Illuminaries Lighting LLC
Illuminaries Lighting LLC
Illuminaries Lighting LLC 12215 Roxie Drive Austin, Texas 78729 Chandeliers "Galla de Noche" Rooster of the Evening 6 Lights "Gallo de Manana" Rooster of the Morning 6 Lights "Espanol Hojas" Spanish Leaves 6 Lights "Espiritu de Luz" Spirit of Light 8 Lights "Un Preclaro" Illustrious One 8 Lights "Corona de lus Reyes" King’s Crown 12 Lights "Flor Espanola" Spanish Flower 8 Lights "La Brilliante Candella" The Bright Candle 6 Candles Only "Sonar Curvas" Dreaming Curves 6 Lights "El Levar a Bailar" The Dance 6 Lights "Llamativo Fuego " Striking Light 8 Lights "La Lumbre Buque" Light Bouquet 6 Lights "El Socarrar Pasion" Burning Passion 6 Lights "Viejo Mundo" Old World 6 Lights "Caerse Joya" Falling Jewel 15 Lights "Lumbre Dor Serenata" Lighting Serenade 6 Lights "Desaparecre Fuego" Disappearing Light 12 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 512-382-1803 Model Size Price 1001 27"H x 31"W $1499 1002 34"H x 46"W $1699 1003 28" Diameter $2650 1004 37"H x 29"W $2699 1005 31"H x 48"W $2699 1006 60"W x 38"H $5599 1007 42"W x 40"H $3200 1008 22"H x 25"W $799 1009 40"H x 26"W $2299 1010 22"H x 24"W $1150 1011 46"H x 34"W $3200 1012 31"H x 25"W $1299 1013 31"H x 29"W $1299 1014 28"H x 21"W $1199 1015 45"H x 43"W $3299 1016 26"H x 25"W $1199 1017 40"H x 36"W $1899 082415 "Poderoso Fantasia" Powerful Imagination 8 Lights "La Ramillete" Bouquet of Flowers 6 Lights "Oppulencia de Magico" Magical Opulence 6 Lights "Curvias Elegante" Elegant Curves 8 Lights "Follaje Elegante" Elegant Leaves 6 Lights "Hacerse de Marinaro" Follow the Sea 6 Lights "Abrillantar" Brighten 8 Lights "Rosetas de Luz" Rosettes of Light 12 Lights "Luz Magica" Magical Light 24 Lights "Romantico Fuego" Romantic Fire 6 Lights "La Estrella" Shooting Star 8 Lights "Noche Oscura" Dark Night 6 Lights "El Hierro Nopal" Iron Cactus 6 Lights "Danzar la Galla" Dancing Rooster 8 Lights "Banke's de Luz" Banke's Light 12 Lights "Círculos de la Luz " Circles of Light Dual Tier - 12 Lights "Círculos de la Luz " Circles of Light Single Tier - 8 Lights "Classico Arena de Luces" Vintage Chandelier 8 Lights "Circle de la Pasión" Circles of Passion 6 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 1018 48"H x 46"W $3699 1019 29"H x 20"W $1499 1020 29"H x 26"W $1199 1021 29"H x 30"W $1899 1022 25"H x 25"W $1699 1023 28"H x 26"W $1499 1024 27"H x 34"W $1699 1025 60"W x 40"H $6400 1026 60"W x 60"H $5800 1027 28"H x 26"W $1699 1028 30"H x 24"W $1899 1029 33"H x 36"W $2400 1030 27"H x 31"W $2299 1031 31"L x 26"W x 26"H $1699 1032 48"W x 44"D x 32"H $5200 1033 48"W x 60"H $4299 1034 48"W x 48 H" $3400 1035 40"L x 28"W $2499 1036 38"H x 38"W $2100 082415 "Fuego Fantastico" Fantastic Fire 9 Lights "Belleza de la Mariposa" Butterfly Beauty Single Tier - 8 Lights "Belleza de la Mariposa" Butterfly Beauty Double Tier - 16 Lights "Mariposa Delicada" Delicate Butterfly 4 Lights "Serenada Buque" Serenading Bouquet 6 Lights "Círculo del Fuego" Circle of Fire 8 Lights "Resplandor Hermoso" Beautiful Glow 8 Lights "Corona de shimmers" Queen's Crown 8 Lights "Hojas Brillantes" Glowing Leaves 8 Lights "Elegancia Magnifica" Grand Elegance 10 Lights "Elegancia Magnifica" Grand Elegance Double Tier - 20 Lights "Luz Ardiente" Fiery Light 8 Lights "Noche del Misterio" Mysterious Night" 8 Lights "Guerrero del Hierro" Iron Warrior 6 Lights "Guerrero Redondo" Round Warrior 8 Lights "Ramo Español" Spanish Bouquet 16 Lights "Espiritu de Hierro" Iron Spirit 22 Lights "Fantastico Guerrero" Fantastic Warrior 3 Tier 16 Lights "Ruede de Carro" Wagon Wheel 6 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 1037 54"H x 42"W $3499 1038 40"W x 42"H $2699 1039 48"W x 60"H $4299 1040 35"H x 26"W $1499 1041 48"L x 24"W x 23"H $2499 1042 32"H x 35"W $1899 1043 46"H x 40"W $2699 1044 26"W x 26"H $1400 1045 22"H x 20"W x 32"L $2650 1046 48"W x 48"H $4499 1047 50"W x 72"H $5599 1048 48"W x 42H" $2400 1049 33"W x 35"H $2699 1050 36"L x 24"W x 46"H $2499 1051 34"W x 37"H $1899 1052 36"W x 42"H $3899 1053 52"L x 26"W $4699 1054 38"W x 60"H $5200 1055 42"W x 42"H $2750 082415 "Vela Classica" Classic Candle 14 Lights 1056 60" Diameter $3200 "Francisco" 26 Lights 1057 36"W x 60"H $5400 1058 28"W x 40"L x 36"H $2800 1060 22"W x 32"H $2899 1061 48"W x 48"H $3800 1064 26"W x 42"L $2600 1069 36"H x 44"W $4200 1070 24"W x 24"H 1071 24"H x 48"W 2002 25"W x 26"H $990 2003 7.5"W x 14"H $579 2004 18"W x 30"H $1299 2005 17"W x 24"H $999 2006 24"H x 12"W $799 2008 25"W x 46"H $2699 2010 16"W x 28"H $2150 2011 12"W x 24"H $699 2013 12"W x 24"H $1499 2014 10"W x 19"H $575 "Nuevo Guerrero" New Warrior 12 Lights "Joya Magica" Magic Jewel 8 Lights "Gran Encanto" Grand Charm 8 Lights "Flor de Luz" Light Blossum 16 Lights "Anillo de Luz" Ring of Light 24 Lights "Joya de la Flor" Flower Jewel 8 Lights "Fandelier" CUSTOMIZED TO FIT ANY FAN 12 Lights "Cesta de Luz" Basket of Lights 6 Lights "Resplandor Ligero" Light Glow 3 Lights "Sueños de la Mañana" Morning Dreams 4 Lights "Espanol Angel" Spanish Angel 4 Lights "Corazones del Fuego" Hearts of Fire 4 Lights "Luz Agraciada" Graceful Light 6 Lights "Grande Candella " Grand Light Pendant 4 Lights "Pétalos de la Luz" Petals of Light 4 Lights "Noche Estrellada" Starry Night 3 Lights "Resplandor Llameante" Flaming Glow 3 Lights, Mica Glass Illuminaries Lighting LLC 082415 "Pilar de Oro" Golden Butterfly 6 Lights "Fuego Mágico" Magical Fire 4 Lights "Joya de la Luz" Joy of Light 4 Lights "Viejo Magico" Old Magic 3 Lights "Luz Fascinadora" Fascinating Light 4 Lights "Volutas de la Luz" Scrolls of Light 5 Lights "Mar de Volutes" Sea of Scrolls 4 Lights "Lirio del Nilo" Lily of the Nile 3 Lights "Angel Capturado" Captured Angel 4 Lights "Luz Dorada" Golden Light 3 Lights "Jaula Ligera" Light Cage 6 Lights "Linterna Vigilante" Watchful Lantern 4 Lights "Linterna Imaginaria" Fanciful Lantern 6 Lights "Sombre Suave" Smooth Shade 3 Lights "Luz de la Sombra" Shadow Light Single Light "Nueva Magico" New Magic 3 Lights "Luz que Teje" Weaving Light 5 Lights "Luz Torche" Light Torch 3 Lights "Espanol Sueno" Spanish Dream 6 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 2015 28"H x 15"W $899 2016 12"W x 26"H $1499 2017 14"W x 22"H $625 2018 12"W x 20"H $749 2020 16"H x 20"W $725 2021 16"W x 20"H $625 2022 12"W x 28"H $1599 2023 10"W x 24"H $999 2024 16"W x 22"H $999 2028 15"W x 15"H $625 2030 24"W x 26"H $1299 2031 12"W x 20"H $745 2032 24"W x 38"H $2699 5005 12"H x 9"W x 9"D $775 5006 6"W x 13"H $725 5007 12"W x 18"H $799 5008 33"H x 18"W $1499 5009 7"W x 13"H $625 5010 26"W x 24"H $2499 082415 "Antonia" 6 Lights 5011 30"W x 10"H $980 Pendants Model Size Price 2002 25"W x 26"H $999 2003 7.5"W x 14"H $579 2004 18"W x 30"H $1299 2005 17"W x 24"H $999 2006 24"H x 12"W $745 2007 20"H x 12"W $625 2008 25"W x 46"H $2699 2009 29"H x 18"W $1499 2010 16"W x 28"H $1650 2011 12"W x 24"H $699 2013 12"W x 24"H $1499 2014 10"W x 19"H Mica Glass $625 2015 28"H x 15"W $899 2016 12"W x 26"H $1499 2017 14"W x 22"H $625 2018 12"W x 20"H $749 2020 16"H x 20"W $725 "Cesta de Luz" Basket of Lights 6 Lights "Resplandor Ligero" Light Glow 3 Lights "Sueños de la Mañana" Morning Dreams 4 Lights "Espanol Angel" Spanish Angel 4 Lights "Corazones del Fuego" Hearts of Fire 4 Lights "Tres Candellas" Three Candles 3 Lights "Luz Agraciada" Graceful Light 6 Lights "Fiesta de Luz" Festival of Lights 6 Lights "Grande Candella " Grand Light Pendant 4 Lights "Pétalos de la Luz" Petals of Light 4 Lights "Noche Estrellada" Starry Night 3 Lights "Resplandor Llameante" Flaming Glow 3 Lights "Pilar de Oro" Golden Butterfly 6 Lights "Fuego Mágico" Magical Fire 4 Lights "Joya de la Luz" Joy of Light 4 Lights "Viejo Magico" Old Magic 3 Lights "Luz Fascinadora" Fascinating Light 4 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 082415 "Volutas de la Luz" Scrolls of Light 5 Lights "Mar de Volutes" Sea of Scrolls 4 Lights "Lirio del Nilo" Lily of the Nile 3 Lights "Angel Capturado" Captured Angel 4 Lights "Lumbre Pasion" Light of Passion 4 Lights "Luz Dorada" Golden Light 3 Lights "Guerrero Pendant" Warrior Pendant 6 Lights "Jaula Ligera" Light Cage 6 Lights "Linterna Vigilante" Watchful Lantern 4 Lights "Linterna Imaginaria" Fanciful Lantern 6 Lights "Sueños Dulces" Sweet Dreams Single Light "Flores Brillantes" Glowing Flowers 12 Lights "La Serendipia" Serendipity 6 Lights "Caballeros Linterna" Knights Lantern 6 Lights "Ramode Flores" Flower Bouquet 3 Lights "Pergaminos Blandos" Soft Scrolls 4 Lights "Dorada Elegancia" Golden Elegance 4 Lights "Isla de la Luz" Island Light Single Light "Españoles Escudero" Spanish Squire 4 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 2021 16"W x 20"H $599 2022 12"W x 28"H $1599 2023 10"W x 24"H $999 2024 16"W x 22"H $999 2026 12"W x 21"H $659 2028 15"W x 15"H $625 2029 20"W x 22"H $999 2030 24"W x 26"H $1299 2031 12"W x 20"H $745 2032 24"W x 38"H $2699 2033 20"H x 12"W $849 2034 18"W x 12"D $899 2035 20"H x 20"W $1075 2036 28"H x 16"W $2200 2037 14"H x 14"W $625 2040 26"H x 15"W $1499 2042 25"H x 16"W $1299 2050 7.5"W x 13"H $675 4042 22"H x 14"W $1200 082415 "Sombre Suave" Smooth Shade 3 Lights "Luz de la Sombra" Shadow Light Single Light "Nueva Magico" New Magic 3 Lights "Luz que Teje" Weaving Light 5 Lights "Luz Torche" Light Torch 3 Lights "Vela Caliente" Warm Candle Single Light 5005 12"H x 9"W x 9"D $775 5006 6"W x 13"H $725 5007 12"W x 18"H $799 5008 33"H x 18"W $1499 5009 7"W x 13"H $625 5012 6"W x 13"H $600 "Cierra" 2 Lights 5013 16"W x 12"H $425 "Gavilan" The Hawk Single Light 5023 25"H x 10"W $1100 Wall Sconces Model Size Price 3001 15"H x 20"W $425 3002 20"H x 13"W $425 3003 12"W x 14"H $425 3004 9"H x 14"W $475 3005 15"H x 14"W $445 3006 26"H x 18"W $625 3007 26"H x 16"W $449 3008 16"W x 24"H x 8"D $469 3009 26"H x 21"W $645 3010 23"H x 5"W x 15"D $559 "Son Sonete Pajaro" Song of the Bird 2 Lights "Rodadura Luz" Rolling Light 3 Lights "Beso Doble" Double Kiss 2 Lights "Suavemente el Passion" Soft Passion 3 Lights "Viso de Luz" Shimmering Light 3 Lights "Remache de Luz" Riveting Light 2 Lights "Ligero Luz" Sheer Light 2 Lights (Avail in 3 Lights) "Besar Angel" Kissing Angels 2 Lights "Enlanzar de Luz" Entwining Light 2 Lights "Pétalos Mágicos" Magical Petals Single Light Illuminaries Lighting LLC 082415 "Asoleado" Bright Sunshine 3 Lights "Velas Mágicas" Magic Candles 2 Lights "Magia Doble" Double Magic 4 Lights "Danza Fuego" Dancing Fire Single Light "Cruz de la Fuerza" Cross of Strength 5 Lights "Luz Caliente" Warm Light Single Light "Fuerte Guerrero" Strong Warrior 2 Lights "Fervor de Petalo" Warmth of the Petal Single Light "Tesorero de Candella" Candle Treasures 2 Lights "Arpa Hermosa" Beautiful Harp 3 Lights "Hierro Palacial" Palacial Iron 2 Lights "Intrigar la Dama" Intriguing Lady Single Light "En duelo Luz" Dueling Light 2 Lights "Curvias del Sol" Curves of the Sun 3 Lights "Luz de Fantasia" Fanciful Light 3 Lights "Vela Ilumina" Candle Glow 2 Lights "Cruzado de Fuego" Cross of Fire 2 Lights "Belleza Forjada" Forged Beauty 3 Lights "Diosa de la Noche" Goddess of the Night 5 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 3011 23"H x 18"W $699 3012 7"W x 18"H x 9"D $489 3013 24"W x 21"H $739 3014 26"H x 5"W x 10"D $625 3015 24"W x 36"H x 5"D $1200 3016 5"W x 13"H $425 3017 20"H x 11.5"W x 5"D $469 3018 18"H x 5"W $425 3019 24"H x 12"W $625 3020 18"W x 24"H x 15"D $699 3021 16"W x 24"H x 8"D $699 3022 24"H x 12"W $425 3023 23"H x 18"W $545 3024 27"H x 18"W $579 3025 30"H x 18"W $445 3026 18"H x 8"W x 6.5"D $445 3027 23"H x 12"W x 6"D $489 3028 14"H x 10"W $499 3029 20"W x 18"H x 10"D $859 082415 "Brillo Elegante" Elegant Shimmer Single Light "Diosa de la Manana" Goddess of the Morning # 3Model Lights "Resplandor Ardiente" Firey Glow 3 Lights "Noche Suave" Soft Night 2 Lights "Encanto Blando" Soft Charm Single Light "Luz Petalo" Petal Light Single Light "Curvas Caliente" Warm Curves 2 Lights "Espiritu Fuerte" Strong Spirit Single Light "Espanol Resplandor" Spanish Glow Single Light "Cruz de Luz" Cross of Light 2 Lights "Luz Suave" Soothing Light Single Light "Fuego Noble" Noble Fire Single Light "Brillo Caliente" Warm Glow Single Light "Caballo de Hierro" Iron Knight 2 Lights "Gran Antorcha" Grand Torche 3 Lights "Caída de Sombra" Shadow Fall Single Light "Victorioso Noche" Victorious Night Single Light "Brillo Encantador" Charming Glow 4 Lights "Fuego Suave" Soft Fire Single Light Illuminaries Lighting LLC 3030 8.5"W x 14"H $475 3031 13"W x 18"H x 9"D $659 3032 15"W x 57"H $2200 3033 10"W x 22"H $575 3034 10"H x 6" Diameter $585 3036 4"W x 10"H $510 3037 22"H x 12"W $695 3038 22"H x 4"W $525 3040 24"H x 12"W $625 3043 20.5"H x 14"W $625 3045 15"H x4"W x 4" Projection $425 3047 12"H x 5"W x 4" Projection $425 3048 18"H x 5"W x 7" Projection $445 3049 24"H x 8"W 3050 26"H x 14"W $675 4014 24"H x 7"W $775 4025 23"H x 8"W x 11"D $859 4032 14"W x 36"H x 20"D $1450 5014 12"H x 6"W $485 082415 "Doble Resplandor" Double Glow 2 Lights "Suenos de La Noche" Night Dreams 2 Lights "El Guardian" The Guardian 3 Lights "Volutas Brillantes" Glowing Scrolls Single Light "Nave de Luz" Vessel of Light 2 Lights "Floracion de Luz" Light Bloom Single Light Outdoor Lighting "Corazones del Fuego" Hearts of Fire 4 Lights "Tres Candellas" Three Candles 3 Lights "Luz Agraciada" Graceful Light 6 Lights "Fiesta de Luz" Festival of Lights 6 Lights "Grande Candella" Grand Light Pendant 4 Lights "Noche Estrellada" Starry Night 6 Sides - 3 Lights "Fuego Mágico" Magical Fire 4 Lights "Mar de Volutes" Sea of Scrolls 4 Lights "Lirio del Nilo" Lily of the Nile 3 Lights "Lumbre Pasion" Light of Passion 4 Lights "Guerrero Pendant" Warrior Pendant 6 Lights "Linterna Vigilante" Watchful Lantern 4 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 5015 14"H x 10"W $525 5016 14"W x 12"H $475 5017 20"W x 12"H $575 5018 18"H x 5"W $450 5019 15"H x 12"W x 6" Projection $475 5020 16"H x 5"W x 6" Projection $425 Model Size Price 2006 24"H x 12"W $745 2007 20"H x 12"W $625 2008 25"W x 46"H $2699 2009 29"H x 18"W $1499 2010 16"W x 28"H $1650 2013 12"W x 24"H $1499 2016 12"W x 26"H $1499 2022 12"W x 28"H $1599 2023 10"W x 24"H $999 2026 12"W x 21"H $659 2029 20"W x 22"H $999 2031 12"W x 20"H $725 082415 "Linterna Imaginaria" Fanciful Lantern 6 Lights "Sueños Dulces" Sweet Dreams Single Light "Duelos Corazones" Dueling Hearts Single Light "Noche Elegante" "Elegant Night" Single Light "El Socarrar Noche" Burning Night 3 Lights "Tallada Luz" Carved Light Single Light "Brilliante Antorcho" The Brilliant Torch Single Light "La Linterna Brilliante" The Bright Lantern Single Light "Suave de Sombra" Soft Shade Single Light "Princesa de Fuego" Fiery Princess Single Light "Curioso Fuego" Curious Fire 4 Lights "Sombra Danza" Shadow Dance 3 Lights "Encantandor Buque" Delightful Bouquet 3 Lights "Caída de Sombra" Shadow Fall Single Light "El Guerrero" The Warrior 3 Lights "Grande Candella" Grand Light 4 Lights "Bello Adelfa" Beautiful Oleander 6 Lights "Victoria Espanola" Spanish Victory 6 Lights "Curvias Fantastico" Romantic Curves 2 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 2032 24"W x 38"H $2699 2033 20"H x 12"W $849 4001 8"W x 16"H x 8"D $899 4003 10"W x 44"H x 15"D $1250 4005 40"H x 12"W x15"D $1629 4006 14"W x 7" D x 22"H $625 4007 37"H x 16"W x 17"D $999 4008 36"H x 10"W x 9"D $1499 4009 34"H x 9"W x 15"D $999 4010 14"W x 15" D x 26"H $1879 4011 43"H x 15"W x 17"D $1250 4012 20"H x 7"W x 11"D $775 4013 31"H x 18"W $999 4014 24"H x 7"W $775 4015 24"H x 12"W x 5"D $725 4016 36"H x 16"W x 18"D $1699 4017 36"H x 21"W x 22"D $1699 4018 16"W x 26"H x 20"D $1499 4019 28"H x 12"W x 14"D $889 082415 "Noche Fuego" Dark Fire 4 Lights "Caja de Sombra" Shadow Box 3 Lights "Resplandor de la Noche" Night Glow Single Light "Resplandor Suave" Classic Glow 4 Lights "Maravilla de la Noche" Wonder of the Night 4 Lights "Victorioso Noche" Victorious Night Single Light "Luz de la Noche" Light of the Night 4 Lights "Squire Espanol" Spanish Squire 4 Lights "Linterna Encantadora" Charming Lantern 3 Lights "Noche Dulce" Sweet Night Single Light "Luz Dulce" Sweet Light Single Light "Brillo Encantador" Charming Glow 4 Lights "Guerrero Brilliante" Bright Warrior 4 Lights "Guerrero Luminoso" Shining Warrior 4 Lights "Gran Guerrero" Fine Warrior 4 Lights "Magnifica Luz" Grand Light 6 Lights "Noche Antorche" Night Torch 6 Lights "Elegante Brillo" Elegant Glow 4 Lights "El Matador" The Matador 4 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 4020 30"H x 13"W x 17"D $1299 4021 24"H x 10"W x 7"D $780 4022 20"H x 12"W $725 4023 7"W x 31"H - $1275 4024 15"W x 32"H $999 4025 23"H x 8"W x 11"D $859 4026 16"W x 26"H x 24"D $1899 4027 26"H x 10"W x 24"D $1899 4028 30"H x 9"W $999 4029 28"H x 12"W $849 4030 24"H x 12"W $849 4032 14"W x 36"H x 20"D $1450 4033 28"H x 12"W $1200 4034 36"H x 12"W $1400 4035 42"H x 12"W x 15" Projection $1500 4036 40"H x 18"W x 30" Projection $3800 4037 36"H x 16"W x 20" Projection $2100 4038 38"W x 16"H $1600 4039 38"H x 14"W $2200 082415 "Guerrero Manana" Morning Warrior 2 Lights "Españoles Escudero" Spanish Squire 4 Lights "Españoles Caballero" Spanish Knight 2 Lights "Linterna Centinela" Sentry Lantern 4 Lights "Sombre Suave" Smooth Shade 3 Lights "Luz de la Sombra" Shadow Light Single Light "Fuego Suave" Soft Fire Single Light "Noche Fuerte" "Strong Night" Single Light "Caballero Forjado" Forged Knight 4 Lights 4041 24"H x 12"W $725 4042 22"H x 14"W $1200 4043 20"H x 12.5"W x 8" Projection $899 4044 44"H x 10"W x 17"D $999 5005 12"H x 9"W x 9"D $775 5006 6"W x 13"W $725 5014 12"H x 6"W $485 5021 10"W x 26"H x 15"D $825 5022 18"H x 10"W $745 Model Size Price 1065 32"W x 48"L x 24"H $3299 1066 32"H x 60"W $5200 1067 17"H x 38"L x 29"W $1799 1068 48"L x 24"W x 32"H $2899 Craftsman/Contemporary Model Size Price "Felipe" 4 Lights 5001 18"H x 22"W $725 "Emilio" 4 Lights 5002 22"H x 20"W $650 "Luchesse" 10 Lights 5003 42"Diameter x 36"H $3800 "El Solstico" Solstice 4 Lights 5004 17"H x 42"L $2600 Pot Racks "Luces Que Remolinan" Swirling Lights 6 Lights "Luces Que Remolinan Custom" Custom Swirling Lights 14 Lights "Manana Llamar" Morning Call 6 Lights "Gema Encantadora" Delightful Gem 10 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 082415 "Sombra Suave" Smooth Shade 3 Lights "Luz de la Sombra" Shadow Light Single Light "Nueva Magico" New Magic 3 Lights "Luz que Teje" Weaving Light 5 Lights "Luz Torche" Light Torch 3 Lights "Espanol Sueno" Spanish Dream 6 Lights 5005 12"H x 9"W x 9"D $775 5006 6"W x 13"H $725 5007 12"W x 18"H $799 5008 33"H x 18"W $1499 5009 7"W x 13"H $625 5010 26"W x 24"H $2499 "Antonia" 6 Lights 5011 30"W x 10"H $980 "Vela Caliente" Warm Candle Single Light 5012 6"W x 13"H $600 "Cierra" 2 Lights 5013 11"W x 10"H $425 5014 12"H x 6"W $485 5015 14"H x 10"W $480 5016 14"W x 12"H $475 5017 20"W x 12"H $575 5018 18"H x 5"W $499 5019 15"H x 12"W x 6" Projection $470 5020 16"H x 5"W x 6" Projection $425 5021 10"W x 26"H x 15"D $750 5022 18"H x 10"W $745 5023 25"H x 10"W $899 "Fuego Suave" Soft Fire Single Light "Doble Resplandor" Double Glow 2 Lights "Suenos de la Noche" Night Dreams 2 Lights "El Guardian" The Guardian 3 Lights "Volutas Brillantes" Glowing Scrolls Single Light "Nave de Luz" Vessel of Light 2 Lights "Floracion de Luz" Light Bloom Single Light "Noche Fuerte" "Strong Night" Single Light "Caballero Forjado" Forged Knight 4 Lights "Gavilan" The Hawk Single Light Illuminaries Lighting LLC 082415 "Espejos Luz" Mirrored Light 13 Lights Illuminaries Lighting LLC 5024 48"W x 58"H $6500 082415