Red German Angler
Red German Angler
Red German Angler Claus-Peter Tordsen German Red Angler Optik 2 lac.– Sire: Ladykiller CPT-pictures Breeding goal 9.500 kg M. 4,5 % F. 3,8 % P. 5 Champion 2016 Best herd 2015 10.520 kg 4,64% 488kg 3,57% 375 kg 863 kg Best cow 2015 M 347 Sire: Impalu 12.858 kg 6,14% 790 kg 3,46% 445 kg 1.235 kg livetimeproduction 137.340 kg milk 4,60 % fat 6.312 kg fat 3,39 % protein 4.654 kg protein 10.966 kg fat a. protein 9 Longevity Himbeere EX 90 / 10 lac. fertility calving interval Angler 381 days 1,48 inseminations per pregnancy bulldam 2007 305 Tg 11.332 kg 4,50 % 510 kg 3,55 % 402 kg 912 kg 2009 305 Tg 12.968 kg 4,72 % 612 kg 3,58 % 464 kg 1.076 kg 2010 305 Tg 12.952 kg 4,75 % 615 kg 3,49 % 452 kg 1.067 kg 2011 305 Tg 13.213 kg 5,09 % 673 kg 3,56 % 470 kg 1.143 kg 2012 305 Tg 14.311 kg 4,76% 681 kg 3,42 % 489 kg 1.171 kg Sire: Zober / Breeder: Chr. J. Paulsen-Schlüter, Tolk 12 Sevillo VR Cigar x Lucille Pirello X R David x Fibrille Future began yesterday Champion 2015 /2016 „Lady“ dam of Roxy P Roxy P Redbull P Genomic Selection 18 RSH- Angler genomic breeding program 1-2 TOP-bulls purchase 5 young bulls per year genotyping 100 bull calves ai contracts cows, heifers, ET contracts 40 preselection: 200 cows and heifers according to genetic value, 3-sires-PI and breeding values RSH VIKING International 22 What is advisabely the operation? •the progeny proven sires have the highest safety and reliability and will remain the premium product in the nearer future. •bulls with genomic breeding values belong to the breeding program on every modern farm with a part of 50 % (they combine most actual bloodlines and breeding progress at a higher risk) 24 Conclusion • *Genomic selection improves significantly the quality of available young bulls and leads to breeding success • Young bulls with genomicbreeding values (gRZW) are regarded as proven bulls and therefor are in direct competition with daughter proven bulls • No more progeny testing as knows so far, but: • 500 doses per g-bull spread out in herds under milkrecording • => building up quality learning sample • =>max 1500 doses of 5 bulls per year • => optimated choise of sires of sons • =>more breeding success 31 Angler True Type join us at facebook: We love the REDs
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