Hato Paora College | Newsletter | July 2010
Hato Paora College | Newsletter | July 2010
in this issue wha- ia te pae rangi the big sing adding to our toolkit hostel renovations 1st xv make history - rero nga- manu ko maramataka term 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 new heights HATO PAORA PARORANGI - ISSUE 06 , 2010 - our fire safe heroes hato paora sets a shining example Four members of the New Zealand Fire Service attended assembly on Friday 25th June where Manawat Area Commander, Mitchell Brown, presented Braydon Haimona-Young with a re safety certicate and introduced the position of Kaitiaki Kairahi. we're ready to play hard uncle, moko, koro At around 4.40am on Thursday 27th May, Braydon was awakened by noises coming from the toilet block. Upon investigating, he found ames roaring up into the dorm’s toilet area and roof and immediately alerted Dorm Parent, Wiremu Solomon. With help from Year 13 boys, P Wiremu evacuated the dorm, sent boys to meet the reghters and had other boys evacuate the neighbouring dorm. All 125 boarders and 10 staff were successfully evacuated to the gymnasium in under 10 minutes. Mr Brown described the evacuation as “picture perfect” and Braydon as “knowing what aroha’s all about”. He praised the way staff and students handled themselves saying “everyone has evacuation procedures in place, but Hato Pora College really stepped up. The alarm was raised early and the evacuation was carried out quickly ensuring the safety of all involved.” Tumuaki, Debra Marshall-Lobb, thanked Feilding and Cheltenham reghters for their efforts and congratulated all involved with the evacuation. The re resulted from a fault in the hot water system. It caused extensive damage to the ceiling and toilet block, but mainly smoke and water damage to the living area, which housed 21 students. Mr Brown also presented the college with a Kaitiaki Kairahi re helmet. The Kaitiaki Kaiarahi is a new student-led re sheriff position and educational initiative. Hato Pora. Applications for this position will open in term 3 and, in this role, students will take responsibility for monitoring re safety at the college. Mr Brown said “it is important for people to stand up and take leadership roles when it comes to re safety”. Fireman, Te Aorangi Harrington, urged students to practice re safety at home as well as at school by checking smoke alarms in their whare over the holidays. take a look at our updated website www.hatopaora.maori.nz "let's do it team" SUCCESS IS A JOURNEY NOT A DESTINATION - HALF THE FUN IS GETTING THERE - GITA BELLIN JULY 2010 hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 ngaiwa being baptised by fr chris te kaupapa wairua 2 Upon returning from the Marist Youth Leadership programme in Christchurch earlier in the year, two of our new Kaiarahi, Tyrone Gardiner and Te Rangiotu Pewhairangi-Te Aweawe, requested Baptism and First Communion in the Church. They prepared for this with Ngaiwa Marshall-Lobb throughout the Lenten season and we celebrated the sacraments on the 16th of May during the Easter season. The following Sunday we celebrated the Baptisms of P Victor Herbert and his wife Whaea Karina’s three children. Nau mai koutou ki roto i te te whnau o te Hhi. Conrmation, Baptism and Eucharist form the three sacraments of initiation into the Catholic Church. During Conrmation the Bishop anoints candidates with the oil of Chrism and prayer focuses on the reception of gifts and blessings from the Wairua Tapu. This sacrament conrms and seals the graces of Baptism. In recent years many boys have celebrated Baptism and First Communion but have not been conrmed. In term 3, students already Baptised will have the opportunity to receive this Sacrament. Preparation will be carried out with our local parish, St Brigid’s, Feilding and celebration of the sacrament will take place Sunday 5th September. Preparation for students wishing to be Baptised and receive First Communion will also begin in term 3. These Baptisms will be celebrated in November. As whnau, please discuss this with your son and advise the Kura if he is interested. Noho pai mai. Pa- Chris Martin S.M - ia te wha pae rangi Kei te momohe, kei te mhaki te wharau a te mano, te mrau a te tini, te wenerau a te mano, moe mai ra i te moe to whita, te moe to rea, to whakaarahia, ng mate huhua, haere. Ko ttou ng waihotanga ake e karapoti nei I ng taitama, ng heke, ng whakatipuranga o ton whnau, o ton hap, o ton iwi huri noa i te whenua tapu, tihei mauri ora! Ton koutou e te whnau, Last week I had the good fortune of attending the National Network of Marist Schools Conference in Wellington, along with long serving Combined Boards member, Kui Mere Sanson, and Residential Director, Pa Anthony Lobb. Hato Pora College is one of eight Secondary Schools within Aotearoa-New Zealand that belongs to this special cluster of schools which also includes: • Pompallier College, Whangarei • Marist College, Auckland • St John’s, Hastings • St Patrick’s, Silverstream • St Patrick’s, Kilbirne • St Bede’s, Christchurch and • Roncalli College, Timaru The Priests who established our college were of the Marist order, with the founding father being Jean-Claude Colin (from France). Other Marist Schools are our kin, we share a special bond and were all established and nurtured by the same people, with the same philosophical base, traditions and values. Each of our schools has a proud tradition; like brothers and sisters, we share a common whakapapa yet we also have our own unique founding stories, strengths and journeys. Like whnau, it is vital to our well being to remain connected. That connection is important and is sustained by reciprocal support and respect. At the conference Fr Gerald Arbuckle (sm and Ph.D Anthropology), challenged all Marist schools to consider how true we are to our founding mission and whether we promote within our community the stories that exemplify that mission. In a competitive society, social sector organisations often feel pressured to conform to the dominant culture. With such a move, many social sector organisations lose sight of their mission and the business overtakes it. It continues to be a positive challenge for us to remain faithful to our mission. However we should celebrate that the point of difference for Catholic schools such as ours, is our faith development as a community. Obviously, like all other schools, we strive to ‘hit the high notes’ in all that we do (academically, culturally, in sports etc) but the x-factor is our faith. Our mission needs to drive our business, not the other way around and we all have a part to play in retaining this unique and fundamental feature of our school. Kti ake r i knei, noho pai mai i roto i ng manaakitanga katoa o Hehu Karaiti. Nku noa, _ Na Debi Marshall-Lobb _ Tumuaki take a look at our updated website www.hatopaora.maori.nz hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 staff profile - victor pa herbert – pastoral director P Victor Herbert joined the Hato Pora teaching team in 2002, working as a PE teacher and Head of PE before taking on his current role of Pastoral Director in 2009. As Pastoral Director, P Victor is responsible for managing student behaviour within the learning and living environments. He works with students, whnau and staff to develop plans for modifying student behaviour. Originally from the East Coast, P Victor attended Te Aute College as a boarder in the early 1980s. His rst-hand experience of the boarding school environment helps him relate to and better understand Hato Pora students. He describes “getting to know every student and their parents” as the most enjoyable part of his job. He also enjoys seeing boys with no understanding of rules or boundaries ourish in a structured boarding school environment. As a married father of three young children, P Victor believes it is important for Mori boys to have strong male Mori role models. Modelling desired behaviours helps boys understand their responsibilities as men, enabling them to contribute positively to society and make a place for themselves and their families. LEFT TO RIGHT: MARNEY RENNIE, TAMAKI PEITA AND CONDUCTOR JUSTIN-LEIGH MANUEL the big sing 25 talented vocalists took the stage to represent Hato Pora at The Big Sing regional secondary schools’ choir competition in Palmerston North on Friday 11th June. This year the Hato Pora Choir performed three items: Tangihia i ng mate (an original composition by old boy Morvin Simon), Rangitne and Karanga Mai. Student, Tyrone Gardiner, and Choir Director, Hona Black provided guitar accompaniment and Deputy Head Boy, Justin-Leigh Manuel, conducted the performance. The boys looked very handsome in their red school jerseys and long trousers with farewell alexej Born in the Altai Mountains, Kazakhstan, Alexej Parchomenko, aged 21, is the youngest of two boys. Throughout his childhood, Alexej spent a lot of time with his brother Ivan building wooden swords, making snow houses and playing sports. When Alexej was eight, his family moved to Germany. His parents were worried he might forget Russian so he wrote regular letters to his grandmother in his native tongue. As a keen sportsman he made friends easily and after three years he spoke German uently, but will always be grateful to his parents for ensuring he retained his knowledge of the Russian language. This sentiment was reected in the glowing adjudicators’ report, which commented on the boys’ harmonies, discipline and commitment to singing, and recognised by the presentation of a Merit Award. Germany’s compulsory service of state caused Alexej to consider what he might do when he nished school and, in 2008, he applied to travel to Aotearoa. Although away from his home, family and friends, Alexej has enjoyed his time at Hato Pora saying “someone has made it very easy for me by putting all these nice people in my path”. Hato Pora is always delighted to take part in The Big Sing. It’s a great opportunity for the boys to see other schools perform, interact with other students and achieve recognition for their singing skills. Kia Ora Alexej. It’s been lovely to have you as part of our school. We wish you well when you return home next month. We will miss you very much, but feel blessed to have known you. korowai overtop. Their performance was strong with the man in charge of recording describing the choir as “the best Hato Pora has ever had!” 3 hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 - ora hato pa - ma te whakawai ka eke panuku! we've got the packing down pat! it's physical work alright! adding to our toolkit 4 On Monday, 21 June Hato Pora celebrated Matariki (the advent of the Mori New Year) with several activities, including a shared kai for staff and students. Seventeen Year 11 students planned and prepared the Matariki hangi and carried this through to completion. all accounted for and ready to roll out! teina mana (year 12) enjoying the matariki hangi Many of these students had not made a hangi before, often it is the adults that attend to this task, therefore there was a signicant amount of new learning. The rationale was that every student at Hato Pora College the cooks are happy! should leave with certain tools that prepare them as young Mori men, able to perform tasks that Mori value. Being able to make a hangi can be added to the toolkit. Congratulations to Jamie, Kahurangi H-T, Anaru, Jayden, Kahurangi W-M, Tyrone, Jake, Wanahi, Te Ranga, Tuanu, Jonah, Pineamine, Reggae, Caleb, Matu, Devyn and Piripi and many thanks to their supervisor and peer mentor, Taylor Haimona-Young (Year 13). Kei runga noa atu koutou katoa. hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 all in time and it just gets better! clean lines, lots of natural light and open space hostel renovations The hostel ofce, kitchen, inrmary and access to the sports coordinator’s ofce are now under one roof with the completion of Riatana Block renovations. A separating wall has been added between the kitchen and ofce and a kitchen brieng room has been developed for shared use by staff and any students in the inrmary. The renovations allow Hostel Administrator, Whaea Rosie, to better supervise boys in the inrmary. They also enable easier contact with Sport and Recreation Coordinator, Barney Manuel, who organises sporting and afterschool activities. A new 0800 phone is also available for student use. This is located on the counter in the hostel ofce, allowing boys to keep in contact with parents and whnau. Renovations began three weeks before the end of term one and were completed ready for use in the rst week of term two. developing ma-ori leaders Year 13 hostel students are gaining condence and leadership skills with the introduction of a new Apiha Whakahaere position initiated by Weekday Shift Supervisor, P Teowati Tipene. As Apiha Whakahaere, each Year 13 student has the opportunity take responsibility for supervising ranks and the hostel dining room for one day. They must supervise the tidying of the school grounds, ensure dress and grooming standards are upheld and monitor noise levels in the dining room. During the school week the Apiha Whakahaere supervises the morning handover from the living to the learning environment and the afternoon handover from the learning to the living environment. During the weekend, the appointed Apiha Whakahaere is responsible for assisting staff with any activities or sports students may be involved in. Residential Director, Anthony Lobb, describes the initiative as “an opportunity for boys to experience success as leaders in a safe environment” and has seen boys’ condence develop considerably with the added responsibility. a functional and inviting kitchenette 5 hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 te kokonga tauira students at work and play left to right: tihirua putaka, wetini wilkins-larkin, te hauora hepi-gatonyi, and flaun taurima hard work reaps the benefits! 1st xv make history! 6 Hato Pora’s 1st XV triumphed over Te Aute College 15-7 in this year’s annual rugby exchange to claim the Rewcastle Trophy for the rst time in 16 years. Te Aute hosted the event, which took place on Saturday 19th June. The weather was beautiful, the pwhiri was warm and the atmosphere was buzzing with energy and anticipation. Te Aute was only able to eld three teams so the 1st XV, U14s and U15s played, but this did little to detract from the excitement. The 1st XV took the eld with passion, determined to break their losing streak. With the whole school, whnau and old boys cheering from the sidelines, they managed to do just that. Team Manager, Kathleen Leaf, and Team Captain, Taku Hall, described the game as “brilliant”. “They really made us proud. The boys played a superb defensive game and really deserved the win”, Ms Leaf said. Taylor Haimona-Young kicked off the points by successfully converting a penalty. Vallance Katipa and Taylor scored the team’s winning tries with Taylor successfully converting one. The U14s played a hard game but on the day Te Aute were just too strong winning 44-0. The U15s also played well. They took the eld with a determined spirit and put up a strong defense, but Te Aute took the win with a score of 17-7. - manu nga - rero 2010 ko On Thursday 17th June, Flaun Taurima, Te Hauora Hepi-Gatonyi, Wetini Wilkins-Larkin and Tihirua Putaka travelled to Manawat College in Foxton to compete at the Ng Manu Krero regionals. Ng Manu Krero secondary school speech contests are intended to encourage Mori sudents to develop skills and condence in spoken English and Mori. Hato Pora students have traditionally done very well at regionals and this year was no exception. Flaun, Te Hauora and Wetini won the Junior English, Junior Maori and Senior English sections respectively and Tihirua presented a very strong speech in the Senior Mori section. 12 schools participated in each section and Flaun described all speeches as being of an extremely high calibre. “All the speeches were really good and I was kind of psyching myself out, but when I started talking the crowd seemed to like it and I saw a couple of smiles on the judges’ faces” he said. Section winners from each region will travel to Dunedin to compete in the prestigious national nals on Tuesday 21st September. loyal and faithful supporters! hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 te kokonga tauira acknowledging success what a treat! matariki – he taura whiri i te ao kohatu ki te ao hangarau nei! N te 21 o Pipiri i whakanuia a Matariki e ng pouako me ng kaiaka o te kura nei. I manahau te wairua o ng tama n te toanga tuatahi o te Kapa Whutupro Matua ki a Te Aute, toru r i mua. N P Nick te ptake o tonei tikanga i whakamrama atu ki te katoa i te huinga kura. He tohu o te tau hou Mori, he khui whet e rongonui ana puta noa i te ao. Waihoki, ka whakamaumaharatia te hunga kua whetrangitia, ka whakaaro hoki m ng whinga nui kei mua tonu i te aroaro. koro chris checking all is in order 7 He aha hoki hei whakanui i tonei kaupapa? He waiata, he haka, he kai! I k nakihia ng krero ki ng waiata o te Koea me te Kapa Haka Matua. Whai muri ana, i noho tahi mtou ki te kai i te hngi namunamu i whakaritea e ng konga o te Reo Mori Tau 11 a Whaea Debi Marshall-Lobb. E tika ana kia mihia rtou ng kaihpai , me t ttou Tumuaki, n rtou te whakaaro nui kia whakarangatira ai tonei hui ahurei e te whnau o Hato Pora. gotcha! mea katoa ka pai ki mua, ka pai ki muri, ka pai nga matariki - te whetu o te tau hato pa- ora parorangi - issue 06 maramataka term 3, 2010 july monday 5 thursday 1 friday 2 Last day of term 2 Holidays saturday 3 sunday 4 tuesday 6 wednesday 7 thursday 8 friday 9 saturday 10 sunday 11 tuesday 13 wednesday 14 thursday 15 friday 16 saturday 17 sunday 18 Staff Call back day Combined Boards Retreat Holidays monday 12 Holidays Senior As Noho at HPC Alexej departs monday 19 tuesday 20 Term 3 begins wednesday 21 thursday 22 1st XV/2nd XV vs. St John’s (Home game) friday 23 saturday 24 sunday 25 1.30pm 1st Open Day for prospective 2011 enrolments july 8 Senior A dress rehearsal 7pm at college august monday 26 tuesday 27 Mori language week AUT visit to college National Secondary Schools’ Kapa Haka Competition, Rotorua wednesday 28 thursday 29 monday 2 tuesday 3 wednesday 4 thursday 5 monday 9 tuesday 10 wednesday 11 monday 16 tuesday 17 wednesday 18 friday 30 saturday 31 sunday 1 friday 6 saturday 7 sunday 8 thursday 12 friday 13 saturday 14 sunday 15 thursday 19 friday 20 saturday 21 sunday 22 saturday 28 sunday 29 Performance day for the Senior A team Taki Rua play here monday 23 tuesday 24 – Manawat Science The Firebox and Technology Fair Programme entries due 10.30am 2nd Open Day wednesday 25 friday 27 Attitude drama visit Manawat Science and Technology Fair august monday 30 thursday 26 Latitude volunteers arrive at Hato Pora College for 11 months september tuesday 31 wednesday 1 thursday 2 friday 3 saturday 4 sunday 5 Senior School exams Secondary schools’ rugby league tournament, Wainuiomata monday 6 tuesday 7 Fathers’ Day Rwhitiroa U16’s rugby tournament wednesday 8 thursday 9 friday 10 saturday 11 sunday 12 National Catholic Mori Council Hui at Hato Pora monday 13 tuesday 14 wednesday 15 thursday 16 friday 17 saturday 18 sunday 19 monday 20 tuesday 21 wednesday 22 thursday 23 friday 24 saturday 25 sunday 26 House competitions Holidays begin Last day of term 3 Italian trip National Manu Krero nals, Dunedin for regular event updates check out our website www.hatopaora.maori.nz HATO PAøORA COLLEGE - 1314 KIMBOLTON ROAD, RD 7, FEILDING - P 06 328 9731 - www.hatopaora.maori.nz JULY 2010
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