TEENAGERCAMPS 2016 1 [email protected] BELGIEN


TEENAGERCAMPS 2016 1 [email protected] BELGIEN
BELGIEN ................................................................................................................................................... 2
SPAIN ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
FINLAND .................................................................................................................................................. 7
CZECH .................................................................................................................................................... 10
ESTONIA................................................................................................................................................. 11
ICELAND ................................................................................................................................................. 20
FRANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 22
ITALY ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
GERMANY .............................................................................................................................................. 54
TURKEY .................................................................................................................................................. 87
RUSSIA ................................................................................................................................................... 88
LATVIA ................................................................................................................................................... 89
We want to apologise. This document was made out of many different documents
from our partner – therefore we don`t have a standard layout.
Thank you for understanding.
[email protected]
Natagora Semois
Your team will work for a local section of NATAGORA non profit organization. NATAGORA is the
biggest Belgian environmental organization. Their aim is to stop the loss of biodiversity and to get
back to a good general condition of nature, in balance with human activities.
The types of protection measures developed by Natagora are:
- Creation and management of natural reserves
- Protection of endangered species
- Mobilization of all actors in our society (from children till adults) on environmental awareness
More information about the hosting organization:
With the help of technical leaders, the volunteers will do some outdoor tasks: pruning, cutting
invasive trees, moving of wooden heaps... This workcamp is only based on manual and outdoor tasks
and the work might sometimes be exhausting.
Food and Accommodation
You will sleep in a house in a small typical village near Bouillon. Breakfast and dinner will be provided
in the cottage and lunch will be taken in your workplace. Volunteers must notify beforehand about
specific diet (allergies, vegetarian or without pork diet…).
Vresse-sur-semois is small village located in a rural area close to the French border. The scenic views
of Semois river that crosses the region are known as a nice touristic place
During the weekend, it will be possible to organize cultural visits and to travel to the bigger Belgian
cities. Gedinne train station is 20 kilometers away from your place. From there, it is easy to reach
bigger urban centres such as Namur, Brussels or Liège.
Specific information
[email protected]
There will be a limited Internet access during the camp (available just from time to time).
Please take working clothes and “working” shoes with you – boots are just perfect. Taking a rainy
coat in your bag could be also suitable
Meeting Point
Gedinne train station
Participation Fee
150 € of participation fee; leisure time activities are covered.
Camp language
Domaine de
The Domain of Mozet is an old castle-farm dating from the 11th century. Now, with its 10 hectares
the castle is available for meetings and lodging kids to discover the biodiversity of the Nature. The
Domaine offers ‘green classes’ for pupils – special programs for 3-4 days dedicated to history, forest,
wild and domestic animals, seasons’ changes etc. as well as animation – constructing huts, games
and so on.
Besides, thanks to its features it is fit for youth groups: youth movements, schools, theatre or sports
groups for their activities.
The volunteers with the help of a technical leader will be occupied mainly by painting works inside
the historical part of the castle: to paint ceiling, walls, doors and baseboard.
Food and accommodation
Housing inside the castle. The volunteers will share a dormitory all together. Shower, toilets are at
the same floor, next to the room.
Still to be confirmed: self catering or meals provided…. If you follow a special diet, let us know in
advance, please.
[email protected]
Mozet is situated 12km away from the capital of Wallonie – Namur (100-thousands inhabitants).
Nevertheless, the Domain is well hidden in the countryside and surrounded by charming valleys,
forest and typical villages. Mozet is also recognized as one of the most beautiful village of Belgium.
The closest train station is 5km away from the castle. Be aware that the Domain is very isolated (no
market around).
Meeting point
Naninne train station
Specific Information
Volunteers are asked to take working clothes as well as a cap. Sleeping bag is compulsory.
There will be limited Internet access during the camp available just from time to time.
Participation fee
150 € of participation fee; leisure time activities are covered.
Camp Language
English and French
Domaine de
TEEN-MANU- 15-17
Location : Marche-en-Famenne
Dates: from Friday 05th to Saturday 06th of August
Purpose: the pre-camp gathers the volunteers from different projects. The participation in the precamp is compulsory and free of charge. It is a unique opportunity for the volunteers to meet and to
attend different workshops on group dynamic, intercultural education and volunteering awareness.
The pre-camp lasts from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon. On Saturday, the volunteers will
travel together to their camp location (the cost of this train ticket is covered by CBB).
Le Domaine provincial de Chevetogne is a big centre for environmental education and social tourism.
There is a huge park situated on 550 acres and a modest castle.
[email protected]
Pupils from primary and secondary schools come there to participate in activities focusing on
discovering the nature and rural way of life. During the summer, many kids and families make a oneday excursion to the Domaine or stay there for holidays to do sports, picnics, observe nature.
Motivated and professional staff from Le Domaine de Chevetogne hopes to share their passion for
the environment with international volunteers.
The volunteers will create a vegetal roof to embellish and insulate “the kitchen garden’s hut” located
in the forest. You’ll also make 3 wooden bridges to help the hikers to cross a little brook.
BEWARE: This workcamp is about manual and outdoor tasks and the work might be exhausting.
Food and accommodation
In a lovely cottage in the middle of the domain with beds, a kitchen and a bathroom with hot shower.
Self-catering, enjoy the kitchen life and bring your favourite recipes!
Volunteers must notify beforehand about specific diet.
Le Domaine de Chevetogne is located in the deep countryside. By choosing this workcamp, the
volunteer decides to live in the nature. All around, there are fields, woods and small villages. Wild
animals (deer, foxes or wild pigs) are very close.
As the domain is also a tourist centre, there are plenty of opportunities for entertainment: outdoor
swimming pool, football fields, minigolf, and tennis or basketball playgrounds…
During the weekend, it will be possible to organize cultural visits and to travel to the biggest Belgian
cities. The town of Ciney is 10 kilometers away from the Domain of Chevetogne.
Specific information
There will be limited Internet access during the camp available just from time to time.
Please take working clothes with you and “working boots”.
Meeting Point
Marche-en-Famenne train station
Participation Fee
150 € of participation fee; leisure time activities are covered.
Camp language English
[email protected]
ESDA0116 – 0516
RURAL TEAM TEEN, Gargantilla del Lozoya, Madrid, Spain
Age: 15-17
Language: English, Spanish
Type: ENVI
Partner and Project: The partner is a consortium of three agrupations: Camping Monte Holiday
(www.monteholiday.com) who is responsible to lodge the volunteers and has donated the land
where the project takes place, De Amicitia who is the NGO responsible of developing international
volunteer workcamps, and the association Sierra Carpetania who is responsible of the design of the
ecological project.
VERY IMPORTANT- The project includes TWO NIGHTS in Madrid at a youth hostel where participants
will be able to explore the city, including some cultural activities such as visit of the Prado Museum,
under the supervision of an adult volunteer. De Amicitia will cover the youth hostel expenses,
sandwiches, dinner at pizza restaurant, and entrance to Prado Museum. We will not support public
transport or any other extra expense.
Work: The farm El Cerro is a local project of creating new natural and agrocultural reserve. The
project is unique in whole province of Madrid. The asociacion Sierra Carpetania, together with
Camping Monte Holiday are trying to create a complex project of expanse of 200 ha. Thinking of all
aspects – agronomy, pasturage and farming, protection of local fauna, tourism and education – this
project leads to sustainability and protection of natural and cultural heritage. The work of volunteers
will be manual and diverse, from Monday – Friday, approximatelly 5 hours per day. The type of tasks:
to clean and maintain ecologic garden, construction of bird boxes and hives, discovery of natural
springs, troughs for feeding animals, walls, mantaining touristic paths and making marks for these,
and so on. We will also mantain a local trail between two towns that has been illegaly ocupied by a
private entity.
Accomodation: provided in small tents (places for 1 or 2) to share within participants, in the Camping
Monte Holiday (http://www.monteholiday.com/en/home), with toilet area, hot water, washing
machines and recreation areas, swimming pool and wi-fi connection contained. You need to bring
mat and sleeping bag. Food will be prepared by volunteers: breakfasts and strong dinner in camping,
lunch in a form of picnic will be brought to the place of work. Volunteers are asked to help with
preparation of their own breakfasts and they will be provided with fresh drinks.
[email protected]
Location: The workcamp takes place in Gargantilla del Lozoya, small village of Sierra Norte about
80km away from Madrid. Gargantilla is part of several municipalities of the Valley of Lozoya, most of
these are little villages but you can find all you need to live. It’s near Buitrago del Lozoya or Rascafría,
these are larger villages, and there you can find banks and bigger shops as well.
Terminal: Nearest airport Madrid-Adolfo Suarez-Barajas (www.aena.es).
Meeting point: We will wait for the participants at the airport Madrid Barajas or at the Railway
station/bus station in Madrid, according to their real arrivals.
Extra fee: Extra participation fee of 200 euros.
Mat and sleeping bag required.
Capacity to live in tents and in the countryside and to ride a bycicle.
Participants should bring special parent authorisation to allow them to go to Madrid the last
two days.
Last two days will take place in Madrid at a youth hostel.
Finland: BENKKU ALLI12
2/08/2016 - 11/08/2016
Additional host fee EUR 100
In this camp the volunteers will work with practical maintenance tasks such as hay cutting,
woodwork and other similar activities on the Bengtsar Island. The island is a protected environment
area that has a very varying nature. First night of the camp will be in Helsinki Oulunkyla youth centre,
the next six nights we will stay on the Bengtsar island and for the last two nights we will return to
Oulunkyla. You will get a chance to get to know Finnish culture and Helsinki while we are in
Oulunkyla. In this camp you will meet youth from Finland and other countries and get to learn about
the nature and sea.
Accomodation and food
Accommodation on the island will be in large tents with wooden floors. In Oulunkyla the
accommodation will be on mattresses in the youth centre. Volunteers will prepare meals together
and on some occasions the food will be provided by the camp host.
[email protected]
Location and leisure
L: Bengtsar is a beautiful island located outside Hanko about 100km from Helsinki. Oulunkyla youth
centre is situated in northern Helsinki and is easily reached by a direct train from the airport (15
mins). During the camp there are several summer activities such as sauna and swimming, campfire
evenings, different sports and exploring the beautiful surrounding nature on the island.
This camp is organized by Helsinki City Youth Department and their professional youth workers will
lead the camp. The City of Helsinki owns the Bengtsar island where the volunteers will stay and work
for most of the camp. The island is located about 100 km from Helsinki near a town called Hanko.
The volunteers need travel insurance for the duration of their stay.Fee: 100 euros includes the
travels during the camp.
Finland: OLD POWER 2016 ALLI07
3/07/2016 - 15/07/2016
Additional host fee EUR 50
The work will be to assist in organising a local event called National OldPowerdays 2016. There will
be about 20 000 people visiting the happening during three days. The volunteers will assist in
practical tasks in arranging the event, e.g. arranging a cafe, selling refreshments and tidying up the
area afterwards. The volunteers must be prepared to do different kind of work in various weather
conditions. There will be hard work, but also lots of fun with locals and other volunteers. The aim of
the camp is to give the volunteers a chance to experience Finnish history, nature and culture and
enable the local young people to meet youngsters from other countries.
Accomodation and food
The accommodation is mainly in local host families.
Location and leisure
Oulainen is a small town, about 7800 inhabitants. It s about 100 km south from Oulu and about
550km north from Helsinki. Various summer activities such as swimming, swamp football, playing
games, excursions to nearby sights and fishing are possible.
The camp host is the local 4H club. 4H stand for Head, Hands, Heart and Health and it is an
international network of rural youth which aims at developing the skills of young people. In Finland
4H is the biggest youth organisation with 250 local associations.
The volunteers need travel insurance for the duration of their stay.
[email protected]
7/08/2016 - 14/08/2016
Additional host fee EUR 150
The school surroundings need maintaining so the volunteers will mainly work with garden work,
berry picking, tidying the environment and other seasonal tasks. Please note that this project is not a
traditional work camp, so the work tasks are less than in usual work camps and depending on the
season there is also some work with the events and activities of other local organisations.
Accomodation and food
Accommodation will be in dormitory, all meals provided in the canteen. There are possibilities for
various creative and other activities. Sauna and swimming facilities are also available.
Location and leisure
Punkaharju is located in eastern Finland near Savonlinna and it takes about four hours by train from
Helsinki. The school is situated in a location of superb natural beauty, right on the magnificent
Punkaharju ridge. It is surrounded on both sides by lakes and magnificent scenery. The area offers
excellent opportunities for a variety of nature and outdoor activities.The volunteers can also attend
some Finnish language and culture lessons as well as join visits to local sights and events.
The host organization Ikko is a modern, non-political and non-religious folk high school offering both
general and vocational education for Finnish and international students and groups throughout the
year. They also host special target groups such as students with special needs as well as young
asylum seekers.
The volunteers need travel insurance for the duration of their stay Extra fee: 150 euros due to
facilities of the camp.
[email protected]
SDA 402 Teens in green world
10.7. – 23.7.
Vols: 14 + 2 team
Age: 15-17
Project: The workcamp is organized in cooperation with the local NGO Cmelak - Friends of
Nature Society whose activities are focused on the support of a sustainable way of life,
practical nature protection and environmental education. They restore the natural woods on
specific pieces of land and try to save endangered tree species. They also maintain
wetlands. The goal of the workcamp is to help with practical nature protection in several
different locations that Cmelak is in charge of. Cmelak has organized so far 12 adult
workcamps; this one will be their first teenage workcamp.
Work: There are three different types of work to be done: 1) work in the forestlands (weeding
small trees in the forest, planting of seedlings, building of small fences, work in the tree
nurseries including preparation and weeding of beds); 2) maintenance in the wetlands
(pulling up the typha, cutting grass, cutting reed followed by raking; removing of reed and
other plants from water pools; cutting out of wood; possibly also collection of garbage); 3)
maintenance of the spring (restoration of spring barrages, making new water pools, cutting
an raking the grass). The work will be manual and physically demanding. Be ready to work
outdoors, in wet areas, under all types of weather (rain, wind). Waterproof clothes with long
sleeves and long trousers, a raincoat and rubber boots are necessary.
Study part: Educational aspects of the camp will focus on forms of forest management,
development of forests after the arrival of men, current problems in the management of
nature protection areas or the topic of water containment in nature and the prevention of
floods. Excursions to the New Virgin Forest and the wetlands are also planned. You will also
have a chance to organize some activities for/with the local community.
Leisure time: You can go hiking in the beautiful surrounding landscape, visit castles and
climb the Jested – the highest peak in the region. The city of Liberec, where you will be
accommodated, offers many possibilities to enjoy culture. A weekend trip to Bohemian
Paradise or Jizera Mountains is possible.
Accommodation/Food: First week: Scout base in Liberec. Second week: cabins very close
to the wetlands or in a parish house in Jitrava. Both accommodations have a bathroom with
showers, a kitchen and a dining room. Bring your own sleeping bag! You will prepare meals
on your own. You are invited to prepare traditional meals from your country. Bring some
special ingredients that might be hard to get.
Location: Liberec and other areas of the Jizera Mountains in the north of Bohemia. You will
use mini-buses to get to the place of work in the surrounding forests.
Meeting point: Liberec. The meeting time is usually in the afternoon. Please note it takes at
least 1 hour to get there from Prague. The exact info will be provided in the infosheet.
[email protected]
Note: We are looking for volunteers who like nature and are eager to learn new thing about
nature protection. This project is realized with the support of Johnson Controls.
Requirements: Parental authorization and medical form is strictly required! The forms will be
provided after the acceptance to the workcamp.
This camp is organized for teenagers by youth sport club Lukas-Basket which has been running
national youth camps for 15 years and International ones for the past 4 years. International
teenage camps will be hosted on seaside in the West of Estonia in Laanemaa County in the
municipality of Nova. Beautiful nature, numerous historical places, 200 years long tradition of
health resort, unique cultural events are the treasures of the County. Nova with warm sea, white
sand, mushroom and berry crops, several lakes, cobble stone road and many places of interest is
ideal place for leisure. The aim of Nova camp is to give young people possibility to have active,
healthy and meaningful summer vacations with different sport adventures, to enjoy unspoiled
nature and to learn how to live in harmony with it, also to explore and realize own capacities. The
program will include water activities, sport and ball games, eco-hikes, bicycle trips to places of
interest, horse riding, fishing, rowing, sailing with Viking boats, acquaintance with local culture
and many other exciting things. “Mens sana in corpore sano”/ “Healthy Spirit in Healthy
Body” – this is the message of the camp! Besides, camp gives possibility for intensive contacts
between local youth and their peers from abroad, showing youngsters the diversity of world
cultures, broadening their horizons and encouraging active communication through games and
creative activities. Finally, there will be some voluntary work for nature protection and to
support local community.
The area of the camp is about 3 hectares and it can host over 60 youngsters on one shift. The
age of local participants is 13-18. Local teenagers are mainly Russian-speaking of minority
communities of Estonia. More information, photos, videos available on www.lukasbasket.eu and
There are diverse activities in the program: windsurfing, canoeing, sailing with Viking boats,
paintball in the forest, sport games - football, rugby, volleyball, athletics, different competitions,
guided eco-hikes, sport orientation, bicycle trips to explore the area, table tennis, visit to the
horse farm with horse riding, excursion to Keila waterfall and historical places of interest in the
area, bus excursion to Haapsalu to visit Episcopal Castle (www.haapsalulinnus.ee ) and Old
[email protected]
Railway Museum, games at Roosta Adventure Park, picnics on the seaside, evening of Estonian
national dances and food, making castles from sand and stones on the beach, fanny party with
Estonian sauna, night cinema in open air theatre, Estonian police`s fanny lesson - Feel like a real
cop, etc. You can also try to make wooden and woolen handicrafts and kitchen utensils, learn folk
dances. In addition there will be creative workshops on manufacturing sheath-knife´s case from
natural leather and decorative burning (scorching) on leather; decoupage; soap-making; wooden
handicrafts. Bikes are available for the whole duration of the shift.
There will be diverse voluntary work such as painting of community buildings, making wooden
toys and games for local orphanage, repairing benches and tables, cleaning local beach and old
seaport from garbage, planting trees, cleaning old cemetery, little renovation works in the local
school, clearing pavement, helping seniors living in the community with some household duties,
berry picking to give the crop to the orphanage, planting trees, duty in a kitchen and around the
camp once in a shift, etc. The work will be organised in close cooperation with local forestry
department, municipality of Nova and local school. Please note that the work above is planned for
the whole summer and it will change from shift to shift depending on the season and actual
weather conditions.
In the military and tourist tents by the local school, nearby to the seaside (100m). It is also
possible to get accommodation in small wooden houses for modest extra charge - 20 Euro for the
whole period. Sleeping bag and mat are required. All facilities like showers, toilets are provided
in the school. You will also try traditional Estonian sauna.
Three times a day. There are also multiple water machines with cold water in the school complex.
Catering takes place in the school´s mess hall or into the lager tent outside near the mess. Meals
are cooked by professional cooks. Participants will be asked to help cleaning.
Medical Aid
The nurse is present in the camp 24/7 and there is a car on call which goes to the nearest
hospital in case of any emergency.
Nova is one of 11 municipalities of Laanemaa with about 400 inhabitants, located on the seaside
90 km west from capital of Estonia Tallinn and 40 km north from Haapsalu, famous spa town with
many historic and cultural sites. More information on http://www.novavald.ee/index.php/1 The
camp is located on Nova basic School´s territory (www.nova.edu.ee)
Surroundings and camp´s infrastructure
Sports hall
Table tennis
Wooden houses
Information centre
Refreshments stall
Gym equipment for fitness exercises on school´s territory
Football field
Basketball court on the school´s territory
Volleyball court on the beach
4 lakes within 4 km radius
2 sand beaches in the distance from 2-7 km
[email protected]
RMK (The Forest Management Centre) wooden tents with table and grill for picnic near the beach
Modern outhouses near the beach
Grocery store 0,5 km away
Marked by Forest Department hiking paths
Terminal and arrivals/ departure
Airport, bus station, harbor in Tallinn; specially arranged bus to Nova. Pick up on arrival to Tallinn
is possible at additional fee.
On arrival day there is a dinner, accommodation in Tallinn with lodging for the night at the gym of
the sport club. Showers and WC are in the facility of the gym. On the 2nd day there is a breakfast
at 8 am and departure to camp site. On the last day of the camp there is a breakfast and
departure at 11.30 am from the camp with the arrival to Tallinn airport by 13:30.
In case of earlier arrival or later departure accommodation in inexpensive hostel can be booked
upon request.
Special requirements
Participants have to be sporty (e.g. be ready to run up to 3 km, bike up to 25 km), curious and
interested in active life style. Please inform us beforehand about allergies, dietary requirements
you have or others prescriptions from your doctor. Please bring sleeping bag and mat, wind and
waterproof clothes, goods shoes, warm and summer clothes. It's desirable to take thermal
underwear. The main age of participants is 14-17, however exceptions are possible. Smoking,
drinking alcohol, using drugs is absolutely prohibited in the camp! Camp languages are
English and Russian.
Participation fee
Unlike the “normal” camp there will be not so much of traditional work. Nevertheless participants
will be provided with board, lodging, local transportation and all equipment necessary to realize
camp program. Obviously, program involves a lot of extra costs for excursions, trips out, visits,
sport activities, equipment, materials and general administration. Since neither EstYES nor its
local camp partner, does not receive financial support for this camp from municipality or private
sources, to realize this camp we have to charge participation fee of 300 Euro, which has to be
paid by bank transfer before the camp or by participants upon arrival to the camp. The fee
includes transfer from Tallinn to and from the camp. The bank details will be provided after the
acceptance of the participant to the camp.
11.07 – 22.07
26.07 – 06.08
The project is organized by non-formal learning centreVitaTiim.Its mission is to create an inspiring
international environment for Ida-Virumaa County youth, to promote life-long learning and personal
development in the global world. And the most important task is to make young people believe in their own
abilities. This project's aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures and languages to the youth, learn
and share different ways and techniques of creative expression and contribute to the development of local
community. International work camp participants will join local youth to work together for the benefit of the
local community and to have leisure activities and intercultural learning experience together.The camp
gives possibility for intensive contact between local youth and their peers from abroad, showing
youngsters the diversity of world cultures, broadening their horizons and encouraging active
communication through games and creative activities.
[email protected]
Each day of the camp will consist of voluntary work for the benefit of the local community and intercultural
learning activities. Before lunch the participants will do light voluntary work in the non-formal learning
centre VitaTiim such as painting of walls and paths, repairing benches and tables, doing little renovation
works, cleaning local area, gardening, planting trees etc. Some work will be outdoors.
After lunch camp participants together with local youngters will take part in Language Cafes (Russian,
English,German) run by EVS volunteers. Moreover, they will have opportunity to organize Language Cafe
in their mother tongue or other language they speak fluently. Participants will take part in different creative
workshops. All participants will be encouraged to contribute to the programme and organize some art or
creative workshops, run music or sport activity for other participants and local youth. Every day there will
be one country presentation with its culture, traditions, languages, music, songs, cuisine organized by the
participants themselves. There will be one day off in the camp and at least one day of travel outside Narva.
Camp programme also includes sightseeing in Narva, visits to Narva Castle, Narva Town Hall, Narva
College of Tartu University, guided hiking tour in the nature, trip to Narva-Jõesuu, swimming in the river
and the sea, picnic on the beach, social and sport games, etc.
Participants will stay in the non-formal centreVitaTiim and will sleep on matrasses. So we ask you to bring
sleeping bag. Group leader will stay with participants. Also participants will get meal three times per day
(breakfast, lunch and dinner) according their needs.
NGO VitaTiim located in the centre of the Narva city. Close with place located shops, park, castle, etc.
The camp will take place in the town of Narva, the third largest city in Estonia and the easternmost point of
the European Union. It lies 212 kilometers from Tallinn (the capital of Estonia) and 130 kilometers from St.
Petersburg in Russia. The city stands on the left bank of the River Narva, 14 kilometers before it flows into
the Gulf of Finland. At the estuary of the River Narva lies a small resort town Narva-Jõesuu which is
famous for its pine woodlands and nice sandy beaches. Tripsto Narva-Jõesuuwill be trips organized for the
camp participants. More information about Narva on http://www.narva.ee/en/for_tourists/page:469and
Airport, bus & train station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up ofthe participants at the point of arrival is possible
upon request.
Special requirements
The camp language is English. The age of participants is14 – 17. As you will be requested to make your
country presentation, we ask you to bring some materials: postcards, posters, maps, symbols of your
country or region, music or popular national games, etc. typical for your country or region.You will be
encouraged to share your hobbies, special skills and interest with other camp participants and local
youngster. NB!Smoking and drinking alcohol is absolutely prohibitied in the camp!
Leisure time
There’s plenty to do in Narva, concerts, annual festivals and open-air shows that take place both in the
inner yard of the Narva Castle and elsewhere in the town. There are several sport halls, swimming pool,
fitness clubs and many other opportunities for outdoor sports and leisure time activities.
Participation fee
Due to difficult economic situation and lack of financial support for the project from local community the
participation fee of 220 Euro is requested from volunteers to cover the costs of board, diverse leisure
time activities as well as administrative and pedagogical costs. This fee is different from sending
[email protected]
organization’s fee paid at home, and it has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to the camp or by
bank transfer before the beginning of the camp.
24.07- 05.08
TEEN/ STUDY 15 int + 25 loc
International language camp is organized for teenagers by non-profit educational association “Alternative
Language Programs Satellite” within its annual activities on multicultural issues. The project’s aim is to
introduce the diversity of world cultures to the youth and provide them with good practices in intercultural
communication by means of alternative English language practice which includes meetings, visits, direct
contact to young people from abroad. The project gets 14 to 17 years old teens familiar with national
traditions of the countries from all over the world, encourages them to develop their global thinking and
individual initiative, tolerance and resistance to xenophobia and ethnic hatred. At the same time camp
gives foreign participants a great chance to meet youngsters of Estonia and experience local life staying in
the host families of some of 25 local participants who will join this camp. The common theme for all camps
this year is INTEGRITY. We believe that thanks to the integrity of individual personalities people will be
able to prevent any violence or aggression in a society. It seems that personal integrity is not possible
without having social ease or a gentle demeanor. Within the theme, camp participants guided by
international volunteers are going to discuss such important for personal and social integrity issues as
habitual conventions in the civilized society and cultural customs of the nations, fare conduct and mode of
action, style of life and ways to behave.
Camp program includes sightseeing in Estonian capital, visits to museums, meetings with organizations,
social and sport games, performances in the open air, actions for peace and nature protection, discussions
at the round table, team projects, presentations of the countries camp which participants and volunteers
represent, etc. Each day of the camp will have a country presentation, a subject to learn or discuss and a
related activity. Teenagers will stay in the camp activities zone from 10.00 to 17.00. There will be one day
off in the camp and at least one day of travel outside Tallinn. The day off is spent in the host family. Camp
activities will take place in a learning centre situated in the centre of the city. To activate teenagers and run
the program there will be 8 international volunteers and members of a local school staff.
In the apartments of the host families in Tallinn and suburbs. Travel cards will be provided, pick up service
is provided upon request. Participants will stay in a separate or shared room. You do NOT need a sleeping
bag. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners in their host families, lunches – all together in the city.
Tallinn is the capital of Estonia, country’s largest city with 430 000 inhabitants and nearly as many tourists
during summer. You can get a lot of information on Tallinn on www.tallinn.ee
Airport, bus & train station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up by families at the point of arrival is possible upon
Special requirements
We will welcome any ideas to improve the program and your active participation in it. English is the camp
language. The age of participants is 14 – 17. As you will be requested to make your country presentation,
we ask you to bring some materials: postcards, posters, maps, symbols of your country or region, music or
popular national games etc typical for your country or region which can be used by you during your country
[email protected]
Leisure time
There are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities since camp will take place in the Estonian capital
Tallinn where one can find attractions for any taste: sights, museums, festivals, concerts, etc.
Participation fee
Unlike the traditional voluntary camp there will be mostly informal educational activities and alternative
language practice. Camp program implementation involves costs for board, lodging, domestic transport,
materials, excursions, visits, cultural activities and general administration. Since neither EstYES nor its
partner ALPS receives any financial support for this camp from state or municipality, to make the camp
happened we have to charge participation fee of 250 Euro, which is different fee from your sending
organization’s fee paid at home. It has to be paid by participants upon arrival to the camp or by bank
transfer prior to the start of the camp.
15 int +15 loc
This project pursues EstYES aim to develop international cooperation in the rural parts of Estonia involving
local teenagers to the international voluntary service projects. The new destination is Sinimae, a small
village located in the very eastern part of Estonia. The main aims of the camp are to give local youth the
first voluntary work experience in an international group working together with young volunteers from
abroad for the benefit of the local community and to provide deep intercultural learning experience for all
camp participants through close interaction and having fun together or doing exciting scientific
The main working task of the camp is to help to fix up the camping trail and picnic area. Volunteers will
work together with local young people 14-17 years old. Work will be mostly outdoors and it will last only 3-4
hours a day from 9 am until lunch. Weekends are free. Two day there will be various excting hands-on
scientific experiments. In the afternoons and evenings there will be trips to different nearby cities to get to
know Estonia, its history and culture, as well as other leisure activities, teamwork exercises, canoeing,
camping, swimming, paint-ball etc. International volunteers are asked to introduce their home country,
culture, habits, so that all camp participants can learn more about all of the countries where the
participants come from.
Accommodation is organised in the modern school building of Sinimae Middle School, girls and boys will
stay in separate rooms. Volunteers will sleep on the mattresses. Participants have to bring their sleeping
bag, air mattresses (if possible), towels. Toilets and showers are available in the school building. Meals will
be prepared and served in the school cantina 3 times per day.
Sinimae is situated 20km from the 3rd Estonian biggest cities Narva, the border town with Russia.
Distance from Tallinn, Estonian capital, is about 190km. Sinimae is a very picturesque place located just
2km away from the beautiful coast of the Baltic Sea. There are lot of opportunities for hiking and
discovering beautiful landscapes of Estonia.
Terminal, Airport, harbor, bus & train stations in Tallinn; bus to Sillamae or Sinimae.
[email protected]
Special requirements
No special skills are needed. Tools for the work will be provided. Please bring sleeping bag, working
clothes and gloves. English and Estonian are the camp languages. All the participants have to bring
something very common to their country to introduce it to the other participants (for example typical food/
snacks, national clothes, photos, souvenirs, etc.). It is a must that volunteers follow the rules and schedule
of the camp (e.g. be back at accommodation by 20:00, from 23:00 is a night time, etc.) NB! Smoking and
alcohol is not allowed in the camp at all!The age of participants is14-17.
Leisure time
There are different opportunities to do sports, play ball games. Many outdoor activities are planned:
swimming, barbeque, hiking, canoeing, climbing, camping, etc. Participants’ suggestions/ ideas for leisure
time are very welcome as some of the evenings will be planned according to your interests. Also there will
be trips to Narva, Sillamae and Narva- Joesuu famous spa-town with beautiful pine wood and sandy
Participation fee
Due to the complex economic situation and lack of financial support for the project from local community
the participation fee of 220 Euros is requested from volunteers to cover the costs of board and lodging,
diverse leisure time activities, cost of materials for scientific experiments, equipment, etc. This fee is
different from sending organisation’s fee paid at home, and it has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival
to the camp or by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you prefer latter option please
ask our bank details.
01.08- 14.08
15int +15 locals
Kopu village is a centre of Municipality of Kopu, one of the smallest in Estonia with total population of
around 700 people. International workcamps have been taken place there since 2001. During past
summers volunteers helped to build sport facilities for local school, cleaned up the school park, and did
some renovation jobs at the old graveyard. Besides practical help, the volunteers made a significant
impact on community life bringing new dynamics, intercultural exchange and international contacts to local
youth. Being inspired bythe years of international volunteering experience Kopu Municipality authorities
continue hosting international camps and invite international volunteers this summer again. This year
international camp will be combined with the national teenage work- and leisure camp taking place in Kopu
at the same time.
Kopu Primary School occupies old German manor house surrounded by the large park. There will be
various jobs in the area – the most important task is preparation works in herbal garden next to the park,
alsoclearing and tidying up of the parkas well as other objects such as public playgrounds, local graveyard,
surrounding of newly opened visiting centre etc.One of the works is also preparing woods for the school
heating in winter period.In cooperation with Tipu Nature School volunteers will have the opportunity to help
out there for one day – that gives you the chance to see a bit of Soomaa National Park that is situated just
next to Kopu Municipality. Work will be mainly outdoors. Volunteers will be working along side with local
youngsters of the national camp. Work lasts 4 hours a day from 9am until lunch. After lunch there will be
diverse activities together with local youth and free time for the group own activities. The age of local
young people is 14-26.
In the Kopu school sports facility.Vounteers will sleep in beds. Mattresses, pillows, blankets will be
provided but please bring your towels. Toilets and showers are available. Meals will be prepared by
[email protected]
kitchen staff and are served in the school canteen twice a day, dinner will be brought to the sporting
centre. You can bring your sleeping bag, because there will be a two-day trip to Soomaa.
Kopu village lies about 20 km to the west from Viljandi, an administrative centre of the county with
population of 22 000 people. Distance from Tallinn is 180 km. The area is very beautiful - hilly with many
small lakes and rivers and a lot of forest with wild nature. Here begins Soomaa National Park – a very
popular place for hikes and canoe trips. More information on www.visitestonia.com, www.viljandi.ee,
www.soomaa.ee, kopukool.ee. Facebook – Kopu vald, Kopu Pohikool.
Airport, harbor, bus & train stations in Tallinn; bus to Viljandi; from there the municipality will organise the
transportation to Kopu.
Special requirements
No special skills are needed. Tools for the work will be provided. Please bring your own towel, sleeping
bag, working clothes and gloves. English and Estonian are the camp languages. It is important that the
volunteers follow the rules and schedules of the national camp (e.g. they have to be back at
accommodation by 21:00, from 23:00 is a repose time, etc). The age of participants is14-17.
Leisure time
Sport activities at accommodation site, competitions, swimming, barbeque, hikingand canoeing in Soomaa
National Park, visits to the places of interest in the area, going to the adventure park. In addition to the
official programme, trip to Viljandi, the capital of county, visit to Tartu (second largest city in Estonia and
the University centre) or to Parnu(lively spa town on the sea side) can be done by volunteers in their free
time as well as rest in the surroundings of Vortsjarv (Valma Holiday Centre), one of the largest lakes in
Estonia situated beside Viljandi County border. There will also be a national dinner evening so think of one
national dish you would like to make to your co-campers and bring special things you need with you as
there can be ingredients that aren’t available in local store.
Participation fee
Due to difficult economic situation and lack of financial support for the project from local community the
participation fee of 220 Euro is requested from volunteers to cover the costs of board, diverse leisure time
activities as well as administrative and pedagogical costs. This fee is different from sending organisation’s
fee paid at home, and it has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to the camp or by bank transfer
before the beginning of the camp. If you prefer latter please ask our bank details.
TALLINN 11.08 - 19.08 TEEN/ STUDY
6 int + 6 loc
An international language camp is organized by the language school “In Down Town”, non-profit
association “Alternative Language programs Satellite” and youth exchange association EstYES. The camp
is aimed to introduce the diversity of world cultures to the teenagers aged 14 -17 and provide them with
good practices in multicultural communication by means of alternative language practice, meetings, visits
and direct contact with young people from abroad in the hope to help young Estonians to integrate into the
modern world. At the same time this camp gives foreign participants a good chance to meet youngsters of
Estonia and experience the local life staying in the local host families of 5 local participants who will join
this camp. This camp is organized particularly for those youngsters, who does not speak English but other
languages, thus the languages of this camp are French, German and Spanish. The common theme for
all camps this year is INTEGRITY. We believe that thanks to the integrity of individual personalities people
will be able to prevent any violence or aggression in a society. It seems that personal integrity is not
[email protected]
possible without having social ease or a gentle demeanor. Within the theme, camp participants guided by
international volunteers are going to discuss such important for personal and social integrity issues as
habitual conventions in the civilized society and cultural customs of the nations, fare conduct and mode of
action, style of life and ways to behave.
Camp program includes sightseeing in Estonian capital, meetings with organizations, social games,
performances in the open air, actions for peace and nature protection, discussions at the round table,
presentations of the countries camp participants and volunteers represent, team projects, etc. Each day of
the camp will have a country presentation, a subject to learn or discuss and a related activity. Teenagers
will stay in the camp activities zone from 10.00 to 17.00.There is at least one day of travel outside Tallinn.
Camp activities will take place in a learning centre situated in the centre of the city. To activate teenagers
and run the program there will be 3 international volunteers and members of a local school staff.
In the apartments of the host families in Tallinn and its suburbs. Travel cards or pick up service will be
provided. Participants will stay in a separate or shared room. You do NOT need a sleeping bag.
Participants will have breakfasts and dinners in their host families, lunches – all together in the city.
Tallinn is the capital of Estonia with population of 430 000 people. A lot of information is on www.tallinn.ee
Airport, bus & train station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up by host families at the point of arrival is possible if
Special requirements
We will welcome any ideas to improve the program and your active participation in it. Some knowledge of
spoken French or German or Spanish is required in this camp. The age of participants is 14 - 17. We
ask you to bring some materials like postcards or posters and maps, any symbols of your country, music or
popular national games, etc which are typical for your country or region.
Leisure time
There are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities since camp will take place in the Estonian capital
Tallinn where one can find attractions for any taste: sights, museums, festivals, concerts, etc.
Participation fee
Unlike the traditional voluntary camp there will be informal educational activities and alternative language
practice. Camp program implementation involves costs for board, lodging, local transport, materials,
excursions, visits, cultural activities and general administration. Since neither EstYES nor its camp partner
ALPS receives any financial support for this camp from state or municipality, to make the camp happened
we have to charge participation fee of 200 Euro, which is different fee from your sending organization’s fee
paid at home. It has to be paid by participants upon arrival to the camp or by bank transfer before
the beginning of the camp.
[email protected]
Teenage camps in the East of ICELAND
WF 154 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
23/06-04/07 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
WF144 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
11/07-22/07 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
WF153 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
22/07-01/08 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
WF157 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
01/07-12/08 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
WF164 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
12/08-23/08 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
WF156 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
23/08-02/09 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
WF159 Teenage camp - Fun and nature in the East of Iceland
02/09-13/09 ART /STUDY/ENVI 20 vol
Project Location: Scoured by Ice Age glaciers, the dramatic east coast boasts long, narrow fjords with steep sides and
jagged peaks which contrast with inland fertile farmlands. Natural harbours mean picture-postcard fishing villages
and seemingly never-ending roads cross the region, providing beautiful sweeping views.
“Fjarðabyggð" is an association of villages in the Eastern fjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður, all tiny fishing villages with steep
mountains towering just behind the houses. In this area you will see some of the features that make Iceland a unique
place in the world: spectacular fjords with a rich sea life, a great variety of birdlife, and countless breathtaking hiking
paths. You will explore the area during your stay in the east.
The camp will take place in the village Stodvarfjordur.
Work: Our teenager’s camp aim is to provide fun and educative time for the young participants. During the 12
days program participants will have the chance to get to know Icelandic nature, history and people. The Team
leaders of these camps will be trained on how lead teens of this age and oriented them into how to be a part
of the daily community life in a camp. The young volunteers will follow a program which is a mixture of
environmental voluntary work and games. We will also go for hikes to discover the fantastic landscapes in the
East of Iceland. The volunteers will also help with renovation and environmental work in the area. Since the
camps is located in the east of Iceland our young volunteer will have the opportunity to enjoy a round tour
around Iceland with the extra fee for bus ride of 150 euro.
Leisure: We will visit several places in the area and enjoy the nature while travelling. We will play different
kind of sports together will local teenagers. We will also go fishing near to the harbour in Stöðvarfjordur
There is a free access to the local geothermal-heated swimming pools in the area. Traditionally, natural pools have
played an important social role in Icelandic culture. Most Icelandic pools offer indoor and outdoor swimming, as well
as hot tubs and saunas or steam rooms.
Accommodation and Food: We will stay in a fully equipped house in the village. Beds will be provided and everyone
is asked to bring his/her own warm sleeping bag. Wi-Fi Internet connection is available.
Food is included for the duration of the workcamp, however everyone is expected to do their fair share of the
cooking and cleaning. Since it is always nice to try new and different dishes, volunteers are encouraged to bring along
their favourite recipes from home!
Language: A basic knowledge of English is required for this workcamp.
[email protected]
Terminal: Intl. Airport: Keflavík (KEF), Reykjavík. The closest national airport to the camp site is Egilsstaðir airport
which is 40 km away from the project’s site.
Flights arrive at Keflavik International Airport (KEF), just south of Reykjavik. WF Iceland will offer a minibus trip from
Reykjavik to Stöðvarfjörður for a fair price (160 € for the round trip which is almost 1.400 km in total). On the way to
the camp we will go through the South to the East of the island. After the camp we will go through the North and
west to Reykjavik. This trip includes unique Icelandic sights such as glacial lagoons, waterfalls, volcanic and
geothermal areas, glaciers, lava fields, hot-springs, rhyolite mountain ranges, steam-vents, or even icebergs.
Additional Information: There is an Extra participation fee of EUR 350,– for this workcamp.
[email protected]
Project: The association Le Créneau (Solidarités Jeunesses in Auvergne) is installed in a small castle
in the heart of a vast estate in Auvergne. It is open all year for people from different social and cultural
backgrounds, who come to work voluntarily. The willingness of the association is to increase its
hosting capacity during the summer.
Work: You will work on a geodesic dome (simple structure of semi-permanent housing) in order to
host 4 more people. You will make a wooden floor and other works on the roofing. Concerned about
environmental issues, the wood will come from the recovery and recycling of pallets. The roofing will
be performed in cob (a mixture of earth and straw) and wood. In parallel, a braided fence with willow
and hazel will be carried out around the garden so as to prevent the possible visit of wild animals.
Leisure: Leisure activities will be organized and chosen collectively by the group. This project will
allow you to meet youngsters from all over the world and French people, to discover the rural lifestyle,
to make city trips (Vichy, Moulins) and to visit some tourist attractions in the region.
Accommodation: in tents
Location: Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier), 45 km away from Moulins.
Closest train station: Moulins
Participation fee : 150€
15 vols
Project: The Beaumotte Centre is a popular education association that carries out various actions in
the context of local development and international exchange. The association is a collective hosting
center that works throughout the year with people who are between 15 and 50 years old. The project
is based on the mixture of people, so every summer, the association wishes to allow young people
from 15 to 17 years to experience an international workcamp.
Work: You will build a hens house for the centre. This project is part of a sustainable development in
large-scale on our centre. You will learn basic techniques of carpentry and construction. It will also be
an opportunity to share environmental practices.
Leisure activities: Afternoons will be dedicated to recreational activities which will be organized by
the group and leaders. You will meet the people hosted in the centre during the collective moments
(meals/kitchen/household). All participants will prepare the meals on an alternating pattern. The
program also includes visits to the city of Besançon, the chapel of Ronchamp or walks in the
mountains of Jura.
Accommodation: Under a tent on the garden of the association. You will sleep on camp beds. You’ll
be able to use the house facilities. Bring a sleeping bag.
Location: Beaumotte les Montbozon is located 25 km from Vesoul and 30 km from Besançon.
Closest train station : Vesoul
Participation fee: 150€
15 vols
Project: Champagney is at the crossroads of many cultural and architectural sites such as the
Museum of la négritude, the mining museum and the chapel at Ronchamp by Le Corbusier. This
project is conducted in partnership with the community of communes of Rahin et Chérimont, regular
partner of the centre of Beaumotte for almost 10 years.
[email protected]
Work: In the heart of the village, in front of the Museum of La négritude, you will renovate part of the
paving. You will learn to work in teams as well as to use the techniques of paving and laying of stones.
Leisure Activities : You will be able to hang out with the locals and to discover the rural world.
Activities such as : swimming, sailing, hiking and the international dinner will be organized. This
workcamp will allow you to meet both young people from around the world and french youngsters. A
minibus will be available to transport the group to different spots and to the cities of Besançon and
Accommodation: In the ballroom of the village. You will sleep on camp beds. The hall has a
community kitchen and bathroom (sink and toilet). Showers will be taken in the homes of residents.
Location: Champagney is located 20 km from Belfort.
Closest train station : Champagney
Participation Fee: 150€
Projects: During the 19 century, the town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre was renowned over the world for
the quality of the millstones it produced. Since 2007, the association Vir´Volt has been based in the
town and has helped to celebrate the heritage and create local animation through the organisation of
international workcamps. The association has created an international campsite where young people
from different countries come to work and live together. There willl be a group of 12 French volunteers
on this camp.
Work: During the workcamp, international, French and local volunteers will take part in different works
in the town and on the site of the association. Projects will include some clearing works in a public
area of the town, as well as some construction works on the camp site of the association. The works
on the campsite will consist in the building of environmentaly friendly installations (outside lavatories,
systems to collect rain water) to promote eco-friendly practices. For this work, you will be trained in
wood and construction work.
Leisure activities: You will have the chance to enjoy the association's campsite and to discover the
cultural and natural heritage of the region which is home to the brie cheese. You will also be given the
opportunity to meet and socialise with local young people. Other leisure activities will be organised
collectively depending on the wishes of the group and the available budget.
Accommodation: In communal tents (yurts, tipis) on the campsite of the association. You need to
bring along a sleeping bag.
Location: The town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 60 km East of Paris, in the region of Seine-et-Marne.
Closest train station: La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Note: This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If you wish to visit Paris, you
should arrive some days before or leave some days after the dates of the summer camp.
Participation fee: 150€
12 vols
12 vols
Project: The international hosting centre of Vaunières (Les Villages de Jeunes association) has
welcomed people from all sociocultural background for over 50 years. International volunteers,
youngsters, groups, families, and hikers live and work together at the heart of this hamlet nested in the
middle of a circle of mountains. Through their workcamps, meals, outings and activities, all these
people meet each other in a joyful atmosphere. These people are housed in different buildings but
[email protected]
also in camping tents. This year we are going to expand and renew one of our camping sites, “Le
camping des trolls”
Work: As a volunteer in this international workcamps, you will be brought in to help with the renovation
of a log cabin and with the arrangement of 10 small camping terraces. Tasks will include: disassembly,
frame, woodworking, creation of wood elements, insulation, interior arrangements (benches, tables,
kitchenette, decoration), ground work, terracing, soil enrichment.
This workcamp will be an opportunity to develop knowledge and techniques related to wood and to the
soil arrangement (terrace implantation, tracing circulation paths, planting hedges to define spaces and
cut the dominant winds.)
Leisure activities: You will be immersed in the village’s life by taking part in pizza evenings,
barbecues, themed dance evenings, international meals, sports etc. In addition, our hamlet is located
at the crossroads of several hiking trails and small streams, hikes, walks and swimming will be part of
the activities proposed. You will also be able to participate in local events (festivals, province markets)
and to visit the Buëch Region
Accommodation: in tents (for 2 or 3 people)
Location: Hameau de Vaunières, St-Julien-en-Beauchêne, 50 km away from Gap
Closest train station: Lus-la-Croix-Haute
Participation fee: 150€
Project: The association Le Créneau (Solidarités Jeunesses in Auvergne) is installed in a small castle
in the heart of a vast estate in Auvergne. It is open all year for people from different social and cultural
backgrounds, who come to work voluntarily. The willingness of the association is to develop the area
around the castle by creating a chill out space bordering the forest.
Work: A wooden platform will be carried out at the entrance of the forest between trees. It will create a
welcoming space to rest and to sleep under the stars! So you can try your hand at woodworking.
Conscious of environmental issues, we will use recycled materials, the wood of the platform will come
from the pallet recycling. The landscaping will be carried around to awaken the creativity of young
artists and help you discover the land art techniques.
Leisure: Leisure activities will be organized and chosen collectively by the group. This project will
allow you to meet youngsters from all over the world and French people, to discover the rural lifestyle,
to make city trips (Vichy, Moulins) and to visit some tourist attractions in the region.
Accommodation: in tents
Location: Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier), 45 km away from Moulins.
Closest train station: Moulins
Participation fee : 150€
15 vols 15-17
Project : This workcamp takes place at the Citrus Association (Solidarités Jeunesses in MidiPyrénées) site in Laguépie, where you will work on two big projects started 3 years ago by several
workcamps for teenagers: the construction of a kitchen and landscaping in the garden. Accompanied
by enthusiastic leaders, you will share the work time but also many moments of cultural exchanges as
well as the meals with the socio-professional insertion team and other french youngsters hosted at the
[email protected]
Work : The main works to be conducted will be in masonry, gardening and eco-construction: The
construction of a large common kitchen to standards in the Citrus association’s facilities to host
groups; landscaping on the Mayounelle Garden and reception site (decoration, outside furniture);
construction of an environmentally friendly greenhouse. The works will be supervised by Citrus
members, and every day you will work with the organisation professional insertion team.
Leisure activities: Outside of the work time, you will have the opportunity to go for walks, go
swimming, meet peers from the workcamp in Laguépie, organise outdoor activities-oven pizza
evenings, game nights, visits to exceptional medieval cities such as Najac, Cordes sur Ciel, SaintAntonin-Noble-Val. Food and nutrition workshop will also be planned to better understand the basics
of a balanced diet.
Accommodation: In tents in the Citrus site at La Mayounelle, with access to covered toilet unit and
Location: Laguépie, 100 km North-East of Toulouse, between Albi and Villefranche de Rouergue.
Closest train station Laguépie
Participation fee: 150€
12 vols
Project: The hiking Zone in Buëch Region Association (www.buech-rando.com) comprises 5
communities of communes in Hautes-Alpes with a common goal: set, lead and promote non-motorised
treks –pedestrian, biking, mountain biking, horse riding- in order to develop the local tourism. Given
the large scope of maintenance works that need to be done every year in the nearly 1000 kilometres
of trails, since 2010, the association organises several international workcamps in conjunction with
“Les Villages des Jeunes” (www.villagesdesjeunes.org) This workcamp is a real opportunity to be
immersed in nature during the day and to share the local life with the residents in the evening. The
works proposed are accessible to everyone but they require walking to the low mountain to arrive at
the work site every day.
Work: Vaunières is located in the border of the Hautes-Alpes and Drôme regions, and is surrounded
by mountains. The Quigouret rises over the village with its 1800m. Every morning the team will leave
from Vaunières to the low mountain, noting the progress made as the days go by. We will clear the
vegetation and trees that have invaded the trails, and prune and chart a trail named “la Boucle d’Or”
(The Golden Circle) that allows to make the complete lap of the mountain cirque in 3 hours of hiking.
Leisure activities: With the help of other volunteers and the leading team, you will be able to organise
your recreational activities and outings: local cultural events, touristic visits of the region, sports
activities. You will be housed in one of the camps of the hamlet, so you will be able to take advantage
of the villages offers and to share an atmosphere of conviviality and multiculturalism: pizza night,
sports games, barbecue, international meal, film screenings etc.
Accommodation: In camping tents of 2 or 3 persons
Situation: Hameau de Vaunière, St. Julien-en-Beauchêne, 50km away from Gap.
Closest train station: Lus-La-Croix-Haute
Participation fee: 150€
12 vols
Project: In the Thorame-Haute municipality in the Alps, is found the small hamlet of Ondres. A lively
and visited town for a very long time in the past, the village was depopulated at the beginning of the
20 century. In 1950, a handful of vacationers, recognizing the beauty and uniqueness of the place,
decided to restore various buildings (chapel, school….) In order to revitalize this isolated and atypical
place, the municipality has decided to work with the association “Les Villages Des Jeunes” to extend
the life of the buildings. Hanging from to the mountain and hidden in the landscape, Ondres will know
how to welcome you to its first international workcamp.
[email protected]
Work: The work will aim to rebuild a 7-8m long dry stonewall that is currently in a very poor condition.
You will learn how to take apart the existing remains and to build a stable base for the wall. You will
raise a wall using traditional masonry techniques and the existing local stones.
Leisure time: You will be able to organize hikes, swimming, sports activities, and multiple touristic
visits to the region of Verdon. You will also be able to organize events with the local community such
as international meals and a “workcamp day” with the residents. Finally, you will be immersed in the
community and its lifestyle through their seasonal festivities.
Accommodation: In tents in Saint Firmin campground
Location: Ondres, Thorame-Haute, 65 kms from Digne-Les-Bains.
Closest train station: Thorame-Haute
Participation fee: 150€
Project: The association Le Créneau (Solidarités Jeunesses in Auvergne) is installed in a small castle
in the heart of a vast estate in Auvergne. It is open all year for people from different social and cultural
backgrounds, who come to work voluntarily. The association wishes to develop the area around the
castle by creating themed areas. This project will focus on the development of an old pond.
Work: The job is first to identify old ditches that fed the pond water and clean the area around the
pond. Secondly, you will work in the landscaping of the site. Stone benches, stepping stones and
outdoor furniture will be created. Concerned about environmental issues, the mortar will be conducted
with soil taken from the site and the furniture will be crafted from recycled pallets.
Leisure: Leisure activities will be organized and chosen collectively by the group. This project will
allow you to meet youngsters from all over the world and French people, to discover the rural lifestyle,
to make city trips (Vichy, Moulins) and to visit some tourist attractions in the region.
Accommodation: in tents
Location: Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier), 45 km away from Vichy.
Closest train station: Moulins
Participation fee : 150€
CAMBLANES – The Gallo-roman mansion needs you!
08/07 - 22/07
15 vols
Commit to save a 2,000 years old heritage and discover the history of Camblanes, a submerged
village in the Bordeaux countryside!
As a former Roman village, the city of Camblanes now wants to highlight the remains of that past.
Abandoned for over 20 years, diggings around a Gallo-Roman villa requires the intervention of
motivated volunteers to protect them from attrition and to help maintaining the area. Throughout your
experience, you will participate to local celebrations and visit the surrounding area.
You will participate to the cleaning of the site and protection of the Gallo-Roman villa of Camblanes.
This year's work will focus on clearing the area, cleaning walls and partially cover the buildings to
protect what remains from corrosion. You will also prepare the site to accommodate a Gallo-Roman
educational garden accessible to local youth.
Accommodation and food:
Camping. Tents for 2, with boys and girls separated, will be provided. Please bring your mat and
sleeping bag. A collective tent for cooking and other group activities will also be provided to the group.
[email protected]
The group will share collective tasks, manage the budget along with the camp leaders, shop and
prepare meals made of local healthy products as a team.
Location and activities:
Camblanes is a village populated by 3,000 inhabitants, about twenty kilometers from Bordeaux.
Surrounded by vineyards, it offers many attractions such as hikes along the Garonne, visits of
Bordeaux city or an excursion on the Atlantic Ocean side.
Special requirements and remarks:
Bring a warm sleeping bag and mat, work clothes and work shoes, warm and rain clothes and a
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Bordeaux main train station
Closest airport:
165 €
CLERMONT-FERRAND 1 - Create an eco-friendly neighborhood
08/07 - 22/07
12 vols
In Chapratel, the town of Clermont-Ferrand has sown the seeds for saving the planet! This urban work
camp will give you the chance to play a role in the creation of an eco-friendly neighborhood.
Since 1993, Concordia has been organizing international work camps with the city of ClermontFerrand, which shows how well this partnership functions! This year we will be welcomed for the first
time by the inhabitants of the Champratel neighborhood, in the North of the town. This neighborhood is
currently being renovated, which will result in the creation of an eco-friendly neighborhood comprised
of 600 homes, shops and lots of grassy areas. The project aims to get the inhabitants back in touch
with each other, bring back life to the neighborhood and promote new ways of living and of respecting
the environment. The grassy, natural areas will take pride of place and large playgrounds, picnic areas
and football pitches will be made there. We are giving you the chance to play a part in this big project
by constructing wooden street furniture and tidying up public places whilst working in tandem with the
neighborhood’s young people and adults.
Alongside two camp leaders, including a technical instructor, you will create wooden street furniture,
for example: picnic tables, benches, seats and outdoor sports equipment. In this way you will learn
basic carpentry skills.
Accommodation and food:
At the two-star campsite “Les Sablons” in Pont-du-Chateau (with a swimming pool and activities!!),
sharing two-person tents with boys and girls separated and a collective tent for socializing. You will be
staying with another international work camp for teenagers. The group will be sharing the cleaning
chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group leader and you will
participate in the preparation of dishes with good products from the market and local producers.
Location and leisure:
The urban area of Clermont-Ferrand is Auvergne's lively regional capital. It is located in an exceptional
volcanic area, at the foot of the Puy de Dôme volcano which summit can be accessed by panoramic
train. During your stay, you will be able to take advantage of the town's summer energy (concerts,
Sable Show festival, visiting the historic town center, French National Day and fireworks) and also of
the countryside which is located right on its doorstep (hiking over the volcanoes, swimming in the
[email protected]
lakes, etc.). It will be a rich and varied trip. For more information have a look at: http://www.clermontfd.com and http://www.planetepuydedome.com.
Special requirements and remarks:
The accommodation is located outside of the city center, in a neighboring town. Please bring good
shoes, working clothes and a swimsuit. As the nights can be quite cold, remember to also bring warm
clothes and a sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical instruments
and games. You will get around Clermont-Ferrand on foot, by car and by minibus.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Clermont-Ferrand train station.
Closest airport:
Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris
CLERMONT-FERRAND 2 - Build wooden furniture
08/07 - 22/07
12 vols
Come and learn how to transform wooden planks into a bench or even a picnic table with your bare
Since 1993, Concordia has been organizing international work camps with the city of ClermontFerrand, which shows how well this partnership works! This year we will be welcomed for the first time
by the inhabitants of the lively Saint-Jacques neighborhood, 1.5 km from the town center.
Montalembert street is a grassy area which is going to be transformed into a pleasant park for its
inhabitants, where young people and families will enjoy being able to meet. We're giving you the
chance to change this grassy area, located next to the city stadium, by constructing street furniture.
Alongside two camp leaders, including a technical instructor, you will create wooden, urban furniture,
for example: picnic tables, benches, seats and outdoor sports equipment. In this way you will learn
basic carpentry skills.
Accommodation and food:
At the two star campsite “Les Sablons” in Pont-du-Chateau (with a swimming pool and activities),
sharing two-person tents with boys and girls separated and a collective tent for socializing. You will be
staying with another international work camp for teenagers. The group will be sharing the cleaning
chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group leader and you will
participate in the preparation of dishes with good products from the market and local producers.
Location and leisure:
The urban area of Clermont-Ferrand is Auvergne's lively regional capital. It is located in an exceptional
volcanic area, at the foot of the Puy de Dôme volcano which summit can be accessed by panoramic
train. During your stay, you will be able to take advantage of the town's summer energy (concerts,
Sable Show festival, visiting the historic town center, French National Day and fireworks) and also of
the countryside which is located right on its doorstep (hiking over the volcanoes, swimming in the
lakes, etc.). It will be a rich and varied trip.For more information have a look at: http://www.clermontfd.com and http://www.planetepuydedome.com.
Special requirements and remarks:
The accommodation is located outside of the city center, in a neighboring town. Please bring good
shoes, working clothes and a swimsuit. As the nights can be quite cold, remember to also bring warm
[email protected]
clothes and a sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical instruments
and games. You will get around Clermont-Ferrand on foot, by car and by minibus.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Clermont-Ferrand train station.
Closest airport:
Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris
LE CLOITRE SAINT THEGONNEC – At the foot of Arrees Mounts
08/07 – 29/07
14 vols
Come to color the life of this village alongside its young people!
For its first international project, the town of Cloitre Saint Thégonnec accepted a proposal from the
new municipal youth council. The local teenagers wish to embellish the exterior walls of the municipal
sports hall. So come to help with this project!
The project aims at making one or several murals with paintings and graffiti.
Accommodation and food:
Camping on municipal land, in tents by two, boys and girls separated (bring your sleeping bag and
mat) and collective life nearby in a room made available to the group. You will share the various
collective tasks and prepare meals together. A budget will be allocated to the animators and you will
participate in shopping and prepare meals in turns, emphasizing healthy, local products.
Location and leisure:
Le Cloître Saint Thégonnec (667 inhabitants) is situated in the Finistere county. This village is located
between the Arrée Mounts and the sea and has a rich built heritage. You will discover it through the
hiking trails and a greenway, a former railway track between the cities of Morlaix and Carhaix. The
heathlands of Cragou and the Arrées Mounts may also offer exceptional natural landscape to explore.
The Wolf Museum located in the municipality organizes loads of nature activities. Sports and leisure
activities can be organized with local youth, which will be highly involved in the project.
Special requirements and remarks:
Whatever the season in Brittany, you have to foresee at least a warm clothing set (trousers, sweater;
socks, closed shoes, rain clothes) and a light one (skirt or shorts, t-shirt, open shoes). We say here
that all four seasons can take place during a day! Please also take with you work clothes, gloves and
shoes in addition to your best swimsuit. Nights can be cold, take a warm sleeping bag and an
insulating camping mat.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Morlaix train station
Closest airport:
Rennes or Paris
[email protected]
ESCALADIEU ABBEY– A trip to serenity
08/07 – 29/07
14 vols
Live a strong experience in an environment steeped in history: amateurs of nature and heritage, this
workcamp is made for you!
Discover the Abbey of Escaladieu, historic jewel in the heart of the Hautes-Pyrénées region and
participate to the conservation of a unique heritage. Choose a peaceful experience in a mountainous
environment: rivers and forests promise you of beautiful hikes! The region is rich in medieval heritage:
abbeys of course, but also mills, castles, roman baths and spectacular geological sites like the abyss
of Esparros, one of the most beautiful of Pyrenees Mountains!
The Abbey was an important step for all the pilgrims to Compostelle who followed the Path of
Piedmont, and is today part of the «European Roads of the Cistercian abbeys "circuit. For several
years the Departmental Council of the Hautes-Pyrénées region operated a long-term rehabilitation
program to emphasize the beauty of the site and buildings while developing a strong cultural
dynamics. This year the Abbey organizes for the first time an international youth workcamp. As the site
welcomes more than 17.000 visitors a year, get ready to see a lot of people!
You will be in charge of removing the vegetation of the outer wall of the Abbey and of strengthening
the stone masonry. The objective is to preserve the existing building, so you will use traditional
stonework techniques.
Accommodation and food:
You will be accommodated in tents, with boys and girls separated, in a municipal camping site, near
the mill of Sarlabousse. You will participate in the preparation of meals and shall favor purchasing from
local producers.
Location and activities:
The abbey of Escaladieu is situated on the municipality of Bonnemazon in the Hautes-Pyrénées
region. At the foot of the Castle of Mauvezin, the abbey is situated in a wooded valley called Les
Baronnies, close to two roman baths cities called Capvern and Bagnères of Bigorre. At 15km from
there stands Tournay, with its delicious specialty, the fruit paste! You will also find nearby the regional
natural reserve of Pyrenees, Lourdes, Gavarnie, the Bridge of Spain, the Pic du Midi de Bigorre
mountain, the cultural heritage sites like the churches, the villages, but also these intangible cultural
heritages like the traditional celebrations, the local fairs, the landscapes, the high-quality local products
and so on. The Abbey organizes these activities on-site every Thursday and Sunday. In brief, no time
to be bored in Les Barronies!
Special requirements and remarks:
Consider taking work clothes and shoes (waterproof if possible, in case of rain). The roman baths are
not far, take your swimsuits! Bring a warm sleeping bag and a good camping mat (sleeping in tent),
nights are sometimes fresh and wet. Tents will be provided but you can also bring your own. Do not
hesitate to bring specialties from your home, photos, games, music instruments, etc.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring their personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Vic-Fezensac train station.
Closest airport:
Toulouse or Paris
[email protected]
PAYS D’OISE ET D’HALATTE - Pedagogical gardens
08/07 - 22/07
17 vols
In partnership with the Youth department of the “Communauté de Communes Oise Pays d’Halatte
(CCOPH)”, Concordia organizes a workcamp with teenagers from the county and international
volunteers. The distinctive feature of this workcamp is being divided into different kinds of work. The
1st part will take place in the school and day camp playground of Pont Ste Maxence, where an
educational garden will be created in relation to the kids and the 2nd part will take place in Villeneuve
sous Verberie with the creation of another educational garden.
Following the 2015 workcamp, you are going to keep on developing the educational garden of Pont
Ste Maxence: you will install display cases for vegetables and flowers and then plant some, create a
hotel for insects, build a fence and create a pathway … as well as setting up the first elements in
Villeneuve sous Verberie (the display cases for example).
Accommodation and food:
You will be sleeping in tents, with boys and girls separated, in the school of Pont Ste Maxence, where
the main part of the work will take place, and you will use the sanitary facilities of the school. Don’t
forget to bring your sleeping bags!
Location and activities:
The CCOPH is a group of villages situated between Creil and Compiège in the Oise department,
crossed by the river of the same name. It is mainly a rural and forest territory (with the Halatte forest)
but it is close to Paris. To learn more: http://www.ccpoh.fr/
Special requirements and remarks:
Remember to bring your sleeping bag and warm clothes with you!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
No need to bring gloves or tools: everything is provided by the municipality once you arrive! Think to
take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the accommodation under
tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some food specialities, pictures,
musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the local community!
Meeting point :
Pont Sainte Maxence train station, 45 minutes from the Paris Nord train station
Closest airport:
ANSACQ - The green small valley
08/07 - 29/07
16 vols
Ansacq, 217 inhabitants, is a charming small town in the hollow of a Valley crossed by a little river (the
“Rû de Moineau”) and surrounded by woods. The mayor wants to preserve the heritage character of
the village, revive the village and involve the whole community, youth and elders alike. Less than an
hour far from Paris, it is a volunteer workcamp in full nature in the heart of the Oise county.
[email protected]
The Town Hall is an old building surrounded by a stone wall that needs refreshment. Your job will be
to conceal stones, stake out and restore the joints with lime according to traditional building
Accommodation and food:
You will be accommodated in the heart of the village, in tents, with boys and girls separated. You’ll use
the communal room for the daily life (cooking, meals, showers and toilets…)
Location and leisure:
Ansacq is 8 km from Clermont, halfway between Beauvais and Compiègne, a city known for its forest,
its castle and the "the armistice wagon", where the 1st World War armistice in 1918 was signed. More
information: http://www.ansacq.fr/
Special requirements and remarks:
Remember to take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the
accommodation under tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some
food specialities, pictures, musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the
local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point:
Clermont de L’Oise train station.
Closest airport:
NOGENT-SUR-OISE - In the heart of the city
08/07 – 29/07
18 vols
For this 7th partnership waith the municipality of Nogent-sur-Oise, Concordia carries on a dynamic that
mixes local teenagers and youth from different countries, including Palestine via the twining of this
commune with the Aida refugee camp in the West Bank. The goal remins similar: to help improve the
life environment and to develop a maximum of links among participants. You will be closely integrated
into the life of the community, in the animations with the children of the leisure centre (excursion to the
Asterix leisure park or the seaside) and in the retirement home. Many inter-generational exchanges
are in the program. One of the most rewarding workcamp!
The municipality manages a retirement home called « Résidence Saint Exupéry »
https://www.facebook.com/rpasaintexuperynogentsuroise/. After the success of the 2014 workcamp
which has redesigned the garden, we will renovate the common life room that needs a good coat of
paint. You will therefore scratch and spackle cracks and holes and repaint the entire room to give it a
fresh new start and make it the most comfortable possible for the residents.
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep in separated men/women tents. Living/eating room indoor, at the football stadium and
next to the swimming pool. Don't forget your sleeping bag and your swimsuit!
Location and leisure:
Nogent-sur-Oise is located in the middle of the Oise, near Creil and Chantilly.
Special requirements and remarks:
No need to bring gloves or tools: everything is provided by the municipality once you arrive! Think to
take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the accommodation under
[email protected]
tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some food specialities, pictures,
musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point:
Creil Train station.
Closest airport:
PLAILLY- The Gallic village
08/07 - 29/07
16 vols
This workcamp will be organized for the 3rd time in this small town of 1700 inhabitants, where is
located the Park Asterix, close to other partner municipalities of Concordia and nearby the Val d'Oise
County. During the construction of the library, we found out an old underground passage, linked to a
famous “Gothic” cave. This space has been preserved, with the creation of a staircase and opening for
ventilation. The GHAP (Group of History and Archeology of Plailly) wants to pursue the renovation of
this space to open it as often as possible during the year, and exhibit there ancient tools, fossils and
so on... (At least tools that can be stored in a room like this cave).
Last year, volunteers have discovered a new cave down the first one. This cave was totally unknown,
completely forgotten! All of the joints will be rambled and joined back with lime mortar. There will also
be some stones to carve.
Accommodation and food:
You'll sleep in tents, with boys and girls separated. You can use the sports hall for to the daily life, the
changing rooms are equipped with hot showers. There's a big hall with sports mats for daily life and
Location and leisure:
Plailly is a little city in the Oise County and close to the Val d’Oise County. For more information:
Special requirements and remarks:
No need to bring gloves or tools: everything is provided by the municipality once you arrive! Think to
take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the accommodation under
tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some food specialities, pictures,
musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point:
Survilliers-Fosses train station. 40 minutes from Paris-Gare du Nord.
Closest airport:
[email protected]
SAINT MAXIMIN – Stone quarry in Saint Maximin
08/07 – 29/07
17 vols
The small town of Saint Maximin, nestled in the heart of southern Oise’s stone quarries, possesses a
particular cultural heritage (troglodyte houses, old open-air quarries, mushroom farms, etc.) that it
showcases in a "House of stone" Museum.
After nine previous successful workcamps, the work goes on in and around the “La Tranchée” quarry,
where the previous groups have built a pedagogical garden and highlighted a quarry face to make a
scenic space...Activities will be planned with the municipal youth commission and you will be
participating with them to excursions to the seaside or to Paris for instance. You can expect many
The workcamp organized this year is environmental: with the support of a landscape advisor, you will
take part in the maintenance of the quarry face in accordance with its biodiversity. You will complete
various actions such as removing flowers and invasive plants. Moreover, we plan to build dry toilets in
the pedagogical garden. This year and in the sequel to the previous years, the work will consist in
pursuing various works such as clearing the park of the church with the support of the municipal
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep under separated men/women tents, at the football stadium which will serve all daily life
needs: kitchen, bathrooms…
Location and leisure:
Saint Maximin is located in the South of Creil, in the “Oise Pays de France” Regional Nature
Reserve. Many rides are planned in the heart of the Chantilly forest and in its famous castle. More
informations: www.saintmaximin.eu/
Special requirements and remarks:
No need to bring gloves or tools: everything is provided by the municipality once you arrive! Think to
take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the accommodation under
tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some food specialities, pictures,
musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point:
Chantilly train station, half an hour from Paris-Gare du Nord train station.
Closest airport:
PISIEU – 2 workcamps are better than none
08/07 – 29/07
12 vols
Project :
Separated by few kilometers, two villages had the common desire to host volunteer workcamps to
participate to the renovation of their small built heritage.
[email protected]
On one side, there is Pisieu. On the other side, there is Revel-Tourdan. Between both villages, a small
road which separates them by a few kilometers, and a common wish to facilitate the intercultural
exchanges. In the middle, Concordia is proud to propose you this first international workcamp which
will allow you to be part of two different activities : the renovation of a low outer wall in roundstones in
Pisieu and some renovation works around a wash-house in Revel-Tourdan.
For each activity, distinct goals have been planned. Concerning the low-wall in roundstones, it's partly
covered by ivies. You'll have to remove the vegetation and rebuild the wall with the recovered
materials. Concerning the wash house, you'll work on the surroundings to make it more accessible
and give it a clean aspect. On these two workcamps, you'll be accompanied by a technical leader who
will teach you some masonry skills.
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep in tents, with boys and girls separated, on a communal land, close to the low-wall in
Pisieu. Don't forget to bring your sleeping bag. You'll cook and have your meals in the municipality
rooms. Sanitaries facilities will be at your disposal in the 2 municipalities. And you'll have showers in
the locker rooms of the soccer field of Revel-Tourdan. To facilitate the organisation, a minibus will
make regular shuttles between the different meeting places. You will participate to prepare the meals
alternately, with products that will be bought in the area. We'll favour the local products and the short
supply circuits. Tastings of local specialities may also be organised with local producers.
Geographic location and leisure activities:
The municipalities of Pisieu and Revel-Tourdan are located in Isère, half the way from Lyon and
Grenoble. They are two small villages expanding in a peaceful and green countryside. In the two
municipalities, you'll be able to visit many monuments, witnesses of the richness of history through the
centuries. Enjoy a stay in wilderness. On foot, by horse or by mountainbike, let yourselves be guided
on the 750 km of trails. You'll also be able to practise traditional or sport fishing and to enjoy the
pleasures of bathing.
Informations to know:
To work on the workcamp, bring along a pair of working gloves, sturdy shoes and clothes that can get
dirty. As the nights can be cool, take a warm sleeping bag with you and warm clothes. Don't forget
also protections against the sun (suncream, hat, glasses...). Some convivial times will be organised! If
you want to share a bit of your culture with the others, bring a piece of your country in your backpack
(cooking recipes, traditional tales, unusual objects…).
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point :
Pisieu bus stop “salle des fêtes”. The bus (Transière) is to be taken in front of the train station of
Closest airport:
Lyon or Paris
MONTALBA LE CHATEAU – Landscaping around an old mill
08/07 - 23/07
12 vols
Participate to the arrangement of an old mill near the river to emphasize this warmhearted place.
Montalba le Château is a beautiful tiny village of 150 inhabitants, strewn at 500 m. of altitude. Your
hosts are very friendly people, in the middle of vineyards, with an exceptional view on the snowy
[email protected]
mountains of the Pyrenees. You will participate to the enhancement of the village including an old mill
on the river.
The work is basically to clean the river banks and clearing bushes around the mill.
Accommodation and food:
In tents, with boys and girls separated, on a piece of land belonging to the municipality. Tents will be
provided but you can bring your own. Do not forget to take a good sleeping bag, a pillow and a torch,
You will participate to the preparation of meals in turns. We'll favour the local products and the short
supply circuits.
Location and leisure:
Montalba le Château is located in the Pyrénées Orientales County in the Languedoc Roussillon
region, between sea and mountains, close to Perpignan city. For more information about the village,
go to: http://www.commune-montalbalechateau.fr/
Special requirements and remarks:
Please bring gardening gloves, work clothes, closed shoes, warm clothes and a torch for evenings,
protection against the sun (hat, glasses, sunscreen) and your nicest swim suit. As the nights can be
quite cold, remember also to bring warm clothes and a good sleeping bag and mat. You can also bring
recipes from your home country, musical instruments and games.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
At the bus station in the village.
Closest airport:
Perpignan or Toulouse
AUGER SAINT VINCENT - Building peace at the foot of the wall
12/07 - 26/07
18 vols
Auger Saint Vincent, 500 inhabitants, is a charming village in Oise County.
The village wants to animate local life and encourage the participation of all the inhabitants by
supporting initiatives such as the Concordia workcamps to promote inter-generational "living together".
In April takes place a citizenship day. All inhabitants and Concordia are invited to beautify the village.
A volunteer workcamp one hour far from Paris deep into the Picardie nature.
The technical aim of our intervention is to repair the wall of the Town Hall. It is approximately 13
metres long and 2.50 metres at the highest point. The stones' sizes and shapes that form the wall
show the different times of the work. The current wall coronation is presented in the form of a warhead
and all of the elements of the frame are cement coated. On the other hand, some soft stone blocks are
largely eroded by successive storms. Your role will be to take over the joints and replace missing or
damaged stones, using traditional techniques with lime to ensure the continuity of the work and safety
for the children.
Accommodation and food:
You will be accommodated in the heart of the village in tents, with boys and girls separated. You can
use the hall of the football stadium for your daily needs (cooking and taking meals, showers and
Location and leisure:
[email protected]
Auger Saint Vincent is 30 km from Roissy city, equally far (30 km) from the cities of Compiègne, Creil
and Chantilly and its famous castle. More information: http://www.augersaintvincent.fr/
Special requirements and remarks:
Remember to take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the
accommodation under tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some
food specialities, pictures, musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the
local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point:
Crépy en Valois train station. (40 minutes from Paris-Gare du Nord by train).
Closest airport:
BETHISY SAINT PIERRE- Youngster’s life
12/07 – 26/07
17 vols
The town of Béthisy wants to promote at its best the participation of young people to the life of its town
: there's a municipal council of young people, a youth service which organizes diverse activities such
as heritage days, as well as the organization of a graffiti art work group in order to decorate one of the
wall in the village. We keep up doing the workcamp for the 5th times, and set the goal to bring more
exchanges and the participation of young people from here and from all around the world in the town.
The volunteers are expected and several activities are to plan ! (archery...)
Work :
In the heart of the city, an outer wall surrounds the castle and its park : it's a huge place for walking
and playing for the inhabitants. The goal is to do some cleaning, staking, and doing the joints of a part
of this wall in order to restore and strengthen it. It's a strategic place for the city because there's a path
which everyone takes especially to reach the school.
Accommodation and food:
In tents, with boys and girls separated, bring your sleeping bags with you ! A permanent structure is
dedicated for the daily needs (meals, showers...etc)
Location and leisure:
Bethisy Saint Pierre is located near the forest of Compiègne, in the heart of the beautiful Autumn
Valley. It's 70 kilometers from Paris and 15 kilometers from Compiègne.
Special requirements and remarks:
Don't forget to bring your sleeping bags, a floor mat, your toilet set and appropriate clothing for the
workcamp ! Please feel free to bring some food specialities, pictures, musical instrument: things you
like and want to share with the group and the local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point :
Crépy-en-Valois train station, 40 min from Paris-Gare du Nord train station.
Closest airport:
Fee: 165€
[email protected]
FARGUES UFCV 2 – “La Vallee” festival awaits you!
13/07 - 26/07
15 vols
Enjoy unforgettable moments on the fields of Frayse where will be held one of the GREATEST
festivals for young, hip and trendy people of the Aquitaine region!
The Frayse'Toch #educpop reaches its second edition and Concordia volunteers are once again
invited to join the team. This festival dedicated to Youth is organized by the UFCV branch of Fargues
St Hilaire city, and will be held on the Frayse estate, which includes several hectares of park and a
castle. UFCV is one of the largest youth development and non-formal education organization in
You will participate to the organization of the festival from A to Z: editing, design, logistics,
entertainment and of course, participation in activities. You will also occasionally work on the park
Accommodation and meals:
You will be hosted by the camping of the domain in tents built for 2, with boys and girls separated
(bring your sleeping bag). Cooking and collective life will take place in the Castle's premises. You will
share the various collective tasks and prepare meals as a group. A budget that you need to manage
will be allocated by the animators. You will participate in grocery shopping and meal preparation,
emphasizing on healthy and local products.
Location and activities:
The Domaine de la Fraysse is in the Fargues St Hilaire city territory. This village, surrounded by
vineyards is about 20 Km far from Bordeaux city and 60 Km far from the Atlantic Ocean.. Visits (the
Pyla Dune, the city of Bordeaux) and leisure activities (bubble foot, biking) will also take place during
your stay.
Special requirements and remarks:
Take working clothes and shoes; together with rain and cold gear. Nights can be fresh so take a good
sleeping bag.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Bordeaux central train station.
Closest airport:
CLERMONT-FERRAND 3 – Create an eco-friendly neighborhood
25/07 - 08/08
12 vols
In Chapratel, the town of Clermont-Ferrand has sown the seeds for saving the planet! This urban work
camp will give you the chance to play a role in the creation of an eco-friendly neighborhood.
[email protected]
Since 1993, Concordia has been organizing international work camps with the city of ClermontFerrand, which shows how well this partnership functions! This year we will be welcomed for the first
time by the inhabitants of the Champratel neighborhood, in the North of the town. This neighborhood is
currently being renovated, which will result in the creation of an eco-friendly neighborhood comprised
of 600 homes, shops and lots of grassy areas. The project aims to get the inhabitants back in touch
with each other, bring back life to the neighborhood and promote new ways of living and of respecting
the environment. The grassy, natural areas will take pride of place and large playgrounds, picnic areas
and football pitches will be made there. We are giving you the chance to play a part in this big project
by constructing wooden street furniture and tidying up public places whilst working in tandem with the
neighborhood’s young people and adults.
Alongside two camp leaders, including a technical instructor, you will create wooden street furniture,
for example: picnic tables, benches, seats and outdoor sports equipment. In this way you will learn
basic carpentry skills.
Accommodation and food:
At the two-star campsite “Les Sablons” in Pont-du-Chateau (with a swimming pool and activities),
sharing two-person tents with boys and girls separated and a collective tent for socializing. The group
will be sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the
group leader and you will participate in the preparation of dishes with good products from the market
and local producers.
Location and leisure:
The urban area of Clermont-Ferrand is Auvergne's lively regional capital. It is located in an exceptional
volcanic area, at the foot of the Puy de Dôme volcano which summit can be accessed by panoramic
train. During your stay, you will be able to take advantage of the town's summer energy (concerts,
Sable Show festival, visiting the historic town center, French National Day and fireworks) and also of
the countryside which is located right on its doorstep (hiking over the volcanoes, swimming in the
lakes, etc.). It will be a rich and varied trip.For more information have a look at: http://www.clermontfd.com and http://www.planetepuydedome.com.
Special requirements and remarks:
The accommodation is located outside of the city center, in a neighboring town. Please bring good
shoes, working clothes and a swimsuit. As the nights can be quite cold, remember to also bring warm
clothes and a sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical instruments
and games. You will get around Clermont-Ferrand on foot, by car and by minibus.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.”
Meeting point:
Clermont-Ferrand train station.
Closest airport:
Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris
30/07 – 20/08
19 vols
The Castle of Ham, destroyed by the German army in 1917, has known a rich and reckless history: it
was used as a jail in the 19th century for the famous prisoner Louis Napoléon Bonaparte! The
association “the Castle of Ham's friends” organize different actions to restore and promote the castle,
using it for second hand stores, theatre performances, exhibitions and youth workcamps. For the 7
year in a row, the association wants to join Concordia and organize an international and intercultural
workcamp with young people from Ham and from all over the world. Lots of activities are planned! Half
[email protected]
of the group will be youngsters from Ham and the neighborhood and the other half will be international
volunteers. French will be the main language of the project!
The work will be diversified: it will include arrangements, masonry…You’ll also continue the
development of the « prisoners » garden, consolidate the former German kitchen ruins and repoint the
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep in tents, with boys and girls separated, and use of a house for the daily life (kitchen,
showers…). Bring your sleeping bags.
Location and leisure:
Ham is located in the heart of the region, 20 kilometers from St Quentin and Noyon. Additional
information: http://chateau-de-ham.over-blog.com/
Special requirements and remarks:
Remember to take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the
accommodation under tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some
food specialities, pictures, musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the
local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Ham train station
Closest airport:
BROMONT-LAMOTHE – Bring a forgotten fountain back to life
03/08 - 17/08
12 vols
Play at being a detective in order to discover and restore the Saint Martin fountain, which has been
abandoned for years!
Located in the village centre, a stone construction named "Saint Martin fountain" remains invisible to
the eyes of the village's inhabitants. Today, the town council wishes to refurbish the site in order to
showcase this piece of local heritage, by creating a space for rest and relaxation. The site the fountain
is built upon is accessed by a path lined with dry stone walls. We can guess that the remains of the
walls on this site prove the existence of a basin or former washing place. What was the initial layout of
the site? What was this fountain used for? It's up to you to find out the answers to these questions,
with the help of the villagers who are expecting you and who will be delighted to participate in this
adventure with you!
Alongside two camp leaders, including a technical instructor, you will participate in clearing away
plants from the area and scraping the basins clean in order to discover their original appearance. You
will then fortify the low walls and therefore learn traditional building techniques. You will put a new
metal gate on the fountain's current door. You will also be encouraged to repair the dry stone walls
which line the site's access path. At the end of the work camp you will organise a big party with the
inhabitants to celebrate the rebirth of the Saint Martin fountain!
Accommodation and food:
You will stay at Bromont-Lamothe's town campsite, "Le Préguda", sharing two-person tents with boys
and girls separated. You will have access to toilets. The campsite is located at the edge of the town,
[email protected]
next to a pond. The village school,100 metres away, will be reserved for group purposes. In particular,
you will have use of a fully-equipped kitchen and a room for eating your meals. The group will be
sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group
leader and you will participate in the preparation of dishes with good products from the market and
local producers.
Location and leisure:
Welcome to the Combrailles! The Combrailles area is formed of granite plateaus around 500 and 900
metres above sea level. You will be staying a stone's throw away from the Chaine des Puys and close
to the winding twists and turns of the Sioule Gorges, which are vast wooded and volcanic areas. You
will be able to take part in many on-site activities during your free time: canoe trips, swimming in lakes,
hiking over the volcanoes, visiting farms, treasure hunts, meeting some of Bromont-Lamothe's
societies and participating in local festivities! For more information have a look at: http://www.bromontlamothe.fr/ et http://www.tourisme-combrailles.fr/
Special requirements and remarks:
The work camp is in a rural area, far from any large towns. Perfect for nature lovers! Please bring
good shoes, working clothes and a swimsuit. As the nights will be quite cold, remember to also bring
warm clothes and a sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical
instruments and games. You will get around Bromont-Lamothe on foot, by car and by minibus.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Clermont-Ferrand train station.
Closest airport:
Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris
CLERMONT L’HERAULT 1 – Restoration of the castle
03/08 - 17/08
12 vols
The feudal castle of Guilhem was built in the 12th century at the top of Clermont l'Hérault's hill. It
overlooks the city by offering a magnificent sight on the valley of the Hérault River. The visit of the
castle is a pleasant stroll within a historical site with beautiful Mediterranean landscapes. The project
consists in cleaning and clearing the outskirts of the castle. Volunteers will also take part in several
social and cultural activities organized in Clermont l’Hérault and in the Salagou Lake by the local
You will clean the outskirts of the castle of Guillem and clear the area of undergrowth to make the
access to the castle more pleasant.
Accommodation and food:
In tents on the Salagou Lake camping site (boys and girls separated). If you have your own tent, you
can bring it. Bring your sleeping bag and camping mat. You will participate to the preparation of meals
in turns. We'll favour the local products and the short supply circuits.
Location and leisure:
Clermont-l’Hérault is located in the Hérault county (Languedoc Roussillon region), 40 km far from
Montpellier. For more information: http://www.ville-clermont-herault.fr/
Special requirements and remarks:
[email protected]
Take work clothes, closed shoes, warm clothes and a torch for evenings, protection against the sun
(hat, glasses, sunscreen) and your nicest swim suit. You can also bring recipes from your home
country, musical instruments and games.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Clermont-l’Hérault bus station.
Closest airport:
Montpellier, Marseille or Paris
BETZ - Flowers in a yard
05/08 - 19/08
18 vols
Project: Betz is a village at the heart of the Valois region, a historical territory linked to King François
1er. With its 1000 inhabitants, it has a rich history thanks to the Monaco princes and the King of
Morocco and the city council keeps strong bonds with Morocco thanks to a city pairing. The town has
a high school and wishes to encourage youth participation as well as making the village beautiful.
At the center of the village, there is a crossroads with a cavalry standing on a grass bank. The city
council wishes to create a rock and cobblestone layout to have permanent display cases (for flowers,
etc.), and this will be your job: you will design the shapes, you will do the building work … plenty of
different tasks.
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep in tents, with boys and girls separated, and you will use the community hall, situated
along a green path, for daily life.
Location and activities:
Betz is at the boundaries of the Oise and Aisne departments, between Crépy en Valois and Meaux. To
learn more: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betz_(Oise)
Special requirements and remarks:
Remember to take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the
accommodation under tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some
food specialities, pictures, musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the
local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting point:
Crépy en Valois train station (SNCF), 40 minutes from the Paris Nord train station.
Closest airport:
RESSONS LE LONG - Building peace along the wall !
[email protected]
05/08 - 19/08
18 vols
Ressons le Long is a village located in the Aisne on the edge of the Oise. This dynamic municipality
wants to promote the participation of young people in the town's life. For instance, in this municipality
there's a municipal Youth Council with a junior Mayor. The workcamp is made for creating exchanges
between the locals and the volunteers. Consequently, you will be closely associated with the town's
You will work around the St. Georges’ Church, a historical monument. There is a path with a stone
retaining wall, your job will be to repoint the joints, change some missing stones while respecting the
spirit of the site by using traditional technique with lime.
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep in the heart of the village, in tents, with boys and girls separated. You will use the
community hall of the village for the daily needs (preparing meals, meals, showers and toilets.). You
have to walk 4 min to go from one site to another.
Location and leisure:
Ressons Le Long is along the Aisne river, a few kilometers from the city of Soissons and at the edge
of Compiegne’s forest and its famous castle, a small replica of Versailles’ royal castle. More info:
Special requirements and remarks:
Remember to take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the
accommodation under tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some
food specialities, pictures, musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the
local community!
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
Meeting Point:
Soissons train station, more or less 1 hour from Paris-Gare du Nord.
Closest airport:
TRACY LE MONT- The enchanted forest
05/08 – 26/08
17 vols
It is the 8th time we organize this workcamp, together with the town hall of Tracy le Mont, at the heart
of the Laigue forest. This little charming village, environmentally responsible, wants to keep on the
preservation of its environment, its history and emphasize the participation of the youngest members
of the community. Your task will be to carry on new animations during the month of August. To be
noted that there are many hiking trails starting from the village and going across the forest. In a
nutshell, it's a heritage workcamp for Nature lovers!
This year, new environmental projects will be proposed. Including pruning and clearing of the village's
paths, you will have to take care of the maintenance of the trails going across the village and a forest
[email protected]
filled with History. You will also contribute to the maintenance of the news boards and the figures of
the memory path.
Accommodation and food:
You will sleep in tents, with boys and girls separated, but for your daily needs you'll have the village
community hall with an equipped kitchen (oven, dish-washer, etc...). The showers will be at the football
stadium a kilometer away from your living area.
Location and leisure:
Tracy le Mont is located at the heart of the Laigue forest, near Compiègne, Noyon and Pierrefonds
and its fortified castle. It's a village of more than a thousand inhabitants, isolated in the forest. More
info: www.tracy-le-mont.org
Special requirements and remarks:
You'll have to walk a lot from a site to another, it's a workcamp for forest lovers.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health
Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues
happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their
home country.
No need to bring gloves or tools: everything is provided by the municipality once you arrive! Think to
take clothes for the manual work and closed-toe shoes like baskets. For the accommodation under
tents, bring your sleeping bag and floor mat. Please feel free to bring some food specialities, pictures,
musical instrument: things you like and want to share with the group and the local community!
Meeting Point:
Compiègne train station, an hour away from Paris-Gare du Nord train station.
Closest airport:
U05 Village de Montaigu Le Blin 2 06/07/2016 - 21/07/2016 kids/reno/study/teen 14 – 17 years old
Vols : 20
The project Would you like to participate in the renovation of a medieval castle of a small French village? The castle
of Montaigu-le-Blin needs you to find back the grandness of its past! Since 2002, workcamps are taking place every
summer and work for the conservation of this castle – which has been listed Historical Monument. Thanks to your
contribution, we can stop the damages caused by the climate and the vegetation. The castle may be open to the
public and guided tours and animations may be offered to visitors.
Works: You will do building work, some repointing on the walls and some vegetation clearing along the castle.
Activities: Once there, your leaders will offer you different activities, you are of course always welcome to bring your
own ideas, be inventive! We expect you to take part in the activities that are going to be chosen by the group. You will
experience a group life, don't forget it!
Location: Montaigu-le-Blin is a lovely village of the Bourbonnais, in the region of Auvergne. It is located 90km from
the city of Clermont-Ferrand. It's the perfect place for walking and hiking in a beautiful environment.
Accomodation: You will sleep in tents. A bathroom block has been built on the camp site. Also, nights may be cold
in this region, bring your sleeping bag!
Special Requirements: Part of the work will be on a scaffolding. Otherwise, make sure you bring safety shoes to
protect your feet while working!
Nearest big town: MONTAIGU LE BLIN
Nearest airport: CFE Clermont-Ferrand
[email protected]
Extra Fees: 250€
U06 Chantier d'Aurillac 06/07/2016 - 21/07/2016 envi/Manu/reno/teen 14 – 17 years old
Vols : 20
The project Since 2001, Etudes et Chantiers has collaborated with the town of Aurillac on various environmental
projects. Etudes et Chantiers has been working for 2 years in collaboration with social centres in Aurillac to strenghen
the participation of local youth in our projects. This year, the project aims to the layout of the shared gardens.
Works: You will participate to the layout of the shared gardens (to create seats, tables, stamping machines). Some
young local people could participate during the work.
Activities: On your arrival leaders will propose several activities, but your ideas are welcomed and everything can be
discussed. So be imaginative, the workcamp is a place for having fun! We don’t expect you to do activities on your
own, you will live an experience in a group and things are planned within the group.
Location: With about 30,000 inhabitants, Aurillac is a small welcoming town, situated near beautiful mountainous
landscapes. You will have opportunities to hike in the volcanoes. Aurillac is also famous for its street art festival which
gather artists and people from all French and European regions.
Accomodation: You will be accommodated in a camp site close to nature, along a river and you will sleep in tents for
2 or 3 persons. A large tent (and equipments) will be provided for the collective aspects of life (meals, etc).
Special Requirements: The city is high above sea level, evenings and nights are often fresh and sometimes cold.
Bring sweaters and a warm sleeping bag.
Nearest big town : AURILLAC
Nearest airport : CFE Clermont-Ferrand - AUR Aurillac
Terminal : Aurillac
Extra Fees : 250€
U07 Pays de Murat 06/07/2016 - 21/07/2016 envi/reno/teen 14 – 17 years old
Vols : 20
The project In the Parc des Volcans d’Auvergne, the community of cities of the Murat area organizes every year,
with Etudes et Chantiers, a teenage workcamp. Their goal is to revitalize this rural area which owns an important
natural and architectural heritage.
Works: You will particpate to restore build heritage or natural heritage.
Activities: On your arrival, leaders will propose several activities, but your ideas are welcomed and everything can
be discussed. So be imaginative, the workcamp is a place for having fun! We don’t expect you to do activities on your
own, you will live an experience in a group and things are planned within the group. Don't forget it !
[email protected]
Location: Territory is 1000 meters above sea level, between the Cantal Mountains and the Cézallier plateau. This
space has preserved its authenticity thanks to its numerous stone houses, old churches and the richness of its
traditional heritage. We have organised an evening with a local association who exchange know-how. Don't hesitate
to bring something from your country.
Accomodation: You will sleep in tents at the communal campsite
Special Requirements: The city is high above sea level, evenings and nights are often fresh and sometimes cold.
Bring sweaters and a warm sleeping bag.
Nearest big town: Murat
Nearest airport: CFE Clermont-Ferrand - AUR Aurillac
Terminal: MURAT
Extra Fees: 250€
U11 Village de Montaigu Le Blin 3 26/07/2016 - 09/08/2016 kids/reno/study/teen 14 – 17 years old
Vols : 20
The project Would like to participate in the renovation of a medieval castle of a small French village? The castle of
Montaigu-le-Blin needs you to find back the grandness of its past! Since 2002, workcamps are taking place every
summer and work for the conservation of this castle – which has been listed Historical Monument. Thanks to your
contribution, we can stop the damages caused by the climate and the vegetation. The castle may be open to the
public and guided tours and animations may be offered to visitors.
Works: You will do building work, some repointing on the walls and some vegetation clearing along the castle.
Activities: Once there your leaders will offer you different activities, you are of course always welcome to bring your
own ideas, be inventive! We expect you to take part in the activities that are going to be chosen by the group. You will
experience a group life, don't forget it!
Location: Montaigu-le-Blin is a lovely village of the Bourbonnais, in the region of Auvergne. It is located 90km from
the city of Clermont-Ferrand. It's the perfect place for walking and hiking in a beautiful environment.
Accomodation: You will sleep in tents. A bathroom block has been built on the camp site. Also, nights may be cold
in this region, bring your sleeping bag!
Special Requirements: Part of the work will be on a scaffolding. Make sure you bring safety shoes to protect your
feet while working!
Nearest big town : MONTAIGU LE BLIN
Nearest airport : CFE Clermont-Ferrand
Extra Fees : 250€
[email protected]
U15 A la decouverte du Chateau de Billy 12/08/2016 - 29/08/2016 kids/reno/study/teen 14 – 17 years old
Vols : 20
The project Would you like to participate in the renovation of a medieval castle of a small French village? The castle
of Billy needs you to find back the grandness of its past! Thanks to your contribution, we can stop the damages
caused by the climate and the vegetation. The castle is open to the public and guided tours and animations are
offered to visitors.
Works: You will do building work, some repointing on the walls and some vegetation clearing along the castle. You'll
particpate also to the medieval decoration in the castle.
Activities: Once there, your leaders will offer you different activities, you are of course always welcome to bring your
own ideas, be inventive! We expect you to take part in the activities that are going to be chosen by the group. You will
experience a group life, don't forget it!
Location: Billy is a lovely village of the Bourbonnais, in the region of Auvergne. It is located 90km from the city of
Clermont-Ferrand. It's the perfect place for walking and hiking in a beautiful environment.
Accomodation: You will sleep in tents. Also, nights may be cold in this region, bring your sleeping bag!
Special Requirements: Part of the work will be on a scaffolding. Otherwise, make sure you bring safety shoes to
protect your feet while working!
Nearest big town : MONTAIGU LE BLIN
Nearest airport : CFE Clermont-Ferrand
Extra Fees : 250€
[email protected]
LUNAR 09 Cognolo Refuge 1 Casperia RENO-ENVI
Age: 16-17 Extra fee: 200€
LUNAR 16 Cognolo Refuge 2 Casperia
Age: 16-17 Extra fee: 200€
RENO-ENVI 06/08/2016-20/08/2016
PROJECT: The Social Promotion Association ALA started in late 2014 the renovation of a
mountain refugee to make it avalaible for youth initiatives and trainings as to host
mountain lovers and who want discover the beauties of Sabina mountains. The Refugee
is at 1000 mt. above sea level, and is surrounded by woods. The place is very isolated
and can be reached uphill in 2 hours.
WORK: the volunteers will support the local group in different renovation and
environmental activities: volunteers will be involved in the following tasks: mounting
serial structures on trees; excavation of the pond to collect water; building of the garden
fence and holes and delimitation of the orchard; mainteinance of the roof of the refuge;
painting, bunk beds construction; buyilding of earthen stove for the third room.
ACCOMMODATION: in dorms with bunk beds or if you like on three houses/tents, the
volunteers will have to prepare the meals in the refuge kitchen. Bathrooms and showers
are functioning.
LEISURE: natural excursions (mountain bike, climbing, canyoning...), workshops on
environmental friendly self made solutions. During the weekend Rome cannot be reached
easily, thus visits to the beautiful Sabina villages are more reccomended. Costs for free
time activities are up to the volunteers.
REQUIREMENTS: To be open minded and ready to live with the group in very isolated
place. A project related motivation letter is needed or presentation of tutor/parent.
Expect a basic accommodation.
LOCATION: Casperia – Lazio, Central Italy.
LUNAR 10 A Crazy-lient adventure in the wood - Valgreghentino ENVI
11/07/2016 - 23/07/2016 age: 15-17 Extra-Fee:200€
Project: The cooperative Liberi Sogni (that means free dreams in Italian) is very active
in its territory since 2006 and works organizing social, cultural and environmental
projects in the districts of Lecco, Bergamo and Monza e Brianza, in the region
Lombardia.Liberi Sogni always considered the intercultural topic very important. Many
people that work in the cooperative have lived abroad for volunteering or working
[email protected]
experiences and experimented directly how important is to promote solidarity and
attention towards other cultures, especially among young people.
Liberi Sogni organizes the workcamp to involve young people, local and international, in
the transformation of an abandoned wood in a place useful and pleasant for the local
The main aims of the project are environmental education and awareness through active
engagement of young people in an international and natural environment.
Through the experience in the wood, we would like to achieve personal development,
increase active citizenship in society, improving language competences, raise
participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries.
Work: The work will be concentrated mainly in the morning, about 4 hours per day.with
three activities:
1-Arrangement of the camp, taking care of the little vegetable garden and of the water
2- work in the wood: building tables with wood materials (the tables will be used to
create in the wood a relax-area for the local people) and fixing or building footpaths.
3- Cooking to prepare lunch with organic food coming from the nearby area
In the afternoon the volunteers will take part in special workshops, games, and other
activities (for example orienteering, land art, soap making workshops) or will get in
contact with local associacions or local people. 4 evenings will be organized with "cultural
nights", where one or more countries organize a dinner with the typical food and games
and /or workshops to show their own culture. The rest of the evenings there will be
moments at the fireplace, free evenings or some game in the darkness.
The volunteers will have 2 days free from the work, in one them it will be organized a trip
to an abandoned village called Consonno (http://opacity.us/site227_consonno.htm), the
other will be a day of self-management. Also the first day and the last day of the camp
will be without working activities (except from cooking and arranging the camp).
Accommodation and Food: The volunteers will sleep in tents of 4 people. The tents will
be provided, but the volunteers will have to bring their own camping mattress and
sleeping bag.The tents will be divided in girls and boys tends. Paticipants must carry their
belongings in a backpack, as they will reach the camp on foot.
Electricity and hot water will be provided by photovoltaic and solar panels.
We will have water from some tanks of 1000 litres of water each, which will be often
filled. This water will be used to wash the dishes and equipment, to irrigate the vegetable
garden and for the showers.
As there will be little water available, participants will have to learn to manage it
[email protected]
Drinking water will be taken from the local fountain.
The food will be prepared by the volunteers, who will eat together in a big tent. Most of
the food will come from local farms of from the the fair trade market.
The toilet are compost toilets, made of wood. There are 2 compost toilets. The showers
are solar showers, without a tent. So the swimming suit is required while you shower.
There won’t be internet connection and the use of electricity will be very few since we
use photovoltaic panels.
Location: The workcamp takes place in a in a place called “Campiano” which belongs to
the municipality of Valgreghentino (LC), in the north of Italy.
In the past this area was used for the agriculture, but now most of it is abandoned: we
can see abandoned buildings, woods and fields. Invasive plants are growing avoiding the
growth of the local ones.
Terminal: Milan airports (Orio al Serio, Linate and Malpensa)
Little by little a wollen yarn becomes a carpet
12/07/16-24/07/16 Age: TEEN 16-17 EXTRA-FEE:200€
Project: The association Artemide for years proposes itself as crossroad of experiences
in the educational field, the EDUC-active project has as primary objective the education
to the independence, the young people, above all if carriers of uneasiness, are stimulated
and motivated asking them to be active part in the process of theoretical construction
and practice of the activities. In this way they appreciate the responsibility of an
assignment to acquit, the knowledge is assimilated in the best way when it is combined
to artistic practical activity, ecological, handicraft. The responsibility towards the whole
world becomes an obvious consequence. Idea is to connect experiences and different
Add Value of this experience: Protect the natural environment from the touristic
speculation of the area. Increase the value of a disadvantaged rural area that has been
constantly abandoned from the local population in the last 20 years.To put in practice
the ideology of Ecology. To invent new solutions related to traditional practice and
The House Laboratory “Il Cerquosino” has been restructured following bio building
construction techniques focusing the attention on energy critical consumption: there have
been installed solar system collectors, waters' herbal purification system, green roof,
wood storage heater as well as to the principles of recovery and recycle materials;
construction with local stone.
The idea of organising this work camp is the answer to several needs of our association,
first of all to make the House laboratory Cerquosino a place where different culture can
gather and contribute to create a better place for the ones that will be hosted here in the
[email protected]
WORK: The volunteers in collaboration with the members of Artemide association will be
involved in creative recycling workshops; how to create new from recycled materials,
using both traditional way of assembly and new creative and experimental techniques.
(pallets, wood from the forest, plastic bottle, paper....)
1.Study of the projects
2.Preparation of the material
Working days from Monday to Friday, 5 hours a day. A trip will be organised at the
middle of the camp.
ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: The house laboratory Cerquosino has a big kitchen that
the volunteer will use to prepare their own food, vegetarian or not, it’s up to their own
decision. Nearby there are no shops, the nearest one is in the little village of Morrano.
The nearest supermarket is in Orvieto. The house has got 1 single room, 1 triple room, 1
dormitory with 8 bed and 1 dormitory with 6 bed. A common bathroom with 3 toilets and
3 showers. Washing machine is not available. No internet line available.
LOCATION: The work camp will be held at the House laboratory Cerquosino that is
located on the Peglia Mountain, in the countryside 25 km away from the town of Orvieto
in one of those disadvantaged and poorly productive areas that are nearly preserved
intact until today. Cerquosino is situated inside the natural reserve of Elmo Melonta
park, place of notable environmental interest. Inside flows the stream Melonta, where it
is possible to take a bath. The inhabitants of the area are mainly farmers; the average
age of the inhabitants is very high as the new generations emigrate to the city.
http://cerquosino.altervista.org/ facebook: Cerquosino Artemide
Notes: remember that the house laboratory is very isolated, in the middle of a forest.
Bring with you all the thing for personal use as the nearest shop is very far away with no
public transportation to reach it. It is recommended to book a flight that will allow you to
get to Orvieto in the late afternoon.We will communicate the time of the meeting point at
Orvieto Train Station by email.
LEG04 - RTO Park
Location: Carnago, province of Varese, Lombardia region
Date: 21/06 – 04/07
Type: Environmental
Age: 15-17
Project: For the 10th birthday of the Park Rile Tenore Olona (RTO), Legambiente and the local
administration of Carnago decided to host an international workcamp for the promotion of the area
and the protection of the environment.
Legambiente local group: Legambiente Varese Onlus, besides giving contributions to main
Legambiente national campaigns, cares about the environment of the district of Varese since the
eighties. Legambiente Varese coordinates 14 local groups of Legambiente volunteers and is the
connection between local, regional and national offices of the association. It carries out several
[email protected]
activities such as the management of natural areas, the organization of workcamps, environmental
education addressed to youngest generations and promotion of environmentally friendly lifestyles.
Work: The work will mainly consist of maintenance of paths’ net, cleanings from weeds and rubbish,
especially on the bike-road along the river.
Volunteers will be involved in the organization of a local festival, and they will take care of the
sustainability of the event (as: reducing and collection of waste.)
Study part: Volunteers will participate in workshops and trainings on environment and sustainability.
Main subject of the program will be the conservation of biodiversity and the protection of Soil. They
will learn by doing a sustainable life style.
Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be hosted in a common room with camp-beds and they'll
use a camp-kitchen. There will be an environmental friendly diet with local and seasonal products
and little meat.
Location and leisure: The Park is located along the river Olona, immersed in the green of the first
Pre-alpine foothills, in the lakes region and at the start of the great plan of the Po river.
http://www.parco-rto.it/index.php. The Olona Valley is characterized from a typical vegetation of the
Lombard moor; it is also rich in architectural beauties from medieval age to the renaissance. The
river suffered for industrial pollution for decades but now there are a lot of enabled projects to
restore the river's ecology.
In leisure time volunteers will make bike trips in the area and visit the lakes.
LEG11 –Environment protection in Dolomiti mountains
Location: Lamon, province of Belluno, Veneto region
Date: 13 – 26/07
Type: Environmental/Cultural
Age: 14 - 17
Project: Legambiente Dolomiti has been running the Environmental Education Centre in Lamon since
10 years ago. The Centre hosted several workcamps and summer camp every years, involving child,
youth and families. Aims of the educational project are the protection, conservation and restoration
of the environment and the landscapes through hiking, public activities and workshops. Volunteers
will join these activities and they will take care of the territory and of the footpaths of the area in
collaboration with the local population. Beyond that, the local group of Legambiente is doing
educational campaigns about life style, Mediterranean diet and GMO's product. For these reasons,
during workcamps, volunteers will discover local farmer's productions and the biodiversity of the
Legambiente local group: For 10 years Legambiente Dolomiti has been organising workcamps and
educational activities inside an outside the Environmental Education Centre, in order to increase the
active participation of young people and citizens and to increase the awareness about environmental
issues concerning mountains environment. Moreover the club is concerned with some global-local
environmental issues like sustainable agriculture, GMO's dangerousness, eco-life style and handmade productions.
[email protected]
Work: Volunteers will be involved in footpaths’ maintenance and cleaning around the Centre, in
order to make the way clean and safe. Furthermore, volunteers will organise public activities and
meetings about the topic, in conjunction with the Legambiente local group, in order to involve the
Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be hosted in a building, former primary school of Lamon.
The place are set with slepping-rooms, a common living-room and kitchen. A low-flesh diet,
according to the global environmental problems, will be a commitment for volunteers during
Location and leisure: The Lamon plateau is placed nearby the Primiero Dolomites and the Belluno
Dolomites National Park. It is located about 80km northwest of Venice and about 35 km west of
Belluno. During free time, excursions as well as meetings with the local population will be organised,
in order to get in touch with local culture and former crafts. Volunteers will have the possibility to
visit ancient places and to participate at some demonstrations of former crafts.
Specific requirements: good attitude to walk in mountains environment
Participation fee: 95 Euro
Language: English will be the official language in the camp.
Terminal: Airport: Venezia Airport – Treviso Airport ; Train station: Feltre train station
articipation fee: 95 Euro
Language: English will be the official language in the camp. Italian speakers are welcome
Terminal: Malpensa Airport. Milano Cadorna Train Station
LEG13 - Bike&Hearts Valle dell’Aniene
Location: Anticoli Corrado, province of Rome, Lazio region
Date: 10 – 23/07
Type: Cultural/Environmental
Age: 15-17
Project: Anticoli Corrado has an important museum of modern and contemporary art and is an
important touristic place, but mostly for people from Rome. However it has an international vocation
because of its history and artistic past and the municipality, with the support of the local
associations, wants to enhance this vocation. Legambiente Mondi Possibili bet on the touristic
development of the valley and created in Anticoli Corrado an Educational Centre for children and
adults who want to build a green future.
Legambiente local group: Legambiente Mondi Possibili was born in 2006. It organises The Global
Sharing day in Festambiente Mondi Possibili - http://festambiente.mondipossibili.it/ and several
activities for bike mobility - www.magnalonga.net
Work: The work of the volunteers will contribute to improve the environmental communication and
operations of the educational centre and the village itself, through the translation of some
promotional materials in foreign languages, support in the Museum activities and working for the
conservation and value of artworks.
Therefore, the volunteers will contribute to the creation of an environmental educational campaign
[email protected]
in an intercultural way for children of Anticoli Corrado. They will strictly cooperate with the Anticoli’s
inhabitants in the summer event organization.
Study part: Volunteers will learn how to repair a bike and to create a vegetable garden
The volunteers will stay also with students of Cardiff university.
Accommodation and food: “Il Casone”is an Educational Centre at the feet of the hill of Anticoli
Location and leisure: Anticoli Corrado is a village with less than 1000 inhabitants, 50 km from Rome,
in Lazio region. Anticoli Corrado could be a milestone for tourism. This because of its proximity to
Rome, because it is included in the Aniene Valley (that can be visited on foot or by bike), because it
has a long artistic history, because it is a very nice village.
During the free time it will be possible to have excursions in the Aniene Valley, Tivoli and to visit the
nearby very nice villages.
Special requirements: Volunteers must be able to ride a bike.
Participation fee: 95 Euro
Language: English will be the official language of the camp.
Terminal: Leonardo da Vinci Airport (Fiumicino - FCO) or Ciampino airports; RomeTrain stations
(Roma Termini or Roma Tiburtina).
IJGD 16233
Dates: 02/07-16/07/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: In this workcamp in the heart of the Lauenburg Lakes Nature Park, east of Hamburg, you will be
entrusted with many aspects of nature. You’ll get to know many different ecosystems and will work on
renaturation tasks in a forest and on a moor. You’ll also build small dams on the moor, clear heather areas free
from growing shrubbery, build fences, get rid of unpopular black cherries from woodlands and create nests for
birds. Passionate and experienced nature experts from the project management “Integrierte Station
Lauenburgische Landschaften”, WWF, the Lauenburg Lakes Nature Park and the town of Mölln (Uhlenkolk) will
be on board to offer support. This workcamp is for true nature lovers, since you’ll be sleeping in wooden huts
that aren’t completely closed and will therefore definitely need a warm sleeping bag. Cooking and eating
together, as well as many free-time activities, will also take place outside.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in basic wooden huts – bring your thermal mat and sleeping bag. You will
cook your own meals together.
[email protected]
LOCATION: Mölln lies in the wonderful Lauenburg Lakes Nature Park , with its unique landscape and appealing
lakes, which offer the chance to go swimming or canoeing. Besides this, in your free time you could go on a bat
or bird-spotting excursion. The world heritage town of Lübeck and the metropolis Hamburg are also not too far
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Work clothes and waterproof shoes are absolutely necessary. Fitness for physically
demanding work is required, as is the ability to ride a bicycle.
REMARKS: More info at www.naturpark-lauenburgische-seen.de and www.moelln-tourismus.de
IJGD 16222
Dates: 02/07-16/07/16
Type: ART
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Bremen Hauptbahnhof
WORK: Make your own films! That’s what you can try out in this international media camp. “Learning by doing”
is the way forward, and in small groups you can do this by gathering and experimenting with new ideas. After
an introduction to the technology involved, you can develop a storyline and get the cameras ready to dive
straight into filming. Whether a short film with yourselves as actors or a documentary – you can tell your own
little story. Your fantasy will be set free and there will be no limits. As well as learning how to handle the
camera and how to use various software, you’ll also learn how to edit and add sounds to your films on the
computer. Throughout the creative process, you will be supported by an experienced media instructor from
Blickwechsel e.V. You will be able to enjoy the finished products online, since they’ll be uploaded to an internet
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be sleeping on air mattresses in a small, cosy youth centre. You’ll cook your own
meals together.
LOCATION: Your accommodation lies in the trendy neighbourhood in the middle of the city. From there you
can visit the 1200 years old town of Bremen - with its many sights, cultural opportunities, nightlife and
shopping centres. At the weekends, it’s possible to take day trips to the coast of the North Sea, to Hamburg
and to other cities in Germany.
TERMINAL: Bremen Hauptbahnhof
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: An interest in cinema, film editing and the technology involved is necessary.
[email protected]
REMARKS: 330€ extra fee (to be transferred 2 weeks before the camp begins). More info on Bremen at
www.bremen.de Note: Arrivals are only possible on Saturday 2nd July, departures on Saturday 16th July. No
IJGD 26328
Dates: 09/07-30/07/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Siegburg
WORK: In collaboration with the employees of the Wahnbach reservoir management authority, you will be
undertaking various conservation projects around the reservoir. Firstly, the touch-me-not around the
tributaries must be removed, to avoid it driving out other local plant species. Secondly, you’ll be building
birdhouses and repairing the barriers all around the Wahnbach reservoir. If there’s time, you’ll be checking
over the sign posts along nearby paths and renewing them if necessary.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in an idyllic but remote scouts house in rooms with several beds. You’ll
cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: The camp is in a very nice region of Germany: rural, but also with big cities like Cologne, Bonn and
Düsseldorf all nearby. It’s therefore very easy to go on many different day trips during the camp. In the town of
Much (10km away) there is an outdoor swimming pool, and the scouts house has large outside grounds with a
camp-fire area. Other cities along the river Rhein include Koblenz and Mainz.
TERMINAL: Siegburg
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: In this camp you can learn many things about the supply of drinking water and the prevention of
water pollution in Germany.
IJGD 26343
Dates: 09/07-30/07/16
Type: ENVI ,
LOCATION: Saarburg
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: The municipality of Trassem is located within the border triangle of France, Germany and Luxembourg,
and therefore in the heart of Europe itself. With your help, we will continue building on the various
components of our natural history station „Walderlebniszentrum Trassem„ (Trassem’s forest experience
centre). You can expect to work together with young people from the local region on the restoration of an old
“Kelterstation” (cider press) as well as other diverse tasks, such as building dry-stone walls with natural stones,
maintenance work on the forest experience path and on the attractive free-ride/mountain bike trails. Not only
can you experience many things to do with forests and nature and a wide spectrum of nature-related activities,
but you can also be strongly involved with the organisation and design processes. This year we would also like
you to co-operate and work together with the young people of the nature conservation association, der
Deutschen Waldjugend. Through introducing you to people from the region, we see a real chance for us to give
you a better understanding of our regional and cultural specialities. The larger town closest to us is Trier. As the
[email protected]
oldest town in Germany, it was even the imperial city of residence during Roman times and has therefore
earned its title as “The Rome of the North”. Particularly worth a visit!
ACCOMODATION: You will stay in the local Trassem community centre. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: Trassem is in the wonderful wine town of Saarburg, with its historical castle ruins and picturesque
old town, complete with waterfall. As well as interesting sights, there are also numerous free time
opportunities in Saarburg, such as the street cafés, an outdoor swimming pool and a park for birds of prey. You
also have the opportunity to canoe along the Saar river and to climb the steep cliffs of Saartal. Because our
project ”Walderlebniszentrum Trassem” has been running for many years, you will be able to admire the
efforts of previous workcamp participants. Alongside a large seminar building (a log cabin with an annex), a
forest workshop, an outdoor barbecue area and various establishments of the “Walderlebnispfades Trassem”,
the “Waldklasszimmer” (Waldarena) has also been finished. With your enthusiasm and energetic efforts, you
too can leave your mark on our facilities during this year’s workcamp. Besides this, there are many
opportunities during the workcamp for excursions to Trier, Saarbrücken, Luxembourg and France.
TERMINAL: Saarburg
REMARKS: This camp is kindly supported by Johnson Controls. More information about the
Walderlebniszentrum Trassem at www.wez-trassem.de
IJGD 26301
Dates: 10/07-30/07/16
Type: CONS
LOCATION: Erlangen
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Following the motto – sleeping under the stars – 4 overnight cabins will be built on the grounds of the
youth camp in Vestenbergsgreuth. The special thing about these cabins is that they have glass rooves, through
which the stars in the sky above the camping area can be seen. During the workcamp, we’ll be decorating the
cabins with wood and putting down the flooring. Also, with your help, the youth overnight cabins will be
renovated with a new color scheme, making them look more attractive. We’ll choose the colours together,
then we’ll redecorate all of the rooms with environmentally-friendly paint. Outside, we would like to have a
stone mosaic in front of the entrance to the kitchen.
Note: Arrival on Sunday 10.07. Transfers from Erlangen train station at 14:00 and 18:00.
Departure on Saturday 30.07. 10:00 transfer to Erlangen train station
ACCOMODATION: 4-bed rooms in an overnight house. More info at www.kjr-erh.de. You’ll cook your own
meals together.
LOCATION: We, the local youth association, will support you with the organisation of your free time. You’ll
have a minibus for excursions to nearby places. The towns Erlangen, Nürnberg, Bamberg und Würzburg offer
numerous possibilities. Besides this, we would like to go climbing with you in Franconian Switzerland and to get
to know the charming historical monuments of the region. In Vestenbergsgreuth there is a summer toboggan
[email protected]
run with a beer garden, in the house where you’ll be staying there are games, table football, table tennis and
an internet connection. There are also some outdoor swimming pools nearby.
TERMINAL: Erlangen
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Manual labour, sometimes strenuous, strong shoes necessary, very rural area, bad
public transport connections
REMARKS: Manual labour, sometimes strenuous, strong shoes necessary, very rural area, bad public transport
IJGD 76102
Dates: 15/07-29/07/16
Type: ARCH
Age: 15 ans.
WORK: At the Heiligensee cemetery, north-west of Berlin, you and your team will be helping with maintenance
work on the graves of war victims. There are both German and non-German soldiers and civilians, for whom a
war grave cemetery was created. Together with your team you’ll be helping to mow and restore grassy areas
and, amongst other things, cleaning gravestones and concrete frames. Besides this, you’ll be repairing fencing
surrounding one section of the cemetery. You will only be working 4 days per week, so will therefore have the
opportunity to not only enjoy Berlin’s wide range of free-time activities, but also to take advantage of walking
tours related to this topic (culture, history, East-West Germany and Berlin...).
ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in the Berlin-Tegel castle. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: The accommodation is near to the “Tegeler Fließ” nature reserve, therefore your group has many
opportunities for outdoor games and walks. This is also true of the wider surrounding area, where you can
easily reach both Mecklenburg and Rheinsburg lakes, the Spree forest and the Oder river, as well as many more
beautiful landscapes. The city centre of Berlin is just 30 minutes away, so you’ll receive a Cityticket to use on all
public transport across Berlin for the duration of the camp.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: 150€ extra free is for the Cityticket, for public transport in Berlin
IJGD 26330
Dates: 16/07-30/07/16
Type: CONS
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Beckingen
WORK: Next to the German-French border, in the Beckingen community, lies the family centre that stands
open as a point of contact for all children, young people and adults. This is where your help is needed: the
outside grounds should be revamped to be more appealing for children, so that they have more opportunities
[email protected]
to play outside. Firstly, the slope behind the centre should be freed from vegetation in order for new things to
be planted, and a sloped ramp with a rope should be built, that the children will be able to use for climbing.
Secondly, you will construct a climbing wall and some benches by the small boules pitch.
ACCOMODATION: Your accommodation will be in a building near to the family centre, as well as in the centre’s
sports hall. You will cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: From your accommodation, you could visit the nearby historical cities of Saarbrücken, Trier und
Luxembourg. In the Merzig-Wadern area itself there are also many things to see, such as the outdoor wolf
enclosure, the Roman Villa Borg, the Cloef outlook, the Garden of the Senses etc. During the camp, it’s almost
certain that one or two regional events will also be taking place, which you could go and visit.
TERMINAL: Beckingen
IJGD 26340
Dates: 16/07-30/07/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Wuppertal
WORK: The town of Wuppertal needs your help with reptile conservation. In the Marscheider Forest, you’ll be
working along a route on a heath in order to increase biodiversity in the area again. For this, you’ll be cutting
ferns and collecting and removing wood, thereby creating light and space for the microorganisms. Besides this,
you’ll be building a deadwood shelter for the animals. In the forest educational centre, you’ll build bird and bat
boxes. Additionally, excursions into the forest itself and the Burgholz arboretum are planned.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with multiple beds in the YMCA home. The building is in a remote
location. It is well furnished, but there is nothing outside reachable on foot. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: Wuppertal is a city in a very green area. There are numerous cafés, bars, shopping opportunities, a
zoo, an outdoor swimming pool and the only suspension railway in the world! You can go on excursions to
Cologne, Düsseldorf, Bonn and the Ruhr area. Even a day-trip to the Netherlands would be possible.
TERMINAL: Wuppertal
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: The work can sometimes be physically demanding. The accommodation is in a very remote location.
IJGD 16201
LOCATION: Kreiensen
[email protected]
Dates: 16/07-31/07/16
Type: ART
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: “Die Weltbühne” (The Global Stage), is a cultural centre with a large theatre hall in a former village inn
in Heckenbeck, a small village with only 450 inhabitants. Every year, the villagers look forward to an
international theatre project – for 2 weeks long, you and the rest of your group are therefore invited to the
village as guests, to get to know the local community and to develop your own international theatre piece,
under the guide of a drama teacher. “Living Utopia – forming a community” is the theme of this production.
The small Heckenbeck community is a brilliant example with which to explore this topic. But your group itself
will also try out communal living and investigate various advantages and pitfalls of cohabitation. At the end of
the camp there will be an interactive performance, during which you will present your findings to the
spectators from Heckenbeck and the surrounding region. In Heckenbeck there is an exciting mixture of
traditional and experimental rural life, of traditional residents of rural areas and people who move to the
countryside from further afield. There is an organic grocery store, organic vegetable patches, crafts workshops,
an independent school and many clubs to enjoy. The “KuK” club, a club for culture and communication is one
such possibility and has been using the former “Zur Linde” village inn as a cultural centre since the end of 2000.
The club offers a high-calibre evening programme in the main hall of the building, with many notable artists a
very intimate atmosphere.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in the “Weltbühne Heckenbeck” cultural centre. You’ll cook your own
meals together.
LOCATION: Heckenbeck is situated in a very rural area. There will be bicycles available for day-trips and for
going shopping. The town of Bad Gandersheim is just 4km away. Possible destinations that are easily reachable
by train are Alfeld (with its Fagus Factory World Heritage Site) or the mining museums of Harz.
TERMINAL: Kreiensen
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: A good knowledge of Englisch is necessary for the theatre workshop. Participants
should be able to ride a bike.
REMARKS: There is an extra fee of 260€. More information available at www.heckenbeck-online.de;
www.weltbuehne.info; www.bad-gandersheim.de; www.alfeld.de; www.harzinfo.de
IJGD 16209
Dates: 16/07-06/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Bad harzburg
WORK: Harz, with its mountains, stalactite caves, mining museums and forests is a very popular place for
excursions and relaxation. Above the Okertal reservoir, 550m above sea level and in the middle of the forest,
lies the forest education centre of Harz, which is the starting point for your group’s activities. Here you’ll
dedicate your time and commitment to helping with the conservation and environmental work on maintaining
habitats for (rare) plants and animals. Together with experienced foresters, your group with take care of
biotopes and forest stands, you’ll build veterinary fences and with this will have an insight into the ecological
work of a forester. You’ll be working 7.5 hours per day Monday to Thursday, with Fridays off.
[email protected]
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with several beds in the forest education centre in Harz. You’ll
cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: There is an outdoor area with a football field, volley ball court, basketball hoop, barbecue area,
camp fire area and a small bakehouse where you can bake your bread. Also, a party cellar with table football
and table tennis, as well as seminar rooms with a TV and DVD-player are at your disposal. The surrounding area
offers many opportunities for walking. The nearest bus station is 6.5km away, the foresters will help you to get
around during your weekend excursions and when buying your communal food. There is a treetop path in Bad
Harzburg; a communal boulder hike with the camp in Wildemann and the World Heritage Site Rammelsberg
Mine in Goslar all nearby.
TERMINAL: Bad Harzburg
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This camp is for people with a strong affinity with nature; outdoor clothing is a must
– the accommodation is in the middle of a forest.
REMARKS: More info at www.wpz-harz.de and www.harzinfo.de
IJGD 26313
Dates: 16/07-06/08/16
Type: CONS
LOCATION: Nürtingen
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: You’ll be building a new games house at a school, so be sure to bring your playfulness to the all-day
school or its school festival. At another school, you’ll be renovating and decorating the outside area. You will be
setting up lawn edges, building a path for barefoot walking, renewing the paintings on the school playground
and the insect hotel, laying down raised flower beds etc. - and all of this will be done with the primary school
children! Besides this, it’s been planned that you help to repair the vineyard walls, or to go over and repair any
exercise areas or fitness trails that were built by last year’s workcamp participants. You will generally work in
the mornings.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a former Kindergarten in the same neighbourhood as the primary and
secondary schools where you’ll be working. You will sleep on mattresses. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: Nürtingen has around 40,000 inhabitants and is located in Neckar valley near to the Swabian
mountains. With bikes you can make a tour through the beautiful countryside, nearby lakes, the Neckar river or
the biosphere area at the foot of the mountain. In your free time you will also have the possibility to go
swimming in an outdoor pool, go climbing in the mountains, hiking, canoeing and even to visit Nürtingen and
the nearby student town of Tübingen. The capital city of the region is Stuttgart, which is only half an hour away
by train and offers many exciting things: Museums, shopping, a planetarium, theatres etc.
TERMINAL: Nürtingen
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You must be able to ride a bike.
IJGD 26336
[email protected]
Dates: 16/07-07/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: As a young adult with an affinity with nature, are you interested in a workcamp in the forest with likeminded people? If so, you will find our project the perfect opportunity to experience and even shape nature in
many different ways. Here you can actively contribute to the protection of idyllic walking paths. You will help
by taking down protective fences and you can also take care of trees and plants. With our project, you’ll dive
into the world of forest ecology and at the same time learn a lot about sustainable resource management.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in the town centre in a multi-purpose hall. You will cook your own meals
LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English
LOCATION: You’ll be staying in the heart of the town of Traben-Trarbach and there you’ll have the possibility to
make use of the large range of free time activities. Indoor and outdoor swimming pools are directly nearby.
Trier, the oldest town in Germany, is accessible by train (around 60km away), as are the towns Luxembourg
(around 90km away) and Koblenz (around 60km away). You can also get involved with the daily life of local
clubs. Mini buses will be organised to facilitate travelling to and from work and around the town during your
free time.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: The work can sometimes be physically demanding.
IJGD 26345
Dates: 19/07-09/08/16
Type: ENVI
LOCATION: Türkismühle
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: In the middle of the Saar-Hunsrück nature reserve, which spans the border triangle of Germany, France
and Luxembourg, you’ll be working on several conservation projects: maintaining various habitats, co-designing
a nature trail, taking care of the forest, and taking down tree protector tubes and fences. The oldest Roman
encampment in Germany was discovered in Hermeskeil. The main camp is in the shape of a trapezium and was
surrounded by a V-shaped trench and an embankment, from which some parts are still around in the
woodlands today. Your task is to recreate a Roman fireplace. You’ll also be doing some maintenance work
around the scout houses in which you’ll be sleeping.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in basic scout houses in the middle of the forest. You’ll cook your own
meals together.
LOCATION: There are both outdoor and indoor swimming pools in Hermeskeil, where you can relax after work.
There are also ice cream cafes and all necessary shopping amenities nearby. In the surrounding area are the
Grimburg Castle and a fire engine and aircraft museum. In the Saar-Hunsrück national park, you can also go
hiking. Besides this, you could go on day-trips to the towns of Trier, Luxembourg City and Strasbourg.
TERMINAL: Türkismühle
[email protected]
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: Work involved can be physically demanding. This camp is only for participants who enjoy living and
working with nature.
IJGD 16227
Dates: 23/07-06/08/16
Type: EDU
Age: 14 ans.
WORK: If you want to combine natural adventures with gardening and manual work, then this is exactly the
workcamp for you! During a 3 day excursion you can sail with a 2-mast-boat, go kayaking or canoeing, cycling
and even stay overnight at the beach. You can learn how to navigate a high rope course and how to do well at
archery. Before, during and after these activities you can also show off your creative and practical skills in selforganised workshops on themes such as language, theatre, music and singing. As well as this, you’ll be working
in the garden and making small repairs to your accommodation and vehicles. During all of these activities you
will get to know each other’s languages, cultures, eating habits as well as creative and practical skills – together
with the support from experienced group leaders. The camp is teaming up with Grünen Grashalm – an
organisation which primarily deals with teaching and coaching in the international exchange sector. Most of
the organisations activities take place outside amongst nature and have a very adventurous framework. Almost
30 employees between the ages of 16 and 64 (two thirds of these are under 30 years old) organise tours, boat
trips, ice skating, skiing, cycling, rope climbing and even aircraft activities. The camp will be led by three group
leaders, who all have experience with international youth groups.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with multiple beds. During the excursion you’ll be sleeping in
tents. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: Learning by experience doesn’t start in the morning and end by midday. All activities on offer have
a strong recreational nature. Through hikes and cycling tours, you will get to know the beautiful surroundings
of the area and will be able to visit the Hanseian town of Wismar, travel to the Ostesee lake, go swimming and
also sit around the campfire in the evenings.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You should be able to swim and ride a bike, enjoy being on the water and be able to
speak English.
REMARKS: 395€ extra fee (to be transferred up to 2 weeks before the camp's start date). For more info about
Grünen Grashalm, visit www.go-outdoor.de. A video from the 2014 workcamp can be found here:
IJGD 16215
Dates: 23/07-13/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
[email protected]
WORK: The forest areas in Oberharz are conservation areas, but also relaxation areas. As large, connected
areas of woodland they are very important for protecting the climate. You will help with conservation and
environmental protection work and through your contribution will ensure correct living conditions for (rare)
plants and animals in order to maintain the area’s natural balance. Other tasks for your group are taking care of
younger deciduous trees, the natural shaping of water, building hunting facilities as well as repairing benches,
shelters and road signs. You will work in rotating small groups and will get an insight into the ecological tasks of
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with several beds in a hostel. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: The Harz with its mountains, stalactite caves, mining museums and forests is a very popular daytrip and relaxation destination. The forester will organise a hiking trip to Brocken, the highest peak of the
mountains, for the group.
REMARKS: You will be working 7.5 for four days a week – with Fridays off! For more information, visit
www.harzinfo.de; www.wildemann.de, www.brocken-harz.de
IJGD 16234
Dates: 23/07-06/08/16
Type: ART
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Flensburg
WORK: Make your own television! This is what you can try out in this international media workcamp. After an
introduction to the technology involved, you’ll develop your own story line and be provided with a camera for
filming. In the studio you can then work more on your material. At the end of the camp, your film will be
presented live at an event, which you will also be organising. The technology and workspace needed to carry
out this project is provided by the Offene Kanal Flensburg, a public, local television channel. You will be
coached by an experienced media pedagogue and will be able to learn many new things about working with
television and videos. Prior knowledge is not necessary, but also welcome. As the proprietor of “DIE EXXE”
youth centre, the Flensburger Youth Association is your host and will also be inviting young refugees to take
part in your project.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be sleeping on air beds in a simply, cosy youth centre. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: Flensburg is the most northern town in Germany and has many sights, shopping centres, cultural
activities and of course a lot of water to offer. At the weekends, you can take a trip to the Nordsee and Ostsee
beaches, to nearby islands or even to Denmark.
TERMINAL: Flensburg
[email protected]
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You should easily be able to regularly walk 2.4km 30min to the TV studio.
REMARKS: 290€ extra fee (to be transferred up to 2 weeks before the beginning of the camp). For more
information, visit www.okflensburg.de; www.flensburger-jugendring.de; www.flensburg-tourismus.de
Dates: 23/07-06/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Ehingen (donau)
WORK: Together with the forestry and conservation specialists of the Alb-Donau district, your tasks will be to
take care of and restore a wetland area (ponds and streams), to take care of a juniper heath and some
neglected grassland at Mochental. You’ll cut the ponds free, repair the dam and move the rapidly growing
climbing plants away from the pond, so that many different species of plants and animal can grow there once
more. Juniper heaths were in this area in the past through grazing from sheep and goats and as the biotope
with the largest number of different species in central Europe is heavily protected by conservationists. They are
in danger of growing like in the woods again. Here you will be moving prickly shrubs and trees in order to
create more space and light for the rare plants, insects and birds that are already living there. You will be
coached by a forest ranger, a forestry master and some apprentices.
ACCOMODATION: You will be sleeping on camp beds in a group room on the grounds of the Mochental Castle.
There is a separate living space with kitchen. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: You’ll be living in a remote location, and can sit around a camp fire during the evening. In the
surrounding area (up to 35km away), there are companies in the Swabian Alp biosphere region, the
Bierkulturstadt Ehingen, the Laichinger caverns and high ropes course, canoes on the Großen Lauter lake, the
outdoor museum in Kürnbach and the river Ulm with the world-renowned city of Münster. More further afield
(up to 150km) are Bodensee, Stuttgart, Augsburg and the bear cave at Lichtenstein.
TERMINAL: Ehingen (Donau)
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You should be able to ride a bike.
REMARKS: Sometimes the work will be physically demanding. You'll be living in a remote location at the forest
support point, around 10km South West of Ehingen. The station is 5km away by bike. There is no wi-fi, only
relatively weak connectivity over mobile internet.
IJGD 16206
Dates: 23/07-06/08/16
Type: ART
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Hildesheim
WORK: Radio Tonkuhle is the local radio station for Hildesheim and the surrounding area – Radio for everyone!
Everyone who wants to contribute their interests are very welcome to; this is how the diverse, colourful, 24-
[email protected]
hour programme is created. Many of their music shows devote themselves to styles outside of the regular
charts. In this project you will learn how to work in radio: how to use recording equipment, styles of
questioning during interviews, studio technology and also presenting. Your group will plan and create its own
radio show, which will also be presented by you. And the end of the project, your radio show will then be “On
Air”. The workshop will be led by a professional radio editor.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be sleeping in the youth centre in the Drispenstedt district. You’ll cook your own
meals together.
LOCATION: The youth centre offers its amenities to you: table football, table tennis, internet etc. There is also a
small recording studio, which can be used as a radio workshop. Hildesheim is an old town steeped in history.
The cathedral and St. Michael’s Church are World Heritage Sites. There is also a very big free art and culture
scene with numerous theatre shows, exhibitions and parties.
TERMINAL: Hildesheim
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: A good knowledge of English is needed for the radio workshop.
REMARKS: There is an extra fee of 260€. For more information, visit www.tonkuhle.de and www.hildesheim.de
LOCATION: Sande (friesland)
Dates: 23/07-06/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Discover the unique Wadden Sea habitat and get involved with the upkeep of its local flora and fauna.
Every summer since 2010, a group of volunteers from ijgd has helped with the conservation work along the
coast, and you could be next! With shovels and hoes you can help to take care of freshwater biotopes and
protect the local vegetation from being replaced by other rapidly spreading plants. While working, you’ll learn a
lot about nature on the island and about the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site. You’ll be led by a specialist
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with multiple beds in a youth hostel. Your stay will be catered, but
you will take it in turns to help with some cooking and cleaning.
LOCATION: Wangerooge belongs to the Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park and boasts a variety of unique
flora and fauna. There are absolutely no cars on the island. In your free time you could go swimming, discover
the island by bike, take a walk around the island and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.
TERMINAL: Sande (Friesland)
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The work is physically demanding. You must be able to ride a bike.
REMARKS: For more information, visit www.wangerooge.de and www.waddensea-worldheritage.org
[email protected]
IJGD 76120
Dates: 23/07-13/08/16
Type: KIDS
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Senftenberg
WORK: The cultural and leisure centre “Pegasus” can be found in the centre of Senftenberg and is the biggest
establishment for children and young people in the entire town. The house and its outdoor facilities are used
by many children, young people and other visitors on a daily basis and must therefore be taken care of and well
maintained. With physical flair and creativity, parts of the indoor and outdoor areas of the “Pegasus” centre
should receive a fresh new look. At the same time, many popular holiday games for children between the ages
of 7 and 12 are taking place, which will be organised and co-ordinated by you. This workcamp is particularly
special because after finishing work for the day, you are given the opportunity to learn German. 2 hours a day
of language classes as well as following German daily life will really move your level of German along and help
you to improve. Your language teachers are native speakers who also have experience teaching German as a
foreign language.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in the rooms of the cultural and leisure centre “Pegasus” on mattresses or
camp beds. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: You can go swimming in the Senftenberg lake or use the indoor ski slope nearby to cool down even
more. In the particularly special Spreewald countryside, you could enjoy a boat trip. A trip to the city of
Dresden could also be exciting.
TERMINAL: Senftenberg
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: 300€ extra fee for the language classes. This camp is for participants who already have a basic
knowledge of German.
IJGD 26341
Dates: 23/07-13/08/16
Type: ENVI
LOCATION: Enkenbach-alsenborn
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: In Enkenbach-Alsenborn there is a nature trail that, with your help, will be renewed and restored.
Various game components and wooden instruments need to be reconditioned and there is some maintenance
work around a small pond and barbecue area to be done. Together with an artist you will create sculptures and
paintings in a creative workshop, where you can let your creativity with games run wild.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in an empty children’s nursery. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: There is a great outdoor swimming pool in Enkenbach-Alsenborn, which you can use for free,
located in a beautifully green area near to the Palatinate Forest Nature Park. You can also visit the Hambacher
Castle, which is nearby. A tour of the Frankenstein castle at night time is also available. Bikes are available for
[email protected]
all participants. Heidelberg, Mannheim or Mainz are all close enough for day trips. As well as this, you are not
too far from the French border, so an excursion to Strasbourg would also be possible.
TERMINAL: Enkenbach-Alsenborn
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: This camp is kindly supported by Johnson Controls.
IJGD 16212
Dates: 24/07-06/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 14 ans.
WORK: If you enjoy being outside amongst nature, spending the evening around a camp-fire, discovering the
forest first-hand with people from all around the world and working hands-on in the forest with real foresters,
then this project at the Forestry Education Centre in Hahnhorst is exactly the one for you! In the studying part
of this project, you’ll learn how to orientate yourself in the forest, how to recognise edible plants, how to start
a fire without equipment and how to build a place to sleep for the night using only natural materials. Besides
this, you’ll be working in co-operation with foresters and forest workers on conservation projects in the forest
and will help to improve the quality of habitats for rare species of plants and animals. In the mornings (you’ll be
working up early), you’ll be focusing on the work tasks. The survival workshops will take place in the
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with multiple beds in the Forestry Education Centre. You’ll also be
involved in the house chores. Food will be provided, but you will also take it in turns to help out in the kitchen.
LOCATION: There are some free afternoons for enjoying the range of free time activities available (for example
a bike tour, an international buffet one evening, sitting around the camp-fire, a trip to the swimming pool. At
the weekend, you could also go on a day-trip to Bremen for sightseeing and shopping.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Desire to work hands-on in the forest and to get involved with outdoor activities is
preferred. You should be able to ride a bike.
IJGD 76119
Dates: 30/07-13/08/16
Type: CONS
Age: 15 ans.
LOCATION: Heiligengrabe
WORK: Together with your team, you’ll be living on the grounds of the monastery in Heiligengrabe that was
first built in 1287 and is the only almost fully preserved Cistercian monastery in Brandenburg. The former
distillery, the former barn, a settlers’ house and a manor house are used by ijgd to hold seminars for their other
[email protected]
volunteers. The project also offers you the possibility to experience the monastery as a spiritual place, as a
monument and as a place of culture. The work that has been started in the last few years – painting in the
settlers’ house, working on brick walls on the outside grounds (building footpaths) and working with loam – will
be continued this year. This project is kindly supported by the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW/OFAJ).
ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in the seminar building at Heligengrabe. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: Heiligengrabe is surrounded by nature, which means there are many things to do in your free time
both on the grounds of the monastery and in the rural surroundings. Besides this, at the weekends you can also
visit other attractions nearby such as Neurippin, Schwerin or the metropolis of Berlin (only 100km away).
TERMINAL: Heiligengrabe
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: This project is for participants from France, Germany and Italy. There is an extra fee of 150€.
IJGD 16214
Dates: 30/07-13/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Wolfsburg
WORK: The city forest at Wolfsburg enjoys huge popularity amongst joggers, cyclists, hikers and people who
enjoy walking. Besides this, it is a habitat for many – even rare – species of plants and animals, such as orchids,
for example. The park will also become your operation site, as you’ll be supporting the district forest service in
many different ways, such as taking care of the forest, repairing recreational facilities, removing non-native
plants (neophytes), which could displace local species. Of course, during this time you will also get a great
insight into the work of a district forest service employee and into the ecosystem of a forest. Your
accommodation is not so far away from the forest, so you can easily get there on foot.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms for young people at the Saint Stephen’s Community Building in
the Detmerode district of Wolfsburg. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: The best known attractions in Wolfsburg are the castle, the art museum, the “Autostadt” (car city)
and the Volkswagen Musem, the VfL Wolfsburg football team and the “Phaeno” experiment landscape. The
VW-Pool is the most beautiful outdoor swimming pool in the region. In the Saint Stephen’s Community
Building, there is a youth club every Thursday. You can also enjoy all of the activities on offer at the nearby
Detmerode leisure centre.
TERMINAL: Wolfsburg
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You need to be physically fit for the demanding work.
http://www.evlka.de/extern/wolfsburg/stephanus/, www.kunstmuseum-wolfsburg.de, www.autostadt.de,
www.phaeno.de, www.wolfsburg.de/verwaltung/schule_sport/baeder_wob/baederliste/1/index.html.
[email protected]
IJGD 26324
Dates: 30/07-13/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: The Museum Island Hombroich is an art museum. It distinguishes itself through its free-standing
exhibition pavilions and renovated buildings, which are located in a restored park on the bank of the River Erft.
In the style of Paul Cézanne, the museum’s motto is “Art is parallel with Nature”. You’ll be revitalising the
course of a river in the park grounds. To do this, you’ll need to remove sludge from ditches, get rid of branches
in the water and also build small ramps and steps so that the water can flow again. In addition to this, you’ll
build 2 weirs. If there’s still time, you’ll be building fences around the horse paddock, or carry out maintenance
work around the park.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in the guest house, which is in a remote location (the next town is 25
minute away on foot). You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: From the museum grounds you can reach the train station in 25 minutes on foot. From here you
can go on many different trips: you can visit Düsseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, the Ruhr area or even the Netherlands.
You’ll receive a guided tour of the museum park. You’ll be staying in a remote, but comfortable guest house.
Neuss is the nearest town, which has cafés, swimming pools and shopping centres.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: The work could sometimes be physically demanding.
IJGD 16225
Dates: 30/07-13/08/16
Type: ART
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg is the biggest river island in Europe and an ever-changing multicultural part of
the city. Many different kinds of projects and events both big and small, such as the Hamburg international
building exhibition (IBA), the Hamburg international garden show (igs) and Dockville/Artville have partly
influenced the many different places, people and themes of the Wihelmsburg district. Even the current
intensified accommodating of refugees is keeping the people of Wilhemsburg busy. Within the structure of this
media workshop, your task is to use film to represent what is so particular about Wilhelmsburg and how people
who live and work in the district deal with the socio-cultural and social changes and challenges in the area. Led
by an experienced media pedagogue, you will develop your ideas for interviews, learn different camera
techniques and how to cut and edit scenes. At the end of the project you will show your finished product in a
self-produced programme, that will be shown in the TIDE TV television channel in Hamburg. In contrast with
other ijgd media workshops, we are already providing you with the topic for filming. Have a look at the
websites listed and think about whether you would like use film to represent how projects, events, and socio-
[email protected]
cultural and social changes can influence a district. We would ask of you to capture many different voices and
pictures, to promote the idea of giving a voice to people, who are usually very seldom heard.
http://www.hamburg.de/igs-2013/ http://en.msdockville.de/ http://www.wilhelmsburgonline.de/
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a modern youth centre on air mattresses. The media education centre is
5 minutes away. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: You’ll be staying in the youth centre and working in the media education centre in the
Wilhelmsburg district of Hamburg. From there you can easily get to know the second largest city in Germany
with its many tourist attractions. At the weekend, it’s worth taking a trip to the Nordsee or Ostsee lakes.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: A good knowledge of English, as well as an interest in film, is needed for this camp.
REMARKS: There is an extra fee of 380€ (to be transferred up to 2 weeks before the beginning of the camp). In
both centres where you will be staying and working, there is a strict no drinking and no smoking policy.
IJGD 26309
Dates: 30/07-14/08/16
Type: KIDS
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Veitshöchheim
WORK: The Holznagelhausen adventure playground is a holiday activity in the Veitshöchheim area. For 2
weeks, together with other volunteers, you’ll be looking after 200 children between the ages of 7 and 13 – split
into 14 groups - across a large outdoor area. You’ll build wooden huts, offer sport and other workshop activities
to the children (from football to baseball, backing pizzas in a stone oven to crafts and pedagogical games).
You’ll be able to have a lot of fun together. A highlight is the overnight stay in the huts complete with a nighttime walk. During the camp you’ll be able to contribute your own ideas and skills, learn how a youth project is
carried out, experience working in a big team, learn new languages and make many new friends! The
Holznagelhausen adventure playground holiday activity has been running for over 30 years and therefore is a
long and successful tradition in the Veitshöchheim area. The activity is led by the community-based youth work
in Veitshöchheim, which itself has been around for 25 years. You’ll be working at the adventure playground
Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:00. During the overnight stay and night-time walk, you’ll be working late into
the evening (until around 02:00). The children will then stay at the camp, but you will sleep as usual in the
Friends of Nature House. On your last evening, there will be a farewell party with the other supervisors on site.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in rooms with multiple beds in the “Kalten Brunnen” Friends of Nature
House. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: Veitshöchheim is a community with around 10,000 inhabitants and lies on the bank of the river
Main near to Würzburg (which is the capital of Lower Franconia in Bavaria). In Veitshöchheim there’s a very
nice outdoor swimming pool, boat tours along the river Main and lots of nice people to get to know. You can
get to Würzburg in about 10 minutes on the train, where you can enjoy its many sights (castles, chapels,
[email protected]
residences) as well as shopping opportunities, cinemas, cafés and night-life. In the surrounding areas there is a
climbing area, a leisure park, a go-kart track, all kinds of youth clubs, relaxing areas, cycle paths and skate
parks. Everything that can be found in a large city (and indeed much more!) can also be found in Nürnberg and
Frankfurt. So come and have a look!
TERMINAL: Veitshöchheim
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Good knowledge of German and pedagogical skills are absolutely necessary, as is a
desire to work with children.
REMARKS: Sometimes the work can be physically demanding, especially when building with wood. For more
information: (www.veitshoechheim.de; www.juz.veitshoechheim.de).
IJGD 26325
Dates: 30/07-20/08/16
Type: ART
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: You’ll be helping to redesign and renovate the outdoor play area of a youth centre. As a group, you will
develop ideas for the redesign of diverse playing equipment, a seating area as well as a climbing area, and
together with the help of the Parks Commission employees on site, will then implement these ideas. During the
project, you will also be accompanied and supported by the manager of the youth centre. As well as physical
work, creative thinking will also be very useful here. Communal activities with young people from the local area
of Krefeld are also planned.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in the youth centre. You’ll cook your own meals yourselves.
LOCATION: The widely diversified culture scene in Krefeld goes a lot further than the usual large town: art
museums, theatres, a zoo, outdoor swimming pools, sport and skate parks, cafés, a bowling alley and pubs all
count towards a very comprehensive free time programme. There are also good opportunities for day trips to
the Lower Rhein, to Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf or the Ruhr area. Thanks to the great location of the youth
centre, you can also reach the shopping district of Krefeld in just a few short minutes. The transport links are
also very good and allow spontaneous outings to the different districts in the town, as well as neighbouring
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: Sometimes the work can be physically demanding.
IJGD 26334
[email protected]
Dates: 30/07-20/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Together with the Wesel Biological Station, you’ll be undertaking many different conservation tasks.
You’ll be helping on a project which is supported by the LIFE European Conservation Fund, by preserving
historical oak forests, moors, heaths and sand grassland. Amongst other things, this project is about removing
invasive, non-resident plant species so that the natural community of species can be restored. Depending on
your interests, the Biological Station can organise guided nature tours such as a boat trip or an observation of
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a simple house which is in an idyllic, but remote, location in the forest.
You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: You’ll be living in the middle of the forest, where you’ll be able to sit together around a camp fire in
the evenings and have a barbecue. The nearest town (Schermbeck) is about 25 minutes away on foot (1.5km).
From there you can go on hikes, bicycles tours or canoeing on the Lippe river. In the surrounding areas you
could visit the Colonia Ulpia Traiana – the third-biggest Roman town north of the Alps and Germany’s largest
archaeological outdoor museum. You can go on day-trips to the cities of Essen, Dortmund, Cologne, Düsseldorf
or Münster. The Hanseatic town of Wesel also offers many free-time opportunities. In the first weekend of
August there is a large city festival with a lot of live music and fairs taking place.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: The work can sometimes be physically demanding.
IJGD 56410
Dates: 30/07-20/08/16
Type: RENO
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Wernigerode
WORK: The view above a nice, colourful city awaits you at the Wernigerode youth hostel. You’ll take over on
some renovation work of the outside grounds, repair the play area and take care of the greenery. During this
time you’ll be coached and led by professionals.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in 3 or 4-bed rooms with showers and toilets in the youth hostel. Your stay
will be fully catered.
LOCATION: Get to know the quaint Wernigerode old town next to the youth hostel, with its historical town
hour, the castle and 600 year old timbered houses. You could also discover the diversity of the region during a
walking tour around the neighbouring area of Harz, which boasts the highest mountain in North Germany, its
historical “Brockenbahn” steam train, and a stunning view of the mountain range. For more action, you could
also visit the nearby charming cities of Leipzig, Halle, Göttingen and Magdeburg
TERMINAL: Wernigerode
[email protected]
REMARKS: The work can sometimes be physically demanding.
IJGD 26342
Dates: 30/07-20/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Together with the Ruhr regional association, you’ll be completing various conservation work projects in
the Üfter Mark area. You’ll be working in different areas of forestry for 5 hours a day from Monday to Friday.
You’ll build cultivation fences, in order to later sow acorns there, mark out riding paths and clean other existing
signs. As well as this, you’ll be making protective baskets for some of the larger plants so that they don’t get
bitten off by wild animals, and also taking care of existing growing plants. Further tasks are the taking down of
protective fences and the repairing of leisure facilities. From spending time with the forester, you will learn
many things about the forest and its inhabitants.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in small cabins in Schermbeck. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: Schermbeck is in a very rural area, you therefore need to be well-organised in order to plan your
excursions. Your project partner will support you with this and put on free-time activities. In the surrounding
areas you could visit the Colonia Ulpia Traiana – the third-biggest Roman town north of the Alps and Germany’s
largest archaeological outdoor museum. You can go on day-trips to the cities of Essen, Dortmund, Cologne,
Düsseldorf or Münster. The Hanseatic town of Wesel also offers many free-time opportunities. In the first
weekend of August there is a large city festival with a lot of live music and fairs taking place.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Strong shoes and waterproof clothing are absolutely necessary and must be brought
with you!
REMARKS: The work could be physically demanding. You'll be working for 5 hours per day.
IJGD 26338
Dates: 30/07-20/08/16
Type: CONS
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: “Die Jugendhilfe Essen” (Youth Welfare in Essen) is the youth farm’s provider. Here, children and young
people have the opportunity to experience responsible working behaviour when dealing with nature. Around
100 animals live on the huge farm and want to be looked after and fed by young people and children. In
summer, holiday activities take place. These involve working with the animals, in the farm’s garden
(maintaining and harvesting crops) and working with children. There will also be some manual work - last year,
for example, participants built a goat pen and an insect hotel. There could also be other ecological projects.
Tasks will be assigned daily to participants.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a room on the grounds of the youth farm. All participants will sleep in
one room. You’ll cook your own meals together.
[email protected]
LOCATION: The convenient location of the camp in the Ruhr area means you can visit other interesting towns
nearby, such as Dortmund or Münster. Köln and the Netherlands are also easily reachable. On the grounds of
the youth farm, you can play football, volleyball and table tennis. A canoe trip is also available.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: An interest and desire to work with animals, in nature/gardens/with children.
Knowledge of German is an advantage. You should be flexible and enjoy working outside.
REMARKS: This camp is kindly supported by Johnson Controls.
IJGD 26346
Dates: 30/07-20/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Leverkusen-zentrum
WORK: In Burscheid there are 2 projects for which we need your help. Firstly, a festival will be put on in the
evangelical retirement centre – you will help to prepare decorations for the festival and organise the
programme. For this, we ask you to bring music to sing and dance to, songs, pictures, folklore clothes,
costumes and other garments that are typical in your country’s culture, as well as recipes for special dishes
from your country. Your second project takes place along the historical cycle path. With your help, the existing
tracks along the cycle path will be cleaned. Old milestones and former telephone boxes will be cleared and cut
free, put up and given a new coat of paint. During the second project, it is also planned for the former
telephone boxes to be transformed into insect hotels or notice boards. Sometimes, children from the local
holiday camp will help you with your work.
ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in a vacant apartment. You’ll cook your own meals together
LOCATION: In Burscheid there is an indoor swimming pool with a sunbathing area, in which you can cool off on
hot days. There are also possibilities for excursions – for example to Köln, Düsseldorf or Bonn – and
opportunities to go hiking in the mountainous countryside.
TERMINAL: Leverkusen-Zentrum
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Knowledge of German would be an advantage in this project, but is not an official
requirement. Building work could sometimes be physically demanding. Bring enough spare clothes, since you
will get dirty!
REMARKS: This camp is kindly supported by Johnson Controls.
IJGD 76117
[email protected]
Dates: 30/07-21/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: The numerous historical castles and parks in the Berlin-Brandenburg region are managed and
preserved by the Prussian Castle and Garden Foundation. The town of Potsdam, with its historical assets (such
as the Sanssouci Castle and its grounds) is one of the central points of this cultural landscape, which has been
developing for over 300 years. You will be involved in the extensive gardening work in the Park Sanssouci and
can get a strong insight into this diverse field of work. In the Charlottenhof Park, which was created in 1883 by
P. J. Lenné, you will help to maintain paths, flowerbeds and lawns in order to sustain the garden’s current
beauty. Through your different contributions in the parks, you will learn about the many diverse aspects of
garden and park facilities.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a local school. Showers are located at the nearby sports area. You’ll cook
your own meals together.
LOCATION: Since you’ll be so close to the region’s capitals, Potsdam and Berlin, you’ll have many opportunities
during your free time to visit the numerous tourist and natural hotspots, such as the many lakes and forests
around. For the duration of the camp you will receive a travel ticket which is valid for all public transport
around Potsdam.
IJGD 26302
Dates: 30/07-28/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Marzling
WORK: You’ll be helping the surrounding communities with mowing fields and collecting hay. Sometimes, the
fields are on a slope and are difficult to reach with machines. In nearby orchards, you’ll be repairing fences and
protecting trees from being gnawed away by sheep. You’ll take care of rough grazing land, in order to conserve
the habitats of endangered plants and animals.
You’ll also be pulling out small tree saplings from the meadow in order to prevent them spreading in this
particular habitat – therefore learning a lot about conservation in the process. For one week you’ll be at the
Domberg Hill at Freising, where you’ll be working on paths to protect them from erosion and repairing sheep
shelters and fences around the meadow. The work assignment will be led by specialist Tobias Oehmen, who
will be able to share his knowledge about nature and the benefits of your contribution. An absolute highlight
for nature lovers is a 4-day trip to the Alps, where you can go hiking, so bring your hiking boots! Note about the
project: If you are someone who wants to spend time amongst nature, enjoys walking, hiking and can ride a
bike, then we can’t wait to work with you! When working amongst nature, some resistance to weather
conditions is necessary. The desire to cook is also an advantage when applying to this camp, because you’ll be
cooking your own meals and shopping for your own ingredients, including some free packages from certain
shops in Freising.
ACCOMODATION: Cosy, self-catering house for nature lovers, 7km outside of Freising in an idyllic hillside
location. You will cook your own meals together.
[email protected]
LOCATION: You can reach Freising by bike along the river Isar. From there, the S-Bahn train travels to Munich.
In Munich you have the opportunity to visit many museums, the English Garden or the famous Munich
Hofbrauhaus. In the area surrounding Munich and in the Alps, you can go hiking and enjoy nature. Due to the
close proximity to Hallertau, the largest hop-growing region in the world, there are many typical beer gardens
around. It’s also possible to go on hiking tours with the river Amper tour guides of the Friesing district.
TERMINAL: Marzling
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You must be able to ride a bike. Ankle-high hiking boots and warm, waterproof
clothing are absolutely necessary, since you’ll need them for not only working, but also hiking!
REMARKS: The work involved is physically demanding. This camp lasts 4 weeks.
IJGD 26339
Dates: 05/08-26/08/16
Type: ARCH
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Are you interested in getting an insight into archaeology? Then you’re in the right place! In Bingen
there is an excavation site, the Villa Rustica – a Roman estate in the middle of the Bing Forest, which is part of
the Upper Rhine River Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is where we need your help. Together with
students from Freiburg University, you’ll be working with pickaxes and shovels on site, creating drawings,
measuring, and washing and labelling new findings.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a guest house. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: Bingen lies right on the River Rhine and there are many castles in the nearby area. In Bingen itself is
a skate park, a natural swimming pool, cafés and pubs. In the surrounding area there is also a climbing park. It’s
also possible to go on trips to Mainz, Frankfurt, Koblenz or Wiesbaden.
IJGD 26335
Dates: 06/08-24/08/16
Type: CULT
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Gelsenkirchen
WORK: This camp is aimed at young peopl who enjoy dancing and the arts and want to use these to represent
their cultural backgrounds. The camp offers the possibility to get involved with local young people from
Gelsenkirchen and also to try out creative expression through dance. At the end of the workcamp, there’ll be a
performance with the theme “Dance brings the world together”. A public performance is planned. During this
time, you’ll be coached by the artist group Art.62. From the 8th August, you’ll be working on your project at the
local youth centre, Tossehof, where you’ll also meet lots of nice people.
[email protected]
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in Haus Grimmberg, which lies in a quiet and natural area right next to the
ZOOM theme park. The S-Bahn station is 300m away. Breakfast is included as part of the accommodation.
There is also a kitchen available for you to cook the rest of your meals yourselves.
LOCATION: You can play table football, billiards, music and many more things in the youth centre. There are
group excursions to cultural sights planned, dates and times of which will be organised upon arrival. In
Gelsenkirchen there are indoor and outdoor swimming pools, museums and pubs. Because of its central
location, Gelsenkirchen is an ideal starting point for numerous day-trips to cities such as Dortmund, Bochum,
Cologne and Hamburg, or even to the Netherlands.
TERMINAL: Gelsenkirchen
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You should be interested in other cultures and bringing people from different
backgrounds together.
REMARKS: Young people from the local area will be around both during the working day and free time.
IJGD 26331
Dates: 06/08-27/08/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Bad Bergzabern
WORK: Your accommodation in Hahnenhof is in the middle of the Palatinate Forest biosphere reserve.
Surrounded by mountains and a wonderfully densely wooded landscape, you will be picked up by the forester
and taken to work. In the Palatinate Forest you will be working on forestry and conservation - taking care of
young forest stands, removing small trees alongside the brook so that the native trees have more space to
grow, and building protective fences for different types of cultivation. For this, you will be working with hand
saws, hammers, nails, shovels, axes and spades. You will also be removing non-resident species of plants
(Neophytes), in order to protect the natural biocoenosis. With shovels and axes, you will be building gullies
across paths and pruning branches. Deer stands and fences will also be built.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in shared rooms in a leisure centre. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: n this camp your primary free-time activity is to simply be amongst nature - to go for walks and to
visit nearby castles. Bicycles are available for everyone. There are great opportunities for climbing the Dahn
cliffs. In the biosphere house, you can learn a great deal about forest ecosystems. There is also a meadow, in
which you can play games, and a campfire next to the accommodation. If the weather is nice, you can take a
swim in the 2 natural lakes nearby. In Bad Bergzabern and in Dahn there are outdoor swimming pools and
cafés. You could go on an excursion to France (Strasbourg) or Karlsruhe, Speyer and Mannheim, but these kinds
of trips are only possible over the weekend.
TERMINAL: Bad Bergzabern
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: Notes: This camp is kindly supported by Johnson Controls. The accommodation is in the largest
wooded area of central Europe. The nearest town is located 10km away.
[email protected]
IJGD 76113
Dates: 06/08-28/08/16
Type: ENVI
LOCATION: Rangsdorf
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Rangsdorf lies 15 km south of the Berlin city border. It’s a place with around 11,000 inhabitants and lots
of natural landscape around the Rangsdorf Lake. In order to make this landscape accessible to the general
public, a network of connected footpaths was established in 2005 has been developed little by little ever since.
Under the guidance of the local Landschaftspflegevereins (Countryside Trust) and in co-operation with the
Berlin-Brandenburg airports, you and your team will help to work further on this network of footpaths. Your
main tasks will be maintenance work, repairs and renovations of individual sections of paths, removing garbage
and taking care of nearby grassy and meadowland areas. You could also build small items such as sitting areas,
signs or birdhouses. Most of the work will be manual. Local foresters, conservation experts and Rangsdorf
council workers will help you with complicated tasks. At the end of the camp, there will be a presentation of
your efforts to the general public.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a primary school. There is a barbecue area and volleyball court in the
garden. You’ll travel the 5km journey between accommodation and work by bike. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: At the edge of Rangsdorf, the typically Brandenburg landscape is full of fields, small and forests.
Bicycles are available for the duration of the camp, so you can reach the lake (around 3km away) and the train
station (around 4km away) more easily.
TERMINAL: Rangsdorf
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You must be able to ride a bike!
IJGD 16221
Dates: 08/08-28/08/16
Type: STUD
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Group-focused enmity, social injustice and ecology – what’s the link? Industrial companies have almost
always exported their social costs to developing and third-world countries. Because of this, habitats and
livelihoods in under-developed nations are destroyed. This, in turn, leads to the suffering population in these
countries migrating in the direction of the western industrial nations themselves. As a result, the current
existing social injustices arise, as well as the consequent fears of increasing hostility towards migrants and
foreigners. In the study part of the camp, we want to critically analyse this distressing development and reflect
on our own behave with regards to this topic. In the working part of the camp we will be carrying out
maintenance work and extension work on the infrastructure of the education establishment where we’ll be
staying. Overall, we will be trying to change our view of the social processes in our society, to discuss
alternative ways of dealing with this topic, and to work on the utopian idea of a heterogeneous social area of
society. The well located grounds of the Göhrde train station education establishment is a place of learning for
socially critical and ecological thoughts and actions.
[email protected]
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in an educational establishment, in a restored, listed train station building.
You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: The beautiful landscape of the Lower Saxon Elbe River Valley Meadows and Göhrde offer many
exciting opportunities for day-trips.
REMARKS: This is a tri-national camp, for young people from Estonia, South Korea and Germany. A good
knowledge of English is required as well as an interest in socially critical themes, politics and environments.
IJGD 26303
Dates: 13/08-03/09/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Ruhpolding
WORK: Have you ever wanted to know what kind of things an alp farmer does and how ecological dairy cattle
farming works? It’s all about maintaining the typical alpine cultural landscape, by retransforming overgrown
areas into grazing areas for lots of different species, with typical plants and animals. You will be clearing small
bushes in grazing areas and then stacking them in piles or laying them out as shelter for reptiles. Besides this,
you will be collecting gravel which will be scattered following avalanches. You will also be trimming bushes and
small trees, as well as uprooting them with your hands, in a nearby moor. It is possible that you could help out
with maintenance work on the mountain pasture, for example by getting involved with the building of a fence
around the mountain pasture, or by helping out with the hay harvest on the organic farm.
ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in an Alpine hut in a valley of the Chiemgau mountains, with
kitchen/living room on the ground floor and mattresses on the first floor. There is a toilet, a shower and fresh
(cold) water as well as a woodstove for cooking and heating things up. An electricity connection is also
available. Bundesstraße is 50m away (at nights virtually empty). It is also possible to freshen up in a cold
mountain stream at the edge of the mountain pasture. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: You have ideal conditions for living among nature and for hiking in the Chiemgau mountains. There
is also a cable car going up the nearby Rauschberg mountain (1.645m). The Lödensee lake (6km away) and
Ruhpolding (4.5km away) are reachable on foot or by the bus, which runs every hour during the day. In
Ruhpolding there are opportunities to go shopping, swimming and there is also the train station there. In the
evenings you can sit around a campfire and enjoy the stars. At the weekend you could travel to the Chiemsee
lake, Salzburg or München by bus or by train. The alp farmers will help you with buying food for the camp and
transporting it back to the mountain pasture.
TERMINAL: Ruhpolding
[email protected]
REMARKS: This camp is kindly supported by Johnson Controls. The work will sometimes be physically
IJGD 16220
Dates: 13/08-03/09/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: Taking care of the countryside in nice surroundings and sightseeing in the big city! Both of these
Elbinsel Neßsand r things can be experienced in this workcamp on the edge of the metropolis that is Hamburg.
You’ll be working daily in the Fischbeker Heide, a huge conservation area in south-west Hamburg (around 770
hectares). In order to maintain the heathland, regionally foreign plants, mainly pines, must be removed. This
“Entkusselung” serves above all to preserve the area for the particular animal species that live in the heathland
– for example of 200 endangered insect species. To keep the work varied, you’ll also travel by boat to the Elbe
island of Neßsand and clear away rubbish from the conservation area in the river. This is a great opportunity to
get to know the river Elbe from a completely new perspective. Besides this, you can try out some manual work
by mending ponds and pools in the Fischbeker Heide. The pools create and maintain a habitat for the
endangered natterjack toads in the area.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in a cosy, simply furnished seminar house on the grounds of the Fischbek
conservation centre. You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: The conservation centre at Fischbeker Heide lies 45 minutes (with bus and train) from the centre of
Hamburg. In your free time you can go on a trip to the second largest city in Germany, where a myriad of free
time opportunities away you. At the weekends, it’s worth taking a trip to the beaches by the Nordsee and
Ostsee coasts.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You’ll need to be fit as the work is physically demanding.
REMARKS: More information (only available
IJGD 76122
Dates: 14/08-28/08/16
Type: CONS
Age: 15 ans.
LOCATION: Heiligengrabe
WORK: Together with your team, you’ll be living on the grounds of the monastery in Heiligengrabe, that was
first built in 1287 and is the only almost fully preserved Cistercian monastery in Brandenburg. The former
distillery, the former barn, a settlers’ house and a manor house are used by ijgd to hold seminars for their other
volunteers. The project also offers you the possibility to experience the monastery as a spiritual place, as a
monument and as a place of culture. The work that has been started in the last few years – painting in the
[email protected]
settlers’ house, working on brick walls on the outside grounds (building footpaths) and working with loam – will
be continued this year. This project is kindly supported by the Franco-German Youth Office. (DFJW/OFAJ).
ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in the seminar building at Heligengrabe. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: Heiligengrabe is surrounded by nature, which means there are many things to do in your free time
both on the grounds of the monastery and in the rural surroundings. Besides this, at the weekends you can also
visit other attractions nearby such as Neurippin, Schwerin or the metropolis of Berlin (only 100km away).
TERMINAL: Heiligengrabe
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: This project is for participants from France, Germany and Italy. There is an extra fee of 150€.
IJGD 26314
Dates: 20/08-03/09/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Benediktbeuern
WORK: In this camp you’ll be working on a project with the Bavarian government’s Bergwaldoffensive
(mountain forest group). Mountain forests’ protective features against natural disasters are particularly
important, and it is from this that future generations will also benefit. You’ll be planting young pine, sycamore
and beech trees in particularly sensitive areas of the forest, in order to support the growth of a new generation
of mixed woodland wildlife. You will also spend a few days cutting down trees with a hand saw, so that the
more developed trees can grow better. Throughout all work during this camp, you’ll be accompanied by
experienced foresters from the Bavarian Forestry Administration. You’ll get an insight into the ways and
workings of a mountain forest’s ecosystem, as well as on sustainable use of natural resources. You’ll be driven
to work, which will take about 15 – 30 minutes. Working tools and gloves will be supplied by the foresters.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in dormitories in the Centre for Environment and Culture. You’ll cook your
own meals together. More info at www.zuk-bb.de
LOCATION: Your accommodation is in the centre of Benediktbeuern, which is in one of the most popular
holiday regions in Bavaria. Shopping opportunities and the station are very easily reachable on foot. You can go
on hikes and also go swimming in the nearby lake. Day-trips to Munich are also possible.
TERMINAL: Benediktbeuern
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: The woodlands are sometimes located on steep ground, the work can also be physically demanding.
Waterproof clothing and hiking boots are important things to bring!
[email protected]
IJGD 26311
Dates: 20/08-11/09/16
Type: ARCH
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: The historical Bärnau-Tachov park is a new archaeological open-air museum (opened in 2011), which
invites its guests to take a trip through time to the daily life of people living in the 9th to the 13th centuries.
During the tour, you can wander through an early-middle-aged Slavic village, scale a n 11th century motte
castle and arrive at a high middle-aged settlement. Under guidance of trained professionals, a 1:1
reconstruction of middle-aged houses from this time have and will be built. You will get involved with the
construction of these wooden houses with loam and wattle walls and thatched roofs, and on the shaping of the
natural and landscape area. Besides this, you’ll be helping to organise a museum festival both for children and
the rest of the family.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in sheltered accommodation with beds near to the historical park. You’ll
cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: There are several opportunities for day trips – for example to the concentration camp memorial in
Flossenbürg, the KTB Geo-Centre (Drilling Tower) in Windischeschenbach or to the public observatory in
Tirschenreuth. You could even visit out neighbours in the Czech Republic (Pilsen, Prague, Eger). In Bärnau itself
there is the German Knopfmuseum (button museum) and the Waldfreibad Altglashütte (outdoor pool
complex). Bärnau is difficult to reach with public transport, so you’ll need to be prepared to use your talents to
organise trips. You’ll be able to book a bus to use for travelling.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Waterproof work clothes are absolutely necessary, since the work will take place
REMARKS: Bärnau is in an idyllic location between the Czech border and the Upper Palatine Forest. More info
at www.baernau.de; www.geschichtspark.de. The work can sometimes be physically demanding.
IJGD 26310
Dates: 27/08-11/09/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Bad reichenhall
WORK: You will be helping to maintain the mountain forests at the end edge of the Alps. You’ll be planting
small trees, in order to keep the forest youthful and establish a mix of different tree species, in order to keep
climate change at bay. With this, the mountain forest will also be able to fulfil its diverse protective functions
even in the future. Additionally, you’ll be taking care of things planted in 2013 and 2014 and will also
potentially be building high seats and crates. You’ll be working amongst the beautiful nature and will therefore
experience the background of the mountain forest. Since the weather in the Alps can change very suddenly,
you will need to bring the following clothes: strong mountain boots are absolutely necessary, as well as
waterproof clothing and sun protection! You’ll be working on 8 days for 6.5 hours. The journey from your
accommodation to the place of work is 30 – 45 minute with a minibus. Your accommodation is in the Rastnock
Huts on the north edge of the Retieralpe mountain massif, around 855m above sea level. It’s located around
15km south west of Bad Reichenhall and is easily reachable through a steep forest road by car. You therefore
[email protected]
don’t need to carry your luggage all the way up the mountain. There is a room on the ground floor with tables,
chairs, benches, a wood oven, gas lighting, gas cooker and crockery and cutlery. In the floor above there is
another room with mattresses. You should bring your own sleeping bags, bed sheets and pillows with you. The
toilet cabin (dry toilet/outhouse) is located outside of the huts. Water is also only available outside of the huts
from a fountain or a trough. The quality of the water is not officially supervised, so you should first boil the
water before drinking it. There is only warm water if you warm it up yourself using the oven, or if you build a
solar shower. Please bring biodegradable soap with you. There is a meadow outside the huts on which you can
play and look at the stars. Here is a link to a film from the Upper Bavarian regional television about the 2013
www.rfo.de/mediathek/38132/Jugendiche_arbeiten_im_Bergwald.html) More information about the
mountain forest association here:
www.aelf-ts.bayern.de/forstwirtschaft/wald/124635/index.php (it’s
unfortunately only available in German, but you could use an online translation tool to read it in English)
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in basic huts in the mountains with mattresses, an outhouse and a
fountain. WITHOUT electricity, WITHOUT showers or warm running water. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: You’ll be staying in the middle of the mountains and therefore have ideal conditions to experience
nature and to go on hikes away from civilisation. In the evenings you can enjoy the peacefulness and the starry
sky. There is a road leading to the huts and you’ll have two vehicles available during the camp. You can
therefore visit the Berchtesgaden salt mine or the House of Mountains, the Königsee lake in the Berchtesgaden
national park and the Obersalzberg Center of Documentation. In Bad Reichenhall there is an outdoor swimming
pool (with showers :-) and from there there is a train to Salzburg. Information about the Berchtesgaden
www.nationalparkberchtesgaden.bayern.de/00_englisch/index.htm, the House of Mountains: www.haus-der-berge.bayern.de,
the Berchtesgaden salt mine www.salzzeitreise.de (Englisch: www.salzzeitreise.de/?L=1 and the Obersalzberg
Center of Documentation: www.obersalzberg.de/obersalzberg-home.html?&L=1
TERMINAL: Bad Reichenhall
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Strong hiking boots, waterproof clothing and sun protection are all absolutely
REMARKS: This is a camp for nature lovers. You'll be living far away from civilisation in the middle of a forest.
The work is physically demanding and takes place on hillside locations.
IJGD 26333
Dates: 27/08-17/09/16
Type: CONS
LOCATION: Bielefeld
Age: 16 ans.
WORK: With your help, a playground in Bielefeld should be cleaned and renovated, so that it’s once again
attractive and appealing for children in the local area. You’ll be working on the old playground equipment,
repairing the sand boxes and other broken parts, renewing the floor with the demanded playing surface, laying
down paths and setting up new safety precautions to protect the children. Alongside this, we also ask for your
creativity, as you’ll be able to redesign the playground with your paintbrushes and imagination. At the end of
[email protected]
the camp, you will organise an official opening of the new playground for the children and their parents in the
local area.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying on an idyllic farmyard, in the hay barn. You’ll cook your own meals
LOCATION: Bielefeld, a town with 300,000 inhabitants, lies on the edge of the Teutoburg forest. The town
offers many free time and culture opportunities, for example music and theatre attractions, cinemas, pubs etc.
The Teutoburg forest is a great place to go walking. It is also possible to take a day-trip to Hannover, Osnabrück
or Münster.
TERMINAL: Bielefeld
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: Some of the work will be physically demanding. This project is not for people with hay allergies.
IJGD 76116
Dates: 05/09-22/09/16
Type: CONS
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Spremberg
WORK: The accommodation of the Social Pedadogical Institute of the Felixsee community (around 15km away
from Spremberg) are located in leafy surroundings directly on the natural Felixsee, with a viewing point. Here,
groups of children and young people have ideal conditions, in order to stay active amongst nature during their
free-time and holidays. The international workcamp taking place in 2016 will be the 15th of its kind here. Due
to the current situation, the support of projects helping refugees in Spremberg is the core of this year’s project.
That refers to assisting with the social supervision in the emergency accommodation, for example organising
day-to-day tasks, overcoming language barriers as well as integration activities, such as games or family
afternoons, or international cooking events. You can produce everyday objects from soapstone and also help to
make these objects more attractive.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in wooden bungalows (with a barbecue area, table tennis and volleyball
court nearby). Please bring a sleeping bag with you! You’ll cook your own meals together.
LOCATION: You can go swimming in the Felixsee lake and make use of the numerous sport and free-time
activities in the leisure centre. Internet connection and bicycles are also available. In the town of Spremberg
there is a water park, a cinema, a bowling alley, a disco and much more. A high rope course, a riding school and
a boat rental are also very nearby.
TERMINAL: Spremberg
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Participants under 18 should bring written permission from their parents to go
swimming (unsupervised in a natural lake).
[email protected]
IJGD 76123
Dates: 17/09-01/10/16
Type: ENVI
Age: 16 ans.
LOCATION: Aue/Sachsen
WORK: The “Kuttenbach” conservation area is part of “Kuttenbach-Mooseheide-Vordere-Aue” FFH-area.
“Kuttenbach” counts as one of the particularities of the NSG. It’s a semi-natural stream with its source areas.
But there are also areas of moorland, wetland meadows, tall forb communities, alpine meadows, mat grass
grasslands and dwarf shrub communities. The aim of the project is to help tend to the biotopes and set up
measures to restore parts of the landscape. Young people from the local area will get involved with the mowing
and clearing out of biomass in the area. Your accommodation is an open youth centre, where you’ll find many
opportunities to bring local kids and young people together in order to enjoy the sports and games on offer, or
even just to hang out and chat. In our buildings and on our grounds, however, smoking and alcohol
consumption is not permitted, since we want to offer the young community a substance-free zone.
ACCOMODATION: You’ll be staying in the “OASE” youth centre. You’ll cook your own meals together. For
excursions, there will be packed lunches.
LOCATION: There are many interesting ways to spend you free time and to discover the region, both inside the
“OASE” youth centre itself and through excursions to the “Erzgebirge” (Erz Mountains). For example, you can
experience true nature, historical towns and mines, and also take trips to Dresden and Leipzig, etc.
TERMINAL: Aue/Sachsen
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: REMARKS: More info at www.oaseloessnitz.de or on Facebook.
[email protected]
IZMIR 28.07- 05.08
This is an international thematic camp for the age group 14(*)-17. Teenagers from different
countries will create a “group film” in Afacan Youth House (www.afacan.de). Majority of the
group will be Turkish teens. But the camp language is English. The participants will use their
creativity & express their ideas to write their scenario, act, shoot and direct their films in this
camp. Besides filming, different activities like sports, arts & crafts, creative drama, music, etc.
will be in the daily program of the camp. Turkish & international volunteers will be leading or
assisting the daily activities. Afacan Youth House is a place where GENCTUR hosts various
voluntary and youth camps. The campsite is a secure place and participants will not be allowed to
leave the camp site on their own.
W: Making a short film by using hand cameras and computers. A: At Afacan Youth House, in 3-6
bedded rooms with shower & toilet. Sleeping bag and mat are not necessary. F: Will be served in
the center. LA: English. R: Smoking & alcohol is certainly not permitted at the camp. If you are
a smoking or alcohol consuming teenager DO NOT apply. LO: Yenisakran is in the west of Turkey.
The center is by the seaside. The nearest city is Izmir.
Meeting Point : GENCTUR office in İstanbul. Airport transfer may be organized by GENCTUR
upon request but only from Istanbul Atatürk Airport (in the European side) on 28.07.16
Thursday, between 08.00 – 17.00 hours, at the cost of 20 €. The group will depart to the camp
site on the same evening by an overnight coach together with the Turkish participants and the
group leaders. The return coach ticket (to and from the camp site) is 80 € to be paid on arrival.
The teen participants will also be accompanied on their return to Istanbul on 05.08.16
Friday. The group will arrive in İstanbul in the evening and GENCTUR will arrange a hostel bed +
breakfast for you at a cost of 20 € for 1 night. Please be aware that GENCTUR takes no
responsibility after the check in proces in the hostel. The return flight tickets must be arranged
for the next day 06.08.2016 Saturday from Istanbul Atatürk Airport.
Alternatively, if you are self confident and can travel alone, you can also fly to Izmir Airport on
28.07.2016 Thursday. Izmir Airport is directly linked by train to Aliağa where you can find
minibuses to reach to the camp site in 30 minutes. The journey from the airport to the camp site
lasts 2 hours in total and costs only 5 Euros. In fact flying to İzmir might be cheaper and more
convenient and less tiring. If you prefer to land in İzmir Airport and reach to the camp site by
your own, you should pay 25 Euro for the extra night accommodation including the dinner,
breakfast and lunch till the group arrives in the camp site on the 29th of July.
Extra Fee: 210 Euro. To cover 7 nights full board accommodation at the camp site, excluding the
personal expenses during the camp like soft drinks, ice cream, etc., return travel, hostel
accommodation and transfer costs in Turkey.
(*) Some airlines do not accept children younger than 16 to fly by their own. Please be sure and
check with the airline before buying your ticket.
[email protected]
RU-SOD 7.5
RU-SOD 7.6
RU-SOD 7.7
RU-SOD 7.8
Language for
Success - 1
We are different,
but we are together
We are different,
but we are together
Language for
Success - 2
17.06 - 2.07
Teenagers from 13 can be
accepted. Participation fee for
teens aged 13-15 is 200 euro.
For teens 16+ no participation
2.07 - 17.07
19.07 – 3.08
Motivation letter required.
5.08 – 20.08
Certificate of good conduct
Description: These camps for Russian kids take place every year on the bank of the lake Shap in the
middle of the pine forest. Foreign volunteers work together with Russian volunteers as counselors and
organize cultural and educational activities for the participants (local school kids – aged 8-15).
Type of Work: 1. Making intercultural and educational workshops (about the volunteers’ native
countries, ecology, water resources, human rights, antiracism, etc); 2. Teaching foreign languages to
the participants (in the form of playing games, singing songs or improve their language skills through
discussions); 3. Organizing some sport activities, strategic games, shows and handycrafts. The work is
done 8 hours a day, one day off per week, for the days off sightseeing excursions are planned.
Accommodation: In the resort for children, in brick and wooden houses; counselors live together in
male, female, mixed rooms. Showers are available all the time.
Language: The working language of the project is English, but we welcome all other languages:
French, German, Spanish, Italian, Esperanto etc. Knowledge of Russian would be useful.
Requirements: The volunteers are expected to have some experience of working with kids and
organizing activities, intercultural experience is very welcome. We especially welcome those who can
swim as this season is normally hot here and we swim a lot with the kids. Motivation letter is required.
Certificate of no criminal record is required.
Location: The workcamp is situated in Russia, Cheboksary. The volunteers will need to fly (or arrive
with any other transport: train, bus etc.) to Moscow and take a train from Moscow to Cheboksary. In
Cheboksary the volunteers will be met by the Russian volunteers and move altogether to the
Notes: Teenagers from 13 can be accepted. Participation fee for teens aged 13-15 is 200 euro. For
teenagers 16+ there is no participation fee.
[email protected]
Youth for
Youth for
Volunteers will help to organise outdoor activities for social disadvantaged children in
Vecumnieki municipality. In the first days of work camp participants will have preparation
training for outdoor activities with children, for example, orientation, tourism sport, low and
high ropes, non-formal education methods for team building, conflict management.
Volunteers will assist in integration and consolidation activities for children in age 7 till 15.
These activities will be organised in different villages in Vecumnieki municipality (Stelpe,
Barbele, Vecumnieki, Misa, Skaistkalne and Valle).
We made ecological garden. Volunteers will help as well in gardening work.
Living conditions are very basic. The volunteers are accommodated in the tents. Toilets and
washing facilities are provided. Cooking is done by volunteers themselves on camp fire.
Work camp will be organized at Vecumnieki municipality. The Vecumnieki municipality
borders with Iecava, Bauska, Nereta, Ķegums, Baldone and Jaunjelgava municipalities and
the Republic of Lithuania. The municipal territory consists of Kurmene, Valle, Bārbele,
Skaistkalne, Stelpe and Vecumnieki parishes. The administrative centre of the municipality is
Vecumnieki, located 50 km from Rīga and 30 km from Bauska.
Arrival terminals are Riga international airport or Riga international bus station. By request
YOUTH FOR SMILE can organize meeting on arrival place. If it is necessary YOUTH FOR
SMILE can help in finding for accommodation before and after project
During work camp we will have possibilities as well to visit different cultural and historical
places. Volunteers will have possibilities to organise intercultural events etc.
[email protected]
In 2010 YOUTH FOR SMILE start to work on development outdoor education centre. As we
are working mainly with outdoor education methods and adventure pedagogic methods it is
necessary to have camp place for trainings and seminars. As well our scouting and guiding
groups need place for practical learning. In outdoor education centre we are planning to make
low and high ropes routs, different tracks for team building and learning scouts and guides
arts. Volunteers will help to clean territory of planed outdoor education centre – it is forest
and meadow. We have a plan to build as well camp fire place, toilets, educational tracks etc.
Cleaning work will be cutting shrubs, cleaning ditch, mow grass etc.
During camp volunteers will help as well in renovation our house – build heating system,
doing gardening in nearest territory of our house.
We made ecological garden. Volunteers will help as well in gardening work.
Living conditions are very basic. The volunteers are accommodated in the tents. Toilets and
washing facilities are provided. Cooking is done by volunteers themselves on camp fire.
Work camp will be organised in Barbele, Vecumnieki municipality.
The Vecumnieki municipality borders with Iecava, Bauska, Nereta, Ķegums, Baldone and
Jaunjelgava municipalities and the Republic of Lithuania. The municipal territory consists of
Kurmene, Valle, Bārbele, Skaistkalne, Stelpe and Vecumnieki parishes. The administrative
centre of the municipality is Vecumnieki, located 50 km from Rīga and 30 km from Bauska.
The total area is 845,53 km2.
Arrival terminals are Riga international airport or Riga international bus station. By request
YOUTH FOR SMILE can organize meeting on arrival place. If it is necessary YOUTH FOR
SMILE can help in finding for accommodation before and after project
During work camp we will have possibilities as well to visit different cultural and historical
places. Volunteers will have possibilities to organise intercultural events etc.
[email protected]
The project “LATVIA * SAUNA * CULTURE” are part of initiative to promote our culture
and teach community about way of living in past. Our biggest treasures are culture and nature
and both are still alive. In this project volunteers will help to develop Culture Park. As sauna
is part of our culture we will build kind of sauna. Volunteers will have possibility to learn
Latvian sauna culture, use of different nature materials in sauna procedures and of course to
try Latvian sauna which are connected with culture and nature.
Living conditions are very basic. The volunteers are accommodated in the tents. Toilets and
washing facilities are provided. Cooking is done by volunteers themselves on camp fire.
Work camp will be organized at Vecumnieki municipality. The Vecumnieki municipality
borders with Iecava, Bauska, Nereta, Ķegums, Baldone and Jaunjelgava municipalities and
the Republic of Lithuania. The municipal territory consists of Kurmene, Valle, Bārbele,
Skaistkalne, Stelpe and Vecumnieki parishes. The administrative centre of the municipality is
Vecumnieki, located 50 km from Rīga and 30 km from Bauska.
Arrival terminals are Riga international airport or Riga international bus station. By request
YOUTH FOR SMILE can organize meeting on arrival place. If it is necessary YOUTH FOR
SMILE can help in finding for accommodation before and after project
During work camp we will have possibilities as well to visit different cultural and historical
places. Volunteers will have possibilities to organise intercultural events etc.
[email protected]