1932 Chris Brinke, Aronimink GC d. G.H. Flinn, Jr., 3&2 1942 Knox M. Young, Jr., Shannopin CC d. T.S. Jamison, Jr., 2-up 1957 John Dyniewski, Whitemarsh Valley CC d. F. Paine, 20 holes Stroke play Year Name, club 1967 Richard Stephens, Oakmont CC 1974 R. Jay Sigel, Aronimink GC 1981 R. Jay Sigel, Aronimink GC 1987 George E. Marucci, Jr., Waynesborough CC 2002 Nathan T. Smith, Pinecrest CC Score 295 300 226 293 215 Pennsylvania Golf Association 5 cWPc fPb P _aTcch V^^S bR^aT U^a cWT PUcTa]^^]’ G\XcW aTR^aSTS cf^ QXaSXTb% ^]T Q^VTh P]S bXg _Pab ^] cWPc UX]P[ ]X]T’ KWXRW QaX]Vb db c^ cWT cWXaS P]S [Pbc a^d]S’ G\XcW [TPZTS P [Xcc[T ^X[ TPa[h X] cWT QTVX]]X]V bcPVTb ^] cWPc KTS]TbSPh’ <T \PST cWT cda] Pc +&^eTa&_Pa ,1% P]S Q^VThTS B^’ *) #_Pa -% -/+ hPaSb$ P]S B^’ ** #_Pa -% ,1+ hPaSb$ c^ VXeT WXb R^\_TcXc^ab W^_T’ 5 QXaSXT ^] B^’ *, #_Pa ,% *1. hPaSb$ b[^fTS cWT b_X[[& PVT% QTU^aT G\XcW% f^aZX]V ^] WXb A’6’5’ Pc 7[PaX^] I]XeTabXch% bTP[TS cWT STP[ ^] B^’ */ P]S *0’ = cW^dVWc XU = _dc \hbT[U X]c^ R^]cT]& cX^] T]^dVW cX\Tb% cWT aTbc f^d[S cPZT RPaT ^U XcbT[U% bPXS G\XcW’ 5]S Xc SXS’ Upcoming Amateurs sites and dates 2003 Country Club of Scranton July 28-30 2004 Fox Chapel Golf Club July 26-28 2005 Huntingdon Valley Country Club July 25-27 2006 Bent Creek Country Club July 31-Aug. 2 Amateur Championship HANDICAP SERVICES by Clair L. Myers The top 15 finishers and ties are exempt into the 2003 Amateur Championship at The Country Club of Scranton. Name Nathan Smith, Pinecrest CC John G. Jones, Oakmont CC Total 67-75-73 215 SeanKnapp,St.JudeGC BlainePeffley,LebanonCC DavidBrown,St.ClairCC JonRusk,YardleyCC MarshallMarraccini,YoughioghenyCC ChipLutz,BerkshireCC RichBerglund,OakmontCC MarkDiGiacomo,LebanonCC BrianGillespie,St.DavidsGC MichaelSoroka,MelroseCC GaryDaniels,SauconValleyCC MichaelMcDermott,LlanerchCC WilliamSmith,ChambersburgGC BenSmith,FoxChapelGC JohnBrennan,SpringFordCC ArnieCutrell,TotteridgeGC JefferySchroeder,LongueVueClub DavidVallina,SouthpointeGC DavidBlichar,BlueRidgeCC CurtCoulter,OakmontCC JohnSamaha,OldYorkRoadCC CaseyCourneen,SewickleyHeightsGC JeffHuntzinger,NorthHillsCC WesleyTuriano,ScotchValleyCC ClintDeibert,DoylestownCC ChaseDuncan,MeadiaHeightsGC RyanFranks,HuntingdonCC ChadPerman,PhiladelphiaPublinks ChickWagner,OakmontCC RichMorrison,ScotchValleyCC JamesBryan,LatrobeCC JosephCordaro,EdgewoodCC MikeVoltz,ElksCCofStateCollege PaulSchlachter,TheClubatNevillewood BillyStewart,LlanerchCC AndrewAchenbach,LuLuCC TylerDuke,OakmontCC ShawnHall,LancasterHostResort MarkHunsicker,PhiladelphiaPublinks JohnZebroski,SharonCC Failed to make cut John Birmingham, Oakmont CC Andy Latowski, St. Jude GC Don Erickson, III, Du Bois CC Jonathan Johasky, Hill Crest CC Benjamin Levy, Philmont CC Sean Szerencsits, Blue Ridge CC Logan Riester, Diamond Run GC James Bohn, Bucknell GC Thomas Amendola, Kahkwa Club Jeffrey Hovanec, Alcoma GC Sam McFall, Waynesborough CC John Benson, Totteridge GC (Left) Mark DiGiacomo of 73-74-70 217 Lebanon CC posted 72-76-70218 rounds of 76, 73 73-73-74220 and 77 for a 226 73-78-72223 total (13-over par) 72-82-69223 to finish in a tie for 76-78-70224 ninth. (Right) 68-77-80225 Michael Mc76-73-77226 Dermott of 76-73-77226 Llanerch CC tied 75-75-76226 for 13th at 15-over 76-74-77227 par. 76-76-76228 75-75-78228 73-77-78228 Jeff Frazier, Carlisle CC 75-76-77228 Shawn Baker, Lancaster CC 78-71-80229 Grant Liu, Commonwealth National GC 76-73-80229 Brian McDermott, Llanerch CC 77-75-77229 George Marucci, Jr., Merion GC 75-79-75229 Warren Choate, Williamsport CC 77-77-76230 Gregory Pieczynski, Irem Temple CC 77-75-78230 John King Sweeney, Conestoga CC 72-79-79230 Chuck Tait, Hershey GC 77-75-79231 Keith Matt, Lu Lu CC 77-76-78231 Christopher Lange, Overbrook GC 81-73-77231 Frank Corrado, Jr., Jericho National GC 75-76-81232 Chris Esbenshade, Fairview GC 74-79-79232 Artie Fink, Jr., Sinking Valley CC 80-74-78232 Mark Zbrzeznj, Whitemarsh Valley CC 78-74-80232 Bo Ruffner, Jr., Latrobe CC 77-77-78232 Ryan Deimel, Kahkwa Club 77-77-79233 Donald Lewis, Sewickley Heights GC 74-77-83234 Sean Duffy, Frosty Valley CC 78-76-80234 Glenn Smeraglio, Yardley CC 75-78-81234 Mike McGuire, Hannastown GC 77-77-81235 P. Chet Walsh, Philadelphia CC 79-74-82235 Chris Gallagher, Penn Oaks GC 78-75-83236 Corky Mowery, Butler CC 77-77-82236 Mike Capotis, Lake View CC 76-78-84238 Paul Gagliardi, Cedarbrook CC 77-75-87239 Kristopher Rudy, Berwick GC DQ Michael Foster, Fox Chapel GC 79-76 78-77 78-77 76-79 75-80 79-77 78-78 77-79 77-79 76-80 81-76 80-77 155 155 155 155 155 156 156 156 156 156 157 157 Robert Howlett, Cool Creek CC Anthony Tacconelli, Indian Valley CC Douglas Gregor, Huntingdon Valley CC Ben Rathfon, Pinecrest CC Devin O Connor, Bon Air CC Charles Dowds, III, North Hills CC John Sawin, Philadelphia CC Michael Domanish, CC of Scranton John Olszewski, Wyoming Valley CC Richard Mottura, Willowbrook CC Pete Toole, Meadia Heights GC Lester Smulowitz, Huntsville GC Jim Simmons, Stonewall Matthew Stewart, Heidelberg CC Bob Allshouse, Hannastown GC Ben Smith, Meadia Heights GC Jonathan Thomas, Pittsburgh Field Club Scott Ehrlich, Meadowlands CC James C. Robertson, Jr., Llanerch CC Douglas Zelner, Coatesville CC Scott Vallina, Ponderosa GC David Anotlik, Lake View CC Mike Vassil, CC of Scranton T.J. Ostrom, Red Lion CC James Gardas, Honesdale GC Nathan Shevchik, Whitford CC %+1$/ 0, $’ +*/0’& )’.’ ,. ,0)’. (*++ " -,//*$+2 # -),0, !! (Left) Brian Gillespie of St. Davids GC earned an exemption into the 2003 with a top 10 finish at Oakmont CC. (Right) Jon Rusk of Yardley CC tied for fifth place after carding rounds of 7282-69 for a 10-over-par 223. Rusk turned pro later in the summer. DQ-disqualification Pennsylvania Golf Association 6 80-77 80-77 79-78 77-80 82-76 82-76 81-77 80-78 80-78 80-78 77-81 74-84 84-75 81-78 81-78 80-79 79-80 79-80 79-80 78-81 77-82 84-76 83-77 81-79 80-80 80-80 87-74 85-76 84-77 83-78 82-79 82-79 81-80 80-81 79-82 78-83 84-78 82-80 81-81 81-81 81-81 80-82 79-83 78-84 85-78 84-79 84-79 81-82 80-83 85-79 84-80 81-83 80-84 77-87 157 157 157 157 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 160 160 160 160 160 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 163 163 163 163 163 164 164 164 164 164 Frank B. Fuhrer Pennsylvania Open Lancaster Country Club Lancaster, Pa. Aug. 12-14, 2002 6Taah <Taci^V% cWT _a^ Pc ;d[_W AX[[b ;^[U 7[dQ% SXS] c cWX]Z WT WPS P RWP]RT c^ fX] cWT :aP]Z 6’ :dWaTa DT]]bh[eP]XP C_T] 7WP\_X^]bWX_ fWT] WT R^\_[TcTS WXb a^d]S P UTf Va^d_b PWTPS ^U cWT [TPSTab X] cWT bfT[cTaX]V WTPc ^U 5dV’ *- Pc @P]RPbcTa 7^d]cah 7[dQ #_Pa 0)% /%0.1 hPaSb$’ 5Q^dc P] W^da [PcTa% cW^dVW% PUcTa _PaaX]V B^’ *1 #_Pa -% --/ hPaSb$ U^a cWT bTR^]S cX\T X] cWPc /)&\X]dcT b_P]% <Taci^V% fW^ bTaeTS Pb P] PbbXbcP]c Pc @77 X] cWT TPa[h *22)b% U^d]S WX\bT[U bcP]SX]V X] Ua^]c ^U P b\P[[% Qdc bd__^acXeT Va^d_% W^XbcX]V cWT 5a]^[S DP[\Ta Ha^_Wh U^a cWT bTR^]S cX\T X] cWaTT hTPab’ <Taci^V% ,0% ^U :[^dac^f]% RPaSTS P UX]P[& a^d]S bR^aT ^U +&d]STa&_Pa /1 c^ U^aRT P _[Ph^UU fXcW UT[[^f R[dQ _a^UTbbX^]P[ >^W] 8’ APiiP ^U A^]c^da <TXVWcb ;^[U 7[dQ’ APiiP #0+&/2&0*$% fW^ UX]XbWTS WXb [Pbc a^d]S fXcW cWaTT bcaPXVWc Q^VThb U^a P *&^eTa 0*% P]S <Taci^V #0/&/1&/1$% Q^cW _^bcTS .-&W^[T c^& cP[b ^U +&^eTa&_Pa +*+ c^ U^aRT TgcaP W^[Tb’ = SXS] c cWX]Z = WPS P RWP]RT Nc^ fX]O% bPXS <Taci^V ^U WXb cW^dVWcb PUcTa UX]XbWX]V WXb cWXaS P]S UX]P[ a^d]S’ = fPb cWaX[[TS = WPS P RWP]RT U^a bTR^]S’ H^ QT X] cWT _[Ph^UU fPb P VXUc’ =c Ydbc bW^fb h^d ]TeTa Z]^f fWPc Xb V^X]V c^ WP__T] X] cWXb VP\T ^U V^[U’ HWT eXRc^ah fPb <Taci^V b bTR^]S :aP]Z 6’ :dWaTa DT]]bh[eP]XP C_T] RWP\& _X^]bWX_’ =] +)))% Pc WXb W^\T R^dabT ^U (Above) Open champion Terry Hertzog of Gulph Mills GC speaks to the Lancaster Country Club crowd following his victory. (Below) John Mazza of Montour Heights GC taps in a putt. Mazza finished second in the Open, falling in a playoff to Hertzog. ;d[_W AX[[b ;^[U 7[dQ% <Taci^V \PST P SaP\PcXR aP[[h% QXaSXTX]V cWT UX]P[ cWaTT W^[Tb U^a P ^]T&bca^ZT eXRc^ah’ =c b eTah b_TRXP[ c^ fX] Xc cWTbT cf^ cX\Tb Pc cWT cf^ _[PRTb = SXS% bPXS <Taci^V’ =c b P VaTPc c^da]P\T]c c^ fX] Ydbc Ua^\ cWT UPRc Xc Xb ^]T ^U cWT QXVVTbc c^da]P\T]cb X] DT]]bh[eP]XP’ =] cWT _[Ph^UU% P]S fXcW P[[ cWT \^\T]& cd\ ^] WXb bXST% <Taci^V U^d]S cWT UPXafPh P]S cWT] cWT VaTT] QTU^aT cf^ _dccX]V Ua^\ ,) UTTc U^a P W^&Wd\ _Pa’ APiiP% ^] cWT ^cWTa WP]S% R^d[S] c ZTT_ WXb a^d]S c^& VTcWTa’ <T fPcRWTS WXb SaXeT caXRZ[T X]c^ cWT [TUc&WP]S a^dVW QTU^aT U[hX]V WXb bTR^]S bW^c [^]V’ =] S^X]V b^% APiiP U^d]S cWT cWXRZ VaPbb c^ cWT aXVWc ^U cWT VaTT]% UPX[TS c^ VTc d_ P]S S^f] P]S RPaSTS P Q^VTh’ DaX^a c^ cWT _[Ph^UU% cWT \PY^aXch ^U cWT PUcTa]^^] [^^ZTS [XZT cWT APiiP =]eXcPcX^]P[’ HWT -/&hTPa&^[S 6TPeTa :P[[b aTbXST]c bW^fTS ]^ bXV]b ^U fTPaX]Tbb Ua^\ cf^& _[db SPhb ^U TgcaT\T WTPc P]S _aTbbdaT% P]S P__a^PRWTS B^’ */ #_Pa -% ,.0 hPaSb$ W^[SX]V P R^\\P]SX]V cWaTT&bW^c [TPS’ 6dc PUcTa _^bXcX^]X]V P _TaUTRc .&f^^S ^UU cWT cTT% WT a^RZTcTS WXb fTSVT bW^c Ua^\ 2) hPaSb% P[QTXc X]c^ cWT fX]S% _Pbc cWT _X]’ 5] X]XcXP[ S^f]WX[[% b_TTSh _dcc Ua^\ ,)& UTTc% APiiP cWaTT&_dccTS U^a Q^VTh’ H WPc fPb cWT SXUUTaT]RT% bPXS APiiP% cWT *22/ DT]]bh[eP]XP C_T] cXc[T& See Open Championship, page 8 Open results Name, club Terry Hertzog,** Gulph Mills GC John D. Mazza, Montour Heights CC Brian Kelly, Bucknell GC Kevin Shields, Island Sports Center John Spina, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Gary Hardin, Northampton CC Rob Shuey, GC at Felicita Paul A. Oglesby, Merion GC Jon Rusk, Yardley CC Rich Steinmetz, Spring Ford CC Brandon Knaub (a), CC of York William Smith (a), Chambersburg GC George Forster, Radnor Valley CC Dave Roberts, Cedarbrook CC Michael McDermott (a), Llanerch CC Joe Boros, Treesdale G&CC Clint Deibert (a), Doylestown CC Mark DiGiacomo (a), Lebanon CC Sam McFall (a), Waynesborough CC Wayne Phillips, Lehigh CC Pete Toole (a), Meadia Heights GC Steven Wheatcroft, Oakmont CC Mark Hunsicker (a), Philadelphia Publinks Bob Ford, Oakmont CC Jim Smith, Jr., Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Dick Von Tacky, Jr., Wanango CC Chip Zimmerman (r), Pittsburgh Field Club Score 76-68-68 72-69-71 71-72-70 71-72-71 70-73-71 75-71-69 68-70-77 71-70-75 73-70-73 72-69-75 71-74-72 66-77-75 74-75-70 71-71-77 72-75-73 72-74-75 72-71-78 72-74-75 73-73-75 76-71-74 72-73-76 76-70-75 72-77-73 72-76-75 73-74-76 74-74-75 72-76-75 212 212 213 214 214 215 215 216 216 216 217 218 219 219 220 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 222 223 223 223 223 Prize $ $10,000 $6,000 $4,500 $3,250 $3,250 $2,450 $2,450 $1,938 $1,938 $1,938 Travis Deibert, Unaffiliated 75-73-76 Andy Fisher, Susquehana Valley CC 72-77-75 Rick Gibney, Colonial CC 73-73-78 Marc Mandel (a), White Manor CC 74-75-75 Robin McCool (a), Saucon Valley CC 69-80-75 Terry Hatch, Mountain Valley GC 73-76-76 John Allen, Sunnybrook GC 73-75-78 Gordon Vietmeier, Mt. Lebanon GC 72-77-77 Graham Dendler, Merion GC 76-71-80 Rich Morrison (a), Scotch Valley CC 69-79-79 Daniel Pinciotti, Jr. (a), Torresdale-Frankford CC 76-73-78 Michael Rinker, Eagles Mere CC 73-76-78 Eric Williams (a), Honesdale GC 73-73-81 74-74-85 $1,515 Robert Rohrbach, Royal Oaks GC $1,515 ** won in playoff; (a) amateur; (r) awaiting reinstatement $1,120 $1,120 $1,120 $ 760 $ 760 $ 760 Pennsylvania Golf Association 7 224 224 224 224 224 225 226 226 227 227 227 227 227 233 $500 $500 $500 $435 $370 $370 $320 $320 $300 Dr. William McCann (right), a member of the Pennsylvania Golf Association Executive Committee, presents Brandon Knaub with the Low Amateur Trophy at the Open Championship. Knaub finished in 11th place for the tournament at 4-over par. Frank B. Fuhrer Pennsylvania Open From page, 7 W^[STa ^U fWT] cWT RWP\_X^]bWX_ \XVWc WPeT b[X__TS PfPh’ =]c^ cWT fX]S PVPX] ^] B^’ *0 #_Pa ,% *1+ hPaSb$% APiiP U^d]S \^aT ca^dQ[T fWT] WT a^RZTcTS WXb .&Xa^] X]c^ cWT aXVWc VaTT]bXST Qd]ZTa’ 5 Ud]Zh [XT _a^SdRTS P [^]V Qd]ZTa bW^c P]S P]& ^cWTa *&^eTa bR^aT’ KXcW >^W] bcX[[ P R^d_[T bca^ZTb d_ fXcW P UTf NW^[Tb c^O _[Ph% = SXS] c cWX]Z = WPS P bW^c% bPXS <Taci^V% fW^ aT& R^aSTS UXeT _Pab P]S P QXaSXT X] WXb UX]P[ bXg W^[Tb T] a^dcT c^ P /1’ <^[T *1 Qa^dVWc \^aT ^U cWT bP\T U^a APiiP’ <^[SX]V P ^]T&bW^c PSeP]& cPVT ^eTa <Taci^V% APiiP RadbWTS P SaXeT S^f] cWT [TUc&WP]S bXST’ KXcW P */) hPaSb c^ cWT _X] aT\PX]X]V% WT aX__TS P 0&Xa^]’ Da^QPQ[h cWT QXVVTbc Vdbc ^U fX]S fT WPS P[[ SPh RP\T d_% bPXS APiiP ^U fWT] WXb QP[[ fPb X] cWT PXa’ KWT] Xc [P]STS% cWT QP[[ RP\T d_ Ydbc bW^ac ^U cWT VaTT]% b^\T ,) hPaSb Failed to make third-round cut Name James Bohn, Bucknell GC Jim Cichra, Island Sports Center Scott Edwards, Conestoga CC Robert Leeman, Conestoga CC Joshua Lewis, Philadelphia Cricket Club Mike Moses, Concord CC Gary Stewart, Jr., CC of York John Sweeney, Conestoga CC Andrew Achenbach, Lu Lu CC Mike Banzhoff, Unaffiliated Christian Bartolacci, Jericho National GC Chris Hoyle, Llanerch CC Stuart Ingraham, Overbrook GC Rick Osberg, Hartfeld National GC John Pillar, CC at Woodloch Springs K.J. Stutz, II, Meadia Heights GC Justin Thompson, Philadelphia Cricket Club Jack Brennan, Clinton CC Dennis Dolci, Sharon CC Brian Groff, Conestoga CC Shawn Hall, Lancaster Host Resort Brian Leib, Hanover CC Mike Molino, Huntsville GC Paul Polinsky, Manufacturers G&CC Logan Riester, Diamond Run GC Lloyd Weston, Flourtown CC Gary Daniels, Aronimink GC Heath Davidson, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Thomas Dell, Lancaster CC Ryan Franks, Huntingdon CC Richard Gibson, II, Lancaster CC Albert Hromulak, Sunnehanna CC Steve Antenucci, Longue Vue Club Joseph Bonargo, II, Unaffiliated Brian Cooper, Unaffiliated Paul Gagliardi, Cedarbrook CC Bernard Hough, Wildwood GC Steven Kiefner, Northampton CC Robert Ockenfuss, Jr., Bellewood GC Nick Sabol, Fox Run GC John Samaha, Old York Road CC Garret Stempfer, Wildwood GC QT[^f cWT U[PVbcXRZ’ APiiP STRXSTS c^ dbT WXb _dccTa Ua^\ cWT R[^bT[h \^fTS PaTP X] Ua^]c% Qdc WXb TUU^ac RP\T d_ *. UTTc bW^ac’ <T cf^ _dccTS U^a Q^VTh’ HWTaT b b^ \dRW b[^_T X] cWPc VaTT]% bPXS APiiP’ = Ydbc SXS] c WXc Xc UPa T]^dVW’ :^a cWT fX]% <Taci^V R^[[TRcTS !*)%)))’ APiiP% fW^ P[\^bc fP[ZTS ^UU cWT R^dabT PUcTa WXb UXabc ** W^[Tb ^U cWT c^da]P\T]c ^] A^]SPh & WT fPb . ^eTa Pc cWPc cX\T% TPa]TS !/%))) U^a WXb bTR^]S&_[PRT UX]XbW’ 6aXP] ?T[[h ^U cWT 6dRZ]T[[ ;7 UX]& XbWTS X] cWXaS _[PRT fXcW P +*, c^cP[ #0*&0+&0)$’ 6aP]S^] ?]PdQ ^U cWT 77 ^U L^aZ fPb cWT [^f P\PcTda X] cWT TeT]c’ HWT +)&hTPa&^[S L^aZ aTbXST]c% P Yd]X^a Pc cWT I]XeTabXch ^U AXbb^daX% RPaSTS P +*0 c^& cP[ #0*&0-&0+$ P]S UX]XbWTS X] **cW _[PRT’ RPaSTS UXeT QXaSXTb P]S UXeT Q^VThb T] a^dcT c^ P] TeT]&_Pa 0) X] cWT ]TPa *))&STVaTT WTPc ^U @P]RPbcTa 7^d]ch U^a P cf^&SPh c^cP[ ^U *,1 P]S P cWaTT& bW^c PSeP]cPVT ^eTa APiiP% DPd[ 5’ CV[ TbQh ^U ATaX ^] ;7 P]S FXRW GcTX]\Tci ^U G_aX]V :^aS 77’ HWT UXT[S ^U *,+ fPb b[XRTS c^ cWT [^f -) _[PhTab P]S cXTb PUcTa cWT X]XcXP[ cf^ a^d]Sb’ HWT Rdc [X]T UT[[ Pc 2&^eTa& _Pa *-2 U^a cWT -* _[PhTab fW^ PS& eP]RTS c^ cWT UX]P[ SPh’ (F;# $% " 5AF@9 $ 5\P cT da K X[ [X P\ G \X cW ^ U 7WP\QTabQdaV 7^d]cah 7[dQ UXaTS P -& d]STa&_Pa // U^a P cf^&bW^c [TPS ^eTa GWdTh PUcTa cWT UXabc a^d]S’ G\XcW RPaSTS bXg QXaSXTb P]S cf^ Q^VThb T] a^dcT c^ fWPc f^d[S QT cWT [^fTbc a^d]S ^U cWT c^da]P\T]c’ =] P[[% cWTaT fTaT P c^cP[ ^U ,,) T]caXTb U^a cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP C_T]% fXcW .) ^U cW^bT _[PhTab TPa]X]V TgT\_& (F;# $& " 5AF@9 % F^Q GWdTh ^U cWT ;7 Pc :T[XRXcP cX^]b X]c^ cWT UXT[S ^U *,+’ Score 74-76 150 76-74 150 74-76 150 71-79 150 73-77 150 75-75 150 79-71 150 75-75 150 75-76 151 75-76 151 72-79 151 76-75 151 73-78 151 73-78 151 75-76 151 78-73 151 77-74 151 77-75 152 75-77 152 74-78 152 76-76 152 75-77 152 78-74 152 78-74 152 75-77 152 76-76 152 75-78 153 75-78 153 81-72 153 81-72 153 78-75 153 74-79 153 77-77 154 77-77 154 78-76 154 76-78 154 78-76 154 78-76 154 80-74 154 75-79 154 80-74 154 78-76 154 Jason Tyska, Pleasant Valley CC Roy Vucinich, Allegheny CC Andy Watters, Overbrook GC Andy Zook, Four Seasons GC Travis Dickson, Treesdale G&CC Jonathan Doctor, Chester Valley GC Ned Weaver, Southpointe GC Steve Bourbon, Unaffilliated Jeff Daniels, Unaffiliated Michael Domenick, Phoenixville CC Mark Leaman, Lancaster CC Michael Mahoney, The Country Club Hugh Reilly, Huntingdon Valley CC Mark Anderson, Heidelberg CC Michael Brown, North Hills CC John Cooper, Meadowlands CC J.R. Delich, White Manor CC Tyler Duke, Oakmont CC Vincent Zachetti, Hannastown GC Dan Terlescki, Merion GC Jim Buch, Unaffiliated Ken Dixon, Berkshire CC Barry Shewalter, Toftrees GC Jonathan Johasky, Hill Crest CC Arthur Kania, Jr., Overbrook GC Steve Shingledecker, Wanango CC Scott Yeakle, Dauphin Highlands GC Michael Grabosky, Berkshire CC Brian Gillespie, St. Davids GC Steve Hudson, Huntingdon Valley CC Barry Erenrich, The Club at Nevillewood Bob Loftus, Overbrook GC Paul McEvoy, Meadowlands CC Phil Over, Meadia Heights GC Sean Smyth, Unaffiliated Michael Lynch, CC of Scranton Conor Mintzer, Waynesborough CC George Connell, Jr., Gulph Mills GC Steve Spuhler, Lu Lu CC Greg King, Sportsmans GC Kris Wells, Blue Ridge CC Eric Asel, Unaffiliated Kenneth Doyle, Overbrook GC Paul Kouch, Jr., Torresdale-Frankford CC Pennsylvania Golf Association 8 79-75 79-75 75-79 73-81 79-76 75-80 79-76 80-76 77-79 79-77 76-80 81-75 77-79 82-75 79-78 78-79 77-80 79-78 80-77 77-81 80-79 78-81 81-78 80-80 75-85 82-78 81-80 80-82 90-73 79-84 84-80 83-81 86-78 84-80 79-86 82-84 87-79 86-81 80-87 79-89 86-83 90-81 95-81 92-84 154 154 154 154 155 155 155 156 156 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 157 158 159 159 159 160 160 160 161 162 163 163 164 164 164 164 165 166 166 167 167 168 169 171 176 176 9th Middle-Amateur Championship Williamsport Country Club Williamsport, Pa. Sept. 10-13, 2002 2XgTS X] fXcW >P\Tb 6^W] b Tg& WX[PaPcX^] ^U fX]]X]V cWT AXSS[T&5\P& cTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_ Pc KX[[XP\b_^ac 7^d]cah 7[dQ fTaT cX]h cfX]VTb ^U SXb& R^\U^ac’ C] cWT ^]T bXST% TPa]X]V cWT AXS&5\ cXc[T _a^eXSTS P aTbd\T c^_& _Ta U^a cWT ,+&hTPa&^[S ST]cXbc P]S U^a\Ta DT]] GcPcT I]XeTabXch V^[UTa’ C] cWT ^cWTa% cWT eXRc^ah RP\T Pc cWT Tg_T]bT ^U KPaaT] 7W^PcT% P VT]c[T& \P] ^U cWT VP\T fW^ UX]XbWTS Pb cWT AXS&5\ ad]]Ta&d_ U^a cWT cWXaS bcaPXVWc cX\T’ = cW^dVWc PQ^dc NKPaaT] UX]XbWX]V bTR^]SO QTU^aT P]S PUcTa cWT a^d]S% Qdc ]^c SdaX]V% bPXS 6^W] U^[[^fX]V WXb% +"*% eXRc^ah X] cWT UX]P[’ = SXS WPeT cW^dVWcb cWPc cWXb Xb WXb W^\T R^dabT P]S P[[ cWTbT _T^_[T U^[[^fX]V P[^]V PaT _d[[X]V U^a WX\’ = cW^dVWc cWPc \PhQT cWXb Xb WXb hTPa% Qdc = SXS] c cWX]Z PQ^dc cWPc SdaX]V cWT a^d]S’ L^d [[ [^bT h^da R^\_TcXcXeT TSVT XU h^d S^’ GPXS 7W^PcT ^] UX]XbWX]V bTR^]S U^a P cWXa S cX \T% = f^d[S] c bP h = \ b]PZTQXccT]’ HWXb hTPa = SXS] c UTT[ aTP[ R^]UXST]c X] \h VP\T P]hfPh’ = UT[c U^acd]PcT c^ VTc X]c^ cWT UX]P[’ HWT eTaSXRc% P]S Q^cW _[P hTab PVaTT% fPb cWT aTbd[c ^U cf^ bca^ZTb ^U 6^W] b _dccTa’ HWT UXabc a^d]S P[cTa& X]V bW^c RP\T ^] B^’ 2 #_Pa -% -)1 hPaSb$’ KXcW cWT \PcRW TeT]% 6^W] b 2&Xa^] U[Tf [^]V P]S Ydbc X]c^ cWT UXabc Rdc ^U a^dVW QTWX]S cWT VaTT]’ 7W^PcT b QP[[ [P]STS ^] cWT _dccX]V bdaUPRT P]S Xc [^^ZTS [XZT cWT .)& hTPa&^[S A^]c^dabeX[[T ]PcXeT fPb V^X]V c^ cPZT P *&d_ [TPS fXcW WP[U P a^d]S aT\PX]X]V’ =]bcTPS% 6^W] Sa^__TS WXb *.&U^^c aXVWc c^ [TUc QXaSXT _dcc X]c^ cWT YPa’ 7W^PcT cf^& _dccTS Ua^\ *) UTTc P]S% d]Tg_TRcTS[h% 6^W] \PST cWT cda] *&d_’ 5 _Pa Qh 7W^PcT ^] B^’ ** #_Pa -% ,.1 hPaSb$ b‘dPaTS cWT \PcRW% QTU^aT P _TaUTRc RWX_ ^] B^’ *, #_Pa -% -*, hPaSb$ Qh 6^W] WT[_TS cWT AXUU[X]QdaV aTbXST]c aTRP_cdaT P *&d_ PSeP]cPVT’ (Left) James Bohn and (right) Warren Choate execute shots on No. 7 during the Middle-Amateur Championship final. Bohn defeated Choate, 2&1, for his first Middle-Amateur title. It was Choate s third straight runner-up finish. HWT cf^ \PcRWTS Q^VThb ^] B^’ *#_Pa -% -+2 hPaSb$ P]S _Pab ^] B^’ *. #_Pa ,% */0 hPaSb$ QTU^aT 6^W] bTP[TS WXb UPcT ^] cWT _Pa .% .*+&hPaS */cW’ 6^cW aTPRWTS cWT VaTT] X] aTVd[P& cX^]’ 6^W] _[PRTS WXb fTSVT PQ^dc *+ UTTc PQ^eT cWT W^[ T P]S 7W^PcT UPRTS P] d_WX[[ 1 U^^cTa’ = fPb Ydbc cahX]V c^ VTc Xc R[^bT’ :a^\ fWTaT = fPb = R^d[S TPbX[h bTT cWaTT _dc& cX]V% bPXS 6^W]’ =c fPb S^f]WX[[ P]S aXVWc c^ [TUc’ =c fPb P b‘dXaaT[[h _dcc’ KWT] = WXc Xc = cW^dVWc Xc fPb P aTP[ V^^S _dcc’ =c WXc cWT QPRZ ^U cWT W^[T P]S Sa^__TS X]’ GPXS 7W^PcT% = SXS] c S^ P]hcWX]V QPS NX] cWT UX]P[ \PcRWO% = Ydbc R^d[S] c VTc P]hcWX]V c^ WP__T]’ =c RP\T S^f] c^ cf^ _dccb’ C] B^’ */% XU WT S^Tb] c WXc cWT _X]% WT b TXVWc UTTc Qh _dccX]V U^a _Pa’ BTTSX]V WXb _dcc c^ TgcT]S cWT \PcRW% 7W^PcT bPXS% = WXc \X]T fWTaT Xc QaTPZb P]S Xc ]TeTa Qa^ZT’ HWT AXSS[T&5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]& Pennsylvania Golf Association 9 bWX_% U^a _[PhTab ,) hTPab ^U PVT P]S ^[STa% fPb 6^W] b UXabc bcPcT cXc[T’ 5[\^bc Pb \T\^aPQ[T U^a 6^W]% cW^dVW% fPb cWT b_^acb\P]bWX_ SXb& _[PhTS Qh 7W^PcT TPa[h X] cWT UX]P[ a^d]S’ 5] Tg_TaXT]RT WT f^] c b^^] U^aVTc’ = fPb bcT__X]V ^UU P hPaSPVT \PaZTa P]S WT bPXS = Ydbc fP]c c^ _^X]c ^dc cWPc cWPc hPaSPVT \PaZTa Xb Z]^f] Qh \T\QTab ]^c c^ QT PRRdaPcT’ = bcT__TS Xc ^UU Ua^\ P]^cWTa \PaZTa P]S cWTaT fPb P *)&hPaS SXUUTaT]RT% bPXS 6^W]’ <T SXS] c WPeT c^ S^ cWPc’ =c fPb _daT[h P VT]c[T\P][h PRc’ =a^]XRP[[h% cWT cf^ P[b^ _[PhTS c^& VTcWTa X] cWT ‘dP[XUhX]V a^d]Sb TPa[XTa X] cWT fTTZ’ HWPc fPb cWT UXabc cX\T 6^W] P]S 7W^PcT cTTS Xc d_ X] cWT bP\T Va^d_ bX]RT cWT AXS&5\ bT\XUX]P[b cf^ hTPab PV^’ 7W^PcT bc^__TS 6^W] cWPc hTPa’ = ]TTSTS c^ VTc WX\ QPRZ% 6^W] bPXS fXcW P b\X[T’ 5[cW^dVW 7W^PcT \Ph WPeT QTT] SXbP__^X]cTS fXcW cWT UX]P[ ^dcR^\T WT fPb U^acd]PcT c^ Ydbc \PZT cWT \PcRW _[Ph UXT[S’ <T SaPX]TS P S^f]WX[[ *1& U^^c QXaSXT _dcc cWPc Qa^ZT bXg X]RWTb See Mid-Am, page 10 Middle-Amateur Championship From page, 9 U^a P 0- P]S P ‘dP[XUhX]V c^cP[ ^U *-2’ <T f^d[S [PcTa PSeP]RT c^ \PcRW _[Ph X] P UXeT&_[PhTab&U^a&U^da&b_^cb _[Ph^UU’ H^ aTPRW cWT UX]P[ \PcRW% 6^W] ST& UTPcTS ;Pah 8P]XT[b ^U 5a^]X\X]Z ;^[U 7[dQ% ,"+% X] cWT bT\XUX]P[b% FXRW A^aaXb^] ^U GR^cRW JP[[Th 7^d]cah 7[dQ% -",% X] cWT ‘dPacTaUX]P[b P]S GcTeT GPe^a ^U 5[R^\P ;^[U 7[dQ% *&d_% X] cWT UXabc a^d]S’ 7W^PcT d_T]STS >P\Tb 8^dV[Pbb ^U FP]VT 9]S 7^d]cah 7[dQ% *&d_% X] cWT bT\XUX]P[b% 9aXR ARBd[ch ^U KX[[XP\b_^ac 7^d]cah 7[dQ% +"*% X] cWT ‘dPacTaUX]P[b% P]S GcTeT GWX]V[TSTRZTa ^U KP]P]V^ 7^d]cah 7[dQ% -",% X] cWT UXabc a^d]S’ 6^W] ‘dP[XUXTS Pb cWT cWXaS bTTS U^a \PcRW _[Ph fXcW P *-+’ <T _^bcTS a^d]Sb ^U /2 P]S 0,’ 5b _aTeX^db[h bcPcTS% 7W^PcT bda& eXeTS P _[Ph^UU P]S fPb bTTSTS Pb B^’ *- ^U */’ (Above) Gary Daniels of Aronimink GC tees off on No. 8 (par 4, 445 yards) during his semifinal match with James Bohn of Bucknell GC. Bohn upended Daniels, 3&2, to advance to the final. (Far left) James Douglass of Range End CC finds trouble on No. 8 during his semifinal match with Warren Choate of Williamsport CC. Choate edged Douglass, 1-up, to move into his third straight championship match. (Left) James Bohn raises the Middle-Amateur Championship trophy after defeating Warren Choate, 2&1, for the title. Name Wally Bylinowski, Butler CC James Bryan, Latrobe CC James Bohn, Bucknell GC Steve Shingledecker, Wanango CC Rich Morrison, Scotch Valley CC Gregory Ferguson, Sinking Valley CC James Douglass, Range End CC Ron Weaver, Meadia Heights GC Gary Daniels, Aronimink GC Christopher Fackler, Northampton CC Mike Voltz, State College Elks CC Eric McNulty, Williamsport CC *Chick Wagner, Oakmont CC *Steve Savor, Alcoma GC *Warren Choate, Williamsport CC *Don Erickson, III, DuBois CC *advanced in playoff Failed to qualify for match play Robert Howlett, Cool Creek CC David Smith, Indiana CC Alan Kline Jr., Lost Creek GC Edmund Chylinski, Chester Valley GC Santo Lafoca, Huntsville GC Michael Domenick, Phoenixville CC Edward Mesko, Great Bear G&CC Chris Smedley, Coatesville CC Phil Over, Meadia Heights GC Thomas Amendola, Kahkwa Club Rick Custer, Spring Ford CC Marlin Detweiler, Lancaster CC Daniel Vater, Schenley Park Artie Fink, Jr., Sinking Valley CC Thomas Soares, Berkleigh CC Score 69-71=140 68-72=140 69-73=142 68-74=142 67-77=144 76-70=146 72-74=146 72-74=146 76-71=147 75-72=147 74-74=148 72-76=148 78-71=149 78-71=149 75-74=149 70-79=149 72-77=149 78-72=150 75-75=150 75-75=150 74-76=150 72-78=150 75-76=151 74-77=151 73-78=151 71-80=151 76-76=152 75-77=152 70-82=152 75-78=153 73-80=153 Joseph Cordaro, Edgewood CC 72-81=153 Robert Frankil, Spring Ford CC 78-76=154 Robert Gill, Fox Hill CC 78-76=154 Thomas Hyland, Moselem Springs GC 75-79=154 Paul Stewart, Melrose CC 74-80=154 Gordon Jamieson, Merion GC 74-80=154 Francis Hamm, CC of Scranton 79-76=155 Ed Reidy, Butler CC 78-77=155 Drew Panebianco, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC 78-77=155 John Alterman, Common. National GC 77-78=155 Richard Thon, The Springhaven Club 76-79=155 Chris Kovaly, Deer Run GC 79-77=156 Frederick Taggart, Pine Meadows GC 77-79=156 Tom Piersanti, Radley Run CC 77-79=156 Thomas Fleig, Colonial CC 78-79=157 Patrick O Brien, North Hills CC 78-79=157 Keith Marinacci, Hickory Heights GC 77-80=157 Mark Leaman, Lancaster CC 76-81=157 David Myers, Indiana CC 81-77=158 Roswell Brayton, Williamsport CC 80-78=158 Jeff Ranck, Huntsville GC 78-80=158 Albert Hazzouri Jr., CC of Scranton 75-83=158 Byron Whitman, Philadelphia Publinks 75-83=158 Jason Barkley, Berkleigh CC 80-79=159 K.J. Stutz, II, Meadia Heights GC 74-85=159 Steve Kyriakodis, Lu Lu CC 81-79=160 Bob MacWhinnie, St. Clair CC 79-81=160 Jeff Tokach, Wyoming Valley CC 77-83=160 Ed Knoll, Range End CC 73-87=160 Dario Cipriani, Lake View CC 82-79=161 Steve Spuhler, Lu Lu CC 80-81=161 Ken Donlavage, Wyoming Valley CC 79-82=161 Jim Shields, Jericho National GC 85-77=162 Dan Woods, Ponderosa GC 82-80=162 Pennsylvania Golf Association 10 Ed Strickler, Huntingdon CC Elliot Sheftel, Lehigh CC Jay Stoner, Range End CC Rob McMenamin, Philadelphia CC William Vespa, St. Clair CC Tom Bower, Jr., Kittanning CC George Bilowick, Butler CC Matt McGuire, Bethlehem Municipal GC Matthew Brodsky, Radley Run CC Jim Moyer, Chambersburg GC Jason Ranieri, Hershey GC Joe DeCavage, Scranton Municiple GC Eric Boyce, Old York Road CC Thomas Mallouk, Lookaway GC Shawn Felty, Susquehanna Valley CC Mark Amendola, Valley CC Matt Zito, Carlisle CC James Ranieri, Hershey GC Gerald Auld, Southpointe GC Kevin Haag, Deer Run GC Thomas Larkin, Conestoga CC Richard Grebosky, Latrobe CC David Justi, Common. National GC William Pearce, Irem Temple CC John Clauss, Lu Lu CC Matt Glenn, Grove City CC Joseph Paternostro, White Deer GC Dave Suitch, Valley CC John Pagana, Susquehanna Valley CC Gary Phillips, Elkview CC Jim Graves, Windber CC John Dickinson, Hartefeld National GC Bryce Nutter, Hartefeld National GC Joseph Kinsman, Sandy Run CC 80-82=162 77-85=162 77-85=162 82-81=163 80-83=163 80-83=163 78-85=163 75-88=163 84-80=164 83-81=164 82-82=164 82-82=164 80-84=164 79-85=164 77-87=164 85-80=165 80-85=165 80-85=165 79-86=165 75-90=165 81-86=167 80-87=167 85-84=169 85-85=170 84-86=170 80-90=170 80-90=170 85-86=171 84-87=171 88-84=172 81-91=172 87-87=174 84-90=174 89-92=181 9th MIDDLE-AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Sept. 10-13 Williamsport CC Final Match: Bohn d. Choate, 2&1 Bracket.jpg goes on this page. Please center. Example enclosed. Thank you. Pennsylvania Golf Association 11 52nd Junior Championship Hershey Golf Club Hershey, Pa. July 8-9, 2002 )[PX]T DTUU[Th ^U @TQP]^] 7^d]cah 7[dQ cda]TS BLAINE PEFFLEY MATT McGINNIS JARRED TEXTER JOHN SAWIN c^ WXb _PaT]cb P]S dccTaTS Qdc ^]T f^aS fWT] cWT >d]X^a 7WP\_X^]bWX_ Pc <TabWTh ;^[U 7[dQ T]STS’ :X]P[[h’ DTUU[Th% QdaST]TS Qh R^]bTRdcXeT ad]]Ta&d_ UX]& XbWTb X] cWT >d]X^a cWT _aX^a cf^ hTPab% _^bcTS P _PXa ^U 0+b U^a P +&^eTa&_Pa *-- P]S P ^]T&bca^ZT eXRc^ah ^eTa UaXT]S P]S UT[[^f @P]RPbcTa 7^d]ch aTbXST]c >PaaTS HTgcTa ^U 7^]Tbc^VP 7^d]& cah 7[dQ’ HTgcTa RPaSTS a^d]Sb ^U MARK ZBRZEZNJ 0* P]S 0- U^a P ,&^eTa&_Pa *-. c^cP[’ APaZ MQaiTi]Y ^U KWXcT\PabW JP[[Th 7^d]cah 7[dQ #0/&0)&*-/$% GcT_WT] 5a]^[S ^U LPaS[Th 7^d]& cah 7[dQ #0-&0+&*-/$ P]S APcc AR;X]]Xb ^U JP[[Th 6a^^Z 7^d]cah 7[dQ #0*&0.&*-/$ P[[ _[PRTS cWXaS% cf^ bW^cb QPRZ’ =c fPb VaTPc UTT[X]V c^ UX]P[[h fX] cWT >d]X^a N6^hb O 7WP\_X^]bWX_% bPXS DTUU[Th’ =] TPRW ^U cW^bT ^cWTa hTPab NfWT] = UX]XbWTS bTR^]SO% b^\T& ^]T f^d[S VTc W^c P]S QTPc \T’ KWT] Xc fPb ^eTa NcWXb hTPaO \h _PaT]cb P]S = Ydbc [^^ZTS Pc TPRW ^cWTa P]S bPXS UX]P[[h’ DTUU[Th% *0% ^U @TQP]^]% ^_T]TS cWT c^da]P& \T]c ^] cWT QPRZ ]X]T ^U cWT G^dcW 7^dabT #_Pa 0*% /%,,+ hPaSb$’ <T \PST cWT cda] X] *&d]STa& _Pa ,. P]S WPS WXb bR^aT c^ P c^da]P\T]c QTbc +& d]STa PUcTa P QXaSXT ^] B^’ + #_Pa ,% ++/ hPaSb$’ DTUU[Th aT\PX]TS Pc + d]STa fWT] SXbPbcTa bcadRZ ^] cWT _Pa .% -0)&hPaS ]X]cW% WXb *1cW W^[T’ 5 ‘dXaZh S^f]WX[[% S^V[TV [TUc fXcW P bcaTP\ b_[XccX]V cWT UPXafPh% DTUU[Th aTRP[[TS bcP]SX]V ^] cWT cTT P]S f^]STaX]V fWPc R[dQ c^ _d[[’ = fPb] c bdaT fWPc c^ WXc QTRPdbT = WPS] c _[P hTS cWTaT X] P hTPa P ]S \h VP\T WPS RWP]VTS% bPXS DTUU[Th’ = WXc P +&Xa^]’ =c fT]c P [Xcc[T [TUc P]S R[X__TS P caTT P]S fT]c ^dc ^U Q^d]Sb’ HWT ]Tgc ^]T% = WXc Xc bcaPXVWc P]S Xc a^[[TS X]c^ cWT bcaTP\’ = fPb b_TTRW[Tbb’ @^^ZX]V c^ VTc c^ cWT R[dQW^dbT X] P Wdaah% DTUU[Th TeT]cdP[[h U^d]S cWT QPRZ ^U cWT VaTT] Qdc fPb [TUc fXcW P b[XRZ% ,)&U^^c S^f]WX[[ Q^VTh RWP]RT’ HWaTT&_dccb [PcTa% DTUU[Th RP__TS WXb a^d]S fXcW P] TXVWc’ L^d RP] c VTc c^^ d_bTc% cWPc R^dabT Xb Ud[[ ^U bda_aXbTb% bPXS DTUU[Th% ]^f P UaTbW\P] Pc cWT I]XeTabXch ^U 5aXi^]P’ L^d Tg_TRc cWPc ZX]S ^U bcdUU c^ WP__T]’ =]bcTPS ^U [TPSX]V PUcTa cWT UXabc SPh% DTUU[Th See Junior Championship, page 13 Pennsylvania Golf Association 12 Name Score Blaine Peffley, Lebanon CC 72-72 144 Jarred Texter, Conestoga CC 71-74 145 Mark Zbrzeznj, Whitemarsh Valley CC 76-70 146 Stephen Arnold, Yardley CC 74-72 146 Matt McGinnis, Valley Brook CC 71-75 146 John Sawin, Philadelphia CC 72-75 147 Jake Dougherty, Glenmaura National GC 71-76 147 Clayton Rotz, Chambersburg GC 74-73 147 Brian Belden, Jr., Brookside CC 75-73 148 Greg Franko, Jr., Duck Hollow GC 71-78 149 Ronald Denunzio, Hannastown GC 73-76 149 Bryan Bustamante, Hannastown GC 77-72 149 Will Weihenmayer, Huntingdon Valley CC 74-76 150 Colin Clemente, Oak Tree CC 76-74 150 Bill Wilkinson, Mt. Hope GC 75-75 150 Erek Bylinowski, Butler CC 78-73 151 Matt Schall, White Deer Park & GC 72-79 151 Chas Wagner, Oakmont CC 76-76 152 Brett Bergman, Treesdale G&CC 73-79 152 Peter Duryea, Sandy Run CC 74-78 152 G. Basalyga, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC 77-75 152 John Brumberg, Du Bois CC 75-77 152 Jon Merriott, Lake View CC 75-77 152 Jared Moyer, Mainland GC 77-75 152 Doug Stadler, Treesdale G&CC 77-75 152 Ryan Knolles, Towanda CC 76-77 153 Cyrus Girson, Schenley Park GC 75-78 153 Alan Borowsky, White Manor CC 74-80 154 Christopher Melnic, Lehigh CC 77-77 154 T.J. Hart, Sandy Run CC 74-80 154 Andrew Glover, Erie GC 76-78 154 Christian Gallon, Gettysburg CC 78-76 154 Scott Kegerreis, Chambersburg GC 77-77 154 David DeNunzio, Hannastown GC 74-80 154 Christian Breed, Waynesboro CC 80-75 155 Chase Duncan, Meadia Heights GC 76-79 155 Erik Guttman, Out Door CC 78-77 155 Shawn Hall, Lancaster Host Resort 80-75 155 Dante Martire Jr., Grove City CC 73-82 155 Jordan Griggs, White Deer Park & GC 73-82 155 Michael VanSickle, Treesdale G&CC 81-75 156 Brian Ruht, Lehigh CC 75-81 156 Eli Pery, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC 79-77 156 Tony Klingseisen, Overbrook GC 77-79 156 Ryan Sload, Lancaster Host Resort 76-80 156 Justin Michael Alunni, Scranton Municiple GC 79-77 156 Matthew Frame, The Club at Nevillewood 77-79 156 Jimmy Gillam, Sinking Valley CC 77-79 156 Steve Boerner, Silver Creek CC 80-77 157 Michael Kupniewski, Erie GC 76-81 157 Zach Szwast, Sunnehanna CC 76-81 157 Shane Brant, Hannastown GC 79-78 157 Jon Wilde, Out Door CC 78-80 158 Robert Pyrz, Mainland GC 78-80 158 Jimmy Robertson, Jr., Llanerch CC 78-80 158 Greg Mascioli, Huntsville GC 78-80 158 Tom Kefalas, White Deer Park & GC 80-79 159 Alex Knoll, Green Pond CC 79-80 159 Kevin Balthaser, Hanover CC 80-79 159 Travis Palladino, Kennett Square G&CC 79-80 159 Jordan Darrenkamp, Cool Creek CC 76-83 159 S. Hudacek III, Glenmaura National GC 75-84 159 Brian Schulte, Lebanon CC 80-80 160 Patrick Hardin, Northampton CC 73-87 160 Steve Brenner, Lancaster Host Resort 81-79 160 Brandon Katzeff, Uniontown CC 77-84 161 Greg Hostetter, Meadia Heights GC 79-82 161 Tyler Dice, Highland CC 84-77 161 William Miller, Valley Brook CC 77-84 161 A.J. Tomasello, Plymouth CC 79-83 162 Anthony Spatichia, Philadelphia Publinks 78-84 162 Steve Scarpetta, Elkview CC 78-84 162 James Berenato, Llanerch CC 76-86 162 Grant Skyllas, Reading CC 78-84 162 See Junior Championship, page 13 Junior Championship From page, 12 caPX[TS HTgcTa% AR;X]]Xb P]S ;aTV :aP]Z^% >a’ ^U 8dRZ <^[[^f ;^[U 7[dQ Qh P bW^c’ HWPc caX^ _^bcTS UXabc&a^d]S bR^aTb ^U 0*’ HWT eT]dT ^] SPh cf^ \^eTS c^ cWT \^aT SXUUXRd[c 9Pbc 7^dabT #_Pa 0*% /%,/, hPaSb$% cWT bP\T bXcT Pb cWT hTPa[h 6dh’R^\ H^da bc^_’ BTeTa ^]T c^ VTPa S^f]% DTUU[Th bcPhTS PVVaTbbXeT cWa^dVW^dc WXb UX]P[ *1 W^[Tb’ <T aTR^aSTS U^da QXaSXTb% cWaTT Q^VXTb P]S ^]T S^dQ[T Q^VTh’ 5]S Pb cWT [TPSTab bcadVV[TS% DTUU[Th aT\PX]TS U^RdbTS’ C] B^’ *+ #_Pa -% ,10 hPaSb$% DTUU[Th Z]^RZTS P ,&f^^S% cWT] VP_ fTSVT c^ UXeT UTTc U^a QXaSXT’ C] B^’ *, #_Pa ,% */) hPaSb$% WT bcXUUTS P /& Xa^] c^ cf^ UTTc U^a P]^cWTa QXaSXT’ 6^VThb ^] B^’ *- #_Pa .% -1* hPaSb$ P]S B^’ *0 #_Pa -% ,/+ hPaSb$ \PST WX\ TeT] ^] cWT QPRZ fXcW ^][h B^’ *1 #_Pa -% ,02 hPaSb$ aT\PX]X]V’ From page, 12 Ross Brown, Irem Temple CC R. Kenner, III, Brookside CC of Allentown Greg Forster, Radnor Valley CC Billy Macknis, Downingtown CC Christopher Zamias, Sunnehanna CC Steven Melnic, Lehigh CC Tyler Brewington, Berwick GC Chris Heckman, Philadelphia Publinks Reed M. Valutas, Overbrook GC Evan Lebovitz, Frosty Valley GC Pat Durkin, CC of Scranton David Giles, Jr., Berkshire CC John Calabrese, Lakeshore CC Robert Galbreath, Huntingdon Valley CC Myles Makaila, Meadia Heights GC Ryan Schneider, Lebanon CC Christopher Allan, Whitford CC Joe Campbell, McCall Field CC Jeff Griest, Waynesborough CC Justin Steel, Mt. Odin GC Erik Doran, Mt. Odin GC Kevin Sosna, Sandy Run CC Robert Fry, Mt. Odin GC Chas Horn, Sunset GC Eli Hostetter, Conestoga CC Kevin O Brien, Cedarbrook CC Andy Beittel, Meadia Heights GC Jordan Isenberg, White Deer Park & GC Steve Dressel, Spring Ford CC Justin Rusk, Yardley CC Nathan Sutherland, Berkshire CC Matt Veleber, Silver Creek CC Daniel Conston, Green Valley CC Sean Janowicz, Elmhurst CC George Forster, Radnor Valley CC Curtis Bates, Brookside CC Pat Kloecker, Lake View CC Matt Rebitch, Hannastown GC Josh Wilson, Radnor Valley CC Chase Kuehner, Brookside CC of Allentown Matt Kircher, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Blaine Peffley of Lebanon CC finished second in the Junior Championship the prior two years. 5 +&Xa^] ^UU cWT cTT P]S P _XcRWX]V fTSVT Ua^\ cWT UPXafPh [TUc WX\ fXcW TXVWc UTTc U^a QXaSXT c^ R[^bT cWT a^d]S’ = fPb aTPSX]V NcWT _dccO P]S = fPb] c bdaT PQ^dc cWT aTPS’ = V^c d_ ^eTa Xc P]S fT]c cWa^dVW \h a^dcX]T P]S cWT] = QPRZTS ^UU% bPXS DTUU[Th’ = Ydbc _XRZTS ^dc P b_^c P]S aP\\TS Xc X]’ = cW^dVWc = ]TTSTS P QXaSXT ^] B^’ *1’ 5b Xc cda]TS ^dc WT SXS’ HTgcTa% P Va^d_ QTWX]S DTUU[Th% P[b^ _^bcTS P cWaTT ^] cWT UX]P[ W^[T’ = Z]^f NHTgcTa bO VP\T% bPXS 78-84 78-84 81-81 79-83 82-81 81-82 80-83 84-79 78-85 79-85 77-87 80-84 79-85 77-87 75-89 81-83 79-85 86-79 83-82 84-81 84-81 83-83 81-85 77-89 83-83 83-84 79-88 81-86 81-86 81-86 84-83 82-86 91-77 80-88 83-85 84-85 83-86 85-84 81-88 84-85 84-86 162 162 162 162 163 163 163 163 163 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 165 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 167 167 168 168 168 168 169 169 169 169 169 170 DTUU[Th’ = Z]Tf WT fPb cWT ^]T c^ QTPc’ 5SSTS HTgcTa% *0% P Yd]X^a Pc DT]] AP]^a <XVW GRW^^[% = PRcdP[[h cW^dVWc WT fPb cWaTT ^a U^da bca^ZTb PWTPS ^U \T’ HWT cf^ _aTeX^db hTPab 6[PX]T b UX]XbWTS bTR^]S P]S = eT UX]XbWTS cWXaS b^ Pc [TPbc cWXb hTPa fT TPRW \^eTS d_ P b_^c’ DTUU[Th b QTT] Z]^RZX]V ^] cWT >d]X^a cXc[T S^^a U^a cWT _Pbc R^d_[T ^U bTPb^]b’ @Pbc hTPa% DTUU[Th U^d]S WX\bT[U cXTS fXcW GWPf] <P[[ Pc /2 PUcTa cWT UXabc SPh Qdc fPcRWTS WXb ^__^]T]c RPaS P // R^\_PaTS c^ WXb 0, X] cWT UX]P[ a^d]S’ Hf^ hTPab PV^% BPcWP] GWTeRWXZ ^U KWXcU^aS 7^d]cah 7[dQ TSVTS DTUU[Th Qh P bca^ZT’ DTUU[Th _^bcTS P UX]P[&a^d]S bR^aT ^U +&d]STa&_Pa /2 c^ Ydbc \Xbb’ GWTeRWXZ RPaSTS P] TeT]&_Pa 0*’ KWT] DTUU[Th fPb *, hTPab ^[S% WT _[PRTS U^dacW’ NKX]]X]V cWXb WPbO QTT] P V^P[ ^U \X]T TeTa bX]RT = bcPacTS _[PhX]V X] Xc% bPXS DTUU[Th’ Clint Smith, Carlisle CC Tim Slizofski, North Hills CC Jason Brown, Irem Temple CC Bobby Scalise, Corry CC Michael Gross, Glenmaura National GC Matthew Pesci, Yardley CC Dan Brown, Llanerch CC Robert Crouser, Susquehanna Valley CC Pat Shearman, Philadelphia Cricket Club Jeffrey Goodman, Meadowlands CC Derek Lutterman, Hannastown GC Robert O Brien, CC of Scranton Brian Clearkin, Old York Road CC Kevin Farrell, Harrisburg CC Mark McClure, Corey Creek GC Charles Rahauser, Chambersburg GC Scott Pringle, Lancaster CC Brandon Cooke, Llanerch CC Jon Heintz, Erie GC Zach Pierce, Hershey GC Joseph Coffey III, Inniscrone GC David Malone, Jr., Sandy Run CC Zachary Oster, Brookside CC of Allentown Adam Hofman, Oakmont CC Matthew J. Duffy, White Deer Park & GC Brad MacDonald, Llanerch CC Erik Radick, Spring Mill CC Andrew Bourgoine, Windber CC Andy Welliver, White Deer Park & GC Joel Snyder, Mt. Odin GC Ryan Scullin, Range End CC Joseph Ross, Elmhurst CC David Carney, Commonwealth National GC Richard Gross, Glenmaura National GC Scott Mcfatridge, Sandy Run CC Matt Robertson, Llanerch CC Nicholas Vlajic, Corey Creek GC Michael Burke, St. Davids GC Jason Pensack, Shadowbrook GC John Mesko, CC of Scranton Michael Dungan, North Hills CC Pennsylvania Golf Association 13 79-91 82-88 83-87 80-90 79-91 84-86 80-91 87-84 81-90 81-90 83-88 85-86 85-86 82-89 84-88 76-96 83-89 87-85 88-84 84-88 91-82 88-85 87-86 82-91 84-90 79-95 83-91 88-87 81-94 91-85 84-93 90-88 88-90 88-90 90-89 89-90 89-92 87-95 98-85 84-99 90-93 170 170 170 170 170 170 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 172 172 172 172 172 172 173 173 173 173 174 174 174 175 175 176 177 178 178 178 179 179 181 182 183 183 183 Junior Team Championship Hershey Golf Club Hershey, Pa. July 8-9, 2002 HWT U^dab^\T ^U GWP]T 6aP]c% 8TaTZ @dccTa\P]% P]S HWT >d]X^a HTP\ 7WP\_X^]bWX_% ad] R^]RdaaT]c[h fXcW cWT >d]X^a 7WP\_X^]bWX_% R^]bXbcb ^U cTP\b ^U U^da _[Ph& 8PeXS P]S F^]P[S 8TBd]iX^ Ua^\ <P]]Pbc^f] ;^[U 7[dQ dbTS P bR^aTRPaS _[Ph^UU c^ R[PX\ cWT cXc[T Ua^\ HaTTbSP[T Tab’ GR^aTb PaT RP[Rd[PcTS Qh PSSX]V cWT QTbc cWaTT ^dc ^U ;"77’ 6^cW b‘dPSb UX]XbWTS fXcW c^cP[b ^U -/)’ U^da bR^aTb Ua^\ TPRW SPh’ #HTP\b fXcW cWaTT _[PhTab PaT P[b^ T[XVXQ[T c^ R^\_TcT’$ Brookside CC of Allentown Richard Kenner, III Chase Kuehner Zachary Oster Brian Belden, Jr. 237-242 78-84 84-85 87-86 75-73 479 162 169 173 148 460 152 152 156 Meadia Heights GC Andy Beittel Chase Duncan Greg Hostetter Myles Makaila 230-249 79-88 76-79 79-82 75-89 479 167 155 161 164 225-240 73-82 81-86 80-79 72-79 465 155 167 159 151 Sandy Run CC Peter Duryea T.J. Hart David Malone, Jr. Scott Mcfatridge 236-243 74-78 74-80 88-85 90-89 479 152 154 173 179 Mt. Odin GC Erik Doran Robert Fry Joel Snyder Justin Steel 249-247 84-81 81-85 91-85 84-81 496 165 166 176 165 Lebanon CC Brandon Abella Blaine Peffley Ryan Schneider Brian Schulte 233-235 95-93 72-72 81-83 80-80 468 188 144 164 160 Erie GC Andrew Glover Jon Heintz Michael Kupniewski Joe Smalley 240-243 76-78 88-84 76-81 95-93 483 154 172 157 188 Radnor Valley CC George Forster Greg Forster Josh Wilson 245-254 83-85 81-81 81-88 499 168 162 169 Lancaster Host Resort Steve Brenner Shawn Hall Ryan Sload 237-234 81-79 80-75 76-80 471 160 155 156 Yardley CC Stephen Arnold Matthew Pesci Justin Rusk 239-244 74-72 84-86 81-86 483 146 170 167 Philadelphia Publinks Chris Heckman Kris King Anthony Spatichia 250-259 84-79 88-96 78-84 509 163 184 162 Chambersburg GC Scott Kegerreis Charles Rahauser Clayton Rotz 227-246 77-77 76-96 74-73 473 154 172 147 Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Garrett Basalyga Matthew Kircher Eli Pery Mark Weller 240-248 77-75 84-86 79-77 91-WD 488 152 170 156 WD CC of Scranton Pat Durkin Jason Mesko John Mesko Robert O Brien 246-272 77-87 88-101 84-99 85-86 518 164 189 183 171 Lehigh CC Christopher Melnic Steven Melnic Brian Ruht 233-240 77-77 81-82 75-81 473 154 163 156 Llanerch CC James Berenato Dan Brown Brad MacDonald Jimmy Robertson, Jr. 233-257 76-86 80-91 79-95 78-80 490 162 171 174 158 Corey Creek GC Zachary Harter Mark McClure Nicholas Vlajic 258-284 85-104 84-88 89-92 542 189 172 181 Team Hannastown GC Shane Brant David DeNunzio Ronald DeNunzio Derek Lutterman Score 226-234 460 79-78 157 74-80 154 73-76 149 83-88 171 Treesdale G&CC Brett Bergman Doug Stadler Michael VanSickle 231-229 73-79 77-75 81-75 White Deer Park & GC Jordan Griggs Jordan Isenberg Tom Kefalas Matt Schall Glenmaura National GC Jake Dougherty Michael Gross Richard Gross Stephen Hudacek III 225-250 475 71-76 147 79-91 170 88-90 178 75-84 159 Pennsylvania Golf Association 14 2003 Schedule The 2003 Junior Championship and Junior Team Championship are set for July 7 8 at Penn National Golf Club. 43rd Senior Amateur Championship New Castle Country Club New Castle, Pa. May 20-21, 2002 /TaQTac ;^aS^] ^U 8^h[Tbc^f] 7^d]cah 7[dQ aTRP[[b cWT _PacXRd[Pab Herb Gordon of Doylestown Country Club earned the Senior Championship title by three shots despite the frosty temperatures the field faced at New Castle Country Club. Name Score Herbert Gordon, Doylestown CC 75-78 153 Bill Baloh, Hannastown GC 77-79 156 Carl Everett, Merion GC 79-78 157 Peter Smith, Kahkwa Club 79-79 158 Ed Gregorczyk, Glenmaura National GC 80-80 160 Robert Marek, Carlisle CC 77-83 160 Richard Smith, Philadelphia CC 82-78 160 Jim Anderson, Willowbrook CC 86-75 161 Jim Wetzel, Regent s Glen CC 85-76 161 James Sylves, Elks CC of State College 80-82 162 George May, Manufacturers G&CC 82-81 163 Jim McKibben, Kahkwa Club 83-80 163 Barry Emich, Bent Creek CC 82-83 165 Jim Keim, Kahkwa Club 84-81 165 Michael Kanoff, Jr., Colonial CC 80-86 166 Don Lamb, Montour Heights CC 78-88 166 Thomas Verney, Carlisle CC 77-89 166 George Bilowick, Butler CC 84-83 167 Ernest Eichenberg, III, Waynesborough CC 86-81 167 Robert Schiller, Old York Road CC 81-86 167 Gregory Gaul, Merion GC 83-85 168 James Haynie, Lu Lu CC 85-83 168 Dave Luzzi, Rolling Hills CC 85-83 168 Dennis McLaughlin, Pinecrest CC 83-85 168 Rich Jacob, Pittsburgh Field Club 85-85 170 George Anderson, Beaver Lakes CC 86-85 171 Bill Douds, St. Clair CC 87-84 171 Michael Rowland, Moselem Springs GC 84-87 171 A. Kent Weymouth, Jr., Lu Lu CC 86-85 171 Milton Drennen, Bent Creek CC 84-88 172 Christopher Frazier, Sunnybrook GC 87-85 172 Jim Hoffer, West Shore CC 85-87 172 Lee Lykens, Clearfield-Curwensville CC 87-85 172 Keith Saylor, Oakmont CC 88-84 172 Michael Stanco, Glen Oak CC 87-85 172 Thomas Bishop, Chartiers CC 92-81 173 Douglas Chambers, Longue Vue Club 89-85 174 Orvis Rowles, Sr., Lost Creek GC 88-86 174 Robert Carter, Lebanon CC 89-86 175 Giles Lanager, Clearfield-Curwensville CC 87-88 175 Bill Stasiulatis, West Shore CC 85-90 175 Gary McQuone, Allegheny CC 83-93 176 Robert Schilling, Doylestown CC 93-83 176 William Walk, Edgewood CC 88-88 176 Larry E. Casebeer, CC of Hershey 91-86 177 Clyde Fuller, Elks CC of State College 89-89 178 James Henry, CC of Hershey 90-88 178 David Simonsen, Kahkwa Club 88-90 178 Don Warner, Elks CC of State College 91-88 179 Larry Conte, Conestoga CC 91-89 180 John Pagana, Susquehanna Valley CC 90-90 180 Michael Brigandi, Elks CC of State College 94-89 183 Raymond Gergich, Rolling Hills CC 90-93 183 Frank Polizzi, Sr., Whitemarsh Valley CC 85-100 185 Ronald DeLucia, Grandview GC 97-89 186 Daniel Mack, Chambersburg CC 92-94 186 Jeff Rivard, Willowbrook CC 90-97 187 Garry Pote, Scotch Valley CC 94-99 193 Bernard Szymanski, Montour Heights CC 97-97 194 Michael Sanger, Merion GC 78-WD WD ^U APh +* P]S cWT GT]X^a 5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_% Qdc WT RP] c Tg_[PX] cWT\’ 5]S fWT] cWT /,&hTPa&^[S caXTS STcPX[X]V cWT WP__T]X]Vb ^U cWPc UaXVXS b_aX]V SPh X] B^acWfTbcTa] DT]]bh[eP]XP% cWT b^Uc&b_^ZT] ;^aS^] R^d[S ^][h aT_TPcTS[h aTRXcT% = VdTbb Xc fPb \h SPh’ =] aTP[Xch% ;^aS^]% Wd\Q[T c^ P UPd[c fWT] Xc R^\Tb c^ _dQ[XRXiX]V WXb V^[UX]V PQX[Xch% S^Tb] c WPeT c^ bPh P f^aS’ G_daaTS ^] Qh P aTS&W^c _dccTa X] QXccTa R^[S R^]SXcX^]b% ;^aS^] b PRcX^]b b_^ZT e^[d\Tb Pb WT [TS Ua^\ bcPac c^ UX]XbW X] RP_cdaX]V cWT -,aS GT]X^a 5\PcTda 7WP\& _X^]bWX_ #.. hTPab ^U PVT P]S ^[STa$ Pc BTf 7Pbc[T 7^d]cah 7[dQ #_Pa 0+% /%,-2 hPaSb$’ ;^aS^] b UX]P[&a^d]S bR^aT ^U 01 U^a P *., c^cP[ #2 ^eTa$ _a^eTS cWaTT bW^cb QTc& cTa cWP] WXb R[^bTbc RWP[[T]VTa 6X[[ 6P[^W ^U <P]]Pbc^f] ;^[U 7[dQ% cWT *222 GT& ]X^a RWP\_X^]% fW^ bW^c P *./ #00&02$’ 7Pa[ 9eTaTcc ^U ATaX^] ;^[U 7[dQ _[PRTS cWXaS fXcW *.0 #02&01$ P]S DTcTa G\XcW ^U cWT ?PWZfP 7[dQ UX]XbWTS U^dacW fXcW *.1 #02& 02$’ 9Sf Pa S ;a TV^a RihZ ^ U ;[T]\PdaP BPcX^]P[ ;^[U 7[dQ% F^QTac APaTZ ^U 7Pa[Xb[T 7^d]cah 7[dQ P]S FXRW& PaS G\XcW ^U DWX[PST[_WXP 7^d]cah 7[dQ P[[ cXTS U^a UXUcW Pc */)’ HWTaT PaT P [^c ^U Vdhb cWPc PaT P [^c QTccTa _[PhTab cWP] =% bPXS cWT \^STbc ;^aS^]% Qdc = Ydbc caXTS c^ WP]V X] cWTaT P]S _[Ph TPRW W^[T Pb Xc RP\T d_’ = cWX]Z eT [TPa]TS c^ _[Ph QTccTa X] NWXVW&_aTb& bdaTSO TeT]cb’ L^d WPeT c^ QT b\Pac P]S ]^c VTc h^dabT[U X] c^^ \dRW ca^dQ[T’ FPaT[h S^ ^__^]T]cb _[Ph fT[[ P[[ cWT cX\T b^ = cah ]^c c^ \PZT c^^ \P]h QXV \Xb& cPZTb’ = S^] c VP\Q[T N^] bW^cbO TXcWTa QTRPdbT cWPc ]TeTa f^aZb’ = aTP[[h cWX]Z cWT VP\T fWT] = \ ^dc cWTaT’ HPZX]V P R^]bTaePcXeT P__a^PRW ^] (Top) Bill Baloh of Hannastown GC finished second to (above) Herb Gordon of cWXb *2+, 5’K’ HX[[X]VWPbc STbXV] fXcW Xcb Doylestown CC in the Senior ChampionST\P]SX]V% d]Sd[PcX]V VaTT]b _a^eTS WXb ship last May. QTbc QTc’ FT\PaZPQ[h% ;^aS^] aTR^aSTS ]^ cWaTT _dccb ^] TXcWTa SPh’ KXcW cWT U[Pc bcXRZ ad]]X]V ^] W^c% WT \PST P caX^ ^U R[dcRW TXVWc&U^^c _Pa _dccb ^] cWT UX]P[ cWaTT W^[Tb X] PSSXcX^] c^ cf^ ^cWTa a^d]S P[cTa]PcX]V a^[[b ^] cWT QPRZ ]X]T’ = _[PhTS P _aPRcXRT a^d]S QTU^aT cWT bcPac ^U cWT c^da]P\T]c P]S = bPf cWPc h^d R^d[S] c RWPaVT _dccb QTRPdbT cWT VaTT]b fTaT [XZT [XVWc]X]V% bPXS ;^aS^]’ =U P]hcWX]V% h^d WPS c^ [TPeT Nh^da _dccbO bW^ac P]S ]^c QT Pb PVVaTbbXeT’ ;^aS^] b V^^S U^acd]T P]S cWT V^[U c^da]P\T]c aTe^[eTS Pa^d]S cf^ W^[Tb P]S P R^d_[T ^U _dccb ^] cWT QPRZ ]X]T ^U cWT bTR^]S SPh’ See Senior Amateur Championship, page 16 Pennsylvania Golf Association 15 Senior Championship Future Senior Amateur Championship Venues From page, 15 C] B^’ ** #_Pa -% ,-* hPaSb$% P bW^ac _Pa - fXcW P bTeTaT VaTT] cWPc b[^_Tb aXVWc c^ [TUc% ;^aS^] WPS P QXaSXT RWP]RT Ua^\ d]STa cWT aXVWc bXST ^U cWT _X] fWT] WXb _dcc RPdVWc P aXSVT P]S T]STS .) UTTc PfPh X] cWT [TUc UaX]VT’ 6P[^W% \TP]fWX[T% fPb [TUc fXcW P -&U^^cTa% P[QTXc PQ^eT cWT W^[T% U^a P _Pa’ ;^aS^] [PVVTS WXb ]Tgc _dcc d_ c^ *. UTTc% P]S bcX[[ PfPh% fPcRWTS Pb WXb ]Tgc PccT\_c \XbbTS cWT W^[T PVPX]’ GTT\X]V[h P__TPaX]V c^ WPeT ThTb% cW^dVW% ;^aS^] b QP[[ a^[[TS X]c^ cWT QPRZ ^U cWT Rd_ U^a P Q^VTh UXeT’ 6P[^W% fW^ caPX[TS ;^aS^] Qh cWaTT bW^cb Pc cWXb _^X]c% [^^ZTS X] _aX\T _^bXcX^] c^ RP_XcP[XiT3 Qdc R^d[S] c’ <T \XbbTS WXb _Pa ^__^acd]Xch P]S fWT] Xc fPb P[[ bPXS P]S S^]T UX]P[[h RPaSTS P] d]cWX]ZPQ[T S^dQ[T&Q^VTh bXg’ =]bcTPS ^U _XRZX]V d_ cf^ bca^ZTb% bPXS 6P[^W’ = [^bc ^]T’ C] B^’ *.% P bW^ac _Pa . #-0+ hPaSb$% 6P[^W Ydbc \XbbTS cWT VaTT] X] cf^’ ;^aS^] fPb [TUc fXcW PQ^dc P *))& hPaS fTSVT bW^c U^a WXb cWXaS P]S Sa^__TS Xc c^ U^da UTTc’ <T \PST cWT QXaSXT’ 6P[^W% \TP]fWX[T% UPRTS P SXU& UXRd[c RWX_ ^eTa P Z]^Q X] cWT VaTT] P]S fPcRWTS Pb Xc a^[[TS ^UU cWT QPRZ ^U cWT _dccX]V bdaUPRT’ <T UPX[TS c^ VTc d_ P]S S^f] P]S aTR^aSTS P Q^VTh’ =U h^d _dc cW^bT cf^ W^[Tb c^VTcWTa cWPc fPb cWT c^da]P\T]c% bPXS 6P[^W% .1% ^U <Ta\X]XT% DP’% fW^ [PcTa X] cWT 2003 Rolling Green Golf Club 2004 Saucon Valley Country Club Ed Gregorczyk (left) of Glenmaura National Golf Club, Robert Marek (above) of Carlisle Country Club and Richard Smith (not pictured) of Philadelphia Country Club tied for fith place at the Senior Championship. bd\\Ta f^d[S PSeP]RT X]c^ cWT I’G’ GT]X^a 5\PcTda bT\XUX]P[b’ <T WPS P aTP[ W^c _dccTa P[[ fTTZ’ G^\TcX\Tb = QT[XTeT X] STbcX]h’ C] B^’ +% WT _dc WXb QP[[ X]c^ cWT Qd]ZTa P]S = WPS P *+&U^^c QXaSXT _dcc [TUc’ <T Q[PbcTS ^dc c^ cWT UPa bXST ^U cWT VaTT] X]c^ cWT UaX]VT P]S cWT] Z]^RZTS Xc X] U^a _Pa’ = cf^ _dccTS P]S = R^d[S bTT aXVWc cWT] cWPc WXb _dccTa fPb V^X]V c^ QT cWT R[dQ c^SPh’ HWaTT bcaPXVWc _Pab Qh ;^aS^] c^ UX]XbW% P[[ cTbch TXVWc&U^^cTab% [TUc cWT Pdc^ _Pacb QdbX]Tbb\P] cWT +))+ RWP\_X^]’ =c \XVWc WPeT RWP]VTS cWT fW^[T c^da]P\T]c XU = \XbbTS P]h ^U cW^bT N[PcTO _Pa _dccb% bPXS ;^aS^]% fW^ _^bcTS P] ^_T]X]V&a^d]S 0. P]S [TS Qh cf^ bca^ZTb PUcTa cWT UXabc SPh’ =c fPb Ydbc \h SPh’ ;^aS^] UX]XbWTS cWXaS X] cWT +))* GT]X^a 5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]bWX_% WXb c^_ bW^fX]V _aX^a c^ cWXb b_aX]V’ <T aT\T\QTab WPeX]V P RWP]RT U^a cWT cXc[T cWPc hTPa fWT] WXb VP\T UT[[ P_Pac ^] B^’ */’ HWXb bTPb^] ;^a& S^] aT[XTS ^] WXb bca^]V UX]XbW c^ TPa] cWT Ra^f]’ =c b ]XRT c^ VTc b^\T aTR^V]XcX^] Ua^\ b^\T ^U cWT QTccTa _[PhTab X] cWT PaTP% bPXS ;^aS^]% P U^a\Ta HT\_[T I]XeTabXch QPbTQP[[ _[PhTa’ HWXb fPb STUX]XcT[h \h \^bc TgRXcX]V PcW[TcXR PR& R^\_[XbW\T]c’ Senior Championship History Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Name, club Egon F. Quittner, Old York Road CC P.J. Procario, Alquippa CC William O. Van Tine, Brackenridge CC Casimer Mohn, Alcoma CC Charles A. Totten, Pittsburgh Field Club Lee M. Rumsey, Gulph Mills GC W.B. McCullough, Jr., Huntingdon Valley CC W.B. McCullough, Jr., Huntingdon Valley CC William R. Burns, St. Davids GC R. Burt Gookin, Longue Vue Club Joseph Higgins, CC of Harrisburg A.J. Jordan, Oakmont CC A.J. Jordan, Oakmont CC *A.J. Jordan, Oakmont CC *James McArdle, Lincoln Hills CC Russ Maitland, Gettysburg CC Harold F. Billheimer, Saucon Valley CC Carl Hardner, Lake Shore CC William Hyndman, III., Huntingdon Valley CC 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Anthony Scalise, DuQuesne Golf Association Joseph F. Durante, Chester Valley CC C.R. Shetzer, Rolling Hills CC Dick Kluck, Nemacolin CC William Weik, Lebanon CC Allan Sussel, Squires GC *James H. Dolan, Carlisle CC *Allan Sussel, Squires GC James Amato, Beaver Lakes CC John Guenther, Jr., Heidelberg CC Donald Geisler, Lake View CC John Guenther, Jr., Moselem Springs GC John Guenther, Jr., Moselem Springs GC *Eric Antilla, Nemacolin CC James Keim, Kahkwa Club *Rich Jacob, Pittsburgh Field Club John H. Guenther, Jr., Heidelberg CC Jim Anderson, Willowbrook CC Brian Sachs, Bucknell CC *Phil Saylor, Sunnehanna CC Pennsylvania Golf Association 16 1999 2000 2001 2002 Bill Baloh, Greensburg CC Jim Wetzel, Regent s Glen CC Ed Hennigan, Fox Hill CC Herbert Gordon, Doylestown CC *won in playoff 13th Better-Ball Championship Blue Ridge Country Club Harrisburg, Pa. June 3-4, 2002 6WTaT b P RTacPX] R^\U^ac [TeT[ Pbb^RXPcTS fXcW QTX]V UP\X[XPa fXcW h^da bdaa^d]SX]Vb’ 7WaXb @X[[h P]S GR^cc AXRZ[TfaXVWc ^U 6[dT FXSVT 7^d]cah 7[dQ P]S cWTXa UX]P[ a^d]S X] cWT *,cW P]]dP[ 6TccTa& 6P[[ 7WP\_X^]bWX_ RP] PccTbc c^ cWPc’ 8aPfX]V d_^] cWT R^iX]Tbb P]S PS& eP]cPVTb ^U cWTXa W^\T R^dabT #_Pa 0+% /%0-) hPaSb$% @X[[h P]S AXRZ[TfaXVWc aTR^aSTS P] 1&d]STa&_Pa /- ^] cWT UX& ]P[ SPh U^a P cf^&a^d]S c^cP[ ^U *,& d]STa&_Pa *,* P]S P cf^&bW^c eXRc^ah ^eTa AXRWPT[ 8^\T]XRZ ^U DW^T]XgeX[[T 7^d]cah 7[dQ P]S >^W] C Gd[[XeP] ^U 7WTbcTa JP[[Th ;^[U 7[dQ #*,,$’ 6aXP] ;a^UU P]S >^W] GfTT]Th ^U 7^]Tbc^VP 7^d]cah 7[dQ _[PRTS cWXaS fXcW P *)& d]STa&_Pa *,-’ HWaTT ^cWTa cTP\b cXTS U^a U^dacW Pc 2 d]STa’ 9eTah^]T NPc 6[dT FXSVTO Z]Tf fT fTaT _[PhX]V X] cWT c^da]P\T]c% b^ (Above) Mark Zbrzeznj taps in his par putt on No. 12 as father Bernard looks on during the second round of the Pennsylvania Golf Association Better-Ball Championship. The duo posted consecutive rounds of 1-over-par 73. (Below) Michael Domenick of Phoenixville Country Club (pictured here putting) and partner John O Sullivan of Chester Valley Golf Club placed second, two shots behind champions Chris Lilly and Scott Micklewright. cWTaT fPb P [Xcc[T TgcaP _aTb& bdaT% bPXS @X[[h’ =c fPb P[b^ ^U R^\U^ac c^ Z]^f cWPc ]^ \PccTa fWTaT h^d WXc cWT QP[[ ^] cWT R^dabT% h^d Z]Tf Tg& PRc[h fWPc h^d fTaT V^X]V c^ UPRT’ 5SSTS AXRZ[TfaXVWc% N8da& X]V cWT bd\\TaO fT _[Ph cWPc R^dabT TeTahSPh c^VTcWTa’ B^ \PccTa fWTaT fT fTaT ^] cWT VaTT]% fT Z]Tf fWXRW fPh cWT _dcc Qa^ZT P]S fWPc cWT b_TTS (Above) Chris Lilly and Scott Micklewright pose with the champion^U cWT VaTT] fPb’ ship hardware after capturing the 2002 better-ball title at Blue Ridge <TPSX]V X]c^ cWT bTR^]S Country Club. The two finished at 13-under par, two shots clear of the field. P]S UX]P[ a^d]S ^U cWT cf^&SPh TeT]c% @X[[h P]S AXRZ[TfaXVWc caPX[TS cWT [TPSTab Qh P bW^c’ HWT Sd^b fXcWX] P R^d_[T ^U bW^cb Qdc fT fTaT P ^U KX[[XP\ G\XcW ^U 7WP\QTabQdaV [Xcc[T bda_aXbTS fWT] fT bPf cWT 7^d]cah 7[dQ P]S >PRZ :dVP[ ^U <XS& bR^aTQ^PaS P]S P Va^d_ PWTPS db fPb ST] JP[[Th ;^[U 7^dabT P]S AXRWPT[ ^][h ^]T bW^c QPRZ fXcW *0 P]S *1 c^ AR8Ta\^cc P]S DPd[ GWTe[X]% >a’ ^U _[Ph% bPXS AXRZ[TfaXVWc% P b^_W^\^aT @[P]TaRW 7^d]cah 7[dQ TPRW _^bcTS ^] cWT AX[[TabeX[[T I]XeTabXch V^[U cTP\’ ^_T]X]V&a^d]S //b’ KT Z]Tf XU fT _PaaTS */% QXaSXTS *0 @X[[h% ++% ^ U <P aa XbQdaV% P]S P]S _PaaTS *1% cWX]Vb f^d[S QT UX]T’ AXRZ[TfaXVWc% +)% P[b^ ^U <PaaXbQdaV% 5]S cWPc b TgPRc[h fWPc cWT cf^ SXS% P]S cWT b^] ^U 6[dT FXSVT R[dQ _a^UTb& fT[[ P[\^bc’ bX^]P[ DTcTa 5’ AXRZ[TfaXVWc% RPaSTS P 5 /&U^^c _Pa _dcc Qh AXRZ[TfaXVWc UXabc&a^d]S% .&d]STa&_Pa /0 fXcW bTeT] ^] B^’ */ #_Pa ,% *0) hPaSb$ ZT_c cWT QXaSXTb P]S cf^ Q^VThb’ _PXa X] Ua^]c’ KT [TUc b^\T bW^cb ^dc cWTaT% @X[[h Q^\QTS WXb SaXeT ^] B^’ *0 bPXS @X[[h ^U cWT ^_T]X]V a^d]S’ KT #_Pa .% -0) hPaSb$% [TPeX]V */) hPaSb aTR^aSTS ]^ QXaSXTb ^] cWT cf^ _Pa c^ cWT _X]’ 5 2&Xa^] P__a^PRW P]S cf^ UXeTb ^] cWT QPRZ’ _dccb [PcTa% AXRZ[TfaXVWc% fW^ P[b^ fPb KT Z]Tf fT fTaT V^X]V c^ WPeT X] _aX\T QXaSXT aP]VT% P]S @X[[h aT& c^ V^ [^f c^ fX] Xc% Qdc fT SXS] c cWX]Z R[PX\TS cWT [TPS’ fT WPS c^ V^ cWPc [^f’ :^a V^^S \TPbdaT% @X[[h Sa^__TS WXb 0&Xa^] Ua^\ *0) hPaSb ^] B^’ *1 HWPc [^f T‘dPcTS c^ P /-’ HWT cf^b^\T QXaSXTS B^’ , #_Pa -% #_Pa -% -+. hPaSb$ c^ TXVWc UTTc’ <T ,-) hPaSb$% B^’ - #_Pa -% ,/. hPaSb$ \PST cWT _dcc U^a QXaSXT’ P]S B^’ . #_Pa .% .)) hPaSb$ U^a cWT = Z]Tf fT fTaT V^^S T]^dVW% bTR^]S bcaPXVWc SPh c^ ^_T] cWTXa UX]P[ bPXS @X[[h% P Yd]X^a ^] cWT >P\Tb APSX& a^d]S’ 5 R[dcRW /&U^^c _Pa bPeX]V _dcc b^] I]XeTabXch V^[U b‘dPS’ L^d P[fPhb ^] B^’ / #_Pa ,% +*. hPaSb$ Qh @X[[h bPh h^d RP] fX] P]h c^da]P\T]c% Qdc ZT_c cWT \^\T]cd\% P]S WXb QXaSXT ^] d]cX[ h^d S^ Xc% Xc b P SXUUTaT]c UTT[X]V’ B^’ 1 #_Pa -% -+. hPaSb$ PSSTS c^ Xc’ KT fTaT cWT cP[Z ^U cWT R[dQ U^a PfWX[T’ HWT _PXa \PST cWT cda] X] ,+’ Future 6XaSXTb Qh AXRZ[TfaXVWc ^] B^’ *) Better-Ball Championship #_Pa -% -+) hPaSb$ P]S B^’ *+ #_Pa -% Venues ,0. hPaSb$ WPS cWT cf^b^\T cWX]ZX]V 2003 cXc[T fWT] cWTh P__a^PRWTS cWT Totteridge Golf Club, June 2-3 bR^aTQ^PaS ^] B^’ */ P]S bPf cWTXa 2004 [TPS bc^^S Pc ^][h ^]T bca^ZT ^eTa Glenmaura National Golf Club, 8^\T]XRZ P]S C Gd[[XeP]’ June 21-22 KT Z]Tf ]^ ^]T Pa^d]S db fPb Pennsylvania Golf Association 17 10th Senior Better-Ball Championship Blue Ridge Country Club Harrisburg, Pa. June 3-4, 2002 (Above, left) James Haynie (left) and A. Kent Weymouth of Lu Lu CC (right) receive congratulations from William Davis, a member of the Pennsylvania Golf Association Executive Committee, after taking the 2002 Senior Better-Ball Championship. (Above, middle) Davis awards second-place medallions to Mike Rose of Philmont CC (left) and partner Carl Everett of Merion GC. Rose and Everett finished just a shot behind Haynie and Weymouth after posting a total of 4-under-par 140. (Right) Richard Smith of Philadelphia CC rolls a putt on No. 14 during the final round of the 2002 Senior Better-Ball Tournament. Smith and partner Mark Shuman finished in a tie for seventh place after posting a 143. 1P\Tb <Ph]XT b *)&U^^c _Pa bPe& X]V _dcc ^] cWT ,/cW P]S UX]P[ W^[T _aT& bTaeTS cWT GT]X^a 6TccTa&6P[[ 7WP\_X& ^]bWX_ cXc[T #.. hTPab ^U PVT P]S ^[STa$ U^ a WX \bT[ U P]S _P ac]Ta 5’ ?T]c KTh\^dcW% >a’ H WT @d @d 7 ^ d]cah 7 [dQ Sd^ _^bcTS a^d]Sb ^U // P]S 0, ^eTa cWT TeT]c b cf^ SPhb U^a P *,2 c^cP[ #. ^eTa$ P]S P ^]T&bW^c eXRc^ah ^eTa 7Pa[ 9eTaTcc ^U ATaX^] ;^[U 7[dQ P]S AXZT F^bT ^U DWX[\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ’ :^da cTP\b cXTS U^a cWXaS% cf^ bW^cb QPRZb’ =c fPb \h UXabc GT]X^a NbcPcTO eXR& c^ah% b^ Xc \TP]c P [^c% bPXS <Ph]XT% ./% ^U B^acW KP[Tb’ =c fPb P ‘dP[Xch UXT[S fT QTPc’ 5SSTS KTh\^dcW% /)% ^U KPh]T% = _[Ph X] P [^c ^U cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] P]S ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] ^U DWX[PST[_WXP TeT]cb P]S h^d f^]STa b^\TcX\Tb XU h^d PaT TeTa V^X]V c^ VTc P RWP]RT Pc fX]]X]V ^]T’ =c b ]XRT fT SXS’ 5UcTa _^bcX]V P] X\_aTbbXeT /&d]& STa&_Pa // #_Pa 0+% /%.+) hPaSb$ X] cWT UXabc a^d]S U^a P cWaTT&bW^c [TPS% <Ph]XT P]S KTh\^dcW b P__PaT]c b\^^cW bPX[X]V U^d]S a^RZh V^X]V ^] SPh cf^’ 5 Q^VTh ^] B^’ , #_Pa -% ,,. hPaSb$ P]S P S^dQ[T ^] B^’ - #_Pa -% ,.. hPaSb$ Qa^dVWc cWT [TPSTab QPRZ c^ cWT _PRZ’ 5 QXaSXT Qh <Ph]XT ^] cWT _Pa , /cW W^[T #*2. hPaSb$ bcT\\TS cWT cXST U^a P QXc P]S cWT cf^ \PST cWT cda] fXcW P ^]T&bW^c PSeP]cPVT’ 6XaSXTb ^] B^’ *) #_Pa -% ,2. hPaSb$% B^’ *+ #_Pa -% ,/. hPaSb$ P]S B^’ *- #_Pa .% -2) hPaSb$ fXcW ^][h P Q^VTh ^] B^’ *, #_Pa ,% *1) hPaSb$ X]RaTPbTS cWTXa PSeP]cPVT c^ cf^ bW^cb fXcW U^da W^[Tb aT\PX]X]V’ <^fTeTa% P cWaTT&_dcc Q^VTh ^] B^’ */ #_Pa ,% */) hPaSb$ RW^__TS cWPc [TPS c^ ^]T fXcW cf^ W^[Tb [TUc P]S cWT cT]bX^] \^d]cTS’ <Ph]XT \XbbTS P U^da&U^^c QXaSXT _dcc ^] B^’ *0 #_Pa -% -0) hPaSb$ cWPc f^d[S WPeT% X] aTP[Xch% bTP[TS cWT cXc[T% \TP]X]V cWT cf^ ]TTSTS P _Pa ^] cWT cXVWc% caTT&[X]TS *1cW #_Pa -% -*) hPaSb$ U^a cWT fX]’ KXcW cWPc bPXS% <Ph]XT b P__a^PRW bW^c PUcTa P _TaUTRc SaXeT RP\T d_ Ydbc bW^ac ^U cWT VaTT]’ KTh\^dcW b SaXeT U^d]S ca^dQ[T% P]S WT bcadVV[TS c^ VTc QPRZ X]c^ cWT W^[T’ HWT _X] _[PRT\T]c ^] B^’ *1 fPb Ydbc ^eTa P RaTbc’ <Ph]XT RWX__TS d_ ^eTa cWT aXSVT Qdc fPcRWTS Pb cWT QP[[ RP\T c^ P bc^_ *) UTTc _Pbc cWT Rd_’ ?]^fX]V WT ]TTSTS P _Pa c^ Pe^XS P _[Ph^UU% <Ph]XT% fW^ PS\Xcb _dccX]V Xb] c ^]T ^U WXb VP\T b bca^]VTbc R^\& _^]T]cb% RP[\[h a^[[TS X] WXb _Pa’ = fPb QTcfTT] R[dQb X] cWT UPXafPh P]S fWT] = WXc \h 1& Xa^]% P [Xcc[T Vdbc ^U fX]S RP\T d_ P]S cWT QP[[ [P]STS Ydbc bW^ac ^U cWT VaTT]% bPXS <Ph]XT’ = UT[c eTah U^acd]PcT c^ \PZT cWT _dcc’ James Sherratt (left) of Old York Road CC and partner Curt Fromal of The Springhaven Club finished in a tie for third at 3-under par.(Above) James Haynie (left) and A. Kent Weymouth of Lu Lu CC try to get a read on this putt. Haynie and Weymouth carded a 5-under-par 139 to take the Senior Better-Ball Championship. Pennsylvania Golf Association 18 Better-Ball Championship Amateur Division Results Scott Micklewright/Chris Lilly, Blue Ridge CC Michael Domenick/John O Sullivan, Phoenixville CC/Chester Valley GC John Sweeney/Brian Groff, Conestoga CC William Smith/Jack Fugal, Chambersburg CC/CC of Hidden Valley P.J. Shevlin, Jr./Michael McDermott, Llanerch CC Chuck Tait/Scott Mayne, Hershey GC Shawn Baker/Robert Campbell, Lancaster CC Blaine Peffley/Roger Karsnitz, Lebanon CC Michael Lynch/James Gardas, CC of Scranton/Honesdale CC Matt Hancock/Kevin Gallagher, Philadelphia Publinks/Sunnybrook GC Tim Llewellyn/ Matthew Maurer, Bethlehem Municipal GC/Bent Creek CC Marlin Detweiler/Peter Toole, Lancaster CC/Meadia Heights GC Steve Spuhler/John Samaha, Lu Lu CC/Old York Road CC Clint Deibert/Sam McFall, Doylestown CC/Waynesborough CC Mike Vassil/Michael Domanish, CC of Scranton Byron Whitman/Gregory Volutza, Philadelphia Publinks Matthew Solfanelli/Christian Davis, Stonehedge GC/Glenmaura National GC Bo Ruffner, Jr./Brian Grejtak, Latrobe Elks GC Artie Fink, Jr./Gregory Ferguson, Sinking Valley CC Jeff Huntzinger/Paul Polinsky, North Hills CC/Manufacturers G&CC Ron Weaver/Chase Duncan, Meadia Heights GC Larry Hirsh/John McNair, Blue Ridge CC/GC at Felicita Ed Strickler/Ryan Strickler, Huntingdon CC Dan Connors/Chris Connors, Pilgrim s Oak GC/Sewickley Heights CC Mark Zbrzeznj/Bernard Zbrzeznj, Whitemarsh Valley CC Bryan Marvin/Kevin Mlellan, Doylestown CC John Trach/Raymond Mott, CC of Harrisburg Raymond Clark, Jr./John Mullins, Spring Ford CC Scott McLaughlin/George McLaughlin, Commonwealth National GC Alexander Maguire/Alex Maguire Jr., Brookside CC Paul Ringiewicz/Daniel Burton, Rolling Green GC/Bent Creek CC Sam Barsky/Robert Berenholz, White Manor CC Joseph Paternostro/Phil Gieser, White Deer CC Bernie Brown/David Leo, Elkview CC 67-64 69-64 69-65 66-69 66-69 69-66 67-70 67-70 68-70 69-69 71-67 72-67 69-71 70-71 70-71 71-70 74-67 69-73 72-70 71-72 71-72 72-71 72-71 72-74 73-73 73-75 74-74 72-78 74-76 76-75 78-75 75-79 78-79 79-78 131 133 134 135 135 135 137 137 138 138 138 139 140 141 141 141 141 142 142 143 143 143 143 146 146 148 148 150 150 151 153 154 157 157 James Haynie/Kent Weymouth, Jr., Lu Lu CC Carl Everett/Michael Rose, Merion GC/Philmont CC Curt Fromal/James Sherratt, The Springhaven Club/Old York Road CC Charles Watterson/Bill Douds, St. Clair CC Fred Negri/Bruce Shollenberger, Moselem Springs GC/Reading CC Charlie Stringfellow/William Davidson, Carlisle CC Mark Shuman/Richard Smith, Philadelphia CC Milton Drennen/Barry Emich, Bent Creek CC Jim McKibben/David Simonsen, Kahkwa Club Larry Loughner/William Bayles, Jr., Conestoga CC/Phoenixville CC Fred Tyler, Jr./William Whitman, Reading CC/Moselem Springs GC Bob Campbell/Bob Rutherford, Centre Hills CC Ed Hennigan/Walter Kuharchik, Fox Hill CC/Glenmaura National GC Michael Kanoff, Jr./Peter Gebhard, Colonial CC/Lebanon CC Giles Lanager/Lee Lykens, Clearfield-Curwensville CC James Sylves/Dennis Wright, Elks CC of State College/Lewistown CC Don Lamb/Jim Wetzel, Montour Heights CC / Regent s Glen CC Carlyle Robinson Tom Gauntlett, Fox Hill CC/Irem Temple CC Bob Teufel/Larry E. Casebeer, CC of Hershey John Doyle, III/Herbert Gordon, Doylestown CC Ray Ondako/Dennis McLaughlin, Willowbrook CC / Pinecrest CC David Mouethrup/Fran Villella, DuBois CC James Zellars/John Pagana, Williamsport CC/Susquehanna Valley CC Jim Hoffer/Bill Stasiulatis, West Shore CC Phillip Siegel/Frank Polizzi, Sr., Green Valley CC/Whitemarsh Valley CC Bill Julin/Kenneth Watterson, Club at Nevillewood/St. Clair CC Rich Jacob/Gary McQuone, Pittsburgh Field Club/Allegheny CC Richard Greenleaf/Chris Frazier, Sunnybrook GC Andrew Beechko/Charles Rogalla, CC of Scranton Dave Luzzi/Raymond Gergich, Rolling Hills CC Peter J. Pierce /Joseph Virdone, Philadelphia CC Gerald Eckert/James Fogarty, Bent Creek CC George McLeod/Robert Daubert, Berkshire CC/Heidelberg CC Michael Stanco/Edward Gregrczyk, Glen Oak CC/Glenmaura National GC Robert Farley/Peyton McDonald, Williamsport CC Edward Robert/ Robert Schiller, Old York Road CC Thomas Verney/Robert Marek, Carlisle CC Clay Von Seldeneck/Peter Stanley, Sunnybrook GC Gregory Gaul/John Snyder, Merion GC/Waynesborough CC Richard Amey/Dexter Elsemore, Conestoga CC Tony Boyle/Donald Schleicher, Brookside CC of Allentown/Silver Creek CC Andy Scheller/Medio Antonio, Elmhurst CC Fred Kissinger/Gus Fox, Centre Hills CC Don Warner/Clyde Fuller, Elks CC of State College Pennsylvania Golf Association 19 66-73 70-70 70-71 70-71 71-70 72-69 70-73 72-71 71-73 72-72 73-71 69-76 71-74 72-73 76-69 73-73 73-73 74-72 78-68 72-75 73-74 73-74 74-74 70-80 72-78 73-78 75-76 76-75 78-73 74-78 75-77 76-76 77-75 77-75 78-74 75-78 78-77 82-73 77-79 78-78 79-78 75-84 82-78 81-83 139 140 141 141 141 141 143 143 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 146 146 146 146 147 147 147 148 150 150 151 151 151 151 152 152 152 152 152 152 153 155 155 156 156 157 159 160 164 Senior Division Results 10th Senior Tournament Philmont Country Club (North/South) Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, 2002 2XZT F^bT ^U DWX[\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ aTPSX[h PS\Xcb cWT SXbP__^X]c\T]c ^U WXb UXabc hTPa Pb P bT]X^a R^\_TcX& c^a’ HWT ..&hTPa&^[S F^bT T]cTaTS +))+ fXcW bcT[[Pa RaTST]cXP[b P]S [^Uch Tg_TR& cPcX^]b Qdc bcadVV[TS c^ R^]cT]S X] T[& STa TeT]cb’ F^bT bPXS WT [TPa]TS ‘dXRZ[h cWPc cWTbT ^[S Vdhb RP] _[Ph’ 5c cWT hTPa&T]S GT]X^a H^da]P\T]c% F^bT _a^eTS WXb VP\T b ]^c c^^ bWPQQh TXcWTa’ <TPacT]TS Qh cWT UP\X[XPaXch ^U WXb W^\T R^dabT% F^bT _^bcTS P ,&^eTa& _Pa *-, c^cP[ c^ Q[Xci cWT *)cW P]]dP[ GT]X^a H^da]P\T]c UXT[S Qh bXg bW^cb Pc WXb W^\T R^dabT ^U DWX[\^]c 7^d]& cah 7[dQ #B^acW(G^dcW$’ HWT aTbXST]c ^U <d]cX]VS^] JP[[Th _^bcTS a^d]Sb ^U 0) #^] cWT G^dcW 7^dabT$ P]S 0, #^] cWT B^acW 7^dabT$ ^eTa cf^ SPhb c^ ^dcSXb& cP]RT bTR^]S&_[PRT UX]XbWTa DWX[ GPh[^a ^U Gd]]TWP]]P 7^d]cah 7[dQ #/1&1* *-2$’ <TaQTac ;^aS^] ^U 8^h[Tbc^f] 7^d]cah 7[dQ% cWT +))+ bcPcT GT]X^a 5\PcTda 7WP\_X^]% P]S FdbbT[[ CPZTb ^U LPaS[Th 7^d]cah 7[dQ cXTS U^a cWXaS Pc *.+’ GWPaX]V UXUcW fPb :aP] JX[[T[[P ^U 8d6^Xb 7^d]cah 7[dQ P]S 7WPa[XT GcaX]VUT[[^f ^U 7Pa[Xb[T 7^d]cah 7[dQ fXcW *., c^cP[b’ <^\T R^dabT PSeP]cPVT% bPXS F^bT ^U cWT aTPb^] U^a WXb \PaVX] ^U eXRc^ah’ =c b bTR^]S ]PcdaT U^a \T c^ _[Ph NPc DWX[\^]cO’ = cTT Xc X] cWT bP\T b_^c P]S WXc Xc c^ cWT bP\T b_^c TeTah cX\T’ HWT R^dabT UPe^ab P [TUc c^ aXVWc _[PhTa P]S = bcX[[ _[Ph \^bc[h cWPc fPh’ =c b P bW^c \PZTa b R^dabT P]S fXcW cWT [^RP[ Z]^f[TSVT ^U cWT VaTT]b F^bT% _dQ[XbWTa ^U cWT 8T[PfPaT JP[[Th ;^[UTa b ;dXST% WPb QTT] P \T\& QTa Pc DWX[\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ U^a -+ hTPab P]S Xb P eTcTaP] ^U c^da]P\T]c V^[U’ <Xb bdRRTbb X] TeT]cb ^] WXb W^\T caPRZ Xb fT[[ S^Rd\T]cTS’ 6TVX]]X]V X] *21)% F^bT RP_cdaTS bXg R^]bTRdcXeT ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] ^U DWX[PST[_WXP H^da]P\T]c ^U 7WP\_X^]b cXc[Tb Pc DWX[\^]c’ HW^bT SPhb% cWT U^[& [^fX]V hTPa b c^da]P\T]c fPb WT[S Pc cWT fX]]Ta b W^\T R^dabT’ 5UcTa F^bT b (Left) Mike Rose of Philmont Country Club captured the Senior Tournament Gross Division and (above) William Taylor of The Springhaven Club took the Net Division crown. bcaX]V% cWPc RWP]VTS’ <T b P[b^ P *)& cX\T DWX[\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ RWP\_X^]’ =] cWT UXabc a^d]S ^U cWT GT]X^a H^da& ]P\T]c% GPh[^a _^bcTS P /1 ^] cWT B^acW 7^dabT% fWX[T F^bT bW^c P 0) ^] cWT G^dcW’ HWT G^dcW Xb VT]TaP[[h TPbXTa% Qdc Xc Xb eTah ‘dXaZh% bPXS F^bT’ = cW^dVWc XU = bW^c P 0+ ^a 0, N^] cWT B^acW X] cWT UX]P[ a^d]SO% = \XVWc QT PQ[T c^ VTc R[^bT’ 5b Xc cda]b ^dc% cWT VaTT]b N^] cWT G^dcW 7^dabTO V^c c^ NGPh[^aO’ 5U& cTa P R^d_[T ^U cWaTT _dccb Pc cWT cda]% WT [^bc Xc ^] cWT QPRZ’ 5b GPh[^a bcadVV[TS fXcW cWT U[Pc bcXRZ ^] cWT G^dcW% F^bT _PXaTS d_ QXaS& XTb P]S Q^VThb ^] cWT B^acW’ 5c cWaTT bT_PaPcT cX\Tb SdaX]V WXb bTR^]S a^d]S% F^bT QXaSXTS P W^[T ^][h c^ U^[& [^f fXcW P Q^VTh ^] cWT ]Tgc’ = cW^dVWc XU = V^c cWa^dVW cWT UXabc UXeT W^[Tb X] *&^eTa _Pa ^a QTccTa = S QT X] V^^S bWP_T% bPXS F^bT’ F^bT PRcdP[[h fPb + ^eTa ^] WXb UX]P[ a^d]S PUcTa bTeT] W^[Tb fWT] WT bcPacTS fXcW cWT _TPZb P]S eP[[Thb’ <T Sa^__TS P fTSVT c^ *) UTTc ^] B^’ 1 #_Pa ,% *++ hPaSb$ U^a QXaSXT ^][h c^ cWaTT _dcc B^’ 2 #_Pa .% ./. hPaSb$’ 5 bP]S fTSVT Ua^\ cWT UPXafPh ^] B^’ *) #_Pa -% ,*. hPaSb$ c^ cWaTT UTTc aTbd[cTS X] P]^cWTa d]STa _Pa bR^aT QTU^aT P Q^VTh ^] cWT [^]V _Pa ,% **cW W^[T #+*) hPaSb$ RP]RT[[TS cWPc QXaSXT ^dc’ 6^VThb ^] B^’ *, #_Pa -% ,*0 hPaSb$ P]S B^’ *- #_Pa -% -+2 hPaSb$ Pennsylvania Golf Association 20 _aTRTSTS P QXaSXT ^] B^’ */ #_Pa -% -,2 hPaSb$’ <^fTeTa% Pb WXb U^a\ cWPc SPh SXRcPcTS% WT _d[[TS P /&Xa^] ^] B^’ *0 #_Pa ,% */, hPaSb$ cWPc hXT[STS P *& ^eTa bR^aT’ HWT d_b P]S S^f]b [TUc F^bT f^]& STaX]V W^f WT bc^^S WTPSX]V c^ cWT UX]P[ W^[T’ HT\_cTS c^ fP[Z c^ cWT bR^aTQ^PaS c^ eXTf cWT [TPSTab c^cP[b% F^bT aT& bXbcTS’ =]bcTPS WT R[^bTS cWT a^d]S X] UPbWX^] fXcW P +)&U^^c d_WX[[ QXaSXT ^] B^’ *1 #_Pa -% ,,/ hPaSb$’ =c fPb P _dcc = eT WPS P *)) cX\Tb% bPXS F^bT’ =c fPb d_WX[[% X]& bXST [TUc’ =c fPb Ydbc P \PccTa ^U VTc& cX]V Xc ^] [X]T’ ATP]fWX[T% GPh[^a bcadVV[TS c^ VTc WXb a^d]S W^\T’ <T RPaSTS cf^ Q^& VThb% cf^ S^dQ[T Q^VThb P]S P caX_[T Q^VTh ^] cWT QPRZ T] a^dcT c^ P] X]& fPaS -, P]S P bTR^]S&a^d]S bR^aT ^U 1*’ 3:E +=G=D=A@ =] cWT BTc 8XeXbX^]% KX[[XP\ HPh[^a ^U HWT G_aX]VWPeT] 7[dQ RP_cdaTS WXb bTR^]S R^]bTRdcXeT GT]X^a H^da]P& \T]c cXc[T’ HWT ++ WP]SXRP_ _^bcTS ]Tc a^d]Sb ^U /1 P]S // U^a P *,- c^cP[% cf^ bW^cb R[TPa ^U cWT UXT[S’ @h[T 6aX^] ^U 7^aTh 7aTTZ ;^[U 7[dQ% P] ** WP]SXRP_% UX]XbWTS bTR^]S fXcW P *,/ ]Tc% #a^d]Sb ^U 0)&//$’ HPh[^a% /-% R^\_TcTS X] cWT 7[Pbb 8 8XeXbX^] #/)&/- hTPab ^U PVT$’ Senior Tournament .CADD +=G=D=A@ 5:DF>ED Class E (Ages 55 59) Name, club Score Michael Rose, Philmont CC 70-73 143 Fran Villella, DuBois CC 74-79 153 Jack Gornall, Kahkwa Club 77-78 155 E. Gregrczyk, Glenmaura National GC 79-76 155 Alex Yalch, Hanover CC 77-79 156 Robert Fontanesi, Greensburg CC 73-83 156 John Doyle III, Doylestown CC 79-78 157 Lee Lykens, Clearfield-Curwensville CC 78-80 158 Robert Marek, Carlisle CC 79-79 158 David Simonsen, Kahkwa Club 78-82 160 Barry Emich, Bent Creek CC 85-76 161 Harold Ofstie, Waynesborough CC 81-80 161 William Pogachnick, Rolling Hills CC 75-87 162 Robert Rivard, Lancaster CC 81-81 162 Willis Cunningham, Willowbrook CC 79-83 162 Thomas Verney, Carlisle CC 82-80 162 Christopher Frazier, Sunnybrook GC 87-75 162 William Coates, Greensburg CC 77-85 162 Gregory Gaul, Merion GC 75-87 162 Drew Baum, The Springhaven Club 79-83 162 J. Peter Pierce, Philadelphia CC 84-79 163 Milton Drennen, Bent Creek CC 82-81 163 John Groninger, St. Clair CC 78-85 163 Jim Moyer, Chambersburg GC 77-86 163 Patrick Close, The Springhaven Club 77-86 163 Edward Tansey Sr., Kahkwa Club 81-83 164 Craig Collins, Schenley Park GC 81-83 164 V. Burns, Torresdale-Frankford CC 81-83 164 John Stepanick Sr., Bucks County CC 82-82 164 Dennis Boyer, Berkshire CC 82-83 165 Gerald Eckert, Bent Creek CC 85-80 165 Bill Kribbs, West Shore CC 82-83 165 Phillip Raudensky, CC of Harrisburg 89-76 165 David Binder, Heidelberg CC 88-77 165 Raymond Gergich, Rolling Hills CC 85-81 166 David Moulthrop, DuBois CC 80-86 166 Thomas Kaczor, Yardley CC 84-82 166 Myles Nash, DuBois CC 88-79 167 Butch Toby, Corey Creek GC 80-88 168 Joseph Heitzik, Wyoming Valley CC 85-83 168 Edward Roberts, Old York Road CC 89-80 169 Rich Malay, Willowbrook CC 86-84 170 Chuck Giardina, Wyoming Valley CC 85-85 170 Jake Ruth, Carlisle CC 83-87 170 Dave Luzzi, Rolling Hills CC 80-91 171 Joseph Virdone, Philadelphia CC 89-82 171 D. Marziani, Torresdale-Frankford CC 91-80 171 Richard Clark, Carlisle CC 87-85 172 John Dratch, Philmont CC 86-86 172 M. Brigandi, State College Elks GC 92-82 174 Paul DiBiccari, Rolling Hills CC 86-89 175 James Fogarty, Bent Creek CC 87-88 175 Ned Moore, Manufacturers G&CC 91-85 176 Dennis Lamb, Rolling Hills CC 87-90 177 J. Penrose, Torresdale-Frankford CC 85-92 177 Ron Snyder, Heidelberg CC 89-88 177 Jack Kelly, Sandy Run CC 91-88 179 Dan Flynn, Sandy Run CC 90-89 179 R. Holcombe Jr., Old York Road CC 94-86 180 Richard Rutter, Manufacturers G&CC 92-89 181 Richard McKinley, Sunnehanna CC 90-92 182 C. Evangelou, Susquehanna Valley CC 89-93 182 Jerry Clark, Bent Creek CC 94-89 183 Mullen Walton, CC of York 91-92 183 B.C. Croft, Hartefeld National GC 95-88 183 Clyde Fuller, State College Elks CC 92-92 184 Wesley Chronister, Hanover CC 90-94 184 Criag Obeck, Hanover CC 96-89 185 Donald Lyman, Corey Creek GC 100-85 185 Jim Varhola, Carlisle CC 87-100 187 H. James Loke, Bent Creek CC 96-92 188 Dennis Dellovade, Rolling Hills CC 94-94 188 P. Jerry Mash, Greensburg CC 93-95 188 Fred Kelly Jr., Susquehanna Valley CC 96-97 193 Dennis Young, State College Elks CC 96-99 195 Jack Baumgartner, Corey Creek GC 102-103 205 Terry Gray, DuBois CC 106-100 206 Jim Snyder, Susquehanna Valley CC 104-104 208 John Bollman, State College Elks GC111-117 228 Class D (Ages 60 64) Name, club Score Phil Saylor, Sunnehanna CC 68-81 149 Herbert Gordon, Doylestown CC 77-75 152 Russell Oakes, Yardley CC 79-73 152 Charlie Stringfellow, Carlisle CC 78-75 153 Jim Anderson, Willowbrook CC 81-74 155 Warren Deakins, Philadelphia CC 78-78 156 Lyle Brion, Corey Creek GC 80-77 157 Don Lamb, St. Clair CC 81-76 157 E. Eichenberg III, Waynesborough CC 75-83 158 Curt Fromal, The Springhaven Club 76-82 158 Larry E. Casebeer, Hershey GC 83-76 159 Robert Jones, Wyoming Valley CC 83-76 159 Jim McKibben, Kahkwa Club 77-83 160 Bill Stasiulatis, West Shore CC 80-81 161 James Sherratt, Old York Road CC 80-81 161 Larry Loughner, Conestoga CC 81-80 161 Tom Schonauer, CC of York 82-80 162 Bill Douds, St. Clair CC 80-82 162 James Sylves, State College Elks CC 85-78 163 Paul Yeakel, Waynesborough CC 82-81 163 Patrick Clark, Out Door CC 82-82 164 Charles Watterson, St. Clair CC 80-84 164 Robert McCafferty, Doylestown CC 86-78 164 Al Terchick, Willowbrook CC 85-80 165 Richard Genoni, Waynesborough CC 80-85 165 W. Owens, Clearfield-Curwensville CC 80-86 166 Arley Miller, West Shore CC 83-83 166 G. Lanager, Clearfield-Curwensville CC 81-86 167 Clay Von Seldeneck, Sunnybrook GC 83-84 167 Donald Bogle, Yardley CC 87-81 168 Jim Wetzel, Regent s Glen CC 84-84 168 Kent Replogle, Hershey Golf Club 87-83 170 James Zellars, Williamsport CC 85-85 170 Robert White, The Springhaven Club 87-83 170 Jim Hoffer, West Shore CC 87-84 171 Robert Schiller, Old York Road CC 89-82 171 Jeffrey Fogel, Philmont CC 87-84 171 George Becker Jr., Doylestown CC 83-88 171 Jim Malloy, Torresdale-Frankford CC 82-90 172 Delvin Miller Jr., Hanover CC 84-89 173 Gerfried Hentschl, Bent Creek CC 82-91 173 Don Warner, State College Elks CC 84-91 175 Paul Riederer, Rolling Hills CC 87-88 175 Jack DeHaven, Yardley CC 82-93 175 R. Gathagan, Clearfield-Curwensville CC 89-87 176 Jim McCabe, Manufacturers G&CC 86-92 178 William Taylor, The Springhaven Club 90-88 178 Larry Smeltzer, Hanover CC 91-89 180 James Huston, Hanover CC 90-90 180 John Whitehead Jr., Bent Creek CC 94-86 180 Gregory Holsinger, Rolling Hills CC 86-94 180 Joseph Zaepfel, Lancaster CC 91-89 180 James Warren, Corey Creek GC 84-98 182 Larry Olejniczak, Carlisle CC 87-95 182 Kenneth Smith, Hanover CC 93-90 183 James Henry, Hershey GC 92-91 183 Thomas Morgan, Lancaster CC 92-92 184 Sam Prutch, Hanover CC 87-99 186 James Tito, Latrobe CC 93-94 187 Bob Teufel, Hershey GC 93-95 188 Jerry Shavel, Hannastown GC 99-92 191 Charles Ritter, Gettysburg CC 93-99 192 Wayne Kenworthy, Hanover CC 99-95 194 Richard Steele, Hannastown GC 94-100 194 Roger Lyons, Susquehanna Valley CC 100-96 196 Charles Henson, Chester Valley GC 98-102 200 Pete Keniazes, Hanover CC 102-103 205 Bill Killian, Greensburg CC 102-107 209 Class C (Ages 65 69) Name, club John Trach, CC of Harrisburg Richard Smith, Philadelphia CC Joseph Green III, Carlisle CC Jack Alexander, Corey Creek GC George McLeod, Berkshire CC William McCann, Lancaster CC James Ginsberg, Philmont CC Robert Farley, Williamsport CC Pennsylvania Golf Association Score 78-76 154 82-73 155 79-76 155 81-77 158 83-79 162 77-85 162 80-86 166 81-86 167 21 William Bayles Jr., Phoenixville CC 84-83 J. VanZandt, The Springhaven Club 86-82 Alan VanSant, CC of York 82-88 Richard Fencel, CC of Harrisburg 83-88 Gene Tokach, Wyoming Valley CC 87-85 George Connell, Sunnybrook GC 85-87 Richard Smith, Williamsport CC 89-84 Jim Wurzell, Hannastown GC 86-88 Harry Holm, Hanover CC 91-84 Robert Swinsick, Corey Creek GC 85-90 Charles Carter, Sunnybrook GC 89-86 Wally Mack, Carlisle CC 88-88 Marvin Daley, Lancaster CC 86-93 Peyton McDonald, Williamsport CC 93-87 William Etzweiler, CC of Harrisburg 91-89 John Gola, Sandy Run CC 88-92 Buddy Kline, Sandy Run CC 89-93 F. Richards, Susquehanna Valley CC 95-88 Bud Jennings, Chester Valley GC 88-95 Richard Boyd, St. Clair CC 90-95 Thomas Anderson, Yardley CC 95-91 Dick Carlson, Chester Valley GC 96-91 Richard Voytko, Sunnehanna CC 93-95 William Zelner, Carlisle CC 93-95 Pete Sesti, Greensburg CC 95-94 Ed Aumen, Hanover CC 91-99 Wayne Smith Jr., Hannastown GC 99-91 Ronald McKenzie, Latrobe CC 93-98 David Steele, Lancaster CC 99-92 Charles Miller, Latrobe CC 96-96 John Miller Jr., Lancaster CC 94-98 James Krebs, Corey Creek GC 97-96 Raymond Cross, Chester Valley GC 99-95 Cameron Eiseman, Latrobe CC 106-89 Ronald Buerger, Latrobe CC 98-98 Philip Corrie, Latrobe CC 101-96 Frank Ruth, Gettysburg CC 100-97 Roger Goodling, Carlisle CC 105-93 Leonard Andrews, Gettysburg CC 96-105 Robert Hanson, Gettysburg CC 107-95 W. Keenan, State College Elks GC 96-109 Robert Hershock, Lancaster CC 100-106 Emil Casino, Greensburg CC 107-100 167 168 170 171 172 172 173 174 175 175 175 176 179 180 180 180 182 183 183 185 186 187 188 188 189 190 190 191 191 192 192 193 194 195 196 197 197 198 201 202 205 206 207 Class B (Ages 70 74) Name, club Score John Rudy, Corey Creek GC 82-81 163 Harry Pearsall, Corey Creek GC 86-84 170 J. Philip Sweet, Sewickley Heights GC 85-85 170 R. VanZandt, The Springhaven Club 85-87 172 Robert Daubert, Heidelberg CC 85-88 173 John Rutty, Hanover CC 89-89 178 Donald Hall, Sunnehanna CC 90-88 178 John Naretto, Greensburg CC 93-85 178 Vance Ward, Hanover CC 91-88 179 Paul E. Bucher, Gettysburg CC 85-94 179 Vaun Addleman, Greensburg CC 93-99 192 Kenneth Mummert, Gettysburg CC 97-98 195 Jack Elder, Latrobe CC 100-97 197 Paul Zubler, State College Elks GC 97-102 199 C.K. Roulette, Gettysburg CC 99-104 203 Tom McGlaughlin, Gettysburg CC 106-98 204 Gordon K. Stambaugh, Hanover CC 108-98 206 D. Musser, Susquehanna Valley CC 108-102 210 Tom Hewitt, Latrobe CC 113-102 215 Class A (Ages 75-and-older) Name, club Score Boyd Mertz, Susquehanna Valley CC 87-92 179 Herbert Haufler, Carlisle CC 91-89 180 Peter Edwards, St. Clair CC 96-93 189 Wilfred Toby, Corey Creek GC 92-97 189 Albert Tazza, St. Clair CC 101-90 191 R. Dingfelder, The Springhaven Club 100-93 193 Steve Mittl, Berkshire CC 99-96 195 Al Reese, Berkshire CC 103-96 199 Charles Reilly, Regent s Glen CC 107-92 199 Boyd Wolford, Manufacturers G&CC 96-107 203 Joe McConnell, Corey Creek GC 104-100 204 R. Scullin, Susquehanna Valley CC 101-104 205 Senior Tournament 3:E +=G=D=A@ 5:DF>ED Class E (Ages 55 59) Name (handicap), club Score Michael Rose (0), Philmont CC 70-73=143 V. Burns (10), Torresdale-Frankford CC 71-73=144 Fran Villella (4), DuBois CC 70-75=145 Drew Baum (9), The Springhaven Club 71-74=145 Myles Nash (10), DuBois CC 78-69=147 Alex Yalch (4), Hanover CC 73-75=148 John Stepanick Sr. (8), Bucks County CC 74-74=148 David Binder (9), Heidelberg CC 80-68=148 Robert Rivard (6), Lancaster CC 74-75=149 Jack Gornall (3), Kahkwa Club 74-75=149 Milton Drennen (7), Bent Creek CC 75-74=149 Butch Toby (10), Corey Creek GC 71-78=149 Harold Ofstie (6), Waynesborough CC 75-74=149 Patrick Close (7), The Springhaven Club 70-79=149 Richard Clark (11), Carlisle CC 76-74=150 Willis Cunningham (6), Willowbrook CC 73-77=150 J. Peter Pierce (6), Philadelphia CC 78-73=151 John Groninger (6), St. Clair CC 72-79=151 John Doyle III (3), Doylestown CC 76-75=151 E. Gregrczyk (2), Glenmaura National GC 77-74=151 Ned Moore (12), Manufacturers G&CC 79-73=152 William Pogachnick (5), Rolling Hills CC 70-82=152 M. Brigandi (11), State College Elks GC 81-71=152 Thomas Verney (5), Carlisle CC 77-75=152 Christopher Frazier (5), Sunnybrook GC 82-70=152 Robert Fontanesi (2), Greensburg CC 71-81=152 Richard Rutter (14), Manufacturers G&CC 78-75=153 Dennis Boyer (6), Berkshire CC 76-77=153 Wesley Chronister (15), Hanover CC 74-79=153 Raymond Gergich (7), Rolling Hills CC 79-74=153 Donald Lyman (16), Corey Creek GC 84-69=153 Jack Kelly (13), Sandy Run CC 78-75=153 Dan Flynn (13), Sandy Run CC 77-76=153 Lee Lykens (2), Clearfield-Curwensville CC 76-78=154 John Dratch (9), Philmont CC 77-77=154 Robert Marek (1), Carlisle CC 78-78=156 William Coates (3), Greensburg CC 74-82=156 Gregory Gaul (3), Merion GC 72-84=156 Criag Obeck (14), Hanover CC 82-75=157 Phillip Raudensky (4), CC of Harrisburg 85-72=157 Edward Roberts (6), Old York Road CC 83-74=157 Jim Moyer (3), Chambersburg GC 74-83=157 C. Evangelou (12), Susquehanna Valley CC 77-81=158 David Simonsen (1), Kahkwa Club 77-81=158 P. Jerry Mash (15), Greensburg CC 78-80=158 Thomas Kaczor (4), Yardley CC 80-78=158 Joseph Virdone (6), Philadelphia CC 83-76=159 Gerald Eckert (3), Bent Creek CC 82-77=159 Barry Emich (1), Bent Creek CC 84-75=159 Bill Kribbs (3), West Shore CC 79-80=159 J. Penrose (9), Torresdale-Frankford CC 76-83=159 Ron Snyder (9), Heidelberg CC 80-79=159 H. James Loke (14), Bent Creek CC 82-78=160 Edward Tansey Sr. (2), Kahkwa Club 79-81=160 Joseph Heitzik (4), Wyoming Valley CC 81-79=160 R. Holcombe Jr. (10), Old York Road CC 84-76=160 D. Marziani (6), Torresdale-Frankford CC 86-74=160 Paul DiBiccari (7), Rolling Hills CC 79-82=161 Clyde Fuller (11), State College Elks CC 81-81=162 Fred Kelly Jr. (16), Susquehanna Valley CC 81-81=162 Craig Collins (1), Schenley Park GC 80-82=162 Jerry Clark (10), Bent Creek CC 84-79=163 David Moulthrop (1), DuBois CC 79-85=164 Chuck Giardina (3), Wyoming Valley CC 82-82=164 Jake Ruth (3), Carlisle CC 80-84=164 Dave Luzzi (3), Rolling Hills CC 77-88=165 Jim Varhola (11), Carlisle CC 76-89=165 Richard McKinley (8), Sunnehanna CC 82-84=166 Rich Malay (2), Willowbrook CC 84-82=166 Mullen Walton (8), CC of York 83-84=167 James Fogarty (4), Bent Creek CC 83-84=167 Dennis Dellovade (10), Rolling Hills CC 84-84=168 Dennis Lamb (4), Rolling Hills CC 83-86=169 B.C. Croft (7), Hartefeld National GC 88-81=169 Dennis Young (12), State College Elks CC 84-87=171 Jim Snyder (17), Susquehanna Valley CC 87-87=174 Terry Gray (16), DuBois CC 90-84=174 Jack Baumgartner (14), Corey Creek GC 89-89=178 John Bollman (21), State College Elks GC 89-96=185 Class D (Ages 60 64) Name (handicap), club Score William Taylor (22), The Springhaven Club 68-66=134 Lyle Brion (11), Corey Creek GC 70-66=136 Russell Oakes (7), Yardley CC 72-66=138 Warren Deakins (7), Philadelphia CC 71-71=142 Herbert Gordon (5), Doylestown CC 72-70=142 James Tito (20), Latrobe CC 73-74=147 Kenneth Smith (18), Hanover CC 75-72=147 Phil Saylor (1), Sunnehanna CC 67-80=147 Robert Jones (6), Wyoming Valley CC 77-70=147 Don Lamb (5), St. Clair CC 76-71=147 Larry Loughner (7), Conestoga CC 74-73=147 James Huston (16), Hanover CC 74-74=148 Tom Schonauer (7), CC of York 75-73=148 Donald Bogle (10), Yardley CC 77-71=148 Curt Fromal (5), The Springhaven Club 71-77=148 Robert White (11), The Springhaven Club 76-72=148 Bill Stasiulatis (6), West Shore CC 74-75=149 James Sherratt (6), Old York Road CC 74-75=149 Richard Genoni (8), Waynesborough CC 72-77=149 Robert McCafferty (7), Doylestown CC 79-71=150 E. Eichenberg III (4), Waynesborough CC 71-79=150 Delvin Miller Jr. (11), Hanover CC 73-78=151 Larry E. Casebeer (4), Hershey GC 79-72=151 Clay Von Seldeneck (8), Sunnybrook GC 75-76=151 Patrick Clark (6), Out Door CC 76-76=152 Arley Miller (7), West Shore CC 76-76=152 Don Warner (11), State College Elks CC 73-80=153 W. Owens (6), Clearfield-Curwensville CC 73-80=153 Jim Anderson (1), Willowbrook CC 80-73=153 Kent Replogle (8), Hershey Golf Club 79-75=154 Jim McKibben (3), Kahkwa Club 74-80=154 Bill Douds (4), St. Clair CC 76-78=154 Jim Malloy (9), Torresdale-Frankford CC 73-81=154 James Sylves (4), State College Elks CC 81-74=155 Jim McCabe (11), Manufacturers G&CC 74-81=155 Charlie Stringfellow (+1), Carlisle CC 79-76=155 George Becker Jr. (8), Doylestown CC 75-80=155 Gerfried Hentschl (9), Bent Creek CC 74-82=156 Paul Yeakel (3), Waynesborough CC 79-78=157 Joseph Zaepfel (11), Lancaster CC 80-78=158 James Zellars (6), Williamsport CC 79-79=158 Wayne Kenworthy (17), Hanover CC 81-78=159 R. Gathagan (8), Clearfield-Curwensville CC 80-79=159 Larry Olejniczak (11), Carlisle CC 75-84=159 Paul Riederer (8), Rolling Hills CC 79-80=159 Al Terchick (3), Willowbrook CC 82-77=159 Robert Schiller (6), Old York Road CC 83-76=159 Jeffrey Fogel (6), Philmont CC 81-78=159 G. Lanager (3), Clearfield-Curwensville CC 78-83=161 Jack DeHaven (7), Yardley CC 75-86=161 James Warren (10), Corey Creek GC 74-88=162 John Whitehead Jr. (9), Bent Creek CC 85-77=162 Charles Watterson (1), St. Clair CC 79-83=162 Pete Keniazes (21), Hanover CC 81-82=163 Jim Hoffer (4), West Shore CC 83-80=163 Sam Prutch (11), Hanover CC 76-88=164 Larry Smeltzer (7), Hanover CC 84-82=166 Charles Ritter (13), Gettysburg CC 80-86=166 Richard Steele (14), Hannastown GC 80-86=166 James Henry (8), Hershey GC 84-83=167 Thomas Morgan (8), Lancaster CC 83-84=167 Charles Henson (16), Chester Valley GC 82-86=168 Jim Wetzel (0), Regent s Glen CC 84-84=168 Roger Lyons (13), Susquehanna Valley CC 87-83=170 Gregory Holsinger (5), Rolling Hills CC 82-89=171 Jerry Shavel (10), Hannastown GC 89-82=171 Bob Teufel (7), Hershey GC 86-88=174 Bill Killian (11), Greensburg CC 91-96=187 Class C (Ages 65 69) Name (handicap), club Jack Alexander (8), Corey Creek GC Ronald McKenzie (23), Latrobe CC Joseph Green III (5), Carlisle CC Richard Fencel (13), CC of Harrisburg William McCann (7), Lancaster CC John Trach (3), CC of Harrisburg George Connell (12), Sunnybrook GC J. VanZandt (10), The Springhaven Club Score 73-69=142 70-75=145 74-71=145 71-75=146 70-78=148 75-73=148 73-75=148 76-72=148 Pennsylvania Golf Association 22 Richard Smith (3), Philadelphia CC William Etzweiler (16), CC of Harrisburg George McLeod (6), Berkshire CC Wally Mack (12), Carlisle CC James Ginsberg (7), Philmont CC Robert Swinsick (11), Corey Creek GC Ed Aumen (18), Hanover CC Jim Wurzell (10), Hannastown GC Gene Tokach (9), Wyoming Valley CC John Gola (13), Sandy Run CC Buddy Kline (14), Sandy Run CC Charles Miller (18), Latrobe CC Cameron Eiseman (19), Latrobe CC Marvin Daley (11), Lancaster CC William Bayles Jr. (5), Phoenixville CC Alan VanSant (6), CC of York Robert Farley (4), Williamsport CC Bud Jennings (12), Chester Valley GC Dick Carlson (14), Chester Valley GC Harry Holm (7), Hanover CC Richard Boyd (12), St. Clair CC Richard Smith (6), Williamsport CC Charles Carter (7), Sunnybrook GC David Steele (15), Lancaster CC Robert Hanson (20), Gettysburg CC Robert Hershock (22), Lancaster CC James Krebs (15), Corey Creek GC Emil Casino (22), Greensburg CC Pete Sesti (13), Greensburg CC Peyton McDonald (8), Williamsport CC Frank Richards (9), Susquehanna Valley CC Philip Corrie (16), Latrobe CC William Zelner (11), Carlisle CC Frank Ruth (16), Gettysburg CC Thomas Anderson (10), Yardley CC Leonard Andrews (17), Gettysburg CC Richard Voytko (10), Sunnehanna CC Ronald Buerger (14), Latrobe CC Roger Goodling (15), Carlisle CC Raymond Cross (13), Chester Valley GC John Miller Jr. (11), Lancaster CC W. Keenan (18), State College Elks GC Wayne Smith Jr. (8), Hannastown GC 79-70=149 76-73=149 77-73=150 76-76=152 73-79=152 74-79=153 73-81=154 76-78=154 78-76=154 75-79=154 76-79=155 78-78=156 87-70=157 75-82=157 79-78=157 76-82=158 77-82=159 76-83=159 82-77=159 83-77=160 77-83=160 83-78=161 82-79=161 84-77=161 87-75=162 78-84=162 82-81=163 85-78=163 82-81=163 85-79=164 86-79=165 86-80=166 82-84=166 85-81=166 85-81=166 79-88=167 83-85=168 84-84=168 90-78=168 86-82=168 82-87=169 78-91=169 92-83=175 Class B (Ages 70 74) Name (handicap), club Score Vance Ward (21), Hanover CC 70-67=137 John Rudy (12), Corey Creek GC 70-69=139 Harry Pearsall (13), Corey Creek GC 73-71=144 Paul E. Bucher (16), Gettysburg CC 69-78=147 John Rutty (14), Hanover CC 74-75=149 R. VanZandt (11), The Springhaven Club 74-76=150 J. Philip Sweet (9), Sewickley Heights GC 76-76=152 C.K. Roulette (25), Gettysburg CC 74-79=153 Paul Zubler (23), State College Elks GC 74-79=153 John Naretto (12), Greensburg CC 81-73=154 Robert Daubert (8), Heidelberg CC 77-80=157 Donald Hall (10), Sunnehanna CC 80-78=158 Vaun Addleman (16), Greensburg CC 77-83=160 Jack Elder (16), Latrobe CC 84-81=165 D. Musser (23), Susquehanna Valley CC 86-79=165 Gordon K. Stambaugh (20), Hanover CC 88-78=166 Tom McGlaughlin (18), Gettysburg CC 88-80=168 Kenneth Mummert (13), Gettysburg CC 84-85=169 Tom Hewitt (20), Latrobe CC 93-82=175 Class A (Ages 75-and-over) Name (handicap), club Score R. Dingfelder (24), The Springhaven Club 75-69=144 Herbert Haufler (14), Carlisle CC 77-75=152 Boyd Wolford (24), Manufacturers G&CC 72-83=155 Peter Edwards (17), St. Clair CC 79-76=155 R. Scullin (24), Susquehanna Valley CC 78-80=158 Al Reese (19), Berkshire CC 84-77=161 Boyd Mertz (9), Susquehanna Valley CC 78-83=161 Albert Tazza (15), St. Clair CC 86-75=161 Joe McConnell (20), Corey Creek GC 84-80=164 Wilfred Toby (12), Corey Creek GC 80-85=165 Steve Mittl (11), Berkshire CC 88-85=173 Charles Reilly (11), Regent s Glen CC 96-81=177 4th Senior Team Championship Philmont Country Club (North/South) Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, 2002 - ^a hTPab% ;T^aVT 6TRZTa% >a’% >^W] 8^h[T% ===% <TaQTa c ;^ aS^] P ]S F^QTa c AR7PUUTach ^U 8^h[Tbc^f] 7^d]cah 7[dQ cTP\TS d_ c^ cPZT cWT GT]X^a HTP\ 7WP\_X^]bWX_ cXc[T’ 7^d]cX]V cWT [^f cWaTT ^U U^da bR^aTb U^a TPRW a^d]S ^U cWT GT]X^a H^da]P\T]c% cWT 8^h[Tbc^f] 7^d]cah 7[dQ T]caP]c _^bcTS P -0) c^cP[ Pc DWX[\^]c 7^d]cah 7[dQ #B^acW(G^dcW$% cWaTT bW^cb R[TPa ^U F^QTac APaTZ% >PZT FdcW% 7WPa[XT GcaX]VUT[[^f P]S HW^\Pb JTa]Th Ua^\ cWT 7Pa[Xb[T 7^d]& cah 7[dQ’ HWPc Va^d_ aTR^aSTS P bR^aT ^U -0,’ D[PRX]V cWXaS% Ua^\ DWX[PST[_WXP 7^d]cah 7[dQ% fTaT KPaaT] 8TPZX]b% DTcTa >’ DXTaRT% FXRWPaS G\XcW P]S >^& 8^ h[ Tbc^f] 7 ^d]cah 7 [dQ ^] cWT \P_’ 8^h[Tbc^f] caPX[TS cTP\b Ua^\ ?PWZfP 7[dQ P]S HWT G_aX]VWPeT] 7[dQ Qh bTeT] bW^cb T]cTaX]V cWT bTR^]S P]S UX]P[ SPh’ HW^bT cf^ cTP\b _^bcTS bR^aTb ^U +,+’ 8^h[Tbc^f] 7^d]cah 7[dQ RPaSTS P +,2 ^] 8Ph C]T’ K T cW^dVWc fT WPS P V^^S RWP]RT% _PacXRd[Pa[h PUcTa cWT UXabc SPh’ L^d RP] \PZT cWPc d_ ^] ^]T W^[T% bPXS 6TRZTa% /-% ^U WXb cTP\ b \X]SbTc ^] cWT STUXRXc’ =c b P c^dVW U^a\Pc% George Becker, Jr., John Doyle, III, Herbert Gordon and cW^dVW’ L^d ]TTS b^\T^]T c^ bcT_ c^ Robert McCafferty of Doylestown Country Club earned cWT _[PcT P]S QT P WTa^ XU P Vdh Xb their second Senior Team Championship title. bcadVV[X]V’ 5 c^cP[ ^U .. cTP\b _PacXRX_PcTS X] bT_W JXaS^]T fXcW P -0- bR^aT’ =c b P _a^dS cWX]V c^ fX] cWT cXc[T cWT U^dacW P]]dP[ GT]X^a HTP\ 7WP\& P V P X ]% b P X S 6 T R Z T a’ = c b _dc _X^]bWX_’ Doylestown CC George Becker, Jr. John III Doyle, III Herbert Gordon Robert McCafferty 239-231 83-88 79-78 77-75 86-78 470 171 157 152 164 The Springhaven Club (2) Drew Baum Patrick Close Curt Fromal W. Robert White 232-248 79-83 77-86 76-82 87-83 480 162 163 158 170 Greensburg CC (1) Emil Casino William Coates Robert Fontanesi John Naretto 243-253 107-100 77-85 73-83 93-85 496 207 162 156 178 Carlisle CC (3) Robert Marek Jake Ruth Charlie Stringfellow Thomas Verney 239-234 79-79 83-87 78-75 82-80 473 158 170 153 162 Willowbrook CC Jim Anderson Willis Cunningham Rich Malay Al Terchick 245-237 81-74 79-83 86-84 85-80 482 155 162 170 165 Wyoming Valley CC Chuck Giardina Joseph Heitzik Robert Jones Gene Tokach 253-244 85-85 85-83 83-76 87-85 497 170 168 159 172 Philadelphia CC Warren Deakins J. Peter Pierce Richard Smith Joseph Virdone 244-230 78-78 84-79 82-73 89-82 474 156 163 155 171 DuBois CC Terry Gray David Moulthrop Myles Nash Fran Villella 242-244 106-100 80-86 88-79 74-79 486 206 166 167 153 Rolling Hills CC (1) Raymond Gergich Gregory Holsinger Dave Luzzi William Pogachnick 240-259 85-81 86-94 80-91 75-87 499 166 180 171 162 Kahkwa Club Jack Gornall Jim McKibben David Simonsen Edward Sr. Tansey 232-243 77-78 77-83 78-82 81-83 475 155 160 160 164 Bent Creek CC (1) Milton Drennen Gerald Eckert Barry Emich James Fogarty 252-237 82-81 85-80 85-76 87-88 489 163 165 161 175 Sunnybrook GC Charles Carter George Connell Christopher Frazier Clay Von Seldeneck 255-245 89-86 85-87 87-75 83-84 500 175 172 162 167 Corey Creek GC (2) Jack Alexander Lyle Brion Harry Pearsall John Rudy 243-235 81-77 80-77 86-84 82-81 478 158 157 170 163 CC of Harrisburg William Etzweiler Richard Fencel Phillip Raudensky John Trach 250-240 91-89 83-88 89-76 78-76 490 180 171 165 154 Old York Road CC Richard Holcombe, Jr. Edward Roberts Robert Schiller James Sherratt 258-243 94-86 89-80 89-82 80-81 501 180 169 171 161 Philmont CC John Dratch Jeffrey Fogel James Ginsberg Michael Rose 236-243 86-86 87-84 80-86 70-73 479 172 171 166 143 Clearfield-Curwensville CC Richard Gathagan Giles Lanager Lee Lykens William Owens 239-252 89-87 81-86 78-80 80-86 491 176 167 158 166 Torresdale-Frankford CC Vincent Burns James Malloy Dominic Marziani John Penrose 248-253 81-83 82-90 91-80 85-92 501 164 172 171 177 St. Clair CC (2) Bill Douds John Groninger Don Lamb Charles Watterson 238-242 80-82 78-85 81-76 80-84 480 162 163 157 164 West Shore CC Jim Hoffer Bill Kribbs Arley Miller Bill Stasiulatis 245-247 87-84 82-83 83-83 80-81 492 171 165 166 161 Lancaster CC (2) William McCann Thomas Morgan Robert Rivard Joseph Zaepfel 249-255 77-85 92-92 81-81 91-89 504 162 184 162 180 Waynesborough CC Ernest Eichenberg, III Richard Genoni Harold Ofstie Paul Yeakel 236-244 75-83 80-85 81-80 82-81 480 158 165 161 163 Yardley CC (1) Thomas Anderson Donald Bogle Jack DeHaven Russell Oakes 248-245 95-91 87-81 82-93 79-73 493 186 168 175 152 cWT bTR^]S cX\T X] cWaTT .CADD +=G=D=A@ C:DF>ED Pennsylvania Golf Association 23 Sunnehanna CC 248-261 509 Donald Hall 90-88 178 Richard McKinley 90-92 182 Phil Saylor 68-81 149 Richard Voytko 93-95 188 See Senior Team Championship, page 24 Senior Team Championship From page, 23 Williamsport CC Robert Farley Peyton McDonald Richard Smith James Zellars 255-255 81-86 93-87 89-84 85-85 Carlisle CC (1) Roger Goodling Joseph Green, III Wally Mack Jim Varhola 254-257 105-93 79-76 88-88 87-100 Hershey GC Larry E. Casebeer James Henry Kent Replogle Bob Teufel 262-250 83-76 92-91 87-83 93-95 CC of York Tom Schonauer Alan Van Sant Mullen Walton 255-260 82-80 82-88 91-92 Heidelberg CC David Binder Robert Daubert David Jones Ron Snyder 262-253 88-77 85-88 The Springhaven Club (1) Richard Dingfelder William Taylor James VanZandt W. Robert VanZandt 261-257 100-93 90-88 86-82 85-87 Hanover CC Wesley Chronister James Huston Alex Yalch 257-263 90-94 90-90 77-79 State College Elks CC Clyde Fuller James Sylves Don Warner Dennis Young 261-261 92-92 85-78 84-91 96-99 Sandy Run CC Dan Flynn John Gola Jack Kelly 511 Buddy Kline 198 155 Corey Creek GC (3) 176 Jack Baumgartner 187 Donald Lyman Butch Toby 512 Wilfred Toby 159 183 Hanover CC (3) 170 Criag Obeck 188 John Rutty Kenneth Smith 515 Gordon K. Stambaugh 162 170 Corey Creek GC (1) 183 James Krebs Joe McConnell 515 Robert Swinsick 165 James Warren 173 WD Hannastown GC 177 Jerry Shavel Wayne Jr. Smith 518 Richard Steele 193 Jim Wurzell 178 168 Susquehanna Valley CC (1) 172 Chris Evangelou Fred Jr. Kelly 520 Roger Lyons 184 Boyd Mertz 180 156 Hanover CC (2) Ed Aumen 522 Pete Keniazes 184 Wayne Kenworthy 163 Vance Ward 175 195 Chester Valley GC Berkshire CC Dennis Boyer George McLeod Steve Mittl Al Reese 264-258 82-83 83-79 99-96 103-96 522 165 162 195 199 89-88 510 167 180 173 170 H. James Loke John Jr. Whitehead Dick Carlson Raymond Cross Charles Henson Bud Jennings Hanover CC (1) Harry Holm Delvin Miller, Jr. Sam Prutch Larry Smeltzer St. Clair CC (1) Richard Boyd 262-262 524 Peter Edwards 91-84 175 Albert Tazza 84-89 173 87-99 186 Latrobe CC (2) 91-89 180 Jack Elder Rolling Hills CC (2) Dennis Dellovade Paul DiBiccari Dennis Lamb Paul Riederer 260-267 94-94 86-89 87-90 87-88 Carlisle CC (2) Richard Clark Herbert Haufler Larry Olejniczak William Zelner Manufacturers G&CC Jim McCabe Ned Moore H. Richard Rutter Boyd Wolford Bent Creek CC (2) Jerry Clark Gerfried Hentschl Ronald McKenzie 527 Charles Miller 188 James Tito 175 177 Greensburg CC (2) 175 Vaun Addleman Bill Killian 265-269 534 P. Jerry Mash 87-85 172 91-89 180 Pete Sesti 87-95 182 93-95 188 Gettysburg CC (2) Paul E. Bucher 269-266 535 Tom McGlaughlin 86-92 178 Kenneth Mummert 91-85 176 Frank Ruth 92-89 181 96-107 203 Lancaster CC (1) Marvin Daley 270-266 536 C. H. Deardorff 94-89 183 Robert Hershock 82-91 173 John Jr. Miller 285-293 96-92 188 State College Elks GC 111-117 94-86 180 John Bollman Michael Brigandi 92-82 96-109 267-269 536 William Keenan 97-102 90-89 179 Paul Zubler 88-92 180 288-298 91-88 179 Gettysburg CC (1) 96-105 89-93 182 Leonard Andrews Robert Hanson 107-95 93-99 272-270 542 Charles Ritter 99-104 102-103 205 C.K. Roulette 100-85 185 305-283 80-88 168 Latrobe CC (1) 98-98 92-97 189 Ronald Buerger Philip Corrie 101-96 106-89 278-268 546 Cameron Eiseman 113-102 96-89 185 Tom Hewitt 89-89 178 300-294 93-90 183 Susquehanna Valley CC (2) 108-102 108-98 206 Dale Musser Frank Richards 95-88 101-104 266-284 550 Robert B. Scullin 104-104 97-96 193 Jim Snyder 104-100 204 85-90 175 3:E +=G=D=A@ C:DF>ED 84-98 182 Corey Creek GC (2) 213-204 Lyle Brion 70-66 279-271 550 John Rudy 70-69 99-92 191 Jack Alexander 73-69 99-91 190 Harry Pearsall 73-71 94-100 194 86-88 174 The Springhaven Club (1) 217-207 William Taylor 68-66 272-281 553 Richard Dingfelder 75-69 89-93 182 James VanZandt 76-72 96-97 193 W. Robert VanZandt 74-76 100-96 196 87-92 179 The Springhaven Club (2) 212-223 Drew Baum 71-74 281-282 563 Curt Fromal 71-77 91-99 190 W. Robert White 76-72 102-103 205 Patrick Close 70-79 99-95 194 91-88 179 Doylestown CC 223-216 Herbert Gordon 72-70 282-281 563 Robert McCafferty 79-71 96-91 187 John Doyle III 76-75 99-95 194 George Becker Jr. 75-80 98-102 200 88-95 183 CC of Harrisburg 222-218 Richard Fencel 71-75 287-278 565 John Trach 75-73 90-95 185 William Etzweiler 76-73 96-93 189 Phillip Raudensky 85-72 101-90 191 282-287 100-97 93-98 96-96 93-94 569 197 191 192 187 281-288 93-99 102-107 93-95 95-94 569 192 209 188 189 282-289 85-94 106-98 97-98 100-97 571 179 204 195 197 578 228 174 205 199 586 201 202 192 203 588 196 197 195 215 594 210 183 205 208 417 136 139 142 144 424 134 144 148 150 435 145 148 148 149 439 142 150 151 155 440 146 148 149 157 Philadelphia CC Warren Deakins Richard Smith J. Peter Pierce Joseph Virdone 228-214 71-71 79-70 78-73 83-76 442 142 149 151 159 Yardley CC (1) Russell Oakes Donald Bogle Jack DeHaven Thomas Anderson 224-218 72-66 77-71 75-86 85-81 442 138 148 161 166 Waynesborough CC Richard Genoni Harold Ofstie Ernest Eichenberg III Paul Yeakel 218-229 72-77 75-74 71-79 79-78 447 149 149 150 157 Latrobe CC (2) 221-227 448 70-75 145 280-297 577 Ronald McKenzie 73-74 147 86-93 179 James Tito 78-78 156 WD Charles Miller 84-81 165 100-106 206 Jack Elder See Senior Team Championship, page 25 94-98 192 Pennsylvania Golf Association 24 Senior Team Championship From page, 24 Philmont CC Michael Rose James Ginsberg John Dratch Jeffrey Fogel 220-228 70-73 73-79 77-77 81-78 448 143 152 154 159 Torresdale-Frankford CC Vincent Burns James Malloy John Penrose Dominic Marziani 220-228 71-73 73-81 76-83 86-74 448 144 154 159 160 Hanover CC James Huston Alex Yalch Wesley Chronister 221-228 74-74 73-75 74-79 449 148 148 153 Hanover CC (2) Vance Ward Ed Aumen Wayne Kenworthy Pete Keniazes 224-226 70-67 73-81 81-78 81-82 450 137 154 159 163 Carlisle CC (1) Joseph Green III Wally Mack Jim Varhola Roger Goodling 226-225 74-71 76-76 76-89 90-78 451 145 152 165 168 Sunnybrook GC George Connell Clay Von Seldeneck Christopher Frazier Charles Carter 230-221 73-75 75-76 82-70 82-79 451 148 151 152 161 St. Clair CC (2) Don Lamb John Groninger Bill Douds Charles Watterson 224-228 76-71 72-79 76-78 79-83 452 147 151 154 162 Manufacturers G&CC Ned Moore H. Richard Rutter Jim McCabe BoydWolford 224-229 79-73 78-75 74-81 72-83 453 152 153 155 155 Hanover CC (3) Kenneth Smith John Rutty Criag Obeck Gordon K. Stambaugh 231-222 75-72 74-75 82-75 88-78 453 147 149 157 166 DuBois CC Fran Villella Myles Nash David Moulthrop Terry Gray 227-228 70-75 78-69 79-85 90-84 455 145 147 164 174 Lancaster CC (2) William McCann Robert Rivard Joseph Zaepfel Thomas Morgan 224-231 70-78 74-75 80-78 83-84 455 148 149 158 167 Sandy Run CC Jack Kelly Dan Flynn John Gola Buddy Kline 228-230 78-75 77-76 75-79 76-79 458 153 153 154 155 Greensburg CC (1) Robert Fontanesi John Naretto William Coates Emil Casino 226-232 71-81 81-73 74-82 85-78 458 152 154 156 163 West Shore CC Bill Stasiulatis Arley Miller 229-231 460 74-75 149 76-76 152 Bill Kribbs Jim Hoffer Carlisle CC (2) Richard Clark Herbert Haufler Larry Olejniczak William Zelner Kahkwa Club Jack Gornall Jim McKibben David Simonsen Edward Tansey Sr. Wyoming Valley CC Robert Jones Gene Tokach Joseph Heitzik Chuck Giardina Willowbrook CC Willis Cunningham Jim Anderson Al Terchick Rich Malay 79-80 159 Corey Creek GC (1) 83-80 163 Robert Swinsick James Warren 228-233 461 James Krebs 76-74 150 Joe McConnell 77-75 152 75-84 159 Rolling Hills CC (1) 82-84 166 William Pogachnick Raymond Gergich 225-236 461 Dave Luzzi 74-75 149 Gregory Holsinger 74-80 154 77-81 158 Sunnehanna CC 79-81 160 Phil Saylor Donald Hall 236-225 461 Richard McKinley 77-70 147 Richard Voytko 230-240 74-79 74-88 82-81 84-80 470 153 162 163 164 226-244 70-82 79-74 77-88 82-89 470 152 153 165 171 229-242 67-80 80-78 82-84 83-85 471 147 158 166 168 78-76 154 81-79 160 Hershey GC 82-82 164 Larry E. Casebeer Kent Replogle 235-227 462 James Henry Bob Teufel 73-77 150 242-230 79-72 79-75 84-83 86-88 472 151 154 167 174 233-240 74-79 87-75 80-86 79-88 473 153 162 166 167 Mullen Walton 234-239 75-73 76-82 83-84 473 148 158 167 Bent Creek CC (2) Gerfried Hentschl H. James Loke John Whitehead Jr. Jerry Clark 240-234 74-82 82-78 85-77 84-79 474 156 160 162 163 State College Elks GC Michael Brigandi Paul Zubler William Keenan John Bollman 233-241 81-71 74-79 78-91 89-96 474 152 153 169 185 Williamsport CC James Zellars Robert Farley Richard Smith Peyton McDonald 239-236 79-79 77-82 83-78 85-79 475 158 159 161 164 St. Clair CC (1) Peter Edwards Richard Boyd Albert Tazza 242-234 79-76 77-83 86-75 476 155 160 161 Gettysburg CC (2) Paul E. Bucher Frank Ruth Tom McGlaughlin Kenneth Mummert 238-239 69-78 85-81 88-80 84-85 477 147 166 168 169 Susquehanna Valley CC (1) Chris Evangelou Boyd Mertz Fred Kelly Jr. Roger Lyons 236-245 77-81 78-83 81-81 87-83 481 158 161 162 170 Greensburg CC (2) P. Jerry Mash Vaun Addleman Pete Sesti Bill Killian 237-244 78-80 77-83 82-81 91-96 481 158 160 163 187 Chester Valley GC Bud Jennings Dick Carlson Charles Henson Raymond Cross 240-242 76-83 82-77 82-86 86-82 482 159 159 168 168 Carlisle CC (3) Thomas Verney Charlie Stringfellow Robert Marek Jake Ruth 80-73 153 Gettysburg CC (1) 82-77 159 C.K. Roulette 84-82 166 Robert Hanson Charles Ritter 234-229 463 Leonard Andrews 77-75 152 79-76 155 CC of York 78-78 156 Tom Schonauer 80-84 164 Alan VanSant Berkshire CC George McLeod Dennis Boyer Al Reese Steve Mittl 237-227 77-73 76-77 84-77 88-85 464 150 153 161 173 Clearfield-Curwensville CC William Owens Lee Lykens Richard Gathagan Giles Lanager 227-237 73-80 76-78 80-79 78-83 464 153 154 159 161 Heidelberg CC David Binder Robert Daubert Ron Snyder David Jones 237-227 80-68 77-80 80-79 464 148 157 159 WD Old York Road CC James Sherratt Edward Roberts Robert Schiller Richard Holcombe Jr. 240-225 74-75 83-74 83-76 84-76 465 149 157 159 160 Bent Creek CC (1) Milton Drennen Gerald Eckert Barry Emich James Fogarty 240-226 75-74 82-77 84-75 83-84 466 149 159 159 167 Corey Creek GC (3) Butch Toby Donald Lyman Wilfred Toby Jack Baumgartner 235-232 71-78 84-69 80-85 89-89 467 149 153 165 178 Hanover CC (1) Delvin Miller Jr. Harry Holm Sam Prutch Larry Smeltzer 232-237 73-78 83-77 76-88 84-82 469 151 160 164 166 State College Elks CC Don Warner James Sylves Clyde Fuller Dennis Young 235-235 73-80 81-74 81-81 84-87 470 153 155 162 171 Pennsylvania Golf Association 25 See Senior Team Championship, page 26 A. Fred Williamson Cup The Apawamis Club Rye, N.Y. Aug. 12-13, 2002 HWT 5’ :aTS KX[[XP\b^] 7d_ bcPacTS X] *2/- Pb P ,/&W^[T Yd]X^a R^\_TcXcX^] QTcfTT] UXeT aTVX^]P[ V^[U Pbb^RXPcX^]b’ =] +))*% cWT KX[[XP\b^] 7d_ Tg& _P]STS c^ ** aTVX^]P[ P]S bcPcT Pbb^RXPcX^]b3 6dUUP[^% 8T[PfPaT% ATca^_^[X& cP]% B’L’% AXRWXVP]% C]cPaX^% DT]]bh[eP]XP% DWX[PST[_WXP% KTbcTa] DT]]bh[eP& ]XP% EdTQTR% F^RWTbcTa P]S GhaPRdbT’ :^da Yd]X^ab aT_aTbT]c TPRW Pbb^RXP& cX^] fXcW cWT [^f cWaTT ^dc ^U U^da bR^aTb X] TPRW a^d]S R^d]cX]V c^fPaS cWT cTP\ b c^cP[’ HWXb hTPa b cTP\ ^U APcc AR;X]]Xb ^U JP[[Th 6a^^Z 77% >PaaTS A^hTa ^U APX][P]S ;7% 6[PX]T DTUU[Th ^U @TQP]^] 77 P]S 7[Phc^] F^ci ^U 7WP\QTabQdaV ;7 _[PRTS U^dacW fXcW P -./ c^cP[’ HWT 8T[PfPaT ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] RP_cdaTS cWT KX[[XP\b^] 7d_% ^dc[PbcX]V cWT ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] ^U DWX[PST[_WXP Qh ]X]T bW^cb% cWT ATca^_^[XcP] ;^[U 5bb^& RXPcX^] Qh *) bca^ZTb P]S cWT DT]]bh[eP]XP ;^[U 5bb^RXPcX^] Qh ** bW^cb’ Team Delaware Golf Association (DGA) Golf Association of Philadelphia (GAP) Metropolitan Golf Association (MGA) Pennsylvania Golf Association (PGA) Quebec Golf Association (QGA) Western Penn Golf Association (WPGA) Syracuse District Golf Association (SDGA) Golf Association of Michigan (GAM) Golf Association of Ontario (GAO) Rochester District Golf Association (RDGA) Buffalo District Golf Association (BDGA) Score 221-224 222-232 225-230 231-225 228-233 239-226 235-232 233-237 241-233 244-239 243-259 * The best three of four individual scores in each round account for the team scores. 0@9=G=9F8> C:DF>ED 7=>>=8?DA@ *FB H=@@:CD Champion (year) Boston (1979) Buffalo (1966, '67, '76, '83) Delaware (2002) Detroit (1994) Ontario (1968, '73, '75, '77, '80, '98, '99) Philadelphia (1969, '84, '87, '88, '91, '93, 2000) Massachusetts (1981, '82) Metropolitan, New York (1965, '72, '85, '86, '89, '95, '96) Michigan (1990, '97, 2001) Rochester (1978) Syracuse (1992) Washington, D.C. (1964, '70, ' 71, '74) From page, 25 445 454 455 456 461 465 467 470 474 483 502 The 2002 Williamson Cup team (from left) Matt McGinnis, Clayton Rotz, captain James Sherratt, Jarred Moyer and Blaine Peffley. Name, Association Tim Porter, DGA Blaine Peffley, PGA John Jamgochian, MGA Kevin Dore, GAO John Sawin, GAP Stephen Walton, DGA Matt Harmon, GAM Devin Drobbin, MGA Will Weihenmayer, Jr., GAP Dan McCarthy, SDGA Jarred Moyer, PGA Michael Williams, DGA Jamie Wallace, GAP Jay Thomsen, QGA Jordan Burwash, QGA Steve Foisy, QGA Michael Schwert, RDGA Ronald DeNunzio, WPGA Timothy Moynihan, WPGA Andrew DiBitetto, RDGA John Aubrey, Jr., WPGA Zach Vinal, SDGA Score 68-74 142 73-72 145 68-77 145 73-72 145 74-74 148 78-72 150 76-75 151 77-75 152 75-77 152 81-72 153 75-78 153 75-78 153 73-81 154 77-77 154 76-78 154 76-78 154 76-79 155 80-76 156 77-79 156 79-78 157 82-75 157 76-81 157 Brian McArdle, MGA Patrick Shanahan, WPGA Ryan Brehm, GAM David May, SDGA David Simmons, DGA Matt McGinnis, PGA Corey Linder, BDGA Pat Mansfield, GAM Victor Ciesielski, GAO Yves Lariviere, QGA James Robertson, Jr., GAP Clayton Rotz, PGA Nathan Hendriks, GAO Tim Hagan, SDGA Tony Mango, GAM Joe Waleszczak, BDGA Chris Covelli, BDGA David Arnold, GAO Michael Colosi, RDGA Marc Issler, MGA Phil Arcuri, BDGA J.P. Kircher, RDGA 80-78 83-75 81-77 78-81 81-81 87-75 81-82 78-85 83-80 76-87 82-82 83-83 85-81 87-79 79-87 80-90 82-89 88-83 89-82 84-90 93-88 95-89 158 158 158 159 162 162 163 163 163 163 164 166 166 166 166 170 171 171 171 174 181 184 Senior Team Championship Rolling Hills CC (2) Paul Riederer Paul DiBiccari Dennis Dellovade Dennis Lamb 241-246 79-80 79-82 84-84 83-86 487 159 161 168 169 Hannastown GC Jim Wurzell Richard Steele Jerry Shavel Wayne Smith Jr. 245-243 76-78 80-86 89-82 92-83 488 154 166 171 175 Susquehanna Valley CC (2) Robert B. Scullin Dale Musser Frank Richards Jim Snyder 250-238 78-80 86-79 86-79 87-87 488 158 165 165 174 Lancaster CC (1) Marvin Daley Robert Hershock John Miller Jr. C. H. Deardorff 235-253 75-82 78-84 82-87 87-WD 488 157 162 169 WD Pennsylvania Golf Association 26 Latrobe CC (1) Cameron Eiseman Philip Corrie Ronald Buerger Tom Hewitt 257-232 87-70 86-80 84-84 93-82 489 157 166 168 175 Amateur Championship Qualifiers North-Eastern Huntsville GC June 24 Qualified Mark Hunsicker, Philadelphia Publinks James Gardas, Honesdale GC Jeff Huntzinger, North Hills CC Michael Domanish, CC of Scranton Chick Wagner, Oakmont CC David Blichar, Blue Ridge CC Chris Esbenshade, Fairview GC Kristopher Rudy, Berwick GC William Mecca, Emanon CC Devin O Connor, Bon Air CC John Olszewski, Wyoming Valley CC Tom Piersanti, Radley Run CC David Vallina, Southpointe GC Marlin Detweiler, Lancaster CC Paul Gagliardi, Cedarbrook CC Eli Pery, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Mike Vassil, CC of Scranton Lester Smulowitz, Huntsville GC Charles Dowds, III, North Hills CC Gregory Pieczynski, Irem Temple CC Score 69 71 71 72 72 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 Alternates (in order) Vincent Scarpetta, Jr., Elkview CC William Lawler, Fox Hill CC Dom Castrignano, Huntsville GC Andrew Bradley, Towanda CC Santo Lafoca, Huntsville GC Christian Bartolacci, Jericho National GC Eric Hellmann, Yardley CC Roswell Brayton, Williamsport CC William Pabst, Elmhurst CC Jamie McWilliams, Yardley CC 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 Failed to qualify Brian Corbett, Huntsville GC David Liotta, Whitemarsh Valley CC Brian Llewellyn, Huntsville GC Paul Polinsky, Manufacturers G&CC Irv Williams, Honesdale GC Tom Bevevino, Huntsville GC Brad Flickinger, CC of Scranton Chris Hynoski, Yardley CC Thomas Murphy, IV, Hartefeld National GC Jeff Ranck, Huntsville GC William J.C. Sicks, Philadelphia Cricket Club Todd Vonderheid, Huntsville GC Scott Carney, Commonwealth National GC Bill Devlin, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Robert Gill, Fox Hill CC Robert Jones, Wyoming Valley CC Lynn Kilduff, Huntsville GC Chris Killiany, Elkview CC Steve Scarpetta, Elkview CC Craig Scott, Mountain Manor GC Joseph Adiano, Pocono Farms CC John Bevevino, Huntsville GC Gregory Burkavage, CC of Scranton Scott Elinsky, Wyoming Valley CC Anthony Kondracki, Fox Hill CC Michael Lynch, CC of Scranton Chuck Lynch, Jr., Whitemarsh Valley CC Edward Mesko, Great Bear G&CC Michael Moffat, Commonwealth National GC Gregory O Connor, Huntingdon Valley CC Sean Seese, Huntingdon Valley CC Eric Boyce, Old York Road CC Kevin Haag, Deer Run GC Andrew Hill, Towanda CC Thomas Kilduff, Huntsville GC Douglas Nardella, Scranton Municiple GC Jeff Tokach, Wyoming Valley CC Donald Crossin, Fox Hill CC Ryan Knolles, Towanda CC Robert McDonald, Fox Hill CC Kenneth Ralston, Huntsville GC 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 Sean M. Sexton, Old York Road CC Tom Williams, Berwick GC Jeff Bruan, Scranton Municipal GC Bennett Meyer, Philmont CC Dave O Brien, Cedarbrook CC Scott Sanderson, Glenmaura National GC Vincent Scarpetta, III, Elkview CC Steve Spuhler, Lu Lu CC David Strohl, Moselem Springs GC Garret Basalyga, Cedarbrook CC Robert Galbreath, Sr., Philmont CC Matt Marron, McCall Field CC Francis Hamm, CC of Scranton Robert Zaleski, Scranton Municiple GC Joe Bianco, Elkview CC Ben Brewer, Lebanon CC Thomas Covello, Llanerch CC Dan Garvey, Scranton Municiple GC Matt Hutchinson, Bon Air CC John Jones, Chester Valley GC D. Cody Taylor, Towanda CC Albert Hazzouri Jr, CC of Scranton Patrick Regan, Glenmaura National GC Scott Jaeger, Berwick GC James Ranieri, Hershey GC James Talarico, Glenmaura National GC Andrew Burkavage, CC of Scranton Marty Kelleher, CC of Scranton Sean McMonagle, Lu Lu CC Ryan Nelson, CC of Scranton 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 89 89 92 92 93 94 94 95 100 North-Western The Country Club June 26 Qualified Score Mike Capotis, Lake View CC 72 Terrance Patrick Rice, Edgewood CC 72 Logan Riester, Diamond Run GC 73 Paul Demyanovich, Jr., Culbertson Hills GC 73 Ben Rathfon, Pinecrest CC 74 John Zebroski, Sharon CC 74 David Anotlik, Lake View CC 75 Wynn Hassan, New Castle CC 75 Ryan Deimel, Kahkwa Club 75 Barry Erenrich, The Club at Nevillewood 76 Alternates (in order) Matt Guyton, Du Bois CC Robert Sciulli, Jr., Edgewood CC Michael Namey, Oak Tree CC Jake Gentile, Pinecrest CC David Smith, Indiana CC 76 76 76 76 76 Failed to qualify Donald Thomas, Edgewood CC Ellery Tarbell, Lake View CC Bill Neely, IV, Edgewood CC David Ciacchini, Kahkwa Club Mike Kasula, Sharon CC Bob Paris, Lake Shore CC Keith Marinacci, Hickory Heights GC Michael Pero, Mt. Hope GC Ron Coleman, Downing GC Stu Michaels, Clearfield-Curwensville CC Rick Humphrey, Fox Chapel GC George Gasbarre, Jr., DuBois CC Joe Bacher, St. Jude GC Doug Fugate, Lake View CC Bruce Chase, Lake View CC David Dankmyer, Grove City CC Ken Gushie, Lake View CC Bill Wilkinson, Mt. Hope GC Joe Fenstermaker, Pinecrest CC Joseph Kinter, Indiana CC David First, Gospel Hill G&CC Michael Pinto, Armco GC Jim McKibben, Kahkwa Club Kevin Pasarilla, Fox Run GC Daniel Vollmer, Owens-Brockwing GC 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 Pennsylvania Golf Association 27 Homer Capotis, Lake View CC Shane Flannery, Conewango Valley CC Brian Cancela, Lawrence Park GC Roy King, Butler CC Reed Hearn, DuBois CC Jim Spoden, Downing GC Dario Cipriani, Lake View CC 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 Western Southpointe GC June 27 Qualified Ben Smith, Fox Chapel GC John Rodney, Highland CC Tyler Duke, Oakmont CC Perry Rende, Schenley Park GC Robert Ruffner, Jr., Latrobe CC Richard DuCarme, Valley Brook CC Gary Frye, Fox Run GC Eric Swart, Nemacolin CC Scott Vallina, Ponderosa GC Corky Mowery, Butler CC Joseph Queri, Longue Vue Club Score 72 73 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 Alternates (in order) Alex Eckman, Rolling Hills CC Daniel Vater, Schenley Park GC Mark Johnson, Cedarbrook GC Ralph Litrenta, New Castle CC David DeNunzio, Greensburg CC 78 79 79 79 79 Failed to qualify Mel Alberts, Valley Brook CC Robert Lent, Butler CC Bobby MacWhinnie, St. Clair CC Scott Shoup, Shannopin CC Michael Colville, Longue Vue Club Sal Genilla, Treesdale G&CC Tim Kane, St. Clair CC Rod Piatt, Oakmont CC Paul Walsh, Longue Vue Club Shane Brant, Hannastown GC Tyler Dice, Highland CC Todd Renner, Allegheny CC Mike Schmid, Treesdale G&CC Bradford Thompson, Seven Oaks CC Ronald Denunzio, Greensburg CC Jimmy Markovitz, The Club at Nevillewood Kevin Dumont, Shannopin CC Matt McGinnis, Valley Brook CC Michael McCafferty, Schenley Park GC William Vespa, St. Clair CC 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 87 87 88 90 Western Willowbrook CC June 28 Qualified Donald Lewis, Sewickley Heights GC Jonathan Thomas, Pittsburgh Field Club Joseph Cordaro, Edgewood CC John Birmingham, Oakmont CC Bob Allshouse, Hannastown GC Arnie Cutrell, Totteridge GC David Fazzini, Stonewall Richard Mottura, Willowbrook CC Casey Courneen, Sewickley Heights GC Mike McGuire, Hannastown GC Alternates in Order Grant Mellon, Sr., Oakmont CC T.R. Gatti, Indiana CC Steve Shingledecker, Wanango CC Ronald Howard, Lincoln Hills CC George Bilowick, Butler CC Failed to Qualify Craig Fraley, Hannastown GC Matthew Montgomery, Irwin CC Continued on page 28 Score 71 73 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 77 78 78 78 78 78 79 Amateur Championship Qualifiers From page, 27 Jeffrey Riems, Alcoma GC Steve Fuhrer, Oakmont CC Joakim Lowenadler, Meadowink GC Pat Patterson, Scotch Valley CC James Boughner, Youghiogheny CC Terry Stepnick, Alcoma GC John Marous, III, Pittsburgh Field Club Chris Connors, Sewickley Heights GC Don Dubyak, Hannastown GC Paul Mazeski, Oakmont CC Greg Beals, Somerset CC Henry Watson, Fox Chapel GC William Versaw, Oakmont CC Patrick Delaney, Totteridge GC Don Stuart, Quicksilver GC Jerry Opalinski, Hannastown GC Cris Anderson, Diamond Run GC Scott Voelker, Lone Pine GC Kevin McCarthy, Hannastown GC Bob Ofcharka, Beaver Lakes CC Brett Murphy, Oakmont CC Richard McGrath, Willowbrook CC Jim Crawford, Longue Vue Club Jeff Troutman, Longue Vue Club Dan Connors, Pilgrim s Oak GC David Rich, Hill Crest CC Ned Foster, Oakmont CC Jim Sullivan, Jr., Oakmont CC Eric Yandrich, Quicksilver CC John Stepinsky, Carradam GC Ricky Tutich, Hannastown GC Joseph Kolek, Hill Crest CC Joe Corsi, Totteridge GC David Mengel, Fox Chapel GC Gregory Kline, Carradam GC Donald Mydock, Willowbrook CC 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 87 87 88 88 89 89 90 91 North-Central Susquehanna Valley CC July 1 Qualified Score John Brennan, Spring Ford CC 68 Ryan Franks, Huntingdon CC 68 Jeffrey Binney, Scotch Valley CC 70 Sean Duffy, Frosty Valley CC 71 Artie Fink, Jr., Sinking Valley CC 74 Wesley Turiano, Scotch Valley CC 74 6888 Alternates (in order) Bill Good, Scotch Valley CC Keith Saleme, Scotch Valley CC Ed Strickler, Huntingdon CC 74 74 75 Failed to qualify Steve Datt, Clinton CC Bill Lydick, DuBois CC Dan Solomon, Shade Mountain GC Robert Vislocky, Toftrees GC Andy Jeffers, Toftrees GC Mike Morzilla, Berwick GC David Grill, Bucknell GC Gregory Ferguson, Sinking Valley CC Jeremy Graham, Frosty Valley CC Matthew Solfanelli, Stonehedge GC B.J Amato, Toftrees GC Pat Durkin, CC of Scranton Arthur Rinaldi, III, Elmhurst CC Ken Donlavage, Wyoming Valley CC Stephen Frank, Phillipsburg CC John McWhirter, Toftrees GC Steve Genter, Scotch Valley CC Aaron Bower, White Deer Park & GC Peyton McDonald, Williamsport CC Arthur Rinaldi, Elmhurst CC Ryan Strickler, Huntingdon CC 75 77 77 77 78 78 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 84 84 85 88 88 88 89 Central Carlisle CC July 1 Qualified Score Jonathan Johasky, Hill Crest CC 70 Jeff Frazier, Carlisle CC 71 John Brown, Jr., Brookside CC of Allentown 72 Chase Duncan, Meadia Heights GC 72 Keith Matt, Lu Lu CC 72 Jim Simmons, Stonewall 72 Mark Zbrzeznj, Whitemarsh Valley CC 72 Robert Howlett, Cool Creek CC 73 Ben Smith, Meadia Heights GC 73 Chuck Tait, Hershey GC 73 Shawn Baker, Lancaster CC 74 Jack Fugal, Hidden Valley GC 74 Benjamin Levy, Philmont CC 74 Grant Liu, Commonwealth National GC 74 T.J. Ostrom, Red Lion CC 74 Chad Perman, Philadelphia Publinks 74 Alternates (in order) John Robinson, Commonwealth National GC Richard Thon, The Springhaven Club Andy Tompos, Lancaster Host Resort Jonathan Davis, Kennett Square G&CC Christopher Gebhard, Lebanon CC Spencer Philips, Blue Ridge CC Tom Philips, Blue Ridge CC Kyle Davis, Kennett Square G&CC 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Failed to qualify Alan Kline, Lost Creek GC Chris Kovaly, Deer Run GC Ron Weaver, Meadia Heights GC Adam Frank, Waynesboro CC Brian Groff, Conestoga CC Kenneth Matt, Lu Lu CC John McNair, GC of Felicita Scott Micklewright, Blue Ridge CC Joe Rattigan, Schuylkill CC Dan Walters, Meadia Heights GC Will Weihenmayer, Jr., Huntingdon Valley CC Phillip Faller, Lebanon CC Michael Gramlich, Old York Road CC Freddy Henriquez, Hartefeld National GC Larry Hirsh, Blue Ridge CC Steve Hudson, Huntingdon Valley CC Thomas Hyland, Moselem Springs GC Peter Landreth, Philadelphia Cricket Club K.J. Stutz, II, Meadia Heights GC Robert Voltz, St. Jude GC Ted Wilhite, CC of Harrisburg Chris Braun, CC of Harrisburg Christian Breed, Waynesboro CC David Giles, Berkshire CC Josh Holman, Lost Creek GC Thomas Soares, Berkleigh CC Gregory Ulp, Blue Ridge CC Todd Brown, Brookside CC of Allentown George Dimoff, West Shore CC Roger Karsnitz, Lebanon CC Scott Kegerreis, Chambersburg GC Chris Lilly, Blue Ridge CC Bryan Marvin, Old York Road CC Rick Scott, West Shore CC Frederick Taggart, Pine Meadows GC Billy Baer, Blue Ridge CC Ed Knoll, Range End CC Paul Ringiewicz, Rolling Green GC Edward Roberts, Old York Road CC Michael Sanger, Merion GC Chris Smedley, Coatesville CC Matt Zito, Carlisle CC Jason Barkley, Berkleigh CC Steve Brenner, Lancaster Host Resort Tom Groff, Meadia Heights GC Matthew Richards, Carlisle CC Rob Barnes, Cool Creek CC 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 Pennsylvania Golf Association 28 Jeff Ernst, Carlisle CC Robert Gray, Meadia Heights GC Dan Levy, Philmont CC John Moyer, Meadia Heights GC Andrew Mark, Commonwealth National GC John Miller, Conestoga CC Peter Shriver, Philadelphia Publinks Daniel Hylton, Chambersburg GC Philip Mengelkamp, Grandview GC Ryan Moran, Royal Oaks GC Bernie Murphy, Westover GC Mike Schu, Hershey GC Nolan Peterson, Regent s Glen CC Robert Whalen, West Shore CC Jeffrey Goodman, Meadowlands CC Jeff Altman, Bent Creek CC Eastern 82 82 82 82 83 83 84 85 85 85 86 86 87 88 91 95 Heidelberg CC July 2 Qualified Score Chris Gallagher, Penn Oaks GC 70 Jon Rusk, Yardley CC 71 Brian McDermott, Llanerch CC 73 Michael Soroka, Melrose CC 73 Trey Marucci-Best, Waynesborough CC 73 John Sawin, Philadelphia CC 73 Bob Wolf, Bent Creek CC 73 Chris Kallmeyer, Philadelphia Cricket Club 73 Nathan Shevchik, Whitford CC 73 Scott Ehrlich, Meadowlands CC 74 Gary Daniels, Saucon Valley CC 74 Sean Szerencsits, Blue Ridge CC 74 Billy Stewart, Llanerch CC 74 James C. Robertson, Jr., Llanerch CC 74 D. Panebianco, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC 75 Frank Corrado, Jr., Jericho National GC 75 Sam McFall, Waynesborough CC 75 Guy Wuollet, Merion GC 75 Gregory Gaul, Merion GC 75 Matthew Stewart, Heidelberg CC 75 Douglas Gregor, Huntingdon Valley CC 75 Alternates (in order) Anthony Tacconelli, Indian Valley CC Geoff Forcino, Waynesborough CC Matthew Dolinsky, Reading CC Jared Moyer, Mainland GC Gary Stewart, Jr., CC of York Daniel Pinciotti, Jr., Torresdale-Frankford CC Scott Storck, Philadelphia Cricket Club Mike Paukovits, Green Pond CC Matt Dougherty, Hershey s Mill GC Arthur Kania, Jr., Overbrook GC Failed to qualify John Oliver, Jericho National GC Jake Dougherty, Glenmaura National GC Patrick Hardin, Northampton CC Alex Knoll, Green Pond CC Keith Li, Colonial CC Clayton Rotz, Chambersburg GC James Robertson, Llanerch CC Frank Polizzi, Sr., Whitemarsh Valley CC Greg Volutza, Philadelphia Publinks Stephen Danby, Kennett Square G&CC Christopher Fackler, Northampton CC Dominic Schiavone, Iron Lakes GC Travis Palladino, Kennett Square G&CC Thomas Mallouk, Lookaway GC Brian Cox, Radley Run CC Neil McDermott, Llanerch CC Roc Irey, Cedarbrook CC Marc Mandel, White Manor CC John Ziegler, Philadelphia Publinks Tony Carroll, Wyncote GC Gary Daniels, Aronimink GC David Brookreson, Huntingdon Valley CC Bill Thornton, Berkshire CC Continued on page 29 75 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 Amateur Championship Qualifiers From page, 28 Jason Loehrs, Philadelphia Publinks David Justi, Commonwealth National GC Philip Siegel, Green Valley CC Michael Rowland, Moselem Springs GC Mike Wilhelm, Philadelphia Publinks Mark Czerniakowski, Philadelphia Publinks Jeff Osberg, Hartefeld National GC Herbert Zimmerman, Jr., Lancaster CC Kyle Heller, Spring Hollow GC Kevin Cahill, Waynesborough CC Matt Wolf, Bent Creek CC Kenneth Phillips, Lancaster CC Jesse Soslow, Radnor Valley CC Mike Lebow, Spring Ford CC Matt Hancock, Philadelphia Publinks Doug Anders, North Hills CC Kevin McClellan, Doylestown CC Brian Belden, Jr., Brookside CC 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 Tim McNerney, Westover GC Paul Liebezeit, Philadelphia Publinks James Seward, Jr., Indian Valley CC Joseph Owsik, Philmont CC Jon Helhowski, Philmont CC Marc DeLong, Golden Oaks CC Brad Sokol, Berkleigh CC Ryan Sload, Lancaster Host Resort John Mullins, Spring Ford CC Shawn Lavin, Sandy Run CC Rob McMenamin, Philadelphia CC Ronald Yarnell, Bent Creek CC Rick Custer, Spring Ford CC John LeBoeuf, Philadelphia CC Jim Johnson, Moselem Springs GC Carlos Febres, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Dave Caldwell, Hickory Valley GC Chris Lange, Jr., Overbrook GC Elliot Sheftel, Lehigh CC 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 Brian Owens, Gulph Mills GC Rick Wright, Philadelphia Publinks Kevin Frost, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC John Alterman, Commonwealth National GC Michael Boyer, Coatesville CC Eli Hostetter, Conestoga CC Brig Boonswang, Green Pond CC Matthew Hesketh, Lookaway GC Thomas Flatley, Merion GC Ryan Keene, Meadia Heights GC John Donnelly, Concord CC John Hollingsworth, Sr., Concord CC Bob Cunningham, Downingtown CC Paul Kouch,Jr, Torresdale-Frankford CC Richard Kline, Kennett Square G&CC Robert Girvin, Schuylkill CC Bryce Nutter, Hartefeld National GC 85 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 89 89 90 91 92 94 94 96 Open Championship Qualifiers Western Central Indiana CC July 12 Blue Ridge CC July 16 Qualified Gordon Vietmeier, Mt. Lebanon GC Jonathan Johasky, Hill Crest CC Chip Zimmerman, Pittsburgh Field Club Barry Erenrich, The Club at Nevillewood Nick Sabol, Fox Run GC Travis Dickson, Treesdale G&CC Michael Mahoney, The Country Club Mike Banzhoff, Unaffiliated Bernard Hough, Wildwood GC Steve Shingledecker, Wanango CC Tyler Duke, Oakmont CC Garret Stempfer, Wildwood GC Logan Riester, Diamond Run GC Brian Cooper, Unaffiliated Dick Von Tacky, Jr., Wanango CC Albert Hromulak, Sunnehanna CC Score 66 69 70 71 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 75 Alternates (in order) Andy Fisher, Susquehanna Valley CC Ken Saksa, Lakeview Resort Stu Michaels, Clearfield-Curwensville CC Donald Lewis, Sewickley Heights GC 75 75 75 75 Failed to qualify Patrick Greer, Long View GC Gary Haught, Montour Heights CC Eric Eby, Green Oaks CC W. Mark Richard, Seven Oaks CC Rob McClellan, Armco GC Mike Rossi, Green Oaks CC George Aubrey, III, Aubrey s Dubbs Dred GC Jason Mull, Diamond Run GC Bradford Thompson, Seven Oaks CC Robert Green, Mt. Lebanon GC Scott Wildauer, Lake Shore CC Jason Martonick, Penn State GC Michael Larkin, Deer Run GC Donald Wallace, Schenley Park GC Joseph Cordaro, Edgewood CC Ryan Roberts, Sunnehanna CC Tyler Dice, Highland CC Jeffrey Binney, Scotch Valley CC John Ryan Haley, Grandview GC Chris Whiteley, Lindenwood GC John Zesiger, Lewistown CC Aaron Dougherty, Punxsutawney CC 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 81 82 82 82 83 85 86 86 Qualified Score Brandon Knaub, CC of York 68 Lloyd Weston, Flourtown CC 68 John Pillar, CC at Woodloch Springs 70 Graham Dendler, Merion GC 70 Michael Grabosky, Berkshire CC 70 Jack Brennan, Clinton CC 71 Ryan Franks, Huntingdon CC 71 Michael Rinker, Eagles Mere CC 72 Brian Groff, Conestoga CC 72 Andy Zook, Four Seasons GC 73 Rick Gibney, Colonial CC 73 Clint Deibert, Doylestown CC 73 John Cooper, Meadowlands CC 74 Greg King, Sportsmans GC 74 K.J. Stutz, II, Meadia Heights GC 74 Robert Leeman, Conestoga CC 74 Robert Rohrbach, Royal Oaks GC 74 Jim Buch, Unaffiliated 75 Brian Leib, Hanover CC 75 Ken Dixon, Berkshire CC 75 Gary Stewart, Jr., CC of York 75 Barry Shewalter, Toftrees GC 75 Heath Davidson, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC 75 Paul McEvoy, Meadowlands CC 75 Sean Smyth, Unaffiliated 75 Michael Lynch, CC of Scranton 76 Travis Deibert, Unaffiliated 76 Alternates (in order) Scott Yeakle, Dauphin Highlands GC Steve Bourbon, Unaffiliated Jerry Janeski, Bent Creek CC Chris Smedley, Coatesville CC Ben Smith, Meadia Heights GC 76 76 76 76 76 Failed to qualify Ben Brewer, Lebanon CC Santo Lafoca, Huntsville GC Dan Walters, Meadia Heights GC John Kuchamer, Green Pond CC Todd Mowry, GC at Felicita Scott Micklewright, Blue Ridge CC Jeff Bygrave, Paxon Hollow CC Matthew Dolinsky, Reading CC Ryan Breidegam, Brookside CC Bradley Gordon, Glen Brook CC 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 Pennsylvania Golf Association 29 Don Dimoff, Regent s Glen CC Scott Phillips, Blue Ridge CC Peter Richter, Jr, Carlisle CC Peter Micklewright, Blue Ridge CC John Brown, Jr., Brookside CC of Allentown David Richards, Bent Creek CC John Francisco, Hershey GC Chuck Tait, Hershey GC John Newswanger, Conestoga CC Ron Weaver, Meadia Heights GC Chris Carpenter, Chestnut Ridge CC T.J. Ostrom, Red Lion CC James Gardas, Honesdale GC Brian Patrick, Mahoning Valley CC Ed Knoll, Range End CC Todd Love, West Shore CC Scott Wells, Lancaster CC Wesley Hollis, Valley Forge GC Phillip Faller, Lebanon CC Frederick Taggart, Pine Meadows GC Benjamin Levy, Philmont CC Rick Scott, West Shore CC Andrew Lombard, The Springhaven Club Chase Duncan, Meadia Heights GC George Dimoff, West Shore CC John Barry, Lancaster CC Mark Wiley, Meadia Heights GC Ryan Keene, Meadia Heights GC Andrew Beechko, CC of Scranton Kevin O Brien, Cedarbrook CC Marlin Detweiler, Lancaster CC Trevor Pope, Crossgates GC Eric Fonner, Huntingdon Valley CC Rob Barnes, Cool Creek CC Chris Esbenshade, Fairview GC Jared Cottell, Unaffiliated Lester Smulowitz, Huntsville GC Douglas King, Lewistown CC Bill Kindoll, Heidelberg CC Paul Gruzeski, Scranton Municipal GC Brandt Ficken, Shade Mountain GC Patrick Son, Fox Hill CC Shane Behmer, Bent Creek CC Dave Werner, Hawk Valley GC William Gately, Concord CC Mark Zbrzeznj, Whitemarsh Valley CC Ryan Moran, Royal Oaks GC 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 84 84 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 88 89 89 93 Open Championship Qualifiers Eastern Overbrook GC July 22 Qualified Score J.R. Delich, White Manor CC 68 Rich Steinmetz, Spring Ford CC 69 Jon Rusk, Yardley CC 69 Bob Loftus, Overbrook GC 69 Chris Hoyle, Llanerch CC 71 Justin Thompson, Philadelphia Cricket Club 71 Rich Morrison, Scotch Valley CC 72 Gary Hardin, Northampton CC 73 Paul Polinsky, Manufacturers G&CC 73 Gary Daniels, Aronimink GC 73 Wayne Phillips, Lehigh CC 74 Marc Mandel, White Manor CC 74 Phil Over, Meadia Heights GC 74 George Forster, Radnor Valley CC 74 Jim Smith, Jr., Talamore at Oak Terrace CC 74 Arthur Kania, Jr., Overbrook GC 75 Dan Terlescki, Merion GC 75 Mark Anderson, Heidelberg CC 75 Daniel Pinciotti, Jr., Torresdale-Frankford CC 75 Steve Hudson, Huntingdon Valley CC 75 Robin McCool, Saucon Valley CC 76 Robert Ockenfuss, Jr., Bellwood GC 76 Eric Asel, Unaffiliated 76 Scott Edwards, Conestoga CC 76 John Samaha, Old York Road CC 76 Paul Kouch,Jr, Torresdale-Frankford CC 76 Conor Mintzer, Waynesborough CC 76 Andy Watters, Overbrook GC 76 Mike Molino, Huntsville GC 76 David Karp, Philmont CC 76 Hugh Reilly, Huntingdon Valley CC 77 Michael Domenick, Phoenixville CC 77 Sam McFall, Waynesborough CC 77 Christian Bartolacci, Jericho National GC 77 George Connell, Jr., Gulph Mills GC 77 Steve Spuhler, Lu Lu CC 77 Eric McNamee, Chester Valley GC 77 Paul Gagliardi, Cedarbrook CC 77 Kenneth Doyle, Overbrook GC 77 Alternates (in order) Thomas Dell, Lancaster CC 77 Steven Kiefner, Northampton CC 77 Robert Bowser, Jr., Shawnee Inn & Golf Resort 77 Brian Llewellyn, Huntsville GC 77 Dave Roberts, Cedarbrook CC 78 Jeff Huntzinger, North Hills CC 78 Failed to Qualify Andrew Bradley, Towanda CC Scott Ehrlich, Meadowlands CC James White, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Devin O Connor, Bon Air CC Anthony Tacconelli, Indian Valley CC Doug Kingston, Saucon Valley CC Vincent Scarpetta, Jr., Elkview CC Gregory Pieczynski, Irem Temple CC John Oliver, Jericho National GC Lynn Thomas Kilduff, Huntsville GC Andy Latowski, St. Jude GC Jeffrey Haas, Lu Lu CC Robert Bishop, Stonewall Benjamin H. Miller, Lancaster CC Michael Loeper, Sandy Run CC Eric Hellmann, Yardley CC Stephen Danby, Kennett Square G&CC Eric Collins, Conestoga CC John Donnelly, Concord CC Joseph Makowski, Little Mill CC Gregory O Connor, Huntingdon Valley CC Geoff Forcino, Waynesborough CC Stephen Wright, St. Davids GC Daniel Malley, Paxon Hollow CC Richard Thon, The Springhaven Club Mark Powell, DuBois CC Bennett Meyer, Philmont CC Shawn Lavin, Sandy Run CC Brian Cox, Radley Run CC Michael Funk, Rolling Green GC Mike Paukovits, Green Pond CC Will Reilly, Twinning Valley GC Matthew Vjfalusi, Lu Lu CC Byron Whitman, Philadelphia Publinks 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 Christopher Boos, Mainland GC Thomas Covello, Llanerch CC Tom Piersanti, Radley Run CC Sean McMonagle, Lu Lu CC Kevin Cunningham, Stonewall Butch Johnson, Deerfield G&TC Steve Scarpetta, Elkview CC Tim McNerney, Westover GC Eric Boyce, Old York Road CC Kenneth Phillips, Lancaster CC Matt Berkowitz, Philadelphia Publinks Chris Gallagher, Penn Oaks GC Bob Cunningham, Downingtown CC Joseph Kinsman, Sandy Run CC David Smith, Jr., Yardley CC Joseph Major, Brookside CC Jordan Claffey, Penn State GC Nathan Shevchik, Whitford CC Jesse Soslow, Radnor Valley CC Darren Moses, Llanerch CC Jason Loehrs, Cobbs Creek GC Tom Cecil, Gulph Mills GC Eric Shillinger, Saucon Valley CC Dave O Brien, Cedarbrook CC Michael Boyer, Coatesville CC Herbert Zimmerman, Jr., Lancaster CC Kevin Frost, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Matt Dougherty, Hershey s Mill GC Jeremy Graham, Frosty Valley CC Scott Kuhnle, Downingtown CC Christopher Fackler, Northampton CC Paul Stewart, Melrose CC Mike Lebow, Spring Ford CC David Justi, Commonwealth National GC Carlos Febres, Talamore at Oak Terrace CC Bill Smith, Lancaster CC Garret Basalyga, Cedarbrook CC Arthur Rinaldi, Elmhurst CC A. Kent Weymouth, Jr., Lu Lu CC Albert Hazzouri Jr, CC of Scranton Kevin Scanlon, Stonewall Arthur Rinaldi, III, Elmhurst CC 2003 Qualifying Schedule Qualifier West Central North-Central East Northeast Amateur Site TBA Golf Club at Felicita Williamsport Country Club Berkleigh Country Club Fox Hill Country Club Qualifier West Central East Site Oak Tree Country Club Fox Chase Golf Club Applebrook Golf Club Qualifier West Central East Site TBA West Shore Country Club TBA Date TBA Tuesday, July 1 Wednesday, June 25 Monday, June 30 Monday, July 7 Open Date Monday, July 21 Tuesday. July 15 Tuesday, July 22 Middle-Amateur Pennsylvania Golf Association 30 Date TBA Monday, August 18 TBA 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 90 90 90 91 91 92 92 95 Pennsylvania Golf Association 2003 Tournament Schedule George Dressler Pennsylvania State Amateur Public Links Championship Tuesday & Wednesday May 27-28 Dauphin Highlands GC Harrisburg 14th Better-Ball Championship 11 Senior Better-Ball Championship Monday & Tuesday June 2-3 Totteridge Golf Club Greensburg th 44th Senior Championship Monday & Tuesday TBA Rolling Green Golf Club Springfield 53rd Junior Championship Junior Team Championship Monday & Tuesday July 7-8 Penn National Golf Club Fayetteville 90th Amateur Championship Monday - Wednesday July 28-30 Country Club of Scranton Clarks Summit A. Fred Williamson Cup Tuesday Aug. 12 Quebec Golf Association Frank B. Fuhrer Pennsylvania Open Monday - Wednesday Aug. 11-13 Stonewall Elverson 10th Middle-Amateur Championship Monday - Thursday Sept. 8-11 Longue Vue Club Verona 5th USGA State Team Championship Tuesday - Thursday Sept. 16-18 Charles River Country Club Newtown Centre, Mass. 11th Senior Tournament 5 Senior Team Championship Monday - Tuesday Sept. 22-23 Allegheny CC/Chartiers GC Sewickley/Pittsburgh th D’C’ 6^g 1)1 G^dcWTPbcTa]% D5 *2,22&)1)1 4<A@:’ /*)&/10&+,-) ! -8I’ /*)&/10&+)1+ fff’_PV^[U’^aV ,"?8=>’ _PV^[U4dbVP’^aV