Anchor Blue
Anchor Blue
t/a ANCHORPRODUSIIS MaterialSafetyDataSheet SECTION1 - IDENTIFICATION OF PRODUCT MANUFACTURER'S NAME: EM$IqENCY TELEPTIONENO. ANCHORPRODUCTS l9l2) 82$351 or Chemtrect80O)42+SOO AUUitEl'li p . o . B o x 9 3 1 , B o rLr NG spRr Ncs, NC 280L7 ANDsYNoNYMs ANCHOR BLUE cHEtutcAL ltlAME Al'lD SYNONYMS CHEMICAL FAMILY Spray Solution Colorant SECTIONII - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS OF MTXTURES COMPONENT V. THRESHOLO LIMITVALUE{Untrst Hazardouslngiedients:OSHA pEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits % (optionall None Per 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 SECTIONIII - PHYSICALDATA Dark blue'violet lQuid, no appreciableodor. (DEGREES FAHRENHETT) toe C (WATER = 1) 1.A - 1.26 (MM.oF MERcuRy) Nor volarile (BY VOLUME) (AtR = 1) Not volatile (BUTYLACETATE= 1) Not volatile lN WATER N.A. sotuble SECTIONIV - FIREAND EXPLOSION HAZARDDATA , (spEctFyMETHoo/DEGREESFAHRENHEIT1N.A. TM .ANCHOR.pnOouCTS, Boilinq LIMITS (PERCENT BY VOLUME) Sp:_=l:lcrc. IiC ?Rn?" LOWER N.A. UPPEF N.A. 4L SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA FFECiSOF OVEREXPOSUREThis product is non-iritating to the eyes, howeve. prolonged or repeatedcontact may result in mechanicalirritat,on. Skin contact may rosult in minimal irritation. Inhalationoimists mai irritats the r€spiratorytract. RTECS 8047250@ lists a citation from IARC 16,171,78wherein the carcinogenicdetermination in animals is sho*n to be positivo, However, the FDA, in its permanent listing of FD&C blue #1. (Fed. Reg. Vol 47. No 188, Sept. 1982)did not concur in those findinss. INHALATION: lf inhaled, move to fresh air. lf difficulty in breathing, administeroxygen and get immediatemedical attention. INGESTION: lf swallowed, giv€ seVeralglassesof milk or water and inducevomiting. Get immediatemedical attention. Never give fluids or induce vomiting if patient is unconsciousor has convultions. EYES: Wash with flowing water for at least 15 minutes. lf initation dewlops, consutt a phy3ichn. SKIN: Wash affected skin arca with soap and if initation Removpand launder conuminated beforc reuse. con$ih a DATA SECTIONVI - REACTIVITY UNSTABLE STABILITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE x to lvoto, iMalgnatt HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PBOOUCTS: None known Like any othsr organic product. combustionwill produce carbon dioxide and may produce carbon monoxide. coilDtTroNsTo Avoro ilAY OCCUR IIAZAHU(JUS None known POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X Noneknown SECTIONVII - SPILLOR LEAKPROCEDURES STEPSTO 8E TAKENIN CASE Where exposureis not knolvn, wear a NIOSH approved dust respirator.Usingan absorbentto prevent dusting, sweep or shovel spills into a waste disposalcontainer. Wash down the area with water. WASTEOISPOSALI,|ETHOO Bury or incinerateaccording to Federal.State, and local regulations. SECTIONVIII - SPECIALPROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRAToBY PROTECTION (Speclty type) Where there is a likelihood of inhalation to powder {dustl wear a NIOSH approved dust respirator. LOCAL EXHAUST Recommended (cene.atl MECHANICAL Acceptable PROTECTIVE GLOVES lmperviousgloves OTHERPROTECTIVE EOUTPiJIENT SPE(;I.AL OTHER EYEPBOTECTION Safety glassesor goggles Wear appropriateequipment to prevent th6 probability of exposureand personalcontact. Deluge safety shower and eyewashshould 6e located near work area. SECTIONIX - SPECIALPRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING ANOSTORING Store in a cool, dry place. OTHERPRECAUTIONS Wash thoroughlyafter handling. SECTIONX DOT CLASSIFICATION ANO LABEL Check DOT Regulations DOT INFORMATIONAND DATE OATE OF ISSUE 9/r/89- SUPEBSEDES
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