Phase II Look Book (Soft Window Treatments)
Phase II Look Book (Soft Window Treatments)
sof t w indow fa shions 2016 LOOK BOOK 1 NEW BASICS GENT - C Price Group LINEN BLEND SOLID ivory mushroom bisque dew drop vanilla flax fog indigo 2 smoke NEW BASICS GENT - D Price Group + extra lead time LINEN BLEND SOLID - special order colors honey wasabi pool pomegranate blossom port 3 terrazo charcoal NEW BASICS TULUM - B Price Group CASUAL RIBBED SOLID swan dusk navajo graphite sterling marigold rustique rose alpine ocean 4 NEW BASICS GREEK KEY - B Price Group GREEK KEY JACQUARD ivory beige flax salsal lemon zest lily pond 5 vellum commodore blue night navy/white NEW! en Lin d de ry or /ivo C t/ e en ok G sm ipe nd, r t s le Pin B Pinstripe Gent/Corded Linen Blend, vanilla/mushroom Ar tis an / boHan ne dl , h oo ar m ve He st rr i ng - Gent/Linen Blend Solid, bisque Art isa n/ boHand ne, loo do m H lph er in ring - n ine dL rde Co isque nt/ Ge flax/b pe stri nd, Pin Ble Artisan/Handloom Herringbone, lakeland Ge no va/ O ge be e Em ach bro id digo d, in Soli lend en B t/Lin Gen ery , COASTAL Ge no va /O g ma ee E rin mb e ro ide ry, y, er d oi br no Em l ee era g /O in va m Pinstripe Gent/Corded Linen Blend, bisque/navy 6 Ge Tullahoma/Ikat Print, bay blue ift dr n Sa a/ Do nn in gt on co Dam rn a flo sk w /O er rn at e tiv Pr in t, p Ca , re tu x Te t or ap se SEASIDE BLUES Fleuretta/Grandscale Floral, bluejay ux D uc k, Fa o/ Ri na ut ica l Melodie/Toile Paisley, frost blue n, ne W ilm in gt on /C ot to n Li at ic nt la Charleston/Bandana Floral, blue 7 NEW! , Greek Key/Greek Key Jacquard, lemon zest lid d be ib ld R al o su arig a /C m So Fy nn /La tti ce Pr int ,s aff ro n m lu Tu Gent/Linen Blend Solid, wasabi Jac Gree qua k K rd, ey/ com Gre mo ek K do ey re blu e y gre ool t, c Prin ice att n/L Fyn Tulum/Casual Ribbed Solid, alpine PREPPY BRIGHTS ed Ge nt/ Lin en bb l Ri sua se /Ca ro Ble nd Sol id, poo l um Tul id, Sol , lid Fy nn /La tti ce Pr int ,c or al m ed bb i R e al u su stiq a /C ru lu Tu Greek Key/Greek Key Jacquard, salsa 8 So NEW! Fleuretta/Grandscale Floral, chutney , ard u cq Ja y e sa k K sal e e Gr Do n Or nin na gto te n Pr Da int m , c ask lay / Donnington Damask/ Ornate Print, cornflower Tulu m/C asu rusal Ribb tiqu ed e Sol id, l ura nat en, ate nS tto Co ky/ Luc Greek Key Jacquard, flax CASUAL PRINTS Gre e comk Key mo Jacq dor e b uard, lue id, Sol ed ibb al R asu vajo m/C na Tulu d, oli S d be b i lR n ua cea s Ca o m/ u l Tu Do Or nnin na gt te on Pr D int am , l as ine k/ n Fleuretta/Grandscale Floral, bluejay 9 PAINTERLY Tulum /Casu al R roseibbed Soli d, t sprou teen, a S n /Cotto Lucky Gent/L inen Ble Print, rly Floral te in a /P n Dandelio pink nd Soli d, wasa bi Gent/Linen Blend Solid, blossom Tulum/Casual Ribb Solid, sterling ed Charleston/Bandana Floral, slate Dandelion/Painterly Floral Print, slate Charleston/Bandana Floral, gold Tulum/Casu al Ribb marigold ed Solid, 10 NEW! NEW! , ard u cq Ja p ro r ind silve a R in/ Ra Fancy Pants/Modern Classic Scroll, blush Ly o n/ F so loat ft in pi g nk Vi n e, Fancy Pants/Modern Classic Scroll, porcelain Lyo n /Flo a silv ting er Vin e , d, uar acq pJ dro l ain tura n/R na Rai Fancy Pants/Modern Classic Scroll, dove grey gV atin /Flowhite n Lyo Rai n/R ain dro line p Jacq n uar d, ROMANTIC NEUTRALS , ine Cla Fan ssi cy P cS a cro nts ll, /Mo pa d rc ern hm en t ing at ry o l F o n/ iv o Ly Lyon/Floating Vine, taupe 11 , ne Vi METALLICS NEW! l M ra et tu al na um a/ , rd M ua et cq Ja al lic Te x p ro nd ai tu re ,c /R in Ra re am Hexagon/Metallic Geometric, platinum Hexagon/Metallic Geometric, silver Rain/Raindrop Jacquard, linen M r et ve al sil um , re a/ tu M et x Te al lic lic al et Te x M tu a/ re , um ho al et ne y M Hexagon/Metallic Geometric, old gold 12 GILDED GREY Charl eston tta/Iro ana F loral, slate rley nt, ba Pri nwork Done /Band Uma/Ra ffia Text ure, wh eat wning ipe/Poly A Ashton Str nugget Stripe, Ashton Stripe/Poly Awning Stripe, greysmoke Captiva/Sand Texture, ambrift er Findlay/All Over Willow, charcoal Charle ston/B Captiva/Sandrift Texture, drizzle andan a Flor al, go ld Tullahoma/Ikat Print, marble grey 13 Neptune/Poly Brocade, sage Tu ls ge a ,s ka at M / lsa a/ k Sil Tu M at ka Sil k, lin en Waterloo/Ditzy Dot, black ry Wa te rlo ivo oD ot, ot/ Dit yD itz o/D zy Do t, rlo bri ck te Wa Neptune/Poly Brocade, brick s Tul Luc ky/ Co tto nS ate en, bla ck TRADITIONAL BROCADE ilk, aS atk a/M ret cla Tu ls a/ M at ka Sil k, ny bo e e, ad c o Br ly o P e/ un t p Ne ta n Waterloo/Ditzy Dot, sand 14 Neptune/Poly Brocade, ebony e lin er b /Im ire h ds Ha t , je e p ri St M et alu ma /M ho eta ne llic y Te xtu re, Tulsa/Matka Silk, tan ow Wa te ad rlo oD , sh llow ot/ Wi Dit zy Do t, ve r ll O y/A san dla d Fin Waterloo Dot/Ditzy Dot, black ak , te ure ext aT affi a/R Um Val dos ta/J bla acob ckb ean ird Pr int, RICH EARTH Fin dl m ay /A ll O ve rW illo w, s ka ad at M a/ ls Tu dl e Raw Silk Crepe, pebble 15 k, Sil m u o ro sh NEW! Greek Key/Greek Key Jacquard, vellum Fy nn /La tti ce Pr int , fr en ch gr ey Paxton/Quatrafoil Jacquard, smoke oil raf uat h /Q , as ton ard Pax acqu J Eve res t/W a tauvy Ja pe cqu ard , MODERN ARCHITECTURE Paxton/Quatrafoil Jacquard, lt.grey m tor t, s Prin ice att n/L Fyn Fou r Jacsquar qua e/T rd, onal pum Ma ice ze ic all et ilver /M s on tric, g xa e He eom G d, ar u cq Ja l d i ra oa /B harc o d c lan r O Fy nn /La tti ce Pr int ,o ny x Greek Key/Greek Key Jacquard, night 16 W t ilm gh in ni gt , rd on ua /C ot cq to Ja n y Ke D uc k ek re G ,e bo ny Tullahoma/Ikat Print, charcoal ink GRAPHIC BLACK Fynn/Lattice Print, onyx Melodie/Toile Paisley, platinum grey ur Fo Lu c d, ar ky u cq /C Ja ot to n Sa te en e az l M ce na mi To pu ,b / re ua la ck sq Donetta/Ironwork Print, licorice 17 2016 Look Book_PH2-May25 18
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