offerte per il settore sanitario


offerte per il settore sanitario
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
EURES NO. 5-0818-837
GlobalMediRec offre nuove int eressant i opport unit à per giovani medici neospecializzat i negli Ospedali del NHS
(Servizio Sanitario Pubblico) nel Regno Unito.
Attualmente siamo alla ricerca di: Medici con esperienza lavorativa in Pronto Soccorso
Si t rat t a di post i di lavoro fisso a t empo pieno, con 1 anno di cont rat t o iniziale. Il salario è t ra £45.000 . 70.000
pounds per anno, per un orario di lavoro che non supera le 48 h settimanali.
Gli Ospedali sono in Londra Nord, vicino all’ aereoport o di Lut on, e Manchest er il che cost it uisce una eccellent e
collocazione per un rit orno in It alia per il weekend: da Lut on part ono voli low-cost diret t i verso i maggiori
aereoporti italiani.
GlobalMediRec organizza int ervist e t elefoniche, aiut a con la regist razione GMC (Ordine dei Medici Inglese) , e
tutta la logistica di movimento al Regno Unito.
Per ulteriori informazioni, tel.+44 203 239 2699 - +44 7881 590203 potete spedire il vostro Curriculum Vitae a:
[email protected] and cc: [email protected]
Rif. EURES 4762451
Titolo posizione: Cardiochirurgo, Cardioanestesista, Perfusionista, Cardiologo, Ecocardiografista,
Emodinamista, Medico internista, Infermiere, Fisioterapista, Tecnico di radiologia medica
n. posti: 10 all’anno
Sede di lavoro: Khartoum, Sudan
Emergency è un'associazione it aliana indipendent e e neut rale, nat a per offrire assist enza medico-chirurgica
gratuita e di elevata qualità alle vittime civili delle guerre, delle mine antiuomo e della povertà.
Dal 1994 a oggi, Emergency è int ervenut a in 15 paesi, cost ruendo ospedali, cent ri chirurgici, cent ri di
riabilit azione, cent ri pediat rici, post i di primo soccorso, cent ri sanit ari, un cent ro di mat ernit à e un cent ro
cardiochirurgico. Su sollecit azione delle aut orit à locali e di alt re organizzazioni, Emergency ha anche cont ribuit o
alla rist rut t urazione e all'equipaggiament o di st rut t ure sanit arie già esist ent i. Dal 1994 a set t embre 2009, i t eam
di Emergency hanno portato aiuto a oltre 3.580.583 persone.
Emergency promuove una cultura di solidarietà, di pace e di rispetto dei diritti umani.
L'impegno umanit ario di Emergency è possibile grazie al cont ribuit o di migliaia di volont ari e di sost enit ori. Tut t e
le st rut t ure di Emergency sono proget t at e, cost ruit e e gest it e da st aff int ernazionale specializzat o, impegnat o
anche nella formazione del personale locale.
Per il centro "Salam" di Cardiochirurgia a Khartoum (Sudan), Emergency ricerca specifiche figure:
part icolare esperienza nel t rat t ament o chirurgico e post -chirurgico di t ut t e le valvulopat ie, della cardiopat ia
ischemica, della patologia aortica (aorta toracica)
è richiesta completa autonomia nella gestione dell’attività anestesiologica e rianimatoria
Affiancat i da personale senior, Emergency impiega anche specializzandi in cardiologia al t erzo/ quart o anno di
Medico internista: è richiesta buona esperienza in malattie cardiologiche
Infermiere di:
- sala operatoria
- terapia intensiva
- corsia di cardiochirurgia
- emodinamica
- ambulatorio
Tecnico di radiologia medica
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Requisiti indispensabili al lavoro sul campo:
- rilevante esperienza professionale;
- disponibilità alla permanenza all’estero per 3/6 mesi consecutivi a seconda del profilo professionale;
- buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
Per garant ire un alt o livello di performance in aree difficili e rischiose, t ut t o lo st aff espat riat o di EMERGENCY
deve inoltre essere in possesso dei seguenti requisiti generali:
flessibilità e capacità di lavorare in un team in condizioni di stress;
senso della disciplina e rispetto delle regole di sicurezza previste da EMERGENCY;
rispetto della cultura e delle tradizioni locali;
capacità di adattamento a lavorare secondo i protocolli clinici e operativi di EMERGENCY;
disponibilità ad effettuare attività formativa rivolta allo staff locale.
Tipologia di contratto: Tempo Determinato
- Mensile netto: In media 3000 euro per i medici e 1700-2000 per il personale sanitario.
Contratto: Contratto a progetto nel caso di personale già inserito in strutture private;
Contratto di cooperazione con il Ministero Italiano Affari Esteri per personale inserit o in st rut t ure pubbliche.
Quest o t ipo di cont rat t o consent e a chi part ecipa di ot t enere il dirit t o ad un periodo di aspet t at iva da lavoro per
tutta la durata della collaborazione.
La legge 49/87, con apposito Decreto Interministeriale, prevede inoltre che per il periodo compreso nel contratto
di cooperazione la copertura dei contributi previdenziali e assistenziali sia integralmente a carico del MAE.
La retribuzione, le spese di vitto, alloggio, viaggio e assicurazione saranno a carico di EMERGENCY.
I candidati devono inviare il cv al contatto aziendale: Giulia Petrarulo - Tiziana Santannera email:
[email protected] e per conoscenza a: [email protected]
Rif. EURES 4762511
Titolo posizione: Pediatra
n. posti: 10 all’anno
Sede di lavoro: Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Repubblica Centrafricana, Cambogia
Emergency è un'associazione italiana indipendente e neutrale, nata per offrire assistenza medico-chirurgica
gratuita e di elevata qualità alle vittime civili delle guerre, delle mine antiuomo e della povertà.
Dal 1994 a oggi, Emergency è intervenuta in 15 paesi, costruendo ospedali, centri chirurgici, centri di
riabilitazione, centri pediatrici, posti di primo soccorso, centri sanitari, un centro di maternità e un centro
cardiochirurgico. Su sollecitazione delle autorità locali e di altre organizzazioni, Emergency ha anche contribuito
alla ristrutturazione e all'equipaggiamento di strutture sanitarie già esistenti. Dal 1994 a settembre 2009, i team
di Emergency hanno portato aiuto a oltre 3.580.583 persone.
Emergency promuove una cultura di solidarietà, di pace e di rispetto dei diritti umani.
L'impegno umanitario di Emergency è possibile grazie al contribuito di migliaia di volontari e di sostenitori. Tutte
le strutture di Emergency sono progettate, costruite e gestite da staff internazionale specializzato, impegnato
anche nella formazione del personale locale.
Titolo posizione: Pediatra
Laurea in Medicina & Chirurgia, Specializzazione in Pediatria;
Rilevante esperienza clinica in un reparto specializzato o in neonatologia;
Preferibile esperienza in malattie infettive e tropicali e in medicina di base pediatrica.
Lo staff espatriato di EMERGENCY deve inoltre essere in possesso dei seguenti requisiti generali:
flessibilità e capacità di lavorare in un team in condizioni di stress;
senso della disciplina e rispetto delle regole di sicurezza previste da EMERGENCY;
rispetto della cultura e delle tradizioni locali;
capacità di adattamento a lavorare secondo i protocolli clinici e operativi di EMERGENCY;
disponibilità ad effettuare attività formativa rivolta allo staff locale;
disponibilità di almeno 3 mesi.
Caratteristiche del candidato:
Titolo di studi: Laurea in medicina e chirurgia, Specializzazione in Pediatria. Per specifici progetti e affiancati da
personale senior, anche specializzandi in pediatria al terzo/quarto anno di specialità.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Esperienza: rilevant e esperienza clinica in un repart o specializzat o e/ o in neonat ologia. Preferibile esperienza in
malattie infettive e tropicali e in medicina di base pediatrica
Condizione della richiesta:
Tipologia di contratto: Tempo Determinato
- Mensile: netto: In media 3000 euro per i medici e 1700-2000 per il personale sanitario.
Contratto: Contratto a progetto nel caso di personale già inserito in strutture private;
Contratto di cooperazione con il Ministero Italiano Affari Esteri per personale inserit o in st rut t ure pubbliche.
Quest o t ipo di cont rat t o consent e a chi part ecipa di ot t enere il dirit t o ad un periodo di aspet t at iva da lavoro per
tutta la durata della collaborazione.
La legge 49/87, con apposito Decreto Interministeriale, prevede inoltre che per il periodo compreso nel contratto
di cooperazione la copertura dei contributi previdenziali e assistenziali sia integralmente a carico del MAE.
La retribuzione, le spese di vitto, alloggio, viaggio e assicurazione saranno a carico di EMERGENCY.
I candidat i devono inviare il cv al cont at t o aziendale: Giulia Pet rarulo - Tiziana Sant annera email:
[email protected] e per conoscenza a: [email protected]
Rif. EURES 4762591
Titolo posizione: Ginecologa
n. posti: 10 all’anno
Sede di lavoro: Afghanistan, Anabah
Emergency è un'associazione it aliana indipendent e e neut rale, nat a per offrire assist enza medico-chirurgica
gratuita e di elevata qualità alle vittime civili delle guerre, delle mine antiuomo e della povertà.
Dal 1994 a oggi, Emergency è int ervenut a in 15 paesi, cost ruendo ospedali, cent ri chirurgici, cent ri di
riabilit azione, cent ri pediat rici, post i di primo soccorso, cent ri sanit ari, un cent ro di mat ernit à e un cent ro
cardiochirurgico. Su sollecit azione delle aut orit à locali e di alt re organizzazioni, Emergency ha anche cont ribuit o
alla rist rut t urazione e all'equipaggiament o di st rut t ure sanit arie già esist ent i. Dal 1994 a set t embre 2009, i t eam
di Emergency hanno portato aiuto a oltre 3.580.583 persone.
Emergency promuove una cultura di solidarietà, di pace e di rispetto dei diritti umani.
L'impegno umanit ario di Emergency è possibile grazie al cont ribuit o di migliaia di volont ari e di sost enit ori. Tut t e
le st rut t ure di Emergency sono proget t at e, cost ruit e e gest it e da st aff int ernazionale specializzat o, impegnat o
anche nella formazione del personale locale.
Per il nost ro Cent ro di mat ernit à operant e in Afghanist an cerchiamo Ginecologhe in possesso dei seguent i
requisit i (Per le differenze socio-cult urali che carat t erizzano il paese, lo st aff che opera in ginecologia e
ostetricia deve essere di sesso femminile) :
laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Specializzazione in Ginecologia & Ostetricia
significativa esperienza ospedaliera
ottimo livello di autonomia (anche operatoria) sia in ginecologia che in ostetricia e competenze in campo
Lo staff espatriato di EMERGENCY deve inoltre essere in possesso dei seguenti requisiti generali:
flessibilità e capacità di lavorare in un team in condizioni di stress;
senso della disciplina e rispetto delle regole di sicurezza previste da EMERGENCY;
rispetto della cultura e delle tradizioni locali;
capacità di adattamento a lavorare secondo i protocolli clinici e operativi di EMERGENCY;
disponibilità ad effettuare attività formativa rivolta allo staff locale;
disponibilità di almeno 3 mesi.
Condizione della richiesta:
- Retribuzione Mensile: netto: In media 3000 euro per i medici
- Tipologia di contratto: Tempo Determinato
Contratto: Contratto a progetto nel caso di personale già inserito in strutture private;
Contratto di cooperazione con il Ministero Italiano Affari Esteri per personale inserit o in st rut t ure pubbliche.
Quest o t ipo di cont rat t o consent e a chi part ecipa di ot t enere il dirit t o ad un periodo di aspet t at iva da lavoro per
tutta la durata della collaborazione.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
La legge 49/87, con apposito Decreto Interministeriale, prevede inoltre che per il periodo compreso nel contratto
di cooperazione la copertura dei contributi previdenziali e assistenziali sia integralmente a carico del MAE.
La retribuzione, le spese di vitto, alloggio, viaggio e assicurazione saranno a carico di EMERGENCY.
I candidat i devono inviare il cv al cont at t o aziendale: Giulia Pet rarulo - Tiziana Sant annera email:
[email protected] e per conoscenza a: [email protected]
Rif. EURES 4762591
Titolo posizione: OSTETRICA
n. posti: 10 all’anno
Sede di lavoro: Afghanistan, Anabah
Emergency è un'associazione it aliana indipendent e e neut rale, nat a per offrire assist enza medico-chirurgica
gratuita e di elevata qualità alle vittime civili delle guerre, delle mine antiuomo e della povertà.
Dal 1994 a oggi, Emergency è int ervenut a in 15 paesi, cost ruendo ospedali, cent ri chirurgici, cent ri di
riabilit azione, cent ri pediat rici, post i di primo soccorso, cent ri sanit ari, un cent ro di mat ernit à e un cent ro
cardiochirurgico. Su sollecit azione delle aut orit à locali e di alt re organizzazioni, Emergency ha anche cont ribuit o
alla rist rut t urazione e all'equipaggiament o di st rut t ure sanit arie già esist ent i. Dal 1994 a set t embre 2009, i t eam
di Emergency hanno portato aiuto a oltre 3.580.583 persone.
Emergency promuove una cultura di solidarietà, di pace e di rispetto dei diritti umani.
L'impegno umanit ario di Emergency è possibile grazie al cont ribuit o di migliaia di volont ari e di sost enit ori. Tut t e
le st rut t ure di Emergency sono proget t at e, cost ruit e e gest it e da st aff int ernazionale specializzat o, impegnat o
anche nella formazione del personale locale.
Per il nost ro Cent ro di mat ernit à operant e in Afghanist an cerchiamo Ost et riche in possesso dei seguent i requisit i
(Per le differenze socio-cult urali che carat t erizzano il paese, lo st aff che opera in ginecologia e ost et ricia deve
essere di sesso femminile):
diploma Universitario di Ostetrica
significativa esperienza ospedaliera
indispensabile esperienza di sala parto
Lo staff espatriato di EMERGENCY deve inoltre essere in possesso dei seguenti requisiti generali:
flessibilità e capacità di lavorare in un team in condizioni di stress;
senso della disciplina e rispetto delle regole di sicurezza previste da EMERGENCY;
rispetto della cultura e delle tradizioni locali;
capacità di adattamento a lavorare secondo i protocolli clinici e operativi di EMERGENCY;
disponibilità ad effettuare attività formativa rivolta allo staff locale;
disponibilità di almeno 6 mesi.
Tipologia di contratto: Tempo Determinato
- Mensile netto: In media 1700-2000.
Contratto: Contratto a progetto nel caso di personale già inserito in strutture private;
Contratto di cooperazione con il Ministero Italiano Affari Esteri per personale inserit o in st rut t ure pubbliche.
Quest o t ipo di cont rat t o consent e a chi part ecipa di ot t enere il dirit t o ad un periodo di aspet t at iva da lavoro per
tutta la durata della collaborazione.
La legge 49/87, con apposito Decreto Interministeriale, prevede inoltre che per il periodo compreso nel contratto
di cooperazione la copertura dei contributi previdenziali e assistenziali sia integralmente a carico del MAE.
La retribuzione, le spese di vitto, alloggio, viaggio e assicurazione saranno a carico di EMERGENCY.
I candidat i devono inviare il cv al cont at t o aziendale: Giulia Pet rarulo - Tiziana Sant annera email:
[email protected] e per conoscenza a: [email protected]
50 vacancies
EURES ref. nº 27.407
From March 2009.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
SACYL (Public Health Service of Castilla y León, Spain) needs to cover 50 vacancies in different public hospitals,
with the following specialities:
Geographic Information.
All Job vacancies are in public hospitals of Castilla y León (SPAIN)
Salary / contract type.
Contract type: Permanent
Salary: 47.000 € / yearly (Gross). Guard duties are paid in addition to the salary.
Net salary: from 36.000 € depending on familiar and personal circumstances.
A valid in Spain medical and surgery degree is required. Candidates from the EU who are in process of
obtaining a professional recognition from the Spanish Authority (MICINN-Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación)
are accepted. See the link bellow to know about the procedures
Languages: Advanced Spanish is required. Candidates with basic Spanish and advanced English are accepted
Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León.
Consejería de Sanidad. CIF: Q-4700608E.
Dirección: Paseo de Zorrilla, 1 -47007- Valladolid.
How to apply.
Please send by email to David García [email protected] and cc: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae
A copy of the academic diploma and documents relative to the aknowledgement / professional
recognition by the Spanish authority (MICINN-Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación).
When: From March-2.009, until the vacancies are covered.
Published on date:
25, March, 2009.
Joining date:
Enero 2010.
For additional information:
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Please call or email IECSCYL :
Telephone numbers: 0034 983 457591/ 0034 983 456303
FAX: 0034 983 457688
[email protected] and [email protected]
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Resident Medical Officer (RMO)
Job Reference:
Resident Medical Officer
Private Healthcare Company
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client are a leading independent provider of health and social care. Working in close partnership with
local authorities, PCTs and SHAs, the company draws on over 25 years of experience to provide tailor-made
service solutions, including residential, community, specialist, primary and secondary care.
In the health sector they are the largest operator by far of independent sector treatment centres in the UK
and they are very active across a wide spectrum of primary care services. We operate GP practices, NHS Walkin Centres and GP out-of-hours services, as well as highly innovative Clinical Assessment and Treatment
Services (CATS).
They operate ten NHS Treatment Centres around the UK where patients can receive fast, same day or short
stay surgery and diagnostic procedures. The Treatment Centres are designed to give patients greater choice
over when and where they have their surgery and play a major role in helping reduce NHS waiting times. They
have a first class track record with exceptional patient satisfaction ratings, short waiting times and excellent
clinical outcomes.
They are proud to be one of the UK's leading and most innovative providers of elective surgery outside the
Job Summary:
To provide a continuous on-site medical support service to meet the needs of patients, consultants and
nursing staff. This includes emergency procedures and providing a general service to all clinical areas
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Management of Patients
Complete a brief admission examination on each patient when appropriate and document clinical
To check all patients own drugs brought into the unit with the patient for suitablility according to the
Local Medicine's Policy.
Attend ward rounds with consulting staff, as required, and be available to discuss patient treatment
Provide a 24-hour medical service within the hospital on an on-call basis permanently.
Inform admitting consultants of changes in medical condition of patients and of relevant action taken.
Follow the instructions of consultants for their specific regime for each individual patient.
Perform clinical procedures as requested by consultant medical staff and nursing staff, these may
include phlebotomy and the giving of intravenous drugs to patients.
Initiate and alter in-patient prescriptions at consultant’s request.
Write up “to take home prescriptions” for patients as required.
To check all medication issued to a patient as a TTO from ward stock in the event of the pharmacy
being closed.
Visit patients as required at the request of the nursing staff.
Visit all in-patients daily and document in clinical notes.
To be familiar with all relevant procedures/policies.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
To be familiar with centre and company clinical policies. To be aware of the centres’ clinical risk
programme and report clinical incidents, drug errors and near misses.
To participate in clinical audit and implementation of clinical governance.
To participate and assist with operations as required.
To be completely familiar with emergency equipment.
To dispense drugs with senior nurse on duty in absence of pharmacist.
To record all treatments performed in patient notes.
To provide a full report to Resident Medical Officer commencing the next shift.
To participate in pre-admission clinics.
To carry out Cardiac Arrest and other Emergency Procedures as per hospital policy.
To initiate emergency treatments for patients, staff and visitors and complete appropriate
Only in extreme emergency situations would the RMO be permitted to assist consultants in theatre.
In-Service Education & Promotion of the Treatment Centre
Promote patient care by liaison with all departments.
Participate in the in-service education programme, inclusive of CPR, Health & Safety Training and
Ensure medical competence by continual professional development and reading of current medical
Promote the centre by showing empathy and compassion to patients, their families and friends.
Promote the centre by demonstrating a customer –focused approach at all times to patients,
consultants and staff.
Dress code as per company policy.
Agree a CPD programme with the clinical head of centre.
Administratively responsible to the Centre Manager.
Professionally responsible to the Medical Director.
Liaises closely with nursing staff and other relevant clinical or administrative staff.
Uses designated mentor in order to discuss clinical (or non-clinical) situations occurring within the
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Anaesthetist
Job Reference:
Consultant Anaesthetist
Private Healthcare Company
East London
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client are a leading independent provider of health and social care. Working in close partnership with local
authorities, PCTs and SHAs, the company draws on over 25 years of experience to provide tailor-made service
solutions, including residential, community, specialist, primary and secondary care.
In the health sector they are the largest operator by far of independent sector treatment centres in the UK and
they are very active across a wide spectrum of primary care services. We operate GP practices, NHS Walk-in
Centres and GP out-of-hours services, as well as highly innovative Clinical Assessment and Treatment Services
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
They operate ten NHS Treatment Centres around the UK where patients can receive fast, same day or short stay
surgery and diagnostic procedures. The Treatment Centres are designed to give patients greater choice over
when and where they have their surgery and play a major role in helping reduce NHS waiting times. They have a
first class track record with exceptional patient satisfaction ratings, short waiting times and excellent clinical
They are proud to be one of the UK's leading and most innovative providers of elective surgery outside the NHS.
Job Summary:
To provide the full range of anaesthetic and medical care necessary to meet the needs of patients.
Whilst the working week will comprise 45 hours, working patterns will be flexible and will entail an ad-hoc
mix of evenings and weekend work to meet the requirements of the unit. There is an on-call commitment that
does not require the anaesthetist to be resident but post holders must be prepared to assess patients in
person on the unit as requested by the Resident Medical Officer on duty. Post holders will be expected to
provide cross-cover for colleagues during periods of absence, including for example annual leave and study
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Management of Patients
To carry out necessary duties to ensure the best and most cost effective treatment of patients.
Comply with the work schedule developed by the General Manager.
To provide a full range of specialist diagnosis, treatment and care to inpatients, day cases and
outpatients who require anaesthetic services and ensure anaesthetic care which is responsive to
patient needs and to changes in workload.
To undertake pre and post operative assessment of patients – this includes but is not limited to,
providing good quality written information to the patient’s GP in the event of return to the NHS as
unsuitable for treatment within the ISTC or outlining what further management is required before the
patient can be treated within the ISTC in the case of temporary suspension.
To partake in the on-call rota for Anaesthetists at NELTC (1 in 7) and to provide cross-cover for
Consultant colleagues during their absence. The on-call anaesthetist will check with the Resident
Medical Officer on duty and the Senior Nurse in charge of the wards any patients who require
assessment prior to leaving the unit at the close of his or her working day.
To provide first line senior medical support to the Resident Medical Officers, both within normal
working hours and as part of the on-call rota. Postholders will advise the Resident Medical Officers
and attend the unit in person for the assessment of acutely unwell patients at the Resident Medical
Officers’ request. The postholder will be responsible for liaising with senior colleagues in the Local
NHS Trust to effect the seamless transfer of acutely ill patients who require transfer across to the
To participate in the Centre's audit and clinical governance programme.
To contribute to the development of Clinical Quality Standards.
To undertake all necessary administrative duties associated with the care of his/her patients.
To be responsible to the Medical Director(s) for the quality of care delivered and the effective and
efficient use of the resources under his/her control.
To contribute to the planning and development of anaesthetic services.
To contribute to the Centre meetings.
To contribute to the teaching of Centre staff.
In-Service Education & Promotion of the Treatment Centre
To participate in the in-service education programme, inclusive of mandatory annual training such as
CPR, Health & Safety Training and Fire.
To ensure ongoing medical competence by participating in the annual revalidation and reaccreditation
schemes of the GMC and the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
To maintain a portfolio of professional practice.
To participate in the annual appraisal system with the Medical Director, including feedback from the
General Manager and other colleagues/patients.
To promote the centre by demonstrating a customer-focused approach at all times to patients,
consultants and staff.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Administratively and financially responsible to the General Manager.
Professionally responsible to the Medical Director.
Liaises closely with relevant clinical and administrative staff.
Discusses relevant clinical (or non-clinical) situations occurring within the hospital with the General
Manager/Medical Director.
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Job Reference:
Orthopaedic Surgery
Private Healthcare Company
South West of England
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client is a leading independent healthcare company contracted to deliver elective services to NHS
The company delivers top quality healthcare, high professional standards and outstanding clinical results for
both NHS and private patients.
Their service is based around the needs and preferences of the patient. As well as being focused on delivering
rapid and flexible access to treatment, They offer a comprehensive service from planning through to
treatment itself, which limits the need for repeat visits. Patient education about treatment and recovery is
also a key focus of the services offered.
They employ high calibre people who deliver high standards of care and who value the role they play in
making a difference to patients. Significant time and resources are invested in recruitment to ensure that
rigorous standards are met and to ensure that staff are like-minded and focused on teamwork and delivery.
As well as focusing on effective service delivery on a day to day basis, they are constantly looking to improve
standards of patient care through innovation to ensure that it continues to deliver excellent value to patients
through the NHS.
The Consultant orthopaedic surgeon will be based at the South West Treatment Centres, combining both
clinical and support activities as part of this role. All full time roles are 40 hours per week. A commitment to
provide out of hours on call cover on a rota basis will be required. This is to be determined with surgical
colleagues, and prospective cover for the absences of colleagues, although first line cover will be provided by
the Resident Medical Officers and little senior call in is anticipated. Opportunities may arise for further
clinical work in addition to the basic contract.
The post holder will be required to perform orthopaedic surgery procedures on patients referred to the
Treatment Centre, working in accordance with Treatment Centre protocols and working practices. These will
Joint Surgery
Primary Knee Replacement
Primary Hip Cemented
Primary hip Uncemented Revision Procedures to Hips
Minor Orthopaedic
Arthroscopy Carpal Tunnel Release and other Category 1 Hand Procedures
Joint aspiration and/or injection and other Minor Musculoskeletal
Palmar fasciectomy and other Category 2 Hand Procedures
Soft Tissue or other bone Cat 1 & 2
Duties will include preoperative, intra operative and postoperative activities and therefore covers all aspects of
patient care.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
The postholder will be required to build on close relations with orthopaedic and other surgical colleagues as part
of a multidisciplinary team. The postholder will also be required to participate in audit, research and
management of the service. It is anticipated that the postholder will engage in specific management tasks and
contribute to monthly departmental meetings in agreement with the Medical Director/Lead Clinician. The post
holder will possibly be allocated responsibility for the clinical supervision directly or indirectly of Junior medical
and/or other clinical staff.
Clinical Duties
The surgeon will participate in the outpatients prior to surgery, and in all aspects of the operative care of the
patients. It is anticipated that the surgeon will spend the equivalent of at least three days in the operating
theatre and two days a week in a combination of outpatient assessment; administrative, management and
clinical governance duties. S/he will work closely with clinical colleagues, both specialists and Resident Medical
Officers, in order to enhance the level of patient care at the centre.
The final allocation of patient contact time, including theatre and Pre- Admission/Follow up clinics will be
agreed in discussion with the Registered manager of the Treatment Centre.
General responsibilities
In addition to the clinical duties he or she will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of
his/her patients and with the running of the Department. Each consultant will be responsible for producing the
appropriate clinical records for each patient
He/she will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of
services and will share with consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management.
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected] and
cc: [email protected] the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Job Reference:
Private Healthcare Company
South West of England
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client is a leading independent healthcare company contracted to deliver elective services to NHS patients.
The company delivers top quality healthcare, high professional standards and outstanding clinical results for both
NHS and private patients.
Their service is based around the needs and preferences of the patient. As well as being focused on delivering
rapid and flexible access to treatment, They offer a comprehensive service from planning through to treatment
itself, which limits the need for repeat visits. Patient education about treatment and recovery is also a key focus
of the services offered.
They employ high calibre people who deliver high standards of care and who value the role they play in making a
difference to patients. Significant time and resources are invested in recruitment to ensure that rigorous
standards are met and to ensure that staff are like-minded and focused on teamwork and delivery.
As well as focusing on effective service delivery on a day to day basis, they are constantly looking to improve
standards of patient care through innovation to ensure that it continues to deliver excellent value to patients
through the NHS.
They will employ full time equivalent ophthalmologists to be based across the South West sites, combining both
clinical and support activities as part of this role. All full time roles are 40 hours per week. A commitment to
provide out of hours on call cover on a rota basis will be required. This is to be determined with surgical
colleagues and prospective cover for the absences of colleagues, although first line cover will be provided by the
Resident Medical Officer and little senior call in is anticipated. Opportunities may arise for further clinical work
in addition to the basic contract.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
The postholders will be required to perform a range of ophthalmology procedures, on patients referred to the
Treatment Centre, working in accordance with Treatment Centre protocols and working practices.
Applicants will be required to demonstrate a high level of operative skill in the following areas:
Oculoplastic low complex
Surgical retina low complex
Surgical retina intermediate
Duties will include preoperative, intra operative and postoperative activities as well as time allocated for
clinical supporting work.
The post holder will be required to build on close relations with orthopaedic and other surgical colleagues as
part of a multidisciplinary team. He/She will also be required to participate in audit, research and
management of the service.
It is anticipated that the post holder will engage in specific management tasks and contribute to monthly
departmental meetings and Treatment Centre in agreement with the Medical Director.
The post holder will possibly be allocated responsibility for the clinical supervision directly or indirectly of
Junior medical and/or other clinical staff
The post holder will possibly be allocated responsibility for the management of specific consultant staff.
Clinical Duties
The surgeon will participate in the outpatients prior to surgery, and in all aspects of the operative care of the
patients. It is anticipated that the surgeon will spend the equivalent of at least three days in the operating
theatre and two days a week in a combination of outpatient assessment; administrative, management and
clinical governance duties. S/he will work closely with clinical colleagues, both specialists and Resident
Medical Officers, in order to enhance the level of patient care at the centre.
The final allocation of patient contact time, including theatre and Pre- Admission/Follow up clinics will be
agreed in discussion with the Registered manager of the Treatment Centre.
General responsibilities
In addition to the clinical duties he or she will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of
his/her patients and with the running of the Department. Each consultant will be responsible for producing
the appropriate clinical records for each patient
He/she will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of
services and will share with consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management.
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Anaesthetist
Job Reference:
Consultant Anaesthetist
Private Healthcare Company
West Sussex
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client are a leading independent provider of health and social care. Working in close partnership with
local authorities, PCTs and SHAs, the company draws on over 25 years of experience to provide tailor-made
service solutions, including residential, community, specialist, primary and secondary care.
In the health sector they are the largest operator by far of independent sector treatment centres in the UK
and they are very active across a wide spectrum of primary care services. We operate GP practices, NHS Walkin Centres and GP out-of-hours services, as well as highly innovative Clinical Assessment and Treatment
Services (CATS).
They operate ten NHS Treatment Centres around the UK where patients can receive fast, same day or short
stay surgery and diagnostic procedures. The Treatment Centres are designed to give patients greater choice
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
over when and where they have their surgery and play a major role in helping reduce NHS waiting times. They
have a first class track record with exceptional patient satisfaction ratings, short waiting times and excellent
clinical outcomes.
They are proud to be one of the UK's leading and most innovative providers of elective surgery outside the
Job Summary:
To provide a high standard of Anaesthesia with a team of specialist colleagues to day cases and inpatients. To
provide high quality, general, local and regional anaesthesia for a wide range of cases using local and spinal
epidural anaesthesia use of regional anaesthetic techniques is encouraged.
It is expected that the postholder will take part in the on-call on a rota of 1 week in 8. Duties include preoperative assessment clinics, operating lists, post-operative ward rounds and care of patients in HDU.
The Facility
The Centre has four operating theatres three of which have laminar flow. There are four HDU beds and six
post-anaesthetic care bays with five cubicles for the second stage of recovery, in addition to five consulting
and examination rooms. In total there are 36 inpatient beds and over 5000 cases a year are treated including
major joint surgery, back surgery and hand and foot surgery on patients of ASA 3 and fitter.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Management of Patients
Provide, as most appropriate for the patient, an evidence-based elective anaesthetic service to cover
general, spinal, epidural, regional or local, as agreed with the Medical Director.
Act as a team player showing mutual respect for the experience and skills of colleagues in whatever
Contribute to the efficient delivery of the contracted volumes and management of the service.
Follow the internal model of care and its integrated pathways unless changed by formal agreement.
Follow internal company policies, protocols and procedures.
Work closely with the scheduling team and colleagues to make best use of list time.
Commence clinics and lists promptly.
Mitigate the impact of any delays.
Take part in an out of hours on call rota for the Centre.
Follow NICE Guidelines where applicable and agreed by the Company.
Introduce innovation in anaesthetic clinical practice where it is evidence based.
Give a high priority to infection control and hand washing in particular working with the infection
control link nurse.
Contribute fully to local clinical governance arrangements and reduction of clinical risk.
Take a full part in multidisciplinary clinical audit against national and local standards where they
Report any actual or potential adverse patient incidents to the General Manager / Lead Clinician and
play a full part in the investigation of such incidents
Contribute to specialist training of SPRs and SHOs as part of the Trust and Deanery training
programme when agreed.
Undertake clinical supervision and assist with training of nursing staff as required.
Maintain the levels of CPD required by the College.
Ensure that identified lines of communication are maintained with patients, colleagues and external
agencies to demonstrate politeness and courtesy and sensitivity promoting the corporate image of
Demonstrate the ability to be able to motivate and persuade others through advanced communication
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Job Reference:
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgery
Private Healthcare Company
East London
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client are a leading independent provider of health and social care. Working in close partnership with
local authorities, PCTs and SHAs, the company draws on over 25 years of experience to provide tailor-made
service solutions, including residential, community, specialist, primary and secondary care.
In the health sector they are the largest operator by far of independent sector treatment centres in the UK
and they are very active across a wide spectrum of primary care services. We operate GP practices, NHS Walkin Centres and GP out-of-hours services, as well as highly innovative Clinical Assessment and Treatment
Services (CATS).
They operate ten NHS Treatment Centres around the UK where patients can receive fast, same day or short
stay surgery and diagnostic procedures. The Treatment Centres are designed to give patients greater choice
over when and where they have their surgery and play a major role in helping reduce NHS waiting times. They
have a first class track record with exceptional patient satisfaction ratings, short waiting times and excellent
clinical outcomes.
They are proud to be one of the UK's leading and most innovative providers of elective surgery outside the
Job Summary:
To provide an on site orthopaedic surgical service to meet the needs of patients treated at the Treatment
Centres listed above. Whilst the working week will comprise 40 hours (10 PAs), working patterns will be
flexible and may entail an ad-hoc mix of evenings and weekend work to meet the requirements of the unit.
There is no on-call commitment but post holders must be prepared to assess patients urgently in person on
the unit as requested by the Resident Medical Officer on duty during routine working hours. Post holders will
be expected to provide cross-cover for colleagues during periods of absence, including for example annual
leave and study leave.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Management of Patients
To provide a high standard full range of specialist diagnosis, treatment and care to inpatients, day
cases and outpatients who need orthopaedic services, as required by the case mix agreed for the
Treatment Centres.
To provide advice and assessment of patients as requested by the Resident Medical Officers during
routine working hours. The postholder will be responsible for liaising with senior colleagues in the
neighbouring NHS Trust to effect the seamless transfer of acutely ill patients who require transfer
across to the NHS.
To cover the wards, outpatients and surgical sessions for Consultant colleagues during their absence.
To participate in the Centre's audit programme.
To contribute to the development of Clinical Quality Standards.
To undertake all necessary administrative duties associated with the care of his/her patients,
including but not limited to clinical coding, discharge summaries, letters and reports.
To be responsible to the Medical Director for the effective and efficient use of the resources under
his/her control and for the quality of care delivered.
To contribute to the planning and development of orthopaedic services.
To contribute to the Centre meetings and clinical governance programme.
To contribute to the teaching of Centre staff.
To contribute to the academic life of the Centre and to promote and undertake research initiatives
should this become relevant.
Carry out the necessary clinical duties to ensure the optimum care and treatment of patients.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Comply with all internal company policies, protocols and procedures.
Report any actual or potential adverse patient incidents to the General Manager and Medical Director
and play a full part in the investigation of such incidents.
Comply with the work schedule as developed by the General Manager and work closely with the
centre scheduler to make best use of list time.
In-Service Education & Promotion of the Treatment Centre
Promote patient care by liaison with all departments.
Participate in local and national specialty clinical meetings
Participate in the in-service education programme and comply with mandatory training requirements,
inclusive of CPR, Health & Safety Training and Fire Safety.
To ensure ongoing medical competence by participating in the annual relicensing and recertification
schemes that will be introduced by the GMC and the Royal College of Surgeons.
To maintain and develop professional expertise through self-directed learning and continuous
professional development.
To maintain a portfolio of professional practice and performance data required for the enhanced
appraisal process developed by the company.
To participate in the annual appraisal system with the Medical Directors, which will include feedback
from the General Managers and other colleagues/patients.
To promote the centre by demonstrating a customer-focused approach at all times to patients,
consultants and staff.
Key working relationships
The Clinical Services Managers, Medical Directors and General Managers for the Centres.
Consultant colleagues in own and other specialities.
Members of the nursing and allied health professional team.
Other members of the centre support team.
Consultant speciality colleagues in the local acute trust for audit and continuing professional
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Resident Medical Officer (RMO)
Job Reference:
Resident Medical Officer
Private Healthcare Company
East London
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client are a leading independent provider of health and social care. Working in close partnership with
local authorities, PCTs and SHAs, the company draws on over 25 years of experience to provide tailor-made
service solutions, including residential, community, specialist, primary and secondary care.
In the health sector they are the largest operator by far of independent sector treatment centres in the UK
and they are very active across a wide spectrum of primary care services. We operate GP practices, NHS Walkin Centres and GP out-of-hours services, as well as highly innovative Clinical Assessment and Treatment
Services (CATS).
They operate ten NHS Treatment Centres around the UK where patients can receive fast, same day or short
stay surgery and diagnostic procedures. The Treatment Centres are designed to give patients greater choice
over when and where they have their surgery and play a major role in helping reduce NHS waiting times. They
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
have a first class track record with exceptional patient satisfaction ratings, short waiting times and excellent
clinical outcomes.
They are proud to be one of the UK's leading and most innovative providers of elective surgery outside the
Job Summary:
To provide a continuous on-site medical support service to meet the needs of patients, consultants and
nursing staff. This includes emergency procedures and providing a general service to all clinical areas
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Management of Patients
Complete a brief admission examination on each patient when appropriate and document clinical
To check all patients own drugs brought into the unit with the patient for suitablility according to the
Local Medicine's Policy.
Attend ward rounds with consulting staff, as required, and be available to discuss patient treatment
Provide a 24-hour medical service within the hospital on an on-call basis permanently.
Inform admitting consultants of changes in medical condition of patients and of relevant action taken.
Follow the instructions of consultants for their specific regime for each individual patient.
Perform clinical procedures as requested by consultant medical staff and nursing staff, these may
include phlebotomy and the giving of intravenous drugs to patients.
Initiate and alter in-patient prescriptions at consultant’s request.
Write up “to take home prescriptions” for patients as required.
To check all medication issued to a patient as a TTO from ward stock in the event of the pharmacy
being closed.
Visit patients as required at the request of the nursing staff.
Visit all in-patients daily and document in clinical notes.
To be familiar with all relevant procedures/policies.
To be familiar with centre and company clinical policies. To be aware of the centres’ clinical risk
programme and report clinical incidents, drug errors and near misses.
To participate in clinical audit and implementation of clinical governance.
To participate and assist with operations as required.
To be completely familiar with emergency equipment.
To dispense drugs with senior nurse on duty in absence of pharmacist.
To record all treatments performed in patient notes.
To provide a full report to Resident Medical Officer commencing the next shift.
To participate in pre-admission clinics.
To carry out Cardiac Arrest and other Emergency Procedures as per hospital policy.
To initiate emergency treatments for patients, staff and visitors and complete appropriate
Only in extreme emergency situations would the RMO be permitted to assist consultants in theatre.
In-Service Education & Promotion of the Treatment Centre
Promote patient care by liaison with all departments.
Participate in the in-service education programme, inclusive of CPR, Health & Safety Training and
Ensure medical competence by continual professional development and reading of current medical
Promote the centre by showing empathy and compassion to patients, their families and friends.
Promote the centre by demonstrating a customer –focused approach at all times to patients,
consultants and staff.
Dress code as per company policy.
Agree a CPD programme with the clinical head of centre.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Administratively responsible to the Centre Manager.
Professionally responsible to the Medical Director.
Liaises closely with nursing staff and other relevant clinical or administrative staff.
Uses designated mentor in order to discuss clinical (or non-clinical) situations occurring within the
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Gynaecologist
Job Reference:
Private Healthcare Company
South West of England
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client is a leading independent healthcare company contracted to deliver elective services to NHS
The company delivers top quality healthcare, high professional standards and outstanding clinical results for
both NHS and private patients.
Their service is based around the needs and preferences of the patient. As well as being focused on delivering
rapid and flexible access to treatment, They offer a comprehensive service from planning through to
treatment itself, which limits the need for repeat visits. Patient education about treatment and recovery is
also a key focus of the services offered.
They employ high calibre people who deliver high standards of care and who value the role they play in
making a difference to patients. Significant time and resources are invested in recruitment to ensure that
rigorous standards are met and to ensure that staff are like-minded and focused on teamwork and delivery.
As well as focusing on effective service delivery on a day to day basis, they are constantly looking to improve
standards of patient care through innovation to ensure that it continues to deliver excellent value to patients
through the NHS.
The remit of the postholder will be to work within the multi–disciplinary team to provide and develop
Gynaecology services to the treatment centres patients. In addition, the individual will be required to play an
active role in developing a special interest area in out patients/office gynaecology in conjunction with
All full time roles are 40 hours per week. A commitment to provide out of hours on call cover on a rota basis
will be required. This is to be determined with surgical colleagues and prospective cover for the absences of
colleagues, although first line cover will be provided by the Resident Medical Officer and little senior call in is
anticipated. Opportunities may arise for further clinical work in addition to the basic contract.
The post holder will be required to perform gynaecological procedures on patients referred to the Treatment
Centre, working in accordance with Treatment Centre protocols and working practices. This will include
providing care for patients with common gynaecological problems such as menstrual disorders and
urogynaecological symptoms. Procedures such as:
Minor/intermediate procedures of the vagina, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes such as
hysteroscopy, endometrial sampling, endometrial ablations, laparoscopy, tubal sterilizations,
insertion/removal of MIRENAs etc
Major procedures to include Vaginal Hysterectomy, Colporrhaphy, abdominal hysterectomy,
The appointee will not be expected to undertake any investigations/procedures relating to the Cervical
screening programme nor any investigations for fertility based referrals.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
The post holder will be required to build on close relations with other surgical colleagues as part of a
multidisciplinary team. He/She will also be required to participate in audit, research and management of the
It is anticipated that the post holder will engage in specific management tasks and contribute to monthly
departmental meetings and Treatment Centre in agreement with the Medical Director.
The post holder will possibly be allocated responsibility for the clinical supervision directly or indirectly of
Junior medical and/or other clinical staff
The post holder will possibly be allocated responsibility for the management of specific consultant staff.
Clinical Duties
The surgeon will participate in the outpatients prior to surgery, and in all aspects of the operative care of the
patients. It is anticipated that the surgeon will spend the equivalent of at least three days in the operating
theatre and two days a week in a combination of outpatient assessment; administrative, management and
clinical governance duties. S/he will work closely with clinical colleagues, both specialists and Resident
Medical Officers, in order to enhance the level of patient care at the centre.
The final allocation of patient contact time, including theatre and Pre- Admission/Follow up clinics will be
agreed in discussion with the Registered manager of the Treatment Centre.
General responsibilities
In addition to the clinical duties he or she will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of
his/her patients and with the running of the Department. Each consultant will be responsible for producing
the appropriate clinical records for each patient
He/she will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of
services and will share with consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management.
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Doctors
HBH/19467 - Speciality Doctor - Emergency Medicine
HBH/19468 - Speciality Doctor - Anaesthetics
HBH/19469 - Speciality Doctor - Paediatrics
NHS Trust
Base Salary:
£36,443 to £67,959 per annum
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
12 months fixed term contract
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
The NHS Trust operates across two main sites. The Trust serves a population of around 700,000, from a
wide range of social and ethnic groups, making it one of the largest acute hospital trusts in England.
The Trust operates two A&E departments, alongside other acute services consisting of all the major
specialties of large district general hospitals.
Close to London (30 minutes from Liverpool Street) and on the edge of rural Essex, The area is an
intriguing mix of urban and rural, of lively towns and peaceful countryside.
The area is easily accessible. Three international airports are nearby, whilst the M25 connects to the
national motorway network and is only 15 minutes away from each site. Local rail stations provide
regular train services to London and the rest of the country. The area is also well served by fast and
frequent buses.
Main Duties:
Contribute to the provision of a high quality, responsive service that assumes responsibility for the
patients within the catchment area in co-operation with colleagues and other clinical departments.
Comply with the agreed job plan, which will be reviewed annually.
Participate in an emergency out of hours on call cover.
Contribute to postgraduate and continuing education for medical, nursing, technical staff, GP’s and
other allied professions.
Deputise in the absence of departmental colleagues in cases of annual leave and (where practicable)
short-term sickness.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Contribute (in co-operation with the Audit Committee) on a regular basis to the clinical audit process
undertaken within the Trust, and where appropriate at a broader regional level.
Encourage and participate in appropriate research initiatives approved by the local Ethical
Committee. Experience in research and audit is advantageous.
Maintain an up to date knowledge of current anaesthetic and Critical Care Medical Practice.
Undertake administrative duties associated with the care of patients. Attend departmental
Support the Clinical Director, Clinical Lead, Associate Director and other professional colleagues in
the management of the department in order to ensure the maintenance of high standards, a good
quality of patient care and the development of the service within the Clinical Governance
Person Specification:
Experience and
Leadership Skills
Other Requirements
Bachelor of Medicine or Equivalent
3 years post graduate experience in any of the following speciailties: Anaesthesia,
Accident & Emergency, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics
Good English Language skills (written and verbal)
Communication skills
Evidence of the ability to communicate with patients, colleagues and staff at all levels
Good leadership skills
Innovative team player who can accomplish clinical projects in liaison with fellow
Ability to gain the trust and confidence of colleagues and patients
Ability to teach effectively
Evidence of continuing medical education and personal and professional development
Full registration with General Medical Council
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected] and
cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
UK Job Opportunities for EU Medical Doctors
Job Title:
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Job Reference:
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgery
Private Healthcare Company
West Sussex
Maximum Base Salary:
Overtime / On Call available:
Job Type:
Full Time Permanent
Closing Date:
Employer Information:
My client are a leading independent provider of healt h and social care. Working in close part nership wit h
local aut horit ies, PCTs and SHAs, t he company draws on over 25 years of experience t o provide t ailor-made
service solutions, including residential, community, specialist, primary and secondary care.
In t he healt h sect or t hey are t he largest operat or by far of independent sect or t reat ment cent res in t he UK
and they are very active across a wide spectrum of primary care services. We operate GP practices, NHS Walkin Cent res and GP out -of-hours services, as well as highly innovat ive Clinical Assessment and Treat ment
Services (CATS).
They operat e t en NHS Treat ment Cent res around t he UK where pat ient s can receive fast , same day or short
st ay surgery and diagnost ic procedures. The Treat ment Cent res are designed t o give pat ient s great er choice
over when and where they have their surgery and play a major role in helping reduce NHS waiting times. They
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
have a first class t rack record wit h except ional pat ient sat isfact ion rat ings, short wait ing t imes and excellent
clinical outcomes.
They are proud t o be one of t he UK's leading and most innovat ive providers of elect ive surgery out side t he
Job Summary:
To provide an on sit e ort hopaedic surgical service t o meet t he needs of pat ient s t reat ed at t he Treat ment
Cent res list ed above. Whilst t he working week will comprise 40 hours (10 PAs), working pat t erns will be
flexible and may ent ail an ad-hoc mix of evenings and weekend work t o meet t he requirement s of t he unit .
There is no on-call commit ment but post holders must be prepared t o assess pat ient s urgent ly in person on
t he unit as request ed by t he Resident Medical Officer on dut y during rout ine working hours. Post holders will
be expect ed t o provide cross-cover for colleagues during periods of absence, including for example annual
leave and study leave.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Management of Patients
To provide a high st andard full range of specialist diagnosis, t reat ment and care t o inpat ient s, day
cases and out pat ient s who need ort hopaedic services, as required by t he case mix agreed for t he
Treatment Centres.
To provide advice and assessment of pat ient s as request ed by t he Resident Medical Officers during
rout ine working hours. The post holder will be responsible for liaising wit h senior colleagues in t he
neighbouring NHS Trust t o effect t he seamless t ransfer of acut ely ill pat ient s who require t ransfer
across to the NHS.
To cover the wards, outpatients and surgical sessions for Consultant colleagues during their absence.
To participate in the Centre's audit programme.
To contribute to the development of Clinical Quality Standards.
To undert ake all necessary administ rat ive dut ies associat ed wit h t he care of his/ her pat ient s,
including but not limited to clinical coding, discharge summaries, letters and reports.
To be responsible t o t he Medical Direct or for t he effect ive and efficient use of t he resources under
his/her control and for the quality of care delivered.
To contribute to the planning and development of orthopaedic services.
To contribute to the Centre meetings and clinical governance programme.
To contribute to the teaching of Centre staff.
To cont ribut e t o t he academic life of t he Cent re and t o promot e and undert ake research init iat ives
should this become relevant.
Carry out the necessary clinical duties to ensure the optimum care and treatment of patients.
Comply with all internal company policies, protocols and procedures.
Report any act ual or pot ent ial adverse pat ient incident s t o t he General Manager and Medical Direct or
and play a full part in the investigation of such incidents.
Comply wit h t he work schedule as developed by t he General Manager and work closely wit h t he
centre scheduler to make best use of list time.
In-Service Education & Promotion of the Treatment Centre
Promote patient care by liaison with all departments.
Participate in local and national specialty clinical meetings
Part icipat e in t he in-service educat ion programme and comply wit h mandat ory t raining requirement s,
inclusive of CPR, Health & Safety Training and Fire Safety.
To ensure ongoing medical compet ence by part icipat ing in t he annual relicensing and recert ificat ion
schemes that will be introduced by the GMC and the Royal College of Surgeons.
To maint ain and develop professional expert ise t hrough self-direct ed learning and cont inuous
professional development.
To maint ain a port folio of professional pract ice and performance dat a required for t he enhanced
appraisal process developed by the company.
To part icipat e in t he annual appraisal syst em wit h t he Medical Direct ors, which will include feedback
from the General Managers and other colleagues/patients.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
To promot e t he cent re by demonst rat ing a cust omer-focused approach at all t imes t o pat ient s,
consultants and staff.
Key working relationships
The Clinical Services Managers, Medical Directors and General Managers for the Centres.
Consultant colleagues in own and other specialities.
Members of the nursing and allied health professional team.
Other members of the centre support team.
Consult ant specialit y colleagues in t he local acut e t rust for audit and cont inuing professional
To apply for this job please send your CV including full contact details to [email protected]
and cc: [email protected] quoting the job title and job reference in the subject of the email.
Rif. EURES Milano Uk_670 e Rif Number GTT/24014
EURES AFOL Milano propone offert e di lavoro come farmacist i nel Regno Unit o, sia in farmacie privat e che in
ospedali pubblici e privati.
Si offre un servizio completamente gratuito, comprensivo di numerose attività, fra le quali si possono annoverare
l’ assist enza nel processo di selezione, il support o nel t rasferiment o nel Regno Unit o e il support o post assunzione.
E’ previsto il pagamento dell’alloggio per le prime quattro settimane e del corso di formazione per farmacisti nel
Regno Unit o. Si offre alt resì un concret o aiut o per ot t enere l’ iscrizione al RPSGB (Royal Pharmacut ical Societ y of
Great Britain), e si organizzano corsi mirati a migliorare velocemente il livello d’inglese.
Si fornisce inoltre supporto ai candidati nella scelta della località adatta a loro: le offerte di lavoro per farmacisti
italiani a Londra, infatti, non sono molte, ma vi sono opportunità in altre grandi e interessanti località della Gran
Bretagna, più decentrate.
Infine, si offre ai candidat i l’ aiut o necessario per pianificare il t rasferiment o fornendo loro una guida
comprensiva di tutte le informazioni utili per vivere e lavorare nel Regno Unito.
Per candidarsi, si prega di inviare il curriculum vit ae in lingua inglese a Eva Salaj [email protected] e,
per conoscenza ad EURES AFOL Milano [email protected], entro il 30/12/2010.
Le selezioni si terranno a Milano presso EURES AFOL Milano.
Al link della Provincia di Milano tutti i dettagli dell’offerta:
Rif. EURES Danimarca
Medical specialists in psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark
Request number of posts n. 3
Deadline of offer availability February 1st, 2010
The psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark is looking for medical specialists in psychiatry as per 1
February 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter
The psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark is a joint hospital with departments and functions dispersed
over the region's more than 12,000 sq. km. in southern Denmark. In the general psychiatry, we have an annual
7,552 discharges and 167,730 outpatients.
For one of our departments in Kolding, we are looking for medical specialists in psychiatry with a high
professional level and well-developed interpersonal skills who can participate in interdisciplinary collaboration
involving the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of adults over the age of 21 with all types of mental disorders
such as depression, mania, chronic psychosis and personality disorders.
The department is a general psychiatric department with 55 beds in two open sections and one closed section.
The department receives patients from an area of about 122,000 citizens. The department has an annual 600
admissions and 12,500 outpatients and approximately 95 per cent of all admissions are emergency admissions.
The department's staff comprises many professional groups: doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, social and
healthcare help, medical secretaries, medical social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists,
physiotherapists and a workshop assistant. The total staff count is approximately 125 employees plus students in
the various professional areas who regularly serve their pre-registration year in the department.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
It is important to the department that treatment and care is based on a holistic approach so that no treatment
stands alone but includes all biological, emotional and social aspects with the weight required by the patient's
overall situation.
For one of our two departments in Esbjerg-Ribe, we are looking for medical specialists in psychiatry with
comprehensive professional psychiatric insight and knowledge who can participate in binding interdisciplinary
collaboration involving the treatment of adults over the age of 21 with mental disorders such as depression,
mania, chronic psychosis and personality disorders.
The department is a general psychiatric department with functions dispersed over a wide geographical area in
the southwest of Jutland. Esbjerg has two open sections with a total of 36 beds and a closed section with a total
of 12 beds. Egebæk-Hviding has two open sections with a total of 33 beds and a forensic psychiatry section with a
total of 12 beds. The department also comprises five community psychiatry teams and a number of specialised
outpatient functions, including an affective team, a geronto-neuropsychiatric clinic, a schizophrenia clinic, a
mobile team and a psychotherapeutic outpatient's clinic.
The department receives patients from a population of 235,000 people and has an annual 1,360 admissions and
51,600 outpatients. The vast majority of the admissions are emergency admissions.
The department staff comprises many different professional groups and currently totals approximately 380
employees, including 14 consultants and 18 junior doctors. To this should be added students within the various
professional areas who regularly serve their pre-registration year in the department.
The general psychiatric department in Esbjerg-Ribe is, among other things, well-known for its high-quality
treatment of schizophrenic patients and an active research environment.
For both positions, we expect:
- A valid authorisation as medical specialist in psychiatry
- Training and research experience
- Good interpersonal skills
We offer you:
A positive working environment
A challenging and stimulating professional environment
A high professional level
Personal development.
Contact information
Please send your application and CV to Workindenmark-South on [email protected] and
cc: [email protected] and cc: [email protected]
Your application should include a brief motivation for your interest in the job as well as your CV and
documentation showing education and job experience. Please submit your application in English. It is important
that you either attach a copy of your examination papers and your medical specialist accreditation or send these
documents by regular mail.
For further information please contact:
EURES-Adviser Lewe Kuhn +45 72 22 33 41 / E-mail: [email protected]
and EURES adviser Aurora Scalora +39 0382 597444 / E-mail: [email protected]
The considered integration process (for this offer) in Denmark contains following activities:
• Salary gross income is between 6500 and 8000 € per month. Depends on qualifications.
• Contract duration unlimited employment - OK
• Three month Danish language course (fulltime with continued pay)
• Mentoring arrangement (6 month)
• Helping with beaucratic affairs (tax card, health insurance card, Danish authorization of the foreign
education etc.)
• Looking for career opportunities (husband / wife)
• Helping with house-hunting, placement in schools and kindergarden
• Introduction in the respective municipality (e.g. leisure activities, arrangements etc.)
• Pre- arrival trips (informative meetings/ cultural understanding)
• Development of a “hotline”
• Delivery of a “welcomes-folder”
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
Structure of the health sector in southern Denmark:
• 4 hospitals distributed in 18 regional locations.
• Cooperation with the 770 practicing doctors
• Responsible for mental treatment.
• With 25.000 employees the biggest employer in the region.
RIF. EURES Danimarca
Medical specialists for clinical neurophysiology
Request number of posts n. 2
Deadline of offer availability February 1st, 2010
Odense University Hospital, Department N is looking for qualified medical specialists for clinical
Our expectations:
We welcome applications from recently educated candidates
Independent carrying out and use of EEG and EMG
Work form: Independent work in close collaboration with teams for epilepsy and neuromuscular disorders
Language: English language conversation skills
No obligation to participate in on-call duty or emergency call service
The neurology department has 58 permanent beds and a comprehensive ambulance and function area. The
department covers diagnosis and treatment of all acute and chronic neurological disorders. Our task range covers
basic services for patients living on Funen and the surrounding islands. Furthermore, as the only university
hospital in the Region of Southern Denmark, we are also a neurological centre of reference for various highly
specialised treatments.
We work in a dynamic team structure, providing you with an opportunity to work closely together with all
employees in the department.
The department has 15 neurology consultants and one neurophysiology consultant.
In addition, we have 19 doctors to provide first and second call coverage
We offer you:
A pleasant, collegial working environment with participation in the department's decision-making processes
An appropriate salary
Good further education possibilities
An unlimited employment period (in the Region of Southern Denmark, however, the first three months
are considered a trial period)
Free language course of up to six months' duration
Assistance relating to the practical living conditions in connection with the integration in Denmark
Contact information
Please send your application and CV to Workindenmark-South on [email protected] . And cc:
[email protected] and cc: [email protected]
Your application should include a brief motivation for your interest in the job as well as your CV and
documentation showing education and job experience. Please submit your application in English. It is important
that you either attach a copy of your examination papers and your medical specialist accreditation or send these
documents by regular mail.
For further information please contact:
EURES - Adviser Lewe Kuhn +45 72 22 33 41 / E-mail: [email protected]
and EURES - Adviser Aurora Scalora +39 0382 597444 / E-mail: [email protected]
The considered integration process (for this offer) in Denmark contains following activities:
• Salary gross income is between 6500 and 8000 € per month. Depends on qualifications.
• Contract duration unlimited employment - OK
• Three month Danish language course (fulltime with continued pay)
• Mentoring arrangement (6 month)
• Helping with beaucratic affairs (tax card, health insurance card, Danish authorization of the foreign
education etc.)
• Looking for career opportunities (husband / wife)
• Helping with house-hunting, placement in schools and kindergarden
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
• Introduction in the respective municipality (e.g. leisure activities, arrangements etc.)
• Pre- arrival trips (informative meetings/ cultural understanding)
• Development of a “hotline”
• Delivery of a “welcomes-folder”
Structure of the health sector in southern Denmark:
• 4 hospitals distributed in 18 regional locations.
• Cooperation with the 770 practicing doctors
• Responsible for mental treatment.
• With 25.000 employees the biggest employer in the region.
Odense University Hospital (OUH), Svendborg Hospital, will be your place of work.
Rif. EURES Danimarca
Request number of posts n. 5
Deadline of offer availability February 1st, 2010
Are you our new doctor for the mammography centre at Odense University Hospital?
Do you support strong, professional insight, collaboration and a high service level? Do you want new challenges in
a new country? If yes, you could be our new medical specialist for the mammography centre at Odense University
Hospital, Denmark.
You must be a qualified medical specialist in radiology, preferably with experience in clinical mammography and,
if possible, screening mammography. You have previously used ultrasound diagnostics and are interested in
stereotactic biopsy and breast MRI.
Your job will include mammography screening of women aged 50-69. You will carry out supplementary
radiological examinations, sonography and biopsies. You have a natural curiosity for research and a strong
interest in developments in this area. You like to involve others in your knowledge, as the mammography centre
participates in the training of future medical radiology specialists, medical students and radiography students.
Socially, you will be working closely together with the center's other doctors, nurses, radiographers and
secretaries, and you will be part of the team which ensures interdisciplinary collaboration with e.g. surgeons,
pathologists and oncologists.
Personally, you are ready to move to Denmark to work and stay. You have a flair for and an interest in learning
Danish and a wish to be part of Danish culture. You have good interpersonal skills, an interest in and a wish to be
challenged and you are determined.
The Region of Southern Denmark will help ease your start in Denmark and, accordingly, you will, among other
things, be offered intensive lessons in Danish. You will regularly participate in professional courses and further
training where you will meet other doctors, giving you an opportunity to network.
Contact information
Please send your application and CV to Workindenmark-South on [email protected] and cc:
[email protected] and cc: [email protected]
Your application should include a brief motivation for your interest in the job as well as your CV and
documentation showing education and job experience. Please submit your application in English. It is important
that you either attach a copy of your examination papers and your medical specialist accreditation or send these
documents by regular mail.
For further information please contact:
EURES Adviser Lewe Kuhn +45 72 22 33 41 / E-mail: [email protected] And
EURES Adviser Aurora Scalora +39 0382 597444 / E-mail: [email protected]
The considered integration process (for this offert) in Denmark contains following activities:
• Salary gross income is between 7500 and 8700 € per month. Depends on qualifications.
• Contract duration unlimited employment - OK
• Three month Danish language course (fulltime with continued pay)
• Mentoring arrangement (6 month)
• Helping with beaucratic affairs (tax card, health insurance card, Danish authorization of the foreign
education etc.)
• Looking for career opportunities (husband / wife)
• Helping with house-hunting, placement in schools and kindergarden
• Introduction in the respective municipality (e.g. leisure activities, arrangements etc.)
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 25/ 0 1 /201 0
• Pre- arrival trips (informative meetings/ cultural understanding)
• Development of a “hotline”
• Delivery of a “welcomes-folder”
Structure of the health sector in southern Denmark:
• 4 hospitals distributed in 18 regional locations.
• Cooperation with the 770 practicing doctors
• Responsible for mental treatment.
• With 25.000 employees the biggest employer in the region.
Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro
della Provincia di Milano
Via Soderini, 24
20146 Milano
Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094
C.F. - P.I. 05694280966
REA Mi - 1841114